Hague Information Notices 

Our information notices provide you with detailed information on important Hague System developments, including new Members, declarations, changes in fees, and amendments to the legal framework.
Notices published since April 1, 2010 only are available in Spanish.

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Hague Notices – Information Notices and updates on developments in the Hague System.

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335 Results for
17 января 2002 г. Ratification by the Republic of Moldova (HAGUE/2002/01)
27 ноября 2001 г. Amendment of the Regulations and Administrative Instructions (HAGUE/2001/07)
24 октября 2001 г. Extension to 25 Years of the Term of Protection Accorded by Italy to Designs Deposited Internationally (HAGUE/2001/06)
24 октября 2001 г. Extension to 25 Years of the Term of Protection Accorded by Benelux to Designs Deposited Internationally (HAGUE/2001/05)
15 октября 2001 г. The Hague Agreement concerning the International Deposit of Industrial Designs: Edition of the International Designs Bulletin on CD-ROM (HAGUE/2001/04)
11 июля 2001 г. The Hague Agreement concerning the International Registration of Industrial Designs: Geneva Act (1999) - Accession by the Republic of Iceland (HAGUE/2001/03)
1 июня 2001 г. The Hague Agreement concerning the International Registration of Industrial Designs: Geneva Act (1999) - Ratification by Romania (HAGUE/2001/02)
1 января 2001 г. International Designs Bulletin: Important Changes (HAGUE/2001/01)
26 мая 2000 г. Republic of Bulgaria, Declaration of Creator's Identity (HAGUE/2000/01)
18 октября 1999 г. Accession by the Kingdom of Morocco - The Hague Act (1960) and the Stockholm (Complementary) Act (1967) (HAGUE/1999/01)
12 октября 1998 г. Publication of the International Designs Bulletin on CD-ROM; Reductionof the Publication Fee (HAGUE/1998/05)
6 октября 1998 г. Edition of the International Designs Bulletin on CD-ROM (HAGUE/1998/04)
27 августа 1998 г. Advisory Meeting of Users of the Hague System - October 7, 1998, Geneva (HAGUE/1998/03)
23 июня 1998 г. State Novelty Examination Fee under Article 15: Republic of Moldova - The Hague Agreement (1960 Act) (HAGUE/1998/02)
5 июня 1998 г. State Novelty Examination Fee under Article 15: Romania - The Hague Agreement (1960 Act) (HAGUE/1998/01)