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WIPO Patent Drafting Manual

Second edition

The WIPO Patent Drafting Manual helps inventors and their advisors acquire the technical skills needed to prepare and file well-drafted patent applications. Covering both theory and practice, the manual takes the user through the process of preparing, drafting, filing, amending and prosecuting patent applications. The drafting of both claims and descriptions are explained in detail, with tips and illustrations.

Publication year: 2023


Country Perspectives The United Kingdom's Journey

The United Kingdom's Journey in the “Unlocking IP-backed Financing Series” provides an overview of the IP finance landscape in the UK. This includes an overview of the types of IP finance used in the UK, the regulatory and non-regulatory obstacles affecting its use, as well as the role of Government and plans for the future to help SMEs unlock access to IP finance.

Publication year: 2023


Country Perspectives Singapore's Journey

As the value of intangible assets including intellectual property (IA/IP) increases, governments are recognizing the need for enterprises to proactively protect, manage and commercialize them to derive maximum benefit for enterprises and the overall economy. This report gives an account of Singapore's IA/IP financing journey – the initiatives and the challenges faced, as well as the next steps on the journey to unlock IA/IP financing for innovative enterprises.

Publication year: 2023


The WIPO Academy Portfolio of Education, Training and Skills Development Programs 2024

This Portfolio serves as a catalogue of all the training opportunities to be offered by the WIPO Academy in 2024 and outlines the content of each course. It gives information to potential participants on eligibility criteria, application formalities, timelines, selection procedures, travel and other relevant necessary information.

Publication year: 2024


Incentives in Technology Transfer

A guide to encourage, recognize and reward researchers and professionals

The “Incentives in Technology Transfer” Guide offers valuable insights on incentivizing academic researchers and technology transfer professionals to actively participate in technology transfer activities and research commercialization. Drawing from successful global examples, the Guide explores motivations, challenges, and diverse incentives. The Guide also provides recommendations for universities and governments in formulating incentive schemes, an action plan for the planning process, and a questionnaire template for a better understanding of stakeholders, with the aim of optimizing incentive programs and improving technology transfer effectiveness.

Publication year: 2024


Generative AI: Navigating intellectual property

Generative AI: Navigating intellectual property outlines guiding principles and provides a checklist to assist organizations to understand the IP risks, ask the right questions and consider potential safeguards when adopting generative AI tools in their business.

Publication year: 2024


Getting the innovation ecosystem ready for AI

An IP policy toolkit

As AI technologies evolve at an exponential pace there are many questions and challenges for IP and the IP system. The purpose of this IP policy toolkit is to provide policymakers with a framework to understand the state of play of AI innovation right now and to think about the future as AI becomes increasingly autonomous.

Publication year: 2024


Country Perspectives: Luxembourg's Journey

Luxembourg's Journey in the “Unlocking IP-backed Financing Series” explores both current practices and the untapped potential of the SME ecosystem within Luxembourg. In particular, the report focuses on support for intellectual property (IP)-intensive companies. This report comes at a time when IP is increasingly attracting interest from rights holders, businesses, consumers and the general public.

Publication year: 2024


Country Perspectives China's Journey

China's Journey in the “Unlocking IP-backed Financing Series” provides an overview of the experiences of IP financial services by outlining the history, development, and practices so that China can better cooperate with countries in related fields and by jointly addressing the challenges faced by IP financial services.

Publication year: 2024


Hague System Information Kit

Secure protection for up to 100 designs, in over 90 countries, through one international application.

An overview of the Hague System with legal and procedural information for securing protection of your designs in more than 90 countries through one online application.

Publication year: 2023


Guide to the Madrid System International Registration of Marks under the Madrid Protocol

This Guide is primarily intended for applicants for, and holders of, international registrations of marks, as well as officials of the competent administrations of the members of the Madrid Union. It covers the various steps of the international registration procedure and explains the essential provisions of the Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks and the Regulations under the Protocol.

Publication year: 2024


Gender Gap in Industrial Designs of Central European and Baltic States

WIPO Development Studies

This report examines women's participation in industrial design across Central European and Baltic States (CEBS). Over the past three decades, the number of women designers in the region has increased. Nevertheless, they remain underrepresented, particularly in machinery and arms manufacturing, while being more active in clothing, pharmaceuticals, and health-related design. Our projections estimate full equality could take up to 40 years, making gender parity in industrial design a long-term goal. Addressing industry-specific barriers will be crucial to fostering a more inclusive and innovative design sector in the CEBS region.

Publication year: 2025


WIPO Technology Trends: Future of Transportation

Executive summary

The WIPO Technology Trends report on the Future of Transportation focuses on the sustainability and digitalization of the transport sector. It highlights key innovations across Sustainable Propulsion, Automation and Circularity, Communication and Security, and Human–Machine Interface. The report analyzes patent data and emphasizes the role of intellectual property in fostering technological progress and envisions transformative futures. By inspiring action, the report aims to drive the development of sustainable, efficient, and connected transportation systems aligned with the UN's 2030 Agenda.

