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Worldwide Symposium on Geographical Indications

日期和地点2023年6月14日 至 6月16日 (第比利斯, 格鲁吉亚) 混合
以前/今后会议WIPO/GEO/GE/21 >> WIPO/GEO/TBS/23
相关链接Home page: English | Français


WIPO/GEO/TBS/23/INF/1EnglishProgramProgram, 完整文件 (pdf)
FrançaisProgrammeProgramme, 完整文件 (pdf)
KAდღის წესრიგიდღის წესრიგი, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/TBS/23/INF/2EnglishInformation on SpeakersInformation on Speakers, 完整文件 (pdf)
FrançaisInformations sur les conférenciersInformations sur les conférenciers, 完整文件 (pdf)


AFRIPI MANUALEnglishAFRIPI - Manual for Geographical Indications in AfricaAFRIPI - Manual for Geographical Indications in Africa, 完整文件 (pdf)
FrançaisAFRIPI - Manuel sur les indications géographiques en AfriqueAFRIPI - Manuel sur les indications géographiques en Afrique, 完整文件 (pdf)
RAPPORT AFDFrançais15 années de soutien de l’AFD aux indications géographiques15 années de soutien de l’AFD aux indications géographiques, 完整文件 (htm)
WIPO/GEO/TBS/23/PANEL 1/1EnglishPresentation by Mr. Luis Samper: Building Origin Product Value through BrandingPresentation by Mr. Luis Samper: Building Origin Product Value through Branding, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/TBS/23/PANEL 1/2EnglishPresentation by Mr. Flavio Innocenzi: GI-Branding - Combining Tradition and Innovation for a Value Based approach. How to Differentiate GIs Through Neurobranding.Presentation by Mr. Flavio Innocenzi: GI-Branding - Combining Tradition and Innovation for a Value Based approach. How to Differentiate GIs Through Neurobranding., 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/TBS/23/PANEL 1/3FrançaisPresentation by Ms. Mariama Dieme: IG Quelles stratégies marketing pour des ODG basés dans des pays en développement? Le cas du madd de Casamance (Sénégal)Presentation by Ms. Mariama Dieme: IG Quelles stratégies marketing pour des ODG basés dans des pays en développement? Le cas du madd de Casamance (Sénégal), 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/TBS/23/PANEL 1/4EnglishPresentation by Ms. Duygu Aktas: HepsiTürkiye’den’s Digital Approach and E-commerce Empowerment to GI ProductsPresentation by Ms. Duygu Aktas: HepsiTürkiye’den’s Digital Approach and E-commerce Empowerment to GI Products, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/TBS/23/PANEL 2/1EnglishPresentation by Ms. Alexandra Grazioli: Update –Selected Developments: WIPO Lisbon System and The Geneva ActPresentation by Ms. Alexandra Grazioli: Update –Selected Developments: WIPO Lisbon System and The Geneva Act, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/TBS/23/PANEL 2/2EnglishPresentation by Ms. Mery Macharashvili: System of Geographical Indications of Georgia and Major ReformPresentation by Ms. Mery Macharashvili: System of Geographical Indications of Georgia and Major Reform, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/TBS/23/PANEL 2/3EnglishPresentation by Ms. Ewelina Sliwinska and Mr. Tamas Kiraly: New EU Regulation on GI Protection for Craft and Industrial ProductsPresentation by Ms. Ewelina Sliwinska and Mr. Tamas Kiraly: New EU Regulation on GI Protection for Craft and Industrial Products, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/TBS/23/PANEL 2/4EnglishPresentation by Ms. Aidyn Artykova: KazakhstanPresentation by Ms. Aidyn Artykova: Kazakhstan, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/TBS/23/PANEL 2/5EnglishPresentation by Ms. Lai Ying: Recent Developments on the Protection of Geographical Indications in ChinaPresentation by Ms. Lai Ying: Recent Developments on the Protection of Geographical Indications in China, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/TBS/23/PANEL 3/1EnglishPresentation by Mr. Fernando Cano Trevino: Cultivating Progress: The Transformative Journey of the Tequila Tourist