Paying Lisbon System GI fees

Have you submitted an application, modification, notification of payment of individual fee(s) or other request through the Lisbon System?
Learn about the different payment methods and follow these easy steps to pay your Lisbon System GI fees.

Payment guidance for a geographical indication application

  • You need a WIPO Account to pay your Lisbon System GI fees. Don’t have one? Create your WIPO Account now! Remember that a WIPO Account may belong to an individual only, not a group or an organization.
  • We do not accept payment by cash or check. All Lisbon System payments are processed in Swiss francs (CHF).
For fees relating to application for international geographical indication registration and modification, as well as individual fees, any request should be filed through the Competent Authority of your Contracting Party. You cannot file directly to WIPO.
Note: WIPO does not accept payment by cash or check. All Lisbon System payments will be processed in Swiss francs (CHF).

Estimate your Lisbon fees

  • Fee for international registration:
  • Fee for one modification of an international registration:
    • 500 Swiss francs
    • 150 Swiss francs for LDCs
  • Individual fees under the Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement
  • Fee for providing an extract from the International Register: 150 Swiss francs
  • Fee for providing an attestation or any other written information concerning the contents of the International Register: 100 Swiss francs

Do you want to learn more?

Estimate your Lisbon GI fees

The cost of registering for an international geographical indication or appellation of origin vary depending on the applicant’s location. Least developed countries benefit from reduced rates.
Here are the different fees that apply to the management of geographical indication rights:
  • Fee for international registration:
  • Fee for one modification of an international registration:
    • 500 Swiss francs
    • 150 Swiss francs for LDCs
  • Individual fees under the Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement
  • Fee for providing an extract from the International Register: 150 Swiss francs
  • Fee for providing an attestation or any other written information concerning the contents of the International Register: 100 Swiss francs

Which Lisbon GI fees would you like to pay?

I can pay through WIPO Pay*

  • Fees for international registration of an Appellation of Origin (AO) or Geographical Indication (GI)
  • Fees for modification(s) of an international registration
  • Individual fees under the Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement
*  Pay and view your pending payments with our streamlined payment system.
Unable to use WIPO Pay? Process your payment independently by bank transfer.

I can NOT pay through WIPO Pay

  • Fees for providing an extract from the International Register
  • Fees for providing an attestation or any other written information concerning the contents of the International Register

How do I pay my Lisbon GI fees through WIPO Pay?

  • Step 1

    Follow the payment link to enter WIPO Pay

    Do not pay prior to the filing. Wait for the payment link from your Competent Authority.
    The Competent Authority of your Contracting Party that you have referred to for filing of the request, will send you a Payment Statement with a payment link as in the following example:
  • Step 2

    Select your payment method and proceed with payment

    WIPO Pay offers six (6) different payment methods to pay all fees relating to requests submitted via eLisbon.
    Note: All WIPO Pay payment methods can be used for payment of all fees relating to requests submitted via eLisbon.

    If you regularly use WIPO services, then a Current Account at WIPO – managed in Swiss francs – is perfect for you. It’s secure, fast, and free of charge and provides access to all your payment activity.
    Make sure you have sufficient funds in your Current Account at WIPO before completing your transaction!

    Strong customer authentication (SCA) may be required by your bank or card issuer to validate your credit card payment (PSD2). If you experience problems, please contact your bank or card issuer for assistance.

    Having trouble paying with your credit or debit card?

    Learn more about the possible reasons why your payment was declined.

    The available eWallets are: Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay and Alipay*.
    *Alipay is currently unavailable.

    Use your own PayPal account.

    Use your own Klarna account.
    When we receive your payment, we will update the status of your payment from Pending to Paid. This may take a couple of days.
    Klarna is available only in some countries. Please check the list of countries where Klarna is available to make sure your country and bank are supported.
    *Sofort/Klarna is currently unavailable.

    WIPO bank transfer details

    • Account name: WIPO / OMPI
    • Credit Suisse, CH-1211 Geneva 70
    • IBAN: CH51 0483 5048 7080 8100 0
    • Swift: CRESCHZZ80A
    Please take into consideration that a bank transfer can take a minimum of three or more open days to reach our bank account depending on the originating country.

    WIPO postal transfer details (within Europe only)

    • Account name: WIPO / OMPI
    • SWISS POST/Postfinance, Engelhaldenstrasse 37, CH-3030 Bern
    • IBAN: CH03 0900 0000 1200 5000 8
    • Swift: POFICHBE
    Please take into consideration that a postal transfer may take a minimum of seven or more open days to reach our postal account.
    Select bank transfer in case you cannot pay online using other payment methods.
    We will send you detailed payment instructions to the email address connected to your WIPO Account. The instructions will include:
    • Basket ID (EPMT-XXXX-XXXX),
    • Our IBAN and the payment details.
    Provide a correct Basket ID (EPMT-XXXX-XXXX) when submitting your payment to avoid processing delays.
    Warning: You are responsible for any additional fees charged by your bank or any intermediary bank. Make sure the amount you send covers any such fees. Funds can take up to 10 working days to reach our bank account.
  • Step 3

    Receive a payment confirmation and a receipt

    For payments with the Current Account at WIPO:
    • If the payment is successful, you will receive a payment confirmation by email.