Publication year: 2025


WIPO Technology Trends: Future of Transportation

The WIPO Technology Trends report on the Future of Transportation dives into the transformative changes reshaping the transportation sector. The report, based on patent data and scientific literature data complemented by business information, policy, regulation and standards data looks at transportation technologies and trends across land, sea, air and space. It identifies four primary technology trend clusters: Sustainable Propulsion, Automation and Circularity, Communication and Security, and Human-Machine Interface technologies – representing the critical areas of innovation crucial to the future of transportation. The report also considers the current and future applications of technologies in the transportation sector.

Publication year: 2025


WIPO Good Practice Toolkit for Collective Management Organizations (The Toolkit)

A Bridge between Rightholders and Users

The WIPO Good Practice Toolkit for Collective Management Organizations (CMOs) brings together examples of legislation, regulation and codes of conduct in the area of collective management from around the world. Member states and other stakeholders may use relevant parts of the document to help them design an approach suitable for their particular context. Note - The Toolkit is not a normative document. The first version of the Toolkit was published in 2018. The current version was published in January 2025, and reflects the submissions received from WIPO Member States and other stakeholders throughout the consultation process in 2024.

Publication year: 2025


Hague Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Industrial Designs

Regulations (as in force on January 1, 2025) / Administrative Instructions (as in force on January 1, 2025)

The Hague System for the International Registration of Industrial Designs provides a practical business solution for registering up to 100 designs in any of its contracting parties, through the filing of a single international application with WIPO. Management of the resulting international registration is a single-step procedure. The Hague Agreement governs the Hague System.

Publication year: 2025


Guide to WIPO's services for country code top-level domain registries

This guide presents country code top-level domain (ccTLD) registry operators and national authorities with information on how to resolve third-party domain name disputes in a cost- and time-saving manner. It explains the main policy design features of a successful Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) system, and provides information on the WIPO-created Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP), including the possibility to tailor the UDRP for specific ccTLD requirements.

Publication year: 2024


TISCs Report 2023

Cultivating expertise to empower local innovators

This annual report of Technology and Innovation Support Centers (TISCs) highlights the main developments and milestones in 2023, with a focus on how TISCs in 93 countries and technology transfer structures continued to expand their services to meet the needs of local innovators, and how WIPO supports them with new resources.

Publication year: 2024


Hague Yearly Review 2024

International Registration of Industrial Designs

Comprehensive facts, figures and analysis of the international registration of industrial designs.

Publication year: 2024


Madrid Yearly Review 2024

International Registration of Marks

Comprehensive facts, figures and analysis of the international registration of marks.

Publication year: 2024


AI Inventions

The impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the patent system is significant and ongoing. Advancements in machine learning, natural language processing and robotics are reflected in an increasing number of patent applications filed for AI-related inventions. AI may contribute to the inventive process by generating ideas and improving efficiency, raising questions about its role in the inventive process and the DABUS cases highlight the need for clear interpretation of the term "inventor."

Publication year: 2024


Innovation and Intellectual Property Use in the Global Video Game Industry

Economic Research Working Paper No.85

This paper is an analysis of the evolution of the global video game industry, a sector characterized by rapid technological innovation and changing business models. It builds on the work of Özalp (2024) and delves into how innovation in hardware, software, digital transformation and business models have redefined the boundaries of game development and player experiences. The paper also explores the important job roles in the industry, the role of intellectual property and end with predictions for the future of the industry. It aims to provide an accessible understanding of the industry's evolution, its current state, and its potential future directions.

Publication year: 2024


Heterogeneous Development Paths to Growth and Innovation: The Evolution of the Video Game Industry across Four Hubs

Economic Research Working Paper No.84

This study explores the evolution and success drivers of the global video game industry, focusing on key hubs within Finland, Poland, Japan, and the United States. Using a qualitative methodology, the research delves into how unique capabilities and historical development have contributed to the industry's growth across these nations. The findings reveal diverse pathways to building video game industry clusters, emphasizing the role of cross-industry skill transfer, intellectual property, and government support. In traditional hubs like Japan and the United States, the crossover of capabilities from entertainment and hardware industries has been crucial, whereas, in newer hubs like Finland and Poland, the growth is attributed to unique local developments such as hobby coder communities or leveraging the initial localization efforts to build globally appealing games. It further highlights the pivotal role of education in sustaining the growth of video game industry hubs.

Publication year: 2024


The Evolution of the Two-Wheeler Industry: A Comparative Study of Italy, Japan, and India

Economic Research Working Paper No.83

This study leverages secondary data to provide a comprehensive outlook on the origin and evolution of the two-wheeler industry in Italy, Japan, and India. The study reveals how different technological, design, and manufacturing capabilities, combined with specific economic and social features in the historical contexts, have contributed to determine different trajectories in the evolution of these national industries. Recent trends towards digital transformation, electric mobility, connected driving are discussed. Three main takeaways emerge from our analysis. Firstly, the local capabilities play a crucial role in shaping both the origin and progression of the technology and the industry. Secondly, the two-wheeler industry displays patterns and trajectories that mimic the automotive industry, which can thus be used to interpret and forecast past, present, and future of motorcycles. Thirdly, the two-wheeler industry has been uniquely influenced by other industries, which has enhanced the complexity and effectiveness of its products and introduced novel elements which are reshaping the international demand for two-wheelers.

