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Gender Gap in Industrial Designs of Central European and Baltic States
WIPO Development Studies
This report examines women's participation in industrial design across Central European and Baltic States (CEBS). Over the past three decades, the number of women designers in the region has increased. Nevertheless, they remain underrepresented, particularly in machinery and arms manufacturing, while being more active in clothing, pharmaceuticals, and health-related design. Our projections estimate full equality could take up to 40 years, making gender parity in industrial design a long-term goal. Addressing industry-specific barriers will be crucial to fostering a more inclusive and innovative design sector in the CEBS region.
Publication year: 2025
Global Innovation Index 2024, 17th Edition
Unlocking the Promise of Social Entrepreneurship
The GII 2024 reveals who is leading globally in innovation, ranking the innovation performance of 133 economies and highlighting their strengths and weaknesses. The thematic focus of the 2024 edition is social entrepreneurship. It looks at how a flurry of new ventures are finding innovative solutions directly addressing critical societal issues. Examples drawn from around the world showcase successful examples of social entrepreneurship, helping guide innovation policymakers and support schemes to better scale social entrepreneurship ventures for maximum systemic impact.
Publication year: 2024
Patent Cooperation Treaty Yearly Review 2024 - Executive Summary
The International Patent System
This executive brief identifies the key trends in the use of the WIPO-administered Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) and provides a summary of the statistics reported in the PCT Yearly Review 2024.
Madrid Yearly Review 2024 – Executive Summary
International Registration of Marks
This executive brief identifies key trends in the use of the WIPO-administered Madrid System.
Hague Yearly Review 2024 - Executive Summary
International Registration of Industrial Designs
This executive brief identifies key trends in the use of the WIPO-administered Hague System for the International Registration of Industrial Designs.
Models of Intellectual Property Governance and Administration
Models of Intellectual Property Governance and Administration documents and analyzes prevailing approaches, trends and emerging directions in IP governance and administration. This study will equip policymakers with valuable insights to support well-informed decisions in designing IP governance and administration frameworks, thereby unleashing the full potential of the intellectual property system for the benefit of society.
Generative AI
WIPO Conversation, IP and Frontier Technologies
Generative artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to disrupt every industry and many parts of our lives – promising both competitive advantage and creative destruction. But how creative and imaginative is generative AI, what are the potential implications for human creators and how do we ensure that the IP system continues to foster innovation and creativity in the age of AI?
WIPO Workforce 2024
June Edition
WIPO's workforce is the human capital of the Organization and its greatest asset. This brochure shows a detailed picture of staffing at WIPO in 2024.
WIPO Guide to Trade Secrets and Innovation
In the dynamic and increasingly interconnected world of innovation and commerce, intellectual property (IP) protection plays a pivotal role in driving economic growth, fostering competition and promoting technological advancements. Among various forms of IP protection, trade secrets have emerged as a critical tool for businesses to safeguard valuable confidential information and to maintain a competitive edge in an increasingly global marketplace. The WIPO Guide to Trade Secrets and Innovation provides a global audience with a comprehensive but digestible strategic and legal overview of trade secrets in the modern innovation ecosystem.
The metaverse, a borderless, virtual world, heralds the Internet's next evolution and is poised to reshape work, play, and more. As technology intertwines with daily life, IP plays a pivotal role in protecting innovations and creations essential for the metaverse, such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality technologies, digital content, and virtual business models.