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World Intellectual Property Indicators 2021
This authoritative report analyzes IP activity around the globe. Drawing on 2020 filing, registration and renewals statistics from national and regional IP offices and WIPO, it covers patents, utility models, trademarks, industrial designs, microorganisms, plant variety protection and geographical indications. The report also draws on survey data and industry sources to give a picture of activity in the publishing industry.
Publication year: 2021
Protecting Your Mobile App
Intellectual Property Solutions
Mobile apps are multilayered products with different features, which may be protected by various intellectual property (IP) rights including but not limited to copyright, trademark and patent. This publication is designed as a guide for app developers and publishers to understand how to legally protect the intellectual property of their mobile app. It offers legal clarity and business-oriented guidelines on IP, to generate additional revenue from a mobile app for creators and rights holders, and provides practical advice and insights to inform strategic decisions. The publication reviews the mobile app value chain and offers a checklist of legal considerations when identifying the relevant IP rights, protection options and strategies.
Intermediary Liability and Trade in Follow-on Innovation
Economic Research Working Paper No. 66
Liability rules affect the incentives of intermediaries to disseminate and curate creative works, in particular when works build on the work of predecessors and they are potentially infringing copyright. In an application to the visual arts, we show that appropriation artists borrow images from different sources and incorporate them into new, derivative works of art. By doing so, they risk infringing copyright but also put commercial trade and availability of the work at litigation risk as liability can extend to intermediaries in markets (auction houses) or in public exhibitions (museums). Using a differences-in-differences model and unique data on the level of the individual art work, we empirically investigate the impact of the prominent 2013 Cariou v. Prince U.S. court decision on trade and availability in Appropriation Art.
From Paper to Platform: Publishing, Intellectual Property and the Digital Revolution
Supporting the development of a national book and reading culture through local professional writers and publishers requires an understanding of the way this sector of the creative economy works and how it is affected by the digital revolution. This publication is intended to help policymakers, particularly those in countries that are interested in promoting local publishing, to understand the publishing industry better and to understand how copyright and other policies affect the way books are being created, published and consumed.
The Global Publishing Industry in 2020
This report provides an overview of the global publishing industry in 2020, covering the trade and educational sectors. It is based on data compiled by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in partnership with the Centro Regional para el Fomento del Libro en América Latina y el Caribe (CERLALC), the Federation of European Publishers (FEP), the International Publishers Association (IPA) and the Nielsen Company. The scope of the publishing industry survey is published materials (i.e., books, monographs, and so on) issued with an ISBN, a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) or any other book identifier. This report aims to make publishing industry data available to the user community and highlight the challenges producers of statistics face in reporting consistent and comparable data.
Publication year: 2022
Rights, Camera, Action! Intellectual property rights and the filmmaking process
2nd Edition
Rights, Camera, Action! offers professionals in the audiovisual industry guidance on how to use intellectual property protection to generate business opportunities. The reader is taken through the different stages from securing finance to distribution to ensure a successful audiovisual production. With practical advice and enriching case studies from developing countries “Rights, Camera, Action!” will help individual filmmakers and distributors monetize their creative content.
COVID-19 Impact on Artistic Income
Economic Research Working Paper No. 65
This paper assesses the impact of the pandemic crisis on self-employed income among artists resident in Germany. Using unique data from the latest available public insurance records, we show that musicians and performing artists are among the most vulnerable groups, and that writers, on average, are relatively less impacted. Moreover, the paper looks at the impact of the 2020 crisis on income differences by gender, career stages and regions, and it investigates the effect of specific non-pharmaceutical, public intervention implemented in German states.
Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms for Business-to-Business Digital Copyright and Content-Related Disputes - Executive Summary
A report on the results of the WIPO-MCST Survey
This executive summary reveals the key findings from the WIPO-MCST survey on alternative dispute resolution (ADR) mechanisms to resolve business-to-business (B2B) disputes related to digital copyright and digital content
Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms for Business-to-Business Digital Copyright and Content-Related Disputes
This timely publication analyses the results of a survey carried out by WIPO, with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Korea (MCST), on the current use of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) mechanisms to handle business-to-business disputes related to digital copyright and digital content. Drawing on more than 1,000 responses from a wide range of stakeholders in 129 countries, the report is a unique source of information on which to base the development of tailored ADR mechanisms.
WIPO Good Practice Toolkit for Collective Management Organizations (The Toolkit)
A Bridge between Rightholders and Users
The WIPO Good Practice Toolkit for Collective Management Organizations (CMOs) brings together examples of legislation, regulation and codes of conduct in the area of collective management from around the world. Member states and other stakeholders may use relevant parts of the document to help them design an approach suitable for their particular context. Note - The Toolkit is not a normative document. The first version of the Toolkit was published in 2018. The current version was published in January 2025, and reflects the submissions received from WIPO Member States and other stakeholders throughout the consultation process in 2024.