Publication year: 2024


Innovation Complexity in AgTech: The case of Brazil, Kenya and the United States of America

Economic Research Working Paper No.82

This paper illustrates successful policies and incentives that build on local innovation capabilities across three agricultural innovation hubs at different income levels and across different geographical regions. It makes the case for how countries highly complex innovation ecosystems, which refer to the diversity and sophistication of local innovators and the types of innovation they produce, tend to have more opportunities to shift their technological path to the frontier. The paper focuses on three agricultural hubs across different income levels and geography to illustrate how smart policies that focus on building local capabilities can help countries diversify and create their own agricultural technological paths. These hubs include: São Paulo in Brazil, Nairobi in Kenya and Colorado in the United States of America.

Publication year: 2024


Can we map innovation capabilities?

Economic Research Working Paper No.81

Recent years have witnessed a resurgence of industrial policies globally. Through various industrial policy instruments, governments make critical scientific and technological choices that shape innovation paths and resource allocations. Our paper explores innovation capabilities as essential drivers of competitive outcomes, spanning science, technology, and production domains. Based on the economic complexity literature, we propose a methodological framework to measure the innovation capabilities empirically, leveraging data on scientific publications, patents, and trade. Our findings highlight the multidimensional nature of innovation capabilities and underscore the importance of understanding both the specialization and quality of these capabilities. Our results are in line with the complexity literature, as we also find: (i) positive correlations between the innovation complexity and economic growth; and, (ii) the predictive power of existing innovation capabilities for fostering new ones. Based on these findings, we propose novel indicators informing innovation policymaking on the innovation potential across science, technology, and production fields of an ecosystem. We suggest that innovation policymaking needs to be informed by deeper insights into innovation capabilities that are crucial for long-term growth and competitiveness improvement.

Publication year: 2024


Global Trends in Innovation Patterns: A Complexity Approach

Economic Research Working Paper No.80

Technological know-how in a country shapes its growth potential and competitiveness. Scientific publications, patents, and international trade data offer complementary insights into how ideas from science, technology, and production evolve, combine, and are transformed into capabilities. Analyzing their trajectories enables a more comprehensive and multifaceted understanding of the whole innovation process, from generating ideas to internationally commercializing products. We analyze the production patterns in these three domains, documenting the differences between advanced and emerging market economies. We find that future income, patenting, and publishing growth correlate with the economic complexity indices calculated from these domains. Capabilities embedded in the country also shape future diversification opportunities and make the innovation process path dependent. Lastly, we also show that diversification opportunities can be inferred across innovation domains.

Publication year: 2024


Innovation Policies Under Economic Complexity

Economic Research Working Paper No.79

Recent geopolitical challenges have revived the implementation of industrial and innovation policies. Ongoing discussions focus on supporting cutting-edge industries and strategic technologies but hardly pay attention to their impact on economic growth. In light of this, we discuss the design of innovation policies to address current development challenges while considering the complex nature of productive activities. Our approach conceives economic development and technological progress as a process of accumulation and diversification of knowledge. This process is limited by the tacit nature of knowledge and by countries' binding constraints to growth. Consequently, effective innovation policies should be place-based and multidimensional, leveraging countries' existing capabilities and addressing countries' current problems. This contrasts policies that lead to economic efficiencies, such as copying other countries' solutions to problems that countries do not currently have.

Publication year: 2024


World Intellectual Property Report 2024: Executive Summary

Making innovation policy work for development

This Executive Summary highlights the key findings of WIPO's flagship World Intellectual Property Report 2024: Making innovation policy work for development. Combining economic analysis with in-depth industry studies, the report provides policymakers with insights into how to diversify and strengthen their national innovation ecosystems.

Publication year: 2024


World Intellectual Property Report 2024

Making innovation policy work for development

Combining economic analysis with in-depth industry studies, the 2024 edition of the World Intellectual Property Report introduces a new data-driven methodology designed to help policymakers make informed decisions by leveraging existing local innovation capabilities and strengthen their national innovation ecosystems. Complementing this framework are three case studies across the agriculture technology, motorcycle and video game industries, spanning eight different countries. These studies demonstrate how countries have successfully carved out specialized trajectories within innovative and complex industries.

Publication year: 2024


WIPO Magazine, Issue 1/2024

The WIPO Magazine explores intellectual property, creativity and innovation in action across the world.

Publication year: 2024



Patent Landscape Report

With the advent of innovative technologies, the Agrifood sector is undergoing a transformation which is pivotal in ensuring a sustainable food security system worldwide. These advances are set to revolutionize agricultural practices and food production, impacting economic, social, and environmental aspects. The WIPO Patent Landscape Report on Agrifood looks at the latest patent trends in Agrifood, with a comprehensive and up-to-date understanding of the patent landscape in agricultural technology (AgriTech) and the food industry (FoodTech). The report also explores patents relating to the innovation and technological advancements in five case studies areas across the Agrifood sector.

Publication year: 2024


Global Innovation Index 2024, 17th Edition

Unlocking the Promise of Social Entrepreneurship

The GII 2024 reveals who is leading globally in innovation, ranking the innovation performance of 133 economies and highlighting their strengths and weaknesses. The thematic focus of the 2024 edition is social entrepreneurship. It looks at how a flurry of new ventures are finding innovative solutions directly addressing critical societal issues. Examples drawn from around the world showcase successful examples of social entrepreneurship, helping guide innovation policymakers and support schemes to better scale social entrepreneurship ventures for maximum systemic impact.

