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Ethics and Innovation
10 Years WIPO Ethics Office
This anniversary publication presents the creation and history of WIPO's Ethics Office, and describes the interrelationship between law and ethics in the internal justice system. The book also features contributions by leading scholars, originally made in the context of the WIPO Public Lectures series on Ethics, which explore ethical challenges to technological developments, communication, justice and culture.
Publication year: 2020
Methodology for the Development of National Intellectual Property Strategies
Second edition
This core reference for national project teams developing IP strategies has been fully revised to give clear, step-by-step guidance through every phase of the lifecycle of a strategy, from initiation through to monitoring and evaluation. This comprehensive reference guide includes a range of tools and best practices, templates and other resources.
WIPO Magazine, Issue 4/2020 (December)
The WIPO Magazine explores intellectual property, creativity and innovation in action across the world.
Innovative Technologies Tackling Food Loss
This edition of the Global Challenges in Focus series explores cutting-edge technologies to reduce food loss in the supply chain. Though identifying “critical loss points”, the brief proposes innovative technologies with the highest estimated impact on mitigating food loss. To continue the topic of the food management process, a forthcoming paper will address the technologies tackling food waste.
Global Innovation Index 2020 - KEY FINDINGS
Who Will Finance Innovation?
Patent Cooperation Treaty Yearly Review 2020 - Executive Summary
The International Patent System
This document provides the key trends in the use of the WIPO-administered Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). This edition provides a summary of the statistics reported in the PCT Yearly Review 2020.
Promoting Access to Medical Technologies and Innovation - Intersections between Public Health, Intellectual Property and Trade
Second Edition
This study seeks to reinforce the understanding of the interplay between the distinct policy domains of health, trade and intellectual property, and of how they affect medical innovation and access to medical technologies. The second edition comprehensively reviews new developments in key areas since the initial launch of the study in 2013.
World Intellectual Property Indicators 2019
This authoritative report analyzes IP activity around the globe. Drawing on 2018 filing, registration and renewals statistics from national and regional IP offices and WIPO, it covers patents, utility models, trademarks, industrial designs, microorganisms, plant variety protection and geographical indications. The report also draws on survey data and industry sources to give a picture of activity in the publishing industry.
Publication year: 2019
WIPO Magazine, Issue 5/2019 (October)
Report of the Director General to the 2019 WIPO Assemblies
This report is a presentation of the work accomplished by the Organization during the year that has passed since the last meeting of the WIPO Assemblies.
Guidelines to using evidence from research to support policymaking
This Guide elaborates on the best practices in conducting empirical studies in the intellectual property (IP) field. In so doing, it seeks to improve the credibility of studies, enhance transparency about what conclusions can and cannot be drawn from such studies, and encourage responsible use of studies by IP stakeholders.
Urgent Innovation – Policies and Practices for Effective Response to Public Health Crises
Public health crises require urgent innovation, not only in research and development (R&D) but also in the delivery of therapies and diagnostics. What constitutes “urgency” and “innovation” in these contexts? How are priorities and targets determined? Who is best placed to deliver results? This edition of the Global Challenges in Focus series explores themes discussed at a recent Global Challenges Seminar on the policies and practices that facilitate effective responses to global health crises.
Guide to WIPO's services for country code top-level domain registries
This guide presents country code top-level domain (ccTLD) registry operators and national authorities with information on how to resolve third-party domain name disputes in a cost- and time-saving manner. It explains the main policy design features of a successful Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) system, and provides information on the WIPO-created Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP), including the possibility to tailor the UDRP for specific ccTLD requirements.
BVGH Partnership Hub - Mid-Year Report 2019
The consortium's objective is to establish partnerships that facilitate sharing of IP assets to advance the discovery and development of new drugs, vaccines, and diagnostics for NTDs, malaria, and tuberculosis.
BVGH Partnership Hub - Annual Report 2018
Green School's installation of SOURCE Hydropanels in Bali, Indonesia
Matchmaking Impact Stories
In 2018, Green School started looking for a way to produce clean drinking water for its campus on Bali, Indonesia. Thanks to a WIPO GREEN project, the school established collaboration with Zero Mass Water and brought sustainable potable water – generated from sunlight and air – to its students.
