Patent Landscape Report - Agrifood


This Patent Landscape Report on Agrifood was prepared under the stewardship of Marco Alemán (Assistant Director General, IP and Innovation Ecosystems Sector) and under the direction of Alejandro Roca Campaña (Senior Director, IP for Innovators Department) and Andrew Czajkowski (Director, Technology and Innovation Support Division), and was led by Christopher Harrison (Patent Analytics Manager, IP Analytics Section, Technology and Innovation Support Division) with the generous financial support by Funds-In-Trust Japan Industrial Property Global provided by the Japan Patent Office.

The report was prepared by a project team led by Christopher Harrison that included Yoran Margaron, Liuba Berekelya, Priyanka Agrawal and Juliane Wissuwa (all from Questel) as well as Hong Kan (Patent Analytics Officer, IP Analytics Section, Technology and Innovation Support Division), Lakshmi Supriya (Patent Analytics Officer, IP Analytics Section, Technology and Innovation Support Division), Ekrem Çakay (Patent Analyst, IP Analytics Section, Technology and Innovation Support Division), Pooyan Piredeir (Young Expert, Technology and Innovation Support Division) and Aleksandr Belianov (former Young Expert, Technology and Innovation Support Division).

The report draws on helpful input received during conceptualization of the project and in reviewing the data and report from Alessandro Cruvinel (Department of Support for Agricultural Innovation – Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, Brazil), Miguel Campo Dall Orto Emery de Carvalho, Natalia Semeria Ruschel, and Vivianne Cardoso Banasiak (all from the Ministry of Development, Industry, Trade and Services, Brazil) as well as Dr. Orakanoke Phanraksa, Asst. Prof. Dr. Suvaluk Asavasanti and Premsak Chaiwiwattrakul (all from TSRI - Thailand Science Research and Innovation, Thailand).

Our thanks also go to Intan Hamdan-Livramento (Senior Economist, Innovation Economy Section) for reviewing the report and providing valuable input, as well as to Leontino Rezende Taveira (Director of Global Development and Technical Affairs, UPOV) and other UPOV colleagues, Andrew Michael Ong (Director, Division for Asia and the Pacific), Isabella Pimentel (Counsellor, WIPO Brazil Office) and Ryszard Frelek (Counsellor, External Relations Division) for additional support. Finally, our gratitude to the WIPO editorial and design team led by Charlotte Beauchamp (Head, Publications and Design Section).