Publication year: 2024


Patent Cooperation Treaty Yearly Review 2024 - Executive Summary

The International Patent System

This executive brief identifies the key trends in the use of the WIPO-administered Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) and provides a summary of the statistics reported in the PCT Yearly Review 2024.

Publication year: 2024


Madrid Yearly Review 2024 – Executive Summary

International Registration of Marks

This executive brief identifies key trends in the use of the WIPO-administered Madrid System.

Publication year: 2024


Hague Yearly Review 2024 - Executive Summary

International Registration of Industrial Designs

This executive brief identifies key trends in the use of the WIPO-administered Hague System for the International Registration of Industrial Designs.

Publication year: 2024


Models of Intellectual Property Governance and Administration

Models of Intellectual Property Governance and Administration documents and analyzes prevailing approaches, trends and emerging directions in IP governance and administration. This study will equip policymakers with valuable insights to support well-informed decisions in designing IP governance and administration frameworks, thereby unleashing the full potential of the intellectual property system for the benefit of society.

Publication year: 2024


Generative AI

WIPO Conversation, IP and Frontier Technologies

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to disrupt every industry and many parts of our lives – promising both competitive advantage and creative destruction. But how creative and imaginative is generative AI, what are the potential implications for human creators and how do we ensure that the IP system continues to foster innovation and creativity in the age of AI?

Publication year: 2024


WIPO Workforce 2024

June Edition

WIPO's workforce is the human capital of the Organization and its greatest asset. This brochure shows a detailed picture of staffing at WIPO in 2024.

Publication year: 2024


WIPO Guide to Trade Secrets and Innovation

In the dynamic and increasingly interconnected world of innovation and commerce, intellectual property (IP) protection plays a pivotal role in driving economic growth, fostering competition and promoting technological advancements. Among various forms of IP protection, trade secrets have emerged as a critical tool for businesses to safeguard valuable confidential information and to maintain a competitive edge in an increasingly global marketplace. The WIPO Guide to Trade Secrets and Innovation provides a global audience with a comprehensive but digestible strategic and legal overview of trade secrets in the modern innovation ecosystem.

Publication year: 2024



WIPO Conversation, IP and Frontier Technologies

The metaverse, a borderless, virtual world, heralds the Internet's next evolution and is poised to reshape work, play, and more. As technology intertwines with daily life, IP plays a pivotal role in protecting innovations and creations essential for the metaverse, such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality technologies, digital content, and virtual business models.

Publication year: 2024


Enabling Innovation Measurement at the Sub-National Level

A WIPO toolkit

Enabling Innovation Measurement at the Sub-National Level is part of the World Intellectual Property Organization's (WIPO) Intellectual Property (IP) and Innovation Ecosystems Sector (IES) response to supporting member states wishing to develop their own complementary and mutually reinforcing sub-national innovation indices. Drawing on the Global Innovation Index (GII) framework WIPO is proceeding in two ways: 1) organizing workshops on the exchange of best practices, and 2) providing this study on sub-national innovation indices.

Publication year: 2024


Generative Artificial Intelligence

Patent Landscape Report

In this WIPO Patent Landscape Report on Generative AI, discover the latest patent trends for GenAI with a comprehensive and up-to-date understanding of the GenAI patent landscape, alongside insights into its future applications and potential impact. The report explores patents relating to the different modes, models and industrial application areas of GenAI.

Publication year: 2024


World Intangible Investment Highlights

Better Data for Better Policy

World Intangible Investment Highlights reports together with underlying data from the Global INTAN-Invest Database offer novel, up-to-date cross-country, quarterly and annual measures of investment into intangible assets, including those not included in official statistics. The statistics cover a range of high-income and emerging economies.

Publication year: 2024


Closing Innovation and Intellectual Property Diversity Gaps: a Global Literature Review

Economic Research Working Paper No.86

Innovation is a driver of competitive advantage and economic growth, with patent rights playing a critical supporting role. However, differential access to patent rights and relatively less participation in innovation can affect women and people from other historically underrepresented groups, thereby hindering progress and limiting the potential economic benefits generated by innovation. This paper reviews the global literature on these “diversity gaps”, identifies their key drivers, and documents international policies and initiatives that show promise in addressing them. Building upon Shapanka and Fechner (2018), it expands the geographic scope and reinforces the scientific basis of their analysis. The paper also provides recommendations for a wide range of stakeholders and offers insights for fostering more inclusive and equitable innovation ecosystems.

Publication year: 2024


Contracts in Publishing

A toolkit for authors and publishers

Contracts in Publishing: A toolkit for authors and publishers provides information on copyright-related aspects and contractual options in the publishing sector. With a balanced approach considering the interests of both authors and publishers, the publication offers guidance to building basic knowledge and skills for successful publishing, co-publishing and licensing deals, targeting an audience of authors, visual artists, translators and publishers, especially in developing countries.

Publication year: 2024


Patent Cooperation Treaty Yearly Review – 2024

The International Patent System

Comprehensive facts, figures and analysis of the international patent system.

Publication year: 2024


Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)

Regulations under the PCT (as in force from July 1, 2024)

The Patent Cooperation Treaty makes it possible to seek patent protection for an invention simultaneously in each of a large number of countries by filing an "international" patent application. Such an application may be filed by anyone who is a national or a resident of a Contracting State.