Publication year: 2025
Innovation and Intellectual Property Use in the Global Video Game Industry
Economic Research Working Paper No.85
This paper is an analysis of the evolution of the global video game industry, a sector characterized by rapid technological innovation and changing business models. It builds on the work of Özalp (2024) and delves into how innovation in hardware, software, digital transformation and business models have redefined the boundaries of game development and player experiences. The paper also explores the important job roles in the industry, the role of intellectual property and end with predictions for the future of the industry. It aims to provide an accessible understanding of the industry's evolution, its current state, and its potential future directions.
Publication year: 2024
Heterogeneous Development Paths to Growth and Innovation: The Evolution of the Video Game Industry across Four Hubs
Economic Research Working Paper No.84
This study explores the evolution and success drivers of the global video game industry, focusing on key hubs within Finland, Poland, Japan, and the United States. Using a qualitative methodology, the research delves into how unique capabilities and historical development have contributed to the industry's growth across these nations. The findings reveal diverse pathways to building video game industry clusters, emphasizing the role of cross-industry skill transfer, intellectual property, and government support. In traditional hubs like Japan and the United States, the crossover of capabilities from entertainment and hardware industries has been crucial, whereas, in newer hubs like Finland and Poland, the growth is attributed to unique local developments such as hobby coder communities or leveraging the initial localization efforts to build globally appealing games. It further highlights the pivotal role of education in sustaining the growth of video game industry hubs.
The Evolution of the Two-Wheeler Industry: A Comparative Study of Italy, Japan, and India
Economic Research Working Paper No.83
This study leverages secondary data to provide a comprehensive outlook on the origin and evolution of the two-wheeler industry in Italy, Japan, and India. The study reveals how different technological, design, and manufacturing capabilities, combined with specific economic and social features in the historical contexts, have contributed to determine different trajectories in the evolution of these national industries. Recent trends towards digital transformation, electric mobility, connected driving are discussed. Three main takeaways emerge from our analysis. Firstly, the local capabilities play a crucial role in shaping both the origin and progression of the technology and the industry. Secondly, the two-wheeler industry displays patterns and trajectories that mimic the automotive industry, which can thus be used to interpret and forecast past, present, and future of motorcycles. Thirdly, the two-wheeler industry has been uniquely influenced by other industries, which has enhanced the complexity and effectiveness of its products and introduced novel elements which are reshaping the international demand for two-wheelers.
Innovation Complexity in AgTech: The case of Brazil, Kenya and the United States of America
Economic Research Working Paper No.82
This paper illustrates successful policies and incentives that build on local innovation capabilities across three agricultural innovation hubs at different income levels and across different geographical regions. It makes the case for how countries highly complex innovation ecosystems, which refer to the diversity and sophistication of local innovators and the types of innovation they produce, tend to have more opportunities to shift their technological path to the frontier. The paper focuses on three agricultural hubs across different income levels and geography to illustrate how smart policies that focus on building local capabilities can help countries diversify and create their own agricultural technological paths. These hubs include: São Paulo in Brazil, Nairobi in Kenya and Colorado in the United States of America.
Can we map innovation capabilities?
Economic Research Working Paper No.81
Recent years have witnessed a resurgence of industrial policies globally. Through various industrial policy instruments, governments make critical scientific and technological choices that shape innovation paths and resource allocations. Our paper explores innovation capabilities as essential drivers of competitive outcomes, spanning science, technology, and production domains. Based on the economic complexity literature, we propose a methodological framework to measure the innovation capabilities empirically, leveraging data on scientific publications, patents, and trade. Our findings highlight the multidimensional nature of innovation capabilities and underscore the importance of understanding both the specialization and quality of these capabilities. Our results are in line with the complexity literature, as we also find: (i) positive correlations between the innovation complexity and economic growth; and, (ii) the predictive power of existing innovation capabilities for fostering new ones. Based on these findings, we propose novel indicators informing innovation policymaking on the innovation potential across science, technology, and production fields of an ecosystem. We suggest that innovation policymaking needs to be informed by deeper insights into innovation capabilities that are crucial for long-term growth and competitiveness improvement.
Global Trends in Innovation Patterns: A Complexity Approach
Economic Research Working Paper No.80
Technological know-how in a country shapes its growth potential and competitiveness. Scientific publications, patents, and international trade data offer complementary insights into how ideas from science, technology, and production evolve, combine, and are transformed into capabilities. Analyzing their trajectories enables a more comprehensive and multifaceted understanding of the whole innovation process, from generating ideas to internationally commercializing products. We analyze the production patterns in these three domains, documenting the differences between advanced and emerging market economies. We find that future income, patenting, and publishing growth correlate with the economic complexity indices calculated from these domains. Capabilities embedded in the country also shape future diversification opportunities and make the innovation process path dependent. Lastly, we also show that diversification opportunities can be inferred across innovation domains.
Innovation Policies Under Economic Complexity
Economic Research Working Paper No.79
Recent geopolitical challenges have revived the implementation of industrial and innovation policies. Ongoing discussions focus on supporting cutting-edge industries and strategic technologies but hardly pay attention to their impact on economic growth. In light of this, we discuss the design of innovation policies to address current development challenges while considering the complex nature of productive activities. Our approach conceives economic development and technological progress as a process of accumulation and diversification of knowledge. This process is limited by the tacit nature of knowledge and by countries' binding constraints to growth. Consequently, effective innovation policies should be place-based and multidimensional, leveraging countries' existing capabilities and addressing countries' current problems. This contrasts policies that lead to economic efficiencies, such as copying other countries' solutions to problems that countries do not currently have.
