عن الملكية الفكرية التدريب في مجال الملكية الفكرية إذكاء الاحترام للملكية الفكرية التوعية بالملكية الفكرية الملكية الفكرية لفائدة… الملكية الفكرية و… الملكية الفكرية في… معلومات البراءات والتكنولوجيا معلومات العلامات التجارية معلومات التصاميم الصناعية معلومات المؤشرات الجغرافية معلومات الأصناف النباتية (الأوبوف) القوانين والمعاهدات والأحكام القضائية المتعلقة بالملكية الفكرية مراجع الملكية الفكرية تقارير الملكية الفكرية حماية البراءات حماية العلامات التجارية حماية التصاميم الصناعية حماية المؤشرات الجغرافية حماية الأصناف النباتية (الأوبوف) تسوية المنازعات المتعلقة بالملكية الفكرية حلول الأعمال التجارية لمكاتب الملكية الفكرية دفع ثمن خدمات الملكية الفكرية هيئات صنع القرار والتفاوض التعاون التنموي دعم الابتكار الشراكات بين القطاعين العام والخاص أدوات وخدمات الذكاء الاصطناعي المنظمة العمل مع الويبو المساءلة البراءات العلامات التجارية التصاميم الصناعية المؤشرات الجغرافية حق المؤلف الأسرار التجارية أكاديمية الويبو الندوات وحلقات العمل إنفاذ الملكية الفكرية WIPO ALERT إذكاء الوعي اليوم العالمي للملكية الفكرية مجلة الويبو دراسات حالة وقصص ناجحة في مجال الملكية الفكرية أخبار الملكية الفكرية جوائز الويبو الأعمال الجامعات الشعوب الأصلية الأجهزة القضائية الموارد الوراثية والمعارف التقليدية وأشكال التعبير الثقافي التقليدي الاقتصاد التمويل الأصول غير الملموسة المساواة بين الجنسين الصحة العالمية تغير المناخ سياسة المنافسة أهداف التنمية المستدامة التكنولوجيات الحدودية التطبيقات المحمولة الرياضة السياحة ركن البراءات تحليلات البراءات التصنيف الدولي للبراءات أَردي – البحث لأغراض الابتكار أَردي – البحث لأغراض الابتكار قاعدة البيانات العالمية للعلامات مرصد مدريد قاعدة بيانات المادة 6(ثالثاً) تصنيف نيس تصنيف فيينا قاعدة البيانات العالمية للتصاميم نشرة التصاميم الدولية قاعدة بيانات Hague Express تصنيف لوكارنو قاعدة بيانات Lisbon Express قاعدة البيانات العالمية للعلامات الخاصة بالمؤشرات الجغرافية قاعدة بيانات الأصناف النباتية (PLUTO) قاعدة بيانات الأجناس والأنواع (GENIE) المعاهدات التي تديرها الويبو ويبو لكس - القوانين والمعاهدات والأحكام القضائية المتعلقة بالملكية الفكرية معايير الويبو إحصاءات الملكية الفكرية ويبو بورل (المصطلحات) منشورات الويبو البيانات القطرية الخاصة بالملكية الفكرية مركز الويبو للمعارف الاتجاهات التكنولوجية للويبو مؤشر الابتكار العالمي التقرير العالمي للملكية الفكرية معاهدة التعاون بشأن البراءات – نظام البراءات الدولي ePCT بودابست – نظام الإيداع الدولي للكائنات الدقيقة مدريد – النظام الدولي للعلامات التجارية eMadrid الحماية بموجب المادة 6(ثالثاً) (الشعارات الشرفية، الأعلام، شعارات الدول) لاهاي – النظام الدولي للتصاميم eHague لشبونة – النظام الدولي لتسميات المنشأ والمؤشرات الجغرافية eLisbon UPOV PRISMA UPOV e-PVP Administration UPOV e-PVP DUS Exchange الوساطة التحكيم قرارات الخبراء المنازعات المتعلقة بأسماء الحقول نظام النفاذ المركزي إلى نتائج البحث والفحص (CASE) خدمة النفاذ الرقمي (DAS) WIPO Pay الحساب الجاري لدى الويبو جمعيات الويبو اللجان الدائمة الجدول الزمني للاجتماعات WIPO Webcast وثائق الويبو الرسمية أجندة التنمية المساعدة التقنية مؤسسات التدريب في مجال الملكية الفكرية الدعم المتعلق بكوفيد-19 الاستراتيجيات الوطنية للملكية الفكرية المساعدة في مجالي السياسة والتشريع محور التعاون مراكز دعم التكنولوجيا والابتكار نقل التكنولوجيا برنامج مساعدة المخترعين WIPO GREEN WIPO's PAT-INFORMED اتحاد الكتب الميسّرة اتحاد الويبو للمبدعين WIPO Translate أداة تحويل الكلام إلى نص مساعد التصنيف الدول الأعضاء المراقبون المدير العام الأنشطة بحسب كل وحدة المكاتب الخارجية المناصب الشاغرة المشتريات النتائج والميزانية التقارير المالية الرقابة
Arabic English Spanish French Russian Chinese
القوانين المعاهدات الأحكام التصفح بحسب الاختصاص القضائي

Corporations Act 2001 (consolidated as of April 6, 2019)، أستراليا

عودة للخلف
أحدث إصدار في ويبو لِكس
التفاصيل التفاصيل سنة الإصدار 2019 تواريخ الاعتماد : 28 يونيو 2001 نوع النص نصوص أخرى الموضوع مواضيع أخرى

المواد المتاحة

النصوص الرئيسية النصوص ذات الصلة
النصوص الإضافية الأعداد (1 نصوص) الأعداد (1 نصوص) بالإنكليزية Corporations Act 2001 (consolidated as of April 6, 2019) 1       2       3       4       5       6      

Prepared by the Office of Parliamentary Counsel, Canberra

Corporations Act 2001

No. 50, 2001

Compilation No. 94

Compilation date: 6 April 2019

Includes amendments up to: Act No. 50, 2019

Registered: 14 May 2019

This compilation is in 6 volumes

Volume 1: sections 1–260E

Volume 2: sections 283AA–601DJ

Volume 3: sections 601EA–742

Volume 4: sections 760A–993D

Volume 5: sections 1010A–1369A

Volume 6: sections 1370–1662



Each volume has its own contents

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

About this compilation

This compilation

This is a compilation of the Corporations Act 2001 that shows the text of the

law as amended and in force on 6 April 2019 (the compilation date).

The notes at the end of this compilation (the endnotes) include information

about amending laws and the amendment history of provisions of the compiled


Uncommenced amendments

The effect of uncommenced amendments is not shown in the text of the

compiled law. Any uncommenced amendments affecting the law are accessible

on the Legislation Register (www.legislation.gov.au). The details of

amendments made up to, but not commenced at, the compilation date are

underlined in the endnotes. For more information on any uncommenced

amendments, see the series page on the Legislation Register for the compiled


Application, saving and transitional provisions for provisions and


If the operation of a provision or amendment of the compiled law is affected by

an application, saving or transitional provision that is not included in this

compilation, details are included in the endnotes.

Editorial changes

For more information about any editorial changes made in this compilation, see

the endnotes.


If the compiled law is modified by another law, the compiled law operates as

modified but the modification does not amend the text of the law. Accordingly,

this compilation does not show the text of the compiled law as modified. For

more information on any modifications, see the series page on the Legislation

Register for the compiled law.

Self-repealing provisions

If a provision of the compiled law has been repealed in accordance with a

provision of the law, details are included in the endnotes.

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Chapter 1—Introductory 1

Part 1.1—Preliminary 1 1 Short title...........................................................................1

2 Commencement.................................................................1

3 Constitutional basis for this Act ........................................1

4 Referring States .................................................................2

5 General territorial application of Act.................................5

5A Application to the Crown ..................................................7

5B ASIC has general administration of this Act .....................8

5C Application of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901................8

Part 1.1A—Interaction between Corporations legislation and

State and Territory laws 9 5D Coverage of Part................................................................9

5E Concurrent operation intended ..........................................9

5F Corporations legislation does not apply to matters

declared by State or Territory law to be an

excluded matter ...............................................................11

5G Avoiding direct inconsistency arising between the

Corporations legislation and State and Territory

laws .................................................................................12

5H Registration of body as company on basis of State

or Territory law ...............................................................19

5I Regulations may modify operation of the

Corporations legislation to deal with interaction

between that legislation and State and Territory

laws .................................................................................21

Part 1.2—Interpretation 23

Division 1—General 23

6 Effect of this Part.............................................................23

7 Location of other interpretation provisions .....................23

9 Dictionary........................................................................24

9AA Certain family relationships ..........................................104

9A Meaning of rights issue .................................................104

9B Meaning of remuneration recommendation ..................106

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Division 2—Associates 108

10 Effect of Division ..........................................................108

11 Associates of bodies corporate ......................................108

12 References in Chapters 6 to 6C, and other

references relating to voting power and takeovers

etc. .................................................................................108

13 References in Chapter 7 ................................................110

15 General ..........................................................................111

16 Exclusions .....................................................................111

17 Associates of composite person that carries on a

financial services business.............................................112

Division 3—Carrying on business 113

18 Carrying on business: otherwise than for profit.............113

19 Businesses of a particular kind ......................................113

20 Carrying on a business: alone or together with


21 Carrying on business in Australia or a State or

Territory ........................................................................113

Division 5A—Types of company 115

45A Proprietary companies ...................................................115

45B Small companies limited by guarantee ..........................117

Division 6—Subsidiaries and related bodies corporate 119

46 What is a subsidiary ......................................................119

47 Control of a body corporate’s board ..............................119

48 Matters to be disregarded ..............................................120

49 References in this Division to a subsidiary....................121

50 Related bodies corporate ...............................................121

50AAA Associated entities.........................................................121

50AA Control ..........................................................................122

Division 6A—Security interests 124

51 Meaning of PPSA security interest................................124

51A Meaning of security interest ..........................................124

51B Meaning of secured party..............................................124

51C Meaning of circulating security interest........................125

51D Meaning of possessory security interest ........................125

51E Meaning of secured creditor ..........................................125

51F Meaning of PPSA retention of title property .................126

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Division 6B—Mutual entities 128

51M Mutual entities...............................................................128

Division 7—Interpretation of other expressions 129

52 Doing acts......................................................................129

52A Signing ..........................................................................129

53 Affairs of a body corporate............................................129

53AA Business affairs of a body corporate..............................131

53AB Business affairs of a natural person ...............................131

53AC Business affairs of a partnership....................................132

53AD Business affairs of a trust ..............................................132

57 Classes of shares or interests in managed

investment schemes.......................................................133

57A Meaning of corporation ................................................133

58AA Meaning of court and Court ..........................................134

58B Discharge of obligations under this Act ........................134

59 Debentures as consideration for acquisition of


60 Declaration of relevant relationships .............................135

64 Entering into a transaction in relation to shares or


64A Entities ..........................................................................137

64B Entities connected with a corporation............................137

65 Eligible money market dealer........................................139

66A Exempt bodies ...............................................................139

70 Extension of period for doing an act..............................139

73A When a court is taken to find a person guilty of an


75 Inclusion in official list..................................................139

79 Involvement in contraventions ......................................140

80 Jervis Bay Territory taken to be part of the

Australian Capital Territory ..........................................140

82 Offers and invitations to the public ...............................140

83 Officers, and other persons, in default...........................141

86 Possession .....................................................................141

88A Public document of a body corporate ............................141

88B Qualified accountants ....................................................142

89 Qualified privilege.........................................................143

90 Receivers and managers ................................................143

91 Relation-back day..........................................................143

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92 Securities .......................................................................151

95A Solvency and insolvency ...............................................153

Division 8—Miscellaneous interpretation rules 154

100 Address of registered office etc. ....................................154

100A Operation of certain laws relating to instruments

on which stamp duty has not been paid .........................154

101 Amount of stock representing a number of shares.........155

102 Applications to be in writing .........................................155

102B In Australia or elsewhere, in this jurisdiction or

elsewhere etc. ................................................................155

102C In Australia....................................................................155

103 Effect of certain contraventions of this Act ...................155

104 Effect of provisions empowering a person to

require or prohibit conduct ............................................156

105 Calculation of time ........................................................156

106 Performance of functions by Commission delegate ......156

107 Notice in relation to top 20 members of a class.............157

108 Parts of dollar to be disregarded in determining

majority in value of creditors etc. ..................................157

109 References to persons, things and matters .....................157

109X Service of documents ....................................................158

Part 1.2A—Disclosing entities 159

Division 1—Object of Part 159

111AA Object of Part ................................................................159

Division 2—Definitions 160

111AB Terms defined in Division .............................................160

111AC Disclosing entity............................................................160

111AD ED securities .................................................................160

111AE Securities of bodies or undertakings included in a

licensed market’s official list.........................................161

111AF Securities (except debentures and managed

investment products) held by 100 or more persons .......162

111AFA Managed investment products held by 100 or more

persons ..........................................................................163

111AFB Foreign passport fund products held by 100 or

more persons .................................................................163

111AG Securities issued as consideration for an

acquisition under an off-market takeover bid or

Part 5.1 compromise or arrangement.............................163

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111AH When a person holds securities for the purposes of

sections 111AF, 111AFA, 111AFB and 111AG ...........164

111AI Debentures.....................................................................165

111AJ Regulations may declare securities not to be ED


111AK ED securities of a disclosing entity ...............................165

111AL Listed or unlisted disclosing entity ................................165

111AM Quoted ED securities.....................................................165

Division 3—Significance of being a disclosing entity 166

111AN Division contains outline of significance of being a

disclosing entity.............................................................166

111ANA Requirements relating to remuneration

recommendations in relation to key management

personnel .......................................................................166

111AO Accounting requirements...............................................166

111AP Continuous disclosure requirements..............................166

111AQ Prospectus relief ............................................................166

111AQA Product Disclosure Statement relief ..............................167

Division 4—Exemptions and modifications 168

111AR Meaning of disclosing entity provisions ........................168

111AS Exemptions by regulations ............................................168

111AT Exemptions by ASIC.....................................................168

111AU Enforcing conditions of exemptions..............................169

111AV Modifications by regulations .........................................169

111AW Exemptions and modifications have effect ....................169

111AX Effect of Division ..........................................................169

Part 1.4—Technical provisions about aids for readers 170 111J Small business guide .....................................................170

Part 1.5—Small business guide 171 1 What registration means ................................................171

2 The company structure for small business.....................176

3 Setting up a new company.............................................176

4 Continuing obligations after the company is set up.......180

5 Company directors and company secretaries.................182

6 Shares and shareholders ................................................186

7 Signing company documents.........................................188

8 Funding the company’s operations ................................188

9 Returns to shareholders .................................................189

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10 Annual financial reports and audit.................................190

11 Disagreements within the company...............................192

12 Companies in financial trouble......................................193

Part 1.6—Interaction with Australian Charities and

Not-for-profits Commission Act 2012 196 111K Bodies corporate registered under the Australian

Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Act


111L Provisions not applicable to the body corporate ............196

111M Member approval ..........................................................198

111N Notices ..........................................................................199

111P Annual general meetings ...............................................200

111Q Presumptions to be made in recovery proceedings........200

Chapter 2A—Registering a company 201

Part 2A.1—What companies can be registered 201 112 Types of companies.......................................................201

113 Proprietary companies ...................................................202

114 Minimum of 1 member..................................................204

115 Restrictions on size of partnerships and

associations ...................................................................204

116 Trade unions cannot be registered .................................204

Part 2A.2—How a company is registered 205 117 Applying for registration ...............................................205

118 ASIC gives company ACN, registers company and

issues certificate ............................................................207

119 Company comes into existence on registration .............208

119A Jurisdiction of incorporation and jurisdiction of


120 Members, directors and company secretary of a

company ........................................................................209

121 Registered office ...........................................................210

122 Expenses incurred in promoting and setting up

company ........................................................................210

123 Company may have common seal .................................210

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Chapter 2B—Basic features of a company 212

Part 2B.1—Company powers and how they are exercised 212 124 Legal capacity and powers of a company......................212

125 Constitution may limit powers and set out objects ........213

126 Agent exercising a company’s power to make

contracts ........................................................................213

127 Execution of documents (including deeds) by the

company itself ...............................................................213

Part 2B.2—Assumptions people dealing with companies are

entitled to make 215 128 Entitlement to make assumptions ..................................215

129 Assumptions that can be made under section 128 .........215

130 Information available to the public from ASIC

does not constitute constructive notice ..........................217

Part 2B.3—Contracts before registration 218 131 Contracts before registration .........................................218

132 Person may be released from liability but is not

entitled to indemnity......................................................219

133 This Part replaces other rights and liabilities.................219

Part 2B.4—Replaceable rules and constitution 220 134 Internal management of companies ...............................220

135 Replaceable rules...........................................................220

136 Constitution of a company.............................................221

137 Date of effect of adoption, modification or repeal

of constitution................................................................222

138 ASIC may direct company to lodge consolidated


139 Company must send copy of constitution to


140 Effect of constitution and replaceable rules...................223

141 Table of replaceable rules..............................................224

Part 2B.5—Registered office and places of business 227 142 Registered office ...........................................................227

143 ASIC may change address of registered office to a

director’s address...........................................................227

144 Company’s name must be displayed at registered

office etc........................................................................228

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viii Corporations Act 2001

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145 Opening hours of registered office of public

company ........................................................................228

146 Change of address of principal place of business ..........229

146A Contact address .............................................................230

Part 2B.6—Names 231

Division 1—Selecting and using a name 231

147 When a name is available ..............................................231

148 A company’s name ........................................................232

149 Acceptable abbreviations...............................................233

150 Exception to requirement for using “Limited” in

name ..............................................................................234

151 Exception to requirement for using “Limited” in

name—pre-existing licences .........................................235

152 Reserving a name ..........................................................236

153 Using a name and ACN on documents..........................237

154 Exception to requirement to have ACN on receipts ......237

155 Regulations may exempt from requirement to set

out information on documents.......................................238

156 Carrying on business using “Limited”, “No

Liability” or “Proprietary” in name ...............................238

Division 2—Changing a company’s name 239

157 Company changing its name .........................................239

157A Change of name of company under external


158 ASIC’s power to direct company to change its

name ..............................................................................241

159 ASIC’s power to include “Limited” in company’s

name ..............................................................................242

160 ASIC must issue new certificate if company’s

name changes ................................................................242

161 Effect of name change ...................................................242

161A Company under external administration—former

name to be used on documents ......................................243

Part 2B.7—Changing company type 245 162 Changing company type ................................................245

163 Applying for change of type..........................................247

164 ASIC changes type of company ....................................250

165 ASIC may direct a proprietary company to change

to a public company in certain circumstances ...............252

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166 Effect of change of type ................................................252

167 Issue of shares by company or holding company—

company limited by guarantee changing to

company limited by shares ............................................253

167AA Application of Part to company limited both by

shares and by guarantee.................................................254

Part 2B.8—Mutual capital instruments (MCIs) 255

Division 1—Preliminary 255

167AB Simplified outline of this Part........................................255

Division 2—MCI mutual entities and MCIs 256

167AC Meaning of MCI mutual entity ......................................256

167AD Meaning of MCI ............................................................256

167AE MCI requirements—class rights ....................................257

167AF MCI requirements—other requirements........................257

167AG MCIs must be cancelled before MCI mutual entity

demutualises ..................................................................257

Division 3—Special procedure for amending constitution of

mutual entity that proposes to issue MCIs 258

167AH Purpose and application of this Division .......................258

167AI MCI amendment resolution...........................................258

167AJ Procedure for MCI amendment resolution ....................258

Chapter 2C—Registers 260

Part 2C.1—Registers generally 260 167A Who is covered by this Chapter.....................................260

168 Registers to be maintained.............................................260

169 Register of members......................................................261

170 Register of option holders and copies of options

documents .....................................................................264

171 Register of debenture holders ........................................265

172 Location of registers ......................................................265

173 Right to inspect and get copies ......................................266

174 Agent’s obligations .......................................................268

175 Correction of registers ...................................................269

176 Evidentiary value of registers ........................................269

177 Use of information on registers .....................................269

178 Overseas branch registers—companies .........................270

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178AA Overseas branch registers—Australian passport


Part 2C.2—Notice by proprietary companies of changes to

member register 272 178A Notice of change to member register.............................272

178B Top 20 only ...................................................................273

178C Notice of change to share structure ...............................273

178D Time within which ASIC must be notified....................273

Chapter 2D—Officers and employees 275

Part 2D.1—Duties and powers 275 179 Background to duties of directors, other officers

and employees ...............................................................275

Division 1—General duties 276

180 Care and diligence—civil obligation only.....................276

181 Good faith—civil obligations ........................................277

182 Use of position—civil obligations.................................277

183 Use of information—civil obligations ...........................278

184 Good faith, use of position and use of

information—criminal offences ....................................278

185 Interaction of sections 180 to 184 with other laws

etc. .................................................................................279

186 Territorial application of sections 180 to 184................280

187 Directors of wholly-owned subsidiaries ........................280

188 Responsibility of secretaries etc. for certain

corporate contraventions ...............................................281

189 Reliance on information or advice provided by


190 Responsibility for actions of delegate............................283

190A Limited application of Division to registrable

Australian bodies...........................................................283

190B Division does not apply to Aboriginal and Torres

Strait Islander corporations............................................284

190C Division does not apply in relation to notified

foreign passport funds or their operators .......................284

Division 2—Disclosure of, and voting on matters involving,

material personal interests 285

191 Material personal interest—director’s duty to


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192 Director may give other directors standing notice

about an interest ............................................................287

193 Interaction of sections 191 and 192 with other

laws etc..........................................................................289

194 Voting and completion of transactions—directors

of proprietary companies (replaceable rule—see

section 135) ...................................................................289

195 Restrictions on voting—directors of public

companies only..............................................................290

196 ASIC power to make declarations and class orders .......291

Division 3—Duty to discharge certain trust liabilities 293

197 Directors liable for debts and other obligations

incurred by corporation as trustee .................................293

Division 4—Powers 295

198A Powers of directors (replaceable rule—see

section 135) ...................................................................295

198B Negotiable instruments (replaceable rule—see

section 135) ...................................................................295

198C Managing director (replaceable rule—see

section 135) ...................................................................295

198D Delegation .....................................................................295

198E Single director/shareholder proprietary companies .......296

198F Right of access to company books ................................297

Division 5—Exercise of powers while company under external

administration 299

198G Exercise of powers while company under external


Part 2D.2—Restrictions on indemnities, insurance and

termination payments 301

Division 1—Indemnities and insurance for officers and auditors 301

199A Indemnification and exemption of officer or

auditor ...........................................................................301

199B Insurance premiums for certain liabilities of

director, secretary, other officer or auditor ....................302

199C Certain indemnities, exemptions, payments and

agreements not authorised and certain documents


Division 2—Termination payments 304

200 Interpreting this Division...............................................304

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200AA Meaning of managerial or executive office ...................304

200AB Meaning of benefit ........................................................305

200A When benefit given in connection with retirement

from an office or position ..............................................305

200B Retirement benefits generally need membership


200C Benefits on transfer of undertaking or property

need membership approval............................................309

200D Contravention to receive benefit without member


200E Approval by members ...................................................310

200F Exempt benefits and benefits given in certain

circumstances ................................................................312

200G Genuine payments of pension and lump sum ................314

200H Benefits required by law................................................317

200J Benefits to be held on trust and repaid ..........................317

Part 2D.3—Appointment, remuneration and cessation of

appointment of directors 318

Division 1—Appointment of directors 318

Subdivision A—General rules 318

201A Minimum number of directors.......................................318

201B Who can be a director....................................................318

201D Consent to act as director ..............................................319

201E Special rules for the appointment of public

company directors .........................................................319

201F Special rules for the appointment of directors for

single director/single shareholder proprietary


201G Company may appoint a director (replaceable

rule—see section 135) ...................................................321

201H Directors may appoint other directors (replaceable

rule—see section 135) ...................................................321

201J Appointment of managing directors (replaceable

rule—see section 135) ...................................................321

201K Alternate directors (replaceable rule—see

section 135) ...................................................................322

201L Signpost—ASIC to be notified of appointment.............322

201M Effectiveness of acts by directors ..................................322

Subdivision B—Limits on numbers of directors of public

companies 323

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201N Application of Subdivision............................................323

201P Directors must not set board limit unless proposed

limit has been approved by general meeting .................323

201Q Requirements for explanatory statement to

members ........................................................................324

201R Records of voting on board limit resolution if poll

demanded ......................................................................325

201S Notice of resolution to be lodged ..................................325

201T Declaration by court of substantial compliance.............326

201U Consequences of setting board limit in breach of

section 201P ..................................................................326

Division 2—Remuneration of directors 328

202A Remuneration of directors (replaceable rule—see

section 135) ...................................................................328

202B Members may obtain information about directors’

remuneration .................................................................328

202C Special rule for single director/single shareholder

proprietary companies ...................................................329

Division 3—Resignation, retirement or removal of directors 330

203A Director may resign by giving written notice to

company (replaceable rule—see section 135)...............330

203B Signpost to consequences of disqualification from

managing corporations ..................................................330

203C Removal by members—proprietary companies

(replaceable rule—see section 135) ..............................330

203D Removal by members—public companies ....................330

203E Director cannot be removed by other directors—

public companies...........................................................332

203F Termination of appointment of managing director

(replaceable rule—see section 135) ..............................332

Part 2D.4—Appointment of secretaries 333 204A Minimum number of secretaries....................................333

204B Who can be a secretary..................................................333

204C Consent to act as secretary ............................................333

204D How a secretary is appointed.........................................334

204E Effectiveness of acts by secretaries ...............................334

204F Terms and conditions of office for secretaries

(replaceable rule—see section 135) ..............................334

204G Signpost to consequences of disqualification from

managing corporations ..................................................335

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Part 2D.5—Public information about directors and secretaries 336 205A Director, secretary or alternate director may notify

ASIC of resignation or retirement .................................336

205B Notice of name and address of directors and

secretaries to ASIC........................................................336

205C Director and secretary must give information to

company ........................................................................338

205D Address for officers .......................................................338

205E ASIC’s power to ask for information about

person’s position as director or secretary ......................339

205F Director must give information to company..................340

205G Listed company—director to notify market

operator of shareholdings etc.........................................340

Part 2D.6—Disqualification from managing corporations 343 206A Disqualified person not to manage corporations ...........343

206B Automatic disqualification—convictions,

bankruptcy and foreign court orders etc. .......................344

206BA Extension of period of automatic disqualification

under section 206B........................................................346

206C Court power of disqualification—contravention of

civil penalty provision ...................................................346

206D Court power of disqualification—insolvency and

non-payment of debts ....................................................347

206E Court power of disqualification—repeated

contraventions of Act ....................................................349

206EAA Court power of disqualification—disqualification

under a law of a foreign jurisdiction..............................350

206EAB Court power of disqualification—unrecovered

payments under employee entitlements scheme ............351

206EA Disqualification under the Competition and

Consumer Act 2010 etc..................................................352

206EB Disqualification under the ASIC Act.............................353

206F ASIC’s power of disqualification ..................................353

206GAA ASIC’s power of disqualification—unrecovered

payments under employee entitlements scheme ............354

206GAB ASIC power to grant leave ............................................356

206G Court power to grant leave ............................................356

206GA Involvement of ACCC—leave orders under

section 206G..................................................................357

206H Limited application of Part to foreign companies..........358

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206HAA Limited application of Part to notified foreign

passport funds and their operators .................................358

206HA Limited application of Part to registrable

Australian bodies...........................................................359

206HB Part does not apply to Aboriginal and Torres Strait

Islander corporations .....................................................359

Part 2D.7—Ban on hedging remuneration of key management

personnel 360 206J No hedging of remuneration of key management

personnel .......................................................................360

Part 2D.8—Remuneration recommendations in relation to key

management personnel for disclosing entities 362 206K Board to approve remuneration consultants ..................362

206L Remuneration recommendation by remuneration


206M Declaration by remuneration consultant ........................363

Chapter 2E—Related party transactions 365 207 Purpose..........................................................................365

Part 2E.1—Member approval needed for related party benefit 366

Division 1—Need for member approval 366

208 Need for member approval for financial benefit............366

209 Consequences of breach ................................................367

Division 2—Exceptions to the requirement for member approval 368

210 Arm’s length terms ........................................................368

211 Remuneration and reimbursement for officer or

employee .......................................................................368

212 Indemnities, exemptions, insurance premiums and

payment for legal costs for officers ...............................369

213 Small amounts given to related entity ...........................371

214 Benefit to or by closely-held subsidiary ........................371

215 Benefits to members that do not discriminate

unfairly ..........................................................................372

216 Court order ....................................................................372

Division 3—Procedure for obtaining member approval 373

217 Resolution may specify matters by class or kind...........373

218 Company must lodge material that will be put to

members with ASIC ......................................................373

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219 Requirements for explanatory statement to

members ........................................................................374

220 ASIC may comment on proposed resolution .................375

221 Requirements for notice of meeting ..............................375

222 Other material put to members ......................................376

223 Proposed resolution cannot be varied ............................376

224 Voting by or on behalf of related party interested

in proposed resolution ...................................................376

225 Voting on the resolution ................................................378

226 Notice of resolution to be lodged ..................................379

227 Declaration by court of substantial compliance.............379

Part 2E.2—Related parties and financial benefits 380 228 Related parties ...............................................................380

229 Giving a financial benefit ..............................................381

Part 2E.3—Interaction with other rules 383 230 General duties still apply ...............................................383

Chapter 2F—Members’ rights and remedies 384 231 Membership of a company ............................................384

Part 2F.1—Oppressive conduct of affairs 385 232 Grounds for Court order ................................................385

233 Orders the Court can make ............................................385

234 Who can apply for order................................................386

235 Requirement for person to lodge order ..........................387

Part 2F.1A—Proceedings on behalf of a company by members

and others 388 236 Bringing, or intervening in, proceedings on behalf

of a company .................................................................388

237 Applying for and granting leave....................................388

238 Substitution of another person for the person

granted leave .................................................................390

239 Effect of ratification by members ..................................391

240 Leave to discontinue, compromise or settle

proceedings brought, or intervened in, with leave .........391

241 General powers of the Court..........................................391

242 Power of the Court to make costs orders .......................392

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Part 2F.2—Class rights 394 246B Varying and cancelling class rights ...............................394

246C Certain actions taken to vary rights etc..........................395

246D Variation, cancellation or modification without

unanimous support of class ...........................................396

246E Variation, cancellation or modification with

unanimous support of class ...........................................397

246F Company must lodge documents and resolutions

with ASIC......................................................................398

246G Member’s copies of documents and resolutions ............399

246H Application of this Part to MCI mutual entities that

are companies limited by guarantee ..............................399

Part 2F.3—Inspection of books 400 247A Order for inspection of books of company or

registered scheme ..........................................................400

247B Ancillary orders.............................................................401

247C Disclosure of information acquired in inspection ..........401

247D Company or directors may allow member to

inspect books (replaceable rule see section 135) ..........401

Part 2F.4—Proceedings against a company by members and

others 402 247E Shareholding does not prevent compensation claim......402

Chapter 2G—Meetings 403

Part 2G.1—Directors’ meetings 403

Division 1—Resolutions and declarations without meetings 403

248A Circulating resolutions of companies with more

than 1 director (replaceable rule see section 135).........403

248B Resolutions and declarations of 1 director

proprietary companies ...................................................403

Division 2—Directors’ meetings 405

248C Calling directors’ meetings (replaceable rule see

section 135) ...................................................................405

248D Use of technology..........................................................405

248E Chairing directors’ meetings (replaceable rule see

section 135) ...................................................................405

248F Quorum at directors’ meetings (replaceable rule

see section 135) .............................................................405

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248G Passing of directors’ resolutions (replaceable rule

see section 135) .............................................................406

Part 2G.2—Meetings of members of companies 407

Division 1—Resolutions without meetings 407

249A Circulating resolutions of proprietary companies

with more than 1 member..............................................407

249B Resolutions of 1 member companies .............................408

Division 2—Who may call meetings of members 409

249C Calling of meetings of members by a director

(replaceable rule—see section 135) ..............................409

249CA Calling of meetings of members of a listed

company by a director ...................................................409

249D Calling of general meeting by directors when

requested by members ...................................................409

249E Failure of directors to call general meeting ...................410

249F Calling of general meetings by members ......................411

249G Calling of meetings of members by the Court ...............411

Division 3—How to call meetings of members 412

249H Amount of notice of meetings .......................................412

249HA Amount of notice of meetings of listed company..........413

249J Notice of meetings of members to members and


249K Auditor entitled to notice and other

communications ............................................................414

249L Contents of notice of meetings of members ..................415

249LA Notice of meeting not required to contain certain


249M Notice of adjourned meetings (replaceable rule—

see section 135) .............................................................416

Division 4—Members’ rights to put resolutions etc. at general

meetings 417

249N Members’ resolutions ....................................................417

249O Company giving notice of members’ resolutions ..........417

249P Members’ statements to be distributed ..........................418

Division 5—Holding meetings of members 420

249Q Purpose..........................................................................420

249R Time and place for meetings of members......................420

249S Technology....................................................................420

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249T Quorum (replaceable rule—see section 135) ................420

249U Chairing meetings of members (replaceable rule—

see section 135) .............................................................421

249V Auditor’s right to be heard at general meetings.............421

249W Adjourned meetings ......................................................422

Division 6—Proxies and body corporate representatives 423

249X Who can appoint a proxy (replaceable rule for

proprietary companies and mandatory rule for

public companies—see section 135) ..............................423

249Y Rights of proxies ...........................................................423

249Z Company sending appointment forms or lists of

proxies must send to all members..................................424

250A Appointing a proxy........................................................424

250B Proxy documents ...........................................................425

250BA Proxy documents—listed companies.............................426

250BB Proxy vote if appointment specifies way to vote ...........427

250BC Transfer of non-chair proxy to chair in certain

circumstances ................................................................428

250BD Proxy voting by key management personnel or

closely related parties ....................................................429

250C Validity of proxy vote ...................................................431

250D Body corporate representative .......................................431

Division 7—Voting at meetings of members 433

250E How many votes a member has (replaceable

rule—see section 135) ...................................................433

250F Jointly held shares (replaceable rule—see

section 135) ...................................................................433

250G Objections to right to vote (replaceable rule—see

section 135) ...................................................................434

250H Votes need not all be cast in the same way....................434

250J How voting is carried out (replaceable rule—see

section 135) ...................................................................434

250K Matters on which a poll may be demanded ...................434

250L When a poll is effectively demanded.............................435

250M When and how polls must be taken (replaceable

rule—see section 135) ...................................................435

Division 8—AGMs of public companies 436

250N Public company must hold AGM ..................................436

250P Extension of time for holding AGM..............................437

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250PAA Exemptions by ASIC—class orders relating to

externally-administered companies ...............................437

250PAB Exemptions by ASIC—individual

externally-administered companies ...............................438

250PA Written questions to auditor submitted by

members of listed company before AGM......................438

250R Business of AGM ..........................................................440

250RA Auditor required to attend listed company’s AGM .......443

250S Questions and comments by members on company

management at AGM ....................................................444

250SA Listed company—remuneration report..........................444

250T Questions by members of auditors at AGM ..................444

Division 9—Meetings arising from concerns about remuneration

reports 446

250U Application....................................................................446

250V Resolution to hold fresh elections for directors at

special meeting to be put to vote at AGM .....................446

250W Consequences of spill resolution being passed..............447

250X Ensuring there are at least 3 directors after spill


250Y Term of office of director reappointed at spill


Part 2G.3—Minutes and members’ access to minutes 451 251A Minutes..........................................................................451

251AA Disclosure of proxy votes—listed companies ...............452

251B Members’ access to minutes..........................................453

Part 2G.4—Meetings of members of registered schemes 454

Division 1—Who may call meetings of members 454

252A Calling of meetings of members by responsible


252B Calling of meetings of members by responsible

entity when requested by members................................454

252C Failure of responsible entity to call meeting of the

scheme’s members ........................................................455

252D Calling of meetings of members by members ...............456

252E Calling of meetings of members by the Court ...............457

Division 2—How to call meetings of members 458

252F Amount of notice of meetings .......................................458

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252G Notice of meetings of members to members,

directors and auditors ....................................................458

252H Auditors entitled to other communications....................459

252J Contents of notice of meetings of members ..................459

252K Notice of adjourned meetings........................................460

Division 3—Members’ rights to put resolutions etc. at meetings

of members 461

252L Members’ resolutions ....................................................461

252M Responsible entity giving notice of members’

resolutions .....................................................................462

252N Members’ statements to be distributed ..........................462

Division 4—Holding meetings of members 465

252P Time and place for meetings of members......................465

252Q Technology....................................................................465

252R Quorum .........................................................................465

252S Chairing meetings of members......................................466

252T Auditors’ right to be heard at meetings of

members ........................................................................466

252U Adjourned meetings ......................................................467

Division 5—Proxies and body corporate representatives 468

252V Who can appoint a proxy...............................................468

252W Rights of proxies ...........................................................468

252X Responsible entity sending appointment forms or

lists of proxies must send to all members ......................469

252Y Appointing a proxy........................................................469

252Z Proxy documents ...........................................................471

253A Validity of proxy vote ...................................................472

253B Body corporate representative .......................................473

Division 6—Voting at meetings of members 474

253C How many votes a member has .....................................474

253D Jointly held interests......................................................474

253E Responsible entity and associates cannot vote if

interested in resolution ..................................................474

253F How to work out the value of an interest.......................475

253G Objections to a right to vote ..........................................475

253H Votes need not all be cast in the same way....................475

253J How voting is carried out ..............................................475

253K Matters on which a poll may be demanded ...................476

253L When a poll is effectively demanded.............................476

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Division 7—Minutes and members’ access to minutes 478

253M Minutes..........................................................................478

253N Members’ access to minutes..........................................478

Chapter 2H—Shares 480

Part 2H.1—Issuing and converting shares 480 254A Power to issue bonus, partly-paid, preference and

redeemable preference shares ........................................480

254B Terms of issue ...............................................................481

254C No par value shares .......................................................482

254D Pre-emption for existing shareholders on issue of

shares in proprietary company (replaceable rule—

see section 135) .............................................................482

254E Court validation of issue................................................483

254F Bearer shares and stock must not be issued...................483

254G Conversion of shares .....................................................484

254H Resolution to convert shares into larger or smaller

number ..........................................................................484

Part 2H.2—Redemption of redeemable preference shares 486 254J Redemption must be in accordance with terms of


254K Other requirements about redemption ...........................486

254L Consequences of contravening section 254J or


Part 2H.3—Partly-paid shares 488 254M Liability on partly-paid shares.......................................488

254N Calls may be limited to when company is

externally-administered .................................................488

254P No liability companies—calls on shares........................489

254Q No liability companies—forfeiture and sale of

shares for failure to meet call ........................................489

254R No liability companies—redemption of forfeited


Part 2H.4—Capitalisation of profits 493 254S Capitalisation of profits .................................................493

Part 2H.5—Dividends 494 254SA Companies limited by guarantee not to pay

dividends .......................................................................494

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254T Circumstances in which a dividend may be paid...........494

254U Other provisions about paying dividends

(replaceable rule—see section 135) ..............................494

254V When does the company incur a debt? ..........................495

254W Dividend rights..............................................................495

254WA Application of this Part to MCI mutual entities.............496

Part 2H.6—Notice requirements 497 254X Notice to ASIC of share issue .......................................497

254Y Notice to ASIC of share cancellation ............................498

Chapter 2J—Transactions affecting share capital 499

Part 2J.1—Share capital reductions and share buy-backs 499 256A Purpose..........................................................................499

Division 1—Reductions in share capital not otherwise authorised

by law 500

256B Company may make reduction not otherwise

authorised ......................................................................500

256C Shareholder approval.....................................................501

256D Consequences of failing to comply with

section 256B..................................................................502

256E Signposts to other relevant provisions...........................503

Division 2—Share buy-backs 505

257A The company’s power to buy back its own shares ........505

257B Buy-back procedure—general.......................................505

257C Buy-back procedure—shareholder approval if the

10/12 limit exceeded .....................................................508

257D Buy-back procedure—special shareholder

approval for selective buy-back.....................................509

257E Buy-back procedure—lodgment of offer

documents with ASIC ...................................................510

257F Notice of intended buy-back .........................................510

257G Buy-back procedure—disclosure of relevant

information when offer made ........................................511

257H Acceptance of offer and transfer of shares to the

company ........................................................................511

257J Signposts to other relevant provisions...........................511

Division 3—Other share capital reductions 514

258A Unlimited companies.....................................................514

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258B Right to occupy or use real property..............................514

258C Brokerage or commission..............................................514

258D Cancellation of forfeited shares .....................................514

258E Other share cancellations...............................................515

258F Reductions because of lost capital.................................515

Division 4—Application of this Part to MCI mutual entities 516

258G Application of this Part to MCI mutual entities.............516

Part 2J.2—Self-acquisition and control of shares 517 259A Directly acquiring own shares .......................................517

259B Taking security over own shares or shares in

holding company ...........................................................517

259C Issuing or transferring shares to controlled entity..........518

259D Company controlling entity that holds shares in it ........519

259E When a company controls an entity...............................521

259F Consequences of failing to comply with

section 259A or 259B....................................................521

Part 2J.3—Financial assistance 523 260A Financial assistance by a company for acquiring

shares in the company or a holding company................523

260B Shareholder approval.....................................................524

260C Exempted financial assistance .......................................525

260D Consequences of failing to comply with

section 260A..................................................................527

260DA Application of this Part to MCI mutual entities.............527

Part 2J.4—Interaction with general directors’ duties 529 260E General duties still apply ...............................................529

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Introductory Chapter 1

Preliminary Part 1.1

Section 1

Corporations Act 2001 1

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

An Act to make provision in relation to

corporations and financial products and services,

and for other purposes

Chapter 1—Introductory

Part 1.1—Preliminary

1 Short title

This Act may be cited as the Corporations Act 2001.

2 Commencement

This Act commences on a day to be fixed by Proclamation.

3 Constitutional basis for this Act

(1) The operation of this Act in the referring States is based on:

(a) the legislative powers that the Commonwealth Parliament

has under section 51 of the Constitution (other than

paragraph 51(xxxvii)); and

(b) the legislative powers that the Commonwealth Parliament

has in respect of matters to which this Act relates because

those matters are referred to it by the Parliaments of the

referring States under paragraph 51(xxxvii) of the


Note: The State referrals fully supplement the Commonwealth Parliament’s

other powers by referring the matters to the Commonwealth

Parliament to the extent to which they are not otherwise included in

the legislative powers of the Commonwealth Parliament.

(2) The operation of this Act in the Northern Territory and the Capital

Territory is based on:

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Chapter 1 Introductory

Part 1.1 Preliminary

Section 4

2 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(a) the legislative powers that the Commonwealth Parliament

has under section 122 of the Constitution to make laws for

the government of those Territories; and

(b) the legislative powers that the Commonwealth Parliament

has under section 51 of the Constitution.

Despite subsection 22(3) of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901, this

Act as applying in those territories is a law of the Commonwealth.

(3) The operation of this Act outside Australia is based on:

(a) the legislative power the Commonwealth Parliament has

under paragraph 51(xxix) of the Constitution; and

(b) the other legislative powers that the Commonwealth

Parliament has under section 51 of the Constitution; and

(c) the legislative powers that the Commonwealth Parliament

has under section 122 of the Constitution to make laws for

the government of those Territories.

(4) The operation of this Act in a State that is not a referring State is

based on:

(a) the legislative powers that the Commonwealth Parliament

has under section 51 (other than paragraph 51(xxxvii)) and

section 122 of the Constitution; and

(b) the legislative powers that the Commonwealth Parliament

has in respect of matters to which this Act relates because

those matters are referred to it by the Parliaments of the

referring States under paragraph 51(xxxvii) of the


4 Referring States

Reference of matters by State Parliament to Commonwealth


(1) A State is a referring State if the Parliament of the State has

referred the matters covered by subsections (4) and (5) to the

Parliament of the Commonwealth for the purposes of

paragraph 51(xxxvii) of the Constitution:

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Introductory Chapter 1

Preliminary Part 1.1

Section 4

Corporations Act 2001 3

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(a) if and to the extent that the matters are not otherwise

included in the legislative powers of the Parliament of the

Commonwealth (otherwise than by a reference under

paragraph 51(xxxvii) of the Constitution); and

(b) if and to the extent to which the matters are included in the

legislative powers of the Parliament of the State.

This subsection has effect subject to subsections (6) and (7).

(2) A State is a referring State even if the State reference Act includes

a provision to the effect that nothing in the State reference Act is

intended to enable the making of laws pursuant to the amendment

reference with the sole or main underlying purpose or object of

regulating industrial relations matters even if, but for that provision

in the State reference Act, the law would be a law with respect to a

matter referred to the Parliament of the Commonwealth by the

amendment reference.

(3) A State is a referring State even if a law of the State provides that

the reference to the Commonwealth Parliament of either or both of

the matters covered by subsections (4) and (5) is to terminate in

particular circumstances.

Reference covering initial Corporations Act and ASIC Act

(4) This subsection covers the matters to which the referred provisions

relate to the extent of making laws with respect to those matters by

including the referred provisions in the initial Corporations Act and

the initial ASIC Act.

Reference covering amendments of this Act and ASIC Act

(5) This subsection covers the matters of the formation of

corporations, corporate regulation and the regulation of financial

products and services to the extent of the making of laws with

respect to those matters by making express amendments of this Act

or the ASIC Act.

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Chapter 1 Introductory

Part 1.1 Preliminary

Section 4

4 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Effect of termination of reference

(6) A State ceases to be a referring State if the State’s initial reference


(7) A State ceases to be a referring State if:

(a) the State’s amendment reference terminates; and

(b) subsection (8) does not apply to the termination.

(8) A State does not cease to be a referring State because of the

termination of its amendment reference if:

(a) the termination is effected by the Governor of that State

fixing a day by proclamation as the day on which the

reference terminates; and

(b) the day fixed is no earlier than the first day after the end of

the period of 6 months beginning on the day on which the

proclamation is published; and

(c) that State’s amendment reference, and the amendment

reference of every other State, terminates on the same day.


(9) In this section:

amendment reference of a State means the reference by the

Parliament of the State to the Parliament of the Commonwealth of

the matters covered by subsection (5).

express amendment of this Act or the ASIC Act means the direct

amendment of the text of this Act or the ASIC Act (whether by the

insertion, omission, repeal, substitution or relocation of words or

matter) by Commonwealth Acts, but does not include the

enactment by a Commonwealth Act of a provision that has, or will

have, substantive effect otherwise than as part of the text of this

Act or the ASIC Act.

initial ASIC Act means the ASIC Act as originally enacted.

initial Corporations Act means this Act as originally enacted.

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Section 5

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initial reference of a State means the reference by the Parliament

of the State to the Parliament of the Commonwealth of the matters

covered by subsection (4).

referred provisions means:

(a) the initial Corporations Act; and

(b) the initial ASIC Act;

to the extent to which they deal with matters that are included in

the legislative powers of the Parliaments of the States.

State reference Act for a State is the law under which the initial

reference and the amendment reference are given.

5 General territorial application of Act

Geographical coverage of “this jurisdiction”

(1) Section 9 defines this jurisdiction as the area that includes:

(a) each referring State (including its coastal sea); and

(b) the Capital Territory (including the coastal sea of the Jervis

Bay Territory); and

(c) the Northern Territory (including its coastal sea); and

(d) also, for the purposes of the application of a provision of

Chapter 7 or an associated provision (see subsection (10))—

any external Territory in which the provision applies because

of subsection (9) (but only to the extent provided for in that


(2) Throughout this Act, this jurisdiction therefore consists of:

(a) either:

(i) the whole of Australia (if all the States are referring

States); or

(ii) Australia (other than any State that is not a referring

State) if one or more States are not referring States; and

(b) also, when used in or in relation to a provision of Chapter 7

or an associated provision (see subsection (10))—any

external Territory in which the provision applies because of

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Part 1.1 Preliminary

Section 5

6 Corporations Act 2001

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subsection (9) (but only to the extent provided for in that


Operation in this jurisdiction

(3) Each provision of this Act applies in this jurisdiction.

Operation outside this jurisdiction

(4) Subject to subsection (8), each provision of this Act also applies,

according to its tenor, in relation to acts and omissions outside this


Residence, place of formation etc.

(7) Each provision of this Act applies according to its tenor to:

(a) natural persons whether:

(i) resident in this jurisdiction or not; and

(ii) resident in Australia or not; and

(iii) Australian citizens or not; and

(b) all bodies corporate and unincorporated bodies whether:

(i) formed or carrying on business in this jurisdiction or

not; and

(ii) formed or carrying on business in Australia or not.

Note: Paragraph (b)—many of the provisions in this Act apply only in

relation to companies (that is, to companies that are registered under

this Act).

Operation in non-referring States

(8) This Act does not apply to an act or omission in a State that is not a

referring State to the extent to which that application would be

beyond the legislative powers of the Parliament (including powers

it has under paragraphs 51(xxxvii) and (xxxix) of the Constitution).

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Section 5A

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Expanded application of provisions of Chapter 7 and associated


(9) The regulations may provide that, in specified circumstances, a

specified external Territory is included in this jurisdiction for the

purposes of a specified provision of Chapter 7 (the applicable

provision). If the regulations do so:

(a) the applicable provision applies in that external Territory in

those circumstances; and

(b) the associated provisions (see subsection (10)) in relation to

the applicable provision apply in that external Territory in

relation to the applicable provision as so applying.

Meaning of associated provisions

(10) For the purposes of this section, the associated provisions in

relation to a provision of Chapter 7 are:

(a) the provisions of Chapters 1, 9 (including the provisions of

Division 2 of Part 9.4 that create offences and of Part 9.4B

that allow for pecuniary penalty orders) and 10 as they apply

or have effect in relation to, or for the purposes of, the

provision; and

(b) any regulations or other instruments (including any that

create offences or allow for pecuniary penalty orders) made

under this Act for the purposes of any of the provisions

covered by paragraph (a); and

(c) if regulations made for the purposes of subsection (9) have

been made in relation to the provision—any other provisions

of this Act, or any regulations or other instruments made

under this Act (including any that create offences or allow for

pecuniary penalty orders), specified in those regulations.

5A Application to the Crown

(1) To avoid doubt, a reference in this section to the Crown in a

particular right includes a reference to an instrumentality or agency

(whether a body corporate or not) of the Crown in that right.

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Part 1.1 Preliminary

Section 5B

8 Corporations Act 2001

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(2) Chapter 5 (except Part 5.8) binds the Crown in right of the

Commonwealth, of each of the States, of the Capital Territory, of

the Northern Territory and of Norfolk Island.

(3) Chapters 6, 6A, 6B, 6C and 6D:

(a) bind the Crown in right of the Commonwealth; and

(b) do not bind the Crown in right of any State, of the Capital

Territory, of the Northern Territory or of Norfolk Island.

(4) A provision of Chapter 5D, 6CA or 7 only binds the Crown in a

particular capacity in circumstances (if any) specified in the


(5) Nothing in this Act makes the Crown in any right liable to a

pecuniary penalty or to be prosecuted for an offence.

5B ASIC has general administration of this Act

Subject to the ASIC Act, ASIC has the general administration of

this Act.

5C Application of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901

(1) Until the date of commencement of section 4 of the Legislative

Instruments (Transitional and Consequential Amendments) Act

2003 (the Legislative Instruments commencement day), the Acts

Interpretation Act 1901 as in force on 1 November 2000 applies to

this Act.

(2) On and after the Legislative Instruments commencement day, the

Acts Interpretation Act 1901 as in force on that day applies to this


(3) Amendments of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901 made after the

Legislative Instruments commencement day do not apply to this


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Section 5D

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Part 1.1A—Interaction between Corporations

legislation and State and Territory laws

5D Coverage of Part

(1) This Part applies only to laws of a State or Territory that is in this


(2) This Part applies only to the following Corporations legislation:

(a) this Act (including the regulations made under this Act); and

(b) Part 3 of the ASIC Act; and

(c) regulations made under the ASIC Act for the purposes of

Part 3 of that Act.

Note: This Part does not apply in relation to the trustee company provisions:

see section 601RAE.

(3) This Part does not apply to Part 3 of the ASIC Act, or regulations

made under that Act for the purposes of Part 3 of that Act, to the

extent to which they operate in relation to a contravention of

Division 2 of Part 2 of that Act.

5E Concurrent operation intended

(1) The Corporations legislation is not intended to exclude or limit the

concurrent operation of any law of a State or Territory.

(2) Without limiting subsection (1), the Corporations legislation is not

intended to exclude or limit the concurrent operation of a law of a

State or Territory that:

(a) imposes additional obligations or liabilities (whether criminal

or civil) on:

(i) a director or other officer of a company or other

corporation; or

(ii) a company or other body; or

(b) confers additional powers on:

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Section 5E

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(i) a director or other officer of a company or other

corporation; or

(ii) a company or other body; or

(c) provides for the formation of a body corporate; or

(d) imposes additional limits on the interests a person may hold

or acquire in a company or other body; or

(e) prevents a person from:

(i) being a director of; or

(ii) being involved in the management or control of;

a company or other body; or

(f) requires a company:

(i) to have a constitution; or

(ii) to have particular rules in its constitution.

Note: Paragraph (a)—this includes imposing additional reporting obligations

on a company or other body.

(3) Without limiting subsection (2), a reference in that subsection to a

law of a State or Territory imposing obligations or liabilities, or

conferring powers, includes a reference to a law of a State or

Territory imposing obligations or liabilities, or conferring powers,

by reference to the State or Territory in which a company is taken

to be registered.

(4) This section does not apply to the law of the State or Territory if

there is a direct inconsistency between the Corporations legislation

and that law.

Note: Section 5G prevents direct inconsistencies arising in some cases by

limiting the operation of the Corporations legislation.

(5) If:

(a) an act or omission of a person is both an offence against the

Corporations legislation and an offence under the law of a

State or Territory; and

(b) the person is convicted of either of those offences;

the person is not liable to be convicted of the other of those


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Interaction between Corporations legislation and State and Territory laws Part 1.1A

Section 5F

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5F Corporations legislation does not apply to matters declared by

State or Territory law to be an excluded matter

(1) Subsection (2) applies if a provision of a law of a State or Territory

declares a matter to be an excluded matter for the purposes of this

section in relation to:

(a) the whole of the Corporations legislation; or

(b) a specified provision of the Corporations legislation; or

(c) the Corporations legislation other than a specified provision;


(d) the Corporations legislation otherwise than to a specified


(2) By force of this subsection:

(a) none of the provisions of the Corporations legislation (other

than this section) applies in the State or Territory in relation

to the matter if the declaration is one to which

paragraph (1)(a) applies; and

(b) the specified provision of the Corporations legislation does

not apply in the State or Territory in relation to the matter if

the declaration is one to which paragraph (1)(b) applies; and

(c) the provisions of the Corporations legislation (other than this

section and the specified provisions) do not apply in the State

or Territory in relation to the matter if the declaration is one

to which paragraph (1)(c) applies; and

(d) the provisions of the Corporations legislation (other than this

section and otherwise than to the specified extent) do not

apply in the State or Territory in relation to the matter if the

declaration is one to which paragraph (1)(d) applies.

(3) Subsection (2) does not apply to the declaration to the extent to

which the regulations provide that that subsection does not apply to

that declaration.

(4) By force of this subsection, if:

(a) the Corporations Law, ASC Law or ASIC Law of a State or

Territory; or

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Section 5G

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(b) a provision of that Law;

did not apply to a matter immediately before this Act commenced

because a provision of a law of the State or Territory provided that

that Law, or that provision, did not apply to the matter, the

Corporations legislation, or the provision of the Corporations

legislation that corresponds to that provision of that Law, does not

apply in the State or Territory to the matter until that law of the

State or Territory is omitted or repealed.

(5) Subsection (4) does not apply to the application of the provisions

of the Corporations legislation to the matter to the extent to which

the regulations provide that that subsection does not apply to the


(6) In this section:

matter includes act, omission, body, person or thing.

5G Avoiding direct inconsistency arising between the Corporations

legislation and State and Territory laws

Section overrides other provisions of the Corporations legislation

(1) This section has effect despite anything else in the Corporations


Section does not deal with provisions capable of concurrent


(2) This section does not apply to a provision of a law of a State or

Territory that is capable of concurrent operation with the

Corporations legislation.

Note: This kind of provision is dealt with by section 5E.

When this section applies to a provision of a State or Territory law

(3) This section applies to the interaction between:

(a) a provision of a law of a State or Territory (the State

provision); and

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Section 5G

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(b) a provision of the Corporations legislation (the

Commonwealth provision);

only if the State provision meets the conditions set out in the

following table:

Conditions to be met before section applies [operative]

Item Kind of provision Conditions to be met

1 a pre-commencement

(commenced) provision

(a) the State provision operated, immediately

before this Act commenced, despite the

provision of:

(i) the Corporations Law of the State or

Territory (as in force at that time); or

(ii) the ASC or ASIC Law of the State or

Territory (as in force at that time);

that corresponds to the Commonwealth

provision; and

(b) the State provision is not declared to be one

that this section does not apply to (either

generally or specifically in relation to the

Commonwealth provision) by:

(i) regulations made under this Act; or

(ii) a law of the State or Territory.

2 a pre-commencement

(enacted) provision

(a) the State provision would have operated,

immediately before this Act commenced,

despite the provision of:

(i) the Corporations Law of the State or

Territory (as in force at that time); or

(ii) the ASC or ASIC Law of the State or

Territory (as in force at that time);

that corresponds to the Commonwealth

provision if the State provision had

commenced before the commencement of

this Act; and

(b) the State provision is not declared to be one

that this section does not apply to (either

generally or specifically in relation to the

Commonwealth provision) by:

(i) regulations made under this Act; or

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Section 5G

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Conditions to be met before section applies [operative]

Item Kind of provision Conditions to be met

(ii) a law of the State or Territory.

3 a post-commencement


the State provision is declared by a law of the

State or Territory to be a Corporations

legislation displacement provision for the

purposes of this section (either generally or

specifically in relation to the Commonwealth


4 a provision that is

materially amended on

or after this Act

commenced if the

amendment was

enacted before this Act


(a) the State provision as amended would have

operated, immediately before this Act

commenced, despite the provision of:

(i) the Corporations Law of the State or

Territory (as in force at that time); or

(ii) the ASC or ASIC Law of the State or

Territory (as in force at that time);

that corresponds to the Commonwealth

provision if the amendment had commenced

before the commencement of this Act; and

(b) the State provision is not declared to be one

that this section does not apply to (either

generally or specifically in relation to the

Commonwealth provision) by:

(i) regulations made under this Act; or

(ii) a law of the State or Territory.

5 a provision that is

materially amended on

or after this Act

commenced if the

amendment is enacted

on or after this Act


the State provision as amended is declared by a

law of the State or Territory to be a

Corporations legislation displacement provision

for the purposes of this section (either generally

or specifically in relation to the Commonwealth


Note 1: Item 1—subsection (12) tells you when a provision is a

pre-commencement (commenced) provision.

Note 2: Item 1 paragraph (a)—For example, a State or Territory provision

enacted after the commencement of the Corporations Law might not

have operated despite the Corporations Law if it was not expressly

provided that the provision was to operate despite a specified

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Section 5G

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provision, or despite any provision, of the Corporations Law (see, for

example, section 5 of the Corporations (New South Wales) Act 1990).

Note 3: Item 2—subsection (13) tells you when a provision is a

pre-commencement (enacted) provision.

Note 4: Item 3—subsection (14) tells you when a provision is a

post-commencement provision.

Note 5: Subsections (15) to (17) tell you when a provision is materially

amended after commencement.

State and Territory laws specifically authorising or requiring act

or thing to be done

(4) A provision of the Corporations legislation does not:

(a) prohibit the doing of an act; or

(b) impose a liability (whether civil or criminal) for doing an act;

if a provision of a law of a State or Territory specifically authorises

or requires the doing of that act.

Instructions given to directors under State and Territory laws

(5) If a provision of a law of a State or Territory specifically:

(a) authorises a person to give instructions to the directors or

other officers of a company or body; or

(b) requires the directors of a company or body to:

(i) comply with instructions given by a person; or

(ii) have regard to matters communicated to the company or

body by a person; or

(c) provides that a company or body is subject to the control or

direction of a person;

a provision of the Corporations legislation does not:

(d) prevent the person from giving an instruction to the directors

or exercising control or direction over the company or body;


(e) without limiting subsection (4):

(i) prohibit a director from complying with the instruction

or direction; or

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Part 1.1A Interaction between Corporations legislation and State and Territory laws

Section 5G

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(ii) impose a liability (whether civil or criminal) on a

director for complying with the instruction or direction.

The person is not taken to be a director of a company or body for

the purposes of the Corporations legislation merely because the

directors of the company or body are accustomed to act in

accordance with the person’s instructions.

Use of names authorised by State and Territory laws

(6) The provisions of Part 2B.6 and Part 5B.3 of this Act do not:

(a) prohibit a company or other body from using a name if the

use of the name is expressly provided for, or authorised by, a

provision of a law of a State or Territory; or

(b) require a company or other body to use a word as part of its

name if the company or body is expressly authorised not to

use that word by a provision of a law of a State or Territory.

Meetings held in accordance with requirements of State and

Territory laws

(7) The provisions of Chapter 2G of this Act do not apply to the

calling or conduct of a meeting of a company to the extent to

which the meeting is called or conducted in accordance with a

provision of a law of a State or Territory. Any resolutions passed at

the meeting are as valid as if the meeting had been called and

conducted in accordance with this Act.

External administration under State and Territory laws

(8) The provisions of Chapter 5 of this Act do not apply to a scheme of

arrangement, receivership, winding up or other external

administration of a company to the extent to which the scheme,

receivership, winding up or administration is carried out in

accordance with a provision of a law of a State or Territory.

State and Territory laws dealing with company constitutions

(9) If a provision of a law of a State or Territory provides that a

provision is included, or taken to be included, in a company’s

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Section 5G

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constitution, the provision is included in the company’s

constitution even though the procedures and other requirements of

this Act are not complied with in relation to the provision.

(10) If a provision of a law of a State or Territory provides that

additional requirements must be met for an alteration of a

company’s constitution to take effect, the alteration does not take

effect unless those requirements are met.

Other cases

(11) A provision of the Corporations legislation does not operate in a

State or Territory to the extent necessary to ensure that no

inconsistency arises between:

(a) the provision of the Corporations legislation; and

(b) a provision of a law of the State or Territory that would, but

for this subsection, be inconsistent with the provision of the

Corporations legislation.

Note 1: A provision of the State or Territory law is not covered by this

subsection if one of the earlier subsections in this section applies to

the provision: if one of those subsections applies there would be no

potential inconsistency to be dealt with by this subsection.

Note 2: The operation of the provision of the State or Territory law will be

supported by section 5E to the extent to which it can operate

concurrently with the provision of the Corporations legislation.

Pre-commencement (commenced) provision

(12) A provision of a law of a State or Territory is a

pre-commencement (commenced) provision if it:

(a) is enacted, and comes into force, before the commencement

of this Act; and

(b) is not a provision that has been materially amended after

commencement (see subsections (15) to (17)).

Pre-commencement (enacted) provision

(13) A provision of a law of a State or Territory is a

pre-commencement (enacted) provision if it:

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Section 5G

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(a) is enacted before, but comes into force on or after, the

commencement of this Act; and

(b) is not a provision that has been materially amended after

commencement (see subsections (15) to (17)).

Post-commencement provision

(14) A provision of a law of a State or Territory is a

post-commencement provision if it:

(a) is enacted, and comes into force, on or after the

commencement of this Act; and

(b) is not a provision that has been materially amended after

commencement (see subsections (15) to (17)).

Provision materially amended after commencement

(15) A provision of a law of a State or Territory is materially amended

after commencement if:

(a) an amendment of the provision commences on or after the

commencement of this Act; and

(b) neither subsection (16) nor subsection (17) applies to the


(16) A provision of a law of a State or Territory is not materially

amended after commencement under subsection (15) if the

amendment merely:

(a) changes:

(i) a reference to the Corporations Law or the ASC or

ASIC Law, or the Corporations Law or the ASC or

ASIC Law of a State or Territory, to a reference to the

Corporations Act or the ASIC Act; or

(ii) a reference to a provision of the Corporations Law or

the ASC or ASIC Law, or the Corporations Law or ASC

or ASIC Law of a State or Territory, to a reference to a

provision of the Corporations Act or the ASIC Act; or

(iii) a penalty for a contravention of a provision of a law of a

State or Territory; or

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Interaction between Corporations legislation and State and Territory laws Part 1.1A

Section 5H

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(iv) a reference to a particular person or body to a reference

to another person or body; or

(b) adds a condition that must be met before a right is conferred,

an obligation imposed or a power conferred; or

(c) adds criteria to be taken into account before a power is

exercised; or

(d) amends the provision in way declared by the regulations to

not constitute a material amendment for the purposes of this


(17) A provision of a law of a State or Territory is not materially

amended after commencement under subsection (15) if:

(a) the provision as amended would be inconsistent with a

provision of the Corporations legislation but for this section;


(b) the amendment would not materially reduce the range of

persons, acts and circumstances to which the provision of the

Corporations legislation applies if this section applied to the

provision of the State or Territory law as amended.

5H Registration of body as company on basis of State or Territory


(1) A body is taken to be registered under this Act as a company of a

particular type under section 118 if a law of a State or Territory in

this jurisdiction:

(a) provides that the body is a deemed registration company for

the purposes of this section; and

(b) specifies:

(i) the day on which the body is to be taken to be registered

(the registration day) or the manner in which that day is

to be fixed; and

(ii) the type of company the body is to be registered as

under this Act;

(iii) the company’s proposed name (unless the ACN is to be

used in its name);

and subsections (2) and (3) are satisfied.

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Part 1.1A Interaction between Corporations legislation and State and Territory laws

Section 5H

20 Corporations Act 2001

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(2) A notice setting out the following details must be lodged before the

registration day:

(a) the name and address of each person who is to be a member

on registration;

(b) the present given and family name, all former given and

family names and the date and place of birth of each person

who is to be a director on registration;

(c) the present given and family name, all former given and

family names and the date and place of birth of each person

who consents in writing to become a company secretary;

(d) the address of each person who is to be a director or company

secretary on registration;

(e) the address of the company’s proposed registered office;

(f) for a public company—the proposed opening hours of its

registered office (if they are not the standard opening hours);

(g) the address of the company’s proposed principal place of

business (if it is not the address of the proposed registered


(h) for a company limited by shares or an unlimited company—

the following:

(i) the number and class of shares each member agrees in

writing to take up;

(ii) the amount (if any) each member agrees in writing to

pay for each share;

(iii) if that amount is not to be paid in full on registration—

the amount (if any) each member agrees in writing to be

unpaid on each share;

(i) for a public company that is limited by shares or is an

unlimited company, if shares will be issued for non-cash

consideration—the prescribed particulars about the issue of

the shares, unless the shares will be issued under a written

contract and a copy of the contract is lodged with the


(j) for a company limited by guarantee—the proposed amount of

the guarantee that each member agrees to in writing.

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Section 5I

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(3) If the company:

(a) is to be a public company; and

(b) is to have a constitution on registration;

a copy of the constitution must be lodged before the registration


(4) On the registration day, the body is taken:

(a) to be registered as a company under this Act; and

(b) to be registered in the State or Territory referred to in

subsection (1).

(5) The regulations may modify the operation of this Act to facilitate

the registration of the company.

(6) Without limiting subsection (5), the regulations may make

provision in relation to:

(a) the share capital of the company on registration; and

(b) the issue of a certificate of registration on the basis of the

company’s registration.

5I Regulations may modify operation of the Corporations legislation

to deal with interaction between that legislation and State

and Territory laws

(1) The regulations may modify the operation of the Corporations

legislation so that:

(a) provisions of the Corporations legislation do not apply to a

matter that is dealt with by a law of a State or Territory

specified in the regulations; or

(b) no inconsistency arises between the operation of a provision

of the Corporations legislation and the operation of a

provision of a State or Territory law specified in the


(2) Without limiting subsection (1), regulations made for the purposes

of that subsection may provide that the provision of the

Corporations legislation:

(a) does not apply to:

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Part 1.1A Interaction between Corporations legislation and State and Territory laws

Section 5I

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(i) a person specified in the regulations; or

(ii) a body specified in the regulations; or

(iii) circumstances specified in the regulations; or

(iv) a person or body specified in the regulations in the

circumstances specified in the regulations; or

(b) does not prohibit an act to the extent to which the prohibition

would otherwise give rise to an inconsistency with the State

or Territory law; or

(c) does not require a person to do an act to the extent to which

the requirement would otherwise give rise to an

inconsistency with the State or Territory law; or

(d) does not authorise a person to do an act to the extent to which

the conferral of that authority on the person would otherwise

give rise to an inconsistency with the State or Territory law;


(e) does not impose an obligation on a person to the extent to

which complying with that obligation would require the

person to not comply with an obligation imposed on the

person under the State or Territory law; or

(f) authorises a person to do something for the purposes of the

Corporations legislation that the person:

(i) is authorised to do under the State or Territory law; and

(ii) would not otherwise be authorised to do under the

Corporations legislation; or

(g) will be taken to be satisfied if the State or Territory law is


(3) In this section:

matter includes act, omission, body, person or thing.

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General Division 1

Section 6

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Part 1.2—Interpretation

Division 1—General

6 Effect of this Part

(1) The provisions of this Part have effect for the purposes of this Act,

except so far as the contrary intention appears in this Act.

(2) This Part applies for the purposes of:

(a) Part 5.7; and

(b) Chapter 5 as applying by virtue of Part 5.7; and

(c) Part 9.2;

as if a reference in this Part to a person or to a body corporate

included a reference to a Part 5.7 body.

(4) Where, because of Part 11.2, provisions of this Act, as in force at a

particular time, continue to apply:

(a) in relation to someone or something; or

(b) for particular purposes;

then, for the purposes of those provisions as so applying:

(c) this Part as in force at that time continues to have effect; and

(d) this Part as in force at a later time does not have effect.

7 Location of other interpretation provisions

(1) Most of the interpretation provisions for this Act are in this Part.

(2) However, interpretation provisions relevant only to Chapter 7 are

to be found at the beginning of that Chapter.

(3) Also, interpretation provisions relevant to a particular Part,

Division or Subdivision may be found at the beginning of that Part,

Division or Subdivision.

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Division 1 General

Section 9

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(4) Occasionally, an individual section contains its own interpretation

provisions, not necessarily at the beginning.

9 Dictionary

Unless the contrary intention appears:

2-part simple corporate bonds prospectus has the meaning given

by section 713B.

AASB means the Australian Accounting Standards Board.

ABN (short for “Australian Business Number”) has the meaning

given by section 41 of the A New Tax System (Australian Business

Number) Act 1999.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporation means a

corporation registered under the Corporations (Aboriginal and

Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006.

accounting standard means:

(a) an instrument in force under section 334; or

(b) a provision of such an instrument as it so has effect.

ACN (short for “Australian Company Number”) is the number

given by ASIC to a company on registration (see sections 118 and


acquire, in relation to financial products, when used in a provision

outside Chapter 7, has the same meaning as it has in Chapter 7.

act includes thing.

administration, in relation to a company, has the meaning given by

section 435C.


(a) in relation to a body corporate but not in relation to a deed of

company arrangement:

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(i) means an administrator of the body or entity appointed

under Part 5.3A; and

(iii) if 2 or more persons are appointed under that Part as

administrators of the body or entity—has a meaning

affected by paragraph 451A(2)(b); or

(b) in relation to a deed of company arrangement:

(i) means an administrator of the deed appointed under

Part 5.3A; and

(ii) if 2 or more persons are appointed under that Part as

administrators of the deed—has a meaning affected by

paragraph 451B(2)(b).

admit to quotation: financial products are admitted to quotation on

a market if the market operator has given unconditional permission

for quotation of the financial products on the market.

affairs, in relation to a body corporate, has, in the provisions

referred to in section 53, a meaning affected by that section.

affidavit includes affirmation.

agency means an agency, authority, body or person.

aggregated turnover has the same meaning as in the Income Tax

Assessment Act 1997.

AGM means an annual general meeting of a company that

section 250N requires to be held.

agreement, in Chapter 6 or 7, means a relevant agreement.

amount includes a nil amount and zero.

ancillary offence, in relation to another offence, means an offence


(a) section 5, 6, 7 or 7A of the Crimes Act 1914; or

(b) subsection 86(1) of that Act by virtue of paragraph 86(1)(a)

of that Act;

being an offence that is related to that other offence.

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Division 1 General

Section 9

26 Corporations Act 2001

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annual transparency report has the meaning given by

subsection 332A(2).

annual turnover, when used in a provision outside Chapter 7, has

the same meaning as it has in Chapter 7.

application facility, in relation to a CSF offer, has the meaning

given by subsection 738ZA(3).

approved stock exchange has the same meaning as in the Income

Tax Assessment Act 1997.

APRA means the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority.

arbitrage transaction means a purchase or sale of financial

products effected in the ordinary course of trading on a financial

market together with an offsetting sale or purchase of those

financial products effected at the same time, or at as nearly the

same time as practicable, in the ordinary course of trading on

another financial market for the purpose of obtaining a profit from

the difference between the prices of those financial products in the

2 financial markets.

ARBN (short for “Australian Registered Body Number”) is the

number given by ASIC to a registrable body on registration under

Part 5B.2.

arrangement, in Part 5.1, includes a reorganisation of the share

capital of a body corporate by the consolidation of shares of

different classes, by the division of shares into shares of different

classes, or by both of those methods.

ARSN (short for “Australian Registered Scheme Number”) is the

number given by ASIC to a registered scheme on registration (see

section 601EB).

ASIC means the Australian Securities and Investments


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General Division 1

Section 9

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ASIC Act means the Australian Securities and Investments

Commission Act 2001 and includes the regulations made under that


ASIC database means so much of the national companies database

kept by ASIC as consists of:

(a) some or all of a register kept by ASIC under this Act; or

(b) information set out in a document lodged under this Act;

but does not include ASIC’s document imaging system.

assets, in relation to a financial services licensee, means all the

licensee’s assets (whether or not used in connection with the

licensee’s Australian financial services licence).

associate has the meaning given by sections 10 to 17.

associated entity has the meaning given by section 50AAA.

AUASB means the Auditing and Assurance Standards Board.

audit means an audit conducted for the purposes of this Act and

includes a review of a financial report for a financial year or a

half-year conducted for the purposes of this Act.

audit activity: see the definition of engage in audit activity.

audit company means a company that consents to be appointed, or

is appointed, as auditor of a company or registered scheme.

audit-critical employee, in relation to a company, or the

responsible entity for a registered scheme, that is the audited body

for an audit, means a person who:

(a) is an employee of the company or of the responsible entity

for the registered scheme; and

(b) is able, because of the position in which the person is

employed, to exercise significant influence over:

(i) a material aspect of the contents of the financial report

being audited; or

(ii) the conduct or efficacy of the audit.

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Division 1 General

Section 9

28 Corporations Act 2001

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audited body, in relation to an audit of a company or registered

scheme, means the company or registered scheme in relation to

which the audit is, or is to be, conducted.

audit firm means a firm that consents to be appointed, or is

appointed, as auditor of a company or registered scheme.

auditing standard means:

(a) a standard in force under section 336; or

(b) a provision of such a standard as it so has effect.

auditor independence requirements of this Act means the

requirements of Divisions 3, 4 and 5 of Part 2M.4.

Australia, when used in a geographical sense, does not include an

external Territory.

Note: Paragraph 17(a) of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901 would otherwise

provide that Australia included the Territory of Christmas Island and

the Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands.

Australian ADI means:

(a) an ADI (authorised deposit-taking institution) within the

meaning of the Banking Act 1959; and

(b) a person who carries on State banking within the meaning of

paragraph 51(xiii) of the Constitution.

Australian bank means an Australian ADI that is permitted under

section 66 of the Banking Act 1959 to assume or use:

(a) the word bank, banker or banking; or

(b) any other word (whether or not in English) that is of like

import to a word referred to in paragraph (a).

Australian carbon credit unit has the same meaning as in the

Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011.

Australian court means a federal court or a court of a State or


Australian CS facility licence, when used in a provision outside

Chapter 7, has the same meaning as it has in Chapter 7.

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General Division 1

Section 9

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Australian derivative trade repository licence, when used in a

provision outside Chapter 7, has the same meaning as it has in

Chapter 7.

Australian financial services licence, when used in a provision

outside Chapter 7, has the same meaning as it has in Chapter 7.

Australian law means a law of the Commonwealth or of a State or


Australian market licence, when used in a provision outside

Chapter 7, has the same meaning as it has in Chapter 7.

Australian member: a person is an Australian member of a

notified foreign passport fund if:

(a) the person holds an interest in the fund that was acquired in

this jurisdiction; or

(b) the person is ordinarily resident in this jurisdiction and holds

an interest in the fund.

Australian passport fund means a managed investment scheme:

(a) that is registered under section 601EB as a registered scheme

and also registered as an Australian passport fund under

Part 8A.3; and

(b) that is not deregistered as a registered scheme and an

Australian passport fund under Division 2 of Part 5C.10, or

deregistered as an Australian passport fund under Division 1

of Part 8A.7.

Australian register of a foreign company means a branch register

of members kept under section 601CM.

authorised audit company means a company registered under

Part 9.2A.

bank or banker includes, but is not limited to, a body corporate

that is an ADI (authorised deposit-taking institution) for the

purposes of the Banking Act 1959.

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Division 1 General

Section 9

30 Corporations Act 2001

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banking corporation means a body corporate that carries on, as its

sole or principal business, the business of banking (other than State

banking not extending beyond the limits of the State concerned).

base prospectus has the meaning given by subsection 713C(1).

base salary has the meaning specified in regulations made for the

purposes of this definition.

begin, in relation to a winding up, has the meaning given by

Division 1A of Part 5.6.

benchmark administrator licence means a licence granted under

section 908BC.

benchmark administrator licensee means a person who holds a

benchmark administrator licence.


(a) means any benefit, whether by way of payment of cash or

otherwise; and

(b) when used in Division 2 of Part 2D.2 (sections 200 to

200J)—has the meaning given by section 200AB.

benefit derived and detriment avoided:

(a) because of an offence—has the meaning given by

section 1311D; and

(b) because of a contravention of a civil penalty provision—has

the meaning given by section 1317GAD.

bid class of securities for a takeover bid is the class of securities to

which the securities being bid for belong.

bidder for a takeover bid means the person who makes or proposes

to make, or each of the people who make or propose to make, the

offers under the bid (whether personally or by an agent or


Note: A person who announces a bid on behalf of another person is not

making the bid, the other person is making the bid.

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General Division 1

Section 9

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bidder’s statement means a bidder’s statement under sections 636

and 637 as supplemented.

bid period:

(a) for an off-market bid—starts when the bidder’s statement is

given to the target and ends:

(i) 1 month later if no offers are made under the bid; or

(ii) at the end of the offer period; and

(b) for a market bid—starts when the bid is announced to the

relevant financial market and ends at the end of the offer


Board, when used in Part 9.2, means the Companies Auditors

Disciplinary Board.

board limit means a limit described in section 201N.

board limit resolution means a resolution described in

paragraph 201P(1)(a).

body means a body corporate or an unincorporated body and

includes, for example, a society or association.

body corporate:

(a) includes a body corporate that is being wound up or has been

dissolved; and

(b) in this Chapter (except section 66A) and section 206E

includes an unincorporated registrable body.

body regulated by APRA has the meaning given by subsection 3(2)

of the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Act 1998.

books includes:

(a) a register; and

(b) any other record of information; and

(c) financial reports or financial records, however compiled,

recorded or stored; and

(d) a document;

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Division 1 General

Section 9

32 Corporations Act 2001

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but does not include an index or recording made under Subdivision

D of Division 5 of Part 6.5.

borrower, in relation to a debenture, means the body that is or will

be liable to repay money under the debenture.

business affairs, in relation to an entity, has a meaning affected by

sections 53AA, 53AB, 53AC and 53AD.

business day means a day that is not a Saturday, a Sunday or a

public holiday or bank holiday in the place concerned.

Business Names Register means the Register established and

maintained under section 22 of the Business Names Registration

Act 2011.

buy-back by a company means the acquisition by the company of

shares in itself.

buy-back agreement by a company means an agreement by the

company to buy back its own shares (whether the agreement is

conditional or not).

Capital Territory means the Australian Capital Territory and the

Jervis Bay Territory.

carry on has a meaning affected by Division 3.

cash management trust interest means an interest that:

(a) is an interest in a registered scheme or a notified foreign

passport fund; and

(b) relates to an undertaking of the kind commonly known as a

cash management trust.

cause includes procure.

certified means:

(a) in relation to a copy of, or extract from, a document—

certified by a statement in writing to be a true copy of, or

extract from, the document; or

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General Division 1

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(b) in relation to a translation of a document—certified by a

statement in writing to be a correct translation of the

document into English.

Chapter 5 body corporate means a body corporate:

(a) that is being wound up; or

(b) in respect of property of which a receiver, or a receiver and

manager, has been appointed (whether or not by a court) and

is acting; or

(c) that is under administration; or

(d) that has executed a deed of company arrangement that has

not yet terminated; or

(e) that has entered into a compromise or arrangement with

another person the administration of which has not been


charge means a charge created in any way and includes a mortgage

and an agreement to give or execute a charge or mortgage, whether

on demand or otherwise.

chargeable matter has the same meaning as in the Corporations

(Fees) Act 2001.

chargee means the holder of a charge and includes a person in

whose favour a charge is to be given or executed, whether on

demand or otherwise, under an agreement.

child: without limiting who is a child of a person for the purposes

of this Act, someone is the child of a person if he or she is a child

of the person within the meaning of the Family Law Act 1975.

circulating security interest has the meaning given by section 51C.

civil matter means a matter other than a criminal matter.

civil penalty order means any of the following:

(a) a declaration of contravention under section 1317E;

(b) a pecuniary penalty order under section 1317G;

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(baa) a relinquishment order under section 1317GAB;

(ba) a refund order under section 1317GA;

(c) a compensation order under section 961M, 1317H, 1317HA,

1317HB, 1317HC or 1317HE;

(d) an order under section 206C disqualifying a person from

managing corporations.

civil penalty provision has the meaning given in

subsection 1317E(3).

class has:

(b) in relation to shares or interests in a managed investment

scheme—a meaning affected by section 57; and

(c) when used in relation to securities for the purposes of

Chapter 6, 6A or 6C—a meaning affected by

subsection 605(2).

clearing and settlement facility, when used in a provision outside

Chapter 7, has the same meaning as it has in Chapter 7.

close associate of a director means:

(a) a relative of the director; or

(b) a relative of a spouse of the director.

closed, in relation to a CSF offer, has the meaning given by

subsection 738N(3).

closely related party of a member of the key management

personnel for an entity means:

(a) a spouse or child of the member; or

(b) a child of the member’s spouse; or

(c) a dependant of the member or of the member’s spouse; or

(d) anyone else who is one of the member’s family and may be

expected to influence the member, or be influenced by the

member, in the member’s dealings with the entity; or

(e) a company the member controls; or

(f) a person prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this


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coastal sea:

(a) in relation to Australia—means:

(i) the territorial sea of Australia; and

(ii) the sea on the landward side of the territorial sea of

Australia and not within the limits of a State or internal


and includes the airspace over, and the sea-bed and subsoil

beneath, any such sea; and

(b) in relation to a State or Territory—means so much of the

coastal sea of Australia as is within the area described in

Schedule 1 to the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas

Storage Act 2006 under the heading that refers to that State

or Territory.

commence, in relation to a winding up, has the meaning given by

Division 1A of Part 5.6.

commencement, in relation to an accounting standard, means:

(a) in the case of an accounting standard as originally in effect—

the time when the accounting standard took effect; or

(b) in the case of an accounting standard as varied by a particular

provision of an instrument made under section 334—the time

when that provision took effect.

Commission delegate has the same meaning as in the ASIC Act.

Commonwealth authority means an authority or other body

(whether incorporated or not) that is established or continued in

existence by or under an Act.

communication facility, in relation to a CSF offer, has the meaning

given by subsection 738ZA(5).

company means a company registered under this Act and:

(c) in Parts 5.7B and 5.8 (except sections 595 and 596), includes

a Part 5.7 body; and

(d) in Part 5B.1, includes an unincorporated registrable body.

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Division 1 General

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company limited by guarantee means a company formed on the

principle of having the liability of its members limited to the

respective amounts that the members undertake to contribute to the

property of the company if it is wound up.

company limited by shares means a company formed on the

principle of having the liability of its members limited to the

amount (if any) unpaid on the shares respectively held by them.

compelled financial benchmark rules means rules made under

section 908CD.

complete, in relation to a CSF offer, has the meaning given by

subsection 738N(7).

condition, in relation to a licence, means a condition or restriction

to which the licence is subject, or will be subject, as the case


connected entity, in relation to a corporation, means:

(a) a body corporate that is, or has been, related to the

corporation; or

(b) an entity that is, or has been, connected (as defined by

section 64B) with the corporation.

consolidated entity means a company, registered scheme or

disclosing entity together with all the entities it is required by the

accounting standards to include in consolidated financial


constitution means (depending on the context):

(a) a company’s constitution, which (where relevant) includes

rules and consequential amendments that are part of the

company’s constitution because of the Life Insurance Act

1995; or

(b) a managed investment scheme’s constitution; or

(c) in relation to any other kind of body:

(i) the body’s charter or memorandum; or

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(ii) any instrument or law (other than this Act) constituting,

or defining the constitution of, the body or governing

the activities of the body or its members.

Note 1: The Life Insurance Act 1995 has rules about how benefit fund rules

become part of a company’s constitution. They override this Act. See

Subdivision 2 of Division 4 of Part 2A of that Act.

Note 2: The constituent document (as defined in the Passport Rules for this

jurisdiction) for a notified foreign passport fund is taken under

section 1213E to be the constitution of the fund as a managed

investment scheme.

continuous disclosure notice means:

(a) a document used to notify a market operator of information

relating to a body under provisions of the market’s listing

rules referred to in subsection 674(1); or

(b) a document under section 675 lodged in relation to the body.

continuously quoted securities are securities that:

(a) are in a class of securities that were quoted ED securities at

all times in the 3 months before the date of the prospectus or

Product Disclosure Statement; and

(b) are securities of an entity in relation to which the following

subparagraphs are satisfied during the shorter of the period

during which the class of securities were quoted, and the

period of 12 months before the date of the prospectus or

Product Disclosure Statement:

(i) no exemption under section 111AS or 111AT, or

modification under section 111AV, covered the entity,

or any person as director or auditor of the entity;

(ii) no exemption under paragraph 741(1)(a), or declaration

under paragraph 741(1)(b), relating to a provision that is

a disclosing entity provision for the purposes of

Division 4 of Part 1.2A covered the entity, or any

person as director or auditor of the entity;

(iii) no order under section 340, 340A, 341 or 341A covered

the entity, or any person as director or auditor of the


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Division 1 General

Section 9

38 Corporations Act 2001

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and, for these purposes, securities are not in different classes

merely because of a temporary difference in the dividend, or

distribution rights, attaching to the securities or because different

amounts have been paid up on the securities.

contravene, in relation to a civil penalty provision, has a meaning

affected by subsection 1317E(4).

contribution plan means a plan in respect of which the following

conditions are met:

(a) regular deductions are made from the wages or salary of an

employee or director (the contributor) to acquire financial

products that are offered for issue or sale to the contributor

under an eligible employee share scheme;

(b) the deductions are authorised by the contributor in a form

which is included in, or accompanies, the disclosure

document or the Product Disclosure Statement for the


(c) before acquiring the financial products under the scheme, the

deductions are held on trust in an account with an Australian

ADI that is kept solely for that purpose;

(d) the contributor may elect to discontinue the deductions at any


(e) if the contributor so elects, the amount of the deductions

standing, at that time, to the credit of the account for the

contributor, and any interest on that amount, is repaid to the


(f) the scheme does not involve the offer to the contributor of a

loan or similar financial assistance for the purpose of, or in

connection with, the acquisition of the financial products that

are offered under the scheme.

contributory means:

(a) in relation to a company (other than a no liability company):

(i) a person liable as a member or past member to

contribute to the property of the company if it is wound

up; and

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General Division 1

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(ii) for a company with share capital—a holder of fully paid

shares in the company; and

(iii) before the final determination of the persons who are

contributories because of subparagraphs (i) and (ii)—a

person alleged to be such a contributory; and

(b) in relation to a Part 5.7 body:

(i) a person who is a contributory by virtue of section 586;


(ii) before the final determination of the persons who are

contributories by virtue of that section—a person

alleged to be such a contributory; and

(c) in relation to a no liability company—subject to

subsection 254M(2), a member of the company.

control has the meaning given by section 50AA.

control day, in relation to a controller of property of a corporation,


(a) unless paragraph (b) applies:

(i) in the case of a receiver, or receiver and manager, of

that property—the day when the receiver, or receiver

and manager, was appointed; or

(ii) in the case of any other person who is in possession, or

has control, of that property for the purpose of enforcing

a security interest—the day when the person entered

into possession, or took control, of property of the

corporation for the purpose of enforcing that security

interest; or

(b) if the controller became a controller of property of the


(i) to act with an existing controller of such property; or

(ii) in place of a controller of such property who has died or

ceased to be a controller of such property;

the day that is, because of any other application or

applications of this definition, the control day in relation to

the controller referred to in subparagraph (i) or (ii).

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controller, in relation to property of a corporation, means:

(a) a receiver, or receiver and manager, of that property; or

(b) anyone else who (whether or not as agent for the corporation)

is in possession, or has control, of that property for the

purpose of enforcing a security interest;

and has a meaning affected by paragraph 434F(b) (which deals

with 2 or more persons appointed as controllers).

convertible note has the same meaning as in Division 3A of

Part III of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936.

convertible securities: securities are convertible into another class

of securities if the holder may have the other class of securities

issued to them by the exercise of rights attached to those securities.

An option may be a convertible security even if it is


corporation has the meaning given by section 57A.

corporation/scheme civil penalty provision has the meaning given

by subsection 1317E(3).

Corporations legislation means:

(a) this Act; and

(b) the ASIC Act; and

(c) rules of court made by the Federal Court, the Supreme Court

of the Capital Territory, or the Family Court, because of a

provision of this Act; and

(d) rules of court applied by the Supreme Court, or a State

Family Court, of a State, or by the Supreme Court of the

Northern Territory when exercising jurisdiction conferred by

Division 1 of Part 9.6A (including jurisdiction conferred by

virtue of any previous application or applications of this


court has the meaning given by section 58AA.

Court has the meaning given by section 58AA.

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court of summary jurisdiction means any justice or justices of the

peace or other magistrate sitting as a court for the making of

summary orders or the summary punishment of offences:

(a) under a law of the Commonwealth or of a State or Territory;


(b) by virtue of his or her commission or their commissions.

creditors’ voluntary winding up means a winding up under

Part 5.5, other than a members’ voluntary winding up.

CSF is short for crowd-sourced funding.

Note: Crowd-sourced funding is dealt with in Part 6D.3A.

CSF audit threshold means:

(a) unless paragraph (b) applies—$3 million; or

(b) any amount prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of

this paragraph.

CSF intermediary has the meaning given by section 738C.

CSF offer has the meaning given by section 738B.

CSF offer document, in relation to a CSF offer, has the meaning

given by subsection 738J(1).

CSF shareholder, of a proprietary company, means an entity that

holds one or more securities of the company due to being issued

with the securities pursuant to a CSF offer by the company.

current market bid price for securities covered by a market bid is

the price specified in the announcement of the bid as increased or

decreased during the offer period.

custodial or depository service that a person provides has the

meaning given by section 766E.

daily newspaper means a newspaper that is ordinarily published on

each day that is a business day in the place where the newspaper is

published, whether or not the newspaper is ordinarily published on

other days.

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date of a takeover bid is:

(a) for an off-market bid—the date on which offers are first

made under the bid; or

(b) for a market bid—the date on which the bid is announced to

the relevant financial market.


(a) in relation to a futures contract—has the meaning given by

Division 4; and

(b) in relation to securities—subject to subsection 93(4), means

(whether as principal or agent) acquire, dispose of, subscribe

for or underwrite the securities, or make or offer to make, or

induce or attempt to induce a person to make or to offer to

make, an agreement:

(i) for or with respect to acquiring, disposing of,

subscribing for or underwriting the securities; or

(ii) the purpose or purported purpose of which is to secure a

profit or gain to a person who acquires, disposes of,

subscribes for or underwrites the securities or to any of

the parties to the agreement in relation to the securities.

dealing, in relation to financial products, when used in a provision

outside Chapter 7, has the same meaning as it has in Chapter 7.

debenture of a body means a chose in action that includes an

undertaking by the body to repay as a debt money deposited with

or lent to the body. The chose in action may (but need not) include

a security interest over property of the body to secure repayment of

the money. However, a debenture does not include:

(a) an undertaking to repay money deposited with or lent to the

body by a person if:

(i) the person deposits or lends the money in the ordinary

course of a business carried on by the person; and

(ii) the body receives the money in the ordinary course of

carrying on a business that neither comprises nor forms

part of a business of borrowing money and providing

finance; or

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(b) an undertaking by an Australian ADI to repay money

deposited with it, or lent to it, in the ordinary course of its

banking business; or

Note: This paragraph has an extended meaning in relation to Chapter 8 (see subsection 1200A(2)).

(c) an undertaking to pay money under:

(i) a cheque; or

(ii) an order for the payment of money; or

(iii) a bill of exchange; or

(e) an undertaking by a body corporate to pay money to a related

body corporate; or

(f) an undertaking to repay money that is prescribed by the


For the purposes of this definition, if a chose in action that includes

an undertaking by a body to pay money as a debt is offered as

consideration for the acquisition of securities under an off-market

takeover bid, or is issued under a compromise or arrangement

under Part 5.1, the undertaking is taken to be an undertaking to

repay as a debt money deposited with or lent to the body.

decision period, for a secured party in relation to a security interest

in property (including PPSA retention of title property) of a

company under administration, means the period beginning on the

day when:

(a) if notice of the appointment of the administrator must be

given to the secured party under subsection 450A(3)—such

notice is so given; or

(b) otherwise—the administration begins;

and ending at the end of the thirteenth business day after that day.

declaration of indemnities, in relation to an administrator of a

company under administration, means a written declaration:

(a) stating whether the administrator has, to any extent, been

indemnified (otherwise than under section 443D), in relation

to that administration, for:

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(i) any debts for which the administrator is, or may

become, liable under Subdivision A of Division 9 of

Part 5.3A; or

(ii) any debts for which the administrator is, or may

become, liable under a remittance provision as defined

in section 443BA; or

(iii) the remuneration to which he or she is entitled under

section 60-5 of Schedule 2 (external administrator’s

remuneration); and

(b) if so, stating:

(i) the identity of each indemnifier; and

(ii) the extent and nature of each indemnity.

declaration of relevant relationships has the meaning given by

section 60.

deductible gift recipient has the same meaning as in the Income

Tax Assessment Act 1997.

deed includes a document having the effect of a deed.

deed of company arrangement means a deed of company

arrangement executed under Part 5.3A or such a deed as varied and

in force from time to time.

defeating condition for a takeover bid means a condition that:

(a) will, in circumstances referred to in the condition, result in

the rescission of, or entitle the bidder to rescind, a takeover

contract; or

(b) prevents a binding takeover contract from resulting from an

acceptance of the offer unless or until the condition is


defect, in relation to a statutory demand, includes:

(a) an irregularity; and

(b) a misstatement of an amount or total; and

(c) a misdescription of a debt or other matter; and

(d) a misdescription of a person or entity.

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defective, in relation to a CSF offer document, has the meaning

given by subsection 738U(1).

deregistered means:

(a) in relation to a company—deregistered under Chapter 5A;


(b) in relation to any other body corporate—deregistered in a

way that results in the body corporate ceasing to exist.

derivative, when used in a provision outside Chapter 7, has the

same meaning as it has in Chapter 7.

derivative trade repository rules, when used in a provision outside

Chapter 7, has the same meaning as it has in Chapter 7.

derivative transaction rules, when used in a provision outside

Chapter 7, has the same meaning as it has in Chapter 7.

director of a company or other body means:

(a) a person who:

(i) is appointed to the position of a director; or

(ii) is appointed to the position of an alternate director and

is acting in that capacity;

regardless of the name that is given to their position; and

(b) unless the contrary intention appears, a person who is not

validly appointed as a director if:

(i) they act in the position of a director; or

(ii) the directors of the company or body are accustomed to

act in accordance with the person’s instructions or


Subparagraph (b)(ii) does not apply merely because the directors

act on advice given by the person in the proper performance of

functions attaching to the person’s professional capacity, or the

person’s business relationship with the directors or the company or


Note: Paragraph (b)—Contrary intention—Examples of provisions for

which a person referred to in paragraph (b) would not be included in

the term “director” are:

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 section 249C (power to call meetings of a company’s members)

 subsection 251A(3) (signing minutes of meetings)

 section 205B (notice to ASIC of change of address).

disclosing entity has the meaning given by section 111AC.

disclosure document for an offer of securities means:

(a) a prospectus for the offer; or

(b) a profile statement for the offer; or

(c) an offer information statement for the offer.

dishonest means dishonest according to the standards of ordinary


dispose has a meaning affected by the following paragraphs:

(a) when used in relation to financial products in a provision

outside Chapter 7, otherwise than in a situation to which

paragraph (b) applies, dispose has the same meaning as it has

in Chapter 7;

(b) for the purposes of Chapter 6, a person who has a relevant

interest in securities disposes of the securities if, and only if,

they cease to have a relevant interest in the securities.

domestic corporation means a corporation that is incorporated or

formed in Australia or an external Territory.

ED securities has the meaning given by section 111AD.

eligible applicant, in relation to a corporation, means:

(a) ASIC; or

(b) a liquidator or provisional liquidator of the corporation; or

(c) an administrator of the corporation; or

(d) an administrator of a deed of company arrangement executed

by the corporation; or

(e) a person authorised in writing by ASIC to make:

(i) applications under the Division of Part 5.9 in which the

expression occurs; or

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(ii) such an application in relation to the corporation.

eligible CSF company has the meaning given by section 738H.

eligible employee creditor, in relation to a company, means a

creditor whose debt or claim would, in a winding up of the

company, be payable in priority to other unsecured debts and

claims in accordance with paragraph 556(1)(e), (g) or (h) or

section 560 or 561.

eligible employee share scheme means an employee share scheme

for a body corporate in respect of which the following conditions

are met:

(a) the scheme is offered only to employees or directors

mentioned in paragraph (a) of the definition of employee

share scheme;

(b) the financial products that are offered under the scheme are


(i) under a disclosure document or Product Disclosure

Statement; or

(ii) without disclosure under Part 6D.2 in accordance with

subsection 708(12);

(c) the financial products which may be acquired under the

scheme are the following:

(i) fully paid ordinary shares;

(ii) options, offered for no more than nominal

consideration, for the issue or transfer of fully paid

ordinary shares;

(iii) units in fully paid ordinary shares.

eligible international emissions unit has the same meaning as in

the Australian National Registry of Emissions Units Act 2011.

eligible money market dealer means a body corporate in respect of

which a declaration is in force under section 65.

emoluments means the amount or value of any money,

consideration or benefit given, directly or indirectly, to a director

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of a body corporate in connection with the management of affairs

of the body or of any holding company or subsidiary of the body,

whether as a director or otherwise, but does not include amounts in

payment or reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses incurred for

the benefit of the body.

employee entitlements contribution order has the meaning given

by subsection 588ZA(1).

employee share scheme for a company means a scheme under

which shares (or units in shares or options to acquire unissued

shares) in the company or a holding company may be acquired:

(a) by, or for the benefit of:

(i) employees of the company, or of a related body

corporate; or

(ii) directors of the company, or of a related body corporate,

who hold a salaried employment or office in the

company or in a related body corporate; or

(b) by a corporation all of whose members are:

(i) employees of the company, or of a related body

corporate; or

(ii) directors of the company, or of a related body corporate,

who hold a salaried employment or office in the

company or in a related body corporate.

employee share scheme buy-back means a buy-back under a

scheme that:

(a) has as its purpose the acquisition of shares in a company by,

or on behalf of:

(i) employees of the company, or of a related body

corporate; or

(ii) directors of the company, or a related body corporate,

who hold a salaried employment or office in the

company or in a related body corporate; and

(b) has been approved by the company in general meeting.

enforce, in relation to a security interest in property of a company

under administration, includes:

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(a) appoint a receiver of property of the company under a power

contained in an instrument relating to the security interest; or

(b) obtain an order for the appointment of a receiver of such

property for the purpose of enforcing the security interest; or

(c) enter into possession, or assume control, of such property for

that purpose; or

(d) appoint a person so to enter into possession or assume control

(whether as agent for the secured party or for the company);


(e) exercise, in relation to property including PPSA retention of

title property, as the secured party or as a receiver or person

so appointed, a right, power or remedy existing because of

the security interest, arising:

(i) under an agreement or instrument relating to the

security interest; or

(ii) in the case of a PPSA security interest—under an

agreement or instrument relating to a transaction or

dealing giving rise to the security interest; or

(iii) under a written or unwritten law; or

(iv) in any other way.

enforcement process, in relation to property, means:

(a) execution against that property; or

(b) any other enforcement process in relation to that property

that involves a court or a sheriff.

engage in audit activity: an individual auditor, audit firm or audit

company engages in audit activity in relation to an audited body

for an audit if the individual auditor, audit firm or audit company:

(a) consents to be appointed as auditor of the audited body for a

financial year; or

(b) acts as the auditor of the audited body for a financial year; or

(c) prepares a report in relation to the audited body that is

required by this Act to be prepared by:

(i) a registered company auditor; or

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(ii) an auditor of the audited body in relation to a financial

year or half-year.

engage in conduct means:

(a) do an act; or

(b) omit to perform an act.

enter into: a person who:

(a) enters into, or becomes a party to, a relevant agreement in

relation to voting shares or other securities; or

(b) exercises an option to have voting shares or other securities

issued or granted;

is taken to enter into a transaction in relation to the shares or


entitlements of an employee of a company has the meaning given

by subsections 596AA(2) and (3).

entity: for the purposes of Chapters 2E and 8A an entity is any of

the following:

(a) a body corporate;

(b) a partnership;

(c) an unincorporated body;

(d) an individual;

(e) for a trust that has only 1 trustee—the trustee;

(f) for a trust that has more than 1 trustee—the trustees together.

Otherwise, entity has the meaning given by section 64A.

equal access scheme has the meaning given by

subsections 257B(2) and (3).

equity interest has the same meaning as in the Income Tax

Assessment Act 1997.

ESS interest has the same meaning as in the Income Tax

Assessment Act 1997.

event includes any happening, circumstance or state of affairs.

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examinable affairs, in relation to a corporation means:

(a) the promotion, formation, management, administration or

winding up of the corporation; or

(b) any other affairs of the corporation (including anything that

is included in the corporation’s affairs because of section 53);


(c) the business affairs of a connected entity of the corporation,

in so far as they are, or appear to be, relevant to the

corporation or to anything that is included in the

corporation’s examinable affairs because of paragraph (a) or


examinable assets and liabilities, in relation to an entity, means all

of the following:

(a) the entity’s property and assets:

(i) whether present or future; and

(ii) whether held alone or jointly with any other person or

persons; and

(iii) whether or not held as agent, bailee or trustee;

(b) the entity’s liabilities:

(i) whether present or future; and

(ii) whether actual or contingent; and

(iii) whether owed alone or jointly with any other person or

persons; and

(iv) whether or not owed as trustee.

examinable operations, in relation to an entity, means all of the


(a) the entity’s business, trading, transactions and dealings:

(i) whether alone or jointly with any other entity or entities;


(ii) whether or not as agent, bailee or trustee;

(b) the entity’s profits, income and receipts;

(c) the entity’s losses, outgoings and expenditure.

excluded security means:

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(a) where:

(i) there is attached to a share or debenture a right to

participate in a retirement village scheme; and

(ii) each of the other rights, and each interest (if any),

attached to the share or debenture is a right or interest

that is merely incidental to the right referred to in

subparagraph (i);

the share or debenture or a unit in the share or debenture; or

(b) an interest in a managed investment scheme constituted by a

right to participate in a retirement village scheme.

exempt body has the meaning given by section 66A.

exempt foreign company means a foreign company of a kind

referred to in subsection 601CK(8), whether or not Division 2 of

Part 5B.2 applies to it.

exempt public authority means a body corporate that is

incorporated within Australia or an external Territory and is:

(a) a public authority; or

(b) an instrumentality or agency of the Crown in right of the

Commonwealth, in right of a State or in right of a Territory.


(a) a person has an expectation that a managed investment

scheme will become an Australian passport fund only as set

out in section 1216B; and

(b) a person has an expectation that a fund will become a

notified foreign passport fund only as set out in

section 1216G.

expert, in relation to a matter, means a person whose profession or

reputation gives authority to a statement made by him or her in

relation to that matter.

extend, in relation to a period:

(a) includes further extend; and

(b) has a meaning affected by section 70.

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extract of particulars for a company, registered scheme or notified

foreign passport fund means a statement given by ASIC that

contains either or both of the following:

(a) some or all of the particulars in relation to the company,

scheme or fund that are recorded in a register that ASIC

maintains, or ensures is maintained, under

subsection 1214(1) or 1274(1);

(b) a requirement to provide a particular under section 346B.

extraordinary resolution, in relation to a registered scheme, means

a resolution:

(a) of which notice as set out in paragraph 252J(c) has been

given; and

(b) that has been passed by at least 50% of the total votes that

may be cast by members entitled to vote on the resolution

(including members who are not present in person or by


Family Court means the Family Court of Australia.

Federal Court means the Federal Court of Australia.

financial benchmark has the meaning given by section 908AB.

financial benchmark data means:

(a) information obtained to generate or administer a financial

benchmark; or

(b) information (including statistical data) that is created or

derived from information referred to in paragraph (a).

financial benchmark rules means rules made under

section 908CA.

financial benefit (when used in Chapter 2E) has a meaning that is

affected by section 229.

financial corporation means a financial corporation within the

meaning of paragraph 51(20) of the Constitution.

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financial market, when used in a provision outside Chapter 7, has

the same meaning as it has in Chapter 7.

financial product, when used in a provision outside Chapter 7, has

the same meaning as it has in Chapter 7.

financial records includes:

(a) invoices, receipts, orders for the payment of money, bills of

exchange, cheques, promissory notes and vouchers; and

(b) documents of prime entry; and

(c) working papers and other documents needed to explain:

(i) the methods by which financial statements are made up;


(ii) adjustments to be made in preparing financial


financial report means an annual financial report or a half-year

financial report prepared under Chapter 2M.

Note: Section 295 deals with the contents of annual financial reports and

section 302 deals with the contents of half-year financial reports.

financial reporting requirements for a financial report means the

requirements imposed under:

(a) section 296 or 297 if the financial report is an annual

financial report; or

(b) section 304 or 305 if the financial report is a half-year

financial report.

financial service, when used in a provision outside Chapter 7, has

the same meaning as it has in Chapter 7.

financial services business, when used in a provision outside

Chapter 7, has the same meaning as it has in Chapter 7.

financial services civil penalty provision has the meaning given by

subsection 1317E(3).

financial services licensee, when used in a provision outside

Chapter 7, has the same meaning as it has in Chapter 7.

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financial statements means annual financial statements under

section 295 or half-year financial statements under section 303.

financial year, when used in a provision outside Schedule 2, has

the following meaning:

(a) for a company, registered scheme or disclosing entity (other

than a notified foreign passport fund)—the meaning given by

section 323D;

(b) for a notified foreign passport fund—the meaning given by

section 323DAA.

find, in the case of a reference to a court finding a person guilty of

an offence, has a meaning affected by section 73A.

firm, in relation to an administrator or liquidator, means:

(a) if the administrator or liquidator is a partner or employee of a

partnership (the partnership firm) that provides advice or

other services in relation to Chapter 5 bodies corporate—the

partnership firm; or

(b) if the administrator or liquidator is an officer or employee of

a body corporate (the body corporate firm) that provides

advice or other services in relation to Chapter 5 bodies

corporate—the body corporate firm.

floating charge includes a charge that conferred a floating security

at the time of its creation but has since become a fixed or specific


for, in relation to a fee or tax, includes in respect of.

foreign company means:

(a) a body corporate that is incorporated in an external Territory,

or outside Australia and the external Territories, and is not:

(i) a corporation sole; or

(ii) an exempt public authority; or

(b) an unincorporated body that:

(i) is formed in an external Territory or outside Australia

and the external Territories; and

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(ii) under the law of its place of formation, may sue or be

sued, or may hold property in the name of its secretary

or of an officer of the body duly appointed for that

purpose; and

(iii) does not have its head office or principal place of

business in Australia.

foreign holder of securities means a holder of the securities whose

address, as shown in the register in which details of their holding is

recorded, is a place outside Australia and the external Territories.

foreign law has the same meaning as in the Income Tax

Assessment Act 1997.

foreign passport fund means a passport fund the home economy

for which is not Australia.

foreign passport fund product, when used in a provision outside

Chapter 7, has the same meaning as in Chapter 7.

franchise means an arrangement under which a person earns

profits or income by exploiting a right, conferred by the owner of

the right, to use a trade mark or design or other intellectual

property or the goodwill attached to it in connection with the

supply of goods or services. An arrangement is not a franchise if

the person engages the owner of the right, or an associate of the

owner, to exploit the right on the person’s behalf.

Full Court, in relation to a Supreme Court of a State or Territory,

includes any court of the State or Territory to which appeals lie

from a single judge of that Supreme Court.

fully paid share means a share on which no amount remains


function includes a duty.

fund property of a notified foreign passport fund means:

(a) contributions of money or money’s worth to the fund; and

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(b) money that forms part of the fund property under provisions

of this Act or the ASIC Act; and

(c) money borrowed or raised by the operator of the fund for the

purposes of the fund; and

(d) property acquired, directly or indirectly, with, or with the

proceeds of, contributions or money referred to in

paragraph (a), (b) or (c); and

(e) income and property derived, directly or indirectly, from

contributions, money or property referred to in paragraph (a),

(b), (c) or (d).

Note: Paragraph (a)—if what a member contributes to a fund is rights over

property, the rights in the property that the member retains do not

form part of the fund property.

Gazette notice means a notice published in the Gazette.

general CSF risk warning has the meaning given by

subsection 738ZA(2).

general law means the principles and rules of the common law and


group executives for a consolidated entity means:

(a) the directors of the companies or bodies within the

consolidated entity; and

(b) the secretaries of the companies or bodies within the

consolidated entity; and

(c) the senior managers of any corporation within the

consolidated entity; and

(d) the partners, and senior managers, of any partnership within

the consolidated entity; and

(e) the trustees, and senior managers, of any trusts within the

consolidated entity; and

(f) the senior managers of any joint venture within the

consolidated entity.

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guarantor, in relation to a debenture, means a body that has

guaranteed, or has agreed to guarantee, the repayment of any

money deposited or lent to the borrower under the debenture.

guilty, in the case of a reference to a court finding a person guilty

of an offence, has a meaning affected by section 73A.

half-year has the meaning given by subsection 323D(5).

have, in relation to information, includes be in possession of the


highest outside purchase price for a takeover bid is the highest

amount paid or payable by the bidder for a security in the bid class

under a purchase made outside the bid and during the bid period.

hold, in relation to a person, in relation to a document that is, or

purports to be, a copy of a licence, means have in the person’s


holding company, in relation to a body corporate, means a body

corporate of which the first body corporate is a subsidiary.

home economy, for a passport fund, when used in a provision

outside Chapter 8A, has the same meaning as in Chapter 8A.

home regulator, for a passport fund, when used in a provision

outside Chapter 8A, has the same meaning as in Chapter 8A.

host economy, for a passport fund, when used in a provision

outside Chapter 8A, has the same meaning as in Chapter 8A.

hosting arrangement, in relation to a CSF offer, has the meaning

given by subsection 738L(2).

host regulator, for a passport fund, when used in a provision

outside Chapter 8A, has the same meaning as in Chapter 8A.

immediate family member for a person means:

(a) the person’s spouse; or

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(b) a person who is wholly or partly dependent on the person for

financial support.

in Australia has the meaning given by section 102C.

included, in relation to an official list, has the meaning given by

section 75.

income year has the same meaning as in the Income Tax

Assessment Act 1997.

incorporated in Australia, in relation to a body corporate, includes

incorporated by or under a law of:

(a) the Commonwealth; or

(b) a State; or

(c) an internal Territory.


(a) of a company—means the company’s first registration under

this Act; and

(b) of any other incorporated body—means the body’s

incorporation by or under a law (other than this Act).

individual auditor means an individual who consents to be

appointed, or is appointed, as auditor of a company or registered


individual fine formula means the formula set out in

subsection 1311B(3).

industrial instrument means:

(a) a contract of employment; or

(b) a law, award, determination or agreement relating to terms or

conditions of employment.

information includes complaint.

injury compensation means compensation payable under any law

relating to workers compensation.

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Insolvency Practice Rules means the rules made by the Minister

under section 105-1 of Schedule 2.

insolvent has the meaning given by subsection 95A(2).

insolvent transaction has the meaning given by section 588FC.

insolvent under administration means:

(a) a person who, under the Bankruptcy Act 1966 or the law of

an external Territory, is a bankrupt in respect of a bankruptcy

from which the person has not been discharged; or

(b) a person who, under the law of an external Territory or the

law of a foreign country, has the status of an undischarged

bankrupt; or

(c) a person any of whose property is subject to control under:

(i) section 50 or Division 2 of Part X of the Bankruptcy Act

1966; or

(ii) a corresponding provision of the law of an external

Territory or the law of a foreign country; or

(d) a person who has executed a personal insolvency agreement


(i) Part X of the Bankruptcy Act 1966; or

(ii) the corresponding provisions of the law of an external

Territory or the law of a foreign country;

where the terms of the agreement have not been fully

complied with; or

(e) a person who is a party (as a debtor) to a debt agreement


(i) Part IX of the Bankruptcy Act 1966; or

(ii) the corresponding provisions of the law of an external

Territory or the law of a foreign country.

interest in a managed investment scheme (including a notified

foreign passport fund) means a right to benefits produced by the

scheme (whether the right is actual, prospective or contingent and

whether it is enforceable or not).

investment in a company, disclosing entity or other body means:

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(a) a share in the company, disclosing entity or body; or

(b) a debenture of the company, disclosing entity or body; or

(c) a legal or equitable interest in:

(i) a share in the company, disclosing entity or body; or

(ii) a debenture of the company, disclosing entity or body;


(d) an option to acquire (whether by way of issue or transfer) an

investment in the company, disclosing entity or body covered

by paragraph (a), (b) or (c); or

(e) an option to dispose of an investment in the company,

disclosing entity or body covered by paragraph (a), (b) or (c);


(f) an interest a person holds under an arrangement that is a

derivative if:

(i) the consideration to be provided under the arrangement;


(ii) the value of the arrangement;

is ultimately determined, derived from or varies by reference

to an investment in the company, disclosing entity or body

covered by paragraph (a), (b), (c), (d) or (e).

To avoid doubt, the consideration to be provided under, or the

value of, an arrangement in relation to an index is not ultimately

determined, derived from or varies by reference to an investment in

the company merely because the investment is taken into account

in determining the value of the index.

investment in a notified foreign passport fund means:

(a) an interest in the fund; or

(b) a legal or equitable interest in an interest in the fund; or

(c) an option to acquire (whether by way of issue or transfer) an

investment in the fund covered by paragraph (a) or (b); or

(d) an option to dispose of an investment in the fund covered by

paragraph (a) or (b); or

(e) an interest a person holds under an arrangement that is a

derivative if:

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(i) the consideration to be provided under the arrangement;


(ii) the value of the arrangement;

is ultimately determined, derived from or varies by reference

to an investment in the fund covered by paragraph (a), (b), (c)

or (d); or

(f) an investment in the operator of the fund.

To avoid doubt, the consideration to be provided under, or the

value of, an arrangement in relation to an index is taken not to be

ultimately determined, derived from or vary by reference to an

investment in the fund merely because the investment is taken into

account in determining the value of the index.

investment in a registered scheme means:

(a) an interest in the scheme; or

(b) a legal or equitable interest in an interest in the scheme; or

(c) an option to acquire (whether by way of issue or transfer) an

investment in the scheme covered by paragraph (a) or (b); or

(d) an option to dispose of an investment in the scheme covered

by paragraph (a) or (b); or

(e) an interest a person holds under an arrangement that is a

derivative if:

(i) the consideration to be provided under the arrangement;


(ii) the value of the arrangement;

is ultimately determined, derived from or varies by reference

to an investment in the scheme covered by paragraph (a), (b),

(c) or (d); or

(f) an investment in the responsible entity of the scheme.

To avoid doubt, the consideration to be provided under, or the

value of, an arrangement in relation to an index is taken not to be

ultimately determined, derived from or vary by reference to an

investment in the scheme merely because the investment is taken

into account in determining the value of the index.

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investment contract means any contract, scheme or arrangement

that, in substance and irrespective of its form, involves the

investment of money in or under such circumstances that the

investor acquires or may acquire an interest in, or right in respect

of, property, whether in this jurisdiction or elsewhere, that, under,

or in accordance with, the terms of investment will, or may at the

option of the investor, be used or employed in common with any

other interest in, or right in respect of, property, whether in this

jurisdiction or elsewhere, acquired in or under like circumstances.

involved, in relation to a contravention, has the meaning given by

section 79.

issue includes:

(a) in relation to interests in a managed investment scheme—

make available; and

(b) otherwise—circulate, distribute and disseminate.

Note: When issue is used in Chapter 7 in relation to a financial product it

has a meaning affected by section 761E.

Judge means a judge of the Court.

judgment means a judgment, decree or order, whether final or


key management personnel for an entity has the same meaning as

in the accounting standards.

large proprietary company has the meaning given by

subsection 45A(3).

law of a State or Territory means a law of, or in force in, the State

or Territory.

Note: This definition does not affect the meaning of law when used

otherwise than in a phrase such as “law of a State or Territory”.

Examples of such a use is in the phrase “any provision of any law” in

section 100A and the phrase “law of the Commonwealth” in

section 156.

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lawyer means a duly qualified legal practitioner and, in relation to

a person, means such a practitioner acting for the person.

lead auditor has the meaning given by section 324AF.

lease does not include a lease of goods that gives rise to a PPSA

security interest in the goods.

Note: An interest that arises under a lease of goods that in substance secures

the payment or performance of an obligation, or that arises under a

PPS lease within the meaning of the Personal Property Securities Act

2009, may be a PPSA security interest (see sections 12 and 13 of that

Act and the definition of PPSA security interest in section 51 of this


leave of absence means long service leave, extended leave,

recreation leave, annual leave, sick leave or any other form of

leave of absence from employment.

licensed trustee company has the meaning given by Chapter 5D.

limited company means:

(a) a company limited by shares; or

(b) a company limited by guarantee; or

(c) a company limited both by shares and guarantee;

but does not include a no liability company.

linked: the incurring of a debt and a contravention of

subsection 596AC(1), (2), (3) or (4) are linked if they are linked

under subsection 596AC(10).


(a) has a meaning affected by paragraph 530(b) (which deals

with 2 or more persons appointed as liquidators); and

(b) in Chapter 7, includes a provisional liquidator.

listed: a company, managed investment scheme or other body is

listed if it is included in the official list of a prescribed financial

market operated in this jurisdiction.

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listed corporation means a body corporate that is included in an

official list of a prescribed financial market.

listed disclosing entity has the meaning given by

subsection 111AL(1).

listing market, in relation to a listed disclosing entity, has the

meaning given by subsection 111AE(1), (1A) or (1B).

listing rules of a financial market, when used in a provision outside

Chapter 7, has the same meaning as it has in Chapter 7.

local agent, in relation to a foreign company, means a person who

is a local agent of the foreign company by virtue of

subsection 601CG(5).

lodge means lodge with ASIC in this jurisdiction.

lower court means a court of a State or Territory that is not a

superior court.

machine-copy, in relation to a document, means a copy made of

the document by any machine in which, or process by which, an

image of the contents of the document is reproduced.

made, in relation to a CSF offer, has the meaning given by

subsection 738N(1).

managed investment product, when used in a provision outside

Chapter 7, has the same meaning as it has in Chapter 7.

managed investment scheme means:

(a) a scheme that has the following features:

(i) people contribute money or money’s worth as

consideration to acquire rights (interests) to benefits

produced by the scheme (whether the rights are actual,

prospective or contingent and whether they are

enforceable or not);

(ii) any of the contributions are to be pooled, or used in a

common enterprise, to produce financial benefits, or

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benefits consisting of rights or interests in property, for

the people (the members) who hold interests in the

scheme (whether as contributors to the scheme or as

people who have acquired interests from holders);

(iii) the members do not have day-to-day control over the

operation of the scheme (whether or not they have the

right to be consulted or to give directions); or

(b) a time-sharing scheme;

but does not include the following:

(c) a partnership that has more than 20 members but does not

need to be incorporated or formed under an Australian law

because of regulations made for the purposes of

subsection 115(2);

(d) a body corporate (other than a body corporate that operates as

a time sharing scheme);

(e) a scheme in which all the members are bodies corporate that

are related to each other and to the body corporate that

promotes the scheme;

(f) a franchise;

(g) a statutory fund maintained under the Life Insurance Act


(h) a regulated superannuation fund, an approved deposit fund, a

pooled superannuation trust, or a public sector

superannuation scheme, within the meaning of the

Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993;

(i) a scheme operated by an Australian ADI in the ordinary

course of its banking business;

(j) the issue of debentures or convertible notes by a body


(k) a barter scheme under which each participant may obtain

goods or services from another participant for consideration

that is wholly or substantially in kind rather than in cash;

(l) a retirement village scheme operating within or outside


(i) under which the participants, or a majority of them, are

provided, or are to be provided, with residential

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accommodation within a retirement village (whether or

not the entitlement of a participant to be provided with

accommodation derives from a proprietary interest held

by the participant in the premises where the

accommodation is, or is to be, provided); and

(ii) which is not a time-sharing scheme;

(m) a scheme that is operated by a co-operative company

registered under Part VI of the Companies (Co-operative) Act

1943 of Western Australia or under a previous law of

Western Australia that corresponds to that Part;

(ma) a contribution plan;

(mb) the provision of a crowd-funding service (as defined in

section 766F);

(n) a scheme of a kind declared by the regulations not to be a

managed investment scheme.

Note 1: Paragraph (c)—A partnership with less than 20 members will usually

not require registration because of paragraph 601ED(1)(a) and under

section 115 a partnership with more than 20 members can only

operate if covered by regulations made for the purposes of

subsection 115(2).

Note 2: Paragraphs (c) and (i) have an extended meaning in relation to

Chapter 8 (see subsection 1200A(3)).

Note 3: Under section 1213E, a notified foreign passport fund is to be treated

as a managed investment scheme for the purposes of this Act.

manager has a meaning affected by section 90.

managerial or executive office has the meaning given by

section 200AA.

managing controller, in relation to property of a corporation,


(a) a receiver and manager of that property; or

(b) any other controller of that property who has functions or

powers in connection with managing the corporation;

and has a meaning affected by paragraph 434G(b) (which deals

with 2 or more persons appointed as managing controllers).

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68 Corporations Act 2001

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marketable securities means debentures, stocks, shares or bonds of

any Government, of any local government authority or of any body

corporate, association or society, and includes any right or option

in respect of shares in any body corporate and any interest in a

managed investment scheme.

market bid means a takeover bid made under Chapter 6 as a market

bid (see section 616).

market integrity rules, when used in a provision outside Chapter 7,

has the same meaning as it has in Chapter 7.

market traded option means an option declared by an operator of a

prescribed financial market to be a market traded option.

maximum subscription amount, in relation to a CSF offer, has the

meaning given by subsection 738L(7).

MCI (short for mutual capital instrument) has the meaning given

by section 167AD.

MCI amendment resolution has the meaning given by

section 167AI.

MCI mutual entity has the meaning given by section 167AC.


(a) in relation to a managed investment schememeans a person

who holds an interest in the scheme; or

(e) in relation to a company—a person who is a member under

section 231.

members’ voluntary winding up means a winding up under

Part 5.5 where a declaration has been made and lodged pursuant to

section 494.

Memorandum of Cooperation, when used in a provision outside

Chapter 8A, has the same meaning as in Chapter 8A.

minerals means minerals in any form, whether solid, liquefied or

gaseous and whether organic or inorganic.

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minimum holding buy-back means a buy-back of all of a holder’s

shares in a listed corporation if the shares are less than a

marketable parcel within the meaning of the rules of the relevant

financial market.

minimum subscription amount, in relation to a CSF offer, has the

meaning given by subsection 738L(8).

mining purposes means any or all of the following purposes:

(a) prospecting for ores, metals or minerals;

(b) obtaining, by any mode or method, ores, metals or minerals;

(c) the sale or other disposal of ores, metals, minerals or other

products of mining;

(d) the carrying on of any business or activity necessary for, or

incidental to, any of the foregoing purposes;

whether in Australia or elsewhere, but does not include quarrying

operations for the sole purpose of obtaining stone for building,

roadmaking or similar purposes.

misconduct includes fraud, negligence, default, breach of trust and

breach of duty.

modifications includes additions, omissions and substitutions.

money includes a payment order.

mutual entity has the meaning given by section 51M.

national newspaper means a daily newspaper that circulates

generally in each State and each internal Territory.

NCSC means the National Companies and Securities Commission.

necessary transfer documents for the transfer of securities to a

person means the documents that are sufficient to enable the person

to become the holder of the securities.

negative, in relation to a document, means a transparent negative

photograph used, or intended to be used, as a medium for

reproducing the contents of the document, and includes a

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transparent photograph made from surface contact with the original

negative photograph.

negative solvency resolution means a resolution by the directors of

a company that, in their opinion, there are not reasonable grounds

to believe that the company will be able to pay its debts as and

when they become due and payable.

negotiable instrument, in relation to a body corporate, means:

(a) a bill of exchange, promissory note, cheque or other

negotiable instrument; or

(b) an indorsement on, or order in, a bill of exchange,

promissory note, cheque or other negotiable instrument; or

(c) a letter of credit;

of, or purporting to be issued or signed by or on behalf of, the


no liability company means a company that is registered as, or

converts to, a no liability company under this Act.

Note 1: A no liability company can be registered under section 118 or

601BD. A company can convert to a no liability company under

Part 2B.7.

Note 2: A no liability company must have solely mining purposes and

have no contractual right to recover unpaid calls (see

subsection 112(2)).

non-audit services provider for an auditor conducting an audit

means a person who:

(a) is not a professional member of the audit team conducting the

audit of the audited body; and

(b) is either:

(i) if the auditor is an individual auditor—an employee of

the individual auditor (or of an entity acting for, or on

behalf of, the individual auditor); or

(ii) if the auditor is an audit firm—a member of the audit

firm or senior manager of the audit firm (or of an entity

acting for, or on behalf of, the audit firm); or

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(iii) if the auditor is an audit company—a director of the

audit company or a senior manager of the audit

company (or of an entity acting for, or on behalf of, the

audit company); and

(c) provides, or has provided, services (other than services

related to the conduct of an audit) to the audited body.

non-shareholder mutual member of an MCI mutual entity means

a person who is a member of the entity otherwise than as a holder

of a share (whether or not the person also holds one or more shares

in the entity).

non-voting share, in relation to a body corporate, means an issued

share in the body that is not a voting share in the body.

notice includes a circular and an advertisement.

notified foreign passport fund: see section 1213C.

of, in relation to financial products, means, in the case of interests

in a managed investment scheme, made available by.

offence means an offence against a law of the Commonwealth or a

State or Territory.

offence based on a particular provision of this Act means, unless a

contrary intention appears:

(a) if that provision creates an offence—an offence against that

provision, or an offence against section 1314 that relates to

that provision; or

(b) if section 1311 creates an offence relating to that provision—

an offence against section 1311 or 1314 that relates to that

provision; or

(c) if another provision creates an offence relating to that

provision—an offence against that other provision or

section 1314 that relates to that other provision.

offer information statement means an offer information statement

that is lodged with ASIC.

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offer of simple corporate bonds has the meaning given by

section 713A.

offer period for a takeover bid is the period for which offers under

the bid remain open.

offer platform, in relation to a CSF offer, has the meaning given by

subsection 738L(6).

offer-specific prospectus, in relation to an offer of simple

corporate bonds, has the meaning given by subsection 713D(1).

officer of a corporation means:

(a) a director or secretary of the corporation; or

(b) a person:

(i) who makes, or participates in making, decisions that

affect the whole, or a substantial part, of the business of

the corporation; or

(ii) who has the capacity to affect significantly the

corporation’s financial standing; or

(iii) in accordance with whose instructions or wishes the

directors of the corporation are accustomed to act

(excluding advice given by the person in the proper

performance of functions attaching to the person’s

professional capacity or their business relationship with

the directors or the corporation); or

(c) a receiver, or receiver and manager, of the property of the

corporation; or

(d) an administrator of the corporation; or

(e) an administrator of a deed of company arrangement executed

by the corporation; or

(f) a liquidator of the corporation; or

(g) a trustee or other person administering a compromise or

arrangement made between the corporation and someone


Note: Section 201B contains rules about who is a director of a corporation.

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officer of an entity that is neither an individual nor a corporation


(a) a partner in the partnership if the entity is a partnership; or

(b) an office holder of the unincorporated association if the

entity is an unincorporated association; or

(c) a person:

(i) who makes, or participates in making, decisions that

affect the whole, or a substantial part, of the business of

the entity; or

(ii) who has the capacity to affect significantly the entity’s

financial standing.

officer of the Commonwealth has the same meaning as in

paragraph 75(v) of the Constitution.

off-market bid means a takeover bid made under Chapter 6 as an

off-market bid (see section 616).

old Corporations Law, in relation to a State or Territory, has the

same meaning as it has in Part 10.1.

old Division 11 of Part 11.2 transitionals means the following:

(a) the provisions of Division 11 of Part 11.2 of the old

Corporations Law of each State or Territory in this

jurisdiction, to the extent they continue to have effect

because of section 1408 of this Act; and

(b) if regulations for the purposes of subsection 1408(3) deal

with a matter or matters dealt with in those provisions—the

regulations that so deal with the matter or matters.

old Division 12 of Part 11.2 transitionals means the following:

(a) the provisions of Division 12 of Part 11.2 of the old

Corporations Law of each State or Territory in this

jurisdiction, to the extent they continue to have effect

because of section 1408 of this Act; and

(b) if regulations for the purposes of subsection 1408(3) deal

with a matter or matters dealt with in those provisions—the

regulations that so deal with the matter or matters.

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on, in relation to a financial market, includes at or by means of.

on behalf of includes on the instructions of.

on-market: a transaction of any kind is an on-market transaction if

it is effected on a prescribed financial market and is:

(a) an on-market transaction as defined in the rules governing

the operation of the market; or

(b) if those rules do not define on-market transactions—effected

in the ordinary course of trading on the market.

on-market buy-back means a buy-back by a listed corporation on a

prescribed financial market in the ordinary course of trading on

that market.

open, in relation to a CSF offer, has the meaning given by

subsection 738N(2).

operated in this jurisdiction, when used in a provision outside

Chapter 7, has the same meaning as it has in Chapter 7.

operating rules, when used in a provision outside Chapter 7, has

the same meaning as it has in Chapter 7.

operator, of a passport fund, when used in a provision outside

Chapter 8A, has the same meaning as in Chapter 8A.

outside this jurisdiction has a meaning affected by

subsection 102B(2).

outstanding property, in relation to a body corporate that has been

dissolved or deregistered, means outstanding property (other than

unpaid capital, whether called or uncalled) that was vested in the

body, to which it was entitled, or over which it had a disposing

power, when it was dissolved or deregistered, but that neither the

body nor its liquidator got in, realised on or otherwise disposed of

or dealt with.

paid parental leave employer has the meaning given by

subsection 600AA(2).

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Panel means the Takeovers Panel.

parent: without limiting who is a parent of a person for the

purposes of this Act, someone is the parent of a person if the

person is his or her child because of the definition of child in this


Part 5.1 body means:

(a) a company; or

(b) a registrable body that is registered under Division 1 or 2 of

Part 5B.2.

Part 5.7 body means:

(a) a registrable body that is a registrable Australian body and:

(i) is registered under Division 1 of Part 5B.2; or

(ii) is not registered under that Division but carries on

business in this jurisdiction and outside its place of

origin; or

(b) a registrable body that is a foreign company and:

(i) is registered under Division 2 of Part 5B.2; or

(ii) is not registered under that Division but carries on

business in Australia; or

(c) a partnership, association or other body (whether a body

corporate or not) that consists of more than 5 members and

that is not a registrable body;

but does not include an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander


Note: The winding up of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporations

is dealt with in Part 11-5 of the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres

Strait Islander) Act 2006.

Part 7.7A civil penalty provision means any of the following


(a) subsections 961K(1) and (2) (financial services licensee

responsible for breach of certain best interests duties);

(b) section 961L (financial services licensee to ensure

compliance with certain best interests duties);

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(c) subsection 961Q(1) (authorised representative responsible for

breach of certain best interests duties);

(d) section 962P (charging ongoing fee after termination of

ongoing fee arrangement);

(e) subsection 962S(1) (fee recipient must give fee disclosure


(f) subsections 963E(1) and (2) (financial services licensee must

not accept conflicted remuneration);

(g) section 963F (financial services licensee must ensure

representatives do not accept conflicted remuneration);

(h) subsection 963G(1) (authorised representative must not

accept conflicted remuneration);

(i) section 963J (employer must not pay employees conflicted


(j) section 963K (financial product issuer or seller must not give

conflicted remuneration to financial services licensee or


(k) subsection 964A(1) (platform operator must not accept

volume-based shelf-space fees);

(l) subsections 964D(1) and (2) (financial services licensee must

not charge asset-based fees on borrowed amounts);

(m) subsection 964E(1) (authorised representative must not

charge asset-based fees on borrowed amounts);

(n) section 965 (anti-avoidance of Part 7.7A provisions).

Part 10.1 transitionals means the provisions of Part 10.1 and of

regulations for the purposes of those provisions.

participant, when used in a provision (the relevant provision)

outside Chapter 7 in relation to a clearing and settlement facility or

a financial market, has the same meaning as it has in Chapter 7 in

relation to a clearing and settlement facility or a financial market,

except that it does not include a reference to a recognised affiliate

(within the meaning of that Chapter) in relation to such a facility or

market unless regulations for the purposes of this definition

provide that, in the relevant provision, it does include a recognised


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party, in relation to a transaction that has been completed, given

effect to, or terminated, includes a person who was a party to the


passport fund, when used in a provision outside Chapter 8A, has

the same meaning as in Chapter 8A.

Passport Rules: see section 1211A.

payment (when used in Division 2 of Part 2D.2 (sections 200 to

200J) includes a payment by way of damages for breach of


payment order means a cheque (including a cheque that a bank or

other institution draws on itself), bank draft, money order or postal


payment period, in relation to an infringement notice issued under

Part 9.4AB, has the meaning given by section 1317DAQ.

person, when used in Division 2 of Part 2D.2 (sections 200 to

200J), includes a superannuation fund.

place of origin:

(a) in relation to a body corporate at a particular time, means:

(i) in the case of a body incorporated at that time in a State

or Territory—that State or Territory; or

(ii) otherwise—the place of the body’s incorporation at that

time; or

(b) in relation to an unincorporated body—the State or Territory,

or other place, in which the body is formed.

platform includes a website or other electronic facility.

play a significant role: a person plays a significant role in the

audit of a company or a registered scheme for a financial year if:

(a) the person is appointed as an individual auditor of the

company or scheme for that financial year and:

(i) acts as an auditor for the company or scheme for that

financial year; or

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(ii) prepares an audit report for the company or the scheme

in relation to a financial report of the company or

scheme for that financial year or for a half-year falling

within that financial year; or

(b) a firm or company is appointed as an auditor of the company

or scheme for that financial year and the person:

(i) is a registered company auditor; and

(ii) acts, on behalf of the firm or company, as a lead auditor,

or review auditor, in relation to an audit of the company

or scheme for that financial year or for a half-year

falling within that financial year.

pooling determination means a determination under

subsection 571(1).

pooling order means an order under subsection 579E(1).

positive solvency resolution means a resolution by the directors of

a company that, in their opinion, there are reasonable grounds to

believe that the company will be able to pay its debts as and when

they become due and payable.

possession has a meaning affected by section 86.

power includes an authority.

PPSA retention of title property (short for Personal Property

Security Act retention of title property) has the meaning given by

section 51F.

PPSA security interest (short for Personal Property Security Act

security interest) has the meaning given by section 51.

premises includes:

(a) a structure, building, aircraft, vehicle or vessel; and

(b) any land or place (whether enclosed or built on or not); and

(c) a part of a structure, building, aircraft, vehicle or vessel or of

such a place.

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prescribed derivative trade repository, when used in a provision

outside Chapter 7, has the same meaning as it has in Chapter 7.

prescribed financial market means a financial market that is

prescribed by regulations made for the purposes of this definition.

printed includes type-written, lithographed or reproduced by any

mechanical means.

procure includes cause.

Product Disclosure Statement, when used in a provision outside

Chapter 7, has the same meaning as it has in Chapter 7.

Note: For the effect of the lodgment of a Replacement Product Disclosure

Statement, see section 1014J.

professional accounting body has the same meaning as in the


professional employee of an individual auditor, audit firm or audit

company means an employee of the auditor, firm or company who

participates in the conduct of the audits on behalf of the auditor,

firm or company and, in the course of doing so, exercises

professional judgment in relation to the application of or

compliance with:

(a) accounting standards; or

(b) auditing standards; or

(c) the provisions of this Act dealing with financial reporting and

the conduct of audits.

professional investor means a person in relation to whom one or

more of the following paragraphs apply:

(a) the person is a financial services licensee;

(b) the person is a body regulated by APRA, other than a trustee

of any of the following (within the meaning of the

Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993):

(i) a superannuation fund;

(ii) an approved deposit fund;

(iii) a pooled superannuation trust;

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(iv) a public sector superannuation scheme;

(c) the person is a body registered under the Financial

Corporations Act 1974;

(d) the person is the trustee of:

(i) a superannuation fund; or

(ii) an approved deposit fund; or

(iii) a pooled superannuation trust; or

(iv) a public sector superannuation scheme;

within the meaning of the Superannuation Industry

(Supervision) Act 1993 and the fund, trust or scheme has net

assets of at least $10 million;

(e) the person controls at least $10 million (including any

amount held by an associate or under a trust that the person


(f) the person is a listed entity, or a related body corporate of a

listed entity;

(g) the person is an exempt public authority;

(h) the person is a body corporate, or an unincorporated body,


(i) carries on a business of investment in financial

products, interests in land or other investments; and

(ii) for those purposes, invests funds received (directly or

indirectly) following an offer or invitation to the public,

within the meaning of section 82, the terms of which

provided for the funds subscribed to be invested for

those purposes;

(i) the person is a foreign entity that, if established or

incorporated in Australia, would be covered by one of the

preceding paragraphs.

professional member of an audit team has the meaning given by

section 324AE.

profile statement means a profile statement that is lodged with


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property means any legal or equitable estate or interest (whether

present or future and whether vested or contingent) in real or

personal property of any description and includes a thing in action,


(a) in Part 5.3A (administration)—has a meaning affected by

section 435B; and

(b) in Part 5.4B (winding up in insolvency or by the Court)—has

a meaning affected by section 465; and

(c) in Part 5.5 (voluntary winding up)—has a meaning affected

by section 489F; and

(d) in Part 5.6 (winding up generally)—has a meaning affected

by section 513AA; and

(e) in Part 5.7B (recovering property or compensation for

creditors of insolvent company)—has a meaning affected by

section 588C; and

(f) in Part 5.8 (offences relating to external administration)—has

a meaning affected by subsection 589(5); and

(g) in Part 5A.1 (deregistration, and transfer of registration, of

companies)—has a meaning affected by section 601; and

(h) in Part 5B.2 (registrable bodies)—has a meaning affected by

section 601C; and

(i) in Schedule 2 (the Insolvency Practice Schedule)—has a

meaning affected by section 5-26 of that Schedule.

Note: A reference in this Act to the property of a corporation does not

include a reference to any PPSA retention of title property of the

corporation, unless provided otherwise expressly or by necessary

implication (see section 51F). The sections mentioned in

paragraphs (a) to (h) extend references to property of a corporation in

Parts of this Act to PPSA retention of title property (or to certain

PPSA retention of title property).

proportional takeover approval provisions, in relation to a

company, means provisions of the kind referred to in

subsection 648D(1) that are contained in, or that it is proposed to

insert in, the constitution of the company.

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proportional takeover bid means an off-market bid for a specified

proportion of the securities in the bid class (see

paragraph 618(1)(b)).

proprietary company has the meaning given by subsection 45A(1).

prospectus means a prospectus that is lodged with ASIC.

prove includes establish in any way (for example, but without

limitation, through the operation of a presumption for which this

Act or a law of a State or Territory provides).

providing finance means:

(a) lending money; or

(b) giving guarantees or security for loans made by someone

else; or

(c) drawing, accepting, indorsing, negotiating or discounting a

bill of exchange, cheque, payment order or promissory note

so that someone can obtain funds.

provision of a law includes:

(a) a subsection, section, Subdivision, Division, Part or Chapter

of the law; and

(b) a Schedule, or an item in a Schedule, to the law.

provisional liquidator has a meaning affected by

paragraph 530AA(b) (which deals with 2 or more persons

appointed as provisional liquidators).

public company means a company other than a proprietary

company and:

(a) in section 195 and Chapter 2E, includes a body corporate

(other than a prescribed body corporate) that:

(i) is incorporated in a State or an internal Territory, but

not under this Act; and

(ii) is included in the official list of a prescribed financial

market; and

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(b) in Chapter 2E does not include a company that is not

required to have “Limited” in its name because of

section 150 or 151.

public document, in relation to a body corporate, has the meaning

given by section 88A.


(a) in relation to a notice—means, in Chapter 7, publish by any

means, including in a newspaper or periodical, on the

internet, by broadcasting or televising or in a cinematograph

film; and

(b) in any case—includes issue.

qualified accountant has the meaning given by section 88B.

qualified privilege has the meaning given by section 89.

quarter day means 31 March, 30 June, 30 September or

31 December.

quotation, in relation to financial products or in relation to a

financial market, includes the displaying or providing, on a

financial market, of information concerning:

(a) if offers to dispose of, purchase or exchange the financial

product at particular prices, or for particular consideration,

are made or accepted on that financial market—those prices

or that consideration; or

(b) if offers or invitations are made on that financial market,

being offers or invitations that are intended, or may

reasonably be expected, to result in the making or acceptance

of offers to dispose of, purchase or exchange the financial

products at particular prices, or for particular consideration—

those prices or that consideration; or

(c) in any case—the price at which, or the consideration for

which, particular persons, or particular classes of persons,

propose, or may reasonably be expected, to dispose of,

purchase or exchange the financial products.

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quoted ED securities has the meaning given by section 111AM.

quoted security means a security that is quoted on a prescribed

financial market.

receiver has a meaning affected by paragraph 434D(b) (which

deals with 2 or more persons appointed as receivers).

receiver and manager has a meaning affected by section 90 and

has a meaning affected by paragraph 434E(b) (which deals with 2

or more persons appointed as receivers and managers).

recognised offer has the meaning given by section 1200B.

redeemable preference share means a preference share in a body

corporate that is, or at the body’s option is to be, liable to be


referring State has the meaning given by section 4.

register means register under this Act.

registered Australian body means a registrable Australian body

that is registered under Division 1 of Part 5B.2.

registered body means a registered Australian body or a registered

foreign company.

registered company auditor:

(a) means a person registered as an auditor under Part 9.2; and

(b) in relation to a body corporate that is not a company—

includes a person qualified to act as the body’s auditor under

the law of the body’s incorporation.

registered foreign company means a foreign company that is

registered under Division 2 of Part 5B.2.

registered liquidator has the same meaning as in section 5-5 of

Schedule 2.

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registered office, in relation to a body corporate, means the body’s

registered office under section 142 or 601CT, as the case requires.

registered scheme means a managed investment scheme that is

registered under section 601EB.

registrable Australian body means:

(a) a body corporate, not being:

(i) a company; or

(ii) an exempt public authority; or

(iii) a corporation sole; or

(b) an unincorporated body that, under the law of its place of


(i) may sue or be sued; or

(ii) may hold property;

in the name of its secretary or of an officer of the body duly

appointed for that purpose;

but does not include a foreign company.

registrable body means a registrable Australian body or a foreign


Regulatory Powers Act means the Regulatory Powers (Standard

Provisions) Act 2014.

related body corporate, in relation to a body corporate, means a

body corporate that is related to the first-mentioned body by virtue

of section 50.

related entity, in relation to a body corporate, means any of the


(a) a promoter of the body;

(b) a relative of such a promoter;

(c) a relative of a spouse of such a promoter;

(d) a director or member of the body or of a related body


(e) a relative of such a director or member;

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(f) a relative of a spouse of such a director or member;

(g) a body corporate that is related to the first-mentioned body;

(h) a beneficiary under a trust of which the first-mentioned body

is or has at any time been a trustee;

(i) a relative of such a beneficiary;

(j) a relative of a spouse of such a beneficiary;

(k) a body corporate one of whose directors is also a director of

the first-mentioned body;

(l) a trustee of a trust under which a person is a beneficiary,

where the person is a related entity of the first-mentioned

body because of any other application or applications of this


related party:

(a) when used in Chapter 2E—has the meaning given by

section 228; and

(b) when used in Part 6D.3A—has the meaning given by

subsection 738G(3); and

(c) when used in Division 2 of Part 5C.10, Chapter 8A and the

Passport Rules for this jurisdiction—has the meaning given

by the Passport Rules for this jurisdiction.

relation-back day has the meaning given by section 91.

relative, in relation to a person, means the spouse, parent or

remoter lineal ancestor, child or remoter issue, or brother or sister

of the person.

relevant agreement means an agreement, arrangement or


(a) whether formal or informal or partly formal and partly

informal; and

(b) whether written or oral or partly written and partly oral; and

(c) whether or not having legal or equitable force and whether or

not based on legal or equitable rights.

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relevant date, in relation to a winding up, means the day on which

the winding up is taken because of Division 1A of Part 5.6 to have


Note: Subsection 553(1B) modifies the operation of this definition for debts

and claims that arise while a company is under a deed of company

arrangement if the deed terminates immediately before the winding


relevant financial market, for a listed company, listed registered

scheme or listed notified foreign passport fund means:

(a) the prescribed financial market on which the company,

scheme or fund is listed; or

(b) if the company, scheme or fund is listed on 2 or more

prescribed financial markets—each of those markets.

relevant interest, in relation to securities, has a meaning given by

sections 608 and 609.

relevant market operator, for a listed company, listed registered

scheme or listed notified foreign passport fund means:

(a) if there is only one relevant financial market for the

company, scheme or fund—the operator of that relevant

financial market; or

(b) if there is 2 or more relevant financial markets for the

company, scheme or fund—each of the operators of each of

those relevant financial markets.

relinquishment order has the meaning given by

subsection 1317GAB(1).

remedial order means an order that:

(a) restrains a person from exercising any voting or other rights

attached to securities; or

(b) directs a body corporate not to make or to defer payment of

an amount due from the body corporate in respect of

securities; or

(c) restrains a person from acquiring securities or an interest in

securities; or

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(d) directs a person to dispose of, or not to dispose of, securities

or interests in securities; or

(e) directs the disposal referred to in paragraph (d):

(i) to be made within a specified time; or

(ii) to be made subject to specified conditions; or

(iii) not to be made to a specified person or persons or to a

specified class or classes of persons;

(f) directs a specified person to pay to the body corporate an

amount equal to any profit or benefit that the person obtains

because of the disposal referred to in paragraph (d); or

(g) vests securities, or an interest in securities, in ASIC; or

(h) directs a body corporate not to register the transfer or

transmission of securities; or

(i) cancels securities issued as consideration for offers under a

takeover bid; or

(j) declares that an exercise of the voting or other rights attached

to securities be disregarded; or

(k) cancels or declares voidable:

(i) an agreement or offer relating to a takeover bid, or a

proposed takeover bid; or

(ii) any other agreement or offer in connection with the

acquisition of securities or relevant interests in


(l) directs a person to give specified information to the holders

of securities of a body corporate; or

(m) directs a body corporate not to issue securities to a person; or

(n) if an order of a kind referred to in paragraphs (a) to (m) is in

force in respect of securities—directs the registered holder of

the securities to give written notice of the order to any person

whom the holder knows to be entitled to exercise a right to

vote attached to those securities; or

(o) directs a body corporate to repeal or modify its existing

constitution or adopt a particular constitution; or

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(p) if a person has failed to comply with a requirement of

Chapter 6, 6A, 6B or 6Cdirects that person to comply with

that requirement.

remuneration of an officer or employee of a corporation. A benefit

given to an officer or employee of a corporation is remuneration if

and only if the benefit, were it received by a director of the

corporation, would be remuneration of the director for the purposes

of an accounting standard that deals with disclosure in companies’

financial reports of information about directors’ remuneration. For

the purposes of this definition, the following are not officers of a


(a) a receiver, or receiver and manager, of the property of the


(b) an administrator of the corporation;

(c) an administrator of a deed of company arrangement executed

by the corporation;

(d) a liquidator of the corporation;

(e) a trustee or other person administering a compromise or

arrangement made between the corporation and someone


remuneration committee has the meaning given by

paragraph 206K(2)(b).

remuneration consultant means a person:

(a) who makes a remuneration recommendation under a contract

for services with the company to whose key management

personnel the recommendation relates; and

(b) who is not an officer or employee of the company.

remuneration recommendation has the meaning given by

section 9B.

remuneration report means the section of the directors’ report for

a financial year for a listed public company that is included under

subsection 300A(1).

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90 Corporations Act 2001

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renounceable option means an assignable option to have an

allotment of shares in a body corporate made to the holder of the


Replacement Product Disclosure Statement, when used in a

provision outside Chapter 7, has the same meaning it has in

Chapter 7.

reproduction, in relation to a document, means a machine-copy of

the document or a print made from a negative of the document.

resolution, when used in a provision outside Schedule 2 in relation

to creditors or contributories, means a resolution passed at a

meeting of the creditors or contributories.

resolution for voluntary winding up means the special resolution

referred to in section 491.

responsible entity of a registered scheme means the company

named in ASIC’s record of the scheme’s registration as the

responsible entity or temporary responsible entity of the scheme.

responsible holding party for an Australian passport fund or a

notified foreign passport fund means the responsible holding party

of the assets of the fund under the Passport Rules for this


responsible intermediary, in relation to a CSF offer, has the

meaning given by subsection 738L(5).

responsible officer, in relation to a body corporate that applies for

an Australian financial services licence, means an officer of the

body who would perform duties in connection with the holding of

the licence.

result includes:

(a) when used as a verb—result indirectly; and

(b) when used as a noun—an indirect result.

retail client, when used in Part 6D.3A, has the meaning given by

section 738D.

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retention of title clause: property is subject to a retention of title

clause under a contract for the sale of property:

(a) if the contract contains a provision the effect of which is that

the seller retains title in the property until the purchase price,

or another amount, has been paid in full; and

(b) if the purchase price, or the other amount, as the case may be,

has not been paid in full; and

(c) to the extent that the contract does not give rise to a PPSA

security interest in the property.

Note: See also the definitions of PPSA security interest in section 51 and

PPSA retention of title property in section 51F.

retirement village scheme means a scheme, undertaking or

enterprise (in this definition called the relevant scheme), whether

in Australia or elsewhere, that is being, or is proposed to be,

carried out or undertaken with the intention that the participants, or

a majority of the participants, in the relevant scheme be provided,

in connection with the relevant scheme, with residential

accommodation within a retirement community, whether or not the

entitlement of a participant to be provided with such

accommodation derives from a proprietary interest held by the

participant in the premises where the accommodation is provided,

but does not include a time-sharing scheme.

return of particulars for a company, registered scheme or notified

foreign passport fund means a statement given by ASIC that

contains any or all of the following:

(a) some or all of the particulars in relation to the company,

scheme or fund that are recorded in a register that ASIC

maintains, or ensures is maintained, under

subsection 1214(1) or 1274(1);

(b) a requirement to provide a particular under section 348B;

(c) a requirement to comply with a subsection of section 348C

(and, if applicable, pass a resolution).

review auditor has the meaning given by section 324AF.

review date has the meaning given by section 345A.

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review fee has the meaning given by section 5 of the Corporations

(Review Fees) Act 2003.

revoke, in relation to an accounting standard, means, in the case of

a provision of an accounting standard, vary the last-mentioned

accounting standard by omitting the provision.

rights issue has the meaning given by subsections 9A(1) and (2).

rules means:

(a) rules of the Federal Court; or

(b) rules of the Supreme Court of a State or internal Territory;

as the case requires.

scheme property of a registered scheme means:

(a) contributions of money or money’s worth to the scheme; and

(b) money that forms part of the scheme property under

provisions of this Act or the ASIC Act; and

(c) money borrowed or raised by the responsible entity for the

purposes of the scheme; and

(d) property acquired, directly or indirectly, with, or with the

proceeds of, contributions or money referred to in

paragraph (a), (b) or (c); and

(e) income and property derived, directly or indirectly, from

contributions, money or property referred to in paragraph (a),

(b), (c) or (d).

Note 1: Paragraph (a)—if what a member contributes to a scheme is rights

over property, the rights in the property that the member retains do

not form part of the scheme property.

Note 2: For provisions that are relevant to paragraph (b), see

subsections 177(4), 1317HA(1A), 1317HB(3) and 1317HD(3) of

this Act and subsection 93A(5) of the ASIC Act.

scrip means documents that are, or are documents of title to,


section 513C day, in relation to the administration of a company,

has the meaning given by section 513C.

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secured creditor has the meaning given by section 51E.

secured party has the meaning given by section 51B.

securities has the meaning given by section 92.

security interest has the meaning given by section 51A.

selective buy-back means a buy-back that is none of the following:

(a) a buy-back under an equal access scheme within the meaning

of subsections 257B(2) and (3);

(b) a minimum holding buy-back;

(c) an on-market buy-back;

(d) an employee share scheme buy-back.

senior manager:

(a) in relation to a corporation—means a person (other than a

director or secretary of the corporation) who:

(i) makes, or participates in making, decisions that affect

the whole, or a substantial part, of the business of the

corporation; or

(ii) has the capacity to affect significantly the corporation’s

financial standing; and

(b) in relation to a partnership—means a person (other than a

partner) who:

(i) makes, or participates in making, decisions that affect

the whole, or a substantial part, of the business of the

partnership; or

(ii) has the capacity to affect significantly the partnership’s

financial standing; and

(c) in relation to a trust—means a person (other than a trustee)


(i) makes, or participates in making, decisions that affect

the whole, or a substantial part, of the business or affairs

of the trust; or

(ii) has the capacity to affect significantly the financial

standing of the trust; and

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(d) in relation to a joint venture—means a person (other than a

director or secretary of a corporation participating in the joint

venture) who:

(i) makes, or participates in making, decisions that affect

the whole, or a substantial part, of the business of the

joint venture; or

(ii) has the capacity to affect significantly the financial

standing of the joint venture.

serious fraud means an offence involving fraud or dishonesty,

being an offence:

(a) against an Australian law or any other law; and

(b) punishable by imprisonment for life or for a period, or

maximum period, of at least 3 months.

sheriff includes a person charged with the execution of a writ or

other process.

significant financial benchmark has the meaning given by

section 908AC.

simple corporate bonds has the meaning given by section 713A.

simple corporate bonds depository interest means a beneficial

interest in simple corporate bonds, where the interest is or was

issued by a simple corporate bonds depository nominee (as a

simple corporate bonds depository nominee).

simple corporate bonds depository nominee means a person who:

(a) issues to someone else one or more beneficial interests in

simple corporate bonds that the person:

(i) owns legally; or

(ii) would own beneficially, apart from the issue of those

interests; or

(iii) has a beneficial interest in; and

(b) does so with the agreement of the body that issued the bonds.

small company limited by guarantee has the meaning given by

section 45B.

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small proprietary company has the meaning given by

subsection 45A(2).

solvency resolution means a resolution by the directors of a

company as to whether or not, in their opinion, there are reasonable

grounds to believe that the company will be able to pay its debts as

and when they become due and payable.

solvent has the meaning given by subsection 95A(1).

special resolution, when used in a provision outside Schedule 2


(a) in relation to a company, a resolution:

(i) of which notice as set out in paragraph 249L(1)(c) has

been given; and

(ii) that has been passed by at least 75% of the votes cast by

members entitled to vote on the resolution; or

(b) in relation to a registered scheme, a resolution:

(i) of which notice as set out in paragraph 252J(c) has been

given; and

(ii) that has been passed by at least 75% of the votes cast by

members entitled to vote on the resolution.

spouse of a person includes a de facto partner of the person within

the meaning of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901.

staff member, in relation to ASIC, means a person who is a staff

member for the purposes of the ASIC Act.

standard opening hours means 10 am to 12 noon and 2 pm to 4

pm each business day.

State, when used in a geographical sense, includes the coastal sea

of the State.

State Fair Trading Act means the following Acts for each State

and Territory:

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State Fair Trading Acts

State or Territory Act

1 New South Wales Fair Trading Act 1987

2 Victoria Fair Trading Act 1999

3 Queensland Fair Trading Act 1989

4 South Australia Fair Trading Act 1987

5 Western Australia Fair Trading Act 1987

6 Tasmania Fair Trading Act 1990

7 Northern Territory Consumer Affairs and Fair

Trading Act 1990

8 Australian Capital Territory Fair Trading Act 1992

State Family Court, in relation to a State, means a court of that

State to which section 41 of the Family Law Act 1975 applies

because of a Proclamation made under subsection 41(2) of that


statement, in Chapter 7, includes matter that is not written but

conveys a message.

State or Territory court means a court of a State, the Capital

Territory or the Northern Territory.

State or Territory Supreme Court means the Supreme Court of:

(a) a State; or

(b) the Capital Territory; or

(c) the Northern Territory.

statutory demand means:

(a) a document that is, or purports to be, a demand served under

section 459E; or

(b) such a document as varied by an order under

subsection 459H(4).

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statutory minimum means:

(a) if an amount greater than $2,000 is prescribed—the

prescribed amount; or

(b) otherwise—$2,000.

subject to an infringement notice under Part 9.4AB has a meaning

given by section 1317DAN.

subsection 1337B(3) proceeding means a proceeding with respect

to a matter referred to in subsection 1337B(3).

subsidiary, in relation to a body corporate, means a body corporate

that is a subsidiary of the first-mentioned body by virtue of

Division 6.

substantial holding: a person has a substantial holding in a body

corporate, listed registered scheme or listed notified foreign

passport fund, if:

(a) the total votes attached to voting shares in the body or voting

interests in the scheme or fund, in which they or their


(i) have relevant interests; and

(ii) would have a relevant interest but for subsection 609(6)

(market traded options) or 609(7) (conditional


is 5% or more of the total number of votes attached to voting

shares in the body or interests in the scheme or fund; or

(b) the person has made a takeover bid for voting shares in the

body or voting interests in the scheme, and the bid period has

started and not yet ended.

Note 1: For relevant interest, see section 608.

Note 2: Paragraph (b) does not apply in relation to a notified foreign passport


substantial interest has a meaning affected by section 602A.

substantial part, in relation to activities, includes the whole of

those activities.

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superannuation guarantee charge has the same meaning as in the

Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992.

superannuation guarantee shortfall has the same meaning as in

the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992.

superior court means the Federal Court of Australia, the Supreme

Court of a State or Territory, the Family Court or a State Family


superior court matter means a civil matter that this Act clearly

intends (for example, by use of the expression the Court) to be

dealt with only by a superior court.

Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement, when used in a

provision outside Chapter 7, has the same meaning as it has in

Chapter 7.

suspended, in relation to a CSF offer, has the meaning given by

subsection 738N(6).

takeover bid means an off-market bid or market bid made under

Chapter 6.

takeover contract means a contract that results from the acceptance

of an offer made under a takeover bid.

target for a takeover bid means the company, listed body or

managed investment scheme whose securities are to be acquired

under the bid.

target’s statement means a target’s statement under sections 638 to

640 as supplemented.

territorial sea has the same meaning as in the Seas and Submerged

Lands Act 1973.

Territory means:

(a) the Capital Territory; or

(b) the Northern Territory; or

(c) an external Territory;

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and, when used in a geographical sense, includes the coastal sea of

the Territory.

this Act includes the regulations, the Insolvency Practice Rules and

the Passport Rules for this jurisdiction.

this jurisdiction means the geographical area that consists of:

(a) each referring State (including its coastal sea); and

(b) the Capital Territory (including the coastal sea of the Jervis

Bay Territory); and

(c) the Northern Territory (including its coastal sea); and

(d) also, for the purposes of the application of a provision of

Chapter 7 or an associated provision (as defined in

section 5)—any external Territory in which the provision

applies because of subsection 5(9) (but only to the extent

provided for in that subsection).

time-sharing scheme means a scheme, undertaking or enterprise,

whether in Australia or elsewhere:

(a) participants in which are, or may become, entitled to use,

occupy or possess, for 2 or more periods during the period

for which the scheme, undertaking or enterprise is to operate,

property to which the scheme, undertaking or enterprise

relates; and

(b) that is to operate for a period of not less than 3 years.

trade, in relation to financial products, in relation to a financial

market, includes:

(a) make or accept on that financial market an offer to dispose

of, acquire or exchange the financial products; and

(b) make on that financial market an offer or invitation that is

intended, or may reasonably be expected, to result in the

making or acceptance of an offer to dispose of, acquire or

exchange the financial products.

trading day of a financial market means a day on which the market

is open for trading in financial products.

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Section 9

100 Corporations Act 2001

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transaction, in Part 5.7B, in relation to a body corporate or Part 5.7

body, means a transaction to which the body is a party, for example

(but without limitation):

(a) a conveyance, transfer or other disposition by the body of

property of the body; and

(b) a security interest granted by the body in its property

(including a security interest in the body’s PPSA retention of

title property); and

(c) a guarantee given by the body; and

(d) a payment made by the body; and

(e) an obligation incurred by the body; and

(f) a release or waiver by the body; and

(g) a loan to the body;

and includes such a transaction that has been completed or given

effect to, or that has terminated.

transmission means a transmission, by means of electric or

electromagnetic energy, of:

(a) sounds, including speech and music; or

(b) visual images; or

(c) signals for the communication, whether as between persons

and persons, persons and things or things and things, of any

matter otherwise than in the form of sounds or visual images;


(d) signals for the actuation or control of machinery or apparatus.

transparency, in relation to a document, means:

(a) a developed negative or positive photograph of that

document (in this definition called an original photograph)

made, on a transparent base, by means of light reflected from,

or transmitted through, the document; or

(b) a copy of an original photograph made by the use of

photo-sensitive material (being photo-sensitive material on a

transparent base) placed in surface contact with the original

photograph; or

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(c) any one of a series of copies of an original photograph, the

first of the series being made by the use of photo-sensitive

material (being photo-sensitive material on a transparent

base) placed in surface contact with a copy referred to in

paragraph (b), and each succeeding copy in the series being

made, in the same manner, from any preceding copy in the


transparency reporting auditor has the meaning given by

subsection 332(1).

transparency reporting year has the meaning given by

subsection 332(2).

Tribunal means the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.

ultimate holding company, in relation to a body corporate, means

a body corporate that:

(a) is a holding company of the first-mentioned body; and

(b) is itself a subsidiary of no body corporate.

unclaimed property means:

(a) property paid or transferred to ASIC under a provision of this

Act that provides for property to be transferred, or for the

Court to direct that property be transferred, to ASIC to be

dealt with under Part 9.7; or

(b) any other property that a provision of this Act provides for

ASIC to deal with under Part 9.7; or

(c) property that vests in ASIC under section 1404; or

(d) an accretion to, or substitution for, property that is unclaimed

property because of any other application or applications of

this definition.

uncommercial transaction has the meaning given by

section 588FB.

underlying securities means:

(a) in relation to an option over securities—those securities; and

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(b) in relation to scrip that is constituted by documents that are,

or are documents of title to, securities—those securities.

undertaking, in relation to a managed investment scheme, means

the undertaking, scheme, enterprise, contract or arrangement to

which the scheme relates.

underwrite includes sub-underwrite.

unfair loan has the meaning given by section 588FD.

unfair preference has the meaning given by section 588FA.

unit, in relation to a share, debenture or other interest, means a

right or interest, whether legal or equitable, in the share, debenture

or other interest, by whatever term called, and includes an option to

acquire such a right or interest in the share, debenture or other


unlimited company means a company whose members have no

limit placed on their liability.

unlisted disclosing entity has the meaning given by

subsection 111AL(2).

unreasonable director-related transaction has the meaning given

by section 588FDA.

unsecured, in relation to a debt, has in Part 5.7B a meaning

affected by section 588D.

value, in relation to an asset, includes amount.

voting interest, in relation to a managed investment scheme

(including a notified foreign passport fund), means an issued

interest in the scheme that confers a right to vote, not being a right

to vote that is exercisable only in one or more of the following


(a) on a proposal that affects rights attached to the interests;

(b) on a proposal to wind up the scheme;

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(c) on a proposal for the disposal of the whole of the scheme or

fund property, business and undertaking;

(d) during the winding up of the scheme.

voting power in a body or managed investment scheme has the

meaning given by section 610.

voting share in a body corporate means an issued share in the body

that carries any voting rights beyond the following:

(a) a right to vote while a dividend (or part of a dividend) in

respect of the share is unpaid;

(b) a right to vote on a proposal to reduce the body’s share


(c) a right to vote on a resolution to approve the terms of a

buy-back agreement;

(d) a right to vote on a proposal that affects the rights attached to

the share;

(e) a right to vote on a proposal to wind the body up;

(f) a right to vote on a proposal for the disposal of the whole of

the body’s property, business and undertaking;

(g) a right to vote during the body’s winding up.

wages, in relation to a company, means amounts payable to or in

respect of an employee of the company (whether the employee is

remunerated by salary, wages, commission or otherwise) under an

industrial instrument, including amounts payable by way of

allowance or reimbursement but excluding amounts payable in

respect of leave of absence.

wholly-owned subsidiary, in relation to a body corporate, means a

body corporate none of whose members is a person other than:

(a) the first-mentioned body; or

(b) a nominee of the first-mentioned body; or

(c) a subsidiary of the first-mentioned body, being a subsidiary

none of whose members is a person other than:

(i) the first-mentioned body; or

(ii) a nominee of the first-mentioned body; or

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Section 9AA

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(d) a nominee of such a subsidiary.

winding up by the Court includes winding up in insolvency.

wound up by the Court includes wound up in insolvency.

9AA Certain family relationships

For the purposes of this Act, relationships (including the

relationship of being family) are taken to include:

(a) relationships between de facto partners (within the meaning

of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901); and

(b) relationships of child and parent that arise:

(i) if someone is an exnuptial or adoptive child of a person;


(ii) if someone is the child of a person because of the

definition of child in this Act; and

(c) relationships traced through relationships referred to in

paragraphs (a) and (b).

9A Meaning of rights issue

(1) A rights issue is an offer of a body’s securities for issue in respect

of which the following conditions are met:

(a) the securities being offered for issue are in a particular class;

(b) either:

(i) the offer is made to every person who holds securities in

that class to issue them, or their assignee, with the

percentage of the securities to be issued that is the same

as the percentage of the securities in that class that they

hold before the offer; or

(ii) if the conditions in subsection (3) are met—such an

offer is made to every person with a registered address

in Australia or New Zealand who holds securities in that


(c) the terms of each offer are the same.

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(2) A rights issue is an offer of interests in a registered scheme or

notified foreign passport fund for issue in respect of which the

following conditions are met:

(a) the interests being offered for issue are in a particular class;

(b) either:

(i) the offer is made to every person who holds interests in

that class to issue them, or their assignee, with the

percentage of the interests to be issued that is the same

as the percentage of the interests in that class that they

hold before the offer; or

(ii) if the conditions in subsection (3) are met—such an

offer is made to every person with a registered address

in Australia or New Zealand who holds interests in that


(c) the terms of each offer are the same.

(3) The conditions in this subsection are met if:

(a) the offering entity decides that it is unreasonable to offer

securities or interests (as the case requires) for issue to

persons (the non-residents) with a registered address in a

place outside Australia or New Zealand, after taking into

account the following matters:

(i) the number of non-residents, in that place, to whom

offers would otherwise be made;

(ii) the number and value of the securities or interests that

would otherwise be offered for issue;

(iii) the cost of complying with the laws, and any

requirements of any regulatory authority, of the place

where the securities or interests would otherwise be

offered for issue; and

(b) the offering entity:

(i) sends details of the offer to each non-resident in that

place; and

(ii) advises each non-resident in that place that the

non-resident will not be offered the securities or

interests; and

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(c) if the invitation to apply for, or the right to be issued with,

the securities or interests is able to be assigned—the offering


(i) advises each non-resident in that place that a nominee

will be appointed to sell the invitation or right that

would otherwise have been offered to the non-resident;


(ii) advises each non-resident that the nominee will send the

non-resident any net proceeds from the sale of that

invitation or those rights; and

(iii) appoints a nominee in Australia to carry out the

obligations referred to in subparagraphs (i) and (ii).

(3A) For the purposes of subsection (3), offering entity means the


(a) in relation to an offer of securities in a body that is not a

registered scheme or a notified foreign passport fund—the


(b) in relation to an offer of interests in a registered scheme—the

responsible entity of the scheme;

(c) in relation to an offer of interests in a notified foreign

passport fund—the operator of the fund.

(4) For the purposes of this section, a reference to an offer of securities

includes a reference to an invitation to apply for the issue of


9B Meaning of remuneration recommendation

(1) A remuneration recommendation is:

(a) a recommendation about either or both of the following:

(i) how much the remuneration should be;

(ii) what elements the remuneration should have;

for one or more members of the key management personnel

for a company; or

(b) a recommendation or advice about a matter or of a kind

prescribed by the regulations.

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(2) None of the following is a remuneration recommendation (even if

it would otherwise be covered by subsection (1)):

(a) advice about the operation of the law (including tax law);

(b) advice about the operation of accounting principles (for

example, about how options should be valued);

(c) advice about the operation of actuarial principles and


(d) the provision of facts;

(e) the provision of information of a general nature relevant to

all employees of the company;

(f) a recommendation, or advice or information, of a kind

prescribed by the regulations.

(3) Subsection (2) does not limit the things that are not remuneration

recommendations, nor does it mean that something specified in that

subsection would otherwise be a remuneration recommendation

within the meaning of subsection (1).

(4) ASIC may by writing declare that subsection (1) does not apply to

a specified recommendation or specified advice, but may do so

only if ASIC is satisfied that it would be unreasonable in the

circumstances for the advice or recommendation to be a

remuneration recommendation. The declaration has effect

accordingly. The declaration is not a legislative instrument.

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Division 2 Associates

Section 10

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Division 2—Associates

10 Effect of Division

(1) This Division has effect for the purposes of interpreting a reference

(in this Division called the associate reference), in relation to a

person (in this Division called the primary person), to an associate.

(2) A person is not an associate of the primary person except as

provided in this Division.

(3) Nothing in this Division limits the generality of anything else in it.

11 Associates of bodies corporate

If the primary person is a body corporate, the associate reference

includes a reference to:

(a) a director or secretary of the body; and

(b) a related body corporate; and

(c) a director or secretary of a related body corporate.

12 References in Chapters 6 to 6C, and other references relating to

voting power and takeovers etc.

(1) Subject to subsection 16(1), but despite anything else in this Part,

this section applies for the purposes of interpreting a reference to

an associate (the associate reference), in relation to a designated

body, if:

(a) the reference occurs in a provision of Chapter 6, 6A, 6B or

6C; or

(b) the reference occurs in a provision outside those Chapters

that relates to any of the following matters:

(i) the extent, or restriction, of a power to exercise, or to

control the exercise of, the votes attached to voting

shares in the designated body;

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Associates Division 2

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(ii) the primary person’s voting power in the designated


(iii) relevant interests in securities in the designated body;

(iv) a substantial holding in the designated body;

(v) a takeover bid for securities in the designated body;

(vi) the compulsory acquisition, or compulsory buy-out, of

securities in the designated body.

(2) For the purposes of the application of the associate reference in

relation to the designated body, a person (the second person) is an

associate of the primary person if, and only if, one or more of the

following paragraphs applies:

(a) the primary person is a body corporate and the second person


(i) a body corporate the primary person controls; or

(ii) a body corporate that controls the primary person; or

(iii) a body corporate that is controlled by an entity that

controls the primary person;

(b) the second person is a person with whom the primary person

has, or proposes to enter into, a relevant agreement for the

purpose of controlling or influencing the composition of the

designated body’s board or the conduct of the designated

body’s affairs;

(c) the second person is a person with whom the primary person

is acting, or proposing to act, in concert in relation to the

designated body’s affairs.

(3) For the purposes of the application of this section in relation to a

designated body that is a managed investment scheme:

(a) a reference to controlling or influencing the composition of

the designated body’s board is taken to be a reference to

controlling or influencing:

(i) if the scheme is a registered scheme—whether a

particular company becomes or remains the scheme’s

responsible entity; or

(ii) if the scheme is not a registered scheme—whether a

particular person is appointed, or remains appointed, to

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Division 2 Associates

Section 13

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the office (by whatever name it is known) in relation to

the scheme that corresponds most closely to the office

of responsible entity of a registered scheme; and

(b) a reference to voting shares in the designated body is taken to

be a reference to voting interests in the managed investment


(4) In relation to a matter relating to securities in a designated body, a

person may be an associate of the body and the body may be an

associate of the person.

(5) In this section:

designated body means:

(a) a body; or

(b) a managed investment scheme.

13 References in Chapter 7

If the associate reference occurs in Chapter 7, it includes a

reference to:

(a) a person in partnership with whom the primary person carries

on a financial services business; and

(b) subject to subsection 16(2), a person who is a partner of the

primary person otherwise than because of carrying on a

financial services business in partnership with the primary

person; and

(c) a trustee of a trust in relation to which the primary person

benefits, or is capable of benefiting, otherwise than because

of transactions entered into in the ordinary course of business

in connection with the lending of money; and

(d) a director of a body corporate of which the primary person is

also a director and that carries on a financial services

business; and

(e) subject to subsection 16(2), a director of a body corporate of

which the primary person is also a director and that does not

carry on a financial services business.

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Associates Division 2

Section 15

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15 General

(1) The associate reference includes a reference to:

(a) a person in concert with whom the primary person is acting,

or proposes to act; and

(b) a person who, under the regulations, is, for the purposes of

the provision in which the associate reference occurs, an

associate of the primary person; and

(c) a person with whom the primary person is, or proposes to

become, associated, whether formally or informally, in any

other way;

in respect of the matter to which the associate reference relates.

(2) If the primary person has entered, or proposes to enter, into a

transaction, or has done, or proposes to do, any act or thing, in

order to become associated with another person as mentioned in an

applicable provision of this Division, the associate reference

includes a reference to that other person.

16 Exclusions

(1) A person is not an associate of another person by virtue of

section 12 or subsection 15(1), or by virtue of subsection 15(2) as

it applies in relation to section 12 or subsection 15(1), merely

because of one or more of the following:

(a) one gives advice to the other, or acts on the other’s behalf, in

the proper performance of the functions attaching to a

professional capacity or a business relationship;

(b) one, a client, gives specific instructions to the other, whose

ordinary business includes dealing in financial products, to

acquire financial products on the client’s behalf in the

ordinary course of that business;

(c) one had sent, or proposes to send, to the other an offer under

a takeover bid for shares held by the other;

(d) one has appointed the other, otherwise than for valuable

consideration given by the other or by an associate of the

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Division 2 Associates

Section 17

112 Corporations Act 2001

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other, to vote as a proxy or representative at a meeting of

members, or of a class of members, of a body corporate.

(2) For the purposes of proceedings under this Act in which it is

alleged that a person was an associate of another person by virtue

of paragraph 13(b) or (e), the first-mentioned person is not taken to

have been an associate of the other person in relation to a matter by

virtue of that paragraph unless it is proved that the first-mentioned

person knew, or ought to have known, at that time, the material

particulars of that matter.

17 Associates of composite person that carries on a financial services


A reference to an associate, in relation to an entity (other than a

body corporate) that carries on a financial services business, is, if 2

or more persons constitute the entity, a reference to an associate of

any of those persons.

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Interpretation Part 1.2

Carrying on business Division 3

Section 18

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Division 3—Carrying on business

18 Carrying on business: otherwise than for profit

A reference to a person carrying on business, carrying on a

business, or carrying on a business of a particular kind, includes a

reference to the person carrying on business, carrying on a

business, or carrying on a business of that kind, as the case may be:

(a) in any case—otherwise than for profit; or

(b) in the case of a body corporate—otherwise than for the profit

of the members or corporators of the body.

19 Businesses of a particular kind

A reference to a business of a particular kind includes a reference

to a business of that kind that is part of, or is carried on in

conjunction with, any other business.

20 Carrying on a business: alone or together with others

A reference in this Act to a person carrying on a business, or a

business of a particular kind, is a reference to the person carrying

on a business, or a business of that kind, whether alone or together

with any other person or persons.

21 Carrying on business in Australia or a State or Territory

(1) A body corporate that has a place of business in Australia, or in a

State or Territory, carries on business in Australia, or in that State

or Territory, as the case may be.

(2) A reference to a body corporate carrying on business in Australia,

or in a State or Territory, includes a reference to the body:

(a) establishing or using a share transfer office or share

registration office in Australia, or in the State or Territory, as

the case may be; or

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Division 3 Carrying on business

Section 21

114 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) administering, managing, or otherwise dealing with, property

situated in Australia, or in the State or Territory, as the case

may be, as an agent, legal personal representative or trustee,

whether by employees or agents or otherwise.

(3) Despite subsection (2), a body corporate does not carry on business

in Australia, or in a State or Territory, merely because, in

Australia, or in the State or Territory, as the case may be, the body:

(a) is or becomes a party to a proceeding or effects settlement of

a proceeding or of a claim or dispute; or

(b) holds meetings of its directors or shareholders or carries on

other activities concerning its internal affairs; or

(c) maintains a bank account; or

(d) effects a sale through an independent contractor; or

(e) solicits or procures an order that becomes a binding contract

only if the order is accepted outside Australia, or the State or

Territory, as the case may be; or

(f) creates evidence of a debt, or creates a security interest in

property, including PPSA retention of title property of the

body; or

(g) secures or collects any of its debts or enforces its rights in

regard to any securities relating to such debts; or

(h) conducts an isolated transaction that is completed within a

period of 31 days, not being one of a number of similar

transactions repeated from time to time; or

(j) invests any of its funds or holds any property.

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Interpretation Part 1.2

Types of company Division 5A

Section 45A

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Division 5A—Types of company

45A Proprietary companies

(1) A proprietary company is a company that is registered as, or

converts to, a proprietary company under this Act.

Note 1: A proprietary company can be registered under section 118 or 601BD.

A company can convert to a proprietary company under Part 2B.7.

Note 2: A proprietary company needs to be limited by shares or be an

unlimited company with a share capital (see subsection 112(1)).

Note 3: A proprietary company needs to:

(a) have no more than 50 shareholders, although employee shareholders and shareholders connected with CSF offers do not count for this purpose; and

(b) not do anything to require disclosure to investors under Chapter 6D (except in limited circumstances);

(see section 113).

Small proprietary company

(2) A proprietary company is a small proprietary company for a

financial year if it satisfies at least 2 of the following paragraphs:

(a) the consolidated revenue for the financial year of the

company and the entities it controls (if any) is less than $25

million, or any other amount prescribed by the regulations for

the purposes of this paragraph;

(b) the value of the consolidated gross assets at the end of the

financial year of the company and the entities it controls (if

any) is less than $12.5 million, or any other amount

prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this


(c) the company and the entities it controls (if any) have fewer

than 50, or any other number prescribed by the regulations

for the purposes of this paragraph, employees at the end of

the financial year.

Note: A small proprietary company generally has reduced financial

reporting requirements (see subsection 292(2)).

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Division 5A Types of company

Section 45A

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Large proprietary company

(3) A proprietary company is a large proprietary company for a

financial year if it satisfies at least 2 of the following paragraphs:

(a) the consolidated revenue for the financial year of the

company and the entities it controls (if any) is $25 million, or

any other amount prescribed by the regulations for the

purposes of paragraph (2)(a), or more;

(b) the value of the consolidated gross assets at the end of the

financial year of the company and the entities it controls (if

any) is $12.5 million, or any other amount prescribed by the

regulations for the purposes of paragraph (2)(b), or more;

(c) the company and the entities it controls (if any) have 50, or

any other number prescribed by the regulations for the

purposes of paragraph (2)(c), or more employees at the end

of the financial year.

When a company controls an entity

(4) For the purposes of this section, the question whether a proprietary

company controls an entity is to be decided in accordance with the

accounting standards made for the purposes of paragraph 295(2)(b)

(even if the standards do not otherwise apply to the company).

Counting employees

(5) In counting employees for the purposes of subsections (2) and (3),

take part-time employees into account as an appropriate fraction of

a full-time equivalent.

Accounting standards

(6) Consolidated revenue and the value of consolidated gross assets

are to be calculated for the purposes of this section in accordance

with accounting standards in force at the relevant time (even if the

standard does not otherwise apply to the financial year of some or

all of the companies concerned).

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Types of company Division 5A

Section 45B

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45B Small companies limited by guarantee

(1) A company is a small company limited by guarantee in a

particular financial year if:

(a) it is a company limited by guarantee for the whole of the

financial year; and

(b) it is not a deductible gift recipient at any time during the

financial year; and

(c) either:

(i) where the company is not required by the accounting

standards to be included in consolidated financial

statements—the revenue of the company for the

financial year is less than the threshold amount; or

(ii) where the company is required by the accounting

standards to be included in consolidated financial

statements—the consolidated revenue of the

consolidated entity for the financial year is less than the

threshold amount; and

(d) it is not one of the following:

(i) a Commonwealth company for the purposes of the

Public Governance, Performance and Accountability

Act 2013;

(ii) a subsidiary of a Commonwealth company for the

purposes of that Act;

(iii) a subsidiary of a corporate Commonwealth entity for the

purposes of that Act; and

(e) it has not been a transferring financial institution of a State or

Territory within the meaning of clause 1 of Schedule 4 to this

Act; and

(f) it is not a company that is permitted to use the expression

building society, credit society or credit union under

section 66 of the Banking Act 1959 at any time during the

financial year.

(2) The threshold amount, for the purposes of subparagraphs (1)(c)(i)

and (ii), is $250,000, or any other amount prescribed by the

regulations for the purposes of this subsection.

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Division 5A Types of company

Section 45B

118 Corporations Act 2001

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(3) Revenue and consolidated revenue are to be calculated for the

purposes of this section in accordance with accounting standards in

force at the relevant time (even if the standard does not otherwise

apply to the financial year of some or all of the companies


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Interpretation Part 1.2

Subsidiaries and related bodies corporate Division 6

Section 46

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Division 6—Subsidiaries and related bodies corporate

46 What is a subsidiary

A body corporate (in this section called the first body) is a

subsidiary of another body corporate if, and only if:

(a) the other body:

(i) controls the composition of the first body’s board; or

(ii) is in a position to cast, or control the casting of, more

than one-half of the maximum number of votes that

might be cast at a general meeting of the first body; or

(iii) holds more than one-half of the issued share capital of

the first body (excluding any part of that issued share

capital that carries no right to participate beyond a

specified amount in a distribution of either profits or

capitan( � or

(b) the first body is a subsidiary of a subsidiary of the other


47 Control of a body corporate’s board

Without limiting by implication the circumstances in which the

composition of a body corporate’s board is taken to be controlled

by another body corporate, the composition of the board is taken to

be so controlled if the other body, by exercising a power

exercisable (whether with or without the consent or concurrence of

any other person) by it, can appoint or remove all, or the majority,

of the directors of the first-mentioned body, and, for the purposes

of this Division, the other body is taken to have power to make

such an appointment if:

(a) a person cannot be appointed as a director of the

first-mentioned body without the exercise by the other body

of such a power in the person’s favour; or

(b) a person’s appointment as a director of the first-mentioned

body follows necessarily from the person being a director or

other officer of the other body.

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Part 1.2 Interpretation

Division 6 Subsidiaries and related bodies corporate

Section 48

120 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

48 Matters to be disregarded

(1) This section applies for the purposes of determining whether a

body corporate (in this section called the first body) is a subsidiary

of another body corporate.

(2) Any shares held, or power exercisable, by the other body in a

fiduciary capacity are treated as not held or exercisable by it.

(3) Subject to subsections (4) and (5), any shares held, or power


(a) by a person as a nominee for the other body (except where

the other body is concerned only in a fiduciary capacity); or

(b) by, or by a nominee for, a subsidiary of the other body (not

being a subsidiary that is concerned only in a fiduciary


are treated as held or exercisable by the other body.

(4) Any shares held, or power exercisable, by a person by virtue of the

provisions of debentures of the first body, or of a trust deed for

securing an issue of such debentures, are to be disregarded.

(5) Any shares held, or power exercisable, otherwise than as

mentioned in subsection (4), by, or by a nominee for, the other

body or a subsidiary of it are to be treated as not held or

exercisable by the other body if:

(a) the ordinary business of the other body or that subsidiary, as

the case may be, includes lending money; and

(b) the shares are held, or the power is exercisable, only by way

of security given for the purposes of a transaction entered

into in the ordinary course of business in connection with

lending money, not being a transaction entered into with an

associate of the other body, or of that subsidiary, as the case

may be.

(6) Any shares in the first body that are MCIs, and any powers

exercisable by a person by virtue of such shares, are to be


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Interpretation Part 1.2

Subsidiaries and related bodies corporate Division 6

Section 49

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49 References in this Division to a subsidiary

A reference in paragraph 46(b) or 48(3)(b) or subsection 48(5) to

being a subsidiary, or to a subsidiary, of a body corporate includes

a reference to being a subsidiary, or to a body corporate that is a

subsidiary, as the case may be, of the first-mentioned body by

virtue of any other application or applications of this Division.

50 Related bodies corporate

Where a body corporate is:

(a) a holding company of another body corporate; or

(b) a subsidiary of another body corporate; or

(c) a subsidiary of a holding company of another body corporate;

the first-mentioned body and the other body are related to each


50AAA Associated entities

(1) One entity (the associate) is an associated entity of another entity

(the principal) if subsection (2), (3), (4), (5), (6) or (7) is satisfied.

(2) This subsection is satisfied if the associate and the principal are

related bodies corporate.

(3) This subsection is satisfied if the principal controls the associate.

(4) This subsection is satisfied if:

(a) the associate controls the principal; and

(b) the operations, resources or affairs of the principal are

material to the associate.

(5) This subsection is satisfied if:

(a) the associate has a qualifying investment (see subsection (8))

in the principal; and

(b) the associate has significant influence over the principal; and

(c) the interest is material to the associate.

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Division 6 Subsidiaries and related bodies corporate

Section 50AA

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(6) This subsection is satisfied if:

(a) the principal has a qualifying investment (see subsection (8))

in the associate; and

(b) the principal has significant influence over the associate; and

(c) the interest is material to the principal.

(7) This subsection is satisfied if:

(a) an entity (the third entity) controls both the principal and the

associate; and

(b) the operations, resources or affairs of the principal and the

associate are both material to the third entity.

(8) For the purposes of this section, one entity (the first entity) has a

qualifying investment in another entity (the second entity) if the

first entity:

(a) has an asset that is an investment in the second entity; or

(b) has an asset that is the beneficial interest in an investment in

the second entity and has control over that asset.

50AA Control

(1) For the purposes of this Act, an entity controls a second entity if

the first entity has the capacity to determine the outcome of

decisions about the second entity’s financial and operating policies.

(2) In determining whether the first entity has this capacity:

(a) the practical influence the first entity can exert (rather than

the rights it can enforce) is the issue to be considered; and

(b) any practice or pattern of behaviour affecting the second

entity’s financial or operating policies is to be taken into

account (even if it involves a breach of an agreement or a

breach of trust).

(3) The first entity does not control the second entity merely because

the first entity and a third entity jointly have the capacity to

determine the outcome of decisions about the second entity’s

financial and operating policies.

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Subsidiaries and related bodies corporate Division 6

Section 50AA

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(4) If the first entity:

(a) has the capacity to influence decisions about the second

entity’s financial and operating policies; and

(b) is under a legal obligation to exercise that capacity for the

benefit of someone other than the first entity’s members;

the first entity is taken not to control the second entity.

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Part 1.2 Interpretation

Division 6A Security interests

Section 51

124 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 6A—Security interests

51 Meaning of PPSA security interest

In this Act:

PPSA security interest (short for Personal Property Securities Act

security interest) means a security interest within the meaning of

the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 and to which that Act

applies, other than a transitional security interest within the

meaning of that Act.

Note 1: The Personal Property Securities Act 2009 applies to certain security

interests in personal property. See the following provisions of that


(a) section 8 (interests to which the Act does not apply);

(b) section 12 (meaning of security interest);

(c) Chapter 9 (transitional provisions).

Note 2: For the meaning of transitional security interest, see section 308 of

the Personal Property Securities Act 2009.

51A Meaning of security interest

In this Act:

security interest means:

(a) a PPSA security interest; or

(b) a charge, lien or pledge.

51B Meaning of secured party

In this Act:

secured party, in relation to a security interest, means:

(a) if the security interest is a PPSA security interest—a secured

party within the meaning of the Personal Property Securities

Act 2009; or

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Security interests Division 6A

Section 51C

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(b) if the security interest is not a PPSA security interest, but

consists of a charge, lien or pledge in relation to the

property—a chargee, lienee or pledgee in relation to the

charge, lien or pledge.

Note: Security interests are either PPSA security interests, or charges, liens

or pledges (see section 51A).

51C Meaning of circulating security interest

In this Act:

circulating security interest means a security interest that is:

(a) a PPSA security interest, if:

(i) the security interest has attached to a circulating asset

within the meaning of the Personal Property Securities

Act 2009; and

(ii) the grantor (within the meaning of that Act) has title to

the asset; or

(b) a floating charge.

Note: Security interests are either PPSA security interests, or charges, liens

or pledges (see section 51A).

51D Meaning of possessory security interest

In this Act:

possessory security interest, in relation to property, means a

security interest that is:

(a) a PPSA security interest in the property that is perfected by

possession or control, within the meaning of the Personal

Property Securities Act 2009; or

(b) a lien or a pledge in relation to the property.

Note: Security interests are either PPSA security interests, or charges, liens

or pledges (see section 51A).

51E Meaning of secured creditor

In this Act:

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Division 6A Security interests

Section 51F

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secured creditor of a corporation means a creditor of the

corporation, if the debt owing to the creditor is secured by a

security interest.

51F Meaning of PPSA retention of title property


(1) Property is PPSA retention of title property (short for Personal

Property Securities Act retention of title property) of a corporation


(a) the property is personal property; and

(b) the property is used or occupied by, or is in the possession of,

the corporation; and

(c) the corporation does not have title to the property; and

(d) a PPSA security interest is attached to the property, within

the meaning of the Personal Property Securities Act 2009;


(e) the corporation is the grantor in relation to the PPSA security

interest, within the meaning of that Act.

Examples: The following personal property is PPSA retention of title property if

a PPSA security interest attaches to the property by virtue of the

transaction concerned, and the grantor is a corporation:

(a) property that is the subject of an agreement to sell subject to retention of title, or a hire purchase agreement, that secures the payment or performance of an obligation (see subsection 12(2) of the Personal Property Securities Act 2009);

(b) property that is the subject of a lease, or a consignment agreement, that secures the payment or performance of an obligation (see subsection 12(2) of the Personal Property Securities Act 2009);

(c) goods that are the subject of a commercial consignment (see subsection 12(3) of the Personal Property Securities Act 2009);

(d) goods that are leased or bailed under a PPS lease (see subsection 12(3) of the Personal Property Securities Act 2009).

References to property of a corporation

(2) A reference in this Act to the property of a corporation does not

include a reference to any PPSA retention of title property of the

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Security interests Division 6A

Section 51F

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corporation, unless provided otherwise expressly or by necessary


Note: See also the definition of property in section 9.

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Division 6B Mutual entities

Section 51M

128 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 6B—Mutual entities

51M Mutual entities

(1) A company is a mutual entity if:

(a) the company is registered under this Act; and

(b) the company’s constitution provides that a person has no

more than one vote at a general meeting of the company for

each capacity in which the person is a member of the


(2) To avoid doubt:

(a) the requirement in paragraph (1)(b) does not fail to be

satisfied merely because the company’s constitution provides


(i) 2 or more persons may together be joint members of the

company; and

(ii) those persons each have one vote at a general meeting

of the company; and

(b) that requirement does not fail to be satisfied merely because

the company’s constitution provides that:

(i) a person may vote as proxy or representative at a

general meeting of the company; and

(ii) as a result of voting as a proxy or representative, the

person may have more than one vote at a general

meeting of the company.

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Interpretation Part 1.2

Interpretation of other expressions Division 7

Section 52

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Division 7—Interpretation of other expressions

52 Doing acts

A reference to doing an act or thing includes a reference to causing

or authorising the act or thing to be done.

52A Signing

Without affecting the law on agency, if this Act requires that

something be signed, it can be signed by an individual using a

power of attorney from the person required to sign.

53 Affairs of a body corporate

For the purposes of the definition of examinable affairs in

section 9, section 53AA, 232, 233 or 234, paragraph 461(1)(e),

section 487, subsection 1307(1) or section 1309, or of a prescribed

provision of this Act, the affairs of a body corporate include:

(a) the promotion, formation, membership, control, business,

trading, transactions and dealings (whether alone or jointly

with any other person or persons and including transactions

and dealings as agent, bailee or trustee), property (whether

held alone or jointly with any other person or persons and

including property held as agent, bailee or trustee), liabilities

(including liabilities owed jointly with any other person or

persons and liabilities as trustee), profits and other income,

receipts, losses, outgoings and expenditure of the body; and

(b) in the case of a body corporate (not being a licensed trustee

company or the Public Trustee of a State or Territory) that is

a trustee (but without limiting the generality of

paragraph (a))—matters concerned with the ascertainment of

the identity of the persons who are beneficiaries under the

trust, their rights under the trust and any payments that they

have received, or are entitled to receive, under the terms of

the trust; and

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Section 53

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(c) the internal management and proceedings of the body; and

(d) any act or thing done (including any contract made and any

transaction entered into) by or on behalf of the body, or to or

in relation to the body or its business or property, at a time


(i) a receiver, or a receiver and manager, is in possession

of, or has control over, property of the body; or

(ii) the body is under administration; or

(iia) a deed of company arrangement executed by the body

has not yet terminated; or

(iii) a compromise or arrangement made between the body

and any other person or persons is being administered;


(iv) the body is being wound up;

and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, any

conduct of such a receiver or such a receiver and manager, of

an administrator of the body, of an administrator of such a

deed of company arrangement, of a person administering

such a compromise or arrangement or of a liquidator or

provisional liquidator of the body; and

(e) the ownership of shares in, debentures of, and interests in a

managed investment scheme made available by, the body;


(f) the power of persons to exercise, or to control the exercise of,

the rights to vote attached to shares in the body or to dispose

of, or to exercise control over the disposal of, such shares;


(g) matters concerned with the ascertainment of the persons who

are or have been financially interested in the success or

failure, or apparent success or failure, of the body or are or

have been able to control or materially to influence the policy

of the body; and

(h) the circumstances under which a person acquired or disposed

of, or became entitled to acquire or dispose of, shares in,

debentures of, or interests in a managed investment scheme

made available by, the body; and

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Section 53AA

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(j) where the body has made available interests in a managed

investment scheme—any matters concerning the financial or

business undertaking, scheme, common enterprise or

investment contract to which the interests relate; and

(k) matters relating to or arising out of the audit of, or working

papers or reports of an auditor concerning, any matters

referred to in a preceding paragraph.

53AA Business affairs of a body corporate

A body corporate’s business affairs include (without limitation):

(a) any of the body’s affairs (including anything that is included

in the body’s affairs because of section 53); and

(b) matters concerned with ascertaining the corporations with

which the body is or has been connected.

53AB Business affairs of a natural person

A natural person’s business affairs include (without limitation):

(a) the person’s examinable operations and examinable assets

and liabilities; and

(b) any act done (including any contract made and any

transaction entered into) by or on behalf of the person, or to

or in relation to the person or his or her business or property,

at a time when:

(i) the person was, under the Bankruptcy Act 1966 or the

law of an external Territory, a bankrupt in respect of a

bankruptcy from which the person had not been

discharged; or

(ii) the person had, under a law of an external Territory or

of a foreign country, the status of an undischarged

bankrupt; or

(iii) the person’s property was subject to control under

Division 2 of Part X of the Bankruptcy Act 1966

because of an authority given by the person under

section 188 of that Act; or

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Section 53AC

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(iv) a personal insolvency agreement under Part X of the

Bankruptcy Act 1966 or under the corresponding

provisions of the law of an external Territory or of a

foreign country was in effect in relation to the person or

the person’s property; and

(c) without limiting the generality of paragraph (b), any conduct

of the trustee of such a bankrupt estate or of such a personal

insolvency agreement or a person acting under such an

authority; and

(d) matters concerned with ascertaining the corporations with

which the person is or has been connected.

53AC Business affairs of a partnership

A partnership’s business affairs include (without limitation):

(a) the partnership’s promotion, formation, membership, control,

examinable operations and examinable assets and liabilities;


(b) the partnership’s management and proceedings; and

(c) any act done (including any contract made and any

transaction entered into) by or on behalf of the partnership, or

to or in relation to the partnership, at a time when the

partnership is being wound up; and

(d) matters concerned with ascertaining the corporations with

which the partnership is or has been connected.

53AD Business affairs of a trust

A trust’s business affairs include (without limitation):

(a) the creation of the trust; and

(b) matters arising under, or otherwise relating to, the terms of

the trust; and

(c) the appointment and removal of a trustee of the trust; and

(d) the business, trading, transactions and dealings of the trustee

of the trust; and

(e) the profits, income and receipts of the trustee of the trust; and

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Section 57

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(f) the losses, outgoings and expenditure of the trustee of the

trust; and

(g) the trust property, including transactions and dealings in, and

the income arising from, the trust property; and

(h) the liabilities of the trustee of the trust; and

(j) the management of the trust; and

(k) any act done (including any contract made and any

transaction entered into) by or on behalf of the trustee of the

trust, or to or in relation to the trust, at a time when the trust

is being wound up; and

(l) matters concerned with ascertaining the corporations with

which the trust is or has been connected.

57 Classes of shares or interests in managed investment schemes

(1) The shares in a body corporate, if not divided into 2 or more

classes, constitute a class.

(2) If the interests in a managed investment scheme to which an

undertaking relates are not divided into 2 or more classes, they

constitute a class.

57A Meaning of corporation

(1) Subject to this section, in this Act, corporation includes:

(a) a company; and

(b) any body corporate (whether incorporated in this jurisdiction

or elsewhere); and

(c) an unincorporated body that under the law of its place of

origin, may sue or be sued, or may hold property in the name

of its secretary or of an office holder of the body duly

appointed for that purpose.

(2) Neither of the following is a corporation:

(a) an exempt public authority;

(b) a corporation sole.

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Section 58AA

134 Corporations Act 2001

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(3) To avoid doubt, an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

corporation is taken to be a corporation for the purposes of this


Note: Various provisions of this Act that generally apply to corporations do

not apply to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporations

because of express provisions to that effect: see section 190B,

subsection 197(5), section 206HB and subsections 599(2), 1309(6),

1318(5) and 1335(3).

58AA Meaning of court and Court

(1) Subject to subsection (2), in this Act:

court means any court.

Court means any of the following courts:

(a) the Federal Court;

(b) the Supreme Court of a State or Territory;

(c) the Family Court of Australia;

(d) a court to which section 41 of the Family Law Act 1975

applies because of a Proclamation made under

subsection 41(2) of that Act.

(2) Except where there is a clear expression of a contrary intention (for

example, by use of the expression “the Court”), proceedings in

relation to a matter under this Act may, subject to Part 9.6A, be

brought in any court.

Note: The matters dealt with in Part 9.6A include the applicability of limits

on the jurisdictional competence of courts.

58B Discharge of obligations under this Act

(2) Subject to subsection (3), an act required to be done under this Act

may, for the purposes of this Act, be done anywhere in Australia,

whether in or outside this jurisdiction.

(3) Nothing in subsection (2) affects the operation of any provision of

this Act that:

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Section 59

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(a) expressly requires a particular act to be done in this

jurisdiction; or

(b) expressly or by implication permits a particular act to be

done outside Australia.

59 Debentures as consideration for acquisition of shares

A reference to a body corporate that offers debentures as

consideration for the acquisition of shares in a body corporate

includes a reference to a body corporate that offers a cash sum as

consideration for the acquisition of shares where it is to be a term

of the contract for the acquisition of those shares that the offeree

makes, or that the sum is applied in whole or in part in making, a

payment by way of deposit with, or loan to, the body corporate that

offers the sum.

60 Declaration of relevant relationships


(1) In this Act, a declaration of relevant relationships, in relation to

an administrator of a company under administration, means a

written declaration:

(a) stating whether any of the following:

(i) the administrator;

(ii) if the administrator’s firm (if any) is a partnership—a

partner in that partnership;

(iii) if the administrator’s firm (if any) is a body corporate—

that body corporate or an associate of that body


has, or has had within the preceding 24 months, a

relationship with:

(iv) the company; or

(v) an associate of the company; or

(vi) a former liquidator, or former provisional liquidator, of

the company; or

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Section 64

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(vii) a person who is entitled to enforce a security interest in

the whole, or substantially the whole, of the company’s

property (including any PPSA retention of title

property); and

(b) if so, stating the administrator’s reasons for believing that

none of the relevant relationships result in the administrator

having a conflict of interest or duty.


(2) In this Act, a declaration of relevant relationships, in relation to a

liquidator of a company, means a written declaration:

(a) stating whether any of the following:

(i) the liquidator;

(ii) if the liquidator’s firm (if any) is a partnership—a

partner in that partnership;

(iii) if the liquidator’s firm (if any) is a body corporate—that

body corporate or an associate of that body corporate;

has, or has had within the preceding 24 months, a

relationship with:

(iv) the company; or

(v) an associate of the company; or

(vi) a former liquidator, or former provisional liquidator, of

the company; or

(vii) a former administrator of the company; or

(viii) a former administrator of a deed of company

arrangement executed by the company; and

(b) if so, stating the liquidator’s reasons for believing that none

of the relevant relationships result in the liquidator having a

conflict of interest or duty.

64 Entering into a transaction in relation to shares or securities

A reference in Chapter 6 to entering into a transaction in relation to

shares or securities includes a reference to:

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Section 64A

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(a) entering into, or becoming a party to, a relevant agreement in

relation to the shares or securities; and

(b) exercising an option to have the shares or securities allotted.

64A Entities

Except in Chapters 2E and 8A, a reference to an entity:

(a) is a reference to a natural person, a body corporate (other

than an exempt public authority), a partnership or a trust; and

(b) includes, in the case of a trust, a reference to the trustee of the


64B Entities connected with a corporation

Body corporate

(1) A body corporate is connected with a corporation if, and only if,

the corporation:

(a) can control, or influence materially, the body’s activities or

internal affairs; or

(b) is a member of the body; or

(c) is in a position to cast, or to control the casting of, a vote at a

general meeting of the body; or

(d) has power to dispose of, or to exercise control over the

disposal of, a share in the body; or

(e) is financially interested in the body’s success or failure or

apparent success or failure; or

(f) is owed a debt by the body; or

(g) is engaged by the body under a contract for services; or

(h) acts as agent for the body in any transaction or dealing.

Natural person

(2) A natural person is connected with a corporation if, and only if, the


(a) is a trustee of a trust under which the person is capable of

benefiting; or

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Section 64B

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(b) is engaged by the person under a contract for services; or

(c) acts as agent for the person in any transaction or dealing; or

(d) is an attorney of the person under a power of attorney; or

(e) has appointed the person as the corporation’s attorney under

a power of attorney; or

(f) is given financial, business or legal advice by the person in

the performance of the functions attaching to the person’s

professional capacity.


(3) A partnership is connected with a corporation if, and only if, the


(a) is a partner in the partnership; or

(b) can control, or influence materially, the partnership’s

activities or internal affairs; or

(c) is financially interested in the partnership’s success or failure

or apparent success or failure; or

(d) is a creditor of the partnership; or

(e) is engaged by the partnership under a contract for services; or

(f) acts as agent for the partnership in any transaction or dealing.


(4) A trust is connected with a corporation if, and only if, the


(a) is the settlor, or one of the settlors, of the trust; or

(b) has power under the terms of the trust to appoint or remove a

trustee of the trust or to vary, or cause to be varied, any of the

terms of the trust; or

(c) is a trustee of the trust; or

(d) can control, or influence materially, the activities of the trust;


(e) is capable of benefiting under the trust; or

(f) is a creditor of the trustee of the trust; or

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Section 65

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(g) is engaged by the trustee of the trust under a contract for

services; or

(h) acts as agent for the trustee of the trust in any transaction or


65 Eligible money market dealer

ASIC may declare a body corporate to be an authorised dealer in

the short term money market by notice published in the Gazette.

66A Exempt bodies

A body corporate is an exempt body of a State or Territory if, and

only if, it:

(a) is not a company; and

(b) is incorporated by or under a law of the State or Territory.

70 Extension of period for doing an act

Where this Act confers power to extend the period for doing an act,

an application for the exercise of the power may be made, and the

power may be exercised, even if the period, or the period as last

extended, as the case requires, has ended.

73A When a court is taken to find a person guilty of an offence

An Australian court finds a person guilty of an offence if, and only


(a) the court convicts the person of the offence; or

(b) the person is charged before the court with the offence and is

found in the court to have committed the offence, but the

court does not proceed to convict the person of the offence.

75 Inclusion in official list

A reference to a body corporate or other person included in an

official list of a body corporate is a reference to:

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Section 79

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(a) a body corporate or other person whose name is included in

that official list; or

(b) a body corporate or other person whose name has been

changed but whose previous name was included in that

official list immediately before the change and is still so


79 Involvement in contraventions

A person is involved in a contravention if, and only if, the person:

(a) has aided, abetted, counselled or procured the contravention;


(b) has induced, whether by threats or promises or otherwise, the

contravention; or

(c) has been in any way, by act or omission, directly or

indirectly, knowingly concerned in, or party to, the

contravention; or

(d) has conspired with others to effect the contravention.

80 Jervis Bay Territory taken to be part of the Australian Capital


The Jervis Bay Territory is taken to be part of the Australian

Capital Territory.

82 Offers and invitations to the public

A reference in this Act to, or to the making of, an offer to the

public or to, or to the issuing of, an invitation to the public is,

unless the contrary intention appears, to be construed as including

a reference to, or to the making of, an offer to any section of the

public or to, or to the issuing of, an invitation to any section of the

public, as the case may be, whether selected as clients of the person

making the offer or issuing the invitation or in any other manner

and notwithstanding that the offer is capable of acceptance only by

each person to whom it is made or that an offer or application may

be made pursuant to the invitation only by a person to whom the

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Section 83

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invitation is issued, but a bona fide offer or invitation is not taken

to be an offer or invitation to the public if it:

(a) is an offer or invitation to enter into an underwriting

agreement; or

(b) is made or issued to a person whose ordinary business is to

buy or sell shares, debentures or interests in managed

investment schemes, whether as principal or agent; or

(c) is made or issued to existing members or debenture holders

of a corporation and relates to shares in, or debentures of,

that corporation; or

(d) is made or issued to existing members of a company in

connection with a proposal referred to in section 507 and

relates to shares in that company.

83 Officers, and other persons, in default

A reference, in relation to a contravention, to an officer of a body

corporate, or to a person, who is in default is a reference to an

officer of the body (including a person who later ceases to be such

an officer), or to a person, as the case may be, who is involved in

the contravention.

86 Possession

A thing that is in a person’s custody or under a person’s control is

in the person’s possession.

88A Public document of a body corporate

(1) Subject to this section, public document, in relation to a body,


(a) an instrument of, or purporting to be signed, issued or

published by or on behalf of, the body that:

(i) when signed, issued or published, is intended to be

lodged or is required by or under this Act or the ASIC

Act to be lodged; or

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Section 88B

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(ii) is signed, issued or published under or for the purposes

of this Act, the ASIC Act or any other Australian law;


(b) an instrument of, or purporting to be signed or issued by or

on behalf of, the body that is signed or issued in the course

of, or for the purposes of, a particular transaction or dealing;


(c) without limiting paragraph (a) or (b), a business letter,

statement of account, invoice, receipt, order for goods, order

for services or official notice of, or purporting to be signed or

issued by or on behalf of, the body.

(2) A thing is not a public document of a body if it:

(a) is applied, or is intended or required to be applied:

(i) to goods; or

(ii) to a package, label, reel or thing in or with which goods

are, or are to be, supplied; and

(b) is so applied, or is intended or required to be so applied, for a

purpose connected with the supply of the goods.

(3) In subsection (2):

apply to includes print on, weave in, impress on, work into, or

annex, affix or attach to.

label includes a band or ticket.

package includes:

(a) a covering, stopper, glass, bottle, vessel, box, capsule, case,

frame or wrapper; or

(b) any other container or thing in which goods are, or are to be,


88B Qualified accountants

(1) For the purposes of this Act, a qualified accountant is a person

covered by a declaration in force under subsection (2).

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Section 89

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(2) ASIC may, in writing, declare that all members of a specified

professional body, or all persons in a specified class of members of

a specified professional body, are qualified accountants for the

purposes of this Act.

(3) ASIC may, in writing, vary or revoke a declaration made under

subsection (2).

89 Qualified privilege

(1) Where this Act provides that a person has qualified privilege in

respect of an act, matter or thing, the person:

(a) has qualified privilege in proceedings for defamation; or

(b) is not, in the absence of malice on the person’s part, liable to

an action for defamation at the suit of a person;

as the case requires, in respect of that act, matter or thing.

(2) In subsection (1):

malice includes ill will to the person concerned or any other

improper motive.

(3) Neither this section nor a provision of this Act that provides as

mentioned in subsection (1) limits or affects any right, privilege or

immunity that a person has, apart from this section or such a

provision, as defendant in proceedings, or an action, for


90 Receivers and managers

A receiver of property of a body corporate is also a manager if the

receiver manages, or has under the terms of the receiver’s

appointment power to manage, affairs of the body.

91 Relation-back day

For the purposes of this Act, the following table sets out the

meaning of relation-back day in relation to a winding up of a

company or Part 5.7 body.

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Section 91

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Relation-back day

Item If: the relation-back day is:

1 in the case of a company:

(a) the Court orders under

section 233, 459A, 459B or 461

that the company be wound up;


(b) immediately before the order

was made, the company was

under administration; and

(c) the order was made in response

to an application filed at or after

the beginning of the


the section 513C day in relation to

the administration.

2 in the case of a company:

(a) the Court orders under

section 233, 459A, 459B or 461

that the company be wound up;


(b) immediately before the order

was made, the company was

under administration; and

(c) the order was made in response

to an application filed before the

beginning of the administration;

the day on which that application

was filed.

3 in the case of a company:

(a) the Court orders under

section 233, 459A, 459B or 461

that the company be wound up;


(b) immediately before the order

was made, a deed of company

arrangement had been executed

by the company and had not yet

terminated; and

(c) the order was made in response

to an application filed at or after

the section 513C day in relation to

that administration.

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Section 91

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Relation-back day

Item If: the relation-back day is:

the beginning of the

administration that ended when

the deed was executed;

4 in the case of a company:

(a) the Court orders under

section 233, 459A, 459B or 461

that the company be wound up;


(b) immediately before the order

was made, a deed of company

arrangement had been executed

by the company and had not yet

terminated; and

(c) the order was made in response

to an application filed before the

beginning of the administration

that ended when the deed was


the day on which that application

was filed.

5 in the case of a company:

(a) the company resolves by special

resolution that it be wound up

voluntarily; and

(b) immediately before the

resolution was passed, the

company was under

administration; and

(c) no application for an order under

section 233, 459A, 459B or 461

that the company be wound up

was filed before the beginning of

the administration;

the section 513C day in relation to

the administration.

6 in the case of a company:

(a) the company resolves by special

resolution that it be wound up

voluntarily; and

(b) immediately before the

the section 513C day in relation to

the administration.

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Section 91

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Relation-back day

Item If: the relation-back day is:

resolution was passed, the

company was under

administration; and

(c) an application for an order under

section 233, 459A, 459B or 461

that the company be wound up

was filed before the beginning of

the administration, but that

application was dismissed or

withdrawn before the

administration commenced;

7 in the case of a company:

(a) the company resolves by special

resolution that it be wound up

voluntarily; and

(b) immediately before the

resolution was passed, the

company was under

administration; and

(c) an application for an order under

section 233, 459A, 459B or 461

that the company be wound up

was filed before the beginning of

the administration; and

(d) that application had not been

dismissed or withdrawn before

the administration commenced;

the day on which that application

was filed.

8 in the case of a company, the

company is taken to have passed a

special resolution that it be wound

up voluntarily because, at a meeting

convened by the administrator of a

deed of company arrangement

executed by the company, the

company’s creditors:

(a) passed a resolution terminating

the section 513C day in relation to

the administration that ended when

the deed was executed.

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Section 91

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Relation-back day

Item If: the relation-back day is:

the deed of company

arrangement; and

(b) also resolved under section 445E

that the company be wound up;

and either:

(c) no application for an order under

section 233, 459A, 459B or 461

that the company be wound up

was filed before the beginning of

the administration that ended

when the deed was executed; or

(d) an application for an order under

section 233, 459A, 459B or 461

that the company be wound up

was filed before the beginning of

the administration that ended

when the deed was executed, but

that application was dismissed or

withdrawn before the

administration commenced;

9 in the case of a company, the

company is taken to have passed a

special resolution that it be wound

up voluntarily because, at a meeting

convened by the administrator of a

deed of company arrangement

executed by the company, the

company’s creditors:

(a) passed a resolution terminating

the deed of company

arrangement; and

(b) also resolved under section 445E

that the company be wound up;

and both:

(c) an application for an order under

section 233, 459A, 459B or 461

the day on which that application

was filed.

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Chapter 1 Introductory

Part 1.2 Interpretation

Division 7 Interpretation of other expressions

Section 91

148 Corporations Act 2001

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Relation-back day

Item If: the relation-back day is:

that the company be wound up

was filed before the beginning of

the administration that ended

when the deed was executed; and

(d) that application has not been

dismissed or withdrawn before

the first-mentioned resolution is

taken to have been passed;

10 in the case of a company, the

company is taken to have passed a

special resolution that it be wound

up voluntarily because the Court

made an order under section 445D

terminating a deed of company

arrangement executed by the

company, and either:

(a) no application for an order under

section 233, 459A, 459B or 461

that the company be wound up

was filed before the beginning of

the administration that ended

when the deed was executed; or

(b) an application for an order under

section 233, 459A, 459B or 461

that the company be wound up

was filed before the beginning of

the administration that ended

when the deed was executed, but

that application was dismissed or

withdrawn before the

administration commenced;

the section 513C day in relation to

the administration that ended when

the deed was executed.

11 in the case of a company:

(a) the company is taken to have

passed a special resolution that it

be wound up voluntarily because

the Court made an order under

section 445D terminating a deed

the day on which that application

was filed.

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Interpretation Part 1.2

Interpretation of other expressions Division 7

Section 91

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Relation-back day

Item If: the relation-back day is:

of company arrangement

executed by the company; and

(b) an application for an order under

section 233, 459A, 459B or 461

that the company be wound up

was filed before the beginning of

the administration that ended

when the deed was executed; and

(c) that application has not been

dismissed or withdrawn before

the resolution is taken to have

been passed;

12 in the case of a company, the

company is taken to have passed a

special resolution that it be wound

up voluntarily because:

(a) a deed of company arrangement

executed by the company

specifies particular

circumstances in which the deed

is to terminate and the company

is to be wound up; and

(b) those circumstances exist at a

particular time;

and either:

(c) no application for an order under

section 233, 459A, 459B or 461

that the company be wound up

was filed before the beginning of

the administration that ended

when the deed was executed; or

(d) an application for an order under

section 233, 459A, 459B or 461

that the company be wound up

was filed before the beginning of

the administration that ended

when the deed was executed, but

the section 513C day in relation to

the administration that ended when

the deed was executed.

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Chapter 1 Introductory

Part 1.2 Interpretation

Division 7 Interpretation of other expressions

Section 91

150 Corporations Act 2001

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Relation-back day

Item If: the relation-back day is:

that application was dismissed or

withdrawn before the

administration commenced;

13 in the case of a company, the

company is taken to have passed a

special resolution that it be wound

up voluntarily because:

(a) a deed of company arrangement

executed by the company

specifies particular

circumstances in which the deed

is to terminate and the company

is to be wound up; and

(b) those circumstances exist at a

particular time;

and both:

(c) an application for an order under

section 233, 459A, 459B or 461

that the company be wound up

was filed before the beginning of

the administration that ended

when the deed was executed; and

(d) that application had not been

dismissed or withdrawn before

the resolution is taken to have

been passed;

the day on which that application

was filed.

14 because of Division 1A of Part 5.6,

the winding up is taken to have

begun on the day when an order that

the company or body be wound up

was made;

the day on which the application for

the order was filed.

15 any other case applies; the day on which the winding up is

taken, because of Division 1A of

Part 5.6, to have begun.

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Interpretation Part 1.2

Interpretation of other expressions Division 7

Section 92

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92 Securities

(1) Subject to this section, securities means:

(a) debentures, stocks or bonds issued or proposed to be issued

by a government; or

(b) shares in, or debentures of, a body; or

(c) interests in a managed investment scheme; or

(d) units of such shares;

but does not include:

(f) a derivative (as defined in Chapter 7), other than an option to

acquire by way of transfer a security covered by

paragraph (a), (b), (c) or (d); or

(g) an excluded security.

Note: A derivative does not include an option to acquire a security by way

of issue (see the combined effect of paragraph 761D(3)(c),

paragraph 764A(1)(a) and paragraph (d) of the definition of security

in section 761A).

(2) The expression securities, when used in relation to a body, means:

(a) shares in the body; or

(b) debentures of the body; or

(c) interests in a managed investment scheme made available by

the body; or

(d) units of such shares;

but does not include:

(e) a derivative (as defined in Chapter 7), other than an option to

acquire by way of transfer a security covered by

paragraph (a), (b), (c) or (d); or

(f) an excluded security.

Note: A derivative does not include an option to acquire a security by way

of issue (see the note to subsection (1)).

(2A) In Part 1.2A, securities means:

(a) shares in a body; or

(b) debentures of a body; or

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Chapter 1 Introductory

Part 1.2 Interpretation

Division 7 Interpretation of other expressions

Section 92

152 Corporations Act 2001

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(c) interests in a registered scheme or a notified foreign passport

fund; or

(d) legal or equitable rights or interests in:

(i) shares; or

(ii) debentures; or

(iii) interests in a registered scheme or a notified foreign

passport fund; or

(e) options to acquire (whether by way of issue or transfer) a

security covered by paragraph (a), (b), (c) or (d).

It does not cover:

(f) a derivative (as defined in Chapter 7), other than an option to

acquire by way of transfer a security covered by

paragraph (a), (b), (c) or (d); or

(g) a market traded option.

Note 1: A derivative does not include an option to acquire a security by way

of issue (see the note to subsection (1)).

Note 2: Section 9 defines body.

(3) In Chapters 6 to 6CA (inclusive):

securities means:

(a) shares in a body; or

(b) debentures of a body; or

(c) interests in a registered scheme; or

(d) when used in Chapter 6C—an interest in a listed notified

foreign passport fund; or

(e) legal or equitable rights or interests in:

(i) shares; or

(ii) debentures; or

(iii) interests in a registered scheme or interests in a fund

mentioned in paragraph (d); or

(f) options to acquire (whether by way of issue or transfer) a

security covered by paragraph (a), (b), (c), (d) or (e).

It does not cover:

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Interpretation Part 1.2

Interpretation of other expressions Division 7

Section 95A

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(g) a derivative (as defined in Chapter 7), other than an option to

acquire by way of transfer a security covered by

paragraph (a), (b), (c), (d) or (e); or

(h) a market traded option; or

(i) when used outside Chapter 6C—an interest in a notified

foreign passport fund.

Note 1: A derivative does not include an option to acquire a security by way

of issue (see the note to subsection (1)).

Note 2: Section 9 defines body.

(4) In Chapter 6D securities has the meaning given by section 700 and

in Chapter 7 security has the meaning given by section 761A.

95A Solvency and insolvency

(1) A person is solvent if, and only if, the person is able to pay all the

person’s debts, as and when they become due and payable.

(2) A person who is not solvent is insolvent.

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Chapter 1 Introductory

Part 1.2 Interpretation

Division 8 Miscellaneous interpretation rules

Section 100

154 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 8—Miscellaneous interpretation rules

100 Address of registered office etc.

(1) Where a provision of this Act requires a notice to be lodged of, or

information in an application to specify:

(a) the address of an office, or of a proposed office, of a body

corporate or other person; or

(b) a change in the situation of an office of a body corporate or

other person;

the notice:

(c) must specify the full address, or the full new address, as the

case requires, of the relevant office including, where

applicable, the number of the room and of the floor or level

of the building on which the office is situated; and

(d) where the notice or application relates to the address or

situation of an office of a body corporate and the address

specified in accordance with paragraph (a) is the address of

premises that are not to be occupied by the body corporate—

must include a written statement to the effect that the person

who occupies those premises has consented in writing to the

address being specified in the notice or application and has

not withdrawn that consent.

(2) ASIC may require a person who has lodged a notice or application

that includes a statement under paragraph (1)(d) to produce to

ASIC the consent referred to in the statement.

100A Operation of certain laws relating to instruments on which

stamp duty has not been paid

Nothing in this Act affects the operation of any provision of any


(a) relating to the admissibility in evidence, or any other use, in

any proceedings, of a document in respect of which any

applicable stamp duty has not been paid; or

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Interpretation Part 1.2

Miscellaneous interpretation rules Division 8

Section 101

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(b) prohibiting the registration by a company of a transfer of

securities if any stamp duty applicable in respect of the

transfer has not been paid.

101 Amount of stock representing a number of shares

In relation to a body corporate the whole or a portion of whose

share capital consists of stock, a reference to a number of shares

(including a number expressed as a percentage) is, in relation to an

amount of stock, a reference to the amount of stock that represents

that number of shares.

102 Applications to be in writing

An application to ASIC for the issuing of a document or the doing

of any other act or thing by ASIC under this Act must be in


Note: For electronic lodgment of documents with ASIC, see section 352.

102B In Australia or elsewhere, in this jurisdiction or elsewhere etc.

(1) The expression in Australia or elsewhere, or a similar expression,

does not limit the generality of the expression in this jurisdiction

or elsewhere or a similar expression.

(2) The expression outside this jurisdiction includes places outside


102C In Australia

In Australia means in Australia (whether in this jurisdiction or


Note: This definition is needed if there is a State that is not a referring State.

If all the States are referring States, every place in Australia will also

be in this jurisdiction.

103 Effect of certain contraventions of this Act

(1) This section has effect except so far as this Act otherwise provides.

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Chapter 1 Introductory

Part 1.2 Interpretation

Division 8 Miscellaneous interpretation rules

Section 104

156 Corporations Act 2001

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(2) An act, transaction, agreement, instrument, matter or thing is not

invalid merely because of:

(a) a contravention of section 115, 208, 209, 601CA or 601CD;


(b) a failure to comply with a requirement of this Act that a

person cause a notice, or a copy of a document, to be

published in the Gazette or in a newspaper.

Note: Section 1101H provides that a failure to comply with requirements of

Chapter 7 generally does not affect the validity or enforceability of

any transaction, contract or other arrangement.

(4) In this section:

invalid includes void, voidable and unenforceable.

(5) Nothing in this section limits the generality of anything else in it.

104 Effect of provisions empowering a person to require or prohibit


Where, in accordance with a provision of this Act other than the

replaceable rules, a person requires another person to do, or

prohibits another person from doing, a particular act, that provision

is taken to require the other person to comply with the requirement

or prohibition, as the case may be.

105 Calculation of time

Without limiting subsection 36(1) of the Acts Interpretation Act

1901, in calculating how many days a particular day, act or event is

before or after another day, act or event, the first-mentioned day, or

the day of the first-mentioned act or event, is to be counted but not

the other day, or the day of the other act or event.

106 Performance of functions by Commission delegate

For the purpose of the performance of a function, or the exercise of

a power, under this Act by a Commission delegate, a reference to

ASIC in a provision of this Act relating to the performance of the

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Interpretation Part 1.2

Miscellaneous interpretation rules Division 8

Section 107

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function, or the exercise of the power, includes a reference to the

Commission delegate.

107 Notice in relation to top 20 members of a class

For the purposes of subsection 163(3B), section 178B and

paragraph 601BC(2)(lc), if 2 or more members in the top 20

members of a class of shares each hold the same number of shares,

details of each of those members must be included in any notice

given in relation to those provisions.

108 Parts of dollar to be disregarded in determining majority in

value of creditors etc.

In determining whether a majority in value of creditors, or a

particular proportion in value of creditors, has passed a resolution

or done any other act or thing, if a creditor’s debt consists of a

number of whole dollars and a part of a dollar, the part of the dollar

is to be disregarded.

109 References to persons, things and matters

(1) Except so far as the contrary intention appears, a provision of this

Act is to be interpreted in such a manner that any 2 or more

references in the provision are capable of having the same referent

or referents, or of having a referent or referents in common, as the

case requires.

(2) In subsection (1), referent, in relation to a reference in a provision,


(a) in so far as the reference is interpreted as being in the

singular number—a person to whom, or a thing or matter to

which; or

(b) in so far as the reference is interpreted as being in the plural

number—any one or 2 or more persons to whom, or of 2 or

more things or matters to which;

the reference is taken, in the application of the provision, to refer.

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Part 1.2 Interpretation

Division 8 Miscellaneous interpretation rules

Section 109X

158 Corporations Act 2001

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109X Service of documents

(1) For the purposes of any law, a document may be served on a

company by:

(a) leaving it at, or posting it to, the company’s registered office;


(b) delivering a copy of the document personally to a director of

the company who resides in Australia or in an external

Territory; or

(c) if a liquidator of the company has been appointed—leaving it

at, or posting it to, the address of the liquidator’s office in the

most recent notice of that address lodged with ASIC; or

(d) if an administrator of the company has been appointed—

leaving it at, or posting it to, the address of the administrator

in the most recent notice of that address lodged with ASIC.

(2) For the purposes of any law, a document may be served on a

director or company secretary by leaving it at, or posting it to, the

alternative address notified to ASIC under subsection 5H(2),

117(2), 205B(1) or (4) or 601BC(2). However, this only applies to

service on the director or company secretary:

(a) in their capacity as a director or company secretary; or

(b) for the purposes of a proceeding in respect of conduct they

engaged in as a director or company secretary.

(3) Subsections (1) and (2) do not apply to a process, order or

document that may be served under section 9 of the Service and

Execution of Process Act 1992.

(6) This section does not affect:

(a) any other provision of this Act, or any provision of another

law, that permits; or

(b) the power of a court to authorise;

a document to be served in a different way.

(7) This section applies to provisions of a law dealing with service

whether it uses the expression “serve” or uses any other similar

expression such as “give” or “send”.

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Introductory Chapter 1

Disclosing entities Part 1.2A

Object of Part Division 1

Section 111AA

Corporations Act 2001 159

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Part 1.2A—Disclosing entities

Division 1—Object of Part

111AA Object of Part

The object of this Part is:

(a) to define disclosing entity and other key terms relevant to

disclosing entities (this is done in Division 2); and

(b) to outline the significance for this Act of being a disclosing

entity (this is done in Division 3); and

(c) to provide for exemptions from, and modifications of, the

special requirements imposed by this Act in relation to

disclosing entities (this is done in Division 4).

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Chapter 1 Introductory

Part 1.2A Disclosing entities

Division 2 Definitions

Section 111AB

160 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 2—Definitions

111AB Terms defined in Division

This Division contains definitions of the following terms:

(a) disclosing entity (section 111AC);

(b) ED securities (section 111AD);

(c) ED securities of a disclosing entity (section 111AK);

(d) listed disclosing entity (subsection 111AL(1));

(e) quoted ED securities (section 111AM);

(f) unlisted disclosing entity (subsection 111AL(2)).

111AC Disclosing entity

(1) If any securities of a body (except interests in a managed

investment scheme) are ED securities, the body is a disclosing

entity for the purposes of this Act.

(2) If any interests in a managed investment scheme are ED securities,

the undertaking to which the interests relate is a disclosing entity

for the purposes of this Act.

111AD ED securities

(1) Securities of a body are ED securities (short for “enhanced

disclosure securities”) for the purposes of this Act if, and only if:

(a) they are ED securities under section 111AE, 111AF,

111AFA, 111AFB, 111AG or 111AI; and

(b) they are not declared under section 111AJ not to be ED


(2) For the purposes of sections 111AE, 111AF, 111AG and 111AI, a

class of shares or debentures is taken to include units of shares or

debentures in that class.

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Disclosing entities Part 1.2A

Definitions Division 2

Section 111AE

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111AE Securities of bodies or undertakings included in a licensed

market’s official list

(1) If:

(a) a body corporate (other than a notified foreign passport fund)

is, with its agreement, consent or acquiescence, included in

the official list of a prescribed financial market; and

(b) the market’s listing rules (according to their terms) apply to

the body in relation to a class (which may be some or all) of

securities issued by the body;

securities issued by the body in that class are ED securities, and

that market is a listing market in relation to that body.

(1A) If:

(a) an undertaking to which interests in a registered scheme

relates is, with the agreement, consent or acquiescence of the

responsible entity, included in the official list of a prescribed

financial market; and

(b) the market’s listing rules (according to their terms) apply to

the undertaking in relation to a class (which may be some or

all) of managed investment products that relate to the


managed investment products in that class that relate to the scheme

are ED securities, and that market is a listing market in relation to

the undertaking.

(1B) If:

(a) an undertaking to which interests in a notified foreign

passport fund relate is, with the agreement, consent or

acquiescence of the operator of the fund, included in the

official list of a prescribed financial market; and

(b) the market’s listing rules (according to their terms) apply to

the fund in relation to a class (which may be some or all) of

foreign passport fund products that relate to the fund;

foreign passport fund products in that class that relate to the fund

are ED securities, and that market is a listing market in relation to

the fund.

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Chapter 1 Introductory

Part 1.2A Disclosing entities

Division 2 Definitions

Section 111AF

162 Corporations Act 2001

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(2) Subsections (1) and (1A) do not apply to securities of a body if:

(a) the body is a public authority of the Commonwealth or an

instrumentality or agency of the Crown in right of the

Commonwealth; and

(b) the only securities issued by the body that would otherwise

be ED securities because of subsection (1) or (1A) are

debentures; and

(c) both the repayment of principal, and the payment of interest,

in respect of those debentures is guaranteed by the


(3) Subsections (1) and (1A) do not apply to securities of a body that


(a) a public authority of a State or Territory; or

(b) an instrumentality or agency of the Crown in right of a State

or Territory.

111AF Securities (except debentures and managed investment

products) held by 100 or more persons

(1) Securities (except debentures or managed investment products) in a

class of securities of a body are ED securities if:

(a) a disclosure document in relation to securities in that class

has been lodged with ASIC under Chapter 6D; and

(b) securities in that class have been issued pursuant to the

disclosure document; and

(c) after an issue of securities in that class pursuant to the

disclosure document, 100 or more persons held securities in

that class; and

(d) securities in that class have been held by 100 or more persons

at all times since the issue of securities referred to in

paragraph (c).

(2) Securities (except debentures and managed investment products) in

a class of securities of a body are ED securities if securities in that

class have been issued under a recognised offer and the offeror’s

records indicate that 100 or more people who reside in this

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Disclosing entities Part 1.2A

Definitions Division 2

Section 111AFA

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jurisdiction have held securities in that class (whether or not as a

result of the recognised offer) at all times since the issue.

111AFA Managed investment products held by 100 or more persons

(1) Managed investment products in a class of managed investment

products issued by a body are ED securities if 100 or more people

hold managed investment products in that class as a result of offers

that gave rise to obligations to give Product Disclosure Statements

(whether or not all in the same terms) under Chapter 7.

(2) Interests in a class of interests in a managed investment scheme

issued by a body are ED securities if interests in that class have

been issued under a recognised offer and the offeror’s records

indicate that 100 or more people who reside in this jurisdiction

have held interests in that class (whether or not as a result of the

recognised offer) at all times since the issue.

111AFB Foreign passport fund products held by 100 or more


Foreign passport fund products in a class of foreign passport fund

products issued by a body are ED securities if 100 or more people

who reside in this jurisdiction hold foreign passport fund products

in that class.

111AG Securities issued as consideration for an acquisition under

an off-market takeover bid or Part 5.1 compromise or


(1) Securities (except debentures) in a class of securities of a body are

ED securities if:

(a) securities in that class have been issued by the body as

consideration for offers under an off-market bid; and

(b) after an issue of securities in that class under the off-market

bid, 100 or more persons held securities in that class; and

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Chapter 1 Introductory

Part 1.2A Disclosing entities

Division 2 Definitions

Section 111AH

164 Corporations Act 2001

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(c) securities in that class have been held by 100 or more persons

at all times since the issue of securities referred to in

paragraph (b).

(2) Securities in a class of securities of a body are ED securities if:

(a) securities in that class have been issued as consideration for

the acquisition or cancellation of securities of another body

pursuant to a compromise or arrangement under Part 5.1; and

(b) securities in that class, or those or any other securities of the

other body, were ED securities immediately before securities

in that class were first issued pursuant to the compromise or

arrangement; and

(c) after an issue of securities in that class pursuant to the

compromise or arrangement, 100 or more persons held

securities in that class; and

(d) securities in that class have been held by 100 or more persons

at all times since the issue of securities referred to in

paragraph (c).

111AH When a person holds securities for the purposes of

sections 111AF, 111AFA, 111AFB and 111AG

(1) For the purposes of sections 111AF, 111AFA and 111AG, a person

holds securities if, and only if:

(a) the person is registered as the holder of the securities in a

register under section 169, 170, 171 or 601CZB; or

(b) the person is entitled to be so registered.

(1A) For the purposes of section 111AFB, a person holds securities in a

notified foreign passport fund if, and only if:

(a) the person is registered as the holder of securities in the fund

on a register maintained by the operator of the fund under the

law of the home economy for the fund; or

(b) the person is entitled to be so registered.

(2) For the purposes of sections 111AF, 111AFA, 111AFB and

111AG, joint holders of securities count as one person.

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Disclosing entities Part 1.2A

Definitions Division 2

Section 111AI

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111AI Debentures

Debentures of a borrower are ED securities if:

(a) section 283AA requires the borrower to appoint a trustee; or

(b) section 283AA does not apply to the borrower only because

the offer of the debentures to which section 283AA would

otherwise have applied is a recognised offer.

111AJ Regulations may declare securities not to be ED securities

(1) The regulations may declare specified securities of bodies not to be

ED securities.

(2) Regulations in force for the purposes of subsection (1) have effect

accordingly, despite anything else in this Division.

111AK ED securities of a disclosing entity

For the purposes of this Act, ED securities because of which

(having regard to section 111AC) a disclosing entity is such an

entity are ED securities of the entity.

111AL Listed or unlisted disclosing entity

(1) For the purposes of this Act, a disclosing entity is a listed

disclosing entity if all or any ED securities of the entity are quoted

ED securities.

(2) For the purposes of this Act, a disclosing entity that is not a listed

disclosing entity is an unlisted disclosing entity.

111AM Quoted ED securities

For the purposes of this Act, ED securities are quoted ED

securities if they are ED securities because of section 111AE.

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Chapter 1 Introductory

Part 1.2A Disclosing entities

Division 3 Significance of being a disclosing entity

Section 111AN

166 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 3—Significance of being a disclosing entity

111AN Division contains outline of significance of being a disclosing


This Division outlines the significance for this Act of being a

disclosing entity.

111ANA Requirements relating to remuneration recommendations

in relation to key management personnel

There are special requirements in Part 2D.8 for remuneration

recommendations in relation to key management personnel for

disclosing entities that are companies.

111AO Accounting requirements

A disclosing entity incorporated or formed in Australia has to

prepare financial statements and reports for half-years as well as

full financial years. These requirements are set out in Chapter 2M.

111AP Continuous disclosure requirements

(1) A disclosing entity is subject to the continuous disclosure

requirements of sections 674 and 675.

111AQ Prospectus relief

Section 713 applies (subject to certain qualifications) to

prospectuses for quoted ED securities of disclosing entities. The

section’s requirements for the content of prospectuses are less

comprehensive than those that apply to other prospectuses under

section 710.

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Disclosing entities Part 1.2A

Significance of being a disclosing entity Division 3

Section 111AQA

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111AQA Product Disclosure Statement relief

Obligations that apply to disclosing entities can be taken into

account in deciding what information should be included in a

Product Disclosure Statement—see section 1013FA and

paragraph 1013F(2)(d).

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Chapter 1 Introductory

Part 1.2A Disclosing entities

Division 4 Exemptions and modifications

Section 111AR

168 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 4—Exemptions and modifications

111AR Meaning of disclosing entity provisions

(1) For the purposes of this Division, the disclosing entity provisions

are the provisions of the following:

(a) Chapter 2M as it applies to disclosing entities;

(d) sections 674 and 675.

(2) A reference in subsection (1) to a Part, Division or section includes

a reference to regulations in force for the purposes of the Part,

Division or section.

111AS Exemptions by regulations

(1) The regulations may exempt specified persons from all or specified

disclosing entity provisions:

(a) either generally or as otherwise specified; and

(b) either unconditionally or subject to specified conditions.

(2) Without limiting subsection (1), an exemption may relate to

specified securities.

111AT Exemptions by ASIC

(1) ASIC may, by writing, exempt specified persons from all or

specified disclosing entity provisions:

(a) either generally or as otherwise specified; and

(b) either unconditionally or subject to specified conditions.

(2) Without limiting subsection (1), an exemption may relate to

specified securities.

(3) ASIC must cause a copy of an exemption to be published in the


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Disclosing entities Part 1.2A

Exemptions and modifications Division 4

Section 111AU

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111AU Enforcing conditions of exemptions

(1) A person must not intentionally or recklessly contravene a

condition to which an exemption under section 111AS or 111AT is


(2) If a person contravenes such a condition, the Court may, on the

application of ASIC, order the person to comply with the


111AV Modifications by regulations

(1) The regulations may make modifications of all or specified

disclosing entity provisions.

(2) Without limiting subsection (1), a modification may relate to

specified securities.

111AW Exemptions and modifications have effect

Exemptions and modifications under this Division have effect


111AX Effect of Division

Nothing in this Division limits, or is limited by, any other

exemption or modification power (for example, section 340, 340A,

341, 341A or 741).

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Chapter 1 Introductory

Part 1.4 Technical provisions about aids for readers

Section 111J

170 Corporations Act 2001

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Part 1.4—Technical provisions about aids for


111J Small business guide

(1) If, because of:

(a) regulations made under this Act; or

(b) instruments issued by ASIC under this Act;

the small business guide as set out in Part 1.5 has become out of

date, the regulations may set out modifications of the guide that

would bring it up to date. The guide then is to be read as if it were

so modified.

(2) The small business guide is divided into sections (numbered 1, 2,

3…) and the sections are divided into paragraphs (numbered 1.1, 1.2, 1.3…). For example, a reference in the guide to 3.1 is a

reference to paragraph 3.1 of the guide.

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Small business guide Part 1.5

Section 1

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Part 1.5—Small business guide

This guide summarises the main rules in the Corporations Act (the

Corporations Act 2001) that apply to proprietary companies

limited by shares—the most common type of company used by

small business. The guide gives a general overview of the

Corporations Act as it applies to those companies and directs

readers to the operative provisions in the Corporations Act.

The notes in square brackets at the end of paragraphs in the guide

indicate the main provisions of the Corporations Act, the

regulations made under the Corporations Act, and ASIC Practice

Notes that are relevant to the information in the paragraphs.

Other Commonwealth, State and Territory laws also impose

obligations on proprietary companies and their operators.

1 What registration means

1.1 Separate legal entity that has its own powers

As far as the law is concerned, a company has a separate legal

existence that is distinct from that of its owners, managers,

operators, employees and agents. A company has its own property,

its own rights and its own obligations. A company’s money and

other assets belong to the company and must be used for the

company’s purposes.

A company has the powers of an individual, including the powers


• own and dispose of property and other assets

• enter into contracts

• sue and be sued.

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Part 1.5 Small business guide

Section 1

172 Corporations Act 2001

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Once a company is registered, its separate legal status, property,

rights and liabilities continue until ASIC (Australian Securities and

Investments Commission) deregisters the company.

[sections 119, 124—125, 601AA—601AD]

1.2 Limited liability of shareholders

Shareholders of a company are not liable (in their capacity as

shareholders) for the company’s debts. As shareholders, their only

obligation is to pay the company any amount unpaid on their

shares if they are called upon to do so. However, particularly if a

shareholder is also a director, this limitation may be affected by

other laws and the commercial practices discussed in 1.3 and 1.4.

[section 516]

1.3 Director’s liability for company’s debts

A director of a company may be liable for debts incurred by the

company at a time when the company itself is unable to pay those

debts as they fall due.

A director of a company may be liable to compensate the company

for any losses the company suffers from a breach of certain of the

director’s duties to the company (see 5.3).

In addition to having liability for the company’s debts or to pay

compensation to the company, a director may also be subject to a

civil penalty.

If a company holds property on trust, a director of the company

may be liable in some circumstances for liabilities incurred by the

company as trustee.

[sections 197, 344, 588G, 588J, 588M, 1317H]

1.4 Director’s liability as guarantor/security over personal assets

As a matter of commercial practice, a bank, trade creditor or

anyone else providing finance or credit to a company may ask a

director of the company:

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Section 1

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• for a personal guarantee of the company’s liabilities; and

• for some form of security over their house or personal

assets to secure the performance by the company of its


The director of a company may, for example, be asked by a bank to

give a mortgage over their house to secure the company’s

repayment of a loan. If the company does not repay the loan as

agreed with the bank, the director may lose the house.

1.5 Continuous existence

A company continues to exist even if 1 or more of its shareholders

or directors sells their shares, dies or leaves the company. If a

company has only 1 shareholder who is also the only director of

the company and that person dies, their personal representative is

able to ensure that the company continues to operate.

[sections 119, 224A]

1.6 Rules for the internal management of a company

The Corporations Act contains a basic set of rules for the internal

management of a company (appointments, meetings etc.).

Some of these rules are mandatory for all companies. There are a

few special rules for single shareholder/single director companies.

Other internal management rules in the Corporations Act are

replaceable rules. The replaceable rules do not apply to:

• a single shareholder/single director company; or

• a company that had a constitution before the introduction

of the replaceable rules regime and has not repealed it.

A company does not need to have a separate constitution of its

own; it can simply take advantage of the rules in the Corporations

Act. The company will need a constitution only if it wants to

displace, modify or add to the replaceable rules.

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Section 1

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[sections 134-141 and 198E]

1.7 How a company acts

A company does not have a physical existence. It must act through

other people.

Individual directors, the company secretary, company employees

or agents may be authorised to enter into contracts that bind the

company (see 7).

In some circumstances, a company will be bound by something

done by another person (see 1.8).

1.8 Directors

The directors of a company are responsible for managing the

company’s business. It is a replaceable rule (see 1.6) that generally

the directors may exercise all the powers of the company except a

power that the Corporations Act, a replaceable rule or a provision

of the company’s constitution (if any) requires the company to

exercise in general meeting.

The only director of a company who is also the only shareholder is

responsible for managing the company’s business and may

exercise all of the company’s powers.

The Corporations Act sets out rules dealing with the calling and

conduct of directors’ meetings. Directors must keep a written

record (minutes) of their resolutions and meetings.

There are 2 ways that directors may pass resolutions:

• at a meeting; or

• by having all of the directors record and sign their


If a company has only 1 director, the sole director may also pass a

resolution by recording and signing their decision.

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Section 1

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[sections 198A, 198E, 202C, subsection 202F(1), sections 248A-248G, 251A]

1.9 Shareholders

The shareholders of a company own the company, but the

company has a separate legal existence and the company’s assets

belong to the company.

Shareholders can make decisions about the company by passing a

resolution, usually at a meeting. A “special resolution” usually

involves more important questions affecting the company as a

whole or the rights of some or all of its shareholders.

There are 2 ways that shareholders may pass a resolution:

• at a meeting; or

• by having all of the shareholders record and sign their


If a meeting is held, an ordinary resolution must be passed by a

majority of the votes cast by shareholders of the company entitled

to vote on the resolution at the meeting in person or by proxy (if

proxies are allowed). A special resolution must be passed by at

least 75% of the votes cast by shareholders of the company entitled

to vote on the resolution and who vote at the meeting in person or

by proxy (if proxies are allowed).

The sole shareholder of a company may pass a resolution by

recording and signing their decision.

A company must keep a written record (minutes) of the members’

resolutions and meetings.

[sections 9 (special resolution), 249A, 249B, 249L, 251A]

1.10 What others can assume about the company

Anyone who does any business with the company is entitled to

assume that the company has a legal right to conduct that business

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Part 1.5 Small business guide

Section 2

176 Corporations Act 2001

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unless the person knows, or suspects, otherwise. For example, an

outsider dealing with the company is entitled to assume:

• that a person who is shown in a notice lodged with ASIC

as being the director or company secretary of a company

has been properly appointed and is authorised to act for the

company; and

• that a person who is held out by the company to be a

director, company secretary or agent of the company has

been properly appointed and is authorised to act for the


[sections 128—130]

2 The company structure for small business

2.1 Proprietary company for small business

Generally, a proprietary company limited by shares is the most

suitable company for use by small business. Such a proprietary

company must have a least 1 shareholder but no more than 50

shareholders (not counting employee shareholders, CSF

shareholders, or holders of shares issued pursuant to CSF offers

that have yet to be traded in certain ways). It may have 1 or more


[sections 112—113]

3 Setting up a new company

The operators of small businesses can either buy “shelf” companies

or set up new companies themselves.

3.1 “Shelf” companies

The operator of a small business may find it more convenient to

buy a “shelf” company (a company that has already been registered

but has not traded) from businesses which set up companies for

this purpose or from some legal or accounting firms.

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Section 3

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3.2 Setting up a company

To set up a new company themselves, the operator must apply to

ASIC for registration of the company.

A proprietary company limited by shares must have at least 1


To obtain registration, a person must lodge a properly completed

application form with ASIC. The form must set out certain

information including details of every person who has consented to

be a shareholder, director or company secretary of the company.

The company comes into existence when ASIC registers it.

[sections 117—119, 135—136, 140]

3.3 ACN and name

When a company is registered, ASIC allocates to it a unique 9 digit

number called the Australian Company Number (ACN). (For use

of the ACN see 4.1).

In practice, a new company must have a name that is different from

the name of a company that is already registered. A proprietary

company limited by shares must have the words “Proprietary

Limited” as part of its name. Those words can be abbreviated to

“Pty Ltd”.

A proprietary company may adopt its ACN as its name. If it does

so, its name must also contain the words “Australian Company

Number” (which can be abbreviated to “ACN”). For example, the

company’s name might be “ACN 123 456 789 Pty Ltd”.

[sections 119, 147—161]

3.4 Contracts entered into before the company is registered

A company can ratify a contract entered into by someone on its

behalf or for its benefit before it was registered. If the company

does not ratify the contract, the person who entered into the

contract may be personally liable.

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Part 1.5 Small business guide

Section 3

178 Corporations Act 2001

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[sections 131—133]

3.5 First shareholders, directors and company secretary

A person listed with their consent as a shareholder, director or

company secretary in the application for registration of the

company becomes a shareholder, director or company secretary of

the company on its registration.

The same person may be both a director of the company and the

company secretary.

See 5.1 and 5.2 for directors and 5.4 for company secretaries. See

6.1 for shareholders.

[section 120]

3.6 Issuing shares

It is a replaceable rule (see 1.6) that, before issuing new shares, a

company must first offer them to the existing shareholders in the

proportions that the shareholders already hold. A company may

issue shares at a price it determines.

[sections 254B, 254D]

3.7 Registered office

A company must have a registered office in Australia and must

inform ASIC of the location of the office. A post office box cannot

be the registered office of a company. The purpose of the

registered office is to have a place where all communications and

notices to the company may be sent.

If the company does not occupy the premises where its registered

office is located, the occupier of the premises must agree in writing

to having the company’s registered office located there.

A proprietary company is not required to open its registered office

to the public but this does not affect its obligation to make

documents available for inspection.

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Section 3

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The company must notify ASIC of any change of address of its

registered office.

[sections 100, 142, 143, 173, 1300]

3.8 Principal place of business

If a company has a principal place of business that is different from

its registered office, it must notify ASIC of the address of its

principal place of business and of any changes to that address.

[sections 117, 146]

3.9 Registers kept by the company

A company must keep registers, including a register of

shareholders. A company must keep its registers at:

• the company’s registered office; or

• the company’s principal place of business; or

• a place (whether on premises of the company or of

someone else) where the work in maintaining the register

is done; or

• another place approved by ASIC.

A register may be kept either in a bound or looseleaf book or on


If a register is kept on computer, its contents must be capable of

being printed out in hard copy.

[sections 172, 1300, 1301, 1306]

3.10 Register of shareholders

A company must keep in its register of shareholders such

information as:

• the names and addresses of its shareholders; and

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Section 4

180 Corporations Act 2001

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• details of shares held by individual shareholders.

[sections 168—169]

4 Continuing obligations after the company is set up

The Corporations Act and other laws impose obligations on

companies themselves and on their directors and company

secretaries. Some of the more important obligations imposed under

the Corporations Act are discussed below.

4.1 Use of company name and ACN

The name of a company must be shown at all the company’s

business premises (including its registered office) that are open to

the public. The company’s name and its ACN or ABN (if the last 9

digits are the same, and in the same order, as the last 9 digits of its

ACN) must appear:

• on some of its public documents; and

• on its cheques and negotiable instruments; and

• on all documents lodged with ASIC; and

• if it has one, on its common seal.

[sections 123, 144, 147—156, ASIC Practice Note 47]

4.2 Extract of particulars

Each year, ASIC issues each company with an extract of

particulars within 2 weeks of the company’s review date (which is

generally the anniversary of the company’s registration). The

extract includes details recorded on ASIC’s database such as:

• names and addresses of each director and company


• issued shares and options granted;

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Section 4

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• details of its shareholders;

• address of its registered office;

• address of its principal place of business.

If any of the details are not correct as at the date the extract is

received, the company must correct those details.

The correction may be lodged with ASIC on a printed form or, if

an agreement is in place to lodge electronically, in accordance with

the agreement.

[Sections 346A and 346C, 352]

4.3 Review fee

A company must pay a review fee to ASIC each year.

[Corporations (Review Fees) Act 2003]

4.4 Notification to ASIC of changes

The company must notify ASIC if certain basic changes to the

company occur. The following table sets out these notification


Notification requirements

If... the company must

notify ASIC of the


see section...

1 a company issues shares within 28 days after the



2 a company changes the location

of a register

within 7 days after the



3 a company changes the address of

its registered office or principal

place of business

within 28 days after the


142, 146

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Section 5

182 Corporations Act 2001

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Notification requirements

If... the company must

notify ASIC of the


see section...

4 a company changes its directors

or company secretary

within 28 days after the

change (unless the

director or company

secretary has notified

ASIC of the change)


5 there is a change in the name or

address of the company’s

directors or secretary

within 28 days after the



7 a company has a new ultimate

holding company, or details about

the ultimate holding company


within 28 days after the

change happens


8 any of the changes in items 1 to 7

means that:

(a) the company must add or alter

particulars in its member

register kept under

section 169; or

(b) the company must add or alter

particulars in its member

register kept under

section 169, and as a result,

details about the number and

class of shares on issue, or the

amount paid and unpaid on

the shares, alter.

within the time

determined under the

table in section 178D



5 Company directors and company secretaries

5.1 Who can be a director

Only an individual who is at least 18 years old can be a director. If

a company has only 1 director, they must ordinarily reside in

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Section 5

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Australia. If a company has more than 1 director, at least 1 of the

directors must ordinarily reside in Australia.

A director must consent in writing to holding the position of

director. The company must keep the consent and must notify

ASIC of the appointment.

In some circumstances, the Corporations Act imposes the duties

and obligations of a director on a person who, although not

formally appointed as a director of a company, nevertheless acts as

a director or gives instructions to the formally appointed directors

as to how they should act.

The Court or ASIC may prohibit a person from being a director or

from otherwise being involved in the management of a company if,

for example, the person has breached the Corporations Act.

A person needs the Court’s permission to be a director if the person

has been convicted of certain offences or is, in some

circumstances, unable to pay their debts as they fall due.

Generally, a director may resign by giving notice of the resignation

to the company. A director who resigns may notify ASIC of the

resignation. If the director does not do so, the company must notify

ASIC of the director’s resignation.

[sections 9, 201A, 201B, 201D, 205A, 205B and 206A-206G, 228-230 and 242 and subsection 1317EA(3)]

5.2 Appointment of new directors

It is a replaceable rule (see 1.6) that shareholders may appoint

directors by resolution at a general meeting.

[section 201G]

5.3 Duties and liabilities of directors

In managing the business of a company (see 1.7), each of its

directors is subject to a wide range of duties under the

Corporations Act and other laws. Some of the more important

duties are:

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Section 5

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• to act in good faith

• to act in the best interests of the company

• to avoid conflicts between the interests of the company and

the director’s interests

• to act honestly

• to exercise care and diligence

• to prevent the company trading while it is unable to pay its


• if the company is being wound up—to report to the

liquidator on the affairs of the company

• if the company is being wound up—to help the liquidator

(by, for example, giving to the liquidator any records of the

company that the director has).

A director who fails to perform their duties:

• may be guilty of a criminal offence with a penalty of

imprisonment for up to 10 years or a fine, or both (the fine

is the greater of 4,500 penalty units and 3 times the amount

of the benefit derived and detriment avoided because of the

offence); and

• may contravene a civil penalty provision (and the Court

may order the person to pay the Commonwealth an amount

equal to the greater of 5,000 penalty units and 3 times the

amount of the benefit derived and detriment avoided

because of the contravention); and

• may be personally liable to compensate the company or

others for any loss or damage they suffer; and

• may be prohibited from managing a company.

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Section 5

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A director’s obligations may continue even after the company has

been deregistered.

[Sections 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 475, 530A, 588G, 596, 601AE, 601AH, 1317H]

5.4 Company secretaries

A company other than a proprietary company must have a

company secretary. However, a proprietary company may choose

to have a company secretary. The directors appoint the company

secretary. A company secretary must be at least 18 years old. If a

company has only 1 company secretary, they must ordinarily reside

in Australia. If a company has more than 1 company secretary, at

least 1 of them must ordinarily reside in Australia.

A company secretary must consent in writing to holding the

position of company secretary. The company must keep the

consent and must notify ASIC of the appointment.

The same person may be both a director of a company and the

company secretary.

Generally, a company secretary may resign by giving written

notice of the resignation to the company. A company secretary

who resigns may notify ASIC of the resignation. If the company

secretary does not do so, the company must notify ASIC of the

company secretary’s resignation.

The company secretary is an officer of the company and, in that

capacity, may be subject to the requirements imposed by the

Corporations Act on company officers.

The company secretary has specific responsibilities under the

Corporations Act, including responsibility for ensuring that the


• notifies ASIC about changes to the identities, names and

addresses of the company’s directors and company

secretaries; and

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Section 6

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• notifies ASIC about changes to the register of members;


• notifies ASIC about changes to any ultimate holding

company; and

• responds, if necessary, to an extract of particulars that it

receives and that it responds to any return of particulars

that it receives.

A company secretary’s obligations may continue even after the

company has been deregistered.

[sections 83, 142, 178A, 178C, 188, 204A-204G, 205A, 205B, 346C, 348D, 349A, 601AD, 601AH]

6 Shares and shareholders

A proprietary company limited by shares must have a share capital

and at least 1 shareholder. ASIC may apply to a Court to have a

company wound up if it does not have any shareholders.

[sections 461—462]

6.1 Becoming a shareholder and ceasing to be a shareholder

A person may become a shareholder of a company in several ways,

including the following:

• the person being listed as a shareholder of the company in

the application for registration of the company

• the company issuing shares to the person

• the person buying shares in the company from an existing

shareholder and the company registering the transfer.

Some of the ways in which a person ceases to be a shareholder are:

• the person sells all of their shares in the company and the

company registers the transfer of the shares

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Section 6

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• the company buys back all the person’s shares

• ASIC cancels the company’s registration.

[sections 117, 120, 601AA—601AD]

6.2 Classes of shares

A company may have different classes of shares. The rights and

restrictions attached to the shares in a class distinguish it from

other classes of shares.

[sections 254A—254B]

6.3 Meetings of shareholders

Directors have the power to call meetings of all shareholders or

meetings of only those shareholders who hold a particular class of


Shareholders who hold at least 5% of the votes which may be cast

at a general meeting of a company have the power to call and hold

a meeting themselves or to require the directors to call and hold a

meeting. Meetings may be held regularly or to resolve specific

questions about the management or business of the company.

The Corporations Act sets out rules dealing with shareholders’


A shareholder of a company may ask the company for a copy of

the record of a meeting or of a decision of shareholders taken

without a meeting.

[sections 249A—251B]

6.4 Voting rights

Different rights to vote at meetings of shareholders may attach to

different classes of shares. It is a replaceable rule (see 1.6) that,

subject to those different rights, each shareholder has 1 vote on a

show of hands and, on a poll, 1 vote for each share held.

[sections 250E, 254A—254B]

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Section 7

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6.5 Buying and selling shares

A shareholder may sell their shares but only if the sale would not

breach the company’s constitution (if any). It is a replaceable rule

(see 1.6) that the directors have a discretion to refuse to register a

transfer of shares.

[sections 1091D—1091E]

7 Signing company documents

A company’s power to sign, discharge and otherwise deal with

contracts can be exercised by an individual acting with the

company’s authority and on its behalf. A company can deal with

contracts without using a common seal.

A company may execute a document by having it signed by:

• 2 directors of the company; or

• a director and the company secretary; or

• for a company with a sole director who is also the sole

secretary—that director.

If the document is to have effect as a deed, it should be expressed

to be a deed.

[sections 126—127]

A company is not required to have a common seal. If it does, the

seal must show the company’s name and its ACN or ABN (if the

last 9 digits are the same, and in the same order, as the last 9 digits

of its ACN). The seal is equivalent to the company’s signature and

may be used on important company documents such as mortgages.

[sections 123, 127(2)]

8 Funding the company’s operations

The shareholders may fund the company’s operations by lending

money to the company or by taking up other shares in the

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Section 9

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company. Except if it is raising funds from its own employees or

shareholders or under a CSF offer, a proprietary company must not

engage in any fundraising activity that would require disclosure to

investors under Chapter 6D (for example, advertising in a

newspaper inviting people to invest in the company).

The company may also borrow money from banks and other

financial organisations.

Anyone who has lent money, or provided credit, to the company

may ask for a security interest in the company’s assets to secure the

performance by the company of its obligations.

[sections 113, 124]

9 Returns to shareholders

Shareholders can take money out of the company in a number of

ways, but only if the company complies with its constitution (if

any), the Corporations Act and all other relevant laws. If a

company pays out money in a way that results in the company

being unable to pay its debts as they fall due, its directors may be


• to pay compensation; and

• for criminal and civil penalties.

[sections 588G, 1317E, 1317G, 1317H, 1317P]

9.1 Dividends

Dividends are payments to shareholders. They can only be paid if:

• the company’s assets are sufficiently in excess of its

liabilities immediately before the dividend is declared; and

• the payment of the dividend is fair and reasonable to the

company’s shareholders as a whole and does not materially

prejudice the company’s ability to pay its creditors.

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Section 10

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It is a replaceable rule (see 1.6) that the directors decide whether

the company should pay a dividend.

[sections 254T, 254U]

9.2 Buy-back of shares

A company can buy back shares from shareholders.

[sections 257A—257J]

9.4 Distribution of surplus assets on winding up

If a company is wound up and there are any assets left over after all

the company’s debts have been paid, the surplus is distributed to

shareholders in accordance with the rights attaching to their shares.

10 Annual financial reports and audit

10.1 The small/large distinction

The accounting requirements imposed on a proprietary company

under the Corporations Act depend on whether the company is

classified as small or large. A company’s classification can change

from 1 financial year to another as its circumstances change.

A company is classified as small for a financial year if it satisfies at

least 2 of the following tests:

• gross operating revenue of less than $10 million for the


• gross assets of less than $5 million at the end of the year

• fewer than 50 employees at the end of the year.

A company that does not satisfy at least 2 of these tests is classified

as large.

[section 45A]

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Section 10

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As the great majority of proprietary companies are small under

these tests, the discussion below deals mainly with the accounting

requirements for small proprietary companies.

[sections 286—301]

10.2 Financial records

Under the Corporations Act, all proprietary companies must keep

sufficient financial records to record and explain their transactions

and financial position and to allow true and fair financial

statements to be prepared and audited. Financial record here

means some kind of systematic record of the company’s financial

transactions—not merely a collection of receipts, invoices, bank

statements and cheque butts. Financial records may be kept on


[sections 286—289]

10.3 Preparing annual financial reports and directors’ reports

The Corporations Act requires a small proprietary company to

prepare an annual financial report (an annual profit and loss

statement, a balance sheet and a statement of cash flows) and a

directors’ report (about the company’s operations, dividends paid

or recommended, options issued etc.) if:

• the shareholders with at least 5% of the votes in the

company direct it to do so; or

• ASIC directs it to do so; or

• it has one or more CSF shareholders at any time during the

financial year.

Unless the shareholders’ direction specifies otherwise, the

company must prepare the annual financial report in accordance

with the applicable accounting standards.

Although the Corporations Act itself may not require a small

proprietary company to prepare a financial report except in the

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Section 11

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circumstances mentioned, the company may need to prepare the

annual financial reports for the purposes of other laws (for

example, income tax laws). Moreover, good business practice may

also make it advisable for the company to prepare the financial

reports so that it can monitor and better manage its financial


Large proprietary companies must prepare annual financial reports

and a directors’ report, have the financial report audited and send

both reports to shareholders. They must also lodge the annual

financial reports with ASIC unless exempted.

[sections 286—301, 319—320]

11 Disagreements within the company

11.1 Special problems faced by minority shareholders

There are remedies available to a shareholder of a company if:

• the affairs of the company are being conducted in a way

that is unfair to that shareholder or to other shareholders of

the company; or

• the affairs of the company are being conducted in a way

that is against the interests of the company as a whole.

A Court may, for example, order the winding up of a company or

the appointment of a receiver.

[sections 232-235, 461]

11.2 Buy—back of shares

A company may buy back the shares of a shareholder who wants to

sever their relationship with the company.

[sections 257A—257J]

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Section 12

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11.3 Selling shares

A shareholder in a company who wants to sever their relationship

with the company may decide to sell their shares. However, the

shareholder may not be able to sell their shares readily—

particularly if they want to sell their shares to someone who is not

an existing shareholder. Some of the difficulties they may face in

that case are:

• under the replaceable rules the directors have a discretion

to refuse to transfer the shares; and

• restrictions in the company’s constitution (if any) on

transferring shares.

[sections 707, 1041H, 1091D-1091E]

12 Companies in financial trouble

12.1 Voluntary administration

If a company experiences financial problems, the directors may

appoint an administrator to take over the operations of the

company to see if the company’s creditors and the company can

work out a solution to the company’s problems.

If the company’s creditors and the company cannot agree, the

company may be wound up (see 12.3).

[Part 5.3A]

12.2 Receivers

A receiver, or receiver and manager, may be appointed by order of

a Court or under an agreement with a secured creditor to take over

some or all of the assets of a company. Generally this would occur

if the company is in financial difficulty. A receiver may be

appointed, for example, because an amount owed to a secured

creditor is overdue.

[Part 5.2]

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Section 12

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12.3 Winding up and distribution

A company may be wound up by order of a Court, or voluntarily if

the shareholders of the company pass a special resolution to do so.

A liquidator is appointed:

• when a Court orders a company to be wound up; or

• the shareholders of a company pass a resolution to wind up

the company.

[Parts 5.4, 5.4B, 5.5].

12.4 Liquidators

A liquidator is appointed to administer the winding up of a

company. The liquidator’s main functions are:

• to take possession of the company’s assets; and

• to determine debts owed by the company and pay the

company’s creditors; and

• to distribute to shareholders any assets of the company left

over after paying creditors (any distribution to shareholders

is made according to the rights attaching to their shares);


• finally, to have the company deregistered.

[Parts 5.4B, 5.6]

12.5 Order of payment of debts

Generally, creditors who hold security interests in company assets

are paid first.

[Division 6 of Part 5.6]

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Section 12

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12.6 Cancellation of registration

If a company has ceased trading or has been wound up, it remains

on the register until ASIC cancels the company’s registration. Once

a company is deregistered, it ceases to exist.

[sections 601AA—601AB, 601AH]

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Part 1.6 Interaction with Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Act


Section 111K

196 Corporations Act 2001

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Part 1.6—Interaction with Australian Charities and

Not-for-profits Commission Act 2012

111K Bodies corporate registered under the Australian Charities and

Not-for-profits Commission Act 2012

This Part applies to a body corporate that:

(a) is registered under the Australian Charities and

Not-for-profits Commission Act 2012; and

(b) is none of the following:

(i) a Commonwealth company for the purposes of the

Public Governance, Performance and Accountability

Act 2013;

(ii) a subsidiary of a Commonwealth company for the

purposes of that Act;

(iii) a subsidiary of a corporate Commonwealth entity for the

purposes of that Act.

111L Provisions not applicable to the body corporate

(1) A provision of this Act mentioned in the following table does not

apply to the body corporate, subject to any conditions prescribed

by the regulations for the purposes of this subsection in relation to

the provision:

Provisions of this Act that do not apply to bodies corporate registered under the


Item Column 1


Column 2


1 subsection 136(5) Public company must lodge with

ASIC a copy of a special resolution

adopting, modifying or repealing its


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Section 111L

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Provisions of this Act that do not apply to bodies corporate registered under the


Item Column 1


Column 2


2 section 138 ASIC may direct company to lodge

consolidated constitution

3 section 139 Company must send copy of

constitution to member

4 subsection 142(2), section 146 and

subsection 146A(2)

Company must notify ASIC of

changes of address

5 (a) sections 180 to 183; and

(b) section 185, to the extent that it

relates to sections 180 to 183

Duties of directors etc.

6 section 188, to the extent it relates to

a provision mentioned in another

item of this table

Responsibility of secretaries and

directors for certain contraventions

7 sections 191 to 194 Interests of directors

8 (a) sections 201L and 205A to 205C;


(b) section 205D, to the extent it

relates to section 205B; and

(c) section 205E

Public information about directors


9 (a) Part 2G.2 (other than

sections 250PAA and 250PAB);


(b) Part 2G.3, to the extent that it

relates to meetings of the body

corporate’s members

Meetings of members

10 (a) Parts 2M.1 and 2M.2; and

(b) Part 2M.3

Financial reports and audit

11 Chapter 2N Updating ASIC information about

companies, registered schemes and

notified foreign passport funds

12 sections 601CDA, 601CK and


Foreign companies

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Section 111M

198 Corporations Act 2001

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Provisions of this Act that do not apply to bodies corporate registered under the


Item Column 1


Column 2


13 subsection 601CT(3),

section 601CV and

subsections 601DH(1) and (1A)

Registered body must notify ASIC

of certain changes

(2) Regulations made for the purposes of subsection (1) may be

indefinite or limited to a specified period.

Reporting by debenture issuers

(3) Item 10 of the table in subsection (1) does not apply in relation to a

financial year if the body corporate was a borrower in relation to

debentures at the end of the year.

Prescribed provisions

(4) A provision of this Act prescribed by the regulations for the

purposes of this subsection does not apply to the body corporate.

(5) Regulations made for the purposes of subsection (4) may:

(a) be expressed to be subject to conditions; and

(b) be indefinite or limited to a specified period; and

(c) specify a provision even if the provision is mentioned in

another section of this Part.

111M Member approval

(1) This section applies if:

(a) a provision of this Act provides that one or more conditions

must be satisfied for there to be member approval (however

described) in relation to the body corporate; and

Example:Division 3 of Part 2E.1.

(b) the governance standards (within the meaning of the

Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Act

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Section 111N

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2012) provide that one or more conditions must be satisfied

for there to be such member approval.

(2) Paragraph (1)(a) does not apply to a condition that a person give to

another person particular information that relates to the matter that

is the subject of the member approval.

Example: Paragraph 218(1)(b).

(3) The provision mentioned in paragraph (1)(a) has effect, in relation

to the body corporate, as if it, instead of providing for the

conditions mentioned in that paragraph, provided for the conditions

mentioned in paragraph (1)(b).

111N Notices

Notice of change of address

(1) For the purposes of subsection 142(3), the body corporate is treated

as having lodged with ASIC on a day a notice that the address of

its registered office has changed to a new address, if, on that day,

the body corporate notifies the Commissioner of the ACNC, in

accordance with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits

Commission Act 2012, that the body corporate’s address for service

has changed to that new address.

(2) The Commissioner must give a copy of the notice to ASIC.

Notice of change of name—registered Australian bodies and

registered foreign companies

(3) For the purpose of subsection 601DH(2), the body corporate is

treated as having given ASIC on a day written notice of a change

to its name if, on that day, the body corporate gives the

Commissioner of the ACNC, in accordance with the Australian

Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Act 2012, notice of the


(4) The Commissioner must give a copy of the notice to ASIC.

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Section 111P

200 Corporations Act 2001

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111P Annual general meetings

(1) An order made under section 250PAA applies to a requirement in

the governance standards (within the meaning of the Australian

Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Act 2012) for the

holding of an annual general meeting in the same way as the order

applies to the requirement in section 250N.

(2) An exemption under section 250PAB applies to a provision of the

governance standards (within the meaning of the Australian

Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Act 2012) that requires

the holding of an annual general meeting in the same way as the

exemption applies to section 250N.

111Q Presumptions to be made in recovery proceedings

(1) Paragraph 588E(4)(a) and subsection 588E(5) apply to the body

corporate as if the references in those provisions to

subsection 286(1) were references to subsections 55-5(1) to (3) of

the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Act 2012.

(2) Paragraph 588E(4)(b) and subsection 588E(6) apply to the body

corporate as if the references in those provisions to

subsection 286(2) were references to subsections 55-5(4) and (5) of

the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Act 2012.

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Registering a company Chapter 2A

What companies can be registered Part 2A.1

Section 112

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Chapter 2A—Registering a company

Part 2A.1—What companies can be registered

112 Types of companies

Types of companies

(1) The following types of companies can be registered under this Act:

Proprietary companies Limited by shares

Unlimited with share capital

Public companies Limited by shares

Limited by guarantee

Unlimited with share capital

No liability company

Note: Other types of companies that were previously allowed continue to

exist under the Part 10.1 transitionals.

No liability companies

(2) A company may be registered as a no liability company only if:

(a) the company has a share capital; and

(b) the company’s constitution states that its sole objects are

mining purposes; and

(c) the company has no contractual right under its constitution to

recover calls made on its shares from a shareholder who fails

to pay them.

Note 1: Section 9 defines mining purposes and minerals.

Note 2: Special provisions on no liability companies are found in the

provisions referred to in the following table:

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Part 2A.1 What companies can be registered

Section 113

202 Corporations Act 2001

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No liability company provisions

item topic provisions

1 names 148, 156, 162

2 terms of issue of shares 254B

3 liability on partly-paid shares 254M

4 calls 254P-254R

5 winding up 477-478, 483, 514

6 registering a body as a company 601BA

7 transitional the Part 10.1


(3) A no liability company must not engage in activities that are

outside its mining purposes objects.

(4) The directors of a no liability company must not:

(a) let the whole or proportion of a mine or claim on tribute; or

(b) make any contract for working any land on tribute;


(c) the letting or contract is approved by a special resolution; or

(d) no such letting or contract has been made within the period

of 2 years immediately preceding the proposed letting or


(5) An act or transaction is not invalid merely because of a

contravention of subsection (3) or (4).

113 Proprietary companies

(1) A company must have no more than 50 non—employee

shareholders if it is to:

(a) be registered as a proprietary company; or

(b) change to a proprietary company; or

(c) remain registered as a proprietary company.

Note: Proprietary companies have different financial reporting obligations

depending on whether they are small proprietary companies or large

proprietary companies (see section 45A and Part 2M.3).

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What companies can be registered Part 2A.1

Section 113

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(2) In applying subsection (1):

(a) count joint holders of a particular parcel of shares as 1

person; and

(b) an employee shareholder is:

(i) a shareholder who is an employee of the company or of

a subsidiary of the company; or

(ii) a shareholder who was an employee of the company, or

of a subsidiary of the company, when they became a

shareholder; and

(c) do not count as a shareholder any CSF shareholder of the

company; and

(d) do not count as a shareholder an entity, in relation to a

security of the company held by the entity, if:

(i) that security was originally issued to another entity

pursuant to a CSF offer by the company; and

(ii) unless the circumstances (if any) prescribed by the

regulations for the purposes of this subparagraph

exist—no securities of the company have been traded on

a financial market (whether in Australia or elsewhere);


(iii) all the other requirements (if any) prescribed by the

regulations for the purposes of this subparagraph are


(3) A proprietary company must not engage in any activity that would

require disclosure to investors under Chapter 6D, except for:

(a) an offer of its shares to:

(i) existing shareholders of the company; or

(ii) employees of the company or of a subsidiary of the

company; or

(b) a CSF offer.

(3A) An offence based on subsection (3) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(4) An act or transaction is not invalid merely because of a

contravention of subsection (3).

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Chapter 2A Registering a company

Part 2A.1 What companies can be registered

Section 114

204 Corporations Act 2001

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Note: If a proprietary company contravenes this section, ASIC may require

it to change to a public company (see section 165).

114 Minimum of 1 member

A company needs to have at least 1 member.

115 Restrictions on size of partnerships and associations

(1) A person must not participate in the formation of a partnership or

association that:

(a) has as an object gain for itself or for any of its members; and

(b) has more than 20 members;

unless the partnership or association is incorporated or formed

under an Australian law.

Note: For the effect of a contravention of this section, see section 103.

(2) The regulations may specify a higher number that is higher than

the number specified in paragraph (1)(b) for the purposes of the

application of that paragraph to a particular kind of partnership or


(3) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

116 Trade unions cannot be registered

A trade union cannot be registered under this Act.

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Registering a company Chapter 2A

How a company is registered Part 2A.2

Section 117

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Part 2A.2—How a company is registered

117 Applying for registration

Lodging application

(1) To register a company, a person must lodge an application with


Note: For the types of companies that can be registered, see section 112.

Contents of the application

(2) The application must state the following:

(a) the type of company that is proposed to be registered under

this Act;

(b) the company’s proposed name (unless the ACN is to be used

in its name);

(c) the name and address of each person who consents to become

a member;

(d) the present given and family name, all former given and

family names and the date and place of birth of each person

who consents in writing to become a director;

(e) the present given and family name, all former given and

family names and the date and place of birth of each person

who consents in writing to become a company secretary;

(f) the address of each person who consents in writing to

become a director or company secretary;

(g) the address of the company’s proposed registered office;

(h) for a public company—the proposed opening hours of its

registered office (if they are not the standard opening hours);

(j) the address of the company’s proposed principal place of

business (if it is not the address of the proposed registered


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Chapter 2A Registering a company

Part 2A.2 How a company is registered

Section 117

206 Corporations Act 2001

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(k) for a company limited by shares or an unlimited company—

the following:

(i) the number and class of shares each member agrees in

writing to take up;

(ii) the amount (if any) each member agrees in writing to

pay for each share;

(iia) whether the shares each member agrees in writing to

take up will be fully paid on registration;

(iii) if that amount is not to be paid in full on registration—

the amount (if any) each member agrees in writing to be

unpaid on each share;

(iv) whether or not the shares each member agrees in writing

to take up will be beneficially owned by the member on


(l) for a public company that is limited by shares or is an

unlimited company, if shares will be issued for non-cash

consideration—the prescribed particulars about the issue of

the shares, unless the shares will be issued under a written

contract and a copy of the contract is lodged with the


(m) for a company limited by guarantee—the proposed amount of

the guarantee that each member agrees to in writing;

(ma) whether or not, on registration, the company will have an

ultimate holding company;

(mb) if, on registration, the company will have an ultimate holding

company—the following:

(i) the name of the ultimate holding company;

(ii) if the ultimate holding company is registered in

Australia—its ABN, ACN or ARBN;

(iii) if the ultimate holding company is not registered in

Australia—the place at which it was incorporated or


(n) the State or Territory in this jurisdiction in which the

company is to be taken to be registered.

Note 1: Paragraph (b)—sections 147 and 152 deal with the availability and

reservation of names.

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How a company is registered Part 2A.2

Section 118

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Note 2: Paragraph (f)—the address that must be stated is usually the

residential address, although an alternative address can sometimes be

stated instead (see section 205D).

Note 3: Paragraph (g)—if the company is not to be the occupier of premises at

the address of its registered office, the application must state that the

occupier has consented to the address being specified in the

application and has not withdrawn that consent (see section 100).

Note 4: Paragraph (h)—for standard opening hours, see section 9.

(3) If the company is to be a public company and is to have a

constitution on registration, a copy of the constitution must be

lodged with the application.

(4) The application must be in the prescribed form.

(5) An applicant must have the consents and agreements referred to in

subsection (2) when the application is lodged. After the company is

registered, the applicant must give the consents and agreements to

the company. The company must keep the consents and


(6) An offence based on subsection (5) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

118 ASIC gives company ACN, registers company and issues



(1) If an application is lodged under section 117, ASIC may:

(a) give the company an ACN; and

(b) register the company; and

(c) issue a certificate that states:

(i) the company’s name; and

(ii) the company’s ACN; and

(iii) the company’s type; and

(iv) that the company is registered as a company under this

Act; and

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Chapter 2A Registering a company

Part 2A.2 How a company is registered

Section 119

208 Corporations Act 2001

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(v) the State or Territory in this jurisdiction in which the

company is taken to be registered; and

(vi) the date of registration.

Note: For the evidentiary value of a certificate of registration, see

subsection 1274(7A).

ASIC must keep record of registration

(2) ASIC must keep a record of the registration. Subsections 1274(2)

and (5) apply to the record as if it were a document lodged with


119 Company comes into existence on registration

A company comes into existence as a body corporate at the

beginning of the day on which it is registered. The company’s

name is the name specified in the certificate of registration.

Note: The company remains in existence until it is deregistered (see

Chapter 5A).

119A Jurisdiction of incorporation and jurisdiction of registration

Jurisdiction in which company incorporated

(1) A company is incorporated in this jurisdiction.

Jurisdiction of registration

(2) A company is taken to be registered in:

(a) the State or Territory specified:

(i) in the application for the company’s registration under

paragraph 117(2)(n) (registration of company under this

Part); or

(ii) in the application for the company’s registration under

paragraph 601BC(2)(o) (registration of registrable body

as company under Part 5B.1); or

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Registering a company Chapter 2A

How a company is registered Part 2A.2

Section 120

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(b) the State or Territory in which the company is taken to be

registered under paragraph 5H(4)(b) (registration of body as

company on basis of State or Territory law).

This subsection has effect subject to subsection (3).

Note 1: ASIC must specify the State or Territory in which the company is

taken to be registered in the company’s certificate of registration (see

paragraph 118(1)(c)(v) and 601BD(1)(c)(v)).

Note 2: The company’s legal capacity and powers do not depend in any way

on the particular State or Territory it is taken to be registered in (see

section 124).

Note 3: A law of a State or Territory may impose obligations, or confer rights

or powers, on a person by reference to the State or Territory in which

a company is taken to be registered for the purposes of this Act. For

example, a State or Territory law dealing with stamp duty on share

transfers might impose duty on transfers of shares in companies that

are taken to be registered in that State or Territory for the purposes of

this Act.

(3) The State or Territory in which a company is taken to be registered

changes to the State or Territory in this jurisdiction nominated by

the company if:

(a) either:

(i) the relevant Minister of the State or Territory in which

the company is taken to be registered before the change

approves the change; or

(ii) the State in which the company is taken to be registered

ceases to be a referring State; and

(b) the procedural requirements specified in the regulations are


(4) A company continues to be registered under this Act even if the

State in which the company is taken to be registered ceases to be a

referring State.

120 Members, directors and company secretary of a company

(1) A person becomes a member, director or company secretary of a

company on registration if the person is specified in the application

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Chapter 2A Registering a company

Part 2A.2 How a company is registered

Section 121

210 Corporations Act 2001

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with their consent as a proposed member, director or company

secretary of the company.

(2) The shares to be taken up by the members as specified in the

application are taken to be issued to the members on registration of

the company.

Note: A member’s name must be entered in the register of members (see

section 169).

121 Registered office

The address specified in the application for registration for the

company’s proposed registered office becomes the address of the

company’s registered office on registration.

122 Expenses incurred in promoting and setting up company

The expenses incurred before registration in promoting and setting

up a company may be paid out of the company’s assets.

123 Company may have common seal

(1) A company may have a common seal. If a company does have a

common seal, the company must set out on it:

(a) for a company that has its ACN in its name—the company’s

name; or

(b) otherwise—the company’s name and either:

(i) the expression “Australian Company Number” and the

company’s ACN; or

(ii) if the last 9 digits of the company’s ABN are the same,

and in the same order, as the last 9 digits of its ACN—

the expression “Australian Business Number” and the

company’s ABN.

Note 1: A company may make contracts and execute documents without using

a seal (see sections 126 and 127).

Note 2: For abbreviations that can be used on a seal, see section 149.

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How a company is registered Part 2A.2

Section 123

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(2) A company may have a duplicate common seal. The duplicate

must be a copy of the common seal with the words “duplicate

seal”, “share seal” or “certificate seal” added.

(3) A person must not use, or authorise the use of, a seal that purports

to be the common seal of a company or a duplicate if the seal does

not comply with the requirements set out in subsection (1) or (2).

(4) An offence based on subsection (3) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

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Chapter 2B Basic features of a company

Part 2B.1 Company powers and how they are exercised

Section 124

212 Corporations Act 2001

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Chapter 2B—Basic features of a company

Part 2B.1—Company powers and how they are


124 Legal capacity and powers of a company

(1) A company has the legal capacity and powers of an individual both

in and outside this jurisdiction. A company also has all the powers

of a body corporate, including the power to:

(a) issue and cancel shares in the company;

(b) issue debentures (despite any rule of law or equity to the

contrary, this power includes a power to issue debentures that

are irredeemable, redeemable only if a contingency, however

remote, occurs, or redeemable only at the end of a period,

however long);

(c) grant options over unissued shares in the company;

(d) distribute any of the company’s property among the

members, in kind or otherwise;

(e) grant a security interest in uncalled capital;

(f) grant a circulating security interest over the company’s


(g) arrange for the company to be registered or recognised as a

body corporate in any place outside this jurisdiction;

(h) do anything that it is authorised to do by any other law

(including a law of a foreign country).

A company limited by guarantee does not have the power to issue


Note: For a company’s power to issue bonus, partly—paid, preference and

redeemable preference shares, see section 254A.

(2) A company’s legal capacity to do something is not affected by the

fact that the company’s interests are not, or would not be, served

by doing it.

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Basic features of a company Chapter 2B

Company powers and how they are exercised Part 2B.1

Section 125

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(3) For the avoidance of doubt, this section does not:

(a) authorise a company to do an act that is prohibited by a law

of a State or Territory; or

(b) give a company a right that a law of a State or Territory

denies to the company.

(4) Subsection (1) does not prevent a mutual entity that is a company

limited by guarantee issuing MCIs.

125 Constitution may limit powers and set out objects

(1) If a company has a constitution, it may contain an express

restriction on, or a prohibition of, the company’s exercise of any of

its powers. The exercise of a power by the company is not invalid

merely because it is contrary to an express restriction or prohibition

in the company’s constitution.

(2) If a company has a constitution, it may set out the company’s

objects. An act of the company is not invalid merely because it is

contrary to or beyond any objects in the company’s constitution.

126 Agent exercising a company’s power to make contracts

(1) A company’s power to make, vary, ratify or discharge a contract

may be exercised by an individual acting with the company’s

express or implied authority and on behalf of the company. The

power may be exercised without using a common seal.

(2) This section does not affect the operation of a law that requires a

particular procedure to be complied with in relation to the contract.

127 Execution of documents (including deeds) by the company itself

(1) A company may execute a document without using a common seal

if the document is signed by:

(a) 2 directors of the company; or

(b) a director and a company secretary of the company; or

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Chapter 2B Basic features of a company

Part 2B.1 Company powers and how they are exercised

Section 127

214 Corporations Act 2001

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(c) for a proprietary company that has a sole director who is also

the sole company secretary—that director.

Note: If a company executes a document in this way, people will be able to

rely on the assumptions in subsection 129(5) for dealings in relation to

the company.

(2) A company with a common seal may execute a document if the

seal is fixed to the document and the fixing of the seal is witnessed


(a) 2 directors of the company; or

(b) a director and a company secretary of the company; or

(c) for a proprietary company that has a sole director who is also

the sole company secretary—that director.

Note: If a company executes a document in this way, people will be able to

rely on the assumptions in subsection 129(6) for dealings in relation to

the company.

(3) A company may execute a document as a deed if the document is

expressed to be executed as a deed and is executed in accordance

with subsection (1) or (2).

(4) This section does not limit the ways in which a company may

execute a document (including a deed).

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Basic features of a company Chapter 2B

Assumptions people dealing with companies are entitled to make Part 2B.2

Section 128

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Part 2B.2—Assumptions people dealing with

companies are entitled to make

128 Entitlement to make assumptions

(1) A person is entitled to make the assumptions in section 129 in

relation to dealings with a company. The company is not entitled to

assert in proceedings in relation to the dealings that any of the

assumptions are incorrect.

(2) A person is entitled to make the assumptions in section 129 in

relation to dealings with another person who has, or purports to

have, directly or indirectly acquired title to property from a

company. The company and the other person are not entitled to

assert in proceedings in relation to the dealings that any of the

assumptions are incorrect.

(3) The assumptions may be made even if an officer or agent of the

company acts fraudulently, or forges a document, in connection

with the dealings.

(4) A person is not entitled to make an assumption in section 129 if at

the time of the dealings they knew or suspected that the assumption

was incorrect.

129 Assumptions that can be made under section 128

Constitution and replaceable rules complied with

(1) A person may assume that the company’s constitution (if any), and

any provisions of this Act that apply to the company as replaceable

rules, have been complied with.

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Chapter 2B Basic features of a company

Part 2B.2 Assumptions people dealing with companies are entitled to make

Section 129

216 Corporations Act 2001

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Director or company secretary

(2) A person may assume that anyone who appears, from information

provided by the company that is available to the public from ASIC,

to be a director or a company secretary of the company:

(a) has been duly appointed; and

(b) has authority to exercise the powers and perform the duties

customarily exercised or performed by a director or company

secretary of a similar company.

Officer or agent

(3) A person may assume that anyone who is held out by the company

to be an officer or agent of the company:

(a) has been duly appointed; and

(b) has authority to exercise the powers and perform the duties

customarily exercised or performed by that kind of officer or

agent of a similar company.

Proper performance of duties

(4) A person may assume that the officers and agents of the company

properly perform their duties to the company.

Document duly executed without seal

(5) A person may assume that a document has been duly executed by

the company if the document appears to have been signed in

accordance with subsection 127(1). For the purposes of making the

assumption, a person may also assume that anyone who signs the

document and states next to their signature that they are the sole

director and sole company secretary of the company occupies both


Document duly executed with seal

(6) A person may assume that a document has been duly executed by

the company if:

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Basic features of a company Chapter 2B

Assumptions people dealing with companies are entitled to make Part 2B.2

Section 130

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(a) the company’s common seal appears to have been fixed to

the document in accordance with subsection 127(2); and

(b) the fixing of the common seal appears to have been

witnessed in accordance with that subsection.

For the purposes of making the assumption, a person may also

assume that anyone who witnesses the fixing of the common seal

and states next to their signature that they are the sole director and

sole company secretary of the company occupies both offices.

Officer or agent with authority to warrant that document is

genuine or true copy

(7) A person may assume that an officer or agent of the company who

has authority to issue a document or a certified copy of a document

on its behalf also has authority to warrant that the document is

genuine or is a true copy.

(8) Without limiting the generality of this section, the assumptions that

may be made under this section apply for the purposes of this


130 Information available to the public from ASIC does not

constitute constructive notice

A person is not taken to have information about a company merely

because the information is available to the public from ASIC.

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Chapter 2B Basic features of a company

Part 2B.3 Contracts before registration

Section 131

218 Corporations Act 2001

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Part 2B.3—Contracts before registration

131 Contracts before registration

(1) If a person enters into, or purports to enter into, a contract on

behalf of, or for the benefit of, a company before it is registered,

the company becomes bound by the contract and entitled to its

benefit if the company, or a company that is reasonably identifiable

with it, is registered and ratifies the contract:

(a) within the time agreed to by the parties to the contract; or

(b) if there is no agreed time—within a reasonable time after the

contract is entered into.

(2) The person is liable to pay damages to each other party to the

pre-registration contract if the company is not registered, or the

company is registered but does not ratify the contract or enter into

a substitute for it:

(a) within the time agreed to by the parties to the contract; or

(b) if there is no agreed time—within a reasonable time after the

contract is entered into.

The amount that the person is liable to pay to a party is the amount

the company would be liable to pay to the party if the company had

ratified the contract and then did not perform it at all.

(3) If proceedings are brought to recover damages under subsection (2)

because the company is registered but does not ratify the

pre-registration contract or enter into a substitute for it, the court

may do anything that it considers appropriate in the circumstances,

including ordering the company to do 1 or more of the following:

(a) pay all or part of the damages that the person is liable to pay;

(b) transfer property that the company received because of the

contract to a party to the contract;

(c) pay an amount to a party to the contract.

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Basic features of a company Chapter 2B

Contracts before registration Part 2B.3

Section 132

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(4) If the company ratifies the pre—registration contract but fails to

perform all or part of it, the court may order the person to pay all or

part of the damages that the company is ordered to pay.

132 Person may be released from liability but is not entitled to


(1) A party to the pre—registration contract may release the person

from all or part of their liability under section 131 to the party by

signing a release.

(2) Despite any rule of law or equity, the person does not have any

right of indemnity against the company in respect of the person’s

liability under this Part. This is so even if the person was acting, or

purporting to act, as trustee for the company.

133 This Part replaces other rights and liabilities

This Part replaces any rights or liabilities anyone would otherwise

have on the pre—registration contract.

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Chapter 2B Basic features of a company

Part 2B.4 Replaceable rules and constitution

Section 134

220 Corporations Act 2001

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Part 2B.4—Replaceable rules and constitution

134 Internal management of companies

A company’s internal management may be governed by provisions

of this Act that apply to the company as replaceable rules, by a

constitution or by a combination of both.

Note: There are additional rules about internal management in ordinary

provisions of this Act and also in the common law.

135 Replaceable rules

Companies to which replaceable rules apply

(1) A section or subsection (except subsection 129(1), this section and

sections 140 and 141) whose heading contains the words:

(a) replaceable rule—applies as a replaceable rule to:

(i) each company that is or was registered after 1 July

1998; and

(ii) any company registered before 1 July 1998 that repeals

or repealed its constitution after that day; and

(b) replaceable rule for proprietary companies and mandatory

rule for public companies—applies:

(i) as a replaceable rule to any proprietary company that is

or was registered after 1 July 1998; and

(ii) as a replaceable rule to any company that is or was

registered after 1 July 1998 and that changes or changed

to a proprietary company (but only while it is a

proprietary company); and

(iii) as a replaceable rule to any proprietary company that is

or was registered before 1 July 1998 that repeals or

repealed its constitution after that day; and

(iv) as an ordinary provision of this Act to any public

company whenever registered.

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Basic features of a company Chapter 2B

Replaceable rules and constitution Part 2B.4

Section 136

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The section or subsection does not apply to a proprietary company

while the same person is both its sole director and sole shareholder.

Note 1: See sections 198E, 201F and 202C for the special provisions that

apply to a proprietary company while the same person is both its sole

director and sole shareholder.

Note 2: A company may include in its constitution (by reference or otherwise)

a replaceable rule that does not otherwise apply to it.

Company’s constitution can displace or modify replaceable rules

(2) A provision of a section or subsection that applies to a company as

a replaceable rule can be displaced or modified by the company’s


Failure to comply with replaceable rules

(3) A failure to comply with the replaceable rules as they apply to a

company is not of itself a contravention of this Act (so the

provisions about criminal liability, civil liability and injunctions do

not apply).

Note: Replaceable rules that apply to a company have effect as a contract

(see section 140).

136 Constitution of a company

(1) A company adopts a constitution:

(a) on registration—if each person specified in the application

for the company’s registration as a person who consents to

become a member agrees in writing to the terms of a

constitution before the application is lodged; or

(b) after registration—if the company passes a special resolution

adopting a constitution or a court order is made under

section 233 that requires the company to adopt the


Note: The Life Insurance Act 1995 has rules about how benefit fund rules

become part of a company’s constitution and about amending those

rules. They override this Act (see section 1348 of this Act).

Consequential amendments to the rest of the company’s constitution

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Chapter 2B Basic features of a company

Part 2B.4 Replaceable rules and constitution

Section 137

222 Corporations Act 2001

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can be made under that Act or this Act (see Subdivision 2 of

Division 4 of Part 2A of that Act).

(2) The company may modify or repeal its constitution, or a provision

of its constitution, by special resolution.

Note: The company may need leave of the Court to modify or repeal its

constitution if it was adopted as the result of a Court order (see

subsection 233(3)).

(3) The company’s constitution may provide that the special resolution

does not have any effect unless a further requirement specified in

the constitution relating to that modification or repeal has been

complied with.

(4) Unless the constitution provides otherwise, the company may

modify or repeal a further requirement described in subsection (3)

only if the further requirement is itself complied with.

(5) A public company must lodge with ASIC a copy of a special

resolution adopting, modifying or repealing its constitution within

14 days after it is passed. The company must also lodge with ASIC

within that period:

(a) if the company adopts a constitution—a copy of that

constitution; or

(b) if the company modifies its constitution—a copy of that


This also applies to a proprietary company that has applied under

Part 2B.7 to change to a public company, while its application has

not yet been determined.

(6) An offence based on subsection (5) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

137 Date of effect of adoption, modification or repeal of constitution

If a new constitution is adopted or an existing constitution is

modified or repealed, that adoption, modification or repeal takes


(a) if it is the result of a special resolution:

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Basic features of a company Chapter 2B

Replaceable rules and constitution Part 2B.4

Section 138

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(i) on the date on which the resolution is passed if it

specified no later date; or

(ii) on a date specified in, or determined in accordance with,

the resolution if the relevant date is later than the date

on which the resolution is passed; or

(b) if it is the result of a Court order made under section 233:

(i) on the date on which the order is made if it specifies no

later date; or

(ii) on a date specified by the order.

138 ASIC may direct company to lodge consolidated constitution

ASIC may direct a company to lodge a consolidated copy of its

constitution with ASIC.

139 Company must send copy of constitution to member

(1) A company must send a copy of its constitution to a member of the

company within 7 days if the member:

(a) asks the company, in writing, for the copy; and

(b) pays any fee (up to the prescribed amount) required by the


(2) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

140 Effect of constitution and replaceable rules

(1) A company’s constitution (if any) and any replaceable rules that

apply to the company have effect as a contract:

(a) between the company and each member; and

(b) between the company and each director and company

secretary; and

(c) between a member and each other member;

under which each person agrees to observe and perform the

constitution and rules so far as they apply to that person.

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Chapter 2B Basic features of a company

Part 2B.4 Replaceable rules and constitution

Section 141

224 Corporations Act 2001

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(2) Unless a member of a company agrees in writing to be bound, they

are not bound by a modification of the constitution made after the

date on which they became a member so far as the modification:

(a) requires the member to take up additional shares; or

(b) increases the member’s liability to contribute to the share

capital of, or otherwise to pay money to, the company; or

(c) imposes or increases restrictions on the right to transfer the

shares already held by the member, unless the modification is


(i) in connection with the company’s change from a public

company to a proprietary company under Part 2B.7; or

(ii) to insert proportional takeover approval provisions into

the company’s constitution.

141 Table of replaceable rules

The following table sets out the provisions of this Act that apply as

replaceable rules.

Provisions that apply as replaceable rules

Officers and Employees

1 Voting and completion of transactions—directors of

proprietary companies


2 Powers of directors 198A

3 Negotiable instruments 198B

4 Managing director 198C

5 Company may appoint a director 201G

6 Directors may appoint other directors 201H

7 Appointment of managing directors 201J

8 Alternate directors 201K

9 Remuneration of directors 202A

10 Director may resign by giving written notice to company 203A

11 Removal by members—proprietary company 203C

12 Termination of appointment of managing director 203F

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Replaceable rules and constitution Part 2B.4

Section 141

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Provisions that apply as replaceable rules

13 Terms and conditions of office for secretaries 204F

Inspection of books

14 Company or directors may allow member to inspect books 247D

Director’s Meetings

15 Circulating resolutions of companies with more than 1 director 248A

16 Calling directors’ meetings 248C

17 Chairing directors’ meetings 248E

18 Quorum at directors’ meetings 248F

19 Passing of directors’ resolutions 248G

Meetings of members

20 Calling of meetings of members by a director 249C

21 Notice to joint members 249J(2)

22 When notice by post or fax is given 249J(4)

22A When notice under paragraph 249J(3)(cb) is given 249J(5)

23 Notice of adjourned meetings 249M

24 Quorum 249T

25 Chairing meetings of members 249U

26 Business at adjourned meetings 249W(2)

27 Who can appoint a proxy

[replaceable rule for proprietary companies only]


28 Proxy vote valid even if member dies, revokes appointment



29 How many votes a member has 250E

30 Jointly held shares 250F

31 Objections to right to vote 250G

32 How voting is carried out 250J

33 When and how polls must be taken 250M


33A Pre-emption for existing shareholders on issue of shares

in proprietary company


33B Other provisions about paying dividends 254U

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Chapter 2B Basic features of a company

Part 2B.4 Replaceable rules and constitution

Section 141

226 Corporations Act 2001

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Provisions that apply as replaceable rules

34 Dividend rights for shares in proprietary companies 254W(2)

Transfer of shares

35 Transmission of shares on death 1072A

36 Transmission of shares on bankruptcy 1072B

37 Transmission of shares on mental incapacity 1072D

38 Registration of transfers 1072F

39 Additional general discretion for directors of proprietary

companies to refuse to register transfers


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Basic features of a company Chapter 2B

Registered office and places of business Part 2B.5

Section 142

Corporations Act 2001 227

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Part 2B.5—Registered office and places of business

142 Registered office

(1) A company must have a registered office in this jurisdiction.

Communications and notices to the company may be addressed to

its registered office.

Note 1: A document may be served on a company by leaving it at, or posting

it to, the company’s registered office (see subsection 109X(1)).

Note 2: Communications and notices from ASIC may also be addressed to the

company’s contact address (see section 146A).

(2) A company must lodge notice of a change of address of its

registered office with ASIC not later than 28 days after the date on

which the change occurs. The notice must be in the prescribed


Note: If the company is not to be the occupier of premises at the address of

its new registered office, the notice must state that the occupier has

consented to the address being specified in the notice and has not

withdrawn that consent (see section 100).

(2A) An offence based on subsection (1) or (2) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(3) A notice of change of address takes effect from the later of:

(a) the seventh day after the notice was lodged; or

(b) a later day specified in the notice as the date from which the

change is to take effect.

143 ASIC may change address of registered office to a director’s


(1) A company that does not occupy the premises at the address of its

registered office must be able to show to ASIC the occupier’s

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Part 2B.5 Registered office and places of business

Section 144

228 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

written consent to the company’s use of those premises as its

registered office.

Note: ASIC can require the company to produce the consent (see

section 100).

(1A) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(2) If ASIC becomes aware that the occupier of those premises:

(a) has not consented to the use of the premises as the address of

the company’s registered office; or

(b) has withdrawn the consent;

ASIC may give written notice to a director of the company who

resides in this jurisdiction that ASIC intends to change the address

of the company’s registered office to the director’s address.

(3) If ASIC is not notified of the address of the company’s proposed

new registered office under subsection 142(2) within 28 days after

the notice under subsection (2) is sent, ASIC may change the

address of the company’s registered office to the director’s address.

144 Company’s name must be displayed at registered office etc.

(1) A company must display its name prominently at every place at

which the company carries on business and that is open to the


(2) A public company must also display its name and the words

“Registered Office” prominently at its registered office.

(3) An offence based on subsection (1) or (2) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

145 Opening hours of registered office of public company

(1) The registered office of a public company must be open to the


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Basic features of a company Chapter 2B

Registered office and places of business Part 2B.5

Section 146

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(a) each business day from at least 10 am to 12 noon and from at

least 2 pm to 4 pm; or

(b) at least 3 hours chosen by the company between 9 am and 5

pm each business day.

(2) If the company chooses its own opening hours, the hours must be


(a) if the company is to have its own opening hours from its

registration—in the application for registration of the

company under section 117 (normal registration process) or

the notice lodged under section 5H (registration of body as

company on basis of State or Territory law); or

(b) if the company changes its opening hours after its

registration—in the most recent notice of change of opening

hours lodged with ASIC under subsection (3).

(3) The company must lodge notice of a change in the opening hours

of its registered office with ASIC before the day on which a change

occurs. The notice must be in the prescribed form.

(4) An offence based on subsection (1) or (3) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

146 Change of address of principal place of business

(1) A company must lodge with ASIC notice of a change of the

address of its principal place of business not later than 28 days

after the date on which the change occurs. The notice must be in

the prescribed form.

(2) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

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Chapter 2B Basic features of a company

Part 2B.5 Registered office and places of business

Section 146A

230 Corporations Act 2001

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146A Contact address

(1) A company may have a contact address (whether or not in this

jurisdiction). Communications and notices from ASIC to the

company may be addressed to its contact address.

(2) If a company is to have a contact address, the company must lodge

notice of the address in the prescribed form.

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Basic features of a company Chapter 2B

Names Part 2B.6

Selecting and using a name Division 1

Section 147

Corporations Act 2001 231

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 2B.6—Names

Division 1—Selecting and using a name

147 When a name is available

Name is available unless identical or unacceptable

(1) A name is available to a company unless the name is:

(a) identical (under rules set out in the regulations) to a name

that is reserved or registered under this Act for another body;


(b) identical (under rules set out in the regulations) to a name

that is held or registered on the Business Names Register in

respect of another individual or body who is not the person

applying to have the name; or

(c) unacceptable for registration under the regulations.

Minister may consent to a name being available to a company

(2) The Minister may consent in writing to a name being available to a

company even if the name is:

(a) identical to a name that is reserved or registered under this

Act for another body; or

(b) unacceptable for registration under the regulations.

(3) The Minister’s consent may be given subject to conditions.

Note: If the company breaches a condition, ASIC may direct it to change its

name under section 158.

(4) The regulations may specify that a particular unacceptable name is

available to a company if:

(a) a specified public authority, or an instrumentality or agency

of the Crown in right of the Commonwealth, a State or an

internal Territory has consented to the company using or

assuming the name; or

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Chapter 2B Basic features of a company

Part 2B.6 Names

Division 1 Selecting and using a name

Section 148

232 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) the company is otherwise permitted to use or assume the

name by or under:

(i) an Act of the Commonwealth, a State or an internal

Territory; or

(ii) a specified provision of an Act of the Commonwealth, a

State or an internal Territory.

The consent of the authority, instrumentality or agency may be

given subject to conditions.

Note: If the consent is withdrawn, the company ceases to be permitted or the

company breaches a condition, ASIC may direct it to change its name

under section 158.

148 A company’s name

Company may use available name or ACN

(1) A company may have as its name:

(a) an available name; or

(b) the expression “Australian Company Number” followed by

the company’s ACN.

The name must also include the words required by subsection (2)

or (3).

Limited companies

(2) A limited public company must have the word “Limited” at the end

of its name unless section 150 or 151 applies. A limited proprietary

company must have the words “Proprietary Limited” at the end of

its name.

Unlimited proprietary companies

(3) An unlimited proprietary company must have the word

“Proprietary” at the end of its name.

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Names Part 2B.6

Selecting and using a name Division 1

Section 149

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No liability companies

(4) A no liability company must have the words “No Liability” at the

end of its name.

Public companies with “Proprietary” included in their name

(5) A public company must not include the word “Proprietary” (or an

abbreviation of it) in its name unless:

(a) it was a public company before 1 July 1998; and

(b) the word “Proprietary” (or an abbreviation of it) was

included in its name before 1 July 1998.

(6) An offence based on subsection (2), (3), (4) or (5) is an offence of

strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

149 Acceptable abbreviations

(1) The abbreviations set out in the following table may be used:

(a) instead of words that this Act requires to be part of a

company’s name or to be included in a document or on a

company’s common seal; and

(b) instead of words that are part of a company’s name; and

(c) with or without full stops.

Acceptable abbreviations [operative table]

Word Abbreviation

1 Company Co or Coy

2 Proprietary Pty

3 Limited Ltd

4 No Liability NL

5 Australian Aust

6 Number No

7 and &

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Chapter 2B Basic features of a company

Part 2B.6 Names

Division 1 Selecting and using a name

Section 150

234 Corporations Act 2001

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Acceptable abbreviations [operative table]

Word Abbreviation

8 Australian Company Number ACN

9 Australian Business Number ABN

(2) If a company’s name includes any of these abbreviations, the word

corresponding to the abbreviation may be used instead.

150 Exception to requirement for using “Limited” in name


(1) A company is not required to have the word “Limited” at the end

of its name if:

(a) the company is registered under the Australian Charities and

Not-for-profits Commission Act 2012 as the type of entity

mentioned in column 1 of item 1 of the table in

subsection 25-5(5) of that Act (charity); and

(b) the company’s constitution:

(i) prohibits the company paying fees to its directors; and

(ii) requires the directors to approve all other payments the

company makes to directors.

(2) A company that, in accordance with subsection (1), does not have

“Limited” at the end of its name must notify ASIC as soon as

practicable if:

(a) the company ceases to be registered as mentioned in

paragraph (1)(a); or

(b) any of the prohibitions or requirements mentioned in

paragraph (1)(b) are not complied with or the company’s

constitution is modified to remove any of those prohibitions

or requirements.

(3) An offence based on subsection (2) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

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Names Part 2B.6

Selecting and using a name Division 1

Section 151

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(4) Paragraph 157(1)(a) (company must pass special resolution to

change name) does not apply to a change of the name of a

company to omit the word “Limited” in accordance with this


Name may be stated without “Limited”

(5) If a company:

(a) has the word “Limited” at the end of its name; but

(b) under subsection (1), is not required to do so;

the word “Limited” may be omitted anywhere that the name of the

company is required to be used (including on the company’s

common seal).

151 Exception to requirement for using “Limited” in name—

pre-existing licences

(1) A licence that:

(a) allowed a company to omit “Limited” from its name; and

(b) was in force immediately before 1 July 1998; and

(c) was in force immediately before the commencement of this


continues in force subject to subsection (3).

(2) The company must notify ASIC as soon as practicable if it:

(a) breaches a condition of the licence; or

(b) pursues objects or purposes that would have prevented it

being granted the licence; or

(c) applies its profits or other income to promote objects or

purposes that would have prevented it being granted the

licence; or

(d) pays a dividend to its members; or

(e) modifies its constitution to allow it to do anything set out in

paragraphs (a) to (d).

(2AA) If:

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Chapter 2B Basic features of a company

Part 2B.6 Names

Division 1 Selecting and using a name

Section 152

236 Corporations Act 2001

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(a) a company holds a licence that is in force under this section;


(b) either the licence or the company’s constitution requires a

modification to the constitution to have previously been

submitted to, and approved by:

(i) the Minister; or

(ii) another Minister of the Commonwealth, a State or a

Territory; or

(iii) an officer, instrumentality or agency of the

Commonwealth, a State or a Territory;

then the licence or constitution (as the case requires) is taken

instead to require the company to notify ASIC as soon as

practicable of the modification.

(2A) An offence based on subsection (2) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(3) ASIC may revoke the company’s licence if:

(a) the company does anything set out in paragraphs (2)(a) to (e);


(b) the company fails to notify ASIC in accordance with

subsection (2AA).

152 Reserving a name

(1) A person may lodge an application in the prescribed form with

ASIC to reserve a name for a company. If the name is available,

ASIC must reserve it.

Note: For available names, see section 147.

(2) The reservation lasts for 2 months from the date when the

application was lodged. An applicant may ask ASIC in writing for

an extension of the reservation during a period that the name is

reserved, and ASIC may extend the reservation for 2 months.

(3) ASIC must cancel a reservation if the applicant asks ASIC in

writing to do so.

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Basic features of a company Chapter 2B

Names Part 2B.6

Selecting and using a name Division 1

Section 153

Corporations Act 2001 237

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

153 Using a name and ACN on documents

(1) A company must set out its name on all its public documents and

negotiable instruments.

(2) Subject to sections 154 and 155, if the company’s ACN is not used

in its name, the company must also set out with its name, or with 1

of the references to its name, either:

(a) the expression “Australian Company Number” followed by

the company’s ACN; or

(b) if the last 9 digits of the company’s ABN are the same, and in

the same order, as the last 9 digits of its ACN—the words

“Australian Business Number” followed by the company’s


If the company’s name appears on 2 or more pages of the

document or instrument, this must be done on the first of those


Note 1: If a company has a common seal, its name and ACN or ABN must be

set out on the seal (see section 123).

Note 2: A public company must display its name at its registered office. Every

company must display its name at places at which the company carries

on business and that are open to the public (see section 144).

Note 3: Section 149 provides that “ACN” is an acceptable abbreviation of

“Australian Company Number”, and that “ABN” is an acceptable

abbreviation of “Australian Business Number”.

Note 4: In any case where the company’s ACN would be used, the company’s

ABN may be used instead if section 1344 is satisfied.

(3) An offence based on subsection (1) or (2) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

154 Exception to requirement to have ACN on receipts

A company does not have to set out the expression “Australian

Company Number” followed by its ACN on a receipt (for example,

a cash register receipt) that sets out information recorded in the

machine that produced the receipt.

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Chapter 2B Basic features of a company

Part 2B.6 Names

Division 1 Selecting and using a name

Section 155

238 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

155 Regulations may exempt from requirement to set out

information on documents

The regulations may exempt a specified company, or a class of

companies, from the requirement in subsection 153(2) to set out

information on its public documents and negotiable instruments.

The exemption may relate to specified documents or instruments,

or a class of documents or instruments.

156 Carrying on business using “Limited”, “No Liability” or

“Proprietary” in name

(1) A person must not carry on business in this jurisdiction under a

name or title that:

(a) has the words “Limited” or “No Liability” (or an

abbreviation of those words) at the end; or

(b) includes the word “Proprietary” (or an abbreviation of it).

(2) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(3) Subsection (1) does not apply to the extent that the person is

allowed or required to carry on business in this jurisdiction under

the name or title under a law of the Commonwealth or a law of a

State or Territory in this jurisdiction.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in

subsection (3), see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

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Basic features of a company Chapter 2B

Names Part 2B.6

Changing a company’s name Division 2

Section 157

Corporations Act 2001 239

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 2—Changing a company’s name

157 Company changing its name

(1) If a company wants to change its name, it must:

(a) pass a special resolution adopting a new name; and

(b) lodge an application in the prescribed form with ASIC.

Note: The company may reserve a name before the resolution is passed or

the application is lodged (see section 152).

(2) The company must lodge a copy of the special resolution with

ASIC within 14 days after it is passed.

(2A) An offence based on subsection (2) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(3) If the proposed name is available, ASIC must change the

company’s name by altering the details of the company’s

registration to reflect the change. The change of name takes effect

when ASIC alters the details of the company’s registration.

Note: For available names, see section 147.

157A Change of name of company under external administration

Application by liquidator

(1) The liquidator of a company that is being wound up may lodge an

application with ASIC to change the name of the company if the

liquidator is satisfied that the proposed change of name is in the

interests of the creditors of the company as a whole.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a members’ voluntary winding up.

Application by administrator

(3) The administrator of a company under administration may lodge an

application with ASIC to change the name of the company if the

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Chapter 2B Basic features of a company

Part 2B.6 Names

Division 2 Changing a company’s name

Section 157A

240 Corporations Act 2001

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administrator is satisfied that the proposed change of name is in the

interests of the creditors of the company as a whole.

Application by deed administrator

(4) The administrator of a deed of company arrangement may lodge an

application with ASIC to change the name of the company if the

administrator is satisfied that the proposed change of name is in the

interests of the creditors of the company as a whole.

Application by managing controller

(5) If:

(a) a person is the managing controller of property of a

company; and

(b) the person is entitled to enforce a security interest in the

whole, or substantially the whole, of the company’s property;

the person may lodge an application with ASIC to change the name

of the company if the person is satisfied that the proposed change

of name is in the interests of the creditors of the company as a


Application by receiver

(6) If:

(a) a person is a receiver of property of a company; and

(b) the property subject to the receivership consists of, or

includes, goodwill in relation to the name of the company;

the person may lodge an application with ASIC to change the name

of the company if the person is satisfied that the proposed change

of name is in the interests of the creditors of the company as a


Change of name

(7) If:

(a) an application is lodged under subsection (1), (3), (4), (5) or

(6); and

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Basic features of a company Chapter 2B

Names Part 2B.6

Changing a company’s name Division 2

Section 158

Corporations Act 2001 241

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(b) the proposed name is available;

ASIC must change the company’s name by altering the details of

the company’s registration to reflect the change. The change of

name takes effect when ASIC alters the details of the company’s


Note: For available names, see section 147.

158 ASIC’s power to direct company to change its name

(1) ASIC may direct a company in writing to change its name within 2

months if:

(a) the name should not have been registered; or

(b) the company has breached a condition under

subsection 147(3) on the availability of the name; or

(c) a consent given under subsection 147(4) to use or assume the

name has been withdrawn; or

(d) the company has breached a condition on a consent given

under subsection 147(4); or

(e) the company ceases to be permitted to use or assume the

name (as referred to in paragraph 147(4)(b)).

(2) The company must comply with the direction within 2 months after

being given it by doing everything necessary to change its name

under section 157.

(2A) An offence based on subsection (2) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(3) If the company does not comply with subsection (2), ASIC may

change the company’s name to its ACN and any other words that

section 148 requires, by altering the details of the company’s

registration to reflect the change.

(4) A change of name under subsection (3) takes effect when ASIC

alters the details of the company’s registration.

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Chapter 2B Basic features of a company

Part 2B.6 Names

Division 2 Changing a company’s name

Section 159

242 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

159 ASIC’s power to include “Limited” in company’s name

(1) ASIC may change a company’s name so that it includes the word

“Limited” by altering the details of the company’s registration to

reflect the change if:

(a) the company contravenes any of the requirements or

prohibitions in its constitution referred to in

subsection 150(1); or

(b) the company modifies its constitution to remove any of those

requirements or prohibitions; or

(c) ASIC revokes a licence referred to in section 151 that applies

to the company.

(2) The change of name takes effect when ASIC alters the details of

the company’s registration.

160 ASIC must issue new certificate if company’s name changes

If ASIC changes a company’s name, it must give the company a

new certificate of registration. The company’s new name is the

name specified in the certificate of registration issued under this


Note: For the evidentiary value of a certificate of registration, see

subsection 1274(7A).

161 Effect of name change

(1) A change of company name does not:

(a) create a new legal entity; or

(b) affect the company’s existing property, rights or obligations;


(c) render defective any legal proceedings by or against the


(2) Any legal proceedings that could have been continued or begun by

or against the company in its former name may be continued or

begun by or against it in its new name.

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Basic features of a company Chapter 2B

Names Part 2B.6

Changing a company’s name Division 2

Section 161A

Corporations Act 2001 243

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

161A Company under external administration—former name to be

used on documents

(1) This section applies to a company if:

(a) any of the following conditions is satisfied:

(i) the company is being wound up;

(ii) the company is under administration;

(iii) the company has executed a deed of company

arrangement that has not yet terminated;

(iv) there is a managing controller of property of the


(v) there is a receiver of property of the company; and

(b) any of the following conditions is satisfied:

(i) a change of the company’s name takes effect;

(ii) in the case of a company that is being wound up—a

change of the company’s name took effect during the

6-month period ending immediately before the relevant


(iii) in the case of a company under administration—a

change of the company’s name took effect during the

6-month period ending immediately before the

administration began;

(iv) in the case of a company that has executed a deed of

company arrangement—a change of the company’s

name took effect during the 6-month period ending

immediately before the beginning of the administration

that ended when the deed was executed;

(v) in the case of a company where there is a managing

controller—a change in the company’s name took effect

during the 6-month period ending immediately before

the appointment of the managing controller;

(vi) in the case of a company where there is a receiver—a

change in the company’s name took effect during the

6-month period ending immediately before the

appointment of the receiver.

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Chapter 2B Basic features of a company

Part 2B.6 Names

Division 2 Changing a company’s name

Section 161A

244 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(2) If subparagraph (1)(b)(i) applies, the company must set out its

former name on all its public documents and negotiable


(3) If subparagraph (1)(b)(ii), (iii), (iv), (v) or (vi) applies, then, except

with the leave of the Court, the company must set out its former

name on all its public documents and negotiable instruments.

(4) An offence based on subsection (2) or (3) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(5) The regulations may exempt a specified company, or a class of

companies, from the requirement in subsection (2) or (3). The

exemption may relate to specified documents or instruments, or a

specified class of documents or instruments.

(6) The Court may only grant leave under subsection (3) on the

application of:

(a) if subparagraph (1)(b)(ii) applies—the liquidator of the

company; or

(b) if subparagraph (1)(b)(iii) applies—the administrator of the

company; or

(c) if subparagraph (1)(b)(iv) applies—the administrator of the

deed of company arrangement; or

(d) if subparagraph (1)(b)(v) applies—the managing controller;


(e) if subparagraph (1)(b)(vi) applies—the receiver.

(6A) As soon as practicable after applying for leave under

subsection (3), the applicant must lodge with ASIC a notice stating

that the application has been made. The notice must be in the

prescribed form.

(7) The Court may only grant leave under subsection (3) if it is

satisfied that the granting of leave will not result in any significant

risk to the interests of the company’s creditors (including

contingent or prospective creditors) as a whole.

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Basic features of a company Chapter 2B

Changing company type Part 2B.7

Section 162

Corporations Act 2001 245

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 2B.7—Changing company type

162 Changing company type

(1) A company may change to a company of a different type as set out

in the following table by:

(a) passing a special resolution resolving to change its type; and

(b) complying with sections 163 and 164.

Allowed conversions [operative table]

This type of company may change… …to this type of company

1 proprietary company limited by shares unlimited proprietary company

unlimited public company

public company limited by shares

2 unlimited proprietary company proprietary company limited by

shares (but only if, within the last 3

years, it was not a limited company

that became an unlimited company)

public company limited by shares

(but only if, within the last 3 years, it

was not a limited company that

became an unlimited company)

unlimited public company

3 public company limited by shares unlimited public company

unlimited proprietary company

proprietary company limited by


no liability company (see

subsection (2))

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Chapter 2B Basic features of a company

Part 2B.7 Changing company type

Section 162

246 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Allowed conversions [operative table]

This type of company may change… …to this type of company

4 company limited by guarantee public company limited by shares

unlimited public company

proprietary company limited by


unlimited proprietary company

5 unlimited public company public company limited by shares

(but only if, within the last 3 years, it

was not a limited company that

became an unlimited company)

proprietary company limited by

shares (but only if, within the last 3

years, it was not a limited company

that became an unlimited company)

unlimited proprietary company

6 public no liability company public company limited by shares

(but only if all the issued shares are

fully paid up)

proprietary company limited by

shares (but only if all the issued

shares are fully paid up)

Note 1: A public company seeking to change to a proprietary company must

comply with the requirements for proprietary companies set out in

section 113.

