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Developing Together
South-South and triangular cooperation within WIPO
Read our flyer to get a quick overview of South-South cooperation and WIPO's work in the area.
Publication year: 2017
WIPO GREEN - Year in Review 2016
A year of solid growth for WIPO GREEN as it pushes forward in its quest to become the go-to platform for green technologies.
WIPO Magazine, Issue 2/2017 (April)
The WIPO Magazine explores intellectual property, creativity and innovation in action across the world.
Your Own World of IP
Intellectual property is everywhere! This colorful little booklet introduces the main types of IP, with plenty of interesting facts and examples. It is designed to appeal in particular to adolescents and young people.
WIPO Magazine, Issue 1/2017 (February)
Securing Loans with Your IP Assets
Hands-on IP Finance
This guide assists businesses and intellectual property (IP) owners in leveraging IP to secure loans. It outlines how IP can support debt financing, prepares users for discussions with lenders, and provides insights into the lending process. Additionally, the guide addresses post-loan procedures. Throughout, practical checklists and templates equip businesses and IP owners to maximize the value of their intangible assets and facilitate favorable financing terms
Publication year: 2024
Are the best tunes played on the oldest fiddles? Distribution and digitization of recorded classical music
Economic Research Working Paper No.87
This research looks at the distributional effects of copyright when creative works are protected under multiple rights. It exploits a quasi-natural experiment and recent law changes introduced under EU Directive 77/2011 on the term of protection of copyright and related rights as well as variation in author death years. We examine the causal implications of copyright and related rights protection around music recordings vis-à-vis public domain status for the availability of classical music as physical and digital releases. Results suggest that public domain status of related rights favours the availability and re-releases of classical music in physical and digital formats. The emergence of music streaming services in EU member states and catalogue-wide licensing moderate effects over time. We however find little evidence that public domain status of author rights affects the distribution of classical music in digital or physical channels. We contemplate the implications of our results for intellectual property policy.
Country Perspectives: Austria's Journey
Austria's Journey in the “Unlocking IP-backed Financing Series” gives an account of how Austria fosters growth and innovation on multiple fronts, from promoting research to supporting local businesses. With intellectual property recognized as a strong driver of commercial success, the country maintains a strong legal framework that supports its protection. Austrian innovators actively leverage IP assets for competitive advantage and market expansion. While IP-backed financing has yet to become mainstream in Austria's financial landscape, increased awareness and the growing venture capital market present promising pathways for its development.
Green Technology Book
Energy solutions for climate changes
Energy is at the forefront of WIPO's third edition of the Green Technology Book. This volume focuses on energy technologies, mitigation and adaptation by looking at solutions for households and communities in cities and rural areas, public spaces and infrastructure, water utilities and farming. The book also looks at options for increasing energy efficiency and introducing new energies in key service areas such health facilities, supermarkets and datacenters.
Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks; Regulations; Administrative Instructions; Schedule of Fees.
The present publication contains the texts of the Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks (hereinafter referred to as the “Protocol”) (1989), as amended in 2006 and in 2007, the Regulations under the Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks, the Administrative Instructions for the Application of the Protocol and the Schedule of Fees.