Closing Innovation and Intellectual Property Diversity Gaps: a Global Literature Review
Economic Research Working Paper No.86
Innovation is a driver of competitive advantage and economic growth, with patent rights playing a critical supporting role. However, differential access to patent rights and relatively less participation in innovation can affect women and people from other historically underrepresented groups, thereby hindering progress and limiting the potential economic benefits generated by innovation. This paper reviews the global literature on these “diversity gaps”, identifies their key drivers, and documents international policies and initiatives that show promise in addressing them. Building upon Shapanka and Fechner (2018), it expands the geographic scope and reinforces the scientific basis of their analysis. The paper also provides recommendations for a wide range of stakeholders and offers insights for fostering more inclusive and equitable innovation ecosystems.
Contracts in Publishing
A toolkit for authors and publishers
Contracts in Publishing: A toolkit for authors and publishers provides information on copyright-related aspects and contractual options in the publishing sector. With a balanced approach considering the interests of both authors and publishers, the publication offers guidance to building basic knowledge and skills for successful publishing, co-publishing and licensing deals, targeting an audience of authors, visual artists, translators and publishers, especially in developing countries.
Are the best tunes played on the oldest fiddles? Distribution and digitization of recorded classical music
Economic Research Working Paper No.87
This research looks at the distributional effects of copyright when creative works are protected under multiple rights. It exploits a quasi-natural experiment and recent law changes introduced under EU Directive 77/2011 on the term of protection of copyright and related rights as well as variation in author death years. We examine the causal implications of copyright and related rights protection around music recordings vis-à-vis public domain status for the availability of classical music as physical and digital releases. Results suggest that public domain status of related rights favours the availability and re-releases of classical music in physical and digital formats. The emergence of music streaming services in EU member states and catalogue-wide licensing moderate effects over time. We however find little evidence that public domain status of author rights affects the distribution of classical music in digital or physical channels. We contemplate the implications of our results for intellectual property policy.
World Intellectual Property Indicators 2024
World Intellectual Property Indicators is the annual survey of intellectual property (IP) activity around the world carried out by WIPO, the United Nations specialized agency for innovation and IP. This authoritative report analyzes IP activity around the globe. Drawing on 2023 filing, registration and renewals statistics from national and regional IP offices and WIPO, World Intellectual Property Indicators covers patents, utility models, trademarks, industrial designs, microorganisms, plant variety protection and geographical indications.
Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights
Third edition
This third edition of Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights presents an in-depth revision with invaluable updates on the different systems, legislative options and best practices of CMOs worldwide. As with previous editions, the book is written to reach a wide audience, with a special focus on questions that might emerge for governments as they prepare, adopt and apply collective management norms and regulations. The edition also sheds light on new copyright and related rights developments, including digital, technological and business trends, from all over the world. Additionally, there is detailed discussion on topics such as aspects of competition, national treatment, and different models of collective management.
Creative Expression: An Introduction to Copyright and Related Rights for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
Creative Expression in the "Intellectual Property for Business” series of guides provides an introduction to copyright and related rights for business managers and entrepreneurs, explaining in simple language those aspects of copyright law and practice that affect the business strategies of enterprises. This revised and updated version has added content on some of the pressing issues of the day arising from the digital revolution; on levy systems, cloud storage, etc., as well as updated information on the new WIPO treaties such as the rights of performers in audiovisual performances in the Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual Performances and access to the visually impaired under the Marrakesh treaty.
Publication year: 2023
World Intellectual Property Indicators 2022
This authoritative report analyzes IP activity around the globe. Drawing on 2021 filing, registration and in force statistics from national and regional IP offices, it covers patents, utility models, trademarks, industrial designs, microorganisms, plant variety protection and geographical indications. The report also draws on survey data and industry sources to give a picture of activity in the creative economy.
The Global Publishing Industry in 2021
This report provides a global overview of the publishing industry in 2021, covering both trade and education. Data is compiled by WIPO in collaboration with Centro Regional para el Fomento del Libro en América Latina y el Caribe (CERLALC), the Federation of European Publishers (FEP), the International ISBN Agency, the International Publishers Association (IPA), and the Nielsen Company. The survey focuses on published materials with an ISBN or DOI. It aims to make industry data accessible and highlight challenges in reporting consistent data.
World Intellectual Property Indicators 2023
This authoritative report analyzes IP activity around the globe. Drawing on 2022 filing, registration and in force statistics from national and regional IP offices, it covers patents, utility models, trademarks, industrial designs, microorganisms, plant variety protection and geographical indications. The report also draws on survey data and industry sources to give a picture of activity in the creative economy.