Note 2: Other types of companies that were previously allowed can change

type under the Part 10.1 transitionals.

(2) A public company limited by shares may only convert to a no

liability company if:

(a) the company’s constitution states that its sole objects are

mining purposes; and

(b) under the constitution the company has no contractual right

to recover calls made on its shares from a shareholder who

fails to pay them; and

(c) all the company’s issued shares are fully paid up.

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Changing company type Part 2B.7

Section 163

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Note: Section 9 defines mining purposes and minerals.

(3) The company must lodge a copy of the special resolution with

ASIC within 14 days after it is passed.

(3A) An offence based on subsection (3) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(4) A special resolution to change an unlimited company that has share

capital to a company limited by shares may also provide that a

specified portion of its uncalled share capital may only be called up

if the company becomes a Chapter 5 body corporate.

163 Applying for change of type

Lodging application

(1) To change its type, a company must lodge an application with


Contents of the application

(2) The application must be accompanied by the following:

(a) a copy of:

(i) the special resolution that resolves to change the type of

the company, specifies the new type and the company’s

new name (if a change of name is necessary); and

(ii) any other special resolution passed in connection with

the change of type;

(b) for a company limited by guarantee changing to a company

limited by shares:

(i) a statement signed by the directors of the company that

in their opinion the company’s creditors are not likely to

be materially prejudiced by the change of type and that

sets out their reasons for that opinion; and

(ii) any special resolution dealing with an issue of shares

according to section 167;

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Part 2B.7 Changing company type

Section 163

248 Corporations Act 2001

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(c) for a company limited by shares or a company limited by

guarantee changing to an unlimited company:

(i) an assent to the change of type in the prescribed form

signed by all the members of the company; and

(ii) a statement signed by a director or a company secretary

of the company that all the members of the company

have signed the assent;

(d) for a proprietary company changing to a public company:

(i) a consolidated copy of the company’s constitution (if

any) as at the date of lodgment; and

(ii) a copy of each document (including an agreement or

consent) or resolution that is necessary to ascertain the

rights attached to issued or unissued shares of the


Note 1: The company must lodge a copy of any special resolution modifying

its constitution passed after the application is lodged (see

subsection 136(5)).

Note 2: The company must lodge information relating to any change of rights

attached to its shares, or any division or conversion of its shares into

new classes, occurring after the application is lodged (see

section 246F).

Company limited by guarantee to company limited by shares

(3) If shares will be issued to persons under paragraph 166(2)(c) on the

change of type from a company limited by guarantee to a company

limited by shares, the application must state:

(a) that the company has prepared a list that sets out the

following details about each person to whom the shares will

be issued:

(i) name and address;

(ii) the number and class of shares the person will take up;

(iii) the amount (if any) the person will pay for the shares;

(iv) the amount (if any) that will be unpaid on the shares;


(b) the number and class of shares those persons will take up;


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Changing company type Part 2B.7

Section 163

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(c) the amount (if any) those persons will pay for the shares; and

(ca) the amount (if any) that will be unpaid on the shares; and

(d) if the shares will be issued for non-cash consideration—the

prescribed particulars about the issue of the shares, unless the

shares will be issued under a written contract and a copy of

the contract is lodged with the application; and

(e) that each of those persons who is not a member of the

company when the application is made consents in writing to

the inclusion in the list of the details about them that are

referred to in paragraph (a).

The shares may be issued to existing members only, to new

members only or to existing and new members.

Note: An offer of shares associated with a proposed change of type may

need disclosure to investors under Part 6D.2 (see sections 706, 707,

708, 708AA and 708A).

(3A) For a company changing to a proprietary company, if any of the

particulars in the register kept by the company under section 169

and mentioned in paragraph 178A(1)(b) are different from the

particulars set out:

(a) in the latest extract of particulars received by the company;


(b) if the company responded to the latest extract it received—in

the company’s extract taken together with the company’s

response to the extract;

the application must set out those different particulars in addition

to the other information required by this section.

(3B) If the company has more than 20 members, the company is only

required to set out the different particulars under subsection (3A)

that relate to a person who is a top 20 member of a class of the


Note: See also section 107.

(3C) If subsection (3A) applies and any details mentioned in

subsection 178C(1) are different from the details set out:

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Chapter 2B Basic features of a company

Part 2B.7 Changing company type

Section 164

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(a) in the latest extract of particulars received by the company;


(b) if the company responded to the latest extract it received—in

the company’s extract taken together with the company’s

response to the extract;

the application must set out those different details as well.

(4) The application must be in the prescribed form.

(5) The company must have the consents referred to in

paragraph (3)(e) (if any) when the application is lodged. The

company must keep the consents.

(6) An offence based on subsection (5) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

164 ASIC changes type of company

(1) ASIC must give notice under subsection (3) that it intends to alter

the details of the company’s registration if:

(a) ASIC is satisfied that:

(i) the application complies with section 163; and

(ii) for an application by a company limited by guarantee to

change to a company limited by shares—the company’s

creditors are not likely to be materially prejudiced by

the change; and

(b) for an application by a company limited by guarantee to

change to a company limited by shares that is accompanied

by a copy of a special resolution dealing with an issue of

shares according to section 167—ASIC is not of the opinion

that the obligations that would attach to the shares are

unreasonable compared with the obligations that attach to

membership of the company limited by guarantee.

(2) To make a decision under subparagraph (1)(a)(ii), ASIC may direct

the company in writing to:

(a) notify some or all of its creditors of the proposed change in

the way ASIC specifies; and

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Changing company type Part 2B.7

Section 164

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(b) invite those creditors to make submissions to ASIC.

(3) The notice that ASIC intends to alter the details of the company’s

registration must be:

(a) included on ASIC database; and

(b) published in the Gazette.

The notice must also state that ASIC will alter the details of the

company’s registration 1 month after the notice has been published

in the Gazette unless an order by a court or the Administrative

Appeals Tribunal prevents it from doing so.

(4) Subject to an order made by a court or the Administrative Appeals

Tribunal within that month, after that month has passed ASIC must

alter the details of the company’s registration to reflect the

company’s new type.

(5) A change of type under this section takes effect when ASIC alters

the details of the company’s registration. Despite

subsection 246D(3) and section 246E, a special resolution passed

in connection with the change of type also takes effect when ASIC

alters the details of the company’s registration.

(6) ASIC must give the company a new certificate of registration after

it alters the details of the company’s registration. The company’s

name is the name specified in the certificate of registration issued

under this section.

Note: For the evidentiary value of a certificate of registration, see

subsection 1274(7A).

(7) If ASIC alters the details of a company’s registration under

subsection (4), a court is not to make an order reversing the

alteration of the details of the company’s registration.

Note: The Administrative Appeals Tribunal cannot review the change of the

company’s type once ASIC has issued a new certificate of registration

to the company (see subsection 1274(7A) and paragraph 1317C(b)).

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Part 2B.7 Changing company type

Section 165

252 Corporations Act 2001

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165 ASIC may direct a proprietary company to change to a public

company in certain circumstances

(1) ASIC may direct a proprietary company in writing to change to a

public company within 2 months if it is satisfied that the company

has contravened section 113 (requirements for proprietary


(2) The company must comply with the direction within 2 months after

being given it by doing everything necessary to change to a public

company under section 164.

(2A) An offence based on subsection (2) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(3) If a proprietary company does not comply with subsection (2),

ASIC may change the company from a proprietary to a public

company by altering the details of the company’s registration to

reflect the company’s new type.

(4) A change of type under this section takes effect when ASIC alters

the details of the company’s registration.

(5) ASIC must give the company a new certificate of registration after

it alters the details of the company’s registration under

subsection (3). The company’s name is the name specified in the

certificate of registration issued under this section.

Note: For the evidentiary value of a certificate of registration, see

subsection 1274(7A).

166 Effect of change of type

(1) A change of type does not:

(a) create a new legal entity; or

(b) affect the company’s existing property, rights or obligations

(except as against the members of the company in their

capacity as members); or

(c) render defective any legal proceedings by or against the

company or its members.

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Changing company type Part 2B.7

Section 167

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(2) On the change of type of a company from a company limited by

guarantee to a company limited by shares:

(a) the liability of each member and past member as a guarantor

on the winding up of the company is extinguished; and

(b) the members cease to be members of the company; and

(c) if shares are to be issued to a person as specified in the list

referred to in subsection 163(3):

(i) the shares are taken to be issued to that person; and

(ii) the person is taken to have consented to be a member of

the company; and

(iii) the person becomes a member of the company.

Note: The company must maintain a register of members that complies with

subsection 169(3).

167 Issue of shares by company or holding company—company

limited by guarantee changing to company limited by


(1) If:

(a) a company limited by guarantee changes type under this Part

to a company limited by shares; and

(b) that company, or another company that beneficially owns all

the shares in that company, issues shares to a person who was

a member of that company immediately before the change of

type took effect;

the person becomes a member of the company issuing the shares if:

(c) the issue of the shares is in accordance with the special

resolution that accompanied the application to change type

under subparagraph 163(2)(a)(ii); and

(d) the shares are fully paid up; and

(e) the business, assets and liabilities of the issuing company

(together with its subsidiaries) when the shares are issued are

substantially the same as the business, assets and liabilities of

the company changing type (together with its subsidiaries)

immediately before the change of type took effect.

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Chapter 2B Basic features of a company

Part 2B.7 Changing company type

Section 167AA

254 Corporations Act 2001

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(2) If shares are issued according to this section, a court is not to make

an order reversing the issue of the shares.

167AA Application of Part to company limited both by shares and

by guarantee

(1) A company limited both by shares and by guarantee may change to

one of the following types of companies under this Part:

(a) a proprietary company limited by shares;

(b) a public company limited by shares;

(c) a company limited by guarantee.

(2) This Part applies to the change with any modifications that are


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Basic features of a company Chapter 2B

Mutual capital instruments (MCIs) Part 2B.8

Preliminary Division 1

Section 167AB

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Part 2B.8—Mutual capital instruments (MCIs)

Division 1—Preliminary

167AB Simplified outline of this Part

This Part provides for mutual capital instruments (MCIs).

An MCI is a share in a mutual entity that meets requirements

relating to voting rights and other matters. Certain kinds of mutual

entities may issue MCIs and become MCI mutual entities.

Division 3 sets out a special procedure for amending the

constitution of a mutual entity that proposes to issue MCIs.

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Chapter 2B Basic features of a company

Part 2B.8 Mutual capital instruments (MCIs)

Division 2 MCI mutual entities and MCIs

Section 167AC

256 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 2—MCI mutual entities and MCIs

167AC Meaning of MCI mutual entity

A mutual entity is an MCI mutual entity if:

(a) the entity is a public company; and

(b) the entity does not have voting shares (other than MCIs)

quoted on a prescribed financial market; and

(c) the entity is not a registered entity within the meaning of the

Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Act

2012; and

(d) the entity’s constitution states that the entity is intended to be

an MCI mutual entity for the purposes of this Act; and

(e) the entity has issued one or more MCIs.

167AD Meaning of MCI

(1) A share in a mutual entity is an MCI (short for mutual capital

instrument) if:

(a) paragraphs 167AC(a), (b), (c) and (d) apply to the entity; and

(b) the share meets the requirements in sections 167AE and


(2) To avoid doubt, if a share that is an MCI ceases to meet one or

more of those requirements, the share ceases to be an MCI.

(3) Nothing in this Division requires an MCI mutual entity to treat the

holders of MCIs in the same way as members of the entity who do

not hold MCIs.

Note: For example, this Division does not require an MCI mutual entity that

provides services to a class of members to provide those services to

holders of MCIs.

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Basic features of a company Chapter 2B

Mutual capital instruments (MCIs) Part 2B.8

MCI mutual entities and MCIs Division 2

Section 167AE

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167AE MCI requirements—class rights

A share in a mutual entity meets the requirement in this section if

the rights attached to the share can be varied or cancelled only by

special resolution of the company and either:

(a) by special resolution passed at a meeting of the class of

members holding shares in the same class; or

(b) with the written consent of members with at least 75% of the

votes in the class.

167AF MCI requirements—other requirements

A share in a mutual entity meets the requirements in this section if

the entity’s constitution:

(a) provides that the share can only be issued as a fully paid

share; and

(b) provides that dividends in respect of the share are

non-cumulative; and

(c) sets out the rights attached to the share with respect to

participation in surplus assets and profits.

167AG MCIs must be cancelled before MCI mutual entity


A resolution of an MCI mutual entity that would result in the entity

ceasing to be an MCI mutual entity can only take effect if:

(a) there are no MCIs in the entity; or

(b) the resolution provides for each MCI to be cancelled at or

before the time the entity ceases to be an MCI mutual entity

(whether or not the holders of the MCIs to be cancelled are to

receive other securities in respect of those MCIs).

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Chapter 2B Basic features of a company

Part 2B.8 Mutual capital instruments (MCIs)

Division 3 Special procedure for amending constitution of mutual entity that proposes

to issue MCIs

Section 167AH

258 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 3—Special procedure for amending constitution of

mutual entity that proposes to issue MCIs

167AH Purpose and application of this Division

(1) This Division sets out a special procedure for the constitution of a

mutual entity to be amended to provide for the entity to issue


(2) This Division applies to a mutual entity that:

(a) is a public company; and

(b) does not have voting shares quoted on a prescribed financial

market; and

(c) is not a registered entity within the meaning of the Australian

Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Act 2012.

167AI MCI amendment resolution

(1) An MCI amendment resolution is a resolution of the mutual entity

to amend the entity’s constitution for one or more of the following

purposes, and for no other purpose:

(a) to include a statement that the entity is intended to be an MCI

mutual entity for the purposes of this Act;

(b) to provide for the entity to issue MCIs;

(c) to provide for the rights and obligations attached to MCIs;

(d) to make changes that are incidental or ancillary to the

purpose in paragraph (a), (b) or (c).

(2) An MCI amendment resolution must not result in the mutual entity

ceasing to be a mutual entity.

167AJ Procedure for MCI amendment resolution

(1) This section applies to a meeting of the mutual entity’s members if:

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Basic features of a company Chapter 2B

Mutual capital instruments (MCIs) Part 2B.8

Special procedure for amending constitution of mutual entity that proposes to issue

MCIs Division 3

Section 167AJ

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Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(a) notice of an MCI amendment resolution to be proposed at the

meeting is given in accordance with paragraph 249L(1)(c);


(b) the meeting is held during the period of 36 months beginning

on the day this section commences; and

(c) no more than 2 MCI amendment resolutions have been

considered at previous meetings of the mutual entity’s


(2) The MCI amendment resolution:

(a) must be passed at the meeting by at least 75% of the votes

cast by or on behalf of members who are present at the

meeting (including members who have appointed proxies

who are present at the meeting) and entitled to vote on the

resolution; and

(b) if so passed—has effect as a special resolution despite

subsections 136(3) and (4) and anything in the mutual

entity’s constitution.

(3) Despite section 135 and anything in the mutual entity’s

constitution, section 249T (quorum) applies to the meeting to the

extent that the meeting is considering or voting on the MCI

amendment resolution.

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Chapter 2C Registers

Part 2C.1 Registers generally

Section 167A

260 Corporations Act 2001

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Chapter 2C—Registers

Part 2C.1—Registers generally

167A Who is covered by this Chapter

(1) This Chapter covers:

(a) all companies; and

(b) all registered schemes.

(2) A registered scheme’s responsible entity:

(a) must perform the obligations imposed under this Chapter in

respect of the scheme; and

(b) may exercise the powers given by this Chapter in respect of

the scheme.

168 Registers to be maintained

(1) A company or registered scheme must set up and maintain:

(a) a register of members (see section 169); and

(b) if the company or scheme grants options over unissued

shares or interests—a register of option holders and copies of

options documents (see section 170); and

(c) if the company issues debentures—a register of debenture

holders (see section 171).

Note 1A: See also section 672DA (register of relevant interests in listed

company, listed registered scheme or listed notified foreign passport


Note 2: The registers may be kept on computer (see section 1306).

(1A) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(2) For the purposes of this Chapter, choses in action (including an

undertaking) that fall into one of the exceptions in paragraphs (a),

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Registers Chapter 2C

Registers generally Part 2C.1

Section 169

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(b), (e) and (f) of the definition of debenture in section 9 must also

be entered into the register of debenture holders.

169 Register of members

General requirements

(1) The register of members must contain the following information

about each member:

(a) the member’s name and address;

(b) the date on which the entry of the member’s name in the

register is made.

Index to register

(2) If the company or scheme has more than 50 members, the company

or scheme must include in the register an up-to-date index of

members’ names. The index must be convenient to use and allow a

member’s entry in the register to be readily found. A separate

index need not be included if the register itself is kept in a form

that operates effectively as an index.

Companies with share capital

(3) If the company has a share capital, the register must also show:

(a) the date on which every allotment of shares takes place; and

(b) the number of shares in each allotment; and

(c) the shares held by each member; and

(d) the class of shares; and

(e) the share numbers (if any), or share certificate numbers (if

any), of the shares; and

(ea) the amount paid on the shares; and

(eb) whether or not the shares are fully paid; and

(f) the amount unpaid on the shares (if any).

Note 1: Transfers of shares are entered in the register under section 1071D.

Section 1072E deals with the registration of trustees etc. on the death,

incapacity or bankruptcy of the shareholder.

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Chapter 2C Registers

Part 2C.1 Registers generally

Section 169

262 Corporations Act 2001

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Note 2: For the treatment of joint holders see subsection (8).

(4) The register does not have to show the amount unpaid on the

shares (see paragraph (1)(f)) if:

(a) all of the company’s shares were issued before 1 July 1998;


(b) the register continues to show the par values of the shares as

they were immediately before 1 July 1998.

(5) The register does not have to show the amount unpaid on the

shares (see paragraph (1)(f)) if:

(a) all of the company’s shares were issued before 1 July 1998;


(b) the company is not a listed company.

Non-beneficial ownership—companies other than listed companies

(5A) The register of a company that:

(a) has a share capital; and

(b) is neither a listed company (within the meaning of

section 603) nor a company covered by an order under

section 707;

must indicate any shares that a member does not hold beneficially.

Note: See also section 1072H (in particular, subsection 1072H(8) which

contains relevant presumptions about beneficial ownership).

(6) In deciding for the purposes of subsection (5A) whether a member

holds shares beneficially or non-beneficially, the company is to

have regard only to information in notices given to the company

under section 1072H, 672B or 672C.

Proprietary companies that have made CSF offers

(6AA) The register of a proprietary company that has made one or more

CSF offers must also show:

(a) the date on which every issue of shares in the company

pursuant to each CSF offer takes place; and

(b) the number of shares issued pursuant to each CSF offer; and

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Registers Chapter 2C

Registers generally Part 2C.1

Section 169

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(c) the shares issued to each member pursuant to each CSF offer;


(d) the date on which an entity ceases to be a CSF shareholder of

the company for a particular share in the company;

during any period in which the company has one or more CSF


Registered schemes

(6A) The register of a registered scheme must also show:

(a) the date on which every issue of interests takes place; and

(b) the number of interests in each issue; and

(c) the interests held by each member; and

(d) the class of interests; and

(e) the amount paid, or agreed to be considered as paid, on the


Former members

(7) A register of members must also show:

(a) the name and details of each person who stopped being a

member of the company or scheme within the last 7 years;


(b) the date on which the person stopped being a member.

The company or scheme may keep these entries separately from

the rest of the register.

Joint holders

(8) For the purposes of this section:

(a) 2 or more persons who jointly hold shares in the company or

interests in the scheme are taken to be a single member of the

company or scheme in relation to those shares or interests;


(b) 2 or more persons who have given a guarantee jointly are

taken to be a single member of the company.

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Chapter 2C Registers

Part 2C.1 Registers generally

Section 170

264 Corporations Act 2001

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They may also be members of the company or scheme because of

shares or interests that they hold, or a guarantee that they have

given, in their own right or jointly with others.

170 Register of option holders and copies of options documents

(1) The register of option holders must contain the following

information about each holder of options over unissued shares in

the company or unissued interests in the scheme:

(a) the option holder’s name and address;

(b) the date on which the entry of the option holder’s name in the

register is made;

(c) the date of grant of the options;

(d) the number and description of the shares or interests over

which the options were granted;

(e) either:

(i) the period during which the options may be exercised;


(ii) the time at which the options may be exercised;

(f) any event that must happen before the options can be


(g) any consideration for the grant of the options;

(h) any consideration for the exercise of the options or the

method by which that consideration is to be determined.

Because it is a register of the holders of options that are still

exercisable, the register must be updated whenever options are

exercised or expire.

(2) Information about the grant of an option must be entered in the

register within 14 days after the grant of the option.

Copies of options documents

(3) The company or scheme must keep with the register a copy of

every document that grants an option over unissued shares or


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Registers Chapter 2C

Registers generally Part 2C.1

Section 171

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(3A) An offence based on subsection (3) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(3B) Subsection (3) does not apply if the option is listed for quotation on

a prescribed financial market.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in

subsection (3B), see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

(4) The company or scheme must change the register to reflect the

transfer of an option only if the person transferring the option gives

the company or scheme written notice of the transfer.

(5) A failure to comply with this section in relation to an option does

not affect the option itself.

171 Register of debenture holders

(1) The register of debenture holders must contain the following

information about each holder of a debenture:

(a) the debenture holder’s name and address;

(b) the amount of the debentures held.

Note: See subsection 168(2) for the coverage of debenture.

(2) A company’s failure to comply with this section in relation to a

debenture does not affect the debenture itself.

172 Location of registers

(1) A register kept under this Chapter that relates to a company must

be kept at:

(a) the company’s registered office; or

(b) the company’s principal place of business in this jurisdiction;


(c) a place in this jurisdiction (whether of the company or of

someone else) where the work involved in maintaining the

register is done; or

(d) another place in this jurisdiction approved by ASIC.

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Chapter 2C Registers

Part 2C.1 Registers generally

Section 173

266 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(1A) A register kept under this Chapter that relates to a registered

scheme must be kept at:

(a) the responsible entity’s registered office; or

(b) an office at the responsible entity’s principal place of

business in this jurisdiction; or

(c) an office in this jurisdiction (whether of the responsible

entity or of someone else) where the work involved in

maintaining the register is done; or

(d) another office in this jurisdiction approved by ASIC.

Notice to ASIC

(2) The company or scheme must lodge with ASIC a notice of the

address at which the register is kept within 7 days after the register


(a) established at an office that:

(i) is not the registered office of the company or

responsible entity; and

(ii) is not at the principal place of business of the company

or responsible entity in this jurisdiction; or

(b) moved from one place to another.

Notice is not required for moving the register between the

registered office and the principal place of business in this


(3) An offence based on subsection (1), (1A) or (2) is an offence of

strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

173 Right to inspect and get copies

Right to inspect

(1) A company or registered scheme must allow anyone to inspect a

register kept under this Chapter. If the register is not kept on a

computer, the person inspects the register itself. If the register is

kept on a computer, the person inspects the register by computer.

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Registers Chapter 2C

Registers generally Part 2C.1

Section 173

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Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Note: Other provisions that are relevant to the inspection of registers are:

 section 1300 (place and times for inspection)

 section 1301 (the location of documents that are kept on computers)

 section 1306 (form and evidentiary value).

Inspection fees

(2) A member of a company or a registered scheme, a registered

option holder or a registered debenture holder may inspect a

register kept under this Chapter without charge. Other people may

inspect the register only on payment of any fee (up to the

prescribed amount) required by the company or scheme.

Right to get copies

(3) The company or scheme must give a person a copy of the register

(or a part of the register) within 7 days if the person:

(a) makes an application to the company or registered scheme in

accordance with subsection (3A); and

(b) pays any fee (up to the prescribed amount) required by the

company or scheme.

ASIC may allow a longer period to comply with the request. If the

register is kept on a computer, the company or registered scheme

must give the copy to the person in the prescribed form.

(3A) An application is in accordance with this subsection if:

(a) the application states each purpose for which the person is

accessing the copy; and

(b) none of those purposes is a prescribed purpose; and

(c) the application is in the prescribed form.

Note: Sections 137.1 and 137.2 of the Criminal Code create offences for

providing false or misleading information or documents.

(4) A person has the same rights to inspect, and obtain copies of, the

documents kept under subsection 170(3) as the person has in

respect of the register of option holders itself.

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Chapter 2C Registers

Part 2C.1 Registers generally

Section 174

268 Corporations Act 2001

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(5) The company is not required under subsection (1) or (3) to allow a

person to see, or to give a person a copy that contains, share

certificate numbers.

ASIC power in relation to register of debenture holders

(6) ASIC may exempt a company from complying with

subsections (1) and (3) in relation to information in a register of

debenture holders about debentures that are not convertible into

shares or options over unissued shares.

(7) The exemption:

(a) must be in writing; and

(b) may be general or limited; and

(c) may be subject to conditions specified in the exemption.

(8) ASIC must publish a copy of the exemption in the Gazette.

(9) A person must not contravene a condition of the exemption.

(9A) An offence based on subsection (1), (3) or (9) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(10) On application by ASIC, the Court may order a person who

contravenes a condition of the exemption to comply with the


174 Agent’s obligations

(1) A person who agrees to maintain a register on behalf of a company

or registered scheme for the purposes of this Chapter must:

(a) make the register available for inspection under this Chapter;


(b) provide the copies required by this Chapter.

(2) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

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Registers Chapter 2C

Registers generally Part 2C.1

Section 175

Corporations Act 2001 269

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

175 Correction of registers

(1) A company or registered scheme or a person aggrieved may apply

to the Court to have a register kept by the company or scheme

under this Part corrected.

(2) If the Court orders the company or scheme to correct the register, it

may also order the company or scheme to compensate a party to

the application for loss or damage suffered.

(3) If:

(a) the Court orders a company or scheme to correct its register

of members; and

(b) the company or scheme has lodged a list of its members with


the company or scheme must lodge notice of the correction with


Note: A proprietary company may also have to notify certain particulars

under Part 2C.2 of this Chapter.

176 Evidentiary value of registers

In the absence of evidence to the contrary, a register kept under

this Chapter is proof of the matters shown in the register under this


177 Use of information on registers

(1) A person must not:

(a) use information about a person obtained from a register kept

under this Chapter to contact or send material to the person;


(b) disclose information of that kind knowing that the

information is likely to be used to contact or send material to

the person.

Note: An example of using information to send material to a person is

putting a person’s name and address on a mailing list for advertising


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Chapter 2C Registers

Part 2C.1 Registers generally

Section 178

270 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(1AA) A person must not:

(a) use information obtained from a register kept under this

Chapter for any purpose prescribed by regulations made for

the purposes of paragraph 173(3A)(b); or

(b) disclose information of that kind knowing that the

information is likely to be used for any such purpose.

(1A) Subsection (1) does not apply if the use or disclosure of the

information is:

(a) relevant to the holding of the interests recorded in the register

or the exercise of the rights attaching to them; or

(b) approved by the company or scheme.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in

subsection (1A), see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

(1B) An offence based on subsection (1) or (1AA) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(2) A person who contravenes subsection (1) or (1AA) is liable to

compensate anyone else who suffers loss or damage because of the


(3) A person who makes a profit from a contravention of

subsection (1) or (1AA) owes a debt to the company or the scheme.

The amount of the debt is the amount of the profit.

(4) If a person owes a debt under subsection (3) to the scheme:

(a) the debt may be recovered by the responsible entity as a debt

due to it; and

(b) any amount paid or recovered in respect of the debt forms

part of the scheme property.

178 Overseas branch registers—companies

(1) A company may keep a branch register of members of the

company at a place outside Australia.

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Registers Chapter 2C

Registers generally Part 2C.1

Section 178AA

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(2) If a company keeps an overseas branch register under

subsection (1):

(a) the company must keep the branch register in the same

manner as this Act requires the company to keep the register

kept under section 169 (the principal register); and

(b) the company must enter in the principal register the details

contained in the branch register; and

(c) the company must distinguish shares that are registered in the

branch register from the shares registered in the principal


178AA Overseas branch registers—Australian passport funds

(1) An Australian passport fund may keep a branch register of

members of the fund outside Australia.

(2) If an Australian passport fund keeps an overseas branch register

under subsection (1):

(a) the fund must keep the branch register in the same manner as

this Act requires the fund to keep the register kept under

section 169 (the principal register); and

(b) the fund must enter in the principal register the details

contained in the branch register; and

(c) the fund must distinguish interests that are registered in the

branch register from the interests registered in the principal


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Chapter 2C Registers

Part 2C.2 Notice by proprietary companies of changes to member register

Section 178A

272 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 2C.2—Notice by proprietary companies of

changes to member register

178A Notice of change to member register

(1) A proprietary company must notify ASIC within the time

determined under section 178D and in the prescribed form, if:

(a) it is required to add or alter a particular in the register it

maintains under section 169; and

(b) the particular is one required to be kept under any of the


(i) subsection 169(1) (name and address and date of entry

of member’s name into register);

(ii) paragraph 169(3)(b) (number of shares in each

allotment to the member);

(iii) paragraph 169(3)(c) (the number of shares held by the


(iv) paragraph 169(3)(d) (the class of shares held by the


(v) paragraph 169(3)(ea) (the amount paid on the member’s


(vi) paragraph 169(3)(eb) (whether the member’s shares are

fully paid);

(vii) paragraph 169(3)(f) (the amount unpaid, if any, on the

member’s shares);

(viii) subsection 169(5A) (statement whether any of the

member’s shares are held beneficially);

(ix) subsection 169(6AA) (shares issued as a result of CSF


(2) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

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Registers Chapter 2C

Notice by proprietary companies of changes to member register Part 2C.2

Section 178B

Corporations Act 2001 273

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

178B Top 20 only

If a proprietary company has more than 20 members, the company

is only required to notify additions or alterations of particulars

under section 178A that relate to a person who is, or as a result of

the addition or alteration will become, a top 20 member of a class

of the company.

Note: See also section 107.

178C Notice of change to share structure

(1) A proprietary company that is required to notify ASIC under

section 178A of an addition or alteration must also notify ASIC, at

the same time, of any of the following details in relation to the

company that are different from the details previously notified to


(a) the total number of the company’s shares on issue;

(b) the classes into which the shares are divided;

(c) for each class issued:

(i) the total number of shares for the class;

(ii) the total amount paid up for the class;

(iii) the total amount unpaid for the class;

(d) that the company has started to have one or more CSF


(e) that the company has ceased to have any CSF shareholders.

(2) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

178D Time within which ASIC must be notified

A proprietary company must notify ASIC under section 178A

within the time determined by this table.

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Chapter 2C Registers

Part 2C.2 Notice by proprietary companies of changes to member register

Section 178D

274 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Time within which the company must notify ASIC

Item If the need to add or alter a

particular arises in connection

with this event...

The company must notify ASIC

within this time...

1 the Court orders the company to

correct its member register kept

under section 169

at the same time that it notifies ASIC

of the correction under

subsection 175(3)

2 the company divides shares into

classes, or converts shares of a class

into shares of another class

within the time within which it must

notify ASIC of the particulars of the

division or conversion under

subsection 246F(1)

3 the company issues shares within the time within which it must

notify ASIC of the particulars of the

issue under subsection 254X(1)

4 the company reduces its share


within the time within which it must

notify ASIC of shareholder approval

of the reduction under

subsection 256C(3)

5 an event not covered by items 1 to 4 within 28 days after the day on

which it adds or alters the particular

in the register

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Officers and employees Chapter 2D

Duties and powers Part 2D.1

Section 179

Corporations Act 2001 275

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Chapter 2D—Officers and employees

Part 2D.1—Duties and powers

179 Background to duties of directors, other officers and employees

(1) This Part sets out some of the most significant duties of directors,

secretaries, other officers and employees of corporations. Other

duties are imposed by other provisions of this Act and other laws

(including the general law).

(2) Section 9 defines both director and officer. Officer includes, as

well as directors and secretaries, some other people who manage

the corporation or its property (such as receivers and liquidators).

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Chapter 2D Officers and employees

Part 2D.1 Duties and powers

Division 1 General duties

Section 180

276 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 1—General duties

180 Care and diligence—civil obligation only

Care and diligence—directors and other officers

(1) A director or other officer of a corporation must exercise their

powers and discharge their duties with the degree of care and

diligence that a reasonable person would exercise if they:

(a) were a director or officer of a corporation in the corporation’s

circumstances; and

(b) occupied the office held by, and had the same responsibilities

within the corporation as, the director or officer.

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

Business judgment rule

(2) A director or other officer of a corporation who makes a business

judgment is taken to meet the requirements of subsection (1), and

their equivalent duties at common law and in equity, in respect of

the judgment if they:

(a) make the judgment in good faith for a proper purpose; and

(b) do not have a material personal interest in the subject matter

of the judgment; and

(c) inform themselves about the subject matter of the judgment

to the extent they reasonably believe to be appropriate; and

(d) rationally believe that the judgment is in the best interests of

the corporation.

The director’s or officer’s belief that the judgment is in the best

interests of the corporation is a rational one unless the belief is one

that no reasonable person in their position would hold.

Note: This subsection only operates in relation to duties under this section

and their equivalent duties at common law or in equity (including the

duty of care that arises under the common law principles governing

liability for negligence)—it does not operate in relation to duties under

any other provision of this Act or under any other laws.

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Officers and employees Chapter 2D

Duties and powers Part 2D.1

General duties Division 1

Section 181

Corporations Act 2001 277

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(3) In this section:

business judgment means any decision to take or not take action in

respect of a matter relevant to the business operations of the


181 Good faith—civil obligations

Good faith—directors and other officers

(1) A director or other officer of a corporation must exercise their

powers and discharge their duties:

(a) in good faith in the best interests of the corporation; and

(b) for a proper purpose.

Note 1: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

Note 2: Section 187 deals with the situation of directors of wholly-owned


(2) A person who is involved in a contravention of subsection (1)

contravenes this subsection.

Note 1: Section 79 defines involved.

Note 2: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

182 Use of position—civil obligations

Use of position—directors, other officers and employees

(1) A director, secretary, other officer or employee of a corporation

must not improperly use their position to:

(a) gain an advantage for themselves or someone else; or

(b) cause detriment to the corporation.

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

(2) A person who is involved in a contravention of subsection (1)

contravenes this subsection.

Note 1: Section 79 defines involved.

Note 2: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

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Chapter 2D Officers and employees

Part 2D.1 Duties and powers

Division 1 General duties

Section 183

278 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

183 Use of information—civil obligations

Use of information—directors, other officers and employees

(1) A person who obtains information because they are, or have been,

a director or other officer or employee of a corporation must not

improperly use the information to:

(a) gain an advantage for themselves or someone else; or

(b) cause detriment to the corporation.

Note 1: This duty continues after the person stops being an officer or

employee of the corporation.

Note 2: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

(2) A person who is involved in a contravention of subsection (1)

contravenes this subsection.

Note 1: Section 79 defines involved.

Note 2: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

184 Good faith, use of position and use of information—criminal


Good faith—directors and other officers

(1) A director or other officer of a corporation commits an offence if


(a) are reckless; or

(b) are dishonest;

and fail to exercise their powers and discharge their duties:

(c) in good faith in the best interests of the corporation; or

(d) for a proper purpose.

Note: Section 187 deals with the situation of directors of wholly-owned


Use of position—directors, other officers and employees

(2) A director, other officer or employee of a corporation commits an

offence if they use their position dishonestly:

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Officers and employees Chapter 2D

Duties and powers Part 2D.1

General duties Division 1

Section 185

Corporations Act 2001 279

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(a) with the intention of directly or indirectly gaining an

advantage for themselves, or someone else, or causing

detriment to the corporation; or

(b) recklessly as to whether the use may result in themselves or

someone else directly or indirectly gaining an advantage, or

in causing detriment to the corporation.

(2A) To avoid doubt, it is not a defence in a proceeding for an offence

against subsection (2) that the director, other officer or employee

of the corporation uses their position dishonestly:

(a) with the intention of directly or indirectly gaining an

advantage for the corporation; or

(b) with the result that the corporation directly or indirectly

gained an advantage.

Use of information—directors, other officers and employees

(3) A person who obtains information because they are, or have been,

a director or other officer or employee of a corporation commits an

offence if they use the information dishonestly:

(a) with the intention of directly or indirectly gaining an

advantage for themselves, or someone else, or causing

detriment to the corporation; or

(b) recklessly as to whether the use may result in themselves or

someone else directly or indirectly gaining an advantage, or

in causing detriment to the corporation.

(4) To avoid doubt, it is not a defence in a proceeding for an offence

against subsection (3) that the person uses the information


(a) with the intention of directly or indirectly gaining an

advantage for the corporation; or

(b) with the result that the corporation directly or indirectly

gained an advantage.

185 Interaction of sections 180 to 184 with other laws etc.

Sections 180 to 184:

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Chapter 2D Officers and employees

Part 2D.1 Duties and powers

Division 1 General duties

Section 186

280 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(a) have effect in addition to, and not in derogation of, any rule

of law relating to the duty or liability of a person because of

their office or employment in relation to a corporation; and

(b) do not prevent the commencement of civil proceedings for a

breach of a duty or in respect of a liability referred to in

paragraph (a).

This section does not apply to subsections 180(2) and (3) to the

extent to which they operate on the duties at common law and in

equity that are equivalent to the requirements of subsection 180(1).

186 Territorial application of sections 180 to 184

Sections 180 to 184 do not apply to an act or omission by a director

or other officer or employee of a foreign company unless the act or

omission occurred in connection with:

(a) the foreign company carrying on business in this jurisdiction;


(b) an act that the foreign company does, or proposes to do, in

this jurisdiction; or

(c) a decision by the foreign company whether or not to do, or

refrain from doing, an act in this jurisdiction.

187 Directors of wholly-owned subsidiaries

A director of a corporation that is a wholly-owned subsidiary of a

body corporate is taken to act in good faith in the best interests of

the subsidiary if:

(a) the constitution of the subsidiary expressly authorises the

director to act in the best interests of the holding company;


(b) the director acts in good faith in the best interests of the

holding company; and

(c) the subsidiary is not insolvent at the time the director acts

and does not become insolvent because of the director’s act.

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Officers and employees Chapter 2D

Duties and powers Part 2D.1

General duties Division 1

Section 188

Corporations Act 2001 281

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

188 Responsibility of secretaries etc. for certain corporate


Responsibility of company secretaries

(1) A secretary of a company contravenes this subsection if the

company contravenes any of the following provisions (each of

which is a corporate responsibility provision):

(a) section 142 (registered office);

(b) section 145 (public company’s registered office to be open to


(c) section 146 (change of principal place of business);

(d) section 178A (change to proprietary company’s member


(e) section 178C (change to proprietary company’s share


(f) section 205B (lodgement of notices with ASIC);

(g) section 254X (issue of shares);

(h) section 319 (lodgement of annual reports with ASIC);

(i) section 320 (lodgement of half-year reports with ASIC);

(j) section 346C (response to extract of particulars);

(k) section 348D (response to return of particulars);

(l) section 349A (change to proprietary company’s ultimate

holding company).

Note 1: See section 204A for the circumstances in which a company must

have a secretary.

Note 2: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

Responsibility of directors of proprietary companies

(2) Each director of a proprietary company contravenes this subsection


(a) the proprietary company contravenes a corporate

responsibility provision; and

(b) the proprietary company does not have a secretary when it

contravenes that provision.

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Chapter 2D Officers and employees

Part 2D.1 Duties and powers

Division 1 General duties

Section 189

282 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Note 1: See section 204A for the circumstances in which a company must

have a secretary.

Note 2: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

Defence of reasonable steps

(3) A person does not contravene subsection (1) or (2) in relation to a

company’s contravention of a corporate responsibility provision if

the person shows that he or she took reasonable steps to ensure that

the company complied with the provision.

189 Reliance on information or advice provided by others


(a) a director relies on information, or professional or expert

advice, given or prepared by:

(i) an employee of the corporation whom the director

believes on reasonable grounds to be reliable and

competent in relation to the matters concerned; or

(ii) a professional adviser or expert in relation to matters

that the director believes on reasonable grounds to be

within the person’s professional or expert competence;


(iii) another director or officer in relation to matters within

the director’s or officer’s authority; or

(iv) a committee of directors on which the director did not

serve in relation to matters within the committee’s

authority; and

(b) the reliance was made:

(i) in good faith; and

(ii) after making an independent assessment of the

information or advice, having regard to the director’s

knowledge of the corporation and the complexity of the

structure and operations of the corporation; and

(c) the reasonableness of the director’s reliance on the

information or advice arises in proceedings brought to

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Officers and employees Chapter 2D

Duties and powers Part 2D.1

General duties Division 1

Section 190

Corporations Act 2001 283

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

determine whether a director has performed a duty under this

Part or an equivalent general law duty;

the director’s reliance on the information or advice is taken to be

reasonable unless the contrary is proved.

190 Responsibility for actions of delegate

(1) If the directors delegate a power under section 198D, a director is

responsible for the exercise of the power by the delegate as if the

power had been exercised by the directors themselves.

(2) A director is not responsible under subsection (1) if:

(a) the director believed on reasonable grounds at all times that

the delegate would exercise the power in conformity with the

duties imposed on directors of the company by this Act and

the company’s constitution (if any); and

(b) the director believed:

(i) on reasonable grounds; and

(ii) in good faith; and

(iii) after making proper inquiry if the circumstances

indicated the need for inquiry;

that the delegate was reliable and competent in relation to the

power delegated.

190A Limited application of Division to registrable Australian


This Division does not apply to an act or omission by a director or

other officer or employee of a corporation that is a registrable

Australian body unless the act or omission occurred in connection


(a) the body carrying on business outside its place of origin; or

(b) an act that the body does or proposed to do outside its place

of origin; or

(c) a decision by the body whether or not to do or refrain from

doing outside its place of origin.

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Chapter 2D Officers and employees

Part 2D.1 Duties and powers

Division 1 General duties

Section 190B

284 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

190B Division does not apply to Aboriginal and Torres Strait

Islander corporations

This Division does not apply to a corporation that is an Aboriginal

and Torres Strait Islander corporation.

Note: Division 265 of the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait

Islander) Act 2006 deals with the general duties of directors,

secretaries, officers and employees of Aboriginal and Torres Strait

Islander corporations.

190C Division does not apply in relation to notified foreign passport

funds or their operators

This Division does not apply to an act or omission by a person, if:

(a) the act or omission is in the person’s capacity as a director,

other officer or employee of a notified foreign passport fund;


(b) the act or omission:

(i) is in the person’s capacity as a director, other officer or

employee of the operator of a notified foreign passport

fund; and

(ii) is connected with the operation of the fund.

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Officers and employees Chapter 2D

Duties and powers Part 2D.1

Disclosure of, and voting on matters involving, material personal interests Division 2

Section 191

Corporations Act 2001 285

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Division 2—Disclosure of, and voting on matters involving,

material personal interests

191 Material personal interest—director’s duty to disclose

Director’s duty to notify other directors of material personal

interest when conflict arises

(1) A director of a company who has a material personal interest in a

matter that relates to the affairs of the company must give the other

directors notice of the interest unless subsection (2) says otherwise.

(1A) For an offence based on subsection (1), strict liability applies to the

circumstance, that the director of a company has a material

personal interest in a matter that relates to the affairs of the


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(2) The director does not need to give notice of an interest under

subsection (1) if:

(a) the interest:

(i) arises because the director is a member of the company

and is held in common with the other members of the

company; or

(ii) arises in relation to the director’s remuneration as a

director of the company; or

(iii) relates to a contract the company is proposing to enter

into that is subject to approval by the members and will

not impose any obligation on the company if it is not

approved by the members; or

(iv) arises merely because the director is a guarantor or has

given an indemnity or security for all or part of a loan

(or proposed loan) to the company; or

(v) arises merely because the director has a right of

subrogation in relation to a guarantee or indemnity

referred to in subparagraph (iv); or

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Part 2D.1 Duties and powers

Division 2 Disclosure of, and voting on matters involving, material personal interests

Section 191

286 Corporations Act 2001

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(vi) relates to a contract that insures, or would insure, the

director against liabilities the director incurs as an

officer of the company (but only if the contract does not

make the company or a related body corporate the

insurer); or

(vii) relates to any payment by the company or a related body

corporate in respect of an indemnity permitted under

section 199A or any contract relating to such an

indemnity; or

(viii) is in a contract, or proposed contract, with, or for the

benefit of, or on behalf of, a related body corporate and

arises merely because the director is a director of the

related body corporate; or

(b) the company is a proprietary company and the other directors

are aware of the nature and extent of the interest and its

relation to the affairs of the company; or

(c) all the following conditions are satisfied:

(i) the director has already given notice of the nature and

extent of the interest and its relation to the affairs of the

company under subsection (1);

(ii) if a person who was not a director of the company at the

time when the notice under subsection (1) was given is

appointed as a director of the company—the notice is

given to that person;

(iii) the nature or extent of the interest has not materially

increased above that disclosed in the notice; or

(d) the director has given a standing notice of the nature and

extent of the interest under section 192 and the notice is still

effective in relation to the interest.

Note: Subparagraph (c)(ii)—the notice may be given to the person referred

to in this subparagraph by someone other than the director to whose

interests it relates (for example, by the secretary).

(3) The notice required by subsection (1) must:

(a) give details of:

(i) the nature and extent of the interest; and

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Duties and powers Part 2D.1

Disclosure of, and voting on matters involving, material personal interests Division 2

Section 192

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(ii) the relation of the interest to the affairs of the company;


(b) be given at a directors’ meeting as soon as practicable after

the director becomes aware of their interest in the matter.

The details must be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.

Effect of contravention by director

(4) A contravention of this section by a director does not affect the

validity of any act, transaction, agreement, instrument, resolution

or other thing.

Section does not apply to single director proprietary company

(5) This section does not apply to a proprietary company that has only

1 director.

192 Director may give other directors standing notice about an


Power to give notice

(1) A director of a company who has an interest in a matter may give

the other directors standing notice of the nature and extent of the

interest in the matter in accordance with subsection (2). The notice

may be given at any time and whether or not the matter relates to

the affairs of the company at the time the notice is given.

Note: The standing notice may be given to the other directors before the

interest becomes a material personal interest.

(2) The notice under subsection (1) must:

(a) give details of the nature and extent of the interest; and

(b) be given:

(i) at a directors’ meeting (either orally or in writing); or

(ii) to the other directors individually in writing.

The standing notice is given under subparagraph (b)(ii) when it has

been given to every director.

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Chapter 2D Officers and employees

Part 2D.1 Duties and powers

Division 2 Disclosure of, and voting on matters involving, material personal interests

Section 192

288 Corporations Act 2001

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Standing notice must be tabled at meeting if given to directors


(3) If the standing notice is given to the other directors individually in

writing, it must be tabled at the next directors’ meeting after it is


Nature and extent of interest must be recorded in minutes

(4) The director must ensure that the nature and extent of the interest

disclosed in the standing notice is recorded in the minutes of the

meeting at which the standing notice is given or tabled.

Dates of effect and expiry of standing notice

(5) The standing notice:

(a) takes effect as soon as it is given; and

(b) ceases to have effect if a person who was not a director of the

company at the time when the notice was given is appointed

as a director of the company.

A standing notice that ceases to have effect under paragraph (b)

commences to have effect again if it is given to the person referred

to in that paragraph.

Note: The notice may be given to the person referred to in paragraph (b) by

someone other than the director to whose interests it relates (for

example, by the secretary).

Effect of material increase in nature or extent of interest

(6) The standing notice ceases to have effect in relation to a particular

interest if the nature or extent of the interest materially increases

above that disclosed in the notice.

Effect of contravention by director

(7) A contravention of this section by a director does not affect the

validity of any act, transaction, agreement, instrument, resolution

or other thing.

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Duties and powers Part 2D.1

Disclosure of, and voting on matters involving, material personal interests Division 2

Section 193

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Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

193 Interaction of sections 191 and 192 with other laws etc.

Sections 191 and 192 have effect in addition to, and not in

derogation of:

(a) any general law rule about conflicts of interest; and

(b) any provision in a company’s constitution (if any) that

restricts a director from:

(i) having a material personal interest in a matter; or

(ii) holding an office or possessing property;

involving duties or interests that conflict with their duties or

interests as a director.

194 Voting and completion of transactions—directors of proprietary

companies (replaceable rule—see section 135)

If a director of a proprietary company has a material personal

interest in a matter that relates to the affairs of the company and:

(a) under section 191 the director discloses the nature and extent

of the interest and its relation to the affairs of the company at

a meeting of the directors; or

(b) the interest is one that does not need to be disclosed under

section 191;


(c) the director may vote on matters that relate to the interest;


(d) any transactions that relate to the interest may proceed; and

(e) the director may retain benefits under the transaction even

though the director has the interest; and

(f) the company cannot avoid the transaction merely because of

the existence of the interest.

If disclosure is required under section 191, paragraphs (e) and (f)

apply only if the disclosure is made before the transaction is

entered into.

Note: A director may need to give notice to the other directors if the director

has a material personal interest in a matter relating to the affairs of the

company (see section 191).

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Chapter 2D Officers and employees

Part 2D.1 Duties and powers

Division 2 Disclosure of, and voting on matters involving, material personal interests

Section 195

290 Corporations Act 2001

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195 Restrictions on voting—directors of public companies only

Restrictions on voting and being present

(1) A director of a public company who has a material personal

interest in a matter that is being considered at a directors’ meeting

must not:

(a) be present while the matter is being considered at the

meeting; or

(b) vote on the matter.

(1A) Subsection (1) does not apply if:

(a) subsection (2) or (3) allows the director to be present; or

(b) the interest does not need to be disclosed under section 191.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in

subsection (1A), see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

(1B) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

Participation with approval of other directors

(2) The director may be present and vote if directors who do not have

a material personal interest in the matter have passed a resolution


(a) identifies the director, the nature and extent of the director’s

interest in the matter and its relation to the affairs of the

company; and

(b) states that those directors are satisfied that the interest should

not disqualify the director from voting or being present.

Participation with ASIC approval

(3) The director may be present and vote if they are so entitled under a

declaration or order made by ASIC under section 196.

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Duties and powers Part 2D.1

Disclosure of, and voting on matters involving, material personal interests Division 2

Section 196

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Director may consider or vote on resolution to deal with matter at

general meeting

(4) If there are not enough directors to form a quorum for a directors’

meeting because of subsection (1), 1 or more of the directors

(including those who have a material personal interest in that

matter) may call a general meeting and the general meeting may

pass a resolution to deal with the matter.

Effect of contravention by director

(5) A contravention by a director of:

(a) this section; or

(b) a condition attached to a declaration or order made by ASIC

under section 196;

does not affect the validity of any resolution.

196 ASIC power to make declarations and class orders

ASIC’s power to make specific declarations

(1) ASIC may declare in writing that a director of a public company

who has a material personal interest in a matter that is being, or is

to be, considered at a directors’ meeting may, despite the director’s

interest, be present while the matter is being considered at the

meeting, vote on the matter, or both be present and vote. However,

ASIC may only make the declaration if:

(a) the number of directors entitled to be present and vote on the

matter would be less than the quorum for a directors’ meeting

if the director were not allowed to vote on the matter at the

meeting; and

(b) the matter needs to be dealt with urgently, or there is some

other compelling reason for the matter being dealt with at the

directors’ meeting, rather than by a general meeting called

under subsection 195(4).

(2) The declaration may:

(a) apply to all or only some of the directors; or

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Chapter 2D Officers and employees

Part 2D.1 Duties and powers

Division 2 Disclosure of, and voting on matters involving, material personal interests

Section 196

292 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) specify conditions that the company or director must comply


ASIC’s power to make class orders

(3) ASIC may make an order in writing that enables directors who

have a material personal interest in a matter to be present while the

matter is being considered at a directors’ meeting, vote on that

matter, or both be present and vote. The order may be made in

respect of a specified class of public companies, directors,

resolutions or interests.

(4) The order may be expressed to be subject to conditions.

(5) Notice of the making, revocation or suspension of the order must

be published in the Gazette.

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Officers and employees Chapter 2D

Duties and powers Part 2D.1

Duty to discharge certain trust liabilities Division 3

Section 197

Corporations Act 2001 293

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 3—Duty to discharge certain trust liabilities

197 Directors liable for debts and other obligations incurred by

corporation as trustee

(1) A person who is a director of a corporation when it incurs a

liability while acting, or purporting to act, as trustee, is liable to

discharge the whole or a part of the liability if the corporation:

(a) has not discharged, and cannot discharge, the liability or that

part of it; and

(b) is not entitled to be fully indemnified against the liability out

of trust assets solely because of one or more of the following:

(i) a breach of trust by the corporation;

(ii) the corporation’s acting outside the scope of its powers

as trustee;

(iii) a term of the trust denying, or limiting, the corporation’s

right to be indemnified against the liability.

The person is liable both individually and jointly with the

corporation and anyone else who is liable under this subsection.

Note: The person will not be liable under this subsection merely because

there are insufficient trust assets out of which the corporation can be


(2) The person is not liable under subsection (1) if the person would be

entitled to have been fully indemnified by 1 of the other directors

against the liability had all the directors of the corporation been

trustees when the liability was incurred.

(3) This section does not apply to a liability incurred outside Australia

by a foreign company.

(3A) This section does not apply to a liability incurred by a corporation

that is:

(a) a notified foreign passport fund; or

(b) the operator of a notified foreign passport fund acting in that


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Chapter 2D Officers and employees

Part 2D.1 Duties and powers

Division 3 Duty to discharge certain trust liabilities

Section 197

294 Corporations Act 2001

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(4) This section does not apply to a liability incurred by a registrable

Australian body outside its place of origin.

(5) This section does not apply to a corporation that is an Aboriginal

and Torres Strait Islander corporation.

Note: Section 271-1 of the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait

Islander) Act 2006 deals with the liability of directors of Aboriginal

and Torres Strait Islander corporations for debts and other liabilities

incurred by those corporations as trustee.

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Officers and employees Chapter 2D

Duties and powers Part 2D.1

Powers Division 4

Section 198A

Corporations Act 2001 295

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 4—Powers

198A Powers of directors (replaceable rule—see section 135)

(1) The business of a company is to be managed by or under the

direction of the directors.

Note: See section 198E for special rules about the powers of directors who

are the single director/shareholder of proprietary companies.

(2) The directors may exercise all the powers of the company except

any powers that this Act or the company’s constitution (if any)

requires the company to exercise in general meeting.

Note: For example, the directors may issue shares, borrow money and issue


198B Negotiable instruments (replaceable rule—see section 135)

(1) Any 2 directors of a company that has 2 or more directors, or the

director of a proprietary company that has only 1 director, may

sign, draw, accept, endorse or otherwise execute a negotiable


(2) The directors may determine that a negotiable instrument may be

signed, drawn, accepted, endorsed or otherwise executed in a

different way.

198C Managing director (replaceable rule—see section 135)

(1) The directors of a company may confer on a managing director any

of the powers that the directors can exercise.

(2) The directors may revoke or vary a conferral of powers on the

managing director.

198D Delegation

(1) Unless the company’s constitution provides otherwise, the

directors of a company may delegate any of their powers to:

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Chapter 2D Officers and employees

Part 2D.1 Duties and powers

Division 4 Powers

Section 198E

296 Corporations Act 2001

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(a) a committee of directors; or

(b) a director; or

(c) an employee of the company; or

(d) any other person.

Note: The delegation must be recorded in the company’s minute book (see

section 251A).

(2) The delegate must exercise the powers delegated in accordance

with any directions of the directors.

(3) The exercise of the power by the delegate is as effective as if the

directors had exercised it.

198E Single director/shareholder proprietary companies

Powers of director

(1) The director of a proprietary company who is its only director and

only shareholder may exercise all the powers of the company

except any powers that this Act or the company’s constitution (if

any) requires the company to exercise in general meeting. The

business of the company is to be managed by or under the direction

of the director.

Note: For example, the director may issue shares, borrow money and issue


Negotiable instruments

(2) The director of a proprietary company who is its only director and

only shareholder may sign, draw, accept, endorse or otherwise

execute a negotiable instrument. The director may determine that a

negotiable instrument may be signed, drawn, accepted, endorsed or

otherwise executed in a different way.

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Officers and employees Chapter 2D

Duties and powers Part 2D.1

Powers Division 4

Section 198F

Corporations Act 2001 297

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

198F Right of access to company books

Right while director

(1) A director of a company may inspect the books of the company

(other than its financial records) at all reasonable times for the

purposes of a legal proceeding:

(a) to which the person is a party; or

(b) that the person proposes in good faith to bring; or

(c) that the person has reason to believe will be brought against


Note: Section 290 gives the director a right of access to financial records.

Right during 7 years after ceasing to be director

(2) A person who has ceased to be a director of a company may

inspect the books of the company (including its financial records)

at all reasonable times for the purposes of a legal proceeding:

(a) to which the person is a party; or

(b) that the person proposes in good faith to bring; or

(c) that the person has reason to believe will be brought against


This right continues for 7 years after the person ceased to be a

director of the company.

Right to take copies

(3) A person authorised to inspect books under this section for the

purposes of a legal proceeding may make copies of the books for

the purposes of those proceedings.

Company not to refuse access

(4) A company must allow a person to exercise their rights to inspect

or take copies of the books under this section.

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Chapter 2D Officers and employees

Part 2D.1 Duties and powers

Division 4 Powers

Section 198F

298 Corporations Act 2001

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Interaction with other rules

(5) This section does not limit any right of access to company books

that a person has apart from this section.

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Officers and employees Chapter 2D

Duties and powers Part 2D.1

Exercise of powers while company under external administration Division 5

Section 198G

Corporations Act 2001 299

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 5—Exercise of powers while company under

external administration

198G Exercise of powers while company under external


Powers of officers while company under external administration

(1) While a company is under external administration, an officer of the

company must not perform or exercise a function or power of that



(2) A person commits an offence if:

(a) the person is an officer of a company; and

(b) the company is under external administration; and

(c) the person purports to perform or exercise a function or

power of that office.

Penalty: 30 penalty units.


(3) Subsections (1) and (2) do not apply to the extent that the officer of

the company is acting:

(a) as the external administrator of the company; or

(b) with the written approval of the external administrator of the

company or the Court; or

(c) in circumstances in which, despite the fact that the company

is under external administration, the officer is permitted by

this Act to act.

Note: In proceedings to determine whether a person has committed an

offence under subsection (2), a defendant bears an evidential burden

in relation to the matters in subsection (3), see subsection 13.3(3) of

the Criminal Code.

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Chapter 2D Officers and employees

Part 2D.1 Duties and powers

Division 5 Exercise of powers while company under external administration

Section 198G

300 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(4) Subsections (1) and (2) do not apply if the company has executed a

deed of company arrangement and the deed has not yet terminated.

Note 1: Section 444G deals with the effect of a deed of company arrangement

on various persons.

Note 2: In proceedings to determine whether a person has committed an

offence under subsection (2), a defendant bears an evidential burden

in relation to the matters in subsection (4), see subsection 13.3(3) of

the Criminal Code.

Functions and powers of liquidator or provisional liquidator

prevail in case of conflict

(5) If subsection (3) applies and there is a conflict between a function

or power of the external administrator of the company and a

function or power of the officer in relation to the company, the

external administrator’s function or power prevails.

Effect of section

(6) This section does not remove an officer of a company from office.

(7) For the purposes of this section, a person is not an officer of a

company merely because he or she is a managing controller,

appointed under a power contained in an instrument, of property of

the company.

(8) Nothing in this section affects a secured creditor’s right to realise

or otherwise deal with the security interest.


(9) In this section:

external administration of a company has the same meaning as in

Schedule 2.

external administrator of a company has the same meaning as in

Schedule 2.

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Officers and employees Chapter 2D

Restrictions on indemnities, insurance and termination payments Part 2D.2

Indemnities and insurance for officers and auditors Division 1

Section 199A

Corporations Act 2001 301

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Part 2D.2—Restrictions on indemnities, insurance

and termination payments

Division 1—Indemnities and insurance for officers and


199A Indemnification and exemption of officer or auditor

Exemptions not allowed

(1) A company or a related body corporate must not exempt a person

(whether directly or through an interposed entity) from a liability to

the company incurred as an officer or auditor of the company.

When indemnity for liability (other than for legal costs) not


(2) A company or a related body corporate must not indemnify a

person (whether by agreement or by making a payment and

whether directly or through an interposed entity) against any of the

following liabilities incurred as an officer or auditor of the


(a) a liability owed to the company or a related body corporate;

(b) a liability for a pecuniary penalty order under section 1317G

or a compensation order under section 961M, 1317H,

1317HA, 1317HB, 1317HC or 1317HE;

(c) a liability that is owed to someone other than the company or

a related body corporate and did not arise out of conduct in

good faith.

This subsection does not apply to a liability for legal costs.

When indemnity for legal costs not allowed

(3) A company or related body corporate must not indemnify a person

(whether by agreement or by making a payment and whether

directly or through an interposed entity) against legal costs

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Chapter 2D Officers and employees

Part 2D.2 Restrictions on indemnities, insurance and termination payments

Division 1 Indemnities and insurance for officers and auditors

Section 199B

302 Corporations Act 2001

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incurred in defending an action for a liability incurred as an officer

or auditor of the company if the costs are incurred:

(a) in defending or resisting proceedings in which the person is

found to have a liability for which they could not be

indemnified under subsection (2); or

(b) in defending or resisting criminal proceedings in which the

person is found guilty; or

(c) in defending or resisting proceedings brought by ASIC or a

liquidator for a court order if the grounds for making the

order are found by the court to have been established; or

(d) in connection with proceedings for relief to the person under

this Act in which the Court denies the relief.

Paragraph (c) does not apply to costs incurred in responding to

actions taken by ASIC or a liquidator as part of an investigation

before commencing proceedings for the court order.

Note 1: Paragraph (c)—This includes proceedings by ASIC for an order under

section 206C, 206D, 206E or 206EAA (disqualification), section 232

(oppression), section 961M, 1317E, 1317G, 1317H, 1317HA,

1317HB, 1317HC or 1317HE (civil penalties) or section 1324


Note 2: The company may be able to give the person a loan or advance in

respect of the legal costs (see section 212).

(4) For the purposes of subsection (3), the outcome of proceedings is

the outcome of the proceedings and any appeal in relation to the


199B Insurance premiums for certain liabilities of director,

secretary, other officer or auditor

(1) A company or a related body corporate must not pay, or agree to

pay, a premium for a contract insuring a person who is or has been

an officer or auditor of the company against a liability (other than

one for legal costs) arising out of:

(a) conduct involving a wilful breach of duty in relation to the

company; or

(b) a contravention of section 182 or 183.

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Officers and employees Chapter 2D

Restrictions on indemnities, insurance and termination payments Part 2D.2

Indemnities and insurance for officers and auditors Division 1

Section 199C

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This section applies to a premium whether it is paid directly or

through an interposed entity.

(2) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

199C Certain indemnities, exemptions, payments and agreements

not authorised and certain documents void

(1) Sections 199A and 199B do not authorise anything that would

otherwise be unlawful.

(2) Anything that purports to indemnify or insure a person against a

liability, or exempt them from a liability, is void to the extent that

it contravenes section 199A or 199B.

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Chapter 2D Officers and employees

Part 2D.2 Restrictions on indemnities, insurance and termination payments

Division 2 Termination payments

Section 200

304 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 2—Termination payments

200 Interpreting this Division

For the purposes of this Division, in determining whether a benefit

is given:

(a) give a broad interpretation to benefits being given, even if

criminal or civil penalties may be involved; and

(b) the economic and commercial substance of conduct is to

prevail over its legal form.

200AA Meaning of managerial or executive office

If the company is a disclosing entity

(1) For a company to which section 300A applies for the previous

financial year for the company, a person holds a managerial or

executive office in the company during the current financial year if

the person’s details were included in the directors’ report for that

previous financial year for the company in accordance with

paragraph 300A(1)(c).

Note: A person holding a managerial or executive office ceases to do so if

the person’s details are not included in the next directors’ report.

However, this is not relevant to whether the person has retired from an

office or position in the company (see paragraph 200A(1)(f)).

(2) The person is taken to hold the managerial or executive office for

the whole of the current financial year unless and until the person

retires from an office or position in the company before the end of

that year.

Note: Retires has an extended meaning (see section 200A).


(3) For a body corporate not covered by subsection (1), a managerial

or executive office for the body corporate is:

(a) an office of director of the body corporate; or

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Section 200AB

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(b) any other office or position in connection with the

management of the body corporate’s affairs that is held by a

person who also holds an office of director of the body

corporate or a related body corporate.

200AB Meaning of benefit

(1) For the purposes of this Division, a benefit includes any of the


(a) a payment or other valuable consideration;

(b) any kind of real or personal property;

(c) any legal or equitable estate or interest in real or personal


(d) any legal or equitable right;

(e) a thing specified in regulations made for the purposes of this


Note: For specification by class, see subsection 13(3) of the Legislation Act


(2) However, for the purposes of this Division, a benefit does not

include a thing specified in regulations made for the purposes of

this subsection.

Note: For specification by class, see subsection 13(3) of the Legislation Act


200A When benefit given in connection with retirement from an

office or position

General rules

(1) For the purposes of this Division:

(a) a benefit is given in connection with a person’s retirement

from an office or position if the benefit is given:

(i) by way of compensation for, or otherwise in connection

with, the loss by the person of the office or position; or

(ii) in connection with the person’s retirement from the

office or position; and

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Section 200A

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(b) giving a benefit includes:

(i) if the benefit is a payment—making the payment; and

(ii) if the benefit is an interest in property—transferring the

interest; and

(c) a person gives a benefit even if the person is obliged to give

the benefit under a contract; and

(d) a pension or lump sum is paid or payable in connection with

the person’s retirement from an office or position if the

pension or lump sum is paid or payable:

(i) by way of compensation for, or otherwise in connection

with, the loss by the person of the office or position; or

(ii) in connection with the person’s retirement from the

office or position; and

(e) retirement from an office or position includes:

(i) loss of the office or position; and

(ii) resignation from the office or position; and

(iii) death of a person at a time when they hold the office or

position; and

(f) when working out whether a person has retired from an

office or position, disregard whether or not the person’s

details are included in a directors’ report in accordance with

paragraph 300A(1)(c).

Rules in regulations

(1A) Without limiting subsection (1), a benefit is given in connection

with a person’s retirement from an office or position if the benefit

is given in circumstances specified in regulations made for the

purposes of this subsection.

Note: For specification by class, see subsection 13(3) of the Legislation Act


Related benefits

(2) For the purposes of this Division, if:

(a) a person (person A) gives another person a benefit (benefit

A); and

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Section 200B

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(b) person A gives benefit A for the purpose, or for purposes

including the purpose, of enabling or assisting someone to

give a person a benefit in connection with the retirement of a

person (person B) from an office or position;

person A is taken to give benefit A in connection with the person

B’s retirement from that office or position.

200B Retirement benefits generally need membership approval

Benefits in connection with retirement if person has held a

managerial or executive office

(1) An entity mentioned in subsection (1AA) must not give a person a

benefit in connection with a person’s (the retiree’s) retirement

from an office, or position of employment, in a company or a

related body corporate if:

(a) the office or position is a managerial or executive office; or

(b) the retiree has, at any time during the last 3 years before his

or her retirement, held a managerial or executive office in the

company or a related body corporate;

unless there is member approval under section 200E for the giving

of the benefit.

Note 1: This subsection extends to benefits given by way of compensation for,

or otherwise in connection with, a person’s loss of an office or

position (see subsections 200A(1) and (3)).

Note 2: Sections 200F, 200G and 200H provide for exceptions to this


Note 3: The recipient of the benefit need not be the retiree.

(1AA) The entities are as follows:

(a) the company;

(b) an associate of the company (other than a body corporate that

is related to the company and is itself a company);

(c) a prescribed superannuation fund in relation to the company.

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Division 2 Termination payments

Section 200B

308 Corporations Act 2001

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(1A) For an offence based on subsection (1), strict liability applies to the

circumstance, that the benefit is in connection with the retiree’s, or

someone else’s, retirement.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

Prescribed superannuation funds

(2) For the purposes of this section:

(a) a superannuation fund is taken to be a prescribed

superannuation fund in relation to a company if the company,

or an associate of the company, gives a benefit to the

superannuation fund in prescribed circumstances; and

(b) if a prescribed superannuation fund in relation to a company

gives a benefit to another superannuation fund in prescribed

circumstances, the other superannuation fund is taken to be a

prescribed superannuation fund in relation to the company.

Prescribed circumstances

(3) For the purposes of this section, if:

(a) a company, or an associate of a company, gives a benefit to a

superannuation fund solely for the purpose of enabling or

assisting the superannuation fund to give to a person a benefit

in connection with the retiree’s retirement from an office or

position in the company or a related body corporate; or

(b) a superannuation fund gives a benefit to another

superannuation fund solely for the purpose of enabling or

assisting the other superannuation fund to give to a person a

benefit in connection with the retiree’s retirement from an

office or position in a company or a related body corporate;

the benefit first referred to in paragraph (a) or (b) is taken to be

given in prescribed circumstances.

(4) In this section:

superannuation fund means a provident, benefit, superannuation

or retirement fund.

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Section 200C

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200C Benefits on transfer of undertaking or property need

membership approval

(1) A person must not give a benefit to a person who:

(a) holds, or has at any previous time held, a managerial or

executive office in a company or a related body corporate; or

(b) is the spouse of a person referred to in paragraph (a); or

(c) is a relative of a person referred to in paragraph (a) or of the

spouse of such a person; or

(d) is an associate of a person referred to in paragraph (a) or the

spouse of an associate of such a person;

in connection with the transfer of the whole or any part of the

undertaking or property of the company.

(2) For an offence based on subsection (1), strict liability applies to the

circumstance, that the transfer is in connection with the transfer of

the whole or any part of the undertaking or property of the


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(3) Subsection (1) does not apply to the extent that there is member

approval under section 200E.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in

subsection (3), see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

200D Contravention to receive benefit without member approval

(1) A person who:

(a) holds, or has at any previous time held, a managerial or

executive office in a company or related body corporate; or

(b) is the spouse of a person referred to in paragraph (a); or

(c) is a relative of a person referred to in paragraph (a) or of the

spouse of such a person; or

(d) is an associate of a person referred to in paragraph (a) or the

spouse of an associate of such a person;

must not receive a benefit if the giving of the benefit contravenes

section 200B or 200C.

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Section 200E

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(2) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

200E Approval by members

Conditions for member approval

(1) For the purposes of section 200B, the conditions set out in

subsections (1B), (2) and (2A) must be satisfied for there to be

member approval under this section for the giving of the benefit to

the person in connection with the retiree’s retirement from the

office or position.

(1A) For the purposes of section 200C, the conditions set out in

subsections (1B) and (2) must be satisfied for there to be member

approval under this section for the giving of the benefit.

First condition

(1B) The first condition is that the giving of the benefit be approved by

a resolution passed at a general meeting of:

(a) the company; and

(b) if the company is a subsidiary of a listed domestic

corporation—the listed corporation; and

(c) if the company has a holding company that:

(i) is a domestic corporation that is not listed; and

(ii) is not itself a subsidiary of a domestic corporation;

the holding company.

Second condition

(2) The second condition is that details of the benefit must be set out

in, or accompany, the notice of the general meeting that is to

consider the resolution. The details must include:

(a) if the proposed benefit is a payment:

(i) the amount of the payment; or

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Section 200E

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(ii) if that amount cannot be ascertained at the time of the

disclosure—the manner in which that amount is to be

calculated and any matter, event or circumstance that

will, or is likely to, affect the calculation of that amount;


(b) otherwise:

(i) the money value of the proposed benefit; or

(ii) if that value cannot be ascertained at the time of the

disclosure—the manner in which that value is to be

calculated and any matter, event or circumstance that

will, or is likely to, affect the calculation of that value.

These requirements are in addition to, and not in derogation of, any

other law that requires disclosure to be made with respect to giving

or receiving a benefit.

Third condition—for approvals relating to section 200B

(2A) The third condition is that at the general meeting, a vote on the

resolution must not be cast (in any capacity) by or on behalf of:

(a) the retiree; or

(b) an associate of the retiree.

(2B) Subsection (2A) does not prevent the casting of a vote if:

(a) it is cast by a person as a proxy appointed by writing that

specifies how the proxy is to vote on the resolution; and

(b) it is not cast on behalf of the retiree or an associate of the


(2C) The regulations may prescribe cases where subsection (2A) does

not apply.

Meeting may approve a lesser benefit

(3) For the purposes of subsection (1B), the resolution may give

approval by approving the giving of another benefit to the person


(a) the other benefit is given to the person instead of the

proposed benefit; and

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Division 2 Termination payments

Section 200F

312 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) the amount or money value of the benefit is less than the

amount or money value of the proposed benefit.

Effect of approval on directors’ duties

(4) Member approval under this section does not relieve a director of a

body corporate from any duty to the body corporate (whether under

section 180, 181, 182, 183 or 184 or otherwise and whether of a

fiduciary nature or not) in connection with the giving of the


200F Exempt benefits and benefits given in certain circumstances

(1) Subsection 200B(1) does not apply to:

(a) a benefit that is a payment made in respect of leave of

absence to which the person is entitled under an industrial

instrument; or

(aa) a benefit given under an order of a court; or

(b) a benefit given in prescribed circumstances.

(2) Subsection 200B(1) does not apply to a benefit given in connection

with a person’s retirement from an office or position in relation to a

company if:

(a) the benefit is:

(i) a genuine payment by way of damages for breach of

contract; or

(ii) given to the person under an agreement made between

the company and the person before the person became

the holder of the office or position as the consideration,

or part of the consideration, for the person agreeing to

hold the office or position; and

(b) the value of the benefit, when added to the value of all other

benefits (if any) already given in connection with the

person’s retirement from offices or positions in the company

and related bodies corporate, does not exceed the amount

worked out under whichever of subsections (3) and (4) is


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Section 200F

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(3) This subsection applies if the relevant period for the person is less

than 1 year. The amount worked out under this subsection is:


estimated annual base salary is a reasonable estimate of the base

salary that the person would have received from the company and

related bodies corporate during the relevant period if the relevant

period had been 1 year.

Note: The relevant period for the person is defined in subsection (5).

(4) This subsection applies in every other case. The amount worked

out under this subsection is:

(a) if the relevant period is 1 year—the base salary that the

person received from the company and related bodies

corporate during the relevant period; or

(b) if the relevant period is more than 1 year but less than 2

years—the average annual base salary that the person

received from the company and related bodies corporate

during the relevant period, worked out as if:

(i) the relevant period were 2 years; and

(ii) the person’s annual base salary for the second year were

a reasonable estimate of what the person would have

received as base salary after the first year of the relevant

period had the relevant period been 2 years; or

(c) if the relevant period is 2 years—the average annual base

salary that the person received from the company and related

bodies corporate during the relevant period; or

(d) if the relevant period is more than 2 years but less than 3

years—the average annual base salary that the person

received from the company and related bodies corporate

during the relevant period, worked out as if:

(i) the relevant period were 3 years; and

Estimated Number of days in annual base salary relevant period


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Division 2 Termination payments

Section 200G

314 Corporations Act 2001

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(ii) the person’s annual base salary for the third year were a

reasonable estimate of what the person would have

received as base salary after the second year of the

relevant period had the relevant period been 3 years; or

(e) if the relevant period is 3 years or more—the average annual

base salary that the person received from the company and

related bodies corporate during the last 3 years of the relevant


(5) For the purposes of this section, if a person has held a managerial

or executive office in relation to a company:

(a) throughout a period; or

(b) throughout a number of periods;

the relevant period for that person is that period or the period

consisting of those periods.

200G Genuine payments of pension and lump sum

(1) Subsection 200B(1) does not apply to a benefit if:

(a) the benefit is a payment in connection with a person’s

retirement from an office or position in a company or a

related body corporate; and

(b) the payment is for past services the person rendered to:

(i) the company; or

(ii) a related body corporate; or

(iii) a body that was a related body corporate of the company

when the past services were rendered; and

(c) the value of the benefit, when added to the value of all other

benefits (if any) already given in connection with the

person’s retirement from offices or positions in the company

and related bodies corporate does not exceed the amount

worked out under whichever of subsections (2) and (3) is


In applying paragraph (c), disregard any pensions or lump sums

that section 200F applies to.

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Section 200G

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(2) This subsection applies if the relevant period for the person is less

than 1 year. The amount worked out under this subsection is:


estimated annual base salary is a reasonable estimate of the base

salary that the person would have received from the company and

related bodies corporate during the relevant period if the relevant

period had been 1 year.

Note: The relevant period for the person is defined in subsection (6).

(3) This subsection applies in every other case. The amount worked

out under this subsection is:

(a) if the relevant period is 1 year—the base salary that the

person received from the company and related bodies

corporate during the relevant period; or

(b) if the relevant period is more than 1 year but less than 2

years—the average annual base salary that the person

received from the company and related bodies corporate

during the relevant period, worked out as if:

(i) the relevant period were 2 years; and

(ii) the person’s annual base salary for the second year were

a reasonable estimate of what the person would have

received as base salary after the first year of the relevant

period had the relevant period been 2 years; or

(c) if the relevant period is 2 years—the average annual base

salary that the person received from the company and related

bodies corporate during the relevant period; or

(d) if the relevant period is more than 2 years but less than 3

years—the average annual base salary that the person

received from the company and related bodies corporate

during the relevant period, worked out as if:

(i) the relevant period were 3 years; and

Estimated Number of days in annual base salary relevant period


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Division 2 Termination payments

Section 200G

316 Corporations Act 2001

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(ii) the person’s annual base salary for the third year were a

reasonable estimate of what the person would have

received as base salary after the second year of the

relevant period had the relevant period been 3 years; or

(e) if the relevant period is 3 years or more—the average annual

base salary that the person received from the company and

related bodies corporate during the last 3 years of the relevant


(4) In determining for the purposes of paragraph (1)(c) the value of a

pension or lump sum payment, disregard any part of the pension or

lump sum payment that is attributable to:

(a) a contribution made by the person; or

(b) a contribution made by a person other than:

(i) the company; or

(ii) a body corporate (a relevant body corporate) that is a

related body corporate of the company, or that was,

when the contribution was made, such a related body

corporate; or

(iii) an associate of the company, or of a relevant body

corporate, in respect of:

(A) the payment of the pension, or the making of

the lump sum payment, as the case may be; or

(B) the making of the contribution.

(6) In this section:

payment means a payment by way of pension or lump sum and

includes a superannuation, retiring allowance, superannuation

gratuity or similar payment.

relevant period: if a person has held a managerial or executive

office in the company or a related body corporate:

(a) throughout a period; or

(b) throughout a number of periods;

the relevant period for that person is that period or the period

consisting of those periods.

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Termination payments Division 2

Section 200H

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200H Benefits required by law

Subsection 200B(1) does not apply to a benefit given by a person if

failure to give the benefit would constitute a contravention of a law

in force in Australia or elsewhere (otherwise than because of

breach of contract or breach of trust).

200J Benefits to be held on trust and repaid

(1) If an entity (the giver) contravenes section 200B by giving a

benefit to a person (the recipient), then the amount of the benefit,

or the money value of the benefit if it is not a payment:

(a) is taken to be received by the recipient on trust for the giver;


(b) must be immediately repaid by the recipient to the giver.

(1A) An amount repayable under subsection (1) to the giver:

(a) is a debt due to the giver; and

(b) may be recovered by the giver in a court of competent


(2) Subsection (1) applies to the whole of the amount of a payment or

of the money value of the benefit even though giving the benefit

would not have contravened section 200B if that amount or value

of the benefit had been less.

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Chapter 2D Officers and employees

Part 2D.3 Appointment, remuneration and cessation of appointment of directors

Division 1 Appointment of directors

Section 201A

318 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 2D.3—Appointment, remuneration and

cessation of appointment of directors

Division 1—Appointment of directors

Subdivision A—General rules

201A Minimum number of directors

Proprietary companies

(1) A proprietary company must have at least 1 director. That director

must ordinarily reside in Australia.

(1A) However, a proprietary company must have at least 2 directors

while the company has one or more CSF shareholders. Of those


(a) if there are only 2 of them—at least one of them must

ordinarily reside in Australia; or

(b) otherwise—a majority of them must ordinarily reside in


Note: The company must also have at least 2 directors when making the

CSF offer (see paragraph 738H(1)(a)).

Public companies

(2) A public company must have at least 3 directors (not counting

alternate directors). At least 2 directors must ordinarily reside in


201B Who can be a director

(1) Only an individual who is at least 18 may be appointed as a

director of a company.

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Appointment of directors Division 1

Section 201D

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(2) A person who is disqualified from managing corporations under

Part 2D.6 may only be appointed as director of a company if the

appointment is made with permission granted by ASIC under

section 206GAB or leave granted by the Court under section 206G.

201D Consent to act as director

(1) A company contravenes this subsection if a person does not give

the company a signed consent to act as a director of the company

before being appointed.

(2) The company must keep the consent.

(3) An offence based on subsection (1) or (2) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

201E Special rules for the appointment of public company directors

(1) A resolution passed at a general meeting of a public company

appointing or confirming the appointment of 2 or more directors is

void unless:

(a) the meeting has resolved that the appointments or

confirmations may be voted on together; and

(b) no votes were cast against the resolution.

(2) This section does not affect:

(a) a resolution to appoint directors by an amendment to the

company’s constitution (if any); or

(b) a ballot or poll to elect 2 or more directors if the ballot or poll

does not require members voting for 1 candidate to vote for

another candidate.

(3) For the purposes of paragraph (2)(b), a ballot or poll does not

require a member to vote for a candidate merely because the

member is required to express a preference among individual

candidates in order to cast a valid vote.

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Chapter 2D Officers and employees

Part 2D.3 Appointment, remuneration and cessation of appointment of directors

Division 1 Appointment of directors

Section 201F

320 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

201F Special rules for the appointment of directors for single

director/single shareholder proprietary companies

(1) The director of a proprietary company who is its only director and

only shareholder may appoint another director by recording the

appointment and signing the record.

Appointment of new director on death, mental incapacity or


(2) If a person who is the only director and the only shareholder of a

proprietary company:

(a) dies; or

(b) cannot manage the company because of the person’s mental


and a personal representative or trustee is appointed to administer

the person’s estate or property, the personal representative or

trustee may appoint a person as the director of the company.

(3) If:

(a) the office of the director of a proprietary company is vacated

under subsection 206B(3) or (4) because of the bankruptcy of

the director; and

(b) the person is the only director and the only shareholder of the

company; and

(c) a trustee in bankruptcy is appointed to the person’s property;

the trustee may appoint a person as the director of the company.

(4) A person who has a power of appointment under subsection (2) or

(3) may appoint themselves as director.

(5) A person appointed as a director of a company under

subsection (2), (3) or (4) holds office as if they had been appointed

in the usual way.

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Appointment of directors Division 1

Section 201G

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201G Company may appoint a director (replaceable rule—see

section 135)

A company may appoint a person as a director by resolution passed

in general meeting.

201H Directors may appoint other directors (replaceable rule—see

section 135)

Appointment by other directors

(1) The directors of a company may appoint a person as a director. A

person can be appointed as a director in order to make up a quorum

for a directors’ meeting even if the total number of directors of the

company is not enough to make up that quorum.

Proprietary company—confirmation by meeting within 2 months

(2) If a person is appointed under this section as a director of a

proprietary company, the company must confirm the appointment

by resolution within 2 months after the appointment is made. If the

appointment is not confirmed, the person ceases to be a director of

the company at the end of those 2 months.

Public company—confirmation by next AGM

(3) If a person is appointed by the other directors as a director of a

public company, the company must confirm the appointment by

resolution at the company’s next AGM. If the appointment is not

confirmed, the person ceases to be a director of the company at the

end of the AGM.

201J Appointment of managing directors (replaceable rule—see

section 135)

The directors of a company may appoint 1 or more of themselves

to the office of managing director of the company for the period,

and on the terms (including as to remuneration), as the directors

see fit.

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Chapter 2D Officers and employees

Part 2D.3 Appointment, remuneration and cessation of appointment of directors

Division 1 Appointment of directors

Section 201K

322 Corporations Act 2001

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201K Alternate directors (replaceable rule—see section 135)

(1) With the other directors’ approval, a director may appoint an

alternate to exercise some or all of the director’s powers for a

specified period.

(2) If the appointing director requests the company to give the

alternate notice of directors’ meetings, the company must do so.

(3) When an alternate exercises the director’s powers, the exercise of

the powers is just as effective as if the powers were exercised by

the director.

(4) The appointing director may terminate the alternate’s appointment

at any time.

(5) An appointment or its termination must be in writing. A copy must

be given to the company.

Note: ASIC must be given notice of the appointment and termination of

appointment of an alternate (see subsections 205B(2) and (5)).

201L Signpost—ASIC to be notified of appointment

Under section 205B, a company must notify ASIC within 28 days

if a person is appointed as a director or as an alternate director.

201M Effectiveness of acts by directors

(1) An act done by a director is effective even if their appointment, or

the continuance of their appointment, is invalid because the

company or director did not comply with the company’s

constitution (if any) or any provision of this Act.

(2) Subsection (1) does not deal with the question whether an effective

act by a director:

(a) binds the company in its dealings with other people; or

(b) makes the company liable to another person.

Note: The kinds of acts that this section validates are those that are only

legally effective if the person doing them is a director (for example,

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Appointment of directors Division 1

Section 201N

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calling a meeting of the company’s members or signing a document to

be lodged with ASIC or minutes of a meeting). Sections 128-130

contain rules about the assumptions people are entitled to make when

dealing with a company and its officers.

Subdivision B—Limits on numbers of directors of public


201N Application of Subdivision

(1) This Subdivision applies in relation to a public company if its

constitution allows its directors to set a limit (a board limit) whose

effect is to restrict the number of directors of the company to a

number less than the maximum number of directors specified in the


Note: This Subdivision applies however the constitution or board limit is


(2) If a company’s constitution provides that the maximum number of

directors is either a specified number or another number

determined by the directors:

(a) any number determined by the directors that is lower than the

specified number is a board limit; and

(b) any lowering by the directors of that lower number is also a

board limit.

(3) Subsection (2) does not limit, and is not limited by, subsection (1).

201P Directors must not set board limit unless proposed limit has

been approved by general meeting

(1) The directors must not set a board limit unless:

(a) a resolution (a board limit resolution) approving the proposal

to set the limit specified in the resolution has been passed by

a general meeting of the company; and

(b) the notice of the meeting set out an intention to propose the

board limit resolution and stated the resolution; and

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Part 2D.3 Appointment, remuneration and cessation of appointment of directors

Division 1 Appointment of directors

Section 201Q

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(c) the notice was accompanied by a statement explaining the

resolution and meeting the requirements in section 201Q.

Note 1: Subsection 249L(3) requires information in the notice of meeting to be

presented clearly, concisely and effectively.

Note 2: Section 201U specifies the consequences of a contravention of

subsection (1) of this section. Also, section 1324 provides for

injunctions to enforce subsection (1) of this section.

(2) A board limit resolution has effect until immediately before the

start of the first AGM of the company after the general meeting by

which the resolution was passed.

(3) A board limit resolution does not prevent the appointment of a

person as a director of the company by the other directors of the

company between general meetings of the company.

(4) However, if a person is appointed by the other directors as a

director of the company while a board limit resolution has effect,

the company must confirm the appointment by resolution at the

company’s next AGM. If the appointment is not confirmed, the

person ceases to be a director of the company at the end of the


(5) Subsections (1), (2) and (4) have effect despite the company’s


Note: Although subsection (4) is like subsection 201H(3) in many ways, it is

not a replaceable rule like subsection 201H(3).

201Q Requirements for explanatory statement to members

The statement accompanying the notice of a general meeting

stating an intention to propose the board limit resolution must be in

writing and set out clearly, concisely and effectively:

(a) the directors’ reasons for proposing the board limit

resolution; and

(b) all other information that:

(i) is reasonably required by members in order to decide

whether or not it is in the company’s interests to pass

the proposed board limit resolution; and

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Appointment of directors Division 1

Section 201R

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(ii) is known to the company or to any of its directors.

Note: Section 1309 creates offences where false and misleading material

relating to a corporation’s affairs is made available or furnished to


201R Records of voting on board limit resolution if poll demanded

(1) This section applies if a poll is duly demanded on the question that

the board limit resolution be passed.

(2) For each member of the company who votes on the poll in person,

the company must record in writing:

(a) the member’s name; and

(b) how many votes the member casts for the resolution and how

many against.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence: see

subsection 1311(1).

(3) For each member of the company who votes on the poll by proxy,

or by a representative authorised under section 250D, the company

must record in writing:

(a) the member’s name; and

(b) in relation to each person who votes as proxy, or as such a

representative, for the member:

(i) the person’s name; and

(ii) how many votes the person casts on the resolution as

proxy, or as such a representative, for the member; and

(iii) how many of those votes the person casts for the

resolution and how many against.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence: see

subsection 1311(1).

201S Notice of resolution to be lodged

The company must lodge a notice setting out the text of the board

limit resolution within 14 days after the resolution is passed.

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Chapter 2D Officers and employees

Part 2D.3 Appointment, remuneration and cessation of appointment of directors

Division 1 Appointment of directors

Section 201T

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201T Declaration by court of substantial compliance

(1) The Court may declare that a requirement set by section 201Q,

201R or 201S has been satisfied if the Court finds that it has been

substantially satisfied.

(2) A declaration may be made only on the application of an interested


201U Consequences of setting board limit in breach of section 201P


(1) This section applies if the directors of the company set a board

limit in contravention of subsection 201P(1).

Board limit etc. ineffective

(2) The board limit and anything done in reliance on it have no effect

for the purposes of:

(a) the company’s constitution; or

(b) this Act, except this section.

Note: If a board limit resolution is not passed, the number of directors of a

company that can be appointed (for example by a general meeting)

depends on the maximum number of directors specified by the

company’s constitution. This is so even if the directors purport to set a

board limit despite the fact the board limit resolution was not passed.

(3) If:

(a) one or more directors are appointed by one or more

resolutions passed at a particular general meeting of the

company; and

(b) because of the board limit, the general meeting was not given

the opportunity to pass one or more resolutions appointing a

number of directors such that the number of directors of the

company would (if those resolutions had been passed) have

exceeded the board limit;

every appointment of director made by a resolution passed at the

general meeting is invalid.

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Appointment of directors Division 1

Section 201U

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Note: This subsection does not apply if a shortage of persons consenting to

be appointed director was the reason the general meeting was not

given the opportunity to pass one or more resolutions appointing a

number of directors such that the number of directors of the company

would (if those resolutions had been passed) have exceeded the board


(4) Subsections (2) and (3) have effect despite anything else in the

company’s constitution or in this Act, except sections 128, 129 and


Note: Sections 128 and 129 deal with assumptions a person dealing with the

company may make, including assumptions about the due

appointment of directors. Section 201M deals with effectiveness of

acts by a director in circumstances where the director’s appointment is

invalid for certain reasons.

Company and candidates for directors may seek compensation

(5) Subsection (6) applies if either of the following (the suffering

party) suffers loss or damage because of the setting of the board

limit in contravention of subsection 201P(1):

(a) the company;

(b) a person for whom both the following conditions are met:

(i) the person had given the company a written indication

that he or she would be a candidate to be appointed

director at a general meeting;

(ii) because of the board limit, the general meeting was not

given the opportunity to consider passing a resolution to

appoint the person as director.

(6) The suffering party may institute a proceeding in the Court for the


Note: Section 1325 deals with the orders the Court may make to compensate

the suffering party for the loss.

Contravention does not give rise to an offence

(7) A person is not guilty of an offence because of the contravention.

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Chapter 2D Officers and employees

Part 2D.3 Appointment, remuneration and cessation of appointment of directors

Division 2 Remuneration of directors

Section 202A

328 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 2—Remuneration of directors

202A Remuneration of directors (replaceable rule—see section 135)

(1) The directors of a company are to be paid the remuneration that the

company determines by resolution.

Note: Chapter 2E makes special provision for the payment of remuneration

to the directors of public companies.

(2) The company may also pay the directors’ travelling and other

expenses that they properly incur:

(a) in attending directors’ meetings or any meetings of

committees of directors; and

(b) in attending any general meetings of the company; and

(c) in connection with the company’s business.

202B Members may obtain information about directors’


(1) A company must disclose the remuneration paid to each director of

the company or a subsidiary (if any) by the company or by an

entity controlled by the company if the company is directed to

disclose the information by:

(a) members with at least 5% of the votes that may be cast at a

general meeting of the company; or

(b) at least 100 members who are entitled to vote at a general

meeting of the company.

The company must disclose all remuneration paid to the director,

regardless of whether it is paid to the director in relation to their

capacity as director or another capacity.

(1A) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(2) The company must comply with the direction as soon as

practicable by:

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Appointment, remuneration and cessation of appointment of directors Part 2D.3

Remuneration of directors Division 2

Section 202C

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(a) preparing a statement of the remuneration of each director of

the company or subsidiary for the last financial year before

the direction was given; and

(b) having the statement audited; and

(c) sending a copy of the audited statement to each person

entitled to receive notice of general meetings of the company.

202C Special rule for single director/single shareholder proprietary


A person who is the only director and the only shareholder of a

proprietary company is to be paid any remuneration for being a

director that the company determines by resolution. The company

may also pay the director’s travelling and other expenses properly

incurred by the director in connection with the company’s


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Chapter 2D Officers and employees

Part 2D.3 Appointment, remuneration and cessation of appointment of directors

Division 3 Resignation, retirement or removal of directors

Section 203A

330 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 3—Resignation, retirement or removal of


203A Director may resign by giving written notice to company

(replaceable rule—see section 135)

A director of a company may resign as a director of the company

by giving a written notice of resignation to the company at its

registered office.

203B Signpost to consequences of disqualification from managing


A person ceases to be a director of a company if the person

becomes disqualified from managing corporations under Part 2D.6

(see subsection 206A(2)) unless ASIC or the Court allows them to

manage the company (see sections 206GAB and 206G).

203C Removal by members—proprietary companies (replaceable

rule—see section 135)

A proprietary company:

(a) may by resolution remove a director from office; and

(b) may by resolution appoint another person as a director


203D Removal by members—public companies

Resolution for removal of director

(1) A public company may by resolution remove a director from office

despite anything in:

(a) the company’s constitution (if any); or

(b) an agreement between the company and the director; or

(c) an agreement between any or all members of the company

and the director.

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Resignation, retirement or removal of directors Division 3

Section 203D

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If the director was appointed to represent the interests of particular

shareholders or debenture holders, the resolution to remove the

director does not take effect until a replacement to represent their

interests has been appointed.

Note: See sections 249C to 249G for the rules on who may call meetings,

sections 249H to 249M on how to call meetings and sections 249N to

249Q for rules on members’ resolutions.

Notice of intention to move resolution for removal of director

(2) Notice of intention to move the resolution must be given to the

company at least 2 months before the meeting is to be held.

However, if the company calls a meeting after the notice of

intention is given under this subsection, the meeting may pass the

resolution even though the meeting is held less than 2 months after

the notice of intention is given.

Note: Short notice of the meeting cannot be given for this resolution (see

subsection 249H(3)).

Director to be informed

(3) The company must give the director a copy of the notice as soon as

practicable after it is received.

Director’s right to put case to members

(4) The director is entitled to put their case to members by:

(a) giving the company a written statement for circulation to

members (see subsections (5) and (6)); and

(b) speaking to the motion at the meeting (whether or not the

director is a member of the company).

(5) The written statement is to be circulated by the company to

members by:

(a) sending a copy to everyone to whom notice of the meeting is

sent if there is time to do so; or

(b) if there is not time to comply with paragraph (a)—having the

statement distributed to members attending the meeting and

read out at the meeting before the resolution is voted on.

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Chapter 2D Officers and employees

Part 2D.3 Appointment, remuneration and cessation of appointment of directors

Division 3 Resignation, retirement or removal of directors

Section 203E

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(6) The director’s statement does not have to be circulated to members

if it is more than 1,000 words long or defamatory.

Time of retirement

(7) If a person is appointed to replace a director removed under this

section, the time at which:

(a) the replacement director; or

(b) any other director;

is to retire is to be worked out as if the replacement director had

become director on the day on which the replaced director was last

appointed a director.

Strict liability offences

(8) An offence based on subsection (3) or (5) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

203E Director cannot be removed by other directors—public


A resolution, request or notice of any or all of the directors of a

public company is void to the extent that it purports to:

(a) remove a director from their office; or

(b) require a director to vacate their office.

203F Termination of appointment of managing director (replaceable

rule—see section 135)

(1) A person ceases to be managing director if they cease to be a


(2) The directors may revoke or vary an appointment of a managing


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Officers and employees Chapter 2D

Appointment of secretaries Part 2D.4

Section 204A

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Part 2D.4—Appointment of secretaries

204A Minimum number of secretaries

Proprietary companies

(1) A proprietary company is not required to have a secretary but, if it

does have 1 or more secretaries, at least 1 of them must ordinarily

reside in Australia.

Public companies

(2) A public company must have at least 1 secretary. At least 1 of them

must ordinarily reside in Australia.

Strict liability offences

(3) An offence based on subsection (1) or (2) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

204B Who can be a secretary

(1) Only an individual who is at least 18 may be appointed as a

secretary of a company.

(2) A person who is disqualified from managing corporations under

Part 2D.6 may only be appointed as a secretary of a company if the

appointment is made with permission granted by ASIC under

section 206GAB or leave granted by the Court under section 206G.

204C Consent to act as secretary

(1) A company contravenes this subsection if a person does not give

the company a signed consent to act as secretary of the company

before being appointed.

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Part 2D.4 Appointment of secretaries

Section 204D

334 Corporations Act 2001

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(2) The company must keep the consent.

(3) An offence based on subsection (1) or (2) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

204D How a secretary is appointed

A secretary is to be appointed by the directors.

Note 1: The company must notify ASIC of the appointment within 28 days

(see subsection 205B(1)).

Note 2: Section 188 deals with the responsibilities of secretaries for

contraventions by the company.

204E Effectiveness of acts by secretaries

(1) An act done by a secretary is effective even if their appointment, or

the continuance of their appointment, is invalid because the

company or secretary did not comply with the company’s

constitution (if any) or any provision of this Act.

(2) Subsection (1) does not deal with the question whether an effective

act by a secretary:

(a) binds the company in its dealings with other people; or

(b) makes the company liable to another person.

Note: The kinds of acts that this section validates are those that are only

legally effective if the person doing them is a secretary (for example,

signing and sending out a notice of a meeting of directors if the

company’s constitution authorises the secretary to do so or signing a

document to be lodged with ASIC). Sections 128-130 contain rules

about the assumptions people are entitled to make when dealing with a

company and its officers.

204F Terms and conditions of office for secretaries (replaceable

rule—see section 135)

A secretary holds office on the terms and conditions (including as

to remuneration) that the directors determine.

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Appointment of secretaries Part 2D.4

Section 204G

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204G Signpost to consequences of disqualification from managing


A person ceases to be a secretary of a company if the person

becomes disqualified from managing corporations under Part 2D.6

(see subsection 206A(2)) unless ASIC or the Court allows them to

manage the company (see sections 206GAB and 206G).

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Chapter 2D Officers and employees

Part 2D.5 Public information about directors and secretaries

Section 205A

336 Corporations Act 2001

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Part 2D.5—Public information about directors and


205A Director, secretary or alternate director may notify ASIC of

resignation or retirement

(1) If a director, secretary or alternate director retires or resigns, they

may give ASIC written notice of the retirement or resignation. The

notice must be in the prescribed form.

(2) To be effective, a notice of resignation must be accompanied by a

copy of the letter of resignation given to the company.

Note: If a director, secretary or alternative director of a company gives a

written notice in accordance with this section, the company is not

required to lodge a notice with ASIC under subsection 205B(5) (see

subsection 205B(6)).

205B Notice of name and address of directors and secretaries to


New directors or secretaries

(1) A company must lodge with ASIC a notice of the personal details

of a director or secretary within 28 days after they are appointed.

The notice must be in the prescribed form.

Note 1: If a person becomes a director under subsection 120(1) there is no

appointment and no notice is required under this subsection.

Note 2: If a person who was appointed as an alternate director becomes a

director under the terms of their appointment as an alternate director,

there is no appointment as a director and no notice is required under

this subsection.

New alternate directors

(2) A company must lodge with ASIC a notice of:

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Section 205B

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(a) the personal details of a person who is appointed as an

alternate director; and

(b) the terms of their appointment (including terms about when

the alternate director is to act as a director);

within 28 days after their appointment as an alternate director. The

notice must be in the prescribed form.

Personal details

(3) The personal details of a director, alternate director, or secretary


(a) their given and family names; and

(b) all of their former given and family names; and

(c) their date and place of birth; and

(d) their address.

Note: For address see section 205D.

Changes in details

(4) The company must lodge with ASIC notice of any change in the

personal details of a director, alternate director or secretary within

28 days after the change. The notice must be in the prescribed


Notice required if person stops being a director or secretary

(5) If a person stops being a director, alternate director or secretary of

the company, the company must lodge with ASIC notice of the fact

within 28 days. The notice must be in the prescribed form.

(6) Subsection (5) does not apply if:

(a) the person was an alternate director who stopped being a

director in accordance with the terms of their appointment as

an alternate director; or

(b) the person gives ASIC a written notice of the person’s

retirement or resignation as a director, alternate director or

secretary of the company in accordance with section 205A.

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Chapter 2D Officers and employees

Part 2D.5 Public information about directors and secretaries

Section 205C

338 Corporations Act 2001

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Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in

subsection (6), see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

(7) An offence based on subsection (1), (2), (4) or (5) is an offence of

strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

205C Director and secretary must give information to company

(1) A director, alternate director or secretary must give the company

any information the company needs to comply with

subsection 205B(1) or (2) within 7 days after their initial

appointment unless they have previously given the information to

the company.

(2) A director, alternate director or secretary must give the company

any information the company needs to comply with

subsection 205B(4) within 7 days after any change in their personal


(3) An offence based on subsection (1) or (2) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

205D Address for officers

Address is normally residential address

(1) A person’s address for the purposes of a notice or application

under subsection 5H(2), 117(2), 205B(1), (2) or (4) or 601BC(2)

must be their usual residential address unless they are entitled to

have an alternative address substituted for their usual residential

address under subsection (2).

Entitlement to have alternative address

(2) The person is entitled to have an alternative address substituted for

their usual residential address if:

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Section 205E

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(a) their name, but not their residential address, is on an electoral

roll under the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 because of

section 104 of that Act; or

(b) their name is not on an electoral roll under that Act and ASIC

determines, in writing, that including their residential address

in the notice or application would put at risk their personal

safety or the personal safety of members of their family.

This alternative address must be in Australia and be one at which

documents can be served on the person. At any particular time, a

person is entitled to have only 1 alternative address under this


Note: See subsection 109X(2) on the status of the alternative address as an

address for service.

(3) A person who takes advantage of subsection (2) must:

(a) before or at the same time as the alternative address is first

included in a notice or application, lodge with ASIC notice of

the person’s usual residential address; and

(b) lodge with ASIC notice of any change in the person’s usual

residential address within 14 days after the change.

A notice under this subsection must be in the prescribed form.

(4) If a court gives a judgment for payment of a sum of money against

a person who is taking advantage of subsection (2), ASIC may give

details of the person’s usual residential address to an officer of the

court for the purposes of enforcing the judgment debt.

205E ASIC’s power to ask for information about person’s position

as director or secretary

(1) ASIC may ask a person, in writing, to inform ASIC:

(a) whether the person is a director or secretary of a particular

company; and

(b) if the person is no longer a director or secretary of the

company—the date on which the person stopped being a

director or secretary.

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Chapter 2D Officers and employees

Part 2D.5 Public information about directors and secretaries

Section 205F

340 Corporations Act 2001

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(2) The person must give the information to ASIC in writing by the

date specified in the request.

(3) An offence based on subsection (2) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

205F Director must give information to company

(1) A director must give the company any information affecting or

relating to the director that the company needs, or will need, to

comply with Chapter 6. The director must give the information to

the company as soon as practicable after becoming aware that the

company needs, or will need, the information. The company must

give the information to each of the other directors of the company

within 7 days of receiving it.

(2) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

205G Listed company—director to notify market operator of

shareholdings etc.

Notifiable interests

(1) A director of a listed public company must notify the relevant

market operator in accordance with subsections (2), (3) and (4) of

the following interests of the director:

(a) relevant interests in securities of the company or a related

body corporate;

(b) contracts:

(i) to which the director is a party or under which the

director is entitled to a benefit; and

(ii) that confer a right to call for or deliver shares in,

debentures of, or interests in a managed investment

scheme made available by, the company or a related

body corporate.

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Public information about directors and secretaries Part 2D.5

Section 205G

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Note: Under section 353, ASIC may determine conditions that must be

complied with when lodging documents electronically under this


(2) A notice of a relevant interest in securities under paragraph (1)(a)

must give details of:

(a) the number of securities; and

(b) the circumstances giving rise to the relevant interest.

Occasions for initial notification

(3) The director must notify the relevant market operator within 14

days after each of the following occasions:

(a) appointment as a director of the company;

(b) the listing of the company.

Paragraph (a) does not apply to a director who retires and is then

reappointed at the same meeting.

Note: Under section 353, ASIC may determine conditions that must be

complied with when lodging documents electronically under this


Updating notices

(4) The director must notify the relevant market operator within 14

days after any change in the director’s interests.

Note: Under section 353, ASIC may determine conditions that must be

complied with when lodging documents electronically under this


(5) The director need not give the information to the relevant market

operator under this section if the director has already given the

information to the relevant market operator.

ASIC’s power to make class orders

(6) ASIC may make an order in writing relieving a director of the

obligation to notify the relevant market operator of an interest in a

security or contract. The order may be made in respect of a

specified class of companies, directors, securities or contracts.

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Part 2D.5 Public information about directors and secretaries

Section 205G

342 Corporations Act 2001

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(7) The order may be expressed to be subject to conditions.

(8) Notice of the making, revocation or suspension of the order must

be published in the Gazette.

Fault-based offence

(9) A person commits an offence if the person contravenes

subsection (1).

Strict liability offence

(10) A person commits an offence of strict liability if the person

contravenes subsection (1).

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Disqualification from managing corporations Part 2D.6

Section 206A

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Part 2D.6—Disqualification from managing


206A Disqualified person not to manage corporations

(1) A person who is disqualified from managing corporations under

this Part commits an offence if:

(a) they make, or participate in making, decisions that affect the

whole, or a substantial part, of the business of the

corporation; or

(b) they exercise the capacity to affect significantly the

corporation’s financial standing; or

(c) they communicate instructions or wishes (other than advice

given by the person in the proper performance of functions

attaching to the person’s professional capacity or their

business relationship with the directors or the corporation) to

the directors of the corporation:

(i) knowing that the directors are accustomed to act in

accordance with the person’s instructions or wishes; or

(ii) intending that the directors will act in accordance with

those instructions or wishes.

Note: Under section 1274AA, ASIC is required to keep a record of persons

disqualified from managing corporations.

(1A) For an offence based on subsection (1), strict liability applies to the

circumstance, that the person is disqualified from managing

corporations under this Part.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(1B) It is a defence to a contravention of subsection (1) if the person had

permission to manage the corporation under either

section 206GAB or 206G and their conduct was within the terms

of that permission.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

subsection (1B), see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

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Part 2D.6 Disqualification from managing corporations

Section 206B

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(2) A person ceases to be a director, alternate director or a secretary of

a company if:

(a) the person becomes disqualified from managing corporations

under this Part; and

(b) they are not given permission to manage the corporation

under section 206GAB or 206G.

Note: If a person ceases to be a director, alternate director or a secretary

under subsection (2) the company must notify ASIC (see

subsection 205B(5)).

206B Automatic disqualification—convictions, bankruptcy and

foreign court orders etc.


(1) A person becomes disqualified from managing corporations if the


(a) is convicted on indictment of an offence that:

(i) concerns the making, or participation in making, of

decisions that affect the whole or a substantial part of

the business of the corporation; or

(ii) concerns an act that has the capacity to affect

significantly the corporation’s financial standing; or

(b) is convicted of an offence that:

(i) is a contravention of this Act and is punishable by

imprisonment for a period greater than 12 months; or

(ii) involves dishonesty and is punishable by imprisonment

for at least 3 months; or

(c) is convicted of an offence against the law of a foreign

country that is punishable by imprisonment for a period

greater than 12 months.

The offences covered by paragraph (a) and subparagraph (b)(ii)

include offences against the law of a foreign country.

(2) The period of disqualification under subsection (1) starts on the

day the person is convicted and lasts for:

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Section 206B

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(a) if the person does not serve a term of imprisonment—5 years

after the day on which they are convicted; or

(b) if the person serves a term of imprisonment—5 years after

the day on which they are released from prison.

Bankruptcy or personal insolvency agreement

(3) A person is disqualified from managing corporations if the person

is an undischarged bankrupt under the law of Australia, its external

territories or another country.

(4) A person is disqualified from managing corporations if:

(a) the person has executed a personal insolvency agreement


(i) Part X of the Bankruptcy Act 1966; or

(ii) a similar law of an external Territory or a foreign

country; and

(b) the terms of the agreement have not been fully complied


(5) A person is disqualified from managing corporations at a particular

time if the person is, at that time, disqualified from managing

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporations under Part 6-5

of the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act


Foreign court orders

(6) A person is disqualified from managing corporations if the person

is disqualified, under an order made by a court of a foreign

jurisdiction that is in force, from:

(a) being a director of a foreign company; or

(b) being concerned in the management of a foreign company; or

(c) being a director of a passport fund, or of an operator of a

passport fund; or

(d) being concerned in the management of a passport fund.

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Section 206BA

346 Corporations Act 2001

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(7) In this section:

foreign jurisdiction means a foreign country, or part of a foreign

country, prescribed by the regulations as a foreign jurisdiction for

the purposes of this section.

206BA Extension of period of automatic disqualification under

section 206B

(1) This section applies if:

(a) under subsection 206B(1); or

(b) as a result of the operation of subsection 279-5(1) of the

Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act

2006 and subsection 206B(5) of this Act;

a person is disqualified from managing corporations on being

convicted of an offence.

(2) On application by ASIC, the Court may extend by up to an

additional 15 years the period of disqualification.

(3) ASIC must apply:

(a) before the period of disqualification begins; or

(b) before the end of the first year of the disqualification.

(4) ASIC may apply only once in relation to the disqualification.

(5) In determining whether an extension is justified (and if so, for how

long), the Court may have regard to any matters that the Court

considers appropriate.

206C Court power of disqualification—contravention of civil

penalty provision

(1) On application by ASIC, the Court may disqualify a person from

managing corporations for a period that the Court considers

appropriate if:

(a) a declaration is made under:

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Section 206D

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(i) section 1317E (civil penalty provision) that the person

has contravened a corporation/scheme civil penalty

provision or subsection 670A(4), 727(6), 728(4) or

1309(12); or

(ii) section 386-1 (civil penalty provision) of the

Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander)

Act 2006 that the person has contravened a civil penalty

provision (within the meaning of that Act); and

(b) the Court is satisfied that the disqualification is justified.

(2) In determining whether the disqualification is justified, the Court

may have regard to:

(a) the person’s conduct in relation to the management, business

or property of any corporation; and

(b) any other matters that the Court considers appropriate.

(3) To avoid doubt, the reference in paragraph (2)(a) to a corporation

includes a reference to an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander


206D Court power of disqualification—insolvency and non-payment

of debts

(1) On application by ASIC, the Court may disqualify a person from

managing corporations for up to 20 years if:

(a) within the last 7 years, the person has been an officer of 2 or

more corporations when they have failed; and

(b) the Court is satisfied that:

(i) the manner in which the corporation was managed was

wholly or partly responsible for the corporation failing;


(ii) the disqualification is justified.

(1A) To avoid doubt, the references in paragraphs (1)(a) and (b) to a

corporation include references to an Aboriginal and Torres Strait

Islander corporation.

(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), a corporation fails if:

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Section 206D

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(a) a Court orders the corporation to be wound up under:

(i) section 459B of this Act; or

(ii) section 526-1 of the Corporations (Aboriginal and

Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006;

because the Court is satisfied that the corporation is

insolvent; or

(b) the corporation enters into voluntary liquidation and creditors

are not fully paid or are unlikely to be fully paid; or

(c) the corporation executes a deed of company arrangement and

creditors are not fully paid or are unlikely to be fully paid; or

(d) the corporation ceases to carry on business and creditors are

not fully paid or are unlikely to be fully paid; or

(e) a levy of execution against the corporation is not satisfied; or

(f) a receiver, receiver and manager, or provisional liquidator is

appointed in relation to the corporation; or

(g) the corporation enters into a compromise or arrangement

with its creditors under Part 5.1 (including that Part as

applied by section 45-1 of the Corporations (Aboriginal and

Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006); or

(h) the corporation is wound up and a liquidator lodges a report

under subsection 533(1) (including that subsection as applied

by section 526-35 of the Corporations (Aboriginal and

Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006) about the corporation’s

inability to pay its debts.

Note: To satisfy paragraph (h), a corporation must begin to be wound up

while the person is an officer or within 12 months after the person

ceases to be an officer. However, the report under subsection 533(1)

may be lodged by the liquidator at a time that is more than 12 months

after the person ceases to be an officer. Sections 513A to 513D

contain rules about when a company begins to be wound up.

(2A) The reference in paragraph (2)(c) to a deed of company

arrangement includes a reference to a deed of corporation

arrangement (within the meaning of the Corporations (Aboriginal

and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006.

(2B) For the purposes of subsection (1), a person is an officer of an

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporation if the person is an

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Section 206E

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officer of that corporation within the meaning of the Corporations

(Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006.

(3) In determining whether the disqualification is justified, the Court

may have regard to:

(a) the person’s conduct in relation to the management, business

or property of any corporation; and

(b) any other matters that the Court considers appropriate.

(4) To avoid doubt, the reference in paragraph (3)(a) to a corporation

includes a reference to an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander


206E Court power of disqualification—repeated contraventions of


(1) On application by ASIC, the Court may disqualify a person from

managing corporations for the period that the Court considers

appropriate if:

(a) the person:

(i) has at least twice been an officer of a body corporate

that has contravened this Act or the Corporations

(Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 while

they were an officer of the body corporate and each time

the person has failed to take reasonable steps to prevent

the contravention; or

(ii) has at least twice contravened this Act or the

Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander)

Act 2006 while they were an officer of a body corporate;


(iii) has been an officer of a body corporate and has done

something that would have contravened

subsection 180(1) or section 181 if the body corporate

had been a corporation; and

(b) the Court is satisfied that the disqualification is justified.

(1A) For the purposes of subsection (1), a person is an officer of an

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporation if the person is an

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Part 2D.6 Disqualification from managing corporations

Section 206EAA

350 Corporations Act 2001

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officer of that corporation within the meaning of the Corporations

(Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006.

(2) In determining whether the disqualification is justified, the Court

may have regard to:

(a) the person’s conduct in relation to the management, business

or property of any corporation; and

(b) any other matters that the Court considers appropriate.

(3) To avoid doubt, the reference in paragraph (2)(a) to a corporation

includes a reference to an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander


206EAA Court power of disqualification—disqualification under a

law of a foreign jurisdiction

(1) On application by ASIC, the Court may disqualify a person from

managing corporations for the period that the Court considers

appropriate if:

(a) the person is disqualified under the law of a foreign

jurisdiction from:

(i) being a director of, or being concerned in the

management of, a foreign company; or

(ii) carrying on activities that the Court is satisfied are

substantially similar to being a director of, or being

concerned in the management of, a foreign company; or

(iii) being a director of a passport fund, or of the operator of

a passport fund; or

(iv) being concerned in the management of a passport fund;


(v) carrying on activities that the Court is satisfied are

substantially similar to being a director of a passport

fund, or of the operator of a passport fund, or being

concerned in the management of a passport fund; and

(b) the Court is satisfied that the disqualification under this

subsection is justified.

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Section 206EAB

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(2) In determining what is an appropriate period for which to

disqualify the person, the Court may have regard to the period for

which the person is disqualified under the law of the foreign


(3) In determining whether the disqualification is justified, the Court

may have regard to:

(a) the person’s conduct in relation to the management, business

or property of a foreign company or a passport fund (as the

case requires); and

(b) any other matters that the Court considers appropriate.

(4) In this section:

foreign jurisdiction has the same meaning as in section 206B.

206EAB Court power of disqualification—unrecovered payments

under employee entitlements scheme

(1) On application by ASIC, the Court may disqualify a person from

managing corporations for a period that the Court considers

appropriate if:

(a) subsection (2) applies to the person in relation to 2 or more

corporations; and

(b) the Court is satisfied that the disqualification is justified.

(2) This subsection applies to the person in relation to a corporation if:

(a) within the last 7 years:

(i) the person has been an officer of the corporation; and

(ii) while the person was an officer, or within 12 months

after the person ceased to be an officer, the corporation

began to be wound up; and

(iii) money was advanced for the purposes of paying the

entitlements of employees of the corporation under the

Fair Entitlements Guarantee Act 2012; and

(b) the Commonwealth has received a minimal return, or no

return, on the advance (whether or not the corporation is still

being wound up, or has been wound up); and

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Part 2D.6 Disqualification from managing corporations

Section 206EA

352 Corporations Act 2001

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(c) the Court is satisfied that the Commonwealth is unlikely to

receive more than a minimal return on the advance; and

(d) either of the following occurred during the 7-year period

mentioned in paragraph (a):

(i) the corporation contravened this Act or the

Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander)

Act 2006 while the person was an officer of the

corporation, and the person failed to take reasonable

steps to prevent the contravention;

(ii) the person contravened this Act or the Corporations

(Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 while

the person was an officer of the corporation.

(3) For the purposes of paragraphs (2)(b) and (c), the Commonwealth

has received a minimal return on an advance under the Fair

Entitlements Guarantee Act 2012 if the amount of the advance

recovered by the Commonwealth is 10 cents in the dollar or less.

Note: For recovery of advances paid under the Fair Entitlements Guarantee

Act 2012, see Part 5 of that Act.

(4) In determining whether the disqualification is justified, the Court

may have regard to:

(a) the person’s conduct in relation to the management, business

or property of any corporation; and

(b) any other matters that the Court considers appropriate.

(5) To avoid doubt, the references in paragraph (1)(a) and

subsections (2) and (4) to a corporation include references to an

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporation.

206EA Disqualification under the Competition and Consumer Act

2010 etc.

A person is disqualified from managing corporations if a court

order disqualifying the person from managing corporations is in

force under:

(a) section 86E of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010; or

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Section 206EB

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(b) section 248 of Schedule 2 to that Act, as that section applies

as a law of the Commonwealth, a State or a Territory.

206EB Disqualification under the ASIC Act

A person is disqualified from managing corporations if a court

order disqualifying the person from managing corporations is in

force under section 12GLD of the ASIC Act.

206F ASIC’s power of disqualification

Power to disqualify

(1) ASIC may disqualify a person from managing corporations for up

to 5 years if:

(a) within 7 years immediately before ASIC gives a notice under

paragraph (b)(i):

(i) the person has been an officer of 2 or more

corporations; and

(ii) while the person was an officer, or within 12 months

after the person ceased to be an officer of those

corporations, each of the corporations was wound up

and a liquidator lodged a report under subsection 533(1)

(including that subsection as applied by section 526-35

of the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait

Islander) Act 2006) about the corporation’s inability to

pay its debts; and

(b) ASIC has given the person:

(i) a notice in the prescribed form requiring them to

demonstrate why they should not be disqualified; and

(ii) an opportunity to be heard on the question; and

(c) ASIC is satisfied that the disqualification is justified.

(1A) To avoid doubt, the references in paragraph (1)(a) to corporations

include references to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander


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Part 2D.6 Disqualification from managing corporations

Section 206GAA

354 Corporations Act 2001

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Grounds for disqualification

(2) In determining whether disqualification is justified, ASIC:

(a) must have regard to whether any of the corporations

mentioned in subsection (1) were related to one another; and

(b) may have regard to:

(i) the person’s conduct in relation to the management,

business or property of any corporation; and

(ii) whether the disqualification would be in the public

interest; and

(iii) any other matters that ASIC considers appropriate.

(2A) To avoid doubt, the references in subsection (2) to a corporation

includes a reference to an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander


Notice of disqualification

(3) If ASIC disqualifies a person from managing corporations under

this section, ASIC must serve a notice on the person advising them

of the disqualification. The notice must be in the prescribed form.

Start of disqualification

(4) The disqualification takes effect from the time when a notice

referred to in subsection (3) is served on the person.

206GAA ASIC’s power of disqualification—unrecovered payments

under employee entitlements scheme

(1) ASIC may disqualify a person from managing corporations for up

to 5 years if:

(a) subsection (2) applies to the person in relation to 2 or more

corporations; and

(b) ASIC has given the person:

(i) a notice in the prescribed form requiring them to

demonstrate why they should not be disqualified; and

(ii) an opportunity to be heard on the question; and

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Section 206GAA

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(c) ASIC is satisfied that the disqualification is justified.

(2) This subsection applies to the person in relation to a corporation if:

(a) within 7 years immediately before ASIC gives the notice

under subparagraph (1)(b)(i):

(i) the person has been an officer of the corporation; and

(ii) while the person was an officer, or within 12 months

after the person ceased to be an officer, the corporation

began to be wound up; and

(iii) money was advanced for the purposes of paying the

entitlements of employees of the corporation under the

Fair Entitlements Guarantee Act 2012; and

(b) the Commonwealth has received a minimal return, or no

return, on the advance (whether or not the corporation is still

being wound up, or has been wound up); and

(c) ASIC has reason to believe that the Commonwealth is

unlikely to receive more than a minimal return on the

advance; and

(d) ASIC has reason to believe that either of the following

occurred during the 7-year period mentioned in

paragraph (a):

(i) the corporation contravened this Act or the

Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander)

Act 2006 while the person was an officer of the

corporation, and the person failed to take reasonable

steps to prevent the contravention;

(ii) the person contravened this Act or the Corporations

(Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 while

the person was an officer of the corporation.

(3) For the purposes of paragraphs (2)(b) and (c), the Commonwealth

has received a minimal return on an advance under the Fair

Entitlements Guarantee Act 2012 if the amount of the advance

recovered by the Commonwealth is 10 cents in the dollar or less.

Note: For recovery of advances paid under the Fair Entitlements Guarantee

Act 2012, see Part 5 of that Act.

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Part 2D.6 Disqualification from managing corporations

Section 206GAB

356 Corporations Act 2001

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(4) In determining whether the disqualification is justified, ASIC:

(a) must have regard to whether any of the corporations

mentioned in paragraph (1)(a) were related to one another;


(b) may have regard to:

(i) the person’s conduct in relation to the management,

business or property of any corporation; and

(ii) whether the disqualification would be in the public

interest; and

(iii) any other matters that ASIC considers appropriate.

(5) To avoid doubt, the references in paragraph (1)(a) and

subsections (2) and (4) to a corporation include references to an

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporation.

Notice of disqualification

(6) If ASIC disqualifies a person from managing corporations under

this section, ASIC must serve a notice on the person advising them

of the disqualification. The notice must be in the prescribed form.

Start of disqualification

(7) The disqualification takes effect from the time when a notice

referred to in subsection (6) is served on the person.

206GAB ASIC power to grant leave

ASIC may give a person who it has disqualified from managing

corporations under this Part written permission to manage a

particular corporation or corporations. The permission may be

expressed to be subject to conditions and exceptions determined by


206G Court power to grant leave

(1) A person who is disqualified from managing corporations may

apply to the Court for leave to manage:

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Section 206GA

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(a) corporations; or

(b) a particular class of corporations; or

(c) a particular corporation;

if the person was not disqualified by ASIC.

(2) The person must lodge a notice with ASIC at least 21 days before

commencing the proceedings. The notice must be in the prescribed


(3) The order granting leave may be expressed to be subject to

exceptions and conditions determined by the Court.

Note: If the Court grants the person leave to manage the corporation, the

person may be appointed as a director (see section 201B) or secretary

(see section 204B) of a company.

(4) The person must lodge with ASIC a copy of any order granting

leave within 14 days after the order is made.

(5) On application by ASIC, the Court may revoke the leave. The

order revoking leave does not take effect until it is served on the


206GA Involvement of ACCC—leave orders under section 206G

Scope of section

(1) This section applies in relation to a person who is disqualified from

managing corporations under section 206EA.

Notice lodged with ASIC before leave application

(2) If the person lodges a notice with ASIC under subsection 206G(2),

ASIC must give the ACCC a copy of the notice.

Leave orders

(3) If the person lodges a copy of an order with ASIC under

subsection 206G(4), ASIC must give the ACCC a copy of the


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Section 206H

358 Corporations Act 2001

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Revoking leave

(4) If ASIC decides to apply for an order under subsection 206G(5) in

relation to the person, it must consult the ACCC before making the



(5) In this section:

ACCC means the Australian Competition and Consumer


206H Limited application of Part to foreign companies

This Part (except for subsection 206B(6) and section 206EAA)

does not apply in respect of an act or omission by a person while

they are managing a corporation that is a foreign company unless

the act or omission occurred in connection with:

(a) the foreign company carrying on business in this jurisdiction;


(b) an act that the foreign company does, or proposes to do, in

this jurisdiction; or

(c) a decision by the foreign company whether or not to do, or

refrain from doing, an act in this jurisdiction.

206HAA Limited application of Part to notified foreign passport

funds and their operators

This Part (except for subsection 206B(6) and section 206EAA)

does not apply in respect of an act or omission by a person while

they are managing a corporation that is either the operator of a

notified foreign passport fund, or a notified foreign passport fund,

unless the act or omission occurred in connection with:

(a) the operator or the fund carrying on business in this

jurisdiction; or

(b) an act that the operator or the fund does, or proposes to do, in

this jurisdiction; or

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Officers and employees Chapter 2D

Disqualification from managing corporations Part 2D.6

Section 206HA

Corporations Act 2001 359

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(c) a decision by the operator or the fund whether or not to do, or

refrain from doing, an act in this jurisdiction.

206HA Limited application of Part to registrable Australian bodies

This Part does not apply in respect of an act or omission by a

person while they are managing a corporation that is a registrable

Australian body unless the act or omission occurred in connection


(a) the body carrying on business outside its place of origin; or

(b) an act that the body does or proposes to do outside its place

of origin; or

(c) a decision by the body whether or not to do, or refrain from

doing, an act outside its place of origin.

206HB Part does not apply to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander


This Part does not apply, of its own force, to disqualify a person

from managing a corporation that is an Aboriginal and Torres

Strait Islander corporation.

Note 1: Subsection 279-5(5) of the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres

Strait Islander) Act 2006 provides that a person who is disqualified

from managing corporations under this Part will be automatically

disqualified under Part 6-5 of that Act from managing Aboriginal and

Torres Strait Islander corporations.

Note 2: Similarly, subsection 206B(5) of this Act provides that a person who

is disqualified from managing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

corporations under Part 6-5 of the Corporations (Aboriginal and

Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 will be automatically disqualified

under this Part from managing corporations.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 2D Officers and employees

Part 2D.7 Ban on hedging remuneration of key management personnel

Section 206J

360 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 2D.7—Ban on hedging remuneration of key

management personnel

206J No hedging of remuneration of key management personnel

(1) A member of the key management personnel for a company that is

a disclosing entity, or a closely related party of such a member,

must not enter into an arrangement (with anyone) if the

arrangement would have the effect of limiting the exposure of the

member to risk relating to an element of the member’s

remuneration that:

(a) has not vested in the member; or

(b) has vested in the member but remains subject to a holding


(2) Without limiting paragraph (1)(a), remuneration that is not payable

to a member until a particular day is, until that day, remuneration

that has not vested in the member.

(3) In determining whether an arrangement has the effect described in

subsection (1) in relation to an element of remuneration described

in that subsection, regard is to be had to the regulations (if any)

made for the purposes of this subsection.

(4) A member of the key management personnel for a company who

contravenes subsection (1) commits an offence.

(5) An offence against subsection (4) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(6) A person commits an offence if:

(a) the person is a member of the key management personnel for

a company; and

(b) a closely related party of the member contravenes

subsection (1) in relation to the member; and

(c) the person is reckless as to the contravention.

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Officers and employees Chapter 2D

Ban on hedging remuneration of key management personnel Part 2D.7

Section 206J

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(7) A closely related party of a member of the key management

personnel for a company commits an offence if the party

intentionally contravenes subsection (1) in relation to the member.

(8) ASIC may by writing declare that subsection (1) does not apply to

a specified arrangement, but may do so only if ASIC is satisfied

that the operation of that subsection would be unreasonable in the

circumstances. The declaration has effect accordingly. The

declaration is not a legislative instrument.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in

subsection (8): see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 2D Officers and employees

Part 2D.8 Remuneration recommendations in relation to key management personnel

for disclosing entities

Section 206K

362 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 2D.8—Remuneration recommendations in

relation to key management personnel for

disclosing entities

206K Board to approve remuneration consultants

(1) This section applies to a contract (a remuneration consultancy


(a) that is for services that include making a remuneration

recommendation in relation to one or more members of the

key management personnel for a company that is a disclosing

entity; and

(b) that is between the company and a person (the proposed

consultant) who, by making the recommendation under the

contract, will be a remuneration consultant.

(2) Before a company enters into a remuneration consultancy contract,

the proposed consultant must be approved by:

(a) the directors of the company; or

(b) the members of a committee (the remuneration committee)


(i) is a committee of the board of directors of the company;


(ii) has functions relating to the remuneration of key

management personnel for the company.

(3) A contravention of subsection (2):

(a) is not an offence except as provided by subsection (4); and

(b) does not affect the validity of the contract.

(4) The company commits an offence if, at the time the company

enters into the contract, the proposed consultant has not been

approved in accordance with subsection (2).

(5) An offence against subsection (4) is an offence of strict liability.

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Officers and employees Chapter 2D

Remuneration recommendations in relation to key management personnel for disclosing

entities Part 2D.8

Section 206L

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Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

206L Remuneration recommendation by remuneration consultants

(1) This section applies to a remuneration recommendation made by a

remuneration consultant in relation to one or more members of the

key management personnel for a company that is a disclosing


(2) The remuneration consultant must provide the recommendation

directly to either or both of the following:

(a) the directors of the company;

(b) the members of the remuneration committee (if any).

(3) However, the remuneration consultant must not provide the

recommendation to a person who is an executive director of the

company unless all the directors of the company are executive

directors of the company.

(4) The remuneration consultant must not provide the recommendation

to a person who is neither a director of the company nor a member

of the remuneration committee.

(5) If the remuneration consultant contravenes subsection (2) the

remuneration consultant is not guilty of an offence. This does not

prevent the remuneration consultant from being guilty of an

offence for contravening subsection (3) or (4).

Note: Subsection 1311(1) makes it an offence for the remuneration

consultant to contravene subsection (3) or (4).

(6) This section does not prevent someone other than the remuneration

consultant from providing the recommendation to a person who is

neither a director of the company nor a member of the

remuneration committee.

206M Declaration by remuneration consultant

(1) This section applies to a remuneration consultant who makes a

remuneration recommendation in relation to one or more members

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 2D Officers and employees

Part 2D.8 Remuneration recommendations in relation to key management personnel

for disclosing entities

Section 206M

364 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

of the key management personnel for a company that is a

disclosing entity.

(2) The remuneration consultant must include with the

recommendation a declaration about whether the consultant’s

recommendation is made free from undue influence by the member

or members of the key management personnel to whom the

recommendation relates.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence: see

subsection 1311(1).

(3) An offence based on subsection (2) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Related party transactions Chapter 2E

Section 207

Corporations Act 2001 365

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Chapter 2E—Related party transactions

207 Purpose

The rules in this Chapter are designed to protect the interests of a

public company’s members as a whole, by requiring member

approval for giving financial benefits to related parties that could

endanger those interests.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 2E Related party transactions

Part 2E.1 Member approval needed for related party benefit

Division 1 Need for member approval

Section 208

366 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 2E.1—Member approval needed for related

party benefit

Division 1—Need for member approval

208 Need for member approval for financial benefit

(1) For a public company, or an entity that the public company

controls, to give a financial benefit to a related party of the public


(a) the public company or entity must:

(i) obtain the approval of the public company’s members in

the way set out in sections 217 to 227; and

(ii) give the benefit within 15 months after the approval; or

(b) the giving of the benefit must fall within an exception set out

in sections 210 to 216.

Note 1: Section 228 defines related party, section 9 defines entity,

section 50AA defines control and section 229 affects the meaning of

giving a financial benefit.

Note 2: For the criminal liability of a person dishonestly involved in a

contravention of this subsection, see subsection 209(3). Section 79

defines involved.

(2) If:

(a) the giving of the benefit is required by a contract; and

(b) the making of the contract was approved in accordance with

subparagraph (1)(a)(i) as a financial benefit given to the

related party; and

(c) the contract was made:

(i) within 15 months after that approval; or

(ii) before that approval, if the contract was conditional on

the approval being obtained;

member approval for the giving of the benefit is taken to have been

given and the benefit need not be given within the 15 months.

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Related party transactions Chapter 2E

Member approval needed for related party benefit Part 2E.1

Need for member approval Division 1

Section 209

Corporations Act 2001 367

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209 Consequences of breach

(1) If the public company or entity contravenes section 208:

(a) the contravention does not affect the validity of any contract

or transaction connected with the giving of the benefit; and

(b) the public company or entity is not guilty of an offence.

Note: A Court may order an injunction to stop the company or entity giving

the benefit to the related party (see section 1324).

(2) A person contravenes this subsection if they are involved in a

contravention of section 208 by a public company or entity.

Note 1: This subsection is a civil penalty provision.

Note 2: Section 79 defines involved.

(3) A person commits an offence if they are involved in a

contravention of section 208 by a public company or entity and the

involvement is dishonest.

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Chapter 2E Related party transactions

Part 2E.1 Member approval needed for related party benefit

Division 2 Exceptions to the requirement for member approval

Section 210

368 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 2—Exceptions to the requirement for member


210 Arm’s length terms

Member approval is not needed to give a financial benefit on terms


(a) would be reasonable in the circumstances if the public

company or entity and the related party were dealing at arm’s

length; or

(b) are less favourable to the related party than the terms referred

to in paragraph (a).

211 Remuneration and reimbursement for officer or employee

Benefits that are reasonable remuneration

(1) Member approval is not needed to give a financial benefit if:

(a) the benefit is remuneration to a related party as an officer or

employee of the following:

(i) the public company;

(ii) an entity that the public company controls;

(iii) an entity that controls the public company;

(iv) an entity that is controlled by an entity that controls the

public company; and

(b) to give the remuneration would be reasonable given:

(i) the circumstances of the public company or entity

giving the remuneration; and

(ii) the related party’s circumstances (including the

responsibilities involved in the office or employment).

Benefits that are payments of expenses incurred

(2) Member approval is not needed to give a financial benefit if:

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Related party transactions Chapter 2E

Member approval needed for related party benefit Part 2E.1

Exceptions to the requirement for member approval Division 2

Section 212

Corporations Act 2001 369

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(a) the benefit is payment of expenses incurred or to be incurred,

or reimbursement for expenses incurred, by a related party in

performing duties as an officer or employee of the following:

(i) the public company;

(ii) an entity that the public company controls;

(iii) an entity that controls the public company;

(iv) an entity that is controlled by an entity that controls the

public company; and

(b) to give the benefit would be reasonable in the circumstances

of the public company or entity giving the remuneration.

(3) For the purposes of this section:

(a) a contribution made by a body corporate to a fund or scheme

for the purposes of making provision for, or obtaining,

superannuation benefits (including defined benefits) for an

officer of the body, or for dependants of an officer of the

body, is remuneration provided by the body to the officer of

the body; and

(b) a financial benefit given to a person because of the person

ceasing to hold an office or employment as an officer or

employee of a body corporate is remuneration paid or

provided to the person in a capacity as an officer of the body.

212 Indemnities, exemptions, insurance premiums and payment for

legal costs for officers

Indemnities, exemptions and insurance premiums

(1) Member approval is not needed to give a financial benefit if:

(a) the benefit is for a related party who is an officer of the

public company or entity; and

(b) the benefit is:

(i) an indemnity, exemption or insurance premium in

respect of a liability incurred as an officer of the public

company or entity; or

(ii) an agreement to give an indemnity or exemption, or to

pay an insurance premium, of that kind; and

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 2E Related party transactions

Part 2E.1 Member approval needed for related party benefit

Division 2 Exceptions to the requirement for member approval

Section 212

370 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(c) to give the benefit would be reasonable in the circumstances

of the public company or entity giving the benefit.

Note: Sections 199A to 199C may prohibit giving an indemnity or

exemption or paying an insurance premium for an officer.

Payments in respect of legal costs

(2) Member approval is not needed to give a financial benefit if:

(a) the benefit is for a related party who is an officer of the

public company or entity; and

(b) the benefit is the making of, or an agreement to make, a

payment (whether by way of advance, loan or otherwise) in

respect of legal costs incurred by the officer in defending an

action for a liability incurred as an officer of the public

company or entity; and

(c) either:

(i) section 199A does not apply to the costs; or

(ii) if section 199A applies to the costs—the officer must

repay the amount paid if the costs become costs for

which the company must not give the officer an

indemnity under that section; and

(d) to give the benefit would be reasonable in the circumstances

of the public company or entity giving the benefit.

(3) In working out for the purposes of subsection (1) or (2) whether

giving the benefit is reasonable in the circumstances:

(a) assess whether it would be reasonable on the basis of the

circumstances existing:

(i) if the benefit is given under an agreement—at the time

when the agreement is or was made; or

(ii) if the benefit is not given under an agreement—at the

time when the benefit is or was given; and

(b) disregard any other financial benefit given or payable to the

officer by the public company or entity.

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Related party transactions Chapter 2E

Member approval needed for related party benefit Part 2E.1

Exceptions to the requirement for member approval Division 2

Section 213

Corporations Act 2001 371

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

213 Small amounts given to related entity

(1) Member approval is not needed to give a financial benefit to a

related party in a financial year if the total of the following

amounts or values is less than or equal to the amount prescribed by

the regulations for the purposes of this section:

(a) the amount or value of the financial benefit;

(b) the total of all other amounts or values of financial benefits

given to the related party, in the financial year, for which

member approval was not needed because of this section.

(2) In working out the total of the amounts or values referred to in

paragraphs (1)(a) and (b):

(a) add in all amounts or values of financial benefits given to the

related party in the financial year by:

(i) the public company or entity; and

(ii) any entities controlled by the public company or entity;


(b) disregard:

(i) amounts that have been repaid; and

(ii) amounts that fall under any other exception in this Part.

For the purposes of this subsection, the time at which the entity

must be controlled by the public company is the time at which the

financial benefit is given.

214 Benefit to or by closely-held subsidiary

(1) Member approval is not needed to give a financial benefit if the

benefit is given:

(a) by a body corporate to a closely-held subsidiary of the body;


(b) by a closely-held subsidiary of a body corporate to the body

or an entity it controls.

(2) For the purposes of this section, a body corporate is a closely-held

subsidiary of another body corporate if, and only if, no member of

the first-mentioned body is a person other than:

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Chapter 2E Related party transactions

Part 2E.1 Member approval needed for related party benefit

Division 2 Exceptions to the requirement for member approval

Section 215

372 Corporations Act 2001

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(a) the other body; or

(b) a nominee of the other body; or

(c) a body corporate that is a closely-held subsidiary of the other

body because of any other application or applications of this

subsection; or

(d) a nominee of a body referred to in paragraph (c).

(3) For the purposes of subsection (2), disregard shares that are not

voting shares.

215 Benefits to members that do not discriminate unfairly

Member approval is not needed to give a financial benefit if:

(a) the benefit is given to the related party in their capacity as a

member of the public company; and

(b) giving the benefit does not discriminate unfairly against the

other members of the public company.

216 Court order

Member approval is not needed to give a financial benefit under an

order of a court.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Related party transactions Chapter 2E

Member approval needed for related party benefit Part 2E.1

Procedure for obtaining member approval Division 3

Section 217

Corporations Act 2001 373

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 3—Procedure for obtaining member approval

217 Resolution may specify matters by class or kind

A resolution under this Division may specify anything either in

particular or by reference to class or kind.

218 Company must lodge material that will be put to members with


(1) At least 14 days before the notice convening the relevant meeting

is given, the public company must lodge:

(a) a proposed notice of meeting setting out the text of the

proposed resolution; and

(b) a proposed explanatory statement satisfying section 219; and

(c) any other document that is proposed to accompany the notice

convening the meeting and that relates to the proposed

resolution; and

(d) any other document that any of the following proposes to

give to members of the public company before or at the


(i) the company;

(ii) a related party of the company to whom the proposed

resolution would permit a financial benefit to be given;

(iii) an associate of the company or of such a related party;

and can reasonably be expected to be material to a member in

deciding how to vote on the proposed resolution.

(2) If, when the notice convening the meeting is given, ASIC:

(a) has approved in writing a period of less than 14 days for the

purposes of subsection (1); and

(b) has not revoked the approval by written notice to the public


subsection (1) applies as if the reference to 14 days were a

reference to the approved period.

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Chapter 2E Related party transactions

Part 2E.1 Member approval needed for related party benefit

Division 3 Procedure for obtaining member approval

Section 219

374 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(3) ASIC may give and revoke approvals for the purposes of

subsection (2).

219 Requirements for explanatory statement to members

(1) The proposed explanatory statement lodged under section 218 must

be in writing and set out:

(a) the related parties to whom the proposed resolution would

permit financial benefits to be given; and

(b) the nature of the financial benefits; and

(c) in relation to each director of the company:

(i) if the director wanted to make a recommendation to

members about the proposed resolution—the

recommendation and his or her reasons for it; or

(ii) if not—why not; or

(iii) if the director was not available to consider the

proposed resolution—why not; and

(d) in relation to each such director:

(i) whether the director had an interest in the outcome of

the proposed resolution; and

(ii) if so—what it was; and

(e) all other information that:

(i) is reasonably required by members in order to decide

whether or not it is in the company’s interests to pass

the proposed resolution; and

(ii) is known to the company or to any of its directors.

(2) An example of the kind of information referred to in

paragraph (1)(e) is information about what, from an economic and

commercial point of view, are the true potential costs and

detriments of, or resulting from, giving financial benefits as

permitted by the proposed resolution, including (without


(a) opportunity costs; and

(b) taxation consequences (such as liability to fringe benefits

tax); and

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Related party transactions Chapter 2E

Member approval needed for related party benefit Part 2E.1

Procedure for obtaining member approval Division 3

Section 220

Corporations Act 2001 375

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(c) benefits forgone by whoever would give the benefits.

Note: Sections 180 and 181 require an officer of a corporation to act

honestly and to exercise care and diligence. These duties extend to

preparing an explanatory statement under this section. Section 1309

creates offences where false and misleading material relating to a

corporation’s affairs is made available or furnished to members.

220 ASIC may comment on proposed resolution

(1) Within 14 days after a public company lodges documents under

section 218, ASIC may give to the company written comments on

those documents (other than comments about whether the proposed

resolution is in the company’s best interests).

(2) If the company is listed, ASIC may consult with the relevant

market operator for the purposes of giving comments to the


(3) Subsection (2) does not limit the persons with whom ASIC may


(4) ASIC must keep a copy of the written comments it gives to a

company under subsection (1), and subsections 1274(2) and (5)

apply to the copy as if it were a document lodged with ASIC.

(5) The fact that ASIC has given particular comments, or has declined

to give comments, under subsection (1) does not in any way affect

the performance or exercise of any of ASIC’s functions and


221 Requirements for notice of meeting

The notice convening the meeting:

(a) must be the same, in all material respects, as the proposed

notice lodged under section 218; and

(b) must be accompanied by an explanatory statement that is the

same, in all material respects, as the proposed explanatory

statement lodged under that section; and

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 2E Related party transactions

Part 2E.1 Member approval needed for related party benefit

Division 3 Procedure for obtaining member approval

Section 222

376 Corporations Act 2001

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(c) must be accompanied by a document that is, or documents

that are, the same, in all material respects, as the document or

documents (if any) lodged under paragraph 218(1)(c); and

(d) if ASIC has given to the public company, under section 220,

comments on the documents lodged under section 218—must

be accompanied by a copy of those comments; and

(e) must not be accompanied by any other documents.

222 Other material put to members

Each document (if any) that:

(a) did not accompany the notice convening the meeting; and

(b) was given to members of the public company before or at the

meeting by:

(i) the public company; or

(ii) a related party of the public company to whom the

proposed resolution would permit a financial benefit to

be given; or

(iii) an associate of the public company or of such a related

party; and

(c) can reasonably be expected to have been material to a

member in deciding how to vote on the proposed resolution;

must be the same, in all material respects, as a document lodged

under paragraph 218(1)(d).

223 Proposed resolution cannot be varied

The resolution must be the same as the proposed resolution set out

in the proposed notice lodged under section 218.

224 Voting by or on behalf of related party interested in proposed


(1) At a general meeting, a vote on a proposed resolution under this

Division must not be cast (in any capacity) by or on behalf of:

(a) a related party of the public company to whom the resolution

would permit a financial benefit to be given; or

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Related party transactions Chapter 2E

Member approval needed for related party benefit Part 2E.1

Procedure for obtaining member approval Division 3

Section 224

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(b) an associate of such a related party.

(2) Subsection (1) does not prevent the casting of a vote if:

(a) it is cast by a person as a proxy appointed by writing that

specifies how the proxy is to vote on the proposed resolution;


(b) it is not cast on behalf of a related party or associate of a kind

referred to in subsection (1).

(3) The regulations may prescribe cases where subsection (1) does not


(4) ASIC may by writing declare that:

(a) subsection (1) does not apply to a specified proposed

resolution; or

(b) subsection (1) does not prevent the casting of a vote, on a

specified proposed resolution, by a specified entity, or on

behalf of a specified entity;

but may only do so if satisfied that the declaration will not cause

unfair prejudice to the interests of any member of the public


(5) A declaration in force under subsection (4) has effect accordingly.

(6) If a vote is cast in contravention of subsection (1), the related party

or associate, as the case may be, contravenes this subsection,

whether or not the proposed resolution is passed.

(7) For the purposes of this section, a vote is cast on behalf of an entity

if, and only if, it is cast:

(a) as proxy for the entity; or

(b) otherwise on behalf of the entity; or

(c) in respect of a share in respect of which the entity has:

(i) power to vote; or

(ii) power to exercise, or control the exercise of, a right to


Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 2E Related party transactions

Part 2E.1 Member approval needed for related party benefit

Division 3 Procedure for obtaining member approval

Section 225

378 Corporations Act 2001

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(8) Subject to subsection 225(1), a contravention of this section does

not affect the validity of a resolution.

(9) Subject to Part 1.1A, this section has effect despite:

(a) anything else in:

(i) this Act; or

(ii) any other law (including the general law) of a State or

Territory; or

(b) anything in a body corporate’s constitution.

225 Voting on the resolution

(1) If any votes on the resolution are cast in contravention of

subsection 224(1), it must be the case that the resolution would still

be passed even if those votes were disregarded.

(2) If a poll was duly demanded on the question that the resolution be

passed, subsections (3) and (4) apply in relation to voting on the


(3) In relation to each member of the public company who voted on

the resolution in person, the public company must record in


(a) the member’s name; and

(b) how many votes the member cast for the resolution and how

many against.

(4) In relation to each member of the public company who voted on

the resolution by proxy, or by a representative authorised under

section 250D, the public company must record in writing:

(a) the member’s name; and

(b) in relation to each person who voted as proxy, or as such a

representative, for the member:

(i) the person’s name; and

(ii) how many votes the person cast on the resolution as

proxy, or as such a representative, for the member; and

(iii) how many of those votes the person cast for the

resolution and how many against.

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Related party transactions Chapter 2E

Member approval needed for related party benefit Part 2E.1

Procedure for obtaining member approval Division 3

Section 226

Corporations Act 2001 379

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(5) For 7 years after the day when a resolution under this Division is

passed, the public company must retain the records it made under

this section in relation to the resolution.

(6) An offence based on subsection (3), (4) or (5) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

226 Notice of resolution to be lodged

The public company must lodge a notice setting out the text of the

resolution within 14 days after the resolution is passed.

227 Declaration by court of substantial compliance

(1) The Court may declare that the conditions prescribed by this

Division have been satisfied if it finds that they have been

substantially satisfied.

(2) A declaration may be made only on the application of an interested


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Chapter 2E Related party transactions

Part 2E.2 Related parties and financial benefits

Section 228

380 Corporations Act 2001

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Part 2E.2—Related parties and financial benefits

228 Related parties

Controlling entities

(1) An entity that controls a public company is a related party of the

public company.

Directors and their spouses

(2) The following persons are related parties of a public company:

(a) directors of the public company;

(b) directors (if any) of an entity that controls the public


(c) if the public company is controlled by an entity that is not a

body corporate—each of the persons making up the

controlling entity;

(d) spouses of the persons referred to in paragraphs (a), (b) and


Relatives of directors and spouses

(3) The following relatives of persons referred to in subsection (2) are

related parties of the public company:

(a) parents;

(b) children.

Entities controlled by other related parties

(4) An entity controlled by a related party referred to in subsection (1),

(2) or (3) is a related party of the public company unless the entity

is also controlled by the public company.

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Related parties and financial benefits Part 2E.2

Section 229

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Related party in previous 6 months

(5) An entity is a related party of a public company at a particular time

if the entity was a related party of the public company of a kind

referred to in subsection (1), (2), (3) or (4) at any time within the

previous 6 months.

Entity has reasonable grounds to believe it will become related

party in future

(6) An entity is a related party of a public company at a particular time

if the entity believes or has reasonable grounds to believe that it is

likely to become a related party of the public company of a kind

referred to in subsection (1), (2), (3) or (4) at any time in the future.

Acting in concert with related party

(7) An entity is a related party of a public company if the entity acts in

concert with a related party of the public company on the

understanding that the related party will receive a financial benefit

if the public company gives the entity a financial benefit.

229 Giving a financial benefit

(1) In determining whether a financial benefit is given for the purposes

of this Chapter:

(a) give a broad interpretation to financial benefits being given,

even if criminal or civil penalties may be involved; and

(b) the economic and commercial substance of conduct is to

prevail over its legal form; and

(c) disregard any consideration that is or may be given for the

benefit, even if the consideration is adequate.

(2) Giving a financial benefit includes the following:

(a) giving a financial benefit indirectly, for example, through 1

or more interposed entities;

(b) giving a financial benefit by making an informal agreement,

oral agreement or an agreement that has no binding force;

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Part 2E.2 Related parties and financial benefits

Section 229

382 Corporations Act 2001

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(c) giving a financial benefit that does not involve paying money

(for example by conferring a financial advantage).

(3) The following are examples of giving a financial benefit to a

related party:

(a) giving or providing the related party finance or property;

(b) buying an asset from or selling an asset to the related party;

(c) leasing an asset from or to the related party;

(d) supplying services to or receiving services from the related


(e) issuing securities or granting an option to the related party;

(f) taking up or releasing an obligation of the related party.

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Related party transactions Chapter 2E

Interaction with other rules Part 2E.3

Section 230

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Part 2E.3—Interaction with other rules

230 General duties still apply

A director is not relieved from any of their duties under this Act

(including sections 180 and 184), or their fiduciary duties, in

connection with a transaction merely because the transaction is

authorised by a provision of this Chapter or is approved by a

resolution of members under a provision of this Chapter.

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Chapter 2F Members’ rights and remedies

Section 231

384 Corporations Act 2001

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Chapter 2F—Members’ rights and remedies

231 Membership of a company

A person is a member of a company if they:

(a) are a member of the company on its registration; or

(b) agree to become a member of the company after its

registration and their name is entered on the register of

members; or

(c) become a member of the company under section 167

(membership arising from conversion of a company from one

limited by guarantee to one limited by shares).

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Members’ rights and remedies Chapter 2F

Oppressive conduct of affairs Part 2F.1

Section 232

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Part 2F.1—Oppressive conduct of affairs

232 Grounds for Court order

The Court may make an order under section 233 if:

(a) the conduct of a company’s affairs; or

(b) an actual or proposed act or omission by or on behalf of a

company; or

(c) a resolution, or a proposed resolution, of members or a class

of members of a company;

is either:

(d) contrary to the interests of the members as a whole; or

(e) oppressive to, unfairly prejudicial to, or unfairly

discriminatory against, a member or members whether in that

capacity or in any other capacity.

For the purposes of this Part, a person to whom a share in the

company has been transmitted by will or by operation of law is

taken to be a member of the company.

Note: For affairs, see section 53.

233 Orders the Court can make

(1) The Court can make any order under this section that it considers

appropriate in relation to the company, including an order:

(a) that the company be wound up;

(b) that the company’s existing constitution be modified or


(c) regulating the conduct of the company’s affairs in the future;

(d) for the purchase of any shares by any member or person to

whom a share in the company has been transmitted by will or

by operation of law;

(e) for the purchase of shares with an appropriate reduction of

the company’s share capital;

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Chapter 2F Members’ rights and remedies

Part 2F.1 Oppressive conduct of affairs

Section 234

386 Corporations Act 2001

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(f) for the company to institute, prosecute, defend or discontinue

specified proceedings;

(g) authorising a member, or a person to whom a share in the

company has been transmitted by will or by operation of law,

to institute, prosecute, defend or discontinue specified

proceedings in the name and on behalf of the company;

(h) appointing a receiver or a receiver and manager of any or all

of the company’s property;

(i) restraining a person from engaging in specified conduct or

from doing a specified act;

(j) requiring a person to do a specified act.

Order that the company be wound up

(2) If an order that a company be wound up is made under this section,

the provisions of this Act relating to the winding up of companies


(a) as if the order were made under section 461; and

(b) with such changes as are necessary.

Order altering constitution

(3) If an order made under this section repeals or modifies a

company’s constitution, or requires the company to adopt a

constitution, the company does not have the power under

section 136 to change or repeal the constitution if that change or

repeal would be inconsistent with the provisions of the order,


(a) the order states that the company does have the power to

make such a change or repeal; or

(b) the company first obtains the leave of the Court.

234 Who can apply for order

An application for an order under section 233 in relation to a

company may be made by:

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Members’ rights and remedies Chapter 2F

Oppressive conduct of affairs Part 2F.1

Section 235

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(a) a member of the company, even if the application relates to

an act or omission that is against:

(i) the member in a capacity other than as a member; or

(ii) another member in their capacity as a member; or

(b) a person who has been removed from the register of members

because of a selective reduction; or

(c) a person who has ceased to be a member of the company if

the application relates to the circumstances in which they

ceased to be a member; or

(d) a person to whom a share in the company has been

transmitted by will or by operation of law; or

(e) a person whom ASIC thinks appropriate having regard to

investigations it is conducting or has conducted into:

(i) the company’s affairs; or

(ii) matters connected with the company’s affairs.

Note 1: If an application is made under this section, in certain cases the court

may order that the company be wound up in insolvency (see

section 459B).

Note 2: For selective reduction, see subsection 256B(2).

235 Requirement for person to lodge order

(1) If an order is made under section 233, the applicant must lodge a

copy of the order with ASIC within 14 days after it is made.

(2) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

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Chapter 2F Members’ rights and remedies

Part 2F.1A Proceedings on behalf of a company by members and others

Section 236

388 Corporations Act 2001

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Part 2F.1A—Proceedings on behalf of a company

by members and others

236 Bringing, or intervening in, proceedings on behalf of a company

(1) A person may bring proceedings on behalf of a company, or

intervene in any proceedings to which the company is a party for

the purpose of taking responsibility on behalf of the company for

those proceedings, or for a particular step in those proceedings (for

example, compromising or settling them), if:

(a) the person is:

(i) a member, former member, or person entitled to be

registered as a member, of the company or of a related

body corporate; or

(ii) an officer or former officer of the company; and

(b) the person is acting with leave granted under section 237.

(2) Proceedings brought on behalf of a company must be brought in

the company’s name.

(3) The right of a person at general law to bring, or intervene in,

proceedings on behalf of a company is abolished.

Note 1: For the right to inspect company books, see subsections 247A(3) to


Note 2: For the requirements to disclose proceedings and leave applications in

the annual directors’ report, see subsections 300(14) and (15).

Note 3: This section does not prevent a person bringing, or intervening in,

proceedings on their own behalf in respect of a personal right.

237 Applying for and granting leave

(1) A person referred to in paragraph 236(1)(a) may apply to the Court

for leave to bring, or to intervene in, proceedings.

(2) The Court must grant the application if it is satisfied that:

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Proceedings on behalf of a company by members and others Part 2F.1A

Section 237

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(a) it is probable that the company will not itself bring the

proceedings, or properly take responsibility for them, or for

the steps in them; and

(b) the applicant is acting in good faith; and

(c) it is in the best interests of the company that the applicant be

granted leave; and

(d) if the applicant is applying for leave to bring proceedings—

there is a serious question to be tried; and

(e) either:

(i) at least 14 days before making the application, the

applicant gave written notice to the company of the

intention to apply for leave and of the reasons for

applying; or

(ii) it is appropriate to grant leave even though

subparagraph (i) is not satisfied.

(3) A rebuttable presumption that granting leave is not in the best

interests of the company arises if it is established that:

(a) the proceedings are:

(i) by the company against a third party; or

(ii) by a third party against the company; and

(b) the company has decided:

(i) not to bring the proceedings; or

(ii) not to defend the proceedings; or

(iii) to discontinue, settle or compromise the proceedings;


(c) all of the directors who participated in that decision:

(i) acted in good faith for a proper purpose; and

(ii) did not have a material personal interest in the decision;


(iii) informed themselves about the subject matter of the

decision to the extent they reasonably believed to be

appropriate; and

(iv) rationally believed that the decision was in the best

interests of the company.

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Chapter 2F Members’ rights and remedies

Part 2F.1A Proceedings on behalf of a company by members and others

Section 238

390 Corporations Act 2001

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The director’s belief that the decision was in the best interests of

the company is a rational one unless the belief is one that no

reasonable person in their position would hold.

(4) For the purposes of subsection (3):

(a) a person is a third party if:

(i) the company is a public company and the person is not a

related party of the company; or

(ii) the company is not a public company and the person

would not be a related party of the company if the

company were a public company; and

(b) proceedings by or against the company include any appeal

from a decision made in proceedings by or against the


Note: Related party is defined in section 228.

238 Substitution of another person for the person granted leave

(1) Any of the following persons may apply to the Court for an order

that they be substituted for a person to whom leave has been

granted under section 237:

(a) a member, former member, or a person entitled to be

registered as a member, of the company or of a related body


(b) an officer, or former officer, of the company.

(2) The Court may make the order if it is satisfied that:

(a) the applicant is acting in good faith; and

(b) it is appropriate to make the order in all the circumstances.

(3) An order substituting one person for another has the effect that:

(a) the grant of leave is taken to have been made in favour of the

substituted person; and

(b) if the other person has already brought the proceedings or

intervened—the substituted person is taken to have brought

those proceedings or to have made that intervention.

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Members’ rights and remedies Chapter 2F

Proceedings on behalf of a company by members and others Part 2F.1A

Section 239

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239 Effect of ratification by members

(1) If the members of a company ratify or approve conduct, the

ratification or approval:

(a) does not prevent a person from bringing or intervening in

proceedings with leave under section 237 or from applying

for leave under that section; and

(b) does not have the effect that proceedings brought or

intervened in with leave under section 237 must be

determined in favour of the defendant, or that an application

for leave under that section must be refused.

(2) If members of a company ratify or approve conduct, the Court may

take the ratification or approval into account in deciding what order

or judgment (including as to damages) to make in proceedings

brought or intervened in with leave under section 237 or in relation

to an application for leave under that section. In doing this, it must

have regard to:

(a) how well-informed about the conduct the members were

when deciding whether to ratify or approve the conduct; and

(b) whether the members who ratified or approved the conduct

were acting for proper purposes.

240 Leave to discontinue, compromise or settle proceedings brought,

or intervened in, with leave

Proceedings brought or intervened in with leave must not be

discontinued, compromised or settled without the leave of the


241 General powers of the Court

(1) The Court may make any orders, and give any directions, that it

considers appropriate in relation to proceedings brought or

intervened in with leave, or an application for leave, including:

(a) interim orders; and

(b) directions about the conduct of the proceedings, including

requiring mediation; and

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Chapter 2F Members’ rights and remedies

Part 2F.1A Proceedings on behalf of a company by members and others

Section 242

392 Corporations Act 2001

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(c) an order directing the company, or an officer of the company,

to do, or not to do, any act; and

(d) an order appointing an independent person to investigate, and

report to the Court on:

(i) the financial affairs of the company; or

(ii) the facts or circumstances which gave rise to the cause

of action the subject of the proceedings; or

(iii) the costs incurred in the proceedings by the parties to

the proceedings and the person granted leave.

(2) A person appointed by the Court under paragraph (1)(d) is entitled,

on giving reasonable notice to the company, to inspect any books

of the company for any purpose connected with their appointment.

(3) If the Court appoints a person under paragraph (1)(d):

(a) the Court must also make an order stating who is liable for

the remuneration and expenses of the person appointed; and

(b) the Court may vary the order at any time; and

(c) the persons who may be made liable under the order, or the

order as varied, are:

(i) all or any of the parties to the proceedings or

application; and

(ii) the company; and

(d) if the order, or the order as varied, makes 2 or more persons

liable, the order may also determine the nature and extent of

the liability of each of those persons.

(4) Subsection (3) does not affect the powers of the Court as to costs.

242 Power of the Court to make costs orders

The Court may at any time make any orders it considers

appropriate about the costs of the following persons in relation to

proceedings brought or intervened in with leave under section 237

or an application for leave under that section:

(a) the person who applied for or was granted leave;

(b) the company;

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Members’ rights and remedies Chapter 2F

Proceedings on behalf of a company by members and others Part 2F.1A

Section 242

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(c) any other party to the proceedings or application.

An order under this section may require indemnification for costs.

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Chapter 2F Members’ rights and remedies

Part 2F.2 Class rights

Section 246B

394 Corporations Act 2001

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Part 2F.2—Class rights

Note: This Part does not apply to the adoption or amendment of benefit fund rules or to consequential amendments to the rest of the company’s constitution made under the Life Insurance Act 1995, see Subdivision 2 of Division 4 of Part 2A of that Act.

246B Varying and cancelling class rights

If constitution sets out procedure

(1) If a company has a constitution that sets out the procedure for

varying or cancelling:

(a) for a company with a share capital—rights attached to shares

in a class of shares; or

(b) for a company without a share capital—rights of members in

a class of members;

those rights may be varied or cancelled only in accordance with the

procedure. The procedure may be changed only if the procedure

itself is complied with.

If constitution does not set out procedure

(2) If a company does not have a constitution, or has a constitution that

does not set out the procedure for varying or cancelling:

(a) for a company with a share capital—rights attached to shares

in a class of shares; or

(b) for a company without a share capital—rights of members in

a class of members;

those rights may be varied or cancelled only by special resolution

of the company and:

(c) by special resolution passed at a meeting:

(i) for a company with a share capital of the class of

members holding shares in the class; or

(ii) for a company without a share capital of the class of

members whose rights are being varied or cancelled; or

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Members’ rights and remedies Chapter 2F

Class rights Part 2F.2

Section 246C

Corporations Act 2001 395

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(d) with the written consent of members with at least 75% of the

votes in the class.

(3) The company must give written notice of the variation or

cancellation to the members of the class within 7 days after the

variation or cancellation is made.

(4) An offence based on subsection (3) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

246C Certain actions taken to vary rights etc.

Company with share capital

(1) If the shares in a class of shares in a company are divided into

further classes, and after the division the rights attached to all of

those shares are not the same:

(a) the division is taken to vary the rights attached to every share

that was in the class existing before the division; and

(b) members who hold shares to which the same rights are

attached after the division form a separate class.

(2) If the rights attached to some of the shares in a class of shares in a

company are varied:

(a) the variation is taken to vary the rights attached to every

other share that was in the class existing before the variation;


(b) members who hold shares to which the same rights are

attached after the variation form a separate class.

Company without share capital

(3) If the members in a class of members in a company without share

capital are divided into further classes of members, and after the

division the rights of all of those members are not the same:

(a) the division is taken to vary the rights of every member who

was in the class existing before the division; and

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Chapter 2F Members’ rights and remedies

Part 2F.2 Class rights

Section 246D

396 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) members who have the same rights after the division form a

separate class.

(4) If the rights of some of the members in a class of members in a

company without a share capital are varied:

(a) the variation is taken to vary the rights of every other

member who was in the class existing before the variation;


(b) members who have the same rights after the variation form a

separate class.

Company with 1 class of shares issuing new class of shares

(5) If a company with 1 class of shares issues new shares, the issue is

taken to vary the rights attached to shares already issued if:

(a) the rights attaching to the new shares are not the same as the

rights attached to shares already issued; and

(b) those rights are not provided for in:

(i) the company’s constitution (if any); or

(ii) a notice, document or resolution that is lodged with


(6) If a company issues new preference shares that rank equally with

existing preference shares, the issue is taken to vary the rights

attached to the existing preference shares unless the issue is

authorised by:

(a) the terms of issue of the existing preference shares; or

(b) the company’s constitution (if any) as in force when the

existing preference shares were issued.

246D Variation, cancellation or modification without unanimous

support of class

(1) If members in a class do not all agree (whether by resolution or

written consent) to:

(a) a variation or cancellation of their rights; or

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Members’ rights and remedies Chapter 2F

Class rights Part 2F.2

Section 246E

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(b) a modification of the company’s constitution (if any) to allow

their rights to be varied or cancelled;

members with at least 10% of the votes in the class may apply to

the Court to have the variation, cancellation or modification set


(2) An application may only be made within 1 month after the

variation, cancellation or modification is made.

(3) The variation, cancellation or modification takes effect:

(a) if no application is made to the Court to have it set aside—1

month after the variation, cancellation or modification is

made; or

(b) if an application is made to the Court to have it set aside—

when the application is withdrawn or finally determined.

(4) The members of the class who want to have the variation,

cancellation or modification set aside may appoint 1 or more of

themselves to make the application on their behalf. The

appointment must be in writing.

(5) The Court may set aside the variation, cancellation or modification

if it is satisfied that it would unfairly prejudice the applicants.

However, the Court must confirm the variation, cancellation or

modification if the Court is not satisfied of unfair prejudice.

(6) Within 14 days after the Court makes an order, the company must

lodge a copy of it with ASIC.

(7) An offence based on subsection (6) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

246E Variation, cancellation or modification with unanimous

support of class

If the members in a class all agree (whether by resolution or

written consent) to the variation, cancellation or modification, it

takes effect:

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Chapter 2F Members’ rights and remedies

Part 2F.2 Class rights

Section 246F

398 Corporations Act 2001

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(a) if no later date is specified in the resolution or consent—on

the date of the resolution or consent; or

(b) on a later date specified in the resolution or consent.

246F Company must lodge documents and resolutions with ASIC

(1) A company must lodge with ASIC a notice in the prescribed form

setting out particulars of any of the following:

(a) a division of shares in the company into classes if the shares

were not previously so divided;

(b) a conversion of shares in a class of shares in the company

into shares in another class.

Note: A proprietary company may also have to notify certain particulars

under Part 2C.2.

(2) The notice must be lodged within 14 days after the division or


(3) A public company must lodge with ASIC a copy of each document

(including an agreement or consent) or resolution that:

(a) does any of the following:

(i) attaches rights to issued or unissued shares;

(ii) varies or cancels rights attaching to issued or unissued


(iii) varies or cancels rights of members in a class of

members of a company that does not have a share


(iv) binds a class of members; and

(b) is not already lodged with ASIC.

This also applies to a proprietary company that has applied under

Part 2B.7 to change to a public company, while its application has

not yet been determined.

(3A) An offence based on subsection (1) or (3) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

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Members’ rights and remedies Chapter 2F

Class rights Part 2F.2

Section 246G

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(4) The document must be lodged within 14 days after it is made. The

resolution must be lodged within 14 days after it is passed.

246G Member’s copies of documents and resolutions

(1) A member of a company may ask the company in writing for a

copy of a document or resolution referred to in section 246F. The

company must send the copy to the member.

(1A) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(2) If the company requires the member to pay for the copy, the

company must send it:

(a) within 7 days after the company receives the payment; or

(b) within any longer period approved by ASIC.

(3) The amount of any payment the company requires cannot exceed

the prescribed amount.

(4) If the company does not require payment for the copy, the

company must send it:

(a) within 7 days after the member asks for it; or

(b) within any longer period approved by ASIC.

246H Application of this Part to MCI mutual entities that are

companies limited by guarantee

For the purposes of applying this Part to an MCI mutual entity that

is a company limited by guarantee, treat the entity:

(a) in relation to a person who holds MCIs in the entity—as a

company with a share capital; and

(b) in relation to a non-shareholder mutual member—as a

company without a share capital.

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Chapter 2F Members’ rights and remedies

Part 2F.3 Inspection of books

Section 247A

400 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 2F.3—Inspection of books

247A Order for inspection of books of company or registered


(1) On application by a member of a company or registered scheme,

the Court may make an order:

(a) authorising the applicant to inspect books of the company or

scheme; or

(b) authorising another person (whether a member or not) to

inspect books of the company or scheme on the applicant’s


The Court may only make the order if it is satisfied that the

applicant is acting in good faith and that the inspection is to be

made for a proper purpose.

(2) A person authorised to inspect books may make copies of the

books unless the Court orders otherwise.

(3) A person who:

(a) is granted leave under section 237; or

(b) applies for leave under that section; or

(c) is eligible to apply for leave under that section;

may apply to the Court for an order under this section.

(4) On application, the Court may make an order authorising:

(a) the applicant to inspect books of the company; or

(b) another person to inspect books of the company on the

applicant’s behalf.

(5) The Court may make the order only if it is satisfied that:

(a) the applicant is acting in good faith; and

(b) the inspection is to be made for a purpose connected with:

(i) applying for leave under section 237; or

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Members’ rights and remedies Chapter 2F

Inspection of books Part 2F.3

Section 247B

Corporations Act 2001 401

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(ii) bringing or intervening in proceedings with leave under

that section.

(6) A person authorised to inspect books may make copies of the

books unless the Court orders otherwise.

247B Ancillary orders

If the Court makes an order under section 247A, the Court may

make any other orders it considers appropriate, including either or

both of the following:

(a) an order limiting the use that a person who inspects books

may make of information obtained during the inspection;

(b) an order limiting the right of a person who inspects books to

make copies in accordance with subsection 247A(2).

247C Disclosure of information acquired in inspection

(1) A person who inspects books on behalf of an applicant under

section 247A must not disclose information obtained during the


(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the extent that the disclosure is to:

(a) ASIC; or

(b) the applicant.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in

subsection (2), see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

(3) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

247D Company or directors may allow member to inspect books

(replaceable rule see section 135)

The directors of a company, or the company by a resolution passed

at a general meeting, may authorise a member to inspect books of

the company.

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Chapter 2F Members’ rights and remedies

Part 2F.4 Proceedings against a company by members and others

Section 247E

402 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 2F.4—Proceedings against a company by

members and others

247E Shareholding does not prevent compensation claim

A person is not prevented from obtaining damages or other

compensation from a company only because the person:

(a) holds, or has held, shares in the company; or

(b) has subscribed for shares in the company; or

(c) has a right to be included in the register that the company

maintains under section 169.

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Meetings Chapter 2G

Directors’ meetings Part 2G.1

Resolutions and declarations without meetings Division 1

Section 248A

Corporations Act 2001 403

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Chapter 2G—Meetings

Part 2G.1—Directors’ meetings

Division 1—Resolutions and declarations without meetings

248A Circulating resolutions of companies with more than 1

director (replaceable rule see section 135)


(1) The directors of a company may pass a resolution without a

directors’ meeting being held if all the directors entitled to vote on

the resolution sign a document containing a statement that they are

in favour of the resolution set out in the document.


(2) Separate copies of a document may be used for signing by

directors if the wording of the resolution and statement is identical

in each copy.

When the resolution is passed

(3) The resolution is passed when the last director signs.

Note: Passage of a resolution under this section must be recorded in the

company’s minute books (see section 251A).

248B Resolutions and declarations of 1 director proprietary



(1) The director of a proprietary company that has only 1 director may

pass a resolution by recording it and signing the record.

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Chapter 2G Meetings

Part 2G.1 Directors’ meetings

Division 1 Resolutions and declarations without meetings

Section 248B

404 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19


(2) The director of a proprietary company that has only 1 director may

make a declaration by recording it and signing the record.

Recording and signing the declaration satisfies any requirement in

this Act that the declaration be made at a directors’ meeting.

Note 1: For directors’ declarations, see sections 295 and 494.

Note 2: Passage of a resolution or the making of a declaration under this

section must be recorded in the company’s minute books (see

section 251A).

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Meetings Chapter 2G

Directors’ meetings Part 2G.1

Directors’ meetings Division 2

Section 248C

Corporations Act 2001 405

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Division 2—Directors’ meetings

248C Calling directors’ meetings (replaceable rule see section 135)

A directors’ meeting may be called by a director giving reasonable

notice individually to every other director.

Note: A director who has appointed an alternate director may ask for the

notice to be sent to the alternate director (see subsection 201K(2)).

248D Use of technology

A directors’ meeting may be called or held using any technology

consented to by all the directors. The consent may be a standing

one. A director may only withdraw their consent within a

reasonable period before the meeting.

248E Chairing directors’ meetings (replaceable rule see section 135)

(1) The directors may elect a director to chair their meetings. The

directors may determine the period for which the director is to be

the chair.

(2) The directors must elect a director present to chair a meeting, or

part of it, if:

(a) a director has not already been elected to chair the meeting;


(b) a previously elected chair is not available or declines to act,

for the meeting or the part of the meeting.

248F Quorum at directors’ meetings (replaceable rule see

section 135)

Unless the directors determine otherwise, the quorum for a

directors’ meeting is 2 directors and the quorum must be present at

all times during the meeting.

Note 1: For special quorum rules for public companies, see section 195.

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Chapter 2G Meetings

Part 2G.1 Directors’ meetings

Division 2 Directors’ meetings

Section 248G

406 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Note 2: For resolutions of 1 director proprietary companies without meetings,

see section 248B.

248G Passing of directors’ resolutions (replaceable rule see

section 135)

(1) A resolution of the directors must be passed by a majority of the

votes cast by directors entitled to vote on the resolution.

(2) The chair has a casting vote if necessary in addition to any vote

they have in their capacity as a director.

Note: The chair may be precluded from voting, for example, by a conflict of


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Meetings Chapter 2G

Meetings of members of companies Part 2G.2

Resolutions without meetings Division 1

Section 249A

Corporations Act 2001 407

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 2G.2—Meetings of members of companies

Division 1—Resolutions without meetings

249A Circulating resolutions of proprietary companies with more

than 1 member

(1) This section applies to resolutions of the members of proprietary

companies that this Act or, if a company has a constitution, the

company’s constitution requires or permits to be passed at a

general meeting. It does not apply to a resolution under section 329

to remove an auditor.

(2) A company may pass a resolution without a general meeting being

held if all the members entitled to vote on the resolution sign a

document containing a statement that they are in favour of the

resolution set out in the document. Each member of a joint

membership must sign.

(3) Separate copies of a document may be used for signing by

members if the wording of the resolution and statement is identical

in each copy.

(4) The resolution is passed when the last member signs.

(5) A company that passes a resolution under this section without

holding a meeting satisfies any requirement in this Act:

(a) to give members information or a document relating to the

resolution—by giving members that information or document

with the document to be signed; and

(b) to lodge with ASIC a copy of a notice of meeting to consider

the resolution—by lodging a copy of the document to be

signed by members; and

(c) to lodge a copy of a document that accompanies a notice of

meeting to consider the resolution—by lodging a copy of the

information or documents referred to in paragraph (a).

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Chapter 2G Meetings

Part 2G.2 Meetings of members of companies

Division 1 Resolutions without meetings

Section 249B

408 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(6) The passage of the resolution satisfies any requirement in this Act,

or a company’s constitution (if any), that the resolution be passed

at a general meeting.

(7) This section does not affect any rule of law relating to the assent of

members not given at a general meeting.

Note 1: A body corporate representative may sign a circulating resolution (see

section 250D).

Note 2: Passage of a resolution under this section must be recorded in the

company’s minute books (see section 251A).

249B Resolutions of 1 member companies

(1) A company that has only 1 member may pass a resolution by the

member recording it and signing the record.

(2) If this Act requires information or a document relating to the

resolution to be lodged with ASIC, that requirement is satisfied by

lodging the information or document with the resolution that is


Note 1: A body corporate representative may sign such a resolution (see

section 250D).

Note 2: Passage of a resolution under this section must be recorded in the

company’s minute books (see section 251A).

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Meetings Chapter 2G

Meetings of members of companies Part 2G.2

Who may call meetings of members Division 2

Section 249C

Corporations Act 2001 409

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 2—Who may call meetings of members

249C Calling of meetings of members by a director (replaceable

rule—see section 135)

A director may call a meeting of the company’s members.

249CA Calling of meetings of members of a listed company by a


(1) A director may call a meeting of the company’s members.

(2) This section only applies to a company that is listed.

(3) This section applies despite anything in the company’s


249D Calling of general meeting by directors when requested by


(1) The directors of a company must call and arrange to hold a general

meeting on the request of members with at least 5% of the votes

that may be cast at the general meeting.

(2) The request must:

(a) be in writing; and

(b) state any resolution to be proposed at the meeting; and

(c) be signed by the members making the request; and

(d) be given to the company.

(3) Separate copies of a document setting out the request may be used

for signing by members if the wording of the request is identical in

each copy.

(4) The percentage of votes that members have is to be worked out as

at the midnight before the request is given to the company.

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Chapter 2G Meetings

Part 2G.2 Meetings of members of companies

Division 2 Who may call meetings of members

Section 249E

410 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(5) The directors must call the meeting within 21 days after the request

is given to the company. The meeting is to be held not later than 2

months after the request is given to the company.

249E Failure of directors to call general meeting

(1) Members with more than 50% of the votes of all of the members

who make a request under section 249D may call and arrange to

hold a general meeting if the directors do not do so within 21 days

after the request is given to the company.

(2) The meeting must be called in the same way—so far as is

possible—in which general meetings of the company may be

called. The meeting must be held not later than 3 months after the

request is given to the company.

(3) To call the meeting the members requesting the meeting may ask

the company under section 173 for a copy of the register of

members. Despite paragraph 173(3)(b), the company must give the

members the copy of the register without charge.

(4) The company must pay the reasonable expenses the members

incurred because the directors failed to call and arrange to hold the


(4A) An offence based on subsection (3) or (4) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(5) The company may recover the amount of the expenses from the

directors. However, a director is not liable for the amount if they

prove that they took all reasonable steps to cause the directors to

comply with section 249D. The directors who are liable are jointly

and individually liable for the amount. If a director who is liable

for the amount does not reimburse the company, the company must

deduct the amount from any sum payable as fees to, or

remuneration of, the director.

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Meetings Chapter 2G

Meetings of members of companies Part 2G.2

Who may call meetings of members Division 2

Section 249F

Corporations Act 2001 411

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

249F Calling of general meetings by members

(1) Members with at least 5% of the votes that may be cast at a general

meeting of the company may call, and arrange to hold, a general

meeting. The members calling the meeting must pay the expenses

of calling and holding the meeting.

(2) The meeting must be called in the same way—so far as is

possible—in which general meetings of the company may be


(3) The percentage of votes that members have is to be worked out as

at the midnight before the meeting is called.

249G Calling of meetings of members by the Court

(1) The Court may order a meeting of the company’s members to be

called if it is impracticable to call the meeting in any other way.

(2) The Court may make the order on application by:

(a) any director; or

(b) any member who would be entitled to vote at the meeting.

Note: For the directions the Court may give for calling, holding or

conducting a meeting it has ordered be called, see section 1319.

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Chapter 2G Meetings

Part 2G.2 Meetings of members of companies

Division 3 How to call meetings of members

Section 249H

412 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 3—How to call meetings of members

249H Amount of notice of meetings

General rule

(1) Subject to subsection (2), at least 21 days notice must be given of a

meeting of a company’s members. However, if a company has a

constitution, it may specify a longer minimum period of notice.

Calling meetings on shorter notice

(2) A company may call on shorter notice:

(a) an AGM, if all the members entitled to attend and vote at the

AGM agree beforehand; and

(b) any other general meeting, if members with at least 95% of

the votes that may be cast at the meeting agree beforehand.

A company cannot call an AGM or other general meeting on

shorter notice if it is a meeting of the kind referred to in

subsection (3) or (4).

Shorter notice not allowed—removing or appointing director

(3) At least 21 days notice must be given of a meeting of the members

of a public company at which a resolution will be moved to:

(a) remove a director under section 203D; or

(b) appoint a director in place of a director removed under that


Shorter notice not allowed—removing auditor

(4) At least 21 days notice must be given of a meeting of a company at

which a resolution will be moved to remove an auditor under

section 329.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Meetings Chapter 2G

Meetings of members of companies Part 2G.2

How to call meetings of members Division 3

Section 249HA

Corporations Act 2001 413

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

249HA Amount of notice of meetings of listed company

(1) Despite section 249H, at least 28 days notice must be given of a

meeting of a company’s members.

(2) This section only applies to a company that is listed.

(3) This section applies despite anything in the company’s


249J Notice of meetings of members to members and directors

Notice to members and directors individually

(1) Written notice of a meeting of a company’s members must be

given individually to each member entitled to vote at the meeting

and to each director. Notice need only be given to 1 member of a

joint membership.

Notice to joint members (replaceable rule—see section 135)

(2) Notice to joint members must be given to the joint member named

first in the register of members.

How notice is given

(3) A company may give the notice of meeting to a member:

(a) personally; or

(b) by sending it by post to the address for the member in the

register of members or the alternative address (if any)

nominated by the member; or

(c) by sending it to the fax number or electronic address (if any)

nominated by the member; or

(ca) by sending it to the member by other electronic means (if

any) nominated by the member; or

(cb) by notifying the member in accordance with subsection (3A);


(d) by any other means that the company’s constitution (if any)


Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 2G Meetings

Part 2G.2 Meetings of members of companies

Division 3 How to call meetings of members

Section 249K

414 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Note: A defect in the notice given may not invalidate a meeting (see

section 1322).

(3A) If the member nominates:

(a) an electronic means (the nominated notification means) by

which the member may be notified that notices of meeting

are available; and

(b) an electronic means (the nominated access means) the

member may use to access notices of meeting;

the company may give the member notice of the meeting by

notifying the member (using the nominated notification means):

(c) that the notice of meeting is available; and

(d) how the member may use the nominated access means to

access the notice of meeting.

This subsection does not limit subsection (3).

When notice by post or fax is given (replaceable rule—see

section 135)

(4) A notice of meeting sent by post is taken to be given 3 days after it

is posted. A notice of meeting sent by fax, or other electronic

means, is taken to be given on the business day after it is sent.

When notice under paragraph (3)(cb) is given (replaceable rule—

see section 135)

(5) A notice of meeting given to a member under paragraph (3)(cb) is

taken to be given on the business day after the day on which the

member is notified that the notice of meeting is available.

249K Auditor entitled to notice and other communications

(1) A company must give its auditor:

(a) notice of a general meeting in the same way that a member of

the company is entitled to receive notice; and

(b) any other communications relating to the general meeting

that a member of the company is entitled to receive.

Note 1: For when a company must have an auditor, see Part 2M.3.

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Meetings Chapter 2G

Meetings of members of companies Part 2G.2

How to call meetings of members Division 3

Section 249L

Corporations Act 2001 415

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Note 2: An auditor may appoint a representative to attend a meeting (see

subsection 249V(4)).

(2) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

249L Contents of notice of meetings of members

(1) A notice of a meeting of a company’s members must:

(a) set out the place, date and time for the meeting (and, if the

meeting is to be held in 2 or more places, the technology that

will be used to facilitate this); and

(b) state the general nature of the meeting’s business; and

(c) if a special resolution is to be proposed at the meeting—set

out an intention to propose the special resolution and state the

resolution; and

(d) if a member is entitled to appoint a proxy—contain a

statement setting out the following information:

(i) that the member has a right to appoint a proxy;

(ii) whether or not the proxy needs to be a member of the


(iii) that a member who is entitled to cast 2 or more votes

may appoint 2 proxies and may specify the proportion

or number of votes each proxy is appointed to exercise.

Note: There may be other requirements for disclosure to members.

(2) The notice of the AGM of a listed company must also:

(a) inform members that the resolution referred to in

subsection 250R(2) (resolution on remuneration report) will

be put at the AGM; and

(b) if at the previous AGM at least 25% of the votes cast on a

resolution that the remuneration report be adopted were

against adoption of the report (but the same was not the case

at the AGM before that):

(i) explain the circumstances in which subsection 250V(1)

would apply; and

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 2G Meetings

Part 2G.2 Meetings of members of companies

Division 3 How to call meetings of members

Section 249LA

416 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(ii) inform members that the resolution described in

subsection 250V(1) as the spill resolution will be put at

the AGM if that subsection applies.

Note: Subsection 250R(2) requires a resolution to adopt a remuneration

report for a listed company to be put to the vote at the company’s


(3) The information included in the notice of meeting must be worded

and presented in a clear, concise and effective manner.

249LA Notice of meeting not required to contain certain


(1) The regulations may provide that a notice of a meeting of a

company’s members is not required by section 249L or otherwise

to include information specified in the regulations if any conditions

specified in the regulations are satisfied.

(2) Without limiting subsection (1), the regulations may specify

different conditions for:

(a) different kinds of information; and

(b) a notice of meeting given by a company or a class of


(3) If:

(a) regulations are made for the purposes of subsection (1); and

(b) a notice of meeting does not include particular information in

accordance with those regulations;

the information is taken to be included in the notice of meeting.

249M Notice of adjourned meetings (replaceable rule—see

section 135)

When a meeting is adjourned, new notice of the resumed meeting

must be given if the meeting is adjourned for 1 month or more.

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Meetings Chapter 2G

Meetings of members of companies Part 2G.2

Members’ rights to put resolutions etc. at general meetings Division 4

Section 249N

Corporations Act 2001 417

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 4—Members’ rights to put resolutions etc. at

general meetings

249N Members’ resolutions

(1) The following members may give a company notice of a resolution

that they propose to move at a general meeting:

(a) members with at least 5% of the votes that may be cast on the

resolution; or

(b) at least 100 members who are entitled to vote at a general


(1A) The regulations may prescribe a different number of members for

the purposes of the application of paragraph (1)(b) to:

(a) a particular company; or

(b) a particular class of company.

Without limiting this, the regulations may specify the number as a

percentage of the total number of members of the company.

(2) The notice must:

(a) be in writing; and:

(b) set out the wording of the proposed resolution; and

(c) be signed by the members proposing to move the resolution.

(3) Separate copies of a document setting out the notice may be used

for signing by members if the wording of the notice is identical in

each copy.

(4) The percentage of votes that members have is to be worked out as

at the midnight before the members give the notice.

249O Company giving notice of members’ resolutions

(1) If a company has been given notice of a resolution under

section 249N, the resolution is to be considered at the next general

meeting that occurs more than 2 months after the notice is given.

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Chapter 2G Meetings

Part 2G.2 Meetings of members of companies

Division 4 Members’ rights to put resolutions etc. at general meetings

Section 249P

418 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(2) The company must give all its members notice of the resolution at

the same time, or as soon as practicable afterwards, and in the same

way, as it gives notice of a meeting.

(3) The company is responsible for the cost of giving members notice

of the resolution if the company receives the notice in time to send

it out to members with the notice of meeting.

(4) The members requesting the meeting are jointly and individually

liable for the expenses reasonably incurred by the company in

giving members notice of the resolution if the company does not

receive the members’ notice in time to send it out with the notice

of meeting. At a general meeting, the company may resolve to

meet the expenses itself.

(5) The company need not give notice of the resolution:

(a) if it is more than 1,000 words long or defamatory; or

(b) if the members making the request are to bear the expenses of

sending the notice out—unless the members give the

company a sum reasonably sufficient to meet the expenses

that it will reasonably incur in giving the notice.

249P Members’ statements to be distributed

(1) Members may request a company to give to all its members a

statement provided by the members making the request about:

(a) a resolution that is proposed to be moved at a general

meeting; or

(b) any other matter that may be properly considered at a general


(2) The request must be made by:

(a) members with at least 5% of the votes that may be cast on the

resolution; or

(b) at least 100 members who are entitled to vote at the meeting.

(2A) The regulations may prescribe a different number of members for

the purposes of the application of paragraph (2)(b) to:

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Meetings Chapter 2G

Meetings of members of companies Part 2G.2

Members’ rights to put resolutions etc. at general meetings Division 4

Section 249P

Corporations Act 2001 419

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(a) a particular company; or

(b) a particular class of company.

Without limiting this, the regulations may specify the number as a

percentage of the total number of members of the company.

(3) The request must be:

(a) in writing; and

(b) signed by the members making the request; and

(c) given to the company.

(4) Separate copies of a document setting out the request may be used

for signing by members if the wording of the request is identical in

each copy.

(5) The percentage of votes that members have is to be worked out as

at the midnight before the request is given to the company.

(6) After receiving the request, the company must distribute to all its

members a copy of the statement at the same time, or as soon as

practicable afterwards, and in the same way, as it gives notice of a

general meeting.

(7) The company is responsible for the cost of making the distribution

if the company receives the statement in time to send it out to

members with the notice of meeting.

(8) The members making the request are jointly and individually liable

for the expenses reasonably incurred by the company in making the

distribution if the company does not receive the statement in time

to send it out with the notice of meeting. At a general meeting, the

company may resolve to meet the expenses itself.

(9) The company need not comply with the request:

(a) if the statement is more than 1,000 words long or

defamatory; or

(b) if the members making the request are responsible for the

expenses of the distribution—unless the members give the

company a sum reasonably sufficient to meet the expenses

that it will reasonably incur in making the distribution.

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Chapter 2G Meetings

Part 2G.2 Meetings of members of companies

Division 5 Holding meetings of members

Section 249Q

420 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 5—Holding meetings of members

249Q Purpose

A meeting of a company’s members must be held for a proper


249R Time and place for meetings of members

A meeting of a company’s members must be held at a reasonable

time and place.

249S Technology

A company may hold a meeting of its members at 2 or more

venues using any technology that gives the members as a whole a

reasonable opportunity to participate.

Note: See section 1322 for the consequences of a member not being given a

reasonable opportunity to participate.

249T Quorum (replaceable rule—see section 135)

(1) The quorum for a meeting of a company’s members is 2 members

and the quorum must be present at all times during the meeting.

Note: For single member companies, see section 249B.

(2) In determining whether a quorum is present, count individuals

attending as proxies or body corporate representatives. However, if

a member has appointed more than 1 proxy or representative, count

only 1 of them. If an individual is attending both as a member and

as a proxy or body corporate representative, count them only once.

Note 1: For rights to appoint proxies, see section 249X.

Note 2: For body corporate representatives, see section 250D.

(3) A meeting of the company’s members that does not have a quorum

present within 30 minutes after the time for the meeting set out in

the notice of meeting is adjourned to the date, time and place the

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Holding meetings of members Division 5

Section 249U

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directors specify. If the directors do not specify 1 or more of those

things, the meeting is adjourned to:

(a) if the date is not specified—the same day in the next week;


(b) if the time is not specified—the same time; and

(c) if the place is not specified—the same place.

(4) If no quorum is present at the resumed meeting within 30 minutes

after the time for the meeting, the meeting is dissolved.

249U Chairing meetings of members (replaceable rule—see

section 135)

(1) The directors may elect an individual to chair meetings of the

company’s members.

(2) The directors at a meeting of the company’s members must elect

an individual present to chair the meeting (or part of it) if an

individual has not already been elected by the directors to chair it

or, having been elected, is not available to chair it, or declines to

act, for the meeting (or part of the meeting).

(3) The members at a meeting of the company’s members must elect a

member present to chair the meeting (or part of it) if:

(a) a chair has not previously been elected by the directors to

chair the meeting; or

(b) a previously elected chair is not available, or declines to act,

for the meeting (or part of the meeting).

(4) The chair must adjourn a meeting of the company’s members if the

members present with a majority of votes at the meeting agree or

direct that the chair must do so.

249V Auditor’s right to be heard at general meetings

(1) A company’s auditor is entitled to attend any general meeting of

the company.

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Division 5 Holding meetings of members

Section 249W

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Note: Section 250RA imposes on the auditor of a listed public company an

obligation to attend or be represented at the AGM.

(2) The auditor is entitled to be heard at the meeting on any part of the

business of the meeting that concerns the auditor in their capacity

as auditor.

(3) The auditor is entitled to be heard even if:

(a) the auditor retires at the meeting; or

(b) the meeting passes a resolution to remove the auditor from


(4) The auditor may authorise a person in writing as their

representative for the purpose of attending and speaking at any

general meeting.

Note 1: At an AGM, members may ask the auditor questions (see

section 250T).

Note 2: For when a company must have an auditor, see Part 2M.3.

249W Adjourned meetings

When resolution passed

(1) A resolution passed at a meeting resumed after an adjournment is

passed on the day it was passed.

Business at adjourned meetings (replaceable rule—see

section 135)

(2) Only unfinished business is to be transacted at a meeting resumed

after an adjournment

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Proxies and body corporate representatives Division 6

Section 249X

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Division 6—Proxies and body corporate representatives

249X Who can appoint a proxy (replaceable rule for proprietary

companies and mandatory rule for public companies—see

section 135)

(1) A member of a company who is entitled to attend and cast a vote at

a meeting of the company’s members may appoint a person as the

member’s proxy to attend and vote for the member at the meeting.

(1A) The person appointed as the member’s proxy may be an individual

or a body corporate.

Note: A body corporate may appoint a representative to exercise the powers

that the body corporate may exercise as the member’s proxy, see

section 250D.

(2) The appointment may specify the proportion or number of votes

that the proxy may exercise.

(3) Each member may appoint a proxy. If the member is entitled to

cast 2 or more votes at the meeting, they may appoint 2 proxies. If

the member appoints 2 proxies and the appointment does not

specify the proportion or number of the member’s votes each proxy

may exercise, each proxy may exercise half of the votes.

(4) Disregard any fractions of votes resulting from the application of

subsection (2) or (3).

249Y Rights of proxies

Rights of proxies

(1) A proxy appointed to attend and vote for a member has the same

rights as the member:

(a) to speak at the meeting; and

(b) to vote (but only to the extent allowed by the appointment);


(c) join in a demand for a poll.

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Division 6 Proxies and body corporate representatives

Section 249Z

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Proxy’s right to vote

(2) If a company has a constitution, the constitution may provide that a

proxy is not entitled to vote on a show of hands.

Note: Even if the proxy is not entitled to vote on a show of hands, they may

make or join in the demand for a poll.

Effect of member’s presence on proxy’s authority

(3) A company’s constitution (if any) may provide for the effect that a

member’s presence at a meeting has on the authority of a proxy

appointed to attend and vote for the member. However, if the

constitution does not deal with this, a proxy’s authority to speak

and vote for a member at a meeting is suspended while the member

is present at the meeting.

249Z Company sending appointment forms or lists of proxies must

send to all members

(1) If a company sends a member a proxy appointment form for a

meeting or a list of persons willing to act as proxies at a meeting:

(a) if the member requested the form or list—the company must

send the form or list to all members who ask for it and who

are entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and vote at the

meeting; or

(b) otherwise—the company must send the form or list to all its

members entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and vote at the


(2) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

250A Appointing a proxy

(1) An appointment of a proxy is valid if it is signed, or otherwise

authenticated in a manner prescribed by the regulations, by the

member of the company making the appointment and contains the

following information:

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Section 250B

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(a) the member’s name and address;

(b) the company’s name;

(c) the proxy’s name or the name of the office held by the proxy;

(d) the meetings at which the appointment may be used.

An appointment may be a standing one.

(1A) The regulations made for the purposes of subsection (1) may

prescribe different requirements for the authentication of an

appointment given to the company by different means (electronic

or otherwise).

(2) If a company has a constitution, the constitution may provide that

an appointment is valid even if it contains only some of the

information required by subsection (1).

(3) An undated appointment is taken to have been dated on the day it

is given to the company.

(6) An appointment does not have to be witnessed.

(7) A later appointment revokes an earlier one if both appointments

could not be validly exercised at the meeting.

250B Proxy documents

Documents to be received by company before meeting

(1) For an appointment of a proxy for a meeting of a company’s

members to be effective, the following documents must be

received by the company at least 48 hours before the meeting:

(a) the proxy’s appointment;

(b) if the appointment is signed, or otherwise authenticated in a

manner prescribed by regulations made for the purposes of

subsection 250A(1), by the appointor’s attorney—the

authority under which the appointment was signed or

authenticated or a certified copy of the authority.

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Division 6 Proxies and body corporate representatives

Section 250BA

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Documents received following adjournment of meeting

(2) If a meeting of a company’s members has been adjourned, an

appointment and any authority received by the company at least 48

hours before the resumption of the meeting are effective for the

resumed part of the meeting.

Receipt of documents

(3) A company receives a document referred to in subsection (1):

(a) when the document is received at any of the following:

(i) the company’s registered office;

(ii) a fax number at the company’s registered office;

(iii) a place, fax number or electronic address specified for

the purpose in the notice of meeting; and

(b) if the notice of meeting specifies other electronic means by

which a member may give the document—when the

document given by those means is received by the company

as prescribed by the regulations.

Constitution or notice of meeting may provide for different

notification period

(5) The company’s constitution (if any) or the notice of meeting may

reduce the period of 48 hours referred to in subsection (1) or (2).

250BA Proxy documents—listed companies

(1) In a notice of meeting for a meeting of the members of the

company, the company:

(a) must specify a place and a fax number for the purposes of

receipt of proxy appointments and proxy appointment

authorities; and

(b) may specify:

(i) an electronic address for the purposes of receipt of

proxy appointments and proxy appointment authorities;


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Section 250BB

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(ii) other electronic means by which a member may give the

company a proxy appointment or proxy appointment


(2) This section only applies to a company that is listed.

(3) This section applies despite anything in the company’s


250BB Proxy vote if appointment specifies way to vote

(1) An appointment of a proxy may specify the way the proxy is to

vote on a particular resolution. If it does:

(a) the proxy need not vote on a show of hands, but if the proxy

does so, the proxy must vote that way; and

(b) if the proxy has 2 or more appointments that specify different

ways to vote on the resolution—the proxy must not vote on a

show of hands; and

(c) if the proxy is the chair of the meeting at which the resolution

is voted on—the proxy must vote on a poll, and must vote

that way; and

(d) if the proxy is not the chair—the proxy need not vote on the

poll, but if the proxy does so, the proxy must vote that way.

If a proxy is also a member, this subsection does not affect the way

that the person can cast any votes they hold as a member.

Note: A company’s constitution may provide that a proxy is not entitled to

vote on a show of hands (see subsection 249Y(2)).

(2) If the chair contravenes subsection (1), the chair commits an

offence if the appointment as a proxy resulted from:

(a) the company sending to members:

(i) a list of persons willing to act as proxies; or

(ii) a proxy appointment form holding the chair out as being

willing to act as a proxy; or

(b) the operation of section 250BC.

(3) If a person other than the chair contravenes paragraph (1)(a) or (d),

the person commits an offence if the person:

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Division 6 Proxies and body corporate representatives

Section 250BC

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(a) agreed to the appointment; or

(b) held himself or herself out, or caused another person to hold

him or her out, as being willing to act as a proxy in relation

to the appointment.

(4) If a person other than the chair contravenes paragraph (1)(b), the

person commits an offence if, in relation to at least 2 of the

different ways of voting specified by the appointments, the person:

(a) agreed to at least one of the appointments specifying that way

of voting; or

(b) held himself or herself out, or caused another person to hold

him or her out, as being willing to act as a proxy in relation

to at least one of the appointments specifying that way of


(5) An offence against subsection (2), (3) or (4) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

250BC Transfer of non-chair proxy to chair in certain



(a) an appointment of a proxy specifies the way the proxy is to

vote on a particular resolution at a meeting of the company’s

members; and

(b) the appointed proxy is not the chair of the meeting; and

(c) at the meeting, a poll is duly demanded on the question that

the resolution be passed; and

(d) either of the following apply:

(i) if a record of attendance is made for the meeting—the

proxy is not recorded as attending;

(ii) the proxy does not vote on the resolution;

the chair of the meeting is taken, before voting on the resolution

closes, to have been appointed as the proxy for the purposes of

voting on the resolution at that meeting.

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Section 250BD

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250BD Proxy voting by key management personnel or closely

related parties

(1) A person appointed as a proxy must not vote, on the basis of that

appointment, on a resolution connected directly or indirectly with

the remuneration of a member of the key management personnel

for the company or, if the company is part of a consolidated entity,

for the entity if:

(a) the person is either:

(i) a member of the key management personnel for the

company or, if the company is part of a consolidated

entity, for the entity; or

(ii) a closely related party of a member of the key

management personnel for the company or, if the

company is part of a consolidated entity, for the entity;


(b) the appointment does not specify the way the proxy is to vote

on the resolution.

Note 1: Examples of resolutions connected directly or indirectly with the

remuneration of a member of the key management personnel for the

company or entity include:

(a) resolutions that must be put to the vote under subsection 250R(2) (about a resolution that the remuneration report for a listed company be adopted); and

(b) resolutions that must be put to the vote under subsection 250V(1) (about fresh elections for directors at meetings arising from concerns about remuneration reports); and

(c) resolutions determining directors’ remuneration as mentioned in section 202A; and

(d) resolutions for the purposes of Chapter 2E (about public companies and entities they control giving financial benefits to related parties of public companies) affecting directors’ remuneration.

Note 2: Subsections 250R(4) and 250V(2) also prevent the person from voting

on the resolution if it is a resolution that must be put to the vote under

subsection 250R(2) or 250V(1).

Note 3: Section 224 may also prohibit the person from voting on the

resolution if it is a resolution for the purposes of Chapter 2E.

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Division 6 Proxies and body corporate representatives

Section 250BD

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Note 4: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence: see

subsection 1311(1).

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply if:

(a) the person is the chair of the meeting at which the resolution

is voted on; and

(b) the appointment expressly authorises the chair to exercise the

proxy even if the resolution is connected directly or

indirectly with the remuneration of a member of the key

management personnel for the company or, if the company is

part of a consolidated entity, for the entity.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in

subsection (2): see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

(3) ASIC may by writing declare that:

(a) subsection (1) does not apply to a specified resolution; or

(b) subsection (1) does not prevent the casting of a vote, on a

specified resolution, by or on behalf of a specified entity;

but may do so only if satisfied that the declaration will not cause

unfair prejudice to the interests of any member of the company.

The declaration has effect accordingly. The declaration is not a

legislative instrument.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in

subsection (3): see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

(4) A vote cast in contravention of subsection (1) is taken not to have

been cast. This subsection has effect for the purposes of this Act

except subsection (1) and subsections 250R(4) and (7), and

section 1311 and Schedule 3 so far as they relate to any of those


Note: This means the vote is not counted in working out a percentage of

votes cast or whether the resolution is passed, and does not affect the

validity of the resolution.

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Proxies and body corporate representatives Division 6

Section 250C

Corporations Act 2001 431

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250C Validity of proxy vote

Proxy vote valid even if proxy cannot vote as member

(1) A proxy who is not entitled to vote on a resolution as a member

may vote as a proxy for another member who can vote if their

appointment specifies the way they are to vote on the resolution

and they vote that way.

Proxy vote valid even if member dies, revokes appointment etc.

(replaceable rule—see section 135)

(2) Unless the company has received written notice of the matter

before the start or resumption of the meeting at which a proxy

votes, a vote cast by the proxy will be valid even if, before the

proxy votes:

(a) the appointing member dies; or

(b) the member is mentally incapacitated; or

(c) the member revokes the proxy’s appointment; or

(d) the member revokes the authority under which the proxy was

appointed by a third party; or

(e) the member transfers the share in respect of which the proxy

was given.

Note: A proxy’s authority to vote is suspended while the member is present

at the meeting (see subsection 249Y(3)).

250D Body corporate representative

(1) A body corporate may appoint an individual as a representative to

exercise all or any of the powers the body corporate may exercise:

(a) at meetings of a company’s members; or

(b) at meetings of creditors or debenture holders; or

(c) relating to resolutions to be passed without meetings; or

(d) in the capacity of a member’s proxy appointed under

subsection 249X(1).

The appointment may be a standing one.

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Division 6 Proxies and body corporate representatives

Section 250D

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(2) The appointment may set out restrictions on the representative’s

powers. If the appointment is to be by reference to a position held,

the appointment must identify the position.

(3) A body corporate may appoint more than 1 representative but only

1 representative may exercise the body’s powers at any one time.

(4) Unless otherwise specified in the appointment, the representative

may exercise, on the body corporate’s behalf, all of the powers that

the body could exercise at a meeting or in voting on a resolution.

Note: For resolutions of members without meetings, see sections 249A and


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Voting at meetings of members Division 7

Section 250E

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Division 7—Voting at meetings of members

250E How many votes a member has (replaceable rule—see

section 135)

Company with share capital

(1) Subject to any rights or restrictions attached to any class of shares,

at a meeting of members of a company with a share capital:

(a) on a show of hands, each member has 1 vote; and

(b) on a poll, each member has 1 vote for each share they hold.

Note: Unless otherwise specified in the appointment, a body corporate

representative has all the powers that a body corporate has as a

member (including the power to vote on a show of hands).

Company without share capital

(2) Each member of a company that does not have a share capital has 1

vote, both on a show of hands and a poll.

Chair’s casting vote

(3) The chair has a casting vote, and also, if they are a member, any

vote they have in their capacity as a member.

Note 1: The chair may be precluded from voting, for example, by a conflict of


Note 2: For rights to appoint proxies, see section 249X.

250F Jointly held shares (replaceable rule—see section 135)

If a share is held jointly and more than 1 member votes in respect

of that share, only the vote of the member whose name appears

first in the register of members counts.

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Division 7 Voting at meetings of members

Section 250G

434 Corporations Act 2001

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250G Objections to right to vote (replaceable rule—see section 135)

A challenge to a right to vote at a meeting of a company’s


(a) may only be made at the meeting; and

(b) must be determined by the chair, whose decision is final.

250H Votes need not all be cast in the same way

On a poll a person voting who is entitled to 2 or more votes:

(a) need not cast all their votes; and

(b) may cast their votes in different ways.

Note: For proxy appointments that specify the way the proxy is to vote on a

particular resolution, see subsection 250BB(1).

250J How voting is carried out (replaceable rule—see section 135)

(1) A resolution put to the vote at a meeting of a company’s members

must be decided on a show of hands unless a poll is demanded.

(1A) Before a vote is taken the chair must inform the meeting whether

any proxy votes have been received and how the proxy votes are to

be cast.

(2) On a show of hands, a declaration by the chair is conclusive

evidence of the result, provided that the declaration reflects the

show of hands and the votes of the proxies received. Neither the

chair nor the minutes need to state the number or proportion of the

votes recorded in favour or against.

Note: Even though the chair’s declaration is conclusive of the voting results,

the members present may demand a poll (see paragraph 250L(3)(c)).

250K Matters on which a poll may be demanded

(1) A poll may be demanded on any resolution.

(2) If a company has a constitution, the constitution may provide that a

poll cannot be demanded on any resolution concerning:

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Voting at meetings of members Division 7

Section 250L

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(a) the election of the chair of a meeting; or

(b) the adjournment of a meeting.

(3) A demand for a poll may be withdrawn.

250L When a poll is effectively demanded

(1) At a meeting of a company’s members, a poll may be demanded


(a) at least 5 members entitled to vote on the resolution; or

(b) members with at least 5% of the votes that may be cast on the

resolution on a poll; or

(c) the chair.

Note: A proxy may join in the demand for a poll (see

paragraph 249Y(1)(c)).

(2) If a company has a constitution, the constitution may provide that

fewer members or members with a lesser percentage of votes may

demand a poll.

(3) The poll may be demanded:

(a) before a vote is taken; or

(b) before the voting results on a show of hands are declared; or

(c) immediately after the voting results on a show of hands are


(4) The percentage of votes that members have is to be worked out as

at the midnight before the poll is demanded.

250M When and how polls must be taken (replaceable rule—see

section 135)

(1) A poll demanded on a matter other than the election of a chair or

the question of an adjournment must be taken when and in the

manner the chair directs.

(2) A poll on the election of a chair or on the question of an

adjournment must be taken immediately.

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Part 2G.2 Meetings of members of companies

Division 8 AGMs of public companies

Section 250N

436 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 8—AGMs of public companies

250N Public company must hold AGM

(1) A public company must hold an annual general meeting (AGM)

within 18 months after its registration.

(2) A public company must hold an AGM at least once in each

calendar year and within 5 months after the end of its financial


Note: An AGM held to satisfy this subsection may also satisfy

subsection (1).

(2A) An offence based on subsection (1) or (2) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(3) An AGM is to be held in addition to any other meetings held by a

public company in the year.

Note 1: The company’s annual financial report, directors’ report and auditor’s

report must be laid before the AGM (see section 317).

Note 2: The rules in sections 249C-250M apply to an AGM.

(4) A public company that has only 1 member is not required to hold

an AGM under this section.

(5) A company need not comply with subsection (1) if it is covered

under section 738ZI at the end of the most recent financial year

ending earlier than 18 months after its registration.

(6) A company need not comply with subsection (2) if it is covered

under section 738ZI at the end of the financial year mentioned in

subsection (2).

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AGMs of public companies Division 8

Section 250P

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250P Extension of time for holding AGM

(1) A public company may lodge an application with ASIC to extend

the period within which section 250N requires the company to hold

an AGM.

(2) If the company applies before the end of the period within which

the company would otherwise be required to hold an AGM, ASIC

may extend the period in writing. ASIC must specify the period of

the extension.

(3) A company granted an extension under subsection (2) must hold its

AGM within the extended period.

(4) ASIC may impose conditions on the extension and the company

must comply with those conditions.

(5) An offence based on subsection (3) or (4) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

250PAA Exemptions by ASIC—class orders relating to

externally-administered companies

(1) ASIC may, by legislative instrument, make an order exempting any

of the following from section 250N:

(a) a specified class of companies that are being wound up;

(b) a specified class of companies under administration;

(c) a specified class of companies subject to deeds of company


(2) The order may be:

(a) unconditional; or

(b) subject to one or more specified conditions.

(3) ASIC must cause a copy of the order to be published in the


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Division 8 AGMs of public companies

Section 250PAB

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250PAB Exemptions by ASIC—individual externally-administered


(1) The liquidator of a company that is being wound up may lodge an

application with ASIC to exempt the company from section 250N.

(2) The administrator of a company under administration may lodge an

application with ASIC to exempt the company from section 250N.

(3) The administrator of a deed of company arrangement may lodge an

application with ASIC to exempt the company from section 250N.

(4) If an application is lodged under subsection (1), (2) or (3), ASIC

may, by writing, exempt the company from section 250N.

(5) The exemption may be:

(a) unconditional; or

(b) subject to one or more specified conditions.

(6) ASIC must cause a copy of the exemption to be published in the


250PA Written questions to auditor submitted by members of listed

company before AGM

Member may submit question

(1) A member of a listed company who is entitled to cast a vote at the

AGM may submit a written question to the auditor under this

section if the question is relevant to:

(a) the content of the auditor’s report to be considered at the

AGM; or

(b) the conduct of the audit of the annual financial report to be

considered at the AGM.

The member submits the question to the auditor under this

subsection by giving the question to the listed company no later

than the fifth business day before the day on which the AGM is


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AGMs of public companies Division 8

Section 250PA

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(2) Despite the question being one that is addressed to the auditor, the

listed company may:

(a) examine the contents of the question; and

(b) make a copy of the question.

Company to pass question on to auditor

(3) The listed company must, as soon as practicable after the question

is received by the company, pass the question on to the auditor.

The company must pass the question on to the auditor even if the

company believes the question is not relevant to the matters

specified in paragraph (1)(a) and (b).

Contravention by individual auditor

(4) If the auditor is an individual auditor, the auditor contravenes this

subsection if the auditor does not prepare, and give to the listed

company, a document (the question list) that sets out the questions


(a) the listed company has passed on to the auditor; and

(b) the auditor considers to be relevant to the matters specified in

paragraphs (1)(a) and (b);

as soon as practicable after the end of the time for submitting

questions under subsection (1) and a reasonable time before the


(5) An offence based on subsection (4) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

Contravention by lead auditor

(6) A person contravenes this subsection if:

(a) the auditor is an audit firm or audit company; and

(b) the person is the lead auditor for the audit; and

(c) the person does not prepare, and give to the listed company, a

document (the question list) that sets out the questions that:

(i) the listed company has passed on to the auditor; and

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Part 2G.2 Meetings of members of companies

Division 8 AGMs of public companies

Section 250R

440 Corporations Act 2001

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(ii) the person considers to be relevant to the matters

specified in paragraphs (1)(a) or (b);

as soon as practicable after the end of the time for submitting

questions under subsection (1) and a reasonable time before

the AGM.

(7) An offence based on subsection (6) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

Certain questions do not need to be included in question list

(8) A question need not be included in the question list under

subsection (4) or (6) if:

(a) the question list includes a question that is the same in

substance as that question (even if it is differently expressed);


(b) it is not practicable to include the question in the question

list, or to decide whether to include the question in the

question list, because of the time when the question is passed

on to the auditor.

Listed company to make question list available at AGM

(9) The listed company must, at or before the start of the AGM, make

copies of the question list reasonably available to the members

attending the AGM.

250R Business of AGM

(1) The business of an AGM may include any of the following, even if

not referred to in the notice of meeting:

(a) the consideration of the annual financial report, directors’

report and auditor’s report;

(b) the election of directors;

(c) the appointment of the auditor;

(d) the fixing of the auditor’s remuneration.

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Meetings of members of companies Part 2G.2

AGMs of public companies Division 8

Section 250R

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Advisory resolution for adoption of remuneration report

(2) At a listed company’s AGM, a resolution that the remuneration

report be adopted must be put to the vote.

Note: Under paragraph 249L(2)(a), the notice of the AGM must inform

members that this resolution will be put at the AGM.

(3) The vote on the resolution is advisory only and does not bind the

directors or the company.

Voting on advisory resolution by key management personnel or

closely related parties

(4) A vote on the resolution must not be cast (in any capacity) by or on

behalf of either of the following persons:

(a) a member of the key management personnel details of whose

remuneration are included in the remuneration report;

(b) a closely related party of such a member.

(5) However, a person (the voter) described in subsection (4) may cast

a vote on the resolution as a proxy if the vote is not cast on behalf

of a person described in subsection (4) and either:

(a) the voter is appointed as a proxy by writing that specifies the

way the proxy is to vote on the resolution; or

(b) the voter is the chair of the meeting and the appointment of

the chair as proxy:

(i) does not specify the way the proxy is to vote on the

resolution; and

(ii) expressly authorises the chair to exercise the proxy even

if the resolution is connected directly or indirectly with

the remuneration of a member of the key management

personnel for the company or, if the company is part of

a consolidated entity, for the entity.

(6) ASIC may by writing declare that:

(a) subsection (4) does not apply to a specified resolution; or

(b) subsection (4) does not prevent the casting of a vote, on a

specified resolution, by or on behalf of a specified entity;

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Division 8 AGMs of public companies

Section 250R

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but may do so only if satisfied that the declaration will not cause

unfair prejudice to the interests of any member of the listed

company. The declaration has effect accordingly. The declaration

is not a legislative instrument.

(7) A person described in subsection (4) contravenes this subsection if

a vote on the resolution is cast by or on behalf of the person in

contravention of that subsection (whether or not the resolution is


Note: A contravention of this subsection is an offence: see

subsection 1311(1).

(8) A vote cast in contravention of subsection (4) is taken not to have

been cast. This subsection has effect for the purposes of this Act

except subsections (4) and (7) and subsection 250BD(1), and

section 1311 and Schedule 3 so far as they relate to any of those


Note: This means the vote is not counted in working out a percentage of

votes cast or whether the resolution is passed, and does not affect the

validity of the resolution.

(9) For the purposes of this section, a vote is cast on behalf of a person

if, and only if, it is cast:

(a) as proxy for the person; or

(b) otherwise on behalf of the person; or

(c) in respect of a share in respect of which the person has:

(i) power to vote; or

(ii) power to exercise, or control the exercise of, a right to


(10) Subject to Part 1.1A, subsections (4), (5), (6), (7), (8) and (9) have

effect despite:

(a) anything else in:

(i) this Act; or

(ii) any other law (including the general law) of a State or

Territory; and

(b) anything in the company’s constitution.

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Meetings of members of companies Part 2G.2

AGMs of public companies Division 8

Section 250RA

Corporations Act 2001 443

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250RA Auditor required to attend listed company’s AGM

Contravention by individual auditor

(1) If a listed company’s auditor for a financial year is an individual

auditor, the auditor contravenes this subsection if:

(a) the auditor does not attend the company’s AGM at which the

audit report for that financial year is considered; and

(b) the auditor does not arrange to be represented, at that AGM,

by a person who:

(i) is a suitably qualified member of the audit team that

conducted the audit; and

(ii) is in a position to answer questions about the audit.

(2) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

Contravention by lead auditor

(3) A person contravenes this subsection if:

(a) a listed company’s auditor for a financial year is an audit

firm or an audit company; and

(b) the person is the lead auditor for the audit; and

(c) the person is not represented, at the AGM at which the audit

report for that financial year is considered, by a person who:

(i) is a suitably qualified member of the audit team that

conducted the audit; and

(ii) is in a position to answer questions about the audit.

(4) An offence based on subsection (3) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

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Part 2G.2 Meetings of members of companies

Division 8 AGMs of public companies

Section 250S

444 Corporations Act 2001

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250S Questions and comments by members on company

management at AGM

(1) The chair of an AGM must allow a reasonable opportunity for the

members as a whole at the meeting to ask questions about or make

comments on the management of the company.

(2) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

250SA Listed company—remuneration report

(1) At a listed company’s AGM, the chair must allow a reasonable

opportunity for the members as a whole to ask questions about, or

make comments on, the remuneration report. This section does not

limit section 250S.

(2) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

250T Questions by members of auditors at AGM

(1) If the company’s auditor or their representative is at the meeting,

the chair of an AGM must:

(a) allow a reasonable opportunity for the members as a whole at

the meeting to ask the auditor or the auditor’s representative

questions relevant to:

(i) the conduct of the audit; and

(ii) the preparation and content of the auditor’s report; and

(iii) the accounting policies adopted by the company in

relation to the preparation of the financial statements;


(iv) the independence of the auditor in relation to the

conduct of the audit; and

(b) allow a reasonable opportunity for the auditor or their

representative to answer written questions submitted to the

auditor under section 250PA.

(2) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

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AGMs of public companies Division 8

Section 250T

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Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(3) If :

(a) the company’s auditor or their representative is at the

meeting; and

(b) the auditor has prepared a written answer to a written

question submitted to the auditor under section 250PA;

the Chair of the AGM may permit the auditor or their

representative to table the written answer to the written question.

(4) The listed company must make the written answer tabled under

subsection (3) reasonably available to members as soon as

practicable after the AGM.

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Part 2G.2 Meetings of members of companies

Division 9 Meetings arising from concerns about remuneration reports

Section 250U

446 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 9—Meetings arising from concerns about

remuneration reports

250U Application

This Division applies in relation to a listed company if:

(a) at an AGM (the later AGM) of the company, at least 25% of

the votes cast on a resolution that the remuneration report be

adopted were against adoption of the report; and

(b) at the immediately preceding AGM (the earlier AGM) of the

company, at least 25% of the votes cast on a resolution that

the remuneration report be adopted were against adoption of

the report; and

(c) a resolution was not put to the vote at the earlier AGM under

an earlier application of section 250V.

Note: Subsection 250R(2) requires a resolution to adopt a remuneration

report for a listed company to be put to the vote at the company’s


250V Resolution to hold fresh elections for directors at special

meeting to be put to vote at AGM

(1) At the later AGM, there must be put to the vote a resolution (the

spill resolution) that:

(a) another meeting (the spill meeting) of the company’s

members be held within 90 days; and

(b) all the company’s directors who:

(i) were directors of the company when the resolution to

make the directors’ report considered at the later AGM

was passed; and

(ii) are not a managing director of the company who may,

in accordance with the listing rules for a prescribed

financial market in whose official list the company is

included, continue to hold office indefinitely without

being re-elected to the office;

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Meetings arising from concerns about remuneration reports Division 9

Section 250W

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cease to hold office immediately before the end of the spill

meeting; and

(c) resolutions to appoint persons to offices that will be vacated

immediately before the end of the spill meeting be put to the

vote at the spill meeting.

(2) Subsections 250R(4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9) and (10), and other

provisions of this Act so far as they relate to any of those

subsections, apply in relation to the spill resolution in the same

way as they apply in relation to a resolution that a remuneration

report be adopted.

(3) To avoid doubt, section 203D does not apply in relation to the spill


250W Consequences of spill resolution being passed

(1) This section applies if the spill resolution is passed.

Deadline for holding spill meeting

(2) The company must hold the spill meeting within 90 days after the

spill resolution was passed.

(3) Nothing in subsection (2) authorises any person to disregard:

(a) section 249HA (Amount of notice of meetings of listed

company); or

(b) if a person intends to move a resolution relating to the

appointment of a director of the company—any provision of

the company’s constitution that requires a minimum period

of notice for such a resolution.

Note: Division 3 (which includes section 249HA) deals with giving notice of

the spill meeting. Division 5 contains rules relevant to holding the

spill meeting.

If relevant directors cease to hold office before deadline

(4) The company need not hold the spill meeting within 90 days after

the spill resolution was passed if, before the end of that period,

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Division 9 Meetings arising from concerns about remuneration reports

Section 250W

448 Corporations Act 2001

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none of the company’s directors described in paragraph 250V(1)(b)

remain as directors of the company.

Consequences of failure to hold spill meeting in time

(5) If the company does not hold the spill meeting within 90 days after

the spill resolution was passed, each person who is a director of the

company at the end of those 90 days commits an offence.

Note: A person who is a director at the end of those 90 days may commit an

offence even if he or she was not a director when the spill resolution

was passed.

(6) An offence against subsection (5) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(7) Subsection (5) does not apply if the company need not hold the

spill meeting because of subsection (4).

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in

subsection (7): see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

(8) Subsection (5) does not apply to a person who was not a director of

the company at any time during the period:

(a) starting when the spill resolution was passed; and

(b) ending at the last time notice of the spill meeting could have

been given to hold the spill meeting within 90 days after the

spill resolution was passed and comply with section 249HA

(Amount of notice of meetings of listed company).

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in

subsection (8): see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

Cessation of relevant directors and commencement of

newly-appointed directors

(9) All the company’s directors described in paragraph 250V(1)(b)

cease to hold office immediately before the end of the spill meeting

and the directors appointed by the meeting commence to hold

office at the end of that meeting. This subsection has effect despite

anything else in this Act and the company’s constitution.

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Meetings of members of companies Part 2G.2

Meetings arising from concerns about remuneration reports Division 9

Section 250X

Corporations Act 2001 449

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250X Ensuring there are at least 3 directors after spill meeting

(1) This section applies if there would be fewer than 3 directors of the

company immediately after the spill meeting apart from this


Note: Subsection 201A(2) requires the company to have at least 3 directors.

(2) Enough directors to ensure that the company has 3 directors

immediately after the spill meeting are taken to have been

appointed, by resolution passed at the spill meeting, from the

persons who:

(a) gave the company signed consents to act as directors of the

company in anticipation of being appointed by such a

resolution; and

(b) were not appointed as directors by such a resolution apart

from this section.

Note: The number of directors taken under subsection (2) to have been

appointed is the difference between 3 and the number of directors

holding office immediately after the spill meeting apart from this


(3) The persons taken to have been appointed are those with the

highest percentages of votes favouring their appointment cast at the

spill meeting on the resolution for their appointment (even if less

than half the votes cast on the resolution were in favour of their


Example: Suppose that, under subsection (2), 2 directors are taken to have been

appointed, and the percentages of votes favouring appointment were

50% for Jean, 40% for Karl and 30% for Lionel. Jean and Karl would

both be taken to have been appointed directors, but Lionel would not.

(4) For the purposes of this section, if 2 or more persons have the same

percentage of votes favouring their appointment, the one of those

persons chosen by the director or directors who hold office apart

from this subsection is taken to have a higher percentage than the

rest of those persons.

Note: A director who holds office apart from subsection (4) could make a

series of choices if 3 or more persons all have the same percentage of

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Part 2G.2 Meetings of members of companies

Division 9 Meetings arising from concerns about remuneration reports

Section 250Y

450 Corporations Act 2001

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votes favouring their appointment and it is necessary to work out

which 2 of those persons are taken to be appointed as directors.

(5) If a person is taken to have been appointed because of a choice

under subsection (4), the company must confirm the appointment

by resolution at the company’s next AGM. If the appointment is

not confirmed, the person ceases to be a director of the company at

the end of the AGM.

(6) This section has effect despite anything else in this Act and the

company’s constitution.

250Y Term of office of director reappointed at spill meeting

If a director who ceased to hold office immediately before the end

of the spill meeting is appointed as director by resolution passed at

the spill meeting, his or her term of office runs as if the cessation

and appointment had not happened.

Note: This section is subject to subsection 250X(5).

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Minutes and members’ access to minutes Part 2G.3

Section 251A

Corporations Act 2001 451

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Part 2G.3—Minutes and members’ access to


251A Minutes

(1) A company must keep minute books in which it records within 1


(a) proceedings and resolutions of meetings of the company’s

members; and

(b) proceedings and resolutions of directors’ meetings (including

meetings of a committee of directors); and

(c) resolutions passed by members without a meeting; and

(d) resolutions passed by directors without a meeting; and

(e) if the company is a proprietary company with only 1

director—the making of declarations by the director.

Note: For resolutions and declarations without meetings, see sections 248A,

248B, 249A and 249B.

(2) The company must ensure that minutes of a meeting are signed

within a reasonable time after the meeting by 1 of the following:

(a) the chair of the meeting;

(b) the chair of the next meeting.

(3) The company must ensure that minutes of the passing of a

resolution without a meeting are signed by a director within a

reasonable time after the resolution is passed.

(4) The director of a proprietary company with only 1 director must

sign the minutes of the making of a declaration by the director

within a reasonable time after the declaration is made.

(5) A company must keep its minute books at:

(a) its registered office; or

(b) its principal place of business in this jurisdiction; or

(c) another place in this jurisdiction approved by ASIC.

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Part 2G.3 Minutes and members’ access to minutes

Section 251AA

452 Corporations Act 2001

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(5A) An offence based on subsection (1), (2), (3), (4) or (5) is an offence

of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(6) A minute that is so recorded and signed is evidence of the

proceeding, resolution or declaration to which it relates, unless the

contrary is proved.

251AA Disclosure of proxy votes—listed companies

(1) A company must record in the minutes of a meeting, in respect of

each resolution in the notice of meeting, the total number of proxy

votes exercisable by all proxies validly appointed and:

(a) if the resolution is decided by a show of hands—the total

number of proxy votes in respect of which the appointments

specified that:

(i) the proxy is to vote for the resolution; and

(ii) the proxy is to vote against the resolution; and

(iii) the proxy is to abstain on the resolution; and

(iv) the proxy may vote at the proxy’s discretion; and

(b) if the resolution is decided on a poll—the information

specified in paragraph (a) and the total number of votes cast

on the poll:

(i) in favour of the resolution; and

(ii) against the resolution; and

(iii) abstaining on the resolution.

(2) A company that must notify the operator of each market on which

financial products of the company are listed of a resolution passed

by members at a meeting of the company must, at the same time,

give the relevant market operator the information specified in

subsection (1).

(3) This section only applies to a company that is listed.

(4) This section applies despite anything in the company’s


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Minutes and members’ access to minutes Part 2G.3

Section 251B

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Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

251B Members’ access to minutes

(1) A company must ensure that the minute books for the meetings of

its members and for resolutions of members passed without

meetings are open for inspection by members free of charge.

(2) A member of a company may ask the company in writing for a

copy of:

(a) any minutes of a meeting of the company’s members or an

extract of the minutes; or

(b) any minutes of a resolution passed by members without a


(3) If the company does not require the member to pay for the copy,

the company must send it:

(a) within 14 days after the member asks for it; or

(b) within any longer period that ASIC approves.

(4) If the company requires payment for the copy, the company must

send it:

(a) within 14 days after the company receives the payment; or

(b) within any longer period that ASIC approves.

The amount of any payment the company requires cannot exceed

the prescribed amount.

(5) An offence based on subsection (1), (3) or (4) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

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Chapter 2G Meetings

Part 2G.4 Meetings of members of registered schemes

Division 1 Who may call meetings of members

Section 252A

454 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 2G.4—Meetings of members of registered


Division 1—Who may call meetings of members

252A Calling of meetings of members by responsible entity

The responsible entity of a registered scheme may call a meeting of

the scheme’s members.

252B Calling of meetings of members by responsible entity when

requested by members

(1) The responsible entity of a registered scheme must call and arrange

to hold a meeting of the scheme’s members to consider and vote on

a proposed special or extraordinary resolution on the request of:

(a) members with at least 5% of the votes that may be cast on the

resolution; or

(b) at least 100 members who are entitled to vote on the


(1A) The regulations may prescribe a different number of members for

the purposes of the application of paragraph (1)(b) to:

(a) a particular scheme; or

(b) a particular class of scheme.

Without limiting this, the regulations may specify the number as a

percentage of the total number of members of the scheme.

(2) The request must:

(a) be in writing; and

(b) state any resolution to be proposed at the meeting; and

(c) be signed by the members proposing to move the resolution.

(3) The request may be accompanied by a statement about the

proposed resolution provided by the members making the request.

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Meetings of members of registered schemes Part 2G.4

Who may call meetings of members Division 1

Section 252C

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(4) Separate copies of a document setting out the request and statement

(if any) may be used for signing by members if the wording of the

request and statement (if any) is identical in each copy.

(5) The percentage of the votes that members have is to be worked out

as at the midnight before the request is given to the responsible


(6) The responsible entity must call the meeting within 21 days after

the request is given to it. The meeting is to be held not later than 2

months after the request is given to the responsible entity.

(7) The responsible entity must give to each of the members a copy of

the proposed resolution and statement (if any) at the same time, or

as soon as practicable afterwards, as it gives notice of the meeting.

The responsible entity must distribute the copies in the same way

in which it gives notice of the meeting.

(8) The responsible entity does not have to distribute a copy of the

resolution or statement if either is more than 1,000 words long or


(9) The responsible entity is responsible for the expenses of calling

and holding the meeting and making the distribution. The

responsible entity may meet those expenses from the scheme’s


252C Failure of responsible entity to call meeting of the scheme’s


(1) Members with more than 50% of the votes carried by interests held

by the members who make a request under section 252B may call

and arrange to hold a meeting of the scheme’s members and

distribute the statement (if any) if the responsible entity does not

do so within 21 days after the request is given to the responsible


(2) The meeting must be called and the statement is to be distributed in

the same way—so far as is possible—in which meetings of the

scheme’s members may be called by the responsible entity and

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Chapter 2G Meetings

Part 2G.4 Meetings of members of registered schemes

Division 1 Who may call meetings of members

Section 252D

456 Corporations Act 2001

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information is distributed to members by the responsible entity.

The meeting must be held not later than 3 months after the request

is given to the responsible entity.

(3) To call the meeting the members requesting the meeting may ask

the responsible entity under section 173 for a copy of the register

of members. Despite paragraph 173(3)(b), the responsible entity

must give the members requesting the meeting the copy of the

register without charge.

(4) The responsible entity must pay the reasonable expenses the

members incurred because the responsible entity failed to call and

arrange to hold the meeting and to make the distribution (if any).

The responsible entity must not pay those expenses from the

scheme’s assets.

(5) An offence based on subsection (3) or (4) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

252D Calling of meetings of members by members

(1) Members of a registered scheme who hold interests carrying at

least 5% of the votes that may be cast at a meeting of the scheme’s

members may call and arrange to hold a meeting of the scheme’s

members to consider and vote on a proposed special resolution or a

proposed extraordinary resolution. The members calling the

meeting must pay the expenses of calling and holding the meeting.

(2) The meeting must be called in the same way—so far as is

possible—in which meetings of the scheme’s members may be

called by the responsible entity.

(3) The percentage of the votes carried by interests that members hold

is to be worked out as at the midnight before the meeting is called.

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Who may call meetings of members Division 1

Section 252E

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252E Calling of meetings of members by the Court

(1) The Court may order a meeting of a registered scheme’s members

to be called to consider and vote on a proposed special or

extraordinary resolution if it is impracticable to call the meeting in

any other way.

(2) The Court may make the order on application by:

(a) the responsible entity; or

(b) any member of the scheme who would be entitled to vote at

the meeting.

Note: For the directions the Court may give for calling, holding or

conducting a meeting it has ordered be called, see section 1319.

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Chapter 2G Meetings

Part 2G.4 Meetings of members of registered schemes

Division 2 How to call meetings of members

Section 252F

458 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 2—How to call meetings of members

252F Amount of notice of meetings

At least 21 days notice must be given of a meeting of the members

of a registered scheme. However, the scheme’s constitution may

specify a longer minimum period of notice.

252G Notice of meetings of members to members, directors and


Notice to members, directors and auditors individually

(1) Written notice of a meeting of a registered scheme’s members must

be given to:

(a) each member of the scheme entitled to vote at the meeting;


(b) each director of the responsible entity; and

(c) the auditor of the scheme; and

(d) the auditor of the scheme compliance plan.

If an interest is held jointly, notice need only be given to 1 of the


Notice to joint members

(2) Unless the scheme’s constitution provides otherwise, notice to joint

members must be given to the joint member named first in the

register of members.

How notice is given

(3) Unless the scheme’s constitution provides otherwise, the

responsible entity may give notice of the meeting to a member:

(a) personally; or

(b) by sending it by post to the address for the member in the

register of members or an alternative address (if any)

nominated by the member; or

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How to call meetings of members Division 2

Section 252H

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(c) by sending it to the fax number or electronic address (if any)

nominated by the member.

Note: A defect in the notice given may not invalidate a meeting (see

section 1322).

When notice by post or fax is given

(4) Unless the scheme’s constitution provides otherwise, a notice of

meeting sent by post is taken to be given 3 days after it is posted. A

notice of meeting sent by fax, or other electronic means, is taken to

be given on the business day after it is sent.

252H Auditors entitled to other communications

(1) The responsible entity of a registered scheme must give the auditor

of the scheme and the auditor of the scheme compliance plan any

other communications relating to the meeting that a member of the

scheme is entitled to receive.

(2) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

252J Contents of notice of meetings of members

A notice of a meeting of a registered scheme’s members must:

(a) set out the place, date and time for the meeting (and, if the

meeting is to be held in 2 or more places, the technology that

will be used to facilitate this); and

(b) state the general nature of the meeting’s business; and

(c) if a special or extraordinary resolution is to be proposed at

the meeting—set out an intention to propose the special or

extraordinary resolution and state the resolution; and

(d) contain a statement setting out the following information:

(i) that the member has a right to appoint a proxy;

(ii) that the proxy does not need to be a member of the

registered scheme;

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Division 2 How to call meetings of members

Section 252K

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(iii) that if the member appoints 2 proxies the member may

specify the proportion or number of votes the proxy is

appointed to exercise.

Note: There may be other requirements for disclosure to members.

252K Notice of adjourned meetings

When a meeting is adjourned, new notice of the adjourned meeting

must be given if the meeting is adjourned for 1 month or more.

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Members’ rights to put resolutions etc. at meetings of members Division 3

Section 252L

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Division 3—Members’ rights to put resolutions etc. at

meetings of members

252L Members’ resolutions

(1) The following members of a registered scheme may give the

responsible entity notice of a resolution that they propose to move

at a meeting of the scheme’s members:

(a) members with at least 5% of the votes that may be cast on the

resolution; or

(b) at least 100 members who are entitled to vote at a meeting of

the scheme’s members.

(1A) The regulations may prescribe a different number of members for

the purposes of the application of paragraph (1)(b) to:

(a) a particular scheme; or

(b) a particular class of scheme.

Without limiting this, the regulations may specify the number as a

percentage of the total number of members of the scheme.

(1B) The resolution must be:

(a) a special resolution; or

(b) an extraordinary resolution; or

(c) a resolution to remove the responsible entity of a scheme that

is listed and choose a new responsible entity.

(2) The notice must:

(a) be in writing; and

(b) set out the wording of the proposed resolution; and

(c) be signed by the members giving the notice.

(3) Separate copies of a document setting out the notice may be used

for signing by members if the wording of the notice is identical in

each copy.

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Division 3 Members’ rights to put resolutions etc. at meetings of members

Section 252M

462 Corporations Act 2001

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(4) The percentage of the votes that members have is to be worked out

as at the midnight before the members give the notice.

252M Responsible entity giving notice of members’ resolutions

(1) If a responsible entity has been given notice of a resolution under

section 252L, the resolution is to be considered at the next meeting

of the scheme’s members that occurs more than 2 months after the

notice is given.

(2) The responsible entity must give all the members of the scheme

notice of the resolution at the same time, or as soon as practicable

afterwards, and in the same way, as it gives notice of a meeting.

(3) The responsible entity is responsible for the cost of giving

members notice of the resolution if the responsible entity receives

the notice in time to send it out to members with the notice of


(4) The members requesting the meeting are jointly and individually

liable for the expenses reasonably incurred by the responsible

entity in giving members notice of the resolution if the responsible

entity does not receive the members’ notice in time to send it out

with the notice of meeting. A resolution may be passed at a

meeting of the scheme’s members that the responsible entity is to

meet the expenses out of the scheme’s assets.

(5) The responsible entity need not give notice of the resolution:

(a) if it is more than 1,000 words long or defamatory; or

(b) if the members making the request are to bear the expenses of

sending the notice out—unless the members give the

responsible entity a sum reasonably sufficient to meet the

expenses that it will reasonably incur in giving the notice.

252N Members’ statements to be distributed

(1) Members may request a responsible entity to give to all its

members a statement provided by the members making the request


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Section 252N

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(a) a resolution that is proposed to be moved at a meeting of the

scheme’s members; or

(b) any other matter that may be properly considered at a

meeting of the scheme’s members.

(2) The request must be made by:

(a) members with at least 5% of the votes that may be cast on the

resolution; or

(b) at least 100 members who are entitled to vote at the meeting.

(2A) The regulations may prescribe a different number of members for

the purposes of the application of paragraph (2)(b) to:

(a) a particular scheme; or

(b) a particular class of scheme.

Without limiting this, the regulations may specify the number as a

percentage of the total number of members of the scheme.

(3) The request must be:

(a) in writing; and

(b) signed by the members making the request; and

(c) given to the responsible entity.

(4) Separate copies of a document setting out the request may be used

for signing by members if the wording of the request is identical in

each copy.

(5) The percentage of the votes that members have is to be worked out

as at the midnight before the request is given to the responsible


(6) After receiving the request, the responsible entity must distribute to

all the members of the scheme a copy of the statement at the same

time, or as soon as practicable afterwards, and in the same way, as

it gives notice of a meeting.

(7) The responsible entity is responsible for the cost of making the

distribution if the responsible entity receives the statement in time

to send it out to members with the notice of meeting.

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Division 3 Members’ rights to put resolutions etc. at meetings of members

Section 252N

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(8) The members making the request are jointly and individually liable

for the expenses reasonably incurred by the responsible entity in

making the distribution if the responsible entity does not receive

the statement in time to send it out with the notice of meeting. A

resolution may be passed at a meeting of the scheme’s members

that the responsible entity is to meet the expenses out of the

scheme’s assets.

(9) The responsible entity need not comply with the request:

(a) if the statement is more than 1,000 words long or

defamatory; or

(b) if the members making the request are responsible for the

expenses of the distribution—unless the members give the

company a sum reasonably sufficient to meet the expenses

that it will reasonably incur in making the distribution.

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Holding meetings of members Division 4

Section 252P

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Division 4—Holding meetings of members

252P Time and place for meetings of members

A meeting of a registered scheme’s members must be held at a

reasonable time and place.

252Q Technology

A responsible entity of a registered scheme may hold a meeting of

the scheme’s members at 2 or more venues using any technology

that gives the members as a whole a reasonable opportunity to


Note: See section 1322 for the consequences of members not being given a

reasonable opportunity to participate.

252R Quorum

(1) This section applies to a registered scheme subject to the

provisions of the scheme’s constitution.

(2) The quorum for a meeting of a registered scheme’s members is 2

members and the quorum must be present at all times during the


(3) In determining whether a quorum is present, count individuals

attending as proxies or body corporate representatives. However, if

a member has appointed more than 1 proxy or representative, count

only 1 of them. If an individual is attending both as a member and

as a proxy or body corporate representative, count them only once.

Note 1: For rights to appoint proxies, see section 252V.

Note 2: For body corporate representatives, see section 253B.

(4) A meeting of the scheme’s members that does not have a quorum

present within 30 minutes after the time for the start of the meeting

set out in the notice of meeting is adjourned to the date, time and

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Part 2G.4 Meetings of members of registered schemes

Division 4 Holding meetings of members

Section 252S

466 Corporations Act 2001

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place the responsible entity specifies. If the responsible entity does

not specify 1 or more of those things, the meeting is adjourned to:

(a) if the date is not specified—the same day in the next week;


(b) if the time is not specified—the same time; and

(c) if the place is not specified—the same place.

(5) If no quorum is present at the resumed meeting within 30 minutes

after the time for the start of the meeting, the meeting is dissolved.

252S Chairing meetings of members

(1) The responsible entity may, in writing, appoint an individual to

chair a meeting called under section 252A or 252B.

(2) The members present at a meeting called under section 252A or

252B must elect a member present to chair the meeting (or part of

it) if:

(a) a chair has not previously been appointed to chair the

meeting; or

(b) a previously appointed chair is not available, or declines to

act, for the meeting (or part of the meeting).

(3) The members present at a meeting called under section 252C,

252D or 252E must elect a member present to chair the meeting.

This is not so if the meeting is called under section 252E and the

Court has directed otherwise under section 1319.

252T Auditors’ right to be heard at meetings of members

(1) The auditor of a registered scheme and the auditor of the scheme

compliance plan are entitled to attend any meeting of the scheme’s


(2) An auditor is entitled to be heard at the meeting on any part of the

business of the meeting that concerns the auditor in their capacity

as auditor.

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Holding meetings of members Division 4

Section 252U

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(3) An auditor may authorise a person in writing as their representative

for the purpose of attending and speaking at any meeting of the

scheme’s members.

252U Adjourned meetings

(1) A resolution passed at a meeting resumed after an adjournment is

passed on the day it was passed.

(2) Only unfinished business is to be transacted at a meeting resumed

after an adjournment.

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Division 5 Proxies and body corporate representatives

Section 252V

468 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 5—Proxies and body corporate representatives

252V Who can appoint a proxy

(1) A member of a registered scheme who is entitled to attend and cast

a vote at a meeting of the scheme’s members may appoint a person

as the member’s proxy to attend and vote for the member at the


(2) The appointment may specify the proportion or number of votes

that the proxy may exercise.

(3) A member may appoint 1 or 2 proxies. If the member appoints 2

proxies and the appointment does not specify the proportion or

number of the member’s votes each proxy may exercise, each

proxy may exercise half of the votes.

(4) Disregard any fractions of votes resulting from the application of

subsection (2) or (3).

252W Rights of proxies

Rights of proxies

(1) A proxy appointed to attend and vote for a member has the same

rights as the member:

(a) to speak at the meeting; and

(b) to vote (but only to the extent allowed by the appointment).

Proxy’s right to vote

(2) A registered scheme’s constitution (if any) may provide that a

proxy is not entitled to vote on a show of hands.

Note: Even if the proxy is not entitled to vote on a show of hands, they may

make or join in the demand for a poll (see section 253L).

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Proxies and body corporate representatives Division 5

Section 252X

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Effect of member’s presence on proxy’s authority

(3) A registered scheme’s constitution (if any) may provide for the

effect that a member’s presence at a meeting has on the authority

of a proxy appointed to attend and vote for the member. However,

if the constitution does not make such provision, a proxy’s

authority to speak and vote for a member at a meeting is suspended

while the member is present at the meeting.

252X Responsible entity sending appointment forms or lists of

proxies must send to all members

(1) If the responsible entity of a registered scheme sends a member a

proxy appointment form for a meeting or a list of persons willing

to act as proxies at a meeting:

(a) if the member requested the form or list—the responsible

entity must send the form or list to all members who ask for

it and who are entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and vote

at the meeting; or

(b) otherwise—the responsible entity must send the form or list

to all its members entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and

vote at the meeting.

(2) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

252Y Appointing a proxy

(1) An appointment of a proxy is valid if it is signed by the member of

the registered scheme making the appointment and contains the

following information:

(a) the member’s name and address;

(b) the scheme’s name;

(c) the proxy’s name or the name of the office held by the proxy;

(d) the meetings at which the appointment may be used.

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Division 5 Proxies and body corporate representatives

Section 252Y

470 Corporations Act 2001

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An appointment may be a standing one

(2) A registered scheme’s constitution may provide that an

appointment is valid even if it contains only some of the

information required by subsection (1).

(3) An undated appointment is taken to have been dated on the day it

is given to the responsible entity.

(4) An appointment may specify the way the proxy is to vote on a

particular resolution. If it does:

(a) the proxy need not vote on a show of hands, but if the proxy

does so, the proxy must vote that way; and

(b) if the proxy has 2 or more appointments that specify different

ways to vote on the resolution—the proxy must not vote on a

show of hands; and

(c) if the proxy is the chair—the proxy must vote on a poll, and

must vote that way; and

(d) if the proxy is not the chair—the proxy need not vote on a

poll, but if the proxy does so, the proxy must vote that way.

If a proxy is also a member, this subsection does not affect the way

that the person can cast any votes they hold as a member.

Note: The scheme’s constitution may provide that a proxy is not entitled to

vote on a show of hands (see subsection 252W(2)).

(5) A person who contravenes subsection (4) is guilty of an offence,

but only if their appointment as a proxy resulted from the

responsible entity sending to members:

(a) a list of persons willing to act as proxies; or

(b) a proxy appointment form holding the person out as being

willing to act as a proxy.

(5A) An offence based on subsection (5) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(6) An appointment does not have to be witnessed.

(7) A later appointment revokes an earlier one if both appointments

could not be validly exercised at the meeting.

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Proxies and body corporate representatives Division 5

Section 252Z

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252Z Proxy documents

Section applies subject to scheme’s constitution

(1) Subsections (2), (3) and (4) apply to a registered scheme subject to

the provisions of the scheme’s constitution.

Documents to be received by responsible entity before meeting

(2) For an appointment of a proxy for a meeting of the scheme’s

members to be effective, the following documents must be

received by the responsible entity at least 48 hours before the


(a) the proxy’s appointment

(b) if the appointment is signed by the appointor’s attorney—the

authority under which the appointment was signed or a

certified copy of the authority.

Documents received following adjournment of meeting

(3) If a meeting of the scheme’s members has been adjourned, an

appointment and any authority received by the responsible entity at

least 48 hours before the resumption of the meeting are effective

for the resumed part of the meeting.

Receipt of documents

(3A) A responsible entity receives an appointment authority when it is

received at any of the following:

(a) the responsible entity’s registered office;

(b) a fax number at the responsible entity’s registered office;

(c) a place, fax number or electronic address specified for the

purpose in the notice of meeting.

Ineffective appointments of fax or electronic notification

(4) An appointment of a proxy is ineffective if:

(a) the responsible entity receives either or both the appointment

or authority at a fax number or electronic address; and

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Part 2G.4 Meetings of members of registered schemes

Division 5 Proxies and body corporate representatives

Section 253A

472 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) a requirement (if any) in the notice of meeting that:

(i) the transmission be verified in a way specified in the

notice; or

(ii) the proxy produce the appointment and authority (if

any) at the meeting;

is not complied with.

Constitution or notice of meeting may provide for different

notification period

(5) The scheme’s constitution or the notice of meeting may reduce the

period of 48 hours referred to in subsection (2) or (3).

253A Validity of proxy vote

Proxy vote valid even if member dies, revokes appointment etc.

(1) Unless the responsible entity has received written notice of the

matter before the start or resumption of the meeting at which a

proxy votes, a vote cast by the proxy will be valid even if, before

the proxy votes:

(a) the appointing member dies; or

(b) the member is mentally incapacitated; or

(c) the member revokes the proxy’s appointment; or

(d) the member revokes the authority under which the proxy was

appointed by a third party; or

(e) the member transfers the interest in respect of which the

proxy was given.

This subsection applies to a registered scheme subject to the

provisions of the scheme’s constitution.

Note: A proxy’s authority to vote is suspended while the member is present

at the meeting (see subsection 252W(3)).

Proxy vote valid even if proxy cannot vote as member

(2) A proxy who is not entitled to vote on a resolution as a member

may vote as a proxy for another member who can vote if their

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Proxies and body corporate representatives Division 5

Section 253B

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appointment specifies the way they are to vote on the resolution

and they vote that way.

253B Body corporate representative

(1) A body corporate may appoint an individual as a representative to

exercise all or any of its powers at a meeting of a registered

scheme’s members. The appointment may be a standing one.

(2) The appointment must set out what the representative is appointed

to do and may set out restrictions on the representative’s powers. If

the appointment is to be by reference to a position held, the

appointment must identify the position.

(3) A body corporate may appoint more than 1 representative but only

1 representative may exercise the body’s powers at any one time.

(4) Unless otherwise specified in the appointment, the representative

may exercise, on the body corporate’s behalf, all of the powers that

the body could exercise at a meeting or in voting on a resolution.

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Part 2G.4 Meetings of members of registered schemes

Division 6 Voting at meetings of members

Section 253C

474 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 6—Voting at meetings of members

253C How many votes a member has

(1) On a show of hands, each member of a registered scheme has 1


(2) On a poll, each member of the scheme has 1 vote for each dollar of

the value of the total interests they have in the scheme.

Note 1: For rights to appoint proxies, see section 252V.

Note 2: Unless otherwise specified in the appointment, a body corporate

representative has all the powers that a body corporate has as a

member (including the power to vote on a show of hands).

253D Jointly held interests

If an interest in a registered scheme is held jointly and more than 1

member votes in respect of that interest, only the vote of the

member whose name appears first in the register of members


253E Responsible entity and associates cannot vote if interested in


The responsible entity of a registered scheme and its associates are

not entitled to vote their interest on a resolution at a meeting of the

scheme’s members if they have an interest in the resolution or

matter other than as a member. However, if the scheme is listed,

the responsible entity and its associates are entitled to vote their

interest on resolutions to remove the responsible entity and choose

a new responsible entity.

Note: The responsible entity and its associates may vote as proxies if their

appointments specify the way they are to vote and they vote that way

(see subsection 253A(2)).

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Voting at meetings of members Division 6

Section 253F

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253F How to work out the value of an interest

The value of an interest in a registered scheme is:

(a) if it is quoted on a prescribed financial market—the last sale

price on that market on the trading day immediately before

the day on which the poll is taken; or

(b) if it is not quoted on a prescribed financial market and the

scheme is liquid and has a withdrawal provision in its

constitution—the amount that would be paid for the interest

under that provision on the business day immediately before

the day on which the poll is taken; or

(c) in any other case—the amount that the responsible entity

determines in writing to be the price that a willing but not

anxious buyer would pay for the interest if it was sold on the

business day immediately before the day on which the poll is


253G Objections to a right to vote

A challenge to a right to vote at a meeting of members of a

registered scheme:

(a) may only be made at the meeting; and

(b) must be determined by the chair, whose decision is final.

253H Votes need not all be cast in the same way

On a poll a person voting who is entitled to 2 or more votes:

(a) need not cast all their votes; and

(b) may cast their votes in different ways.

Note: For proxy appointments that specify the proxy is to vote on a

particular resolution, see subsection 252Y(4).

253J How voting is carried out

(1) A special or extraordinary resolution put to the vote at a meeting of

a registered scheme’s members must be decided on a poll.

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Division 6 Voting at meetings of members

Section 253K

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(2) Any other resolution put to the vote at a meeting of the scheme’s

members must be decided on a show of hands unless a poll is

demanded. The resolution is passed on a poll if it has been passed

by at least 50% of the votes cast by members entitled to vote on the


(3) On a show of hands, a declaration by the chair is conclusive

evidence of the result. Neither the chair nor the minutes need to

state the number or proportion of the votes recorded in favour or


Note: Even though the chair’s declaration is conclusive of the voting results,

the members present may demand a poll (see paragraph 253L(3)(c)).

253K Matters on which a poll may be demanded

(1) A poll may be demanded on any resolution.

(2) A registered scheme’s constitution may provide that a poll cannot

be demanded on any resolution concerning:

(a) the election of the chair of a meeting; or

(b) the adjournment of a meeting.

(3) A demand for a poll may be withdrawn.

253L When a poll is effectively demanded

(1) At a meeting of a registered scheme’s members, a poll may be

demanded by:

(a) at least 5 members present entitled to vote on the resolution;


(b) members present with at least 5% of the votes that may be

cast on the resolution on a poll; or

(c) the chair.

(2) A registered scheme’s constitution may provide that fewer

members or members with a lesser percentage of votes may

demand a poll.

(3) The poll may be demanded:

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Meetings Chapter 2G

Meetings of members of registered schemes Part 2G.4

Voting at meetings of members Division 6

Section 253L

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Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(a) before a vote is taken; or

(b) before the voting results on a show of hands are declared; or

(c) immediately after the voting results on a show of hands are


(4) The percentage of votes that members have is to be worked out as

at close of business on the day before the poll is demanded.

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Chapter 2G Meetings

Part 2G.4 Meetings of members of registered schemes

Division 7 Minutes and members’ access to minutes

Section 253M

478 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 7—Minutes and members’ access to minutes

253M Minutes

(1) A responsible entity of a registered scheme must keep minute

books in which it records within 1 month:

(a) proceedings of meetings of the scheme’s members; and

(b) resolutions of meetings of the scheme’s members.

(2) The responsible entity must ensure that minutes of a meeting are

signed within a reasonable time after the meeting by the chair of

the meeting or the chair of the next meeting.

(3) The responsible entity must keep the minute books at:

(a) its registered office; or

(b) its principal place of business in this jurisdiction; or

(c) another place in this jurisdiction approved by ASIC.

(3A) An offence based on subsection (1), (2) or (3) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(4) A minute that is so recorded and signed is evidence of the

proceeding or resolution to which it relates, unless the contrary is


253N Members’ access to minutes

(1) The responsible entity of a registered scheme must ensure that the

minute books for the meetings of the scheme’s members are open

for inspection by members free of charge.

(2) A member of a registered scheme may ask the responsible entity in

writing for a copy of any minutes of a meeting of the scheme’s

members or an extract of the minutes.

(3) If the responsible entity does not require the member to pay for the

copy, the responsible entity must send it:

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Meetings Chapter 2G

Meetings of members of registered schemes Part 2G.4

Minutes and members’ access to minutes Division 7

Section 253N

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(a) within 14 days after the member asks for it; or

(b) within any longer period that ASIC approves.

(4) If the responsible entity requires payment for the copy, the

responsible entity must send it:

(a) within 14 days after the responsible entity receives the

payment; or

(b) within any longer period that ASIC approves.

The amount of any payment the responsible entity requires cannot

exceed the prescribed amount.

(5) An offence based on subsection (1), (3) or (4) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

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Chapter 2H Shares

Part 2H.1 Issuing and converting shares

Section 254A

480 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Chapter 2H—Shares

Part 2H.1—Issuing and converting shares

254A Power to issue bonus, partly-paid, preference and redeemable

preference shares

(1) A company’s power under section 124 to issue shares includes the

power to issue:

(a) bonus shares (shares for whose issue no consideration is

payable to the issuing company); and

(b) preference shares (including redeemable preference shares);


(c) partly-paid shares (whether or not on the same terms for the

amount of calls to be paid or the time for paying calls).

Note 1: Subsections 246C(5) and (6) provide that in certain circumstances the

issue of preference shares is taken to be a variation of class rights.

Note 2: Partly-paid shares are dealt with in sections 254M-254N.

Note 3: On the issue of a bonus share there need not be any increase in the

company’s share capital.

(2) A company can issue preference shares only if the rights attached

to the preference shares with respect to the following matters are

set out in the company’s constitution (if any) or have been

otherwise approved by special resolution of the company:

(a) repayment of capital;

(b) participation in surplus assets and profits;

(c) cumulative and non-cumulative dividends;

(d) voting;

(e) priority of payment of capital and dividends in relation to

other shares or classes of preference shares.

(3) Redeemable preference shares are preference shares that are issued

on the terms that they are liable to be redeemed. They may be


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Issuing and converting shares Part 2H.1

Section 254B

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(a) at a fixed time or on the happening of a particular event; or

(b) at the company’s option; or

(c) at the shareholder’s option.

Note: Redeemable preference shares are dealt with in sections 254J-254L.

254B Terms of issue

(1) A company may determine:

(a) the terms on which its shares are issued; and

(b) the rights and restrictions attaching to the shares.

Note 1: Details of any division of shares into classes or conversion of classes

of shares must be given to ASIC by a notice in the prescribed form

(see subsection 246F(1)).

Note 2: For public companies, any document or resolution that attaches rights

to shares or varies or cancels rights attaching to shares must be lodged

with ASIC (see subsection 246F(3)).

Note 3: Sections 246B-246G provide safeguards in cases where class rights

are cancelled or varied.

Note 4: The company cannot issue par value shares (see section 254C) or

bearer shares (see section 254F).

No liability companies—special terms of issue

(2) A share in a no liability company is issued on the following terms:

(a) if a no liability company is wound up and a surplus remains,

it must be distributed among the parties entitled to it in

proportion to the number of shares held by them, irrespective

of the amounts paid up on the shares; and

(b) a member who is in arrears in payment of a call on a share,

but whose share has not been forfeited, is not entitled to

participate in the distribution on the basis of holding that

share until the amount owing in respect of the call has been

fully paid and satisfied.

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Chapter 2H Shares

Part 2H.1 Issuing and converting shares

Section 254C

482 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Companies incorporated as no liability companies—special terms

of issue

(3) If a company:

(a) either:

(i) is a no liability company; or

(ii) was initially registered as a no liability company and

has changed its status under section 162 to another type

of company; and

(b) ceases to carry on business within 12 months after its

registration and is wound up;

shares issued for cash rank (to the extent of the capital contributed

by subscribing shareholders) in the winding up in priority to shares

issued to vendors or promoters, or both, for consideration other

than cash.

(4) The holders of shares issued to vendors or promoters are not

entitled to preference on the winding up of a company that:

(a) is a no liability company; or

(b) was initially registered as a no liability company and has

changed its status under section 162 to another type of


This is so despite anything in the company’s constitution or the

terms on which the shares are on issue.

254C No par value shares

Shares of a company have no par value.

Note: The Part 10.1 transitional provisions contain provisions that deal with

the introduction of no par value shares. See also subsection 169(4).

254D Pre-emption for existing shareholders on issue of shares in

proprietary company (replaceable rule—see section 135)

(1) Before issuing shares of a particular class, the directors of a

proprietary company must offer them to the existing holders of

shares of that class. As far as practicable, the number of shares

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Shares Chapter 2H

Issuing and converting shares Part 2H.1

Section 254E

Corporations Act 2001 483

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

offered to each shareholder must be in proportion to the number of

shares of that class that they already hold.

(2) To make the offer, the directors must give the shareholders a

statement setting out the terms of the offer, including:

(a) the number of shares offered; and

(b) the period for which it will remain open.

(3) The directors may issue any shares not taken up under the offer

under subsection (1) as they see fit.

(4) The company may by resolution passed at a general meeting

authorise the directors to make a particular issue of shares without

complying with subsection (1).

254E Court validation of issue

(1) On application by a company, a shareholder, a creditor or any other

person whose interests have been or may be affected, the Court

may make an order validating, or confirming the terms of, a

purported issue of shares if:

(a) the issue is or may be invalid for any reason; or

(b) the terms of the issue are inconsistent with or not authorised


(i) this Act; or

(ii) another law of a State or Territory; or

(iii) the company’s constitution (if any).

(2) On lodgment of a copy of the order with ASIC, the order has effect

from the time of the purported issue.

254F Bearer shares and stock must not be issued

A company does not have the power to:

(a) issue bearer shares; or

(b) issue stock or convert shares into stock.

Note: The Part 10.1 transitionals contain provisions for the conversion of

existing stock into shares.

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Chapter 2H Shares

Part 2H.1 Issuing and converting shares

Section 254G

484 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

254G Conversion of shares

(1) A company may:

(a) convert an ordinary share into a preference share; and

(b) convert a preference share into an ordinary share.

Note: The variation of class rights provisions (sections 246B-246G) will

apply to the conversion.

(2) A company can convert ordinary shares into preference shares only

if the holders’ rights with respect to the following matters are set

out in the company’s constitution (if any) or have been otherwise

approved by special resolution of the company:

(a) repayment of capital;

(b) participation in surplus assets and profits;

(c) cumulative and non-cumulative dividends;

(d) voting;

(e) priority of payment of capital and dividends in relation to

other shares or classes of preference shares.

(3) A share that is not a redeemable preference share when issued

cannot afterwards be converted into a redeemable preference share.

254H Resolution to convert shares into larger or smaller number

(1) A company may convert all or any of its shares into a larger or

smaller number of shares by resolution passed at a general


Note: The variation of class rights provisions (sections 246B-246G) may

apply to the conversion.

(2) The conversion takes effect on:

(a) the day the resolution is passed; or

(b) a later date specified in the resolution.

(3) Any amount unpaid on shares being converted is to be divided

equally among the replacement shares.

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Issuing and converting shares Part 2H.1

Section 254H

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(4) The company must lodge a copy of the resolution with ASIC

within 1 month after it is passed.

(5) An offence based on subsection (4) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

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Chapter 2H Shares

Part 2H.2 Redemption of redeemable preference shares

Section 254J

486 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 2H.2—Redemption of redeemable preference


254J Redemption must be in accordance with terms of issue

(1) A company may redeem redeemable preference shares only on the

terms on which they are on issue. On redemption, the shares are


Note 1: For the power to issue redeemable preference shares see

paragraph 254A(1)(b) and subsections 254A(2) and (3).

Note 2: For the criminal liability of a person dishonestly involved in a

contravention of this section, see subsection 254L(3). Section 79

defines involved.

(2) This section does not affect the terms on which redeemable

preference shares may be cancelled under a reduction of capital or

a share buy-back under Part 2J.1.

254K Other requirements about redemption

A company may only redeem redeemable preference shares:

(a) if the shares are fully paid-up; and

(b) out of profits or the proceeds of a new issue of shares made

for the purpose of the redemption.

Note 1: For a director’s duty to prevent insolvent trading on redeeming

redeemable preference shares, see section 588G.

Note 2: For the criminal liability of a person dishonestly involved in a

contravention of this section, see subsection 254L(3). Section 79

defines involved.

254L Consequences of contravening section 254J or 254K

(1) If a company redeems shares in contravention of section 254J or


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Redemption of redeemable preference shares Part 2H.2

Section 254L

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(a) the contravention does not affect the validity of the

redemption or of any contract or transaction connected with

it; and

(b) the company is not guilty of an offence.

(2) Any person who is involved in a company’s contravention of

section 254J or 254K contravenes this subsection.

Note 1: Subsection (2) is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

Note 2: Section 79 defines involved.

(3) A person commits an offence if they are involved in a company’s

contravention of section 254J or 254K and the involvement is


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Chapter 2H Shares

Part 2H.3 Partly-paid shares

Section 254M

488 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 2H.3—Partly-paid shares

254M Liability on partly-paid shares

General rule about shareholder’s liability for calls

(1) If shares in a company are partly-paid, the shareholder is liable to

pay calls on the shares in accordance with the terms on which the

shares are on issue. This subsection does not apply to a no liability


Note: The shareholder may also be liable as a contributory under

sections 514-529 if the company is wound up.

No liability companies

(2) The acceptance by a person of a share in a no liability company,

whether by issue or transfer, does not constitute a contract by the

person to pay:

(a) calls in respect of the share; or

(b) any contribution to the debts and liabilities of the company.

254N Calls may be limited to when company is


(1) A limited company may provide by special resolution that the

whole or a part of its unpaid share capital may be called up only if

the company becomes a Chapter 5 body corporate.

(2) The company must lodge with ASIC a copy of the special

resolution within 14 days after it is passed.

(3) An offence based on subsection (2) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

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Shares Chapter 2H

Partly-paid shares Part 2H.3

Section 254P

Corporations Act 2001 489

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

254P No liability companies—calls on shares

Making calls

(1) A call on a share in a no liability company is not effective unless it

is made payable at least 14 days after the call is made.

Notice of call

(2) At least 7 days before a call on shares in a no liability company

becomes payable, the company must give the holders of the shares

notice of:

(a) the amount of the call; and

(b) the day when it is payable; and

(c) the place for payment.

The notice must be sent by post. If the notice is not given, the call

is not payable.

(3) A call does not have any effect on a forfeited share that is held by

or in trust for the company under subsection 254Q(6). However,

when the share is re-issued or sold by the company, the share may

be credited as paid up to the amount determined by the company in

accordance with its constitution or by resolution.

254Q No liability companies—forfeiture and sale of shares for

failure to meet call

Forfeiture and sale of shares

(1) A share in a no liability company is immediately forfeited if:

(a) a call is made on the share; and

(b) the call is unpaid at the end of 14 days after it became


Note: The holder of the share may redeem it under section 254R.

(2) The forfeited share must then be offered for sale by public auction

within 6 weeks after the call became payable.

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Chapter 2H Shares

Part 2H.3 Partly-paid shares

Section 254Q

490 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Advertisement of sale

(3) At least 14 days, and not more than 21 days, before the day of the

sale, the sale must be advertised in a daily newspaper circulating

generally throughout Australia. The specific number of shares to be

offered need not be specified in the advertisement and it is

sufficient to give notice of the sale by advertising to the effect that

all shares on which a call remains unpaid will be sold.

Postponement of sale

(4) An intended sale of forfeited shares that has been duly advertised

may be postponed for not more than 21 days from the advertised

date of sale. The date to which the sale is postponed must be

advertised in a daily newspaper circulating generally in Australia.

(5) There may be more than 1 postponement but the sale cannot be

postponed to a date more than 90 days from the first date fixed for

the intended sale.

Shares may be offered as credited to a particular amount

(6) The share may be sold credited as paid up to the sum of:

(a) the amount paid upon the share at the time of forfeiture; and

(b) the amount of the call; and

(c) the amount of any other calls becoming payable on or before

the day of the sale;

if the company in accordance with its constitution or by ordinary

resolution so determines.

Reserve price

(7) The directors may fix a reserve price for the share that does not

exceed the sum of:

(a) the amount of the call due and unpaid on the share at the time

of forfeiture; and

(b) the amount of any other calls that become payable on or

before the date of the sale.

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Shares Chapter 2H

Partly-paid shares Part 2H.3

Section 254Q

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Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Withdrawal from sale

(8) The share may be withdrawn from sale if no bid at least equal to

the reserve price is made at the sale.

Disposal of shares withdrawn from sale

(9) If:

(a) no bid for the share is received at the sale; or

(b) the share is withdrawn from sale;

the share must be held by the directors in trust for the company. It

must be then disposed of in the manner determined by the

company in accordance with its constitution or by resolution.

Unless otherwise specifically provided by resolution, the share

must first be offered to shareholders for a period of 14 days before

being disposed of in any other manner.

Suspension of voting rights attached to share held in trust

(10) At any meeting of the company, no person is entitled to any vote in

respect of the shares held by the directors in trust under

subsection (9).

Application of proceeds of sale

(11) The proceeds of the sale under subsection (2) or the disposal under

subsection (9) must be applied to pay:

(a) first, the expenses of the sale; and

(b) then, any expenses necessarily incurred in respect of the

forfeiture; and

(c) then, the calls on the share that are due and unpaid.

The balance (if any) must be paid to the member whose share has

been sold. If there is a share certificate that relates to the share, the

balance does not have to be paid until the member delivers the

certificate to the company.

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Chapter 2H Shares

Part 2H.3 Partly-paid shares

Section 254R

492 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Validity of sale

(12) If a sale is not held in time because of error or inadvertence, a late

sale is not invalid if it is held as soon as practicable after the

discovery of the error or inadvertence.

Failure to comply an offence

(13) If there is failure to comply with subsection (2) or (3), the company

is guilty of an offence.

Strict liability offences

(14) An offence by the company based on subsection (13) is an offence

of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

254R No liability companies—redemption of forfeited shares

(1) Despite section 254Q, if a person’s share has been forfeited, the

person may redeem the share, at any time up to or on the last

business day before the proposed sale, by paying the company:

(a) all calls due on the share; and

(b) if the company so requires:

(i) a portion, calculated on a pro rata basis, of all expenses

incurred by the company in respect of the forfeiture; and

(ii) a portion, calculated on a pro rata basis, of all costs and

expenses of any proceeding that has been taken in

respect of the forfeiture.

On payment, the person is entitled to the share as if the forfeiture

had not occurred.

(2) On the last business day before the proposed sale, the registered

office of the company must be open during the hours for which it is

by this Act required to be open and accessible to the public.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Shares Chapter 2H

Capitalisation of profits Part 2H.4

Section 254S

Corporations Act 2001 493

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 2H.4—Capitalisation of profits

254S Capitalisation of profits

A company may capitalise profits. The capitalisation need not be

accompanied by the issue of shares.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 2H Shares

Part 2H.5 Dividends

Section 254SA

494 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 2H.5—Dividends

254SA Companies limited by guarantee not to pay dividends

A company limited by guarantee must not pay a dividend to its


254T Circumstances in which a dividend may be paid

(1) A company must not pay a dividend unless:

(a) the company’s assets exceed its liabilities immediately before

the dividend is declared and the excess is sufficient for the

payment of the dividend; and

(b) the payment of the dividend is fair and reasonable to the

company’s shareholders as a whole; and

(c) the payment of the dividend does not materially prejudice the

company’s ability to pay its creditors.

Note 1: As an example, the payment of a dividend would materially prejudice

the company’s ability to pay its creditors if the company would

become insolvent as a result of the payment.

Note 2: For a director’s duty to prevent insolvent trading on payment of

dividends, see section 588G.

(2) Assets and liabilities are to be calculated for the purposes of this

section in accordance with accounting standards in force at the

relevant time (even if the standard does not otherwise apply to the

financial year of some or all of the companies concerned).

254U Other provisions about paying dividends (replaceable rule—see

section 135)

(1) The directors may determine that a dividend is payable and fix:

(a) the amount; and

(b) the time for payment; and

(c) the method of payment.

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Shares Chapter 2H

Dividends Part 2H.5

Section 254V

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Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

The methods of payment may include the payment of cash, the

issue of shares, the grant of options and the transfer of assets.

(2) Interest is not payable on a dividend.

254V When does the company incur a debt?

(1) A company does not incur a debt merely by fixing the amount or

time for payment of a dividend. The debt arises only when the time

fixed for payment arrives and the decision to pay the dividend may

be revoked at any time before then.

(2) However, if the company has a constitution and it provides for the

declaration of dividends, the company incurs a debt when the

dividend is declared.

254W Dividend rights

Shares in public companies

(1) Each share in a class of shares in a public company has the same

dividend rights unless:

(a) the company has a constitution and it provides for the shares

to have different dividend rights; or

(b) different dividend rights are provided for by special

resolution of the company.

Shares in proprietary companies (replaceable rule—see

section 135)

(2) Subject to the terms on which shares in a proprietary company are

on issue, the directors may pay dividends as they see fit.

No liability companies

(3) A person is not entitled to a dividend on a share in a no liability

company if a call:

(a) has been made on the share; and

(b) is due and unpaid.

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Chapter 2H Shares

Part 2H.5 Dividends

Section 254WA

496 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(4) Dividends are payable to the shareholders in a no liability company

in proportion to the number of shares held by them, irrespective of

the amount paid up, or credited as paid up, on the shares. This

subsection has effect subject to any provisions in the company’s

constitution relating to shares that are not ordinary shares.

254WA Application of this Part to MCI mutual entities

(1) Section 254SA does not prevent an MCI mutual entity that is a

company limited by guarantee paying a dividend in respect of an


(2) Without limiting section 254T, an MCI mutual entity must not pay

a dividend unless the payment of the dividend is fair and

reasonable to the entity’s members as a whole.

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Shares Chapter 2H

Notice requirements Part 2H.6

Section 254X

Corporations Act 2001 497

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 2H.6—Notice requirements

254X Notice to ASIC of share issue

(1) Within 28 days after issuing shares, a company must lodge with

ASIC a notice in the prescribed form that sets out:

(a) the number of shares that were issued; and

(b) if the company has different classes of shares—the class to

which each of those shares belongs; and

(c) the amount (if any) paid, or agreed to be considered as paid,

on each of those shares; and

(d) the amount unpaid (if any) on each of those shares; and

(e) if the company is a public company and the shares were

issued for non-cash consideration—the prescribed particulars

about the issue of the shares, unless the shares were issued

under a written contract and a copy of the contract is lodged

with the notice; and

(f) if the company is a proprietary company and the shares are

issued pursuant to a CSF offer—that the company has one or

more CSF shareholders as a result of the issuing of the


Note 1: The company must lodge information when rights attached to the

shares change, or when the shares are divided or converted into new

classes (see section 246F).

Note 2: A proprietary company may also have to notify certain particulars

under Part 2C.2.

(2) If the shares were issued for non-cash consideration under a

contract, the company must also lodge with ASIC a certificate

stating that all stamp duty payable on the contract under any

applicable law relating to stamp duty has been paid. This certificate

must be lodged with the subsection (1) notice or at a later time

permitted by the regulations or by ASIC.

(2A) An offence based on subsection (1) or (2) is an offence of strict


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Chapter 2H Shares

Part 2H.6 Notice requirements

Section 254Y

498 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(3) The company does not have to lodge a subsection (1) notice about

the issue of shares to a person on the registration of the company or

on the company changing its type from a company limited by

guarantee to a company limited by shares.

Note: Information about shares issued in these situations will come to ASIC

under subsections 5H(2), 117(2), 163(3) and 601BC(2).

254Y Notice to ASIC of share cancellation

(1) Within 1 month after shares are cancelled, the company must lodge

with ASIC a notice in the prescribed form that sets out:

(a) the number of shares cancelled; and

(b) any amount paid by the company (in cash or otherwise) on

the cancellation of the shares; and

(c) if the shares are cancelled following a share buy-back—the

amount paid by the company (in cash or otherwise) on the

buy-back; and

(d) if the company has different classes of shares—the class to

which each cancelled share belonged; and

(e) if the company is a proprietary company that has made one

or more CSF offers—whether the cancellation has resulted in

the company ceasing to have any CSF shareholders.

Note: Provisions under which shares are cancelled include section 254J

(redeemable preference shares), section 256B (capital reductions),

subsection 257H(3) (shares a company has bought back),

section 258D (forfeited shares), and subsections 258E(2) and (3)

(shares returned to a company).

(2) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

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Transactions affecting share capital Chapter 2J

Share capital reductions and share buy-backs Part 2J.1

Section 256A

Corporations Act 2001 499

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Chapter 2J—Transactions affecting share


Part 2J.1—Share capital reductions and share


256A Purpose

This Part states the rules to be followed by a company for

reductions in share capital and for share buy-backs. The rules are

designed to protect the interests of shareholders and creditors by:

(a) addressing the risk of these transactions leading to the

company’s insolvency

(b) seeking to ensure fairness between the company’s


(c) requiring the company to disclose all material information.

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Chapter 2J Transactions affecting share capital

Part 2J.1 Share capital reductions and share buy-backs

Division 1 Reductions in share capital not otherwise authorised by law

Section 256B

500 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 1—Reductions in share capital not otherwise

authorised by law

256B Company may make reduction not otherwise authorised

(1) A company may reduce its share capital in a way that is not

otherwise authorised by law if the reduction:

(a) is fair and reasonable to the company’s shareholders as a

whole; and

(b) does not materially prejudice the company’s ability to pay its

creditors; and

(c) is approved by shareholders under section 256C.

A cancellation of a share for no consideration is a reduction of

share capital, but paragraph (b) does not apply to this kind of


Note 1: One of the ways in which a company might reduce its share capital is

cancelling uncalled capital.

Note 2: Sections 258A-258F deal with some of the other situations in which

reductions of share capital are authorised. Subsection 254K(2)

authorises capital reductions involved in the redemption of

redeemable preference shares and subsection 257A(2) authorises

reductions involved in share buy-backs.

Note 3: For a director’s duty to prevent insolvent trading on reductions of

share capital, see section 588G.

Note 4: For the criminal liability of a person dishonestly involved in a

contravention of subsection 256D(1) based on this subsection, see

subsection 256D(4). Section 79 defines involved.

Note 5: A company may reduce its share capital for the purposes of the

conversion and write-off provisions determined by APRA despite this

Division (see Subdivision B of Division 1A of Part II of the Banking

Act 1959, Division 2 of Part IIIA of the Insurance Act 1973 and

Division 1A of Part 10A of the Life Insurance Act 1995).

(1A) To avoid doubt, a cancellation of a partly-paid share is taken to be

for consideration.

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Transactions affecting share capital Chapter 2J

Share capital reductions and share buy-backs Part 2J.1

Reductions in share capital not otherwise authorised by law Division 1

Section 256C

Corporations Act 2001 501

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(2) The reduction is either an equal reduction or a selective reduction.

The reduction is an equal reduction if:

(a) it relates only to ordinary shares; and

(b) it applies to each holder of ordinary shares in proportion to

the number of ordinary shares they hold; and

(c) the terms of the reduction are the same for each holder of

ordinary shares.

Otherwise, the reduction is a selective reduction.

(3) In applying subsection (2), ignore differences in the terms of the

reduction that are:

(a) attributable to the fact that shares have different accrued

dividend entitlements; or

(b) attributable to the fact that shares have different amounts

unpaid on them; or

(c) introduced solely to ensure that each shareholder is left with

a whole number of shares.

256C Shareholder approval

Ordinary resolution required for equal reduction

(1) If the reduction is an equal reduction, it must be approved by a

resolution passed at a general meeting of the company.

Special shareholder approval for selective reduction

(2) If the reduction is a selective reduction, it must be approved by


(a) a special resolution passed at a general meeting of the

company, with no votes being cast in favour of the resolution

by any person who is to receive consideration as part of the

reduction or whose liability to pay amounts unpaid on shares

is to be reduced, or by their associates; or

(b) a resolution agreed to, at a general meeting, by all ordinary


Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 2J Transactions affecting share capital

Part 2J.1 Share capital reductions and share buy-backs

Division 1 Reductions in share capital not otherwise authorised by law

Section 256D

502 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

If the reduction involves the cancellation of shares, the reduction

must also be approved by a special resolution passed at a meeting

of the shareholders whose shares are to be cancelled.

(3) The company must lodge with ASIC a copy of any resolution

under subsection (2) within 14 days after it is passed. The company

must not make the reduction until 14 days after lodgment.

Note: A proprietary company may also have to notify certain particulars

under Part 2C.2.

Information to accompany the notice of meeting

(4) The company must include with the notice of the meeting a

statement setting out all information known to the company that is

material to the decision on how to vote on the resolution. However,

the company does not have to disclose information if it would be

unreasonable to require the company to do so because the company

had previously disclosed the information to its shareholders.

Documents to be lodged with ASIC

(5) Before the notice of the meeting is sent to shareholders, the

company must lodge with ASIC a copy of:

(a) the notice of the meeting; and

(b) any document relating to the reduction that will accompany

the notice of the meeting sent to shareholders.

256D Consequences of failing to comply with section 256B

(1) The company must not make the reduction unless it complies with

subsection 256B(1).

(2) If the company contravenes subsection (1):

(a) the contravention does not affect the validity of the reduction

or of any contract or transaction connected with it; and

(b) the company is not guilty of an offence.

(3) Any person who is involved in a company’s contravention of

subsection (1) contravenes this subsection.

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Transactions affecting share capital Chapter 2J

Share capital reductions and share buy-backs Part 2J.1

Reductions in share capital not otherwise authorised by law Division 1

Section 256E

Corporations Act 2001 503

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Note 1: Subsection (3) is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

Note 2: Section 79 defines involved.

(4) A person commits an offence if they are involved in a company’s

contravention of subsection (1) and the involvement is dishonest.

256E Signposts to other relevant provisions

The following table lists other provisions of this Act that are

relevant to reductions in share capital.

Other provisions relevant to reductions in share capital

1 section 588G

section 1317H

liability of directors on insolvency

Under the combined operation of these sections the directors

may have to compensate the company if the company is, or

becomes, insolvent when the company reduces its share


2 section 1324 injunctions to restrain contravention

Under this section the Court may grant an injunction against

conduct that constitutes or would constitute a contravention

of this Act.

4 Chapter 6CA continuous disclosure provisions

Under this Chapter a disclosing entity is required to disclose

information about its securities that is material and not

generally available.

5 Chapter 2E benefits to related parties to be disclosed

Under this Chapter a financial benefit to a director or other

related party that could adversely affect the interests of a

public company’s members as a whole must be approved at a

general meeting before it can be given.

6 section 125 provisions in constitution

This section deals with the way in which a company’s

constitution may restrict the exercise of the company’s

powers and the consequences of a failure to observe these


Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 2J Transactions affecting share capital

Part 2J.1 Share capital reductions and share buy-backs

Division 1 Reductions in share capital not otherwise authorised by law

Section 256E

504 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Other provisions relevant to reductions in share capital

7 sections 246B-2


variation of class rights

These sections deal with the variation of rights attached to a

class of shares. This variation may be governed by the

provisions of the company’s constitution.

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Transactions affecting share capital Chapter 2J

Share capital reductions and share buy-backs Part 2J.1

Share buy-backs Division 2

Section 257A

Corporations Act 2001 505

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 2—Share buy-backs

257A The company’s power to buy back its own shares

A company may buy back its own shares if:

(a) the buy-back does not materially prejudice the company’s

ability to pay its creditors; and

(b) the company follows the procedures laid down in this


Note 1: If a company has a constitution, it may include provisions in the

constitution that preclude the company buying back its own shares or

impose restrictions on the exercise of the company’s power to buy

back its own shares.

Note 2: A company may buy-back redeemable preference shares and may do

so on terms other than the terms on which they could be redeemed.

For the redemption of redeemable preference shares, see

sections 254J-254L.

257B Buy-back procedure—general

(1) The following table specifies the steps required for, and the

sections that apply to, the different types of buy-back.


[and sections applied]



employee share


on-market equal access






















ordinary resolution


— — yes — yes — yes —


resolution [257D]

— — — — — — — yes

lodge offer documents

with ASIC [257E]

— — — — — yes yes yes

14 days notice [257F] — yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

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Chapter 2J Transactions affecting share capital

Part 2J.1 Share capital reductions and share buy-backs

Division 2 Share buy-backs

Section 257B

506 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19


[and sections applied]



employee share


on-market equal access






















disclose relevant

information when offer

made [257G]

— — — — — yes yes yes

cancel shares [257H] yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

notify cancellation to

ASIC [254Y]

yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

Note: Subsections (2) and (3) of this section explain what an equal access

scheme is. The 10/12 limit is the 10% in 12 months limit laid down in

subsections (4) and (5). Subsections (6) and (7) of this section explain

what an on-market buy-back is. See section 9 for definitions of minimum

holding buy-back, employee share scheme buy-back and selective


Equal access scheme

(2) An equal access scheme is a scheme that satisfies all the following


(a) the offers under the scheme relate only to ordinary shares;

(b) the offers are to be made to every person who holds ordinary

shares to buy back the same percentage of their ordinary


(c) all of those persons have a reasonable opportunity to accept

the offers made to them;

(d) buy-back agreements are not entered into until a specified

time for acceptances of offers has closed;

(e) the terms of all the offers are the same.

(3) In applying subsection (2), ignore:

(a) differences in consideration attributable to the fact that the

offers relate to shares having different accrued dividend


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Transactions affecting share capital Chapter 2J

Share capital reductions and share buy-backs Part 2J.1

Share buy-backs Division 2

Section 257B

Corporations Act 2001 507

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(b) differences in consideration attributable to the fact that the

offers relate to shares on which different amounts remain


(c) differences in the offers introduced solely to ensure that each

shareholder is left with a whole number of shares.

10/12 limit

(4) The 10/12 limit for a company proposing to make a buy-back is

10% of the smallest number, at any time during the last 12 months,

of votes attaching to voting shares of the company.

Exceeding the 10/12 limit

(5) A proposed buy-back would exceed the 10/12 limit if the number

of votes attaching to:

(a) all the voting shares in the company that have been bought

back during the last 12 months; and

(b) the voting shares that will be bought back if the proposed

buy-back is made;

would exceed the 10/12 limit.

On-market buy-backs

(6) A buy-back is an on-market buy-back if it results from an offer

made by a listed corporation on a prescribed financial market in the

ordinary course of trading on that market.

(7) A buy-back by a company (whether listed or not) is also an

on-market buy-back if it results from an offer made in the ordinary

course of trading in a financial market outside Australia which

ASIC declares in writing to be an approved overseas financial

market for the purposes of this subsection. A buy-back by a listed

company is an on-market buy-back under this subsection only if an

offer to buy-back those shares is also made on a prescribed

financial market at the same time.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 2J Transactions affecting share capital

Part 2J.1 Share capital reductions and share buy-backs

Division 2 Share buy-backs

Section 257C

508 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(8) A declaration under subsection (7) may be subject to conditions.

Notice of the making of the declaration must be published in the


257C Buy-back procedure—shareholder approval if the 10/12 limit


Ordinary resolution required

(1) If section 257B applies this section to a buy-back, the terms of the

buy-back agreement must be approved before it is entered into by a

resolution passed at a general meeting of the company, or the

agreement must be conditional on such an approval.

Information to accompany the notice of meeting

(2) The company must include with the notice of the meeting a

statement setting out all information known to the company that is

material to the decision how to vote on the resolution. However,

the company does not have to disclose information if it would be

unreasonable to require the company to do so because the company

had previously disclosed the information to its shareholders.

Documents to be lodged with the ASIC

(3) Before the notice of the meeting is sent to shareholders, the

company must lodge with ASIC a copy of:

(a) the notice of the meeting; and

(b) any document relating to the buy-back that will accompany

the notice of the meeting sent to shareholders.

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Transactions affecting share capital Chapter 2J

Share capital reductions and share buy-backs Part 2J.1

Share buy-backs Division 2

Section 257D

Corporations Act 2001 509

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

257D Buy-back procedure—special shareholder approval for

selective buy-back

Selective buy-back requires special or unanimous resolution

(1) If section 257B applies this section to a buy-back, the terms of the

buy-back agreement must be approved before it is entered into by


(a) a special resolution passed at a general meeting of the

company, with no votes being cast in favour of the resolution

by any person whose shares are proposed to be bought back

or by their associates; or

(b) a resolution agreed to, at a general meeting, by all ordinary


or the agreement must be conditional on such an approval.

Information to accompany the notice of meeting

(2) The company must include with the notice of the meeting a

statement setting out all information known to the company that is

material to the decision how to vote on the resolution. However,

the company does not have to disclose information if it would be

unreasonable to require the company to do so because the company

had previously disclosed the information to its shareholders.

Documents to be lodged with the ASIC

(3) Before the notice of the meeting is sent to shareholders, the

company must lodge with ASIC a copy of:

(a) the notice of the meeting; and

(b) any document relating to the buy-back that will accompany

the notice of the meeting sent to shareholders.

(4) ASIC may exempt a company from the operation of this section.

The exemption:

(a) must be in writing; and

(b) must be granted before the buy-back agreement is entered

into; and

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 2J Transactions affecting share capital

Part 2J.1 Share capital reductions and share buy-backs

Division 2 Share buy-backs

Section 257E

510 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(c) may be granted subject to conditions.

257E Buy-back procedure—lodgment of offer documents with ASIC

If section 257B applies this section to a buy-back, the company

must lodge with ASIC, before the buy-back agreement is entered

into, a copy of:

(a) a document setting out the terms of the offer; and

(b) any document that is to accompany the offer.

257F Notice of intended buy-back

(1) If section 257B applies this section to a buy-back, the company

must satisfy the lodgment requirement in subsection (2) at least 14

days before:

(a) if the buy-back agreement is conditional on the passing of a

resolution under subsection 257C(1) or 257D(1)—the

resolution is passed; or

(b) if it is not—the agreement is entered into.

(2) The company satisfies the lodgment requirement when it lodges

with ASIC:

(a) documents under subsection 257C(3) or 257D(3) or

section 257E; or

(b) a notice that the company intends to carry out the buy-back.

Note 1: A company that has to lodge documents under section 257C, 257D or

257E needs to lodge a notice under paragraph (2)(b) of this section

only if it wants for some reason to enter into the agreement or pass the

resolution less than 14 days after lodging the section 257C, 257D or

257E documents.

Note 2: The company may specify a buy-back under paragraph (2)(b) in any

way. It may, for instance, choose to lodge a notice covering buy-backs

to be carried out:

 under a particular scheme; or

 as part of particular on-market buy-back activity.

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Transactions affecting share capital Chapter 2J

Share capital reductions and share buy-backs Part 2J.1

Share buy-backs Division 2

Section 257G

Corporations Act 2001 511

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

257G Buy-back procedure—disclosure of relevant information when

offer made

If section 257B applies this section to a buy-back, the company

must include with the offer to buy back shares a statement setting

out all information known to the company that is material to the

decision whether to accept the offer.

257H Acceptance of offer and transfer of shares to the company

Effect of acceptance of the buy-back offer on share rights

(1) Once a company has entered into an agreement to buy back shares,

all rights attaching to the shares are suspended. The suspension is

lifted if the agreement is terminated.

Shares transferred to the company and cancelled

(2) A company must not dispose of shares it buys back. An agreement

entered into in contravention of this subsection is void.

(3) Immediately after the registration of the transfer to the company of

the shares bought back, the shares are cancelled.

Note: ASIC must be notified of the cancellation under section 254Y.

257J Signposts to other relevant provisions

The following table sets out other provisions of this Act that are

relevant to buy-backs.

Other provisions relevant to buy-backs

provision comment

1 section 588G

section 1317H

liability of directors on insolvency

The directors may have to compensate the company if

the company is, or becomes, insolvent when the

company enters into the buy-back agreement.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 2J Transactions affecting share capital

Part 2J.1 Share capital reductions and share buy-backs

Division 2 Share buy-backs

Section 257J

512 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Other provisions relevant to buy-backs

provision comment

2 section 1324 injunctions to restrain contravention

The Court may grant an injunction against conduct that

constitutes, or would constitute, a contravention of this


4 subsection 609(4)

section 611 (item 19

of the table)

application of takeover provisions

These sections deal with the application of Chapter 6 to


5 section 259A consequences of failure to follow procedures—the

company and the officers

If a company fails to follow the procedure in this

Division, the company contravenes this section and the

officers who are involved in the contravention are

liable to a civil penalty under Part 9.4B and may

commit an offence.

6 section 256D consequences of failure to follow procedures if

reduction in share capital involved—the company

and the officers

If the buy-back involves a reduction in share capital

and the company fails to follow the procedures in this

Division, the company contravenes this section and the

officers who are involved in the contravention are

liable to a civil penalty under Part 9.4B and may

commit an offence.

7 section 256D consequences of failure to follow procedures if

reduction in share capital involved—the transaction

This section provides that a failure to follow the

procedures for share capital reductions does not affect

the validity of the buy-back transaction itself.

8 Chapter 6CA continuous disclosure provisions

Under this Chapter a disclosing entity is required to

disclose information about its securities that is material

and not generally available.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Transactions affecting share capital Chapter 2J

Share capital reductions and share buy-backs Part 2J.1

Share buy-backs Division 2

Section 257J

Corporations Act 2001 513

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Other provisions relevant to buy-backs

provision comment

9 Chapter 2E benefits to related parties to be disclosed

Under this Chapter, a financial benefit to a director or

other related party may need to be approved at a

general meeting before it is given.

10 section 125 provisions in constitution

This section deals with the way in which a company’s

constitution may restrict the exercise of the company’s

powers and the consequences of a failure to observe

these restrictions.

11 sections 246B-246G variation of class rights

These sections deal with the variation of rights attached

to a class of shares. This variation may be governed by

the provisions of a company’s constitution.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 2J Transactions affecting share capital

Part 2J.1 Share capital reductions and share buy-backs

Division 3 Other share capital reductions

Section 258A

514 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 3—Other share capital reductions

258A Unlimited companies

An unlimited company may reduce its share capital in any way.

258B Right to occupy or use real property

(1) If a company has a constitution, under it the company may grant to

a shareholder, as a shareholder, a right to occupy or use real

property that the company owns or holds under lease, whether the

right is a lease or licence or a contractual right.

Note: Before the introduction of strata or unit titles systems, rights to occupy

real property were sometimes based on a holding of shares in a


(2) A company may transfer to a person an interest in land in exchange

for, or in satisfaction of, a right to occupy or use the land of the

kind referred to in subsection (1).

Example: A person has a right to occupy an apartment in a block of units

because they hold shares in a company. As part of converting the

block of units to strata title, the person surrenders the shares in return

for a transfer of strata title over the apartment. The capital reduction

involved in the transfer is authorised under this subsection.

258C Brokerage or commission

A company may pay brokerage or commission to a person in

respect of that person or another person agreeing to take up shares

in the company.

258D Cancellation of forfeited shares

A company may, by resolution passed at a general meeting, cancel

shares that have been forfeited under the terms on which the shares

are on issue.

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Transactions affecting share capital Chapter 2J

Share capital reductions and share buy-backs Part 2J.1

Other share capital reductions Division 3

Section 258E

Corporations Act 2001 515

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

258E Other share cancellations

(1) Any reduction in share capital involved in:

(a) the redemption of redeemable preference shares out of the

proceeds of a new issue of shares made for the purpose of the

redemption (see section 254K); or

(b) a company’s buying-back of its own shares under

sections 257A to 257J if the shares are paid for out of share


is authorised by this section.

(2) A company may cancel shares returned to it under section 651C,

724(2), 737 or 738 and any reduction in the company’s share

capital that is involved is authorised by this subsection.

(3) Any reduction in a company’s share capital because of an order

under section 1325A is authorised by this subsection.

258F Reductions because of lost capital

(1) A company may reduce its share capital by cancelling any paid-up

share capital that is lost or is not represented by available assets.

(2) This power does not apply if:

(a) the company also cancels shares; or

(b) the cancellation of paid-up share capital is inconsistent with

the requirements of any accounting standard.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 2J Transactions affecting share capital

Part 2J.1 Share capital reductions and share buy-backs

Division 4 Application of this Part to MCI mutual entities

Section 258G

516 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 4—Application of this Part to MCI mutual entities

258G Application of this Part to MCI mutual entities

(1) For the purposes of applying this Part to an MCI mutual entity, a

reference (other than in section 258B) to a shareholder of the entity

is taken to include a non-shareholder mutual member of the entity.

(2) For the purposes of applying Division 1 to an MCI mutual entity:

(a) any reduction of the entity’s share capital that relates to MCIs

is taken to be a selective reduction; and

(b) the reference to all ordinary shareholders in

paragraph 256C(2)(b) is taken to be a reference to all

members of the entity.

(3) For the purposes of applying Division 2 to an MCI mutual entity:

(a) any scheme to buy back MCIs is taken not to be an equal

access scheme; and

(b) subsections 257B(4) and (5) (the 10/12 limit) have effect in

relation to MCIs issued by a mutual entity as if each MCI

were a voting share with one vote attached to it; and

(c) the reference to all ordinary shareholders in

paragraph 257D(1)(b) is taken to be a reference to all

members of the entity.

(4) To avoid doubt, this section does not have the effect of treating a

non-shareholder mutual member’s membership of an MCI mutual

entity as a share.

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Transactions affecting share capital Chapter 2J

Self-acquisition and control of shares Part 2J.2

Section 259A

Corporations Act 2001 517

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 2J.2—Self-acquisition and control of shares

259A Directly acquiring own shares

A company must not acquire shares (or units of shares) in itself


(a) in buying back shares under section 257A; or

(b) in acquiring an interest (other than a legal interest) in

fully-paid shares in the company if no consideration is given

for the acquisition by the company or an entity it controls; or

(c) under a court order; or

(d) in circumstances covered by subsection 259B(2) or (3).

Note: For the criminal liability of a person dishonestly involved in a

contravention of this section, see subsection 259F(3). Section 79

defines involved.

259B Taking security over own shares or shares in holding company

(1) A company must not take security over shares (or units of shares)

in itself or in a company that controls it, except as permitted by

subsection (2) or (3).

Note: For the criminal liability of a person dishonestly involved in a

contravention of this subsection, see subsection 259F(3). Section 79

defines involved.

(2) A company may take security over shares in itself under an

employee share scheme that has been approved by:

(a) a resolution passed at a general meeting of the company; and

(b) if the company is a subsidiary of a listed domestic

corporation—a resolution passed at a general meeting of the

listed domestic corporation; and

(c) if paragraph (b) does not apply but the company has a

holding company that is a domestic corporation and that is

not itself a subsidiary of a domestic corporation—a

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Chapter 2J Transactions affecting share capital

Part 2J.2 Self-acquisition and control of shares

Section 259C

518 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

resolution passed at a general meeting of that holding


Special exemptions for financial institutions

(3) A company’s taking security over shares (or units of shares) in

itself or in a company that controls it is exempted from

subsection (1) if:

(a) the company’s ordinary business includes providing finance;


(b) the security is taken in the ordinary course of that business

and on ordinary commercial terms.

(4) If a company acquires shares (or units of shares) in itself because it

exercises rights under a security permitted by subsection (2) or (3),

then, within the following 12 months, the company must cease to

hold those shares (or units of shares). ASIC may extend this period

of 12 months if the company applies for the extension before the

end of the period.

(5) Any voting rights attached to the shares (or units of shares) cannot

be exercised while the company continues to hold them.

(6) If, at the end of the 12 months (or extended period), the company

still holds any of the shares (or units of shares), the company

commits an offence for each day while that situation continues.

(7) An offence based on subsection (6) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

259C Issuing or transferring shares to controlled entity

(1) The issue or transfer of shares (or units of shares) of a company to

an entity it controls is void unless:

(a) the issue or transfer is to the entity as a personal

representative; or

(b) the issue or transfer is to the entity as trustee and neither the

company nor any entity it controls has a beneficial interest in

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Transactions affecting share capital Chapter 2J

Self-acquisition and control of shares Part 2J.2

Section 259D

Corporations Act 2001 519

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the trust, other than a beneficial interest that satisfies these


(i) the interest arises from a security given for the purposes

of a transaction entered into in the ordinary course of

business in connection with providing finance; and

(ii) that transaction was not entered into with an associate of

the company or an entity it controls; or

(c) the issue to the entity is made as a result of an offer to all the

members of the company who hold shares of the class being

issued and is made on a basis that does not discriminate

unfairly, either directly or indirectly, in favour of the entity;


(d) the transfer to the entity is by a wholly-owned subsidiary of a

body corporate and the entity is also a wholly-owned

subsidiary of that body corporate.

(2) ASIC may exempt a company from the operation of this section.

The exemption:

(a) must be in writing; and

(b) may be granted subject to conditions.

(3) If paragraph (1)(c) or (d) applies to an issue or transfer of shares

(or units of shares), section 259D applies.

259D Company controlling entity that holds shares in it

(1) If any of the following occur:

(a) a company obtains control of an entity that holds shares (or

units of shares) in the company;

(b) a company’s control over an entity that holds shares (or units

of shares) in the company increases;

(c) a company issues shares (or units of shares) to an entity it

controls in the situation covered by paragraph 259C(1)(c);

(d) shares (or units of shares) in the company are transferred to

an entity it controls in the situation covered by

paragraph 259C(1)(d);

then, within 12 months after it occurs either:

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Chapter 2J Transactions affecting share capital

Part 2J.2 Self-acquisition and control of shares

Section 259D

520 Corporations Act 2001

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(e) the entity must cease to hold the shares (or units); or

(f) the company must cease to control the entity.

ASIC may extend this period of 12 months if the company applies

for the extension before the end of the period.

(2) If this section applies to shares (or units of shares), it also applies

to bonus shares issued in respect of those shares (or units of

shares). Within the same period that applies to the shares

themselves under subsection (1), either:

(a) the entity must cease to hold the bonus shares; or

(b) the company must cease to control the entity.

(3) Any voting rights attached to the shares (or units of shares) cannot

be exercised while the company continues to control the entity.

(4) If, at the end of the 12 months (or extended period), the company

still controls the entity and the entity still holds the shares (or units

of shares), the company commits an offence for each day while

that situation continues.

(4A) An offence based on subsection (4) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(5) This section does not apply to shares (or units of shares) if:

(a) they are held by the entity as a personal representative; or

(b) they are held by the entity as trustee and neither the company

nor any entity it controls has a beneficial interest in the trust,

other than a beneficial interest that satisfies these conditions:

(i) the interest arises from a security given for the purposes

of a transaction entered into in the ordinary course of

business in connection with providing finance; and

(ii) that transaction was not entered into with an associate of

the company or an entity it controls.

(6) A contravention of this section does not affect the validity of any


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Transactions affecting share capital Chapter 2J

Self-acquisition and control of shares Part 2J.2

Section 259E

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259E When a company controls an entity

(1) For the purposes of this Part, a company controls an entity if the

company has the capacity to determine the outcome of decisions

about the entity’s financial and operating policies.

(2) In determining whether a company has this capacity:

(a) the practical influence the company can exert (rather than the

rights it can enforce) is the issue to be addressed; and

(b) any practice or pattern of behaviour affecting the entity’s

financial or operating policies is to be taken into account

(even if it involves a breach of an agreement or a breach of


(3) Merely because the company and an unrelated entity jointly have

the capacity to determine the outcome of decisions about another

entity’s financial and operating policies, the company does not

control the other entity.

(4) A company is not taken to control an entity merely because of a

capacity that it is under a legal obligation to exercise for the benefit

of someone other than its shareholders.

Note: This situation could arise, for example, if the company holds shares as

a trustee or is performing duties as a liquidator.

259F Consequences of failing to comply with section 259A or 259B

(1) If a company contravenes section 259A or subsection 259B(1):

(a) the contravention does not affect the validity of the

acquisition or security or of any contract or transaction

connected with it; and

(b) the company is not guilty of an offence.

(2) Any person who is involved in a company’s contravention of

section 259A or subsection 259B(1) contravenes this subsection.

Note 1: Subsection (2) is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

Note 2: Section 79 defines involved.

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Chapter 2J Transactions affecting share capital

Part 2J.2 Self-acquisition and control of shares

Section 259F

522 Corporations Act 2001

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(3) A person commits an offence if they are involved in a company’s

contravention of section 259A or subsection 259B(1) and the

involvement is dishonest.

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Transactions affecting share capital Chapter 2J

Financial assistance Part 2J.3

Section 260A

Corporations Act 2001 523

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 2J.3—Financial assistance

260A Financial assistance by a company for acquiring shares in the

company or a holding company

(1) A company may financially assist a person to acquire shares (or

units of shares) in the company or a holding company of the

company only if:

(a) giving the assistance does not materially prejudice:

(i) the interests of the company or its shareholders; or

(ii) the company’s ability to pay its creditors; or

(b) the assistance is approved by shareholders under

section 260B (that section also requires advance notice to

ASIC); or

(c) the assistance is exempted under section 260C.

Note: For the criminal liability of a person dishonestly involved in a

contravention of this section, see subsection 260D(3). Section 79

defines involved.

(2) Without limiting subsection (1), financial assistance may:

(a) be given before or after the acquisition of shares (or units of

shares); and

(b) take the form of paying a dividend.

(3) Subsection (1) extends to the acquisition of shares (or units of

shares) by:

(a) issue; or

(b) transfer; or

(c) any other means.

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Chapter 2J Transactions affecting share capital

Part 2J.3 Financial assistance

Section 260B

524 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

260B Shareholder approval

Approval by company’s own shareholders

(1) Shareholder approval for financial assistance by a company must

be given by:

(a) a special resolution passed at a general meeting of the

company, with no votes being cast in favour of the resolution

by the person acquiring the shares (or units of shares) or by

their associates; or

(b) a resolution agreed to, at a general meeting, by all ordinary


Approval by shareholders of listed holding corporation

(2) If the company will be a subsidiary of a listed domestic corporation

immediately after the acquisition referred to in section 260A

occurs, the financial assistance must also be approved by a special

resolution passed at a general meeting of that corporation.

Approval by shareholders in ultimate Australian holding company

(3) If, immediately after the acquisition, the company will have a

holding company that:

(a) is a domestic corporation but not listed; and

(b) is not itself a subsidiary of a domestic corporation;

the financial assistance must also be approved by a special

resolution passed at a general meeting of the body corporate that

will be the holding company.

Information to accompany the notice of meeting

(4) A company or other body that calls a meeting for the purpose of

subsection (1), (2) or (3) must include with the notice of the

meeting a statement setting out all the information known to the

company or body that is material to the decision on how to vote on

the resolution. However, the company or body does not have to

disclose information if it would be unreasonable to require the

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Financial assistance Part 2J.3

Section 260C

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company or body to do so because the company or body had

previously disclosed the information to its members.

Documents to be lodged with the ASIC before notice of meeting is

sent out

(5) Before the notice of a meeting for the purpose of subsection (1),

(2) or (3) is sent to members of a company or other body, the

company or body must lodge with ASIC a copy of:

(a) the notice of the meeting; and

(b) any document relating to the financial assistance that will

accompany the notice of the meeting sent to the members.

(6) The company must lodge with ASIC, at least 14 days before giving

the financial assistance, a notice in the prescribed form stating that

the assistance has been approved under this section.

Lodgment of special resolutions

(7) A special resolution passed for the purpose of subsection (1), (2) or

(3) must be lodged with ASIC by the company, listed domestic

corporation or holding company within 14 days after it is passed.

260C Exempted financial assistance

General exemptions based on ordinary course of commercial


(1) Financial assistance is exempted from section 260A if it is given in

the ordinary course of commercial dealing and consists of:

(a) acquiring or creating a lien on partly-paid shares in the

company for amounts payable to the company on the shares;


(b) entering into an agreement with a person under which the

person may make payments to the company on shares by


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Chapter 2J Transactions affecting share capital

Part 2J.3 Financial assistance

Section 260C

526 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Special exemptions for financial institutions

(2) Financial assistance is exempted from section 260A if:

(a) the company’s ordinary business includes providing finance;


(b) the financial assistance is given in the ordinary course of that

business and on ordinary commercial terms.

Special exemptions for subsidiaries of debenture issuers

(3) Financial assistance is exempted from section 260A if:

(a) the company is a subsidiary of a borrower in relation to

debentures; and

(b) the financial assistance is a guarantee or other security given

by the company for the repayment by the borrower of money

that it is or will be liable to repay; and

(c) the borrower is a borrower in relation to the debentures

because it is or will be liable to repay the money; and

(d) the guarantee or security is given by the company in the

ordinary course of commercial dealing.

Special exemption for approved employee share schemes

(4) Financial assistance is exempted from section 260A if it is given

under an employee share scheme that has been approved by:

(a) a resolution passed at a general meeting of the company; and

(b) if the company is a subsidiary of a listed domestic

corporation—a resolution passed at a general meeting of the

listed domestic corporation; and

(c) if paragraph (b) does not apply but the company has a

holding company that is a domestic corporation and that is

not itself a subsidiary of a domestic corporation—a

resolution passed at a general meeting of that holding


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Transactions affecting share capital Chapter 2J

Financial assistance Part 2J.3

Section 260D

Corporations Act 2001 527

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Other exemptions

(5) The following types of financial assistance are exempted from

section 260A:

(a) a reduction of share capital in accordance with Division 1 of

Part 2J.1;

(b) a share buy-back in accordance with Division 2 of Part 2J.1;

(c) assistance given under a court order;

(d) a discharge on ordinary commercial terms of a liability that

the company incurred as a result of a transaction entered into

on ordinary commercial terms.

260D Consequences of failing to comply with section 260A

(1) If a company provides financial assistance in contravention of

section 260A:

(a) the contravention does not affect the validity of the financial

assistance or of any contract or transaction connected with it;


(b) the company is not guilty of an offence.

(2) Any person who is involved in a company’s contravention of

section 260A contravenes this subsection.

Note 1: Subsection (2) is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

Note 2: Section 79 defines involved.

(3) A person commits an offence if they are involved in a company’s

contravention of section 260A and the involvement is dishonest.

260DA Application of this Part to MCI mutual entities

(1) For the purposes of applying this Part to an MCI mutual entity:

(a) a reference to a shareholder of the entity is taken to include a

non-shareholder mutual member of the entity; and

(b) the reference to all ordinary shareholders in

paragraph 260B(1)(b) is taken to be a reference to all

members of the entity.

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Chapter 2J Transactions affecting share capital

Part 2J.3 Financial assistance

Section 260DA

528 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(2) To avoid doubt, this section does not have the effect of treating a

non-shareholder mutual member’s membership of an MCI mutual

entity as a share.

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Transactions affecting share capital Chapter 2J

Interaction with general directors’ duties Part 2J.4

Section 260E

Corporations Act 2001 529

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 2J.4—Interaction with general directors’


260E General duties still apply

A director is not relieved from any of their duties under this Act

(including sections 180, 181, 182, 183 and 184), or their fiduciary

duties, in connection with a transaction merely because the

transaction is authorised by a provision of this Chapter or is

approved by a resolution of members under a provision of this


Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Prepared by the Office of Parliamentary Counsel, Canberra

Corporations Act 2001

No. 50, 2001

Compilation No. 94

Compilation date: 6 April 2019

Includes amendments up to: Act No. 50, 2019

Registered: 14 May 2019

This compilation is in 6 volumes

Volume 1: sections 1–260E

Volume 2: sections 283AA–601DJ

Volume 3: sections 601EA–742

Volume 4: sections 760A–993D

Volume 5: sections 1010A–1369A

Volume 6: sections 1370–1662



Each volume has its own contents

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

About this compilation

This compilation

This is a compilation of the Corporations Act 2001 that shows the text of the

law as amended and in force on 6 April 2019 (the compilation date).

The notes at the end of this compilation (the endnotes) include information

about amending laws and the amendment history of provisions of the compiled


Uncommenced amendments

The effect of uncommenced amendments is not shown in the text of the

compiled law. Any uncommenced amendments affecting the law are accessible

on the Legislation Register (www.legislation.gov.au). The details of

amendments made up to, but not commenced at, the compilation date are

underlined in the endnotes. For more information on any uncommenced

amendments, see the series page on the Legislation Register for the compiled


Application, saving and transitional provisions for provisions and


If the operation of a provision or amendment of the compiled law is affected by

an application, saving or transitional provision that is not included in this

compilation, details are included in the endnotes.

Editorial changes

For more information about any editorial changes made in this compilation, see

the endnotes.


If the compiled law is modified by another law, the compiled law operates as

modified but the modification does not amend the text of the law. Accordingly,

this compilation does not show the text of the compiled law as modified. For

more information on any modifications, see the series page on the Legislation

Register for the compiled law.

Self-repealing provisions

If a provision of the compiled law has been repealed in accordance with a

provision of the law, details are included in the endnotes.

