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WIPO Technology Trends 2019 - Artificial Intelligence
Executive summary
WIPO Technology Trends 2019: Artificial Intelligence documents how AI-powered technologies are rapidly entering global markets and brings together viewpoints from experts at the cutting edge of AI. It is a contribution that aims to provide decisionmakers in the public and private sectors with an improved knowledge base for discussions on the future of AI and the policy and regulatory framework for this fast-moving area.
Publication year: 2019
Patent Landscape Report on E-Waste Recycling Technologies
The report covers in detail patent applications and granted patents within the space of e-waste processing, and the recycling and recovery of materials from consumer products at the end of their useful life. Additionally, the report uses reference information, such as news and other business data sources to extend the information into real-world applicability, and also to verify the interest and commercial activity of entities mentioned within the study.
Publication year: 2013
World Intellectual Property Report 2013: Brand - Reputation and Image in the Global Marketplace
WIPO's World Intellectual Property Report 2013 explores the role that brands play in today's global marketplace. The Report looks at how branding behavior and trademark use have evolved in recent history, how they differ across countries, what is behind markets for brands, what lessons economic research holds for trademark policy, and how branding strategies influence companies' innovation activities.
Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who Are Blind, Visually Impaired or Otherwise Print Disabled
The full text of the Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who Are Blind, Visually Impaired, or Otherwise Print Disabled.
Implications of the TRIPS Agreement on treaties administered by WIPO
This study examines each of the 73 articles of the TRIPS Agreement. Where an article has implications for a WIPO administered treaty, there is an in-depth examination of that article, pointing out possible changes in the obligations of a state. This study does not constitute an official interpretation of the WIPO administered treaties nor of the TRIPS Agreement.
Publication year: 1996
WIPO Magazine, Issue 5/2013 (October)
Staff @ WIPO: Engaged, Innovative, Resilient
Workforce: 2020
WIPO's workforce is the human capital of the Organization and its greatest asset. This brochure shows a detailed picture of staffing at WIPO in 2020, offering a breakdown of the workforce by category, sector, funding, type of staff appointment, geographical representation and gender balance. It also reports on organizational performance, learning and development, and organizational conflict management.
Publication year: 2020
Report of the Director General to the 2020 WIPO Assemblies
Retrospective 2008-2020
This report is a retrospective of the work accomplished by the Organization during the two terms of office of Director General Francis Gurry, from 2008 to 2020.
Your Own World of IP
Intellectual property is everywhere! This colorful little booklet introduces the main types of IP, with plenty of interesting facts and examples. It is designed to appeal in particular to adolescents and young people.
Publication year: 2017
WIPO Magazine, Issue 1/2017 (February)
The WIPO Magazine explores intellectual property, creativity and innovation in action across the world.
WIPO Magazine, Issue 1/2019 (February)
Looking Good: An Introduction to Industrial Designs for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
Attractive designs are a key factor in determining the success of products in the market. Industrial design rights protect the ornamental or aesthetic appearance of a product and help companies differentiate their products from those of their competitors and enhance their brand image. This publication explains what industrial designs are and introduces the main issues in industrial design protection, to help businesses make informed decisions about protecting them.
Guide to the International Patent Classification (2018)
Publication year: 2018
Patent Cooperation Treaty Yearly Review 2017 - Executive Summary
The International Patent System
This document provides the key trends in the use of the WIPO-administered Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). This edition provides a summary of the statistics reported in the PCT Yearly Review 2017.
World Intellectual Property Indicators - 2014
This annual publication provides a wide range of indicators covering the following areas of intellectual property: patents, utility models, trademarks, industrial designs, microorganisms and plant variety protection. It draws on data from national and regional IP offices, WIPO and the World Bank.
Publication year: 2014
Management of Rights in Dramatic Works
Educational Material on Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights - Module 6
WIPO commissioned this publication - with the support of the Norwegian Copyright Development Association (Norcode) - to be used as reference material in various training activities on collective management.
Management of Rights for Visual Arts and Photography
Educational Material on Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights - Module 5
Management of Rights in Print and Publishing
Educational Material on Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights - Module 4
Management of Copyright and Related Rights in the Audiovisual Field
Educational Material on Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights - Module 3
Management of Copyright and Related Rights in the Field of Music
Educational Material on Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights - Module 2
General Aspects of Collective Management
Educational Material on Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights - Module 1
Madrid Experience Sharing Report
Japan's Experience in Joining and Using the Madrid System
This publication is the result of a WIPO research report on Japan's experience in acceding to the Madrid system for the international registration of marks.
