Código | WIPO/ACAD/CN/99 |
Fecha y lugar | 14 de junio a 16 de junio de 1999 (Beijing, China)
Presencial 17 de junio a 18 de junio de 1999 (Shanghai, China) Presencial |
Tema(s) | Academia de la OMPI |
Código | WIPO/ACAD/CN/99 |
Fecha y lugar | 14 de junio a 16 de junio de 1999 (Beijing, China)
Presencial 17 de junio a 18 de junio de 1999 (Shanghai, China) Presencial |
Tema(s) | Academia de la OMPI |
Código | Título(s) | Fichero(s) | |
WIPO/ACAD/CN/99/INF/1 | English | Program | |
WIPO/ACAD/CN/99/INF/2 | English | Provisional List of Participants | |
WIPO/ACAD/CN/99/2(A) | English | Patent Protection and its Role on Promoting Invention, Innovation and Technological Development | |
WIPO/ACAD/CN/99/2(B) | English | Patent Protection and its Role in Promoting Invention and Technological Development | |
WIPO/ACAD/CN/99/4(B) | English | Promoting Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property in Developing Countries: the WIPO Worldwide Academy and Development of Human Resources | |
WIPO/ACAD/CN/99/5(A) | English | Trademark Protection and its Role in Promoting Trade and Commerce and Enhancing Competitiveness |