Global patent development
Significant advances in sea transport technologies are reflected in the sharp increase in patent activity. Since the start of the millennium, the number of patent family publications per year has increased from around 400 in 2000 to almost 4,800 in 2023 (Figure B4). The growth rate of patent publications has been relatively stable over that period, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of around 11%. In total, the patent search identified almost 47,000 patent families in the field of sea transportation since 2000.
Overview of the four technology trends
At the level of the four technology trends, most research activity in maritime transport is focused on Sustainable Propulsion/Efficient Ship Design technologies. Between 2000 and 2023, the number of published patent families increased from 291 to more than 2800 (Figure B5). Communication and Security is another key research area. In this field, the annual number of patent families published has increased from 99 to 1849 since 2000. Automation and Circularity technologies have also become an important area of research in the maritime industry, as evidenced by an increase in patent family publications from just 13 in 2000 to 461 in 2023. In contrast, Human–Machine Interface technologies still play a relatively minor role in maritime transport, with only about 100 patent family publications in 2023.
In fact, patent growth is highest in HMI technologies, as shown in Figure B6. Between 2000 and 2023, patent families increased from only 2 to more than 100, a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 18.7%. Patent growth was also high in the other three technology trends.
Patent coverage
Analysis based on filing authorities of patent families in sea transport technologies provides an overview of global filing strategies. Members of patent families can be filed directly in one or more countries, via national patent offices, via the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) route administered by WIPO or via the European Patent Convention (EP) route administered by the European Patent Office.
Figure B7 shows that China is the top filing country. Between 2000 and 2023, more than 21,000 patent families in sea transport technologies were filed in China seeking patent protection. The Republic of Korea and the United States of America (US) have also attracted many patent filings since 2000.
It is also worth noting that the PCT and EP routes are relevant for inventors seeking patent protection. Over the last decade, there have been almost 8,400 patent filings under the PCT and more than 5,800 patent filings under the EP.