Funds-In-Trust Japan Industrial Property Global (FIT/Japan IP Global) supports developing and least developed countries (LDCs) to improve their knowledge of IP systems and enhance their IP capabilities to facilitate innovation and technology transfer worldwide.
Since the government of Japan, through the Japan Patent Office (JPO), made its first voluntary contribution to WIPO in 1987, it has contributed to more than 100 million CHF to more than 100 developing countries and LDCs for supporting diverse activities in the field of Industrial Property. While originally focusing on Asia and Pacific region and African region, Funds-in-Trust Japan Industrial Property Global was established in 2019 to expand the supporting area over the globe. Currently, annual work plan is around 8 million CHF.
The Funds-in-Trust Japan IP Global, while fully using the Japan's expertise and experiences in cooperation with developing and least developed countries in the field of IP, contributes to energizing IP ecosystems in the whole world through supporting WIPO’s activities for the following objectives:
- To establish a world in which innovations originated in developing and least developed countries are properly protected as IP and commercialized, through establishing self-sustaining IP ecosystems in respective countries;
- To form the Global IP network through connecting systems, people and information around IP of respective countries;
- To broaden the roles of IP for economic growth and social vibrancy through fostering deepened understanding of IP among experts in other fields and also the general public; and
- To contribute to the achievement of SDGs through promoting the diffusion of innovative technologies around the globe and implementing activities to solve global issues by using IP.