Индекс заседания | WIPO/CR/GE/04 |
Дата и место проведения | 13 октября по 15 октября 2004 г. (Женева, Швейцария) В очном формате |
Прошлые/будущие заседания | WIPO/CR/GE/04 >> WIPO/CR/GE/05 |
Тема (-ы) | Семинары по тематике авторского права, Практикумы и семинары |
The objective of the Seminar is to provide training and information on various aspects of copyright and related rights, as well as recent trends and developments in the field and to promote debate among the participants on topical issues. The Seminar is also intended to raise awareness of the role of intellectual property as a tool for economic, social, cultural and technological development, and to enhance and develop skills in the management of copyright and related rights, especially in a fast changing environment. Invitations: Invited participants are from government copyright offices or copyright collective management societies in both developing countries and countries in transition to a market economy. |