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Supporting Industrial Property for Shared Prosperity
The Japan Funds-in-Trust for Industrial Property in Asia and the Pacific
This booklet introduces the work and highlights some of the many success stories of the Japan Funds-in-Trust for Industrial Property in Asia and the Pacific, a collaboration between Japan and WIPO.
Publication year: 2017
World Intellectual Property Indicators - 2017
An authoritative annual survey of IP activity around the globe. As well as filing, registration and maintenance of patents, utility models, trademarks, industrial designs, microorganisms and plant variety protection, the 2017 edition also covers geographical indications for the first time, making it even more comprehensive. A special section on the operational performance of patent offices takes an in-depth look at application processing times, examination capacity and examination outcomes.
Joining the International Copyright System: What's At Stake?
This booklet introduces the copyright treaties administered by WIPO, identifies some of the potential benefits they offer, and outlines the steps that countries need to take in order to join the international copyright system.
Guidance on WIPO FRAND Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
This document has been developed by the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center (WIPO Center) and takes into account comments by telecom stakeholders, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) Legal Department, WIPO Arbitrators and Mediators, and the Munich IPDR Forum.
Understanding the dynamics of global value chains for solar photovoltaic technologies
Economic Research Working Paper No. 40
China dominates the global solar photovoltaic (PV) value chain, while 15 years ago the demand and supply were located in few Western economies. In this process, the PV industry has seen a booming demand, drastic price decreases along the supply chain, and fierce competition among surviving companies. This paper seeks to understand how this spatial shift has occurred and its drivers, with a specific focus on the role of intangible assets and intellectual property.
Intangible assets and value capture in global value chains: the smartphone industry
Economic Research Working Paper No. 41
This report uses data on individual smart phones as well as industry data to identify which smartphone firms capture the most value. It finds that Apple captures most of the industry profits, thanks to its high prices, large profit margins and the volume of iPhone sales worldwide. Apple's success is explained as a result of its ability to develop its own intellectual property (IP) and take advantage of IP created by suppliers through a strategy of selling only a few models at high prices compared to competitors.
The powerful role of intangibles in the coffee value chain
Economic Research Working Paper No. 39
The paper describes: a) the coffee industry and its GVC structure; b) the role that intangible assets play in value creation from both the supply and demand perspective; and c) the current and potential role of intellectual property tools in creating and retaining value, as well as providing economic upgrade options.
A missing link in the analysis of global value chains: cross-border flows of intangible assets, taxation and related measurement implications
Economic Research Working Paper No. 37
Understanding cross-border flows of disembodied knowledge, often associated with intellectual property (IP), is essential to analyzing how modern economies operate. This paper documents how available data to document these IP flows are distorted by various factors, including tax planning by multinational enterprises. It finds that tax-induced mismeasurement could be more than 35%, and greater for individual countries particularly high-tax-rate countries.
Measuring the income to intangibles in goods production: a global value chain approach
Economic Research Working Paper No. 36
Today's production processes are fragmented across countries and industries. Intangibles play an important role, but their measurement is elusive. This paper proposes a new empirical framework to measure factor incomes in production that spans industries and countries.
WIPO Magazine, Issue 6/2017 (December)
The WIPO Magazine explores intellectual property, creativity and innovation in action across the world.