Guide to the International Patent Classification (2013)
Publication year: 2013
Guide to the International Patent Classification (2014)
Publication year: 2014
Guide to the International Patent Classification (2015)
Publication year: 2015
Guide to the International Patent Classification (2016)
Publication year: 2016
Guide to the International Patent Classification (2017)
Publication year: 2017
WIPO Re:Search: Advancing Product Development for Neglected Infectious Diseases through Global Public-Private Partnerships
WIPO Re:Search Consortium unites public and private market forces to address neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), malaria, and tuberculosis (TB) through sharing of intellectual property across sectors and geographies. To date, WIPO Re:Search has catalyzed over 150 R&D collaborations and managed capacity-building fellowships for scientists across sub-Saharan Africa and other low- and middle-income regions. This publication highlights seven exciting collaborations that are advancing solutions to help over one billion people who suffer from NTDs, malaria, and TB.
WIPO Re:Search Partnership Stories 2016-2019: Driving R&D for Neglected Infectious Diseases Through Global Cross-Sector Collaborations
WIPO Re:Search is a global public-private consortium that accelerates drug, vaccine, and diagnostic research and development (R&D) to address unmet medical needs for neglected infectious diseases and drive progress toward the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Established in 2011, WIPO Re:Search catalyzes royalty-free sharing of intellectual property—including compounds, data, clinical samples, technology, and expertise—among Consortium Members in targeted, mutually beneficial R&D collaborations. This publication contain stories of collaborations established through WIPO Re:Search from 2016 to 2019.
WIPO Collection of Leading Judgments on Intellectual Property Rights
People's Republic of China (2011–2018)
This casebook of judgments by the Supreme People's Court of the People's Republic of China is the first volume in the WIPO Collection of Leading Judgments on Intellectual Property Rights. The WIPO Collection gives the global intellectual property community access to landmark judgments from some of the most dynamic litigation jurisdictions of the world, through a succession of volumes that illustrate intellectual property adjudication approaches and trends by jurisdiction or by theme.
Guide to the International Patent Classification (2009)
Publication year: 2009
When Private International Law Meets Intellectual Property Law
A Guide for Judges
Co-published by WIPO and the Hague Conference on Private International Law, this guide is a pragmatic tool, written by judges, for judges, examining how private international law operates in intellectual property (IP) matters. Using illustrative references to selected international and regional instruments and national laws, the guide aims to help judges apply the laws of their own jurisdiction, supported by an awareness of key issues concerning jurisdiction of the courts, applicable law, the recognition and enforcement of judgments, and judicial cooperation in cross-border IP disputes.
Patent Cooperation Treaty Yearly Review – 2020
Comprehensive facts, figures and analysis of the international patent system. Special theme: The top 50 PCT clusters
WIPO Magazine, Issue 2/2020 (June)
Madrid Yearly Review 2020 – Executive Summary
International Registration of Marks
This executive brief identifies key trends in the use of the WIPO-administered Madrid System.
Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expressions
General information on the interface between intellectual property (IP) and traditional knowledge (TK), traditional cultural expressions (TCEs), and genetic resources (GRs). It briefly addresses the most important questions that arise when considering the role that IP principles and systems can play in protecting TK and TCEs from misappropriation, and in generating and equitably sharing benefits from their commercialization, and the role of IP in access to and benefit sharing in GRs.
Madrid Yearly Review 2020
Comprehensive facts, figures and analysis of the international registration of marks.
Using Inventions in the Public Domain
A Guide for Inventors and Entrepreneurs
This guide is designed to help researchers, inventors and entrepreneurs gain access to and use technology and business information and knowledge in the public domain, for the development of new innovative products and services in their own country. The focus of the guide is on information and technology disclosed in patent documents. Designed for self-study, the guide provides easy-to follow training modules that include teaching examples and other useful practical tools and resources.
Identifying Inventions in the Public Domain
This guide aims to assist researchers, inventors and entrepreneurs in determining whether specific inventions are protected by enforceable patents or may be in the public domain, by teaching a three-stage process for searching and analyzing published patent documents using the tools of freedom to operate determination. Designed for self-study, the guide has easy-to-follow training modules that take the reader through the process step by step, including with the help of useful checklists and other tools.
