会议代码 | WIPO/WEBINAR/CR/2023/10 |
日期和地点 | 2023年9月27日 虚拟 |
会议时间 | 13:00 - 14:00 日内瓦 时间 |
以前/今后会议 | WIPO/WEBINAR/CR/2023/9 >> WIPO/WEBINAR/CR/2023/10 >> WIPO/WEBINAR/CR/2023/11 |
相关链接 | ICMP Music: English |
主题 | 讲习班与研讨会, 版权基础设施网络研讨会 |
The International Confederation of Music Publishers (ICMP) represents national trade associations, companies and multinational music organizations worldwide. In this webinar, ICMP will present the music publishers’ perspective, focusing on metadata systems to ensure digital music usage is recognized, facilitating payment for creators, while shining a light on how these tools are applied by music publishers, and what the infrastructure-related challenges are. |