World Intellectual Property Day 2020 – Promotion Toolkit

World Intellectual Property Day is a great opportunity to get people interested in issues relating to intellectual property (IP).

While WIPO promotes a general theme each year, it is up to you to decide how best to use the event to make a splash, or to meet your organization’s own public awareness raising goals.

This toolkit offers a selection of resources to enable you to create your own campaigns.

  • A green future means tackling climate change and IP-driven innovation will be key to solving this shared, global challenge.
  • New climate-friendly innovation and new thinking are needed urgently to tackle the climate crisis and achieve a green future. The IP system can incentivize this.
  • The World Intellectual Property Organization leads the work in establishing a balanced and effective international IP system that supports innovation.
  • Let’s celebrate all the pioneering inventors and creators who are working to shape a future that is green and from which we will all benefit.

Find out more



  • Press PDF, press guidelines for IP Day 2020
  • Social media PDF, social media guidlines for IP Day 2020
  • Video production PDF, video production guidlines for IP Day 2020

Contact us

Case studies

We are inviting stakeholders to share information about the remarkable people who are developing local solutions to global problems.

Selected case studies will be posted on the World IP Day webpage. Member states may also wish to feature such case studies/profiles on their own campaign-related webpages.

  • Guidelines for case studies PDF, guidelines case studies, IP Day 2020

Send us your submissions

(Photo: Courtesy of qAIRa)

Tackling air pollution from mining

qAIRa, a Peruvian startup is using drone and sensing technology to tackle air pollution, including that associated with the country’s mining operations.


Suggested virtual activities for World IP Day

In light of the on-going corona virus pandemic, World IP Day 2020 is being promoted as a virtual campaign.

What can my organization do? engage the public

  • Run online essay competitions for young people on themes relating to IP, innovation, piracy and counterfeiting, etc.
  • Celebrate works of a notable inventor, artist, designer, entrepreneur, etc., online.
  • Run virtual workshops to inform specific users or potential users of the IP rights system – artists, performers, photographers, musicians, inventors, entrepreneurs, etc. –and the services available.
  • Create locally-focused IP Day publicity materials, such as posters, brochures, broadcast spots, targeted at specific audiences and make them available online.
  • Hang an IP Day banner on the web portal of your IP or copyright office.
  • Create a website containing general information about IP, case studies, videos, IP Day activities, quizzes, voting, etc.
  • Promote your IP Day activities through social media using the #worldipday hashtag, live event updates and Twitter chats.
  • Run an online photo competition in line with the main theme in order to highlight creativity and the working of copyright in practice.
  • Find a spokesperson or create a spokes-character, and feature them online.
  • Produce interviews, videos, podcasts, etc., featuring artists, authors, and inventors talking about their work and how it relates to IP, and post them online.
  • Release studies, statistical data, surveys, etc., about the impact of innovation, the damage of counterfeiting and piracy, attitudes towards innovation, etc.
  • Organize a free IP consultation or Q&A session on your social media channels or other online technologies with a local law firm or academic institution for people interested in learning about the best ways to protect their IP.
  • Launch a social media campaign encouraging budding and established inventors/creators to, for example, share their experiences of the IP system or their hopes for the system’s future (via traditional blog posts, video blog entries, etc.).
  • Explain the role of IP in the world of green innovation. engage the media

  • Work with local newspapers and media outlets to publish editorials and articles on IP-related themes.
  • Get in touch with radio and television stations to broadcast discussion programs about how to promote and protect creativity and innovation.
  • Hold a virtual press conference on your IP Day activities.
  • Produce digital-press packs with easy-to-digest facts and figures for time-pressed journalists. engage businesses

  • Run virtual workshops with local businesses and chambers of commerce on how small- and medium-sized enterprises can benefit from using the IP system.
  • Work with local inventors' associations or designers to announce invention or design awards online. engage schools/universities

  • Hold webinars or online conferences in universities to build awareness of IP and its benefits among students, faculty and researchers.
  • Mark IP Day in schools with: digital invention competitions solving common problems; or video presentations by inventors, authors, musicians, etc. on how IP affects them.
  • Involve science and art museums, with virtual presentations explaining the link between the exhibitions, innovation and IP.