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WIPO Patent Drafting Manual
Second edition
The WIPO Patent Drafting Manual helps inventors and their advisors acquire the technical skills needed to prepare and file well-drafted patent applications. Covering both theory and practice, the manual takes the user through the process of preparing, drafting, filing, amending and prosecuting patent applications. The drafting of both claims and descriptions are explained in detail, with tips and illustrations.
Publication year: 2023
Country Perspectives The United Kingdom's Journey
The United Kingdom's Journey in the “Unlocking IP-backed Financing Series” provides an overview of the IP finance landscape in the UK. This includes an overview of the types of IP finance used in the UK, the regulatory and non-regulatory obstacles affecting its use, as well as the role of Government and plans for the future to help SMEs unlock access to IP finance.
Country Perspectives Singapore's Journey
As the value of intangible assets including intellectual property (IA/IP) increases, governments are recognizing the need for enterprises to proactively protect, manage and commercialize them to derive maximum benefit for enterprises and the overall economy. This report gives an account of Singapore's IA/IP financing journey – the initiatives and the challenges faced, as well as the next steps on the journey to unlock IA/IP financing for innovative enterprises.
Hague System Information Kit
Secure protection for up to 100 designs, in over 90 countries, through one international application.
An overview of the Hague System with legal and procedural information for securing protection of your designs in more than 90 countries through one online application.
The WIPO Academy Portfolio of Education, Training and Skills Development Programs 2023
This Portfolio serves as a catalogue of all the training opportunities to be offered by the WIPO Academy in 2023 and outlines the content of each course. It gives information to potential participants on eligibility criteria, application formalities, timelines, selection procedures, travel and other relevant necessary information.
Creative Expression: An Introduction to Copyright and Related Rights for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
Creative Expression in the "Intellectual Property for Business” series of guides provides an introduction to copyright and related rights for business managers and entrepreneurs, explaining in simple language those aspects of copyright law and practice that affect the business strategies of enterprises. This revised and updated version has added content on some of the pressing issues of the day arising from the digital revolution; on levy systems, cloud storage, etc., as well as updated information on the new WIPO treaties such as the rights of performers in audiovisual performances in the Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual Performances and access to the visually impaired under the Marrakesh treaty.
WIPO Collection of Leading Judgments on Intellectual Property Rights
Members of the African Intellectual Property Organization (1997-2018)
This casebook of selected judgments from the member states of the African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI) is the second volume in the WIPO Collection of Leading Judgments on Intellectual Property Rights. This collection gives the global intellectual property (IP) community access to landmark judgments from jurisdictions that are among the most dynamic litigation venues or whose jurisprudence is not readily available to an international audience, through a succession of volumes that illustrate IP adjudication approaches and trends by jurisdiction or by theme.
Hague Yearly Review 2023
International Registration of Industrial Designs
Comprehensive facts, figures and analysis of the international registration of industrial designs.
COVID-19 vaccines and therapeutics
Insights into related patenting activity throughout the pandemic - Patent Landscape Reports
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic there have been remarkable research and innovation efforts to fight the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the COVID-19 disease. This report provides observations based on a comprehensive review of the patenting activity that took place in the field of COVID-19 vaccines and therapeutics and builds on the insights discussed in the first WIPO COVID-19 Patent Landscape Report published in March 2022.
An International Guide to Patent Case Management for Judges
Produced with the support of the University of California at Berkeley School of Law and the Berkeley Judicial Institute, this Guide highlights the progress achieved in patent case management in ten patent-heavy jurisdictions. The Guide offers an overview of the patent system in each jurisdiction, including the role of patent offices in evaluating and deciding on patent validity, and the judicial structures responsible for resolving patent disputes. Thereafter chapters are structured on the different stages of patent litigation in civil infringement cases. Readers can create their own custom guide by selecting any combination of jurisdictions and topics covered in the Guide. Please see the custom guide link below or visit:
Guide to the International Patent Classification (2023)
This Guide provides information on the objectives, history and reform of the International Patent Classification (IPC) as well as assistance in the use of the IPC.