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Corporations Act 2001 i

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19


Chapter 2L—Debentures 1

Part 2L.1—Requirement for trust deed and trustee 1 283AA Requirement for trust deed and trustee ..............................1

283AB Trust deed..........................................................................2

283AC Who can be a trustee .........................................................2

283AD Existing trustee continues to act until new trustee

takes office ........................................................................3

283AE Replacement of trustee ......................................................3

Part 2L.2—Duties of borrower 5 283BA Duties of borrower ............................................................5

283BB General duties....................................................................5

283BC Duty to notify ASIC of information related to

trustee ................................................................................5

283BCA Register relating to trustees for debenture holders ............6

283BD Duty to replace trustee.......................................................6

283BE Duty to inform trustee about security interests ..................7

283BF Duty to give trustee and ASIC quarterly reports ...............7

283BG Exceptions to borrower’s duty to report to trustee

and ASIC.........................................................................10

283BH How debentures may be described ..................................10

283BI Offences for failure to comply with statutory

duties ...............................................................................11

Part 2L.3—Duties of guarantor 12 283CA Duties of guarantor..........................................................12

283CB General duties..................................................................12

283CC Duty to inform trustee about security interests ................12

283CD Exceptions to guarantor’s duty to inform trustee.............13

283CE Offences for failure to comply with statutory

duties ...............................................................................13

Part 2L.4—Trustee 14 283DA Trustee’s duties ...............................................................14

283DB Exemptions and indemnifications of trustee from

liability ............................................................................15

283DC Indemnity ........................................................................16

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ii Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 2L.5—Meetings of debenture holders 17 283EA Borrower’s duty to call meeting ......................................17

283EB Trustee’s power to call meeting.......................................18

283EC Court may order meeting.................................................19

Part 2L.6—Civil liability 20 283F Civil liability for contravening this Chapter ....................20

Part 2L.7—ASIC powers 21 283GA ASIC’s power to exempt and modify ..............................21

283GB ASIC may approve body corporate to be trustee .............22

Part 2L.8—Court 23 283HA General Court power to give directions and

determine questions.........................................................23

283HB Specific Court powers .....................................................23

Part 2L.9—Location of other debenture provisions 25 283I Signpost to other debenture provisions............................25

Chapter 2M—Financial reports and audit 26

Part 2M.1—Overview 26 285 Overview of obligations under this Chapter ....................26

285A Overview of obligations of companies limited by

guarantee .........................................................................30

Part 2M.2—Financial records 33 286 Obligation to keep financial records................................33

287 Language requirements ...................................................33

288 Physical format................................................................34

289 Place where records are kept ...........................................34

290 Director access ................................................................35

291 Signposts to other relevant provisions.............................35

Part 2M.3—Financial reporting 37

Division 1—Annual financial reports and directors’ reports 37

292 Who has to prepare annual financial reports and

directors’ reports .............................................................37

293 Small proprietary company—shareholder direction ........38

294 Small proprietary company—ASIC direction .................38

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Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

294A Small company limited by guarantee—member

direction ..........................................................................39

294B Small company limited by guarantee—ASIC

direction ..........................................................................39

295 Contents of annual financial report .................................40

295A Declaration in relation to listed entity’s financial

statements by chief executive officer and chief

financial officer ...............................................................42

296 Compliance with accounting standards and

regulations .......................................................................44

297 True and fair view ...........................................................45

298 Annual directors’ report ..................................................45

299 Annual directors’ report—general information ...............47

299A Annual directors’ report—additional general

requirements for listed entities ........................................48

300 Annual directors’ report—specific information...............49

300A Annual directors’ report—specific information to

be provided by listed companies .....................................56

300B Annual directors’ report—companies limited by

guarantee .........................................................................61

301 Audit of annual financial report.......................................62

Division 2—Half-year financial report and directors’ report 64

302 Disclosing entity must prepare half-year financial

report and directors’ report ..............................................64

303 Contents of half-year financial report..............................64

304 Compliance with accounting standards and

regulations .......................................................................66

305 True and fair view ...........................................................66

306 Half-year directors’ report ...............................................66

Division 3—Audit and auditor’s report 68

307 Audit................................................................................68

307A Audit to be conducted in accordance with auditing


307B Audit working papers to be retained for 7 years..............69

307C Auditor’s independence declaration ................................72

308 Auditor’s report on annual financial report .....................75

309 Auditor’s report on half-year financial report..................76

310 Auditor’s power to obtain information ............................78

311 Reporting to ASIC...........................................................78

312 Assisting auditor..............................................................81

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iv Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

313 Special provisions on audit of debenture issuers

and guarantors .................................................................82

Division 4—Annual financial reporting to members 83

314 Annual financial reporting by companies,

registered schemes and disclosing entities to

members ..........................................................................83

314A Annual financial reporting by notified foreign

passport funds to Australian members.............................86

315 Deadline for reporting to members..................................88

316 Choices for members of companies, registered

schemes or disclosing entities .........................................90

316AA Choices for Australian members of notified

foreign passport funds .....................................................90

316A Annual financial reporting to members of

companies limited by guarantee ......................................91

317 Consideration of reports at AGM ....................................92

318 Additional reporting by debenture issuers .......................92

Division 5—Lodging reports with ASIC 94

319 Lodgment of annual reports with ASIC...........................94

320 Lodgment of half-year reports with ASIC.......................95

321 ASIC power to require lodgment.....................................95

322 Relodgment if financial statements or directors’

reports amended after lodgment ......................................96

Division 6—Special provisions about consolidated financial

statements 98

323 Directors and officers of controlled entity to give


323A Auditor’s power to obtain information from

controlled entity...............................................................98

323B Controlled entity to assist auditor ....................................98

323C Application of Division to entity that has ceased to

be controlled....................................................................99

Division 7—Financial years and half-years 100

323D Financial years and half-years for companies,

registered schemes and disclosing entities.....................100

323DAA Financial years for notified foreign passport funds .......101

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Corporations Act 2001 v

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 8—Disclosure by listed companies of information filed

overseas 102

323DA Listed companies to disclose information filed

overseas .........................................................................102

Part 2M.4—Appointment and removal of auditors 103

Division 1—Entities that may be appointed as an auditor for a

company or registered scheme 103

324AA Individual auditors, audit firms and authorised

audit companies.............................................................103

324AB Effect of appointing firm as auditor—general ...............103

324AC Effect of appointing firm as auditor—

reconstitution of firm.....................................................104

324AD Effect of appointing company as auditor.......................105

324AE Professional members of the audit team........................106

324AF Lead and review auditors...............................................106

Division 2—Registration requirements 108

324BA Registration requirements for appointment of

individual as auditor ......................................................108

324BB Registration requirements for appointment of firm

as auditor .......................................................................108

324BC Registration requirements for appointment of

company as auditor........................................................110

324BD Exception from registration requirement for

proprietary company......................................................112

324BE Exception from registration requirement—

reviewing financial reports of companies limited

by guarantee ..................................................................113

Division 3—Auditor independence 114

Subdivision A—General requirement 114

324CA General requirement for auditor independence—


324CB General requirement for auditor independence—

member of audit firm.....................................................118

324CC General requirement for auditor independence—

director of audit company..............................................121

324CD Conflict of interest situation ..........................................125

Subdivision B—Specific requirements 127

324CE Auditor independence—specific requirements for

individual auditor ..........................................................127

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vi Corporations Act 2001

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324CF Auditor independence—specific requirements for

audit firm.......................................................................132

324CG Auditor independence—specific requirements for

audit company ...............................................................139

324CH Relevant relationships ...................................................147

324CI Special rule for retiring partners of audit firms and

retiring directors of authorised audit companies............155

324CJ Special rule for retiring professional member of

audit company ...............................................................156

324CK Multiple former audit firm partners or audit

company directors .........................................................156

Subdivision C—Common provisions 157

324CL People who are regarded as officers of a company

for the purposes of this Division....................................157

Division 4—Deliberately disqualifying auditor 159

324CM Deliberately disqualifying auditor .................................159

Division 5—Auditor rotation for listed companies 161

324DA Limited term for eligibility to play significant role

in audit of a listed company or listed registered


324DAA Directors may extend eligibility term............................162

324DAB Requirements for directors to approve extension of

eligibility term...............................................................163

324DAC Notifications about approval to extend eligibility

term ...............................................................................164

324DAD Approval ineffective unless it complies with

requirements ..................................................................165

324DB Individual’s rotation obligation .....................................165

324DC Audit firm’s rotation obligation.....................................165

324DD Audit company’s rotation obligation .............................167

Division 6—Appointment, removal and fees of auditors for

companies 170

Subdivision A—Appointment of company auditors 170

325 Appointment of auditor by proprietary company ..........170

327A Public company auditor (initial appointment of

auditor) ..........................................................................170

327B Public company auditor (annual appointments at

AGMs to fill vacancies) ................................................171

327C Public company auditor (appointment to fill casual

vacancy) ........................................................................173

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327D Appointment to replace auditor removed from

office .............................................................................174

327E ASIC may appoint a company auditor if auditor

removed but not replaced ..............................................175

327F ASIC’s general power to appoint a company

auditor ...........................................................................176

327G Restrictions on ASIC’s powers to appoint a

company auditor............................................................176

327H Effect on appointment of public company auditor

of company beginning to be controlled by a

corporation ....................................................................177

327I Remaining auditors may act during vacancy .................177

328A Auditor’s consent to appointment..................................177

328B Nomination of auditor ...................................................178

328C Public company auditor (appointment of auditor

when crowd-sourced funding concession ends) ............179

328D Public company auditor (appointment of auditor

when $3 million raised using crowd-sourced

funding) .........................................................................180

328E Crowd-sourced funding—period of office ....................180

Subdivision B—Removal and resignation of company auditors 182

329 Removal and resignation of auditors .............................182

330 Effect of winding up on office of auditor ......................185

Subdivision C—Company auditors’ fees and expenses 185

331 Fees and expenses of auditors .......................................185

Division 7—Appointment, removal and fees of auditors for

registered schemes 186

Subdivision A—Appointment of registered scheme auditors 186

331AAA Registered scheme auditor (initial appointment of

auditor) ..........................................................................186

331AAB Registered scheme auditor (appointment to fill

vacancy) ........................................................................188

331AAC ASIC’s power to appoint registered scheme

auditor ...........................................................................188

331AAD Remaining auditors may act during vacancy .................188

Subdivision B—Removal and resignation of registered scheme

auditors 189

331AC Removal and resignation of auditors .............................189

331AD Effect of winding up on office of auditor ......................190

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Subdivision C—Fees and expenses of auditors 191

331AE Fees and expenses of auditors .......................................191

Part 2M.4A—Annual transparency reports for auditors 192 332 Meaning of transparency reporting auditor and

transparency reporting year..........................................192

332A Transparency reporting auditors must publish

annual transparency reports ...........................................192

332B Content of annual transparency report...........................193

332C Extension of period for publication of annual

transparency report ........................................................193

332D Exemption orders—applications by transparency

reporting auditors ..........................................................194

332E Exemption orders—class orders for transparency

reporting auditors ..........................................................195

332F Exemption orders—criteria for orders...........................195

332G Offences by members of audit firm...............................196

Part 2M.5—Accounting and auditing standards 197 334 Accounting standards ....................................................197

335 Equity accounting..........................................................197

336 Auditing standards.........................................................197

337 Interpretation of accounting and auditing standards ......198

338 Evidence of text of accounting standard or

auditing standard ...........................................................198

Part 2M.6—Exemptions and modifications 200 340 Exemption orders—companies, registered

schemes and disclosing entities .....................................200

340A Exemption orders—notified foreign passport funds......200

341 Exemption orders—class orders for companies,

registered schemes and disclosing entities.....................201

341A Exemption orders—class orders for notified

foreign passport funds ...................................................202

342 Exemption orders—criteria for orders for

companies, registered schemes, notified foreign

passport funds and disclosing entities............................202

342AA Exemption orders—non-auditor members and

former members of audit firms; former employees

of audit companies ........................................................203

342AB Exemption orders—class orders for non-auditor

members etc. .................................................................204

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342AC Exemption orders—criteria for orders for

non-auditor members etc. ..............................................204

342A ASIC’s power to modify the operation of

section 324DA...............................................................205

342B Auditor to notify company or registered scheme of

section 342A declaration ...............................................206

343 Modification by regulations ..........................................207

343A Minister may apply the Chapter to notified foreign

passport funds................................................................207

Part 2M.7—Sanctions for contraventions of Chapter 209 344 Contravention of Part 2M.2 or 2M.3, or of certain

provisions of Part 2M.4 .................................................209

Chapter 2N—Updating ASIC information about

companies, registered schemes and

notified foreign passport funds 210

Part 2N.1—Review date 210 345A Review date ...................................................................210

345B Company, responsible entity or operator may

change review date ........................................................211

345C When choice has effect..................................................211

Part 2N.2—Extract of particulars 213 346A ASIC must give an extract of particulars each year.......213

346B ASIC may ask questions................................................213

346C Requirements in relation to an extract of


Part 2N.3—Solvency resolution 216 347A Directors must pass a solvency resolution after

each review date ............................................................216

347B Notice to ASIC..............................................................216

347C Payment of review fee is taken to be a

representation by the directors that the company is

solvent ...........................................................................217

Part 2N.4—Return of particulars 218 348A ASIC may give a return of particulars ...........................218

348B ASIC may ask questions................................................218

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348C ASIC may require a solvency resolution and

statement .......................................................................219

348D General requirements in relation to a return of


Part 2N.5—Notice by proprietary companies of changes to

ultimate holding company 221 349A Proprietary companies must notify ASIC of

changes to ultimate holding company ...........................221

349B Another company becomes an ultimate holding

company ........................................................................221

349C A company ceases to be an ultimate holding

company ........................................................................221

349D Ultimate holding company changes its name ................222

Chapter 2P—Lodgments with ASIC 223 350 Forms for documents to be lodged with ASIC ..............223

351 Signing documents lodged with ASIC ..........................224

352 Documents lodged with ASIC electronically ................224

353 Electronic lodgment of certain documents ....................225

354 Telephone notice of certain changes..............................225

Chapter 5—External administration 227

Part 5.1—Arrangements and reconstructions 227 410 Interpretation .................................................................227

411 Administration of compromises etc...............................227

412 Information as to compromise with creditors ................235

413 Provisions for facilitating reconstruction and

amalgamation of Part 5.1 bodies ...................................237

414 Acquisition of shares of shareholders dissenting

from scheme or contract approved by majority .............239

415 Notification of appointment of scheme manager

and power of Court to require report .............................243

415A Outcome of voting at creditors’ meeting

determined by related entity—Court powers.................243

415B Interim order on application under section 415A ..........245

415C Order under section 415A does not affect act

already done pursuant to resolution...............................245

415D Stay on enforcing rights merely because of a

proceeding under this Part etc. ......................................246

415E Lifting the stay ..............................................................249

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415F Order for rights to be enforceable only with leave

of the Court ...................................................................250

415FA Self-executing provisions ..............................................252

415G When other laws prevail—certain other

Commonwealth Acts .....................................................253

Part 5.2—Receivers, and other controllers, of property of

corporations 254 416 Definitions.....................................................................254

417 Application of Part ........................................................254

418 Persons not to act as receivers .......................................255

418A Court may declare whether controller is validly


419 Liability of controller ....................................................256

419A Liability of controller under pre-existing

agreement about property used by corporation..............257

420 Powers of receiver .........................................................259

420A Controller’s duty of care in exercising power of

sale ................................................................................261

420B Court may authorise managing controller to

dispose of property despite prior security interest .........261

420C Receiver’s power to carry on corporation’s

business during winding up ...........................................263

421 Managing controller’s duties in relation to bank

accounts and financial records.......................................264

421A Managing controller to report within 2 months

about corporation’s affairs.............................................264

422 Reports by receiver or managing controller ..................265

422A Annual return by controller ...........................................267

422B End of control return .....................................................268

422C Transfer of books to new controller...............................269

422D Transfer of books to ASIC etc. ......................................270

423 Supervision of controller ...............................................272

424 Controller may apply to Court.......................................273

425 Court’s power to fix receiver’s remuneration................274

426 Controller has qualified privilege in certain cases .........276

427 Notification of matters relating to controller .................276

428 Statement that receiver appointed or other

controller acting.............................................................277

429 Officers to report to controller about corporation’s

affairs ............................................................................279

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429A Special rules for scheme property .................................281

430 Controller may require reports ......................................283

431 Controller may inspect books ........................................284

432 Auditing returns by controllers......................................284

433 Property subject to circulating security interest—

payment of certain debts to have priority ......................285

434 Enforcing controller’s duty to make returns ..................287

434A Court may remove controller for misconduct................288

434B Court may remove redundant controller........................288

434C Effect of sections 434A and 434B.................................289

434D Appointment of 2 or more receivers of property of

a corporation..................................................................290

434E Appointment of 2 or more receivers and managers

of property of a corporation...........................................290

434F Appointment of 2 or more controllers of property

of a corporation .............................................................290

434G Appointment of 2 or more managing controllers of

property of a corporation ...............................................291

434H Regulations may provide for reporting to ASIC............291

434J Stay on enforcing rights merely because of the

appointment of a managing controller of a

corporation’s property etc..............................................292

434K Lifting the stay ..............................................................295

434L Order for rights to be enforceable only with leave

of the Court ...................................................................295

434LA Self-executing provisions ..............................................296

434M When other laws prevail—certain other

Commonwealth Acts .....................................................297

Part 5.3A—Administration of a company’s affairs with a view

to executing a deed of company arrangement 299

Division 1—Preliminary 299

435A Object of Part ................................................................299

435B Definitions.....................................................................299

435C When administration begins and ends ...........................300

Division 2—Appointment of administrator and first meeting of

creditors 302

436A Company may appoint administrator if board

thinks it is or will become insolvent ..............................302

436B Liquidator may appoint administrator ...........................302

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436C Secured party may appoint administrator ......................303

436D Company already under administration.........................303

436DA Declarations by administrator—indemnities and

relevant relationships.....................................................303

436E Purpose and timing of first meeting of creditors ...........306

Division 3—Administrator assumes control of company’s affairs 307

437A Role of administrator.....................................................307

437B Administrator acts as company’s agent .........................307

437D Only administrator can deal with company’s

property .........................................................................307

437E Order for compensation where officer involved in

void transaction .............................................................309

437F Effect of administration on company’s members ..........309

Division 4—Administrator investigates company’s affairs 313

438A Administrator to investigate affairs and consider

possible courses of action..............................................313

438B Directors to help administrator ......................................313

438C Administrator’s rights to company’s books...................314

438D Reports by administrator ...............................................315

Division 5—Meeting of creditors decides company’s future 317

439A Administrator to convene meeting and inform


439C What creditors may decide ............................................318

Division 6—Protection of company’s property during

administration 319

440A Winding up company ....................................................319

440B Restrictions on exercise of third party property


440D Stay of proceedings .......................................................321

440E Administrator not liable in damages for refusing

consent ..........................................................................321

440F Suspension of enforcement process...............................321

440G Duties of court officer in relation to property of

company ........................................................................321

440H Lis pendens taken to exist..............................................323

440J Administration not to trigger liability of director or

relative under guarantee of company’s liability.............323

440JA Property subject to a banker’s lien—exemption

from this Division..........................................................324

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Division 7—Rights of secured party, owner or lessor 326

Subdivision A—General 326

441 Application of Division .................................................326

Subdivision B—Property subject to security interests 326

441AA Application of Subdivision—PPSA security

interests .........................................................................326

441A Secured party acts before or during decision period......326

441B Where enforcement of security interest begins

before administration.....................................................328

441C Security interest in perishable property .........................329

441D Court may limit powers of secured party etc. in

relation to secured property ...........................................329

441E Giving a notice under a security agreement etc. ............330

441EA Sale of property subject to a possessory security

interest ...........................................................................330

Subdivision C—Property not subject to security interests 331

441EB Scope of Subdivision.....................................................331

441F Where recovery of property begins before


441G Recovering perishable property.....................................332

441H Court may limit powers of receiver etc. in relation

to property used by company ........................................333

441J Giving a notice under an agreement about property ......333

Division 8—Powers of administrator 334

442A Additional powers of administrator ...............................334

442B Dealing with property subject to circulating

security interests ............................................................334

442C When administrator may dispose of encumbered

property .........................................................................335

442CA Property subject to a possessory security interest—

inspection or examination by potential purchasers

etc. .................................................................................337

442CB Property subject to a security interest or to a

retention of title clause—administrator’s duty of

care in exercising power of sale ....................................337

442CC Proceeds of sale of property ..........................................338

442D Administrator’s powers subject to powers of

secured party, receiver or controller ..............................340

442E Administrator has qualified privilege ............................341

442F Protection of persons dealing with administrator ..........341

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Division 9—Administrator’s liability and indemnity for debts of

administration 343

Subdivision A—Liability 343

443A General debts.................................................................343

443B Payments for property used or occupied by, or in

the possession of, the company .....................................343

443BA Certain taxation liabilities..............................................345

443C Administrator not otherwise liable for company’s

debts ..............................................................................346

Subdivision B—Indemnity 346

443D Right of indemnity ........................................................346

443E Right of indemnity has priority over other debts ...........347

443F Lien to secure indemnity ...............................................349

Division 10—Execution and effect of deed of company

arrangement 350

444A Effect of creditors’ resolution........................................350

444B Execution of deed..........................................................351

444C Creditor etc. not to act inconsistently with deed

before its execution .......................................................351

444D Effect of deed on creditors ............................................352

444DA Giving priority to eligible employee creditors...............353

444DB Superannuation contribution debts not admissible

to proof..........................................................................354

444E Protection of company’s property from persons

bound by deed ...............................................................355

444F Court may limit rights of secured creditor or

owner or lessor ..............................................................356

444G Effect of deed on company, officers and members........357

444GA Transfer of shares ..........................................................358

444H Extent of release of company’s debts ............................358

444J Guarantees and indemnities...........................................358

Division 11—Variation, termination and avoidance of deed 359

445A Variation of deed by creditors .......................................359

445B Court may cancel variation............................................359

445C When deed terminates ...................................................359

445CA When creditors may terminate deed ..............................360

445D When Court may terminate deed ...................................360

445E Creditors may terminate deed and resolve that

company be wound up...................................................361

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445FA Notice of termination of deed........................................361

445G When Court may void or validate deed .........................362

445H Effect of termination or avoidance ................................363

Division 11AA—Notification of contravention of deed 364

445HA Notification of contravention of deed of company


Division 12—Transition to creditors’ voluntary winding up 365

446A Administrator becomes liquidator in certain cases ........365

446AA Administrator becomes liquidator—additional

cases ..............................................................................366

446B Regulations may provide for transition in other

cases ..............................................................................368

446C Liquidator may require submission of a report

about the company’s affairs...........................................368

Division 13—Powers of Court 371

447A General power to make orders.......................................371

447B Orders to protect creditors during administration..........371

447C Court may declare whether administrator validly


447F Effect of Division ..........................................................372

Division 14—Qualifications of administrators 373

448A Appointee must consent ................................................373

448B Administrator must be registered liquidator ..................373

448C Disqualification of person connected with

company ........................................................................373

Division 15—Removal and replacement of administrator 376

449A Appointment of administrator cannot be revoked .........376

449C Vacancy in office of administrator of company ............376

449CA Declarations by administrator—indemnities and

relevant relationships.....................................................377

Division 16—Notices about steps taken under Part 380

450A Appointment of administrator .......................................380

450B Execution of deed of company arrangement .................381

450C Failure to execute deed of company arrangement .........381

450D Termination of deed of company arrangement ..............381

450E Notice in public documents etc. of company.................381

450F Effect of contravention of this Division ........................382

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Division 17—Miscellaneous 383

451A Appointment of 2 or more administrators of

company ........................................................................383

451B Appointment of 2 or more administrators of deed

of company arrangement ...............................................383

451C Effect of things done during administration of

company ........................................................................384

451D Time for doing act does not run while act

prevented by this Part ....................................................384

451E Stay on enforcing rights merely because the

company is under administration etc. ............................384

451F Lifting the stay ..............................................................387

451G Order for rights to be enforceable only with leave

of the Court ...................................................................387

451GA Self-executing provisions ..............................................388

451H When other laws prevail—certain other

Commonwealth Acts .....................................................390

Part 5.4—Winding up in insolvency 391

Division 1—When company to be wound up in insolvency 391

459A Order that insolvent company be wound up in

insolvency .....................................................................391

459B Order made on application under section 234, 462

or 464 ............................................................................391

459C Presumptions to be made in certain proceedings...........391

459D Contingent or prospective liability relevant to

whether company solvent ..............................................392

Division 2—Statutory demand 393

459E Creditor may serve statutory demand on company........393

459F When company taken to fail to comply with

statutory demand ...........................................................394

Division 3—Application to set aside statutory demand 396

459G Company may apply......................................................396

459H Determination of application where there is a

dispute or offsetting claim .............................................396

459J Setting aside demand on other grounds .........................398

459K Effect of order setting aside demand .............................398

459L Dismissal of application ................................................398

459M Order subject to conditions............................................398

459N Costs where company successful ..................................398

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Division 4—Application for order to wind up company in

insolvency 399

459P Who may apply for order under section 459A ..............399

459Q Application relying on failure to comply with

statutory demand ...........................................................400

459R Period within which application must be


459S Company may not oppose application on certain


459T Application to wind up joint debtors in insolvency .......401

Part 5.4A—Winding up by the Court on other grounds 402 461 General grounds on which company may be

wound up by Court ........................................................402

462 Standing to apply for winding up ..................................403

464 Application for winding up in connection with

investigation under ASIC Act .......................................404

Part 5.4B—Winding up in insolvency or by the Court 405

Division 1A—Preliminary 405

465 Definitions.....................................................................405

Division 1—General 406

465A Notice of application .....................................................406

465B Substitution of applicants ..............................................406

465C Applicant to be given notice of grounds for

opposing application......................................................407

466 Payment of preliminary costs etc...................................407

467 Court’s powers on hearing application ..........................408

467A Effect of defect or irregularity on application

under Part 5.4 or 5.4A ...................................................409

467B Court may order winding up of company that is

being wound up voluntarily...........................................410

468 Avoidance of dispositions of property, attachments

etc. .................................................................................410

468A Effect of winding up on company’s members ...............411

469 Application to be lis pendens ........................................414

470 Certain notices to be lodged ..........................................414

Division 1A—Effect of winding up order 416

471 Effect on creditors and contributories............................416

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471B Stay of proceedings and suspension of

enforcement process ......................................................416

471C Secured creditor’s rights not affected ............................416

Division 2—Court-appointed liquidators 417

472 Court to appoint registered liquidator............................417

473 Resignation of liquidators..............................................418

473A Vacancies in office of court-appointed liquidator .........418

474 Custody and vesting of company’s property .................418

475 Report as to company’s affairs to be submitted to

liquidator .......................................................................419

477 Powers of liquidator ......................................................421

478 Application of property; list of contributories ...............424

480 Release of liquidator and deregistration of

company ........................................................................425

481 Orders for release or deregistration ...............................425

Division 3—General powers of Court 427

Subdivision A—General powers 427

482 Power to stay or terminate winding up ..........................427

483 Delivery of property to liquidator..................................429

484 Appointment of special manager ...................................430

485 Claims of creditors and distribution of property............431

486 Inspection of books by creditors and contributories ......431

486A Court may make order to prevent officer or related

entity from avoiding liability to company .....................431

486B Warrant to arrest person who is absconding, or

who has dealt with property or books, in order to

avoid obligations in connection with winding up ..........434

487 Power to arrest absconding contributory .......................434

488 Delegation to liquidator of certain powers of Court ......435

489 Powers of Court cumulative ..........................................435

Subdivision B—Procedures relating to section 486B warrants 436

489A Arrest of person subject to warrant................................436

489B Procedure after arrest.....................................................436

489C Procedure on remand on bail .........................................436

489D Court’s power to make orders under other

provisions ......................................................................437

489E Jurisdiction under this Subdivision................................437

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Part 5.4C—Winding up by ASIC 438 489EA ASIC may order the winding up of a company .............438

489EB Deemed resolution that company be wound up

voluntarily .....................................................................439

489EC Appointment of liquidator .............................................440

Part 5.5—Voluntary winding up 441

Division 1A—Preliminary 441

489F Definitions.....................................................................441

Division 1—Resolution for winding up 442

490 When company cannot wind up voluntarily ..................442

491 Circumstances in which company may be wound

up voluntarily ................................................................442

493 Effect of voluntary winding up......................................443

493A Effect of voluntary winding up on company’s

members ........................................................................443

494 Declaration of solvency.................................................445

Division 2—Members’ voluntary winding up 448

495 Appointment of liquidator etc........................................448

496 Duty of liquidator where company turns out to be

insolvent ........................................................................448

Division 3—Creditors’ voluntary winding up 450

497 Information about the company’s affairs.......................450

499 Liquidators ....................................................................451

500 Execution and civil proceedings....................................454

Division 4—Voluntary winding up generally 455

501 Distribution of property of company .............................455

506 Powers and duties of liquidator .....................................455

506A Declarations by liquidator—relevant relationships

and indemnities .............................................................456

507 Power of liquidator to accept shares etc. as

consideration for sale of property of company ..............458

509 Deregistration ................................................................460

510 Arrangement: when binding on creditors ......................460

Part 5.6—Winding up generally 462

Division 1—Preliminary 462

513 Application of Part ........................................................462

513AA Definitions.....................................................................462

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Division 1A—When winding up taken to begin 463

513A Winding up ordered by the Court ..................................463

513B Voluntary winding up....................................................463

513C Section 513C day in relation to an administration

under Part 5.3A .............................................................464

513D Validity of proceedings in earlier winding up ...............465

Division 2—Contributories 466

514 Where Division applies .................................................466

515 General liability of contributory ....................................466

516 Company limited by shares ...........................................466

517 Company limited by guarantee......................................466

518 Company limited both by shares and by guarantee .......466

519 Exceptions for former unlimited company ....................467

520 Past member: later debts................................................467

521 Person ceasing to be a member a year or more

before winding up..........................................................467

522 Present members to contribute first ...............................467

523 Past member of former unlimited company ..................467

524 Past member of former limited company ......................468

526 Liability on certain contracts .........................................468

527 Nature of contributory’s liability ...................................468

528 Death of contributory ....................................................468

529 Bankruptcy of contributory ...........................................469

Division 3—Liquidators 470

530 Appointment of 2 or more liquidators of a

company ........................................................................470

530AA Appointment of 2 or more provisional liquidators

of a company .................................................................470

530A Officers to help liquidator .............................................470

530B Liquidator’s rights to company’s books ........................472

530C Warrant to search for, and seize, company’s

property or books ..........................................................473

532 Disqualification of liquidator ........................................474

533 Reports by liquidator .....................................................476

534 Prosecution by liquidator of delinquent officers

and members .................................................................477

535 When liquidator has qualified privilege ........................478

537 Notice of appointment and address of liquidator ...........478

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Division 4—General 479

541 Notification that company is in liquidation ...................479

543 Investment of surplus funds on general account............479

544 Unclaimed money to be paid to ASIC...........................480

545 Expenses of winding up where property


Division 6—Proof and ranking of claims 482

Subdivision A—Admission to proof of debts and claims 482

553 Debts or claims that are provable in winding up ...........482

553A Member cannot prove debt unless contributions


553AA Selling shareholder cannot prove debt unless

documents given............................................................483

553AB Superannuation contribution debts not admissible

to proof..........................................................................483

553B Insolvent companies—penalties and fines not

generally provable .........................................................485

553C Insolvent companies—mutual credit and set-off ...........485

553D Debts or claims may be proved formally or


553E Application of Bankruptcy Act to winding up of

insolvent company.........................................................486

Subdivision B—Computation of debts and claims 486

554 General rule—compute amount as at relevant date .......486

554A Determination of value of debts and claims of

uncertain value ..............................................................486

554B Discounting of debts payable after relevant date ...........488

554C Conversion into Australian currency of foreign

currency debts or claims................................................488

Subdivision C—Special provisions relating to secured creditors of

insolvent companies 489

554D Application of Subdivision............................................489

554E Proof of debt by secured creditor ..................................489

554F Redemption of security interest by liquidator................490

554G Amendment of valuation ...............................................491

554H Repayment of excess .....................................................491

554J Subsequent realisation of security interest.....................492

Subdivision D—Priorities 492

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555 Debts and claims proved to rank equally except as

otherwise provided ........................................................492

556 Priority payments ..........................................................492

558 Debts due to employees.................................................500

559 Debts of a class to rank equally .....................................501

560 Advances for company to make priority payments

in relation to employees ................................................501

561 Priority of employees’ claims over circulating

security interests ............................................................502

562 Application of proceeds of contracts of insurance.........503

562A Application of proceeds of contracts of

reinsurance ....................................................................503

563 Provisions relating to injury compensation ...................505

563AA Seller under a buy-back agreement................................506

563A Postponing subordinate claims ......................................506

563AAA Redemption of debentures.............................................507

Subdivision E—Miscellaneous 507

563B Interest on debts and claims from relevant date to

date of payment .............................................................507

563C Debt subordination ........................................................508

564 Power of Court to make orders in favour of certain


Division 7—Effect on certain transactions 509

565 Undue preference ..........................................................509

566 Effect of floating charge................................................509

567 Liquidator’s right to recover in respect of certain


Division 7A—Disclaimer of onerous property 513

568 Disclaimer by liquidator; application to Court by

party to contract.............................................................513

568A Liquidator must give notice of disclaimer .....................515

568B Application to set aside disclaimer before it takes


568C When disclaimer takes effect.........................................516

568D Effect of disclaimer .......................................................517

568E Application to set aside disclaimer after it has

taken effect ....................................................................517

568F Court may dispose of disclaimed property ....................518

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Division 7B—Effect on enforcement process against company’s

property 520

569 Executions, attachments etc. before winding up............520

570 Duties of sheriff after receiving notice of

application .....................................................................521

Division 8—Pooling 525

Subdivision A—Pooling determinations 525

571 Pooling determination ...................................................525

572 Variation of pooling determination ...............................528

573 Lodgment of copy of pooling determination etc............528

577 Eligible unsecured creditors may decide to

approve the determination or variation..........................529

578 When pooling determination comes into force etc. .......529

579 Duties of liquidator........................................................531

579A Court may vary or terminate pooling


579B Court may cancel or confirm variation..........................533

579C When Court may void or validate pooling


579D Effect of termination or avoidance ................................535

Subdivision B—Pooling orders 536

579E Pooling orders ...............................................................536

579F Variation of pooling orders ...........................................540

579G Court may make ancillary orders etc. ............................540

579H Variation of ancillary orders etc. ...................................542

579J Notice of application for pooling order etc....................543

579K Notice of pooling order etc............................................544

579L Consolidated meetings of creditors ...............................547

Subdivision C—Other provisions 548

579M When debts or claims are provable in winding up.........548

579N Group of companies ......................................................548

579P Secured debt may become unsecured ............................549

579Q Eligible unsecured creditor............................................549

Division 9—Co-operation between Australian and foreign courts

in external administration matters 550

580 Definitions.....................................................................550

581 Courts to act in aid of each other ...................................550

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Part 5.7—Winding up bodies other than companies 552 582 Application of Part ........................................................552

583 Winding up Part 5.7 bodies ...........................................552

585 Insolvency of Part 5.7 body...........................................553

586 Contributories in winding up of Part 5.7 body ..............554

587 Power of Court to stay or restrain proceedings..............555

588 Outstanding property of defunct registrable body .........555

Part 5.7B—Recovering property or compensation for the

benefit of creditors of insolvent company 557

Division 1—Preliminary 557

588C Definitions.....................................................................557

588D Secured debt may become unsecured ............................557

588E Presumptions to be made in recovery proceedings........557

588F Certain taxation liabilities taken to be debts ..................560

Division 2—Voidable transactions 562

588FA Unfair preferences .........................................................562

588FB Uncommercial transactions ...........................................563

588FC Insolvent transactions ....................................................563

588FD Unfair loans to a company.............................................564

588FDA Unreasonable director-related transactions....................565

588FE Voidable transactions ....................................................566

588FF Courts may make orders about voidable


588FG Transaction not voidable as against certain persons ......571

588FGA Directors to indemnify Commissioner of Taxation

if certain payments set aside..........................................573

588FGB Defences in proceedings under section 588FGA...........574

588FH Liquidator may recover from related entity benefit

resulting from insolvent transaction ..............................575

588FI Creditor who gives up benefit of unfair preference

may prove for preferred debt .........................................576

588FJ Circulating security interest created within 6

months before relation-back day ...................................577

Division 2A—Vesting of PPSA security interests if not

continuously perfected 579

588FK Interpretation and application........................................579

588FL Vesting of PPSA security interests if collateral not

registered within time....................................................579

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588FM Extension of time for registration ..................................582

588FN PPSA security interests unaffected by

section 588FL................................................................583

588FO Certain lessors, bailors and consignors entitled to


Division 2B—Security interests in favour of company officers

etc. 587

588FP Security interests in favour of an officer of a

company etc. void .........................................................587

Division 3—Director’s duty to prevent insolvent trading 590

588G Director’s duty to prevent insolvent trading by

company ........................................................................590

588GA Safe harbour—taking course of action reasonably

likely to lead to a better outcome for the company........592

588GB Information or books not admissible to support the

safe harbour if failure to permit inspection etc. .............595

588H Defences about reasonable grounds, illness or

reasonable steps.............................................................597

588HA Review relating to safe harbour.....................................598

Division 4—Director liable to compensate company 600

Subdivision A—Proceedings against director 600

588J On application for civil penalty order, Court may

order compensation .......................................................600

588K Criminal court may order compensation .......................601

588L Enforcement of order under section 588J or 588K........601

588M Recovery of compensation for loss resulting from

insolvent trading............................................................601

588N Avoiding double recovery .............................................602

588P Effect of sections 588J, 588K and 588M.......................602

588Q Certificates evidencing contravention ...........................603

Subdivision B—Proceedings by creditor 603

588R Creditor may sue for compensation with

liquidator’s consent .......................................................603

588S Creditor may give liquidator notice of intention to

sue for compensation.....................................................604

588T When creditor may sue for compensation without

liquidator’s consent .......................................................604

588U Events preventing creditor from suing ..........................605

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Division 5—Liability of holding company for insolvent trading

by subsidiary 606

588V When holding company liable.......................................606

588W Recovery of compensation for loss resulting from

insolvent trading............................................................606

588WA Safe harbour—taking reasonable steps to ensure

company’s directors have the benefit of the

directors’ safe harbour...................................................607

588X Defences about reasonable grounds, illness or

reasonable steps.............................................................608

Division 6—Application of compensation under Division 4 or 5 609

588Y Application of amount paid as compensation................609

Division 7—Person managing a corporation while disqualified

may become liable for corporation’s debts 610

588Z Court may make order imposing liability ......................610

Division 8—Employee entitlements contribution orders 611

588ZA Employee entitlements contribution orders ...................611

588ZB Who may apply for an employee entitlements

contribution order ..........................................................613

Part 5.8—Offences 615 589 Interpretation and application........................................615

590 Offences by officers of certain companies ....................618

592 Incurring of certain debts; fraudulent conduct...............621

593 Powers of Court.............................................................623

594 Certain rights not affected .............................................624

595 Inducement to be appointed liquidator etc. of

company ........................................................................625

596 Frauds by officers..........................................................625

Part 5.8A—Employee entitlements 627 596AA Objects and coverage of this Part ..................................627

596AB Relevant agreements or transactions that avoid

employee entitlements—offences..................................628

596AC Relevant agreements or transactions that avoid

employee entitlements—civil contraventions................631

596ACA Person who contravenes section 596AC liable to

compensate for loss .......................................................634

596AD Avoiding double recovery .............................................635

596AE Effect of section 596ACA .............................................635

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596AF Proceedings for compensation.......................................635

596AG Events preventing proceedings......................................637

596AH Joining parties to proceedings .......................................637

Part 5.9—Miscellaneous 639

Division 1—Examining a person about a corporation 639

596A Mandatory examination.................................................639

596B Discretionary examination.............................................639

596C Affidavit in support of application under

section 596B..................................................................640

596D Content of summons......................................................640

596E Notice of examination ...................................................640

596F Court may give directions about examination ...............641

597 Conduct of examination ................................................641

597A When Court is to require affidavit about

corporation’s examinable affairs ...................................644

597B Costs of unnecessary examination or affidavit ..............645

Division 2—Orders against a person in relation to a corporation 647

598 Order against person concerned with corporation .........647

Division 3—Provisions applying to various kinds of external

administration 649

599 Appeals from decisions of receivers etc. .......................649

600AA Duty of receiver, administrator or liquidator—

parental leave pay..........................................................649

600F Limitation on right of suppliers of essential

services to insist on payment as condition of

supply ............................................................................650

600G Electronic methods of giving or sending certain

notices etc......................................................................651

600H Rights if claim against the company postponed ............653

600J Acts of external administrator valid etc.........................653

Division 4—Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) 655

600K Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)................655

Chapter 5A—Deregistration, and transfer of

registration, of companies 656

Part 5A.1—Deregistration 656 601 Definitions.....................................................................656

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601AA Deregistration—voluntary.............................................656

601AB Deregistration—ASIC initiated .....................................658

601AC Deregistration—following amalgamation or

winding up.....................................................................659

601AD Effect of deregistration ..................................................660

601AE What the Commonwealth or ASIC does with the

property .........................................................................661

601AF The Commonwealth’s and ASIC’s power to fulfil

outstanding obligations of deregistered company..........664

601AG Claims against insurers of deregistered company..........664

601AH Reinstatement ................................................................664

Part 5A.2—Transfer of registration 667 601AI Transferring registration................................................667

601AJ Applying to transfer registration....................................667

601AK ASIC makes transfer of registration declaration............668

601AL ASIC to deregister company .........................................668

Chapter 5B—Bodies corporate registered as

companies, and registrable bodies 669

Part 5B.1—Registering a body corporate as a company 669

Division 1—Registration 669

601BA Bodies corporate may be registered as certain

types of companies ........................................................669

601BB Bodies registered as proprietary companies ..................670

601BC Applying for registration under this Part .......................670

601BD ASIC gives body ACN, registers as company and

issues certificate ............................................................674

601BE Registered office ...........................................................675

601BF Name .............................................................................675

601BG Constitution ...................................................................675

601BH Modifications of constitution ........................................676

601BJ ASIC may direct company to apply for Court

approval for modifications of constitution.....................676

601BK Establishing registers and minute books........................677

601BL Registration of registered bodies ...................................677

Division 2—Operation of this Act 678

601BM Effect of registration under this Part..............................678

601BN Liability of members on winding up .............................678

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601BP Bearer shares .................................................................678

601BQ References in pre-registration contracts and other

documents to par value in existing contracts and

documents .....................................................................679

601BR First AGM .....................................................................680

601BS Modification by regulations ..........................................680

Part 5B.2—Registrable bodies 681

Division 1A—Preliminary 681

601C Definitions.....................................................................681

Division 1—Registrable Australian bodies 682

601CA When a registrable Australian body may carry on

business in this jurisdiction and outside its place of

origin .............................................................................682

601CB Application for registration ...........................................682

601CC Cessation of business etc. ..............................................683

Division 2—Foreign companies 686

601CD When a foreign company may carry on business in

this jurisdiction..............................................................686

601CDA Limited disclosure if place of origin is a prescribed

country ..........................................................................686

601CE Application for registration ...........................................686

601CF Appointment of local agent ...........................................687

601CG Local agent: how appointed...........................................688

601CH Local agent: how removed ............................................689

601CJ Liability of local agent ..................................................689

601CK Balance-sheets and other documents .............................689

601CL Cessation of business etc. ..............................................691

601CM Register of members of foreign company......................694

601CN Register kept under section 601CM ..............................695

601CP Notifying ASIC about register kept under

section 601CM ..............................................................696

601CQ Effect of right to acquire shares compulsorily...............696

601CR Index of members and inspection of registers ...............697

601CS Certificate as to shareholding ........................................697

Division 3—Bodies registered under this Part 698

601CTA Limited disclosure if place of origin is a prescribed

country ..........................................................................698

601CT Registered office ...........................................................698

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601CU Certificate of registration...............................................699

601CV Notice of certain changes ..............................................699

601CW Body’s name etc. must be displayed at office and

place of business............................................................700

601CX Service of documents on registered body......................701

601CY Power to hold land.........................................................702

Division 4—Register of debenture holders for non-companies 703

601CZA Certain documents are debentures .................................703

601CZB Register of debenture holders to be maintained by

non-companies ..............................................................703

601CZC Location of register .......................................................703

601CZD Application of sections 173 to 177 ................................704

Part 5B.3—Names of registrable Australian bodies and foreign

companies 705 601DA Reserving a name ..........................................................705

601DB Acceptable abbreviations...............................................705

601DC When a name is available ..............................................706

601DD Registered Australian bodies and registered

foreign companies can carry on business with

some names only ...........................................................707

601DE Using a name and ARBN ..............................................708

601DF Exception to requirement to have ARBN on

receipts ..........................................................................709

601DG Regulations may exempt from requirement to set

out information on documents.......................................709

601DH Notice of name change must be given to ASIC.............709

601DJ ASIC’s power to direct a registered name be

changed .........................................................................710

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Debentures Chapter 2L

Requirement for trust deed and trustee Part 2L.1

Section 283AA

Corporations Act 2001 1

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Chapter 2L—Debentures

Part 2L.1—Requirement for trust deed and trustee

283AA Requirement for trust deed and trustee

(1) Before a body:

(a) makes an offer of debentures in this jurisdiction that needs

disclosure to investors under Chapter 6D, or does not need

disclosure to investors under Chapter 6D because of

subsection 708(14) (disclosure document exclusion for

debenture roll overs) or section 708A (sale offers that do not

need disclosure); or

(b) makes an offer of debentures in this jurisdiction or elsewhere

as consideration for the acquisition of securities under an

off-market takeover bid; or

(c) issues debentures in this jurisdiction or elsewhere under a

compromise or arrangement under Part 5.1 approved at a

meeting held as a result of an order under subsection 411(1)

or (1A);

regardless of where any resulting issue, sale or transfer occurs, the

body must enter into a trust deed that complies with section 283AB

and appoint a trustee that complies with section 283AC.

Note: For rules about when an offer of debentures will need disclosure to

investors under Chapter 6D, see sections 706, 707, 708, 708AA and


(1A) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(2) The body may revoke the trust deed after it has repaid all amounts

payable under the debentures in accordance with the debentures’

terms and the trust deed.

(3) The body must comply with this Chapter.

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Chapter 2L Debentures

Part 2L.1 Requirement for trust deed and trustee

Section 283AB

2 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Note: Sections 168 and 601CZB require a register of debenture holders to be

set up and kept.

(4) The regulations may exempt a specified offer of debentures, or a

specified class of offers of debentures, from subsection (1).

283AB Trust deed

(1) The trust deed must provide that the following are held in trust by

the trustee for the benefit of the debenture holders:

(a) the right to enforce the borrower’s duty to repay;

(b) any charge or security for repayment;

(c) the right to enforce any other duties that the borrower and

any guarantor have under:

(i) the terms of the debentures; or

(ii) the provisions of the trust deed or this Chapter.

Note: For information about the duties that the borrower and any guarantor

body have under this Chapter, see sections 283BB to 283CE.

(2) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

283AC Who can be a trustee

Who can be trustee

(1) The trustee must be:

(a) the Public Trustee of any State or Territory; or

(aa) a licensed trustee company; or

(b) a body corporate authorised by a law of any State or

Territory to take in its own name a grant of probate of the

will, or letters of administration of the estate, of a deceased

person; or

(c) a body corporate registered under section 21 of the Life

Insurance Act 1995; or

(d) an Australian ADI; or

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Debentures Chapter 2L

Requirement for trust deed and trustee Part 2L.1

Section 283AD

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Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(e) a body corporate, all of whose shares are held beneficially by

a body corporate or bodies corporate of the kind referred to in

paragraph (b), (c) or (d) if that body or those bodies:

(i) are liable for all of the liabilities incurred, or to be

incurred, by the trustee as trustee; or

(ii) have subscribed for and beneficially hold shares in the

trustee and there is an uncalled liability of at least

$500,000 in respect of those shares that can only be

called up if the trustee becomes a Chapter 5 body

corporate (see section 254N); or

(f) a body corporate approved by ASIC (see section 283GB).

Note: Section 283BD provides that if the borrower becomes aware that the

trustee cannot be a trustee, the trustee must be replaced.

Circumstances in which a person cannot be trustee

(2) A person may only be appointed or act as trustee (except to the

extent provided for by section 283AD) if the appointment or acting

will not result in a conflict of interest or duty. This subsection is

not intended to affect any rule of law or equity.

(3) An offence based on subsection (1) or (2) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

283AD Existing trustee continues to act until new trustee takes office

An existing trustee continues to act as the trustee until a new

trustee is appointed and has taken office as trustee, despite any rule

of law or equity to the contrary.

Note: This section applies even if the existing trustee resigns.

283AE Replacement of trustee

Related party of existing trustee may be appointed as a new trustee

(1) In addition to any other powers of appointment under the terms of

the debentures or provisions of the trust deed, the borrower may

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Chapter 2L Debentures

Part 2L.1 Requirement for trust deed and trustee

Section 283AE

4 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

appoint a body corporate that is related to the existing trustee as

trustee in place of the existing trustee if:

(a) the body corporate can be a trustee under section 283AC; and

(b) the existing trustee consents in writing to the appointment.

The appointment has effect despite any terms of the debentures or

provisions of the trust deed.

Appointment by Court

(2) The Court may:

(a) appoint a person who may be a trustee under section 283AC

as trustee on the application of the borrower, a debenture

holder or ASIC if:

(i) a trustee has not been validly appointed; or

(ii) the trustee has ceased to exist; or

(b) terminate the existing trustee’s appointment and appoint a

person who may be a trustee under section 283AC as trustee

in the existing trustee’s place on the application of the

borrower, the existing trustee, a debenture holder or ASIC if:

(i) the existing trustee cannot be trustee under

section 283AC; or

(ii) the existing trustee fails, or refuses, to act.

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Debentures Chapter 2L

Duties of borrower Part 2L.2

Section 283BA

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Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 2L.2—Duties of borrower

283BA Duties of borrower

A borrower that is required to enter into a trust deed under

section 283AA has the duties imposed by this Part.

283BB General duties

The borrower must:

(a) carry on and conduct its business in a proper and efficient

manner; and

(b) provide a copy of the trust deed to:

(i) a debenture holder; or

(ii) the trustee;

if they request a copy; and

(c) make all of its financial and other records available for

inspection by:

(i) the trustee; or

(ii) an officer or employee of the trustee authorised by the

trustee to carry out the inspection; or

(iii) a registered company auditor appointed by the trustee to

carry out the inspection;

and give them any information, explanations or other

assistance that they require about matters relating to those


Note: The borrower also has a duty to call a meeting of debenture holders in

certain circumstances (see section 283EA).

283BC Duty to notify ASIC of information related to trustee

(1) Within 14 days after the trustee is appointed, the borrower must

lodge with ASIC a notice containing the following information:

(a) the name of the trustee;

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Chapter 2L Debentures

Part 2L.2 Duties of borrower

Section 283BCA

6 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) any other information related to the trustee or the debentures

that is prescribed by the regulations.

(2) If there is any change to the information, the borrower must, within

14 days of the change, lodge with ASIC a notice containing the

changed information.

(3) A notice under subsection (1) or (2) must be in the prescribed


283BCA Register relating to trustees for debenture holders

The register

(1) ASIC must establish and maintain a register relating to trustees for

debenture holders.

(2) The regulations may prescribe the way in which the register must

be established or maintained, including the details that ASIC must

enter in the register.

Inspection of register

(3) A person may inspect the register, and may make copies of, or take

extracts from, the register.

(4) The regulations may prescribe the fees that a person must pay

ASIC to do the things mentioned in subsection (3).

(5) Any disclosure necessary for the purposes of this section is

authorised by this section.

283BD Duty to replace trustee

The borrower must take all reasonable steps to replace the trustee

under section 283AE as soon as practicable after the borrower

becomes aware that the trustee:

(a) has ceased to exist; or

(b) has not been validly appointed; or

(c) cannot be a trustee under section 283AC; or

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Debentures Chapter 2L

Duties of borrower Part 2L.2

Section 283BE

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(d) has failed or refused to act as trustee.

283BE Duty to inform trustee about security interests

If the borrower creates a security interest, it must:

(a) give the trustee written details of the security interest within

21 days after it is created; and

(b) if the total amount to be advanced on the security of the

security interest is indeterminate and the advances are not

merged in a current account with bankers, trade creditors or

anyone else—give the trustee written details of the amount of

each advance within 7 days after it is made.

Note: If the advances are merged in a current account the borrower must

give the trustee the details in the quarterly report (see

subsection 283BF(4)).

283BF Duty to give trustee and ASIC quarterly reports

Quarterly reports

(1) Within 1 month after the end of each quarter, the borrower must:

(a) give the trustee a quarterly report that sets out the

information required by subsections (4), (5) and (6); and

(b) lodge a copy of the report with ASIC (see section 351).

First quarter

(2) The first quarter is the period of 3 months ending on a day fixed by

the borrower, by written notice to the trustee. The day must be less

than 6 months after the first issue of a debenture under the trust


Subsequent quarters

(3) Each of the subsequent quarters are periods of 3 months. The

trustee may allow a particular quarter to be a period of less than 3

months if the trustee is satisfied that special circumstances justify

doing so.

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Chapter 2L Debentures

Part 2L.2 Duties of borrower

Section 283BF

8 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Content of quarterly report

(4) The report for a quarter must include details of:

(a) any failure by the borrower and each guarantor to comply

with the terms of the debentures or the provisions of the trust

deed or this Chapter during the quarter; and

(b) any event that has happened during the quarter that has

caused, or could cause, 1 or more of the following:

(i) any amount deposited or lent under the debentures to

become immediately payable;

(ii) the debentures to become immediately enforceable;

(iii) any other right or remedy under the terms of the

debenture or provisions of the trust deed to become

immediately enforceable; and

(c) any circumstances that have occurred during the quarter that

materially prejudice:

(i) the borrower, any of its subsidiaries, or any of the

guarantors; or

(ii) any security interest included in or created by the

debentures or the trust deed; and

(d) any substantial change in the nature of the business of the

borrower, any of its subsidiaries, or any of the guarantors that

has occurred during the quarter; and

(e) any of the following events that happened in the quarter:

(i) the appointment of a guarantor;

(ii) the cessation of liability of a guarantor body for the

payment of the whole or part of the money for which it

was liable under the guarantee;

(iii) a change of name of a guarantor (if this happens, the

report must also disclose the guarantor’s new name);


(f) the net amount outstanding on any advances at the end of the

quarter if the borrower has created a security interest where:

(i) the total amount to be advanced on the security of the

security interest is indeterminate; and

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Debentures Chapter 2L

Duties of borrower Part 2L.2

Section 283BF

Corporations Act 2001 9

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(ii) the advances are merged in a current account with

bankers, trade creditors or anyone else; and

(g) any other matters that may materially prejudice any security

interests or other interests of the debenture holders.

Note: Paragraph (f)—the borrower has a duty to inform the trustee about

security interests as they are created (see section 283BE).

(5) If the borrower has deposited money with, or lent money to, a

related body corporate during the quarter, the report must also

include details of:

(a) the total of the money deposited with, or lent to, the related

body corporate during the quarter (see subsection (7)); and

(b) the total amount of money owing to the borrower at the end

of the quarter in respect of the deposits or loans to the related

body corporate.

Disregard any amount that the borrower deposits with an ADI in

the normal course of the borrower’s business.

(6) If the borrower has assumed a liability of a related body corporate

during the quarter, the report must also include details of the extent

of the liability assumed during the quarter and the extent of the

liability as at the end of the quarter.

(7) For the purposes of subsections (5) and (6), the report:

(a) must distinguish between deposits, loans and assumptions of

liability that are secured and those that are unsecured; and

(b) may exclude any deposit, loan or assumption of liability on

behalf of the related body corporate if it has:

(i) guaranteed the repayment of the debentures of the

borrower; and

(ii) secured the guarantee by a security interest over all of

its property in favour of the trustee.


(8) The report must:

(a) be made in accordance with a resolution of the directors; and

(b) specify the date on which the report is made.

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Chapter 2L Debentures

Part 2L.2 Duties of borrower

Section 283BG

10 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

283BG Exceptions to borrower’s duty to report to trustee and ASIC

Section 283BF does not apply in respect of:

(a) a borrower, while:

(i) it is under external administration; or

(ii) a receiver, or a receiver and manager, of property of the

borrower has been appointed and has not ceased to act

under that appointment; or

(b) a security interest in PPSA retention of title property.

283BH How debentures may be described

(1) The borrower may describe or refer to the debentures in:

(a) any disclosure in relation to the offer of the debentures; or

(b) any other document constituting or relating to the offer of the

debentures; or

(c) the debentures themselves;

only in accordance with the following table:

How debentures may be described

Item Description When description may be used

1 mortgage debenture only if the circumstances set out in

subsection (2) are satisfied

2 debenture only if the circumstances set out in

subsection (2) or (3) are satisfied

3 unsecured note or

unsecured deposit note

in any other case

(1A) The borrower commits an offence if it intentionally or recklessly

contravenes subsection (1).

When debentures can be called mortgage debentures or debentures

(2) The borrower may describe or refer to the debentures as:

(a) mortgage debentures; or

(b) debentures;

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Debentures Chapter 2L

Duties of borrower Part 2L.2

Section 283BI

Corporations Act 2001 11

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19


(c) the repayment of all money that has been, or may be,

deposited or lent under the debentures is secured by a first

mortgage given to the trustee over land vested in the

borrower or in any of the guarantors; and

(d) the mortgage has been registered, or is a registrable mortgage

that has been lodged for registration, in accordance with the

law relating to the registration of mortgages of land in the

place where the land is situated; and

(e) the total amount of that money and of all other liabilities (if

any) secured by the mortgage of that land ranking equally

with the liability to repay that money does not exceed 60% of

the value of the borrower’s or guarantor’s interest in that land

as shown in the valuation included in the disclosure

document for the debentures.

When debentures can be called debentures

(3) The borrower may describe or refer to the debentures as debentures


(a) the repayment of all money that has been, or may be,

deposited or lent under the debentures has been secured by a

security interest in favour of the trustee over the whole or any

part of the tangible property of the borrower or of any of the

guarantors; and

(b) the tangible property that constitutes the security for the

security interest is sufficient and is reasonably likely to be

sufficient to meet the liability for the repayment of all such

money and all other liabilities that:

(i) have been or may be incurred; and

(ii) rank in priority to, or equally with, that liability.

283BI Offences for failure to comply with statutory duties

The borrower commits an offence if it intentionally or recklessly

contravenes section 283BB, 283BC, 283BD, 283BE, 283BF or


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Chapter 2L Debentures

Part 2L.3 Duties of guarantor

Section 283CA

12 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 2L.3—Duties of guarantor

283CA Duties of guarantor

If a borrower is required to enter into a trust deed under

section 283AA in relation to debentures, a guarantor in respect of

the debentures has the duties imposed by this Part.

283CB General duties

The guarantor must:

(a) carry on and conduct its business in a proper and efficient

manner; and

(b) make all of its financial and other records available for

inspection by:

(i) the trustee; or

(ii) an officer or employee of the trustee authorised by the

trustee to carry out the inspection; or

(iii) a registered company auditor appointed by the trustee to

carry out the inspection;

and give them any information, explanations or other

assistance that they require about matters relating to those


283CC Duty to inform trustee about security interests

If the guarantor creates a security interest, it must:

(a) give the trustee written details of the security interest within

21 days after it is created; and

(b) if the total amount to be advanced on the security of the

security interest is indeterminate, give the trustee written

details of:

(i) the amount of each advance made within 7 days after it

is made; or

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Debentures Chapter 2L

Duties of guarantor Part 2L.3

Section 283CD

Corporations Act 2001 13

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(ii) where the advances are merged in a current account

with bankers, trade creditors or anyone else—the net

amount outstanding on the advances at the end of every

3 months.

283CD Exceptions to guarantor’s duty to inform trustee

Section 283CC does not apply in respect of:

(a) the guarantor, while:

(i) it is under external administration; or

(ii) a receiver, or a receiver and manager, of property of the

guarantor has been appointed and has not ceased to act

under that appointment; or

(b) a security interest in PPSA retention of title property.

283CE Offences for failure to comply with statutory duties

The guarantor commits an offence if it intentionally or recklessly

contravenes paragraph 283CB(b) or section 283CC.

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Chapter 2L Debentures

Part 2L.4 Trustee

Section 283DA

14 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 2L.4—Trustee

283DA Trustee’s duties

The trustee of a trust deed entered into under section 283AA must:

(a) exercise reasonable diligence to ascertain whether the

property of the borrower and of each guarantor that is or

should be available (whether by way of security or

otherwise) will be sufficient to repay the amount deposited or

lent when it becomes due; and

(b) exercise reasonable diligence to ascertain whether the

borrower or any guarantor has committed any breach of:

(i) the terms of the debentures; or

(ii) the provisions of the trust deed or this Chapter; and

(c) do everything in its power to ensure that the borrower or a

guarantor remedies any breach known to the trustee of:

(i) any term of the debentures; or

(ii) any provision of the trust deed or this Chapter;

unless the trustee is satisfied that the breach will not

materially prejudice the debenture holders’ interests or any

security for the debentures; and

(e) notify ASIC as soon as practicable if:

(i) the borrower has not complied with section 283BE,

283BF or subsection 318(1) or (4); or

(ii) a guarantor has not complied with section 283CC; and

(f) notify ASIC and the borrower as soon as practicable if the

trustee discovers that it cannot be a trustee under

section 283AC; and

(g) give the debenture holders a statement explaining the effect

of any proposal that the borrower submits to the debenture

holders before any meeting that:

(i) the Court calls in relation to a scheme under

subsection 411(1) or (1A); or

(ii) the trustee calls under subsection 283EB(1); and

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Debentures Chapter 2L

Trustee Part 2L.4

Section 283DB

Corporations Act 2001 15

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(h) comply with any directions given to it at a debenture holders’

meeting referred to in section 283EA, 283EB or 283EC


(i) the trustee is of the opinion that the direction is

inconsistent with the terms of the debentures or the

provisions of the trust deed or this Act or is otherwise

objectionable; and

(ii) has either obtained, or is in the process of obtaining, an

order from the Court under section 283HA setting aside

or varying the direction; and

(i) apply to the Court for an order under section 283HB if the

borrower requests it to do so.

Note 1: Paragraph (g)—Section 411 relates to compromises and arrangements.

Note 2: Section 283DC deals with indemnification in respect of a trustee’s

liability to the debenture holders.

283DB Exemptions and indemnifications of trustee from liability

(1) A term of a debenture, provision of a trust deed or a term of a

contract with holders of debentures secured by a trust deed, is void

in so far as the term or provision would have the effect of:

(a) exempting a trustee from liability for breach of

section 283DA for failure to show the degree of care and

diligence required of it as trustee; or

(b) indemnifying the trustee against that liability;

unless the term or provision:

(c) releases the trustee from liability for something done or

omitted to be done before the release is given; or

(d) enables a meeting of debenture holders to approve the release

of the trustee from liability for something done or omitted to

be done before the release is given.

(2) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(d):

(a) a release is approved if the debenture holders who vote for

the resolution hold 75% of the nominal value of the

debentures held by all the debenture holders who attend the

meeting and vote on the resolution; and

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Chapter 2L Debentures

Part 2L.4 Trustee

Section 283DC

16 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(b) a debenture holder attends the meeting and votes on the

resolution if:

(i) they attend the meeting in person and vote on the

resolution; or

(ii) if proxies are permitted—they are represented at the

meeting by a proxy and the proxy votes on the


283DC Indemnity

The trustee is not liable for anything done or omitted to be done in

accordance with a direction given to it by the debenture holders at

any meeting called under section 283EA, 283EB or 283EC.

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Debentures Chapter 2L

Meetings of debenture holders Part 2L.5

Section 283EA

Corporations Act 2001 17

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 2L.5—Meetings of debenture holders

283EA Borrower’s duty to call meeting

Duty to call meeting

(1) The borrower must call a meeting of debenture holders if:

(a) debenture holders who together hold 10% or more of the

nominal value of the issued debentures to which the trust

relates direct the borrower to do so; and

(b) the direction is given to the borrower in writing at its

registered office; and

(c) the purpose of the meeting is to:

(i) consider the financial statements that were laid before

the last AGM of the borrower; or

(ii) give the trustee directions in relation to the exercise of

any of its powers.

Note: The trustee usually must comply with any directions given to it by the

debenture holders at the meeting (see paragraph 283DA(h)).

Duty to give notification of meeting

(2) If the borrower is required to call a meeting, it must give notice of

the time and place of the meeting to:

(a) the trustee; and

(b) the borrower’s auditor; and

(c) each of the debenture holders whose names are entered on

the register of debenture holders.

Notice to joint holders of a debenture must be given to the joint

holder named first in the register of debenture holders.

(3) The borrower may give the notice to a debenture holder:

(a) personally; or

(b) by sending it by post to the address for the debenture holder

in the register of debenture holders; or

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Chapter 2L Debentures

Part 2L.5 Meetings of debenture holders

Section 283EB

18 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(c) by sending it to the fax number or electronic address (if any)

nominated by the debenture holder; or

(d) by any other means that the trust deed or the terms of the

debentures permit.

Note: A defect in the notice may not invalidate a meeting (see section 1322).

When notice by post or fax is given

(4) A notice of meeting sent to a debenture holder is taken to be given:

(a) 3 days after it is posted, if it is posted; or

(b) on the business day after it is sent, if it is sent by fax or other

electronic means;

unless the trust deed or the terms of the debentures provide


283EB Trustee’s power to call meeting

Trustee may call meeting in event of breach

(1) If the borrower or a guarantor fails to remedy any breach of the

terms of the debentures or provisions of the trust deed or this

Chapter when required by the trustee, the trustee may:

(a) call a meeting of debenture holders; and

(b) inform the debenture holders of the failure at the meeting;


(c) submit proposals for protection of the debenture holders’

interests to the meeting; and

(d) ask for directions from the debenture holders in relation to

the matter.

Trustee may appoint person to chair meeting

(2) The trustee may appoint a person to chair a meeting of debenture

holders called under subsection (1). If the trustee does not exercise

this power, the debenture holders present at the meeting may

appoint a person to chair the meeting.

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Debentures Chapter 2L

Meetings of debenture holders Part 2L.5

Section 283EC

Corporations Act 2001 19

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

283EC Court may order meeting

(1) Without limiting section 283HA or 283HB, the Court may make an

order under either of those sections for a meeting of all or any of

the debenture holders to be held to give directions to the trustee.

The order may direct the trustee to:

(a) place before the debenture holders any information

concerning their interests; and

(b) place before the debenture holders any proposals to protect

their interests that the Court directs or the trustee considers

appropriate; and

(c) obtain the debenture holders’ directions concerning the

protection of their interests.

(2) The meeting is to be held and conducted in the manner the Court

directs. The trustee may appoint a person to chair the meeting. If

the trustee does not exercise this power, the debenture holders

present at the meeting may appoint a person to chair the meeting.

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Chapter 2L Debentures

Part 2L.6 Civil liability

Section 283F

20 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 2L.6—Civil liability

283F Civil liability for contravening this Chapter

(1) A person who suffers loss or damage because a person contravenes

a provision of this Chapter may recover the amount of the loss or

damage from:

(a) the person who contravened the provision; or

(b) a person involved in the contravention.

This is so even if the person did not commit, and was not involved

in, the contravention.

(2) An action under subsection (1) may begin at any time within 6

years after the day on which the cause of action arose.

(3) This Part does not affect any liability that a person has under any

other law.

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Debentures Chapter 2L

ASIC powers Part 2L.7

Section 283GA

Corporations Act 2001 21

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 2L.7—ASIC powers

283GA ASIC’s power to exempt and modify

(1) ASIC may:

(a) exempt a person from a provision of this Chapter; or

(b) declare that this Chapter applies to a person as if specified

provisions were omitted, modified or varied as specified in

the declaration.

(2) The exemption or declaration may do all or any of the following:

(a) apply to all or specified provisions of this Chapter;

(b) apply to all persons, specified persons, or a specified class of


(c) relate to all debentures, specified debentures or a specified

class of debentures;

(d) relate to any other matter generally or as specified.

(3) An exemption may apply unconditionally or subject to specified

conditions. A person to whom a condition specified in an

exemption applies must comply with the condition. The Court may

order the person to comply with the condition in a specified way.

Only ASIC may apply to the Court for the order.

(4) The exemption or declaration must be in writing and ASIC must

publish notice of it in the Gazette.

(5) For the purposes of this section, the provisions of this Chapter


(a) regulations made for the purposes of this Chapter; and

(b) definitions in this Act or the regulations as they apply to

references in:

(i) this Chapter; or

(ii) regulations made for the purposes of this Chapter; and

(c) the old Division 12 of Part 11.2 transitionals.

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Chapter 2L Debentures

Part 2L.7 ASIC powers

Section 283GB

22 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

283GB ASIC may approve body corporate to be trustee

(1) ASIC may approve a body corporate in writing to be a trustee for

the purposes of paragraph 283AC(1)(f). The approval may allow

the body corporate to act as trustee:

(a) in any circumstances; or

(b) in relation to a particular borrower or particular class of

borrower; or

(c) in relation to a particular trust deed;

and may be given subject to conditions.

(2) ASIC must publish notice of the approval in the Gazette.

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Debentures Chapter 2L

Court Part 2L.8

Section 283HA

Corporations Act 2001 23

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 2L.8—Court

283HA General Court power to give directions and determine


If the trustee applies to the Court for any direction in relation to the

performance of the trustee’s functions or to determine any question

in relation to the interests of the debenture holders, the Court may

give any direction and make any declaration or determination in

relation to the matter that the Court considers appropriate. The

Court may also make ancillary or consequential orders.

Note: Under this section, the Court may order a meeting of debenture

holders to be held, see section 283EC.

283HB Specific Court powers

(1) If the trustee or ASIC applies to the Court, the Court may make

any or all of the following orders:

(a) an order staying an action or other civil proceedings before a

court by or against the borrower or a guarantor body;

(b) an order restraining the borrower from paying any money to

the debenture holders or any holders of any other class of


(c) an order that any security for the debentures be enforceable

immediately or at the time the Court directs (even if the

debentures are irredeemable or redeemable only on the

happening of a contingency);

(d) an order appointing a receiver of any property constituting

security for the debentures;

(e) an order restricting advertising by the borrower for deposits

or loans;

(f) an order restricting borrowing by the borrower;

(g) any other order that the Court considers appropriate to

protect the interests of existing or prospective debenture


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Chapter 2L Debentures

Part 2L.8 Court

Section 283HB

24 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(2) In deciding whether to make an order under subsection (1), the

Court must have regard to:

(a) the ability of the borrower and each guarantor to repay the

amount deposited or lent as and when it becomes due; and

(b) any contravention of section 283GA by the borrower; and

(c) the interests of the borrower’s members and creditors; and

(d) the interests of the members of each of the guarantors.

Note: The Court may order a meeting of debenture holders to be held (see

section 283EC).

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Debentures Chapter 2L

Location of other debenture provisions Part 2L.9

Section 283I

Corporations Act 2001 25

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 2L.9—Location of other debenture provisions

283I Signpost to other debenture provisions

There are other rules relating to debentures in paragraph 124(1)(b)

and section 563AAA.

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Chapter 2M Financial reports and audit

Part 2M.1 Overview

Section 285

26 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Chapter 2M—Financial reports and audit

Part 2M.1—Overview

285 Overview of obligations under this Chapter

Obligations under this Chapter—companies, registered schemes

and disclosing entities

(1) Under this Chapter, all companies, registered schemes and

disclosing entities must keep financial records (see

sections 286-291)—and some must prepare financial reports (see

sections 292-323D). All those that have to prepare financial reports

have to prepare them annually; disclosing entities have to prepare

half-year financial reports as well. The following table sets out

what is involved in annual financial reporting:

Annual financial reporting for companies, registered schemes and disclosing


steps sections comments

1 prepare financial report s. 295 The financial report


• financial statements

• disclosures and notes

• directors’ declaration.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Financial reports and audit Chapter 2M

Overview Part 2M.1

Section 285

Corporations Act 2001 27

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Annual financial reporting for companies, registered schemes and disclosing


steps sections comments

2 prepare directors’ report s. 298 Unless the report relates to a

company limited by

guarantee, it has a general

component (sections 299 and

299A), a specific component

(section 300) and a special

component for listed

companies (section 300A).

See section 285A for an

overview of the obligations

of companies limited by


Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 2M Financial reports and audit

Part 2M.1 Overview

Section 285

28 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Annual financial reporting for companies, registered schemes and disclosing


steps sections comments

3 have the financial report

audited and obtain

auditor’s report

s. 301, 307, 308 A small proprietary company

preparing a financial report

because it has CSF

shareholders only has to

have an audit if it has raised

a total equal to or exceeding

the CSF audit threshold from

CSF offers. A small

proprietary company

preparing a financial report

in response to a shareholder

direction under section 293

usually only has to have an

audit if the direction asks for


There are similar rules for

companies limited by

guarantee (see section 285A

for an overview).

Under s. 312, officers must

assist the auditor in the

conduct of the audit.

ASIC may use its exemption

powers under s. 340 and 341

to relieve large proprietary

companies from the audit

requirements in appropriate

cases (s. 342(2) and (3)).

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Financial reports and audit Chapter 2M

Overview Part 2M.1

Section 285

Corporations Act 2001 29

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Annual financial reporting for companies, registered schemes and disclosing


steps sections comments

4 provide the financial

report, directors’ report

and auditor’s report to


s. 314 Unless the report relates to a

company limited by

guarantee, a concise

financial report may be

provided to members instead

of the full financial


(subsections 314(1) and (2)).

For deadline, see

subsections 315(1) to (4).

See section 285A for an

overview of the obligations

of companies limited by


5 lodge the financial

report, directors’ report

and auditor’s report with


s. 319 For deadline see s. 319(3).

Companies that have the

benefit of the grandfathering

in the relevant Part 10.1

transitionals do not have to


6 [public companies only]

lay financial report,

directors’ report and

auditor’s report before


s. 317 For the AGM deadline see s.


Obligations under this Chapter—notified foreign passport funds

(1A) Under this Chapter, all notified foreign passport funds must

provide reports on financial matters to Australian members of the

fund (see section 314A) and to ASIC (see section 319).

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Chapter 2M Financial reports and audit

Part 2M.1 Overview

Section 285A

30 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Application to disclosing entities

(2) This Chapter covers all disclosing entities:

(a) incorporated or formed in Australia; and

(b) whether or not they are companies or registered schemes.

Application to registered schemes

(3) For the purposes of applying this Chapter to a registered scheme:

(a) the scheme’s responsible entity is responsible for the

performance of obligations in respect of the scheme; and

(b) the directors and officers of the responsible entity are taken

to be the directors and officers of the scheme; and

(c) the debts incurred in operating the scheme are taken to be the

debts of the scheme.

Application to notified foreign passport funds

(4) For the purposes of applying this Chapter to a notified foreign

passport fund:

(a) the operator of the fund is responsible for the performance of

obligations in respect of the fund; and

(b) the debts incurred in operating the fund are taken to be the

debts of the fund.

285A Overview of obligations of companies limited by guarantee

The following table sets out what is involved in annual financial

reporting for companies limited by guarantee:

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Financial reports and audit Chapter 2M

Overview Part 2M.1

Section 285A

Corporations Act 2001 31

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Annual financial reporting for companies limited by guarantee

Item Nature of company Obligations Sections

1 Small company limited by


No obligation to do any of the

following unless required to

do so under a member

direction or ASIC direction:

• prepare a financial report;

• prepare a directors’ report;

• have financial report audited;

• notify members of reports.

Sections 292,

301 and 316A

2 Company limited by

guarantee with annual

revenue or, if part of a

consolidated entity, annual

consolidated revenue of less

than $1 million.

Must prepare a financial


Must prepare a directors’

report, although less detailed

than that required of other


Need not have financial report

audited unless a

Commonwealth company, or a

subsidiary of a

Commonwealth company or

Commonwealth authority. If

the company does not have

financial report audited, it

must have financial report


Must give reports to any

member who elects to receive


Sections 292,

298, 300B,

301, 316A

3 Company limited by

guarantee with annual

revenue or, if part of a

consolidated entity, annual

consolidated revenue of $1

million or more.

Must prepare a financial


Must prepare a directors’

report, although less detailed

than that required of other


Sections 292,

298, 300B,

301, 316A

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Chapter 2M Financial reports and audit

Part 2M.1 Overview

Section 285A

32 Corporations Act 2001

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Annual financial reporting for companies limited by guarantee

Item Nature of company Obligations Sections

Must have financial report


Must give reports to any

member who elects to receive


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Financial records Part 2M.2

Section 286

Corporations Act 2001 33

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Part 2M.2—Financial records

286 Obligation to keep financial records

(1) A company, registered scheme or disclosing entity must keep

written financial records that:

(a) correctly record and explain its transactions and financial

position and performance; and

(b) would enable true and fair financial statements to be prepared

and audited.

The obligation to keep financial records of transactions extends to

transactions undertaken as trustee.

Note: Section 9 defines financial records.

Period for which records must be retained

(2) The financial records must be retained for 7 years after the

transactions covered by the records are completed.

Fault-based offence

(3) A person commits an offence if the person contravenes

subsection (1) or (2).

Strict liability offence

(4) A person commits an offence of strict liability if the person

contravenes subsection (1) or (2).

287 Language requirements

(1) The financial records may be kept in any language.

(2) An English translation of financial records not kept in English must

be made available within a reasonable time to a person who:

(a) is entitled to inspect the records; and

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Part 2M.2 Financial records

Section 288

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(b) asks for the English translation.

(3) An offence based on subsection (2) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

288 Physical format

(1) If financial records are kept in electronic form, they must be

convertible into hard copy. Hard copy must be made available

within a reasonable time to a person who is entitled to inspect the


(2) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

289 Place where records are kept

(1) A company, registered scheme or disclosing entity may decide

where to keep the financial records.

Records kept outside this jurisdiction

(2) If financial records about particular matters are kept outside this

jurisdiction, sufficient written information about those matters

must be kept in this jurisdiction to enable true and fair financial

statements to be prepared. The company, registered scheme or

disclosing entity must give ASIC written notice in the prescribed

form of the place where the information is kept.

(2A) An offence based on subsection (2) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(3) ASIC may direct a company, registered scheme or disclosing entity

to produce specified financial records that are kept outside this


(4) The direction must:

(a) be in writing; and

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Financial records Part 2M.2

Section 290

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(b) specify a place in this jurisdiction where the records are to be

produced (the place must be reasonable in the

circumstances); and

(c) specify a day (at least 14 days after the direction is given) by

which the records are to be produced.

290 Director access

Personal access

(1) A director of a company, registered scheme or disclosing entity has

a right of access to the financial records at all reasonable times.

Court order for inspection on director’s behalf

(2) On application by a director, the Court may authorise a person to

inspect the financial records on the director’s behalf.

(3) A person authorised to inspect records may make copies of the

records unless the Court orders otherwise.

(4) The Court may make any other orders it consider appropriate,

including either or both of the following:

(a) an order limiting the use that a person who inspects the

records may make of information obtained during the


(b) an order limiting the right of a person who inspects the

records to make copies in accordance with subsection (3).

291 Signposts to other relevant provisions

The following table sets out other provisions that are relevant to

access to financial records.

Other provisions relevant to access to financial records

1 section 247A


A member may apply to the Court for an order to

inspect the records.

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Part 2M.2 Financial records

Section 291

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Other provisions relevant to access to financial records

2 section 310


The auditor has a right of access to the records.

3 section 431


A controller of a corporation’s property (for example, a receiver or receiver and manager) has a right of

access to the records.

4 sections 28 to 39 of

the ASIC Act


ASIC has power to inspect the records. It also has

power under subsection 289(3) of this Act to call for

the production of financial records kept outside this


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Financial reporting Part 2M.3

Annual financial reports and directors’ reports Division 1

Section 292

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Part 2M.3—Financial reporting

Division 1—Annual financial reports and directors’ reports

292 Who has to prepare annual financial reports and directors’


(1) A financial report and a directors’ report must be prepared for each

financial year by:

(a) all disclosing entities; and

(b) all public companies; and

(c) all large proprietary companies; and

(d) all registered schemes.

Note: This Chapter only applies to disclosing entities incorporated or formed

in Australia (see subsection 285(2)).

Small proprietary companies

(2) A small proprietary company has to prepare the financial report

and directors’ report only if:

(a) it is directed to do so under section 293 or 294; or

(b) it was controlled by a foreign company for all or part of the

year and it is not consolidated for that period in financial

statements for that year lodged with ASIC by:

(i) a registered foreign company; or

(ii) a company, registered scheme or disclosing entity; or

(c) it has one or more CSF shareholders at any time during the

financial year.

The rest of this Part does not apply to any other small proprietary


Small companies limited by guarantee

(3) Despite subsection (1), a small company limited by guarantee has

to prepare the financial report and directors’ report only if it is

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Part 2M.3 Financial reporting

Division 1 Annual financial reports and directors’ reports

Section 293

38 Corporations Act 2001

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directed to do so under section 294A or 294B. The rest of this Part

does not apply to any other small company limited by guarantee.

293 Small proprietary company—shareholder direction

(1) Shareholders with at least 5% of the votes in a small proprietary

company may give the company a direction to:

(a) prepare a financial report and directors’ report for a financial

year; and

(b) send them to all shareholders.

(2) The direction must be:

(a) signed by the shareholders giving the direction; and

(b) made no later than 12 months after the end of the financial

year concerned.

(3) The direction may specify all or any of the following:

(a) that the financial report does not have to comply with some

or all of the accounting standards;

(b) that a directors’ report or a part of that report need not be


(c) that the financial report is to be audited.

294 Small proprietary company—ASIC direction

(1) ASIC may give a small proprietary company a direction to comply

with requirements of this Division and Divisions 3, 4, 5 and 6 for a

financial year.

(1A) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(2) The direction may be general or may specify the particular

requirements that the company is to comply with.

(3) The direction must specify the date by which the documents have

to be prepared, sent or lodged. The date must be a reasonable one

in view of the nature of the direction.

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Financial reporting Part 2M.3

Annual financial reports and directors’ reports Division 1

Section 294A

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(4) The direction must:

(a) be made in writing; and

(b) specify the financial year concerned; and

(c) be made no later than 6 years after the end of that financial


294A Small company limited by guarantee—member direction

(1) Members with at least 5% of the votes in a small company limited

by guarantee may give the company a direction to:

(a) prepare a financial report and directors’ report for a financial

year; and

(b) send them to members who have elected to receive them

under section 316A.

(2) The direction must be:

(a) signed by the members giving the direction; and

(b) made no later than 12 months after the end of the financial

year concerned.

(3) The direction may specify all or any of the following:

(a) that the financial report does not have to comply with some

or all of the accounting standards;

(b) that a directors’ report or a part of that report need not be


(c) that the financial report is to be audited or reviewed.

294B Small company limited by guarantee—ASIC direction

(1) ASIC may give a small company limited by guarantee a direction

to comply with the requirements of this Division and Divisions 3,

4, 5 and 6 for a financial year.

(2) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

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Part 2M.3 Financial reporting

Division 1 Annual financial reports and directors’ reports

Section 295

40 Corporations Act 2001

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(3) The direction may be general or may specify the particular

requirements that the company is to comply with.

(4) The direction must specify the date by which the documents have

to be prepared, sent or lodged. The date must be a reasonable one

in view of the nature of the direction.

(5) The direction must:

(a) be made in writing; and

(b) specify the financial year concerned; and

(c) be made no later than 6 years after the end of that financial


(6) A direction given under subsection (1) is not a legislative


295 Contents of annual financial report

Basic contents

(1) The financial report for a financial year consists of:

(a) the financial statements for the year; and

(b) the notes to the financial statements; and

(c) the directors’ declaration about the statements and notes.

Financial statements

(2) The financial statements for the year are:

(a) unless paragraph (b) applies—the financial statements in

relation to the company, registered scheme or disclosing

entity required by the accounting standards; or

(b) if the accounting standards require the company, registered

scheme or disclosing entity to prepare financial statements in

relation to a consolidated entity—the financial statements in

relation to the consolidated entity required by the accounting


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Financial reporting Part 2M.3

Annual financial reports and directors’ reports Division 1

Section 295

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Notes to financial statements

(3) The notes to the financial statements are:

(a) disclosures required by the regulations; and

(b) notes required by the accounting standards; and

(c) any other information necessary to give a true and fair view

(see section 297).

Directors’ declaration

(4) The directors’ declaration is a declaration by the directors:

(c) whether, in the directors’ opinion, there are reasonable

grounds to believe that the company, registered scheme or

disclosing entity will be able to pay its debts as and when

they become due and payable; and

(ca) if the company, registered scheme or disclosing entity has

included in the notes to the financial statements, in

compliance with the accounting standards, an explicit and

unreserved statement of compliance with international

financial reporting standards—that this statement has been

included in the notes to the financial statements; and

(d) whether, in the directors’ opinion, the financial statement and

notes are in accordance with this Act, including:

(i) section 296 (compliance with accounting standards);


(ii) section 297 (true and fair view); and

(e) if the company, disclosing entity or registered scheme is

listed—that the directors have been given the declarations

required by section 295A.

Note: See paragraph 285(3)(c) for the reference to the debts of a registered


(5) The declaration must:

(a) be made in accordance with a resolution of the directors; and

(b) specify the date on which the declaration is made; and

(c) be signed by a director.

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Part 2M.3 Financial reporting

Division 1 Annual financial reports and directors’ reports

Section 295A

42 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

295A Declaration in relation to listed entity’s financial statements by

chief executive officer and chief financial officer

(1) If the company, disclosing entity or registered scheme is listed, the

directors’ declaration under subsection 295(4) must be made only

after each person who performs:

(a) a chief executive function; or

(b) a chief financial officer function;

in relation to the company, disclosing entity or registered scheme

has given the directors a declaration under subsection (2) of this


(2) The declaration is a declaration whether, in the person’s opinion:

(a) the financial records of the company, disclosing entity or

registered scheme for the financial year have been properly

maintained in accordance with section 286; and

(b) the financial statements, and the notes referred to in

paragraph 295(3)(b), for the financial year comply with the

accounting standards; and

(c) the financial statements and notes for the financial year give

a true and fair view (see section 297); and

(d) any other matters that are prescribed by the regulations for

the purposes of this paragraph in relation to the financial

statements and the notes for the financial year are satisfied.

(3) The declaration must:

(a) be made in writing; and

(b) specify the date on which the declaration is made; and

(c) specify the capacity in which the person is making the

declaration; and

(d) be signed by the person making the declaration.

A person who performs both a chief executive function and a chief

financial officer function may make a single declaration in both


(4) A person performs a chief executive function in relation to the

company, disclosing entity or registered scheme if the person is the

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Financial reporting Part 2M.3

Annual financial reports and directors’ reports Division 1

Section 295A

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person who is primarily and directly responsible to the directors for

the general and overall management of the company, disclosing

entity or registered scheme.

(5) If there is no one person who performs a chief executive function

in relation to the company, disclosing entity or registered scheme

under subsection (4), a person performs a chief executive function

in relation to the company, disclosing entity or registered scheme if

the person is one of a number of people who together are primarily

and directly responsible to the directors for the general and overall

management of the company, disclosing entity or registered


(6) A person performs a chief financial officer function in relation to

the company, disclosing entity or registered scheme if that person

is the person who is:

(a) primarily responsible for financial matters in relation to the

company, disclosing entity or registered scheme; and

(b) directly responsible for those matters to either:

(i) the directors; or

(ii) the person or persons who perform the chief executive

function in relation to the company.

(7) If there is no one person who performs a chief financial officer

function in relation to the company, disclosing entity or registered

scheme under subsection (6), a person performs a chief financial

officer function in relation to the company, disclosing entity or

registered scheme if the person is one of a number of people who

together are:

(a) primarily responsible for financial matters in relation to the

company, disclosing entity or registered scheme; and

(b) directly responsible for those matters to either:

(i) the directors; or

(ii) the person or persons who perform the chief executive

function in relation to the company.

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Chapter 2M Financial reports and audit

Part 2M.3 Financial reporting

Division 1 Annual financial reports and directors’ reports

Section 296

44 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(8) Nothing in this section derogates from the responsibility that a

director has for ensuring that financial statements comply with this


296 Compliance with accounting standards and regulations

(1) The financial report for a financial year must comply with the

accounting standards.

Small proprietary companies

(1A) Despite subsection (1), the financial report of a small proprietary

company does not have to comply with particular accounting

standards if:

(a) the report is prepared in response to a shareholder direction

under section 293; and

(b) the direction specifies that the report does not have to comply

with those standards; and

(c) paragraph 292(2)(c) (about having CSF shareholders) does

not apply to the company for the financial year.

Small companies limited by guarantee

(1B) Despite subsection (1), the financial report of a small company

limited by guarantee does not have to comply with particular

accounting standards if:

(a) the report is prepared in response to a member direction

under section 294A; and

(b) the direction specifies that the report does not have to comply

with those standards.

Further requirements

(2) The financial report must comply with any further requirements in

the regulations.

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Financial reporting Part 2M.3

Annual financial reports and directors’ reports Division 1

Section 297

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297 True and fair view

The financial statements and notes for a financial year must give a

true and fair view of:

(a) the financial position and performance of the company,

registered scheme or disclosing entity; and

(b) if consolidated financial statements are required—the

financial position and performance of the consolidated entity.

This section does not affect the obligation under section 296 for a

financial report to comply with accounting standards.

Note: If the financial statements and notes prepared in compliance with the

accounting standards would not give a true and fair view, additional

information must be included in the notes to the financial statements

under paragraph 295(3)(c).

298 Annual directors’ report

(1) The company, registered scheme or disclosing entity must prepare

a directors’ report for each financial year.

(1AA) Except in the case of a company limited by guarantee or a

company covered under subsection (1AC), the report must include:

(a) the general information required by sections 299 (all entities)

and 299A (additional requirements for listed entities); and

(b) the specific information required by sections 300 and 300A;


(c) a copy of the auditor’s declaration under section 307C in

relation to the audit for the financial year.

(1AB) In the case of a company limited by guarantee, the report must


(a) the general information required by section 300B; and

(b) a copy of the auditor’s declaration under section 307C in

relation to the audit or review for the financial year.

(1AC) This subsection covers a company if the company has not had its

financial report for the relevant financial year audited because

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Part 2M.3 Financial reporting

Division 1 Annual financial reports and directors’ reports

Section 298

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subsection 301(2) or (5) exempts it from the requirement to do so

under subsection 301(1).

(1AD) In the case of a company covered under subsection (1AC), the

report must include:

(a) the general information required by section 299; and

(b) the specific information required by section 300.

(1A) If the financial report for a financial year includes additional

information under paragraph 295(3)(c) (information included to

give true and fair view of financial position and performance), the

directors’ report for the financial year must also:

(a) set out the directors’ reasons for forming the opinion that the

inclusion of that additional information was necessary to give

the true and fair view required by section 297; and

(b) specify where that additional information can be found in the

financial report.

(2) The report must:

(a) be made in accordance with a resolution of the directors; and

(b) specify the date on which the report is made; and

(c) be signed by a director.

Small proprietary companies

(3) A small proprietary company does not have to comply with

subsection (1) for a financial year if:

(a) it is preparing financial statements for that year in response to

a shareholder direction under section 293; and

(b) the direction specified that a directors’ report need not be

prepared; and

(c) paragraph 292(2)(c) (about having CSF shareholders) does

not apply to the company for the financial year.

Small companies limited by guarantee

(4) A small company limited by guarantee does not have to comply

with subsection (1) for a financial year if:

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Annual financial reports and directors’ reports Division 1

Section 299

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(a) it is preparing the financial statements for that year in

response to a member direction under section 294A; and

(b) the direction specified that a directors’ report need not be


299 Annual directors’ report—general information

General information about operations and activities

(1) The directors’ report for a financial year must:

(a) contain a review of operations during the year of the entity

reported on and the results of those operations; and

(b) give details of any significant changes in the entity’s state of

affairs during the year; and

(c) state the entity’s principal activities during the year and any

significant changes in the nature of those activities during the

year; and

(d) give details of any matter or circumstance that has arisen

since the end of the year that has significantly affected, or

may significantly affect:

(i) the entity’s operations in future financial years; or

(ii) the results of those operations in future financial years;


(iii) the entity’s state of affairs in future financial years; and

(e) refer to likely developments in the entity’s operations in

future financial years and the expected results of those

operations; and

(f) if the entity’s operations are subject to any particular and

significant environmental regulation under a law of the

Commonwealth or of a State or Territory—give details of the

entity’s performance in relation to environmental regulation.

(2) The entity reported on is:

(a) the company, registered scheme or disclosing entity (if

consolidated financial statements are not required); or

(b) the consolidated entity (if consolidated financial statements

are required).

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Part 2M.3 Financial reporting

Division 1 Annual financial reports and directors’ reports

Section 299A

48 Corporations Act 2001

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Prejudicial information need not be disclosed

(3) The report may omit material that would otherwise be included

under paragraph (1)(e) if it is likely to result in unreasonable

prejudice to:

(a) the company, registered scheme or disclosing entity; or

(b) if consolidated financial statements are required—the

consolidated entity or any entity (including the company,

registered scheme or disclosing entity) that is part of the

consolidated entity.

If material is omitted, the report must say so.

299A Annual directors’ report—additional general requirements for

listed entities

(1) The directors’ report for a financial year for a company, registered

scheme or disclosing entity that is listed must also contain

information that members of the listed entity would reasonably

require to make an informed assessment of:

(a) the operations of the entity reported on; and

(b) the financial position of the entity reported on; and

(c) the business strategies, and prospects for future financial

years, of the entity reported on.

(2) The entity reported on is:

(a) the company, registered scheme or disclosing entity that is

listed (if consolidated financial statements are not required);


(b) the consolidated entity (if consolidated financial statements

are required).

(3) The report may omit material that would otherwise be included

under paragraph (1)(c) if it is likely to result in unreasonable

prejudice to:

(a) the company, registered scheme or disclosing entity; or

(b) if consolidated financial statements are required—the

consolidated entity or any entity (including the company,

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Financial reporting Part 2M.3

Annual financial reports and directors’ reports Division 1

Section 300

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Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

registered scheme or disclosing entity) that is part of the

consolidated entity.

If material is omitted, the report must say so.

300 Annual directors’ report—specific information

(1) The directors’ report for a financial year must include details of:

(a) dividends or distributions paid to members during the year;


(b) dividends or distributions recommended or declared for

payment to members, but not paid, during the year; and

(c) the name of each person who has been a director of the

company, registered scheme or disclosing entity at any time

during or since the end of the year and the period for which

they were a director; and

(ca) the name of each person who:

(i) is an officer of the company, registered scheme or

disclosing entity at any time during the year; and

(ii) was a partner in an audit firm, or a director of an audit

company, that is an auditor of the company, disclosing

entity or registered scheme for the year; and

(iii) was such a partner or director at a time when the audit

firm or the audit company undertook an audit of the

company, disclosing entity or registered scheme; and

(d) options that are:

(i) granted over unissued shares or unissued interests

during or since the end of the year; and

(ii) granted to any of the directors or any of the 5 most

highly remunerated officers of the company (other than

the directors); and

(iii) granted to them as part of their remuneration;

(see subsections (3), (4) and (5)); and

(e) unissued shares or interests under option as at the day the

report is made (see subsections (3) and (6)); and

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Part 2M.3 Financial reporting

Division 1 Annual financial reports and directors’ reports

Section 300

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(f) shares or interests issued during or since the end of the year

as a result of the exercise of an option over unissued shares

or interests (see subsections (3) and (7)); and

(g) indemnities given and insurance premiums paid during or

since the end of the year for a person who is or has been an

officer or auditor (see subsections (8) and (9)).

Public companies, listed companies and registered schemes must

include additional information under subsections (10), (11),

(11AA), (11A), (11B), (12) and (13) of this section and

section 300A.

(2) Details do not have to be included in the directors’ report under

this section if they are included in the company’s financial report

for the financial year.

(2A) If subsection (2) is relied on to not include in the directors’ report

for a financial year details that would otherwise be required to be

included in that report under paragraph (11B)(a) or (11C)(b), that

report must specify, in the section headed “Non-audit services”,

where those details may be found in the company’s financial report

for that financial year.

(3) Paragraphs (1)(d), (e) and (f) cover:

(a) options over unissued shares and interests of the company,

registered scheme or disclosing entity; and

(b) if consolidated financial statements are required—options

over unissued shares and interests of any controlled entity

that is a company, registered scheme or disclosing entity.

Options details

(5) The details of an option granted are:

(a) the company, registered scheme or disclosing entity granting

the option; and

(b) the name of the person to whom the option is granted; and

(c) the number and class of shares or interests over which the

option is granted.

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Annual financial reports and directors’ reports Division 1

Section 300

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(6) The details of unissued shares or interests under option are:

(a) the company, registered scheme or disclosing entity that will

issue shares or interests when the options are exercised; and

(b) the number and classes of those shares or interests; and

(c) the issue price, or the method of determining the issue price,

of those shares or interests; and

(d) the expiry date of the options; and

(e) any rights that option holders have under the options to

participate in any share issue or interest issue of the

company, registered scheme or disclosing entity or of any

other body corporate or registered scheme.

Shares or interests issued as a result of exercise of option

(7) The details of shares or interests issued as a result of the exercise

of an option are:

(a) the company, registered scheme or disclosing entity issuing

the shares or interests; and

(b) the number of shares or interests issued; and

(c) if the company, registered scheme or disclosing entity has

different classes of shares or interests—the class to which

each of those shares or interests belongs; and

(d) the amount unpaid on each of those shares or interests; and

(e) the amount paid, or agreed to be considered as paid, on each

of those shares or interests.

Indemnities and insurance premiums for officers or auditors

(8) The report for a company must include details of:

(a) any indemnity that is given to a current or former officer or

auditor against a liability and that is covered by

subsection 199A(2) or (3), or any relevant agreement under

which an officer or auditor may be given an indemnity of that

kind; and

(b) any premium that is paid, or agreed to be paid, for insurance

against a current or former officer’s or auditor’s liability for

legal costs.

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Part 2M.3 Financial reporting

Division 1 Annual financial reports and directors’ reports

Section 300

52 Corporations Act 2001

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Note: Sections 199A and 199B contain general prohibitions against giving

certain indemnities and paying certain insurance premiums. This

subsection requires transactions that are exceptions to these

prohibitions to be reported.

(9) The details required under subsection (8) are:

(a) for an officer—their name or the class of officer to which

they belong or belonged; and

(b) for an auditor—their name; and

(c) the nature of the liability; and

(d) for an indemnity given—the amount the company paid and

any other action the company took to indemnify the officer or

auditor; and

(e) for an agreement to indemnify—the amount that the relevant

agreement requires the company to pay and any other action

the relevant agreement requires the company to take to

indemnify the officer or auditor; and

(f) for an insurance premium—the amount of the premium.

The report need not give details of the nature of the liability

covered by, or the amount of the premium payable under, a

contract of insurance to the extent that disclosure of those details is

prohibited by the insurance contract.

Special rules for public companies

(10) The report for a public company that is not a wholly-owned

subsidiary of another company must also include details of:

(a) each director’s qualifications, experience and special

responsibilities; and

(b) the number of meetings of the board of directors held during

the year and each director’s attendance at those meetings; and

(c) the number of meetings of each board committee held during

the year and each director’s attendance at those meetings; and

(d) the qualifications and experience of each person who is a

company secretary of the company as at the end of the year.

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Annual financial reports and directors’ reports Division 1

Section 300

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Special rules for listed companies and schemes

(11) The report for a listed company must also include the following

details for each director:

(a) their relevant interests in shares of the company or a related

body corporate;

(b) their relevant interests in debentures of, or interests in a

registered scheme made available by, the company or a

related body corporate;

(c) their rights or options over shares in, debentures of or

interests in a registered scheme made available by, the

company or a related body corporate;

(d) contracts:

(i) to which the director is a party or under which the

director is entitled to a benefit; and

(ii) that confer a right to call for or deliver shares in, or

debentures of or interests in a registered scheme made

available by the company or a related body corporate;

(e) all directorships of other listed companies held by the

director at any time in the 3 years immediately before the end

of the financial year and the period for which each

directorship has been held.

Note: Directors must also disclose interests of these kinds to a relevant

market operator under section 205G as they are acquired.

(11AA) If an individual plays a significant role in the audit of a listed

company or listed registered scheme for the financial year in

reliance on an approval granted under section 324DAA, the report

for the company or scheme must also include details of, and

reasons for, the approval.

(11A) If a registered company auditor plays a significant role in the audit

of a listed company for the financial year in reliance on a

declaration made under section 342A, the report for the company

must also include details of the declaration.

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Part 2M.3 Financial reporting

Division 1 Annual financial reports and directors’ reports

Section 300

54 Corporations Act 2001

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Listed companies—non-audit services and auditor independence

(11B) The report for a listed company must also include the following in

relation to each auditor:

(a) details of the amounts paid or payable to the auditor for

non-audit services provided, during the year, by the auditor

(or by another person or firm on the auditor’s behalf);

(b) a statement whether the directors are satisfied that the

provision of non-audit services, during the year, by the

auditor (or by another person or firm on the auditor’s behalf)

is compatible with the general standard of independence for

auditors imposed by this Act;

(c) a statement of the directors’ reasons for being satisfied that

the provision of those non-audit services, during the year, by

the auditor (or by another person or firm on the auditor’s

behalf) did not compromise the auditor independence

requirements of this Act.

These details and statements must be included in the directors’

report under the heading “Non-audit services”. If consolidated

financial statements are required, the details and statements must

relate to amounts paid or payable to the auditor by, and non-audit

services provided to, any entity (including the company, registered

scheme or disclosing entity) that is part of the consolidated entity.

(11C) For the purposes of paragraph (11B)(a), the details of amounts paid

or payable to an auditor for non-audit services provided, during the

year, by the auditor (or by another person or firm on the auditor’s

behalf) are:

(a) the name of the auditor; and

(b) the dollar amount that:

(i) the listed company; or

(ii) if consolidated financial statements are required—any

entity that is part of the consolidated entity;

paid, or is liable to pay, for each of those non-audit services.

(11D) The statements under paragraphs (11B)(b) and (c) must be made in

accordance with:

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Annual financial reports and directors’ reports Division 1

Section 300

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(a) advice provided by the listed company’s audit committee if

the company has an audit committee; or

(b) a resolution of the directors of the listed company if

paragraph (a) does not apply.

(11E) For the purposes of subsection (11D), a statement is taken to be

made in accordance with advice provided by the company’s audit

committee only if:

(a) the statement is consistent with that advice and does not

contain any material omission of material included in that

advice; and

(b) the advice is endorsed by a resolution passed by the members

of the audit committee; and

(c) the advice is written advice signed by a member of the audit

committee on behalf of the audit committee and given to the


Special rules for listed registered schemes

(12) The report for a registered scheme whose interests are quoted on a

prescribed financial market must also include the following details

for each director of the company that is the responsible entity for

the scheme:

(a) their relevant interests in interests in the scheme;

(b) their rights or options over interests in the scheme;

(c) contracts to which the director is a party or under which the

director is entitled to a benefit and that confer a right to call

for or deliver interests in the scheme.

Special rules for registered schemes

(13) The report for a registered scheme must also include details of:

(a) the fees paid to the responsible entity and its associates out of

scheme property during the financial year; and

(b) the number of interests in the scheme held by the responsible

entity or its associates as at the end of the financial year; and

(c) interests in the scheme issued during the financial year; and

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Part 2M.3 Financial reporting

Division 1 Annual financial reports and directors’ reports

Section 300A

56 Corporations Act 2001

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(d) withdrawals from the scheme during the financial year; and

(e) the value of the scheme’s assets as at the end of the financial

year, and the basis for the valuation; and

(f) the number of interests in the scheme as at the end of the

financial year.

Proceedings on behalf of a company

(14) The report for a company must also include the following details of

any application for leave under section 237 made in respect of the


(a) the applicant’s name; and

(b) a statement whether leave was granted.

(15) The report for a company must also include the following details of

any proceedings that a person has brought or intervened in on

behalf of the company with leave under section 237:

(a) the person’s name;

(b) the names of the parties to the proceedings;

(c) sufficient information to enable members to understand the

nature and status of the proceedings (including the cause of

action and any orders made by the court).

300A Annual directors’ report—specific information to be provided

by listed companies

(1) The directors’ report for a financial year for a company must also

include (in a separate and clearly identified section of the report):

(a) discussion of board policy for determining, or in relation to,

the nature and amount (or value, as appropriate) of

remuneration of the key management personnel for:

(i) the company, if consolidated financial statements are

not required; or

(ii) the consolidated entity, if consolidated financial

statements are required; and

(b) discussion of the relationship between such policy and the

company’s performance; and

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Annual financial reports and directors’ reports Division 1

Section 300A

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(ba) if an element of the remuneration of a member of the key

management personnel for the company, or if consolidated

financial statements are required, for the consolidated entity

is dependent on the satisfaction of a performance condition:

(i) a detailed summary of the performance condition; and

(ii) an explanation of why the performance condition was

chosen; and

(iii) a summary of the methods used in assessing whether the

performance condition is satisfied and an explanation of

why those methods were chosen; and

(iv) if the performance condition involves a comparison

with factors external to the company:

(A) a summary of the factors to be used in making

the comparison; and

(B) if any of the factors relates to the performance

of another company, of 2 or more other

companies or of an index in which the

securities of a company or companies are

included—the identity of that company, of each

of those companies or of the index; and

(c) the prescribed details in relation to the remuneration of:

(i) if consolidated financial statements are required—each

member of the key management personnel for the

consolidated entity; or

(ii) if consolidated financial statements are not required—

each member of the key management personnel for the

company; and

(d) if an element of the remuneration of a person referred to in

paragraph (c) consists of securities of a body and that

element is not dependent on the satisfaction of a performance

condition—an explanation of why that element of the

remuneration is not dependent on the satisfaction of a

performance condition; and

(e) for each person referred to in paragraph (c):

(i) an explanation of the relative proportions of those

elements of the person’s remuneration that are related to

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Part 2M.3 Financial reporting

Division 1 Annual financial reports and directors’ reports

Section 300A

58 Corporations Act 2001

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performance and those elements of the person’s

remuneration that are not; and

(ii) the value (worked out as at the time they are granted

and in accordance with any applicable accounting

standards) of options that are granted to the person

during the year as part of their remuneration; and

(iii) the value (worked out as at the time they are exercised)

of options that were granted to the person as part of

their remuneration and that are exercised by the person

during the year; and

(iv) if options granted to the person as part of their

remuneration lapse during the financial year—the

number of those options, and the financial year in which

those options were granted; and

(vii) if the person is employed by the company under a

contract—the duration of the contract, the periods of

notice required to terminate the contract and the

termination payments provided for under the contract;


(f) such other matters related to the policy or policies referred to

in paragraph (a) as are prescribed by the regulations; and

(g) if:

(i) at the company’s most recent AGM, comments were

made on the remuneration report that was considered at

that AGM; and

(ii) when a resolution that the remuneration report for the

last financial year be adopted was put to the vote at the

company’s most recent AGM, at least 25% of the votes

cast were against adoption of that report;

an explanation of the board’s proposed action in response or,

if the board does not propose any action, the board’s reasons

for inaction; and

(h) if a remuneration consultant made a remuneration

recommendation in relation to any of the key management

personnel for the company or, if consolidated financial

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Annual financial reports and directors’ reports Division 1

Section 300A

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statements are required, for the consolidated entity, for the

financial year:

(i) the name of the consultant; and

(ii) a statement that the consultant made such a

recommendation; and

(iii) if the consultant provided any other kind of advice to

the company or entity for the financial year—a

statement that the consultant provided that other kind or

those other kinds of advice; and

(iv) the amount and nature of the consideration payable for

the remuneration recommendation; and

(v) the amount and nature of the consideration payable for

any other kind of advice referred to in

subparagraph (iii); and

(vi) information about the arrangements the company made

to ensure that the making of the remuneration

recommendation would be free from undue influence by

the member or members of the key management

personnel to whom the recommendation relates; and

(vii) a statement about whether the board is satisfied that the

remuneration recommendation was made free from

undue influence by the member or members of the key

management personnel to whom the recommendation

relates; and

(viii) if the board is satisfied that the remuneration

recommendation was made free from undue influence

by the member or members of the key management

personnel to whom the recommendation relates—the

board’s reasons for being satisfied of this.

(1AA) Without limiting paragraph (1)(b), the discussion under that

paragraph of the company’s performance must specifically deal


(a) the company’s earnings; and

(b) the consequences of the company’s performance on

shareholder wealth;

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Part 2M.3 Financial reporting

Division 1 Annual financial reports and directors’ reports

Section 300A

60 Corporations Act 2001

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in the financial year to which the report relates and in the previous

4 financial years.

(1AB) In determining, for the purposes of subsection (1AA), the

consequences of the company’s performance on shareholder

wealth in a financial year, have regard to:

(a) dividends paid by the company to its shareholders during that

year; and

(b) changes in the price at which shares in the company are

traded between the beginning and the end of that year; and

(c) any return of capital by the company to its shareholders

during that year that involves:

(i) the cancellation of shares in the company; and

(ii) a payment to the holders of those shares that exceeds the

price at which shares in that class are being traded at the

time when the shares are cancelled; and

(d) any other relevant matter.

(1A) The material referred to in subsection (1) must be included in the

directors’ report under the heading “Remuneration report”.

(1C) Without limiting paragraph (1)(c), the regulations may:

(a) provide that the value of an element of remuneration is to be

determined, for the purposes of this section, in a particular

way or by reference to a particular standard; and

(b) provide that details to be given of an element of remuneration

must relate to the remuneration provided in:

(i) the financial year to which the directors’ report relates;


(ii) the earlier financial years specified in the regulations.

(2) This section applies to any listed disclosing entity that is a


(3) This section applies despite anything in the company’s


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Financial reporting Part 2M.3

Annual financial reports and directors’ reports Division 1

Section 300B

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(4) For the purposes of this section, if:

(a) consolidated financial statements are required; and

(b) a person is a group executive who is a group executive of 2

or more entities within the consolidated entity;

the person’s remuneration is taken to include all of the person’s

remuneration from those entities (regardless of the capacity in

which the person received the remuneration).

300B Annual directors’ report—companies limited by guarantee

(1) The directors’ report for a financial year for a company limited by

guarantee must:

(a) contain a description of the short and long term objectives of

the entity reported on; and

(b) set out the entity’s strategy for achieving those objectives;


(c) state the entity’s principal activities during the year; and

(d) state how those activities assisted in achieving the entity’s

objectives; and

(e) state how the entity measures its performance, including any

key performance indicators used by the entity.

(2) The entity reported on is:

(a) the company (if consolidated financial statements are not

required); or

(b) the consolidated entity (if consolidated financial statements

are required).

(3) The directors’ report for a financial year for a company limited by

guarantee must also include details of:

(a) the name of each person who has been a director of the

company at any time during or since the end of the year and

the period for which the person was a director; and

(b) each director’s qualifications, experience and special

responsibilities; and

(c) the number of meetings of the board of directors held during

the year and each director’s attendance at those meetings; and

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Part 2M.3 Financial reporting

Division 1 Annual financial reports and directors’ reports

Section 301

62 Corporations Act 2001

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(d) for each class of membership in the company—the amount

which a member of that class is liable to contribute if the

company is wound up; and

(e) the total amount that members of the company are liable to

contribute if the company is wound up.

301 Audit of annual financial report

(1) A company, registered scheme or disclosing entity must have the

financial report for a financial year audited in accordance with

Division 3 and obtain an auditor’s report.

Small proprietary companies

(2) A small proprietary company’s financial report for a financial year

does not have to be audited if:

(a) the report is required only because of:

(i) paragraph 292(2)(c) (about having CSF shareholders);


(ii) a direction under section 293; or

(iii) both paragraph 292(2)(c) and a direction under

section 293; and

(b) in a case where subparagraph (a)(i) or (iii) applies—as at the

end of the financial year, the company has raised a total less

than the CSF audit threshold from all the CSF offers it has

ever made; and

(c) in a case where subparagraph (a)(ii) or (iii) applies—the

direction did not ask for the financial report to be audited.

Companies limited by guarantee

(3) A company limited by guarantee may have its financial report for a

financial year reviewed, rather than audited, if:

(a) the company is not one of the following:

(i) a Commonwealth company for the purposes of the

Public Governance, Performance and Accountability

Act 2013;

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Financial reporting Part 2M.3

Annual financial reports and directors’ reports Division 1

Section 301

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(ii) a subsidiary of a Commonwealth company for the

purposes of that Act;

(iii) a subsidiary of a corporate Commonwealth entity for the

purposes of that Act; and

(b) one of the following is true:

(i) the company is not required by the accounting standards

to be included in consolidated financial statements and

the revenue of the company for the financial year is less

than $1 million;

(ii) the company is required by the accounting standards to

be included in consolidated financial statements and the

consolidated revenue of the consolidated entity for the

financial year is less than $1 million.

(4) A small company limited by guarantee’s financial report for a

financial year does not have to be audited or reviewed if:

(a) the report is prepared in response to a member direction

under section 294A; and

(b) the direction does not ask for the audit or review.

(5) A company need not comply with subsection (1) if:

(a) it is covered under section 738ZI at the end of the financial

year mentioned in subsection (1); and

(b) as at the end of that financial year, the company has raised

less than $3 million from all CSF offers that it has made at

any time.

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Chapter 2M Financial reports and audit

Part 2M.3 Financial reporting

Division 2 Half-year financial report and directors’ report

Section 302

64 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 2—Half-year financial report and directors’


302 Disclosing entity must prepare half-year financial report and

directors’ report

A disclosing entity must:

(a) prepare a financial report and directors’ report for each

half-year; and

(b) have the financial report audited or reviewed in accordance

with Division 3 and obtain an auditor’s report; and

(c) lodge the financial report, the directors’ report and the

auditor’s report on the financial report with ASIC;

unless the entity is not a disclosing entity when lodgment is due.

Note 1: This Chapter only applies to disclosing entities incorporated or formed

in Australia (see subsection 285(2)).

Note 2: See section 320 for the time for lodgment with ASIC.

Note 3: Subsection 318(4) requires disclosing entities that are borrowers in

relation to debentures to also report to the trustee for debenture


303 Contents of half-year financial report

Basic contents

(1) The financial report for a half-year consists of:

(a) the financial statements for the half-year; and

(b) the notes to the financial statements; and

(c) the directors’ declaration about the statements and notes.

Financial statements

(2) The financial statements for the half-year are:

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Financial reporting Part 2M.3

Half-year financial report and directors’ report Division 2

Section 303

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(a) unless paragraph (b) applies—the financial statements in

relation to the disclosing entity required by the accounting

standards; or

(b) if the accounting standards require the disclosing entity to

prepare financial statements in relation to a consolidated

entity—the financial statements in relation to the

consolidated entity required by the accounting standards.

Notes to financial statements

(3) The notes to the financial statements are:

(a) disclosures required by the regulations; and

(b) notes required by the accounting standards; and

(c) any other information necessary to give a true and fair view

(see section 305).

Directors’ declaration

(4) The directors’ declaration is a declaration by the directors:

(c) whether, in the directors’ opinion, there are reasonable

grounds to believe that the disclosing entity will be able to

pay its debts as and when they become due and payable; and

(d) whether, in the directors’ opinion, the financial statement and

notes are in accordance with this Act, including:

(i) section 304 (compliance with accounting standards);


(ii) section 305 (true and fair view).

Note: See paragraph 285(3)(c) for the reference to the debts of a disclosing

entity that is a registered scheme.

(5) The declaration must:

(a) be made in accordance with a resolution of the directors; and

(b) specify the day on which the declaration is made; and

(c) be signed by a director.

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Part 2M.3 Financial reporting

Division 2 Half-year financial report and directors’ report

Section 304

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304 Compliance with accounting standards and regulations

The financial report for a half-year must comply with the

accounting standards and any further requirements in the


305 True and fair view

The financial statements and notes for a half-year must give a true

and fair view of:

(a) the financial position and performance of the disclosing

entity; or

(b) if consolidated financial statements are required—the

financial position and performance of the consolidated entity.

This section does not affect the obligation under section 304 for

financial reports to comply with accounting standards.

Note: If the financial statements prepared in compliance with the accounting

standards would not give a true and fair view, additional information

must be included in the notes to the financial statements under

paragraph 303(3)(c).

306 Half-year directors’ report

(1) The directors of the disclosing entity must prepare a directors’

report for each half-year that consists of:

(a) a review of the entity’s operations during the half-year and

the results of those operations; and

(b) the name of each person who has been a director of the

disclosing entity at any time during or since the end of the

half-year and the period for which they were a director.

If consolidated financial statements are required, the review under

paragraph (a) must cover the consolidated entity.

(1A) The directors’ report must include a copy of the auditor’s

declaration under section 307C in relation to the audit or review for

the half-year.

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Financial reporting Part 2M.3

Half-year financial report and directors’ report Division 2

Section 306

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(2) If the financial report for a half-year includes additional

information under paragraph 303(3)(c) (information included to

give true and fair view of financial position and performance), the

directors’ report for the half-year must also:

(a) set out the directors’ reasons for forming the opinion that the

inclusion of that additional information was necessary to give

the true and fair view required by section 305; and

(b) specify where that information can be found in the financial


(3) The report must:

(a) be made in accordance with a resolution of the directors; and

(b) specify the date on which the report is made; and

(c) be signed by a director.

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Chapter 2M Financial reports and audit

Part 2M.3 Financial reporting

Division 3 Audit and auditor’s report

Section 307

68 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 3—Audit and auditor’s report

307 Audit

An auditor who conducts an audit of the financial report for a

financial year or half-year must form an opinion about:

(a) whether the financial report is in accordance with this Act,


(i) section 296 or 304 (compliance with accounting

standards); and

(ii) section 297 or 305 (true and fair view); and

(aa) if the financial report includes additional information under

paragraph 295(3)(c) or 303(3)(c) (information included to

give true and fair view of financial position and

performance)—whether the inclusion of that additional

information was necessary to give the true and fair view

required by section 297 or 305; and

(b) whether the auditor has been given all information,

explanation and assistance necessary for the conduct of the

audit; and

(c) whether the company, registered scheme or disclosing entity

has kept financial records sufficient to enable a financial

report to be prepared and audited; and

(d) whether the company, registered scheme or disclosing entity

has kept other records and registers as required by this Act.

307A Audit to be conducted in accordance with auditing standards

(1) If an individual auditor, or an audit company, conducts:

(a) an audit or review of the financial report for a financial year;


(b) an audit or review of the financial report for a half-year;

the individual auditor or audit company must conduct the audit or

review in accordance with the auditing standards.

(2) If an audit firm, or an audit company, conducts:

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Financial reporting Part 2M.3

Audit and auditor’s report Division 3

Section 307B

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(a) an audit or review of the financial report for a financial year;


(b) an audit or review of the financial report for a half-year;

the lead auditor for the audit or review must ensure that the audit or

review is conducted in accordance with the auditing standards.

Fault-based offence

(3) A person commits an offence if the person contravenes

subsection (1) or (2).

Strict liability offence

(4) A person commits an offence of strict liability if the person

contravenes subsection (1) or (2).

307B Audit working papers to be retained for 7 years

Contravention by individual auditor or audit company

(1) An auditor contravenes this subsection if:

(a) the auditor is an individual auditor or an audit company; and

(b) the auditor conducts:

(i) an audit or review of the financial report for a financial

year; or

(ii) an audit or review of the financial report for a half-year;


(c) the auditor does not retain all audit working papers prepared

by or for, or considered or used by, the auditor in accordance

with the requirements of the auditing standards until:

(i) the end of 7 years after the date of the audit report

prepared in relation to the audit or review to which the

audit working papers relate; or

(ii) an earlier date determined for the audit working papers

by ASIC under subsection (6).

(2) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

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Part 2M.3 Financial reporting

Division 3 Audit and auditor’s report

Section 307B

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Note: For strict liability see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

Contravention by member of audit firm

(3) A person (the defendant) contravenes this subsection if:

(a) an audit firm conducts:

(i) an audit or review of the financial report for a financial

year; or

(ii) an audit or review of the financial report for a half-year;


(b) the audit firm fails, at a particular time, to retain all audit

working papers prepared by or for, or considered or used by,

the audit firm in accordance with the requirements of the

auditing standards until:

(i) the end of 7 years after the date of the audit report

prepared in relation to the audit or review to which the

documents relate; or

(ii) the earlier date determined by ASIC for the audit

working papers under subsection (6); and

(c) the defendant is a member of the firm at that time.

(4) An offence based on subsection (3) is an offence of strict liability.

Note 1: For strict liability see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

Note 2: Subsection (5) provides a defence.

(5) A member of an audit firm does not commit an offence at a

particular time because of a contravention of subsection (3) if the

member either:

(a) does not know at that time of the circumstances that

constitute the contravention of subsection (3); or

(b) knows of those circumstances at that time but takes all

reasonable steps to correct the contravention as soon as

possible after the member becomes aware of those


Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

this subsection, see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

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Section 307B

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Earlier retention date for audit working papers

(6) ASIC may, on application by a person, determine, in writing, an

earlier date for the audit working papers for the purposes of

paragraphs (1)(c) and (3)(b) if:

(a) the auditor is an individual auditor and the auditor:

(i) dies; or

(ii) ceases to be a registered company auditor; or

(b) the auditor is an audit firm and the firm is dissolved

(otherwise than simply as part of a reconstitution of the firm

because of the death, retirement or withdrawal of a member

or members or because of the admission of a new member or

members); or

(c) the auditor is an audit company and the company:

(i) is wound up; or

(ii) ceases to be an authorised audit company.

(7) In deciding whether to make a determination under subsection (6),

ASIC must have regard to:

(a) whether ASIC is inquiring into or investigating any matters

in respect of:

(i) the auditor; or

(ii) the audited body for the audit to which the documents

relate; and

(b) whether the professional accounting bodies have any

investigations or disciplinary action pending in relation to the

auditor; and

(c) whether civil or criminal proceedings in relation to:

(i) the conduct of the audit; or

(ii) the contents of the financial report to which the audit

working papers relate;

have been, or are about to be, commenced; and

(d) any other relevant matter.

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Part 2M.3 Financial reporting

Division 3 Audit and auditor’s report

Section 307C

72 Corporations Act 2001

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Audit working papers kept in electronic form

(8) For the purposes of this section, if audit working papers are in

electronic form they are taken to be retained only if they are

convertible into hard copy.

307C Auditor’s independence declaration

Contravention by individual auditor

(1) If an individual auditor conducts:

(a) an audit or review of the financial report for a financial year;


(b) an audit or review of the financial report for a half-year;

the individual auditor must give the directors of the company,

registered scheme or disclosing entity:

(c) a written declaration that, to the best of the individual

auditor’s knowledge and belief, there have been:

(i) no contraventions of the auditor independence

requirements of this Act in relation to the audit or

review; and

(ii) no contraventions of any applicable code of professional

conduct in relation to the audit or review; or

(d) a written declaration that, to the best of the individual

auditor’s knowledge and belief, the only contraventions of:

(i) the auditor independence requirements of this Act in

relation to the audit or review; or

(ii) any applicable code of professional conduct in relation

to the audit or review;

are those contraventions details of which are set out in the


(2) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

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Section 307C

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Contravention by lead auditor

(3) If an audit firm or audit company conducts:

(a) an audit or review of the financial report for a financial year;


(b) an audit or review of the financial report for a half-year;

the lead auditor for the audit must give the directors of the

company, registered scheme or disclosing entity:

(c) a written declaration that, to the best of the lead auditor’s

knowledge and belief, there have been:

(i) no contraventions of the auditor independence

requirements of this Act in relation to the audit or

review; and

(ii) no contraventions of any applicable code of professional

conduct in relation to the audit or review; or

(d) a written declaration that, to the best of the lead auditor’s

knowledge and belief, the only contraventions of:

(i) the auditor independence requirements of this Act in

relation to the audit or review; or

(ii) any applicable code of professional conduct in relation

to the audit or review;

are those contraventions details of which are set out in the


(4) An offence based on subsection (3) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(5) The declaration under subsection (1) or (3):

(a) either:

(i) must be given when the audit report is given to the

directors of the company, registered scheme or

disclosing entity; or

(ii) must satisfy the conditions in subsection (5A); and

(b) must be signed by the person making the declaration.

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Division 3 Audit and auditor’s report

Section 307C

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(5A) A declaration under subsection (1) or (3) in relation to a financial

report for a financial year or half-year satisfies the conditions in

this subsection if:

(a) the declaration is given to the directors of the company,

registered scheme or disclosing entity before the directors

pass a resolution under subsection 298(2) or 306(3) (as the

case requires) in relation to the directors’ report for the

financial year or half-year; and

(b) a director signs the directors’ report within 7 days after the

declaration is given to the directors; and

(c) the auditor’s report on the financial report is made within 7

days after the directors’ report is signed; and

(d) the auditor’s report includes either of the following


(i) a statement to the effect that the declaration would be in

the same terms if it had been given to the directors at the

time the auditor’s report was made;

(ii) a statement to the effect that circumstances have

changed since the declaration was given to the directors,

and setting out how the declaration would differ if it had

been given to the directors at the time the auditor’s

report was made.

(5B) An individual auditor or a lead auditor is not required to give a

declaration under subsection (1) or (3) in respect of a contravention


(a) the contravention was a contravention by a person of

subsection 324CE(2), 324CF(2) or 324CG(2); and

(b) the person does not commit an offence because of

subsection 324CE(4), 324CF(4) or 324CG(4).


(6) An individual is not excused from giving a declaration under

subsection (1) or (3) on the ground that giving the declaration

might tend to incriminate the individual or expose the individual to

a penalty.

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Audit and auditor’s report Division 3

Section 308

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Use/derivative use indemnity

(7) However, neither:

(a) the information included in the declaration; nor

(b) any information, document or thing obtained as a direct or

indirect consequence of including the information in the


is admissible in evidence against the individual in any criminal

proceedings, or in any proceedings that would expose the person to

a penalty, other than:

(c) proceedings for an offence against section 1308 or 1309 in

relation to the declaration; or

(d) proceedings for an offence against section 137.1 or 137.2 of

the Criminal Code (false or misleading information or

documents) in relation to the declaration.

308 Auditor’s report on annual financial report

(1) An auditor who audits the financial report for a financial year must

report to members on whether the auditor is of the opinion that the

financial report is in accordance with this Act, including:

(a) section 296 (compliance with accounting standards); and

(b) section 297 (true and fair view).

If not of that opinion, the auditor’s report must say why.

(2) If the auditor is of the opinion that the financial report does not

comply with an accounting standard, the auditor’s report must, to

the extent it is practicable to do so, quantify the effect that

non-compliance has on the financial report. If it is not practicable

to quantify the effect fully, the report must say why.

(3) The auditor’s report must describe:

(a) any defect or irregularity in the financial report; and

(b) any deficiency, failure or shortcoming in respect of the

matters referred to in paragraph 307(b), (c) or (d).

(3AA) An auditor who reviews the financial report for a company limited

by guarantee must report to members on whether the auditor

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Division 3 Audit and auditor’s report

Section 309

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became aware of any matter in the course of the review that makes

the auditor believe that the financial report does not comply with

Division 1.

(3AB) A report under subsection (3AA) must:

(a) describe any matter referred to in subsection (3AA); and

(b) say why that matter makes the auditor believe that the

financial report does not comply with Division 1.

(3A) The auditor’s report must include any statements or disclosures

required by the auditing standards.

(3B) If the financial report includes additional information under

paragraph 295(3)(c) (information included to give true and fair

view of financial position and performance), the auditor’s report

must also include a statement of the auditor’s opinion on whether

the inclusion of that additional information was necessary to give

the true and fair view required by section 297.

(3C) If the directors’ report for the financial year includes a

remuneration report, the auditor must also report to members on

whether the auditor is of the opinion that the remuneration report

complies with section 300A. If not of that opinion, the auditor’s

report must say why.

(4) A report under subsection (1) or (3AA) must specify the date on

which it is made.

(5) An offence based on subsection (1), (3), (3AA), (3AB), (3A), (3C)

or (4) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

309 Auditor’s report on half-year financial report

Audit of financial report

(1) An auditor who audits the financial report for a half-year must

report to members on whether the auditor is of the opinion that the

financial report is in accordance with this Act, including:

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Section 309

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(a) section 304 (compliance with accounting standards); and

(b) section 305 (true and fair view).

If not of that opinion, the auditor’s report must say why.

(2) If the auditor is of the opinion that the financial report does not

comply with an accounting standard, the auditor’s report must, to

the extent that it is practicable to do so, quantify the effect that

non-compliance has on the financial report. If it is not practicable

to quantify the effect fully, the report must say why.

(3) The auditor’s report must describe:

(a) any defect or irregularity in the financial report; and

(b) any deficiency, failure or shortcoming in respect of the

matters referred to in paragraph 307(b), (c) or (d).

Review of financial report

(4) An auditor who reviews the financial report for a half-year must

report to members on whether the auditor became aware of any

matter in the course of the review that makes the auditor believe

that the financial report does not comply with Division 2.

(5) A report under subsection (4) must:

(a) describe any matter referred to in subsection (4); and

(b) say why that matter makes the auditor believe that the

financial report does not comply with Division 2.

(5A) The auditor’s report must include any statements or disclosures

required by the auditing standards.

(5B) If the financial report includes additional information under

paragraph 303(3)(c) (information included to give true and fair

view of financial position and performance), the auditor’s report

must also include a statement of the auditor’s opinion on whether

the inclusion of that additional information was necessary to give

the true and fair view required by section 305.

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Part 2M.3 Financial reporting

Division 3 Audit and auditor’s report

Section 310

78 Corporations Act 2001

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Report to specify day made

(6) A report under subsection (1) or (4) must specify the date on which

it is made.

(7) An offence based on subsection (1), (3), (4), (5), (5A) or (6) is an

offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

310 Auditor’s power to obtain information

The auditor:

(a) has a right of access at all reasonable times to the books of

the company, registered scheme or disclosing entity; and

(b) may require any officer to give the auditor information,

explanations or other assistance for the purposes of the audit

or review.

A request under paragraph (b) must be a reasonable one.

311 Reporting to ASIC

Contravention by individual auditor

(1) An individual auditor conducting an audit contravenes this

subsection if:

(a) the auditor is aware of circumstances that:

(i) the auditor has reasonable grounds to suspect amount to

a contravention of this Act; or

(ii) amount to an attempt, in relation to the audit, by any

person to unduly influence, coerce, manipulate or

mislead a person involved in the conduct of the audit

(see subsection (6)); or

(iii) amount to an attempt, by any person, to otherwise

interfere with the proper conduct of the audit; and

(b) if subparagraph (a)(i) applies:

(i) the contravention is a significant one; or

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Audit and auditor’s report Division 3

Section 311

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(ii) the contravention is not a significant one and the auditor

believes that the contravention has not been or will not

be adequately dealt with by commenting on it in the

auditor’s report or bringing it to the attention of the

directors; and

(c) the auditor does not notify ASIC in writing of those

circumstances as soon as practicable, and in any case within

28 days, after the auditor becomes aware of those


Contravention by audit company

(2) An audit company conducting an audit contravenes this subsection


(a) the lead auditor for the audit is aware of circumstances that:

(i) the lead auditor has reasonable grounds to suspect

amount to a contravention of this Act; or

(ii) amount to an attempt, in relation to the audit, by any

person to unduly influence, coerce, manipulate or

mislead a person involved in the conduct of the audit

(see subsection (6)); or

(iii) amount to an attempt, by any person, to otherwise

interfere with the proper conduct of the audit; and

(b) if subparagraph (a)(i) applies:

(i) the contravention is a significant one; or

(ii) the contravention is not a significant one and the lead

auditor believes that the contravention has not been or

will not be adequately dealt with by commenting on it in

the auditor’s report or bringing it to the attention of the

directors; and

(c) the lead auditor does not notify ASIC in writing of those

circumstances as soon as practicable, and in any case within

28 days, after the lead auditor becomes aware of those


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Part 2M.3 Financial reporting

Division 3 Audit and auditor’s report

Section 311

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Contravention by lead auditor

(3) A person contravenes this subsection if:

(a) the person is the lead auditor for an audit; and

(b) the person is aware of circumstances that:

(i) the person has reasonable grounds to suspect amount to

a contravention of this Act; or

(ii) amount to an attempt, in relation to the audit, by any

person to unduly influence, coerce, manipulate or

mislead a person involved in the conduct of the audit

(see subsection (6)); or

(iii) amount to an attempt, by any person, to otherwise

interfere with the proper conduct of the audit; and

(c) if subparagraph (b)(i) applies:

(i) the contravention is a significant one; or

(ii) the contravention is not a significant one and the person

believes that the contravention has not been or will not

be adequately dealt with by commenting on it in the

auditor’s report or bringing it to the attention of the

directors; and

(d) the person does not notify ASIC in writing of those

circumstances as soon as practicable, and in any case within

28 days, after the person becomes aware of those


Significant contraventions

(4) In determining for the purposes of this section whether a

contravention of this Act is a significant one, have regard to:

(a) the level of penalty provided for in relation to the

contravention; and

(b) the effect that the contravention has, or may have, on:

(i) the overall financial position of the company, registered

scheme or disclosing entity; or

(ii) the adequacy of the information available about the

overall financial position of the company, registered

scheme or disclosing entity; and

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Audit and auditor’s report Division 3

Section 312

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(c) any other relevant matter.

(5) Without limiting paragraph (4)(a), a penalty provided for in

relation to a contravention of a provision of Part 2M.2 or 2M.3, or

section 324DAA, 324DAB or 324DAC, includes a penalty

imposed on a director, because of the operation of section 344, for

failing to take reasonable steps to comply with, or to secure

compliance with, that provision.

Person involved in an audit

(6) In this section:

person involved in the conduct of an audit means:

(a) the auditor; or

(b) the lead auditor for the audit; or

(c) the review auditor for the audit; or

(d) a professional member of the audit team for the audit; or

(e) any other person involved in the conduct of the audit.

312 Assisting auditor

(1) An officer of a company, registered scheme or disclosing entity


(a) allow the auditor access to the books of the company, scheme

or entity; and

(b) give the auditor any information, explanation or assistance

required under section 310.

Note: Books include registers and documents generally (not only the

accounting “books”): see the definition of books in section 9.

(2) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

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Part 2M.3 Financial reporting

Division 3 Audit and auditor’s report

Section 313

82 Corporations Act 2001

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313 Special provisions on audit of debenture issuers and guarantors

Auditor to give trustee for debenture holders copies of reports,

certificates etc.

(1) The auditor of a borrower in relation to debentures must give the

trustee for debenture holders:

(a) a copy of any report, certificate or other document that the

auditor must give the borrower or its members under this

Act, the debentures or the trust deed; and

(b) a copy of any document that accompanies it.

The copies must be given within 7 days after the auditor gives the

originals to the borrower or its members.

Auditor to report on matters prejudicial to debenture holders’


(2) The auditor of a borrower, or guarantor, in relation to debentures

must give the borrower or guarantor a written report about any

matter that:

(a) the auditor became aware of in conducting the audit or

review; and

(b) in the auditor’s opinion, is or is likely to be prejudicial to the

interests of debenture holders; and

(c) in the auditor’s opinion, is relevant to the exercise of the

powers of the trustee for debenture holders, or the

performance of the trustee’s duties, under this Act or the trust


The auditor must give a copy of the report to the trustee for

debenture holders. The report and the copy must be given within 7

days after the auditor becomes aware of the matter.

(3) An offence based on subsection (1) or (2) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

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Financial reporting Part 2M.3

Annual financial reporting to members Division 4

Section 314

Corporations Act 2001 83

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 4—Annual financial reporting to members

314 Annual financial reporting by companies, registered schemes

and disclosing entities to members

(1) A company, registered scheme or disclosing entity must report to

members for a financial year by providing either of the following

in accordance with subsection (1AA), (1AE) or (1AF):

(a) all of the following reports (that are required to be prepared):

(i) the financial report for the year;

(ii) the directors’ report for the year (see sections 298 to


(iii) the auditor’s report on the financial report;

(b) a concise report for the year that complies with

subsection (2).

(1AAA) This section does not apply to a company limited by guarantee.

Note: The requirement for annual financial reporting to members for those

companies is in section 316A.

(1AA) A company, registered scheme or disclosing entity may provide the

reports, or the concise report, for a financial year by doing all of

the following:

(a) sending, to each member who has made the election referred

to in paragraph (1AB)(a):

(i) a hard copy of the reports, or the concise report; or

(ii) if the member has elected to receive the reports, or the

concise report, as an electronic copy in accordance

paragraph (1AB)(c)—an electronic copy of the reports,

or the concise reports;

(b) making a copy of the reports, or the concise report, readily

accessible on a website;

(c) directly notifying, in writing, all members who did not make

the election referred to in paragraph (1AB)(a) that the copy is

accessible on the website, and specifying the direct address

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Part 2M.3 Financial reporting

Division 4 Annual financial reporting to members

Section 314

84 Corporations Act 2001

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on the website where the reports, or the concise report, may

be accessed.

Note: A direct address may be specified, for example, by specifying the

URL of the reports or the concise report.

(1AB) For the purposes of paragraph (1AA)(a), a company, registered

scheme or disclosing entity must, on at least one occasion, directly

notify in writing each member that:

(a) the member may elect to receive, free of charge, a copy of

the reports for each financial year, or a copy of the concise

report for each financial year; and

(b) if the member does not so elect—the member may access the

reports, or the concise report, on a specified website; and

(c) if the member does so elect and the company, scheme or

entity offers to send the report either as a hard copy or an

electronic copy—the member may elect to receive the copy

as either a hard copy or an electronic copy.

(1AC) An election made under subsection (1AB) is a standing election for

each later financial year until the member changes his, her or its


Note: The member may request, under section 316, the company, registered

scheme or disclosing entity not to send them material under this


(1AD) A member may, for the purposes of paragraph (1AA)(c) or

subsection (1AB), be notified by electronic means only if the

member has previously nominated that means as one by which the

member may be notified.

(1AE) A company, registered scheme or disclosing entity may provide the

reports, or the concise report, by sending each member:

(a) a hard copy of the reports, or the concise report; or

(b) an electronic copy of the reports, or the concise report, if the

member has nominated that means as one by which the

member may be sent the reports or the concise report.

(1AF) If a company:

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Financial reporting Part 2M.3

Annual financial reporting to members Division 4

Section 314

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(a) is a public company that is covered under section 738ZI at

the end of the financial year mentioned in subsection (1); or

(b) is a small proprietary company that has one or more CSF

shareholders at any time during the financial year mentioned

in subsection (1);

it may provide the reports, or the concise report, for that financial

year by making a copy of the reports, or the concise report, readily

accessible on a website. The company also need not comply with

subsection (1AB).

(1A) An offence based on subsection (1) or (1AB) is an offence of strict


Concise report

(2) A concise report for a financial year consists of:

(a) a concise financial report for the year drawn up in accordance

with accounting standards made for the purposes of this

paragraph; and

(b) the directors’ report for the year (see sections 298-300A); and

(c) a statement by the auditor:

(i) that the financial report has been audited; and

(ii) whether, in the auditor’s opinion, the concise financial

report complies with the accounting standards made for

the purposes of paragraph (a); and

(d) a copy of any qualification in, and of any statements included

in the emphasis of matter section of, the auditor’s report on

the financial report; and

(e) a statement that the report is a concise report and that the full

financial report and auditor’s report will be sent to the

member free of charge if the member asks for them.

(2A) If paragraph (1AF)(a) or (b) applies to the company for the

financial year mentioned in subsection (1), apply subsection (2) to

the company in relation to that financial year with the following


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Part 2M.3 Financial reporting

Division 4 Annual financial reporting to members

Section 314A

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(a) insert the words “if the company’s financial report for the

year is required to be audited—” at the start of each of

paragraphs (2)(c) and (d);

(b) omit the words “and that the full financial report and

auditor’s report will be sent to the member free of charge if

the member asks for them” in paragraph (2)(e).

(3) If the accounting standards made for the purposes of

paragraph (2)(a) require a discussion and analysis to be included in

a concise financial report:

(a) the auditor must report on whether the discussion and

analysis complies with the requirements that the accounting

standards lay down for the discussion and analysis; and

(b) the auditor does not otherwise need to audit the statements

made in the discussion and analysis.

314A Annual financial reporting by notified foreign passport funds

to Australian members

(1) A notified foreign passport fund must report to Australian

members of the fund for each financial year for the fund by

providing Australian members with each of the following:

(a) a copy of a report for the fund for the year, prepared in

accordance with the financial reporting requirements

applying to the fund under the Passport Rules for the home

economy for the fund;

(b) a copy of each auditor’s report that relates to the report

mentioned in paragraph (a).

Note: Under the Passport Rules for this jurisdiction, the operator of a

notified foreign passport fund must ensure that the financial report for

the fund is audited and an audit report prepared.

(2) A notified foreign passport fund may provide the reports for a

financial year by doing all of the following:

(a) sending, to each Australian member of the fund who has

made the election referred to in paragraph (3)(a):

(i) a hard copy of the reports; or

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Financial reporting Part 2M.3

Annual financial reporting to members Division 4

Section 314A

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(ii) if the member has elected to receive the reports as an

electronic copy in accordance paragraph (3)(c)—an

electronic copy of the reports;

(b) making a copy of the reports readily accessible, in English,

on a website;

(c) directly notifying, in writing, all members who did not make

the election referred to in paragraph (3)(a) that the copy is

accessible on the website, and specifying the direct address

on the website where the reports may be accessed.

Note: A direct address may be specified, for example, by specifying the

URL of the reports.

(3) For the purposes of paragraph (2)(a), a notified foreign passport

fund must, on at least one occasion, directly notify in writing each

Australian member of the fund that:

(a) the member may elect to receive, free of charge, a copy of

the reports for each financial year for the fund; and

(b) if the member does not so elect—the member may access the

report on a specified website; and

(c) if the member elects to receive reports under paragraph (a)

and the fund offers to send reports either as a hard copy or an

electronic copy—the member may elect to receive the copy

as either a hard copy or an electronic copy; and

(d) if the member elects to receive reports under paragraph (a),

the member may elect to receive the reports in English, or in

an official language of the home economy of the fund.

(4) An election made under subsection (3) is a standing election for

each later financial year for the fund until the member changes his,

her or its election.

(5) An Australian member of the fund may, for the purposes of

paragraph (2)(c) or subsection (3), be notified by electronic means

only if the member has previously nominated that means as one by

which the member may be notified.

(6) A notified foreign passport fund may provide the reports by

sending each Australian member of the fund:

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Division 4 Annual financial reporting to members

Section 315

88 Corporations Act 2001

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(a) a hard copy of the reports; or

(b) an electronic copy of the reports if the member has

nominated that means as one by which the member may be

sent the reports.

(7) A notified foreign passport fund must provide the reports in the

following language:

(a) if the member elects under paragraph 314A(3)(d) to receive

reports in English or in an official language of the home

economy of the fund—in the language elected by the


(b) otherwise—in English.

(8) Subsection (1) does not apply in relation to an Australian member

of the fund for a financial year if the member has elected under

subsection 316AA(1) not to receive the report for the year.

(9) An offence based on subsection (1), (3) or (7) is an offence of strict


315 Deadline for reporting to members

Public companies and disclosing entities that are not registered


(1) A public company, or a disclosing entity that is not a registered

scheme, must report to members under section 314 by the earlier


(a) 21 days before the next AGM after the end of the financial

year; or

(b) 4 months after the end of the financial year.

Note: For the deadline for holding an AGM, see section 250N.

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Financial reporting Part 2M.3

Annual financial reporting to members Division 4

Section 315

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Small proprietary companies (shareholder direction under

section 293)

(2) If a shareholder direction is given to a small proprietary company

under section 293 after the end of the financial year, the company

must report to members under section 314 by the later of:

(a) 2 months after the date on which the direction is given; and

(b) 4 months after the end of the financial year.

Registered schemes

(3) A registered scheme must report to members under section 314

within 3 months after the end of the financial year.

Notified foreign passport funds

(3A) A notified foreign passport fund must report to Australian

members of the fund under section 314A within 3 months after the

end of the financial year for the fund.

Other proprietary companies

(4) A proprietary company that is not covered by subsection (1) or (2)

must report to members under section 314 within 4 months after

the end of the financial year.

(5) For the purposes of this section, a company, registered scheme or

disclosing entity that reports in accordance with

subsection 314(1AA) is taken to report at the time that the

company, scheme or entity has fully complied with the

requirements of that subsection.

(6) For the purposes of this section, a notified foreign passport fund

that reports in accordance with subsection 314A(2) is taken to

report at the time the fund has fully complied with the

requirements of that subsection.

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Division 4 Annual financial reporting to members

Section 316

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316 Choices for members of companies, registered schemes or

disclosing entities

(1) A member may request the company, registered scheme or

disclosing entity:

(a) not to send them the material required by section 314; or

(b) to send them a full financial report and the directors’ report

and auditor’s report.

A request may be a standing request or for a particular financial

year. The member is not entitled to a report for a financial year

earlier than the one before the financial year in which the request is


(2) The time for complying with a request under paragraph (1)(b) is:

(a) 7 days after the request is received; or

(b) the deadline for reporting under section 315;

whichever is later.

(3) A full financial report, directors’ report and auditor’s report are to

be sent free of charge unless the member has already received a

copy of them free of charge.

(4) An offence based on subsection (2) or (3) is an offence of strict


(5) This section does not apply in relation to a company limited by


316AA Choices for Australian members of notified foreign passport


(1) An Australian member of a notified foreign passport fund may

request the fund not to send the member one or more of the reports

required under subsection 314A(1).

(2) A request under subsection (1) may be a standing request or for a

particular financial year for the fund.

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Financial reporting Part 2M.3

Annual financial reporting to members Division 4

Section 316A

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316A Annual financial reporting to members of companies limited

by guarantee

(1) A member of a company limited by guarantee may, by notice in

writing to the company, elect to receive a hard copy or an

electronic copy of the following reports:

(a) the financial reports;

(b) the directors’ reports;

(c) the auditor’s reports.

(2) If a member makes an election in a financial year, the election:

(a) is made by the member for that financial year; and

(b) is a standing election made by the member for each later

financial year until the member changes the election.

(3) If the company prepares a financial report or a directors’ report for

a financial year, or obtains an auditor’s report on the financial

report, the company must send a copy of the report, free of charge,

to each member who has made an election for that financial year,

in accordance with the election, by the earlier of:

(a) 21 days before the next AGM after the end of the financial

year; and

(b) 4 months after the end of the financial year.

Note: For the deadline for holding an AGM, see section 250N.

(4) If a member direction is given to a small company limited by

guarantee under section 294A after the end of a financial year,

subsection (3) does not apply and the company must send a copy of

the reports that the company prepares or obtains as a result of the

direction to each member who has made an election for that

financial year, in accordance with the election, by the later of:

(a) 2 months after the date on which the direction was given; and

(b) 4 months after the end of the financial year.

(5) An offence based on subsection (3) or (4) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

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Part 2M.3 Financial reporting

Division 4 Annual financial reporting to members

Section 317

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317 Consideration of reports at AGM

(1) The directors of a public company that is required to hold an AGM

must lay before the AGM:

(a) the financial report; and

(b) the directors’ report; and

(c) the auditor’s report;

for the last financial year that ended before the AGM.

Note 1: If the company’s first AGM is held before the end of its first financial

year, there will be no reports to lay before the meeting.

Note 2: A public company that has only 1 member is not required to hold an

AGM (see section 250N).

Note 3: Section 250RA imposes on the auditor of a listed public company an

obligation to attend or be represented at the AGM.

(1A) Subsection (1) does not apply to a small company limited by

guarantee in relation to a report if the company is not required

under a member direction made under section 294A or an ASIC

direction made under section 294B to prepare or obtain the report.

(2) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

318 Additional reporting by debenture issuers

(1) A company or disclosing entity that was a borrower in relation to

debentures at the end of a financial year must give a copy of the

annual financial report, directors’ report and auditor’s report to the

trustee for debenture holders by the deadline for the financial year

set by section 315.

(2) A debenture holder may ask the company or disclosing entity that

issued the debenture for copies of:

(a) the last reports provided to members under section 314; or

(b) the full financial report and the directors’ report and auditor’s

report for the last financial year.

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Financial reporting Part 2M.3

Annual financial reporting to members Division 4

Section 318

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(3) The company or entity must give the debenture holder the copies

as soon as practicable after the request and free of charge.

(4) A disclosing entity that was a borrower in relation to debentures at

the end of a half-year must give a copy of the half-year financial

report, directors’ report and auditor’s report to the trustee for

debenture holders within 75 days after the end of the half-year.

(5) An offence based on subsection (1), (3) or (4) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

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Part 2M.3 Financial reporting

Division 5 Lodging reports with ASIC

Section 319

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Division 5—Lodging reports with ASIC

319 Lodgment of annual reports with ASIC

(1) A company, registered scheme or disclosing entity that has to

prepare or obtain a report for a financial year under Division 1

must lodge the report with ASIC. This obligation extends to a

concise report provided to members under section 314.

(1AA) A notified foreign passport fund must lodge each of the following

with ASIC for each financial year for the fund:

(a) a copy of a report for the fund for the year, prepared in

accordance with the financial reporting requirements

applying to the fund under the Passport Rules for the home

economy for the fund;

(b) a copy of each auditor’s report that relates to the report

mentioned in paragraph (a).

(1A) An offence based on subsection (1) or (1AA) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to:

(a) a small proprietary company that prepares a report in

response to:

(i) a shareholder direction under section 293; or

(ii) an ASIC direction under section 294;

if paragraph 292(2)(c) (about having CSF shareholders) does

not also apply to the company for the financial year; and

(b) a small company limited by guarantee that prepares a report

in response to a member direction under section 294A or an

ASIC direction under section 294B.

(3) The time for lodgment is:

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Financial reporting Part 2M.3

Lodging reports with ASIC Division 5

Section 320

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(a) within 3 months after the end of the financial year for a

disclosing entity, registered scheme or notified foreign

passport fund; and

(b) within 4 months after the end of the financial year for anyone


320 Lodgment of half-year reports with ASIC

(1) A disclosing entity that has to prepare or obtain a report for a

half-year under Division 2 must lodge the report with ASIC within

75 days after the end of the half-year.

(2) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

321 ASIC power to require lodgment

(1) ASIC may give a company, registered scheme or disclosing entity

a direction to lodge with ASIC a copy of reports prepared or

obtained by it under Division 1 or 2.

(1AA) ASIC may give a notified foreign passport fund a direction to

lodge with ASIC:

(a) a copy of a report for the fund for a financial year, prepared

in accordance with the financial reporting requirements

applying to the fund under the Passport Rules for the home

economy for the fund; and

(b) a copy of each auditor’s report that relates to the report

mentioned in paragraph (a).

(1A) An offence based on subsection (1) or (1AA) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(2) The direction must:

(a) be made in writing; and

(b) specify the period or periods concerned; and

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Part 2M.3 Financial reporting

Division 5 Lodging reports with ASIC

Section 322

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(c) be made no later than 6 years after the end of the period or

periods; and

(d) specify the date by which the documents have to be lodged.

The date specified under paragraph (d) must be at least 14 days

after the date on which the direction is given.

322 Relodgment if financial statements or directors’ reports

amended after lodgment

Financial reports and directors’ reports lodged by companies,

registered schemes or disclosing entities

(1) If a financial report or directors’ report is amended after it is

lodged with ASIC, the company, registered scheme or disclosing

entity must:

(a) lodge the amended report with ASIC within 14 days after the

amendment; and

(b) give a copy of the amended report free of charge to any

member who asks for it.

Reports on financial matters lodged by notified foreign passport


(1A) If a report lodged with ASIC by a notified foreign passport fund is

amended after it is lodged with ASIC, the notified foreign passport

fund must:

(a) lodge the amended report with ASIC within 14 days after the

amendment; and

(b) give a copy of the amended report free of charge to any

Australian member who asks for it.

Notifying members if there is a material amendment

(2) If the amendment is a material one, the company, registered

scheme, notified foreign passport fund or disclosing entity must

also notify members as soon as practicable of:

(a) the nature of the amendment; and

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Financial reporting Part 2M.3

Lodging reports with ASIC Division 5

Section 322

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(b) their right to obtain a copy of the amended report under

subsection (1) or (1A).


(3) An offence based on subsection (1), (1A) or (2) is an offence of

strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

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Chapter 2M Financial reports and audit

Part 2M.3 Financial reporting

Division 6 Special provisions about consolidated financial statements

Section 323

98 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 6—Special provisions about consolidated financial


323 Directors and officers of controlled entity to give information

(1) If a company, registered scheme or disclosing entity has to prepare

consolidated financial statements, a director or officer of a

controlled entity must give the company, registered scheme or

disclosing entity all information requested that is necessary to

prepare the consolidated financial statements and the notes to those


(2) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

323A Auditor’s power to obtain information from controlled entity

(1) An auditor who audits or reviews a financial report that includes

consolidated financial statements:

(a) has a right of access at all reasonable times to the books of

any controlled entity; and

(b) may require any officer of the entity to give the auditor

information, explanations or other assistance for the purposes

of the audit or review.

A request under paragraph (b) must be a reasonable one.

(2) The information, explanations or other assistance required under

paragraph (1)(b) is to be given at the expense of the company,

registered scheme or disclosing entity whose financial report is

being audited or reviewed.

323B Controlled entity to assist auditor

(1) If a company, registered scheme or disclosing entity has to prepare

a financial report that includes consolidated financial statements,

an officer or auditor of a controlled entity must:

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Financial reporting Part 2M.3

Special provisions about consolidated financial statements Division 6

Section 323C

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(a) allow the auditor for the company, scheme or entity access to

the controlled entity’s books; and

(b) give the auditor any information, explanation or assistance

required under section 323A.

(2) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

323C Application of Division to entity that has ceased to be


Sections 323, 323A and 323B apply to the preparation or audit of a

financial report that covers a controlled entity even if the entity is

no longer controlled by the company, registered scheme or

disclosing entity whose financial report is being prepared or


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Chapter 2M Financial reports and audit

Part 2M.3 Financial reporting

Division 7 Financial years and half-years

Section 323D

100 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 7—Financial years and half-years

323D Financial years and half-years for companies, registered

schemes and disclosing entities

First financial year

(1) The first financial year for a company, registered scheme or

disclosing entity starts on the day on which it is registered or

incorporated. It lasts for 12 months or the period (not longer than

18 months) determined by the directors.

Financial years after first year

(2) Subject to subsections (2A) and (4), subsequent financial years


(a) start at the end of the previous financial year; and

(b) be 12 months long.

The directors may determine that the financial year is to be shorter

or longer (but not by more than 7 days).

(2A) A subsequent financial year may last for a period of less than 12

months determined by the directors if:

(a) the subsequent financial year starts at the end of the previous

financial year; and

(b) there has not been a period during the previous 5 financial

years in which there was a financial year of less than 12

months in reliance on this subsection; and

(c) the change to the subsequent financial year is made in good

faith in the best interests of the company, registered scheme

or disclosing entity.

Note: For the purposes of paragraph (b), financial years that, in reliance on

subsection (2) or (4), were less than 12 months are disregarded.

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Financial reporting Part 2M.3

Financial years and half-years Division 7

Section 323DAA

Corporations Act 2001 101

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Synchronisation of financial years where consolidated financial

statements are required

(3) A company, registered scheme or disclosing entity that has to

prepare consolidated financial statements must do whatever is

necessary to ensure that the financial years of the consolidated

entities are synchronised with its own financial years. It must

achieve this synchronisation by the end of 12 months after the

situation that calls for consolidation arises.

(3A) An offence based on subsection (3) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(4) To facilitate this synchronisation, the financial year for a controlled

entity may be extended or shortened. The extended financial year

cannot be longer than 18 months.


(5) A half-year for a company, registered scheme or disclosing entity

is the first 6 months of a financial year. The directors may

determine that the half-year is to be shorter or longer (but not by

more than 7 days).

323DAA Financial years for notified foreign passport funds

A financial year for a notified foreign passport fund means:

(a) a period of 12 months in relation to which the operator of the

fund must, under the Passport Rules for the home economy

for the fund, prepare a report in accordance with the financial

reporting requirements applying to the fund under those

Passport Rules; or

(b) if, under the law of the home economy for the fund, an

exception allows a report in accordance with the financial

reporting requirements applying to the fund under the

Passport Rules for the home economy for the fund to be

prepared for a shorter or longer period—that period.

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Chapter 2M Financial reports and audit

Part 2M.3 Financial reporting

Division 8 Disclosure by listed companies of information filed overseas

Section 323DA

102 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 8—Disclosure by listed companies of information

filed overseas

323DA Listed companies to disclose information filed overseas

(1) A company that discloses information to, or as required by:

(a) the Securities and Exchange Commission of the United

States of America; or

(b) the New York Stock Exchange; or

(c) a financial market in a foreign country if that financial

market is prescribed by regulations made for the purposes of

this paragraph;

must disclose that information in English to each relevant market

operator, if the company is listed on the next business day after

doing so.

(3) This section applies despite anything in the company’s


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Financial reports and audit Chapter 2M

Appointment and removal of auditors Part 2M.4

Entities that may be appointed as an auditor for a company or registered scheme

Division 1

Section 324AA

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Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 2M.4—Appointment and removal of auditors

Division 1—Entities that may be appointed as an auditor

for a company or registered scheme

324AA Individual auditors, audit firms and authorised audit


Subject to this Part, the following may be appointed as auditor for

a company or a registered scheme for the purposes of this Act:

(a) an individual;

(b) a firm;

(c) a company.

The company or registered scheme may have more than one


324AB Effect of appointing firm as auditor—general

(1) The appointment of a firm as auditor of a company or registered

scheme is taken to be an appointment of all persons who, at the

date of the appointment, are:

(a) members of the firm; and

(b) registered company auditors.

This is so whether or not those persons are resident in Australia.

(2) The appointment of the members of a firm as auditors of a

company or registered scheme that is taken by subsection (1) to

have been made because of the appointment of the firm as auditor

of the company or scheme is not affected by the dissolution of the

firm. This subsection has effect subject to section 324AC.

(3) A report or notice that purports to be made or given by a firm

appointed as auditor of a company or registered scheme is not

taken to be duly made or given unless it is signed by a member of

the firm who is a registered company auditor both:

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Part 2M.4 Appointment and removal of auditors

Division 1 Entities that may be appointed as an auditor for a company or registered


Section 324AC

104 Corporations Act 2001

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(a) in the firm name; and

(b) in his or her own name.

(4) A notice required or permitted to be given to an audit firm under

the Corporations legislation may be given to the firm by giving the

notice to a member of the firm.

(5) For the purposes of criminal proceedings under this Act against a

member of an audit firm, an act or omission by:

(a) a member of the firm; or

(b) an employee or agent of the audit firm;

acting within the actual or apparent scope of his or her

employment, or within his or her actual or apparent authority, is

also to be attributed to the audit firm.

324AC Effect of appointing firm as auditor—reconstitution of firm

Reconstitution of firm

(1) This section deals with the situation in which:

(a) a firm is appointed as auditor of a company or registered

scheme; and

(b) the firm is reconstituted because of either or both of the


(i) the death, retirement or withdrawal of a member or

members; or

(ii) the admission of a new member or new members.

Retiring or withdrawing member

(2) A person who:

(a) is taken under subsection 324AB(1) to be an auditor of the

company; and

(b) retires or withdraws from the firm as previously constituted

as mentioned in subparagraph (1)(b)(i) of this section;

is taken to resign as auditor of the company as from the day of his

or her retirement or withdrawal.

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Financial reports and audit Chapter 2M

Appointment and removal of auditors Part 2M.4

Entities that may be appointed as an auditor for a company or registered scheme

Division 1

Section 324AD

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(3) Section 329 does not apply to the resignation that is taken to occur

under subsection (2) unless:

(a) the person who is taken to have resigned was the only

member of the firm who was a registered company auditor;


(b) there is no member of the firm who is a registered company

auditor after that person retires or withdraws from the firm.

New member

(4) A person who:

(a) is a registered company auditor; and

(b) is admitted to the firm as mentioned in

subparagraph (1)(b)(ii);

is taken to have been appointed as an auditor of the company or

registered scheme as from the day of his or her admission to the


Appointments of continuing members not affected

(5) The reconstitution of the firm does not affect the appointment of

the continuing members of the firm who are registered company

auditors as auditors of the company or registered scheme.

(6) Nothing in this section affects the operation of section 324BB.

324AD Effect of appointing company as auditor

(1) A report or notice that purports to be made or given by an audit

company appointed as auditor of a company or registered scheme

is not taken to be duly made or given unless it is signed by a

director of the audit company (or the lead auditor or review auditor

for the audit) both:

(a) in the audit company’s name; and

(b) in his or her own name.

(2) For the purposes of criminal proceedings under this Act against a

director of an audit company, an act or omission by:

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Division 1 Entities that may be appointed as an auditor for a company or registered


Section 324AE

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(a) an officer of the audit company; or

(b) an employee or agent of the audit company;

acting within the actual or apparent scope of his or her

employment, or within his or her actual or apparent authority, is

also to be attributed to the audit company.

324AE Professional members of the audit team

If an individual auditor, audit firm or audit company conducts an

audit of a company or registered scheme, the professional

members of the audit team are:

(a) any registered company auditor who participates in the

conduct of the audit; and

(b) any other person who participates in the conduct of the audit

and, in the course of doing so, exercises professional

judgment in relation to the application of or compliance with:

(i) accounting standards; or

(ii) auditing standards; or

(iii) the provisions of this Act dealing with financial

reporting and the conduct of audits; and

(c) any other person who is in a position to directly influence the

outcome of the audit because of the role they play in the

design, planning, management, supervision or oversight of

the audit; and

(d) any person who recommends or decides what the lead auditor

is to be paid in connection with the performance of the audit;


(e) any person who provides, or takes part in providing, quality

control for the audit.

324AF Lead and review auditors

Lead auditor

(1) If an audit firm or audit company conducts an audit of a company

or registered scheme, the lead auditor for the audit is the registered

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Entities that may be appointed as an auditor for a company or registered scheme

Division 1

Section 324AF

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company auditor who is primarily responsible to the audit firm or

the audit company for the conduct of the audit.

Review auditor

(2) If an individual auditor, audit firm or audit company conducts an

audit of a company or registered scheme, the review auditor for the

audit is the registered company auditor (if any) who is primarily

responsible to the individual auditor, the audit firm or the audit

company for reviewing the conduct of the audit.

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Division 2 Registration requirements

Section 324BA

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Division 2—Registration requirements

324BA Registration requirements for appointment of individual as


Subject to section 324BD, an individual contravenes this section if:

(a) the individual:

(i) consents to be appointed as auditor of a company or

registered scheme; or

(ii) acts as auditor of a company or registered scheme; or

(iii) prepares a report required by this Act to be prepared by

a registered company auditor or by an auditor of a

company or registered scheme; and

(b) the person is not a registered company auditor.

324BB Registration requirements for appointment of firm as


Contraventions by members of firm

(1) A person (the defendant) contravenes this subsection if:

(a) at a particular time, a firm:

(i) consents to be appointed as auditor of a company or

registered scheme; or

(ii) acts as auditor of a company or registered scheme; or

(iii) prepares a report required by this Act to be prepared by

a registered company auditor or by an auditor of a

company or registered scheme; and

(b) at that time, the firm:

(i) does not satisfy subsection (5); or

(ii) does not satisfy subsection (6); and

(c) the defendant is a member of the firm at that time; and

(d) the defendant is aware of the circumstances referred to in

paragraphs (a) and (b) at that time.

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Registration requirements Division 2

Section 324BB

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(2) A person (the defendant) contravenes this subsection if:

(a) at a particular time, a firm:

(i) consents to be appointed as auditor of a company or

registered scheme; or

(ii) acts as auditor of a company or registered scheme; or

(iii) prepares a report required by this Act to be prepared by

a registered company auditor or by an auditor of a

company or registered scheme; and

(b) at that time, the firm:

(i) does not satisfy subsection (5); or

(ii) does not satisfy subsection (6); and

(c) the defendant is a member of the firm at that time.

(3) For the purposes of an offence based on subsection (2), strict

liability applies to the physical elements of the offence specified in

paragraphs (2)(a) and (b).

Note 1: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

Note 2: Subsection (4) provides a defence.

(4) A member of an audit firm does not commit an offence at a

particular time because of a contravention of subsection (2) if the

member either:

(a) does not know at that time of the circumstances that

constitute the contravention of subsection (2); or

(b) does know of those circumstances at that time but takes all

reasonable steps to correct the contravention as soon as

possible after the member becomes aware of those


Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

this subsection, see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

Registered company auditor requirement

(5) The firm satisfies this subsection if at least 1 member of the firm is

a registered company auditor who is ordinarily resident in


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Division 2 Registration requirements

Section 324BC

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Business name or members names requirement

(6) The firm satisfies this subsection if:

(a) the business name under which the firm is carrying on

business is registered on the Business Names Register; or

(b) a return in the prescribed form has been lodged showing, in

relation to each member of the firm, the member’s full name

and address as at the time when the firm so consents, acts or

prepares a report.

324BC Registration requirements for appointment of company as


Contravention by company

(1) A company contravenes this subsection if:

(a) the company:

(i) consents to be appointed as auditor of a company or

registered scheme; or

(ii) acts as auditor of a company or registered scheme; or

(iii) prepares a report required by this Act to be prepared by

a registered company auditor or by an auditor of a

company or registered scheme; and

(b) the company is not an authorised audit company.

Contraventions by directors of company

(2) A person (the defendant) contravenes this subsection if:

(a) at a particular time, a company:

(i) consents to be appointed as auditor of a company or

registered scheme; or

(ii) acts as auditor of a company or registered scheme; or

(iii) prepares a report required by this Act to be prepared by

a registered company auditor or by an auditor of a

company or registered scheme; and

(b) at that time, the company is not an authorised audit company;


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(c) the defendant is a director of the company at that time; and

(d) the defendant is aware of the circumstances referred to in

paragraphs (a) and (b) at that time.

(3) A person (the defendant) contravenes this subsection if:

(a) at a particular time, a company:

(i) consents to be appointed as auditor of a company or

registered scheme; or

(ii) acts as auditor of a company or registered scheme; or

(iii) prepares a report required by this Act to be prepared by

a registered company auditor or by an auditor of a

company or registered scheme; and

(b) at that time, the company is not an authorised audit company;


(c) the defendant is a director of the company at that time.

(4) For the purposes of an offence based on subsection (3), strict

liability applies to the physical elements of the offence specified in

paragraphs (3)(a) and (b).

Note 1: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

Note 2: Subsection (5) provides a defence.

(5) A director of a company does not commit an offence at a particular

time because of a contravention of subsection (3) if the director


(a) does not know at that time of the circumstances that

constitute the contravention of subsection (3); or

(b) knows of those circumstances at that time but takes all

reasonable steps to correct the contravention of

subsection (3) as soon as possible after the director becomes

aware of those circumstances.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

this subsection, see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

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Division 2 Registration requirements

Section 324BD

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324BD Exception from registration requirement for proprietary


(1) An individual who is not a registered company auditor may be

appointed as auditor of a proprietary company if:

(a) ASIC is satisfied that it is impracticable for a proprietary

company to obtain the services of:

(i) an individual who could be appointed as auditor

consistently with section 324BA; or

(ii) a firm that could be appointed as auditor consistently

with section 324BB; or

(iii) a company that could be appointed consistently with

section 324BC;

because of the place where the company carries on business;


(b) ASIC is satisfied that the individual is suitably qualified or

experienced; and

(c) ASIC approves the individual for the purposes of this Act in

relation to the audit of the company’s financial reports.

The appointment is subject to such terms and conditions as are

specified in the approval under paragraph (c).

(2) If an individual is appointed in accordance with subsection (1):

(a) the individual is taken to be a registered company auditor in

relation to the auditing of any of the company’s financial

reports; and

(b) the provisions of this Act apply, with the necessary

modifications, in relation to the individual accordingly.

Paragraph (a) has effect subject to the terms and conditions of the

approval under subsection (1).

(3) If an individual approved by ASIC under subsection (1) is acting as

auditor of a company, ASIC may at any time, by notice in writing

given to the company:

(a) amend, revoke or vary the terms and conditions of its

approval; or

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Registration requirements Division 2

Section 324BE

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(b) terminate the appointment of that individual as auditor of the


(4) A notice under subsection (3) terminating the appointment of an

individual as auditor of a company takes effect as if, on the date on

which the notice is received by the company, the company had

received from the individual notice of the individual’s resignation

as auditor taking effect from that date.

324BE Exception from registration requirement—reviewing

financial reports of companies limited by guarantee

(1) An individual is taken to be a registered company auditor for the

purposes of a review of a financial report of a company limited by

guarantee if the individual:

(a) is a member of a professional accounting body; and

(b) has a designation, in respect of that membership, prescribed

by the regulations for the purposes of this paragraph.

(2) The provisions of this Act apply, with the necessary modifications,

in relation to the individual accordingly.

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Division 3 Auditor independence

Section 324CA

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Division 3—Auditor independence

Subdivision A—General requirement

324CA General requirement for auditor independence—auditors

Contravention by individual auditor or audit company

(1) An individual auditor or audit company contravenes this subsection


(a) the individual auditor or audit company engages in audit

activity in relation to an audited body at a particular time;


(b) a conflict of interest situation exists in relation to the audited

body at that time; and

(c) at that time:

(i) in the case of an individual auditor—the individual

auditor is aware that the conflict of interest situation

exists; or

(ii) in the case of an audit company—the audit company is

aware that the conflict of interest situation exists; and

(d) the individual auditor or audit company does not, as soon as

possible after the individual auditor or the audit company

becomes aware that the conflict of interest situation exists,

take all reasonable steps to ensure that the conflict of interest

situation ceases to exist.

Note: For conflict of interest situation, see section 324CD.

Individual auditor or audit company to notify ASIC

(1A) An individual auditor or audit company contravenes this subsection


(a) the individual auditor or audit company is the auditor of an

audited body; and

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(b) a conflict of interest situation exists in relation to the audited

body while the individual auditor or audit company is the

auditor of the audited body; and

(c) on a particular day (the start day):

(i) in the case of an individual auditor—the individual

auditor becomes aware that the conflict of interest

situation exists; or

(ii) in the case of an audit company—the audit company

becomes aware that the conflict of interest situation

exists; and

(d) at the end of the period of 7 days from the start day:

(i) the conflict of interest situation remains in existence;


(ii) the individual auditor or audit company has not

informed ASIC in writing that the conflict of interest

situation exists.

Note 1: For conflict of interest situation, see section 324CD.

Note 2: If the audited body is a public company or a registered scheme, the

audit appointment will be terminated at the end of the period of 21

days (or a longer period that has been approved by ASIC) from the

day a notice under this subsection is given if the notice is not followed

up by a notice under:

(a) subsection 327B(2A) or (2C) (public company); or

(b) subsection 328E(3) or (5) (public company with crowd-sourced funding); or

(c) subsection 331AAA(2A) or (2C) (registered scheme).

(1B) A person is not excused from informing ASIC under

subsection (1A) that a conflict of interest situation exists on the

ground that the information might tend to incriminate the person or

expose the person to a penalty.

(1C) However, if the person is a natural person:

(a) the information; and

(b) the giving of the information;

are not admissible in evidence against the person in a criminal

proceeding, or any other proceeding for the recovery of a penalty,

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other than proceedings for an offence based on the information

given being false or misleading.

(1D) If the individual auditor or audit company gives ASIC a notice

under paragraph (1A)(d), ASIC must, as soon as practicable after

the notice has been received, give a copy of the notice to the

audited body.

Conflict of interest situation of which individual auditor or audit

company is not aware

(2) An individual auditor or audit company contravenes this subsection


(a) the individual auditor or audit company engages in audit

activity in relation to an audited body at a particular time;


(b) a conflict of interest situation exists in relation to the audited

body at the time; and

(c) at that time:

(i) in the case of an individual auditor—the individual

auditor is not aware that the conflict of interest situation

exists; or

(ii) in the case of an audit company—the audit company is

not aware that the conflict of interest situation exists;


(d) the individual auditor or the audit company would have been

aware of the existence of the conflict of interest situation at

that time if the individual auditor or audit company had had

in place a quality control system reasonably capable of

making the individual auditor or audit company aware of the

existence of such a conflict of interest situation.

Note: For conflict of interest situation, see section 324CD.

(3) For the purposes of an offence based on subsection (2), strict

liability applies to the physical element of the offence specified in

paragraph (2)(b).

Note 1: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

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Note 2: Subsections (4) and (5) provide defences.

(4) An individual auditor does not commit an offence because of a

contravention of subsection (2) in relation to audit activity engaged

in by the auditor at a particular time if the individual auditor has

reasonable grounds to believe that the individual auditor had in

place at that time a quality control system that provided reasonable

assurance (taking into account the size and nature of the audit

practice of the individual auditor) that the individual auditor and

the individual auditor’s employees complied with the requirements

of this Subdivision.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

this subsection, see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

(5) An audit company does not commit an offence because of a

contravention of subsection (2) in relation to audit activity engaged

in by the audit company at a particular time if the audit company

has reasonable grounds to believe that the audit company had in

place at that time a quality control system that provided reasonable

assurance (taking into account the size and nature of the audit

practice of the audit company) that the audit company and the audit

company’s employees complied with the requirements of this


Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

this subsection, see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

Relationship between obligations under this section and other


(6) The obligations imposed by this section are in addition to, and do

not derogate from, any obligation imposed by:

(a) another provision of this Act; or

(b) a code of professional conduct.

Note: Paragraph (a)—see, for example, the specific obligations imposed by

Subdivision B.

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Division 3 Auditor independence

Section 324CB

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324CB General requirement for auditor independence—member of

audit firm

Contravention by member of audit firm

(1) A person (the defendant) contravenes this subsection if:

(a) an audit firm engages in audit activity in relation to an

audited body at a particular time; and

(b) a conflict of interest situation exists in relation to the audited

body at that time; and

(c) the defendant is a member of the audit firm at that time; and

(d) the defendant is or becomes aware of the circumstances

referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b); and

(e) the defendant does not, as soon as possible after the

defendant becomes aware of those circumstances, take

reasonable steps to ensure that the conflict of interest

situation ceases to exist.

Note: For conflict of interest situation, see section 324CD.

Member of audit firm to notify ASIC

(1A) A person (the defendant) contravenes this subsection if:

(a) an audit firm is the auditor of an audited body; and

(b) a conflict of interest situation exists in relation to the audited

body while the audit firm is the auditor of the audited body;


(c) the defendant is a member of the audit firm at a time when

the conflict of interest situation exists; and

(d) on a particular day (the start day), the defendant becomes

aware of the circumstances referred to in paragraphs (a) and

(b); and

(e) at the end of the period of 7 days from the start day:

(i) the conflict of interest situation remains in existence;


(ii) ASIC has not been informed in writing by the

defendant, by another member of the audit firm or by

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someone else on behalf of the audit firm that the conflict

of interest situation exists.

Note 1: For conflict of interest situation, see section 324CD.

Note 2: If the audited body is a public company or a registered scheme, the

audit appointment will be terminated at the end of the period of 21

days (or a longer period that has been approved by ASIC) from the

day a notice under this subsection is given if the notice is not followed

up by a notice under:

(a) subsection 327B(2B) (public company); or

(b) subsection 328E(4) (public company with crowd-sourced funding); or

(c) subsection 331AAA(2B) (registered scheme).

(1B) A person is not excused from informing ASIC under

subsection (1A) that a conflict of interest situation exists on the

ground that the information might tend to incriminate the person or

expose the person to a penalty.

(1C) However:

(a) the information; and

(b) the giving of the information;

are not admissible in evidence against the person in a criminal

proceeding, or any other proceeding for the recovery of a penalty,

other than proceedings for an offence based on the information

given being false or misleading.

(1D) If ASIC is given a notice under paragraph (1A)(e), ASIC must, as

soon as practicable after the notice is received, give a copy of the

notice to the audited body.

Conflict of interest situation of which another member of audit firm

is aware

(2) A person contravenes this subsection if:

(a) an audit firm engages in audit activity in relation to an

audited body at a particular time; and

(b) a conflict of interest situation exists in relation to the audited

body at the time; and

(c) the person is a member of the audit firm at that time; and

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(d) at that time, another member of the audit firm is aware that

the conflict of interest situation exists; and

(e) the audit firm does not, as soon as possible after the member

referred to in paragraph (d) becomes aware that the conflict

of interest situation exists, take all reasonable steps to ensure

that the conflict of interest situation ceases to exist.

Note: For conflict of interest situation, see section 324CD.

(3) For the purposes of an offence based on subsection (2), strict

liability applies to the physical elements of the offence specified in

paragraphs (2)(a), (b), (d) and (e).

Note 1: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

Note 2: Subsection (6) provides a defence.

Conflict of interest situation of which members are not aware

(4) A person contravenes this subsection if:

(a) an audit firm engages in audit activity in relation to an

audited body at a particular time; and

(b) a conflict of interest situation exists in relation to the audited

body at the time; and

(c) the person is a member of the audit firm at that time; and

(d) at that time none of the members of the audit firm is aware

that the conflict of interest situation exists; and

(e) a member of the audit firm would have been aware of the

existence of the conflict of interest situation if the audit firm

had in place a quality control system reasonably capable of

making the audit firm aware of the existence of such a

conflict of interest situation.

Note: For conflict of interest situation, see section 324CD.

(5) For the purposes of an offence based on subsection (4), strict

liability applies to the physical elements of the offence specified in

paragraphs (4)(a), (b), (d) and (e).

Note 1: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

Note 2: Subsection (6) provides a defence.

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(6) A person does not commit an offence because of a contravention of

subsection (2) or (4) in relation to audit activity engaged in by an

audit firm at a particular time if the person has reasonable grounds

to believe that the audit firm had in place at that time a quality

control system that provided reasonable assurance (taking into

account the size and nature of the audit practice of the audit firm)

that the audit firm and its employees complied with the

requirements of this Subdivision.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

this subsection, see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

Relationship between obligations under this section and other


(7) The obligations imposed by this section are in addition to, and do

not derogate from, any obligation imposed by:

(a) another provision of this Act; or

(b) a code of professional conduct.

Note: Paragraph (a)—see, for example, the specific obligations imposed by

Subdivision B.

324CC General requirement for auditor independence—director of

audit company

Contravention by director of audit company

(1) A person (the defendant) contravenes this subsection if:

(a) an audit company engages in audit activity in relation to an

audited body at a particular time; and

(b) a conflict of interest situation exists in relation to the audited

body at that time; and

(c) the defendant is a director of the audit company at that time;


(d) the defendant is or becomes aware of the circumstances

referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b); and

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(e) the defendant does not, as soon as possible after the

defendant becomes aware of those circumstances, take

reasonable steps to ensure that the conflict of interest

situation ceases to exist.

Note 1: For conflict of interest situation, see section 324CD.

Note 2: The audit company itself will commit an offence based on the

contravention of subsection 324AA(1).

Director of audit company to notify ASIC

(1A) A person (the defendant) contravenes this subsection if:

(a) an audit company is the auditor of an audited body; and

(b) a conflict of interest situation exists in relation to the audited

body while the audit company is the auditor of the audited

body; and

(c) the defendant is a director of the audit company at a time

when the conflict of interest situation exists; and

(d) on a particular day (the start day), the defendant becomes

aware of the circumstances referred to in paragraphs (a) and

(b); and

(e) at the end of the period of 7 days from the start day:

(i) the conflict of interest situation remains in existence;


(ii) ASIC has not been informed in writing by the

defendant, by another director of the audit company or

by the audit company that the conflict of interest

situation exists.

Note 1: For conflict of interest situation, see section 324CD.

Note 2: If the audited body is a public company or a registered scheme, the

audit appointment will be terminated at the end of the period of 21

days (or a longer period that has been approved by ASIC) from the

day a notice under this subsection is given if the notice is not followed

up by a notice under:

(a) subsection 327B(2C) (public company); or

(b) subsection 328E(5) (public company with crowd-sourced funding); or

(c) subsection 331AAA(2C) (registered scheme).

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Section 324CC

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(1B) A person is not excused from informing ASIC under

subsection (1A) that a conflict of interest situation exists on the

ground that the information might tend to incriminate the person or

expose the person to a penalty.

(1C) However, if the person is a natural person:

(a) the information; and

(b) the giving of the information;

are not admissible in evidence against the person in a criminal

proceeding, or any other proceeding for the recovery of a penalty,

other than proceedings for an offence based on the information

given being false or misleading.

(1D) If ASIC is given a notice under paragraph (1A)(e), ASIC must, as

soon as practicable after the notice is received, give a copy of the

notice to the audited body.

Conflict of interest situation of which another director of audit

company aware

(2) A person contravenes this subsection if:

(a) an audit company engages in audit activity in relation to an

audited body at a particular time; and

(b) a conflict of interest situation exists in relation to the audited

body at the time; and

(c) the person is a director of the audit company at that time; and

(d) at that time, another director of the audit company is aware

that the conflict of interest situation exists; and

(e) the audit company does not, as soon as possible after the

director referred to in paragraph (d) becomes aware that the

conflict of interest situation exists, take all reasonable steps

to ensure that the conflict of interest situation ceases to exist.

Note 1: For conflict of interest situation, see section 324CD.

Note 2: The company itself will commit an offence based on the contravention

of subsection 324AA(1).

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Section 324CC

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(3) For the purposes of an offence based on subsection (2), strict

liability applies to the physical elements of the offence specified in

paragraphs (2)(a), (b), (d) and (e).

Note 1: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

Note 2: Subsection (6) provides a defence.

Conflict of interest situation of which directors of audit company

not aware

(4) A person contravenes this subsection if:

(a) an audit company engages in audit activity in relation to an

audited body at a particular time; and

(b) a conflict of interest situation exists in relation to the audited

body at the time; and

(c) the person is a director of the audit company at that time; and

(d) at that time none of the directors of the audit company is

aware that the conflict of interest situation exists; and

(e) a director of the audit company would have been aware of the

existence of the conflict of interest situation if the audit

company had in place a quality control system reasonably

capable of making the audit company aware of the existence

of such a conflict of interest situation.

Note 1: For conflict of interest situation, see section 324CD.

Note 2: The company itself will commit an offence based on the contravention

of subsection 324AA(2).

(5) For the purposes of an offence based on subsection (4), strict

liability applies to the physical elements of the offence specified in

paragraphs (4)(a), (b), (d) and (e).

Note 1: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

Note 2: Subsection (6) provides a defence.


(6) A person does not commit an offence because of a contravention of

subsection (2) or (4) in relation to audit activity engaged in by an

audit company at a particular time if the person has reasonable

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Section 324CD

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grounds to believe that the audit company had in place at that time

a quality control system that provided reasonable assurance (taking

into account the size and nature of the audit practice of the audit

company) that the audit company and its employees complied with

the requirements of this Subdivision.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

this subsection, see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

Relationship between obligations under this section and other


(7) The obligations imposed by this section are in addition to, and do

not derogate from, any obligation imposed by:

(a) another provision of this Act; or

(b) a code of professional conduct.

Note: Paragraph (a)—see, for example, the specific obligations imposed by

Subdivision B.

324CD Conflict of interest situation

(1) For the purposes of sections 324CA, 324CB and 324CC, a conflict

of interest situation exists in relation to an audited body at a

particular time if, because of circumstances that exist at that time:

(a) the auditor, or a professional member of the audit team, is not

capable of exercising objective and impartial judgment in

relation to the conduct of the audit of the audited body; or

(b) a reasonable person, with full knowledge of all relevant facts

and circumstances, would conclude that the auditor, or a

professional member of the audit team, is not capable of

exercising objective and impartial judgment in relation to the

conduct of the audit of the audited body.

(2) Without limiting subsection (1), have regard to circumstances

arising from any relationship that exists, has existed, or is likely to

exist, between:

(a) the individual auditor; or

(b) the audit firm or any current or former member of the firm;


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Section 324CD

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(c) the audit company, any current or former director of the audit

company or any person currently or formerly involved in the

management of the audit company;

and any of the persons and bodies set out in the following table:

Relevant relationships

Item If the audited body


have regard to any relationship


1 a company the company; or

a current or former director of the

company; or

a person currently or formerly

involved in the management of the


2 a disclosing entity the entity; or

a current or former director of the

entity; or

a person currently or formerly

involved in the management of the


3 a registered scheme the responsible entity for the

registered scheme; or

a current or former director of the

responsible entity; or

a person currently or formerly

involved in the management of the

scheme; or

a person currently or formerly

involved in the management of the

responsible entity.

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Section 324CE

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Subdivision B—Specific requirements

324CE Auditor independence—specific requirements for individual


Specific independence requirements for individual auditor

(1) An individual auditor contravenes this subsection if:

(a) the individual auditor engages in audit activity at a particular

time; and

(b) a relevant item of the table in subsection 324CH(1) applies at

that time to a person or entity covered by subsection (5) of

this section; and

(c) the individual auditor is or becomes aware of the

circumstances referred to in paragraph (b); and

(d) the individual auditor does not, as soon as possible after the

individual auditor becomes aware of those circumstances,

take all reasonable steps to ensure that the individual auditor

does not continue to engage in audit activity in those


Individual auditor to notify ASIC

(1A) An individual auditor contravenes this subsection if:

(a) the individual auditor is the auditor of an audited body; and

(b) a relevant item of the table in subsection 324CH(1) applies to

a person or entity covered by subsection (5) of this section

while the individual auditor is the auditor of the audited

body; and

(c) on a particular day (the start day), the individual auditor

becomes aware of the circumstances referred to in

paragraph (b); and

(d) at the end of the period of 7 days from the start day:

(i) those circumstances remain in existence; and

(ii) the individual auditor has not informed ASIC in writing

of those circumstances.

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Section 324CE

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Note: If the audited body is a public company or a registered scheme, the

audit appointment will be terminated at the end of the period of 21

days (or a longer period that has been approved by ASIC) from the

day a notice under this subsection is given if the notice is not followed

up by a notice under:

(a) subsection 327B(2A) (public company); or

(b) subsection 328E(3) (public company with crowd-sourced funding); or

(c) subsection 331AAA(2A) (registered scheme).

(1B) A person is not excused from informing ASIC under

subsection (1A) that the circumstances referred to in

paragraph (1A)(b) exist on the ground that the information might

tend to incriminate the person or expose the person to a penalty.

(1C) However:

(a) the information; and

(b) the giving of the information;

are not admissible in evidence against the person in a criminal

proceeding, or any other proceeding for the recovery of a penalty,

other than proceedings for an offence based on the information

given being false or misleading.

(1D) If the individual auditor gives ASIC a notice under

paragraph (1A)(d), ASIC must, as soon as practicable after the

notice has been received, give a copy of the notice to the audited


Strict liability contravention of specific independence requirements

by individual auditor

(2) An individual auditor contravenes this subsection if:

(a) the individual auditor engages in audit activity at a particular

time; and

(b) a relevant item of the table in subsection 324CH(1) applies at

that time to a person or entity covered by subsection (5) of

this section.

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Section 324CE

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(3) For the purposes of an offence based on subsection (2), strict

liability applies to the physical elements of the offence specified in

paragraph (2)(b).

Note 1: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

Note 2: Subsection (4) provides a defence.

(4) An individual auditor does not commit an offence because of a

contravention of subsection (2) in relation to audit activity engaged

in by the individual auditor at a particular time if the individual

auditor has reasonable grounds to believe that the individual

auditor had in place at that time a quality control system that

provided reasonable assurance (taking into account the size and

nature of the audit practice of the individual auditor) that the

individual auditor and the individual auditor’s employees complied

with the requirements of this Subdivision.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

this subsection, see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

People and entities covered

(5) The following table sets out:

(a) the persons and entities covered by this subsection in relation

to audit activity engaged in by an individual auditor; and

(b) the items of the table in subsection 324CH(1) that are the

relevant items for each of those persons and entities:

Individual auditor

Item For this person or entity... the relevant items

of the table in

subsection 324CH(1

) are...

1 the individual auditor 1 to 19

2 a service company or trust acting for, or

on behalf of, the individual auditor, or

another entity performing a similar


1 to 19

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Section 324CE

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Individual auditor

Item For this person or entity... the relevant items

of the table in

subsection 324CH(1

) are...

3 a professional member of the audit team

conducting the audit of the audited body

1 to 6

8 to 19

4 an immediate family member of a

professional member of the audit team

conducting the audit of the audited body

1 and 2

10 to 19

5 a person who is a non-audit services

provider and who does not satisfy the

maximum hours test in subsection (6)

10 to 12

6 an immediate family member of a person

who is a non-audit services provider and

who does not satisfy the maximum hours

test in subsection (6)

10 to 12

7 an entity that the auditor (or a service

company or trust acting for, or on behalf

of, the individual auditor, or another

entity performing a similar function)



8 a body corporate in which the auditor (or

a service company or trust acting for, or

on behalf of, the individual auditor, or

another entity performing a similar

function) has a substantial holding


9 a person who:

(a) is a former professional employee of

the auditor; and

(b) does not satisfy the independence test

in subsection (7)

1 and 2

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Section 324CE

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Individual auditor

Item For this person or entity... the relevant items

of the table in

subsection 324CH(1

) are...

10 an individual who:

(a) is the former owner of the individual

auditor’s business; and

(b) does not satisfy the independence test

in subsection (7)

1 and 2

Maximum hours test

(6) A non-audit services provider satisfies the maximum hours test in

this subsection if:

(a) the number of hours for which the person provides services

(other than services related to the conduct of an audit) to the

audited body on behalf of the auditor during the period to

which the audit relates does not exceed 10 hours; and

(b) the number of hours for which the person provides services

(other than services related to the conduct of an audit) to the

audited body on behalf of the auditor during the 12 months

immediately before the beginning of the period to which the

audit relates does not exceed 10 hours.

In a prosecution for an offence based on subsection (1) or (2), the

prosecution must prove that the non-audit services provider did not

satisfy the maximum hours test in this subsection.

Independence test

(7) A person satisfies the independence test in this subsection in

relation to an individual auditor if the person:

(a) does not influence the operations or financial policies of the

accounting and audit practice conducted by the auditor; and

(b) does not participate, or appear to participate, in the business

or professional activities of the accounting and audit practice

conducted by the auditor; and

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(c) does not have any rights against the auditor in relation to the

accounting and audit practice conducted by the auditor in

relation to the termination of the person’s former

employment by the auditor; and

(d) has no financial arrangements with the auditor in relation to

the accounting and audit practice conducted by the auditor,

other than:

(i) an arrangement providing for regular payments of a

fixed pre-determined dollar amount which is not

dependent, directly or indirectly, on the revenues,

profits or earnings of the auditor; or

(ii) an arrangement providing for regular payments of a

dollar amount where the method of calculating the

dollar amount is fixed and is not dependent, directly or

indirectly, on the revenues, profits or earnings of the

auditor; and

(e) without limiting paragraph (d), has no financial arrangement

with the auditor to receive a commission or similar payment

in relation to business generated by the person for the

accounting and audit practice conducted by the auditor.

In a prosecution for an offence based on subsection (1) or (2), the

prosecution must prove that the person did not satisfy the

independence test in this subsection in relation to the individual


(8) In applying subsection (7), disregard any rights that the person has

against the auditor by way of an indemnity for, or contribution in

relation to, liabilities incurred by the person when the person was

an employee of the auditor or the owner of the auditor’s business.

324CF Auditor independence—specific requirements for audit firm

Contraventions by members of audit firm

(1) A person (the defendant) contravenes this subsection if:

(a) an audit firm engages in audit activity at a particular time;


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Section 324CF

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(b) a relevant item of the table in subsection 324CH(1) applies at

that time to a person or entity covered by subsection (5) of

this section; and

(c) the defendant is a member of the audit firm at that time; and

(d) the defendant is or becomes aware of the circumstances

referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b); and

(e) the defendant does not, as soon as possible after the

defendant becomes aware of those circumstances, take all

reasonable steps to ensure that the audit firm does not

continue to engage in audit activity in those circumstances.

Member of audit firm to notify ASIC

(1A) A person (the defendant) contravenes this subsection if:

(a) an audit firm is the auditor of an audited body; and

(b) a relevant item of the table in subsection 324CH(1) applies to

a person or entity covered by subsection (5) of this section

while the audit firm is the auditor of the audited body; and

(c) the defendant is a member of the audit firm at a time when

the circumstances referred to in paragraph (b) exist; and

(d) on a particular day (the start day), the defendant becomes

aware of the circumstances referred to in paragraphs (a) and

(b); and

(e) at the end of the period of 7 days from the start day:

(i) the circumstances referred to in paragraph (b) remain in

existence; and

(ii) ASIC has not been informed in writing of those

circumstances by the defendant, by another member of

the audit firm or by someone else on behalf of the audit


Note: If the audited body is a public company or a registered scheme, the

audit appointment will be terminated at the end of the period of 21

days (or a longer period that has been approved by ASIC) from the

day a notice under this subsection is given if the notice is not followed

up by a notice under:

(a) subsection 327B(2B) (public company); or

(b) subsection 328E(4) (public company with crowd-sourced funding); or

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(c) subsection 331AAA(2B) (registered scheme).

(1B) A person is not excused from informing ASIC under

subsection (1A) that the circumstances referred to in

paragraph (1A)(b) exist on the ground that the information might

tend to incriminate the person or expose the person to a penalty.

(1C) However:

(a) the information; and

(b) the giving of the information;

are not admissible in evidence against the person in a criminal

proceeding, or any other proceeding for the recovery of a penalty,

other than proceedings for an offence based on the information

given being false or misleading.

(1D) If ASIC is given a notice under paragraph (1A)(e), ASIC must, as

soon as practicable after the notice is received, give a copy of the

notice to the audited body.

Contravention of independence requirements by members of audit


(2) A person (the defendant) contravenes this subsection if:

(a) an audit firm engages in audit activity at a particular time;


(b) a relevant item of the table in subsection 324CH(1) applies at

that time to a person or entity covered by subsection (5) of

this section; and

(c) the defendant is a member of the audit firm at that time.

(3) For the purposes of an offence based on subsection (2), strict

liability applies to the physical elements of the offence specified in

paragraphs (2)(a) and (b).

Note 1: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

Note 2: Subsection (4) provides a defence.

(4) A person does not commit an offence because of a contravention of

subsection (2) in relation to audit activity engaged in by an audit

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Section 324CF

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firm at a particular time if the person has reasonable grounds to

believe that the audit firm had in place at that time a quality control

system that provided reasonable assurance (taking into account the

size and nature of the audit practice of the audit firm) that the audit

firm and its employees complied with the requirements of this


Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

this subsection, see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

People and entities covered

(5) The following table sets out:

(a) the persons and entities covered by this subsection in relation

to audit activity engaged in by an audit firm; and

(b) the items of the table in subsection 324CH(1) that are the

relevant items for each of those persons and entities:

Audit firm

Item For this person or entity... the relevant items of

the table in

subsection 324CH(1)


1 the firm 4


10 to 19

2 a service company or trust acting for, or

on behalf of, the firm, or another entity

performing a similar function



10 to 19

3 a member of the firm 1 to 7



4 a professional member of the audit team

conducting the audit of the audited body

1 to 6

8 to 19

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Audit firm

Item For this person or entity... the relevant items of

the table in

subsection 324CH(1)


5 an immediate family member of a

professional member of the audit team

conducting the audit of the audited body

1 and 2

10 to 19

6 a person who:

(a) is a non-audit services provider; and

(b) does not satisfy the maximum hours

test in subsection (6)

10 to 12

7 an immediate family member of a

person who:

(a) is a non-audit services provider; and

(b) does not satisfy the maximum hours

test in subsection (6)

10 to 12

8 an entity that the firm (or a service

company or trust acting for, or on behalf

of, the firm, or another entity

performing a similar function) controls


9 a body corporate in which the firm (or a

service company or trust acting for, or

on behalf of, the firm, or another entity

performing a similar function) has a

substantial holding


10 an entity that a member of the firm

controls or a body corporate in which a

member of the firm has a substantial



11 a person who:

(a) is a former member of the firm; and

(b) does not satisfy the independence

test in subsection (7)

1 and 2

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Audit firm

Item For this person or entity... the relevant items of

the table in

subsection 324CH(1)


12 a person who:

(a) is a former professional employee of

the firm; and

(b) does not satisfy the independence

test in subsection (7)

1 and 2

Maximum hours test

(6) A non-audit services provider satisfies the maximum hours test in

this subsection if:

(a) the number of hours for which the person provides services

(other than services related to the conduct of an audit) to the

audited body on behalf of the auditor during the period to

which the audit relates does not exceed 10 hours; and

(b) the number of hours for which the person provided services

(other than services related to the conduct of an audit) to the

audited body on behalf of the auditor during the 12 months

immediately before the beginning of the period to which the

audit relates does not exceed 10 hours.

In a prosecution for an offence based on subsection (1) or (2), the

prosecution must prove that the non-audit services provider did not

satisfy the maximum hours test in this subsection.

Independence test

(7) A person satisfies the independence test in this subsection in

relation to a firm if the person:

(a) does not influence the operations or financial policies of the

accounting and audit practice conducted by the firm; and

(b) does not participate, or appear to participate, in the business

or professional activities of the accounting and audit practice

conducted by the firm; and

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(c) does not have any rights against the firm, or the members of

the firm, in relation to the accounting and audit practice

conducted by the firm in relation to the termination of, or the

value of, the person’s former partnership interest in the firm;


(d) has no financial arrangements with the firm in relation to the

accounting and audit practice conducted by the firm, other


(i) an arrangement providing for regular payments of a

fixed pre-determined dollar amount which is not

dependent, directly or indirectly, on the revenues,

profits or earnings of the firm; or

(ii) an arrangement providing for regular payments of a

dollar amount where the method of calculating the

dollar amount is fixed and is not dependent, directly or

indirectly, on the revenues, profits or earnings of the

firm; and

(e) without limiting paragraph (d), has no financial arrangement

with the firm to receive a commission or similar payment in

relation to business generated by the person for the

accounting and audit practice conducted by the firm.

In a prosecution for an offence based on subsection (1) or (2), the

prosecution must prove that the person did not satisfy the

independence test in this subsection in relation to the firm.

(8) In applying subsection (7), disregard any rights that the person has

against the firm, or the members of the firm, by way of an

indemnity for, or contribution in relation to, liabilities incurred by

the person when the person was a member or employee of the firm.

Meaning of holding by firm in body corporate

(9) For the purposes of item 9 in the table in subsection (5), a firm is

taken to have a holding in a body corporate if the holding is one of

the firm’s partnership assets.

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Section 324CG

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324CG Auditor independence—specific requirements for audit


Specific independence requirements for audit company

(1) An audit company contravenes this subsection if:

(a) the audit company engages in audit activity at a particular

time; and

(b) a relevant item of the table in subsection 324CH(1) applies at

that time to a person or entity covered by subsection (9) of

this section; and

(c) the audit company is or becomes aware of the circumstances

referred to in paragraph (b); and

(d) the audit company does not, as soon as possible after the

audit company becomes aware of those circumstances, take

all reasonable steps to ensure that the audit company does not

continue to engage in audit activity in those circumstances.

Audit company to notify ASIC

(1A) An audit company contravenes this subsection if:

(a) the audit company is the auditor of an audited body; and

(b) a relevant item of the table in subsection 324CH(1) applies to

a person or entity covered by subsection (9) of this section

while the audit company is the auditor of the audited body;


(c) on a particular day (the start day), the audit company

becomes aware of the circumstances referred to in

paragraph (b); and

(d) at the end of the period of 7 days from the start day:

(i) those circumstances remain in existence; and

(ii) the audit company has not informed ASIC in writing of

those circumstances.

Note: If the audited body is a public company or a registered scheme, the

audit appointment will be terminated at the end of the period of 21

days (or a longer period that has been approved by ASIC) from the

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day a notice under this subsection is given if the notice is not followed

up by a notice under:

(a) subsection 327B(2C) (public company); or

(b) subsection 328E(5) (public company with crowd-sourced funding); or

(c) subsection 331AAA(2C) (registered scheme).

(1B) If the audit company gives ASIC a notice under paragraph (1A)(d),

ASIC must, as soon as practicable after the notice has been

received, give a copy of the notice to the audited body.

Strict liability contravention of specific independence requirements

by audit company

(2) An audit company contravenes this subsection if:

(a) the audit company engages in audit activity at a particular

time; and

(b) a relevant item of the table in subsection 324CH(1) applies at

that time to a person or entity covered by subsection (9) of

this section.

(3) For the purposes of an offence based on subsection (2), strict

liability applies to the physical elements of the offence specified in

paragraph (2)(b).

Note 1: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

Note 2: Subsection (4) provides a defence.

(4) An audit company does not commit an offence because of a

contravention of subsection (2) in relation to audit activity engaged

in by the audit company at a particular time if the audit company

has reasonable grounds to believe that the audit company had in

place at that time a quality control system that provided reasonable

assurance (taking into account the size and nature of the audit

practice of the audit company) that the audit company and the audit

company’s employees complied with the requirements of this


Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

this subsection, see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

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Contraventions by directors of audit company

(5) A person (the defendant) contravenes this subsection if:

(a) an audit company engages in audit activity at a particular

time; and

(b) a relevant item of the table in subsection 324CH(1) applies at

that time to a person or entity covered by subsection (9) of

this section; and

(c) the defendant is a director of the audit company at that time;


(d) the defendant is or becomes aware of the circumstances

referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b); and

(e) the defendant does not, as soon as possible after the

defendant becomes aware of those circumstances, take all

reasonable steps to ensure that the audit company does not

continue to engage in audit activity in those circumstances.

Director of audit company to notify ASIC

(5A) A person (the defendant) contravenes this subsection if:

(a) an audit company is the auditor of an audited body; and

(b) a relevant item of the table in subsection 324CH(1) applies to

a person or entity covered by subsection (9) of this section

while the audit company is the auditor of the audited body;


(c) the defendant is a director of the audit company at a time

when the circumstances referred to in paragraph (b) exist;


(d) on a particular day (the start day), the defendant becomes

aware of the circumstances referred to in paragraphs (a) and

(b); and

(e) at the end of the period of 7 days from the start day:

(i) the circumstances referred to in paragraph (b) remain in

existence; and

(ii) ASIC has not been informed in writing of those

circumstances by the defendant, by another director of

the company or by the audit company.

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Note: If the audited body is a public company or a registered scheme, the

audit appointment will be terminated at the end of the period of 21

days (or a longer period that has been approved by ASIC) from the

day a notice under this subsection is given if the notice is not followed

up by a notice under:

(a) subsection 327B(2C) (public company); or

(b) subsection 328E(5) (public company with crowd-sourced funding); or

(c) subsection 331AAA(2C) (registered scheme).

(5B) A person is not excused from informing ASIC under

subsection (5A) that the circumstances referred to in

paragraph (5A)(b) exist on the ground that the information might

tend to incriminate the person or expose the person to a penalty.

(5C) However, if the person is a natural person:

(a) the information; and

(b) the giving of the information;

are not admissible in evidence against the person in a criminal

proceeding, or any other proceeding for the recovery of a penalty,

other than proceedings for an offence based on the information

given being false or misleading.

(5D) If ASIC is given a notice under paragraph (5A)(e), ASIC must, as

soon as practicable after the notice is received, give a copy of the

notice to the audited body.

Strict liability contravention of specific independence requirements

by director of audit company

(6) A person (the defendant) contravenes this subsection if:

(a) an audit company engages in audit activity at a particular

time; and

(b) a relevant item of the table in subsection 324CH(1) applies at

that time to a person or entity covered by subsection (9) of

this section; and

(c) the defendant is a director of the audit company at that time.

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(7) For the purposes of an offence based on subsection (6), strict

liability applies to the physical elements of the offence specified in

paragraphs (6)(a) and (b).

Note 1: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

Note 2: Subsection (8) provides a defence.

(8) A person does not commit an offence because of a contravention of

subsection (6) in relation to audit activity engaged in by an audit

company at a particular time if the person has reasonable grounds

to believe that the audit company had in place at that time a quality

control system that provided reasonable assurance (taking into

account the size and nature of the audit practice of the audit

company) that the audit company and its employees complied with

the requirements of this Subdivision.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

this subsection, see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

People and entities covered

(9) The following table sets out:

(a) the persons and entities covered by this subsection in relation

to audit activity engaged in by an audit company; and

(b) the items of the table in subsection 324CH(1) that are the

relevant items for each of those persons and entities:

Audit company

Item For this person or entity... the relevant items of

the table in

subsection 324CH(1

) are...

1 the audit company 4


10 to 19

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Audit company

Item For this person or entity... the relevant items of

the table in

subsection 324CH(1

) are...

2 a service company or trust

acting for, or on behalf of, the

audit company, or another

entity performing a similar




10 to 19

3 a director or senior manager of

the audit company

1 to 7



4 a professional member of the

audit team conducting the

audit of the audited body

1 to 6

8 to 19

5 an immediate family member

of a professional member of

the audit team conducting the

audit of the audited body

1 and 2

10 to 19

6 a person who:

(a) is a non-audit services

provider; and

(b) does not satisfy the

maximum hours test in

subsection (10)

10 to 12

7 an immediate family member

of a person who:

(a) is a non-audit services

provider; and

(b) does not satisfy the

maximum hours test in

subsection (10)

10 to 12

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Audit company

Item For this person or entity... the relevant items of

the table in

subsection 324CH(1

) are...

8 an entity that the audit

company (or a service

company or trust acting for, or

on behalf of, the audit

company, or another entity

performing a similar function)



9 a body corporate in which the

audit company (or a service

company or trust acting for, or

on behalf of, the audit

company, or another entity

performing a similar function)

has a substantial holding


10 an entity that an officer of the

audit company controls or a

body corporate in which an

officer of the audit company

has a substantial holding


11 a person who:

(a) is a former officer of the

audit company; and

(b) does not satisfy the

independence test in

subsection (11)

1 and 2

12 a person who:

(a) is a former professional

employee of the audit

company; and

(b) does not satisfy the

independence test in

subsection (11)

1 and 2

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Maximum hours test

(10) A non-audit services provider satisfies the maximum hours test in

this subsection if:

(a) the number of hours for which the person provides services

(other than services related to the conduct of an audit) to the

audited body on behalf of the auditor during the period to

which the audit relates does not exceed 10 hours; and

(b) the number of hours for which the person provided services

(other than services related to the conduct of an audit) to the

audited body on behalf of the auditor during the 12 months

immediately before the beginning of the period to which the

audit relates does not exceed 10 hours.

In a prosecution for an offence based on subsection (1), (2), (5) or

(6), the prosecution must prove that the non-audit services provider

did not satisfy the maximum hours test in this subsection.

Independence test

(11) A person satisfies the independence test in this subsection in

relation to an audit company if the person:

(a) does not influence the operations or financial policies of the

accounting and audit practice conducted by the audit

company; and

(b) does not participate, or appear to participate, in the business

or professional activities of the accounting and audit practice

conducted by the audit company; and

(c) does not have any rights against the audit company in

relation to the accounting and audit practice conducted by the

audit company in relation to the termination of the person’s

former position as an officer of the audit company; and

(d) has no financial arrangements with the audit company in

relation to the accounting and audit practice conducted by the

audit company, other than:

(i) an arrangement providing for regular payments of a

fixed pre-determined dollar amount which is not

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dependent, directly or indirectly, on the revenues,

profits or earnings of the audit company; or

(ii) an arrangement providing for regular payments of a

dollar amount where the method of calculating the

dollar amount is fixed and is not dependent, directly or

indirectly, on the revenues, profits or earnings of the

audit company; and

(e) without limiting paragraph (d), has no financial arrangement

with the audit company to receive a commission or similar

payment in relation to business generated by the person for

the accounting and audit practice conducted by the audit


In a prosecution for an offence based on subsection (1), (2), (5) or

(6), the prosecution must prove that the person did not satisfy the

independence test in this subsection in relation to the audit


(12) In applying subsection (11), disregard any rights that the person

has against the audit company by way of an indemnity for, or

contribution in relation to, liabilities incurred by the person when

the person was an officer or employee of the audit company.

324CH Relevant relationships

Table of relevant relationships

(1) The following table lists the relationships between:

(a) a person or a firm; and

(b) the audited body for an audit;

that are relevant for the purposes of sections 324CE, 324CF and


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Relevant relationships

Item This item applies to a person (or, if applicable, to a firm) at a

particular time if at that time the person (or firm)...

1 is an officer of the audited body

This item does not apply if subsection (3A) (about small

proprietary companies) applies to the audited body for the

relevant financial year.

2 is an audit-critical employee of the audited body

This item does not apply if subsection (3A) (about small

proprietary companies) applies to the audited body for the

relevant financial year.

3 is a partner of:

(a) an officer of the audited body; or

(b) an audit-critical employee of the audited body

This item does not apply if subsection (3A) (about small

proprietary companies) applies to the audited body for the

relevant financial year.

4 is an employer of:

(a) an officer of the audited body; or

(b) an audit-critical employee of the audited body

This item does not apply if subsection (3A) (about small

proprietary companies) applies to the audited body for the

relevant financial year.

5 is an employee of:

(a) an officer of the audited body; or

(b) an audit-critical employee of the audited body

This item does not apply if subsection (3A) (about small

proprietary companies) applies to the audited body for the

relevant financial year.

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Relevant relationships

Item This item applies to a person (or, if applicable, to a firm) at a

particular time if at that time the person (or firm)...

6 is a partner or employee of an employee of:

(a) an officer of the company; or

(b) an audit-critical employee of the company

This item does not apply if subsection (3A) (about small

proprietary companies) applies to the audited body for the

relevant financial year.

7 provides remuneration to:

(a) an officer of the audited body; or

(b) an audit-critical employee of the audited body;

for acting as a consultant to the person

This item does not apply if subsection (3A) (about small

proprietary companies) applies to the audited body for the

relevant financial year.

8 was an officer of the audited body at any time during:

(a) the period to which the audit relates; or

(b) the 12 months immediately preceding the beginning of the

period to which the audit relates; or

(c) the period during which the audit is being conducted or the

audit report is being prepared

This item does not apply if subsection (3A) (about small

proprietary companies) applies to the audited body for the

relevant financial year.

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Section 324CH

150 Corporations Act 2001

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Relevant relationships

Item This item applies to a person (or, if applicable, to a firm) at a

particular time if at that time the person (or firm)...

9 was an audit-critical employee of the audited body at any time


(a) the period to which the audit relates; or

(b) the 12 months immediately preceding the beginning of the

period to which the audit relates; or

(c) the period during which the audit is being conducted or the

audit report is being prepared

This item does not apply if subsection (3A) (about small

proprietary companies) applies to the audited body for the

relevant financial year.

10 has an asset that is an investment in the audited body

11 has an asset that is a beneficial interest in an investment in the

audited body and has control over that asset

12 has an asset that is a beneficial interest in an investment in the

audited body that is a material interest

13 has an asset that is a material investment in an entity that has a

controlling interest in the audited body

14 has an asset that is a material beneficial interest in an investment

in an entity that has a controlling interest in the audited body

15 owes an amount to:

(a) the audited body; or

(b) a related body corporate; or

(c) an entity that the audited body controls;

unless the debt is disregarded under subsection (5), (5A) or (5B)

16 is owed an amount by:

(a) the audited body; or

(b) a related body corporate; or

(c) an entity that the audited body controls;

under a loan that is not disregarded under subsection (6) or (6A)

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Relevant relationships

Item This item applies to a person (or, if applicable, to a firm) at a

particular time if at that time the person (or firm)...

17 is liable under a guarantee of a loan made to:

(a) the audited body; or

(b) a related body corporate; or

(c) an entity that the audited body controls

19 is entitled to the benefit of a guarantee given by:

(a) the audited body; or

(b) a related body corporate; or

(c) an entity that the audited body controls

in relation to a loan unless the guarantee is disregarded under

subsection (8)

Applying table if audited body is registered scheme

(2) If the audited body is a registered scheme, apply the table in

subsection (1) as if:

(a) references to the audited body in items 1 to 9, and items 15 to

19, in the table were references to the responsible entity for

the registered scheme; and

(b) references to an interest in the audited body in items 10 to 12

in the table were references to an interest in either:

(i) the registered scheme; or

(ii) the responsible entity for the registered scheme; and

(c) references to an investment in an entity that has a controlling

interest in the audited body in items 13 and 14 of the table

were references to an investment in an entity that has a

controlling interest in the responsible entity for the registered


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Applying table if audited body is listed entity (other than registered


(3) If the audited body is a listed entity (other than a registered

scheme), apply the table in subsection (1) as if references in the

table to the audited body included references to an associated entity

of the audited body.

Note: See section 50AAA for the definition of associated entity.

Small proprietary companies

(3A) This subsection applies to an audited body for a financial year if

the body:

(a) is a small proprietary company for the financial year; and

(b) either:

(i) does not have any CSF shareholders at any time during

the financial year; or

(ii) has, as at the end of the financial year, raised a total less

than the CSF audit threshold from all the CSF offers it

has ever made.

Firm assets

(4) For the purpose of applying items 10 to 14 in the table in

subsection (1) to an audit firm, the firm is taken to have a particular

asset if the asset is one of the firm’s partnership assets.

Housing loan exception

(5) For the purposes of item 15 of the table in subsection (1), disregard

a debt owed by an individual to a body corporate or entity if:

(a) the body corporate or entity is:

(i) an Australian ADI; or

(ii) a body corporate registered under section 21 of the Life

Insurance Act 1995; and

(b) the debt arose because of a loan that the body corporate or

entity made to the person in the ordinary course of its

ordinary business; and

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(c) the person used the amount of the loan to pay the whole or

part of the purchase price of premises that the person uses as

their principal place of residence.

Goods and services exception

(5A) For the purposes of item 15 of the table in subsection (1), disregard

a debt owed by a person or firm to a body corporate or entity if:

(a) the debt arises from the acquisition of goods or services


(i) the audited body; or

(ii) an entity that the audited body controls; or

(iii) a related body corporate; and

(b) the acquisition of goods and services was on the terms and

conditions that would normally apply to goods or services

acquired from the body, entity or related body corporate; and

(c) the debt is owed on the terms and conditions that would

normally apply to a debt owing to the body, entity or related

body corporate; and

(d) the goods or services will be used by the person or firm:

(i) for the personal use of the person or firm; or

(ii) in the ordinary course of business of the person or firm.

Ordinary commercial loan exception

(5B) For the purposes of item 15 of the table in subsection (1), disregard

a debt owed under a loan that:

(a) is made or given in the ordinary course of business of:

(i) the audited body; or

(ii) the related body corporate; or

(iii) the controlled entity; and

(b) is made or given on the terms and conditions that would

normally apply to a loan made or given by the audited body,

the related body corporate or the controlled entity.

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Loans by immediate family members in ordinary business dealing

with client

(6) For the purposes of item 16 of the table in subsection (1), disregard

a debt owed to a person by a body corporate or entity if:

(a) the item applies to the person because the person is an

immediate family member of:

(i) a professional member of the audit team conducting the

audit of the audited body; or

(ii) a non-audit services provider; and

(b) the debt is incurred in the ordinary course of business of the

body corporate or entity.

(6A) For the purposes of item 16 in the table in subsection (1), disregard

an amount owed under a loan to a person or firm by the audited

body, a related body corporate or an entity that the audited body

controls if:

(a) the body, body corporate or entity is an Australian ADI; and

(b) the amount is deposited in a basic deposit product (within the

meaning of section 761A) provided by the body, body

corporate or entity; and

(c) the amount was deposited, in the ordinary course of business

of the audited body, body corporate or entity, on the terms

and conditions that would normally apply to a basic deposit

product provided by the body, body corporate or entity.

Ordinary commercial guarantee exception

(8) For the purposes of item 19 of the table in subsection (1), disregard

any guarantee that:

(a) is made or given in the ordinary course of the business of:

(i) the audited body; or

(ii) the related body corporate; or

(iii) the controlled entity; and

(b) is made or given on the terms and conditions that would

normally apply to a guarantee made or given by the audited

body, the related body corporate or the controlled entity.

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Section 324CI

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Future debts and liabilities

(8A) In this section:

(a) a reference to a debt or amount that is owed by one entity to

another entity includes a reference to a debt or amount that

will (or may) be owed by the first entity to the other entity

under an existing agreement between the entities; and

(b) a reference to a liability under a guarantee of a loan includes

a reference to a liability that will arise under the guarantee if

the loan is not repaid.

Relevant financial year

(9) In this section:

relevant financial year, in relation to audit activities undertaken in

relation to an audit or review of a financial report for a financial

year or an audit or review of a financial report for a half-year in a

financial year, means the financial year immediately before that

financial year.

324CI Special rule for retiring partners of audit firms and retiring

directors of authorised audit companies

A person contravenes this section if:

(a) the person ceases to be:

(i) a member of an audit firm; or

(ii) a director of an audit company;

at a particular time (the departure time); and

(b) at any time before the departure time, the audit firm or audit

company has engaged in an audit of an audited body; and

(c) the person was a professional member of the audit team for

the audit; and

(d) within the period of 2 years starting on the date the report

under section 308 or 309 was made on the latest audit to

which paragraphs (b) and (c) apply, the person becomes, or

continues to be, an officer of the audited body; and

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(e) subsection 324CH(3A) (about small proprietary companies)

does not apply to the audited body for the most recently

ended financial year.

If the audited body is a listed entity (other than a registered

scheme), apply paragraph (d) as if references in that paragraph to

the audited body included references to a related body corporate of

the audited body.

324CJ Special rule for retiring professional member of audit


A person contravenes this section if:

(a) the person who is not a director of an audit company ceases

to be a professional employee of the audit company at a

particular time (the departure time); and

(b) at any time before the departure time, the audit company has

engaged in an audit of an audited body; and

(c) the person was a lead auditor or review auditor for the audit;


(d) within the period of 2 years starting on the date the report

under section 308 or 309 was made on the latest audit to

which paragraphs (b) and (c) apply, the person becomes, or

continues to be, an officer of the audited body; and

(e) subsection 324CH(3A) (about small proprietary companies)

does not apply to the audited body for the most recently

ended financial year.

If the audited body is a listed entity (other than a registered

scheme), apply paragraph (d) as if references in that paragraph to

the audited body included references to a related body corporate of

the audited body.

324CK Multiple former audit firm partners or audit company


A person contravenes this section if:

(a) an audit firm, or audit company, is an auditor of an audited

body for a financial year; and

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Section 324CL

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(b) the person has at any time been a member of the audit firm or

a director of the audit company; and

(c) the person becomes an officer of the audited body within a

period of 5 years after the person ceased (or last ceased) to be

a member of the audit firm or a director of the audit company

(as the case may be); and

(d) at the time when paragraph (c) is satisfied another person

who is or who also has at any time been a member of the

audit firm, or a director of the audit company, at a time when

the audit firm, or audit company, undertook an audit of the

audited body is also an officer of the audited body; and

(e) subsection 324CH(3A) (about small proprietary companies)

does not apply to the audited body for the most recently

ended financial year.

If the audited body is a listed entity (other than a registered

scheme), apply paragraphs (c) and (d) as if references in those

paragraphs to the audited body included references to a related

body corporate of the audited body.

Subdivision C—Common provisions

324CL People who are regarded as officers of a company for the

purposes of this Division

(1) For the purposes of this Division, a person is taken to be an officer

of a company if:

(a) the person is an officer of:

(i) a related body corporate; or

(ii) an entity that the company controls; or

(b) the person has, at any time within the immediately preceding

period of 12 months, been an officer or promoter of:

(i) the company; or

(ii) a related body corporate; or

(iii) an entity that the company controlled at that time.

(2) Paragraph (b) does not apply if ASIC directs that it does not apply

in relation to the person in relation to the company. ASIC may give

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Division 3 Auditor independence

Section 324CL

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the direction only if ASIC thinks that it is appropriate to do so in

the circumstances of the case.

(3) For the purposes of this Division, a person is not taken to be an

officer of a company by reason only of being, or having been, the

liquidator of:

(a) the company; or

(b) a related body corporate; or

(c) an entity that the company controls or has controlled.

(4) For the purposes of this Division, a person is not taken to be an

officer of a company merely because of one or more of the


(a) having been appointed as auditor of:

(i) the company; or

(ii) a related body corporate; or

(iii) an entity that the company controls or has controlled;

(b) having been appointed, for any purpose relating to taxation,

as public officer of:

(i) a body corporate; or

(ii) an unincorporated body; or

(iii) a trust estate;

(c) being or having been authorised to accept service of process

or notices on behalf of:

(i) the company; or

(ii) a related body corporate; or

(iii) an entity that the company controls or has controlled.

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Deliberately disqualifying auditor Division 4

Section 324CM

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Division 4—Deliberately disqualifying auditor

324CM Deliberately disqualifying auditor

Individual auditor

(1) An individual contravenes this subsection if:

(a) the individual is appointed auditor of a company or registered

scheme; and

(b) while the appointment continues, the individual brings about

a state of affairs; and

(c) the individual cannot, while that state of affairs continues, act

as auditor of the company or scheme without contravening

Division 2 or 3.

Audit firm

(2) A member of a firm contravenes this subsection if:

(a) the firm is appointed auditor of a company or a registered

scheme; and

(b) while the appointment continues, the member brings about a

state of affairs; and

(c) the firm cannot, while that state of affairs continues, act as

auditor of the company or scheme without a person

contravening Division 2 or 3.

Audit company

(3) A person who is:

(a) a member of a company; or

(b) a director of a company; or

(c) a lead auditor in relation to an audit conducted by a


contravenes this subsection if:

(d) the company is appointed auditor of a company or a

registered scheme; and

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Division 4 Deliberately disqualifying auditor

Section 324CM

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(e) while the appointment continues, the person brings about a

state of affairs; and

(f) the company cannot, while that state of affairs continues, act

as auditor of the company or scheme without contravening

Division 2 or 3.

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Auditor rotation for listed companies Division 5

Section 324DA

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Division 5—Auditor rotation for listed companies

324DA Limited term for eligibility to play significant role in audit of

a listed company or listed registered scheme

(1) If an individual plays a significant role in the audit of a listed

company or listed registered scheme for 5 successive financial

years (the extended audit involvement period), the individual is

not eligible to play a significant role in the audit of the company or

the scheme for a later financial year (the subsequent financial

year) unless:

(a) the individual has not played a significant role in the audit of

the company or the scheme for at least 2 successive financial

years (the intervening financial years); and

(b) the intervening financial years:

(i) commence after the end of the extended audit

involvement period; and

(ii) end before the beginning of the subsequent financial


Note: Play a significant role in an audit is defined in section 9.

(2) An individual is not eligible to play a significant role in the audit of

a listed company or listed registered scheme for a financial year if,

were the individual to do so, the individual would play a significant

role in the audit of the company or scheme for more than 5 out of 7

successive financial years.

(3) For the purposes of subsection (2), disregard an individual’s

playing of a significant role in the audit of a company or scheme

for a financial year if:

(a) either:

(i) the directors of the company or scheme grant an

approval under section 324DAA in relation to the

individual; or

(ii) ASIC makes a declaration under paragraph 342A(1)(a)

in relation to the individual; and

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Division 5 Auditor rotation for listed companies

Section 324DAA

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(b) because of the approval or the declaration, subsection (1) of

this section does not operate to make the individual not

eligible to play a significant role in the audit of the company

or scheme for that financial year.

324DAA Directors may extend eligibility term

(1) Subject to section 324DAB, the directors of a listed company, or of

a listed registered scheme, may, by resolution, grant an approval

for an individual to play a significant role in the audit of the

company or scheme for not more than 2 successive financial years

in addition to the 5 successive financial years mentioned in

subsection 324DA(1).

(2) The approval must be granted before the end of those 5 successive

financial years.

(3) If the directors grant the approval, subsection 324DA(1) applies to

the individual, in relation to the audit of the company or scheme, as

if the references in that subsection to 5 successive financial years

were references to:

(a) if the approval is for one additional successive financial

year—6 successive financial years; or

(b) if the approval is for an additional 2 successive financial

years—7 successive financial years.

(4) If the directors grant the approval for one successive financial year,

the directors may, by resolution before the end of that year, grant

an approval for an additional successive year.

(5) If the directors grant the approval for the additional successive

year, subsection 324DA(1) applies to the individual, in relation to

the audit of the company or scheme, as if the references in that

subsection to 5 successive financial years were references to 7

successive financial years.

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Section 324DAB

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324DAB Requirements for directors to approve extension of

eligibility term

Requirements if company or scheme has audit committee

(1) If a listed company, or the responsible entity of a listed registered

scheme, has an audit committee:

(a) an approval under section 324DAA must not be granted

unless it is in accordance with a recommendation provided

by the audit committee; and

(b) the resolution granting the approval must set out the reasons

why the audit committee is satisfied as mentioned in

paragraph (2)(d) of this section.

Note: Directors are not required to grant an approval merely because the

audit committee has recommended that an approval be granted.

(2) An approval is taken to be made in accordance with a

recommendation provided by the audit committee only if:

(a) the approval is consistent with the audit committee’s

recommendation; and

(b) the recommendation is endorsed by a resolution passed by

the members of the audit committee; and

(c) the recommendation is in writing signed by a member of the

audit committee on behalf of the audit committee and given

to the directors of the company or scheme; and

(d) the recommendation states that the audit committee is

satisfied that the approval:

(i) is consistent with maintaining the quality of the audit

provided to the company or scheme; and

(ii) would not give rise to a conflict of interest situation (as

defined in section 324CD);

and sets out the reasons why the committee is so satisfied.

Requirements if company or scheme does not have audit committee

(3) If a listed company, or the responsible entity of a listed registered

scheme, does not have an audit committee:

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Division 5 Auditor rotation for listed companies

Section 324DAC

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(a) an approval under section 324DAA must not be granted

unless the directors of the company or scheme are satisfied

that the approval:

(i) is consistent with maintaining the quality of the audit

provided to the company or scheme; and

(ii) would not give rise to a conflict of interest situation (as

defined in section 324CD); and

(b) the resolution granting the approval must set out the reasons

why the directors are so satisfied.

Auditor must have agreed to extension

(4) The directors of a listed company, or of a listed registered scheme,

must not grant an approval under section 324DAA unless:

(a) if the individual to whom the approval relates does not act on

behalf of an audit firm or company—the individual agrees, in

writing, to the approval being granted; or

(b) if the individual to whom the approval relates acts on behalf

of an audit firm or company—the audit firm or company on

whose behalf the individual acts agrees, in writing, to the

approval being granted.

324DAC Notifications about approval to extend eligibility term

If the directors of a listed company, or of a listed registered

scheme, grant an approval under section 324DAA, the directors

must, within 14 days of granting the approval:

(a) lodge a copy of the resolution granting the approval with

ASIC; and

(b) give a copy of the resolution to:

(i) if the individual to whom the approval relates does not

act on behalf of an audit firm or company—the

individual; and

(ii) if the individual to whom the approval relates acts on

behalf of an audit firm or company—the audit firm or

company on whose behalf the individual acts.

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Section 324DAD

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Note: Details of the approval, and the reasons for the approval, must be

included in the directors’ report under section 300.

324DAD Approval ineffective unless it complies with requirements

A purported grant of approval under section 324DAA is ineffective

unless the requirements of sections 324DAA, 324DAB and

324DAC are complied with in relation to the approval.

324DB Individual’s rotation obligation

An individual contravenes this section if the individual:

(a) plays a significant role in the audit of a listed company or

listed registered scheme for a financial year; and

(b) is not eligible to play that role.

324DC Audit firm’s rotation obligation

Contraventions by members of audit firm

(1) A person (the defendant) contravenes this subsection if:

(a) an audit firm consents to act as a listed company’s or listed

registered scheme’s auditor for a financial year; and

(b) an individual acts, on behalf of the firm, as a lead or review

auditor in relation to the audit of the company’s or scheme’s

financial report for that financial year; and

(c) the individual is not eligible to play a significant role in the

audit of the company or scheme for that financial year; and

(d) the defendant is a member of the firm; and

(e) the defendant is not the individual and is or becomes aware

that the individual is not eligible to play that role; and

(f) the defendant fails to take the necessary steps, as soon as

possible after the defendant becomes aware that the

individual is not eligible to play that role, either:

(i) to ensure that the audit firm resigns as auditor of the

company or scheme; or

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Division 5 Auditor rotation for listed companies

Section 324DC

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(ii) to ensure that the individual ceases to act, on behalf of

the audit firm, as a lead or review auditor in relation to

the audit of the company or scheme for that financial


(2) A person (the defendant) contravenes this subsection if:

(a) an audit firm consents to act as a listed company’s or listed

registered scheme’s auditor for a financial year; and

(b) an individual acts, on behalf of the firm, as a lead or review

auditor in relation to the audit of the company’s or scheme’s

financial report for that financial year; and

(c) the individual is not eligible to play a significant role in the

audit of the company or scheme for that financial year:

(i) because of section 324DAD; or

(ii) for any other reason; and

(d) the defendant is a member of the firm.

(3) For the purposes of an offence based on subsection (2), strict

liability applies to the physical elements of the offence specified in

paragraphs (2)(a) and (b) and subparagraph (2)(c)(ii).

Note 1: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

Note 2: Subsection (4) provides a defence.

(4) A person does not commit an offence because of a contravention of

subsection (2) in relation to an individual acting as lead or review

auditor on behalf of an audit firm at a particular time if the person

has reasonable grounds to believe that the audit firm had in place at

that time a quality control system that provided reasonable

assurance (taking into account the size and nature of the audit

practice of the audit firm) that the audit firm and its employees

complied with the requirements of this Division.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

this subsection, see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

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Auditor rotation for listed companies Division 5

Section 324DD

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324DD Audit company’s rotation obligation

Contravention by audit company

(1) An audit company contravenes this subsection if:

(a) the audit company consents to act as a listed company’s or

listed registered scheme’s auditor for a financial year; and

(b) an individual acts, on behalf of the audit company, as a lead

or review auditor in relation to the audit of the company’s or

scheme’s financial report for that financial year; and

(c) the individual is not eligible to play a significant role in the

audit of the company or scheme for that financial year; and

(d) a director of the audit company (other than the individual) is

aware that the individual is not eligible to play that role; and

(e) the audit company fails to take the necessary steps, as soon as

possible after the director becomes aware that the individual

is not eligible to play that role, either:

(i) to resign as auditor of the company or scheme; or

(ii) to ensure that the individual ceases to act, on behalf of

the audit company, as a lead or review auditor in

relation to the audit of the company or scheme for that

financial year.

Contraventions by directors of audit company

(2) A person (the defendant) contravenes this subsection if:

(a) an audit company consents to act as a listed company’s or

listed registered scheme’s auditor for a financial year; and

(b) an individual acts, on behalf of the audit company, as a lead

or review auditor in relation to the audit of the company’s or

scheme’s financial report for that financial year; and

(c) the individual is not eligible to play a significant role in the

audit of the company or scheme for that financial year; and

(d) the defendant is a director of the audit company; and

(e) the defendant is not the individual and is or becomes aware

that the individual is not eligible to play that role; and

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Division 5 Auditor rotation for listed companies

Section 324DD

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(f) the defendant fails to take the necessary steps, as soon as

possible after the defendant becomes aware that the

individual is not eligible to play that role, either:

(i) to ensure that the audit company resigns as auditor of

the company or scheme; or

(ii) to ensure that the individual ceases to act, on behalf of

the audit company, as a lead or review auditor in

relation to the audit of the company or scheme for that

financial year.

(3) A person (the defendant) contravenes this subsection if:

(a) an audit company consents to act as a listed company’s or

listed registered scheme’s auditor for a financial year; and

(b) an individual acts, on behalf of the audit company, as a lead

or review auditor in relation to the audit of the company’s or

scheme’s financial report for that financial year; and

(c) the individual is not eligible to play a significant role in the

audit of the company or scheme for that financial year:

(i) because of section 324DAD; or

(ii) for any other reason; and

(d) the defendant is a director of the audit company.

(4) For the purposes of an offence based on subsection (3), strict

liability applies to the physical elements of the offence specified in

paragraphs (3)(a) and (b) and subparagraph (3)(c)(ii).

Note 1: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

Note 2: Subsection (5) provides a defence.

(5) A person does not commit an offence because of a contravention of

subsection (3) in relation to an individual acting as lead or review

auditor on behalf of an audit company at a particular time if the

person has reasonable grounds to believe that the audit company

had in place at that time a quality control system that provided

reasonable assurance (taking into account the size and nature of the

audit practice of the audit company) that the audit company and its

employees complied with the requirements of this Division.

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Appointment and removal of auditors Part 2M.4

Auditor rotation for listed companies Division 5

Section 324DD

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Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

this subsection, see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

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Chapter 2M Financial reports and audit

Part 2M.4 Appointment and removal of auditors

Division 6 Appointment, removal and fees of auditors for companies

Section 325

170 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 6—Appointment, removal and fees of auditors for


Subdivision A—Appointment of company auditors

325 Appointment of auditor by proprietary company

(1) The directors of a proprietary company may appoint an auditor for

the company if an auditor has not been appointed by the company

in general meeting.

(2) The directors of a proprietary company must ensure that there is an

auditor for the company at all times during the period:

(a) starting 1 month after:

(i) the time the company first raises a total equal to or

exceeding the CSF audit threshold from all the CSF

offers it has ever made; or

(ii) if the period starting because of subparagraph (i), or

because of an earlier operation of this subparagraph, has

ended—the time the company makes a later CSF offer;


(b) when the company ceases to have any CSF shareholders at a

later time in a particular financial year—ending when the

company’s financial report for that financial year has been


(3) However, subsection (2) does not apply for any period of 1 month

or less starting when a vacancy occurs in the office of auditor of

the company (however that vacancy is caused).

(4) A director of a company must take all reasonable steps to comply

with, or to secure compliance with, subsection (2).

327A Public company auditor (initial appointment of auditor)

(1) The directors of a public company must appoint an auditor of the

company within 1 month after the day on which a company is

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Appointment, removal and fees of auditors for companies Division 6

Section 327B

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registered as a company unless the company at a general meeting

has appointed an auditor.

(1A) Subsection (1) does not apply in relation to a company if:

(a) the directors reasonably believe that subsection 301(3) will

apply to the company’s financial reports; or

(b) the company is a small company limited by guarantee; or

(c) the company is covered under section 738ZI just after it is

registered as a company.

(2) Subject to this Part, an auditor appointed under subsection (1)

holds office until the company’s first AGM.

(3) A director of a company must take all reasonable steps to comply

with, or to secure compliance with, subsection (1).

327B Public company auditor (annual appointments at AGMs to fill


(1) A public company must:

(a) appoint an auditor of the company at its first AGM; and

(b) appoint an auditor of the company to fill any vacancy in the

office of auditor at each subsequent AGM.

(1A) Subsection (1) does not apply in relation to a company if:

(a) subsection 301(3) applies to the company’s financial reports;


(b) the company is a small company limited by guarantee.

(2) An auditor appointed under subsection (1) holds office until the


(a) dies; or

(b) is removed, or resigns, from office in accordance with

section 329; or

(c) ceases to be capable of acting as auditor because of

Division 2 of this Part; or

(d) ceases to be auditor under subsection (2A), (2B) or (2C).

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Part 2M.4 Appointment and removal of auditors

Division 6 Appointment, removal and fees of auditors for companies

Section 327B

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(2A) An individual auditor ceases to be auditor of a company under this

subsection if:

(a) on a particular day (the start day), the individual auditor:

(i) informs ASIC of a conflict of interest situation in

relation to the company under subsection 324CA(1A);


(ii) informs ASIC of particular circumstances in relation to

the company under subsection 324CE(1A); and

(b) the individual auditor does not give ASIC a notice, before the

notification day (see subsection (2D)), that that conflict of

interest situation has, or those circumstances have, ceased to

exist before the end of the period (the remedial period) of 21

days, or such longer period as ASIC approves in writing,

from the start day.

(2B) An audit firm ceases to be auditor of a company under this

subsection if:

(a) on a particular day (the start day), ASIC is:

(i) informed of a conflict of interest situation in relation to

the company under subsection 324CB(1A); or

(ii) informed of particular circumstances in relation to the

company under subsection 324CF(1A); and

(b) ASIC has not been given a notice on behalf of the audit firm,

before the notification day (see subsection (2D)), that that

conflict of interest situation has, or those circumstances have,

ceased to exist before the end of the period (the remedial

period) of 21 days, or such longer period as ASIC approves

in writing, from the start day.

(2C) An audit company ceases to be auditor of a company under this

subsection if:

(a) on a particular day (the start day), ASIC is:

(i) informed of a conflict of interest situation in relation to

the company under subsection 324CB(1A) or

324CC(1A); or

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Appointment, removal and fees of auditors for companies Division 6

Section 327C

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(ii) informed of particular circumstances in relation to the

company under subsection 324CF(1A) or 324CG(1A)

or (5A); and

(b) ASIC has not been given a notice on behalf of the audit

company, before the notification day (see subsection (2D)),

that that conflict of interest situation has, or those

circumstances have, ceased to exist before the end of the

period (the remedial period) of 21 days, or such longer

period as ASIC approves in writing, from the start day.

(2D) The notification day is:

(a) the last day of the remedial period; or

(b) such later day as ASIC approves in writing (whether before

or after the remedial period ends).

(3) A director of a company must take all reasonable steps to comply

with, or to secure compliance with, subsection (1).

(4) If an audit firm ceases to be the auditor of a company under

subsection (2) at a particular time, each member of the firm who:

(a) is taken to have been appointed as an auditor of the company

under subsection 324AB(1) or 324AC(4); and

(b) is an auditor of the company immediately before that time;

ceases to be an auditor of the company at that time.

327C Public company auditor (appointment to fill casual vacancy)

(1) If:

(a) a vacancy occurs in the office of auditor of a public

company; and

(b) the vacancy is not caused by the removal of an auditor from

office; and

(c) there is no surviving or continuing auditor of the company;

the directors must, within 1 month after the vacancy occurs,

appoint an auditor to fill the vacancy unless the company at a

general meeting has appointed an auditor to fill the vacancy.

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Part 2M.4 Appointment and removal of auditors

Division 6 Appointment, removal and fees of auditors for companies

Section 327D

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Note: Certain public companies are not required to appoint an auditor: see

subsections 327A(1A) and 327B(1A).

(2) An auditor appointed under subsection (1) holds office, subject to

this Part, until the company’s next AGM.

(3) A director of a public company must take all reasonable steps to

comply with, or to secure compliance with, subsection (1).

327D Appointment to replace auditor removed from office

(1) This section deals with the situation in which an auditor of a

company is removed from office at a general meeting in

accordance with section 329.

(2) The company may at that general meeting (without adjournment),

by special resolution immediately appoint an individual, firm or

company as auditor of the company if a copy of the notice of

nomination has been sent to the individual, firm or company under

subsection 328B(3).

(3) If a special resolution under subsection (2):

(a) is not passed; or

(b) could not be passed merely because a copy of the notice of

nomination has not been sent to an individual, firm or

company under subsection 328B(3);

the general meeting may be adjourned and the company may, at the

adjourned meeting, by ordinary resolution appoint an individual,

firm or company as auditor of the company if:

(c) a member of the company gives the company notice of the

nomination of the individual, firm or company for

appointment as auditor; and

(d) the company receives the notice at least 14 clear days before

the day to which the meeting is adjourned.

(4) The day to which the meeting is adjourned must be:

(a) not earlier than 20 days after the day of the meeting; and

(b) not later than 30 days after the day of the meeting.

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Appointment, removal and fees of auditors for companies Division 6

Section 327E

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(5) Subject to this Part, an auditor appointed under subsection (2) or

(3) holds office until the company’s next AGM.

327E ASIC may appoint a company auditor if auditor removed but

not replaced

(1) This section applies if:

(a) the directors of a proprietary company fail to appoint an

auditor under subsection 325(2); or

(b) a public company fails to appoint an auditor under

subsection 327D(2) or (3).

The failure is referred to as the auditor replacement failure.

(2) The company must give ASIC written notice of the auditor

replacement failure within the period of 7 days commencing on the

day of the auditor replacement failure (the notification period).

(3) If the company gives ASIC the notice required by subsection (2),

ASIC must appoint an auditor of the company as soon as

practicable after receiving the notice. This subsection has effect

subject to section 327G.

(4) If the company does not give ASIC the notice required by

subsection (2), ASIC may appoint an auditor of the company at any


(a) after the end of the notification period; and

(b) before ASIC receives notice of the auditor replacement

failure from the company.

This subsection has effect subject to section 327G.

(5) If the company:

(a) does not give ASIC the notice required by subsection (2); and

(b) gives ASIC notice of the auditor replacement failure after the

end of the notification period;

ASIC must appoint an auditor of the company as soon as

practicable after receiving the notice. This subsection has effect

subject to section 327G.

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Section 327F

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(6) Subject to this Part, an auditor appointed under this section holds

office until:

(a) for a proprietary company—the company’s next general

meeting; or

(b) for a public company—the company’s next AGM.

327F ASIC’s general power to appoint a company auditor

(1) ASIC may appoint an auditor of a public company, or of a

proprietary company that has one or more CSF shareholders, if:

(a) the company or its directors fail to appoint an auditor when

required by this Act to do so; and

(b) a member of the company applies to ASIC in writing for the

appointment of an auditor under this section.

This subsection has effect subject to section 327G.

(2) Subject to this Part, an auditor appointed under this section holds

office until:

(a) for a proprietary company—the company’s next general

meeting; or

(b) for a public company—the company’s next AGM.

327G Restrictions on ASIC’s powers to appoint a company auditor

(1) ASIC may appoint an individual, firm or company as auditor of a

company under section 327E or 327F only if the individual, firm or

company consents to being appointed.

(2) ASIC must not appoint an auditor of a company under

section 327E or 327F if:

(a) there is another auditor of the company (the continuing

auditor); and

(b) ASIC is satisfied that the continuing auditor is able to carry

out the responsibilities of auditor alone; and

(c) the continuing auditor agrees to continue as auditor.

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Section 327H

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(3) ASIC must not appoint an auditor of a company under

section 327E or 327F if:

(a) the company does not give ASIC the notice required by

subsection 327E(2) before the end of the notification period;


(b) ASIC has already appointed an auditor of the company under

section 327E after the end of the notification period.

327H Effect on appointment of public company auditor of company

beginning to be controlled by a corporation

An auditor of a public company that begins to be controlled by a


(a) must retire at the AGM of the company next held after the

company begins to be controlled by the corporation unless

the auditor vacates that office before then; and

(b) is, subject to this Part, eligible for re-appointment.

This section has effect notwithstanding subsection 327B(2).

327I Remaining auditors may act during vacancy

While a vacancy in the office of auditor of a company continues,

the surviving or continuing auditor or auditors (if any) may act as

auditors of the company.

328A Auditor’s consent to appointment

(1) A company, the directors of a company or the responsible entity of

a registered scheme must not appoint an individual, firm or

company as auditor of the company unless that individual, firm or


(a) has consented, before the appointment, to act as auditor; and

(b) has not withdrawn that consent before the appointment is


For the purposes of this section, a consent, or the withdrawal of a

consent, must be given by written notice to the company, the

directors or the responsible entity of the scheme.

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Section 328B

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(2) A notice under subsection (1) given by a firm must be signed by a

member of the firm who is a registered company auditor both:

(a) in the firm name; and

(b) in his or her own name.

(3) A notice under subsection (1) given by a company must be signed

by a director or senior manager of the company both:

(a) in the company’s name; and

(b) in his or her own name.

(4) If a company, the directors of a company or the responsible entity

of a registered scheme appoints an individual, firm or company as

auditor of a company in contravention of subsection (1):

(a) the purported appointment does not have any effect; and

(b) the company or responsible entity, and any officer of the

company or responsible entity who is in default, are each

guilty of an offence.

Note: An officer of a company, or of a responsible entity, is in default if the

officer is involved in the contravention of subsection (1) by the

company, the company’s directors or the entity (see section 83).

Section 79 defines involved.

328B Nomination of auditor

(1) Subject to this section, a company may appoint an individual, firm

or company as auditor of the company at its AGM only if a

member of the company gives the company written notice of the

nomination of the individual, firm or company for appointment as


(a) before the meeting was convened; or

(b) not less than 21 days before the meeting.

This subsection does not apply if an auditor is removed from office

at the AGM.

(2) If a company purports to appoint an individual, firm or company as

auditor of the company in contravention of subsection (1):

(a) the purported appointment is of no effect; and

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Section 328C

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(b) the company and any officer of the company who is in

default are each guilty of an offence.

Note: An officer of a company is in default if the officer is involved in the

company’s contravention of subsection (1) (see section 83).

Section 79 defines involved.

(3) If a member gives a company notice of the nomination of an

individual, firm or company for appointment as auditor of the

company, the company must send a copy of the notice to:

(a) each individual, firm or company nominated; and

(b) each auditor of the company; and

(c) each person entitled to receive notice of general meetings of

the company.

This is so whether the appointment is to be made at a meeting or an

adjourned meeting referred to in section 327D or at an AGM.

(4) The copy of the notice of nomination must be sent:

(a) not less than 7 days before the meeting; or

(b) at the time notice of the meeting is given.

328C Public company auditor (appointment of auditor when

crowd-sourced funding concession ends)

(1) If a public company stops being covered under section 738ZI at a

time, the directors of the company must appoint an auditor of the

company within 1 month after that time, unless the company at a

general meeting has appointed an auditor.

(2) An auditor appointed under subsection (1) holds office until the

company’s first AGM.

(3) A director of a company must take all reasonable steps to comply

with, or to secure compliance with, subsection (1).

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Section 328D

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328D Public company auditor (appointment of auditor when $3

million raised using crowd-sourced funding)

(1) If the directors of a public company that is covered under

section 738ZI become aware that the company has raised $3

million or more from all CSF offers, the directors of the company

must appoint an auditor of the company within 1 month after

becoming so aware, unless the company at a general meeting has

appointed an auditor.

(2) An auditor appointed under subsection (1) holds office in

accordance with section 328E.

(3) A director of a company must take all reasonable steps to comply

with, or to secure compliance with, subsection (1).

328E Crowd-sourced funding—period of office

(1) This section applies to an auditor appointed as auditor of a

company, if the company was covered under section 738ZI at the

time the auditor was appointed.

Note: This section applies to an auditor appointed under section 327C,

327D, 327E, 327F or 328D if the company was covered under

section 738ZI at the time the auditor was appointed.

(2) The auditor holds office until the auditor:

(a) dies; or

(b) is removed, or resigns, from office in accordance with

section 329; or

(c) ceases to be capable of acting as auditor because of

Division 2 of this Part; or

(d) ceases to be auditor under subsection (3), (4) or (5);

unless the company’s first AGM occurs first.

(3) An individual auditor ceases to be auditor of a company under this

subsection if:

(a) on a particular day (the start day), the individual auditor:

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Section 328E

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(i) informs ASIC of a conflict of interest situation in

relation to the company under subsection 324CA(1A);


(ii) informs ASIC of particular circumstances in relation to

the company under subsection 324CE(1A); and

(b) the individual auditor does not give ASIC a notice, before the

notification day (see subsection (6) of this section), that that

conflict of interest situation has, or those circumstances have,

ceased to exist before the end of the period (the remedial

period) of 21 days, or such longer period as ASIC approves

in writing, from the start day.

(4) An audit firm ceases to be auditor of a company under this

subsection if:

(a) on a particular day (the start day), ASIC is:

(i) informed of a conflict of interest situation in relation to

the company under subsection 324CB(1A); or

(ii) informed of particular circumstances in relation to the

company under subsection 324CF(1A); and

(b) ASIC has not been given a notice on behalf of the audit firm,

before the notification day (see subsection (6) of this

section), that that conflict of interest situation has, or those

circumstances have, ceased to exist before the end of the

period (the remedial period) of 21 days, or such longer

period as ASIC approves in writing, from the start day.

(5) An audit company ceases to be auditor of a company under this

subsection if:

(a) on a particular day (the start day), ASIC is:

(i) informed of a conflict of interest situation in relation to

the company under subsection 324CB(1A) or

324CC(1A); or

(ii) informed of particular circumstances in relation to the

company under subsection 324CF(1A) or 324CG(1A)

or (5A); and

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Division 6 Appointment, removal and fees of auditors for companies

Section 329

182 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) ASIC has not been given a notice on behalf of the audit

company, before the notification day (see subsection (6) of

this section), that that conflict of interest situation has, or

those circumstances have, ceased to exist before the end of

the period (the remedial period) of 21 days, or such longer

period as ASIC approves in writing, from the start day.

(6) The notification day is:

(a) the last day of the remedial period; or

(b) such later day as ASIC approves in writing (whether before

or after the remedial period ends).

(7) If an audit firm ceases to be the auditor of a company under

subsection (2) at a particular time, each member of the firm who:

(a) is taken to have been appointed as an auditor of the company

under subsection 324AB(1) or 324AC(4); and

(b) is an auditor of the company immediately before that time;

ceases to be an auditor of the company at that time.

Subdivision B—Removal and resignation of company auditors

329 Removal and resignation of auditors

(1) An auditor of a company may be removed from office by

resolution of the company at a general meeting of which notice

under subsection (1A) has been given, but not otherwise.

(1A) Notice of intention to move the resolution must be given to the

company at least 2 months before the meeting is to be held.

However, if the company calls a meeting after the notice of

intention is given under this subsection, the meeting may pass the

resolution even though the meeting is held less than 2 months after

the notice of intention is given.

Note: Short notice of the meeting cannot be given for this resolution (see

subsection 249H(4)).

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Section 329

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(2) Where notice under subsection (1A) of a resolution to remove an

auditor is received by a company, it must as soon as possible send

a copy of the notice to the auditor and lodge a copy of the notice.

(3) Within 7 days after receiving a copy of the notice, the auditor may

make representations in writing, not exceeding a reasonable length,

to the company and request that, before the meeting at which the

resolution is to be considered, a copy of the representations be sent

by the company at its expense to every member of the company to

whom notice of the meeting is sent.

(4) Unless ASIC on the application of the company otherwise orders,

the company must send a copy of the representations in accordance

with the auditor’s request, and the auditor may, without prejudice

to his or her right to be heard orally or, where a firm is the auditor,

to have a member of the firm heard orally on its behalf, require that

the representations be read out at the meeting.

(5) An auditor of a company may, by notice in writing given to the

company, resign as auditor of the company if:

(a) the auditor has, by notice in writing given to ASIC, applied

for consent to the resignation and stated the reasons for the

application and, at or about the same time as the notice was

given to ASIC, notified the company in writing of the

application to ASIC; and

(b) the consent of ASIC has been given.

(6) ASIC must, as soon as practicable after receiving a notice from an

auditor under subsection (5), notify the auditor and the company

whether it consents to the resignation of the auditor.

(7) A statement made by an auditor in an application to ASIC under

subsection (5) or in answer to an inquiry by ASIC relating to the

reasons for the application:

(a) is not admissible in evidence in any civil or criminal

proceedings against the auditor; and

(b) may not be made the ground of a prosecution, action or suit

against the auditor;

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Division 6 Appointment, removal and fees of auditors for companies

Section 329

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and a certificate by ASIC that the statement was made in the

application or in the answer to the inquiry by ASIC is conclusive

evidence that the statement was so made.

(8) Subject to subsection (9), the resignation of an auditor takes effect:

(a) on the day (if any) specified for the purpose in the notice of

resignation; or

(b) on the day on which ASIC gives its consent to the

resignation; or

(c) on the day (if any) fixed by ASIC for the purpose;

whichever last occurs.

(9) The resignation of an auditor of a proprietary company or a small

company limited by guarantee does not require the consent of

ASIC under subsection (5), and takes effect:

(a) on the day (if any) specified for the purpose in the notice of

resignation; or

(b) on the day on which the notice is received by the company;

whichever is the later.

(10) Where on the retirement or withdrawal from a firm of a member

the firm will no longer be capable, by reason of the provisions of

subparagraph 324BB(1)(b)(i) or (2)(b)(i) of acting as auditor of a

company, the member so retiring or withdrawing is (if not

disqualified from acting as auditor of the company) taken to be the

auditor of the company until he or she obtains the consent of ASIC

to his or her retirement or withdrawal.

(11) Within 14 days after:

(a) the removal from office of an auditor of a company; or

(b) the receipt of a notice of resignation from an auditor of a


the company must:

(c) lodge with ASIC a notice of the removal or resignation in the

prescribed form; and

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Section 330

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(d) where there is a trustee for the holders of debentures of the

company—give to the trustee a copy of the notice lodged

with ASIC.

330 Effect of winding up on office of auditor

An auditor of a company ceases to hold office if:

(a) a special resolution is passed for the voluntary winding up of

the company; or

(b) in a case to which paragraph (a) does not apply—an order is

made by the Court for the winding up of the company.

Subdivision C—Company auditors’ fees and expenses

331 Fees and expenses of auditors

The reasonable fees and expenses of an auditor of a company are

payable by the company.

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Division 7 Appointment, removal and fees of auditors for registered schemes

Section 331AAA

186 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 7—Appointment, removal and fees of auditors for

registered schemes

Subdivision A—Appointment of registered scheme auditors

331AAA Registered scheme auditor (initial appointment of auditor)

(1) The responsible entity of a registered scheme must appoint an

auditor of the registered scheme within 1 month after the day on

which the scheme is registered.

(2) An auditor appointed under subsection (1) holds office until the


(a) dies; or

(b) is removed, or resigns, from office in accordance with

section 331AC; or

(c) ceases to be capable of acting as an auditor because of

Division 2 of this Part; or

(d) ceases to be auditor under subsection (2A), (2B) or (2C).

(2A) An individual auditor ceases to be auditor of a registered scheme

under this subsection if:

(a) on a particular day (the start day), the individual auditor:

(i) informs ASIC of a conflict of interest situation in

relation to the scheme under subsection 324CA(1A); or

(ii) informs ASIC of particular circumstances in relation to

the scheme under subsection 324CE(1A); and

(b) the individual auditor does not give ASIC a notice, before the

notification day (see subsection (2D)), that that conflict of

interest situation has, or those circumstances have, ceased to

exist before the end of the period (the remedial period) of 21

days, or such longer period as ASIC approves in writing,

from the start day.

(2B) An audit firm ceases to be auditor of a registered scheme under this

subsection if:

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Section 331AAA

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(a) on a particular day (the start day), ASIC is:

(i) informed of a conflict of interest situation in relation to

the scheme under subsection 324CB(1A); or

(ii) informed of particular circumstances in relation to the

scheme under subsection 324CF(1A); and

(b) ASIC has not been given a notice on behalf of the audit firm,

before the notification day (see subsection (2D)), that that

conflict of interest situation has, or those circumstances have,

ceased to exist before the end of the period (the remedial

period) of 21 days, or such longer period as ASIC approves

in writing, from the start day.

(2C) An audit company ceases to be auditor of a registered scheme

under this subsection if:

(a) on a particular day (the start day), ASIC is:

(i) informed of a conflict of interest situation in relation to

the scheme under subsection 324CB(1A) or

324CC(1A); or

(ii) informed of particular circumstances in relation to the

scheme under subsection 324CF(1A) or 324CG(1A) or

(5A); and

(b) ASIC has not been given a notice on behalf of the audit

company, before the notification day (see subsection (2D)),

that that conflict of interest situation has, or those

circumstances have, ceased to exist before the end of the

period (the remedial period) of 21 days, or such longer

period as ASIC approves in writing, from the start day.

(2D) The notification day is:

(a) the last day of the remedial period; or

(b) such later day as ASIC approves in writing (whether before

or after the remedial period ends).

(3) A director of the responsible entity of a registered scheme must

take all reasonable steps to secure compliance with subsection (1).

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Division 7 Appointment, removal and fees of auditors for registered schemes

Section 331AAB

188 Corporations Act 2001

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(4) If an audit firm ceases to be the auditor of a registered scheme

under subsection (2) at a particular time, each member of the firm


(a) is taken to have been appointed as an auditor of the scheme

under subsection 324AB(1) or 324AC(4); and

(b) is an auditor of the scheme immediately before that time;

ceases to be an auditor of the scheme at that time.

331AAB Registered scheme auditor (appointment to fill vacancy)

(1) If:

(a) a vacancy occurs in the office of auditor of a registered

scheme; and

(b) there is no surviving or continuing auditor of the scheme;

the responsible entity must, within 1 month after the vacancy

occurs, appoint an auditor to fill the vacancy.

(2) A director of the responsible entity of a registered scheme must

take all reasonable steps to secure compliance with subsection (1).

331AAC ASIC’s power to appoint registered scheme auditor

(1) ASIC may appoint an auditor of a registered scheme if:

(a) the responsible entity of the scheme does not appoint an

auditor when required by this Act to do so; and

(b) a member of the scheme applies to ASIC in writing for the

appointment of an auditor under this section.

(2) ASIC may only appoint an individual, firm or company as auditor

under subsection (1) if the individual, firm or company consents to

being appointed.

331AAD Remaining auditors may act during vacancy

While a vacancy in the office of auditor of a registered scheme

continues, the surviving or continuing auditor or auditors (if any)

may act as auditors of the company.

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Section 331AC

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Subdivision B—Removal and resignation of registered scheme


331AC Removal and resignation of auditors

(1) The responsible entity of a registered scheme may, with ASIC’s

consent, remove the auditor of the scheme from office.

(2) An auditor of a registered scheme may, by notice in writing given

to the responsible entity, resign as auditor of the scheme if:

(a) the auditor:

(i) has, by notice in writing given to ASIC, applied for

consent to the resignation and stated the reasons for the

application; and

(ii) has, at or about the same time as giving the notice to

ASIC, given the responsible entity notice in writing of

the application to ASIC; and

(b) ASIC has given its consent.

(3) As soon as practicable after ASIC receives a notice from an auditor

under subsection (2), ASIC must notify the auditor, and the

responsible entity of the registered scheme, whether it consents to

the resignation.

(4) A statement made by an auditor in an application to ASIC under

subsection (2) or in answer to an inquiry by ASIC relating to the

reasons for the application:

(a) is not admissible in evidence in any civil or criminal

proceedings against the auditor; and

(b) must not be made the ground of a prosecution, action or suit

against the auditor.

A certificate by the ASIC that the statement was made in the

application or in answer to the inquiry by ASIC is conclusive

evidence that the statement was so made.

(5) The resignation of an auditor takes effect:

(a) on the day (if any) specified for the purpose in the notice of

resignation; or

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Division 7 Appointment, removal and fees of auditors for registered schemes

Section 331AD

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(b) on the day on which ASIC gives its consent to the

resignation; or

(c) on the day (if any) fixed by ASIC for the purpose;

whichever occurs last.

(6) If, on the retirement or withdrawal of a member of a firm, the firm

will no longer be capable of acting as auditor of a registered

scheme because of subparagraph 324BB(1)(b)(i) or (2)(b)(i), the

member is (if not disqualified from acting as auditor of the

scheme) taken to be the auditor of the scheme until he or she

obtains the consent of ASIC to his or her retirement or withdrawal.

(7) Within 14 days after:

(a) the removal from office of an auditor of a registered scheme;


(b) the receipt of a notice of resignation from an auditor of a

registered scheme;

the responsible entity must lodge with ASIC a notice of the

removal or resignation in the prescribed form.

331AD Effect of winding up on office of auditor

An auditor of a registered scheme ceases to hold office if:

(a) the scheme’s constitution provides that the scheme is to be

wound up at a specified time, in specified circumstances or

on the happening of a specified event, and that time is

reached, those circumstances occur or that event occurs; or

(b) the members pass a resolution directing the responsible entity

to wind up the scheme; or

(c) the Court makes an order directing the responsible entity to

wind up the scheme; or

(d) the members pass a resolution to remove the responsible

entity but do not, at the same meeting, pass a resolution

choosing a company to be the new responsible entity that

consents to becoming the scheme’s responsible entity.

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Appointment, removal and fees of auditors for registered schemes Division 7

Section 331AE

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Subdivision C—Fees and expenses of auditors

331AE Fees and expenses of auditors

The reasonable fees and expenses of an auditor of a registered

scheme are payable by the responsible entity.

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Chapter 2M Financial reports and audit

Part 2M.4A Annual transparency reports for auditors

Section 332

192 Corporations Act 2001

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Part 2M.4A—Annual transparency reports for


332 Meaning of transparency reporting auditor and transparency

reporting year

(1) A transparency reporting auditor is:

(a) an individual auditor; or

(b) an audit firm; or

(c) an authorised audit company.

(2) A transparency reporting year is a period of 12 months starting on

1 July.

332A Transparency reporting auditors must publish annual

transparency reports

(1) This section applies if, during a transparency reporting year, a

transparency reporting auditor conducts audits, under Division 3 of

Part 2M.3, of 10 or more bodies of any of the following kinds:

(a) listed companies;

(b) listed registered schemes;

(c) ADIs (authorised deposit-taking institutions) within the

meaning of the Banking Act 1959;

(d) bodies mentioned in paragraph (c) or (e) of the definition of

body regulated by APRA in subsection 3(2) of the Australian

Prudential Regulation Authority Act 1998;

(e) bodies prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this


Note: The 10 or more bodies do not all have to be of the same kind. This

section applies (for example) if, during the year, the transparency

reporting auditor conducts audits of 6 listed companies and 4 listed

registered schemes.

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Annual transparency reports for auditors Part 2M.4A

Section 332B

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(2) The auditor must publish an annual transparency report for the

transparency reporting year, containing the information required by

section 332B, on the auditor’s website within the period of 4

months after the end of the year (or that period as extended under

section 332C).

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(3) The auditor must lodge a copy of the report with ASIC on or

before the day it is first published on the auditor’s website.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(4) An offence based on subsection (2) or (3) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

332B Content of annual transparency report

(1) Subject to subsection (2), an annual transparency report must

contain the information prescribed by the regulations.

(2) The report may omit information that would otherwise be included

under subsection (1) if the inclusion of the information is likely to

result in unreasonable prejudice to the transparency reporting

auditor. If material is omitted, the report must say so.

332C Extension of period for publication of annual transparency


(1) On an application made by a transparency reporting auditor in

accordance with subsection (3), ASIC may make an order

extending the period within which the auditor must publish an

annual transparency report.

(2) The order may be expressed to be subject to conditions.

(3) The application must be:

(a) in writing; and

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Part 2M.4A Annual transparency reports for auditors

Section 332D

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(b) lodged with ASIC before the end of the period within which

the auditor would otherwise be required to publish the report;


(c) if the auditor is an individual auditor—signed by the auditor;


(d) if the auditor is an audit firm—signed by a member of the

firm who is a registered company auditor both:

(i) in the firm name; and

(ii) in the member’s own name; and

(e) if the auditor is an audit company:

(i) authorised by a resolution of the directors; and

(ii) signed by a director.

(4) ASIC must give the auditor written notice of the making of the


332D Exemption orders—applications by transparency reporting


(1) On an application made by a transparency reporting auditor in

accordance with subsection (3), ASIC may make an order in

writing relieving the auditor from compliance with all or specified

requirements of sections 332A and 332B.

Note: For the criteria for making orders under this section, see section 332F.

(2) The order may:

(a) be expressed to be subject to conditions; and

(b) be indefinite or limited to a specified period.

(3) The application must be:

(a) in writing; and

(b) lodged with ASIC; and

(c) if the auditor is an individual auditor—signed by the auditor;


(d) if the auditor is an audit firm—signed by a member of the

firm who is a registered company auditor both:

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Section 332E

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(i) in the firm name; and

(ii) in the member’s own name; and

(e) if the auditor is an audit company:

(i) authorised by a resolution of the directors; and

(ii) signed by a director.

(4) ASIC must give the auditor written notice of the making or

revocation of the order.

332E Exemption orders—class orders for transparency reporting


(1) ASIC may, by legislative instrument, make an order in respect of a

specified class of transparency reporting auditors relieving the

auditors from all or specified requirements of sections 332A and


Note: For the criteria for making orders under this section, see section 332F.

(2) The order may:

(a) be expressed to be subject to conditions; and

(b) be indefinite or limited to a specified period.

332F Exemption orders—criteria for orders

(1) To make an order under section 332D or 332E exempting a

transparency reporting auditor, or class of transparency reporting

auditors, from one or more requirements of sections 332A and

332B, ASIC must be satisfied that complying with the

requirements would:

(a) be inappropriate in the circumstances; or

(b) impose unreasonable burdens.

(2) In deciding for the purposes of subsection (1) whether complying

with the requirements would impose an unreasonable burden on

the auditor or class of auditors, ASIC is to have regard to:

(a) the expected costs of complying with the requirements; and

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Part 2M.4A Annual transparency reports for auditors

Section 332G

196 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) the expected benefits of having the auditor or class of

auditors comply with the requirements; and

(c) any practical difficulties that the auditor or class of auditors

faces in complying effectively with the requirements; and

(d) any unusual aspects of the operations of the auditor or class

of auditors; and

(e) any other matters that ASIC considers relevant.

332G Offences by members of audit firm

(1) This Part applies to an audit firm as if it were a person, but with the

changes set out in this section.

(2) An obligation that would otherwise be imposed on the firm by a

provision of this Part is imposed on each member of the firm

instead, but may be discharged by any of the members.

(3) An offence based on a provision of this Part that would otherwise

be committed by the audit firm is taken to have been committed by

each member of the firm.

(4) A member of the firm does not commit an offence because of

subsection (3) if the member:

(a) does not know of the circumstances that constitute the

contravention of the provision concerned; or

(b) knows of those circumstances but takes all reasonable steps

to correct the contravention as soon as possible after the

member becomes aware of those circumstances.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

subsection (4)—see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

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Accounting and auditing standards Part 2M.5

Section 334

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Part 2M.5—Accounting and auditing standards

334 Accounting standards

AASB’s power to make accounting standards

(1) The AASB may, by legislative instrument, make accounting

standards for the purposes of this Act. The standards must not be

inconsistent with this Act or the regulations.

(4) An accounting standard applies to:

(a) periods ending after the commencement of the standard; or

(b) periods ending, or starting, on or after a later date specified in

the standard.

(5) A company, registered scheme or disclosing entity may elect to

apply the accounting standard to an earlier period unless the

standard says otherwise. The election must be made in writing by

the directors.

335 Equity accounting

This Chapter (and, in particular, the provisions on consolidation of

financial statements) does not prevent accounting standards from

incorporating equity accounting principles.

336 Auditing standards

AUASB’s power to make auditing standards

(1) The AUASB may, by legislative instrument, make auditing

standards for the purposes of this Act. The standards must not be

inconsistent with this Act or the regulations.

(3) An auditing standard applies to financial reports in relation to:

(a) periods ending after the commencement of the standard; or

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Part 2M.5 Accounting and auditing standards

Section 337

198 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) periods ending, or starting, on or after a later date specified in

the standard.

(4) If:

(a) the AUASB makes an auditing standard; and

(b) the standard applies to financial reports in relation to

particular periods under subsection (3); and

(c) an auditor is conducting an audit of a financial report in

relation to a period that occurs before the start of the earliest

of those periods;

the auditor may elect to apply the auditing standard to that audit

unless the standard says otherwise. The election must be recorded

in the audit report.

337 Interpretation of accounting and auditing standards

In interpreting an accounting or auditing standard, unless the

contrary intention appears:

(a) expressions used in the standard have the same meanings as

they have in this Chapter; and

(b) the provisions of Part 1.2 apply as if the standard’s

provisions were provisions of this Chapter.

338 Evidence of text of accounting standard or auditing standard

(1) This section applies to a document that purports to be published by,

or on behalf of, the AASB or the AUASB and to set out the text of:

(a) a specified standard as in force at a specified time under

section 334 or 336; or

(b) a specified provision of a standard of that kind.

It also applies to a copy of a document of that kind.

(2) In the absence of evidence to the contrary, a document to which

this section applies is proof in proceedings under this Act that:

(a) the specified standard was in force at that time under that

section; and

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Accounting and auditing standards Part 2M.5

Section 338

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(b) the text set out in the document is the text of the standard

referred to in paragraph (1)(a) or the provision referred to in

paragraph (1)(b).

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Part 2M.6 Exemptions and modifications

Section 340

200 Corporations Act 2001

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Part 2M.6—Exemptions and modifications

340 Exemption orders—companies, registered schemes and

disclosing entities

(1) On an application made in accordance with subsection (3) in

relation to a company, registered scheme or disclosing entity,

ASIC may make an order in writing relieving any of the following

from all or specified requirements of Parts 2M.2, 2M.3 and 2M.4

(other than Division 4):

(a) the directors;

(b) the company, scheme or entity;

(c) the auditor.

Note: For the criteria for making orders under this section, see section 342.

(2) The order may:

(a) be expressed to be subject to conditions; and

(b) be indefinite or limited to a specified period.

(3) The application must be:

(a) authorised by a resolution of the directors; and

(b) in writing and signed by a director; and

(c) lodged with ASIC.

(4) ASIC must give the applicant written notice of the making,

revocation or suspension of the order.

340A Exemption orders—notified foreign passport funds

(1) On an application made in accordance with subsection (3) in

relation to a notified foreign passport fund, ASIC may make an

order, in writing, relieving any of the following from all or

specified requirements of Part 2M.3:

(a) a notified foreign passport fund;

(b) the operator of a notified foreign passport fund;

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Section 341

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(c) directors of the operator of a notified foreign passport fund.

Note: For the criteria for making orders under this section, see section 342.

(2) The order may:

(a) be expressed to be subject to conditions; and

(b) be indefinite or limited to a specified period.

(3) The application must be:

(a) authorised by the operator of the notified foreign passport

fund; and

(b) in writing; and

(c) lodged with ASIC.

(4) ASIC must give the applicant written notice of the making,

revocation or suspension of the order.

341 Exemption orders—class orders for companies, registered

schemes and disclosing entities

(1) ASIC may make an order in writing in respect of a specified class

of companies, registered schemes or disclosing entities, relieving

any of the following from all or specified requirements of

Parts 2M.2, 2M.3 and 2M.4 (other than Division 4):

(a) directors;

(b) the companies, registered schemes or disclosing entities


(c) auditors of the companies, registered schemes or disclosing


Note: For the criteria for making orders under this section, see section 342.

(2) The order may:

(a) be expressed to be subject to conditions; and

(b) be indefinite or limited to a specified period.

(3) Notice of the making, revocation or suspension of the order must

be published in the Gazette.

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Part 2M.6 Exemptions and modifications

Section 341A

202 Corporations Act 2001

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341A Exemption orders—class orders for notified foreign passport


(1) ASIC may, by legislative instrument, make an order in respect of a

specified class of notified foreign passport funds, relieving any of

the following from all or specified requirements of Part 2M.3:

(a) notified foreign passport funds;

(b) the operators of notified foreign passport funds;

(c) the directors of the operators of notified foreign passport


Note: For the criteria for making orders under this section, see section 342.

(2) The order may:

(a) be expressed to be subject to conditions; and

(b) be indefinite or limited to a specified period.

342 Exemption orders—criteria for orders for companies, registered

schemes, notified foreign passport funds and disclosing


(1) To make an order under section 340, 340A, 341 or 341A, ASIC

must be satisfied that complying with the relevant requirements of

Parts 2M.2, 2M.3 and 2M.4 would:

(a) make the financial report or other reports misleading; or

(b) be inappropriate in the circumstances; or

(c) impose unreasonable burdens.

(2) In deciding for the purposes of subsection (1) whether the audit

requirements for a proprietary company, or a class of proprietary

companies, would impose an unreasonable burden on the company

or companies, ASIC is to have regard to:

(a) the expected costs of complying with the audit requirements;


(b) the expected benefits of having the company or companies

comply with the audit requirements; and

(c) any practical difficulties that the company or companies face

in complying effectively with the audit requirements (in

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Section 342AA

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particular, any difficulties that arise because a financial year

is the first one for which the audit requirements apply or

because the company or companies are likely to move

frequently between the small and large proprietary company

categories from one financial year to another); and

(d) any unusual aspects of the operation of the company or

companies during the financial year concerned; and

(e) any other matters that ASIC considers relevant.

(3) In assessing expected benefits under subsection (2), ASIC is to

take account of:

(a) the number of creditors and potential creditors; and

(b) the position of creditors and potential creditors (in particular,

their ability to independently obtain financial information

about the company or companies); and

(c) the nature and extent of the liabilities of the company or


342AA Exemption orders—non-auditor members and former

members of audit firms; former employees of audit


(1) On an application made in accordance with subsection (3) by any

of the following, ASIC may make an order in writing relieving the

applicant from all or specified requirements of Division 3 of

Part 2M.4 (auditor independence):

(a) a member of the firm who is not a registered company


(b) a person who has ceased to be:

(i) a member of an audit firm; or

(ii) a director of an audit company; or

(iii) a professional employee of an audit company.

Note: For the criteria for making orders under this section, see

section 342AC.

(2) The order may:

(a) be expressed to be subject to conditions; and

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Section 342AB

204 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) be indefinite or limited to a specified period.

(3) The application must be:

(a) in writing and signed by the applicant; and

(b) lodged with ASIC.

(4) ASIC must give the applicant written notice of the making,

revocation or suspension of the order.

(5) An order under subsection (1) is not a legislative instrument.

342AB Exemption orders—class orders for non-auditor members


(1) ASIC may make an order in writing in respect of a specified class

of audit firms or audit companies, relieving any of the following

from all or specified requirements of Division 3 of Part 2M.4

(auditor independence):

(a) members of firms who are not registered company auditors;

(b) persons who have ceased to be:

(i) members of audit firms; or

(ii) directors of audit companies; or

(iii) professional employees of audit companies.

Note: For the criteria for making orders under this section, see

section 342AC.

(2) The order may:

(a) be expressed to be subject to conditions; and

(b) be indefinite or limited to a specified period.

(3) An order under subsection (1) is a legislative instrument.

342AC Exemption orders—criteria for orders for non-auditor

members etc.

To make an order under section 342AA or 342AB, ASIC must be

satisfied that complying with the relevant requirements of

Division 3 of Part 2M.4 would:

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Section 342A

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(a) make the financial report or other reports misleading; or

(b) be inappropriate in the circumstances; or

(c) impose unreasonable burdens.

342A ASIC’s power to modify the operation of section 324DA

(1) On an application made in accordance with this section, ASIC


(a) declare that subsection 324DA(1) applies to a registered

company auditor, in relation to the audit of an audited body

or a class of audited bodies, as if the references in that

subsection to 5 successive financial years were references to:

(i) 6 successive financial years; or

(ii) 7 successive financial years; or

(b) declare that subsection 324DA(2) applies to a registered

company auditor, in relation to the audit of an audited body

or a class of audited bodies during a particular period of 7

successive financial years, as if the reference in that

subsection to 5 out of 7 successive financial years were a

reference to 6 out of 7 successive financial years.

(2) The following persons may apply for the declaration:

(a) the registered company auditor;

(b) a firm or company on whose behalf the registered company

auditor acts or would act in relation to the audit or audits.

If the application is made by a firm or company, the declaration

has effect only in relation to activities undertaken by the registered

company auditor on behalf of that firm or company.

(3) The application must be:

(a) in writing; and

(b) signed by the applicant; and

(c) lodged with ASIC.

(4) If the application is made by a registered company auditor who

engages, or is to engage, in audit activities on behalf of a firm or

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Part 2M.6 Exemptions and modifications

Section 342B

206 Corporations Act 2001

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company, the application must include the firm’s or company’s

written consent to the application.

(5) If the application is made by a firm or company in relation to a

registered company auditor, the application must include the

registered company auditor’s written consent to the application.

(6) To make a declaration under subsection (1), ASIC must be

satisfied that, without the modification, Division 4 of Part 2M.4

would impose an unreasonable burden on:

(a) a registered company auditor; or

(b) a firm or company that is applying for the declaration; or

(c) the audited body or bodies in relation to which the

application was made.

(7) In deciding for the purposes of subsection (6) whether, without the

modification, Division 4 of Part 2M.4 would impose an

unreasonable burden on a person referred to in that subsection,

ASIC is to have regard to:

(a) the nature of the audited body or bodies, including whether

the activity in which the audited body or bodies engage is

such that specialist knowledge about that activity is necessary

to carry out the audit properly; and

(b) the availability of other registered company auditors capable

of providing satisfactory audit services for the audited body

or bodies; and

(c) any other matters which ASIC considers relevant.

(8) ASIC must give the applicant written notice of the making,

revocation or suspension of the declaration.

342B Auditor to notify company or registered scheme of

section 342A declaration

(1) If a registered company auditor plays a significant role in the audit

of a company or registered scheme in reliance on a declaration by

ASIC under section 342A, the auditor must give the company or

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Exemptions and modifications Part 2M.6

Section 343

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the responsible entity for the registered scheme written notice of

the declaration.

(2) The notice must specify:

(a) the name of the registered company auditor; and

(b) the additional financial years for which the registered

company auditor is, because of the declaration under

section 342A, eligible to play a significant role in the audit of

the company or registered scheme.

(3) The notice must be given:

(a) as soon as practicable after the declaration is made if the

auditor has been appointed before the declaration is made; or

(b) before the auditor is appointed if the declaration is made

before the auditor is appointed.

343 Modification by regulations

The regulations may modify the operation of this Chapter in

relation to:

(a) a specified company, registered scheme, notified foreign

passport fund or disclosing entity; or

(b) all companies, registered schemes, notified foreign passport

funds or disclosing entities of a specified kind.

343A Minister may apply the Chapter to notified foreign passport


(1) The Minister may, by legislative instrument:

(a) order that this Chapter, or provisions of this Chapter

specified in the legislative instrument, are to apply in relation

to one or more of the following:

(i) notified foreign passport funds the home economy for

which is specified in the legislative instrument;

(ii) operators and other entities connected with notified

foreign passport funds the home economy for which is

specified in the legislative instrument; and

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Part 2M.6 Exemptions and modifications

Section 343A

208 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) modify the operation of this Chapter, or those provisions of

this Chapter specified in the legislative instrument, for the

purpose of giving effect to an order under paragraph (a).

(2) The legislative instrument has effect according to its terms.

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Financial reports and audit Chapter 2M

Sanctions for contraventions of Chapter Part 2M.7

Section 344

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Part 2M.7—Sanctions for contraventions of


344 Contravention of Part 2M.2 or 2M.3, or of certain provisions of

Part 2M.4

(1) A director of a company, registered scheme or disclosing entity

contravenes this section if they fail to take all reasonable steps to

comply with, or to secure compliance with, Part 2M.2 or 2M.3, or

section 324DAA, 324DAB or 324DAC.

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

(1A) A person contravenes this section if:

(a) the person is a director of the operator of a notified foreign

passport fund; and

(b) the person fails to take all reasonable steps to comply with, or

to secure compliance with, Part 2M.3.

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

(2) A person commits an offence if they contravene subsection (1) or

(1A) and the contravention is dishonest.

(3) Subsection (1) does not apply to section 310, 312, 323A or 323B.

(4) This section does not affect the application of the provisions of

Part 2M.2 or 2M.3 to a director as an officer.

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Chapter 2N Updating ASIC information about companies, registered schemes and

notified foreign passport funds

Part 2N.1 Review date

Section 345A

210 Corporations Act 2001

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Chapter 2N—Updating ASIC information

about companies, registered schemes

and notified foreign passport funds

Part 2N.1—Review date

345A Review date

(1) The review date for a company is:

(a) either:

(i) if the company became registered as a company after

the commencement of this Act—the anniversary of the

company’s registration as a company under this Act; or

(ii) otherwise—the date of the company’s incorporation or

registration as a company, as recorded in a register

maintained by ASIC under section 1274; or

(b) if a choice of a different date has effect under section 345C—

that different date.

(1A) If:

(a) a company was incorporated as a company or became

registered as a company before the commencement of this

Act; and

(b) there is no date of incorporation of the company as a

company or registration of the company as a company

recorded in a register maintained by ASIC under

section 1274; and

(c) paragraph (1)(b) does not apply to the company;

the review date for the company is the date determined by ASIC

and notified to the company.

(1B) If, apart from this subsection, the review date for a company would

be February 29, the review date for the company is February 28.

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passport funds Chapter 2N

Review date Part 2N.1

Section 345B

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(2) The review date for a registered scheme is:

(a) the anniversary of the scheme’s registration as a registered

scheme; or

(b) if a choice of a different date has effect under section 345C—

that different date.

(3) The review date for a notified foreign passport fund is:

(a) the anniversary of the day on which the fund first became a

notified foreign passport fund; or

(b) if a choice of a different date has effect under section 345C—

that different date.

345B Company, responsible entity or operator may change review


(1) With ASIC’s approval, a company may choose as its review date a

date that is different from the anniversary of its registration.

(2) With ASIC’s approval, the responsible entity of a registered

scheme may choose as the review date for the scheme a date that is

different from the anniversary of its registration.

(2A) With ASIC’s approval, the operator of a notified foreign passport

fund may choose as the review date for the fund a date that is

different from the anniversary of the day on which the fund first

became a notified foreign passport fund.

(3) If ASIC approves the choice, ASIC must notify the company,

responsible entity or operator in writing.

345C When choice has effect

If ASIC notifies the company, responsible entity or operator of its

approval under section 345B, the choice has effect:

(a) if the different date occurs before the next review date for the

company, scheme or fund—at the time that ASIC notifies its

approval; or

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Chapter 2N Updating ASIC information about companies, registered schemes and

notified foreign passport funds

Part 2N.1 Review date

Section 345C

212 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) otherwise—immediately after the next review date for the

company, scheme or fund.

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Updating ASIC information about companies, registered schemes and notified foreign

passport funds Chapter 2N

Extract of particulars Part 2N.2

Section 346A

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Part 2N.2—Extract of particulars

346A ASIC must give an extract of particulars each year

(1) ASIC must, within 2 weeks after each review date for a company,

registered scheme or notified foreign passport fund, give to the

company, responsible entity of the scheme or operator of the fund

an extract of particulars for the company, scheme or fund.

(1A) Subsection (2) applies if an agreement or approval under

subsection 352(1) covers the lodgment of a response to an extract

of particulars for a company, registered scheme or notified foreign

passport fund.

(2) ASIC may satisfy subsection (1) by making the extract of

particulars available by electronic means to:

(a) the company, the responsible entity of the scheme or the

operator of the fund; or

(b) an agent of the company, the responsible entity or the


(3) An extract of particulars must specify the date of issue.

346B ASIC may ask questions

ASIC may include, in an extract of particulars for a company,

registered scheme or notified foreign passport fund, a requirement

that the company, responsible entity of the scheme or operator of

the fund provide a particular prescribed by the regulations for the

purposes of this section.

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Chapter 2N Updating ASIC information about companies, registered schemes and

notified foreign passport funds

Part 2N.2 Extract of particulars

Section 346C

214 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

346C Requirements in relation to an extract of particulars

Respond if a particular is incorrect

(1) A company, a responsible entity of a registered scheme or an

operator of a notified foreign passport fund must respond to an

extract of particulars that it receives if any particular set out in the

extract is not correct as at the date of receipt. The response must

comply with subsection (3).

Respond if required to provide a particular

(2) A company, a responsible entity of a registered scheme or an

operator of a notified foreign passport fund must respond to an

extract of particulars that it receives if the extract includes a

requirement to provide a particular under section 346B. The

response must comply with subsection (3).

Contents of response

(3) The response to an extract of particulars by a company, the

responsible entity of a registered scheme or the operator of a

notified foreign passport fund:

(a) must be lodged within 28 days after the date of issue of the

extract; and

(b) must be in the prescribed form; and

(c) must be signed or authenticated; and

(d) if subsection (1) applies—must be such that the particulars

set out in the extract, taken together with the response, are

correct as at the date the response is signed or authenticated;


(e) if subsection (2) applies—must provide the required

particular, correct as at the date the response is signed or


Response satisfies other requirements to notify

(4) If a company responds to an extract of particulars:

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passport funds Chapter 2N

Extract of particulars Part 2N.2

Section 346C

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(a) correcting a particular; or

(b) providing a particular;

in accordance with subsection (3), any requirement elsewhere in

this Act to lodge a prescribed form in relation to the particular is

satisfied by the response.

(5) Subsection (4) does not affect the company’s liability for late

lodgment fees incurred before the response to the extract of

particulars is lodged or continuing offences committed before that


Strict liability offences

(6) An offence based on subsection (1) or (2) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

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Chapter 2N Updating ASIC information about companies, registered schemes and

notified foreign passport funds

Part 2N.3 Solvency resolution

Section 347A

216 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 2N.3—Solvency resolution

347A Directors must pass a solvency resolution after each review


(1) The directors of a company must pass a solvency resolution within

2 months after each review date for the company.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the directors of a company that

has lodged a financial report with ASIC under Chapter 2M within

the period of 12 months before the review date.

Note: The defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in

subsection (2). See subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

(3) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

347B Notice to ASIC

(1) If the directors of a company pass a negative solvency resolution

under section 347A, the company must notify ASIC of that fact, in

the prescribed form, within 7 days after the resolution is passed.

(2) If:

(a) subsection 347A(1) applies to the directors of a company;


(b) the directors have not passed a solvency resolution under

section 347A within 2 months after a review date;

the company must notify ASIC of that fact, in the prescribed form,

within 7 days after the end of the 2 month period following the

review date.

(3) An offence based on subsection (1) or (2) is an offence of strict


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passport funds Chapter 2N

Solvency resolution Part 2N.3

Section 347C

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347C Payment of review fee is taken to be a representation by the

directors that the company is solvent

(1) If:

(a) a company has paid its review fee in respect of a review date;


(b) the company has not lodged a notice under section 347B

within 7 days after the end of the 2 month period following

the review date; and

(c) the company has not lodged a financial report with ASIC

under Chapter 2M within the period of 12 months before the

review date;

the directors of the company are taken to have represented to

ASIC, as at the end of the 2 month period following the company’s

review date, that, in their opinion, there are reasonable grounds to

believe that the company will be able to pay its debts as and when

they become due and payable.

Note: Directors are not taken to have passed a solvency resolution for the

purposes of section 347A merely because they are taken, under this

subsection, to have made a representation to ASIC.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply if the directors prove that they made

a positive solvency resolution under section 347A within 2 months

after the end of the review date.

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Chapter 2N Updating ASIC information about companies, registered schemes and

notified foreign passport funds

Part 2N.4 Return of particulars

Section 348A

218 Corporations Act 2001

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Part 2N.4—Return of particulars

348A ASIC may give a return of particulars

(1) ASIC may give to a company or responsible entity of a registered

scheme a return of particulars for the company or scheme if ASIC

suspects or believes that particulars recorded in relation to the

company or scheme in a register maintained by ASIC under

subsection 1274(1) are not correct.

(1A) ASIC may give to the operator of a notified foreign passport fund a

return of particulars for the fund if ASIC suspects or believes that

particulars recorded in relation to the fund in a register:

(a) that ASIC maintains, or ensures is maintained, under

subsection 1214(1); or

(b) that ASIC maintains under subsection 1274(1);

are not correct.

(2) Subsection (2A) applies if an agreement or approval under

subsection 352(1) covers the lodgment of a response to a return of

particulars for a company, registered scheme or notified foreign

passport fund.

(2A) ASIC may satisfy subsection (1) or (1A) by making the return of

particulars available by electronic means to:

(a) the company, the responsible entity of the scheme or the

operator of the fund; or

(b) an agent of the company, the responsible entity or the


(3) A return of particulars must specify the date of issue.

348B ASIC may ask questions

ASIC may include, in a return of particulars for a company, a

registered scheme or a notified foreign passport fund a requirement

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Return of particulars Part 2N.4

Section 348C

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that the company, responsible entity of the scheme or operator of

the fund provide a particular prescribed by the regulations for the

purposes of this section.

348C ASIC may require a solvency resolution and statement

(1) ASIC may include, in a return of particulars for a company, a

requirement that the company comply with subsection (2) or

subsection (3). The company may choose which subsection to

comply with.

(2) The company complies with this subsection if:

(a) before the company lodges a response to the return of

particulars, the directors of the company pass a solvency

resolution; and

(b) the response to the return of particulars states whether the

resolution passed was a positive solvency resolution or a

negative solvency resolution.

(3) The company complies with this subsection if the response to the

return of particulars states the date on which the directors passed a

positive solvency resolution under section 347A in respect of the

company’s most recent review date.

348D General requirements in relation to a return of particulars

Response is required

(1) A company, responsible entity of a registered scheme or operator

of a notified foreign passport fund must respond to a return of

particulars that it receives. The response must comply with

subsection (2).

Contents of response

(2) The response to a return of particulars by a company, the

responsible entity of a registered scheme or the operator of a

notified foreign passport fund:

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Chapter 2N Updating ASIC information about companies, registered schemes and

notified foreign passport funds

Part 2N.4 Return of particulars

Section 348D

220 Corporations Act 2001

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(a) must be lodged with ASIC within 2 months after the date of

issue of the return; and

(b) must be in the prescribed form; and

(c) must be signed or authenticated; and

(d) if, as at the date that the response is signed or authenticated,

any particular set out in the return is not correct—must be

such that the particulars set out in the return, taken together

with the response, are correct as at the date the response is

signed or authenticated; and

(e) if the return includes a requirement that the company,

responsible entity of the scheme or operator of the fund

provide a particular under section 348B—must provide the

required particular, correct as at the date the response is

signed or authenticated; and

(f) if the return includes a requirement to comply with a

subsection of section 348C—must include the statement

required by the subsection that the company chooses to

comply with.

Response satisfies other requirements to notify

(3) If a company responds to a return of particulars:

(a) correcting a particular; or

(b) providing a particular;

in accordance with subsection (2), any requirement elsewhere in

this Act to lodge a prescribed form in relation to the particular is

satisfied by the response.

(4) Subsection (3) does not affect the company’s liability for late

lodgment fees incurred before the response to the return of

particulars is lodged or continuing offences committed before that


Strict liability offences

(5) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

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Updating ASIC information about companies, registered schemes and notified foreign

passport funds Chapter 2N

Notice by proprietary companies of changes to ultimate holding company Part 2N.5

Section 349A

Corporations Act 2001 221

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 2N.5—Notice by proprietary companies of

changes to ultimate holding company

349A Proprietary companies must notify ASIC of changes to

ultimate holding company

(1) If an event mentioned in section 349B, 349C or 349D happens in

relation to a proprietary company, the proprietary company must

notify ASIC, in the prescribed form and within 28 days after the

event, of the details required by that section.

(2) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

349B Another company becomes an ultimate holding company

If another company becomes an ultimate holding company in

relation to a proprietary company, the proprietary company must

notify ASIC of:

(a) the other company’s name; and

(b) either:

(i) if the other company is registered in Australia—its

ABN, ACN or ARBN; or

(ii) if the other company is not registered in Australia—the

place at which it was incorporated or formed; and

(c) the date on which the other company became an ultimate

holding company in relation to the proprietary company.

349C A company ceases to be an ultimate holding company

If a company ceases to be an ultimate holding company in relation

to a proprietary company, the proprietary company must notify

ASIC of:

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Chapter 2N Updating ASIC information about companies, registered schemes and

notified foreign passport funds

Part 2N.5 Notice by proprietary companies of changes to ultimate holding company

Section 349D

222 Corporations Act 2001

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(a) the name of the company that ceased to be an ultimate

holding company in relation to the proprietary company; and

(b) the date the cessation occurred.

349D Ultimate holding company changes its name

If an ultimate holding company in relation to a proprietary

company changes its name, the proprietary company must notify

ASIC of the new name of the ultimate holding company.

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Lodgments with ASIC Chapter 2P

Section 350

Corporations Act 2001 223

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Chapter 2P—Lodgments with ASIC

350 Forms for documents to be lodged with ASIC

(1) A document that this Act requires to be lodged with ASIC in a

prescribed form must:

(a) if a form for the document is prescribed in the regulations:

(i) be in the prescribed form; and

(ii) include the information, statements, explanations or

other matters required by the form; and

(iii) be accompanied by any other material required by the

form; or

(b) if a form for the document is not prescribed in the regulations

but ASIC has approved a form for the document:

(i) be in the approved form; and

(ii) include the information, statements, explanations or

other matters required by the form; and

(iii) be accompanied by any other material required by the


(2) A reference in this Act to a document that has been lodged (being a

document to which subsection (1) applies), includes, unless a

contrary intention appears, a reference to any other material lodged

with the document as required by the relevant form.

(3) If:

(a) this Act requires a document to be lodged with ASIC in a

prescribed form; and

(b) a provision of this Act either specifies, or provides for

regulations to specify, information, statements, explanations

or other matters that must be included in the document, or

other material that must accompany the document;

that other provision is not taken to exclude or limit the operation of

subsection (1) in relation to the prescribed form (and so the

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Chapter 2P Lodgments with ASIC

Section 351

224 Corporations Act 2001

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prescribed form may also require information etc. to be included in

the form or material to accompany the form).

351 Signing documents lodged with ASIC

(1) A document lodged with ASIC in writing by, or on behalf of, a

body or a registered scheme must be signed by a director or

secretary of the body or of the responsible entity of the registered

scheme. If the body is a foreign company, it may be signed by:

(a) its local agent; or

(b) if the local agent is a company—a director or secretary of the


(1A) A document lodged with ASIC in writing by, or on behalf of, a

notified foreign passport fund or its operator, must be signed by:

(a) a director or secretary of the operator of the fund; or

(b) the local agent for the operator of the fund; or

(c) if the local agent is a company—a director or secretary of

that company.

Subsection (1) does not apply in relation to documents lodged with

ASIC in writing by, or on behalf of, a notified foreign passport

fund or its operator.

(2) An individual who lodges a document with ASIC in writing must

sign it.

(3) The person’s name must be printed next to the signature.

352 Documents lodged with ASIC electronically

(1) A document may be lodged with ASIC electronically only if:

(a) ASIC and the person seeking to lodge it (either on their own

behalf or as agent) have agreed, in writing, that it may be

lodged electronically; or

(b) ASIC has approved, in writing, the electronic lodgment of

documents of that kind.

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Lodgments with ASIC Chapter 2P

Section 353

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The document is taken to be lodged with ASIC if it is lodged in

accordance with the agreement or approval (including any

requirements of the agreement or approval as to authentication).

(1A) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(b), ASIC may approve:

(a) a particular kind of document; or

(b) documents in a particular class of documents.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a document covered by

section 353 or a notice lodged under subsection 1015D(2).

353 Electronic lodgment of certain documents

(1) ASIC may determine conditions in relation to the electronic

lodgment of documents:

(a) that must be given to a relevant market operator under

section 205G; or

(b) that must be given to ASIC under section 792C.

(2) The electronic lodgment of a document covered by a determination

under subsection (1) is only effective if the lodgment complies

with the conditions determined.

(3) ASIC must publish in the Gazette a copy of any determination

under subsection (1).

354 Telephone notice of certain changes

(1) ASIC may, in its discretion, accept telephone notice of a change to

a particular in relation to a company or a registered scheme if:

(a) either:

(i) the change relates to a misspelling or other minor

typographical error; or

(ii) the change is to a particular included on a list published

by ASIC on the internet for the purposes of this section;


(b) the notice satisfies the authentication requirements published

by ASIC on the internet for the purposes of this section.

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Chapter 2P Lodgments with ASIC

Section 354

226 Corporations Act 2001

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(2) If ASIC accepts telephone notice of a change to a particular under

subsection (1), any obligation elsewhere in this Act to lodge a

prescribed form in relation to the change is satisfied by the

telephone notice. However, this does not affect the company’s or

the scheme’s liability for late lodgment fees incurred before the

notice is given or continuing offences committed before that time.

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External administration Chapter 5

Arrangements and reconstructions Part 5.1

Section 410

Corporations Act 2001 227

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Chapter 5—External administration

Part 5.1—Arrangements and reconstructions

410 Interpretation

A reference in this Part, in relation to a Part 5.1 body, to the

directors is a reference to the directors of the body or any one or

more of them.

411 Administration of compromises etc.

(1) Where a compromise or arrangement is proposed between a

Part 5.1 body and its creditors or any class of them or between a

Part 5.1 body and its members or any class of them, the Court may,

on the application in a summary way of the body or of any creditor

or member of the body, or, in the case of a body being wound up,

of the liquidator, order a meeting or meetings of the creditors or

class of creditors or of the members of the body or class of

members to be convened in such manner, and to be held in such

place or places (in this jurisdiction or elsewhere), as the Court

directs and, where the Court makes such an order, the Court may

approve the explanatory statement required by paragraph 412(1)(a)

to accompany notices of the meeting or meetings.

(1A) Where:

(a) a compromise or arrangement is proposed:

(i) between 30 or more Part 5.1 bodies that are

wholly-owned subsidiaries of a holding company and

the creditors or a class of the creditors of each of those

subsidiaries; and

(ii) between the holding company and the creditors or a

class of the creditors of the holding company; and

(b) the proposed compromise or arrangement in relation to each

subsidiary includes a term that orders will be sought under

section 413 transferring the whole of the undertaking and of

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Part 5.1 Arrangements and reconstructions

Section 411

228 Corporations Act 2001

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the property and liabilities of the subsidiary to the holding

company; and

(c) the Court is satisfied, on the application in a summary way:

(i) of the holding company or of a creditor of the holding

company; or

(ii) if the holding company is being wound up—of the


that the number of meetings that would be required between

creditors in order to consider the proposed compromises or

arrangements would be so great as to result in a significant

impediment to the timely and effective consideration by

those creditors of the terms of the compromises or


the Court may order a meeting or meetings, on a consolidated

basis, of the creditors of the holding company and of each of the

subsidiaries or of such class or classes of those creditors as the

Court determines and, where the Court makes such an order, the

Court may approve the explanatory statement required by

paragraph 412(1)(a) to accompany notices of the meeting or


(1B) Where:

(a) there are fewer than 30 wholly-owned subsidiaries of the

holding company but the matters referred to in

paragraphs (1A)(b) and (c) are satisfied; and

(b) the Court considers that circumstances exist that would

justify its doing so;

the Court may make an order under subsection (1A) in relation to

the proposed compromise or arrangement.

(1C) Where an order is made under subsection (1A) in relation to a

proposed compromise or arrangement, the succeeding provisions

of this Part apply to the compromise or arrangement as if:

(a) references in this Part to a company included references to all

of the Part 5.1 bodies to which the order relates; and

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Arrangements and reconstructions Part 5.1

Section 411

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(b) references in this Part to creditors of a company included

references to the creditors of all the Part 5.1 bodies to which

the order relates; and

(c) references in this Part to a class of the creditors of a company

were references to the relevant class of creditors of all of the

Part 5.1 bodies to which the order relates.

(2) The Court must not make an order pursuant to an application under

subsection (1) or (1A) unless:

(a) 14 days notice of the hearing of the application, or such

lesser period of notice as the Court or ASIC permits, has

been given to ASIC; and

(b) the Court is satisfied that ASIC has had a reasonable


(i) to examine the terms of the proposed compromise or

arrangement to which the application relates and a draft

explanatory statement relating to the proposed

compromise or arrangement; and

(ii) to make submissions to the Court in relation to the

proposed compromise or arrangement and the draft

explanatory statement.

(3) In subsection (2), draft explanatory statement, in relation to a

proposed compromise or arrangement between a body and its

creditors or any class of them or between a body and its members

or any class of them, means a statement:

(a) explaining the effect of the proposed compromise or

arrangement and, in particular, stating any material interests

of the directors of the body, whether as directors, as members

or creditors of the body or otherwise, and the effect on those

interests of the proposed compromise or arrangement in so

far as that effect is different from the effect on the like

interests of other persons; and

(b) setting out such information as is prescribed and any other

information that is material to the making of a decision by a

creditor or member of the body whether or not to agree to the

proposed compromise or arrangement, being information that

is within the knowledge of the directors of the body and has

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Part 5.1 Arrangements and reconstructions

Section 411

230 Corporations Act 2001

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not previously been disclosed to the creditors or members of

the body.

(3A) In considering whether to make an order under subsection (1) or

(1A) for a meeting to be held outside this jurisdiction, the Court

must have regard to where the creditors or members, or the

creditors or members included in the class concerned, as the case

requires, reside.

(4) A compromise or arrangement is binding on the creditors, or on a

class of creditors, or on the members, or on a class of members, as

the case may be, of the body and on the body or, if the body is in

the course of being wound up, on the liquidator and contributories

of the body, if, and only if:

(a) at a meeting convened in accordance with an order of the

Court under subsection (1) or (1A):

(i) in the case of a compromise or arrangement between a

body and its creditors or a class of creditors—the

compromise or arrangement is agreed to by a majority

in number of the creditors, or of the creditors included

in that class of creditors, present and voting, either in

person or by proxy, being a majority whose debts or

claims against the company amount in the aggregate to

at least 75% of the total amount of the debts and claims

of the creditors present and voting in person or by

proxy, or of the creditors included in that class present

and voting in person or by proxy, as the case may be;


(ii) in the case of a compromise or arrangement between a

body and its members or a class of members—a

resolution in favour of the compromise or arrangement


(A) unless the Court orders otherwise—passed by a

majority in number of the members, or

members in that class, present and voting

(either in person or by proxy); and

(B) if the body has a share capital—passed by 75%

of the votes cast on the resolution; and

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Arrangements and reconstructions Part 5.1

Section 411

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(b) it is approved by order of the Court.

(5) Where the Court orders 2 or more meetings of creditors or of a

class of creditors, or 2 or more meetings of members or of a class

of members, to be held in relation to the proposed compromise or


(a) in the case of meetings of creditors—the meetings are, for the

purposes of subsection (4), taken together to constitute a

single meeting and the votes in favour of the proposed

compromise or arrangement cast at each of the meetings are

to be aggregated, and the votes against the proposed

compromise or arrangement cast at each of the meetings are

to be aggregated, accordingly; or

(b) in the case of meetings of members—the meetings are, for

the purposes of subsection (4), taken together to constitute a

single meeting and the votes in favour of the proposed

compromise or arrangement cast at each of the meetings is to

be aggregated, and the votes against the proposed

compromise or arrangement cast at each of the meetings is to

be aggregated, accordingly.

(5A) If the compromise or arrangement:

(a) involves creditors of the Part 5.1 body with subordinate

claims (within the meaning of subsection 563A(2)); and

(b) is approved by the Court;

those creditors are also bound by the compromise or arrangement

despite the fact that a meeting of those creditors has not been

ordered by the Court under subsection (1) or (1A).

(6) The Court may grant its approval to a compromise or arrangement

subject to such alterations or conditions as it thinks just.

(6A) If:

(a) the Court has granted its approval to a compromise or

arrangement subject to an alteration or condition; and

(b) the body concerned contravenes:

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Part 5.1 Arrangements and reconstructions

Section 411

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(i) in the case of an alteration—the provision or provisions

of the compromise or arrangement to which the

alteration relates; or

(ii) in the case of a condition—the condition; and

(c) the Court is satisfied that a person suffered loss or damage as

a result of the contravention;

the Court may make such order as it thinks just.

(6B) The Court may make either or both of the following orders under

subsection (6A):

(a) an order that the body concerned pay compensation to the

person of such amount as the order specifies;

(b) an order directing the body concerned to comply with:

(i) in the case of an alteration—the provision or provisions

of the compromise or arrangement to which the

alteration relates; or

(ii) in the case of a condition—the condition.

(6C) Subsection (6B) does not limit subsection (6A).

(7) Except with the leave of the Court, a person must not be appointed

to administer, and must not administer, a compromise or

arrangement approved under this Act between a body and its

creditors or any class of them or between a body and its members

or any class of them, whether by the terms of that compromise or

arrangement or pursuant to a power given by the terms of a

compromise or arrangement, if the person:

(a) is a secured party in relation to any property (including PPSA

retention of title property) of the body; or

(b) is an auditor of the body; or

(ba) is a director, secretary, senior manager or employee of the

body; or

(c) is a director, secretary, senior manager or employee of a body

corporate that is a secured party in relation to any property

(including PPSA retention of title property) of the body; or

(d) is not a registered liquidator; or

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External administration Chapter 5

Arrangements and reconstructions Part 5.1

Section 411

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(e) is a director, secretary, senior manager or employee of a body

corporate related to the body; or

(f) unless ASIC directs in writing that this paragraph does not

apply in relation to the person in relation to the body—has at

any time within the last 12 months been an officer or

promoter of the body or of a related body corporate.

(8) Paragraph (7)(d) does not apply in relation to a body corporate

authorised by or under a law of a State or Territory in this

jurisdiction to administer the compromise or arrangement


(8A) Subsection (7) does not disqualify a person from administering a

compromise or arrangement under an appointment validly made

before 1 January 1991.

(9) Where a person is or persons are appointed by, or under a power

given by, the terms of a compromise or arrangement, to administer

the compromise or arrangement:

(a) sections 422A, 422B and 425, subsections 427(2) and (4) and

sections 428, 432 and 434 apply in relation to that person or

those persons as if:

(i) the appointment of the person or persons to administer

the compromise or arrangement were an appointment of

the person or persons as a receiver and manager, or as

receivers and managers, of property of the body; and

(ii) a reference in any of those sections or subsections to a

receiver, or to a receiver of property, of a corporation

were a reference to that person or to those persons; and

(b) Subdivision B (court powers to inquire and make orders) of

Division 90 of Schedule 2 applies in relation to that person or

those persons as if:

(i) the appointment of the person or persons to administer

the compromise or arrangement were an appointment of

the person or persons as an external administrator of the

body; and

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.1 Arrangements and reconstructions

Section 411

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(ii) a reference in that Subdivision to an external

administration were a reference to the administration of

the compromise or arrangement; and

(iii) a reference in that Subdivision to an external

administrator were a reference to that person or to those


(10) An order of the Court made for the purposes of paragraph (4)(b)

does not have any effect until an office copy of the order is lodged

with ASIC, and upon being so lodged, the order takes effect, or is

taken to have taken effect, on and from the date of lodgment or

such earlier date as the Court determines and specifies in the order.

(11) Subject to subsection (12), a copy of every order of the Court made

for the purposes of paragraph (4)(b) must be annexed to every copy

of the constitution of the body issued after the order has been


(12) The Court may, by order, exempt a body from compliance with

subsection (11) or determine the period during which the body

must comply with that subsection.

(13) Where a compromise or arrangement referred to in subsection (1)

or (1A) (whether or not for the purposes of or in connection with a

scheme for the reconstruction of a body or bodies or the

amalgamation of any 2 or more bodies) has been proposed, the

directors of the body must:

(a) if a meeting of the members of the body by resolution so

directs—instruct such accountants or solicitors or both as are

named in the resolution to report on the proposals and send

their report or reports to the directors as soon as practicable;


(b) if a report or reports is or are obtained pursuant to

paragraph (a)—make the report or reports available at the

registered office of the body for inspection by the

shareholders and creditors of the body at least 7 days before

the day of the meeting ordered by the Court to be convened

as provided in subsection (1) or (1A), as the case may be.

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Arrangements and reconstructions Part 5.1

Section 412

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(14) If default is made in complying with subsection (11), the body

contravenes this subsection.

(15) If default is made in complying with subsection (13), each director

of the body contravenes this subsection.

(16) Where no order has been made or resolution passed for the

winding up of a Part 5.1 body and a compromise or arrangement

has been proposed between the body and its creditors or any class

of them, the Court may, in addition to exercising any of its other

powers, on the application in a summary way of the body or of any

member or creditor of the body, restrain further proceedings in any

action or other civil proceeding against the body except by leave of

the Court and subject to such terms as the Court imposes.

(17) The Court must not approve a compromise or arrangement under

this section unless:

(a) it is satisfied that the compromise or arrangement has not

been proposed for the purpose of enabling any person to

avoid the operation of any of the provisions of Chapter 6; or

(b) there is produced to the Court a statement in writing by ASIC

stating that ASIC has no objection to the compromise or


but the Court need not approve a compromise or arrangement

merely because a statement by ASIC stating that ASIC has no

objection to the compromise or arrangement has been produced to

the Court as mentioned in paragraph (b).

412 Information as to compromise with creditors

(1) Where a meeting is convened under section 411, the body must:

(a) with every notice convening the meeting that is sent to a

creditor or member, send a statement (in this section called

the explanatory statement):

(i) explaining the effect of the compromise or arrangement

and, in particular, stating any material interests of the

directors, whether as directors, as members or creditors

of the body or otherwise, and the effect on those

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.1 Arrangements and reconstructions

Section 412

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interests of the compromise or arrangement in so far as

that effect is different from the effect on the like

interests of other persons; and

(ii) setting out such information as is prescribed and any

other information that is material to the making of a

decision by a creditor or member whether or not to

agree to the compromise or arrangement, being

information that is within the knowledge of the directors

and has not previously been disclosed to the creditors or

members; and

(b) in every notice convening the meeting that is given by

advertisement or that is published in the prescribed manner,

include either a copy of the explanatory statement or a

notification of the place at which and the manner in which

creditors or members entitled to attend the meeting may

obtain copies of the explanatory statement.

(2) In the case of a creditor whose debt does not exceed $200,

paragraph (1)(a) does not apply unless the Court otherwise orders

but the notice convening the meeting that is sent to such a creditor

must specify a place at which a copy of the explanatory statement

can be obtained on request and, where the creditor makes such a

request, the body must as soon as practicable comply with the


(3) Where the compromise or arrangement affects the rights of

debenture holders, the explanatory statement must specify any

material interests of the trustees for the debenture holders, whether

as such trustees, as members or creditors of the body or otherwise,

and the effect on those interests of the compromise or arrangement

in so far as that effect is different from the effect on the like

interests of other persons.

(4) Where a notice given by advertisement, or published in the

prescribed manner, includes a notification that copies of the

explanatory statement can be obtained in a particular manner,

every creditor or member entitled to attend the meeting must, on

making application in that matter, be furnished by the body free of

charge with a copy of the explanatory statement.

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Arrangements and reconstructions Part 5.1

Section 413

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(5) Each person who is a director or trustee for debenture holders must

give notice to the body of such matters relating to the person as are

required to be included in the explanatory statement.

(6) In the case of a compromise or arrangement that is not, or does not

include, a compromise or arrangement between a Part 5.1 body and

its creditors or any class of them, the body must not send out an

explanatory statement pursuant to subsection (1) unless a copy of

that statement has been registered by ASIC.

(7) Where an explanatory statement sent out under subsection (1) is

not required by subsection (6) to be registered by ASIC, the Court

must not make an order approving the compromise or arrangement

unless it is satisfied that ASIC has had a reasonable opportunity to

examine the explanatory statement and to make submissions to the

Court in relation to that statement.

(8) Where a copy of an explanatory statement is lodged with ASIC for

registration under subsection (6), ASIC must not register the copy

of the statement unless the statement appears to comply with this

Act and ASIC is of the opinion that the statement does not contain

any matter that is false in a material particular or materially

misleading in the form or context in which it appears.

(9) Where a body contravenes this section, a person involved in the

contravention contravenes this subsection.

(10) It is a defence to a prosecution for a contravention of this section if

it is proved that the contravention was due to the failure of a person

(other than the defendant), being a director of the body or a trustee

for debenture holders of the body, to supply for the purposes of the

explanatory statement particulars of the person’s interests.

413 Provisions for facilitating reconstruction and amalgamation of

Part 5.1 bodies

(1) Where an application is made to the Court under this Part for the

approval of a compromise or arrangement and it is shown to the

Court that the compromise or arrangement has been proposed for

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.1 Arrangements and reconstructions

Section 413

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the purposes of, or in connection with, a scheme for the

reconstruction of a Part 5.1 body or Part 5.1 bodies or the

amalgamation of 2 or more Part 5.1 bodies and that, under the

scheme, the whole or any part of the undertaking or of the property

of a body concerned in the scheme (in this section called the

transferor body) is to be transferred to a company (in this section

called the transferee company), the Court may, either by the order

approving the compromise or arrangement or by a later order,

provide for all or any of the following matters:

(a) the transfer to the transferee company of the whole or a part

of the undertaking and of the property or liabilities of the

transferor body;

(b) the allotting or appropriation by the transferee company of

shares, debentures, policies or other interests in that company

that, under the compromise or arrangement, are to be allotted

or appropriated by that company to or for any person;

(c) the continuation by or against the transferee company of any

legal proceedings pending by or against the transferor body;

(d) if the transferor body is a company—the deregistration by

ASIC, without winding up, of the transferor body;

(e) the provision to be made for any persons who, within such

time and in such manner as the Court directs, dissent from

the compromise or arrangement;

(f) the transfer or allotment of any interest in property to any

person concerned in the compromise or arrangement;

(g) such incidental, consequential and supplemental matters as

are necessary to ensure that the reconstruction or

amalgamation is fully and effectively carried out.

(2) Where an order made under this section provides for the transfer of

property or liabilities, then, by virtue of the order, that property is

transferred to and vests in, and those liabilities are transferred to

and become the liabilities of, the transferee company, free, in the

case of any particular property if the order so directs, from any

security interest that is, by virtue of the compromise or

arrangement, to cease to have effect.

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Arrangements and reconstructions Part 5.1

Section 414

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(3) Where an order is made under this section, each body to which the

order relates must, within 14 days after the making of the order,

lodge with ASIC an office copy of the order.

(4) In this section:

liabilities includes duties of any description, including duties that

are of a personal character or are incapable under the general law

of being assigned or performed vicariously.

property includes rights and powers of any description, including

rights and powers that are of a personal character and are incapable

under the general law of being assigned or performed vicariously.

414 Acquisition of shares of shareholders dissenting from scheme or

contract approved by majority

(1) In this section:

dissenting shareholder, in relation to a scheme or contract, means

a shareholder who has not assented to the scheme or contract or

who has failed to transfer his, her or its shares in accordance with

the scheme or contract.

excluded shares, in relation to a scheme or contract involving a

transfer to a person of shares in a class of shares in a company,

means shares in that class that, when the offer relating to the

scheme or contract is made, are held by:

(a) in any case—the person or a nominee of the person; or

(b) if the person is a body corporate—a subsidiary of the body.

(2) Where a scheme or contract (not being a scheme or contract arising

out of the making of offers under a takeover bid) involving a

transfer of shares in a class of shares in a company (in this section

called the transferor company) to a person (in this section called

the transferee) has, within 4 months after the making of the offer

relating to the scheme or contract by the transferee, been approved

by members holding shares in that class carrying at least 90% of

the votes attached to shares in that class (other than excluded

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.1 Arrangements and reconstructions

Section 414

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shares), the transferee may, within 2 months after the offer has

been so approved, give notice as prescribed to a dissenting

shareholder that the transferee wishes to acquire the shares held by

that shareholder.

(3) Where such a notice is given, then, unless the Court orders

otherwise on an application by a dissenting shareholder made

within one month after the day on which the notice was given or

within 14 days after a statement is supplied under subsection (7) to

a dissenting shareholder, whichever is the later, the transferee is

entitled and bound, subject to this section, to acquire those shares

on the terms on which, under the scheme or contract, the shares of

the approving shareholders are to be transferred to the transferee.

(4) Where alternative terms were offered to the approving

shareholders, the dissenting shareholder is entitled to elect not later

than the end of one month after the date on which the notice is

given under subsection (2) or 14 days after a statement is supplied

under subsection (7), whichever is the later, which of those terms

he, she or it prefers and, if he, she or it fails to make the election

within the time allowed by this subsection, the transferee may,

unless the Court otherwise orders, determine which of those terms

is to apply to the acquisition of the shares of the dissenting


(5) Despite subsections (3) and (4), if the number of votes attached to

the excluded shares is more than 10% of the votes attached to the

excluded shares and the shares (other than excluded shares) to be

transferred under the scheme or contract, those subsections do not

apply unless:

(a) the transferee offers the same terms to all holders of the

shares (other than excluded shares) to be transferred under

the scheme or contract; and

(b) the holders who approve the scheme or contract hold shares

to which are attached at least 90% of the votes attached to the

shares (other than excluded shares) to be transferred under

the scheme or contract and are also at least 75% in number of

the holders of those shares.

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External administration Chapter 5

Arrangements and reconstructions Part 5.1

Section 414

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(6) For the purposes of paragraph (5)(b), 2 or more persons registered

as holding shares jointly are to be counted as one person.

(7) When a notice is given under subsection (2), the dissenting

shareholder may, by written notice given to the transferee within

one month after the day on which the notice was given under

subsection (2), ask for a statement in writing of the names and

addresses of all other dissenting shareholders as shown in the

register of members.

(8) Where a notice is given under subsection (7), the transferee must

comply with it.

(9) Where, under a scheme or contract referred to in subsection (2), the

transferee becomes beneficially entitled to shares in the transferor

company which, together with any other shares in the transferor

company to which the transferee or, where the transferee is a body

corporate, a body corporate related to the transferee is beneficially

entitled, have attached to them at least 90% of the votes attached to

the shares included in the class of shares concerned, then:

(a) the transferee must, within one month after the date on which

he, she or it becomes beneficially entitled to those shares

(unless in relation to the scheme or contract he, she or it has

already complied with this requirement), give notice of the

fact as prescribed to the holders of the remaining shares

included in that class who, when the notice was given, had

not assented to the scheme or contract or been given notice

by the transferee under subsection (2); and

(b) such a holder may, within 3 months after the giving of the

notice to him, her or it by notice to the transferee, require the

transferee to acquire his, her or its share and, where

alternative terms were offered to the approving shareholders,

elect which of those terms he, she or it will accept.

(10) Where a shareholder gives notice under paragraph (9)(b) with

respect to his, her or its shares, the transferee is entitled and bound

to acquire those shares:

(a) on the terms on which under the scheme or contract the

shares of the approving shareholders were transferred to him,

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Part 5.1 Arrangements and reconstructions

Section 414

242 Corporations Act 2001

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her or it and, where alternative terms were offered to those

shareholders, on the terms for which the shareholder has

elected, or where he, she or it has not so elected, for

whichever of the terms the transferee determines; or

(b) on such other terms as are agreed or as the Court, on the

application of the transferee or of the shareholder, thinks fit

to order.

(11) Subsections (12) and (13) apply where a notice has been given

under subsection (1) unless the Court, on an application made by

the dissenting shareholder, orders to the contrary.

(12) The transferee must, within 14 days after:

(a) the end of one month after the day on which the notice was

given; or

(b) the end of 14 days after a statement under subsection (7) is

supplied; or

(c) if an application has been made to the Court by a dissenting

shareholder—the application is disposed of;

whichever last happens:

(d) send a copy of the notice to the transferor company together

with an instrument of transfer that relates to the shares that

the transferee is entitled to acquire under this section and is

executed, on the shareholder’s behalf, by a person appointed

by the transferee and, on the transferee’s own behalf, by the

transferee; and

(e) pay, allot or transfer to the transferor company the

consideration for the shares.

(13) When the transferee has complied with subsection (12), the

transferor company must register the transferee as the holder of the


(14) All sums received by the transferor company under this section

must be paid into a separate bank account and those sums, and any

other consideration so received, must be held by that company in

trust for the several persons entitled to the shares in respect of

which they were respectively received.

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External administration Chapter 5

Arrangements and reconstructions Part 5.1

Section 415

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(15) Where a sum or other property received by a company under this

section has been held in trust by the company for a person for at

least 2 years (whether or not that period began before the

commencement of this Act), the company must, before the end of

10 years after the day on which the sum was paid, or the

consideration was allotted or transferred, to the company, pay the

sum or transfer the consideration, and any accretions to it and any

property that may become substituted for it or for part of it, to

ASIC to be dealt with under Part 9.7.

415 Notification of appointment of scheme manager and power of

Court to require report

(1) Within 14 days after being appointed to administer a compromise

or arrangement approved under this Part, a person must lodge a

notice in writing of the appointment.

(2) Where an application is made to the Court under this Part in

relation to a proposed compromise or arrangement, the Court may:

(a) before making any order on the application, require ASIC or

another person specified by the Court to give to the Court a

report as to the terms of the compromise or arrangement or of

the scheme for the purposes of or in connection with which

the compromise or arrangement has been proposed, the

conduct of the officers of the body or bodies concerned and

any other matters that, in the opinion of ASIC or that person,

ought to be brought to the attention of the Court;

(b) in deciding the application, have regard to anything

contained in the report; and

(c) make such order or orders as to the payment of the costs of

preparing and giving the report as the Court thinks fit.

415A Outcome of voting at creditors’ meeting determined by related

entity—Court powers

(1) Subsection (3) applies if, on the application of a creditor of a

Part 5.1 body, the Court is satisfied of the following matters:

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.1 Arrangements and reconstructions

Section 415A

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(a) a proposed resolution has been voted on at a meeting of

creditors, or of a class of creditors, of the body held under

this Part;

(b) that, if the vote or votes that a particular related creditor, or

particular related creditors, of the body cast on the proposed

resolution had been disregarded for the purposes of

determining whether or not the proposed resolution was

passed, the proposed resolution:

(i) if it was in fact passed—would not have been passed; or

(ii) if in fact it was not passed—would have been passed;

or the question would have had to be decided on a casting


(c) that the passing of the proposed resolution, or the failure to

pass it, as the case requires:

(i) is contrary to the interests of the creditors as a whole or

of that class of creditors as a whole, as the case may be;


(ii) has prejudiced, or is reasonably likely to prejudice, the

interests of the creditors who voted against the proposed

resolution, or for it, as the case may be, to an extent that

is unreasonable having regard to the matters in

subsection (2).

(2) The matters are:

(a) the benefits resulting to the related creditor, or to some or all

of the related creditors, from the resolution, or from the

failure to pass the proposed resolution, as the case may be;


(b) the nature of the relationship between the related creditor and

the body, or of the respective relationships between the

related creditors and the body; and

(c) any other relevant matter.

(3) The Court may make one or more of the following:

(a) if the proposed resolution was passed—an order setting aside

the resolution;

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Arrangements and reconstructions Part 5.1

Section 415B

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(b) an order that the proposed resolution be considered and voted

on at a meeting of the creditors of the body, or of that class of

creditors, as the case may be, convened and held as specified

in the order;

(c) an order directing that the related creditor is not, or such of

the related creditors as the order specifies are not, entitled to

vote on:

(i) the proposed resolution; or

(ii) a resolution to amend or vary the proposed resolution;

(d) such other orders as the Court thinks necessary.

(4) In this section:

related creditor, in relation to a Part 5.1 body, in relation to a vote,

means a person who, when the vote was cast, was a related entity,

and a creditor, of the body.

415B Interim order on application under section 415A

(1) If:

(a) an application under subsection 415A(1) has not yet been

determined; and

(b) the Court is of the opinion that it is desirable to do so;

the Court may make such interim orders as it thinks appropriate.

(2) An interim order must be expressed to apply until the application is

determined, but may be varied or discharged.

415C Order under section 415A does not affect act already done

pursuant to resolution

An act done pursuant to a resolution as in force before the making,

under section 415A, of an order setting aside or varying the

resolution, is as valid and binding on and after the making of the

order as if the order had not been made.

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Part 5.1 Arrangements and reconstructions

Section 415D

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415D Stay on enforcing rights merely because of a proceeding under

this Part etc.

Stay on enforcing rights

(1) A right cannot be enforced against a body for:

(a) the reason that the body, if it is a disclosing entity, has

publicly announced that it will be making an application

under section 411 for the purpose of avoiding being wound

up in insolvency; or

(b) the reason that the body is the subject of an application under

section 411; or

(c) the reason that the body is the subject of a compromise or

arrangement approved under this Part as a result of an

application under section 411; or

(d) the body’s financial position, if the body is the subject of

such an announcement, application, compromise or

arrangement; or

(e) a reason, prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of

this paragraph, that relates to:

(i) the making, or possible making, of such an

announcement, application, compromise or arrangement

about the body; or

(ii) the body’s financial position;

if such an announcement, application, compromise or

arrangement is later made about the body; or

(f) a reason that, in substance, is contrary to this subsection;

if the right arises for that reason by express provision (however

described) of a contract, agreement or arrangement.

Note: This result is subject to subsections (5), (6) and (8), and to any order

under section 415E.

Example: A right to terminate a contract will not be enforceable to the extent

that those rights are triggered by the body becoming the subject of

such an announcement, application, compromise or arrangement.

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Section 415D

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Period of the stay

(2) The right cannot be enforced as described in subsection (1) during

the period (the stay period) that:

(a) starts:

(i) if the body makes an announcement referred to in

paragraph (1)(a)—when the announcement is made; or

(ii) otherwise—when the application under section 411 is

made; and

(b) ends:

(i) if the body makes an announcement referred to in

paragraph (1)(a), and fails to make the announced

application within the next 3 months or within any

period ordered under subsection (3) for the body—at the

end of the longer of those periods; or

(ii) when the application under section 411 is withdrawn or

when the Court dismisses the application; or

(iii) unless subparagraph (iv) applies—at the end of any

compromise or arrangement approved under this Part as

a result of the application under section 411; or

(iv) if such a compromise or arrangement ends because of a

resolution or order for the body to be wound up—when

the body’s affairs have been fully wound up.

(3) The Court may order a longer period than the 3 months otherwise

applying under subparagraph (2)(b)(i) for the body if the Court is

satisfied that the longer period is appropriate having regard to the

interests of justice.

Enforcing rights after the stay for reasons relating to earlier


(4) The right is unenforceable against the body indefinitely after the

end of the stay period to the extent that a reason for seeking to

enforce the right:

(a) is the body’s financial position before the end of the stay

period; or

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Part 5.1 Arrangements and reconstructions

Section 415D

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(b) is the body having been the subject of any of the following

before the end of the stay period:

(i) an announcement referred to in paragraph (1)(a);

(ii) an application under section 411;

(iii) a compromise or arrangement approved under this Part

as a result of an application under section 411; or

(c) is a reason, prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of

this paragraph, relating to circumstances in existence during

the stay period; or

(d) is a reason referred to in paragraph (1)(e) or (f).

Application must be made to avoid insolvency

(5) However, subsection (1) does not apply, and is taken never to have

applied, if the application under section 411 fails to state that it is

being made for the purpose of the body avoiding being wound up

in insolvency.

Rights not subject to the stay

(6) Subsection (1) does not apply to the right if it is:

(a) a right under a contract, agreement or arrangement entered

into after the day the order (if any) approving under this Part

a compromise or arrangement as a result of the application

takes effect; or

(b) a right contained in a kind of contract, agreement or


(i) prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this

subparagraph; or

(ii) declared under paragraph (7)(a); or

(c) a right of a kind declared under paragraph (7)(b); or

(d) a right of a kind declared under paragraph (7)(c), and the

circumstances specified in that declaration exist.

Note: For paragraph (a), subsection 411(10) sets out when the order takes


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Section 415E

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(7) For the purposes of subsection (6), the Minister may, by legislative


(a) declare kinds of contracts, agreements or arrangements

referred to in a specified law of the Commonwealth; or

(b) declare kinds of rights to which subsection (1) does not

apply; or

(c) declare kinds of rights to which subsection (1) does not apply

in specified circumstances.

(8) If the application under section 411 results in the approval under

this Part of a compromise or arrangement, subsection (1) does not

apply to the right to the extent that:

(a) the person appointed to administer the compromise or

arrangement; or

(b) if a liquidator of the body is appointed after the start of the

stay period—the liquidator;

has consented in writing to the enforcement of the right.

Stay on body’s right to new advance of money or credit

(9) If:

(a) one or more rights of an entity cannot be enforced against a

body for a period because of subsection (1); and

(b) the body has a right under a contract, agreement or

arrangement against the entity for a new advance of money

or credit;

that right of the body cannot be enforced during the same period.

415E Lifting the stay

(1) The Court may order that subsection 415D(1) does not apply for

one or more rights against a body if the Court is satisfied:

(a) that the relevant compromise or arrangement:

(i) to be applied for; or

(ii) applied for; or

(iii) approved;

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Section 415F

250 Corporations Act 2001

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under this Part is not for the purpose of the body avoiding

being wound up in insolvency; or

(b) that this is appropriate in the interests of justice.

(2) The order may also provide that the holder of those rights may

choose to enforce those rights from the earlier of:

(a) the day any announcement referred to in

paragraph 415D(1)(a) was made by the body; and

(b) the day any application under section 411 was made for the

compromise or arrangement.

(3) An application for the order may be made by the holder of those


415F Order for rights to be enforceable only with leave of the Court


(1) The Court may order that one or more rights under a contract,

agreement or arrangement are enforceable against a body only:

(a) with the leave of the Court; and

(b) in accordance with such terms (if any) as the Court imposes.

Example: The order could be sought for a right to terminate for convenience.

