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Global Innovation Index 2016
Winning with Global Innovation
The Global Innovation Index ranks the innovation performance of 128 countries and economies around the world, based on 82 indicators. This edition explores the impact of innovation-oriented policies on economic growth and development. High-income and developing countries alike are seeking innovation-driven growth through different strategies. Some countries are successfully improving their innovation capacity, while others still struggle.
Publication year: 2016
WIPO Magazine, Issue 3/2016 (June)
The WIPO Magazine explores intellectual property, creativity and innovation in action across the world.
Resolving IP and Technology Disputes Through WIPO ADR
Getting back to business
Although an IP dispute can be resolved through court litigation, parties are, with increasing frequency, submitting disputes to mediation, arbitration or other alternative dispute resolution (ADR) procedures.
Patent Cooperation Treaty Yearly Review - 2016
The International Patent System
Comprehensive facts, figures and analysis of the international patent system. Special Theme: the PCT market share
The WIPO Singapore Office
This brochure provides an insight into the role and activities of the WIPO Singapore Office.
Publication year: 2021
R&D, Scale Effects and Spillovers: New Insights from Emerging Countries
Economic Research Working Paper No. 32
There has been a concomitant rise in R&D and the rate of economic growth in emerging countries. Analyzing a panel of 31 emerging countries, we find convincing evidence of scale effects which make government policies potent for long-run growth. This contrasts sharply with the well-known findings of Jones (1995a). Innovations show increasing returns to knowledge stock, implying that the diminishing returns assumed by some semi-endogenous growth models might not be generalized. International R&D spillovers raise the innovation bar. The observed growth rates of emerging economies appear in transition therefore their growth rates may recede with the passage of time.
WIPO Magazine, Issue 2/2016 (April)
Patent Landscape Report on Microalgae-Related Technologies
This report aims to provide patent based information on available technologies and patenting trends in the area of microalgae. It covers in detail patent applications and granted patents within the space of microalgae and has revealed several interesting facets of research and innovation related to that area. Expected to be the 3rd generation biofuels solution, microalgae have quickly been developed for the biofuel industry with a marked inflection point in 2006. Lipids and pigments, which are the second metabolites of interest, also developed early on, still continue to see a steady growth in recent years.
An Introduction to the Economics of Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights
Collective Management as a Business Strategy for Creators
An introduction to the economic theory surrounding collective management of copyright
World Intellectual Property Indicators 2019
This authoritative report analyzes IP activity around the globe. Drawing on 2018 filing, registration and renewals statistics from national and regional IP offices and WIPO, it covers patents, utility models, trademarks, industrial designs, microorganisms, plant variety protection and geographical indications. The report also draws on survey data and industry sources to give a picture of activity in the publishing industry.
Publication year: 2019