element TableImage
version V2_0
namespace https://www.wipo.int/standards/XMLSchema/ST96/Common
type com:TableImageType
content complex
children com:ImageFormatCategory com:FileName com:HeightMeasure com:WidthMeasure com:Alt com:HorizontalResolutionQuantity com:VerticalResolutionQuantity com:ImageResolutionQuantity com:BitDepthQuantity com:ColourIndicator com:ColourModeCategory com:Caption com:ImageStatusCategory com:ImageRenditionCategory
used by
complexType com:TableType
Name Type Use Default Fixed annotation
com:id xsd:ID documentation
Unique identifier global to the entire document
com:fileLocationURI xsd:anyURI documentation
File location of included document or page
com:imageContentCategory com:ImageContentCategoryType documentation
Category of image content, e.g. art work, figures, complex work units (math, tables, chemistry), etc.
com:orientationCategory com:OrientationCategoryType documentation
Orientation of object (such as image, table, page)
com:imageWrappingStyleCategory com:ImageWrappingStyleCategoryType documentation
Indication whether the image is to be presented inline or separated by line breaks.
com:tableNumber xsd:string documentation
Number of table
Table inserted in an image format.
source <xsd:element name="TableImage" type="com:TableImageType">
Table inserted in an image format.