(2) The Court may make the order (the stay order) if:

(a) the body is the subject of any of the following:

(i) an announcement referred to in paragraph 415D(1)(a);

(ii) an application under section 411 (the section 411


(iii) a compromise or arrangement approved under this Part

as a result of a section 411 application; and

(b) the Court is satisfied that:

(i) the rights are being exercised; or

(ii) the rights are likely to be exercised; or

(iii) there is a threat to exercise the rights;

because of one or more reasons referred to in paragraphs

415D(1)(a) to (f); and

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Section 415F

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(c) an application for the stay order is:

(i) if the body has made an announcement referred to in

paragraph 415D(1)(a), but not yet a section 411

application—made by the body; or

(ii) if the body has made a section 411 application, but a

resulting compromise or arrangement is yet to be

approved under this Part—included in the section 411

application; or

(iii) if a compromise or arrangement has been approved

under this Part as a result of the section 411

application—made by the person appointed to

administer the compromise or arrangement; and

(d) in a case where the body has made a section 411

application—the section 411 application states it is being

made for the purpose of the body avoiding being wound up

in insolvency.

(3) A stay order must specify the period for which it applies. In

working out the period, the Court must have regard to:

(a) subsections 415D(2), (3) and (4); and

(b) the interests of justice.

(4) Subsection (1) does not apply to a right referred to in

subsection 415D(6) or (8).

Interim orders

(5) Before deciding an application for a stay order, the Court may

grant an interim order for one or more rights under a contract,

agreement or arrangement not to be enforced against a body.

(6) The Court must not require an applicant for a stay order to give an

undertaking as to damages as a condition of granting an interim


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Section 415FA

252 Corporations Act 2001

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415FA Self-executing provisions

(1) The object of subsection (2) is to ensure that a self-executing


(a) cannot start to apply against a body for certain reasons; and

(b) can be the subject of a Court order providing that the

provision can only start to apply against a body with the

leave of the Court, and in accordance with such terms (if any)

as the Court imposes.

(2) Sections 415D to 415F also apply in relation to a self-executing

provision in a corresponding way to the way they apply in relation

to a right. For this purpose, assume those sections apply with such

modifications as are necessary, including any prescribed by the

regulations for the purposes of this subsection.

Note 1: This subsection achieves the object in subsection (1) by extending the

application of all of the outcomes, exceptions and powers in

sections 415D to 415F.

Note 2: These modifications include, for example, treating:

(a) a reference that a right cannot be enforced (however described) as including a reference that a self-executing provision cannot start to apply; and

(b) the words “if the right arises for that reason by express provision (however described) of a contract, agreement or arrangement” as being omitted from subsection 415D(1); and

(c) a reference that one or more rights are enforceable as including a reference that one or more self-executing provisions can start to apply; and

(d) paragraph 415F(2)(b) as alternatively providing that the Court is satisfied that one or more reasons referred to in paragraphs 415D(1)(a) to (f) can cause the self-executing provisions to start to apply.

(3) In this section:

self-executing provision means a provision of a contract,

agreement or arrangement that can start to apply automatically:

(a) for one or more reasons; and

(b) without any party to the contract, agreement or arrangement

making a decision that the provision should start to apply.

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Section 415G

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415G When other laws prevail—certain other Commonwealth Acts

If there is any inconsistency between sections 415D to 415FA and

one of the following Acts, that Act prevails to the extent of the


(a) the Payment Systems and Netting Act 1998;

(b) the International Interests in Mobile Equipment (Cape Town

Convention) Act 2013.

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Part 5.2 Receivers, and other controllers, of property of corporations

Section 416

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Part 5.2—Receivers, and other controllers, of

property of corporations

416 Definitions

In this Part, unless the contrary intention appears:

officer, in relation to a registered foreign company, includes a local

agent of the foreign company.

property, in relation to a corporation, means property:

(a) in the case of a company—in Australia or outside Australia;


(b) in the case of a registered foreign company—in this

jurisdiction or an external Territory; or

(c) in the case of a registrable Australian body—in this

jurisdiction but outside the body’s place of origin.

receiver, in relation to property of a corporation, includes a

receiver and manager.

417 Application of Part

(1) Except so far as the contrary intention appears in this Part or

Part 11.2, this Part applies in relation to a receiver of property of a

corporation who is appointed after 1 January 1991, even if the

appointment arose out of a transaction entered into, or an act or

thing done, before 1 January 1991.

(2) To avoid doubt, this Part does not apply, of its own force, to the

property of a corporation that is an Aboriginal and Torres Strait

Islander corporation.

Note 1: The definition of property in section 416 does not define that term in

relation to a corporation that is an Aboriginal and Torres Strait

Islander corporation.

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Section 418

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Note 2: Section 516-1 of the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait

Islander) Act 2006 applies this Part to a corporation that is an

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporation with the

modifications provided for in that section.

418 Persons not to act as receivers

(1) A person is not qualified to be appointed, and must not act, as

receiver of property of a corporation if the person:

(a) is a secured party in relation to any property (including PPSA

retention of title property) of the corporation; or

(b) is an auditor or a director, secretary, senior manager or

employee of the corporation; or

(c) is a director, secretary, senior manager or employee of a body

corporate that is a secured party in relation to any property

(including PPSA retention of title property) of the

corporation; or

(d) is not a registered liquidator; or

(e) is a director, secretary, senior manager or employee of a body

corporate related to the corporation; or

(f) unless ASIC directs in writing that this paragraph does not

apply in relation to the person in relation to the corporation—

has at any time within the last 12 months been a director,

secretary, senior manager, employee or promoter of the

corporation or of a related body corporate.

(3) Paragraph (1)(d) does not apply in relation to a body corporate

authorised by or under a law of the Commonwealth, of a State or of

a Territory to act as receiver of property of the corporation


(4) In this section:

senior manager does not include a receiver and manager.

418A Court may declare whether controller is validly acting

(1) Where there is doubt, on a specific ground, about:

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Section 419

256 Corporations Act 2001

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(a) whether a purported appointment of a person, after 23 June

1993, as receiver of property of a corporation is valid; or

(b) whether a person who has entered into possession, or

assumed control, of property of a corporation after 23 June

1993 did so validly under the terms of a security interest in

that property;

the person, the corporation or any of the corporation’s creditors

may apply to the Court for an order under subsection (2).

(2) On an application, the Court may make an order declaring whether

or not:

(a) the purported appointment was valid; or

(b) the person entered into possession, or assumed control,

validly under the terms of the security interest;

as the case may be, on the ground specified in the application or on

some other ground.

419 Liability of controller

(1) A receiver, or any other authorised person, who, whether as agent

for the corporation concerned or not, enters into possession or

assumes control of any property of a corporation for the purpose of

enforcing any security interest is, notwithstanding any agreement

to the contrary, but without prejudice to the person’s rights against

the corporation or any other person, liable for debts incurred by the

person in the course of the receivership, possession or control for

services rendered, goods purchased or property hired, leased

(including a lease of goods that gives rise to a PPSA security

interest in the goods), used or occupied.

(2) Subsection (1) does not constitute the person entitled to the

security interest a mortgagee in possession.

(3) Where:

(a) a person (in this subsection called the controller) enters into

possession or assumes control of property of a corporation;


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Section 419A

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(b) the controller purports to have been properly appointed as a

receiver in respect of that property under a power contained

in an instrument, but has not been properly so appointed; and

(c) civil proceedings in an Australian court arise out of an act

alleged to have been done by the controller;

the court may, if it is satisfied that the controller believed on

reasonable grounds that the controller had been properly so

appointed, order that:

(d) the controller be relieved in whole or in part of a liability that

the controller has incurred but would not have incurred if the

controller had been properly so appointed; and

(e) a person who purported to appoint the controller as receiver

be liable in respect of an act, matter or thing in so far as the

controller has been relieved under paragraph (d) of liability in

respect of that act, matter or thing.

419A Liability of controller under pre-existing agreement about

property used by corporation

(1) This section applies if:

(a) under an agreement made before the control day in relation to

a controller of property of a corporation, the corporation

continues after that day to use or occupy, or to be in

possession of, property (the third party property) of which

someone else is the owner or lessor; and

(b) the controller is controller of the third party property.

(2) Subject to subsections (4) and (7), the controller is liable for so

much of the rent or other amounts payable by the corporation

under the agreement as is attributable to a period:

(a) that begins more than 7 days after the control day; and

(b) throughout which:

(i) the corporation continues to use or occupy, or to be in

possession of, the third party property; and

(ii) the controller is controller of the third party property.

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Section 419A

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(3) Within 7 days after the control day, the controller may give to the

owner or lessor a notice that specifies the third party property and

states that the controller does not propose to exercise rights in

relation to that property as controller of the property, whether on

behalf of the corporation or anyone else.

(4) Despite subsection (2), the controller is not liable for so much of

the rent or other amounts payable by the corporation under the

agreement as is attributable to a period during which a notice under

subsection (3) is in force, but such a notice does not affect a

liability of the corporation.

(5) A notice under subsection (3) ceases to have effect if:

(a) the controller revokes it by writing given to the owner or

lessor; or

(b) the controller exercises, or purports to exercise, a right in

relation to the third party property as controller of the

property, whether on behalf of the corporation or anyone


(6) For the purposes of subsection (5), the controller does not exercise,

or purport to exercise, a right as mentioned in paragraph (5)(b)

merely because the controller continues to be in possession, or to

have control, of the third party property, unless the controller:

(a) also uses the property; or

(b) asserts a right, as against the owner or lessor, so to continue.

(7) Subsection (2) does not apply in so far as a court, by order, excuses

the controller from liability, but an order does not affect a liability

of the corporation.

(8) The controller is not taken because of subsection (2):

(a) to have adopted the agreement; or

(b) to be liable under the agreement otherwise than as mentioned

in subsection (2).

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Section 420

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420 Powers of receiver

(1) Subject to this section, a receiver of property of a corporation has

power to do, in Australia and elsewhere, all things necessary or

convenient to be done for or in connection with, or as incidental to,

the attainment of the objectives for which the receiver was


(2) Without limiting the generality of subsection (1), but subject to any

provision of the court order by which, or the instrument under

which, the receiver was appointed, being a provision that limits the

receiver’s powers in any way, a receiver of property of a

corporation has, in addition to any powers conferred by that order

or instrument, as the case may be, or by any other law, power, for

the purpose of attaining the objectives for which the receiver was


(a) to enter into possession and take control of property of the

corporation in accordance with the terms of that order or

instrument; and

(b) to lease, let on hire or dispose of property of the corporation;


(c) to grant options over property of the corporation on such

conditions as the receiver thinks fit; and

(d) to borrow money on the security of property of the

corporation; and

(e) to insure property of the corporation; and

(f) to repair, renew or enlarge property of the corporation; and

(g) to convert property of the corporation into money; and

(h) to carry on any business of the corporation; and

(j) to take on lease or on hire, or to acquire, any property

necessary or convenient in connection with the carrying on of

a business of the corporation; and

(k) to execute any document, bring or defend any proceedings or

do any other act or thing in the name of and on behalf of the

corporation; and

(m) to draw, accept, make and indorse a bill of exchange or

promissory note; and

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Section 420

260 Corporations Act 2001

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(n) to use a seal of the corporation; and

(o) to engage or discharge employees on behalf of the

corporation; and

(p) to appoint a solicitor, accountant or other professionally

qualified person to assist the receiver; and

(q) to appoint an agent to do any business that the receiver is

unable to do, or that it is unreasonable to expect the receiver

to do, in person; and

(r) where a debt or liability is owed to the corporation—to prove

the debt or liability in a bankruptcy, insolvency or winding

up and, in connection therewith, to receive dividends and to

assent to a proposal for a composition or a scheme of

arrangement; and

(s) if the receiver was appointed under an instrument that created

a security interest in uncalled share capital of the corporation:

(i) to make a call in the name of the corporation for the

payment of money unpaid on the corporation’s shares;


(ii) on giving a proper indemnity to a liquidator of the

corporation—to make a call in the liquidator’s name for

the payment of money unpaid on the corporation’s

shares; and

(t) to enforce payment of any call that is due and unpaid,

whether the calls were made by the receiver or otherwise;


(u) to make or defend an application for the winding up of the

corporation; and

(w) to refer to arbitration any question affecting the corporation.

(3) The conferring by this section on a receiver of powers in relation to

property of a corporation does not affect any rights in relation to

that property of any other person other than the corporation.

(4) In this section, a reference, in relation to a receiver, to property of a

corporation is, unless the contrary intention appears, a reference to

the property of the corporation in relation to which the receiver

was appointed.

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Section 420A

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(5) In this section:

lease includes a lease of goods that gives rise to a PPSA security

interest in the goods.

420A Controller’s duty of care in exercising power of sale

(1) In exercising a power of sale in respect of property of a

corporation, a controller must take all reasonable care to sell the

property for:

(a) if, when it is sold, it has a market value—not less than that

market value; or

(b) otherwise—the best price that is reasonably obtainable,

having regard to the circumstances existing when the

property is sold.

(2) Nothing in subsection (1) limits the generality of anything in

section 180, 181, 182, 183 or 184.

420B Court may authorise managing controller to dispose of

property despite prior security interest

(1) On the application of a managing controller of property of a

corporation, the Court may by order authorise the controller to sell,

or to dispose of in some other specified way, specified property of

the corporation, even though it is subject to a security interest (the

prior security interest) that has priority over a security interest (the

controller’s security interest) in that property that the controller is


(2) However, the Court may only make an order if satisfied that:

(a) apart from the existence of the prior security interest, the

controller would have power to sell, or to so dispose of, the

property; and

(b) the controller has taken all reasonable steps to obtain the

consent of the secured party in relation to the prior security

interest to the sale or disposal, but has not obtained that

consent; and

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Section 420B

262 Corporations Act 2001

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(c) sale or disposal of the property under the order is in the best

interests of the corporation’s creditors and of the corporation;


(d) sale or disposal of the property under the order will not

unreasonably prejudice the rights or interests of the secured

party in relation to the prior security interest.

(3) The Court is to have regard to the need to protect adequately the

rights and interests of the secured party in relation to the prior

security interest.

(4) If the property would be sold or disposed of together with other

property that is subject to the controller’s security interest, the

Court may have regard to:

(a) the amount (if any) by which it is reasonable to expect that

the net proceeds of selling or disposing of that other property

otherwise than together with the first-mentioned property

would be less than so much of the net proceeds of selling or

disposing of all the property together as would be attributable

to that other property; and

(b) the amount (if any) by which it is reasonable to expect that

the net proceeds of selling or disposing of the first-mentioned

property otherwise than together with the other property

would be greater than so much of the net proceeds of selling

or disposing of all the property together as would be

attributable to the first-mentioned property.

(5) Nothing in subsection (3) or (4) limits the matters to which the

Court may have regard for the purposes of subsection (2).

(6) An order may be made subject to conditions, for example (but

without limitation):

(a) a condition that:

(i) the net proceeds of the sale or disposal; and

(ii) the net proceeds of the sale or disposal of such other

property (if any) as is specified in the condition and is

subject to the controller’s security interest;

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Section 420C

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or a specified part of those net proceeds, be applied in

payment of specified amounts secured by the prior security

interest; or

(b) a condition that the controller apply a specified amount in

payment of specified amounts secured by the prior security


420C Receiver’s power to carry on corporation’s business during

winding up

(1) A receiver of property of a corporation that is being wound up


(a) with the written approval of the corporation’s liquidator or

with the approval of the Court, carry on the corporation’s

business either generally or as otherwise specified in the

approval; and

(b) do whatever is necessarily incidental to carrying on that

business under paragraph (a).

(2) Subsection (1) does not:

(a) affect a power that the receiver has otherwise than under that

subsection; or

(b) empower the receiver to do an act that he or she would not

have power to do if the corporation were not being wound


(3) A receiver of property of a corporation who carries on the

corporation’s business under subsection (1) does so:

(a) as agent for the corporation; and

(b) in his or her capacity as receiver of property of the


(4) The consequences of subsection (3) include, but are not limited to,

the following:

(a) for the purposes of subsection 419(1), a debt that the receiver

incurs in carrying on the business as mentioned in

subsection (3) of this section is incurred in the course of the


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Section 421

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(b) a debt or liability that the receiver incurs in so carrying on the

business is not a cost, charge or expense of the winding up.

421 Managing controller’s duties in relation to bank accounts and

financial records

(1) A managing controller of property of a corporation must:

(a) open and maintain an account, with an Australian ADI,


(i) the managing controller’s own name; and

(ii) in the case of a receiver of the property—the title

“receiver”; and

(iii) otherwise—the title “managing controller”; and

(iv) the corporation’s name;

or 2 or more such accounts; and

(b) within 3 business days after money of the corporation comes

under the control of the managing controller, pay that money

into such an account that the managing controller maintains;


(c) ensure that no such account that the managing controller

maintains contains money other than money of the

corporation that comes under the control of the managing

controller; and

(d) keep such financial records as correctly record and explain all

transactions that the managing controller enters into as the

managing controller.

(2) Any director, creditor or member of a corporation may, unless the

Court otherwise orders, personally or by an agent, inspect records

kept by a managing controller of property of the corporation for the

purposes of paragraph (1)(d).

421A Managing controller to report within 2 months about

corporation’s affairs

(1) A managing controller of property of a corporation must prepare a

report about the corporation’s affairs that is in the prescribed form

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Section 422

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and is made up to a day not later than 30 days before the day when

it is prepared.

(2) The managing controller must prepare and lodge the report within

2 months after the control day.

(4) If, in the managing controller’s opinion, it would seriously


(a) the corporation’s interests; or

(b) the achievement of the objectives for which the controller

was appointed, or entered into possession or assumed control

of property of the corporation, as the case requires;

if particular information that the controller would otherwise

include in the report were made available to the public, the

controller need not include the information in the report.

(5) If the managing controller omits information from the report as

permitted by subsection (4), the controller must include instead a


(a) stating that certain information has been omitted from the

report; and

(b) summarising what the information is about, but without

disclosing the information itself.

422 Reports by receiver or managing controller

(1) If it appears to the receiver or managing controller of property of a

corporation that:

(a) a past or present officer or employee, or a member, of the

corporation may have been guilty of an offence in relation to

the corporation; or

(b) a person who has taken part in the formation, promotion,

administration, management or winding up of the


(i) may have misapplied or retained, or may have become

liable or accountable for, any money or property

(whether the property is in Australia or elsewhere) of

the corporation; or

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Section 422

266 Corporations Act 2001

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(ii) may have been guilty of any negligence, default, breach

of duty or breach of trust in relation to the corporation;

the receiver or managing controller must:

(c) lodge as soon as practicable a report about the matter; and

(d) give to ASIC such information, and such access to and

facilities for inspecting and taking copies of any documents,

as ASIC requires.

(2) The receiver or managing controller may also lodge further reports

specifying any other matter that, in the opinion of the receiver or

managing controller, it is desirable to bring to the notice of ASIC.

(3) If it appears to the Court:

(a) that a past or present officer or employee, or a member, of a

corporation in respect of property of which a receiver has

been appointed has been guilty of an offence in relation to

the corporation; or

(b) that a person who has taken part in the formation, promotion,

administration, management or winding up of a corporation

in respect of property of which a receiver has been appointed

has engaged in conduct referred to in paragraph (1)(b) in

relation to the corporation;

and that the receiver has not lodged a report about the matter, the

Court may, on the application of a person interested in the

appointment of the receiver, direct the receiver to lodge such a


(4) If:

(a) there is a managing controller in relation to property of a

corporation; and

(b) it appears to the Court that:

(i) a past or present officer or employee, or a member, of

the corporation has been guilty of an offence in relation

to the corporation; or

(ii) a person who has taken part in the formation,

promotion, administration, management or winding up

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Section 422A

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of the corporation has engaged in conduct referred to in

paragraph (1)(b) in relation to the corporation; and

(c) it appears to the Court that the managing controller has not

lodged a report about the matter;

the Court may, on the application of a person interested in the

appointment of the managing controller, direct the managing

controller to lodge such a report.

422A Annual return by controller

(1) This section applies if a person is the controller of property of a

corporation during all or part of a control return year for the

controller for the corporation.

(2) However, this section does not apply if:

(a) the control of the property ends during the control return

year; and

(b) the person is the controller of the property when the control

of the property ends.

Note: If a person is the controller of property of the corporation when the

control of the property ends, the person must instead lodge a return

under section 422B.

(3) The person must lodge a return in relation to the control of the

property of the corporation.

(4) The return must:

(a) be in the approved form; and

(b) be lodged with ASIC within 3 months after the end of the

control return year.

Note: Fees for lodging documents and late lodgement fees may be imposed

under the Corporations (Fees) Act 2001.

(5) Each of the following is a control return year for a controller for a


(a) the period of 12 months beginning on the day on which the

person first began to be a controller of the property of the


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Section 422B

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(b) each subsequent period of 12 months.

422B End of control return

Application of this section

(1) This section applies if the control of the property of a corporation


End of receivership return to be lodged

(2) The person who is the controller of the property of the corporation

when the control of the property of the corporation ends (the last

controller) must lodge a return in relation to the control of the

property of the corporation.

(3) The return must:

(a) be in the approved form; and

(b) be lodged with ASIC within 1 month after the control of the

property of the corporation ends.

Note: Fees for lodging documents and late lodgement fees may be imposed

under the Corporations (Fees) Act 2001.

Notice of lodgement to be given

(4) The last controller must give notice that the return has been lodged

to a person mentioned in subsection (5), if that person requests in

writing that the last controller give the person such a notice.

Note: For notification, see section 600G.

(5) The persons who may request such a notice are:

(a) the members of the corporation; and

(b) the creditors; and

(c) the corporation; and

(d) if the corporation is a company under external

administration—the external administrator of the company.

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Section 422C

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422C Transfer of books to new controller

Application of this section

(1) This section applies if:

(a) a person (the former controller) ceases to act as a controller

of property of a corporation; and

(b) ASIC has not issued a notice to the former controller under

section 422D; and

(c) a registered liquidator (the new controller) is appointed

instead as:

(i) the controller of that property of the corporation; or

(ii) if the corporation is a company under external

administration—the external administrator of the


Transfer of books to new controller

(2) The former controller must transfer to the new controller, within 5

business days after the new controller is appointed, possession or

control of any books relating to the control of the property that are

in the former controller’s possession or control.

(3) The former controller may take a copy of any part of the books

before transferring possession or control of them to the new


New controller must allow inspection etc.

(4) After possession or control of the books is transferred, the new

controller must allow the former controller to inspect them at any

reasonable time and take a copy of any part of the books.


(5) A person commits an offence if:

(a) the person is subject to a requirement under subsection (2) or

(4); and

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Section 422D

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(b) the person intentionally or recklessly fails to comply with the


Penalty: 50 penalty units.

Lien against books not prejudiced

(6) If the new controller is entitled to take possession or control of the

books under this section:

(a) a person is not entitled, as against the new controller, to

claim a lien on the books; and

(b) such a lien is not otherwise prejudiced.

422D Transfer of books to ASIC etc.

Transfer of books to ASIC

(1) If a person ceases to act as a controller of property of a corporation,

ASIC may, by written notice given to the person, require the

person to:

(a) if the person has possession or control of books relating to

the control of that property of the corporation in his or her

possession or control—transfer possession or control of those

books to ASIC within the period specified in the notice; or

(b) otherwise—notify ASIC, within the period and in the manner

specified in the notice, that the person does not have books

relating to the control of that property of the corporation in

the person’s possession or control.


(2) A person commits an offence if:

(a) the person is subject to a requirement under subsection (1);


(b) the person intentionally or recklessly fails to comply with the


Penalty: 50 penalty units.

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Section 422D

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ASIC must transfer books to new controller

(3) If:

(a) possession or control of books relating to the control of

property of a corporation is transferred to ASIC under this

section; and

(b) the books are in ASIC’s possession or control; and

(c) a person (the new controller) is or becomes:

(i) the controller of that property of the corporation; or

(ii) if the corporation is a company under external

administration—the external administrator of the


ASIC must, as soon as practicable, transfer possession or control of

those books to the new controller.

ASIC must transfer books to company

(4) If:

(a) possession or control of books relating to the control of

property of a corporation is transferred to ASIC under this

section; and

(b) the books are in ASIC’s possession or control; and

(c) it is unlikely that another person will be appointed as:

(i) the controller of that property of the corporation; or

(ii) if the corporation is a company under external

administration—the external administrator of the


ASIC must, as soon as practicable, transfer possession or control of

those books to the relevant corporation.

Lien against books not prejudiced

(5) If ASIC is entitled to take possession or control of the books under

this section:

(a) a person is not entitled, as against ASIC, to claim a lien on

the books; and

(b) such a lien is not otherwise prejudiced.

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Section 423

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(6) If ASIC is required to give possession or control of the books to

the new controller under this section:

(a) a person is not entitled, as against the new controller, to

claim a lien on the books; and

(b) such a lien is not otherwise prejudiced.

Notice is not a legislative instrument

(7) A notice under subsection (1) is not a legislative instrument.

Retention period for books

(8) ASIC must retain all books:

(a) that are relevant to the control of property of the corporation;


(b) possession or control of which is transferred to ASIC under

this section; and

(c) possession or control of which is not transferred to another

entity under this section, or under any other law;

for a period (the retention period) of 2 years after the day on which

ASIC takes possession or control of the books.

Destruction of books at end of retention period

(9) ASIC may destroy the books at the end of the retention period.

Relationship with other laws

(10) Subsections (8) and (9) do not apply to the extent that ASIC is

under an obligation to retain the books, or a part of the books,

under another provision of this Act or under any other law.

423 Supervision of controller

(1) If:

(a) it appears to the Court or to ASIC that a controller of

property of a corporation has not faithfully performed, or is

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Section 424

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not faithfully performing, the controller’s functions or has

not observed, or is not observing, a requirement of:

(i) in the case of a receiver—the order by which, or the

instrument under which, the receiver was appointed; or

(ii) otherwise—an instrument under which the controller

entered into possession, or took control, of that

property; or

(iii) in any case—the Court; or

(iv) in any case—this Act, the regulations or the rules; or

(b) a person complains to the Court or to ASIC about an act or

omission of a controller of property of a corporation in

connection with performing or exercising any of the

controller’s functions and powers;

the Court or ASIC, as the case may be, may inquire into the matter

and, where the Court or ASIC so inquires, the Court may take such

action as it thinks fit.

(2) ASIC may report to the Court any matter that in its opinion is a

misfeasance, neglect or omission on the part of a controller of

property of a corporation and the Court may order the controller to

make good any loss that the estate of the corporation has sustained

thereby and may make such other order or orders as it thinks fit.

(3) The Court may at any time:

(a) require a controller of property of a corporation to answer

questions about the performance or exercise of any of the

controller’s functions and powers as controller; or

(b) examine a person about the performance or exercise by such

a controller of any of the controller’s functions and powers as

controller; or

(c) direct an investigation to be made of such a controller’s


424 Controller may apply to Court

(1) A controller of property of a corporation may apply to the Court

for directions in relation to any matter arising in connection with

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Section 425

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the performance or exercise of any of the controller’s functions and

powers as controller.

(2) In the case of a receiver of property of a corporation, subsection (1)

applies only if the receiver was appointed under a power contained

in an instrument.

425 Court’s power to fix receiver’s remuneration

(1) The Court may by order fix the amount to be paid by way of

remuneration to any person who, under a power contained in an

instrument, has been appointed as receiver of property of a


(2) The power of the Court to make an order under this section:

(a) extends to fixing the remuneration for any period before the

making of the order or the application for the order; and

(b) is exercisable even if the receiver has died, or ceased to act,

before the making of the order or the application for the

order; and

(c) if the receiver has been paid or has retained for the receiver’s

remuneration for any period before the making of the order

any amount in excess of that fixed for that period—extends

to requiring the receiver or the receiver’s personal

representatives to account for the excess or such part of the

excess as is specified in the order.

(3) The power conferred by paragraph (2)(c) must not be exercised in

respect of any period before the making of the application for the

order unless, in the opinion of the Court, there are special

circumstances making it proper for the power to be so exercised.

(4) The Court may from time to time vary or amend an order under

this section.

(5) An order under this section may be made, varied or amended on

the application of:

(a) a liquidator of the corporation; or

(b) an administrator of the corporation; or

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Section 425

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(c) an administrator of a deed of company arrangement executed

by the corporation; or

(d) ASIC.

(6) An order under this section may be varied or amended on the

application of the receiver concerned.

(7) An order under this section may be made, varied or amended only

as provided in subsections (5) and (6).

(8) In exercising its powers under this section, the Court must have

regard to whether the remuneration is reasonable, taking into

account any or all of the following matters:

(a) the extent to which the work performed by the receiver was

reasonably necessary;

(b) the extent to which the work likely to be performed by the

receiver is likely to be reasonably necessary;

(c) the period during which the work was, or is likely to be,

performed by the receiver;

(d) the quality of the work performed, or likely to be performed,

by the receiver;

(e) the complexity (or otherwise) of the work performed, or

likely to be performed, by the receiver;

(f) the extent (if any) to which the receiver was, or is likely to

be, required to deal with extraordinary issues;

(g) the extent (if any) to which the receiver was, or is likely to

be, required to accept a higher level of risk or responsibility

than is usually the case;

(h) the value and nature of any property dealt with, or likely to

be dealt with, by the receiver;

(i) whether the receiver was, or is likely to be, required to deal


(i) one or more other receivers; or

(ii) one or more receivers and managers; or

(iii) one or more liquidators; or

(iv) one or more administrators; or

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Section 426

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(v) one or more administrators of deeds of company


(j) the number, attributes and behaviour, or the likely number,

attributes and behaviour, of the company’s creditors;

(k) if the remuneration is ascertained, in whole or in part, on a

time basis:

(i) the time properly taken, or likely to be properly taken,

by the receiver in performing the work; and

(ii) whether the total remuneration payable to the receiver is


(l) any other relevant matters.

426 Controller has qualified privilege in certain cases

A controller of property of a corporation has qualified privilege in

respect of:

(a) a matter contained in a report or return that the controller

lodges under section 421A, 422, 422A or 422B; or

(b) a comment that the controller makes under

paragraph 429(2)(c) (including as it applies under

paragraph 429A(3)(g)).

427 Notification of matters relating to controller

(1) A person who:

(a) obtains an order for the appointment of a receiver of property

of a corporation; or

(b) appoints such a receiver under a power contained in an


must, within 7 days after obtaining the order or making the

appointment, lodge notice that the order has been obtained, or that

the appointment has been made, as the case may be.

(1A) A person who appoints another person to enter into possession, or

take control, of property of a corporation (whether or not as agent

for the corporation) for the purpose of enforcing a security interest

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Section 428

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otherwise than as receiver of that property must, within 7 days after

making the appointment, lodge notice of the appointment.

(1B) A person who enters into possession, or takes control, as

mentioned in subsection (1A) must, within 7 days after entering

into possession or taking control, lodge notice that the person has

done so, unless another person:

(a) appointed the first-mentioned person so to enter into

possession or take control; and

(b) complies with subsection (1A) in relation to the appointment.

(2) Within 14 days after becoming a controller of property of a

corporation, a person must lodge notice in the prescribed form of

the address of the person’s office.

(3) A controller of property of a corporation must, within 14 days after

a change in the situation of the controller’s office, lodge notice in

the prescribed form of the change.

(4) A person who ceases to be a controller of property of a corporation

must, within 7 days after so ceasing, lodge notice that the person

has so ceased.

428 Statement that receiver appointed or other controller acting

Property of corporation

(1) Where a receiver of property (whether in or outside this

jurisdiction or in or outside Australia) of a corporation has been

appointed, the corporation must set out, in every public document,

and in every negotiable instrument, of the corporation, after the

name of the corporation where it first appears, a statement that a

receiver, or a receiver and manager, as the case requires, has been


(2) Where there is a controller (other than a receiver) of property

(whether in Australia or elsewhere) of a corporation, the

corporation must set out, in every public document, and in every

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Section 428

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negotiable instrument, of the corporation, after the corporation’s

name where it first appears, a statement that a controller is acting.

(2A) However, if the only property of the corporation in respect of

which a receiver has been appointed, or in respect of which there is

a controller, is:

(a) scheme property of any registered schemes of which the

corporation is the responsible entity; or

(b) property the corporation holds on trust, if the corporation:

(i) is a licensed trustee company; or

(ii) holds an Australian financial services licence that

covers the provision of custodial or depository services;

subsections (1) and (2) apply only to documents or instruments that

relate to the relevant registered schemes and trusts. The statement

may refer to those schemes and trusts.

Scheme property

(2B) A corporation must set out in every public document, and in every

negotiable instrument, of the corporation that relates to a registered

scheme, after the name of the corporation where it first appears, a

statement that a receiver, or a receiver and manager, as the case

requires, has been appointed, if:

(a) the corporation is the responsible entity of the registered

scheme; and

(b) a receiver of scheme property (whether in or outside this

jurisdiction or in or outside Australia) of the registered

scheme has been appointed; and

(c) the scheme property is not property of the corporation.

The statement may refer to the registered scheme.

(2C) A corporation must set out in every public document, and in every

negotiable instrument, of the corporation that relates to a registered

scheme, after the name of the corporation where it first appears, a

statement that a controller is acting, if:

(a) the corporation is the responsible entity of the registered

scheme; and

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Section 429

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(b) there is a controller (other than a receiver) of scheme

property (whether in Australia or elsewhere) of the registered

scheme; and

(c) the scheme property is not property of the corporation.

The statement may refer to the registered scheme.

Strict liability offence

(3) An offence based on subsection (1), (2), (2B) or (2C) is an offence

of strict liability.

429 Officers to report to controller about corporation’s affairs

(1) In this section:

reporting officer, in relation to a corporation in respect of property

of which a person is controller, means a person who was:

(a) in the case of a company or registrable Australian body—a

director or secretary of the company or registrable Australian

body; or

(b) in the case of a foreign company—a local agent of the

foreign company;

on the control day.

(2) Where a person becomes a controller of property of a corporation:

(a) the person must serve on the corporation as soon as

practicable notice that the person is a controller of property

of the corporation; and

(b) within 10 business days after the corporation receives the

notice, the reporting officers must make out and submit to the

person a report in the prescribed form about the affairs of the

corporation as at the control day; and

(c) the person must, within one month after receipt of the report:

(i) lodge a copy of the report and a notice setting out any

comments the person sees fit to make relating to the

report or, if the person does not see fit to make any

comment, a notice stating that the person does not see

fit to make any comment; and

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Section 429

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(ii) send to the corporation a copy of the notice lodged in

accordance with subparagraph (i); and

(iii) if the person became a controller of the property:

(A) because of an appointment as receiver of the

property that was made by or on behalf of the

holder of debentures of the corporation; or

(B) by entering into possession, or taking control,

of the property for the purpose of enforcing a

security interest securing such debentures;

and there are trustees for the holders of those

debentures—send to those trustees a copy of the report

and a copy of the notice lodged under subparagraph (i).

(2A) However, if:

(a) the corporation:

(i) is a licensed trustee company; or

(ii) holds an Australian financial services licence that

covers the provision of custodial or depository services;


(b) the only property of the corporation in respect of which a

person is controller is property the corporation holds on trust;

subsection (2) applies only to affairs of the corporation that relate

to the relevant registered schemes and trusts, and the notice under

paragraph (2)(a) may refer to those schemes and trusts.

Note: See section 429A if the property is scheme property of a registered


(3) Where notice has been served on a corporation under

paragraph (2)(a), the reporting officers may apply to the controller

or to the Court to extend the period within which the report is to be

submitted and:

(a) if application is made to the controller—if the controller

believes that there are special reasons for so doing, the

controller may, by notice in writing given to the reporting

officers, extend that period until a specified day; and

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Section 429A

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(b) if application is made to the Court—if the Court believes that

there are special reasons for so doing, the Court may, by

order, extend that period until a specified day.

(4) As soon as practicable after granting an extension under

paragraph (3)(a), the controller must lodge a copy of the notice.

(5) As soon as practicable after the Court grants an extension under

paragraph (3)(b), the reporting officers must lodge a copy of the


(6) Subsections (2), (3) and (4) and 429A(3) do not apply in a case

where a person becomes a controller of property of a corporation:

(a) to act with an existing controller of property of the

corporation; or

(b) in place of a controller of such property who has died or

ceased to be a controller of such property.

(6A) However, if subsection (2) or 429A(3) applies in a case where a

controller of property of a corporation dies, or ceases to be a

controller of property of the corporation, before subsection (2) or

429A(3) is fully complied with, then:

(a) the references in paragraphs (2)(b) and (c) and 429A(3)(e),

(f), (g) and (h) to the person; and

(b) the references in subsections (3) and (4) to the controller;

include references to the controller’s successor and to any

continuing controller.

(7) Where a corporation is being wound up, this section (including

subsection (6A)) and sections 429A and 430 apply even if the

controller and the liquidator are the same person, but with any

necessary modifications arising from that fact.

429A Special rules for scheme property

Report by controller of scheme property

(1) If:

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Section 429A

282 Corporations Act 2001

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(a) a person becomes a controller of property of a corporation;


(b) the only property of the corporation in respect of which a

person is controller is scheme property of a registered

scheme; and

(c) the corporation is the responsible entity of the registered


subsection 429(2) applies only to affairs of the corporation that

relate to the relevant registered schemes and trusts, and the notice

under paragraph 429(2)(a) may refer to those schemes and trusts.

(2) Subsection 429(2) does not apply if:

(a) a person becomes a controller of property of a corporation;


(b) the only property of the corporation in respect of which a

person is controller is scheme property of a registered

scheme; and

(c) the corporation is not the responsible entity of the registered

scheme; and

(d) the corporation holds an Australian financial services licence

that covers the provision of custodial or depository services.

Reporting to and by responsible entity

(3) If:

(a) a person becomes a controller of property of a corporation;


(b) the property is scheme property of a registered scheme; and

(c) the property is not property of the responsible entity of the

scheme; and

(d) the corporation holds an Australian financial services licence

that covers the provision of custodial or depository services;

the following paragraphs apply:

(e) the person must serve on the responsible entity as soon as

practicable notice that the person is a controller of the

scheme property;

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Section 430

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(f) within 14 days after the responsible entity receives the notice,

the persons who, on the control day, were directors or the

secretary of the responsible entity must make out and submit

to the person who is a controller a report in the prescribed

form about the affairs of the scheme as at the control day;

(g) paragraph 429(2)(c) and subsections 429(3) to (5) apply, in

relation to a report submitted under paragraph (f) of this

subsection, in the same way as those provisions apply in

relation to reports submitted under paragraph 429(2)(b), with

the following modifications:

(i) if subsection (2) of this section applies—

subparagraph 429(2)(c)(ii) (which requires the person to

send a copy of the notice to the corporation) does not


(ii) a reference in those provisions to the reporting officers

is treated as being a reference to the directors and

secretary mentioned in paragraph (f) of this subsection;

(h) if the person receives a report to which paragraph 429(2)(c)

applies (including because of paragraph (g) of this

subsection)—the person must, within one month after receipt

of the report, send a copy of the notice lodged in accordance

with subparagraph 429(2)(c)(i) to the responsible entity.

430 Controller may require reports

(1) A controller of property of a corporation may, by notice given to

the person or persons, require one or more persons included in one

or more of the following classes of persons to make out as required

by the notice, verify by a statement in writing in the prescribed

form, and submit to the controller, a report, containing such

information as is specified in the notice as to the affairs of the

corporation or as to such of those affairs as are specified in the

notice, as at a date specified in the notice:

(a) persons who are or have been officers of the corporation;

(b) where the corporation was incorporated within one year

before the control day—persons who have taken part in the

formation of the corporation;

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Section 431

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(c) persons who are employed by the corporation or have been

so employed within one year before the control day and are,

in the opinion of the controller, capable of giving the

information required;

(d) persons who are, or have been within one year before the

control day, officers of, or employed by, a corporation that is,

or within that year was, an officer of the corporation.

(2) Without limiting the generality of subsection (1), a notice under

that subsection may specify the information that the controller

requires as to affairs of the corporation by reference to information

that this Act requires to be included in any other report, statement

or notice under this Act.

(3) A person making a report and verifying it as required by

subsection (1) must, subject to the regulations, be allowed, and

must be paid by the controller (or the controller’s successor) out of

the controller’s receipts, such costs and expenses incurred in and

about the preparation and making of the report and the verification

of the report as the controller (or the controller’s successor)

considers reasonable.

(4) A person must comply with a requirement made under

subsection (1).

(5) A reference in this section to the controller’s successor includes a

reference to a continuing controller.

431 Controller may inspect books

A controller of property of a corporation is entitled to inspect at

any reasonable time any books of the corporation that relate to that

property and a person must not fail to allow the controller to

inspect such books at such a time.

432 Auditing returns by controllers

(2) ASIC may, of its own motion or on the application of the

corporation or a creditor of the corporation, cause the returns

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Section 433

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lodged in accordance with sections 422A and 422B to be audited

by a registered company auditor appointed by ASIC and, for the

purpose of the audit, the controller must furnish the auditor with

such books and information as the auditor requires.

(3) Where ASIC causes the returns to be audited on the request of the

corporation or a creditor, ASIC may require the corporation or

creditor, as the case may be, to give security for the payment of the

cost of the audit.

(4) The costs of an audit under subsection (2) must be fixed by ASIC

and ASIC may if it thinks fit make an order declaring that, for the

purposes of subsection 419(1), those costs are taken to be a debt

incurred by the controller as mentioned in subsection 419(1) and,

where such an order is made, the controller is liable accordingly.

(5) A person must comply with a requirement made under this section.

433 Property subject to circulating security interest—payment of

certain debts to have priority

(2) This section applies where:

(a) a receiver is appointed on behalf of the holders of any

debentures of a company or registered body that are secured

by a circulating security interest, or possession is taken or

control is assumed, by or on behalf of the holders of any

debentures of a company or registered body, of any property

comprised in or subject to a circulating security interest; and

(b) at the date of the appointment or of the taking of possession

or assumption of control (in this section called the relevant


(i) the company or registered body has not commenced to

be wound up voluntarily; and

(ii) the company or registered body has not been ordered to

be wound up by the Court.

(3) In the case of a company, the receiver or other person taking

possession or assuming control of property of the company must

pay, out of the property coming into his, her or its hands, the

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Section 433

286 Corporations Act 2001

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following debts or amounts in priority to any claim for principal or

interest in respect of the debentures:

(a) first, any amount that in a winding up is payable in priority to

unsecured debts pursuant to section 562;

(b) next, if an auditor of the company had applied to ASIC under

subsection 329(6) for consent to his, her or its resignation as

auditor and ASIC had refused that consent before the

relevant date—the reasonable fees and expenses of the

auditor incurred during the period beginning on the day of

the refusal and ending on the relevant date;

(c) subject to subsections (6) and (7), next, any debt or amount

that in a winding up is payable in priority to other unsecured

debts pursuant to paragraph 556(1)(e), (g) or (h) or

section 560.

(4) In the case of a registered body, the receiver or other person taking

possession or assuming control of property of the registered body

must pay, out of the property of the registered body coming into

his, her or its hands, the following debts or amounts in priority to

any claim for principal or interest in respect of the debentures:

(a) first, any amount that in a winding up is payable in priority to

unsecured debts pursuant to section 562;

(b) next, any debt or amount that in a winding up is payable in

priority to other unsecured debts pursuant to

paragraph 556(1)(e), (g) or (h) or section 560.

(5) The receiver or other person taking possession or assuming control

of property must pay debts and amounts payable pursuant to

paragraph (3)(c) or (4)(b) in the same order of priority as is

prescribed by Division 6 of Part 5.6 in respect of those debts and


(6) In the case of a company, if an auditor of the company had applied

to ASIC under subsection 329(6) for consent to his, her or its

resignation as auditor and ASIC had, before the relevant date,

refused that consent, a receiver must, when property comes to the

receiver’s hands, before paying any debt or amount referred to in

paragraph (3)(c), make provision out of that property for the

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Section 434

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reasonable fees and expenses of the auditor incurred after the

relevant date but before the date on which the property comes into

the receiver’s hands, being fees and expenses in respect of which

provision has not already been made under this subsection.

(7) If an auditor of the company applies to ASIC under

subsection 329(6) for consent to his, her or its resignation as

auditor and, after the relevant date, ASIC refuses that consent, the

receiver must, in relation to property that comes into the receiver’s

hands after the refusal, before paying any debt or amount referred

to in paragraph (3)(c), make provision out of that property for the

reasonable fees and expenses of the auditor incurred after the

refusal and before the date on which the property comes into the

receiver’s hands, being fees and expenses in respect of which

provision has not already been made under this subsection.

(8) A receiver must make provision in respect of reasonable fees and

expenses of an auditor in respect of a particular period as required

by subsection (6) or (7) whether or not the auditor has made a

claim for fees and expenses for that period, but where the auditor

has not made a claim, the receiver may estimate the reasonable fees

and expenses of the auditor for that period and make provision in

accordance with the estimate.

(9) For the purposes of this section, the references in Division 6 of

Part 5.6 to the relevant date are to be read as references to the date

of the appointment of the receiver, or of possession being taken or

control being assumed, as the case may be.

434 Enforcing controller’s duty to make returns

(1) If a controller of property of a corporation:

(a) who has made default in making or lodging any return,

account or other document or in giving any notice required

by law fails to make good the default within 14 days after the

service on the controller, by any member or creditor of the

corporation or trustee for debenture holders, of a notice

requiring the controller to do so; or

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Section 434A

288 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) who has become a controller of property of the corporation

otherwise than by being appointed a receiver of such

property by a court and who has, after being required at any

time by the liquidator of the corporation so to do, failed to

render proper accounts of, and to vouch, the controller’s

receipts and payments and to pay over to the liquidator the

amount properly payable to the liquidator;

the Court may make an order directing the controller to make good

the default within such time as is specified in the order.

(2) An application under subsection (1) may be made:

(a) if paragraph (1)(a) applies—by a member or creditor of the

corporation or by a trustee for debenture holders; and

(b) if paragraph (1)(b) applies—by the liquidator of the


434A Court may remove controller for misconduct

Where, on the application of a corporation, the Court is satisfied

that a controller of property of the corporation has been guilty of

misconduct in connection with performing or exercising any of the

controller’s functions and powers, the Court may order that, on and

after a specified day, the controller cease to act as receiver or give

up possession or control, as the case requires, of property of the


434B Court may remove redundant controller

(1) The Court may order that, on and after a specified day, a controller

of property of a corporation:

(a) cease to act as receiver, or give up possession or control, as

the case requires, of property of the corporation; or

(b) act as receiver, or continue in possession or control, as the

case requires, only of specified property of the corporation.

(2) However, the Court may only make an order under subsection (1)

if satisfied that the objectives for which the controller was

appointed, or entered into possession or took control of property of

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Section 434C

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the corporation, as the case requires, have been achieved, so far as

is reasonably practicable, except in relation to any property

specified in the order under paragraph (1)(b).

(3) For the purposes of subsection (2), the Court must have regard to:

(a) the corporation’s interests; and

(b) the interests of the secured party in relation to the security

interest that the controller is enforcing; and

(c) the interests of the corporation’s other creditors; and

(d) any other relevant matter.

(4) The Court may only make an order under subsection (1) on the

application of a liquidator appointed for the purposes of winding

up the corporation in insolvency.

(5) An order under subsection (1) may also prohibit the secured party

from doing any or all of the following, except with the leave of the


(a) appointing a person as receiver of property of the corporation

under a power contained in an instrument relating to the

security interest;

(b) entering into possession, or taking control, of such property

for the purpose of enforcing the security interest;

(c) appointing a person so to enter into possession or take control

(whether as agent for the secured party or for the


434C Effect of sections 434A and 434B

(1) Except as expressly provided in section 434A or 434B, an order

under that section does not affect a security interest in property of a


(2) Nothing in section 434A or 434B limits any other power of the

Court to remove, or otherwise deal with, a controller of property of

a corporation (for example, the Court’s powers under section 423).

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Section 434D

290 Corporations Act 2001

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434D Appointment of 2 or more receivers of property of a


If 2 or more persons have been appointed as receivers of property

of a corporation:

(a) a function or power of a receiver of property of the

corporation may be performed or exercised by any one of

them, or by any 2 or more of them together, except so far as

the order or instrument appointing them otherwise provides;


(b) a reference in this Act to a receiver, or to the receiver, of

property of a corporation is, in the case of the first-mentioned

corporation, a reference to whichever one or more of those

receivers the case requires.

434E Appointment of 2 or more receivers and managers of property

of a corporation

If 2 or more persons have been appointed as receivers and

managers of property of a corporation:

(a) a function or power of a receiver and manager of property of

the corporation may be performed or exercised by any one of

them, or by any 2 or more of them together, except so far as

the order or instrument appointing them otherwise provides;


(b) a reference in this Act to a receiver and manager, or to the

receiver and manager, of property of a corporation is, in the

case of the first-mentioned corporation, a reference to

whichever one or more of those receivers and managers the

case requires.

434F Appointment of 2 or more controllers of property of a


If 2 or more persons have been appointed as controllers of property

of a corporation:

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Section 434G

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(a) a function or power of a controller of property of the

corporation may be performed or exercised by any one of

them, or by any 2 or more of them together, except so far as

the order or instrument appointing them otherwise provides;


(b) a reference in this Act to a controller, or to the controller, of

property of a corporation is, in the case of the first-mentioned

corporation, a reference to whichever one or more of those

controllers the case requires.

434G Appointment of 2 or more managing controllers of property of

a corporation

If 2 or more persons have been appointed as managing controllers

of property of a corporation:

(a) a function or power of a managing controller of property of

the corporation may be performed or exercised by any one of

them, or by any 2 or more of them together, except so far as

the order or instrument appointing them otherwise provides;


(b) a reference in this Act to a managing controller, or to the

managing controller, of property of a corporation is, in the

case of the first-mentioned corporation, a reference to

whichever one or more of those managing controllers the

case requires.

434H Regulations may provide for reporting to ASIC

(1) The regulations may provide for and in relation to the obligations

of a controller, or a managing controller, of the property of a


(a) to give information; and

(b) to provide reports; and

(c) to produce documents;

to ASIC.

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Part 5.2 Receivers, and other controllers, of property of corporations

Section 434J

292 Corporations Act 2001

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(2) Without limiting subsection (1), the regulations may provide for

and in relation to:

(a) the manner and form in which information is to be given, a

report provided or a document produced; and

(b) the timeframes in which information is to be given, a report

provided or a document produced; and

(c) who is to bear the cost of giving information, providing a

report or producing a document.

434J Stay on enforcing rights merely because of the appointment of

a managing controller of a corporation’s property etc.

Stay on enforcing rights

(1) A right cannot be enforced against a corporation for:

(a) the reason of the appointment or existence of a managing

controller of the whole or substantially the whole of the

corporation’s property; or

(b) the corporation’s financial position, if there is a managing

controller of the whole or substantially the whole of the

corporation’s property; or

(c) a reason, prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of

this paragraph, that relates to:

(i) the appointing, or possible appointing, of a managing

controller of the whole or substantially the whole of the

corporation’s property; or

(ii) the corporation’s financial position;

if such an appointment is later made for the whole or

substantially the whole of the corporation’s property; or

(d) a reason that, in substance, is contrary to this subsection;

if the right arises for that reason by express provision (however

described) of a contract, agreement or arrangement.

Note: This result is subject to subsections (5) and (7), and to any order under

section 434K.

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Section 434J

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Example: A right to terminate a contract will not be enforceable to the extent

that those rights are triggered by the appointment of a managing


Period of the stay

(2) The right cannot be enforced as described in subsection (1) during

the period (the stay period) starting at the appointment of the

managing controller and ending:

(a) unless paragraph (b) applies—when the managing

controller’s control of the corporation’s property ends; or

(b) if one or more orders are made under subsection (3) for the

corporation as the result of an application made before the

end of the managing controller’s control of the corporation’s

property—when the last made of those orders ceases to be in


(3) The Court:

(a) may order an extension of the period otherwise applying

under subsection (2) for the corporation if the Court is

satisfied that the extension is appropriate having regard to the

interests of justice; and

(b) before deciding an application for an order under

paragraph (a), may grant an interim order, but must not

require the applicant to give an undertaking as to damages as

a condition for doing so.

Enforcing rights after the stay for reasons relating to earlier


(4) The right is unenforceable against the corporation indefinitely after

the end of the stay period to the extent that a reason for seeking to

enforce the right:

(a) is the corporation’s financial position before the end of the

stay period; or

(b) is the appointment or existence of a managing controller of

the whole or substantially the whole of the corporation’s

property before the end of the stay period; or

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Section 434J

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(c) is a reason, prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of

this paragraph, relating to circumstances in existence during

the stay period; or

(d) is a reason referred to in paragraph (1)(c) or (d).

Rights not subject to the stay

(5) Subsection (1) does not apply to the right if it is:

(a) a right under a contract, agreement or arrangement entered

into after the appointment of the managing controller; or

(b) a right contained in a kind of contract, agreement or


(i) prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this

subparagraph; or

(ii) declared under paragraph (6)(a); or

(c) a right of a kind declared under paragraph (6)(b); or

(d) a right of a kind declared under paragraph (6)(c), and the

circumstances specified in that declaration exist.

(6) For the purposes of subsection (5), the Minister may, by legislative


(a) declare kinds of contracts, agreements or arrangements

referred to in a specified law of the Commonwealth; or

(b) declare kinds of rights to which subsection (1) does not

apply; or

(c) declare kinds of rights to which subsection (1) does not apply

in specified circumstances.

(7) Subsection (1) does not apply to the right to the extent that the

managing controller has consented in writing to the enforcement of

the right.

Stay on corporation’s right to new advance of money or credit

(8) If:

(a) one or more rights of an entity cannot be enforced against a

corporation for a period because of subsection (1); and

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Section 434K

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(b) the corporation has a right under a contract, agreement or

arrangement against the entity for a new advance of money

or credit;

that right of the corporation cannot be enforced during the same


Replacement managing controllers

(9) If a new managing controller of the whole or substantially the

whole of the corporation’s property is appointed to replace an

earlier such managing controller, then:

(a) for the purposes of subsections (2) and (5), treat the new

managing controller as if it were appointed when the first

such managing controller was; and

(b) treat references in subsection (2) to when the managing

controller’s control of the corporation’s property ends as

references to when the last such managing controller’s

control of the corporation’s property ends.

434K Lifting the stay

(1) The Court may order that subsection 434J(1) does not apply for

one or more rights against a corporation if the Court is satisfied

that this is appropriate in the interests of justice.

(2) An application for the order may be made by the holder of those


434L Order for rights to be enforceable only with leave of the Court


(1) The Court may order that one or more rights under a contract,

agreement or arrangement are enforceable against a corporation


(a) with the leave of the Court; and

(b) in accordance with such terms (if any) as the Court imposes.

Example: The order could be sought for a right to terminate for convenience.

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Section 434LA

296 Corporations Act 2001

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(2) The Court may make the order if:

(a) there is a managing controller of the whole or substantially

the whole of the corporation’s property; and

(b) the Court is satisfied that:

(i) the rights are being exercised; or

(ii) the rights are likely to be exercised; or

(iii) there is a threat to exercise the rights;

because of one or more reasons referred to in paragraphs

434J(1)(a) to (d); and

(c) an application for the order is made by the managing


(3) An order under subsection (1) must specify the period for which it

applies. In working out the period, the Court must have regard to:

(a) subsections 434J(2), (3) and (4); and

(b) the interests of justice.

(4) Subsection (1) does not apply to a right referred to in

subsection 434J(5) or (7).

Interim orders

(5) Before deciding an application for an order under subsection (1),

the Court may grant an interim order for one or more rights under a

contract, agreement or arrangement not to be enforced against a


(6) The Court must not require an applicant for an order under

subsection (1) to give an undertaking as to damages as a condition

of granting an interim order.

434LA Self-executing provisions

(1) The object of subsection (2) is to ensure that a self-executing


(a) cannot start to apply against a corporation for certain reasons;


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Section 434M

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(b) can be the subject of a Court order providing that the

provision can only start to apply against a corporation with

the leave of the Court, and in accordance with such terms (if

any) as the Court imposes.

(2) Sections 434J to 434L also apply in relation to a self-executing

provision in a corresponding way to the way they apply in relation

to a right. For this purpose, assume those sections apply with such

modifications as are necessary, including any prescribed by the

regulations for the purposes of this subsection.

Note 1: This subsection achieves the object in subsection (1) by extending the

application of all of the outcomes, exceptions and powers in

sections 434J to 434L.

Note 2: These modifications include, for example, treating:

(a) a reference that a right cannot be enforced (however described) as including a reference that a self-executing provision cannot start to apply; and

(b) the words “if the right arises for that reason by express provision (however described) of a contract, agreement or arrangement” as being omitted from subsection 434J(1); and

(c) a reference that one or more rights are enforceable as including a reference that one or more self-executing provisions can start to apply; and

(d) paragraph 434L(2)(b) as alternatively providing that the Court is satisfied that one or more reasons referred to in paragraphs 434J(1)(a) to (d) can cause the self-executing provisions to start to apply.

(3) In this section:

self-executing provision means a provision of a contract,

agreement or arrangement that can start to apply automatically:

(a) for one or more reasons; and

(b) without any party to the contract, agreement or arrangement

making a decision that the provision should start to apply.

434M When other laws prevail—certain other Commonwealth Acts

If there is any inconsistency between sections 434J to 434LA and

one of the following Acts, that Act prevails to the extent of the


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Section 434M

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(a) the Payment Systems and Netting Act 1998;

(b) the International Interests in Mobile Equipment (Cape Town

Convention) Act 2013.

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Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of company

arrangement Part 5.3A

Preliminary Division 1

Section 435A

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Part 5.3A—Administration of a company’s affairs

with a view to executing a deed of company


Division 1—Preliminary

435A Object of Part

The object of this Part, and Schedule 2 to the extent that it relates

to this Part, is to provide for the business, property and affairs of an

insolvent company to be administered in a way that:

(a) maximises the chances of the company, or as much as

possible of its business, continuing in existence; or

(b) if it is not possible for the company or its business to

continue in existence—results in a better return for the

company’s creditors and members than would result from an

immediate winding up of the company.

Note: Schedule 2 contains additional rules about companies under external


435B Definitions

In this Part, unless the contrary intention appears:

property of a company includes any PPSA retention of title

property of the company.

Note: See sections 9 (definition of property) and 51F (PPSA retention of

title property). An extended definition of property applies in

subsection 444E(3) (see subsection 444E(4)).

receiver includes a receiver and manager.

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.3A Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of

company arrangement

Division 1 Preliminary

Section 435C

300 Corporations Act 2001

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435C When administration begins and ends

(1) The administration of a company:

(a) begins when an administrator of the company is appointed

under section 436A, 436B or 436C; and

(b) ends on the happening of whichever event of a kind referred

to in subsection (2) or (3) happens first after the

administration begins.

(2) The normal outcome of the administration of a company is that:

(a) a deed of company arrangement is executed by both the

company and the deed’s administrator; or

(b) the company’s creditors resolve under paragraph 439C(b)

that the administration should end; or

(c) the company’s creditors resolve under paragraph 439C(c)

that the company be wound up.

(3) However, the administration of a company may also end because:

(a) the Court orders, under section 447A or otherwise, that the

administration is to end, for example, because the Court is

satisfied that the company is solvent; or

(b) the convening period, as fixed by subsection 439A(5), for a

meeting of the company’s creditors ends:

(i) without the meeting being convened in accordance with

section 439A; and

(ii) without an application being made for the Court to

extend under subsection 439A(6) the convening period

for the meeting; or

(c) an application for the Court to extend under

subsection 439A(6) the convening period for such a meeting

is finally determined or otherwise disposed of otherwise than

by the Court extending the convening period; or

(d) the convening period, as extended under subsection 439A(6),

for such a meeting ends without the meeting being convened

in accordance with section 439A; or

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arrangement Part 5.3A

Preliminary Division 1

Section 435C

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(e) such a meeting convened under section 439A ends (whether

or not it was earlier adjourned) without a resolution under

section 439C being passed at the meeting; or

(f) the company contravenes subsection 444B(2) by failing to

execute a proposed deed of company arrangement; or

(g) the Court appoints a provisional liquidator of the company,

or orders that the company be wound up; or

(h) if the company is a general insurer (within the meaning of the

Insurance Act 1973)management of the general insurer

vests in a judicial manager of the company appointed by the

Federal Court under Part VB of the Insurance Act 1973; or

(i) if the company is a life company (within the meaning of the

Life Insurance Act 1995)—management of the life company

vests in a judicial manager of the life company appointed by

the Federal Court under Part 8 of the Life Insurance Act


(4) During the administration of a company, the company is taken to

be under administration.

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.3A Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of

company arrangement

Division 2 Appointment of administrator and first meeting of creditors

Section 436A

302 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 2—Appointment of administrator and first

meeting of creditors

436A Company may appoint administrator if board thinks it is or

will become insolvent

(1) A company may, by writing, appoint an administrator of the

company if the board has resolved to the effect that:

(a) in the opinion of the directors voting for the resolution, the

company is insolvent, or is likely to become insolvent at

some future time; and

(b) an administrator of the company should be appointed.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a company if a person holds an

appointment as liquidator, or provisional liquidator, of the


436B Liquidator may appoint administrator

(1) A liquidator or provisional liquidator of a company may by writing

appoint an administrator of the company if he or she thinks that the

company is insolvent, or is likely to become insolvent at some

future time.

(2) A liquidator or provisional liquidator of a company must not

appoint any of the following persons under subsection (1):

(a) himself or herself;

(b) if he or she is a partner of a partnership—a partner or

employee of the partnership;

(c) if he or she is an employee—his or her employer;

(d) if he or she is an employer—his or her employee;

(e) if he or she is a director, secretary, employee or senior

manager of a corporation—a director, secretary, employee or

senior manager of the corporation;


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External administration Chapter 5

Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of company

arrangement Part 5.3A

Appointment of administrator and first meeting of creditors Division 2

Section 436C

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(f) at a meeting of the company’s creditors, the company’s

creditors pass a resolution approving the appointment; or

(g) the appointment is made with the leave of the Court.

436C Secured party may appoint administrator

(1) A person who is entitled to enforce a security interest in the whole,

or substantially the whole, of a company’s property may by writing

appoint an administrator of the company if the security interest has

become, and is still, enforceable.

(1A) Subsection (1) applies in relation to a PPSA security interest only

if the security interest is perfected within the meaning of the

Personal Property Securities Act 2009.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a company if a person holds an

appointment as liquidator, or provisional liquidator, of the


436D Company already under administration

An administrator cannot be appointed under section 436A, 436B or

436C if the company is already under administration.

436DA Declarations by administrator—indemnities and relevant



(1) This section applies to an administrator appointed under

section 436A, 436B or 436C.

Declaration of relationships and indemnities

(2) As soon as practicable after being appointed, the administrator

must make:

(a) a declaration of relevant relationships; and

(b) a declaration of indemnities.

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.3A Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of

company arrangement

Division 2 Appointment of administrator and first meeting of creditors

Section 436DA

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Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Notification of creditors

(3) The administrator must:

(a) give a copy of each declaration under subsection (2) to as

many of the company’s creditors as reasonably practicable;


(b) do so at the same time as the administrator gives those

creditors notice of the meeting referred to in section 436E.

Note 1: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Note 2: For electronic notification under paragraph (a), see section 600G.

(4) The administrator must table a copy of each declaration under

subsection (2) at the meeting referred to in section 436E.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(4A) As soon as practicable after making a declaration under

subsection (2), the administrator must lodge a copy of the

declaration with ASIC.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Updating of declaration

(5) If:

(a) at a particular time, the administrator makes:

(i) a declaration of relevant relationships; or

(ii) a declaration of indemnities;

under subsection (2) or this subsection; and

(b) at a later time:

(i) the declaration has become out-of-date; or

(ii) the administrator becomes aware of an error in the


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External administration Chapter 5

Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of company

arrangement Part 5.3A

Appointment of administrator and first meeting of creditors Division 2

Section 436DA

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the administrator must, as soon as practicable, make:

(c) if subparagraph (a)(i) applies—a replacement declaration of

relevant relationships; or

(d) if subparagraph (a)(ii) applies—a replacement declaration of


Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(6) The administrator must table a copy of a replacement declaration

under subsection (5):

(a) if:

(i) there is a committee of inspection; and

(ii) the next meeting of the committee of inspection occurs

before the next meeting of the company’s creditors;

at the next meeting of the committee of inspection; or

(b) in any other case—at the next meeting of the company’s


Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(6A) As soon as practicable after making a replacement declaration

under subsection (5), the administrator must lodge a copy of the

replacement declaration with ASIC.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).


(7) In a prosecution for an offence constituted by a failure to include a

particular matter in a declaration under this section, it is a defence

if the defendant proves that:

(a) the defendant made reasonable enquiries; and

(b) after making these enquiries, the defendant had no reasonable

grounds for believing that the matter should have been

included in the declaration.

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.3A Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of

company arrangement

Division 2 Appointment of administrator and first meeting of creditors

Section 436E

306 Corporations Act 2001

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436E Purpose and timing of first meeting of creditors

(1) The administrator of a company under administration must

convene a meeting of the company’s creditors in order to


(a) whether to appoint a committee of inspection; and

(b) if so, who are to be the committee’s members.

(2) The meeting must be held within 8 business days after the

administration begins.

(3) The administrator must convene the meeting by:

(a) giving written notice of the meeting to as many of the

company’s creditors as reasonably practicable; and

(b) causing a notice setting out the prescribed information about

the meeting to be published in the prescribed manner;

at least 5 business days before the meeting.

Note: For electronic notification under paragraph (a), see section 600G.

(3A) A notice under paragraph (3)(b) that relates to a company may be

combined with a notice under paragraph 450A(1)(b) that relates to

the company.

(4) At the meeting, the company’s creditors may also pass a


(a) removing the administrator from office; and

(b) appointing someone else as administrator of the company.

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External administration Chapter 5

Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of company

arrangement Part 5.3A

Administrator assumes control of company’s affairs Division 3

Section 437A

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Division 3—Administrator assumes control of company’s


437A Role of administrator

(1) While a company is under administration, the administrator:

(a) has control of the company’s business, property and affairs;


(b) may carry on that business and manage that property and

those affairs; and

(c) may terminate or dispose of all or part of that business, and

may dispose of any of that property; and

(d) may perform any function, and exercise any power, that the

company or any of its officers could perform or exercise if

the company were not under administration.

(2) Nothing in subsection (1) limits the generality of anything else in


Note: A PPSA security interest in property of a company that is unperfected

(within the meaning of the Personal Property Securities Act 2009)

immediately before an administrator of the company is appointed

vests in the company at the time of appointment, subject to certain

exceptions (see section 267 of that Act).

437B Administrator acts as company’s agent

When performing a function, or exercising a power, as

administrator of a company under administration, the administrator

is taken to be acting as the company’s agent.

437D Only administrator can deal with company’s property

(1) This section applies where:

(a) a company under administration purports to enter into; or

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.3A Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of

company arrangement

Division 3 Administrator assumes control of company’s affairs

Section 437D

308 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) a person purports to enter into, on behalf of a company under


a transaction or dealing affecting property of the company.

(2) The transaction or dealing is void unless:

(a) the administrator entered into it on the company’s behalf; or

(b) the administrator consented to it in writing before it was

entered into; or

(c) it was entered into under an order of the Court.

(3) Subsection (2) does not apply to a payment made:

(a) by an Australian ADI out of an account kept by the company

with the ADI; and

(b) in good faith and in the ordinary course of the ADI’s banking

business; and

(c) after the administration began and on or before the day on


(i) the administrator gives to the ADI (under

subsection 450A(3) or otherwise) written notice of the

appointment that began the administration; or

(ii) the administrator complies with paragraph 450A(1)(b)

in relation to that appointment;

whichever happens first.

(4) Subsection (2) has effect subject to an order that the Court makes

after the purported transaction or dealing.

(5) If, because of subsection (2), the transaction or dealing is void, or

would be void apart from subsection (4), an officer or employee of

the company who:

(a) purported to enter into the transaction or dealing on the

company’s behalf; or

(b) was in any other way, by act or omission, directly or

indirectly, knowingly concerned in, or party to, the

transaction or dealing;

contravenes this subsection.

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External administration Chapter 5

Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of company

arrangement Part 5.3A

Administrator assumes control of company’s affairs Division 3

Section 437E

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437E Order for compensation where officer involved in void


(1) Where:

(a) a court finds a person guilty of an offence constituted by a

contravention of subsection 437D(5) (including such an

offence that is taken to have been committed because of

section 5 of the Crimes Act 1914); and

(b) the court is satisfied that the company or another person has

suffered loss or damage because of the act or omission

constituting the offence;

the court may (whether or not it imposes a penalty) order the

first-mentioned person to pay compensation to the company or

other person, as the case may be, of such amount as the order


Note: Section 73A defines when a court is taken to find a person guilty of an


(2) An order under subsection (1) may be enforced as if it were a

judgment of the court.

(3) The power of a court under section 1318 to relieve a person from

liability as mentioned in that section extends to relieving a person

from liability to be ordered under this section to pay compensation.

437F Effect of administration on company’s members

Transfer of shares

(1) A transfer of shares in a company that is made during the

administration of the company is void except if:

(a) both:

(i) the administrator gives written consent to the transfer;


(ii) that consent is unconditional; or

(b) all of the following subparagraphs apply:

(i) the administrator gives written consent to the transfer;

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.3A Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of

company arrangement

Division 3 Administrator assumes control of company’s affairs

Section 437F

310 Corporations Act 2001

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(ii) that consent is subject to one or more specified


(iii) those conditions have been satisfied; or

(c) the Court makes an order under subsection (4) authorising

the transfer.

(2) The administrator may only give consent under paragraph (1)(a) or

(b) if he or she is satisfied that the transfer is in the best interests of

the company’s creditors as a whole.

(3) If the administrator refuses to give consent under paragraph (1)(a)

or (b) to a transfer of shares in the company:

(a) the prospective transferor; or

(b) the prospective transferee; or

(c) a creditor of the company;

may apply to the Court for an order authorising the transfer.

(4) If the Court is satisfied, on an application under subsection (3), that

the transfer is in the best interests of the company’s creditors as a

whole, the Court may, by order, authorise the transfer.

(5) If the administrator gives consent under paragraph (1)(b) to a

transfer of shares in the company:

(a) the prospective transferor; or

(b) the prospective transferee; or

(c) a creditor of the company;

may apply to the Court for an order setting aside any or all of the

conditions to which the consent is subject.

(6) If the Court is satisfied, on an application under subsection (5), that

any or all of the conditions covered by the application are not in

the best interests of the company’s creditors as a whole, the Court

may, by order, set aside any or all of the conditions.

(7) The administrator is entitled to be heard in a proceeding before the

Court in relation to an application under subsection (3) or (5).

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External administration Chapter 5

Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of company

arrangement Part 5.3A

Administrator assumes control of company’s affairs Division 3

Section 437F

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Alteration in the status of members

(8) An alteration in the status of members of a company that is made

during the administration of the company is void except if:

(a) both:

(i) the administrator gives written consent to the alteration;


(ii) that consent is unconditional; or

(b) all of the following subparagraphs apply:

(i) the administrator gives written consent to the alteration;

(ii) that consent is subject to one or more specified


(iii) those conditions have been satisfied; or

(c) the Court makes an order under subsection (12) authorising

the alteration.

Note: An alteration in the status of members of a company that is made

during the administration of the company may not be void if it is made

for the purposes of the conversion and write-off provisions determined

by APRA (see Subdivision B of Division 1A of Part II of the Banking

Act 1959, Division 2 of Part IIIA of the Insurance Act 1973 and

Division 1A of Part 10A of the Life Insurance Act 1995).

(9) The administrator may only give consent under paragraph (8)(a) or

(b) if he or she is satisfied that the alteration is in the best interests

of the company’s creditors as a whole.

(10) The administrator must refuse to give consent under

paragraph (8)(a) or (b) if the alteration would contravene Part 2F.2.

(11) If the administrator refuses to give consent under paragraph (8)(a)

or (b) to an alteration in the status of members of a company:

(a) a member of the company; or

(b) a creditor of the company;

may apply to the Court for an order authorising the alteration.

(12) If the Court is satisfied, on an application under subsection (11),


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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.3A Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of

company arrangement

Division 3 Administrator assumes control of company’s affairs

Section 437F

312 Corporations Act 2001

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(a) the alteration is in the best interests of the company’s

creditors as a whole; and

(b) the alteration does not contravene Part 2F.2;

the Court may, by order, authorise the alteration.

(13) If the administrator gives consent under paragraph (8)(b) to an

alteration in the status of members of a company:

(a) a member of the company; or

(b) a creditor of the company;

may apply to the Court for an order setting aside any or all of the

conditions to which the consent is subject.

(14) If the Court is satisfied, on an application under subsection (13),

that any or all of the conditions covered by the application are not

in the best interests of the company’s creditors as a whole, the

Court may, by order, set aside any or all of the conditions.

(15) The administrator is entitled to be heard in a proceeding before the

Court in relation to an application under subsection (11) or (13).

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External administration Chapter 5

Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of company

arrangement Part 5.3A

Administrator investigates company’s affairs Division 4

Section 438A

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Division 4—Administrator investigates company’s affairs

438A Administrator to investigate affairs and consider possible

courses of action

As soon as practicable after the administration of a company

begins, the administrator must:

(a) investigate the company’s business, property, affairs and

financial circumstances; and

(b) form an opinion about each of the following matters:

(i) whether it would be in the interests of the company’s

creditors for the company to execute a deed of company


(ii) whether it would be in the creditors’ interests for the

administration to end;

(iii) whether it would be in the creditors’ interests for the

company to be wound up.

438B Directors to help administrator

(1) As soon as practicable after the administration of a company

begins, each director must:

(a) deliver to the administrator all books in the director’s

possession that relate to the company, other than books that

the director is entitled, as against the company and the

administrator, to retain; and

(b) if the director knows where other books relating to the

company are—tell the administrator where those books are.

(2) Within 5 business days after the administration of a company

begins or such longer period as the administrator allows, the

directors must give to the administrator a report in the prescribed

form about the company’s business, property, affairs and financial


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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.3A Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of

company arrangement

Division 4 Administrator investigates company’s affairs

Section 438C

314 Corporations Act 2001

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(2A) The administrator must, within 5 business days after receiving a

report under subsection (2), lodge a copy of the report.

(3) A director of a company under administration must:

(a) attend on the administrator at such times; and

(b) give the administrator such information about the company’s

business, property, affairs and financial circumstances;

as the administrator reasonably requires.

(4) A person must not fail to comply with subsection (1), (2), (2A) or


(5) An offence based on subsection (4) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(6) Subsection (4) does not apply to the extent that the person has a

reasonable excuse.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in

subsection (6), see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

438C Administrator’s rights to company’s books

(1) A person is not entitled, as against the administrator of a company

under administration:

(a) to retain possession of books of the company; or

(b) to claim or enforce a lien on such books;

but such a lien is not otherwise prejudiced.

(2) Paragraph (1)(a) does not apply in relation to books of which a

secured creditor of the company is entitled to possession otherwise

than because of a lien, but the administrator is entitled to inspect,

and make copies of, such books at any reasonable time.

(3) The administrator of a company under administration may give to a

person a written notice requiring the person to deliver to the

administrator, as specified in the notice, books so specified that are

in the person’s possession.

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External administration Chapter 5

Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of company

arrangement Part 5.3A

Administrator investigates company’s affairs Division 4

Section 438D

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(4) A notice under subsection (3) must specify a period of at least 3

business days as the period within which the notice must be

complied with.

(5) A person must comply with a notice under subsection (3).

(6) Subsection (5) does not apply to the extent that the person is

entitled, as against the company and the administrator, to retain

possession of the books.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in

subsection (6), see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

(7) An offence based on subsection (5) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

438D Reports by administrator

(1) If it appears to the administrator of a company under

administration that:

(a) a past or present officer or employee, or a member, of the

company may have been guilty of an offence in relation to

the company; or

(b) a person who has taken part in the formation, promotion,

administration, management or winding up of the company:

(i) may have misapplied or retained, or may have become

liable or accountable for, money or property (in

Australia or elsewhere) of the company; or

(ii) may have been guilty of negligence, default, breach of

duty or breach of trust in relation to the company;

the administrator must:

(c) lodge a report about the matter as soon as practicable; and

(d) give ASIC such information, and such access to and facilities

for inspecting and taking copies of documents, as ASIC


Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.3A Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of

company arrangement

Division 4 Administrator investigates company’s affairs

Section 438D

316 Corporations Act 2001

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(2) The administrator may also lodge further reports specifying any

other matter that, in his or her opinion, it is desirable to bring to

ASIC’s notice.

(3) If it appears to the Court:

(a) that a past or present officer or employee, or a member, of a

company under administration has been guilty of an offence

in relation to the company; or

(b) that a person who has taken part in the formation, promotion,

administration, management or winding up of a company

under administration has engaged in conduct of a kind

referred to in paragraph (1)(b) in relation to the company;

and that the administrator has not lodged a report about the matter,

the Court may, on the application of an interested person, direct the

administrator to lodge such a report.

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External administration Chapter 5

Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of company

arrangement Part 5.3A

Meeting of creditors decides company’s future Division 5

Section 439A

Corporations Act 2001 317

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 5—Meeting of creditors decides company’s future

439A Administrator to convene meeting and inform creditors

(1) The administrator of a company under administration must

convene a meeting of the company’s creditors within the

convening period as fixed by subsection (5) or extended under

subsection (6).

Note: For body corporate representatives’ powers at a meeting of the

company’s creditors, see section 250D.

(2) The meeting must be held within 5 business days before, or within

5 business days after, the end of the convening period.

(5) The convening period is:

(a) if the day after the administration begins is in December, or

is less than 25 business days before Good Friday—the period

of 25 business days beginning on:

(i) that day; or

(ii) if that day is not a business day—the next business day;


(b) otherwise—the period of 20 business days beginning on:

(i) the day after the administration begins; or

(ii) if that day is not a business day—the next business day.

(6) The Court may extend the convening period on an application

made during or after the period referred to in paragraph (5)(a) or

(b), as the case requires.

(7) If an application is made under subsection (6) after the period

referred to in paragraph (5)(a) or (b), as the case may be, the Court

may only extend the convening period if the Court is satisfied that

it would be in the best interests of the creditors if the convening

period were extended in accordance with the application.

(8) If an application is made under subsection (6) after the period

referred to in paragraph (5)(a) or (b), as the case may be, then, in

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.3A Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of

company arrangement

Division 5 Meeting of creditors decides company’s future

Section 439C

318 Corporations Act 2001

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making an order about the costs of the application, the Court must

have regard to:

(a) the fact that the application was made after that period; and

(b) any other conduct engaged in by the administrator; and

(c) any other relevant matters.

439C What creditors may decide

At a meeting convened under section 439A, the creditors may


(a) that the company execute a deed of company arrangement

specified in the resolution (even if it differs from the

proposed deed (if any) details of which accompanied any

notice of meeting); or

(b) that the administration should end; or

(c) that the company be wound up.

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External administration Chapter 5

Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of company

arrangement Part 5.3A

Protection of company’s property during administration Division 6

Section 440A

Corporations Act 2001 319

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Division 6—Protection of company’s property during


440A Winding up company

(1) A company under administration cannot be wound up voluntarily,

except as provided by section 446A or 446AA.

(2) The Court is to adjourn the hearing of an application for an order to

wind up a company if the company is under administration and the

Court is satisfied that it is in the interests of the company’s

creditors for the company to continue under administration rather

than be wound up.

(3) The Court is not to appoint a provisional liquidator of a company if

the company is under administration and the Court is satisfied that

it is in the interests of the company’s creditors for the company to

continue under administration rather than have a provisional

liquidator appointed.

440B Restrictions on exercise of third party property rights

General rule

(1) During the administration of a company, the restrictions set out in

the table at the end of this section apply in relation to the exercise

of the rights of a person (the third party) in property of the

company, or other property used or occupied by, or in the

possession of, the company, as set out in the table.

Note: The property of the company includes any PPSA retention of title

property of the company (see section 435B).

Exception—consent of administrator or leave of court

(2) The restrictions set out in the table at the end of this section do not

apply in relation to the exercise of a third party’s rights in property

if the rights are exercised:

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.3A Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of

company arrangement

Division 6 Protection of company’s property during administration

Section 440B

320 Corporations Act 2001

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(a) with the administrator’s written consent; or

(b) with the leave of the Court.

Possessory security interests—continued possession

(3) If a company’s property is subject to a possessory security interest,

and the property is in the lawful possession of the secured party,

the secured party may continue to possess the property during the

administration of the company.

Restrictions on exercise of third party rights

Item If the third party is … then …

1 a secured party in relation to

property of the company, and is not

otherwise covered by this table

the third party cannot enforce the

security interest.

2 a secured party in relation to a

possessory security interest in the

property of the company

the third party cannot sell the

property, or otherwise enforce the

security interest.

3 a lessor of property used or occupied

by, or in the possession of, the

company, including a secured party

(a PPSA secured party) in relation

to a PPSA security interest in goods

arising out of a lease of the goods

the following restrictions apply:

(a) distress for rent must not be

carried out against the property;

(b) the third party cannot take

possession of the property or

otherwise recover it;

(c) if the third party is a PPSA

secured party—the third party

cannot otherwise enforce the

security interest.

4 an owner (other than a lessor) of

property used or occupied by, or in

the possession of, the company,

including a secured party (a PPSA

secured party) in relation to a PPSA

security interest in the property

the following restrictions apply:

(a) the third party cannot take

possession of the property or

otherwise recover it;

(b) if the third party is a PPSA

secured party—the third party

cannot otherwise enforce the

security interest.

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Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of company

arrangement Part 5.3A

Protection of company’s property during administration Division 6

Section 440D

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440D Stay of proceedings

(1) During the administration of a company, a proceeding in a court

against the company or in relation to any of its property cannot be

begun or proceeded with, except:

(a) with the administrator’s written consent; or

(b) with the leave of the Court and in accordance with such

terms (if any) as the Court imposes.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to:

(a) a criminal proceeding; or

(b) a prescribed proceeding.

440E Administrator not liable in damages for refusing consent

A company’s administrator is not liable to an action or other

proceeding for damages in respect of a refusal to give an approval

or consent for the purposes of this Division.

440F Suspension of enforcement process

During the administration of a company, no enforcement process in

relation to property of the company can be begun or proceeded

with, except:

(a) with the leave of the Court; and

(b) in accordance with such terms (if any) as the Court imposes.

440G Duties of court officer in relation to property of company

(1) This section applies where an officer of a court (in this section

called the court officer), being:

(a) a sheriff; or

(b) the registrar or other appropriate officer of the court;

receives written notice of the fact that a company is under


(2) During the administration, the court officer cannot:

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.3A Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of

company arrangement

Division 6 Protection of company’s property during administration

Section 440G

322 Corporations Act 2001

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(a) take action to sell property of the company under a process of

execution; or

(b) pay to a person (other than the administrator):

(i) proceeds of selling property of the company (at any

time) under a process of execution; or

(ii) money of the company seized (at any time) under a

process of execution; or

(iii) money paid (at any time) to avoid seizure or sale of

property of the company under a process of execution;


(c) take action in relation to the attachment of a debt due to the

company; or

(d) pay to a person (other than the administrator) money received

because of the attachment of such a debt.

(3) The court officer must deliver to the administrator any property of

the company that is in the court officer’s possession under a

process of execution (whenever begun).

(4) The court officer must pay to the administrator all proceeds or

money of a kind referred to in paragraph (2)(b) or (d) that:

(a) are in the court officer’s possession; or

(b) have been paid into the court and have not since been paid


(5) The costs of the execution or attachment are a first charge on

property delivered under subsection (3) or proceeds or money paid

under subsection (4).

(6) In order to give effect to a charge under subsection (5) on proceeds

or money, the court officer may retain, on behalf of the person

entitled to the charge, so much of the proceeds or money as the

court officer thinks necessary.

(7) The Court may, if it is satisfied that it is appropriate to do so,

permit the court officer to take action, or to make a payment, that

subsection (2) would otherwise prevent.

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Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of company

arrangement Part 5.3A

Protection of company’s property during administration Division 6

Section 440H

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(8) A person who buys property in good faith under a sale under a

process of execution gets a good title to the property as against the

company and the administrator, despite anything else in this


440H Lis pendens taken to exist

(1) This section has effect only for the purposes of a law about the

effect of a lis pendens on purchasers or mortgagees.

(2) During the administration of a company, an application to wind up

the company is taken to be pending.

(3) An application that is taken because of subsection (2) to be

pending constitutes a lis pendens.

440J Administration not to trigger liability of director or relative

under guarantee of company’s liability

(1) During the administration of a company:

(a) a guarantee of a liability of the company cannot be enforced,

as against:

(i) a director of the company who is a natural person; or

(ii) a spouse or relative of such a director; and

(b) without limiting paragraph (a), a proceeding in relation to

such a guarantee cannot be begun against such a director,

spouse or relative;

except with the leave of the Court and in accordance with such

terms (if any) as the Court imposes.

(2) While subsection (1) prevents a person (the creditor) from:

(a) enforcing as against another person (the guarantor) a

guarantee of a liability of a company; or

(b) beginning a proceeding against another person (the

guarantor) in relation to such a guarantee;

section 1323 applies in relation to the creditor and the guarantor as


Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.3A Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of

company arrangement

Division 6 Protection of company’s property during administration

Section 440JA

324 Corporations Act 2001

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(c) a civil proceeding against the guarantor had begun under this

Act; and

(d) the creditor were the only person of a kind referred to in that

section as an aggrieved person.

Note: Under section 1323 the Court can make a range of orders to ensure

that a person can meet the person’s liabilities.

(3) The effect that section 1323 has because of a particular application

of subsection (2) is additional to, and does not prejudice, the effect

the section otherwise has.

(4) In this section:

guarantee, in relation to a liability of a company, includes a

relevant agreement (as defined in section 9) because of which a

person other than the company has incurred, or may incur, whether

jointly with the company or otherwise, a liability in respect of the

liability of the company.

liability means a debt, liability or other obligation.

440JA Property subject to a banker’s lien—exemption from this



(a) a company is under administration; and

(b) property of the company consists of:

(i) cash in the form of notes or coins; or

(ii) a negotiable instrument; or

(iii) a security (as defined by subsection 92(1)); or

(iv) a derivative (as defined in Chapter 7); and

(c) the property is subject to a possessory security interest; and

(d) the secured party is:

(i) an ADI (within the meaning of the Banking Act 1959);


(ii) the operator of a clearing and settlement facility (within

the meaning of section 768A);

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Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of company

arrangement Part 5.3A

Protection of company’s property during administration Division 6

Section 440JA

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this Division does not apply to the property.

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.3A Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of

company arrangement

Division 7 Rights of secured party, owner or lessor

Section 441

326 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 7—Rights of secured party, owner or lessor

Subdivision A—General

441 Application of Division

Except as expressly provided, nothing in this Division limits the

generality of anything else in it.

Subdivision B—Property subject to security interests

441AA Application of Subdivision—PPSA security interests

This Subdivision only applies in relation to the enforcement of a

PPSA security interest if the security interest is perfected, within

the meaning of the Personal Property Securities Act 2009, at the

time the enforcement starts.

441A Secured party acts before or during decision period


(1) This section applies if:

(a) the whole, or substantially the whole, of the property of a

company under administration is subject to a security

interest; and

(b) before or during the decision period, the secured party

enforced the security interest in relation to all property

(including any PPSA retention of title property) of the

company subject to the security interest, whether or not the

security interest was enforced in the same way in relation to

all that property.

(2) This section also applies if:

(a) a company is under administration; and

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External administration Chapter 5

Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of company

arrangement Part 5.3A

Rights of secured party, owner or lessor Division 7

Section 441A

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(b) the same person is the secured party in relation to each of 2

or more security interests in property (including PPSA

retention of title property) of the company; and

(c) the property of the company (the secured property) subject to

the respective security interests together constitutes the

whole, or substantially the whole, of the company’s property;


(d) before or during the decision period, the secured party

enforced the security interests in relation to all the secured


(i) whether or not the security interests were enforced in

the same way in relation to all the secured property; and

(ii) whether or not any of the security interests was enforced

in the same way in relation to all the property of the

company subject to that security interest; and

(iii) in so far as the security interests were enforced in

relation to property of the company by a receiver or

controller appointed for the purposes of Part 5.2

(whether under an instrument relating to the security

interest or a court order)—whether or not the same

person was appointed in respect of all of the

last-mentioned property.

Power of enforcement by secured party, receiver or controller

(3) Nothing in section 198G, 440B, 440F, 440G or 451E, or in an

order under subsection 444F(2) or 451G(1), prevents any of the

following from enforcing the security interest, or any of the

security interests:

(a) the secured party;

(b) a receiver or controller appointed for the purposes of Part 5.2

(whether under an instrument relating to the security interest

or a court order, and even if appointed after the decision


(4) Section 437D does not apply in relation to a transaction or dealing

that affects property of the company and is entered into by:

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.3A Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of

company arrangement

Division 7 Rights of secured party, owner or lessor

Section 441B

328 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(a) the secured party in the performance or exercise of a function

or power as secured party; or

(b) a receiver or controller mentioned in paragraph (3)(b) of this

section, in the performance or exercise of a function or power

as such a receiver or controller.

441B Where enforcement of security interest begins before


(1) This section applies if, before the beginning of the administration

of a company, a secured party, receiver or other person:

(a) entered into possession, or assumed control, of property of

the company; or

(b) entered into an agreement to sell such property; or

(c) made arrangements for such property to be offered for sale

by public auction; or

(d) publicly invited tenders for the purchase of such property; or

(e) exercised any other power in relation to such property;

for the purpose of enforcing a security interest in that property.

(2) Nothing in section 198G, 440B, 440F, 440G or 451E, or in an

order under subsection 451G(1), prevents the secured party,

receiver or other person from enforcing the security interest in

relation to that property.

(3) Section 437D does not apply in relation to a transaction or dealing

that affects that property and is entered into:

(a) in the exercise of a power of the secured party as secured

party; or

(b) in the performance or exercise of a function or power of the

receiver or other person;

as the case may be.

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External administration Chapter 5

Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of company

arrangement Part 5.3A

Rights of secured party, owner or lessor Division 7

Section 441C

Corporations Act 2001 329

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

441C Security interest in perishable property


(1) This section applies if perishable property of a company under

administration is subject to a security interest.

Power of enforcement by secured party, receiver or controller

(2) Nothing in section 198G, 440B or 451E, or in an order under

subsection 451G(1), prevents any of the following from enforcing

the security interest, so far as it is a security interest in perishable


(a) the secured party;

(b) a receiver or controller appointed for the purposes of Part 5.2

(whether under an instrument relating to the security interest

or a court order, and even if appointed after the decision


(3) Section 437D does not apply in relation to a transaction or dealing

that affects perishable property of the company and is entered into


(a) the secured party in the performance or exercise of a function

or power as secured party; or

(b) a receiver or controller mentioned in paragraph (2)(b) of this

section, in the performance or exercise of a function or power

as such a receiver or controller.

441D Court may limit powers of secured party etc. in relation to

secured property

(1) This section applies if:

(a) for the purpose of enforcing a security interest in property of

a company, the secured party, or a receiver or other person,

does or proposes to do an act of a kind referred to in a

paragraph of subsection 441B(1); and

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.3A Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of

company arrangement

Division 7 Rights of secured party, owner or lessor

Section 441E

330 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(b) the company is under administration when the secured party,

receiver or other person does or proposes to do the act, or the

company later begins to be under administration;

but does not apply in a case where section 441A applies.

(2) On application by the administrator, the Court may order the

secured party, receiver or other person not to perform specified

functions, or exercise specified powers, except as permitted by the


(3) The Court may only make an order if satisfied that what the

administrator proposes to do during the administration will

adequately protect the secured party’s interests.

(4) An order may only be made, and only has effect, during the


(5) An order has effect despite sections 441B and 441C.

441E Giving a notice under a security agreement etc.

Nothing in section 198G, 440B or 451E, or in an order under

subsection 451G(1), prevents a person from giving a notice under

the provisions of an agreement or instrument under which a

security interest is created or arises.

441EA Sale of property subject to a possessory security interest


(1) This section applies if:

(a) a company is under administration; and

(b) property of the company is subject to a possessory security

interest; and

(c) the property is in the possession of the secured party; and

(ca) either:

(i) there is no other security interest in the property; or

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External administration Chapter 5

Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of company

arrangement Part 5.3A

Rights of secured party, owner or lessor Division 7

Section 441EB

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(ii) there are one or more other security interests in the

property, but none of the debts secured by those other

security interests has a priority that is equal to or higher

than the priority of the debt secured by the possessory

security interest; and

(d) the secured party sells the property.

Distribution of proceeds of sale

(2) The secured party is entitled to retain proceeds of the sale as


(a) if the net proceeds of sale equals the debt secured by the

possessory security interest—the secured party is entitled to

retain the net proceeds;

(b) if the net proceeds of sale exceeds the debt secured by the

possessory security interest—the secured party is entitled to

retain so much of the net proceeds as equals the amount of

the debt secured by the security interest, but must pay the

excess to the administrator on behalf of the company;

(c) if the net proceeds of sale fall short of the debt secured by the

possessory security interest—the secured party is entitled to

retain the net proceeds.

Subdivision C—Property not subject to security interests

441EB Scope of Subdivision

This Subdivision does not apply in relation to the enforcement of a

right, or the performance or exercise of a function or power, if the

enforcement, performance or exercise is authorised by (or because

of) a transaction or dealing that gives rise to a security interest in

the property concerned.

Example: An example of a transaction or dealing in relation to which this

Subdivision does not apply because of this section is a commercial

consignment of personal property. Such a transaction gives rise to a

PPSA security interest because of section 12 of the Personal Property

Securities Act 2009. The consigned property is PPSA retention of title

property of the company (see sections 51F and 435B).

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.3A Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of

company arrangement

Division 7 Rights of secured party, owner or lessor

Section 441F

332 Corporations Act 2001

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Note: Subdivision B (property subject to security interests) may apply in

relation to transactions or dealings to which this Subdivision does not

apply because of this section. For example, Subdivision B would

apply in relation to a commercial consignment of personal property,

because such a transaction gives rise to a PPSA security interest.

441F Where recovery of property begins before administration

(1) This section applies if, before the beginning of the administration

of a company, a receiver or other person:

(a) entered into possession, or assumed control, of property used

or occupied by, or in the possession of, the company; or

(b) exercised any other power in relation to such property;

for the purpose of enforcing a right of the owner or lessor of the

property to take possession of the property or otherwise recover it.

(2) Nothing in section 198G or 440B prevents the receiver or other

person from performing a function, or exercising a power, in

relation to the property.

(3) Section 437D does not apply in relation to a transaction or dealing

that affects the property and is entered into in the performance or

exercise of a function or power of the receiver or other person.

441G Recovering perishable property

(1) Nothing in section 198G or 440B prevents a person from taking

possession of, or otherwise recovering, perishable property.

(2) Section 437D does not apply in relation to a transaction or dealing

that affects perishable property and is entered into for the purpose

of enforcing a right of the owner or lessor of the property to take

possession of the property or otherwise recover it.

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External administration Chapter 5

Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of company

arrangement Part 5.3A

Rights of secured party, owner or lessor Division 7

Section 441H

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441H Court may limit powers of receiver etc. in relation to property

used by company

(1) This section applies if:

(a) for the purpose of enforcing a right of the owner or lessor of

property used or occupied by, or in the possession of, a

company to take possession of the property or otherwise

recover it, a person:

(i) enters into possession, or assumes control, of the

property; or

(ii) exercises any other power in relation to the property;


(b) the company is under administration when the person does

so, or the company later begins to be under administration.

(2) On application by the administrator, the Court may order the

person not to perform specified functions, or exercise specified

powers, in relation to the property, except as permitted by the


(3) The Court may only make an order if satisfied that what the

administrator proposes to do during the administration will

adequately protect the interests of the owner or lessor.

(4) An order may only be made, and only has effect, during the


(5) An order has effect despite sections 441F and 441G.

441J Giving a notice under an agreement about property

Nothing in section 198G or 440C prevents a person from giving a

notice to a company under an agreement relating to property that is

used or occupied by, or is in the possession of, the company.

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.3A Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of

company arrangement

Division 8 Powers of administrator

Section 442A

334 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 8—Powers of administrator

442A Additional powers of administrator

Without limiting section 437A, the administrator of a company

under administration has power to do any of the following:

(a) remove from office a director of the company;

(b) appoint a person as such a director, whether to fill a vacancy

or not;

(c) execute a document, bring or defend proceedings, or do

anything else, in the company’s name and on its behalf;

(d) whatever else is necessary for the purposes of this Part.

442B Dealing with property subject to circulating security interests


(1) This section applies if a security interest in property (the secured

property) of a company under administration was a circulating

security interest when the interest arose, but has stopped being a

circulating security interest because:

(a) in the case of a PPSA security interest—the property has

stopped being a circulating asset (within the meaning of the

Personal Property Securities Act 2009); or

(b) in the case of a security interest that was a floating charge

when it arose—the floating charge has since become a fixed

or specific charge.

Note 1: A circulating security interest can be either a PPSA security interest

to which a circulating asset has attached, or a floating charge, in the

circumstances set out in section 51C.

Note 2: For the meaning of circulating asset, see section 340 of the Personal

Property Securities Act 2009.

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External administration Chapter 5

Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of company

arrangement Part 5.3A

Powers of administrator Division 8

Section 442C

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Security interest in circulating asset

(2) Subject to sections 442C and 442D, in the case of a PPSA security

interest, the administrator may deal with any of the secured

property in any way the company could deal with the secured

property immediately before it stopped being a circulating asset.

Floating charge

(3) Subject to sections 442C and 442D, in the case of a security

interest that was a floating charge when it arose, the administrator

may deal with any of the secured property as if the security interest

were still a floating charge.

Note: Section 442C deals with the disposal of encumbered property by an

administrator. Section 442D makes the administrator’s functions and

powers subject to those of a secured party, receiver or controller.

442C When administrator may dispose of encumbered property

(1) The administrator of a company under administration or of a deed

of company arrangement must not dispose of:

(a) property of the company that is subject to a security interest;


(b) property (other than PPSA retention of title property) that is

used or occupied by, or is in the possession of, the company

but of which someone else is the owner or lessor.

Note: PPSA retention of title property is subject to a PPSA security interest,

and so is covered by paragraph (a) (see definition of PPSA retention

of title property in section 51F).

(2) Subsection (1) does not prevent a disposal:

(a) in the ordinary course of the company’s business; or

(b) with the written consent of the secured party, owner or lessor,

as the case may be; or

(c) with the leave of the Court.

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.3A Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of

company arrangement

Division 8 Powers of administrator

Section 442C

336 Corporations Act 2001

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(3) The Court may only give leave under paragraph (2)(c) if satisfied

that arrangements have been made to protect adequately the

interests of the secured party, owner or lessor, as the case may be.

(4) If the administrator proposes to dispose of property under

paragraph (2)(a), the Court may, by order, direct the administrator

not to carry out that proposal.

(5) The Court may only make an order under subsection (4) on the

application of:

(a) if paragraph (1)(a) applies—the secured party; or

(b) if paragraph (1)(b) applies—the owner or lessor, as the case

may be.

(6) The Court may only make an order under subsection (4) if it is not

satisfied that arrangements have been made to protect adequately

the interests of the applicant for the order.

(7) If:

(a) a company is under administration or is subject to a deed of

company arrangement; and

(b) property of the company is subject to a security interest; and

(c) the administrator disposes of the property;

the disposal extinguishes the security interest.

(8) For the purposes of paragraph (2)(a), if:

(a) property is used or occupied by, or is in the possession of, a

company; and

(b) another person is the owner of the property; and

(c) either:

(i) the property is PPSA retention of title property; or

(ii) the property is subject to a retention of title clause under

a contract; and

(d) the owner demands the return of the property;

a disposal of the property that occurs after the demand is made

does not mean that the disposal is not in the ordinary course of the

company’s business.

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External administration Chapter 5

Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of company

arrangement Part 5.3A

Powers of administrator Division 8

Section 442CA

Corporations Act 2001 337

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

442CA Property subject to a possessory security interest—

inspection or examination by potential purchasers etc.

(1) If:

(a) a company is under administration; and

(b) property of the company is subject to a possessory security

interest; and

(c) the administrator is entitled to dispose of the property by way

of sale;

the secured party must, if requested to do so by the administrator,

give potential purchasers a reasonable opportunity to inspect or

examine the property.

(2) If:

(a) a company is under administration; and

(b) property of the company is subject to a possessory security

interest; and

(c) the administrator disposes of the property by way of sale;

the administrator is entitled to obtain possession of the property in

order to effect the sale.

442CB Property subject to a security interest or to a retention of

title clause—administrator’s duty of care in exercising

power of sale

(1) If the administrator of a company is entitled to dispose of property

of the company by way of sale, and the property is subject to a

security interest, the administrator must act reasonably in

exercising a power of sale in respect of the property.

Note: A company’s property includes its PPSA retention of title property

(see the definition of property applying to Part 5.3A, in section 435B).

(2) If:

(a) a company is under administration; and

(b) property is used or occupied by, or is in the possession of, the

company; and

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.3A Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of

company arrangement

Division 8 Powers of administrator

Section 442CC

338 Corporations Act 2001

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(c) another person is the owner of the property; and

(d) the property is subject to a retention of title clause under a

contract; and

(e) the administrator is entitled to dispose of the property by way

of sale;

then, in exercising a power of sale in respect of the property, the

administrator must act reasonably.

(3) Subsections (1) and (2) do not limit section 180, 181, 182, 183 or


442CC Proceeds of sale of property

Property subject to a possessory security interest

(1) If:

(a) a company is under administration; and

(b) property of the company is subject to a possessory security

interest; and

(c) the administrator disposes of the property by way of sale;


(d) if the net proceeds of sale equals or exceeds the total of the

debts secured by:

(i) the possessory security interest; and

(ii) any other security interest in the property, where the

debt secured by the security interest has a priority that is

equal to or higher than the priority of the debt secured

by the possessory security interest;

the administrator must:

(iii) set aside so much of the net proceeds as equals the total

of those debts; and

(iv) apply the amount so set aside in paying those debts; or

(e) if the net proceeds of sale fall short of the total of the debts

secured by:

(i) the possessory security interest; and

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External administration Chapter 5

Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of company

arrangement Part 5.3A

Powers of administrator Division 8

Section 442CC

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(ii) any other security interest in the property, where the

debt secured by the security interest has a priority that is

equal to or higher than the priority of the debt secured

by the possessory security interest;


(iii) the administrator must set aside the net proceeds; and

(iv) the administrator must apply the amount so set aside in

paying those debts in order of priority, on the basis that

if the amount is insufficient to fully pay debts of the

same priority, they must be paid proportionately; and

(v) if any of those debts is not fully paid—so much of the

debt as remains unpaid may be recovered from the

company as an unsecured debt.

PPSA retention of title property

(1A) If the administrator of a company disposes of PPSA retention of

title property of the company by way of sale, then the administrator

must apply the net proceeds of the sale in the same way as a

secured party is required, under section 140 of the Personal

Property Securities Act 2009, to apply an amount, personal

property or proceeds of collateral received by the secured party as

a result of enforcing a security interest in the property.

Note: PPSA retention of title property does not include property that is

subject to a retention of title clause (see section 9, definitions of PPSA

retention of title property and retention of title clause).

Subsection (2) deals with property that is subject to a retention of title


Property subject to a retention of title clause

(2) If:

(a) a company is under administration; and

(b) property is used or occupied by, or is in the possession of, the

company; and

(c) another person is the owner of the property; and

(d) the property is subject to a retention of title clause under a

contract (the original contract); and

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.3A Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of

company arrangement

Division 8 Powers of administrator

Section 442D

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(e) the administrator disposes of the property by way of sale;


(f) if the net proceeds of sale equals or exceeds the total of:

(i) so much of the purchase price, or other amount, under

the original contract as remains unpaid; and

(ii) if there are one or more securities over the property—

the debts secured by the securities;

the administrator must:

(iii) set aside so much of the net proceeds as equals that

total; and

(iv) apply the amount so set aside in paying that total; or

(g) if the net proceeds of sale fall short of the total of:

(i) so much of the purchase price, or other amount, under

the original contract as remains unpaid; and

(ii) if there are one or more securities over the property—

the debts secured by the securities;


(iii) the administrator must set aside the net proceeds; and

(iv) the administrator must apply the amount so set aside in

paying those debts in order of priority, on the basis that

if the amount is insufficient to fully pay debts of the

same priority, they must be paid proportionately; and

(v) if any of those debts is not fully paid—so much of the

debt as remains unpaid may be recovered from the

company as an unsecured debt.

Note: Property that is subject to a retention of title clause does not include

PPSA retention of title property (see section 9, definitions of PPSA

retention of title property and retention of title clause).

Subsection (1A) deals with PPSA retention of title property.

442D Administrator’s powers subject to powers of secured party,

receiver or controller

(1) Where section 441A applies, the administrator’s functions and

powers are subject to the functions and powers of a person as:

(a) the secured party; or

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External administration Chapter 5

Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of company

arrangement Part 5.3A

Powers of administrator Division 8

Section 442E

Corporations Act 2001 341

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(b) a receiver or controller appointed under Part 5.2 (whether

under an instrument relating to the security interest or a court

order, and even if appointed after the decision period).

(2) Where section 441C applies, then, so far as concerns perishable

property of the company, the administrator’s functions and powers

are subject to the functions and powers of a person as:

(a) the secured party; or

(b) a receiver or controller appointed under Part 5.2 (whether

under an instrument relating to the security interest or a court

order, and even if appointed after the decision period).

(3) Where section 441B, 441F or 441G applies, then, so far as

concerns the property referred to in subsection 441B(1), 441F(1) or

441G(1), the administrator’s functions and powers are subject to

the functions and powers of the secured party, receiver or


442E Administrator has qualified privilege

A person who is or has been the administrator of a company under

administration has qualified privilege in respect of a statement that

he or she has made, whether orally or in writing, in the course of

performing or exercising any of his or her functions and powers as

administrator of the company.

442F Protection of persons dealing with administrator

(1) Sections 128 and 129 apply in relation to a company under

administration as if:

(a) a reference in those sections to the company, or to an officer

of the company, included a reference to the administrator;


(b) a reference in those sections to an assumption referred to in

section 129 included a reference to an assumption that the

administrator is:

(i) acting within his or her functions and powers as

administrator; and

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.3A Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of

company arrangement

Division 8 Powers of administrator

Section 442F

342 Corporations Act 2001

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(ii) in particular, is complying with this Act.

(2) The effect that sections 128 and 129 have because of subsection (1)

of this section is additional to, and does not prejudice, the effect

that sections 128 and 129 otherwise have in relation to a company

under administration.

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External administration Chapter 5

Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of company

arrangement Part 5.3A

Administrator’s liability and indemnity for debts of administration Division 9

Section 443A

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Division 9—Administrator’s liability and indemnity for

debts of administration

Subdivision A—Liability

443A General debts

(1) The administrator of a company under administration is liable for

debts he or she incurs, in the performance or exercise, or purported

performance or exercise, of any of his or her functions and powers

as administrator, for:

(a) services rendered; or

(b) goods bought; or

(c) property hired, leased, used or occupied, including property

consisting of goods that is subject to a lease that gives rise to

a PPSA security interest in the goods; or

(d) the repayment of money borrowed; or

(e) interest in respect of money borrowed; or

(f) borrowing costs.

(2) Subsection (1) has effect despite any agreement to the contrary, but

without prejudice to the administrator’s rights against the company

or anyone else.

443B Payments for property used or occupied by, or in the

possession of, the company


(1) This section applies if, under an agreement made before the

administration of a company began, the company continues to use

or occupy, or to be in possession of, property of which someone

else is the owner or lessor, including property consisting of goods

that is subject to a lease that gives rise to a PPSA security interest

in the goods.

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.3A Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of

company arrangement

Division 9 Administrator’s liability and indemnity for debts of administration

Section 443B

344 Corporations Act 2001

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General rule

(2) Subject to this section, the administrator is liable for so much of

the rent or other amounts payable by the company under the

agreement as is attributable to a period:

(a) that begins more than 5 business days after the administration

began; and

(b) throughout which:

(i) the company continues to use or occupy, or to be in

possession of, the property; and

(ii) the administration continues.

(3) Within 5 business days after the beginning of the administration,

the administrator may give to the owner or lessor a notice that:

(a) specifies the property; and

(b) states that the company does not propose to exercise rights in

relation to the property; and

(c) if the administrator:

(i) knows the location of the property; or

(ii) could, by the exercise of reasonable diligence, know the

location of the property;

specifies the location of the property.

(4) Despite subsection (2), the administrator is not liable for so much

of the rent or other amounts payable by the company under the

agreement as is attributable to a period during which a notice under

subsection (3) is in force, but such a notice does not affect a

liability of the company.

(5) A notice under subsection (3) ceases to have effect if:

(a) the administrator revokes it by writing given to the owner or

lessor; or

(b) the company exercises, or purports to exercise, a right in

relation to the property.

(6) For the purposes of subsection (5), the company does not exercise,

or purport to exercise, a right in relation to the property merely

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External administration Chapter 5

Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of company

arrangement Part 5.3A

Administrator’s liability and indemnity for debts of administration Division 9

Section 443BA

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because the company continues to occupy, or to be in possession

of, the property, unless the company:

(a) also uses the property; or

(b) asserts a right, as against the owner or lessor, so to continue.

Restrictions on general rule

(7) Subsection (2) does not apply in relation to so much of a period as

elapses after:

(a) a receiver of the property is appointed; or

(b) under an agreement or instrument under which a security

interest in the property is created or arises:

(i) the secured party appoints an agent to enter into

possession, or to assume control, of the property; or

(ii) the secured party takes possession, or assumes control,

of the property;

but this subsection does not affect a liability of the company.

(8) Subsection (2) does not apply in so far as a court, by order, excuses

the administrator from liability, but an order does not affect a

liability of the company.

(9) The administrator is not taken because of subsection (2):

(a) to have adopted the agreement; or

(b) to be liable under the agreement otherwise than as mentioned

in subsection (2).

443BA Certain taxation liabilities

(1) The administrator of a company is liable to pay to the

Commissioner of Taxation:

(a) each amount payable under a remittance provision because of

a deduction made by the administrator; and

(b) without limiting paragraph (a), so much of each amount

payable under a remittance provision because of a deduction

made by the company during the administration as equals so

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.3A Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of

company arrangement

Division 9 Administrator’s liability and indemnity for debts of administration

Section 443C

346 Corporations Act 2001

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much of the deduction as is attributable to a period

throughout which the administration continued;

even if the amount became payable after the end of the


(2) In this section:

remittance provision means any of the following former provisions

of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936:

(aa) section 220AAE, 220AAM or 220AAR;

(a) section 221F (except subsection 221F(12)) or section 221G

(except subsection 221G(4A));

(b) subsection 221YHDC(2);

(c) subsection 221YHZD(1) or (1A);

(d) subsection 221YN(1);

and any of the provisions of Subdivision 16-B in Schedule 1 to the

Taxation Administration Act 1953.

443C Administrator not otherwise liable for company’s debts

The administrator of a company under administration is not liable

for the company’s debts except under this Subdivision.

Subdivision B—Indemnity

443D Right of indemnity

The administrator of a company under administration is entitled to

be indemnified out of the company’s property (other than any

PPSA retention of title property subject to a PPSA security interest

that is perfected within the meaning of the Personal Property

Securities Act 2009) for:

(a) debts for which the administrator is liable under Subdivision

A or a remittance provision as defined in

subsection 443BA(2); and

(aa) any other debts or liabilities incurred, or damages or losses

sustained, in good faith and without negligence, by the

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External administration Chapter 5

Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of company

arrangement Part 5.3A

Administrator’s liability and indemnity for debts of administration Division 9

Section 443E

Corporations Act 2001 347

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

administrator in the performance or exercise, or purported

performance or exercise, of any of his or her functions or

powers as administrator; and

(b) the remuneration to which he or she is entitled under

Division 60 of Schedule 2 (external administrator’s


443E Right of indemnity has priority over other debts

General rule

(1) Subject to section 556, a right of indemnity under section 443D has

priority over:

(a) all the company’s unsecured debts; and

(b) any debts of the company secured by a PPSA security

interest in property of the company if, when the

administration of the company begins, the security interest is

vested in the company because of the operation of any of the

following provisions:

(i) section 267 or 267A of the Personal Property Securities

Act 2009 (property subject to unperfected security


(ii) section 588FL of this Act (collateral not registered

within time); and

(c) subject otherwise to this section—debts of the company

secured by a circulating security interest in property of the


Debts secured by circulating security interests—receiver appointed

before the beginning of administration etc.

(2) A right of indemnity under section 443D does not have priority

over debts of the company under administration that are secured by

a circulating security interest in property of the company, except so

far as the secured party agrees, if:

(a) before the beginning of the administration, the secured party:

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.3A Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of

company arrangement

Division 9 Administrator’s liability and indemnity for debts of administration

Section 443E

348 Corporations Act 2001

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(i) appointed a receiver of property of the company under a

power contained in an instrument relating to the security

interest; or

(ii) obtained an order for the appointment of a receiver of

property of the company for the purpose of enforcing

the security interest; or

(iii) entered into possession, or assumed control, of property

of the company for that purpose; or

(iv) appointed a person so to enter into possession or assume

control (whether as agent for the secured party or for the

company); and

(b) the receiver or person is still in office, or the secured party is

still in possession or control of the property.

Debts secured by circulating security interests—receiver appointed

during administration etc.

(3) Subsection (4) applies if:

(a) debts of a company under administration are secured by a

circulating security interest in property of the company; and

(b) during the administration, the secured party, consistently

with this Part:

(i) appoints a receiver of property of the company under a

power contained in an instrument relating to the security

interest; or

(ii) obtains an order for the appointment of a receiver of

property of the company for the purpose of enforcing

the security interest; or

(iii) enters into possession, or assumes control, of property

of the company for that purpose; or

(iv) appoints a person so to enter into possession or assume

control (whether as agent for the secured party or for the


(4) A right of indemnity of the administrator under section 443D has

priority over those debts only in so far as it is a right of indemnity

for debts incurred, or remuneration accruing, before written notice

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Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of company

arrangement Part 5.3A

Administrator’s liability and indemnity for debts of administration Division 9

Section 443F

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of the appointment, or of the entering into possession or assuming

of control, as the case may be, was given to the administrator.

Debts secured by circulating security interests—priority over right

of indemnity in relation to repayment of money borrowed etc.

(5) A right of indemnity under section 443D does not have priority

over debts of the company under administration that are secured by

a circulating security interest in property of the company, except so

far as the secured party consents in writing, to the extent that the

right of indemnity relates to debts incurred for:

(a) the repayment of money borrowed; or

(b) interest in respect of money borrowed; or

(c) borrowing costs.

443F Lien to secure indemnity

(1) To secure a right of indemnity under section 443D, the

administrator has a lien on the company’s property.

(2) A lien under subsection (1) has priority over another security

interest only in so far as the right of indemnity under section 443D

has priority over debts secured by the other security interest.

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.3A Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of

company arrangement

Division 10 Execution and effect of deed of company arrangement

Section 444A

350 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 10—Execution and effect of deed of company


444A Effect of creditors’ resolution

(1) This section applies where, at a meeting convened under

section 439A, a company’s creditors resolve that the company

execute a deed of company arrangement.

(2) The administrator of the company is to be the administrator of the

deed, unless the creditors, by resolution passed at the meeting,

appoint someone else to be administrator of the deed.

(3) The administrator of the company must prepare an instrument

setting out the terms of the deed.

(4) The instrument must also specify the following:

(a) the administrator of the deed;

(b) the property of the company (whether or not already owned

by the company when it executes the deed) that is to be

available to pay creditors’ claims;

(c) the nature and duration of any moratorium period for which

the deed provides;

(d) to what extent the company is to be released from its debts;

(e) the conditions (if any) for the deed to come into operation;

(f) the conditions (if any) for the deed to continue in operation;

(g) the circumstances in which the deed terminates;

(h) the order in which proceeds of realising the property referred

to in paragraph (b) are to be distributed among creditors

bound by the deed;

(i) the day (not later than the day when the administration

began) on or before which claims must have arisen if they are

to be admissible under the deed.

(5) The instrument is taken to include the prescribed provisions, except

so far as it provides otherwise.

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Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of company

arrangement Part 5.3A

Execution and effect of deed of company arrangement Division 10

Section 444B

Corporations Act 2001 351

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444B Execution of deed

(1) This section applies where an instrument is prepared under

section 444A.

(2) The company must execute the instrument within:

(a) 15 business days after the end of the meeting of creditors; or

(b) such further period as the Court allows on an application

made within those 15 business days.

(3) The board of the company may, by resolution, authorise the

instrument to be executed by or on behalf of the company.

(4) Subsection (3) has effect despite section 198G, but does not limit

the functions and powers of the administrator of the company.

(5) The proposed administrator of the deed must execute the

instrument before, or as soon as practicable after, the company

executes it.

(6) When executed by both the company and the deed’s proposed

administrator, the instrument becomes a deed of company


(7) Division 12 provides for consequences of the company

contravening subsection (2).

444C Creditor etc. not to act inconsistently with deed before its


(1) Where, at a meeting convened under section 439A, a company’s

creditors resolve that the company execute a deed of company

arrangement, this section applies until:

(a) the deed is executed by both the company and the deed’s

administrator; or

(b) the period within which subsection 444B(2) requires the

company to execute the deed ends;

whichever happens sooner.

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.3A Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of

company arrangement

Division 10 Execution and effect of deed of company arrangement

Section 444D

352 Corporations Act 2001

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(2) In so far as a person would be bound by the deed if it had already

been so executed, the person:

(a) must not do anything inconsistent with the deed, except with

the leave of the Court; and

(b) is subject to section 444E.

444D Effect of deed on creditors

(1) A deed of company arrangement binds all creditors of the

company, so far as concerns claims arising on or before the day

specified in the deed under paragraph 444A(4)(i).

(2) Subsection (1) does not prevent a secured creditor from realising or

otherwise dealing with the security interest, except so far as:

(a) the deed so provides in relation to a secured creditor who

voted in favour of the resolution of creditors because of

which the company executed the deed; or

(b) the Court orders under subsection 444F(2).

(3) Subsection (1) does not affect a right that an owner or lessor of

property has in relation to that property, except so far as:

(a) the deed so provides in relation to an owner or lessor of

property who voted in favour of the resolution of creditors

because of which the company executed the deed; or

(b) the Court orders under subsection 444F(4).

(3A) Subsection (3) does not apply in relation to an owner or lessor of

PPSA retention of title property of the company.

Note: Subsection (2) applies in relation to an owner or lessor of PPSA

retention of title property of the company. Such an owner or lessor is a

secured creditor of the company (see section 51F (meaning of PPSA

retention of title property)).

(4) Section 231 does not prevent a creditor of the company from

becoming a member of the company as a result of the deed

requiring the creditor to accept an offer of shares in the company.

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Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of company

arrangement Part 5.3A

Execution and effect of deed of company arrangement Division 10

Section 444DA

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Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

444DA Giving priority to eligible employee creditors

(1) A deed of company arrangement must contain a provision to the

effect that, for the purposes of the application by the administrator

of the property of the company coming under his or her control

under the deed, any eligible employee creditors will be entitled to a

priority at least equal to what they would have been entitled if the

property were applied in accordance with sections 556, 560 and


(2) However, the rule in subsection (1) does not apply if:

(a) at a meeting of eligible employee creditors held before the

meeting convened under section 439A, the eligible employee

creditors pass a resolution agreeing to the non-inclusion of

such a provision; or

(b) the Court makes an order under subsection (5) approving the

non-inclusion of such a provision.

Meeting of eligible employee creditors

(3) The administrator of the company must convene a meeting under

paragraph (2)(a) by giving written notice of the meeting to as many

of the eligible employee creditors as reasonably practicable at least

5 business days before the meeting.

(4) A notice under subsection (3) must be accompanied by a copy of a

statement setting out:

(a) the administrator’s opinion whether the non-inclusion of such

a provision would be likely to result in the same or a better

outcome for eligible employee creditors as a whole than

would result from an immediate winding up of the company;


(b) his or her reasons for that opinion; and

(c) such other information known to the administrator as will

enable the eligible employee creditors to make an informed

decision about the matter covered by paragraph (a).

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.3A Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of

company arrangement

Division 10 Execution and effect of deed of company arrangement

Section 444DB

354 Corporations Act 2001

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Court approval

(5) The Court may approve the non-inclusion of such a provision if the

Court is satisfied that the non-inclusion of the provision would be

likely to result in the same or a better outcome for eligible

employee creditors as a whole than would result from an

immediate winding up of the company.

(6) The Court may only make an order under subsection (5) on the

application of:

(a) the administrator, or proposed administrator, of the deed; or

(b) an eligible employee creditor; or

(c) any interested person.

(7) The Court may make an order under subsection (5) before or after

the meeting convened under section 439A.

444DB Superannuation contribution debts not admissible to proof

Whole of superannuation contribution debt

(1) A deed of company arrangement must contain a provision to the

effect that the administrator of the deed must determine that the

whole of a debt by way of a superannuation contribution is not

admissible to proof against the company if:

(a) a debt by way of superannuation guarantee charge:

(i) has been paid; or

(ii) is, or is to be, admissible to proof against the company;


(b) the administrator of the deed is satisfied that the

superannuation guarantee charge is attributable to the whole

of the first-mentioned debt.

(2) If the administrator of a deed of company arrangement determines,

under a provision covered by subsection (1), that the whole of a

debt is not admissible to proof against the company, the whole of

the debt is extinguished.

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External administration Chapter 5

Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of company

arrangement Part 5.3A

Execution and effect of deed of company arrangement Division 10

Section 444E

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Part of superannuation contribution debt

(3) A deed of company arrangement must contain a provision to the

effect that the administrator of the deed must determine that a

particular part of a debt by way of a superannuation contribution is

not admissible to proof against the company if:

(a) a debt by way of superannuation guarantee charge:

(i) has been paid; or

(ii) is, or is to be, admissible to proof against the company;


(b) the administrator of the deed is satisfied that the

superannuation guarantee charge is attributable to that part of

the first-mentioned debt.

(4) If the administrator of a deed of company arrangement determines,

under a provision covered by subsection (3), that a part of a debt is

not admissible to proof against the company, that part of the debt is



(5) In this section:

superannuation contribution has the same meaning as in

section 556.

444E Protection of company’s property from persons bound by deed

(1) Until a deed of company arrangement terminates, this section

applies to a person bound by the deed.

(2) The person cannot:

(a) make an application for an order to wind up the company; or

(b) proceed with such an application made before the deed

became binding on the person.

(3) The person cannot:

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.3A Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of

company arrangement

Division 10 Execution and effect of deed of company arrangement

Section 444F

356 Corporations Act 2001

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(a) begin or proceed with a proceeding against the company or in

relation to any of its property; or

(b) begin or proceed with enforcement process in relation to

property of the company;


(c) with the leave of the Court; and

(d) in accordance with such terms (if any) as the Court imposes.

(4) In subsection (3):

property of a company includes:

(a) any PPSA retention of title property of the company; and

(b) any other property used or occupied by, or in the possession

of, the company.

Note: See sections 9 (definition of property) and 51F (PPSA retention of

title property).

444F Court may limit rights of secured creditor or owner or lessor

(1) This section applies where:

(a) at a meeting convened under section 439A, a company’s

creditors have resolved that the company execute a deed of

company arrangement; or

(b) a company has executed such a deed.

(2) Subject to subsection 441A(3), the Court may order a secured

creditor of the company not to realise or otherwise deal with the

security interest, except as permitted by the order.

(3) The Court may only make an order under subsection (2) if satisfied


(a) for the creditor to realise or otherwise deal with the security

interest would have a material adverse effect on achieving the

purposes of the deed; and

(b) having regard to:

(i) the terms of the deed; and

(ii) the terms of the order; and

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arrangement Part 5.3A

Execution and effect of deed of company arrangement Division 10

Section 444G

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(iii) any other relevant matter;

the creditor’s interests will be adequately protected.

(4) The Court may order the owner or lessor of property that is used or

occupied by, or is in the possession of, the company not to take

possession of the property or otherwise recover it.

(4A) Subsection (4) does not apply in relation to PPSA retention of title

property of the company.

(5) The Court may only make an order under subsection (4) if satisfied


(a) for the owner or lessor to take possession of the property or

otherwise recover it would have a material adverse effect on

achieving the purposes of the deed; and

(b) having regard to:

(i) the terms of the deed; and

(ii) the terms of the order; and

(iii) any other relevant matter;

the interests of the owner or lessor will be adequately


(6) An order under this section may be made subject to conditions.

(7) An order under this section may only be made on the application


(a) if paragraph (1)(a) applies—the administrator of the

company; or

(b) if paragraph (1)(b) applies—the deed’s administrator.

444G Effect of deed on company, officers and members

A deed of company arrangement also binds:

(a) the company; and

(b) its officers and members; and

(c) the deed’s administrator.

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.3A Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of

company arrangement

Division 10 Execution and effect of deed of company arrangement

Section 444GA

358 Corporations Act 2001

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444GA Transfer of shares

(1) The administrator of a deed of company arrangement may transfer

shares in the company if the administrator has obtained:

(a) the written consent of the owner of the shares; or

(b) the leave of the Court.

(2) A person is not entitled to oppose an application for leave under

subsection (1) unless the person is:

(a) a member of the company; or

(b) a creditor of the company; or

(c) any other interested person; or

(d) ASIC.

(3) The Court may only give leave under subsection (1) if it is satisfied

that the transfer would not unfairly prejudice the interests of

members of the company.

444H Extent of release of company’s debts

A deed of company arrangement releases the company from a debt

only in so far as:

(a) the deed provides for the release; and

(b) the creditor concerned is bound by the deed.

444J Guarantees and indemnities

Section 444H does not affect a creditor’s rights under a guarantee

or indemnity.

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Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of company

arrangement Part 5.3A

Variation, termination and avoidance of deed Division 11

Section 445A

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Division 11—Variation, termination and avoidance of deed

445A Variation of deed by creditors

A deed of company arrangement may be varied by a resolution

passed at a meeting of the company’s creditors, but only if the

variation is not materially different from a proposed variation set

out in the notice of the meeting.

445B Court may cancel variation

(1) Where a deed of company arrangement is varied under

section 445A, a creditor of the company may apply to the Court for

an order cancelling the variation.

(2) On an application, the Court:

(a) may make an order cancelling the variation, or confirming it,

either wholly or in part, on such conditions (if any) as the

order specifies; and

(b) may make such other orders as it thinks appropriate.

445C When deed terminates

A deed of company arrangement terminates when:

(a) the Court makes under section 445D an order terminating the

deed; or

(b) the company’s creditors pass a resolution terminating the

deed at a meeting; or

(c) if the deed specifies circumstances in which it is to

terminate—those circumstances exist; or

(d) the administrator of the deed executes a notice of termination

of the deed in accordance with section 445FA;

whichever happens first.

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.3A Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of

company arrangement

Division 11 Variation, termination and avoidance of deed

Section 445CA

360 Corporations Act 2001

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445CA When creditors may terminate deed

The creditors are not entitled to pass a resolution under

paragraph 445C(b) unless:

(a) there has been a breach of the deed; and

(b) the breach has not been rectified before the resolution is


445D When Court may terminate deed

(1) The Court may make an order terminating a deed of company

arrangement if satisfied that:

(a) information about the company’s business, property, affairs

or financial circumstances that:

(i) was false or misleading; and

(ii) can reasonably be expected to have been material to

creditors of the company in deciding whether to vote in

favour of the resolution that the company execute the


was given to the administrator of the company or to such

creditors; or

(b) such information was contained in a document that

accompanied a notice of the meeting at which the resolution

was passed; or

(c) there was an omission from such a document and the

omission can reasonably be expected to have been material to

such creditors in so deciding; or

(d) there has been a material contravention of the deed by a

person bound by the deed; or

(e) effect cannot be given to the deed without injustice or undue

delay; or

(f) the deed or a provision of it is, an act or omission done or

made under the deed was, or an act or omission proposed to

be so done or made would be:

(i) oppressive or unfairly prejudicial to, or unfairly

discriminatory against, one or more such creditors; or

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arrangement Part 5.3A

Variation, termination and avoidance of deed Division 11

Section 445E

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(ii) contrary to the interests of the creditors of the company

as a whole; or

(g) the deed should be terminated for some other reason.

(2) An order may be made on the application of:

(a) a creditor of the company; or

(b) the company; or

(ba) ASIC; or

(c) any other interested person.

445E Creditors may terminate deed and resolve that company be

wound up


(a) the company’s creditors pass a resolution at a meeting

terminating the deed; and

(b) the notice of the meeting set out a proposed resolution that

the company be wound up;

the creditors may also resolve at the meeting that the company be

wound up.

445FA Notice of termination of deed

(1) If a company is subject to a deed of company arrangement, and:

(a) the administrator of the deed has applied all of the proceeds

of the realisation of the assets available for the payment of

creditors; or

(b) the administrator of the deed has paid to the creditors:

(i) the sum of 100 cents in the dollar; or

(ii) any lesser sum determined by the creditors at a general

meeting; or

(c) all of the following conditions are satisfied:

(i) the company’s obligations under the deed have been


(ii) the obligations of any other party to the deed have been


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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.3A Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of

company arrangement

Division 11 Variation, termination and avoidance of deed

Section 445G

362 Corporations Act 2001

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(iii) creditors’ claims under the deed have been dealt with in

accordance with the deed;

the administrator of the deed must:

(d) certify to that effect in writing; and

(e) within 28 days, lodge with ASIC a notice of termination of

the deed.

(2) The notice of termination must be in the prescribed form.

Note: For termination of the deed, see section 445C.

445G When Court may void or validate deed

(1) Where there is doubt, on a specific ground, whether a deed of

company arrangement was entered into in accordance with this

Part or complies with this Part, the administrator of the deed, a

member or creditor of the company, or ASIC, may apply to the

Court for an order under this section.

(2) On an application, the Court may make an order declaring the

deed, or a provision of it, to be void or not to be void, as the case

requires, on the ground specified in the application or some other


(3) On an application, the Court may declare the deed, or a provision

of it, to be valid, despite a contravention of a provision of this Part,

if the Court is satisfied that:

(a) the provision was substantially complied with; and

(b) no injustice will result for anyone bound by the deed if the

contravention is disregarded.

(4) Where the Court declares a provision of a deed of company

arrangement to be void, the Court may by order vary the deed, but

only with the consent of the deed’s administrator.

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Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of company

arrangement Part 5.3A

Variation, termination and avoidance of deed Division 11

Section 445H

Corporations Act 2001 363

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445H Effect of termination or avoidance

The termination or avoidance, in whole or in part, of a deed of

company arrangement does not affect the previous operation of the


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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.3A Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of

company arrangement

Division 11AA Notification of contravention of deed

Section 445HA

364 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 11AA—Notification of contravention of deed

445HA Notification of contravention of deed of company


Director to notify administrator

(1) If a director of a company that is subject to a deed of company

arrangement becomes aware that:

(a) there has been a material contravention of the deed by a

person bound by the deed (who may be the director); or

(b) there is likely to be a material contravention of the deed by a

person bound by the deed (who may be the director);

the director must, as soon as practicable after becoming aware of

the contravention or likely contravention, give notice of the

contravention or likely contravention to the administrator of the

deed of company arrangement. The notice must be in the

prescribed form.

Administrator to notify company’s creditors

(2) If the administrator of a deed of company arrangement becomes

aware that:

(a) there has been a material contravention of the deed by a

person bound by the deed (who may be the administrator); or

(b) there is likely to be a material contravention of the deed by a

person bound by the deed (who may be the administrator);

the administrator must, as soon as practicable after becoming

aware of the contravention or likely contravention, give notice of

the contravention or likely contravention to as many of the

company’s creditors as reasonably practicable. The notice must be

in the prescribed form.

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External administration Chapter 5

Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of company

arrangement Part 5.3A

Transition to creditors’ voluntary winding up Division 12

Section 446A

Corporations Act 2001 365

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Division 12—Transition to creditors’ voluntary winding up

446A Administrator becomes liquidator in certain cases

(1) This section applies if:

(a) the creditors of a company under administration resolve at a

particular time under paragraph 439C(c) that the company be

wound up; or

(b) a company under administration contravenes

subsection 444B(2) at a particular time; or

(c) the company’s creditors:

(i) pass a resolution terminating a deed of company

arrangement executed by the company; and

(ii) also resolve at a particular time under section 445E that

the company be wound up.

(2) The company is taken:

(a) to have passed, at the time referred to in paragraph (1)(a) or

(b) or subparagraph (1)(c)(ii), as the case may be, a special

resolution under section 491 that the company be wound up

voluntarily; and

(b) to have done so without a declaration having been made and

lodged under section 494.

(3) Section 497 is taken to have been complied with in relation to the

winding up.

(5) The liquidator must:

(a) within 5 business days after the day on which the company is

taken to have passed the resolution, lodge a written notice

stating that the company is taken because of this section to

have passed such a resolution and specifying that day; and

(b) cause the notice to be published, within the period

ascertained in accordance with the regulations, in the

prescribed manner.

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.3A Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of

company arrangement

Division 12 Transition to creditors’ voluntary winding up

Section 446AA

366 Corporations Act 2001

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(6) Section 482 applies in relation to the winding up as if it were a

winding up in insolvency or by the Court.

Note: Section 482 empowers the Court to stay or terminate a winding up and

give consequential directions.

(7) An application under section 482 as applying because of

subsection (6) may be made:

(a) despite section 198G (exercise of powers while company

under external administration), by the company pursuant to a

resolution of the board; or

(b) by the liquidator; or

(c) by a creditor; or

(d) by a contributory.

Note: See also section 499 (appointment of liquidator).

446AA Administrator becomes liquidator—additional cases


(1) This section applies if a company has executed a deed of company

arrangement and:

(a) the Court, at a particular time, makes an order under

section 445D terminating the deed of company arrangement;


(b) both:

(i) the deed of company arrangement specifies

circumstances in which the deed is to terminate and the

company is to be wound up; and

(ii) those circumstances exist at a particular time.

Resolution that company be wound up voluntarily

(2) The company is taken:

(a) to have passed, at the time referred to in paragraph (1)(a) or

subparagraph (1)(b)(ii), as the case may be, a special

resolution under section 491 that the company be wound up

voluntarily; and

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arrangement Part 5.3A

Transition to creditors’ voluntary winding up Division 12

Section 446AA

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(b) to have done so without a declaration having been made and

lodged under section 494.

Information about company’s affairs

(3) Section 497 is taken to have been complied with in relation to the

winding up.

Notice of resolution

(4) The liquidator must:

(a) within 5 business days after the day on which the company is

taken to have passed the resolution, lodge with ASIC a

written notice in the prescribed form:

(i) stating that the company is taken because of this section

to have passed such a resolution; and

(ii) specifying that day; and

(b) cause the notice to be published, within 5 business days after

that day, in the prescribed manner.

Power to stay or terminate winding up

(5) Section 482 applies in relation to the winding up as if it were a

winding up in insolvency or by the Court.

Note: Section 482 empowers the Court to stay or terminate a winding up and

give consequential directions.

(6) An application under section 482 as applying because of

subsection (5) may be made:

(a) despite section 198G (exercise of directors’ powers while

company under external administration), by the company

pursuant to a resolution of the board; or

(b) by the liquidator; or

(c) by a creditor; or

(d) by a contributory.

Note: See also section 499 (appointment of liquidator).

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.3A Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of

company arrangement

Division 12 Transition to creditors’ voluntary winding up

Section 446B

368 Corporations Act 2001

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446B Regulations may provide for transition in other cases

(1) The regulations may prescribe cases where:

(a) a company under administration; or

(b) a company that has executed a deed of company arrangement

(even if the deed has terminated);

is taken to have passed a special resolution under section 491 that

the company be wound up voluntarily.

(2) The regulations may provide for Part 5.5 or Schedule 2 to apply

with prescribed modifications in cases prescribed for the purposes

of subsection (1).

(3) Without limiting subsection (2), the regulations may provide, in

relation to such cases, for matters of a kind provided for by any of

subsections 446A(2) to (7) and 446AA(2) to (6), inclusive.

(4) Regulations in force for the purposes of this section have effect


446C Liquidator may require submission of a report about the

company’s affairs


(1) This section applies if:

(a) at a particular time (the liquidation time), a company

resolves by special resolution that it be wound up voluntarily;


(b) immediately before the liquidation time:

(i) the company was under administration; or

(ii) the company was subject to a deed of company



(2) The liquidator may, by written notice given to a person who is or

has been an officer of the company, require the person to:

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arrangement Part 5.3A

Transition to creditors’ voluntary winding up Division 12

Section 446C

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(a) give the liquidator a report containing such information as is

specified in the notice about:

(i) the affairs of the company, as at a date specified in the

notice; or

(ii) if one or more of the affairs of the company are

specified in the notice—those affairs, as at a date

specified in the notice; and

(b) verify the report by a statement in writing in the prescribed


(3) The following provisions have effect:

(a) if subparagraph (1)(b)(i) applies—the date specified in the

subsection (2) notice must not be earlier than the beginning

of the administration;

(b) if subparagraph (1)(b)(ii) applies—the date specified in the

subsection (2) notice must not be earlier than the beginning

of the administration that ended when the deed was executed.

Deadline for giving report to liquidator

(4) If a person is given a notice under subsection (2), the person must

give the liquidator the report required by the notice:

(a) within 14 days after the notice was given; or

(b) if the liquidator, by written notice given to the person, allows

a longer period—within that longer period.

(5) The liquidator may allow a longer period under paragraph (4)(b)

only on written application made within the period of 14 days

mentioned in paragraph (4)(a).

(6) The liquidator may allow a longer period under paragraph (4)(b)

only if the liquidator believes there are special reasons for doing


Report to be lodged with ASIC

(7) The liquidator must, within 7 days after receiving a report under

subsection (2), lodge a copy of the report with ASIC.

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.3A Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of

company arrangement

Division 12 Transition to creditors’ voluntary winding up

Section 446C

370 Corporations Act 2001

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Cost of preparation of report

(8) If:

(a) a person is required to give a report under subsection (2); and

(b) the person incurs costs or expenses in relation to the

preparation or giving of the report;

the person is entitled to be paid by the liquidator out of the

property of the company (other than its PPSA retention of title

property), so much of those costs and expenses as the liquidator

considers reasonable.

Reasonable excuse

(9) Subsection (4) does not apply to the extent that the person has a

reasonable excuse.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in

subsection (9), see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

Strict liability

(10) An offence against subsection 1311(1) that relates to subsection (4)

of this section is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

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External administration Chapter 5

Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of company

arrangement Part 5.3A

Powers of Court Division 13

Section 447A

Corporations Act 2001 371

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 13—Powers of Court

447A General power to make orders

(1) The Court may make such order as it thinks appropriate about how

this Part is to operate in relation to a particular company.

(2) For example, if the Court is satisfied that the administration of a

company should end:

(a) because the company is solvent; or

(b) because provisions of this Part are being abused; or

(c) for some other reason;

the Court may order under subsection (1) that the administration is

to end.

(3) An order may be made subject to conditions.

(4) An order may be made on the application of:

(a) the company; or

(b) a creditor of the company; or

(c) in the case of a company under administration—the

administrator of the company; or

(d) in the case of a company that has executed a deed of

company arrangement—the deed’s administrator; or

(e) ASIC; or

(f) any other interested person.

447B Orders to protect creditors during administration

(1) On the application of ASIC, the Court may make such order as it

thinks necessary to protect the interests of a company’s creditors

while the company is under administration.

(2) On the application of a creditor of a company, the Court may make

such order as it thinks necessary to protect the creditor’s interests

while the company is under administration.

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.3A Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of

company arrangement

Division 13 Powers of Court

Section 447C

372 Corporations Act 2001

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(3) An order may be made subject to conditions.

447C Court may declare whether administrator validly appointed

(1) If there is doubt, on a specific ground, about whether a purported

appointment of a person as administrator of a company, or of a

deed of company arrangement, is valid, the person, the company or

any of the company’s creditors may apply to the Court for an order

under subsection (2).

(2) On an application, the Court may make an order declaring whether

or not the purported appointment was valid on the ground specified

in the application or on some other ground.

447F Effect of Division

Nothing in this Division limits the generality of anything else in it.

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External administration Chapter 5

Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of company

arrangement Part 5.3A

Qualifications of administrators Division 14

Section 448A

Corporations Act 2001 373

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 14—Qualifications of administrators

448A Appointee must consent

A person cannot be appointed as administrator of a company or of

a deed of company arrangement unless:

(a) the person has consented in writing to the appointment; and

(b) as at the time of the appointment, the person has not

withdrawn the consent.

448B Administrator must be registered liquidator

(1) A person must not consent to be appointed, and must not act, as

administrator of a company or of a deed of company arrangement.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply if the person is a registered


Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in

subsection (2), see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

(3) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

448C Disqualification of person connected with company

(1) Subject to this section, a person must not, except with the leave of

the Court, seek or consent to be appointed as, or act as,

administrator of a company or of a deed of company arrangement


(a) the person, or a body corporate in which the person has a

substantial holding, is indebted in an amount exceeding

$5,000 to the company or to a body corporate related to the

company; or

(b) the person is, otherwise than in a capacity as administrator or

liquidator of, or as administrator of a deed of company

arrangement executed by, the company or a related body

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.3A Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of

company arrangement

Division 14 Qualifications of administrators

Section 448C

374 Corporations Act 2001

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corporate, a creditor of the company or of a related body

corporate in an amount exceeding $5,000; or

(c) the person is a director, secretary, senior manager or

employee of the company; or

(d) the person is a director, secretary, senior manager or

employee of a body corporate that is a secured party in

relation to property of the company; or

(e) the person is an auditor of the company; or

(f) the person is a partner or employee of an auditor of the

company; or

(g) the person is a partner, employer or employee of an officer of

the company; or

(h) the person is a partner or employee of an employee of an

officer of the company.

(1A) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(2) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(a), disregard a debt owed by a

natural person to a body corporate if:

(a) the body corporate is:

(i) an Australian ADI; or

(ii) a body corporate registered under section 21 of the Life

Insurance Act 1995; and

(b) the debt arose because of a loan that the body corporate or

entity made to the person in the ordinary course of its

ordinary business; and

(c) the person used the amount of the loan to pay the whole or

part of the purchase price of premises that the person uses as

their principal place of residence.

(3) For the purposes of this section, a person is taken to be a director,

secretary, senior manager, employee or auditor of a company if:

(a) the person is or has, within the last 2 years, been a director,

secretary, senior manager, employee, auditor or promoter of

the company or a related body corporate; and

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Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of company

arrangement Part 5.3A

Qualifications of administrators Division 14

Section 448C

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(b) ASIC has not directed that the person not be taken to be a

director, secretary, senior manager, employee or auditor for

the purposes of this section.

ASIC may give a direction under paragraph (b) only if it thinks fit

in the circumstances of the case.

(4) For the purposes of paragraphs (1)(g) and (h), officer does not

include liquidator.

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.3A Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of

company arrangement

Division 15 Removal and replacement of administrator

Section 449A

376 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 15—Removal and replacement of administrator

449A Appointment of administrator cannot be revoked

The appointment of a person as administrator of a company or of a

deed of company arrangement cannot be revoked.

449C Vacancy in office of administrator of company

(1) Where the administrator of a company under administration:

(a) dies; or

(b) becomes prohibited from acting as administrator of the

company; or

(c) resigns by notice in writing given to his or her appointer and

to the company;

his or her appointer may appoint someone else as administrator of

the company.

(2) In subsection (1):

appointer, in relation to the administrator of a company under

administration, means:

(a) if the administrator was appointed by the Court under

Division 90 of Schedule 2 (review of the external

administration of a company) or subsection (6) of this

section—the Court; or

(b) otherwise:

(i) if the administration began because of an appointment

under section 436A—the company; or

(ii) if the administration began because of an appointment

under section 436B—a liquidator or provisional

liquidator of the company; or

(iii) if the administration began because of an appointment

under section 436C—a person who is entitled, or would

apart from section 440B or 441D be entitled, to enforce

the security interest.

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arrangement Part 5.3A

Removal and replacement of administrator Division 15

Section 449CA

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(3) An appointment under subsection (1) by the company under

administration must be made pursuant to a resolution of the board.

(4) Within 5 business days after being appointed under subsection (1)

as administrator of a company otherwise than by the Court, a

person must convene a meeting of the company’s creditors so that

they may:

(a) determine whether to remove the person from office; and

(b) if so, appoint someone else as administrator of the company.

(6) Where a company is under administration, but for some reason no

administrator is acting, the Court may appoint a person as

administrator on the application of ASIC or of an officer, member

or creditor of the company.

(7) Subsections (3) and (6) have effect despite section 198G.

449CA Declarations by administrator—indemnities and relevant



(1) This section applies to an administrator appointed under

subsection 449C(1) otherwise than by the Court.

Declaration of relationships and indemnities

(2) As soon as practicable after being appointed, the administrator

must make:

(a) a declaration of relevant relationships; and

(b) a declaration of indemnities.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Notification of creditors

(3) The administrator must:

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.3A Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of

company arrangement

Division 15 Removal and replacement of administrator

Section 449CA

378 Corporations Act 2001

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(a) give a copy of each declaration under subsection (2) to as

many of the company’s creditors as reasonably practicable;


(b) do so at the same time as the administrator gives those

creditors notice of the meeting convened under

subsection 449C(4).

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(4) The administrator must table a copy of each declaration under

subsection (2) at the meeting convened under subsection 449C(4).

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(4A) As soon as practicable after making a declaration under

subsection (2), the administrator must lodge a copy of the

declaration with ASIC.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Updating of declaration

(5) If:

(a) at a particular time, the administrator makes:

(i) a declaration of relevant relationships; or

(ii) a declaration of indemnities;

under subsection (2) or this subsection; and

(b) at a later time:

(i) the declaration has become out-of-date; or

(ii) the administrator becomes aware of an error in the


the administrator must, as soon as practicable, make:

(c) if subparagraph (a)(i) applies—a replacement declaration of

relevant relationships; or

(d) if subparagraph (a)(ii) applies—a replacement declaration of


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Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of company

arrangement Part 5.3A

Removal and replacement of administrator Division 15

Section 449CA

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Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(6) The administrator must table a copy of a replacement declaration

under subsection (5):

(a) if:

(i) there is a committee of inspection; and

(ii) the next meeting of the committee of inspection occurs

before the next meeting of the company’s creditors;

at the next meeting of the committee of inspection; or

(b) in any other case—at the next meeting of the company’s


Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(6A) As soon as practicable after making a replacement declaration

under subsection (5), the administrator must lodge a copy of the

replacement declaration with ASIC.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).


(7) In a prosecution for an offence constituted by a failure to include a

particular matter in a declaration under this section, it is a defence

if the defendant proves that:

(a) the defendant made reasonable enquiries; and

(b) after making these enquiries, the defendant had no reasonable

grounds for believing that the matter should have been

included in the declaration.

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.3A Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of

company arrangement

Division 16 Notices about steps taken under Part

Section 450A

380 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 16—Notices about steps taken under Part

450A Appointment of administrator

(1) Where an administrator of a company is appointed under

section 436A, 436B or 436C, the administrator must:

(a) lodge a notice of the appointment before the end of the next

business day after the appointment; and

(b) cause a notice setting out the prescribed information about

the appointment to be published, within the period

ascertained in accordance with the regulations, in the

prescribed manner.

(1A) A notice under paragraph (1)(b) that relates to a company may be

combined with a notice under paragraph 436E(3)(b) that relates to

the company.

(2) As soon as practicable, and in any event before the end of the next

business day, after appointing an administrator of a company under

section 436C, a person must give to the company a written notice

of the appointment.

(3) As soon as practicable, and in any event before the end of the next

business day, after an administrator of a company is appointed

under section 436A, 436B or 436C, he or she must give a written

notice of the appointment to:

(a) each person who holds a security interest in the whole, or

substantially the whole, of the company’s property; and

(b) each person who holds 2 or more security interests in

property of the company where the property of the company

subject to the respective security interests together constitutes

the whole, or substantially the whole, of the company’s


Note: For electronic notification, see section 600G.

(4) An administrator need not give a notice under subsection (3) to the

person who appointed the administrator.

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External administration Chapter 5

Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of company

arrangement Part 5.3A

Notices about steps taken under Part Division 16

Section 450B

Corporations Act 2001 381

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

450B Execution of deed of company arrangement

As soon as practicable after a deed of company arrangement is

executed, the deed’s administrator must:

(a) send to each creditor of the company a written notice of the

execution of the deed; and

(b) lodge notice in the prescribed form with ASIC of the

execution of the deed.

Note: For electronic notification under paragraph (a), see section 600G.

450C Failure to execute deed of company arrangement

As soon as practicable after a company contravenes

subsection 444B(2), the deed’s administrator must:

(a) lodge a notice that the company has failed to execute the

instrument within the required period; and

(b) send such a notice to each of the company’s creditors.

Note: For electronic notification under paragraph (b), see section 600G.

450D Termination of deed of company arrangement

Where a deed of company arrangement terminates because of

paragraph 445C(b), the deed’s administrator must:

(a) lodge a notice of the termination; and

(b) send such a notice to each of the company’s creditors.

Note: For electronic notification under paragraph (b), see section 600G.

450E Notice in public documents etc. of company

(1) A company under administration must set out, in every public

document, and in every negotiable instrument, of the company,

after the company’s name where it first appears, the expression

(“administrator appointed”).

(2) Except with the leave of the Court, until a deed of company

arrangement terminates, the company must set out, in every public

document, and in every negotiable instrument, of the company,

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.3A Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of

company arrangement

Division 16 Notices about steps taken under Part

Section 450F

382 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

after the company’s name where it first appears, the expression

(“subject to deed of company arrangement”).

(3) An offence based on subsection (1) or (2) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(4) The Court may only grant leave under subsection (2) on the

application of:

(a) the administrator of the deed of company arrangement; or

(b) any interested person.

(5) The Court may only grant leave under subsection (2) if it is

satisfied that the granting of leave will not result in any significant

risk to the interests of the company’s creditors (including

contingent or prospective creditors) as a whole.

450F Effect of contravention of this Division

A contravention of this Division does not affect the validity of

anything done or omitted under this Part, except so far as the Court

otherwise orders.

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External administration Chapter 5

Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of company

arrangement Part 5.3A

Miscellaneous Division 17

Section 451A

Corporations Act 2001 383

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 17—Miscellaneous

451A Appointment of 2 or more administrators of company

(1) Where a provision of this Act provides for an administrator of a

company to be appointed, 2 or more persons may be appointed as

administrators of the company.

(2) Where, because of subsection (1), there are 2 or more

administrators of a company:

(a) a function or power of an administrator of the company may

be performed or exercised by any one of them, or by any 2 or

more of them together, except so far as the instrument or

resolution appointing them otherwise provides; and

(b) a reference in this Act to an administrator, or to the

administrator, of a company is, in the case of the

first-mentioned company, a reference to whichever one or

more of those administrators the case requires.

451B Appointment of 2 or more administrators of deed of company


(1) Where a provision of this Act provides for an administrator of a

deed of company arrangement to be appointed, 2 or more persons

may be appointed as administrators of the deed.

(2) Where, because of subsection (1), there are 2 or more

administrators of a deed of company arrangement:

(a) a function or power of an administrator of the deed may be

performed or exercised by any one of them, or by any 2 or

more of them together, except so far as the deed, or the

resolution or instrument appointing them, otherwise

provides; and

(b) a reference in this Act to an administrator, or to the

administrator, of a deed of company arrangement is, in the

case of the first-mentioned deed, a reference to whichever

one or more of those administrators the case requires.

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.3A Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of

company arrangement

Division 17 Miscellaneous

Section 451C

384 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

451C Effect of things done during administration of company

A payment made, transaction entered into, or any other act or thing

done, in good faith, by, or with the consent of, the administrator of

a company under administration:

(a) is valid and effectual for the purposes of this Act; and

(b) is not liable to be set aside in a winding up of the company.

451D Time for doing act does not run while act prevented by this



(a) for any purpose (for example, the purposes of a law,

agreement or instrument) an act must or may be done within

a particular period or before a particular time; and

(b) this Part prevents the act from being done within that period

or before that time;

the period is extended, or the time is deferred, because of this

section, according to how long this Part prevented the act from

being done.

451E Stay on enforcing rights merely because the company is under

administration etc.

Stay on enforcing rights

(1) A right cannot be enforced against a company for:

(a) the reason that the company has come or is under

administration; or

(b) the company’s financial position, if the company is under

administration; or

(c) a reason, prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of

this paragraph, that relates to:

(i) the company coming, or possibly coming, under

administration; or

(ii) the company’s financial position;

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arrangement Part 5.3A

Miscellaneous Division 17

Section 451E

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if the company later comes under administration; or

(d) a reason that, in substance, is contrary to this subsection;

if the right arises for that reason by express provision (however

described) of a contract, agreement or arrangement.

Note: This result is subject to subsections (5) and (7), and to any order under

section 451F.

Example: A right to terminate a contract will not be enforceable to the extent

that those rights are triggered by the company coming under


Period of the stay

(2) The right cannot be enforced as described in subsection (1) during

the period (the stay period) starting when the company comes

under administration and ending at the latest of the following:

(a) when the administration ends;

(b) if one or more orders are made under subsection (3) for the

company as the result of an application made before the

administration ends—when the last made of those orders

ceases to be in force;

(c) if the administration ends because of a resolution or order for

the company to be wound up—when the company’s affairs

have been fully wound up.

(3) The Court:

(a) may order an extension of the period otherwise applying

under subsection (2) for the company if the Court is satisfied

that the extension is appropriate having regard to the interests

of justice; and

(b) before deciding an application for an order under

paragraph (a), may grant an interim order, but must not

require the applicant to give an undertaking as to damages as

a condition for doing so.

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.3A Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of

company arrangement

Division 17 Miscellaneous

Section 451E

386 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Enforcing rights after the stay for reasons relating to earlier


(4) The right is unenforceable against the company indefinitely after

the end of the stay period to the extent that a reason for seeking to

enforce the right:

(a) is the company’s financial position before the end of the stay

period; or

(b) is the company having come or been under administration

before the end of the stay period; or

(c) is a reason, prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of

this paragraph, relating to circumstances in existence during

the stay period; or

(d) is a reason referred to in paragraph (1)(c) or (d).

Rights not subject to the stay

(5) Subsection (1) does not apply to the right if it is:

(a) a right under a contract, agreement or arrangement entered

into after the company comes under administration; or

(b) a right contained in a kind of contract, agreement or


(i) prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this

subparagraph; or

(ii) declared under paragraph (6)(a); or

(c) a right of a kind declared under paragraph (6)(b); or

(d) a right of a kind declared under paragraph (6)(c), and the

circumstances specified in that declaration exist.

Note: Subsection (1) also does not apply to certain secured creditors (see

Subdivision B of Division 7).

(6) For the purposes of subsection (5), the Minister may, by legislative


(a) declare kinds of contracts, agreements or arrangements

referred to in a specified law of the Commonwealth; or

(b) declare kinds of rights to which subsection (1) does not

apply; or

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Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of company

arrangement Part 5.3A

Miscellaneous Division 17

Section 451F

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(c) declare kinds of rights to which subsection (1) does not apply

in specified circumstances.

(7) Subsection (1) does not apply to the right to the extent that:

(a) the administrator of the company; or

(b) if a liquidator of the company is appointed after the

administration ends—the liquidator;

has consented in writing to the enforcement of the right.

Stay on company’s right to new advance of money or credit

(8) If:

(a) one or more rights of an entity cannot be enforced against a

company for a period because of subsection (1); and

(b) the company has a right under a contract, agreement or

arrangement against the entity for a new advance of money

or credit;

that right of the company cannot be enforced during the same


451F Lifting the stay

(1) The Court may order that subsection 451E(1) does not apply for

one or more rights against a company if the Court is satisfied that

this is appropriate in the interests of justice.

(2) An application for the order may be made by the holder of those


451G Order for rights to be enforceable only with leave of the Court


(1) The Court may order that one or more rights under a contract,

agreement or arrangement are enforceable against a company only:

(a) with the leave of the Court; and

(b) in accordance with such terms (if any) as the Court imposes.

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.3A Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of

company arrangement

Division 17 Miscellaneous

Section 451GA

388 Corporations Act 2001

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Example: The order could be sought for a right to terminate for convenience.

(2) The Court may make the order if:

(a) the company is under administration; and

(b) the Court is satisfied that:

(i) the rights are being exercised; or

(ii) the rights are likely to be exercised; or

(iii) there is a threat to exercise the rights;

because of one or more reasons referred to in paragraphs

451E(1)(a) to (d); and

(c) an application for the order is made by the administrator of

the company.

(3) An order under subsection (1) must specify the period for which it

applies. In working out the period, the Court must have regard to:

(a) subsections 451E(2), (3) and (4); and

(b) the interests of justice.

(4) Subsection (1) does not apply to a right referred to in

subsection 451E(5) or (7).

Note: An order under subsection (1) also does not restrict certain secured

creditors (see Subdivision B of Division 7).

Interim orders

(5) Before deciding an application for an order under subsection (1),

the Court may grant an interim order for one or more rights under a

contract, agreement or arrangement not to be enforced against a


(6) The Court must not require an applicant for an order under

subsection (1) to give an undertaking as to damages as a condition

of granting an interim order.

451GA Self-executing provisions

(1) The object of subsection (2) is to ensure that a self-executing


Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

External administration Chapter 5

Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of company

arrangement Part 5.3A

Miscellaneous Division 17

Section 451GA

Corporations Act 2001 389

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(a) cannot start to apply against a company for certain reasons;


(b) can be the subject of a Court order providing that the

provision can only start to apply against a company with the

leave of the Court, and in accordance with such terms (if any)

as the Court imposes.

(2) Sections 451E to 451G also apply in relation to a self-executing

provision in a corresponding way to the way they apply in relation

to a right. For this purpose, assume those sections apply with such

modifications as are necessary, including any prescribed by the

regulations for the purposes of this subsection.

Note 1: This subsection achieves the object in subsection (1) by extending the

application of all of the outcomes, exceptions and powers in

sections 451E to 451G.

Note 2: These modifications include, for example, treating:

(a) a reference that a right cannot be enforced (however described) as including a reference that a self-executing provision cannot start to apply; and

(b) the words “if the right arises for that reason by express provision (however described) of a contract, agreement or arrangement” as being omitted from subsection 451E(1); and

(c) a reference that one or more rights are enforceable as including a reference that one or more self-executing provisions can start to apply; and

(d) paragraph 451G(2)(b) as alternatively providing that the Court is satisfied that one or more reasons referred to in paragraphs 451E(1)(a) to (d) can cause the self-executing provisions to start to apply.

(3) In this section:

self-executing provision means a provision of a contract,

agreement or arrangement that can start to apply automatically:

(a) for one or more reasons; and

(b) without any party to the contract, agreement or arrangement

making a decision that the provision should start to apply.

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.3A Administration of a company’s affairs with a view to executing a deed of

company arrangement

Division 17 Miscellaneous

Section 451H

390 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

451H When other laws prevail—certain other Commonwealth Acts

If there is any inconsistency between sections 451E to 451GA and

one of the following Acts, that Act prevails to the extent of the


(a) the Payment Systems and Netting Act 1998;

(b) the International Interests in Mobile Equipment (Cape Town

Convention) Act 2013.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

External administration Chapter 5

Winding up in insolvency Part 5.4

When company to be wound up in insolvency Division 1

Section 459A

Corporations Act 2001 391

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 5.4—Winding up in insolvency

Division 1—When company to be wound up in insolvency

459A Order that insolvent company be wound up in insolvency

On an application under section 459P, the Court may order that an

insolvent company be wound up in insolvency.

459B Order made on application under section 234, 462 or 464

Where, on an application under section 234, 462 or 464, the Court

is satisfied that the company is insolvent, the Court may order that

the company be wound up in insolvency.

459C Presumptions to be made in certain proceedings

(1) This section has effect for the purposes of:

(a) an application under section 234, 459P, 462 or 464; or

(b) an application for leave to make an application under

section 459P.

(2) The Court must presume that the company is insolvent if, during or

after the 3 months ending on the day when the application was


(a) the company failed (as defined by section 459F) to comply

with a statutory demand; or

(b) execution or other process issued on a judgment, decree or

order of an Australian court in favour of a creditor of the

company was returned wholly or partly unsatisfied; or

(c) a receiver, or receiver and manager, of property of the

company was appointed under a power contained in an

instrument relating to a circulating security interest in such

property; or

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.4 Winding up in insolvency

Division 1 When company to be wound up in insolvency

Section 459D

392 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(d) an order was made for the appointment of such a receiver, or

receiver and manager, for the purpose of enforcing such a

security interest; or

(e) a person entered into possession, or assumed control, of such

property for such a purpose; or

(f) a person was appointed so to enter into possession or assume

control (whether as agent for the secured party or for the


(3) A presumption for which this section provides operates except so

far as the contrary is proved for the purposes of the application.

459D Contingent or prospective liability relevant to whether

company solvent

(1) In determining, for the purposes of an application of a kind referred

to in subsection 459C(1), whether or not the company is solvent,

the Court may take into account a contingent or prospective

liability of the company.

(2) Subsection (1) does not limit the matters that may be taken into

account in determining, for a particular purpose, whether or not a

company is solvent.

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External administration Chapter 5

Winding up in insolvency Part 5.4

Statutory demand Division 2

Section 459E

Corporations Act 2001 393

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 2—Statutory demand

459E Creditor may serve statutory demand on company

(1) A person may serve on a company a demand relating to:

(a) a single debt that the company owes to the person, that is due

and payable and whose amount is at least the statutory

minimum; or

(b) 2 or more debts that the company owes to the person, that are

due and payable and whose amounts total at least the

statutory minimum.

(2) The demand:

(a) if it relates to a single debt—must specify the debt and its

amount; and

(b) if it relates to 2 or more debts—must specify the total of the

amounts of the debts; and

(c) must require the company to pay the amount of the debt, or

the total of the amounts of the debts, or to secure or

compound for that amount or total to the creditor’s

reasonable satisfaction, within 21 days after the demand is

served on the company; and

(d) must be in writing; and

(e) must be in the prescribed form (if any); and

(f) must be signed by or on behalf of the creditor.

(3) Unless the debt, or each of the debts, is a judgment debt, the

demand must be accompanied by an affidavit that:

(a) verifies that the debt, or the total of the amounts of the debts,

is due and payable by the company; and

(b) complies with the rules.

(4) A person may make a demand under this section relating to a debt

even if the debt is owed to the person as assignee.

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Part 5.4 Winding up in insolvency

Division 2 Statutory demand

Section 459F

394 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(5) A demand under this section may relate to a liability under any of

the following provisions of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936:

(aa) former section 220AAE, 220AAM or 220AAR;

(a) former section 221F (except subsection 221F(12)), former

section 221G (except subsection 221G(4A)) or former

section 221P;

(b) former subsection 221YHDC(2);

(c) former subsection 221YHZD(1) or (1A);

(d) former subsection 221YN(1);

(e) section 222AHA;

and any of the provisions of Subdivision 16-B in Schedule 1 to the

Taxation Administration Act 1953, even if the liability arose before

1 January 1991.

(6) Subsection (5) is to avoid doubt and is not intended to limit the

generality of a reference in this Act to a debt.

459F When company taken to fail to comply with statutory demand

(1) If, as at the end of the period for compliance with a statutory

demand, the demand is still in effect and the company has not

complied with it, the company is taken to fail to comply with the

demand at the end of that period.

(2) The period for compliance with a statutory demand is:

(a) if the company applies in accordance with section 459G for

an order setting aside the demand:

(i) if, on hearing the application under section 459G, or on

an application by the company under this paragraph, the

Court makes an order that extends the period for

compliance with the demand—the period specified in

the order, or in the last such order, as the case requires,

as the period for such compliance; or

(ii) otherwise—the period beginning on the day when the

demand is served and ending 7 days after the

application under section 459G is finally determined or

otherwise disposed of; or

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Winding up in insolvency Part 5.4

Statutory demand Division 2

Section 459F

Corporations Act 2001 395

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(b) otherwise—21 days after the demand is served.

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Part 5.4 Winding up in insolvency

Division 3 Application to set aside statutory demand

Section 459G

396 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 3—Application to set aside statutory demand

459G Company may apply

(1) A company may apply to the Court for an order setting aside a

statutory demand served on the company.

(2) An application may only be made within 21 days after the demand

is so served.

(3) An application is made in accordance with this section only if,

within those 21 days:

(a) an affidavit supporting the application is filed with the Court;


(b) a copy of the application, and a copy of the supporting

affidavit, are served on the person who served the demand on

the company.

459H Determination of application where there is a dispute or

offsetting claim

(1) This section applies where, on an application under section 459G,

the Court is satisfied of either or both of the following:

(a) that there is a genuine dispute between the company and the

respondent about the existence or amount of a debt to which

the demand relates;

(b) that the company has an offsetting claim.

(2) The Court must calculate the substantiated amount of the demand

in accordance with the formula:


admitted total means:

(a) the admitted amount of the debt; or

Admitted total Offsetting total

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Winding up in insolvency Part 5.4

Application to set aside statutory demand Division 3

Section 459H

Corporations Act 2001 397

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(b) the total of the respective admitted amounts of the debts;

as the case requires, to which the demand relates.

offsetting total means:

(a) if the Court is satisfied that the company has only one

offsetting claim—the amount of that claim; or

(b) if the Court is satisfied that the company has 2 or more

offsetting claims—the total of the amounts of those claims;


(c) otherwise—a nil amount.

(3) If the substantiated amount is less than the statutory minimum, the

Court must, by order, set aside the demand.

(4) If the substantiated amount is at least as great as the statutory

minimum, the Court may make an order:

(a) varying the demand as specified in the order; and

(b) declaring the demand to have had effect, as so varied, as from

when the demand was served on the company.

(5) In this section:

admitted amount, in relation to a debt, means:

(a) if the Court is satisfied that there is a genuine dispute

between the company and the respondent about the existence

of the debt—a nil amount; or

(b) if the Court is satisfied that there is a genuine dispute

between the company and the respondent about the amount

of the debt—so much of that amount as the Court is satisfied

is not the subject of such a dispute; or

(c) otherwise—the amount of the debt.

offsetting claim means a genuine claim that the company has

against the respondent by way of counterclaim, set-off or

cross-demand (even if it does not arise out of the same transaction

or circumstances as a debt to which the demand relates).

respondent means the person who served the demand on the


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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.4 Winding up in insolvency

Division 3 Application to set aside statutory demand

Section 459J

398 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(6) This section has effect subject to section 459J.

459J Setting aside demand on other grounds

(1) On an application under section 459G, the Court may by order set

aside the demand if it is satisfied that:

(a) because of a defect in the demand, substantial injustice will

be caused unless the demand is set aside; or

(b) there is some other reason why the demand should be set


(2) Except as provided in subsection (1), the Court must not set aside a

statutory demand merely because of a defect.

459K Effect of order setting aside demand

A statutory demand has no effect while there is in force under

section 459H or 459J an order setting aside the demand.

459L Dismissal of application

Unless the Court makes, on an application under section 459J, an

order under section 459H or 459J, the Court is to dismiss the


459M Order subject to conditions

An order under section 459H or 459J may be made subject to


459N Costs where company successful

Where, on an application under section 459G, the Court sets aside

the demand, it may order the person who served the demand to pay

the company’s costs in relation to the application.

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Winding up in insolvency Part 5.4

Application for order to wind up company in insolvency Division 4

Section 459P

Corporations Act 2001 399

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 4—Application for order to wind up company in


459P Who may apply for order under section 459A

(1) Any one or more of the following may apply to the Court for a

company to be wound up in insolvency:

(a) the company;

(b) a creditor (even if the creditor is a secured creditor or is only

a contingent or prospective creditor);

(c) a contributory;

(d) a director;

(e) a liquidator or provisional liquidator of the company;

(f) ASIC;

(g) a prescribed agency.

(2) An application by any of the following, or by persons including

any of the following, may only be made with the leave of the


(a) a person who is a creditor only because of a contingent or

prospective debt;

(b) a contributory;

(c) a director;

(d) ASIC.

(3) The Court may give leave if satisfied that there is a prima facie

case that the company is insolvent, but not otherwise.

(4) The Court may give leave subject to conditions.

(5) Except as permitted by this section, a person cannot apply for a

company to be wound up in insolvency.

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Part 5.4 Winding up in insolvency

Division 4 Application for order to wind up company in insolvency

Section 459Q

400 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

459Q Application relying on failure to comply with statutory


If an application for a company to be wound up in insolvency relies

on a failure by the company to comply with a statutory demand,

the application:

(a) must set out particulars of service of the demand on the

company and of the failure to comply with the demand; and

(b) must have attached to it:

(i) a copy of the demand; and

(ii) if the demand has been varied by an order under

subsection 459H(4)—a copy of the order; and

(c) unless the debt, or each of the debts, to which the demand

relates is a judgment debt—must be accompanied by an

affidavit that:

(i) verifies that the debt, or the total of the amounts of the

debts, is due and payable by the company; and

(ii) complies with the rules.

459R Period within which application must be determined

(1) An application for a company to be wound up in insolvency is to

be determined within 6 months after it is made.

(2) The Court may by order extend the period within which an

application must be determined, but only if:

(a) the Court is satisfied that special circumstances justify the

extension; and

(b) the order is made within that period as prescribed by

subsection (1), or as last extended under this subsection, as

the case requires.

(3) An application is, because of this subsection, dismissed if it is not

determined as required by this section.

(4) An order under subsection (2) may be made subject to conditions.

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Winding up in insolvency Part 5.4

Application for order to wind up company in insolvency Division 4

Section 459S

Corporations Act 2001 401

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

459S Company may not oppose application on certain grounds

(1) In so far as an application for a company to be wound up in

insolvency relies on a failure by the company to comply with a

statutory demand, the company may not, without the leave of the

Court, oppose the application on a ground:

(a) that the company relied on for the purposes of an application

by it for the demand to be set aside; or

(b) that the company could have so relied on, but did not so rely

on (whether it made such an application or not).

(2) The Court is not to grant leave under subsection (1) unless it is

satisfied that the ground is material to proving that the company is


459T Application to wind up joint debtors in insolvency

(1) A single application may be made for 2 or more companies to be

wound up in insolvency if they are joint debtors, whether partners

or not.

(2) On such an application, the Court may order that one or more of

the companies be wound up in insolvency, even if it dismisses the

application in so far as it relates to another or others.

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.4A Winding up by the Court on other grounds

Section 461

402 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 5.4A—Winding up by the Court on other


461 General grounds on which company may be wound up by Court

(1) The Court may order the winding up of a company if:

(a) the company has by special resolution resolved that it be

wound up by the Court; or

(c) the company does not commence business within one year

from its incorporation or suspends its business for a whole

year; or

(d) the company has no members; or

(e) directors have acted in affairs of the company in their own

interests rather than in the interests of the members as a

whole, or in any other manner whatsoever that appears to be

unfair or unjust to other members; or

(f) affairs of the company are being conducted in a manner that

is oppressive or unfairly prejudicial to, or unfairly

discriminatory against, a member or members or in a manner

that is contrary to the interests of the members as a whole; or

(g) an act or omission, or a proposed act or omission, by or on

behalf of the company, or a resolution, or a proposed

resolution, of a class of members of the company, was or

would be oppressive or unfairly prejudicial to, or unfairly

discriminatory against, a member or members or was or

would be contrary to the interests of the members as a whole;


(h) ASIC has stated in a report prepared under Division 1 of

Part 3 of the ASIC Act that, in its opinion:

(i) the company cannot pay its debts and should be wound

up; or

(ii) it is in the interests of the public, of the members, or of

the creditors, that the company should be wound up; or

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Winding up by the Court on other grounds Part 5.4A

Section 462

Corporations Act 2001 403

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(k) the Court is of opinion that it is just and equitable that the

company be wound up.

(2) A company must lodge a copy of a special resolution referred to in

paragraph (1)(a) with ASIC within 14 days after the resolution is


462 Standing to apply for winding up

(1) A reference in this section to an order to wind up a company is a

reference to an order to wind up the company on a ground provided

for by section 461.

(2) Subject to this section, any one or more of the following may apply

for an order to wind up a company:

(a) the company; or

(b) a creditor (including a contingent or prospective creditor) of

the company; or

(c) a contributory; or

(d) the liquidator of the company; or

(e) ASIC pursuant to section 464; or

(f) ASIC (in the circumstances set out in subsection (2A)); or

(h) APRA.

(2A) ASIC may apply for an order to wind up a company under

paragraph (2)(f) only if:

(a) the company has no members; and

(b) ASIC has given the company at least 1 month’s written

notice of its intention to apply for the order.

(4) The Court must not hear an application by a person being, or

persons including, a contingent or prospective creditor of a

company for an order to wind up the company unless and until:

(a) such security for costs has been given as the Court thinks

reasonable; and

(b) a prima facie case for winding up the company has been

established to the Court’s satisfaction.

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Part 5.4A Winding up by the Court on other grounds

Section 464

404 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(5) Except as permitted by this section, a person is not entitled to apply

for an order to wind up a company.

464 Application for winding up in connection with investigation

under ASIC Act

(1) Where ASIC is investigating, or has investigated, under Division 1

of Part 3 of the ASIC Act:

(a) matters being, or connected with, affairs of a company; or

(b) matters including such matters;

ASIC may apply to the Court for the winding up of the company.

(2) For the purposes of an application under subsection (1), this Act

applies, with such modifications as the circumstances require, as if

a winding up application had been made by the company.

(3) ASIC must give a copy of an application made under

subsection (1) to the company.

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Winding up in insolvency or by the Court Part 5.4B

Preliminary Division 1A

Section 465

Corporations Act 2001 405

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 5.4B—Winding up in insolvency or by the


Division 1A—Preliminary

465 Definitions

In this Part:

property of a company includes PPSA retention of title property, if

the security interest in the property is vested in the company

because of the operation of any of the following provisions:

(a) section 267 or 267A of the Personal Property Securities Act

2009 (property subject to unperfected security interests);

(b) section 588FL of this Act (collateral not registered within


Note: See sections 9 (definition of property) and 51F (PPSA retention of

title property).

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Part 5.4B Winding up in insolvency or by the Court

Division 1 General

Section 465A

406 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 1—General

465A Notice of application

(1) A person who applies under section 459P, 462 or 464 for a

company to be wound up must:

(a) lodge notice in the prescribed form that the application has

been made; and

(b) within 14 days after the application is made, serve a copy of

it on the company; and

(c) cause a notice setting out the prescribed information about

the application to be published in the prescribed manner.

(2) If the Court orders the winding up of a company as a result of an

application under section 459P, 462 or 464, the liquidator (or

provisional liquidator) must cause notice setting out prescribed

information about the order to be published in the prescribed


465B Substitution of applicants

(1) The Court may by order substitute, as applicant or applicants in an

application under section 459P, 462 or 464 for a company to be

wound up, a person or persons who might otherwise have so

applied for the company to be wound up.

(2) The Court may only make an order if the Court thinks it

appropriate to do so:

(a) because the application is not being proceeded with diligently

enough; or

(b) for some other reason.

(3) The substituted applicant may be, or the substituted applicants may

be or include, the person who was the applicant, or any of the

persons who were the applicants, before the substitution.

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General Division 1

Section 465C

Corporations Act 2001 407

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(4) After an order is made, the application may proceed as if the

substituted applicant or applicants had been the original applicant

or applicants.

465C Applicant to be given notice of grounds for opposing


On the hearing of an application under section 459P, 462 or 464, a

person may not, without the leave of the Court, oppose the

application unless, within the period prescribed by the rules, the

person has filed, and served on the applicant:

(a) notice of the grounds on which the person opposes the

application; and

(b) an affidavit verifying the matters stated in the notice.

466 Payment of preliminary costs etc.

(1) The persons, other than the company itself or the liquidator of the

company, on whose application any winding up order is made

must, at their own cost, prosecute all proceedings in the winding up

until a liquidator has been appointed under this Part.

(2) The liquidator must, unless the Court orders otherwise, reimburse

the applicant out of the property of the company the taxed costs

incurred by the applicant in any such proceedings.

(3) Where the company has no property or does not have sufficient

property and, in the opinion of ASIC, a fraud has been committed

by any person in the promotion or formation of the company or by

any officer or employee of the company in relation to the company

since its formation, the taxed costs or so much of them as is not

reimbursed under subsection (2) may be reimbursed by ASIC to an

amount not exceeding $1,000.

(4) Where any winding up order is made upon the application of the

company or a liquidator of the company, the costs incurred must,

subject to any order of the Court, be paid out of the property of the

company in like manner as if they were the costs of any other


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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.4B Winding up in insolvency or by the Court

Division 1 General

Section 467

408 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

467 Court’s powers on hearing application

(1) Subject to subsection (2) and section 467A, on hearing a winding

up application the Court may:

(a) dismiss the application with or without costs, even if a

ground has been proved on which the Court may order the

company to be wound up on the application; or

(b) adjourn the hearing conditionally or unconditionally; or

(c) make any interim or other order that it thinks fit.

(2) The Court must not refuse to make a winding up order merely


(a) the total amount secured by one or more security interests in

the property of the company is equal to or greater than the

value of the property subject to the interest (or interests); or

(b) the company has no property.

(3) The Court may, on the application coming on for hearing or at any

time at the request of the applicant, the company or any person

who has given notice of intention to appear on the hearing of the


(a) direct that any notices be given or any steps be taken before

or after the hearing of the application; and

(b) dispense with any notices being given or steps being taken

that are required by this Act, or by the rules, or by any prior

order of the Court; and

(c) direct that oral evidence be taken on the application or any

matter relating to the application; and

(d) direct a speedy hearing or trial of the application or of any

issue or matter; and

(e) allow the application to be amended or withdrawn; and

(f) give such directions as to the proceedings as the Court thinks


(4) Where the application is made by members as contributories on the

ground that it is just and equitable that the company should be

wound up or that the directors have acted in a manner that appears

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Winding up in insolvency or by the Court Part 5.4B

General Division 1

Section 467A

Corporations Act 2001 409

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

to be unfair or unjust to other members, the Court, if it is of the

opinion that:

(a) the applicants are entitled to relief either by winding up the

company or by some other means; and

(b) in the absence of any other remedy it would be just and

equitable that the company should be wound up;

must make a winding up order unless it is also of the opinion that

some other remedy is available to the applicants and that they are

acting unreasonably in seeking to have the company wound up

instead of pursuing that other remedy.

(5) Notwithstanding any rule of law to the contrary, the Court must not

refuse to make an order for winding up on the application of a

contributory on the ground that, if the order were made, no

property of the company would be available for distribution among

the contributories.

(7) At any time after the filing of a winding up application and before

a winding up order has been made, the company or any creditor or

contributory may, where any action or other civil proceeding

against the company is pending, apply to the Court to stay or

restrain further proceedings in the action or proceeding, and the

Court may stay or restrain the proceedings accordingly on such

terms as it thinks fit.

467A Effect of defect or irregularity on application under Part 5.4

or 5.4A

An application under Part 5.4 or 5.4A must not be dismissed

merely because of one or more of the following:

(a) in any case—a defect or irregularity in connection with the


(b) in the case of an application for a company to be wound up in

insolvency—a defect in a statutory demand;

unless the Court is satisfied that substantial injustice has been

caused that cannot otherwise be remedied (for example, by an

adjournment or an order for costs).

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.4B Winding up in insolvency or by the Court

Division 1 General

Section 467B

410 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

467B Court may order winding up of company that is being wound

up voluntarily

The Court may make an order under section 233, 459A, 459B or

461 even if the company is already being wound up voluntarily.

468 Avoidance of dispositions of property, attachments etc.

(1) Any disposition of property of the company, other than an exempt

disposition, made after the commencement of the winding up by

the Court is, unless the Court otherwise orders, void.

(2) In subsection (1), exempt disposition, in relation to a company that

has commenced to be wound up by the Court, means:

(a) a disposition made by the liquidator, or by a provisional

liquidator, of the company pursuant to a power conferred on

him or her by:

(i) this Act; or

(ii) rules of the Court that appointed him or her; or

(iii) an order of the Court; or

(aa) a disposition made in good faith by, or with the consent of,

an administrator of the company; or

(ab) a disposition under a deed of company arrangement executed

by the company; or

(b) a payment of money by an Australian ADI out of an account

maintained by the company with the Australian ADI, being a

payment made by the Australian ADI:

(i) on or before the day on which the Court makes the order

for the winding up of the company; and

(ii) in good faith and in the ordinary course of the banking

business of the Australian ADI.

(3) Notwithstanding subsection (1), the Court may, where an

application for winding up has been filed but a winding up order

has not been made, by order:

(a) validate the making, after the filing of the application, of a

disposition of property of the company; or

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Winding up in insolvency or by the Court Part 5.4B

General Division 1

Section 468A

Corporations Act 2001 411

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(b) permit the business of the company or a portion of the

business of the company to be carried on, and such acts as

are incidental to the carrying on of the business or portion of

the business to be done, during the period before a winding

up order (if any) is made;

on such terms as it thinks fit.

(4) Any attachment, sequestration, distress or execution put in force

against the property of the company after the commencement of

the winding up by the Court is void.

468A Effect of winding up on company’s members

Transfer of shares

(1) A transfer of shares in a company that is made after the

commencement of the winding up by the Court is void except if:

(a) both:

(i) the liquidator gives written consent to the transfer; and

(ii) that consent is unconditional; or

(b) all of the following subparagraphs apply:

(i) the liquidator gives written consent to the transfer;

(ii) that consent is subject to one or more specified


(iii) those conditions have been satisfied; or

(c) the Court makes an order under subsection (4) authorising

the transfer.

(2) The liquidator may only give consent under paragraph (1)(a) or (b)

if he or she is satisfied that the transfer is in the best interests of the

company’s creditors as a whole.

(3) If the liquidator refuses to give consent under paragraph (1)(a) or

(b) to a transfer of shares in the company:

(a) the prospective transferor; or

(b) the prospective transferee; or

(c) a creditor of the company;

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Part 5.4B Winding up in insolvency or by the Court

Division 1 General

Section 468A

412 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

may apply to the Court for an order authorising the transfer.

(4) If the Court is satisfied, on an application under subsection (3), that

the transfer is in the best interests of the company’s creditors as a

whole, the Court may, by order, authorise the transfer.

(5) If the liquidator gives consent under paragraph (1)(b) to a transfer

of shares in the company:

(a) the prospective transferor; or

(b) the prospective transferee; or

(c) a creditor of the company;

may apply to the Court for an order setting aside any or all of the

conditions to which the consent is subject.

(6) If the Court is satisfied, on an application under subsection (5), that

any or all of the conditions covered by the application are not in

the best interests of the company’s creditors as a whole, the Court

may, by order, set aside any or all of the conditions.

(7) The liquidator is entitled to be heard in a proceeding before the

Court in relation to an application under subsection (3) or (5).

Alteration in the status of members

(8) An alteration in the status of members of a company that is made

after the commencement of the winding up by the Court is void

except if:

(a) both:

(i) the liquidator gives written consent to the alteration; and

(ii) that consent is unconditional; or

(b) all of the following subparagraphs apply:

(i) the liquidator gives written consent to the alteration;

(ii) that consent is subject to one or more specified


(iii) those conditions have been satisfied; or

(c) the Court makes an order under subsection (12) authorising

the alteration.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

External administration Chapter 5

Winding up in insolvency or by the Court Part 5.4B

General Division 1

Section 468A

Corporations Act 2001 413

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Note: An alteration in the status of members of a company that is made after

the commencement of the winding up by the Court may not be void if

it is made for the purposes of the conversion and write-off provisions

(see Subdivision B of Division 1A of Part II of the Banking Act 1959,

Division 2 of Part IIIA of the Insurance Act 1973 and Division 1A of

Part 10A of the Life Insurance Act 1995).

(9) The liquidator may only give consent under paragraph (8)(a) or (b)

if he or she is satisfied that the alteration is in the best interests of

the company’s creditors as a whole.

(10) The liquidator must refuse to give consent under paragraph (8)(a)

or (b) if the alteration would contravene Part 2F.2.

(11) If the liquidator refuses to give consent under paragraph (8)(a) or

(b) to an alteration in the status of members of a company:

(a) a member of the company; or

(b) a creditor of the company;

may apply to the Court for an order authorising the alteration.

(12) If the Court is satisfied, on an application under subsection (11),


(a) the alteration is in the best interests of the company’s

creditors as a whole; and

(b) the alteration does not contravene Part 2F.2;

the Court may, by order, authorise the alteration.

(13) If the liquidator gives consent under paragraph (8)(b) to an

alteration in the status of members of a company:

(a) a member of the company; or

(b) a creditor of the company;

may apply to the Court for an order setting aside any or all of the

conditions to which the consent is subject.

(14) If the Court is satisfied, on an application under subsection (13),

that any or all of the conditions covered by the application are not

in the best interests of the company’s creditors as a whole, the

Court may, by order, set aside any or all of the conditions.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.4B Winding up in insolvency or by the Court

Division 1 General

Section 469

414 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(15) The liquidator is entitled to be heard in a proceeding before the

Court in relation to an application under subsection (11) or (13).

469 Application to be lis pendens

An application for winding up a company constitutes a lis pendens

for the purposes of any law relating to the effect of a lis pendens

upon purchasers or mortgagees.

470 Certain notices to be lodged

(1) An applicant (other than ASIC) for the winding up of a company


(a) lodge, not later than 10.30 am on the next business day after

the filing of the application, notice of the filing of the

application and of the date on which the application was

filed; and

(b) after an order for winding up is made—lodge, within 2

business days after the making of the order, notice of the

making of the order, of the date on which the order was made

and of the name and address of the liquidator; and

(c) if the application is withdrawn or dismissed—lodge, within 2

business days after the withdrawal or dismissal of the

application, notice of the withdrawal or dismissal of the

application and of the date on which the application was

withdrawn or dismissed.

(2) The applicant must, within 7 days after the passing and entering of

a winding up order:

(a) except where the applicant is ASIC—lodge an office copy of

the order; and

(b) serve an office copy of the order on the company or such

other person as the Court directs; and

(c) deliver to the liquidator an office copy of the order together

with a statement that the order has been served as mentioned

in paragraph (b).

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

External administration Chapter 5

Winding up in insolvency or by the Court Part 5.4B

General Division 1

Section 470

Corporations Act 2001 415

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(3) Where ASIC applies for the winding up of a company, ASIC must

enter in its records particulars of the application and, after the

passing and entering of a winding up order, an office copy of the

order, and subsection 1274(2) applies in relation to the document

containing those particulars and to the office copy as if they were

documents lodged with ASIC.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.4B Winding up in insolvency or by the Court

Division 1A Effect of winding up order

Section 471

416 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 1A—Effect of winding up order

471 Effect on creditors and contributories

An order for winding up a company operates in favour of all the

creditors and contributories of the company as if it had been made

on the joint application of all the creditors and contributories.

471B Stay of proceedings and suspension of enforcement process

While a company is being wound up in insolvency or by the Court,

or a provisional liquidator of a company is acting, a person cannot

begin or proceed with:

(a) a proceeding in a court against the company or in relation to

property of the company; or

(b) enforcement process in relation to such property;

except with the leave of the Court and in accordance with such

terms (if any) as the Court imposes.

471C Secured creditor’s rights not affected

Nothing in section 471B affects a secured creditor’s right to realise

or otherwise deal with the security interest.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

External administration Chapter 5

Winding up in insolvency or by the Court Part 5.4B

Court-appointed liquidators Division 2

Section 472

Corporations Act 2001 417

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 2—Court-appointed liquidators

472 Court to appoint registered liquidator

(1) On an order being made for the winding up of a company, the

Court may appoint a registered liquidator to be liquidator of the


(2) The Court may appoint a registered liquidator provisionally at any

time after the filing of a winding up application and before the

making of a winding up order or, if there is an appeal against a

winding up order, before a decision in the appeal is made.

(3) A liquidator appointed provisionally has or may exercise such

functions and powers:

(a) as are conferred on him or her by this Act or by rules of the

Court that appointed him or her; or

(b) as the Court specifies in the order appointing him or her.

(4) A liquidator of a company appointed provisionally also has:

(a) power to carry on the company’s business; and

(b) the powers that a liquidator of the company would have

under paragraph 477(1)(d), subsection 477(2) (except

paragraph 477(2)(m)) and subsection 477(3) if the company

were being wound up in insolvency or by the Court.

(5) Subsections 477(2A) and (2B) apply in relation to a company’s

provisional liquidator, with such modifications (if any) as the

circumstances require, as if he or she were a liquidator appointed

for the purposes of a winding up in insolvency or by the Court.

(6) If more than one liquidator is appointed by the Court, the Court

must declare whether anything that is required or authorised by this

Act to be done by the liquidator is to be done by all or any one or

more of the persons appointed.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.4B Winding up in insolvency or by the Court

Division 2 Court-appointed liquidators

Section 473

418 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

473 Resignation of liquidators

A liquidator appointed by the Court may resign.

473A Vacancies in office of court-appointed liquidator

(1) A vacancy in the office of a liquidator appointed by the Court may

be filled by:

(a) the Court; or

(b) ASIC.

(2) If ASIC fills a vacancy in the office of a liquidator under

subsection (1), ASIC must:

(a) publish notice of the filling of the vacancy; and

(b) publish the notice in the prescribed manner.

(3) If ASIC fills a vacancy in the office of a liquidator under

subsection (1), the liquidator is taken, for the purposes of this Act,

to be appointed by the Court.

(4) If more than one liquidator is appointed under this section, the

Court or ASIC (as the case may be) must declare whether anything

that is required or authorised by this Act to be done by the

liquidator is to be done by all or any one or more of the persons


(5) If a declaration made by ASIC under subsection (4) is inconsistent

with a declaration of the Court made under that subsection, the

declaration of the Court prevails to the extent of any inconsistency.

474 Custody and vesting of company’s property

(1) If a company is being wound up in insolvency or by the Court, or a

provisional liquidator of a company has been appointed:

(a) in a case in which a liquidator or provisional liquidator has

been appointed—the liquidator or provisional liquidator must

take into his or her custody, or under his or her control, all

the property which is, or which appears to be, property of the

company; or

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

External administration Chapter 5

Winding up in insolvency or by the Court Part 5.4B

Court-appointed liquidators Division 2

Section 475

Corporations Act 2001 419

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(b) in a case in which there is no liquidator—all the property of

the company is to be in the custody of the Court.

Note: Section 465 extends the meaning of the property of the company to

include PPSA retention of title property, if the security interest in the

property has vested in the company in certain situations.

(2) The Court may, on the application of the liquidator, by order direct

that all or any part of the property of the company vests in the

liquidator and thereupon the property to which the order relates

vests accordingly and the liquidator may, after giving such

indemnity (if any) as the Court directs, bring, or may defend, any

action or other legal proceeding that relates to that property or that

it is necessary to bring or defend for the purpose of effectually

winding up the company and recovering its property.

(3) Where an order is made under this section, the liquidator of the

company to which the order relates must, within 14 days after the

making of the order, lodge with ASIC an office copy of the order.

475 Report as to company’s affairs to be submitted to liquidator

(1A) In this section:

liquidator includes a provisional liquidator.

(1) There must be made out and verified by a statement in writing in

the prescribed form, and submitted to the liquidator, by the persons

who were, at the date of the winding up order or, if the liquidator

specifies an earlier date, that earlier date, the directors and

secretary of the company a report in the prescribed form as to the

affairs of the company as at the date concerned.

(2) The liquidator may, by notice in writing served personally or by

post addressed to the last known address of the person, require one

or more persons included in one or more of the following classes of

persons to make out as required by the notice, verify by a statement

in writing in the prescribed form, and submit to him or her, a

report, containing such information as is specified in the notice as

to the affairs of the company or as to such of those affairs as are

specified in the notice, as at a date specified in the notice:

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.4B Winding up in insolvency or by the Court

Division 2 Court-appointed liquidators

Section 475

420 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(a) persons who are or have been officers of the company;

(b) where the company was formed within one year before the

date of the winding up order—persons who have taken part

in the formation of the company;

(c) persons who are employed by the company or have been

employed by the company within one year before the date of

the winding up order and are, in the opinion of the liquidator,

capable of giving the information required;

(d) persons who are, or have been within one year before the

date of the winding up order, officers of, or employed by, a

body corporate that is, or within that year was, an officer of

the company to the affairs of which the report relates;

(e) a person who was a provisional liquidator of the company.

(3) The liquidator may, in a notice under subsection (2), specify the

information that he or she requires as to affairs of the company by

reference to information required by this Act or the regulations to

be included in any other report, statement or notice under this Act.

(4) A report referred to in subsection (1) must, subject to

subsection (6), be submitted to the liquidator not later than 10

business days after the making of the winding up order.

(5) A person required to submit a report referred to in subsection (2)

must, subject to subsection (6), submit it not later than 10 business

days after the liquidator serves notice of the requirement.

(6) Where the liquidator believes there are special reasons for so

doing, he or she may, on an application in writing made to him or

her before the end of the time limited by subsection (4) or (5) for

the submission by the applicant of a report under subsection (1) or

(2), grant, by notice in writing, an extension of that time.

(7) A liquidator:

(a) must, within 5 business days after receiving a report under

subsection (1) or (2), cause a copy of the report to be filed

with the Court and a copy to be lodged; and

(b) must, where he or she gives a notice under subsection (6), as

soon as practicable lodge a copy of the notice.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

External administration Chapter 5

Winding up in insolvency or by the Court Part 5.4B

Court-appointed liquidators Division 2

Section 477

Corporations Act 2001 421

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(8) A person making or concurring in making a report required by this

section and verifying it as required by this section must, subject to

the rules, be allowed, and must be paid by the liquidator out of the

property of the company, such costs and expenses incurred in and

about the preparation and making of the report and the verification

of that report as the liquidator considers reasonable.

(9) A person must not contravene a provision of this section.

(10) An offence based on subsection (9) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(11) Subsection (9) does not apply to the extent that the person has a

reasonable excuse.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in

subsection (11), see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

477 Powers of liquidator

(1) Subject to this section, a liquidator of a company may:

(a) carry on the business of the company so far as is, in the

opinion of the liquidator, required for the beneficial disposal

or winding up of that business; and

(b) subject to the provisions of section 556, pay any class of

creditors in full; and

(c) make any compromise or arrangement with creditors or

persons claiming to be creditors or having or alleging that

they have any claim (present or future, certain or contingent,

ascertained or sounding only in damages) against the

company or whereby the company may be rendered liable;


(d) compromise any calls, liabilities to calls, debts, liabilities

capable of resulting in debts and any claims (present or

future, certain or contingent, ascertained or sounding only in

damages) subsisting or supposed to subsist between the

company and a contributory or other debtor or person

apprehending liability to the company, and all questions in

any way relating to or affecting the property or the winding

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.4B Winding up in insolvency or by the Court

Division 2 Court-appointed liquidators

Section 477

422 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

up of the company, on such terms as are agreed, and take any

security for the discharge of, and give a complete discharge

in respect of, any such call, debt, liability or claim.

(2) Subject to this section, a liquidator of a company may:

(a) bring or defend any legal proceeding in the name and on

behalf of the company; and

(b) appoint a solicitor to assist him or her in his or her duties;


(c) sell or otherwise dispose of, in any manner, all or any part of

the property of the company; and

(ca) exercise the Court’s powers under subsection 483(3) (except

paragraph 483(3)(b)) in relation to calls on contributories;


(d) do all acts and execute in the name and on behalf of the

company all deeds, receipts and other documents and for that

purpose use when necessary a seal of the company; and

(e) subject to the Bankruptcy Act 1966, prove in the bankruptcy

of any contributory or debtor of the company or under any

deed executed under that Act; and

(f) draw, accept, make and indorse any bill of exchange or

promissory note in the name and on behalf of the company;


(g) obtain credit, whether on the security of the property of the

company or otherwise; and

(h) take out letters of administration of the estate of a deceased

contributory or debtor, and do any other act necessary for

obtaining payment of any money due from a contributory or

debtor, or his or her estate, that cannot be conveniently done

in the name of the company; and

(k) appoint an agent to do any business that the liquidator is

unable to do, or that it is unreasonable to expect the

liquidator to do, in person; and

(m) do all such other things as are necessary for winding up the

affairs of the company and distributing its property.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

External administration Chapter 5

Winding up in insolvency or by the Court Part 5.4B

Court-appointed liquidators Division 2

Section 477

Corporations Act 2001 423

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(2A) Except with the approval of the Court, of the committee of

inspection or of a resolution of the creditors, a liquidator of a

company must not compromise a debt to the company if the

amount claimed by the company is more than:

(a) if an amount greater than $20,000 is prescribed—the

prescribed amount; or

(b) otherwise—$20,000.

(2B) Except with the approval of the Court, of the committee of

inspection or of a resolution of the creditors, a liquidator of a

company must not enter into an agreement on the company’s

behalf (for example, but without limitation, a lease or an agreement

under which a security interest arises or is created) if:

(a) without limiting paragraph (b), the term of the agreement

may end; or

(b) obligations of a party to the agreement may, according to the

terms of the agreement, be discharged by performance;

more than 3 months after the agreement is entered into, even if the

term may end, or the obligations may be discharged, within those 3


(2C) Subsection (2B) does not apply to an agreement if the costs and

expenses of the company under the agreement are to be paid out of

money paid to the liquidator:

(a) by ASIC on behalf of the Commonwealth; and

(b) for the purpose of paying the costs and expenses.

(3) A liquidator of a company is entitled to inspect at any reasonable

time any books of the company and a person who refuses or fails to

allow the liquidator to inspect such books at such a time is guilty of

an offence.

(5) For the purpose of enabling the liquidator to take out letters of

administration or recover money as mentioned in paragraph (2)(h),

the money due is taken to be due to the liquidator.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.4B Winding up in insolvency or by the Court

Division 2 Court-appointed liquidators

Section 478

424 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(6) Subject to this Part, the liquidator must use his or her own

discretion in the management of affairs and property of the

company and the distribution of its property.

(7) This section does not apply to calls on shares in a no liability


478 Application of property; list of contributories

(1) As soon as practicable after the Court orders that a company be

wound up, the liquidator must:

(a) cause the company’s property to be collected and applied in

discharging the company’s liabilities; and

(b) consider whether subsection (1A) requires him or her to

settle a list of contributories.

(1A) A liquidator of a company that is being wound up in insolvency or

by the Court must settle a list of contributories if it appears to him

or her likely that:

(a) either:

(i) there are persons liable as members or past members to

contribute to the company’s property on the winding up;


(ii) there will be a surplus available for distribution; and

(b) it will be necessary:

(i) to make calls on contributories; or

(ii) to adjust the rights of the contributories among


(1B) A liquidator of such a company may rectify the register of

members so far as required under this Part.

(3) In settling the list of contributories the liquidator must distinguish

between persons who are contributories in their own right and

persons who are contributories by virtue of representing, or being

liable for the debts of, other persons.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

External administration Chapter 5

Winding up in insolvency or by the Court Part 5.4B

Court-appointed liquidators Division 2

Section 480

Corporations Act 2001 425

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(4) The list of contributories, when settled in accordance with the

regulations, is prima facie evidence of the liabilities of the persons

named in the list as contributories.

(5) Paragraph (1)(b) and subsections (1A), (1B), (3) and (4) do not

apply to a no liability company.

480 Release of liquidator and deregistration of company

When the liquidator:

(a) has realised all the property of the company or so much of

that property as can in his or her opinion be realised without

needlessly protracting the winding up, and has distributed a

final dividend (if any) to the creditors and adjusted the rights

of the contributories among themselves and made a final

return (if any) to the contributories; or

(b) has resigned or has been removed from office;

he or she may apply to the Court:

(c) for an order that he or she be released; or

(d) for an order that he or she be released and that ASIC

deregister the company.

481 Orders for release or deregistration

(1) The Court:

(a) may cause a report on the accounts of the liquidator to be

prepared by the auditor appointed by ASIC under

section 70-15 of Schedule 2 (audit of administration books)

or by some other registered company auditor appointed by

the Court; and

(b) on the liquidator complying with all the requirements of the

Court—must take into consideration the report and any

objection against the release of the liquidator that is made by

the auditor or by any creditor, contributory or other person

interested; and

(c) must either grant or withhold the release accordingly.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.4B Winding up in insolvency or by the Court

Division 2 Court-appointed liquidators

Section 481

426 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(2) Where the release of a liquidator is withheld and the Court is

satisfied that the liquidator has been guilty of default, negligence,

breach of trust or breach of duty, the Court may order the

liquidator to make good any loss that the company has sustained by

reason of the default, negligence, breach of trust or breach of duty

and may make such other order as it thinks fit.

(3) An order of the Court releasing the liquidator discharges him or her

from all liability in respect of any act done or default made by him

or her in the administration of the affairs of the company or

otherwise in relation to his or her conduct as liquidator, but any

such order may be revoked on proof that it was obtained by fraud

or by suppression or concealment of any material fact.

(4) Where the liquidator has not previously resigned or been removed,

his or her release operates as a removal from office.

(5) Where the Court has made:

(a) an order that the liquidator be released; or

(b) an order that the liquidator be released and that ASIC

deregister the company;

the liquidator must, within 14 days after the making of the order,

lodge an office copy of the order.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

External administration Chapter 5

Winding up in insolvency or by the Court Part 5.4B

General powers of Court Division 3

Section 482

Corporations Act 2001 427

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 3—General powers of Court

Subdivision A—General powers

482 Power to stay or terminate winding up

(1) At any time during the winding up of a company, the Court may,

on application, make an order staying the winding up either

indefinitely or for a limited time or terminating the winding up on a

day specified in the order.

(1A) An application may be made by:

(a) in any case—the liquidator, or a creditor or contributory, of

the company; or

(b) in the case of a company registered under section 21 of the

Life Insurance Act 1995—APRA; or

(c) in the case of a company subject to a deed of company

arrangement—the administrator of the deed.

(2) On such an application, the Court may, before making an order,

direct the liquidator to give a report with respect to a relevant fact

or matter.

(2A) If such an application is made in relation to a company subject to a

deed of company arrangement, then, in determining the

application, the Court must have regard to all of the following


(a) any report that has been given to the Court by:

(i) the administrator, or a former administrator, of the

company; or

(ii) the liquidator, or a former liquidator, of the company; or

(iii) ASIC;

and that contains an allegation that an officer of the company

has engaged in misconduct;

(b) any report that has been lodged with ASIC by:

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.4B Winding up in insolvency or by the Court

Division 3 General powers of Court

Section 482

428 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(i) the administrator, or a former administrator, of the

company; or

(ii) the liquidator, or a former liquidator, of the company;

and that contains an allegation that an officer of the company

has engaged in misconduct;

(c) the decision of the company’s creditors to resolve that the

company execute a deed of company arrangement;

(d) any document that accompanied a notice of the meeting

under section 439A when the company was under


(da) any notice that has been given to the administrator of the

deed of company arrangement or the company’s creditors

under section 445HA (notification of contravention of deed

of company arrangement);

(e) whether the deed of company arrangement is likely to result

in the company becoming or remaining insolvent;

(f) any other relevant matters.

(3) Where the Court has made an order terminating the winding up, the

Court may give such directions as it thinks fit for the resumption of

the management and control of the company by its officers,

including directions for the convening of a general meeting of

members of the company to elect directors of the company to take

office upon the termination of the winding up.

(4) The costs of proceedings before the Court under this section and

the costs incurred in convening a meeting of members of the

company in accordance with an order of the Court under this

section, if the Court so directs, forms part of the costs, charges and

expenses of the winding up.

(5) Where an order is made under this section, the company must

lodge an office copy of the order within 14 days after the making

of the order.

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External administration Chapter 5

Winding up in insolvency or by the Court Part 5.4B

General powers of Court Division 3

Section 483

Corporations Act 2001 429

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

483 Delivery of property to liquidator

(1) The Court may require a person who is a contributory, trustee,

receiver, banker, agent, officer or employee of the company to pay,

deliver, convey, surrender or transfer to the liquidator or

provisional liquidator, as soon as practicable or within a specified

period, any money, property of the company or books in the

person’s hands to which the company is prima facie entitled.

(2) The Court may make an order directing any contributory for the

time being on the list of contributories to pay to the company in the

manner directed by the order any money due from the contributory

or from the estate of the person whom the contributory represents,

exclusive of any money payable by the contributory or the estate

by virtue of any call pursuant to this Act, and may:

(a) in the case of an unlimited company—allow to the

contributory by way of set-off any money due to the

contributory or to the estate that the contributory represents

from the company on any independent dealing or contract but

not any money due to the contributory as a member of the

company in respect of any dividend or profit; and

(b) in the case of a limited company—make to any director

whose liability is unlimited or to such a director’s estate the

like allowance;

and, in the case of any company whether limited or unlimited,

when all the creditors are paid in full, any money due on any

account whatever to a contributory from the company may be

allowed to him, her or it by way of set-off against any subsequent


(3) The Court may, either before or after it has ascertained the

sufficiency of the property of the company:

(a) make calls on all or any of the contributories for the time

being on the list of contributories, to the extent of their

liability, for payment of any money that the Court considers

necessary to satisfy the debts and liabilities of the company

and the costs, charges and expenses of winding up and for the

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Part 5.4B Winding up in insolvency or by the Court

Division 3 General powers of Court

Section 484

430 Corporations Act 2001

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adjustment of the rights of the contributories among

themselves; and

(b) make an order for payment of any calls made by the Court or

the company’s liquidator;

and, in making a call, may take into consideration the probability

that some of the contributories may partly or wholly fail to pay the


(3A) Subsection (3) does not apply to a no liability company.

(4) The Court may order any contributory, purchaser or other person

from whom money is due to the company to pay the amount due

into a bank named in the order to the account of the liquidator

instead of to the liquidator, and any such order may be enforced in

the same manner as if it had directed payment to the liquidator.

(5) All money and securities paid or delivered into any bank under this

Division are subject in all respects to orders of the Court.

(6) An order made by the Court under this section is, subject to any

right of appeal, conclusive evidence that the money (if any)

thereby appearing to be due or ordered to be paid is due, and all

other pertinent matters stated in the order are taken to be truly

stated as against all persons and in all proceedings.

484 Appointment of special manager

(1) The liquidator may, if satisfied that the nature of the property or

business of the company, or the interests of the creditors or

contributories generally, requires or require the appointment of a

special manager of the property or business of the company other

than himself or herself, apply to the Court, and the Court may

appoint a special manager of the property or business to act during

such time as the Court directs with such powers, including any of

the powers of a receiver or manager, as are entrusted to him or her

by the Court.

(2) The special manager:

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General powers of Court Division 3

Section 485

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(a) must give such security and account in such manner as the

Court directs; and

(b) must receive such remuneration as is fixed by the Court; and

(c) may at any time resign by notice in writing addressed to the

liquidator or may, on cause shown, be removed by the Court.

485 Claims of creditors and distribution of property

(1) The Court may fix a day on or before which creditors are to prove

their debts or claims or after which they will be excluded from the

benefit of any distribution made before those debts are proved.

(2) The Court must adjust the rights of the contributories among

themselves and distribute any surplus among the persons entitled to


(3) The Court may, in the event of the property being insufficient to

satisfy the liabilities, make an order as to the payment out of the

property of the costs, charges and expenses incurred in the winding

up in such order of priority as the Court thinks just.

486 Inspection of books by creditors and contributories

The Court may make such order for inspection of the books of the

company by creditors and contributories as the Court thinks just,

and any books in the possession of the company may be inspected

by creditors or contributories accordingly, but not further or


486A Court may make order to prevent officer or related entity

from avoiding liability to company

(1) The Court may make one or more of the following:

(a) an order prohibiting, either absolutely or subject to

conditions, an officer, employee or related entity of a

company from taking or sending out of this jurisdiction, or

out of Australia, money or other property of the company or

of the officer, employee or related entity;

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Part 5.4B Winding up in insolvency or by the Court

Division 3 General powers of Court

Section 486A

432 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) an order appointing:

(i) a receiver or trustee, with specified powers, of property

of an officer or employee of a company, or of property

of a related entity of a company that is a natural person;


(ii) a receiver, or a receiver and manager, with specified

powers, of property of a related entity of a company that

is not a natural person;

(c) an order requiring an officer or employee of a company, or a

related entity of a company that is a natural person, to

surrender to the Court his or her passport and any other

specified documents;

(d) an order prohibiting an officer or employee of a company, or

a related entity of a company that is a natural person, from

leaving this jurisdiction, or Australia, without the Court’s


(2) The Court may only make an order under subsection (1) if:

(a) the company is being wound up in insolvency or by the

Court, or an application has been made for the company to be

so wound up; and

(b) the Court is satisfied that there is at least a prima facie case

that the officer, employee or related entity is or will become


(i) to pay money to the company, whether in respect of a

debt, by way of damages or compensation or otherwise;


(ii) to account for property of the company; and

(c) the Court is also satisfied that there is substantial evidence

that the officer, employee or related entity:

(i) has concealed or removed money or other property, has

tried to do so, or intends to do so; or

(ii) has tried to leave this jurisdiction or Australia, or

intends to do so;

in order to avoid that liability or its consequences; and

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General powers of Court Division 3

Section 486A

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(d) the Court thinks it necessary or desirable to make the order in

order to protect the company’s rights against the officer,

employee or related entity.

(2A) An order under subsection (1) may only be made on the application


(a) a liquidator or provisional liquidator of the company; or

(b) ASIC.

(3) On hearing an application for an order under subsection (1), the

Court must have regard to any relevant application under

section 1323.

(4) Before considering an application for an order under

subsection (1), the Court may, if in the Court’s opinion it is

desirable to do so, grant an interim order of the kind applied for

that is expressed to have effect until the application is determined.

(5) The Court must not require an applicant for an order under

subsection (1) or any other person, as a condition of granting an

interim order under subsection (4), to give an undertaking as to


(6) On the application of a person who applied for, or is affected by,

an order under this section, the Court may make a further order

discharging or varying the first-mentioned order.

(7) An order under subsection (1) may be expressed to operate for a

specified period or until it is discharged by a further order.

(8) A person must not intentionally or recklessly contravene an order

under this section that is applicable to the person.

(9) This section has effect subject to the Bankruptcy Act 1966.

(10) Nothing in this section affects any other powers of the Court.

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Part 5.4B Winding up in insolvency or by the Court

Division 3 General powers of Court

Section 486B

434 Corporations Act 2001

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486B Warrant to arrest person who is absconding, or who has dealt

with property or books, in order to avoid obligations in

connection with winding up

(1) The Court may issue a warrant for a person to be arrested and

brought before the Court if:

(a) a company is being wound up in insolvency or by the Court,

or an application has been made for a company to be so

wound up; and

(b) the Court is satisfied that the person:

(i) is about to leave this jurisdiction, or Australia, in order

to avoid:

(A) paying money payable to the company; or

(B) being examined about the company’s affairs; or

(C) complying with an order of the Court, or some

other obligation, under this Chapter in

connection with the winding up; or

(ii) has concealed or removed property of the company in

order to prevent or delay the taking of the property into

the liquidator’s custody or control; or

(iii) has destroyed, concealed or removed books of the

company or is about to do so.

Note: For procedures relating to such a warrant, see Subdivision B.

(2) A warrant under subsection (1) may also provide for property or

books of the company in the person’s possession to be seized and

delivered into the custody of a specified person.

(3) A warrant under subsection (1) may only be issued on the

application of:

(a) a liquidator or provisional liquidator of the company; or

(b) ASIC.

487 Power to arrest absconding contributory

The Court, at any time before or after making a winding up order,

on proof of probable cause for believing that a contributory is

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General powers of Court Division 3

Section 488

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about to leave this jurisdiction, or Australia, or otherwise to

abscond or to remove or conceal any of his or her property for the

purpose of evading payment of calls or of avoiding examination

respecting affairs of the company, may cause the contributory to be

arrested and held in custody and the books and movable personal

property of the contributory to be seized and safely kept until such

time as the Court orders.

488 Delegation to liquidator of certain powers of Court

(1) Provision may be made by rules or regulations for enabling or

requiring all or any of the powers and duties conferred and

imposed on the Court by this Part or Schedule 2 in respect of:

(a) the holding and conducting of meetings to ascertain the

wishes of creditors and contributories; and

(b) the paying, delivery, conveyance, surrender or transfer of

money, property or books to the liquidator; and

(c) the adjusting of the rights of contributories among

themselves and the distribution of any surplus among the

persons entitled to it; and

(d) the fixing of a time within which debts and claims must be


to be exercised or performed by the liquidator as an officer of the

Court and subject to the control of the Court.

(2) Despite anything in rules or regulations made for the purposes of

subsection (1), a liquidator may distribute a surplus only with the

Court’s special leave.

489 Powers of Court cumulative

Any powers conferred on the Court by this Act are in addition to,

and not in derogation of, any existing powers of instituting

proceedings against any contributory or debtor of the company or

the property of any contributory or debtor for the recovery of any

call or other sums.

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Part 5.4B Winding up in insolvency or by the Court

Division 3 General powers of Court

Section 489A

436 Corporations Act 2001

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Subdivision B—Procedures relating to section 486B warrants

489A Arrest of person subject to warrant


(a) the Court issues a section 486B warrant for a person to be

arrested and brought before the Court; and

(b) the person is not in prison;

the person named in the section 486B warrant may be arrested by:

(c) an officer of the police force of the State or Territory in

which the person is found; or

(d) the Sheriff of that State or Territory, or any of the Sheriff’s

officers; or

(e) a member or special member of the Australian Federal


489B Procedure after arrest

(1) As soon as practicable after being arrested, the person is to be

taken before the Court that issued the section 486B warrant.

(2) The Court must order:

(a) that the person be remanded on bail on condition that the

person appear at the Court at such time and place as the

Court specifies; or

(b) that the person be remanded in such custody or otherwise as

the Court specifies, pending the person’s appearance at the

Court at such time and place as the Court specifies; or

(c) that the person be released.

(3) An order under this section may be subject to other specified


489C Procedure on remand on bail

(1) If the Court has made an order under section 489B remanding the

person (the warrant person) on bail, the Court must prepare, or

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General powers of Court Division 3

Section 489D

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cause to be prepared, an instrument setting out the conditions to

which the grant of bail is subject.

(2) The instrument must be signed by:

(a) a judge of the Court, or the person who prepared the

instrument; and

(b) the warrant person.

(3) The warrant person must be given a copy of the instrument.

(4) The Court must revoke the order, and make an order remanding the

warrant person in custody, if that person:

(a) refuses to sign the instrument; or

(b) does not comply with a condition to which the grant of bail is

subject and that condition is a condition precedent to that

person’s release on bail.

489D Court’s power to make orders under other provisions

(1) To avoid doubt, the Court may make an order under section 486A,

598 or 1323, or section 45-1 or 90-15 of Schedule 2 in relation to a

person appearing before the Court under:

(a) a section 486B warrant; or

(b) section 489B.

(2) Subsection (1) does not limit section 486A, 598 or 1323, or

section 45-1 or 90-15 of Schedule 2.

489E Jurisdiction under this Subdivision

To avoid doubt, a matter arising under this Subdivision is a civil

matter for the purposes of Part 9.6A.

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.4C Winding up by ASIC

Section 489EA

438 Corporations Act 2001

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Part 5.4C—Winding up by ASIC

489EA ASIC may order the winding up of a company

(1) ASIC may order the winding up of a company if:

(a) the response to a return of particulars given to the company is

at least 6 months late; and

(b) the company has not lodged any other documents under this

Act in the last 18 months; and

(c) ASIC has reason to believe that the company is not carrying

on business; and

(d) ASIC has reason to believe that making the order is in the

public interest.

(2) ASIC may order the winding up of a company if the company’s

review fee in respect of a review date has not been paid in full at

least 12 months after the due date for payment.

(3) ASIC may order the winding up of a company if:

(a) ASIC has reinstated the registration of the company under

subsection 601AH(1) in the last 6 months; and

(b) ASIC has reason to believe that making the order is in the

public interest.

(4) ASIC may order the winding up of a company if:

(a) ASIC has reason to believe that the company is not carrying

on business; and

(b) at least 20 business days before making the order, ASIC

gives to:

(i) the company; and

(ii) each director of the company;

a notice:

(iii) stating ASIC’s intention to make the order; and

(iv) informing the company or the director, as the case may

be, that the company or the director may, within 10

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Winding up by ASIC Part 5.4C

Section 489EB

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business days after the receipt of the notice, give ASIC

a written objection to the making of the order; and

(c) neither the company, nor any of its directors, has given ASIC

such an objection within the time limit specified in the


(5) Paragraphs (4)(b) and (c) do not apply to a person if ASIC does not

have the necessary information about the person’s identity or


(6) Before making an order under subsection (1), (2), (3) or (4), ASIC


(a) give notice of its intention to make the order on ASIC

database; and

(b) both:

(i) publish notice of its intention to make the order; and

(ii) do so in the prescribed manner.

(7) ASIC must not order the winding up of a company under

subsection (1), (2), (3) or (4) if an application is before the Court

for the winding up of the company.

(8) Paragraph (b) of the definition of director in section 9 does not

apply to subsection (4) of this section.

(9) To avoid doubt, subsections (1), (2), (3) and (4):

(a) have effect independently of each other; and

(b) do not limit each other.

489EB Deemed resolution that company be wound up voluntarily

If ASIC orders under section 489EA that a company be wound up:

(a) the company is taken to have passed a special resolution

under section 491 that the company be wound up voluntarily;


(b) the company is taken to have passed the special resolution:

(i) at the time when ASIC made the order under

section 489EA; and

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Part 5.4C Winding up by ASIC

Section 489EC

440 Corporations Act 2001

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(ii) without a declaration having been made and lodged

under section 494; and

(c) section 496 has effect as if:

(i) a declaration had been made under section 494; and

(ii) the reference in subsection 496(1) to the period stated in

the declaration were a reference to the 12-month period

beginning when ASIC made the order under

section 489EA; and

(d) section 497 is taken to have been complied with in relation to

the winding up.

489EC Appointment of liquidator

(1) If ASIC orders under section 489EA that a company be wound up,

ASIC may appoint a liquidator for the purpose of winding up the

affairs and distributing the property of the company.

Note: For the remuneration of liquidators appointed under this section, see

Subdivision D of Division 60 of Schedule 2.

(2) An appointment of a liquidator by ASIC must not be made without

the written consent of the liquidator.

(3) A vacancy in the office of a liquidator appointed by ASIC is to be

filled by the appointment of a liquidator by ASIC.

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Voluntary winding up Part 5.5

Preliminary Division 1A

Section 489F

Corporations Act 2001 441

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Part 5.5—Voluntary winding up

Division 1A—Preliminary

489F Definitions

In this Part:

property of a company includes PPSA retention of title property, if

the security interest in the property is vested in the company

because of the operation of any of the following provisions:

(a) section 267 or 267A of the Personal Property Securities Act

2009 (property subject to unperfected security interests);

(b) section 588FL of this Act (collateral not registered within


Note: See sections 9 (definition of property) and 51F (PPSA retention of

title property).

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Part 5.5 Voluntary winding up

Division 1 Resolution for winding up

Section 490

442 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 1—Resolution for winding up

490 When company cannot wind up voluntarily

(1) Except with the leave of the Court, a company cannot resolve that

it be wound up voluntarily if:

(a) an application for the company to be wound up in insolvency

has been filed; or

(b) the Court has ordered that the company be wound up in

insolvency, whether or not the order was made on such an

application; or

(c) the company is a trustee company (within the meaning of

Chapter 5D) that is in the course of administering or

managing one or more estates.

(2) A person with a proper interest (within the meaning of Chapter 5D)

in the estate referred to in paragraph (1)(c), or who has any claim

in respect of the estate, is entitled to be heard in a proceeding

before the Court for leave under subsection (1).

491 Circumstances in which company may be wound up voluntarily

(1) Subject to section 490, a company may be wound up voluntarily if

the company so resolves by special resolution.

(2) A company must:

(a) within 7 days after the passing of a resolution for voluntary

winding up, lodge with ASIC, in the prescribed form, a

notice setting out the text of the resolution; and

(b) within the period ascertained in accordance with the

regulations, cause a notice setting out the prescribed

information about the resolution to be published in the

prescribed manner.

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Voluntary winding up Part 5.5

Resolution for winding up Division 1

Section 493

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493 Effect of voluntary winding up

The company must, from the passing of the resolution, cease to

carry on its business except so far as is in the opinion of the

liquidator required for the beneficial disposal or winding up of that

business, but the corporate state and corporate powers of the

company, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in its

constitution, continue until it is deregistered.

493A Effect of voluntary winding up on company’s members

Transfer of shares

(1) A transfer of shares in a company that is made after the passing of

the resolution is void except if:

(a) both:

(i) the liquidator gives written consent to the transfer; and

(ii) that consent is unconditional; or

(b) all of the following subparagraphs apply:

(i) the liquidator gives written consent to the transfer;

(ii) that consent is subject to one or more specified


(iii) those conditions have been satisfied; or

(c) the Court makes an order under subsection (4) authorising

the transfer.

(2) The liquidator may only give consent under paragraph (1)(a) or (b)

if he or she is satisfied that the transfer is in the best interests of the

company’s creditors as a whole.

(3) If the liquidator refuses to give consent under paragraph (1)(a) or

(b) to a transfer of shares in the company:

(a) the prospective transferor; or

(b) the prospective transferee; or

(c) a creditor of the company;

may apply to the Court for an order authorising the transfer.

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Part 5.5 Voluntary winding up

Division 1 Resolution for winding up

Section 493A

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(4) If the Court is satisfied, on an application under subsection (3), that

the transfer is in the best interests of the company’s creditors as a

whole, the Court may, by order, authorise the transfer.

(5) If the liquidator gives consent under paragraph (1)(b) to a transfer

of shares in the company:

(a) the prospective transferor; or

(b) the prospective transferee; or

(c) a creditor of the company;

may apply to the Court for an order setting aside any or all of the

conditions to which the consent is subject.

(6) If the Court is satisfied, on an application under subsection (5), that

any or all of the conditions covered by the application are not in

the best interests of the company’s creditors as a whole, the Court

may, by order, set aside any or all of the conditions.

(7) The liquidator is entitled to be heard in a proceeding before the

Court in relation to an application under subsection (3) or (5).

Alteration in the status of members

(8) An alteration in the status of members of a company that is made

after the passing of the resolution is void except if:

(a) both:

(i) the liquidator gives written consent to the alteration; and

(ii) that consent is unconditional; or

(b) all of the following subparagraphs apply:

(i) the liquidator gives written consent to the alteration;

(ii) that consent is subject to one or more specified


(iii) those conditions have been satisfied; or

(c) the Court makes an order under subsection (12) authorising

the alteration.

(9) The liquidator may only give consent under paragraph (8)(a) or (b)

if he or she is satisfied that the alteration is in the best interests of

the company’s creditors as a whole.

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Voluntary winding up Part 5.5

Resolution for winding up Division 1

Section 494

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(10) The liquidator must refuse to give consent under paragraph (8)(a)

or (b) if the alteration would contravene Part 2F.2.

(11) If the liquidator refuses to give consent under paragraph (8)(a) or

(b) to an alteration in the status of members of a company:

(a) a member of the company; or

(b) a creditor of the company;

may apply to the Court for an order authorising the alteration.

(12) If the Court is satisfied, on an application under subsection (11),


(a) the alteration is in the best interests of the company’s

creditors as a whole; and

(b) the alteration does not contravene Part 2F.2;

the Court may, by order, authorise the alteration.

(13) If the liquidator gives consent under paragraph (8)(b) to an

alteration in the status of members of a company:

(a) a member of the company; or

(b) a creditor of the company;

may apply to the Court for an order setting aside any or all of the

conditions to which the consent is subject.

(14) If the Court is satisfied, on an application under subsection (13),

that any or all of the conditions covered by the application are not

in the best interests of the company’s creditors as a whole, the

Court may, by order, set aside any or all of the conditions.

(15) The liquidator is entitled to be heard in a proceeding before the

Court in relation to an application under subsection (11) or (13).

494 Declaration of solvency

(1) Where it is proposed to wind up a company voluntarily, a majority

of the directors may, before the date on which the notices of the

meeting at which the resolution for the winding up of the company

is to be proposed are sent out, make a written declaration to the

effect that they have made an inquiry into the affairs of the

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Part 5.5 Voluntary winding up

Division 1 Resolution for winding up

Section 494

446 Corporations Act 2001

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company and that, at a meeting of directors, they have formed the

opinion that the company will be able to pay its debts in full within

a period not exceeding 12 months after the commencement of the

winding up.

(2) There must be attached to the declaration a statement of affairs of

the company showing, in the prescribed form:

(a) the property of the company, and the total amount expected

to be realised from that property; and

(b) the liabilities of the company; and

(c) the estimated expenses of winding up;

made up to the latest practicable date before the making of the


(3) A declaration so made has no effect for the purposes of this Act


(a) the declaration is made at the meeting of directors referred to

in subsection (1); and

(b) the declaration is lodged before the date on which the notices

of the meeting at which the resolution for the winding up of

the company is to be proposed are sent out or such later date

as ASIC, whether before, on or after the first-mentioned date,

allows; and

(c) the resolution for voluntary winding up is passed within the

period of 5 weeks after the making of the declaration or

within such further period after the making of that

declaration as ASIC, whether before or after the end of that

period of 5 weeks, allows.

(4) A director who makes a declaration under this section (including a

declaration that has no effect for the purposes of this Act by reason

of subsection (3)) without having reasonable grounds for his or her

opinion that the company will be able to pay its debts in full within

the period stated in the declaration is guilty of an offence.

(5) If the company is wound up pursuant to a resolution for voluntary

winding up passed within the period of 5 weeks after the making of

the declaration or, if pursuant to paragraph (3)(c) ASIC has

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Voluntary winding up Part 5.5

Resolution for winding up Division 1

Section 494

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allowed a further period after the end of that period of 5 weeks,

within that further period, but its debts are not paid or provided for

in full within the period stated in the declaration, it is to be

presumed, unless the contrary is shown, that a director who made

the declaration did not have reasonable grounds for his or her


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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.5 Voluntary winding up

Division 2 Members’ voluntary winding up

Section 495

448 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 2—Members’ voluntary winding up

495 Appointment of liquidator etc.

(1) The company in general meeting must appoint a liquidator or

liquidators for the purpose of winding up the affairs and

distributing the property of the company.

Note: For rules about the liquidator’s remuneration, see Division 60 of

Part 3 of Schedule 2. For rules about convening meetings, see

Division 75 of Part 3 of Schedule 2.

(2) If a vacancy occurs in the office of a liquidator (whether by death,

resignation or otherwise), the company in general meeting may fill

the vacancy by the appointment of a liquidator.

(3) A general meeting may be convened for the purposes of

subsection (2) by any contributory or, if there were 2 or more

liquidators, by the continuing liquidators.

(4) The meeting must be held in the manner provided by this Act or by

the company’s constitution or in such manner as is, on application

by any contributory or by the continuing liquidators, determined by

the Court.

496 Duty of liquidator where company turns out to be insolvent

(1) Where a declaration has been made under section 494 and the

liquidator is at any time of the opinion that the company will not be

able to pay or provide for the payment of its debts in full within the

period stated in the declaration, he or she must do one of the

following as soon as practicable:

(a) apply under section 459P for the company to be wound up in


(b) appoint an administrator of the company under section 436B;

(c) convene a meeting of the company’s creditors;

and if he or she convenes such a meeting, the following

subsections apply.

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Voluntary winding up Part 5.5

Members’ voluntary winding up Division 2

Section 496

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(4) The liquidator must lay before the meeting a statement of the assets

and liabilities of the company and the notice convening the

meeting must draw the attention of the creditors to the right

conferred upon them by subsection (5).

(5) The creditors may, at the meeting convened under subsection (1),

appoint some other person to be liquidator for the purpose of

winding up the affairs and distributing the property of the company

instead of the liquidator appointed by the company.

(6) If the creditors appoint some other person under subsection (5), the

winding up must thereafter proceed as if the winding up were a

creditors’ voluntary winding up.

(7) The liquidator or, if another person is appointed by the creditors to

be liquidator, the person so appointed must, within 7 days after a

meeting has been held pursuant to subsection (1), lodge a notice in

the prescribed form.

(8) After the meeting the winding up must proceed as if it were a

creditors’ voluntary winding up.

(9) An offence based on subsection (4), (5), (6), (7) or (8) is an offence

of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.5 Voluntary winding up

Division 3 Creditors’ voluntary winding up

Section 497

450 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 3—Creditors’ voluntary winding up

497 Information about the company’s affairs

(1) The liquidator of the company must, within 10 business days after

the day of the meeting of the company at which the resolution for

voluntary winding up is passed:

(a) send to each creditor:

(i) a summary of the affairs of the company in the

prescribed form; and

(ii) a list setting out the names of all creditors, the addresses

of those creditors and the estimated amounts of their

claims, as shown in the records of the company; and

(b) lodge a copy of the documents sent in accordance with

paragraph (a).

Note: For electronic notification under paragraph (a), see section 600G.

(2) The list referred to in subparagraph (1)(a)(ii) must identify any

creditors that are related entities of the company.

(3) Unless the Court orders otherwise, nothing in subsection (1)

requires the liquidator to send the list referred to in

subparagraph (1)(a)(ii) to a creditor whose debt does not exceed


(4) Within 5 business days after the day of the meeting of the company

at which the resolution for voluntary winding up is passed or such

longer period as the liquidator allows, the directors of the company

must give the liquidator a report, in the prescribed form, about the

company’s business, property, affairs and financial circumstances.

(5) An offence based on subsection (4) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(6) The liquidator must, within 10 business days after receiving a

report under subsection (4), lodge a copy of the report.

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Voluntary winding up Part 5.5

Creditors’ voluntary winding up Division 3

Section 499

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(7) A person must not contravene subsection (6).

(8) An offence based on subsection (7) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(9) Subsection (7) does not apply to the extent that the person has a

reasonable excuse.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in this

subsection, see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

499 Liquidators

(1) The company in general meeting must appoint a liquidator for the

purpose of winding up the affairs and distributing the property of

the company.

(2) However, subsection (1) does not apply to the company if:

(a) section 446A or 446AA applies in relation to the company;


(b) regulations made for the purposes of section 446B have the

effect that the company is taken to have passed a special

resolution under section 491 that the company be wound up


(2A) If section 446A applies in relation to the company because of

paragraph 446A(1)(a):

(a) the company’s creditors may, at the meeting at which the

resolution referred to in that paragraph is passed, appoint a

person to be liquidator for the purpose of winding up the

affairs and distributing the property of the company; and

(b) if an appointment is not made under paragraph (a) of this

subsection before the end of the meeting at which the

resolution referred to in paragraph 446A(1)(a) is passed:

(i) the company’s creditors are taken to have appointed the

administrator of the company to be liquidator for the

purpose of winding up the affairs and distributing the

property of the company; and

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Part 5.5 Voluntary winding up

Division 3 Creditors’ voluntary winding up

Section 499

452 Corporations Act 2001

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(ii) the appointment under subparagraph (i) of this

paragraph takes effect at the end of that meeting.

(2B) If section 446A applies in relation to the company because of

paragraph 446A(1)(b):

(a) the company’s creditors are taken to have appointed the

administrator of the company to be liquidator for the purpose

of winding up the affairs and distributing the property of the

company; and

(b) the appointment takes effect at the time referred to in that


(2C) If section 446A applies in relation to the company because of

paragraph 446A(1)(c):

(a) the company’s creditors may, at the meeting at which the

resolution referred to in subparagraph 446A(1)(c)(ii) is

passed, appoint a person to be liquidator for the purpose of

winding up the affairs and distributing the property of the

company; and

(b) if an appointment is not made under paragraph (a) of this

subsection before the end of the meeting at which the

resolution referred to in subparagraph 446A(1)(c)(ii) is


(i) the company’s creditors are taken to have appointed the

administrator of the deed to be liquidator for the

purpose of winding up the affairs and distributing the

property of the company; and

(ii) the appointment under subparagraph (i) of this

paragraph takes effect at the end of that meeting.

(2D) If section 446AA applies in relation to the company because of

paragraph 446AA(1)(a):

(a) the Court may, immediately after it makes the order referred

to in that paragraph, appoint a person to be the liquidator for

the purpose of winding up the affairs and distributing the

property of the company; and

(b) if no appointment is made under paragraph (a) of this


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Voluntary winding up Part 5.5

Creditors’ voluntary winding up Division 3

Section 499

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(i) the company is taken to have appointed the

administrator of the deed of company arrangement

referred to in section 446AA to be the liquidator for the

purpose of winding up the affairs and distributing the

property of the company; and

(ii) the appointment takes effect at the time referred to in

paragraph 446AA(1)(a).

(2E) If section 446AA applies in relation to the company because of

paragraph 446AA(1)(b):

(a) the company is taken to have appointed the administrator of

the deed of company arrangement referred to in

section 446AA to be the liquidator for the purpose of

winding up the affairs and distributing the property of the

company; and

(b) the appointment takes effect at the time referred to in

subparagraph 446AA(1)(b)(ii).

(2F) If regulations made for the purposes of section 446B have the

effect that a company under administration is taken to have passed

a special resolution under section 491 that the company be wound

up voluntarily:

(a) the company is taken to have appointed the administrator of

the company to be the liquidator for the purpose of winding

up the affairs and distributing the property of the company;


(b) the appointment takes effect when the resolution is taken to

have been passed.

(2G) If regulations made for the purposes of section 446B have the

effect that a company subject to a deed of company arrangement is

taken to have passed a special resolution under section 491 that the

company be wound up voluntarily:

(a) the company is taken to have appointed the administrator of

the deed to be the liquidator for the purpose of winding up

the affairs and distributing the property of the company; and

(b) the appointment takes effect when the resolution is taken to

have been passed.

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.5 Voluntary winding up

Division 3 Creditors’ voluntary winding up

Section 500

454 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(3) If a liquidator, other than a liquidator appointed by, or by the

direction of, the Court resigns:

(a) the Court; or

(b) ASIC; or

(c) the creditors;

may fill the vacancy by the appointment of a liquidator.

Note: If the registration of a liquidator is suspended or cancelled, ASIC must

fill the vacancy: see section 40-111 of Schedule 2.

(4) If ASIC fills a vacancy in the office of a liquidator under

subsection (3), ASIC must:

(a) publish notice of the filling of the vacancy; and

(b) publish the notice in the prescribed manner.

(5) If ASIC or the Court fills a vacancy in the office of a liquidator

under subsection (3), the liquidator is taken, for the purposes of

this Act, to be appointed by the creditors.

500 Execution and civil proceedings

(1) Any attachment, sequestration, distress or execution put in force

against the property of the company after the passing of the

resolution for voluntary winding up is void.

(2) After the passing of the resolution for voluntary winding up, no

action or other civil proceeding is to be proceeded with or

commenced against the company except by leave of the Court and

subject to such terms as the Court imposes.

(3) The Court may require any contributory, trustee, receiver, banker,

agent, officer or employee of the company to pay, deliver, convey,

surrender or transfer forthwith or within such time as the Court

directs to the liquidator any money, property of the company or

books in his, her or its hands to which the company is prima facie


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Voluntary winding up Part 5.5

Voluntary winding up generally Division 4

Section 501

Corporations Act 2001 455

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Division 4—Voluntary winding up generally

501 Distribution of property of company

Subject to the provisions of this Act as to preferential payments,

the property of a company must, on its winding up, be applied in

satisfaction of its liabilities equally and, subject to that application,

must, unless the company’s constitution otherwise provides, be

distributed among the members according to their rights and

interests in the company.

506 Powers and duties of liquidator

(1) The liquidator may:

(b) exercise any of the powers that this Act confers on a

liquidator in a winding up in insolvency or by the Court; or

(c) exercise the power under section 478 of a liquidator

appointed by the Court to settle a list of contributors; or

(d) exercise the Court’s powers under subsection 483(3) (except

paragraph 483(3)(b)) in relation to calls on contributories; or

(e) exercise the power of the Court of fixing a time within which

debts and claims must be proved.

(1A) Subsections 477(2A) and (2B) apply in relation to the liquidator as


(a) he or she were a liquidator in a winding up in insolvency or

by the Court; and

(b) in the case of a members’ voluntary winding up—a reference

in those subsections to an approval were a reference to the

approval of a special resolution of the company.

(1B) The company must lodge a copy of a special resolution referred to

in paragraph (1A)(b) with ASIC within 14 days after the resolution

is passed.

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Part 5.5 Voluntary winding up

Division 4 Voluntary winding up generally

Section 506A

456 Corporations Act 2001

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(2) A list of contributories settled in accordance with paragraph (1)(c)

is prima facie evidence of the liability of the persons named in the

list to be contributories.

(3) The liquidator must pay the debts of the company and adjust the

rights of the contributories among themselves.

506A Declarations by liquidator—relevant relationships and



(1) This section applies to a liquidator appointed in relation to a

creditors’ voluntary winding up.

Declaration and notification of relevant relationships and


(2) Within 10 business days after the day of the meeting of the

company at which the resolution for voluntary winding up is

passed, the liquidator must:

(a) make:

(i) a declaration of relevant relationships; and

(ii) a declaration of indemnities; and

(b) give a copy of each declaration to as many of the company’s

creditors as reasonably practicable.

Note 1: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Note 2: For electronic notification under paragraph (b), see section 600G.

(3) As soon as practicable after making a declaration under

subsection (2), the liquidator must lodge a copy of the declaration

with ASIC.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

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Voluntary winding up Part 5.5

Voluntary winding up generally Division 4

Section 506A

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Replacement declarations

(4) If:

(a) at a particular time, the liquidator makes:

(i) a declaration of relevant relationships; or

(ii) a declaration of indemnities;

under subsection (2) of this section; and

(b) at a later time:

(i) the declaration has become out-of-date; or

(ii) the liquidator becomes aware of an error in the


the liquidator must, as soon as practicable, make:

(c) if subparagraph (a)(i) applies—a replacement declaration of

relevant relationships; or

(d) if subparagraph (a)(ii) applies—a replacement declaration of


Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(5) The liquidator must table a copy of a replacement declaration

under subsection (4):

(a) if:

(i) there is a committee of inspection; and

(ii) the next meeting of the committee of inspection occurs

before the next meeting of the company’s creditors;

at the next meeting of the committee of inspection; or

(b) in any other case—at the next meeting of the company’s


Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(6) As soon as practicable after making a replacement declaration

under subsection (4), the liquidator must lodge a copy of the

replacement declaration with ASIC.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.5 Voluntary winding up

Division 4 Voluntary winding up generally

Section 507

458 Corporations Act 2001

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(7) In a prosecution for an offence constituted by a failure to include a

matter in a declaration under this section, it is a defence if the

defendant proves that:

(a) the defendant made reasonable enquiries; and

(b) after making these enquiries, the defendant had no reasonable

grounds for believing that the matter should have been

included in the declaration.

507 Power of liquidator to accept shares etc. as consideration for

sale of property of company

(1) This section applies where it is proposed to transfer or sell to a

body corporate the whole or a part of the business or property of a


(2) The liquidator of the company may, with the sanction of a special

resolution of the company conferring on the liquidator either a

general authority or an authority in respect of a particular

arrangement, enter into an arrangement under which, in

compensation or part compensation for the transfer or sale:

(a) the liquidator is to receive shares, debentures, policies or

other like interests in the body corporate for distribution

among the members of the company; or

(b) the members of the company may, instead of, or as well as,

receiving cash, shares, debentures, policies or other like

interests in the body corporate, participate in the profits of, or

receive any other benefit from, the body corporate.

(3) A transfer, sale or arrangement under this section is binding on the

members of the company.

(4) If a member of the company who did not vote in favour of a special

resolution expresses dissent from the resolution in writing

addressed to the liquidator and left at the office of the liquidator

within 7 days after the passing of the resolution, the member may

require the liquidator either to abstain from carrying the resolution

into effect or to purchase the member’s interest at a price to be

determined by agreement or by arbitration under this section.

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Voluntary winding up Part 5.5

Voluntary winding up generally Division 4

Section 507

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(5) If the liquidator elects to purchase the member’s interest, the

purchase money must be paid before the company is deregistered

and be raised by the liquidator in such manner as is determined by

special resolution.

(6) A special resolution is not invalid for the purposes of this section

because it is passed before, or concurrently with, a resolution for

voluntary winding up or for appointing liquidators but, if an order

for winding up the company by the Court is made within 1 year

after the passing of the resolution, the resolution is not valid unless

sanctioned by the Court.

(7) For the purposes of an arbitration under this section, the agreed

arbitration law applies as if there were a submission for reference

to 2 arbitrators, one to be appointed by each party.

(7A) Parties to the arbitration may agree on the State or Territory in this

jurisdiction whose law is to govern the arbitration. The agreed

arbitration law is the law of that State or Territory relating to

commercial arbitration.

(8) The appointment of an arbitrator may be made in writing signed


(a) if there is only one liquidator—the liquidator; or

(b) if there is more than one liquidator—any 2 or more of the


(9) The Court may give any directions necessary for the initiation and

conduct of the arbitration and any such direction is binding on the


(10) In the case of a creditors’ voluntary winding up, the powers of the

liquidator under this section must not be exercised except with the

approval of the Court or the committee of inspection.

(11) The company must lodge a copy of a special resolution referred to

in subsection (2) or (5) with ASIC within 14 days after the

resolution is passed.

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Part 5.5 Voluntary winding up

Division 4 Voluntary winding up generally

Section 509

460 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

509 Deregistration

ASIC must deregister at the end of 3 month period

(1) If an end of administration return for a company is lodged with

ASIC on the basis that the affairs of the company are fully wound

up, ASIC must deregister the company at the end of the period of 3

months beginning on the day after the return is lodged (the

deregistration period).

ASIC must deregister on a day specified by the Court

(2) On application by the liquidator or any other interested party, the

Court may make an order that ASIC deregister the company on a

specified day. The Court must make the order before the end of the

deregistration period.

(3) The person on whose application an order under subsection (2) is

made must, within 10 business days after the making of the order,

lodge a copy of the order.

510 Arrangement: when binding on creditors

(1) An arrangement entered into between a company about to be, or in

the course of being, wound up and its creditors is, subject to

subsection (4):

(a) binding on the company if sanctioned by a special resolution;


(b) binding on the creditors if sanctioned by a resolution of the


(1A) The company must lodge a copy of a special resolution referred to

in paragraph (1)(a) with ASIC within 14 days after the resolution is


(2) A creditor must be accounted a creditor for value for such sum as

upon an account fairly stated, after allowing the value of any

security interests held by the creditor and the amount of any debt or

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Voluntary winding up Part 5.5

Voluntary winding up generally Division 4

Section 510

Corporations Act 2001 461

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set-off owing by the creditor to the company, appears to be the

balance due to the creditor.

(3) A dispute about the value of any such security interest or the

amount of any such debt or set-off may be settled by the Court on

the application of the company, the liquidator or the creditor.

(4) A creditor or contributory may, within 3 weeks after the

completion of the arrangement, appeal to the Court in respect of

the arrangement, and the Court may confirm, set aside or modify

the arrangement and make such further order as it thinks just.

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.6 Winding up generally

Division 1 Preliminary

Section 513

462 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 5.6—Winding up generally

Division 1—Preliminary

513 Application of Part

Except so far as the contrary intention appears, the provisions of

this Act about winding up apply in relation to the winding up of a

company whether in insolvency, by the Court or voluntarily.

513AA Definitions

In this Part:

property of a company includes PPSA retention of title property, if

the security interest in the property is vested in the company

because of the operation of any of the following provisions:

(a) section 267 or 267A of the Personal Property Securities Act

2009 (property subject to unperfected security interests);

(b) section 588FL of this Act (collateral not registered within


Note: See sections 9 (definition of property) and 51F (PPSA retention of

title property).

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Winding up generally Part 5.6

When winding up taken to begin Division 1A

Section 513A

Corporations Act 2001 463

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Division 1A—When winding up taken to begin

513A Winding up ordered by the Court

If the Court orders under section 233, 459A, 459B or 461 that a

company be wound up, the winding up is taken to have begun or


(a) if, when the order was made, a winding up of the company

was already in progress—when the last-mentioned winding

up is taken because of this Division to have begun or

commenced; or

(b) if, immediately before the order was made, the company was

under administration—on the section 513C day in relation to

the administration; or

(c) if:

(i) when the order was made, a provisional liquidator of the

company was acting; and

(ii) immediately before the provisional liquidator was

appointed, the company was under administration;

on the section 513C day in relation to the administration; or

(d) if, immediately before the order was made, a deed of

company arrangement had been executed by the company

and had not yet terminated—on the section 513C day in

relation to the administration that ended when the deed was

executed; or

(e) otherwise—on the day when the order was made.

513B Voluntary winding up

Where a company resolves by special resolution that it be wound

up voluntarily, the winding up is taken to have begun or


(a) if, when the resolution was passed, a winding up of the

company was already in progress—when the last-mentioned

winding up is taken because of this Division to have begun or

commenced; or

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.6 Winding up generally

Division 1A When winding up taken to begin

Section 513C

464 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) if, immediately before the resolution was passed, the

company was under administration—on the section 513C day

in relation to the administration; or

(c) if, immediately before the resolution was passed, a deed of

company arrangement had been executed by the company but

had not yet terminated—on the section 513C day in relation

to the administration that ended when the deed was executed;


(d) if the resolution is taken to have been passed because the

company’s creditors:

(i) passed a resolution terminating a deed of company

arrangement executed by the company; and

(ii) also resolved under section 445E that the company be

wound up;

on the section 513C day in relation to the administration that

ended when the deed was executed; or

(da) if the resolution is taken to have been passed under

section 446AA because of:

(i) the making of an order under section 445D by the Court

terminating a deed of company arrangement executed

by the company; or

(ii) the existence of circumstances that are specified in a

deed of company arrangement executed by the company

to be circumstances in which the deed is to terminate

and the company is to be wound up;

on the section 513C day in relation to the administration that

ended when the deed was executed; or

(e) otherwise—on the day on which the resolution was passed.

513C Section 513C day in relation to an administration under

Part 5.3A

The section 513C day in relation to the administration of a

company is:

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Winding up generally Part 5.6

When winding up taken to begin Division 1A

Section 513D

Corporations Act 2001 465

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(a) if, when the administration began, a winding up of the

company was in progress—the day on which the winding up

is taken because of this Division to have begun; or

(b) otherwise—the day on which the administration began.

513D Validity of proceedings in earlier winding up

Where, at the time when:

(a) the Court orders under section 233, 459A, 459B or 461 that a

company be wound up; or

(b) a company resolves by special resolution that it be wound up


a winding up of the company is already in progress, all proceedings

in the last-mentioned winding up are taken to have been valid,

except so far as the Court otherwise orders because fraud or

mistake has been proved.

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.6 Winding up generally

Division 2 Contributories

Section 514

466 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 2—Contributories

514 Where Division applies

(1) This Division applies where a company is wound up.

(2) This Division does not apply to the winding up of a no liability


515 General liability of contributory

Subject to this Division, a present or past member is liable to

contribute to the company’s property to an amount sufficient:

(a) to pay the company’s debts and liabilities and the costs,

charges and expenses of the winding up; and

(b) to adjust the rights of the contributories among themselves.

516 Company limited by shares

Subject to sections 518 and 519, if the company is a company

limited by shares, a member need not contribute more than the

amount (if any) unpaid on the shares in respect of which the

member is liable as a present or past member.

517 Company limited by guarantee

Subject to sections 518 and 519, if the company is a company

limited by guarantee, a member need not contribute more than the

amount the member has undertaken to contribute to the company’s

property if the company is wound up.

518 Company limited both by shares and by guarantee

Subject to section 519, if the company is a company limited both

by shares and by guarantee, neither of sections 516 and 517 applies

but the member need not contribute more than the aggregate of the


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Winding up generally Part 5.6

Contributories Division 2

Section 519

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(a) the amount (if any) unpaid on shares in respect of which the

member is liable as a present or past member;

(b) the amount that the member has undertaken to contribute to

the company’s property if the company is wound up.

519 Exceptions for former unlimited company

Despite sections 516, 517 and 518, if the company is a limited

company and became a limited company by virtue of a change of

status, the amount that a member at the time of the change of

status, or a person who at that time was a past member, is liable to

contribute in respect of the company’s debts and liabilities

contracted before that time is unlimited.

520 Past member: later debts

A past member need not contribute in respect of a debt or liability

of the company contracted after the past member ceased to be a


521 Person ceasing to be a member a year or more before winding


Subject to section 523, a past member need not contribute if he, she

or it was a member at no time during the year ending on the day of

the commencement of the winding up.

522 Present members to contribute first

Subject to paragraph 523(b), a past member need not contribute

unless it appears to the Court that the existing members are unable

to satisfy the contributions they are liable to make under this Act.

523 Past member of former unlimited company

If an unlimited company changes to a limited company under

section 164, a past member who was a member at the time of the

change is liable:

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Division 2 Contributories

Section 524

468 Corporations Act 2001

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(a) despite section 521; and

(b) if no person who was a member at that time is a member at

the commencement of the winding up—despite section 522;

to contribute in respect of the company’s debts and liabilities

contracted before that time.

524 Past member of former limited company

If a limited company changes to an unlimited company under

section 164, a person who, at the time when the company applied

for the change, was a past member and did not again become a

member after that time need not contribute more than they would

have been liable to contribute if the company had not changed


526 Liability on certain contracts

Nothing in this Act invalidates a provision, in a policy of insurance

or other contract, whereby the liability of individual members on

the policy or contract is restricted or whereby the funds of the

company are alone made liable in respect of the policy or contract.

527 Nature of contributory’s liability

A contributory’s liability is of the nature of a specialty debt

according to the law of the Capital Territory accruing due from the

contributory when the contributory’s liability commenced but

payable at the times when calls are made for enforcing the liability.

528 Death of contributory

If a contributory dies, whether before or after being placed on the

list of contributories:

(a) his or her personal representatives are liable in due course of

administration to contribute to the company’s property in

discharge of his or her liability to contribute and are

contributories accordingly; and

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Contributories Division 2

Section 529

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(b) if his or her personal representatives default in paying any

money that they are ordered to pay—proceedings may be

taken for administering his or her estate and for compelling

payment, out of the assets of that estate, of the money due.

529 Bankruptcy of contributory

If a contributory becomes an insolvent under administration, or

assigns his or her estate for the benefit of his or her creditors,

whether before or after being placed on the list of contributories:

(a) his or her trustee is to represent him or her for the purposes

of the winding up and is to be a contributory accordingly;


(b) calls already made, and the estimated value of his or her

liability to future calls, may be proved against his or her


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Part 5.6 Winding up generally

Division 3 Liquidators

Section 530

470 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 3—Liquidators

530 Appointment of 2 or more liquidators of a company

If 2 or more persons have been appointed as liquidators of a


(a) a function or power of a liquidator of the company may be

performed or exercised by any one of them, or by any 2 or

more of them together, except so far as the order or

resolution appointing them otherwise provides; and

(b) a reference in this Act to a liquidator, or to the liquidator, of a

company is, in the case of the first-mentioned company, a

reference to whichever one or more of those liquidators the

case requires.

530AA Appointment of 2 or more provisional liquidators of a


If 2 or more persons have been appointed as provisional liquidators

of a company:

(a) a function or power of a provisional liquidator of the

company may be performed or exercised by any one of them,

or by any 2 or more of them together, except so far as the

order appointing them otherwise provides; and

(b) a reference in this Act to a provisional liquidator, or to the

provisional liquidator, of a company is, in the case of the

first-mentioned company, a reference to whichever one or

more of those provisional liquidators the case requires.

530A Officers to help liquidator

(1) As soon as practicable after the Court orders that a company be

wound up or appoints a provisional liquidator of a company, or a

company resolves that it be wound up, each officer of the company


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Liquidators Division 3

Section 530A

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(a) deliver to the liquidator appointed for the purposes of the

winding up, or to the provisional liquidator, as the case may

be, all books in the officer’s possession that relate to the

company, other than books possession of which the officer is

entitled, as against the company and the liquidator or

provisional liquidator, to retain; and

(b) if the officer knows where other books relating to the

company are—tell the liquidator or provisional liquidator

where those books are.

(2) Where a company is being wound up, or a provisional liquidator of

a company is acting, an officer of the company must:

(a) attend on the liquidator or provisional liquidator at such

times; and

(b) give the liquidator or provisional liquidator such information

about the company’s business, property, affairs and financial

circumstances; and

(c) attend such meetings of the company’s creditors or members;

as the liquidator or provisional liquidator reasonably requires.

(3) An officer of a company that is being wound up must do whatever

the liquidator reasonably requires the officer to do to help in the

winding up.

(4) An officer of a company must do whatever a provisional liquidator

of the company reasonably requires the officer to do to help in the

performance or exercise of any of the provisional liquidator’s

functions and powers.

(5) The liquidator or provisional liquidator of a company may require

an officer of the company:

(a) to tell the liquidator the officer’s residential address and work

or business address; or

(b) to keep the liquidator informed of any change in either of

those addresses that happens during the winding up.

(6) A person must not fail to comply with subsection (1), (2), (3) or

(4), or with a requirement under subsection (5).

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Division 3 Liquidators

Section 530B

472 Corporations Act 2001

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(6A) An offence based on subsection (6) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(6B) Subsection (6) does not apply to the extent that the person has a

reasonable excuse.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in

subsection (6B), see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

(7) For the purposes of this section, officer includes a former officer.

(9) Nothing in this section limits the generality of anything else in it.

530B Liquidator’s rights to company’s books

(1) A person is not entitled, as against the liquidator of a company:

(a) to retain possession of books of the company; or

(b) to claim or enforce a lien on such books;

but such a lien is not otherwise prejudiced.

(2) Paragraph (1)(a) does not apply in relation to books of which a

secured creditor of the company is entitled to possession otherwise

than because of a lien, but the liquidator is entitled to inspect, and

make copies of, such books at any reasonable time.

(3) A person must not engage in conduct that results in the hindering

or obstruction of a liquidator of a company in obtaining possession

of books of the company.

(3A) Subsection (3) does not apply if the person is entitled, as against

the company and the liquidator, to retain possession of the books.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in

subsection (3A), see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

(4) The liquidator of a company may give to a person a written notice

requiring the person to deliver to the liquidator, as specified in the

notice, books so specified that are in the person’s possession.

(5) A notice under subsection (4) must specify a period of at least 3

days as the period within which the notice must be complied with.

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Liquidators Division 3

Section 530C

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(6) A person must comply with a notice under subsection (4).

(6A) Subsection (6) does not apply to the extent that the person is

entitled, as against the company and the liquidator, to retain

possession of the books.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in

subsection (6A), see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

(6B) An offence based on subsection (6) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(7) In this section:

liquidator includes a provisional liquidator.

530C Warrant to search for, and seize, company’s property or


(1) The Court may issue a warrant under subsection (2) if:

(a) a company is being wound up or a provisional liquidator of a

company is acting; and

(b) on application by the liquidator or provisional liquidator, as

the case may be, or by ASIC, the Court is satisfied that a


(i) has concealed or removed property of the company with

the result that the taking of the property into the custody

or control of the liquidator or provisional liquidator will

be prevented or delayed; or

(ii) has concealed, destroyed or removed books of the

company or is about to do so.

(2) The warrant may authorise a specified person, with such help as is

reasonably necessary:

(a) to search for and seize property or books of the company in

the possession of the person referred to in subsection (1); and

(b) to deliver, as specified in the warrant, property or books

seized under it.

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Division 3 Liquidators

Section 532

474 Corporations Act 2001

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(3) In order to seize property or books under the warrant, the specified

person may break open a building, room or receptacle where the

property is or the books are, or where the person reasonably

believes the property or books to be.

(4) A person who has custody of property or a book because of the

execution of the warrant must retain it until the Court makes an

order for its disposal.

532 Disqualification of liquidator

(1A) In this section:

liquidator includes a provisional liquidator.

(1) Subject to this section, a person must not consent to be appointed,

and must not act, as liquidator of a company unless he or she is a

registered liquidator.

(2) Subject to this section, a person must not, except with the leave of

the Court, seek to be appointed, or act, as liquidator of a company:

(a) if the person, or a body corporate in which the person has a

substantial holding, is indebted in an amount exceeding

$5,000 to the company or a body corporate related to the

company; or

(b) if the person is, otherwise than in his or her capacity as

liquidator, a creditor of the company or of a related body

corporate in an amount exceeding $5,000; or

(c) if:

(i) the person is an officer or employee of the company

(otherwise than by reason of being a liquidator of the

company or of a related body corporate); or

(ii) the person is an officer or employee of any body

corporate that is a secured party in relation to property

of the company; or

(iii) the person is an auditor of the company; or

(iv) the person is a partner or employee of an auditor of the

company; or

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Liquidators Division 3

Section 532

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(v) the person is a partner, employer or employee of an

officer of the company; or

(vi) the person is a partner or employee of an employee of

an officer of the company.

(3) For the purposes of paragraph (2)(a), disregard a debt owed by a

natural person to a body corporate if:

(a) the body corporate is:

(i) an Australian ADI; or

(ii) a body corporate registered under section 21 of the Life

Insurance Act 1995; and

(b) the debt arose because of a loan that the body corporate or

entity made to the person in the ordinary course of its

ordinary business; and

(c) the person used the amount of the loan to pay the whole or

part of the purchase price of premises that the person uses as

their principal place of residence.

(4) Subsection (1) and paragraph (2)(c) do not apply to a members’

voluntary winding up of a proprietary company.

(5) Paragraph (2)(c) does not apply to a creditors’ voluntary winding

up if, by a resolution of the creditors passed at a meeting of the

creditors of which 7 days notice has been given to every creditor

stating the purpose of the meeting, it is determined that that

paragraph does not so apply.

(6) For the purposes of subsection (2), a person is taken to be an

officer, employee or auditor of a company if:

(a) the person is an officer, employee or auditor of a related body

corporate; or

(b) except where ASIC, if it thinks fit in the circumstances of the

case, directs that this paragraph does not apply in relation to

the person—the person has, at any time within the

immediately preceding period of 2 years, been an officer,

employee, auditor or promoter of the company or of a related

body corporate.

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Part 5.6 Winding up generally

Division 3 Liquidators

Section 533

476 Corporations Act 2001

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(8) A person must not consent to be appointed, and must not act, as

liquidator of a company that is being wound up by order of the

Court if the person is not entitled to act as such a liquidator in

accordance with the current conditions (if any) imposed on the


(9) A person must not be appointed as liquidator of a company unless

the person has, before his or her appointment, consented in writing

to act as liquidator of the company.

(10) An offence based on subsection (1), (2), (8) or (9) is an offence of

strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

533 Reports by liquidator

(1) If it appears to the liquidator of a company, in the course of a

winding up of the company, that:

(a) a past or present officer or employee, or a member or

contributory, of the company may have been guilty of an

offence under a law of the Commonwealth or a State or

Territory in relation to the company; or

(b) a person who has taken part in the formation, promotion,

administration, management or winding up of the company:

(i) may have misapplied or retained, or may have become

liable or accountable for, any money or property of the

company; or

(ii) may have been guilty of any negligence, default, breach

of duty or breach of trust in relation to the company; or

(c) the company may be unable to pay its unsecured creditors

more than 50 cents in the dollar;

the liquidator must:

(d) as soon as practicable, and in any event within 6 months,

after it so appears to him or her, lodge a report with respect to

the matter and state in the report whether he or she proposes

to make an application for an examination or order under

section 597; and

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Winding up generally Part 5.6

Liquidators Division 3

Section 534

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(e) give ASIC such information, and give to it such access to and

facilities for inspecting and taking copies of any documents,

as ASIC requires.

(2) The liquidator may also, if he or she thinks fit, lodge further reports

specifying any other matter that, in his or her opinion, it is

desirable to bring to the notice of ASIC.

(3) If it appears to the Court, in the course of winding up a company:

(a) that a past or present officer or employee, or a contributory or

member, of the company has been guilty of an offence under

a law referred to in paragraph (1)(a) in relation to the

company; or

(b) that a person who has taken part in the formation, promotion,

administration, management or winding up of the company

has engaged in conduct referred to in paragraph (1)(b) in

relation to the company;

and that the liquidator has not lodged with ASIC a report with

respect to the matter, the Court may, on the application of a person

interested in the winding up, direct the liquidator so to lodge such a


534 Prosecution by liquidator of delinquent officers and members

(1) Where:

(a) a report has been lodged under section 533; and

(b) it appears to ASIC that the matter is not one in respect of

which a prosecution ought to be begun;

it must inform the liquidator accordingly, and the liquidator may

begin a prosecution for any offence referred to in the report.

(2) ASIC may direct that the whole or a specified part of the costs and

expenses properly incurred by a liquidator in proceedings under

this section must be paid out of money of ASIC.

(3) Subject to a direction under subsection (2), to any security interests

in the property of the company and to any debts to which this Act

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Division 3 Liquidators

Section 535

478 Corporations Act 2001

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gives priority, all such costs and expenses are payable out of that

property as part of the costs of the winding up.

535 When liquidator has qualified privilege

(1) A liquidator has qualified privilege in respect of a statement that he

or she makes, whether orally or in writing, in the course of his or

her duties as liquidator.

(2) In this section:

liquidator includes a provisional liquidator.

537 Notice of appointment and address of liquidator

(1A) In this section:

liquidator includes a provisional liquidator.

(1) A liquidator must, within 14 days after his or her appointment,

lodge notice in the prescribed form of his or her appointment and

of the address of his or her office and, in the event of any change in

the situation of his or her office, must, within 14 days after the

change, lodge notice in the prescribed form of the change.

(2) A liquidator must, within 14 days after his or her resignation or

removal from office, lodge notice of the resignation or removal in

the prescribed form.

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General Division 4

Section 541

Corporations Act 2001 479

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Division 4—General

541 Notification that company is in liquidation

(1) A company that is being wound up must set out, in every public

document, and in every negotiable instrument, of the company,

after the name of the company where it first appears, the

expression in liquidation.

(2) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

543 Investment of surplus funds on general account

(1) Whenever the cash balance standing to the credit of a company that

is in the course of being wound up is in excess of the amount that,

in the opinion of the committee of inspection, or, if there is no

committee of inspection, of the liquidator, is required for the time

being to answer demands in respect of the property of the

company, the liquidator, if so directed in writing by the committee

of inspection, or, if there is not committee of inspection, the

liquidator himself or herself, may, unless the Court on application

by any creditor thinks fit to order otherwise and so orders, invest

the sum or any part of the sum:

(a) in any manner in which trustees are for the time being

authorised by law to invest trust funds; or

(b) on deposit with an eligible money market dealer; or

(c) on deposit at interest with any bank;

and any interest received in respect of that money so invested

forms part of the property of the company.

(2) Whenever any part of the money so invested is, in the opinion of

the committee of inspection, or, if there is no committee of

inspection, of the liquidator, required to answer any demands in

respect of the property of the company, the committee of

inspection may direct, or, if there is no committee of inspection,

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Part 5.6 Winding up generally

Division 4 General

Section 544

480 Corporations Act 2001

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the liquidator may arrange for, the sale or realisation of such part

of the securities as is necessary.

544 Unclaimed money to be paid to ASIC

(1) Where a liquidator of a company has in his or her hands or under

his or her control:

(a) any amount being a dividend or other money that has

remained unclaimed for more than 6 months after the day

when the dividend or other money became payable; or

(b) after making a final distribution, any unclaimed or

undistributed amount of money arising from the property of

the company;

he or she must forthwith pay that money to ASIC to be dealt with

under Part 9.7.

(1A) If a liquidator has, or has control of, the money of a company that

has no members, the liquidator must pay it to ASIC as soon as

practicable for it to be dealt with under Part 9.7.

(2) The Court may at any time, on the application of ASIC:

(a) order a liquidator of a company to submit to it an account,

verified by affidavit, of any unclaimed or undistributed

funds, dividends or other money in his or her hands or under

his or her control; and

(b) direct an audit of accounts submitted to it in accordance with

paragraph (a); and

(c) direct a liquidator of a company to pay any money referred to

in paragraph (a) to ASIC to be dealt with under Part 9.7.

(3) Where a liquidator of a company pays money to ASIC pursuant to

subsection (1) or (1A) or an order of the Court made under

paragraph (2)(c), the liquidator is entitled to a receipt for the

money so paid and the giving of that receipt discharges the

liquidator from any liability in respect of the money.

(4) For the purposes of this section the Court may exercise all the

powers conferred by this Act with respect to the discovery and

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General Division 4

Section 545

Corporations Act 2001 481

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realisation of the property of a company and the provisions of this

Act with respect to the exercise of those powers apply, with such

adaptations as are prescribed, to proceedings under this section.

(5) The provisions of this section do not, except as expressly declared

in this Act, deprive a person of any other right or remedy to which

the person is entitled against the liquidator or another person.

545 Expenses of winding up where property insufficient

(1) Subject to this section, a liquidator is not liable to incur any

expense in relation to the winding up of a company unless there is

sufficient available property.

(2) The Court or ASIC may, on the application of a creditor or a

contributory, direct a liquidator to incur a particular expense on

condition that the creditor or contributory indemnifies the

liquidator in respect of the recovery of the amount expended and, if

the Court or ASIC so directs, gives such security to secure the

amount of the indemnity as the Court or ASIC thinks reasonable.

(3) Nothing in this section is taken to relieve a liquidator of any

obligation to lodge a document (including a report) with ASIC

under any provision of this Act by reason only that he or she would

be required to incur expense in order to perform that obligation.

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.6 Winding up generally

Division 6 Proof and ranking of claims

Section 553

482 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 6—Proof and ranking of claims

Subdivision A—Admission to proof of debts and claims

553 Debts or claims that are provable in winding up

(1) Subject to this Division and Division 8, in every winding up, all

debts payable by, and all claims against, the company (present or

future, certain or contingent, ascertained or sounding only in

damages), being debts or claims the circumstances giving rise to

which occurred before the relevant date, are admissible to proof

against the company.

(1A) Even though the circumstances giving rise to a debt payable by the

company, or a claim against the company, occur on or after the

relevant date, the debt or claim is admissible to proof against the

company in the winding up if:

(a) the circumstances occur at a time when the company is under

a deed of company arrangement; and

(b) the company is under the deed immediately before the

resolution or court order that the company be wound up.

This subsection has effect subject to the other sections in this


Note 1: See Division 10 of Part 5.3A (sections 444A-444H) for the provisions

dealing with deeds of company arrangement.

Note 2: See paragraph 513A(d) for deeds that are followed immediately by

court ordered winding up. See paragraphs 513B(c), (d) and (da) for

deeds that are followed immediately by voluntary winding up.

Subsections 446A(2) and 446AA(2) and section 446B provide that

companies are taken in certain circumstances to have passed

resolutions that they be wound up.

Note 3: A debt or claim admissible to proof under subsection (1A) will only

be covered by paragraph 556(1)(a) if the administrator of the deed is

personally liable for the debt or claim (see subsection 556(1AA).

(1B) For the purpose of applying the other sections of this Division to a

debt or claim that is admissible to proof under subsection (1A), the

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Winding up generally Part 5.6

Proof and ranking of claims Division 6

Section 553A

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relevant date for the debt or claim is the date on which the deed


(2) Where, after the relevant date, an order is made under section 91 of

the ASIC Act against a company that is being wound up, the

amount that, pursuant to the order, the company is liable to pay is

admissible to proof against the company.

553A Member cannot prove debt unless contributions paid

A debt owed by a company to a person in the person’s capacity as

a member of the company, whether by way of dividends, profits or

otherwise, is not admissible to proof against the company unless

the person has paid to the company or the liquidator all amounts

that the person is liable to pay as a member of the company.

553AA Selling shareholder cannot prove debt unless documents


The selling shareholder in a share buy-back may claim in a

winding up of the company but is not entitled to a distribution of

money or property unless the shareholder has discharged the

shareholder’s obligations to give documents in connection with the


Note: The selling shareholder’s claim ranks after those of non-member

creditors and before those of other member creditors (see

section 563AA).

553AB Superannuation contribution debts not admissible to proof

Whole of superannuation contribution debt

(1) In a winding up, the liquidator must determine that the whole of a

debt by way of a superannuation contribution is not admissible to

proof against the company if:

(a) a debt by way of superannuation guarantee charge, or by way

of a liability to pay the amount of an estimate under

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Part 5.6 Winding up generally

Division 6 Proof and ranking of claims

Section 553AB

484 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 268 in Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration

Act 1953:

(i) has been paid; or

(ii) is, or is to be, admissible to proof against the company;


(b) the liquidator is satisfied that the superannuation guarantee

charge or estimate liability is attributable to the whole of the

first-mentioned debt.

(2) If the liquidator determines, under subsection (1), that the whole of

a debt is not admissible to proof against the company, the whole of

the debt is extinguished.

Part of superannuation contribution debt

(3) In a winding up, the liquidator must determine that a particular part

of a debt by way of a superannuation contribution is not admissible

to proof against the company if:

(a) a debt by way of superannuation guarantee charge, or by way

of a liability to pay the amount of an estimate under

Division 268 in Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration

Act 1953:

(i) has been paid; or

(ii) is, or is to be, admissible to proof against the company;


(b) the liquidator is satisfied that the superannuation guarantee

charge or estimate liability is attributable to that part of the

first-mentioned debt.

(4) If the liquidator determines, under subsection (3), that a part of a

debt is not admissible to proof against the company, that part of the

debt is extinguished.


(5) In this section:

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Section 553B

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superannuation contribution has the same meaning as in

section 556.

553B Insolvent companies—penalties and fines not generally


(1) Subject to subsection (2), penalties or fines imposed by a court in

respect of an offence against a law are not admissible to proof

against an insolvent company.

(2) An amount payable under a pecuniary penalty order, or an

interstate pecuniary penalty order, within the meaning of the

Proceeds of Crime Act 1987, is admissible to proof against an

insolvent company.

553C Insolvent companies—mutual credit and set-off

(1) Subject to subsection (2), where there have been mutual credits,

mutual debts or other mutual dealings between an insolvent

company that is being wound up and a person who wants to have a

debt or claim admitted against the company:

(a) an account is to be taken of what is due from the one party to

the other in respect of those mutual dealings; and

(b) the sum due from the one party is to be set off against any

sum due from the other party; and

(c) only the balance of the account is admissible to proof against

the company, or is payable to the company, as the case may


(2) A person is not entitled under this section to claim the benefit of a

set-off if, at the time of giving credit to the company, or at the time

of receiving credit from the company, the person had notice of the

fact that the company was insolvent.

553D Debts or claims may be proved formally or informally

(1) A debt or claim must be proved formally if the liquidator, in

accordance with the regulations, requires it to be proved formally.

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Section 553E

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(2) A debt or claim that is not required to be proved formally:

(a) may be proved formally; or

(b) may be proved in some other way, subject to compliance

with the requirements of the regulations (if any) relating to

the informal proof of debts and claims.

(3) A debt or claim is proved formally if it satisfies the requirements of

the regulations relating to the formal proof of debts and claims.

553E Application of Bankruptcy Act to winding up of insolvent


Subject to this Division, in the winding up of an insolvent company

the same rules are to prevail and be observed with regard to debts

provable as are in force for the time being under the Bankruptcy

Act 1966 in relation to the estates of bankrupt persons (except the

rules in sections 82 to 94 (inclusive) and 96 of that Act), and all

persons who in any such case would be entitled to prove for and

receive dividends out of the property of the company may come in

under the winding up and make such claims against the company

as they respectively are entitled to because of this section.

Subdivision B—Computation of debts and claims

554 General rule—compute amount as at relevant date

(1) The amount of a debt or claim of a company (including a debt or

claim that is for or includes interest) is to be computed for the

purposes of the winding up as at the relevant date.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to an amount admissible to proof

under subsection 553(2).

554A Determination of value of debts and claims of uncertain value

(1) This section applies where, in the winding up of a company, the

liquidator admits a debt or claim that, as at the relevant date, did

not bear a certain value.

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Section 554A

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(2) The liquidator must:

(a) make an estimate of the value of the debt or claim as at the

relevant date; or

(b) refer the question of the value of the debt or claim to the


(3) A person who is aggrieved by the liquidator’s estimate of the value

of the debt or claim may, in accordance with the regulations,

appeal to the Court against the liquidator’s estimate.

(4) If:

(a) the liquidator refers the question of the value of the debt or

claim to the Court; or

(b) a person appeals to the Court against the liquidator’s estimate

of the value of the debt or claim;

the Court must:

(c) make an estimate of the value of the debt or claim as at the

relevant date; or

(d) determine a method to be applied by the liquidator in

working out the value of the debt or claim as at the relevant


(5) If the Court determines a method to be applied by the liquidator in

working out the value of the debt or claim, the liquidator must

work out the value of the debt or claim as at the relevant date in

accordance with that method.

(6) If:

(a) the Court has determined a method to be applied by the

liquidator in working out the value of the debt or claim as at

the relevant date; and

(b) a person is aggrieved by the way in which that method has

been applied by the liquidator in working out that value;

the person may, in accordance with the regulations, appeal to the

Court against the way in which the method was applied.

(7) If:

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Section 554B

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(a) a person appeals to the Court against the way in which the

liquidator, in working out the value of the debt or claim,

applied a method determined by the court; and

(b) the Court is satisfied that the liquidator did not correctly

apply that method;

the Court must work out the value of the debt or claim as at the

relevant date in accordance with that method.

(8) For the purposes of this Division, the amount of the debt or claim

that is admissible to proof is the value as estimated or worked out

under this section.

554B Discounting of debts payable after relevant date

The amount of a debt that is admissible to proof but that, as at the

relevant date, was not payable by the company until an ascertained

or ascertainable date (the future date) after the relevant date is the

amount payable on the future date reduced by the amount of the

discount worked out in accordance with the regulations.

554C Conversion into Australian currency of foreign currency debts or claims

(1) This section applies if the amount of a debt or claim admissible to

proof against a company would, apart from this section, be an

amount of foreign currency.

(2) If the company and the creditor or claimant have, in an instrument

created before the relevant date, agreed on a method to be applied

for the purpose of converting the company’s liability in respect of

the debt or claim into Australian currency, the amount of the debt

or claim that is admissible to proof is the equivalent in Australian

currency of the amount of foreign currency, worked out as at the

relevant date and in accordance with the agreed method.

(3) If subsection (2) does not apply, the amount of the debt or claim

that is admissible to proof is the equivalent in Australian currency

of the amount of foreign currency, worked out by reference to the

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Section 554D

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opening carded on demand airmail buying rate in relation to the

foreign currency available at the Commonwealth Bank of Australia

on the relevant date.

Subdivision C—Special provisions relating to secured creditors

of insolvent companies

554D Application of Subdivision

(1) This Subdivision applies in relation to the proof of a secured debt

in the winding up of an insolvent company.

(2) For the purposes of the application of this Subdivision in relation

to a secured debt of an insolvent company that is being wound up,

the amount of the debt is taken to be the amount of the debt as at

the relevant date (as worked out in accordance with Subdivision


554E Proof of debt by secured creditor

(1) In the winding up of an insolvent company, a secured creditor is

not entitled to prove the whole or a part of the secured debt

otherwise than in accordance with this section and with any other

provisions of this Act or the regulations that are applicable to

proving the debt.

(2) The creditor’s proof of debt must be in writing.

(3) If the creditor surrenders the security interest to the liquidator for

the benefit of creditors generally, the creditor may prove for the

whole of the amount of the secured debt.

(4) If the creditor realises the security interest, the creditor may prove

for any balance due after deducting the net amount realised, unless

the liquidator is not satisfied that the realisation has been effected

in good faith and in a proper manner.

(5) If the creditor has not realised or surrendered the security interest,

the creditor may:

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Section 554F

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(a) estimate its value; and

(b) prove for the balance due after deducting the value so


(6) If subsection (5) applies, the proof of debt must include particulars

of the security interest and the creditor’s estimate of its value.

554F Redemption of security interest by liquidator

(1) This section applies where a secured creditor’s proof of debt is in

respect of the balance due after deducting the creditor’s estimate of

the value of the security interest.

(2) The liquidator may, at any time, redeem the security interest on

payment to the creditor of the amount of the creditor’s estimate of

its value.

(3) If the liquidator is dissatisfied with the amount of the creditor’s

estimate of the value of the security interest, the liquidator may

require the property comprised in the security interest to be offered

for sale at such times and on such terms and conditions as are

agreed on by the creditor and the liquidator or, in default of

agreement, as the Court determines.

(4) If the property is offered for sale by public auction, both the

creditor and the liquidator are entitled to bid for, and purchase, the


(5) The creditor may at any time, by notice in writing, require the

liquidator to elect whether to exercise the power to redeem the

security interest or to require it to be sold and, if the liquidator does

not, within 3 months after receiving the notice, notify the creditor,

in writing, that the liquidator elects to exercise the power:

(a) the liquidator is not entitled to exercise it; and

(b) subject to subsection (6), any equity of redemption or other

interest in the property comprised in the security interest that

is vested in the company or the liquidator vests in the

creditor; and

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Section 554G

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(c) the amount of the creditor’s debt is, for the purposes of this

Division, taken to be reduced by the amount of the creditor’s

estimate of the value of the security interest.

(6) The vesting of an equity of redemption or other interest in property

because of paragraph (5)(b) is subject to compliance with any law

requiring the transmission of such interests in property to be


554G Amendment of valuation

(1) If a secured creditor’s proof of debt is in respect of the balance due

after deducting the creditor’s estimate of the value of the security

interest, the creditor may, at any time, apply to the liquidator or the

Court for permission to amend the proof of debt by altering the

estimated value.

(2) If the liquidator or the Court is satisfied:

(a) that the estimate of the value of the security interest was

made in good faith on a mistaken basis; or

(b) that the value of the security interest has changed since the

estimate was made;

the liquidator or the Court may permit the creditor to amend the

proof of debt accordingly.

(3) If the Court permits the creditor to amend the proof of debt, it may

do so on such terms as it thinks just and equitable.

554H Repayment of excess

(1) Where a creditor who has amended a proof of debt under

section 554G has received, in the winding up of the debtor

company, an amount in excess of the amount to which the creditor

would have been entitled under the amended proof of debt, the

creditor must, without delay, repay the amount of the excess to the


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Section 554J

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(2) Where a creditor who has so amended a proof of debt has received,

in the winding up of the debtor company, less than the amount to

which the creditor would have been entitled under the amended

proof of debt, the creditor is entitled to be paid, out of the money

remaining for distribution in the winding up, the amount of the

deficiency before any of that money is applied in the payment of

future distributions, but the creditor is not entitled to affect a

distribution made before the amendment of the proof of debt.

554J Subsequent realisation of security interest


(a) a secured creditor’s proof of debt is in respect of the balance

due after deducting the creditor’s estimate of the value of the

security interest; and

(b) subsequently:

(i) the creditor realises the security interest; or

(ii) the security interest is realised under section 554F;

the net amount realised is to be substituted for the estimated value

of the security interest and section 554H applies as if the proof of

debt had been amended accordingly under section 554G.

Subdivision D—Priorities

555 Debts and claims proved to rank equally except as otherwise


Except as otherwise provided by this Act, all debts and claims

proved in a winding up rank equally and, if the property of the

company is insufficient to meet them in full, they must be paid


556 Priority payments

(1) Subject to this Division, in the winding up of a company the

following debts and claims must be paid in priority to all other

unsecured debts and claims:

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Section 556

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(a) first, expenses (except deferred expenses) properly incurred

by a relevant authority in preserving, realising or getting in

property of the company, or in carrying on the company’s


(b) if the Court ordered the winding up—next, the costs in

respect of the application for the order (including the

applicant’s taxed costs payable under section 466);

(ba) if:

(i) during the period of 12 months ending when the

winding up commenced, an application (the first

application) was made under section 459P for the

company to be wound up in insolvency; and

(ii) when the first application was made, the company was

not under administration; and

(iii) the company began to be under administration at a time

after the first application was made; and

(iv) the first application was not withdrawn or dismissed

before the administration began; and

(v) the Court did not, in response to the first application,

make an order under section 459A that the company be

wound up in insolvency;

next, the costs in respect of the first application;

(c) next, the debts for which paragraph 443D(a) or (aa) entitles

an administrator of the company to be indemnified (even if

the administration ended before the relevant date), except

expenses covered by paragraph (a) of this subsection and

deferred expenses;

(da) if the Court ordered the winding up—next, costs and

expenses that are payable under subsection 475(8) out of the

company’s property;

(daa) if the company resolved by special resolution that it be

wound up voluntarily—next, costs and expenses that are

payable under subsection 446C(8) out of the company’s


(db) next, costs that form part of the expenses of the winding up

because of subsection 539(6), or subsection 70-15(5) (audit

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Section 556

494 Corporations Act 2001

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of administration books by ASIC) or section 90-27 (review

by another registered liquidator) of Schedule 2;

(dd) next, any other expenses (except deferred expenses) properly

incurred by a relevant authority;

(de) next, the deferred expenses;

(df) if a committee of inspection has been appointed for the

purposes of the winding up—next, expenses incurred by a

person as a member of the committee;

(e) subject to subsection (1A)—next:

(i) wages, superannuation contributions and

superannuation guarantee charge payable by the

company in respect of services rendered to the company

by employees before the relevant date; or

(ii) liabilities to pay the amounts of estimates under

Division 268 in Schedule 1 to the Taxation

Administration Act 1953 of superannuation guarantee

charge mentioned in subparagraph (i);

(f) next, amounts due in respect of injury compensation, being

compensation the liability for which arose before the relevant


(g) subject to subsection (1B)—next, all amounts due:

(i) on or before the relevant date; and

(ii) because of an industrial instrument; and

(iii) to, or in respect of, employees of the company; and

(iv) in respect of leave of absence;

(h) subject to subsection (1C)—next, retrenchment payments

payable to employees of the company.

(1AA) Paragraph (1)(a) does not apply to expenses:

(a) incurred by the administrator of a deed of company

arrangement; and

(b) relating to a debt or claim admissible to proof under

subsection 553(1A);

unless the administrator is personally liable for the expenses.

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Section 556

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Superannuation guarantee charge

(1A) The amount or total paid under paragraph (1)(e) to, or in respect of,

an excluded employee of the company must be such that so much

(if any) of it as is attributable to non-priority days does not exceed


(1AB) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(e), if:

(a) the company has a superannuation guarantee shortfall for a

quarter; and

(b) the shortfall relates to one or more employees; and

(c) the quarter ends before the relevant date;

superannuation guarantee charge in respect of the quarter is taken

to be payable by the company in respect of services rendered to the

company by those employees before the relevant date.

(1AC) If:

(a) the company has a superannuation guarantee shortfall for a

quarter; and

(b) the shortfall relates to one or more employees; and

(c) the relevant date occurs during the quarter; and

(d) the relevant date is not the first day of the quarter;


(e) for the purposes of paragraph (1)(e), so much of the

superannuation guarantee charge in respect of the quarter as

is attributable to the period before the relevant date is taken

to be payable by the company in respect of services rendered

to the company by those employees before the relevant date;


(f) the remainder of the superannuation guarantee charge in

respect of the quarter is taken:

(i) to be an expense referred to in paragraph (1)(a); and

(ii) not to be an amount of superannuation guarantee charge

referred in paragraph (1)(e).

(1AD) If:

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Section 556

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(a) the company has a superannuation guarantee shortfall for a

quarter; and

(b) the shortfall relates to one or more employees; and

(c) the relevant date is the first day of the quarter;

the superannuation guarantee charge in respect of the quarter is


(d) to be an expense referred to in paragraph (1)(a); and

(e) not to be an amount of superannuation guarantee charge

referred in paragraph (1)(e).

(1AE) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(e), if:

(a) the company has a superannuation guarantee shortfall for a

quarter; and

(b) the shortfall relates to one or more employees; and

(c) the quarter begins after the relevant date; and

(d) one or more payments were made by the company during the

quarter on account of wages payable to those employees in

respect of services rendered to the company by those

employees before the relevant date; and

(e) those payments were made as a result of an advance of

money by a person after the relevant date for the purpose of

making those payments;


(f) for the purposes of paragraph (1)(e), so much of the

superannuation guarantee charge in respect of the quarter as

is attributable to those payments is taken to be payable by the

company in respect of services rendered to the company by

those employees before the relevant date; and

(g) the remainder of the superannuation guarantee charge in

respect of the quarter is taken:

(i) to be an expense referred to in paragraph (1)(a); and

(ii) not to be an amount of superannuation guarantee charge

referred in paragraph (1)(e).

(1AF) If:

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Section 556

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(a) the company has a superannuation guarantee shortfall for a

quarter; and

(b) the shortfall relates to one or more employees; and

(c) the relevant date occurs during the quarter; and

(d) one or more payments were made by the company during the

quarter on account of wages payable to those employees in

respect of services rendered to the company by those

employees before the relevant date; and

(e) those payments were made as a result of an advance of

money by a person after the relevant date for the purpose of

making those payments;


(f) for the purposes of paragraph (1)(e), so much of the

superannuation guarantee charge in respect of the quarter as

is attributable to either or both of the following:

(i) those payments;

(ii) the period before the relevant date;

is taken to be payable by the company in respect of services

rendered to the company by those employees before the

relevant date; and

(g) the remainder of the superannuation guarantee charge in

respect of the quarter is taken:

(i) to be an expense referred to in paragraph (1)(a); and

(ii) not to be an amount of superannuation guarantee charge

referred in paragraph (1)(e); and

(h) subsections (1AC) and (1AD) do not apply to the

superannuation guarantee charge in respect of the quarter.

(1AG) Subsections (1AC) to (1AF) apply to a liability to pay the amount

of an estimate of superannuation guarantee charge for a quarter in

the same way as they apply to superannuation guarantee charge

payable for the quarter.

Leave amounts

(1B) The amount or total paid under paragraph (1)(g) to, or in respect of,

an excluded employee of the company must be such that so much

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Section 556

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(if any) of it as is attributable to non-priority days does not exceed


Retrenchment payments

(1C) A payment under paragraph (1)(h) to an excluded employee of the

company must not include an amount attributable to non-priority



(2) In this section:

company means a company that is being wound up.

deferred expenses, in relation to a company, means expenses

properly incurred by a relevant authority, in so far as they consist


(a) remuneration, or fees for services, payable to the relevant

authority; or

(b) expenses incurred by the relevant authority in respect of the

supply of services to the relevant authority by:

(i) a partnership of which the relevant authority is a

member; or

(ii) an employee of the relevant authority; or

(iii) a member or employee of such a partnership; or

(c) expenses incurred by the relevant authority in respect of the

supply to the relevant authority of services that it is

reasonable to expect could have instead been supplied by:

(i) the relevant authority; or

(ii) a partnership of which the relevant authority is a

member; or

(iii) an employee of the relevant authority; or

(iv) a member or employee of such a partnership.

employee, in relation to a company, means a person:

(a) who has been or is an employee of the company, whether

remunerated by salary, wages, commission or otherwise; and

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Section 556

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(b) whose employment by the company commenced before the

relevant date.

excluded employee, in relation to a company, means:

(a) an employee of the company who has been:

(i) at any time during the period of 12 months ending on

the relevant date; or

(ii) at any time since the relevant date;

or who is, a director of the company;

(b) an employee of the company who has been:

(i) at any time during the period of 12 months ending on

the relevant date; or

(ii) at any time since the relevant date;

or who is, the spouse of an employee of the kind referred to

in paragraph (a); or

(c) an employee of the company who is a relative (other than a

spouse) of an employee of the kind referred to in

paragraph (a).

non-priority day, in relation to an excluded employee of a

company, means a day on which the employee was:

(a) if paragraph (a) of the definition of excluded employee

applies—a director of the company; or

(b) if paragraph (b) of that definition applies—a spouse of an

employee of the kind referred to in paragraph (a) of that

definition; or

(c) if paragraph (c) of that definition applies—a relative (other

than a spouse) of an employee of the kind referred to in

paragraph (a) of that definition;

even if the day was more than 12 months before the relevant date.

quarter has the same meaning as in the Superannuation Guarantee

(Administration) Act 1992.

relevant authority, in relation to a company, means any of the


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Section 558

500 Corporations Act 2001

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(a) in any case—a liquidator or provisional liquidator of the


(c) in any case—an administrator of the company, even if the

administration ended before the winding up began;

(d) in any case—an administrator of a deed of company

arrangement executed by the company, even if the deed

terminated before the winding up began.

retrenchment payment, in relation to an employee of a company,

means an amount payable by the company to the employee, by

virtue of an industrial instrument, in respect of the termination of

the employee’s employment by the company, whether the amount

becomes payable before, on or after the relevant date.

superannuation contribution, in relation to a company, means a

contribution by the company to a fund or scheme for the purposes

of making provision for, or obtaining, superannuation benefits

(including defined benefits) for an employee of the company, or

for dependants of such an employee.

558 Debts due to employees

(1) Where a contract of employment with a company being wound up

was subsisting immediately before the relevant date, the employee

under the contract is, whether or not he or she is a person referred

to in subsection (2), entitled to payment under section 556 as if his

or her services with the company had been terminated by the

company on the relevant date.

(2) Where, for the purposes of the winding up of a company, a

liquidator employs a person whose services with the company had

been terminated by reason of the winding up, that person is, for the

purpose of calculating any entitlement to payment for leave of

absence, or any entitlement to a retrenchment amount in respect of

employment, taken, while the liquidator employs him or her for

those purposes, to be employed by the company.

(3) Subject to subsection (4), where, after the relevant date, an amount

in respect of long service leave or extended leave, or a

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Section 559

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retrenchment amount, becomes payable to a person referred to in

subsection (2) in respect of the employment so referred to, the

amount is a cost of the winding up.

(4) Where, at the relevant date, the length of qualifying service of a

person employed by a company that is being wound up is

insufficient to entitle him or her to any amount in respect of long

service leave or extended leave, or to any retrenchment amount in

respect of employment by the company, but, by the operation of

subsection (2) he or she becomes entitled to such an amount after

that date, that amount:

(a) is a cost of the winding up to the extent of an amount that

bears to that amount the same proportion as the length of his

or her qualifying service after that relevant date bears to the

total length of his or her qualifying service; and

(b) is, to the extent of the balance of that amount, taken, for the

purposes of section 556, to be an amount referred to in

paragraph 556(1)(g), or a retrenchment payment payable to

the person, as the case may be.

(5) In this section, retrenchment amount, in relation to employment of

a person, means an amount payable to the person, by virtue of an

industrial instrument, in respect of termination of the employment.

559 Debts of a class to rank equally

The debts of a class referred to in each of the paragraphs of

subsection 556(1) rank equally between themselves and must be

paid in full, unless the property of the company is insufficient to

meet them, in which case they must be paid proportionately.

560 Advances for company to make priority payments in relation to



(a) a payment has been made by a company:

(i) on account of wages; or

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Section 561

502 Corporations Act 2001

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(ii) on account of superannuation contributions (within the

meaning of section 556); or

(iii) in respect of leave of absence, or termination of

employment, under an industrial instrument; and

(b) the payment was made as a result of an advance of money by

a person (whether before, on or after the relevant date) for the

purpose of making the payment;


(c) the person by whom the money was advanced has the same

rights under this Chapter as a creditor of the company; and

(d) subject to paragraph (e), the person by whom the money was

advanced has, in the winding up of the company, the same

right of priority of payment in respect of the money so

advanced and paid as the person who received the payment

would have had if the payment had not been made; and

(e) the right of priority conferred by paragraph (d) is not to

exceed the amount by which the sum in respect of which the

person who received the payment would have been entitled

to priority in the winding up has been diminished by reason

of the payment.

561 Priority of employees’ claims over circulating security interests

So far as the property of a company available for payment of

creditors other than secured creditors is insufficient to meet

payment of:

(a) any debt referred to in paragraph 556(1)(e), (g) or (h); and

(b) any amount that pursuant to subsection 558(3) or (4) is a cost

of the winding up, being an amount that, if it had been

payable on or before the relevant date, would have been a

debt referred to in paragraph 556(1)(e), (g) or (h); and

(c) any amount in respect of which a right of priority is given by

section 560;

payment of that debt or amount must be made in priority over the

claims of a secured party in relation to a circulating security

interest created by the company and may be made accordingly out

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Section 562

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of any property comprised in or subject to the circulating security


562 Application of proceeds of contracts of insurance

(1) Where a company is, under a contract of insurance (not being a

contract of reinsurance) entered into before the relevant date,

insured against liability to third parties, then, if such a liability is

incurred by the company (whether before or after the relevant date)

and an amount in respect of that liability has been or is received by

the company or the liquidator from the insurer, the amount must,

after deducting any expenses of or incidental to getting in that

amount, be paid by the liquidator to the third party in respect of

whom the liability was incurred to the extent necessary to

discharge that liability, or any part of that liability remaining

undischarged, in priority to all payments in respect of the debts

mentioned in section 556.

(2) If the liability of the insurer to the company is less than the liability

of the company to the third party, subsection (1) does not limit the

rights of the third party in respect of the balance.

(3) This section has effect notwithstanding any agreement to the


562A Application of proceeds of contracts of reinsurance

(1) This section applies where:

(a) a company is insured, under a contract of reinsurance entered

into before the relevant date, against liability to pay amounts

in respect of a relevant contract of insurance or relevant

contracts of insurance; and

(b) an amount in respect of that liability has been or is received

by the company or the liquidator under the contract of


(2) Subject to subsection (4), if the amount received, after deducting

expenses of or incidental to getting in that amount, equals or

exceeds the total of all the amounts that are payable by the

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Section 562A

504 Corporations Act 2001

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company under relevant contracts of insurance, the liquidator must,

out of the amount received and in priority to all payments in

respect of the debts mentioned in section 556, pay the amounts that

are so payable under those contracts of insurance.

(3) Subject to subsection (4), if subsection (2) does not apply, the

liquidator must, out of the amount received and in priority to all

payments in respect of the debts mentioned in section 556, pay to

each person to whom an amount is payable by the company under

a relevant contract of insurance an amount calculated in

accordance with the formula:


particular amount owed means the amount payable to the person

under the relevant contract of insurance.

reinsurance payment means the amount received under the

contract of reinsurance, less any expenses of or incidental to

getting in that amount.

total amount owed means the total of all the amounts payable by

the company under relevant contracts of insurance.

(4) The Court may, on application by a person to whom an amount is

payable under a relevant contract of insurance, make an order to

the effect that subsections (2) and (3) do not apply to the amount

received under the contract of reinsurance and that that amount

must, instead, be applied by the liquidator in the manner specified

in the order, being a manner that the Court considers just and

equitable in the circumstances.

(5) The matters that the Court may take into account in considering

whether to make an order under subsection (4) include, but are not

limited to:

(a) whether it is possible to identify particular relevant contracts

of insurance as being the contracts in respect of which the

contract of reinsurance was entered into; and

Particular amount owed Reinsurance payment

Total amount owed 

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Section 563

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(b) whether it is possible to identify persons who can be said to

have paid extra in order to have particular relevant contracts

of insurance protected by reinsurance; and

(c) whether particular relevant contracts of insurance include

statements to the effect that the contracts are to be protected

by reinsurance; and

(d) whether a person to whom an amount is payable under a

relevant contract of insurance would be severely prejudiced if

subsections (2) and (3) applied to the amount received under

the contract of reinsurance.

(6) If receipt of a payment under this section only partially discharges

a liability of the company to a person, nothing in this section

affects the rights of the person in respect of the balance of the


(7) This section has effect despite any agreement to the contrary.

(8) In this section:

relevant contract of insurance means a contract of insurance

entered into by the company, as insurer, before the relevant date.

563 Provisions relating to injury compensation

(1) Notwithstanding anything in section 556, paragraph 556(1)(f) does

not apply in relation to the winding up of a company in any case


(a) the company is being wound up voluntarily merely for the

purpose of reconstruction or of amalgamation with another

company and the right to the injury compensation has, on the

reconstruction or amalgamation, been preserved to the person

entitled to it; or

(b) the company has entered into a contract with an insurer in

respect of any liability for injury compensation.

(2) Where injury compensation is payable by way of periodical

payments, the amount of that compensation is, for the purposes of

paragraph 556(1)(f), taken to be the lump sum for which those

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Section 563AA

506 Corporations Act 2001

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periodical payments could, if redeemable, be redeemed under the

law under which the periodical payments are made.

563AA Seller under a buy-back agreement

(1) The selling shareholder’s claim under a buy-back agreement is

postponed until all debts owed to people otherwise than as

members of the company have been satisfied.

(2) The shareholder’s claim is not a debt owed by the company to the

seller in the shareholder’s capacity as a member of the company

for the purposes of section 563A.

563A Postponing subordinate claims

(1) The payment of a subordinate claim against a company is to be

postponed until all other debts payable by, and claims against, the

company are satisfied.

(2) In this section:

claim means a claim that is admissible to proof against the

company (within the meaning of section 553).

debt means a debt that is admissible to proof against the company

(within the meaning of section 553).

subordinate claim means:

(a) a claim for a debt owed by the company to a person in the

person’s capacity as a member of the company (whether by

way of dividends, profits or otherwise); or

(b) any other claim that arises from buying, holding, selling or

otherwise dealing in shares in the company.

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Section 563AAA

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563AAA Redemption of debentures


(1) Debentures of a company under a trust deed that are issued in place

of debentures under that deed that have been redeemed have the

priority that the redeemed debentures would have had if they had

never been redeemed.

Deposit of debentures to secure advance

(2) Debentures of a company are not to be taken to be redeemed

merely because:

(a) the debentures secure advances on current account or

otherwise; and

(b) the company’s account ceases to be in debit while those

debentures remain available.

Subdivision E—Miscellaneous

563B Interest on debts and claims from relevant date to date of


(1) If, in the winding up of a company, the liquidator pays an amount

in respect of an admitted debt or claim, there is also payable to the

debtor or claimant, as a debt payable in the winding up, interest, at

the prescribed rate, on the amount of the payment in respect of the

period starting on the relevant date and ending on the day on which

the payment is made.

(2) Subject to subsection (3), payment of the interest is to be

postponed until all other debts and claims in the winding up have

been satisfied, other than subordinate claims (within the meaning

of section 563A).

(3) If the admitted debt or claim is a debt to which section 554B

applied, subsection (2) does not apply to postpone payment of so

much of the interest as is attributable to the period starting at the

relevant date and ending on the earlier of:

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Section 563C

508 Corporations Act 2001

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(a) the day on which the payment is made; and

(b) the future date, within the meaning of section 554B.

563C Debt subordination

(1) Nothing in this Division renders a debt subordination by a creditor

of a company unlawful or unenforceable, except so far as the debt

subordination would disadvantage any creditor of the company

who was not a party to, or otherwise concerned in, the debt


(2) In this section:

debt subordination means an agreement or declaration by a

creditor of a company, however expressed, to the effect that, in

specified circumstances:

(a) a specified debt that the company owes the creditor; or

(b) a specified part of such a debt;

will not be repaid until other specified debts that the company

owes are repaid to a specified extent.

564 Power of Court to make orders in favour of certain creditors

Where in any winding up:

(a) property has been recovered under an indemnity for costs of

litigation given by certain creditors, or has been protected or

preserved by the payment of money or the giving of

indemnity by creditors; or

(b) expenses in relation to which a creditor has indemnified a

liquidator have been recovered;

the Court may make such orders, as it deems just with respect to

the distribution of that property and the amount of those expenses

so recovered with a view to giving those creditors an advantage

over others in consideration of the risk assumed by them.

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Effect on certain transactions Division 7

Section 565

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Division 7—Effect on certain transactions

565 Undue preference

(1) A settlement, a conveyance or transfer of property, a charge on

property, a payment made, or an obligation incurred, before

23 June 1993, by a company that, if it had been made or incurred

by a natural person, would, in the event of his or her becoming a

bankrupt, be void as against the trustee in the bankruptcy, is, in the

event of the company being wound up, void as against the


(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), the date that corresponds with

the date of presentation of the petition in bankruptcy in the case of

a natural person is the relation-back day.

(3) For the purposes of this section, the date that corresponds with the

date on which a person becomes a bankrupt is the relation-back


(4) Subject to Part 5.3A, a transfer or assignment by a company of all

its property to trustees for the benefit of all its creditors is void.

566 Effect of floating charge

A floating charge on the undertaking or property of the company

created before 23 June 1993 and within 6 months before the

relation-back day is, unless it is proved that the company

immediately after the creation of the charge was solvent, invalid

except to the amount of any money paid to the company at the time

of or subsequently to the creation of and in consideration for the

charge together with interest on that amount at the rate of 8% per

annum or at such other rate as is prescribed.

567 Liquidator’s right to recover in respect of certain transactions

(1) Where any property, business or undertaking has been acquired by

a company for a cash consideration before 23 June 1993 and within

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Division 7 Effect on certain transactions

Section 567

510 Corporations Act 2001

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4 years before the relation-back day in relation to a winding up of

the company:

(a) from a promoter of the company or a spouse of such a

promoter, or from a relative of such a promoter or spouse; or

(b) from a person who was, at the time of the acquisition, a

director of the company, from a spouse of such a director, or

from a relative of such a person or spouse; or

(c) from a body corporate that was, at the time of the acquisition,

related to the company; or

(d) from a person who was, at the time of the acquisition, a

director of a body corporate that was related to the company,

from a spouse of such a person, or from a relative of such a

person or spouse;

the liquidator may recover from the person or body corporate from

which the property, business or undertaking was acquired any

amount by which the cash consideration for the acquisition

exceeded the value of the property, business or undertaking at the

time of its acquisition.

(2) Where any property, business or undertaking has been sold by a

company for a cash consideration before 23 June 1993 and within

4 years before the relation-back day in relation to a winding up of

the company:

(a) to a promoter of the company or a spouse of such a promoter,

or to a relative of such a promoter or spouse; or

(b) to a person who was, at the time of the sale, a director of the

company, to a spouse of such a director, or to a relative of

such a person or spouse; or

(c) to a body corporate that was, at the time of the sale, related to

the company; or

(d) to a person who was, at the time of the sale, a director of a

body corporate that was related to the company, to a spouse

of such a director, or to a relative of such a person or spouse;

the liquidator may recover from the person or body corporate to

which the property, business or undertaking was sold any amount

by which the value of the property, business or undertaking at the

time of the sale exceeded the cash consideration.

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Effect on certain transactions Division 7

Section 567

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(3) For the purposes of this section, the value of the property, business

or undertaking includes the value of any goodwill, profits or gain

that might have been made from the property, business or


(4) In this section, cash consideration means any consideration

payable otherwise than by the issue of shares in the company.

(5) Where:

(a) a disposition of property is made by a company before

23 June 1993 and within 6 months before the relation-back

day in relation to a winding up of the company; and

(b) the disposition of property confers a preference upon a

creditor of the company; and

(c) the disposition of property has the effect of discharging an

officer of the company from a liability (whether under a

guarantee or otherwise and whether contingent or otherwise);

the liquidator:

(d) in a case to which paragraph (e) does not apply—may

recover from that officer an amount equal to the value of the

relevant property, as the case may be; or

(e) where the liquidator has recovered from the creditor in

respect of the disposition of the relevant property:

(i) an amount equal to part of the value of the relevant

property; or

(ii) part of the relevant property;

may recover from that officer an amount equal to the amount

by which the value of the relevant property exceeds the sum

of any amounts recovered as mentioned in subparagraph (i)

and the amount of the value of any property recovered as

mentioned in subparagraph (ii).

(6) Where:

(a) a liquidator recovers an amount of money from an officer of

a company in respect of a disposition of property to a creditor

as mentioned in subsection (5); and

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Division 7 Effect on certain transactions

Section 567

512 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) the liquidator subsequently recovers from that creditor an

amount equal to the whole or part of the value of the property

disposed of;

the officer may recover from the liquidator an amount equal to the

amount so recovered or the value of the property so recovered.

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Disclaimer of onerous property Division 7A

Section 568

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Division 7A—Disclaimer of onerous property

568 Disclaimer by liquidator; application to Court by party to


(1) Subject to this section, a liquidator of a company may at any time,

on the company’s behalf, by signed writing disclaim property of

the company that consists of:

(a) land burdened with onerous covenants; or

(b) shares; or

(c) property that is unsaleable or is not readily saleable; or

(d) property that may give rise to a liability to pay money or

some other onerous obligation; or

(e) property where it is reasonable to expect that the costs,

charges and expenses that would be incurred in realising the

property would exceed the proceeds of realising the property;


(f) a contract;

whether or not:

(g) except in the case of a contract—the liquidator has tried to

sell the property, has taken possession of it or exercised an

act of ownership in relation to it; or

(h) in the case of a contract—the company or the liquidator has

tried to assign, or has exercised rights in relation to, the

contract or any property to which it relates.

(1AA) This section does not apply to:

(a) an agreement by the company to buy back its own shares; or

(b) PPSA retention of title property that is taken to form part of

the property of the company because of the definition of

property in section 513AA.

Note: The definition of property in section 513AA includes PPSA retention

of title property of the company, if the security interest in the property

has vested in the company in certain situations.

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Division 7A Disclaimer of onerous property

Section 568

514 Corporations Act 2001

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(1A) A liquidator cannot disclaim a contract (other than an unprofitable

contract or a lease of land) except with the leave of the Court.

(1B) On an application for leave under subsection (1A), the Court may:

(a) grant leave subject to such conditions; and

(b) make such orders in connection with matters arising under, or

relating to, the contract;

as the Court considers just and equitable.

(8) Where:

(a) an application in writing has been made to the liquidator by a

person interested in property requiring the liquidator to

decide whether he or she will disclaim the property; and

(b) the liquidator has, for the period of 28 days after the receipt

of the application, or for such extended period as is allowed

by the Court, declined or neglected to disclaim the property;

the liquidator is not entitled to disclaim the property under this

section and, in the case of a contract, he or she is taken to have

adopted it.

(9) The Court may, on the application of a person who is, as against

the company, entitled to the benefit or subject to the burden of a

contract made with the company, make an order:

(a) discharging the contract on such terms as to payment by or to

either party of damages for the non-performance of the

contract, or otherwise, as the Court thinks proper; or

(b) rescinding the contract on such terms as to restitution by or to

either party, or otherwise, as the Court thinks proper.

(10) Amounts payable pursuant to an order under subsection (9) may be

proved as a debt in the winding up.

(13) For the purpose of determining whether property of a company is

of a kind to which subsection (1) applies, the liquidator may, by

notice served on a person claiming to have an interest in the

property, require the person to give to the liquidator within such

period, not being less than 14 days, as is specified in the notice, a

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Disclaimer of onerous property Division 7A

Section 568A

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statement of the interest claimed by the person and the person must

comply with the requirement.

568A Liquidator must give notice of disclaimer

(1) As soon as practicable after disclaiming property, a liquidator


(a) lodge a written notice of the disclaimer; and

(b) give written notice of the disclaimer to each person who

appears to the liquidator to have, or to claim to have, an

interest in the property; and

(c) if the liquidator has reason to suspect that some person or

persons may have, or may claim to have, an interest or

interests in the property, but either does not know who, or

does not know where, the person is or the persons are—

comply with subsection (2); and

(d) if a law of the Commonwealth or of a State or Territory

requires the transfer or transmission of the property to be

registered—give written notice of the disclaimer to the

registrar or other person who has the function under that law

of registering the transfer or transmission of the property.

Note: For electronic notification under paragraph (b), see section 600G.

(2) If paragraph (1)(c) applies, the liquidator must cause a notice

setting out the prescribed information about the disclaimer to be

published in the prescribed manner.

568B Application to set aside disclaimer before it takes effect

(1) A person who has, or claims to have, an interest in disclaimed

property may apply to the Court for an order setting aside the

disclaimer before it takes effect, but may only do so within 14 days


(a) if the liquidator gives to the person notice of the disclaimer,

because of paragraph 568A(1)(b), before the end of 14 days

after the liquidator lodges such notice—the liquidator gives

such notice to the person; or

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Division 7A Disclaimer of onerous property

Section 568C

516 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) if paragraph (a) does not apply but notice of the disclaimer is

published under subsection 568A(2) before the end of the 14

days referred to in that paragraph—the last such notice to be

so published is so published; or

(c) otherwise—the liquidator lodges notice of the disclaimer.

(2) On an application under subsection (1), the Court:

(a) may by order set aside the disclaimer; and

(b) if it does so—may make such further orders as it thinks


(3) However, the Court may set aside a disclaimer under this section

only if satisfied that the disclaimer would cause, to persons who

have, or claim to have, interests in the property, prejudice that is

grossly out of proportion to the prejudice that setting aside the

disclaimer would cause to the company’s creditors.

568C When disclaimer takes effect

(1) A disclaimer takes effect if, and only if:

(a) in a case where only one application under section 568B for

an order setting aside the disclaimer, or each of 2 or more

such applications, is made within the period that that section

prescribes for making the application—the application, or

each of the applications, is unsuccessful; or

(b) no such application is so made.

(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), an application under

section 568B is successful if, and only if, the result of the

application, and all appeals (if any) arising out of the application,

being finally determined or otherwise disposed of is an order

setting aside the disclaimer (whether or not further orders are also


(3) A disclaimer that takes effect because of subsection (1) is taken to

have taken effect on the day after:

(a) if:

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Disclaimer of onerous property Division 7A

Section 568D

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(i) the liquidator gave to a person notice of the disclaimer

because of paragraph 568A(1)(b); or

(ii) notice of the disclaimer was published under

subsection 568A(2);

before the end of 14 days after the liquidator lodged notice of

the disclaimer—the last day when the liquidator so gave such

notice or such notice was so published; or

(b) otherwise—the day when the liquidator lodged notice of the


568D Effect of disclaimer

(1) A disclaimer is taken to have terminated, as from the day on which

it is taken because of subsection 568C(3) to take effect, the

company’s rights, interests, liabilities and property in or in respect

of the disclaimer property, but does not affect any other person’s

rights or liabilities except so far as necessary in order to release the

company and its property from liability.

(2) A person aggrieved by the operation of a disclaimer is taken to be a

creditor of the company to the extent of any loss suffered by the

person because of the disclaimer and may prove such a loss as a

debt in the winding up.

568E Application to set aside disclaimer after it has taken effect

(1) With the leave of the Court, a person who has, or claims to have,

an interest in disclaimed property may apply to the Court for an

order setting aside the disclaimer after it has taken effect.

(2) The Court may give leave only if it is satisfied that it is

unreasonable in all the circumstances to expect the person to have

applied for an order setting aside the disclaimer before it took


(3) The Court may give leave subject to conditions.

(4) On an application under subsection (1), the Court:

(a) may by order set aside the disclaimer; and

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Division 7A Disclaimer of onerous property

Section 568F

518 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) if it does so—may make such further orders as it thinks

appropriate, including orders necessary to put the company,

the liquidator or anyone else in the same position, as nearly

as practicable, as if the disclaimer had never taken effect.

(5) However, the Court may set aside a disclaimer only if satisfied that

the disclaimer has caused, or would cause, to persons who have, or

claim to have, interests in the property, prejudice that is grossly out

of proportion to the prejudice that setting aside the disclaimer (and

making any further orders) would cause to:

(a) the company’s creditors; and

(b) persons who have changed their position in reliance on the

disclaimer taking effect.

568F Court may dispose of disclaimed property

(1) The Court may order that disclaimed property vest in, or be

delivered to:

(a) a person entitled to the property; or

(b) a person in or to whom it seems to the Court appropriate that

the property be vested or delivered; or

(c) a person as trustee for a person of a kind referred to in

paragraph (a) or (b).

(2) The Court may make an order under subsection (1):

(a) on the application of a person who claims an interest in the

property, or is under a liability in respect of the property that

this Act has not discharged; and

(b) after hearing such persons as it thinks appropriate.

(3) Subject to subsection (4), where an order is made under

subsection (1) vesting property, the property vests immediately, for

the purposes of the order, without any conveyance, transfer or


(4) Where:

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Disclaimer of onerous property Division 7A

Section 568F

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(a) a law of the Commonwealth or of a State or Territory

requires the transfer of property vested by an order under

subsection (1) to be registered; and

(b) that law enables the order to be registered;

the property vests in equity because of the order but does not vest

at law until that law has been complied with.

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Part 5.6 Winding up generally

Division 7B Effect on enforcement process against company’s property

Section 569

520 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 7B—Effect on enforcement process against

company’s property

569 Executions, attachments etc. before winding up

(1) Where:

(a) a creditor has issued execution against property of a

company, or instituted proceedings to attach a debt due to a

company or to enforce a charge or a charging order against

property of a company, within 6 months immediately before

the commencement of the winding up; and

(b) the company commences to be wound up;

the creditor must pay to the liquidator an amount equal to the

amount (if any) received by the creditor as a result of the

execution, attachment or enforcement of the charge or the charging

order, less an amount in respect of the costs of the execution,

attachment or enforcement of the charge or the charging order,

being an amount agreed between the creditor and the liquidator or,

if no agreement is reached, an amount equal to the taxed cost of

that execution, attachment or enforcement.

(2) Where the creditor has paid to the liquidator an amount in

accordance with subsection (1), the creditor may prove in the

winding up for the creditor’s debt as an unsecured creditor as if the

execution or attachment or the enforcement of the charge or the

charging order, as the case may be, had not taken place.

(3) Subject to subsections (4) and (5), where a creditor of a company


(a) notice in writing of an application to the Court for the

winding up of the company; or

(b) notice in writing of the convening of a meeting of the

company to consider a resolution that the company be wound

up voluntarily;

it is not competent for the creditor to take any action, or any further

action, as the case may be, to attach a debt due to the company or

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Effect on enforcement process against company’s property Division 7B

Section 570

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to enforce a charge or a charging order against property of the


(4) Subsection (3) does not affect the right of a creditor to take action

or further action if:

(a) in a case to which paragraph (3)(a) applies—the application

has been withdrawn or dismissed; or

(b) in a case to which paragraph (3)(b) applies—the meeting of

the company has refused to pass the resolution.

(5) Subsection (3) does not prevent a creditor from performing a

binding contract for the sale of property entered into before the

creditor received a notice referred to in that subsection.

(6) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Division, a person who

purchases property in good faith:

(a) under a sale by the sheriff in consequence of the issue of

execution against property of a company that, after the sale,

commences to be wound up; or

(b) under a sale in consequence of the enforcement by a creditor

of a charge or a charging order against property of a company

that, after the sale, commences to be wound up;

acquires a good title to it as against the liquidator and the company.

(7) In this section:

charge means a charge created by a law upon registration of a

judgment in a registry.

charging order means a charging order made by a court in respect

of a judgment.

570 Duties of sheriff after receiving notice of application

(1) Subject to this section, where a sheriff:

(a) receives notice in writing of an application to the Court for

the winding up of a company; or

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Division 7B Effect on enforcement process against company’s property

Section 570

522 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) receives notice in writing of the convening of a meeting of a

company to consider a resolution that the company be wound

up voluntarily;

it is not competent for the sheriff to:

(c) take any action to sell property of the company pursuant to

any process of execution issued by or on behalf of a creditor;


(d) pay to the creditor by whom or on whose behalf the process

of execution was issued or to any person on the creditor’s

behalf the proceeds of the sale of property of the company

that has been sold pursuant to such a process or any money

seized, or paid to avoid seizure or sale of property of the

company, under such a process.

(2) Subsection (1) does not affect the power of the sheriff to take any

action or make any payment if:

(a) in a case to which paragraph (1)(a) applies—the application

has been withdrawn or dismissed; or

(b) in a case to which paragraph (1)(b) applies—the meeting of

the company has refused to pass the resolution.

(3) Subject to this section, where the registrar or other appropriate

officer of a court to which proceeds of the sale of property of a

company or other money has been paid by a sheriff pursuant to a

process of execution issued by or on behalf of a creditor of the


(a) receives notice in writing of an application to the Court for

the winding up of the company; or

(b) receives notice in writing of the convening of a meeting of

the company to consider a resolution that the company be

wound up voluntarily;

any of those proceeds or money not paid out of court must not be

paid to the creditor or to any person on behalf of the creditor.

(4) Subsection (3) does not prevent the making of a payment if:

(a) in a case to which paragraph (3)(a) applies—the application

has been withdrawn or dismissed; or

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Effect on enforcement process against company’s property Division 7B

Section 570

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(b) in a case to which paragraph (3)(b) applies—the meeting of

the company has refused to pass the resolution.

(5) Where a company is being wound up, the liquidator may serve

notice in writing of that fact on a sheriff or the registrar or other

appropriate officer of a court.

(6) Upon such a notice being so served:

(a) the sheriff must deliver or pay to the liquidator:

(i) any property of the company in the sheriff’s possession

under a process of execution issued by or on behalf of a

creditor; and

(ii) any proceeds of the sale of property of the company or

other money in the sheriff’s possession, being proceeds

of the sale of property sold, whether before or after the

commencement of the winding up, pursuant to such a

process or money seized, or paid to avoid seizure or sale

of property of the company, whether before or after the

commencement of the winding up, under such a

process; or

(b) the registrar or other officer of the court must pay to the

liquidator any proceeds of the sale of property of the

company or other money in court, being proceeds of sale or

other money paid into court, whether before or after the

commencement of the winding up, by a sheriff pursuant to a

process of execution issued by or on behalf of a creditor;

as the case requires.

(7) Where:

(a) property is, or proceeds of the sale of property or other

money are, required by subsection (6) to be delivered or paid

to a liquidator; or

(b) a sheriff has, pursuant to subsection (1), refrained from

taking action to sell property of a company, being land, and

that company is being wound up under an order made on the

application referred to in that subsection;

the costs of the execution are a first charge on that property or on

those proceeds of sale or other money.

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Division 7B Effect on enforcement process against company’s property

Section 570

524 Corporations Act 2001

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(8) For the purpose of giving effect to the charge referred to in

subsection (7), the sheriff, registrar or other officer may retain, on

behalf of the creditor entitled to the benefit of the charge, such

amount from the proceeds of sale or other money referred to in that

subsection as he or she thinks necessary for the purpose.

(9) The Court may, if in a particular case it considers it is proper to do


(a) permit a sheriff to take action to sell property or make a

payment that the sheriff could not, by reason of

subsection (1), otherwise validly take; or

(b) permit the making of a payment the making of which would,

by reason of subsection (3), otherwise be prohibited.

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Pooling Division 8

Section 571

Corporations Act 2001 525

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Division 8—Pooling

Subdivision A—Pooling determinations

571 Pooling determination

Making of pooling determination

(1) If the following conditions are satisfied in relation to a group of 2

or more companies:

(a) each company in the group is being wound up;

(b) any of the following subparagraphs applies:

(i) each company in the group is a related body corporate

of each other company in the group;

(ii) apart from this section, the companies in the group are

jointly liable for one or more debts or claims;

(iii) the companies in the group jointly own or operate

particular property that is or was used, or for use, in

connection with a business, a scheme, or an

undertaking, carried on jointly by the companies in the


(iv) one or more companies in the group own particular

property that is or was used, or for use, by any or all of

the companies in the group in connection with a

business, a scheme, or an undertaking, carried on jointly

by the companies in the group;

the liquidator or liquidators of the companies may, by writing:

(c) determine that the group is a pooled group for the purposes

of this section; and

(d) if the liquidator or liquidators consider that it is just and

equitable, as between the various creditors of the companies

in the group, to do so—determine that any or all of the

following provisions:

(i) subsection (2);

(ii) subsection (3);

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Division 8 Pooling

Section 571

526 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(iii) subsection (4);

(iv) subsection (5);

(v) subsection (6);

(vi) subsection (7);

are modified, as set out in the determination, in their

application to the companies in the group.

Note 1: Section 9 provides that pooling determination means a determination

under subsection (1) of this section.

Note 2: A pooling determination comes into force when it is approved by the

eligible unsecured creditors of each of the companies in the group—

see section 578.

Consequences of pooling determination

(2) If a determination under paragraph (1)(c) comes into force in

relation to a group of 2 or more companies:

(a) each company in the group is taken to be jointly and

severally liable for each debt payable by, and each claim

against, each other company in the group; and

(b) each debt payable by a company or companies in the group

to any other company or companies in the group is

extinguished; and

(c) each claim that a company or companies in the group has

against any other company or companies in the group is


(3) Subsection (2) applies to a debt or claim:

(a) whether present or future; and

(b) whether certain or contingent; and

(c) whether ascertained or sounding only in damages.

(4) Subsection (2) does not apply to a debt payable by, or a claim

against, a company in the group unless the debt or claim is

admissible to proof against the company.