Intellectual property offices and sustainable innovation
Implementing the SDGs in national intellectual property systems
This study has been commissioned by WIPO Japan Office, in collaboration with WIPO's Special Representative on the UN SDGs to identify examples of good practice among IP offices in supporting the achievement of SDGs. Using a combination of primary and secondary research (survey data and published materials), a cross-section of offices has been examined.
The Global Gender Gap in Innovation and Creativity: An International Comparison of the Gender Gap in Global Patenting over Two Decades
WIPO Development Studies
This report analyzes women's participation in international patent applications between 1999 and 2020 and finds that women are involved in only 23% of all applications, representing 13% of all inventors listed. Women's participation in patenting varies across regions, sectors, and industries, with higher representation in biotechnology, food chemistry, and pharmaceuticals, and lower in mechanical engineering. Women inventors are more prevalent in academia than in the private sector, and typically work in mostly-male teams or alone. Achieving gender parity will require significant effort, with an estimated target year of 2061 based on current trends.
The Global Publishing Industry in 2021
This report provides a global overview of the publishing industry in 2021, covering both trade and education. Data is compiled by WIPO in collaboration with Centro Regional para el Fomento del Libro en América Latina y el Caribe (CERLALC), the Federation of European Publishers (FEP), the International ISBN Agency, the International Publishers Association (IPA), and the Nielsen Company. The survey focuses on published materials with an ISBN or DOI. It aims to make industry data accessible and highlight challenges in reporting consistent data.
Patent Landscape Report
Production of titanium and titanium dioxide from ilmenite and related applications
This report provides a landscape of the patent activity on the process of extracting titanium dioxide or titanium metal from ilmenite ore. In addition, a section on the industrial applications of titanium dioxide and titanium metal focuses on selected applications, such as ceramics, medical technology, electrodes for batteries, cosmetics, coatings and water treatment. This WIPO Patent Landscape Report aims to help policy and decision makers identify opportunities for ilmenite processing technologies and applications.
COVID-19, Innovative Firms and Resilience
Economic Research Working Paper No. 73
This paper explores the empirical association between patents and various indicators of firm resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic with worldwide firm-level data from manufacturing industries. The study shows that patent-intensive firms have a reduced probability of exit, in particular if they are larger and if engaging with complementary investments in R&D and other intangibles. Additional estimates show that firm productivity has been an important transmission channel. Taken together, the results presented in the paper offer evidence-based findings pointing to patents as an important potential factor contributing to firm resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic. Policy insights are discussed.
Patent Landscape Report - Graphite and its applications
This WIPO Patent Landscape Report examines global graphite-related patenting activity in the last decade. In addition, the report uses market and business information to assess the current state of graphite technologies and identify innovation hot topics, as well as examining both better-studied areas and the emerging uses of graphite.
Guidelines for designing an IP survey
Surveys based on intellectual property (IP) can be a valuable tool in designing innovation and IP policies. This short guide outlines best practices for designing IP-related surveys, with the aim of promoting their adoption by governments and researchers keen to understand the economic behavior of stakeholders in the IP system and design policies to assist its development.
Global Innovation Index 2023, 16th Edition
Innovation in the face of uncertainty
The Global Innovation Index 2023 (GII) takes the pulse of innovation against a background of an economic and geopolitical environment fraught with uncertainty. Tracking the most recent global innovation trends, the GII finds that – despite a climate of disquiet and a decline in risk capital investment – opportunities abound as a result of the incipient Digital Age and Deep Science innovation waves. At its core, the GII 2023 reveals who is leading in global innovation, ranking the innovation performance of 132 economies and highlighting their strengths and weaknesses. In addition, it identifies the world's top 100 science and technology clusters. The GII is a “tool for action” regarding innovation policy. Governments around the world have used the GII to benchmark innovation performance, perfect innovation metrics and, ultimately, to shape evidence-based innovation policymaking. In the context of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), since 2019, the GII has been recognized by the United Nations General Assembly to be a benchmark for measuring innovation, including more recently in a post-pandemic environment.
World Intellectual Property Indicators 2023
This authoritative report analyzes IP activity around the globe. Drawing on 2022 filing, registration and in force statistics from national and regional IP offices, it covers patents, utility models, trademarks, industrial designs, microorganisms, plant variety protection and geographical indications. The report also draws on survey data and industry sources to give a picture of activity in the creative economy.