Trail in Enhancing Regional Development, Economic Advancement, and Social Empowerment Across 17 YearsPresentation by Mr. Fernando Cano Trevino: Cultivating Progress: The Transformative Journey of the Tequila Tourist Trail in Enhancing Regional Development, Economic Advancement, and Social Empowerment Across 17 Years, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/TBS/23/PANEL 3/2EnglishPresentation by Ms. Linsey Gallgher: Visit Napa ValleyPresentation by Ms. Linsey Gallgher: Visit Napa Valley, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/TBS/23/PANEL 3/3EnglishPresentation by Ms. Kitiyaporn Sathusen: Gastronomy Tourism in ThailandPresentation by Ms. Kitiyaporn Sathusen: Gastronomy Tourism in Thailand, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/TBS/23/PANEL 3/4EnglishPresentation by Mr. Prabuddha Ganguli: Geographical Indications in the Tourism Value Chain: India PerspectivePresentation by Mr. Prabuddha Ganguli: Geographical Indications in the Tourism Value Chain: India Perspective, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/TBS/23/PANEL 4/1EnglishPresentation by Ms. Nuria Ackerman: Governance and Quality in Geographical Indications - UNIDOPresentation by Ms. Nuria Ackerman: Governance and Quality in Geographical Indications - UNIDO, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/TBS/23/PANEL 4/2EnglishPresentation by Ms. Adrienne Thompson: Jamaica’s Geographical Indication (GI) Protection SystemPresentation by Ms. Adrienne Thompson: Jamaica’s Geographical Indication (GI) Protection System, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/TBS/23/PANEL 4/3FrançaisPresentation by Mr. Rene Claude Elogo Metomo: Présentation de l’IGP Poivre de PenjaPresentation by Mr. Rene Claude Elogo Metomo: Présentation de l’IGP Poivre de Penja, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/TBS/23/PANEL 4/4FrançaisPresentation by Mr. Philippe Bardet: Le Gruyère Switzerland AOPPresentation by Mr. Philippe Bardet: Le Gruyère Switzerland AOP, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/TBS/23/PANEL 5/1EnglishPresentation by Mr. Riccardo Deserti: Geographical Indications. Trade and Common NamesPresentation by Mr. Riccardo Deserti: Geographical Indications. Trade and Common Names, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/TBS/23/PANEL 5/2EnglishPresentation by Mr. Allen Johnson: GIs and Common NamesPresentation by Mr. Allen Johnson: GIs and Common Names, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/TBS/23/PANEL 6/1EnglishPresentation by Ms. Magui Nnoko: Cooperation for Georgraphical Indications-OAPIPresentation by Ms. Magui Nnoko: Cooperation for Georgraphical Indications-OAPI, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/TBS/23/PANEL 6/2EnglishPresentation by Ms. Alexandra Grazioli: Cooperation for GIs: WIPO ExperiencePresentation by Ms. Alexandra Grazioli: Cooperation for GIs: WIPO Experience, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/TBS/23/PANEL 6/3EnglishPresentation by Ms. Valerie Pieprzownik: Cooperation for Geographical Indications - FAOPresentation by Ms. Valerie Pieprzownik: Cooperation for Geographical Indications - FAO, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/TBS/23/PANEL 6/4EnglishPresentation by Ms. Nancy Omelko: Cooperation on Geographical Indications: USPTOPresentation by Ms. Nancy Omelko: Cooperation on Geographical Indications: USPTO, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/TBS/23/PANEL 6/5EnglishPresentation by Mr. Stefano Inama: The Challenges of Geographical Indications in Least Developed Countries (LDCs):Lessons Learned from the UNCTAD Approach, Strategy and ActionPresentation by Mr. Stefano Inama: The Challenges of Geographical Indications in Least Developed Countries (LDCs):Lessons Learned from the UNCTAD Approach, Strategy and Action, 完整文件 (pdf)