Publication year: 2024


Securing Loans with Your IP Assets

Hands-on IP Finance

This guide assists businesses and intellectual property (IP) owners in leveraging IP to secure loans. It outlines how IP can support debt financing, prepares users for discussions with lenders, and provides insights into the lending process. Additionally, the guide addresses post-loan procedures. Throughout, practical checklists and templates equip businesses and IP owners to maximize the value of their intangible assets and facilitate favorable financing terms

Publication year: 2024


Are the best tunes played on the oldest fiddles? Distribution and digitization of recorded classical music

Economic Research Working Paper No.87

This research looks at the distributional effects of copyright when creative works are protected under multiple rights. It exploits a quasi-natural experiment and recent law changes introduced under EU Directive 77/2011 on the term of protection of copyright and related rights as well as variation in author death years. We examine the causal implications of copyright and related rights protection around music recordings vis-à-vis public domain status for the availability of classical music as physical and digital releases. Results suggest that public domain status of related rights favours the availability and re-releases of classical music in physical and digital formats. The emergence of music streaming services in EU member states and catalogue-wide licensing moderate effects over time. We however find little evidence that public domain status of author rights affects the distribution of classical music in digital or physical channels. We contemplate the implications of our results for intellectual property policy.

Publication year: 2024


Country Perspectives: Austria's Journey

Austria's Journey in the “Unlocking IP-backed Financing Series” gives an account of how Austria fosters growth and innovation on multiple fronts, from promoting research to supporting local businesses. With intellectual property recognized as a strong driver of commercial success, the country maintains a strong legal framework that supports its protection. Austrian innovators actively leverage IP assets for competitive advantage and market expansion. While IP-backed financing has yet to become mainstream in Austria's financial landscape, increased awareness and the growing venture capital market present promising pathways for its development.

Publication year: 2024


Green Technology Book

Energy solutions for climate changes

Energy is at the forefront of WIPO's third edition of the Green Technology Book. This volume focuses on energy technologies, mitigation and adaptation by looking at solutions for households and communities in cities and rural areas, public spaces and infrastructure, water utilities and farming. The book also looks at options for increasing energy efficiency and introducing new energies in key service areas such health facilities, supermarkets and datacenters.

Publication year: 2024


WIPO IP Facts and Figures 2024

WIPO IP Facts and Figures 2024 gives an overview of annual activity across five types of industrial property: patents, utility models, trademarks, industrial designs, and geographical indications. Drawn from the comprehensive World Intellectual Property Indicators 2024, this useful summary guide explains key trends and takeaways, illustrated throughout with intuitive data visualizations.

Publication year: 2024


Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks; Regulations; Administrative Instructions; Schedule of Fees.

The present publication contains the texts of the Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks (hereinafter referred to as the “Protocol”) (1989), as amended in 2006 and in 2007, the Regulations under the Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks, the Administrative Instructions for the Application of the Protocol and the Schedule of Fees.

Publication year: 2024


World Intellectual Property Indicators 2024

World Intellectual Property Indicators is the annual survey of intellectual property (IP) activity around the world carried out by WIPO, the United Nations specialized agency for innovation and IP. This authoritative report analyzes IP activity around the globe. Drawing on 2023 filing, registration and renewals statistics from national and regional IP offices and WIPO, World Intellectual Property Indicators covers patents, utility models, trademarks, industrial designs, microorganisms, plant variety protection and geographical indications.

Publication year: 2024


Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights

Third edition

This third edition of Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights presents an in-depth revision with invaluable updates on the different systems, legislative options and best practices of CMOs worldwide. As with previous editions, the book is written to reach a wide audience, with a special focus on questions that might emerge for governments as they prepare, adopt and apply collective management norms and regulations. The edition also sheds light on new copyright and related rights developments, including digital, technological and business trends, from all over the world. Additionally, there is detailed discussion on topics such as aspects of competition, national treatment, and different models of collective management.

Publication year: 2022


WIPO Magazine, Issue 4/2022 (December)

The WIPO Magazine explores intellectual property, creativity and innovation in action across the world.

Publication year: 2022


WIPO IP Facts and Figures 2022

An overview of intellectual property activity based on the latest available year of complete statistics.

Publication year: 2022


The WIPO Academy Portfolio of Education, Training and Skills Development Programs 2023

This Portfolio serves as a catalogue of all the training opportunities to be offered by the WIPO Academy in 2023 and outlines the content of each course. It gives information to potential participants on eligibility criteria, application formalities, timelines, selection procedures, travel and other relevant necessary information.

Publication year: 2023


Creative Expression: An Introduction to Copyright and Related Rights for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

Creative Expression in the "Intellectual Property for Business” series of guides provides an introduction to copyright and related rights for business managers and entrepreneurs, explaining in simple language those aspects of copyright law and practice that affect the business strategies of enterprises. This revised and updated version has added content on some of the pressing issues of the day arising from the digital revolution; on levy systems, cloud storage, etc., as well as updated information on the new WIPO treaties such as the rights of performers in audiovisual performances in the Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual Performances and access to the visually impaired under the Marrakesh treaty.