(5) If a determination under paragraph (1)(c) comes into force in

relation to a group of 2 or more companies, the order of priority

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Pooling Division 8

Section 571

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applicable under sections 556, 560 and 561 is not altered for a

company in the group.

(6) If:

(a) a determination under paragraph (1)(c) comes into force in

relation to a group of 2 or more companies; and

(b) a secured creditor of a company in the group surrenders the

relevant security interest to the liquidator of the company for

the benefit of creditors of the companies in the group


the debt may be recovered as a debt that is jointly and severally

payable by the companies in the group.

(7) If:

(a) a determination under paragraph (1)(c) comes into force in

relation to a group of 2 or more companies; and

(b) a secured creditor of a company in the group realises the

security interest;

so much of the debt as remains after deducting the net amount

realised may be recovered as a debt that is jointly and severally

payable by the companies in the group.

(8) The following provisions have effect subject to any modifications

under paragraph (1)(d):

(a) subsection (2);

(b) subsection (3);

(c) subsection (4);

(d) subsection (5);

(e) subsection (6);

(f) subsection (7).

(9) Subsection (2) does not apply in relation to a secured creditor

unless the relevant debt is payable by a company or companies in

the group to any other company or companies in the group.

(10) If:

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Division 8 Pooling

Section 572

528 Corporations Act 2001

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(a) a pooling determination comes into force in relation to a

group of 2 or more companies; and

(b) there are one or more eligible employee creditors of a

company in the group;

those eligible employee creditors are entitled to a priority at least

equal to what they would have been entitled if the determination

had not been made.

Section 477 not limited

(11) This section does not limit section 477.

572 Variation of pooling determination

If a pooling determination is in force in relation to a group of 2 or

more companies, the liquidator or liquidators of the companies

may, by writing, vary the determination.

Note: A variation of a pooling determination comes into force when it is

approved by the creditors of the companies in the group—see

section 578.

573 Lodgment of copy of pooling determination etc.

Pooling determination

(1) Within 7 days after a pooling determination comes into force in

relation to a group of 2 or more companies, the liquidator or

liquidators of the companies in the group must lodge a copy of the

determination with ASIC.

Note: A pooling determination comes into force when it is approved by the

eligible unsecured creditors of each of the companies in the group—

see section 578.

Variation of pooling determination

(2) Within 7 days after a variation of a pooling determination comes

into force in relation to a group of 2 or more companies, the

liquidator or liquidators of the companies in the group must lodge a

copy of the variation with ASIC.

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Pooling Division 8

Section 577

Corporations Act 2001 529

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Note: A variation of a pooling determination comes into force when it is

approved by the eligible unsecured creditors of each of the companies

in the group—see section 578.

577 Eligible unsecured creditors may decide to approve the

determination or variation

(1A) Within 5 business days after the liquidator or liquidators of a group

of 2 or more companies:

(a) make a pooling determination in relation to the group; or

(b) vary a pooling determination in force in relation to the group;

the liquidator or liquidators must convene separate meetings of the

eligible unsecured creditors of each of the companies in the group.

Note: For eligible unsecured creditor, see section 579Q.

(1) At a meeting convened under subsection (1A), the eligible

unsecured creditors may resolve to approve the making of the

determination or variation.

(3) If, at a meeting convened under subsection (1A), the eligible

unsecured creditors do not resolve to approve the making of the

determination or variation:

(a) the determination or variation is cancelled at the end of the

meeting; and

(b) if, as at the end of the meeting, a corresponding resolution

has not been considered at another meeting convened under

subsection (1A) of the eligible unsecured creditors of another

company in the group—that other meeting is cancelled.

578 When pooling determination comes into force etc.

Pooling determination

(1) If:

(a) a pooling determination is made in relation to a group of 2 or

more companies; and

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Division 8 Pooling

Section 578

530 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) meetings are convened under subsection 577(1A) of the

eligible unsecured creditors of each company in the group;


(c) at each meeting, the eligible unsecured creditors pass a

resolution, as referred to in section 577, approving the

making of the determination;


(d) if all the resolutions were passed at the same time—the

determination comes into force immediately after the

resolutions were passed; or

(e) if the resolutions were passed at different times—the

determination comes into force immediately after the last of

those times.

Note: For eligible unsecured creditor, see section 579Q.

Variation of pooling determination

(2) If:

(a) a pooling determination is in force in relation to a group of 2

or more companies; and

(b) the pooling determination is varied; and

(c) meetings are convened under subsection 577(1A) of the

eligible unsecured creditors of each company in the group;


(d) at each meeting, the eligible unsecured creditors pass a

resolution, as referred to in section 577, approving the

making of the variation;


(e) if all the resolutions were passed at the same time—the

variation comes into force immediately after the resolutions

were passed; or

(f) if the resolutions were passed at different times—the

variation comes into force immediately after the last of those


Note: For eligible unsecured creditor, see section 579Q.

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Pooling Division 8

Section 579

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579 Duties of liquidator

(1) This section applies if:

(a) the liquidator or liquidators of a group of 2 or more

companies exercise a power conferred by section 571 or

subsection 577(1A); and

(b) the liquidator or liquidators, in the exercise of that power,


(i) with due care; and

(ii) in good faith; and

(iii) for the benefit of the creditors of the companies in the

group, considered as a whole.

(2) The liquidator or liquidators are taken not to be in breach of:

(a) any duty to a company in the group concerned (whether

under section 180, 181, 182, 183 or 184 or otherwise and

whether of a fiduciary nature or not); or

(b) any duty to the creditors of a company in the group

concerned (whether of a fiduciary nature or not);

in connection with the exercise of that power.

579A Court may vary or terminate pooling determination

(1) If a pooling determination is in force in relation to a group of 2 or

more companies, the Court may make an order varying or

terminating the pooling determination if the Court is satisfied that:

(a) information that was about the business, property, affairs or

financial circumstances of a company in the group, and that:

(i) was false or misleading; and

(ii) can reasonably be expected to have been material to

eligible unsecured creditors of a company in the group

in deciding whether to vote in favour of a resolution to

approve the making of the pooling determination;

was given to:

(iii) the liquidator of a company in the group; or

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Part 5.6 Winding up generally

Division 8 Pooling

Section 579A

532 Corporations Act 2001

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(iv) eligible unsecured creditors of a company in the group;


(b) information that was about the business, property, affairs or

financial circumstances of a company in the group, and that:

(i) was false or misleading; and

(ii) can reasonably be expected to have been material to

eligible unsecured creditors of a company in the group

in deciding whether to vote in favour of a resolution to

approve the making of the pooling determination;

was contained in a document that accompanied a notice of

the meeting at which the resolution was passed; or

(c) there was an omission from such a document, and the

omission can reasonably be expected to have been material to

any of those eligible unsecured creditors in deciding whether

to vote in favour of a resolution to approve the making of the

pooling determination; or

(d) effect cannot be given to the pooling determination without

injustice or undue delay; or

(e) the pooling determination would materially disadvantage an

eligible unsecured creditor who is an applicant for the order;


(f) the pooling determination would be oppressive or unfairly

prejudicial to, or unfairly discriminatory against, an applicant

for the order who is an eligible unsecured creditor of a

company in the group; or

(g) the pooling determination would be contrary to the interests

of the creditors of the companies in the group, considered as

a whole; or

(h) in a case where a company in the group is being wound up

under a members’ voluntary winding up:

(i) the pooling determination would materially

disadvantage a member of the company who is an

applicant for the order; or

(ii) the pooling determination would be oppressive or

unfairly prejudicial to, or unfairly discriminatory

against, one or more such members; or

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Pooling Division 8

Section 579B

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(iii) the pooling determination would be contrary to the

interests of the members of the company as a whole; or

(i) the pooling determination should be varied or terminated for

some other reason.

Note: For eligible unsecured creditor, see section 579Q.

(2) An order may only be made on the application of:

(a) a creditor of a company in the group; or

(b) in a case where a company in the group is being wound up

under a members’ voluntary winding up—a member of the

company, so long as the member is not a company in the

group; or

(c) any other interested person.

(3) If the Court makes an order under subsection (1), the applicant for

the order must:

(a) lodge with ASIC a notice setting out the text of the order; and

(b) do so within 2 business days after the making of the order.

The notice must be in the prescribed form.

579B Court may cancel or confirm variation

(1) If:

(a) a pooling determination is in force in relation to a group of 2

or more companies; and

(b) the determination is varied; and

(c) the variation has come into force;

either of the following persons may apply to the Court for an order

cancelling the variation:

(d) a creditor of a company in the group;

(e) in a case where a company in the group is being wound up

under a members’ voluntary winding up—a member of the

company, so long as the member is not a company in the


(2) On an application, the Court:

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Part 5.6 Winding up generally

Division 8 Pooling

Section 579C

534 Corporations Act 2001

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(a) may make an order cancelling the variation, or confirming it,

either wholly or in part, on such conditions (if any) as the

order specifies; and

(b) may make such other orders as it thinks appropriate.

(3) If the Court makes an order under subsection (2), the applicant for

the order must:

(a) lodge with ASIC a notice setting out the text of the order; and

(b) do so within 2 business days after the making of the order.

The notice must be in the prescribed form.

579C When Court may void or validate pooling determination

(1) If there is doubt, on a specific ground, whether a pooling

determination that relates to a group of 2 or more companies:

(a) was made, varied or approved in accordance with this

Division; or

(b) complies with this Division;

any of the following persons may apply to the Court for an order

under this section:

(c) the liquidator of a company in the group;

(d) a creditor of a company in the group;

(e) in a case where a company in the group is being wound up

under a members’ voluntary winding up—a member of the

company, so long as the member is not a company in the


(f) ASIC.

(2) On an application, the Court may make an order declaring the

pooling determination, or a provision of it, to be void or not to be

void, as the case requires, on the ground specified in the

application or some other ground.

(3) On an application, the Court may declare the pooling

determination, or a provision of it, to be valid, despite a

contravention of a provision of this Division, if the Court is

satisfied that:

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Pooling Division 8

Section 579D

Corporations Act 2001 535

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(a) the provision was substantially complied with; and

(b) no injustice will result for anyone affected by the pooling

determination if the contravention is disregarded.

(4) If the Court declares a provision of a pooling determination to be

void, the Court may, by order, vary the pooling determination.

(5) If the Court makes an order under subsection (2), the applicant for

the order must:

(a) lodge with ASIC a notice setting out the text of the order; and

(b) do so within 2 business days after the making of the order.

The notice must be in the prescribed form.

(6) If the Court makes a declaration under subsection (3), the applicant

for the declaration must:

(a) lodge with ASIC a notice setting out the text of the

declaration; and

(b) do so within 2 business days after the making of the


The notice must be in the prescribed form.

(7) If the Court makes an order under subsection (4) on the application

of a person, the applicant for the order must:

(a) lodge with ASIC a notice setting out the text of the order; and

(b) do so within 2 business days after the making of the order.

The notice must be in the prescribed form.

579D Effect of termination or avoidance

The termination or avoidance, in whole or in part, of a pooling

determination does not affect the previous operation of:

(a) the pooling determination; or

(b) this Division in so far as it relates to the pooling


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Division 8 Pooling

Section 579E

536 Corporations Act 2001

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Subdivision B—Pooling orders

579E Pooling orders

Making of pooling order

(1) If it appears to the Court that the following conditions are satisfied

in relation to a group of 2 or more companies:

(a) each company in the group is being wound up;

(b) any of the following subparagraphs applies:

(i) each company in the group is a related body corporate

of each other company in the group;

(ii) apart from this section, the companies in the group are

jointly liable for one or more debts or claims;

(iii) the companies in the group jointly own or operate

particular property that is or was used, or for use, in

connection with a business, a scheme, or an

undertaking, carried on jointly by the companies in the


(iv) one or more companies in the group own particular

property that is or was used, or for use, by any or all of

the companies in the group in connection with a

business, a scheme, or an undertaking, carried on jointly

by the companies in the group;

the Court may, if the Court is satisfied that it is just and equitable

to do so, by order, determine that the group is a pooled group for

the purposes of this section.

Note 1: Section 9 provides that pooling order means an order under

subsection (1) of this section.

Note 2: See also subsection (12) (just and equitable criteria).

Consequences of pooling order

(2) If a pooling order comes into force in relation to a group of 2 or

more companies:

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Pooling Division 8

Section 579E

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(a) each company in the group is taken to be jointly and

severally liable for each debt payable by, and each claim

against, each other company in the group; and

(b) each debt payable by a company or companies in the group

to any other company or companies in the group is

extinguished; and

(c) each claim that a company or companies in the group has

against any other company or companies in the group is


Note: For exemptions, see paragraph 579G(1)(a).

(3) Subsection (2) applies to a debt or claim:

(a) whether present or future; and

(b) whether certain or contingent; and

(c) whether ascertained or sounding only in damages.

(4) Subsection (2) does not apply to a debt payable by, or a claim

against, a company in the group unless the debt or claim is

admissible to proof against the company.

(5) If a pooling order comes into force in relation to a group of 2 or

more companies, the order of priority applicable under

sections 556, 560 and 561 is not altered for a company in the


(6) If:

(a) a pooling order comes into force in relation to a group of 2 or

more companies; and

(b) a secured creditor of a company in the group surrenders the

relevant security interest to the liquidator of the company for

the benefit of creditors of the companies in the group


the debt may be recovered as a debt that is jointly and severally

payable by the companies in the group.

(7) If:

(a) a pooling order comes into force in relation to a group of 2 or

more companies; and

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Division 8 Pooling

Section 579E

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(b) a secured creditor of a company in the group realises the

security interest;

so much of the debt as remains after deducting the net amount

realised may be recovered as a debt that is jointly and severally

payable by the companies in the group.

(8) The following provisions have effect subject to any modifications

under paragraph 579G(1)(d):

(a) subsection (2);

(b) subsection (3);

(c) subsection (4);

(d) subsection (5);

(e) subsection (6);

(f) subsection (7).

(9) Subsection (2) does not apply in relation to a secured creditor

unless the relevant debt is payable by a company or companies in

the group to any other company or companies in the group.

(10) The Court must not make a pooling order in relation to a group of 2

or more companies if:

(a) both:

(i) the Court is satisfied the order would materially

disadvantage an eligible unsecured creditor of a

company in the group; and

(ii) the eligible unsecured creditor has not consented to the

making of the order; or

(b) all of the following conditions are satisfied:

(i) a company in the group is being wound up under a

members’ voluntary winding up;

(ii) the Court is satisfied that the order would materially

disadvantage a member of that company;

(iii) the member is not a company in the group;

(iv) the member has not consented to the making of the


Note: For eligible unsecured creditor, see section 579Q.

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Pooling Division 8

Section 579E

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(11) The Court may only make a pooling order on the application of the

liquidator or liquidators of the companies in the group.

Just and equitable criteria

(12) In determining whether it is just and equitable to make a pooling

order, the Court must have regard to all of the following matters:

(a) the extent to which:

(i) a company in the group; and

(ii) the officers or employees of a company in the group;

were involved in the management or operations of any of the

other companies in the group;

(b) the conduct of:

(i) a company in the group; and

(ii) the officers or employees of a company in the group;

towards the creditors of any of the other companies in the


(c) the extent to which the circumstances that gave rise to the

winding up of any of the companies in the group are directly

or indirectly attributable to the acts or omissions of:

(i) any of the other companies in the group; or

(ii) the officers or employees of any of the other companies

in the group;

(d) the extent to which the activities and business of the

companies in the group have been intermingled;

(e) the extent to which creditors of any of the companies in the

group may be advantaged or disadvantaged by the making of

the order;

(f) any other relevant matters.

Lodgment of pooling order

(13) A pooling order must be lodged with ASIC.

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Part 5.6 Winding up generally

Division 8 Pooling

Section 579F

540 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

579F Variation of pooling orders

(1) The Court may, by order, vary a pooling order if the Court is of the

opinion that it is just and equitable to do so.

(2) A pooling order may only be varied on the application of:

(a) the liquidator of a company in the group; or

(b) a creditor of a company in the group; or

(c) in a case where a company in the group is being wound up

under a members’ voluntary winding up—a member of the

company, so long as the member is not a company in the


Lodgment of order

(3) An order under subsection (1) must be lodged with ASIC.

579G Court may make ancillary orders etc.

(1) If the Court makes a pooling order in relation to a group of 2 or

more companies, the Court may, if the Court is of the opinion that

it is just and equitable to do so, do any or all of the following


(a) by order, exempt:

(i) a specified debt or claim; or

(ii) a specified class of debts or claims;

from the application of subsection 579E(2) to the group;

(b) by order, transfer, or direct the transfer, of:

(i) specified property; or

(ii) a specified class of property;

from a company in the group to another company in the


(c) by order, transfer, or direct the transfer, of liability for:

(i) a specified debt or claim; or

(ii) a specified class of debts or claims;

from a company in the group to another company in the


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Winding up generally Part 5.6

Pooling Division 8

Section 579G

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(d) by order, modify the application of this Act in relation to the

winding up of the companies in the group;

(e) make such other orders, and give such directions, in relation

to the winding up of the companies in the group, as the Court

thinks fit.


(2) An order or direction under subsection (1) may only be made or

given on the application of:

(a) the liquidator of a company in the group; or

(b) a creditor of a company in the group; or

(c) in a case where a company in the group is being wound up

under a members’ voluntary winding up—a member of the

company, so long as the member is not a company in the


Conditional orders etc.

(3) An order or direction under subsection (1) may be made or given

subject to conditions.

(4) An order or direction under subsection (1) may provide for

different returns for different creditors or classes of creditors.

(5) An order or direction under subsection (1) may provide for the

subordination of the debts and claims of specified creditors or

classes of creditors to those of other creditors.

(6) Subsections (4) and (5) do not limit subsection (1) or (3).

Rights of secured creditors

(7) An order or direction under subsection (1) does not affect the rights

of a secured creditor, unless the relevant debt is payable by a

company or companies in the group to any other company or

companies in the group.

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Part 5.6 Winding up generally

Division 8 Pooling

Section 579H

542 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Lodgment of order or direction

(8) An order or direction under subsection (1) must be lodged with


579H Variation of ancillary orders etc.

Variation of ancillary order

(1) The Court may, by order, vary an order made under

subsection 579G(1) if the Court is of the opinion that it is just and

equitable to do so.

(2) An order made under subsection 579G(1) may only be varied on

the application of:

(a) the liquidator of a company in the group; or

(b) a creditor of a company in the group, so long as the creditor

is not a company in the group; or

(c) in a case where a company in the group is being wound up

under a members’ voluntary winding up—a member of the

company, so long as the member is not a company in the


Variation of direction

(3) The Court may vary a direction given under subsection 579G(1) if

the Court is of the opinion that it is just and equitable to do so.

(4) A direction given under subsection 579G(1) may only be varied on

the application of:

(a) the liquidator of a company in the group; or

(b) a creditor of a company in the group; or

(c) in a case where a company in the group is being wound up

under a members’ voluntary winding up—a member of the

company, so long as the member is not a company in the


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Winding up generally Part 5.6

Pooling Division 8

Section 579J

Corporations Act 2001 543

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Lodgment of order or direction

(5) An order under subsection (1) must be lodged with ASIC.

(6) A variation of a direction given under subsection 579G(1) must be

lodged with ASIC.

579J Notice of application for pooling order etc.

(1) If the liquidator or liquidators of the companies in a group apply

for a pooling order, the liquidator or liquidators must give written

notice of:

(a) the application; or

(b) a website where persons can view a copy of the application;


(c) each eligible unsecured creditor of each company in the

group; and

(d) in a case where a company in the group is being wound up

under a members’ voluntary winding up—each member of

the company, so long as the member is not a company in the

group; and

(e) such other persons (if any) as the Court directs.

Note 1: For eligible unsecured creditor, see section 579Q.

Note 2: For electronic notification under this subsection, see section 600G.

(2) If:

(a) a pooling order is made in relation to a group of 2 or more

companies; and

(b) the liquidator of a company in the group applies for:

(i) an order under subsection 579F(1); or

(ii) an order under subsection 579G(1); or

(iii) an order under subsection 579H(1); or

(iv) a direction under subsection 579G(1); or

(v) a variation of a direction given under

subsection 579G(1);

the liquidator must give written notice of:

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Division 8 Pooling

Section 579K

544 Corporations Act 2001

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(c) the application; or

(d) a website where persons can view a copy of the application;


(e) each eligible unsecured creditor of each company in the

group; and

(f) in a case where a company in the group is being wound up

under a members’ voluntary winding up—each member of

the company, so long as the member is not a company in the

group; and

(g) such other persons (if any) as the Court directs.

Note 1: For eligible unsecured creditor, see section 579Q.

Note 2: For electronic notification under this subsection, see section 600G.

579K Notice of pooling order etc.

Notice of pooling order

(1) If a pooling order is made in relation to a group of 2 or more

companies, the liquidator or liquidators of the companies in the

group must:

(a) give each eligible unsecured creditor of each company in the

group a written notice setting out:

(i) the order; and

(ii) a summary description of the order; or

(b) give each eligible unsecured creditor of each company in the

group a written notice of a website where persons can view a

copy of:

(i) the order; and

(ii) a summary description of the order.

Note 1: For eligible unsecured creditor, see section 579Q.

Note 2: For electronic notification under this subsection, see section 600G.

(2) If:

(a) a pooling order is made in relation to a group of 2 or more

companies; and

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Pooling Division 8

Section 579K

Corporations Act 2001 545

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(b) a company in the group is being wound up under a members’

voluntary winding up;

the liquidator or liquidators of the companies in the group must:

(c) give each member of that company a written notice setting


(i) the order; and

(ii) a summary description of the order;

so long as the member is not a company in the group; or

(d) give each member of that company a written notice of a

website where persons can view a copy of:

(i) the order; and

(ii) a summary description of the order;

so long as the member is not a company in the group.

Note: For electronic notification under this subsection, see section 600G.

Notice of application by liquidator

(3) If:

(a) a pooling order is made in relation to a group of 2 or more

companies; and

(b) the Court does any of the following on the application of a

liquidator of a company in the group:

(i) makes an order under subsection 579F(1);

(ii) makes an order under subsection 579G(1);

(iii) makes an order under subsection 579H(1);

(iv) gives a direction under subsection 579G(1);

(v) varies a direction given under subsection 579G(1);

the liquidator must:

(c) give each eligible unsecured creditor of each company in the

group a written notice setting out:

(i) the order, direction or variation; and

(ii) a summary description of the order, direction or

variation; or

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Part 5.6 Winding up generally

Division 8 Pooling

Section 579K

546 Corporations Act 2001

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(d) give each eligible unsecured creditor of each company in the

group a written notice of a website where persons can view a

copy of:

(i) the order, direction or variation; and

(ii) a summary description of the order, direction or


Note 1: For eligible unsecured creditor, see section 579Q.

Note 2: For electronic notification under this subsection, see section 600G.

(4) If:

(a) a pooling order is made in relation to a group of 2 or more

companies; and

(b) the Court does any of the following on the application of a

liquidator of a company in the group:

(i) makes an order under subsection 579F(1);

(ii) makes an order under subsection 579G(1);

(iii) makes an order under subsection 579H(1);

(iv) gives a direction under subsection 579G(1);

(v) varies a direction given under subsection 579G(1); and

(c) a company in the group is being wound up under a members’

voluntary winding up;

the liquidator must:

(d) give each member of that company a written notice setting


(i) the order, direction or variation; and

(ii) a summary description of the order, direction or


so long as the member is not a company in the group; or

(e) give each member of that company a written notice of a

website where persons can view a copy of:

(i) the order, direction or variation; and

(ii) a summary description of the order, direction or


so long as the member is not a company in the group.

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Winding up generally Part 5.6

Pooling Division 8

Section 579L

Corporations Act 2001 547

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Note: For electronic notification under this subsection, see section 600G.

579L Consolidated meetings of creditors

(1) If:

(a) either:

(i) a pooling determination is in force in relation to a group

of 2 or more companies; or

(ii) a pooling order is in force in relation to a group of 2 or

more companies; and

(b) each company in the group is being wound up;

then, unless the Court otherwise orders:

(c) instead of convening separate meetings under or for the

purposes of a particular provision of this Act, the liquidator

or liquidators may convene a meeting under or for the

purposes of that provision, on a consolidated basis, of the

creditors of the companies in the group; and

(d) a resolution passed at a consolidated meeting by those

creditors is taken to have been passed by the creditors of each

of the companies in the group; and

(e) if there are 2 or more liquidators—one of those liquidators is

to preside at a consolidated meeting; and

(f) notice of a consolidated meeting may be given by the

liquidator or liquidators.

Note: See also Division 80 (committees of inspection) of Schedule 2.

(2) The regulations may make provision for or in relation to:

(a) the convening of, conduct of, and procedure and voting at,

consolidated meetings of creditors; and

(b) the number of persons required to constitute a quorum at any

such meeting; and

(c) the sending of notices of meetings to persons entitled to

attend any such meeting; and

(d) the lodging of copies of notices of, and of resolutions passed

at, any such meeting; and

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Part 5.6 Winding up generally

Division 8 Pooling

Section 579M

548 Corporations Act 2001

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(e) generally regulating the conduct of, and procedure at, any

such meeting.

Subdivision C—Other provisions

579M When debts or claims are provable in winding up

If a debt or claim becomes a debt payable by, or a claim against, a

company under any of the following provisions:

(a) subsection 571(2) (including that subsection as modified by a

determination under paragraph 571(1)(d));

(b) subsection 571(6) (including that subsection as modified by a

determination under paragraph 571(1)(d));

(c) subsection 571(7) (including that subsection as modified by a

determination under paragraph 571(1)(d));

(d) subsection 579E(2) (including that subsection as modified by

an order under paragraph 579G(1)(d));

(e) subsection 579E(6) (including that subsection as modified by

an order under paragraph 579G(1)(d));

(f) subsection 579E(7) (including that subsection as modified by

an order under paragraph 579G(1)(d));

(g) subsection 579G(1);

then, in the winding up of the company, the debt or claim is

admissible to proof against the company.

579N Group of companies

To avoid doubt, for the purposes of:

(a) this Division; or

(b) any other provision of this Act to the extent to which it

relates to this Division;

a group of 2 or more companies need not be associated with each

other in any way (other than a way described in

paragraph 571(1)(b) or 579E(1)(b)).

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Pooling Division 8

Section 579P

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579P Secured debt may become unsecured

For the purposes of this Division, a secured debt becomes an

unsecured debt to the extent that the creditor proves for the debt as

an unsecured creditor.

579Q Eligible unsecured creditor

(1) Subject to subsection (2), for the purposes of the application of this

Division to a group of 2 or more companies, a creditor of a

company in the group is an eligible unsecured creditor of that

company if:

(a) both:

(i) the creditor’s debt or claim is unsecured; and

(ii) the creditor is not a company in the group; or

(b) the creditor is specified in the regulations.

Note: For specification by class, see subsection 13(3) of the Legislation Act


(2) The regulations may provide that, for the purposes of the

application of this Division to a group of 2 or more companies, a

specified creditor of a company in the group is not an eligible

unsecured creditor of that company.

Note: For specification by class, see subsection 13(3) of the Legislation Act


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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.6 Winding up generally

Division 9 Co-operation between Australian and foreign courts in external

administration matters

Section 580

550 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 9—Co-operation between Australian and foreign

courts in external administration matters

580 Definitions

In this Division:

external administration matter means a matter relating to:

(a) winding up, under this Chapter, a company or a Part 5.7

body; or

(b) winding up, outside Australia, a body corporate or a Part 5.7

body; or

(c) the insolvency of a body corporate or of a Part 5.7 body.

prescribed country means:

(a) a country prescribed for the purposes of this definition; or

(b) a colony, overseas territory or protectorate of a country so


581 Courts to act in aid of each other

(1) All courts having jurisdiction in matters arising under this Act, the

Judges of those courts and the officers of, or under the control of,

those courts must severally act in aid of, and be auxiliary to, each

other in all external administration matters.

(2) In all external administration matters, the Court:

(a) must act in aid of, and be auxiliary to, the courts of:

(i) external Territories; and

(ii) States that are not in this jurisdiction; and

(iii) prescribed countries;

that have jurisdiction in external administration matters; and

(b) may act in aid of, and be auxiliary to, the courts of other

countries that have jurisdiction in external administration


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External administration Chapter 5

Winding up generally Part 5.6

Co-operation between Australian and foreign courts in external administration matters

Division 9

Section 581

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(3) Where a letter of request from a court of an external Territory, or

of a country other than Australia, requesting aid in an external

administration matter is filed in the Court, the Court may exercise

such powers with respect to the matter as it could exercise if the

matter had arisen in its own jurisdiction.

(4) The Court may request a court of an external Territory, or of a

country other than Australia, that has jurisdiction in external

administration matters to act in aid of, and be auxiliary to, it in an

external administration matter.

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.7 Winding up bodies other than companies

Section 582

552 Corporations Act 2001

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Part 5.7—Winding up bodies other than companies

582 Application of Part

(1) This Part has effect in addition to, and not in derogation of,

sections 601CC and 601CL and any provisions contained in this

Act or any other law with respect to the winding up of bodies, and

the liquidator or Court may exercise any powers or do any act in

the case of Part 5.7 bodies that might be exercised or done by him,

her or it in the winding up of companies.

(2) Nothing in this Part affects the operation of the Bankruptcy Act


(3) A Part 5.7 body may be wound up under this Part notwithstanding

that it is being wound up or has been dissolved, deregistered or has

otherwise ceased to exist as a body corporate under or by virtue of

the laws of the place under which it was incorporated.

583 Winding up Part 5.7 bodies

Subject to this Part, a Part 5.7 body may be wound up under this

Chapter and this Chapter applies accordingly to a Part 5.7 body

with such adaptations as are necessary, including the following


(a) the principal place of business of a Part 5.7 body in this

jurisdiction is taken, for all the purposes of the winding up, to

be the registered office of the Part 5.7 body;

(b) a Part 5.7 body is not to be wound up voluntarily under this


(c) the circumstances in which a Part 5.7 body may be wound up

are as follows:

(i) if the Part 5.7 body is unable to pay its debts, has been

dissolved or deregistered, has ceased to carry on

business in this jurisdiction or has a place of business in

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Winding up bodies other than companies Part 5.7

Section 585

Corporations Act 2001 553

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

this jurisdiction only for the purpose of winding up its


(ii) if the Court is of opinion that it is just and equitable that

the Part 5.7 body should be wound up;

(iii) if ASIC has stated in a report prepared under Division 1

of Part 3 of the ASIC Act that, in its opinion:

(A) the Part 5.7 body cannot pay its debts and

should be wound up; or

(B) it is in the interests of the public, of the

members, or of the creditors, that the Part 5.7

body should be wound up;

(d) if the Part 5.7 body is a registrable Australian body—the

winding up must deal only with the affairs of the body

outside its place of origin.

585 Insolvency of Part 5.7 body

For the purposes of this Part, a Part 5.7 body is taken to be unable

to pay its debts if:

(a) a creditor, by assignment or otherwise, to whom the Part 5.7

body is indebted in a sum exceeding the statutory minimum

then due has served on the Part 5.7 body, by leaving at its

principal place of business in this jurisdiction or by

delivering to the secretary or a director or senior manager of

the Part 5.7 body or by otherwise serving in such manner as

the Court approves or directs, a demand, signed by or on

behalf of the creditor, requiring the body to pay the sum so

due and the body has, for 3 weeks after the service of the

demand, failed to pay the sum or to secure or compound for

it to the satisfaction of the creditor; or

(b) an action or other proceeding has been instituted against any

member for any debt or demand due or claimed to be due

from the Part 5.7 body or from the member as such and,

notice in writing of the institution of the action or proceeding

having been served on the body by leaving it at its principal

place of business in this jurisdiction or by delivering it to the

secretary or a director or senior manager of the Part 5.7 body

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.7 Winding up bodies other than companies

Section 586

554 Corporations Act 2001

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or by otherwise serving it in such manner as the Court

approves or directs, the Part 5.7 body has not, within 10 days

after service of the notice, paid, secured or compounded for

the debt or demand or procured the action or proceeding to be

stayed or indemnified the defendant to his, her or its

reasonable satisfaction against the action or proceeding and

against all costs, damages and expenses to be incurred by

him, her or it by reason of the action or proceeding; or

(c) execution or other process issued on a judgment, decree or

order obtained in a court (whether an Australian court or not)

in favour of a creditor against the Part 5.7 body or a member

of the Part 5.7 body as such, or a person authorised to be

sued as nominal defendant on behalf of the Part 5.7 body, is

returned unsatisfied; or

(d) it is otherwise proved to the satisfaction of the Court that the

Part 5.7 body is unable to pay its debts.

586 Contributories in winding up of Part 5.7 body

(1) On a Part 5.7 body being wound up, every person who:

(a) in any case—is liable to pay or contribute to the payment of:

(i) a debt or liability of the Part 5.7 body; or

(ii) any sum for the adjustment of the rights of the members

among themselves; or

(iii) the costs and expenses of winding up; or

(b) if the Part 5.7 body has been dissolved or deregistered in its

place of origin—was so liable immediately before the

dissolution or deregistration;

is a contributory and every contributory is liable to contribute to

the property of the Part 5.7 body all sums due from the

contributory in respect of any such liability.

(2) On the death or bankruptcy of a contributory, the provisions of this

Act with respect to the personal representatives of deceased

contributories or the assignees and trustees of bankrupt

contributories, as the case may be, apply.

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Winding up bodies other than companies Part 5.7

Section 587

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587 Power of Court to stay or restrain proceedings

(1) The provisions of this Act with respect to staying and restraining

actions and other civil proceedings against a company at any time

after the filing of an application for winding up and before the

making of a winding up order extend, in the case of a Part 5.7 body

where the application to stay or restrain is by a creditor, to actions

and other civil proceedings against a contributory of the Part 5.7


(2) Where an order has been made for winding up a Part 5.7 body, no

action or other civil proceeding is to be proceeded with or

commenced against a contributory of the Part 5.7 body in respect

of a debt of the Part 5.7 body except by leave of the Court and

subject to such terms as the Court imposes.

588 Outstanding property of defunct registrable body

(1) This section applies if, after the dissolution or deregistration of a

registrable body, outstanding property of the body remains:

(a) in this jurisdiction; and

(b) outside the body’s place of origin.

(2) The estate and interest in the property, at law or in equity, of the

body or its liquidator at that time, together with all claims, rights

and remedies that the body or its liquidator then had in respect of

the property, vests by force of this section in:

(a) if the body was incorporated in Australia or an external

Territory—the person entitled to the property under the law

of the body’s place of origin; or

(b) if paragraph (a) does not apply and the property was held by

the body or liquidator on trust—the Commonwealth; or

(c) otherwise—ASIC.

(3) Where any claim, right or remedy of a liquidator may under this

Act be made, exercised or availed of only with the approval or

concurrence of the Court or some other person, the Commonwealth

or ASIC may, for the purposes of this section, make, exercise or

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.7 Winding up bodies other than companies

Section 588

556 Corporations Act 2001

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avail itself of the claim, right or remedy without such approval or


(4) Section 601AE applies to:

(a) property that vests in the Commonwealth under

paragraph (2)(b) of this section as if the property were vested

in the Commonwealth under subsection 601AD(1A); and

(b) property that vests in ASIC under paragraph (2)(c) of this

section as if the property were vested in ASIC under

subsection 601AD(2).

(5) In this section:

property of a body includes PPSA retention of title property, if the

security interest in the property is vested in the body because of the

operation of any of the following provisions:

(a) section 267 or 267A of the Personal Property Securities Act

2009 (property subject to unperfected security interests);

(b) section 588FL of this Act (collateral not registered within


Note: See sections 9 (definition of property) and 51F (PPSA retention of

title property).

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Recovering property or compensation for the benefit of creditors of insolvent company

Part 5.7B

Preliminary Division 1

Section 588C

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Part 5.7B—Recovering property or compensation

for the benefit of creditors of insolvent


Division 1—Preliminary

588C Definitions

In this Part:

property of a company includes PPSA retention of title property, if

the security interest in the property is vested in the company

because of the operation of any of the following provisions:

(a) section 267 or 267A of the Personal Property Securities Act

2009 (property subject to unperfected security interests);

(b) section 588FL of this Act (collateral not registered within


Note: See sections 9 (definition of property) and 51F (PPSA retention of

title property).

588D Secured debt may become unsecured

For the purposes of this Part, a secured debt becomes an unsecured

debt to the extent that the creditor proves for the debt as an

unsecured creditor.

588E Presumptions to be made in recovery proceedings

(1) In this section:

recovery proceeding, in relation to a company, means:

(a) an application under section 588FF by the company’s

liquidator; or

(b) proceedings begun under subsection 588FH(2) by the

company’s liquidator; or

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Part 5.7B Recovering property or compensation for the benefit of creditors of insolvent


Division 1 Preliminary

Section 588E

558 Corporations Act 2001

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(c) proceedings, in so far as they relate to the question whether a

security interest created by the company is void to any

extent, as against the company’s liquidator, because of

subsection 588FJ(2); or

(d) proceedings begun under subsection 588FJ(6) by the

company’s liquidator; or

(e) proceedings for a contravention of subsection 588G(2) in

relation to the incurring of a debt by the company (including

proceedings under section 588M in relation to the incurring

of the debt but not including proceedings for an offence); or

(f) proceedings under section 588W in relation to the incurring

of a debt by the company.

(2) Subsections (3) to (9), inclusive, have effect for the purposes of a

recovery proceeding in relation to a company.

(3) If:

(a) the company is being wound up; and

(b) it is proved, or because of subsection (4) or (8) it must be

presumed, that the company was insolvent at a particular

time during the 12 months ending on the relation-back day;

it must be presumed that the company was insolvent throughout the

period beginning at that time and ending on that day.

(4) Subject to subsections (5) to (7), if it is proved that the company:

(a) has failed to keep financial records in relation to a period as

required by subsection 286(1); or

(b) has failed to retain financial records in relation to a period for

the 7 years required by subsection 286(2);

the company is to be presumed to have been insolvent throughout

the period.

(5) Paragraph (4)(a) does not apply in relation to a contravention of

subsection 286(1) that is only minor or technical.

(6) Subsection (4) does not have effect, in so far as it would prejudice

a right or interest of a person for the company to be presumed

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Recovering property or compensation for the benefit of creditors of insolvent company

Part 5.7B

Preliminary Division 1

Section 588E

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insolvent because of a contravention of subsection 286(2), if it is

proved that:

(a) the contravention was due solely to someone destroying,

concealing or removing financial records of the company;


(b) none of those financial records was destroyed, concealed or

removed by the first-mentioned person; and

(c) the person was not in any way, by act or omission, directly or

indirectly, knowingly or recklessly, concerned in, or party to,

destroying, concealing or removing any of those financial


(7) If the recovery proceeding is an application under section 588FF,

subsection (4) of this section does not have effect for the purposes

of proving, for the purposes of the application, that an unfair

preference given by the company to a creditor of the company is an

insolvent transaction, unless it is proved, for the purposes of the

application, that a related entity of the company was a party to the

unfair preference.

(8) If, for the purposes of another recovery proceeding in relation to

the company, there has been proved:

(a) if the other proceeding is of the kind referred to in

paragraph (1)(a) of this section—a matter of the kind referred

to in a paragraph of section 588FC or of

subsection 588FG(2); or

(b) if the other proceeding is of the kind referred to in

paragraph (1)(b) of this section—a matter of the kind referred

to in a paragraph of section 588FC or of subsection 588FG(2)

or 588FH(1), or a defence under subsection 588FH(3); or

(c) if the other proceeding is of the kind referred to in

paragraph (1)(c) or (d) of this section—a matter of the kind

referred to in subsection 588FJ(3); or

(d) if the other proceeding is of the kind referred to in

paragraph (1)(e) of this section—a matter of the kind referred

to in a paragraph of section 588G, or a defence under

section 588H; or

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Part 5.7B Recovering property or compensation for the benefit of creditors of insolvent


Division 1 Preliminary

Section 588F

560 Corporations Act 2001

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(e) if the other proceeding is of the kind referred to in

paragraph (1)(f) of this section—a matter of the kind referred

to in a paragraph of subsection 588V(1), or a defence under

section 588X;

it must be presumed that that matter was the case, or that the

matters constituting that defence were the case.

(8A) If, for the purposes of another recovery proceeding in relation to

the company, evidence has been adduced or pointed to that

suggests a reasonable possibility of:

(a) subsection 588GA(1) applying in relation to a person and a

debt; or

(b) subsection 588WA(1) applying in relation to a corporation

and a debt;

it must be presumed that that reasonable possibility exists.

(9) A presumption for which this section provides operates except so

far as the contrary is proved for the purposes of the proceeding


588F Certain taxation liabilities taken to be debts

(1) For the purposes of this Part, a company’s liability under a

remittance provision to pay to the Commissioner of Taxation an

amount equal to a deduction made by the company, after 1 July

1993, from a payment:

(a) is taken to be a debt; and

(b) is taken to have been incurred when the deduction was made.

(2) In this section:

remittance provision means any of the following former provisions

of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936:

(aa) section 220AAE, 220AAM or 220AAR;

(a) section 221F (except subsection 221F(12)) or section 221G

(except subsection 221G(4A));

(b) subsection 221YHDC(2);

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Recovering property or compensation for the benefit of creditors of insolvent company

Part 5.7B

Preliminary Division 1

Section 588F

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(c) subsection 221YHZD(1) or (1A);

(d) subsection 221YN(1);

or any of the provisions of Subdivision 16-B in Schedule 1 to the

Taxation Administration Act 1953.

(3) This section is not intended to limit the generality of a reference in

this Act to a debt or to incurring a debt.

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.7B Recovering property or compensation for the benefit of creditors of insolvent


Division 2 Voidable transactions

Section 588FA

562 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 2—Voidable transactions

588FA Unfair preferences

(1) A transaction is an unfair preference given by a company to a

creditor of the company if, and only if:

(a) the company and the creditor are parties to the transaction

(even if someone else is also a party); and

(b) the transaction results in the creditor receiving from the

company, in respect of an unsecured debt that the company

owes to the creditor, more than the creditor would receive

from the company in respect of the debt if the transaction

were set aside and the creditor were to prove for the debt in a

winding up of the company;

even if the transaction is entered into, is given effect to, or is

required to be given effect to, because of an order of an Australian

court or a direction by an agency.

(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), a secured debt is taken to be

unsecured to the extent of so much of it (if any) as is not reflected

in the value of the security.

(3) Where:

(a) a transaction is, for commercial purposes, an integral part of

a continuing business relationship (for example, a running

account) between a company and a creditor of the company

(including such a relationship to which other persons are

parties); and

(b) in the course of the relationship, the level of the company’s

net indebtedness to the creditor is increased and reduced from

time to time as the result of a series of transactions forming

part of the relationship;


(c) subsection (1) applies in relation to all the transactions

forming part of the relationship as if they together constituted

a single transaction; and

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Recovering property or compensation for the benefit of creditors of insolvent company

Part 5.7B

Voidable transactions Division 2

Section 588FB

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(d) the transaction referred to in paragraph (a) may only be taken

to be an unfair preference given by the company to the

creditor if, because of subsection (1) as applying because of

paragraph (c) of this subsection, the single transaction

referred to in the last-mentioned paragraph is taken to be

such an unfair preference.

588FB Uncommercial transactions

(1) A transaction of a company is an uncommercial transaction of the

company if, and only if, it may be expected that a reasonable

person in the company’s circumstances would not have entered

into the transaction, having regard to:

(a) the benefits (if any) to the company of entering into the

transaction; and

(b) the detriment to the company of entering into the transaction;


(c) the respective benefits to other parties to the transaction of

entering into it; and

(d) any other relevant matter.

(2) A transaction may be an uncommercial transaction of a company

because of subsection (1):

(a) whether or not a creditor of the company is a party to the

transaction; and

(b) even if the transaction is given effect to, or is required to be

given effect to, because of an order of an Australian court or

a direction by an agency.

588FC Insolvent transactions

A transaction of a company is an insolvent transaction of the

company if, and only if, it is an unfair preference given by the

company, or an uncommercial transaction of the company, and:

(a) any of the following happens at a time when the company is


(i) the transaction is entered into; or

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.7B Recovering property or compensation for the benefit of creditors of insolvent


Division 2 Voidable transactions

Section 588FD

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(ii) an act is done, or an omission is made, for the purpose

of giving effect to the transaction; or

(b) the company becomes insolvent because of, or because of

matters including:

(i) entering into the transaction; or

(ii) a person doing an act, or making an omission, for the

purpose of giving effect to the transaction.

588FD Unfair loans to a company

(1) A loan to a company is unfair if, and only if:

(a) the interest on the loan was extortionate when the loan was

made, or has since become extortionate because of a

variation; or

(b) the charges in relation to the loan were extortionate when the

loan was made, or have since become extortionate because of

a variation;

even if the interest is, or the charges are, no longer extortionate.

(2) In determining:

(a) whether interest on a loan was or became extortionate at a

particular time as mentioned in paragraph (1)(a); or

(b) whether charges in relation to a loan were or became

extortionate at a particular time as mentioned in

paragraph (1)(b);

regard is to be had to the following matters as at that time:

(c) the risk to which the lender was exposed; and

(d) the value of any security in respect of the loan; and

(e) the term of the loan; and

(f) the schedule for payments of interest and charges and for

repayments of principal; and

(g) the amount of the loan; and

(h) any other relevant matter.

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Recovering property or compensation for the benefit of creditors of insolvent company

Part 5.7B

Voidable transactions Division 2

Section 588FDA

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588FDA Unreasonable director-related transactions

(1) A transaction of a company is an unreasonable director-related

transaction of the company if, and only if:

(a) the transaction is:

(i) a payment made by the company; or

(ii) a conveyance, transfer or other disposition by the

company of property of the company; or

(iii) the issue of securities by the company; or

(iv) the incurring by the company of an obligation to make

such a payment, disposition or issue; and

(b) the payment, disposition or issue is, or is to be, made to:

(i) a director of the company; or

(ii) a close associate of a director of the company; or

(iii) a person on behalf of, or for the benefit of, a person

mentioned in subparagraph (i) or (ii); and

(c) it may be expected that a reasonable person in the company’s

circumstances would not have entered into the transaction,

having regard to:

(i) the benefits (if any) to the company of entering into the

transaction; and

(ii) the detriment to the company of entering into the

transaction; and

(iii) the respective benefits to other parties to the transaction

of entering into it; and

(iv) any other relevant matter.

The obligation referred to in subparagraph (a)(iv) may be a

contingent obligation.

Note: Subparagraph (a)(iv)—This would include, for example, granting

options over shares in the company.

(2) To avoid doubt, if:

(a) the transaction is a payment, disposition or issue; and

(b) the transaction is entered into for the purpose of meeting an

obligation the company has incurred;

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Part 5.7B Recovering property or compensation for the benefit of creditors of insolvent


Division 2 Voidable transactions

Section 588FE

566 Corporations Act 2001

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the test in paragraph (1)(c) applies to the transaction taking into

account the circumstances as they exist at the time when the

transaction is entered into (rather than as they existed at the time

when the obligation was incurred).

(3) A transaction may be an unreasonable director-related transaction

because of subsection (1):

(a) whether or not a creditor of the company is a party to the

transaction; and

(b) even if the transaction is given effect to, or is required to be

given effect to, because of an order of an Australian court or

a direction by an agency.

588FE Voidable transactions

(1) If a company is being wound up:

(a) a transaction of the company may be voidable because of any

one or more of subsections (2) to (6) if the transaction was

entered into on or after 23 June 1993; and

(b) a transaction of the company may be voidable because of

subsection (6A) if the transaction was entered into on or after

the commencement of the Corporations Amendment

(Repayment of Directors’ Bonuses) Act 2003.

(2) The transaction is voidable if:

(a) it is an insolvent transaction of the company; and

(b) it was entered into, or an act was done for the purpose of

giving effect to it:

(i) during the 6 months ending on the relation-back day; or

(ii) after that day but on or before the day when the winding

up began.

(2A) The transaction is voidable if:

(a) the transaction is:

(i) an uncommercial transaction of the company; or

(ii) an unfair preference given by the company to a creditor

of the company; or

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Recovering property or compensation for the benefit of creditors of insolvent company

Part 5.7B

Voidable transactions Division 2

Section 588FE

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(iii) an unfair loan to the company; or

(iv) an unreasonable director-related transaction of the

company; and

(b) the company was under administration immediately before:

(i) the company resolved by special resolution that it be

wound up voluntarily; or

(ii) the Court ordered that the company be wound up; and

(c) the transaction was entered into, or an act was done for the

purpose of giving effect to it, during the period beginning at

the start of the relation-back day and ending:

(i) when the company made the special resolution that it be

wound up voluntarily; or

(ii) when the Court made the order that the company be

wound up; and

(d) the transaction, or the act done for the purpose of giving

effect to it, was not entered into, or done, on behalf of the

company by, or under the authority of, the administrator of

the company.

(2B) The transaction is voidable if:

(a) the transaction is:

(i) an uncommercial transaction of the company; or

(ii) an unfair preference given by the company to a creditor

of the company; or

(iii) an unfair loan to the company; or

(iv) an unreasonable director-related transaction of the

company; and

(b) the company was subject to a deed of company arrangement

immediately before:

(i) the company resolved by special resolution that it be

wound up voluntarily; or

(ii) the Court ordered that the company be wound up; and

(c) the transaction was entered into, or an act was done for the

purpose of giving effect to it, during the period beginning at

the start of the relation-back day and ending:

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Part 5.7B Recovering property or compensation for the benefit of creditors of insolvent


Division 2 Voidable transactions

Section 588FE

568 Corporations Act 2001

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(i) when the company made the special resolution that it be

wound up voluntarily; or

(ii) when the Court made the order that the company be

wound up; and

(d) the transaction, or the act done for the purpose of giving

effect to it, was not entered into, or done, on behalf of the

company by, or under the authority of:

(i) the administrator of the deed; or

(ii) the administrator of the company.

(3) The transaction is voidable if:

(a) it is an insolvent transaction, and also an uncommercial

transaction, of the company; and

(b) it was entered into, or an act was done for the purpose of

giving effect to it, during the 2 years ending on the

relation-back day.

(4) The transaction is voidable if:

(a) it is an insolvent transaction of the company; and

(b) a related entity of the company is a party to it; and

(c) it was entered into, or an act was done for the purpose of

giving effect to it, during the 4 years ending on the

relation-back day.

(5) The transaction is voidable if:

(a) it is an insolvent transaction of the company; and

(b) the company became a party to the transaction for the

purpose, or for purposes including the purpose, of defeating,

delaying, or interfering with, the rights of any or all of its

creditors on a winding up of the company; and

(c) the transaction was entered into, or an act done was for the

purpose of giving effect to the transaction, during the 10

years ending on the relation-back day.

(6) The transaction is voidable if it is an unfair loan to the company

made at any time on or before the day when the winding up began.

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Part 5.7B

Voidable transactions Division 2

Section 588FF

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(6A) The transaction is voidable if:

(a) it is an unreasonable director-related transaction of the

company; and

(b) it was entered into, or an act was done for the purposes of

giving effect to it:

(i) during the 4 years ending on the relation-back day; or

(ii) after that day but on or before the day when the winding

up began.

(7) A reference in this section to doing an act includes a reference to

making an omission.

588FF Courts may make orders about voidable transactions

(1) Where, on the application of a company’s liquidator, a court is

satisfied that a transaction of the company is voidable because of

section 588FE, the court may make one or more of the following


(a) an order directing a person to pay to the company an amount

equal to some or all of the money that the company has paid

under the transaction;

(b) an order directing a person to transfer to the company

property that the company has transferred under the


(c) an order requiring a person to pay to the company an amount

that, in the court’s opinion, fairly represents some or all of

the benefits that the person has received because of the


(d) an order requiring a person to transfer to the company

property that, in the court’s opinion, fairly represents the

application of either or both of the following:

(i) money that the company has paid under the transaction;

(ii) proceeds of property that the company has transferred

under the transaction;

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Part 5.7B Recovering property or compensation for the benefit of creditors of insolvent


Division 2 Voidable transactions

Section 588FF

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(e) an order releasing or discharging, wholly or partly, a debt

incurred, or a security or guarantee given, by the company

under or in connection with the transaction;

(f) if the transaction is an unfair loan and such a debt, security or

guarantee has been assigned—an order directing a person to

indemnify the company in respect of some or all of its

liability to the assignee;

(g) an order providing for the extent to which, and the terms on

which, a debt that arose under, or was released or discharged

to any extent by or under, the transaction may be proved in a

winding up of the company;

(h) an order declaring an agreement constituting, forming part of,

or relating to, the transaction, or specified provisions of such

an agreement, to have been void at and after the time when

the agreement was made, or at and after a specified later


(i) an order varying such an agreement as specified in the order

and, if the Court thinks fit, declaring the agreement to have

had effect, as so varied, at and after the time when the

agreement was made, or at and after a specified later time;

(j) an order declaring such an agreement, or specified provisions

of such an agreement, to be unenforceable.

(2) Nothing in subsection (1) limits the generality of anything else in


(3) An application under subsection (1) may only be made:

(a) during the period beginning on the relation-back day and


(i) 3 years after the relation-back day; or

(ii) 12 months after the first appointment of a liquidator in

relation to the winding up of the company;

whichever is the later; or

(b) within such longer period as the Court orders on an

application under this paragraph made by the liquidator

during the paragraph (a) period.

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Part 5.7B

Voidable transactions Division 2

Section 588FG

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(4) If the transaction is a voidable transaction solely because it is an

unreasonable director-related transaction, the court may make

orders under subsection (1) only for the purpose of recovering for

the benefit of the creditors of the company the difference between:

(a) the total value of the benefits provided by the company under

the transaction; and

(b) the value (if any) that it may be expected that a reasonable

person in the company’s circumstances would have provided

having regard to the matters referred to in

paragraph 588FDA(1)(c).

588FG Transaction not voidable as against certain persons

(1) A court is not to make under section 588FF an order materially

prejudicing a right or interest of a person other than a party to the

transaction if it is proved that:

(a) the person received no benefit because of the transaction; or

(b) in relation to each benefit that the person received because of

the transaction:

(i) the person received the benefit in good faith; and

(ii) at the time when the person received the benefit:

(A) the person had no reasonable grounds for

suspecting that the company was insolvent at

that time or would become insolvent as

mentioned in paragraph 588FC(b); and

(B) a reasonable person in the person’s

circumstances would have had no such grounds

for so suspecting.

(2) A court is not to make under section 588FF an order materially

prejudicing a right or interest of a person if the transaction is not an

unfair loan to the company, or an unreasonable director-related

transaction of the company, and it is proved that:

(a) the person became a party to the transaction in good faith;


(b) at the time when the person became such a party:

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.7B Recovering property or compensation for the benefit of creditors of insolvent


Division 2 Voidable transactions

Section 588FG

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(i) the person had no reasonable grounds for suspecting

that the company was insolvent at that time or would

become insolvent as mentioned in paragraph 588FC(b);


(ii) a reasonable person in the person’s circumstances

would have had no such grounds for so suspecting; and

(c) the person has provided valuable consideration under the

transaction or has changed his, her or its position in reliance

on the transaction.

(3) For the purposes of paragraph (2)(c), if an amount has been paid or

applied towards discharging to a particular extent a liability to pay

tax, the discharge is valuable consideration provided:

(a) by the person to whom the tax is payable; and

(b) under any transaction that consists of, or involves, the

payment or application.

(4) In subsection (3):

tax means tax (however described) payable under a law of the

Commonwealth or of a State or Territory, and includes, for

example, a levy, a charge, and municipal or other rates.

(5) For the purposes of paragraph (2)(c), if an amount has been paid or

applied towards discharging to a particular extent a liability to the

Commonwealth, or to the Commissioner of Taxation, that arose

under or because of an Act of which the Commissioner has the

general administration, the discharge is valuable consideration

provided by the Commonwealth, or by the Commissioner, as the

case requires, under any transaction that consists of, or involves,

the payment or application.

(6) Subsections (3) and (5):

(a) are to avoid doubt and are not intended to limit the cases

where a person may be taken to have provided valuable

consideration under a transaction; and

(b) apply to an amount even if it was paid or applied before the

commencement of this Act.

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Recovering property or compensation for the benefit of creditors of insolvent company

Part 5.7B

Voidable transactions Division 2

Section 588FGA

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588FGA Directors to indemnify Commissioner of Taxation if certain

payments set aside

(1) This section applies if the court makes an order under

section 588FF against the Commissioner of Taxation because of

the payment of an amount in respect of a liability:

(a) under any of the following provisions:

(i) former section 220AAE, 220AAM or 220AAR of the

Income Tax Assessment Act 1936;

(ii) former section 221F (except subsection 221F(12)),

former section 221G (except subsection 221G(4A)) or

former section 221P of the Income Tax Assessment Act


(iii) former subsection 221YHDC(2) of the Income Tax

Assessment Act 1936;

(iv) former subsection 221YHZD(1) or (1A) of the Income

Tax Assessment Act 1936;

(v) former subsection 221YN(1) of the Income Tax

Assessment Act 1936;

(vi) section 222AHA of the Income Tax Assessment Act


(vii) Subdivision 16-B in Schedule 1 to the Taxation

Administration Act 1953; or

(b) to pay the amount of an estimate of unpaid superannuation

guarantee charge under Division 268 in Schedule 1 to the

Taxation Administration Act 1953.

(2) Each person who was a director of the company when the payment

was made is liable to indemnify the Commissioner in respect of

any loss or damage resulting from the order.

(3) An amount payable to the Commissioner under subsection (2):

(a) is a debt due to the Commonwealth and payable to the

Commissioner; and

(b) may be recovered in a court of competent jurisdiction by the

Commissioner, or a Deputy Commissioner of Taxation, suing

in his or her official name.

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.7B Recovering property or compensation for the benefit of creditors of insolvent


Division 2 Voidable transactions

Section 588FGB

574 Corporations Act 2001

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(4) The court may, in the proceedings in which it made the order

against the Commissioner, order a person to pay to the

Commissioner an amount payable by the person under

subsection (2).

(5) A person who pays an amount under subsection (2) has the same


(a) whether by way of indemnity, subrogation, contribution or

otherwise; and

(b) against the company or anyone else;

as if the payment had been made under a guarantee:

(c) of the liability referred to in subsection (1); and

(d) under which the person and every other person who was a

director of the company as mentioned in subsection (2) were

jointly and severally liable as guarantors.

588FGB Defences in proceedings under section 588FGA

(1) This section has effect for the purposes of:

(a) proceedings to recover from a person an amount payable

under subsection 588FGA(2); and

(b) proceedings under subsection 588FGA(5) against a person of

the kind referred to in paragraph 588FGA(5)(d).

(2) The time when the payment referred to in subsection 588FGA(1)

was made is called the payment time.

(3) It is a defence if it is proved that, at the payment time, the person

had reasonable grounds to expect, and did expect, that the company

was solvent at that time and would remain solvent even if it made

the payment.

(4) Without limiting the generality of subsection (3), it is a defence if

it is proved that, at the payment time, the person:

(a) had reasonable grounds to believe, and did believe:

(i) that a competent and reliable person (the other person)

was responsible for providing to the first-mentioned

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External administration Chapter 5

Recovering property or compensation for the benefit of creditors of insolvent company

Part 5.7B

Voidable transactions Division 2

Section 588FH

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person adequate information about whether the

company was solvent; and

(ii) that the other person was fulfilling that responsibility;


(b) expected, on the basis of information provided to the

first-mentioned person by the other person, that the company

was solvent at that time and would remain solvent even if it

made the payment.

(5) It is a defence if it is proved that, because of illness or for some

other good reason, the person did not take part in the management

of the company at the payment time.

(6) It is a defence if it is proved that:

(a) the person took all reasonable steps to prevent the company

from making the payment; or

(b) there were no such steps the person could have taken.

(7) In determining whether a defence under subsection (6) has been

proved, the matters to which regard is to be had include, but are not

limited to:

(a) any action the person took with a view to appointing an

administrator of the company; and

(b) when that action was taken; and

(c) the results of that action.

588FH Liquidator may recover from related entity benefit resulting

from insolvent transaction

(1) This section applies where a company is being wound up and a

transaction of the company:

(a) is an insolvent transaction of the company; and

(b) is voidable under section 588FE; and

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.7B Recovering property or compensation for the benefit of creditors of insolvent


Division 2 Voidable transactions

Section 588FI

576 Corporations Act 2001

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(c) has had the effect of discharging, to the extent of a particular

amount, a liability (whether under a guarantee or otherwise

and whether contingent or otherwise) of a related entity of

the company.

(2) The company’s liquidator may recover from the related entity, as a

debt due to the company, an amount equal to the amount referred

to in paragraph (1)(c).

(3) In deciding what orders (if any) to make under section 588FF on an

application relating to the transaction, a court must take into

account any amount recovered under subsection (2) of this section.

(4) If the liquidator recovers an amount under subsection (2) from the

related entity, the related entity has the same rights:

(a) whether by way of indemnity, subrogation, contribution or

otherwise; and

(b) against the company or anyone else;

as if the related entity had paid the amount in discharging, to the

extent of that amount, the liability referred to in paragraph (1)(c).

588FI Creditor who gives up benefit of unfair preference may prove

for preferred debt

(1) This section applies where:

(a) a transaction is an unfair preference given by a company to a

creditor of the company after 23 June 1993; and

(b) at the request of the company’s liquidator, because of an

order under section 588FF, or for any other reason, the

creditor has put the company in the same position as if the

transaction had not been entered into.

(2) A court must not make under section 588FF, on an application

relating to the transaction, an order prejudicing a right or interest of

the creditor.

(3) The creditor may prove in the winding up as if the transaction had

not been entered into.

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Recovering property or compensation for the benefit of creditors of insolvent company

Part 5.7B

Voidable transactions Division 2

Section 588FJ

Corporations Act 2001 577

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588FJ Circulating security interest created within 6 months before

relation-back day

(1) This section applies if:

(a) a company is being wound up in insolvency; and

(b) the company created a circulating security interest in

property of the company at a particular time that is at or after

23 June 1993 and:

(i) during the 6 months ending on the relation-back day; or

(ii) after that day but on or before the day when the winding

up began.

(2) The circulating security interest is void, as against the company’s

liquidator, except so far as it secures:

(a) an advance paid to the company, or at its direction, at or after

that time and as consideration for the circulating security

interest; or

(b) interest on such an advance; or

(c) the amount of a liability under a guarantee or other obligation

undertaken at or after that time on behalf of, or for the benefit

of, the company; or

(d) an amount payable for property or services supplied to the

company at or after that time; or

(e) interest on an amount so payable.

(3) Subsection (2) does not apply if it is proved that the company was

solvent immediately after that time.

(4) Paragraphs (2)(a) and (b) do not apply in relation to an advance so

far as it was applied to discharge, directly or indirectly, an

unsecured debt, whether contingent or otherwise, that the company

owed to:

(a) the secured party; or

(b) if the secured party was a body corporate—a related entity of

the body.

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.7B Recovering property or compensation for the benefit of creditors of insolvent


Division 2 Voidable transactions

Section 588FJ

578 Corporations Act 2001

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(5) Paragraphs (2)(d) and (e) do not apply in relation to an amount

payable as mentioned in paragraph (2)(d) in so far as the amount

exceeds the market value of the property or services when supplied

to the company.

(6) If, during the 6 months ending on the relation-back day, or after

that day but on or before the day when the winding up began, a

debt secured by the circulating security interest was discharged, out

of the company’s money or property, to the extent of a particular

amount (in this subsection called the realised amount), the

liquidator may, by proceedings in a court of competent jurisdiction,

recover from the secured party, as a debt due to the company, the

amount worked out in accordance with the formula:


realisation costs means so much (if any) of the costs and expenses

of enforcing the security interest as is attributable to realising the

realised amount.

unsecured amount means so much of the realised amount as does

not exceed so much of the debt as would, if the debt had not been

so discharged, have been unsecured, as against the liquidator,

because of subsection (2).

Unsecured amount Realisation costs

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External administration Chapter 5

Recovering property or compensation for the benefit of creditors of insolvent company

Part 5.7B

Vesting of PPSA security interests if not continuously perfected Division 2A

Section 588FK

Corporations Act 2001 579

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 2A—Vesting of PPSA security interests if not

continuously perfected

588FK Interpretation and application

(1) A word or expression used in this Division has the same meaning

as in the Personal Property Securities Act 2009.

(2) Subsection (1) applies despite any other provision of this Act

(subject to subsection (4)).

(3) For the purposes of this Division, whether or not a person has

acquired actual or constructive knowledge of a circumstance is to

be determined in accordance with sections 297 to 300 of the

Personal Property Securities Act 2009.

(4) In this Division:

PPSA security interest has the meaning given by section 51.

Note: As a result of this section, in this Division, company has the same

meaning as in the Personal Property Securities Act 2009. At the time

this section was enacted, section 10 of that Act provided that company


(a) a company registered under Part 2A.2 or Part 5B.1 of the Corporations Act 2001; or

(b) a registrable body that is registered under Division 1 or 2 of Part 5B.2 of that Act.

588FL Vesting of PPSA security interests if collateral not registered

within time


(1) This section applies if:

(a) any of the following events occurs:

(i) an order is made, or a resolution is passed, for the

winding up of a company;

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.7B Recovering property or compensation for the benefit of creditors of insolvent


Division 2A Vesting of PPSA security interests if not continuously perfected

Section 588FL

580 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(ii) an administrator of a company is appointed under

section 436A, 436B or 436C;

(iii) a company executes a deed of company arrangement

under Part 5.3A; and

(b) a PPSA security interest granted by the company in collateral

is covered by subsection (2).

Note: A security interest granted by a company in relation to which

paragraph (a) applies that is unperfected at the critical time may vest

in the company under section 267 or 267A of the Personal Property

Securities Act 2009.

(2) This subsection covers a PPSA security interest if:

(a) at the critical time, or, if the security interest arises after the

critical time, when the security interest arises:

(i) the security interest is enforceable against third parties

under the law of Australia; and

(ii) the security interest is perfected by registration, and by

no other means; and

(b) the registration time for the collateral is after the latest of the

following times:

(i) 6 months before the critical time;

(ii) the time that is the end of 20 business days after the

security agreement that gave rise to the security interest

came into force, or the time that is the critical time,

whichever time is earlier;

(iii) if the security agreement giving rise to the security

interest came into force under the law of a foreign

jurisdiction, but the security interest first became

enforceable against third parties under the law of

Australia after the time that is 6 months before the

critical time—the time that is the end of 56 days after

the security interest became so enforceable, or the time

that is the critical time, whichever time is earlier;

(iv) a later time ordered by the Court under section 588FM.

Note 1: For the meaning of critical time, see subsection (7).

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External administration Chapter 5

Recovering property or compensation for the benefit of creditors of insolvent company

Part 5.7B

Vesting of PPSA security interests if not continuously perfected Division 2A

Section 588FL

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Note 2: For when a security interest is enforceable against third parties under

the law of Australia, see section 20 of the Personal Property

Securities Act 2009.

Note 3: A security interest may become perfected at a particular time by a

registration that is made earlier than that time, if the security interest

attaches to the collateral at the later time (after registration). See

section 21 of the Personal Property Securities Act 2009.

Note 4: The Personal Property Securities Act 2009 provides for perfection by

registration, possession or control, or by force of that Act (see

section 21 of that Act).

Vesting of security interest in company

(4) The PPSA security interest vests in the company at the following

time, unless the security interest is unaffected by this section

because of section 588FN:

(a) if the security interest first becomes enforceable against third

parties at or before the critical time—immediately before the

event mentioned in paragraph (1)(a);

(b) if the security interest first becomes enforceable against third

parties after the critical time—at the time it first becomes so


Note: For the meaning of critical time, see subsection (7).

Property acquired for new value without knowledge

(5) Subsection (4) does not affect the title of a person to personal

property if:

(a) the person acquires the personal property for new value from

a secured party, from a person on behalf of a secured party,

or from a receiver in the exercise of powers:

(i) conferred by the security agreement providing for the

security interest; or

(ii) implied by the general law; and

(b) at the time the person acquires the property, the person has

no actual or constructive knowledge of the following (as the

case requires):

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.7B Recovering property or compensation for the benefit of creditors of insolvent


Division 2A Vesting of PPSA security interests if not continuously perfected

Section 588FM

582 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(i) the filing of an application for an order to wind up the


(ii) the passing of a resolution to wind up the company;

(iii) the appointment of an administrator of the company

under section 436A, 436B or 436C;

(iv) the execution of a deed of company arrangement by the

company under Part 5.3A.

Note: For what is actual or constructive knowledge, see sections 297 and 298 of the Personal Property Securities Act 2009.

(6) In a proceeding in Australia under this Act, the onus of proving the

fact that a person acquires personal property without actual or

constructive knowledge as mentioned in paragraph (5)(b) lies with

the person asserting that fact.

(7) In this section:

critical time, in relation to a company, means:

(a) if the company is being wound up—when, on a day, the

event occurs by virtue of which the winding up is taken to

have begun or commenced on that day under section 513A or

513B; or

(b) in any other case—when, on a day, the event occurs by virtue

of which the day is the section 513C day for the company.

588FM Extension of time for registration

(1) A company, or any person interested, may apply to the Court

(within the meaning of section 58AA) for an order fixing a later

time for the purposes of subparagraph 588FL(2)(b)(iv).

Note: If an insolvency-related event occurs in relation to a company,

paragraph 588FL(2)(b) fixes a time by which a PPSA security interest

granted by the company must be registered under the Personal

Property Securities Act 2009, failing which the security interest may

vest in the company.

(2) On an application under this section, the Court may make the order

sought if it is satisfied that:

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

External administration Chapter 5

Recovering property or compensation for the benefit of creditors of insolvent company

Part 5.7B

Vesting of PPSA security interests if not continuously perfected Division 2A

Section 588FN

Corporations Act 2001 583

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(a) the failure to register the collateral earlier:

(i) was accidental or due to inadvertence or some other

sufficient cause; or

(ii) is not of such a nature as to prejudice the position of

creditors or shareholders; or

(b) on other grounds, it is just and equitable to grant relief.

(3) The Court may make the order sought on any terms and conditions

that seem just and expedient to the Court.

588FN PPSA security interests unaffected by section 588FL

PPSA security interests arising under certain transactions

(1) Subsection 588FL(4) (vesting of security interests in company)

does not apply to a PPSA security interest provided for by any of

the following transactions, if the interest does not secure the

payment or performance of an obligation:

(a) a transfer of an account or chattel paper;

(b) a PPS lease, if paragraph (e) (serial numbered goods) of the

definition of PPS lease in subsection 13(1) of the Personal

Property Securities Act 2009 applies to the lease, and none of

paragraphs (a) to (d) of that definition applies to the lease;

(c) a commercial consignment.

Example: An example of a PPSA security interest mentioned in paragraph (b) is

a PPS lease of goods that does not secure the payment or performance

of an obligation, if:

(a) the goods leased may or must be described by serial number in accordance with regulations made for the purposes of the Personal Property Securities Act 2009; and

(b) the lease is for a term of between 90 days and 1 year; and

(c) paragraphs (c) and (d) of the definition of PPS lease in subsection 13(1) of the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 do not apply to the lease.

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.7B Recovering property or compensation for the benefit of creditors of insolvent


Division 2A Vesting of PPSA security interests if not continuously perfected

Section 588FN

584 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

PPSA security interests and subordinated debts

(2) Subsection 588FL(4) (vesting of security interests in company)

does not apply to a PPSA security interest in an account if all of the

following conditions are satisfied:

(a) a person (the obligor) owes money to another person (the

senior creditor);

(b) the obligor also owes money to a third person (the junior


(c) an agreement between the senior creditor and the junior

creditor provides (in substance):

(i) for the postponement or subordination of the obligor’s

debt to the junior creditor, to the obligor’s debt to the

senior creditor; and

(ii) in the event of the obligor’s debt to the junior creditor

being discharged (whether wholly or partly) by the

obligor transferring personal property to the junior

creditor—for the junior creditor to transfer the property,

or proceeds of the property, to the senior creditor to the

value of the amount owed by the obligor to the senior

creditor; and

(iii) in the event that the property or proceeds are not

transferred—for the junior creditor to hold the property

or proceeds on trust for the senior creditor to that value;


(iv) in the event of such a trust arising—for a security

interest to be granted by the junior creditor to the senior

creditor over the personal property or proceeds securing

payment of the obligor’s debt to the senior creditor;

(d) the security interest is a security interest granted under the

agreement, in the circumstances described in

subparagraph (c)(iv).

Transfer of collateral subject to PPSA security interests

(3) Subsection 588FL(4) (vesting of security interests in company)

does not apply to a PPSA security interest if:

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

External administration Chapter 5

Recovering property or compensation for the benefit of creditors of insolvent company

Part 5.7B

Vesting of PPSA security interests if not continuously perfected Division 2A

Section 588FO

Corporations Act 2001 585

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(a) before the critical time that applies under section 588FL, the

company acquired, by transfer, the collateral in which the

PPSA security interest is granted; and

(b) the company did not acquire the collateral free of the security

interest; and

(c) the security interest became perfected before the critical time;


(d) the security interest was continuously perfected by

registration during a period covered by subsection (4) that

begins before the critical time.

(4) The period covered by this subsection:

(a) begins at whichever of the following times is applicable:

(i) in a case in which the secured party consented to the

transfer—the end of 5 business days after the day of the


(ii) in a case in which the secured party otherwise acquires

the actual or constructive knowledge required to perfect

the secured party’s interest by registration (or to

re-perfect the interest by an amendment of a

registration)—the end of 5 business days after the day

the secured party acquires the knowledge; and

(b) ends no earlier than at the critical time that applies under

section 588FL.

Note: For what is actual or constructive knowledge, see sections 297 and

298 of the Personal Property Securities Act 2009.

588FO Certain lessors, bailors and consignors entitled to damages


(1) This section applies if either of the following PPSA security

interests is vested in a company under section 588FL:

(a) a PPSA security interest of a consignor under a commercial


(b) a PPSA security interest of a lessor or bailor under a PPS


Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.7B Recovering property or compensation for the benefit of creditors of insolvent


Division 2A Vesting of PPSA security interests if not continuously perfected

Section 588FO

586 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Entitlement to damages and compensation

(2) The consignor, lessor or bailor:

(a) is taken to have suffered damage immediately before the

PPSA security interest was vested in the company; and

(b) may recover an amount of compensation from the company

equal to the greater of the following amounts:

(i) the amount determined in accordance with the

consignment, lease or bailment;

(ii) the sum of the market value of the consigned, leased or

bailed property immediately before the critical time that

applies under section 588FL, and the amount of any

other damage or loss resulting from the termination of

the consignment, lease or bailment.

Note: The consignor, lessor or bailor may be able to prove the amount of

compensation in proceedings related to the winding up of the


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External administration Chapter 5

Recovering property or compensation for the benefit of creditors of insolvent company

Part 5.7B

Security interests in favour of company officers etc. Division 2B

Section 588FP

Corporations Act 2001 587

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 2B—Security interests in favour of company

officers etc.

588FP Security interests in favour of an officer of a company etc.


General rule

(1) A security interest, and any powers purporting to be conferred by

the instrument under which the security interest is created, are

void, and are taken always to have been void, if:

(a) a company grants the security interest; and

(b) a person covered by subsection (2) is a secured party; and

(c) the secured party purports to take a step to enforce the

security interest, within 6 months after the time (the relevant

time) the instrument is made, without the leave of the Court

under subsection (4).

(2) This subsection covers the following persons:

(a) a person who is an officer (including a local agent of a

foreign company) of the company at the relevant time;

(b) a person who has been such an officer of the company at any

time within the period of 6 months ending at the relevant


(c) a person associated, in relation to the creation of the security

interest, with a person of a kind mentioned in paragraph (a)

or (b).

(3) Without limiting paragraph (1)(c), a secured party takes a step to

enforce a security interest if:

(a) the secured party appoints a receiver, or a receiver and

manager, under powers conferred by an instrument creating

or evidencing the security interest; or

(b) whether directly or by an agent, the secured party enters into

possession or assumes control of property of a company for

the purposes of enforcing the security interest; or

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.7B Recovering property or compensation for the benefit of creditors of insolvent


Division 2B Security interests in favour of company officers etc.

Section 588FP

588 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(c) the secured party seizes the property under section 123 of the

Personal Property Securities Act 2009 for the purposes of

enforcing the security interest.

Extension of time on application to the Court

(4) On application by a secured party, the Court may give leave for a

security interest granted by a company to be enforced by the

secured party within 6 months after the relevant time, if it is

satisfied that:

(a) the company was solvent immediately before the relevant

time; and

(b) in all the circumstances of the case, it is just and equitable for

the Court to do so.

Exception for security interests in PPSA retention of title property

(5) This section does not apply in relation to a PPSA security interest

in PPSA retention of title property.

Effect on debts, liabilities, obligations and title

(6) A debt, liability or obligation is not affected by the fact that the

security interest securing the debt, liability or obligation is void

under subsection (1).

(7) Subsection (1) does not affect the title of a person to property if:

(a) the person acquires the property for new value (within the

meaning of the Personal Property Securities Act 2009) from

any of the following persons (the seller):

(i) a person covered by subsection (2);

(ii) another person on behalf of a person covered by

subsection (2);

(iii) a receiver, or receiver and manager, appointed under

powers conferred by an instrument creating or

evidencing the security interest; and

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Recovering property or compensation for the benefit of creditors of insolvent company

Part 5.7B

Security interests in favour of company officers etc. Division 2B

Section 588FP

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(b) at the time the person acquires the property, the person has

no actual or constructive knowledge that the seller is a

secured party or acting on behalf of a secured party.

(8) Sections 297 to 300 of the Personal Property Securities Act 2009

apply in relation to the determination of whether or not a person

has actual or constructive knowledge as mentioned in

paragraph (7)(b) of this section.

Onus of proof

(9) In a proceeding in Australia under this Act, the onus of proving the

fact that a person acquires property without actual or constructive

knowledge as mentioned in paragraph (7)(b) lies with the person

asserting that fact.

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Division 3 Director’s duty to prevent insolvent trading

Section 588G

590 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 3—Director’s duty to prevent insolvent trading

588G Director’s duty to prevent insolvent trading by company

(1) This section applies if:

(a) a person is a director of a company at the time when the

company incurs a debt; and

(b) the company is insolvent at that time, or becomes insolvent

by incurring that debt, or by incurring at that time debts

including that debt; and

(c) at that time, there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that

the company is insolvent, or would so become insolvent, as

the case may be; and

(d) that time is at or after the commencement of this Act.

(1A) For the purposes of this section, if a company takes action set out

in column 2 of the following table, it incurs a debt at the time set

out in column 3.

When debts are incurred [operative table]

Action of company When debt is incurred

1 paying a dividend when the dividend is paid or, if the

company has a constitution that provides

for the declaration of dividends, when the

dividend is declared

2 making a reduction of share

capital to which Division 1 of

Part 2J.1 applies (other than a

reduction that consists only of the

cancellation of a share or shares

for no consideration)

when the reduction takes effect

3 buying back shares (even if the

consideration is not a sum certain

in money)

when the buy-back agreement is entered


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Part 5.7B

Director’s duty to prevent insolvent trading Division 3

Section 588G

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When debts are incurred [operative table]

Action of company When debt is incurred

4 redeeming redeemable preference

shares that are redeemable at its


when the company exercises the option

5 issuing redeemable preference

shares that are redeemable

otherwise than at its option

when the shares are issued

6 financially assisting a person to

acquire shares (or units of shares)

in itself or a holding company

when the agreement to provide the

assistance is entered into or, if there is no

agreement, when the assistance is


7 entering into an uncommercial

transaction (within the meaning of

section 588FB) other than one that

a court orders, or a prescribed

agency directs, the company to

enter into

when the transaction is entered into

(2) By failing to prevent the company from incurring the debt, the

person contravenes this section if:

(a) the person is aware at that time that there are such grounds

for so suspecting; or

(b) a reasonable person in a like position in a company in the

company’s circumstances would be so aware.

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

(3) A person commits an offence if:

(a) a company incurs a debt at a particular time; and

(aa) at that time, a person is a director of the company; and

(b) the company is insolvent at that time, or becomes insolvent

by incurring that debt, or by incurring at that time debts

including that debt; and

(c) the person suspected at the time when the company incurred

the debt that the company was insolvent or would become

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Division 3 Director’s duty to prevent insolvent trading

Section 588GA

592 Corporations Act 2001

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insolvent as a result of incurring that debt or other debts (as

in paragraph (1)(b)); and

(d) the person’s failure to prevent the company incurring the

debt was dishonest.

(3A) For the purposes of an offence based on subsection (3), absolute

liability applies to paragraph (3)(a).

Note: For absolute liability, see section 6.2 of the Criminal Code.

(3B) For the purposes of an offence based on subsection (3), strict

liability applies to paragraphs (3)(aa) and (b).

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(4) The provisions of Division 4 of this Part are additional to, and do

not derogate from, Part 9.4B as it applies in relation to a

contravention of this section.

588GA Safe harbour—taking course of action reasonably likely to

lead to a better outcome for the company

Safe harbour

(1) Subsection 588G(2) does not apply in relation to a person and a

debt if:

(a) at a particular time after the person starts to suspect the

company may become or be insolvent, the person starts

developing one or more courses of action that are reasonably

likely to lead to a better outcome for the company; and

(b) the debt is incurred directly or indirectly in connection with

any such course of action during the period starting at that

time, and ending at the earliest of any of the following times:

(i) if the person fails to take any such course of action

within a reasonable period after that time—the end of

that reasonable period;

(ii) when the person ceases to take any such course of


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Part 5.7B

Director’s duty to prevent insolvent trading Division 3

Section 588GA

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(iii) when any such course of action ceases to be reasonably

likely to lead to a better outcome for the company;

(iv) the appointment of an administrator, or liquidator, of the


Note 1: The person bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in this

subsection (see subsection (3)).

Note 2: For subsection (1) to be available, certain matters must be being done

or be done (see subsections (4) and (5)).

Working out whether a course of action is reasonably likely to lead

to a better outcome

(2) For the purposes of (but without limiting) subsection (1), in

working out whether a course of action is reasonably likely to lead

to a better outcome for the company, regard may be had to whether

the person:

(a) is properly informing himself or herself of the company’s

financial position; or

(b) is taking appropriate steps to prevent any misconduct by

officers or employees of the company that could adversely

affect the company’s ability to pay all its debts; or

(c) is taking appropriate steps to ensure that the company is

keeping appropriate financial records consistent with the size

and nature of the company; or

(d) is obtaining advice from an appropriately qualified entity

who was given sufficient information to give appropriate

advice; or

(e) is developing or implementing a plan for restructuring the

company to improve its financial position.

(3) A person who wishes to rely on subsection (1) in a proceeding for,

or relating to, a contravention of subsection 588G(2) bears an

evidential burden in relation to that matter.

Matters that must be being done or be done

(4) Subsection (1) does not apply in relation to a person and a debt if:

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Division 3 Director’s duty to prevent insolvent trading

Section 588GA

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(a) when the debt is incurred, the company is failing to do one or

more of the following matters:

(i) pay the entitlements of its employees by the time they

fall due;

(ii) give returns, notices, statements, applications or other

documents as required by taxation laws (within the

meaning of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997); and

(b) that failure:

(i) amounts to less than substantial compliance with the

matter concerned; or

(ii) is one of 2 or more failures by the company to do any or

all of those matters during the 12 month period ending

when the debt is incurred;

unless an order applying to the person and that failure is in force

under subsection (6).

Note: Employee entitlements are defined in subsection 596AA(2) and

include superannuation contributions payable by the company.

(5) Subsection (1) is taken never to have applied in relation to a person

and a debt if:

(a) after the debt is incurred, the person fails to comply with

paragraph 429(2)(b), or subsection 475(1), 497(4) or

530A(1), in relation to the company; and

(b) that failure amounts to less than substantial compliance with

the provision concerned;

unless an order applying to the person and that failure is in force

under subsection (6).

(6) The Court may order that subsection (4) or (5) does not apply to a

person and one or more failures if:

(a) the Court is satisfied that the failures were due to exceptional

circumstances or that it is otherwise in the interests of justice

to make the order; and

(b) an application for the order is made by the person.

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Part 5.7B

Director’s duty to prevent insolvent trading Division 3

Section 588GB

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(7) In this section:

better outcome, for the company, means an outcome that is better

for the company than the immediate appointment of an

administrator, or liquidator, of the company.

evidential burden, in relation to a matter, means the burden of

adducing or pointing to evidence that suggests a reasonable

possibility that the matter exists or does not exist.

588GB Information or books not admissible to support the safe

harbour if failure to permit inspection etc.

When books or information not admissible for the safe harbour

(1) If, at a particular time:

(a) a person fails to permit the inspection of, or deliver, any

books of the company in accordance with:

(i) a notice given to the person under subsection 438C(3),

section 477 or subsection 530B(4); or

(ii) an order made under section 486; or

(iii) subsection 438B(1), 477(3) or 530A(1); or

(b) a warrant is issued under subsection 530C(2) because the

Court is satisfied that a person has concealed, destroyed or

removed books of the company or is about to do so;

those books, and any secondary evidence of those books, are not

admissible in evidence for the person in a relevant proceeding.

Note: For subparagraph (a)(i), a liquidator could give such a notice if this is

necessary for winding up the affairs of the company and distributing

its property (see paragraph 477(2)(m)).

(2) If, at a particular time, a person fails to give any information about

the company in accordance with:

(a) a notice given to the person under section 477; or

(b) paragraph 429(2)(b) or (c) or subsection 438B(2) or (3),

475(1), 497(4) or 530A(1) or (2);

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Division 3 Director’s duty to prevent insolvent trading

Section 588GB

596 Corporations Act 2001

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that information is not admissible in evidence for the person in a

relevant proceeding.


(3) However, subsection (1) or (2) does not apply to a person, and a

book or information, if:

(a) the person proves that:

(i) the person did not possess the book or information at

any time referred to in that subsection; and

(ii) there were no reasonable steps the person could have

taken to obtain the book or information; or

(b) each entity seeking to rely on the notice, order, subsection,

paragraph or warrant referred to in that subsection fails to

comply with subsection (5) in relation to the person; or

(c) an order applying to the person, and the book or information,

is in force under subsection (4).

(4) The Court may order that subsection (1) or (2) does not apply to a

person, and a book or information, if:

(a) the Court is satisfied that the failures by the person as

mentioned in that subsection were due to exceptional

circumstances or that it is otherwise in the interests of justice

to make the order; and

(b) an application for the order is made by the person.

Notice of effect of this section must be given

(5) An entity that seeks to rely on a notice, order, subsection or

warrant referred to in subsection (1) or (2) must set out the effect

of this section:

(a) for a notice under subsection 438C(3), section 477 or

subsection 530B(4)—in that notice; or

(b) for an order under section 486 or for subsection 438B(3),

477(3) or 530A(2)—in a written notice given to the person

when the entity seeks to rely on that order or subsection; or

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Part 5.7B

Director’s duty to prevent insolvent trading Division 3

Section 588H

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(c) for a warrant issued under subsection 530C(2)—in a written

notice given to the person when the entity seeks to exercise

the warrant.

This subsection does not apply to an entity that seeks to rely on

paragraph 429(2)(b) or (c) or subsection 438B(1) or (2), 475(1),

497(4) or 530A(1).

(6) A failure to comply with subsection (5) does not affect the validity

of the notice, order, subsection or warrant referred to in

subsection (5).


(7) In this section:

relevant proceeding means a proceeding:

(a) for, or relating to, a contravention of subsection 588G(2); and

(b) in which a person seeks to rely on subsection 588GA(1).

Example: A proceeding under section 588M.

588H Defences about reasonable grounds, illness or reasonable steps

(1) This section has effect for the purposes of proceedings for a

contravention of subsection 588G(2) in relation to the incurring of

a debt (including proceedings under section 588M in relation to the

incurring of the debt).

(2) It is a defence if it is proved that, at the time when the debt was

incurred, the person had reasonable grounds to expect, and did

expect, that the company was solvent at that time and would

remain solvent even if it incurred that debt and any other debts that

it incurred at that time.

(3) Without limiting the generality of subsection (2), it is a defence if

it is proved that, at the time when the debt was incurred, the


(a) had reasonable grounds to believe, and did believe:

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Division 3 Director’s duty to prevent insolvent trading

Section 588HA

598 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(i) that a competent and reliable person (the other person)

was responsible for providing to the first-mentioned

person adequate information about whether the

company was solvent; and

(ii) that the other person was fulfilling that responsibility;


(b) expected, on the basis of information provided to the

first-mentioned person by the other person, that the company

was solvent at that time and would remain solvent even if it

incurred that debt and any other debts that it incurred at that


(4) If the person was a director of the company at the time when the

debt was incurred, it is a defence if it is proved that, because of

illness or for some other good reason, he or she did not take part at

that time in the management of the company.

(5) It is a defence if it is proved that the person took all reasonable

steps to prevent the company from incurring the debt.

(6) In determining whether a defence under subsection (5) has been

proved, the matters to which regard is to be had include, but are not

limited to:

(a) any action the person took with a view to appointing an

administrator of the company; and

(b) when that action was taken; and

(c) the results of that action.

588HA Review relating to safe harbour

(1) The Minister must cause an independent review of the following

matters to be undertaken as soon as practicable after the last day of

the 2 year period commencing on the commencement of this


(a) the impact of the availability of the safe harbour to directors

of companies on:

(i) the conduct of directors; and

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Part 5.7B

Director’s duty to prevent insolvent trading Division 3

Section 588HA

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(ii) the interests of creditors and employees of those


(b) any other matters the Minister considers relevant.

(2) The review must be undertaken by 3 persons who, in the Minister’s

opinion, possess appropriate qualifications to undertake the review.

(3) The persons who undertake the review must give the Minister a

written report of the review.

(4) The Minister must cause a copy of the report to be tabled in each

House of the Parliament within 15 sitting days of that House after

the day on which the report is given to the Minister.

(5) The report is not a legislative instrument.

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Part 5.7B Recovering property or compensation for the benefit of creditors of insolvent


Division 4 Director liable to compensate company

Section 588J

600 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 4—Director liable to compensate company

Subdivision A—Proceedings against director

588J On application for civil penalty order, Court may order


(1) Where, on an application for a civil penalty order against a person

in relation to a contravention of subsection 588G(2), the Court is

satisfied that:

(a) the person committed the contravention in relation to the

incurring of a debt by a company; and

(b) the debt is wholly or partly unsecured; and

(c) the person to whom the debt is owed has suffered loss or

damage in relation to the debt because of the company’s


the Court may (whether or not it makes a pecuniary penalty order

under section 1317G or an order under section 206C disqualifying

a person from managing corporations) order the first-mentioned

person to pay to the company compensation equal to the amount of

that loss or damage.

(2) A company’s liquidator may intervene in an application for a civil

penalty order against a person in relation to a contravention of

subsection 588G(2).

(3) A company’s liquidator who so intervenes is entitled to be heard:

(a) only if the Court is satisfied that the person committed the

contravention in relation to the incurring of a debt by that

company; and

(b) only on the question whether the Court should order the

person to pay compensation to the company.

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Part 5.7B

Director liable to compensate company Division 4

Section 588K

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588K Criminal court may order compensation


(a) a court finds a person guilty of an offence under

subsection 588G(3) in relation to the incurring of a debt by a

company; and

(b) the court is satisfied that:

(i) the debt is wholly or partly unsecured; and

(ii) the person to whom the debt is owed has suffered loss

or damage in relation to the debt because of the

company’s insolvency;

the court may (whether or not it imposes a penalty) order the

first-mentioned person to pay to the company compensation equal

to the amount of that loss or damage.

Note: Section 73A defines when a court is taken to find a person guilty of an


588L Enforcement of order under section 588J or 588K

An order to pay compensation that a court makes under

section 588J or 588K may be enforced as if it were a judgment of

the court.

588M Recovery of compensation for loss resulting from insolvent


(1) This section applies where:

(a) a person (in this section called the director) has contravened

subsection 588G(2) or (3) in relation to the incurring of a

debt by a company; and

(b) the person (in this section called the creditor) to whom the

debt is owed has suffered loss or damage in relation to the

debt because of the company’s insolvency; and

(c) the debt was wholly or partly unsecured when the loss or

damage was suffered; and

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Part 5.7B Recovering property or compensation for the benefit of creditors of insolvent


Division 4 Director liable to compensate company

Section 588N

602 Corporations Act 2001

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(d) the company is being wound up;

whether or not:

(e) the director has been convicted of an offence in relation to

the contravention; or

(f) a civil penalty order has been made against the director in

relation to the contravention.

(2) The company’s liquidator may recover from the director, as a debt

due to the company, an amount equal to the amount of the loss or


(3) The creditor may, as provided in Subdivision B but not otherwise,

recover from the director, as a debt due to the creditor, an amount

equal to the amount of the loss or damage.

(4) Proceedings under this section may only be begun within 6 years

after the beginning of the winding up.

588N Avoiding double recovery

An amount recovered in proceedings under section 588M in

relation to the incurring of a debt by a company is to be taken into

account in working out the amount (if any) recoverable in:

(a) any other proceedings under that section in relation to the

incurring of the debt; and

(b) proceedings under section 596ACA in relation to a

contravention of subsection 596AC(1), (2), (3) or (4) that is

linked to the incurring of the debt.

588P Effect of sections 588J, 588K and 588M

Sections 588J, 588K and 588M:

(a) have effect in addition to, and not in derogation of, any rule

of law about the duty or liability of a person because of the

person’s office or employment in relation to a company; and

(b) do not prevent proceedings from being instituted in respect of

a breach of such a duty or in respect of such a liability.

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Recovering property or compensation for the benefit of creditors of insolvent company

Part 5.7B

Director liable to compensate company Division 4

Section 588Q

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588Q Certificates evidencing contravention

For the purposes of this Part, a certificate that:

(a) purports to be signed by the Registrar or other proper officer

of an Australian court; and

(b) states:

(i) that that court has declared that a specified person has,

by failing to prevent a specified company from

incurring a specified debt, contravened

subsection 588G(3) in relation to the company; or

(ii) that a specified person was convicted by that court for

an offence constituted by a contravention of

section 588G in relation to the incurring of a specified

debt by a specified company; or

(iii) that a specified person charged before that court with

such an offence was found in that court to have

committed the offence but that the court did not proceed

to convict the person of the offence;

is, unless it is proved that the declaration, conviction or finding

was set aside, quashed or reversed, conclusive evidence:

(c) that the declaration was made, that the person was convicted

of the offence, or that the person was so found, as the case

may be; and

(d) that the person committed the contravention.

Subdivision B—Proceedings by creditor

588R Creditor may sue for compensation with liquidator’s consent

(1) A creditor of a company that is being wound up may, with the

written consent of the company’s liquidator, begin proceedings

under section 588M in relation to the incurring by the company of

a debt that is owed to the creditor.

(2) Subsection (1) has effect despite section 588T, but subject to

section 588U.

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Part 5.7B Recovering property or compensation for the benefit of creditors of insolvent


Division 4 Director liable to compensate company

Section 588S

604 Corporations Act 2001

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588S Creditor may give liquidator notice of intention to sue for


After the end of 6 months beginning when a company begins to be

wound up, a creditor of the company may give to the company’s

liquidator a written notice:

(a) stating that the creditor intends to begin proceedings under

section 588M in relation to the incurring by the company of a

specified debt that is owed to the creditor; and

(b) asking the liquidator to give to the creditor, within 3 months

after receiving the notice:

(i) a written consent to the creditor beginning the

proceedings; or

(ii) a written statement of the reasons why the liquidator

thinks that proceedings under section 588M in relation

to the incurring of that debt should not be begun.

588T When creditor may sue for compensation without liquidator’s


(1) This section applies where a notice is given under section 588S.

(2) The creditor may begin proceedings in a court under section 588M

in relation to the incurring by the company of the debt specified in

the notice if:

(a) as at the end of 3 months after the liquidator receives the

notice, he or she has not consented to the creditor beginning

such proceedings; and

(b) on an application made after those 3 months, the court has

given leave for the proceedings to begin.

(3) If:

(a) during those 3 months, the liquidator gives to the creditor a

written statement of the reasons why the liquidator thinks

that such proceedings should not be begun; and

(b) the creditor applies for leave under paragraph (2)(b);


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Part 5.7B

Director liable to compensate company Division 4

Section 588U

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(c) the creditor must file the statement with the court when so

applying; and

(d) in determining the application, the court is to have regard to

the reasons set out in the statement.

588U Events preventing creditor from suing

(1) A creditor of a company that is being wound up cannot begin

proceedings under section 588M in relation to the incurring of a

debt by the company if:

(a) the company’s liquidator has applied under section 588FF in

relation to the debt, or in relation to a transaction under

which the debt was incurred; or

(b) the company’s liquidator has begun proceedings under

section 588M in relation to the incurring of the debt; or

(c) the company’s liquidator has intervened in an application for

a civil penalty order against a person in relation to a

contravention of subsection 588G(2) in relation to the

incurring of the debt.

(2) Subsection (1) has effect despite sections 588R and 588T.

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Part 5.7B Recovering property or compensation for the benefit of creditors of insolvent


Division 5 Liability of holding company for insolvent trading by subsidiary

Section 588V

606 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 5—Liability of holding company for insolvent

trading by subsidiary

588V When holding company liable

(1) A corporation contravenes this section if:

(a) the corporation is the holding company of a company at the

time when the company incurs a debt; and

(b) the company is insolvent at that time, or becomes insolvent

by incurring that debt, or by incurring at that time debts

including that debt; and

(c) at that time, there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that

the company is insolvent, or would so become insolvent, as

the case may be; and

(d) one or both of the following subparagraphs applies:

(i) the corporation, or one or more of its directors, is or are

aware at that time that there are such grounds for so


(ii) having regard to the nature and extent of the

corporation’s control over the company’s affairs and to

any other relevant circumstances, it is reasonable to

expect that:

(A) a holding company in the corporation’s

circumstances would be so aware; or

(B) one or more of such a holding company’s

directors would be so aware; and

(e) that time is at or after the commencement of this Act.

(2) A corporation that contravenes this section is not guilty of an


588W Recovery of compensation for loss resulting from insolvent


(1) Where:

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External administration Chapter 5

Recovering property or compensation for the benefit of creditors of insolvent company

Part 5.7B

Liability of holding company for insolvent trading by subsidiary Division 5

Section 588WA

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(a) a corporation has contravened section 588V in relation to the

incurring of a debt by a company; and

(b) the person to whom the debt is owed has suffered loss or

damage in relation to the debt because of the company’s

insolvency; and

(c) the debt was wholly or partly unsecured when the loss or

damage was suffered; and

(d) the company is being wound up;

the company’s liquidator may recover from the corporation, as a

debt due to the company, an amount equal to the amount of the loss

or damage.

(2) Proceedings under this section may only be begun within 6 years

after the beginning of the winding up.

588WA Safe harbour—taking reasonable steps to ensure company’s

directors have the benefit of the directors’ safe harbour

(1) Subsection 588V(1) does not apply in relation to a corporation that

is the holding company of a company, and to a debt, if:

(a) the corporation takes reasonable steps to ensure that

subsection 588GA(1) (about a safe harbour for directors

taking certain courses of action) applies in relation to:

(i) each of the directors of the company; and

(ii) the debt; and

(b) subsection 588GA(1) does so apply in relation to each of

those directors and to the debt.

(2) A corporation that wishes to rely on subsection (1) in a proceeding

for, or relating to, a contravention of subsection 588V(1) bears an

evidential burden in relation to that matter.

(3) In this section:

evidential burden, in relation to a matter, means the burden of

adducing or pointing to evidence that suggests a reasonable

possibility that the matter exists or does not exist.

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Part 5.7B Recovering property or compensation for the benefit of creditors of insolvent


Division 5 Liability of holding company for insolvent trading by subsidiary

Section 588X

608 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

588X Defences about reasonable grounds, illness or reasonable steps

(1) This section has effect for the purposes of proceedings under

section 588W.

(2) It is a defence if it is proved that, at the time when the debt was

incurred, the corporation, and each relevant director (if any), had

reasonable grounds to expect, and did expect, that the company

was solvent at that time and would remain solvent even if it

incurred that debt and any other debts that it incurred at that time.

(3) Without limiting the generality of subsection (2), it is a defence if

it is proved that, at the time when the debt was incurred, the

corporation, and each relevant director (if any):

(a) had reasonable grounds to believe, and did believe:

(i) that a competent and reliable person was responsible for

providing to the corporation adequate information about

whether the company was solvent; and

(ii) that the person was fulfilling that responsibility; and

(b) expected, on the basis of the information provided to the

corporation by the person, that the company was solvent at

that time and would remain solvent even if it incurred that

debt and any other debts that it incurred at that time.

(4) If it is proved that, because of illness or for some other good

reason, a particular relevant director did not take part in the

management of the corporation at the time when the company

incurred the debt, the fact that the director was aware as mentioned

in subparagraph 588V(1)(d)(i) is to be disregarded.

(5) It is a defence if it is proved that the corporation took all

reasonable steps to prevent the company from incurring the debt.

(6) In subsections (2), (3) and (4):

relevant director means a director of the corporation who was

aware as mentioned in subparagraph 588V(1)(d)(i).

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Recovering property or compensation for the benefit of creditors of insolvent company

Part 5.7B

Application of compensation under Division 4 or 5 Division 6

Section 588Y

Corporations Act 2001 609

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Division 6—Application of compensation under Division 4

or 5

588Y Application of amount paid as compensation

(1) An amount paid to a company under section 588J, 588K, 588M or

588W is not available to pay a secured debt of the company unless

all the company’s unsecured debts have been paid in full.

(2) Where:

(a) under section 588J or 588K, or in proceedings under

section 588M or 588W, a court orders a person to pay to the

company compensation, or an amount, equal to the amount

of loss or damage suffered by a person in relation to a debt

because of the company’s insolvency; and

(b) the court is satisfied that, at the time when the company

incurred the debt, the person who suffered the loss or damage

knew that the company was insolvent at that time or would

become insolvent by incurring the debt, or by incurring at

that time debts including the debt, as the case requires;

the court may order that the compensation or amount paid to the

company is not available to pay that debt unless all the company’s

unsecured debts (other than debts to which orders under this

subsection relate) have been paid in full.

(3) Subsection (2) does not apply in relation to proceedings under

section 588M in relation to the incurring of a debt by a company if

the proceedings are begun by a creditor of the company (as

provided for in Subdivision B of Division 4).

(4) Subsection (2) does not apply in relation to a liability that is taken

to be a debt because of section 588F.

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Part 5.7B Recovering property or compensation for the benefit of creditors of insolvent


Division 7 Person managing a corporation while disqualified may become liable for

corporation’s debts

Section 588Z

610 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 7—Person managing a corporation while

disqualified may become liable for corporation’s


588Z Court may make order imposing liability


(a) a company is being wound up; and

(b) on or after 23 June 1993 and within 4 years before the

relation-back day, a person contravened section 206A by

managing the company;

the Court may, on the application of the company’s liquidator,

order that the person is personally liable for so much of the

company’s debts and liabilities as does not exceed an amount

specified in the order.

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External administration Chapter 5

Recovering property or compensation for the benefit of creditors of insolvent company

Part 5.7B

Employee entitlements contribution orders Division 8

Section 588ZA

Corporations Act 2001 611

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 8—Employee entitlements contribution orders

588ZA Employee entitlements contribution orders

Making of employee entitlements contribution order

(1) The Court may make an order under subsection (2) (an employee

entitlements contribution order) in relation to an entity (the

contributing entity) if the Court is satisfied that:

(a) a company (the insolvent company) is being wound up; and

(b) an amount (the unpaid entitlements amount) of the

entitlements of one or more employees (within the meaning

of Part 5.8A) of the insolvent company that are protected

under Part 5.8A has not been paid; and

(c) the contributing entity is a member of the same contribution

order group (see subsection (6)) as the insolvent company;


(d) the contributing entity has benefited, directly or indirectly,

from work done by those employees; and

(e) that benefit exceeds the benefit that would be reasonable in

the circumstances if the insolvent company and the

contributing entity were dealing at arm’s length; and

(f) it is just and equitable to make the order.

Note 1: For the people who may apply to the Court for an employee

entitlements contribution order, see section 588ZB.

Note 2: A reference in Part 5.8A to an employee of a company is a reference

to a current or former employee, and includes a reference to another

person to whom an entitlement of an employee is owed (see

section 596AA).

(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), the Court may order the

contributing entity to pay to the liquidator of the insolvent

company an amount that:

(a) reflects the value of the excess referred to in

paragraph (1)(e); and

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Part 5.7B Recovering property or compensation for the benefit of creditors of insolvent


Division 8 Employee entitlements contribution orders

Section 588ZA

612 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(b) does not, together with any other payments required to be

made in respect of the unpaid entitlements amount by the

order, exceed the unpaid entitlements amount.

(3) The payment of an amount in accordance with an employee

entitlements contribution order is not to be taken to be an advance

of money for the purposes of section 560.

(4) In determining whether it is just and equitable to make an

employee entitlements contribution order, the Court may have

regard to the following matters:

(a) the size of the excess referred to in paragraph (1)(e);

(b) the nature of the relationship between the contributing entity

and the insolvent company;

(c) any efforts made by the contributing entity, or officers of the

contributing entity, and officers of the insolvent company to

pay or to provide for the payment of the unpaid entitlements


(d) if the contributing entity is solvent—whether the order is

likely to result in the contributing entity becoming insolvent;

(e) the extent (if any) to which the order is likely to result in the

contributing entity becoming unable to pay the entitlements

of its employees or make distributions to creditors;

(f) any other matters that the Court considers appropriate.

(5) If the Court makes an employee entitlements contribution order,

the Court may do the following:

(a) if the contributing entity is a company—order that the

obligation to pay an amount under the order has the priority

of a debt or claim covered by any of paragraph 556(1)(e), (f),

(g) or (h) in the winding up of the contributing entity

(whether or not the contributing entity is being wound up

when the order is made);

(b) make any other orders, and give any directions, that the Court

considers appropriate for the purposes of giving effect to the

employee entitlements contribution order.

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Recovering property or compensation for the benefit of creditors of insolvent company

Part 5.7B

Employee entitlements contribution orders Division 8

Section 588ZB

Corporations Act 2001 613

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Contribution order group

(6) For the purposes of subsection (1), 2 entities are members of the

same contribution order group if:

(a) one of the entities is, or has been, a related body corporate of

the other entity; or

(b) one of the entities is, or has been, a related body corporate of

a body corporate that is, or has been, a related body corporate

of the other entity; or

(c) one of the entities is, or has been, controlled by the other

entity or a related body corporate of the other entity; or

(d) both of the entities represent, or have represented, to the

public that they are related to one another; or

(e) both entities are, or have been, part of the same consolidated

entity; or

(f) both entities are, or have been, part of a collection of entities

that, as a matter of economic and commercial substance,

functions or functioned as a single entity.

588ZB Who may apply for an employee entitlements contribution


(1) An application to the Court for an employee entitlements

contribution order may only be made by:

(a) the liquidator of the insolvent company referred to in

paragraph 588ZA(1)(a) (the insolvent company); or

(b) the Commissioner of Taxation; or

(c) the Fair Work Ombudsman; or

(d) the Secretary of the Department administered by the Minister

who administers the Fair Entitlements Guarantee Act 2012.

(2) If a liquidator is appointed to the insolvent company, a person

mentioned in paragraph (1)(b), (c) or (d) may make the application


(a) if the liquidator has given written consent to the applicant for

the application to be made; or

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.7B Recovering property or compensation for the benefit of creditors of insolvent


Division 8 Employee entitlements contribution orders

Section 588ZB

614 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) with the leave of the Court.

(3) The Court may give leave under paragraph (2)(b) only if:

(a) the applicant has given a written notice to the liquidator

asking the liquidator to give consent under paragraph (2)(a);


(b) either:

(i) the liquidator has given written notice to the applicant

refusing to give consent under paragraph (2)(a); or

(ii) more than 30 days have passed since the notice under

paragraph (a) of this subsection was given; and

(c) the Court is satisfied that it is appropriate to give leave,

having regard to the following matters:

(i) whether it is likely that the liquidator will make an

application for an employee entitlements contribution

order in relation to the insolvent company;

(ii) any other matter that the Court considers relevant.

When proceedings may be begun

(4) An application for an employee entitlements contribution order

may only be made within 6 years after the beginning of the

winding up of the insolvent company.

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Offences Part 5.8

Section 589

Corporations Act 2001 615

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 5.8—Offences

589 Interpretation and application

(1) Sections 590 to 593 (inclusive) apply to a company:

(a) that has been wound up or is in the course of being wound

up; or

(b) that has been in the course of being wound up, where the

winding up has been stayed or terminated by an order under

section 482; or

(ba) of which a provisional liquidator has been appointed; or

(c) that is or has been under administration; or

(ca) that has executed a deed of company arrangement, even if the

deed has since terminated; or

(d) affairs of which are or have been under investigation; or

(e) in respect of property of which a receiver, or a receiver and

manager, has at any time been appointed, whether by the

Court or under a power contained in an instrument, whether

or not the appointment has been terminated; or

(f) that has ceased to carry on business or is unable to pay its

debts; or

(g) that has entered into a compromise or arrangement with its


(2) For the purposes of this Part, affairs of a company are or have been

under investigation if, and only if:

(a) ASIC is investigating, or has at any time investigated, under

Division 1 of Part 3 of the ASIC Act:

(i) matters being, or connected with, affairs of the

company; or

(ii) matters including such matters; or

(b) affairs of the company have at any time been under

investigation under:

(i) Part VII of the Companies Act 1981; or

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Part 5.8 Offences

Section 589

616 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(ii) the provisions of a previous law of a State or Territory

that correspond to that Part.

(3) For the purposes of this Part, a company is taken to have ceased to

carry on business only if:

(a) ASIC has published in the prescribed manner a notice of the

proposed deregistration of the company under

subsection 601AA(4) or 601AB(3); and

(b) if the notice was published under subsection 601AA(4) or

under subsection 601AB(3) because of a decision under

subsection 601AB(1)—2 months have passed since the

notice was published and ASIC has not been informed that

the company is carrying on business.

(4) For the purposes of this Part, a company is taken to be unable to

pay its debts if, and only if, execution or other process issued on a

judgment, decree or order of a court (whether or not an Australian

court) in favour of a creditor of the company is returned unsatisfied

in whole or in part.

(5) In this Part:

appropriate officer means:

(a) in relation to a company that has been, has been being or is

being wound up—the liquidator; and

(aa) in relation to a company of which a provisional liquidator has

been appointed—the provisional liquidator; and

(b) in relation to a company that is or has been under

administration—the administrator; and

(ba) in relation to a company that has executed a deed of company

arrangement—the deed’s administrator; and

(c) in relation to a company affairs of which are or have been

under investigation—ASIC or the NCSC, as the case

requires; and

(d) in relation to a company in respect of property of which a

receiver, or a receiver and manager, has been appointed—the

receiver or the receiver and manager; and

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Offences Part 5.8

Section 589

Corporations Act 2001 617

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(e) in relation to a company that has ceased to carry on business

or is unable to pay its debts—ASIC or the NCSC, as the case

requires; and

(f) in relation to a company that has entered into a compromise

or arrangement with its creditors—the person appointed by

the Court to administer the compromise or arrangement.

property of a company includes any PPSA retention of title

property of the company.

Note: See sections 9 (definition of property) and 51F (PPSA retention of

title property).

relevant day means the day on which:

(a) in relation to a company that has been wound up, has been in

the course of being wound up, or is being wound up:

(i) if, because of Division 1A of Part 5.6, the winding up is

taken to have begun on the day when an order that the

company be wound up was made—the application for

the order was filed; or

(ii) otherwise—the winding up is taken because of

Division 1A of Part 5.6 to have begun;

(aa) in relation to a company of which a provisional liquidator has

been appointed—the provisional liquidator was appointed;

(b) in relation to a company that is or has been under

administration—the administration began;

(ba) in relation to a company that has executed a deed of company

arrangement—the deed was executed;

(c) in relation to a company affairs of which are or have been

under investigation:

(i) if paragraph (2)(a) applies—the investigation began; or

(ii) if paragraph (2)(b) applies—a direction was given to the

NCSC to arrange for the investigation;

(d) in relation to a company in respect of property of which a

receiver, or a receiver and manager, has been appointed—the

receiver, or the receiver and manager, was appointed;

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Part 5.8 Offences

Section 590

618 Corporations Act 2001

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(e) in relation to a company that is unable to pay its debts—the

execution or other process was returned unsatisfied in whole

or in part;

(f) in relation to a company that has ceased to carry on

business—a notice was first published in relation to the

company under subsection 601AA(4) or 601AB(3);

(g) in relation to a company that has entered into a compromise

or arrangement with its creditors—the compromise or

arrangement was approved by the Court.

(6) This Part applies in relation to a company that was first

incorporated other than under this Act:

(a) as if, in this Part (other than section 595) as so applying:

(i) a reference to the company included a reference to the

company as it existed at a time before its registration

day (including a time before the commencement of this

Act); and

(iii) a reference, in relation to a provision of this Act, to

ASIC included a reference to the NCSC (if relevant);


(b) with such other modifications as the circumstances require.

590 Offences by officers of certain companies

(1) A person who, being a past or present officer or employee of a

company to which this section applies:

(a) does not disclose to the appropriate officer all the property of

the company, and how and to whom and for what

consideration and when any part of the property of the

company was disposed of within 10 years next before the

relevant day, except such part as has been disposed of in the

ordinary course of the business of the company; or

(c) has, within 10 years next before the relevant day or at a time

on or after that day:

(i) engaged in conduct that resulted in the fraudulent

concealment or removal of any part of the property of

the company to the value of $100 or more; or

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Offences Part 5.8

Section 590

Corporations Act 2001 619

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(ii) engaged in conduct that resulted in the concealment of

any debt due to or by the company; or

(iii) engaged in conduct that resulted in the fraudulent

parting with, alteration or making of any omission in, or

being privy to fraudulent parting with, altering or

making any omission in, any book affecting or relating

to affairs of the company; or

(iv) by any false representation or other fraud, obtained on

credit, for or on behalf of the company, any property

that the company has not subsequently paid for; or

(v) engaged in conduct that resulted in the fraudulent

pawning, pledging or disposal of, otherwise than in the

ordinary course of the business of the company,

property of the company that has been obtained on

credit and has not been paid for;

(d) fraudulently makes any material omission in any statement or

report relating to affairs of the company; or

(f) engaged in conduct that prevented the production to the

appropriate officer of any book affecting or relating to affairs

of the company; or

(g) has, within 10 years next before the relevant day or at a time

on or after that day, attempted to account for any part of the

property of the company by making entries in the books of

the company showing fictitious transactions, losses or

expenses; or

(h) has, within 10 years next before the relevant day or at a time

on or after that day, been guilty of any false representation or

other fraud for the purpose of obtaining the consent of the

creditors of the company or any of them to an agreement

with reference to affairs of the company or to the winding up;

contravenes this subsection.

(2) Absolute liability applies to so much of an offence based on

paragraph (1)(c), (g) or (h) as requires that an event occur within

10 years next before the relevant day or at a time on or after that


Note: For absolute liability, see section 6.2 of the Criminal Code.

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.8 Offences

Section 590

620 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(3) Paragraph (1)(a) does not apply to the extent that the person is not

capable of disclosing the information referred to in that paragraph.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

subsection (3), see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

(4) A person who, being a past or present officer or employee of a

company to which this section applies, does not deliver up to, or in

accordance with the directions of, the appropriate officer:

(a) all the property of the company in the person’s possession; or

(b) all books in the person’s possession belonging to the

company (except books of which the person is entitled, as

against the company and the appropriate officer, to retain


contravenes this subsection.

(4A) A person who, being a past or present officer or employee of a

company and knowing or believing that a false debt has been

proved by a person, fails for a period of one month to inform the

appropriate officer of his or her knowledge or belief contravenes

this subsection.

(4B) A person must not intentionally or recklessly fail to comply with

subsection (4) or (4A).

(5) Where a person pawns, pledges or disposes of any property in

circumstances that amount to a contravention by virtue of

subparagraph (1)(c)(v), a person who takes in pawn or pledge or

otherwise receives the property knowing it to be pawned, pledged

or disposed of in those circumstances contravenes this subsection.

(6) A person who takes in pawn or pledge or otherwise receives

property in circumstances mentioned in subsection (5) and with the

knowledge mentioned in that subsection is taken to hold the

property as trustee for the company concerned and is liable to

account to the company for the property.

(7) Where, in proceedings under subsection (6), it is necessary to

establish that a person has taken property in pawn or pledge, or

otherwise received property:

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Offences Part 5.8

Section 592

Corporations Act 2001 621

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(a) in circumstances mentioned in subsection (5); and

(b) with the knowledge mentioned in that subsection;

the matter referred to in paragraph (b) of this subsection may be

established on the balance of probabilities.

592 Incurring of certain debts; fraudulent conduct

(1) Where:

(a) a company has incurred a debt before 23 June 1993; and

(b) immediately before the time when the debt was incurred:

(i) there were reasonable grounds to expect that the

company will not be able to pay all its debts as and

when they become due; or

(ii) there were reasonable grounds to expect that, if the

company incurs the debt, it will not be able to pay all its

debts as and when they become due; and

(c) the company was, at the time when the debt was incurred, or

becomes at a later time, a company to which this section


any person who was a director of the company, or took part in the

management of the company, at the time when the debt was

incurred contravenes this subsection and the company and that

person or, if there are 2 or more such persons, those persons are

jointly and severally liable for the payment of the debt.

(1A) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(2) In any proceedings against a person under subsection (1), it is a

defence if it is proved:

(a) that the debt was incurred without the person’s express or

implied authority or consent; or

(b) that at the time when the debt was incurred, the person did

not have reasonable cause to expect:

(i) that the company would not be able to pay all its debts

as and when they became due; or

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.8 Offences

Section 592

622 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(ii) that, if the company incurred that debt, it would not be

able to pay all its debts as and when they became due.

Note: A defendant bears a legal burden in relation to a matter mentioned in

subsection (2), see section 13.4 of the Criminal Code.

(3) Proceedings may be brought under subsection (1) for the recovery

of a debt whether or not the person against whom the proceedings

are brought, or any other person, has been convicted of an offence

under subsection (1) in respect of the incurring of that debt.

(4) In proceedings brought under subsection (1) for the recovery of a

debt, the liability of a person under that subsection in respect of the

debt may be established on the balance of probabilities.

(5) Where subsection (1) renders a person or persons liable to pay a

debt incurred by a company, the payment by that person or either

or any of those persons of the whole or any part of that debt does

not render the company liable to the person concerned in respect of

the amount so paid.

(6) Where:

(a) a company has done an act (including the making of a

contract or the entering into of a transaction) with intent to

defraud creditors of the company or of any other person or

for any other fraudulent purpose; and

(b) the company was at the time when it does the act, or becomes

at a later time, a company to which this section applies;

any person who was knowingly concerned in the doing of the act

with that intent or for that purpose contravenes this subsection.

(6A) For the purposes of an offence based on subsection (6), absolute

liability applies to paragraph (6)(b).

Note: For absolute liability, see section 6.2 of the Criminal Code.

(7) A certificate issued by the proper officer of an Australian court

stating that a person specified in the certificate:

(a) was convicted of an offence under subsection (1) in relation

to a debt specified in the certificate incurred by a company so

specified; or

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Offences Part 5.8

Section 593

Corporations Act 2001 623

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(b) was convicted of an offence under subsection (6) in relation

to a company specified in the certificate;

is, in any proceedings, prima facie evidence of the matters stated in

the certificate.

(8) A document purporting to be a certificate issued under

subsection (7) is, unless the contrary is established, taken to be

such a certificate and to have been duly issued.

593 Powers of Court

(1) Where a person has been convicted of an offence under

subsection 592(1) in respect of the incurring of a debt, the Court,

on the application of ASIC or the person to whom the debt is

payable, may, if it thinks it proper to do so, declare that the

first-mentioned person is personally responsible without any

limitation of liability for the payment to the person to whom the

debt is payable of an amount equal to the whole of the debt or such

part of it as the Court thinks proper.

(2) Where a person has been convicted of an offence under

subsection 592(6), the Court, on the application of ASIC or of a

prescribed person, may, if it thinks it proper to do so, declare that

the first-mentioned person is personally responsible without any

limitation of liability for the payment to the company of the

amount required to satisfy so much of the debts of the company as

the Court thinks proper.

(3) In relation to a company in respect of which a conviction referred

to in subsection (2) relates:

(a) the appropriate officer; and

(b) a creditor or contributory of the company authorised by

ASIC to make an application under that subsection; and

(c) if the company was a company to which section 592 applied

by reason of paragraph 589(1)(c)—a member of the


are prescribed persons for the purposes of that subsection.

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Part 5.8 Offences

Section 594

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(4) Where the Court makes a declaration under subsection (1) in

relation to a person, it may give such further directions as it thinks

proper for the purpose of giving effect to that declaration.

(5) In particular, the Court may order that the liability of the person

under the declaration is a charge:

(a) on a debt or obligation due from the company to the person;


(b) on a right or interest under a security interest in any property

of the company held by or vested in the person or a person on

the person’s behalf, or a person claiming as assignee from or

through the person liable or a person acting on the person’s


(6) The Court may, from time to time, make such further order as it

thinks proper for the purpose of enforcing a charge imposed under

subsection (5).

(7) For the purpose of subsection (5), assignee includes a person to

whom or in whose favour, by the directions of the person liable,

the debt, obligation or security interest was created, issued or

transferred or the interest created, but does not include an assignee

for valuable consideration, not including consideration by way of

marriage, given in good faith and without actual knowledge of any

of the matters upon which the conviction or declaration was made.

(8) On the hearing of an application under subsection (1) or (2), the

appropriate officer or other applicant may give evidence or call


594 Certain rights not affected

Except as provided by subsection 592(4) nothing in

subsection 592(1) or 593(1) or (2) affects any rights of a person to

indemnity, subrogation or contribution.

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Offences Part 5.8

Section 595

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595 Inducement to be appointed liquidator etc. of company

(1) A person must not give, or agree or offer to give, to another person

any valuable consideration with a view to securing the

first-mentioned person’s own appointment or nomination, or to

securing or preventing the appointment or nomination of a third

person, as:

(a) a liquidator or provisional liquidator of a company; or

(b) an administrator of a company; or

(c) an administrator of a deed of company arrangement executed,

or to be executed, by a company; or

(d) a receiver, or a receiver and manager, of property of a

company; or

(e) a trustee or other person to administer a compromise or

arrangement made between a company and any other person

or persons.

(2) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

596 Frauds by officers

(1) A person who, while an officer or employee of a company:

(a) by false pretences or by means of any other fraud, induces a

person to give credit to the company or to a related body

corporate; or

(b) with intent to defraud the company or a related body

corporate, or members or creditors of the company or of a

related body corporate, makes or purports to make, or causes

to be made or to be purported to be made, any gift or transfer

of, or security interest in, or causes or connives at the levying

of any execution against, property of the company or of a

related body corporate; or

(c) with intent to defraud the company or a related body

corporate, or members or creditors of the company or of a

related body corporate, engages in conduct that results in the

concealment or removal of any part of the property of the

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Part 5.8 Offences

Section 596

626 Corporations Act 2001

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company or of a related body corporate after, or within 2

months before, the date of any unsatisfied judgment or order

for payment of money obtained against the company or a

related body corporate;

contravenes this section.

(2) Absolute liability applies to so much of an offence based on

paragraph (1)(c) as requires that an event occur after, or within 2

months before, the date of any unsatisfied judgment or order for

payment of money obtained against the company or a related body


Note: For absolute liability, see section 6.2 of the Criminal Code.

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Employee entitlements Part 5.8A

Section 596AA

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Part 5.8A—Employee entitlements

596AA Objects and coverage of this Part


(1) The objects of this Part are to:

(a) deter avoidance of the payment of the entitlements of

employees; and

(b) protect the entitlements of a company’s employees from

agreements, arrangements and transactions that avoid or

prevent the recovery of those entitlements, or significantly

reduce the amount of those entitlements that can be

recovered, in the winding up of the company.

Employee entitlements

(2) The entitlements of an employee of a company that are protected

under this Part are:

(a) wages payable by the company for services rendered to the

company by the employee; and

(b) superannuation contributions (that is, contributions by the

company to a fund or scheme for the purposes of making

provision for, or obtaining, superannuation benefits

(including defined benefits) for the employee, or for

dependants of the employee) payable by the company in

respect of services rendered to the company by the employee;


(c) amounts due in respect of injury compensation in relation to

the employee; and

(d) amounts due under an industrial instrument in respect of the

employee’s leave of absence; and

(e) retrenchment payments for the employee (that is, amounts

payable by the company to the employee, under an industrial

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Part 5.8A Employee entitlements

Section 596AB

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instrument, in respect of the termination of the employee’s

employment by the company).

(2A) For the purposes of subsection (2), an entitlement of an employee

need not be owed to the employee. It might, for example, be:

(a) an amount owed to the employee’s dependants; or

(b) a superannuation contribution payable to a fund in respect of

services rendered by the employee; or

(c) a right in relation to an entitlement that becomes a right of

the Commonwealth under paragraph 31(1)(b) of the Fair

Entitlements Guarantee Act 2012; or

(d) an entitlement in relation to which an entity other than the

employee has a right of subrogation.

(3) The entitlements of an excluded employee (within the meaning of

section 556) are protected under this Part only to the extent to

which they have priority under paragraph 556(1)(e), (f), (g) or (h).


(4) For the purposes of this Part, a person is an employee of a company

if the person is, or has been, an employee of the company (whether

remunerated by salary, wages, commission or otherwise).

(5) If an entitlement of an employee of a company is owed to a person

other than the employee, this Part applies to the entitlement as if a

reference to the employee included a reference to the person to

whom the entitlement is owed.

596AB Relevant agreements or transactions that avoid employee


Offences of entering into relevant agreement or transaction

(1) A person contravenes this subsection if the person enters into a

relevant agreement or a transaction with the intention of, or with

intentions that include the intention of:

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Employee entitlements Part 5.8A

Section 596AB

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(a) avoiding or preventing the recovery of the entitlements of

employees of a company; or

(b) significantly reducing the amount of the entitlements of

employees of a company that can be recovered.

Note: A contravention of this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(1A) A person contravenes this subsection if:

(a) the person enters into a relevant agreement or a transaction;


(b) the person is reckless as to whether the relevant agreement or

the transaction will:

(i) avoid or prevent the recovery of the entitlements of

employees of a company; or

(ii) significantly reduce the amount of the entitlements of

employees of a company that can be recovered.

Note: A contravention of this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Offences of causing company to enter into relevant agreement or


(1B) A person contravenes this subsection if:

(a) the person is an officer of a company; and

(b) the person causes the company to enter into a relevant

agreement or a transaction; and

(c) the person does so with the intention of, or with intentions

that include the intention of:

(i) avoiding or preventing the recovery of the entitlements

of employees of the company; or

(ii) significantly reducing the amount of the entitlements of

employees of the company that can be recovered.

Note: A contravention of this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(1C) A person contravenes this subsection if:

(a) the person is an officer of a company; and

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Part 5.8A Employee entitlements

Section 596AB

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(b) the person causes the company to enter into a relevant

agreement or a transaction; and

(c) the person is reckless as to whether the relevant agreement or

the transaction will:

(i) avoid or prevent the recovery of the entitlements of

employees of the company; or

(ii) significantly reduce the amount of the entitlements of

employees of the company that can be recovered.

Note: A contravention of this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Application of offence provisions

(2) Subsections (1) and (1A) apply even if the company is not a party

to the relevant agreement or the transaction.

(2A) Subsections (1), (1A), (1B) and (1C) apply even if:

(a) the relevant agreement or the transaction is approved by a

court; or

(b) the relevant agreement or the transaction has not had the

effect or effects mentioned in paragraph (1)(a) or (b),

(1A)(b), (1B)(c) or (1C)(c), as the case may be; or

(c) despite the relevant agreement or the transaction, the

entitlements of the employees of the company are recovered.

(2B) However, subsections (1), (1A), (1B) and (1C) do not apply if the

relevant agreement or the transaction is, or is entered into under:

(a) a compromise or arrangement between the company and its

creditors or a class of its creditors, or its members or a class

of its members, that is approved by a Court under

section 411; or

(b) a deed of company arrangement executed by the company.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

this subsection (see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code).

(2C) Subsections (1A) and (1C) do not apply if a liquidator or

provisional liquidator of the company causes the relevant

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Employee entitlements Part 5.8A

Section 596AC

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agreement or the transaction to be entered into in the course of

winding up the company.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

this subsection (see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code).


(3) A reference in this section to a relevant agreement or a

transaction includes a reference to:

(a) a relevant agreement and a transaction; and

(b) a series or combination of:

(i) relevant agreements or transactions; or

(ii) relevant agreements; or

(iii) transactions.

Note: A relevant agreement is an agreement, arrangement or understanding

(see the definition of relevant agreement in section 9).

596AC Relevant agreements or transactions that avoid employee

entitlements—civil contraventions

Entering into relevant agreement or transaction

(1) A person contravenes this subsection if:

(a) the person enters into a relevant agreement or a transaction

(within the meaning of subsection 596AB(3)); and

(b) the person knows, or a reasonable person in the position of

the person would know, that the relevant agreement or the

transaction is likely to:

(i) avoid or prevent the recovery of the entitlements of

employees of a company; or

(ii) significantly reduce the amount of the entitlements of

employees of a company that can be recovered.

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

(2) A person who is involved in a contravention of subsection (1)

contravenes this subsection.

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Section 596AC

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Note 1: Section 79 defines involved.

Note 2: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

Causing company to enter into relevant agreement or transaction

(3) A person contravenes this subsection if:

(a) the person is an officer of a company; and

(b) the person causes the company to enter into a relevant

agreement or a transaction (within the meaning of

subsection 596AB(3)); and

(c) the person knows, or a reasonable person in the position of

the person would know, that the relevant agreement or the

transaction is likely to:

(i) avoid or prevent the recovery of the entitlements of

employees of the company; or

(ii) significantly reduce the amount of the entitlements of

employees of the company that can be recovered.

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

(4) A person who is involved in a contravention of subsection (3)

contravenes this subsection.

Note 1: Section 79 defines involved.

Note 2: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

Application of contravention provisions

(5) Subsections (1) and (2) apply even if the company is not a party to

the relevant agreement or the transaction.

(6) Subsections (1), (2), (3) and (4) apply even if:

(a) the relevant agreement or the transaction is approved by a

court; or

(b) the relevant agreement or the transaction has not had the

effect or effects mentioned in paragraph (1)(b) or (3)(c), as

the case may be; or

(c) despite the relevant agreement or the transaction, the

entitlements of the employees of the company are recovered.

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Employee entitlements Part 5.8A

Section 596AC

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(7) However, subsections (1), (2), (3) and (4) do not apply if:

(a) the relevant agreement or the transaction is, or is entered into


(i) a compromise or arrangement between the company and

its creditors or a class of its creditors, or its members or

a class of its members, that is approved by a Court

under section 411; or

(ii) a deed of company arrangement executed by the

company; or

(b) a liquidator or provisional liquidator of the company causes

the relevant agreement or the transaction to be entered into in

the course of winding up the company.

(8) A person who wishes to rely on subsection (7) in a proceeding for,

or relating to, a contravention of subsection (1), (2), (3) or (4) bears

an evidential burden in relation to that matter.

Proceedings may be begun only after liquidator appointed

(9) Proceedings under section 1317E for a declaration of a

contravention of this section may only be begun after a liquidator

has been appointed to the company.

Linked debts

(10) If a person contravenes this section by incurring a debt (within the

meaning of section 588G), the incurring of the debt and the

contravention are linked for the purposes of this Act.


(11) In this section:

evidential burden, in relation to a matter, means the burden of

adducing or pointing to evidence that suggests a reasonable

possibility that the matter exists or does not exist.

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Part 5.8A Employee entitlements

Section 596ACA

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596ACA Person who contravenes section 596AC liable to

compensate for loss

(1) A person is liable to pay compensation under subsection (3) or (4)


(a) the person has contravened subsection 596AC(1), (2), (3) or

(4) in relation to the entitlements of employees of a company;


(b) employees of the company have suffered loss or damage

because of the relevant agreement or the transaction referred

to in subsection 596AC(1) or (3), or because of action taken

to give effect to the relevant agreement or the transaction;


(c) a liquidator has been appointed to the company.

(2) The person may be liable whether or not:

(a) a Court has made a declaration of contravention or a

pecuniary penalty order under Part 9.4B that applies to the

person in relation to the contravention; or

(b) the person has been convicted of an offence based on

section 596AB in relation to the matters giving rise to the

contravention; or

(c) the company has been wound up.

(3) The company’s liquidator may recover from the person, as a debt

due to the company, an amount equal to the loss or damage

referred to in paragraph (1)(b).

(4) An employee who suffers loss or damage referred to in

paragraph (1)(b) may, as provided in section 596AF (but not

otherwise), recover from the person, as a debt due to the employee,

an amount equal to the loss or damage.

(5) An amount recovered under subsection (4) is to be taken into

account in working out the amount (if any) for which the employee

may prove in the liquidation of the company.

(6) Proceedings under this section may only be begun within 6 years

after the company begins to be wound up.

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Employee entitlements Part 5.8A

Section 596AD

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596AD Avoiding double recovery

An amount recovered in proceedings under section 596ACA in

relation to a contravention of subsection 596AC(1), (2), (3) or (4)

is to be taken into account in working out the amount (if any)

recoverable in:

(a) any other proceedings under that section in relation to the

contravention; and

(b) proceedings under section 588M in relation to the incurring

of a debt that is linked to the contravention; and

(c) proceedings under section 588ZA in relation to the

entitlements to which the contravention relates; and

(d) proceedings under section 1317H in relation to the


596AE Effect of section 596ACA

Section 596ACA:

(a) has effect in addition to, and not in derogation of, any rule of

law about the duty or liability of a person because of the

person’s office or employment in relation to a company; and

(b) does not prevent proceedings from being instituted in respect

of a breach of such a duty or in respect of such a liability.

596AF Proceedings for compensation

(1) Subject to section 596AG and to subsection (2) of this section, any

of the following may begin proceedings under section 596ACA for

compensation to be paid under subsection 596ACA(3) or (4) in

relation to a contravention of subsection 596AC(1), (2), (3) or (4)

that relates to a company:

(a) the Commissioner of Taxation;

(b) the Fair Work Ombudsman;

(c) the Secretary of the Department administered by the Minister

who administers the Fair Entitlements Guarantee Act 2012;

(ca) subject to subsection (1A)—an organisation registered under

the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 that is

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Part 5.8A Employee entitlements

Section 596AF

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entitled to represent the industrial interests of one or more

employees of the company;

(d) an employee of the company.

This subsection does not prevent the company’s liquidator

beginning proceedings under subsection 596ACA(3).

(1A) An organisation mentioned in paragraph (1)(ca) may begin

proceedings under section 596ACA for compensation to be paid

under subsection 596ACA(4) in relation to one or more employees

of the company:

(a) who are members of the organisation; or

(b) whose industrial interests the organisation is entitled to

represent, and who consent to the proceedings being begun;

and may not otherwise begin proceedings under section 596ACA.

If liquidator appointed, proceedings require consent or leave

(2) If a liquidator is appointed to the company, proceedings may only

be begun as described in subsection (1):

(a) with the written consent of the liquidator; or

(b) with the leave of the Court.

(3) The Court may give leave under paragraph (2)(b) only if:

(a) the person seeking to bring the proceedings (the applicant)

has given a written notice to the liquidator asking the

liquidator to give consent under paragraph (2)(a); and

(b) either:

(i) the liquidator has given written notice to the applicant

refusing to give consent under paragraph (2)(a); or

(ii) more than 30 days have passed since the notice under

paragraph (a) of this subsection was given; and

(c) the Court is satisfied that it is appropriate to give leave,

having regard to the following matters:

(i) whether it is likely that the liquidator will begin

proceedings under section 596ACA in relation to the


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Employee entitlements Part 5.8A

Section 596AG

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(ii) whether the liquidator has applied under section 588FF

in relation to a transaction that constituted, or was part

of, the contravention;

(iii) whether the liquidator has intervened in an application

for a civil penalty order against a person in relation to a

contravention of section 588G in relation to the

incurring of a debt that is linked to the contravention of

subsection 596AC(1), (2), (3) or (4) referred to in

subsection (1) of this section;

(iv) whether the liquidator has begun proceedings under

section 588M in relation to the incurring of a debt that is

linked to the contravention of subsection 596AC(1), (2),

(3) or (4) referred to in subsection (1) of this section;

(v) any other matter that the Court considers relevant.

596AG Events preventing proceedings

(1) Proceedings cannot be begun as described in subsection 596AF(1)

in relation to a company and a contravention of

subsection 596AC(1), (2), (3) or (4) if the company’s liquidator has

begun proceedings under section 596ACA in relation to the


(2) An employee of a company that is being wound up, or an

organisation mentioned in paragraph 596AF(1)(ca), cannot begin

proceedings under section 596ACA in relation to a contravention

of subsection 596AC(1), (2), (3) or (4) if a person mentioned in

paragraph 596AF(1)(a), (b) or (c), or an organisation mentioned in

paragraph 596AF(1)(ca), has begun proceedings under

section 596ACA in relation to the contravention.

596AH Joining parties to proceedings

(1) If a company’s liquidator has begun proceedings under

section 596ACA, any of the following may apply to the Court for

leave to be joined as a party to the proceedings:

(a) the Commissioner of Taxation;

(b) the Fair Work Ombudsman;

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Part 5.8A Employee entitlements

Section 596AH

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(c) the Secretary of the Department administered by the Minister

who administers the Fair Entitlements Guarantee Act 2012;

(ca) an organisation registered under the Fair Work (Registered

Organisations) Act 2009 that is entitled to represent the

industrial interests of one or more employees of the


(d) an employee of the company.

(2) If a person mentioned in paragraph (1)(a), (b) or (c), or an

organisation mentioned in paragraph (1)(ca), has begun

proceedings under section 596ACA, any of the following may

apply to the Court for leave to be joined as a party to the


(a) another person mentioned in paragraph (1)(a), (b) or (c);

(aa) another organisation mentioned in paragraph (1)(ca);

(b) an employee of the company to which the proceedings relate;

(c) the company’s liquidator.

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Miscellaneous Part 5.9

Examining a person about a corporation Division 1

Section 596A

Corporations Act 2001 639

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 5.9—Miscellaneous

Division 1—Examining a person about a corporation

596A Mandatory examination

The Court is to summon a person for examination about a

corporation’s examinable affairs if:

(a) an eligible applicant applies for the summons; and

(b) the Court is satisfied that the person is an officer or

provisional liquidator of the corporation or was such an

officer or provisional liquidator during or after the 2 years


(i) if the corporation is under administration—on the

section 513C day in relation to the administration; or

(ii) if the corporation has executed a deed of company

arrangement that has not yet terminated—on the

section 513C day in relation to the administration that

ended when the deed was executed; or

(iii) if the corporation is being, or has been, wound up—

when the winding up began; or

(iv) otherwise—when the application is made.

596B Discretionary examination

(1) The Court may summon a person for examination about a

corporation’s examinable affairs if:

(a) an eligible applicant applies for the summons; and

(b) the Court is satisfied that the person:

(i) has taken part or been concerned in examinable affairs

of the corporation and has been, or may have been,

guilty of misconduct in relation to the corporation; or

(ii) may be able to give information about examinable

affairs of the corporation.

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Part 5.9 Miscellaneous

Division 1 Examining a person about a corporation

Section 596C

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(2) This section has effect subject to section 596A.

596C Affidavit in support of application under section 596B

(1) A person who applies under section 596B must file an affidavit

that supports the application and complies with the rules.

(2) The affidavit is not available for inspection except so far as the

Court orders.

596D Content of summons

(1) A summons to a person under section 596A or 596B is to require

the person to attend before the Court:

(a) at a specified place and at a specified time on a specified day,

being a place, time and day that are reasonable in the

circumstances; and

(b) to be examined on oath about the corporation’s examinable


(2) A summons to a person under section 596A or 596B may require

the person to produce at the examination specified books that:

(a) are in the person’s possession; and

(b) relate to the corporation or to any of its examinable affairs.

(3) A summons under section 596A is to require under subsection (2)

of this section the production of such of the books requested in the

application for the summons as the summons may so require.

596E Notice of examination

If the Court summons a person for examination, the person who

applied for the summons must give written notice of the

examination to:

(a) as many of the corporation’s creditors as reasonably

practicable; and

(b) each eligible applicant in relation to the corporation, except:

(i) the person who applied for the examination; and

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Miscellaneous Part 5.9

Examining a person about a corporation Division 1

Section 596F

Corporations Act 2001 641

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(ii) if a person authorised by ASIC applied for the

examination—ASIC; and

(iii) a person who is such an eligible applicant only because

the person is authorised by ASIC.

596F Court may give directions about examination

(1) Subject to section 597, the Court may at any time give one or more

of the following:

(a) a direction about the matters to be inquired into at an


(b) a direction about the procedure to be followed at an


(c) a direction about who may be present at an examination

while it is being held in private;

(d) a direction that a person be excluded from an examination,

even while it is being held in public;

(e) a direction about access to records of the examination;

(f) a direction prohibiting publication or communication of

information about the examination (including questions

asked, and answers given, at the examination);

(g) a direction that a document that relates to the examination

and was created at the examination be destroyed.

(2) The Court may give a direction under paragraph (1)(e), (f) or (g) in

relation to all or part of an examination even if the examination, or

that part, was held in public.

(3) A person must not contravene a direction under subsection (1).

597 Conduct of examination

(4) An examination is to be held in public except to such extent (if

any) as the Court considers that, by reason of special

circumstances, it is desirable to hold the examination in private.

(5A) Any of the following may take part in an examination:

(a) ASIC;

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.9 Miscellaneous

Division 1 Examining a person about a corporation

Section 597

642 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) any other eligible applicant in relation to the corporation;

and for that purpose may be represented by a lawyer or by an agent

authorised in writing for the purpose.

(5B) The Court may put, or allow to be put, to a person being examined

such questions about the corporation or any of its examinable

affairs as the Court thinks appropriate.

(6) A person who is summoned under section 596A or 596B to attend

before the Court must not intentionally or recklessly:

(a) fail to attend as required by the summons; or

(b) fail to attend from day to day until the conclusion of the


(6A) Subsection (6) does not apply to the extent that the person has a

reasonable excuse.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in

subsection (6A), see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

(7) A person who attends before the Court for examination must not:

(a) without reasonable excuse, refuse or fail to take an oath or

make an affirmation; or

(b) without reasonable excuse, refuse or fail to answer a question

that the Court directs him or her to answer; or

(c) make a statement that is false or misleading in a material

particular; or

(d) without reasonable excuse, refuse or fail to produce books

that the summons requires him or her to produce.

(9) The Court may direct a person to produce, at an examination of

that or any other person, books that are in the first-mentioned

person’s possession and are relevant to matters to which the

examination relates or will relate.

(9A) A person may comply with a direction under subsection (9) by

causing the books to be produced at the examination.

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Miscellaneous Part 5.9

Examining a person about a corporation Division 1

Section 597

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(10) Where the Court so directs a person to produce any books and the

person has a lien on the books, the production of the books does

not prejudice the lien.

(10A) A person must not refuse, or intentionally or recklessly fail, to

comply with a direction under subsection (9).

(11) Subsection (10A) does not apply to the extent that the person has a

reasonable excuse.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in

subsection (11), see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

(12) A person is not excused from answering a question put to the

person at an examination on the ground that the answer might tend

to incriminate the person or make the person liable to a penalty.

(12A) Where:

(a) before answering a question put to a person (other than a

body corporate) at an examination, the person claims that the

answer might tend to incriminate the person or make the

person liable to a penalty; and

(b) the answer might in fact tend to incriminate the person or

make the person so liable;

the answer is not admissible in evidence against the person in:

(c) a criminal proceeding; or

(d) a proceeding for the imposition of a penalty;

other than a proceeding under this section, or any other proceeding

in respect of the falsity of the answer.

(13) The Court may order the questions put to a person and the answers

given by him or her at an examination to be recorded in writing

and may require him or her to sign that written record.

(14) Subject to subsection (12A), any written record of an examination

so signed by a person, or any transcript of an examination of a

person that is authenticated as provided by the rules, may be used

in evidence in any legal proceedings against the person.

(14A) A written record made under subsection (13):

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.9 Miscellaneous

Division 1 Examining a person about a corporation

Section 597A

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(a) is to be open for inspection, without fee, by:

(i) the person who applied for the examination; or

(ii) an officer of the corporation; or

(iii) a creditor of the corporation; and

(b) is to be open for inspection by anyone else on paying the

prescribed fee.

(15) An examination under this Division may, if the Court so directs

and subject to the rules, be held before such other court as is

specified by the Court and the powers of the Court under this

Division may be exercised by that other court.

(16) A person ordered to attend before the Court or another court for

examination under this Division may, at his or her own expense,

employ a solicitor, or a solicitor and counsel, and the solicitor or

counsel, as the case may be, may put to the person such questions

as the Court, or the other court, as the case may be, considers just

for the purpose of enabling the person to explain or qualify any

answers or evidence given by the person.

(17) The Court or another court before which an examination under this

Division takes place may, if it thinks fit, adjourn the examination

from time to time.

597A When Court is to require affidavit about corporation’s

examinable affairs

(1) The Court is to require a person to file an affidavit about a

corporation’s examinable affairs if:

(a) an eligible applicant applies for the requirement to be made;


(b) the Court is satisfied that the person is an officer or

provisional liquidator of the corporation or was such an

officer or provisional liquidator during or after the 2 years


(i) if the corporation is under administration—on the

section 513C day in relation to the administration; or

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External administration Chapter 5

Miscellaneous Part 5.9

Examining a person about a corporation Division 1

Section 597B

Corporations Act 2001 645

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(ii) if the corporation has executed a deed of company

arrangement that has not yet terminated—on the

section 513C day in relation to the administration that

ended when the deed was executed; or

(iii) if the corporation is being, or has been, wound up—

when the winding up began; or

(iv) otherwise—when the application is made;

even if the person has been summoned under section 596A or

596B for examination about those affairs.

(2) The requirement is to:

(a) specify such of the information requested in the application

as relates to examinable affairs of the corporation; and

(b) require the affidavit to set out the specified information; and

(c) require the affidavit to be filed on or before a specified day

that is reasonable in the circumstances.

(3) A person must not refuse, or intentionally or recklessly fail, to

comply with a requirement made of the person under

subsection (1).

(3A) Subsection (3) does not apply to the extent that the person has a

reasonable excuse.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in

subsection (3A), see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

(4) The Court may excuse a person from answering a question at an

examination about a corporation’s examinable affairs if the person

has already filed an affidavit under this section about that

corporation’s examinable affairs that sets out information that

answers the question.

597B Costs of unnecessary examination or affidavit

Where the Court is satisfied that a summons to a person under

section 596A or 596B, or a requirement made of a person under

section 597A, was obtained without reasonable cause, the Court

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Part 5.9 Miscellaneous

Division 1 Examining a person about a corporation

Section 597B

646 Corporations Act 2001

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may order some or all of the costs incurred by the person because

of the summons or requirement to be paid by:

(a) in any case—the applicant for the summons or requirement;


(b) in the case of a summons—any person who took part in the


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External administration Chapter 5

Miscellaneous Part 5.9

Orders against a person in relation to a corporation Division 2

Section 598

Corporations Act 2001 647

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 2—Orders against a person in relation to a


598 Order against person concerned with corporation

(2) Subject to subsection (3), where, on application by an eligible

applicant, the Court is satisfied that:

(a) a person is guilty of fraud, negligence, default, breach of trust

or breach of duty in relation to a corporation; and

(b) the corporation has suffered, or is likely to suffer, loss or

damage as a result of the fraud, negligence, default, breach of

trust or breach of duty;

the Court may make such order or orders as it thinks appropriate

against or in relation to the person (including either or both of the

orders specified in subsection (4)) and may so make an order

against or in relation to a person even though the person may have

committed an offence in respect of the matter to which the order


(3) The Court must not make an order against a person under

subsection (2) unless the Court has given the person the


(a) to give evidence; and

(b) to call witnesses to give evidence; and

(c) to bring other evidence in relation to the matters to which the

application relates; and

(d) to employ, at the person’s own expense, a solicitor, or a

solicitor and counsel, to put to the person, or to any other

witness, such questions as the Court considers just for the

purpose of enabling the person to explain or qualify any

answers or evidence given by the person.

(4) The orders that may be made under subsection (2) against a person


(a) an order directing the person to pay money or transfer

property to the corporation; and

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.9 Miscellaneous

Division 2 Orders against a person in relation to a corporation

Section 598

648 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) an order directing the person to pay to the corporation the

amount of the loss or damage.

(5) Nothing in this section prevents any person from instituting any

other proceedings in relation to matters in respect of which an

application may be made under this section.

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External administration Chapter 5

Miscellaneous Part 5.9

Provisions applying to various kinds of external administration Division 3

Section 599

Corporations Act 2001 649

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Division 3—Provisions applying to various kinds of

external administration

599 Appeals from decisions of receivers etc.

(1) A person aggrieved by any act, omission or decision of:

(a) a person administering a compromise, arrangement or

scheme referred to in Part 5.1; or

(b) a controller, or a managing controller, of property of a


may appeal to the Court in respect of the act, omission or decision

and the Court may confirm, reverse or modify the act or decision,

or remedy the omission, as the case may be, and make such orders

and give such directions as it thinks fit.

(2) Paragraph (1)(b) does not apply to a corporation that is an

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporation.

Note: Similar provision is made in relation to Aboriginal and Torres Strait

Islander corporations under section 576-10 of the Corporations

(Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006.

600AA Duty of receiver, administrator or liquidator—parental leave


(1) A person who:

(a) is appointed (whether or not by a court), and acts, as a

receiver and manager in respect of property of a body

corporate; or

(b) is appointed as the administrator of a body corporate under

Division 2 of Part 5.3A; or

(c) is appointed as the liquidator or provisional liquidator of a

body corporate;

must, as soon as possible, notify the Secretary (within the meaning

of the Paid Parental Leave Act 2010) of the person’s appointment,

if the body corporate was a paid parental leave employer just

before the appointment.

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.9 Miscellaneous

Division 3 Provisions applying to various kinds of external administration

Section 600F

650 Corporations Act 2001

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(2) A person is a paid parental leave employer at a particular time if:

(a) the person must pay an instalment under section 72 of the

Paid Parental Leave Act 2010; and

(b) either:

(i) that time occurs during the instalment period (within the

meaning of that Act) to which the instalment relates; or

(ii) that time occurs after the end of the instalment period to

which the instalment relates, but the person has not paid

the instalment by that time.

600F Limitation on right of suppliers of essential services to insist on

payment as condition of supply

(1) If:

(a) a relevant authority of an eligible company requests, or

authorises someone else to request, a person or authority (the

supplier) to supply an essential service to the company in

Australia; and

(b) the company owes an amount to the supplier in respect of the

supply of the essential service before the effective day;

the supplier must not:

(c) refuse to comply with the request for the reason only that the

amount is owing; or

(d) make it a condition of the supply of the essential service

pursuant to the request that the amount is to be paid.

(2) In this section:

effective day, in relation to a relevant authority of an eligible

company, means the day when the relevant authority became a

relevant authority of the company, even if that day began before

this Act commenced.

eligible company means a company:

(a) that is being wound up; or

(b) a provisional liquidator of which is acting; or

(c) that is under administration; or

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Miscellaneous Part 5.9

Provisions applying to various kinds of external administration Division 3

Section 600G

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(d) that has executed a deed of company arrangement that has

not yet terminated; or

(e) a receiver, or receiver and manager, of property of which is


essential service means:

(a) electricity; or

(b) gas; or

(c) water; or

(d) a carriage service (within the meaning of the

Telecommunications Act 1997).

relevant authority, in relation to an eligible company, means:

(a) the liquidator; or

(b) the provisional liquidator; or

(c) the administrator of the company; or

(d) the administrator of the deed of company arrangement; or

(e) the receiver, or receiver and manager;

as the case requires.

600G Electronic methods of giving or sending certain notices etc.

(1) This section applies if a person (the notifier) is authorised or

required to give or send a notice, or other document, to a person

(the recipient) under any of the following provisions:

(aa) paragraph 436DA(3)(a);

(a) paragraph 436E(3)(a);

(f) subsection 450A(3);

(g) paragraph 450B(a);

(h) paragraph 450C(b);

(i) paragraph 450D(b);

(l) paragraph 497(1)(a);

(m) paragraph 506A(2)(b);

(p) paragraph 568A(1)(b);

(s) subsection 579J(1);

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Part 5.9 Miscellaneous

Division 3 Provisions applying to various kinds of external administration

Section 600G

652 Corporations Act 2001

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(t) subsection 579J(2);

(u) subsection 579K(1);

(v) subsection 579K(2);

(w) subsection 579K(3);

(x) subsection 579K(4);

(y) a provision of Schedule 2 or the Insolvency Practice Rules.

(2) If the recipient nominates a fax number, or electronic address, by

which the recipient may be notified of such notices or documents,

the notifier may give or send the notice or document to the

recipient by sending it to that fax number or electronic address.

(3) If the recipient nominates any other electronic means by which the

recipient may be notified of such notices or documents, the notifier

may give or send the notice or document to the recipient by using

that electronic means.

(4) If the notifier makes the notice or document publicly available by

electronic means, the notifier may give or send the notice or

document to the recipient by notifying the recipient (using the

electronic means nominated by the recipient or otherwise in


(a) that the notice or document is available electronically; and

(b) the way in which the notice or document can be accessed.

(4A) Subsection (4) does not apply if the recipient notifies the notifier in

accordance with the regulations, before the time for giving or

sending the notice or document expires, that the recipient does not

have access to the internet.

(5) A notice or document sent to a fax number or electronic address, or

by other electronic means, is taken to be given or sent on the

business day after it is sent.

(6) A notice or document given or sent under subsection (4) is taken to

be given or sent on the business day after the day on which the

recipient is notified that the notice or document is available.

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External administration Chapter 5

Miscellaneous Part 5.9

Provisions applying to various kinds of external administration Division 3

Section 600H

Corporations Act 2001 653

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(7) Subsections (2), (3) and (4) do not limit the provisions mentioned

in subsection (1).

600H Rights if claim against the company postponed

(1) A person whose claim against a company is postponed under

section 563A is entitled:

(a) to receive a copy of any notice, report or statement to

creditors only if the person asks the administrator or

liquidator of the company, in writing, for a copy of the

notice, report or statement; and

(b) to vote in their capacity as a creditor of the company, at a

meeting ordered under subsection 411(1) or during the

external administration of the company, only if the Court so


(2) In this section:

external administration includes the following:

(a) voluntary administration;

(b) a compromise or arrangement under Part 5.1;

(c) administration under a deed of company arrangement;

(d) winding up by the Court;

(e) voluntary winding up.

600J Acts of external administrator valid etc.

(1) The acts of an external administrator are valid despite any defects

that may afterwards be discovered in his or her appointment or


(2) A disposition of a company’s property by an external administrator

(including a disposition by way of conveyance, assignment,

transfer or an instrument giving rise to a security interest) is,

despite any defect or irregularity affecting the validity of the

winding up or the appointment of the external administrator, valid

in favour of any person taking such property in good faith and for

value and without actual knowledge of the defect or irregularity.

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Chapter 5 External administration

Part 5.9 Miscellaneous

Division 3 Provisions applying to various kinds of external administration

Section 600J

654 Corporations Act 2001

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(3) A person making or permitting a disposition of property to an

external administrator is to be protected and indemnified in so

doing despite any defect or irregularity affecting the validity of the

winding up or the appointment of the external administrator that is

not then known to that person.

(4) For the purposes of this section, a disposition of property is taken

to include a payment of money.

(5) In this section:

external administrator of a company has the same meaning as in

Schedule 2.

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External administration Chapter 5

Miscellaneous Part 5.9

Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) Division 4

Section 600K

Corporations Act 2001 655

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 4—Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

600K Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

Schedule 2 has effect.

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Chapter 5A Deregistration, and transfer of registration, of companies

Part 5A.1 Deregistration

Section 601

656 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Chapter 5A—Deregistration, and transfer of

registration, of companies

Part 5A.1—Deregistration

601 Definitions

In this Part:

property of a company includes PPSA retention of title property, if

the security interest in the property is vested in the company

because of the operation of any of the following provisions:

(a) section 267 or 267A of the Personal Property Securities Act

2009 (property subject to unperfected security interests);

(b) section 588FL of this Act (collateral not registered within


Note: See sections 9 (definition of property) and 51F (PPSA retention of

title property).

601AA Deregistration—voluntary

Who may apply for deregistration

(1) An application to deregister a company may be lodged with ASIC


(a) the company; or

(b) a director or member of the company; or

(c) a liquidator of the company.

If the company lodges the application, it must nominate a person to

be given notice of the deregistration.

Circumstances in which application can be made

(2) A person may apply only if:

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Deregistration, and transfer of registration, of companies Chapter 5A

Deregistration Part 5A.1

Section 601AA

Corporations Act 2001 657

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(a) all the members of the company agree to the deregistration;


(b) the company is not carrying on business; and

(c) the company’s assets are worth less than $1,000; and

(d) the company has paid all fees and penalties payable under

this Act; and

(e) the company has no outstanding liabilities; and

(f) the company is not a party to any legal proceedings.

ASIC may ask for information about officers

(3) The applicant must give ASIC any information that ASIC requests

about the current and former officers of the company.

Deregistration procedure

(4) If:

(a) ASIC decides to deregister the company under this section;


(b) ASIC is not aware of any failure to comply with

subsections (1) to (3);

ASIC must:

(c) give notice of the proposed deregistration on ASIC database;


(d) publish notice of the proposed deregistration in the

prescribed manner.

(4A) When 2 months have passed since the publication of the notice

under paragraph (4)(d), ASIC may deregister the company.

(5) ASIC must give notice of the deregistration to:

(a) the applicant; or

(b) the person nominated in the application to be given the


(6) ASIC may refuse to deregister a company under this section if

ASIC decides to order under section 489EA that the company be

wound up.

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Chapter 5A Deregistration, and transfer of registration, of companies

Part 5A.1 Deregistration

Section 601AB

658 Corporations Act 2001

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(7) Subsection (6) does not limit ASIC’s power to refuse to deregister

the company.

601AB Deregistration—ASIC initiated

Circumstances in which ASIC may deregister

(1) ASIC may decide to deregister a company if:

(a) the response to a return of particulars given to the company is

at least 6 months late; and

(b) the company has not lodged any other documents under this

Act in the last 18 months; and

(c) ASIC has no reason to believe that the company is carrying

on business.

(1A) ASIC may also decide to deregister a company if the company’s

review fee in respect of a review date has not been paid in full at

least 12 months after the due date for payment.

(1B) ASIC may also decide to deregister a company if:

(a) the company is liable to pay levy imposed by the ASIC

Supervisory Cost Recovery Levy Act 2017; and

(b) the company has not paid in full at least 12 months after the

due date for payment:

(i) the amount of the levy; and

(ii) the amount of any late payment penalty payable in

relation to the levy; and

(iii) the amount of any shortfall penalty payable in relation

to the levy.

(2) ASIC may also decide to deregister a company if the company is

being wound up and ASIC has reason to believe that:

(a) the liquidator is no longer acting; or

(b) the company’s affairs have been fully wound up and a return

that the liquidator should have lodged is at least 6 months

late; or

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Deregistration, and transfer of registration, of companies Chapter 5A

Deregistration Part 5A.1

Section 601AC

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(c) the company’s affairs have been fully wound up under

Part 5.4 and the company has no property or not enough

property to cover the costs of obtaining a Court order for the

company’s deregistration.

Deregistration procedure

(3) If ASIC decides to deregister a company under this section, it


(a) give notice of the proposed deregistration:

(i) to the company; and

(ii) to the company’s liquidator (if any); and

(iii) to the company’s directors; and

(iv) on ASIC database; and

(b) publish notice of the proposed deregistration in the

prescribed manner.

(3A) When 2 months have passed since the publication of the notice

under paragraph (3)(b), ASIC may deregister the company.

(4) ASIC does not have to give a person notice under paragraph (3)(a)

if ASIC does not have the necessary information about the person’s

identity or address.

(5) ASIC must give notice of the deregistration to everyone who was

notified of the proposed deregistration under

subparagraph (3)(a)(ii) or (iii).

(6) ASIC may refuse to deregister a company under this section if

ASIC decides to order under section 489EA that the company be

wound up.

(7) Subsection (6) does not limit ASIC’s power to refuse to deregister

the company.

601AC Deregistration—following amalgamation or winding up

(1) ASIC must deregister a company if the Court orders the

deregistration of the company under:

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Chapter 5A Deregistration, and transfer of registration, of companies

Part 5A.1 Deregistration

Section 601AD

660 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(a) paragraph 413(1)(d) (reconstruction and amalgamation of

Part 5.1 bodies); or

(b) paragraph 481(5)(b) (release of liquidator); or

(c) subsection 509(2) (deregistration after end of administration

return is lodged).

601AD Effect of deregistration

Company ceases to exist

(1) A company ceases to exist on deregistration.

Note: Despite the deregistration, officers of the company may still be liable

for things done before the company was deregistered.

Trust property vests in the Commonwealth

(1A) On deregistration, all property that the company held on trust

immediately before deregistration vests in the Commonwealth. If

property is vested in a liquidator on trust immediately before

deregistration, that property vests in the Commonwealth. This

subsection extends to property situated outside this jurisdiction.

Other company property vests in ASIC

(2) On deregistration, all the company’s property (other than any

property held by the company on trust) vests in ASIC. If company

property is vested in a liquidator (other than any company property

vested in a liquidator on trust) immediately before deregistration,

that property vests in ASIC. This subsection extends to property

situated outside this jurisdiction.

Rights and powers in respect of property

(3) Under subsection (1A) or (2), the Commonwealth or ASIC takes

only the same property rights that the company itself held. If the

company held particular property subject to a security or other

interest or claim, the Commonwealth or ASIC takes the property

subject to that interest or claim.

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Deregistration, and transfer of registration, of companies Chapter 5A

Deregistration Part 5A.1

Section 601AE

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Note: See also subsection 601AE(3)—which deals with liabilities that a law

imposes on the property (particularly liabilities such as rates, taxes

and other charges).

(3A) The Commonwealth has, subject to its obligations as trustee of the

trust, all the powers of an owner over property vested in it under

subsection (1A).

Note: Section 601AF confers additional powers on the Commonwealth to

fulfil outstanding obligations of the deregistered company.

(4) ASIC has all the powers of an owner over property vested in it

under subsection (2).

Note: Section 601AF confers additional powers on ASIC to fulfil

outstanding obligations of the deregistered company.

Company books to be kept by former directors

(5) The directors of the company immediately before deregistration

must keep the company’s books for 3 years after the deregistration.

(6) Subsection (5) does not apply to books that a liquidator has to keep

under subsection 542(2), or subsection 70-35(1) of Schedule 2

(retention and return or destruction of books).

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in

subsection (6), see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

Strict liability offences

(7) An offence based on subsection (5) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

601AE What the Commonwealth or ASIC does with the property

Trust property vested in the Commonwealth

(1) If property vests in the Commonwealth under

subsection 601AD(1A), the Commonwealth may:

(a) continue to act as trustee; or

(b) apply to a court for the appointment of a new trustee.

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Chapter 5A Deregistration, and transfer of registration, of companies

Part 5A.1 Deregistration

Section 601AE

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Note: Under paragraph (1)(a), the Commonwealth may be able to transfer

the property to a new trustee chosen in accordance with the trust


(1A) If the Commonwealth continues to act as trustee in respect of the

property, subject to its obligations as trustee, the Commonwealth:

(a) in the case of money—must credit the amount of the money

to a special account (within the meaning of the Public

Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013); or

(b) otherwise:

(i) may sell or dispose of the property as it thinks fit; and

(ii) if the Commonwealth does so—must credit the amount

of the proceeds to a special account (within the meaning

of the Public Governance, Performance and

Accountability Act 2013).

Note: ASIC may, for and on behalf of the Commonwealth, perform all the

duties and exercise all the powers of the Commonwealth as trustee in

relation to property held on trust by the Commonwealth (see

subsection 8(6) of the ASIC Act).

Property vested in ASIC

(2) If property vests in ASIC under subsection 601AD(2), ASIC may:

(a) dispose of or deal with the property as it sees fit; and

(b) apply any money it receives to:

(i) defray expenses incurred by ASIC in exercising its

powers in relation to the company under this Chapter;


(ii) make payments authorised by subsection (3).

ASIC must deal with the rest (if any) under Part 9.7.

Obligations attaching to property vested in the Commonwealth

(2A) For the purposes of subsection (3), if any liability is imposed on

property under a law of the Commonwealth immediately before the

property vests in the Commonwealth under

subsection 601AD(1A), then:

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Deregistration, and transfer of registration, of companies Chapter 5A

Deregistration Part 5A.1

Section 601AE

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Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(a) immediately after that time, the liability applies to the

Commonwealth as if the Commonwealth were a body

corporate; and

(b) the Commonwealth is liable to make notional payments to

discharge that liability.

Obligations attaching to property

(3) Any property that vests in the Commonwealth or ASIC under

subsection 601AD(1A) or (2) remains subject to all liabilities

imposed on the property under a law and does not have the benefit

of any exemption that the property might otherwise have because it

is vested in the Commonwealth or ASIC. These liabilities include a

liability that:

(a) is a security interest in or claim on the property; and

(b) arises under a law that imposes rates, taxes or other charges.

Extent of Commonwealth’s and ASIC’s obligation

(4) The Commonwealth’s or ASIC’s obligation under subsection (2A)

or (3) is limited to satisfying the liabilities out of the company’s

property to the extent that the property is properly available to

satisfy those liabilities.


(5) The Commonwealth or ASIC (as the case requires) must keep:

(a) a record of property that it knows is vested in it under this

Chapter; and

(b) a record of its dealings with that property; and

(c) accounts of all money received from those dealings; and

(d) all accounts, vouchers, receipts and papers relating to the

property and that money.

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Chapter 5A Deregistration, and transfer of registration, of companies

Part 5A.1 Deregistration

Section 601AF

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601AF The Commonwealth’s and ASIC’s power to fulfil

outstanding obligations of deregistered company

The Commonwealth or ASIC may do an act on behalf of the

company or its liquidator if the Commonwealth or ASIC is

satisfied that the company or liquidator would be bound to do the

act if the company still existed.

Note: This power is a general one and is not limited to acts in relation to

property vested in the Commonwealth under subsection 601AD(1A),

or ASIC under subsection 601AD(2). The Commonwealth or ASIC

has all the powers that automatically flow from the vesting of property

under that subsection (see subsections 601AD(3A) and (4)) and may

exercise those powers whether or not the company was bound to do


601AG Claims against insurers of deregistered company

A person may recover from the insurer of a company that is

deregistered an amount that was payable to the company under the

insurance contract if:

(a) the company had a liability to the person; and

(b) the insurance contract covered that liability immediately

before deregistration.

601AH Reinstatement

Reinstatement by ASIC

(1) ASIC may reinstate the registration of a company if ASIC is

satisfied that the company should not have been deregistered.

(1A) ASIC may reinstate the registration of a company deregistered

under subsection 601AB(1B) if:

(a) ASIC receives an application in relation to the reinstatement

of the company’s registration; and

(b) the levy imposed on the company by the ASIC Supervisory

Cost Recovery Levy Act 2017 is paid in full; and

(c) the amount of any late payment penalty payable in relation to

the levy is paid in full; and

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Deregistration, and transfer of registration, of companies Chapter 5A

Deregistration Part 5A.1

Section 601AH

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Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(d) the amount of any shortfall penalty payable in relation to the

levy is paid in full.

Reinstatement by Court

(2) The Court may make an order that ASIC reinstate the registration

of a company if:

(a) an application for reinstatement is made to the Court by:

(i) a person aggrieved by the deregistration; or

(ii) a former liquidator of the company; and

(b) the Court is satisfied that it is just that the company’s

registration be reinstated.

(3) If:

(a) ASIC reinstates the registration of a company under

subsection (1) or (1A); or

(b) the Court makes an order under subsection (2);

the Court may:

(c) validate anything done during the period:

(i) beginning when the company was deregistered; and

(ii) ending when the company’s registration was reinstated;


(d) make any other order it considers appropriate.

Note: For example, the Court may direct ASIC to transfer to another person

property vested in ASIC under subsection 601AD(2).

ASIC to give notice of reinstatement

(4) ASIC must give notice of a reinstatement in the Gazette.

(4A) If an application was made to ASIC for the reinstatement of a

company’s registration, ASIC must give notice of the reinstatement

to the applicant.

Effect of reinstatement

(5) If a company is reinstated, the company is taken to have continued

in existence as if it had not been deregistered. A person who was a

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 5A Deregistration, and transfer of registration, of companies

Part 5A.1 Deregistration

Section 601AH

666 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

director of the company immediately before deregistration

becomes a director again as from the time when ASIC or the Court

reinstates the company. Any property of the company that is still

vested in the Commonwealth or ASIC revests in the company. If

the company held particular property subject to a security or other

interest or claim, the company takes the property subject to that

interest or claim.

(6) Subsection 601AH(5) does not affect the cancellation of an

Australian financial services licence held by the company if the

cancellation occurs because the company was deregistered.

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Deregistration, and transfer of registration, of companies Chapter 5A

Transfer of registration Part 5A.2

Section 601AI

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Part 5A.2—Transfer of registration

601AI Transferring registration

A company may transfer its registration to registration under a law

of the Commonwealth, or of a State or Territory, by:

(a) passing a special resolution resolving to transfer its

registration to registration under that law; and

(b) complying with sections 601AJ and 601AK.

The company may transfer its registration to registration under the

law of a State or Territory only if the State or Territory is the one

in which it is taken to be registered.

Note 1: Section 119A tells you which State or Territory the company is taken

to be registered in.

Note 2: In order to be registered under the State or Territory law, the company

may need to amend its constitution, or adopt a new one, and the

provisions of this Act (including the class rights provisions in

Part 2F.2) will apply to the amendment or adoption.

601AJ Applying to transfer registration

(1) To transfer its registration, a company must lodge an application

with ASIC together with:

(a) a copy of the special resolution that resolves to change the

company’s registration to a registration under the law of the

Commonwealth or of the State or Territory; and

(b) a statement signed by the directors of the company that in

their opinion the company’s creditors are not likely to be

materially prejudiced by the change and sets out their reasons

for that opinion.

(2) The application must be in the prescribed form.

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Chapter 5A Deregistration, and transfer of registration, of companies

Part 5A.2 Transfer of registration

Section 601AK

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Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

601AK ASIC makes transfer of registration declaration

ASIC may make a transfer of registration declaration in relation to

the company under this section if ASIC is satisfied that:

(a) the application complies with section 601AJ; and

(b) the company’s creditors are not likely to be materially

prejudiced by the transfer of the company’s registration; and

(c) the law of the Commonwealth or of the State or Territory

concerned adequately provides for:

(i) the continuation of the company’s legal personality after

the transfer; and

(ii) the preservation of any rights or claims against the

company (other than the right of a member as a

member) that accrued while the company was registered

under this Act.

601AL ASIC to deregister company

(1) ASIC must deregister the company if:

(a) ASIC makes a transfer of registration declaration in relation

to the company; and

(b) the company is registered under the law of the

Commonwealth or of the State or Territory.

Note: Despite the deregistration, officers of the company may still be liable

for things done before the company was deregistered.

(2) Sections 601AD, 601AE, 601AF and 601AG do not apply to the

deregistration of a company under this section.

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Bodies corporate registered as companies, and registrable bodies Chapter 5B

Registering a body corporate as a company Part 5B.1

Registration Division 1

Section 601BA

Corporations Act 2001 669

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Chapter 5B—Bodies corporate registered as

companies, and registrable bodies

Part 5B.1—Registering a body corporate as a


Division 1—Registration

601BA Bodies corporate may be registered as certain types of


(1) A body corporate that is not a company or corporation sole may be

registered under this Act as a company of one of the following


(a) a proprietary company limited by shares;

(b) an unlimited proprietary company with share capital;

(c) a public company limited by shares;

(d) a company limited by guarantee;

(e) an unlimited public company with share capital;

(f) a no liability company.

(2) A body corporate may be registered as a no liability company only


(a) the body has a share capital; and

(b) the body’s constitution states that its sole objects are mining

purposes; and

(c) under the constitution the body has no contractual right to

recover calls made on its shares from a member who fails to

pay them.

Note: Section 9 defines mining purposes and minerals.

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Chapter 5B Bodies corporate registered as companies, and registrable bodies

Part 5B.1 Registering a body corporate as a company

Division 1 Registration

Section 601BB

670 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

601BB Bodies registered as proprietary companies

(1) The body must have no more than 50 non-employee shareholders if

it is to be registered as a proprietary company under this Part.

(2) In applying subsection (1):

(a) count joint holders of a particular parcel of shares as

1 person; and

(b) an employee shareholder is:

(i) a shareholder who is an employee of the body or of a

subsidiary of the body; or

(ii) a shareholder who was an employee of the body, or of a

subsidiary of the body, when they became a


601BC Applying for registration under this Part

(1) To register the body as a company under this Part, a person must

lodge an application with ASIC.

Note 1: For the types of companies that can be registered under this Part, see

section 601BA.

Note 2: A name may be reserved for a company to be registered under this

Part before the application is lodged (see Part 2B.6).

(2) The application must state the following:

(a) the type of company that the body is proposed to be

registered as under this Act;

(b) the name of the body;

(c) if the body is a registered body—its ARBN;

(d) the proposed name under which the body is to be registered

(unless the ACN is to be used);

(e) the name and address of each member of the body;

(f) the present given and family name, all former given and

family names and the date and place of birth of each person

who consents in writing to become a director;

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Bodies corporate registered as companies, and registrable bodies Chapter 5B

Registering a body corporate as a company Part 5B.1

Registration Division 1

Section 601BC

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(g) the present given and family name, all former given and

family names and the date and place of birth of each person

who consents in writing to become a company secretary;

(h) the address of each person who consents in writing to

become a director or company secretary;

(i) the address of the body’s proposed registered office;

(j) for a body proposed to be registered as a public company—

the proposed opening hours of its registered office (if they

are not the standard opening hours);

(k) the address of the body’s proposed principal place of

business (if it is not the address of the proposed registered


(l) for a body proposed to be registered as a company limited by

shares or an unlimited company—the following:

(i) the number and class of shares each member already

holds or has agreed, in writing, to take up;

(ii) the amount each member has already paid or agreed, in

writing, to pay for each share;

(iia) whether the shares each member already holds or has

agreed, in writing, to take up will be fully paid on


(iii) the amount unpaid on each share;

(iv) whether or not the shares each member agrees in writing

to take up will be beneficially owned by the member on


(v) on registration, the classes into which shares will be


(vi) for each class of share on issue on registration—the

number of shares in the class on registration;

(vii) for each class of share on issue on registration—the

total amount paid up for the class on registration;

(viii) for each class of share on issue on registration—the

total amount unpaid for the class on registration;

(la) whether or not, on registration, the company will have an

ultimate holding company;

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Chapter 5B Bodies corporate registered as companies, and registrable bodies

Part 5B.1 Registering a body corporate as a company

Division 1 Registration

Section 601BC

672 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(lb) if, on registration, the company will have an ultimate holding

company—the following:

(i) the name of the ultimate holding company;

(ii) if the ultimate holding company is registered in

Australia—its ABN, ACN or ARBN;

(iii) if the ultimate holding company is not registered in

Australia—the place at which it was incorporated or


(lc) for a body proposed to be registered as a company limited by

shares or an unlimited company—the top 20 members of

each class (worked out according to the number and class of

shares each member holds and has agreed, in writing, to take


Note: See also section 107.

(m) for a body proposed to be registered as a public company, if

shares have been issued for non-cash consideration—the

prescribed particulars about the issue of the shares, unless the

shares were issued under a written contract and a copy of the

contract is lodged with the application;

(n) for a body proposed to be registered as a company limited by

guarantee—the amount of the guarantee that each member

has agreed to in writing;

(o) the State or Territory in this jurisdiction in which the

company is to be taken to be registered.

Note 1: Paragraph (h)—the address that must be stated is usually the

residential address, although an alternative address can sometimes be

stated instead (see section 205D).

Note 2: Paragraph (i)—if the body when it is registered under this Part is not

to be the occupier of premises at the address of its registered office,

the application must state that the occupier has consented to the

address being specified in the application and has not withdrawn that

consent (see section 100).

(3) If the body is proposed to be registered as a public company, the

application must be accompanied by a copy of each document

(including an agreement or consent) or resolution that is necessary

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Bodies corporate registered as companies, and registrable bodies Chapter 5B

Registering a body corporate as a company Part 5B.1

Registration Division 1

Section 601BC

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Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

to ascertain the rights attached to issued or unissued shares of the


(4) The application must be in the prescribed form.

(5) An applicant must have the consents and agreements referred to in

subsection (2) when the application is lodged. After the body is

registered as a company, the applicant must give the consents and

agreements to the company. The company must keep the consents

and agreements.

(5A) An offence based on subsection (5) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(6) The following documents must be lodged with the application:

(a) a certified copy of a current certificate of the body’s

incorporation in its place of origin, or of a document that has

a similar effect;

(b) a certified printed copy of the body’s constitution (if any);

(d) any other documents that are prescribed;

(e) any other documents that ASIC requires by written notice

given to the body.

A document need not be lodged if ASIC already has the document

and agrees not to require its lodgment.

(7) The application must be accompanied by evidence that:

(a) the body is not a Chapter 5 body corporate; and

(b) no application to wind up the body has been made to a court

(in Australia or elsewhere) that has not been dealt with; and

(c) no application to approve a compromise or arrangement

between the body and another person has been made to a

court (in Australia or elsewhere) that has not been dealt with.

(8) The application must be accompanied by evidence that under the

law of the body’s place of origin:

(a) the body’s type is the same or substantially the same as the

proposed type specified in the application; and

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Chapter 5B Bodies corporate registered as companies, and registrable bodies

Part 5B.1 Registering a body corporate as a company

Division 1 Registration

Section 601BD

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Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(b) if the members of the body have limited liability—the body’s

constitution defines how and to what extent that liability is

limited; and

(d) the transfer of the body’s incorporation is authorised; and

(e) the body has complied with the requirements (if any) of that

law for the transfer of its incorporation; and

(f) if those requirements do not include consent to the transfer

by the members of the body—the members:

(i) have consented to the transfer by a resolution that has

been passed at a meeting by at least 75% of the votes

cast by members entitled to vote on the resolution; and

(ii) were given at least 21 days notice of the meeting and

the proposed resolution.

(9) The evidence lodged in accordance with subsections (7) and (8)

must be satisfactory proof to ASIC of the matters referred to in

those subsections.

Note: Section 1304 requires documents that are not in English to be

translated into English.

601BD ASIC gives body ACN, registers as company and issues



(1) If an application is lodged under section 601BC, ASIC may:

(a) give the body an ACN; and

(b) register the body as a company of the proposed type specified

in the application; and

(c) issue a certificate that states:

(i) the company’s name; and

(ii) the company’s ACN; and

(iii) the company’s type; and

(iv) that the company is registered as a company under this

Act; and

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Bodies corporate registered as companies, and registrable bodies Chapter 5B

Registering a body corporate as a company Part 5B.1

Registration Division 1

Section 601BE

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(v) the State or Territory in which the company is taken to

be registered; and

(vi) the date of registration.

Note: For the evidentiary value of a certificate of registration, see

subsection 1274(7A).

ASIC must keep record of registration

(2) ASIC must keep a record of the registration. Subsections 1274(2)

and (5) apply to the record as if it were a document lodged with


601BE Registered office

The address specified in the application as the body’s proposed

registered office becomes the address of its registered office as a

company on registration.

601BF Name

A company registered under this Part has a name on registration

that is:

(a) an available name; or

(b) the expression “Australian Company Number” followed by

the company’s ACN.

The name must also include the words required by

subsection 148(2) or 148(3).

601BG Constitution

(1) The constitution on registration (if any) of a company registered

under this Part is the constitution lodged with the application.

(2) If any text in a constitution lodged with the application is not in

English, the English translation of that text lodged with the

application for registration is taken to be the relevant text in the

constitution on registration.

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Chapter 5B Bodies corporate registered as companies, and registrable bodies

Part 5B.1 Registering a body corporate as a company

Division 1 Registration

Section 601BH

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Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

601BH Modifications of constitution

(1) A company registered under this Part must modify its constitution

within 3 months after registration to give effect to this Part.

(2) If the constitution specifies amounts of money expressed in foreign

currency, the company must:

(a) fix a single rate of conversion by resolution; and

(b) modify its constitution by special resolution to convert those

amounts into Australian currency using that rate.

The modification must be made within 3 months after registration.

(2A) An offence based on subsection (1) or (2) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(3) An amendment of a company’s constitution under this section does

not affect the number and class of shares held by each member.

601BJ ASIC may direct company to apply for Court approval for

modifications of constitution

(1) ASIC may give the company a written direction to apply to the

Court within a specified period for an order approving the modified


(2) The Court may make an order:

(a) declaring that the company has complied with

section 601BH; or

(b) declaring that the company will comply with section 601BH

if it makes further modifications of its constitution as

specified in the order.

(3) The company must lodge a copy of the order with ASIC within 14

days after the order is made.

(4) An offence based on subsection (3) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

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Bodies corporate registered as companies, and registrable bodies Chapter 5B

Registering a body corporate as a company Part 5B.1

Registration Division 1

Section 601BK

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601BK Establishing registers and minute books

(1) A company registered under this Part must, within 14 days after


(a) set up the register required by section 168; and

(b) include in the register the information that is required to be

included in the register and that is available to the company

on registration; and

(c) set up the minute books required by section 251A.

(1A) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(2) During the 14 days the company need not comply with a person’s

request to inspect or obtain a copy of:

(a) information in a register; or

(b) a minute of a general meeting.

However, the period within which the company must comply with

the request begins at the end of the 14 days.

601BL Registration of registered bodies

(1) If a registered body becomes registered as a company under this

Part, it ceases to be a registered body. ASIC must remove the

body’s name from the appropriate register kept for the purposes of

Division 1 or 2 of Part 5B.2.

(2) ASIC may keep any of the documents relating to the company that

were lodged because the company used to be a registered body.

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Chapter 5B Bodies corporate registered as companies, and registrable bodies

Part 5B.1 Registering a body corporate as a company

Division 2 Operation of this Act

Section 601BM

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Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 2—Operation of this Act

601BM Effect of registration under this Part

(1) Registration under this Part does not:

(a) create a new legal entity; or

(b) affect the body’s existing property, rights or obligations

(except as against the members of the body in their capacity

as members); or

(c) render defective any legal proceedings by or against the body

or its members.

(2) This Part sets out special provisions for companies registered under

this Part.

601BN Liability of members on winding up

A person who stopped being a member of the body before it was

registered as a company under this Part is to be treated as a past

member of the company in applying Division 2 of Part 5.6 to a

winding up of the company. However, the person’s liability to

contribute to the company’s property is further limited by this

section to an amount sufficient for the following:

(a) payment of debts and liabilities contracted by the company

before the day on which the company was registered under

this Part;

(b) payment of the costs, charges and expenses of winding up the

company, so far as those costs, charges and expenses relate to

those debts and liabilities;

(c) the adjustment of the rights between the contributories, so far

as the adjustment relates to those debts and liabilities.

601BP Bearer shares

(1) A bearer of a bearer share in a company registered under this Part

may surrender the share to the company. The company must:

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Bodies corporate registered as companies, and registrable bodies Chapter 5B

Registering a body corporate as a company Part 5B.1

Operation of this Act Division 2

Section 601BQ

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Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(a) cancel the share; and

(b) include the bearer’s name in the company’s register of


(1A) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(2) The company is liable to compensate anyone who suffers a loss

because the company includes the bearer’s name in the company’s

register of members despite the fact that:

(a) the share was not surrendered to the company; or

(b) the company failed to cancel the share.

(3) Subject to this section, the constitution of a company registered

under this Part may provide that the bearer of a bearer share in the

company is taken to be a member of the company for all purposes

or for specified purposes.

Note: A body must not issue bearer shares after it is registered as a company

under this Part (see paragraph 254F(a)).

601BQ References in pre-registration contracts and other

documents to par value in existing contracts and


(1) This section applies in relation to a company registered under this

Part for the purpose of interpreting and applying after registration:

(a) a contract entered into before the registration; or

(b) a trust deed or other document executed before the


(2) A reference to the par value of a share is taken to be a reference to

the par value of the share immediately before the registration, or

the par value that the share would have had if it had been issued


(3) A reference to a right to a return of capital on a share is taken to be

a reference to a right to a return of capital of a value equal to the

amount paid before the registration in respect of the share’s par

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Chapter 5B Bodies corporate registered as companies, and registrable bodies

Part 5B.1 Registering a body corporate as a company

Division 2 Operation of this Act

Section 601BR

680 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

value, or the par value that the share would have had if it had been

issued then.

(4) A reference to the aggregate par value of the company’s issued

share capital is taken to be a reference to that aggregate as it

existed immediately before the registration.

601BR First AGM

(1) Despite subsection 250N(1), a public company registered under

this Part must hold its first AGM after registration in the calendar

year of its registration.

(2) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

601BS Modification by regulations

The regulations may modify the operation of this Part in relation to

a company registered under this Part.

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Bodies corporate registered as companies, and registrable bodies Chapter 5B

Registrable bodies Part 5B.2

Preliminary Division 1A

Section 601C

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Part 5B.2—Registrable bodies

Division 1A—Preliminary

601C Definitions

In this Part:

property of a corporation includes PPSA retention of title property,

if the security interest in the property is vested in the corporation

because of the operation of any of the following provisions:

(a) section 267 or 267A of the Personal Property Securities Act

2009 (property subject to unperfected security interests);

(b) section 588FL of this Act (collateral not registered within


Note: See sections 9 (definition of property) and 51F (PPSA retention of

title property).

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Chapter 5B Bodies corporate registered as companies, and registrable bodies

Part 5B.2 Registrable bodies

Division 1 Registrable Australian bodies

Section 601CA

682 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 1—Registrable Australian bodies

601CA When a registrable Australian body may carry on business

in this jurisdiction and outside its place of origin

A registrable Australian body must not carry on business in a State

or Territory in this jurisdiction unless:

(a) that State or Territory is its place of origin; or

(b) it has its head office or principal place of business in that

State or Territory; or

(c) it is registered under this Division; or

(d) it has applied to be so registered and the application has not

been dealt with.

601CB Application for registration

Subject to this Part, where a registrable Australian body lodges an

application for registration under this Division that is in the

prescribed form and is accompanied by:

(a) a certified copy of a current certificate of its incorporation or

registration in its place of origin, or a document of similar

effect; and

(b) a certified copy of its constitution; and

(c) a list of its directors containing personal details of those

directors that are equivalent to the personal details of

directors referred to in subsection 242(2); and

(e) notice of the address of:

(i) if it has in its place of origin a registered office for the

purposes of a law (other than this Act) there in force—

that office; or

(ii) otherwise—its principal place of business in its place of

origin; and

(f) notice of the address of its registered office under

section 601CT;

ASIC must:

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Registrable bodies Part 5B.2

Registrable Australian bodies Division 1

Section 601CC

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(g) grant the application and register the body under this

Division by entering the body’s name in a register kept for

the purposes of this Division; and

(h) allot to the body an ARBN distinct from the ARBN or ACN

of each body corporate (other than the body) already

registered as a company or registered body under this Act.

601CC Cessation of business etc.

(1) Within 7 days after ceasing to carry on business interstate, a

registered Australian body must lodge written notice that it has so


(1A) For the purposes of this section, a body carries on business

interstate if, and only if, the body carries on business at a place

that is in this jurisdiction and outside the body’s place of origin.

(2) Where ASIC has reasonable cause to believe that a registered

Australian body does not carry on business interstate, ASIC may

send to the body in the prescribed manner a letter to that effect and

stating that, if no answer showing cause to the contrary is received

within one month from the date of the letter, a notice will be

published in the Gazette with a view to striking the body’s name

off the register.

(3) Unless ASIC receives, within one month after the date of the letter,

an answer to the effect that the body is still carrying on business

interstate, it may publish in the Gazette, and send to the body in the

prescribed manner, a notice that, at the end of 3 months after the

date of the notice, the body’s name will, unless cause to the

contrary is shown, be struck off the register.

(4) At the end of the period specified in a notice sent under

subsection (3), ASIC may, unless cause to the contrary has been

shown, strike the body’s name off the register and must publish in

the Gazette notice of the striking off.

(5) Nothing in subsection (4) affects the power of the Court to wind up

a body whose name has been struck off the register.

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Chapter 5B Bodies corporate registered as companies, and registrable bodies

Part 5B.2 Registrable bodies

Division 1 Registrable Australian bodies

Section 601CC

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(6) Where a body’s name is struck off the register under

subsection (4), the body ceases to be registered under this Division.

(7) If ASIC is satisfied that a body’s name was struck off the register

as a result of an error on ASIC’s part, ASIC may restore the body’s

name to the register, and thereupon the body’s name is taken never

to have been struck off and the body is taken never to have ceased

to be registered under this Division.

(8) A person who is aggrieved by a body’s name having been struck

off the register may, within 15 years after the striking off, apply to

the Court for the body’s name to be restored to the register.

(9) If, on an application under subsection (8), the Court is satisfied


(a) at the time of the striking off, the body was carrying on

business interstate; or

(b) it is otherwise just for the body’s name to be restored to the


the Court may, by order:

(c) direct the body’s name to be restored to the register; and

(d) give such directions, and make such provisions, as it thinks

just for placing the body and all other persons in the same

position, as nearly as practicable, as if the body’s name had

never been struck off.

(10) On the lodging of an office copy of an order under subsection (9),

the body’s name is taken never to have been struck off.

(11) Where a body’s name is restored to the register under

subsection (7) or (9), ASIC must cause notice of that fact to be

published in the Gazette.

(12) Where a body ceases to be registered under this Division, an

obligation to lodge a document that this Act imposes on the body

by virtue of the doing of an act or thing, or the occurrence of an

event, at or before the time when the body so ceased, being an

obligation not discharged at or before that time, continues to apply

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Registrable bodies Part 5B.2

Registrable Australian bodies Division 1

Section 601CC

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in relation to the body even if the period prescribed for lodging the

document has not ended at or before that time.

(13) Where a registered Australian body commences to be wound up, or

is dissolved or deregistered, in its place of origin, the Court must,

on application by the person who is the liquidator for the body’s

place of origin, or by ASIC, appoint a liquidator of the body.

(14) A liquidator of a registered Australian body who is appointed by

the Court:

(a) must, before any distribution of the body’s property is made,

by advertisement in a daily newspaper circulating generally

in each State or Territory where the body carried on business

at any time during the 6 years before the liquidation, invite

all creditors to make their claims against the body within a

reasonable time before the distribution; and

(b) must not, without obtaining an order of the Court, pay out a

creditor of the body to the exclusion of another creditor of

the body; and

(c) must, unless the Court otherwise orders, recover and realise

the property of the body that is located:

(i) in this jurisdiction; and

(ii) outside the body’s place of origin;

and must pay the net amount so recovered and realised to the

liquidator of the body for its place of origin.

(15) If a registered Australian body has been wound up so far as its

property located:

(a) in this jurisdiction; and

(b) outside its place of origin;

is concerned and there is no liquidator for its place of origin, the

liquidator may apply to the Court for directions about the disposal

of the net amount recovered under subsection (14).

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Chapter 5B Bodies corporate registered as companies, and registrable bodies

Part 5B.2 Registrable bodies

Division 2 Foreign companies

Section 601CD

686 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 2—Foreign companies

601CD When a foreign company may carry on business in this


(1) A foreign company must not carry on business in this jurisdiction


(a) it is registered under this Division; or

(b) it has applied to be so registered and the application has not

been dealt with.

(2) For the purposes of this Division, a foreign company carries on

business in this jurisdiction if it:

(a) offers debentures in this jurisdiction; or

(b) is a guarantor body for debentures offered in this jurisdiction;

and Part 2L.1 applies to the debentures.

601CDA Limited disclosure if place of origin is a prescribed country

A foreign company is not required to lodge information or a copy

of a document with ASIC under this Division if:

(a) the company’s place of origin is a country prescribed by the

regulations; and

(b) the company has given the information or a copy of the

document to an authority in that country whose functions

under the law of the country include functions equivalent to

any of those of ASIC under this Act.

601CE Application for registration

Subject to this Part, where a foreign company lodges an application

for registration under this Division that is in the prescribed form

and is accompanied by:

(a) a certified copy of a current certificate of its incorporation or

registration in its place of origin, or a document of similar

effect; and

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Bodies corporate registered as companies, and registrable bodies Chapter 5B

Registrable bodies Part 5B.2

Foreign companies Division 2

Section 601CF

Corporations Act 2001 687

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(b) a certified copy of its constitution; and

(c) a list of its directors containing personal details of those

directors that are equivalent to the personal details of

directors referred to in subsection 205B(3); and

(d) if that list includes directors who are:

(i) resident in Australia; and

(ii) members of a local board of directors;

a memorandum that is duly executed by or on behalf of the

foreign company and states the powers of those directors;


(f) notice of the address of:

(i) if it has in its place of origin a registered office for the

purposes of a law there in force—that office; or

(ii) otherwise—its principal place of business in its place of

origin; and

(g) notice of the address of its registered office under

section 601CT;

ASIC must:

(h) grant the application and register the foreign company under

this Division by entering the foreign company’s name in a

register kept for the purposes of this Division; and

(j) allot to the foreign company an ARBN distinct from the

ARBN or ACN of each body corporate (other than the

foreign company) already registered as a company or

registered body under this Act.

601CF Appointment of local agent

(1) A foreign company may at any time appoint a person as a local


(2) ASIC must not register a foreign company under this Division

unless the foreign company has at least one local agent in relation

to whom the foreign company has complied with section 601CG.

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Chapter 5B Bodies corporate registered as companies, and registrable bodies

Part 5B.2 Registrable bodies

Division 2 Foreign companies

Section 601CG

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Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(3) Where:

(a) because a person ceased on a particular day to be a local

agent of the foreign company, a registered foreign company

has no local agent; and

(b) the foreign company carries on business, or has a place of

business, in this jurisdiction;

the foreign company must, within 21 days after that day, appoint a

person as a local agent.

601CG Local agent: how appointed

(1) A foreign company that lodges a memorandum of appointment, or

a power of attorney, that is duly executed by or on behalf of the

foreign company and states the name and address of a person who


(a) a natural person or a company; and

(b) resident in this jurisdiction; and

(c) authorised to accept on the foreign company’s behalf service

of process and notices;

is taken to appoint that person as a local agent.

(2) Where a memorandum of appointment, or a power of attorney,

lodged under subsection (1) is executed on the foreign company’s

behalf, the foreign company must, unless it has already done so,

lodge a copy, verified in writing in the prescribed form to be a true

copy, of the document authorising the execution.

(3) A copy lodged under subsection (2) is taken for all purposes to be

the original of the document.

(4) A foreign company that appoints a local agent must lodge a written

statement that is in the prescribed form and is made by the local


(5) A person whom a foreign company appoints as a local agent is a

local agent of the foreign company until the person:

(a) ceases by virtue of section 601CH to be such a local agent; or

(b) dies or ceases to exist.

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Bodies corporate registered as companies, and registrable bodies Chapter 5B

Registrable bodies Part 5B.2

Foreign companies Division 2

Section 601CH

Corporations Act 2001 689

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

601CH Local agent: how removed

(1) Where a person is a local agent of a foreign company, the foreign

company or the person may lodge a written notice stating that the

person’s appointment as a local agent has terminated, or will

terminate, on a specified day.

(2) Where a notice is lodged under subsection (1), the person ceases to

be a local agent of the foreign company at the end of:

(a) the period of 21 days beginning on the day of lodgment; or

(b) the day specified in the notice;

whichever is the later.

601CJ Liability of local agent

A local agent of a registered foreign company:

(a) is answerable for the doing of all acts, matters and things that

the foreign company is required by or under this Act to do;


(b) is personally liable to a penalty imposed on the foreign

company for a contravention of this Act if the court or

tribunal hearing the matter is satisfied that the local agent

should be so liable.

601CK Balance-sheets and other documents

(1) Subject to this section, a registered foreign company must, at least

once in every calendar year and at intervals of not more than 15

months, lodge a copy of its balance-sheet made up to the end of its

last financial year, a copy of its cash flow statement for its last

financial year and a copy of its profit and loss statement for its last

financial year, in such form and containing such particulars and

including copies of such documents as the company is required to

prepare by the law for the time being applicable to that company in

its place of origin, together with a statement in writing in the

prescribed form verifying that the copies are true copies of the

documents so required.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 5B Bodies corporate registered as companies, and registrable bodies

Part 5B.2 Registrable bodies

Division 2 Foreign companies

Section 601CK

690 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(2) ASIC may extend the period within which subsection (1) requires a

balance-sheet, profit and loss statement, cash flow statement or

other document to be lodged.

(3) ASIC may, if it is of the opinion that the balance-sheet, the profit

and loss statement and the other documents referred to in

subsection (1) do not sufficiently disclose the company’s financial


(a) require the company to lodge a balance-sheet; or

(b) require the company to lodge an audited balance-sheet; or

(ba) require the company to lodge a cash flow statement; or

(bb) require the company to lodge an audited cash flow statement;


(c) require the company to lodge a profit and loss statement; or

(d) require the company to lodge an audited profit and loss


within such period, in such form, containing such particulars and

including such documents as ASIC by notice in writing to the

company requires, but this subsection does not authorise ASIC to

require a balance-sheet or a profit and loss statement to contain any

particulars or include any documents that would not be required to

be given if the company were a public company within the

meaning of this Act.

(4) The registered foreign company must comply with the

requirements set out in the notice.

(5) Where a registered foreign company is not required by the law of

the place of its incorporation or formation to prepare a

balance-sheet, the company must prepare and lodge a

balance-sheet, or, if ASIC so requires, an audited balance-sheet,

within such period, in such form and containing such particulars

and including such documents as the company would have been

required to prepare if the company were a public company

incorporated under this Act.

(5A) If a registered foreign company is not required by the law of the

place of its incorporation or formation to prepare a cash flow

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Registrable bodies Part 5B.2

Foreign companies Division 2

Section 601CL

Corporations Act 2001 691

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

statement, the company must prepare and lodge a cash flow

statement, or, if ASIC so requires, an audited cash flow statement,

within the period, in the form, containing the particulars and

including the documents that the company would have been

required to prepare if the company were a public company

registered under this Act.

(6) Where a registered foreign company is not required by the law of

its place of origin to prepare a profit and loss statement, the

company must prepare and lodge a profit and loss statement or, if

ASIC so requires, an audited profit and loss statement, within such

period, in such form, containing such particulars and including

such documents as the company would have been required to

prepare if the company were a public company incorporated under

this Act.

(7) ASIC may, by Gazette notice, declare that this section does not

apply to specified foreign companies.

(8) Subsections (1) to (6), inclusive, do not apply in relation to a

foreign company in relation to which a notice is in force under

subsection (7).

(9) A registered foreign company in relation to which a notice is in

force under subsection (7) must, at least once in every calendar

year, lodge with ASIC a return in the prescribed form made up to

the date of its annual general meeting.

(10) The return must be lodged within 1 month after the date to which it

is made up, or within such further period as ASIC, in special

circumstances, allows.

601CL Cessation of business etc.

(1) Within 7 days after ceasing to carry on business in this jurisdiction,

a registered foreign company must lodge written notice that it has

so ceased.

(2) Where ASIC receives notice from a local agent of a registered

foreign company that the foreign company has been dissolved or

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Chapter 5B Bodies corporate registered as companies, and registrable bodies

Part 5B.2 Registrable bodies

Division 2 Foreign companies

Section 601CL

692 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

deregistered, ASIC must remove the foreign company’s name from

the register.

(3) Where ASIC has reasonable cause to believe that a registered

foreign company does not carry on business in this jurisdiction,

ASIC may send to the foreign company in the prescribed manner a

letter to that effect and stating that, if no answer showing cause to

the contrary is received within one month from the date of the

letter, a notice will be published in the Gazette with a view to

striking the foreign company’s name off the register.

(4) Unless ASIC receives, within one month after the date of the letter,

an answer to the effect that the foreign company is still carrying on

business in this jurisdiction, it may publish in the Gazette, and send

to the foreign company in the prescribed manner, a notice that, at

the end of 3 months after the date of the notice, the foreign

company’s name will, unless cause to the contrary is shown, be

struck off the register.

(5) At the end of the period specified in a notice sent under

subsection (4), ASIC may, unless cause to the contrary has been

shown, strike the foreign company’s name off the register and must

publish in the Gazette notice of the striking off.

(6) Nothing in subsection (5) affects the power of the Court to wind up

a foreign company whose name has been struck off the register.

(7) Where a foreign company’s name is struck off the register under

subsection (5), the foreign company ceases to be registered under

this Division.

(8) If ASIC is satisfied that a foreign company’s name was struck off

the register as a result of an error on ASIC’s part, ASIC may

restore the foreign company’s name to the register, and thereupon

the foreign company’s name is taken never to have been struck off

and the foreign company is taken never to have ceased to be

registered under this Division.

(9) A person who is aggrieved by a foreign company’s name having

been struck off the register may, within 15 years after the striking

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Registrable bodies Part 5B.2

Foreign companies Division 2

Section 601CL

Corporations Act 2001 693

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

off, apply to the Court for the foreign company’s name to be

restored to the register.

(10) If, on an application under subsection (9), the Court is satisfied


(a) at the time of the striking off, the foreign company was

carrying on business in this jurisdiction; or

(b) it is otherwise just for the foreign company’s name to be

restored to the register;

the Court may, by order:

(c) direct the foreign company’s name to be restored to the

register; and

(d) give such directions, and make such provision, as it thinks

just for placing the foreign company and all other persons in

the same position, as nearly as practicable, as if the foreign

company’s name had never been struck off.

(11) On the lodging of an office copy of an order under subsection (10),

the foreign company’s name is taken never to have been struck off.

(12) Where a foreign company’s name is restored to the register under

subsection (8) or (10), ASIC must cause notice of that fact to be

published in the Gazette.

(13) Where a foreign company ceases to be registered under this

Division, an obligation to lodge a document that this Act imposes

on the foreign company by virtue of the doing of an act or thing, or

the occurrence of an event, at or before the time when the foreign

company so ceased, being an obligation not discharged at or before

that time, continues to apply in relation to the foreign company

even if the period prescribed for lodging the document has not

ended at or before that time.

(14) Where a registered foreign company commences to be wound up,

or is dissolved or deregistered, in its place of origin:

(a) each person who, on the day when the winding up

proceedings began, was a local agent of the foreign company

must, within the period of 1 month after that day or within

that period as extended by ASIC in special circumstances,

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Chapter 5B Bodies corporate registered as companies, and registrable bodies

Part 5B.2 Registrable bodies

Division 2 Foreign companies

Section 601CM

694 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

lodge or cause to be lodged notice of that fact and, when a

liquidator is appointed, notice of the appointment; and

(b) the Court must, on application by the person who is the

liquidator for the foreign company’s place of origin, or by

ASIC, appoint a liquidator of the foreign company.

(15) A liquidator of a registered foreign company who is appointed by

the Court:

(a) must, before any distribution of the foreign company’s

property is made, by advertisement in a daily newspaper

circulating generally in each State or Territory where the

foreign company carried on business at any time during the 6

years before the liquidation, invite all creditors to make their

claims against the foreign company within a reasonable time

before the distribution; and

(b) must not, without obtaining an order of the Court, pay out a

creditor of the foreign company to the exclusion of another

creditor of the foreign company; and

(c) must, unless the Court otherwise orders, recover and realise

the property of the foreign company in this jurisdiction and

must pay the net amount so recovered and realised to the

liquidator of the foreign company for its place of origin.

(16) Where a registered foreign company has been wound up so far as

its property in this jurisdiction is concerned and there is no

liquidator for its place of origin, the liquidator may apply to the

Court for directions about the disposal of the net amount recovered

under subsection (15).

601CM Register of members of foreign company

(1) A registered foreign company that has a share capital may cause a

branch register of members to be kept in this jurisdiction.

(2) If a member of a registered foreign company is resident in this

jurisdiction and requests the foreign company in writing to register

in a branch register kept under subsection (1) shares held by the

member, then:

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Bodies corporate registered as companies, and registrable bodies Chapter 5B

Registrable bodies Part 5B.2

Foreign companies Division 2

Section 601CN

Corporations Act 2001 695

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(a) if the foreign company already keeps a register under

subsection (1)—the foreign company must register in that

register the shares held by the member; or

(b) otherwise—the foreign company must, within 1 month after

receiving the request:

(i) keep at its registered office or at some other place in this

jurisdiction a branch register of members; and

(ii) register in that register the shares held by the member.

(3) Subsection (2) does not apply in relation to a foreign company

whose constitution prohibits any invitation to the public to

subscribe for, and any offer to the public to accept subscriptions

for, shares in the foreign company.

(4) Subject to this section, a registered foreign company may

discontinue a register kept under subsection (1) and must, if it does

so, transfer all entries in that register to a register of members kept

outside Australia.

(5) If shares held by a member of a registered foreign company who is

resident in this jurisdiction are registered in a register kept by the

foreign company under subsection (1), the foreign company must

not discontinue that register without that member’s written


601CN Register kept under section 601CM

(1) This section has effect where a registered foreign company keeps a

register under section 601CM.

(2) The foreign company must keep the register in the same manner as

this Act requires a company to keep its register of members.

(3) Subject to subsection (2), the foreign company must register a

transaction in the register in the same way, and at the same charge,

as it would have registered the transaction in the register of

members that the foreign company keeps in its place of origin.

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Chapter 5B Bodies corporate registered as companies, and registrable bodies

Part 5B.2 Registrable bodies

Division 2 Foreign companies

Section 601CP

696 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(4) A transfer of shares in the foreign company that is lodged at the

foreign company’s registered office, or at the place where the

register is kept, is binding on the foreign company.

(5) The Court has the same powers in relation to correction of the

register as it has in relation to correction of a company’s register of


(6) The register is taken to be part of the foreign company’s register of


(7) At the written request of a member who holds shares registered in

the register, the foreign company must remove the shares from the

register and register them in such other register as is specified in

the request.

(8) The register is prima facie evidence of matters that this Act

requires or authorises to be entered in the register.

601CP Notifying ASIC about register kept under section 601CM

Within 14 days after:

(a) beginning to keep a register under section 601CM; or

(b) changing the place where a register is so kept; or

(c) discontinuing a register under section 601CM;

a registered foreign company must lodge a written notice of that

fact specifying, if paragraph (a) or (b) applies, the address or new

address, as the case may be, where the register is kept.

601CQ Effect of right to acquire shares compulsorily


(a) a law of the place of origin of a foreign company that

corresponds to section 414, 661A or 664A entitles a person

to give notice to another person that the first-mentioned

person wishes to acquire shares in the foreign company that

the other person holds; and

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Bodies corporate registered as companies, and registrable bodies Chapter 5B

Registrable bodies Part 5B.2

Foreign companies Division 2

Section 601CR

Corporations Act 2001 697

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(b) some or all of those shares are registered in a register kept

under section 601CM;

sections 601CM, 601CN and 601CP cease to apply in relation to

the foreign company until the first-mentioned person acquires, or

ceases to be entitled to acquire, the shares so registered.

601CR Index of members and inspection of registers

Subsection 169(2) and sections 173, 174 and 177 apply in relation

to a register kept under section 601CM.

601CS Certificate as to shareholding

A certificate under the seal of a foreign company specifying shares

held by a member of that company and registered in a register kept

under section 601CM is prima facie evidence of the title of the

member to the shares and of the fact that the shares are registered

in the register.

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Chapter 5B Bodies corporate registered as companies, and registrable bodies

Part 5B.2 Registrable bodies

Division 3 Bodies registered under this Part

Section 601CTA

698 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 3—Bodies registered under this Part

601CTA Limited disclosure if place of origin is a prescribed country

A foreign company is not required to lodge information or a copy

of a document with ASIC under this Division if:

(a) the company’s place of origin is a country prescribed by

regulations made for the purposes of section 601CDA; and

(b) the company has given the information or a copy of the

document to an authority in that country whose functions

under the law of the country include functions equivalent to

any of those of ASIC under this Act.

601CT Registered office

(1) A registered body must have a registered office in this jurisdiction

to which all communications and notices may be addressed and

that must be open:

(a) if the body has:

(i) lodged a notice under subsection (2); or

(ii) lodged a notice under subsection (2) and a notice or

notices under subsection (4);

for such hours (being not fewer than 3) between 9 am and 5

pm on each business day as are specified in that notice, or in

the later or last of those notices, as the case may be; or

(b) otherwise—each business day from at least 10 am to 12 noon

and from at least 2 pm to 4 pm;

and at which a representative of the body is present at all times

when the office is open.

(2) A registered body may lodge written notice of the hours (being not

fewer than 3) between 9 am and 5 pm on each business day during

which the body’s registered office is open.

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Bodies corporate registered as companies, and registrable bodies Chapter 5B

Registrable bodies Part 5B.2

Bodies registered under this Part Division 3

Section 601CU

Corporations Act 2001 699

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(3) Within 7 days after a change in the situation of its registered office,

a registered body must lodge a written notice of the change and of

the new address of that office.

(4) A registered body that has lodged a notice under subsection (2)

must, within 7 days after a change in the hours during which its

registered office is open, lodge a notice, in the prescribed form, of

the change.

601CU Certificate of registration

(1) On registering a body corporate under Division 1 or 2 or

registering under section 601DH or 601DJ a change in a registered

body’s name, ASIC must issue to the body a certificate, under

ASIC’s common seal and in the prescribed form, of the body’s

registration under that Division.

(2) A certificate under subsection (1) is prima facie evidence of the

matters stated in it.

601CV Notice of certain changes

(1) A registered body must, within 1 month after a change in:

(b) its constitution or any other document lodged in relation to

the body; or

(c) its directors; or

(d) if the body is a foreign company;

(i) the powers of any directors who are resident in

Australia and members of an Australian board of

directors of the foreign company; or

(ii) a local agent or local agents; or

(iii) the name or address of a local agent; or

(e) the situation of:

(i) if it has in its place of origin a registered office for the

purposes of a law (other than this Act) there in force—

that office; or

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Chapter 5B Bodies corporate registered as companies, and registrable bodies

Part 5B.2 Registrable bodies

Division 3 Bodies registered under this Part

Section 601CW

700 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(ii) otherwise—its principal place of business in its place of


lodge a written notice of particulars of the change, together with

such documents (if any) as the regulations require.

(2) ASIC may in special circumstances extend the period within which

subsection (1) requires a notice or document to be lodged.

601CW Body’s name etc. must be displayed at office and place of


(1) Subject to subsection (2), this section applies to a registrable body.

(2) If the registrable body is a registrable Australian body, this section

does not apply to a place at which the body carries on business if

the place is in the body’s place of origin.

(9) Unless the body is an Australian ADI, it must paint or affix and

keep painted or affixed, in a conspicuous position and in letters

easily legible, on the outside of every office and place (including

its registered office) that is in this jurisdiction, at which its business

is carried on and that is open and accessible to the public:

(a) its name and the name of its place of origin; and

(b) if the liability of its members is limited and the last word of

its name is neither the word “Limited” nor the abbreviation

“Ltd.”—notice of the fact that the liability of its members is

limited; and

(c) in the case of its registered office—the expression

“Registered Office”.

(10) If the body is an Australian ADI, it must paint or affix its name,

and must keep its name painted or affixed, in a conspicuous

position and in letters easily legible, on the outside of every office

or place (including its registered office) that is in this jurisdiction,

at which its business is carried on and that is open and accessible to

the public.

(11) An offence based on subsection (9) or (10) is an offence of strict


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Registrable bodies Part 5B.2

Bodies registered under this Part Division 3

Section 601CX

Corporations Act 2001 701

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

601CX Service of documents on registered body

(1) A document may be served on a registered body:

(a) by leaving it at, or by sending it by post to, the registered

office of the body; or

(b) in the case of a registered foreign company—by leaving it at,

or by sending it by post to, the address of a local agent of the

foreign company, being:

(i) in a case to which subparagraph (ii) does not apply—an

address notice of which has been lodged under

subsection 601CG(1); or

(ii) if a notice or notices of a change or alteration in that

address has or have been lodged under

subsection 601CV(1)—the address shown in that

last-mentioned notice or the later or latest of those

last-mentioned notices.

(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), the situation of the registered

office of a registered body:

(a) in a case to which neither paragraph (b) nor paragraph (c)

applies—is taken to be the place notice of the address of

which has been lodged under paragraph 601CB(e) or

601CE(g); or

(b) if only one notice of a change in the situation of the

registered office has been lodged with ASIC under

subsection 601CT(3)—is, on and from:

(i) the day that is 7 days after the day on which the notice

was lodged; or

(ii) the day that is specified in the notice as the day from

which the change is to take effect;

whichever is later, taken to be the place the address of which

is specified in the notice; or

(c) if 2 or more notices of a change in the situation of the

registered office have been lodged under

subsection 601CT(3)—is, on and from:

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Chapter 5B Bodies corporate registered as companies, and registrable bodies

Part 5B.2 Registrable bodies

Division 3 Bodies registered under this Part

Section 601CY

702 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(i) the day that is 7 days after the day on which the later or

latest of those notices was lodged; or

(ii) the day that is specified in the later or latest of those

notices as the day from which the change is to take


whichever is later, taken to be the place the address of which

is specified in the relevant notice;

and is so taken to be that place irrespective of whether the address

of a different place is shown as the address of the registered office

of the registered body in a return or other document (not being a

notice under subsection 601CT(3)) lodged after the notice referred

to in paragraph (a) or (b), or the later or latest of the notices

referred to in paragraph (c), was lodged.

(3) Without limiting the operation of subsection (1), if 2 or more

directors of a registered body reside in Australia or an external

Territory, a document may be served on the body by delivering a

copy of the document personally to each of 2 of those directors.

(3A) Without limiting the operation of subsection (1), a document may

be served on a registered body that is registered as a proprietary

company and has only one director by delivering a copy personally

to that director.

(4) Where a liquidator of a registered body has been appointed, a

document may be served on the body by leaving it at, or by

sending it by post to, the last address of the office of the liquidator

notice of which has been lodged.

(5) Nothing in this section affects the power of the Court to authorise a

document to be served on a registered body in a manner not

provided for by this section.

(6) Subject to subsection 8(4), subsection 8(3) applies in relation to a

reference in this section.

601CY Power to hold land

A registered body has power to hold land in this jurisdiction.

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Bodies corporate registered as companies, and registrable bodies Chapter 5B

Registrable bodies Part 5B.2

Register of debenture holders for non-companies Division 4

Section 601CZA

Corporations Act 2001 703

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 4—Register of debenture holders for


601CZA Certain documents are debentures

For the purposes of this Division, choses in action (including an

undertaking) that fall into one of the exceptions in paragraphs (a),

(b), (e) and (f) of the definition of debenture in section 9 must also

be entered into the register of debenture holders.

601CZB Register of debenture holders to be maintained by


(1) A body that is not a company must set up and maintain a register of

debenture holders if it issues debentures covered by Chapter 2L.

Note 1: Companies have to keep a register of debenture holders under

sections 168 and 171.

Note 2: The register may be kept on computer (see section 1306).

(1A) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(2) The register must contain the following information about each

debenture holder:

(a) their name and address;

(b) the amount of the debentures held.

(3) A body’s failure to comply with this section in relation to a

debenture does not affect the debenture itself.

601CZC Location of register

(1) The register must be kept at:

(a) the body’s registered office; or

(b) the body’s principal place of business in this jurisdiction; or

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 5B Bodies corporate registered as companies, and registrable bodies

Part 5B.2 Registrable bodies

Division 4 Register of debenture holders for non-companies

Section 601CZD

704 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(c) a place in this jurisdiction (whether of the body or of

someone else) where the work involved in maintaining the

register is done; or

(d) another place approved by ASIC.

(2) The body must lodge with ASIC a notice of the address at which

the register is kept within 7 days after the register is:

(a) established at an office that is neither the body’s registered

office nor at its principal place of business; or

(b) moved from one office to another.

Notice is not required for moving the register between the

registered office and an office at the principal place of business.

(3) An offence based on subsection (1) or (2) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

601CZD Application of sections 173 to 177

Sections 173 to 177 apply to a register kept under this Division as

if it were kept under Chapter 2C.

Note: Sections 173 to 177 deal with rights to inspect the register and get

copies, the obligations of agents who maintain the register, correction

of the register, the evidential value of the register and the use of

information on the register.

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Bodies corporate registered as companies, and registrable bodies Chapter 5B

Names of registrable Australian bodies and foreign companies Part 5B.3

Section 601DA

Corporations Act 2001 705

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 5B.3—Names of registrable Australian bodies

and foreign companies

601DA Reserving a name

(1) A person may lodge an application in the prescribed form with

ASIC to reserve a name for a registrable Australian body or a

foreign company. If the name is available, ASIC must reserve it.

Note: For available names, see section 601DC.

(2) The reservation lasts for 2 months from the date when the

application was lodged. An applicant may ask ASIC in writing for

an extension of the reservation during a period that the name is

reserved, and ASIC may extend the reservation for 2 months.

(3) ASIC must cancel a reservation if the applicant asks ASIC in

writing to do so.

601DB Acceptable abbreviations

(1) The abbreviations set out in the following table may be used:

(a) instead of words that this Act requires to be part of a

registrable Australian body’s or foreign company’s name or

to be included in a document; and

(b) instead of words that are part of a registrable Australian

body’s or foreign company’s name; and

(c) with or without full stops.

Acceptable abbreviations [operative table]

Word Abbreviation

1 Company Co or Coy

2 Proprietary Pty

3 Limited Ltd

4 Australian Aust

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 5B Bodies corporate registered as companies, and registrable bodies

Part 5B.3 Names of registrable Australian bodies and foreign companies

Section 601DC

706 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Acceptable abbreviations [operative table]

Word Abbreviation

5 Number No

6 and &

7 Australian Registered Body



8 Registered Regd

(2) If a registrable Australian body’s or foreign company’s name

includes any of these abbreviations, the word corresponding to the

abbreviation may be used instead.

601DC When a name is available

Name is available unless identical or unacceptable

(1) A name is available to a registrable Australian body or a foreign

company unless the name is:

(a) identical (under rules set out in the regulations) to a name

that is reserved or registered under this Act for another body;


(b) identical (under rules set out in the regulations) to a name

that is held or registered on the Business Names Register in

respect of another individual or body who is not the person

applying to have the name; or

(c) unacceptable for registration under the regulations.

Minister may consent to a name being available

(2) The Minister may consent in writing to a name being available to a

registrable Australian body or foreign company even if the name


(a) identical to a name that is reserved or registered under this

Act for another body; or

(b) unacceptable for registration under the regulations.

(3) The Minister’s consent may be given subject to conditions.

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Bodies corporate registered as companies, and registrable bodies Chapter 5B

Names of registrable Australian bodies and foreign companies Part 5B.3

Section 601DD

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Note: If the body or company breaches a condition, ASIC may direct it to

change its name under section 601DJ.

(4) The regulations may specify that a particular unacceptable name is

available to a registrable Australian body or foreign company if:

(a) a specified public authority, or an instrumentality or agency

of the Crown in right of the Commonwealth, a State or an

internal Territory has consented to the body or company

using or assuming the name; or

(b) the body or company is otherwise permitted to use or assume

the name by or under a specified provision of an Act of the

Commonwealth, a State or an internal Territory.

The consent of the authority, instrumentality or agency may be

given subject to conditions.

Note: If the consent is withdrawn, the body or company ceases to be

permitted or it breaches a condition, ASIC may direct it to change its

name under section 601DJ.

601DD Registered Australian bodies and registered foreign companies can carry on business with some names only

(1) A registered Australian body or registered foreign company must

not carry on business under a name in this jurisdiction unless

subsection (2) or (3) authorises the body or company to use the


(1A) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(2) The body or company may use the name if the company or body is

registered under that name under Part 5B.2.

(3) A registered Australian body may use a name in the State or

Territory that is its place of origin if the name is registered to the

body on the Business Names Register.

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Chapter 5B Bodies corporate registered as companies, and registrable bodies

Part 5B.3 Names of registrable Australian bodies and foreign companies

Section 601DE

708 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

601DE Using a name and ARBN

Requirements for bodies that are not Australian ADIs

(1) Subject to sections 601DF and 601DG, a registered Australian

body or registered foreign company must set out the following on

all its public documents and negotiable instruments published or

signed in this jurisdiction:

(a) its name;

(b) either:

(i) the expression “Australian Registered Body Number”

followed by the body’s ARBN; or

(ii) if the last 9 digits of the body’s ABN are the same, and

in the same order, as the last 9 digits of its ARBN—the

words “Australian Business Number” followed by the

body’s ABN;

(c) its place of origin;

(d) if the liability of its members is limited and this is not

apparent from its name—notice of the limited liability of its


Paragraphs (c) and (d) do not apply to an Australian ADI.

Note: In any case where the body’s ARBN would be used, the body’s ABN

may be used instead if section 1344 is satisfied.

(1A) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

Where information to be set out

(2) Subject to sections 601DF and 601DG, the information required by

paragraph (1)(b) must be set out with the company’s or body’s

name, or 1 of the references to its name in the document or

instrument. If the name appears on 2 or more pages of the

document or instrument, this must be done on the first of those


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Bodies corporate registered as companies, and registrable bodies Chapter 5B

Names of registrable Australian bodies and foreign companies Part 5B.3

Section 601DF

Corporations Act 2001 709

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

601DF Exception to requirement to have ARBN on receipts

A registered Australian body or a registered foreign company does

not have to set out the expression “Australian Registered Body

Number” followed by its ARBN on a receipt (for example, a cash

register receipt) that sets out information recorded in the machine

that produced the receipt.

601DG Regulations may exempt from requirement to set out

information on documents

The regulations may exempt a specified registered Australian body

or registered foreign company, or a class of those bodies or

companies, from the requirement in paragraphs 601DE(1)(b), (c)

and (d) to set out information on its public documents and

negotiable instruments. The exemption may relate to specified

documents or instruments, or a class of documents or instruments.

601DH Notice of name change must be given to ASIC

(1) A registered Australian body or a registered foreign company must

give ASIC written notice of a change to its name within 14 days

after the date the change occurred.

(1A) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(2) If the proposed name is available, ASIC must alter the details of

the body’s or foreign company’s registration to reflect the change.

For the purposes of this Act (other than subsection (1)), the change

of name takes effect when ASIC alters the details of the body’s or

foreign company’s registration.

Note 1: For the reservation of names, see section 601DA.

Note 2: For available names, see section 601DC.

Note 3: ASIC must issue a new certificate reflecting the name change (see

section 601CU).

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Chapter 5B Bodies corporate registered as companies, and registrable bodies

Part 5B.3 Names of registrable Australian bodies and foreign companies

Section 601DJ

710 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

601DJ ASIC’s power to direct a registered name be changed

(1) ASIC may direct a registered Australian body or registered foreign

company in writing to change the name under which the body or

company is registered within 2 months if:

(a) the name should not have been registered; or

(b) the body or company has breached a condition under

subsection 601DC(3) on the availability of the name; or

(c) a consent given under subsection 601DC(4) to use or assume

the name has been withdrawn; or

(d) the body or company has breached a condition on a consent

given under subsection 601DC(4); or

(e) the body or company ceases to be permitted to use or assume

the name (as referred to in paragraph 601DC(4)(b)).

(2) The body or company must comply with the direction within 2

months after being given it by doing everything necessary to

change its name for the purposes of this Act under section 601DH.

(3) If the body or company does not comply with subsection (2), ASIC

may change the body’s or company’s name to a name that includes

its ARBN by altering the details of the body’s or company’s

registration to reflect the change.

(4) For the purposes of this Act, a change of name under

subsection (3) takes effect when ASIC alters the details of the

body’s or foreign company’s registration.

Note: ASIC must issue a new certificate reflecting the name change (see

section 601CU).

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Prepared by the Office of Parliamentary Counsel, Canberra

Corporations Act 2001

No. 50, 2001

Compilation No. 94

Compilation date: 6 April 2019

Includes amendments up to: Act No. 50, 2019

Registered: 14 May 2019

This compilation is in 6 volumes

Volume 1: sections 1–260E

Volume 2: sections 283AA–601DJ

Volume 3: sections 601EA–742

Volume 4: sections 760A–993D

Volume 5: sections 1010A–1369A

Volume 6: sections 1370–1662



Each volume has its own contents

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

About this compilation

This compilation

This is a compilation of the Corporations Act 2001 that shows the text of the

law as amended and in force on 6 April 2019 (the compilation date).

The notes at the end of this compilation (the endnotes) include information

about amending laws and the amendment history of provisions of the compiled


Uncommenced amendments

The effect of uncommenced amendments is not shown in the text of the

compiled law. Any uncommenced amendments affecting the law are accessible

on the Legislation Register (www.legislation.gov.au). The details of

amendments made up to, but not commenced at, the compilation date are

underlined in the endnotes. For more information on any uncommenced

amendments, see the series page on the Legislation Register for the compiled


Application, saving and transitional provisions for provisions and


If the operation of a provision or amendment of the compiled law is affected by

an application, saving or transitional provision that is not included in this

compilation, details are included in the endnotes.

Editorial changes

For more information about any editorial changes made in this compilation, see

the endnotes.


If the compiled law is modified by another law, the compiled law operates as

modified but the modification does not amend the text of the law. Accordingly,

this compilation does not show the text of the compiled law as modified. For

more information on any modifications, see the series page on the Legislation

Register for the compiled law.

Self-repealing provisions

If a provision of the compiled law has been repealed in accordance with a

provision of the law, details are included in the endnotes.

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Corporations Act 2001 i

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19


Chapter 5C—Managed investment schemes 1

Part 5C.1—Registration of managed investment schemes 1 601EA Applying for registration ...................................................1

601EB Registration of managed investment scheme.....................2

601EC All documents etc. lodged with ASIC to bear

ARSN or ABN ..................................................................2

601ED When a managed investment scheme must be

registered ...........................................................................3

601EE Unregistered schemes may be wound up...........................4

Part 5C.2—The responsible entity 5

Division 1—Responsibilities and powers 5

601FA Responsible entity to be public company and hold

Australian financial services licence .................................5

601FB Responsible entity to operate scheme................................5

601FC Duties of responsible entity ...............................................6

601FD Duties of officers of responsible entity..............................8

601FE Duties of employees of responsible entity.........................9

601FF Surveillance checks by ASIC ............................................9

601FG Acquisition of interest in scheme by responsible


601FH Liquidator etc. of responsible entity entitled to

exercise indemnity rights.................................................10

Division 2—Changing the responsible entity 12

601FJ Changes only take effect when ASIC alters record

of registration ..................................................................12

601FK Requirements of section 601FA must be met ..................12

601FL Retirement of responsible entity......................................12

601FM Removal of responsible entity by members.....................13

601FN ASIC or scheme member may apply to Court for

appointment of temporary responsible entity ..................14

601FP Appointment of temporary responsible entity by


601FQ Temporary responsible entity to take steps for

appointment of new responsible entity ............................15

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ii Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 3—Consequences of change of responsible entity 17

601FR Former responsible entity to hand over books and

provide reasonable assistance..........................................17

601FS Rights, obligations and liabilities of former

responsible entity.............................................................17

601FT Effect of change of responsible entity on

documents etc. to which former responsible entity

is party.............................................................................18

Part 5C.3—The constitution 19 601GA Contents of the constitution.............................................19

601GB Constitution must be legally enforceable.........................20

601GC Changing the constitution................................................20

Part 5C.4—The compliance plan 22 601HA Contents of the compliance plan .....................................22

601HB Compliance plan may incorporate provisions from

another scheme’s plan .....................................................23

601HC Directors must sign lodged copy of compliance


601HD ASIC may require further information about

compliance plan...............................................................23

601HE Changing the compliance plan ........................................24

601HF ASIC may require consolidation of compliance

plan to be lodged .............................................................24

601HG Audit of compliance plan ................................................24

601HH Removal and resignation of auditors ...............................30

601HI Action on change of auditor of compliance plan .............31

Part 5C.5—The compliance committee 32 601JA When is a compliance committee required? ....................32

601JB Membership of compliance committee ...........................33

601JC Functions of compliance committee ................................34

601JD Duties of members ..........................................................35

601JE Compliance committee members have qualified

privilege in certain cases .................................................36

601JF When can responsible entity indemnify

compliance committee members? ...................................36

601JG When can responsible entity pay insurance

premiums for compliance committee members? .............37

601JH Proceedings of compliance committee ............................37

601JJ Disclosure of interests .....................................................38

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Part 5C.6—Members’ rights to withdraw from a scheme 39 601KA Members’ rights to withdraw ..........................................39

601KB Non-liquid schemes—offers............................................40

601KC Non-liquid schemes—only one withdrawal offer to

be open at any time..........................................................41

601KD Non-liquid schemes—how payments are to be

made ................................................................................41

601KE Non-liquid schemes—responsible entity may

cancel withdrawal offer ...................................................41

Part 5C.7—Related party transactions 43 601LA Chapter 2E applies with modifications............................43

601LB Replacement section 207.................................................43

601LC Replacement section 208.................................................44

601LD Omission of sections 213, 214 and 224 ...........................45

601LE Modification of section 225.............................................45

Part 5C.8—Effect of contraventions (civil liability and voidable

contracts) 46 601MA Civil liability of responsible entity to members...............46

601MB Voidable contracts where subscription offers and

invitations contravene this Act ........................................46

Part 5C.9—Winding up 48 601NA Winding up required by scheme’s constitution ...............48

601NB Winding up at direction of members ...............................48

601NC Winding up if scheme’s purpose accomplished or

cannot be accomplished...................................................48

601ND Winding up ordered by Court..........................................49

601NE The winding up of the scheme.........................................50

601NF Other orders about winding up ........................................50

601NG Unclaimed money to be paid to ASIC.............................51

Part 5C.10—Deregistration 52

Division 1—Registered schemes that are not Australian passport

funds 52

601PAA Application of this Division ............................................52

601PA Deregistration—voluntary...............................................52

601PB Deregistration by ASIC ...................................................53

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Division 2—Registered schemes that are Australian passport

funds 55

601PBA Application of this Division ............................................55

601PBB Deregistration—voluntary...............................................55

601PBC Deregistration—initiated by ASIC ..................................56

601PBD Notices relating to deregistration process........................58

601PBE Consequences of deregistration on status as an

Australian passport fund..................................................59

601PC Reinstatement ..................................................................59

Part 5C.11—Exemptions and modifications 61 601QA ASIC’s power to make exemption and

modification orders..........................................................61

601QB Modification by regulations ............................................62

Chapter 5D—Licensed trustee companies 63

Part 5D.1—Preliminary 63 601RAA Definitions.......................................................................63

601RAB Meaning of trustee company and client of trustee

company ..........................................................................64

601RAC Meaning of traditional trustee company services

and estate management functions ....................................65

601RAD Meaning of person with a proper interest .......................66

601RAE Interaction between trustee company provisions

and State and Territory laws............................................67

Part 5D.2—Powers etc. of licensed trustee companies 70

Division 1—General provisions 70

601SAA Jurisdiction of courts not affected etc. .............................70

601SAB Regulations may prescribe other powers etc. ..................70

601SAC Powers etc. conferred by or under this Chapter are

in addition to other powers etc. .......................................70

Division 2—Accounts 72

601SBA Licensed trustee company not required to file


601SBB Licensed trustee company may be required to

provide account in relation to estate ................................72

601SBC Court may order audit......................................................73

Division 3—Common funds 75

601SCA Common funds of licensed trustee companies ................75

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601SCAA Common funds that are also registered schemes .............75

601SCB Obligations relating to common funds ............................76

601SCC Regulations relating to establishment or operation

of common funds.............................................................76

601SCD Arm’s length transactions................................................76

Part 5D.3—Regulation of fees charged by licensed trustee

companies 78

Division 1—Disclosure of fees 78

601TAA Schedule of fees to be published and available ...............78

601TAB Disclosure to clients of changed fees...............................78

Division 2—General provisions about charging fees 80

601TBA Charging of fees for the provision of traditional

trustee company services .................................................80

601TBB Part does not prevent charging of fees as agreed

etc. ...................................................................................80

601TBC Part does not prevent charging fee for provision of

account ............................................................................81

601TBD Part does not prevent reimbursement ..............................81

601TBE Estate management functions: payment of fees out

of estate ...........................................................................81

Division 3—Fees otherwise than for being trustee or manager of

a charitable trust 82

601TCA Fees otherwise than for being the trustee or

manager of a charitable trust ...........................................82

601TCB Additional amount for preparation of returns etc. ...........82

Division 4—Fees for being trustee or manager of a charitable

trust 83

Subdivision A—New client charitable trusts 83

601TDA Subdivision applies to new client charitable trusts ..........83

601TDB What the trustee company may charge............................83

601TDC Option 1: capital commission and income

commission .....................................................................84

601TDD Option 2: annual management fee ...................................84

601TDE Additional amount if trust money is in a common

fund .................................................................................85

601TDF Additional amount for preparation of returns etc. ...........85

Subdivision B—Existing client charitable trusts 86

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601TDG Subdivision applies to existing client charitable

trusts ................................................................................86

601TDH Trustee company not to charge more than was

being charged before section commenced .......................86

601TDI Additional amount if trust money is in a common

fund .................................................................................86

601TDJ Additional amount for preparation of returns etc. ...........87

Division 5—Miscellaneous 88

601TEA Power of the Court with respect to excessive fees...........88

601TEB Directors’ fees .................................................................89

Part 5D.4—Duties of officers and employees of licensed trustee

companies 90 601UAA Duties of officers of licensed trustee company................90

601UAB Duties of employees of licensed trustee company...........91

Part 5D.5—Limit on control of licensed trustee companies 93

Division 1—15% voting power limit 93

601VAA Meaning of unacceptable control situation .....................93

601VAB Acquisitions of shares .....................................................93

601VAC Remedial orders...............................................................94

601VAD Injunctions.......................................................................95

Division 2—Approval to exceed 15% voting power limit 96

601VBA Application for approval to exceed 15% voting

power limit ......................................................................96

601VBB Approval of application...................................................96

601VBC Duration of approval .......................................................97

601VBD Conditions of approval ....................................................98

601VBE Varying percentage approved..........................................99

601VBF Revoking an approval....................................................100

601VBG Minister may require further information from


601VBH Minister may seek views of licensed trustee

company and its clients .................................................101

601VBI Time limit for Minister’s decision.................................101

Division 3—Other matters 103

601VCA Acquisition of property .................................................103

601VCB Interests of clients to be viewed as a group ...................103

601VCC Anti-avoidance ..............................................................103

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Part 5D.6—ASIC-approved transfers of estate assets and

liabilities 105

Division 1—Preliminary 105

601WAA Definitions.....................................................................105

Division 2—Transfer of estate assets and liabilities 108

601WBA Transfer determinations.................................................108

601WBB When consent of receiving company is in force ............110

601WBC Complementary State or Territory legislation ...............110

601WBD Minister’s power to decide that his or her consent

is not required................................................................111

601WBE Determinations may impose conditions.........................111

601WBF Notice of determination.................................................112

601WBG Certificate of transfer.....................................................112

601WBH Notice of certificate .......................................................113

601WBI Time and effect of transfer ............................................114

601WBJ Substitution of trustee company ....................................115

601WBK Liabilities for breach of trust and other matters not

affected by this Part.......................................................115

Division 3—Other matters related to the transfer of estate assets

and liabilities 116

601WCA Certificates evidencing operation of Act etc..................116

601WCB Certificates in relation to land and interests in land.......116

601WCC Certificates in relation to other assets ............................116

601WCD Documents purporting to be certificates........................117

601WCE Construction of references to transferring company......117

601WCF Income or other distribution received by

transferring company.....................................................117

601WCG Access to books.............................................................118

601WCH Minister or ASIC may seek views of trustee

company and its clients .................................................118

Division 4—Miscellaneous 119

601WDA Transferring company required to contact certain

persons ..........................................................................119

Part 5D.7—Contraventions and holding out 121 601XAA Civil liability of licensed trustee companies..................121

601XAB Prohibition on holding out.............................................121

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Part 5D.8—Exemptions and modifications 122 601YAA Exemptions and modifications by ASIC .......................122

601YAB Exemptions and modifications by regulations...............123

Chapter 6—Takeovers 125 602 Purposes of Chapter.......................................................125

602A Substantial interest concept ...........................................126

603 Chapter extends to some listed bodies that are not


604 Chapter extends to listed registered schemes ................127

605 Classes of securities.......................................................127

605A Chapter does not apply to MCIs ....................................128

Part 6.1—Prohibited acquisitions of relevant interests in voting

shares 129 606 Prohibition on certain acquisitions of relevant

interests in voting shares ...............................................129

607 Effect on transactions ....................................................132

608 Relevant interests in securities ......................................132

609 Situations not giving rise to relevant interests ...............135

610 Voting power in a body or managed investment


Part 6.2—Exceptions to the prohibition 141 611 Exceptions to the prohibition.........................................141

612 Effect of non-compliance with takeover rules for

exceptions 1 to 4............................................................146

613 Bidder not to exercise voting rights if failure to

send bids for off-market acquisition—exception 2

or 3 ................................................................................147

615 Treatment of foreign holders under equal access

issue—exception 10 ......................................................147

Part 6.3—The different types of takeover bid 148 616 Off-market bids and market bids ...................................148

Part 6.4—Formulating the takeover offer 149

Division 1—General 149

617 Securities covered by the bid.........................................149

618 Offers must be for all or a proportion of securities

in the bid class ...............................................................150

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619 General terms of the offer..............................................150

620 Off-market bid (offer formalities) .................................151

Division 2—Consideration for the offer 153

621 Consideration offered ....................................................153

622 Escalation agreements ...................................................154

623 Collateral benefits not allowed ......................................155

Division 3—The offer period 157

624 Offer period...................................................................157

Division 4—Conditional offers 158

625 Conditional offers—general ..........................................158

626 Maximum acceptance conditions in off-market


627 Discriminatory conditions not allowed for

off-market bids ..............................................................159

628 Conditions requiring payments to officers of target

not allowed in off-market bids.......................................160

629 Conditions turning on bidder’s or associate’s

opinion not allowed in off-market bids .........................160

630 Defeating conditions......................................................161

Part 6.5—The takeover procedure 163

Division 1—The overall procedure 163

631 Proposing or announcing a bid ......................................163

632 Overview of steps in an off-market bid .........................164

633 Detailed steps in an off-market bid................................165

634 Overview of steps in a market bid .................................169

635 Detailed steps in a market bid .......................................170

Division 2—The bidder’s statement 174

636 Bidder’s statement content ............................................174

637 Bidder’s statement formalities.......................................177

Division 3—The target’s response 179

638 Target’s statement content.............................................179

639 Target’s statement formalities .......................................180

640 Expert’s report to accompany target’s statement if

bidder connected with target .........................................181

641 Target must inform bidder about securities


642 Expenses of directors of target companies ....................183

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Division 4—Updating and correcting the bidder’s statement and

target’s statement 185

643 Supplementary bidder’s statement.................................185

644 Supplementary target’s statement..................................186

645 Form of supplementary statement .................................187

646 Consequences of lodging a supplementary

statement .......................................................................188

647 To whom supplementary statement must be sent ..........188

Division 5—General rules on takeover procedure 189

Subdivision A—Experts’ reports 189

648A Experts’ reports .............................................................189

Subdivision B—Sending documents to holders of securities 190

648B Address at which bidder may send documents to

holders of securities.......................................................190

648C Manner of sending documents to holders of


Subdivision C—Effect of proportional takeover approval

provisions 190

648D Constitution may contain proportional takeover

approval provisions .......................................................190

648E Resolution to be put if proportional bid made ...............192

648F Effect of rejection of approval resolution ......................193

648G Including proportional takeover provisions in


648H Effect of Subdivision.....................................................196

Part 6.6—Variation of offers 197

Division 1—Market bids 197

649A General ..........................................................................197

649B Market bids—raising bid price ......................................197

649C Market bids—extending the offer period.......................197

Division 2—Off-market bids (express variation by bidder) 199

650A General ..........................................................................199

650B Off-market bids—consideration offered........................199

650C Off-market bids—extension of offer period ..................201

650D Off-market bids—method of making variation .............202

650E Right to withdraw acceptance........................................203

650F Freeing off-market bids from defeating conditions .......204

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650G Contracts and acceptances void if defeating

condition not fulfilled....................................................205

Division 3—Off-market bids (automatic variations) 206

651A Off-market bid—effect on bid consideration of

purchases made outside bid ...........................................206

651B How to make an election for new forms of

consideration .................................................................207

651C Returning securities as part of election..........................208

Part 6.7—Withdrawal and suspension of offers 209 652A Withdrawal of unaccepted offers under takeover

bid .................................................................................209

652B Withdrawal of takeover offers with ASIC consent........209

652C Withdrawal of market bids ............................................209

Part 6.8—Acceptances 211 653A Acceptance of offers made under off-market bid ..........211

653B Acceptances by transferees and nominees of offers

made under off-market bid ............................................211

Part 6.9—Other activities during the bid period 214 654A Bidder not to dispose of securities during the bid

period ............................................................................214

654B Disclosures about substantial shareholdings in

listed companies ............................................................214

654C Disclosures about substantial shareholdings in

unlisted companies ........................................................214

Part 6.10—Review and intervention 216

Division 1—ASIC’s power to exempt and modify 216

655A ASIC’s power to exempt and modify ............................216

655B Notice of decision and review rights .............................217

Division 2—The Takeovers Panel 218

Subdivision A—Review of ASIC’s exercise of its exemption or

modification powers 218

656A Review of exercise of exemption or modification

powers ...........................................................................218

656B Operation and implementation of a decision that is

subject to review............................................................219

Subdivision B—Unacceptable circumstances 221

657A Declaration of unacceptable circumstances ...................221

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657B When Panel may make declaration ...............................223

657C Applying for declarations and orders ............................223

657D Orders that Panel may make following declaration .......223

657E Interim orders ................................................................225

657EA Internal Panel reviews ...................................................226

657EB References by Courts.....................................................227

657F Offence to contravene Panel order ................................227

657G Orders by the Court where contravention or

proposed contravention of Panel order ..........................228

657H ASIC may publish report about application to

Panel or Court................................................................228

Subdivision C—General provisions 229

658A Power of Panel where a proceeding is frivolous or

vexatious .......................................................................229

658B Evidentiary value of findings of fact by Panel ..............229

658C Panel’s power to make rules ..........................................230

658D Inconsistency between Panel rules and ASIC

exemption or declaration ...............................................231

Division 3—Court powers 232

659A Panel may refer questions of law to the Court ...............232

659AA Object of sections 659B and 659C ................................232

659B Court proceedings before end of bid period ..................232

659C Court proceedings after end of bid period .....................234

Chapter 6A—Compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs 236 660A Chapter extends to some listed bodies that are not


660B Chapter extends to listed registered schemes ................236

660C Chapter does not apply to MCIs ....................................236

Part 6A.1—Compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs following

takeover bid 237

Division 1—Compulsory acquisition of bid class securities 237

661A Compulsory acquisition power following takeover

bid .................................................................................237

661B Compulsory acquisition notice ......................................239

661C Terms on which securities to be acquired......................241

661D Holder may obtain names and addresses of other


661E Holder may apply to Court to stop acquisition ..............242

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661F Signpost—completing the acquisition of the


Division 2—Compulsory buy-out of bid class securities 244

662A Bidder must offer to buy out remaining holders of

bid class securities .........................................................244

662B Bidder to tell remaining holders of their right to be

bought out......................................................................244

662C Right of remaining holder of securities in the bid

class to be bought out ....................................................246

Division 3—Compulsory buy-out of convertible securities 247

663A Bidder must offer to buy out holders of convertible


663B Bidder to tell holders of convertible securities of

their right to be bought out ............................................247

663C Right of holders of convertible securities to be

bought out......................................................................249

Part 6A.2—General compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs 250

Division 1—Compulsory acquisition of securities by 90% holder 250

664A Threshold for general compulsory acquisition


664AA Time limit on exercising compulsory acquisition


664B The terms for compulsory acquisition ...........................252

664C Compulsory acquisition notice ......................................252

664D Benefits outside compulsory acquisition procedure ......254

664E Holder’s right to object to the acquisition .....................255

664F The Court’s power to approve acquisition.....................256

664G Signpost—completing the acquisition of the


Division 2—Compulsory buy-out of convertible securities by

100% holder 258

665A 100% holder must offer to buy out holders of

convertible securities.....................................................258

665B 100% holder to tell holders of convertible

securities of their right to be bought out ........................258

665C Right of holders of convertible securities to be

bought out......................................................................260

Part 6A.3—Completion of compulsory acquisition of securities 261 666A Completing the acquisition of securities........................261

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666B Statutory procedure for completion ...............................262

Part 6A.4—Experts’ reports and valuations 264 667A Expert’s report...............................................................264

667AA Expert to be nominated..................................................264

667B Expert must not be an associate and must disclose

prior dealings and relationships.....................................265

667C Valuation of securities...................................................266

Part 6A.5—Records of unclaimed consideration 267 668A Company’s power to deal with unclaimed

consideration for compulsory acquisition......................267

668B Unclaimed consideration to be transferred to ASIC ......268

Part 6A.6—ASIC powers 269 669 ASIC’s power to exempt and modify ............................269

Chapter 6B—Rights and liabilities in relation to

Chapter 6 and 6A matters 270 670A Misstatements in, or omissions from, takeover and

compulsory acquisition and buy-out documents............270

670B Right to recover for loss or damage resulting from


670C People liable on takeover or compulsory

acquisition statement to inform maker about

deficiencies in the statement..........................................274

670D Defences against prosecutions under

subsection 670A(3) and actions under

section 670B..................................................................275

670E Liability for proposing a bid or not carrying

through with bid ............................................................277

670F Defences........................................................................277

Chapter 6C—Information about ownership of listed

companies, listed registered schemes and

listed notified foreign passport funds 279 671A Chapter extends to some listed bodies that are not


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Part 6C.1—Substantial holding information 280 671B Information about substantial holdings must be

given to company, responsible entity, fund

operator and relevant market operator ...........................280

671C Civil liability .................................................................283

Part 6C.2—Tracing beneficial ownership of shares 285 672A Disclosure notices .........................................................285

672B Disclosure by member of relevant interests and

instructions ....................................................................285

672C ASIC may pass information on to person who

made request..................................................................286

672D Fee for complying with a direction given by a

company, scheme or fund under this Part......................287

672DA Register of information about relevant interests in

listed company, listed registered scheme or listed

notified foreign passport fund .......................................287

672E No notice of rights.........................................................291

672F Civil liability .................................................................292

Part 6C.3—ASIC powers 293 673 ASIC’s power to exempt and modify ............................293

Chapter 6CA—Continuous disclosure 295 674 Continuous disclosure—listed disclosing entity

bound by a disclosure requirement in market

listing rules ....................................................................295

675 Continuous disclosure—other disclosing entities..........297

676 Sections 674 and 675—when information is

generally available.........................................................299

677 Sections 674 and 675—material effect on price or

value ..............................................................................300

678 Application of Criminal Code to offences based on

subsection 674(2), 674(5) or 675(2) ..............................300

Chapter 6D—Fundraising 301

Part 6D.1—Application of the fundraising provisions 301 700 Coverage of the fundraising rules..................................301

702 Treatment of offers of options over securities ...............302

703 Chapter may not be contracted out of............................302

703A Operating a clearing and settlement facility is not

offering securities etc. ...................................................302

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Part 6D.2—Disclosure to investors about securities (other than

for CSF offers) 303

Division 1—Overview 303

703B Part generally does not apply in relation to CSF

offers .............................................................................303

704 When disclosure to investors is needed .........................303

705 Types of disclosure document .......................................303

Division 2—Offers that need disclosure to investors 306

706 Issue offers that need disclosure....................................306

707 Sale offers that need disclosure .....................................306

708 Offers that do not need disclosure .................................309

708AA Rights issues that do not need disclosure ......................316

708A Sale offers that do not need disclosure ..........................319

Division 3—Types of disclosure documents 325

709 Prospectuses, short-form prospectuses, profile

statements and offer information statements .................325

Division 4—Disclosure requirements 328

710 Prospectus content—general disclosure test..................328

711 Prospectus content—specific disclosures ......................330

712 Prospectus content—short form prospectuses ...............333

713 Special prospectus content rules for continuously

quoted securities............................................................334

713A Offer of simple corporate bonds....................................336

713B Simple corporate bonds—2-part simple corporate

bonds prospectus ...........................................................342

713C Simple corporate bonds—base prospectus ....................343

713D Simple corporate bonds—offer-specific prospectus ......344

713E Simple corporate bonds—prospectus may refer to

other material lodged with ASIC...................................346

714 Contents of profile statement.........................................347

715 Contents of offer information statement ........................348

715A Presentation etc. of disclosure documents .....................349

716 Disclosure document date and consents ........................350

Division 5—Procedure for offering securities 351

717 Overview of procedure for offering securities...............351

718 Lodging of disclosure document ...................................353

719 Lodging supplementary or replacement

document—general .......................................................354

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719A Lodging supplementary or replacement

document—2-part simple corporate bonds


720 Consents needed for lodgment ......................................360

721 Offer must be made in, or accompanied by, the

disclosure document ......................................................362

722 Application money to be held on trust...........................363

723 Issuing or transferring the securities under a

disclosure document ......................................................364

724 Choices open to person making the offer if

disclosure document condition not met or

disclosure document defective.......................................365

725 Expiration of disclosure document ................................368

Part 6D.3—Prohibitions, liabilities and remedies (other than

for CSF offers) 370

Division 1A—Introduction 370

725A Part generally does not apply in relation to CSF

offers .............................................................................370

Division 1—Prohibitions and liabilities 371

726 Offering securities in a body that does not exist............371

727 Offering securities without a current disclosure

document .......................................................................371

728 Misstatement in, or omission from, disclosure

document .......................................................................373

729 Right to recover for loss or damage resulting from


730 People liable on disclosure document to inform

person making the offer about deficiencies in the

disclosure document ......................................................376

731 Due diligence defence for prospectuses.........................377

732 Lack of knowledge defence for offer information

statements and profile statements ..................................378

733 General defences for all disclosure documents..............378

734 Restrictions on advertising and publicity.......................379

735 Obligation to keep consents and other documents.........384

736 Securities hawking prohibited .......................................384

Division 2—Remedies 386

737 Remedies for investors ..................................................386

738 Securities may be returned and refund obtained............386

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Part 6D.3A—Crowd-sourced funding 387

Division 1—Introduction 387

738A Object ............................................................................387

738B Meaning of CSF offer....................................................387

738C Meaning of CSF intermediary.......................................387

738D Meaning of retail client in relation to a CSF offer ........387

738E Offer of the securities may also be made in

reliance on section 708 ..................................................388

738F Application of provisions of Chapter 7 relating to

how obligations etc. apply to different kinds of

persons ..........................................................................388

Division 2—Offers that are eligible to be made under this Part 389

738G Offers that are eligible to be made under this Part.........389

738H Meaning of eligible CSF company ................................390

Division 3—Making offers under this Part 392

738J CSF offer document to be prepared...............................392

738K Other requirements for CSF offer document .................392

738L CSF offer document to be published on platform

of a single CSF intermediary.........................................392

738M Consents needed for publication of CSF offer

document .......................................................................393

738N When a CSF offer is made, open, closed,

suspended and complete ................................................394

738P CSF offer document to be removed from offer

platform if offer closes in certain circumstances ...........396

738Q Gatekeeper obligations of CSF intermediaries ..............397

738R Company and related parties not to have more than

one CSF offer open at any one time ..............................399

738S Company may notify responsible intermediary that

it wants CSF offer withdrawn........................................399

738T Withdrawal of applications made pursuant to CSF

offer ...............................................................................400

Division 4—Defective etc. CSF offer documents 401

738U When a CSF offer document is defective ......................401

738V Obligation to notify company making offer, and

responsible intermediary, if CSF offer document is

defective ........................................................................401

738W Company may provide replacement or

supplementary CSF document in certain

circumstances ................................................................402

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738X Responsible intermediary’s obligations on

becoming aware that CSF offer document is

defective ........................................................................405

738Y Other liabilities relating to defective CSF offer

documents .....................................................................407

738Z Exceptions to liability under section 738Y....................409

Division 5—Other obligations of CSF intermediaries 412

738ZA General obligations of CSF intermediaries relating

to their platforms etc......................................................412

738ZB Responsible intermediary’s obligations relating to

application money .........................................................414

Division 6—Additional protections for retail clients 417

738ZC Caps on investment by retail clients pursuant to

CSF offers .....................................................................417

738ZD Cooling-off rights for retail clients ................................417

738ZE Company making CSF offer or CSF intermediary

etc. must not financially assist retail client to

acquire securities ...........................................................418

Division 7—Other matters 419

738ZF Offering securities of a company that does not

exist ...............................................................................419

738ZG Restrictions on advertising and publicity.......................419

738ZH Liabilities under other laws not affected........................423

738ZI Companies eligible for limited governance

requirements ..................................................................423

738ZJ Regulations relating to how CSF intermediaries

are to deal with applications ..........................................424

738ZK Related party transactions—proprietary companies

that have one or more CSF shareholders .......................424

Part 6D.4—ASIC’s powers 425 739 ASIC stop orders ...........................................................425

740 Anti-avoidance determinations......................................427

741 ASIC’s power to exempt and modify ............................428

Part 6D.5—Miscellaneous 430 742 Exemptions and modifications by regulations...............430

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Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Managed investment schemes Chapter 5C

Registration of managed investment schemes Part 5C.1

Section 601EA

Corporations Act 2001 1

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Chapter 5C—Managed investment schemes

Part 5C.1—Registration of managed investment


601EA Applying for registration

(1) To register a managed investment scheme, a person must lodge an

application with ASIC.

(2) The application must state:

(a) the name, and the address of the registered office, of the

proposed responsible entity; and

(b) the name and address of a person who has consented to be

the auditor of the compliance plan.

(3) The applicant must have the consent referred to in paragraph (2)(b)

when the application is lodged. After the scheme is registered, the

applicant must give the consent to the responsible entity. The

responsible entity must keep the consent.

(4) The following must be lodged with the application:

(a) a copy of the scheme’s constitution;

(b) a copy of the scheme’s compliance plan;

(c) a statement signed by the directors of the proposed

responsible entity that:

(i) the scheme’s constitution complies with

sections 601GA and 601GB; and

(ii) the scheme’s compliance plan complies with

section 601HA.

Note: Section 601HC requires that the copy of the compliance plan be

signed by the directors of the responsible entity.

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Chapter 5C Managed investment schemes

Part 5C.1 Registration of managed investment schemes

Section 601EB

2 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

601EB Registration of managed investment scheme

(1) ASIC must register the scheme within 14 days of lodgment of the

application, unless it appears to ASIC that:

(c) the application does not comply with section 601EA; or

(d) the proposed responsible entity does not meet the

requirements of section 601FA; or

(e) the scheme’s constitution does not meet the requirements of

sections 601GA and 601GB; or

(f) the scheme’s compliance plan does not meet the

requirements of section 601HA; or

(g) the copy of the compliance plan lodged with the application

is not signed as required by section 601HC; or

(h) arrangements are not in place that will satisfy the

requirements of section 601HG in relation to audit of

compliance with the plan.

(2) If ASIC registers the scheme, ASIC must give it an ARSN.

(3) ASIC must keep a record of the registration of the scheme.

(4) For the purpose of determining whether subsection (1) is satisfied

in relation to the scheme:

(a) references in Parts 5C.3, 5C.4 and 5C.5 to a registered

scheme are taken to include a reference to the scheme; and

(b) references in those Parts to the responsible entity of a

registered scheme are taken to include a reference to the

proposed responsible entity of the scheme.

601EC All documents etc. lodged with ASIC to bear ARSN or ABN

After a managed investment scheme is registered, all documents

relating to the scheme that are lodged with ASIC must set out:

(a) the scheme’s ARSN; or

(b) if the last 9 digits of the scheme’s ARSN are the same, and in

the same order, as the last 9 digits of its ABN—the scheme’s


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Managed investment schemes Chapter 5C

Registration of managed investment schemes Part 5C.1

Section 601ED

Corporations Act 2001 3

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Note: In any case where the scheme’s ARSN would be used, the scheme’s

ABN may be used instead if section 1344 is satisfied.

601ED When a managed investment scheme must be registered

(1) Subject to subsections (2) and (2A), a managed investment scheme

must be registered under section 601EB if:

(a) it has more than 20 members; or

(b) it was promoted by a person, or an associate of a person, who

was, when the scheme was promoted, in the business of

promoting managed investment schemes; or

(c) a determination under subsection (3) is in force in relation to

the scheme and the total number of members of all of the

schemes to which the determination relates exceeds 20.

(2) A managed investment scheme does not have to be registered if all

the issues of interests in the scheme that have been made would not

have required the giving of a Product Disclosure Statement under

Division 2 of Part 7.9 if the scheme had been registered when the

issues were made.

(2A) A notified foreign passport fund does not have to be registered.

(3) ASIC may, in writing, determine that a number of managed

investment schemes are closely related and that each of them has to

be registered at any time when the total number of members of all

of the schemes exceeds 20. ASIC must give written notice of the

determination to the operator of each of the schemes.

(4) For the purpose of this section, when working out how many

members a scheme has:

(a) joint holders of an interest in the scheme count as a single

member; and

(b) an interest in the scheme held on trust for a beneficiary is

taken to be held by the beneficiary (rather than the trustee) if:

(i) the beneficiary is presently entitled to a share of the

trust estate or of the income of the trust estate; or

(ii) the beneficiary is, individually or together with other

beneficiaries, in a position to control the trustee.

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Chapter 5C Managed investment schemes

Part 5C.1 Registration of managed investment schemes

Section 601EE

4 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(5) A person must not operate in this jurisdiction a managed

investment scheme that this section requires to be registered under

section 601EB unless the scheme is so registered.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence: see

subsection 1311(1).

(6) For the purpose of subsection (5), a person is not operating a

scheme merely because:

(a) they are acting as an agent or employee of another person; or

(b) they are taking steps to wind up the scheme or remedy a

defect that led to the scheme being deregistered.

(7) A person who would otherwise contravene subsection (5) because

an interest in a scheme is held in trust for 2 or more beneficiaries

(see paragraph (4)(b)) does not contravene that subsection if they

prove that they did not know, and had no reason to suspect, that the

interest was held in that way.

Note: In criminal proceedings, a defendant in the prosecution of an offence

under subsection (5) bears an evidential burden in relation to the

matter in subsection (7). See subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

(8) A person contravenes this subsection if the person contravenes

subsection (5).

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

601EE Unregistered schemes may be wound up

(1) If a person operates a managed investment scheme in

contravention of subsection 601ED(5), the following may apply to

the Court to have the scheme wound up:

(a) ASIC;

(b) the person operating the scheme;

(c) a member of the scheme.

(2) The Court may make any orders it considers appropriate for the

winding up of the scheme.

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Managed investment schemes Chapter 5C

The responsible entity Part 5C.2

Responsibilities and powers Division 1

Section 601FA

Corporations Act 2001 5

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 5C.2—The responsible entity

Division 1—Responsibilities and powers

601FA Responsible entity to be public company and hold Australian

financial services licence

The responsible entity of a registered scheme must be a public

company that holds an Australian financial services licence

authorising it to operate a managed investment scheme.

601FB Responsible entity to operate scheme

(1) The responsible entity of a registered scheme is to operate the

scheme and perform the functions conferred on it by the scheme’s

constitution and this Act.

(2) The responsible entity has power to appoint an agent, or otherwise

engage a person, to do anything that it is authorised to do in

connection with the scheme. For the purpose of determining


(a) there is a liability to the members; or

(b) the responsible entity has properly performed its duties for

the purposes of subsection 601GA(2);

the responsible entity is taken to have done (or failed to do)

anything that the agent or person has done (or failed to do) because

of the appointment or engagement, even if they were acting

fraudulently or outside the scope of their authority or engagement.

Note: A scheme’s constitution may provide for the responsible entity to

be indemnified for liabilities—see subsection 601GA(2).

(3) An agent appointed, or a person otherwise engaged, by:

(a) the agent or person referred to in subsection (2); or

(b) a person who is taken under this subsection to be an agent of

the responsible entity;

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Chapter 5C Managed investment schemes

Part 5C.2 The responsible entity

Division 1 Responsibilities and powers

Section 601FC

6 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

to do anything that the responsible entity is authorised to do in

connection with the scheme is taken to be an agent appointed by

the responsible entity to do that thing for the purposes of

subsection (2).

(4) If:

(a) an agent holds scheme property on behalf of the responsible

entity; and

(b) the agent is liable to indemnify the responsible entity against

any loss or damage that:

(i) the responsible entity suffers as a result of a wrongful or

negligent act or omission of the agent; and

(ii) relates to a failure by the responsible entity to perform

its duties in relation to the scheme;

any amount recovered under the indemnity forms part of the

scheme property.

601FC Duties of responsible entity

(1) In exercising its powers and carrying out its duties, the responsible

entity of a registered scheme must:

(a) act honestly; and

(b) exercise the degree of care and diligence that a reasonable

person would exercise if they were in the responsible entity’s

position; and

(c) act in the best interests of the members and, if there is a

conflict between the members’ interests and its own interests,

give priority to the members’ interests; and

(d) treat the members who hold interests of the same class

equally and members who hold interests of different classes

fairly; and

(e) not make use of information acquired through being the

responsible entity in order to:

(i) gain an improper advantage for itself or another person;


(ii) cause detriment to the members of the scheme; and

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Managed investment schemes Chapter 5C

The responsible entity Part 5C.2

Responsibilities and powers Division 1

Section 601FC

Corporations Act 2001 7

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(f) ensure that the scheme’s constitution meets the requirements

of sections 601GA and 601GB; and

(g) ensure that the scheme’s compliance plan meets the

requirements of section 601HA; and

(h) comply with the scheme’s compliance plan; and

(i) ensure that scheme property is:

(i) clearly identified as scheme property; and

(ii) held separately from property of the responsible entity

and property of any other scheme; and

(j) ensure that the scheme property is valued at regular intervals

appropriate to the nature of the property; and

(k) ensure that all payments out of the scheme property are made

in accordance with the scheme’s constitution and this Act;


(l) report to ASIC any breach of this Act that:

(i) relates to the scheme; and

(ii) has had, or is likely to have, a materially adverse effect

on the interests of members;

as soon as practicable after it becomes aware of the breach;


(m) carry out or comply with any other duty, not inconsistent

with this Act, that is conferred on the responsible entity by

the scheme’s constitution.

(2) The responsible entity holds scheme property on trust for scheme


Note: Under subsection 601FB(2), the responsible entity may appoint an

agent to hold scheme property separately from other property.

(3) A duty of the responsible entity under subsection (1) or (2)

overrides any conflicting duty an officer or employee of the

responsible entity has under Part 2D.1.

(5) A responsible entity who contravenes subsection (1), and any

person who is involved in a responsible entity’s contravention of

that subsection, contravenes this subsection.

Note 1: Section 79 defines involved.

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Chapter 5C Managed investment schemes

Part 5C.2 The responsible entity

Division 1 Responsibilities and powers

Section 601FD

8 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Note 2: Subsection (5) is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

601FD Duties of officers of responsible entity

(1) An officer of the responsible entity of a registered scheme must:

(a) act honestly; and

(b) exercise the degree of care and diligence that a reasonable

person would exercise if they were in the officer’s position;


(c) act in the best interests of the members and, if there is a

conflict between the members’ interests and the interests of

the responsible entity, give priority to the members’ interests;


(d) not make use of information acquired through being an

officer of the responsible entity in order to:

(i) gain an improper advantage for the officer or another

person; or

(ii) cause detriment to the members of the scheme; and

(e) not make improper use of their position as an officer to gain,

directly or indirectly, an advantage for themselves or for any

other person or to cause detriment to the members of the

scheme; and

(f) take all steps that a reasonable person would take, if they

were in the officer’s position, to ensure that the responsible

entity complies with:

(i) this Act; and

(ii) any conditions imposed on the responsible entity’s

Australian financial services licence; and

(iii) the scheme’s constitution; and

(iv) the scheme’s compliance plan.

(2) A duty of an officer of the responsible entity under subsection (1)

overrides any conflicting duty the officer has under Part 2D.1.

(3) A person who contravenes, or is involved in a contravention of,

subsection (1) contravenes this subsection.

Note 1: Section 79 defines involved.

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Managed investment schemes Chapter 5C

The responsible entity Part 5C.2

Responsibilities and powers Division 1

Section 601FE

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Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Note 2: Subsection (3) is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

(4) A person must not intentionally or recklessly contravene, or be

involved in a contravention of, subsection (1).

601FE Duties of employees of responsible entity

(1) An employee of the responsible entity of a registered scheme must


(a) make use of information acquired through being an employee

of the responsible entity in order to:

(i) gain an improper advantage for the employee or another

person; or

(ii) cause detriment to members of the scheme; or

(b) make improper use of their position as an employee to gain,

directly or indirectly, an advantage for themselves or for any

other person or to cause detriment to the members of the


(2) A duty of an employee of the responsible entity under

subsection (1) overrides any conflicting duty the employee has

under Part 2D.1.

(3) A person who contravenes, or is involved in a contravention of,

subsection (1) contravenes this subsection.

Note 1: Section 79 defines involved.

Note 2: Subsection (3) is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

(4) A person must not intentionally contravene, or be involved in a

contravention of, subsection (1).

601FF Surveillance checks by ASIC

(1) ASIC may, from time to time, check whether the responsible entity

of a registered scheme is complying with the scheme’s constitution

and compliance plan and with this Act.

Note: For this purpose ASIC may exercise the powers set out in

Division 3 of Part 3 of the ASIC Act.

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Chapter 5C Managed investment schemes

Part 5C.2 The responsible entity

Division 1 Responsibilities and powers

Section 601FG

10 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(2) The responsible entity and its officers must take all reasonable

steps to assist ASIC in carrying out a check under subsection (1).

(3) A person must not intentionally or recklessly fail to comply with

subsection (2).

601FG Acquisition of interest in scheme by responsible entity

(1) The responsible entity of a registered scheme may acquire and hold

an interest in the scheme, but it must only do so:

(a) for not less than the consideration that would be payable if

the interest were acquired by another person; and

(b) subject to terms and conditions that would not disadvantage

other members.

Note: If the responsible entity holds an interest in the scheme, it does so

subject to section 253E (certain members cannot vote or be


(2) A responsible entity who contravenes subsection (1), and any

person who is involved in a responsible entity’s contravention of

that subsection, contravenes this subsection.

Note 1: Section 79 defines involved.

Note 2: Subsection (2) is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

(3) A person must not intentionally be involved in a responsible

entity’s contravention of subsection (1).

601FH Liquidator etc. of responsible entity entitled to exercise

indemnity rights

If the company that is a registered scheme’s responsible entity is

being wound up, is under administration or has executed a deed of

company arrangement that has not terminated:

(a) a provision of the scheme’s constitution, or of another

instrument, is void against the liquidator, or the administrator

of the company or the deed, if it purports to deny the

company a right to be indemnified out of the scheme

property that the company would have had if it were not

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Managed investment schemes Chapter 5C

The responsible entity Part 5C.2

Responsibilities and powers Division 1

Section 601FH

Corporations Act 2001 11

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

being wound up, were not under administration, or had not

executed a deed of company arrangement; and

(b) a right of the company to be indemnified out of the scheme

property may only be exercised by the liquidator or the

administrator of the company or the deed.

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Chapter 5C Managed investment schemes

Part 5C.2 The responsible entity

Division 2 Changing the responsible entity

Section 601FJ

12 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 2—Changing the responsible entity

601FJ Changes only take effect when ASIC alters record of


(1) Despite anything in this Division, the company named in ASIC’s

record of registration as the responsible entity or temporary

responsible entity of a registered scheme remains the scheme’s

responsible entity until the record is altered to name another

company as the scheme’s responsible entity or temporary

responsible entity.

(2) A purported change of the scheme’s responsible entity is

ineffective unless it is in accordance with this Division.

601FK Requirements of section 601FA must be met

A company cannot be chosen or appointed as the responsible entity

or temporary responsible entity of a registered scheme unless it

meets the requirements of section 601FA.

601FL Retirement of responsible entity

(1) If the responsible entity of a registered scheme wants to retire, it

must call a members’ meeting to explain its reason for wanting to

retire and to enable the members to vote on a resolution to choose a

company to be the new responsible entity. The resolution must be

an extraordinary resolution if the scheme is not listed.

(2) If the members choose a company to be the new responsible entity

and that company has consented, in writing, to becoming the

scheme’s responsible entity:

(a) as soon as practicable and in any event within 2 business

days after the resolution is passed, the current responsible

entity must lodge a notice with ASIC asking it to alter the

record of the scheme’s registration to name the chosen

company as the scheme’s responsible entity; and

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Managed investment schemes Chapter 5C

The responsible entity Part 5C.2

Changing the responsible entity Division 2

Section 601FM

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Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(b) if the current responsible entity does not lodge the notice

required by paragraph (a), the company chosen by the

members to be the new responsible entity may lodge that

notice; and

(c) ASIC must comply with the notice when it is lodged.

(3) If the members do not choose a company to be the new responsible

entity, or the company they choose does not consent to becoming

the scheme’s responsible entity, the current responsible entity may

apply to the Court for appointment of a temporary responsible

entity under section 601FP.

(4) A person must not lodge a notice under subsection (2) unless the

consent referred to in that subsection has been given before the

notice is lodged.

601FM Removal of responsible entity by members

(1) If members of a registered scheme want to remove the responsible

entity, they may take action under Division 1 of Part 2G.4 for the

calling of a members’ meeting to consider and vote on a resolution

that the current responsible entity should be removed and a

resolution choosing a company to be the new responsible entity.

The resolutions must be extraordinary resolutions if the scheme is

not listed.

(2) If the members vote to remove the responsible entity and, at the

same meeting, choose a company to be the new responsible entity

that consents, in writing, to becoming the scheme’s responsible


(a) as soon as practicable and in any event within 2 business

days after the resolution is passed, the current responsible

entity must lodge a notice with ASIC asking it to alter the

record of the scheme’s registration to name the chosen

company as the scheme’s responsible entity; and

(b) if the current responsible entity does not lodge the notice

required by paragraph (a), the company chosen by the

members to be the new responsible entity may lodge that

notice; and

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Chapter 5C Managed investment schemes

Part 5C.2 The responsible entity

Division 2 Changing the responsible entity

Section 601FN

14 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(c) ASIC must comply with the notice when it is lodged.

(3) A person must not lodge a notice under subsection (2) unless the

consent referred to in that subsection has been given before the

notice is lodged.

Note: If the members vote to remove the responsible entity but do not, at

the same meeting, choose a company to be the new responsible

entity, or the company they choose does not consent to becoming

the scheme’s responsible entity, the scheme must be wound up

(see section 601NE).

601FN ASIC or scheme member may apply to Court for

appointment of temporary responsible entity

ASIC or a member of the registered scheme may apply to the Court

for the appointment of a temporary responsible entity of the

scheme under section 601FP if the scheme does not have a

responsible entity that meets the requirements of section 601FA.

601FP Appointment of temporary responsible entity by Court

(1) On application under section 601FL or 601FN, the Court may, by

order, appoint a company as the temporary responsible entity of a

registered scheme if the Court is satisfied that the appointment is in

the interest of the members.

(2) The Court may make any further orders that it considers necessary.

(3) If the application was made by the current responsible entity, it

must, as soon as practicable after the Court’s order appointing the

temporary responsible entity, lodge a notice with ASIC informing

ASIC of the appointment made by the Court.

(4) As soon as practicable after the appointment, ASIC must alter the

record of the scheme’s registration to name the appointed company

as the scheme’s temporary responsible entity.

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Managed investment schemes Chapter 5C

The responsible entity Part 5C.2

Changing the responsible entity Division 2

Section 601FQ

Corporations Act 2001 15

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

601FQ Temporary responsible entity to take steps for appointment

of new responsible entity

(1) The temporary responsible entity of a registered scheme must call a

members’ meeting for the purpose of the members, by resolution,

choosing a company to be the new responsible entity. The

resolution must be an extraordinary resolution if the scheme is not

listed. The temporary responsible entity must call the meeting as

soon as practicable and, in any event, within 3 months of becoming

the temporary responsible entity.

(2) Within that 3 months, the temporary responsible entity may call

further members’ meetings for the purpose of choosing a company

to be the new responsible entity. Before the end of the 3 months, it

may apply to the Court for an extension of that period. If the Court

grants the extension, the temporary responsible entity may, within

the extended period, call further members’ meetings for the

purpose of choosing a company to be the new responsible entity.

(3) Provided it still meets the requirements in section 601FA, nothing

prevents the company that is the temporary responsible entity from

being chosen as the new responsible entity.

(4) If the members choose a company to be the new responsible entity

and that company has consented, in writing, to becoming the

scheme’s responsible entity, the temporary responsible entity must,

as soon as practicable, lodge a notice with ASIC asking it to alter

the record of the scheme’s registration to name the chosen

company as the scheme’s responsible entity. ASIC must comply

with the notice when it is lodged.

(5) The temporary responsible entity must apply to the Court for an

order directing it to wind up the scheme, and the Court may make

the order, if:

(a) no meeting is called within the 3 months or extended period

for the purpose of choosing a new company to be the

responsible entity; or

(b) the meeting or meetings called within that period for that

purpose have not resulted in the members choosing a

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Chapter 5C Managed investment schemes

Part 5C.2 The responsible entity

Division 2 Changing the responsible entity

Section 601FQ

16 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

company to be the new responsible entity that consents to

becoming the scheme’s responsible entity.

ASIC or a member of the scheme may apply for the order if the

temporary responsible entity does not do so.

(6) The temporary responsible entity must not lodge a notice under

subsection (4) unless the consent referred to in that subsection has

been given before the notice is lodged.

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Managed investment schemes Chapter 5C

The responsible entity Part 5C.2

Consequences of change of responsible entity Division 3

Section 601FR

Corporations Act 2001 17

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 3—Consequences of change of responsible entity

601FR Former responsible entity to hand over books and provide

reasonable assistance

If the responsible entity of a registered scheme changes, the former

responsible entity must:

(a) as soon as practicable give the new responsible entity any

books in the former responsible entity’s possession or control

that this Act requires to be kept in relation to the scheme; and

(b) give other reasonable assistance to the new responsible entity

to facilitate the change of responsible entity.

601FS Rights, obligations and liabilities of former responsible entity

(1) If the responsible entity of a registered scheme changes, the rights,

obligations and liabilities of the former responsible entity in

relation to the scheme become rights, obligations and liabilities of

the new responsible entity.

(2) Despite subsection (1), the following rights and liabilities remain

rights and liabilities of the former responsible entity:

(a) any right of the former responsible entity to be paid fees for

the performance of its functions before it ceased to be the

responsible entity; and

(b) any right of the former responsible entity to be indemnified

for expenses it incurred before it ceased to be the responsible

entity; and

(c) any right, obligation or liability that the former responsible

entity had as a member of the scheme; and

(d) any liability for which the former responsible entity could not

have been indemnified out of the scheme property if it had

remained the scheme’s responsible entity.

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Chapter 5C Managed investment schemes

Part 5C.2 The responsible entity

Division 3 Consequences of change of responsible entity

Section 601FT

18 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

601FT Effect of change of responsible entity on documents etc. to

which former responsible entity is party

(1) If the responsible entity of a registered scheme changes, a


(a) to which the former responsible entity is a party, in which a

reference is made to the former responsible entity, or under

which the former responsible entity has acquired or incurred

a right, obligation or liability, or might have acquired or

incurred a right, obligation or liability if it had remained the

responsible entity; and

(b) that is capable of having effect after the change;

has effect as if the new responsible entity (and not the former

responsible entity) were a party to it, were referred to in it or had or

might have acquired or incurred the right, obligation or liability

under it.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a right, obligation or liability that

remains a right, obligation or liability of the former responsible

entity because of subsection 601FS(2).

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The constitution Part 5C.3

Section 601GA

Corporations Act 2001 19

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Part 5C.3—The constitution

601GA Contents of the constitution

(1) The constitution of a registered scheme must make adequate

provision for:

(a) the consideration that is to be paid to acquire an interest in

the scheme; and

(b) the powers of the responsible entity in relation to making

investments of, or otherwise dealing with, scheme property;


(c) the method by which complaints made by members in

relation to the scheme are to be dealt with; and

(d) winding up the scheme.

(2) If the responsible entity is to have any rights to be paid fees out of

scheme property, or to be indemnified out of scheme property for

liabilities or expenses incurred in relation to the performance of its

duties, those rights:

(a) must be specified in the scheme’s constitution; and

(b) must be available only in relation to the proper performance

of those duties;

and any other agreement or arrangement has no effect to the extent

that it purports to confer such a right.

(3) If the responsible entity is to have any powers to borrow or raise

money for the purposes of the scheme:

(a) those powers must be specified in the scheme’s constitution;


(b) any other agreement or arrangement has no effect to the

extent that it purports to confer such a power.

(4) If members are to have a right to withdraw from the scheme, the

scheme’s constitution must:

(a) specify the right; and

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Part 5C.3 The constitution

Section 601GB

20 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) if the right may be exercised while the scheme is liquid (as

defined in section 601KA)—set out adequate procedures for

making and dealing with withdrawal requests; and

(c) if the right may be exercised while the scheme is not liquid

(as defined in section 601KA)—provide for the right to be

exercised in accordance with Part 5C.6 and set out any other

adequate procedures (consistent with that Part) that are to

apply to making and dealing with withdrawal requests.

The right to withdraw, and any provisions in the constitution

setting out procedures for making and dealing with withdrawal

requests, must be fair to all members.

601GB Constitution must be legally enforceable

The constitution of a registered scheme must be contained in a

document that is legally enforceable as between the members and

the responsible entity.

601GC Changing the constitution

(1) The constitution of a registered scheme may be modified, or

repealed and replaced with a new constitution:

(a) by special resolution of the members of the scheme; or

(b) by the responsible entity if the responsible entity reasonably

considers the change will not adversely affect members’


(2) The responsible entity must lodge with ASIC a copy of the

modification or the new constitution. The modification, or repeal

and replacement, cannot take effect until the copy has been lodged.

(3) The responsible entity must lodge with ASIC a consolidated copy

of the scheme’s constitution if ASIC directs it to do so.

(4) The responsible entity must send a copy of the scheme’s

constitution to a member of the scheme within 7 days if the


(a) asks the responsible entity, in writing, for the copy; and

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The constitution Part 5C.3

Section 601GC

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(b) pays any fee (up to the prescribed amount) required by the

responsible entity.

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Chapter 5C Managed investment schemes

Part 5C.4 The compliance plan

Section 601HA

22 Corporations Act 2001

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Part 5C.4—The compliance plan

601HA Contents of the compliance plan

(1) The compliance plan of a registered scheme must set out adequate

measures that the responsible entity is to apply in operating the

scheme to ensure compliance with this Act and the scheme’s

constitution, including the arrangements for:

(a) ensuring that all scheme property is clearly identified as

scheme property and held separately from property of the

responsible entity and property of any other scheme (see

paragraph 601FC(1)(i)); and

(b) if the scheme is required to have a compliance committee

(see section 601JA)—ensuring that the compliance

committee functions properly, including adequate

arrangements relating to:

(i) the membership of the committee; and

(ii) how often committee meetings are to be held; and

(iii) the committee’s reports and recommendations to the

responsible entity; and

(iv) the committee’s access to the scheme’s accounting

records and to the auditor of the scheme’s financial

statements; and

(v) the committee’s access to information that is relevant to

the responsible entity’s compliance with this Act; and

(c) ensuring that the scheme property is valued at regular

intervals appropriate to the nature of the property; and

(d) ensuring that compliance with the plan is audited as required

by section 601HG; and

(e) ensuring adequate records of the scheme’s operations are

kept; and

(f) any other matter prescribed by the regulations.

(2) If:

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The compliance plan Part 5C.4

Section 601HB

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(a) a registration application is made as a result of a resolution

passed under subparagraph 1457(1)(a)(i); and

(b) the resolution included a direction under

subsection 1457(1A);

the compliance plan lodged with the application must provide for

scheme property to be held by a person other than the responsible

entity, or a person that is not related to the responsible entity, as the

responsible entity’s agent.

601HB Compliance plan may incorporate provisions from another

scheme’s plan

(1) The responsible entity of a registered scheme may lodge with

ASIC a compliance plan for the scheme that is expressed to

incorporate specified provisions, as in force at a specified time, of

a compliance plan of another registered scheme of which it is also

the responsible entity.

(2) The specified provisions, as in force at the specified time, are taken

to be included in the plan.

601HC Directors must sign lodged copy of compliance plan

The copy of a scheme’s compliance plan that is lodged with ASIC

must be signed by all the directors of the responsible entity.

601HD ASIC may require further information about compliance


(1) ASIC may direct the responsible entity of a registered scheme to

give it information about the arrangements contained in the

compliance plan. The direction is to be given by notice in writing

to the responsible entity.

(2) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

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Part 5C.4 The compliance plan

Section 601HE

24 Corporations Act 2001

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601HE Changing the compliance plan

Responsible entity’s powers

(1) The responsible entity of a registered scheme may modify the

scheme’s compliance plan or repeal it and replace it with a new

compliance plan.

ASIC may require modifications

(2) ASIC may direct the responsible entity of a registered scheme to

modify the scheme’s compliance plan, as set out in the direction, to

ensure that the plan is consistent with section 601HA. The

direction is to be given by notice in writing to the responsible


Lodgment of modification or new plan

(3) The responsible entity must lodge with ASIC a copy of a

modification of the scheme’s compliance plan or of a new

compliance plan within 14 days after the modification is made or

the old plan is repealed. The copy must be signed by all the

directors of the responsible entity.

601HF ASIC may require consolidation of compliance plan to be


(1) ASIC may direct the responsible entity of a registered scheme to

lodge a consolidated copy of the scheme’s compliance plan.

(2) The consolidation must set out:

(a) the plan as modified to the time of lodgment; and

(b) if required by ASIC’s direction—the full text of provisions

taken to be included in the plan by subsection 601HB(2).

601HG Audit of compliance plan

(1) The responsible entity of a registered scheme must ensure that at

all times a registered company auditor, an audit firm or an

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The compliance plan Part 5C.4

Section 601HG

Corporations Act 2001 25

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authorised audit company is engaged to audit compliance with the

scheme’s compliance plan in accordance with this section. This

auditor, firm or company is referred to as the auditor of the

compliance plan.

(2) A person is not eligible to act as the individual auditor, lead auditor

or review auditor of the compliance plan if the person is:

(a) an associate of the responsible entity; or

(b) an agent holding scheme property on behalf of the

responsible entity or an associate of an agent of that kind; or

(c) the auditor of the responsible entity’s financial statements.

(2A) However:

(a) the auditor of the compliance plan and the auditor of the

responsible entity’s financial statements may work for the

same firm of auditors or audit company; and

(b) the lead auditor or review auditor of the compliance plan (on

the one hand) and the lead auditor or review auditor of the

responsible entity’s financial statements (on the other hand)

may work for the same firm of auditors or audit company.

(3) Within 3 months after the end of a financial year of the scheme, the

auditor of the compliance plan must:

(a) examine the scheme’s compliance plan; and

(b) carry out:

(i) if the scheme has only had one responsible entity during

the financial year—an audit of the responsible entity’s

compliance with the compliance plan during the

financial year; or

(ii) if the scheme has had more than one responsible entity

during the financial year—an audit of each responsible

entity’s compliance with the compliance plan during

that part of the financial year when it was the scheme’s

responsible entity; and

(c) give to the scheme’s current responsible entity a report that

states whether, in the auditor’s opinion:

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Chapter 5C Managed investment schemes

Part 5C.4 The compliance plan

Section 601HG

26 Corporations Act 2001

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(i) the responsible entity, or each responsible entity,

complied with the scheme’s compliance plan during the

financial year or that part of the financial year when it

was the scheme’s responsible entity; and

(ii) the plan continues to meet the requirements of this Part.

Contravention by individual auditor

(4) An individual auditor conducting an audit of a compliance plan

contravenes this subsection if:

(a) the auditor is aware of circumstances that:

(i) the auditor has reasonable grounds to suspect amount to

a contravention of this Act; or

(ii) amount to an attempt, in relation to the audit, by any

person to unduly influence, coerce, manipulate or

mislead a person involved in the conduct of the audit

(see subsection (12)); or

(iii) amount to an attempt, by any person, to otherwise

interfere with the proper conduct of the audit; and

(b) if subparagraph (a)(i) applies:

(i) the contravention is a significant one; or

(ii) the contravention is not a significant one and the auditor

believes that the contravention has not been or will not

be adequately dealt with by commenting on it in the

auditor’s report or bringing it to the attention of the

directors; and

(c) the auditor does not notify ASIC in writing of those

circumstances as soon as practicable, and in any case within

28 days, after the auditor becomes aware of those


Contravention by audit company

(4A) An audit company conducting an audit of a compliance plan

contravenes this subsection if:

(a) the lead auditor for the audit is aware of circumstances that:

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The compliance plan Part 5C.4

Section 601HG

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(i) the lead auditor has reasonable grounds to suspect

amount to a contravention of this Act; or

(ii) amount to an attempt, in relation to the audit, by any

person to unduly influence, coerce, manipulate or

mislead a person involved in the conduct of the audit

(see subsection (12)); or

(iii) amount to an attempt, by any person, to otherwise

interfere with the proper conduct of the audit; and

(b) if subparagraph (a)(i) applies:

(i) the contravention is a significant one; or

(ii) the contravention is not a significant one and the lead

auditor believes that the contravention has not been or

will not be adequately dealt with by commenting on it in

the auditor’s report or bringing it to the attention of the

directors; and

(c) the lead auditor does not notify ASIC in writing of those

circumstances as soon as practicable, and in any case within

28 days, after the lead auditor becomes aware of those


Contravention by lead auditor

(4B) A person contravenes this subsection if:

(a) the person is the lead auditor for an audit of a compliance

plan; and

(b) the person is aware of circumstances that:

(i) the person has reasonable grounds to suspect amount to

a contravention of this Act; or

(ii) amount to an attempt, in relation to the audit, by any

person to unduly influence, coerce, manipulate or

mislead a person involved in the conduct of the audit

(see subsection (12)); or

(iii) amount to an attempt, by any person, to otherwise

interfere with the proper conduct of the audit; and

(c) if subparagraph (b)(i) applies:

(i) the contravention is a significant one; or

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Chapter 5C Managed investment schemes

Part 5C.4 The compliance plan

Section 601HG

28 Corporations Act 2001

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(ii) the contravention is not a significant one and the person

believes that the contravention has not been or will not

be adequately dealt with by commenting on it in the

auditor’s report or bringing it to the attention of the

directors; and

(d) the person does not notify ASIC in writing of those

circumstances as soon as practicable, and in any case within

28 days, after the person becomes aware of those


(5) The auditor of the compliance plan:

(a) has a right of access at all reasonable times to the books of

the scheme; and

(b) may require an officer of the responsible entity to give the

auditor information and explanations for the purposes of the


(6) An officer of the responsible entity must:

(a) allow the auditor of the compliance plan to have access to the

books of the scheme; and

(b) give the auditor information or an explanation required under

subsection (5); and

(c) otherwise assist the conduct of the audit.

(7) The responsible entity must lodge the auditor’s report under

subsection (3) with ASIC at the same time as the financial

statements and reports in respect of the scheme are to be lodged

with ASIC (see sections 292 and 321).

(7A) An offence based on subsection (1), (3), (6) or (7) is an offence of

strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(8) The auditor of the compliance plan has qualified privilege in

respect of:

(a) a statement made in a report under subsection (3); or

(b) a notification to ASIC under subsection (4).

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The compliance plan Part 5C.4

Section 601HG

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(9) This section does not prevent the responsible entity from arranging

for the auditor of the compliance plan to carry out audits in

addition to those required by this section.

Significant contraventions

(10) In determining for the purposes of this section whether a

contravention of this Act is a significant one, have regard to:

(a) the level of penalty provided for in relation to the

contravention; and

(b) the effect that the contravention has, or may have, on:

(i) the overall financial position of the company, registered

scheme, notified foreign passport fund or disclosing

entity; or

(ii) the adequacy of the information available about the

overall financial position of the company, registered

scheme, notified foreign passport fund or disclosing

entity; and

(c) any other relevant matter.

(11) Without limiting paragraph (10)(a), a penalty provided for in

relation to a contravention of a provision of Part 2M.2 or 2M.3, or

section 324DAA, 324DAB or 324DAC, includes a penalty

imposed on a director, because of the operation of section 344, for

failing to take reasonable steps to comply with, or to secure

compliance with, that provision.

Person involved in audit

(12) In this section:

person involved in the conduct of an audit means:

(a) the auditor; or

(b) the lead auditor for the audit; or

(c) the review auditor for the audit; or

(d) a professional member of the audit team for the audit; or

(e) any other person involved in the conduct of the audit.

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Chapter 5C Managed investment schemes

Part 5C.4 The compliance plan

Section 601HH

30 Corporations Act 2001

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601HH Removal and resignation of auditors

Removal of auditor by responsible entity

(1) The responsible entity:

(a) must remove the auditor of the compliance plan if the auditor

becomes ineligible under subsection 601HG(2) to act as

auditor of the compliance plan; and

(b) may, with ASIC’s consent, remove the auditor of the

compliance plan.

Resignation of auditor

(2) The auditor of the compliance plan may resign by written notice to

the responsible entity if:

(a) the auditor:

(i) applies to ASIC in writing for its consent to the

resignation; and

(ii) gives the responsible entity written notice of the

application at or about the same time as applying to

ASIC; and

(b) ASIC consents to the resignation.

(3) As soon as practicable after receiving the application, ASIC must

notify the auditor and the responsible entity whether it consents to

the resignation.

(4) A statement by the auditor in the application or in answer to an

inquiry by ASIC relating to the reasons for the application:

(a) is not admissible in evidence in any civil or criminal

proceedings against the auditor (other than proceedings for a

contravention of section 1308); and

(b) may not be made the ground of a prosecution (other than a

prosecution for a contravention of section 1308), action or

suit against the auditor.

A certificate by ASIC that the statement was made in the

application, or in answer to an inquiry by ASIC, is conclusive

evidence that the statement was so made.

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The compliance plan Part 5C.4

Section 601HI

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(5) The auditor’s resignation takes effect on the later of:

(a) the day (if any) specified in the notice of resignation; or

(b) the day ASIC consents to the resignation; or

(c) the day (if any) fixed by ASIC for the purpose.

601HI Action on change of auditor of compliance plan

If the auditor of the compliance plan of a registered scheme

changes, the responsible entity must, as soon as practicable after

the change and in writing, ask ASIC to alter the record of the

scheme’s registration to show the name of the new auditor as the

auditor of the scheme’s compliance plan. ASIC must comply with

the request if the change complies with this Act.

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Chapter 5C Managed investment schemes

Part 5C.5 The compliance committee

Section 601JA

32 Corporations Act 2001

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Part 5C.5—The compliance committee

601JA When is a compliance committee required?

(1) The responsible entity of a registered scheme must establish a

compliance committee if less than half of the directors of the

responsible entity are external directors.

(2) A director of the responsible entity is an external director if they:

(a) are not, and have not been in the previous 2 years, an

employee of the responsible entity or a related body

corporate; and

(b) are not, and have not been in the previous 2 years, a senior

manager of a related body corporate; and

(c) are not, and have not been in the previous 2 years,

substantially involved in business dealings, or in a

professional capacity, with the responsible entity or a related

body corporate; and

(d) are not a member of a partnership that is, or has been in the

previous 2 years, substantially involved in business dealings,

or in a professional capacity, with the responsible entity or a

related body corporate; and

(e) do not have a material interest in the responsible entity or a

related body corporate; and

(f) are not a relative of a person who has a material interest in

the responsible entity or a related body corporate.

(3) The responsible entity must establish the compliance committee

within 14 days after it is required to do so by subsection (1) or

within any longer period that ASIC has agreed to in writing.

(3A) A person must not intentionally or recklessly fail to comply with

subsection (3).

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The compliance committee Part 5C.5

Section 601JB

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(4) In agreeing to a longer period under subsection (3), ASIC may

impose conditions to be complied with and the responsible entity

must comply with them.

(4A) An offence based on subsection (4) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

601JB Membership of compliance committee

(1) A scheme’s compliance committee must have at least 3 members,

and a majority of them must be external members.

(2) A member of the compliance committee is an external member if


(a) are not, and have not been in the previous 2 years, a

non-external director, a senior manager or an employee of the

responsible entity or a related body corporate; and

(b) are not, and have not been in the previous 2 years,

substantially involved in business dealings, or in a

professional capacity, with the responsible entity or a related

body corporate; and

(c) are not a member of a partnership that is, or has been in the

previous 2 years, substantially involved in business dealings,

or in a professional capacity, with the responsible entity or a

related body corporate; and

(d) do not have a material interest in the responsible entity or a

related body corporate; and

(e) are not a relative of a person who has a material interest in

the responsible entity or a related body corporate.

(3) For the purposes of paragraph (2)(a), a person who is a director of

a related body corporate, but not of the responsible entity itself, is

an external director of the related body corporate if they would

have been an external director of the responsible entity under

subsection 601JA(2) had they been a director of the responsible


(4) A person who is, or has been, either:

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Chapter 5C Managed investment schemes

Part 5C.5 The compliance committee

Section 601JC

34 Corporations Act 2001

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(a) an external director of the responsible entity; or

(b) a member of a compliance committee for the scheme or

another registered scheme operated by the responsible entity;

is not, merely because of that directorship or membership, taken to

be, or to have been, substantially involved in business dealings, or

in a professional capacity, with the responsible entity.

(5) If the membership of the scheme’s compliance committee ceases to

satisfy subsection (1), the responsible entity must make

appointments to the committee to satisfy that subsection within 14

days or within any longer period that ASIC has agreed to in


(6) In agreeing to a longer period under subsection (5), ASIC may

impose conditions to be complied with and the responsible entity

must comply with them.

(7) An offence based on subsection (5) or (6) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

601JC Functions of compliance committee

(1) The functions of a scheme’s compliance committee are:

(a) to monitor to what extent the responsible entity complies

with the scheme’s compliance plan and to report on its

findings to the responsible entity; and

(b) to report to the responsible entity:

(i) any breach of this Act involving the scheme; or

(ii) any breach of the provisions included in the scheme’s

constitution in accordance with section 601GA;

of which the committee becomes aware or that it suspects;


(c) to report to ASIC if the committee is of the view that the

responsible entity has not taken, or does not propose to take,

appropriate action to deal with a matter reported under

paragraph (b); and

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Section 601JD

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(d) to assess at regular intervals whether the compliance plan is

adequate, to report to the responsible entity on the assessment

and to make recommendations to the responsible entity about

any changes that it considers should be made to the plan.

(2) In carrying out its functions, the compliance committee may

commission independent legal, accounting or other professional

advice or assistance, at the reasonable expense of the responsible


601JD Duties of members

(1) A member of a scheme’s compliance committee must:

(a) act honestly; and

(b) exercise the degree of care and diligence that a reasonable

person would exercise if they were in the member’s position;


(c) not make use of information acquired through being a

member of the committee in order to:

(i) gain an improper advantage for the member or another

person; or

(ii) cause detriment to the members of the scheme; and

(d) not make improper use of their position as a member of the

committee to gain, directly or indirectly, an advantage for

themselves or for any other person or to cause detriment to

the members of the scheme.

(2) A member of the compliance committee is to take all reasonable

steps to assist ASIC in carrying out a check under

subsection 601FF(1).

(3) A person who contravenes, or is involved in a contravention of,

subsection (1) contravenes this subsection.

Note 1: Section 79 defines involved.

Note 2: Subsection (3) is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

(4) A person must not intentionally or recklessly contravene, or be

involved in a contravention of, subsection (1).

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Part 5C.5 The compliance committee

Section 601JE

36 Corporations Act 2001

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601JE Compliance committee members have qualified privilege in

certain cases

A member of a scheme’s compliance committee has qualified

privilege in respect of a statement concerning the operation of the

scheme made by or on behalf of the committee, or a member of the

committee, to the responsible entity or to ASIC.

601JF When can responsible entity indemnify compliance

committee members?

(1) A scheme’s responsible entity or a related body corporate must not:

(a) indemnify a person who is or has been a member of the

scheme’s compliance committee against a liability incurred

by the person as a member; or

(b) exempt the person from such a liability.

(2) A provision of the scheme’s constitution or a body corporate’s

constitution is void in so far as it provides for the responsible entity

or a related body corporate to do something that subsection (1)


(3) Subsection (1) does not prevent a person from being indemnified

against a liability to another person (other than the responsible

entity or a related body corporate) unless the liability arises out of

conduct involving a lack of good faith.

(4) Subsection (1) does not prevent a person from being indemnified

against a liability for costs and expenses incurred by them:

(a) in defending proceedings, whether civil or criminal, in which

judgment is given in favour of them or in which they are

acquitted; or

(b) in connection with an application, in relation to such

proceedings, in which the Court grants relief to them under

this Act.

(5) In this section:

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Managed investment schemes Chapter 5C

The compliance committee Part 5C.5

Section 601JG

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indemnify includes indemnify indirectly through one or more

interposed entities.

601JG When can responsible entity pay insurance premiums for

compliance committee members?

(1) A scheme’s responsible entity or a related body corporate must not

pay, or agree to pay, a premium in respect of a contract insuring a

person who is or has been a member of the scheme’s compliance

committee against a liability:

(a) incurred by the person as a member; and

(b) arising out of conduct involving a wilful breach of a duty

referred to in section 601JD.

(2) If subsection (1) is contravened, the contract is void in so far as it

insures the person against the liability.

(3) Subsections (1) and (2) do not apply to a liability for costs and

expenses incurred by a person in defending proceedings, whether

civil or criminal and whatever their outcome.

(4) In this section:

pay includes pay indirectly through one or more interposed entities.

601JH Proceedings of compliance committee

(1) Subject to the requirements of the compliance plan, a scheme’s

compliance committee may regulate its proceedings as it thinks


(2) The committee must keep:

(a) minutes of its meetings; and

(b) records of its reports and recommendations.

(3) A committee meeting may be held using any technology agreed to

by all the members.

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Chapter 5C Managed investment schemes

Part 5C.5 The compliance committee

Section 601JJ

38 Corporations Act 2001

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601JJ Disclosure of interests

(1) A member of a scheme’s compliance committee must disclose to

the committee a direct or indirect pecuniary interest that they have

in a matter being considered, or about to be considered, by the

committee if their interest could conflict with the proper

performance of their duties in relation to the consideration of the


(2) A disclosure under subsection (1) must occur at the first meeting of

the committee after the relevant facts have come to the member’s

knowledge and must be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.

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Managed investment schemes Chapter 5C

Members’ rights to withdraw from a scheme Part 5C.6

Section 601KA

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Part 5C.6—Members’ rights to withdraw from a


601KA Members’ rights to withdraw

Withdrawal from schemes that are liquid

(1) The constitution of a registered scheme may make provision for

members to withdraw from the scheme, wholly or partly, at any

time while the scheme is liquid (see subsection 601GA(4)).

Withdrawal from schemes that are not liquid

(2) The constitution of a registered scheme may make provision for

members to withdraw from the scheme, wholly or partly, in

accordance with this Part while the scheme is not liquid (see

subsection 601GA(4)).

Restrictions on withdrawal from schemes

(3) The responsible entity must not allow a member to withdraw from

the scheme:

(a) if the scheme is liquid—otherwise than in accordance with

the scheme’s constitution; or

(b) if the scheme is not liquid—otherwise than in accordance

with the scheme’s constitution and sections 601KB to


(3A) An offence based on subsection (3) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

Liquid schemes

(4) A registered scheme is liquid if liquid assets account for at least

80% of the value of scheme property.

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Chapter 5C Managed investment schemes

Part 5C.6 Members’ rights to withdraw from a scheme

Section 601KB

40 Corporations Act 2001

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Liquid assets

(5) The following are liquid assets unless it is proved that the

responsible entity cannot reasonably expect to realise them within

the period specified in the constitution for satisfying withdrawal

requests while the scheme is liquid:

(a) money in an account or on deposit with a bank;

(b) bank accepted bills;

(c) marketable securities (as defined in section 9);

(d) property of a prescribed kind.

(6) Any other property is a liquid asset if the responsible entity

reasonably expects that the property can be realised for its market

value within the period specified in the constitution for satisfying

withdrawal requests while the scheme is liquid.

601KB Non-liquid schemes—offers

(1) The responsible entity of a registered scheme that is not liquid may

offer members an opportunity to withdraw, wholly or partly, from

the scheme to the extent that particular assets are available and able

to be converted to money in time to satisfy withdrawal requests

that members may make in response to the offer.

(2) The withdrawal offer must be in writing and be made:

(a) if the constitution specifies procedures for making the

offer—in accordance with those procedures; or

(b) otherwise—by giving a copy of the offer to all members of

the scheme or to all members of a particular class.

(3) The withdrawal offer must specify:

(a) the period during which the offer will remain open (this

period must last for at least 21 days after the offer is made);


(b) the assets that will be used to satisfy withdrawal requests;


(c) the amount of money that is expected to be available when

those assets are converted to money; and

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Managed investment schemes Chapter 5C

Members’ rights to withdraw from a scheme Part 5C.6

Section 601KC

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(d) the method for dealing with withdrawal requests if the money

available is insufficient to satisfy all requests.

The method specified under paragraph (d) must comply with

section 601KD.

(4) For joint members, a copy of the withdrawal offer need only be

given to the joint member named first in the register of members.

(5) As soon as practicable after making the withdrawal offer, the

responsible entity must lodge a copy of the offer with ASIC.

601KC Non-liquid schemes—only one withdrawal offer to be open

at any time

Only one withdrawal offer may be open at any time in relation to a

particular interest in a registered scheme that is not liquid.

601KD Non-liquid schemes—how payments are to be made

The responsible entity of a registered scheme that is not liquid

must ensure that withdrawal requests made in response to a

withdrawal offer are satisfied within 21 days after the offer closes.

No request made under the withdrawal offer may be satisfied while

the offer is still open. If an insufficient amount of money is

available from the assets specified in the offer to satisfy all

requests, the requests are to be satisfied proportionately in

accordance with the formula:

601KE Non-liquid schemes—responsible entity may cancel

withdrawal offer

(1) The responsible entity of a registered scheme that is not liquid:

(a) may cancel a withdrawal offer before it closes if the offer

contains a material error; or

Amount member requested to withdraw

Amount of money available Total of all amounts members

request to withdraw

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Chapter 5C Managed investment schemes

Part 5C.6 Members’ rights to withdraw from a scheme

Section 601KE

42 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) must cancel a withdrawal offer before it closes if it is in the

best interests of members to do so.

(2) The cancellation must be made:

(a) if the constitution specifies procedures for cancelling the

withdrawal offer—in accordance with those procedures; or

(b) otherwise—by notice in writing to the members to whom the

withdrawal offer was made.

(3) The responsible entity must lodge written notice of the cancellation

with ASIC.

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Managed investment schemes Chapter 5C

Related party transactions Part 5C.7

Section 601LA

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Part 5C.7—Related party transactions

601LA Chapter 2E applies with modifications

Chapter 2E applies to a registered scheme with the modifications

set out in sections 601LB to 601LE and as if:

(a) references to a public company were instead references to the

responsible entity of the scheme; and

(b) references to a benefit being given to or received by a related

party of a public company were instead references to a

benefit being given to or received by the responsible entity or

a related party; and

(c) references to a resolution of a public company were instead

references to a resolution of the members of the scheme; and

(d) references to a general meeting were instead references to a

members’ meeting of the scheme; and

(e) references to members of a public company were instead

references to members of the scheme; and

(f) references to the company’s best interests were instead

references to the best interests of the scheme’s members.

601LB Replacement section 207

Chapter 2E applies as if section 207 were replaced by the

following section:

207 Purpose

The rules in this Chapter, as they apply to a registered scheme, are

designed to protect the interests of the scheme’s members as a

whole, by requiring member approval for giving financial benefits

to the responsible entity or its related parties that come out of

scheme property or that could endanger those interests.

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Chapter 5C Managed investment schemes

Part 5C.7 Related party transactions

Section 601LC

44 Corporations Act 2001

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601LC Replacement section 208

Chapter 2E applies as if section 208 were replaced by the

following section:

208 Need for member approval for financial benefit

(1) If all the following conditions are satisfied in relation to a financial


(a) the benefit is given by:

(i) the responsible entity of a registered scheme; or

(ii) an entity that the responsible entity controls; or

(iii) an agent of, or person engaged by, the responsible entity

(b) the benefit either:

(i) is given out of the scheme property; or

(ii) could endanger the scheme property

(c) the benefit is given to:

(i) the person or a related party; or

(ii) another person referred to in paragraph (a) or a related

party of that person;

then, for the person referred to in paragraph (a) to give the benefit,


(d) the person referred to in paragraph (a) must:

(i) obtain the approval of the scheme’s members in the way

set out in sections 217 to 227; and

(ii) give the benefit within 15 months after the approval; or

(e) the giving of the benefit must fall within an exception set out

in sections 210 to 216.

Note: Section 228 defines related party, section 191 defines entity,

section 191 defines control and section 229 affects the meaning of

giving a financial benefit.

(2) If:

(a) the giving of the benefit is required by a contract; and

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Managed investment schemes Chapter 5C

Related party transactions Part 5C.7

Section 601LD

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(b) the making of the contract was approved in accordance with

subparagraph (1)(d)(i) as a financial benefit given to the

entity or related party; and

(c) the contract was made:

(i) within 15 months after that approval; or

(ii) before that approval, if the contract was conditional on

the approval being obtained;

member approval for the giving of the benefit is taken to have been

given and the benefit need not be given within the 15 months.

(3) Subsection (1) does not prevent the responsible entity from paying

itself fees, and exercising rights to an indemnity, as provided for in

the scheme’s constitution under subsection 601GA(2).

601LD Omission of sections 213, 214 and 224

Chapter 2E applies as if sections 213, 214 and 224 were omitted.

Note: Instead of section 224, the rule in section 253E will apply.

601LE Modification of section 225

Chapter 2E applies as if subsection 225(1) were amended by

omitting “subsection 224(1)” and substituting “section 253E”.

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Chapter 5C Managed investment schemes

Part 5C.8 Effect of contraventions (civil liability and voidable contracts)

Section 601MA

46 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 5C.8—Effect of contraventions (civil liability

and voidable contracts)

601MA Civil liability of responsible entity to members

(1) A member of a registered scheme who suffers loss or damage

because of conduct of the scheme’s responsible entity that

contravenes a provision of this Chapter may recover the amount of

the loss or damage by action against the responsible entity whether

or not the responsible entity has been convicted of an offence, or

has had a civil penalty order made against it, in respect of the


(2) An action under subsection (1) must be begun within 6 years after

the cause of action arises.

(3) This section does not affect any liability that a person has under

other provisions of this Act or under other laws.

601MB Voidable contracts where subscription offers and invitations

contravene this Act

(1) If:

(a) a managed investment scheme is being operated in

contravention of subsection 601ED(5) and a person (the

offeror) offers an interest in the scheme for subscription, or

issues an invitation to subscribe for an interest in the scheme;


(b) a person (the offeror) fails to comply with Division 2 of

Part 7.9 when offering an interest in a registered scheme for

subscription or issuing an invitation to subscribe for an

interest in a registered scheme;

a contract entered into by a person (other than the offeror) to

subscribe for the interest as a result of the person accepting the

offer, or of the acceptance of an offer made by the person in

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Managed investment schemes Chapter 5C

Effect of contraventions (civil liability and voidable contracts) Part 5C.8

Section 601MB

Corporations Act 2001 47

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

response to the invitation, is voidable at the option of that person

by notice in writing to the offeror.

(2) If the person gives a notice under subsection (1), the obligations of

the parties to the contract are suspended:

(a) during the period of 21 days after the notice is given; and

(b) during the period beginning when an application is made

under subsection (4) in relation to the notice and ending

when the application, and any appeals arising out of it, have

been finally determined or otherwise disposed of.

(3) Subject to subsection (6), the notice takes effect to void the


(a) at the end of 21 days after the notice is given; or

(b) if, within that 21 days, the offeror applies under

subsection (4)—at the end of the period when the obligations

of the parties are suspended under paragraph (2)(b).

(4) Within 21 days after the notice is given, the offeror may apply to

the Court for an order declaring the notice to have had no effect.

(5) The Court may extend the period within which the offeror may

apply under subsection (4), even if the notice has taken effect.

(6) On application under subsection (4), the Court may declare the

notice to have had no effect if it is satisfied that, in all the

circumstances, it is just and equitable to make the declaration.

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Chapter 5C Managed investment schemes

Part 5C.9 Winding up

Section 601NA

48 Corporations Act 2001

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Part 5C.9—Winding up

601NA Winding up required by scheme’s constitution

The constitution of a registered scheme may provide that the

scheme is to be wound up:

(a) at a specified time; or

(b) in specified circumstances or on the happening of a specified


but a provision of the constitution that purports to provide that the

scheme is to be wound up if a particular company ceases to be its

responsible entity is of no effect (including for the purposes of

paragraph 601NE(1)(a)).

601NB Winding up at direction of members

If members of a registered scheme want the scheme to be wound

up, they may take action under Division 1 of Part 2G.4 for the

calling of a members’ meeting to consider and vote on an

extraordinary resolution directing the responsible entity to wind up

the scheme.

601NC Winding up if scheme’s purpose accomplished or cannot be


(1) If the responsible entity of a registered scheme considers that the

purpose of the scheme:

(a) has been accomplished; or

(b) cannot be accomplished;

it may, in accordance with this section, take steps to wind up the


(2) The responsible entity must give to the members of the scheme and

to ASIC a notice in writing:

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Managed investment schemes Chapter 5C

Winding up Part 5C.9

Section 601ND

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(a) explaining the proposal to wind up the scheme, including

explaining how the scheme’s purpose has been accomplished

or why that purpose cannot be accomplished; and

(b) informing the members of their rights to take action under

Division 1 of Part 2G.4 for the calling of a members’ meeting

to consider the proposed winding up of the scheme and to

vote on any extraordinary resolution members propose about

the winding up of the scheme; and

(c) informing the members that the responsible entity is

permitted to wind up the scheme unless a meeting is called to

consider the proposed winding up of the scheme within 28

days of the responsible entity giving the notice to the


(3) If no meeting is called within that 28 days to consider the proposed

winding up, the responsible entity may wind up the scheme.

601ND Winding up ordered by Court

(1) The Court may, by order, direct the responsible entity of a

registered scheme to wind up the scheme if:

(a) the Court thinks it is just and equitable to make the order; or

(b) within 3 months before the application for the order was

made, execution or other process was issued on a judgment,

decree or order obtained in a court (whether an Australian

court or not) in favour of a creditor of, and against, the

responsible entity in its capacity as the scheme’s responsible

entity and the execution or process has been returned


(2) An order based on paragraph (1)(a) may be made on the

application of:

(a) the responsible entity; or

(b) a director of the responsible entity; or

(c) a member of the scheme; or

(d) ASIC.

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Chapter 5C Managed investment schemes

Part 5C.9 Winding up

Section 601NE

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(3) An order based on paragraph (1)(b) may be made on the

application of a creditor.

601NE The winding up of the scheme

(1) The responsible entity of a registered scheme must ensure that the

scheme is wound up in accordance with its constitution and any

orders under subsection 601NF(2) if:

(a) the scheme’s constitution provides that the scheme is to be

wound up at a specified time, in specified circumstances or

on the happening of a specified event and that time is

reached, those circumstances occur or that event occurs; or

(b) the members pass an extraordinary resolution directing the

responsible entity to wind up the scheme; or

(c) the Court makes an order directing the responsible entity to

wind up the scheme; or

(d) the members pass a resolution removing the responsible

entity but do not, at the same meeting, pass a resolution

choosing a company to be the new responsible entity that

consents to becoming the scheme’s responsible entity.

Note: For the Court’s power to order winding up, see

subsection 601FQ(5) and section 601ND.

(2) The responsible entity of a registered scheme may wind up the

scheme in accordance with its constitution and any orders under

subsection 601NF(2) if the responsible entity is permitted by

subsection 601NC(3) to wind up the scheme.

(3) Interests must not be issued in a registered scheme at a time after

the responsible entity has become obliged to ensure the scheme is

wound up, or after the scheme has started to be wound up.

601NF Other orders about winding up

(1) The Court may, by order, appoint a person to take responsibility

for ensuring a registered scheme is wound up in accordance with

its constitution and any orders under subsection (2) if the Court

thinks it necessary to do so (including for the reason that the

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Managed investment schemes Chapter 5C

Winding up Part 5C.9

Section 601NG

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responsible entity has ceased to exist or is not properly discharging

its obligations in relation to the winding up).

(2) The Court may, by order, give directions about how a registered

scheme is to be wound up if the Court thinks it necessary to do so

(including for the reason that the provisions in the scheme’s

constitution are inadequate or impracticable).

(3) An order under subsection (1) or (2) may be made on the

application of:

(a) the responsible entity; or

(b) a director of the responsible entity; or

(c) a member of the scheme; or

(d) ASIC.

601NG Unclaimed money to be paid to ASIC

If, on completion of the winding up of a registered scheme, the

person who has been winding up the scheme has in their

possession or under their control any unclaimed or undistributed

money or other property that was part of the scheme property, the

person must, as soon as practicable, pay the money or transfer the

property to ASIC to be dealt with under Part 9.7.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 5C Managed investment schemes

Part 5C.10 Deregistration

Division 1 Registered schemes that are not Australian passport funds

Section 601PAA

52 Corporations Act 2001

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Part 5C.10—Deregistration

Division 1—Registered schemes that are not Australian

passport funds

601PAA Application of this Division

This Division applies to a registered scheme that is not an

Australian passport fund.

601PA Deregistration—voluntary

Responsible entity may apply for deregistration

(1) The responsible entity of the registered scheme may lodge an

application for deregistration of the scheme with ASIC.

(2) The responsible entity may only apply if:

(a) the scheme:

(i) has 20 or less members (calculated in accordance with

subsection 601ED(4)) and all the members agree that

the scheme should be deregistered; and

(ii) is not required to be registered by

paragraph 601ED(1)(b) or (c); or

(b) because of subsection 601ED(2) (exemption based on

Division 2 of Part 7.9 not applying), the scheme is not

required to be registered and all the members agree that the

scheme should be deregistered; or

(c) the scheme is not a managed investment scheme.

(3) If ASIC is satisfied that the application complies with

subsections (1) and (2), it must give notice of the proposed


(a) on the national database; and

(b) in the Gazette.

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Managed investment schemes Chapter 5C

Deregistration Part 5C.10

Registered schemes that are not Australian passport funds Division 1

Section 601PB

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When 2 months have passed since the Gazette notice, ASIC may

deregister the scheme.

(4) ASIC must give notice of the deregistration to the applicant.

601PB Deregistration by ASIC

(1) ASIC may decide to deregister the registered scheme if:

(a) the scheme does not have a responsible entity that meets the

requirements of section 601FA; or

(b) the scheme does not have a constitution that meets the

requirements of sections 601GA and 601GB; or

(c) the scheme does not have a compliance plan that meets the

requirements of section 601HA; or

(d) the scheme’s property is not being:

(i) clearly identified as the scheme’s property; and

(ii) held separately from property of the responsible entity

and property of any other scheme;

in accordance with the scheme’s compliance plan; or

(e) the following conditions are satisfied:

(i) the response to a return of particulars given to the

responsible entity of the scheme is at least 6 months

late; and

(ii) no other documents have been lodged by or on behalf of

the scheme in the last 18 months; and

(iii) ASIC has no reason to believe that the scheme is being

operated; or

(ea) the scheme’s review fee in respect of a review date has not

been paid in full at least 12 months after the due date for

payment; or

(f) the scheme has been wound up.

Deregistration procedure

(2) If ASIC decides to deregister a scheme under this section, it must

give notice of the proposed deregistration:

(a) to the scheme’s responsible entity; and

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 5C Managed investment schemes

Part 5C.10 Deregistration

Division 1 Registered schemes that are not Australian passport funds

Section 601PB

54 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) to any other person who is winding up the scheme; and

(c) on the national database; and

(d) in the Gazette.

If the notice is given under paragraph (1)(a), (b), (c) or (d), the

notice must specify the period at the end of which ASIC proposes

to deregister the scheme.

(3) ASIC may deregister the scheme:

(a) if paragraph (1)(a), (b), (c) or (d) applies—at the end of the

period set out in the Gazette notice; or

(b) if paragraph (1)(e) or (f) applies—when 2 months have

passed since the Gazette notice.

(4) ASIC does not have to give a person notice under subsection (2) if

ASIC does not have the necessary information about the person’s


(5) ASIC must give notice of the deregistration to everyone who was

notified of the proposed deregistration under paragraph (2)(a) or


Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Managed investment schemes Chapter 5C

Deregistration Part 5C.10

Registered schemes that are Australian passport funds Division 2

Section 601PBA

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Division 2—Registered schemes that are Australian

passport funds

601PBA Application of this Division

This Division applies to a registered scheme that is an Australian

passport fund (the fund).

601PBB Deregistration—voluntary


(1) The operator of the fund may lodge an application with ASIC for

deregistration of the fund as a registered scheme.

Note: The responsible entity of a registered scheme that is an Australian

passport fund is also the operator of the fund. In this Division, the

responsible entity is referred to as the operator.

(2) The application must be in the prescribed form.

ASIC to deregister

(3) On an application under subsection (1), ASIC must deregister the

fund as a registered scheme if:

(a) the fund satisfies one of the criteria mentioned in paragraphs

601PA(2)(a), (b) and (c) (usual grounds on which a

registered scheme can be voluntarily deregistered); and

(b) there are no members of the fund who became members

(whether in this jurisdiction or any host economy for the

fund) after the fund became an Australian passport fund; and

(c) there are no members of the fund who became members

(whether in this jurisdiction or any host economy for the

fund) on the expectation that the fund would become an

Australian passport fund.

(4) For the purposes of subsection (3), ignore any member of the fund


Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 5C Managed investment schemes

Part 5C.10 Deregistration

Division 2 Registered schemes that are Australian passport funds

Section 601PBC

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(a) is, or has at any time been, the operator of the fund; or

(b) is a related party of an entity that is, or has at any time been,

the operator of the fund.

Note: See section 1216B for the circumstances in which a person becomes a

member of a fund on the expectation that it would become an

Australian passport fund.

601PBC Deregistration—initiated by ASIC

(1) ASIC may decide to deregister the fund as a registered scheme if:

(a) the fund does not have a responsible entity that meets the

requirements of section 601FA; or

(b) the fund does not have a constitution that meets the

requirements of sections 601GA and 601GB; or

(c) the fund does not have a compliance plan that meets the

requirements of section 601HA; or

(d) the fund’s property is not being:

(i) clearly identified as the fund’s property; and

(ii) held separately from property of the operator and

property of any other scheme;

in accordance with the fund’s compliance plan; or

(e) the following conditions are satisfied:

(i) the response to a return of particulars given to the

operator of the fund is at least 6 months late;

(ii) no other documents have been lodged by or on behalf of

the fund in the last 18 months;

(iii) ASIC has no reason to believe that the fund is being

operated; or

(f) the fund’s review fee in respect of a review date has not been

paid in full at least 12 months after the due date for payment;


(g) the fund has been wound up.

(2) However, ASIC must not decide to deregister an Australian

passport fund if ASIC is of the opinion that to do so would not be

in the interests of:

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Managed investment schemes Chapter 5C

Deregistration Part 5C.10

Registered schemes that are Australian passport funds Division 2

Section 601PBC

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(a) members of the fund who became members (whether in this

jurisdiction or any host economy for the fund) after the fund

became an Australian passport fund; and

(b) members of the fund who became members (whether in this

jurisdiction or any host economy for the fund) on the

expectation that the fund would become an Australian

passport fund.