Green Technology Diffusion: The Case of Ecosan Waterless Toilets
WIPO Green Case Study 7
Eco Sanitation Limited, based in South Africa, produces, distributes, and markets the EcoSan waterless toilet, a sanitation system that converts human waste into dehydrated, compostable material.
Green Technology Diffusion: The Case of GIVEWATTS Green Lanterns
WIPO Green Case Study 5
GIVEWATTS is a non-profit organization that connects rural communities to safe, healthy, green, and affordable sources of light.
Green Technology Diffusion: The Case of Arivi Paraffin Cookstoves
WIPO Green Case Study 6
Arivi, a start-up company based in South Africa, developed an innovative clean cookstove in 2007 that is more efficient, cleaner, and safer for indoor use than other cookstoves in that market.
Patent Landscape Report on Animal Genetic Resources
This report represents the first large-scale quantitative analysis related to patenting activity involving livestock animals. It includes biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, immunology and gene therapy, stem cells and transgenic animals and as such, its main focus is on addressing the challenges involved in identifying patent activity for animal genetic resources in general and activity relating to animal genetic resources for food and agriculture in particular. Additionally, the report explores the use of traditional knowledge (TK) and the mention of the source of origin of genetic resources in patent documents.
WIPO Magazine, Issue 1/2013 (February)
Vienna Agreement establishing an International Classification of the Figurative Elements of Marks
The Vienna Agreement establishes a classification for marks which consist of or contain figurative elements. The competent offices of the Contracting States must indicate in the official documents and publications relating to registrations and renewals of marks the appropriate symbols of the Classification.
Publication year: 1997
Madrid Agreement for the Repression of False or Deceptive Indications of Source on Goods
According to the Agreement, all goods bearing a false or deceptive indication of source, by which one of the Contracting States, or a place situated therein, is directly or indirectly indicated as being the country or place of origin, must be seized on importation, or such importation must be prohibited, or other actions and sanctions must be applied in connection with such importation.
Publication year: 1967
Nice Agreement Concerning the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks
The Nice Agreement establishes a classification of goods and services for the purposes of registering trademarks and service marks (the Nice Classification). The trademark offices of Contracting States must indicate, in official documents and publications in connection with each registration, the numbers of the classes of the Classification to which the goods or services for which the mark is registered belong.
Publication year: 1979
Trademark Law Treaty (TLT)
The aim of the TLT is to make national and regional trademark registration systems more user-friendly. This is achieved through the simplification and harmonization of procedures thus making the procedure safe for the owners of marks and their representatives.
Publication year: 1994
Nairobi Treaty
All States which are party to the Treaty are under the obligation to protect the Olympic symbol - five interlaced rings - against use for commercial purposes (in advertisements, on goods, as a mark, etc.) without the authorization of the International Olympic Committee.
Publication year: 1981
Singapore Treaty on the Law of Trademarks
The objective of the Singapore Treaty is to create a modern and dynamic international framework for the harmonization of administrative trademark registration procedures. Building on the Trademark Law Treaty of 1994 (TLT), the Singapore Treaty has a wider scope of application and addresses more recent developments in the field of communication technologies.
Publication year: 2011
Locarno Agreement Establishing an International Classification for Industrial Designs
The Locarno Agreement establishes a classification for industrial designs (the Locarno Classification). The competent offices of the Contracting States must indicate in official documents reflecting the deposit or registration of industrial designs the numbers of the classes and subclasses of the Classification to which the goods incorporating the designs belong. This must also be done in any publication the offices issue in respect of the deposit or registration of industrial designs.
WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty (WPPT)
The Treaty deals with intellectual property rights of two categories of beneficiary: (i) performers (actors, singers, musicians, etc.), and (ii) producers of phonograms (the persons or legal entities who or which take the initiative and have the responsibility for the fixation of the sounds).
WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT)
The Treaty mentions two subject matters to be protected by copyright, (i) computer programs, whatever may be the mode or form of their expression, and (ii) compilations of data or other material (databases), in any form, which by reason of the selection or arrangement of their contents constitute intellectual creations. Where a database does not constitute such a creation, it is outside the scope of this Treaty.