Publication year: 2023


WIPO Collection of Leading Judgments on Intellectual Property Rights

Members of the African Intellectual Property Organization (1997-2018)

This casebook of selected judgments from the member states of the African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI) is the second volume in the WIPO Collection of Leading Judgments on Intellectual Property Rights. This collection gives the global intellectual property (IP) community access to landmark judgments from jurisdictions that are among the most dynamic litigation venues or whose jurisprudence is not readily available to an international audience, through a succession of volumes that illustrate IP adjudication approaches and trends by jurisdiction or by theme.

Publication year: 2023


Green Technology Book

Executive summary

The Green Technology Book puts innovation, technology and intellectual property at the forefront in the fight against climate change. This inaugural edition focuses on three important areas: agriculture and forestry, water and coastal regions, and cities, showcasing 200 available solutions that aim to reduce vulnerability and increase resilience to climate impacts.

Publication year: 2022


Green Technology Book

Solutions for climate change adaptation

The Green Technology Book puts innovation, technology and intellectual property at the forefront in the fight against climate change. This inaugural edition focuses on three important areas: agriculture and forestry, water and coastal regions, and cities, showcasing 200 available solutions that aim to reduce vulnerability and increase resilience to climate impacts.

Publication year: 2022


World Intellectual Property Indicators 2022

This authoritative report analyzes IP activity around the globe. Drawing on 2021 filing, registration and in force statistics from national and regional IP offices, it covers patents, utility models, trademarks, industrial designs, microorganisms, plant variety protection and geographical indications. The report also draws on survey data and industry sources to give a picture of activity in the creative economy.

Publication year: 2022


WIPO Development Agenda

The WIPO Development Agenda aims to ensure that development considerations form an integral part of WIPO's work. As such, it is a cross-cutting issue which touches upon all sectors of the Organization. When formally establishing the Development Agenda in October 2007, the WIPO General Assembly adopted a set of 45 recommendations to enhance the development dimension of the Organization's activities.

Publication year: 2021


Hague Yearly Review 2023

International Registration of Industrial Designs

Comprehensive facts, figures and analysis of the international registration of industrial designs.

Publication year: 2023


COVID-19 vaccines and therapeutics

Insights into related patenting activity throughout the pandemic - Patent Landscape Reports

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic there have been remarkable research and innovation efforts to fight the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the COVID-19 disease. This report provides observations based on a comprehensive review of the patenting activity that took place in the field of COVID-19 vaccines and therapeutics and builds on the insights discussed in the first WIPO COVID-19 Patent Landscape Report published in March 2022.

Publication year: 2023


An International Guide to Patent Case Management for Judges

Produced with the support of the University of California at Berkeley School of Law and the Berkeley Judicial Institute, this Guide highlights the progress achieved in patent case management in ten patent-heavy jurisdictions. The Guide offers an overview of the patent system in each jurisdiction, including the role of patent offices in evaluating and deciding on patent validity, and the judicial structures responsible for resolving patent disputes. Thereafter chapters are structured on the different stages of patent litigation in civil infringement cases. Readers can create their own custom guide by selecting any combination of jurisdictions and topics covered in the Guide. Please see the custom guide link below or visit: https://www.wipo.int/about-patent-judicial-guide/en

Publication year: 2023


Guide to the International Patent Classification (2023)

This Guide provides information on the objectives, history and reform of the International Patent Classification (IPC) as well as assistance in the use of the IPC.

Publication year: 2023


Intellectual property offices and sustainable innovation

Implementing the SDGs in national intellectual property systems

This study has been commissioned by WIPO Japan Office, in collaboration with WIPO's Special Representative on the UN SDGs to identify examples of good practice among IP offices in supporting the achievement of SDGs. Using a combination of primary and secondary research (survey data and published materials), a cross-section of offices has been examined.

Publication year: 2023


The Global Gender Gap in Innovation and Creativity: An International Comparison of the Gender Gap in Global Patenting over Two Decades

WIPO Development Studies

This report analyzes women's participation in international patent applications between 1999 and 2020 and finds that women are involved in only 23% of all applications, representing 13% of all inventors listed. Women's participation in patenting varies across regions, sectors, and industries, with higher representation in biotechnology, food chemistry, and pharmaceuticals, and lower in mechanical engineering. Women inventors are more prevalent in academia than in the private sector, and typically work in mostly-male teams or alone. Achieving gender parity will require significant effort, with an estimated target year of 2061 based on current trends.

Publication year: 2023


The Global Publishing Industry in 2021

This report provides a global overview of the publishing industry in 2021, covering both trade and education. Data is compiled by WIPO in collaboration with Centro Regional para el Fomento del Libro en América Latina y el Caribe (CERLALC), the Federation of European Publishers (FEP), the International ISBN Agency, the International Publishers Association (IPA), and the Nielsen Company. The survey focuses on published materials with an ISBN or DOI. It aims to make industry data accessible and highlight challenges in reporting consistent data.

Publication year: 2023


Patent Landscape Report

Production of titanium and titanium dioxide from ilmenite and related applications

This report provides a landscape of the patent activity on the process of extracting titanium dioxide or titanium metal from ilmenite ore. In addition, a section on the industrial applications of titanium dioxide and titanium metal focuses on selected applications, such as ceramics, medical technology, electrodes for batteries, cosmetics, coatings and water treatment. This WIPO Patent Landscape Report aims to help policy and decision makers identify opportunities for ilmenite processing technologies and applications.

