WIPO Sequence is a global software tool that enables patent applicants to prepare amino acid and nucleotide sequence listings compliant with WIPO Standard ST.26PDF, WIPO Standard ST.26as part of a national or international patent application.

WIPO Sequence Validator is a web service for patent offices to verify that filed sequence listings comply with WIPO ST.26.

These tools were developed in collaboration with patent offices around the world, under the direction of the Committee on WIPO Standards.

Note: WIPO Standard ST.26 is now in force.

WIPO Sequence version 2.3.0 was released on 2023.05.08. WIPO Sequence Validator version 3.0.0 was released on 2024.10.03

(Photo: Getty images/peterschreiber.media)

For Applicants

WIPO Sequence

A standalone desktop application available for Windows, Linux and MacOS. A User Manual PDF, WIPO Sequence version 1.1.0 User Manual is provided to assist applicants in generating their compliant sequence listings.

Need help?



By downloading and installing WIPO Sequence, you are accepting the following Terms of Use (October 2021) .


Sign up for the mailing list to receive notifications of software updates and related issues: WIPO Sequence Updates

Test data set — ST.26 DTD version 1.3

The following ZIP file provides both compliant and non-compliant ST.26 instances for testing purposes: Test data set ZIP, Test data set ST.26 DTD version 1.3

For Patent Offices

WIPO Sequence Validator

A web service that runs in patent office environments to check filed sequence listings for compliance with WIPO Standard ST.26. Patent Offices may obtain WIPO Sequence Validator by contacting us.

Validator Materials


Version 2.2.0 of WIPO Sequence Suite has been released for general use

Version 2.1 of WIPO Sequence Suite has been released for general use

After releasing WIPO Sequence Suite version 2.0 in May, WIPO has continued resolving known issues to ensure the software is production ready for the WIPO ST.26 implementation date of July 1. Improvements in version 2.1 include upgrading the “Help” features and refining import messages. Changes since version 2.0.0 are summarized in the Release Notes on the WIPO Sequence home page.

If you do not receive the auto-update message in WIPO Sequence Suite, please download version 2.1.0 using the links above.

Next stable release of WIPO Sequence; Knowledge Base & email list

Based on the feedback of our testing group, WIPO has continued to improve the WIPO Sequence Suite to ensure that it meets the needs of users for the July 1 WIPO ST.26 implementation date. The result will be WIPO Sequence version 2.0.0, scheduled for release in the week of May 16. Improvements since the last stable version will be summarized in the Version 2.0.0 Release Notes to be provided in the Download section.

To help support users, WIPO is also collaborating with patent Offices to produce a knowledge base of answers to regularly asked questions and common issues. This knowledge base will be available to the public from June 1.

WIPO Sequence users are encouraged to sign-up to the new email list for important announcements and information on software updates and related issues. Users will be prompted to register for the list when downloading the software from the WIPO Sequence homepage.

Second stable release of WIPO Sequence

Since November 2021, WIPO has been developing an improved version of the WIPO Sequence Suite. The latest version of the desktop tool can be downloaded above along with the release notes which indicate the changes since the last stable release was published. Patent Offices interested in the latest version of WIPO Sequence Validator should contact us.

WIPO ST.26 Training Webinar Series

WIPO is providing four webinars on preparing sequence listings compliant with WIPO Standard ST.26. The webinars are open to patent applicants and IP Offices. See the webinars page for dates in April and May and other information. Recordings will be available.

The first stable release of WIPO Sequence has been launched.

Details regarding the exact improvements provided since the Beta 2 release, originally launched on April 7, 2020, are provided in the Release Notes PDF, WIPO Sequence version 1.0.0 Release Notes.