International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organisations (Rome Convention)
The Rome Convention secures protection in performances for performers, in phonograms for producers of phonograms and in broadcasts for broadcasting organizations.
Publication year: 1961
Convention for the Protection of Producers of Phonograms Against Unauthorized Duplication of Their Phonograms
The Convention deals with the obligation of each Contracting State to protect a producer of phonograms who is a national of another Contracting State against the making of duplicates without the consent of the producer; against the importation of such duplicates, where the making or importation is for the purposes of distribution to the public; and against the distribution of such duplicates to the public.
Publication year: 1973
Convention Relating to the Distribution of Programme-Carrying Signals Transmitted by Satellite
The Convention deals with the obligation of each Contracting State to take adequate measures to prevent the unauthorized distribution on or from its territory of any programme-carrying signal transmitted by satellite.
Publication year: 1974
The Strategic Use of Intellectual Property to Enhance Competitiveness in Select Industries in ASEAN
The study attempts to gauge the impact of IP on different sectors in the ASEAN Member States, and the manner in which companies in these sectors have been making use of the different elements of IP to leverage their competitiveness, promote trade and create jobs.
Hague Yearly Review - International Registrations of Industrial Designs - 2013
Comprehensive facts, figures and analysis of the international registration of industrial designs.
WIPO Magazine, Issue 2/2013 (April)
Protecting your Marks Abroad - The Madrid System
Registering your mark internationally is the first step in protecting your commercial interests abroad, and an integral part of any successful global business strategy. The Madrid System, provides a simple, low-cost and effective means of obtaining and maintaining protection for marks in multiple countries.
Agreement Between the World Intellectual Property Organization and the World Trade Organization
Provisions mentioned in the TRIPS Agreement of the Paris Convention (1967), the Berne Convention (1971), the Rome Convention (1961), the Treaty on Intellectual Property in Respect of Integrated Circuits (1989), the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 (GATT) and the WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding (1994).
WIPO Magazine, Issue 6/2012 (December)
Publication year: 2012
Joint Recommendation Concerning Provisions on the Protection of Marks, and Other Industrial Property Rights in Signs, on the Internet
The provisions aim at providing a clear legal framework for trademark owners who wish to use their marks on the Internet and to participate in the development of electronic commerce. They are intended to facilitate the application of existing laws relating to marks, and other industrial property rights in signs on the Internet.
Publication year: 2002
Joint Recommendation Concerning Trademark Licenses
The Joint Recommendation aims at harmonizing and simplifying the formal requirements for the records of trademark licenses and therefore supplements the Trademark Law Treaty (TLT) of October 27, 1994, which is designed to streamline and harmonize formal requirements set by national or regional offices for the filing of national or regional trademark applications, the records of changes, and the renewal of trademark registrations.
Publication year: 2000
Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property
The Convention applies to industrial property in the widest sense, including patents, marks, industrial designs, utility models (a kind of "small patent" provided for by the laws of some countries), trade names (designations under which an industrial or commercial activity is carried on), geographical indications (indications of source and appellations of origin) and the repression of unfair competition.
Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual Performances
The Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual Performances was adopted by the Diplomatic Conference on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances, which took place in Beijing from June 20 to 26, 2012. The Treaty deals with the intellectual property rights of performers in audiovisual performances.
Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Micro-organisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure (as amended on September 26, 1980)
The main feature of the Treaty is that a Contracting State which allows or requires the deposit of microorganisms for the purposes of patent procedure must recognize, for such purposes, the deposit of a microorganism with any "international depositary authority," irrespective of whether such authority is on or outside the territory of the said State.
Madrid Yearly Review 2018 - Executive Summary
International Registration of Marks
This document provides the key trends in the use of the WIPO-administered Madrid System. This edition provides a summary of the statistics reported in the Madrid Yearly Review 2018.
Madrid Yearly Review 2018
Comprehensive facts, figures and analysis of the international registration of marks.
Patent Cooperation Treaty Yearly Review 2018 - Executive Summary
This document provides the key trends in the use of the WIPO-administered Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). This edition provides a summary of the statistics reported in the PCT Yearly Review 2018.
