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Eighth Annual Forum on Intellectual Property (IP) and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises for Intellectual Property (IPOs) Offices and Other Relevant Institutions in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Countries

日期和地点2010年10月4日 至 10月5日 (罗马, 意大利) 现场


WIPO/SMES/ROM/10/INF/1 PROV.EnglishProvisional ProgramProvisional Program, 完整文件 (doc) Provisional Program, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/SMES/ROM/10/INF.2 PROVEnglishProvisional List of PrticipantsProvisional List of Prticipants, 完整文件 (doc) Provisional List of Prticipants, 完整文件 (pdf)


WIPO/SMES/ROM/10/REF04/08EnglishAssistance and Support Instruments to Italian Enterprises in the Fight Against Counterfeiting - Mrs Isabella FlajbanAssistance and Support Instruments to Italian Enterprises in the Fight Against Counterfeiting - Mrs Isabella Flajban, 完整文件 (ppt)
WIPO/SMES/ROM/10/REF/THEME01/01EnglishThe EPO Co-Operation Programme to Reorient Patent Information Centres - Mrs. Heidrun KrestelThe EPO Co-Operation Programme to Reorient Patent Information Centres - Mrs. Heidrun Krestel, 完整文件 (ppt)
WIPO/SMES/ROM/10/REF/THEME01/04EnglishBest Practices in IP Capacity Building for SMEs: A Results Based Approach - Mr. Giulio ZanettiBest Practices in IP Capacity Building for SMEs:  A Results Based Approach - Mr. Giulio Zanetti, 完整文件 (ppt)
WIPO/SMES/ROM/10/REF/THEME01/04/01EnglishLinking People, Places and Products ; A guide for Promoting Quality Linked to Geographical Origin and Sustainable Geographical Indications - Mr. Giovanni Belletti and Mrs. Emilie VandecandelaereLinking People, Places and Products ; A guide for Promoting Quality Linked to Geographical Origin and Sustainable Geographical Indications - Mr. Giovanni Belletti and Mrs. Emilie Vandecandelaere, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/SMES/ROM/10/REF/THEME01/05EnglishSME's and Trademarks - OHIM's Initiatives for Rising Awareness on the Importance of Trade Mark Protection - Ms. Beate SchmidtSME's and Trademarks - OHIM's Initiatives for Rising Awareness on the Importance of Trade Mark Protection - Ms. Beate Schmidt, 完整文件 (ppt)
WIPO/SMES/ROM/10/REF/THEME02/02EnglishIP Based Financing - Mr. Giancarlo MiglioriIP Based Financing - Mr. Giancarlo Migliori, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/SMES/ROM/10/REF/THEME03/01EnglishThe Enterprise Europe Network and the IPeuropAware Project: IP Support Services to SMEs - Mrs. Raquel Fernandez HorcajadaThe Enterprise Europe Network and the IPeuropAware Project:  IP Support Services to SMEs - Mrs. Raquel Fernandez Horcajada, 完整文件 (ppt)
WIPO/SMES/ROM/10/REF/THEME03/02EnglishIP Awareness and Enforcement for SMEs - Capitalization of European Best Practice in the Framework Of “Ipeuropaware” From the Perspective of the German Patent and Trade Mark Office - Mr. Roger Hildebrandt IP Awareness and Enforcement for SMEs - Capitalization of European Best Practice in the Framework Of “Ipeuropaware” From the Perspective of the German Patent and Trade Mark Office - Mr. Roger Hildebrandt , 完整文件 (ppt)
WIPO/SMES/ROM/10/REF/THEME03/03EnglishIP Support Services and Tools Developed in the Framework of the European IPR Project IPeuropeAware for the Benefit of SMEs - Mrs. Christina NordstromIP Support Services and Tools Developed in the Framework of the European IPR Project IPeuropeAware for the Benefit of SMEs - Mrs. Christina Nordstrom, 完整文件 (ppt)