Ars longa, vita brevis: The death of the creator and the impact on exhibitions and auction markets
Economic Research Working Paper No.76
This paper studies the death effect on artists' exhibitions and commercial success in the secondary art market. Based on a random sample of 1'000 popular artists born after the turn of the 20th century, we construct a novel panel data set of their worldwide exhibition history and auction transactions. By applying a regression discontinuity and event study design, we find an overall negative effect of artist death on the number of exhibitions. However, this post mortem effect disappears in longer term. Roughly ten years after death, exhibitions are back to pre-death levels. Arguably, transaction cost and higher auction prices after death also temporarily increase the average cost of exhibiting artworks, e.g. higher market valuation raises (unobserved) insurance cost for exhibitions. Hedonic auction price models confirm this intuition and suggest a significant price premium posthumously. We find substantial heterogeneity in the treatment depending on the age and reputation of the artist at death. Overall findings explain important mechanisms for the post mortem value of artistic work and have important policy implications for the creative sectors and the design of legacy stewardship rules, including a possible justification for rights granted post mortem such as copyright.
Digitization and Availability of Artworks in Online Museum Collections
Economic Research Working Paper No.75
We provide quantitative evidence from museum collections about how copyright status affects the availability of digital images of artworks. The paper applies a regression discontinuity and differences-in-differences design to estimate online availability of artworks from U.S. collections on digital platforms. We find a strong increase in the availability of digital surrogates when copyright is perceived to expire and original artworks are likely to transition to the public domain. Moreover, artworks and surrogates made available see a large number of downstream reuses based on google image search data, which indicates online availability is of commercial and public value independent of right status. Notably, we show that upstream surrogates of public domain artworks made available by museums are positively correlated with higher image resolution quality as compared to digitized artworks still protected under copyright laws. At the same time, it seems expressed industry norms can help encourage U.S. museums to also make low-resolution surrogates of copyrighted artworks available.
How to Make a Living from Music
Creative industries - third edition
Building a successful career in music includes managing intellectual property (IP) rights. WIPO supports authors and performers in enhancing their knowledge of the intellectual property aspects involved in their professional work. Copyright and related rights can help musical authors and performers generate additional income from their talent.
The Global Publishing Industry in 2022
This report provides a global overview of the publishing industry in 2022, covering both trade and education. Data is compiled by WIPO in collaboration with Centro Regional para el Fomento del Libro en América Latina y el Caribe (CERLALC), the Federation of European Publishers (FEP), the International ISBN Agency, the International Publishers Association (IPA), and the Nielsen Company. The survey focuses on published materials with an ISBN or DOI. It aims to make industry data accessible and highlight challenges in reporting consistent data.
Collective Management of Text and Image-Based Works
Collective Management of Text and Image-Based Works offers a general description of collective management of copyright in the text and image sector. It provides insight into the legislative framework and national operational systems in different parts of the world.
IP assets and film finance - a primer on standard practices in the U.S.
Economic Research Working Paper No. 74
This research summarizes the basic economics of film finance and standard practices in the U.S. movie industry. It shows how risk and uncertainty around new film finance are managed by the private sector and what market-based solutions have been developed to mitigate risk in the sector. Based on a series of expert interviews and exploratory data analysis, the research presents the most common types of financial deals on the ground and reoccurring funding practices for new film production and distribution in the past twenty years, including a discussion of most recent trends and digital changes in the sector. In particular, the research highlights the prominent role of intellectual property (IP) in financial transactions of the movie industry and it discusses policy options in the U.S. and beyond to better leverage IP assets for financing purposes.
Access to science and innovation in the developing world
Economic Research Working Paper No.78
We examine the implications of lowering barriers to online access to scientific publications for science and innovation in developing countries. We investigate whether and how free or low-cost access to scientific publications through the UN-led Research For Life (R4L) initiative leads to more scientific publications and clinical trials of authors affiliated with research institutions in developing countries. We find that free or reduced-fee access to the health science literature through Hinari (WHO-led subprogramme) increases the scientific publication output and clinical trials output of institutions in developing countries. In contrast, once we control for selection bias, we do not find empirical support for a positive Hinari effect on knowledge spillovers and local institutions' research input into global patenting, as measured by paper citations in patent documents. Main findings can be generalized to other R4L subprogrammes and are likely to also apply to the WIPO-led Access to Research for Development and Innovation (ARDI) programme.
Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property: An Economic Perspective
Economic Research Working Paper No.77
The emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has profound implications for intellectual property (IP) frameworks. While much of the discussion so far has focused on the legal implications, we focus on the economic dimension. We dissect AI's role as both a facilitator and disruptor of innovation and creativity. Recalling economic principles and reviewing relevant literature, we explore the evolving landscape of AI innovation incentives and the challenges it poses to existing IP frameworks. From patentability dilemmas to copyright conundrums, we find that there is a delicate balance between fostering innovation and safeguarding societal interests amidst rapid technological progress. We also point to areas where future economic research could offer valuable insights to policymakers.
Boosting Tourism Development through Intellectual Property
This publication helps non-IP specialists understand the connection between IP, tourism and culture. Through multiple case studies, it illustrates how existing and potential IP tools, in particular branding and copyright, can add value to tourism services and products. It explains how to include IP in tourism policies, product development and destination branding, and shows how different IP rights can be leveraged for fundraising purposes.