Technology and Innovation Support Centers (TISCs) Report 2019
TISCs as a catalyst for innovation and technology transfer
This Annual Report highlights key trends and milestones of the TISC program since its launch in 2009, with a focus on the main achievements and developments in 2019.
IP Training Institutions Brochure
Learn more about the WIPO Academy's support to Member States in establishing self-sustaining IPTIs
Key Questions on Patent Disclosure Requirements for Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge
Policymakers and other stakeholders often raise operational questions and seek practical and empirical information about patent disclosure requirements in relation to genetic resources and traditional knowledge. This authoritative study offers a comprehensive and scrupulously neutral overview of key legal and operational questions arising within this context.
Innovative Technology in the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Sector
Access to adequate water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) embodies a fun- damental human right recognized by the United Nations General Assembly. Technology often plays an important role by providing resource-efficient solutions to some of the challenges associated with WASH. This edition of the Global Challenges in Focus series explores the water supply aspect of WASH and highlights the role of technological innovation in relation to managing limited freshwater resources in situations of scarcity and/or threats to the quality of the water supply.
Hague Yearly Review 2020 - Executive Summary
International Registration of Industrial Designs
This executive brief identifies key trends in the use of the WIPO-administered Hague System for the International Registration of Industrial Designs.
WIPO Magazine, Issue 1/2020 (March)
Hague Yearly Review 2020
Comprehensive facts, figures and analysis of the international registration of industrial designs.
WIPO GREEN – Year in Review 2019
The WIPO GREEN Year in Review 2019 provides a snapshot of last year's activities and achievements. Some highlights include the regional innovation acceleration project in Latin America, WIPO GREEN strategic activities, and the establishment of new partner and donor relationships.
What is Intellectual Property?
Intellectual property (IP) refers to creations of the mind – everything from works of art to inventions, computer programs to trademarks and other commercial signs. This booklet introduces the main types of IP and explains how the law protects them. It also introduces the work of WIPO, the global forum for IP services, policy, information and cooperation.
Guide to WIPO Arbitration
Arbitration is increasingly being used to resolve disputes involving intellectual property, technology, entertainment and other commercial rights. This booklet provides a straightforward introduction to this dispute resolution procedure, based on the extensive experience of the WIPO Center. It describes the main features and advantages of arbitration and explains how arbitration under the WIPO Arbitration and Expedited Arbitration Rules works in practice, with case examples.
World Intellectual Property Indicators 2020
This authoritative report analyzes IP activity around the globe. Drawing on 2019 filing, registration and renewals statistics from national and regional IP offices and WIPO, it covers patents, utility models, trademarks, industrial designs, microorganisms, plant variety protection and geographical indications. The report also draws on survey data and industry sources to give a picture of activity in the publishing industry.
Exclusive content and platform competition in Latin America
Economic Research Working Paper No. 63
Platforms often compete over non-price strategies such as the exclusive distribution of products. But these strategies are not always welfare-enhancing. Using rich data on audiovisuals distributed on platforms in Brazil, we find that non-exclusive distribution and availability of titles across platforms is more effective in deterring online piracy than in the single homing case. Moreover, in certain markets (TVOD), it induces higher average investment in the production of new titles upstream. We discuss options of copyright and antitrust policies in the light of these findings.
Global Innovation Index 2020 - Executive version
Global Innovation Index 2020
The Global Innovation Index 2020 provides detailed metrics about the innovation performance of 131 countries and economies around the world. Its 80 indicators explore a broad vision of innovation, including political environment, education, infrastructure and business sophistication. The 2020 edition sheds light on the state of innovation financing by investigating the evolution of financing mechanisms for entrepreneurs and other innovators, and by pointing to progress and remaining challenges – including in the context of the economic slowdown induced by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) crisis.
Sharing Knowledge, Building Capacity – The WIPO Academy Year in Review 2019
This report presents the Academy's achievements in 2019 and highlights the latest developments across programs, including new partnerships and course offerings.
Records of the Diplomatic Conference for the Adoption of a New Act of the Lisbon Agreement for the Protection of Appellations of Origin and their International Registration - 2015
These records include the texts of the new Act and the Regulations as adopted by the Diplomatic Conference, the text of the Basic Proposal as presented to the Diplomatic Conference, as well as a comparison of the texts of the Lisbon Agreement for the Protection of Appellations of Origin and their International Registration (of October 31, 1958, as revised at Stockholm on July 14, 1967, and as amended on September 28, 1979) and the Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement on Appellations of Origin and Geographical Indications (of May 20, 2015) and the Regulations thereunder.
