Meeting code | WIPO/A/64/SIDE-EVENT/1 |
Date and venue | July 10, 2023 (Geneva, Switzerland) Onsite |
Time of sessions | 16:30-18:00 |
Related meeting | A/64 |
- Australia - The economic impact of innovation patents - 2015
- Australia - Study into the experience of Australian firms enforcing their intellectual property rights in Asia - 2020
- Australia - Study into the experience of Australian firms enforcing their intellectual property rights in Asia - 2020
- Australia - Intellectual property rights and enterprise growth: The role of IP rights in the growth of SMEs - 2021
- Australia - Intellectual property rights and enterprise growth. SMEs employ more people after registering IP rights - 2021
- Australia - Design innovation, copying and enforcement in Australia - 2020
- Australia - Views from Australia's visual design ecosystem - 2020
- Australia - The innovation wage premium and labour mobility - 2023
- Australia - Exporter responses to shocks: The role of trade marks - 2021
- Australia - TRADE MARKS & EXPORTS. Australian manufacturers expand their exports after filing trade marks - 2021
- Canada - Intellectual Property Awareness and Use Survey- 2019
- Chile - análisis de mujeres inventoras - 2023
- Chile - análisis de las solicitudes de marcas de residentes y la relación con la creación de empresas en chile - 2022
- Chile - reporte de genero, análisis de las inventoras chilenas - 2022
- EUIPO - SME scoreboard - 2022
- Israel - Qualitative Analysis of Israeli SME IP Strategies - 2022
- Singapore - IA/IP as a driver for growth and development of SMEs - 2023
- Flyer GA SME Filing event