IP Training Institutions Brochure
Learn more about the WIPO Academy's support to Member States in establishing self-sustaining IPTIs
Publication year: 2020
What is Intellectual Property?
Intellectual property (IP) refers to creations of the mind – everything from works of art to inventions, computer programs to trademarks and other commercial signs. This booklet introduces the main types of IP and explains how the law protects them. It also introduces the work of WIPO, the global forum for IP services, policy, information and cooperation.
Exclusive content and platform competition in Latin America
Economic Research Working Paper No. 63
Platforms often compete over non-price strategies such as the exclusive distribution of products. But these strategies are not always welfare-enhancing. Using rich data on audiovisuals distributed on platforms in Brazil, we find that non-exclusive distribution and availability of titles across platforms is more effective in deterring online piracy than in the single homing case. Moreover, in certain markets (TVOD), it induces higher average investment in the production of new titles upstream. We discuss options of copyright and antitrust policies in the light of these findings.
The Global Publishing Industry in 2018
This study provides an overview of the global publishing industry in 2018, covering publishing revenue, the number of titles published and the number copies sold. The report presents the latest publishing statistics compiled from the following sources: (a) the IPA–WIPO publishing survey, (b) the Centro Regional para el Fomento del Libro en América Latina y el Caribe (CERLALC), (c) WIPO's legal deposits survey, (d) the Nielsen Company, (e) the International ISBN Agency, and (f) the Web of Science database.
Publication year: 2019
Grand rights and opera reuse today
Economic Research Working Paper No. 62
This article studies the economic role of grand rights in the incentives to stage and reuse works from the opera canon. It complements previous research on the incentives to create new opera (Giorcelli and Moser, 2020) in the way it looks at copyright taxing availability and follow-on creativity around works. Based on a unique dataset of global opera performances, we find that changes in copyright status increase the number of total performances individual works receive on stage once copyright expires. Moreover, we provide preliminary evidence on chilling, long-term effects of status around premiering operas and revivals at the beginning of the copyright term. Based on these findings, we discuss limitations of the study and novel options for copyright policy frameworks.
Batman forever? The economics of overlapping rights
Economic Research Working Paper No. 61
When copyrighted comic characters are also protected under trademark laws, intellectual property (IP) rights can be overlapping. Arguably, registering a trademark can increase transaction costs for cross-media uses of characters, or it can help advertise across multiple sales channels. In an application to book, movie and video game publishing industries, we thus ask how creative reuse (innovation in uses) is affected in situations of overlapping rights, and whether ‘fuzzy boundaries' of right frameworks are in fact enhancing or decreasing content sales.
Enterprising Ideas
A Guide to Intellectual Property for Startups
This publication introduces startups to IP. Through step-by-step guidance, useful case studies and simple checklists, it illustrates how small businesses can use IP to remain competitive and manage risks. Written for startups bringing an innovative technology-based solution to market, the guide will be useful to any entrepreneur wanting to get to grips with the IP system.
The Global Publishing Industry in 2016
A Pilot Survey by the IPA and WIPO
The International Publishers Association (IPA) and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) joined forces to pilot a new survey of global publishing activity in 2016. The survey covered three market segments: retail; educational; and scholarly, academic and scientific (SAS) publishing. In total, 35 national publishers associations and copyright authorities responded to the survey.
Publication year: 2018
Intellectual Property Basics: A Q&A for Students
Compiled by the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) with the support of the WIPO China Funds-in-Trust, this book gives students a basic yet comprehensive understanding of IP. Using a question-and-answer format, it covers the general rules of the IP system as well as the essentials of patents, copyright, trademarks and other forms of IP, such as industrial designs, geographical indications and traditional knowledge.
The Global Publishing Industry in 2017
This study provides an overview of the global publishing industry in 2017. Based on data from a survey by the International Publishers Association and WIPO with responses from 56 countries, the study reports on publishing revenue, the number of titles published and the number sold, and ranks the top global publishers.
Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who Are Blind, Visually Impaired or Otherwise Print Disabled
The full text of the Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who Are Blind, Visually Impaired, or Otherwise Print Disabled.
Publication year: 2013
Management of Rights in Dramatic Works
Educational Material on Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights - Module 6
WIPO commissioned this publication - with the support of the Norwegian Copyright Development Association (Norcode) - to be used as reference material in various training activities on collective management.
Publication year: 2014
Management of Rights for Visual Arts and Photography
Educational Material on Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights - Module 5
Management of Rights in Print and Publishing
Educational Material on Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights - Module 4
Management of Copyright and Related Rights in the Audiovisual Field
Educational Material on Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights - Module 3
Management of Copyright and Related Rights in the Field of Music
Educational Material on Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights - Module 2
General Aspects of Collective Management
Educational Material on Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights - Module 1
WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty (WPPT)
The Treaty deals with intellectual property rights of two categories of beneficiary: (i) performers (actors, singers, musicians, etc.), and (ii) producers of phonograms (the persons or legal entities who or which take the initiative and have the responsibility for the fixation of the sounds).