Publication year: 2023


COVID-19, Innovative Firms and Resilience

Economic Research Working Paper No. 73

This paper explores the empirical association between patents and various indicators of firm resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic with worldwide firm-level data from manufacturing industries. The study shows that patent-intensive firms have a reduced probability of exit, in particular if they are larger and if engaging with complementary investments in R&D and other intangibles. Additional estimates show that firm productivity has been an important transmission channel. Taken together, the results presented in the paper offer evidence-based findings pointing to patents as an important potential factor contributing to firm resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic. Policy insights are discussed.

Publication year: 2023


Patent Landscape Report - Graphite and its applications

This WIPO Patent Landscape Report examines global graphite-related patenting activity in the last decade. In addition, the report uses market and business information to assess the current state of graphite technologies and identify innovation hot topics, as well as examining both better-studied areas and the emerging uses of graphite.

Publication year: 2023


Guidelines for designing an IP survey

Surveys based on intellectual property (IP) can be a valuable tool in designing innovation and IP policies. This short guide outlines best practices for designing IP-related surveys, with the aim of promoting their adoption by governments and researchers keen to understand the economic behavior of stakeholders in the IP system and design policies to assist its development.

Publication year: 2023


A Guide to the Main WIPO Services

This brochure outlines the range of global intellectual property (IP) services that are offered by WIPO to support businesses and individuals through the IP lifecycle. These services can help innovators and creators protect their inventions, trademarks and designs in multiple countries, and resolve their IP disputes, through free global databases of IP information, highly efficient and cost-effective global IP protection services, and neutral non-profit dispute resolution services.

Publication year: 2022


Global Innovation Index 2023, 16th Edition

Innovation in the face of uncertainty

The Global Innovation Index 2023 (GII) takes the pulse of innovation against a background of an economic and geopolitical environment fraught with uncertainty. Tracking the most recent global innovation trends, the GII finds that – despite a climate of disquiet and a decline in risk capital investment – opportunities abound as a result of the incipient Digital Age and Deep Science innovation waves. At its core, the GII 2023 reveals who is leading in global innovation, ranking the innovation performance of 132 economies and highlighting their strengths and weaknesses. In addition, it identifies the world's top 100 science and technology clusters. The GII is a “tool for action” regarding innovation policy. Governments around the world have used the GII to benchmark innovation performance, perfect innovation metrics and, ultimately, to shape evidence-based innovation policymaking. In the context of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), since 2019, the GII has been recognized by the United Nations General Assembly to be a benchmark for measuring innovation, including more recently in a post-pandemic environment.

Publication year: 2023


World Intellectual Property Indicators 2023

This authoritative report analyzes IP activity around the globe. Drawing on 2022 filing, registration and in force statistics from national and regional IP offices, it covers patents, utility models, trademarks, industrial designs, microorganisms, plant variety protection and geographical indications. The report also draws on survey data and industry sources to give a picture of activity in the creative economy.

Publication year: 2023


Intellectual Property (IP) Education in Business Schools

A Global Perspective

How do business schools equip budding entrepreneurs and business students with the IP skills needed for a global knowledge economy? To get a more informed view of the extent of IP education in business schools, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) undertook this study in collaboration with the Global Business School Network (GBSN). The study shows that IP is taught to some degree in the vast majority of business schools surveyed, but that more can be done, reinforcing the importance of collaboration among stakeholders of the innovation ecosystem, including IP governing bodies, business and educational institutions.

Publication year: 2023


Ars longa, vita brevis: The death of the creator and the impact on exhibitions and auction markets

Economic Research Working Paper No.76

This paper studies the death effect on artists' exhibitions and commercial success in the secondary art market. Based on a random sample of 1'000 popular artists born after the turn of the 20th century, we construct a novel panel data set of their worldwide exhibition history and auction transactions. By applying a regression discontinuity and event study design, we find an overall negative effect of artist death on the number of exhibitions. However, this post mortem effect disappears in longer term. Roughly ten years after death, exhibitions are back to pre-death levels. Arguably, transaction cost and higher auction prices after death also temporarily increase the average cost of exhibiting artworks, e.g. higher market valuation raises (unobserved) insurance cost for exhibitions. Hedonic auction price models confirm this intuition and suggest a significant price premium posthumously. We find substantial heterogeneity in the treatment depending on the age and reputation of the artist at death. Overall findings explain important mechanisms for the post mortem value of artistic work and have important policy implications for the creative sectors and the design of legacy stewardship rules, including a possible justification for rights granted post mortem such as copyright.

Publication year: 2023


Annual financial report and financial statements

Year to December 31, 2022

WIPO financial statements are submitted to its Assemblies of Member States in accordance with the Financial Regulations and Rules.

Publication year: 2023


Digitization and Availability of Artworks in Online Museum Collections

Economic Research Working Paper No.75

We provide quantitative evidence from museum collections about how copyright status affects the availability of digital images of artworks. The paper applies a regression discontinuity and differences-in-differences design to estimate online availability of artworks from U.S. collections on digital platforms. We find a strong increase in the availability of digital surrogates when copyright is perceived to expire and original artworks are likely to transition to the public domain. Moreover, artworks and surrogates made available see a large number of downstream reuses based on google image search data, which indicates online availability is of commercial and public value independent of right status. Notably, we show that upstream surrogates of public domain artworks made available by museums are positively correlated with higher image resolution quality as compared to digitized artworks still protected under copyright laws. At the same time, it seems expressed industry norms can help encourage U.S. museums to also make low-resolution surrogates of copyrighted artworks available.