Intellectual Property (IP) Education in Business Schools
A Global Perspective
How do business schools equip budding entrepreneurs and business students with the IP skills needed for a global knowledge economy? To get a more informed view of the extent of IP education in business schools, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) undertook this study in collaboration with the Global Business School Network (GBSN). The study shows that IP is taught to some degree in the vast majority of business schools surveyed, but that more can be done, reinforcing the importance of collaboration among stakeholders of the innovation ecosystem, including IP governing bodies, business and educational institutions.
Ars longa, vita brevis: The death of the creator and the impact on exhibitions and auction markets
Economic Research Working Paper No.76
This paper studies the death effect on artists' exhibitions and commercial success in the secondary art market. Based on a random sample of 1'000 popular artists born after the turn of the 20th century, we construct a novel panel data set of their worldwide exhibition history and auction transactions. By applying a regression discontinuity and event study design, we find an overall negative effect of artist death on the number of exhibitions. However, this post mortem effect disappears in longer term. Roughly ten years after death, exhibitions are back to pre-death levels. Arguably, transaction cost and higher auction prices after death also temporarily increase the average cost of exhibiting artworks, e.g. higher market valuation raises (unobserved) insurance cost for exhibitions. Hedonic auction price models confirm this intuition and suggest a significant price premium posthumously. We find substantial heterogeneity in the treatment depending on the age and reputation of the artist at death. Overall findings explain important mechanisms for the post mortem value of artistic work and have important policy implications for the creative sectors and the design of legacy stewardship rules, including a possible justification for rights granted post mortem such as copyright.
Annual financial report and financial statements
Year to December 31, 2022
WIPO financial statements are submitted to its Assemblies of Member States in accordance with the Financial Regulations and Rules.
Digitization and Availability of Artworks in Online Museum Collections
Economic Research Working Paper No.75
We provide quantitative evidence from museum collections about how copyright status affects the availability of digital images of artworks. The paper applies a regression discontinuity and differences-in-differences design to estimate online availability of artworks from U.S. collections on digital platforms. We find a strong increase in the availability of digital surrogates when copyright is perceived to expire and original artworks are likely to transition to the public domain. Moreover, artworks and surrogates made available see a large number of downstream reuses based on google image search data, which indicates online availability is of commercial and public value independent of right status. Notably, we show that upstream surrogates of public domain artworks made available by museums are positively correlated with higher image resolution quality as compared to digitized artworks still protected under copyright laws. At the same time, it seems expressed industry norms can help encourage U.S. museums to also make low-resolution surrogates of copyrighted artworks available.
WIPO Workforce 2023
June Edition
WIPO's workforce is the human capital of the Organization and its greatest asset. This brochure shows a detailed picture of staffing at WIPO in 2023.
Patent Cooperation Treaty Yearly Review 2023 - Executive Summary
The International Patent System
This executive brief identifies the key trends in the use of the WIPO-administered Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) and provides a summary of the statistics reported in the PCT Yearly Review 2023.
WIPO Intellectual Property (IP) and Gender Action Plan: The Role of IP in Support of Women and Girls
This document sets out the first strategic plan for WIPO's newly created IP and gender program which aligns with WIPO's Medium-Term Strategic Plan and complements WIPO's Gender Policy. Under the IP and Gender Action Plan (IPGAP), WIPO's policy is to lead the development of an IP ecosystem that promotes and encourages women's engagement in IP and innovation. WIPO will equip member states and external stakeholders by providing the necessary data and information to integrate a gender perspective into IP legislation, policies, programs and projects. This will attract investments, create jobs and drive economic growth for the benefit of women, communities and member states.
Country Perspectives Switzerland's Journey
Switzerland's Journey in the “Unlocking IP-backed Financing Series” gives an account of Switzerland's financing journey, the initiatives and the challenges faced, as well as the next steps to improve access to financing to commercialize Swiss innovation.
Country Perspectives Jamaica's Journey
Jamaica's Journey in the “Unlocking IP-backed Financing Series” gives an account of Jamaica's journey to develop IP-based financing and the initiatives taking place to establish an on-going framework to promote awareness and access to IP-based financing.