(3) For the purposes of subsection (2), ignore any member of the fund


(a) is, or has at any time been, the operator of the fund; or

(b) is a related party of an entity that is, or has at any time been,

the operator of the fund.

Note: See section 1216B for the circumstances in which a person becomes a

member of a fund on the expectation that it would become an

Australian passport fund.

(4) Before deciding to deregister the fund as a registered scheme,

ASIC must give the operator written notice that requires the

operator to show cause, at a hearing before a specified person, why

the fund should not be deregistered as a registered scheme.

(5) The notice must specify:

(a) the grounds on which it is proposed to deregister the fund as

a registered scheme; and

(b) a reasonable time and place at which the hearing is to be


However, if the operator consents, the person conducting the

hearing may fix a different time or place.

(6) The person conducting the hearing must:

(a) give the operator an opportunity to be heard at the hearing;


(b) give ASIC:

(i) a report about the hearing; and

(ii) a recommendation about the grounds in the notice on

which it is proposed to deregister the fund as a

registered scheme.

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Chapter 5C Managed investment schemes

Part 5C.10 Deregistration

Division 2 Registered schemes that are Australian passport funds

Section 601PBD

58 Corporations Act 2001

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(7) After considering the report and recommendation, ASIC may:

(a) decide to take no further action in relation to the matter and

give written advice of that decision to the operator; or

(b) deregister the fund as a registered scheme.

(8) Neither of the following is a legislative instrument:

(a) a notice under subsection (4);

(b) a report under subsection (6) (if it is in writing).

601PBD Notices relating to deregistration process

Notice before deregistration

(1) If ASIC proposes to deregister a registered scheme that is an

Australian passport fund under subsection 601PBB(3) or

paragraph 601PBC(7)(b), ASIC must give written notice setting

out the date on which ASIC proposes to deregister the registered


(a) to the operator; and

(b) to each host regulator for the Australian passport fund.

(2) The notice must be given at least 5 business days before the fund is

deregistered as a registered scheme.

Notice of deregistration

(3) If ASIC deregisters a registered scheme that is an Australian

passport fund under subsection 601PBB(3) or

paragraph 601PBC(7)(b), ASIC must give written notice that the

fund has been deregistered as a registered scheme and the date on

which it has been deregistered:

(a) to the operator; and

(b) to each host regulator for the Australian passport fund.

(4) The notice must be given within 5 business days after the fund is

deregistered as a registered scheme.

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Managed investment schemes Chapter 5C

Deregistration Part 5C.10

Registered schemes that are Australian passport funds Division 2

Section 601PBE

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601PBE Consequences of deregistration on status as an Australian

passport fund

(1) A scheme ceases to be an Australian passport fund at the same time

as it ceases to be a registered scheme.

(2) ASIC must annotate the Register of Passport Funds to indicate that

the scheme is no longer a registered scheme or an Australian

passport fund, or cause that annotation to be made on the Register.

601PC Reinstatement

(1) ASIC may reinstate the registration of a managed investment

scheme if ASIC is satisfied that the scheme should not have been

deregistered or if the defect that led to the scheme being

deregistered has been remedied.

(2) The Court may make an order that ASIC reinstate the registration

of a managed investment scheme if:

(a) an application for reinstatement is made to the Court by:

(i) a person aggrieved by the deregistration; or

(ii) a person who was winding up the scheme; and

(b) the Court is satisfied that it is just that the scheme’s

registration be reinstated.

(3) The Court may give any directions it thinks just for putting the

scheme and other people in the same position, as far as possible, as

if the scheme had not been deregistered.

ASIC to give notice of reinstatement

(4) ASIC must give notice of a reinstatement in the Gazette. If ASIC

exercises its power under subsection (1) in response to an

application by a person, ASIC must also give notice of the

reinstatement to the applicant.

(5) The reinstatement of the registration of a managed investment

scheme as a registered scheme does not result in the scheme

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Chapter 5C Managed investment schemes

Part 5C.10 Deregistration

Division 2 Registered schemes that are Australian passport funds

Section 601PC

60 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

becoming an Australian passport fund, even if the scheme was an

Australian passport fund immediately before its deregistration.

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Managed investment schemes Chapter 5C

Exemptions and modifications Part 5C.11

Section 601QA

Corporations Act 2001 61

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Part 5C.11—Exemptions and modifications

601QA ASIC’s power to make exemption and modification orders

(1) ASIC may:

(a) exempt a person from a provision of this Chapter; or

(b) declare that this Chapter applies to a person as if specified

provisions were omitted, modified or varied as specified in

the declaration.

Without limiting this, ASIC may declare that this Chapter applies

to a person as if section 601HA included a requirement for scheme

property to be held by a person other than the responsible entity as

the responsible entity’s agent.

(2) The exemption or declaration may:

(a) apply to all or specified provisions of this Chapter; and

(b) apply to all persons, specified persons, or a specified class of

persons; and

(c) relate to all securities, specified securities or a specified class

of securities; and

(d) relate to any other matter generally or as specified.

(3) An exemption may apply unconditionally or subject to specified

conditions. A person to whom a condition specified in an

exemption applies must comply with the condition. The Court may

order the person to comply with the condition in a specified way.

Only ASIC may apply to the Court for the order.

(4) The exemption or declaration must be in writing and ASIC must

publish notice of it in the Gazette.

(5) For the purposes of this section, the provisions of this Chapter


(a) regulations made for the purposes of this Chapter; and

(b) definitions in this Act or the regulations as they apply to

references in:

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Chapter 5C Managed investment schemes

Part 5C.11 Exemptions and modifications

Section 601QB

62 Corporations Act 2001

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(i) this Chapter; or

(ii) regulations made for the purposes of this Chapter; and

(c) the old Division 11 of Part 11.2 transitionals.

601QB Modification by regulations

The regulations may modify the operation of this Chapter or any

other provisions of this Act relating to securities in relation to:

(a) a managed investment scheme; or

(b) all managed investment schemes of a specified class.

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Licensed trustee companies Chapter 5D

Preliminary Part 5D.1

Section 601RAA

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Chapter 5D—Licensed trustee companies

Part 5D.1—Preliminary

601RAA Definitions

In this Chapter:

client, in relation to a trustee company, has the meaning given by

subsection 601RAB(3).

estate management functions has the meaning given by

subsection 601RAC(2).

estate that is administered or managed, in relation to a trustee

company, means all or any of the estate of a person (whether living

or dead) that is administered or managed by the trustee company in

the course of performing estate management functions.

fees means fees in the nature of remuneration (including


law means a law of the Commonwealth or of a State or Territory,

and includes a rule of common law or equity.

licensed trustee company means a trustee company that holds an

Australian financial services licence covering the provision of one

or more traditional trustee company services.

Note: Traditional trustee company services are financial services for the

purpose of Chapter 7: see subsection 766A(1A).

person with a proper interest, in relation to an estate, has the

meaning given by section 601RAD.

publish: if the regulations prescribe requirements to be complied

with in relation to an obligation in a provision of this Part to

publish something, publish (in that provision) means publish in

accordance with those requirements.

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Part 5D.1 Preliminary

Section 601RAB

64 Corporations Act 2001

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traditional trustee company services has the meaning given by

subsection 601RAC(1).

trustee company has the meaning given by section 601RAB.

will includes a codicil and any other testamentary writing.

601RAB Meaning of trustee company and client of trustee company

(1) A trustee company is a company:

(a) that is a corporation to which paragraph 51(xx) of the

Constitution applies; and

(b) that is prescribed by the regulations as a trustee company for

the purpose of this Act.

(2) For the purpose of paragraph (1)(b), companies may (for example)

be prescribed:

(a) by setting out a list of companies in the regulations; or

(b) by providing a mechanism in the regulations for the

determination of a list of companies.

(2A) Before the Governor-General makes a regulation that includes a

company in a list set out for the purposes of paragraph (2)(a), the

company must satisfy the Minister of the following:

(a) that it is a corporation to which paragraph 51(xx) of the

Constitution applies;

(b) that its purposes include:

(i) providing services of the kind referred to in

paragraph 601RAC(1)(c); and

(ii) performing functions of a kind referred to in

paragraph 601RAC(2)(b) and at least one other estate

management function;

(c) that it is, and will continue to be, capable of providing the

services, and performing the functions, referred to in

paragraph (b) of this subsection;

(d) that it is a fit and proper person;

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Preliminary Part 5D.1

Section 601RAC

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(e) that an unacceptable control situation (as defined in

section 601VAA) does not exist in relation to it in relation to

any person;

(f) any other matter the Minister specifies by written notice to

the company.

Note: Under Division 137 of the Criminal Code it may be an offence for a

company to provide false or misleading information or documents to

the Minister in purported compliance with this requirement.

(3) A client of a trustee company is a person to whom, within the

meaning of Chapter 7, a financial service (being a traditional

trustee company service) is provided by the trustee company.

Note: Regulations made for the purpose of subsection 766A(1B) may

prescribe the person or persons to whom a class of traditional trustee

company services is taken to be provided.

601RAC Meaning of traditional trustee company services and estate

management functions

(1) The following are traditional trustee company services:

(a) performing estate management functions (see subsection (2));

(b) preparing a will, a trust instrument, a power of attorney or an

agency arrangement;

(c) applying for probate of a will, applying for grant of letters of

administration, or electing to administer a deceased estate;

(d) establishing and operating common funds;

(e) any other services prescribed by the regulations for the

purpose of this paragraph.

(2) The following are estate management functions (whether

provided alone or jointly with another person or persons):

(a) acting as a trustee of any kind, or otherwise administering or

managing a trust;

(b) acting as executor or administrator of a deceased estate;

(c) acting as agent, attorney or nominee;

(d) acting as receiver, controller or custodian of property;

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Chapter 5D Licensed trustee companies

Part 5D.1 Preliminary

Section 601RAD

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(e) otherwise acting as manager or administrator (including in

the capacity as guardian) of the estate of an individual;

(f) acting in any other capacity prescribed by the regulations for

the purpose of this paragraph.

(3) Subsections (1) and (2) do not apply to:

(a) operating a registered scheme; or

(b) providing a custodial or depository service; or

(c) acting as trustee for debenture holders under Chapter 2L; or

(d) acting as a receiver or other controller of property of a

corporation under Part 5.2; or

(e) acting as trustee of a superannuation fund, an approved

deposit fund or a pooled superannuation trust (within the

meaning of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act

1993); or

(f) acting in any other capacity prescribed by the regulations for

the purpose of this paragraph.

601RAD Meaning of person with a proper interest

(1) A person with a proper interest, in relation to an estate, includes

(but is not limited to) the following:

(a) ASIC;

(b) in relation to a charitable trust:

(i) the settlor, or one of the settlors, of the trust; or

(ii) a person who, under the terms of the trust, has power to

appoint or remove a trustee of the trust or to vary (or

cause to be varied) any of the terms of the trust; or

(iii) a Minister of a State or Territory who has

responsibilities relating to charitable trusts; or

(iv) a person who is named in the instrument establishing

the trust as a person who may receive payments on

behalf of the trust; or

(v) a person who is named in the instrument establishing

the trust as a person who must, or may, be consulted by

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Licensed trustee companies Chapter 5D

Preliminary Part 5D.1

Section 601RAE

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the trustee or trustees before distributing or applying

money or other property for the purposes of the trust; or

(vi) a person of a class that the trust is intended to benefit;

(c) in the case of the estate of a deceased person:

(i) if the person died testate—a beneficiary under the

person’s will; or

(ii) if the person died intestate—a person who, under a law

of a State or Territory, has, or is entitled to, an interest

in the deceased’s estate;

(d) in the case of any other trust:

(i) the settlor, or one of the settlors, of the trust; or

(ii) a person who, under the terms of the trust, has power to

appoint or remove a trustee of the trust or to vary (or

cause to be varied) any of the terms of the trust; or

(iii) a beneficiary of the trust;

(e) in relation to an application to a court relating to the estate—

a person that the court considers, in the circumstances of the

case, has a proper interest in the estate;

(f) a person prescribed by the regulations as having a proper

interest in the estate;

(g) if a person covered by any of the above paragraphs is under a

legal disability—an agent of the person.

(2) None of the paragraphs or subparagraphs of subsection (1) limits,

or is limited by, any of the other paragraphs or subparagraphs of

that subsection.

601RAE Interaction between trustee company provisions and State

and Territory laws

(1) The trustee company provisions are:

(a) the provisions of this Chapter, and regulations or other

instruments made for the purposes of this Chapter; and

(b) the provisions of Chapter 7, and regulations or other

instruments made for the purposes of Chapter 7, as they

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Chapter 5D Licensed trustee companies

Part 5D.1 Preliminary

Section 601RAE

68 Corporations Act 2001

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apply in relation to financial services that are traditional

trustee company services.

(2) Subject to subsections (3) and (4), the trustee company provisions

are intended to apply to the exclusion of laws of a State or

Territory of the following kinds:

(a) laws that authorise or license companies to provide

traditional trustee company services generally (as opposed to

laws that authorise or license companies to provide a

particular traditional trustee company service);

(b) laws that regulate the fees that may be charged by companies

for the provision of traditional trustee company services, and

laws that require the disclosure of such fees;

(c) laws that deal with the provision of accounts by companies in

relation to traditional trustee company services that they


(d) laws that deal with the duties of officers or employees of

companies that provide traditional trustee company services;

(e) laws that regulate the voting power that people may hold in

companies that provide traditional trustee company services,

or that otherwise impose restrictions on the ownership or

control of companies that provide traditional trustee company


(f) laws (other than laws referred to in section 601WBC) that

deal with what happens to assets and liabilities held by a

company, in connection with the provision by the company

of traditional trustee company services, if the company

ceases to be licensed or authorised to provide such services.

(3) Subject to subsection (4), the trustee company provisions are not

intended to apply to the exclusion of laws of a State or Territory

that require a company to have (or to have staff who have)

particular qualifications or experience if the company is to provide

traditional trustee company services of a particular kind.

(4) The regulations may provide:

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Preliminary Part 5D.1

Section 601RAE

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(a) that the trustee company provisions are intended to apply to

the exclusion of prescribed State or Territory laws, or

prescribed provisions of State or Territory laws; or

(b) that the trustee company provisions are intended not to apply

to the exclusion of prescribed State or Territory laws, or

prescribed provisions of State or Territory laws.

(5) The provisions of this Chapter have effect subject to this section.

Note: For example, section 601SAC (which provides that the powers etc.

conferred by or under this Chapter are in addition to other powers etc.)

is to be interpreted subject to this section.

(6) Part 1.1A does not apply in relation to the trustee company


Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 5D Licensed trustee companies

Part 5D.2 Powers etc. of licensed trustee companies

Division 1 General provisions

Section 601SAA

70 Corporations Act 2001

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Part 5D.2—Powers etc. of licensed trustee


Division 1—General provisions

601SAA Jurisdiction of courts not affected etc.

(1) Any inherent power or jurisdiction of courts in respect of the

supervision of the performance of traditional trustee company

services is not affected by anything in this Chapter.

(2) A licensed trustee company that is performing traditional trustee

company services of a particular kind is subject in all respects to

the same control and to removal or restraint from acting, and

generally to the jurisdiction of courts, in the same manner as any

other person who performs traditional trustee company services of

that kind.

601SAB Regulations may prescribe other powers etc.

A licensed trustee company also has, in relation to the provision of

traditional trustee company services, such other powers, functions,

liabilities and obligations, and such privileges and immunities, as

are prescribed by the regulations.

601SAC Powers etc. conferred by or under this Chapter are in

addition to other powers etc.

The powers, functions, liabilities and obligations, and the

privileges and immunities, conferred or imposed on licensed

trustee companies by or under this Chapter are in addition to, and

not in derogation of, any powers, functions, liabilities and

obligations, and any privileges and immunities, conferred or

imposed by any other law:

(a) on trustee companies; or

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Licensed trustee companies Chapter 5D

Powers etc. of licensed trustee companies Part 5D.2

General provisions Division 1

Section 601SAC

Corporations Act 2001 71

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(b) on persons who perform estate management functions or who

provide other traditional trustee company services.

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Chapter 5D Licensed trustee companies

Part 5D.2 Powers etc. of licensed trustee companies

Division 2 Accounts

Section 601SBA

72 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 2—Accounts

601SBA Licensed trustee company not required to file accounts

(1) A licensed trustee company, when acting alone in relation to any

estate of a deceased person, is not required to file, or file and pass,

accounts relating to the estate unless the Court, of its own motion

or on application by or on behalf of a person with a proper interest

in the estate, so orders.

(2) If a licensed trustee company is appointed and acts jointly with any

other person in relation to any estate of a deceased person, the

trustee company and that other person are not required to file, or

file and pass, accounts relating to the estate unless:

(a) that other person intends to charge fees for acting in relation

to the estate; or

(b) the Court, of its own motion or on application by or on behalf

of a person with a proper interest in the estate, so orders.

601SBB Licensed trustee company may be required to provide

account in relation to estate

(1) On application by a person with a proper interest in an estate that is

administered or managed by a licensed trustee company, the trustee

company must provide the person with an account of:

(a) the assets and liabilities of the estate; and

(b) the trustee company’s administration or management of the

estate; and

(c) any investment made from the estate; and

(d) any distribution made from the estate; and

(e) any other expenditure (including fees and commissions) from

the estate.

Note 1: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Note 2: Failure to comply with this subsection may also lead to the

consequences set out in subsection (4) of this section.

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Licensed trustee companies Chapter 5D

Powers etc. of licensed trustee companies Part 5D.2

Accounts Division 2

Section 601SBC

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(2) If:

(a) a licensed trustee company has provided an account to a

person under this section; and

(b) the person applies for a further account within 3 months from

the date on which the person was provided with the previous


the trustee company need not provide a further account in response

to that application until the expiration of that period of 3 months.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in

subsection (2), see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

(3) A licensed trustee company may charge a reasonable fee for

providing an account under this section.

(4) If a licensed trustee company fails to provide a proper account

under this section, the Court may, on application by the person

who sought the account or any other person with a proper interest

in the estate, make any order that the Court considers appropriate,

including an order requiring the preparation and delivery of proper


601SBC Court may order audit

(1) The Court may, on any application under section 601SBB, in

addition to or in substitution for any account to be provided by the

licensed trustee company under that section, order that a person

named in the order must examine the accounts of the trustee

company relating to the estate in respect of which the order is


(2) On the making of any such order, the trustee company must:

(a) give to the person named in the order a list of all the accounts

kept by the company relating to the estate; and

(b) produce to the person, at an office of the trustee company at

all reasonable times when required, all books in the

company’s possession relating to the estate; and

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Chapter 5D Licensed trustee companies

Part 5D.2 Powers etc. of licensed trustee companies

Division 2 Accounts

Section 601SBC

74 Corporations Act 2001

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(c) provide the person with all necessary information and all

other necessary facilities for enabling the person to make the


Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

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Licensed trustee companies Chapter 5D

Powers etc. of licensed trustee companies Part 5D.2

Common funds Division 3

Section 601SCA

Corporations Act 2001 75

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 3—Common funds

601SCA Common funds of licensed trustee companies

(1) A licensed trustee company may, for the purposes of investment,

pool together into a fund or funds money (estate money) from 2 or

more estates that are administered or managed by the trustee

company in the performance of estate management functions.

(2) A fund into which money is pooled as mentioned in subsection (1)

is a common fund.

Note: A common fund may also be regulated under Chapter 5C (if the fund

constitutes a managed investment scheme) but see also

section 601SCAA, which deals with any inconsistencies in regulation

between the Chapters.

(3) A common fund may also include other money.

(4) This section has effect subject to regulations made for the purpose

of section 601SCC.

Note: For example, the regulations may limit the circumstances in which

other money may be pooled together with estate money.

601SCAA Common funds that are also registered schemes

If, in relation to a common fund that is also a registered scheme, a

provision of this Chapter or a regulation or other instrument made

for the purposes of this Chapter is inconsistent with any of the

following (a registered scheme provision):

(a) a provision of Chapter 5C or a regulation or other instrument

made for the purposes of that Chapter;

(b) a provision of Part 7.9 of Chapter 7 or a regulation or other

instrument made for the purposes of that Part;

the registered scheme provision prevails to the extent of the


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Chapter 5D Licensed trustee companies

Part 5D.2 Powers etc. of licensed trustee companies

Division 3 Common funds

Section 601SCB

76 Corporations Act 2001

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601SCB Obligations relating to common funds

(1) If a licensed trustee company establishes more than one common

fund, each must be allocated an appropriate distinguishing number.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) For each common fund, the licensed trustee company must keep

accounts showing at all times the current amount for the time being

at credit in the fund on account of each estate.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(3) A licensed trustee company must not put estate money into a

common fund if doing so is contrary to an express provision of the

conditions subject to which the estate money is held by the trustee


Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

601SCC Regulations relating to establishment or operation of

common funds

The regulations may include provisions relating to the

establishment or operation of common funds.

601SCD Arm’s length transactions

(1) A licensed trustee company that operates a common fund that is

not a registered scheme must not give a financial benefit in relation

to the common fund to a related party.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply if the financial benefit is given on

terms that:

(a) would be reasonable in the circumstances if the trustee

company and the related party were dealing at arm’s length;


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Powers etc. of licensed trustee companies Part 5D.2

Common funds Division 3

Section 601SCD

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(b) are less favourable to the related party than the terms referred

to in paragraph (a).

(3) In this section:

financial benefit has a meaning that is affected by section 229.

related party has the meaning given by section 228, as if references

in that section to a public company were references to a licensed

trustee company.

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Chapter 5D Licensed trustee companies

Part 5D.3 Regulation of fees charged by licensed trustee companies

Division 1 Disclosure of fees

Section 601TAA

78 Corporations Act 2001

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Part 5D.3—Regulation of fees charged by licensed

trustee companies

Division 1—Disclosure of fees

601TAA Schedule of fees to be published and available

A licensed trustee company must ensure that an up-to-date

schedule of the fees that it generally charges for the provision of

traditional trustee company services:

(a) is made available to the public at all times on a website

maintained by or on behalf of the trustee company; and

(b) is made available to the public free of charge at offices of the

trustee company during the usual opening hours of those


Note 1: The schedule is of fees generally charged, and does not include fees

that are agreed to etc. as mentioned in section 601TBB.

Note 2: Failure to comply with this section is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

601TAB Disclosure to clients of changed fees

(1) If, while a licensed trustee company continues to provide a

particular traditional trustee company service to a client or clients,

the trustee company changes the fees that it will charge for the

provision of the service, the trustee company must, within 21 days

of the change of fees taking effect, comply with paragraph (a) or

(b) in relation to the client or each client:

(a) if the client has requested to be sent copies of changed fees—

send the client a copy of the changed fees in accordance with

subsection (2); or

(b) in any other case—directly notify the client, in writing, that

the changed fees are available on the internet on a specified

website maintained by or on behalf of the trustee company.

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Licensed trustee companies Chapter 5D

Regulation of fees charged by licensed trustee companies Part 5D.3

Disclosure of fees Division 1

Section 601TAB

Corporations Act 2001 79

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Note 1: Initial disclosure to a client of the fees that a trustee company will

charge for the provision of a trustee company service will generally

occur through the provision to the client of a Financial Services Guide

under Part 7.7. However, this section is not limited just to situations

where there has been an initial disclosure through a Financial Services


Note 1A: Other provisions in this Part and in the regulations limit the ability of

licensed trustee companies to increase fees.

Note 2: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) A copy of changed fees that is sent to a client under

paragraph (1)(a) must be:

(a) an electronic copy, if that is what the client has requested; or

(b) a hard copy, in any other case.

(3) If a client to whom a traditional trustee company service is

provided is under a legal disability, the following provisions have


(a) a copy of changed fees required by paragraph (1)(a), or a

notice required by paragraph (1)(b), must instead be given to

an agent of the client;

(b) a request referred to in paragraph (1)(a) or (2)(a) may instead

be made by an agent of the client.

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Chapter 5D Licensed trustee companies

Part 5D.3 Regulation of fees charged by licensed trustee companies

Division 2 General provisions about charging fees

Section 601TBA

80 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 2—General provisions about charging fees

601TBA Charging of fees for the provision of traditional trustee

company services

(1) Subject to this Part, a licensed trustee company may charge fees for

the provision of traditional trustee company services.

(2) If a provision of this Part limits the fees that a licensed trustee

company may charge for the provision of a particular traditional

trustee company service, the trustee company must not charge fees

for that service in excess of that limit.

Note 1: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Note 2: Excess fees may also be recovered under section 601XAA.

601TBB Part does not prevent charging of fees as agreed etc.

(1) Nothing in this Part prevents a licensed trustee company from


(a) any fees that a testator, in his or her will, has directed to be

paid; or

(b) any fees that have been agreed on in accordance with

subsection (2).

(2) An agreement referred to in paragraph (1)(b) that relates to the fees

that may be charged by a licensed trustee company for the

provision of a particular traditional trustee company service must

be between the trustee company and:

(a) subject to paragraph (b) of this subsection—a person or

persons who have authority to deal with the trustee company

on matters relating to the provision of the service; or

(b) if the regulations prescribe the person or persons with whom

the agreement must be made—that person or those persons.

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Licensed trustee companies Chapter 5D

Regulation of fees charged by licensed trustee companies Part 5D.3

General provisions about charging fees Division 2

Section 601TBC

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601TBC Part does not prevent charging fee for provision of account

Nothing in the Part prevents a licensed trustee company from

charging a fee permitted by subsection 601SBB(3) for the

provision of an account.

601TBD Part does not prevent reimbursement

Nothing in this Part prevents the reimbursement to a licensed

trustee company of all disbursements properly made by the trustee

company in the provision of a traditional trustee company service.

601TBE Estate management functions: payment of fees out of estate

(1) This section applies to the performance by a licensed trustee

company of an estate management function relating to a particular


(2) Subject to subsection (3), fees charged by the trustee company, in

accordance with this Part, for the performance of the function are

payable to the trustee company out of the capital or income of the

relevant estate.

(3) Unless ASIC approves it under subsection (4):

(a) a management fee referred to in section 601TDD can only

come out of the income of the relevant estate; and

(b) a common fund administration fee referred to in

section 601TDE or 601TDI can only come out of the income

received by the common fund on the assets of the charitable

trust concerned that are included in the fund.

(4) ASIC may, on application in writing by a licensed trustee

company, approve payment of a proposed fee that, if paid without

the approval, would contravene subsection (3), if ASIC is satisfied


(a) the payment of the fee will not significantly affect the capital

of the relevant estate or charitable trust concerned; and

(b) the fee is a fair reflection of the work and expertise required

to perform the estate management function.

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Chapter 5D Licensed trustee companies

Part 5D.3 Regulation of fees charged by licensed trustee companies

Division 3 Fees otherwise than for being trustee or manager of a charitable trust

Section 601TCA

82 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 3—Fees otherwise than for being trustee or

manager of a charitable trust

601TCA Fees otherwise than for being the trustee or manager of a

charitable trust

(1) This section applies to a particular provision of a traditional trustee

company service by a licensed trustee company, unless:

(a) the service consists of being the trustee or manager of a

charitable trust (see Division 4); or

(b) the provision of the service started before the commencement

of this section.

(2) The trustee company must not charge fees that are in excess of its

schedule of fees that was most recently published as required by

section 601TAA before the trustee company started to provide the


(3) This section does not limit anything in Division 2.

601TCB Additional amount for preparation of returns etc.

A licensed trustee company may charge a reasonable fee for work

involved in the preparation and lodging of returns for the purpose

of, or in connection with, assessments of any duties or taxes (other

than probate, death, succession or estate duties) related to an estate

that is administered or managed by the trustee company.

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Licensed trustee companies Chapter 5D

Regulation of fees charged by licensed trustee companies Part 5D.3

Fees for being trustee or manager of a charitable trust Division 4

Section 601TDA

Corporations Act 2001 83

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Division 4—Fees for being trustee or manager of a

charitable trust

Subdivision A—New client charitable trusts

601TDA Subdivision applies to new client charitable trusts

This Subdivision applies to a particular provision of a traditional

trustee company service by a licensed trustee company if:

(a) the service consists of being the trustee or manager of a

charitable trust; and

(b) the provision of the service started on or after the

commencement of this section.

601TDB What the trustee company may charge

(1) For the provision of the service, the trustee company must only


(a) either:

(i) a capital commission, and an income commission, as

provided for in section 601TDC; or

(ii) a management fee as provided for in section 601TDD;


(b) if applicable, common fund administration fees under

section 601TDE; and

(c) if applicable, fees permitted by section 601TDF in respect of

the preparation of returns etc.

(2) This section does not limit anything in Division 2.

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Chapter 5D Licensed trustee companies

Part 5D.3 Regulation of fees charged by licensed trustee companies

Division 4 Fees for being trustee or manager of a charitable trust

Section 601TDC

84 Corporations Act 2001

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601TDC Option 1: capital commission and income commission

One-off capital commission

(1) The trustee company may charge a capital commission (GST

inclusive) at a rate not exceeding 5.5% of the gross value of the

charitable trust’s assets.

(2) The capital commission must be charged only once during the

period while the trustee company is trustee or manager of the

charitable trust.

(3) The regulations may make provision relating to the capital

commission, including (but not limited to):

(a) the calculation of the commission or of the gross value of the

charitable trust’s assets; and

(b) when, during the period referred to in subsection (2), the

commission may be charged.

Annual income commission

(4) The trustee company may charge an annual income commission

(GST inclusive) at a rate not exceeding 6.6% of the income

received on account of the charitable trust’s assets.

(5) The regulations may make provision relating to the income

commission, including (but not limited to):

(a) the calculation of the commission or of the income received

on the charitable trust’s assets; and

(b) when, during a year, the commission may be charged; and

(c) apportionment of the amount of the commission for


601TDD Option 2: annual management fee

(1) Instead of a capital commission and income commission under

section 601TDC, the trustee company may charge an annual

management fee (GST inclusive) at a rate not exceeding 1.056% of

the gross value of the charitable trust’s assets.

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Licensed trustee companies Chapter 5D

Regulation of fees charged by licensed trustee companies Part 5D.3

Fees for being trustee or manager of a charitable trust Division 4

Section 601TDE

Corporations Act 2001 85

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(2) The regulations may make provision relating to the management

fee, including (but not limited to):

(a) the calculation of the management fee or of the gross value of

the charitable trust’s assets; and

(b) when, during a year, the management fee may be charged;


(c) apportionment of the amount of the management fee for


601TDE Additional amount if trust money is in a common fund

(1) If any of the charitable trust’s assets are included in a common

fund operated by the trustee company, the trustee company may

charge an annual common fund administration fee (GST inclusive)

not exceeding 1.1% of the gross value of the charitable trust’s

assets in the fund.

(2) The regulations may make provision relating to the common fund

administration fee, including (but not limited to):

(a) the calculation of the common fund administration fee or of

the gross value of the charitable trust’s assets in the fund; and

(b) when, during a year, the common fund administration fee

may be charged; and

(c) the apportionment of the common fund administration fee for


601TDF Additional amount for preparation of returns etc.

The trustee company may charge a reasonable fee for work

involved in the preparation and lodging of returns for the purpose

of, or in connection with, assessments of any duties or taxes (other

than probate, death, succession or estate duties) related to the trust

estate of the charitable trust.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 5D Licensed trustee companies

Part 5D.3 Regulation of fees charged by licensed trustee companies

Division 4 Fees for being trustee or manager of a charitable trust

Section 601TDG

86 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Subdivision B—Existing client charitable trusts

601TDG Subdivision applies to existing client charitable trusts

This Subdivision applies to a particular provision of a traditional

trustee company service by a licensed trustee company if:

(a) the service consists of being the trustee or manager of a

charitable trust; and

(b) the provision of the service started before the commencement

of this section.

601TDH Trustee company not to charge more than was being

charged before section commenced

Subject to section 601TDI and 601TDJ, the trustee company must

not charge fees in excess of the fees than it could have charged in

relation to the charitable trust immediately before the

commencement of this section.

601TDI Additional amount if trust money is in a common fund

(1) If any of the charitable trust’s assets are included in a common

fund operated by the trustee company, the trustee company may

charge an annual common fund administration fee (GST inclusive)

not exceeding 1.1% of the gross value of the charitable trust’s

assets in the fund.

(2) The regulations may make provision relating to the common fund

administration fee, including (but not limited to):

(a) the calculation of the common fund administration fee or of

the gross value of the charitable trust’s assets in the fund; and

(b) when, during a year, the common fund administration fee

may be charged; and

(c) the apportionment of the common fund administration fee for


Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Licensed trustee companies Chapter 5D

Regulation of fees charged by licensed trustee companies Part 5D.3

Fees for being trustee or manager of a charitable trust Division 4

Section 601TDJ

Corporations Act 2001 87

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

601TDJ Additional amount for preparation of returns etc.

The trustee company may charge a reasonable fee for work

involved in the preparation and lodging of returns for the purpose

of, or in connection with, assessments of any duties or taxes (other

than probate, death, succession or estate duties) related to the trust

estate of the charitable trust.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 5D Licensed trustee companies

Part 5D.3 Regulation of fees charged by licensed trustee companies

Division 5 Miscellaneous

Section 601TEA

88 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 5—Miscellaneous

601TEA Power of the Court with respect to excessive fees

(1) If the Court is of the opinion that fees charged by a licensed trustee

company in respect of any estate are excessive, the Court may

review the fees and may, on the review, reduce the fees.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to fees:

(a) that are charged as permitted by section 601TBB; or

(b) that relate to a charitable trust and that are charged as

permitted by Subdivision A of Division 4.

(3) In considering whether fees are excessive, the Court may consider

any or all of the following matters:

(a) the extent to which the work performed by the trustee

company was reasonably necessary;

(b) the extent to which the work likely to be performed by the

trustee company is likely to be reasonably necessary;

(c) the period during which the work was, or is likely to be,

performed by the trustee company;

(d) the quality of the work performed, or likely to be performed,

by the trustee company;

(e) the complexity (or otherwise) of the work performed, or

likely to be performed, by the trustee company;

(f) the extent (if any) to which the trustee company was, or is

likely to be, required to deal with extraordinary issues;

(g) the extent (if any) to which the trustee company was, or is

likely to be, required to accept a higher level of risk or

responsibility than is usually the case;

(h) the value and nature of any property dealt with, or likely to

be dealt with, by the trustee company;

(i) if the fees are ascertained, in whole or in part, on a time

basis—the time properly taken, or likely to be properly taken,

by the trustee company in performing the work;

(j) any other relevant matters.

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Licensed trustee companies Chapter 5D

Regulation of fees charged by licensed trustee companies Part 5D.3

Miscellaneous Division 5

Section 601TEB

Corporations Act 2001 89

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(4) The Court may exercise its powers under subsection (1) either on

its own motion or on the application by or on behalf of a person

with a proper interest in the estate.

(5) If the fees are reduced by more than 10%, the trustee company

must, unless the Court in special circumstances otherwise orders,

pay the costs of the review.

(6) Subject to subsection (5), all questions of costs of the review are in

the discretion of the Court.

601TEB Directors’ fees

(1) This section applies if:

(a) an estate that is administered or managed by a licensed

trustee company has an interest in a corporation; and

(b) an officer of the trustee company, in his or her capacity as

such an officer, acts as a director of the corporation for

purposes connected with the administration or management

of the estate.

(2) The trustee company is entitled to receive from the corporation

(and to retain) any director’s fees that would be payable to the

officer had he or she so acted otherwise than in his or her capacity

as such an officer.

(3) Neither the officer nor the estate is entitled to receive the fees that

the trustee company is entitled to receive under subsection (2).

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Chapter 5D Licensed trustee companies

Part 5D.4 Duties of officers and employees of licensed trustee companies

Section 601UAA

90 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 5D.4—Duties of officers and employees of

licensed trustee companies

601UAA Duties of officers of licensed trustee company

(1) An officer of a licensed trustee company must:

(a) act honestly; and

(b) exercise the degree of care and diligence that a reasonable

person would exercise if they were in the officer’s position;


(c) not make use of information acquired through being an

officer of the trustee company for the purpose (or for

purposes including the purpose) of:

(i) gaining an improper advantage for the officer or another

person; or

(ii) causing detriment to the clients of the trustee company;


(d) not make improper use of their position as an officer for the

purpose (or for purposes including the purpose) of:

(i) gaining, directly or indirectly, an advantage for the

officer or for any other person; or

(ii) causing detriment to the clients of the trustee company;


(e) take all steps that a reasonable person would take, if they

were in the officer’s position, to ensure that the trustee

company complies, in relation to the provision of traditional

trustee company services, with:

(i) this Act; and

(ii) any conditions imposed on the trustee company’s

Australian financial services licence.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

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Licensed trustee companies Chapter 5D

Duties of officers and employees of licensed trustee companies Part 5D.4

Section 601UAB

Corporations Act 2001 91

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(2) A person who contravenes, or is involved in a contravention of,

subsection (1) contravenes this subsection.

Note 1: Section 79 defines involved.

Note 2: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

(3) A duty of an officer of the trustee company under subsection (1)

overrides any conflicting duty the officer has under Part 2D.1, but

is subject to any conflicting duty the officer has under Part 5C.2.

(4) A reference in this section to the clients of a licensed trustee

company is a reference to the clients, when viewed as a group.

601UAB Duties of employees of licensed trustee company

(1) An employee of a licensed trustee company must not:

(a) make use of information acquired through being an employee

of the trustee company for the purpose (or for purposes

including the purpose) of:

(i) gaining an improper advantage for the employee or

another person; or

(ii) causing detriment to the clients of the trustee company;


(b) make improper use of their position as an employee for the

purpose (or for purposes including the purpose) of:

(i) gaining, directly or indirectly, an advantage for the

employee or for any other person; or

(ii) causing detriment to the clients of the trustee company.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) A person who contravenes, or is involved in a contravention of,

subsection (1) contravenes this subsection.

Note 1: Section 79 defines involved.

Note 2: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

(3) A duty of an employee of the trustee company under subsection (1)

overrides any conflicting duty the employee has under Part 2D.1,

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Chapter 5D Licensed trustee companies

Part 5D.4 Duties of officers and employees of licensed trustee companies

Section 601UAB

92 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

but is subject to any conflicting duty the employee has under

Part 5C.2.

(4) A reference in this section to the clients of a licensed trustee

company is a reference to the clients, when viewed as a group.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Licensed trustee companies Chapter 5D

Limit on control of licensed trustee companies Part 5D.5

15% voting power limit Division 1

Section 601VAA

Corporations Act 2001 93

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 5D.5—Limit on control of licensed trustee


Division 1—15% voting power limit

601VAA Meaning of unacceptable control situation

For the purposes of this Part, an unacceptable control situation

exists in relation to a licensed trustee company and in relation to a

particular person if the person’s voting power in the trustee

company is more than:

(a) 15%; or

(b) if an approval of a higher percentage is in force under

Division 2 in relation to the trustee company and in relation

to the person—that higher percentage.

601VAB Acquisitions of shares


(a) a person, or 2 or more persons under an arrangement, acquire

shares in a body corporate; and

(b) the acquisition has the result, in relation to a licensed trustee

company, that:

(i) an unacceptable control situation comes into existence

in relation to the trustee company and in relation to a

person; or

(ii) if an unacceptable control situation already exists in

relation to the trustee company and in relation to a

person—there is an increase in the voting power of the

person in the trustee company;

the person or persons mentioned in paragraph (a) contravene this


Note: A contravention of this section is an offence (see subsection 1311(1)).

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 5D Licensed trustee companies

Part 5D.5 Limit on control of licensed trustee companies

Division 1 15% voting power limit

Section 601VAC

94 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

601VAC Remedial orders

(1) If an unacceptable control situation exists in relation to a licensed

trustee company, the Court may make such orders as the Court

considers appropriate for the purpose of ensuring that the

unacceptable control situation ceases to exist.

(2) However, the Court may only make orders under this section on

application by:

(a) the Minister; or

(b) ASIC; or

(c) the trustee company; or

(d) a person who has any voting power in the trustee company;


(e) a client of the trustee company.

(3) The Court’s orders may include:

(a) an order directing the disposal of shares; or

(b) an order restraining the exercise of any rights attached to

shares; or

(c) an order prohibiting or deferring the payment of any sums

due to a person in respect of shares held by the person; or

(d) an order that any exercise of rights attached to shares be

disregarded; or

(e) an order directing any person to do or refrain from doing a

specified act, for the purpose of securing compliance with

any other order made under this section; or

(f) an order containing such ancillary or consequential

provisions as the Court thinks just.

(4) Subsection (3) does not, by implication, limit subsection (1).

(5) Before making an order under this section, the Court may direct

that notice of the application be given to such persons as the Court

thinks fit or be published in such manner as the Court thinks fit, or


(6) The Court may, by order:

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Licensed trustee companies Chapter 5D

Limit on control of licensed trustee companies Part 5D.5

15% voting power limit Division 1

Section 601VAD

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(a) rescind, vary or discharge an order made by the Court under

this section; or

(b) suspend the operation of such an order.

601VAD Injunctions

(1) If any conduct (including a refusal or failure to act) amounts or

would amount to a contravention of this Part in relation to a

particular licensed trustee company, the trustee company is taken,

for the purposes of section 1324, to be a person whose interests are

affected by the conduct.

(2) Subsection (1) does not, by implication, limit the class of persons

whose interests are affected by the conduct.

(3) The Minister has the same powers as ASIC to apply for an

injunction under section 1324 in relation to a contravention of this


(4) The powers in sections 601VAC and 1324 do not, by implication,

limit each other.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 5D Licensed trustee companies

Part 5D.5 Limit on control of licensed trustee companies

Division 2 Approval to exceed 15% voting power limit

Section 601VBA

96 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 2—Approval to exceed 15% voting power limit

601VBA Application for approval to exceed 15% voting power limit

(1) A person may apply for approval to have voting power of more

than 15% in a particular licensed trustee company by lodging with

ASIC an application that:

(a) specifies the percentage of voting power (if any) the person

currently has in the trustee company; and

(b) specifies the percentage of voting power the person is

seeking approval to have in the trustee company; and

(c) sets out the person’s reasons for making the application.

Note: For fees in respect of lodging applications, see Part 9.10.

(2) ASIC must give the application to the Minister as soon as possible.

601VBB Approval of application

(1) The Minister may grant the application if the Minister is satisfied

that it would be in the interests of the licensed trustee company and

its clients for the application to be granted.

(2) If the Minister grants the application, the Minister must:

(a) give written notice of the approval to the applicant; and

(b) specify the percentage of the voting power the Minister

approves the applicant having in the licensed trustee

company (which may or may not be the percentage the

applicant applied for); and

(c) either:

(i) specify the period during which the approval remains in

force; or

(ii) specify that the approval remains in force indefinitely.

(3) If the Minister refuses the application, the Minister must give

written notice of the refusal to the applicant.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Licensed trustee companies Chapter 5D

Limit on control of licensed trustee companies Part 5D.5

Approval to exceed 15% voting power limit Division 2

Section 601VBC

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Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(4) As soon as practicable, the Minister must arrange for a copy of a

notice of approval under this section to be:

(a) published in the Gazette; and

(b) given to the licensed trustee company concerned.

601VBC Duration of approval

(1) An approval under section 601VBB remains in force:

(a) if the notice of approval specifies a period during which the

approval remains in force—until the end of that period, or if

the Minister extends that period, until the end of that

extended period; or

(b) otherwise—indefinitely.

Extension of approval

(2) A person who holds an approval under section 601VBB that is in

force for a specified period may apply to extend that period by

lodging with ASIC an application that sets out the person’s reasons

for making the application.

Note: For fees in respect of lodging applications, see Part 9.10.

(3) ASIC must give the application to the Minister as soon as possible.

(4) The Minister may grant the application if the Minister is satisfied

that it would be in the interests of the licensed trustee company and

its clients for the application to be granted.

(5) If the Minister grants the application, the Minister must:

(a) give written notice of the extension to the applicant; and

(b) specify the extended period during which the approval

remains in force (which may or may not be the period the

applicant applied for).

(6) If the Minister refuses the application, the Minister must give

written notice of the refusal to the applicant.

(7) As soon as practicable, the Minister must arrange for a copy of a

notice of extension under this section to be:

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 5D Licensed trustee companies

Part 5D.5 Limit on control of licensed trustee companies

Division 2 Approval to exceed 15% voting power limit

Section 601VBD

98 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(a) published in the Gazette; and

(b) given to the licensed trustee company concerned.

601VBD Conditions of approval

(1) An approval under section 601VBB is subject to such conditions

(if any) as are specified in the notice of approval.

(2) The Minister may, by written notice given to a person who holds

an approval under section 601VBB:

(a) impose one or more conditions or further conditions to which

the approval is subject; or

(b) revoke or vary any condition:

(i) imposed under paragraph (a); or

(ii) specified in the notice of approval.

(3) The Minister’s power under subsection (2) may be exercised:

(a) on the Minister’s own initiative; or

(b) on application by the person who holds the approval.

(4) An application made by a person under paragraph (3)(b) must be

lodged with ASIC and must set out the person’s reasons for

making the application.

Note: For fees in respect of lodging applications, see Part 9.10.

(5) ASIC must give the application to the Minister as soon as possible.

(6) If the Minister refuses an application under paragraph (3)(b), the

Minister must give written notice of the refusal to the applicant.

(7) As soon as practicable, the Minister must arrange for a copy of a

notice under subsection (2) to be:

(a) published in the Gazette; and

(b) given to the licensed trustee company concerned.

(8) A person who holds an approval under section 601VBB must give

written notice to ASIC as soon as practicable after they become

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Limit on control of licensed trustee companies Part 5D.5

Approval to exceed 15% voting power limit Division 2

Section 601VBE

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aware that they have breached a condition to which the approval is


Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

601VBE Varying percentage approved

Application by holder of approval

(1) A person who holds an approval under section 601VBB may apply

to vary the percentage specified in the approval by lodging with

ASIC an application that:

(a) specifies the percentage of the voting power the person

currently has in the licensed trustee company concerned; and

(b) specifies the percentage of the voting power the person is

seeking approval to have in the trustee company; and

(c) sets out the person’s reasons for making the application.

Note: For fees in respect of lodging applications, see Part 9.10.

(2) ASIC must give the application to the Minister as soon as possible.

(3) The Minister may grant the application if the Minister is satisfied

that it would be in the interests of the licensed trustee company and

its clients for the application to be granted.

(4) If the Minister grants the application, the Minister must:

(a) give written notice of the variation to the applicant; and

(b) specify the variation granted (which may or may not be the

variation the applicant applied for).

(5) If the Minister refuses an application, the Minister must give

written notice of the refusal to the applicant.

Minister’s own initiative

(6) The Minister may, by written notice given to a person who holds

an approval under section 601VBB, vary the percentage specified

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Part 5D.5 Limit on control of licensed trustee companies

Division 2 Approval to exceed 15% voting power limit

Section 601VBF

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in the approval if the Minister is satisfied that the variation would

be in the interests of the licensed trustee company and its clients.

Percentage varied upwards

(7) If the Minister varies a percentage upwards, the variation takes

effect on the day the notice of variation is given.

Percentage varied downwards

(8) If the Minister varies a percentage downwards, the variation takes

effect on the day specified in the notice of variation. The specified

day must be a day at least 90 days after the day on which the notice

is given.

Notification of variation

(9) As soon as practicable, the Minister must arrange for a copy of a

notice of variation under this section to be:

(a) published in the Gazette; and

(b) given to the licensed trustee company concerned.

601VBF Revoking an approval

(1) The Minister may, by written notice given to a person who holds

an approval under section 601VBB in relation to a licensed trustee

company, revoke the approval if:

(a) the Minister is satisfied that it would be in the interests of the

trustee company and its clients for the approval to be

revoked; or

(b) the Minister is satisfied that an unacceptable control situation

exists in relation to the trustee company and in relation to the

person; or

(c) the Minister is satisfied that there has been a contravention of

a condition to which the approval is subject.

(2) The revocation takes effect on the day specified in the notice of

revocation. The specified day must be a day at least 90 days after

the day on which the notice is given.

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Approval to exceed 15% voting power limit Division 2

Section 601VBG

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(3) If a person who holds an approval under section 601VBB applies

to the Minister for revocation of the approval, the Minister must,

by written notice given to the person, revoke the approval. The

revocation takes effect on the day specified in the notice of


(4) As soon as practicable, the Minister must arrange for a copy of a

notice of revocation under this section to be:

(a) published in the Gazette; and

(b) given to the licensed trustee company concerned.

601VBG Minister may require further information from applicants

(1) If a person has made an application under this Division, the

Minister may, by written notice given to the person, require the

person to give the Minister, within a specified period, further

information about the application.

(2) The Minister may refuse to consider the application until the

person gives the Minister the information.

601VBH Minister may seek views of licensed trustee company and

its clients

For the purpose of making a decision under this Division (whether

or not in response to an application) in relation to a licensed trustee

company, the Minister may seek the views of the trustee company

and its clients.

601VBI Time limit for Minister’s decision

(1) The Minister must make a decision on an application under this

Division within 30 days after receiving the application.

(2) However, before the end of the 30 days, the Minister may decide to

extend the period for considering the application until the end of 60

days after the application was received.

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Part 5D.5 Limit on control of licensed trustee companies

Division 2 Approval to exceed 15% voting power limit

Section 601VBI

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(3) If the Minister has not made a decision within the 30 days (or the

60 days, if subsection (2) applies), the Minister is taken to have

granted whatever was applied for. As soon as practicable after that

happens, the Minister must arrange for a notice to that effect to be:

(a) published in the Gazette; and

(b) given to the licensed trustee company concerned.

(4) The time for making the decision stops running if the Minister

gives a notice under subsection 601VBG(1) in relation to the

application, and does not start again until the notice is complied


(5) The time limit in this section does not apply to an application under

section 601VBB or 601VBE if an unacceptable control situation

exists in relation to the applicant and in relation to the relevant

licensed trustee company at any time before the Minister makes a


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Other matters Division 3

Section 601VCA

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Division 3—Other matters

601VCA Acquisition of property

(1) The Court must not make an order under section 601VAC if:

(a) the order would result in the acquisition of property from a

person otherwise than on just terms; and

(b) the order would be invalid because of paragraph 51(xxxi) of

the Constitution.

(2) Section 1350 does not apply in relation to the making of an order

under section 601VAC.

(3) In this section:

acquisition of property has the same meaning as in

paragraph 51(xxxi) of the Constitution.

just terms has the same meaning as in paragraph 51(xxxi) of the


601VCB Interests of clients to be viewed as a group

A reference in this Part to the interests of the clients of a licensed

trustee company is a reference to the interests of the clients, when

viewed as a group.

601VCC Anti-avoidance

(1) If:

(a) one or more persons enter into, begin to carry out or carry out

a scheme; and

(b) it would be concluded that the person, or any of the persons,

who entered into, began to carry out or carried out the

scheme or any part of the scheme did so for the sole or

dominant purpose of avoiding the application of any

provision of Division 1 in relation to any person or persons

(whether or not mentioned in paragraph (a)); and

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Part 5D.5 Limit on control of licensed trustee companies

Division 3 Other matters

Section 601VCC

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(c) as a result of the scheme or a part of the scheme, a person

(the controller) increases the controller’s voting power in a

licensed trustee company;

the Minister may give the controller a written direction to cease

having that voting power within a specified time.

(2) A person who is subject to a direction under subsection (1) must

comply with the direction.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(3) A direction under subsection (1) is not a legislative instrument.

(4) In this section:

increase voting power includes increasing it from a starting point

of nil.

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Preliminary Division 1

Section 601WAA

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Part 5D.6—ASIC-approved transfers of estate

assets and liabilities

Division 1—Preliminary

601WAA Definitions

(1) In this Part:

asset means property, or a right, of any kind, and includes:

(a) any legal or equitable estate or interest (whether present or

future, vested or contingent, tangible or intangible, in real or

personal property) of any kind; and

(b) any chose in action; and

(c) any right, interest or claim of any kind including rights,

interests or claims in or in relation to property (whether

arising under an instrument or otherwise, and whether

liquidated or unliquidated, certain or contingent, accrued or

accruing); and

(d) any CGT asset within the meaning of the Income Tax

Assessment Act 1997.

authorised ASIC officer, when used in a particular provision of

this Part, means a person authorised under subsection (2) to

perform or exercise the functions or powers of an authorised ASIC

officer under that provision.

cancel, in relation to a licence, means:

(a) cancel the licence under Part 7.6; or

(b) vary the conditions of the licence under Part 7.6 so that the

licence ceases to cover traditional trustee company services.

certificate of transfer has the meaning given by

subsection 601WBG(1).

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Part 5D.6 ASIC-approved transfers of estate assets and liabilities

Division 1 Preliminary

Section 601WAA

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compulsory transfer determination has the meaning given by

subsection 601WBA(1).

estate assets and liabilities, of a company, means assets (including

assets in common funds) and liabilities of an estate, or incurred in

relation to an estate, in relation to which the company was

performing estate management functions, if the assets and

liabilities were vested in or otherwise belonged to the company:

(a) because of its performance of those functions; and

(b) immediately before:

(i) if ASIC has cancelled the company’s licence—the

cancellation; or

(ii) otherwise—a relevant certificate of transfer comes into


Note: This Part does not apply to liabilities for breach of trust etc.: see

section 601WBK.

interest, in relation to land, includes:

(a) a legal or equitable estate or interest in the land; or

(b) a right, power or privilege over, or in relation to, the land.

liability includes a duty or obligation of any kind (whether arising

under an instrument or otherwise, and whether actual, contingent

or prospective).

licence means an Australian financial services licence that is held

by a trustee company and that covers the provision of one or more

traditional trustee company services.

receiving company has the meaning given by

subsection 601WBA(1).

transfer determination has the meaning given by

subsection 601WBA(1).

transferring company has the meaning given by

subsection 601WBA(1).

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Preliminary Division 1

Section 601WAA

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voluntary transfer determination has the meaning given by

subsection 601WBA(1).

(2) ASIC may, in writing, authorise a person who is a member of

ASIC, or of its staff, to perform or exercise the functions or powers

of an authorised ASIC officer under a particular provision of this


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Division 2 Transfer of estate assets and liabilities

Section 601WBA

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Division 2—Transfer of estate assets and liabilities

601WBA Transfer determinations

(1) ASIC may, in writing, make a determination (a transfer

determination) that there is to be a transfer of estate assets and

liabilities from a specified company (the transferring company) to

another specified company (the receiving company) if:

(a) ASIC has cancelled the licence of the transferring company

(the determination is a compulsory transfer determination);


(b) the transferring company has applied in the prescribed form

for a determination (the determination is a voluntary transfer


(2) ASIC may make a transfer determination only if:

(aa) for a compulsory transfer determination—the receiving

company is a licensed trustee company or the Public Trustee

of a State or Territory; and

(ab) for a voluntary transfer determination:

(i) the transferring company is a licensed trustee company

or a company that was previously authorised as a trustee

company under a law of a State or Territory; and

(ii) the receiving company is a licensed trustee company;


(a) either:

(i) the Minister has consented to the transfer; or

(ii) the Minister’s consent to the transfer is not required (see

section 601WBD); and

(b) ASIC is satisfied that:

(i) the transfer is in the interests of clients of the

transferring company (when viewed as a group); and

(ii) unless the receiving company is a Public Trustee—the

transfer is in the interests of clients of the receiving

company (when viewed as a group); and

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Section 601WBA

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(iii) the board of the receiving company has consented to the

transfer; and

(iv) legislation to facilitate the transfer that satisfies the

requirements of section 601WBC has been enacted in

the State or Territory in which the transferring company

is registered and the State or Territory in which the

receiving company is registered or of which it is the

Public Trustee.

(2A) Even if the Public Trustee of a State or Territory is not a company:

(a) the Public Trustee may still be specified as a receiving

company for the purposes of a compulsory transfer

determination; and

(b) references in this Part (however expressed) to:

(i) a company; or

(ii) the board of a company;

are taken to be references to that Public Trustee.

(3) The determination must include particulars of the transfer,


(a) the names of the transferring company and the receiving

company; and

(b) for a compulsory transfer determination—whether it will be a

total transfer or a partial transfer of the transferring

company’s estate assets and liabilities; and

(c) if it will be a partial transfer—an indication of the part of the

transferring company’s estate assets and liabilities that is to

be transferred; and

(d) for a voluntary transfer determination—that it will be a total

transfer of the transferring company’s estate assets and


(4) The determination must include a statement of the reasons why the

determination has been made.

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Part 5D.6 ASIC-approved transfers of estate assets and liabilities

Division 2 Transfer of estate assets and liabilities

Section 601WBB

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(5) The determination is not a legislative instrument.

601WBB When consent of receiving company is in force

(1) The consent referred to in subparagraph 601WBA(2)(b)(iii)

remains in force until it is withdrawn by the receiving company’s

board with the agreement of ASIC.

(2) ASIC may agree to the consent being withdrawn if ASIC considers

it appropriate to allow the consent to be withdrawn having regard

to any of the following:

(a) circumstances that have arisen since the consent was given;

(b) circumstances that were in existence at or before the time

when the consent was given but that were not known to the

receiving company’s board when it gave its consent;

(c) any other relevant matter.

601WBC Complementary State or Territory legislation

State or Territory legislation referred to in

subparagraph 601WBA(2)(b)(iv) must include provision to ensure

that, when a certificate of transfer comes into force under this

Division, the receiving company is taken to be the successor in law

in relation to estate assets and liabilities of the transferring

company, to the extent of the transfer. In particular, the legislation

must provide that:

(a) assets of the transferring company become assets of the

receiving company, to the extent of the transfer; and

(b) liabilities of the transferring company become liabilities of

the receiving company, to the extent of the transfer; and

(c) the duties, obligations, immunities, rights and privileges

applying to the transferring company apply to the receiving

company, to the extent of the transfer; and

(d) if the certificate of transfer includes provisions of a kind

referred to in subsection 601WBG(3) specifying:

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Transfer of estate assets and liabilities Division 2

Section 601WBD

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(i) that particular things are to happen or are taken to be the

case—those things are taken to happen, or to be the

case, in accordance with those provisions; or

(ii) a mechanism for determining things that are to happen

or are taken to be the case—things determined in

accordance with that mechanism are taken to happen, or

to be the case, as determined in accordance with that


601WBD Minister’s power to decide that his or her consent is not


(1) The Minister’s consent to the transfer of estate assets and liabilities

is not required if the Minister has, in writing, determined that his or

her consent is not required in relation to:

(a) the transfer; or

(b) a class of transfers that includes the transfer.

(2) The regulations may prescribe criteria to be taken into account by

the Minister in deciding whether to make a determination.

(3) A determination is a legislative instrument if it is expressed to

apply in relation to a class of transfers (whether or not it is also

expressed to apply in relation to one or more transfers identified

otherwise than by reference to membership of a class).

(4) If subsection (3) does not apply to a determination, the

determination is not a legislative instrument.

601WBE Determinations may impose conditions

(1) The transfer determination may impose conditions of either or both

of the following kinds:

(a) conditions to be complied with by the transferring company

or the receiving company before a certificate of transfer is

issued in relation to the transfer of estate assets and


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Part 5D.6 ASIC-approved transfers of estate assets and liabilities

Division 2 Transfer of estate assets and liabilities

Section 601WBF

112 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) conditions to be complied with by the transferring company

or the receiving company after a certificate of transfer has

been issued or has come into force in relation to the transfer

of estate assets and liabilities.

(2) ASIC may, by notice in writing given to the transferring company

or the receiving company, vary or revoke any condition of a

determination if ASIC is satisfied that the variation or revocation is


(3) The transferring company or the receiving company may apply in

writing to ASIC to have a condition of a kind referred in

paragraph (1)(b) that applies to it varied or revoked.

(4) ASIC may, by notice in writing given to the company that made

the application, approve the variation or revocation if ASIC is

satisfied that the variation or revocation is appropriate. A variation

or revocation that is approved by ASIC has effect accordingly.

(5) The transferring company or the receiving company must comply

with any conditions that are imposed under subsection (1) as

conditions to be complied with by that company.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(6) The transferring company or the receiving company does not

commit an offence against this Act merely because the company is

complying with a condition imposed under subsection (1).

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in

subsection (6), see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

601WBF Notice of determination

ASIC must give a copy of the transfer determination to the

transferring company and the receiving company.

601WBG Certificate of transfer

(1) If:

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Transfer of estate assets and liabilities Division 2

Section 601WBH

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(a) ASIC has made a transfer determination; and

(b) ASIC considers that the transfer should go ahead; and

(c) the consent referred to in subparagraph 601WBA(2)(b)(iii)

has not been withdrawn under section 601WBB;

ASIC must, in writing, issue a certificate (a certificate of transfer)

stating that the transfer is to take effect.

(2) The certificate of transfer must:

(a) include the names of the transferring company and the

receiving company; and

(b) for a compulsory transfer determination—state whether the

transfer is a total transfer or a partial transfer; and

(c) if the transfer is a partial transfer—include, or have attached

to it, a list of the estate assets and liabilities that are being

transferred to the receiving company; and

(ca) for a voluntary transfer determination—state that the transfer

is a total transfer; and

(d) state when the certificate is to come into force (either by

specifying a date as the date it comes into force, or by

specifying that the date it comes into force is a date worked

out in accordance with provisions of the certificate).

(3) The certificate may include provisions specifying, or specifying a

mechanism for determining, other things that are to happen, or that

are taken to be the case, in relation to assets and liabilities that are

to be transferred, or in relation to the transfer of estate assets and

liabilities that is to be effected, whether the transfer is total or


(4) The certificate comes into force in accordance with the statement

included in the certificate as required by paragraph (2)(d).

(5) The certificate is not a legislative instrument.

601WBH Notice of certificate

ASIC must:

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Part 5D.6 ASIC-approved transfers of estate assets and liabilities

Division 2 Transfer of estate assets and liabilities

Section 601WBI

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(a) give a copy of the certificate of transfer to the transferring

company and the receiving company; and

(b) publish notice of the issue of the certificate.

601WBI Time and effect of transfer

(1) When a certificate of transfer comes into force, the receiving

company becomes the successor in law of the transferring

company in relation to estate assets and liabilities of the

transferring company, to the extent of the transfer. In particular:

(a) if the transfer is a total transfer—all the estate assets and

liabilities of the transferring company, wherever those assets

and liabilities are located, become assets and liabilities of the

receiving company (in the same capacity as they were assets

and liabilities of the transferring company) without any

transfer, conveyance or assignment; and

(b) if the transfer is a partial transfer—all the estate assets and

liabilities included in the list referred to in

paragraph 601WBG(2)(c), wherever those assets and

liabilities are located, become assets and liabilities of the

receiving company (in the same capacity as they were assets

and liabilities of the transferring company) without any

transfer, conveyance or assignment; and

(c) to the extent of the transfer, the duties, obligations,

immunities, rights and privileges applying to the transferring

company apply to the receiving company.

(2) If the certificate includes provisions of a kind referred to in

subsection 601WBG(3):

(a) if the provisions specify that particular things are to happen

or are taken to be the case—those things are, by force of this

section, taken to happen, or to be the case, in accordance with

those provisions; and

(b) if the provisions specify a mechanism for determining things

that are to happen or are taken to be the case—things

determined in accordance with the mechanism are, by force

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Transfer of estate assets and liabilities Division 2

Section 601WBJ

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of this section, taken to happen, or to be the case, as

determined in accordance with that mechanism.

601WBJ Substitution of trustee company

When a certificate of transfer comes into force, any appointment or

nomination of the transferring company to a particular capacity

(for example, as trustee, executor or administrator) in relation to

the transferred estate assets and liabilities is taken to be an

appointment or nomination of the receiving company to that

capacity in relation to those assets and liabilities.

601WBK Liabilities for breach of trust and other matters not

affected by this Part

(1) Nothing in this Part applies to or affects liabilities of the

transferring company, or of an officer or employee of the

transferring company, for:

(a) any breach of trust; or

(b) any other misfeasance or nonfeasance; or

(c) any exercise of, or failure to exercise, any discretion.

(2) Nothing in this Part affects any rights of the transferring company,

or of an officer or employee of the transferring company, to

indemnity in respect of such liabilities.

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Part 5D.6 ASIC-approved transfers of estate assets and liabilities

Division 3 Other matters related to the transfer of estate assets and liabilities

Section 601WCA

116 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 3—Other matters related to the transfer of estate

assets and liabilities

601WCA Certificates evidencing operation of Act etc.

(1) An authorised ASIC officer, by signed writing, may certify that a

specified asset or liability has become an asset or liability of the

receiving company under this Part.

(2) For all purposes and in all proceedings, a certificate under

subsection (1) is prima facie evidence of the matters certified.

601WCB Certificates in relation to land and interests in land


(a) the receiving company becomes, under this Part, the owner

of land, or of an interest in land, that is situated in a State or

Territory; and

(b) there is lodged with the Registrar of Titles or other

appropriate officer of the State or Territory in which the land

is situated a certificate that:

(i) is signed by an authorised ASIC officer; and

(ii) identifies the land or interest; and

(iii) states that the receiving company has, under this Part,

become the owner of that land or interest;

the officer with whom the certificate is lodged may:

(c) register the matter in the same manner as dealings in land or

interests in land of that kind are registered; and

(d) deal with, and give effect to, the certificate.

601WCC Certificates in relation to other assets

(1) If:

(a) an asset (other than land or an interest in land) becomes,

under this Part, an asset of the receiving company; and

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Other matters related to the transfer of estate assets and liabilities Division 3

Section 601WCD

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(b) there is lodged with the person or authority who has, under a

law of the Commonwealth, a State or a Territory,

responsibility for keeping a register in respect of assets of

that kind a certificate that:

(i) is signed by an authorised ASIC officer; and

(ii) identifies the asset; and

(iii) states that the asset has, under this Part, become an asset

of the receiving company;

that person or authority may:

(c) register the matter in the same manner as transactions in

relation to assets of that kind are registered; and

(d) deal with, and give effect to, the certificate.

(2) This section does not affect the operation of:

(a) other provisions of this Act; or

(b) if the regulations prescribe provisions of one or more other

Acts—those provisions of those Acts.

601WCD Documents purporting to be certificates

A document purporting to be a certificate given under this Division

is, unless the contrary is established, taken to be such a certificate

and to have been properly given.

601WCE Construction of references to transferring company

From when a certificate of transfer comes into force, in any

instrument of any kind, a reference to the transferring company, in

relation to assets or liabilities transferred under this Part, is taken to

be a reference to the receiving company.

601WCF Income or other distribution received by transferring


The transferring company must promptly account to the receiving

company for any income or other distribution received by the

transferring company after a certificate of transfer comes into

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Chapter 5D Licensed trustee companies

Part 5D.6 ASIC-approved transfers of estate assets and liabilities

Division 3 Other matters related to the transfer of estate assets and liabilities

Section 601WCG

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force, if the income or distribution arises from assets transferred to

the receiving company under this Part.

Note: Failure to comply with this section is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

601WCG Access to books

The transferring company must, at the request of the receiving

company, give the receiving company access to all books in its

possession that relate to assets or liabilities transferred under this


Note: Failure to comply with this section is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

601WCH Minister or ASIC may seek views of trustee company and

its clients

For the purpose of deciding whether to exercise powers under this

Part, the Minister or ASIC may seek the views of a trustee

company or its clients in relation to the possible exercise of the


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Licensed trustee companies Chapter 5D

ASIC-approved transfers of estate assets and liabilities Part 5D.6

Miscellaneous Division 4

Section 601WDA

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Division 4—Miscellaneous

601WDA Transferring company required to contact certain persons

Notice of cancellation of licence

(1) If the licence of a trustee company is cancelled, the trustee

company must, as soon as practicable:

(a) take all reasonable steps to contact the following persons and

advise them of the cancellation of the licence:

(i) all persons who the trustee company is aware have

executed and lodged instruments, such as wills, that

have not yet come into effect, but will potentially lead

to estate assets and liabilities being held by the trustee


(ii) all persons who the trustee company is aware have

appointed the trustee company as trustee or to some

other capacity; and

(b) publish notice of the cancellation of the licence.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Notice of compulsory transfer determination

(2) If a certificate of transfer for a compulsory transfer determination

comes into force, the transferring company must, as soon as

practicable, take all reasonable steps to contact the persons referred

to in subsection (1) and advise them of the transfer of estate assets

and liabilities.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Notice of voluntary transfer determination

(3) If a certificate of transfer for a voluntary transfer determination

comes into force, the transferring company must, as soon as

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Chapter 5D Licensed trustee companies

Part 5D.6 ASIC-approved transfers of estate assets and liabilities

Division 4 Miscellaneous

Section 601WDA

120 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

practicable, publish notice of the transfer of estate assets and


Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

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Licensed trustee companies Chapter 5D

Contraventions and holding out Part 5D.7

Section 601XAA

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Part 5D.7—Contraventions and holding out

601XAA Civil liability of licensed trustee companies

(1) A person who suffers loss or damage because of conduct of a

licensed trustee company that contravenes a provision of this

Chapter may recover the amount of the loss or damage by action

against the trustee company, whether or not the trustee company

has been convicted of an offence, or has had a civil penalty order

made against it, in respect of the contravention.

(2) Without limiting subsection (1), if:

(a) a licensed trustee company charges a person a fee in excess

of fees permitted to be charged by this Chapter; and

(b) the person pays the fee;

the amount of the excess is a loss that is recoverable by the person

under subsection (1).

(3) An action under subsection (1) must be begun within 6 years after

the cause of action arises.

(4) This section does not affect any liability that a person has under

other provisions of this Act or under other laws.

601XAB Prohibition on holding out

A person must not hold out that the person is a licensed trustee

company if that is not the case.

Note: Failure to comply with this section is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

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Chapter 5D Licensed trustee companies

Part 5D.8 Exemptions and modifications

Section 601YAA

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Part 5D.8—Exemptions and modifications

601YAA Exemptions and modifications by ASIC

(1) ASIC may:

(a) exempt a person or class of persons, or an estate or class of

estates, from all or specified provisions of this Chapter; or

(b) declare that this Chapter applies to a person or class of

persons, or an estate or class of estates, as if specified

provisions were omitted, modified or varied as specified in

the declaration.

(2) An exemption may apply unconditionally or subject to specified

conditions. A person to whom a condition specified in an

exemption applies must comply with the condition. The Court may

order the person to comply with the condition in a specified way.

Only ASIC may apply to the Court for the order.

(3) An exemption or declaration is a legislative instrument if it is

expressed to apply in relation to a class of persons or a class of

estates (whether or not it is also expressed to apply in relation to

one or more persons or estates identified otherwise than by

reference to membership of a class).

(4) If subsection (3) does not apply to an exemption or declaration, the

exemption or declaration must be in writing and ASIC must

publish notice of it in the Gazette. The exemption or determination

is not a legislative instrument.

(5) If conduct (including an omission) of a person would not have

constituted an offence if a particular declaration under

paragraph (1)(b) had not been made, that conduct does not

constitute an offence unless, before the conduct occurred (in

addition to complying with the requirements of the Legislation Act

2003 (if the declaration is of a kind referred to in subsection (3)),

or with the gazettal requirement of subsection (4), as the case may


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Exemptions and modifications Part 5D.8

Section 601YAB

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(a) the text of the declaration was made available by ASIC on

the internet; or

(b) ASIC gave written notice setting out the text of the

declaration to the person.

In a prosecution for an offence to which this subsection applies, the

prosecution must prove that paragraph (a) or (b) was complied with

before the conduct occurred.

(6) For the purpose of this section, the provisions of this Chapter


(a) regulations or other instruments made for the purposes of this

Chapter; and

(b) definitions in this Act or the regulations, as they apply to

references in:

(i) this Chapter; or

(ii) regulations or other instruments made for the purposes

of this Chapter; and

(c) any provisions of Division 2 of Part 10.12 that relate to this


601YAB Exemptions and modifications by regulations

(1) The regulations may:

(a) exempt a person or class of persons, or an estate or class of

estates, from all or specified provisions of this Chapter; or

(b) provide that this Chapter applies to a person or class of

persons, or an estate or class of estates, as if specified

provisions were omitted, modified or varied as specified in

the declaration.

(2) For the purpose of this section, the provisions of this Chapter


(a) regulations or other instruments made for the purposes of this

Chapter; and

(b) definitions in this Act or the regulations, as they apply to

references in:

(i) this Chapter; or

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Chapter 5D Licensed trustee companies

Part 5D.8 Exemptions and modifications

Section 601YAB

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(ii) regulations or other instruments made for the purposes

of this Chapter; and

(c) any provisions of Division 2 of Part 10.12 that relate to this


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Takeovers Chapter 6

Section 602

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Chapter 6—Takeovers

602 Purposes of Chapter

The purposes of this Chapter are to ensure that:

(a) the acquisition of control over:

(i) the voting shares in a listed company, or an unlisted

company with more than 50 members; or

(ii) the voting shares in a listed body (other than a notified

foreign passport fund); or

(iii) the voting interests in a listed registered scheme;

takes place in an efficient, competitive and informed market;


(b) the holders of the shares or interests, and the directors of the

company or body or the responsible entity for the scheme:

(i) know the identity of any person who proposes to

acquire a substantial interest in the company, body or

scheme; and

(ii) have a reasonable time to consider the proposal; and

(iii) are given enough information to enable them to assess

the merits of the proposal; and

(c) as far as practicable, the holders of the relevant class of

voting shares or interests all have a reasonable and equal

opportunity to participate in any benefits accruing to the

holders through any proposal under which a person would

acquire a substantial interest in the company, body or

scheme; and

(d) an appropriate procedure is followed as a preliminary to

compulsory acquisition of voting shares or interests or any

other kind of securities under Part 6A.1.

Note 1: To achieve the objectives referred to in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c), the

prohibition in section 606 and the exceptions to it refer to interests in

“voting shares”. To achieve the objective in paragraph (d), the

provisions that deal with the takeover procedure refer more broadly to

interests in “securities”.

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Chapter 6 Takeovers

Section 602A

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Note 2: Subsection 92(3) defines securities for the purposes of this Chapter.

602A Substantial interest concept

(1) A reference in this Chapter to a substantial interest in a company,

listed body (other than a notified foreign passport fund) or listed

registered scheme is not to be read as being limited to an interest

that is constituted by one or more of the following:

(a) a relevant interest in securities in the company, body or


(b) a legal or equitable interest in securities in the company,

body or scheme;

(c) a power or right in relation to:

(i) the company, body or scheme; or

(ii) securities in the company, body or scheme.

(2) A person does not have a substantial interest in the company, body

or scheme for the purposes of this Chapter merely because the

person has an interest in, or a relationship with, the company, body

or scheme of a kind prescribed by the regulations for the purposes

of this subsection.

(3) The regulations may provide that an interest of a particular kind is

an interest that may constitute a substantial interest in a company,

listed body (other than a notified foreign passport fund) or listed

registered scheme for the purposes of this Chapter.

603 Chapter extends to some listed bodies that are not companies

This Chapter applies to the acquisition of relevant interests in the

securities of listed bodies that are not companies but are

incorporated or formed in Australia in the same way as it applies to

the acquisition of relevant interests in the securities of companies.

Note: Section 9 defines company and listed.

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Takeovers Chapter 6

Section 604

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604 Chapter extends to listed registered schemes

(1) This Chapter applies to the acquisition of relevant interests in the

interests in a registered scheme that is also listed as if:

(a) the scheme were a listed company; and

(b) interests in the scheme were shares in the company; and

(c) voting interests in the scheme were voting shares in the

company; and

(d) a meeting of the members of the scheme were a general

meeting of the company; and

(e) the obligations and powers that are imposed or conferred on

the company were imposed or conferred on the responsible

entity; and

(f) the directors of the responsible entity were the directors of

the company; and

(g) the appointment of a responsible entity for the scheme were

the election of a director of the company; and

(h) the scheme’s constitution were the company’s constitution.

Note 1: Paragraph (g): See subsection 610(2).

Note 2: Section 9 defines voting interest in a managed investment scheme.

(2) The regulations may modify the operation of this Chapter as it

applies in relation to the acquisition of interests in listed registered


605 Classes of securities

(1) Takeover bids are made for securities within a particular class.

Similarly, compulsory acquisition and buy-out rights operate on

securities within a particular class.

(2) For the purposes of this Chapter and Chapters 6A and 6C,

securities are not taken to be different classes merely because:

(a) some of the securities are fully-paid and others are

partly-paid; or

(b) different amounts are paid up or remain unpaid on the


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Chapter 6 Takeovers

Section 605A

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605A Chapter does not apply to MCIs

This Chapter does not apply to MCIs.

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Takeovers Chapter 6

Prohibited acquisitions of relevant interests in voting shares Part 6.1

Section 606

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Part 6.1—Prohibited acquisitions of relevant

interests in voting shares

606 Prohibition on certain acquisitions of relevant interests in voting


Acquisition of relevant interests in voting shares through

transaction entered into by or on behalf of person acquiring

relevant interest

(1) A person must not acquire a relevant interest in issued voting

shares in a company if:

(a) the company is:

(i) a listed company; or

(ii) an unlisted company with more than 50 members; and

(b) the person acquiring the interest does so through a

transaction in relation to securities entered into by or on

behalf of the person; and

(c) because of the transaction, that person’s or someone else’s

voting power in the company increases:

(i) from 20% or below to more than 20%; or

(ii) from a starting point that is above 20% and below 90%.

Note 1: Section 9 defines company as meaning a company registered under

this Act.

Note 2: Section 607 deals with the effect of a contravention of this section on

transactions. Sections 608 and 609 deal with the meaning of relevant

interest. Section 610 deals with the calculation of a person’s voting

power in a company.

Note 3: If the acquisition of relevant interests in an unlisted company with 50

or fewer members leads to the acquisition of a relevant interest in

another company that is an unlisted company with more than 50

members, or a listed company, the acquisition is caught by this section

because of its effect on that other company.

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Chapter 6 Takeovers

Part 6.1 Prohibited acquisitions of relevant interests in voting shares

Section 606

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(1A) However, the person may acquire the relevant interest under one of

the exceptions set out in section 611 without contravening

subsection (1).

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in

subsection (1A), see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

Acquisition of legal or equitable interest giving rise to relevant

interest for someone else

(2) A person must not acquire a legal or equitable interest in securities

of a body corporate if, because of the acquisition:

(a) another person acquires a relevant interest in issued voting

shares in a company that is:

(i) a listed company; or

(ii) an unlisted company with more than 50 members; and

(b) someone’s voting power in the company increases:

(i) from 20% or below to more than 20%; or

(ii) from a starting point that is above 20% and below 90%.

(2A) However, if the acquisition of the relevant interest is covered by

one of the exceptions set out in section 611, the person may

acquire the legal or equitable interest without contravening

subsection (2).

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in

subsection (2A), see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

50 member threshold

(3) In determining whether the company has more than 50 members

for the purposes of subsection (1) or (2), count joint holders of a

particular parcel of shares as 1 person.

Offers and invitations

(4) A person must not:

(a) make an offer, or cause an offer to be made on their behalf, if

the person would contravene subsection (1) or (2) if the offer

were accepted; or

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Prohibited acquisitions of relevant interests in voting shares Part 6.1

Section 606

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(b) issue an invitation, or cause an invitation to be issued on their

behalf, if the person would contravene subsection (1) or (2)


(i) an offer were made in response to the invitation; and

(ii) the offer were accepted.

Fault-based offence

(4A) A person commits an offence if the person contravenes

subsection (1), (2) or (4).

Absolute liability offence

(4B) A person commits an offence of absolute liability if the person

contravenes subsection (1), (2) or (4).


(5) It is a defence to the prosecution of a person for contravening

subsection (1), (2) or (4) if the person proves that they contravened

the subsection:

(a) because of inadvertence or mistake; or

(b) because the person was not aware of a relevant fact or


In determining whether the defence is available, disregard the

person’s ignorance of, or a mistake on the person’s part

concerning, a matter of law.

Note: A defendant bears a legal burden in relation to a matter mentioned in

subsection (5), see section 13.4 of the Criminal Code.

Extended meaning of acquiring relevant interests—conversions

and increases in voting rights

(6) A person is taken for the purposes of subsection (1) or (2) to

acquire a relevant interest in voting shares in a company if:

(a) securities in which the person already had a relevant interest

become voting shares in the company; or

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Chapter 6 Takeovers

Part 6.1 Prohibited acquisitions of relevant interests in voting shares

Section 607

132 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) there is an increase in the number of votes that may be cast

on a poll attached to voting shares that the person already had

a relevant interest in.

The acquisition occurs when the securities become voting shares or

the number of votes increases.

Note: Some examples of cases to which this subsection applies are:

 A person exercises a right to convert a non-voting preference share into an ordinary share that carries votes.

 A person pays up partly-paid shares with limited votes and this leads to an increase in the number of votes attached to the shares.

607 Effect on transactions

A transaction is not invalid merely because it involves a

contravention of section 606.

608 Relevant interests in securities

Basic rule—relevant interest is holding, or controlling voting or

disposal of, securities

(1) A person has a relevant interest in securities if they:

(a) are the holder of the securities; or

(b) have power to exercise, or control the exercise of, a right to

vote attached to the securities; or

(c) have power to dispose of, or control the exercise of a power

to dispose of, the securities.

It does not matter how remote the relevant interest is or how it

arises. If 2 or more people can jointly exercise one of these powers,

each of them is taken to have that power.

Extension to control exercisable through a trust, agreement or


(2) In this section, power or control includes:

(a) power or control that is indirect; and

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Prohibited acquisitions of relevant interests in voting shares Part 6.1

Section 608

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(b) power or control that is, or can be, exercised as a result of, by

means of or by the revocation or breach of:

(i) a trust; or

(ii) an agreement; or

(iii) a practice; or

(iv) any combination of them;

whether or not they are enforceable; and

(c) power or control that is, or can be made, subject to restraint

or restriction.

It does not matter whether the power or control is express or

implied, formal or informal, exercisable alone or jointly with

someone else. It does not matter that the power or control cannot

be related to a particular security.

Extension to relevant interests held through bodies corporate

(3) A person has the relevant interests in any securities that any of the

following has:

(a) a body corporate, or managed investment scheme, in which

the person’s voting power is above 20%;

(b) a body corporate, or managed investment scheme, that the

person controls.

Paragraph (a) does not apply to a relevant interest that the body

corporate or scheme itself has in the securities merely because of

the operation of that paragraph in relation to another body

corporate or managed investment scheme.

(4) For the purposes of paragraph (3)(b), a person controls a body

corporate if the person has the capacity to determine the outcome

of decisions about the body corporate’s financial and operating


(5) In determining whether a person has this capacity:

(a) the practical influence the person can exert (rather than the

rights they can enforce) is the issue to be addressed; and

(b) any practice or pattern of behaviour affecting the body

corporate’s financial or operating policies is to be taken into

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Part 6.1 Prohibited acquisitions of relevant interests in voting shares

Section 608

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account (even if it involves a breach of an agreement or a

breach of trust).

(6) The person does not control the body corporate merely because the

person and an entity that is not an associate jointly have the

capacity to determine the outcome of decisions about the body

corporate’s financial and operating policies.

(7) A person is not taken to control a body corporate merely because

of a capacity they have if they are under a legal obligation to

exercise that capacity for the benefit of:

(a) if the person is an individual—someone else; or

(b) if the person is a body corporate—someone other than its


Extension to control in anticipation of performance of agreements


(8) If at a particular time all the following conditions are satisfied:

(a) a person has a relevant interest in issued securities;

(b) the person (whether before or after acquiring the relevant


(i) has entered or enters into an agreement with another

person with respect to the securities; or

(ii) has given or gives another person an enforceable right,

or has been or is given an enforceable right by another

person, in relation to the securities (whether the right is

enforceable presently or in the future and whether or not

on the fulfilment of a condition); or

(iii) has granted or grants an option to, or has been or is

granted an option by, another person with respect to the


(c) the other person would have a relevant interest in the

securities if the agreement were performed, the right enforced

or the option exercised;

the other person is taken to already have a relevant interest in the


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Section 609

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Note: Subsections 609(6) and (7) deal with specific situations in which the

agreement will not give rise to a relevant interest.

Body corporate may have relevant interest in its own securities

(9) This section may result in a body corporate having a relevant

interest in its own securities.

Extension to interests in listed notified foreign passport funds

(10) To avoid doubt, for the purposes of Chapter 6C, a person has a

relevant interest in securities if the person would have a relevant

interest in the securities if securities had the same meaning in this

Chapter as it has in Chapter 6C.

609 Situations not giving rise to relevant interests

Money lending and financial accommodation

(1) A person does not have a relevant interest in securities merely

because of a security interest taken for the purpose of a transaction

entered into by the person if:

(a) the security interest is taken or acquired in the ordinary

course of the person’s business of the provision of financial

accommodation by any means and on ordinary commercial

terms; and

(b) the person whose property is subject to the security interest is

not an associate of the person.

Note: Sections 11 to 17 define associate.

Nominees and other trustees

(2) A person who would otherwise have a relevant interest in securities

as a bare trustee does not have a relevant interest in the securities if

a beneficiary under the trust has a relevant interest in the securities

because of a presently enforceable and unconditional right of the

kind referred to in subsection 608(8).

Note: This subsection will often apply to a person who holds securities as a


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Chapter 6 Takeovers

Part 6.1 Prohibited acquisitions of relevant interests in voting shares

Section 609

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Holding of securities by financial services licensee

(3) A financial services licensee does not have a relevant interest in

securities merely because they hold securities on behalf of

someone else in the ordinary course of their financial services


Shares covered by buy-backs

(4) A person does not have a relevant interest in a company’s shares if

the relevant interest would arise merely because the company has

entered into an agreement to buy back the shares.


(5) A person does not have a relevant interest in securities merely

because the person has been appointed to vote as a proxy or

representative at a meeting of members, or of a class of members,

of the company, body or managed investment scheme if:

(a) the appointment is for one meeting only; and

(b) neither the person nor any associate gives valuable

consideration for the appointment.

Market traded options and derivatives

(6) A person does not have a relevant interest in securities merely

because of:

(a) an market traded option over the securities; or

(b) a right to acquire the securities given by a derivative.

This subsection stops applying to the relevant interest when the

obligation to make or take delivery of the securities arises.

Note: Without this subsection, subsection 608(8) would create a relevant

interest from the option or contract.

Conditional agreements

(7) A person does not have a relevant interest in securities merely

because of an agreement if the agreement:

(a) is conditional on:

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Section 609

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(i) a resolution under item 7 in the table in section 611

being passed; or

(ii) ASIC exempting the acquisition under the agreement

from the provisions of this Chapter under section 655A;


(b) does not confer any control over, or power to substantially

influence, the exercise of a voting right attached to the

securities; and

(c) does not restrict disposal of the securities for more than 3

months from the date when the agreement is entered into.

The person acquires a relevant interest in the securities when the

condition referred to in paragraph (a) is satisfied.

Pre-emptive rights

(8) A member of a company, body or managed investment scheme

does not have a relevant interest in securities of the company, body

or scheme merely because the company’s, body’s or scheme’s

constitution gives members pre-emptive rights on the transfer of

the securities if all members have pre-emptive rights on the same


Director of body corporate holding securities

(9) A person does not have a relevant interest in securities merely


(a) the person is a director of a body corporate; and

(b) the body corporate has a relevant interest in those securities.

Clearing and settlement facilities

(9A) The operator of a clearing and settlement facility (within the

meaning of Chapter 7) does not have a relevant interest in

securities merely because of its provision of facilities for the

settlement of transactions.

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Chapter 6 Takeovers

Part 6.1 Prohibited acquisitions of relevant interests in voting shares

Section 610

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Prescribed exclusions

(10) A person does not have a relevant interest in securities in the

circumstances specified in the regulations. The regulations may

provide that interests in securities are not relevant interests subject

to specified conditions.

610 Voting power in a body or managed investment scheme

Person’s voting power in a body or managed investment scheme

(1) A person’s voting power in a designated body is:


person’s and associates’ votes is the total number of votes attached

to all the voting shares in the designated body (if any) that the

person or an associate has a relevant interest in.

total votes in designated body is the total number of votes attached

to all voting shares in the designated body.

Note: Even if a person’s relevant interest in voting shares is based on control

over disposal of the shares (rather than control over voting rights

attached to the shares), their voting power in the designated body is

calculated on the basis of the number of votes attached to those shares.

Counting votes

(2) For the purposes of this section, the number of votes attached to a

voting share in a designated body is the maximum number of votes

that can be cast in respect of the share on a poll:

(a) if the election of directors is determined by the casting of

votes attached to voting shares—on the election of a director

of the designated body; or

(b) if the election of directors is not determined by the casting of

votes attached to voting shares—on the adoption of a

Person’s and associates’ votes 100

Total votes in designated body 

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Takeovers Chapter 6

Prohibited acquisitions of relevant interests in voting shares Part 6.1

Section 610

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Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

constitution for the designated body or the amendment of the

body corporate’s constitution.

Note: The Takeovers Panel may decide that the setting or varying of voting

rights in a way that affects control of a designated body is

unacceptable circumstances under section 657A.

(3) If:

(a) a transaction in relation to, or an acquisition of an interest in,

securities occurs; and

(b) before the transaction or acquisition, a person did not have a

relevant interest in particular voting shares but an associate

of the person did have a relevant interest in those shares; and

(c) because of the transaction or acquisition, the person acquires

a relevant interest in those shares;

then, for the purposes of applying section 606 to the transaction or

acquisition, the person’s voting power is taken to have increased

because of the transaction or acquisition from what it would have

been before the transaction or acquisition if the votes attached to

those shares were disregarded to what it was after the transaction

or acquisition (taking the votes attached to those shares into


(4) Disregard the operation of section 613 in working out a person’s

voting power in a designated body.

When a designated body is a managed investment scheme

(5) For the purposes of the application of this section in relation to a

designated body that is a managed investment scheme:

(a) a reference to voting shares in the designated body is taken to

be a reference to voting interests in the scheme; and

(b) a reference to the election of directors of the designated body

is taken to be a reference to:

(i) if the scheme is a registered scheme—the appointment

of a responsible entity for the scheme; or

(ii) if the scheme is not a registered scheme—the

appointment of a person to the office (by whatever

name it is known) in relation to the scheme that

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Chapter 6 Takeovers

Part 6.1 Prohibited acquisitions of relevant interests in voting shares

Section 610

140 Corporations Act 2001

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corresponds most closely to the office of responsible

entity of a registered scheme; and

(c) a reference to the designated body’s constitution is taken to

be a reference to the scheme’s constitution.

Meaning of designated body

(6) In this section:

designated body means:

(a) a body; or

(b) a managed investment scheme.

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Takeovers Chapter 6

Exceptions to the prohibition Part 6.2

Section 611

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Part 6.2—Exceptions to the prohibition

611 Exceptions to the prohibition

The following table sets out:

(a) acquisitions of relevant interests in a company’s voting

shares that are exempt from the prohibition in

subsection 606(1); and

(b) acquisitions of relevant interests in a company’s voting

shares resulting from acquisitions of legal or equitable

interests in securities of a body corporate that are exempt

from the prohibition in subsection 606(2).

Note: Some of the items in the table cover only activities in relation to the

company itself (items 7, 8, 12 and 13) while the other items cover

acquisitions in that company that may occur through activities in

relation to other companies.

Acquisitions that are exempt [operative]

Takeover bids

Acceptance of takeover offer

1 An acquisition that results from the acceptance of an offer under a

takeover bid.

See also section 612.

On-market purchase during bid period

2 An acquisition in relation to bid class securities that results from an

on-market transaction if:

(a) the acquisition is by or on behalf of the bidder under a takeover

bid; and

(b) the acquisition occurs during the bid period; and

(c) the bid is for all the voting shares in the bid class; and

(d) the bid is:

(i) unconditional; or

(ii) conditional only on the happening of an event referred to

in subsection 652C(1) or (2).

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Chapter 6 Takeovers

Part 6.2 Exceptions to the prohibition

Section 611

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Acquisitions that are exempt [operative]

See also sections 612 and 613.

On-market purchase of convertible securities during bid period

3 An acquisition of bid class securities that results directly from the

exercise of rights attached to convertible securities if:

(a) the acquisition is by or on behalf of the bidder under a takeover

bid; and

(b) the bidder acquired a relevant interest in the convertible securities

through an on-market transaction during the bid period; and

(c) the bid is for all the voting shares in the bid class; and

(d) the bid is:

(i) unconditional; or

(ii) conditional only on the happening of an event referred to

in subsection 652C(1) or (2).

See sections 612 and 613.

Acceptance of scrip offered as takeover consideration

4 An acquisition that results from the acceptance of:

(a) an offer under a takeover bid if the voting shares are included in

the consideration for offers under the bid; or

(b) an offer that results in an acquisition to which item 5 applies.

See also section 612.

Nature of acquirer

6 An acquisition that results from the exercise by a person of a power,

or appointment as a receiver, or receiver and manager, under an

instrument or agreement creating or giving rise to a security interest


(a) the person’s ordinary business includes the provision of financial

accommodation by any means; and

(b) the person took or acquired the security interest in the ordinary

course of their business of the provision of financial

accommodation by any means and on ordinary commercial terms.

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Exceptions to the prohibition Part 6.2

Section 611

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Acquisitions that are exempt [operative]

Approval by resolution of target

7 An acquisition approved previously by a resolution passed at a general meeting of the company in which the acquisition is made, if:

(a) no votes are cast in favour of the resolution by:

(i) the person proposing to make the acquisition and their

associates; or

(ii) the persons (if any) from whom the acquisition is to be

made and their associates; and

(b) the members of the company were given all information known to

the person proposing to make the acquisition or their associates,

or known to the company, that was material to the decision on

how to vote on the resolution, including:

(i) the identity of the person proposing to make the acquisition

and their associates; and

(ii) the maximum extent of the increase in that person’s voting

power in the company that would result from the

acquisition; and

(iii) the voting power that person would have as a result of the

acquisition; and

(iv) the maximum extent of the increase in the voting power of

each of that person’s associates that would result from the

acquisition; and

(v) the voting power that each of that person’s associates

would have as a result of the acquisition.

Target newly formed

8 An acquisition that results from an issue of securities of the company

in which the acquisition is made if the company has not started to

carry on any business and has not borrowed any money.

Manner of acquisition

3% creep in 6 months

9 An acquisition by a person if:

(a) throughout the 6 months before the acquisition that person, or any

other person, has had voting power in the company of at least

19%; and

(b) as a result of the acquisition, none of the persons referred to in

paragraph (a) would have voting power in the company more than

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Chapter 6 Takeovers

Part 6.2 Exceptions to the prohibition

Section 611

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Acquisitions that are exempt [operative]

3 percentage points higher than they had 6 months before the


Rights issues

10 An acquisition that results from an issue of securities that satisfies all

of the following conditions:

(a) a company offers to issue securities in a particular class;

(b) offers are made to every person who holds securities in that class

to issue them with the percentage of the securities to be issued

that is the same as the percentage of the securities in that class

that they hold before the issue;

(c) all of those persons have a reasonable opportunity to accept the

offers made to them;

(d) agreements to issue are not entered into until a specified time for

acceptances of offers has closed;

(e) the terms of all the offers are the same.

This extends to an acquisition by a person as underwriter to the issue

or sub-underwriter.

See section 615.

Dividend reinvestment etc.

11 An acquisition that results from an issue of:

(a) shares in a company to existing holders of shares in the company

under a dividend reinvestment plan or bonus share plan; or

(b) interests in a managed investment scheme to existing holders of

interests in the scheme under a distribution reinvestment plan or

switching facility;

if the plan or facility is available to all members.

Disregard any unavailability to foreign holders in determining

whether the plan or facility is available to all members.

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Exceptions to the prohibition Part 6.2

Section 611

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Acquisitions that are exempt [operative]

Initial public offering (IPO) fundraising

12 An acquisition that results from an issue, under a disclosure

document or a CSF offer document, of securities in the company in

which the acquisition is made if:

(a) the issue is to a promoter; and

(b) the document disclosed the effect that the acquisition would have

on the promoter’s voting power in the company; and

(c) no other disclosure document or CSF offer document has

previously been issued or published by or on behalf of the


Underwriting of fundraising

13 An acquisition that results from an issue, under a disclosure

document or a CSF offer document, of securities in the company in

which the acquisition is made if:

(a) the issue is to a person as underwriter to the issue or

sub-underwriter; and

(b) the document disclosed the effect that the acquisition would have

on the person’s voting power in the company.

Acquisition through listed company

14 An acquisition that results from another acquisition of relevant

interests in voting shares in a body corporate included in the official

list of:

(a) a prescribed financial market; or

(b) a foreign body conducting a financial market that is a body

approved in writing by ASIC for the purposes of this item.

Wills etc.

15 An acquisition through a will or through operation of law.

Forfeiture of shares

16 An acquisition that results from an auction of forfeited shares

conducted on-market.

Compromise, arrangement, liquidation or buy-back

Part 5.1 compromise or arrangement

17 An acquisition that results from a compromise or arrangement

approved by the Court under Part 5.1.

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Chapter 6 Takeovers

Part 6.2 Exceptions to the prohibition

Section 612

146 Corporations Act 2001

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Acquisitions that are exempt [operative]

Section 507 arrangement

18 An acquisition that results from an arrangement entered into by a

liquidator under section 507.


19 An acquisition that results from a buy-back authorised by

section 257A.

Proprietary companies that have CSF shareholders

19A An acquisition of a relevant interest in issued voting shares in a

proprietary company if:

(a) the company has one or more CSF shareholders; and

(b) all the other requirements (if any) prescribed by the regulations

for the purposes of this paragraph are met.


20 An acquisition made in a manner or in circumstances prescribed by

the regulations. The circumstances may include acquisitions of

relevant interests in voting shares in a specified body or class of


612 Effect of non-compliance with takeover rules for exceptions

1 to 4

The exceptions in items 1 to 4 of the table in section 611 do not

apply to a takeover bid if the bid is carried out in contravention of:

(a) section 618 (full or proportionate bid); or

(b) section 619 (offers to be the same); or

(c) subsection 621(3) (minimum price); or

(d) subsection 624(1) (minimum offer period); or

(e) sections 625 to 630 (conditional offers); or

(f) items 2, 3 and 6 in the table in subsection 633(1) (procedural

steps for off-market bid); or

(g) items 3, 4 and 6 in the table in section 635 (procedural steps

for market bid).

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Exceptions to the prohibition Part 6.2

Section 613

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613 Bidder not to exercise voting rights if failure to send bids for

off-market acquisition—exception 2 or 3

If the exception in item 2 or 3 of the table in section 611 applies to

an acquisition on-market during a takeover bid, the bidder is not

entitled to exercise the voting rights attached to the shares if:

(a) the bid is an off-market bid; and

(b) the bidder fails to send offers under the bid within 28 days

after giving the bidder’s statement to the target.

615 Treatment of foreign holders under equal access issue—

exception 10

The exception in item 10 of the table in section 611 applies even

though the conditions set out in the item are not satisfied in respect

of foreign holders of the company’s securities if, under the terms of

the offers:

(a) the company must appoint a nominee for foreign holders of

the company’s securities who is approved by ASIC; and

(b) the company must transfer to the nominee:

(i) the securities that would otherwise be issued to the

foreign holders who accept the offer; or

(ii) the right to acquire those securities; and

(c) the nominee must sell the securities, or those rights, and

distribute to each of those foreign holders their proportion of

the proceeds of the sale net of expenses.

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Chapter 6 Takeovers

Part 6.3 The different types of takeover bid

Section 616

148 Corporations Act 2001

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Part 6.3—The different types of takeover bid

616 Off-market bids and market bids

(1) There are 2 kinds of takeover bid:

(a) an off-market bid (for quoted or unquoted securities); or

(b) a market bid (only available for quoted securities).

Note: Although the prohibition in section 606 is against acquiring relevant

interests in voting shares, a takeover bid may be made for any

securities (for example, as a preliminary to compulsorily acquiring

securities in that class under Part 6A.1).

(2) The following table shows where to find the provisions dealing

with the main features of the offers that may be made under

off-market bids and market bids and the procedures to be followed:

Takeover bids [signpost table]

Feature Off-market bid Market bid

1 people to whom offers made 617(1)-(2) 617(3)

2 securities covered 618(1)-(2) 618(3)

3 consideration offered for the securities 621(1), (3)-(5)

and 651A

621(2), (3)-(5)

4 escalation agreements and collateral

benefits not allowed

622 and 623 622 and 623

5 offer period 624(1)-(2) and


624(1)-(2) and


6 conditional offers 625(2)-(3) and



7 procedure to be followed in making bid 632 and 633 634 and 635

8 acceptances 650E and



Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Takeovers Chapter 6

Formulating the takeover offer Part 6.4

General Division 1

Section 617

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Part 6.4—Formulating the takeover offer

Division 1—General

617 Securities covered by the bid

Off-market bid

(1) An off-market bid must relate to securities:

(a) in a class of securities (the bid class); and

(b) that exist or will exist as at the date set by the bidder under

subsection 633(2).

Note: Subsection 92(3) defines securities for the purposes of this Chapter.

(2) If other securities exist or will exist at that date that:

(a) will convert, or may be converted, to securities in the bid

class; or

(b) confer rights to be issued securities in the bid class;

the bid may extend to securities that come to be in the bid class

during the offer period due to a conversion or exercise of the


Note: The bidder’s statement must say if the bid is extended in this way (see

paragraph 636(1)(j)).

Market bid

(3) A market bid must relate to securities:

(a) in a class of quoted securities (the bid class); and

(b) that exist or will exist at any time during the offer period.

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Chapter 6 Takeovers

Part 6.4 Formulating the takeover offer

Division 1 General

Section 618

150 Corporations Act 2001

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618 Offers must be for all or a proportion of securities in the bid


Off-market bid

(1) An offer for securities under an off-market bid must be an offer to


(a) all the securities in the bid class; or

(b) a specified proportion of the securities in the bid class.

The proportion specified under paragraph (b) must be the same for

all holders of securities in the bid class.

Off-market bid—non-marketable parcels

(2) If accepting an offer under an off-market bid for quoted securities

would leave a person with a parcel of the securities that is less than

a marketable parcel (within the meaning of the rules of the relevant

financial market), the offer extends to that parcel.

Market bid

(3) An offer for securities under a market bid must be an offer to buy

all the securities in the bid class.

619 General terms of the offer

Off-market bid

(1) All the offers made under an off-market bid must be the same.

Note: The offers may include alternative forms of consideration (see

section 621).

(2) In applying subsection (1), disregard the following:

(a) any differences in the offers attributable to the fact that the

number of securities that may be acquired under each offer is

limited by the number of securities held by the holder;

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Takeovers Chapter 6

Formulating the takeover offer Part 6.4

General Division 1

Section 620

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(b) any differences in the offers attributable to the fact that the

offers relate to securities having different accrued dividend or

distribution entitlements;

(c) any differences in the offers attributable to the fact that the

offers relate to securities on which different amounts are paid

up or remain unpaid;

(d) any differences in the offers attributable to the fact that the

bidder may issue or transfer only whole numbers of securities

as consideration for the acquisition;

(e) any additional cash amount offered to holders instead of the

fraction of a security that they would otherwise be offered.

Foreign holders

(3) If the consideration for the bid includes an offer of securities, the

securities do not need to be offered to foreign holders of the

target’s securities if under the terms of the bid:

(a) the bidder must appoint a nominee for foreign holders of the

target’s securities who is approved by ASIC; and

(b) the bidder must transfer to the nominee:

(i) the securities that would otherwise be transferred to the

foreign holders who accept the bid for that

consideration; or

(ii) the right to acquire those securities; and

(c) the nominee must sell the securities, or those rights, and

distribute to each of those foreign holders their proportion of

the proceeds of the sale net of expenses.

620 Off-market bid (offer formalities)

(1) Each offer under an off-market bid must:

(a) be in writing; and

(b) have the same date; and

(c) provide that, unless withdrawn, it will remain open until the

end of the offer period (see section 624); and

(d) state how, and when, the bidder is to satisfy their obligations.

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Chapter 6 Takeovers

Part 6.4 Formulating the takeover offer

Division 1 General

Section 620

152 Corporations Act 2001

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(2) Each offer must provide that the bidder is to pay or provide the

consideration for the offer:

(a) if the bidder is given the necessary transfer documents with

the acceptance—by the end of whichever of the following

periods ends earlier:

(i) 1 month after the offer is accepted or, if the offer is

subject to a defeating condition, within 1 month after

the takeover contract becomes unconditional

(ii) 21 days after the end of the offer period; or

(b) if the bidder is given the necessary transfer documents after

the acceptance and before the end of the bid period—within 1

month after the bidder is given the necessary transfer

documents; or

(c) if the bidder is given the necessary transfer documents after

the acceptance and after the end of the bid period—within 21

days after the bidder is given the necessary transfer


Note: Subsection 630(1) requires an offer that is subject to a defeating

condition to specify a date for declaring whether the condition has

been fulfilled or not.

(3) The offer may provide that the bidder may avoid the takeover

contract if the bidder is not given the necessary transfer documents

within 1 month after the end of the offer period.

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Takeovers Chapter 6

Formulating the takeover offer Part 6.4

Consideration for the offer Division 2

Section 621

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Division 2—Consideration for the offer

621 Consideration offered

Off-market bid—general

(1) A bidder making an off-market bid for securities may offer any

form of consideration for the securities, including:

(a) a cash sum; or

(b) securities (including shares, debentures, interests in a

managed investment scheme or options); or

(c) a combination of a cash sum and securities.

Note: Sections 650B and 651A deal with variations of the consideration

offered under the bid.

Market bid—cash only

(2) As the offers under a market bid for securities are made through a

prescribed financial market, the bidder must offer to acquire the

securities for a cash sum only for each security.

Note: Section 649B deals with variations of the consideration offered under

the bid.

All bids—minimum consideration if bidder purchased securities in

the 4 months before the bid

(3) The consideration offered for securities in the bid class under a

takeover bid must equal or exceed the maximum consideration that

the bidder or an associate provided, or agreed to provide, for a

security in the bid class under any purchase or agreement during

the 4 months before the date of the bid.

(4) For the purposes of subsection (3), the consideration offered or

provided for a security is:

(a) if the consideration offered or provided is a cash sum only—

the amount of that cash sum; or

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Chapter 6 Takeovers

Part 6.4 Formulating the takeover offer

Division 2 Consideration for the offer

Section 622

154 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) if the consideration offered or provided does not include a

cash sum—the value of that consideration; or

(c) if the consideration offered or provided is a cash sum and

other consideration—the sum of the amount of the cash sum

and the value of the other consideration.

The value of consideration that is not a cash sum is to be

ascertained as at the time the relevant offer, purchase or agreement

is made.

(5) If:

(a) a person agrees to buy a security in a company; and

(b) the agreement provides that the price payable for the security

is a price specified in the agreement but may be varied in

accordance with the terms of the agreement;

any variation in price under the agreement is to be disregarded in

working out, for the purposes of subsection (3), the price agreed to

be paid for the security under the agreement.

622 Escalation agreements

Benefits linked to bids and proposed bids not allowed

(1) A person who makes or proposes to make a takeover bid for

securities, or their associate, contravenes this section if:

(a) a person acquires a relevant interest in securities in the bid

class within the 6 months before the bid is made or proposed;


(b) at any time whatever, the bidder, proposed bidder or

associate gives or agrees to give a benefit to, or receives or

agrees to receive a benefit from:

(i) a person who had a relevant interest in any of the

paragraph (a) securities immediately before the

acquisition; or

(ii) an associate of a person who had a relevant interest in

any of those securities at that time; and

(c) the benefit is attributable to the acquisition or matters that

include the acquisition; and

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Takeovers Chapter 6

Formulating the takeover offer Part 6.4

Consideration for the offer Division 2

Section 623

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(d) the amount or value of the benefit is, or is to be, determined

by reference to or to matters that include either of the


(i) the amount or value of the consideration for the

securities under the bid or proposed bid;

(ii) the amount or value of the consideration for which the

bidder or proposed bidder acquires, offers or proposes

to offer to acquire, securities in the bid class during the

offer period (whether or not under the bid) or under

Chapter 6A.

Strict liability offences

(1A) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

Contravening agreements void

(2) An agreement is void to the extent that it purports to provide for:

(a) a person to give a benefit to a person; or

(b) a person to receive a benefit from a person;

in contravention of subsection (1).

623 Collateral benefits not allowed

(1) A bidder, or an associate, must not, during the offer period for a

takeover bid, give, offer to give or agree to give a benefit to a

person if:

(a) the benefit is likely to induce the person or an associate to:

(i) accept an offer under the bid; or

(ii) dispose of securities in the bid class; and

(b) the benefit is not offered to all holders of securities in the bid

class under the bid.

(1A) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

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Chapter 6 Takeovers

Part 6.4 Formulating the takeover offer

Division 2 Consideration for the offer

Section 623

156 Corporations Act 2001

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(2) For the purpose of this section, a person does not receive a benefit

that is not offered under a takeover bid merely because the person

sells bid class securities on-market and the takeover bid is an

off-market bid or a conditional bid.

(3) This section does not prohibit:

(a) the variation of a takeover offer as provided by

sections 649A to 650D; or

(b) an acquisition of securities through an on-market transaction;


(c) simultaneous takeover bids for different classes of securities

in the target.

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Takeovers Chapter 6

Formulating the takeover offer Part 6.4

The offer period Division 3

Section 624

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Division 3—The offer period

624 Offer period

Offer period set in offer

(1) The offers under a takeover bid must remain open for the period

stated in the offer. The period must:

(a) start on the date the first offer under the bid is made; and

(b) last for at least 1 month, and not more than 12 months.

However, the offer may be withdrawn during that period under

section 652B.

Note: Sections 649C (market bids) and 650C (off-market bids) deal with

variation of the offer period.

Automatic extension of offer period if bidder reaches 50% or

consideration increased in last week

(2) If, within the last 7 days of the offer period:

(a) for an off-market bid—the offers under the bid are varied to

improve the consideration offered; or

(b) in any case—the bidder’s voting power in the target increases

to more than 50%;

the offer period is extended so that it ends 14 days after the event

referred to in paragraph (a) or (b). The bidder must give the target

and everyone who has not accepted an offer under the bid written

notice that the extension has occurred within 3 days after that


Note: The consideration for a market bid cannot be increased in the last 5

trading days of the offer period (see section 649B).

Strict liability offences

(3) An offence based on subsection (2) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

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Chapter 6 Takeovers

Part 6.4 Formulating the takeover offer

Division 4 Conditional offers

Section 625

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Division 4—Conditional offers

625 Conditional offers—general

Market bids

(1) Offers under a market bid must be unconditional.

Off-market bids may generally be conditional

(2) Offers under an off-market bid may be subject to conditions that

are not prohibited by sections 626 to 629.

(3) If:

(a) the consideration offered is or includes securities; and

(b) the offer or the bidder’s statement states or implies that the

securities are to be quoted on a financial market (whether in

Australia or elsewhere);

the following rules apply:

(c) the offer is subject to a condition that:

(i) an application for admission to quotation will be made

within 7 days after the start of the bid period; and

(ii) permission for admission to quotation will be granted no

later than 7 days after the end of the bid period;

(d) the offer may not be freed from this condition.

Note: Section 1325A provides that a Court may make a remedial order if the

condition is not satisfied.

626 Maximum acceptance conditions in off-market bids

Maximum acceptance conditions not allowed

(1) Offers under an off-market bid must not be subject to a maximum

acceptance condition. A maximum acceptance condition is one that

provides that the offers will terminate, or the maximum

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Formulating the takeover offer Part 6.4

Conditional offers Division 4

Section 627

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consideration offered under the bid will be reduced, if one or more

of the following occur:

(a) the number of securities for which the bidder receives

acceptances reaches or exceeds a particular number; or

(b) the bidder’s voting power in the company reaches or exceeds

a particular percentage; or

(c) the percentage of securities the bidder has relevant interests

in reaches or exceeds a particular percentage of securities in

that class.

(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), it does not matter:

(a) how the condition is expressed; or

(b) how a particular number or percentage was, or is to be,

determined; or

(c) whether or not a particular number or percentage is specified

in the condition and, if it is so specified, how it is expressed.

(3) For the purposes of subsection (1), an offer under an off-market bid

terminates if:

(a) the offer lapses, is withdrawn or otherwise ceases to have

effect; or

(b) a binding takeover contract will not result from an acceptance

of the offer; or

(c) an obligation of the bidder will not arise under the takeover

contract; or

(d) the takeover contract is rescinded; or

(e) the bidder is entitled to rescind the takeover contract; or

(f) the bidder is relieved of an obligation arising under the

takeover contract.

627 Discriminatory conditions not allowed for off-market bids

Offers under an off-market bid must not be subject to a condition

that allows the bidder to acquire, or may result in the bidder

acquiring, securities from some but not all of the people who

accept the offers. It does not matter how the condition is expressed.

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Part 6.4 Formulating the takeover offer

Division 4 Conditional offers

Section 628

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628 Conditions requiring payments to officers of target not allowed

in off-market bids

An offer to a person under an off-market bid must not be made

subject to a condition that requires the person to approve or

consent to a payment or other benefit to an officer or employee of

the target or a related body corporate:

(a) as compensation for loss of; or

(b) as consideration in connection with retirement from;

any office or employment in connection with the management of

the target or of a related body corporate. A purported requirement

of this kind is void.

629 Conditions turning on bidder’s or associate’s opinion not

allowed in off-market bids

(1) Offers under an off-market bid must not be subject to a defeating

condition if the fulfilment of the condition depends on:

(a) the bidder’s, or an associate’s, opinion, belief or other state

of mind; or

(b) the happening of an event that is within the sole control of, or

is a direct result of action by, any of the following:

(i) the bidder (acting alone or together with an associate or


(ii) an associate (acting alone or together with the bidder or

another associate or associates of the bidder).

A purported condition of this kind is void.

Note: Section 9 defines defeating condition. Sections 630, 650F and 650G

deal with defeating conditions.

(2) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(b):

(a) the target; and

(b) a subsidiary of the target;

are taken not to be associates of the bidder if they would otherwise

be an associate merely because of paragraph 12(2)(a).

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Formulating the takeover offer Part 6.4

Conditional offers Division 4

Section 630

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630 Defeating conditions

Off-market bid may include defeating conditions

(1) Offers under an off-market bid may be made subject to a defeating

condition only if the offers specify a date (not more than 14 days

and not less than 7 days before the end of the offer period) for

giving a notice on the status of the condition.

(2) If the offer period is extended by a period:

(a) the date for giving the notice is taken to be postponed for the

same period; and

(b) as soon as practicable after the extension, the bidder must

give a notice that states:

(i) the new date for giving the notice of the status of the

condition; and

(ii) whether the offers have been freed from the condition

and whether, so far as the bidder knows, the condition

has been fulfilled on the date the notice under this

subsection is given.

Bidder to give notice of status of defeating condition near end of

offer period

(3) On the date determined under subsection (1) or (2), the bidder must

give a notice that states:

(a) whether the offers are free of the condition; and

(b) whether, so far as the bidder knows, the condition was

fulfilled on the date the notice is given; and

(c) the bidder’s voting power in the target.

The bidder must comply with this subsection whether or not the

bidder has given a notice under subsection (4) or 650F(1).

Note: The offers may be freed of the condition by a declaration by the

bidder under subsection 650F(1).

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Part 6.4 Formulating the takeover offer

Division 4 Conditional offers

Section 630

162 Corporations Act 2001

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Bidder to give notice if defeating condition fulfilled

(4) If the condition is fulfilled (so that the offers become free of the

condition) during the bid period but before the date for publishing

the notice on the status of the condition, the bidder must publish as

soon as practicable a notice that states that the condition has been


(5) A notice under this section is given by:

(a) giving the notice to the target; and

(b) for quoted bid class securities—giving the notice to the

relevant market operator; and

(c) for unquoted bid class securities—lodging the notice with


Strict liability offences

(6) An offence based on subsection (2), (3) or (4) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

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The takeover procedure Part 6.5

The overall procedure Division 1

Section 631

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Part 6.5—The takeover procedure

Division 1—The overall procedure

631 Proposing or announcing a bid

(1) A person contravenes this subsection if:

(a) either alone or with other persons, the person publicly

proposes to make a takeover bid for securities in a company;


(b) the person does not make offers for the securities under a

takeover bid within 2 months after the proposal.

The terms and conditions of the bid must be the same as or not

substantially less favourable than those in the public proposal.

Note: The Court has power under section 1325B to order a person to

proceed with a bid.

(1A) For the purposes of an offence based on subsection (1), strict

liability applies to paragraph (1)(b) and to the requirement that the

terms and conditions of the bid must be the same as or not

substantially less favourable than those in the public proposal.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

Proposals if takeover bid not intended

(2) A person must not publicly propose, either alone or with other

persons, to make a takeover bid if:

(a) the person knows the proposed bid will not be made, or is

reckless as to whether the proposed bid is made; or

(b) the person is reckless as to whether they will be able to

perform their obligations relating to the takeover bid if a

substantial proportion of the offers under the bid are


(3) Section 1314 (continuing offences) and subsection 1324(2)

(injunctions) do not apply in relation to a failure to make a

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Part 6.5 The takeover procedure

Division 1 The overall procedure

Section 632

164 Corporations Act 2001

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takeover bid in accordance with a public proposal under

subsection (1).

Note: For liability and defences for contraventions of this section, see

sections 670E and 670F.

632 Overview of steps in an off-market bid

The following diagram gives an overview of the steps involved in

an off-market bid.

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The overall procedure Division 1

Section 633

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Overview of steps in an off-market bid


Step 1 bidder’s statement (together with offer

document) —— * ASIC

* target

* [market]

Step 2 notice that Step 1 done —— * ASIC

Step 3 bidder’s statement and offers —— * holders of bid

class securities

Step 4 notice that Step 3 done ——

* target


* [market]


Step 5

target’s statement ——

* bidder

* holders of bid

class securities


* [market]

The holders then consider the terms of the offer, and the statements provided by the

bidder and the target, and decide whether to accept the offer under section 653A

before the end of the bid period. A holder may also decide to sell on-market during

the bid period.

633 Detailed steps in an off-market bid

(1) The following table provides for the steps that a bidder must take

to make an effective off-market bid and the steps that a target must

take when an off-market bid is made.

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Chapter 6 Takeovers

Part 6.5 The takeover procedure

Division 1 The overall procedure

Section 633

166 Corporations Act 2001

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Steps in off-market bid [operative table]

Steps Timing and relevant provisions

1 The bidder must prepare:

 a bidder’s statement; and

 if the bidder’s statement does not

set out all the terms of the offer—

an offer document that sets out

the other terms of the offer.

See section 636 for content of


2 The bidder must lodge a copy of the

bidder’s statement and offer

document with ASIC.

3 The bidder must send a copy of the

bidder’s statement and offer

document to the target.

To be done on the day the bidder’s

statement is lodged or within 21 days


4 The bidder must lodge with ASIC a

notice stating that the bidder’s

statement and offer document have

been sent to the target.

To be done on the day the bidder’s

statement is sent to the target

5 The bidder must send a copy of the

bidder’s statement and offer

document to the operator of each

prescribed financial market on which

the target’s securities are quoted.

To be done on the day the bidder’s

statement is sent to the target

See also subsection (5).

6 The bidder must send the bidder’s

statement and offers to each person

(other than the bidder) who holds:

 securities in the bid class; or

 if the bid extends to securities that

come to be in the bid class due to

the conversion of or exercise of

rights attached to other securities

(see subsection 617(2))—the

other securities;

as at the date set by the bidder under

subsection (2).

The offers must be made on the terms

To be done:

 within a 3 day period; and

 within 14-28 days after the bidder’s

statement is sent to the target

The directors of the target may agree

that the offers and accompanying

documents be sent earlier.

See also subsections (5) and (6).

Item 2 of the table in section 611

covers offers made by the bidder

on-market during the period between

the lodgment of the bidder’s statement

and the making of the offers under the

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The overall procedure Division 1

Section 633

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Steps in off-market bid [operative table]

Steps Timing and relevant provisions

set out in the bidder’s statement and

the offer document lodged with ASIC

under item 2.


Sections 648B and 648C provide for

the manner in which documents may be

sent to holders.

7 The bidder must send a notice to the

target that the bidder’s statement and

offers have been sent as required by

item 6.

The notice must state the date of the


To be done on the day all offers have

been sent as required by item 6

See subsection 620(1) on date of offer.

8 The bidder must send a notice that

offers have been sent as required by

item 6 to the operator of each

prescribed financial market on which

the target’s securities are quoted.

To be done on the day all offers have

been sent as required by item 6

9 The bidder must lodge with ASIC a

notice that offers have been sent as

required by item 6.

To be done on the day all offers have

been sent as required by item 6

10 The target must prepare a target’s


See section 638 for content of


11 The target must send the target’s

statement (and any accompanying

report) to the bidder.

To be done no later than 15 days after

the target receives a notice that all

offers have been sent as required by

item 6

12 The target must send a copy of the

target’s statement (and any

accompanying report) to each person

who holds:

 securities in the bid class; or

 if the bid extends to securities that

come to be in the bid class due to

the conversion of or exercise of

rights attached to other securities

(see subsection 617(2))—the

other securities;

To be done:

 no earlier than the day on which the

target sends the target’s statement

to the bidder; and

 no later than 15 days after the target

receives a notice that all offers have

been sent as required by item 6

Sections 648B and 648C provide for

the manner in which documents may be

sent to holders.

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Chapter 6 Takeovers

Part 6.5 The takeover procedure

Division 1 The overall procedure

Section 633

168 Corporations Act 2001

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Steps in off-market bid [operative table]

Steps Timing and relevant provisions

as at the date set by the bidder under

subsection (2).

13 The target must lodge a copy of the

target’s statement (and any

accompanying report) with ASIC.

To be done on the day the target’s

statement is sent to the bidder

See also subsection (7).

14 The target must send a copy of the

target’s statement (and any

accompanying report) to the operator

of each prescribed financial market

on which the target’s securities are


To be done on the day the target’s

statement is sent to the bidder

See also subsection (7)

Date for determining holders of securities

(2) The people to whom information is to be sent under items 6 and 12

of the table in subsection (1) are the holders of the securities

referred to in those items as at the date set by the bidder in:

(a) the bidder’s statement; or

(b) a separate written notice given to the target on or before the

date set by the bidder.

Note: The bidder may set the date when the bidder asks the target for a list

of members under section 641.

(3) The date set by the bidder must be:

(a) on or after the date on which the bidder gives the bidder’s

statement, or the separate written notice, to the target; and

(b) on or before the date on which the first offers under the bid

are made to holders of the securities.

(4) As soon as practicable after setting the day, the bidder must give

notice of it by:

(a) if the securities in the bid class are quoted—giving the notice

to the relevant market operator; or

(b) otherwise—lodging the notice with ASIC.

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The overall procedure Division 1

Section 634

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Information to be sent with bidder’s statement

(5) A bidder’s statement required to be sent under item 5 or 6 in the

table in subsection (1) must be sent together with any other

information sent by the bidder to the target with the statement.

Information to be sent with notices that offers have been sent

(6) If the bidder sends the people to whom the bidder’s statement is

sent under item 6 of the table in subsection (1) additional

information together with the bidder’s statement and the offer, the

bidder must also include that information in any notice under

item 7, 8 or 9 of the table.

Information to be sent with target’s statement

(7) If the target sends the people to whom the target’s statement is sent

under item 12 of the table in subsection (1) additional information

together with the target’s statement, the target must also include

that information in any notice under item 13 or 14 of the table.

Strict liability offences

(8) An offence based on this section is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

634 Overview of steps in a market bid

The following diagram gives an overview of the steps involved in a

market bid.

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Chapter 6 Takeovers

Part 6.5 The takeover procedure

Division 1 The overall procedure

Section 635

170 Corporations Act 2001

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Overview of steps in a market bid


Step 1 announcement of bid to the market

Step 2 bidder’s statement

—— * market * target


Step 3 bidder’s statement and any other documents sent with it to the market

—— * holders of bid class securities

Step 4 copy of documents sent to holders —— * market



Step 5 target’s statement ——

* market

* bidder


* holders of bid

class securities


Step 6 make offers on the market

The holders then consider the terms of the offer, and the statements provided by the

bidder and the target, and decide whether to accept the offer on-market before the

end of the bid period.

635 Detailed steps in a market bid

(1) The following table provides for the steps that a bidder must take

to make an effective market bid and the steps that a target must

take when a market bid is made.

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The overall procedure Division 1

Section 635

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Steps in market bid [operative]

Steps Timing and relevant provisions

1 The bidder must prepare a bidder’s


See section 636 for content of


2 The bidder must have the bid

announced to the relevant financial


3 The bidder must send a copy of the

bidder’s statement to the relevant

market operator

To be done on the day the

announcement is made

4 The bidder must send to the target:

 a copy of the bidder’s statement;


 a copy of any other document that

was sent with the bidder’s

statement to the relevant market


To be done on the day the

announcement is made

5 The bidder must lodge with ASIC:

 a copy of the bidder’s statement;


 a copy of any other document that

was sent with the bidder’s

statement to the relevant market


To be done on the day the

announcement is made

6 The bidder must send to each holder

of bid class securities (other than the


 a copy of the bidder’s statement;


 a copy of any other document that

was sent with the bidder’s

statement to the relevant market


Within 14 days after the

announcement is made.

Sections 648B and 648C provide for

the manner in which documents may

be sent to holders.

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Chapter 6 Takeovers

Part 6.5 The takeover procedure

Division 1 The overall procedure

Section 635

172 Corporations Act 2001

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Steps in market bid [operative]

Steps Timing and relevant provisions

7 The bidder must lodge with ASIC a

copy of every other document sent to

holders of bid class securities with

the bidder’s statement.

To be done no later than the day

copies of the bidder’s statement have

been sent to all holders of bid class


8 The bidder must give the relevant

market operator a copy of every other

document sent to holders of bid class

securities with the bidder’s statement.

To be done no later than the day

copies of the bidder’s statement have

been sent to all holders of bid class


9 The target must prepare a target’s


See section 638 for content of


10 The target must send a copy of the

target’s statement to the relevant

market operator.

Within 14 days after the

announcement is made

11 The target must send to the bidder:

 a copy of the target’s statement;


 a copy of any other document that

was sent with the target’s

statement to the relevant market


To be done on the day the target

sends a copy of the target’s statement

to the relevant market operator

12 The target must lodge with ASIC:

 a copy of the target’s statement;


 a copy of any other document that

was sent with the target’s

statement to the relevant market


To be done on the day the target

sends a copy of the target’s statement

to the relevant market operator

13 The target must send each holder of

bid class securities:

 a copy of the target’s statement;


 a copy of any other document that

was sent with the target’s

statement to the relevant market


Within 14 days after the

announcement is made.

Sections 648B and 648C provide for

the manner in which documents may

be sent to holders.

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The overall procedure Division 1

Section 635

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Steps in market bid [operative]

Steps Timing and relevant provisions

14 The bidder must make offers for the

securities under the bid through the

relevant financial market.

To be done on the next day after the

end of the 14 day period referred to in

item 13.

If the bidder does not make the offers

at that time, the bidder contravenes

this section.

Item 2 of the table in section 611

covers offers made by the bidder on

market during the 14 day period

between the announcement and the

making of the offers under the bid

(2) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

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Chapter 6 Takeovers

Part 6.5 The takeover procedure

Division 2 The bidder’s statement

Section 636

174 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 2—The bidder’s statement

636 Bidder’s statement content

(1) A bidder’s statement must include the following:

(a) the identity of the bidder;

(b) the date of the statement;

(c) if the target is a company or body—details of the bidder’s

intentions regarding:

(i) the continuation of the business of the target; and

(ii) any major changes to be made to the business of the

target, including any redeployment of the fixed assets of

the target; and

(iii) the future employment of the present employees of the


(d) if the target is a registered scheme—details of the bidder’s

intentions regarding:

(i) the continued operation of the scheme; and

(ii) any major changes to be made to the operation of the

scheme, including any redeployment of scheme

property; and

(iii) any plans to remove the current responsible entity and

appoint a new responsible entity;

(e) for an off-market bid—a statement that the bidder’s

statement has been lodged with ASIC but that ASIC takes no

responsibility for the content of the statement;

(f) in relation to the cash consideration (if any) offered under the

bid—details of:

(i) the cash amounts (if any) held by the bidder for

payment of the consideration; and

(ii) the identity of any other person who is to provide,

directly or indirectly, cash consideration from that

person’s own funds; and

(iii) any arrangements under which cash will be provided by

a person referred to in subparagraph (ii);

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The takeover procedure Part 6.5

The bidder’s statement Division 2

Section 636

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(g) if any securities (other than managed investment products)

are offered as consideration under the bid and the bidder is:

(i) the body that has issued or will issue the securities; or

(ii) a person who controls that body;

all material that would be required for a prospectus for an

offer of those securities by the bidder under whichever of the

following is applicable:

(iii) sections 710 to 713;

(iv) sections 713C to 713E;

(ga) if any managed investment products are offered as

consideration under the bid and the bidder is:

(i) the responsible entity of the registered scheme; or

(ii) a person who controls the responsible entity of the

registered scheme;

all material that would be required by section 1013C to be

included in a Product Disclosure Statement given to a person

in an issue situation (within the meaning of section 1012B) in

relation to those managed investment products;

(h) if the bidder or an associate provided, or agreed to provide,

consideration for a security in the bid class under a purchase

or agreement during the 4 months before the date of the

bid—the following information about the consideration:

(i) to the extent to which the consideration is a cash sum—

the amount per security of the cash sum;

(ii) to the extent to which the consideration is quoted

securities—the market price per security of those


(iii) to the extent to which the consideration is neither a cash

sum nor a quoted security—the value per security of

that consideration;

(i) if, during the period of 4 months before the date of the bid,

the bidder or an associate gave, or offered to give or agreed

to give a benefit to another person and the benefit was likely

to induce the other person, or an associate, to:

(i) accept an offer under the bid; or

(ii) dispose of securities in the bid class;

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Part 6.5 The takeover procedure

Division 2 The bidder’s statement

Section 636

176 Corporations Act 2001

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and the benefit is not offered to all holders of securities in the

bid class under the bid—details of the benefit;

(j) if the bid is to extend to securities that come to be in the bid

class during the offer period due to the conversion of or

exercise of rights attached to other securities (see

subsection 617(2))—a statement to that effect;

(k) for an off-market bid—the following details in relation to

each class of securities in the target:

(i) the total number of securities in the class;

(ii) the number of securities in the class that the bidder had

a relevant interest in immediately before the first offer is

sent (expressed as a number of securities or as a

percentage of the total number of securities in the class);

(l) for an off-market bid—the bidder’s voting power in the


(m) any other information that:

(i) is material to the making of the decision by a holder of

bid class securities whether to accept an offer under the

bid; and

(ii) is known to the bidder; and

(iii) does not relate to the value of securities offered as

consideration under the bid.

The information that the bidder must disclose under

subparagraph (k)(i) and paragraph (l) must be only as up-to-date as

it is reasonable to expect in the circumstances. The bidder does not

have to disclose information under paragraph (m) if it would be

unreasonable to require the bidder to do so because the information

had previously been disclosed to the holders of bid class securities.

Note: Paragraph (b)—See subsection 637(2) for the date of the statement.

Expert’s report on non-cash consideration provided for bid class

securities in last 4 months

(2) If the bidder’s statement includes details of the value per share of

consideration under subparagraph (1)(h)(iii), the statement must

include, or be accompanied by, a report by an expert that states

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Takeovers Chapter 6

The takeover procedure Part 6.5

The bidder’s statement Division 2

Section 637

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whether, in the expert’s opinion, the value stated is fair and

reasonable and gives the reasons for forming that opinion.

Note: Subsections 648A(2) and (3) provide for the independence of the

expert and disclosure of any association between the bidder and the

expert or the target and the expert. A contravention of one of those

subsections results in the bidder’s statement not complying with this


Consent of person to whom statement attributed

(3) The bidder’s statement may only include, or be accompanied by, a

statement by a person, or a statement said in the bidder’s statement

to be based on a statement by a person, if:

(a) the person has consented to the statement being included in

the bidder’s statement, or accompanying it, in the form and

context in which it is included; and

(b) the bidder’s statement states that the person has given this

consent; and

(c) the person has not withdrawn this consent before the bidder’s

statement is lodged with ASIC.

(4) The bidder must keep the consent.

Strict liability offences

(5) An offence based on subsection (3) or (4) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

637 Bidder’s statement formalities


(1) The copy of the bidder’s statement that is lodged with ASIC must

be approved by:

(a) for a bidder that is a body corporate (other than a notified

foreign passport fund):

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Part 6.5 The takeover procedure

Division 2 The bidder’s statement

Section 637

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(i) if the consideration offered under the bid is a cash sum

only—a resolution passed by the directors of the bidder;


(ii) otherwise—a unanimous resolution passed by all the

directors of the bidder; or

(b) for a bidder who is an individual—the bidder.

(2) The bidder’s statement must be dated. The date is the date on

which it is lodged with ASIC.

Strict liability offences

(3) An offence based on subsection (1) or (2) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

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The takeover procedure Part 6.5

The target’s response Division 3

Section 638

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Division 3—The target’s response

638 Target’s statement content

General requirement

(1) A target’s statement must include all the information that holders

of bid class securities and their professional advisers would

reasonably require to make an informed assessment whether to

accept the offer under the bid.

(1A) However, the statement must contain this information:

(a) only to the extent to which it is reasonable for investors and

their professional advisers to expect to find the information

in the statement; and

(b) only if the information is known to any of the directors of the


Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

subsection (1A), see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

(2) In deciding what information should be included under

subsection (1), have regard to:

(a) the nature of the bid class securities; and

(b) if the bid class securities are interests in a managed

investment scheme—the nature of the scheme; and

(c) the matters that the holders of bid class securities may

reasonably be expected to know; and

(d) the fact that certain matters may reasonably be expected to be

known to their professional advisers; and

(e) the time available to the target to prepare the statement.

Director’s recommendations

(3) A target’s statement must contain a statement by each director of

the target:

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Division 3 The target’s response

Section 639

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(a) recommending that offers under the bid be accepted or not

accepted, and giving reasons for the recommendation; or

(b) giving reasons why a recommendation is not made.

(4) The statement under subsection (3) must be made by:

(a) if the target is under administration—the liquidator or

administrator; or

(b) if the target has executed a deed of company arrangement

that has not yet terminated—the deed’s administrator.

Consent of person to whom statement attributed

(5) The target’s statement may only include, or be accompanied by, a

statement by a person, or a statement said in the target’s statement

to be based on a statement by a person, if:

(a) the person has consented to the statement being included in

the target’s statement, or accompanying it, in the form and

context in which it is included; and

(b) the target’s statement states that the person has given this

consent; and

(c) the person has not withdrawn this consent before the target’s

statement is lodged with ASIC.

(6) The target must keep the consent.

Strict liability offences

(7) An offence based on subsection (1), (3), (5) or (6) is an offence of

strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

639 Target’s statement formalities


(1) The copy of the target’s statement that is lodged with ASIC must

be approved by:

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The target’s response Division 3

Section 640

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(a) if paragraphs (b) and (c) do not apply—a resolution passed

by the directors of the target; or

(b) for a target that is under administration—the liquidator or

administrator; or

(c) for a target that has executed a deed of company arrangement

that has not yet terminated—the deed’s administrator.


(2) The target’s statement must be dated. The date is the date on which

it is lodged with ASIC.

Strict liability offences

(3) An offence based on subsection (1) or (2) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

640 Expert’s report to accompany target’s statement if bidder

connected with target

(1) If:

(a) the bidder’s voting power in the target is 30% or more; or

(b) for a bidder who is, or includes, an individual—the bidder is

a director of the target; or

(c) for a bidder who is, or includes, a body corporate—a director

of the bidder is a director of the target;

a target’s statement given in accordance with section 638 must

include, or be accompanied by, a report by an expert that states

whether, in the expert’s opinion, the takeover offers are fair and

reasonable and gives the reasons for forming that opinion.

Note: Subsections 648A(2) and (3) provide for the independence of the

expert and disclosure of any association between the target and the

expert or the bidder and the expert. A contravention of one of those

subsections results in the target’s statement not complying with this


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Part 6.5 The takeover procedure

Division 3 The target’s response

Section 641

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(2) In determining whether the bidder’s voting power in the target is

30% or more, calculate the bidder’s voting power at the time the

bidder’s statement is sent to the target.

(3) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

641 Target must inform bidder about securities holdings

Requirement to inform bidder and information that must be given

(1) If the bidder has given a bidder’s statement to the target and

requested the target to give the bidder information in accordance

with this section, the target must inform the bidder of:

(a) the name and address of each person who, at a time specified

by the bidder under subsection (2), held securities:

(i) in the bid class; or

(ii) convertible into securities in the bid class; and

(b) the type, and number of each type, of those securities held by

the person at the specified time.

(1A) However, the target does not need to give information to the bidder

about a person or their holding of securities unless the target knows

the person’s name.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

subsection (1A), see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

(1B) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

Time at which target’s information must be correct

(2) The bidder’s request must specify a day as at which the

information must be correct. The day must be one that occurs after

the day on which the bidder makes the request unless the target

agrees to it being the day on which the bidder makes the request.

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The target’s response Division 3

Section 642

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Form in which target must provide information

(3) The target must give the information to the bidder:

(a) in the form that the bidder requests; or

(b) if the target is unable to comply with the request—in writing.

(4) If the target must give the information to the bidder in electronic

form, the information must be readable but the information need

not be formatted for the bidder’s preferred operating system.

Fee for provision of information

(5) The target may require the bidder to pay an amount, not exceeding

the prescribed amount, for the provision of the information to the


Time by which target must provide information

(6) The target must give the information to the bidder no later than the

latest of the following times:

(a) the end of the second day after the day on which the bidder

requested the information; or

(b) the end of the next day after the day as at which the

information must be correct; or

(c) the time when the target receives the amount mentioned in

subsection (5).

642 Expenses of directors of target companies

(1) If the target is a company or body, the directors of the target have a

right to recover from the target any expenses they reasonably incur

in the interest of members of the target and in relation to the

takeover bid. The directors have this right regardless of anything

contained in the target’s constitution (if any).

(2) If the target is a managed investment scheme, the responsible

entity for the scheme has a right to recover from scheme property

any expenses it reasonably incurs in the interest of members of the

scheme and in relation to the takeover bid. The responsible entity

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Division 3 The target’s response

Section 642

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has this right regardless of anything contained in the scheme’s


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The takeover procedure Part 6.5

Updating and correcting the bidder’s statement and target’s statement Division 4

Section 643

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Division 4—Updating and correcting the bidder’s

statement and target’s statement

643 Supplementary bidder’s statement

(1) If a bidder becomes aware of:

(a) a misleading or deceptive statement in the bidder’s statement;


(b) an omission from the bidder’s statement of information

required by section 636; or

(c) a new circumstance that:

(i) has arisen since the bidder’s statement was lodged; and

(ii) would have been required by section 636 to be included

in the bidder’s statement if it had arisen before the

bidder’s statement was lodged;

that is material from the point of view of a holder of bid class

securities, the bidder must prepare a supplementary bidder’s

statement that remedies this defect.

Note 1: The bidder must then send and lodge the supplementary bidder’s

statement in accordance with section 647.

Note 2: Section 670A makes it an offence to give a bidder’s statement after

the bidder has become aware of a misleading or deceptive statement,

omission or new circumstance that is material from the point of view

of a holder of securities to whom the statement is given (unless the

deficiency is corrected).

Note 3: The power to issue a supplementary bidder’s statement is not limited

to the situations dealt with in this section.

Note 4: This section applies to a bidder’s statement that has already been

previously supplemented.

(2) For an offence based on subsection (1), strict liability applies to the

conduct, that the bidder must prepare a supplementary bidder’s

statement that remedies the defect.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

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Part 6.5 The takeover procedure

Division 4 Updating and correcting the bidder’s statement and target’s statement

Section 644

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644 Supplementary target’s statement

(1) If a target becomes aware of:

(a) a misleading or deceptive statement in the target’s statement;


(b) an omission from the target’s statement of information

required by section 638; or

(c) a new circumstance that:

(i) has arisen since the target’s statement was lodged; and

(ii) would have been required by section 638 to be included

in the target’s statement if it had arisen before the

target’s statement was lodged;

that is material from the point of view of a holder of bid class

securities, the target must prepare a supplementary target’s

statement that remedies this defect.

Note 1: The target must then send and lodge the supplementary target’s

statement in accordance with section 647.

Note 2: Section 670A makes it an offence to give a target’s statement after the

target has become aware of a misleading or deceptive statement,

omission or new circumstance that is material from the point of view

of a holder of securities to whom the statement is given (unless the

deficiency is corrected).

Note 3: The power to issue a supplementary target’s statement is not limited to

the situations dealt with in this section.

Note 4: This section applies to a target’s statement that has already been

previously supplemented.

(2) For an offence based on subsection (1), strict liability applies to the

conduct, that the target must prepare a supplementary target’s

statement that remedies the defect.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

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Updating and correcting the bidder’s statement and target’s statement Division 4

Section 645

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645 Form of supplementary statement

Identity as a supplementary statement

(1) At the beginning of a supplementary bidder’s or target’s statement

there must be:

(a) a statement that it is a supplementary statement; and

(b) an identification of the statement it supplements; and

(c) an identification of any previous supplementary statements

lodged with ASIC in relation to the bid; and

(d) a statement that it is to be read together with the statement it

supplements and any previous supplementary statements.

Approval of supplementary bidder’s statement

(2) The copy of the supplementary bidder’s statement that is lodged

with ASIC must be approved by:

(a) for a bidder that is a body corporate:

(i) if the consideration offered under the bid is a cash sum

only—a resolution passed by the directors of the bidder;


(ii) otherwise—a unanimous resolution passed by all the

directors of the bidder; or

(b) for a bidder who is an individual—the bidder.

Approval of supplementary target’s statement

(3) The copy of a supplementary target’s statement that is lodged with

ASIC must be approved by:

(a) if paragraphs (b) and (c) do not apply—a resolution passed

by the directors of the target; or

(b) for a target that is under administration—the liquidator or

administrator; or

(c) for a target that has executed a deed of company arrangement

that has not yet terminated—the deed’s administrator.

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Part 6.5 The takeover procedure

Division 4 Updating and correcting the bidder’s statement and target’s statement

Section 646

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(4) A supplementary statement must be dated. The date is the date on

which it is lodged with ASIC.

646 Consequences of lodging a supplementary statement

If a supplementary statement is lodged with ASIC, for the purposes

of the application of this Chapter and Chapter 6B to events that

occur after the lodgment, the bidder’s or target’s statement is taken

to be the original statement together with the supplementary


647 To whom supplementary statement must be sent

(1) A supplementary bidder’s statement must be sent to the target as

soon as practicable.

(2) A supplementary target’s statement must be sent to the bidder as

soon as practicable.

(3) Either kind of supplementary statement must as soon as practicable


(a) lodged with ASIC; and

(b) if the bid class securities are quoted and the target is listed—

sent to the operator of each prescribed financial market on

which the target’s securities are quoted; and

(c) if the bid is an off-market bid and the bid class securities are

not quoted—sent to all holders of bid class securities who

have not accepted an offer under the bid.

Note: Sections 648B and 648C provide for the manner in which documents

may be sent to holders.

(4) An offence based on subsection (1), (2) or (3) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

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The takeover procedure Part 6.5

General rules on takeover procedure Division 5

Section 648A

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Division 5—General rules on takeover procedure

Subdivision A—Experts’ reports

648A Experts’ reports

(1) If the bidder or target obtains 2 or more reports each of which

could be used for the purposes of subparagraph 636(1)(h)(iii) or

subsection 640(1), the bidder’s or target’s statement must be

accompanied by a copy of each report.

(1A) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(2) The expert must be someone other than an associate of the bidder

or target.

(3) The report must set out details of:

(a) any relationship between the expert and:

(i) the bidder or an associate of the bidder; or

(ii) the target or an associate of the target;

including any circumstances in which the expert gives them

advice, or acts on their behalf, in the proper performance of

the functions attaching to the expert’s professional capacity

or business relationship with them; and

(b) any financial or other interest of the expert that could

reasonably be regarded as being capable of affecting the

expert’s ability to give an unbiased opinion in relation to the

matter being reported on; and

(c) any fee, payment or other benefit (whether direct or indirect)

that the expert has received or will or may receive in

connection with making the report.

Note: If the statement includes, or is accompanied by, the report, it must

state that the expert has consented to this being done (see

subsections 636(3) and 638(5)).

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Part 6.5 The takeover procedure

Division 5 General rules on takeover procedure

Section 648B

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Subdivision B—Sending documents to holders of securities

648B Address at which bidder may send documents to holders of


The bidder may send a document to a holder of securities for the

purposes of this Chapter at the address shown for the holder in the

information given to the bidder by the target under section 641.

This section does not limit the address to which the document may

be sent to the holder.

Note: Section 109X makes general provision for service of documents.

648C Manner of sending documents to holders of securities

If a document must be sent to the holder of securities under this

Chapter, the document must be sent:

(a) if the document is to be sent to the holder outside Australia—

by pre-paid airmail post or by courier; or

(b) if the document is to be sent to the holder in Australia—by

pre-paid ordinary post or by courier.

Subdivision C—Effect of proportional takeover approval


648D Constitution may contain proportional takeover approval


(1) Subject to this Subdivision, the constitution of a company may

contain provisions to the effect that, if offers are made under a

proportional takeover bid for securities of the company:

(a) the registration of a transfer giving effect to a takeover

contract for the bid is prohibited unless and until a resolution

(an approving resolution) to approve the bid is passed in

accordance with the provisions; and

(b) a person (other than the bidder or an associate of the bidder)

who, as at the end of the day on which the first offer under

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General rules on takeover procedure Division 5

Section 648D

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the bid was made, held bid class securities is entitled to vote

on an approving resolution; and

(c) an approving resolution is to be voted on in whichever of the

following ways is specified in the provisions:

(i) at a meeting, convened and conducted by the company,

of the persons entitled to vote on the resolution;

(ii) by means of a postal ballot conducted by the company

in accordance with a procedure set out in the provisions;

or, if the provisions so provide, in whichever of those ways is

determined by the directors of the company; and

(d) an approving resolution that has been voted on is taken to

have been passed if the proportion that the number of votes

in favour of the resolution bears to the total number of votes

on the resolution is greater than the proportion specified in

the provisions, and otherwise is taken to have been rejected.

The proportion specified under paragraph (d) must not exceed


Note: Section 9 defines proportional takeover bid. See paragraph 618(1)(b).

(2) To be effective, an approving resolution in relation to a

proportional takeover bid must be passed before the approving

resolution deadline. The deadline is the 14th day before the last

day of the bid period.

Note: In certain circumstances, an approving resolution will be taken to have

been passed (see subsection 648E(3)).

(3) Except to the extent to which a company’s constitution provides


(a) the provisions that apply to a general meeting of the company

apply, with such modifications as the circumstances require,

to a meeting convened under the company’s proportional

takeover approval provisions; and

(b) those provisions apply as if the meeting convened under the

proportional takeover provisions were a general meeting of

the company.

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Part 6.5 The takeover procedure

Division 5 General rules on takeover procedure

Section 648E

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The provisions referred to in paragraph (a) may be the provisions

of a law, provisions of the company’s constitution or any other


648E Resolution to be put if proportional bid made

(1) If:

(a) a company’s constitution contains proportional takeover

approval provisions; and

(b) offers are made under a proportional bid for a class of the

company’s securities;


(c) the company’s directors must ensure that a resolution to

approve the bid is voted on in accordance with those

provisions before the approving resolution deadline; and

(d) if the directors fail to ensure that a resolution of that kind is

voted on before the deadline, each of the directors

contravenes this subsection.

Note: Subsection 648D(2) sets the approving resolution deadline.

(2) If a resolution to approve the bid is voted on in accordance with the

proportional takeover approval provisions before the approving

resolution deadline, the company must, on or before the deadline,


(a) the bidder; and

(b) if the company is listed—each relevant financial market;

a written notice stating that a resolution to approve the bid has been

voted on and whether the resolution was passed or rejected.

(2A) An offence based on subsection (1) or (2) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(3) If no resolution to approve the bid has been voted on in accordance

with the proportional takeover approval provisions as at the end of

the day before the approving resolution deadline, a resolution to

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General rules on takeover procedure Division 5

Section 648F

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approve the bid is taken, for the purposes of those provisions, to

have been passed in accordance with those provisions.

648F Effect of rejection of approval resolution

If a resolution to approve the bid is voted on, in accordance with

the proportional takeover approval provisions, before the

approving resolution deadline and is rejected:

(a) despite section 652A:

(i) all offers under the bid that have not been accepted as at

the end of deadline; and

(ii) all offers under the bid that have been accepted, and

from whose acceptance binding contracts have not

resulted, as at the end of the deadline;

are taken to be withdrawn at the end of the deadline; and

(b) as soon as practicable after the deadline, the bidder must

return to each person who has accepted an offer referred to in

subparagraph (a)(ii) any documents that the person sent the

bidder with the acceptance of the offer; and

(c) the bidder:

(i) is entitled to rescind; and

(ii) must rescind as soon as practicable after the deadline;

each binding takeover contract for the bid; and

(d) a person who has accepted an offer made under the bid is

entitled to rescind their takeover contract.

648G Including proportional takeover provisions in constitution

(1) A company’s proportional takeover approval provisions, unless

sooner omitted from the constitution of the company, cease to

apply at the end of:

(a) unless paragraph (b) or (c) applies—3 years;

(b) if the constitution provides that the provisions apply for a

specified period of less than 3 years and the provisions have

not been renewed—the specified period; or

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Division 5 General rules on takeover procedure

Section 648G

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(c) if the provisions have been renewed on at least one occasion

and the resolution, or the most recent resolution, renewing

the provisions states that the provisions are renewed for a

specified period of less than 3 years—the specified period.

(2) The period referred to in subsection (1) starts:

(a) if the provisions were contained in the company’s

constitution when it was incorporated or formed and have not

been renewed—at that time; or

(b) if the provisions were inserted in the company’s constitution

and have not been renewed—when the provisions were

inserted; or

(c) if the provisions have been renewed on at least one

occasion—when the provisions were renewed, or last


(3) When the provisions cease to apply, the company’s constitution is,

by force of this subsection, altered by omitting the provisions.

(4) A company may renew its proportional takeover approval

provisions. The provisions are to be renewed in the same manner

as that in which the company could alter its constitution to insert

proportional takeover approval provisions.

(5) With every notice that:

(a) specifies the intention to propose:

(i) a resolution to alter a company’s constitution by

inserting proportional takeover approval provisions; or

(ii) a resolution to renew a company’s proportional takeover

approval provisions; and

(b) is sent to a person who is entitled to vote on the proposed


the company must send a statement that:

(c) explains the effect of the proposed provisions, or of the

provisions proposed to be renewed; and

(d) explains the reasons for proposing the resolution and sets out

the factual matters and principles underlying those reasons;


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Section 648G

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(e) states whether, as at the day on which the statement is

prepared, any of the directors of the company is aware of a

proposal by a person to acquire, or to increase the extent of, a

substantial interest in the company and, if so, explains the

extent (if any) to which the proposal has influenced the

decision to propose the resolution; and

(f) for a proposed resolution to renew proportional takeover

approval provisions—reviews both the advantages, and

disadvantages, of the provisions proposed to be renewed for:

(i) the directors; and

(ii) the company’s members;

during the period during which the provisions have been in

effect; and

(g) discusses both the potential advantages, and the potential

disadvantages, of the proposed provisions, or of the

provisions proposed to be renewed, for:

(i) the directors; and

(ii) the company’s members.

(6) If, on a particular day, a company purports to:

(a) alter its constitution by inserting proportional takeover

approval provisions; or

(b) renew its proportional takeover approval provisions;


(c) holders who together hold not less than 10% (by number) of

the issued securities in a class of securities in the company to

which the provisions apply may, within 21 days after that

day, apply to the Court to have the purported alteration or

renewal set aside to the extent to which it relates to that class;


(d) unless and until an application made under paragraph (c) is

finally determined by the making of an order setting aside the

purported alteration or renewal to that extent, the company is

taken for all purposes (other than the purposes of an

application of that kind):

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Chapter 6 Takeovers

Part 6.5 The takeover procedure

Division 5 General rules on takeover procedure

Section 648H

196 Corporations Act 2001

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(i) to have validly altered its constitution by inserting the

provisions referred to in paragraph (a) applying to that

class; or

(ii) to have validly renewed the provisions referred to in

paragraph (b) applying to that class.

(7) An application under paragraph (6)(c) may be made, on behalf of

the holders entitled to make the application, by a holder or holders

appointed by them in writing.

(8) On an application under paragraph (6)(c), the Court may make an

order setting aside the purported alteration or renewal to the extent

to which it applies to that class if it is satisfied that it is appropriate

in all the circumstances to do so. Otherwise the Court must dismiss

the application.

(9) Within 14 days after the day on which the Court makes an order of

the kind referred to in subsection (8) in relation to a company, the

company must lodge a copy of the order with ASIC.

(10) An offence based on subsection (5) or (9) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

648H Effect of Subdivision

This Subdivision applies notwithstanding anything contained in:

(a) the operating rules of a financial market; or

(b) the constitution of a company; or

(c) any agreement.

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Takeovers Chapter 6

Variation of offers Part 6.6

Market bids Division 1

Section 649A

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Part 6.6—Variation of offers

Division 1—Market bids

649A General

A bidder may only vary the offers under a market bid in

accordance with section 649B or 649C.

Note: ASIC may allow other variations under section 655A.

649B Market bids—raising bid price

The bidder may increase the current market bid price. They may

not do so, however, during the last 5 trading days of the relevant

financial market in the offer period.

649C Market bids—extending the offer period

(1) The bidder may extend the offer period. The extension must be

announced to the relevant financial market at least 5 trading days

of the market before the end of the offer period. However, the

announcement may be made up to the end of the offer period if

during those 5 trading days:

(a) another person lodges with ASIC a bidder’s statement for a

takeover bid for securities in the bid class; or

(b) another person announces a takeover bid for securities in the

bid class; or

(c) another person makes offers under a takeover bid for

securities in the bid class; or

(d) the consideration for offers under another takeover bid for

securities in the bid class is improved.

The offer period is extended by having the extension announced to

the relevant financial market.

Note: Section 624 provides for an automatic extension of the bid period in

certain circumstances.

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Chapter 6 Takeovers

Part 6.6 Variation of offers

Division 1 Market bids

Section 649C

198 Corporations Act 2001

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(2) On the day on which the announcement is made, the bidder must:

(a) give the target and the relevant market operator a notice

setting out the terms of the announcement; and

(b) lodge a notice setting out the terms of the announcement with


(3) An offence based on subsection (2) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

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Takeovers Chapter 6

Variation of offers Part 6.6

Off-market bids (express variation by bidder) Division 2

Section 650A

Corporations Act 2001 199

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 2—Off-market bids (express variation by bidder)

650A General

(1) A bidder may only vary the offers under an off-market bid in

accordance with section 650B, 650C or 650D.

Note: ASIC may allow other variations under section 655A.

(2) If the bidder varies the offer under an off-market bid in accordance

with section 650B, 650C or 650D, the bidder must vary all

unaccepted offers under the bid in the same way.

Note: Subsections 650B(2) and (3) deal with the effect of a variation on

takeover contracts that have already resulted from acceptances of

offers under the bid when the variation is made.

650B Off-market bids—consideration offered

Improving the consideration offered

(1) The bidder may vary the offers made under the bid to improve the

consideration offered:

(a) by increasing a cash sum offered; or

(b) by increasing the number of securities offered; or

(c) by increasing the rate of interest payable under debentures

offered; or

(d) by increasing the amount or value of debentures offered; or

(e) by increasing the number of unissued securities that may be

acquired under options offered; or

(f) by offering a cash sum in addition to securities; or

(g) if the securities being acquired include shares to which rights

to accrued dividends are attached—by giving the holders the

right to:

(i) retain the whole or a part of the dividend; or

(ii) be paid an amount equal to the amount of the dividend;

in addition to the consideration already offered; or

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Chapter 6 Takeovers

Part 6.6 Variation of offers

Division 2 Off-market bids (express variation by bidder)

Section 650B

200 Corporations Act 2001

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(h) offering an additional alternative form of consideration.

Note: If the bidder increases the consideration during the last 7 days of the

offer period, subsection 624(2) extends the offer period by a further 14


Effect of increase in consideration on offers already accepted

(2) Improving the consideration has the effects set out in the following

table on the rights of a person who has already accepted an offer

when the variation is made.

Effect of improving consideration [operative]

Improvement Effect on person who has already

accepted bid offer

1 improvement of the only form of

consideration being offered

entitled to the improved consideration

2 2 or more forms of consideration

offered and all forms improved by the

same factor or percentage

entitled to the improvement in the

form of consideration accepted

3 2 or more forms of consideration

offered and improvement in the

consideration is identical for all forms

entitled to the improvement in the

form of consideration accepted

4 addition of a new form of


entitled to make a fresh election as to

the form of consideration to be taken

5 any other improvement entitled to make a fresh election as to

the form of consideration to be taken

(2A) The person is entitled to receive the improved consideration

immediately, subject to the following paragraphs:

(a) if the time for payment of the consideration in accordance

with subsection 620(2) has not yet occurred, the person is not

entitled to receive the improved consideration until that time;

(b) if the person has to make an election before being entitled to

the improved consideration, the person is not entitled to

receive the improved consideration until the later of:

(i) the time when the election is made; and

(ii) the time applicable under paragraph (a).

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Takeovers Chapter 6

Variation of offers Part 6.6

Off-market bids (express variation by bidder) Division 2

Section 650C

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Fresh election as to the form of consideration

(3) If a person who has already accepted an offer has the right to make

a fresh election as to the form of consideration to be taken, the

bidder must send the person as soon as practicable after the

variation a written notice informing them about their right to make

the election.

Note 1: Section 651B says how the election is to be exercised.

Note 2: Sections 648B and 648C provide for the manner in which documents

may be sent to holders.

Strict liability offences

(4) An offence based on subsection (3) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

650C Off-market bids—extension of offer period

(1) A bidder making an off-market bid may extend the offer period at

any time before the end of the offer period.

(2) If the bid is subject to a defeating condition, the bidder may extend

the offer period after the publication of the notice under

subsection 630(3) only if one of the following happens after the


(a) another person lodges with ASIC a bidder’s statement for a

takeover bid for securities in the bid class;

(b) another person announces a takeover bid for securities in the

bid class;

(c) another person makes offers under a takeover bid for

securities in the bid class;

(d) the consideration for offers under another takeover bid for

securities in the bid class is improved.

Note: Section 624 says how long the total offer period can be.

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Chapter 6 Takeovers

Part 6.6 Variation of offers

Division 2 Off-market bids (express variation by bidder)

Section 650D

202 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

650D Off-market bids—method of making variation

Variation to be made by notice to the target and holders

(1) To vary offers under an off-market bid, the bidder must:

(a) prepare a notice that:

(i) sets out the terms of the proposed variation; and

(ii) if the bid is subject to a defeating condition and the

proposed variation postpones for more than 1 month the

time by which the bidder must satisfy their obligations

under the bid—informs people about the right to

withdraw acceptances under section 650E; and

(b) lodge the notice with ASIC; and

(c) after the notice is lodged, give the notice to:

(i) the target; and

(ii) everyone to whom offers were made under the bid.

Note: Sections 648B and 648C provide for the manner in which documents

may be sent to holders.

(2) A person must be sent a copy of the notice under

subparagraph (1)(c)(ii) even if they have already accepted the

offer. However, they need not be sent a copy if:

(a) the variation merely extends the offer period; and

(b) the bid is not subject to a defeating condition at the time the

notice is given to the target.

(3) A notice under subsection (1) must be signed by:

(a) if the bidder is, or includes, an individual—the individual;


(b) if the bidder is, or includes, a body corporate (other than a

notified foreign passport fund) with 2 or more directors—not

fewer than 2 of the directors who are authorised to sign the

notice by a resolution passed at a directors’ meeting; and

(c) if the bidder is, or includes, a body corporate (other than a

notified foreign passport fund) that has only one director—

that director.

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Takeovers Chapter 6

Variation of offers Part 6.6

Off-market bids (express variation by bidder) Division 2

Section 650E

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(4) A copy of a notice given to a person under subparagraph (1)(c)(ii)

must include a statement that:

(a) a copy of the notice was lodged with ASIC on a specified

date; and

(b) ASIC takes no responsibility for the contents of the notice.

650E Right to withdraw acceptance

(1) A person who accepts an offer made under an off-market bid may

withdraw their acceptance of the offer if:

(a) the bid is subject to a defeating condition; and

(b) the bidder varies the offers under the bid in a way that

postpones for more than 1 month the time when the bidder

has to meet their obligations under the bid; and

(c) the person is entitled to be given a notice of the variation

under subsection 650D(1).

(2) To withdraw their acceptance, the person must:

(a) give the bidder notice within 1 month beginning on the day

after the day on which the copy of the notice of the variation

was received; and

(b) return any consideration received by the person for accepting

the offer.

(3) A notice under paragraph (2)(a) must:

(a) comply with the conditions specified in regulations made for

the purposes of this paragraph; or

(b) if no such regulations are made—be in writing.

(4) To return consideration that includes securities, the person must:

(a) take any actions that are specified in regulations made for the

purposes of this paragraph in relation to the return of those

securities; or

(b) if no such regulations are made—give the bidder any transfer

documents needed to effect the return of the securities.

(5) If the person withdraws their acceptance, the bidder must:

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Chapter 6 Takeovers

Part 6.6 Variation of offers

Division 2 Off-market bids (express variation by bidder)

Section 650F

204 Corporations Act 2001

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(a) take any actions that are specified in regulations made for the

purposes of this paragraph in relation to the withdrawal of

acceptance; and

(b) return any documents that the person sent the bidder with the

acceptance of the offer;

within 14 days after:

(c) if the person does the things referred to in subsection (2) on

the same day—that day; or

(d) if the person does those things on different days—the last of

those days.

(6) If under this section a person returns to a company any certificates

(together with any necessary transfer documents) in respect of the

securities issued by the company, the company must cancel those

securities as soon as possible. Any reduction in share capital is

authorised by this subsection.

(7) An offence based on subsection (5) or (6) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

650F Freeing off-market bids from defeating conditions

(1) If the offers under an off-market bid are subject to a defeating

condition, the bidder may free the offers, and the takeover

contracts, from the condition only by giving the target a notice

declaring the offers to be free from the condition in accordance

with this section:

(a) if the condition is that the bidder may withdraw unaccepted

offers if an event or circumstance referred to in

subsection 652C(1) or (2) occurs in relation to the target—

not later than 3 business days after the end of the offer

period; or

(b) in any other case—not less than 7 days before the end of the

offer period.

(2) The notice must:

(a) state that the offers are free from the condition; and

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Takeovers Chapter 6

Variation of offers Part 6.6

Off-market bids (express variation by bidder) Division 2

Section 650G

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(b) specify the bidder’s voting power in the company.

(3) The notice must be:

(a) if the securities in the bid class are quoted—given to the

relevant market operator; and

(b) if those securities are not quoted—lodged with ASIC.

(4) An offence based on subsection (3) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

650G Contracts and acceptances void if defeating condition not


All takeover contracts, and all acceptances that have not resulted in

binding takeover contracts, for an off-market bid are void if:

(a) offers made under the bid have at any time been subject to a

defeating condition; and

(b) the bidder has not declared the offers to be free from the

condition within the period before the date applicable under

subsection 630(1) or (2); and

(c) the condition has not been fulfilled at the end of the offer


A transfer of securities based on an acceptance or contract that is

void under this section must not be registered.

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Chapter 6 Takeovers

Part 6.6 Variation of offers

Division 3 Off-market bids (automatic variations)

Section 651A

206 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 3—Off-market bids (automatic variations)

651A Off-market bid—effect on bid consideration of purchases

made outside bid

Effect of purchases outside bid on offers made under the bid

(1) The offers made under an off-market bid, and the takeover

contracts, are varied under this section if:

(a) the bidder purchases securities in the bid class outside the bid

during the bid period; and:

(b) the consideration for that purchase consists solely of a cash

sum; and

(c) either:

(i) the consideration, or 1 of the forms of consideration,

payable under the bid consists of a cash sum only and

the consideration referred to in paragraph (b) is higher

than the cash sum payable for the securities under the

bid; or

(ii) a cash sum only is not the consideration, or 1 of the

forms of consideration, payable under the bid.

Note 1: Section 9 defines takeover contract.

Note 2: The effect of section 623 is that the purchase outside the bid has to be

made through an on-market transaction (see subsection 623(1) and

paragraph 623(3)(b)).

Effect on unaccepted cash offers

(2) If:

(a) one of the forms of consideration offered to a person under

an off-market bid is a cash sum only; and

(b) the person has not accepted the offer before the purchase

outside the bid occurs;

the cash sum is taken to be increased to the highest outside

purchase price before the offer is accepted.

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Takeovers Chapter 6

Variation of offers Part 6.6

Off-market bids (automatic variations) Division 3

Section 651B

Corporations Act 2001 207

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Effect on cash offers already accepted

(3) The consideration payable for each security covered by a takeover

contract arising from the acceptance of an offer for a cash sum only

is increased to the highest outside purchase price. If the person who

accepted the offer has already received the whole or any part of the

consideration under the contract, they are entitled to receive the

increase in consideration immediately.

Effect on non-cash offers accepted at any time during bid period

(4) If:

(a) a person accepts an offer under a bid at any time during the

bid period; and

(b) the consideration paid or provided, or to be paid or provided,

under the takeover contract arising from the acceptance of the

offer does not consist of a cash sum only;


(c) the person may elect to take as consideration for each

security covered by the takeover contract a cash sum equal to

the highest outside purchase price instead of the

consideration they originally accepted; and

(d) the bidder must give the person a written notice of their right

to make the election within 14 days after the end of the offer


Note: Section 651B says how the election is to be exercised.

(5) An offence based on subsection (4) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

651B How to make an election for new forms of consideration

(1) An election under section 650B or 651A to take a new form of

consideration must be made:

(a) by written notice to the bidder; and

(b) within 1 month after the person receives the notice from the

bidder of their right to make the election.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 6 Takeovers

Part 6.6 Variation of offers

Division 3 Off-market bids (automatic variations)

Section 651C

208 Corporations Act 2001

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(2) The person becomes entitled to the new form of consideration if


(a) make the election; and

(b) return to the bidder:

(i) any consideration they have already received; and

(ii) any necessary transfer documents.

651C Returning securities as part of election

(1) If under section 651B a person returns to a company any

certificates (together with any necessary transfer documents) in

respect of the securities issued by a company, the company must

cancel those securities as soon as possible.

(2) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

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Takeovers Chapter 6

Withdrawal and suspension of offers Part 6.7

Section 652A

Corporations Act 2001 209

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 6.7—Withdrawal and suspension of offers

652A Withdrawal of unaccepted offers under takeover bid

Unaccepted offers under a takeover bid may only be withdrawn

under section 652B or 652C.

652B Withdrawal of takeover offers with ASIC consent

Unaccepted offers under a takeover bid may be withdrawn with the

written consent of ASIC. ASIC may consent subject to conditions.

652C Withdrawal of market bids

Bidder entitled to withdraw if certain events happen during the

offer period

(1) The bidder may withdraw unaccepted offers made under a market

bid if 1 of the following happens during the bid period, but only if

the bidder’s voting power in the target is at or below 50% when the

event happens:

(a) the target converts all or any of its shares into a larger or

smaller number of shares (see section 254H);

(b) the target or a subsidiary resolves to reduce its share capital

in any way;

(c) the target or a subsidiary:

(i) enters into a buy-back agreement; or

(ii) resolves to approve the terms of a buy-back agreement

under subsection 257C(1) or 257D(1);

(d) the target or a subsidiary issues shares, or grants an option

over its shares, or agrees to make such an issue or grant such

an option;

(e) the target or a subsidiary issues, or agrees to issue,

convertible notes;

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Chapter 6 Takeovers

Part 6.7 Withdrawal and suspension of offers

Section 652C

210 Corporations Act 2001

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(f) the target or a subsidiary disposes, or agrees to dispose, of

the whole, or a substantial part, of its business or property;

(g) the target or a subsidiary grants, or agrees to grant, a security

interest in the whole, or a substantial part, of its business or


(h) the target or a subsidiary resolves to be wound up.

(2) The bidder may also withdraw unaccepted offers made under a

market bid if 1 of the following happens during the bid period:

(a) a liquidator or provisional liquidator of the target or of a

subsidiary is appointed;

(b) a court makes an order for the winding up of the target or of a


(c) an administrator of the target, or of a subsidiary, is appointed

under section 436A, 436B or 436C;

(d) the target or a subsidiary executes a deed of company


(e) a receiver, or a receiver and manager, is appointed in relation

to the whole, or a substantial part, of the property of the

target or of a subsidiary.

This is so regardless of the bidder’s voting power at the time.

(3) Notice of the withdrawal must be given to each relevant market


(4) An offence based on subsection (3) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

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Takeovers Chapter 6

Acceptances Part 6.8

Section 653A

Corporations Act 2001 211

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 6.8—Acceptances

653A Acceptance of offers made under off-market bid


(a) an offer is made under an off-market bid for quoted

securities; and

(b) regulations made for the purposes of this paragraph set out

any requirements for the manner in which the acceptance of

the offer, so far as it relates to those securities, must be

complied with;

an acceptance of the offer for those securities is effective only if it

is made in that way.

653B Acceptances by transferees and nominees of offers made under

off-market bid

(1) If an off-market bid is made for securities:

(a) a person who:

(i) is able during the offer period to give good title to a

parcel of those securities; and

(ii) has not already accepted an offer under the bid for those


may accept as if an offer on terms identical with the other

offers made under the bid had been made to that person in

relation to those securities; and

(b) a person who holds 1 or more parcels of those securities as

trustee or nominee for, or otherwise on account of, another

person may accept as if a separate offer had been made in

relation to:

(i) each of those parcels; and

(ii) any parcel they hold in their own right.

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Chapter 6 Takeovers

Part 6.8 Acceptances

Section 653B

212 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

If a person accepts an offer under a proportional takeover bid for

securities, no-one else may accept an offer under the bid in respect

of those securities.

Note: Section 9 defines proportional takeover bid. See paragraph 618(1)(b).

(2) For the purposes of this section:

(a) a person is taken to hold securities if the person is, or is

entitled to be registered as, the holder of the securities; and

(b) a person is taken to hold the securities on trust for, as

nominee for or on account of another person if they:

(i) are entitled to be registered as the holder of particular

securities; and

(ii) hold their interest in the securities on trust for, as

nominee for or on account of that other person; and

(c) in determining under subsection (1) whether a person has

accepted an offer for particular securities under a takeover

bid, a person who accepts an offer under a proportional

takeover bid is taken to have accepted the offer for all the

securities in the bid class that they hold at the time they

accept the offer.

(3) If under paragraph (1)(b) a person may accept as if a separate offer

is taken to be made to a person for a parcel of securities within a

holding, an acceptance of that offer is ineffective unless:

(a) the person gives the bidder a notice stating that the securities

consist of a separate parcel; and

(b) the acceptance specifies the number of securities in the


(4) A notice under subsection (3) must:

(a) comply with the conditions specified in regulations made for

the purposes of this paragraph that provide for the manner of

giving the notice; or

(b) if no such regulations are made—be in writing.

(5) A person contravenes this subsection if:

(a) they purport to accept an offer under this section; and

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Acceptances Part 6.8

Section 653B

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(b) the acceptance is not made in accordance with this section.

The acceptance is, however, as valid as it would have been if it had

been made in accordance with this section.

(6) A person may, at the one time, accept for 2 or more parcels under

this section as if there had been a single offer for a separate parcel

consisting of those parcels.

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Chapter 6 Takeovers

Part 6.9 Other activities during the bid period

Section 654A

214 Corporations Act 2001

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Part 6.9—Other activities during the bid period

654A Bidder not to dispose of securities during the bid period

(1) The bidder must not dispose of any securities in the bid class

during the bid period.

(1A) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a disposal of securities by the

bidder if:

(a) someone else who is not an associate of the bidder makes an

offer, or improves the consideration offered, under a takeover

bid for securities in the bid class after the bidder’s statement

is given to the target; and

(b) the bidder disposes of the securities after the offer is made or

the consideration is improved.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

subsection (2), see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

654B Disclosures about substantial shareholdings in listed


During the bid period, substantial shareholding notices that need to

be lodged under section 671B must be lodged by 9.30 am the next

business day (rather than the usual 2 business days).

654C Disclosures about substantial shareholdings in unlisted


(1) A bidder making a bid for securities of an unlisted company must

give the target a notice stating the bidder’s voting power in the

target if, at a particular time during the bid period, the bidder’s

voting power in the target rises from below a percentage in the

following list to that percentage or higher:

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Takeovers Chapter 6

Other activities during the bid period Part 6.9

Section 654C

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(a) 25%;

(b) 50%;

(c) 75%;

(d) 90%.

(2) The notice must be given as soon as practicable, and in any event

within 2 business days, after the rise in voting power occurred.

(3) The target must:

(a) make the notice available at its registered office for

inspection without charge by any holder of bid class

securities during the bid period; and

(b) lodge the notice with ASIC.

(4) An offence based on subsection (1) or (3) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

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Division 1 ASIC’s power to exempt and modify

Section 655A

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Part 6.10—Review and intervention

Division 1—ASIC’s power to exempt and modify

655A ASIC’s power to exempt and modify

(1) ASIC may:

(a) exempt a person from a provision of this Chapter; or

(b) declare that this Chapter applies to a person as if specified

provisions were omitted, modified or varied as specified in

the declaration.

Note: Under section 656A, the Panel has power to review the exercise by

ASIC of its powers under this section.

(2) In deciding whether to give the exemption or declaration, ASIC

must consider the purposes of this Chapter set out in section 602.

(3) The exemption or declaration may:

(a) apply to all or specified provisions of this Chapter; and

(b) apply to all persons, specified persons, or a specified class of

persons; and

(c) relate to all securities, specified securities or a specified class

of securities; and

(d) relate to any other matter generally or as specified.

(4) An exemption may apply unconditionally or subject to specified

conditions. A person to whom a condition specified in an

exemption applies must comply with the condition. The Court may

order the person to comply with the condition in a specified way.

Only ASIC may apply to the Court for the order.

(5) The exemption or declaration must be in writing and ASIC must

publish notice of it in the Gazette.

(6) For the purposes of this section, the provisions of this Chapter


(a) regulations made for the purposes of this Chapter; and

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ASIC’s power to exempt and modify Division 1

Section 655B

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(b) definitions in this Act or the regulations as they apply to

references in:

(i) this Chapter; or

(ii) regulations made for the purposes of this Chapter; and

(c) the old Division 12 of Part 11.2 transitionals.

655B Notice of decision and review rights

(1) Subject to subsection (2), ASIC must take such steps as are

reasonable in the circumstances to give to each person whose

interests are affected by a decision under section 655A a notice, in

writing or otherwise:

(a) of the making of the decision; and

(b) of the person’s right to have the decision reviewed by the

Panel under section 656A.

(2) Subsection (1) does not require ASIC to give notice to a person

affected by the decision or to the persons in a class of persons

affected by the decision, if ASIC determines that giving notice to

the person or persons is not warranted, having regard to:

(a) the cost of giving notice to the person or persons; and

(b) the way in which the interests of the person or persons are

affected by the decision.

(3) A failure to comply with this section does not affect the validity of

the decision.

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Division 2 The Takeovers Panel

Section 656A

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Division 2—The Takeovers Panel

Subdivision A—Review of ASIC’s exercise of its exemption or

modification powers

656A Review of exercise of exemption or modification powers

(1) The Panel may review:

(a) a decision of ASIC under section 655A; or

(b) a decision of ASIC under section 673 in relation to securities

of the target of a takeover bid during the bid period.

For these purposes, decision has the same meaning as in the

Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975.

(2) An application to the Panel for review of the decision may be made

by any person whose interests are affected by the decision.

(3) For the purpose of reviewing the decision, the Panel may exercise

all the powers and discretions conferred on ASIC by this Chapter

or Chapter 6C. The Panel must make a decision:

(a) affirming the decision; or

(b) varying the decision; or

(c) setting aside the decision and:

(i) making a decision in substitution for the decision under

review; or

(ii) remitting the matter for reconsideration by ASIC in

accordance with any directions or recommendations of

the Panel.

(4) The decision must be in writing and published in the Gazette.

(5) If the Panel varies an ASIC decision, or makes a decision in

substitution for an ASIC decision:

(a) the ASIC decision as varied, or the substituted decision, is

taken for all purposes (other than the purposes of applications

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Section 656B

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to the Panel for review in accordance with this section) to be

a decision of ASIC under section 655A; and

(b) when the Panel’s determination on the review comes into

operation, the ASIC decision as varied, or the substituted

decision, has effect, or is taken to have had effect, on and

from the day on which the ASIC decision has or had effect.

Paragraph (b) applies unless the Panel otherwise orders.

656B Operation and implementation of a decision that is subject to


(1) Subject to this section, applying to the Panel under section 656A

for review of an ASIC decision does not:

(a) affect the operation of the decision; or

(b) prevent the taking of action to implement the decision.

(2) On application by a party to the proceedings before the Panel, the

Panel may:

(a) make an order staying, or otherwise affecting the operation or

implementation of, the whole or a part of the decision if the

Panel considers that:

(i) it is desirable to make the order after taking into account

the interests of any person who may be affected by the

review; and

(ii) the order is appropriate for the purpose of securing the

effectiveness of the hearing and determination of the

application for review; or

(b) make an order varying or revoking an order made under

paragraph (a) (including an order that has previously been

varied on one or more occasions under this paragraph).

(3) Subject to subsection (4), the Panel must not:

(a) make an order under paragraph (2)(a) unless ASIC has been

given a reasonable opportunity to make a submission to the

Panel in relation to the matter; or

(b) make an order under paragraph (2)(b) unless:

(i) ASIC; and

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Section 656B

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(ii) the person who requested the making of the order under

paragraph (2)(a); and

(iii) if the order under paragraph (2)(a) has previously been

varied by an order or orders under paragraph (2)(b)—

the person or persons who applied for the

last-mentioned order or orders;

have been given a reasonable opportunity to make

submissions to the Panel in relation to the matter.

(4) Subsection (3) does not prohibit the Panel from making an order

without giving to a person referred to in that subsection a

reasonable opportunity to make a submission to the Panel in

relation to a matter if the Panel is satisfied that, by reason of the

urgency of the case or otherwise, it is not practicable to give that

person such an opportunity. If an order is so made without giving

such an opportunity to ASIC, the order does not come into

operation until a notice setting out the terms of the order is served

on ASIC.

(5) An order in force under paragraph (2)(a) (including an order that

has previously been varied on one or more occasions under

paragraph (2)(b)):

(a) is subject to the conditions that are specified in the order; and

(b) has effect until:

(i) if a period for the operation of the order is specified in

the order—the end of that period or, if the application

for review is decided by the Panel before the end of that

period, the decision of the Panel on the application for

review comes into operation; or

(ii) if a period for the operation of the order is not specified

in the order—the decision of the Panel on the

application for review comes into operation.

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Section 657A

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Subdivision B—Unacceptable circumstances

657A Declaration of unacceptable circumstances

(1) The Panel may declare circumstances in relation to the affairs of a

company to be unacceptable circumstances. Without limiting this,

the Panel may declare circumstances to be unacceptable

circumstances whether or not the circumstances constitute a

contravention of a provision of this Act.

Note: Sections 659B and 659C deal with court proceedings during and after

a takeover bid.

(2) The Panel may only declare circumstances to be unacceptable

circumstances if it appears to the Panel that the circumstances:

(a) are unacceptable having regard to the effect that the Panel is

satisfied the circumstances have had, are having, will have or

are likely to have on:

(i) the control, or potential control, of the company or

another company; or

(ii) the acquisition, or proposed acquisition, by a person of a

substantial interest in the company or another company;


(b) are otherwise unacceptable (whether in relation to the effect

that the Panel is satisfied the circumstances have had, are

having, will have or are likely to have in relation to the

company or another company or in relation to securities of

the company or another company) having regard to the

purposes of this Chapter set out in section 602; or

(c) are unacceptable because they:

(i) constituted, constitute, will constitute or are likely to

constitute a contravention of a provision of this Chapter

or of Chapter 6A, 6B or 6C; or

(ii) gave or give rise to, or will or are likely to give rise to, a

contravention of a provision of this Chapter or of

Chapter 6A, 6B or 6C.

The Panel may only make a declaration under this subsection, or

only decline to make a declaration under this subsection, if it

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Section 657A

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considers that doing so is not against the public interest after taking

into account any policy considerations that the Panel considers


(3) In exercising its powers under this section, the Panel:

(a) must have regard to:

(i) the purposes of this Chapter set out in section 602; and

(ii) the other provisions of this Chapter; and

(iii) the rules made under section 658C; and

(iv) the matters specified in regulations made for the

purposes of paragraph 195(3)(c) of the ASIC Act; and

(b) may have regard to any other matters it considers relevant.

In having regard to the purpose set out in paragraph 602(c) in

relation to an acquisition, or proposed acquisition, of a substantial

interest in a company, body or scheme, the Panel must take into

account the actions of the directors of the company or body or the

responsible entity for a scheme (including actions that caused the

acquisition or proposed acquisition not to proceed or contributed to

it not proceeding).

(4) The Panel must give an opportunity to make submissions in

relation to the matter to:

(a) each person to whom a proposed declaration relates; and

(b) each party to the proceedings; and

(c) ASIC.

(5) The declaration must be in writing and published in the Gazette.

(6) As soon as practicable, the Panel must give each person to whom

the declaration relates:

(a) a copy of the declaration; and

(b) a written statement of the Panel’s reasons for making the


(7) This section does not require the Panel to perform a function, or

exercise a power, in a particular way in a particular case.

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The Takeovers Panel Division 2

Section 657B

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657B When Panel may make declaration

The Panel can only make a declaration under section 657A within:

(a) 3 months after the circumstances occur; or

(b) 1 month after the application under section 657C for the

declaration was made;

whichever ends last. The Court may extend the period on

application by the Panel.

657C Applying for declarations and orders

(1) The Panel may make a declaration under section 657A, or an order

under section 657D or 657E, only on an application made under

this section.

(2) An application for a declaration under section 657A or an order

under section 657D or 657E may be made by:

(a) the bidder; or

(b) the target; or

(c) ASIC; or

(d) any other person whose interests are affected by the relevant


Note: The Administrative Appeals Tribunal cannot review ASIC’s decision

whether to apply to the Panel (see paragraph 1317C(gc)).

(3) An application for a declaration under section 657A can be made

only within:

(a) 2 months after the circumstances have occurred; or

(b) a longer period determined by the Panel.

657D Orders that Panel may make following declaration

(1) The Panel may make an order under subsection (2) if it has

declared circumstances to be unacceptable under section 657A. It

must not make an order if it is satisfied that the order would

unfairly prejudice any person. Before making the order, the Panel

must give:

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Division 2 The Takeovers Panel

Section 657D

224 Corporations Act 2001

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(a) each person to whom the proposed order would be directed;


(b) each party to the proceedings; and

(c) ASIC;

an opportunity to make submissions to the Panel about the matter

(2) The Panel may make any order (including a remedial order but not

including an order directing a person to comply with a requirement

of Chapter 6, 6A, 6B or 6C) that it thinks appropriate to:

(a) if the Panel is satisfied that the rights or interests of any

person, or group of persons, have been or are being affected,

or will be or are likely to be affected, by the circumstances—

protect those rights or interests, or any other rights or

interests, of that person or group of persons; or

(b) ensure that a takeover bid or proposed takeover bid in

relation to securities proceeds (as far as possible) in a way

that it would have proceeded if the circumstances had not

occurred; or

(c) specify in greater detail the requirements of an order made

under this subsection; or

(d) determine who is to bear the costs of the parties to the

proceedings before the Panel;

regardless of whether it has previously made an order under this

subsection or section 657E in relation to the declaration. The Panel

may also make any ancillary or consequential orders that it thinks


Note: Section 9 defines remedial order.

(3) The Panel may vary, revoke or suspend an order made under this

section. Before doing so, it must give an opportunity to make

submissions in relation to the matter to:

(a) each person to whom the order is directed; and

(b) each party to the proceedings in which the order was made;


(c) ASIC.

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The Takeovers Panel Division 2

Section 657E

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(4) If the Panel makes an order under this section, the Panel must give

a copy of the order, and a written statement of its reasons for

making the order, to:

(a) each party to the proceedings before the Panel; and

(b) each person to whom the order is directed if they are not a

party to the proceedings; and

(c) for an order relating to specified securities of a company—

the company; and

(d) ASIC.

The Panel must also publish the order in the Gazette. The order

takes effect as soon as it is made and not when all the requirements

of this subsection are met.

(5) If the Panel makes an order of the kind referred to in paragraph (j)

of the definition of remedial order, the exercise of rights attached

to shares is to be disregarded as provided in the order.

(6) If the Panel makes an order of the kind referred to in paragraph (k)

of the definition of remedial order, then, by force of this

subsection, the agreement or offer specified in the order is

cancelled, or becomes voidable, as from the making of the order or

any later time that is specified in the order.

657E Interim orders

(1) The Panel, or the President of the Panel, may make an interim

order of a kind referred to in subsection 657D(2) in relation to

circumstances even if:

(a) there is no declaration under section 657A that the

circumstances are unacceptable; or

(b) no application to the Panel for a declaration of that kind has

been made.

The order must specify the period (not exceeding 2 months) for

which it is to have effect.

(2) The order ceases to have effect:

(a) at the end of the period specified in the order; or

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Division 2 The Takeovers Panel

Section 657EA

226 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) if, before the end of that period, proceedings for a declaration

under section 657A in relation to the circumstances (and all

related proceedings for an order under section 657D) are

determined—when those proceedings are determined.

657EA Internal Panel reviews

(1) The following may apply under this section for review by the Panel

of a decision of the Panel made on an application under

section 657C:

(a) a party to the proceedings in which the decision was made; or

(b) ASIC.

For these purposes, decision has the same meaning as in the

Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975.

(2) If the decision is not:

(a) a decision to make a declaration under section 657A; or

(b) a decision to make an order under section 657D or 657E;

the person may apply for review only with the consent of the

President of the Panel.

(3) The regulations may provide for the time limits within which an

application may be made for review of a decision.

Note: Regulations made under the ASIC Act deal with the constitution of

the Panel for the purposes of conducting a review under this section

and the procedures to be followed in conducting the review.

(4) After conducting a review under this section, the Panel may:

(a) vary the decision reviewed; or

(b) set aside the decision reviewed; or

(c) set aside the decision reviewed and substitute a new decision.

In conducting the review, the Panel has the same power to make a

declaration under section 657A, or an order under section 657D or

657E, as it has when it is considering an application under

section 657C.

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The Takeovers Panel Division 2

Section 657EB

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(5) Despite section 657B, the Panel can only make a declaration under

section 657A after conducting a review under this section if the

declaration is made within:

(a) 3 months after the circumstances in relation to which the

declaration is made occur; or

(b) 1 month after the application for review was made;

whichever ends last. The Court may extend the period on

application by the Panel.

657EB References by Courts

(1) A Court hearing proceedings in relation to a decision of the Panel

made on an application under section 657C may refer the decision

to the Panel for review.

Note: Regulations made under the ASIC Act deal with the constitution of

the Panel for the purposes of conducting a review under this section

and the procedures to be followed in conducting the review.

(2) After conducting a review under this section, the Panel may:

(a) vary the decision reviewed; or

(b) set aside the decision reviewed; or

(c) set aside the decision reviewed and substitute a new decision.

In conducting the review, the Panel has the same powers to make a

declaration under section 657A, or an order under section 657D or

657E, as it has when it is considering an application under

section 657C.

657F Offence to contravene Panel order

(1) A person who contravenes an order made under section 657D or

657E commits an offence.

(2) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

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Division 2 The Takeovers Panel

Section 657G

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657G Orders by the Court where contravention or proposed

contravention of Panel order

(1) If a person contravenes, or proposes to engage in conduct that

would contravene, an order made by the Panel under section 657D

or 657E, the Court may make any orders it considers appropriate to

secure compliance with the Panel’s order, including:

(a) 1 or more remedial orders; and

(b) an order directing a person to do, or to refrain from doing, a

specified act.

Note: Section 9 defines remedial order.

(2) An application for an order under this section may only be made


(a) ASIC; or

(b) the President of the Panel; or

(c) a person to whom the Panel’s order relates; or

(d) a person who was a party to the proceedings in which the

Panel’s order was made.

657H ASIC may publish report about application to Panel or Court

(1) ASIC may publish a report, statement or notice in relation to an

application it has made for:

(a) a declaration of unacceptable circumstances under

section 657A; or

(b) an order under subsection 657D(2); or

(c) an order under section 657E; or

(d) review under section 657EA of a decision of the Panel; or

(e) an order under section 657G to secure compliance with an

order made under subsection 657D(2) or section 657E.

(2) The report, statement or notice must:

(a) state that the application has been made; and

(b) name the company; and

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The Takeovers Panel Division 2

Section 658A

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(c) if ASIC considers that the report, statement or notice should

name any other person to whom the declaration would relate

or the order would be directed—name that other person.

(3) The report, statement or notice may be published in any way that

ASIC thinks appropriate. It need not be in writing.

(4) This section does not limit a function or power of ASIC, the Panel

or any other person or body.

Subdivision C—General provisions

658A Power of Panel where a proceeding is frivolous or vexatious

(1) If an application is made to the Panel under this Division, the Panel

may, at any stage of the proceeding, if it is satisfied that the

application is frivolous or vexatious:

(a) dismiss the application; or

(b) if the Panel considers it appropriate, on the application of a

party to the proceedings, direct that the person who made the

application must not, without leave of the Panel, make a

subsequent application to the Panel of a kind or kinds

specified in the direction.

(2) A direction given by the Panel under paragraph (1)(b) has effect

despite any other provision of this Act or a provision of any other


(3) The Panel may revoke or vary the direction.

658B Evidentiary value of findings of fact by Panel

(1) A finding of fact recorded in an order by the Panel, or a written

statement of the reasons for an order of the Panel, is proof of the

fact in the absence of evidence to the contrary.

(2) A certificate signed by the President of the Panel that states a

finding of fact made in proceedings before the Panel is proof of the

fact in the absence of evidence to the contrary.

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Section 658C

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658C Panel’s power to make rules

(1) The President of the Panel may, after consultation with members of

the Panel, make rules, not inconsistent with this Act or the

Regulations, to clarify or supplement the operation of the

provisions of this Chapter.

(2) In making rules under this section, the President of the Panel must

consider the purposes of this Chapter set out in section 602.

(3) A rule under this section must be in writing and the President of

the Panel must:

(a) publish notice of it in the Gazette; and

(b) give the Minister, and ASIC, a copy of the rule as soon as

practicable after it is published in the Gazette.

(4) Within 28 days after receiving the copy, the Minister may disallow

the whole or a specified part of the rule.

(5) If a person contravenes a rule made under this section, the Court

may give directions for compliance with the rule to:

(a) that person; or

(b) if that person is a body corporate (other than a notified

foreign passport fund)—the directors of the body corporate;


(c) if that person is a notified foreign passport fund—the

directors of the operator of the fund.

The Court must give the person against whom the order is sought,

and any person aggrieved by the contravention, an opportunity to

be heard before giving directions under this subsection.

(6) The Court may give a direction under subsection (5) only on

application by:

(a) ASIC; or

(b) the President of the Panel; or

(c) a person aggrieved by the contravention.

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Section 658D

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658D Inconsistency between Panel rules and ASIC exemption or


If there is an inconsistency between a rule made under

section 658C and an exemption given, or declaration made, by

ASIC under section 655A, the rule made under section 658C

prevails to the extent of the inconsistency.

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Division 3 Court powers

Section 659A

232 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 3—Court powers

659A Panel may refer questions of law to the Court

The Panel may, of its own motion, refer a question of law arising

in a proceeding before the Panel to the Court for decision.

659AA Object of sections 659B and 659C

The object of sections 659B and 659C is to make the Panel the

main forum for resolving disputes about a takeover bid until the

bid period has ended.

659B Court proceedings before end of bid period

Delay in commencing court proceedings until after end of bid


(1) Only the following may commence court proceedings in relation to

a takeover bid, or proposed takeover bid, before the end of the bid


(a) ASIC;

(b) a Minister of the Commonwealth;

(c) a Minister of a State or Territory in this jurisdiction;

(d) the holder of an office established by a law of:

(i) the Commonwealth; or

(ii) a State or Territory in this jurisdiction;

(e) a body corporate incorporated for a public purpose by a law


(i) the Commonwealth; or

(ii) a State or Territory in this jurisdiction;

to the extent to which it is exercising a power conferred by a

law of the Commonwealth or a State or Territory in this


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Court powers Division 3

Section 659B

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Note: This restriction starts to apply as soon as there is a takeover bid, or a

proposed takeover bid; it does not start to apply only when the bid

period commences.

Court power to stay proceedings that have already commenced

(2) A court may stay:

(a) court proceedings in relation to a takeover bid or proposed

takeover bid; or

(b) court proceedings that would have a significant effect on the

progress of a takeover bid;

until the end of the bid period.

(3) In deciding whether to exercise its powers under subsection (2), the

court is to have regard to:

(a) the purposes of this Chapter; and

(b) the availability of review by the Panel under Division 2.

(4) For the purposes of this section:

court proceedings in relation to a takeover bid or proposed

takeover bid:

(a) means any proceedings before a court in relation to:

(i) an action taken or to be taken as part of, or for the

purposes of, the bid or the target’s response to the bid;


(ii) a document prepared or to be prepared, or a notice given

or to be given, under this Chapter; and

(b) includes:

(i) proceedings to enforce an obligation imposed by this

Chapter; or

(ii) proceedings for the review of a decision, or the exercise

of a power or discretion, under this Chapter; or

(iii) proceedings for the review of a decision, or the exercise

of a power or discretion, under Chapter 6C in relation to

securities of the target of a takeover bid during the bid

period; and

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Chapter 6 Takeovers

Part 6.10 Review and intervention

Division 3 Court powers

Section 659C

234 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(iv) proceedings under Part 2F.1A for leave to bring, or to

intervene in, proceedings referred to in paragraph (a) or

subparagraph (b)(i), (ii) or (iii).

This is not limited to proceedings brought under this Chapter or

this Act but includes proceedings under other Commonwealth and

State or Territory laws (including the general law).

(5) Nothing in this section is intended to affect the jurisdiction of the

High Court under section 75 of the Constitution.

659C Court proceedings after end of bid period

(1) If:

(a) an application is made to the Panel for a declaration under

section 657A that particular conduct amounts to, or leads to,

circumstances that are unacceptable; and

(b) the Panel refuses to make the declaration; and

(c) a Court finds after the end of the bid period that the conduct

contravenes this Act;

the Court’s powers under this Act in relation to the conduct are

limited to the following:

(d) the Court may:

(i) determine whether a person is guilty of an offence

against this Act because they engaged in or were

involved in the conduct; and

(ii) impose a penalty if the person is found guilty;

(e) the Court may:

(i) determine whether a person who engaged in, or was

involved in, the conduct contravened a provision of this

Act; and

(ii) order the person to pay an amount of money to another

person (whether by way of damages, account of profits,

pecuniary penalty or otherwise);

(f) the Court may make an order under section 1318 or 1322 in

relation to the conduct.

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Takeovers Chapter 6

Review and intervention Part 6.10

Court powers Division 3

Section 659C

Corporations Act 2001 235

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

This subsection does not confer power or jurisdiction on a court

that it does not have apart from this subsection.

(2) Without limiting subsection (1), the only kind of remedial order

that the Court may make is one that requires the person to pay

money to another person.

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Chapter 6A Compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs

Section 660A

236 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Chapter 6A—Compulsory acquisitions and


660A Chapter extends to some listed bodies that are not companies

This Chapter extends to the acquisition of securities of listed

bodies that are not companies but are incorporated or formed in

Australia in the same way as it applies to the acquisition of

securities of companies.

Note: Section 9 defines company and listed.

660B Chapter extends to listed registered schemes

(1) This Chapter extends to the acquisition of interests in a registered

scheme that is also listed as if:

(a) the scheme were a company; and

(b) interests in the scheme were shares in the company; and

(c) voting interests in the scheme were voting shares in the


(2) If Part 6A.1 applies to a scheme at the end of the bid period for a

takeover, that Part continues to apply to the scheme in relation to

the takeover bid even if the scheme ceases to be listed.

(3) If Part 6A.2 applies to a scheme when a compulsory acquisition

notice under section 664C is lodged, that Part (including Division 2

of that Part) continues to apply to the scheme in relation to the

notice even if the scheme ceases to be listed.

(4) The regulations may modify the operation of this Chapter as it

applies in relation to the acquisition of interests in listed registered


660C Chapter does not apply to MCIs

This Chapter does not apply to MCIs.

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Compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs Chapter 6A

Compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs following takeover bid Part 6A.1

Compulsory acquisition of bid class securities Division 1

Section 661A

Corporations Act 2001 237

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Part 6A.1—Compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs

following takeover bid

Division 1—Compulsory acquisition of bid class securities

661A Compulsory acquisition power following takeover bid

Threshold for compulsory acquisition power

(1) Under this subsection, the bidder under a takeover bid may

compulsorily acquire any securities in the bid class if:

(a) the bid is:

(i) an off-market bid to acquire all the securities in the bid

class; or

(ii) a market bid; and

(b) during, or at the end of, the offer period:

(i) the bidder and their associates have relevant interests in

at least 90% (by number) of the securities in the bid

class; and

(ii) the bidder and their associates have acquired at least

75% (by number) of the securities that the bidder

offered to acquire under the bid (whether the

acquisitions happened under the bid or otherwise).

This is so even if the bidder subsequently ceases to satisfy

subparagraph (b)(i) because of the issue of further securities in the

bid class.

Note: Subsection 92(3) defines securities for the purposes of this Chapter.

(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), disregard any relevant interests

that the bidder has merely because of the operation of

subsection 608(3) (relevant interest by 20% interest in body


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Chapter 6A Compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs

Part 6A.1 Compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs following takeover bid

Division 1 Compulsory acquisition of bid class securities

Section 661A

238 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Court may allow compulsory acquisition even if threshold not


(3) Under this subsection, the bidder under a takeover bid may

compulsorily acquire securities in the bid class with the approval of

the Court.

Securities to be acquired

(4) If the bidder compulsorily acquires securities in the bid class under

subsection (1) or (3), the bidder:

(a) must acquire all the securities in the bid class:

(i) which were issued or granted before the end of the offer

period; and

(ii) in which the bidder does not have a relevant interest;


(b) may elect to acquire all securities in the bid class:

(i) that were issued or granted after the end of the offer

period and before the notice under section 661B is

issued; and

(ii) in which the bidder does not have a relevant interest;

but only if the bidder and their associates have relevant

interests in at least 90% (by number) of the securities in the

bid class when the bidder gives notice under section 661B;


(c) if securities exist when the bidder gives the notice under

section 661B that:

(i) will convert, or may be converted, to securities in the

bid class; or

(ii) confer rights to be issued securities in the bid class that

may be exercised;

within the period of 6 weeks after the notice is given—may

elect to acquire securities that come to be in the bid class

during that period due to a conversion or exercise of the

rights but only if the bidder and their associates have relevant

interests in at least 90% of the securities (by number) in the

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Compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs Chapter 6A

Compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs following takeover bid Part 6A.1

Compulsory acquisition of bid class securities Division 1

Section 661B

Corporations Act 2001 239

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

bid class when the bidder gives notice under section 661B;


(d) may elect to acquire any securities in the bid class in which

the bidder has a relevant interest (no matter when they were

issued or granted).

(5) This section has effect despite anything in the constitution of the

company whose securities are to be acquired.

661B Compulsory acquisition notice

Compulsory acquisition notice

(1) To compulsorily acquire securities under subsection 661A(1) or

(3), the bidder must:

(a) prepare a notice in the prescribed form that:

(i) informs the holders of the securities that the bidder is

entitled to acquire their securities under that subsection;


(ii) informs the holders about the compulsory acquisition

procedure under this Part, including:

(A) their right under section 661D to obtain the

names and addresses of everyone else the

bidder has given the notice to; and

(B) their right under section 661E to apply to the

Court for an order that the securities not be

compulsorily acquired; and

(b) lodge the notice with ASIC; and

(c) give the notice to each other person who is:

(i) a holder of securities in the bid class; or

(ii) if the bidder elects under paragraph 661A(4)(c) to

acquire securities that come to be in the bid class after

the notice is given—a holder of the convertible

securities referred to in that paragraph; and

(d) give a copy to each relevant market operator on the same day

as it is lodged with ASIC if the target is listed.

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Chapter 6A Compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs

Part 6A.1 Compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs following takeover bid

Division 1 Compulsory acquisition of bid class securities

Section 661B

240 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

If alternative forms of consideration were offered under the

takeover bid, the notice must specify which of those forms of

consideration will apply to the acquisition of the holder’s securities

if the holder does not elect one of the forms under

paragraph 661C(2)(a).

Note: Everyone who holds bid class securities on the day on which the

notice is lodged with ASIC is entitled notice. Under section 661E,

anyone who holds the securities after that day may apply to the Court

to stop the acquisition.

Time for dispatching notices to holders

(2) The bidder must dispatch the notices under paragraph (1)(c):

(a) during the offer period, or within 1 month after:

(i) the end of offer period if the acquisition is under

subsection 661A(1); or

(ii) the court approval if the acquisition is under

subsection 661A(3); and

(b) on the day the bidder lodges the notice with ASIC or on the

next business day.

The notices cannot be withdrawn.

Strict liability offences

(2A) An offence based on subsection (1) or (2) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

Manner of giving notice to holders

(3) The bidder may give the notice to a holder:

(a) personally; or

(b) by sending it by post to the address for the holder in the

register of members, debenture holders or option holders.

A notice sent by post is taken to be given 3 days after it is posted.

(4) The notice may be sent:

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Compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs Chapter 6A

Compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs following takeover bid Part 6A.1

Compulsory acquisition of bid class securities Division 1

Section 661C

Corporations Act 2001 241

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(a) if the notice is to be sent to the holder outside Australia—by

pre-paid airmail post or by courier; or

(b) if the notice is to be sent to the holder in Australia—by

pre-paid ordinary post or by courier.

This section does not limit the manner in which the notice may be

sent to the holder.

Note: Section 109X makes general provision for service of documents.

661C Terms on which securities to be acquired

Same terms as takeover bid

(1) The bidder may acquire the securities only on the terms that

applied to the acquisition of securities under the takeover bid

immediately before:

(a) the notice under section 661B is given if it is given before the

end of the offer period; or

(b) the end of the offer period if it is not.

Alternative forms of consideration under takeover bid

(2) If alternative forms of consideration were offered under the

takeover bid, the form of consideration that applies to the

acquisition of the holder’s securities is:

(a) the form that the holder elects; or

(b) the form set out in the compulsory acquisition notice under

subsection 661B(1).

(3) The holder makes an election under subsection (2) by giving the

bidder a notice of the election by the later of:

(a) 1 month after the compulsory acquisition notice is given

under section 661B; or

(b) 14 days after the holder is given a statement under

section 661D if the holder asks for it.

(4) The election must:

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Chapter 6A Compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs

Part 6A.1 Compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs following takeover bid

Division 1 Compulsory acquisition of bid class securities

Section 661D

242 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(a) comply with the conditions specified in regulations made for

the purposes of this paragraph that provide for the manner of

making the election; or

(b) if no such regulations are made—be in writing.

661D Holder may obtain names and addresses of other holders

(1) Within 1 month after a compulsory acquisition notice in relation to

securities in the bid class is lodged with ASIC under section 661B,

the holder of the securities may ask the bidder in writing for a

written statement of the names and addresses of everyone else the

bidder has given the notice to. The bidder must give the holder the

statement within 7 days after the request.

(2) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

661E Holder may apply to Court to stop acquisition

(1) The holder of securities covered by a compulsory acquisition

notice under section 661B may apply to the Court for an order that

the securities not be compulsorily acquired under

subsection 661A(1). The application must be made before the later


(a) the end of 1 month after the holder is given notice under

section 661B; or

(b) the end of 14 days after the holder is given a statement under

section 661D if the holder asks for it.

(2) The Court may order that the securities not be compulsorily

acquired under subsection 661A(1) only if the Court is satisfied

that the consideration is not fair value for the securities.

Note: See section 667C on valuation.

(3) If the Court makes an order under this section in relation to an

acquisition of securities, the order applies to all holders who have

applications to the Court pending for an order under this section in

relation to the acquisition.

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Compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs Chapter 6A

Compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs following takeover bid Part 6A.1

Compulsory acquisition of bid class securities Division 1

Section 661F

Corporations Act 2001 243

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

661F Signpost—completing the acquisition of the securities

See section 666A to find out how to complete the acquisition.

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Chapter 6A Compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs

Part 6A.1 Compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs following takeover bid

Division 2 Compulsory buy-out of bid class securities

Section 662A

244 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 2—Compulsory buy-out of bid class securities

662A Bidder must offer to buy out remaining holders of bid class


(1) If the bidder and their associates have relevant interests in at least

90% of the securities (by number) in the bid class at the end of the

offer period, the bidder must offer to buy out the remaining holders

of bid class securities in accordance with sections 662B and 662C.

(1A) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(2) This section does not apply to securities that are issued:

(a) if the takeover bid was not subject to a defeating condition—

after the end of the offer period; or

(b) if the takeover bid was subject to a defeating condition—

after the notice whether the bid is free from a defeating

condition or not is given under subsection 630(3).

662B Bidder to tell remaining holders of their right to be bought out

Notice to remaining holders of bid class securities

(1) The bidder must:

(a) prepare a notice in the prescribed form that:

(i) states that the bidder and their associates have relevant

interests in at least 90% (by number) of the securities in

the bid class; and

(ii) informs the holder of bid class securities about their

right to be bought out under this Part; and

(iii) sets out the terms on which the holder may be bought

out; and

(b) lodge the notice with ASIC; and

(c) give the notice to each other person who:

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs Chapter 6A

Compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs following takeover bid Part 6A.1

Compulsory buy-out of bid class securities Division 2

Section 662B

Corporations Act 2001 245

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(i) is a holder of securities in the bid class on the day on

which the notice is lodged with ASIC; and

(ii) has not been given a compulsory acquisition notice

under section 661B when the notice under

subsection (2) is given; and

(d) give the notice to each relevant market operator on the same

day as it is lodged with ASIC if the target is listed.

If alternative forms of consideration were offered under the

takeover bid, the notice must specify which of those forms will

apply to the acquisition of the holder’s securities if the holder does

not give the bidder an election notice under subsection 662C(1).

Note: The notice is be given to everyone who holds bid class securities on

the day on which the notice is lodged with ASIC. Under section 662C,

anyone who acquires the securities after that day may require the

bidder to acquire the securities.

Time for dispatching notice to holders

(2) The bidder must dispatch the notices under paragraph (1)(c):

(a) during, or within 1 month after the end of, the offer period;


(b) on the day the bidder lodges the notice with ASIC or on the

next business day.

The notices cannot be withdrawn.

Manner of giving notice to holders

(3) The bidder may give the notice to a holder:

(a) personally; or

(b) by sending it by post to the address for the holder in the

register of members, debenture holders or option holders.

A notice sent by post is taken to be given 3 days after it is posted.

(4) The notice may be sent:

(a) if the notice is to be sent to the holder outside Australia—by

pre-paid airmail post or by courier; or

(b) if the notice is to be sent to the holder in Australia—by

pre-paid ordinary post or by courier.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 6A Compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs

Part 6A.1 Compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs following takeover bid

Division 2 Compulsory buy-out of bid class securities

Section 662C

246 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

This subsection does not limit the manner in which the document

may be sent to the holder.

Note: Section 109X makes general provision for service of documents.

662C Right of remaining holder of securities in the bid class to be

bought out

(1) Within 1 month after notice is given in relation to securities under

section 662B, the holder of the securities may give the bidder

written notice requiring the bidder to acquire the securities. If

alternative forms of consideration were offered under the takeover

bid, the holder may elect in the notice which of those forms will

apply to the acquisition of the holder’s securities.

(2) The notice by the holder gives rise to a contract between the holder

and the bidder for the sale of the securities on:

(a) the terms that applied to the acquisition of securities under

the bid immediately before the end of the offer period; or

(b) if alternative forms of consideration applied at that time—on

the terms that the bidder will provide:

(i) the alternative specified by the holder in the notice

under subsection (1); or

(ii) if the holder has not made an election under that

subsection—the alternative set out in the bidder’s notice

under section 662B; or

(c) if the holder and the bidder agree on other terms—those


Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs Chapter 6A

Compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs following takeover bid Part 6A.1

Compulsory buy-out of convertible securities Division 3

Section 663A

Corporations Act 2001 247

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 3—Compulsory buy-out of convertible securities

663A Bidder must offer to buy out holders of convertible securities

(1) If the bidder and their associates have relevant interests in at least

90% of the securities (by number) in the bid class at the end of the

offer period, the bidder must offer to buy out the holders of

securities that are convertible into bid class securities in

accordance with sections 663B and 663C. This section does not

apply to securities if a takeover bid has been made for the

convertible securities and a notice has been given under

section 661B or 662B in relation to the convertible securities.

Note: For when securities are convertible into bid class securities, see the

definition of convertible securities in section 9.

(2) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

663B Bidder to tell holders of convertible securities of their right to

be bought out

Notice to holders of convertible securities

(1) The bidder must:

(a) prepare a notice in the prescribed form that:

(i) states that the bidder and their associates have relevant

interests in at least 90% of the securities (by number) in

the bid class; and

(ii) informs the holder of convertible securities about their

right to be bought out under this Part; and

(iii) sets out the terms on which the holder may be bought

out; and

(b) lodge the notice with ASIC; and

(c) give each other person who is a holder of convertible


(i) the notice; and

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 6A Compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs

Part 6A.1 Compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs following takeover bid

Division 3 Compulsory buy-out of convertible securities

Section 663B

248 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(ii) a copy of the expert’s report, or of all the experts’

reports, under section 667A; and

(d) give a copy of those documents to each relevant market

operator on the same day as it is lodged with ASIC if the

target is listed.

Note 1: Subparagraph (a)(iii)—Section 667A deals with the contents of an

expert’s report.

Note 2: The notice is to be given to everyone who holds convertible securities

on the day on which the notice is lodged with ASIC. Under

section 663C, anyone who acquires the securities after that day may

require the bidder to acquire the securities.

Time for dispatching notice to holders

(2) The bidder must dispatch the notices and reports under

paragraph (1)(c):

(a) during, or within 1 month after the end of, the offer period;


(b) on the day the bidder lodges the notice with ASIC or on the

next business day.

The notices cannot be withdrawn.

Manner of giving notice to holders

(3) The bidder may give the notice or report to a holder:

(a) personally; or

(b) by sending it by post to the address for the holder in the

register of members, debenture holders or option holders.

A notice or report sent by post is taken to be given 3 days after it is


(4) The notice may be sent:

(a) if the notice is to be sent to the holder outside Australia—by

pre-paid airmail post or by courier; or

(b) if the notice is to be sent to the holder in Australia—by

pre-paid ordinary post or by courier.

This subsection does not limit the manner in which the document

may be sent to the holder.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs Chapter 6A

Compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs following takeover bid Part 6A.1

Compulsory buy-out of convertible securities Division 3

Section 663C

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Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Note: Section 109X makes general provision for service of documents.

663C Right of holders of convertible securities to be bought out

(1) Within 1 month after notice under section 663B is given in relation

to convertible securities, the holder of the convertible securities

may give the bidder a notice requiring the bidder to acquire the


(2) The holder’s notice gives rise to a contract between the holder and

the bidder for the sale of the securities on:

(a) the terms agreed to by the bidder and the holder; or

(b) the terms determined by the Court on application by the


(3) If the Court makes a determination under paragraph (2)(b) in

relation to the terms of sale for a holder’s securities of a particular

class, the determination applies to all holders of securities in that

class who have applications to the Court pending for a

determination under that paragraph in relation to the terms of sale

of their securities.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 6A Compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs

Part 6A.2 General compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs

Division 1 Compulsory acquisition of securities by 90% holder

Section 664A

250 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 6A.2—General compulsory acquisitions and


Division 1—Compulsory acquisition of securities by 90%


664A Threshold for general compulsory acquisition power

90% holder—holder of 90% of securities in particular class

(1) A person is a 90% holder in relation to a class of securities of a

company if the person holds, either alone or with a related body

corporate, full beneficial interests in at least 90% of the securities

(by number) in that class.

90% holder—holder with 90% voting power and 90% of whole

company or scheme

(2) A person is also a 90% holder in relation to a class of securities of

a company if:

(a) the securities in the class are shares or convertible into

shares; and

(b) the person’s voting power in the company is at least 90%;


(c) the person holds, either alone or with a related body

corporate, full beneficial interests in at least 90% by value of

all the securities of the company that are either shares or

convertible into shares.

Note: Subsection 667A(2) provides that the expert’s report that accompanies

the compulsory acquisition notice must support the paragraph (c)


90% holder may acquire remainder of securities in class

(3) Under this section, a 90% holder in relation to a class of securities

of a company may compulsorily acquire all the securities in that

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs Chapter 6A

General compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs Part 6A.2

Compulsory acquisition of securities by 90% holder Division 1

Section 664AA

Corporations Act 2001 251

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

class in which neither the person nor any related bodies corporate

has full beneficial interests if either:

(a) the holders of securities in that class (if any) who have

objected to the acquisition between them hold less than 10%

by value of those remaining securities at the end of the

objection period set out in the notice under

paragraph 664C(1)(b); or

(b) the Court approves the acquisition under section 664F.

If subsection (2) applies to the 90% holder, the holder may

compulsorily acquire securities in a class only if the holder gives

compulsory acquisition notices in relation to all classes of shares

and securities convertible into shares of which they do not already

have full beneficial ownership.

Note: Subsection 92(3) defines securities for the purposes of this Chapter.

(4) This section has effect despite anything in the constitution of the

company whose securities are to be acquired.

(5) This Part does not apply to shares that give the shareholder, as a

shareholder, a right to occupy or use real property that the

company owns or holds under lease, whether the right is a lease or

licence or a contractual right.

(6) The 90% holder’s power to compulsorily acquire securities under a

notice given under section 664C ends if the 90% holder

contravenes section 664D by offering benefits outside the terms

proposed in the compulsory acquisition notice under section 664C.

664AA Time limit on exercising compulsory acquisition power

The 90% holder in relation to a class of securities of a company

may compulsorily acquire securities in that class under

section 664A only if the holder lodges the compulsory acquisition

notice for the acquisition with ASIC under paragraph 664C(2)(a)

within whichever of the following periods ends last:

(a) the period of 12 months that started on 13 March 2000; or

(b) the period of 6 months after the 90% holder becomes the

90% holder in relation to that class.

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Chapter 6A Compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs

Part 6A.2 General compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs

Division 1 Compulsory acquisition of securities by 90% holder

Section 664B

252 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

664B The terms for compulsory acquisition

(1) The 90% holder may acquire the securities in the class for a cash

sum only and, subject to subsection (2), must pay the same amount

for each security in the class acquired.

(2) The 90% holder may pay different amounts for the securities in the

class acquired if the differences are attributable to either or both of

the following:

(a) the fact that there are differences in the accrued dividend or

distribution entitlements of the securities;

(b) the fact that there are differences in the amounts paid up, or

that remain unpaid, on the securities.

664C Compulsory acquisition notice

Compulsory acquisition notice

(1) To compulsorily acquire securities under section 664A, the 90%

holder must prepare a notice in the prescribed form that:

(a) sets out the cash sum for which the 90% holder proposes to

acquire the securities; and

(b) specifies a period of at least 1 month during which the

holders may return the objection forms; and

(c) informs the holders about the compulsory acquisition

procedure under this Part, including:

(i) their right to obtain the names and addresses of the other

holders of securities in that class from the company

register; and

(ii) their right to object to the acquisition by returning the

objection form that accompanies the notice within the

period specified in the notice; and

(d) gives details of the consideration given for any securities in

that class that the 90% holder or an associate has purchased

within the last 12 months; and

(e) discloses any other information that is:

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General compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs Part 6A.2

Compulsory acquisition of securities by 90% holder Division 1

Section 664C

Corporations Act 2001 253

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(i) known to the 90% holder or any related bodies

corporate; and

(ii) material to deciding whether to object to the acquisition;


(iii) not disclosed in an expert’s report under section 667A.

(2) The 90% holder must then:

(a) lodge the notice with ASIC; and

(b) give each other person (other than a related body corporate)

who is a holder of securities in the class on the day on which

the notice is lodged with ASIC:

(i) the notice; and

(ii) a copy of the expert’s report, or of all experts’ reports,

under section 667A; and

(iii) an objection form; and

(c) give the company copies of those documents; and

(d) give copies of those documents to the relevant market

operator if the company is listed.

Note: Everyone who holds the securities on the day on which the notice is

lodged with ASIC is entitled to notice. Under subsection 664E(1),

anyone who acquires the securities during the objection period may

object to the acquisition.

Time for dispatching notice to holders

(3) The 90% holder must dispatch the notices under paragraph (2)(b)

on the day the 90% holder lodges the notice with ASIC or on the

next business day.

Manner of giving notice to holders

(4) The 90% holder may give the notice to a holder:

(a) personally; or

(b) by sending it by post to the address for the holder in the

register of members, debenture holders or option holders.

A notice sent by post is taken to be given 3 days after it is posted.

(5) The notice may be sent:

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Chapter 6A Compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs

Part 6A.2 General compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs

Division 1 Compulsory acquisition of securities by 90% holder

Section 664D

254 Corporations Act 2001

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(a) if the notice is to be sent to the holder outside Australia—by

pre-paid airmail post or by courier; or

(b) if the notice is to be sent to the holder in Australia—by

pre-paid ordinary post or by courier.

This subsection does not limit the manner in which the document

may be sent to the holder.

Note: Section 109X makes general provision for service of documents.

Notice not to be withdrawn

(6) The 90% holder may not:

(a) withdraw a notice under this section; or

(b) if the 90% holder has given a notice under this section in

relation to those securities and the objection period for that

notice has not ended—give another notice under this section

in relation to securities.

664D Benefits outside compulsory acquisition procedure

(1) If the 90% holder gives a notice under section 664C to

compulsorily acquire securities, the 90% holder or an associate

must not offer, give or agree to give a benefit to a person during

the objection period if:

(a) the benefit is likely to induce the person, or an associate of

the person, to:

(i) dispose of securities in that class; or

(ii) not object to the acquisition of those securities under the

notice; and

(b) the benefit is not provided for in the notice.

(2) If the 90% holder proposes to give a notice under section 664C to

acquire securities within the next 4 months, the 90% holder or an

associate must not offer, give or agree to give a benefit to a person


(a) the benefit is likely to induce the person, or an associate of

the person, to:

(i) dispose of securities in that class; or

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General compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs Part 6A.2

Compulsory acquisition of securities by 90% holder Division 1

Section 664E

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(ii) not object to the acquisition of those securities under the

notice; and

(b) the benefit is not proposed to be provided for in the notice.

(3) If the 90% holder gives a notice under section 664C to

compulsorily acquire securities, the 90% holder or an associate

must not give a benefit to a person:

(a) within 1 month after the end of the objection period (see

subsection 664F(2)); or

(b) during any proceedings by the Court to determine an

application under subsection 664F(1) by the 90% holder;


(c) the benefit is likely to induce the person, or an associate of

the person, to:

(i) not object, or pursue an objection, to the acquisition of

those securities under the notice; or

(ii) dispose of securities in that class; and

(d) the benefit is not offered to all holders of securities in that

class under the notice.

(3A) An offence based on subsection (1), (2) or (3) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(4) This section does not prohibit simultaneous notices under

section 664C to compulsorily acquire different classes of securities

in the company.

664E Holder’s right to object to the acquisition

(1) A person who holds securities covered by the compulsory

acquisition notice may object to the acquisition of the securities by

signing an objection form and returning it to the 90% holder. The


(a) relates to all securities that are covered by the notice and are

held by the person at the end of the objection period; and

(b) cannot be withdrawn.

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Chapter 6A Compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs

Part 6A.2 General compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs

Division 1 Compulsory acquisition of securities by 90% holder

Section 664F

256 Corporations Act 2001

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(2) The 90% holder must lodge with ASIC a copy of any objection

form returned under subsection (1) as soon as practicable after it is


(3) As soon as practicable after the end of the objection period, the

90% holder must:

(a) prepare a list that sets out:

(i) the names of people who hold securities covered by the

compulsory acquisition notice and have objected to the

acquisition; and

(ii) details of the securities they hold; and

(b) lodge the list with ASIC; and

(c) give a copy of the list to the company; and

(d) if the company is listed—give a copy to the relevant market


(4) If people who hold at least 10% of the securities covered by the

compulsory acquisition notice object to the acquisition before the

end of the objection period, the 90% holder must give everyone to

whom the compulsory acquisition notice was sent under

section 664C:

(a) a notice that the proposed acquisition will not occur; or

(b) a notice that the 90% holder has applied to the Court for

approval of the acquisition under section 664F;

within 1 month after the end of the objection period.

(5) An offence based on subsection (2), (3) or (4) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

664F The Court’s power to approve acquisition

(1) If people who hold at least 10% of the securities covered by the

compulsory acquisition notice object to the acquisition before the

end of the objection period, the 90% holder may apply to the Court

for approval of the acquisition of the securities covered by the


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Compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs Chapter 6A

General compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs Part 6A.2

Compulsory acquisition of securities by 90% holder Division 1

Section 664G

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(2) The 90% holder must apply within 1 month after the end of the

objection period.

(3) If the 90% holder establishes that the terms set out in the

compulsory acquisition notice give a fair value for the securities,

the Court must approve the acquisition of the securities on those

terms. Otherwise it must confirm that the acquisition will not take


Note: See section 667C on valuation.

(4) The 90% holder must bear the costs that a person incurs on legal

proceedings in relation to the application unless the Court is

satisfied that the person acted improperly, vexatiously or otherwise

unreasonably. The 90% holder must bear their own costs.

664G Signpost—completing the acquisition of the securities

See section 666A for how to complete the acquisition.

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Chapter 6A Compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs

Part 6A.2 General compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs

Division 2 Compulsory buy-out of convertible securities by 100% holder

Section 665A

258 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 2—Compulsory buy-out of convertible securities

by 100% holder

665A 100% holder must offer to buy out holders of convertible


(1) A person is a 100% holder of securities in a class if the person,

either alone or with a related body corporate, holds full beneficial

interests in all the securities in the class.

(2) A 100% holder in relation to a class of securities (the main class)

who becomes a 100% holder through compulsory acquisitions

under this Part must offer to buy out the holders of securities in

another class that are convertible into main class securities in

accordance with sections 665B and 665C. This subsection does not

apply to securities if a notice is given in relation to the securities

under section 661B, 662B or 664C.

Note: For when securities are convertible into main class securities, see the

definition of convertible securities in section 9.

(3) An offence based on subsection (2) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

665B 100% holder to tell holders of convertible securities of their

right to be bought out

Notice to holders of convertible securities

(1) The 100% holder must:

(a) prepare a notice in the prescribed form that:

(i) states that the person giving the notice has acquired all

the securities in the main class; and

(ii) sets out the information that was included in the

compulsory acquisition notice given in relation to

securities in the main class under paragraphs 664C(1)(d)

and (e); and

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General compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs Part 6A.2

Compulsory buy-out of convertible securities by 100% holder Division 2

Section 665B

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(iii) sets out the cash sum for which they are willing to

acquire the convertible securities; and

(iv) informs the holder of convertible securities about their

right to be bought out under this Part; and

(b) lodge the notice with ASIC; and

(c) give each other person who is a holder of convertible

securities on the day on which the notice is lodged with


(i) the notice; and

(ii) a copy of the expert’s report, or all experts’ reports,

under section 667A; and

(d) give a copy of the documents to the company that issued the

securities; and

(e) give a copy of the documents to each relevant market

operator on the same day as it is lodged with ASIC if the

company is listed.

Note 1: Subparagraph (a)(iv)—Section 667A deals with the contents of an

expert’s report.

Note 2: The notice is to be given to everyone who holds convertible securities

on the day on which the notice is lodged with ASIC. Under

section 665C, anyone who holds the securities after that day may

require the 100% holder to acquire the securities.

Time for dispatching notice to holders

(2) The 100% holder must dispatch the notices and reports under

paragraph (1)(c):

(a) within 1 month after they become the 100% holder; and

(b) on the day the 100% holder lodges the notice with ASIC or

on the next business day.

The notices cannot be withdrawn.

Manner of giving notice to holders

(3) The 100% holder may give the notice or report to a holder:

(a) personally; or

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Chapter 6A Compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs

Part 6A.2 General compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs

Division 2 Compulsory buy-out of convertible securities by 100% holder

Section 665C

260 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(b) by sending it by post to the address for the holder in the

register of members, debenture holders or option holders.

A notice or report sent by post is taken to be given 3 days after it is


(4) The notice may be sent:

(a) if the notice is to be sent to the holder outside Australia—by

pre-paid airmail post or by courier; or

(b) if the notice is to be sent to the holder in Australia—by

pre-paid ordinary post or by courier.

This subsection does not limit the manner in which the document

may be sent to the holder.

Note: Section 109X makes general provision for service of documents.

665C Right of holders of convertible securities to be bought out

(1) Within 1 month after notice under section 665B is given in relation

to convertible securities, the holder of the convertible securities

may give the 100% holder a notice requiring the 100% holder to

acquire the securities.

(2) The notice by the holder of convertible securities gives rise to a

contract between the holder and the 100% holder for the sale of the

securities on:

(a) terms agreed to by the 100% holder and the holder of the

convertible securities; or

(b) the terms determined by the Court on application by the

holder of the convertible securities.

(3) If the Court makes a determination under paragraph (2)(b) in

relation to the terms of sale for a holder’s convertible securities of

a particular class, the determination applies to all holders of

convertible securities in that class who have applications to the

Court pending for a determination under that paragraph in relation

to the terms of sale of their convertible securities.

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Compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs Chapter 6A

Completion of compulsory acquisition of securities Part 6A.3

Section 666A

Corporations Act 2001 261

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 6A.3—Completion of compulsory acquisition

of securities

666A Completing the acquisition of securities

Completion to be by private treaty or statutory procedure

(1) A person entitled to acquire securities under section 661A or 664A

must either:

(a) pay, issue or transfer the consideration to the holder, take a

transfer of the securities from the holder and have the

company that issued the securities register the transfer; or

(b) complete the procedure laid down in section 666B;

by the end of the period referred to in subsection (2) or (3).

Strict liability offences

(1A) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

Time for completing compulsory acquisition following takeover

(2) For an acquisition under section 661A, the period ends 14 days

after the later of:

(a) the end of 1 month after the compulsory acquisition notice

was lodged with ASIC under section 661B; or

(b) the end of 14 days after the last statement under section 661D

was given if a request is made under that section; or

(c) if an application to stop the acquisition is made to the Court

under section 661E—the application is finally determined.

Time for completing compulsory acquisition under Part 6A.2

(3) For an acquisition under section 664A or 664F, the period ends 14

days after the later of:

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Chapter 6A Compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs

Part 6A.3 Completion of compulsory acquisition of securities

Section 666B

262 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(a) the end of the objection period; or

(b) if an application for approval of the acquisition is made to the

Court under section 664F in relation to the securities—the

application is finally determined.

666B Statutory procedure for completion

(1) Under this section, the person acquiring the securities must:

(a) give the company that issued the securities a copy of the

compulsory acquisition notice under section 661B or 664C

together with a transfer of the securities:

(i) signed as transferor by someone appointed by the

person acquiring the securities; and

(ii) signed as transferee by the person acquiring the

securities; and

(b) pay, issue or transfer the consideration for the transfer to the

company that issued the securities.

The person appointed under subparagraph (a)(i) has authority to

sign the transfer on behalf of the holder of the securities.

(2) If the person acquiring the securities complies with subsection (1),

the company that issued the securities must:

(a) register the person as the holder of the securities; and

(b) hold the consideration received under subsection (1) in trust

for the person who held the securities immediately before

registration; and

(c) give written notice to the person referred to in paragraph (b)

as soon as practicable that the consideration has been

received and is being held by the company pending their

instructions as to how it is to be dealt with.

(3) If the consideration held under subsection (2) consists of, or

includes, money, that money must be paid into a bank account

opened and maintained for that purpose only.

(4) An offence based on subsection (2) or (3) is an offence of strict


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Compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs Chapter 6A

Completion of compulsory acquisition of securities Part 6A.3

Section 666B

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Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

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Chapter 6A Compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs

Part 6A.4 Experts’ reports and valuations

Section 667A

264 Corporations Act 2001

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Part 6A.4—Experts’ reports and valuations

667A Expert’s report

(1) An expert’s report under section 663B, 664C or 665B must:

(a) be prepared by a person nominated by ASIC under

section 667AA; and

(b) state whether, in the expert’s opinion, the terms proposed in

the notice give a fair value for the securities concerned; and

(c) set out the reasons for forming that opinion.

Note: See section 667C on valuation.

(2) If the person giving the compulsory acquisition notice is relying on

paragraph 664A(2)(c) to give the notice, the expert’s report under

section 664C must also:

(a) state whether, in the expert’s opinion, the person (either

alone or together with a related body corporate) has full

beneficial ownership in at least 90% by value of all the

securities of the company that are shares or convertible into

shares; and

(b) set out the reasons for forming that opinion.

(3) If the person giving the compulsory acquisition notice obtains 2 or

more reports, each of which were obtained for the purposes of that

notice, a copy of each report must be given to the holder of the


(4) An offence based on subsection (3) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

667AA Expert to be nominated

(1) A person who proposes to obtain an expert’s report for the

purposes of section 663B, 664C or 665B must request ASIC in

writing to nominate a person to prepare the expert’s report.

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Compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs Chapter 6A

Experts’ reports and valuations Part 6A.4

Section 667B

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(2) Within 14 days after receiving a request under subsection (1),

ASIC must nominate:

(a) an appropriate person to prepare the report; or

(b) up to 5 appropriate persons, one of whom the person making

the request may choose to prepare the report.

(3) In determining whether a person is an appropriate person to

prepare an expert’s report, and without limiting the matters that

ASIC may consider, ASIC must consider the nature of the

company to be valued.

667B Expert must not be an associate and must disclose prior

dealings and relationships

(1) The expert who provides the report must not be an associate of:

(a) the person giving the notice; or

(b) the company that issued the securities.

(2) The report must set out details of:

(a) any relationship between the expert and:

(i) the person giving the notice or an associate of the

person giving the notice; or

(ii) the company that issued the securities or an associate of

the company;

including any circumstances in which the expert gives them

advice, or acts on their behalf, in the proper performance of

the functions attaching to the expert’s professional capacity

or business relationship with them; and

(b) any financial or other interest of the expert that could

reasonably be regarded as being capable of affecting the

expert’s ability to give an unbiased opinion in relation to the

matter being reported on; and

(c) any fee, payment or other benefit (whether direct or indirect)

that the expert has received or will or may receive in

connection with the report.

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Chapter 6A Compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs

Part 6A.4 Experts’ reports and valuations

Section 667C

266 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

667C Valuation of securities

(1) To determine what is fair value for securities for the purposes of

this Chapter:

(a) first, assess the value of the company as a whole; and

(b) then allocate that value among the classes of issued securities

in the company (taking into account the relative financial

risk, and voting and distribution rights, of the classes); and

(c) then allocate the value of each class pro rata among the

securities in that class (without allowing a premium or

applying a discount for particular securities in that class).

(2) Without limiting subsection (1), in determining what is fair value

for securities for the purposes of this Chapter, the consideration (if

any) paid for securities in that class within the previous 6 months

must be taken into account.

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Compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs Chapter 6A

Records of unclaimed consideration Part 6A.5

Section 668A

Corporations Act 2001 267

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 6A.5—Records of unclaimed consideration

668A Company’s power to deal with unclaimed consideration for

compulsory acquisition

Records of unclaimed compulsory acquisition consideration

(1) If a company is paid consideration in respect of securities that are

compulsorily acquired under Part 6A.1 or 6A.3, the company must

maintain records of:

(a) the consideration paid (including any benefit accruing from

the consideration and any property substituted for the whole

or any part of that consideration); and

(b) the people who are entitled to that consideration; and

(c) any transfers of the consideration to the people entitled to it.

(2) The company must keep the records at:

(a) its registered office; or

(b) its principal place of business in this jurisdiction; or

(c) another place in this jurisdiction approved by ASIC.

(3) A person may ask the company to let the person inspect all or any

of the records kept by the company under this section. The

company must let the person inspect the records:

(a) if the company requires payment of an amount not exceeding

the prescribed amount—within 7 days after the day on which

the company receives that amount; or

(b) in any other case—within 7 days after the day on which the

request is made.

(4) By the end of February each year, the company must publish in the

Gazette a copy of the records kept under subsection (1) as at the

end of the previous December.

(5) An offence based on subsection (1), (2), (3) or (4) is an offence of

strict liability.

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Chapter 6A Compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs

Part 6A.5 Records of unclaimed consideration

Section 668B

268 Corporations Act 2001

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Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

668B Unclaimed consideration to be transferred to ASIC

(1) If the company has not transferred the unclaimed consideration to

the person entitled to it within 12 months after the publication of a

copy of the records in the Gazette, the company must transfer the

consideration to ASIC within 1 month after the end of that 12

month period.

(1A) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(2) The company is then discharged from liability to any person in

respect of the consideration.

(3) ASIC must deal with the consideration under Part 9.7.

(4) Except as provided by subsection (2), this Part does not deprive a

person of any right or remedy to which the person is entitled

against a liquidator or company.

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Compulsory acquisitions and buy-outs Chapter 6A

ASIC powers Part 6A.6

Section 669

Corporations Act 2001 269

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 6A.6—ASIC powers

669 ASIC’s power to exempt and modify

(1) ASIC may:

(a) exempt a person from a provision of this Chapter; or

(b) declare that this Chapter applies to a person as if specified

provisions were omitted, modified or varied as specified in

the declaration.

(2) The exemption or declaration may:

(a) apply to all or specified provisions of this Chapter; and

(b) apply to all persons, specified persons, or a specified class of

persons; and

(c) relate to all securities, specified securities or a specified class

of securities; and

(d) relate to any other matter generally or as specified.

(3) An exemption may apply unconditionally or subject to specified

conditions. A person to whom a condition specified in an

exemption applies must comply with the condition. The Court may

order the person to comply with the condition in a specified way.

Only ASIC may apply to the Court for the order.

(4) The exemption or declaration must be in writing and ASIC must

publish notice of it in the Gazette.

(5) For the purposes of this section, the provisions of this Chapter


(a) regulations made for the purposes of this Chapter; and

(b) definitions in this Act or the regulations as they apply to

references in:

(i) this Chapter; or

(ii) regulations made for the purposes of this Chapter; and

(c) the old Division 12 of Part 11.2 transitionals.

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Chapter 6B Rights and liabilities in relation to Chapter 6 and 6A matters

Section 670A

270 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Chapter 6B—Rights and liabilities in relation

to Chapter 6 and 6A matters

670A Misstatements in, or omissions from, takeover and compulsory

acquisition and buy-out documents

(1) A person must not give:

(a) a bidder’s statement;

(b) a takeover offer document;

(c) a notice of variation of a takeover offer;

(d) a target’s statement;

(e) a compulsory acquisition notice under section 661B or 664C;

(f) a compulsory buy-out notice under section 662B, 663B or


(g) a report that is included in, or accompanies, a statement or

notice referred to in paragraphs (a) to (f);

if there is:

(h) for all documents—a misleading or deceptive statement in

the document; or

(i) for a bidder’s statement or target’s statement—an omission

from the document of material required by section 636 or

638; or

(j) for a bidder’s statement or a target’s statement—a new

circumstance that:

(i) has arisen since the document was lodged; and

(ii) would have been required by section 636 or 638 to be

included in the document if it had arisen before the

document was lodged; or

(k) for an expert’s report under subsection 636(2) or section 640,

663B, 664C or 665B—an omission from the report of

material required by subsection 648A(3) or 667B(2).

Note 1: See section 670D for defences.

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Rights and liabilities in relation to Chapter 6 and 6A matters Chapter 6B

Section 670B

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Note 2: Section 1041H imposes liabilities in respect of other conduct related

to the dealings in securities.

Forecasts and other forward-looking statement

(2) A person is taken to make a misleading statement about a future

matter (including the doing of, or refusing to do, an act) if they do

not have reasonable grounds for making the statement. This

subsection does not limit the meaning of a reference to a

misleading statement or a statement that is misleading in a material


Offence if statement, omission or new matter materially adverse

(3) A person commits an offence if they contravene subsection (1)


(a) the misleading or deceptive statement; or

(b) the omission or new circumstance;

is materially adverse from the point of view of the holder of

securities to whom the document is given.

Civil liability

(4) A person contravenes this subsection if:

(a) the person contravenes subsection (1); and

(b) either:

(i) the misleading or deceptive statement; or

(ii) the omission or new circumstance;

is materially adverse from the point of view of the holder of

securities to whom the document is given.

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

670B Right to recover for loss or damage resulting from


(1) A person who suffers loss or damage that results from a

contravention of subsection 670A(1) may recover the amount of

the loss or damage from a person referred to in the following table

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Section 670B

272 Corporations Act 2001

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if the loss or damage is one that the table makes the person liable

for. This is so even if the person did not commit, and was not

involved in, the contravention.

People liable on the document [operative table]

For these documents

these people… ...are liable for loss or damages

caused by

bidder’s statement or takeover offer document

1 the bidder any contravention of

subsection 670A(1) in relation to the


2 each director of a bidder that is a

body if the consideration offered

under the bid is not a cash sum only

any contravention of

subsection 670A(1) in relation to the


3 a director of a bidder that is a body

(other than a notified foreign

passport fund) unless the director

proves that they:

(a) were not present when the

directors resolved to adopt the

statement or offer document; or

(b) voted against the resolution;

if the consideration offered under

the bid is a cash sum only

any contravention of

subsection 670A(1) in relation to the


See also items 10 and 11.

notice of variation of a takeover offer

4 the bidder any contravention of

subsection 670A(1) in relation to the


5 a director of a bidder that is a body any contravention of

subsection 670A(1) in relation to the


See also items 10 and 11.

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Section 670B

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People liable on the document [operative table]

For these documents

these people… ...are liable for loss or damages

caused by

a target’s statement

6 the target any contravention of

subsection 670A(1) in relation to the


7 a director of the target unless the

director proves that they:

(a) were not present when the

directors resolved to adopt the

statement; or

(b) voted against the resolution

any contravention of

subsection 670A(1) in relation to the


See also items 10 and 11.

a compulsory acquisition or compulsory buy-out notice

8 the person giving the notice any contravention of

subsection 670A(1) in relation to the


9 a director of a body corporate (other

than a notified foreign passport

fund) giving the notice unless the

director proves that they:

(a) were not present when the

directors resolved to give the

notice; or

(b) voted against the resolution

any contravention of

subsection 670A(1) in relation to the


See also items 10 and 11.

9A if a notified foreign passport fund is

giving the notice, a director of the

operator of the fund unless the

director proves that they:

(a) were not present when the

directors resolved to give the

notice; or

(b) voted against the resolution

any contravention of

subsection 670A(1) in relation to the


See also items 10 and 11.

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Chapter 6B Rights and liabilities in relation to Chapter 6 and 6A matters

Section 670C

274 Corporations Act 2001

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People liable on the document [operative table]

For these documents

these people… ...are liable for loss or damages

caused by

10 all documents

a person named in the document,

with their consent, as having made

a statement:

(a) that is included in the document;


(b) on which a statement made in

the document is based

the inclusion of the statement in the


11 a person who contravenes, or is

involved in a contravention of,

subsection 670A(1)

that contravention

(2) An action under subsection (1) may begin at any time within 6

years after the day on which the cause of action arose.

(3) This Chapter does not affect any liability that a person has under

any other law.

Note: Conduct that contravenes subsection 670A(1) is expressly excluded

from the operation of section 1041H.

670C People liable on takeover or compulsory acquisition statement

to inform maker about deficiencies in the statement

(1) A person referred to in the table in subsection 670B(1) in relation

to a document must notify the issuer of the document in writing as

soon as practicable if they become aware during the bid period or

objection period that:

(a) a material statement in the document is misleading or

deceptive; or

(b) there is a material omission from the document of

information required by section 636, 638 or 640; or

(c) a material new circumstance that:

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Section 670D

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(i) has arisen since the document was lodged; and

(ii) would have been required by section 636, 638 or 640 to

be included in the document if it had arisen before the

document was lodged.

(2) An expert whose report accompanies, or is included in, a target’s

statement under section 640 must notify the target in writing as

soon as practicable if they become aware during the bid period or

objection period that:

(a) a material statement in the report is misleading or deceptive;


(b) there has been a significant change affecting information

included in the report.

(3) An expert whose report accompanies, or is included in, a bidder’s

statement under subsection 636(2) must notify the bidder in writing

as soon as practicable if they become aware during the bid period

or objection period that:

(a) a material statement in the report is misleading or deceptive;


(b) there has been a significant change affecting information

included in the report.

(4) An offence based on subsection (1), (2) or (3) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

670D Defences against prosecutions under subsection 670A(3) and

actions under section 670B

Not knowing statement misleading or deceptive

(1) A person does not commit an offence against subsection 670A(3),

and is not liable under section 670B for a contravention of

subsection 670A(1), because of a misleading or deceptive

statement in a document if the person proves that they did not

know that the statement was misleading or deceptive.

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Section 670D

276 Corporations Act 2001

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Not knowing there was an omission

(2) A person does not commit an offence against subsection 670A(3),

and is not liable under section 670B for a contravention of

subsection 670A(1), because of an omission from a document in

relation to a particular matter if the person proves that they did not

know that there was an omission from the document in relation to

that matter.

Reasonable reliance on information given by someone else—

statements and omissions

(3) A person does not commit an offence against subsection 670A(3),

and is not liable under section 670B for a contravention against

subsection 670A(1), because of a misleading or deceptive

statement in, or an omission from, a document if the person proves

that they placed reasonable reliance on information given to them


(a) if the person is a body—someone other than a director,

employee or agent of the body; or

(b) if the person is an individual—someone other than an

employee or agent of the individual.

(4) For the purposes of subsection (3), a person is not the agent of a

body or individual merely because they perform a particular

professional or advisory function for the body or individual.

Withdrawal of consent—statements and omissions

(5) A person who is named in a document as:

(a) making a statement included in the document; or

(b) making a statement on the basis of which a statement is

included in the document;

does not commit an offence against subsection 670A(3), and is not

liable under section 670B for a contravention against

subsection 670A(1), because of a misleading or deceptive

statement in, or an omission from, a document if the person proves

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Rights and liabilities in relation to Chapter 6 and 6A matters Chapter 6B

Section 670E

Corporations Act 2001 277

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that they publicly withdrew their consent to being named in the

document in that way.

Unawareness of new matter

(6) A person does not commit an offence against subsection 670A(3),

and is not liable under section 670B for a contravention of

subsection 670A(1), because of a new circumstance that has arisen

since the document was lodged if the person proves that they were

not aware of the matter.

670E Liability for proposing a bid or not carrying through with bid

(1) A person who:

(a) enters into a transaction relating to securities in reliance on:

(i) a public proposal for a takeover bid; or

(ii) an announcement of a market bid; and

(b) suffers loss or damage that results from a contravention of

section 631:

may recover the amount of the loss or damage from:

(c) the person who contravened the section; or

(d) any person involved in the contravention.

(2) To determine the amount of compensation payable under

subsection (1), deduct the price of the securities at which the

transaction was entered into from the price of the securities at

which the transaction would have been likely to be entered into if

the proposal or announcement had not been made.

670F Defences

A person does not commit an offence under subsection 631(1) or

(2), and is not liable under section 670E for a contravention of

those subsections if the person proves that they could not

reasonably have been expected to comply with those subsections


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Chapter 6B Rights and liabilities in relation to Chapter 6 and 6A matters

Section 670F

278 Corporations Act 2001

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(a) at the time of the proposal or announcement, circumstances

existed that the person did not know of and could not

reasonably have been expected to know of; or

(b) after the proposal or announcement, a change in

circumstances occurred that was not caused, directly or

indirectly, by the person.

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Information about ownership of listed companies, listed registered schemes and listed

notified foreign passport funds Chapter 6C

Section 671A

Corporations Act 2001 279

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Chapter 6C—Information about ownership

of listed companies, listed registered

schemes and listed notified foreign

passport funds

671A Chapter extends to some listed bodies that are not companies

This Chapter applies to the acquisition of relevant interests in the

securities of listed bodies that are not companies but are

incorporated or formed in Australia in the same way as it applies to

the acquisition of relevant interests in the securities of companies.

Note: Section 9 defines company and listed.

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Chapter 6C Information about ownership of listed companies, listed registered

schemes and listed notified foreign passport funds

Part 6C.1 Substantial holding information

Section 671B

280 Corporations Act 2001

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Part 6C.1—Substantial holding information

671B Information about substantial holdings must be given to

company, responsible entity, fund operator and relevant

market operator

Requirement to give information

(1) A person must give the information referred to in subsection (3) to

a listed company, or the responsible entity for a listed registered

scheme, or the operator of a listed notified foreign passport fund in

accordance with this section, if:

(a) the person begins to have, or ceases to have, a substantial

holding in the company, scheme or fund; or

(b) the person has a substantial holding in the company, scheme

or fund and there is a movement of at least 1% in their

holding; or

(c) the person makes a takeover bid for securities of the

company or scheme.

The person must also give the information to each relevant market


Note 1: Section 9 defines substantial holding and associate.

Note 2: The information must be given even if the situation changes by the

time the information is to be given.

Note 3: Paragraph (c) does not apply in relation to a notified foreign passport


(2) For the purposes of this section, there is a movement of at least 1%

in a person’s holding if the percentage worked out using the

following formula increases or decreases by 1 or more percentage

points from the percentage they last disclosed under this Part in

relation to the company, scheme or fund:

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notified foreign passport funds Chapter 6C

Substantial holding information Part 6C.1

Section 671B

Corporations Act 2001 281

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person’s and associates’ votes is the total number of votes attached

to all the voting shares in the company, interests in the scheme or

interests in the fund (if any) that the person or an associate has a

relevant interest in.

total votes in company, scheme or fund is the total number of

votes attached to all voting shares in the company, interests in the

scheme or interests in the fund.

Note: Subsection (7) expands the normal concept of relevant interest to take

account of market traded options and conditional agreements.

Information that must be given

(3) The information to be given is:

(a) the person’s name and address; and

(b) details of their relevant interest in:

(i) voting shares in the company; or

(ii) interests in the scheme; or

(iii) interests in the fund; and

(c) details of any relevant agreement through which they would

have a relevant interest in:

(i) voting shares in the company; or

(ii) interests in the scheme; or

(iii) interests in the fund; and

(d) the name of each associate who has a relevant interest in

voting shares in the company, interests in the scheme or

interests in the fund, together with details of:

(i) the nature of their association with the associate; and

(ii) the relevant interest of the associate; and

(iii) any relevant agreement through which the associate has

the relevant interest; and

Person’s and associates’ votes 100

Total votes in company, scheme or fund 

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Chapter 6C Information about ownership of listed companies, listed registered

schemes and listed notified foreign passport funds

Part 6C.1 Substantial holding information

Section 671B

282 Corporations Act 2001

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(e) if the information is being given because of a movement in

their holding—the size and date of that movement; and

(f) if the information is being given because a person has ceased

to be an associate—the name of the person; and

(g) any other particulars that are prescribed.

Note: Subsection (7) expands the normal concept of relevant interest to take

account of market traded options and conditional agreements.

Information to be in prescribed form and accompanied by certain


(4) The information must be given in the prescribed form and must be

accompanied by:

(a) a copy of any document setting out the terms of any relevant

agreement that:

(i) contributed to the situation giving rise to the person

needing to provide the information; and

(ii) is in writing and readily available to the person; and

(b) a statement by the person giving full and accurate details of

any contract, scheme or arrangement that:

(i) contributed to the situation giving rise to the person

needing to provide the information; and

(ii) is not both in writing and readily available to the person.

If the person is required to give a copy of a contract, scheme or

arrangement, the copy must be endorsed with a statement that the

copy is a true copy.

(5) The information does not need to be accompanied by the

documents referred to in subsection (4) if the transaction that gives

rise to the person needing to provide the information takes place on

a prescribed financial market.

Deadline for giving information

(6) The person must give the information:

(a) within 2 business days after they become aware of the

information; or

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notified foreign passport funds Chapter 6C

Substantial holding information Part 6C.1

Section 671C

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(b) by 9.30 am on the next trading day of the relevant financial

market after they become aware of the information if:

(i) a takeover bid is made for voting shares in the company

or voting interests in the scheme; and

(ii) the person becomes aware of the information during the

bid period.

Relevant interests—exchange traded options and conditional


(7) For the purposes of this section, a person has a relevant interest in

securities if the person would have a relevant interest in the

securities but for subsection 609(6) (market traded options) or

609(7) (conditional agreements).

Fault-based offence

(8) A person commits an offence if the person contravenes

subsection (1).

Strict liability offence

(9) A person commits an offence of strict liability if the person

contravenes subsection (1).

671C Civil liability

(1) A person who contravenes section 671B is liable to compensate a

person for any loss or damage the person suffers because of the


(2) It is a defence in proceedings brought under this section if the

person who contravenes section 671B proves that they contravened

that section:

(a) because of inadvertence or mistake; or

(b) because they were not aware of a relevant fact or occurrence.

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Chapter 6C Information about ownership of listed companies, listed registered

schemes and listed notified foreign passport funds

Part 6C.1 Substantial holding information

Section 671C

284 Corporations Act 2001

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In determining whether the defence is available, disregard the

person’s ignorance of, or a mistake on the person’s part

concerning, a matter of law.

(3) If 2 or more persons each contravene section 671B because of the

same act or omission, their liability under this section for the

contravention is joint and individual.

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Information about ownership of listed companies, listed registered schemes and listed

notified foreign passport funds Chapter 6C

Tracing beneficial ownership of shares Part 6C.2

Section 672A

Corporations Act 2001 285

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 6C.2—Tracing beneficial ownership of shares

672A Disclosure notices

(1) ASIC, a listed company, the responsible entity for a listed

registered scheme or the operator of a listed notified foreign

passport fund may direct:

(a) a member of the company, scheme or fund; or

(b) a person named in a previous disclosure under section 672B

as having a relevant interest in, or having given instructions

about, voting shares in the company, interests in the scheme

or interests in the fund;

to make the disclosure required by section 672B.

(2) ASIC must exercise its powers under this section if requested to do

so by a member of the company, scheme or fund unless it

considers that it would be unreasonable to do so in all the


672B Disclosure by member of relevant interests and instructions

(1) A person given a direction under section 672A must disclose to the

person giving the direction:

(a) full details of their own relevant interest in the shares,

interests in the scheme or interests in the fund and of the

circumstances that give rise to that interest; and

(b) the name and address of each other person who has a relevant

interest in any of the shares or interests together with full

details of:

(i) the nature and extent of the interest; and

(ii) the circumstances that give rise to the other person’s

interest; and

(c) the name and address of each person who has given the

person instructions about:

(i) the acquisition or disposal of the shares or interests; or

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Chapter 6C Information about ownership of listed companies, listed registered

schemes and listed notified foreign passport funds

Part 6C.2 Tracing beneficial ownership of shares

Section 672C

286 Corporations Act 2001

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(ii) the exercise of any voting or other rights attached to the

shares or interests; or

(iii) any other matter relating to the shares or interests;

together with full details of those instructions (including the

date or dates on which they were given).

(1A) However, a matter referred to in paragraph (1)(b) or (c) need only

be disclosed to the extent to which it is known to the person

required to make the disclosure.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in

subsection (1A), see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

(1B) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(2) The disclosure must be made within 2 business days after:

(a) the person is given the direction; or

(b) if the person applies for an exemption under section 673 from

the obligation to make the disclosure and ASIC refuses to

grant the exemption—ASIC notifies the person of its

decision on the application; or

(c) if the direction is given by a listed company, the responsible

entity of a listed registered scheme or the operator of a listed

notified foreign passport fund—the company, responsible

entity or operator pays any fee payable under the regulations

made for the purposes of section 672D.

(3) The person does not have to comply with a direction given by the

company, responsible entity or operator if the person proves that

the giving of the direction is vexatious.

672C ASIC may pass information on to person who made request

If ASIC receives information in response to a direction under

section 672A about shares in a company, interests in a listed

registered scheme or interests in a listed notified foreign passport

fund, ASIC:

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notified foreign passport funds Chapter 6C

Tracing beneficial ownership of shares Part 6C.2

Section 672D

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(a) may pass the information on to the company, the responsible

entity for the scheme or the operator of the fund; and

(b) if ASIC gave the direction in response to a request under

subsection 672A(2)—must pass the information on to the

person who made the request unless ASIC considers it would

be unreasonable in all the circumstances to do so.

672D Fee for complying with a direction given by a company,

scheme or fund under this Part

(1) The regulations may prescribe fees that listed companies,

responsible entities of listed registered schemes and operators of

listed notified foreign passport funds are to pay to persons for

complying with directions given under this Part.

(2) A person is liable to repay a fee paid to the person for complying

with a direction under section 672A if the person does not comply

with the direction on time even if the person does so later. The fee

may be recovered as a debt due to the company, responsible entity

or operator that paid it to the person.

672DA Register of information about relevant interests in listed

company, listed registered scheme or listed notified

foreign passport fund

(1) A listed company, the responsible entity for a listed registered

scheme or the operator of a listed notified foreign passport fund,

must keep a register of the following information that it receives

under this Part on or after 1 January 2005 (whether the information

is received pursuant to a direction the company, the responsible

entity or the operator itself gives under section 672A or is received

from ASIC under section 672C):

(a) details of the nature and extent of a person’s relevant interest

in shares in the company, interests in the scheme or interests

in the fund;

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Chapter 6C Information about ownership of listed companies, listed registered

schemes and listed notified foreign passport funds

Part 6C.2 Tracing beneficial ownership of shares

Section 672DA

288 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) details of the circumstances that give rise to a person’s

relevant interest in shares in the company, interests in the

scheme or interests in the fund;

(c) the name and address of a person who has a relevant interest

in shares in the company, interests in the scheme or interests

in the fund;

(d) details of instructions that a person has given about:

(i) the acquisition or disposal of shares in the company,

interests in the scheme or interests in the fund; or

(ii) the exercise of any voting or other rights attached to

shares in the company, interests in the scheme or

interests in the fund; or

(iii) any other matter relating to shares in the company,

interests in the scheme or interests in the fund;

(e) the name and address of a person who has given instructions

of the kind referred to in paragraph (d).

The register must be kept in accordance with this section.

(2) A register kept under this section by a listed company must be kept


(a) the company’s registered office; or

(b) the company’s principal place of business in this jurisdiction;


(c) a place in this jurisdiction (whether or not an office of the

company) where the work involved in maintaining the

register is done; or

(d) another place in this jurisdiction approved by ASIC.

(3) A register kept under this section by the responsible entity of a

listed registered scheme must be kept at:

(a) the responsible entity’s registered office; or

(b) the responsible entity’s principal place of business in this

jurisdiction; or

(c) a place in this jurisdiction (whether or not an office of the

responsible entity) where the work involved in maintaining

the register is done; or

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Information about ownership of listed companies, listed registered schemes and listed

notified foreign passport funds Chapter 6C

Tracing beneficial ownership of shares Part 6C.2

Section 672DA

Corporations Act 2001 289

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(d) another place in this jurisdiction approved by ASIC.

(3A) A register kept under this section by the operator of a listed

notified foreign passport fund must be kept at:

(a) the operator’s registered office; or

(b) the operator’s principal place of business in this jurisdiction;


(c) a place in this jurisdiction (whether or not an office of the

operator) where the work involved in maintaining the register

is done; or

(d) another place in this jurisdiction approved by ASIC.

(4) The company, responsible entity or operator must lodge with ASIC

a notice of the address at which the register is kept within 7 days

after the register is:

(a) established at a place that:

(i) is not the registered office of the company, responsible

entity or operator; and

(ii) is not at the principal place of business of the company,

responsible entity or operator in this jurisdiction; or

(b) moved from one place to another.

Notice is not required for moving the register between the

registered office and the principal place of business in this


Note: The obligation to notify ASIC under this subsection is a continuing

obligation and the company, responsible entity or operator is guilty of

an offence for each day, after the 7 day period, until ASIC is notified

(see section 4K of the Crimes Act 1914).

(5) An offence based on subsection (2), (3), (3A) or (4) is an offence

of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(6) The register must either contain:

(a) the name of each holder of shares in the company, interests in

the scheme or interests in the fund to whom the information

relates; and

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Chapter 6C Information about ownership of listed companies, listed registered

schemes and listed notified foreign passport funds

Part 6C.2 Tracing beneficial ownership of shares

Section 672DA

290 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) against the name of each such holder:

(i) the name and address of each other person (if any) who,

according to information the company, responsible

entity or operator has received under this Part on or after

1 January 2005, has a relevant interest in any of the

shares or interests (together with details of the relevant

interest and of the circumstances because of which the

other person has the relevant interest); and

(ii) the name and address of each person who, according to

information received by the company, responsible entity

or operator under this Part on or after 1 January 2005,

has given relevant instructions in relation to any of the

shares or interests (together with details of those

relevant instructions); and

(c) in relation to each item of information entered in the register,

the date on which the item was entered in the register;

or be in such other form as ASIC approves in writing.

(7) The register must be open for inspection:

(a) by any member of the company, scheme or fund—without

charge; and

(b) by any other person:

(i) if the company, responsible entity or operator requires

the payment of a fee for the inspection—on payment of

the fee; or

(ii) if the company, responsible entity or operator does not

require the payment of a fee for the inspection—without


The amount of the fee required by the company, responsible entity

or operator under subparagraph (b)(i) must not exceed the amount

prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this subsection.

(8) A person may request the company, responsible entity or operator

to give to the person a copy of the register (or any part of the

register) and, if such a request is made, the company, responsible

entity or operator must give the person the copy:

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Information about ownership of listed companies, listed registered schemes and listed

notified foreign passport funds Chapter 6C

Tracing beneficial ownership of shares Part 6C.2

Section 672E

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(a) if the company, responsible entity or operator requires

payment of a fee for the copy:

(i) before the end of 21 days after the day on which the

payment of the fee is received by the company,

responsible entity or operator; or

(ii) within such longer period as ASIC approves in writing;


(b) if the company, responsible entity or operator does not

require payment of a fee for the copy:

(i) before the end of 21 days after the day on which the

request is made; or

(ii) within such longer period as ASIC approves in writing.

The amount of the fee required by the company, responsible entity

or operator under paragraph (a) must not exceed the amount

prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this subsection.

Note: The obligation to give the copy under this subsection is a continuing

obligation and the company, responsible entity or operator is guilty of

an offence for each day, after the period referred to in paragraph (a) or

(b), until the copy is given (see section 4K of the Crimes Act 1914).

(9) The information that subsection (6) requires to be entered in the

register must be entered in the register by the company, responsible

entity or operator before the end of 2 business days after the day on

which the company, responsible entity or operator receives the


Note: The obligation to enter the details in the register under this subsection

is a continuing obligation and the company, responsible entity or

operator is guilty of an offence for each day, after the 2 business day

period, until the details are entered in the register (see section 4K of

the Crimes Act 1914).

672E No notice of rights

A company, responsible entity or operator is not, because of

anything done under this Part:

(a) taken for any purpose to have notice of; or

(b) put on inquiry as to;

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Chapter 6C Information about ownership of listed companies, listed registered

schemes and listed notified foreign passport funds

Part 6C.2 Tracing beneficial ownership of shares

Section 672F

292 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

a person’s right in relation to a share in the company, an interest in

the listed registered scheme or an interest in the listed notified

foreign passport fund.

672F Civil liability

(1) A person who contravenes section 672B is liable to compensate a

person for any loss or damage the person suffers because of the


(2) It is a defence in proceedings brought under this section if the

person who contravenes section 672B proves that they contravened

that section:

(a) because of inadvertence or mistake; or

(b) because they were not aware of a relevant fact or occurrence.

In determining whether the defence is available, disregard the

person’s ignorance of, or a mistake on the person’s part

concerning, a matter of law.

(3) If 2 or more persons each contravene section 672B because of the

same act or omission, their liability under this section for the

contravention is joint and individual.

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Information about ownership of listed companies, listed registered schemes and listed

notified foreign passport funds Chapter 6C

ASIC powers Part 6C.3

Section 673

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Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 6C.3—ASIC powers

673 ASIC’s power to exempt and modify

(1) ASIC may:

(a) exempt a person from a provision of this Chapter; or

(b) declare that this Chapter applies to a person as if specified

provisions were omitted, modified or varied as specified in

the declaration.

(2) In deciding whether to give the exemption or declaration, ASIC

must consider the purposes of Chapter 6 set out in section 602.

(3) The exemption or declaration may:

(a) apply to all or specified provisions of this Chapter; and

(b) apply to all persons, specified persons, or a specified class of

persons; and

(c) relate to all securities, specified securities or a specified class

of securities; and

(d) relate to any other matter generally or as specified.

(4) An exemption may apply unconditionally or subject to specified

conditions. A person to whom a condition specified in an

exemption applies must comply with the condition. The Court may

order the person to comply with the condition in a specified way.

Only ASIC may apply to the Court for the order.

(5) The exemption or declaration must be in writing and ASIC must

publish notice of it in the Gazette.

(6) For the purposes of this section, the provisions of this Chapter


(a) regulations made for the purposes of this Chapter; and

(b) definitions in this Act or the regulations as they apply to

references in:

(i) this Chapter; or

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Chapter 6C Information about ownership of listed companies, listed registered

schemes and listed notified foreign passport funds

Part 6C.3 ASIC powers

Section 673

294 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(ii) regulations made for the purposes of this Chapter; and

(c) the old Division 12 of Part 11.2 transitionals.

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Continuous disclosure Chapter 6CA

Section 674

Corporations Act 2001 295

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Chapter 6CA—Continuous disclosure

674 Continuous disclosure—listed disclosing entity bound by a

disclosure requirement in market listing rules

Obligation to disclose in accordance with listing rules

(1) Subsection (2) applies to a listed disclosing entity if provisions of

the listing rules of a listing market in relation to that entity require

the entity to notify the market operator of information about

specified events or matters as they arise for the purpose of the

operator making that information available to participants in the


(2) If:

(a) this subsection applies to a listed disclosing entity; and

(b) the entity has information that those provisions require the

entity to notify to the market operator; and

(c) that information:

(i) is not generally available; and

(ii) is information that a reasonable person would expect, if

it were generally available, to have a material effect on

the price or value of ED securities of the entity;

the entity must notify the market operator of that information in

accordance with those provisions.

Note 1: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Note 2: This subsection is also a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

For relief from liability to a civil penalty relating to this subsection,

see section 1317S.

Note 3: An infringement notice may be issued for an alleged contravention of

this subsection, see section 1317DAC.

(2A) A person who is involved in a listed disclosing entity’s

contravention of subsection (2) contravenes this subsection.

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Chapter 6CA Continuous disclosure

Section 674

296 Corporations Act 2001

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Note 1: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E). For

relief from liability to a civil penalty relating to this subsection, see

section 1317S.

Note 2: Section 79 defines involved.

(2B) A person does not contravene subsection (2A) if the person proves

that they:

(a) took all steps (if any) that were reasonable in the

circumstances to ensure that the listed disclosing entity

complied with its obligations under subsection (2); and

(b) after doing so, believed on reasonable grounds that the listed

disclosing entity was complying with its obligations under

that subsection.

(3) For the purposes of the application of subsection (2) to a listed

disclosing entity that is an undertaking to which interests in a

registered scheme relate, the obligation of the entity to notify the

market operator of information is an obligation of the responsible


(3A) For the purposes of the application of subsection (2) to a listed

disclosing entity that is an undertaking to which interests in a

notified foreign passport fund relate, the obligation of the entity to

notify the market operator of information is an obligation of the

operator of the fund.

(4) Nothing in subsection (2) is intended to affect or limit the

situations in which action can be taken (otherwise than by way of a

prosecution for an offence based on subsection (2)) in respect of a

failure to comply with provisions referred to in subsection (1).

Obligation to make provisions of listing rules available

(5) If the listing rules of a listing market in relation to a listed

disclosing entity contain provisions of a kind referred to in

subsection (1), the market operator must ensure that those

provisions are available, on reasonable terms, to:

(a) the entity; or

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Continuous disclosure Chapter 6CA

Section 675

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(b) if the entity is an undertaking to which interests in a

registered scheme relate—the undertaking’s responsible

entity; or

(c) if the entity is an undertaking to which interests in a notified

foreign passport fund relate—the operator of the fund.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

675 Continuous disclosure—other disclosing entities

(1) This section applies to:

(a) a listed disclosing entity if:

(i) there is only one listing market in relation to the entity

and the listing rules of that market do not contain

provisions of a kind referred to in subsection 674(1); or

(ii) there is more than one listing market in relation to the

entity and none of those markets have listing rules that

contain provisions of a kind referred to in

subsection 674(1); or

(b) an unlisted disclosing entity.

(2) If the disclosing entity becomes aware of information:

(a) that is not generally available; and

(b) that a reasonable person would expect, if it were generally

available, to have a material effect on the price or value of

ED securities of the entity; and

(c) either:

(i) if those securities are not managed investment products

or foreign passport fund products—the information is

not required to be included in a supplementary

disclosure document or a replacement disclosure

document in relation to the entity; or

(ii) if those securities are managed investment products or

foreign passport fund products—the information has not

been included in a Product Disclosure Statement, a

Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement, or a

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Chapter 6CA Continuous disclosure

Section 675

298 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Replacement Product Disclosure Statement, a copy of

which has been lodged with ASIC; and

(d) regulations made for the purposes of this paragraph do not

provide that disclosure under this section is not required in

the circumstances;

the disclosing entity must, as soon as practicable, lodge a document

with ASIC containing the information.

Note 1: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Note 2: This subsection is also a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

For relief from liability to a civil penalty relating to this subsection,

see section 1317S.

Note 3: An infringement notice may be issued for an alleged contravention of

this subsection, see section 1317DAC.

Note 4: Subsection (2) has an extended operation in relation to disclosing

entities that have made recognised offers of securities under Chapter 8

(see section 1200K).

(2A) A person who is involved in a disclosing entity’s contravention of

subsection (2) contravenes this subsection.

Note 1: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E). For

relief from liability to a civil penalty relating to this subsection, see

section 1317S.

Note 2: Section 79 defines involved.

(2B) A person does not contravene subsection (2A) if the person proves

that they:

(a) took all steps (if any) that were reasonable in the

circumstances to ensure that the disclosing entity complied

with its obligations under subsection (2); and

(b) after doing so, believed on reasonable grounds that the

disclosing entity was complying with its obligations under

that subsection.

(3) For the purposes of the application of this section to a disclosing

entity that is an undertaking to which interests in a registered

scheme relate:

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Continuous disclosure Chapter 6CA

Section 676

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(a) the entity is aware of information if, and only if, the

responsible entity is aware of the information; and

(b) the obligation of the entity to lodge a document under

subsection (2) is an obligation of the responsible entity.

(4) For the purposes of the application of this section to a disclosing

entity that is an undertaking to which interests in a notified foreign

passport fund relate:

(a) the entity is aware of information if, and only if, the operator

of the fund is aware of the information; and

(b) the obligation of the entity to lodge a document under

subsection (2) is an obligation of the operator of the fund.

676 Sections 674 and 675—when information is generally available

(1) This section has effect for the purposes of sections 674 and 675.

(2) Information is generally available if:

(a) it consists of readily observable matter; or

(b) without limiting the generality of paragraph (a), both of the

following subparagraphs apply:

(i) it has been made known in a manner that would, or

would be likely to, bring it to the attention of persons

who commonly invest in securities of a kind whose

price or value might be affected by the information; and

(ii) since it was so made known, a reasonable period for it

to be disseminated among such persons has elapsed.

(3) Information is also generally available if it consists of deductions,

conclusions or inferences made or drawn from either or both of the


(a) information referred to in paragraph (2)(a);

(b) information made known as mentioned in

subparagraph (2)(b)(i).

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Chapter 6CA Continuous disclosure

Section 677

300 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

677 Sections 674 and 675—material effect on price or value

For the purposes of sections 674 and 675, a reasonable person

would be taken to expect information to have a material effect on

the price or value of ED securities of a disclosing entity if the

information would, or would be likely to, influence persons who

commonly invest in securities in deciding whether to acquire or

dispose of the ED securities.

678 Application of Criminal Code to offences based on

subsection 674(2), 674(5) or 675(2)

The Criminal Code applies to an offence based on

subsection 674(2), 674(5) or 675(2).

Note 1: Chapter 2 of the Criminal Code sets out the general principles of

criminal responsibility.

Note 2: For the meaning of offence based on a provision, see the definition in

section 9.

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Fundraising Chapter 6D

Application of the fundraising provisions Part 6D.1

Section 700

Corporations Act 2001 301

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Chapter 6D—Fundraising

Part 6D.1—Application of the fundraising


700 Coverage of the fundraising rules

(1) In this Chapter, securities has the same meaning as it has in

Chapter 7, but does not include:

(a) a security referred to in paragraph (e) or (f) of the definition

of security in section 761A; or

(b) a simple corporate bonds depository interest in simple

corporate bonds, where the simple corporate bonds were

issued under a 2-part simple corporate bonds prospectus.

Offers and invitations both covered

(2) For the purposes of this Chapter:

(a) offering securities for issue includes inviting applications for

the issue of the securities; and

(b) offering securities for sale includes inviting offers to

purchase the securities.

Person offering securities

(3) For the purposes of this Chapter, the person who offers securities is

the person who has the capacity, or who agrees, to issue or transfer

the securities if the offer is accepted.

Geographical coverage of Chapter

(4) This Chapter applies to offers of securities that are received in this

jurisdiction, regardless of where any resulting issue, sale or transfer


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Chapter 6D Fundraising

Part 6D.1 Application of the fundraising provisions

Section 702

302 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

702 Treatment of offers of options over securities

For the purposes of this Chapter:

(a) an offer of an option over securities is not taken to be an

offer of the underlying securities; and

(b) the grant of an option without an offer of the option is taken

to be an offer of the option; and

(c) an offer to grant an option is taken to be an offer to issue the

security constituted by the option.

Note 1: If a disclosure document is needed for the option and there is no

further offer involved in exercising the option, the issue or sale of the

underlying securities on the exercise of the option does not need a

disclosure document.

Note 2: Paragraph (b)—the grant of the option will not require a disclosure

document if no consideration is payable on the grant or the exercise of

the option (see subsections 708(15) and (16)).

703 Chapter may not be contracted out of

A condition of a contract for the sale or issue of securities is void if

it provides that a party to the contract is:

(a) required or bound to waive compliance with any requirement

of this Chapter; or

(b) taken to have notice of any contract, document or matter not

specifically referred to in the disclosure document for the


703A Operating a clearing and settlement facility is not offering

securities etc.

Nothing that the operator of a clearing and settlement facility

(within the meaning of Chapter 7) does in the course of, or in

connection with, providing facilities for the settlement of

transactions constitutes, for the purposes of this Chapter:

(a) an offer of securities for subscription or purchase; or

(b) an invitation to subscribe for or buy securities.

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Fundraising Chapter 6D

Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers) Part 6D.2

Overview Division 1

Section 703B

Corporations Act 2001 303

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 6D.2—Disclosure to investors about securities

(other than for CSF offers)

Division 1—Overview

703B Part generally does not apply in relation to CSF offers

Part 6D.3A (Crowd-sourced funding) contains a separate regime

for the making of CSF offers. The provisions in this Part do not

apply in relation to CSF offers, except as expressly provided in this

Part or in Part 6D.3A.

Note: The fact that a company makes a CSF offer of securities does not

prevent the company from also making an offer of securities of the

same class in reliance on a provision of section 708 (see

section 738E).

704 When disclosure to investors is needed

Sections 706, 707, 708, 708AA and 708A say when an offer of

securities, other than a CSF offer, needs disclosure to investors

under this Part.

Note 1: Section 727 prohibits offering securities without disclosure.

Note 2: If the offer needs disclosure, section 734 applies advertising

restrictions. These continue throughout the whole offer process.

Different restrictions apply before and after the disclosure document is


Note 3: The way the offers are made to people must not breach the securities

hawking prohibition in section 736.

705 Types of disclosure document

The following table shows what disclosure documents to use if an

offer of securities needs disclosure to investors under this Part.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 6D Fundraising

Part 6D.2 Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers)

Division 1 Overview

Section 705

304 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Disclosure document

Type Sections

1 prospectus

The standard full-disclosure


content [710, 711, 713]

procedure [717]

liability [728 and 729]

defences [731, 733]

2 short form prospectus

May be used for any offer.

Section 712 allows a prospectus

to refer to material lodged with

ASIC instead of setting it out.

Investors are entitled to a copy

of this material if they ask for it.

content [712]

2A 2-part simple corporate bonds


Must be used for any offer of

simple corporate bonds.

content [713C, 713D, 713E]

procedure [717]

liability [728 and 729]

defences [731 and 733]

3 profile statement

Section 721 allows a brief

profile statement (rather than

the prospectus) to be sent out

with offers with ASIC approval.

The prospectus must still be

prepared and lodged with ASIC.

Investors are entitled to a copy

of the prospectus if they ask for


content [714]

procedure [717]

liability [728 and 729]

defences [732, 733]

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Fundraising Chapter 6D

Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers) Part 6D.2

Overview Division 1

Section 705

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Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Disclosure document

Type Sections

4 offer information statement

Section 709 allows an offer

information statement to be

used instead of a prospectus for

an offer to issue securities if the

amount raised from issues of

securities is $10 million or less.

content [715]

procedure [717]

liability [728 and 729]

defences [732, 733]

Note: Subsection 709(1A) provides that if the offer period for an offer of

simple corporate bonds begins during the 2-year period beginning at

the commencement of that subsection, a prospectus (other than a

2-part simple corporate bonds prospectus) may be prepared.

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Chapter 6D Fundraising

Part 6D.2 Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers)

Division 2 Offers that need disclosure to investors

Section 706

306 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 2—Offers that need disclosure to investors

706 Issue offers that need disclosure

An offer of securities for issue, other than a CSF offer, needs

disclosure to investors under this Part unless section 708 or 708AA

says otherwise.

707 Sale offers that need disclosure

Only some sales need disclosure

(1) An offer of securities for sale needs disclosure to investors under

this Part only if disclosure is required by subsection (2), (3) or (5).

Off-market sale by controller

(2) An offer of a body’s securities for sale needs disclosure to

investors under this Part if:

(a) the person making the offer controls the body; and

(b) either:

(i) the securities are not quoted; or

(ii) although the securities are quoted, they are not offered

for sale in the ordinary course of trading on a relevant

financial market;

and section 708 does not say otherwise.

Note: See section 50AA for when a person controls a body.

Sale amounting to indirect issue

(3) An offer of a body’s securities for sale within 12 months after their

issue needs disclosure to investors under this Part if:

(a) the body issued the securities without disclosure to investors

under this Part; and

(b) either:

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Fundraising Chapter 6D

Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers) Part 6D.2

Offers that need disclosure to investors Division 2

Section 707

Corporations Act 2001 307

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(i) the body issued the securities with the purpose of the

person to whom they were issued selling or transferring

the securities, or granting, issuing or transferring

interests in, or options over, them; or

(ii) the person to whom the securities were issued acquired

them with the purpose of selling or transferring the

securities, or granting, issuing or transferring interests

in, or options over, them;

and section 708 or 708A does not say otherwise.

Note 1: Section 706 normally requires disclosure for the issue of securities.

This subsection is intended to prevent avoidance of section 706.

However, to establish a contravention of this subsection, the only

purpose that needs to be shown is that referred to in paragraph (b).

Note 2: The issuer and the seller must both consent to the disclosure document

(see section 720).

The purpose test in subsection (3)

(4) For the purposes of subsection (3):

(a) securities are taken to be:

(i) issued with the purpose referred to in

subparagraph (3)(b)(i); or

(ii) acquired with the purpose referred to in

subparagraph (3)(b)(ii);

if there are reasonable grounds for concluding that the

securities were issued or acquired with that purpose (whether

or not there may have been other purposes for the issue or

acquisition); and

(b) without limiting paragraph (a), securities are taken to be:

(i) issued with the purpose referred to in

subparagraph (3)(b)(i); or

(ii) acquired with the purpose referred to in

subparagraph (3)(b)(ii);

if any of the securities are subsequently sold, or offered for

sale, within 12 months after issue, unless it is proved that the

circumstances of the issue and the subsequent sale or offer

are not such as to give rise to reasonable grounds for

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Chapter 6D Fundraising

Part 6D.2 Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers)

Division 2 Offers that need disclosure to investors

Section 707

308 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

concluding that the securities were issued or acquired with

that purpose.

Sale amounting to indirect off-market sale by controller

(5) An offer of a body’s securities for sale within 12 months after their

sale by a person who controlled the body at the time of the sale

needs disclosure to investors under this Part if:

(a) at the time of the sale by the controller either:

(i) the securities were not quoted; or

(ii) although the securities were quoted, they were not

offered for sale in the ordinary course of trading on a

relevant financial market on which they were quoted;


(b) the controller sold the securities without disclosure to

investors under this Part; and

(c) either:

(i) the controller sold the securities with the purpose of the

person to whom they were sold selling or transferring

the securities, or granting, issuing or transferring

interests in, or options over, them; or

(ii) the person to whom the securities were sold acquired

them with the purpose of selling or transferring the

securities, or granting, issuing or transferring interests

in, or options over, them;

and section 708 does not say otherwise.

Note 1: Subsection (2) normally requires disclosure for a sale by a controller.

This subsection is intended to prevent avoidance of subsection (2).

However, to establish a contravention of this subsection, the only

purpose that needs to be shown is that referred to in paragraph (c).

Note 2: See section 50AA for when a person controls a body.

Note 3: The controller and the seller must both consent to the disclosure

document (see section 720).

The purpose test in subsection (5)

(6) For the purposes of subsection (5):

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Fundraising Chapter 6D

Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers) Part 6D.2

Offers that need disclosure to investors Division 2

Section 708

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Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(a) securities are taken to be:

(i) sold with the purpose referred to in

subparagraph (5)(c)(i); or

(ii) acquired with the purpose referred to in

subparagraph (5)(c)(ii);

if there are reasonable grounds for concluding that the

securities were sold or acquired with that purpose (whether

or not there may have been other purposes for the sale or

acquisition); and

(b) without limiting paragraph (a), securities are taken to be:

(i) sold with the purpose referred to in

subparagraph (5)(c)(i); or

(ii) acquired with the purpose referred to in

subparagraph (5)(c)(ii);

if any of the securities are subsequently sold, or offered for

sale, within 12 months after their sale by the controller,

unless it is proved that the circumstances of the initial sale

and the subsequent sale or offer are not such as to give rise to

reasonable grounds for concluding that the securities were

sold or acquired (in the initial sale) with that purpose.

708 Offers that do not need disclosure

Small scale offerings (20 issues or sales in 12 months)

(1) Personal offers of a body’s securities by a person do not need

disclosure to investors under this Part if:

(a) none of the offers results in a breach of the 20 investors

ceiling (see subsections (3) and (4)); and

(b) none of the offers results in a breach of the $2 million ceiling

(see subsections (3) and (4)).

This subsection does not apply to an offer for sale to which

subsection 707(3) (sale amounting to indirect issue) or (5) (sale

amounting to indirect sale by controller) applies.

Note 1: Subsection 727(4) makes it an offence to issue or transfer securities

without disclosure to investors once 20 issues or transfers have

occurred or $2 million has been raised.

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Chapter 6D Fundraising

Part 6D.2 Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers)

Division 2 Offers that need disclosure to investors

Section 708

310 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Note 2: Under section 740 ASIC may make a determination aggregating the

transactions of bodies that ASIC considers to be closely related.

(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), a personal offer is one that:

(a) may only be accepted by the person to whom it is made; and

(b) is made to a person who is likely to be interested in the offer,

having regard to:

(i) previous contact between the person making the offer

and that person; or

(ii) some professional or other connection between the

person making the offer and that person; or

(iii) statements or actions by that person that indicate that

they are interested in offers of that kind.

(3) An offer by a body to issue securities:

(a) results in a breach of the 20 investors ceiling if it results in

the number of people to whom securities of the body have

been issued exceeding 20 in any 12 month period; and

(b) results in a breach of the $2 million ceiling if it results in the

amount raised by the body by issuing securities exceeding $2

million in any 12 month period.

(4) An offer by a person to transfer a body’s securities:

(a) results in a breach of the 20 investors ceiling if it results in

the number of people to whom the person sells securities of

the body exceeding 20 in any 12 month period; and

(b) results in a breach of the $2 million ceiling if it results in the

amount raised by the person from selling the body’s

securities exceeding $2 million in any 12 month period.

(5) In counting issues and sales of the body’s securities, and the

amount raised from issues and sales, for the purposes of

subsection (1), disregard issues and sales that result from offers


(a) do not need a disclosure document because of any other

subsection of this section; or

(b) are not received in Australia; or

(c) are made under a disclosure document.

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Section 708

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Note: Also see provisions on restrictions on advertising (section 734) and

securities hawking provisions (Part 6D.3).

(7) In working out the amount of money raised by the body by issuing

securities, include the following:

(a) the amount payable for the securities at the time when they

are issued;

(b) if the securities are shares issued partly-paid—any amount

payable at a future time if a call is made;

(c) if the security is an option—any amount payable on the

exercise of the option;

(d) if the securities carry a right to convert the securities into

other securities—any amount payable on the exercise of that


Sophisticated investors

(8) An offer of a body’s securities does not need disclosure to

investors under this Part if:

(a) the minimum amount payable for the securities on

acceptance of the offer by the person to whom the offer is

made is at least $500,000; or

(b) the amount payable for the securities on acceptance by the

person to whom the offer is made and the amounts previously

paid by the person for the body’s securities of the same class

that are held by the person add up to at least $500,000; or

(c) it appears from a certificate given by a qualified accountant

no more than 6 months before the offer is made that the

person to whom the offer is made:

(i) has net assets of at least the amount specified in

regulations made for the purposes of this subparagraph;


(ii) has a gross income for each of the last 2 financial years

of at least the amount specified in regulations made for

the purposes of this subparagraph a year; or

(d) the offer is made to a company or trust controlled by a person

who meets the requirements of subparagraph (c)(i) or (ii).

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Division 2 Offers that need disclosure to investors

Section 708

312 Corporations Act 2001

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Note 1: Section 9 defines qualified accountant.

Note 2: A financial services licensee has obligations under Division 3 of

Part 7.7 when providing financial advice. ASIC has a power under

section 915C to suspend or cancel a licensee’s licence.

(9) In calculating the amount payable, or paid, for securities for the

purposes of paragraph (8)(a) or (b), disregard any amount payable,

or paid, to the extent to which it is to be paid, or was paid, out of

money lent by the person offering the securities or an associate.

(9A) In addition to specifying amounts for the purposes of

subparagraphs (8)(c)(i) and (ii), the regulations may do either or

both of the following:

(a) deal with how net assets referred to in subparagraph (8)(c)(i)

are to be determined and valued, either generally or in

specified circumstances;

(b) deal with how gross income referred to in

subparagraph (8)(c)(ii) is to be calculated, either generally or

in specified circumstances.

(9B) In determining the net assets of a person under

subparagraph (8)(c)(i), the net assets of a company or trust

controlled by the person may be included.

Note: Control is defined in section 50AA.

(9C) In determining the gross income of a person under

subparagraph (8)(c)(ii), the gross income of a company or trust

controlled by the person may be included.

Note: Control is defined in section 50AA.

(10) An offer of a body’s securities does not need disclosure to

investors under this Part if:

(a) the offer is made through a financial services licensee; and

(b) the licensee is satisfied on reasonable grounds that the person

to whom the offer is made has previous experience in

investing in securities that allows them to assess:

(i) the merits of the offer; and

(ii) the value of the securities; and

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(iii) the risks involved in accepting the offer; and

(iv) their own information needs; and

(v) the adequacy of the information given by the person

making the offer; and

(c) the licensee gives the person before, or at the time when, the

offer is made a written statement of the licensee’s reasons for

being satisfied as to those matters; and

(d) the person to whom the offer is made signs a written

acknowledgment before, or at the time when, the offer is

made that the licensee has not given the person a disclosure

document under this Part in relation to the offer.

Professional investors

(11) An offer of securities does not need disclosure to investors under

this Part if it is made to:

(a) a person covered by the definition of professional investor in

section 9 (except a person mentioned in paragraph (e) of the

definition); or

(b) a person who has or controls gross assets of at least $10

million (including any assets held by an associate or under a

trust that the person manages).

Offers of securities to people associated with the body

(12) An offer of a body’s securities does not need disclosure to

investors under this Part if it is made to:

(a) a senior manager of the body or a related body or their

spouse, parent, child, brother or sister; or

(b) a body corporate controlled by a person referred to in

paragraph (a).

Certain offers to present holder of securities

(13) An offer of securities for issue does not need disclosure to

investors under this Part if it is:

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Division 2 Offers that need disclosure to investors

Section 708

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(a) an offer of fully-paid shares in a body to 1 or more existing

holders of shares in the body under a dividend reinvestment

plan or bonus share plan; or

(b) an offer of interests in a managed investment scheme to 1 or

more existing holders of interests in the scheme if:

(i) the offer is made under a distribution reinvestment plan

or switching facility; or

(ii) the scheme is of a kind commonly known as a cash

common fund or cash management trust.

(14) An offer of a disclosing entity’s debentures for issue does not need

disclosure to investors under this Part if the offer is made to 1 or

more existing debenture holders.

(14A) Subsection (14) does not apply to:

(a) an offer of simple corporate bonds; or

(b) an offer of debentures (other than simple corporate bonds), if

the offer is made to holders of simple corporate bonds.

Issues or sales for no consideration

(15) An offer of securities (other than options) does not need disclosure

to investors under this Part if no consideration is to be provided for

the issue or transfer of the securities.

(16) An offer of options does not need disclosure to investors under this

Part if:

(a) no consideration is to be provided for the issue or transfer of

the options; and

(b) no consideration is to be provided for the underlying

securities on the exercise of the option.

Compromise or arrangement under Part 5.1

(17) An offer of securities does not need disclosure to investors under

this Part if it is made under a compromise or arrangement under

Part 5.1 approved at a meeting held as a result of an order under

subsection 411(1) or (1A).

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Deed of company arrangement

(17A) An offer of securities does not need disclosure to investors under

this Part if:

(a) it is made to any or all of the company’s creditors under a

deed of company arrangement; and

(b) it does not require the provision of consideration other than

the release of the company from a debt or debts; and

(c) before the offer was specified in the deed, the administrator

gave as many creditors as reasonably practicable a statement:

(i) that set out all relevant information about the offer that

was within the knowledge of the administrator of the

deed; and

(ii) that stated that the statement is not a prospectus and

may contain less information than a prospectus.


(18) An offer of securities does not need disclosure to investors under

this Part if it is:

(a) made as consideration for an offer to acquire securities under

a takeover bid under Chapter 6; and

(b) accompanied by a bidder’s statement.

Note: Although this offer does not need a disclosure document, similar

disclosures must be made about the securities in the bidder’s statement

under section 636.

Debentures of certain bodies

(19) An offer of a body’s debentures for issue or sale does not need

disclosure to investors under this Part if the body is:

(a) an Australian ADI; or

(b) registered under section 21 of the Life Insurance Act 1995.

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Part 6D.2 Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers)

Division 2 Offers that need disclosure to investors

Section 708AA

316 Corporations Act 2001

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Offers by exempt bodies

(20) An offer of a body’s securities in a State or Territory in this

jurisdiction does not need disclosure to investors under this Part if

the body is an exempt body of that State or Territory.

Note: Section 66A defines exempt body.

(21) An offer of a body’s securities for issue does not need disclosure to

investors under this Part if the body is an exempt public authority

of a State or Territory.

Note: Debentures, stock or bonds issued by a government are not securities

for the purposes of this Chapter (see subsection 92(3)).

708AA Rights issues that do not need disclosure

(1) This section applies to an offer of a body’s securities (the relevant

securities) for issue if:

(a) but for subsection (2), disclosure to investors under this Part

would be required by section 706; and

(b) a determination under subsection (3) is not in force in

relation to the body at the time when the relevant securities

are offered.

Conditions required for rights issue

(2) The offer does not need disclosure to investors under this Part if:

(a) the relevant securities are being offered under a rights issue;


(b) the class of the relevant securities are quoted securities at the

time at which the offer is made; and

(c) trading in that class of securities on a prescribed financial

market on which they are quoted was not suspended for more

than a total of 5 days during the shorter of the following


(i) the period during which the class of securities is quoted;

(ii) the period of 12 months before the day on which the

offer is made; and

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(d) no exemption under section 111AS or 111AT covered the

body, or any person as director or auditor of the body, at any

time during the relevant period referred to in paragraph (c);


(e) no order under section 340 or 341 covered the body, or any

person as director or auditor of the body, at any time during

the relevant period referred to in paragraph (c); and

(f) the body gives the relevant market operator for the body a

notice that complies with subsection (7) within the 24 hour

period before the offer is made.

Determination by ASIC

(3) ASIC may make a determination under this subsection if ASIC is

satisfied that in the previous 12 months the body contravened any

of the following provisions:

(a) subsection 283AA(1), 283AB(1) or 283AC(1);

(b) the provisions of Chapter 2M as they apply to the body;

(c) section 674 or 675;

(d) section 724 or 728;

(e) subsection (10) of this section;

(f) section 1308 as that section applies to a notice under

subsection (2) of this section.

(4) The determination must be made in writing and a copy must be

published in the Gazette as soon as practicable after the

determination is made.

(5) The determination made under subsection (3) is not a legislative


(6) A failure to publish a copy of the determination does not affect the

validity of the determination.

Requirements for notice

(7) A notice complies with this subsection if the notice:

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Division 2 Offers that need disclosure to investors

Section 708AA

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(a) states that the body will offer the relevant securities for issue

without disclosure to investors under this Part; and

(b) states that the notice is being given under paragraph (2)(f);


(c) states that, as at the date of the notice, the body has complied


(i) the provisions of Chapter 2M as they apply to the body;


(ii) section 674; and

(d) sets out any information that is excluded information as at the

date of the notice (see subsections (8) and (9)); and

(e) states:

(i) the potential effect the issue of the relevant securities

will have on the control of the body; and

(ii) the consequences of that effect.

Note 1: A person is taken not to contravene section 727 if a notice purports to

comply with this subsection but does not actually comply with this

subsection: see subsection 727(5).

Note 2: A notice must not be false or misleading in a material particular, or

omit anything that would render it misleading in a material respect:

see sections 1308 and 1309. The body has an obligation to correct a

defective notice: see subsection (10) of this section.

(8) For the purposes of subsection (7), excluded information is


(a) that has been excluded from a continuous disclosure notice in

accordance with the listing rules of the relevant market

operator to whom that notice is required to be given; and

(b) that investors and their professional advisers would

reasonably require for the purpose of making an informed

assessment of:

(i) the assets and liabilities, financial position and

performance, profits and losses and prospects of the

body; or

(ii) the rights and liabilities attaching to the relevant


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(9) The notice given under subsection (2) must contain any excluded

information only to the extent to which it is reasonable for

investors and their professional advisers to expect to find the

information in a disclosure document.

Obligation to correct defective notice

(10) The body contravenes this subsection if:

(a) the notice given under subsection (2) is defective; and

(b) the body becomes aware of the defect in the notice within 12

months after the relevant securities are issued; and

(c) the body does not, within a reasonable time after becoming

aware of the defect, give the relevant market operator a

notice that sets out the information necessary to correct the


(11) For the purposes of subsection (10), the notice under subsection (2)

is defective if the notice:

(a) does not comply with paragraph (2)(f); or

(b) is false or misleading in a material particular; or

(c) has omitted from it a matter or thing, the omission of which

renders the notice misleading in a material respect.

708A Sale offers that do not need disclosure

Sale offers to which this section applies

(1) This section applies to an offer (the sale offer) of a body’s

securities (the relevant securities) for sale by a person if:

(a) but for subsection (5), (11) or (12), disclosure to investors

under this Part would be required by subsection 707(3) for

the sale offer; and

(b) the securities were not issued by the body with the purpose

referred to in subparagraph 707(3)(b)(i); and

(c) a determination under subsection (2) was not in force in

relation to the body at the time when the relevant securities

were issued.

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Part 6D.2 Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers)

Division 2 Offers that need disclosure to investors

Section 708A

320 Corporations Act 2001

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(1A) This section also applies to an offer (the sale offer) of a body’s

securities (the relevant securities) for sale by a person if:

(a) but for subsection (5), disclosure to investors under this Part

would be required by subsection 707(5) for the sale offer;


(b) the securities were not sold by the controller with the purpose

referred to in subparagraph 707(5)(c)(i); and

(c) a determination under subsection (2) was not in force in

relation to the body at the time when the relevant securities

were issued.

Determination by ASIC

(2) ASIC may make a determination under this subsection if ASIC is

satisfied that in the previous 12 months the body contravened any

of the following provisions:

(a) subsection 283AA(1), 283AB(1) or 283AC(1);

(b) the provisions of Chapter 2M as they apply to the body;

(c) section 674 or 675;

(d) section 724 or 728;

(e) subsection (9) of this section; or

(f) section 1308 as that section applies to a notice under

subsection (5) of this section.

(3) The determination must be made in writing and a copy must be

published in the Gazette as soon as practicable after the

determination is made.

(4) A failure to publish a copy of the determination does not affect the

validity of the determination.

Sale offer of quoted securities—case 1

(5) The sale offer does not need disclosure to investors under this Part


(a) the relevant securities are in a class of securities that were

quoted securities at all times in the 3 months before the day

on which the relevant securities were issued; and

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Section 708A

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(b) trading in that class of securities on a prescribed financial

market on which they were quoted was not suspended for

more than a total of 5 days during the shorter of the period

during which the class of securities were quoted, and the

period of 12 months before the day on which the relevant

securities were issued; and

(c) no exemption under section 111AS or 111AT covered the

body, or any person as director or auditor of the body, at any

time during the relevant period referred to in paragraph (b);


(d) no order under section 340 or 341 covered the body, or any

person as director or auditor of the body, at any time during

the relevant period referred to in paragraph (b); and

(e) either:

(i) if this section applies because of subsection (1)—the

body gives the relevant market operator for the body a

notice that complies with subsection (6) before the sale

offer is made; or

(ii) if this section applies because of subsection (1A)—both

the body, and the controller, give the relevant market

operator for the body a notice that complies with

subsection (6) before the sale offer is made.

(6) A notice complies with this subsection if the notice:

(a) is given within 5 business days after the day on which the

relevant securities were issued by the body; and

(b) states that the body issued the relevant securities without

disclosure to investors under this Part; and

(c) states that the notice is being given under paragraph (5)(e);


(d) states that, as at the date of the notice, the body has complied


(i) the provisions of Chapter 2M as they apply to the body;


(ii) section 674; and

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Division 2 Offers that need disclosure to investors

Section 708A

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(e) sets out any information that is excluded information as at the

date of the notice (see subsections (7) and (8)).

Note 1: A person is taken not to contravene section 727 if a notice purports to

comply with this subsection but does not actually comply with this

subsection: see subsection 727(5).

Note 2: A notice must not be false or misleading in a material particular, or

omit anything that would render it misleading in a material respect:

see sections 1308 and 1309. The body has an obligation to correct a

defective notice: see subsection (9) of this section.

(7) For the purposes of subsection (6), excluded information is


(a) that has been excluded from a continuous disclosure notice in

accordance with the listing rules of the relevant market

operator to whom that notice is required to be given; and

(b) that investors and their professional advisers would

reasonably require for the purpose of making an informed

assessment of:

(i) the assets and liabilities, financial position and

performance, profits and losses and prospects of the

body; or

(ii) the rights and liabilities attaching to the relevant


(8) The notice given under subsection (5) must contain any excluded

information only to the extent to which it is reasonable for

investors and their professional advisers to expect to find the

information in a disclosure document.

Obligation to correct defective notice

(9) The body contravenes this subsection if:

(a) the notice given under subsection (5) is defective; and

(b) the body becomes aware of the defect in the notice within 12

months after the relevant securities are issued; and

(c) the body does not, within a reasonable time after becoming

aware of the defect, give the relevant market operator a

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Offers that need disclosure to investors Division 2

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notice that sets out the information necessary to correct the


(10) For the purposes of subsection (9), the notice under subsection (5)

is defective if the notice:

(a) does not comply with paragraph (6)(e); or

(b) is false or misleading in a material particular; or

(c) has omitted from it a matter or thing the omission of which

renders the notice misleading in a material respect.

Sale offer of quoted securities—case 2

(11) The sale offer does not need disclosure to investors under this Part


(a) the relevant securities are in a class of securities that are

quoted securities of the body; and

(b) either:

(i) a prospectus is lodged with ASIC on or after the day on

which the relevant securities were issued but before the

day on which the sale offer is made; or

(ii) a prospectus is lodged with ASIC before the day on

which the relevant securities are issued and offers of

securities that have been made under the prospectus are

still open for acceptance on the day on which the

relevant securities were issued; and

(c) the prospectus is for an offer of securities issued by the body

that are in the same class of securities as the relevant


Sale offer of quoted securities—case 3

(12) This subsection is satisfied if:

(a) the body offered to issue securities under a prospectus; and

(b) the body issued the relevant securities to:

(i) a person (the underwriter) named in that prospectus as

an underwriter of the issue; or

(ii) a person nominated by the underwriter; and

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Division 2 Offers that need disclosure to investors

Section 708A

324 Corporations Act 2001

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(c) the relevant securities were issued to the underwriter, or the

person nominated by the underwriter, at or about the time

that persons who applied for securities under the prospectus

were issued with those securities; and

(d) the relevant securities are in a class of securities that were

quoted securities of the body.

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Types of disclosure documents Division 3

Section 709

Corporations Act 2001 325

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Division 3—Types of disclosure documents

709 Prospectuses, short-form prospectuses, profile statements and

offer information statements

Prospectus or short-form prospectus

(1) If an offer of securities (other than an offer of simple corporate

bonds) needs disclosure to investors under this Part, a prospectus

must be prepared for the offer unless subsection (4) allows an offer

information statement to be used instead. Under section 712, the

prospectus may simply refer to material already lodged with ASIC

instead of including it.

Note: See sections 710 to 713 for the contents of a prospectus.

(1A) If:

(a) an offer of simple corporate bonds needs disclosure to

investors under this Part; and

(b) the offer period begins during the 2-year period beginning at

the commencement of this subsection;

either of the following must be prepared for the offer:

(c) a prospectus (other than a 2-part simple corporate bonds

prospectus) unless subsection (4) allows an offer information

statement to be used instead;

(d) a 2-part simple corporate bonds prospectus.

Note: See sections 713B to 713E for the contents of a 2-part simple

corporate bonds prospectus.

(1B) If a prospectus is prepared under paragraph (1A)(c), then, under

section 712, the prospectus may simply refer to material already

lodged with ASIC instead of including it.

(1C) If:

(a) an offer of simple corporate bonds needs disclosure to

investors under this Part; and

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Part 6D.2 Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers)

Division 3 Types of disclosure documents

Section 709

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(b) the offer period begins after the 2-year period beginning at

the commencement of this subsection;

a 2-part simple corporate bonds prospectus must be prepared for

the offer.

Note: See sections 713B to 713E for the contents of a 2-part simple

corporate bonds prospectus.

Profile statement

(2) A profile statement for an offer may be prepared in addition to the

prospectus if ASIC has approved the making of offers of that kind

with a profile statement instead of a disclosure document.

Note 1: See section 714 for the contents of a profile statement.

Note 2: Subsection 729(2) provides that there is still liability to investors on

the prospectus when a profile statement is used.

(2A) Subsection (2) does not apply to an offer of simple corporate


(3) ASIC may approve the use of profile statements for offers of

securities of a particular kind. The approval may specify

information to be included in the profile statement (including

information about a matter referred to in paragraphs 714(1)(a) to


Offer information statement

(4) A body offering to issue securities may use an offer information

statement for the offer instead of a prospectus (other than a 2-part

simple corporate bonds prospectus) if the amount of money to be

raised by the body by issuing the securities, when added to all

amounts previously raised by:

(a) the body; or

(b) a related body corporate; or

(c) an entity controlled by:

(i) a person who controls the body; or

(ii) an associate of that person;

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Fundraising Chapter 6D

Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers) Part 6D.2

Types of disclosure documents Division 3

Section 709

Corporations Act 2001 327

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

by issuing securities under an offer information statement is

$10 million or less.

Note 1: See section 715 for the contents of an offer information statement. The

statement must include financial statements that are less than 6 months


Note 2: Under section 740, ASIC may make a determination aggregating the

transactions of bodies that ASIC considers to be closely related.

(5) In working out the amount of money to be raised by a body or

entity by issuing securities, include the following:

(a) the amount payable for the securities at the time when they

are issued;

(b) if the securities are issued partly-paid—any amount payable

at a future time if a call is made;

(c) if the securities are options—any amount payable on the

exercise of the options;

(d) if the securities carry a right to convert the securities into

other securities—any amount payable on the exercise of that


However, do not include an amount payable for securities, or

payable on the exercise of options, if the securities or options are

issued under an eligible employee share scheme.

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Chapter 6D Fundraising

Part 6D.2 Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers)

Division 4 Disclosure requirements

Section 710

328 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 4—Disclosure requirements

710 Prospectus content—general disclosure test

(1) A prospectus for a body’s securities must contain all the

information that investors and their professional advisers would

reasonably require to make an informed assessment of the matters

set out in the table below. The prospectus must contain this


(a) only to the extent to which it is reasonable for investors and

their professional advisers to expect to find the information

in the prospectus; and

(b) only if a person whose knowledge is relevant (see

subsection (3)):

(i) actually knows the information; or

(ii) in the circumstances ought reasonably to have obtained

the information by making enquiries.

Disclosures [operative]

Offer Matters

1 offer to issue (or transfer)

shares, debentures or

interests in a managed

investment scheme

 the rights and liabilities attaching to the

securities offered

 the assets and liabilities, financial

position and performance, profits and

losses and prospects of the body that is

to issue (or issued) the shares,

debentures or interests

2 offer to grant (or transfer) a

legal or equitable interest in

securities or grant (or

transfer) an option over


 the rights and liabilities attaching to:

- the interest or option

- the underlying securities

 for an option—the capacity of the

person making the offer to issue or

deliver the underlying securities

 if the person making the offer is:

- the body that issued or is to issue the

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Fundraising Chapter 6D

Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers) Part 6D.2

Disclosure requirements Division 4

Section 710

Corporations Act 2001 329

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Disclosures [operative]

Offer Matters

underlying securities; or

- a person who controls that body; the assets and liabilities, financial

position and performance, profits and

losses and prospects of that body

 if subsection 707(3) or (5) applies to the

offer—the assets and liabilities,

financial position and performance,

profits and losses and prospects of the

body whose securities are offered

Note: Section 713 makes special provision for prospectuses for continuously

quoted securities.

(2) In deciding what information should be included under

subsection (1), have regard to:

(a) the nature of the securities and of the body; and

(b) if the securities are investments in a managed investment

scheme—the nature of the scheme; and

(c) the matters that likely investors may reasonably be expected

to know; and

(d) the fact that certain matters may reasonably be expected to be

known to their professional advisers.

(3) For the purposes of this section, a person’s knowledge is relevant

only if they are one of the following:

(a) the person offering the securities;

(b) if the person offering the securities is a body—a director of

the body;

(c) a proposed director of the body whose securities will be

issued under the offer;

(d) a person named in the prospectus as an underwriter of the

issue or sale;

(e) a person named in the prospectus as a financial services

licensee involved in the issue or sale;

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Chapter 6D Fundraising

Part 6D.2 Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers)

Division 4 Disclosure requirements

Section 711

330 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(f) a person named in the prospectus with their consent as

having made a statement:

(i) that is included in the prospectus; or

(ii) on which a statement made in the prospectus is based;

(g) a person named in the prospectus with their consent as

having performed a particular professional or advisory


Note: Section 729 says who is liable for misstatements in, and omissions

from, a disclosure document.

(4) This section does not apply to a 2-part simple corporate bonds


711 Prospectus content—specific disclosures

Terms and conditions of offer

(1) The prospectus must set out the terms and conditions of the offer.

Disclosure of interests and fees of certain people involved in the


(2) The prospectus must set out the nature and extent of the interests

(if any) that each person referred to in subsection (4) holds, or held

at any time during the last 2 years, in:

(a) the formation or promotion of the body; or

(b) property acquired or proposed to be acquired by the body in

connection with:

(i) its formation or promotion; or

(ii) the offer of the securities; or

(c) the offer of the securities.

(3) The prospectus must set out the amount that anyone has paid or

agreed to pay, or the nature and value of any benefit anyone has

given or agreed to give:

(a) to a director, or proposed director, to induce them to become,

or to qualify as, a director of the body; and

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Fundraising Chapter 6D

Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers) Part 6D.2

Disclosure requirements Division 4

Section 711

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Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(b) for services provided by a person referred to in subsection (4)

in connection with:

(i) the formation or promotion of the body; or

(ii) the offer of the securities; and

(c) if the prospectus is for interests in a managed investment

scheme—to the responsible entity:

(i) to procure acquisitions of interests in the scheme; or

(ii) for services provided under the constitution of the


To comply with this subsection it is not sufficient merely to state in

the prospectus that a person has been paid or will be paid normal,

usual or standard fees.

(4) Disclosures need to be made under subsections (2) and (3) in

relation to:

(a) any directors and proposed directors of the body;

(b) a person named in the prospectus as performing a function in

a professional, advisory or other capacity in connection with

the preparation or distribution of the prospectus;

(d) a promoter of the body;

(e) an underwriter (but not a sub-underwriter) to the issue or sale

or a financial services licensee named in the prospectus as a

financial services licensee involved in the issue or sale.

Quotation of securities

(5) If the prospectus for an offer of securities states or implies that the

securities will be able to be traded on a financial market (whether

in Australia or elsewhere), the prospectus must state that:

(a) the securities have been admitted to quotation on that

financial market; or

(b) an application for admission of the securities to quotation on

that financial market has been made to the operator of that

market; or

(c) an application for admission of the securities to quotation on

that financial market will be made to the operator of that

market within 7 days after the date of the prospectus.

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Chapter 6D Fundraising

Part 6D.2 Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers)

Division 4 Disclosure requirements

Section 711

332 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Note 1: Paragraph 724(1)(b) gives times within which the person should seek

and obtain admission to quotation.

Note 2: Subsection 716(1) requires the prospectus to be dated.

Expiry date

(6) The prospectus must state that no securities will be issued on the

basis of the prospectus after the expiry date specified in the

prospectus. The expiry date must not be later than 13 months after

the date of the prospectus. The expiry date of a replacement

prospectus must be the same as that of the original prospectus it


Note 1: Subsection 716(1) requires the prospectus to be dated.

Note 2: Section 719 deals with replacement prospectuses.

Lodgment with ASIC

(7) The prospectus must state that:

(a) a copy of the prospectus has been lodged with ASIC; and

(b) ASIC takes no responsibility for the content of the


Prescribed information

(8) The prospectus must set out the information required by the


Section does not apply to 2-part simple corporate bonds


(9) This section does not apply to a 2-part simple corporate bonds


Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Fundraising Chapter 6D

Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers) Part 6D.2

Disclosure requirements Division 4

Section 712

Corporations Act 2001 333

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

712 Prospectus content—short form prospectuses

Prospectus may simply refer to material lodged with ASIC

(1) Instead of setting out information that is contained in a document

that has been lodged with ASIC, a prospectus may simply refer to

the document. The reference must:

(a) identify the document or the part of the document that

contains the information; and

(b) inform people of their right to obtain a copy of the document

(or part) under subsection (5).

(2) The reference must also include:

(a) if the information is primarily of interest to professional

analysts or advisers or investors with similar specialist

information needs:

(i) a description of the contents of the document (or part);


(ii) a statement to the effect that the information in the

document (or part) is primarily of interest to those

people; or

(b) in any other case—sufficient information about the contents

of the document to allow a person to whom the offer is made

to decide whether to obtain a copy of the document (or part).

(3) The document (or part) referred to under subsection (1) is taken to

be included in the prospectus.

(4) A person who wishes to take advantage of subsection (1) may

lodge a document with ASIC even if this Act does not require the

document to be lodged.

(5) If the prospectus is taken to include a document, or part of a

document, under subsection (1), the person making the offer must

give a copy of the document (or part) free of charge to anyone who

asks for it during the application period of the prospectus.

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Chapter 6D Fundraising

Part 6D.2 Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers)

Division 4 Disclosure requirements

Section 713

334 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Section does not apply to 2-part simple corporate bonds


(6) This section does not apply to a 2-part simple corporate bonds


713 Special prospectus content rules for continuously quoted


Alternative general disclosure test

(1) A prospectus for an offer of:

(a) continuously quoted securities of a body; or

(b) options to acquire continuously quoted securities of a body;

satisfies section 710 if it complies with subsections (2), (3) and (4)

of this section.

(2) The prospectus must contain all the information investors and their

professional advisers would reasonably require to make an

informed assessment of:

(a) the effect of the offer on the body; and

(c) the rights and liabilities attaching to the securities offered;


(d) if the securities are options—the rights and liabilities

attaching to:

(i) the options themselves; and

(ii) the underlying securities.

The prospectus must contain this information only to the extent to

which it is reasonable for investors and their professional advisers

to expect to find the information in the prospectus.

(3) The prospectus must state that:

(a) as a disclosing entity, the body is subject to regular reporting

and disclosure obligations; and

(b) copies of documents lodged with ASIC in relation to the

body may be obtained from, or inspected at, an ASIC office.

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Fundraising Chapter 6D

Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers) Part 6D.2

Disclosure requirements Division 4

Section 713

Corporations Act 2001 335

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(4) The prospectus must either:

(a) inform people of their right to obtain a copy of any of the

following documents:

(i) the annual financial report most recently lodged with

ASIC by the body;

(ii) any half-year financial report lodged with ASIC by the

body after the lodgment of that annual financial report

and before the lodgment of the copy of the prospectus

with ASIC;

(iii) any continuous disclosure notices given by the body

after the lodgment of that annual financial report and

before the lodgment of the copy of the prospectus with

ASIC; or

(b) include, or be accompanied by, a copy of the document.

If the prospectus informs people of their right to obtain a copy of

the document, the person making the offer must give a copy of the

document free of charge to anyone who asks for it during the

application period for the prospectus.

Information excluded from continuous disclosure notice

(5) Information about the offer must also be set out in the prospectus if

the information:

(a) has been excluded from a continuous disclosure notice in

accordance with the listing rules of the prescribed financial

market whose operator was given the notice; and

(b) is information that investors and their professional advisers

would reasonably require for the purpose of making an

informed assessment of:

(i) the assets and liabilities, financial position and

performance, profits and losses and prospects of the

body; and

(ii) the rights and liabilities attaching to the securities being


The prospectus must contain this information only to the extent to

which it is reasonable for investors and their professional advisers

to expect to find the information in the prospectus.

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Chapter 6D Fundraising

Part 6D.2 Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers)

Division 4 Disclosure requirements

Section 713A

336 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

ASIC power to exclude entity from this section

(6) ASIC may determine in writing that a body may not rely on this

section if it is satisfied that, in the previous 12 months, any of the

following provisions were contravened in relation to the body:

(a) the provisions of Chapter 2M;

(aa) subsection 674(2) or 675(2);

(ab) subsection 708AA(10) or 708A(9);

(b) section 724;

(c) section 728;

(d) section 1308 as it applies to a notice under

subsection 708AA(2) or 708A(5);

ASIC must publish a copy of the determination in the Gazette.

While the determination is in force, section 710 and not this section

applies to securities of the body.

Section does not apply to 2-part simple corporate bonds


(7) This section does not apply to a 2-part simple corporate bonds


713A Offer of simple corporate bonds

Simple corporate bonds

(1) If the conditions set out in this section are satisfied in relation to an

offer of securities for issue by a body:

(a) the offer is an offer of simple corporate bonds; and

(b) the securities are simple corporate bonds.

Securities must be debentures

(2) The securities must be debentures.

Securities must be quoted on a prescribed financial market

(3) The securities must be offered on the basis that:

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Fundraising Chapter 6D

Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers) Part 6D.2

Disclosure requirements Division 4

Section 713A

Corporations Act 2001 337

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(a) the securities have been admitted to quotation on a prescribed

financial market; or

(b) an application for admission of the securities to quotation on

a prescribed financial market has been made to the operator

of that market; or

(c) an application for admission of the securities to quotation on

a prescribed financial market will be made to the operator of

that market within 7 days after the date of the prospectus.

(4) If, at a particular time, there is no prospectus, then, for the purposes

of paragraph (3)(c), assume that:

(a) there is a prospectus; and

(b) the date of the prospectus is the first day of the offer period.

Securities must be in Australian currency

(5) The securities must be denominated in Australian currency.

Securities for fixed term

(6) The securities must be for a fixed term of not more than 15 years.

Principal payable at end of fixed term

(7) The principal in respect of the securities must be repaid by the

issuing body to the holder at the end of the fixed term.

Interest rate must be fixed or floating

(8) The rate at which interest is payable on the securities must be:

(a) a fixed rate; or

(b) a floating rate that is comprised of a reference rate and a

fixed margin.

Fixed rate etc. must not be decreased

(9) If a fixed rate of interest is payable on the securities, the rate must

not be decreased during the term of the securities.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 6D Fundraising

Part 6D.2 Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers)

Division 4 Disclosure requirements

Section 713A

338 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(10) If a floating rate of interest is payable on the securities, the fixed

margin of the rate must not be decreased during the term of the


Interest to be paid periodically etc.

(11) Interest payments on the securities:

(a) must be paid periodically; and

(b) must be paid no later than the end of the fixed term; and

(c) cannot be deferred or capitalised by the issuing body.

Security must not exceed $1,000

(12) The price payable for each security must not exceed $1,000.

Securities may only be redeemed before fixed term in specified


(13) The securities must not be redeemable (other than at the end of the

fixed term) except in one or more of the following circumstances:

(a) at the option of the holders of the securities;

(b) as a result of the acceptance of offers made to the holders by

the issuing body to buy back the securities;

(c) a change in a law, or in the application or interpretation of a

law, with the effect that interest payable on the securities is

not, or may not be, deductible by the issuing body for the

purposes of calculating its taxation liability;

(d) a change in a law, or in the application or interpretation of a

law, with the effect that:

(i) the issuing body, or any guarantor for the body, would

be required to deduct or withhold an amount in respect

of taxes from a payment to the holders; and

(ii) under the terms of the securities, that deduction or

withholding would result in the body, or any guarantor,

being required to pay an additional amount to the

holders in relation to the amount deducted or withheld;

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Fundraising Chapter 6D

Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers) Part 6D.2

Disclosure requirements Division 4

Section 713A

Corporations Act 2001 339

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(e) there is a change of control of the issuing body (as defined in

the terms of the securities) and the redemption does not take

effect unless all securities issued under the offer are


(f) fewer than 10% of the securities issued under the offer

remain on issue and the redemption does not take effect

unless all securities issued under the offer are redeemed.

Debt to security holders is not subordinated to debts to unsecured


(14) The issuing body’s debts to holders of the securities must not be

subordinated to any of the issuing body’s debts to unsecured


Securities not convertible

(15) The securities must not be convertible into another class of


Securities are offered at single price

(16) The price payable for the securities must be the same for all

persons who accept the offer.

Continuously quoted securities

(17) The issuing body must be a body that:

(a) has continuously quoted securities; or

(b) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of a body corporate that:

(i) has continuously quoted securities; and

(ii) has guaranteed, or agreed to guarantee, the repayment of

any money deposited or lent to the borrower under the

securities; and

(iii) has guaranteed, or agreed to guarantee, the payment of

any interest payable on the securities;

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 6D Fundraising

Part 6D.2 Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers)

Division 4 Disclosure requirements

Section 713A

340 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

where trading in the securities on a prescribed financial market on

which the securities are quoted was not suspended for more than a

total of 5 days during the shorter of the following periods:

(c) the period during which the class of securities is quoted;

(d) the period of 12 months before the day on which the offer is


(18) If, at a particular time, there is no prospectus, then, in determining,

for the purposes of subsection (17), whether a body has

continuously quoted securities at that time, assume that:

(a) there is a prospectus; and

(b) the date of the prospectus is the first day of the offer period.

Auditor’s reports have not been modified

(19) If the condition in subsection (17) is satisfied because of the

application of paragraph (17)(a) to the issuing body, the auditor’s

report on:

(a) the issuing body’s financial report for the most recent

financial year; or

(b) if a half-year financial report was prepared by the issuing

body after the issuing body’s financial report for the most

recent financial year—the half-year financial report;

must not include:

(c) a statement to the effect that the auditor is of the opinion that

the financial report, or the half-year financial report, as the

case may be, is not in accordance with this Act; or

(d) a description of a defect or an irregularity in the financial

report or the half-year financial report, as the case may be; or

(e) a description of a deficiency, failure or shortcoming in

respect of the matters referred to in paragraph 307(b), (c) or

(d); or

(f) an emphasis of matter paragraph related to going concern.

(20) If:

(a) the issuing body is a wholly-owned subsidiary of a body

corporate; and

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Fundraising Chapter 6D

Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers) Part 6D.2

Disclosure requirements Division 4

Section 713A

Corporations Act 2001 341

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(b) the condition in subsection (17) is satisfied because of the

application of paragraph (17)(b) to the body corporate;

the auditor’s report on:

(c) the body corporate’s financial report for the most recent

financial year; or

(d) if a half-year financial report was prepared by the body

corporate after the body corporate’s financial report for the

most recent financial year—the half-year financial report;

must not include:

(e) a statement to the effect that the auditor is of the opinion that

the financial report, or the half-year financial report, as the

case may be, is not in accordance with this Act; or

(f) a description of a defect or an irregularity in the financial

report or the half-year financial report, as the case may be; or

(g) a description of a deficiency, failure or shortcoming in

respect of the matters referred to in paragraph 307(b), (c) or

(d); or

(h) an emphasis of matter paragraph related to going concern.

ASIC power to exclude body from this section

(21) The issuing body must not be a body in relation to which a

determination is in force under subsection (23).

(22) If the issuing body is a wholly-owned subsidiary of a body

corporate, the body corporate must not be a body in relation to

which a determination is in force under subsection (23).

(23) ASIC may determine that a body is a body to which this subsection

applies if ASIC is satisfied that, in the previous 12 months, any of

the following provisions were contravened in relation to the body:

(a) subsection 283AA(1), 283AB(1) or 283AC(1);

(b) the provisions of Chapter 2M as they apply to the issuing


(c) section 674 or 675;

(d) section 724 or 728.

ASIC must publish a copy of the determination in the Gazette.

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Chapter 6D Fundraising

Part 6D.2 Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers)

Division 4 Disclosure requirements

Section 713B

342 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19


(24) The securities must comply with such other conditions (if any) as

are specified in the regulations.

(25) The offer must comply with such other conditions (if any) as are

specified in the regulations.

(26) The issuing body must comply with such other conditions (if any)

as are specified in the regulations.

(27) If the issuing body is a wholly-owned subsidiary of a body

corporate, the body corporate must comply with such other

conditions (if any) as are specified in the regulations.

713B Simple corporate bonds—2-part simple corporate bonds


(1) A 2-part simple corporate bonds prospectus for an offer of simple

corporate bonds for issue by a body is the combination of the

following documents prepared by the issuing body:

(a) the base prospectus that covers the period during which the

offer is made;

(b) the offer-specific prospectus for the offer.