Publication year: 1996
WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT)
The Treaty mentions two subject matters to be protected by copyright, (i) computer programs, whatever may be the mode or form of their expression, and (ii) compilations of data or other material (databases), in any form, which by reason of the selection or arrangement of their contents constitute intellectual creations. Where a database does not constitute such a creation, it is outside the scope of this Treaty.
International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organisations (Rome Convention)
The Rome Convention secures protection in performances for performers, in phonograms for producers of phonograms and in broadcasts for broadcasting organizations.
Publication year: 1961
Convention for the Protection of Producers of Phonograms Against Unauthorized Duplication of Their Phonograms
The Convention deals with the obligation of each Contracting State to protect a producer of phonograms who is a national of another Contracting State against the making of duplicates without the consent of the producer; against the importation of such duplicates, where the making or importation is for the purposes of distribution to the public; and against the distribution of such duplicates to the public.
Publication year: 1973
Convention Relating to the Distribution of Programme-Carrying Signals Transmitted by Satellite
The Convention deals with the obligation of each Contracting State to take adequate measures to prevent the unauthorized distribution on or from its territory of any programme-carrying signal transmitted by satellite.
Publication year: 1974
Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual Performances
The Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual Performances was adopted by the Diplomatic Conference on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances, which took place in Beijing from June 20 to 26, 2012. The Treaty deals with the intellectual property rights of performers in audiovisual performances.
Publication year: 2012
Intellectual Property and Folk, Arts and Cultural Festivals
Practical Guide
This Guide provides general information about intellectual property (IP) and cultural interests. It identifies the main IP challenges faced by festival organizers and outlines some practical elements of an effective IP management strategy, following a step-by-step approach.
Joining the International Copyright System: What's At Stake?
This booklet introduces the copyright treaties administered by WIPO, identifies some of the potential benefits they offer, and outlines the steps that countries need to take in order to join the international copyright system.
Publication year: 2017
Unpacking predictors of income and income satisfaction for artists
Economic Research Working Paper No. 50
The stereotype of the “starving artist” is pervasive in modern Western culture, but previous research on artists and income is mixed. The goal of this study is to explore how several demographic variables, along with self-reported behaviors and artistic activities associated with non-monetary and monetary motivators, predict income and income satisfaction for artists.Using unique survey data on current working artists in the United States, we provide empirical evidence on substantial reputational rewards and rewards from altruistic behaviors as important sources of artists' utility and, arguably, sources of their motivation to create new works. Moreover, we find that the evidence on “procedural” utility from working in the arts is less straightforward, and we find that many artists are pooling and diversifying financial risks on household levels. Overall, quantitative findings indicate that artists may have different criteria and conceptualizations when it comes to income, and they may derive value from their work in a variety of ways aside from income.
Creators' Income Situation in the Digital Age
Economic Research Working Paper No. 49
The digital transformation imposes both opportunities and risks for creativity and for creative employment, with implications for trends in income levels and the distribution of income. First, we consider skill-biased technological change as a determinant of income and labor market outcomes in the arts. Arguably, the IT revolution has changed the demand for certain skills, with creative occupations being more in demand than general employment. Second, we consider declines in the costs of generating new works and artistic experimentation due to digital technologies, and their effect on the barriers to entry in labor markets. Third, we touch upon the rise of online contract labor in certain creative professions as a determinant of income. Here, online platforms can change creators' access to work opportunities and it may alter the way income is distributed. We find that wage trends for creative workers in the digital age outperform general trends in the population: based on various data sources and various ways to identify creators, we see creators losing less or even gaining a better income position in relative terms. From a policy perspective, results do not lend support to the idea that creators' income situation has systematically worsened with the rise of the internet and its intermediaries. Evidence on changing distributions of income is ambiguous as trends differ from one country to the next.
International Survey on Private Copying - Law and Practice 2013
The present survey represents a collection of key data on private copying compensation systems around the world. It appears now in its 23rd edition which, for the second time, is the result of collaboration between the Private Copying Collection body in the Netherlands Stichting de Thuiskopie and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
How to Make a Living in the Creative Industries
This booklet explains simply and clearly how copyright helps creative people to earn money from their original works. It is designed for people who may already work in the cultural and creative industries, or who may be contemplating a career in them, as well as for individual creators, policy makers, academics, and business support agencies working in the field. It is accessible to non-specialists or newcomers to the subject of copyright and intellectual property rights.
Comparative Analysis of National Approaches of the Liability of the Internet Intermediaries – Part 2
In this study, Professor Fernández-Diéz seeks to identify the possible commonalities among different liability doctrines. The study is divided into two parts, the second containing a conclusion resulting from the Survey (first part) which defines trends and commonalities in the treatment of the responsibility of Internet intermediaries.
Publication year: 2010
Comparative Analysis of National Approaches of the Liability of the Internet Intermediaries - Part I
In this study, Professor Seng seeks to identify the possible commonalities among different liability doctrines. The study is divided into two parts, the first consisting of a “Survey of National Legislation and Jurisprudence on the Liability of Internet Intermediaries in the Field of Copyright and Related Rights”, covering 30 jurisdictions.
