Global Goods & Services Terms Explorer

Whether you're a trademark applicant, examiner or researcher, WIPO’s free of charge Global G&S Terms Explorer provides valuable assistance in searching and selecting appropriate Goods and Services terms and their associated Nice classes, in different languages and for different IP Offices.

Key features

Data-Driven Term Selection Assistance

This tool utilizes statistics gathered from major trademark collections within the Global Brand Database to provide valuable assistance in term selection for trademark applications. It offers users the ability to:
  • Identify potential Goods and Services (G&S) terms suitable for inclusion in their trademark applications.
  • Evaluate the probability of a specific term being accepted by Intellectual Property (IP) Offices.
Users can make informed decisions about which terms are most appropriate for their trademarks based on the number of times each term appears in successfully registered trademarks over the past 10 years. A higher number of accepted trademarks associated with a given term indicates a greater likelihood of future acceptance.

Multiple search options

With a user-friendly interface, the tool offers three types of searches:
1. Exact: shows the number of trademarks having the exact entered term as one of their goods and services terms, along with the associated Nice classification.
2. String: displays all the recommendable G&S terms in the system that contain the searched string, along with the Nice classification and for each term, the number of accepted trademarks with the term; for example, if you enter “sushi”, the found terms will include “sushi rolling mats”, if you enter “solut”, the results will include “dispute resolution services”;
3. Semantic: shows recommendable terms that are semantically similar to the entered term, the most similar being displayed first. If you enter sushi, the result will include wasabi, seafood etc. The semantic proximity, the Nice classification and the number of accepted trademarks are indicated. The semantic search also explores equivalents of terms in the following supported languages:
  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Brazilian Portuguese
  • Spanish
String and semantic searches enable to explore the terms landscape, while the exact search helps to assess the acceptability of a given term.

Tailored search results based on needs

A click on the term will display a graphical view of the number of trademarks having the G&S term accepted by each office over the last 10 years. The graphs can be sorted based on IP Offices, the total number of results or the different Nice classes associated with a specific term.


1. What trademarks were taken into account to build the tool?

Expired and registered trademarks from the collections of Australia, Canada, EUIPO. France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, WIPO, New Zealand, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and United States.

2. How does the tool find similar terms and equivalences in other languages?

In the semantic search feature, powered by artificial intelligence, the tool using neural networks analyzes terms and finds closest terms in the same and other supported languages.

3. What is the difference between the Goods and Services Explorerand the Madrid Goods and Services Manager (MGS)?

The aim to help applicant use the correct term is the same; however, the information available in both tools is different. MGS includes the Nice Classification, the terms from databases of participating IP Offices as well as terms validated by the WIPO team whereas the information available in the Goods and Services Explorer is based on statistics built from the collections mentioned in question 1. The Goods and Services Explorer shows the usage of the term over the last 10 years.