Models of Intellectual Property Governance and Administration


The study was authored by Nikolaus Thumm, Knut Blind and Christopher Stolz on behalf of the Frauenhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI. It was guided by Johanne Belisle, WIPO Senior Policy Advisor, and Carsten Fink, WIPO Chief Economist, who also provided extensive comments on draft versions of this report. Samiah do Carmo Figueiredo and Jovana Stojanovic in WIPO’s Chief Economist’s Office provided excellent research assistance, especially in scheduling and managing the IP office interviews of this study.

The authors and WIPO are most grateful to the heads and deputy heads of IP offices as well as staff from national ministries who participated in the structured interviews carried out as part of this study. Without the valuable information and the insights they provided, this study would not have been possible.