WIPO/SMES/ROM/10/REF/THEME03/04EnglishEnvisioned. Created. Protected» - The SME-IP Project of the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property - Mrs. Claudia MundEnvisioned. Created. Protected» - The SME-IP Project of the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property - Mrs. Claudia Mund, 完整文件 (ppt)
WIPO/SMES/ROM/10/REF/THEME03/05EnglishA New IP Diagnosis Based on the AIDA Marketing Approach Aimed at Evaluation and Qualification of SMEs IP Practices and Use - Mr. Serge QuazzottiA New IP Diagnosis Based on the AIDA Marketing Approach Aimed at Evaluation and Qualification of SMEs IP Practices and Use - Mr. Serge Quazzotti, 完整文件 (ppt)
WIPO/SMES/ROM/10/REF/THEME03/05/01EnglishThe Enteprise Europe Network IP Toolkit - Mrs. Jane Watters and Mr. Dave MorganThe Enteprise Europe Network IP Toolkit - Mrs. Jane Watters and Mr. Dave Morgan, 完整文件 (ppt)
WIPO/SMES/ROM/10/REF/THEME03/06EnglishPlan of Promotion of Industrial Property of Spain 2010-2012 - Mrs. Patricia García Escudero MárquezPlan of Promotion of Industrial Property of Spain 2010-2012 - Mrs. Patricia García Escudero Márquez, 完整文件 (pps)
WIPO/SMES/ROM/10/REF/THEME03/10EnglishIP Services and Activities of Italian Chambers of Commerce - Mr. Pierluigi SodiniIP Services and Activities of Italian Chambers of Commerce  - Mr. Pierluigi Sodini, 完整文件 (ppt)
WIPO/SMES/ROM/10/REF/THEME04/02EnglishOHIM's E-Tools to Facilitate Trade Mark Applications for SME's - Ms. Beate SchmidtOHIM's E-Tools to Facilitate Trade Mark Applications for SME's - Ms. Beate Schmidt, 完整文件 (ppt)
WIPO/SMES/ROM/10/REF/THEME04/03EnglishNew and Improved Activities of Supporting SMEs – Efficient Technology Transfer - Ms. Magdalena Maciejska-SzlapsNew and Improved Activities of Supporting SMEs – Efficient Technology Transfer  - Ms. Magdalena Maciejska-Szlaps, 完整文件 (ppt)
WIPO/SMES/ROM/10/REF/THEME04/03/01EnglishBusiness Support Services of Turkish Patent Institute - Mr. Fatih KarahanBusiness Support Services of Turkish Patent Institute - Mr. Fatih Karahan, 完整文件 (ppt)
WIPO/SMES/ROM/10/REF/THEME04/04EnglishStrategic Focus on eServices – Developing an IP Search Tool - Mr. Otto ScharffStrategic Focus on eServices – Developing an IP Search Tool - Mr. Otto Scharff, 完整文件 (ppt)
WIPO/SMES/ROM/10/REF/THEME04/06EnglishBusiness Support Services of the National Board of Patents and Registration in Finland - Mr. Mika WarisBusiness Support Services of the National Board of Patents and Registration in Finland - Mr. Mika Waris, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/SMES/ROM/10/REF/THEME04/08EnglishPart of a Bigger Innovation Picture Integration of IPR Enforcement and Innovation Support - Mrs. Maria WeirPart of a Bigger Innovation Picture Integration of IPR Enforcement and Innovation Support - Mrs. Maria Weir, 完整文件 (ppt)
WIPO/SMES/ROM/10/REF/THEME04/09EnglishThe Growing Monetization on IPR Market: Impacts on the Profession and Training of IP Specialists - Mr. Antoine DintrichThe Growing Monetization on IPR Market:  Impacts on the Profession and Training of IP Specialists - Mr. Antoine Dintrich, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/SMES/ROM/10/REF/THEME04/10EnglishInnovation Support Activities from the European Patent Academy - Mr. Jeremy PhilpottInnovation Support Activities from the European Patent Academy - Mr. Jeremy Philpott, 完整文件 (ppt)
WIPO/SMES/ROM/10/REF/THEME04/11EnglishBeing Investor Ready: the Importance of Intellectual Capital for a Knowledge Intensive Start Up - Mr. Luigi AmatiBeing Investor Ready:  the Importance of Intellectual Capital for a Knowledge Intensive Start Up - Mr. Luigi Amati, 完整文件 (ppt)