Main Provisions and Benefits of the Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement (2015)
The Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement was adopted by the Diplomatic Conference for the Adoption of a New Act of the Lisbon Agreement for the Protection of Appellations of Origin and their International Registration, which took place in Geneva from May 11 to 21 , 2015. The Act establishes an international system of registration and protection for both appellations of origin and geographical indications.
Publication year: 2021
WIPO Magazine, Issue 4/2018 (August)
Patent Cooperation Treaty Yearly Review - 2018
Comprehensive facts, figures and analysis of the international patent system. Special theme: Applicant representatives named in PCT applications
WIPO Guide on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Options for Intellectual Property Offices and Courts
This Guide is designed to provide an overview of ADR processes for IP disputes.
Shaping WIPO's Future
Workforce 2018
WIPO's workforce is the human capital of the Organization and its greatest asset. This brochure shows a detailed picture of staffing at WIPO in 2018, offering a breakdown of the workforce by category, sector, funding, type of staff appointment, geographical representation and gender balance. It also reports on organizational performance, learning and development, and organizational conflict management.
Hague Yearly Review 2018 - Executive Summary
International Registration of Industrial Designs
This executive brief identifies key trends in the use of the WIPO-administered Hague System for the International Registration of Industrial Designs.
Global Innovation Index 2019
Creating Healthy Lives — The Future of Medical Innovation
The Global Innovation Index 2019 provides detailed metrics about the innovation performance of 129 countries and economies around the world. Its 80 indicators explore a broad vision of innovation, including political environment, education, infrastructure and business sophistication. The GII 2019 analyzes the medical innovation landscape of the next decade, looking at how technological and non-technological medical innovation will transform the delivery of healthcare worldwide. It also explores the role and dynamics of medical innovation as it shapes the future of healthcare, and the potential influence this may have on economic growth. Chapters of the report provide more details on this year's theme from academic, business, and particular country perspectives from leading experts and decision makers.
Hague Yearly Review 2019 - Executive Summary
Hague Yearly Review 2019
Staff @ WIPO: Serving the Global IP System
Workforce 2019
WIPO's workforce is the human capital of the Organization and its greatest asset. This brochure shows a detailed picture of staffing at WIPO in 2019, offering a breakdown of the workforce by category, sector, funding, type of staff appointment, geographical representation and gender balance. It also reports on organizational performance, learning and development, and organizational conflict management.
Hague Yearly Review 2017 - Executive Summary
Madrid Yearly Review 2017 - Executive Summary
This document provides the key trends in the use of the WIPO-administered Madrid System. This edition provides a summary of the statistics reported in the Madrid Yearly Review 2017.
Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and Multidrug Resistance (MDR): Overview of current approaches, consortia and intellectual property issues
Global Challenges Report
Based on a review of recent literature, this WIPO Global Challenges Report includes a broad overview of current approaches and consortia designed to meet the challenge of research and development (R&D) investment for new treatments. It also examines patent applications by both the public and the private sectors as an indicator of innovative activity.
Using IP for development
Success stories from around the world
Intellectual property is a powerful tool for development. This booklet shows how governments, businesses and non-profit organizations all around the world are using different types of IP strategically to boost economic, social and cultural progress.
Making a Mark: An Introduction to Trademarks for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Distinctive signs enable a company to distinguish its products and services from those of other companies. Trademarks provide protection for these signs allowing companies to create visibility and build their brand image. This guide explains the trademark system and the importance of trademark management.
Report of the Director General to the 2017 WIPO Assemblies
This report is a presentation of the work accomplished by the Organization during the year that has passed since the last meeting of the WIPO Assemblies.
WIPO Magazine, Issue 5/2017 (October)
WIPO Magazine, Issue 4/2017 (August)
The free global search engine for technology information
This brochure outlines the features of PATENTSCOPE and its options for multilingual search across tens of millions of patent documents.
Ideas production and international knowledge spillovers: digging deeper into emerging countries
Economic Research Working Paper No. 35
Research and development (R&D) activities of emerging countries (EMEs) have increased considerably in recent years. How important are knowledge transfers from developed countries and other emerging countries? This wide-ranging but rigorous macro-level study of 31 EMEs provides some much-needed evidence.
