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WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 3/2010 ( June )
Publication year: 2010
The International Patent System in 2009
PCT Yearly Review
Comprehensive facts, figures and analysis of the international patent system. Special theme: the impact of the financial crisis on PCT applications
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 2/2010 ( April )
Intellectual Property in Asian Countries: Studies on Infrastructure and Economic Impact
This publication is a compilation of the general and national reports from two research projects. It is hoped that they will be of interest to policy makers and positively contribute to the on-going debate regarding the relationship between intellectual property and economic development.
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 1/2010 (February)
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 6/2009 (November-December)
Publication year: 2009
Access to Research for Development and Innovation (ARDI)
The Access to Research for Development and Innovation (ARDI) program is coordinated by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) together with its partners in the publishing industry with the aim to increase the availability of scientific and technical information in developing countries.
Publication year: 2017
World Intellectual Property Indicators - 2009
This report provides a wide range of indicators covering patents, utility models, trademarks, industrial designs, microorganisms and plant varieties protection. It draws on data from national and regional IP offices, the World Intellectual Property Organization, the World Bank and UNESCO.
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 5/2009 (September-October)
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 4/2009 (July-August)
The International Patent System in 2008
Comprehensive facts, figures and analysis of the international patent system.
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 3/2009 (May-June)
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 2/2009 (March-April)
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 1/2009 (January-February)
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 6/2008 (November-December)
Publication year: 2008
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 5/2008 (September-October)
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 4/2008 (July-August)
The International Patent System in 2007
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 3/2008 (May-June)
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 2/2008 (March-April)
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 1/2008 (January-February)
Managing Intellectual Property for Museums
This Guide, prepared by Rina Elster Pantalony, was recently updated to reflect the tremendous developments since it was first published in 2007, in particular Digital Rights Management, the role of social media as a business opportunity and traditional knowledge. The two-part Guide first describes IP issues relevant to museums then reviews existing business models that could provide museums with appropriate opportunities to create sustainable funding, and deliver on their stated objectives.
Publication year: 2013
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 5/2007 (September-October)
Publication year: 2007
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 4/2007 (July-August)
The International Patent System in 2006
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 3/2007 (May-June)
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 2/2007 (March-April)
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 6/2006 (December)
Publication year: 2006
The International Patent System in 2005
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 5/2006 (October)
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 04/2006 (August)
Included in this issue:
WIPO Magazine - Issue No. 03, 2006 (June)
WIPO Magazine - Issue No. 02, 2006 (April)
WIPO Magazine - Issue No. 06, 2005 (November-December)
Publication year: 2005
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 5, 2005 (September-October)
The Setting-up of New Copyright Societies
The document provides short explanations, on the different steps, conditions and on the various parameters indispensable for the creation of a collective management organization for musical works. It includes an interesting work plan indicating in a time frame the different stages necessary for achieving such goal.
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 4, 2005
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 3, 2005
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 2, 2005
March - April
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 1, 2005
January - February
From Artist to Audience
A WIPO booklet produced in cooperation with the International Confederation of Societies of Authors (CISAC) and the International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organisations (IFRRO), aims to answer questions by exploring one way in which the copyright and related rights system works, namely through the collective management of rights.
Publication year: 2004
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 6, 2004
November - December
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 5, 2004
September - October
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 4, 2004
July - August
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 3, 2004
May - June
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 2, 2004
WIPO Magazine, issue No. 1, 2004
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 6, 2003
November - December 2003
Publication year: 2003
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 11-12, 2001
November-December 2001
Publication year: 2001
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 5, 2003
September - October 2003
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 4, 2003
July - August 2003
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 3, 2003
May - June 2003
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 2, 2003
March - April 2003
Patents Comic Book
This comic book narrates the adventures of four teenagers who learn what patents are and how they and society at large can benefit from them. While the WIPO comic books are primarily geared towards students from 8 to 12 years' old, higher-level students and adults have found them useful in providing a basic understanding of IP issues.
Copyright Comic Book
This comic book narrates the adventures of four teenagers who learn what copyright is and how they and society at large can benefit from copyright. While the WIPO comic books are primarily geared towards students from 8 to 12 years' old, higher-level students and adults have found them useful in providing a basic understanding of IP issues.
Trademarks Comic Book
This comic book narrates the adventures of four adolescents, who learn what trademarks are and how they and society at large can benefit from them. While the WIPO comic books are primarily geared towards students from 8 to 12 years' old, higher-level students and adults have found them useful in providing a basic understanding of IP issues.
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 1, 2003
January - February 2003
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 7-8-9, 2002
July-August-September 2002
Publication year: 2002
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 6, 2002
June 2002
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 5, 2002
May 2002
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 4, 2002
April 2002
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 3, 2002
March 2002
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 2, 2002
February 2002
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 11-12, 2002
November-December 2002
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 10, 2002
October 2002
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 1, 2002
January 2002
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 9, 2001
September 2001
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 7-8, 2001
July-August 2001
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 6, 2001
June 2001
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 5, 2001
May 2001
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 4, 2001
April 2001
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 3, 2001
March 2001
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 2, 2001
February 2001
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 10, 2001
October 2001
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 1, 2001
January 2001
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 9, 2000
September 2000
Publication year: 2000
WIPO Magazine, Issue Nos. 7-8, 2000
July-August 2000
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 6, 2000
June 2000
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 5, 2000
May 2000
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 4, 2000
April 2000
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 3, 2000
March 2000
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 2, 2000
February 2000
WIPO Magazine, Issue Nos. 11-12, 2000
November-December 2000
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 10, 2000
October 2000
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 1, 2000
January 2000
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 9, 1999
September 1999
Publication year: 1999
WIPO Magazine, Issue Nos. 7-8, 1999
July-August 1999
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 6, 1999
June 1999
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 5, 1999
May 1999
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 4, 1999
April 1999
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 3, 1999
March 1999
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 2, 1999
February 1999
WIPO Magazine, Issue Nos. 11-12, 1999
November-December 1999
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 10, 1999
October 1999
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 1, 1999
January 1999
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 9, 1998
September 1998
Publication year: 1998
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 7-8, 1998
July-August 1998
WIPO Magazine, Issue No. 6, 1998
June 1998