Publication year: 2023


How to Make a Living from Music

Creative industries - third edition

Building a successful career in music includes managing intellectual property (IP) rights. WIPO supports authors and performers in enhancing their knowledge of the intellectual property aspects involved in their professional work. Copyright and related rights can help musical authors and performers generate additional income from their talent.

Publication year: 2024


WIPO Workforce 2023

June Edition

WIPO's workforce is the human capital of the Organization and its greatest asset. This brochure shows a detailed picture of staffing at WIPO in 2023.

Publication year: 2023


Patent Cooperation Treaty Yearly Review 2023 - Executive Summary

The International Patent System

This executive brief identifies the key trends in the use of the WIPO-administered Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) and provides a summary of the statistics reported in the PCT Yearly Review 2023.

Publication year: 2023


WIPO Intellectual Property (IP) and Gender Action Plan: The Role of IP in Support of Women and Girls

This document sets out the first strategic plan for WIPO's newly created IP and gender program which aligns with WIPO's Medium-Term Strategic Plan and complements WIPO's Gender Policy. Under the IP and Gender Action Plan (IPGAP), WIPO's policy is to lead the development of an IP ecosystem that promotes and encourages women's engagement in IP and innovation. WIPO will equip member states and external stakeholders by providing the necessary data and information to integrate a gender perspective into IP legislation, policies, programs and projects. This will attract investments, create jobs and drive economic growth for the benefit of women, communities and member states.

Publication year: 2023


Country Perspectives Switzerland's Journey

Switzerland's Journey in the “Unlocking IP-backed Financing Series” gives an account of Switzerland's financing journey, the initiatives and the challenges faced, as well as the next steps to improve access to financing to commercialize Swiss innovation.

Publication year: 2023


Country Perspectives Jamaica's Journey

Jamaica's Journey in the “Unlocking IP-backed Financing Series” gives an account of Jamaica's journey to develop IP-based financing and the initiatives taking place to establish an on-going framework to promote awareness and access to IP-based financing.

Publication year: 2023


The Global Publishing Industry in 2022

This report provides a global overview of the publishing industry in 2022, covering both trade and education. Data is compiled by WIPO in collaboration with Centro Regional para el Fomento del Libro en América Latina y el Caribe (CERLALC), the Federation of European Publishers (FEP), the International ISBN Agency, the International Publishers Association (IPA), and the Nielsen Company. The survey focuses on published materials with an ISBN or DOI. It aims to make industry data accessible and highlight challenges in reporting consistent data.

Publication year: 2023


Green Technology Book

Solutions for climate change mitigation - Executive summary

WIPO's second edition of the Green Technology Book illustrates how innovation, technology and intellectual property are at the forefront of climate change mitigation. This edition focuses on cities, agriculture and land use, and industry and highlights a broad range of technologies and solutions aiming to mitigate climate change.

Publication year: 2023


Green Technology Book

Solutions for climate change mitigation

WIPO's second edition of the Green Technology Book illustrates how innovation, technology and intellectual property are at the forefront of climate change mitigation. This edition focuses on cities, agriculture and land use, and industry showcasing the diversity of developed and emerging technologies and solutions that aim to mitigate climate change.

Publication year: 2023


Documentation of Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expressions

Background Brief - No. 9

This Brief describes the main objectives of documenting traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions, the intellectual property issues that may arise and options for addressing them.

Publication year: 2023


Alternative Dispute Resolution for Disputes Related to Intellectual Property and Traditional Knowledge, Traditional Cultural Expressions and Genetic Resources

Background Brief - No. 8

This Brief introduces how alternative dispute resolution offers an alternative to formal court-based systems for tackling intellectual property disputes that may arise in relation to traditional knowledge, traditional cultural expressions and genetic resources.

Publication year: 2023


Customary Law and Traditional Knowledge

Background Brief - No. 7

This Brief explores the issues concerning customary law, traditional knowledge and intellectual property.

Publication year: 2023


Intellectual Property and Traditional Medical Knowledge

Background Brief - No. 6

This Brief introduces different options on intellectual property protection of traditional medical knowledge.

Publication year: 2023


Intellectual Property and Traditional Handicrafts

Background Brief - No. 5

This Brief identifies practical, accessible and often community-based means of using the existing intellectual property system for the effective recognition, protection, management, marketing and commercialization of traditional handicrafts.

Publication year: 2023


Intellectual Property and Arts Festivals

Background Brief - No. 4

This Brief introduces intellectual property consideration for arts festival organizers, to safeguard and promote their own interests and those of festival participants.

Publication year: 2023


Developing a National Strategy on Intellectual Property, Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expressions

Background Brief - No. 3

This Brief summarizes the legal, policy and operational issues that need to be considered in developing a national strategy for the intellectual property protection of traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions.

Publication year: 2023


Traditional Knowledge and Intellectual Property

Background Brief - No. 1

This Brief provides general and basic information on the interface between intellectual property and traditional knowledge, traditional cultural expressions, and genetic resources.

Publication year: 2023