The Global Publishing Industry in 2022
This report provides a global overview of the publishing industry in 2022, covering both trade and education. Data is compiled by WIPO in collaboration with Centro Regional para el Fomento del Libro en América Latina y el Caribe (CERLALC), the Federation of European Publishers (FEP), the International ISBN Agency, the International Publishers Association (IPA), and the Nielsen Company. The survey focuses on published materials with an ISBN or DOI. It aims to make industry data accessible and highlight challenges in reporting consistent data.
Green Technology Book
Solutions for climate change mitigation - Executive summary
WIPO's second edition of the Green Technology Book illustrates how innovation, technology and intellectual property are at the forefront of climate change mitigation. This edition focuses on cities, agriculture and land use, and industry and highlights a broad range of technologies and solutions aiming to mitigate climate change.
Solutions for climate change mitigation
WIPO's second edition of the Green Technology Book illustrates how innovation, technology and intellectual property are at the forefront of climate change mitigation. This edition focuses on cities, agriculture and land use, and industry showcasing the diversity of developed and emerging technologies and solutions that aim to mitigate climate change.
Documentation of Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expressions
Background Brief - No. 9
This Brief describes the main objectives of documenting traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions, the intellectual property issues that may arise and options for addressing them.
Alternative Dispute Resolution for Disputes Related to Intellectual Property and Traditional Knowledge, Traditional Cultural Expressions and Genetic Resources
Background Brief - No. 8
This Brief introduces how alternative dispute resolution offers an alternative to formal court-based systems for tackling intellectual property disputes that may arise in relation to traditional knowledge, traditional cultural expressions and genetic resources.
Customary Law and Traditional Knowledge
Background Brief - No. 7
This Brief explores the issues concerning customary law, traditional knowledge and intellectual property.
Intellectual Property and Traditional Medical Knowledge
Background Brief - No. 6
This Brief introduces different options on intellectual property protection of traditional medical knowledge.
Intellectual Property and Traditional Handicrafts
Background Brief - No. 5
This Brief identifies practical, accessible and often community-based means of using the existing intellectual property system for the effective recognition, protection, management, marketing and commercialization of traditional handicrafts.
Intellectual Property and Arts Festivals
Background Brief - No. 4
This Brief introduces intellectual property consideration for arts festival organizers, to safeguard and promote their own interests and those of festival participants.
Developing a National Strategy on Intellectual Property, Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expressions
Background Brief - No. 3
This Brief summarizes the legal, policy and operational issues that need to be considered in developing a national strategy for the intellectual property protection of traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions.
Traditional Knowledge and Intellectual Property
Background Brief - No. 1
This Brief provides general and basic information on the interface between intellectual property and traditional knowledge, traditional cultural expressions, and genetic resources.
WIPO IP Facts and Figures 2023
An overview of intellectual property activity based on the latest available year of complete statistics.
Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for COVID-19 Vaccines: Assessment of the Record
Executive Summary
This Executive Summary concisely presents the results of an independent study commissioned by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)'s Global Challenges Division looking at the role played by intellectual property (IP) and technology transfer in the development, production and distribution of vaccines used to address the COVID-19 pandemic. The study uses a case-study approach to provide an in-depth analysis of some of the different approaches adopted by ten different global vaccine manufacturers, with respect to their funding, procurement, vaccine development and IP strategies (including licensing, technology transfer and access provisions). These experiences and lessons learnt provide practical insights to guide global policy-making on IP, health and access issues.
Intellectual Property Adjudication in Viet Nam
The Intellectual Property Benchbook Series is a set of practical manuals on IP law and procedure to assist judges in adjudicating IP cases appearing before them in their own courts, as well as for readers interested in learning about judicial adjudication of IP disputes across jurisdictions. This title in the series provides a guide to the judicial management of IP disputes at each stage of adjudication in Viet Nam, with a particular focus on procedural aspects. This title was drafted by experienced judges with the perspective of sharing good practices with their judicial peers.
Intellectual Property Adjudication in the Philippines
The Intellectual Property Benchbook Series is a set of practical manuals on IP law and procedure to assist judges in adjudicating IP cases appearing before them in their own courts, as well as for readers interested in learning about judicial adjudication of IP disputes across jurisdictions. This title in the series provides a guide to the judicial management of IP disputes at each stage of adjudication in the Philippines, with a particular focus on procedural aspects. This title was drafted by experienced judges with the perspective of sharing good practices with their judicial peers.