Sharing Knowledge, Building Capacity - The WIPO Academy Year in Review 2016
This report introduces the work of the Academy and highlights our achievements in 2016.
Hague Yearly Review - International Registrations of Industrial Designs - 2017
WIPO Magazine, Issue 3/2017 (June)
Public Health, Intellectual Property, and TRIPS at 20: Innovation and Access to Medicines; Learning from the Past, Illuminating the Future
The World Trade Organization (WTO) and its Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement) celebrated their 20th anniversary in 2015. To mark the event, the World Health Organization (WHO), World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the WTO held the fifth in the series of trilateral symposia to discuss practical ways in which the twin challenges of innovation and access have been addressed.
Publication year: 2015
WHO, WIPO, WTO Joint Technical Symposium on Antimicrobial Resistance: How to Foster Innovation, Access and Appropriate Use of Antibiotics?
Summary of the Key Issues
The World Health Organization (WHO), the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the World Trade Organization (WTO) Joint Technical Symposia provide a platform for participants to exchange information and experiences and to discuss current issues. The sixth Joint Technical Symposium, held in Geneva on October 25, 2016, reviewed issues related to antimicrobial resistance (AMR).
Patent Cooperation Treaty Yearly Review - 2017
Comprehensive facts, figures and analysis of the international patent system. Special theme: how applicants time their international patent filings
Protect and Promote Your Culture
A Practical Guide to Intellectual Property for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities
Intellectual property can be a powerful tool for indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLCs). Used strategically, it can help you promote your own products and services, and prevent the misappropriation of your traditional knowledge and culture. This short guide explains how, with plenty of examples, IPLCs around the world have made the most of intellectual property rights.
Intellectual Property and Folk, Arts and Cultural Festivals
Practical Guide
This Guide provides general information about intellectual property (IP) and cultural interests. It identifies the main IP challenges faced by festival organizers and outlines some practical elements of an effective IP management strategy, following a step-by-step approach.
The economic analysis of patent litigation data
Economic Research Working Paper No. 48
Enforceability of patent rights is the backbone of the patent system. We review differences in the way patent litigation systems are designed across jurisdictions. We also discuss challenges in collecting and accessing patent litigation data as well as their economic analysis. We provide some descriptive analysis of patent litigation in the U.S. and UK for the period 2010-2016 and 2007-2013, respectively. We also analyze administrative post-grant validity challenges in form of the inter partes review in the U.S. and oppositions at the EPO.
World Intellectual Property Indicators 2018
This authoritative report analyzes IP activity around the globe. Covering the filing, registration and maintenance of patents, utility models, trademarks, industrial designs, microorganisms, and plant variety protection, and geographical indications, the 2018 edition also looks at the creative economy for the first time, making it even more comprehensive. The special theme explores how one might statistically capture patent litigation activity and presents selected statistics for the United Kingdom and the United States of America.
WIPO-ASEAN Design Manual
This document is a manual which provides the technical detail of the survey questionnaire designed and implemented for the study on “Understanding the Use of Industrial Designs –the Case of Indonesia, Philippines and Thailand.” It was prepared for the Project on Intellectual Property (IP) and Socio-Economic Development – Phase II, which aims to provide a better understanding of the role IDs play in business strategies in specific ASEAN Countries, and is designed to help and guide other researchers who wish to carry out a similar study in their countries of interest. The steps undertaken to mitigate the challenges and the lessons learned will hopefully inform researchers on their own endeavors.
Understanding the Use of Industrial Designs in ASEAN Countries
National report for Thailand
This report presents the results of an industrial design (ID) survey study carried out in three ASEAN countries, namely Thailand. It was prepared for the Project on Intellectual Property (IP) and Socio-Economic Development – Phase II, which aims to provide a better understanding of the role IDs play in business strategies, how ID rights contribute to the appropriation of investments in design innovation, and what challenges applicants face when using ID rights.
National report for Philippines
This report presents the results of an industrial design (ID) survey study carried out in three ASEAN countries, namely Philippines. It was prepared for the Project on Intellectual Property (IP) and Socio-Economic Development – Phase II, which aims to provide a better understanding of the role IDs play in business strategies, how ID rights contribute to the appropriation of investments in design innovation, and what challenges applicants face when using ID rights.