Scoping Study on Copyright and Related Rights and the Public Domain
This study assesses the scope of the public domain, as defined by copyright laws, history and philosophy, before turning to the issue of its effectiveness and greater availability to the public and society at large.
The Role and Responsibility of Internet Intermediaries in the Field of Copyright and Related Rights
This study aims to identify the trends and principles governing the changing role of Internet intermediaries, summarizing the evolution of business models and outlining the complex issues to be considered in developing public policy in this field.
Comparative Analysis of National Approaches on Voluntary Copyright Relinquishment
This report is divided into three main sections. First, the report looks at copyright relinquishment in the context of current copyright law and doctrine, including issues such as the nature of protection, irrevocability and moral rights. The second section of the report is a survey of national legislation and jurisprudence on the subject. Finally, the report considers practical issues surrounding public domain dedications by looking at examples of institutions and individuals who might be interested in donating their copyright.
The Legal Status of Video Games: Comparative Analysis in National Approaches
This report analyzes the classification that each country has adopted for video games, and provides, in the final section, a tentative classification of these complex works, considering their nature, the elements they are made of and the creative process.
Adaptation of The Copyright Laws of Countries in Transition to the New Technologies; Accession to, and Implementation of the WIPO Internet Treaties
This Study offers a comprehensive analysis of the way the national laws of “countries in transition” have been adopted to new technologies.
Typical Features of Copyright in Countries in Transition: Review of the Transition Process – Guidance for its Completion where it may still be needed
This Study presents special features of the copyright laws and institutions of countries in transition and aims to help with modernizing the laws on copyright and neighboring rights, adapting them to an appropriate interpretation of the existing conventions and to the newly emerging international standards by eliminating the elements of the laws which followed from the centrally-planned, collectivist systems. The goal is to appropriately reflect the legitimate interests of employers and producers, making the enforcement more efficient and eliminating over-regulation.
Accessible Books Consortium:
Bringing books to persons with print disabilities
The Accessible Books Consortium (ABC) is an alliance that comprises WIPO, organizations that serve persons with print disabilities and organizations that represent authors and publishers.
Neighboring Rights
Collective Management Organizations – Tool Kit
This WIPO toolkit offers a practical approach to the collective management of copyright and related rights.
Publication year: 2016
Musical Works and Audio-Visual Works
International Survey on Text and Image Copyright Levies
2015 Edition
The second ‘International Survey of Text and Image Copyright Levies', jointly published by WIPO and IFRRO analyzes the origins, scope and current use of text and image copyright levies around the world. It shows the role of this mechanism for ensuring easy legal access to copyright material and its major differences with audio and audio-visual private copying levies. The Survey is based on data from IFRRO members and provides and overview of this important income stream for copyright holders.
Publication year: 2015
International Survey on Private Copying - Law and Practice 2015
The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the Dutch collecting society for private copying remunerations, Stichting de Thuiskopie, are pleased to present the third joint publication on the law and practice of private copying systems around the world. The survey provides a global view of private copying compensation (also known as private copying levies), an important element of copyright and related rights infrastructure. It aims to facilitate evidence-based decision-making and to provide an update on important developments in the private copying law and practice of countries that have such an exception in their legal arsenals.
The Economics of Copyright and the Internet: Moving to an Empirical Assessment Relevant in the Digital Era
Economic Research Working Paper No. 9
Technology and the Internet have triggered important changes to how creative works are created and accessed, and how creators and copyright-based industries generate their revenues. The authors reassess the economics of copyright in the light of these changes. After providing an introduction to the economics of copyright, they analyze the changes to the baseline copyright model triggered by the new technological landscape. Then, they assess the empirical economic work on copyright so far, and suggest future avenues of research and related data needs.
2014 Edition
The publication provides an international overview of the functioning of the various models of text and image levies which are currently in operation across the world. The survey demonstrates that the practice of operating levies is a commonly used way to provide authors and publishers with remuneration for certain uses of their copyright works.
WIPO Review of Contractual Considerations in the Audiovisual Sector
This review is a condensed, yet comprehensive, panorama of all the key aspects of performers' contracts in the audiovisual industry and the various ways in which these may serve the interests of both performers and producers.
Copyright and Related Rights Cases in the Field of Music in the Asia-Pacific Region
With the development of digital technology, the laws and legal disputes of copyright and related rights have known a dynamism reflecting this evolution. This publication is an informative collection of legal decisions made by the courts of countries in the Asia and the Pacific region. It provides summaries of a number of salient cases in the field of music, and offers some very interesting insights into the different ways in which copyright and related rights are being handled in various jurisdictions. It aims to be a useful reference for the many professionals who are seeking to navigate the music industry's increasingly complex legal and commercial landscape. This case book was prepared with the assistance of the Funds-in-Trust of the Republic of Korea.
Publication year: 2011
Copyright Collective Management in Music
Presented in the form of a theoretical and practical guide, this posthumous publication by the late Dr. Ulrich Uchtenhagen concerns the stages in the setting-up of a collective management society in the field of music and the society's operation. The work describes the essential activities and mechanisms as well as the fundamental principles required for sound collective management. It provides clear explanations of the complex notions of a system which is essential for authors, composers and music publishers throughout the world who seek protection and wish to be rewarded for their work.