Guide to the International Patent Classification (2020)
This Guide provides information on the objectives, history and reform of the International Patent Classification (IPC) as well as assistance in the use of the IPC.
WHO, WIPO, WTO Joint Technical Symposium on Cutting-Edge Health Technologies: Opportunities and Challenges
Summary of the Key Issues
The eighth joint technical symposium discussed opportunities and challenges linked to cutting-edge health technologies.
The Global Publishing Industry in 2018
This study provides an overview of the global publishing industry in 2018, covering publishing revenue, the number of titles published and the number copies sold. The report presents the latest publishing statistics compiled from the following sources: (a) the IPA–WIPO publishing survey, (b) the Centro Regional para el Fomento del Libro en América Latina y el Caribe (CERLALC), (c) WIPO's legal deposits survey, (d) the Nielsen Company, (e) the International ISBN Agency, and (f) the Web of Science database.
WIPO IP Facts and Figures 2019
An overview of intellectual property activity based on the latest available year of complete statistics.
WIPO Mediation, Arbitration, Expedited Arbitration and Expert Determination Rules and Clauses
This brochure contains the rules of dispute resolution procedures administered by the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center, namely, the WIPO Mediation Rules, the WIPO Arbitration Rules, the WIPO Expedited Arbitration Rules, and the WIPO Expert Determination Rules.
Grand rights and opera reuse today
Economic Research Working Paper No. 62
This article studies the economic role of grand rights in the incentives to stage and reuse works from the opera canon. It complements previous research on the incentives to create new opera (Giorcelli and Moser, 2020) in the way it looks at copyright taxing availability and follow-on creativity around works. Based on a unique dataset of global opera performances, we find that changes in copyright status increase the number of total performances individual works receive on stage once copyright expires. Moreover, we provide preliminary evidence on chilling, long-term effects of status around premiering operas and revivals at the beginning of the copyright term. Based on these findings, we discuss limitations of the study and novel options for copyright policy frameworks.
Batman forever? The economics of overlapping rights
Economic Research Working Paper No. 61
When copyrighted comic characters are also protected under trademark laws, intellectual property (IP) rights can be overlapping. Arguably, registering a trademark can increase transaction costs for cross-media uses of characters, or it can help advertise across multiple sales channels. In an application to book, movie and video game publishing industries, we thus ask how creative reuse (innovation in uses) is affected in situations of overlapping rights, and whether ‘fuzzy boundaries' of right frameworks are in fact enhancing or decreasing content sales.
Addressing climate challenges with innovation. WIPO GREEN guide for youth roundtables
This guide is designed to help young people better understand the ways in which they can use innovation in the climate crisis response. Created to facilitate group discussions and inspire action, the guide incorporates theoretical resources and practical tools for using green technologies and intellectual property to empower youth in their efforts to address climate change.
WIPO Magazine, Issue 3/2020 (September)
WIPO Magazine, Issue 6/2019 (December)
WIPO Program and Budget
for the 2020/21 biennium
The Program and Budget is a defining document for the Organization. It establishes the results that Member States wish to see achieved by the Organization over the coming biennium and authorizes the programs and resources necessary for the realization for those results.
Intellectual property use in middle income countries: the case of Chile
Economic Research Working Paper No. 43
We analyze the use of intellectual property (IP) by firms in Chile over the decade 1995-2005 as the then middle-income country experienced rapid economic growth of 4.7 percent per year. We use a novel dataset that contains a combination of detailed firm-level information from the annual manufacturing census, information on firms' innovative activities from Chile's innovation surveys, and firms' patent, industrial design, and trademark filings with the Chilean IP office. We use these data to look at how IP use by companies has changed over time and analyze the determinants of IP use, in particular first-time use. We find that sales growth prompts first-time use of patents and trademarks, though such use does not change the growth trajectory of firms nor does it improve their total factor productivity. We also find that trademark use is associated with new-to-the-world product innovation, which suggests that branding may be an important mechanism to appropriate returns to innovation in a middle-income country like Chile.