National report for Indonesia
This report presents the results of an industrial design (ID) survey study carried out in three ASEAN countries, namely Indonesia. It was prepared for the Project on Intellectual Property (IP) and Socio-Economic Development – Phase II, which aims to provide a better understanding of the role IDs play in business strategies, how ID rights contribute to the appropriation of investments in design innovation, and what challenges applicants face when using ID rights.
WHO-WIPO-WTO Technical Symposium on Sustainable Development Goals: Innovative technologies to promote healthy lives and well-being
The seventh technical symposium organized by WHO, WIPO, WTO discussed challenges and opportunities for the international community to ensure that innovative technologies are developed and reach patients in order to realize the right to health and the health-related SDGs.
A Casebook on the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights
4th Edition
The fourth edition of this popular casebook is a valuable tool for judges, lawyers and law enforcement officials in the handling of intellectual property cases. It compiles case law related to IP enforcement from a wide range of courts and tribunals, providing a thorough analysis of common and civil law jurisprudence, underscoring similarities and, where appropriate, highlighting differences. It covers the most recent decisions on topical issues in common and civil law, and emphasizes the jurisprudence in the area of copyright and trademark rights.
Innovativeness of the Polish health sector: a patent analytics study
Economic Research Working Paper No. 46
The Polish health related patenting increased rapidly in the last decade making Poland the top CEE economy. Still, most of the filings remain only national, making Poland just a small share of the EU total and relatively less specialized than other EU countries. A limited number of higher education applicants accounted for 42 percent of patents and utility models, with a clear specialization in pharmaceutical technologies. Most private applicants were SMEs and individuals specialized in medtech. The innovative activity is concentrated in a few provinces and cities. Polish health related innovation is a collaborative although mostly domestic effort. Poland's pharmaceutical specialization is on non-biological preparations (42%) and new chemical compounds (31%); while the medtech specialization is in diagnosis and surgery (34%) and prostheses, stents and orthopedic (18%).
Innovation in the pharmaceutical and medical technologies industries of Poland
Economic Research Working Paper No. 45
This paper analyzes the recent economic and innovation trends of the health industries in Poland. The health industries have observed remarkable growth since entering into the EU. While the pharmaceutical industry faces some economic slowdown since 2011, the medtech industry shows substantial dynamism for its small size. The Polish health industry has still much to do to improve its innovation status. However, the observed trend of the innovation dynamics is cause for optimism. Polish firms in the health industries are increasingly innovating and extracting economic results from these innovations.
Leveraging Micropayment Technology to Increase Access to Safe Drinking Water
Matchmaking Impact Stories
Since connecting at Innovate 4 Water 2017 – a matchmaking event co-organized by WIPO GREEN – Cubo Environmental Technologies and Susteq have joined forces to make affordable, safe drinking water more accessible in rural Kenya and Nigeria.
WIPO Magazine, Issue 2018 (Special Issue - South Africa)
WIPO Magazine, Issue 5/2018 (October)
WIPO Program and Budget
for the 2018/19 biennium
The Program and Budget is a defining document for the Organization. It establishes the results that Member States wish to see achieved by the Organization over the coming biennium and authorizes the programs and resources necessary for the realization for those results.
Documenting Traditional Knowledge – A Toolkit
There is growing interest in documenting the wealth of traditional knowledge (TK) that has been developed by indigenous peoples and local communities around the world. But documenting TK can raise important issues, especially as regards intellectual property. This Toolkit presents a range of easy-to-use checklists and other resources to help ensure that anyone considering a documentation project can address those issues effectively.
World Intellectual Property Indicators - 2017
An authoritative annual survey of IP activity around the globe. As well as filing, registration and maintenance of patents, utility models, trademarks, industrial designs, microorganisms and plant variety protection, the 2017 edition also covers geographical indications for the first time, making it even more comprehensive. A special section on the operational performance of patent offices takes an in-depth look at application processing times, examination capacity and examination outcomes.
Joining the International Copyright System: What's At Stake?
This booklet introduces the copyright treaties administered by WIPO, identifies some of the potential benefits they offer, and outlines the steps that countries need to take in order to join the international copyright system.
Guidance on WIPO FRAND Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
This document has been developed by the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center (WIPO Center) and takes into account comments by telecom stakeholders, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) Legal Department, WIPO Arbitrators and Mediators, and the Munich IPDR Forum.