Introduction to the International Intellectual Property Legal Framework
The Intellectual Property Benchbook Series is a set of practical manuals on IP law and procedure to assist judges in adjudicating IP cases appearing before them in their own courts, as well as for readers interested in learning about judicial adjudication of IP disputes across jurisdictions. This is the first title of the Benchbook series, and introduces the international legal framework for IP, sharing WIPO's expertise and global perspective on the multilateral treaties that shape IP law in the areas of trademark, patent, copyright, and remedies.
TISCs and TTOs Report 2022
Strengthening local innovation capacities to accelerate knowledge and technology transfer
This annual report for Technology and Innovation Support Centers (TISCs) and Technology Transfer Offices (TTOs) highlights the main developments and milestones in 2022, with a focus on how TISCs in 90 countries and TTOs continued to expand their services to meet the needs of local innovators, and how WIPO supports them with new resources.
Madrid Yearly Review 2023 – Executive Summary
International Registration of Marks
This executive brief identifies key trends in the use of the WIPO-administered Madrid System.
Hague Yearly Review 2023 - Executive Summary
This executive brief identifies key trends in the use of the WIPO-administered Hague System for the International Registration of Industrial Designs.
Patent Cooperation Treaty Yearly Review – 2023
Comprehensive facts, figures and analysis of the international patent system.
WIPO High-Level Policy on Environmental Responsibility
This document sets out the High-Level Policy on Environmental Responsibility for the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
Collective Management of Text and Image-Based Works
Collective Management of Text and Image-Based Works offers a general description of collective management of copyright in the text and image sector. It provides insight into the legislative framework and national operational systems in different parts of the world.
IP assets and film finance - a primer on standard practices in the U.S.
Economic Research Working Paper No. 74
This research summarizes the basic economics of film finance and standard practices in the U.S. movie industry. It shows how risk and uncertainty around new film finance are managed by the private sector and what market-based solutions have been developed to mitigate risk in the sector. Based on a series of expert interviews and exploratory data analysis, the research presents the most common types of financial deals on the ground and reoccurring funding practices for new film production and distribution in the past twenty years, including a discussion of most recent trends and digital changes in the sector. In particular, the research highlights the prominent role of intellectual property (IP) in financial transactions of the movie industry and it discusses policy options in the U.S. and beyond to better leverage IP assets for financing purposes.
Madrid Yearly Review 2023
Comprehensive facts, figures and analysis of the international registration of marks.
December Edition
The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)'s Global Challenges Division commissioned an independent study on the role played by intellectual property (IP) and technology transfer in the development, production and distribution of vaccines used to address the COVID-19 pandemic. The study uses a case-study approach to provide an in-depth analysis of some of the different approaches adopted by ten different global vaccine manufacturers, with respect to their funding, procurement, vaccine development and IP strategies (including licensing, technology transfer and access provisions). These experiences and lessons learnt provide practical insights to guide global policy-making on IP, health and access issues.
Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources
Background Brief - No. 10
This Brief introduces intellectual property issues related to genetic resources under discussion in WIPO.
The WIPO Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore
Background Brief - No. 2
This Brief provides background information on the WIPO Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore (IGC).
WIPO Pulse
Global intellectual property perception survey 2023
Pulse is a path-breaking new survey of awareness of and attitudes toward intellectual property (IP) rights. The broadest survey of its kind, based on 25,000 interviews in 50 countries, WIPO Pulse is a unique snapshot of how individuals and communities think and feel about IP. This report covers the top-line findings of the survey and describes the research methodology used. It is a unique resource for policymakers, researchers, educators and others involved in promoting IP rights and raising IP awareness globally.
Global Innovation Index 2023
The GII 2023 Executive Summary provides key highlights and results presented in the full GII 2023: Innovation in the face of uncertainty report. The GII 2023 reveals who is leading in global innovation, ranking the innovation performance of 132 economies and highlighting their strengths and weaknesses. In addition, it identifies the world's top 100 science and technology clusters.