(2) A 2-part simple corporate bonds prospectus is taken to be a

prospectus for the purposes of this Act.

Base prospectus is not taken to be a prospectus in its own right

(3) For the purposes of this Act, a base prospectus is taken not to be a

prospectus in its own right.

Offer-specific prospectus is not taken to be a prospectus in its own


(4) For the purposes of this Act, an offer-specific prospectus is taken

not to be a prospectus in its own right.

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Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers) Part 6D.2

Disclosure requirements Division 4

Section 713C

Corporations Act 2001 343

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Lodgement of prospectus

(5) For the purposes of this Act, a 2-part simple corporate bonds

prospectus for an offer of simple corporate bonds is taken to have

been lodged with ASIC on the day the offer-specific prospectus for

the offer is lodged with ASIC.

Expiry date of prospectus

(6) For the purposes of this Act, the expiry date of a 2-part simple

corporate bonds prospectus for an offer of simple corporate bonds

is taken to be the expiry date for the offer-specific prospectus for

the offer.

Prospectus must be published on body’s website

(7) A base prospectus must be available on the issuing body’s website

throughout the covered period for the base prospectus (within the

meaning of section 713C).

(8) An offer-specific prospectus must be available on the issuing

body’s website throughout the application period for the

offer-specific prospectus.

713C Simple corporate bonds—base prospectus

Base prospectus

(1) If a body prepares and lodges with ASIC a document that satisfies

the conditions set out in subsections (2) and (3), the document is a

base prospectus for simple corporate bonds offered by the body

during the 3-year period (the covered period) beginning on the date

on which the document is lodged with ASIC.

Document must be expressed to be the base prospectus

(2) The document must state that it is the base prospectus for all offers

of simple corporate bonds made by the body during the covered


Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 6D Fundraising

Part 6D.2 Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers)

Division 4 Disclosure requirements

Section 713D

344 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Document to be read with offer-specific prospectus

(3) The document must state that:

(a) there will be an offer-specific prospectus for each offer of

simple corporate bonds during the covered period; and

(b) the disclosure document for each such offer will consist of:

(i) a base prospectus; and

(ii) the offer-specific prospectus for the offer.

Note: See also section 713B (2-part simple corporate bonds prospectus).

Replacement document

(4) If the document is a replacement document, the covered period is

the period:

(a) beginning on the date on which the replacement document is

lodged with ASIC; and

(b) ending at the end of the covered period for the original base


Content of base prospectus

(5) A base prospectus must contain the information specified in the


(6) A base prospectus must set out the statements specified in the


713D Simple corporate bonds—offer-specific prospectus

Offer-specific prospectus

(1) If:

(a) a body proposes to make a particular offer of simple

corporate bonds; and

(b) the body prepares and lodges with ASIC a document that


(i) the conditions set out in subsections (2), (3) and (4); and

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Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers) Part 6D.2

Disclosure requirements Division 4

Section 713D

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Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(ii) if the condition set out in subsection (5) is applicable—

that condition;

the document is an offer-specific prospectus for the offer.

Document must be expressed to be the offer-specific prospectus

(2) The document must state that it is the offer-specific prospectus for

the offer.

Expiry date

(3) The document must state that no simple corporate bonds will be

issued under the offer after the expiry date specified in the

document. The expiry date must not be later than 13 months after

the date the document is lodged with ASIC. The expiry date of a

replacement document must be the same as that of the original

document it replaces.

Note: Section 719A deals with replacement documents.

Document to be read with base prospectus

(4) The document must state that:

(a) there is a base prospectus that is applicable to the offer; and

(b) the disclosure document for each such offer will consist of:

(i) the offer-specific prospectus for the offer; and

(ii) the base prospectus.

Note: See also section 713B (2-part simple corporate bonds prospectus).

Minimum subscription—first offer

(5) If the offer is the first offer of simple corporate bonds made by the

issuing body during:

(a) if the base prospectus that is applicable to the offer is not a

replacement document—the covered period (within the

meaning of subsection 713C(1)) for the base prospectus; or

(b) if the base prospectus that is applicable to the offer is a

replacement document for the original base prospectus—the

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Chapter 6D Fundraising

Part 6D.2 Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers)

Division 4 Disclosure requirements

Section 713E

346 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

covered period (within the meaning of subsection 713C(1))

for the original base prospectus;

the document must state that the simple corporate bonds will not be

issued under the offer unless a minimum amount of $50 million is

raised under the offer. For the purpose of working out whether this

condition has been satisfied, a person who has agreed to take

simple corporate bonds as an underwriter is taken to have applied

for those simple corporate bonds.

Content of offer-specific prospectus

(6) An offer-specific prospectus must contain the information

specified in the regulations.

(7) An offer-specific prospectus must set out the statements specified

in the regulations.

Offer-specific prospectus may amend applicable base prospectus

(8) An offer-specific prospectus may include material that modifies or

supplements the applicable base prospectus.

713E Simple corporate bonds—prospectus may refer to other

material lodged with ASIC

(1) Instead of setting out information that is contained in a document

(the lodged document) that has been lodged with ASIC, a base

prospectus or an offer-specific prospectus may simply refer to the

lodged document. The reference must:

(a) identify the lodged document or the part of the lodged

document that contains the information; and

(b) inform people of their right to obtain a copy of the lodged

document (or part) under subsection (5).

(2) The reference must also include:

(a) if the information is primarily of interest to professional

analysts or advisers or investors with similar specialist

information needs:

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Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers) Part 6D.2

Disclosure requirements Division 4

Section 714

Corporations Act 2001 347

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(i) a description of the contents of the lodged document (or

part); and

(ii) a statement to the effect that the information in the

lodged document (or part) is primarily of interest to

those people; or

(b) in any other case—sufficient information about the contents

of the lodged document to allow a person to whom the offer

is made to decide whether to obtain a copy of the lodged

document (or part).

(3) The lodged document (or part) referred to under subsection (1) is

taken to be included in the base prospectus, or the offer-specific

prospectus, as the case may be.

(4) A person who wishes to take advantage of subsection (1) may

lodge a document with ASIC even if this Act does not require the

document to be lodged.

(5) If the base prospectus, or the offer-specific prospectus, as the case

may be, is taken to include a lodged document, or part of a lodged

document, under subsection (1), the person making the offer must

give a copy of the lodged document (or part) free of charge to

anyone who asks for it during:

(a) in the case of a base prospectus—the covered period for the

base prospectus (within the meaning of section 713C); or

(b) in the case of an offer-specific prospectus—the application

period for the offer-specific prospectus.

714 Contents of profile statement

(1) A profile statement must:

(a) identify the body and the nature of the securities; and

(b) state the nature of the risks involved in investing in the

securities; and

(c) give details of all amounts payable in respect of the securities

(including any amounts by way of fee, commission or

charge); and

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Chapter 6D Fundraising

Part 6D.2 Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers)

Division 4 Disclosure requirements

Section 715

348 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(d) state that the person given the profile statement is entitled to

a copy of the prospectus free of charge; and

(e) state that:

(i) a copy of the statement has been lodged with ASIC; and

(ii) ASIC takes no responsibility for the content of the

statement; and

(f) give any other information required by the regulations or by

ASIC approval under subsection 709(3).

(2) The profile statement must state that no securities will be issued on

the basis of the statement after the expiry date specified in the

statement. The expiry date must not be later than 13 months after

the date of the prospectus. The expiry date of a replacement

statement must be the same as that of the original statement it


Note 1: Subsection 716(1) requires the profile statement to be dated.

Note 2: Section 719 deals with supplementary and replacement profile


715 Contents of offer information statement

(1) An offer information statement for the issue of a body’s securities


(a) identify the body and the nature of the securities; and

(b) describe the body’s business; and

(c) describe what the funds raised by the offers are to be used

for; and

(d) state the nature of the risks involved in investing in the

securities; and

(e) give details of all amounts payable in respect of the securities

(including any amounts by way of fee, commission or

charge); and

(f) state that:

(i) a copy of the statement has been lodged with ASIC; and

(ii) ASIC takes no responsibility for the content of the

statement; and

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Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers) Part 6D.2

Disclosure requirements Division 4

Section 715A

Corporations Act 2001 349

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(g) state that the statement is not a prospectus and that it has a

lower level of disclosure requirements than a prospectus; and

(h) state that investors should obtain professional investment

advice before accepting the offer; and

(i) include a copy of a financial report for the body; and

(j) include any other information that the regulations require to

be included in the statement.

(2) The financial report included under paragraph (1)(i) must:

(a) be a report for a 12 month period and have a balance date that

occurs within the last 6 months before the securities are first

offered under the statement; and

(b) be prepared in accordance with the accounting standards; and

(c) be audited.

(3) The statement must state that no securities will be issued on the

basis of the statement after the expiry date specified in the

statement. The expiry date must not be later than 13 months after

the date of the statement. The expiry date of a replacement

statement must be the same as that of the original statement it


Note 1: Subsection 716(1) requires the statement to be dated.

Note 2: Section 719 deals with replacement statements.

715A Presentation etc. of disclosure documents

(1) The information in a disclosure document must be worded and

presented in a clear, concise and effective manner.

Note: If this subsection is contravened, ASIC may make a stop order under

section 739.

(2) A contravention of subsection (1) is not an offence.

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Chapter 6D Fundraising

Part 6D.2 Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers)

Division 4 Disclosure requirements

Section 716

350 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

716 Disclosure document date and consents

Date of disclosure document

(1) A disclosure document must be dated. The date is the date on

which it is lodged with ASIC.

Date for 2-part simple corporate bonds prospectus

(1A) Subsection (1) does not apply to a 2-part simple corporate bonds


(1B) For the purposes of this Act, the date of a 2-part simple corporate

bonds prospectus for an offer of simple corporate bonds is taken to

be the date on which the offer-specific prospectus for the offer is

lodged with ASIC.

Consent of person to whom statement attributed

(2) A disclosure document may only include a statement by a person,

or a statement said in the document to be based on a statement by a

person, if:

(a) the person has consented to the statement being included in

the document in the form and context in which it is included;


(b) the document states that the person has given this consent;


(c) the person has not withdrawn this consent before the

document is lodged with ASIC.

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Fundraising Chapter 6D

Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers) Part 6D.2

Procedure for offering securities Division 5

Section 717

Corporations Act 2001 351

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 5—Procedure for offering securities

717 Overview of procedure for offering securities

The following table summarises what a person who wants to offer

securities must do to make an offer of securities that needs

disclosure to investors under this Part and gives signposts to

relevant sections:

Offering securities (disclosure documents and procedure)

Action required Sections Comments and related sections

1 Prepare disclosure

document, making sure that


 sets out all the

information required

 does not contain any

misleading or deceptive


 is dated

and that the directors

consent to the disclosure












Section 728 prohibits offering

securities under a disclosure

document that is materially


Section 729 deals with the

liability for breaches of this


Sections 731, 732 and 733 set out


2 Lodge the disclosure

document with ASIC

718 Subsection 727(3) prohibits

processing applications for

non-quoted securities for 7 days

after the disclosure document is


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Chapter 6D Fundraising

Part 6D.2 Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers)

Division 5 Procedure for offering securities

Section 717

352 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Offering securities (disclosure documents and procedure)

Action required Sections Comments and related sections

3 Offer the securities, making

sure that the offer and any

application form is either

included in or


 the disclosure

document; or

 a profile statement if

ASIC has approved the

use of a profile

statement for offers of

that kind.

721 Sections 727 and 728 make it an

offence to:

 offer securities without a

disclosure document

 offer securities if the

disclosure document is

materially deficient.

Subsection 729(3) deals with

liability on the prospectus if a

profile statement is used.

The securities hawking provisions

(section 736) restrict the way in

which the securities can be


4 If it is found that the

disclosure document

lodged was deficient or a

significant new matter

arises, either:

 lodge a supplementary

or replacement

document under

section 719 or 719A; or

 return money to

applicants under

section 724.




Section 728 prohibits making

offers after becoming aware of a

material deficiency in the

disclosure document or a

significant new matter.

Section 730 requires people liable

on the disclosure document to

inform the person making the

offer about material deficiencies

and new matters.

5 Hold application money

received on trust until the

securities are issued or

transferred or the money


722 Investors may have a right to have

their money returned if certain

events occur (see sections 724,

737 and 738).

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Fundraising Chapter 6D

Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers) Part 6D.2

Procedure for offering securities Division 5

Section 718

Corporations Act 2001 353

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Offering securities (disclosure documents and procedure)

Action required Sections Comments and related sections

6 Issue or transfer the

securities, making sure


 the investor used an

application form

distributed with the

disclosure document;


 the disclosure document

is current and not

materially deficient;


 any minimum

subscription condition

has been satisfied.

723 Section 721 says which disclosure

document must be distributed

with the application form.

Section 729 identifies the people

who may be liable if:

 securities are issued in

response to an improper

application form; or

 the disclosure document is not

current or is materially


Sections 731, 732 and 733

provide defences for the


Section 737 provides remedies for

an investor.

718 Lodging of disclosure document

(1) A disclosure document to be used for an offer of securities must be

lodged with ASIC.

Note 1: Subsection 727(3) makes it an offence to process applications for

non-quoted securities under an offer that needs a disclosure document

until 7 days after the disclosure document is lodged.

Note 2: See section 720 for the consents that need to be obtained before


Note 3: Section 351 says what signatures are necessary for documents that are

to be lodged with ASIC.

(2) This section does not apply to a 2-part simple corporate bonds


Note: See section 713B (2-part simple corporate bonds prospectus).

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Chapter 6D Fundraising

Part 6D.2 Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers)

Division 5 Procedure for offering securities

Section 719

354 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

719 Lodging supplementary or replacement document—general

Need for a supplementary or replacement document

(1) If the person making the offer becomes aware of:

(a) a misleading or deceptive statement in the disclosure

document; or

(b) an omission from the disclosure document of information

required by section 710, 711, 712, 713, 714 or 715; or

(c) a new circumstance that:

(i) has arisen since the disclosure document was lodged;


(ii) would have been required by section 710, 711, 712,

713, 714 or 715 to be included in the disclosure

document if it had arisen before the disclosure

document was lodged;

that is materially adverse from the point of view of an investor, the

person may lodge a supplementary or replacement document with


Note 1: Section 728 makes it an offence to continue making offers after the

person has become aware of a misleading or deceptive statement,

omission or new circumstance that is materially adverse from the

point of view of an investor unless the deficiency is corrected.

Note 2: Because of section 712, a prospectus may be taken to include

information in another document. This should be taken into account

when considering whether the prospectus is deficient.

Note 3: The power to issue a supplementary or replacement document is not

limited to the situations dealt with in this section.

Note 4: This section applies to a document that has already been previously

supplemented or replaced.

Note 5: See section 720 for the consents that need to be obtained before


(1A) If the person making the offer becomes aware that information in

the disclosure document is not worded and presented in a clear,

concise and effective manner, the person may lodge a

supplementary or replacement document with ASIC.

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Fundraising Chapter 6D

Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers) Part 6D.2

Procedure for offering securities Division 5

Section 719

Corporations Act 2001 355

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Form of supplementary document

(2) At the beginning of a supplementary document, there must be:

(a) a statement that it is a supplementary document; and

(b) an identification of the disclosure document it supplements;


(c) an identification of any previous supplementary documents

lodged with ASIC in relation to the offer; and

(d) a statement that it is to be read together with the disclosure

document it supplements and any previous supplementary


The supplementary document must be dated. The date is the date

on which it is lodged with ASIC.

Form of replacement document

(3) At the beginning of a replacement document, there must be:

(a) a statement that it is a replacement document; and

(b) an identification of the disclosure document it replaces.

The replacement document must be dated. The date is the date on

which it is lodged with ASIC.

Consequences of lodging a supplementary document

(4) If a supplementary document is lodged with ASIC, the disclosure

document is taken to be the disclosure document together with the

supplementary document for the purposes of the application of this

Chapter to events that occur after the lodgment.

Note: This subsection means, for example, that offers made after lodgment

of the supplementary document must be accompanied by copies of

both the original disclosure document and the supplementary


Consequences of lodging a replacement document

(5) If a replacement document is lodged with ASIC, the disclosure

document is taken to be the replacement document for the purposes

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Chapter 6D Fundraising

Part 6D.2 Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers)

Division 5 Procedure for offering securities

Section 719A

356 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

of the application of this Chapter to events that occur after the


Note: This subsection means, for example, that offers made after lodgment

of the replacement document must be accompanied by copies of the

replacement document and not the original disclosure document.

Section does not apply to 2-part simple corporate bonds


(6) This section does not apply to a 2-part simple corporate bonds


719A Lodging supplementary or replacement document—2-part

simple corporate bonds prospectus

Need for a supplementary or replacement document

(1) If the person making an offer of simple corporate bonds under a

2-part simple corporate bonds prospectus becomes aware of:

(a) a misleading or deceptive statement in the 2-part simple

corporate bonds prospectus; or

(b) an omission from the 2-part simple corporate bonds

prospectus of information required by section 713C, 713D or

713E; or

(c) a new circumstance that:

(i) has arisen since the 2-part simple corporate bonds

prospectus was lodged with ASIC; and

(ii) would have been required by section 713C, 713D or

713E to be included in the 2-part simple corporate

bonds prospectus if it had arisen before the 2-part

simple corporate bonds prospectus was lodged;

that is materially adverse from the point of view of an investor, the

person may:

(d) if the statement, omission or circumstance relates to the base

prospectus component of the 2-part simple corporate bonds


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Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers) Part 6D.2

Procedure for offering securities Division 5

Section 719A

Corporations Act 2001 357

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(i) include material in an offer-specific prospectus that

supplements or modifies the base prospectus; or

(ii) lodge a replacement document with ASIC; or

(e) if the statement, omission or circumstance relates to the

offer-specific prospectus component of the 2-part simple

corporate bonds prospectus—lodge a supplementary or

replacement document with ASIC.

Note 1: Section 728 makes it an offence to continue making offers after the

person has become aware of a misleading or deceptive statement,

omission or new circumstance that is materially adverse from the

point of view of an investor unless the deficiency is corrected.

Note 2: Because of section 713E, a 2-part simple corporate bonds prospectus

may be taken to include information in another document. This should

be taken into account when considering whether the prospectus is


Note 3: A base prospectus may be supplemented or modified by the

offer-specific prospectus for a particular offer, see

subsection 713D(7).

Note 4: The power to issue a supplementary or replacement document is not

limited to the situations dealt with in this section.

Note 5: This section applies to a document that has already been previously

supplemented or replaced.

Note 6: See section 720 for the consents that need to be obtained before


(2) If the person making the offer becomes aware that information in

the base prospectus component of the 2-part simple corporate

bonds prospectus is not worded and presented in a clear, concise

and effective manner, the person may lodge a replacement

document with ASIC.

Note: A base prospectus may be supplemented or modified by the

offer-specific prospectus for a particular offer, see

subsection 713D(7).

(3) If the person making the offer becomes aware that information in

the offer-specific prospectus component of the 2-part simple

corporate bonds prospectus is not worded and presented in a clear,

concise and effective manner, the person may lodge a

supplementary or replacement document with ASIC.

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Chapter 6D Fundraising

Part 6D.2 Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers)

Division 5 Procedure for offering securities

Section 719A

358 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Form of supplementary document for offer-specific prospectus

(4) At the beginning of a supplementary document for an

offer-specific prospectus, there must be:

(a) a statement that it is a supplementary document; and

(b) an identification of the offer-specific prospectus it

supplements; and

(c) an identification of any previous supplementary documents

lodged with ASIC in relation to the offer; and

(d) a statement that it is to be read together with:

(i) the offer-specific prospectus it supplements; and

(ii) any previous supplementary documents; and

(iii) the base prospectus that covers the period during which

the offer is made.

The supplementary document must be dated. The date is the date

on which the document is lodged with ASIC.

Form of replacement document for a base prospectus

(5) At the beginning of a replacement document for a base prospectus,

there must be:

(a) a statement that it is a replacement document; and

(b) an identification of the base prospectus it replaces.

The replacement document must be dated. The date is the date on

which the document is lodged with ASIC.

Form of replacement document for an offer-specific prospectus

(6) At the beginning of a replacement document for an offer-specific

prospectus, there must be:

(a) a statement that it is a replacement document; and

(b) an identification of the offer-specific prospectus it replaces.

The replacement document must be dated. The date is the date on

which the document is lodged with ASIC.

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Fundraising Chapter 6D

Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers) Part 6D.2

Procedure for offering securities Division 5

Section 719A

Corporations Act 2001 359

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Consequences of lodging a supplementary document for an

offer-specific prospectus

(7) If a supplementary document is lodged with ASIC in relation to an

offer-specific prospectus, the offer-specific prospectus is taken to

be the offer-specific prospectus together with the supplementary

document for the purposes of the application of this Chapter to

events that occur after the lodgement.

Note: This subsection means, for example, that offers made after lodgement

of the supplementary document must be accompanied by copies of

both the original offer-specific prospectus and the supplementary


Consequences of lodging a replacement document for a base


(8) If a replacement document is lodged with ASIC in relation to a

base prospectus, the base prospectus is taken to be the replacement

document for the purposes of the application of this Chapter to

events that occur after the lodgement.

Note: This subsection means, for example, that offers made after lodgement

of the replacement document must be accompanied by copies of the

replacement document and not the original base prospectus.

Consequences of lodging a replacement document for an

offer-specific prospectus

(9) If a replacement document is lodged with ASIC in relation to an

offer-specific prospectus, the offer-specific prospectus is taken to

be the replacement document for the purposes of the application of

this Chapter to events that occur after the lodgement.

Note: This subsection means, for example, that offers made after lodgement

of the replacement document must be accompanied by copies of the

replacement document and not the original offer-specific prospectus.

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Chapter 6D Fundraising

Part 6D.2 Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers)

Division 5 Procedure for offering securities

Section 720

360 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

720 Consents needed for lodgment

The lodgment of a disclosure document, or a supplementary or

replacement document, for the offer of a body’s securities requires

the consent of:

Consents required for lodgment [operative]

Type of offer People whose consent is



Issue offers

offer of securities for issue

(other than an offer of simple

corporate bonds under a 2-part

simple corporate bonds


every director of the body

every person named in the

document as a proposed

director of the body

if securities interests in a

managed investment scheme

made available by a body—

every director of that body

if securities interests in a

managed investment scheme

made available by an

individual—that individual


Simple corporate bonds issue


offer of simple corporate bonds

under a 2-part simple corporate

bonds prospectus

every director of the body

every person named in the

document as a proposed

director of the body

if simple corporate bonds in a

managed investment scheme

made available by a body—

every director of that body

if simple corporate bonds in a

managed investment scheme

made available by an

individual—that individual

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Fundraising Chapter 6D

Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers) Part 6D.2

Procedure for offering securities Division 5

Section 720

Corporations Act 2001 361

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Consents required for lodgment [operative]

Type of offer People whose consent is



sale offers (sale by controller)

offer of securities for sale that

needs a disclosure document

because of subsection 707(2)

if seller an individual—that


if seller a body—every

director of the body


sale offers (sale amounting to

indirect issue)

offer of securities for sale that

needs a disclosure document

because of subsection 707(3)

every director of the body

whose securities are offered

for sale

if seller an individual—that


if seller a body—every

director of the body


sale offers (sale amounting to

indirect sale by controller)

offer of securities for sale that

needs a disclosure document

because of subsection 707(5)

if seller an individual—that


if seller a body—every

director of the body

if individual controls the body

whose securities are offered

for sale—that individual

if body controls the body

whose securities are offered

for sale—every director of the

controlling body

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 6D Fundraising

Part 6D.2 Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers)

Division 5 Procedure for offering securities

Section 721

362 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

721 Offer must be made in, or accompanied by, the disclosure


Offers using prospectus alone

(1) Offers of securities for which a prospectus is being used must be

made in, or accompanied by, the prospectus.

Note 1: Subsection 727(1) makes it an offence to make an offer of securities

unless the offer is made in or accompanied by the disclosure

document and subsection 723(1) makes it an offence to issue

securities unless they are applied for on a form that was issued in or

together with the disclosure document.

Note 2: Section 736 makes it an offence to make unsolicited offers in a way

that amounts to securities hawking.

Note 3: Section 728 makes it an offence for a person to offer securities if the

disclosure document is deficient in a way that is material from the

point of view of an investor.

(1A) Subsection (1) does not apply to the extent that subsection (2)

allows a profile statement to be used instead of a prospectus.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in

subsection (1A), see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

Offers using prospectus and profile statement

(2) An offer of securities may be made in, or accompanied by, a

profile statement if:

(a) under subsection 709(3), ASIC has approved the making of

offers of that kind with a profile statement instead of a

prospectus; and

(b) the profile statement complies with the requirements

specified in ASIC approval.

(3) If the offer that is made to a person is made in or accompanied by a

profile statement, the person making the offer must give the person

a copy of the prospectus free of charge if the person asks for it.

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Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers) Part 6D.2

Procedure for offering securities Division 5

Section 722

Corporations Act 2001 363

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Offers using offer information statement

(4) Offers for which an offer information statement is being used must

be made in, or accompanied by, the offer information statement.

Note 1: Subsection 727(1) makes it an offence to make an offer of securities

unless the offer is made in or accompanied by the disclosure

document and subsection 723(1) makes it an offence to issue

securities unless they are applied for on a form that was issued in or

together with the disclosure document.

Note 2: Section 736 makes it an offence to make unsolicited offers in a way

that amounts to securities hawking.

Note 3: Section 728 makes it an offence for a person to offer securities if the

disclosure document is deficient in a way that is material from the

point of view of an investor.


(5) A person commits an offence if the person intentionally or

recklessly contravenes subsection (1) or (4).

722 Application money to be held on trust

(1) If a person offers securities for issue or sale under a disclosure

document, the person must hold:

(a) all application money received from people applying for

securities under the disclosure document; and

(b) all other money paid by them on account of the securities

before they are issued or transferred;

in trust under this section for the applicants until:

(c) the securities are issued or transferred; or

(d) the money is returned to the applicants.

(2) If the application money needs to be returned to an applicant, the

person must return the money as soon as practicable.

(3) An offence based on subsection (1) or (2) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

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Chapter 6D Fundraising

Part 6D.2 Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers)

Division 5 Procedure for offering securities

Section 723

364 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

723 Issuing or transferring the securities under a disclosure


Applications must be made on form included in, or accompanied

by, disclosure document

(1) If an offer of securities needs a disclosure document, the securities

may only be issued or transferred in response to an application

form. The securities may only be issued or transferred if the person

issuing or transferring them has reasonable grounds to believe that:

(a) the form was included in, or accompanied by:

(i) the disclosure document; or

(ii) if subsection 721(2) allows a profile statement to be

used—the prospectus or the profile statement;

when the form was distributed by the person issuing or

transferring the securities; or

(b) the form was copied, or directly derived, by the person

making the application from a form referred to in

paragraph (a).

Minimum subscription condition must be fulfilled before issue or


(2) If a disclosure document for an offer of securities states that the

securities will not be issued or transferred unless:

(a) applications for a minimum number of the securities are

received; or

(b) a minimum amount is raised;

the person making the offer must not issue or transfer any of the

securities until that condition is satisfied. For the purpose of

working out whether the condition has been satisfied, a person who

has agreed to take securities as underwriter is taken to have applied

for those securities.

Note 1: Under section 722, the application money must be held in trust until

the issue or transfer of the securities.

Note 2: This subsection prevents the issue or transfer of the securities not only

to those who apply for them in response to the disclosure document

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Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers) Part 6D.2

Procedure for offering securities Division 5

Section 724

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but also to those who do not need to apply for them (for example,

because they are to take the securities under an underwriting


Issue or transfer void if quotation condition not fulfilled

(3) If a disclosure document for an offer of securities states or implies

that the securities are to be quoted on a financial market (whether

in Australia or elsewhere) and:

(a) an application for the admission of the securities to quotation

is not made within 7 days after the date of the disclosure

document; or

(b) the securities are not admitted to quotation within 3 months

after the date of the disclosure document;


(c) an issue or transfer of securities in response to an application

made under the disclosure document is void; and

(d) the person offering the securities must return the money

received by the person from the applicants as soon as


Strict liability offences

(4) An offence based on subsection (1), (2) or (3) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

724 Choices open to person making the offer if disclosure document

condition not met or disclosure document defective

(1) If a person offers securities under a disclosure document and:

(a) the disclosure document states that the securities will not be

issued or transferred unless:

(i) applications for a minimum number of the securities are

received; or

(ii) a minimum amount raised;

and that condition is not satisfied within 4 months after the

date of the disclosure document; or

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Chapter 6D Fundraising

Part 6D.2 Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers)

Division 5 Procedure for offering securities

Section 724

366 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(b) the disclosure document states or implies that the securities

are to be quoted on a financial market (whether in Australia

or elsewhere) and:

(i) an application for the admission to quotation is not

made within 7 days after the date of the disclosure

document; or

(ii) the securities are not admitted to quotation within 3

months after the date of the disclosure document; or

(c) the person becomes aware that:

(i) the disclosure document contains a misleading or

deceptive statement; or

(ii) there is an omission from the disclosure document of

information required by section 710, 711, 712, 713,

713C, 713D, 713E, 714 or 715;

that is materially adverse from the point of view of an

investor; or

(d) the person becomes aware of a new circumstance that:

(i) has arisen since the disclosure document was lodged;


(ii) would have been required by section 710, 711, 712,

713, 713C, 713D, 713E, 714 or 715 to be included in

the disclosure document if it had arisen before the

disclosure document was lodged; and

(iii) is materially adverse from the point of view of an


the person must deal under subsection (2) with any applications for

the securities made under the disclosure document that have not

resulted in an issue or transfer of the securities. For the purpose of

working out whether a condition referred to in paragraph (a) has

been satisfied, a person who has agreed to take securities as

underwriter is taken to have applied for those securities.

(1A) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(2) The person must either:

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Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers) Part 6D.2

Procedure for offering securities Division 5

Section 724

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(a) repay the money received by the person from the applicants;


(b) give the applicants:

(i) the documents required by subsection (3); and

(ii) 1 month to withdraw their application and be repaid; or

(c) issue or transfer the securities to the applicants and give


(i) the documents required by subsection (3); and

(ii) 1 month to withdraw their application and be repaid.

Note: Sections 719 and 719A deal with lodging supplementary and

replacement documents. Section 728 makes it an offence for a person

to offer securities if the disclosure document is deficient in a way that

is material from the point of view of an investor.

(3) The documents to be given are set out in the following table:

Documents to be given [operative]

Circumstances Documents

1 the sole disclosure document is a

prospectus (other than a 2-part simple

corporate bonds prospectus)

a supplementary or

replacement prospectus

that corrects the

deficiency or changes

the terms of the offer

1A the disclosure document is a 2-part

simple corporate bonds prospectus

a supplementary or

replacement document

that corrects the

deficiencies or changes

the terms of the offer

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Chapter 6D Fundraising

Part 6D.2 Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers)

Division 5 Procedure for offering securities

Section 725

368 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Documents to be given [operative]

Circumstances Documents

2 the disclosure documents are a

prospectus and a profile statement

and subsection (1) applies to the


a statement that sets

out the changes needed

to the prospectus to

correct the deficiency

or change the terms of

offer; and

a statement that the

person is entitled to a

copy of the prospectus

free of charge

3 the disclosure documents are a

prospectus and a profile statement

and subsection (1) applies to the

profile statement

Note that item 2 and this item may

both apply to the offer.

a supplementary or

replacement profile

statement that corrects

the deficiency or

changes the terms of

the offer

4 the disclosure document is an offer

information statement

a supplementary or

replacement offer

information statement

that corrects the

deficiency or changes

the terms of the offer

725 Expiration of disclosure document

(1) If a person offers securities under a disclosure document and the

disclosure document passes its expiry date, the person must deal

with applications for the securities under the document in

accordance with subsections (2) and (3).

(1A) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(2) If an application is received on or before the expiry date, the

person may issue or transfer securities to the applicant.

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Disclosure to investors about securities (other than for CSF offers) Part 6D.2

Procedure for offering securities Division 5

Section 725

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Note: Subsection 723(1) (when read with subsections 719(4) and (5))

requires the person issuing or transferring the securities to have

reasonable grounds to believe that the application form was included

in, or accompanied by, a disclosure document that was current at the


(3) If an application is received after the expiry date, the person must


(a) return any money received by the person from the applicant;


(b) give the applicant:

(i) a new disclosure document; and

(ii) 1 month to withdraw their application and be repaid; or

(c) issue or transfer the securities to the applicant and give them:

(i) a new disclosure document; and

(ii) 1 month to withdraw their application and be repaid.

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Chapter 6D Fundraising

Part 6D.3 Prohibitions, liabilities and remedies (other than for CSF offers)

Division 1A Introduction

Section 725A

370 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 6D.3—Prohibitions, liabilities and remedies

(other than for CSF offers)

Division 1A—Introduction

725A Part generally does not apply in relation to CSF offers

Part 6D.3A (Crowd-sourced funding) contains a separate regime

for the making of CSF offers. The provisions in this Part do not

apply in relation to CSF offers, except as expressly provided in this

Part or in Part 6D.3A.

Note: The fact that a company makes a CSF offer of securities does not

prevent the company from also making an offer of securities of the

same class in reliance on a provision of section 708 (see

section 738E).

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Prohibitions, liabilities and remedies (other than for CSF offers) Part 6D.3

Prohibitions and liabilities Division 1

Section 726

Corporations Act 2001 371

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 1—Prohibitions and liabilities

726 Offering securities in a body that does not exist

A person must not offer securities of a body that has not been

formed or does not exist if the offer would need disclosure to

investors under Part 6D.2 if the body did exist. This is so even if it

is proposed to form or incorporate the body.

727 Offering securities without a current disclosure document

Offer of securities needs lodged disclosure document

(1) A person must not make an offer of securities, or distribute an

application form for an offer of securities, that needs disclosure to

investors under Part 6D.2 unless a disclosure document for the

offer has been lodged with ASIC.

Offer form to be included in or accompanied by disclosure


(2) A person must not make an offer of securities, or distribute an

application form for an offer of securities, that needs disclosure to

investors under Part 6D.2 unless:

(a) if a prospectus is used for the offer—the offer or form is:

(i) included in the prospectus; or

(ii) accompanied by a copy of the prospectus; or

(b) if both a prospectus and a profile statement are used for the

offer—the offer or form is:

(i) included in the prospectus or profile statement; or

(ii) accompanied by a copy of the prospectus or profile

statement; or

(c) if an offer information statement is used for the offer—the

offer or form is:

(i) included in the statement; or

(ii) accompanied by a copy of the statement.

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Chapter 6D Fundraising

Part 6D.3 Prohibitions, liabilities and remedies (other than for CSF offers)

Division 1 Prohibitions and liabilities

Section 727

372 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Note: Sections 706, 707, 708, 708AA and 708A say when the offer needs

disclosure to investors under Part 6D.2.

Non-quoted securities—waiting period after lodgment before

processing applications for securities

(3) A person must not accept an application for, or issue or transfer,

non-quoted securities offered under a disclosure document until the

period of 7 days after lodgment of the disclosure document has

ended. ASIC may extend the period by notice in writing to the

person offering the securities. The period as extended must end no

more than 14 days after lodgment.

Simple corporate bonds

(3A) Subsection (3) does not apply in relation to an offer of securities

under a 2-part simple corporate bonds prospectus if the securities

are in the same class as existing securities that are quoted on a

prescribed financial market immediately before the application

period for the prospectus but for differences as to:

(a) the fixed term of the securities (if any); or

(b) the rate at which interest is payable under the securities; or

(c) the dates on which the holders are to be paid interest under

the securities.

Issue or transfer not to breach section 708 ceiling

(4) If a person relies on subsection 708(1) to make offers of securities

without disclosure to investors under Part 6D.2, the person must

not issue or transfer securities without disclosure to investors under

that Part if the issue or transfer would result in a breach of the 20

investors ceiling or the $2 million ceiling (see subsections 708(3),

(4), (5), (6) and (7)).

Circumstances in which a person is taken not to contravene this


(5) If:

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Prohibitions, liabilities and remedies (other than for CSF offers) Part 6D.3

Prohibitions and liabilities Division 1

Section 728

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Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(a) a person relies on subsection 708AA(2) or 708A(5) to make

offers of securities for issue or sale without disclosure to

investors under Part 6D.2; and

(b) the notice given under that subsection purported to comply

with subsection 708AA(7) or 708A(6) but did not actually

comply with subsection 708AA(7) or 708A(6);

the person is taken not to contravene this section.

Civil liability

(6) A person contravenes this subsection if the person contravenes

subsection (1), (2), (3) or (4).

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

728 Misstatement in, or omission from, disclosure document

Misleading or deceptive statements, omissions and new matters

(1) A person must not offer securities under a disclosure document if

there is:

(a) a misleading or deceptive statement in:

(i) the disclosure document; or

(ii) any application form that accompanies the disclosure

document; or

(iii) any document that contains the offer if the offer is not in

the disclosure document or the application form; or

(b) an omission from the disclosure document of material

required by section 710, 711, 712, 713, 713C, 713D, 713E,

714 or 715; or

(c) a new circumstance that:

(i) has arisen since the disclosure document was lodged;


(ii) would have been required by section 710, 711, 712,

713, 713C, 713D, 713E, 714 or 715 to be included in

the disclosure document if it had arisen before the

disclosure document was lodged.

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Chapter 6D Fundraising

Part 6D.3 Prohibitions, liabilities and remedies (other than for CSF offers)

Division 1 Prohibitions and liabilities

Section 728

374 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Note 1: The person may make further offers after making up the deficiency in

the current disclosure document by lodging a supplementary or

replacement document.

Note 2: See sections 731, 732 and 733 for defences.

Note 3: Section 1041H imposes liabilities in respect of other conduct related

to the offering of the securities.

Forecasts and other forward-looking statements

(2) A person is taken to make a misleading statement about a future

matter (including the doing of, or refusing to do, an act) if they do

not have reasonable grounds for making the statement. This

subsection does not limit the meaning of a reference to a

misleading statement or a statement that is misleading in a material


Offence if statement, omission or new matter materially adverse

(3) A person commits an offence if they contravene subsection (1)


(a) the misleading or deceptive statement; or

(b) the omission or new circumstance;

is materially adverse from the point of view of an investor.

Civil liability if statement, omission or new matter materially


(4) A person contravenes this subsection if:

(a) the person contravenes subsection (1); and

(b) either:

(i) the misleading or deceptive statement; or

(ii) the omission or new circumstance;

is materially adverse from the point of view of an investor.

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

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Prohibitions, liabilities and remedies (other than for CSF offers) Part 6D.3

Prohibitions and liabilities Division 1

Section 729

Corporations Act 2001 375

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

729 Right to recover for loss or damage resulting from


Right to compensation

(1) A person who suffers loss or damage because an offer of securities

under a disclosure document contravenes subsection 728(1) may

recover the amount of the loss or damage from a person referred to

in the following table if the loss or damage is one that the table

makes the person liable for. This is so even if the person did not

commit, and was not involved in, the contravention.

People liable on disclosure document [operative]

These people... are liable for loss or damage caused


1 the person making the offer any contravention of subsection 728(1)

in relation to the disclosure document

2 each director of the body making

the offer if the offer is made by a


any contravention of subsection 728(1)

in relation to the disclosure document

3 a person named in the disclosure

document with their consent as a

proposed director of the body

whose securities are being offered

any contravention of subsection 728(1)

in relation to the disclosure document

4 an underwriter (but not a

sub-underwriter) to the issue or

sale named in the disclosure

document with their consent

any contravention of subsection 728(1)

in relation to the disclosure document

5 a person named in the disclosure

document with their consent as

having made a statement:

(a) that is included in the

disclosure document; or

(b) on which a statement made in

the disclosure document is


the inclusion of the statement in the

disclosure document

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Chapter 6D Fundraising

Part 6D.3 Prohibitions, liabilities and remedies (other than for CSF offers)

Division 1 Prohibitions and liabilities

Section 730

376 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

People liable on disclosure document [operative]

These people... are liable for loss or damage caused


6 a person who contravenes, or is

involved in the contravention of,

subsection 728(1)

that contravention

Note: Item 2—director includes a shadow director (see section 9).

(1A) Table items 2 and 3 in subsection (1) do not apply to an offer of

simple corporate bonds under a 2-part simple corporate bonds


(2) A person who acquires securities as a result of an offer that was

accompanied by a profile statement is taken to have acquired the

securities in reliance on both the profile statement and the

prospectus for the offer.

(3) An action under subsection (1) may begin at any time within 6

years after the day on which the cause of action arose.

(4) This Part does not affect any liability that a person has under any

other law.

Note: Conduct that contravenes subsection 728(1) is expressly excluded

from the operation of section 1041H.

730 People liable on disclosure document to inform person making

the offer about deficiencies in the disclosure document

(1) A person referred to in the table in section 729 must notify the

person making the offer in writing as soon as practicable if they

become aware during the application period that:

(a) a material statement in the disclosure document is misleading

or deceptive; or

(b) there is a material omission from the disclosure document of

material required by section 710, 711, 712, 713, 713C, 713D,

713E, 714 or 715; or

(c) a material new circumstance that:

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Prohibitions, liabilities and remedies (other than for CSF offers) Part 6D.3

Prohibitions and liabilities Division 1

Section 731

Corporations Act 2001 377

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(i) has arisen since the disclosure document was lodged;


(ii) would have been required by section 710, 711, 712,

713, 713C, 713D, 713E, 714 or 715 to be included in

the disclosure document if it had arisen before the

disclosure document was lodged.

(1A) For the purposes of subsection (1) of this section, disregard

subsection 729(1A).

(2) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

731 Due diligence defence for prospectuses

Reasonable inquiries and reasonable belief—statements

(1) A person does not commit an offence against subsection 728(3),

and is not liable under section 729 for a contravention of

subsection 728(1), because of a misleading or deceptive statement

in a prospectus if the person proves that they:

(a) made all inquiries (if any) that were reasonable in the

circumstances; and

(b) after doing so, believed on reasonable grounds that the

statement was not misleading or deceptive.

Reasonable inquiries and reasonable belief—omissions

(2) A person does not commit an offence against subsection 728(3),

and is not liable under section 729 for a contravention of

subsection 728(1), because of an omission from a prospectus in

relation to a particular matter if the person proves that they:

(a) made all inquiries (if any) that were reasonable in the

circumstances; and

(b) after doing so, believed on reasonable grounds that there was

no omission from the prospectus in relation to that matter.

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Chapter 6D Fundraising

Part 6D.3 Prohibitions, liabilities and remedies (other than for CSF offers)

Division 1 Prohibitions and liabilities

Section 732

378 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

732 Lack of knowledge defence for offer information statements and

profile statements

Not knowing statement misleading or deceptive

(1) A person does not commit an offence against subsection 728(3),

and is not liable under section 729 for a contravention of

subsection 728(1), because of a misleading or deceptive statement

in an offer information statement or profile statement if the person

proves that they did not know that the statement was misleading or


Not knowing there was an omission

(2) A person does not commit an offence against subsection 728(3),

and is not liable under section 729 for a contravention of

subsection 728(1), because of an omission from an offer

information statement or profile statement in relation to a particular

matter if the person proves that they did not know that there was an

omission from the statement in relation to that matter.

733 General defences for all disclosure documents

Reasonable reliance on information given by someone else—

statements and omissions

(1) A person does not commit an offence against subsection 728(3),

and is not liable under section 729 for a contravention against

subsection 728(1), because of a misleading or deceptive statement

in, or an omission from, a disclosure document if the person proves

that they placed reasonable reliance on information given to them


(a) if the person is a body—someone other than a director,

employee or agent of the body; or

(b) if the person is an individual—someone other than an

employee or agent of the individual.

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Prohibitions, liabilities and remedies (other than for CSF offers) Part 6D.3

Prohibitions and liabilities Division 1

Section 734

Corporations Act 2001 379

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), a person is not the agent of a

body or individual merely because they perform a particular

professional or advisory function for the body or individual.

Withdrawal of consent—statements and omissions

(3) A person who is named in a disclosure document as:

(a) being a proposed director or underwriter; or

(b) making a statement included in the document; or

(c) making a statement on the basis of which a statement is

included in the document;

does not commit an offence against subsection 728(3), and is not

liable under section 729 for a contravention against

subsection 728(1), because of a misleading or deceptive statement

in, or an omission from, a disclosure document if the person proves

that they publicly withdrew their consent to being named in the

document in that way.

Unawareness of new matter

(4) A person does not commit an offence against subsection 728(3),

and is not liable under section 729 for a contravention of

subsection 728(1), because of a new circumstance that has arisen

since the disclosure document was lodged if the person proves that

they were not aware of the matter.

734 Restrictions on advertising and publicity

No advertising or publicity for offers covered by the exception for

20 issues in 12 months

(1) A person must not:

(a) advertise; or

(b) publish a statement that directly or indirectly refers to;

an offer, or intended offer, of securities that would need a

disclosure document but for subsection 708(1) (exception for 20

issues in 12 months).

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Chapter 6D Fundraising

Part 6D.3 Prohibitions, liabilities and remedies (other than for CSF offers)

Division 1 Prohibitions and liabilities

Section 734

380 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Advertising or publicity for offers that need a disclosure document

(2) If an offer, or intended offer, of securities needs a disclosure

document, a person must not:

(a) advertise the offer or intended offer; or

(b) publish a statement that:

(i) directly or indirectly refers to the offer or intended

offer; or

(ii) is reasonably likely to induce people to apply for the


(2A) Subsection (2) does not apply if the advertisement or publication is

authorised by subsection (4), (5), (6) or (7).

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in

subsection (2A), see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

Strict liability offences

(2B) An offence based on subsection (1) or (2) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

Image advertising

(3) In deciding whether a statement:

(a) indirectly refers to an offer, or intended offer, of securities; or

(b) is reasonably likely to induce people to apply for securities;

have regard to whether the statement:

(c) forms part of the normal advertising of a body’s products or

services and is genuinely directed at maintaining its existing

customers, or attracting new customers, for those products or

services; and

(d) communicates information that materially deals with the

affairs of the body; and

(e) is likely to encourage investment decisions being made on

the basis of the statement rather than on the basis of

information contained in a disclosure document.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Fundraising Chapter 6D

Prohibitions, liabilities and remedies (other than for CSF offers) Part 6D.3

Prohibitions and liabilities Division 1

Section 734

Corporations Act 2001 381

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Dissemination of disclosure document

(4) A person may disseminate a disclosure document that has been

lodged with ASIC without contravening subsection (2). This does

not apply if an order under section 739 is in force in relation to the


Note: Subsection (4) has an extended operation in relation to recognised

offers under Chapter 8 (see subsection 1200L(1)).

Advertising and publicity before the disclosure document is lodged

(5) Before the disclosure document is lodged, an advertisement or

publication does not contravene subsection (2) if it:

(a) if the offer is of securities in a class already quoted—includes

a statement that:

(i) if the securities are likely to be offered by way of

issue—identifies the issuer of the securities; and

(ii) if the securities are likely to be offered pursuant to sale

offers to which section 707 will apply—identifies the

issuer of the securities and the seller of the securities;


(iii) in any case—a disclosure document for the offer will be

made available when the securities are offered; and

(iv) indicates when and where the disclosure document is

expected to be made available; and

(v) a person should consider the disclosure document in

deciding whether to acquire the securities; and

(vi) anyone who wants to acquire the securities will need to

complete the application form that will be in or will

accompany the disclosure document; and

(b) in any other case—contains the following but nothing more:

(i) a statement that identifies the offeror and the securities;

(ii) a statement that a disclosure document for the offer will

be made available when the securities are offered;

(iii) a statement that anyone who wants to acquire the

securities will need to complete the application form

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 6D Fundraising

Part 6D.3 Prohibitions, liabilities and remedies (other than for CSF offers)

Division 1 Prohibitions and liabilities

Section 734

382 Corporations Act 2001

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that will be in or will accompany the disclosure


(iv) a statement of how to arrange to receive a copy of the

disclosure document.

To satisfy paragraph (b), the advertisement or publication must

include all of the statements referred to in subparagraphs (i), (ii)

and (iii). It may include the statement referred to in

subparagraph (iv).

Note: Subsection (5) has an extended operation in relation to recognised

offers under Chapter 8 (see subsection 1200L(2)).

Advertising and publicity after the disclosure document is lodged

(6) After the disclosure document is lodged, an advertisement or

publication does not contravene subsection (2) if it includes a

statement that:

(a) identifies:

(i) if the securities are offered by way of issue—the issuer

of the securities; or

(ii) if the securities are offered pursuant to sale offers to

which section 707 applies or will apply—the issuer of

the securities and the seller of the securities; and

(b) indicates that the disclosure document for the offer is

available and where it can be obtained; and

(c) the offers of the securities will be made in, or accompanied

by, a copy of the disclosure document; and

(d) a person should consider the disclosure document in deciding

whether to acquire the securities; and

(e) anyone who wants to acquire the securities will need to

complete the application form that will be in or will

accompany the disclosure document.

Note: Subsection (6) has an extended operation in relation to recognised

offers under Chapter 8 (see subsection 1200L(3)).

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Fundraising Chapter 6D

Prohibitions, liabilities and remedies (other than for CSF offers) Part 6D.3

Prohibitions and liabilities Division 1

Section 734

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Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

General exceptions

(7) An advertisement or publication does not contravene subsection (2)

if it:

(a) relates to an offer of securities of a listed body and consists

of a notice or report by the body, or one of its officers, about

its affairs to the relevant market operator; or

(b) consists solely of a notice or report of a general meeting of

the body; or

(c) consists solely of a report about the body that is published by

the body and:

(i) does not contain information that materially affects

affairs of the body other than information previously

made available in a disclosure document that has been

lodged, a CSF offer document that has been published

on a platform of a CSF intermediary, an annual report or

a report referred to in paragraph (a) or (b); and

(ii) does not refer (whether directly or indirectly) to the

offer; or

(d) is a news report or is genuine comment, in a newspaper or

periodical or on radio or television relating to:

(i) a disclosure document that has been lodged or

information contained in such a disclosure document; or

(ii) a notice or report covered by paragraph (a), (b) or (c); or

(e) is a report about the securities of a body or proposed body

published by someone who is not:

(i) the body; or

(ii) acting at the instigation of, or by arrangement with, the

body; or

(iii) a director of the body; or

(iv) a person who has an interest in the success of the issue

or sale of the securities.

Paragraphs (d) and (e) do not apply if anyone gives consideration

or another benefit for publishing the report.

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Chapter 6D Fundraising

Part 6D.3 Prohibitions, liabilities and remedies (other than for CSF offers)

Division 1 Prohibitions and liabilities

Section 735

384 Corporations Act 2001

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Liability of publishers

(8) A person does not contravene subsection (1) or (2) by publishing

an advertisement or statement if they publish it in the ordinary

course of a business of:

(a) publishing a newspaper or magazine; or

(b) broadcasting by radio or television;

and the person did not know and had no reason to suspect that its

publication would amount to a contravention of a provision of this


Note: Depending on the circumstances of the publication, the person may,

however, commit an offence by being involved in someone else’s

contravention of subsection (1) or (2).

Pathfinder documents

(9) A person does not contravene subsection (1) or (2) by sending a

draft disclosure document for securities to a person if an offer of

the securities to the person would not require a disclosure

document because of subsection 708(8) or (10) (sophisticated

investors) or 708(11) (professional investors).

735 Obligation to keep consents and other documents

(1) A person who offers securities under a disclosure document must

keep a consent required in respect of the document by

subsection 716(2) or section 720.

(2) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

736 Securities hawking prohibited

(1) A person must not offer securities for issue or sale in the course of,

or because of, an unsolicited:

(a) meeting with another person; or

(b) telephone call to another person.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Fundraising Chapter 6D

Prohibitions, liabilities and remedies (other than for CSF offers) Part 6D.3

Prohibitions and liabilities Division 1

Section 736

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(1A) Subsection (1) does not apply if the offer is exempted under

subsection (2).

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in

subsection (1A), see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

(1B) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(2) Subsection (1) does not prohibit an offer of securities if:

(a) the offer does not need a disclosure document because of

subsection 708(8) or (10) (sophisticated investors); or

(b) the offer does not need a disclosure document because of

subsection 708(11) (professional investors); or

(c) the offer is an offer of listed securities made by telephone by

a licensed securities dealer; or

(d) the offer is made to a client by a licensed securities dealer

through whom the client has bought or sold securities in the

last 12 months; or

(e) the offer is made under an eligible employee share scheme.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 6D Fundraising

Part 6D.3 Prohibitions, liabilities and remedies (other than for CSF offers)

Division 2 Remedies

Section 737

386 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 2—Remedies

737 Remedies for investors

Right to withdraw and have money returned

(1) If securities are issued to a person in contravention of section 724

(situation calling for a supplementary or replacement document),

the person has the right to return the securities and to have their

application money repaid. This is so even if the company that

issued the securities is being wound up.

(2) A right referred to in subsection (1) is exercisable by written notice

given to the company within 1 month after the date of the issue.

(3) If the body or the seller does not repay the money as required by

subsection (1), the directors of the body or seller are personally

liable to repay the money.

738 Securities may be returned and refund obtained

If securities are issued or transferred to a person as a result of an

offer that contravenes section 736, the person may return the

securities within 1 month after the issue or transfer. If they do so,

they are entitled to be repaid the amount they paid for the


Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Fundraising Chapter 6D

Crowd-sourced funding Part 6D.3A

Introduction Division 1

Section 738A

Corporations Act 2001 387

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 6D.3A—Crowd-sourced funding

Division 1—Introduction

738A Object

The object of this Part is to provide a disclosure regime that can be

used for certain offers of securities for issue in small unlisted

companies, instead of complying with the requirements of

Part 6D.2.

738B Meaning of CSF offer

A CSF offer is an offer that is:

(a) eligible to be made under this Part (see Division 2); and

(b) expressed to be made under this Part.

738C Meaning of CSF intermediary

A CSF intermediary is a financial services licensee whose licence

expressly authorises the licensee to provide a crowd funding


Note 1: Section 766F defines when a person provides a crowd-funding


Note 2: Because a CSF intermediary is a financial services licensee, the

intermediary must (in addition to complying with this Part) comply

with the provisions of Chapter 7 that apply to financial services


738D Meaning of retail client in relation to a CSF offer

If a person (not being the company making the CSF offer) is a

retail client for the purposes of Chapter 7 in relation to the

provision of a crowd-funding service that relates to a particular

CSF offer, then, for the purposes of this Part, the person is a retail

client in relation to that CSF offer.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 6D Fundraising

Part 6D.3A Crowd-sourced funding

Division 1 Introduction

Section 738E

388 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

738E Offer of the securities may also be made in reliance on

section 708

The fact that a company makes a CSF offer of securities does not

prevent the company from also making an offer, in reliance on a

provision of section 708, of securities that are of the same class as

those offered under the CSF offer.

738F Application of provisions of Chapter 7 relating to how

obligations etc. apply to different kinds of persons

(1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), the following provisions of

Chapter 7 (the applied provisions) have effect for the purposes of

this Part as if references in the provisions to that Chapter were

instead references to this Part:

(a) section 761F (meaning of person—generally includes a


(b) section 761FA (meaning of person—generally includes

multiple trustees);

(c) section 769B (people are generally responsible for the

conduct of agents, employees etc.).

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to provisions of the sections

mentioned in subsection (1) that are expressed to relate only to

specific provisions of Chapter 7 or to specific Parts, Divisions or

Subdivisions of Chapter 7.

(3) The regulations may provide that one or more of the applied

provisions have effect for specified purposes subject to

modifications specified in the regulations. The regulations have

effect accordingly.

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Fundraising Chapter 6D

Crowd-sourced funding Part 6D.3A

Offers that are eligible to be made under this Part Division 2

Section 738G

Corporations Act 2001 389

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 2—Offers that are eligible to be made under this


738G Offers that are eligible to be made under this Part

(1) An offer is eligible to be made under this Part if:

(a) it is an offer by a company for the issue of securities of the

company; and

(b) the company is an eligible CSF company (see section 738H)

at the time when the offer is made; and

(c) the securities are of a class specified in the regulations; and

(d) the offer complies with the issuer cap (see subsection (2) of

this section); and

(e) the funds sought to be raised by the offer are not intended by

the company to be used, to any extent, by the company or a

related party of the company, to invest in securities or

interests in other entities or schemes; and

(f) any other requirements specified in the regulations are

satisfied in relation to the securities or the offer.

Note: If an offer of securities is expressed to be made under this Part but is

not eligible to be made under this Part, ASIC may make a stop order

under section 739.

The issuer cap

(2) For the purpose of this section, an offer of securities for issue in a

company (the new offer) complies with the issuer cap if the total


(a) the maximum amount sought to be raised by the new offer;


(b) all amounts raised, in the period of 12 months before the time

when the new offer is made, pursuant to CSF offers that were

made in that period by the company or by related parties of

the company; and

(c) all amounts raised, in the period of 12 months before the time

when the new offer is made, pursuant to offers made by the

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 6D Fundraising

Part 6D.3A Crowd-sourced funding

Division 2 Offers that are eligible to be made under this Part

Section 738H

390 Corporations Act 2001

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company, or by related parties of the company, that did not

need disclosure because of subsection 708(1) or (10);

does not exceed:

(d) $5 million; or

(e) if the regulations prescribe a different amount—the

prescribed amount.

Note: Amounts raised by CSF offers that were made before the start of the

12 month period referred to in paragraph (2)(b) are not to be counted.

For when a CSF offer is made, see subsection 738N(1).

Meaning of related party

(3) For the purposes of this Part, each of the following is a related

party of a company:

(a) a related body corporate of the company;

(b) an entity controlled by:

(i) a person who controls the company; or

(ii) an associate of that person.

738H Meaning of eligible CSF company

(1) A company is an eligible CSF company at a particular time (the

test time) if all of the following conditions are satisfied in relation

to the company at the test time:

(a) the company is a public company limited by shares, or the

company is a proprietary company that:

(i) has at least 2 directors; and

(ii) meets all the other requirements (if any) prescribed by

the regulations for the purposes of this subparagraph;

(b) the company’s principal place of business is in Australia;

(c) a majority of the company’s directors (not counting alternate

directors) ordinarily reside in Australia;

(d) the company complies with the assets and turnover test (see

subsection (2));

(e) neither the company, nor any related party of the company,


Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Fundraising Chapter 6D

Crowd-sourced funding Part 6D.3A

Offers that are eligible to be made under this Part Division 2

Section 738H

Corporations Act 2001 391

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(i) a listed corporation; or

(ii) included in an official list of a financial market operated

outside this jurisdiction;

(f) neither the company, nor any related party of the company,

has a substantial purpose of investing in securities or interests

in other entities or schemes.

The assets and turnover test

(2) The company complies with the assets and turnover test at the test

time if:

(a) the value of the consolidated gross assets of the company,

and of all its related parties is less than:

(i) $25 million; or

(ii) if the regulations prescribe a different amount—the

prescribed amount; and

(b) the consolidated annual revenue of the company, and of all

its related parties, is less than:

(i) $25 million; or

(ii) if the regulations prescribe a different amount—the

prescribed amount.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 6D Fundraising

Part 6D.3A Crowd-sourced funding

Division 3 Making offers under this Part

Section 738J

392 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 3—Making offers under this Part

738J CSF offer document to be prepared

(1) A document (a CSF offer document) must be prepared for a CSF


(2) A CSF offer document for a CSF offer must contain the

information required by the regulations. The document may also

set out the CSF offer.

Note: See also subsections 738W(8) and (9) about the effect of

supplementary or replacement CSF offer documents.

738K Other requirements for CSF offer document

The information in a CSF offer document must be worded and

presented in a clear, concise and effective manner. The document

must also comply with any other requirements prescribed by the


Note 1: If this section is contravened, ASIC may make a stop order under

section 739.

Note 2: See also subsections 738W(8) and (9) about the effect of

supplementary or replacement CSF offer documents.

738L CSF offer document to be published on platform of a single

CSF intermediary

(1) A CSF offer of a company’s securities must be made by

publishing, on a platform of a single CSF intermediary, a CSF

offer document that complies with section 738J. If the CSF offer

document does not set out the CSF offer, the CSF offer must be

published together with the offer document.

Note 1: Section 1309 creates offences for providing false or misleading

information to CSF intermediaries.

Note 2: See also section 738Q (gatekeeper obligations of CSF intermediaries).

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Fundraising Chapter 6D

Crowd-sourced funding Part 6D.3A

Making offers under this Part Division 3

Section 738M

Corporations Act 2001 393

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(2) The arrangement (the hosting arrangement) between the company

and the CSF intermediary for the publication of the CSF offer

document must require all applications made in response to the

offer, and all application money in respect of such applications, to

be sent or paid to the intermediary and dealt with by the

intermediary in accordance with this Part.

Note: See also section 738ZB (which deals with the responsible

intermediary’s obligations in relation to application money).

(3) The company must not make the CSF offer otherwise than in

accordance with subsections (1) and (2).

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(4) This section does not prevent the CSF offer from being advertised

or publicised in a way that does not contravene

subsection 738ZG(1).

(5) The responsible intermediary for the CSF offer is the CSF

intermediary referred to in subsection (1).

(6) The offer platform for the CSF offer is the platform on which the

CSF offer document is published as referred to in subsection (1).

(7) The maximum subscription amount for the CSF offer is the

amount specified in the CSF offer document as the maximum

amount sought to be raised by the offer.

(8) The minimum subscription amount for the CSF offer is the

amount specified in the CSF offer document as the minimum

amount sought to be raised by the offer.

738M Consents needed for publication of CSF offer document

(1) The company making a CSF offer must not arrange for a CSF offer

document to be published on a platform of a CSF intermediary

unless each of the following persons has consented in writing to

the publication of that CSF offer document on a platform of that

CSF intermediary:

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 6D Fundraising

Part 6D.3A Crowd-sourced funding

Division 3 Making offers under this Part

Section 738N

394 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(a) each director of the company;

(b) each person named in the CSF offer document as a proposed

director of the company.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) If the CSF offer document for a CSF offer includes a statement by

a person, or a statement said in the document to be based on a

statement by a person, the company making the offer must not

arrange for the document to be published on a platform of a CSF

intermediary unless:

(a) the person has consented in writing to the statement being

included in the document in the form and context in which it

is included; and

(b) the document states that the person has given this consent;


(c) the person has not withdrawn this consent before the

company arranges for the document to be published on a

platform of that CSF intermediary.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(3) A company that makes a CSF offer must keep a consent required

by subsection (1) or (2) for 7 years after the consent was given.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(4) An offence based on subsection (1), (2) or (3) is an offence of strict


738N When a CSF offer is made, open, closed, suspended and


When a CSF offer is made

(1) A CSF offer is made at the time when a CSF offer document for

the offer is first published on a platform of the responsible


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Fundraising Chapter 6D

Crowd-sourced funding Part 6D.3A

Making offers under this Part Division 3

Section 738N

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When a CSF offer is open

(2) A CSF offer is open during the period starting at the time when the

offer is made and ending at the time when the offer is closed, but

not including any part of that period while the offer is suspended.

When a CSF offer is closed

(3) Subject to subsections (4) and (5), the responsible intermediary for

a CSF offer may close the offer at any time by giving notice on the

offer platform that the offer is closed. If the intermediary does so,

the offer is closed from the time when notice is so given on the

offer platform.

Note: See also section 738P (which deals with removal of a CSF offer

document from the offer platform) and section 738ZB (which deals

with the responsible intermediary’s obligations in relation to

application money).

(4) The responsible intermediary for a CSF offer must close the offer

as soon as practicable after the first of the following occurs:

(a) the period of 3 months starting from when the offer was

made ends;

(b) if the CSF offer document specifies a period during which

the offer is to be open, or a date after which the offer is no

longer to be open—that period ends or that date occurs;

(c) the responsible intermediary considers that the offer is fully

subscribed to the maximum subscription amount for the


(d) the company making the offer notifies the responsible

intermediary under section 738S that the company wants the

offer withdrawn;

(e) section 738Q prohibits the continued publication of the CSF

offer document on the offer platform.

Note 1: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Note 2: See also subsection 738X(2), which requires the responsible

intermediary to either close or suspend the CSF offer if the

intermediary becomes aware that the CSF offer document is defective.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 6D Fundraising

Part 6D.3A Crowd-sourced funding

Division 3 Making offers under this Part

Section 738P

396 Corporations Act 2001

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(5) The hosting arrangement for a CSF offer may impose limits on the

responsible intermediary’s power to close the offer otherwise than

in circumstances when the intermediary:

(a) is required by subsection (4) to close the offer; or

(b) is required by subsection 738X(2) to either close or suspend

the offer because the CSF offer document is defective.

When a CSF offer is suspended

(6) A CSF offer is suspended during the period of any suspension of

the offer under section 738X (responsible intermediary’s

obligations on becoming aware that CSF offer document is


When a CSF offer is complete

(7) A CSF offer is complete if:

(a) the offer is closed because of paragraph (4)(a), (b) or (c); and

(b) all periods within which people could withdraw applications

made pursuant to the offer have ended; and

(c) the applications that have been received by the responsible

intermediary and that have not been withdrawn or rejected

represent at least the minimum subscription amount for the


Note: For when applications can be withdrawn, see section 738T.

738P CSF offer document to be removed from offer platform if offer

closes in certain circumstances

(1) If a CSF offer is closed otherwise than because of

paragraph 738N(4)(a), (b) or (c), the responsible intermediary must

remove the CSF offer document from the offer platform.

Note 1: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Note 2: For removal of the CSF offer document for a CSF offer if the offer is

suspended, see subsection 738X(2).

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Fundraising Chapter 6D

Crowd-sourced funding Part 6D.3A

Making offers under this Part Division 3

Section 738Q

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(2) If a CSF offer is closed because of paragraph 738N(4)(a), (b) or

(c), the responsible intermediary may (but is not required to)

remove the CSF offer document from the offer platform.

738Q Gatekeeper obligations of CSF intermediaries

CSF intermediary to conduct checks before publishing CSF offer


(1) A CSF intermediary must not publish a CSF offer document (or a

document that purports to be a CSF offer document) on a platform

of the intermediary unless the intermediary has, before starting to

publish the document, conducted the checks prescribed by the

regulations to a reasonable standard.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) For the purposes of this section, the regulations may prescribe what

constitutes a reasonable standard in relation to all or any of the


(3) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

(4) For the purpose of a provision of this Part that refers to a matter

that a CSF intermediary knows, has reason to believe or is satisfied

or not satisfied, if:

(a) a CSF intermediary contravenes subsection (1) by not

conducting a check (or by not conducting a check to a

reasonable standard); and

(b) had the intermediary conducted the check (or conducted it to

a reasonable standard), the intermediary would have known

or had reason to believe the matter, or would have been

satisfied or not satisfied in relation to the matter;

then the matter is taken to be one that the intermediary knows or

has reason to believe, or in relation to which the intermediary is

satisfied or not satisfied (as the case requires).

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Chapter 6D Fundraising

Part 6D.3A Crowd-sourced funding

Division 3 Making offers under this Part

Section 738Q

398 Corporations Act 2001

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CSF intermediary not to publish CSF offer document if not

satisfied of certain matters etc.

(5) A CSF intermediary must not publish a CSF offer document (or a

document that purports to be a CSF offer document) on a platform

of the intermediary, or continue to publish such a document while

the offer is open, if:

(a) the intermediary is not satisfied as to the identity of the

company making the offer, or of any of the directors or other

officers of the company; or

(b) the intermediary has reason to believe that any of the

directors or other officers of the company are not of good

fame or character; or

(c) subject to subsection (6)—the intermediary has reason to

believe that the company, or a director or other officer of the

company, has, in relation to the offer, knowingly engaged in

conduct that is misleading or deceptive or likely to mislead or

deceive; or

(d) the intermediary has reason to believe that the offer to which

the document relates is not eligible to be made under this


Note 1: The CSF intermediary must close the offer (see

paragraph 738N(4)(e)).

Note 2: The question whether a CSF intermediary is not satisfied in relation to

a matter, or has reason to believe a matter, is affected by

subsection (4) of this section.

Note 3: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(6) In the case of a CSF offer document that has already started to be

published on a platform of a CSF intermediary, paragraph (5)(c)

does not apply in relation to there being a misleading or deceptive

statement, an omission, or a new circumstance, that renders the

document defective (as defined in section 738U).

Note: The consequences of a CSF offer document being defective are dealt

with in Division 4. If the responsible intermediary becomes aware that

the document is defective, they must remove the document from the

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Making offers under this Part Division 3

Section 738R

Corporations Act 2001 399

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offer platform and either close or suspend the offer (see

subsection 738X(2)).

CSF intermediary to have adequate arrangements to ensure

compliance with gatekeeper obligations

(7) A CSF intermediary must have in place adequate arrangements,

recorded in writing, to ensure compliance with its obligations

under subsections (1) and (5).

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

738R Company and related parties not to have more than one CSF

offer open at any one time

(1) A company must not make a CSF offer at a time when another

CSF offer previously made by the company, or by a related party

of the company, is open or suspended.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) A company must not make a CSF offer at the same time as the

company, or a related party of the company, makes another CSF


Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

738S Company may notify responsible intermediary that it wants

CSF offer withdrawn

The company making a CSF offer may, at any time before the offer

is complete, notify the responsible intermediary that the company

wants the offer withdrawn.

Note: The responsible intermediary must close the offer (see

subsection 738N(4)).

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Part 6D.3A Crowd-sourced funding

Division 3 Making offers under this Part

Section 738T

400 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

738T Withdrawal of applications made pursuant to CSF offer

A person who has made an application pursuant to a CSF offer

may withdraw the application:

(a) as permitted by section 738X (responsible intermediary’s

obligations on becoming aware that CSF offer document is

defective) or 738ZD (cooling-off rights for retail clients); or

(b) in any other circumstances allowed by the responsible

intermediary, and in accordance with any requirements of the

intermediary for withdrawal in those circumstances.

Note: If an applicant withdraws their application, the responsible

intermediary must return the application money (see section 738ZB).

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Defective etc. CSF offer documents Division 4

Section 738U

Corporations Act 2001 401

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Division 4—Defective etc. CSF offer documents

738U When a CSF offer document is defective

(1) A CSF offer document is defective if:

(a) the CSF offer document contains a misleading or deceptive

statement; or

(b) there is an omission from the CSF offer document of

information required by section 738J; or

(c) since the document was first published on a platform of a

CSF intermediary, a new circumstance has arisen that would

have been required by section 738J to be included in the

document if it had arisen before the document was so


(2) For the purposes of this section, a person is taken to make a

misleading statement about a future matter (including the doing of,

or refusing to do, an act) if the person does not have reasonable

grounds for making the statement. This subsection does not limit

the meaning of a reference to a misleading statement.

738V Obligation to notify company making offer, and responsible

intermediary, if CSF offer document is defective

(1) If, while a CSF offer is open, the company making the offer

becomes aware that the CSF offer document is defective, the

company must notify the responsible intermediary as soon as


Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) If, while a CSF offer is open, the responsible intermediary becomes

aware that the CSF offer document is defective, the intermediary

must notify the company making the offer as soon as practicable.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

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Division 4 Defective etc. CSF offer documents

Section 738W

402 Corporations Act 2001

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(3) If, while a CSF offer is open, any other person referred to in the

table in subsection 738Y(5) becomes aware that the CSF offer

document is defective, the person must notify the company making

the offer, and the responsible intermediary, as soon as practicable.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(4) An offence based on subsection (1), (2) or (3) is an offence of strict


738W Company may provide replacement or supplementary CSF

document in certain circumstances

When company may provide a replacement or supplementary CSF

offer document

(1) The company making a CSF offer may provide the responsible

intermediary with a supplementary CSF offer document, or a

replacement CSF offer document, to supplement or replace the

CSF offer document (the affected offer document) as provided for

in the following paragraphs:

(a) if the company becomes aware that the affected offer

document is defective, the company may provide a

supplementary CSF offer document, or a replacement CSF

offer document, that corrects the defect;

(b) if the company becomes aware that the affected offer

document does not comply with section 738K (other

requirements for CSF offer documents), the company may

provide a supplementary CSF offer document, or a

replacement CSF offer document, that corrects the


(c) the company may provide a supplementary CSF offer

document, or a replacement CSF offer document, in any

other circumstances permitted by the regulations, and in

accordance with any conditions prescribed by those


Note 1: Defective CSF offer documents give rise to liabilities under

section 738Y.

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Section 738W

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Note 2: Regulations for the purpose of paragraph (c) may (for example) limit

the kinds of changes that may be incorporated into a supplementary or

replacement CSF offer document provided under that paragraph.

Note 3: This section applies to a CSF offer document that has already been

previously supplemented or replaced.

(2) A supplementary CSF offer document or a replacement CSF offer


(a) must not be provided otherwise than as permitted by

subsection (1); and

(b) if it is provided as permitted by paragraph (1)(a) or (b)—

must not incorporate any changes made otherwise than:

(i) for the purpose of correcting a defect or non-compliance

as mentioned in that paragraph; or

(ii) as permitted by the regulations; and

(c) if it is provided as permitted by paragraph (1)(c)—must

comply with any conditions imposed by regulations made for

the purpose of that paragraph.

Form of supplementary or replacement CSF offer document

(3) At the beginning of a supplementary CSF document, there must be:

(a) a statement that it is a supplementary CSF offer document;


(b) an identification of the affected offer document it

supplements; and

(c) a statement that it is to be read together with the affected

offer document.

(4) At the beginning of a replacement CSF offer document, there must


(a) a statement that it is a replacement CSF offer document; and

(b) an identification of the affected offer document it replaces.

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Division 4 Defective etc. CSF offer documents

Section 738W

404 Corporations Act 2001

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Responsible intermediary may publish supplementary or

replacement CSF offer document on offer platform

(5) If, in accordance with this section, the company making a CSF

offer provides the responsible intermediary with a supplementary

CSF offer document or a replacement CSF offer document, then

subject to subsection (6), the intermediary may:

(a) in the case of a supplementary CSF offer document—publish

the supplementary CSF offer document on the offer platform

(together with the affected offer document); or

(b) in the case of a replacement CSF offer document—substitute

the replacement offer document for the affected offer

document on the offer platform.

Note: The responsible intermediary is not required to publish the

supplementary or replacement CSF offer document. See also the

provisions of section 738X relating to suspension or closure of CSF


(6) The following provisions apply in relation to a supplementary CSF

offer document or a replacement CSF offer document in the same

way as they apply to any CSF offer document:

(a) section 738M (consents needed for publication of CSF offer


(b) section 738Q (gatekeeper obligations of CSF intermediaries).

(7) However, subsection 738M(2) does not apply so as to require a

fresh consent to be obtained in relation to a statement if the

supplementary CSF offer document, or replacement CSF offer

document, does not make any material change to either the form of

the statement as it was included in the affected offer document, or

the context in which it was included.

Consequences of publication of a supplementary CSF offer


(8) If a supplementary CSF offer document for a CSF offer is

published on the offer platform, then, for the purposes of the

application of this Chapter to events that occur after that document

is first published on the platform, the CSF offer document is taken

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Defective etc. CSF offer documents Division 4

Section 738X

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to be the affected offer document together with the supplementary

CSF offer document.

Consequences of publication of a replacement CSF offer document

(9) If a replacement CSF offer document for a CSF offer is published

on the offer platform, then, for the purposes of the application of

this Chapter to events that occur after that document is first

published on the platform, the CSF offer document is taken to be

the replacement CSF offer document.

738X Responsible intermediary’s obligations on becoming aware

that CSF offer document is defective

When this section applies

(1) This section applies if the responsible intermediary for a CSF offer

becomes aware, while the offer is open, that the CSF offer

document is defective.

Note: See also section 738V, which imposes notification obligations in

relation to defective CSF offer documents.

Responsible intermediary must suspend or close the CSF offer

(2) The responsible intermediary must, as soon as practicable:

(a) remove the CSF offer document from the offer platform; and

(b) either:

(i) close the offer; or

(ii) suspend the offer by giving notice on the offer platform

that the offer is suspended.

Note 1: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Note 2: See also section 738N, which deals with closure of CSF offers.

(3) If the responsible intermediary suspends the offer, the notice

required by subparagraph (2)(b)(ii) must continue to appear on the

offer platform until the suspension ends (see subsection (6)) or the

offer closes.

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Part 6D.3A Crowd-sourced funding

Division 4 Defective etc. CSF offer documents

Section 738X

406 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(4) An offence based on subsection (2) or (3) is an offence of strict


Consequences of publication of supplementary or replacement

CSF offer document

(5) Subsections (6) and (7) apply if:

(a) for the purpose of correcting the defect in the CSF offer

document, the company making the CSF offer provides the

responsible intermediary with a supplementary CSF offer

document or a replacement CSF offer document; and

(b) the responsible intermediary publishes the supplementary

CSF offer document or replacement CSF offer document on

the offer platform.

(6) If the CSF offer has been suspended, the suspension of the CSF

offer ends when the supplementary CSF offer document or

replacement CSF offer document is first published on the offer


(7) The responsible intermediary must, as soon as practicable after the

supplementary CSF offer document or replacement CSF offer

document is first published on the offer platform, give each person

who has already applied pursuant to the CSF offer a written notice,

accompanied by that document, advising the person that they may,

within 14 days after the date of the notice, withdraw their

application and be repaid.

Note 1: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Note 2: If the suspension does not end under this subsection, the responsible

intermediary must return the application money when the offer closes

(see section 738ZB).

(8) An offence based on subsection (7) is an offence of strict liability.

(9) A person who is given a notice under subsection (7) may, within

14 days after the date of the notice, withdraw their application. The

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Defective etc. CSF offer documents Division 4

Section 738Y

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withdrawal must be by notice in writing to the responsible


Note: If an applicant withdraws their application, the responsible

intermediary must return the application money (see section 738ZB).

738Y Other liabilities relating to defective CSF offer documents

Obligations giving rise to liabilities

(1) A company must not offer securities under a CSF offer document

if the document is defective.

Note 1: A defect may be corrected by a supplementary CSF offer document or

a replacement CSF offer document (see section 738W).

Note 2: If this subsection is contravened, ASIC may make a stop order under

section 739.

(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), a company is taken to offer

securities under a CSF offer document at all times, before the offer

is closed, when the offer document is published on a platform of a

CSF intermediary.

(3) A CSF intermediary must not publish (or continue to publish) a

CSF offer document on a platform of the intermediary if:

(a) the document is defective; and

(b) the intermediary knows that the document is defective.

Note 1: A defect may be corrected by a supplementary CSF offer document or

a replacement CSF offer document (see section 738W).

Note 2: The question whether a CSF intermediary knows that a document is

defective is affected by subsection 738Q(4).

Criminal liability

(4) A person commits an offence if:

(a) the person contravenes subsection (1) or (3) in relation to a

defective CSF offer document; and

(b) the statement, omission or new circumstance because of

which the document is defective is materially adverse from

the point of view of an investor.

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Part 6D.3A Crowd-sourced funding

Division 4 Defective etc. CSF offer documents

Section 738Y

408 Corporations Act 2001

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Note: For exceptions to liability, see section 738Z.

Right to recover loss or damage

(5) A person who suffers loss or damage because an offer of securities

under a CSF offer document contravenes subsection (1) may

recover the amount of the loss or damage from a person referred to

in the following table if the loss or damage is one that the table

makes the person liable for. This is so even if the person did not

commit, and was not involved in, the contravention.

People liable on disclosure document

Item These people ... are liable for loss or damage caused

by ...

1 the company making the CSF


any contravention of subsection (1) in

relation to the CSF offer document

2 each director of the company

making the CSF offer

any contravention of subsection (1) in

relation to the CSF offer document

3 a person named in the CSF

offer document with their

consent as a proposed director

of the company

any contravention of subsection (1) in

relation to the CSF offer document

4 an underwriter (but not a

sub-underwriter) to the issue

named in the CSF offer

document with their consent

any contravention of subsection (1) in

relation to the CSF offer document

5 a person named in the CSF

offer document with their

consent as having made a


(a) that is included in the CSF

offer document; or

(b) on which a statement made

in the CSF offer document

is based

the inclusion of the statement in the

CSF offer document

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Defective etc. CSF offer documents Division 4

Section 738Z

Corporations Act 2001 409

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People liable on disclosure document

Item These people ... are liable for loss or damage caused

by ...

6 a person who contravenes, or

is involved in the

contravention of,

subsection (1)

that contravention

7 a CSF intermediary that

publishes the CSF offer

document on a platform of the


a contravention of subsection (1) in

relation to the CSF offer document, but

only if paragraph (3)(b) is satisfied

Note: For exceptions to liability, see section 738Z.

(6) An action under subsection (5) may be begun at any time within 6

years after the day the cause of action arose.

738Z Exceptions to liability under section 738Y

Lack of knowledge

(1) A person:

(a) does not commit an offence against subsection 738Y(4) in

respect of a contravention of subsection 738Y(1) that relates

to a CSF offer document; and

(b) is not liable under subsection 738Y(5) in respect of a

contravention of subsection 738Y(1) that relates to a CSF

offer document;

if the person did not know that the CSF offer document was


Note: In a prosecution for an offence, a defendant bears an evidential burden

in relation to the matter in this subsection (see subsection 13.3(3) of

the Criminal Code).

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a liability of a CSF intermediary

that is covered by item 7 of the table in subsection 738Y(5).

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Division 4 Defective etc. CSF offer documents

Section 738Z

410 Corporations Act 2001

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Reasonable reliance on information given by someone else—

statements and omissions

(3) A person does not commit an offence against subsection 738Y(4)

in respect of a contravention of subsection 738Y(1), and is not

liable under subsection 738Y(5) in respect of a contravention of

subsection 738Y(1), because of a misleading or deceptive

statement in, or an omission from, a CSF offer document if the

person placed reasonable reliance on information given to them by:

(a) if the person is a body—someone other than a director,

employee or agent of the body; or

(b) if the person is an individual—someone other than an

employee or agent of the individual.

Note: In a prosecution for an offence, a defendant bears an evidential burden

in relation to the matter in this subsection (see subsection 13.3(3) of

the Criminal Code).

(4) Subsection (3) does not apply to a liability of a CSF intermediary

that is covered by item 7 of the table in subsection 738Y(5).

(5) For the purposes of subsection (3), a person is not the agent of a

body or individual merely because they perform a particular

professional or advisory function for the body or individual.

Withdrawal of consent—statements and omissions

(6) A person who is named in a CSF offer document as:

(a) being a proposed director or underwriter; or

(b) making a statement included in the document; or

(c) making a statement on the basis of which a statement is

included in the document;

does not commit an offence against subsection 738Y(1), and is not

liable under subsection 738Y(5) in respect of a contravention of

subsection 738Y(1), because of a misleading or deceptive

statement in, or an omission from, a CSF offer document if the

person publicly withdrew their consent to being named in the

document in that way.

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Defective etc. CSF offer documents Division 4

Section 738Z

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Note: In a prosecution for an offence, a defendant bears an evidential burden

in relation to the matter in this subsection (see subsection 13.3(3) of

the Criminal Code).

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Chapter 6D Fundraising

Part 6D.3A Crowd-sourced funding

Division 5 Other obligations of CSF intermediaries

Section 738ZA

412 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 5—Other obligations of CSF intermediaries

738ZA General obligations of CSF intermediaries relating to their

platforms etc.

The general CSF risk warning

(1) The responsible intermediary for a CSF offer must ensure that the

general CSF risk warning appears prominently on the offer

platform at all times while the offer is open or suspended.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) The general CSF risk warning is a statement in the terms

specified in the regulations.

Providing a facility for the making of applications

(3) The responsible intermediary for a CSF offer must ensure that:

(a) at all times while the offer is open, a facility (the application

facility) is provided for the making of applications pursuant

to the CSF offer; and

(b) a retail client cannot make an application pursuant to the CSF

offer by means of the application facility unless the person

completes an acknowledgement that complies with the

requirements of the regulations; and

(c) a person cannot make an application pursuant to the CSF

offer by means of the application facility while the offer is

suspended or after it has closed.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(4) The responsible intermediary for a CSF offer must reject any

application for the issue of securities pursuant to the offer if the

application is made otherwise than by means of the application


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Other obligations of CSF intermediaries Division 5

Section 738ZA

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Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Providing a communication facility

(5) The responsible intermediary for a CSF offer must, at all times

while the offer is open or suspended, provide a facility (the

communication facility) that can be used for the following


(a) for people who access the CSF offer document through the

offer platform:

(i) to make posts relating to the offer; and

(ii) to see posts relating to the offer made by others; and

(iii) to ask the company making the offer, or the

intermediary, questions relating to the offer;

(b) for the company or the intermediary to make posts

responding to questions and posts.

Note 1: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Note 2: A statement made in good faith on the communication facility for a

CSF offer does not contravene subsection 738ZG(1) (restrictions on

advertising and publicity) (see subsection 738ZG(8)).

(6) If a person who makes a post using the communication facility is

an officer, employee or agent of:

(a) the company making the CSF offer, or a related party of the

company; or

(b) the responsible intermediary, or an associate of the


the person must clearly disclose that fact in the post that they


Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(7) The regulations may make provision in relation to the operation,

management or use of the communication facility.

Note: For example, regulations may prohibit, or require, the removal of

material from the communication facility.

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Part 6D.3A Crowd-sourced funding

Division 5 Other obligations of CSF intermediaries

Section 738ZB

414 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Cooling-off rights

(8) The responsible intermediary for a CSF offer must ensure that the

following appear prominently on the offer platform at all times

while the offer is open or suspended:

(a) a statement drawing attention to the rights of persons under

section 738ZD to withdraw applications;

(b) a statement specifying a method by which a person may

exercise a right under that section to withdraw an application.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Disclosure of fees and interests

(9) The responsible intermediary for a CSF offer must ensure that the

following appear prominently on the offer platform at all times

while the offer is open or suspended:

(a) the fees the intermediary charges the company making the


(b) a disclosure of any direct or indirect pecuniary interest that

the intermediary, or an associate of the intermediary, has or

expects to acquire in the company or a related party of the


Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

738ZB Responsible intermediary’s obligations relating to

application money

Usual obligations of financial services licensees apply subject to

this section

(1) Subdivision A of Division 2 of Part 7.8, and the other relevant

provisions in Part 7.8, apply in relation to money (application

money) that is received by the responsible intermediary for a CSF

offer in respect of applications made pursuant to the offer, subject

to the following provisions of this section.

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Other obligations of CSF intermediaries Division 5

Section 738ZB

Corporations Act 2001 415

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Obligation to pay application money to company if offer is

complete and securities have been issued

(2) If the CSF offer is complete and the company making the offer has

issued securities pursuant to the offer, the responsible intermediary

must, as soon as practicable, pay to the company the application

money it received for the issue of those securities, less any amount

that the intermediary is entitled to retain under the hosting


Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Obligation to repay application money to applicants in certain


(3) If:

(a) the CSF offer is closed otherwise than because of

paragraph 738N(4)(a), (b) or (c); or

(b) the CSF offer is closed because of paragraph 738N(4)(a), (b)

or (c) and the following conditions are met:

(i) all periods within which people could withdraw

applications made pursuant to the offer have ended;

(ii) the applications that have been received by the

intermediary and that have not been withdrawn or

rejected do not represent at least the minimum

subscription amount for the offer;

the responsible intermediary must, as soon as practicable, return to

the applicants who made applications that have not been

withdrawn or rejected all application money received in respect of

those applications.

Note 1: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Note 2: For when applications can be withdrawn, see section 738T.

(4) If:

(a) a person who has made an application pursuant to the CSF

offer withdraws that application; or

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Part 6D.3A Crowd-sourced funding

Division 5 Other obligations of CSF intermediaries

Section 738ZB

416 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) an application made by a person pursuant to the CSF offer is

rejected, or is unsuccessful, for any other reason;

the responsible intermediary must, as soon as practicable, return to

the applicant the application money received in respect of the


Note 1: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Note 2: For when applications can be withdrawn, see section 738T.

(5) An offence based on subsection (2), (3) or (4) is an offence of strict


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Additional protections for retail clients Division 6

Section 738ZC

Corporations Act 2001 417

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 6—Additional protections for retail clients

738ZC Caps on investment by retail clients pursuant to CSF offers

(1) The responsible intermediary for a CSF offer must reject an

application made by a person pursuant to the offer if:

(a) the person is a retail client in relation to the offer; and

(b) having regard only to CSF offers for which the intermediary

is the responsible intermediary, the application would result

in the total amount paid or payable by the person in respect

of applications made by the person, in any period of 12

months, pursuant to CSF offers made by the same company,


(i) $10,000; or

(ii) if the regulations prescribe a different amount—the

prescribed amount.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) If 2 or more persons (the joint applicants) make a joint application

for the issue of securities pursuant to a CSF offer, then, unless the

regulations provide otherwise, this section applies in relation to the

joint application as if each of the joint applicants had instead made

a separate application for a number of securities worked out by

dividing the number of securities applied for in the joint

application by the number of joint applicants.

738ZD Cooling-off rights for retail clients

(1) If a person who is a retail client in relation to a CSF offer makes an

application pursuant to the offer, the person may withdraw the

application within 5 business days after the application is made.

Note: If an applicant withdraws their application, the responsible

intermediary must return the application money (see section 738ZB).

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Chapter 6D Fundraising

Part 6D.3A Crowd-sourced funding

Division 6 Additional protections for retail clients

Section 738ZE

418 Corporations Act 2001

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(2) A withdrawal of an application pursuant to subsection (1) can only

be made by a method specified on the offer platform as required by

paragraph 738ZA(8)(b).

738ZE Company making CSF offer or CSF intermediary etc. must

not financially assist retail client to acquire securities

(1) This section applies to the following persons in relation to a CSF

offer made by a company or that a company intends to make:

(a) the company;

(b) a related party of the company;

(c) a CSF intermediary that is or intends to be the responsible

intermediary in relation to the CSF offer;

(d) an associate of such a CSF intermediary.

(2) A person to whom this section applies must not:

(a) financially assist a person who is a retail client in relation to

the CSF offer to acquire securities pursuant to the offer; or

(b) arrange financial assistance for such a person to acquire

securities pursuant to the CSF offer.

Note 1: This subsection applies to financial assistance provided by the

company even if that assistance does not contravene section 260A.

Note 2: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(3) Without limiting subsection (2), the prohibition on financial


(a) applies whether the financial assistance is provided or

arranged before or after the acquisition of securities pursuant

to the CSF offer; and

(b) extends to the provision of financial assistance in the form of

a dividend.

(4) In this section, financially assist and financial assistance have the

same meanings as they have in section 260A.

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Fundraising Chapter 6D

Crowd-sourced funding Part 6D.3A

Other matters Division 7

Section 738ZF

Corporations Act 2001 419

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 7—Other matters

738ZF Offering securities of a company that does not exist

A person must not make an offer that:

(a) is expressed to be made under this Part; and

(b) relates to a company that has not been formed or does not


Note: Failure to comply with this section is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

738ZG Restrictions on advertising and publicity


(1) A person must not:

(a) advertise a CSF offer or an intended CSF offer; or

(b) publish a statement that:

(i) directly or indirectly refers to a CSF offer or an intended

CSF offer; or

(ii) is reasonably likely to induce people to apply for

securities pursuant to a CSF offer or an intended CSF


Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) None of the following constitutes advertising a CSF offer, or

publishing a statement, as mentioned in subsection (1):

(a) the publication of a CSF offer or a CSF offer document (or

both), or any other information relating to a CSF offer, on a

platform of the responsible intermediary;

(b) an advertisement or publication that does not refer to any

particular CSF offer or intended CSF offer, and that does

either or both of the following:

(i) identifies a person as being a CSF intermediary;

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Part 6D.3A Crowd-sourced funding

Division 7 Other matters

Section 738ZG

420 Corporations Act 2001

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(ii) provides general material about the services provided by

a CSF intermediary.

Paragraph (a) does not apply to statements made on the

communication facility for a CSF offer.

Note: Subsection (8) deals with statements made on the communication

facility for a CSF offer. For the meaning of communication facility,

see subsection 738ZA(5).

(3) In deciding for the purposes of subsection (1) whether a statement:

(a) indirectly refers to a CSF offer, or intended CSF offer, of

securities; or

(b) is reasonably likely to induce people to apply for securities

pursuant to a CSF offer or an intended CSF offer;

have regard to whether the statement:

(c) forms part of the normal advertising of a body’s products or

services and is genuinely directed at maintaining its existing

customers, or attracting new customers, for those products or

services; and

(d) communicates information that materially deals with the

affairs of the body; and

(e) is likely to encourage investment decisions being made on

the basis of the statement rather than on the basis of

information contained in a CSF offer document.

(4) Subsection (1) does not apply if any of subsections (6) to (9)

provide that the advertisement or publication does not contravene

subsection (1).

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in this

subsection (see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code).

(5) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Exception for publicising CSF offer or intended CSF offer

(6) An advertisement or publication that refers to a CSF offer or an

intended CSF offer does not contravene subsection (1) if the

advertisement or publication states that a person should, in

deciding whether to make an application pursuant to the offer,

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Crowd-sourced funding Part 6D.3A

Other matters Division 7

Section 738ZG

Corporations Act 2001 421

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

consider the CSF offer document for the offer and the general CSF

risk warning (whether or not the advertisement or publication also

contains other material).

Note: If an advertisement or publication of a kind referred to in this

subsection is defective (as defined in subsection 739(6)), ASIC may

make a stop order under section 739.

Exception for publishers

(7) A person does not contravene subsection (1) by publishing an

advertisement or statement if the person:

(a) publishes it in the ordinary course of a media business; and

(b) did not know, and had no reason to suspect, that its

publication would amount to a contravention of

subsection (1).

Exception for statements made on communication facility for CSF


(8) A statement made in good faith on the communication facility for a

CSF offer does not contravene subsection (1).

Other general exceptions

(9) An advertisement or publication does not contravene subsection (1)

in relation to a CSF offer, or an intended CSF offer, if it:

(a) consists solely of a notice or report of a general meeting of

the company making, or intending to make, the offer; or

(b) consists solely of a report about the company making, or

intending to make, the CSF offer that is published by the

company and:

(i) does not contain information that materially affects

affairs of the company, other than information

previously made available in a CSF offer document that

has been published on a platform of a CSF intermediary,

a disclosure document that has been lodged, an annual

report or a report referred to in paragraph (a); and

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Chapter 6D Fundraising

Part 6D.3A Crowd-sourced funding

Division 7 Other matters

Section 738ZG

422 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(ii) does not refer (whether directly or indirectly) to the CSF

offer or intended CSF offer; or

(c) is a news report or is genuine comment, in the media, relating


(i) a CSF offer document for the CSF offer that has been

published on a platform of a CSF intermediary, or

information contained in such a document; or

(ii) a notice or report covered by paragraph (a) or (b); or

(d) is a report about securities of the company (or proposed

company) making, or intending to make, the CSF offer that is

published by someone who is not:

(i) the company; or

(ii) acting at the instigation of, or by arrangement with, the

company; or

(iii) a director of the company; or

(iv) a CSF intermediary that is or will be the responsible

intermediary for the offer; or

(v) any other person who has an interest in the success of

the issue of the securities.

Paragraphs (c) and (d) do not apply if anyone gives consideration

or another benefit for publishing the report.

Meaning of media

(10) For the purposes of this section, the media consists of:

(a) newspapers and magazines; and

(b) radio and television broadcasting services; and

(c) electronic services (including services provided through the

internet) that:

(i) are operated on a commercial basis; and

(ii) are similar to newspapers, magazines or radio or

television broadcasts.

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Fundraising Chapter 6D

Crowd-sourced funding Part 6D.3A

Other matters Division 7

Section 738ZH

Corporations Act 2001 423

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

738ZH Liabilities under other laws not affected

This Part does not affect any liability that a person has under any

other law.

738ZI Companies eligible for limited governance requirements

(1) A company is covered under this section at a particular time if:

(a) the company:

(i) was registered as a public company limited by shares

under Part 2A.2 in response to an application lodged

under section 117 before the eligibility end day; or

(ii) was converted from a proprietary company to a public

company limited by shares under Part 2B.7 in response

to an application lodged under section 163 before the

eligibility end day; and

(b) the application made in relation to the company’s registration

or conversion stated that:

(i) the company will be covered under this section on

registration or when the company’s registration is

altered to reflect its conversion; and

(ii) the company intends to make a CSF offer after its

registration or conversion; and

(c) the company is an eligible CSF company at that time; and

(d) the time is within 5 years after the company’s registration as,

or conversion to, a public company limited by shares; and

(e) if the time is at or after the end of a financial year that ends

later than 12 months after the company’s registration as, or

conversion to, a public company limited by shares—the

company has completed a CSF offer at that time; and

(f) the company has been covered under this section at all times

since its registration as, or conversion to, a public company

limited by shares; and

(g) as at that time, the company has not made any offers of

securities for issue or sale that need disclosure to investors

under Part 6D.2.

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Chapter 6D Fundraising

Part 6D.3A Crowd-sourced funding

Division 7 Other matters

Section 738ZJ

424 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(2) In this section:

eligibility end day means the day Part 1 of Schedule 1 to the

Corporations Amendment (Crowd-sourced Funding for

Proprietary Companies) Act 2018 commences.

738ZJ Regulations relating to how CSF intermediaries are to deal

with applications

The regulations may make provision relating to how CSF

intermediaries are to deal with applications made pursuant to CSF

offers, including (but not limited to) the following:

(a) the order in which applications are to be dealt with;

(b) circumstances in which applications must or may be rejected;

(c) when applications are to be counted towards the maximum

subscription amount, or the minimum subscription amount,

in relation to a CSF offer.

738ZK Related party transactions—proprietary companies that

have one or more CSF shareholders

Chapter 2E applies to a proprietary company that has one or more

CSF shareholders as if references to a public company were instead

references to such a proprietary company.

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Fundraising Chapter 6D

ASIC’s powers Part 6D.4

Section 739

Corporations Act 2001 425

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 6D.4—ASIC’s powers

739 ASIC stop orders

Power to make orders

(1) This section applies if ASIC is satisfied that:

(a) information in a disclosure document lodged with ASIC is

not worded and presented in a clear, concise and effective

manner (see section 715A); or

(b) an offer of securities under a disclosure document lodged

with ASIC would contravene section 728; or

(c) an advertisement or publication of a kind referred to in

subsection 734(5) or (6) that relates to securities is defective

(see subsection (6) of this section); or

(d) an offer of securities under a CSF offer document, or the

publication of a CSF offer document on a platform of a CSF

intermediary, contravenes subsection 738Y(1) (which relates

to defective CSF offer documents); or

(e) a CSF offer document does not comply with section 738K

(other requirements for CSF offer documents); or

(f) an advertisement or publication of a kind referred to in

subsection 738ZG(6) is defective (see subsection (6) of this

section); or

(g) an offer of securities that is expressed to be made under

Part 6D.3A is not eligible to be made under that Part.

(1A) ASIC may order that:

(a) if paragraph (1)(a), (b), (d), (e) or (g) applies—no offers,

issues, sales or transfers of the securities be made while the

order is in force; or

(b) if paragraph (1)(c) or (f) applies—specified conduct in

respect of the securities to which the advertisement or

publication relates must not be engaged in.

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Chapter 6D Fundraising

Part 6D.4 ASIC’s powers

Section 739

426 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(1B) An order under paragraph (1A)(b) may include a statement that

specified conduct engaged in contrary to the order will be regarded

as not complying with the requirements of a specified provision of

this Chapter.

(2) Before making an order under subsection (1A), ASIC must:

(a) hold a hearing; and

(b) give a reasonable opportunity to any interested people to

make oral or written submissions to ASIC on whether an

order should be made.

(3) If ASIC considers that any delay in making an order under

subsection (1A) pending the holding of a hearing would be

prejudicial to the public interest, ASIC may make an interim order

that no offers, issues, sales or transfers of the securities be made

while the interim order is in force. The interim order may be made

without holding a hearing and lasts for 21 days after the day on

which it is made unless revoked before then.

(4) At any time during the hearing, ASIC may make an interim order

that no offers, issues, sales or transfers of the securities be made

while the interim order is in force. The interim order lasts until:

(a) ASIC makes an order under subsection (1A) after the

conclusion of the hearing; or

(b) the interim order is revoked;

whichever happens first.

(5) An order under subsection (1A), (3) or (4) must be in writing and

must be served on the person who is ordered not to offer, issue, sell

or transfer securities under the disclosure document.

Defective advertisements or statements

(6) For the purposes of this section, an advertisement or publication of

a kind referred to in subsection 734(5) or (6), or 738ZG(6), is

defective if:

(a) there is a misleading or deceptive statement in the

advertisement or publication; or

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Fundraising Chapter 6D

ASIC’s powers Part 6D.4

Section 740

Corporations Act 2001 427

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(b) there is an omission from the advertisement or publication of

material required by the relevant subsection to be included in

the advertisement or publication; or

(c) in the case of an advertisement or publication of a kind

referred to in subsection 734(5) that relates to an offer of

securities in a class that is not already quoted, and is

published before a disclosure document in relation to the

offer is lodged—the advertisement or publication includes

material that is not referred to in paragraph 734(5)(b).

Forecasts and other forward-looking statements

(7) For the purposes of the definition of defective in subsection (6), a

person is taken to make a misleading statement about a future

matter (including the doing of, or refusing to do, an act) if they do

not have reasonable grounds for making the statement.

(8) Subsection (7) does not limit the circumstances in which a

statement may be misleading.

740 Anti-avoidance determinations

(1) ASIC may determine in writing that a number of different bodies

are closely related and that their transactions should be aggregated

for the purposes of this Chapter. If ASIC does so:

(a) an issue, sale or transfer of securities in any other bodies is

taken to also be an issue, sale or transfer of the securities of

each of the other bodies by those bodies; and

(b) any money received from an issue, sale or transfer of

securities in any of the bodies is taken to also be received by

each of the other bodies from an issue, sale or transfer of its

own securities; and

(c) for the purpose of subsection 738H(2), assets or revenue of

any of the bodies are taken also to be assets or revenue of

each of the other bodies.

ASIC must give written notice of the determination to each of the


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Chapter 6D Fundraising

Part 6D.4 ASIC’s powers

Section 741

428 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(2) ASIC may determine in writing that the transactions of a body and

of a person who controls the body should be aggregated for the

purposes of this Chapter. If ASIC does so:

(a) an issue of securities in the body is taken to also be the

transfer of the securities by the controller; and

(b) any money received from an issue of securities in the body is

taken to also be received by the controller from a transfer of

the securities; and

(c) a sale or transfer of securities in the body by the controller is

taken to also be the issue of the securities by the body; and

(d) any money received from a sale or transfer of securities in the

body by the controller is taken to also be received by the

body from an issue of the securities; and

(e) for the purpose of subsection 738H(2), assets or revenue of

the body are taken also to be assets or revenue of the


ASIC must give written notice of the determination to the body and

the controller.

741 ASIC’s power to exempt and modify

(1) ASIC may:

(a) exempt a person from a provision of this Chapter; or

(b) declare that this Chapter applies to a person as if specified

provisions were omitted, modified or varied as specified in

the declaration.

(2) The exemption or declaration may do all or any of the following:

(a) apply to all or specified provisions of this Chapter;

(b) apply to all persons, specified persons, or a specified class of


(c) relate to all securities, specified securities or a specified class

of securities;

(d) relate to any other matter generally or as specified.

(3) An exemption may apply unconditionally or subject to specified

conditions. A person to whom a condition specified in an

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Fundraising Chapter 6D

ASIC’s powers Part 6D.4

Section 741

Corporations Act 2001 429

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

exemption applies must comply with the condition. The Court may

order the person to comply with the condition in a specified way.

Only ASIC may apply to the Court for the order.

(4) The exemption or declaration must be in writing and ASIC must

publish notice of it in the Gazette.

(5) For the purposes of this section, the provisions of this Chapter


(a) regulations made for the purposes of this Chapter; and

(b) definitions in this Act or the regulations as they apply to

references in:

(i) this Chapter; or

(ii) regulations made for the purposes of this Chapter; and

(c) the old Division 12 of Part 11.2 transitionals.

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Chapter 6D Fundraising

Part 6D.5 Miscellaneous

Section 742

430 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 6D.5—Miscellaneous

742 Exemptions and modifications by regulations

(1) The regulations may:

(a) exempt a person or class of persons from all or specified

provisions of this Chapter; or

(b) exempt a security or class of securities from all or specified

provisions of this Chapter; or

(c) provide that this Chapter applies as if specified provisions

were omitted, modified or varied as specified in the


(2) Without limiting subsection (1), regulations made for the purposes

of this section may:

(a) declare that provisions of this Chapter are modified so that

they apply (with or without further modifications) in relation

to persons, securities, financial products or situations to

which they would not otherwise apply; or

(b) declare that provisions of this Chapter are modified so that

they apply (whether with or without further modifications) in

a way that changes the person by whom or to whom a

document or information is required to be given by a

provision of this Chapter.

(3) For the purpose of this section, the provisions of this Chapter


(a) definitions in this Act, or in the regulations, as they apply to

references in this Chapter; and

(b) any provisions of Part 10.2 (transitional provisions) that

relate to provisions of this Chapter.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Prepared by the Office of Parliamentary Counsel, Canberra

Corporations Act 2001

No. 50, 2001

Compilation No. 94

Compilation date: 6 April 2019

Includes amendments up to: Act No. 50, 2019

Registered: 14 May 2019

This compilation is in 6 volumes

Volume 1: sections 1–260E

Volume 2: sections 283AA–601DJ

Volume 3: sections 601EA–742

Volume 4: sections 760A–993D

Volume 5: sections 1010A–1369A

Volume 6: sections 1370–1662



Each volume has its own contents

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

About this compilation

This compilation

This is a compilation of the Corporations Act 2001 that shows the text of the

law as amended and in force on 6 April 2019 (the compilation date).

The notes at the end of this compilation (the endnotes) include information

about amending laws and the amendment history of provisions of the compiled


Uncommenced amendments

The effect of uncommenced amendments is not shown in the text of the

compiled law. Any uncommenced amendments affecting the law are accessible

on the Legislation Register (www.legislation.gov.au). The details of

amendments made up to, but not commenced at, the compilation date are

underlined in the endnotes. For more information on any uncommenced

amendments, see the series page on the Legislation Register for the compiled


Application, saving and transitional provisions for provisions and


If the operation of a provision or amendment of the compiled law is affected by

an application, saving or transitional provision that is not included in this

compilation, details are included in the endnotes.

Editorial changes

For more information about any editorial changes made in this compilation, see

the endnotes.


If the compiled law is modified by another law, the compiled law operates as

modified but the modification does not amend the text of the law. Accordingly,

this compilation does not show the text of the compiled law as modified. For

more information on any modifications, see the series page on the Legislation

Register for the compiled law.

Self-repealing provisions

If a provision of the compiled law has been repealed in accordance with a

provision of the law, details are included in the endnotes.

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Corporations Act 2001 i

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19


Chapter 7—Financial services and markets 1

Part 7.1—Preliminary 1

Division 1—Object of Chapter and outline of Chapter 1

760A Object of Chapter ..............................................................................1

760B Outline of Chapter .............................................................................1

Division 2—Definitions 3

761A Definitions.........................................................................................3

761B Meaning of arrangement—2 or more arrangements that

together form a derivative or other financial product ......................20

761C Meaning of carry on a financial services business ..........................21

761CA Meaning of class and kind of financial products and financial

services ............................................................................................21

761D Meaning of derivative......................................................................21

761E Meaning of issued, issuer, acquire and provide in relation to

financial products ............................................................................23

761EA Meaning of margin lending facility, margin call and

associated expressions .....................................................................26

761F Meaning of person—generally includes a partnership ....................29

761FA Meaning of person—generally includes multiple trustees...............30

761G Meaning of retail client and wholesale client ..................................31

761GA Meaning of retail client—sophisticated investors ...........................37

761H References to this Chapter include references to regulations

or other instruments made for the purposes of this Chapter ............38

Division 3—What is a financial product? 39

Subdivision A—Preliminary 39

762A Overview of approach to defining what a financial product is ........39

762B What if a financial product is part of a broader facility? .................39

762C Meaning of facility ..........................................................................40

Subdivision B—The general definition 40

763A General definition of financial product ...........................................40

763B When a person makes a financial investment ..................................41

763C When a person manages financial risk ............................................42

763D When a person makes non-cash payments.......................................42

763E What if a financial product is only incidental? ................................43

Subdivision C—Specific inclusions 44

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ii Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

764A Specific things that are financial products (subject to

Subdivision D).................................................................................44

Subdivision D—Specific exclusions 48

765A Specific things that are not financial products .................................48

Division 4—When does a person provide a financial service? 52

766A When does a person provide a financial service? ............................52

766B Meaning of financial product advice ...............................................53

766C Meaning of dealing..........................................................................56

766D Meaning of makes a market for a financial product ........................58

766E Meaning of provide a custodial or depository service .....................58

766F Meaning of provides a crowd-funding service.................................60

Division 5—What is a financial market? 61

767A What is a financial market? .............................................................61

Division 6—What is a clearing and settlement facility? 62

768A What is a clearing and settlement facility? ......................................62

Division 7—General provisions relating to civil and criminal

liability 64

769A Part 2.5 of Criminal Code does not apply........................................64

769B People are generally responsible for the conduct of their

agents, employees etc. .....................................................................64

769C Representations about future matters taken to be misleading

if made without reasonable grounds ................................................67

Part 7.2—Licensing of financial markets 69

Division 1—Preliminary 69

790A Definition ........................................................................................69

Division 2—Requirement to be licensed 70

791A Need for a licence............................................................................70

791B Other prohibitions on holding out....................................................70

791C Exemptions by Minister...................................................................71

791D When a market is taken to be operated in this jurisdiction ..............72

Division 3—Regulation of market licensees 73

Subdivision A—Licensee’s obligations 73

792A General obligations..........................................................................73

792B Obligation to notify ASIC of certain matters...................................74

792C Giving ASIC information about a listed disclosing entity ...............76

792D Obligation to assist ASIC ................................................................77

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Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

792E Obligation to give ASIC access to market facilities ........................77

792F Annual report...................................................................................77

792G Obligations to notify people about clearing and settlement

arrangements in certain circumstances ............................................78

792H Change of country by foreign licensee ............................................79

792I Making information about compensation arrangements

publicly available.............................................................................80

Subdivision B—The market’s operating rules and procedures 80

793A Content of the operating rules and procedures.................................80

793B Legal effect of operating rules .........................................................81

793C Enforcement of operating rules .......................................................82

793D Changing the operating rules ...........................................................83

793E Disallowance of changes to operating rules.....................................84

Subdivision C—Powers of the Minister and ASIC 84

794A Minister’s power to give directions .................................................84

794B Minister’s power to require special report .......................................85

794C ASIC assessment of licensee’s compliance .....................................85

794D ASIC’s power to give directions......................................................86

794E Additional directions to clearing and settlement facilities ...............88

Division 4—The Australian market licence 89

Subdivision A—How to get a licence 89

795A How to apply for a licence...............................................................89

795B When a licence may be granted .......................................................89

795C Publication of notice of licence grant ..............................................91

795D More than one licence in the same document ..................................92

795E More than one market covered by the same licence ........................92

Subdivision B—The conditions on the licence 92

796A The conditions on the licence ..........................................................92

Subdivision C—When a licence can be varied, suspended or

cancelled 94

797A Varying licences ..............................................................................94

797B Immediate suspension or cancellation .............................................94

797C Suspension or cancellation following hearing and report ................95

797D Effect of suspension ........................................................................96

797E Variation or revocation of suspension .............................................96

797F Publication of notice of licence suspension or cancellation.............96

797G Suspension and cancellation only in accordance with this


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Division 5—Other matters 98

798A Matters to be taken into account by the Minister.............................98

798B ASIC may give advice to Minister ..................................................99

798C Market licensee or related body corporate etc. listing on


798D Exemptions and modifications for self-listing licensees or

related bodies corporate etc. ..........................................................101

798DA Market licensee, related body corporate etc. or competitor

participating in market...................................................................102

798E Other potential conflict situations..................................................104

Part 7.2A—Supervision of financial markets 105 798F ASIC to supervise financial markets .............................................105

798G Market integrity rules ....................................................................105

798H Complying with market integrity rules ..........................................106

798J Directions by ASIC .......................................................................106

798K Alternatives to civil proceedings ...................................................108

798L Exemptions and modifications by regulations ...............................108

798M Exemptions by Minister.................................................................109

Part 7.3—Licensing of clearing and settlement facilities 111

Division 1—Requirement to be licensed 111

820A Need for a licence..........................................................................111

820B Other prohibitions on holding out..................................................111

820C Exemptions by Minister.................................................................112

820D When a clearing and settlement facility is taken to be

operated in this jurisdiction ...........................................................113

Division 2—Regulation of CS facility licensees 114

Subdivision A—Licensee’s obligations 114

821A General obligations........................................................................114

821B Obligation to notify ASIC of certain matters.................................115

821BA Obligation to notify Reserve Bank of certain matters....................117

821C Obligation to assist ........................................................................117

821D Obligation to give ASIC access to the facility...............................118

821E Annual report.................................................................................118

821F Change of country by foreign licensee ..........................................119

Subdivision B—The facility’s operating rules and procedures 120

822A Content of the operating rules and procedures...............................120

822B Legal effect of operating rules .......................................................120

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822C Enforcement of operating rules .....................................................121

822D Changing the operating rules .........................................................122

822E Disallowance of changes to operating rules...................................123

Subdivision C—Powers of the Minister, ASIC and the Reserve

Bank in relation to licensees 123

823A Minister’s power to give directions ...............................................123

823B Minister’s power to require special report .....................................124

823C ASIC assessment of licensee’s compliance ...................................124

823CA Reserve Bank assessment of licensee’s compliance ......................125

823D Directions power—protecting dealings in financial products

and ensuring fair and effective provision of services by CS

facilities .........................................................................................126

823E Directions power—reduction of systemic risk...............................128

Division 3—The Australian CS facility licence 130

Subdivision A—How to get a licence 130

824A How to apply for a licence.............................................................130

824B When a licence may be granted .....................................................130

824C Publication of notice of licence grant ............................................132

824D More than one licence in the same document ................................133

824E More than one CS facility covered by the same licence ................133

Subdivision B—The conditions on the licence 133

825A The conditions on the licence ........................................................133

Subdivision C—When a licence can be varied, suspended or

cancelled 135

826A Varying licences ............................................................................135

826B Immediate suspension or cancellation ...........................................135

826C Suspension or cancellation following hearing and report ..............136

826D Effect of suspension ......................................................................137

826E Variation or revocation of suspension ...........................................137

826F Publication of notice of licence suspension or cancellation...........137

826G Suspension and cancellation only in accordance with this


Division 4—Other matters 139

827A Matters to be taken into account by the Minister...........................139

827B ASIC may give advice to Minister ................................................140

827C Reserve Bank may give advice to Minister ...................................140

827D Reserve Bank may determine financial stability standards............141

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Part 7.4—Limits on involvement with licensees 143

Division 1—Limit on control of certain licensees 143

Subdivision A—15% voting power limit 143

850A Scope of Division ..........................................................................143

850B Meaning of unacceptable control situation ....................................143

850C Acquisitions of shares....................................................................144

850D Remedial orders.............................................................................144

850E Injunctions.....................................................................................145

Subdivision B—Approval to exceed 15% voting power limit 146

851A Application for approval to exceed 15% voting power limit .........146

851B Approval of application .................................................................146

851C Duration of approval......................................................................147

851D Conditions of approval ..................................................................148

851E Varying percentage approved ........................................................149

851F Revoking an approval....................................................................150

851G Further information about applications..........................................151

851H Time limit for Minister’s decision .................................................151

851I Preservation of voting power in relation to bodies specified

in regulations made for section 850A............................................152

Subdivision C—Other matters 153

852A Acquisition of property..................................................................153

852B Anti-avoidance ..............................................................................153

Division 2—Individuals who are not fit and proper are

disqualified 155

853A Who is disqualified........................................................................155

853B When an individual is involved in an operator...............................155

853C Declaration by ASIC .....................................................................155

853D Procedure for declaration...............................................................156

853E Revoking a declaration ..................................................................157

853F Obligations on disqualified individuals .........................................158

853G Notification by ASIC.....................................................................158

Division 3—Miscellaneous 159

854A Record-keeping and giving of information....................................159

854B Exemptions and modifications by regulations ...............................160

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Part 7.5—Compensation regimes for financial markets 161

Division 1—Preliminary 161

880A Part does not apply to markets licensed under special

provisions about overseas markets ................................................161

880B Definitions.....................................................................................161

Division 2—When there must be a compensation regime 163

881A Licensed markets through which participants provide

services for retail clients must generally have a

compensation regime.....................................................................163

881B Additional requirements for the licence application ......................163

881C What happens if an application contains information in

accordance with paragraph 881B(2)(c)..........................................164

881D What happens if an application contains a statement in

accordance with paragraph 881B(2)(d) .........................................164

Division 3—Approved compensation arrangements 165

Subdivision A—Approval of compensation arrangements 165

882A How to get compensation arrangements approved with grant

of licence .......................................................................................165

882B How to get compensation arrangements approved after

licence is granted ...........................................................................166

882C Revocation of approval..................................................................167

882D Minister’s power to give directions ...............................................167

Subdivision B—Effect of compensation rules forming part of

Division 3 arrangements 167

883A Legal effect of compensation rules ................................................167

883B Enforcement of compensation rules ..............................................167

883C Other sources of funds for compensation ......................................168

883D Payment of levies ..........................................................................169

Subdivision C—Changing Division 3 arrangements 170

884A Division 3 arrangements must generally only be changed in

accordance with this Subdivision ..................................................170

884B Changing Division 3 arrangements—matters required to be

dealt with in the compensation rules..............................................170

884C Changing Division 3 arrangements—matters not required to

be dealt with in the compensation rules.........................................171

Subdivision D—Are compensation arrangements adequate? 173

885A Purpose of this Subdivision ...........................................................173

885B Requirements to be complied with for arrangements to be


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885C The losses to be covered................................................................174

885D Certain losses that are not Division 3 losses ..................................175

885E The amount of compensation.........................................................176

885F Method of payment of compensation ............................................177

885G Making and determination of claims .............................................178

885H The source of funds—general........................................................178

885I Administration and monitoring......................................................178

885J The losses to be covered—other matters to be taken into

account ..........................................................................................179

Subdivision E—Other provisions about Division 3 arrangements 179

886A Only one claim in respect of the same loss....................................179

886B Regulations relating to fidelity funds.............................................180

Division 4—NGF Compensation regime 181

Subdivision A—Application of Division 181

887A Markets to which this Division applies..........................................181

Subdivision B—Claims for and payment of compensation 181

888A The situations in which compensation may be claimed.................181

888B Kinds of compensation available...................................................181

888C Amount of compensation payable .................................................181

888D Payment of compensation..............................................................182

888E Making and determination of claims .............................................183

888F The SEGC has power to determine claims ....................................183

888G Allowing a claim does not constitute an admission of any

other liability .................................................................................183

888H Claimant may apply to Court if claim disallowed .........................184

888I Non-NGF property of the SEGC not available to meet claims ......184

888J The SEGC may enter into contracts of insurance or


888K NGF may be used to acquire financial products to be

transferred as compensation ..........................................................185

Subdivision C—The NGF 185

889A Continuation of the National Guarantee Fund ...............................185

889B Compensation to be provided out of the NGF ...............................186

889C The SEGC to keep the NGF ..........................................................186

889D What the NGF consists of..............................................................186

889E Power to borrow etc. for purposes of the NGF ..............................187

889F Money borrowed and paid to the SEGC ........................................187

889G Money borrowed and not paid to the SEGC ..................................188

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889H Payments out of the NGF ..............................................................188

889I Minimum amount of the NGF .......................................................189

889J Levy by the SEGC.........................................................................189

889K Levy by market operator................................................................191

Subdivision D—The SEGC 193

890A Minister to nominate the SEGC.....................................................193

890B The SEGC’s functions and powers ................................................194

890C Delegation .....................................................................................194

890D Operating rules of the SEGC .........................................................195

890E Legal effect of the SEGC’s operating rules ...................................195

890F Enforcement of the SEGC’s operating rules..................................195

890G Changing the SEGC’s operating rules ...........................................196

890H Disallowance of changes to the SEGC’s operating rules ...............196

Subdivision E—Other provisions relating to compensation under

this Division 197

891A Payment out of the NGF to prescribed body with

arrangements covering clearing and settlement facility


891B Markets operated by bodies corporate that become members

of the SEGC—regulations may deal with transitional

provisions and other matters ..........................................................197

891C Regulations may make different provision in respect of

different markets etc. .....................................................................198

Division 5—Provisions common to both kinds of compensation

arrangements 199

892A Definitions.....................................................................................199

892B How regulated funds are to be kept ...............................................199

892C Money in regulated funds may be invested ...................................200

892D Powers of relevant authority to require production or

delivery of documents or statements .............................................201

892E Power to require assistance for purpose of dealing with a


892F Relevant authority’s right of subrogation if compensation is


892G Excess money in compensation funds ...........................................203

892H Accounting and reporting for regulated funds ...............................204

892I Division 3 arrangements—reporting in situations where

compensation does not come out of a regulated fund ....................206

892J Regulations may provide for qualified privilege in respect of

certain matters ...............................................................................206

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892K Risk assessment report...................................................................206

Division 6—Miscellaneous 208

893A Exemptions and modifications by regulations ...............................208

893B Exemptions by Minister.................................................................208

Part 7.5A—Regulation of derivative transactions and

derivative trade repositories 210

Division 1—Application of Part 210

900A Derivatives and transactions etc. to which this Part applies...........210

Division 2—Regulation of derivative transactions: derivative

transaction rules 211

Subdivision A—Power to make derivative transaction rules 211

901A ASIC may make derivative transaction rules.................................211

901B Derivatives in relation to which rules may impose

requirements ..................................................................................214

901C Regulations may limit the transactions in relation to which

rules may impose requirements .....................................................217

901D Regulations may limit the persons on whom requirements

may be imposed.............................................................................217

Subdivision B—Compliance with derivative transaction rules 218

901E Obligation to comply with derivative transaction rules .................218

901F Alternatives to civil proceedings ...................................................218

901G Failure to comply with derivative transaction rules does not

invalidate transaction etc. ..............................................................219

Subdivision C—The process of making derivative transaction

rules 219

901H Matters to which ASIC must have regard when making rules.......219

901J ASIC to consult before making rules.............................................220

901K Ministerial consent to rules required .............................................220

901L Emergency rules: consultation and consent not required...............221

901M Amendment and revocation of derivative transaction rules...........221

Division 3—Regulation of licensed derivative trade repositories:

supervision by ASIC 222

902A ASIC to supervise licensed derivative trade repositories...............222

Division 4—Regulation of licensed derivative trade repositories:

derivative trade repository rules 223

Subdivision A—Power to make derivative trade repository rules 223

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903A ASIC may make derivative trade repository rules .........................223

903B Rules may only impose requirements on operators and

officers of licensed derivative trade repositories ...........................225

903C Regulations may limit how rules may deal with matters

related to derivative trade data.......................................................226

Subdivision B—Compliance with derivative trade repository rules 226

903D Obligation to comply with derivative trade repository rules..........226

903E Alternatives to civil proceedings ...................................................227

Subdivision C—The process of making derivative trade repository

rules 227

903F Matters to which ASIC has regard when making rules..................227

903G ASIC to consult before making rules.............................................228

903H Ministerial consent to rules required .............................................228

903J Emergency rules: consultation and consent not required...............229

903K Amendment and revocation of derivative trade repository

rules ...............................................................................................229

Division 5—Regulation of licensed derivative trade repositories:

other obligations and powers 230

Subdivision A—Obligations 230

904A General obligations........................................................................230

904B Obligations relating to derivative trade data ..................................230

904C Obligation to notify ASIC of certain matters.................................232

904D Obligation to assist ASIC, APRA and the Reserve Bank ..............233

904E Obligation to give ASIC access to derivative trade repository

facilities .........................................................................................234

Subdivision B—Powers of Minister and ASIC to give directions

etc. 234

904F Minister’s power to give directions to licensee not

complying with obligations ...........................................................234

904G ASIC’s power to give directions to licensee not complying

with obligations .............................................................................235

904H ASIC’s power to give directions requiring special reports ............236

904J ASIC may assess licensee’s compliance........................................236

904K Directions relating to derivative trade data if repository

ceases to be licensed......................................................................237

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Division 6—Regulation of licensed derivative trade repositories:

licensing 239

Subdivision A—Requirement for some trade repositories to be

licensed 239

905A Regulations may identify derivative trade repositories as

being required to be licensed .........................................................239

Subdivision B—Granting of licences 239

905B How to apply for a licence.............................................................239

905C When a licence may be granted .....................................................240

905D Publication of notice of licence grant ............................................240

905E More than one derivative trade repository covered by the

same licence ..................................................................................241

Subdivision C—The conditions on a licence 241

905F The conditions on the licence ........................................................241

Subdivision D—When a licence can be varied, suspended or

cancelled 243

905G Varying licences ............................................................................243

905H Immediate suspension or cancellation ...........................................243

905J Suspension or cancellation following hearing and report ..............244

905K Effect of suspension ......................................................................245

905L Variation or revocation of suspension ...........................................245

905M Publication of notice of licence suspension or cancellation...........245

905N Suspension and cancellation only in accordance with this


Subdivision E—Other matters 245

905P Matters to be taken into account by ASIC .....................................245

Division 7—Regulation of prescribed derivative trade

repositories 247

906A Regulations may impose obligations and confer powers ...............247

Division 8—Other matters 248

907A Other prohibitions on holding out..................................................248

907B Making provision by reference to instruments as in force

from time to time ...........................................................................248

907C Compliance with requirements to provide derivative trade

data or other information: protection from liability .......................249

907D Exemptions by ASIC.....................................................................249

907E Exemptions and modifications by regulations ...............................250

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Part 7.5B—Regulation of financial benchmarks 252

Division 1—Preliminary 252

908AA Simplified outline of this Part........................................................252

908AB Meaning of financial benchmark ...................................................252

908AC Meaning of significant financial benchmark .................................253

908AD Emergency declarations: consultation and consent not


908AE Notifying administrator about declarations ...................................255

908AF ASIC to supervise financial benchmarks that are specified in

benchmark administrator licences .................................................255

908AG Extraterritorial application.............................................................255

Division 2—Licensing of financial benchmarks 256

Subdivision A—Requirement to be licensed 256

908BA Administrators of significant financial benchmarks must be


908BB Other prohibitions on holding out..................................................257

Subdivision B—Granting licences 257

908BC When a licence may be granted .....................................................257

908BD Applying for a licence ...................................................................258

908BE More than one financial benchmark may be specified in the

same licence ..................................................................................259

908BF Publishing details of licences.........................................................259

Subdivision C—Conditions on licences 259

908BG Conditions, including varying and revoking conditions ................259

Subdivision D—When a licence can be varied, suspended or

cancelled 261

908BH Varying licences ............................................................................261

908BI Immediate suspension or cancellation ...........................................261

908BJ Suspension or cancellation following hearing and report ..............262

908BK Effect of suspension ......................................................................263

908BL Varying or revoking a suspension .................................................263

908BM Publishing details of suspensions or cancellations of licences.......263

908BN Variations, suspensions or cancellations only in accordance

with this Subdivision .....................................................................263

Subdivision E—Matters to which ASIC must have regard 264

908BO Matters to which ASIC must have regard......................................264

Subdivision F—Other obligations of licensees 265

908BP General obligations........................................................................265

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908BQ Obligation to notify ASIC of certain matters.................................265

908BR Obligation to assist ASIC, APRA and the Reserve Bank ..............266

908BS Obligation to give ASIC access to licensee’s facilities..................266

Subdivision G—Directions to licensees 267

908BT ASIC’s power to give directions to licensee not complying

with obligations .............................................................................267

908BU Minister may disallow all or part of an ASIC direction etc. ..........267

908BV ASIC’s power to give directions requiring reports ........................268

Subdivision H—Other matters 269

908BW ASIC may assess licensee’s compliance........................................269

908BX Basis of licences ............................................................................270

Division 3—Financial benchmark rules and compelled financial

benchmark rules 271

Subdivision A—Power to make financial benchmark rules 271

908CA ASIC may make financial benchmark rules ..................................271

908CB Main permitted matters that may be dealt with in the rules ...........271

908CC Other permitted matters that may be dealt with in the rules ..........273

Subdivision B—Power to make compelled financial benchmark

rules 273

908CD ASIC may make compelled financial benchmark rules .................273

908CE Permitted powers and matters that may be dealt with in the

rules ...............................................................................................274

Subdivision C—Compliance with each set of rules etc. 275

908CF Obligation to comply with each set of rules ..................................275

908CG Alternatives to civil proceedings ...................................................275

908CH Infringement notices ......................................................................276

908CI Enforceable undertakings ..............................................................276

908CJ Protection from liability for compliance in good faith...................277

Subdivision D—Matters relating to the making of each set of rules 278

908CK Matters to which ASIC has regard when making rules..................278

908CL ASIC to consult before making rules.............................................278

908CM Ministerial consent to rules required .............................................279

908CN Emergency rules: consultation and consent not required...............279

908CO Requirements.................................................................................280

908CP Regulations may limit how rules may deal with certain

matters ...........................................................................................280

908CQ Varying or revoking the rules ........................................................280

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Division 4—Offences and civil penalties relating to manipulation

of financial benchmarks 281

908DA Manipulation of financial benchmarks ..........................................281

908DB False or misleading statements or information that could

affect financial benchmarks...........................................................282

908DC Penalties for offences against this Division ...................................283

908DD Geographical scope of offences and civil penalty provisions ........283

Division 5—Other provisions 287

908EA Making provision by referring to instruments as in force

from time to time ...........................................................................287

908EB Exemptions by the regulations or by ASIC ...................................287

Part 7.6—Licensing of providers of financial services 289

Division 1—Preliminary 289

910A Definitions.....................................................................................289

Division 2—Requirement to be licensed or authorised 293

911A Need for an Australian financial services licence ..........................293

911B Providing financial services on behalf of a person who

carries on a financial services business..........................................299

911C Prohibition on holding out .............................................................301

911D When a financial services business is taken to be carried on

in this jurisdiction ..........................................................................302

Division 3—Obligations of financial services licensees 303

912A General obligations........................................................................303

912B Compensation arrangements if financial services provided to

persons as retail clients ..................................................................305

912C Direction to provide a statement....................................................306

912CA Regulations may require information to be provided ....................307

912D Obligation to notify ASIC of certain matters.................................307

912E Surveillance checks by ASIC ........................................................309

912F Obligation to cite licence number in documents............................310

Division 4—Australian financial services licences 311

Subdivision A—How to get a licence 311

913A Applying for a licence ...................................................................311

913B When a licence may be granted .....................................................311

913C Licence numbers............................................................................313

Subdivision B—The conditions on the licence 313

914A The conditions on the licence ........................................................313

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Subdivision C—When a licence can be varied, suspended or

cancelled 316

915A Varying licences ............................................................................316

915B Immediate suspension or cancellation ...........................................316

915C Suspension or cancellation after offering a hearing .......................320

915D Effect of suspension ......................................................................321

915E Revocation of suspension ..............................................................321

915F Date of effect and publication of cancellation or suspension.........322

915G Statement of reasons......................................................................322

915H ASIC may allow licence to continue in effect ...............................322

915I Special procedures for APRA-regulated bodies ............................322

915J Variation, suspension and cancellation only under this


Division 5—Authorised representatives 325

916A How representatives are authorised ...............................................325

916B Sub-authorisations .........................................................................325

916C Authorised representative of 2 or more licensees ..........................327

916D Licensees cannot authorise other licensees....................................327

916E Licensees acting under a binder.....................................................328

916F Obligation to notify ASIC etc. about authorised

representatives ...............................................................................328

916G ASIC may give licensee information about representatives ..........330

Division 6—Liability of financial services licensees for

representatives 333

917A Application of Division .................................................................333

917B Responsibility if representative of only one licensee.....................334

917C Representatives of multiple licensees ............................................334

917D Exception if lack of authority is disclosed to client .......................335

917E Responsibility extends to loss or damage suffered by client .........336

917F Effect of Division ..........................................................................336

Division 8—Banning or disqualification of persons from

providing financial services 338

Subdivision A—Banning orders 338

920A ASIC’s power to make a banning order.........................................338

920B What is a banning order? ..............................................................340

920C Effect of banning orders ................................................................341

920D Variation or cancellation of banning orders...................................341

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920E Date of effect and publication of banning order, variation or


920F Statement of reasons......................................................................343

Subdivision B—Disqualification by the Court 343

921A Disqualification by the Court.........................................................343

Division 8A—Professional standards for relevant providers 344

Subdivision A—Education and training standards 344

921B Meaning of education and training standards...............................344

921C Limitation on authorisation to provide personal advice unless

conditions met ...............................................................................345

921D Relevant providers to meet continuing professional

development standard ....................................................................346

Subdivision B—Ethical standards 347

921E Relevant providers to comply with the Code of Ethics..................347

Subdivision C—Provisional relevant providers 347

921F Requirements relating to provisional relevant providers ...............347

Division 8B—Compliance schemes 350

Subdivision A—Compliance schemes to cover relevant providers 350

921G Meaning of compliance scheme.....................................................350

921H Financial services licensees to ensure compliance scheme

covers relevant providers...............................................................351

921J When a compliance scheme covers a relevant provider ................351

Subdivision B—Approval of compliance schemes 352

921K Approval of compliance schemes ..................................................352

Subdivision C—Investigations by monitoring body 355

921L Investigations by monitoring body ................................................355

921M Offences relating to investigations by monitoring body ................357

921N Obligation to notify licensee of failure to comply with Code

of Ethics.........................................................................................358

Subdivision D—Other provisions 359

921P Obligation to ensure that compliance scheme is publicly

available ........................................................................................359

921Q Obligation to provide ASIC with information ...............................359

921R Modification of compliance scheme..............................................359

921S Obligation to review compliance scheme ......................................360

921T Obligation to notify ASIC of changes to monitoring body............361

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Division 8C—The standards body 362

Subdivision A—Functions of the standards body 362

921U Functions of the standards body ....................................................362

921V Approval of foreign qualifications.................................................364

921W Commencement of Code of Ethics and amendments of Code

of Ethics.........................................................................................366

Subdivision B—Declaration of the standards body 366

921X Minister to declare a body corporate to be the standards body ......366

921Y Minister may revoke declaration under section 921X ...................367

Subdivision C—Other provisions relating to the standards body 369

921Z Modification of the standards body’s constitution.........................369

921ZA Disallowance of modifications of the standards body’s

constitution ....................................................................................369

921ZB Minister may direct the standards body to do certain things..........369

921ZC Annual report.................................................................................370

Division 9—Registers relating to financial services 371

Subdivision A—Registers generally 371

922A Registers relating to financial services ..........................................371

922B Fees for searching registers ...........................................................371

Subdivision B—Notice requirements relating to the Register of

Relevant Providers 372

922D Obligation to notify ASIC about a person who becomes a

relevant provider............................................................................372

922E Information about a relevant provider who is a financial

services licensee ............................................................................372

922F Information about a relevant provider who is not a financial

services licensee ............................................................................373

922G Meaning of recent advising history ...............................................376

922H Ongoing obligation to notify ASIC when there is a change in

a matter for a relevant provider .....................................................376

922HA Obligation to notify ASIC of financial services licensee’s

CPD year .......................................................................................377

922HB Obligation to notify ASIC of non-compliance with

continuing professional development standard..............................378

922HC Requirement to retain information.................................................378

922HD Obligation to notify ASIC in relation to failures to comply

with the Code of Ethics .................................................................379

922J Obligation to notify ASIC about a person who starts to have

control of a body corporate licensee ..............................................380

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922K Obligation to notify ASIC about a person who ceases to have

control of a body corporate licensee ..............................................380

922L Requirement for notice to be lodged..............................................381

922M Failing to comply with obligation to notify ASIC .........................382

922N Obligation for relevant providers to provide information to

financial services licensees ............................................................384

922P Change in matter within 30 business days .....................................384

Subdivision C—Register of Relevant Providers 385

922Q Register of Relevant Providers ......................................................385

922R Relevant provider number .............................................................388

922S Correcting the Register..................................................................388

Division 10—Restrictions on use of terminology 389

923A Restriction on use of certain words or expressions........................389

923B Restriction on use of certain words or expressions unless

authorised in licence conditions.....................................................391

923C Restriction on use of terms “financial adviser” and “financial

planner” .........................................................................................394

Division 11—Agreements with unlicensed persons relating to the

provision of financial services 398

Subdivision A—Agreements affected 398

924A Agreements with certain unlicensed persons .................................398

Subdivision B—Effect on agreements 398

925A Client may give notice of rescission ..............................................398

925B Effect of notice under section 925A ..............................................399

925C Client may apply to Court for partial rescission ............................400

925D Court may make consequential orders...........................................400

925E Agreement unenforceable against client ........................................401

925F Non-licensee not entitled to recover commission ..........................401

925G Onus of establishing non-application of section 925E or


925H Client may recover commission paid to non-licensee....................402

925I Remedies under this Division additional to other remedies...........402

Division 12—Miscellaneous 403

926A Exemptions and modifications by ASIC........................................403

926B Exemptions and modifications by regulations ...............................404

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xx Corporations Act 2001

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Part 7.7—Financial services disclosure 405

Division 1—Preliminary 405

940A How Part applies if a financial services licensee is acting as

authorised representative ...............................................................405

940B What if there is no reasonable opportunity to give a

document, information or statement required by this Part? ...........405

940C How documents, information and statements are to be given........406

940D General approach to offence provisions ........................................408

Division 2—Person provided with financial service as retail

client to be given a Financial Services Guide 409

Subdivision A—Requirement for a Financial Services Guide to be

given 409

941A Obligation on financial services licensee to give a Financial

Services Guide if financial service provided to person as a

retail client.....................................................................................409

941B Obligation on authorised representative to give a Financial

Services Guide if financial service provided to person as a

retail client.....................................................................................409

941C Situations in which a Financial Services Guide is not


941D Timing of giving Financial Services Guide ...................................412

941E Information must be up to date......................................................413

941F Obligation to give updated Financial Services Guide....................413

Subdivision B—Content and authorisation of Financial Services

Guide 414

942A Title of Financial Services Guide ..................................................414

942B Financial Services Guide given by financial services

licensee—main requirements.........................................................414

942C Financial Services Guide given by authorised

representative—main requirements ...............................................417

942D Financial Services Guide may consist of 2 or more separate

documents given at same time .......................................................421

942DA Combining a Financial Services Guide and a Product

Disclosure Statement in a single document ...................................423

942E Altering a Financial Services Guide after its preparation and

before giving it to a person ............................................................423

Subdivision C—Supplementary Financial Services Guides 424

943A What a Supplementary Financial Services Guide is ......................424

943B Title of Supplementary Financial Services Guide .........................424

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943C Form of Supplementary Financial Services Guide ........................424

943D Effect of giving a person a Supplementary Financial Services

Guide .............................................................................................425

943E Situation in which only a Supplementary Financial Services

Guide need be given ......................................................................425

943F Altering a Supplementary Financial Services Guide after its

preparation and before giving it to a person ..................................426

Division 3—Additional requirements for personal advice

provided to a retail client 427

Subdivision A—When this Division applies 427

944A Situation in which Division applies ...............................................427

Subdivision C—Requirement for a Statement of Advice to be

given 427

946A Obligation to give client a Statement of Advice ............................427

946AA Small investments—Statement of Advice not required .................428

946B Other situations in which a Statement of Advice is not


946C Timing of giving Statement of Advice ..........................................434

Subdivision D—Content of Statement of Advice 435

947A Title of Statement of Advice..........................................................435

947B Statement of Advice given by financial services licensee—

main requirements .........................................................................436

947C Statement of Advice given by authorised representative—

main requirements .........................................................................437

947D Additional requirements when advice recommends

replacement of one product with another.......................................440

947E Statement of Advice not to be combined with Financial

Services Guide or Product Disclosure Statement ..........................441

Subdivision E—Other matters 442

948A Qualified privilege if providing entity complies with this

Division .........................................................................................442

Division 4—Other disclosure requirements 443

949A General advice provided to retail client—obligation to warn

client that advice does not take account of client’s objectives,

financial situation or needs ............................................................443

949B Regulations may impose disclosure requirements in certain


Division 6—Miscellaneous 447

951A Part cannot be contracted out of ....................................................447

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951B Exemptions and modifications by ASIC........................................447

951C Exemptions and modifications by regulations ...............................448

Division 7—Enforcement 449

Subdivision A—Offences 449

952A Overview .......................................................................................449

952B Definitions.....................................................................................449

952C Offence of failing to give a disclosure document or statement ......451

952D Offence of giving a disclosure document or statement

knowing it to be defective .............................................................453

952E Giving a defective disclosure document or statement

(whether or not known to be defective) .........................................454

952F Offences of financial services licensee knowingly providing

defective disclosure material to an authorised representative ........456

952G Offences of financial services licensee providing disclosure

material to an authorised representative (whether or not

known to be defective) ..................................................................458

952H Financial services licensee failing to ensure authorised

representative gives disclosure documents or statements as


952I Offences if a Financial Services Guide (or Supplementary

FSG) does not comply with certain requirements..........................461

952J Offence if a Statement of Advice does not comply with

certain requirements ......................................................................463

952K Offence if authorised representative gives out unauthorised

Financial Services Guide (or Supplementary FSG) .......................463

952L Offences if financial services licensee or authorised

representative becomes aware that a Financial Services

Guide (or Supplementary FSG) is defective ..................................464

952M Offence of unauthorised alteration of Financial Services

Guide or Supplementary Financial Services Guide .......................465

Subdivision B—Civil liability 466

953A Definitions.....................................................................................466

953B Civil action for loss or damage ......................................................468

953C Additional powers of court to make orders....................................470

Part 7.7A—Best interests obligations and remuneration 471

Division 1—Preliminary 471

960 Definitions.....................................................................................471

960A No contracting out .........................................................................473

960B Obligations under this Part in addition to other obligations...........473

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Division 2—Best interests obligations 474

Subdivision A—Preliminary 474

961 Application of this Division ..........................................................474

961A Application to a financial services licensee acting as an

authorised representative ...............................................................474

Subdivision B—Provider must act in the best interests of the client 475

961B Provider must act in the best interests of the client........................475

961C When is something reasonably apparent?.....................................477

961D What is a reasonable investigation? ..............................................477

961E What would reasonably be regarded as in the best interests of

the client? ......................................................................................478

961F What is a basic banking product?..................................................478

Subdivision C—Resulting advice must be appropriate to the client 478

961G Resulting advice must be appropriate to the client ........................478

Subdivision D—Where resulting advice still based on incomplete

or inaccurate information 479

961H Resulting advice still based on incomplete or inaccurate

information ....................................................................................479

Subdivision E—Provider to give priority to the client’s interests 480

961J Conflict between client’s interests and those of provider,

licensee, authorised representative or associates ...........................480

Subdivision F—Responsibilities of licensees under this Division 481

961K Civil penalty provision—sections 961B, 961G, 961H and

961J ...............................................................................................481

961L Licensees must ensure compliance ................................................481

961M Civil action for loss or damage ......................................................481

961N Additional powers of Court to make orders...................................483

961P Responsible licensee ......................................................................483

Subdivision G—Responsibilities of authorised representatives

under this Division 484

961Q Civil penalty provision—sections 961B, 961G, 961H and

961J ...............................................................................................484

Division 3—Charging ongoing fees to clients 485

Subdivision A—Preliminary 485

962 Application of this Division ..........................................................485

962A Ongoing fee arrangements.............................................................485

962B Ongoing fees..................................................................................487

962C Fee recipients.................................................................................487

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962CA Exemption from application of opt-in requirement .......................487

Subdivision B—Termination, disclosure and renewal 488

962D Application of this Subdivision .....................................................488

962E Client may terminate arrangement at any time ..............................489

962F Arrangement terminates if this Subdivision not complied


962G Fee recipient must give fee disclosure statement...........................490

962H Fee disclosure statements ..............................................................490

962J Disclosure day ...............................................................................491

962K Fee recipient must give renewal notice..........................................491

962L Renewal notice day and renewal period ........................................492

962M If client notifies fee recipient that client does not wish to

renew .............................................................................................492

962N If client does not notify fee recipient that client wishes to

renew .............................................................................................493

962P Civil penalty provision—charging ongoing fees after

arrangement terminated .................................................................493

962Q Effect of termination......................................................................493

Subdivision C—Disclosure for arrangements to which Subdivision

B does not apply 493

962R Application of this Subdivision .....................................................493

962S Fee recipient must give fee disclosure statement ...........................494

Division 4—Conflicted remuneration 496

Subdivision A—Preliminary 496

963 Application to a financial services licensee acting as an

authorised representative ...............................................................496

Subdivision B—What is conflicted remuneration? 496

963A Conflicted remuneration................................................................496

963AA Benefits given in relation to life risk insurance products...............496

963B Monetary benefit given in certain circumstances not

conflicted remuneration.................................................................497

963BA Benefit ratio and clawback requirements.......................................500

963C Non-monetary benefit given in certain circumstances not

conflicted remuneration.................................................................501

963D Benefits for employees etc. of ADIs..............................................502

Subdivision C—Ban on conflicted remuneration 503

963E Licensee must not accept conflicted remuneration ........................503

963F Licensee must ensure compliance..................................................504

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963G Authorised representative must not accept conflicted


963H Other representatives must not accept conflicted


963J Employer must not give employees conflicted remuneration ........505

963K Product issuer or seller must not give conflicted


963L Volume-based benefits presumed to be conflicted


Division 5—Other banned remuneration 507

Subdivision A—Volume-based shelf-space fees 507

964 Application ....................................................................................507

964A Platform operator must not accept volume-based shelf-space

fees ................................................................................................508

Subdivision B—Asset-based fees on borrowed amounts 509

964B Application ....................................................................................509

964C Application to a financial services licensee acting as an

authorised representative ...............................................................509

964D Financial services licensees must not charge asset-based fees

on borrowed amounts ....................................................................509

964E Authorised representatives must not charge asset-based fees

on borrowed amounts ....................................................................510

964F What is an asset-based fee? ...........................................................511

964G Meaning of borrowed ....................................................................511

964H When is something reasonably apparent?.....................................511

Division 6—Anti-avoidance 512

965 Anti-avoidance ..............................................................................512

Division 7—Transition 513

966 Transition period ...........................................................................513

967 Best interests obligations and remuneration provisions to

apply during transition period........................................................513

968 Notice to clients in transition period..............................................514

Part 7.8—Other provisions relating to conduct etc. connected

with financial products and financial services, other

than financial product disclosure 516

Division 1—Preliminary 516

980A Matters covered by this Part ..........................................................516

980B General approach to offence provisions ........................................516

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Division 2—Dealing with clients’ money 517

Subdivision A—Money other than loans 517

981A Money to which Subdivision applies.............................................517

981B Obligation to pay money into an account ......................................518

981C Regulations may deal with various matters relating to

accounts maintained for the purposes of section 981B..................519

981D Money related to derivatives may be used for general

margining etc. purposes.................................................................520

981E Protection of money from attachment etc. .....................................520

981F Regulations may deal with how money to be dealt with if

licensee ceases to be licensed etc...................................................521

981G Account provider not liable merely because of licensee’s

contravention .................................................................................521

981H Money to which Subdivision applies taken to be held in trust.......522

Subdivision AA—Client money reporting rules 522

981J Client money reporting rules .........................................................522

981K Matters that may be dealt with in client money reporting

rules ...............................................................................................523

981L ASIC to consult before making rules.............................................524

981M Complying with client money reporting rules ...............................524

981N Alternatives to civil proceedings ...................................................525

981P Compliance with requirements to provide data or other

information to ASIC: protection from liability ..............................526

Subdivision B—Loan money 526

982A Money to which this Subdivision applies ......................................526

982B Obligation to pay money into an account ......................................527

982C Licensee to give client statement setting out terms of loan

etc. .................................................................................................527

982D Permitted use of loan .....................................................................528

Subdivision C—Powers of Court 528

983A Court may freeze certain accounts.................................................528

983B Interim order freezing accounts .....................................................529

983C Duty of person to whom order directed to make full


983D Further orders and directions .........................................................530

983E Power of Court to make order relating to payment of money........530

Division 3—Dealing with other property of clients 532

984A Property to which Division applies................................................532

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984B How property to which this Division applies is to be dealt


Division 4—Special provisions relating to insurance 534

985A Definitions etc. ..............................................................................534

985B Status of amounts paid to financial services licensees in

respect of contracts of insurance....................................................534

985C Regulations may impose other requirements etc. if financial

services licensee is not the insurer.................................................535

985D Financial services licensees etc. not to deal in general

insurance products from unauthorised insurers etc. .......................536

Division 4A—Special provisions relating to margin lending

facilities 538

Subdivision A—Responsible lending conduct for margin lending

facilities 538

985EA Application of this Subdivision .....................................................538

985E Requirements before issuing etc. margin lending facility..............538

985F Assessment of unsuitability of margin lending facility..................539

985G Reasonable inquiries etc. about the retail client.............................540

985H When margin lending facility must be assessed as unsuitable .......541

985J Giving the retail client the assessment...........................................542

985K Unsuitable margin lending facilities ..............................................543

Subdivision B—Notice of margin calls under margin lending

facilities 545

985L Issue of margin lending facility must not be conditional on

agreement to receive communications through agent ....................545

985M Notification of margin calls ...........................................................546

Division 5—Obligations to report 548

986A Reporting in relation to money to which Subdivision A or B

of Division 2 applies or property to which Division 3 applies.......548

986B Reporting in relation to dealings in derivatives .............................548

Division 6—Financial records, statements and audit 549

Subdivision A—Preliminary 549

987A Application of Division .................................................................549

Subdivision B—Financial records of financial services licensees 549

988A Obligation to keep financial records ..............................................549

988B Records to be kept so that profit and loss statements and

balance sheet can be prepared and audited ....................................550

988C Language of records ......................................................................550

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988D Location of records........................................................................550

988E Particular categories of information to be shown in records..........551

988F Regulations may impose additional requirements .........................552

988G Records taken to be made with licensee’s authority ......................552

Subdivision C—Financial statements of financial services licensees 552

989A Meaning of financial year .............................................................552

989B Financial services licensee to prepare and lodge annual profit

and loss statement and balance sheet .............................................552

989C Requirements as to contents and applicable accounting

principles .......................................................................................553

989CA Audit to be conducted in accordance with auditing standards .......553

989D Time of lodgment ..........................................................................554

Subdivision D—Appointment etc. of auditors 555

990A Sections 990B to 990H not to apply to public companies .............555

990B Appointment of auditor by licensee...............................................555

990C When a person or firm is ineligible to act as auditor .....................557

990D Ineligible person or firm must not consent to act or

disqualify themselves etc. ..............................................................557

990E Duration of appointment of auditors..............................................557

990F Removal of auditors ......................................................................558

990G Resignation of auditors—requirements for resignation .................558

990H Resignation of auditors—when resignation takes effect ................559

990I Auditor’s right of access to records, information etc. ....................559

990J Auditor’s fees and expenses ..........................................................560

990K Auditor to report on certain matters...............................................560

990L Qualified privilege for auditor etc. ................................................561

Division 7—Other rules about conduct 563

991A Financial services licensee not to engage in unconscionable

conduct ..........................................................................................563

991B Financial services licensee to give priority to clients’ orders ........563

991C Regulations may deal with various matters relating to

instructions to deal through licensed markets ................................564

991D Regulations may require records to be kept in relation to

instructions to deal on licensed markets and foreign markets........565

991E Obligations of financial services licensee in relation to

dealings with non-licensees ...........................................................565

991F Dealings involving employees of financial services licensees.......567

Division 8—Miscellaneous 569

992A Prohibition on hawking of certain financial products ....................569

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992AA Prohibition on hawking of interests in managed investment

schemes .........................................................................................571

992B Exemptions and modifications by ASIC........................................572

992C Exemptions and modifications by regulations ...............................573

Division 9—Enforcement 574

993A Overview .......................................................................................574

993B Offence of failing to pay client money into an account as


993C Offence of failing to comply with requirements relating to

client money account .....................................................................575

993D Failing to pay loan money into an account as required..................575

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Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Preliminary Part 7.1

Object of Chapter and outline of Chapter Division 1

Section 760A

Corporations Act 2001 1

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Chapter 7—Financial services and markets

Part 7.1—Preliminary

Division 1—Object of Chapter and outline of Chapter

760A Object of Chapter

The main object of this Chapter is to promote:

(a) confident and informed decision making by consumers of

financial products and services while facilitating efficiency,

flexibility and innovation in the provision of those products

and services; and

(b) fairness, honesty and professionalism by those who provide

financial services; and

(c) fair, orderly and transparent markets for financial products;


(d) the reduction of systemic risk and the provision of fair and

effective services by clearing and settlement facilities.

760B Outline of Chapter

An outline of this Chapter is set out in the table below.

Part-by-Part outline of Chapter 7

Part... Covers...

1 7.1 definitions of key concepts and of commonly occurring expressions

2 7.2 licensing of financial markets

other matters relating to financial markets

2A 7.2A supervision of financial markets

3 7.3 licensing of clearing and settlement facilities

other matters relating to clearing and settlement facilities

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.1 Preliminary

Division 1 Object of Chapter and outline of Chapter

Section 760B

2 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part-by-Part outline of Chapter 7

Part... Covers...

4 7.4 limitation on ownership of certain licensees

individuals who are disqualified from being involved in certain


5 7.5 compensation regimes for financial markets

5A 7.5A regulation of derivative transactions and derivative trade


6 7.6 licensing of providers of financial services

other related matters (e.g. restrictions on use of terminology;

agreements with unlicensed persons relating to provision of

financial services)

7 7.7 disclosure requirements for financial services licensees and their

authorised representatives

disclosure requirements for certain people who are not required to

be licensed

7A 7.7A best interests obligations

charging ongoing fees to clients

ban on conflicted remuneration and other remuneration

8 7.8 other conduct requirements for financial services licensees (e.g.

dealing with client money and property; financial records,

statements and audit)

special provisions relating to insurance

special provisions relating to margin lending facilities

9 7.9 financial product disclosure requirements

other requirements relating to issue, sale and purchase of financial


9A 7.9A intervention powers in relation to financial products

10 7.10 market misconduct and other prohibited conduct relating to

financial products and services

11 7.11 title to, and transfer of, certain securities and other financial


12 7.12 qualified privilege in certain situations

other miscellaneous matters

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Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Preliminary Part 7.1

Definitions Division 2

Section 761A

Corporations Act 2001 3

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 2—Definitions

761A Definitions

In this Chapter:

able to be traded, in relation to a market, includes (but is not

limited to) admitted to quotation on the market.

acquire, in relation to a financial product, has a meaning affected

by section 761E.

AFCA (short for the Australian Financial Complaints Authority)

means the operator of the AFCA scheme.

AFCA scheme means the external dispute resolution scheme for

which an authorisation under Part 7.10A is in force.

AFCA staff member means:

(a) a director, officer or employee of AFCA; or

(b) a person engaged as a consultant to, or to perform services

for, AFCA for the purposes of the AFCA scheme.

annual turnover, of a body corporate during a 12-month period,

means the sum of the values of all the supplies that the body

corporate, and any body corporate related to the body corporate,

have made, or are likely to make, during the 12-month period,

other than:

(a) supplies made from any of those bodies corporate to any

other of those bodies corporate; or

(b) supplies that are input taxed; or

(c) supplies that are not for consideration (and are not taxable

supplies under section 72-5 of the A New Tax System (Goods

and Services Tax) Act 1999); or

(d) supplies that are not made in connection with an enterprise

that the body corporate carries on; or

(e) supplies that are not connected with Australia.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.1 Preliminary

Division 2 Definitions

Section 761A

4 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Expressions used in this definition that are also used in the A New

Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 have the same

meaning as in that Act.

annuity policy means a life policy in relation to an annuity that is

declared to be a superannuation policy under regulations made for

the purposes of paragraph (b) of the definition of superannuation

policy in the Dictionary in the Life Insurance Act 1995.

approved deposit fund has the same meaning as in the

Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993.

arrangement means, subject to section 761B, a contract,

agreement, understanding, scheme or other arrangement (as

existing from time to time):

(a) whether formal or informal, or partly formal and partly

informal; and

(b) whether written or oral, or partly written and partly oral; and

(c) whether or not enforceable, or intended to be enforceable, by

legal proceedings and whether or not based on legal or

equitable rights.

Australian CS facility licence means a licence under section 824B

that authorises a person to operate a clearing and settlement


Australian derivative trade repository licence: see section 905B.

Australian entity means:

(a) an Australian citizen; or

(b) a resident of Australia (within the meaning of the Criminal

Code); or

(c) a body corporate incorporated by or under a law of the

Commonwealth or of a State or Territory.

Australian financial services licence means a licence under

section 913B that authorises a person who carries on a financial

services business to provide financial services.

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Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Preliminary Part 7.1

Definitions Division 2

Section 761A

Corporations Act 2001 5

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Australian market licence means a licence under section 795B that

authorises a person to operate a financial market.

authorised clearing and settlement facility means:

(a) a licensed CS facility; or

(b) a clearing and settlement facility that satisfies the following


(i) the operator of the facility is authorised to operate the

facility in the foreign country in which the operator’s

principal place of business is located;

(ii) any requirements specified in regulations made for the

purposes of this subparagraph.

authorised representative of a financial services licensee means a

person authorised in accordance with section 916A or 916B to

provide a financial service or financial services on behalf of the


basic deposit product means a deposit product that is a facility in

relation to which the following conditions are satisfied:

(a) the terms applicable to the facility (the governing terms) do

not permit the amount from time to time standing to the

credit of the facility to be reduced otherwise than in

consequence of one or more of the following:

(i) a withdrawal, transfer or debit on the instruction of, or

by authority of, the depositor, not being on account of

entry fees, exit fees or charges for the management of

the funds (but this does not exclude charges for the

maintenance of the facility itself);

(ii) a payment of charges or duties on deposits into, or

withdrawals from, the facility that are payable under a

law of the Commonwealth or of a State or Territory;

(iii) a payment that a law of the Commonwealth, or of a

State or Territory, requires to be made out of the


(iv) a payment that an order of a court requires to be made

out of the facility;

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Part 7.1 Preliminary

Division 2 Definitions

Section 761A

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(v) the exercise of a right to combine accounts;

(vi) the correction of an error;

(vii) any other circumstances specified in regulations made

for the purposes of this subparagraph; and

(b) any return to be generated for the depositor on the amount

from time to time standing to the credit of the facility is an

amount that is set out in, or that is calculated by reference to

a rate or rates that are set out in, the governing terms; and

(c) either:

(i) there is no minimum period before which funds cannot

be withdrawn or transferred from the facility without a

reduction in the return generated for the depositor; or

(ii) if there is such a period, it expires on or before the end

of the period of 5 years starting on the day on which

funds were first deposited in the facility; and

(d) unless subparagraph (c)(ii) applies and the period referred to

in that subparagraph expires on or before the end of the

period of 2 years starting on the day on which funds were

first deposited in the facility—funds are able to be withdrawn

or transferred from the facility on the instruction of, or by

authority of, the depositor:

(i) without any prior notice to the ADI that makes the

facility available; or

(ii) if the ADI that makes the facility available is included

in a class of ADIs specified in regulations made for the

purposes of this subparagraph—subject to a prior notice

requirement that does not exceed the period specified in

those regulations in relation to that class of ADIs;

whether or not the withdrawal or transfer will attract a

reduction in the return generated for the depositor as

mentioned in subparagraph (c)(i); and

(e) any other conditions specified in regulations made for the

purposes of this paragraph.

binder means an authorisation given to a person by a financial

services licensee who is an insurer to do either or both of the


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Preliminary Part 7.1

Definitions Division 2

Section 761A

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(a) enter into contracts that are risk insurance products on behalf

of the insurer as insurer; or

(b) deal with and settle, on behalf of the insurer, claims relating

to risk insurance products against the insurer as insurer;

but does not include an authorisation of a kind referred to in

paragraph (a) that is limited to effecting contracts of insurance by

way of interim cover unless there is also in existence an authority

given by the insurer to the person to enter into, on behalf of the

insurer and otherwise than by way of interim cover, contracts of


carried on in this jurisdiction, in relation to a financial services

business, has a meaning affected by section 911D.

certificate cancellation provisions, in relation to a prescribed CS

facility, means the provisions of the facility’s operating rules that

deal with:

(a) the cancellation of documents of title to financial products

transferred through the facility; and

(b) matters incidental to the cancellation of those documents.

CGS depository interest means a depository interest, as defined in

the Commonwealth Inscribed Stock Act 1911, that can be

transferred through a licensed CS facility.

class, in relation to financial products or financial services, has a

meaning affected by regulations made for the purposes of

section 761CA.

clearing and settlement facility has the meaning given by

Division 6.

clearing requirements (in relation to derivative transactions): see

subsection 901A(7).

client money reporting rules has the meaning given by

section 981J.

crowd-funding service that a person provides has the meaning

given by section 766F.

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Part 7.1 Preliminary

Division 2 Definitions

Section 761A

8 Corporations Act 2001

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CS facility licensee means a person who holds an Australian CS

facility licence.

current LVR:

(a) in relation to a standard margin lending facility—has the

meaning given by subsection 761EA(3); and

(b) in relation to a non-standard margin lending facility—has the

meaning given by subsection 761EA(6).

dealing in a financial product has the meaning given by

section 766C (and deal has a corresponding meaning).

death benefit decision-maker means any of the following persons:

(a) the trustee of a regulated superannuation fund or approved

deposit fund;

(b) an insurer in relation to a superannuation complaint;

(c) an RSA provider.

deposit product means a financial product described in

paragraph 764A(1)(i).

derivative has the meaning given by section 761D.

derivative retail client money: money paid as mentioned in

subsection 981A(1) is derivative retail client money if:

(a) either:

(i) the financial service referred to in

subparagraph 981A(1)(a)(i) is or relates to a dealing in a

derivative; or

(ii) the financial product referred to in

subparagraph 981A(1)(a)(ii) is a derivative; and

(b) the financial service or product would be provided to the

client as a retail client if:

(i) the service or product were provided to the client when

the money is paid; and

(ii) section 761GA (about sophisticated investors) did not


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Preliminary Part 7.1

Definitions Division 2

Section 761A

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derivative retail client property: property given as mentioned in

subsection 984A(1) is derivative retail client property if:

(a) either:

(i) the financial service referred to in

subparagraph 984A(1)(a)(i) is or relates to a dealing in a

derivative; or

(ii) the financial product referred to in

subparagraph 984A(1)(a)(ii) is a derivative; and

(b) the financial service or product would be provided to the

client as a retail client if:

(i) the service or product were provided to the client when

the property is given; and

(ii) section 761GA (about sophisticated investors) did not


derivative trade data means:

(a) information about derivative transactions, or about positions

relating to derivative transactions; or

(b) information (including statistical data) that is created or

derived from information referred to in paragraph (a).

derivative trade repository means a facility to which information

about derivative transactions, or about positions relating to

derivative transactions, can be reported (whether or not other

information or data can also be reported to the facility).

derivative trade repository licensee means a person who holds an

Australian derivative trade repository licence.

derivative trade repository rules: see subsection 903A(1).

derivative transaction means:

(a) the entry into of an arrangement that is a derivative; or

(b) the modification or termination of such an arrangement; or

(c) the assignment, by a party to such an arrangement, of some

or all of the party’s rights and obligations under the

arrangement; or

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.1 Preliminary

Division 2 Definitions

Section 761A

10 Corporations Act 2001

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(d) any other transaction that relates to a derivative and that is in

a class of transactions prescribed by the regulations for the

purpose of this paragraph.

derivative transaction rules: see subsection 901A(1).

dispose, in relation to a financial product, includes terminate or

close out the legal relationship that constitutes the financial


disqualified individual means an individual who is disqualified

within the meaning given by section 853A.

employer-sponsor has the same meaning as in the Superannuation

Industry (Supervision) Act 1993.

execution requirements (in relation to derivative transactions): see

subsection 901A(5).

exempt public sector superannuation scheme has the same

meaning as in the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993.

financial market has the meaning given by Division 5.

financial product has the meaning given by Division 3.

Note: Some references in this Chapter to financial products have effect

subject to particular express exclusions (for example, see

sections 1010A and 1074A) or inclusions (see section 1040B).

financial product advice has the meaning given by section 766B.

financial product advice law means:

(a) a provision of Chapter 7 that covers conduct relating to the

provision of financial product advice (whether or not it also

covers other conduct), but only in so far as it covers conduct

relating to the provision of financial product advice; or

(b) a provision of Chapter 9 as it applies in relation to a

provision referred to in paragraph (a); or

(c) a provision of Division 2 of Part 2 of the ASIC Act that

covers conduct relating to the provision of financial product

advice (whether or not it also covers other conduct), but only

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Preliminary Part 7.1

Definitions Division 2

Section 761A

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in so far as it covers conduct relating to the provision of

financial product advice; or

(d) any other Commonwealth, State or Territory legislation that

covers conduct relating to the provision of financial product

advice (whether or not it also covers other conduct), but only

in so far as it covers conduct relating to the provision of

financial product advice.

financial service has the meaning given by Division 4.

financial services business means a business of providing financial


Note: The meaning of carry on a financial services business is affected by

section 761C.

Financial Services Guide means a Financial Services Guide

required by section 941A or 941B to be given in accordance with

Division 2 of Part 7.7.

financial services law means:

(a) a provision of this Chapter or of Chapter 5C, 5D, 6, 6A, 6B,

6C, 6D or 8A; or

(b) a provision of Chapter 9 as it applies in relation to a

provision referred to in paragraph (a); or

(ba) a provision of the Passport Rules for this jurisdiction; or

(c) a provision of Division 2 of Part 2 of the ASIC Act; or

(d) any other Commonwealth, State or Territory legislation that

covers conduct relating to the provision of financial services

(whether or not it also covers other conduct), but only in so

far as it covers conduct relating to the provision of financial

services; or

(e) in relation to a financial services licensee that is a licensed

trustee company (in addition to paragraphs (a) to (d))—any

rule of common law or equity that covers conduct relating to

the provision of financial services that are traditional trustee

company services (whether or not it also covers other

conduct), but only in so far as it covers conduct relating to

the provision of such services.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.1 Preliminary

Division 2 Definitions

Section 761A

12 Corporations Act 2001

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financial services licensee means a person who holds an

Australian financial services licence.

foreign exchange contract means a contract:

(a) to buy or sell currency (whether Australian or not); or

(b) to exchange one currency (whether Australian or not) for

another (whether Australian or not).

foreign passport fund product means a financial product described

in paragraph 764A(1)(bb).

funeral benefit means a benefit that consists of the provision of

funeral, burial or cremation services, with or without the supply of

goods connected with such services.

further market-related advice means advice to which

subsection 946B(1) applies.

general advice has the meaning given by subsection 766B(4).

general insurance product means a financial product described in

paragraph 764A(1)(d).

holder, in relation to a financial product, means the person to

whom the financial product was issued, or if it has (since issue)

been disposed of to another person who has not themselves

disposed of it, that other person (and hold has a corresponding


holder, in relation to an RSA, has the same meaning as in the

Retirement Savings Accounts Act 1997.

insurance product means a financial product described in

paragraph 764A(1)(d), (e) or (f).

insurer, in relation to a superannuation complaint, means the life

company (within the meaning of the Life Insurance Act 1995) that

is a party to the policy to which the complaint relates.

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Preliminary Part 7.1

Definitions Division 2

Section 761A

Corporations Act 2001 13

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investigating authority means a tribunal, authority or person

having power to require the production of documents or the

answering of questions.

investment life insurance product means a financial product

described in paragraph 764A(1)(f).

involved in a market licensee, CS facility licensee or derivative

trade repository licensee, or in an applicant for such a licence, has

the meaning given by section 853B.

issue, in relation to a financial product, has a meaning affected by

section 761E.

issuer, in relation to a financial product, has a meaning affected by

section 761E.

kind, in relation to financial products or financial services, has a

meaning affected by regulations made for the purposes of

section 761CA.

licensed CS facility means a clearing and settlement facility the

operation of which is authorised by an Australian CS facility


licensed derivative trade repository means a derivative trade

repository the operation of which is authorised by an Australian

derivative trade repository licence.

licensed market means a financial market the operation of which is

authorised by an Australian market licence.

life policy has the same meaning as in the Life Insurance Act 1995.

life policy fund means a regulated superannuation fund for the

purpose of which the trustee maintains, in relation to at least some

of the members of the fund:

(a) individual life policies covering each of those members; or

(b) a single life policy covering all of those members.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.1 Preliminary

Division 2 Definitions

Section 761A

14 Corporations Act 2001

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life risk insurance product means a financial product described in

paragraph 764A(1)(e).

limit, in relation to a margin lending facility, has the meaning

given by subsection 761EA(11).

listing rules of a financial market, or proposed financial market,

means any rules (however described) that are made by the operator

of the market, or contained in the operator’s constitution, and that

deal with:

(a) admitting entities to, or removing entities from, the market’s

official list, whether for the purpose of enabling financial

products of those entities to be traded on the market or for

other purposes; or

(b) the activities or conduct of entities that are included on that


lodge with ASIC, when used in a provision of this Chapter in

relation to which regulations made for the purposes of this

definition state that the lodgment is to be in a prescribed form,

means lodge with ASIC in a prescribed form.

Note: See section 350 for the meaning of lodge in a prescribed form.

makes a market for a financial product has the meaning given by

section 766D.

managed investment product means a financial product described

in paragraph 764A(1)(b).

margin call:

(a) in relation to a standard margin lending facility—has the

meaning given by subsection 761EA(4); and

(b) in relation to a non-standard margin lending facility—has the

meaning given by subsection 761EA(7); and

(c) in relation to a facility that ASIC has declared to be a margin

lending facility under subsection 761EA(8)—has the

meaning given in the declaration.

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Preliminary Part 7.1

Definitions Division 2

Section 761A

Corporations Act 2001 15

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margin lending facility has the meaning given by

subsection 761EA(1).

market integrity rules means the rules made by ASIC under

section 798G.

market licensee means a person who holds an Australian market


non-standard margin lending facility has the meaning given by

subsection 761EA(5).

operated in this jurisdiction:

(a) in relation to a financial market, has a meaning affected by

section 791D; and

(b) in relation to a clearing and settlement facility, has a meaning

affected by section 820D.

operating rules:

(a) of a clearing and settlement facility, or proposed clearing and

settlement facility, means any rules (however described)

made by the operator of the facility, or contained in the

operator’s constitution, that deal with:

(i) the activities or conduct of the facility; or

(ii) the activities or conduct of persons in relation to the


but does not include any such rules that deal with matters in

respect of which licensed CS facilities must have written

procedures under regulations made for the purposes of

subsection 822A(2); or

(b) of a financial market, or proposed financial market, means

any rules (however described), including the market’s listing

rules (if any), that are made by the operator of the market, or

contained in the operator’s constitution, and that deal with:

(i) the activities or conduct of the market; or

(ii) the activities or conduct of persons in relation to the


but does not include:

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.1 Preliminary

Division 2 Definitions

Section 761A

16 Corporations Act 2001

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(iii) any such rules that deal with matters in respect of which

licensed markets must have written procedures under

regulations made for the purposes of

subsection 793A(2); or

(iv) compensation rules within the meaning of Part 7.5.


(a) in relation to a clearing and settlement facility, means a

person who is allowed to directly participate in the facility

under the facility’s operating rules and, when used in any of

the following provisions, also includes a recognised affiliate

in relation to the facility:

(i) paragraph 821B(2)(b);

(ii) section 822B;

(iii) subsection 915F(2);

(iv) any other provisions prescribed by regulations made for

the purposes of this subparagraph; and

(b) in relation to a financial market, means a person who is

allowed to directly participate in the market under the

market’s operating rules and, when used in any of the

following provisions, also includes a recognised affiliate in

relation to the market:

(i) paragraph 792B(2)(b);

(ii) section 793B;

(iii) section 883A;

(iv) subsection 915F(2);

(v) paragraphs 923B(3)(a) and (b);

(vi) any other provisions prescribed by regulations made for

the purposes of this subparagraph.

person has a meaning affected by section 761F (which deals with

partnerships) and section 761FA (which deals with multiple


personal advice has the meaning given by subsection 766B(3).

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Preliminary Part 7.1

Definitions Division 2

Section 761A

Corporations Act 2001 17

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prescribed CS facility means a licensed CS facility that is

prescribed by regulations made for the purposes of this definition.

prescribed derivative trade repository means a facility that is (or

that is in a class that is) prescribed by the regulations for the

purpose of paragraph 901A(6)(b).

Product Disclosure Statement means a Product Disclosure


(a) required by section 1012A, 1012B, 1012C or 1012I to be

given in accordance with Division 2 of Part 7.9; or

(b) that section 1012H requires an issuer of a financial product to

take reasonable steps to ensure is given to a new group

member in accordance with Division 2 of Part 7.9.

Note: For the effect of the lodgment of a Replacement Product Disclosure

Statement, see section 1014J.

provide, in relation to a financial product, has a meaning affected

by section 761E.

recognised affiliate, in relation to a clearing and settlement facility

or a financial market, means a person who is:

(a) recognised by the operating rules of the facility or market as

a suitably qualified affiliate of the facility or market; and

(b) involved in the carrying on of a financial services business

(including as an employee, director or in some other


registrable superannuation entity has the same meaning as in the

Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993.

regulated superannuation fund:

(a) has the same meaning as in the Superannuation Industry

(Supervision) Act 1993; and

(b) includes the scheme provided for by the Australian Defence

Force Cover Act 2015; and

(c) if, under the AFCA scheme, an exempt public sector

superannuation scheme may elect to join the AFCA scheme,

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.1 Preliminary

Division 2 Definitions

Section 761A

18 Corporations Act 2001

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and such a superannuation scheme so elects—includes that

superannuation scheme.

relevant personal circumstances, in relation to advice provided or

to be provided to a person in relation to a matter, are such of the

person’s objectives, financial situation and needs as would

reasonably be considered to be relevant to the advice.

Replacement Product Disclosure Statement has the meaning

given by section 1014H.

reporting requirements (in relation to derivative transactions): see

subsection 901A(6).

retail client has the meaning given by sections 761G and 761GA.

risk insurance product means a financial product described in

paragraph 764A(1)(d) or (e).

RSA has the same meaning as in the Retirement Savings Accounts

Act 1997.

RSA product means a financial product described in

paragraph 764A(1)(h).

RSA provider has the same meaning as in the Retirement Savings

Accounts Act 1997.

sale, in relation to an annuity policy, includes any activity

undertaken, or representation made:

(a) at the time of, or preliminary to, the entry into the policy, so

that the policy as so entered into extends to a particular

person; and

(b) at the time of, or preliminary to, the variation of the policy,

so that the policy as so varied affects a particular person.

security means:

(a) a share in a body; or

(b) a debenture of a body; or

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Preliminary Part 7.1

Definitions Division 2

Section 761A

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(c) a legal or equitable right or interest in a security covered by

paragraph (a) or (b); or

(d) an option to acquire, by way of issue, a security covered by

paragraph (a), (b) or (c); or

(e) a right (whether existing or future and whether contingent or

not) to acquire, by way of issue, the following under a rights


(i) a security covered by paragraph (a), (b), (c) or (d);

(ii) an interest or right covered by paragraph 764A(1)(b),

(ba) or (bb); or

(f) a CGS depository interest; or

(g) a simple corporate bonds depository interest;

but does not include an excluded security or a foreign passport

fund product. In Part 7.11, it also includes a managed investment

product and a foreign passport fund product.

self managed superannuation fund has the same meaning as in

the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993.

standard margin lending facility has the meaning given by

subsection 761EA(2).

Statement of Advice means a Statement of Advice required by

section 946A to be given in accordance with Subdivisions C and D

of Division 3 of Part 7.7.

superannuation complaint has the meaning given by

subsection 1053(3).

superannuation entity has the same meaning as in the

Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993.

superannuation product means a financial product described in

paragraph 764A(1)(g).

superannuation provider means a person who is a superannuation

provider within the meaning of the Superannuation Contributions

Tax (Assessment and Collection) Act 1997 or the Superannuation

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.1 Preliminary

Division 2 Definitions

Section 761B

20 Corporations Act 2001

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Contributions Tax (Members of Constitutionally Protected

Superannuation Funds) Assessment and Collection Act 1997.

Supplementary Financial Services Guide has the meaning given

by section 943A.

Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement has the meaning

given by section 1014A.

title document, for a financial product, means a certificate or other

document evidencing ownership of the financial product.

traditional trustee company services has the same meaning as in

Chapter 5D.

trustee, of a regulated superannuation fund that is the scheme

provided for by the Australian Defence Force Cover Act 2015,

means CSC (within the meaning of the Governance of Australian

Government Superannuation Schemes Act 2011).

trustee company has the same meaning as in Chapter 5D.

wholesale client has the meaning given by section 761G.

761B Meaning of arrangement—2 or more arrangements that

together form a derivative or other financial product


(a) an arrangement, when considered by itself, does not

constitute a derivative, or some other kind of financial

product; and

(b) that arrangement, and one or more other arrangements, if

they had instead been a single arrangement, would have

constituted a derivative or other financial product; and

(c) it is reasonable to assume that the parties to the arrangements

regard them as constituting a single scheme;

the arrangements are, for the purposes of this Part, to be treated as

if they together constituted a single arrangement.

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Preliminary Part 7.1

Definitions Division 2

Section 761C

Corporations Act 2001 21

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

761C Meaning of carry on a financial services business

In working out whether someone carries on a financial services

business, Division 3 of Part 1.2 needs to be taken into account.

However, paragraph 21(3)(e) does not apply for the purposes of

this Chapter.

761CA Meaning of class and kind of financial products and financial


The regulations may include provisions identifying, or providing

for the identification of, what constitutes a class or kind of

financial products or financial services for the purposes of a

provision or provisions of this Chapter.

761D Meaning of derivative

(1) For the purposes of this Chapter, subject to subsections (2), (3) and

(4), a derivative is an arrangement in relation to which the

following conditions are satisfied:

(a) under the arrangement, a party to the arrangement must, or

may be required to, provide at some future time consideration

of a particular kind or kinds to someone; and

(b) that future time is not less than the number of days,

prescribed by regulations made for the purposes of this

paragraph, after the day on which the arrangement is entered

into; and

(c) the amount of the consideration, or the value of the

arrangement, is ultimately determined, derived from or varies

by reference to (wholly or in part) the value or amount of

something else (of any nature whatsoever and whether or not

deliverable), including, for example, one or more of the


(i) an asset;

(ii) a rate (including an interest rate or exchange rate);

(iii) an index;

(iv) a commodity.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.1 Preliminary

Division 2 Definitions

Section 761D

22 Corporations Act 2001

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(2) Without limiting subsection (1), anything declared by the

regulations to be a derivative for the purposes of this section is a

derivative for the purposes of this Chapter. A thing so declared is a

derivative despite anything in subsections (3) and (4).

(3) Subject to subsection (2), the following are not derivatives for the

purposes of this Chapter even if they are covered by the definition

in subsection (1):

(a) an arrangement in relation to which subparagraphs (i), (ii)

and (iii) are satisfied:

(i) a party has, or may have, an obligation to buy, and

another party has, or may have, an obligation to sell,

tangible property (other than Australian or foreign

currency) at a price and on a date in the future; and

(ii) the arrangement does not permit the seller’s obligations

to be wholly settled by cash, or by set-off between the

parties, rather than by delivery of the property; and

(iii) neither usual market practice, nor the rules of a licensed

market or a licensed CS facility, permits the seller’s

obligations to be closed out by the matching up of the

arrangement with another arrangement of the same kind

under which the seller has offsetting obligations to buy;

but only to the extent that the arrangement deals with that

purchase and sale;

(b) a contract for the future provision of services;

(c) anything that is covered by a paragraph of

subsection 764A(1), other than paragraph (c) of that


(d) anything declared by the regulations not to be a derivative for

the purposes of this Chapter.

(4) Subject to subsection (2), an arrangement under which one party

has an obligation to buy, and the other has an obligation to sell,

property is not a derivative for the purposes of this Chapter merely

because the arrangement provides for the consideration to be

varied by reference to a general inflation index such as the

Consumer Price Index.

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Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Preliminary Part 7.1

Definitions Division 2

Section 761E

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761E Meaning of issued, issuer, acquire and provide in relation to

financial products


(1) This section defines when a financial product is issued to a person.

It also defines who the issuer of a financial product is. If a

financial product is issued to a person:

(a) the person acquires the product from the issuer; and

(b) the issuer provides the product to the person.

Note: Some financial products can also be acquired from, or provided by,

someone other than the issuer (e.g. on secondary trading in financial


Issuing a financial product

(2) Subject to this section, a financial product is issued to a person

when it is first issued, granted or otherwise made available to a


(3) Subject to this section, a financial product specified in the table is

issued to a person when the event specified for that product occurs:

When particular financial products are issued

Item Financial product Event

1 superannuation


the person becomes a member of the

fund concerned

2 RSA product the account concerned is opened in

the person’s name

3 derivative the person enters into the legal

relationship that constitutes the

financial product

4 margin lending


the person enters into the legal

relationship that constitutes the

margin lending facility, as the client

under the facility

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Part 7.1 Preliminary

Division 2 Definitions

Section 761E

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(3A) For the avoidance of doubt, none of the following are taken to give

rise to the issue of a financial product to a person (the client):

(a) the client making a further contribution to a superannuation

fund of which the client is already a member;

(aa) an employer of the client making a further contribution, for

the benefit of the client, to a superannuation fund of which

the client is already a member;

(b) the client making a further deposit into an RSA maintained in

the client’s name;

(c) the client making a further payment under a life insurance

investment product;

(d) the client making a further deposit into a deposit product;

(e) the client engaging in conduct specified in regulations made

for the purposes of this paragraph in relation to a financial

product already held by the client.

Issuer of a financial product

(4) Subject to this section, the issuer, in relation to a financial product

issued to a person (the client), is the person responsible for the

obligations owed, under the terms of the facility that is the product:

(a) to, or to a person nominated by, the client; or

(b) if the product has been transferred from the client to another

person and is now held by that person or another person to

whom it has subsequently been transferred—to, or to a

person nominated by, that person or that other person.

Note: For example, the issuer of a direct debit facility is the financial

institution with which the account to be debited is held, rather than the

persons to whom payments can be made using the facility.

(4A) For the purposes of subsection (4), if the financial product issued to

the client is an interest in a notified foreign passport fund, the

operator of the fund is the person responsible for the obligations

mentioned in that subsection that are owed under the terms of the

facility that is the product.

(5) Subject to subsection (7), each person who is a party to a financial

product that:

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Definitions Division 2

Section 761E

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(a) is a derivative; and

(b) is not entered into, or acquired, on a financial market;

is taken to be an issuer of the product.

Note 1: Under paragraph (1)(a), each person who is a party to the derivative

will also acquire the financial product at the time of its issue as

specified in subsection (3).

Note 2: Although each party to the derivative is an issuer, whether any

particular party has disclosure or other obligations under this Chapter

will depend on the circumstances (e.g. whether the issue occurs in the

course of a business of issuing financial products and whether any of

the other parties is a retail client).

(6) Subject to subsection (7), the issuer of a financial product that:

(a) is a derivative; and

(b) is entered into, or acquired, on a financial market;

is taken to be:

(c) if the product is entered into, or acquired, on the market

through an arrangement made by a financial services licensee

acting on behalf of another person—the financial services

licensee; or

(d) if the product is entered into, or acquired, on the market

through an arrangement made by an authorised representative

of a financial services licensee acting on behalf of another

person (not being the licensee)—the financial services

licensee; or

(e) if neither paragraph (c) nor (d) applies—the market operator.

(7) The regulations may make provision determining all or any of the

following for the purposes of this Chapter:

(a) the meaning of issue (and/or related parts of speech,

including issuer) in relation to a class of financial products;

(b) the meaning of acquire (and/or related parts of speech) in

relation to a class of financial products;

(c) the meaning of provide (and/or related parts of speech) in

relation to a class of financial products.

Regulations made for the purposes of this subsection have effect

despite anything else in this section.

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Part 7.1 Preliminary

Division 2 Definitions

Section 761EA

26 Corporations Act 2001

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761EA Meaning of margin lending facility, margin call and

associated expressions

(1) A margin lending facility is:

(a) a standard margin lending facility; or

(b) a non-standard margin lending facility; or

(c) a facility of a kind that has been declared by ASIC to be a

margin lending facility under subsection (8);

unless the facility is of a kind that has been declared by ASIC not

to be a margin lending facility under subsection (9).

Standard margin lending facilities

(2) A standard margin lending facility is a facility under the terms of


(a) credit is, or may be, provided by a person (the provider) to a

natural person (the client); and

(b) the credit provided is, or must be, applied wholly or partly:

(i) to acquire one or more financial products, or a

beneficial interest in one or more financial products; or

(ii) to repay, wholly or partly, another credit facility (within

the meaning of subparagraph 765A(1)(h)(i)), the credit

provided under which was applied, wholly or partly, to

acquire one or more financial products, or a beneficial

interest in one or more financial products; and

(c) the credit provided is, or must be, secured by property (the

secured property); and

(d) the secured property consists, or must consist, wholly or

partly of one or more marketable securities, or a beneficial

interest in one or more marketable securities; and

(e) if the current LVR of the facility exceeds a ratio, percentage,

proportion or level (however described) determined under the

terms of the facility, then:

(i) the client becomes required to take action; or

(ii) the provider becomes entitled to take action; or

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Definitions Division 2

Section 761EA

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(iii) another person becomes required or entitled to take


in accordance with the terms of the facility to reduce the

current LVR of the facility.

(3) The current LVR of a standard margin lending facility at a

particular time is the ratio, percentage, proportion or level

(however described) that:

(a) is determined under the terms of the facility; and

(b) under the terms of the facility, represents a particular

relationship between:

(i) the amount of the debt owing by the client, or credit

provided by the provider, or both, under the facility at

that time; and

(ii) the value of the secured property determined at that time

under the terms of the facility.

(4) A standard margin lending facility is in margin call when

paragraph (2)(e) applies in relation to the facility.

Non-standard margin lending facilities

(5) A non-standard margin lending facility is a facility under the

terms of which:

(a) a natural person (the client) transfers one or more marketable

securities, or a beneficial interest in one or more marketable

securities (the transferred securities) to another person (the

provider); and

(b) the provider transfers property to the client (the transferred

property) as consideration or security for the transferred

securities; and

(c) the transferred property is, or must be, applied wholly or

partly to acquire one or more financial products, or a

beneficial interest in one or more financial products; and

(d) the client has a right, in the circumstances determined under

the terms of the facility, to be given marketable securities

equivalent to the transferred securities; and

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Division 2 Definitions

Section 761EA

28 Corporations Act 2001

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(e) if the current LVR of the facility exceeds a ratio, percentage,

proportion or level (however described) determined under the

terms of the facility, then:

(i) the client becomes required to take action; or

(ii) the provider becomes entitled to take action; or

(iii) another person becomes required or entitled to take


in accordance with the terms of the facility to reduce the

current LVR of the facility.

(6) The current LVR of a non-standard margin lending facility at a

particular time is the ratio, percentage, proportion or level

(however described) that:

(a) is determined under the terms of the facility; and

(b) under the terms of the facility, represents a particular

relationship between:

(i) an amount determined at that time under the terms of

the facility by reference to the value of the transferred

property and any amount owing by the client to the

provider; and

(ii) the value of the transferred securities determined at that

time under the terms of the facility.

(7) A non-standard margin lending facility is in margin call when

paragraph (5)(e) applies in relation to the facility.

ASIC declarations in relation to margin lending facilities

(8) ASIC may declare that a particular kind of facility is a margin

lending facility. The declaration must give the meanings of margin

call and limit in relation to that kind of facility.

(9) ASIC may declare that a particular kind of facility is not a margin

lending facility.

(10) A declaration made under subsection (8) or (9):

(a) must be in writing; and

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Preliminary Part 7.1

Definitions Division 2

Section 761F

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(b) is a legislative instrument for the purposes of the Legislative

Instruments Act 2003.

Meaning of limit of a margin lending facility

(11) The limit of a margin lending facility:

(a) in relation to a standard margin lending facility—means the

maximum amount of credit that may be provided by the

provider to the client under the facility; and

(b) in relation to a non-standard margin lending facility—means

the maximum amount of property that may be transferred by

the provider to the client under the facility; and

(c) in relation to a facility of a kind that ASIC has declared to be

a margin lending facility under subsection (8)—has the

meaning given in the declaration.

761F Meaning of person—generally includes a partnership

(1) This Chapter applies to a partnership as if the partnership were a

person, but it applies with the following changes:

(a) obligations that would be imposed on the partnership are

imposed instead on each partner, but may be discharged by

any of the partners;

(b) any contravention of a provision of this Chapter, or a

provision of this Act that relates to a requirement in a

provision of this Chapter, that would otherwise be a

contravention by the partnership is taken (whether for the

purposes of criminal or civil liability) to have been a

contravention by each partner who:

(i) aided, abetted, counselled or procured the relevant act or

omission; or

(ii) was in any way knowingly concerned in, or party to, the

relevant act or omission (whether directly or indirectly

and whether by any act or omission of the partner).

(2) For the purposes of this Chapter, a change in the composition of a

partnership does not affect the continuity of the partnership.

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Part 7.1 Preliminary

Division 2 Definitions

Section 761FA

30 Corporations Act 2001

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(3) Subsections (1) and (2) have effect subject to:

(a) an express or implied contrary intention in a provision or

provisions of this Chapter; and

(b) the regulations, which may exclude or modify the effect of

those subsections in relation to specified provisions.

761FA Meaning of person—generally includes multiple trustees

(1) This section applies in relation to a trust while the trust continues

to have:

(a) 2 or more trustees; or

(b) a single trustee who was a trustee of the trust at a time when

it had 2 or more trustees.

(2) Subject to subsections (3) and (4), during a period while this

section applies to a trust, this Chapter applies to the trust as if the

trustee or trustees of the trust from time to time during the period

constituted a single legal entity (the notional entity) that remained

the same for the duration of that period.

Note: So, for example, while this section applies to a trust, a licence granted

under this Chapter to the trustees of the trust will continue in force,

despite a change in the persons who are the trustees.

(3) During any period or part of a period while this section applies to a

trust and the trust has 2 or more trustees, this Chapter applies to the

trustees as mentioned in subsection (2), but it applies with the

following changes:

(a) obligations that would be imposed on the notional entity are

imposed instead on each trustee, but may be discharged by

any of the trustees;

(b) any contravention of a provision of this Chapter, or a

provision of this Act that relates to a requirement in a

provision of this Chapter, that would otherwise be a

contravention by the notional entity is taken (whether for the

purposes of criminal or civil liability) to have been a

contravention by each trustee who:

(i) aided, abetted, counselled or procured the relevant act or

omission; or

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Preliminary Part 7.1

Definitions Division 2

Section 761G

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(ii) was in any way knowingly concerned in, or party to, the

relevant act or omission (whether directly or indirectly

and whether by any act or omission of the trustee).

(4) During any period or part of a period while this section applies to a

trust and the trust has only one trustee, this Chapter applies to the

trustee as mentioned in subsection (2), but it applies with the

following changes:

(a) obligations that would be imposed on the notional entity are

imposed instead on that single trustee;

(b) any contravention of a provision of this Chapter, or a

provision of this Act that relates to a requirement in a

provision of this Chapter, that would otherwise be a

contravention by the notional entity is taken (whether for the

purposes of criminal or civil liability) to have been a

contravention by that single trustee.

(5) Subsections (2), (3) and (4) have effect subject to:

(a) an express or implied contrary intention in a provision or

provisions of this Chapter; and

(b) the regulations, which may exclude or modify the effect of

those subsections in relation to specified provisions.

761G Meaning of retail client and wholesale client

Providing a financial product or financial service to a person as a

retail client

(1) For the purposes of this Chapter, a financial product or a financial

service is provided to a person as a retail client unless

subsection (5), (6), (6A) or (7), or section 761GA, provides


Note: The references in this section to providing a financial product to a

person are not to be taken to imply that the provision of a financial

product is not also the provision of a financial service (see the

meaning of dealing in section 766C).

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.1 Preliminary

Division 2 Definitions

Section 761G

32 Corporations Act 2001

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Acquiring a financial product or financial service as a retail client

(2) For the purposes of this Chapter, a person to whom a financial

product or financial service is provided as a retail client is taken to

acquire the product or service as a retail client.

Disposing of a financial product as a retail client

(3) If a financial product is provided to a person as a retail client, any

subsequent disposal of all or part of that product by the person is,

for the purposes of this Chapter, a disposal by the person as a retail


Wholesale clients

(4) For the purposes of this Chapter, a financial product or a financial

service is provided to, or acquired by, a person as a wholesale

client if it is not provided to, or acquired by, the person as a retail


General insurance products

(5) For the purposes of this Chapter, if a financial product is, or a

financial service provided to a person relates to, a general

insurance product, the product or service is provided to the person

as a retail client if:

(a) either:

(i) the person is an individual; or

(ii) the insurance product is or would be for use in

connection with a small business (see subsection (12));


(b) the general insurance product is:

(i) a motor vehicle insurance product (as defined in the

regulations); or

(ii) a home building insurance product (as defined in the

regulations); or

(iii) a home contents insurance product (as defined in the

regulations); or

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Preliminary Part 7.1

Definitions Division 2

Section 761G

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(iv) a sickness and accident insurance product (as defined in

the regulations); or

(v) a consumer credit insurance product (as defined in the

regulations); or

(vi) a travel insurance product (as defined in the

regulations); or

(vii) a personal and domestic property insurance product (as

defined in the regulations); or

(viii) a kind of general insurance product prescribed by

regulations made for the purposes of this subparagraph.

In any other cases, the provision to a person of a financial product

that is, or a financial service that relates to, a general insurance

product does not constitute the provision of a financial product or

financial service to the person as a retail client.

Superannuation products and RSA products

(6) For the purposes of this Chapter:

(a) if a financial product provided to a person is a

superannuation product or an RSA product, the product is

provided to the person as a retail client; and

(aa) however, if a trustee of a pooled superannuation trust (within

the meaning of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision)

Act 1993) provides a financial product that is an interest in

the trust to a person covered by subparagraph (c)(i), the

product is not provided to the person as a retail client; and

(b) if a financial service (other than the provision of a financial

product) provided to a person who is not covered by

subparagraph (c)(i) or (ii) relates to a superannuation product

or an RSA product, the service is provided to the person as a

retail client; and

(c) if a financial service (other than the provision of a financial

product) provided to a person who is:

(i) the trustee of a superannuation fund, an approved

deposit fund, a pooled superannuation trust or a public

sector superannuation scheme (within the meaning of

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.1 Preliminary

Division 2 Definitions

Section 761G

34 Corporations Act 2001

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the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993)

that has net assets of at least $10 million; or

(ii) an RSA provider (within the meaning of the Retirement

Savings Accounts Act 1997);

relates to a superannuation product or an RSA product, that

does not constitute the provision of a financial service to the

person as a retail client.

Traditional trustee company services

(6A) For the purpose of this Chapter, if a financial service provided to a

person is a traditional trustee company service, the service is

provided to the person as a retail client unless regulations made for

the purpose of this subsection provide otherwise.

Other kinds of financial product

(7) For the purposes of this Chapter, if a financial product is not, or a

financial service (other than a traditional trustee company service)

provided to a person does not relate to, a general insurance

product, a superannuation product or an RSA product, the product

or service is provided to the person as a retail client unless one or

more of the following paragraphs apply:

(a) the price for the provision of the financial product, or the

value of the financial product to which the financial service

relates, equals or exceeds the amount specified in regulations

made for the purposes of this paragraph as being applicable

in the circumstances (but see also subsection (10)); or

(b) the financial product, or the financial service, is provided for

use in connection with a business that is not a small business

(see subsection (12));

(c) the financial product, or the financial service, is not provided

for use in connection with a business, and the person who

acquires the product or service gives the provider of the

product or service, before the provision of the product or

service, a copy of a certificate given within the preceding 6

months by a qualified accountant (as defined in section 9)

that states that the person:

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Preliminary Part 7.1

Definitions Division 2

Section 761G

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(i) has net assets of at least the amount specified in

regulations made for the purposes of this subparagraph;


(ii) has a gross income for each of the last 2 financial years

of at least the amount specified in regulations made for

the purposes of this subparagraph a year;

(d) the person is a professional investor.

Offence proceedings—defendant bears evidential burden in

relation to matters referred to in paragraphs (7)(a) to (d)

(8) In a prosecution for an offence based on a provision of this Chapter

or Part 6D.3A, a defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to

the matters in paragraphs (7)(a) to (d) as if those matters were

exceptions for the purposes of subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal


Other proceedings relating to subsection (7) products—

presumption in non-criminal proceedings of retail client unless

contrary established

(9) If:

(a) it is alleged in a proceeding under this Chapter (not being a

prosecution for an offence), or in any other proceeding (not

being a prosecution for an offence) in respect of a matter

arising under this Chapter, that a particular financial product

or financial service was provided to a person as a retail client;


(b) the product or the service is one to which subsection (7)


it is presumed that the product or service was provided to the

person as a retail client unless the contrary is established.

Note 1: There is no such presumption in relation to the provision of a product

or service that is or relates to a general insurance product, a

superannuation product or an RSA product. Whether or not such a

product, or a service relating to such a product, was provided to a

person as a retail client is to be resolved as provided in subsection (5)

or (6), as the case requires.

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Part 7.1 Preliminary

Division 2 Definitions

Section 761G

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Note 2: In criminal proceedings, a defendant bears an evidential burden in

relation to the matters in paragraphs (7)(a) to (d) (see subsection (8)).

Regulations and paragraph (7)(a)

(10) In addition to specifying an amount or amounts for the purposes of

paragraph (7)(a), the regulations may do either or both of the


(a) deal with how a price or value referred to in that paragraph is

to be calculated, either generally or in relation to a specified

class of financial products;

(b) modify the way in which that paragraph applies in particular


Regulations and paragraph (7)(c)

(10A) In addition to specifying amounts for the purposes of

subparagraphs (7)(c)(i) and (ii), the regulations may do either or

both of the following:

(a) deal with how net assets referred to in subparagraph (7)(c)(i)

are to be determined and valued, either generally or in

specified circumstances;

(b) deal with how gross income referred to in

subparagraph (7)(c)(ii) is to be calculated, either generally or

in specified circumstances.

What happens if a package of general insurance products and

other kinds of financial products is provided?

(11) If:

(a) either:

(i) in a single transaction, 2 or more financial products are

provided to a person; or

(ii) a single financial service provided to a person relates to

2 or more financial products; and

(b) one or more, but not all, of the financial products are general

insurance products;

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Preliminary Part 7.1

Definitions Division 2

Section 761GA

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subsection (5) applies to the transaction or service so far as it

relates to the general insurance products, and subsection (6) or (7),

as the case requires, applies to the transaction or service so far as it

relates to other financial products.


(12) In this section:

small business means a business employing less than:

(a) if the business is or includes the manufacture of goods—100

people; or

(b) otherwise—20 people.

761GA Meaning of retail client—sophisticated investors

For the purposes of this Chapter, a financial product, or a financial

service (other than a traditional trustee company service or a

crowd-funding service) in relation to a financial product, is not

provided by one person to another person as a retail client if:

(a) the first person (the licensee) is a financial services licensee;


(b) the financial product is not a general insurance product, a

superannuation product or an RSA product; and

(c) the financial product or service is not provided for use in

connection with a business; and

(d) the licensee is satisfied on reasonable grounds that the other

person (the client) has previous experience in using financial

services and investing in financial products that allows the

client to assess:

(i) the merits of the product or service; and

(ii) the value of the product or service; and

(iii) the risks associated with holding the product; and

(iv) the client’s own information needs; and

(v) the adequacy of the information given by the licensee

and the product issuer; and

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.1 Preliminary

Division 2 Definitions

Section 761H

38 Corporations Act 2001

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(e) the licensee gives the client before, or at the time when, the

product or advice is provided a written statement of the

licensee’s reasons for being satisfied as to those matters; and

(f) the client signs a written acknowledgment before, or at the

time when, the product or service is provided that:

(i) the licensee has not given the client a Product

Disclosure Statement; and

(ii) the licensee has not given the client any other document

that would be required to be given to the client under

this Chapter if the product or service were provided to

the client as a retail client; and

(iii) the licensee does not have any other obligation to the

client under this Chapter that the licensee would have if

the product or service were provided to the client as a

retail client.

761H References to this Chapter include references to regulations or

other instruments made for the purposes of this Chapter

(1) A reference in a provision of this Chapter to this Chapter, or to a

particular provision or group of provisions of this Chapter, includes

(unless a contrary intention appears) a reference to regulations, or

other instruments, made for the purposes of this Chapter, or for the

purposes of that provision or any of those provisions, as the case


(2) Subsection (1) has effect as if provisions in Part 10.2 (transitional

provisions) that relate to matters dealt with in this Chapter were

part of this Chapter.

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Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Preliminary Part 7.1

What is a financial product? Division 3

Section 762A

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Division 3—What is a financial product?

Subdivision A—Preliminary

762A Overview of approach to defining what a financial product is

General definition

(1) Subdivision B sets out a general definition of financial product.

Subject to subsections (2) and (3), a facility is a financial product if

it falls within that definition.

Specific inclusions

(2) Subdivision C identifies, or provides for the identification of, kinds

of facilities that, subject to subsection (3), are financial products

(whether or not they are within the general definition).

Overriding exclusions

(3) Subdivision D identifies, or provides for the identification of, kinds

of facilities that are not financial products. These facilities are not

financial products:

(a) even if they are within the general definition; and

(b) even if they are within a class of facilities identified as

mentioned in subsection (2).

762B What if a financial product is part of a broader facility?

If a financial product is a component of a facility that also has

other components, this Chapter, in applying to the financial

product, only applies in relation to the facility to the extent it

consists of the component that is the financial product.

Note: So, e.g., Part 7.9 does not require disclosures to be made in relation to

those other components.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.1 Preliminary

Division 3 What is a financial product?

Section 762C

40 Corporations Act 2001

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762C Meaning of facility

In this Division:

facility includes:

(a) intangible property; or

(b) an arrangement or a term of an arrangement (including a term

that is implied by law or that is required by law to be

included); or

(c) a combination of intangible property and an arrangement or

term of an arrangement.

Note: 2 or more arrangements may be taken to constitute a single

arrangement—see section 761B.

Subdivision B—The general definition

763A General definition of financial product

(1) For the purposes of this Chapter, a financial product is a facility

through which, or through the acquisition of which, a person does

one or more of the following:

(a) makes a financial investment (see section 763B);

(b) manages financial risk (see section 763C);

(c) makes non-cash payments (see section 763D).

This has effect subject to section 763E.

(2) For the purposes of this Chapter, a particular facility that is of a

kind through which people commonly make financial investments,

manage financial risks or make non-cash payments is a financial

product even if that facility is acquired by a particular person for

some other purpose.

(3) A facility does not cease to be a financial product merely because:

(a) the facility has been acquired by a person other than the

person to whom it was originally issued; and

(b) that person, in acquiring the product, was not making a

financial investment or managing a financial risk.

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Section 763B

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763B When a person makes a financial investment

For the purposes of this Chapter, a person (the investor) makes a

financial investment if:

(a) the investor gives money or money’s worth (the

contribution) to another person and any of the following


(i) the other person uses the contribution to generate a

financial return, or other benefit, for the investor;

(ii) the investor intends that the other person will use the

contribution to generate a financial return, or other

benefit, for the investor (even if no return or benefit is in

fact generated);

(iii) the other person intends that the contribution will be

used to generate a financial return, or other benefit, for

the investor (even if no return or benefit is in fact

generated); and

(b) the investor has no day-to-day control over the use of the

contribution to generate the return or benefit.

Note 1: Examples of actions that constitute making a financial investment

under this subsection are:

(a) a person paying money to a company for the issue to the person of shares in the company (the company uses the money to generate dividends for the person and the person, as a shareholder, does not have control over the day-to-day affairs of the company); or

(b) a person contributing money to acquire interests in a registered scheme from the responsible entity of the scheme (the scheme uses the money to generate financial or other benefits for the person and the person, as a member of the scheme, does not have day-to-day control over the operation of the scheme).

Note 2: Examples of actions that do not constitute making a financial

investment under this subsection are:

(a) a person purchasing real property or bullion (while the property or bullion may generate a return for the person, it is not a return generated by the use of the purchase money by another person); or

(b) a person giving money to a financial services licensee who is to use it to purchase shares for the person (while the purchase of the shares will be a financial investment made by the person, the

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Section 763C

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mere act of giving the money to the licensee will not of itself constitute making a financial investment).

763C When a person manages financial risk

For the purposes of this Chapter, a person manages financial risk

if they:

(a) manage the financial consequences to them of particular

circumstances happening; or

(b) avoid or limit the financial consequences of fluctuations in,

or in the value of, receipts or costs (including prices and

interest rates).

Note 1: Examples of actions that constitute managing a financial risk are:

(a) taking out insurance; or

(b) hedging a liability by acquiring a futures contract or entering into a currency swap.

Note 2: An example of an action that does not constitute managing a financial

risk is employing a security firm (while that is a way of managing the

risk that thefts will happen, it is not a way of managing the financial

consequences if thefts do occur).

763D When a person makes non-cash payments

(1) For the purposes of this Chapter, a person makes non-cash

payments if they make payments, or cause payments to be made,

otherwise than by the physical delivery of Australian or foreign

currency in the form of notes and/or coins.

Note: Examples of actions that constitute making non-cash payments are:

(a) making payments by means of a facility for direct debit of a deposit account; or

(b) making payments by means of a facility for the use of cheques; or

(c) making payments by means of a purchased payment facility within the meaning of the Payment Systems (Regulation) Act 1998, such as a smart card; or

(d) making payments by means of traveller’s cheques (whether denominated in Australian or foreign currency).

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Section 763E

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(2) For the purposes of this Chapter, the following are not making

non-cash payments, even if they might otherwise be covered by

subsection (1):

(a) making payments by means of a facility in relation to which

one of the following applies:

(i) there is only one person to whom payments can be made

by means of the facility;

(ii) the facility is, or is of a kind, specified in the regulations

as being a facility that is not to be covered by this

section because of restrictions relating to the number of

people to whom payments can be made by means of the

facility, or relating to the number of persons who can

use the facility to make payments;

(b) making payments by means of:

(i) a letter of credit from a financial institution; or

(ii) a cheque drawn by a financial institution on itself; or

(iii) a guarantee given by a financial institution.

763E What if a financial product is only incidental?

(1) If:

(a) something (the incidental product) that, but for this section,

would be a financial product because of this Subdivision is:

(i) an incidental component of a facility that also has other

components; or

(ii) a facility that is incidental to one or more other

facilities; and

(b) it is reasonable to assume that the main purpose of:

(i) if subparagraph (a)(i) applies—the facility referred to in

that subparagraph, when considered as a whole; or

(ii) if subparagraph (a)(ii) applies—the incidental product,

and the other facilities referred to in that subparagraph,

when considered as a whole;

is not a financial product purpose;

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Division 3 What is a financial product?

Section 764A

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the incidental product is not a financial product because of this

Subdivision (however, it may still be a financial product because of

Subdivision C).

(2) In this section:

financial product purpose means a purpose of:

(a) making a financial investment; or

(b) managing financial risk; or

(c) making non-cash payments.

Subdivision C—Specific inclusions

764A Specific things that are financial products (subject to

Subdivision D)

(1) Subject to Subdivision D, the following are financial products for

the purposes of this Chapter:

(a) a security;

(b) any of the following in relation to a registered scheme:

(i) an interest in the scheme;

(ii) a legal or equitable right or interest in an interest

covered by subparagraph (i);

(iii) an option to acquire, by way of issue, an interest or right

covered by subparagraph (i) or (ii);

(ba) any of the following in relation to a managed investment

scheme that is not a registered scheme, other than a scheme

(whether or not operated in this jurisdiction) in relation to

which none of paragraphs 601ED(1)(a), (b) and (c) are


(i) an interest in the scheme;

(ii) a legal or equitable right or interest in an interest

covered by subparagraph (i);

(iii) an option to acquire, by way of issue, an interest or right

covered by subparagraph (i) or (ii);

(bb) any of the following in relation to a notified foreign passport


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(i) an interest in the fund;

(ii) a legal or equitable right or interest in an interest

covered by subparagraph (i);

(iii) an option to acquire, by way of issue, an interest or right

covered by subparagraph (i) or (ii);

(c) a derivative;

(d) a contract of insurance that is not a life policy, or a sinking

fund policy, within the meaning of the Life Insurance Act

1995, but not including such a contract of insurance:

(i) to the extent that it provides for a benefit to be provided

by an association of employees that is registered as an

organisation, or recognised, under the Fair Work

(Registered Organisations) Act 2009 for a member of

the association or a dependant of a member; or

(ii) to the extent that it provides for benefits, pensions or

payments described in paragraph 11(3)(c) of the Life

Insurance Act 1995; or

(iii) to the extent that it provides for the provision of a

funeral benefit; or

(iv) issued by an employer to an employee of the employer;

(e) a life policy, or a sinking fund policy, within the meaning of

the Life Insurance Act 1995, that is a contract of insurance,

but not including such a policy:

(i) to the extent that it provides for a benefit to be provided

by an association of employees that is registered as an

organisation, or recognised, under the Fair Work

(Registered Organisations) Act 2009 for a member of

the association or a dependant of a member; or

(ii) to the extent that it provides for benefits, pensions or

payments described in paragraph 11(3)(c) of the Life

Insurance Act 1995; or

(iii) to the extent that it provides for the provision of a

funeral benefit; or

(iv) issued by an employer to an employee of the employer;

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Section 764A

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(f) a life policy, or a sinking fund policy, within the meaning of

the Life Insurance Act 1995, that is not a contract of

insurance, but not including such a policy:

(i) to the extent that it provides for a benefit to be provided

by an association of employees that is registered as an

organisation, or recognised, under the Fair Work

(Registered Organisations) Act 2009 for a member of

the association or a dependant of a member; or

(ii) to the extent that it provides for benefits, pensions or

payments described in paragraph 11(3)(c) of the Life

Insurance Act 1995; or

(iii) to the extent that it provides for the provision of a

funeral benefit; or

(iv) issued by an employer to an employee of the employer;

(g) a superannuation interest within the meaning of the

Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993;

(h) an RSA (retirement savings account) within the meaning of

the Retirement Savings Accounts Act 1997;

(i) any deposit-taking facility made available by an ADI (within

the meaning of the Banking Act 1959) in the course of its

banking business (within the meaning of that Act), other than

an RSA (RSAs are covered by paragraph (h));

(j) a debenture, stock or bond issued or proposed to be issued by

a government;

(k) a foreign exchange contract that is not:

(i) a derivative (derivatives are covered by paragraph (c));


(ii) a contract to exchange one currency (whether Australian

or not) for another that is to be settled immediately;

(ka) an Australian carbon credit unit;

(kb) an eligible international emissions unit;

(l) a margin lending facility;

(m) anything declared by the regulations to be a financial product

for the purposes of this Chapter.

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Note: Even though something is expressly excluded from one of these

paragraphs, it may still be a financial product (subject to Subdivision

D) either because:

(a) it is covered by another of these paragraphs; or

(b) it is covered by the general definition in Subdivision B.

Contracts of insurance

(1A) If a single contract of insurance provides 2 or more kinds of cover,

paragraph (1)(d) applies separately in relation to that contract, in

relation to each of those kinds of cover, as if the contract only

provided that kind of cover.

Note: Because of this subsection (including as it is affected by

subsection (1B)), a single contract of insurance may constitute 2 or

more separate general insurance products.

(1B) If a contract of insurance provides a kind of cover in relation to 2

or more kinds of asset, subsection (1A) applies to the contract, in

relation to each of those kinds of asset, as if the cover provided by

the contract in relation to that kind of asset constituted a separate

kind of cover.

(2) For the purpose of paragraphs (1)(d), (e) and (f) and

subsections (1A) and (1B), contract of insurance includes:

(a) a contract that would ordinarily be regarded as a contract of

insurance even if some of its provisions are not by way of

insurance; and

(b) a contract that includes provisions of insurance in so far as

those provisions are concerned, even if the contract would

not ordinarily be regarded as a contract of insurance.

Declaring additional things to be financial products for specified

provisions of this Chapter

(3) Subject to Subdivision D, a thing declared by regulations to be a

financial product for a specified provision of this Chapter is a

financial product for that provision.

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Section 765A

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Subdivision D—Specific exclusions

765A Specific things that are not financial products

(1) Despite anything in Subdivision B or Subdivision C, the following

are not financial products for the purposes of this Chapter:

(a) an excluded security;

(b) an undertaking by a body corporate to pay money to a related

body corporate;

(c) health insurance provided as part of a health insurance

business (as defined in Division 121 of the Private Health

Insurance Act 2007);

(ca) insurance provided as part of a health-related business (as

defined by section 131-15 of that Act) that is conducted

through a health benefits fund (as defined by section 131-10

of that Act);

(d) insurance provided by the Commonwealth;

(e) State insurance or Northern Territory insurance, including

insurance entered into by:

(i) a State or the Northern Territory; and

(ii) some other insurer;

as joint insurers;

(f) insurance entered into by the Export Finance and Insurance

Corporation, other than a short-term insurance contract

within the meaning of the Export Finance and Insurance

Corporation Act 1991;

(g) reinsurance;

(h) any of the following:

(i) a credit facility within the meaning of the regulations

(other than a margin lending facility);

(ii) a facility for making non-cash payments (see

section 763D), if payments made using the facility will

all be debited to a credit facility covered by

subparagraph (i);

(i) a facility:

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(i) that is an approved RTGS system within the meaning of

the Payment Systems and Netting Act 1998; or

(ii) for the transmission and reconciliation of non-cash

payments (see section 763D), and the establishment of

final positions, for settlement through an approved

RTGS system within the meaning of the Payment

Systems and Netting Act 1998;

(j) a facility that is a designated payment system for the

purposes of the Payment Systems (Regulation) Act 1998;

(k) a facility for the exchange and settlement of non-cash

payments (see section 763D) between providers of non-cash

payment facilities;

(l) a facility that is:

(i) a financial market; or

(ii) a clearing and settlement facility; or

(iii) a payment system operated as part of a clearing and

settlement facility; or

(iv) a derivative trade repository;

(m) a contract to exchange one currency (whether Australian or

not) for another that is to be settled immediately;

(n) so much of an arrangement as is not a derivative because of

paragraph 761D(3)(a);

(p) an arrangement that is not a derivative because of

subsection 761D(4);

(q) an interest in a superannuation fund of a kind prescribed by

regulations made for the purposes of this paragraph;

(r) any of the following:

(i) an interest in something that is not a managed

investment scheme because of paragraph (c), (e), (f),

(k), (l) or (m) of the definition of managed investment

scheme in section 9;

(ii) a legal or equitable right or interest in an interest

covered by subparagraph (i);

(iii) an option to acquire, by way of issue, an interest or right

covered by subparagraph (i) or (ii);

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Division 3 What is a financial product?

Section 765A

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(s) any of the following in relation to a managed investment

scheme (whether or not operated in this jurisdiction) in

relation to which none of paragraphs 601ED(1)(a), (b) and

(c) are satisfied and that is not a registered scheme or a

notified foreign passport fund:

(i) an interest in the scheme;

(ii) a legal or equitable right or interest in an interest

covered by subparagraph (i);

(iii) an option to acquire, by way of issue, an interest or right

covered by subparagraph (i) or (ii);

(t) a deposit-taking facility that is, or is used for, State banking;

(u) a benefit provided by an association of employees that is

registered as an organisation, or recognised, under the Fair

Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 for a member of

the association or a dependant of a member;

(v) either of the following:

(i) a contract of insurance; or

(ii) a life policy or a sinking fund policy, within the

meaning of the Life Insurance Act 1995, that is not a

contract of insurance;

issued by an employer to an employee of the employer;

(w) a funeral benefit;

(x) physical equipment or physical infrastructure by which

something else that is a financial product is provided;

(y) a facility, interest or other thing declared by regulations made

for the purposes of this subsection not to be a financial


(z) a facility, interest or other thing declared by ASIC under

subsection (2) not to be a financial product.

ASIC declarations

(2) ASIC may declare that a specified facility, interest or other thing is

not a financial product for the purposes of this Chapter. The

declaration must be in writing and ASIC must publish notice of it

in the Gazette.

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(3) Despite anything in Subdivision B or C, the regulations may

declare that a specified facility, interest or other thing is not a

financial product for the purposes of specified provisions of this


(4) A declaration under subsection (2) that is inconsistent with

regulations made for the purposes of subsection (3) has no effect to

the extent of the inconsistency, but a declaration is taken to be

consistent with the regulations to the extent that the declaration is

capable of operating concurrently with the regulations.

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Part 7.1 Preliminary

Division 4 When does a person provide a financial service?

Section 766A

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Division 4—When does a person provide a financial


766A When does a person provide a financial service?


(1) For the purposes of this Chapter, subject to paragraph (2)(b), a

person provides a financial service if they:

(a) provide financial product advice (see section 766B); or

(b) deal in a financial product (see section 766C); or

(c) make a market for a financial product (see section 766D); or

(d) operate a registered scheme; or

(e) provide a custodial or depository service (see section 766E);


(ea) provide a crowd-funding service (see section 766F); or

(f) engage in conduct of a kind prescribed by regulations made

for the purposes of this paragraph.

Provision of traditional trustee company services by trustee


(1A) Subject to paragraph (2)(b), the provision by a trustee company of

a traditional trustee company service constitutes the provision, by

the company, of a financial service.

Note: Trustee companies may also provide other kinds of financial service

mentioned in subsection (1).

(1B) The regulations may, in relation to a traditional trustee company

service of a particular class, prescribe the person or persons to

whom a service of that class is taken to be provided. This

subsection does not limit (and is not limited by) subsection (2).

Note: A traditional trustee company service is provided to a person as a

retail client unless regulations provide otherwise (see

subsection 761G(6A)).

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Regulations may deal with various matters

(2) The regulations may set out:

(a) the circumstances in which persons facilitating the provision

of a financial service (for example, by publishing

information) are taken also to provide that service; or

(b) the circumstances in which persons are taken to provide, or

are taken not to provide, a financial service.

Exception for work ordinarily done by clerks or cashiers

(3) To avoid doubt, a person’s conduct is not the provision of a

financial service if it is done in the course of work of a kind

ordinarily done by clerks or cashiers.

Meaning of operating a registered scheme

(4) For the purposes of this section, a person is not operating a

registered scheme merely because:

(a) they are acting as an agent or employee of another person; or

(b) they are taking steps to wind up the scheme.

766B Meaning of financial product advice

(1) For the purposes of this Chapter, financial product advice means a

recommendation or a statement of opinion, or a report of either of

those things, that:

(a) is intended to influence a person or persons in making a

decision in relation to a particular financial product or class

of financial products, or an interest in a particular financial

product or class of financial products; or

(b) could reasonably be regarded as being intended to have such

an influence.

(1A) However, subject to subsection (1B), the provision or giving of an

exempt document or statement does not constitute the provision of

financial product advice.

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Division 4 When does a person provide a financial service?

Section 766B

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(1B) Subsection (1A) does not apply for the purpose of determining

whether a recommendation or statement of opinion made by an

outside expert, or a report of such a recommendation or statement

of opinion, that is included in an exempt document or statement is

financial product advice provided by the outside expert.

(2) There are 2 types of financial product advice: personal advice and

general advice.

(3) For the purposes of this Chapter, personal advice is financial

product advice that is given or directed to a person (including by

electronic means) in circumstances where:

(a) the provider of the advice has considered one or more of the

person’s objectives, financial situation and needs (otherwise

than for the purposes of compliance with the Anti-Money

Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006 or

with regulations, or AML/CTF Rules, under that Act); or

(b) a reasonable person might expect the provider to have

considered one or more of those matters.

(4) For the purposes of this Chapter, general advice is financial

product advice that is not personal advice.

(5) The following advice is not financial product advice:

(a) advice given by a lawyer in his or her professional capacity,

about matters of law, legal interpretation or the application of

the law to any facts;

(b) except as may be prescribed by the regulations—any other

advice given by a lawyer in the ordinary course of activities

as a lawyer, that is reasonably regarded as a necessary part of

those activities;

(c) except as may be prescribed by the regulations—advice

given by a registered tax agent or BAS agent (within the

meaning of the Tax Agent Services Act 2009), that is given in

the ordinary course of activities as such an agent and that is

reasonably regarded as a necessary part of those activities.

(6) If:

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(a) in response to a request made by a person (the inquirer) to

another person (the provider), the provider tells the inquirer

the cost, or an estimate of the likely cost, of a financial

product (for example, an insurance product); and

(b) that cost or estimate is worked out, or said by the provider to

be worked out, by reference to a valuation of an item (for

example, a house or car to which an insurance policy would

relate), being a valuation that the provider suggests or

recommends to the inquirer;

the acts of telling the inquirer the cost, or estimated cost, and

suggesting or recommending the valuation, do not, of themselves,

constitute the making of a recommendation (or the provision of any

other kind of financial product advice) relating to the financial


(7) If:

(a) in response to a request made by a person (the inquirer) to

another person (the provider), the provider tells the inquirer

information about:

(i) the cost of a financial product; or

(ii) the rate of return on a financial product; or

(iii) any other matter identified in regulations made for the

purposes of this subparagraph; and

(b) the request could also have been complied with (but was not

also so complied with) by telling the inquirer equivalent

information about one or more other financial products;

the act of telling the inquirer the information does not, of itself,

constitute the making of a recommendation (or the provision of any

other kind of financial product advice) in relation to the financial

product referred to in paragraph (a).

(8) Subsections (5), (6) and (7) are not intended to affect, in any way,

the determination of whether situations not covered by those

subsections do, or do not, constitute the provision of financial

product advice.

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Division 4 When does a person provide a financial service?

Section 766C

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(9) In this section:

exempt document or statement means:

(a) a document prepared, or a statement given, in accordance

with requirements of this Chapter, other than:

(i) a Statement of Advice; or

(ii) a document or statement of a kind prescribed by

regulations made for the purposes of this subparagraph;


(b) any other document or statement of a kind prescribed by

regulations made for the purposes of this paragraph.

outside expert, in relation to an exempt document or statement,

means an expert who is not:

(a) the person by whom, or on whose behalf, the exempt

document or statement was prepared; or

(b) an employee or director of that person.

766C Meaning of dealing

(1) For the purposes of this Chapter, the following conduct (whether

engaged in as principal or agent) constitutes dealing in a financial


(a) applying for or acquiring a financial product;

(b) issuing a financial product;

(c) in relation to securities and interests in managed investment

schemes—underwriting the securities or interests;

(d) varying a financial product;

(e) disposing of a financial product.

(2) Arranging for a person to engage in conduct referred to in

subsection (1) is also dealing in a financial product, unless the

actions concerned amount to providing financial product advice.

(2A) Despite subsections (1) and (2), providing a crowd-funding service

does not constitute dealing in a financial product.

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(3) A person is taken not to deal in a financial product if the person

deals in the product on their own behalf (whether directly or

through an agent or other representative), unless:

(a) the person is an issuer of financial products; and

(b) the dealing is in relation to one or more of those products.

(3A) For the purposes of subsection (3), a person (the agent) who deals

in a product as an agent or representative of another person (the

principal) is not taken to deal in the product on the agent’s own

behalf, even if that dealing, when considered as a dealing by the

principal, is a dealing by the principal on the principal’s own


(4) Also, a transaction entered into by a person who is, or who

encompasses or constitutes in whole or in part, any of the

following entities:

(a) a government or local government authority;

(b) a public authority or instrumentality or agency of the Crown;

(c) a body corporate or an unincorporated body;

is taken not to be dealing in a financial product by that person if

the transaction relates only to:

(d) securities of that entity; or

(e) if the entity is a government—debentures, stocks or bonds

issued or proposed to be issued by that government.

(5) Paragraph (4)(c) does not apply if the entity:

(a) carries on a business of investment in securities, interests in

land or other investments; and

(b) in the course of carrying on that business, invests funds

subscribed, whether directly or indirectly, after an offer or

invitation to the public (within the meaning of section 82)

made on terms that the funds subscribed would be invested.

(6) A transaction entered into by a sub-underwriter of an issue of

securities that relates only to the sub-underwriting is taken not to

be dealing in a financial product.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.1 Preliminary

Division 4 When does a person provide a financial service?

Section 766D

58 Corporations Act 2001

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(7) The regulations may prescribe conduct that is taken to be, or not to

be, dealing in a financial product. Regulations made for the

purposes of this subsection have effect despite anything else in this


766D Meaning of makes a market for a financial product

(1) For the purposes of this Chapter, a person makes a market for a

financial product if:

(a) either through a facility, at a place or otherwise, the person

regularly states the prices at which they propose to acquire or

dispose of financial products on their own behalf; and

(b) other persons have a reasonable expectation that they will be

able to regularly effect transactions at the stated prices; and

(c) the actions of the person do not, or would not if they

happened through a facility or at a place, constitute operating

a financial market because of the effect of

paragraph 767A(2)(a).

(2) Paragraph (1)(a) does not apply to a person stating prices at which

they propose to acquire or dispose of financial products if:

(a) the person is the issuer of the products; and

(b) the products are:

(i) superannuation products; or

(ii) managed investment products; or

(iii) financial products referred to in paragraph 764A(1)(ba)

(which relates to certain managed investment schemes

that are not registered schemes); or

(iv) foreign passport fund products.

766E Meaning of provide a custodial or depository service

(1) A person (the provider) provides a custodial or depository service

to another person (the client) if, under an arrangement between the

provider and the client, or between the provider and another person

with whom the client has an arrangement, (whether or not there are

also other parties to any such arrangement), a financial product, or

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Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Preliminary Part 7.1

When does a person provide a financial service? Division 4

Section 766E

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a beneficial interest in a financial product, is held by the provider

in trust for, or on behalf of, the client or another person nominated

by the client.

(2) The following provisions apply in relation to a custodial or

depository service:

(a) subject to paragraph (b), the time at which a custodial or

depository service is provided is the time when the financial

product or beneficial interest concerned is first held by the

provider as mentioned in subsection (1);

(b) for the purposes of Part 7.6, and of any other provisions of

this Act prescribed by regulations made for the purposes of

this paragraph, the continued holding of the financial product

or beneficial interest concerned by the provider as mentioned

in subsection (1) also constitutes the provision of a custodial

or depository service.

Note: Because of paragraph (a) (subject to regulations made for the purposes

of paragraph (b)), the requirements of Part 7.7 relating to financial

services disclosure need only be complied with before the product or

interest is first held by the provider. However, because of

paragraph (b), the provider will be subject to the licensing and related

requirements of Part 7.6 for so long as they continue to hold the

product or interest.

(3) However, the following conduct does not constitute providing a

custodial or depository service:

(a) the operation of a clearing and settlement facility;

(b) the operation of a registered scheme, or the holding of the

assets of a registered scheme;

(ba) the operation of a notified foreign passport fund;

(bb) the holding of the assets of a notified foreign passport fund;

(c) the operation of a regulated superannuation fund, an

approved deposit fund or a pooled superannuation trust

(within the meaning of the Superannuation Industry

(Supervision) Act 1993) by the trustees of that fund or trust;

(ca) the operation of a statutory fund by a life company (within

the meaning of the Life Insurance Act 1995);

(d) the provision of services to a related body corporate;

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.1 Preliminary

Division 4 When does a person provide a financial service?

Section 766F

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(e) any other conduct of a kind prescribed by regulations made

for the purposes of this paragraph.

766F Meaning of provides a crowd-funding service

Meaning of provides a crowd-funding service

(1) A person provides a crowd-funding service if:

(a) a CSF offer document for a CSF offer of securities of a

company is published on a platform operated by the person;


(b) applications may be made to the person for the issue, by the

company, of securities pursuant to the offer.

Note: CSF offers are dealt with in Part 6D.3A (Crowd-sourced funding).

(2) The financial service constituted by providing a crowd-funding

service is taken to include (in addition to the matters mentioned in

subsection (1)), performing all other aspects of the role of a CSF

intermediary under Part 6D.3A.

To whom, and when, a crowd-funding service is provided

(3) A person who uses the application facility for the CSF offer to

make an application pursuant to the offer is a person to whom the

crowd-funding service is provided. The time at which the

crowd-funding service is provided to the person is the time when

the person first uses the application facility to make an application

pursuant to the offer.

Note: For the meaning of application facility, see subsection 738ZA(3).

(4) The company making the CSF offer is a person to whom the

crowd-funding service is provided. The time at which the

crowd-funding service is provided to the company is the time when

the company enters into the hosting arrangement for the offer.

Note: For the meaning of hosting arrangement, see subsection 738L(2).

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Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Preliminary Part 7.1

What is a financial market? Division 5

Section 767A

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Division 5—What is a financial market?

767A What is a financial market?

(1) For the purposes of this Chapter, a financial market is a facility

through which:

(a) offers to acquire or dispose of financial products are regularly

made or accepted; or

(b) offers or invitations are regularly made to acquire or dispose

of financial products that are intended to result or may

reasonably be expected to result, directly or indirectly, in:

(i) the making of offers to acquire or dispose of financial

products; or

(ii) the acceptance of such offers.

(2) However, the following conduct does not constitute operating a

financial market for the purposes of this Chapter:

(a) a person making or accepting offers or invitations to acquire

or dispose of financial products on the person’s own behalf,

or on behalf of one party to the transaction only, unless the

regulations specify circumstances in which such conduct

does constitute operating a financial market and the person’s

conduct occurs in circumstances so specified;

(b) conducting treasury operations between related bodies


(c) a person, being the holder of a licence under an Australian

law relating to the licensing of auctioneers, conducting an

auction of forfeited shares;

(d) any other conduct of a kind prescribed by regulations made

for the purposes of this paragraph.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.1 Preliminary

Division 6 What is a clearing and settlement facility?

Section 768A

62 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 6—What is a clearing and settlement facility?

768A What is a clearing and settlement facility?

(1) For the purposes of this Chapter, a clearing and settlement facility

is a facility that provides a regular mechanism for the parties to

transactions relating to financial products to meet obligations to

each other that:

(a) arise from entering into the transactions; and

(b) are of a kind prescribed by regulations made for the purposes

of this paragraph.

Example 1: A facility that provides a regular mechanism for stockbrokers to pay

for the shares they buy and to be paid for the shares they sell, and for

records of those transactions to be processed to facilitate registration

of the new ownership of the shares, would be a clearing and

settlement facility (assuming that the relevant obligations are of a kind

prescribed by regulations made for the purposes of this section).

Example 2: A facility that provides a regular mechanism for registering trade in

derivatives on a futures market and that enables the calculation of

payments that market participants owe by way of margins would also

be a clearing and settlement facility (assuming that the relevant

obligations are of a kind prescribed by regulations made for the

purposes of this section).

(2) However, the following conduct does not constitute operating a

clearing and settlement facility for the purposes of this Chapter:

(a) an ADI (within the meaning of the Banking Act 1959) acting

in the ordinary course of its banking business;

(b) a person acting on their own behalf, or on behalf of one party

to a transaction only;

(c) a person who provides financial services to another person

dealing with the other person’s accounts in the ordinary

course of the first person’s business activities;

(d) the actions of a participant in a clearing and settlement

facility who has taken on the delivery or payment

obligations, in relation to a particular financial product, of

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Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Preliminary Part 7.1

What is a clearing and settlement facility? Division 6

Section 768A

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another person who is a party to a transaction relating to a

financial product;

(e) conducting treasury operations between related bodies


(h) operating a facility for the exchange and settlement of

non-cash payments (see section 763D) between providers of

non-cash payment facilities;

(i) any other conduct of a kind prescribed by regulations made

for the purposes of this paragraph.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.1 Preliminary

Division 7 General provisions relating to civil and criminal liability

Section 769A

64 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 7—General provisions relating to civil and

criminal liability

769A Part 2.5 of Criminal Code does not apply

Despite section 1308A, Part 2.5 of the Criminal Code does not

apply to any offences based on the provisions of this Chapter.

Note: For the purposes of offences based on provisions of this Chapter,

corporate criminal responsibility is dealt with by section 769B, rather

than by Part 2.5 of the Criminal Code.

769B People are generally responsible for the conduct of their

agents, employees etc.

(1) Subject to subsections (7) and (8), conduct engaged in on behalf of

a body corporate:

(a) by a director, employee or agent of the body, within the

scope of the person’s actual or apparent authority; or

(b) by any other person at the direction or with the consent or

agreement (whether express or implied) of a director,

employee or agent of the body, where the giving of the

direction, consent or agreement is within the scope of the

actual or apparent authority of the director, employee or


is taken, for the purposes of a provision of this Chapter, or a

proceeding under this Chapter, to have been engaged in also by the

body corporate.

(2) Conduct engaged in by a person (for example, the giving of money

or property) in relation to:

(a) a director, employee or agent of a body corporate, acting

within the scope of their actual or apparent authority; or

(b) any other person acting at the direction or with the consent or

agreement (whether express or implied) of a director,

employee or agent of a body corporate, where the giving of

the direction, consent or agreement is within the scope of the

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Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Preliminary Part 7.1

General provisions relating to civil and criminal liability Division 7

Section 769B

Corporations Act 2001 65

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

actual or apparent authority of the director, employee or


is taken, for the purposes of a provision of this Chapter, or a

proceeding under this Chapter, to have been engaged in also in

relation to the body corporate.

(3) If, in a proceeding under this Chapter in respect of conduct

engaged in by a body corporate, it is necessary to establish the state

of mind of the body, it is sufficient to show that a director,

employee or agent of the body, being a director, employee or agent

by whom the conduct was engaged in within the scope of the

person’s actual or apparent authority, had that state of mind. For

this purpose, a person acting as mentioned in paragraph (1)(b) is

taken to be an agent of the body corporate concerned.

(4) Subject to subsections (7) and (8), conduct engaged in on behalf of

a person other than a body corporate:

(a) by an employee or agent of the person, acting within the

scope of the actual or apparent authority of the employee or

agent; or

(b) by any other person acting at the direction or with the

consent or agreement (whether express or implied) of an

employee or agent of the first-mentioned person, where the

giving of the direction, consent or agreement is within the

scope of the actual or apparent authority of the employee or


is taken, for the purposes of a provision of this Chapter, or of a

proceeding under this Chapter, to have been engaged in also by the

first-mentioned person.

(5) Conduct engaged in by a person (for example, the giving of money

or property) in relation to:

(a) an employee or agent of a person (the principal) other than a

body corporate, acting within the scope of their actual or

apparent authority; or

(b) any other person acting at the direction or with the consent or

agreement (whether express or implied) of an employee or

agent of a person (the principal) other than a body corporate,

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.1 Preliminary

Division 7 General provisions relating to civil and criminal liability

Section 769B

66 Corporations Act 2001

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where the giving of the direction, consent or agreement is

within the scope of the actual or apparent authority of the

employee or agent;

is taken, for the purposes of a provision of this Chapter, or of a

proceeding under this Chapter, to have been engaged in also in

relation to the principal.

(6) If, in a proceeding under this Chapter in respect of conduct

engaged in by a person other than a body corporate, it is necessary

to establish the state of mind of the person, it is sufficient to show

that an employee or agent of the person, being an employee or

agent by whom the conduct was engaged in within the scope of the

employee’s or agent’s actual or apparent authority, had that state of

mind. For this purpose, a person acting as mentioned in

paragraph (4)(b) is taken to be an agent of the person first referred

to in subsection (4).

(7) Nothing in this section, or in any other law (including the common

law), has the effect that, for the purposes of a provision of Part 7.7

or 7.7A, or a proceeding under this Chapter that relates to a

provision of Part 7.7 or 7.7A, a financial service provided by a

person in their capacity as an authorised representative of a

financial services licensee is taken, or taken also, to have been

provided by that financial services licensee.

(8) Nothing in this section, or in any other law (including the common

law), has the effect that, for the purposes of a provision of

Division 2 of Part 7.9, or a proceeding under this Chapter that

relates to a provision of Division 2 of Part 7.9, conduct engaged in

by a person in their capacity as a regulated person (within the

meaning of section 1011B) is taken, or taken also, to have been

engaged in by another such regulated person.

(8A) Nothing in this section, other than subsections (7) and (8), excludes

or limits the operation of subsection 601FB(2) in relation to the

provisions of this Chapter or to proceedings under this Chapter.

(9) The regulations may provide that this section, or a particular

provision of this section, has effect for specified purposes subject

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Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Preliminary Part 7.1

General provisions relating to civil and criminal liability Division 7

Section 769C

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to modifications specified in the regulations. The regulations have

effect accordingly.

(10) In this section:

(a) a reference to a proceeding under this Chapter includes a

reference to:

(i) a prosecution for an offence based on a provision of this

Chapter; and

(ii) a proceeding under a provision of Part 9.4B that relates

to a provision of this Chapter; and

(iii) any other proceeding under any other provision of

Chapter 9 that relates to a provision of this Chapter; and

(b) a reference to conduct is a reference to an act, an omission to

perform an act, or a state of affairs; and

(c) a reference to the state of mind of a person includes a

reference to the knowledge, intention, opinion, belief or

purpose of the person and the person’s reasons for the

person’s intention, opinion, belief or purpose.

Note: For the meaning of offence based on a provision, see the definition in

section 9.

769C Representations about future matters taken to be misleading if

made without reasonable grounds

(1) For the purposes of this Chapter, or of a proceeding under this

Chapter, if:

(a) a person makes a representation with respect to any future

matter (including the doing of, or refusing to do, any act);


(b) the person does not have reasonable grounds for making the


the representation is taken to be misleading.

(2) Subsection (1) does not limit the circumstances in which a

representation may be misleading.

(3) In this section:

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.1 Preliminary

Division 7 General provisions relating to civil and criminal liability

Section 769C

68 Corporations Act 2001

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proceeding under this Chapter has the same meaning as it has in

section 769B.

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Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Licensing of financial markets Part 7.2

Preliminary Division 1

Section 790A

Corporations Act 2001 69

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Part 7.2—Licensing of financial markets

Division 1—Preliminary

790A Definition

In this Part:

clearing and settlement arrangements, for transactions effected

through a financial market, means arrangements for the clearing

and settlement of those transactions. The arrangements may be part

of the market’s operating rules or be separate from those operating


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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.2 Licensing of financial markets

Division 2 Requirement to be licensed

Section 791A

70 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 2—Requirement to be licensed

791A Need for a licence

(1) A person must only operate, or hold out that the person operates, a

financial market in this jurisdiction if:

(a) the person has an Australian market licence that authorises

the person to operate the market in this jurisdiction; or

(b) the market is exempt from the operation of this Part.

Note 1: A market licensee may also provide financial services incidental to the

operation of the market: see paragraph 911A(2)(d).

Note 2: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) For the purposes of an offence based on subsection (1), strict

liability applies to paragraph (1)(b).

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(3) A person contravenes this subsection if the person contravenes

subsection (1).

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

791B Other prohibitions on holding out

A person must not hold out:

(a) that the person has an Australian market licence; or

(b) that the operation of a financial market by the person in this

jurisdiction is authorised by an Australian market licence; or

(c) that a financial market is exempt from the operation of this

Part; or

(d) that the person is a participant in a licensed market;

if that is not the case.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

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Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Licensing of financial markets Part 7.2

Requirement to be licensed Division 2

Section 791C

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791C Exemptions by Minister

(1) The Minister may exempt a particular financial market, or a class

of financial market, from all or specified provisions of this Part. An

exemption may be unconditional, or subject to conditions specified

in the exemption.

Note: The provisions of this Part include regulations made for the purposes

of this Part (see section 761H).

(2) The Minister may, at any time:

(a) vary an exemption to:

(i) impose conditions, or additional conditions, on the

exemption; or

(ii) vary or revoke any of the conditions on the exemption;


(b) revoke an exemption.

(3) However, the Minister may only take action under subsection (2)


(a) giving notice, and an opportunity to make submissions on the

proposed action, to the operator of each financial market

known by the Minister to be covered by the exemption; and

(b) if the exemption covers a class of financial markets—a notice

has been published on ASIC’s website allowing a reasonable

period within which the operator of each financial market

covered by the exemption may make submissions on the

proposed action, and that period has ended.

(4) If an exemption is expressed to apply in relation to a class of

financial markets (whether or not it is also expressed to apply in

relation to one or more financial markets otherwise than by

reference to membership of a class), then the exemption, and any

variation or revocation of the exemption, is a legislative


(5) If subsection (4) does not apply to an exemption, then the

exemption, and any variation or revocation of the exemption, must

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.2 Licensing of financial markets

Division 2 Requirement to be licensed

Section 791D

72 Corporations Act 2001

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be in writing and the Minister must publish notice of it in the


791D When a market is taken to be operated in this jurisdiction

(1) For the purposes of this Chapter, a financial market is taken to be

operated in this jurisdiction if it is operated by a body corporate

that is registered under Chapter 2A.

(2) Subsection (1) does not limit the circumstances in which a

financial market is operated in this jurisdiction for the purposes of

this Chapter.

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Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Licensing of financial markets Part 7.2

Regulation of market licensees Division 3

Section 792A

Corporations Act 2001 73

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Division 3—Regulation of market licensees

Subdivision A—Licensee’s obligations

792A General obligations

(1) A market licensee must:

(a) to the extent that it is reasonably practicable to do so, do all

things necessary to ensure that the market is a fair, orderly

and transparent market; and

(b) comply with the conditions on the licence; and

(c) have adequate arrangements (which may involve the

appointment of an independent person or related entity) for

operating the market, including arrangements for:

(i) handling conflicts between the commercial interests of

the licensee and the need for the licensee to ensure that

the market operates in the way mentioned in

paragraph (a); and

(ii) monitoring and enforcing compliance with the market’s

operating rules; and

(d) have sufficient resources (including financial, technological

and human resources) to operate the market properly; and

(e) if section 881A requires there to be compensation

arrangements in relation to the market that are approved in

accordance with Division 3 of Part 7.5—ensure that there are

such approved compensation arrangements in relation to the

market; and

(f) if the licensee is a foreign body corporate—be registered

under Division 2 of Part 5B.2; and

(g) if the licence was granted under subsection 795B(2)

(overseas markets)—both:

(i) remain authorised to operate a financial market in the

foreign country in which the licensee’s principal place

of business is located; and

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.2 Licensing of financial markets

Division 3 Regulation of market licensees

Section 792B

74 Corporations Act 2001

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(ii) get the Minister’s approval under section 792H before

that principal place of business becomes located in any

other foreign country; and

(h) if the licensee, or a holding company of the licensee, is a

widely held market body (within the meaning of Division 1

of Part 7.4)—take all reasonable steps to ensure that an

unacceptable control situation (within the meaning of that

Division) does not exist in relation to the body; and

(i) take all reasonable steps to ensure that no disqualified

individual becomes, or remains, involved in the licensee (see

Division 2 of Part 7.4).

(2) A person contravenes this subsection if the person contravenes

paragraph (1)(a), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h) or (i).

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

792B Obligation to notify ASIC of certain matters

(1) A market licensee must give written notice to ASIC, as soon as

practicable, if it becomes aware that it may no longer be able to

meet, or has breached, an obligation under section 792A. If ASIC

considers it appropriate to do so, ASIC may give the Minister

advice about the matter.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) A market licensee must give written notice to ASIC, as soon as

practicable, as required by the following paragraphs:

(a) if the licensee provides a new class of financial service

incidental to the operation of the market, the licensee must

give notice that includes details of the new class;

(b) if the licensee takes any kind of disciplinary action against a

participant in the market, the licensee must give notice that


(i) the participant’s name; and

(ii) the reason for and nature of the action taken;

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Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Licensing of financial markets Part 7.2

Regulation of market licensees Division 3

Section 792B

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(c) if the licensee has reason to suspect that a person has

committed, is committing, or is about to commit a significant

contravention of the market’s operating rules or this Act, the

licensee must give notice that includes:

(i) the person’s name; and

(ii) details of the contravention or impending contravention;


(iii) the licensee’s reasons for that belief.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(3) If a market licensee becomes aware of:

(a) a matter that the licensee considers has adversely affected, is

adversely affecting, or may adversely affect the ability of a

participant in the market, who is a financial services licensee,

to meet the participant’s obligations as a financial services

licensee; or

(b) a matter, concerning a participant in the market who is a

financial services licensee, that is of a kind prescribed by

regulations made for the purposes of this paragraph;

the market licensee must give a written report to ASIC on the

matter and send a copy of it to the participant.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(4) A market licensee whose licence was granted under

subsection 795B(2) (overseas markets) must, as soon as

practicable, give written notice to ASIC if:

(a) the licensee ceases to be authorised to operate a financial

market in the foreign country in which the licensee’s

principal place of business is located; or

(b) there is a significant change to the regulatory regime

applying in relation to the market in the foreign country in

which the licensee’s principal place of business is located.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

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Part 7.2 Licensing of financial markets

Division 3 Regulation of market licensees

Section 792C

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(5) As soon as practicable after:

(a) a person becomes or ceases to be a director, secretary or

senior manager of a market licensee or of a holding company

of a market licensee (including when a person changes from

one of those positions to another); or

(b) a market licensee becomes aware that a person has come to

have, or has ceased to have, more than 15% of the voting

power in the licensee or in a holding company of the


the licensee must give written notice of this to ASIC. The notice

must include such other information about the matter as is

prescribed by regulations made for the purposes of this subsection.

Note 1: To the extent that the licensee is required to give the notice and

information under any other provision of this Act, the licensee may

comply with this subsection by doing so. It need not provide the same

information twice.

Note 2: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(7) A person contravenes this subsection if the person contravenes

subsection (1), (2), (3), (4) or (5).

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

792C Giving ASIC information about a listed disclosing entity

(1) If a market licensee makes information about a listed disclosing

entity available to participants in the market (whether or not the

licensee also makes the information available to anyone else), the

licensee must give ASIC the same information as soon as


Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) However, the licensee is not required to give ASIC any

information of a kind that is excluded by the regulations.

(3) ASIC may require the information to be given in a particular form.

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Section 792D

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792D Obligation to assist ASIC

(1) A market licensee must give such assistance to ASIC, or a person

authorised by ASIC, as ASIC or the authorised person reasonably

requests in relation to the performance of ASIC’s functions.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) Such assistance may include showing ASIC the licensee’s books or

giving ASIC other information.

792E Obligation to give ASIC access to market facilities

A market licensee must give a person authorised by ASIC such

reasonable access to the market’s facilities as the person requests

for any of the purposes of this Chapter.

Note: Failure to comply with this section is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

792F Annual report

(1) A market licensee must, within 3 months after the end of its

financial year, give ASIC an annual report on the extent to which

the licensee complied with its obligations as a market licensee

under this Chapter.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) The licensee must ensure that the annual report is accompanied by

any information and statements prescribed by regulations made for

the purposes of this subsection.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(3) The licensee must also ensure that the annual report is

accompanied by any audit report that the Minister requires under

subsection (4).

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

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Part 7.2 Licensing of financial markets

Division 3 Regulation of market licensees

Section 792G

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(4) The Minister may, by giving written notice to a market licensee,

require the licensee to obtain an audit report on the annual report

and on any information or statements accompanying it. The

Minister must nominate to prepare the audit report:

(a) ASIC; or

(b) a specified person or body that is suitably qualified.

(5) ASIC must give the annual report and accompanying material to

the Minister.

792G Obligations to notify people about clearing and settlement

arrangements in certain circumstances

(1) If, in relation to a category of transactions, being all transactions or

a class of transactions effected through a licensed market, the

market licensee:

(a) does not have any clearing and settlement arrangements for

transactions in that category; or

(b) has clearing and settlement arrangements for transactions in

that category, but they are not arrangements with the operator

of a clearing and settlement facility for the clearing and

settlement of such transactions through the facility;

the market licensee must, before a person becomes a participant in

the market, give the person written advice:

(c) if paragraph (a) applies—that the licensee does not have any

clearing and settlement arrangements for transactions in that

category, and that it is the responsibility of the parties to such

transactions to make their own arrangements for the clearing

and settlement of such transactions; or

(d) if paragraph (b) applies—setting out particulars of the

clearing and settlement arrangements for transactions in that


Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) Within a reasonable time before a market licensee ceases, in

relation to a category of transactions, being all transactions or a

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Section 792H

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class of transactions effected through a licensed market, to have

clearing and settlement arrangements (the terminating

arrangements) with the operator of a particular clearing and

settlement facility for the clearing and settlement of such

transactions through the facility, the market licensee must give the

participants in the market written advice:

(a) if the terminating arrangements are not being replaced by any

other clearing and settlement arrangements—that the licensee

will no longer have clearing and settlement arrangements for

that category of transactions, and that it will be the

responsibility of the parties to such transactions to make their

own arrangements for the clearing and settlement of such

transactions; or

(b) if the terminating arrangements are being replaced by new

clearing and settlement arrangements—setting out particulars

of the new arrangements.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

792H Change of country by foreign licensee

(1) In the case of a licence granted under subsection 795B(2), the

Minister may approve the location of the licensee’s principal place

of business in a new country only if:

(a) the new country is not Australia; and

(b) the operation of the market in that country will be subject to

requirements and supervision that are sufficiently equivalent,

in relation to the degree of investor protection and market

integrity they achieve, to the requirements and supervision to

which financial markets are subject under this Act in relation

to those matters.

(2) If, in relation to a licence granted under subsection 795B(2), the

licensee’s principal place of business changes to become a place in


(a) the licence ceases to be in force from the time of the change;


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Part 7.2 Licensing of financial markets

Division 3 Regulation of market licensees

Section 792I

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(b) if the licensee wishes the market to continue to be licensed,

the licensee may apply for the grant of a new licence under

subsection 795B(1); and

(c) the application must be assessed in accordance with

Subdivision A of Division 4, subject to such modifications (if

any) of that Subdivision as are set out in regulations made for

the purposes of this paragraph.

(3) An application referred to in paragraph (2)(b) may be made in

advance of the change of location of the principal place of

business, and a decision on the application may be made before

that time. However, any licence granted pursuant to the application

does not come into force until the change occurs.

792I Making information about compensation arrangements

publicly available

A market licensee must take reasonable steps to ensure that

information about the compensation arrangements that are in place

under Part 7.5 is available to the public free of charge.

Note: Failure to comply with this section is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Subdivision B—The market’s operating rules and procedures

793A Content of the operating rules and procedures

(1) The operating rules of a licensed market must deal with the matters

prescribed by regulations made for the purposes of this subsection.

(2) The regulations may also prescribe matters in respect of which a

licensed market must have written procedures.

(3) However, subsections (1) and (2) do not apply if the licensee is

also authorised to operate the market in the foreign country in

which its principal place of business is located and the licence was

granted under subsection 795B(2) (overseas markets).

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Section 793B

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(4) In a subsection (3) case, ASIC may determine, by giving written

notice to the licensee, matters in respect of which the licensed

market must have written procedures.

793B Legal effect of operating rules

(1) The operating rules (other than listing rules) of a licensed market

have effect as a contract under seal:

(a) between the licensee and each participant in the market; and

(b) between a participant and each other participant;

under which each of those persons agrees to observe the operating

rules to the extent that they apply to the person and to engage in

conduct that the person is required by the operating rules to engage


(2) However, if there is an inconsistency between the operating rules

of a financial market, and any of the following other rules:

(a) the market integrity rules;

(b) the derivative transaction rules;

(c) the derivative trade repository rules;

(d) the client money reporting rules;

those other rules prevail over the operating rules to the extent of

the inconsistency.

Note 1: If there is an inconsistency between the market integrity rules and the

derivative transaction rules or the derivative trade repository rules, the

market integrity rules prevail: see subsection 798H(3).

Note 2: If there is an inconsistency between the derivative transaction rules

and the derivative trade repository rules, the derivative transaction

rules prevail: see subsection 901E(2).

Note 3: If there is an inconsistency between the market integrity rules, the

derivative transaction rules or the derivative trade repository rules and

the client money reporting rules, the market integrity rules, the

derivative transaction rules or the derivative trade repository rules

prevail: see subsection 981M(2).

(3) Subsection (2) does not apply in relation to a financial market the

operator of which is licensed under subsection 795B(2) (overseas


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Part 7.2 Licensing of financial markets

Division 3 Regulation of market licensees

Section 793C

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793C Enforcement of operating rules

(1) If a person who is under an obligation to comply with or enforce

any of a licensed market’s operating rules fails to meet that

obligation, an application to the Court may be made by:

(a) ASIC; or

(b) the licensee; or

(c) the operator of a clearing and settlement facility with which

the licensee has clearing and settlement arrangements; or

(d) a person aggrieved by the failure.

(2) After giving an opportunity to be heard to the applicant and the

person against whom the order is sought, the Court may make an

order giving directions to:

(a) the person against whom the order is sought; or

(b) if that person is a body corporate (other than a notified

foreign passport fund)—the directors of the body corporate;

about compliance with, or enforcement of, the operating rules.

(3) For the purposes of this section, a body corporate (other than a

notified foreign passport fund) that is, with its agreement, consent

or acquiescence, included in the official list of a licensed market,

or an associate of such a body corporate, is taken to be under an

obligation to comply with the operating rules of that market to the

extent to which those rules purport to apply to the body corporate

or associate.

(4) For the purposes of this section, if a disclosing entity that is an

undertaking to which interests in a registered scheme relate is, with

the responsible entity’s agreement, consent or acquiescence,

included in the official list of a licensed market, the responsible

entity, or an associate of the responsible entity, is taken to be under

an obligation to comply with the operating rules of that market to

the extent to which those rules purport to apply to the responsible

entity or associate.

(4A) For the purposes of this section, if a disclosing entity that is an

undertaking to which interests in a notified foreign passport fund

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Section 793D

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relate is, with the agreement, consent or acquiescence of the

operator of the fund, included in the official list of a licensed

market, the operator of the fund, or an associate of the operator, is

taken to be under an obligation to comply with the operating rules

of that market to the extent to which those rules purport to apply to

the operator or associate.

(5) For the purposes of this section, if a body corporate fails to comply

with or enforce provisions of the operating rules of a licensed

market, a person who holds financial products of the body

corporate that are able to be traded on the market is taken to be a

person aggrieved by the failure.

(6) There may be other circumstances in which a person may be

aggrieved by a failure for the purposes of this section.

793D Changing the operating rules

Licensed markets other than subsection 795B(2) markets

(1) As soon as practicable after a change is made to the operating rules

of a licensed market, other than a market licensed under

subsection 795B(2) (overseas markets), the licensee must lodge

with ASIC written notice of the change. The notice must:

(a) set out the text of the change; and

(b) specify the date on which the change was made; and

(c) contain an explanation of the purpose of the change.

(2) If no notice is lodged as required by subsection (1) with ASIC

within 21 days after the change is made, the change ceases to have

effect at the end of that period.

Subsection 795B(2) markets

(3) As soon as practicable after a change is made to the operating rules

of a market the operation of which is licensed under

subsection 795B(2) (overseas markets), the licensee must lodge

with ASIC written notice of the change. The notice must:

(a) set out the text of the change; and

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Division 3 Regulation of market licensees

Section 793E

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(b) specify the date on which the change was made; and

(c) contain an explanation of the purpose of the change.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

793E Disallowance of changes to operating rules

(1) This section does not apply in respect of an Australian market

licence granted under subsection 795B(2) (overseas markets).

(2) As soon as practicable after receiving a notice under section 793D

from a market licensee, ASIC must send a copy of the notice to the


(3) Within 28 days after ASIC receives the notice from the licensee,

the Minister may disallow all or a specified part of the change to

the operating rules.

(4) In deciding whether to do so, the Minister must have regard to the

consistency of the change with the licensee’s obligations under this

Part (including in particular the obligation mentioned in

paragraph 792A(1)(a)).

Note: The Minister must also have regard to the matters in section 798A.

(5) As soon as practicable after all or a part of a change is disallowed,

ASIC must give notice of the disallowance to the licensee. The

change ceases to have effect, to the extent of the disallowance,

when the licensee receives the notice.

Subdivision C—Powers of the Minister and ASIC

794A Minister’s power to give directions

(1) If the Minister considers that a market licensee is not complying

with its obligations as a market licensee under this Chapter, the

Minister may give the licensee a written direction to do specified

things that the Minister believes will promote compliance by the

licensee with those obligations.

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Section 794B

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(2) The licensee must comply with the direction.

(3) If the licensee fails to comply with the direction, ASIC may apply

to the Court for, and the Court may make, an order that the licensee

comply with the direction.

(4) The Minister may vary or revoke a direction at any time by giving

written notice to the licensee.

794B Minister’s power to require special report

(1) The Minister may give a market licensee a written notice requiring

the licensee to give ASIC a special report on specified matters.

ASIC must give the report to the Minister.

(2) The notice may also require the licensee to give ASIC an audit

report on the special report. The Minister must nominate to prepare

the audit report:

(a) ASIC; or

(b) a specified person or body that is suitably qualified.

(3) The licensee must give the special report, and audit report (if any),

to ASIC within the time required by the notice.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

794C ASIC assessment of licensee’s compliance

(1) ASIC may do an assessment of how well a market licensee is

complying with any or all of its obligations as a market licensee

under this Chapter. In doing the assessment, ASIC may take

account of any information and reports that it thinks appropriate,

including information and reports from an overseas regulatory


(2) If the market licensee is prescribed by the regulations for the

purpose of this subsection, ASIC must, in respect of the obligation

in paragraph 792A(1)(c), do such an assessment at least once a


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Division 3 Regulation of market licensees

Section 794D

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(3) As soon as practicable after doing an assessment under this section,

ASIC must give a written report on the assessment to the licensee

and to the Minister.

(4) If an assessment, or part of an assessment, relates to any other

person’s affairs to a material extent, ASIC may, at the person’s

request or of its own motion, give the person a copy of the written

report on the assessment or the relevant part of the report.

(5) If an assessment, or part of an assessment, relates to a serious

contravention of a law of the Commonwealth or of a State or

Territory, ASIC may give a copy of the written report on the

assessment, or the relevant part of the report, to:

(a) the Australian Federal Police; or

(b) the Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Crime

Commission or a member of the staff of the ACC (within the

meaning of the Australian Crime Commission Act 2002); or

(c) the Director of Public Prosecutions; or

(d) an agency prescribed by regulations made for the purposes of

this paragraph.

(6) Either the Minister or ASIC may cause the written report on an

assessment, or part of the report on an assessment, to be printed

and published.

794D ASIC’s power to give directions

(1) If ASIC is of the opinion that it is necessary, or in the public

interest, to protect people dealing in a financial product or class of

financial products by:

(a) giving a direction to a market licensee to suspend dealings in

the financial product or class of financial products; or

(b) giving some other direction in relation to those dealings;

ASIC may give written advice to the licensee of that opinion and

the reasons for it.

Example: Under paragraph (b), ASIC could give a direction to limit the kinds of

dealings that are allowed in the financial product or class of financial

products or to require a participant in the market to act in a specified

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manner in relation to dealings in the financial product or class of

financial products.

(2) If, after receiving ASIC’s advice and reasons, the licensee does not


(a) in the case of a proposed direction to suspend dealings in the

financial products—action to prevent such dealings; or

(b) in any other case—such other action as in ASIC’s view is

adequate to address the situation raised in the advice;

and ASIC still considers that it is appropriate to give the direction

to the licensee, ASIC may give the licensee the written direction

with a statement setting out its reasons for making the direction.

(3) The direction has effect for the period specified in it (which may be

up to 21 days). During that period, the licensee must comply with

the direction and must not allow any dealings to take place

contrary to it.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(4) If the licensee fails to comply with the direction, ASIC may apply

to the Court for, and the Court may make, an order that the licensee

comply with the direction.

(5) As soon as practicable after making or varying (see subsection (7))

a direction, ASIC must:

(a) give a copy of the direction or variation to the operator of

each clearing and settlement facility with which the market

licensee has clearing and settlement arrangements for

transactions effected through the market; and

(b) give a written report to the Minister setting out ASIC’s

reasons for making the direction or variation; and

(c) give a copy of the report to the licensee.

(6) If, at any time after the licensee receives ASIC’s advice under

subsection (1), the licensee requests in writing that ASIC refer the

matter to the Minister, ASIC must do so immediately. In that event,

the Minister may, if he or she considers it appropriate, require

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Division 3 Regulation of market licensees

Section 794E

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ASIC not to make, or to revoke, the direction. ASIC must

immediately comply with such a requirement.

(7) ASIC may vary a direction by giving written notice to the licensee

if ASIC is of the opinion that the variation is necessary, or in the

public interest, to protect people dealing in a financial product or

class of financial products.

(8) ASIC may revoke a direction by giving written notice to the

licensee. ASIC must also give written notice of the revocation to

the operator of each clearing and settlement facility with which the

market licensee has clearing and settlement arrangements for

transactions effected through the market.

794E Additional directions to clearing and settlement facilities

(1) If ASIC gives a direction under section 794D, it may also give a

written direction to the operator of each clearing and settlement

facility with which the market licensee has clearing and settlement

arrangements for transactions effected through the market:

(a) prohibiting the operator from acting in a manner inconsistent

with the section 794D direction; and

(b) requiring the operator to do all that the operator is reasonably

capable of doing to give effect to the section 794D direction.

(2) The operator must comply with the direction given to it under this


Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(3) If the operator fails to comply with the direction, ASIC may apply

to the Court for, and the Court may make, an order that the

operator comply with the direction.

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Licensing of financial markets Part 7.2

The Australian market licence Division 4

Section 795A

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Division 4—The Australian market licence

Subdivision A—How to get a licence

795A How to apply for a licence

(1) A body corporate may apply for an Australian market licence by

lodging with ASIC an application that:

(a) includes the information required by regulations made for the

purposes of this paragraph; and

(b) is accompanied by the documents (if any) required by

regulations made for the purposes of this paragraph; and

(c) complies with the requirements of section 881B (relating to

compensation arrangements).

Note: For fees in respect of lodging applications, see Part 9.10.

(2) ASIC must, within a reasonable time, give the application to the

Minister with advice about the application.

795B When a licence may be granted


(1) The Minister may grant an applicant an Australian market licence

if the Minister is satisfied that:

(a) the application was made in accordance with section 795A;


(b) the applicant will comply with the obligations that will apply

if the licence is granted; and

(c) the applicant has adequate operating rules, and procedures,

(see Subdivision B of Division 3) to ensure, as far as is

reasonably practicable, that the market will operate as

mentioned in paragraph 792A(1)(a); and

(d) the applicant has adequate arrangements (which may involve

the appointment of an independent person or related entity)

for operating the market, including arrangements for:

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Part 7.2 Licensing of financial markets

Division 4 The Australian market licence

Section 795B

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(i) handling conflicts between the commercial interests of

the licensee and the need for the licensee to ensure that

the market operates in the way mentioned in

paragraph 792A(1)(a); and

(ii) monitoring and enforcing compliance with the market’s

operating rules; and

(e) the applicant has adequate clearing and settlement

arrangements for transactions effected through the market, if

the Minister considers that the applicant should have such

arrangements; and

(f) neither subsection 881D(2) nor 882A(2) (relating to

compensation arrangements) requires the Minister to reject

the application; and

(g) no unacceptable control situation (see Division 1 of Part 7.4)

is likely to result if the licence is granted; and

(h) no disqualified individual appears to be involved in the

applicant (see Division 2 of Part 7.4).

This subsection has effect subject to subsections (3) and (4).

Note: The Minister must also have regard to the matters in section 798A in

deciding whether to grant a licence.

Alternative criteria for granting licence for overseas market

(2) If an applicant is authorised to operate a financial market in the

foreign country in which its principal place of business is located,

the Minister may grant the applicant an Australian market licence

authorising the applicant to operate the same market in this

jurisdiction. The Minister must be satisfied that:

(a) the application was made in accordance with section 795A;


(b) the applicant will comply with the obligations that will apply

if the licence is granted; and

(c) the operation of the market in that country is subject to

requirements and supervision that are sufficiently equivalent,

in relation to the degree of investor protection and market

integrity they achieve, to the requirements and supervision to

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Section 795C

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which financial markets are subject under this Act in relation

to those matters; and

(d) the applicant undertakes to cooperate with ASIC by sharing

information and in other appropriate ways; and

(e) no unacceptable control situation (see Division 1 of Part 7.4)

is likely to result if the licence is granted; and

(f) no disqualified individual appears to be involved in the

applicant (see Division 2 of Part 7.4); and

(g) any other requirements that are prescribed by regulations

made for the purposes of this paragraph are satisfied.

This subsection has effect subject to subsections (3) and (4).

Note: The Minister must also have regard to the matters in section 798A in

deciding whether to grant a licence.

Foreign bodies

(3) If the applicant is a foreign body corporate, the Minister:

(a) must not grant the applicant a licence unless the applicant is

registered under Division 2 of Part 5B.2; and

(b) may otherwise grant a licence under either subsection (1) or

(2) (if the relevant criteria are satisfied).

Disqualified individuals

(4) The Minister must not grant the applicant a licence unless:

(a) ASIC has notified the Minister that, as far as ASIC is aware,

no disqualified individual is involved in the applicant (see

Division 2 of Part 7.4); or

(b) 42 days have passed since the application was made and

ASIC has not given a notice under subsection 853D(2) to the

applicant within that 42 days.

795C Publication of notice of licence grant

If the Minister grants an Australian market licence, the Minister

must publish a notice in the Gazette stating:

(a) the name of the licensee; and

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(b) when the licence was granted; and

(c) the conditions on the licence.

795D More than one licence in the same document

If the Minister grants a person 2 or more of the following:

(a) an Australian market licence;

(b) an Australian CS facility licence;

they may be included in the same document.

795E More than one market covered by the same licence

(1) The same Australian market licence may authorise the licensee to

operate 2 or more financial markets.

(2) In that case, a reference in this Chapter to the market to which an

Australian market licence relates is taken instead to be a reference

to each of those financial markets severally.

(3) Before varying the conditions on an Australian market licence so

as to add another market that the licensee is authorised to operate,

the Minister must be satisfied of the matters listed in

subsection 795B(1) or (2) (as appropriate) in relation to the market.

(4) An Australian market licence that authorises the licensee to operate

2 or more financial markets may be suspended or cancelled under

Subdivision C in respect of one or some of those markets only, as

if the licensee held a separate licence for each of the markets.

Subdivision B—The conditions on the licence

796A The conditions on the licence

(1) The Minister may, at any time:

(a) impose conditions, or additional conditions, on an Australian

market licence; or

(b) vary or revoke conditions imposed on such a licence;

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Section 796A

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by giving written notice to the licensee. The Minister must also

publish a notice in the Gazette with details of the action and when

it took effect.

Note: As well as the requirements in this section, the Minister must also

have regard to the matters in section 798A.

(2) The Minister may do so:

(a) on his or her own initiative, subject to subsection (3); or

(b) if the licensee lodges with ASIC an application for the

Minister to do so, which is accompanied by the prescribed

documents, if any.

Note: For fees in respect of lodging applications, see Part 9.10.

(3) The Minister may only impose conditions or additional conditions,

or vary the conditions, on the licence on his or her own initiative if:

(a) he or she considers it appropriate to do so having regard to:

(i) the licensee’s obligations as a market licensee under this

Chapter; and

(ii) any change in market operations or the conditions in

which the market is operating; and

(b) the Minister gives the licensee written notice of the proposed

action and an opportunity to make a submission before it

takes effect.

This subsection does not apply to the Minister imposing conditions

when a licence is granted.

(4) The Minister must ensure that each Australian market licence is

subject to conditions that specify:

(a) the particular market that the licensee is authorised to

operate; and

(b) the class or classes of financial products that can be dealt

with on the market; and

(c) if the Minister considers that the licensee should have

clearing and settlement arrangements for transactions

effected through the market—the type of clearing and

settlement arrangements that are adequate.

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Part 7.2 Licensing of financial markets

Division 4 The Australian market licence

Section 797A

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Note: If compensation arrangements in relation to the market are approved

under Division 3 of Part 7.5, there must also be conditions as required

by subsection 882A(4) or paragraph 882B(4)(b).

(6) ASIC must give the Minister any application and documents

lodged under subsection (2).

Subdivision C—When a licence can be varied, suspended or


797A Varying licences

(1) The Minister may vary an Australian market licence to take

account of a change in the licensee’s name if the licensee lodges

with ASIC an application for the variation, accompanied by the

prescribed documents, if any.

Note 1: The conditions on the licence can be varied under section 796A.

Note 2: For fees in respect of lodging applications, see Part 9.10.

(2) The Minister must give written notice of the variation to the


(3) ASIC must give the Minister any application and documents

lodged under subsection (1).

797B Immediate suspension or cancellation

The Minister may, by giving written notice to a market licensee,

suspend the licence for a specified period, or cancel it, if:

(a) the licensee ceases to carry on the business of operating the

market; or

(b) the licensee becomes a Chapter 5 body corporate; or

(c) the licensee asks the Minister to do so; or

(d) in the case of a licence granted under subsection 795B(2)

(overseas markets):

(i) the licensee ceases to be authorised to operate a

financial market in the foreign country in which the

licensee’s principal place of business is located; or

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Section 797C

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(ii) there is a change to the regulatory regime applying in

relation to the market to which the licence relates in the

country in which the licensee’s principal place of

business is located, and, because of that change, the

Minister is no longer satisfied as mentioned in

paragraph 795B(2)(c); or

(e) in the case of a licensee that is a leviable entity (within the

meaning of the ASIC Supervisory Cost Recovery Levy Act

2017)—the following have not been paid in full at least 12

months after the due date for payment:

(i) an amount of levy (if any) payable in respect of the


(ii) an amount of late payment penalty payable (if any) in

relation to the levy;

(iii) an amount of shortfall penalty payable (if any) in

relation to the levy.

797C Suspension or cancellation following hearing and report

(1) If the Minister considers that a market licensee has breached, or is

in breach of, one or more of its obligations as a market licensee

under this Chapter, the Minister may give the licensee a written

notice that requires the licensee to show cause, at a hearing before

a specified person, why the licence should not be suspended or


(2) The notice must specify:

(a) the grounds on which it is proposed to suspend or cancel the

licence; and

(b) a reasonable time and place at which the hearing is to be


However, if the licensee consents, the person conducting the

hearing may fix a different time or place.

(3) The person conducting the hearing must:

(a) give the licensee an opportunity to be heard at the hearing;


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Section 797D

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(b) give the Minister:

(i) a report about the hearing; and

(ii) a recommendation about the grounds in the notice on

which it is proposed to suspend or cancel the licence.

(4) After considering the report and recommendation, the Minister


(a) decide to take no further action in relation to the matter and

give written advice of that decision to the licensee; or

(b) suspend the licence for a specified period, or cancel the

licence, by giving written notice to the licensee.

Note: The Minister must also have regard to the matters in section 798A.

797D Effect of suspension

(1) A person whose Australian market licence is suspended is taken

not to hold that licence while it is suspended.

(2) However, the Minister may specify in the written notice to the

licensee that subsection (1) does not apply for specified purposes.

797E Variation or revocation of suspension

The Minister may at any time vary or revoke a suspension of an

Australian market licence by giving written notice to the licensee.

797F Publication of notice of licence suspension or cancellation

(1) If the Minister:

(a) suspends, or varies or revokes a suspension of, an Australian

market licence; or

(b) cancels an Australian market licence;

the Minister must publish a notice in the Gazette to that effect.

(2) The notice must state when the action took effect.

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The Australian market licence Division 4

Section 797G

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797G Suspension and cancellation only in accordance with this


An Australian market licence cannot be varied, suspended or

cancelled otherwise than in accordance with this Subdivision.

Note: The conditions on the licence can be varied under section 796A.

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Part 7.2 Licensing of financial markets

Division 5 Other matters

Section 798A

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Division 5—Other matters

798A Matters to be taken into account by the Minister

(1) The Minister must have regard to certain matters in deciding

whether to:

(a) grant an applicant an Australian market licence under

section 795B; or

(b) impose, vary or revoke conditions on such a licence under

section 796A; or

(c) suspend or cancel such a licence under section 797C; or

(d) disallow a change to the operating rules of a licensed market

under section 793E.

(2) These are the matters the Minister must have regard to:

(a) the structure, or proposed structure, of the market;

(b) the nature of the activities conducted, or proposed to be

conducted, on the market;

(c) the size, or proposed size, of the market;

(d) the nature of the financial products dealt with, or proposed to

be dealt with, on the market;

(e) the participants, or proposed participants, in the market and:

(i) whether those participants, in effecting transactions

through the market, are, or will be, providing financial

services to other persons; and

(ii) whether those participants acquire or dispose, or will

acquire or dispose, of financial products through the

market as retail clients or as wholesale clients; and

(iii) whether those participants are also, or will also be,

participants in any other financial markets;

(f) the technology used, or proposed to be used, in the operation

of the market;

(g) whether it would be in the public interest to take the action

referred to in subsection (1);

(h) any relevant advice received from ASIC.

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Section 798B

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The Minister may also have regard to any other matter that the

Minister considers relevant.

(3) If the Minister is deciding whether to take the action referred to in

paragraph (1)(a), (b) or (c) in respect of an Australian market

licence granted under subsection 795B(2) (overseas markets), the

Minister must also have regard to:

(a) the criteria that the licensee or applicant satisfied to obtain an

authorisation to operate the same market in the foreign

country in which their principal place of business is located;


(b) the obligations they must continue to satisfy to keep the

authorisation; and

(c) the level of supervision to which the operation of the market

in that country is subject; and

(d) whether adequate arrangements exist for cooperation

between ASIC and the authority that is responsible for that


798B ASIC may give advice to Minister

ASIC may give advice to the Minister in relation to:

(a) any matter in respect of which the Minister has a discretion

under this Part; or

(b) any other matter concerning financial markets.

Note: In some cases, the Minister must have regard to ASIC’s advice: see

paragraph 798A(2)(h).

798C Market licensee or related body corporate etc. listing on


(1) Any of the following kinds of entity, scheme or fund (the listed

entity) may be included in a market’s official list:

(a) the market licensee for the market;

(b) a related body corporate of the market licensee;

(c) a registered scheme whose responsible entity is a related

body corporate of the market licensee;

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(ca) a notified foreign passport fund whose operator is a related

body corporate of the market licensee;

(d) a trust whose trustee is a related body corporate of the market


Note: There are certain matters that must be included in the market’s listing

rules before such an entity, scheme or fund is included in the official

list (see subsection (4)).

(2) In such a case, the financial products of the listed entity may be

traded on the market, if either or both the listed entity and the

market licensee have entered into such arrangements as ASIC


(a) for dealing with possible conflicts of interest that might arise

from the listed entity’s financial products being able to be

traded on the market; and

(b) for the purposes of ensuring the integrity of trading in the

listed entity’s financial products.

Note: For fees in respect of ASIC performing functions under such

arrangements, see Part 9.10.

(3) The listed entity, and the market licensee (if applicable), with

whom ASIC has entered into arrangements for the purposes of

subsection (2) must comply with the arrangements.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(4) Before, and at all times while, the listed entity is included in the

market’s official list, the market’s listing rules must provide for

ASIC, instead of the market licensee, to make decisions and to take

action (or to require the market licensee to take action on ASIC’s

behalf) in relation to these matters, and matters related to these


(a) the admission of the listed entity to the market’s official list;


(b) the removal of the listed entity from that list; and

(c) allowing, stopping or suspending the trading on the market of

the listed entity’s financial products.

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Section 798D

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Note: For fees in respect of ASIC performing this function, see Part 9.10.

(5) ASIC has the powers and functions that are provided for it in any

listing rules or arrangements made for the purposes of this section.

(6) The products of an entity, scheme or fund referred to in

subsection (1) must not be traded on the market licensee’s market

otherwise than as allowed by this section.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(7) This section does not apply if the licence of the market licensee

was granted under subsection 795B(2) (overseas markets). Instead,

the law of the country in which the market licensee’s principal

place of business is located applies for all purposes connected with

the inclusion of the listed entity in the market’s official list.

798D Exemptions and modifications for self-listing licensees or

related bodies corporate etc.

(1) ASIC may:

(a) exempt an entity, scheme or fund referred to in

subsection 798C(1) whose financial products are able to be

traded on the market from a modifiable provision (see

subsection (7)); or

(b) declare that a modifiable provision applies to an entity,

scheme or fund referred to in subsection 798C(1) whose

financial products are able to be traded on the market as if

specified provisions were omitted, modified or varied as

specified in the declaration.

(2) An exemption or declaration must be in writing and ASIC must

publish notice of it in the Gazette.

(3) An exemption may apply unconditionally or subject to specified


(4) If an exemption is granted subject to specified conditions, the

entity, scheme or fund must comply with those conditions.

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Division 5 Other matters

Section 798DA

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Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(5) If an exemption is granted subject to specified conditions, the

Court may, on ASIC’s application, order the entity, scheme or fund

to comply with one or more of those conditions in a specified way.

(6) If conduct (including an omission) of a person would not have

constituted an offence if:

(a) a particular condition had not been imposed on an exemption

under paragraph (1)(a); or

(b) a particular declaration under paragraph (1)(b) had not been


that conduct does not constitute an offence unless, before the

conduct occurred (in addition to complying with the gazettal

requirement of subsection (2)), ASIC gave written notice setting

out the text of the condition or the declaration to the person. In a

prosecution for an offence to which this subsection applies, the

prosecution must prove that this additional notification requirement

was complied with before the conduct occurred.

(7) In this section:

modifiable provision means:

(a) section 205G and any of the provisions of Chapter 6, 6A, 6B,

6C, 6CA or 7; or

(b) regulations made for the purposes of that section or any of

those provisions.

798DA Market licensee, related body corporate etc. or competitor

participating in market

(1) This section applies if any of the following is a participant (the

participant) in a market:

(a) the market licensee;

(b) a related body corporate of the market licensee;

(c) a partnership if a partner in the partnership is a related entity

of the market licensee;

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Section 798DA

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(d) an entity if:

(i) the entity conducts, or participates in, a business that is

in competition with a business conducted by the market

licensee, or by a related body corporate of the market

licensee; and

(ii) the entity requests that ASIC make decisions and take

action in relation to the matters referred to in

subsection (2).

(2) Before, and at all times while, the participant is participating in the

market, the market’s operating rules must provide for ASIC,

instead of the market licensee, to make decisions and to take action

(or to require the market licensee to take action on ASIC’s behalf)

in relation to these matters, and matters related to these matters:

(a) the admission of the participant to the market; and

(b) the expulsion and suspension of the participant from the

market; and

(c) the disciplining of the participant; and

(d) the participant’s compliance with the operating rules or this

Act, including:

(i) the method of determining whether the participant has

complied with those rules or this Act; and

(ii) any action (including the imposition of a fine or

penalty) to be taken in respect of contraventions of

those rules or this Act.

Note: For fees in respect of ASIC performing this function, see Part 9.10.

(3) ASIC has the powers and functions that are provided for it in any

operating rules made for the purposes of this section.

(4) A participant referred to in subsection (1) must not participate in

the market licensee’s market otherwise than as allowed by this


Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(5) This section does not apply if the licence of the market licensee

was granted under subsection 795B(2) (overseas markets). Instead,

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Division 5 Other matters

Section 798E

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the law of the country in which the market licensee’s principal

place of business is located applies for all purposes connected with

the participation of the participant in the market.

(6) To avoid doubt, subsection (1) does not authorise a market licensee

to participate in its own market.

798E Other potential conflict situations

(1) The regulations may make provision in relation to the rules and

procedures that are to apply in the case of conflicts, or potential

conflicts, between the commercial interests of the licensee and the

need for the licensee to ensure that the market operates in the way

mentioned in paragraph 792A(1)(a).

(2) In particular, such regulations may deal with the following:

(a) identifying when such a conflict, or potential conflict, is

taken to arise;

(b) empowering ASIC, instead of the licensee, to make decisions

and to take action under the market’s operating rules in

relation to such a conflict or potential conflict;

(c) empowering ASIC to require the licensee to take action

under the market’s operating rules (whether or not on ASIC’s

behalf) in relation to such a conflict or potential conflict.

Note: For fees in respect of ASIC performing this function, see Part 9.10.

(3) Subsection (2) does not limit the generality of subsection (1).

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Section 798F

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Part 7.2A—Supervision of financial markets

798F ASIC to supervise financial markets

ASIC has the function of supervising financial markets the

operators of which are licensed under subsection 795B(1).

798G Market integrity rules

(1) ASIC may, by legislative instrument, make rules (the market

integrity rules) that deal with the following:

(a) the activities or conduct of licensed markets;

(b) the activities or conduct of persons in relation to licensed


(c) the activities or conduct of persons in relation to financial

products traded on licensed markets.

Note: The market integrity rules will not apply in relation to all licensed

markets: see subsection 798H(2).

(3) ASIC must not make a market integrity rule unless the Minister has

consented, in writing, to the making of the rule.

Emergency rules

(4) Despite subsection (3), ASIC may make a market integrity rule

without the consent of the Minister if ASIC is of the opinion that it

is necessary, or in the public interest, to protect people dealing in a

financial product or class of financial products.

(5) However, if ASIC does so, ASIC must:

(a) provide the Minister, on the following day, with a written

explanation of the need for the rule; and

(b) amend or revoke the rule in accordance with any written

directions of the Minister.

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Section 798H

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Minister’s instruments are not legislative instruments

(6) None of the following is a legislative instrument:

(a) a consent given under subsection (3);

(b) a direction given under paragraph (5)(b).

798H Complying with market integrity rules

(1) The following entities must comply with the market integrity rules:

(a) operators of licensed markets;

(b) participants in licensed markets;

(c) entities prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this


Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E). For

relief from liability to a civil penalty relating to this subsection, see

section 1317S.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply in relation to a financial market the

operator of which is licensed under subsection 795B(2) (overseas


(3) If there is an inconsistency between the market integrity rules and

the derivative transaction rules or the derivative trade repository

rules, the market integrity rules prevail to the extent of the


798J Directions by ASIC

(1) If ASIC is of the opinion that it is necessary, or in the public

interest, to protect people dealing in a financial product or class of

financial products by:

(a) giving a direction to an entity to suspend dealings in the

financial product or class of financial products; or

(b) giving some other direction in relation to those dealings;

ASIC may give written advice to the entity of that opinion and the

reasons for it.

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Section 798J

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Note: ASIC may also give directions to entities that are market licensees

under section 794D. A failure to comply with a direction under that

section is an offence (see subsection 1311(1)).

(2) If, after receiving ASIC’s advice and reasons, the entity does not


(a) in the case of a proposed direction to suspend dealings in the

financial products—action to prevent such dealings; or

(b) in any other case—such other action as in ASIC’s view is

adequate to address the situation raised in the advice;

and ASIC still considers that it is appropriate to give the direction

to the entity, ASIC may give the entity the written direction with a

statement setting out its reasons for making the direction.

(3) The direction has effect for the period specified in it (which may be

up to 21 days). During that period, the entity must comply with the

direction and must not allow any dealings to take place contrary to


(4) If the entity fails to comply with the direction, ASIC may apply to

the Court for, and the Court may make, an order that the entity

comply with the direction.

(5) If, at any time after the entity receives ASIC’s advice under

subsection (1), the entity requests in writing that ASIC refer the

matter to the Minister, ASIC must do so immediately. In that event,

the Minister may, if he or she considers it appropriate, require

ASIC not to make, or to revoke, the direction. ASIC must

immediately comply with such a requirement.

(6) ASIC may vary a direction by giving written notice to the entity if

ASIC is of the opinion that the variation is necessary, or in the

public interest, to protect people dealing in a financial product or

class of financial products.

(7) ASIC may revoke a direction by giving written notice to the entity.

(8) A direction given under subsection (2) is not a legislative


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Section 798K

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798K Alternatives to civil proceedings

(1) The regulations may provide for a person who is alleged to have

contravened subsection 798H(1) (complying with market integrity

rules) to do one or more of the following as an alternative to civil


(a) pay a penalty to the Commonwealth;

(b) undertake or institute remedial measures (including education


(c) accept sanctions other than the payment of a penalty to the


(d) enter into a legally enforceable undertaking.

(2) The penalty payable under regulations made under paragraph (1)(a)

in relation to an alleged contravention of a market integrity rule

must not exceed:

(a) for an individual—3,000 penalty units; and

(b) for a body corporate—15,000 penalty units.

(3) Without limiting regulations that may be made under

paragraph (1)(d), those regulations may provide for one or more of

the following kinds of undertakings:

(a) an undertaking to take specified action within a specified


(b) an undertaking to refrain from taking specified action;

(c) an undertaking to pay a specified amount within a specified

period to the Commonwealth or to some other specified


798L Exemptions and modifications by regulations

(1) The regulations may:

(a) exempt a person or class of persons from all or specified

provisions of this Part; or

(b) exempt a financial market or class of financial markets from

all or specified provisions of this Part; or

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Section 798M

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(c) provide that this Part applies in relation to a person or a

financial market, or a class of persons or financial markets, as

if specified provisions were omitted, modified or varied as

specified in the regulations.

(2) For the purpose of this section, the provisions of this Part include

definitions in this Act, or in the regulations, as they apply to

references in this Part.

798M Exemptions by Minister

(1) The Minister may exempt a particular financial market, or class of

financial markets, from all or specified provisions of this Part. An

exemption may be unconditional, or subject to conditions specified

in the exemption.

Note: The provisions of this Part include regulations made for the purposes

of this Part (see section 761H).

(2) The Minister may, at any time:

(a) vary an exemption to:

(i) impose conditions, or additional conditions, on the

exemption; or

(ii) vary or revoke any of the conditions on the exemption;


(b) revoke an exemption.

(3) However, the Minister may only take action under subsection (2)


(a) giving notice, and an opportunity to make submissions on the

proposed action, to the operator of each financial market

known by the Minister to be covered by the exemption; and

(b) if the exemption covers a class of financial markets—a notice

has been published on ASIC’s website allowing a reasonable

period within which the operator of each financial market

covered by the exemption may make submissions on the

proposed action, and that period has ended.

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Part 7.2A Supervision of financial markets

Section 798M

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(4) If an exemption is expressed to apply in relation to a class of

financial markets (whether or not it is also expressed to apply in

relation to one or more financial markets otherwise than by

reference to membership of a class), then the exemption, and any

variation or revocation of the exemption, is a legislative


(5) If subsection (4) does not apply to an exemption, then the

exemption, and any variation or revocation of the exemption, must

be in writing and the Minister must publish notice of it in the


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Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Licensing of clearing and settlement facilities Part 7.3

Requirement to be licensed Division 1

Section 820A

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Part 7.3—Licensing of clearing and settlement


Division 1—Requirement to be licensed

820A Need for a licence

(1) A person must only operate, or hold out that the person operates, a

clearing and settlement facility in this jurisdiction if:

(a) the person has an Australian CS facility licence that

authorises the person to operate the facility in this

jurisdiction; or

(b) the facility is exempt from the operation of this Part.

Note 1: A CS facility licensee may also provide financial services incidental to

the operation of the facility: see paragraph 911A(2)(d).

Note 2: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence: see

subsection 1311(1).

(2) For the purposes of an offence based on subsection (1), strict

liability applies to paragraph (1)(b).

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(3) A person contravenes this subsection if the person contravenes

subsection (1).

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

820B Other prohibitions on holding out

A person must not hold out:

(a) that the person has an Australian CS facility licence; or

(b) that the operation of a clearing and settlement facility by the

person in this jurisdiction is authorised by an Australian CS

facility licence; or

(c) that a clearing and settlement facility is exempt from the

operation of this Part;

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Part 7.3 Licensing of clearing and settlement facilities

Division 1 Requirement to be licensed

Section 820C

112 Corporations Act 2001

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if that is not the case.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

820C Exemptions by Minister

(1) The Minister may exempt a particular clearing and settlement

facility, or class of clearing and settlement facilities, from all or

specified provisions of this Part. An exemption may be

unconditional, or subject to conditions specified in the exemption.

Note: The provisions of this Part include regulations made for the purposes

of this Part (see section 761H).

(2) The Minister may, at any time:

(a) vary an exemption to:

(i) impose conditions, or additional conditions, on the

exemption; or

(ii) vary or revoke any of the conditions on the exemption;


(b) revoke an exemption.

(3) However, the Minister may only take action under subsection (2)


(a) giving notice, and an opportunity to make submissions on the

proposed action, to the operator of each clearing and

settlement facility known by the Minister to be covered by

the exemption; and

(b) if the exemption covers a class of clearing and settlement

facilities—a notice has been published on ASIC’s website

allowing a reasonable period within which the operator of

each clearing and settlement facility covered by the

exemption may make submissions on the proposed action,

and that period has ended.

(4) If an exemption is expressed to apply in relation to a class of

clearing and settlement facilities (whether or not it is also

expressed to apply in relation to one or more clearing and

settlement facilities otherwise than by reference to membership of

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Licensing of clearing and settlement facilities Part 7.3

Requirement to be licensed Division 1

Section 820D

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a class), then the exemption, and any variation or revocation of the

exemption, is a legislative instrument.

(5) If subsection (4) does not apply to an exemption, then the

exemption, and any variation or revocation of the exemption, must

be in writing and the Minister must publish notice of it in the


820D When a clearing and settlement facility is taken to be operated

in this jurisdiction

(1) For the purposes of this Chapter, a clearing and settlement facility

is taken to be operated in this jurisdiction if it is operated by a

body corporate that is registered under Chapter 2A.

(2) Subsection (1) does not limit the circumstances in which a clearing

and settlement facility is operated in this jurisdiction for the

purposes of this Chapter.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.3 Licensing of clearing and settlement facilities

Division 2 Regulation of CS facility licensees

Section 821A

114 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 2—Regulation of CS facility licensees

Subdivision A—Licensee’s obligations

821A General obligations

(1) A CS facility licensee must:

(aa) to the extent that it is reasonably practicable to do so:

(i) comply with standards determined under section 827D;


(ii) do all other things necessary to reduce systemic risk;


(a) to the extent that it is reasonably practicable to do so, do all

things necessary to ensure that the facility’s services are

provided in a fair and effective way; and

(b) comply with the conditions on the licence; and

(c) have adequate arrangements (whether they involve a

self-regulatory structure or the appointment of an

independent person or related entity) for supervising the

facility, including arrangements for:

(i) handling conflicts between the commercial interests of

the licensee and the need for the licensee to ensure that

the facility’s services are provided in a fair and effective

way; and

(ii) enforcing compliance with the facility’s operating rules;


(d) have sufficient resources (including financial, technological

and human resources) to operate the facility properly and for

the required supervisory arrangements to be provided; and

(e) if the licensee is a foreign body corporate—be registered

under Division 2 of Part 5B.2; and

(f) if the licence was granted under subsection 824B(2)

(overseas clearing and settlement facilities)—both:

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Regulation of CS facility licensees Division 2

Section 821B

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(i) remain authorised to operate a clearing and settlement

facility in the foreign country in which the licensee’s

principal place of business is located; and

(ii) get the Minister’s approval under section 821F before

that principal place of business becomes located in any

other foreign country; and

(g) if the licensee, or a holding company of the licensee, is a

widely held market body (within the meaning of Division 1

of Part 7.4)—take all reasonable steps to ensure that an

unacceptable control situation (within the meaning of that

Division) does not exist in relation to the body; and

(h) take all reasonable steps to ensure that no disqualified

individual becomes, or remains, involved in the licensee (see

Division 2 of Part 7.4).

(2) A person contravenes this subsection if the person contravenes

paragraph (1)(aa), (a), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g) or (h).

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

821B Obligation to notify ASIC of certain matters

(1) A CS facility licensee must give written notice to ASIC, as soon as

practicable, if it becomes aware that it may no longer be able to

meet, or has breached, an obligation under section 821A. If ASIC

considers it appropriate to do so, ASIC may give the Minister

advice about the matter.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) A CS facility licensee must give written notice to ASIC, as soon as

practicable, as required by the following paragraphs:

(a) if the licensee provides a new class of financial service

incidental to the operation of the facility, the licensee must

give notice that includes details of the new class;

(b) if the licensee takes any kind of disciplinary action against a

participant in the facility, the licensee must give notice that


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Part 7.3 Licensing of clearing and settlement facilities

Division 2 Regulation of CS facility licensees

Section 821B

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(i) the participant’s name; and

(ii) the reason for and nature of the action taken;

(c) if the licensee has reason to suspect that a person has

committed, is committing, or is about to commit a significant

contravention of the facility’s operating rules or this Act, the

licensee must give notice that includes:

(i) the person’s name; and

(ii) details of the contravention or impending contravention;


(iii) the licensee’s reasons for that belief.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(3) A CS facility licensee whose licence was granted under

subsection 824B(2) (overseas clearing and settlement facilities)

must, as soon as practicable, give written notice to ASIC if:

(a) the licensee ceases to be authorised to operate a clearing and

settlement facility in the foreign country in which the

licensee’s principal place of business is located; or

(b) there is a significant change to the regulatory regime

applying in relation to the facility in the foreign country in

which the licensee’s principal place of business is located.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(4) As soon as practicable after:

(a) a person becomes or ceases to be a director, secretary or

senior manager of a CS facility licensee or of a holding

company of a CS facility licensee (including when a person

changes from one of those positions to another); or

(b) a CS facility licensee becomes aware that a person has come

to have, or has ceased to have, more than 15% of the voting

power in the licensee or in a holding company of the


the licensee must give written notice of this to ASIC. The notice

must include such other information about the matter as is

prescribed by regulations made for the purposes of this subsection.

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Regulation of CS facility licensees Division 2

Section 821BA

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Note 1: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Note 2: To the extent that the licensee is required to give the notice and

information under any other provision of this Act, the licensee may

comply with this subsection by doing so. It need not provide the same

information twice.

(6) A person contravenes this subsection if the person contravenes

subsection (1), (2), (3) or (4).

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

821BA Obligation to notify Reserve Bank of certain matters

(1) A CS facility licensee must give written notice to the Reserve Bank

of Australia (the Reserve Bank), as soon as practicable, if:

(a) the licensee becomes aware that it has failed to comply with

standards determined under section 827D, or is likely to fail

to comply with such standards; or

(b) the licensee becomes aware that it may no longer be able to

meet, or has breached, its obligation under

subparagraph 821A(1)(aa)(ii).

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) If the Reserve Bank considers it appropriate to do so, the Reserve

Bank may give the Minister advice about the matter.

821C Obligation to assist


(1) A CS facility licensee must give such assistance to ASIC, or a

person authorised by ASIC, as ASIC or the authorised person

reasonably requests in relation to the performance of ASIC’s


Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

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Part 7.3 Licensing of clearing and settlement facilities

Division 2 Regulation of CS facility licensees

Section 821D

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(2) Such assistance may include showing ASIC the licensee’s books or

giving ASIC other information.

Reserve Bank

(3) A CS facility licensee must give such assistance to the Reserve

Bank of Australia (the Reserve Bank), or a person authorised by

the Reserve Bank, as the Reserve Bank or the authorised person

reasonably requests in relation to the performance of the Reserve

Bank’s functions under this Part.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(4) Such assistance may include showing the Reserve Bank the

licensee’s books or giving the Reserve Bank other information.

821D Obligation to give ASIC access to the facility

A CS facility licensee must give a person authorised by ASIC such

reasonable access to the facility as the person requests for any of

the purposes of this Chapter.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

821E Annual report

(1) A CS facility licensee must, within 3 months after the end of its

financial year, give ASIC an annual report on the extent to which

the licensee complied with its obligations as a CS facility licensee

under this Chapter.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) The licensee must ensure that the annual report is accompanied by

any information and statements prescribed by regulations made for

the purposes of this subsection.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

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Licensing of clearing and settlement facilities Part 7.3

Regulation of CS facility licensees Division 2

Section 821F

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(3) The licensee must also ensure that the annual report is

accompanied by any audit report that the Minister requires under

subsection (4).

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(4) The Minister may, by giving written notice to a CS facility

licensee, require the licensee to obtain an audit report on the annual

report and on any information or statements accompanying it. The

Minister must nominate to prepare the audit report:

(a) ASIC; or

(b) a specified person or body that is suitably qualified.

(5) ASIC must give the annual report and accompanying material to

the Minister.

821F Change of country by foreign licensee

(1) In the case of a licence granted under subsection 824B(2), the

Minister may approve the location of the licensee’s principal place

of business in a new country only if:

(a) the new country is not Australia; and

(b) the operation of the facility in that country will be subject to

requirements and supervision that are sufficiently equivalent,

in relation to the degree of protection from systemic risk and

the level of effectiveness and fairness of services they

achieve, to the requirements and supervision to which

clearing and settlement facilities are subject under this Act in

relation to those matters.

(2) If, in relation to a licence granted under subsection 824B(2), the

licensee’s principal place of business changes to become a place in


(a) the licence ceases to be in force from the time of the change;


(b) if the licensee wishes the facility to continue to be licensed,

the licensee may apply for the grant of a new licence under

subsection 824B(1); and

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.3 Licensing of clearing and settlement facilities

Division 2 Regulation of CS facility licensees

Section 822A

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(c) the application must be assessed in accordance with

Subdivision A of Division 3, subject to such modifications (if

any) of that Subdivision as are set out in regulations made for

the purposes of this paragraph.

(3) An application referred to in paragraph (2)(b) may be made in

advance of the change of location of the principal place of

business, and a decision on the application may be made before

that time. However, any licence granted pursuant to the application

does not come into force until the change occurs.

Subdivision B—The facility’s operating rules and procedures

822A Content of the operating rules and procedures

(1) The operating rules of a licensed CS facility must deal with the

matters prescribed by regulations made for the purposes of this


(2) The regulations may also prescribe matters in respect of which a

licensed CS facility must have written procedures.

(3) However, subsections (1) and (2) do not apply if the licensee is

also authorised to operate the facility in the foreign country in

which its principal place of business is located and the licence was

granted under subsection 824B(2) (overseas clearing and

settlement facilities).

(4) In a subsection (3) case, ASIC may determine, by giving written

notice to the licensee, matters in respect of which the licensed CS

facility must have written procedures.

822B Legal effect of operating rules

(1) The operating rules of a licensed CS facility have effect as a

contract under seal:

(a) between the licensee and each issuer of financial products in

respect of which the facility provides its services; and

(b) between the licensee and each participant in the facility; and

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Licensing of clearing and settlement facilities Part 7.3

Regulation of CS facility licensees Division 2

Section 822C

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(c) between each issuer of financial products in respect of which

the facility provides its services and each participant in the

facility; and

(d) between a participant in the facility and each other participant

in the facility;

under which each of those persons agrees to observe the operating

rules to the extent that they apply to the person and to engage in

conduct that the person is required by the operating rules to engage


(2) However, if there is an inconsistency between the operating rules

of a licensed CS facility and any of the following other rules:

(a) the derivative transaction rules;

(b) the derivative trade repository rules;

(c) the client money reporting rules;

those other rules prevail over the operating rules to the extent of

the inconsistency.

Note 1: If there is an inconsistency between the derivative transaction rules

and the derivative trade repository rules, the derivative transaction

rules prevail: see subsection 901E(2).

Note 2: If there is an inconsistency between the derivative transaction rules or

the derivative trade repository rules and the client money reporting

rules, the derivative transaction rules or the derivative trade repository

rules prevail: see subsection 981M(2).

822C Enforcement of operating rules

(1) If a person who is under an obligation to comply with or enforce

any of a licensed CS facility’s operating rules fails to meet that

obligation, an application to the Court may be made by:

(a) ASIC; or

(b) the licensee; or

(c) the operator of a financial market with which the facility has

arrangements to provide services for transactions effected

through the market; or

(d) a person aggrieved by the failure.

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Part 7.3 Licensing of clearing and settlement facilities

Division 2 Regulation of CS facility licensees

Section 822D

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(2) After giving an opportunity to be heard to the applicant and the

person against whom the order is sought, the Court may make an

order giving directions to:

(a) the person against whom the order is sought; or

(b) if that person is a body corporate—the directors of the body


about compliance with, or enforcement of, the operating rules.

822D Changing the operating rules

Licensed CS facilities other than subsection 824B(2) facilities

(1) As soon as practicable after a change is made to the operating rules

of a licensed CS facility, other than a facility licensed under

subsection 824B(2) (overseas clearing and settlement facilities),

the licensee must lodge with ASIC written notice of the change.

The notice must:

(a) set out the text of the change; and

(b) specify the date on which the change was made; and

(c) contain an explanation of the purpose of the change.

(2) If no notice is lodged with ASIC, as required by subsection (1),

within 21 days after the change is made, the change ceases to have

effect at the end of that period.

Subsection 824B(2) facilities

(3) As soon as practicable after a change is made to the operating rules

of a clearing and settlement facility the operation of which is

licensed under subsection 824B(2) (overseas clearing and

settlement facilities), the licensee must lodge with ASIC written

notice of the change. The notice must:

(a) set out the text of the change; and

(b) specify the date on which the change was made; and

(c) contain an explanation of the purpose of the change.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

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Licensing of clearing and settlement facilities Part 7.3

Regulation of CS facility licensees Division 2

Section 822E

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822E Disallowance of changes to operating rules

(1) This section does not apply in respect of an Australian CS facility

licence granted under subsection 824B(2) (overseas clearing and

settlement facilities).

(2) As soon as practicable after receiving a notice under section 822D

from a CS facility licensee, ASIC must send a copy of the notice to

the Minister.

(3) Within 28 days after ASIC receives the notice from the licensee,

the Minister may disallow all or a specified part of the change to

the operating rules.

(4) In deciding whether to do so, the Minister must have regard to the

consistency of the change with the licensee’s obligations under this

Part (including in particular the obligations mentioned in

paragraphs 821A(1)(aa) and (a)).

Note: The Minister must also have regard to the matters in section 827A.

(5) As soon as practicable after all or a part of a change is disallowed,

ASIC must give notice of the disallowance to the licensee. The

change ceases to have effect, to the extent of the disallowance,

when the licensee receives the notice.

Subdivision C—Powers of the Minister, ASIC and the Reserve

Bank in relation to licensees

823A Minister’s power to give directions

(1) If the Minister considers that a CS facility licensee is not

complying with its obligations as a CS facility licensee under this

Chapter, the Minister may give the licensee a written direction to

do specified things that the Minister believes will promote

compliance by the licensee with those obligations.

(2) The licensee must comply with the direction.

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Part 7.3 Licensing of clearing and settlement facilities

Division 2 Regulation of CS facility licensees

Section 823B

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(3) If the licensee fails to comply with the direction, ASIC may apply

to the Court for, and the Court may make, an order that the licensee

comply with the direction.

(4) The Minister may vary or revoke a direction at any time by giving

written notice to the licensee.

823B Minister’s power to require special report

(1) The Minister may give a CS facility licensee a written notice

requiring the licensee to give ASIC a special report on specified

matters. ASIC must give the report to the Minister.

(2) The notice may also require the licensee to give ASIC an audit

report on the special report. The Minister must nominate to prepare

the report:

(a) ASIC; or

(b) a specified person or body that is suitably qualified.

(3) The licensee must give the special report, and audit report (if any),

to ASIC within the time required by the notice.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

823C ASIC assessment of licensee’s compliance

(1) ASIC may do an assessment of how well a CS facility licensee is

complying with its obligations as a CS facility licensee under this

Chapter (other than its obligation under paragraph 821A(1)(aa)). In

doing the assessment, ASIC may take account of any information

and reports that it thinks appropriate, including information and

reports from an overseas regulatory authority.

(2) If the CS facility licensee is prescribed by the regulations for the

purpose of this subsection, ASIC must, in respect of the obligation

in paragraph 821A(1)(c), do such an assessment at least once a


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Regulation of CS facility licensees Division 2

Section 823CA

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(3) As soon as practicable after doing an assessment under this section,

ASIC must give a written report on the assessment to the Minister

and a copy of the written report to the Reserve Bank of Australia.

(4) If an assessment, or part of an assessment, relates to any other

person’s affairs to a material extent, ASIC may, at the person’s

request or of its own motion, give the person a copy of the written

report on the assessment or the relevant part of the report.

(5) If an assessment, or part of an assessment, relates to a serious

contravention of a law of the Commonwealth or of a State or

Territory, ASIC may give a copy of the written report on the

assessment, or the relevant part of the report, to:

(a) the Australian Federal Police; or

(b) the Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Crime

Commission or a member of the staff of the ACC (within the

meaning of the Australian Crime Commission Act 2002); or

(c) the Director of Public Prosecutions; or

(d) an agency prescribed by regulations made for the purposes of

this paragraph.

(6) Either the Minister or ASIC may cause the written report on an

assessment, or part of the report on an assessment, to be printed

and published.

823CA Reserve Bank assessment of licensee’s compliance

(1) The Reserve Bank of Australia (the Reserve Bank) may do an

assessment of how well a CS facility licensee is complying with its

obligation under paragraph 821A(1)(aa). In doing the assessment,

the Reserve Bank may take account of any information and reports

that it thinks appropriate, including information and reports from

an overseas regulatory authority.

(1A) If the CS facility licensee is prescribed by the regulations for the

purpose of this subsection, the Reserve Bank must do such an

assessment at least once a year.

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Part 7.3 Licensing of clearing and settlement facilities

Division 2 Regulation of CS facility licensees

Section 823D

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(2) As soon as practicable after doing an assessment under this section,

the Reserve Bank must give a written report on the assessment to

the Minister and a copy of the written report to ASIC.

(3) If an assessment, or part of an assessment, relates to any other

person’s affairs to a material extent, the Reserve Bank may, at the

person’s request or of its own motion, give the person a copy of the

written report on the assessment or the relevant part of the report.

(4) If an assessment, or part of an assessment, relates to a serious

contravention of a law of the Commonwealth or of a State or

Territory, the Reserve Bank may give a copy of the written report

on the assessment, or the relevant part of the report, to:

(a) the Australian Federal Police; or

(b) the Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Crime

Commission or a member of the staff of the ACC (within the

meaning of the Australian Crime Commission Act 2002); or

(c) the Director of Public Prosecutions; or

(d) an agency prescribed by regulations made for the purposes of

this paragraph.

(5) Either the Minister or the Reserve Bank may cause the written

report on an assessment, or part of the report on an assessment, to

be printed and published.

823D Directions power—protecting dealings in financial products

and ensuring fair and effective provision of services by

CS facilities

(1) If ASIC:

(a) considers that it is necessary, or in the public interest, to

protect people dealing in a financial product or class of

financial products; or

(b) considers that a CS facility licensee has not done all things

reasonably practicable to ensure the facility’s services are

provided in a fair and effective way;

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Section 823D

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ASIC may give the licensee written advice that it intends to give

the licensee a specified direction under this section. The advice

must include the reasons for ASIC’s intention to give the direction.

(2) As soon as practicable after giving the advice to the licensee, ASIC

must give notice of the advice to the operator of each financial

market with which the facility has arrangements to provide

services for transactions effected through the market.

(3) For the purpose of remedying the matter mentioned in

subsection (1), ASIC may give the following directions to the

licensee under this section:

(a) a direction not to provide the licensee’s services in relation to

any transactions, of which the licensee receives notice after

the direction takes effect, that relate to a specified financial

product or class of financial products;

(b) any other direction concerning dealings with transactions that

relate to a specified financial product or class of financial


(4) If, after receiving ASIC’s advice and reasons:

(a) the licensee does not take steps that in ASIC’s view are

adequate to address the situation; and

(b) ASIC still considers that it is appropriate to give the direction

to the licensee;

ASIC may give the licensee the direction, in writing, with a

statement setting out the reasons for giving the direction.

(5) The direction has effect until the earlier of the following times:

(a) the time ASIC revokes the direction in accordance with

subsection (10);

(b) the end of the period (which may be up to 21 days) specified

in the direction as the period during which the direction is

effective ends.

While the direction has effect, the licensee must comply with the

direction and must not provide any services contrary to it.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.3 Licensing of clearing and settlement facilities

Division 2 Regulation of CS facility licensees

Section 823E

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(6) If the licensee fails to comply with the direction, ASIC may apply

to the Court for, and the Court may make, an order that the licensee

comply with the direction.

(7) As soon as practicable after making or varying (see subsection (9))

a direction, ASIC must:

(a) give a copy of the direction or variation to:

(i) if the direction relates to a specified financial product—

the issuer of that product; and

(ii) each of the operators mentioned in subsection (2); and

(b) give a written report to the Minister setting out ASIC’s

reasons for making the direction or variation; and

(c) give a copy of the report to the licensee.

(8) If, at any time after the licensee receives ASIC’s advice under

subsection (1), the licensee requests in writing that ASIC refer the

matter to the Minister, ASIC must do so immediately. In that event,

the Minister may, if he or she considers it appropriate, require

ASIC not to make, or to revoke, the direction. ASIC must

immediately comply with such a requirement.

(9) ASIC may vary a direction by giving written notice to the licensee.

(10) ASIC may revoke a direction by giving written notice to the

licensee. ASIC must also give written notice of the revocation to

each of the operators mentioned in subsection (2).

823E Directions power—reduction of systemic risk

(1) If ASIC considers that a CS facility licensee has not done all things

reasonably practicable to reduce systemic risk in the provision of

the facility’s services, ASIC may give the licensee a direction, in

writing, to take:

(a) specified measures to comply with the whole or a part of a

standard determined under section 827D; or

(b) any other action that ASIC considers will reduce systemic

risk in the provision of the facility’s services.

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Licensing of clearing and settlement facilities Part 7.3

Regulation of CS facility licensees Division 2

Section 823E

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(2) The direction may deal with the time by which, or period during

which, it is to be complied with. The time or period must be


(3) The licensee must comply with the direction.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(3A) If the licensee fails to comply with the direction, ASIC may apply

to the Court for, and the Court may make, an order that the licensee

comply with the direction.

(4) ASIC may vary the direction by giving written notice to the


(5) The direction has effect until ASIC revokes it by giving written

notice to the licensee.

(6) ASIC may revoke the direction if, at the time of revocation, it

considers that the direction is no longer necessary or appropriate.

(7) Before giving, varying or revoking the direction, ASIC must

consult the Reserve Bank of Australia. However, a failure to

consult the Reserve Bank of Australia does not invalidate the

direction, variation or revocation.

(8) The Reserve Bank of Australia may at any time request ASIC to

make a direction under this section. However, ASIC is not required

to comply with the request.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.3 Licensing of clearing and settlement facilities

Division 3 The Australian CS facility licence

Section 824A

130 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 3—The Australian CS facility licence

Subdivision A—How to get a licence

824A How to apply for a licence

(1) A body corporate may apply for an Australian CS facility licence

by lodging with ASIC an application that:

(a) includes the information required by regulations made for the

purposes of this paragraph; and

(b) is accompanied by the documents (if any) required by

regulations made for the purposes of this paragraph.

Note: For fees in respect of lodging applications, see Part 9.10.

(2) ASIC must, within a reasonable time, give the application to the

Minister with advice about the application.

824B When a licence may be granted


(1) The Minister may grant an applicant an Australian CS facility

licence if the Minister is satisfied that:

(a) the application was made in accordance with section 824A;


(b) the applicant will comply with the obligations that will apply

if the licence is granted; and

(c) the applicant has adequate operating rules, and procedures,

(see Subdivision B of Division 2) for the facility to ensure, as

far as is reasonably practicable, that systemic risk is reduced

and the facility is operated in a fair and effective way; and

(d) the applicant has adequate arrangements (whether they

involve a self-regulatory structure or the appointment of an

independent person or related entity) for supervising the

facility, including arrangements for:

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Licensing of clearing and settlement facilities Part 7.3

The Australian CS facility licence Division 3

Section 824B

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(i) handling conflicts between the commercial interests of

the licensee and the need for the licensee to reduce

systemic risk and ensure that the facility’s services are

provided in a fair and effective way; and

(ii) enforcing compliance with the facility’s operating rules;


(e) no unacceptable control situation (see Division 1 of Part 7.4)

is likely to result if the licence is granted; and

(f) no disqualified individual appears to be involved in the

applicant (see Division 2 of Part 7.4).

This subsection has effect subject to subsections (3) and (4).

Note: The Minister must also have regard to the matters in section 827A in

deciding whether to grant a licence.

Alternative criteria for granting licence to overseas clearing and

settlement facility

(2) If an applicant is authorised to operate a clearing and settlement

facility in the foreign country in which its principal place of

business is located, the Minister may grant the applicant an

Australian CS facility licence authorising the applicant to operate

the same facility in this jurisdiction. The Minister must be satisfied


(a) the application was made in accordance with section 824A;


(b) the applicant will comply with the obligations that will apply

if the licence is granted; and

(c) the operation of the facility in that country is subject to

requirements and supervision that are sufficiently equivalent,

in relation to the degree of protection from systemic risk and

the level of effectiveness and fairness of services they

achieve, to the requirements and supervision to which

clearing and settlement facilities are subject under this Act in

relation to those matters; and

(d) the applicant undertakes to cooperate with ASIC and the

Reserve Bank of Australia by sharing information and in

other ways; and

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Part 7.3 Licensing of clearing and settlement facilities

Division 3 The Australian CS facility licence

Section 824C

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(e) no unacceptable control situation (see Division 1 of Part 7.4)

is likely to result if the licence is granted; and

(f) no disqualified individual appears to be involved in the

applicant (see Division 2 of Part 7.4); and

(g) any other requirements that are prescribed by regulations

made for the purposes of this subsection are satisfied.

This subsection has effect subject to subsections (3) and (4).

Note: The Minister must also have regard to the matters in section 827A in

deciding whether to grant a licence.

Foreign bodies

(3) If the applicant is a foreign body corporate, the Minister:

(a) must not grant the applicant a licence unless the applicant is

registered under Division 2 of Part 5B.2; and

(b) may otherwise grant a licence under either subsection (1) or

(2) (subject to the relevant criteria being satisfied).

Disqualified individuals

(4) The Minister must not grant the applicant a licence unless:

(a) ASIC has notified the Minister that, as far as ASIC is aware,

no disqualified individual is involved in the applicant (see

Division 2 of Part 7.4); or

(b) 42 days have passed since the application was made and

ASIC has not given a notice under subsection 853D(2) to the

applicant within that 42 days.

824C Publication of notice of licence grant

If the Minister grants an Australian CS facility licence, the

Minister must publish a notice in the Gazette stating:

(a) the name of the licensee; and

(b) the date on which the licence was granted; and

(c) the conditions on the licence.

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Licensing of clearing and settlement facilities Part 7.3

The Australian CS facility licence Division 3

Section 824D

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824D More than one licence in the same document

If the Minister grants a person 2 or more of the following:

(a) an Australian CS facility licence;

(b) an Australian market licence;

they may be included in the same document.

824E More than one CS facility covered by the same licence

(1) The same Australian CS facility licence may authorise the licensee

to operate 2 or more clearing and settlement facilities.

(2) In that case, a reference in this Chapter to the clearing and

settlement facility to which an Australian CS facility licence relates

is taken instead to be a reference to each of those facilities


(3) Before varying the conditions on an Australian CS facility licence

so as to add another facility that the licensee is authorised to

operate, the Minister must be satisfied of the matters listed in

subsection 824B(1) or (2) (as appropriate) in relation to the facility.

(4) An Australian CS facility licence that authorises the licensee to

operate 2 or more clearing and settlement facilities may be

suspended or cancelled under Subdivision C in respect of one or

some of those facilities only, as if the licensee held a separate

licence for each of the facilities.

Subdivision B—The conditions on the licence

825A The conditions on the licence

(1) The Minister may, at any time:

(a) impose conditions, or additional conditions, on an Australian

CS facility licence; or

(b) vary or revoke conditions imposed on such a licence;

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Part 7.3 Licensing of clearing and settlement facilities

Division 3 The Australian CS facility licence

Section 825A

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by giving written notice to the licensee. The Minister must also

publish a notice in the Gazette with details of the action and when

it took effect.

Note: As well as the requirements in this section, the Minister must also

have regard to the matters in section 827A.

(2) The Minister may do so:

(a) on the Minister’s own initiative, subject to subsection (3); or

(b) if the licensee lodges with ASIC an application for the

Minister to do so, which is accompanied by the documents, if

any, required by regulations made for the purposes of this


Note: For fees in respect of lodging applications, see Part 9.10.

(3) The Minister may only impose conditions or additional conditions,

or vary the conditions, on the licence on his or her own initiative if:

(a) he or she considers it appropriate to do so having regard to:

(i) the licensee’s obligations as a CS facility licensee under

this Chapter; and

(ii) any change in the facility’s operations or the conditions

in which the facility is operating; and

(b) the Minister gives the licensee written notice of the proposed

action and an opportunity to make a submission before it

takes effect.

This subsection does not apply to the Minister imposing conditions

when a licence is granted.

(4) The Minister must ensure that each Australian CS facility licence is

subject to conditions that specify:

(a) the particular facility that the licensee is authorised to

operate; and

(b) the class or classes of financial products in respect of which

the facility can provide services.

(5) ASIC must give the Minister any application and documents

lodged under subsection (2).

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Licensing of clearing and settlement facilities Part 7.3

The Australian CS facility licence Division 3

Section 826A

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Subdivision C—When a licence can be varied, suspended or


826A Varying licences

(1) The Minister may vary an Australian CS facility licence to take

account of a change in the licensee’s name if the licensee lodges

with ASIC an application for the variation, accompanied by the

documents, if any, required by regulations made for the purposes

of this subsection.

Note 1: The conditions on the licence can be varied under section 825A.

Note 2: For fees in respect of lodging applications, see Part 9.10.

(2) The Minister must give written notice of the variation to the


(3) ASIC must give the Minister any application and documents

lodged under subsection (1).

826B Immediate suspension or cancellation

The Minister may, by giving written notice to a CS facility

licensee, suspend the licence for a specified period, or cancel it, if:

(a) the licensee ceases to carry on the business of operating the

facility; or

(b) the licensee becomes a Chapter 5 body corporate; or

(c) the licensee asks the Minister to do so; or

(d) in the case of a licence granted under subsection 824B(2)

(overseas clearing and settlement facilities):

(i) the licensee ceases to be authorised to operate a clearing

and settlement facility in the foreign country in which

the licensee’s principal place of business is located; or

(ii) there is a change to the regulatory regime applying in

relation to the facility to which the licence relates in the

country in which the licensee’s principal place of

business is located, and, because of that change, the

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.3 Licensing of clearing and settlement facilities

Division 3 The Australian CS facility licence

Section 826C

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Minister is no longer satisfied as mentioned in

paragraph 824B(2)(c); or

(e) in the case of a licensee that is a leviable entity (within the

meaning of the ASIC Supervisory Cost Recovery Levy Act

2017)—the following have not been paid in full at least 12

months after the due date for payment:

(i) an amount of levy (if any) payable in respect of the


(ii) the amount of late payment penalty payable (if any) in

relation to the levy;

(iii) the amount of shortfall penalty payable (if any) in

relation to the levy.

826C Suspension or cancellation following hearing and report

(1) If the Minister considers that a CS facility licensee has breached

one or more of its obligations as a CS facility licensee under this

Chapter, the Minister may give the licensee a written notice that

requires the licensee to show cause, at a hearing before a specified

person, why the licence should not be suspended or cancelled.

(2) The notice must specify:

(a) the grounds on which it is proposed to suspend or cancel the

licence; and

(b) a reasonable time and place at which the hearing is to be


However, if the licensee consents, the person conducting the

hearing may fix a different time or place.

(3) The person conducting the hearing must:

(a) give the licensee an opportunity to be heard at the hearing;


(b) give the Minister:

(i) a report about the hearing; and

(ii) a recommendation about the grounds in the notice on

which it is proposed to suspend or cancel the licence.

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Licensing of clearing and settlement facilities Part 7.3

The Australian CS facility licence Division 3

Section 826D

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(4) After considering the report and recommendation, the Minister


(a) decide to take no further action in relation to the matter and

give written advice of that decision to the licensee; or

(b) suspend the licence for a specified period, or cancel the

licence, by giving written notice to the licensee.

Note: The Minister must have regard to the matters in section 827A.

826D Effect of suspension

(1) A person whose Australian CS facility licence is suspended is

taken not to hold that licence while it is suspended.

(2) However, the Minister may specify in the written notice to the

licensee that subsection (1) does not apply for specified purposes.

