会议代码 | WIPO/WEBINAR/WSO/2021/4 |
日期和地点 | 2021年3月31日 虚拟 |
会议时间 | 15:00 - 16:00 新加坡 时间 |
以前/今后会议 | WIPO/WEBINAR/WSO/2021/3 >> WIPO/WEBINAR/WSO/2021/4 |
主题 | 讲习班与研讨会, 人员能力建设网络研讨会 |
WIPO PROOF is an online service that creates tamper-proof evidence quickly and cost effectively. The secure record can then be used by IP lawyers or its owner to prove that a digital file existed at a specific point in time. This webinar will cover: