An International Guide to
Patent Case Management for Judges

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An International Guide to Patent Case Management for Judges was developed under the general direction of Daren Tang (WIPO Director General) and Marco Alemán (WIPO Assistant Director General, IP and Innovation Ecosystems Sector). Judge Jeremy Fogel, Executive Director of the Berkeley Judicial Institute, Professor Peter Menell at Berkeley Law, and Eun-Joo Min, Director of the WIPO Judicial Institute conceived and steered the project.

The Guide was made possible by the time and invaluable support of the distinguished judges, practitioners and academics, listed in the opening pages of each chapter.

The Guide benefited greatly from reviews and comments by WIPO experts, including Nina Belbl, Thomas Dillon, Andras Jokuti, Tomoko Miyamoto, Todd Reves, Xavier Vermandele and Hao Zhou. Colleagues in the WIPO Judicial Institute, in particular Patricia Felden, Calvin Kim and Beibei Yang, provided precious support.

For the production of the print and digital formats of the Guide, deep gratitude is due to Dan Savu and his colleagues in the Solutions Design and Delivery Section (WIPO); Vanessa Harwood, Charlotte Beauchamp and their colleagues in the Publications and Design Section (WIPO); Spencer Cabildo and his colleagues in the Web Communications Section (WIPO); and Caroline Griffin (WIPO).