Publication year: 2018
A multi-purpose IP education resource
Enhancing Innovation in the Ugandan Agri-Food Sector: Robusta Coffee Planting Material & Tropical Fruit Processing
Economic Research Working Paper No. 42
Uganda's innovation performance in recent years has consistently outpaced other low-income and Sub-Saharan African countries. Though encouraging, this nascent progress will only benefit the broader Ugandan population if policy makers address specific constraints in the innovation systems of the critical agri-food sector, which is hampered by low productivity and profitability. In this report, we explore these constraints using an agricultural value chains framework with particular focus on the Robusta Coffee Planting Material Pipeline and tropical fruit processing.
WIPO Magazine, Issue 2/2018 (April)
Celebrating 20 years of IP Education and Training - The WIPO Academy Year in Review 2017
This report introduces the work of the Academy, highlights our achievements in 2017 and shines a light on some of the Academy's achievements in the past 20 years.
Japan FIT/IP Global
Activities in Africa and LDCs – 2019
The History of Japan FIT/IP for Africa and Least Developed Countries (LDCs)
The Global Publishing Industry in 2016
A Pilot Survey by the IPA and WIPO
The International Publishers Association (IPA) and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) joined forces to pilot a new survey of global publishing activity in 2016. The survey covered three market segments: retail; educational; and scholarly, academic and scientific (SAS) publishing. In total, 35 national publishers associations and copyright authorities responded to the survey.
Connecting sustainable technology users and providers
WIPO GREEN is a global marketplace that promotes green tech innovation and diffusion. This short brochure outlines the benefits of joining WIPO GREEN in order to collaborate on projects and events, leverage its global network, increase visibility and join the fight against climate change.
WIPO GREEN - Year in Review 2017
Another successful and productive year for WIPO GREEN! This Year in Review report summarizes WIPO GREEN highlights and achievements as the network expanded both in membership, collaborations and events.
WIPO Magazine, Issue 1/2018 (February)
WIPO IP Facts and Figures 2017
WIPO Consumer Survey Toolkit on Respect for IP
The WIPO Consumer Survey Toolkit on Respect for IP is intended for use by public- and private-sector bodies wanting to measure consumer attitudes towards pirate and counterfeit goods. The creation of the Survey Toolkit was made possible by Funds-in-Trust provided by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Korea.
Supporting Industrial Property for Shared Prosperity
The Japan Funds-in-Trust for Industrial Property in Asia and the Pacific
This booklet introduces the work and highlights some of the many success stories of the Japan Funds-in-Trust for Industrial Property in Asia and the Pacific, a collaboration between Japan and WIPO.
Global Design Database
The free global search engine for designs
This brochure outlines the options for searching industrial design documents in WIPO's Global Design Database.
WIPO Magazine, Issue 6/2017 (December)
Hague Yearly Review - International Registrations of Industrial Designs - 2018
Case study: IP Management and the Commercialization of Publicly Funded Research Outcomes in South Africa
This paper begins by presenting an overview of enabling frameworks for the protection and commercialization of publicly funded R&D outcomes. Subsequently it analyses the policies that South Africa has adopted to this effect since the transition to democracy. The paper then looks at the impact on the South African NSI of these policies, in particular the IPR Act, which has been in force since August 2010. It presents new data that indicate encouraging progress in patenting and other aspects of commercialization involving public research organizations (PROs)2 in South Africa, before setting forth a summary of the analysis as well as conclusions.
Global Innovation Index 2018
Energizing the World with Innovation
The Global Innovation Index 2018 provides detailed metrics about the innovation performance of 126 countries and economies around the world. Its 80 indicators explore a broad vision of innovation, including political environment, education, infrastructure and business sophistication. The GII 2018 analyses the energy innovation landscape of the next decade and identifies possible breakthroughs in fields such as energy production, storage, distribution, and consumption. It also looks at how breakthrough innovation occurs at the grassroots level and describes how small-scale renewable systems are on the rise.
A Guide to Intellectual Property Issues in Access and Benefit-sharing Agreements
An essential complement to the WIPO Database of Access and Benefit-sharing Agreements, this guide offers users and providers of genetic resources an accessible overview of intellectual property issues in access and benefit-sharing agreements.
