会议代码 | WIPO/WEBINAR/PCT/2023/20 |
日期和地点 | 2023年11月6日 虚拟 |
会议时间 | 09:00 - 10:00 日内瓦 时间 |
以前/今后会议 | WIPO/WEBINAR/PCT/2023/19 >> WIPO/WEBINAR/PCT/2023/20 >> WIPO/WEBINAR/PCT/2023/21 |
主题 | 网络研讨会, 讲习班与研讨会, PCT网络研讨会, 基础PCT主题 |
This webinar will provide an overview of the PCT, including the significance of obtaining patent rights in a foreign country and the benefits of the PCT. The attendees will gain a better understanding of the importance of filing patent applications in foreign countries, as well as the options available when filing foreign applications. |