    For the Bank and Postal Transfer payments:
    • Once we receive your payment, we will send you a payment receipt by email within 10 working days.

    For all the other payment methods:
    • If the payment is successful, you will receive a payment confirmation and receipt by email within 10 working days.
    Didn’t get your receipt? Contact our Lisbon Support Team.

Searching for specific payments made in the past?

Use filters to search for your paid items in the Payment History section of your WIPO Pay account.

How do I pay my Lisbon System GI fees without WIPO Pay?

  • Step 1

    Make a request to WIPO

    Contact our Lisbon System Team for an extract or an attestation.
    Would like to pay with a direct debit from your Current Account at WIPO? To make the whole process faster and skip the steps described below, we recommend indicating in your request the following information:
    • Current Account at WIPO number,
    • Your account holder‘s name.
  • Step 2

    Wait for the payment communication

    WIPO will send you a bill with payment instructions.
  • Step 3

    Select your payment method

    You can choose between 2 payment methods:

    If you regularly use WIPO services, then a Current Account at WIPO – managed in Swiss francs – is perfect for you. It’s secure, fast, and free of charge and provides access to all your payment activity.
    Make sure you have sufficient funds in your Current Account at WIPO before completing your transaction!
    When requesting your extract or attestation, indicate:
    • your Current Account at WIPO number,
    • your account holder‘s name.

    Indicate all the required information in the reference to your payment:
    • the information relating to the AO/GI number or name,
    • the WIPO IP System used (“Lisbon”).
    Provide all the information listed to avoid processing delays.
    Send our Lisbon System Support Team a copy of the transfer payment once you have instructed it. Have more than one payment request? Send a list containing all requests and their payment amounts.
    Warning: You are responsible for any additional fees charged by your bank or any intermediary bank. Make sure the amount you send covers any such fees. Funds can take up to 10 working days to reach our bank account.

    WIPO bank transfer details

    • Account name: WIPO / OMPI
    • IBAN: CH51 0483 5048 7080 8100 0
    • Swift: CRESCHZZ80A
    • Account name: WIPO / OMPI
    • SWISS POST/Postfinance, Engelhaldenstrasse 37, CH-3030 Bern
    • IBAN: CH03 0900 0000 1200 5000 8
    • Swift: POFICHBE
  • Step 4

    Receive a payment confirmation and a receipt

    For payments with the Current Account at WIPO:
    • If the payment is successful, you will get a payment confirmation by email.
    For the Bank and Postal Transfer payments:
    • Once we receive your payment, we will send you a payment receipt by email within 10 working days.

How do I pay my Lisbon System GI fees independently (if you are unable to use WIPO Pay)?

  • Step 1

    Wait for the payment communication

    Your Competent Authority will send you the payment information.
  • Step 2

    Pay by bank or postal transfer

    Indicate all the required information in the reference to your payment:
    • the information relating to the AO/GI name (+ registration number if applicable),
    • the WIPO IP System used (“Lisbon”).
    Provide all the information listed to avoid processing delays.
    Warning: You are responsible for any additional fees charged by your bank or any intermediary bank. Make sure the amount you send covers any such fees. Funds can take up to 10 working days to reach our bank account.
    Send our Lisbon System Support Team a copy of the transfer payment once you have instructed it. Have more than one payment request? Send a list containing all requests and their payment amounts.

    WIPO bank transfer details

    • Account name: WIPO / OMPI
    • IBAN: CH51 0483 5048 7080 8100 0
    • Swift: CRESCHZZ80A
    • Account name: WIPO / OMPI
    • SWISS POST/Postfinance, Engelhaldenstrasse 37, CH-3030 Bern
    • IBAN: CH03 0900 0000 1200 5000 8
    • Swift: POFICHBE
  • Step 3

    Receive a payment confirmation and a receipt

    Once we receive your payment, we will send you a payment receipt by email within 10 working days.

Need a refund?

Paid with a bank transfer? Fill in the refund form. Paid with other payment methods? You will receive a refund automatically.

Find out more about Lisbon System GI fees

  • Fee for international registration of an Appellation of Origin (AO) or Geographical Indication (GI): 1,000 CHF*
  • Fee for one modification of an international registration: 500 CHF*
  • Complementary fee for additional modification(s) submitted in the same request: 300 CHF*
  • Individual fees under the Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement
  • Fee for providing an extract from the International Register: 150 CHF
  • Fee for providing an attestation or any other written information concerning the contents of the International Register: 100 CHF
* Are you an applicant from a least developed country (LDC)? Benefit from 50% reduction of fees.
Remember that for fees relating to application for international registration and modification, as well as individual fees, any request should be filed through the Competent Authority of your Contracting Party. You cannot file directly to WIPO.