Technology and Innovation Support Centers (TISCs) Report 2017
This Annual Report highlights key trends and milestones of the TISC program since its launch in 2009, with a focus on the main achievements and developments in 2017.
WIPO Academy
Celebrating 20 years of the WIPO Academy
WIPO Magazine, Issue 3/2018 (June)
Madrid Yearly Review 2019
Sharing Knowledge, Building Capacity – The WIPO Academy Year in Review 2018
This report presents the Academy's achievements in 2018 and highlights the latest developments across programs, including new partnerships and course offerings.
Intellectual Property Basics: A Q&A for Students
Compiled by the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) with the support of the WIPO China Funds-in-Trust, this book gives students a basic yet comprehensive understanding of IP. Using a question-and-answer format, it covers the general rules of the IP system as well as the essentials of patents, copyright, trademarks and other forms of IP, such as industrial designs, geographical indications and traditional knowledge.
WIPO Magazine, Issue 2/2019 (April)
WIPO GREEN – Year in Review 2018
The WIPO GREEN Year in Review 2018 provides a snapshot of last year's activities and achievements. Some highlights include our regional matchmaking project in Southeast Asia, new green tech "deals," and the establishment of new strategic partnerships.
The Global Publishing Industry in 2017
This study provides an overview of the global publishing industry in 2017. Based on data from a survey by the International Publishers Association and WIPO with responses from 56 countries, the study reports on publishing revenue, the number of titles published and the number sold, and ranks the top global publishers.
Patent Landscape Report: Marine Genetic Resources
This landscape report examines the scientific and patent landscapes for marine genetic resources in the South East Asia (ASEAN region).
WIPO Technology Trends 2019 - Artificial Intelligence
Executive summary
WIPO Technology Trends 2019: Artificial Intelligence documents how AI-powered technologies are rapidly entering global markets and brings together viewpoints from experts at the cutting edge of AI. It is a contribution that aims to provide decisionmakers in the public and private sectors with an improved knowledge base for discussions on the future of AI and the policy and regulatory framework for this fast-moving area.
Patent Landscape Report on E-Waste Recycling Technologies
The report covers in detail patent applications and granted patents within the space of e-waste processing, and the recycling and recovery of materials from consumer products at the end of their useful life. Additionally, the report uses reference information, such as news and other business data sources to extend the information into real-world applicability, and also to verify the interest and commercial activity of entities mentioned within the study.
World Intellectual Property Report 2013: Brand - Reputation and Image in the Global Marketplace
WIPO's World Intellectual Property Report 2013 explores the role that brands play in today's global marketplace. The Report looks at how branding behavior and trademark use have evolved in recent history, how they differ across countries, what is behind markets for brands, what lessons economic research holds for trademark policy, and how branding strategies influence companies' innovation activities.
Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who Are Blind, Visually Impaired or Otherwise Print Disabled
The full text of the Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who Are Blind, Visually Impaired, or Otherwise Print Disabled.
Implications of the TRIPS Agreement on treaties administered by WIPO
This study examines each of the 73 articles of the TRIPS Agreement. Where an article has implications for a WIPO administered treaty, there is an in-depth examination of that article, pointing out possible changes in the obligations of a state. This study does not constitute an official interpretation of the WIPO administered treaties nor of the TRIPS Agreement.
Publication year: 1996
WIPO Magazine, Issue 5/2013 (October)
Staff @ WIPO: Engaged, Innovative, Resilient
Workforce: 2020
WIPO's workforce is the human capital of the Organization and its greatest asset. This brochure shows a detailed picture of staffing at WIPO in 2020, offering a breakdown of the workforce by category, sector, funding, type of staff appointment, geographical representation and gender balance. It also reports on organizational performance, learning and development, and organizational conflict management.
Report of the Director General to the 2020 WIPO Assemblies
Retrospective 2008-2020
This report is a retrospective of the work accomplished by the Organization during the two terms of office of Director General Francis Gurry, from 2008 to 2020.
Your Own World of IP
Intellectual property is everywhere! This colorful little booklet introduces the main types of IP, with plenty of interesting facts and examples. It is designed to appeal in particular to adolescents and young people.
WIPO Magazine, Issue 1/2017 (February)
WIPO Magazine, Issue 1/2019 (February)