Publication year: 2005
An Introduction to the Economics of Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights
Collective Management as a Business Strategy for Creators
An introduction to the economic theory surrounding collective management of copyright
International Survey on Private Copying - Law and Practice 2012
This publication describes national systems on compensation for private copying and provides available data on their operation in different countries around the world. The survey offers a global overview of this important element of the copyright infrastructure and is the result of collaboration between WIPO and the Private Copying Collection body in the Netherlands.
2016 Edition
The third ‘International Survey of Text and Image Copyright Levies', jointly published by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the International Federation of Reprographic Rights Organizations (IFRRO) builds on and updates the first two surveys published in 2014 and 2015, and analyzes the origins, scope and current use of these levies around the world, and their role in ensuring easy legal access to copyright material. The Survey also shows how and why text and image (TI) levies are different from audio and audio-visual private copying levies. As with the first two surveys, it uses data from IFRRO members, collated and presented by Paul Greenwood, a consultant, with the assistance of representatives of IFRRO members and the IFRRO Secretariat. The methodology and scope are unchanged.
International Survey on Private Copying - Law and Practice 2016
The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the Dutch collecting society for private copying remunerations, Stichting de Thuiskopie, are pleased to present the fourth joint publication on the law and practice of private copying systems around the world. The survey provides a global view of private copying compensation (also known as private copying levies), an important element of copyright and related rights infrastructure. It aims to facilitate evidence-based decision-making and to provide an update on important developments in the private copying law and practice of countries that have such an exception in their legal arsenals.
Monetization of Copyright Assets by Creative Enterprises
Creative Industries - Booklet 7
The objective of this study is to create an awareness of intellectual property rights that are associated with creative activities and to present financial and valuation tools that can enable the quantification of the monetary value of successful creative efforts.
Guide to the Copyright and Related Rights Treaties Administered by WIPO and Glossary of Copyright and Related Rights Terms
This Guide seeks to clarify and explain the legal principles enshrined in the copyright and related rights treaties administered by WIPO, and their relationship with policy, economic, cultural and technological considerations. It will be particularly helpful to governments, creators, businesses, the legal profession, academics, consumers and students in all WIPO Member States.
Publication year: 2004
Guide on Surveying the Economic Contribution of the Copyright-Based Industries
The Guide contains information and recommendations for research teams and copyright professionals studying the contribution of the copyright-based industries to the national economy. This publication is intended as a practical tool to facilitate national and regional surveys. The Guide lays out the thrust of the main legal, economic and statistical concepts, relevant to the survey. This Guide also contains a glossary of copyright terms.
Managing Creative Enterprises
Creative industries - Booklet no. 3
This introductory booklet is intended to be used by creative individuals and business entrepreneurs both (1) as a tool to understand the specifics of the creative market and the major challenges facing creative enterprises in terms of financing, marketing or managing intellectual property assets, and (2) as a practical guide to assist managers and creators in addressing these challenges and setting up and running viable creative businesses.
Publication year: 2006
Managing Intellectual Property in the Advertising Industry
Creative Industries - Booklet no. 5
This study will address various IP-related issues that are important for the efficient management of companies active in creating and implementing advertising content and campaigns.
Managing Intellectual Property in the Book Publishing Industry
Creative industries - Booklet no. 1
This introductory booklet on managing intellectual property in the book publishing industry is for publishers who wish to increase their understanding of how to manage intellectual property rights in a business context. The booklet offers practical information to help publishers both to exploit intellectual property rights as economic assets, and to avoid infringing the rights of others. While focusing primarily on publishers of trade books, the concepts covered are equally relevant to publishers of other printed literature, such as textbooks, newspapers, magazines and corporate literature.
Publication year: 2007
Managing Intellectual Property for Museums
This Guide, prepared by Rina Elster Pantalony, was recently updated to reflect the tremendous developments since it was first published in 2007, in particular Digital Rights Management, the role of social media as a business opportunity and traditional knowledge. The two-part Guide first describes IP issues relevant to museums then reviews existing business models that could provide museums with appropriate opportunities to create sustainable funding, and deliver on their stated objectives.
The Setting-up of New Copyright Societies
The document provides short explanations, on the different steps, conditions and on the various parameters indispensable for the creation of a collective management organization for musical works. It includes an interesting work plan indicating in a time frame the different stages necessary for achieving such goal.
From Artist to Audience
A WIPO booklet produced in cooperation with the International Confederation of Societies of Authors (CISAC) and the International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organisations (IFRRO), aims to answer questions by exploring one way in which the copyright and related rights system works, namely through the collective management of rights.
Copyright Comic Book
This comic book narrates the adventures of four teenagers who learn what copyright is and how they and society at large can benefit from copyright. While the WIPO comic books are primarily geared towards students from 8 to 12 years' old, higher-level students and adults have found them useful in providing a basic understanding of IP issues.
Publication year: 2001