826E Variation or revocation of suspension

The Minister may at any time vary or revoke a suspension of an

Australian CS facility licence by giving written notice to the


826F Publication of notice of licence suspension or cancellation

(1) If the Minister:

(a) suspends, or varies or revokes a suspension of, an Australian

CS facility licence; or

(b) cancels an Australian CS facility licence;

the Minister must publish a notice in the Gazette to that effect.

(2) The notice must state when the action took effect.

826G Suspension and cancellation only in accordance with this


An Australian CS facility licence cannot be varied, suspended or

cancelled otherwise than in accordance with this Subdivision.

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Part 7.3 Licensing of clearing and settlement facilities

Division 3 The Australian CS facility licence

Section 826G

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Note: The conditions on the licence can be varied under section 825A.

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Licensing of clearing and settlement facilities Part 7.3

Other matters Division 4

Section 827A

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Division 4—Other matters

827A Matters to be taken into account by the Minister

(1) The Minister must have regard to certain matters in deciding

whether to:

(a) grant an applicant an Australian CS facility licence under

section 824B; or

(b) impose, vary or revoke conditions on such a licence under

section 825A; or

(c) suspend or cancel such a licence under section 826C; or

(d) disallow a change to the operating rules of a licensed CS

facility under section 822E.

(2) These are the matters the Minister must have regard to:

(a) the structure, or proposed structure, of the facility;

(b) the nature of the services provided, or proposed to be

provided, by the facility;

(c) the size, or proposed size, of the facility;

(d) the nature of the financial products in respect of which the

facility provides services or proposes to provide services;

(e) the participants, or proposed participants, in the facility and

whether those participants:

(i) in using the facility’s services, are, or will be, providing

financial services to other persons; or

(ii) use, or will use, the facility’s services in respect of

financial products they acquire or dispose of as retail

clients or as wholesale clients; or

(iii) are, or will be, participants in a financial market, or

other clearing and settlement facilities, as well;

(f) the technology used, or proposed to be used, in the operation

of the facility;

(g) whether it would be in the public interest to take the action

referred to in subsection (1);

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Part 7.3 Licensing of clearing and settlement facilities

Division 4 Other matters

Section 827B

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(h) any relevant advice received from ASIC or the Reserve Bank

of Australia.

The Minister may also have regard to any other matter that the

Minister considers relevant.

(3) If the Minister is deciding whether to take the action mentioned in

paragraph (1)(a), (b) or (c) in respect of an Australian CS facility

licence granted under subsection 824B(2) (overseas clearing and

settlement facilities), the Minister must also have regard to:

(a) the criteria that the licensee or applicant satisfied to obtain an

authorisation to operate the same facility in the foreign

country in which their principal place of business is located;


(b) the obligations they must continue to satisfy to keep the

authorisation; and

(c) the level of supervision to which the facility is subject in that

country; and

(d) whether adequate arrangements exist for cooperation

between ASIC, the Reserve Bank of Australia and the

authority, or authorities, that are responsible for that


827B ASIC may give advice to Minister

ASIC may give advice to the Minister in relation to:

(a) any matter in respect of which the Minister has a discretion

under this Part; or

(b) any other matter concerning clearing and settlement facilities.

Note: In some cases, the Minister must have regard to ASIC’s advice: see

paragraph 827A(2)(h).

827C Reserve Bank may give advice to Minister

The Reserve Bank of Australia may give advice to the Minister in

relation to any matter concerning clearing and settlement facilities.

Note: In some cases, the Minister must have regard to the Reserve Bank’s

advice: see paragraph 827A(2)(h).

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Licensing of clearing and settlement facilities Part 7.3

Other matters Division 4

Section 827D

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827D Reserve Bank may determine financial stability standards

(1) The Reserve Bank of Australia (the Reserve Bank) may, in

writing, determine standards for the purposes of ensuring that CS

facility licensees conduct their affairs in a way that causes or

promotes overall stability in the Australian financial system.

(2) The standards are to be complied with by:

(a) all CS facility licensees; or

(b) a specified class of CS facility licensees, in the case of a

standard that is expressed to apply only in relation to that


(2A) If there is an inconsistency between the standards and the

derivative transaction rules or the derivative trade repository rules,

the standards prevail to the extent of the inconsistency.

(3) Before the Reserve Bank determines a standard, it must consult


(a) the CS facility licensees that will be required to comply with

the standard; and

(b) ASIC.

(4) A standard may impose different requirements to be complied with

in different situations or in respect of different activities.

(5) A standard:

(a) comes into force:

(i) unless subparagraph (ii) applies—on the day on which

the determination of the standard is made; or

(ii) if that determination specifies a later day as the day on

which the standard comes into force—on the day so

specified; and

(b) continues in force until it is revoked.

(6) The Reserve Bank may vary a standard in writing. Before it does

so, it must consult with:

(a) the CS facility licensees that will be required to comply with

the standard if it is varied as proposed; and

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Part 7.3 Licensing of clearing and settlement facilities

Division 4 Other matters

Section 827D

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(b) ASIC.

(7) If the Reserve Bank determines or varies a standard, it must, as

soon as practicable:

(a) cause a notice advising of the determination of the standard,

or of the variation of the standard, and summarising the

purpose and effect of the standard or variation, to be

published in the Gazette; and

(b) make the text of the notice available on the internet; and

(c) give a copy of the standard, or of the variation, to the


(i) each CS facility licensee to which the standard applies;

(ii) the Minister;

(iii) ASIC.

(8) The Reserve Bank may revoke a standard in writing. Before it does

so, it must consult with ASIC.

(9) If the Reserve Bank revokes a standard, it must, as soon as


(a) cause a notice advising of the revocation of the standard to be

published in the Gazette; and

(b) make the text of the notice available on the internet; and

(c) give notice of the revocation of the standard to the following:

(i) each CS facility licensee to which the standard applied;

(ii) the Minister;

(iii) ASIC.

(10) The Reserve Bank must take reasonable steps to ensure that copies

of the current text of the standards are available for inspection and


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Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Limits on involvement with licensees Part 7.4

Limit on control of certain licensees Division 1

Section 850A

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Part 7.4—Limits on involvement with licensees

Division 1—Limit on control of certain licensees

Subdivision A—15% voting power limit

850A Scope of Division

(1) This Division applies in relation to a body corporate that:

(a) has an Australian market licence or an Australian CS facility

licence; or

(b) is the holding company of a body corporate that has an

Australian market licence or an Australian CS facility


and that is specified in regulations made for the purposes of this


(2) In this Division, such a body is called a widely held market body.

850B Meaning of unacceptable control situation

(1) For the purposes of this Division, an unacceptable control

situation exists in relation to a widely held market body and in

relation to a particular person if the person’s voting power in the

body is more than:

(a) 15%; or

(b) in relation to a body other than the Australian Stock

Exchange Limited—if an approval of a higher percentage is

in force under Subdivision B in relation to the body and in

relation to the person, that higher percentage; or

(c) in relation to the Australian Stock Exchange Limited—if the

regulations prescribe a higher percentage in relation to the

Australian Stock Exchange Limited in relation to the person,

that higher percentage.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.4 Limits on involvement with licensees

Division 1 Limit on control of certain licensees

Section 850C

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(2) Regulations made for the purposes of paragraph (1)(c) may not

take effect earlier than the day after the last day on which the

regulations may be disallowed under Part 5 of the Legislative

Instruments Act 2003.

850C Acquisitions of shares


(a) a person, or 2 or more persons under an arrangement, acquire

shares in a body corporate; and

(b) the acquisition has the result, in relation to a widely held

market body, that:

(i) an unacceptable control situation comes into existence

in relation to the body and in relation to a person; or

(ii) if an unacceptable control situation already exists in

relation to the body and in relation to a person—there is

an increase in the voting power of the person in the


the person or persons mentioned in paragraph (a) contravene this


Note: A contravention of this section is an offence (see subsection 1311(1)).

850D Remedial orders

(1) If an unacceptable control situation exists in relation to a widely

held market body, the Court may make such orders as the Court

considers appropriate for the purpose of ensuring that the

unacceptable control situation ceases to exist.

(2) However, the Court may only make orders under this section on

application by:

(a) the Minister; or

(b) ASIC; or

(c) the body; or

(d) a person who has any voting power in the body.

(3) The Court’s orders may include:

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Limit on control of certain licensees Division 1

Section 850E

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(a) an order directing the disposal of shares; or

(b) an order restraining the exercise of any rights attached to

shares; or

(c) an order prohibiting or deferring the payment of any sums

due to a person in respect of shares held by the person; or

(d) an order that any exercise of rights attached to shares be

disregarded; or

(e) an order directing any person to do or refrain from doing a

specified act, for the purpose of securing compliance with

any other order made under this section; or

(f) an order containing such ancillary or consequential

provisions as the Court thinks just.

(4) Subsection (3) does not, by implication, limit subsection (1).

(5) Before making an order under this section, the Court may direct

that notice of the application be given to such persons as the Court

thinks fit or be published in such manner as the Court thinks fit, or


(6) The Court may, by order:

(a) rescind, vary or discharge an order made by the Court under

this section; or

(b) suspend the operation of such an order.

850E Injunctions

(1) If any conduct (including a refusal or failure to act) amounts or

would amount to a contravention of this Division in relation to a

particular widely held market body, the body is taken, for the

purposes of section 1324, to be a person whose interests are

affected by the conduct.

(2) Subsection (1) does not, by implication, limit the class of persons

whose interests are affected by the conduct.

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Division 1 Limit on control of certain licensees

Section 851A

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(3) The Minister has the same powers as ASIC to apply for an

injunction under section 1324 in relation to a contravention of this


(4) The powers in sections 850D and 1324 do not, by implication,

limit each other.

Subdivision B—Approval to exceed 15% voting power limit

851A Application for approval to exceed 15% voting power limit

(1) A person may apply for approval to have voting power of more

than 15% in a particular widely held market body (other than the

Australian Stock Exchange Limited) by lodging with ASIC an

application that:

(a) specifies the percentage of voting power (if any) the person

currently has in the widely held market body; and

(b) specifies the percentage of voting power the person is

seeking approval to have in the body; and

(c) sets out the person’s reasons for making the application.

Note: For fees in respect of lodging applications, see Part 9.10.

(2) ASIC must give the application to the Minister as soon as possible.

851B Approval of application

(1) If the Minister is satisfied that it is in the national interest to

approve the applicant having voting power in the widely held

market body of more than 15%, the Minister may grant the


(2) If the Minister grants the application, the Minister must:

(a) give written notice of the approval to the applicant; and

(b) specify the percentage of the voting power the Minister

approves the applicant having in the widely held market body

(which may or may not be the percentage the applicant

applied for); and

(c) either:

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Section 851C

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(i) specify the period during which the approval remains in

force; or

(ii) specify that the approval remains in force indefinitely.

(3) If the Minister refuses the application, the Minister must give

written notice of the refusal to the applicant.

(4) As soon as practicable, the Minister must arrange for a copy of a

notice of approval under this section to be:

(a) published in the Gazette; and

(b) given to the body concerned.

851C Duration of approval

(1) An approval under section 851B remains in force:

(a) if the notice of approval specifies a period during which the

approval remains in force—until the end of that period, or if

the Minister extends that period, until the end of that

extended period; or

(b) otherwise—indefinitely.

Extension of approval

(2) A person who holds an approval under section 851B that is in force

for a specified period may apply to extend that period by lodging

with ASIC an application that sets out the person’s reasons for

making the application.

Note: For fees in respect of lodging applications, see Part 9.10.

(3) ASIC must give the application to the Minister as soon as possible.

(4) If the Minister is satisfied that it is in the national interest to grant

the extension, the Minister may grant the application.

(5) If the Minister grants the application, the Minister must:

(a) give written notice of the extension to the applicant; and

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Section 851D

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(b) specify the extended period during which the approval

remains in force (which may or may not be the period the

applicant applied for).

(6) If the Minister refuses the application, the Minister must give

written notice of the refusal to the applicant.

(7) As soon as practicable, the Minister must arrange for a copy of a

notice of extension under this section to be:

(a) published in the Gazette; and

(b) given to the widely held market body concerned.

851D Conditions of approval

(1) An approval under section 851B is subject to such conditions (if

any) as are specified in the notice of approval.

(2) The Minister may, by written notice given to a person who holds

an approval under section 851B:

(a) impose one or more conditions or further conditions to which

the approval is subject; or

(b) revoke or vary any condition:

(i) imposed under paragraph (a); or

(ii) specified in the notice of approval.

(3) The Minister’s power under subsection (2) may be exercised:

(a) on the Minister’s own initiative; or

(b) on application by the person who holds the approval.

(4) An application made by a person under paragraph (3)(b) must be

lodged with ASIC and must set out the person’s reasons for

making the application.

Note: For fees in respect of lodging applications, see Part 9.10.

(5) ASIC must give the application to the Minister as soon as possible.

(6) If the Minister refuses an application under paragraph (3)(b), the

Minister must give written notice of the refusal to the applicant.

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Section 851E

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(7) As soon as practicable, the Minister must arrange for a copy of a

notice under subsection (2) to be:

(a) published in the Gazette; and

(b) given to the widely held market body concerned.

(8) A person who holds an approval under section 851B must give

written notice to ASIC if they become aware that they have

breached a condition to which the approval is subject.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

851E Varying percentage approved

Application by holder of approval

(1) A person who holds an approval under section 851B may apply to

vary the percentage specified in the approval by lodging with ASIC

an application that:

(a) specifies the percentage of the voting power the person

currently has in the widely held market body concerned; and

(b) specifies the percentage of the voting power the person is

seeking approval to have in the body; and

(c) sets out the person’s reasons for making the application.

Note: For fees in respect of lodging applications, see Part 9.10.

(2) ASIC must give the application to the Minister as soon as possible.

(3) If the Minister is satisfied that it is in the national interest to vary

the percentage, the Minister may grant the application.

(4) If the Minister grants the application, the Minister must:

(a) give written notice of the variation to the applicant; and

(b) specify the variation granted (which may or may not be the

variation the applicant applied for).

(5) If the Minister refuses an application, the Minister must give

written notice of the refusal to the applicant.

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Section 851F

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Minister’s own initiative

(6) The Minister may, by written notice given to a person who holds

an approval under section 851B, vary the percentage specified in

the approval if the Minister is satisfied that it is in the national

interest to do so.

Percentage varied upwards

(7) If the Minister varies a percentage upwards, the variation takes

effect on the day the notice of variation is given.

Percentage varied downwards

(8) If the Minister varies a percentage downwards, the variation takes

effect on the day specified in the notice of variation. The specified

day must be a day at least 90 days after the day on which the notice

is given.

Notification of variation

(9) As soon as practicable, the Minister must arrange for a copy of a

notice of variation under this section to be:

(a) published in the Gazette; and

(b) given to the widely held market body concerned.

851F Revoking an approval

(1) The Minister may, by written notice given to a person who holds

an approval under section 851B in relation to a widely held market

body, revoke the approval if the Minister is satisfied that:

(a) it is in the national interest to do so; or

(b) an unacceptable control situation exists in relation to the

widely held market body and in relation to the person; or

(c) there has been a contravention of a condition to which the

approval is subject.

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Limit on control of certain licensees Division 1

Section 851G

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(2) The revocation takes effect on the day specified in the notice of

revocation. The specified day must be a day at least 90 days after

the day on which the notice is given.

(3) If a person who holds an approval under section 851B requests the

Minister to revoke the approval, the Minister must, by written

notice given to the person, revoke the approval. The revocation

takes effect on the day specified in the notice of revocation.

(4) As soon as practicable, the Minister must arrange for a copy of a

notice of revocation under this section to be:

(a) published in the Gazette; and

(b) given to the widely held market body concerned.

851G Further information about applications

(1) This section applies to an application under this Subdivision.

(2) The Minister may, by written notice given to the applicant, require

the applicant to give the Minister, within a specified period, further

information about the application.

(3) The Minister may refuse to consider the application until the

applicant gives the Minister the information.

851H Time limit for Minister’s decision

(1) The Minister must make a decision on an application under this

Subdivision within 30 days after receiving the application.

(2) However, before the end of the 30 days, the Minister may decide to

extend the period for considering the application until the end of 60

days after the application was received.

(3) If the Minister has not made a decision within the 30 days (or the

60 days, if subsection (2) applies), the Minister is taken to have

granted whatever was applied for. As soon as practicable after that

happens, the Minister must arrange for a notice to that effect to be:

(a) published in the Gazette; and

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Division 1 Limit on control of certain licensees

Section 851I

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(b) given to the widely held market body concerned.

(4) The time for making the decision stops running if the Minister

gives a notice under section 851G in relation to the application, and

does not start again until the notice is complied with.

(5) The time limit in this section does not apply to an application under

section 851A or 851E if an unacceptable control situation exists in

relation to the applicant and in relation to the relevant widely held

market body at any time before the Minister makes a decision.

851I Preservation of voting power in relation to bodies specified in

regulations made for section 850A

(1) A person holding a particular percentage of voting power in a body

at its specification time (see subsection (3)) is taken at that time to

be granted an approval under section 851B to hold that percentage

of voting power in the body if:

(a) in a case where the body’s specification time occurs at the

same time as the commencement of this section—the person

holding the percentage of voting power in the body

immediately before the specification time did not, to any

extent, constitute a contravention of previous law (see

subsection (3)); and

(b) whether the body’s specification time occurs at the same time

as, or after, the commencement of this section—on the

body’s specification time, the person holding that percentage

of voting power in the body would (apart from this section)

constitute an unacceptable control situation.

Note: Conditions can be imposed on the approval under section 851D and

then varied or revoked in accordance with that section.

(2) The Minister is taken to have complied with the Minister’s

obligations under section 851B in relation to the granting of the

approval to the person.

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Section 852A

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(3) In this section:

contravention of previous law means a contravention of a

provision of Part 7.1A of this Act as in force immediately before

the commencement of this section.

specification time, in relation to a body, means the time a body

first becomes specified in regulations made for the purposes of

section 850A.

Subdivision C—Other matters

852A Acquisition of property

(1) The Court must not make an order under section 850D if:

(a) the order would result in the acquisition of property from a

person otherwise than on just terms; and

(b) the order would be invalid because of paragraph 51(xxxi) of

the Constitution.

(2) Section 1350 does not apply in relation to the making of an order

under section 850D.

(3) In this section:

acquisition of property has the same meaning as in

paragraph 51(xxxi) of the Constitution.

just terms has the same meaning as in paragraph 51(xxxi) of the


852B Anti-avoidance

(1) If:

(a) one or more persons enter into, begin to carry out or carry out

a scheme; and

(b) it would be concluded that the person, or any of the persons,

who entered into, began to carry out or carried out the

scheme or any part of the scheme did so for the sole or

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Section 852B

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dominant purpose of avoiding the application of any

provision of Subdivision A in relation to any person or

persons (whether or not mentioned in paragraph (a)); and

(c) as a result of the scheme or a part of the scheme, a person

(the controller) increases the controller’s voting power in a

widely held market body;

the Minister may give the controller a written direction to cease

having that voting power within a specified time.

(2) A person who is subject to a written direction under subsection (1)

must comply with the direction.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(3) In this section:

increase voting power includes increasing it from a starting point

of nil.

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Individuals who are not fit and proper are disqualified Division 2

Section 853A

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Division 2—Individuals who are not fit and proper are


853A Who is disqualified

For the purposes of this Division, an individual is disqualified if:

(a) a declaration by ASIC that the individual is disqualified is in

effect under section 853C; or

(b) the individual is disqualified from managing a corporation

under section 206B; or

(c) the individual is on the Register that ASIC must keep under

section 1274AA.

853B When an individual is involved in an operator

For the purposes of this Division, an individual is involved in a

market licensee, a CS facility licensee, a derivative trade repository

licensee or a benchmark administrator licensee, or an applicant for

such a licence, if:

(a) the individual is a director, secretary or senior manager of the

licensee or applicant, or in a holding company of the licensee

or applicant; or

(b) the individual has more than 15% of the total voting power in

the licensee or applicant, or in a holding company of the

licensee or applicant.

853C Declaration by ASIC

(1) ASIC may declare in writing that an individual who is involved in

a market licensee, a CS facility licensee, a derivative trade

repository licensee or a benchmark administrator licensee, or in an

applicant for a licence of any of those kinds, is disqualified for the

purposes of this Division.

(2) ASIC may make such a declaration only if ASIC is satisfied that,

because the individual is unfit to be involved in the licensee or

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Division 2 Individuals who are not fit and proper are disqualified

Section 853D

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applicant, there is a risk that the licensee or applicant will breach

its obligations under this Chapter if the declaration is not made.

(3) In deciding whether an individual is unfit as mentioned in

subsection (2), ASIC must take into account such matters as the

individual’s fame, character and integrity, rather than his or her

competence, experience, knowledge or other such attributes.

(4) A declaration may be expressed to remain in effect for a specified

period or until a specified event occurs. Otherwise, it remains in

effect indefinitely (unless it is revoked under section 853E).

853D Procedure for declaration

(1) ASIC must not make a declaration under section 853C unless it has

followed the procedure in this section.

(2) Within 42 days after:

(a) a body corporate applies for an Australian market licence, an

Australian CS facility licence, an Australian derivative trade

repository licence or a benchmark administrator licence; or

(b) ASIC receives other information that may be relevant to

deciding whether to make a declaration under section 853C

about an individual who is involved in an applicant for an

Australian market licence, an Australian CS facility licence,

an Australian derivative trade repository licence or a

benchmark administrator licence, or in an existing licensee;

ASIC may give the applicant or licensee written notice that ASIC

proposes to make a declaration under section 853C about the

individual in question.

(3) ASIC must give a copy of the notice to the individual and to the


(4) The notice must:

(a) state the grounds on which ASIC proposes to make the

declaration; and

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Section 853E

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(b) require the applicant or licensee, and the individual, to show,

at a hearing before a specified person, why the declaration

should not be made; and

(c) specify a reasonable time and place at which the hearing is to

be held.

However, if the applicant or licensee, and the individual, consent,

the person conducting the hearing may fix a different time or place.

(5) The person conducting the hearing must:

(a) give the applicant or licensee, and the individual, an

opportunity to be heard at the hearing; and

(b) give ASIC:

(i) a report about the hearing; and

(ii) a recommendation about the grounds in the notice on

which it is proposed to make the declaration.

(6) As soon as practicable after the hearing, ASIC must:

(a) decide whether to make the declaration; and

(b) give each of the following persons a copy of the declaration,

or a written notice of its decision not to make the declaration:

(i) the applicant or licensee;

(ii) the individual;

(iii) the Minister.

853E Revoking a declaration

(1) ASIC may, in writing, revoke a declaration under section 853C if it

is no longer satisfied as mentioned in subsection 853C(2) in

relation to the individual in question.

(2) ASIC must give a copy of the revocation to the relevant applicant

or licensee, the individual and the Minister.

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Part 7.4 Limits on involvement with licensees

Division 2 Individuals who are not fit and proper are disqualified

Section 853F

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853F Obligations on disqualified individuals

(1) A disqualified individual must not become involved in a market

licensee, a CS facility licensee, a derivative trade repository

licensee or a benchmark administrator licensee.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) A disqualified individual who is involved in a market licensee, a

CS facility licensee, a derivative trade repository licensee or a

benchmark administrator licensee must take all reasonable steps to

ensure that he or she ceases to be involved in the licensee.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(3) A person contravenes this subsection if the person contravenes

subsection (2).

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

853G Notification by ASIC

If ASIC becomes aware that an individual who is involved in a

market licensee, a CS facility licensee, a derivative trade repository

licensee or a benchmark administrator licensee is disqualified

because of paragraph 853A(b) or (c), ASIC must notify the

individual, the licensee and the Minister as soon as practicable.

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Miscellaneous Division 3

Section 854A

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Division 3—Miscellaneous

854A Record-keeping and giving of information

(1) The regulations may make provision for and in relation to requiring

a person:

(a) to keep and retain records that are relevant to whether a

person has voting power in a widely held market body and, if

so, how much; and

(b) to keep and retain records that are relevant to determining

whether any disqualified individual is involved in a market

licensee, a CS facility licensee or a derivative trade

repository licensee; and

(c) to give the Minister or ASIC information that is relevant to

the matters mentioned in paragraphs (a) and (b); and

(d) to give a widely held market body information that is

relevant to the matter mentioned in paragraph (a).

(2) The regulations may provide that information given in accordance

with a requirement covered by paragraph (1)(c) or (d) must be

verified by statutory declaration.

(3) However, an individual is not required to give information in

accordance with a requirement covered by paragraph (1)(c) or (d)

if the information might tend to incriminate the individual or

expose the individual to a penalty.

(4) A person contravenes this section if:

(a) the person makes or keeps a record in compliance, or

purported compliance, with a requirement covered by

subsection (1); and

(b) the person does so knowing that the record:

(i) is false or misleading; or

(ii) omits any matter or thing without which the record is


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Division 3 Miscellaneous

Section 854B

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Note: A contravention of this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(5) Regulations made for the purposes of this section may make

provision for or in relation to a matter by conferring a power on the


854B Exemptions and modifications by regulations

(1) The regulations may:

(a) exempt a person or class of persons from all or specified

provisions of this Part; or

(b) provide that this Part applies as if specified provisions were

omitted, modified or varied as specified in the regulations.

(3) For the purpose of this section, the provisions of this Part include:

(a) definitions in this Act, or in the regulations, as they apply to

references in this Part; and

(b) any provisions of Part 10.2 (transitional provisions) that

relate to provisions of this Part.

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Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Compensation regimes for financial markets Part 7.5

Preliminary Division 1

Section 880A

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Part 7.5—Compensation regimes for financial


Division 1—Preliminary

880A Part does not apply to markets licensed under special

provisions about overseas markets

Nothing in this Part applies in relation to:

(a) a financial market the operation of which is licensed under

subsection 795B(2); or

(b) an application for the grant of a licence under that subsection.

880B Definitions

(1) In this Part:

adequate has a meaning affected by subsection (2).

borrowing includes obtaining credit.

compensation arrangements are arrangements that consist of:

(a) a set of rules about compensation; and

(b) a source of funds from which compensation is payable; and

(c) associated administrative and monitoring arrangements.

compensation rules means rules referred to in paragraph (a) of the

definition of compensation arrangements.

Division 3 arrangements means compensation arrangements

approved under Division 3.

Division 3 loss means a loss described in section 885C, other than

a loss that section 885D provides is to be taken not to be a

Division 3 loss.

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Part 7.5 Compensation regimes for financial markets

Division 1 Preliminary

Section 880B

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Division 4 arrangements means the arrangements constituted by

Division 4.

fidelity fund, in relation to a financial market, means a fund

consisting principally of contributions made by:

(a) participants and past participants in the market; or

(b) participants and past participants in:

(i) the market; and

(ii) one or more other financial markets;

the purpose, or the main purpose, of which is to provide a source of

funds for the payment of compensation to clients of participants.

Any investments made using money in the fund are taken to form

part of the fund.

NGF means the National Guarantee Fund that continues in

existence under section 889A.

operating rules, in relation to the SEGC, means the rules referred

to in section 890D.

Part 7.5 arrangements means Division 3 arrangements or

Division 4 arrangements.

pay compensation includes provide compensation in a form other

than money.

SEGC means the body corporate in relation to which a nomination

as the Securities Exchanges Guarantee Corporation is in force

under section 890A.

(2) For the purposes of this Part, the question whether proposed

compensation arrangements, compensation arrangements as

proposed to be changed, or compensation arrangements that have

been approved, are adequate is to be determined in accordance

with Subdivision D of Division 3.

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Compensation regimes for financial markets Part 7.5

When there must be a compensation regime Division 2

Section 881A

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Division 2—When there must be a compensation regime

881A Licensed markets through which participants provide services

for retail clients must generally have a compensation


(1) If:

(a) any of the participants in a licensed market, in effecting

transactions through the market, provide financial services

for persons as retail clients; and

(b) in connection with the provision of those financial services,

those persons will or may give money or other property, or

authority over property, to those participants; and

(c) the market is not a financial market to which Division 4


there must be compensation arrangements in relation to the market

that are approved in accordance with Division 3.

(2) The compensation regime applicable in relation to financial

markets to which Division 4 applies is as constituted by that


881B Additional requirements for the licence application

(1) A person who is applying for an Australian market licence must

state in their application:

(a) whether any of the participants in the market, in effecting

transactions through the market, will provide financial

services for persons as retail clients; and

(b) if any participants will so provide financial services to

persons as retail clients—whether, in connection with the

provision of those financial services, those persons will or

may give money or other property, or authority over

property, to those participants.

(2) If:

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Part 7.5 Compensation regimes for financial markets

Division 2 When there must be a compensation regime

Section 881C

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(a) participants in the market will provide financial services to

persons as retail clients as mentioned in paragraph (1)(a); and

(b) in connection with the provision of those financial services,

those persons will or may give money or property, or

authority over property, to those participants;

the application must:

(c) contain the information, in relation to the proposed

compensation arrangements, required by regulations made

for the purposes of this paragraph and be accompanied by a

copy of the proposed compensation rules; or

(d) state that the market is or will be covered by Division 4, and

set out evidence, in accordance with the requirements (if any)

of the regulations, in support of that statement.

881C What happens if an application contains information in

accordance with paragraph 881B(2)(c)

If a licence application contains information in relation to proposed

compensation arrangements as required by paragraph 881B(2)(c),

the Minister must deal with the application in accordance with

section 882A.

881D What happens if an application contains a statement in

accordance with paragraph 881B(2)(d)

(1) If a licence application contains a statement in accordance with

paragraph 881B(2)(d), the Minister must consider whether he or

she is satisfied that the market will be covered by Division 4.

(2) If the Minister is not so satisfied, the application for the licence

must be rejected.

(3) If the Minister is so satisfied, the Minister may (subject to the other

provisions about granting licences) grant the licence.

Note: The other provisions about granting licences are in Subdivision A of

Division 4 of Part 7.2.

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Section 882A

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Division 3—Approved compensation arrangements

Subdivision A—Approval of compensation arrangements

882A How to get compensation arrangements approved with grant

of licence

(1) If an application for an Australian market licence contains

information in relation to proposed compensation arrangements in

accordance with paragraph 881B(2)(c), the Minister must treat the

application as also being an application for approval of the

compensation arrangements and, for that purpose, must consider

whether the proposed arrangements are adequate.

(2) If the Minister does not consider that the proposed compensation

arrangements are adequate, the application for the licence must be


(3) If the Minister considers that the proposed compensation

arrangements are adequate, the Minister may (subject to the other

provisions about granting licences) grant the licence. On the

granting of the licence, the Minister is taken to have approved the

compensation arrangements.

Note: The other provisions about granting licences are in Subdivision A of

Division 4 of Part 7.2.

(4) In the conditions of the licence, the Minister must:

(a) deal with the minimum amount of cover required in relation

to the compensation arrangements in such manner as the

Minister thinks appropriate; and

(b) identify the source of funds available to cover claims, on the

basis of which the Minister approves the arrangements (see

section 885H).

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Section 882B

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882B How to get compensation arrangements approved after licence

is granted

(1) If the operator of a licensed market wants to have compensation

arrangements for the market approved after the licence has been

granted, the operator must apply for approval in accordance with

this section.

(2) The application must:

(a) contain the information, in relation to the proposed

compensation arrangements, required by regulations made

for the purposes of this paragraph and be accompanied by a

copy of the proposed compensation rules; and

(b) be made to the Minister by lodging the application with


Note: For fees in respect of lodging applications, see Part 9.10.

(3) If the Minister does not consider that the proposed compensation

arrangements are adequate, the application for approval must be


(4) If the Minister considers that the proposed compensation

arrangements are adequate, the Minister must:

(a) approve the compensation arrangements in writing; and

(b) vary the conditions of the operator’s licence so as to:

(i) deal with the minimum amount of cover required in

relation to the compensation arrangements in such

manner as the Minister thinks appropriate; and

(ii) identify the source of funds available to cover claims,

on the basis of which the Minister approves the

arrangements (see section 885H).

(5) In varying licence conditions as mentioned in paragraph (4)(b), the

Minister must proceed under section 796A as though the licensee

had applied for the variation to be made.

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Section 882C

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882C Revocation of approval

The Minister may at any time revoke an approval of compensation

arrangements if the Minister considers that the arrangements are

not adequate.

882D Minister’s power to give directions

(1) If the Minister considers that a market licensee’s approved

compensation arrangements are no longer adequate, the Minister

may give the licensee a written direction to do specified things that

the Minister believes will ensure that the arrangements become

adequate once more.

(2) The licensee must comply with the direction.

(3) If the licensee fails to comply with the direction, ASIC may apply

to the Court for, and the Court may make, an order that the licensee

comply with the direction.

(4) The Minister may vary or revoke a direction at any time by giving

written notice to the licensee.

Subdivision B—Effect of compensation rules forming part of

Division 3 arrangements

883A Legal effect of compensation rules

Compensation rules forming part of Division 3 arrangements for a

financial market have effect as a contract under seal between the

operator of the market and each participant in the market under

which each of those persons agrees to observe the rules to the

extent that they apply to the person and engage in conduct that the

person is required by the rules to engage in.

883B Enforcement of compensation rules

(1) If a person who is under an obligation to comply with or enforce

any of the compensation rules forming part of Division 3

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Section 883C

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arrangements for a financial market fails to meet that obligation, an

application to the Court may be made by:

(a) ASIC; or

(b) the operator of the market; or

(c) the operator of a clearing and settlement facility, if:

(i) there are clearing and settlement arrangements (as

defined in section 790A) for some or all transactions

effected through the market; and

(ii) those arrangements are with the operator of the facility;


(d) a person aggrieved by the failure.

(2) After giving an opportunity to be heard to the applicant and the

person against whom the order is sought, the Court may make an

order giving directions to:

(a) the person against whom the order is sought; or

(b) if that person is a body corporate—the directors of the body


about compliance with, or enforcement of, the compensation rules.

(3) For the purposes of this section, if the operator of the market fails

to comply with or enforce provisions of the compensation rules, a

person who is, under the rules, entitled to make a claim for

compensation is (whether or not they have actually made a claim)

taken to be a person aggrieved by the failure.

(4) There may be other circumstances in which a person may be

aggrieved by a failure for the purposes of this section.

883C Other sources of funds for compensation

Nothing in this Division makes the operator of a financial market

liable to pay compensation from any source of funds other than the

source identified in the licence conditions under

paragraph 882A(4)(b) or subparagraph 882B(4)(b)(ii).

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Section 883D

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883D Payment of levies

(1) This section applies if, under the compensation rules forming part

of Division 3 arrangements for a particular financial market, a levy

is payable by all or some of the participants in the market in order

to ensure that adequate funds are available for the purposes of the


(2) The levy is payable to the operator of the market, as agent for the

Commonwealth, by each of the participants affected.

Note: For the imposition and amount of the levy, see the Corporations

(Compensation Arrangements Levies) Act 2001.

(3) An amount of levy payable under subsection (2) must be paid

within the time and in the manner specified by the operator either

generally or in relation to a particular case.

(4) Whenever an amount of levy (the levy amount) is paid under this

section, or under section 6 of the Corporations (Compensation

Arrangements Levies) Act 2001, to the operator of a market as

agent for the Commonwealth:

(a) the operator must pay an amount equal to the levy amount to

the Commonwealth; and

(b) the Consolidated Revenue Fund is appropriated by that

amount for the purpose of payment to the operator; and

(c) the Commonwealth must pay the amount so appropriated to

the operator; and

(d) the operator must deal with the amount it receives under

paragraph (c) in accordance with the compensation rules.

(5) A payment of an amount to the operator of a market as required by

paragraph (4)(c) in respect of a particular levy amount is subject to

a condition that, if the Commonwealth becomes liable to refund the

whole or a part of the levy amount, the operator must pay the

Commonwealth an amount equal to the amount that the

Commonwealth is liable to refund.

(6) The Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 does not

apply in relation to the payment of an amount of levy under this

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Section 884A

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section to the operator of a market as agent for the Commonwealth.

However, the operation of that Act in relation to the following

payments is not affected:

(a) the payment of an amount to the Commonwealth as required

by paragraph (4)(a); or

(b) the payment of an amount by the Commonwealth as required

by paragraph (4)(c).

The operator must, in accordance with the regulations, notify the

Commonwealth of payments of levy it receives as agent for the


(7) An amount payable by an operator as required by paragraph (4)(a)

may be set off against an amount payable to the operator as

required by paragraph (4)(c).

Subdivision C—Changing Division 3 arrangements

884A Division 3 arrangements must generally only be changed in

accordance with this Subdivision

(1) The operator of a financial market in relation to which there are

Division 3 arrangements must not change those arrangements

except in accordance with this Subdivision.

(2) However, a change may be made to Division 3 arrangements

otherwise than in accordance with this Subdivision if:

(a) the change is not to a matter required by section 885B to be

dealt with in the compensation rules; and

(b) the change is merely a minor administrative change.

884B Changing Division 3 arrangements—matters required to be

dealt with in the compensation rules

(1) If the proposed change is to a matter required by section 885B to

be dealt with in the compensation rules, the change may only be

made by changing the rules.

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Section 884C

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(2) As soon as practicable after the change is made, the operator must

lodge with ASIC written notice of the change.

(3) The notice must:

(a) set out the text of the change; and

(b) specify the date on which the change was made; and

(c) contain an explanation of the purpose of the change.

(4) If no notice is lodged with ASIC within 21 days after the change is

made, the change ceases to have effect.

(5) As soon as practicable after receiving a notice under

subsection (2), ASIC must send a copy of the notice to the


(6) Within 28 days after receiving the copy of the notice, the Minister

may disallow all or a specified part of the change to the

compensation rules.

(7) The Minister must not disallow all or part of the change unless the

Minister considers that, because of the change, or that part of the

change, the compensation arrangements are not adequate.

(8) As soon as practicable after all or part of a change is disallowed,

ASIC must give notice of the disallowance to the operator of the

market concerned. The change ceases to have effect, to the extent

of the disallowance, when the operator receives the notice.

884C Changing Division 3 arrangements—matters not required to

be dealt with in the compensation rules

(1) If:

(a) the proposed change is to a matter that is not required by

section 885B to be dealt with in the compensation rules

(including a matter that is dealt with in the compensation

rules even though it is not required to be dealt with in those

rules); and

(b) the change is not merely a minor administrative change;

the operator must not make the change unless:

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(c) the operator has applied for approval of the change; and

(d) the change has been approved by the Minister.

(2) The application for approval must:

(a) include the information, required by regulations made for the

purposes of this paragraph, in relation to the proposed

change; and

(b) be made to the Minister by lodging the application with


Note: For fees in respect of lodging applications, see Part 9.10.

(3) If the Minister does not consider that the compensation

arrangements as proposed to be changed are adequate, the

application for approval must be rejected.

(4) If the Minister considers that the compensation arrangements as

proposed to be changed are adequate, the Minister must approve

the change.

(5) If:

(a) the proposed change is to a matter that is dealt with in the

compensation rules even though it is not required to be dealt

with in those rules; and

(b) the change is approved;

the operator may make any change to the compensation rules that

is necessary to give effect to the change that has been approved or

that is incidental to giving effect to that change.

(6) If a change to the compensation rules is made as permitted by

subsection (5), the operator must, as soon as practicable after the

change is made, give ASIC written notice of the change.

(7) A notice required by subsection (6) must:

(a) set out the text of the change; and

(b) specify the date on which it was made; and

(c) contain an explanation of why it is a change that is permitted

to be made by subsection (5).

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Section 885A

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Subdivision D—Are compensation arrangements adequate?

885A Purpose of this Subdivision

(1) This Subdivision applies for the purpose of determining, for the

purposes of a provision of this Division:

(a) whether:

(i) proposed compensation arrangements are adequate; or

(ii) compensation arrangements as proposed to be changed

are adequate; or

(b) whether compensation arrangements that have been approved

are adequate.

(2) A reference in this Subdivision to the arrangements is a reference

to the proposed arrangements, the arrangements as proposed to be

changed, or the arrangements that have been approved, as the case


(3) A reference in this Subdivision to the compensation rules is a

reference to the compensation rules, or the proposed compensation

rules, forming part of the arrangements under consideration.

885B Requirements to be complied with for arrangements to be


(1) The arrangements are adequate if, and only if, the Minister is

satisfied that:

(a) the compensation rules provide adequate coverage for

Division 3 losses (see sections 885C and 885D); and

(b) the compensation rules provide for adequate compensation to

be paid in respect of Division 3 losses (see section 885E);


(c) the compensation rules deal adequately with how

compensation in respect of Division 3 losses is to be paid

(see section 885F); and

(d) the compensation rules deal adequately with the making and

determination of claims in respect of Division 3 losses, and

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Section 885C

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with the notification of the outcome of such claims (see

section 885G); and

(e) the arrangements provide for an adequate source of funds for

paying compensation in respect of Division 3 losses and in

respect of any other losses covered by the arrangements (see

section 885H); and

(f) the arrangements include adequate arrangements for

administration and monitoring (see section 885I); and

(g) under the arrangements, potential claimants have reasonable

and timely access to the compensation regime; and

(h) if the licensee ceases (for whatever reason) to be required to

have Division 3 arrangements, the rights of people to seek

compensation under the arrangements, being rights that

accrued while the licensee was required to have such

arrangements, will be adequately protected.

(2) In considering the matters mentioned in subsection (1), the

Minister must also have regard to the matters mentioned in

section 885J.

(3) The matters that may be dealt with in compensation rules are not

limited to matters mentioned in this section.

885C The losses to be covered

(1) Subject to section 885D, the compensation rules must cover losses

(Division 3 losses) of a kind described in the following paragraphs:

(a) a person (the client) gave money or other property, or

authority over property, to a person (the participant):

(i) who was a participant in the market at that time; or

(ii) who the client reasonably believed to be a participant in

the market at that time and who was a participant in the

market at some earlier time; and

(b) the money or other property, or the authority, was given to

the participant in connection with effecting a transaction, or

proposed transaction, covered by provisions of the operating

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Section 885D

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rules of the market relating to transactions effected through

the market; and

(c) the effecting of the transaction through the market constitutes

or would constitute the provision of a financial service to the

client as a retail client; and

(d) the client suffers a loss because of:

(i) if the client gave the participant money or other

property—the defalcation or fraudulent misuse of the

money or other property by the participant; or

(ii) if the client gave the participant authority over

property—the fraudulent misuse of that authority by the


(2) The compensation rules must provide that a claim relating to an

alleged loss caused by defalcation or fraudulent misuse may be

allowed even if:

(a) the person against whom the defalcation or misuse is alleged

has not been convicted or prosecuted; and

(b) the evidence on which the claim is allowed would not be

sufficient to establish the guilt of that person on a criminal

trial in respect of the defalcation or fraudulent misuse.

(3) The compensation rules may exclude losses of a kind described

above that occur in specified situations. However, the

compensation arrangements will not be adequate unless the

Minister is satisfied that those exclusions are appropriate.

885D Certain losses that are not Division 3 losses

(1) If, in relation to a loss suffered by a person:

(a) the requirements of subsection 885C(1) are satisfied in

relation to a participant and 2 or more financial markets; and

(b) the person did not (expressly or impliedly) instruct the

participant to use a particular one of those markets; and

(c) it is not reasonably apparent from the usual business practice

of the participant which of those markets the participant

would use when acting for the person;

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Section 885E

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the loss is taken not to be a Division 3 loss.

(2) If, in relation to a loss suffered by a person:

(a) the requirements of subsection 885C(1) are satisfied in

relation to a participant and a financial market; and

(b) the loss is also connected (see section 888A) with a financial

market to which Division 4 applies; and

(c) the person did not (expressly or impliedly) instruct the

participant to use a particular one of those markets; and

(d) it is not reasonably apparent from the usual business practice

of the participant which of those markets the participant

would use when acting for the person;

the loss is taken not to be a Division 3 loss.

(3) If, in relation to a loss suffered by a person:

(a) the transaction referred to in paragraph 885C(1)(b) could

have been effected otherwise than through a financial market;


(b) the person did not (expressly or impliedly) instruct the

participant concerned to effect the transaction through a

financial market; and

(c) it is not reasonably apparent from the usual business practice

of the participant that the transaction would be effected

through a financial market;

the loss is taken not to be a Division 3 loss.

885E The amount of compensation

(1) Subject to this section, the compensation rules must provide that

the amount of compensation to be paid in respect of a Division 3

loss is to be not less than the sum of:

(a) the actual pecuniary loss suffered by the claimant, calculated

by reference to the market value of any relevant assets or

liabilities as at the date on which the loss was suffered; and

(b) the claimant’s reasonable costs of, and disbursements

incidental to, the making and proof of the claim.

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Approved compensation arrangements Division 3

Section 885F

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(2) The compensation rules may provide for the amount of

compensation payable in respect of a Division 3 loss to be reduced

by reference to a right of set-off available to the claimant.

(3) The compensation rules may impose an upper limit on the amount

of compensation to which a person is entitled in respect of a claim

in particular circumstances, or an upper limit on the total amount of

compensation to which persons are entitled in respect of claims

referable to a particular event or circumstance.

(4) That upper limit may be specified in the compensation rules or

determined by a method specified in the rules.

(5) The compensation rules must also provide for the payment to the

claimant of interest at the rate applicable under the regulations on

the amount of the actual pecuniary loss, or so much of that loss as

from time to time has not been compensated by an instalment or

instalments of compensation, in respect of the period starting on

the day when the loss was suffered and ending on the day when the

compensation, or the last instalment of compensation, is paid.

(6) The compensation rules may provide for what is to happen if there

are insufficient funds to meet claims in respect of Division 3 losses

and in respect of any other losses covered by the arrangements. For

example, they may provide for the prioritisation of claims, or the

apportionment of available funds between claims.

(7) In other provisions of this Division a reference to compensation in

respect of a Division 3 loss includes (unless the contrary intention

appears) a reference to interest referred to in subsection (5).

885F Method of payment of compensation

(1) The compensation rules must deal with how compensation in

respect of Division 3 losses is to be paid.

(2) Without limiting subsection (1), the compensation rules may

provide for compensation to be paid in a lump sum or by


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Section 885G

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885G Making and determination of claims

(1) The compensation rules must provide for how claims in respect of

Division 3 losses are to be made and determined, and for how

claimants are notified of the outcome of their claims.

(2) Without limiting subsection (1), the compensation rules may:

(a) require a person making a claim to pay money, or transfer

other property, in support of a claim; and

(b) provide for claims to be disallowed unless persons exercise

rights of set-off; and

(c) set time limits for the making of claims; and

(d) provide for claims to be partially allowed (including, for

example, in a case where the operator considers that the

claimant’s conduct contributed to the loss).

885H The source of funds—general

There must be an adequate source of funds available to cover

claims made under the compensation arrangements in respect of

Division 3 losses and in respect of any other losses covered by the


Note 1: For example, the source of funds may consist of:

(a) a fidelity fund; or

(b) insurance arrangements; or

(c) an irrevocable letter of credit.

Note 2: The source of funds does not have to consist of a single thing. It may

consist of a combination of different things.

885I Administration and monitoring

(1) The arrangements must include arrangements for:

(a) the administration of the compensation arrangements; and

(b) monitoring compliance with the compensation arrangements

and reporting breaches of the arrangements to the board of

the operator of the market; and

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Section 885J

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(c) monitoring the adequacy of the arrangements and reporting

to the board of the operator of the market on the need for, or

desirability of, changes to the compensation arrangements.

(2) Without limiting subsection (1), the arrangements may give

responsibilities to:

(a) the operator of the market, or a related company, or a director

or employee of the operator or a related company; or

(b) a committee; or

(c) another person acting under an arrangement with the


(3) The people who may be members of a committee referred to in

paragraph (2)(b) include, but are not limited to:

(a) participants in the market, or representatives of such

participants; and

(b) members of the board of the operator of the market.

885J The losses to be covered—other matters to be taken into


(1) In considering whether the arrangements are adequate, the Minister

must also have regard to:

(a) the services provided by the market and by the participants in

the market; and

(b) any risk assessment report in relation to the market given to

the Minister under section 892K.

(2) The Minister may take into account such other matters as the

Minister thinks appropriate.

Subdivision E—Other provisions about Division 3


886A Only one claim in respect of the same loss


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Division 3 Approved compensation arrangements

Section 886B

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(a) a claim by a person for compensation in respect of a

particular Division 3 loss suffered by the person has been

allowed under Division 3 arrangements; and

(b) the person makes or has made another claim under those

Division 3 arrangements, or under other Division 3

arrangements, in respect of the same loss;

that other claim must not be allowed.

886B Regulations relating to fidelity funds

The regulations may include provisions relating to how a fidelity

fund, or part of a fidelity fund, is to be dealt with if:

(a) the operator of a financial market becomes insolvent, within

the meaning of the regulations; or

(b) a financial market merges with another financial market; or

(c) a financial market ceases to operate (otherwise than because

of a merger), or ceases to be required by subsection 881A(1)

to have approved compensation arrangements.

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NGF Compensation regime Division 4

Section 887A

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Division 4—NGF Compensation regime

Subdivision A—Application of Division

887A Markets to which this Division applies

This Division applies to a financial market that is operated by:

(a) a body corporate that is a member of the SEGC; or

(b) a body corporate that is a subsidiary of such a member;

other than any such market that the regulations state is not covered

by this Division.

Subdivision B—Claims for and payment of compensation

888A The situations in which compensation may be claimed

(1) The situations in which compensation may be claimed in respect of

a loss that is connected with a financial market to which this

Division applies are as specified in the regulations.

(2) Without limiting subsection (1), a loss is connected with a financial

market if it is caused by a participant, or past participant, in the


888B Kinds of compensation available

The regulations may provide that compensation under this Division

is to take the form of a payment of money or some other form (for

example, a transfer of financial products).

888C Amount of compensation payable

(1) The amount of compensation (including the value of any

non-monetary compensation) to which a person is entitled in

respect of a claim that is allowed is to be as determined in

accordance with the regulations.

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Division 4 NGF Compensation regime

Section 888D

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(2) Without limiting subsection (1), the regulations may do all or any

of the following:

(a) provide for the amount of compensation to be determined by

agreement with the claimant, or by arbitration if agreement

cannot be reached; and

(b) provide for the payment of interest on the amount of the

claimant’s loss; and

(c) provide for the amount of compensation to be reduced by

reference to a right of set-off available to the claimant or by

reference to the extent to which the claimant was responsible

for causing the loss; and

(d) impose an upper limit on the amount of compensation to

which a person is entitled in respect of a claim in particular

circumstances, or an upper limit on the total amount of

compensation to which persons are entitled in respect of

claims referable to a particular event or circumstance.

(3) An upper limit referred to in paragraph (2)(d) may be specified in

the regulations or determined by a method specified in the


(4) The regulations may also provide for a claimant to be paid an

amount in respect of the claimant’s reasonable costs of, and

disbursements incidental to, the making and proof of the claim

(whether or not the claim is allowed in whole or in part).

(5) The regulations may also provide for a claimant to be paid an

amount in respect of the claimant’s reasonable costs of, and

disbursements incidental to, attempting to recover the loss

(whether or not the claim is allowed in whole or in part).

888D Payment of compensation

(1) The regulations may provide for the compensation to be paid in a

lump sum or by instalments.

(2) The regulations may make other provisions in relation to how

compensation is to be paid.

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Section 888E

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888E Making and determination of claims

(1) Claims are to be made and determined in accordance with:

(a) the regulations; and

(b) any relevant provisions of the SEGC’s operating rules.

(2) Without limiting subsection (1), the regulations, or the SEGC’s

operating rules, may do all or any of the following:

(a) require a person making a claim to pay money, or transfer

other property, to the SEGC in support of a claim;

(b) provide for claims to be disallowed unless persons exercise

rights of set-off;

(c) set time limits for the making of claims;

(d) provide for claims to be partially allowed (including, for

example, in a case where the SEGC considers that the

claimant’s conduct contributed to the loss).

(3) The regulations, or the SEGC’s operating rules, may impose other

requirements to be complied with by the SEGC in relation to

claims (including, for example, requirements to notify claimants

whether their claims have been allowed).

(4) If a provision of the SEGC’s operating rules is wholly or partly

inconsistent with regulations made for the purposes of this section,

the provision of the SEGC’s operating rules is, to the extent of the

inconsistency, of no effect.

888F The SEGC has power to determine claims

The SEGC has power to determine claims in accordance with this


888G Allowing a claim does not constitute an admission of any other


If the SEGC allows a claim, neither the allowance of the claim, nor

any other act done by SEGC as a result of allowing the claim,

constitutes an admission (by anyone) of any liability, other than the

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Section 888H

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liability to provide compensation in respect of the claim in

accordance with this Division.

888H Claimant may apply to Court if claim disallowed

(1) If the SEGC has disallowed a claim, the claimant may bring

proceedings in the Court to establish the claim. The proceedings

must be brought within 3 months of notice of the disallowance of

the claim.

(2) If the SEGC has neither allowed nor disallowed a claim within a

reasonable period after it was made, the claimant may bring

proceedings in the Court to establish the claim.

(3) If, in proceedings under subsection (1) or (2), the Court is satisfied

that the claim should be allowed, the Court:

(a) must, by order, make a declaration accordingly and direct the

SEGC to allow the claim and deal with it in accordance with

this Division; and

(b) may, at any time after the order is made, on application made

(whether before or after the order is made) by the claimant or

the SEGC, give such directions relating to the claim as the

Court thinks just and reasonable.

(4) In proceedings to establish a claim, all questions of costs are in the

discretion of the Court.

888I Non-NGF property of the SEGC not available to meet claims

Money or other property of the SEGC that is not part of the NGF is

not available to be applied in respect of a claim that has been

allowed by the SEGC, whether or not under an order of the Court.

888J The SEGC may enter into contracts of insurance or indemnity

(1) The SEGC may enter into a contract with a person (the insurer)

carrying on a fidelity insurance business under which the SEGC

will be insured or indemnified against liability in respect of claims

to the extent and in the manner provided by the contract.

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Section 888K

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(2) The contract may relate to all claims or only to certain claims as

specified in the contract. The contract may, for example, exclude

claims relating to the conduct of a particular financial services


(3) The following persons each have qualified privilege in respect of

the publication of a statement that the contract does not apply with

respect to claims relating to the conduct of a particular financial

services licensee:

(a) the SEGC and the members of its board;

(b) any body corporate that is a member of the SEGC;

(c) any subsidiary of such a member;

(d) any employee of a body covered by paragraph (a), (b) or (c).

(4) A person who has made a claim does not have a right of action

against the insurer in respect of the contract or a right or claim in

respect of money paid by the insurer in accordance with the


888K NGF may be used to acquire financial products to be

transferred as compensation

The SEGC may pay money out of the NGF to acquire financial

products for the purpose of providing compensation (in accordance

with the regulations) that takes the form of a transfer of financial


Subdivision C—The NGF

889A Continuation of the National Guarantee Fund

The National Guarantee Fund that continued to exist under

section 928B of this Act before the repeal of that section by the

Financial Services Reform Act 2001 continues in existence as the

National Guarantee Fund for the purposes of this Part.

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Section 889B

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889B Compensation to be provided out of the NGF

Compensation payable under this Division is to be paid out of the


889C The SEGC to keep the NGF

(1) The SEGC must keep and administer the NGF.

(2) The assets of the NGF are the property of SEGC, but must be kept

separate from all other property and must be held on trust by the

SEGC for the purposes of this Division.

889D What the NGF consists of

The NGF consists of:

(a) money and other property constituting the NGF before the

commencement of this Chapter; and

(b) money paid into the NGF in accordance with section 889J or

889K; and

(c) money paid to the SEGC in accordance with regulations

referred to in section 888E in support of a claim; and

(d) money paid to the SEGC under a contract of insurance or

indemnity referred to in section 888J; and

(e) money paid into the NGF under subsection 889F(2); and

(f) the interest and profits from time to time accruing from the

investment of the NGF; and

(g) money recovered by or on behalf of the SEGC in the exercise

of a right of action that the SEGC has by virtue of a provision

of this Part; and

(h) money and other property paid or transferred to the SEGC for

inclusion in the NGF in accordance with regulations referred

to in section 891B; and

(i) all other money and other property lawfully paid into, or

forming part of, the NGF.

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Section 889E

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889E Power to borrow etc. for purposes of the NGF

(1) If the SEGC considers that, in the interests of the sound financial

management of the NGF, money should be borrowed for the

purpose of meeting a payment due out of the NGF, the SEGC may

borrow money for that purpose on such terms and conditions as the

SEGC thinks appropriate.

(2) The SEGC may give security, including over the assets of the

NGF, in respect of the SEGC’s obligations in relation to a

borrowing under subsection (1).

(3) If:

(a) money borrowed under subsection (1) is a loan from a body

corporate that is a member of the SEGC; and

(b) the body corporate borrowed money for the purpose of

making the loan to the SEGC;

the SEGC may give security, including over the assets of the NGF,

in relation to the body corporate’s obligations in respect of the

borrowing referred to in paragraph (b).

889F Money borrowed and paid to the SEGC

(1) This section applies if money borrowed by the SEGC under

subsection 889E(1) is paid to the SEGC.

(2) The SEGC must pay the money into the NGF.

(3) If:

(a) the money was borrowed for the purpose of meeting a

payment due out of the NGF; and

(b) the borrowed money has been paid into the NGF; and

(c) the payment due out of the NGF has not yet been made;

then, for the purposes of section 889J, the amount in the NGF is

taken to be reduced by the amount of the borrowed money.

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Section 889G

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889G Money borrowed and not paid to the SEGC

(1) This section applies if money borrowed by the SEGC under

subsection 889E(1) is not paid to the SEGC but is payable to other

persons at the direction of the SEGC.

(2) The SEGC must not direct that any of the money be paid to a

person unless the payment is of a kind that can, under

section 889H, be made out of the NGF.

889H Payments out of the NGF

Subject to regulations made for the purposes of this section, the

following are to be paid out of the NGF, in such order as the SEGC

considers appropriate:

(a) amounts, including costs, disbursements and interest, that any

provision of this Part requires to be paid in connection with


(b) all legal and other expenses incurred:

(i) in investigating or defending claims; or

(ii) in relation to the NGF; or

(iii) in the exercise by the SEGC of the rights and powers

vested in it by any provision of this Part in relation to

the NGF;

(c) money payable out of the NGF under regulations referred to

in subsection 892G(2);

(d) amounts to be paid to acquire financial products as

mentioned in section 888K;

(e) premiums payable in respect of contracts of insurance or

indemnity entered into by the SEGC under section 888J;

(f) payments of principal, interest and other amounts payable by

the SEGC in respect of money borrowed, and security given,

under section 889E;

(g) the expenses incurred in the administration of the NGF,

including the salaries and wages of persons employed by the

SEGC in relation to the NGF;

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Section 889I

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(h) amounts to be paid to a body corporate in accordance with a

direction of the Minister under section 891A;

(i) any other money payable out of the NGF in accordance with

a provision of this Part.

889I Minimum amount of the NGF

(1) The minimum amount in relation to the NGF is:

(a) unless paragraph (b) applies—$80,000,000; or

(b) if a determination is in force under subsection (2)—the

amount specified in the determination.

(2) The SEGC may, in writing, determine an amount (whether greater

than, or less than, $80,000,000) to be the minimum amount in

relation to the NGF. The determination does not come into force

until it has been approved by the Minister.

(3) The SEGC must publish in the Gazette notice of a determination

that has come into force under subsection (2). The notice must

specify the date when the determination came into force.

(4) If the amount in the NGF falls below the minimum amount, the

SEGC must consider what action needs to be taken.

889J Levy by the SEGC

(1) If the amount in the NGF is less than the minimum amount

applicable under section 889I, the SEGC may determine in writing


(a) the operators of all, or a class, of the financial markets to

which this Division applies; or

(b) all, or a class, of the participants in any of these markets;

must pay a levy to the SEGC.

(2) The levy is payable to the SEGC, as agent for the Commonwealth,

in accordance with this section.

Note: For the imposition and amount of the levy, see the Corporations

(National Guarantee Fund Levies) Act 2001. There is a limit on the

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Section 889J

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amount of levy that is payable to the SEGC in a financial year under

that Act.

(3) A levy payable under this section must be paid within the period

and in the manner determined in writing by the SEGC.

(4) Whenever an amount of levy (the levy amount) is paid under this

section, or under subsection 6(2) of the Corporations (National

Guarantee Fund Levies) Act 2001, to the SEGC as agent for the


(a) the SEGC must pay an amount equal to the levy amount to

the Commonwealth; and

(b) the Consolidated Revenue Fund is appropriated by that

amount for the purpose of payment to the SEGC; and

(c) the Commonwealth must pay the amount so appropriated to

the SEGC; and

(d) the SEGC must pay the amount it receives under

paragraph (c) into the NGF.

(5) Whenever an amount of levy (the levy amount) is paid under

subsection 6(1) of the Corporations (National Guarantee Fund

Levies) Act 2001, to the operator of a financial market as agent for

the Commonwealth:

(a) the operator must pay an amount equal to the levy amount to

the SEGC; and

(b) the SEGC must pay an amount equal to the amount so paid to

it to the Commonwealth; and

(c) the Consolidated Revenue Fund is appropriated by that

amount for the purpose of payment to the SEGC; and

(d) the Commonwealth must pay the amount so appropriated to

the SEGC; and

(e) the SEGC must pay the amount it receives under

paragraph (d) into the NGF.

(6) A payment of an amount to the SEGC as required by

paragraph (4)(c) or (5)(d) in respect of a particular levy amount is

subject to a condition that, if the Commonwealth becomes liable to

refund the whole or a part of the levy amount, the SEGC must pay

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Section 889K

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the Commonwealth an amount equal to the amount that the

Commonwealth is liable to refund. The SEGC may pay, out of the

NGF, any amount so required to be paid to the Commonwealth.

(7) The Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 does not

apply in relation to the payment of an amount of levy under this

section to the SEGC, or the operator of a financial products market,

as agent for the Commonwealth. However, the operation of that

Act in relation to the following payments is not affected:

(a) the payment of an amount to the Commonwealth as required

by paragraph (4)(a) or (5)(b); or

(b) the payment of an amount by the Commonwealth as required

by paragraph (4)(c) or (5)(d).

The SEGC must, in accordance with the regulations, notify the

Commonwealth of payments of levy it receives as agent for the

Commonwealth, and the operator of a financial market must, in

accordance with the regulations, notify the Commonwealth of

payments it receives as agent for the Commonwealth as mentioned

in paragraph (5)(a).

(8) An amount payable by the SEGC as required by paragraph (4)(a)

may be set off against an amount payable to the SEGC as required

by paragraph (4)(c), and an amount payable by the SEGC as

required by paragraph (5)(b) may be set off against an amount

payable to the SEGC as required by paragraph (5)(d).

889K Levy by market operator

(1) An operator of a financial market who must pay an amount of levy

(the primary levy amount) under section 889J may determine in

writing that participants in the market must pay a levy (the

contributory levy). The determination must be such that the total of

the amounts of contributory levy payable by the participants does

not exceed the primary levy amount. The contributory levy is

payable to the operator as agent for the Commonwealth.

Note: For the imposition and amount of the levy, see the Corporations

(National Guarantee Fund Levies) Act 2001.

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Section 889K

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(2) If a determination is made under subsection (1), the contributory

levy is payable by each participant in the market who, when the

determination is made, is in a class of participants in the market

determined in writing by the operator for the purposes of the levy.

(3) The amount of contributory levy payable by a participant under a

determination under subsection (1) must be paid within the period,

and in the manner, specified in writing by the operator either

generally or in relation to particular participants or classes of


(4) Whenever an amount of levy (the levy amount) is paid under this

section, or under subsection 6(3) of the Corporations (National

Guarantee Fund Levies) Act 2001, to the operator of a financial

market as agent for the Commonwealth:

(a) the operator must pay an amount equal to the levy amount to

the Commonwealth; and

(b) the Consolidated Revenue Fund is appropriated by that

amount for the purpose of payment to the SEGC; and

(c) the Commonwealth must pay the amount so appropriated to

the SEGC; and

(d) the SEGC must pay the amount it receives under

paragraph (c) into the NGF; and

(e) the operator’s liability to pay the primary levy amount is

reduced by the amount paid into the NGF under

paragraph (d).

(5) A payment of an amount to the SEGC as required by

paragraph (4)(c) in respect of a particular contributory levy amount

is subject to a condition that, if the Commonwealth becomes liable

to refund the whole or a part of the contributory levy amount, the

SEGC must pay the Commonwealth an amount equal to the

amount that the Commonwealth is liable to refund. The SEGC may

pay, out of the NGF, any amount so required to be paid to the


(6) The Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 does not

apply in relation to the payment of an amount of levy under this

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Section 890A

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section to the operator of a financial market as agent for the

Commonwealth. However, the operation of that Act in relation to

the following payments is not affected:

(a) the payment of an amount to the Commonwealth as required

by paragraph (4)(a); or

(b) the payment of an amount by the Commonwealth as required

by paragraph (4)(c).

The operator must, in accordance with the regulations, notify the

Commonwealth of payments of levy it receives as agent for the


Subdivision D—The SEGC

890A Minister to nominate the SEGC

(1) Subject to subsection (3), the Minister may nominate in writing as

the Securities Exchanges Guarantee Corporation a body

corporate (whenever incorporated) that is, for the purposes of the

national corporate laws, a company limited by guarantee.

(2) ASIC must cause a copy of a nomination by the Minister under

subsection (1) to be published in the Gazette.

(3) The Minister may only nominate a body corporate under

subsection (1) if he or she is satisfied that:

(a) the Australian Stock Exchange Limited is a member of the

body corporate; and

(b) each of the other members of the body corporate is a market

licensee; and

(c) the body corporate’s constitution provides that only market

licensees may become or remain members of the body

corporate; and

(d) the body corporate will, if nominated under subsection (1),

be able to perform and exercise the SEGC’s functions and

powers under this Division adequately and with due regard to

the interests of the public; and

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Section 890B

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(e) the body corporate has obtained, or will within a reasonable

period after being nominated under subsection (1) obtain,

indemnity insurance in respect of its liabilities for:

(i) negligence in; and

(ii) defalcation, or fraudulent misuse of property, by an

officer, employee or agent of the body corporate in

connection with;

the performance or exercise of the SEGC’s functions or

powers under this Division, or has made or will make other

satisfactory provisions for meeting those liabilities; and

(f) the body corporate’s business rules make satisfactory


(i) for ensuring the safety of property received by the body

corporate; and

(ii) generally for the protection of the interests of the public.

890B The SEGC’s functions and powers

(1) In addition to the legal capacity and powers it has because of

section 124, the SEGC has such functions and powers as are

conferred, or expressed to be conferred, on it by or under this Part.

(2) Section 125 does not apply in relation to a function or power

conferred, or expressed to be conferred, as mentioned in

subsection (1) of this section.

(3) The SEGC is to perform the functions, and may exercise the

powers, that are conferred on it by or under this Part.

(4) The SEGC is to administer the arrangements constituted by this


890C Delegation

(1) Subject to this section, all decisions of the SEGC in relation to the

performance of its functions, and the exercise of its powers, under

this Part must be made by the board of the SEGC.

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Section 890D

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(2) The board of the SEGC must not delegate any of the following

powers of the SEGC:

(a) the power to borrow under section 889E;

(b) the power to determine the order of payments under

section 889H;

(c) the power to determine a minimum amount under

section 889I;

(d) the power to make operating rules under section 890D;

(e) the power (or duty) to make a payment under section 891A.

(3) Otherwise, the board of the SEGC may delegate any of their

powers under this Part in accordance with section 198D.

890D Operating rules of the SEGC

The SEGC may make rules (operating rules) relating to the

performance or exercise of its powers or duties under this Part, or

relating to matters permitted by this Part to be dealt with in its

operating rules.

890E Legal effect of the SEGC’s operating rules

The SEGC’s operating rules have effect as a contract under seal

between the SEGC and each member of the SEGC under which

each of those persons agrees to observe the operating rules to the

extent that they apply to the person and engage in conduct that the

person is required by the operating rules to engage in.

890F Enforcement of the SEGC’s operating rules

(1) If a person who is under an obligation to comply with or enforce

any of the SEGC’s operating rules fails to meet that obligation, an

application to the Court may be made by:

(a) ASIC; or

(b) the SEGC; or

(c) a member of the SEGC; or

(d) a person aggrieved by the failure.

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Section 890G

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(2) After giving an opportunity to be heard to the applicant and the

person against whom the order is sought, the Court may make an

order giving directions to:

(a) the person against whom the order is sought; or

(b) if that person is a body corporate—the directors of the body


about compliance with, or enforcement of, the operating rules.

890G Changing the SEGC’s operating rules

(1) As soon as practicable after a change is made to the SEGC’s

operating rules, the SEGC must lodge with ASIC written notice of

the change.

(2) The notice must:

(a) set out the text of the change; and

(b) specify the date on which the change was made; and

(c) contain an explanation of the purpose of the change.

(3) If no notice is lodged with ASIC within 21 days after the change is

made, the change ceases to have effect.

890H Disallowance of changes to the SEGC’s operating rules

(1) As soon as practicable after receiving a notice under section 890G,

ASIC must send a copy of the notice to the Minister.

(2) Within 28 days after ASIC received the notice under section 890G,

the Minister may disallow all or a specified part of the change to

the SEGC’s operating rules.

(3) As soon as practicable after all or part of a change is disallowed,

ASIC must give notice of the disallowance to the SEGC. The

change ceases to have effect, to the extent of the disallowance,

when the SEGC receives the notice.

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Section 891A

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Subdivision E—Other provisions relating to compensation

under this Division

891A Payment out of the NGF to prescribed body with

arrangements covering clearing and settlement facility


(1) If the Minister is satisfied that a body corporate specified in

regulations made for the purposes of this section has made

adequate arrangements covering all or part of the clearing and

settlement system support that this Division provides for, the

Minister may, in writing, direct the SEGC to pay a specified

amount to that body corporate out of the NGF.

(2) The Minister may, in writing, impose conditions to be complied

with by the SEGC or the body corporate, or both, in relation to the


(3) The SEGC and the body corporate must comply with the direction

and with any applicable conditions to which the direction is


(4) Before giving a direction under subsection (1), the Minister must

be satisfied that, after the payment is made, the NGF will still have

an adequate amount of assets to meet claims.

891B Markets operated by bodies corporate that become members

of the SEGC—regulations may deal with transitional

provisions and other matters

(1) In this section:

joining market means a financial market that:

(a) is operated by a body corporate that becomes a member of

the SEGC after the commencement of this Division, or by a

subsidiary of such a body corporate; and

(b) is a financial market to which this Division applies.

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Section 891C

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(2) The regulations may make provisions of a transitional or saving

nature dealing with the transition, in relation to a joining market,

from the compensation regime previously applicable in relation to

the market to the arrangements constituted by this Division.

(3) Without limiting subsection (2), the regulations may require money

or other property (including money or other property in a fidelity

fund) to be paid or transferred to the SEGC for inclusion in the


(4) The regulations may also provide for the allocation of part of the

NGF as being for use for the purposes of claims arising in

connection with the joining market.

(5) The regulations may make modifications of provisions of this

Division and Division 5 that are necessary or convenient to take

account of allocations of a kind referred to in subsection (4).

891C Regulations may make different provision in respect of

different markets etc.

Regulations made for the purposes of a provision of this Division

may make different provision in respect of different financial

markets to which this Division applies and in respect of different


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Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Compensation regimes for financial markets Part 7.5

Provisions common to both kinds of compensation arrangements Division 5

Section 892A

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Division 5—Provisions common to both kinds of

compensation arrangements

892A Definitions

In this Division:

regulated fund means:

(a) a fidelity fund that is the source, or a source, of funds under

Division 3 arrangements; or

(b) the NGF; or

(c) an account kept as required by subsection 892B(3).

relevant authority, in relation to Part 7.5 arrangements, means:

(a) if the arrangements are Division 3 arrangements of a

financial market—the operator of the market; or

(b) if the arrangements are Division 4 arrangements—the SEGC.

892B How regulated funds are to be kept

(1) Money in:

(a) a fidelity fund that is the source, or a source, of funds under

Division 3 arrangements; or

(b) the NGF;

must, until applied in paying claims or otherwise spent for the

purposes of this Part, or invested in accordance with section 892C,

be kept by the relevant authority in an account or accounts:

(c) with an Australian ADI; or

(d) of a kind prescribed by regulations made for the purposes of

this paragraph;

separate from any account or accounts in which other money is


Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.5 Compensation regimes for financial markets

Division 5 Provisions common to both kinds of compensation arrangements

Section 892C

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(2) The regulations may impose additional requirements to be

complied with in relation to the keeping of a regulated fund that

covers 2 or more financial markets.

(3) If:

(a) a source of funds under Division 3 arrangements for a

financial market is something other than a fidelity fund; and

(b) the operator of the market, or a person involved in the

administration of the arrangements, receives money from that

source of funds;

the money received must, until applied in paying claims or

otherwise spent for the purposes of this Part, or invested in

accordance with section 892C, be kept by the relevant authority in

an account or accounts:

(c) with an Australian ADI; or

(d) of a kind prescribed by regulations made for the purposes of

this paragraph;

separate from any account or accounts in which other money is


Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

892C Money in regulated funds may be invested

(1) Money in a regulated fund that is not immediately required for the

purposes of meeting claims may be invested in any way in which

trustees are for the time being authorised by law in force in a State

or Territory in this jurisdiction to invest trust funds.

(2) The relevant authority may, with the approval of ASIC, appoint a

person to invest on behalf of the relevant authority money to which

subsection (1) applies.

(3) ASIC must not grant approval to the appointment of a person under

subsection (2) unless it is satisfied that:

(a) the person has appropriate qualifications and expertise to

perform the duties of the appointment; and

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Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Compensation regimes for financial markets Part 7.5

Provisions common to both kinds of compensation arrangements Division 5

Section 892D

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(b) the relevant authority has adequate indemnity insurance in

respect of its liabilities for any negligence, or any defalcation

or fraudulent misuse of property, by the person in the

performance of those duties, or has made other satisfactory

provisions for meeting those liabilities.

(4) A person appointed under subsection (2) must perform the duties

of the appointment in accordance with the directions of the relevant

authority and subject to such conditions (if any) as the relevant

authority imposes.

892D Powers of relevant authority to require production or delivery

of documents or statements

(1) The relevant authority in relation to Part 7.5 arrangements may

require a person:

(a) to deliver to the relevant authority documents or copies of

documents, including documents of, or evidencing, title to

financial products; or

(b) to make out and deliver to the relevant authority a statement

of evidence;

that the relevant authority considers will assist it in determining a

claim for compensation that has been made, or that the relevant

authority considers are necessary for the purpose of exercising the

subrogated rights and remedies it has in relation to a claim (see

section 892F).

(2) The requirement must be made by notice in writing given to the

person. The notice must:

(a) so far as it requires documents or copies referred to in

paragraph (1)(a)—identify or describe the documents or

copies that are required; and

(b) so far as it requires a statement referred to in

paragraph (1)(b)—describe the matters in relation to which

the person’s evidence is required, and set out any

requirements to be complied with in relation to how the

statement is made out.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.5 Compensation regimes for financial markets

Division 5 Provisions common to both kinds of compensation arrangements

Section 892E

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(3) The person must comply with the requirement.

(4) If the person fails, without reasonable excuse, to comply with the

requirement, the relevant authority may apply to the Court for, and

the Court may make, an order that the person comply with the


(5) If the person fails, without reasonable excuse, to comply with the

requirement, the relevant authority may disallow a claim made by

the person.

Note: This subsection would not apply if the person subject to the

requirement were someone other than a claimant.

(6) The relevant authority may, in writing, delegate the power given by

this section to a person involved in the administration of the

Part 7.5 arrangements.

(7) The relevant authority must return any documents (other than

copies of documents) provided to it under this section as soon as

practicable after the claim referred to in subsection (1) has been

determined, and any proceedings relating to the determination of

the claim (including any arising from the subrogation of the

relevant authority for the claimant) have been completed.

(8) Subsection (7) does not apply if:

(a) another law prohibits or prevents the return of the

documents; or

(b) the documents are no longer in the custody of the relevant

authority; or

(c) the person tells the relevant authority that the person does not

want the documents back.

892E Power to require assistance for purpose of dealing with a claim

(1) If Division 3 arrangements give responsibilities (as mentioned in

paragraph 885I(2)(c)) to a person acting under an arrangement with

the operator of the market concerned, the person may give the

operator a written request to give such assistance as the person

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Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Compensation regimes for financial markets Part 7.5

Provisions common to both kinds of compensation arrangements Division 5

Section 892F

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requires for the purpose of fulfilling the person’s responsibilities

under the arrangement.

(2) The SEGC may give a member of the SEGC, or a subsidiary of a

member of the SEGC, a written request to give such assistance as

the SEGC requires for the purpose of:

(a) dealing with a claim; or

(b) the assessment of risks to the NGF.

(3) A requirement for assistance under subsection (1) or (2) must be


(4) A person who is required under this section to give assistance must

give the assistance.

(5) If the person fails to give the assistance, the person who required

the assistance may apply to the Court for, and the Court may make,

an order that the other person give the assistance.

892F Relevant authority’s right of subrogation if compensation is


(1) If compensation in respect of a claim is paid under Part 7.5

arrangements, the relevant authority in relation to the arrangements

is subrogated, to the extent of that payment, to all the claimant’s

rights and remedies in relation to the loss to which the claim


(2) The relevant authority may also recover from the participant or

participants who caused the loss the costs it incurred in

determining the claim.

892G Excess money in compensation funds

(1) The regulations may determine, or provide a method for

determining, when there is excess money in a regulated fund.

(2) The regulations may make provision in relation to how excess

money in a regulated fund may be, or is to be, dealt with. The

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.5 Compensation regimes for financial markets

Division 5 Provisions common to both kinds of compensation arrangements

Section 892H

204 Corporations Act 2001

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regulations may make different provision in relation to different


892H Accounting and reporting for regulated funds

(1) The relevant authority in relation to Part 7.5 arrangements must, in

relation to each regulated fund established in connection with the

arrangements, keep written financial records that:

(a) correctly record and explain the fund’s transactions and

financial position and performance; and

(b) would enable true and fair financial statements to be prepared

and audited;

and must retain the financial records for 7 years after the

transactions covered by the records are completed.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) Within 2 months after the end of each financial year of the relevant

authority, the authority must cause financial statements and notes

to those financial statements (within the meaning of section 295)

for the regulated fund to be made out as at the end of that financial


Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(3) A registered company auditor, or authorised audit company, must

be appointed to audit the accounts of the regulated fund in

accordance with whichever of the following paragraphs applies:

(a) if there is only one relevant authority for the fund, that

relevant authority must appoint a registered company auditor,

or authorised audit company, to audit the fund’s accounts;

(b) if there is more than one relevant authority for the fund:

(i) each of those relevant authorities must ensure that a

registered company auditor, or authorised audit

company, is appointed in accordance with

subparagraph (ii) to audit the fund’s accounts; and

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Compensation regimes for financial markets Part 7.5

Provisions common to both kinds of compensation arrangements Division 5

Section 892H

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Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(ii) the appointment is to be made by one or more of the

relevant authorities, with the consent of such of the

relevant authorities (if any) as do not make the

appointment; and

(iii) a relevant authority must not purport to appoint a person

to audit the fund’s accounts unless each other relevant

authority (if any) who has not also made the

appointment has consented to the appointment.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(4) If there is more than one relevant authority for a fund and they

cannot agree on which auditor to appoint, ASIC may, on the

written application of any of the authorities, appoint an auditor

who consents to being so appointed.

(5) The auditor must:

(a) audit the accounts of the regulated fund and the financial

statements; and

(b) do the things required by sections 307 and 308 in relation to

those documents, as if the audit were being done under

Chapter 2M.

(6) The relevant authority for the regulated fund must, within 14 days

after receiving the auditor’s report, lodge with ASIC a copy of the

report and a copy of the financial statements. If there is more than

one relevant authority for the regulated fund, the copy must be

given to ASIC by at least one of those authorities, or else they all

contravene this subsection.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(7) If the regulated fund is the NGF, the relevant authority (being the

SEGC) must:

(a) give a copy of the audited financial statements to each

member of the SEGC; and

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.5 Compensation regimes for financial markets

Division 5 Provisions common to both kinds of compensation arrangements

Section 892I

206 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) cause a copy of the audited financial statements to be laid

before the annual general meeting of each member of the

SEGC next following the making of that report.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

892I Division 3 arrangements—reporting in situations where

compensation does not come out of a regulated fund

The regulations may impose reporting requirements to be complied

with by the relevant authority in relation to Division 3

arrangements in relation to situations in which compensation under

the arrangements is provided otherwise than out of a regulated


892J Regulations may provide for qualified privilege in respect of

certain matters

The regulations may provide for specified persons to have

qualified privilege in respect of specified things done:

(a) under compensation rules forming part of Division 3

arrangements; or

(b) under regulations made for the purposes of a provision or

provisions of Subdivision B of Division 4.

892K Risk assessment report

(1) For the purposes of monitoring compliance with, and the operation

of, this Part, the Minister may, by giving the operator of a financial

market written notice, require the operator:

(a) to cause a risk assessment report to be prepared in relation to

the market in accordance with the requirements specified in

the notice; and

(b) to give that report to the Minister by the time specified in the


(2) The operator must comply with the notice.

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Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Compensation regimes for financial markets Part 7.5

Provisions common to both kinds of compensation arrangements Division 5

Section 892K

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Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.5 Compensation regimes for financial markets

Division 6 Miscellaneous

Section 893A

208 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 6—Miscellaneous

893A Exemptions and modifications by regulations

(1) The regulations may:

(a) exempt a person or class of persons from all or specified

provisions of this Part; or

(b) exempt a financial market or class of financial markets from

all or specified provisions of this Part; or

(c) provide that this Part applies in relation to a person or a

financial market, or a class of persons or financial markets, as

if specified provisions were omitted, modified or varied as

specified in the regulations.

(2) For the purpose of this section, the provisions of this Part include:

(a) definitions in this Act, or in the regulations, as they apply to

references in this Part; and

(b) any provisions of Part 7.2 that refer to provisions of this Part;


(c) any provisions of Part 10.2 (transitional provisions) that

relate to provisions of this Part.

893B Exemptions by Minister

(1) The Minister may exempt a particular financial market, or class of

financial markets, from all or specified provisions of this Part. An

exemption may be unconditional, or subject to conditions specified

in the exemption.

Note: The provisions of this Part include regulations made for the purposes

of this Part (see section 761H).

(2) The Minister may, at any time:

(a) vary an exemption to:

(i) impose conditions, or additional conditions, on the

exemption; or

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Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Compensation regimes for financial markets Part 7.5

Miscellaneous Division 6

Section 893B

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(ii) vary or revoke any of the conditions on the exemption;


(b) revoke an exemption.

(3) However, the Minister may only take action under subsection (2)


(a) giving notice, and an opportunity to make submissions on the

proposed action, to the operator of each financial market

known by the Minister to be covered by the exemption; and

(b) if the exemption covers a class of financial markets—a notice

has been published on ASIC’s website allowing a reasonable

period within which the operator of each financial market

covered by the exemption may make submissions on the

proposed action, and that period has ended.

(4) If an exemption is expressed to apply in relation to a class of

financial markets (whether or not it is also expressed to apply in

relation to one or more financial markets otherwise than by

reference to membership of a class), then the exemption, and any

variation or revocation of the exemption, is a legislative


(5) If subsection (4) does not apply to an exemption, then the

exemption, and any variation or revocation of the exemption, must

be in writing and the Minister must publish notice of it in the


Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.5A Regulation of derivative transactions and derivative trade repositories

Division 1 Application of Part

Section 900A

210 Corporations Act 2001

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Part 7.5A—Regulation of derivative transactions

and derivative trade repositories

Division 1—Application of Part

900A Derivatives and transactions etc. to which this Part applies

(1) Unless an express contrary intention appears, this Part applies, on

the basis specified in section 3, to derivatives, derivative

transactions, facilities, persons, bodies and other matters located in

or otherwise connected with:

(a) a referring State; or

(b) the Northern Territory or the Capital Territory; or

(c) a place outside Australia.

(2) This section does not, by implication, affect the interpretation of

provisions of this Act outside this Part (except to the extent

appropriate for any provisions outside this Part apply or relate to

matters covered by this Part).

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Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Regulation of derivative transactions and derivative trade repositories Part 7.5A

Regulation of derivative transactions: derivative transaction rules Division 2

Section 901A

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Division 2—Regulation of derivative transactions:

derivative transaction rules

Subdivision A—Power to make derivative transaction rules

901A ASIC may make derivative transaction rules

Power to make derivative transaction rules

(1) Subject to this Division, ASIC may, by legislative instrument,

make rules (derivative transaction rules) dealing with matters as

permitted by this section.

Note: Subdivision C deals with the process of making derivative transaction


Main matters that may be dealt with in derivative transaction rules

(2) The derivative transaction rules may (subject to this Division)

impose any of the following kinds of requirements:

(a) execution requirements (see subsection (5));

(b) reporting requirements (see subsection (6));

(c) clearing requirements (see subsection (7));

(d) requirements that are incidental or related to execution

requirements, reporting requirements or clearing


Note: Paragraph (2)(d): the derivative transaction rules may (for example)

impose requirements on the operator of a licensed derivative trade

repository to facilitate compliance, by other persons, with reporting


Other matters that may be dealt with in derivative transaction rules

(3) The derivative transaction rules may also (subject to this Division)

deal with matters incidental or related to requirements referred to

in subsection (2), including any of the following:

(a) specifying the classes of derivative transactions in relation to

which particular requirements apply;

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.5A Regulation of derivative transactions and derivative trade repositories

Division 2 Regulation of derivative transactions: derivative transaction rules

Section 901A

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(b) for execution requirements—specifying the licensed market

or prescribed facility (or the class of licensed market or

prescribed facility) on which derivative transactions in a

particular class must be entered into;

(c) for reporting requirements:

(i) specifying the licensed derivative trade repository or

prescribed derivative trade repository (or the class of

licensed derivative trade repository or prescribed

derivative trade repository), to which information about

derivative transactions, or positions, in a particular class

must be reported; and

(ii) specifying the information that is required to be


(d) for clearing requirements:

(i) specifying the licensed CS facility or prescribed facility

(or the class of licensed CS facility or prescribed

facility) through which derivative transactions in a

particular class must be cleared; and

(ii) specifying a period within which transactions must be


(e) specifying the persons who are required to comply with

requirements imposed by the rules;

(f) the manner and form in which persons must comply with

requirements imposed by the rules;

(g) the circumstances in which persons are, or may be, relieved

from complying with requirements in the rules that would

otherwise apply to them;

(h) the keeping of records, or the provision of records or other

information, relating to compliance with (or determining

whether there has been compliance with) the rules;

(i) any other matters that the provisions of this Act provide may

be dealt with in the derivative transaction rules.

Note: Paragraph (e): subject to section 901D, the persons who are required

to comply with requirements imposed by the rules may (for example)


Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Regulation of derivative transactions and derivative trade repositories Part 7.5A

Regulation of derivative transactions: derivative transaction rules Division 2

Section 901A

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(a) persons who are parties to derivative transactions, or who are intermediaries or agents who facilitate or are otherwise involved in derivative transactions; or

(b) operators of financial markets on which derivative transactions are entered into; or

(c) operators of clearing and settlement facilities through which derivative transactions are cleared; or

(d) operators of licensed or prescribed derivative trade repositories.

Meaning of execution requirements

(5) For the purpose of this Chapter, execution requirements are

requirements for derivative transactions not to be entered into

otherwise than on:

(a) a licensed market, the licence for which authorises a class of

financial products that includes the derivatives to which the

transactions relate to be dealt with on the market; or

(b) a facility that is (or that is in a class of facilities that is)

prescribed by the regulations for the purpose of this

paragraph in relation to a class of derivatives that includes

the derivatives to which the transactions relate.

Meaning of reporting requirements

(6) For the purpose of this Chapter, reporting requirements are

requirements for information about derivative transactions, or

about positions relating to derivative transactions, to be reported to:

(a) a licensed derivative trade repository, the licence for which

authorises the repository to provide services in respect of a

class of derivatives that includes the derivatives to which the

transactions relate; or

(b) a facility that is (or that is in a class of facilities that is)

prescribed by the regulations for the purpose of this

paragraph in relation to a class of derivatives that includes

the derivatives to which the transactions relate.

Meaning of clearing requirements

(7) For the purpose of this Chapter, clearing requirements are

requirements for derivative transactions to be cleared through:

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.5A Regulation of derivative transactions and derivative trade repositories

Division 2 Regulation of derivative transactions: derivative transaction rules

Section 901B

214 Corporations Act 2001

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(a) a licensed CS facility, the licence for which authorises the

facility to provide services in respect of a class of financial

products that includes the derivatives to which the

transactions relate; or

(b) a facility that is (or that is in a class of facilities that is)

prescribed by the regulations for the purpose of this

paragraph in relation to a class of derivatives that includes

the derivatives to which the transactions relate.

Rules cannot generally impose requirements retrospectively

(8) The derivative transaction rules:

(a) cannot impose an execution requirement on a person in

relation to a derivative transaction entered into before the

requirement started to apply to the person; and

(b) cannot impose a reporting requirement on a person in relation

to a derivative transaction entered into before the requirement

started to apply to the person, or in relation to a position as it

was at a time before the requirement started to apply to the

person; and

(c) cannot impose a clearing requirement on a person in relation

to a derivative transaction entered into before the requirement

started to apply to the person, unless the transaction has not

been cleared by the time the requirement starts to apply to the


901B Derivatives in relation to which rules may impose


Requirements can only be imposed in relation to derivatives

covered by a determination under this section

(1) The derivative transaction rules cannot impose execution

requirements, reporting requirements, or clearing requirements, in

relation to derivative transactions unless the derivatives to which

the transactions relate are covered by a determination under this

section that relates to requirements of that kind.

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Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Regulation of derivative transactions and derivative trade repositories Part 7.5A

Regulation of derivative transactions: derivative transaction rules Division 2

Section 901B

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Minister may determine classes of derivatives in relation to which

requirements may be imposed

(2) The Minister may, by legislative instrument, determine one or

more classes of derivatives in relation to which execution

requirements, reporting requirements, or clearing requirements,

may be imposed.

Note 1: Different determinations may be made in relation to the different

kinds of requirements.

Note 2: A class of derivatives can be described by reference to any matter,

including (for example):

(a) the kind of asset, rate, index or commodity to which the derivatives relate; or

(b) the time when the derivatives were issued, or their date of maturity.

Making determinations: matters to which the Minister has regard

(3) In considering whether to make a determination under

subsection (2) that would have the effect of allowing the derivative

transaction rules to impose requirements of a particular kind in

relation to certain derivatives, the Minister:

(a) must have regard to:

(i) the likely effect on the Australian economy, and on the

efficiency, integrity and stability of the Australian

financial system, of allowing the derivative transaction

rules to impose requirements of that kind in relation to

those derivatives; and

(ii) the likely regulatory impact of allowing the derivative

transaction rules to impose requirements of that kind in

relation to those derivatives; and

(iii) if those derivatives are or include commodity

derivatives—the likely impact, on any Australian

market or markets on which the commodities concerned

may be traded, of allowing the derivative transaction

rules to impose requirements of that kind in relation to

those commodity derivatives; and

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.5A Regulation of derivative transactions and derivative trade repositories

Division 2 Regulation of derivative transactions: derivative transaction rules

Section 901B

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(b) may have regard to any other matters that the Minister

considers relevant.

Note: Matters that the Minister may have regard to under paragraph (b) may,

for example, include:

(a) any relevant international standards and international commitments; and

(b) matters raised in consultations under subsection (4), or in advice under subsection (6).

Making determinations: obligation to consult

(4) The Minister must not make a determination under subsection (2)

unless the Minister has consulted ASIC, APRA and the Reserve

Bank of Australia about the proposed determination.

(5) A failure to consult as required by subsection (4) does not

invalidate a determination.

ASIC, APRA or Reserve Bank may advise Minister

(6) ASIC, APRA or the Reserve Bank of Australia may (on its own

initiative or at the request of the Minister):

(a) consider whether a determination should be made under

subsection (2) that would have the effect of allowing the

derivative transaction rules to impose requirements of a

particular kind in relation to certain derivatives; and

(b) advise the Minister accordingly.

Amendment and revocation of determinations

(7) The Minister may amend or revoke a determination under

subsection (2) in like manner and subject to like conditions (see

subsections 33(3) and (3AA) of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901).

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Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Regulation of derivative transactions and derivative trade repositories Part 7.5A

Regulation of derivative transactions: derivative transaction rules Division 2

Section 901C

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901C Regulations may limit the transactions in relation to which

rules may impose requirements

The regulations may provide that the derivative transaction rules:

(a) cannot impose requirements (or certain kinds of

requirements) in relation to certain classes of derivative

transactions; or

(b) can only impose requirements (or certain kinds of

requirements) in relation to certain classes of derivative

transactions in certain circumstances.

Note: A class of derivative transactions can be described by reference to any

matter, including (for example):

(a) the derivatives to which transactions relate; or

(b) the circumstances in which transactions were entered into; or

(c) the time when, or place where, transactions were entered into; or

(d) the parties to transactions.

901D Regulations may limit the persons on whom requirements may

be imposed

The regulations may provide that the derivative transaction rules:

(a) cannot impose requirements (or certain kinds of

requirements) on certain classes of persons; or

(b) can only impose requirements (or certain kinds of

requirements) on certain classes of persons in certain


Note: A class of persons may be described by reference to any matter,

including (for example):

(a) the volume of derivative transactions entered into by persons over a period; or

(b) the characteristics or nature of persons or of their businesses; or

(c) the place of residence or business of persons.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.5A Regulation of derivative transactions and derivative trade repositories

Division 2 Regulation of derivative transactions: derivative transaction rules

Section 901E

218 Corporations Act 2001

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Subdivision B—Compliance with derivative transaction rules

901E Obligation to comply with derivative transaction rules

(1) A person must comply with provisions of the derivative transaction

rules that apply to the person.

Note: This section is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E). For relief

from liability to a civil penalty relating to this section, see

section 1317S.

(2) If there is an inconsistency between the derivative transaction rules

and the derivative trade repository rules, the derivative transaction

rules prevail to the extent of the inconsistency.

Note 1: If there is an inconsistency between the market integrity rules and the

derivative transaction rules, the market integrity rules prevail: see

subsection 798H(3).

Note 2: If there is an inconsistency between the standards determined under

section 827D and the derivative transaction rules, the standards

prevail: see subsection 827D(2A).

Note 3: If there is an inconsistency between the derivative transaction rules

and the client money reporting rules, the derivative transaction rules

prevail: see subsection 981M(2).

901F Alternatives to civil proceedings

(1) The regulations may provide for a person who is alleged to have

contravened section 901E to do one or more of the following as an

alternative to civil proceedings:

(a) pay a penalty to the Commonwealth;

(b) undertake or institute remedial measures (including education


(c) accept sanctions other than the payment of a penalty to the


(d) enter into a legally enforceable undertaking.

(2) The penalty payable under regulations made under paragraph (1)(a)

in relation to an alleged contravention of a derivative transaction

rule must not exceed:

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Regulation of derivative transactions: derivative transaction rules Division 2

Section 901G

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(a) for an individual—200 penalty units; and

(b) for a body corporate—1,000 penalty units.

(3) Without limiting regulations that may be made for the purpose of

paragraph (1)(d), those regulations may provide for one or more of

the following kinds of undertakings:

(a) an undertaking to take specified action within a specified


(b) an undertaking to refrain from taking specified action;

(c) an undertaking to pay a specified amount within a specified

period to the Commonwealth or to some other specified


901G Failure to comply with derivative transaction rules does not

invalidate transaction etc.

A failure, in relation to a derivative transaction, to comply with a

requirement of the derivative transaction rules does not invalidate

the transaction or affect any rights or obligations arising under, or

relating to, the transaction.

Subdivision C—The process of making derivative transaction


901H Matters to which ASIC must have regard when making rules

In considering whether to make a derivative transaction rule,


(a) must have regard to:

(i) the likely effect of the proposed rule on the Australian

economy, and on the efficiency, integrity and stability

of the Australian financial system; and

(ii) the likely regulatory impact of the proposed rule; and

(iii) if the transactions to which the proposed rule would

relate would be or include transactions relating to

commodity derivatives—the likely impact of the

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Part 7.5A Regulation of derivative transactions and derivative trade repositories

Division 2 Regulation of derivative transactions: derivative transaction rules

Section 901J

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proposed rule on any Australian market or markets on

which the commodities concerned may be traded; and

(b) may have regard to any other matters that ASIC considers


Note: Matters that ASIC may have regard to under paragraph (b) may, for

example, include:

(a) any relevant international standards and international commitments; and

(b) matters raised in consultations (if any) under section 901J.

901J ASIC to consult before making rules

(1) ASIC must not make a derivative transaction rule unless ASIC:

(a) has consulted the public about the proposed rule; and

(b) has also consulted the following about the proposed rule:

(i) APRA;

(ii) the Reserve Bank of Australia;

(iii) any other person or body as required by regulations

made for the purpose of this subparagraph.

Note: In some situations, consultation is not required: see section 901L.

(2) Without limiting the ways in which ASIC may comply with the

obligation in paragraph (1)(a) to consult the public about a

proposed rule, ASIC is taken to comply with that obligation if

ASIC, on its website:

(a) makes the proposed rule, or a description of the content of

the proposed rule, available; and

(b) invites the public to comment on the proposed rule.

(3) A failure to consult as required by subsection (1) does not

invalidate a derivative transaction rule.

901K Ministerial consent to rules required

(1) ASIC must not make a derivative transaction rule unless the

Minister has consented, in writing, to the making of the rule.

Note: In some situations, consent is not required: see section 901L.

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Regulation of derivative transactions and derivative trade repositories Part 7.5A

Regulation of derivative transactions: derivative transaction rules Division 2

Section 901L

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(2) A consent under subsection (1) is not a legislative instrument.

901L Emergency rules: consultation and consent not required

(1) ASIC may make a derivative transaction rule without consulting as

required by section 901J, and without the consent of the Minister

as required by section 901K, if ASIC is of the opinion that it is

necessary, or in the public interest, to do so in order to protect:

(a) the Australian economy; or

(b) the efficiency, integrity and stability of the Australian

financial system.

(2) However, if ASIC does so, ASIC must:

(a) provide the Minister, on the following day, with a written

explanation of the need for the rule; and

(b) amend or revoke the rule in accordance with any written

directions of the Minister.

(3) A direction under paragraph (2)(b) is not a legislative instrument.

901M Amendment and revocation of derivative transaction rules

(1) ASIC may amend or revoke a derivative transaction rule in like

manner and subject to like conditions (see subsections 33(3) and

(3AA) of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901).

(2) However, the requirements of sections 901H, 901J and 901K do

not apply in relation to an amendment or revocation pursuant to a

direction by the Minister under paragraph 901L(2)(b).

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.5A Regulation of derivative transactions and derivative trade repositories

Division 3 Regulation of licensed derivative trade repositories: supervision by ASIC

Section 902A

222 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 3—Regulation of licensed derivative trade

repositories: supervision by ASIC

902A ASIC to supervise licensed derivative trade repositories

(1) ASIC has the function of supervising licensed derivative trade


(2) If a licensed derivative trade repository is wholly or partly operated

in a foreign country, ASIC may, to such extent as ASIC considers

appropriate, perform the function of supervising the repository by

satisfying itself:

(a) that the regulatory regime that applies in relation to the

repository in that country provides for adequate supervision

of the repository; or

(b) that adequate cooperative arrangements are in place with an

appropriate authority of that country to ensure that the

repository will be adequately supervised by that authority.

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Regulation of derivative transactions and derivative trade repositories Part 7.5A

Regulation of licensed derivative trade repositories: derivative trade repository rules

Division 4

Section 903A

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Division 4—Regulation of licensed derivative trade

repositories: derivative trade repository rules

Subdivision A—Power to make derivative trade repository


903A ASIC may make derivative trade repository rules

Power to make derivative trade repository rules

(1) Subject to this Division, ASIC may, by legislative instrument,

make rules (derivative trade repository rules) dealing with matters

as permitted by this section.

Note: Subdivision C deals with the process of making derivative trade

repository rules.

Main matters that may be dealt with in derivative trade repository


(2) The derivative trade repository rules may (subject to this Division)

deal with all or any of the following matters (including by

imposing requirements for or relating to any of the following


(a) the manner in which licensed derivative trade repositories

provide their services;

(b) the handling or use of derivative trade data by licensed

derivative trade repositories and their officers and employees,

including the following:

(i) the acceptance and retention of derivative trade data;

(ii) the creation of statistical data from derivative trade data;

(iii) the use and disclosure of, and provision of access to,

derivative trade data (including statistical data referred

to in subparagraph (ii));

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Part 7.5A Regulation of derivative transactions and derivative trade repositories

Division 4 Regulation of licensed derivative trade repositories: derivative trade

repository rules

Section 903A

224 Corporations Act 2001

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(c) the governance, management and resources (including

financial, technological and human resources) of licensed

derivative trade repositories, including the following:

(i) the handling of conflicts of interest;

(ii) the monitoring and enforcement of compliance with


(iii) the resources that licensed derivative trade repositories

should have (including requirements relating to the

experience, qualifications or fitness for office of

operators and their officers and employees);

(iv) the integrity and security of computer systems and other


(v) operational reliability;

(vi) business continuity planning;

(vii) the operational separation of functions;

(viii) the outsourcing of functions to other entities;

(d) the disclosure of conditions (including fees) on which

licensed derivative trade repositories provide their services;

(e) the reporting to ASIC or other regulators of matters related to

licensed derivative trade repositories.

Note: Paragraph (a): the rules may (for example) require licensed derivative

trade repositories to provide open and non-discriminatory access to

their services.

Other matters that may be dealt with in derivative trade repository


(3) The derivative trade repository rules may also (subject to this

Division) deal with matters incidental or related to matters referred

to in subsection (2), including any of the following:

(a) specifying the persons (being persons referred to in

section 903B) who are required to comply with requirements

imposed by the rules;

(b) the manner and form in which persons must comply with

requirements imposed by the rules;

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Regulation of licensed derivative trade repositories: derivative trade repository rules

Division 4

Section 903B

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(c) the circumstances in which persons are, or may be, relieved

from complying with requirements in the rules that would

otherwise apply to them;

(d) the keeping of records, or the provision of records or other

information, relating to compliance with (or determining

whether there has been compliance with) the rules;

(e) any other matters that the provisions of this Act provide may

be dealt with in the derivative trade repository rules.

Rules may provide that derivative trade data is taken to be given to

ASIC in confidence

(5) The derivative trade repository rules may provide, either generally

or in circumstances specified in the rules, that information given to

ASIC, by the operator (or an officer of the operator) of a licensed

derivative trade repository, under a provision of:

(a) this Part; or

(b) regulations made for the purpose of this Part; or

(c) the derivative transaction rules or the derivative trade

repository rules;

is to be taken, for the purpose of section 127 (confidentiality) of

the ASIC Act, to be given to ASIC in confidence in connection

with the performance of ASIC’s functions under this Act.

(6) Derivative trade repository rules that provide as mentioned in

subsection (5) have effect accordingly for the purpose of

section 127 of the ASIC Act.

Note: Subsections (5) and (6) do not limit the circumstances in which

information given to ASIC by a licensed derivative trade repository

may, for the purpose of section 127 of the ASIC Act, be regarded as

having been given to ASIC in confidence in connection with the

performance of ASIC’s functions under this Act.

903B Rules may only impose requirements on operators and officers

of licensed derivative trade repositories

The only persons on whom the derivative trade repository rules

may impose requirements are:

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Part 7.5A Regulation of derivative transactions and derivative trade repositories

Division 4 Regulation of licensed derivative trade repositories: derivative trade

repository rules

Section 903C

226 Corporations Act 2001

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(a) operators of licensed derivative trade repositories; and

(b) officers of licensed derivative trade repositories.

Note: Requirements may also be imposed on these persons by the derivative

transaction rules.

903C Regulations may limit how rules may deal with matters related

to derivative trade data

The regulations may prescribe limits on the extent to which, or the

way in which, the derivative trade repository rules may deal with

matters referred to in paragraph 903A(2)(b).

Subdivision B—Compliance with derivative trade repository


903D Obligation to comply with derivative trade repository rules

A person must comply with provisions of the derivative trade

repository rules that apply to the person.

Note 1: This section is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E). For relief

from liability to a civil penalty relating to this section, see

section 1317S.

Note 2: The only persons on whom derivative trade repository rules may

impose requirements are operators of licensed derivative trade

repositories, and officers of such operators (see section 903B).

Note 3: If there is an inconsistency between the market integrity rules and the

derivative trade repository rules, the market integrity rules prevail: see

subsection 798H(3).

Note 4: If there is an inconsistency between the standards determined under

section 827D and the derivative trade repository rules, the standards

prevail: see subsection 827D(2A).

Note 5: If there is an inconsistency between the derivative transaction rules

and the derivative trade repository rules, the derivative transaction

rules prevail: see subsection 901E(2).

Note 6: If there is an inconsistency between the derivative trade repository

rules and the client money reporting rules, the derivative trade

repository rules prevail: see subsection 981M(2).

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Regulation of derivative transactions and derivative trade repositories Part 7.5A

Regulation of licensed derivative trade repositories: derivative trade repository rules

Division 4

Section 903E

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903E Alternatives to civil proceedings

(1) The regulations may provide for a person who is alleged to have

contravened section 903D to do one or more of the following as an

alternative to civil proceedings:

(a) pay a penalty to the Commonwealth;

(b) undertake or institute remedial measures (including education


(c) accept sanctions other than the payment of a penalty to the


(d) enter into a legally enforceable undertaking.

(2) The penalty payable under regulations made under paragraph (1)(a)

in relation to an alleged contravention of a derivative trade

repository rule must not exceed:

(a) for an individual—200 penalty units; and

(b) for a body corporate—1,000 penalty units.

(3) Without limiting regulations that may be made for the purpose of

paragraph (1)(d), those regulations may provide for one or more of

the following kinds of undertakings:

(a) an undertaking to take specified action within a specified


(b) an undertaking to refrain from taking specified action;

(c) an undertaking to pay a specified amount within a specified

period to the Commonwealth or to some other specified


Subdivision C—The process of making derivative trade

repository rules

903F Matters to which ASIC has regard when making rules

In considering whether to make a derivative trade repository rule,


(a) must have regard to:

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.5A Regulation of derivative transactions and derivative trade repositories

Division 4 Regulation of licensed derivative trade repositories: derivative trade

repository rules

Section 903G

228 Corporations Act 2001

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(i) the likely effect of the proposed rule on the Australian

economy, and on the efficiency, integrity and stability

of the Australian financial system; and

(ii) the likely regulatory impact of the proposed rule; and

(b) may have regard to any other matters that ASIC considers


Note: Matters that ASIC may have regard to under paragraph (b) may, for

example, include:

(a) any relevant international standards and international commitments; and

(b) matters raised in consultations (if any) under section 903G.

903G ASIC to consult before making rules

(1) ASIC must not make a derivative trade repository rule unless


(a) has consulted the public about the proposed rule; and

(b) has also consulted any other person or body as required by

regulations made for the purpose of this paragraph.

Note: In some situations, consultation is not required: see section 903J.

(2) Without limiting the ways in which ASIC may comply with the

obligation in paragraph (1)(a) to consult the public about a

proposed rule, ASIC is taken to comply with that obligation if

ASIC, on its website:

(a) makes the proposed rule, or a description of the content of

the proposed rule, available; and

(b) invites the public to comment on the proposed rule.

(3) A failure to consult as required by subsection (1) does not

invalidate a derivative trade repository rule.

903H Ministerial consent to rules required

(1) ASIC must not make a derivative trade repository rule unless the

Minister has consented, in writing, to the making of the rule.

Note: In some situations, consent is not required: see section 903J.

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Regulation of derivative transactions and derivative trade repositories Part 7.5A

Regulation of licensed derivative trade repositories: derivative trade repository rules

Division 4

Section 903J

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(2) A consent under subsection (1) is not a legislative instrument.

903J Emergency rules: consultation and consent not required

(1) ASIC may make a derivative trade repository rule without

consulting as required by section 903G, and without the consent of

the Minister as required by section 903H, if ASIC is of the opinion

that it is necessary, or in the public interest, to do so in order to


(a) the Australian economy; or

(b) the efficiency, integrity and stability of the Australian

financial system; or

(c) the security or confidentiality of derivative trade data.

(2) However, if ASIC does so, ASIC must:

(a) provide the Minister, on the following day, with a written

explanation of the need for the rule; and

(b) amend or revoke the rule in accordance with any written

directions of the Minister.

(3) A direction under paragraph (2)(b) is not a legislative instrument.

903K Amendment and revocation of derivative trade repository


(1) ASIC may amend or revoke a derivative trade repository rule in

like manner and subject to like conditions (see subsections 33(3)

and (3AA) of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901).

(2) However, the requirements of sections 903F, 903G and 903H do

not apply in relation to an amendment or revocation pursuant to a

direction by the Minister under paragraph 903J(2)(b).

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.5A Regulation of derivative transactions and derivative trade repositories

Division 5 Regulation of licensed derivative trade repositories: other obligations and


Section 904A

230 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 5—Regulation of licensed derivative trade

repositories: other obligations and powers

Subdivision A—Obligations

904A General obligations

(1) A derivative trade repository licensee must:

(a) comply with the conditions on the licence; and

(b) if the licensee is a foreign body corporate—be registered

under Division 2 of Part 5B.2; and

(c) take all reasonable steps to ensure that no disqualified

individual becomes, or remains, involved in the operator (see

Division 2 of Part 7.4).

Note: Derivative trade repository licensees must also comply with other

provisions of this Part that apply to them.

(2) A person contravenes this subsection if the person contravenes

paragraph (1)(b) or (c).

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

904B Obligations relating to derivative trade data

Obligation relating to use or disclosure of derivative trade data

(1) A derivative trade repository licensee, or an officer or employee of

a derivative trade repository licensee, may use or disclose

derivative trade data only if:

(a) the use or disclosure:

(i) is for the purpose of, or occurs in the course of, the

provision of the repository’s services, or the

performance of the duties of the officer or employee as

an officer or employee of the licensee; and

(ii) is not excluded by regulations made for the purpose of

this subparagraph; or

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Regulation of derivative transactions and derivative trade repositories Part 7.5A

Regulation of licensed derivative trade repositories: other obligations and powers

Division 5

Section 904B

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(b) the use or disclosure is required or permitted by any of the


(i) another provision of this Act;

(ii) the derivative transaction rules or the derivative trade

repository rules;

(iii) another law of the Commonwealth, or a law of a State

or Territory.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Obligation to comply with requests from regulators for derivative

trade data

(2) Any of the following persons or bodies may request a derivative

trade repository licensee to provide the person or body with

derivative trade data that is retained in the derivative trade


(a) ASIC;

(b) APRA;

(c) the Reserve Bank of Australia;

(d) a person or body prescribed by the regulations for the

purpose of this paragraph;

(e) another derivative trade repository licensee.

(3) Regulations must not be made prescribing a person or body for the

purpose of paragraph (2)(d) unless the Minister is satisfied that

there are adequate controls on the use or disclosure of any

derivative trade data provided to the person or body pursuant to

requests under subsection (2).

(4) The regulations may require that certain information must not be

included in derivative trade data provided pursuant to requests, or a

class of requests, under subsection (2).

(5) If:

(a) a derivative trade repository licensee receives a request for

derivative trade data under subsection (2); and

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Part 7.5A Regulation of derivative transactions and derivative trade repositories

Division 5 Regulation of licensed derivative trade repositories: other obligations and


Section 904C

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(b) the licensee is not excused or prohibited from complying

with the request by:

(i) regulations made for the purpose of this subparagraph;


(ii) the derivative trade repository rules or the derivative

transaction rules;

the licensee must comply with the request, subject to any

requirements of regulations made for the purpose of subsection (4).

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Obligations relating to the creation of statistical data

(6) The regulations may:

(a) impose obligations on operators of licensed derivative trade

repositories to:

(i) create statistical information from derivative trade data;


(ii) to provide that statistical information to a person or

persons, or to make it available, in accordance with the

regulations; and

(b) provide for offences in relation to those obligations.

Note: For the limit on penalties for offences against the regulations, see

paragraph 1364(2)(w).

904C Obligation to notify ASIC of certain matters

Notification of inability to meet obligations under 904A

(1) A derivative trade repository licensee must give written notice to

ASIC, as soon as practicable, if the licensee becomes aware that it

may no longer be able to meet, or has breached, an obligation

under section 904A.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

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Regulation of derivative transactions and derivative trade repositories Part 7.5A

Regulation of licensed derivative trade repositories: other obligations and powers

Division 5

Section 904D

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(1A) A person contravenes this subsection if the person contravenes

subsection (1).

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

(2) If ASIC receives a notice under subsection (1), ASIC may give the

Minister advice about the matter to which the notice relates.

Notification of changes to directors, secretaries or senior


(3) As soon as practicable after a person becomes or ceases to be a

director, secretary or senior manager of a derivative trade

repository licensee or of a holding company of a derivative trade

repository licensee (including when a person changes from one of

those positions to another), the licensee must give written notice of

this to ASIC. The notice must include such other information about

the matter as is prescribed by the regulations for the purpose of this


Note 1: To the extent that the licensee is required to give the notice and

information under any other provision of this Act, the licensee may

comply with this subsection by doing so. It need not provide the same

information twice.

Note 2: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

904D Obligation to assist ASIC, APRA and the Reserve Bank

(1) Each of the following is a regulator to which this section applies:

(a) ASIC;

(b) APRA;

(c) the Reserve Bank of Australia.

(2) A derivative trade repository licensee must give such assistance to

a regulator to which this section applies as the regulator reasonably

requests in relation to the performance of the regulator’s functions.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

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Part 7.5A Regulation of derivative transactions and derivative trade repositories

Division 5 Regulation of licensed derivative trade repositories: other obligations and


Section 904E

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(3) Such assistance may include showing the regulator the licensee’s

books or giving the regulator derivative trade data or other


904E Obligation to give ASIC access to derivative trade repository


A derivative trade repository licensee must give ASIC such

reasonable access to the repository’s facilities as ASIC requests for

any of the purposes of this Part.

Note: Failure to comply with this section is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Subdivision B—Powers of Minister and ASIC to give directions


904F Minister’s power to give directions to licensee not complying

with obligations

(1) If the Minister considers that a derivative trade repository licensee

is not complying with its obligations as a derivative trade

repository licensee under this Part, the Minister may give the

licensee a written direction to do specified things that the Minister

believes will promote compliance by the licensee with those


(2) The licensee must comply with the direction.

(3) If the licensee fails to comply with the direction, ASIC may apply

to the Court for, and the Court may make, an order that the licensee

comply with the direction.

(4) The Minister may vary or revoke a direction at any time by giving

written notice to the licensee.

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Regulation of derivative transactions and derivative trade repositories Part 7.5A

Regulation of licensed derivative trade repositories: other obligations and powers

Division 5

Section 904G

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904G ASIC’s power to give directions to licensee not complying with


(1) If ASIC considers that a derivative trade repository licensee is not

complying with its obligations as a derivative trade repository

licensee under this Part, ASIC may give the licensee written advice

that it intends to give the licensee a specified direction to do

specified things that ASIC believes will promote compliance by

the licensee with those obligations. The advice must include the

reasons for ASIC’s intention to give the direction.

(2) As soon as practicable after giving the advice to the licensee, ASIC

must give notice of the advice to the operator of each financial

market, and of each clearing and settlement facility, with which the

licensed derivative trade repository has arrangements to provide

services relating to derivative trade data.

(3) If:

(a) after receiving ASIC’s advice and reasons, the licensee does

not take steps that in ASIC’s view are adequate to address the

situation; and

(b) ASIC still considers that it is appropriate to give the direction

to the licensee;

ASIC may give the licensee the direction, in writing, with a

statement setting out the reasons for giving the direction.

(4) The direction has effect until the earlier of the following times:

(a) the time ASIC revokes the direction under subsection (9);

(b) the end of the period (which may be up to 21 days) specified

in the direction as the period during which the direction is


(5) While the direction has effect, the licensee must comply with the


Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

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Part 7.5A Regulation of derivative transactions and derivative trade repositories

Division 5 Regulation of licensed derivative trade repositories: other obligations and


Section 904H

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(6) If the licensee fails to comply with the direction, ASIC may apply

to the Court for, and the Court may make, an order that the licensee

comply with the direction.

(7) As soon as practicable after making or varying (see subsection (8))

the direction, ASIC must give a copy of the direction or variation

to each of the operators referred to in subsection (2).

(8) ASIC may vary the direction by giving written notice to the


(9) ASIC may revoke the direction by giving written notice to the

licensee. ASIC must also give written notice of the revocation to

each of the operators mentioned in subsection (2).

904H ASIC’s power to give directions requiring special reports

(1) ASIC may give a derivative trade repository licensee a written

direction requiring the licensee to give ASIC a special report on

specified matters. ASIC may give a copy of the report to the


(2) The direction may also require the licensee to give ASIC an audit

report on the special report. ASIC must nominate a specified

person or body that is suitably qualified to prepare the audit report.

(3) The licensee must give the special report, and audit report (if

required), to ASIC within the time required by the direction.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

904J ASIC may assess licensee’s compliance

(1) ASIC may do an assessment of how well a derivative trade

repository licensee is complying with any or all of its obligations

as a derivative trade repository licensee under this Part. In doing

the assessment, ASIC may take account of any information and

reports that it thinks appropriate.

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Regulation of derivative transactions and derivative trade repositories Part 7.5A

Regulation of licensed derivative trade repositories: other obligations and powers

Division 5

Section 904K

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(2) As soon as practicable after doing an assessment under this section,

ASIC must give a written report on the assessment to the licensee.

ASIC may give a copy of the report to the Minister.

(3) If an assessment, or part of an assessment, relates to any other

person’s affairs to a material extent, ASIC may, at the person’s

request or on its own initiative, give the person a copy of the report

on the assessment or the relevant part of the report.

(4) If an assessment, or part of an assessment, relates to a serious

contravention of a law of the Commonwealth or of a State or

Territory, ASIC may give a copy of the report on the assessment,

or the relevant part of the report, to:

(a) the Australian Federal Police; or

(b) the Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Crime

Commission or a member of the staff of the ACC (within the

meaning of the Australian Crime Commission Act 2002); or

(c) the Director of Public Prosecutions; or

(d) a person or body prescribed by the regulations for the

purpose of this paragraph.

(5) The written report on an assessment, or part of the report, may be

published in any way that ASIC thinks appropriate.

(6) A report on an assessment is not a legislative instrument.

904K Directions relating to derivative trade data if repository ceases

to be licensed

(1) This section applies to derivative trade data that was being retained

in a derivative trade repository before the repository ceased to be a

licensed derivative trade repository.

(2) ASIC may give a written direction to a person referred to in

subsection (3):

(a) requiring the person to deal, in a specified way, with

derivative trade data to which this section applies; or

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Division 5 Regulation of licensed derivative trade repositories: other obligations and


Section 904K

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(b) imposing limitations on the use or disclosure by the person of

derivative trade data to which this section applies.

Note: A direction could, for example, require the person:

(a) to destroy all records of the data over which the person has control; or

(b) to transfer all records of the data over which the person has control to a licensed derivative trade repository or a prescribed derivative trade repository.

(3) The direction may be given to:

(a) the operator, or former operator, of the repository; or

(b) an officer or employee, or a former officer or employee, of

the operator, or former operator, of the repository.

(4) While the direction has effect, the person to whom the direction is

given must comply with the direction.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(5) If the person to whom the direction is given fails to comply with

the direction, ASIC may apply to the Court for, and the Court may

make, an order that the person comply with the direction.

(6) The direction has effect until it is revoked under subsection (7).

(7) ASIC may vary or revoke the direction by giving written notice to

the person to whom the direction was given.

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Regulation of derivative transactions and derivative trade repositories Part 7.5A

Regulation of licensed derivative trade repositories: licensing Division 6

Section 905A

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Division 6—Regulation of licensed derivative trade

repositories: licensing

Subdivision A—Requirement for some trade repositories to be


905A Regulations may identify derivative trade repositories as being

required to be licensed

(1) The regulations may identify one or more classes of derivative

trade repositories as being required to be licensed under this Part.

Note: Subject to this Part, derivative trade repositories may be licensed

under this Part even if they are not required to be licensed.

(2) If the regulations identify a class of derivative trade repositories as

being required to be licensed under this Part, a person must not

operate, or hold out that the person operates, a repository in the

class if the person does not have an Australian derivative trade

repository licence that authorises the person to operate the


Note 1: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence: see

subsection 1311(1).

Note 2: For other offences dealing with holding out, see section 907A.

(3) A person contravenes this subsection if the person contravenes

subsection (2).

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

Subdivision B—Granting of licences

905B How to apply for a licence

A body corporate may, by lodging an application with ASIC in the

prescribed form, apply for a licence (an Australian derivative trade

repository licence) authorising the body corporate to operate a

derivative trade repository.

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Part 7.5A Regulation of derivative transactions and derivative trade repositories

Division 6 Regulation of licensed derivative trade repositories: licensing

Section 905C

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Note 1: See section 350 for how to lodge an application in the prescribed


Note 2: For fees in respect of lodging applications, see Part 9.10.

905C When a licence may be granted


(1) ASIC may grant an applicant an Australian derivative trade

repository licence if ASIC is satisfied that:

(a) the application was made in accordance with section 905B;


(b) the applicant will comply with the obligations that will apply

if the licence is granted; and

(c) no disqualified individual appears to be involved in the

applicant (see Division 2 of Part 7.4).

This subsection has effect subject to subsections (2) and (3).

Note: ASIC must also have regard to the matters in section 905P in deciding

whether to grant a licence.

Foreign bodies

(2) If the applicant is a foreign body corporate, ASIC must not grant

the applicant a licence unless the applicant is registered under

Division 2 of Part 5B.2.

Disqualified individuals

(3) ASIC must not grant the applicant a licence unless 42 days have

passed since the application was made and ASIC has not given a

notice under subsection 853D(2) to the applicant within that 42


905D Publication of notice of licence grant

If ASIC grants an Australian derivative trade repository licence,

ASIC must publish a notice in the Gazette stating:

(a) the name of the licensee; and

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Regulation of licensed derivative trade repositories: licensing Division 6

Section 905E

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(b) when the licence was granted; and

(c) the conditions on the licence.

905E More than one derivative trade repository covered by the same


(1) The same Australian derivative trade repository licence may

authorise the licensee to operate 2 or more derivative trade


(2) In that case, a reference in this Chapter to the derivative trade

repository to which an Australian derivative trade repository

licence relates is taken instead to be a reference to each of those

derivative trade repositories severally.

(3) Before varying the conditions on an Australian derivative trade

repository licence so as to add another derivative trade repository

that the licensee is authorised to operate, ASIC must be satisfied of

the matters listed in subsection 905C(1) in relation to the


(4) An Australian derivative trade repository licence that authorises the

licensee to operate 2 or more derivative trade repositories may be

suspended or cancelled under Subdivision D in respect of one or

some of those repositories only, as if the licensee held a separate

licence for each of the repositories.

Subdivision C—The conditions on a licence

905F The conditions on the licence

(1) ASIC may, at any time:

(a) impose conditions, or additional conditions, on an Australian

derivative trade repository licence; or

(b) vary or revoke conditions imposed on such a licence;

by giving written notice to the licensee. ASIC must also publish a

notice in the Gazette with details of the action and when it took


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Part 7.5A Regulation of derivative transactions and derivative trade repositories

Division 6 Regulation of licensed derivative trade repositories: licensing

Section 905F

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Note: As well as the requirements in this section, ASIC must also have

regard to the matters in section 905P.

(2) ASIC may do so:

(a) on its own initiative, subject to subsection (3); or

(b) if the licensee lodges an application with ASIC in the

prescribed form, seeking the imposition of the conditions or

additional conditions, or seeking the variation or revocation

of conditions.

Note 1: See section 350 for how to lodge an application in the prescribed


Note 2: For fees in respect of lodging applications, see Part 9.10.

(3) ASIC may only impose conditions or additional conditions, or vary

or revoke conditions, on the licence on ASIC’s own initiative if:

(a) ASIC considers it appropriate to do so having regard to:

(i) the licensee’s obligations as a derivative trade

repository licensee under this Part; and

(ii) any change in the operations of the derivative trade

repository, or in the conditions in which the repository

is operating; and

(b) ASIC gives the licensee written notice of the proposed action

and an opportunity to make a submission before it takes


This subsection does not apply to ASIC imposing conditions when

a licence is granted.

(4) ASIC must ensure that each Australian derivative trade repository

licence is subject to conditions that specify:

(a) the particular derivative trade repository that the licensee is

authorised to operate; and

(b) the class or classes of derivatives in respect of which the

repository can provide services for the purposes of this Part.

Note: The licence condition required by paragraph (b) does not apply to

services that a licensed derivative trade repository provides otherwise

than for the purposes of this Part.

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Regulation of licensed derivative trade repositories: licensing Division 6

Section 905G

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Subdivision D—When a licence can be varied, suspended or


905G Varying licences

ASIC may vary an Australian derivative trade repository licence to

take account of a change in the licensee’s name if the licensee

lodges an application with ASIC in the prescribed form, seeking

the variation.

Note 1: The conditions on the licence can be varied under section 905F.

Note 2: See section 350 for how to lodge an application in the prescribed


Note 3: For fees in respect of lodging applications, see Part 9.10.

905H Immediate suspension or cancellation

ASIC may, by giving written notice to a derivative trade repository

licensee, suspend the licence for a specified period, or cancel it, if:

(a) the licensee ceases to carry on the business of operating the

derivative trade repository; or

(b) the licensee becomes a Chapter 5 body corporate; or

(c) the licensee asks ASIC to do so; or

(d) in the case of a licensee that is a leviable entity (within the

meaning of the ASIC Supervisory Cost Recovery Levy Act

2017)—the following have not been paid in full at least 12

months after the due date for payment:

(i) an amount of levy (if any) payable in respect of the


(ii) the amount of late payment penalty payable (if any) in

relation to the levy;

(iii) the amount of shortfall penalty payable (if any) in

relation to the levy.

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Part 7.5A Regulation of derivative transactions and derivative trade repositories

Division 6 Regulation of licensed derivative trade repositories: licensing

Section 905J

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905J Suspension or cancellation following hearing and report

(1) If ASIC considers that a derivative trade repository licensee has

breached, or is in breach of, one or more of its obligations as a

derivative trade repository licensee under this Part, ASIC may give

the licensee a written notice that requires the licensee to show

cause, at a hearing before a specified person, why the licence

should not be suspended or cancelled.

(2) The notice must specify:

(a) the grounds on which it is proposed to suspend or cancel the

licence; and

(b) a reasonable time and place at which the hearing is to be


However, if the licensee consents, the person conducting the

hearing may fix a different time or place.

(3) The person conducting the hearing must:

(a) give the licensee an opportunity to be heard at the hearing;


(b) give ASIC:

(i) a report about the hearing; and

(ii) a recommendation about the grounds in the notice on

which it is proposed to suspend or cancel the licence.

(4) After considering the report and recommendation, ASIC may:

(a) decide to take no further action in relation to the matter and

give written advice of that decision to the licensee; or

(b) suspend the licence for a specified period, or cancel the

licence, by giving written notice to the licensee.

Note: ASIC must also have regard to the matters in section 905P.

(5) None of the following is a legislative instrument:

(a) a notice under subsection (1);

(b) a report under subsection (3) (if it is in writing).

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Regulation of licensed derivative trade repositories: licensing Division 6

Section 905K

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905K Effect of suspension

(1) A person whose Australian derivative trade repository licence is

suspended is taken not to hold that licence while it is suspended.

(2) However, ASIC may specify in the written notice to the licensee

under section 905H, or paragraph 905J(4)(b), that subsection (1) of

this section does not apply for specified purposes.

905L Variation or revocation of suspension

ASIC may at any time vary or revoke a suspension of an Australian

derivative trade repository licence by giving written notice to the


905M Publication of notice of licence suspension or cancellation

(1) If ASIC:

(a) suspends, or varies or revokes a suspension of, an Australian

derivative trade repository licence; or

(b) cancels an Australian derivative trade repository licence;

ASIC must publish a notice in the Gazette to that effect.

(2) The notice must state when the action took effect.

905N Suspension and cancellation only in accordance with this


An Australian derivative trade repository licence cannot be varied,

suspended or cancelled otherwise than in accordance with this


Note: The conditions on the licence can be varied under section 905F.

Subdivision E—Other matters

905P Matters to be taken into account by ASIC

(1) ASIC must have regard to certain matters in deciding whether to:

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Division 6 Regulation of licensed derivative trade repositories: licensing

Section 905P

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(a) grant an applicant an Australian derivative trade repository

licence under section 905C; or

(b) impose, vary or revoke conditions on such a licence under

section 905F; or

(c) suspend or cancel such a licence under section 905J.

(2) The matters ASIC must have regard to are as follows:

(a) the structure, or proposed structure, of the derivative trade


(b) the nature of the activities conducted, or proposed to be

conducted, by the derivative trade repository;

(c) the size, or proposed size, of the derivative trade repository;

(d) the persons who are, or may be, required to report derivative

trade data to the derivative trade repository;

(e) the technology used, or proposed to be used, in the operation

of the derivative trade repository;

(f) whether it would be in the public interest to take the action

referred to in subsection (1).

ASIC may also have regard to any other matter that ASIC

considers relevant.

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Regulation of derivative transactions and derivative trade repositories Part 7.5A

Regulation of prescribed derivative trade repositories Division 7

Section 906A

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Division 7—Regulation of prescribed derivative trade


906A Regulations may impose obligations and confer powers

(1) The regulations may:

(a) impose obligations on operators of prescribed derivative

trade repositories, and on their officers and employees; and

(b) confer powers on ASIC in relation to prescribed derivative

trade repositories; and

(c) provide for offences in relation to those obligations and


Note: For the limit on penalties for offences against the regulations, see

paragraph 1364(2)(w).

(2) Without limiting the obligations and powers that may be conferred

or imposed, they may include obligations and powers of similar

kinds to those that apply under the derivative trade repository rules,

or under Division 5, in relation to licensed derivative trade


(3) The regulations may provide, either generally or in circumstances

specified in the regulations, that information given to ASIC, by the

operator (or an officer of the operator) of a prescribed derivative

trade repository, under a provision of the regulations is to be taken,

for the purpose of section 127 (confidentiality) of the ASIC Act, to

be given to ASIC in confidence in connection with the

performance of ASIC’s functions under this Act.

(4) Regulations that provide as mentioned in subsection (3) have effect

accordingly for the purpose of section 127 of the ASIC Act.

Note: Subsections (3) and (4) do not limit the circumstances in which

information given to ASIC by a prescribed derivative trade repository

may, for the purpose of section 127 of the ASIC Act, be regarded as

having been given to ASIC in confidence in connection with the

performance of ASIC’s functions under this Act.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.5A Regulation of derivative transactions and derivative trade repositories

Division 8 Other matters

Section 907A

248 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 8—Other matters

907A Other prohibitions on holding out

A person must not hold out:

(a) that the person has an Australian derivative trade repository

licence; or

(b) that the operation of a derivative trade repository by the

person is authorised by an Australian derivative trade

repository licence; or

(c) that a facility is prescribed by the regulations for the purpose

of paragraph 901A(5)(b); or

(d) that a facility is prescribed by the regulations for the purpose

of paragraph 901A(6)(b); or

(e) that a facility is prescribed by the regulations for the purpose

of paragraph 901A(7)(b);

if that is not the case.

Note 1: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence: see

subsection 1311(1).

Note 2: Section 905A contains other offences relating to derivative trade

repositories that are required to be licensed.

907B Making provision by reference to instruments as in force from

time to time

(1) This section applies to the following instruments:

(a) determinations made by the Minister under section 901B;

(b) regulations made for the purpose of a provision of this Part;

(c) derivative transaction rules;

(d) derivative trade repository rules.

(2) An instrument to which this section applies may make provision in

relation to a matter by applying, adopting or incorporating any

matter contained in an instrument or other writing:

(a) as in force or existing at a particular time; or

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Other matters Division 8

Section 907C

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(b) as in force or existing from time to time.

(3) Subsection (2) has effect despite subsection 14(2) of the

Legislation Act 2003.

907C Compliance with requirements to provide derivative trade

data or other information: protection from liability


(a) a person (the protected person):

(i) provides derivative trade data, or other information, to

another person; or

(ii) otherwise allows another person access to derivative

trade data, or other information; and

(b) the protected person does so, in good faith, in compliance

with a requirement imposed by or under:

(i) a provision of this Part, or of regulations made for the

purpose of a provision of this Part; or

(ii) a provision of the derivative transaction rules or the

derivative trade repository rules;

the protected person is not liable to an action or other proceeding,

whether civil or criminal, for or in relation to that conduct.

907D Exemptions by ASIC

(1) The provisions covered by this section are:

(a) the following provisions:

(i) the provisions of this Part;

(ii) the provisions of regulations made for the purposes of

the provisions of this Part;

(iii) the provisions of the derivative transaction rules and the

derivative trade repository rules; and

(b) definitions in this Act, or in the regulations, as they apply to

references in provisions referred to in paragraph (a).

(2) ASIC may:

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Part 7.5A Regulation of derivative transactions and derivative trade repositories

Division 8 Other matters

Section 907E

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(a) exempt a person or class of persons from all or specified

provisions covered by this section; or

(b) exempt a facility or class of facilities from all or specified

provisions covered by this section; or

(c) exempt a derivative transaction or class of derivative

transactions from all or specified provisions covered by this


(3) An exemption may apply unconditionally or subject to specified

conditions. A person to whom a condition specified in an

exemption applies must comply with the condition. The Court may

order the person to comply with the condition in a specified way.

Only ASIC may apply to the Court for the order.

(4) An exemption is a legislative instrument if the exemption is

expressed to apply in relation to a class of persons, a class of

facilities or a class of derivative transactions (whether or not it is

also expressed to apply in relation to one or more persons, facilities

or transactions identified otherwise than by reference to

membership of a class).

(5) If subsection (4) does not apply to an exemption, the exemption

must be in writing and ASIC must publish notice of it in the


907E Exemptions and modifications by regulations

(1) The provisions covered by this section are:

(a) the following provisions:

(i) the provisions of this Part;

(ii) the provisions of regulations made for the purposes of

the provisions of this Part;

(iii) the provisions of the derivative transaction rules and the

derivative trade repository rules; and

(b) definitions in this Act, or in the regulations, as they apply to

references in provisions referred to in paragraph (a).

(2) The regulations may:

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Other matters Division 8

Section 907E

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(a) exempt a person or class of persons from all or specified

provisions covered by this section; or

(b) exempt a facility or class of facilities from all or specified

provisions covered by this section; or

(c) exempt a derivative transaction or class of derivative

transactions from all or specified provisions covered by this

section; or

(d) declare that provisions covered by this section apply in

relation to a person, facility or derivative transaction, or a

class of persons, facilities or derivative transactions, as if

specified provisions were omitted, modified or varied as

specified in the declaration.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.5B Regulation of financial benchmarks

Division 1 Preliminary

Section 908AA

252 Corporations Act 2001

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Part 7.5B—Regulation of financial benchmarks

Division 1—Preliminary

908AA Simplified outline of this Part

Administrators of significant financial benchmarks must be

licensed under this Part. Administrators of other financial

benchmarks may voluntarily opt in to the same licensing scheme.

Licensees are subject to certain obligations.

ASIC may make financial benchmark rules that apply in relation to

licensees and the financial benchmarks they administer.

ASIC may also make compelled financial benchmark rules to deal

with circumstances such as the failure of a licensee to administer a

significant financial benchmark specified in its licence.

Offences and civil penalty provisions apply to conduct that could

unduly manipulate a financial benchmark.

908AB Meaning of financial benchmark

(1) A financial benchmark is a price, estimate, rate, index or value


(a) is made available to users (whether or not for a fee); and

(b) is calculated periodically from one or more:

(i) transactions, instruments, currencies, prices, estimates,

rates, indices, values, financial products, bank accepted

bills or negotiable certificates of deposit; or

(ii) other interests or goods (whether tangible or intangible);


(c) is referenced or otherwise used for purposes that include one

or more of the following:

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Regulation of financial benchmarks Part 7.5B

Preliminary Division 1

Section 908AC

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(i) calculating the interest, or other amounts, payable under

financial products, bank accepted bills or negotiable

certificates of deposit;

(ii) calculating the price at which a financial product, bank

accepted bill or negotiable certificate of deposit may be

traded, redeemed or dealt in;

(iii) calculating the value of a financial product, bank

accepted bill or negotiable certificate of deposit;

(iv) measuring the performance of a financial product, bank

accepted bill or negotiable certificate of deposit.

(2) However, the regulations, or ASIC by written instrument, may

provide that a price, estimate, rate, index or value is not a financial


(3) Such an instrument by ASIC is a legislative instrument if it is

expressed to apply in relation to a class of prices, estimates, rates,

indices or values (whether or not it is also expressed to apply in

relation to one or more prices, estimates, rates, indices or values

identified otherwise than by reference to membership of a class).

(4) If subsection (3) does not apply to an instrument by ASIC under

subsection (2), ASIC must publish the instrument.

908AC Meaning of significant financial benchmark

(1) A significant financial benchmark is a financial benchmark that is

declared under subsection (2).

(2) ASIC may, by legislative instrument, declare a financial

benchmark to be a significant financial benchmark if ASIC is

satisfied that:

(a) the benchmark is systemically important to the Australian

financial system; or

(b) there is a material risk of financial contagion, or systemic

instability, in Australia if the availability or integrity of the

benchmark were disrupted; or

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.5B Regulation of financial benchmarks

Division 1 Preliminary

Section 908AD

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(c) there would be a material impact on retail or wholesale

investors in Australia if the availability or integrity of the

benchmark were disrupted.

Note 1: For declaration by class, see subsection 13(3) of the Legislation Act


Note 2: For variation and revocation of a declaration, see subsection 33(3) of

the Acts Interpretation Act 1901.

(3) ASIC must not make a declaration under subsection (2) unless

consent for it has been given under subsection (4).

(4) The Minister may, in writing, consent to the making of a

declaration under subsection (2).

908AD Emergency declarations: consultation and consent not


(1) Despite subsection 908AC(3), ASIC may make a declaration under

subsection 908AC(2) without the consent of the Minister if ASIC

is of the opinion that it is necessary, or in the public interest, to do

so in order to protect:

(a) the Australian economy; or

(b) the efficiency, integrity and stability of the Australian

financial system.

(2) If ASIC makes a declaration under subsection 908AC(2) without

the consent of the Minister, ASIC must:

(a) provide the Minister, on the following day, with a written

explanation of the need for the declaration; and

(b) revoke the declaration in accordance with any direction under

subsection (3).

(3) The Minister may give ASIC a written direction to revoke a

declaration made as described in subsection (1).

(4) A direction under subsection (3) is not a legislative instrument.

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Regulation of financial benchmarks Part 7.5B

Preliminary Division 1

Section 908AE

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908AE Notifying administrator about declarations

ASIC must, as soon as practicable, give the administrator of a

financial benchmark written notice of:

(a) any declaration of the financial benchmark under

subsection 908AC(2); or

(b) any variation, or revocation, under subsection 908AC(2) of a

declaration of the financial benchmark under that subsection;


(c) any revocation under subsection 908AD(2)(b) of a

declaration of the financial benchmark under

subsection 908AC(2).

908AF ASIC to supervise financial benchmarks that are specified in

benchmark administrator licences

(1) ASIC has the function of supervising financial benchmarks that are

specified in benchmark administrator licences.

(2) If such a financial benchmark is wholly or partly generated or

administered in a foreign country, ASIC may, to such extent as

ASIC considers appropriate, perform the function of supervising

the financial benchmark by satisfying itself:

(a) that the regulatory regime that applies in relation to the

financial benchmark in that country provides for adequate

supervision of the financial benchmark; or

(b) that adequate cooperative arrangements are in place with an

appropriate authority of that country to ensure that the

financial benchmark will be adequately supervised by that


908AG Extraterritorial application

Subject to sections 908BB and 908DD, this Part applies to acts,

omissions, matters and things in Australia or outside Australia.

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Part 7.5B Regulation of financial benchmarks

Division 2 Licensing of financial benchmarks

Section 908BA

256 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 2—Licensing of financial benchmarks

Subdivision A—Requirement to be licensed

908BA Administrators of significant financial benchmarks must be


(1) A person commits an offence if:

(a) the person:

(i) administers a significant financial benchmark; or

(ii) holds out that the person administers a significant

financial benchmark; and

(b) the person does not hold a benchmark administrator licence

that specifies the financial benchmark; and

(c) the period applying under subsection (2) for the financial

benchmark has ended.

Penalty: 5 years imprisonment.

(2) The period for the purposes of paragraph (1)(c):

(a) starts on the day (the start day) the financial benchmark is

declared under subsection 908AC(2) to be a significant

financial benchmark; and

(b) ends as described in subsection (3).

(3) The period ends at the end of the later of the following days:

(a) the 90th day after the start day;

(b) if, before the end of that 90th day, the person applies for a

benchmark administrator licence specifying the financial


(i) the day the person withdraws the application; or

(ii) the day the person is notified under

subsection 908BC(4) of ASIC’s decision to grant or

refuse to grant the licence.

(4) Absolute liability applies to paragraph (1)(c).

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Licensing of financial benchmarks Division 2

Section 908BB

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Note: For absolute liability, see section 6.2 of the Criminal Code.

908BB Other prohibitions on holding out

A person commits an offence if:

(a) in Australia, the person holds out that:

(i) the person holds a benchmark administrator licence; or

(ii) the administration of a financial benchmark by the

person is authorised by a benchmark administrator

licence; or

(iii) a financial benchmark is specified in a benchmark

administrator licence; or

(iv) a financial benchmark is a significant financial

benchmark; or

(v) a financial benchmark is not a significant financial

benchmark; and

(b) this is not the case.

Penalty: 5 years imprisonment.

Subdivision B—Granting licences

908BC When a licence may be granted

Granting licences—general

(1) ASIC may grant an applicant a licence (a benchmark

administrator licence) to administer a specified financial

benchmark if ASIC is satisfied that:

(a) the application was made in accordance with section 908BD;


(b) the applicant will comply with the obligations that will apply

if the licence is granted; and

(c) no disqualified individual appears to be involved in the


The licence may be granted subject to conditions.

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Part 7.5B Regulation of financial benchmarks

Division 2 Licensing of financial benchmarks

Section 908BD

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Note 1: ASIC must also have regard to the matters in section 908BO in

deciding whether to grant a licence.

Note 2: A licence is required if the benchmark is a significant financial

benchmark (see section 908BA). Licences are not required, but can

still be granted, for other financial benchmarks.

Foreign bodies

(2) Despite subsection (1), if the applicant is a foreign body corporate,

ASIC must not grant the applicant a licence unless the applicant is

registered under Division 2 of Part 5B.2.

Disqualified individuals

(3) Despite subsection (1), ASIC must not grant the applicant a licence


(a) 42 days have passed since the application was made; and

(b) if ASIC gives a notice under subsection 853D(2) to the

applicant within those 42 days, ASIC decides not to make a

declaration under section 853C about any individual who is

involved in the applicant.

Notice of decision

(4) ASIC must give the applicant written notice of:

(a) ASIC’s decision whether to grant the applicant a licence; and

(b) if the licence is granted—any conditions to which the licence

is subject.

908BD Applying for a licence

(1) A body corporate may, by lodging an application with ASIC that is

in a form approved by ASIC in writing, apply for a benchmark

administrator licence for a particular financial benchmark.

Note: For fees for lodging applications, see Part 9.10.

(2) ASIC may, by written notice given to an applicant, require the

applicant to lodge with ASIC, within the period specified in the

notice, further information in connection with the application.

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Regulation of financial benchmarks Part 7.5B

Licensing of financial benchmarks Division 2

Section 908BE

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(3) If the applicant fails to lodge the further information as required,

ASIC may, by written notice given to the applicant:

(a) refuse to consider the application; or

(b) refuse to take any action, or any further action, in relation to

the application.

908BE More than one financial benchmark may be specified in the

same licence

(1) The same benchmark administrator licence may specify 2 or more

financial benchmarks.

(2) In that case, a reference in this Chapter to the financial benchmark

specified in the licence is taken instead to be a reference to each of

those financial benchmarks severally.

(3) A benchmark administrator licence that specifies 2 or more

financial benchmarks may be suspended or cancelled under

Subdivision D in respect of one or some of those financial

benchmarks only, as if the licensee held a separate licence for each

of the financial benchmarks.

908BF Publishing details of licences

If ASIC grants a benchmark administrator licence, ASIC must

publish a notice stating:

(a) the name of the licensee and of the financial benchmark

specified in the licence; and

(b) when the licence was granted; and

(c) any conditions to which the licence is subject; and

(d) when the licence takes effect.

Subdivision C—Conditions on licences

908BG Conditions, including varying and revoking conditions

(1) ASIC may, at any time, take action to:

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Division 2 Licensing of financial benchmarks

Section 908BG

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(a) impose conditions, or additional conditions, on a benchmark

administrator licence; or

(b) vary or revoke any conditions to which a benchmark

administrator licence is subject (whether imposed under

paragraph (a) or under subsection 908BC(1));

by giving written notice to the licensee. ASIC must also publish a

notice with details of the action and when it took effect.

Note 1: As well as complying with the requirements in this section, ASIC

must have regard to the matters in section 908BO.

Note 2: A licensee is also subject to other obligations in this Part (for example,

see Divisions 3 and 4).

(2) ASIC may take action under subsection (1):

(a) on its own initiative, subject to subsection (3); or

(b) if the licensee lodges an application with ASIC, in a form

approved by ASIC in writing, seeking:

(i) the imposition of conditions; or

(ii) the variation or revocation of conditions.

Note: For fees for lodging applications, see Part 9.10.

(3) ASIC may only take action on its own initiative to impose

conditions or additional conditions, or to vary or revoke conditions,

to which the licence is subject if:

(a) ASIC considers it appropriate to do so having regard to:

(i) the licensee’s obligations under this Part; and

(ii) the licensee’s obligations under rules made under

Division 3; and

(iii) any change in the administration of the financial

benchmark specified in the licence; and

(b) ASIC gives the licensee written notice of the proposed action

and an opportunity to make a submission before the proposed

action is to take effect.

This subsection does not apply to ASIC imposing conditions when

a licence is granted.

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Regulation of financial benchmarks Part 7.5B

Licensing of financial benchmarks Division 2

Section 908BH

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Subdivision D—When a licence can be varied, suspended or


908BH Varying licences

ASIC may vary a benchmark administrator licence to:

(a) take account of a change in the licensee’s name; or

(b) take account of a change in the financial benchmark specified

in the licence; or

(c) specify one or more further financial benchmarks;

if the licensee seeks the variation by lodging an application with

ASIC in a form approved by ASIC in writing.

Note 1: The conditions on the licence can be varied under section 908BG.

Note 2: For a variation referred to in paragraph (b) or (c), ASIC must also

have regard to the matters in section 908BO.

Note 3: For fees for lodging applications, see Part 9.10.

908BI Immediate suspension or cancellation

(1) ASIC may, by giving written notice to a benchmark administrator

licensee, suspend the licensee’s licence for a specified period, or

cancel it, if:

(a) the licensee ceases to carry on the business of administering

the financial benchmark specified in the licence; or

(b) the licensee is a Chapter 5 body corporate, or under a foreign

law is in a similar position to a Chapter 5 body corporate; or

(c) the licensee asks ASIC to do so; or

(d) in the case of a licensee that is a leviable entity (within the

meaning of the ASIC Supervisory Cost Recovery Levy Act

2017)—the following have not been paid in full at least 12

months after the due date for payment:

(i) an amount of levy (if any) payable in respect of the


(ii) the amount of late payment penalty payable (if any) in

relation to the levy;

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Division 2 Licensing of financial benchmarks

Section 908BJ

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(iii) the amount of shortfall penalty payable (if any) in

relation to the levy.

(2) However, before doing so, ASIC must have regard to anything that

is required, or could be required, of the licensee under the

compelled financial benchmark rules.

908BJ Suspension or cancellation following hearing and report

(1) If ASIC considers that a benchmark administrator licensee has

breached, or is in breach of:

(a) any conditions to which the licence is subject; or

(b) any of its obligations under this Part; or

(c) any of its obligations under rules made under Division 3;

ASIC may give the licensee a written notice that requires the

licensee to show cause, at a hearing before a specified person, why

the licence should not be suspended or cancelled.

(2) The notice must specify:

(a) the grounds on which it is proposed to suspend or cancel the

licence; and

(b) a reasonable time and place at which the hearing is to be


However, if the licensee consents, the person conducting the

hearing may fix a different time or place.

(3) The person conducting the hearing must:

(a) give the licensee an opportunity to be heard at the hearing;


(b) give ASIC:

(i) a report about the hearing; and

(ii) a recommendation about the grounds in the notice on

which it is proposed to suspend or cancel the licence.

(4) After considering the report and recommendation, ASIC may:

(a) decide to take no further action in relation to the matter and

give written advice of that decision to the licensee; or

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Regulation of financial benchmarks Part 7.5B

Licensing of financial benchmarks Division 2

Section 908BK

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(b) suspend the licence for a specified period, or cancel the

licence, by giving written notice to the licensee.

Note: ASIC must also have regard to the matters in section 908BO.

(5) A notice under subsection (1) is not a legislative instrument.

908BK Effect of suspension

(1) A person whose benchmark administrator licence is suspended is

taken not to hold that licence while it is suspended.

(2) However, ASIC may specify in the written notice to the licensee

under section 908BI, or paragraph 908BJ(4)(b), that subsection (1)

of this section does not apply for specified purposes.

908BL Varying or revoking a suspension

ASIC may at any time vary or revoke a suspension of a benchmark

administrator licence by giving written notice to the licensee.

908BM Publishing details of suspensions or cancellations of licences

(1) If ASIC takes action to:

(a) suspend, or vary or revoke a suspension of, a benchmark

administrator licence; or

(b) cancel a benchmark administrator licence;

ASIC must publish a notice to that effect.

(2) The notice must state when the action took effect.

908BN Variations, suspensions or cancellations only in accordance

with this Subdivision

A benchmark administrator licence cannot be varied, suspended or

cancelled otherwise than in accordance with this Subdivision.

Note: The conditions on the licence can be varied under section 908BG.

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Part 7.5B Regulation of financial benchmarks

Division 2 Licensing of financial benchmarks

Section 908BO

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Subdivision E—Matters to which ASIC must have regard

908BO Matters to which ASIC must have regard

(1) ASIC must have regard to certain matters in deciding whether to

take any of the following actions in relation to a financial


(a) grant under section 908BC a benchmark administrator

licence that specifies the financial benchmark;

(b) impose, vary or revoke conditions on such a licence under

section 908BC or 908BG;

(c) vary such a licence under section 908BH for a change

referred to in paragraph 908BH(b) or (c);

(d) suspend or cancel such a licence under section 908BJ.

(2) The matters ASIC must have regard to are as follows:

(a) how the financial benchmark is, or is to be, administered;

(b) the nature and purpose of the financial benchmark;

(c) the manner in which the financial benchmark is, or is to be,


(d) the persons who are, or may be, required to report data or

other information to the licensee for the purposes of

generating or administering the financial benchmark;

(e) for an entity that is authorised to administer the same or a

similar financial benchmark in the foreign country in which

its principal place of business is located:

(i) the criteria that the entity satisfied to obtain an

authorisation to administer that financial benchmark in

that country; and

(ii) the obligations the entity must continue to comply with

to keep the authorisation; and

(iii) the level of supervision to which the administration of

that financial benchmark in that country is subject; and

(iv) whether adequate arrangements exist for cooperation

between ASIC and the authority that is responsible for

that supervision;

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Regulation of financial benchmarks Part 7.5B

Licensing of financial benchmarks Division 2

Section 908BP

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(f) whether it would be in the public interest to take the action

referred to in subsection (1).

(3) ASIC may also have regard to any other matter that ASIC

considers relevant.

Subdivision F—Other obligations of licensees

908BP General obligations

A benchmark administrator licensee must:

(a) comply with the conditions on the licence; and

(b) if the licensee is a foreign body corporate—be registered

under Division 2 of Part 5B.2; and

(c) take all reasonable steps to ensure that no disqualified

individual becomes, or remains, involved in the

administration of the financial benchmark specified in the


Note: The licensee also needs to comply with the rules made under

Division 3 (see section 908CF).

908BQ Obligation to notify ASIC of certain matters

(1) A person commits an offence if:

(a) the person is a benchmark administrator licensee; and

(b) the licensee becomes aware of any of the following events:

(i) that the licensee may no longer be able to comply with

an obligation under section 908BP;

(ii) that the licensee has failed to comply with an obligation

under section 908BP;

(iii) that a person becomes or ceases to be a director,

secretary or senior manager of the licensee;

(iv) that a person becomes or ceases to be a director,

secretary or senior manager of a holding company of the

licensee; and

(c) the licensee fails to give written notice to ASIC of:

(i) the event; and

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Part 7.5B Regulation of financial benchmarks

Division 2 Licensing of financial benchmarks

Section 908BR

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(ii) such related information (if any) as is prescribed by the

regulations for the purposes of this subparagraph;

as soon as practicable after becoming aware of the event.

Penalty: 100 penalty units.

(2) Without limiting subparagraph (1)(b)(iii) or (iv), that subparagraph

applies to the case where a person:

(a) changes from one of the positions mentioned in that

subparagraph to another; or

(b) changes from a position mentioned in that subparagraph to a

position mentioned in the other subparagraph.

908BR Obligation to assist ASIC, APRA and the Reserve Bank

(1) ASIC, APRA and the Reserve Bank of Australia are each a

regulator to which this section applies.

(2) A person commits an offence if:

(a) the person is a benchmark administrator licensee; and

(b) a regulator to which this section applies reasonably requests,

in writing, the person to:

(i) give the regulator access to the person’s books that

relate to the person’s capacity as such a licensee; or

(ii) give other assistance to the regulator in relation to the

performance of the regulator’s functions; and

(c) the person fails to comply with the request.

Penalty: 100 penalty units.

908BS Obligation to give ASIC access to licensee’s facilities

A person commits an offence if:

(a) the person is a benchmark administrator licensee; and

(b) ASIC requests, in writing, the person to provide reasonable

access to any of the person’s facilities for any of the purposes

of this Part; and

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Regulation of financial benchmarks Part 7.5B

Licensing of financial benchmarks Division 2

Section 908BT

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(c) the facilities relate to the person’s capacity as such a licensee;


(d) the person fails to comply with the request.

Penalty: 100 penalty units.

Subdivision G—Directions to licensees

908BT ASIC’s power to give directions to licensee not complying

with obligations

(1) If ASIC considers that a benchmark administrator licensee is not

complying with:

(a) any of its obligations under this Part; or

(b) any of its obligations under rules made under Division 3;

ASIC may give the licensee a written direction to do specified

things that ASIC believes will promote the licensee’s compliance

with those obligations.

(2) The licensee must comply with the direction.

(3) If the licensee fails to comply with the direction, ASIC may apply

to the Court for, and the Court may make, an order that the licensee

comply with the direction.

(4) ASIC may vary or revoke a direction at any time by giving written

notice to the licensee.

(5) A direction under subsection (1) is not a legislative instrument.

908BU Minister may disallow all or part of an ASIC direction etc.

(1) As soon as practicable after giving the benchmark administrator


(a) a direction under subsection 908BT(1); or

(b) a notice of variation or revocation under

subsection 908BT(4);

ASIC must give the Minister a copy of the direction or notice.

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Part 7.5B Regulation of financial benchmarks

Division 2 Licensing of financial benchmarks

Section 908BV

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(2) Within 30 days after ASIC gives the Minister the copy of the

direction or notice, the Minister may, by written instrument,

disallow all or a specified part of that direction or notice.

(3) In deciding whether to do so, the Minister must have regard to:

(a) the consistency of the direction or notice with the licensee’s

obligations referred to in subsection 908BT(1); and

(b) the matters referred to in subsection 908BO(2).

(4) As soon as practicable after all or a part of a direction or notice is

disallowed, ASIC must give notice of the disallowance to the

licensee. The direction or notice ceases to have effect, to the extent

of the disallowance, when the licensee receives notice of the


(5) An instrument under subsection (2) is not a legislative instrument.

908BV ASIC’s power to give directions requiring reports

(1) ASIC may, in writing, direct a benchmark administrator licensee to

give ASIC a report that:

(a) deals with specified matters; and

(b) if ASIC requires—includes an audit statement on the

licensee’s report on those matters.

(2) A direction under subsection (1) must specify:

(a) a reasonable period for giving ASIC the report; and

(b) if paragraph (1)(b) applies—a person or body that is suitably

qualified to prepare the audit statement.

(3) ASIC may give a copy of the report to the Minister.

(4) A person commits an offence if:

(a) the person is a benchmark administrator licensee; and

(b) the person is given a direction under subsection (1); and

(c) the person fails to comply with the direction.

Penalty: 100 penalty units.

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Regulation of financial benchmarks Part 7.5B

Licensing of financial benchmarks Division 2

Section 908BW

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(5) A direction under subsection (1) is not a legislative instrument.

Subdivision H—Other matters

908BW ASIC may assess licensee’s compliance

(1) ASIC may do an assessment of how well a benchmark

administrator licensee is complying with one or more of its


(a) under this Part; or

(b) under rules made under Division 3.

In doing the assessment, ASIC may take account of any

information and reports that it thinks appropriate.

(2) As soon as practicable after doing an assessment under this section,

ASIC must give a written report on the assessment to the licensee.

ASIC may give a copy of the report to the Minister.

(3) If an assessment, or part of an assessment, relates to any other

person’s affairs to a material extent, ASIC may, at the person’s

request or on its own initiative, give the person a copy of the report

on the assessment or the relevant part of the report.

(4) If an assessment, or part of an assessment, relates to a serious

contravention of a law of the Commonwealth or of a State or

Territory, ASIC may give a copy of the report on the assessment,

or the relevant part of the report, to:

(a) the Australian Federal Police; or

(b) the Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Crime

Commission or a member of the staff of the ACC (within the

meaning of the Australian Crime Commission Act 2002); or

(c) the Director of Public Prosecutions; or

(d) a person or body prescribed by the regulations for the

purposes of this paragraph.

(5) ASIC may publish all or part of the written report on an


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Part 7.5B Regulation of financial benchmarks

Division 2 Licensing of financial benchmarks

Section 908BX

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908BX Basis of licences

(1) A benchmark administrator licence is granted under this Part on the

basis that:

(a) the licence may be varied, suspended or cancelled, or made

subject to conditions (or additional conditions), by or under:

(i) this Division; or

(ii) later legislation; and

(b) no compensation is payable if the licence is varied,

suspended or cancelled, or made subject to conditions (or

additional conditions), as mentioned in paragraph (a).

(2) Subsection (1) does not, by implication, affect the interpretation of

any other provision:

(a) of this Act; or

(b) of an instrument made under this Act.

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Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Regulation of financial benchmarks Part 7.5B

Financial benchmark rules and compelled financial benchmark rules Division 3

Section 908CA

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Division 3—Financial benchmark rules and compelled

financial benchmark rules

Subdivision A—Power to make financial benchmark rules

908CA ASIC may make financial benchmark rules

Subject to this Division, ASIC may, by legislative instrument,

make rules (the financial benchmark rules) dealing with one or

more of the matters permitted by this Subdivision.

Note: Subdivision D deals with the process of making the rules.

908CB Main permitted matters that may be dealt with in the rules

The main permitted matters are the following:

(a) the responsibilities of benchmark administrator licensees,

including for their oversight of internal and external parties

who have a role in the generation and administration of the

financial benchmarks specified in those licences;

(b) the generation and administration of financial benchmarks

specified in benchmark administrator licences, including:

(i) the design of the financial benchmarks; and

(ii) the use of data or information in generating the financial

benchmarks; and

(iii) the method for generating the financial benchmarks; and

(iv) the approach for changing the design referred to in

subparagraph (i) or changing the method referred to in

subparagraph (iii); and

(v) the public disclosure of one or more of the matters

referred to in this paragraph;

(c) the manner in which benchmark administrator licensees may

or must provide their services, including the manner and

conditions (including fees) on which they provide access to

the financial benchmarks specified in those licences;

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Part 7.5B Regulation of financial benchmarks

Division 3 Financial benchmark rules and compelled financial benchmark rules

Section 908CB

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(d) business continuity planning for financial benchmarks

specified in benchmark administrator licences, including the

possible transition of such benchmarks to new licensees;

(e) the governance, management and resources (including

financial, technological and human resources) of benchmark

administrator licensees, including the following:

(i) the handling of conflicts of interest;

(ii) the handling of complaints;

(iii) the monitoring and enforcing of compliance with


(iv) the resources that benchmark administrator licensees

must have (including requirements relating to the

experience, qualifications or fitness for office of their

officers and employees);

(v) the integrity and security of computer systems and other


(vi) operational reliability;

(vii) business continuity planning;

(viii) the operational separation of functions;

(ix) the outsourcing of functions to other entities;

(f) the public disclosure of conditions (including fees) on which

benchmark administrator licensees provide their services;

(g) the handling or use of financial benchmark data by

benchmark administrator licensees and their officers and

employees, including the following:

(i) the acceptance and retention of such data;

(ii) the creation of statistical data from such data;

(iii) the use and disclosure of, and provision of access to,

such data (including statistical data referred to in

subparagraph (ii));

(h) the responsibilities of entities whose activities result in the

provision of data or information to benchmark administrator

licensees for the generation or administration of the financial

benchmarks specified in those licences;

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Financial benchmark rules and compelled financial benchmark rules Division 3

Section 908CC

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(i) the reporting to ASIC or other regulators of matters relating


(i) benchmark administrator licensees; or

(ii) the generation or administration of financial

benchmarks specified in benchmark administrator


(j) a matter prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this


Note: For paragraph (c), the rules may (for example) require benchmark

administrator licensees to provide open and non-discriminatory access

to their financial benchmarks, including as to price.

908CC Other permitted matters that may be dealt with in the rules

The other permitted matters are matters incidental or related to the

matters permitted under section 908CB, including the following:

(a) subject to section 908CP, the persons who are obliged to

comply with requirements imposed by the rules;

(b) the manner and form in which persons must comply with

requirements imposed by the rules;

(c) the circumstances in which persons are, or may be, relieved

from complying with requirements in the rules that would

otherwise apply to them;

(d) the keeping of records, or the provision of records or other

information, relating to compliance with (or determining

whether there has been compliance with) the rules;

(e) any other matters that the provisions of this Act provide may

be dealt with in the financial benchmark rules.

Subdivision B—Power to make compelled financial benchmark


908CD ASIC may make compelled financial benchmark rules

Subject to this Division, ASIC may, by legislative instrument,

make rules (the compelled financial benchmark rules) conferring

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Division 3 Financial benchmark rules and compelled financial benchmark rules

Section 908CE

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one or more of the powers, or dealing with one or more of the

matters, permitted by this Subdivision.

Note: Subdivision D deals with the process of making the rules.

908CE Permitted powers and matters that may be dealt with in the


(1) The permitted powers and matters are the following:

(a) the power for ASIC to require, by written notice, an entity

referred to in paragraph 908CB(h):

(i) to provide data or information to a benchmark

administrator licensee, or to another entity, for the

generation or administration of a significant financial

benchmark specified in that licence; and

(ii) to provide ASIC with some or all of that data or

information for purposes relating to the generation or

administration of that significant financial benchmark;

(b) the power for ASIC to require, by written notice, a

benchmark administrator licensee:

(i) to continue to generate or administer a significant

financial benchmark specified in that licence; or

(ii) to generate or administer in a particular way a

significant financial benchmark specified in that licence;

(c) powers or matters incidental or related to:

(i) one or more of the above powers; or

(ii) the compulsory generation or administration of a

significant financial benchmark specified in a

benchmark administrator licence;

including a power or matter prescribed by the regulations for

the purposes of this paragraph.

(2) However, ASIC may only require something under a power

referred to in subsection (1) if:

(a) ASIC reasonably believes it is in the public interest to do so;


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Regulation of financial benchmarks Part 7.5B

Financial benchmark rules and compelled financial benchmark rules Division 3

Section 908CF

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(b) in the case of paragraph (1)(a)—the activities of the entity

concerned have previously resulted in the provision of data

or information to that licensee for the generation or

administration of that significant financial benchmark.

Subdivision C—Compliance with each set of rules etc.

908CF Obligation to comply with each set of rules

(1) A person (whether a benchmark administrator licensee or

otherwise) must comply with:

(a) provisions of the financial benchmark rules; and

(b) provisions of the compelled financial benchmark rules;

that apply to the person.

Note 1: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E). For

the maximum penalty for contravening a civil penalty provision, see

section 1317G. For relief from liability to a civil penalty relating to

this subsection, see section 1317S.

Note 2: The regulations may limit the persons on whom each set of rules may

impose requirements (see section 908CP).

(2) If there is an inconsistency between the financial benchmark rules

and the compelled financial benchmark rules, the compelled

financial benchmark rules prevail to the extent of the


(3) If there is an inconsistency between any of the rules made under

this Division and any of the other rules made under other

provisions of this Chapter, those other rules prevail to the extent of

the inconsistency.

908CG Alternatives to civil proceedings

(1) The regulations may provide for a person who is alleged to have

contravened subsection 908CF(1) to do one or more of the

following as an alternative to civil proceedings:

(a) pay a penalty to the Commonwealth;

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Division 3 Financial benchmark rules and compelled financial benchmark rules

Section 908CH

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(b) undertake or institute remedial measures (including education


(c) accept sanctions other than the payment of a penalty to the


(2) The penalty payable under regulations made under paragraph (1)(a)

in relation to an alleged contravention of a provision of the

financial benchmark rules or the compelled financial benchmark

rules must not exceed:

(a) for an individual—1,110 penalty units; and

(b) for a body corporate—5,550 penalty units.

908CH Infringement notices

(1) Subsection 908CF(1) is subject to an infringement notice under

Part 5 of the Regulatory Powers Act.

Infringement officer

(2) For the purposes of Part 5 of the Regulatory Powers Act, each staff

member of ASIC who holds, or is acting in, an office or position

that is equivalent to an SES employee is an infringement officer in

relation to subsection 908CF(1) of this Act.

Relevant chief executive

(3) For the purposes of Part 5 of the Regulatory Powers Act, each

member of ASIC (within the meaning of section 9 of the ASIC

Act) is the relevant chief executive in relation to

subsection 908CF(1) of this Act.

908CI Enforceable undertakings

(1) Subsection 908CF(1) is enforceable under Part 6 of the Regulatory

Powers Act (about enforceable undertakings).

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Financial benchmark rules and compelled financial benchmark rules Division 3

Section 908CJ

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Authorised person

(2) For the purposes of Part 6 of the Regulatory Powers Act, each staff

member of ASIC who holds, or is acting in, an office or position

that is equivalent to an SES employee is an authorised person in

relation to subsection 908CF(1) of this Act.

Relevant courts

(3) For the purposes of Part 6 of the Regulatory Powers Act, each of

the following courts is a relevant court in relation to

subsection 908CF(1) of this Act:

(a) the Federal Court of Australia;

(b) the Federal Circuit Court of Australia;

(c) a court of a State or Territory that has jurisdiction in relation

to the matter.

908CJ Protection from liability for compliance in good faith


(a) a person (the protected person):

(i) provides financial benchmark data, or other information,

to another person; or

(ii) otherwise allows another person access to financial

benchmark data, or other information; or

(iii) generates or administers in a particular way a significant

financial benchmark specified in a benchmark

administrator licence; and

(b) the protected person does so, in good faith, in compliance

with a requirement imposed by the compelled financial

benchmark rules;

the protected person is not liable to an action or other proceeding,

whether civil or criminal, for or in relation to that conduct.

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Part 7.5B Regulation of financial benchmarks

Division 3 Financial benchmark rules and compelled financial benchmark rules

Section 908CK

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Subdivision D—Matters relating to the making of each set of


908CK Matters to which ASIC has regard when making rules

In considering whether to make a rule under this Division, ASIC:

(a) must have regard to:

(i) the final report titled “Principles for Financial

Benchmarks”, dated July 2013 and published by the

Board of the International Organization of Securities

Commissions, as amended from time to time; and

(ii) the likely effect of the proposed rule on the Australian

economy, and on the efficiency, integrity and stability

of the Australian financial system; and

(iii) the likely regulatory impact of the proposed rule; and

(b) may have regard to any other matters that ASIC considers


Note 1: The Principles for Financial Benchmarks could in 2018 be viewed on

the International Organization of Securities Commissions website


Note 2: Matters that ASIC may have regard to under paragraph (b) could, for

example, include foreign laws relating to financial benchmarks, and

any matters raised in consultations under section 908CL.

908CL ASIC to consult before making rules

(1) ASIC must not make a rule under this Division unless ASIC:

(a) has consulted the public about the proposed rule; and

(b) has also consulted any other person or body as required by

regulations made for the purposes of this paragraph.

Note: In some situations, consultation is not required (see section 908CN).

(2) Without limiting the ways in which ASIC may comply with the

obligation in paragraph (1)(a) to consult the public about a

proposed rule, ASIC is taken to comply with that obligation if

ASIC, on its website:

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Financial benchmark rules and compelled financial benchmark rules Division 3

Section 908CM

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(a) makes the proposed rule, or a description of the content of

the proposed rule, available; and

(b) invites the public to comment on the proposed rule.

(3) A failure to consult as required by subsection (1) does not

invalidate a rule.

908CM Ministerial consent to rules required

(1) ASIC must not make a rule under this Division unless consent for

it has been given under subsection (2).

Note: In some situations, consent is not required (see section 908CN).

(2) The Minister may, in writing, consent to the making of a rule under

this Division.

908CN Emergency rules: consultation and consent not required

(1) ASIC may make a rule under this Division without consulting as

required by section 908CL, and without the consent of the Minister

as required by section 908CM, if ASIC is of the opinion that it is

necessary, or in the public interest, to do so in order to protect:

(a) the Australian economy; or

(b) the efficiency, integrity or stability of the Australian financial

system; or

(c) the security or confidentiality of financial benchmark data.

(2) However, if ASIC does so, ASIC must:

(a) provide the Minister, on the following day, with a written

explanation of the need for the rule; and

(b) vary or revoke the rule in accordance with any direction

under subsection (3).

(3) The Minister may give ASIC a written direction to vary or revoke a

rule made as described in subsection (1).

(4) A direction under subsection (3) is not a legislative instrument.

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Part 7.5B Regulation of financial benchmarks

Division 3 Financial benchmark rules and compelled financial benchmark rules

Section 908CO

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908CO Requirements

Each of the financial benchmark rules and compelled financial

benchmark rules may deal with a matter by imposing requirements.

908CP Regulations may limit how rules may deal with certain


(1) The regulations may prescribe limits on:

(a) the extent to which, or the way in which, the financial

benchmark rules may deal with matters permitted by

Subdivision A; or

(b) the classes of persons on whom those rules may impose

requirements; or

(c) the extent to which those rules may impose requirements (or

certain kinds of requirements) on certain classes of persons.

(2) The regulations may prescribe limits on:

(a) the extent to which, or the way in which, the compelled

financial benchmark rules may deal with matters permitted

by Subdivision B; or

(b) the classes of persons on whom those rules may impose

requirements; or

(c) the extent to which those rules may impose requirements (or

certain kinds of requirements) on certain classes of persons.

908CQ Varying or revoking the rules

(1) ASIC may vary or revoke a rule made under this Division in like

manner and subject to like conditions (see subsections 33(3) and

(3AA) of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901).

(2) However, the requirements of sections 908CK, 908CL and 908CM

do not apply in relation to a variation or revocation pursuant to a

direction by the Minister under subsection 908CN(3).

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Regulation of financial benchmarks Part 7.5B

Offences and civil penalties relating to manipulation of financial benchmarks Division


Section 908DA

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Division 4—Offences and civil penalties relating to

manipulation of financial benchmarks

908DA Manipulation of financial benchmarks

Civil penalty provisions

(1) A person contravenes this subsection if:

(a) the person does, or omits to do, one or more acts; and

(b) the acts or omissions have or are likely to have the effect of

influencing the level at which a financial benchmark is

generated or administered; and

(c) the person intends for the acts or omissions to have that

effect (whether or not the person also intends for the acts or

omissions to have another effect).

Note 1: This is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E). For relief from

liability, see section 1317S.

Note 2: Section 908DD (about geographical scope) causes this subsection to

be read down so that it covers persons who are Australian entities, or

persons whose acts or omissions occur wholly or partly in Australia


(2) A person contravenes this subsection if:

(a) paragraphs (1)(a) to (c) apply in relation to the person, one or

more acts or omissions, and a financial benchmark; and

(b) the acts or omissions result, or are likely to result, in an

Australian entity suffering financial or other disadvantage

from use of the financial benchmark.

Note 1: This is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E). For relief from

liability, see section 1317S.

Note 2: This subsection extends subsection (1) so that persons, who are not

otherwise covered, will be covered if a result of their acts or omissions

occurs wholly or partly in Australia etc.

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Part 7.5B Regulation of financial benchmarks

Division 4 Offences and civil penalties relating to manipulation of financial


Section 908DB

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(3) A person commits an offence if the person contravenes

subsection (1) or (2).

Note: For the penalty for the offence, see section 908DC. For its

geographical scope, see section 908DD.

908DB False or misleading statements or information that could

affect financial benchmarks

Civil penalty provisions

(1) A person contravenes this subsection if:

(a) the person makes one or more statements, or disseminates

information; and

(b) the statements or information:

(i) are false or misleading; or

(ii) omit any matter or thing without which the statements

or information are misleading; and

(c) the person knows the statements or information could be

used in the generation or administration of a financial


Note 1: This is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E). For relief from

liability, see section 1317S.

Note 2: Section 908DD (about geographical scope) causes this subsection to

be read down so that it covers persons who are Australian entities, or

persons whose conduct occurs wholly or partly in Australia etc.

(2) A person contravenes this subsection if:

(a) paragraphs (1)(a) to (c) apply in relation to the person, one or

more statements or information, and a financial benchmark;


(b) making the statements or disseminating the information

results, or is likely to result, in an Australian entity suffering

financial or other disadvantage from use of the financial


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Regulation of financial benchmarks Part 7.5B

Offences and civil penalties relating to manipulation of financial benchmarks Division


Section 908DC

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Note 1: This is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E). For relief from

liability, see section 1317S.

Note 2: This subsection extends subsection (1) so that persons, who are not

otherwise covered, will be covered if a result of their conduct occurs

wholly or partly in Australia etc.


(3) A person commits an offence if the person contravenes

subsection (1) or (2).

Note: For the penalty for the offence, see section 908DC. For its

geographical scope, see section 908DD.

908DC Penalties for offences against this Division

The penalty for an offence against this Division is 15 years


Note: However, sections 1311A to 1311E will apply in relation to the

penalty in the usual way.

908DD Geographical scope of offences and civil penalty provisions


(1) Section 15.2 of the Criminal Code (extended geographical

jurisdiction—category B) applies to each offence against this


Contraventions of civil penalty provisions

(2) A declaration of contravention by a person must not be made under

section 1317E relating to an alleged contravention by the person of

a civil penalty provision in this Division unless:

(a) the person’s conduct that allegedly contravenes the provision


(i) wholly or partly in Australia; or

(ii) wholly or partly on board an Australian aircraft or an

Australian ship; or

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Part 7.5B Regulation of financial benchmarks

Division 4 Offences and civil penalties relating to manipulation of financial


Section 908DD

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(b) the person’s conduct that allegedly contravenes the provision

occurs wholly outside Australia and a result of the conduct


(i) wholly or partly in Australia; or

(ii) wholly or partly on board an Australian aircraft or an

Australian ship; or

(c) the person’s conduct that allegedly contravenes the provision

occurs wholly outside Australia and, at the time of the

alleged contravention, the person is an Australian entity.

Defences relating to contraventions of civil penalty provisions

(3) In proceedings under section 1317E for a declaration of

contravention by a person relating to an alleged contravention by

the person of a civil penalty provision in this Division, it is a

defence if:

(a) the conduct constituting the alleged contravention occurs

wholly in a foreign country, but not on board an Australian

aircraft or an Australian ship; and

(b) the person is neither:

(i) an Australian citizen; nor

(ii) a body corporate incorporated by or under a law of the

Commonwealth or of a State or Territory; and

(c) there is not in force in:

(i) the foreign country where the conduct constituting the

alleged contravention occurs; or

(ii) the part of the foreign country where the conduct

constituting the alleged contravention occurs;

a law of that foreign country, or a law of that part of that

foreign country, that provides for a pecuniary or criminal

penalty for such conduct.

(4) A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in

subsection (3).

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Offences and civil penalties relating to manipulation of financial benchmarks Division


Section 908DD

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Attorney-General’s consent needed for certain proceedings

(5) The Attorney-General’s prior written consent must be obtained to

commence proceedings under section 1317E for a declaration of

contravention by a person relating to an alleged contravention by

the person of a civil penalty provision in this Division if:

(a) the conduct constituting the alleged contravention occurs

wholly in a foreign country; and

(b) at the time of the alleged contravention, the person is neither:

(i) an Australian citizen; nor

(ii) a body corporate incorporated by or under a law of the

Commonwealth or of a State or Territory.

When conduct taken to occur partly in Australia

(6) For the purposes of (but without limiting) this section, if a person

sends a thing, or causes a thing to be sent:

(a) from a point outside Australia to a point in Australia; or

(b) from a point in Australia to a point outside Australia;

that conduct is taken to have occurred partly in Australia.

(7) For the purposes of (but without limiting) this section, if a person

sends, or causes to be sent, an electronic communication:

(a) from a point outside Australia to a point in Australia; or

(b) from a point in Australia to a point outside Australia;

that conduct is taken to have occurred partly in Australia.


(8) In this section:

Australian aircraft has the same meaning as in the Criminal Code.

Australian ship has the same meaning as in the Criminal Code.

conduct has the same meaning as in the Criminal Code.

electronic communication has the same meaning as in the

Criminal Code.

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Part 7.5B Regulation of financial benchmarks

Division 4 Offences and civil penalties relating to manipulation of financial


Section 908DD

286 Corporations Act 2001

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evidential burden has the same meaning as in the Criminal Code.

foreign country has the same meaning as in the Criminal Code.

point has the same meaning as in section 16.2 of the Criminal


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Regulation of financial benchmarks Part 7.5B

Other provisions Division 5

Section 908EA

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Division 5—Other provisions

908EA Making provision by referring to instruments as in force

from time to time

(1) This section applies to the following instruments:

(a) regulations made for the purposes of a provision of this Part;

(b) rules made under Division 3.

(2) An instrument to which this section applies may make provision in

relation to a matter by applying, adopting or incorporating any

matter contained in an instrument or other writing:

(a) as in force or existing at a particular time; or

(b) as in force or existing from time to time.

(3) Subsection (2) has effect despite subsection 14(2) of the

Legislation Act 2003.

908EB Exemptions by the regulations or by ASIC

(1) The provisions covered by this section are:

(a) the following provisions:

(i) the provisions of this Part;

(ii) the provisions of regulations made for the purposes of

provisions of this Part;

(iii) the provisions of rules made under Division 3; and

(b) definitions in this Act, or in the regulations, as they apply to

references in provisions referred to in paragraph (a).

(2) The regulations, or ASIC by written instrument, may:

(a) exempt a person or class of persons from all or specified

provisions covered by this section; or

(b) exempt a financial benchmark or class of financial

benchmarks from all or specified provisions covered by this


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Part 7.5B Regulation of financial benchmarks

Division 5 Other provisions

Section 908EB

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(3) An exemption may apply unconditionally or subject to specified

conditions. A person to whom a condition specified in an

exemption applies must comply with the condition. The Court

may, on application by ASIC, order the person to comply with the

condition in a specified way.

(4) An exemption by ASIC is a legislative instrument if the exemption

is expressed to apply in relation to:

(a) a class of persons; or

(b) a class of financial benchmarks;

(whether or not it is also expressed to apply in relation to one or

more persons or financial benchmarks identified otherwise than by

reference to membership of a class).

(5) If subsection (4) does not apply to an exemption by ASIC, ASIC

must publish the exemption.

(6) If there is an inconsistency between:

(a) an exemption prescribed by regulations made for the

purposes of subsection (2); and

(b) an exemption by ASIC under that subsection;

(including in relation to any conditions specified by ASIC), the

regulations prevail to the extent of the inconsistency.

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Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Licensing of providers of financial services Part 7.6

Preliminary Division 1

Section 910A

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Part 7.6—Licensing of providers of financial


Division 1—Preliminary

910A Definitions

In this Part, unless the contrary intention appears:

basic banking product has the meaning given by section 961F.

body corporate licensee means a body corporate that:

(a) is a financial services licensee; and

(b) is authorised to provide personal advice to retail clients in

relation to relevant financial products.

class of product advice means financial product advice about a

class of products, but does not include a recommendation about a

specific product in the class.

Code of Ethics means the Code of Ethics, as in force from time to

time, made by the standards body under paragraph 921U(2)(b).

compliance scheme has the meaning given by section 921G.

consumer credit insurance has the meaning given by section 11 of

the Insurance Contracts Act 1984.

control, in relation to a body corporate licensee, means:

(a) having the capacity to cast, or control the casting of, more

than one half of the maximum number of votes that might be

cast at a general meeting of the licensee; or

(b) directly or indirectly holding more than one half of the issued

share capital of the licensee (not including any part of the

issued share capital that carries no right to participate beyond

a specified amount in a distribution of either profits or

capital, and not including MCIs); or

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.6 Licensing of providers of financial services

Division 1 Preliminary

Section 910A

290 Corporations Act 2001

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(c) the capacity to control the composition of the licensee’s

board or governing body; or

(d) the capacity to determine the outcome of decisions about the

licensee’s financial and operating policies, taking into


(i) the practical influence the person can exert (rather than

the rights it can enforce); and

(ii) any practice or pattern of behaviour affecting the

licensee’s financial or operating policies (whether or not

it involves a breach of an agreement or a breach of


covers, in relation to a compliance scheme, has the meaning given

by section 921J.

CPD year (short for continuing professional development year): a

financial services licensee’s CPD year is the 12-month period

beginning on the day of the year included in the most recent notice

given by the licensee under section 922HA.

education and training standards has the meaning given by

section 921B.

foreign qualification means a bachelor or higher degree, or

equivalent qualification, awarded by a tertiary education institution

outside Australia.

limited-service time-sharing adviser: a person is a limited-service

time-sharing adviser if:

(a) the person is a relevant provider; and

(b) the only relevant financial product that the person provides

advice in relation to is a time-sharing scheme; and

(c) the person has not met any one or more of the education and

training standards in subsections 921B(2) to (4).

monitoring body for a compliance scheme means the person that

monitors and enforces compliance with the Code of Ethics under

the scheme.

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Licensing of providers of financial services Part 7.6

Preliminary Division 1

Section 910A

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notice provision means section 922D, 922H, 922HA, 922HB,

922HD, 922J or 922K.

professional association means a body or association that

represents a section of the financial services industry.

provisional relevant provider means a relevant provider who is

undertaking work and training in accordance with

subsection 921B(4).

Note: For rules relating to provisional relevant providers, see Subdivision C

of Division 8A and section 923C.

recent advising history has the meaning given by section 922G.

Register of Relevant Providers means the Register of Relevant

Providers maintained under section 922Q.

relevant financial products means financial products other than:

(a) basic banking products; or

(b) general insurance products; or

(c) consumer credit insurance; or

(d) a combination of any of those products.

relevant provider: a person is a relevant provider if the person:

(a) is an individual; and

(b) is:

(i) a financial services licensee; or

(ii) an authorised representative of a financial services

licensee; or

(iii) an employee or director of a financial services licensee;


(iv) an employee or director of a related body corporate of a

financial services licensee; and

(c) is authorised to provide personal advice to retail clients, as

the licensee or on behalf of the licensee, in relation to

relevant financial products.

Note: For rules about when relevant providers can use the expressions

“financial adviser” and “financial planner”, see section 923C.

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Part 7.6 Licensing of providers of financial services

Division 1 Preliminary

Section 910A

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representative of a person means:

(a) if the person is a financial services licensee:

(i) an authorised representative of the licensee; or

(ii) an employee or director of the licensee; or

(iii) an employee or director of a related body corporate of

the licensee; or

(iv) any other person acting on behalf of the licensee; or

(b) in any other case:

(i) an employee or director of the person; or

(ii) an employee or director of a related body corporate of

the person; or

(iii) any other person acting on behalf of the person.

standards body means the body corporate in relation to which a

declaration under section 921X is in force.

supervisor of a provisional relevant provider has the meaning

given by subsection 921F(2).

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Licensing of providers of financial services Part 7.6

Requirement to be licensed or authorised Division 2

Section 911A

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Division 2—Requirement to be licensed or authorised

911A Need for an Australian financial services licence

(1) Subject to this section, a person who carries on a financial services

business in this jurisdiction must hold an Australian financial

services licence covering the provision of the financial services.

Note 1: Also, a person must not provide a financial service contrary to a

banning order or disqualification order under Division 8.

Note 2: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) However, a person is exempt from the requirement to hold an

Australian financial services licence for a financial service they

provide in any of the following circumstances:

(a) the person provides the service as representative of a second

person who carries on a financial services business and who:

(i) holds an Australian financial services licence that

covers the provision of the service; or

(ii) is exempt under this subsection from the requirement to

hold an Australian financial services licence that covers

the provision of the service;

Note: However, representatives must still comply with section 911B even if they are exempted from this section by this paragraph.

(b) the service is the issue, variation or disposal of a financial

product by the person (the product provider) pursuant to an

arrangement (an intermediary authorisation) between the

product provider and a financial services licensee under


(i) the financial services licensee, or their authorised

representatives, may make offers to people to arrange

for the issue, variation or disposal of financial products

by the product provider; and

(ii) the product provider is to issue, vary or dispose of

financial products in accordance with such offers, if

they are accepted;

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Division 2 Requirement to be licensed or authorised

Section 911A

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provided that the offer pursuant to which the issue, variation

or disposal is made was covered by the financial services

licensee’s Australian financial services licence;

(ba) the service is the entry into of an intermediary authorisation

referred to in paragraph (b);

(c) all of the following apply:

(i) the service is the variation or disposal of a financial

product by the person;

(ii) the same person issued the original product;

(iii) the person provides the service at the direct request of

the person to whom it is provided (rather than through

an intermediary);

(d) the service is, or is provided incidentally to, the operation of

a licensed market, or a licensed CS facility, operated by the


(ea) the service is the provision of general advice and all of the

following apply:

(i) the advice is provided in a newspaper or periodical of

which the person is the proprietor or publisher;

(ii) the newspaper or periodical is generally available to the

public otherwise than only on subscription;

(iii) the sole or principal purpose of the newspaper or

periodical is not the provision of financial product


(eb) the service is the provision of general advice and all of the

following apply:

(i) the advice is provided in the course of, or by means of,

transmissions that the person makes by means of an

information service (see subsection (6)), or that are

made by means of an information service that the

person owns, operates or makes available;

(ii) the transmissions are generally available to the public;

(iii) the sole or principal purpose of the transmissions is not

the provision of financial product advice;

(ec) the service is the provision of general advice and all of the

following apply:

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Requirement to be licensed or authorised Division 2

Section 911A

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(i) the advice is provided in sound recordings, video

recordings, or data recordings;

(ii) the person makes the recordings available to the public

by supplying copies of them to the public and/or by

causing the recordings (if they are sound recordings) to

be heard by the public, causing the recordings (if they

are video recordings) to be seen and heard by the public,

or the contents of the recordings (if they are data

recordings) to be displayed or reproduced for the public;

(iii) the sole or principal purpose of the recordings is not the

provision of financial product advice;

(ed) both of the following apply:

(i) the service is the provision of general advice by the

person in connection with an offer of financial products

under an eligible employee share scheme;

(ii) the person is the corporation whose financial products

are being issued or sold under the scheme, or an entity

that that corporation controls;

(ee) all of the following apply:

(i) the service is dealing in a financial product by the

person in connection with an offer of the financial

product under an eligible employee share scheme;

(ii) the scheme requires that any purchase or disposal of the

financial product under the scheme occurs through a

person who holds an Australian financial services

licence to deal in financial products, or a person outside

this jurisdiction who is licensed or otherwise authorised

to deal in financial products in that jurisdiction;

(iii) the person is the corporation whose financial products

are being issued or sold under the scheme, or an entity

that that corporation controls;

(ef) both of the following apply:

(i) the service is, or is provided incidentally to, a custodial

or depository service that is provided by the person in

connection with an eligible employee share scheme;

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Division 2 Requirement to be licensed or authorised

Section 911A

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(ii) the person is the corporation whose financial products

are being issued or sold under the scheme, or an entity

that that corporation controls;

(eg) both of the following apply:

(i) the service is dealing in an interest in a contribution plan

operated by the person in relation to an eligible

employee share scheme;

(ii) the person is the corporation whose financial products

are being issued or sold under the scheme, or an entity

that that corporation controls;

(eh) the service is the acquisition of a financial product as an

investment of the assets of a notified foreign passport fund


(i) the operator of the fund; or

(ii) another person acting on the direction of the operator of

the fund, or the direction of an agent of the operator of

the fund;

(ei) the service is the disposal of a financial product that was

acquired as an investment of the assets of a notified foreign

passport fund by:

(i) the operator of the fund; or

(ii) another person acting on the direction of the operator of

the fund, or the direction of an agent of the operator of

the fund;

(ej) the service is the issuing, acquisition or disposal of a

derivative or foreign exchange contract by:

(i) the operator of a notified foreign passport fund; or

(ii) another person acting on the direction of the operator of

a notified foreign passport fund, or the direction of an

agent of the operator of a notified foreign passport fund;

for the purposes of managing the financial consequences to

the fund of particular circumstances happening, or avoiding

or limiting the financial consequences of fluctuations in, or in

the value of, receipts or costs (including prices or interest


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Requirement to be licensed or authorised Division 2

Section 911A

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(f) the person provides the service while performing functions,

or exercising powers, in any of the following capacities or


(i) as an official receiver or trustee within the meaning of

the Bankruptcy Act 1966;

(ii) as a receiver, receiver and manager, or liquidator

(whether appointed by a court or otherwise);

(iii) as a person appointed by a court to carry on a financial

services business;

(iv) as the Public Trustee acting under a law, prescribed by

regulations made for the purposes of this paragraph, of a

State or Territory;

(v) as an administrator of a body corporate;

(vi) as an administrator of a deed of company arrangement

executed by a body corporate;

(vii) as a trustee or person administering a compromise or

arrangement between a body corporate and another

person or persons;

(viii) as a personal representative of a deceased person other

than a deceased financial services licensee;

(ix) subject to subsection (3), as a personal representative of

a deceased financial services licensee;

(x) in the administration of a bankrupt estate or in the

winding up of a body corporate or partnership;

(g) all of the following apply:

(i) the person is a body regulated by APRA;

(ii) the service is one in relation to which APRA has

regulatory or supervisory responsibilities;

(iii) the service is provided only to wholesale clients;

(h) all of the following apply:

(i) the person is regulated by an overseas regulatory


(ii) the provision of the service by the person is covered by

an exemption specified by ASIC in writing under this

subparagraph and published in the Gazette; and

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Division 2 Requirement to be licensed or authorised

Section 911A

298 Corporations Act 2001

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(iii) the service is provided only to wholesale clients;

(i) the person provides the service only to related bodies

corporate of the person;

(j) the person provides the service in the person’s capacity as

trustee of a self managed superannuation fund;

(k) the provision of the service is covered by an exemption

prescribed in regulations made for the purposes of this


(l) the provision of the service is covered by an exemption

specified by ASIC in writing and published in the Gazette.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

this subsection. See subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

(3) Subparagraph (2)(f)(ix) only applies until whichever of these

happens first:

(a) the end of 6 months after the death of the licensee;

(b) the removal or discharge of the personal representative;

(c) the final distribution of the licensee’s estate.

(4) A person is not exempt under any paragraph of subsection (2) for a

financial service they provide if the service is:

(a) the operation of a registered scheme; or

(b) a traditional trustee company service.

(5) The exemption under paragraph (2)(ea), (eb) or (ec), or an

exemption under subparagraph (2)(h)(ii) or under paragraph (2)(k)

or (l), may apply unconditionally or subject to conditions:

(a) in the case of the exemption under paragraph (2)(ea), (eb) or

(ec), or an exemption under paragraph (2)(k)—specified in

regulations made for the purposes of this paragraph; or

(b) in the case of an exemption under subparagraph (2)(h)(ii) or

under paragraph (2)(l)—specified by ASIC in writing

published in the Gazette.

(5A) Despite paragraph (2)(b), the regulations may provide that the

exemption under that paragraph does not apply in relation to:

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Requirement to be licensed or authorised Division 2

Section 911B

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(a) a particular financial product or a particular kind of financial

product; or

(b) a particular financial product or a particular kind of financial

product that is issued, varied or disposed of by a particular

person, or a particular kind of person.

(5B) A person contravenes this subsection if the person contravenes

subsection (1).

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

(6) In this section:

information service means:

(a) a broadcasting service; or

(b) an interactive or broadcast videotext or teletext service or a

similar service; or

(c) an online database service or a similar service; or

(d) any other service identified in regulations made for the

purposes of this paragraph.

911B Providing financial services on behalf of a person who carries

on a financial services business

(1) A person (the provider) must only provide a financial service in

this jurisdiction on behalf of another person (the principal) who

carries on a financial services business if one or more of the

following paragraphs apply:

(a) these conditions are satisfied:

(i) the principal holds an Australian financial services

licence covering the provision of the service; and

(ii) the provider is an employee or director of the principal

or of a related body corporate of the principal; and

(iii) the provider is not an employee or director, or

authorised representative, of any other person who

carries on a financial services business and who is not a

related body corporate of the principal; and

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Part 7.6 Licensing of providers of financial services

Division 2 Requirement to be licensed or authorised

Section 911B

300 Corporations Act 2001

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(iv) the provider is not an employee or director, or

authorised representative, of a related body corporate of

a person of the kind mentioned in subparagraph (iii);

(b) these conditions are satisfied:

(i) the principal holds an Australian financial services

licence covering the provision of the service; and

(ii) the provider is an authorised representative of the

principal; and

(iii) the authorisation covers the provision of the service by

the provider; and

(iv) in the case of a provider who is an employee or director

of any other person (the second principal) who carries

on a financial services business, or of a related body

corporate of such a second principal—if the provider

provides any financial services in this jurisdiction on

behalf of the second principal, the provider does so as

an authorised representative of the second principal;

(c) these conditions are satisfied:

(i) the principal holds an Australian financial services

licence covering the provision of the service; and

(ii) the provider is an employee of an authorised

representative of the principal; and

(iii) the authorisation covers the provision of the service by

the authorised representative; and

(iv) the service is the provision of a basic deposit product or

of a facility for making non-cash payments (see

section 763D) that is related to a basic deposit product,

or is the provision of a financial product of a kind

prescribed by regulations made for the purposes of this


(d) the provider holds their own Australian financial services

licence covering the provision of the service;

Note: However, in general a financial services licensee cannot be the authorised representative of another financial services licensee: see sections 916D and 916E.

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Licensing of providers of financial services Part 7.6

Requirement to be licensed or authorised Division 2

Section 911C

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(e) if the principal (rather than the provider) provided the

service, the principal would not need an Australian financial

services licence because the provision of the service would

be exempt under subsection 911A(2).

Note 1: Also, a person must not provide a financial service on behalf of

another person contrary to a banning order or disqualification order

under Division 8.

Note 2: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) Paragraphs (1)(a), (b) and (c) do not apply if the provider is a

financial services licensee, unless the principal is an insurer and the

provider is acting under a binder given by the principal.

(3) If, as mentioned in paragraph (1)(d), the provider holds their own

Australian financial services licence covering the provision of the

service, then, for the purposes of the other provisions of this

Chapter, the service is taken to be provided by the provider (and

not by the principal) unless regulations made for the purposes of

this subsection provide otherwise.

(4) A person contravenes this subsection if the person contravenes

subsection (1).

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

911C Prohibition on holding out

A person must not hold out:

(a) that the person has an Australian financial services licence; or

(b) that a financial service provided by the person or by someone

else is exempt from the requirement to hold an Australian

financial services licence; or

(c) that, in providing a financial service, the person acts on

behalf of another person; or

(d) that conduct, or proposed conduct, of the person is within

authority (within the meaning of Division 6) in relation to a

particular financial services licensee;

if that is not the case.

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Part 7.6 Licensing of providers of financial services

Division 2 Requirement to be licensed or authorised

Section 911D

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Note: Failure to comply with this section is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

911D When a financial services business is taken to be carried on in

this jurisdiction

(1) For the purposes of this Chapter, a financial services business is

taken to be carried on in this jurisdiction by a person if, in the

course of the person carrying on the business, the person engages

in conduct that is:

(a) intended to induce people in this jurisdiction to use the

financial services the person provides; or

(b) is likely to have that effect;

whether or not the conduct is intended, or likely, to have that effect

in other places as well.

(2) This section does not limit the circumstances in which a financial

services business is carried on in this jurisdiction for the purposes

of this Chapter.

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Licensing of providers of financial services Part 7.6

Obligations of financial services licensees Division 3

Section 912A

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Division 3—Obligations of financial services licensees

912A General obligations

(1) A financial services licensee must:

(a) do all things necessary to ensure that the financial services

covered by the licence are provided efficiently, honestly and

fairly; and

(aa) have in place adequate arrangements for the management of

conflicts of interest that may arise wholly, or partially, in

relation to activities undertaken by the licensee or a

representative of the licensee in the provision of financial

services as part of the financial services business of the

licensee or the representative; and

(b) comply with the conditions on the licence; and

(c) comply with the financial services laws; and

(ca) take reasonable steps to ensure that its representatives

comply with the financial services laws; and

(cb) if the licensee is the operator of an Australian passport fund,

or a person with responsibilities in relation to an Australian

passport fund, comply with the law of each host economy for

the fund; and

(d) subject to subsection (4)—have available adequate resources

(including financial, technological and human resources) to

provide the financial services covered by the licence and to

carry out supervisory arrangements; and

(e) maintain the competence to provide those financial services;


(f) ensure that its representatives are adequately trained

(including by complying with section 921D), and are

competent, to provide those financial services; and

(g) if those financial services are provided to persons as retail


(i) have a dispute resolution system complying with

subsection (2); and

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Part 7.6 Licensing of providers of financial services

Division 3 Obligations of financial services licensees

Section 912A

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(ii) give ASIC the information specified in any instrument

under subsection (2A); and

(h) subject to subsection (5)—have adequate risk management

systems; and

(j) comply with any other obligations that are prescribed by

regulations made for the purposes of this paragraph.

(2) To comply with this subsection, a dispute resolution system must

consist of:

(a) an internal dispute resolution procedure that:

(i) complies with standards, and requirements, made or

approved by ASIC in accordance with regulations made

for the purposes of this subparagraph; and

(ii) covers complaints against the licensee made by retail

clients in connection with the provision of all financial

services covered by the licence; and

(c) membership of the AFCA scheme.

(2A) ASIC may, by legislative instrument, specify information that

financial services licensees must give ASIC relating to their

internal dispute resolution procedures and the operation of their

internal dispute resolution procedures.

(2B) An instrument under subsection (2A) must not specify any

information that is personal information within the meaning of the

Privacy Act 1988.

(3) Regulations made for the purposes of subparagraph (2)(a)(i) may

also deal with the variation or revocation of:

(a) standards or requirements made by ASIC; or

(b) approvals given by ASIC.

(4) Paragraph (1)(d):

(a) does not apply to a body regulated by APRA, unless the body

is an RSE licensee; and

(b) does not apply to an RSE licensee, unless the RSE licensee is

also the responsible entity of a registered scheme.

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Obligations of financial services licensees Division 3

Section 912B

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(5) Paragraph (1)(h):

(a) does not apply to a body regulated by APRA, unless the body

is an RSE licensee that is also the responsible entity of a

registered scheme; and

(b) does not apply to an RSE licensee that is also the responsible

entity of a registered scheme, to the extent that the risk

relates solely to the operation of a regulated superannuation

fund by the RSE licensee.

(5A) A person contravenes this subsection if the person contravenes

paragraph (1)(a), (aa), (ca), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h) or (j).

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

(6) In this section:

person with responsibilities in relation to an Australian passport

fund means a person (other than a regulator) who has functions or

duties in relation to the fund under the Passport Rules for this


regulated superannuation fund has the same meaning as in the

Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993.

RSE licensee has the same meaning as in the Superannuation

Industry (Supervision) Act 1993.

912B Compensation arrangements if financial services provided to

persons as retail clients

(1) If a financial services licensee provides a financial service to

persons as retail clients, the licensee must have arrangements for

compensating those persons for loss or damage suffered because of

breaches of the relevant obligations under this Chapter by the

licensee or its representatives. The arrangements must meet the

requirements of subsection (2).

(2) The arrangements must:

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Division 3 Obligations of financial services licensees

Section 912C

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(a) if the regulations specify requirements that are applicable to

all arrangements, or to arrangements of that kind—satisfy

those requirements; or

(b) be approved in writing by ASIC.

(3) Before approving arrangements under paragraph (2)(b), ASIC must

have regard to:

(a) the financial services covered by the licence; and

(b) whether the arrangements will continue to cover persons after

the licensee ceases carrying on the business of providing

financial services, and the length of time for which that cover

will continue; and

(c) any other matters that are prescribed by regulations made for

the purposes of this paragraph.

(4) Regulations made for the purposes of paragraph (3)(c) may, in

particular, prescribe additional details in relation to the matters to

which ASIC must have regard under paragraphs (3)(a) and (b).

912C Direction to provide a statement

(1) ASIC may, by giving written notice to a financial services licensee,

direct the licensee to give to ASIC a written statement containing

the specified information about:

(a) the financial services provided by the licensee or its

representatives; or

(b) the financial services business carried on by the licensee.

(1A) Notices under subsection (1):

(a) may be sent out at any time; and

(b) may be sent to one or more particular licensees, or to each

licensee in one or more classes of licensee, or to all licensees;


(c) may all require the same information, or may contain

differences as to the information they require; and

(d) may require a statement containing information to be

provided on a periodic basis, or each time a particular event

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Obligations of financial services licensees Division 3

Section 912CA

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or circumstance occurs, without ASIC having to give a

further written notice; and

(e) may require a statement containing information to be given

in a specified manner (including in electronic form).

(2) ASIC may also, by giving written notice to the licensee, direct the

licensee to obtain an audit report, prepared by a suitably qualified

person specified in the notice, on a statement, or each statement in

a class of statements, under subsection (1) before the statement is

given to ASIC.

(3) The licensee must comply with a direction given under this section:

(a) within the time specified in the direction if that is a

reasonable time; or

(b) in any other case—within a reasonable time.

ASIC may extend the time within which the licensee must comply

with the direction by giving written notice to the licensee.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

912CA Regulations may require information to be provided

The regulations may require a financial services licensee, or each

financial services licensee in a class of financial services licensees,

to provide ASIC with specified information about:

(a) the financial services provided by the licensee or its

representatives; or

(b) the financial services business carried on by the licensee.

912D Obligation to notify ASIC of certain matters

(1) A financial services licensee must comply with subsection (1B) if:

(a) the licensee breaches, or is likely to breach:

(i) any of the obligations under section 912A or 912B,

other than the obligation under paragraph 912A(1)(c);


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Part 7.6 Licensing of providers of financial services

Division 3 Obligations of financial services licensees

Section 912D

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(ii) the obligation under paragraph 912A(1)(c), so far as it

relates to provisions of this Act or the ASIC Act

referred to in paragraphs (a), (b), (ba) and (c) of the

definition of financial services law in section 761A; or

(iii) in relation to financial services, other than traditional

trustee company services provided by a licensed trustee

company—the obligation under paragraph 912A(1)(c),

so far as it relates to Commonwealth legislation that is

covered by paragraph (d) of that definition and that is

specified in regulations made for the purposes of this

subparagraph; or

(iv) in relation to traditional trustee company services

provided by a licensed trustee company—the obligation

under paragraph 912A(1)(c), so far as it relates to

Commonwealth, State or Territory legislation, or a rule

of common law or equity, that is covered by

paragraph (d) or (e) of that definition; and

(b) the breach, or likely breach, is significant, having regard to

the following:

(i) the number or frequency of similar previous breaches;

(ii) the impact of the breach or likely breach on the

licensee’s ability to provide the financial services

covered by the licence;

(iii) the extent to which the breach or likely breach indicates

that the licensee’s arrangements to ensure compliance

with those obligations is inadequate;

(iv) the actual or potential financial loss to clients of the

licensee, or the licensee itself, arising from the breach or

likely breach;

(v) any other matters prescribed by regulations made for the

purposes of this paragraph.

(1A) For the purposes of subsection (1), a financial services licensee is

likely to breach an obligation referred to in that subsection if, and

only if, the person is no longer able to comply with the obligation.

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Obligations of financial services licensees Division 3

Section 912E

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(1B) The financial services licensee must, as soon as practicable and in

any case within 10 business days after becoming aware of the

breach or likely breach mentioned in subsection (1), lodge a

written report on the matter with ASIC.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(1C) A report that a licensee is required to lodge under subsection (1B)

is taken to have been lodged with ASIC if:

(a) the licensee is a body regulated by APRA; and

(b) the report is received by APRA in accordance with the terms

of an agreement between APRA and ASIC under which

APRA is to act as ASIC’s agent in relation to such reports.

(1D) Subsection (1B) does not apply to a financial services licensee that

is a body regulated by APRA in relation to a breach if:

(a) the auditor or actuary of the licensee gives APRA a written

report about the breach; and

(b) the report is given before, or within 10 business days after,

the licensee becomes aware of the breach.

(2) A financial services licensee must give written notice to ASIC, as

soon as practicable, if the licensee becomes a participant in a

licensed market or a licensed CS facility, or ceases to be such a

participant. The notice must say when this happened and identify

the market or facility.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(3) A person contravenes this subsection if the person contravenes

subsection (1B) or (2).

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

912E Surveillance checks by ASIC

(1) A financial services licensee and its representatives must give such

assistance to ASIC, or a person authorised by ASIC, as ASIC or

the authorised person reasonably requests in relation to whether the

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Division 3 Obligations of financial services licensees

Section 912F

310 Corporations Act 2001

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licensee and its representatives are complying with the financial

services laws, and in relation to the performance of ASIC’s other


Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) Such assistance may include showing ASIC the licensee’s books or

giving ASIC other information.

912F Obligation to cite licence number in documents

(1) Whenever a financial services licensee identifies itself in a

document of a kind specified in regulations made for the purposes

of this subsection, the document must include the licensee’s licence

number (see section 913C).

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

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Australian financial services licences Division 4

Section 913A

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Division 4—Australian financial services licences

Subdivision A—How to get a licence

913A Applying for a licence

A person may apply for an Australian financial services licence by

lodging an application with ASIC that:

(a) includes the information required by regulations made for the

purposes of this paragraph; and

(b) is accompanied by the documents (if any) required by

regulations made for the purposes of this paragraph.

Note: For fees in respect of lodging applications, see Part 9.10.

913B When a licence may be granted

(1) ASIC must grant an applicant an Australian financial services

licence if (and must not grant such a licence unless):

(a) the application was made in accordance with section 913A;


(b) ASIC has no reason to believe that the applicant is likely to

contravene the obligations that will apply under section 912A

if the licence is granted; and

(c) the requirement in whichever of subsection (2) or (3) of this

section applies is satisfied; and

(ca) the applicant has provided ASIC with any additional

information requested by ASIC in relation to matters that,

under this section, can be taken into account in deciding

whether to grant the licence; and

(d) the applicant meets any other requirements prescribed by

regulations made for the purposes of this paragraph.

Note 1: ASIC must not grant an Australian financial services licence to a

person contrary to a banning order or disqualification order (see

Division 8).

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Section 913B

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Note 2: There are limitations on ASIC granting an individual an Australian

financial services licence that covers the provision of certain personal

advice if the individual does not meet the education and training

standards in subsections 921B(2) to (4) (see section 921C).

(2) If the applicant is a natural person, ASIC must be satisfied that

there is no reason to believe that the applicant is not of good fame

or character.

(3) If the applicant is not a single natural person, ASIC must be


(a) that:

(i) if the applicant is a body corporate—there is no reason

to believe that any of the applicant’s responsible officers

are not of good fame or character; or

(ii) if the applicant is a partnership or the trustees of a

trust—there is no reason to believe that any of the

partners or trustees who would perform duties in

connection with the holding of the licence are not of

good fame or character; or

(b) if ASIC is not satisfied of the matter in paragraph (a)—that

the applicant’s ability to provide the financial services

covered by the licence would nevertheless not be

significantly impaired.

(4) In considering whether there is reason to believe that a person is

not of good fame or character, ASIC must (subject to Part VIIC of

the Crimes Act 1914) have regard to:

(a) any conviction of the person, within 10 years before the

application was made, for an offence that involves dishonesty

and is punishable by imprisonment for at least 3 months; and

(b) whether the person has held an Australian financial services

licence that was suspended or cancelled; and

(c) whether a banning order or disqualification order under

Division 8 has previously been made against the person; and

(d) any other matter ASIC considers relevant.

Note: Part VIIC of the Crimes Act 1914 includes provisions that, in certain

circumstances, relieve persons from the requirement to disclose spent

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Section 913C

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convictions and require persons aware of such convictions to

disregard them.

(5) However, ASIC may only refuse to grant a licence after giving the

applicant an opportunity:

(a) to appear, or be represented, at a hearing before ASIC that

takes place in private; and

(b) to make submissions to ASIC in relation to the matter.

913C Licence numbers

(1) ASIC must give each Australian financial services licence a unique

licence number when it is granted, and must notify the licensee of

that number.

(2) If:

(a) a person is granted an Australian financial services licence;


(b) the person holds an Australian credit licence (within the

meaning of the National Consumer Credit Protection Act


the licence number that ASIC gives to the Australian financial

services licence held by that person must be the same number as

the person’s Australian credit licence number (within the meaning

of that Act).

Subdivision B—The conditions on the licence

914A The conditions on the licence

(1) Subject to this section, ASIC may, at any time, by giving written

notice to a financial services licensee:

(a) impose conditions, or additional conditions, on the licence;


(b) vary or revoke conditions imposed on the licence.

Note: Subsection 923B(3) restricts the circumstances in which ASIC can

impose a condition authorising a person to assume or use a restricted

word or expression under that section.

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Section 914A

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(2) ASIC may do so:

(a) on its own initiative; or

(b) if the licensee lodges with ASIC an application for ASIC to

do so, which is accompanied by the documents, if any,

required by regulations made for the purposes of this


Note: For fees in respect of lodging applications, see Part 9.10.

(3) ASIC may only impose conditions or additional conditions, or vary

the conditions, on the licence after giving the licensee an


(a) to appear, or be represented, at a hearing before ASIC that

takes place in private; and

(b) to make submissions to ASIC in relation to the matter.

This subsection does not apply to ASIC imposing conditions when

a licence is granted.

(4) If the licensee, or a related body corporate, is a body (the APRA

body) regulated by APRA, other than an ADI (within the meaning

of the Banking Act 1959), then the following provisions apply:

(a) ASIC cannot:

(i) impose, vary or revoke a condition on the licence that,

in ASIC’s opinion, has or would have the result of

preventing the APRA body from being able to carry on

all or any of its usual activities (being activities in

relation to which APRA has regulatory or supervisory

responsibilities); or

(ii) vary a condition so that it would, in ASIC’s opinion,

become a condition that would have a result as

described in subparagraph (i);

unless ASIC has first consulted APRA about the proposed


(b) if ASIC imposes, varies or revokes a condition on the licence

and paragraph (a) does not apply to that action, ASIC must,

within one week, inform APRA of the action that has been


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Section 914A

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(5) If the licensee, or a related body corporate, is an ADI (within the

meaning of the Banking Act 1959), then the following provisions


(a) subject to paragraphs (b) and (c), the powers that ASIC

would otherwise have under this section:

(i) to impose, vary or revoke a condition on the licence

that, in ASIC’s opinion, has or would have the result of

preventing the ADI from being able to carry on all or

any of its banking business (within the meaning of the

Banking Act 1959); or

(ii) to vary a condition so that it would, in ASIC’s opinion,

become a condition that would have a result as

described in subparagraph (i);

are instead powers of the Minister;

(b) the following provisions apply in relation to a power to

which paragraph (a) applies:

(i) the procedures for the exercise of the power are the

same as would apply if ASIC could exercise the power,

except that the Minister must not exercise the power

unless he or she has first considered advice from ASIC

on the proposed action, being advice given after ASIC

has consulted APRA about the proposed action;

(ii) ASIC (rather than the Minister) must still conduct any

hearing required under paragraph (3)(a) and receive any

submissions under paragraph (3)(b);

(c) if ASIC imposes, varies or revokes a condition on the licence

and paragraph (a) does not apply to that action, ASIC must,

within one week, inform APRA of the action that has been


(5A) A failure to comply with a requirement of subsection (4) or (5) to

consult or inform APRA about, or to consider advice from ASIC

about, an imposition, variation or revocation of a condition does

not invalidate the action taken.

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Section 915A

316 Corporations Act 2001

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(6) ASIC must ensure that the licence is subject to a condition that

specifies the particular financial services or class of financial

services that the licensee is authorised to provide.

(7) The financial services or class of financial services may be

specified by reference to particular financial products, or classes of

financial products.

(8) The licence is subject to such other conditions as are prescribed by

regulations made for the purposes of this subsection. However,

ASIC cannot vary or revoke those conditions.

Subdivision C—When a licence can be varied, suspended or


915A Varying licences

(1) ASIC may vary an Australian financial services licence to take

account of a change in the licensee’s name if the licensee lodges

with ASIC an application for the variation, accompanied by the

documents, if any, required by regulations made for the purposes

of this subsection.

Note 1: The conditions on the licence can be varied under section 914A.

Note 2: For fees in respect of lodging applications, see Part 9.10.

(2) ASIC must give written notice of the variation to the licensee.

915B Immediate suspension or cancellation

Licence held by a natural person

(1) ASIC may suspend or cancel an Australian financial services

licence held by a natural person, by giving written notice to the

person, if the person:

(a) ceases to carry on the financial services business; or

(b) becomes an insolvent under administration; or

(c) is convicted of serious fraud; or

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Section 915B

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(d) becomes incapable of managing their affairs because of

mental or physical incapacity; or

(e) lodges with ASIC an application for ASIC to do so, which is

accompanied by the documents, if any, required by

regulations made for the purposes of this paragraph; or

(f) is liable to pay levy imposed by the ASIC Supervisory Cost

Recovery Levy Act 2017 and has not paid in full at least 12

months after the due date for payment:

(i) the amount of levy; and

(ii) the amount of any late payment penalty payable in

relation to the levy; and

(iii) the amount of any shortfall penalty payable in relation

to the levy.

Note: For fees in respect of lodging applications, see Part 9.10.

Licence held by a partnership

(2) ASIC may suspend or cancel an Australian financial services

licence held by a partnership, by giving written notice to the

partnership, if:

(a) the partnership ceases to carry on the financial services

business; or

(b) a creditor’s petition or a debtor’s petition is presented under

Division 2 or 3 of Part IV of the Bankruptcy Act 1966 against

the partnership; or

(c) one or more of the partners is convicted of serious fraud; or

(d) the partnership lodges with ASIC an application for ASIC to

do so, which is accompanied by the documents, if any,

required by regulations made for the purposes of this

paragraph; or

(e) in the case of a partnership that is a leviable entity (within the

meaning of the ASIC Supervisory Cost Recovery Levy Act

2017)—the following have not been paid in full at least 12

months after the due date for payment:

(i) an amount of levy (if any) payable in respect of the


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Division 4 Australian financial services licences

Section 915B

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(ii) an amount of late payment penalty payable (if any) in

relation to the levy;

(iii) an amount of shortfall penalty payable (if any) in

relation to the levy.

Note: For fees in respect of lodging applications, see Part 9.10.

Licence held by a body corporate

(3) ASIC may suspend or cancel an Australian financial services

licence held by a body corporate, by giving written notice to the

body, if the body:

(a) ceases to carry on the financial services business; or

(b) becomes a Chapter 5 body corporate; or

(c) is a responsible entity of a registered scheme whose members

have suffered, or are likely to suffer, loss or damage because

the body has breached this Act; or

(caa) is an operator of a notified foreign passport fund whose

members have suffered, or are likely to suffer, loss or

damage because the body has breached this Act; or

(ca) is a trustee company whose clients have suffered, or are

likely to suffer, loss or damage because the company has


(i) this Act; or

(ii) a financial services law referred to in paragraph (e) of

the definition of financial services law in section 761A;


(d) lodges with ASIC an application for ASIC to do so, which is

accompanied by the documents, if any, required by

regulations made for the purposes of this paragraph; or

(e) is liable to pay levy imposed by the ASIC Supervisory Cost

Recovery Levy Act 2017 and has not paid in full at least 12

months after the due date for payment:

(i) the amount of levy; and

(ii) the amount of any late payment penalty payable in

relation to the levy; and

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(iii) the amount of any shortfall penalty payable in relation

to the levy.

Note: For fees in respect of lodging applications, see Part 9.10.

(4) ASIC may suspend or cancel an Australian financial services

licence held by the trustees of a trust, by giving written notice to

the trustees, if:

(a) the trustees of the trust cease to carry on the financial

services business; or

(b) a trustee who is a natural person:

(i) becomes an insolvent under administration; or

(ii) is convicted of serious fraud; or

(iii) becomes incapable of managing their affairs because of

physical or mental incapacity; or

(c) a trustee that is a body corporate becomes a Chapter 5 body

corporate; or

(d) the trustees lodge with ASIC an application for ASIC to do

so, which is accompanied by the documents, if any, required

by regulations made for the purposes of this paragraph; or

(e) in the case of a licensee that is a single legal entity under

section 761FA and also a leviable entity (within the meaning

of the ASIC Supervisory Cost Recovery Levy Act 2017)—the

following have not been paid in full at least 12 months after

the due date for payment:

(i) an amount of levy (if any) payable in respect of the


(ii) an amount of late payment penalty payable (if any) in

relation to the levy;

(iii) an amount of shortfall penalty payable (if any) in

relation to the levy.

Note 1: For fees in respect of lodging applications, see Part 9.10.

Note 2: If there is only one trustee, subsection (1) will apply (if the trustee is a

natural person), and subsection (3) will apply (if the trustee is a body


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Division 4 Australian financial services licences

Section 915C

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915C Suspension or cancellation after offering a hearing

(1) ASIC may suspend or cancel an Australian financial services

licence (subject to complying with subsection (4)) in any of the

following cases:

(a) the licensee has not complied with their obligations under

section 912A;

(aa) ASIC has reason to believe that the licensee is likely to

contravene their obligations under section 912A;

(b) ASIC is no longer satisfied of the matter in whichever of

subsection 913B(2) or (3) applied at the time the licence was

granted (about whether the licensee, or the licensee’s

representatives, are of good fame or character);

(c) a banning order or disqualification order under Division 8 is

made against the licensee;

(d) a banning order or disqualification order under Division 8 is

made against a representative of the licensee and ASIC

considers that the representative’s involvement in the

provision of the licensee’s financial services will

significantly impair the licensee’s ability to meet its

obligations under this Chapter;

(e) the licensee is the operator of an Australian passport fund, or

a person with responsibilities in relation to an Australian

passport fund, and each of the following is satisfied:

(i) a host regulator for the fund has notified ASIC in

writing that it is of the opinion that the person or the

fund has not complied, is not complying or is not likely

to comply with the law of that host economy to the

extent that the law is administered by the host regulator

for the fund (including the Passport Rules for the host

economy for the fund);

(ii) ASIC is of the opinion that it should suspend or cancel

the licence, given the potential impact of the failure, or

potential failure, to comply on members or potential

members of the fund.

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Section 915D

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(2) ASIC may also cancel an Australian financial services licence

(subject to complying with subsection (4)) if:

(a) the application for the licence was false in a material

particular or materially misleading; or

(b) there was an omission of a material matter from the


(3) An Australian financial services licence is suspended or cancelled

by ASIC giving written notice to the licensee.

(4) However, ASIC may only suspend or cancel an Australian

financial services licence under this section after giving the

licensee an opportunity:

(a) to appear, or be represented, at a hearing before ASIC that

takes place in private; and

(b) to make submissions to ASIC on the matter.

(5) In this section:

person with responsibilities in relation to an Australian passport

fund means a person (other than a regulator) who has functions or

duties in relation to the fund under the Passport Rules for this


915D Effect of suspension

(1) A suspended Australian financial services licence has no effect

while it remains suspended.

(2) Subsection (1) has effect subject to section 915H.

915E Revocation of suspension

ASIC may at any time revoke the suspension of an Australian

financial services licence by giving written notice to the licensee.

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Division 4 Australian financial services licences

Section 915F

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915F Date of effect and publication of cancellation or suspension

(1) A variation, suspension, revocation of a suspension, or

cancellation, of an Australian financial services licence takes effect

when the written notice of that action is given to the licensee.

(2) As soon as practicable after the notice is given to the licensee,

ASIC must:

(a) publish a notice of the action in the Gazette; and

(b) if the licensee is a participant in a licensed market or a

licensed CS facility—give written notice of the action to the

operator of the market or facility.

A notice under this subsection must state when the action took


915G Statement of reasons

A notice of suspension or cancellation given to a licensee under

this Subdivision must be accompanied by a statement of reasons

for the action taken.

915H ASIC may allow licence to continue in effect

In the written notice of suspension or cancellation that ASIC gives

to the licensee, ASIC may specify that the licence continues in

effect as though the suspension or cancellation had not happened

for the purposes of specified provisions of this Act in relation to

specified matters, a specified period, or both.

915I Special procedures for APRA-regulated bodies

(1) If a financial services licensee, or a related body corporate, is a

body (the APRA body) regulated by APRA, other than an ADI

(within the meaning of the Banking Act 1959), the following

provisions apply:

(a) ASIC cannot suspend or cancel the licensee’s licence if doing

so would, in ASIC’s opinion, have the result of preventing

the APRA body from being able to carry on all or any of its

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Section 915I

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usual activities (being activities in relation to which APRA

has regulatory or supervisory responsibilities), unless ASIC

has first consulted APRA about the proposed action;

(b) if ASIC suspends or cancels the licensee’s licence and

paragraph (a) does not apply to that action, ASIC must,

within one week, inform APRA of the action that has been


(2) If:

(a) a financial services licensee is an ADI (within the meaning of

the Banking Act 1959); or

(b) a related body corporate of a financial services licensee is an

ADI (within the meaning of the Banking Act 1959), and

cancellation or suspension of the licensee’s licence would, in

ASIC’s opinion, have the result of preventing the ADI from

being able to carry on all or any of its banking business

(within the meaning of the Banking Act 1959);

the following provisions have effect:

(c) subject to paragraph (d), the powers that ASIC would

otherwise have under this Subdivision to cancel or suspend

the licensee’s licence, or to subsequently revoke a suspension

to which this subsection applied, are instead powers of the


(d) the procedures for the exercise of a power to which

paragraph (c) applies are the same as would apply if ASIC

could exercise the power, except that the Minister must not

exercise the power unless he or she has first considered

advice from ASIC on the proposed action, being advice given

after ASIC has consulted APRA about the proposed action;

(e) ASIC (rather than the Minister) must still conduct any

hearing required under paragraph 915C(4)(a) and receive any

submissions under paragraph 915C(4)(b).

(3) A failure to comply with a requirement of subsection (1) or (2) to

consult or inform APRA about, or to consider advice from ASIC

about, a cancellation or suspension, or a revocation of a

suspension, of a licence does not invalidate the action taken.

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Division 4 Australian financial services licences

Section 915J

324 Corporations Act 2001

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915J Variation, suspension and cancellation only under this


An Australian financial services licence cannot be varied,

suspended or cancelled otherwise than under this Subdivision.

Note: The conditions on the licence can be varied under section 914A.

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Authorised representatives Division 5

Section 916A

Corporations Act 2001 325

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Division 5—Authorised representatives

916A How representatives are authorised

(1) A financial services licensee may give a person (the authorised

representative) a written notice authorising the person, for the

purposes of this Chapter, to provide a specified financial service or

financial services on behalf of the licensee.

Note: There are limitations on a financial services licensee authorising an

individual to provide certain personal advice if the individual does not

meet the education and training standards in subsections 921B(2) to

(4) (see section 921C).

(2) The financial services specified may be some or all of the financial

services covered by the licensee’s licence.

(3) An authorisation under subsection (1) is void to the extent that it

purports to authorise a person to provide a financial service:

(a) that is not covered by the licensee’s licence; or

(b) contrary to a banning order or disqualification order under

Division 8; or

(c) in contravention of subsection 921C(2).

(3A) A person must not give a purported authorisation if that purported

authorisation is void to any extent under subsection (3).

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(4) An authorisation may be revoked at any time by the licensee giving

written notice to the authorised representative.

916B Sub-authorisations

(1) Subject to subsection (3), an authorised representative of a

financial services licensee cannot, in that capacity, make a person

their authorised representative or an authorised representative of

the licensee.

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Section 916B

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(2) A purported authorisation contrary to this section or

subsection 921C(3) is void.

(2A) A person must not give a purported authorisation if that purported

authorisation is contrary to this section or subsection 921C(3).

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(3) A body corporate that is an authorised representative of a financial

services licensee may, in that capacity, give an individual a written

notice authorising that individual, for the purposes of this Chapter,

to provide a specified financial service or financial services on

behalf of the licensee, but only if the licensee consents in writing

given to the body corporate.

Note: There are limitations on sub-authorising an individual to provide

certain personal advice if the individual does not meet the education

and training standards in subsections 921B(2) to (4) (see

section 921C).

(4) The financial services specified may be some or all of the financial

services covered by the licensee’s licence.

(5) The licensee may give consent under subsection (3) in respect of

either a specified individual or a specified class of individuals (the

membership of which might change from time to time).

(5A) If a licensee gives consent under subsection (3) to a body

corporate, the licensee must keep a copy of the consent for 5 years

after the day on which it ceases to have effect.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(6) An individual who is authorised as mentioned in subsection (3) is

an authorised representative of the relevant licensee.

(7) An authorisation of an individual as mentioned in subsection (3)

may be revoked at any time by:

(a) the licensee; or

(b) the body corporate that gave the individual the authorisation;

giving written notice to the individual.

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Section 916C

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(8) If a person revokes the authorisation of an individual under

subsection (7), that person must inform, in writing, the other

person who could have revoked the authorisation.

(9) To avoid doubt, an authorisation given as mentioned in

subsection (3) is taken, for the purposes of sections 916C to 916F,

to be given by the body corporate, not the licensee.

916C Authorised representative of 2 or more licensees

(1) One person can be the authorised representative of 2 or more

financial services licensees, but only if:

(a) each of those licensees has consented to the person also being

the authorised representative of each of the other licensees; or

(b) each of those licensees is a related body corporate of each of

the other licensees.

(2) A purported authorisation given in breach of this requirement is


(3) A person must not give a purported authorisation if that purported

authorisation is in breach of this requirement.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

916D Licensees cannot authorise other licensees

(1) A financial services licensee cannot be the authorised

representative of another financial services licensee.

Note 1: Instead, the first licensee could use their own licence to provide

financial services on behalf of the second licensee (assuming that the

first licensee’s licence covered the provision of those services). See

paragraph 911B(1)(d).

Note 2: There is an exception to this rule in section 916E.

(2) A purported authorisation given in breach of this requirement is


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Division 5 Authorised representatives

Section 916E

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(2A) A person must not give a purported authorisation if that purported

authorisation is given in breach of this requirement.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2B) The requirement in subsection (1) does not prohibit a financial

services licensee from being an authorised representative in

circumstances covered by section 916E.

Note: In a prosecution for an offence based on subsection (2A), a defendant

bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in this subsection.

See subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

(3) As well, an authorisation that starts to breach this requirement,

because the person authorised is subsequently granted an

Australian financial services licence, is void.

916E Licensees acting under a binder

(1) Despite section 916D, a financial services licensee (the authorised

licensee) may be the authorised representative of another financial

services licensee who is an insurer, if the authorised licensee acts

under a binder given by the insurer.

(2) For all purposes connected with contracts that are risk insurance

products, or with claims against the insurer, in respect of which the

authorised licensee acts under the binder:

(a) the authorised licensee is taken to act on behalf of the insurer

and not the insured; and

(b) if the insured in fact relied in good faith on the conduct of the

authorised licensee, the authorised licensee is taken to act on

behalf of the insurer regardless of the fact that the authorised

licensee did not act within the scope of the binder.

916F Obligation to notify ASIC etc. about authorised


(1) A person must lodge with ASIC a written notice (in accordance

with subsection (2)), within 15 business days, if the person

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Section 916F

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authorises a representative to provide a financial service as

mentioned in section 916A or 916B.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(1AA) Subsection (1) does not apply to an authorisation of a

representative if:

(a) the authorisation is by a body corporate and is given as

mentioned in section 916B; and

(b) the relevant consent under subsection 916B(5) was given in

respect of a specified class of individuals of which the

representative is a member; and

(c) the representative is an employee of the body corporate; and

(d) the only financial services that the representative is

authorised to provide are either or both of the following:

(i) general advice that relates to financial products covered

by regulations made for the purposes of this paragraph;

(ii) dealing in financial products covered by regulations

made for the purposes of this paragraph.

Note 1: Regulations made for the purposes of paragraph (d) may be expressed

to cover all financial products, or only one or more specified kinds of

financial products.

Note 2: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

subsection (1AA). See subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

(1A) A person who authorises an individual to provide a financial

service on behalf of a financial services licensee as mentioned in

section 916B must give the licensee written notice (in accordance

with subsection (2)), within 15 business days of the individual

being authorised to provide the financial service, if the licensee’s

consent to the authorisation was given in respect of a specified

class of individuals.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) The notice must include the following details:

(a) the name and business address of the representative;

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Division 5 Authorised representatives

Section 916G

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(b) details of the authorisation, including the date on which it

was made and what the representative is authorised to do on

behalf of the relevant licensee;

(c) details of each other financial services licensee on behalf of

whom the representative is an authorised representative.

(3) A person must notify ASIC, by lodging a written notice, within 10

business days if:

(a) the person authorised a representative under section 916A or

916B and there is a change in any details relating to the

representative that are required to be included under

subsection (2); or

(b) the person revokes an authorisation to which subsection (1)


Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(4) For the purposes of an offence based on subsection (3), strict

liability applies to the physical element of circumstance of the

offence, that the details mentioned in subsection (3) changed.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

916G ASIC may give licensee information about representatives

(1) If ASIC considers it appropriate to do so, it may give information

to a financial services licensee about a person who ASIC believes

is, or will be, a representative of the licensee. However, ASIC may

only do so if it believes, on reasonable grounds, that the

information is true.

(2) A financial services licensee to whom the information is given may

only make use of, make a record of, or give to another person, the

information for a purpose connected with:

(a) the licensee making a decision about what action (if any) to

take in relation to the representative, as a consequence of

receiving the information; or

(b) the licensee taking action pursuant to such a decision.

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Section 916G

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Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(3) A person to whom information has been given for a purpose or

purposes under subsection (2) or this subsection, may only make

use of, make a record of, or give to another person, that

information for that purpose or any of those purposes.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(4) A person has qualified privilege in respect of an act done by the

person under subsection (2) or (3).

(5) A person to whom information is given in accordance with this

section must not give any of the information to a court, or produce

in a court a document that sets out some or all of the information,


(a) for a purpose connected with:

(i) a financial services licensee making a decision about

what action (if any) to take in relation to the

representative, as a consequence of receiving some or

all of the information; or

(ii) a financial services licensee taking action pursuant to

that decision; or

(iii) proving in a proceeding in that court that particular

action taken by a financial services licensee in relation

to the representative was taken pursuant to that decision;


(b) in a proceeding in that court, in so far as the proceeding

relates to an alleged breach of this section; or

(c) in a proceeding in respect of an ancillary offence relating to

an offence based on this section; or

(d) in a proceeding about giving to a court false information

some, at least, of which was the information given under this


(6) A reference in this section to a financial services licensee taking

action in relation to a representative is a reference to the licensee:

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Section 916G

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(a) taking action by way of making, terminating or varying the

terms and conditions of an agreement; or

(b) otherwise taking action in relation to an agreement;

to the extent that the agreement relates to the representative acting

on behalf of the licensee.

(7) Subsection (5) also has the effect it would have if:

(a) a reference in it to a court were a reference to a court of an

external Territory or of a country outside Australia and the

external Territories; and

(b) paragraphs (5)(b) and (c) were omitted.

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Licensing of providers of financial services Part 7.6

Liability of financial services licensees for representatives Division 6

Section 917A

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Division 6—Liability of financial services licensees for


917A Application of Division

(1) This Division applies to any conduct of a representative of a

financial services licensee:

(a) that relates to the provision of a financial service; and

(b) on which a third person (the client) could reasonably be

expected to rely; and

(c) on which the client in fact relied in good faith.

(2) In this Division, a reference to a representative’s conduct being

within authority in relation to a particular financial services

licensee is, subject to subsection (3), a reference to:

(a) if the representative is an employee of the licensee or of a

related body corporate of the licensee—conduct being within

the scope of the employee’s employment; or

(b) if the representative is a director of the licensee or of a

related body corporate of the licensee—conduct being within

the scope of the director’s duties as director; or

(c) in any other case—conduct being within the scope of the

authority given by the licensee.

(3) If:

(a) a person is the representative of more than one financial

services licensee in respect of a particular class of financial

service; and

(b) the person engages in conduct relating to that class of

service; and

(ba) the conduct relates to a particular kind of financial product

prescribed by regulations made for the purposes of

paragraph 917C(3)(ba); and

(c) any one or more of the licensees issues or transfers a

financial product of that kind as a result of the conduct;

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Division 6 Liability of financial services licensees for representatives

Section 917B

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then, for the purposes of this Division:

(d) the person is taken, in respect of the conduct, to have acted

within authority in relation to the licensee or to each licensee

who issued or transferred a financial product of that kind as a

result of the conduct; and

(e) the person is, in respect of the conduct, taken not to have

acted within authority in relation to any licensee who did not

issue or transfer a financial product of that kind as a result of

the conduct.

917B Responsibility if representative of only one licensee

If the representative is the representative of only one financial

services licensee, the licensee is responsible, as between the

licensee and the client, for the conduct of the representative,

whether or not the representative’s conduct is within authority.

917C Representatives of multiple licensees

(1) This section applies if the representative is the representative of

more than one financial services licensee.

Financial service covered by only one authority

(2) If:

(a) the representative is the representative of one of the licensees

only in respect of a particular class of financial service; and

(b) the conduct relates to that class of service;

that licensee is responsible for the conduct, as between that

licensee and the client, whether or not the conduct is within


Financial service covered by multiple authorities: conduct within

authority for one or more of them

(3) If:

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Section 917D

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(a) the representative is the representative of more than one of

the licensees in respect of a particular class of financial

service; and

(b) the conduct relates to that class of service; and

(ba) the conduct relates to a particular kind of financial product

prescribed by regulations made for the purposes of this

paragraph; and

(c) the conduct is within authority in relation to:

(i) only one of those licensees (the authorising licensee);


(ii) two or more of those licensees (the authorising



(d) if subparagraph (c)(i) applies—the authorising licensee is

responsible for the conduct, as between that licensee and the

client; or

(e) if subparagraph (c)(ii) applies—the authorising licensees are

jointly and severally responsible for the conduct, as between

themselves and the client.

All other cases

(4) In any other case, all of the licensees are jointly and severally

responsible for the conduct, as between themselves and the client,

whether or not the representative’s conduct is within authority in

relation to any of them.

917D Exception if lack of authority is disclosed to client

A financial services licensee is not responsible under section 917B

or 917C for the conduct of their representative if:

(a) the conduct is not within authority in relation to the licensee

(or in relation to any of the licensees, if there were more than

one); and

(b) the representative disclosed that fact to the client before the

client relied on the conduct; and

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Division 6 Liability of financial services licensees for representatives

Section 917E

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(c) the clarity and the prominence of the disclosure was such as a

person would reasonably require for the purpose of deciding

whether to acquire the relevant financial service.

Note: A person must not hold out that conduct, or proposed conduct, of the

person is within authority in relation to a particular financial services

licensee, unless that is the case. See section 911C.

917E Responsibility extends to loss or damage suffered by client

The responsibility of a financial services licensee under this

Division extends so as to make the licensee liable to the client in

respect of any loss or damage suffered by the client as a result of

the representative’s conduct.

917F Effect of Division

(1) If a financial services licensee is responsible for the conduct of

their representative under this Division, the client has the same

remedies against the licensee that the client has against the


(2) The licensee and the representative (along with any other licensees

who are also responsible) are all jointly and severally liable to the

client in respect of those remedies.

(3) However, nothing in this Division imposes:

(a) any criminal responsibility; or

(b) any civil liability under a provision of this Act apart from this


on a financial services licensee that would not otherwise be

imposed on the licensee.

(4) This Division does not relieve a representative of a financial

services licensee of any liability they have to the client or the


(5) An agreement is void in so far as it purports to alter or restrict the

operation of section 917B, 917C, 917D or 917E.

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Section 917F

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(6) However, subsection (5) does not apply to the extent that the


(a) provides for a representative of a financial services licensee

to indemnify the licensee for a liability of the licensee in

respect of the representative; or

(b) provides for a financial services licensee, for whom a

representative acts, to indemnify another financial services

licensee for a liability in respect of the representative.

(7) A financial services licensee must not make, or offer to make, an

agreement that is, or would be, void under subsection (5).

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.6 Licensing of providers of financial services

Division 8 Banning or disqualification of persons from providing financial services

Section 920A

338 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 8—Banning or disqualification of persons from

providing financial services

Subdivision A—Banning orders

920A ASIC’s power to make a banning order

(1) ASIC may make a banning order against a person, by giving

written notice to the person, if:

(a) ASIC suspends or cancels an Australian financial services

licence held by the person; or

(b) the person has not complied with their obligations under

section 912A; or

(ba) ASIC has reason to believe that the person is likely to

contravene their obligations under section 912A; or

(bb) the person becomes an insolvent under administration; or

(c) the person is convicted of fraud; or

(d) ASIC has reason to believe that the person is not of good

fame or character; or

(da) ASIC has reason to believe that the person is not adequately

trained, or is not competent, to provide a financial service or

financial services; or

(db) the person has not complied with any one or more of his or

her obligations under section 921F (requirements relating to

provisional relevant providers); or

(dc) both of the following apply:

(i) a supervisor referred to in section 921F has not

complied with any one or more of his or her obligations

under that section in relation to a provisional relevant


(ii) both the supervisor and the provisional relevant

provider are authorised to provide personal advice to

retail clients, on behalf of the person, in relation to

relevant financial products; or

(dd) both of the following apply:

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Banning or disqualification of persons from providing financial services Division 8

Section 920A

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(i) a provisional relevant provider has not complied with

his or her obligations under subsection 921F(7);

(ii) the provisional relevant provider is authorised to

provide personal advice to retail clients, on behalf of the

person, in relation to relevant financial products; or

(de) ASIC has reason to believe that the person was authorised, in

contravention of subsection 921C(2), (3) or (4), to provide

personal advice to retail clients in relation to relevant

financial products; or

(e) the person has not complied with a financial services law

(other than section 921E (relevant providers to comply with

the Code of Ethics)); or

(f) ASIC has reason to believe that the person is likely to

contravene a financial services law; or

(g) the person has been involved in the contravention of a

financial services law by another person; or

(h) ASIC has reason to believe that the person is likely to

become involved in the contravention of a financial services

law by another person; or

(i) the person is the operator of, or another person connected

with, an Australian passport fund, and each of the following

is satisfied:

(i) a host regulator for the fund has notified ASIC in

writing that it is of the opinion that the person or the

fund has not complied, is not complying or is not likely

to comply with the law of that host economy to the

extent that the law is administered by the host regulator

for the fund (including the Passport Rules for the host

economy for the fund);

(ii) ASIC is of the opinion that it should make the banning

order, given the potential impact of the failure, or

potential failure, to comply on members or potential

members of the fund.

(1A) In considering whether, at a particular time, there is reason to

believe that a person is not of good fame or character, ASIC must

(subject to Part VIIC of the Crimes Act 1914) have regard to:

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Part 7.6 Licensing of providers of financial services

Division 8 Banning or disqualification of persons from providing financial services

Section 920B

340 Corporations Act 2001

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(a) any conviction of the person, within 10 years before that

time, for an offence that involves dishonesty and is

punishable by imprisonment for at least 3 months; and

(b) whether the person has held an Australian financial services

licence that was suspended or cancelled; and

(c) whether a banning order or disqualification order under

Division 8 has previously been made against the person; and

(d) any other matter ASIC considers relevant.

Note: Part VIIC of the Crimes Act 1914 includes provisions that, in certain

circumstances, relieve persons from the requirement to disclose spent

convictions and require persons aware of such convictions to

disregard them.

(1B) To avoid doubt, a person contravenes a financial services law if a

person fails to comply with a duty imposed under that law, even if

the provision imposing the duty is not an offence provision or a

civil penalty provision.

(2) However, ASIC may only make a banning order against a person

after giving the person an opportunity:

(a) to appear, or be represented, at a hearing before ASIC that

takes place in private; and

(b) to make submissions to ASIC on the matter.

(3) Subsection (2) does not apply in so far as ASIC’s grounds for

making the banning order are or include the following:

(a) that the suspension or cancellation of the relevant licence

took place under section 915B;

(b) that the person has been convicted of serious fraud.

920B What is a banning order?

(1) A banning order is a written order that prohibits a person from

providing any financial services or specified financial services in

specified circumstances or capacities.

(2) The order may prohibit the person against whom it is made from

providing a financial service:

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Banning or disqualification of persons from providing financial services Division 8

Section 920C

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(a) permanently; or

(b) for a specified period, unless ASIC has reason to believe that

the person is not of good fame or character.

(3) A banning order may include a provision allowing the person

against whom it was made, subject to any specified conditions:

(a) to do specified acts; or

(b) to do specified acts in specified circumstances;

that the order would otherwise prohibit them from doing.

920C Effect of banning orders

(1) A person against whom a banning order is made cannot be granted

an Australian financial services licence contrary to the banning


(2) A person against whom a banning order is made must not engage

in conduct in breach of the banning order.

Fault-based offence

(3) A person commits an offence if the person contravenes

subsection (2).

Civil liability

(4) A person contravenes this subsection if the person contravenes

subsection (2).

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

920D Variation or cancellation of banning orders

(1) ASIC may vary or cancel a banning order, by giving written notice

to the person against whom the order was made, if ASIC is

satisfied that it is appropriate to do so because of a change in any

of the circumstances based on which ASIC made the order.

(2) ASIC may do so:

(a) on its own initiative; or

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Part 7.6 Licensing of providers of financial services

Division 8 Banning or disqualification of persons from providing financial services

Section 920E

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(b) if the person against whom the order was made lodges with

ASIC an application for ASIC to do so, which is

accompanied by the documents, if any, required by

regulations made for the purposes of this paragraph.

Note: For fees in respect of lodging applications, see Part 9.10.

(3) If ASIC proposes not to vary or cancel a banning order in

accordance with an application lodged by a person under

paragraph (2)(b), ASIC must give the person an opportunity:

(a) to appear, or be represented, at a hearing before ASIC that

takes place in private; and

(b) to make submissions to ASIC on the matter.

920E Date of effect and publication of banning order, variation or


(1) A banning order, or variation or cancellation of a banning order,

takes effect when it is given to the person against whom the order

is or was made.

(2) ASIC must publish a notice in the Gazette as soon as practicable

after making, varying or cancelling a banning order. The notice

must state when the action took effect and:

(a) in the case of the making of a banning order—set out a copy

of the banning order; or

(b) in the case of the variation of a banning order—set out a copy

of the banning order as varied.

(3) However, if the banning order contains a provision of the kind

referred to in subsection 920B(3) and ASIC considers that the

Gazette notice would be unreasonably long if that provision were

included, the notice may instead set out a summary of the

provision’s effect.

(4) If ASIC makes a banning order against a person who is a

participant in a licensed market or a licensed CS facility, or varies

a banning order against such a person, ASIC must give the operator

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Banning or disqualification of persons from providing financial services Division 8

Section 920F

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of the market or facility written notice of the making of the order

or the variation.

920F Statement of reasons

(1) A banning order given to a person must be accompanied by a

statement of reasons for the order.

(2) If ASIC varies a banning order made against a person, ASIC must,

on request by the person, give the person a statement of reasons for

the variation.

Subdivision B—Disqualification by the Court

921A Disqualification by the Court

(1) ASIC may apply to the Court for an order or orders under this

section in relation to a person if ASIC:

(a) cancels an Australian financial services licence held by the

person; or

(b) makes a banning order against the person that is to operate


(2) The Court may make:

(a) an order disqualifying the person, permanently or for a

specified period, from providing any financial services, or

specified financial services, in specified circumstances or

capacities; or

(b) any other order the Court considers appropriate.

(3) The Court may revoke or vary an order made under subsection (2).

(4) A person against whom such an order is made cannot be granted an

Australian financial services licence contrary to the order.

(5) If the Court makes or varies an order under this section in relation

to a person who is a participant in a licensed market or a licensed

CS facility, ASIC must give the operator of the market or facility

written notice of the making of the order or the variation.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.6 Licensing of providers of financial services

Division 8A Professional standards for relevant providers

Section 921B

344 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 8A—Professional standards for relevant providers

Subdivision A—Education and training standards

921B Meaning of education and training standards

(1) This section sets out the education and training standards for a

person who is, or is to be, a relevant provider.

Conditions for relevant providers

(2) The first standard is that:

(a) the person has completed a bachelor or higher degree, or

equivalent qualification, approved by the standards body

under section 921U; or

(b) both of the following conditions are satisfied:

(i) the person has completed a foreign qualification;

(ii) the standards body has approved the foreign

qualification under section 921V.

(3) The second standard is that the person has passed an exam

approved by the standards body.

(4) The third standard is that the person has undertaken at least 1 year

of work and training that meets the requirements set by the

standards body.

Note: A relevant provider who is undertaking work and training in

accordance with this subsection is a provisional relevant provider (see

the definition of provisional relevant provider in section 910A). For

rules relating to provisional relevant providers, see Subdivision C.

Continuing standard for relevant providers

(5) The fourth standard is that the person meets the requirements for

continuing professional development set by the standards body.

Note: A provisional relevant provider is not required to meet this standard

(see section 921D).

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Licensing of providers of financial services Part 7.6

Professional standards for relevant providers Division 8A

Section 921C

Corporations Act 2001 345

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921C Limitation on authorisation to provide personal advice unless

conditions met

Financial services licensees

(1) ASIC must not grant an applicant an Australian financial services

licence that covers the provision of personal advice to retail clients

in relation to relevant financial products if:

(a) the applicant is an individual; and

(b) the applicant has not met any one or more of the education

and training standards in subsections 921B(2) to (4).

Note: Subsections 921B(2) to (4) set out the conditions for education and

training for relevant providers.

Authorised representatives

(2) A financial services licensee must not, under section 916A, give a

person a written notice authorising the person to provide personal

advice to retail clients, on behalf of the licensee, in relation to

relevant financial products if:

(a) the person is an individual; and

(b) either or both of the following subparagraphs apply:

(i) the person has not met either or both of the education

and training standards in subsections 921B(2) and (3);

(ii) the person has not met the education and training

standard in subsection 921B(4), and is not undertaking

work and training in accordance with that subsection.


(3) An authorised representative of a financial services licensee must

not, under subsection 916B(3), give an individual a written notice

authorising that individual to provide personal advice to retail

clients, on behalf of the licensee, in relation to relevant financial

products if either or both of the following paragraphs apply:

(a) the individual has not met either or both of the education and

training standards in subsections 921B(2) and (3);

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Part 7.6 Licensing of providers of financial services

Division 8A Professional standards for relevant providers

Section 921D

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(b) the individual has not met the education and training standard

in subsection 921B(4), and is not undertaking work and

training in accordance with that subsection.

Employees and directors

(4) A financial services licensee must not authorise an employee or

director of the licensee, or of a related body corporate of the

licensee, to provide personal advice to retail clients, on behalf of

the licensee, in relation to relevant financial products if either or

both of the following paragraphs apply:

(a) the employee or director has not met either or both of the

education and training standards in subsections 921B(2) and


(b) the employee or director has not met the education and

training standard in subsection 921B(4), and is not

undertaking work and training in accordance with that


Exemption in relation to time-sharing schemes

(5) This section does not apply in relation to a person who is to

provide personal advice to retail clients in relation to relevant

financial products if the only relevant financial product in relation

to which the person is to provide personal advice to retail clients is

a time-sharing scheme.

921D Relevant providers to meet continuing professional

development standard

(1) A relevant provider must comply with subsection 921B(5):

(a) if the relevant provider is a financial services licensee—

during the licensee’s CPD year; or

(b) if the relevant provider is authorised to provide personal

advice to retail clients, on behalf of a financial services

licensee, in relation to relevant financial products—during

the licensee’s CPD year.

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Licensing of providers of financial services Part 7.6

Professional standards for relevant providers Division 8A

Section 921E

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Note 1: Subsection 921B(5) requires a relevant provider to meet the

continuing professional development standard.

Note 2: Section 922HB requires a notice to be given at the end of a financial

services licensee’s CPD year if a relevant provider has not complied

with this section during that year.


(2) Subsection (1) does not apply in relation to a person if:

(a) the person is a provisional relevant provider; or

(b) the only relevant financial product in relation to which the

person provides personal advice to retail clients is a

time-sharing scheme.

Subdivision B—Ethical standards

921E Relevant providers to comply with the Code of Ethics

A relevant provider must comply with the Code of Ethics.

Note: A failure to comply with the Code of Ethics must be notified under

section 922HD.

Subdivision C—Provisional relevant providers

921F Requirements relating to provisional relevant providers

(1) This section sets out the requirements in relation to a person who is

a provisional relevant provider.

Meaning of supervisor

(2) A supervisor of a provisional relevant provider is an individual


(a) has supervisory responsibility for the provisional relevant

provider; and

(b) is a relevant provider; and

(c) is not a provisional relevant provider; and

(d) is not a limited-service time-sharing adviser.

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Part 7.6 Licensing of providers of financial services

Division 8A Professional standards for relevant providers

Section 921F

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Role of supervisors

(3) A supervisor of a provisional relevant provider must ensure that

appropriate supervision is provided to the provisional relevant


(4) A supervisor of a provisional relevant provider must approve, in

writing, any Statement of Advice provided by the provisional

relevant provider to a retail client.

Personal advice provided by provisional relevant providers

(5) For the purposes of this Act, personal advice provided (whether

orally or in writing) by a provisional relevant provider at a

particular time to a retail client in relation to a relevant financial

product is taken to have been provided to the client by each person

who is, at that time, a supervisor of the provisional relevant

provider (instead of by the provisional relevant provider).

Retail clients to be informed of certain matters

(6) A supervisor of a provisional relevant provider must ensure that a

retail client is informed:

(a) of the name of each supervisor of the provisional relevant

provider (even if the retail client has been informed of the

name of each previous supervisor); and

(b) that the provisional relevant provider is undertaking work

and training in accordance with subsection 921B(4); and

(c) that each supervisor is responsible for any personal advice

provided by the provisional relevant provider to the client in

relation to a relevant financial product.

Provisional relevant providers not to obstruct or hinder


(7) A provisional relevant provider must not obstruct or hinder a

supervisor of the provisional relevant provider in ensuring that

appropriate supervision is provided to the provisional relevant


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Licensing of providers of financial services Part 7.6

Professional standards for relevant providers Division 8A

Section 921F

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Note: Under section 921U, the standards body may provide further for the

purposes of this section.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.6 Licensing of providers of financial services

Division 8B Compliance schemes

Section 921G

350 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 8B—Compliance schemes

Subdivision A—Compliance schemes to cover relevant


921G Meaning of compliance scheme

(1) A compliance scheme is a scheme:

(a) that meets the requirements of this section; and

(b) under which compliance with the Code of Ethics by relevant

providers covered by the scheme is monitored and enforced.

Monitoring body of compliance scheme

(2) A monitoring body for a compliance scheme must monitor and

enforce compliance with the Code of Ethics by any relevant

provider covered by the scheme.

(3) A monitoring body for a compliance scheme must not be:

(a) a financial services licensee; or

(b) an associate of a financial services licensee.

(4) A compliance scheme must name the monitoring body for the


Disputes and complaints

(5) A compliance scheme must set out how a dispute is to be resolved

between the monitoring body for the scheme and a relevant

provider covered by the scheme.

(6) A compliance scheme must set out how a person may make a

complaint to the monitoring body for the scheme in relation to a

failure to comply with, or possible failure to comply with, the Code

of Ethics by a relevant provider covered by the scheme.

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Licensing of providers of financial services Part 7.6

Compliance schemes Division 8B

Section 921H

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Name of compliance scheme

(7) A compliance scheme must have a name.

921H Financial services licensees to ensure compliance scheme

covers relevant providers

(1) A financial services licensee must ensure that a compliance scheme


(a) if the licensee is a relevant provider—the licensee; and

(b) in any case—any relevant provider authorised to provide

personal advice to retail clients, on behalf of the licensee, in

relation to relevant financial products.

Note: For when a compliance scheme covers a relevant provider, see

section 921J.

(2) A compliance scheme must cover a relevant provider within 30

business days of the following:

(a) the day the person becomes a relevant provider;

(b) if the relevant provider was previously covered by only one

compliance scheme that has ceased to cover the relevant

provider—the day that scheme ceased to cover the relevant


921J When a compliance scheme covers a relevant provider

(1) A compliance scheme covers a relevant provider if:

(a) an approval is in force under section 921K in relation to the

compliance scheme; and

(b) the condition in subsection (2) of this section is met for the

relevant provider; and

(c) if the monitoring body for the compliance scheme is a

professional association—the relevant provider is a member

of the professional association.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.6 Licensing of providers of financial services

Division 8B Compliance schemes

Section 921K

352 Corporations Act 2001

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Notifying ASIC of the compliance scheme that covers a relevant


(2) The condition in this subsection is met for a relevant provider in

relation to a compliance scheme if:

(a) both of the following apply:

(i) the notice lodged under section 922D in relation to the

relevant provider stated that the compliance scheme is

to cover the relevant provider;

(ii) no notice has been lodged under section 922H stating

that another compliance scheme is to cover the relevant

provider; or

(b) the most recent notice lodged under section 922H, in relation

to particulars entered on the Register of Relevant Providers

about the compliance scheme that is to cover the relevant

provider, stated that the compliance scheme is to cover the

relevant provider.

Note: A notice must be lodged under section 922H when there is a change in

a matter for a relevant provider.

Subdivision B—Approval of compliance schemes

921K Approval of compliance schemes

(1) A monitoring body for a compliance scheme may apply to ASIC

for approval of the compliance scheme.

Note: A monitoring body for a compliance scheme may propose to modify

the scheme (see section 921R).

(2) The application must set out details of the scheme, including:

(a) the name of the monitoring body for the scheme; and

(b) arrangements for monitoring compliance with the Code of

Ethics by relevant providers covered by the scheme; and

(c) sanctions for failures to comply with the Code of Ethics by

relevant providers covered by the scheme; and

(d) arrangements for resolving disputes between the monitoring

body and relevant providers covered by the scheme; and

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Licensing of providers of financial services Part 7.6

Compliance schemes Division 8B

Section 921K

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(e) arrangements for making complaints to the monitoring body

in relation to failures to comply with, or possible failures to

comply with, the Code of Ethics by relevant providers

covered by the scheme.

(3) The application must include evidence that the monitoring body

has sufficient resources and expertise to appropriately monitor and

enforce compliance with the Code of Ethics under the scheme.

Approval of compliance scheme

(4) ASIC may approve the scheme if it is satisfied that:

(a) compliance with the Code of Ethics will be appropriately

monitored and enforced under the scheme; and

(b) the monitoring body has sufficient resources and expertise to

appropriately monitor and enforce compliance with the Code

of Ethics under the scheme.

(5) ASIC may approve the scheme subject to any one or more

conditions ASIC considers appropriate.

(6) ASIC must, within a reasonable period, decide the application and

notify the monitoring body of:

(a) the decision; and

(b) any condition mentioned in subsection (5).

Revocation of approval, imposition of additional conditions etc.

(7) ASIC may, in accordance with subsection (8), take an action

specified under subsection (9) if ASIC is satisfied:

(a) that compliance with the Code of Ethics is not being

appropriately monitored or enforced under the scheme; or

(b) that the monitoring body has not complied with:

(i) section 921N (obligation to notify licensee of failure to

comply with Code of Ethics); or

(ii) a request under section 921Q (obligation to provide

ASIC with information); or

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.6 Licensing of providers of financial services

Division 8B Compliance schemes

Section 921K

354 Corporations Act 2001

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(iii) section 921T (obligation to notify ASIC of changes to

monitoring body); or

(iv) section 922HD (obligation to notify ASIC in relation to

failures to comply with the Code of Ethics); or

(c) that the monitoring body does not have sufficient resources

or expertise to appropriately monitor or enforce compliance

with the Code of Ethics under the scheme.

(8) ASIC must not take an action specified under subsection (9)


(a) ASIC gives a written notice to the monitoring body:

(i) providing reasons why ASIC is considering taking the

action; and

(ii) stating that the monitoring body has 90 business days to

make submissions to ASIC, in accordance with the

notice, about the possible action; and

(b) ASIC has considered any submissions made by the

monitoring body in accordance with the notice.

(9) The following actions are specified:

(a) revoking the approval of the scheme;

(b) varying a condition imposed in relation to the approval of the


(c) imposing an additional condition in relation to the approval

of the scheme.

Revocation of conditions etc.

(10) ASIC may revoke or vary a condition imposed in relation to the

approval of the scheme if ASIC is satisfied that compliance with

the Code of Ethics will continue to be appropriately monitored and

enforced under the scheme if ASIC revokes or varies the condition.

(11) ASIC must, within a reasonable period, notify the monitoring body

if ASIC revokes or varies a condition under subsection (10).

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Licensing of providers of financial services Part 7.6

Compliance schemes Division 8B

Section 921L

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Subdivision C—Investigations by monitoring body

921L Investigations by monitoring body

Investigation into failure, or possible failure, to comply with Code

of Ethics

(1) The monitoring body for a compliance scheme must determine, in

writing, whether a relevant provider covered by the scheme has

failed to comply with the Code of Ethics if the monitoring body

becomes aware of the failure, or possible failure, by the relevant

provider to comply with the Code of Ethics.

Notifying relevant provider of investigation

(2) Within a reasonable period of becoming so aware, the monitoring

body must notify the relevant provider that the monitoring body:

(a) has become so aware; and

(b) is to make a determination under subsection (1).

Note: A monitoring body that fails to comply with this subsection may

commit an offence (see subsection 921M(1)).

Request for information

(3) After becoming so aware, the monitoring body may request, in

writing, any one or more of the following persons to provide

information, documents or any other reasonable assistance to the

monitoring body, within a reasonable specified period:

(a) if the relevant provider is a financial services licensee—the


(b) if the relevant provider is not a financial services licensee:

(i) the relevant provider; or

(ii) the financial services licensee on whose behalf the

relevant provider is authorised to provide personal

advice to retail clients in relation to relevant financial

products; or

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.6 Licensing of providers of financial services

Division 8B Compliance schemes

Section 921L

356 Corporations Act 2001

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(iii) if the relevant provider is a relevant provider as a result

of section 916B—the authorised representative who

authorised the relevant provider under that section.

Note: A person who fails to comply with a request under this subsection

may commit an offence (see subsection 921M(2)).

Restriction on relevant provider leaving compliance scheme

(4) The relevant provider must not cause a notice to be lodged under

section 922H stating that another compliance scheme is to cover

the relevant provider before the monitoring body has made a

determination under subsection (1).

Note: A relevant provider who fails to comply with this subsection may

commit an offence (see subsection 921M(3)).

Completion of investigation

(5) The monitoring body must make the determination:

(a) if the relevant provider notifies the monitoring body that the

relevant provider intends to cause a notice to be lodged under

section 922H stating that another compliance scheme is to

cover the relevant provider—within 160 days of receiving the

notice; or

(b) otherwise—within a reasonable period of becoming aware of

the failure, or possible failure, by the relevant provider to

comply with the Code of Ethics.

Note: A monitoring body that fails to comply with this subsection may

commit an offence (see subsection 921M(1)).

Determination by monitoring body not a legislative instrument

(6) The determination is not a legislative instrument.


(7) A person commits an offence if:

(a) the person is a monitoring body for a compliance scheme;


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Licensing of providers of financial services Part 7.6

Compliance schemes Division 8B

Section 921M

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(b) information is disclosed to the person in accordance with

subsection 70-40(3AA) of the Tax Agent Services Act 2009;


(c) the person uses or discloses the information for a purpose

other than monitoring or enforcing compliance with the Code

of Ethics under the scheme.

Penalty: 30 penalty units.

921M Offences relating to investigations by monitoring body

Failure by monitoring body to notify relevant provider of

investigation or complete investigation

(1) A person commits an offence if:

(a) the person is a monitoring body for a compliance scheme;


(b) the person fails to comply with subsection 921L(2) or (5).

Penalty: 30 penalty units.

Failure to comply with request for information

(2) A person commits an offence if:

(a) a request is made of the person under subsection 921L(3);


(b) the person fails to comply with the request within the period


Penalty: 30 penalty units.

Leaving compliance scheme before investigation completed

(3) A person commits an offence if:

(a) the person is a relevant provider; and

(b) the person is covered by a compliance scheme; and

(c) the monitoring body for the scheme notifies the person that

the monitoring body has become aware of a failure, or

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.6 Licensing of providers of financial services

Division 8B Compliance schemes

Section 921N

358 Corporations Act 2001

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possible failure, by the person to comply with the Code of

Ethics; and

(d) the person contravenes subsection 921L(4).

Penalty: 30 penalty units.

921N Obligation to notify licensee of failure to comply with Code of


(1) A monitoring body for a compliance scheme that covers a relevant

provider must notify a financial services licensee if:

(a) either:

(i) the monitoring body determines under

subsection 921L(1) that the relevant provider has failed

to comply with the Code of Ethics; or

(ii) the monitoring body imposes a sanction on the relevant

provider in relation to a failure to comply with the Code

of Ethics; and

(b) the relevant provider is authorised by the licensee to provide

personal advice to retail clients in relation to relevant

financial products.

(2) The monitoring body must notify the licensee within 30 days after

making the determination or imposing the sanction.

Note 1: The approval for a compliance scheme may be revoked if the

monitoring body for the scheme does not comply with this section

(see subsection 921K(7)).

Note 2: ASIC must be notified if a monitoring body becomes aware of a

failure, or possible failure, to comply with the Code of Ethics by a

relevant provider, or if a sanction is imposed on a relevant provider

under a compliance scheme (see section 922HD).

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Licensing of providers of financial services Part 7.6

Compliance schemes Division 8B

Section 921P

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Subdivision D—Other provisions

921P Obligation to ensure that compliance scheme is publicly


(1) A monitoring body for a compliance scheme must ensure that the

scheme is publicly available while any approval given under

section 921K is in force in relation to the scheme.


(2) A person commits an offence if:

(a) the person is a monitoring body for a compliance scheme;


(b) an approval given under section 921K is in force in relation

to the scheme; and

(c) the scheme is not publicly available.

Penalty: 30 penalty units.

921Q Obligation to provide ASIC with information

(1) ASIC may request, in writing, a monitoring body for a compliance

scheme to give ASIC any specified information or documents

about the compliance scheme within a reasonable specified period.

(2) The monitoring body must comply with the request within the

period specified.

Note: The approval for a compliance scheme may be revoked if the

monitoring body for the scheme does not comply with this section

(see subsection 921K(7)).

921R Modification of compliance scheme

(1) While an approval given under section 921K is in force in relation

to a compliance scheme, the monitoring body for the scheme may,

by written notice given to ASIC, propose to modify the scheme.

(2) The notice must:

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Part 7.6 Licensing of providers of financial services

Division 8B Compliance schemes

Section 921S

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(a) set out the text of the proposed modification; and

(b) contain an explanation of the purpose of the proposed


Disallowance of modification

(3) Within the 28-day period beginning on the day ASIC receives the

notice, ASIC may, by written notice given to the monitoring body,

disallow all or a specified part of the proposed modification if

ASIC is satisfied on reasonable grounds that:

(a) compliance with the Code of Ethics will not be appropriately

monitored or enforced under the scheme as modified; or

(b) if the proposed modification is a new monitoring body for the

scheme—the new monitoring body does not have sufficient

resources or expertise to appropriately monitor or enforce

compliance with the Code of Ethics under the scheme.

Effect of disallowance

(4) If ASIC disallows the proposed modification within the 28-day

period, the proposed modification does not take effect.

(5) If ASIC disallows a specified part of the proposed modification

within the 28-day period:

(a) the specified part does not take effect; and

(b) the proposed modification without the specified part takes

effect at the end of the period.

No disallowance

(6) Otherwise, the proposed modification takes effect at the end of the

28-day period.

921S Obligation to review compliance scheme

(1) A monitoring body for a compliance scheme must cause another

person to complete a review of the scheme before the end of:

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Compliance schemes Division 8B

Section 921T

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(a) the 5-year period beginning on the day ASIC approves the

scheme under section 921K; and

(b) each subsequent 5-year period.

(2) The other person mentioned in subsection (1) must not be:

(a) an associate of the monitoring body; or

(b) a person covered by the scheme; or

(c) if a relevant provider covered by the scheme is authorised to

provide personal advice to retail clients, on behalf of a

financial services licensee, in relation to relevant financial

products—the licensee; or

(d) if a relevant provider covered by the scheme is a member of a

professional association—the professional association.

(3) As soon as reasonably practical after the review has been

completed, the monitoring body must:

(a) make the review publicly available; and

(b) give a copy of the review to ASIC.

921T Obligation to notify ASIC of changes to monitoring body

A monitoring body for a compliance scheme must notify ASIC if

the monitoring body significantly reduces the resources or

expertise that it uses to monitor or enforce compliance with the

Code of Ethics under the scheme.

Note: The approval for a compliance scheme may be revoked if the

monitoring body for the scheme does not comply with this section

(see subsection 921K(7)).

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.6 Licensing of providers of financial services

Division 8C The standards body

Section 921U

362 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 8C—The standards body

Subdivision A—Functions of the standards body

921U Functions of the standards body

(1) The functions of the standards body are:

(a) to make the legislative instruments mentioned in

subsections (2), (3) and (5); and

(b) to review those instruments regularly; and

(c) if an application is made under subsection 921V(1) for

approval of a foreign qualification—to approve, or refuse to

approve, the foreign qualification; and

(d) if an exam approved for the purposes of subsection 921B(3)

is to be administered by the standards body—to administer

the exam; and

(e) any other function prescribed by this Act.

Legislative instruments

(2) The standards body must, by legislative instrument:

(a) do any or all of the following in one or more determinations:

(i) approve bachelor or higher degrees, or equivalent

qualifications, for the purposes of

paragraph 921B(2)(a);

(ii) approve an exam for the purposes of

subsection 921B(3);

(iii) set requirements for work and training for the purposes

of subsection 921B(4);

(iv) set requirements for continuing professional

development for the purposes of subsection 921B(5) in

relation to the CPD year of a financial services licensee,

the period mentioned in subsection 1546E(5), or any

other period determined by the standards body;

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Licensing of providers of financial services Part 7.6

The standards body Division 8C

Section 921U

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(v) specify a word or expression to refer to a provisional

relevant provider; and

(b) make a Code of Ethics for the purposes of section 921E.

(3) The standards body may, by legislative instrument, in one or more

determinations, modify the operation of a provision in this Part in

relation to a period determined by the standards body under

subparagraph (2)(a)(iv).

(4) A determination made under subsection (3) has effect according to

its terms, despite any other provision of this Act.

(5) The standards body may, by legislative instrument, do either or

both of the following in one or more determinations:

(a) provide further in relation to the requirements set out in

section 921F (requirements relating to provisional relevant


(b) set other requirements in relation to a person who is a

provisional relevant provider.


(6) Before making a legislative instrument under subsection (2), (3) or

(5), or when reviewing a legislative instrument under

paragraph (1)(b), the standards body must consult:

(a) financial services licensees; and

(b) relevant providers; and

(c) associations representing consumers of financial services;


(d) professional associations; and

(e) ASIC and the Department; and

(f) any other person or body that the standards body considers it

appropriate to consult.

(7) Without limiting subsection (6), the standards body is taken to

have consulted the persons and bodies mentioned in that subsection

if, on its website, the standards body:

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Section 921V

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(a) before making a legislative instrument under subsection (2),

(3) or (5):

(i) makes the proposed legislative instrument, or a

description of the content of the proposed legislative

instrument, available; and

(ii) invites those persons and bodies to comment on the

proposed legislative instrument; or

(b) when reviewing a legislative instrument under

paragraph (1)(b)—invites those persons and bodies to

comment on the legislative instrument.

(8) A failure to comply with subsection (6) does not affect the validity

or enforceability of a legislative instrument made under

subsection (2), (3) or (5).


(9) The standards body may charge fees for things done in performing

its functions.

Note: For the treatment of legislative instruments made under this section

when the declaration of a body corporate to be the standards body is

revoked, see section 921Y.

921V Approval of foreign qualifications

Application for approval

(1) A person who has completed a foreign qualification may apply to

the standards body for approval of the foreign qualification.

(2) An application under subsection (1) must be in a form approved, in

writing, by the standards body.

Approval or refusal to approve

(3) The standards body must either:

(a) approve the foreign qualification in accordance with

subsection (4); or

(b) refuse to approve the foreign qualification.

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The standards body Division 8C

Section 921V

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(4) The standards body may approve the foreign qualification only if:

(a) the standards body is satisfied that the foreign qualification

gives the person qualifications equivalent to a degree or

qualification approved by the standards body for the purposes

of paragraph 921B(2)(a); or

(b) both of the following apply:

(i) the standards body specifies one or more courses to be

completed by the person under subsection (5) of this


(ii) the person completes each of those courses.

(5) The standards body may specify one or more courses for the

purposes of paragraph (4)(b) only if the standards body is satisfied

that (together with the person’s foreign qualification) the course or

courses will give the person qualifications equivalent to a degree or

qualification approved by the standards body for the purposes of

paragraph 921B(2)(a).

When approval takes effect

(6) An approval under paragraph (3)(a) comes into force:

(a) if the standards body specifies one or more courses to be

completed by the person under subsection (5)—when the

person has completed all of those courses; or

(b) otherwise—when it is given.

Review of decision

(7) A person may apply to the Tribunal for review of:

(a) a decision by the standards body under paragraph (3)(b) to

refuse to approve the person’s foreign qualification; or

(b) a decision by the standards body under subsection (5) to

specify one or more courses to be completed by the person.

Notice of reviewable decision and review rights

(8) Section 1317D applies in relation to a decision mentioned in

paragraph (7)(a) or (b) of this section as if:

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Division 8C The standards body

Section 921W

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(a) the standards body were a decision maker for the purposes of

section 1317D; and

(b) the decision were a decision to which section 1317B applied.

921W Commencement of Code of Ethics and amendments of Code

of Ethics

(1) The Code of Ethics must not commence earlier than 30 days after

the Code is registered under the Legislation Act 2003.

(2) An amendment of the Code of Ethics must not commence earlier

than 30 days after the amendment is registered under the

Legislation Act 2003.

Subdivision B—Declaration of the standards body

921X Minister to declare a body corporate to be the standards body

(1) The Minister may (subject to subsection (2)), by notifiable

instrument, declare a body corporate to be the standards body.

(2) The Minister may make a declaration under subsection (1) only if

the following requirements are met:

(a) the body is a company limited by guarantee;

(b) the Minister is satisfied that the body is likely to comply with

its obligations under this Act and other laws of the


(c) the body’s constitution provides the following:

(i) the functions of the body mentioned in section 921U;

(ii) the body must not be operated for profit;

(iii) the body must have 9 directors;

(iv) at least 3 directors (excluding the chair of the board of

directors) must have experience in carrying on a

financial services business or providing a financial


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Section 921Y

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(v) at least 3 directors (excluding the chair of the board of

directors) must have experience in representing

consumers of financial services;

(vi) at least one director (excluding the chair of the board of

directors) must have experience in the field of ethics;

(vii) at least one director (excluding the chair of the board of

directors) must have experience in designing, or the

requirements of, educational courses or qualifications;

(viii) a director must not hold a managerial or executive

office in a professional association or association

representing consumers of financial services;

(ix) a director must not represent any professional

association, or association representing consumers of

financial services, to which the director belongs;

(x) the Minister must appoint each director;

(xi) a director may resign his or her appointment by giving

the Minister, and the body, a written resignation;

(xii) the resignation takes effect on the day it has been

received by both the Minister and the body or, if a later

day is specified in the resignation, on that later day.

(3) The declaration must specify the time at which it takes effect.

(4) The Minister must table the declaration in each House of the

Parliament as soon as practicable.

921Y Minister may revoke declaration under section 921X

(1) The Minister may, at any time, by notifiable instrument, revoke a

declaration under section 921X.

(2) The revocation must specify:

(a) the time at which it takes effect; and

(b) which legislative instruments made by the standards body

under subsection 921U(2), (3) or (5) continue in force, and

which are taken to be revoked at that time; and

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Section 921Y

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(c) which approvals (if any) given by the standards body under

paragraph 921V(3)(a) continue in force (or are to come into

and continue in force), and which are taken to be revoked at

that time.

(3) A revocation under subsection (1) that specifies that a legislative

instrument, or an approval, is taken to be revoked at a particular

time has effect according to its terms.

Tabling of revocation

(4) The Minister must table the revocation in each House of the

Parliament as soon as practicable.

Performance by Minister of certain functions of standards body

when no declaration is in force

(5) If no declaration under section 921X is in force at a particular time,

the Minister may make a legislative instrument or decision as if the

Minister were performing the functions of the standards body

under paragraph 921U(1)(a) or (c).

Instruments and decisions made by Minister etc.

(6) If a declaration under section 921X comes into force after the

Minister has made a legislative instrument or decision for the

purposes of subsection (5) of this section, the standards body may

vary or revoke the legislative instrument or decision.

Relationship with Acts Interpretation Act 1901

(7) This section does not limit the operation of subsection 33(3) of the

Acts Interpretation Act 1901.

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Section 921Z

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Subdivision C—Other provisions relating to the standards body

921Z Modification of the standards body’s constitution

(1) As soon as practicable after a significant modification of the

standards body’s constitution takes effect, the standards body must

notify the Minister in writing of the modification.

(2) The notice must:

(a) set out the text of the modification; and

(b) specify the date on which the modification takes effect; and

(c) contain an explanation of the purpose of the modification.

(3) If no notice is lodged with the Minister within 21 days after the

modification takes effect, the modification ceases to have effect.

(4) A notice made under this section is not a legislative instrument.

921ZA Disallowance of modifications of the standards body’s


(1) Within 28 days after receiving a notice under section 921Z, the

Minister may disallow all or a specified part of the modification of

the standards body’s constitution.

(2) As soon as practicable after all or part of a modification is

disallowed, the Minister must give notice of the disallowance to

the standards body. The modification ceases to have effect, to the

extent of the disallowance, when the standards body receives the


921ZB Minister may direct the standards body to do certain things

(1) The Minister may give a written direction to the standards body if

the Minister considers that the standards body is not complying

with its obligations under this Act or under any arrangement it has

with the Commonwealth.

(2) The standards body must comply with the direction.

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Section 921ZC

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(3) The Minister may, at any time, vary or revoke a direction.

(4) Despite paragraph (b) in the definition of director in section 9, the

Minister is not a director of the standards body.

921ZC Annual report

As soon as practicable after the end of a financial year, the

standards body must:

(a) publish on its website the annual report for the financial year

prepared under Chapter 2M; and

(b) give a copy of the report to the Minister.

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Registers relating to financial services Division 9

Section 922A

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Division 9—Registers relating to financial services

Subdivision A—Registers generally

922A Registers relating to financial services

(1) ASIC must establish and maintain one or more registers relating to

financial services.

(2) The regulations may prescribe the way in which the register or

registers must be established or maintained, including the details

that ASIC must enter in the register or registers in respect of the

following persons or bodies:

(a) financial services licensees;

(b) authorised representatives of financial services licensees;

(c) persons against whom a banning order or disqualification

order under Division 8 is made;

(e) any other persons or bodies that are prescribed by regulations

made for the purposes of this paragraph.

Note: The Register of Relevant Providers is maintained under Subdivision C

of this Division.

922B Fees for searching registers

The regulations may prescribe the fees that a person must pay to

ASIC to do the things mentioned in section 1274A in relation to a

register mentioned in section 922A or the Register of Relevant


Note: Section 1274A provides that ASIC may permit a person to search

certain registers kept by ASIC for prescribed information.

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Division 9 Registers relating to financial services

Section 922D

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Subdivision B—Notice requirements relating to the Register of

Relevant Providers

922D Obligation to notify ASIC about a person who becomes a

relevant provider

Notice to include details about relevant provider

(1) A notice must be lodged under this section, in accordance with

section 922L, if a person becomes a relevant provider.

Note: A financial services licensee required to lodge a notice under this

section may obtain information from a relevant provider under

section 922N.

Content of notice

(2) The notice must include:

(a) for a relevant provider who is a financial services licensee—

the information in section 922E; or

(b) for a relevant provider who is not a financial services

licensee—the information in section 922F.

922E Information about a relevant provider who is a financial

services licensee

(1) For the purposes of paragraph 922D(2)(a), the notice must include

the following:

(a) the relevant provider’s name;

(b) the address of the relevant provider’s principal place of


(c) the licence number given to the relevant provider under

subsection 913C(1);

(d) the year in which the relevant provider first provided

personal advice to retail clients in relation to relevant

financial products in accordance with the law (including the

law of a State or Territory);

(e) if applicable, the ABN of the relevant provider;

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Section 922F

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(f) information about both of the following:

(i) the relevant financial products in relation to which the

relevant provider is authorised to provide personal

advice to retail clients;

(ii) whether the relevant provider is authorised to provide

class of product advice in relation to some or all of

those products;

(g) the recent advising history of the relevant provider for the 5

years ending immediately before the time the notice is


(h) information about both of the following:

(i) the educational qualifications of, and any training

courses completed by, the relevant provider, to the

extent that the qualifications and training courses are

relevant to the provision of financial services;

(ii) the relevant provider’s membership (if any) of a

professional association if an approval is in force under

section 921K in relation to a compliance scheme

monitored and enforced by the association;

(i) the name of the compliance scheme that is to cover the

relevant provider.

Note: For the meaning of recent advising history, see section 922G.

Educational qualifications and memberships

(2) For the purposes of subparagraph (1)(h)(i), if a relevant provider

has more than 5 educational qualifications or has completed more

than 5 training courses, the notice must include the 5 qualifications

or training courses that the person lodging the notice believes, on

reasonable grounds, are most relevant to the provision of financial


922F Information about a relevant provider who is not a financial

services licensee

(1) For the purposes of paragraph 922D(2)(b), the notice must include

the following:

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Section 922F

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(a) the relevant provider’s name;

(b) the address of the relevant provider’s principal place of


(c) the relevant provider’s date and place of birth;

(d) the name of the financial services licensee on whose behalf

the relevant provider is authorised to provide personal advice

to retail clients in relation to relevant financial products;

(e) the licence number given to that licensee under

subsection 913C(1);

(f) if the relevant provider is a provisional relevant provider—

the fact that the relevant provider is a provisional relevant


(g) if the relevant provider is a provisional relevant provider—

the day the relevant provider began undertaking work and

training in accordance with subsection 921B(4);

(h) except in relation to provisional relevant providers—the year

in which the relevant provider first provided personal advice

to retail clients in relation to relevant financial products in

accordance with the law (including the law of a State or


(i) if the relevant provider is a relevant provider as a result of

section 916B—each of the following:

(i) the name of the authorised representative who

authorised the relevant provider under that section;

(ii) the number allocated to the authorised representative by


(j) if applicable, the ABN of any of the following:

(i) the relevant provider;

(ii) the licensee referred to in paragraph (d);

(iii) the authorised representative referred to in

paragraph (i);

(k) details of both of the following:

(i) the relevant financial products in relation to which the

relevant provider is authorised to provide personal

advice to retail clients;

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Section 922F

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(ii) whether the relevant provider is authorised to provide

class of product advice in relation to some or all of

those products;

(l) the recent advising history of the relevant provider for the 5

years ending immediately before the time the notice is


(m) information about both of the following:

(i) the educational qualifications of, and any training

courses completed by, the relevant provider, to the

extent that the qualifications and training courses are

relevant to the provision of financial services;

(ii) the relevant provider’s membership (if any) of a

professional association if an approval is in force under

section 921K in relation to a compliance scheme

monitored and enforced by the association;

(n) the name of the compliance scheme that is to cover the

relevant provider.

Note: For the meaning of recent advising history, see section 922G.

Educational qualifications and memberships

(2) For the purposes of subparagraph (1)(m)(i), if a relevant provider

has more than 5 educational qualifications or has completed more

than 5 training courses, the notice must include the 5 qualifications

or training courses that the person lodging the notice believes, on

reasonable grounds, are most relevant to the provision of financial


Information already registered

(3) The notice does not need to include the information referred to in

paragraph (1)(h), (l) or (m) if:

(a) the person required under subsection 922L(4) to cause the

notice to be lodged believes on reasonable grounds that the

information has previously been lodged; or

(b) the information is already entered on the Register of Relevant


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Section 922G

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Provisional relevant providers

(4) The notice does not need to include the information referred to in

paragraph (1)(k) in relation to a provisional relevant provider if

that information is not known at the time the notice relating to the

provisional relevant provider is lodged by the licensee.

Note: A notice must be lodged under section 922H once this information is


922G Meaning of recent advising history

The recent advising history of a relevant provider is the following


(a) for a relevant provider who is or was a financial services

licensee authorised to provide personal advice to retail clients

in relation to relevant financial products—each period during

which the relevant provider was such a licensee;

(b) for a relevant provider who is or was authorised to provide

personal advice to retail clients, on behalf of one or more

financial services licensees, in relation to relevant financial

products—the following information:

(i) the name of each licensee;

(ii) if the relevant provider is or was a relevant provider as a

result of section 916B—the name of each authorised

representative who authorised the relevant provider

under that section;

(iii) each period during which the relevant provider was

authorised by each licensee or each authorised

representative to provide such advice.

Note: If a relevant provider is covered by paragraphs (a) and (b) of this

section, the relevant provider’s recent advising history includes all the

information required under those paragraphs.

922H Ongoing obligation to notify ASIC when there is a change in a

matter for a relevant provider

(1) A notice must be lodged under this section, in accordance with

section 922L, if:

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Section 922HA

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(a) there is a change in a matter, particulars of which are entered

for a relevant provider in the Register of Relevant Providers

(other than a change that is a direct consequence of an act by

ASIC); or

(b) both of the following apply:

(i) a notice is lodged under section 922D in relation to a

relevant provider by a financial services licensee

without including the information referred to in

paragraph 922F(1)(k);

(ii) the information becomes known to the licensee after the

notice is lodged.

Note: For paragraph (1)(a) of this section, an example of a change in a

matter would be a person ceasing to be a relevant provider. Another

example would be a change in the compliance scheme that covers a

relevant provider.

(2) The notice must include the following information:

(a) the new particulars or information to be entered in the


(b) the relevant provider’s name;

(c) if applicable, the number given to the relevant provider under

section 922R.

922HA Obligation to notify ASIC of financial services licensee’s

CPD year

(1) A notice must be lodged under this subsection, in accordance with

section 922L, if ASIC grants an applicant an Australian financial

services licence that covers the provision of personal advice to

retail clients in relation to relevant financial products.

(2) A notice lodged under subsection (1) must include the day on

which the licensee’s CPD year is to begin.

(3) A notice must be lodged under this subsection, in accordance with

section 922L, if a financial services licensee:

(a) has previously lodged a notice under subsection (1) or this

subsection specifying a particular day of the year; and

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Section 922HB

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(b) decides that the licensee’s CPD year is to begin on another

day of the year; and

(c) has not lodged a notice under subsection (1) or this

subsection in the 12-month period preceding that decision.

(4) A notice lodged under subsection (3) must include the day on

which the licensee’s CPD year is to begin.

922HB Obligation to notify ASIC of non-compliance with

continuing professional development standard

(1) A notice must be lodged under this section, in accordance with

section 922L, in relation to a person if, at the end of a financial

services licensee’s CPD year:

(a) the person:

(i) is the licensee; or

(ii) is authorised to provide personal advice to retail clients,

on behalf of the licensee, in relation to relevant financial

products; and

(b) the person is a relevant provider; and

(c) the relevant provider has not complied with section 921D

during the licensee’s CPD year.

Note 1: A financial services licensee may obtain information from a relevant

provider under section 922N for the purposes of determining whether

to lodge a notice under this section.

Note 2: Subsection 921D(1) requires certain relevant providers to meet the

continuing professional development standard in subsection 921B(5).

(2) The notice must state that the relevant provider has not complied

with section 921D during the licensee’s CPD year.

922HC Requirement to retain information

(1) A financial services licensee must retain evidence of the continuing

professional development undertaken during the licensee’s CPD

year by:

(a) if the licensee is a relevant provider—the licensee; and

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Section 922HD

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(b) if a relevant provider is authorised to provide personal advice

to retail clients, on behalf of the licensee, in relation to

relevant financial products—the relevant provider.

(2) The evidence must be retained for 12 months after the end of the

CPD year.


(3) A person commits an offence if:

(a) the person is required to retain evidence under this section;


(b) the person fails to retain the evidence in accordance with this


Penalty: 50 penalty units.

922HD Obligation to notify ASIC in relation to failures to comply

with the Code of Ethics

(1) A notice must be lodged under this subsection, in accordance with

section 922L, if:

(a) a monitoring body for a compliance scheme determines

under subsection 921L(1) that a relevant provider covered by

the scheme has failed to comply with the Code of Ethics; or

(b) a sanction is imposed on a relevant provider covered by a

compliance scheme in relation to a failure to comply with the

Code of Ethics by the relevant provider.

(2) The notice must include the following information:

(a) if the relevant provider is a financial services licensee—the

name of the licensee;

(b) if the relevant provider is not a financial services licensee:

(i) the name of the relevant provider; and

(ii) the name of the financial services licensee on whose

behalf the relevant provider is authorised to provide

personal advice to retail clients in relation to relevant

financial products;

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Division 9 Registers relating to financial services

Section 922J

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(c) if paragraph (1)(a) applies—details of the failure to comply;

(d) if paragraph (1)(b) applies—details of the sanction imposed.

(3) If, in relation to the same failure to comply, the events mentioned

in paragraphs (1)(a) and (b) occur within 30 business days of one


(a) a single notice may be lodged under subsection (1) within 30

business days of the later of those events; and

(b) only one notice is taken to be required to be caused to be

lodged for the purposes of subsection 922M(1).

922J Obligation to notify ASIC about a person who starts to have

control of a body corporate licensee

(1) A notice must be lodged under this section, in accordance with

section 922L, if a person starts to have control of a body corporate


Note: Subsection 922P(3) provides that a notice is not required to be lodged

when a person starts and then ceases to have control of a body

corporate licensee within 30 business days.

(2) The notice must include the following information:

(a) the name of the licensee;

(b) the licence number given to the licensee under

subsection 913C(1);

(c) the name of the person who starts to have control of the


(d) the day the person starts to have control of the licensee.

922K Obligation to notify ASIC about a person who ceases to have

control of a body corporate licensee

(1) A notice must be lodged under this section, in accordance with

section 922L, if a person ceases to have control of a body corporate


Note: Subsection 922P(3) provides that a notice is not required to be lodged

when a person starts and then ceases to have control of a body

corporate licensee within 30 business days.

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Registers relating to financial services Division 9

Section 922L

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(2) The notice must include the following information:

(a) the name of the licensee;

(b) the licence number given to the licensee under

subsection 913C(1);

(c) the name of the person who ceases to have control of the


(d) the day the person ceases to have control of the licensee.

922L Requirement for notice to be lodged

Notice in prescribed form

(1) A notice under a notice provision must be in the prescribed form.

Note 1: Under section 350, a document that this Act requires to be lodged with

ASIC in a prescribed form must:

(a) if a form for the document is prescribed in the regulations—be in that prescribed form; and

(b) if a form for the document is not prescribed in the regulations but ASIC has approved a form for the document—be in that approved form.

Note 2: The prescribed form may deal with information that is required under

more than one section of this Act.

When notice must be lodged

(2) A notice under a notice provision must be lodged within 30

business days of the following day:

(a) if the notice is lodged under subsection 922HA(1)—the day

ASIC grants the Australian financial services licence

mentioned in that subsection;

(b) if the notice is lodged under subsection 922HA(3)—the day

the financial services licensee mentioned in that subsection

decides that the licensee’s CPD year is to begin on another

day of the year;

(c) if the notice is lodged under subsection 922HB(1)—the last

day of the CPD year of the financial services licensee

mentioned in that subsection;

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Division 9 Registers relating to financial services

Section 922M

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(d) if the notice is lodged under subsection 922HD(1)—(subject

to subsection 922HD(3)) the day the monitoring body

mentioned in subsection 922HD(1) determines under

subsection 921L(1) that a relevant provider has failed to

comply with the Code of Ethics or a sanction is imposed;

(e) if the notice is lodged under any other notice provision—the

day of the event mentioned in subsection (1) of the notice


(3) The information contained in the notice must be accurate as at the

day mentioned in paragraph (2)(a), (b), (c), (d) or (e).

Who must cause notice to be lodged

(4) The following person must cause a notice under section 922D,

922H or 922HB to be lodged in relation to a relevant provider:

(a) if the relevant provider is a financial services licensee—the


(b) otherwise—the financial services licensee on whose behalf

the relevant provider is authorised to provide personal advice

to retail clients in relation to relevant financial products.

(5) A notice under subsection 922HA(1) or (3) must be lodged by the

financial services licensee mentioned in that section.

(6) A notice under section 922HD must be lodged by the monitoring

body mentioned in subsection 922HD(1).

(7) A notice under section 922J or 922K relating to a person who starts

or ceases to have control of a body corporate licensee must be

lodged by the licensee.

922M Failing to comply with obligation to notify ASIC

Failing to comply with obligation to notify ASIC

(1) A person contravenes this subsection if:

(a) the person is required to cause a notice to be lodged under a

notice provision; and

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Registers relating to financial services Division 9

Section 922M

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(b) the person fails to cause the notice to be lodged in accordance

with that provision.

Note: A notice must be lodged in accordance with section 922L in order to

be lodged in accordance with a notice provision (see subsection (1) of

the notice provision).

(2) However, subsection (1) does not apply if:

(a) the person fails to cause the notice to be lodged in accordance

with section 922D; and

(b) the only reason the person fails to cause the notice to be

lodged in accordance with that section is because the

information referred to in paragraph 922F(1)(h), (l) or (m) is

not included in the notice; and

(c) subsection 922F(3) provides that the notice does not need to

include that information.

Note: In criminal proceedings, a defendant bears an evidential burden in

relation to the matter in subsection (2) (see subsection 13.3(3) of the

Criminal Code).

Fault-based offence

(3) A person commits an offence if the person contravenes

subsection (1).

(4) Subsection 4K(2) of the Crimes Act 1914 does not apply to

subsection (1) of this section.

Note: A person may commit an offence if the person knowingly gives false

or misleading information (see section 1308 of this Act and

section 137.1 of the Criminal Code).

Civil liability

(5) A person contravenes this subsection if the person contravenes

subsection (1).

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

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Division 9 Registers relating to financial services

Section 922N

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922N Obligation for relevant providers to provide information to

financial services licensees

Information about relevant provider

(1) A person must provide information to a financial services licensee

in accordance with this section if:

(a) the person is a relevant provider; and

(b) the person has been authorised to provide personal advice to

retail clients, on behalf of the licensee, in relation to relevant

financial products; and

(c) the licensee has asked the person to provide the information

so that the licensee can:

(i) comply with its obligation to lodge a notice relating to

the person in accordance with section 922D; or

(ii) comply with its obligation to lodge, under section 922H,

a notice relating to the person for the purposes of

section 921H; or

(iii) determine whether the licensee has an obligation to

lodge a notice under section 922HB.

Note: A person may commit an offence if the person knowingly gives false

or misleading information (see section 1308 of this Act and

section 137.1 of the Criminal Code).

When information must be given

(2) The information must be given to the licensee within a period that

allows the licensee to comply with the obligation referred to in

paragraph (1)(c).

922P Change in matter within 30 business days

(1) Notices must be given under sections 922D, 922H and 922HD in

relation to a person who was a relevant provider even if the person

ceases to be a relevant provider before a notice has been lodged

under section 922D.

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Registers relating to financial services Division 9

Section 922Q

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(2) A notice is not required to be given under section 922HB in

relation to a person if:

(a) the person was a relevant provider at the end of a financial

services licensee’s CPD year; and

(b) the person was authorised at that time to provide personal

advice to retail clients, on behalf of the licensee, in relation to

relevant financial products; and

(c) the person ceases to be a relevant provider within 30 business

days of becoming a relevant provider.

(3) A notice is not required to be given under sections 922J and 922K

in relation to a person who starts or ceases to have control of a

body corporate licensee if the person ceases to have control of the

licensee within 30 business days of starting to have control of the


Subdivision C—Register of Relevant Providers

922Q Register of Relevant Providers

Register to include details of relevant providers

(1) ASIC must enter details on a Register of Relevant Providers in

respect of each person who is or was a relevant provider.

Contents of Register

(2) The details that must be entered on the Register include the


(a) the relevant provider’s name;

(b) the relevant provider’s principal place of business;

(c) the name of each financial services licensee on whose behalf

the relevant provider is or was authorised to provide personal

advice to retail clients in relation to relevant financial


(d) if applicable, each person who has control of the licensee;

(e) the relevant provider’s date and place of birth;

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Division 9 Registers relating to financial services

Section 922Q

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(f) the licence number given under subsection 913C(1) to the

relevant provider and each licensee referred to in

paragraph (c);

(g) if applicable, the number given under section 922R;

(h) if the relevant provider is a relevant provider as a result of

section 916B:

(i) the name of the authorised representative who

authorised the relevant provider under that section; and

(ii) the number allocated to the authorised representative by


(i) the recent advising history of the relevant provider;

(j) if the relevant provider is a provisional relevant provider:

(i) the fact that the relevant provider is a provisional

relevant provider; and

(ii) the day the relevant provider began undertaking work

and training in accordance with subsection 921B(4); and

(iii) a statement that the relevant provider is required to be

supervised in accordance with Subdivision C of

Division 8A;

(k) except in relation to provisional relevant providers—the year

in which the relevant provider first provided personal advice

to retail clients in relation to relevant financial products in

accordance with the law (including the law of a State or


(l) whether the person is currently, or has ceased to be, a

relevant provider;

(m) if a financial services licensee has lodged a notice under

section 922HB in relation to the relevant provider—that the

relevant provider did not comply with section 921D during

the licensee’s CPD year;

(n) if the relevant provider has been disqualified from managing

corporations—information contained on the register

established under section 1274AA;

(o) if the relevant provider has been banned or disqualified under

section 80 or 86 of the National Consumer Credit Protection

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Section 922Q

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Act 2009—information about that banning or


(p) if the relevant provider has been banned, disqualified or

suspended under Division 8 of Part 7.6, or under

section 130F of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision)

Act 1993—information about that banning, disqualification

or suspension;

(q) if the relevant provider has given an undertaking under either

or both section 93AA of the ASIC Act and section 322 of the

National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009—information

about that undertaking;

(r) if a monitoring body for a compliance scheme determines

under subsection 921L(1) that the relevant provider who is

covered by the scheme has failed to comply with the Code of


(i) details of the failure to comply; and

(ii) details of any sanction imposed on the relevant provider

in relation to the failure to comply;

(s) if applicable, information about both of the following:

(i) the relevant financial products in relation to which the

relevant provider is authorised to provide personal

advice to retail clients;

(ii) whether the relevant provider is authorised to provide

class of product advice in relation to some or all of

those products;

(t) if applicable, the ABN of any of the following:

(i) the relevant provider;

(ii) each licensee referred to in paragraph (c);

(iii) if applicable, the authorised representative referred to in

paragraph (h);

(u) information about both of the following:

(i) the educational qualifications of, and any training

courses completed by, the relevant provider (but not

courses completed for the purposes of

subsection 921B(5)), to the extent that the qualifications

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Division 9 Registers relating to financial services

Section 922R

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and training courses are relevant to the provision of

financial services;

(ii) the relevant provider’s membership (if any) of a

professional association if an approval is in force under

section 921K in relation to a compliance scheme

monitored and enforced by the association;

(v) the name of the compliance scheme that is to cover the

relevant provider;

(w) any other information that ASIC believes should be included

in the Register that relates to the provision of financial

services by the relevant provider.

Note 1: Not all of the Register’s contents are publicly available. However,

section 1274A provides that ASIC may permit a person to search

certain registers kept by ASIC for prescribed information.

Note 2: Information in paragraph (2)(s) may not be known in relation to a

provisional relevant provider (see subsection 922F(4)).

922R Relevant provider number

ASIC may give a unique number (or any unique combination of

numbers, characters, symbols and letters) to a person who is a

relevant provider.

922S Correcting the Register

ASIC may correct any error in, or omission from, the Register of

Relevant Providers.

Note: Australian Privacy Principle 13 applies to ASIC and requires it to take

reasonable steps to correct personal information that is wrong or

misleading so that the information is accurate, up to date, complete,

relevant and not misleading (see Schedule 1 to the Privacy Act 1988).

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Licensing of providers of financial services Part 7.6

Restrictions on use of terminology Division 10

Section 923A

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Division 10—Restrictions on use of terminology

923A Restriction on use of certain words or expressions

(1) A person contravenes this subsection if:

(a) either:

(i) the person carries on a financial services business or

provides a financial service (whether or not on behalf of

another person); or

(ii) another person (the provider) provides a financial

service on behalf of the first person; and

(b) the first person assumes or uses, in this jurisdiction, a

restricted word or expression in relation to that business or


Note 1: For the meanings of restricted word or expression and assume or use,

see subsection (5).

Note 2: A contravention of this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) However, it is not a contravention of subsection (1) for a person to

assume or use a restricted word or expression if:

(a) the person does not receive any of the following:

(i) commissions (apart from commissions that are rebated

in full to the person’s clients);

(ii) forms of remuneration calculated on the basis of the

volume of business placed by the person with an issuer

of a financial product;

(iii) other gifts or benefits from an issuer of a financial

product which may reasonably be expected to influence

the person; and

(b) none of the following persons receives any of the things

covered by paragraph (a):

(i) the person’s employer (if any);

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Division 10 Restrictions on use of terminology

Section 923A

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(ii) if the person provides the financial service on behalf of

another person (as mentioned in

subparagraph (1)(a)(i))—that other person;

(iii) any other person identified (whether by reference to a

class of person or otherwise) in regulations made for the

purposes of this subparagraph; and

(c) if subparagraph (1)(a)(ii) applies in relation to a financial

service—the provider mentioned in that subparagraph does

not receive any of the things mentioned in paragraph (a) of

this subsection in respect of the provision of that service; and

(d) in carrying on a financial services business, or providing

financial services, the person operates free from direct or

indirect restrictions relating to the financial products in

respect of which they provide financial services; and

(e) in carrying on that business, or providing those services, the

person operates without any conflicts of interest that might:

(i) arise from their associations or relationships with

issuers of financial products; and

(ii) reasonably be expected to influence the person in

carrying on the business or providing the services.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

subsection (2). See subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

(3) The reference in paragraph (2)(d) to direct or indirect restrictions

does not include a reference to restrictions imposed on a person by:

(a) the conditions on an Australian financial services licence; or

(b) this Chapter or regulations made for the purposes of this


(4) If a person assumes or uses a word or expression in circumstances

that give rise to the person committing an offence based on

subsection (1) of this section, the person is guilty of such an

offence in respect of:

(a) the first day on which the offence is committed; and

(b) each subsequent day (if any) on which the circumstances that

gave rise to the person committing the offence continue

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Section 923B

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(including the day of conviction for any such offence or any

later day).

(5) In this section:

(a) a reference to a restricted word or expression is a reference


(i) the word independent, impartial or unbiased; or

(ii) any other word or expression specified in the

regulations as a restricted word or expression for the

purposes of this section; or

(iii) any other word or expression (whether or not in

English) that is of like import to a word or expression

covered by any of the previous subparagraphs; and

(b) a reference to a word or expression being assumed or used

includes a reference to the word or expression being assumed

or used:

(i) as part of another word or expression; or

(ii) in combination with other words, letters or other


923B Restriction on use of certain words or expressions unless

authorised in licence conditions

(1) A person contravenes this subsection if:

(a) the person carries on a financial services business or provides

a financial service (whether or not on behalf of another

person); and

(b) the person assumes or uses, in this jurisdiction, a restricted

word or expression in relation to that business or service; and

(c) the person is not authorised, by the conditions on an

Australian financial services licence held by the person, or by

a person in relation to whom they are a representative, to

assume or use that word or expression (see subsection (3)).

Note 1: For the meanings of restricted word or expression and assume or use,

see subsection (4).

Note 2: A contravention of this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

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Division 10 Restrictions on use of terminology

Section 923B

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(2) If a person assumes or uses a word or expression in circumstances

that give rise to the person committing an offence based on

subsection (1), the person is guilty of such an offence in respect of:

(a) the first day on which the offence is committed; and

(b) each subsequent day (if any) on which the circumstances that

gave rise to the person committing the offence continue

(including the day of conviction for any such offence or any

later day).

(3) ASIC can only impose a condition on an Australian financial

services licence authorising a person to assume or use a restricted

word or expression in these circumstances:

(a) in the case of a word or expression covered by

subparagraph (4)(a)(i)—if the person:

(i) can, under the licence, provide a financial service

relating to securities (whether or not the person can

provide other financial services under the licence as

weln( � and

(ii) is a participant in a licensed market whose licence

covers dealings in securities;

(b) in the case of a word or expression covered by

subparagraph (4)(a)(ii)—if the person:

(i) can, under the licence, provide a financial service

relating to derivatives (whether or not the person can

provide other financial services under the licence as

weln( � and

(ii) is a participant in a licensed market whose licence

covers dealings in derivatives;

(c) in the case of a word or expression covered by

subparagraph (4)(a)(iii)—if the person:

(i) can, under the licence, provide a financial service

relating to contracts of insurance (whether or not the

person can provide other financial services under the

licence as weln( � and

(ii) in providing that service, acts on behalf of intending


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Restrictions on use of terminology Division 10

Section 923B

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(d) in the case of a word or expression covered by

subparagraph (4)(a)(iv)—if the person:

(i) can, under the licence, provide a financial service

relating to contracts of general insurance (whether or

not the person can provide other financial services under

the licence as weln( � and

(ii) in providing that service, acts on behalf of intending


(e) in the case of a word or expression covered by

subparagraph (4)(a)(v)—if the person:

(i) can, under the licence, provide a financial service

relating to contracts of life insurance (whether or not the

person can provide other financial services under the

licence as weln( � and

(ii) in providing that service, acts on behalf of intending


(f) in the case of a word or expression covered by

subparagraph (4)(a)(vi)—in the circumstances (if any) that

are prescribed by regulations made for the purposes of this

paragraph, or after ASIC has considered the matters (if any)

that are so prescribed.

(4) In this section:

(a) a reference to a restricted word or expression is a reference


(i) the expression stockbroker or sharebroker, or any other

word or expression (whether or not in English) that is of

like import to that expression; or

(ii) the expression futures broker, or any other word or

expression (whether or not in English) that is of like

import to that expression; or

(iii) the expression insurance broker or insurance broking,

or any other word or expression (whether or not in

English) that is of like import to that expression; or

(iv) the expression general insurance broker, or any other

word or expression (whether or not in English) that is of

like import to that expression; or

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Part 7.6 Licensing of providers of financial services

Division 10 Restrictions on use of terminology

Section 923C

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(v) the expression life insurance broker, or any other word

or expression (whether or not in English) that is of like

import to that expression; or

(vi) any other expression or word specified in the

regulations as a restricted word or expression for the

purposes of this section, or any other word or expression

(whether or not in English) that is of like import to such

a word or expression; and

(b) a reference to a word or expression being assumed or used

includes a reference to the word or expression being assumed

or used:

(i) as part of another word or expression; or

(ii) in combination with other words, letters or other

symbols; and

(c) contract of insurance and insured have the same meanings

as in Division 4 of Part 7.8.

923C Restriction on use of terms “financial adviser” and “financial


(1) A person contravenes this subsection if:

(a) the person carries on a financial services business or provides

a financial service (whether or not on behalf of another

person); and

(b) the person assumes or uses, in this jurisdiction, a restricted

word or expression in relation to the service; and

(c) any of the following apply:

(i) the person is not a relevant provider;

(ii) the person is a provisional relevant provider;

(iii) the person is a limited-service time-sharing adviser.

Note 1: For the meanings of restricted word or expression and assume or use,

see subsections (8) and (9) of this section.

Note 2: A contravention of this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) A person (the first person) contravenes this subsection if:

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Restrictions on use of terminology Division 10

Section 923C

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(a) the first person carries on a financial services business or

provides a financial service; and

(b) another person provides a financial service on behalf of the

person; and

(c) the first person assumes or uses, in this jurisdiction, a

restricted word or expression in relation to the service; and

(d) any of the following apply:

(i) the first person is not a relevant provider;

(ii) the first person is a provisional relevant provider;

(iii) the first person is a limited-service time-sharing adviser.

Note 1: For the meanings of restricted word or expression and assume or use,

see subsections (8) and (9) of this section.

Note 2: A contravention of this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Advice to wholesale clients

(3) It is not a contravention of subsection (1) for a person to assume or

use a restricted word or expression if:

(a) the person provides advice to wholesale clients; and

(b) the person assumes or uses the restricted word or expression

only in relation to that advice.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

subsection (3). See subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

(4) It is not a contravention of subsection (2) for a person to assume or

use a restricted word or expression if:

(a) another person (the adviser) provides a financial service on

behalf of the person; and

(b) the adviser provides advice to wholesale clients; and

(c) the person assumes or uses the restricted word or expression

only in relation to that advice.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

subsection (4). See subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

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Part 7.6 Licensing of providers of financial services

Division 10 Restrictions on use of terminology

Section 923C

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Advice as employee or director

(5) It is not a contravention of subsection (1) for a person to assume or

use a restricted word or expression if:

(a) the person is an employee or director of a body; and

(b) the person provides advice to the body; and

(c) the person assumes or uses the restricted word or expression

only in relation to that advice.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

subsection (5). See subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

(6) It is not a contravention of subsection (2) for a person to assume or

use a restricted word or expression if:

(a) another person (the adviser) is an employee or director of a

body; and

(b) the adviser provides advice to the body; and

(c) the person assumes or uses the restricted word or expression

only in relation to that advice.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

subsection (6). See subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

Continuing contravention

(7) If a person assumes or uses a word or expression in circumstances

that give rise to the person committing an offence under

subsection (1) or (2), the person commits the offence in respect of:

(a) the first day on which the offence is committed; and

(b) each subsequent day (if any) on which the circumstances that

gave rise to the person committing the offence continue

(including the day of conviction for any such offence or any

later day).

References to restricted word or expression

(8) In this section:

(a) a reference to a restricted word or expression is a reference


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Restrictions on use of terminology Division 10

Section 923C

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(i) the expression financial adviser or financial planner;


(ii) any other word or expression specified in the

regulations as a restricted word or expression for the

purposes of this section; or

(iii) any other word or expression (whether or not in

English) that is of like import to a word or expression

covered by any of the previous subparagraphs; and

(b) a reference to a restricted word or expression being assumed

or used includes a reference to the restricted word or

expression being assumed or used:

(i) as part of another word or expression; or

(ii) in combination with other words, letters or other


(9) However, a reference in this section to a restricted word or

expression does not include a reference to a word or expression

mentioned in paragraph (8)(a) if:

(a) the word or expression mentioned in that paragraph is

assumed or used in relation to a provisional relevant

provider; and

(b) the word or expression is assumed or used as part of a word

or expression specified by the standards body for the

purposes of subparagraph 921U(2)(a)(v).

Contravention does not affect compensation arrangements

(10) To avoid doubt, this section does not affect the obligation of a

financial services licensee to have arrangements in place under

section 912B.

Note: Section 912B requires financial services licensees to have in place

compensation arrangements if the licensee provides financial services

to retail clients.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.6 Licensing of providers of financial services

Division 11 Agreements with unlicensed persons relating to the provision of financial


Section 924A

398 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 11—Agreements with unlicensed persons relating

to the provision of financial services

Subdivision A—Agreements affected

924A Agreements with certain unlicensed persons

(1) Subdivision B applies to an agreement entered into by a person (in

this section and Subdivision B called the non-licensee) and another

person (in this section and Subdivision B called the client) (not

being a financial services licensee) that constitutes, or relates to,

the provision of a financial service by the non-licensee if:

(a) the agreement is entered into in the course of a financial

services business carried on by the non-licensee; and

(b) the non-licensee does not hold an Australian financial

services licence covering the provision of the financial

service, and is not exempt from the requirement to hold such

a licence.

Note: It does not matter whether the financial service is provided to the

client as a wholesale client or as a retail client.

(2) Subdivision B applies to the agreement whether or not anyone else

is a party to the agreement.

Subdivision B—Effect on agreements

925A Client may give notice of rescission

(1) Subject to this section, the client may, whether before or after

completion of the agreement, give to the non-licensee a written

notice stating that the client wishes to rescind the agreement.

(2) The client may only give a notice under this section within a

reasonable period after becoming aware of the facts entitling the

client to give the notice.

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Licensing of providers of financial services Part 7.6

Agreements with unlicensed persons relating to the provision of financial services

Division 11

Section 925B

Corporations Act 2001 399

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(3) The client is not entitled to give a notice under this section if the

client engages in conduct by engaging in which the client would, if

the entitlement so to give a notice were a right to rescind the

agreement for misrepresentation by the non-licensee, be taken to

have affirmed the agreement.

(4) The client is not entitled to give a notice under this section if,

within a reasonable period before the agreement was entered into,

the non-licensee informed the client (whether or not in writing) that

the non-licensee did not hold an Australian financial services


(5) If, at a time when an Australian financial services licence held by

the non-licensee was suspended, the non-licensee informed the

client that the licence was suspended, the non-licensee is to be

taken for the purposes of subsection (4) to have informed the client

at that time that the non-licensee did not hold the licence.

(6) None of subsections (2), (3) and (4) limits the generality of either

of the others.

(7) Subject to this section, the client may give a notice under this

section whether or not:

(a) the notice will result under section 925B in rescission of the

agreement; or

(b) the Court will, if the notice so results, be empowered to make

a particular order, or any order at all, under section 925D.

925B Effect of notice under section 925A

A notice given under section 925A rescinds the agreement unless

rescission of the agreement would prejudice a right, or an estate in

property, acquired by a person (other than the non-licensee) in

good faith, for valuable consideration and without notice of the

facts entitling the client to give the notice.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.6 Licensing of providers of financial services

Division 11 Agreements with unlicensed persons relating to the provision of financial


Section 925C

400 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

925C Client may apply to Court for partial rescission

(1) If the client gives a notice under section 925A but the notice does

not rescind the agreement because rescission of it would prejudice

a right or estate of the kind referred to in section 925B, the client

may, within a reasonable period after giving the notice, apply to

the Court for an order under subsection (4) of this section.

(2) The Court may extend the period for making an application under

subsection (1).

(3) If an application is made under subsection (1), the Court may make

such orders expressed to have effect until the determination of the

application as it would have power to make if the notice had

rescinded the agreement under section 925B and the application

were for orders under section 925D.

(4) On an application under subsection (1), the Court may make an


(a) varying the agreement in such a way as to put the client in

the same position, as nearly as can be done without

prejudicing such a right or estate acquired before the order is

made, as if the agreement had not been entered into; and

(b) declaring the agreement to have had effect as so varied at and

after the time when it was originally made.

(5) If the Court makes an order under subsection (4), the agreement is

to be taken for the purposes of section 925D to have been

rescinded under section 925B.

(6) An order under subsection (4) does not affect the application of

section 925F or 925H in relation to the agreement as originally

made or as varied by the order.

925D Court may make consequential orders

(1) Subject to subsection (2), on rescission of the agreement under

section 925B, the Court, on the application of the client or the

non-licensee, may make such order or orders as it would have

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Licensing of providers of financial services Part 7.6

Agreements with unlicensed persons relating to the provision of financial services

Division 11

Section 925E

Corporations Act 2001 401

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power to make if the client had duly rescinded the agreement

because of misrepresentation by the non-licensee.

(2) The Court is not empowered to make a particular order under

subsection (1) if the order would prejudice a right, or an estate in

property, acquired by a person (other than the non-licensee) in

good faith, for valuable consideration and without notice of the

facts entitling the client to give the notice.

925E Agreement unenforceable against client

(1) This section:

(a) applies while both of the following are the case:

(i) the client is entitled to give a notice under section 925A;

(ii) a notice so given will result under section 925B in

rescission of the agreement; and

(b) applies after the agreement is rescinded under section 925B;

but does not otherwise apply.

(2) The non-licensee is not entitled, as against the client:

(a) to enforce the agreement, whether directly or indirectly; or

(b) to rely on the agreement, whether directly or indirectly and

whether by way of defence or otherwise.

925F Non-licensee not entitled to recover commission

(1) Without limiting the generality of section 925E, this section:

(a) applies while the client is entitled to give a notice under

section 925A; and

(b) applies after the client so gives a notice, even if the notice

does not result under section 925B in rescission of the


but does not otherwise apply.

(2) The non-licensee is not entitled to recover by any means

(including, for example, set-off or a claim on a quantum meruit)

any brokerage, commission or other fee for which the client would,

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.6 Licensing of providers of financial services

Division 11 Agreements with unlicensed persons relating to the provision of financial


Section 925G

402 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

but for this section, have been liable to the non-licensee under or in

connection with the agreement.

925G Onus of establishing non-application of section 925E or 925F

For the purposes of determining, in a proceeding in a court,

whether or not the non-licensee is, or was at a particular time,

entitled as mentioned in subsection 925E(2) or 925F(2), it is to be

presumed, unless the contrary is proved, that section 925E or 925F,

as the case may be, applies, or applied at that time, as the case may


925H Client may recover commission paid to non-licensee

(1) Without limiting the generality of section 925D, if the client gives

a notice under section 925A, the client may, even if the notice does

not result under section 925B in rescission of the agreement,

recover from the non-licensee as a debt the amount of any

brokerage, commission or other fee that the client has paid to the

non-licensee under or in connection with the agreement.

(2) ASIC may, if it considers that it is in the public interest to do so,

bring an action under subsection (1) in the name of, and for the

benefit of, the client.

925I Remedies under this Division additional to other remedies

The client’s rights and remedies under this Division are additional

to, and do not prejudice, any other right or remedy of the client.

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Licensing of providers of financial services Part 7.6

Miscellaneous Division 12

Section 926A

Corporations Act 2001 403

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 12—Miscellaneous

926A Exemptions and modifications by ASIC

(1) The provisions to which this section applies are all provisions of

this Part other than Divisions 4 and 8.

(2) ASIC may:

(a) exempt a person or class of persons from all or specified

provisions to which this section applies; or

(b) exempt a financial product or class of financial products from

all or specified provisions to which this section applies; or

(c) declare that provisions to which this section applies apply in

relation to a person or financial product, or a class of persons

or financial products, as if specified provisions were omitted,

modified or varied as specified in the declaration.

(3) An exemption may apply unconditionally or subject to specified

conditions. A person to whom a condition specified in an

exemption applies must comply with the condition. The Court may

order the person to comply with the condition in a specified way.

Only ASIC may apply to the Court for the order.

(4) An exemption or declaration is a legislative instrument if the

exemption or declaration is expressed to apply in relation to a class

of persons or a class of financial products (whether or not it is also

expressed to apply in relation to one or more persons or products

identified otherwise than by reference to membership of a class).

(4A) If subsection (4) does not apply to an exemption or declaration, the

exemption or declaration must be in writing and ASIC must

publish notice of it in the Gazette.

(5) If conduct (including an omission) of a person would not have

constituted an offence if a particular declaration under

paragraph (2)(c) had not been made, that conduct does not

constitute an offence unless, before the conduct occurred (in

addition to complying with the requirements of the Legislation Act

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Part 7.6 Licensing of providers of financial services

Division 12 Miscellaneous

Section 926B

404 Corporations Act 2001

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2003 (if the declaration is of a kind referred to in subsection (4)),

or with the gazettal requirement of subsection (4A), as the case

may be):

(a) the text of the declaration was made available by ASIC on

the internet; or

(b) ASIC gave written notice setting out the text of the

declaration to the person.

In a prosecution for an offence to which this subsection applies, the

prosecution must prove that paragraph (a) or (b) was complied with

before the conduct occurred.

(6) For the purpose of this section, the provisions to which this section

applies include:

(a) definitions in this Act, or in the regulations, as they apply to

references in those provisions; and

(b) any provisions of Part 10.2 or 10.23A (transitional

provisions) that relate to those provisions.

Note: Because of section 761H, a reference to the provisions to which this

section applies, or to provisions of Part 10.2, also includes a reference

to regulations or other instruments made for the purposes of those


926B Exemptions and modifications by regulations

(1) The regulations may:

(a) exempt a person or class of persons from all or specified

provisions of this Part; or

(b) exempt a financial product or a class of financial products

from all or specified provisions of this Part; or

(c) provide that this Part applies as if specified provisions were

omitted, modified or varied as specified in the regulations.

(2) For the purpose of this section, the provisions of this Part include:

(a) definitions in this Act, or in the regulations, as they apply to

references in this Part; and

(b) any provisions of Part 10.2 (transitional provisions) that

relate to provisions of this Part.

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Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Financial services disclosure Part 7.7

Preliminary Division 1

Section 940A

Corporations Act 2001 405

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 7.7—Financial services disclosure

Division 1—Preliminary

940A How Part applies if a financial services licensee is acting as

authorised representative

If a financial services licensee is, in providing a financial service,

acting as the authorised representative of another financial services

licensee (see section 916E), this Part applies to the first-mentioned

licensee, in relation to the service, in the capacity of authorised

representative (rather than the capacity of licensee).

940B What if there is no reasonable opportunity to give a document,

information or statement required by this Part?

(1) If:

(a) apart from this section, a person (the providing entity) would

be required by a provision of this Part to give another person

(the client) a particular document (for example, a Financial

Services Guide or a Statement of Advice), or particular

information or a particular statement; and

(b) the providing entity has not had a reasonable opportunity to

give (in accordance with section 940C) the client the

document, information or statement by the time they are

required by this Part to give it to the client;

the fact that the providing entity has not given the document,

information or statement to the client as required by the provision

is not a contravention of the provision.

Note: In a prosecution for an offence, a defendant bears an evidential burden

in relation to the matters in this section (see subsection 13.3(3) of the

Criminal Code).

(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), the providing entity is not taken

not to have had a reasonable opportunity to provide the document,

information or statement if:

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.7 Financial services disclosure

Division 1 Preliminary

Section 940C

406 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(a) section 940C (or regulations made for the purposes of that

section) permit the document, information or statement to be

sent to an address (including an electronic address) or fax

number nominated by the client; and

(b) the client has not given the providing entity an address

(including an electronic address) or fax number to which the

document, information or statement can be sent; but

(c) the providing entity has had a reasonable opportunity to

make, but has not made, reasonable enquiries of the client to

obtain such an address or fax number.

940C How documents, information and statements are to be given

(1) For the purposes of this Part (unless a contrary intention appears), a

Financial Services Guide, a Supplementary Financial Services

Guide or a Statement of Advice is given by a person (the providing

entity) to another person (the client) if (and only if):

(a) it is:

(i) given to the client, or to the client’s agent, personally; or

(ii) sent to the client, or the client’s agent, at an address

(including an electronic address) or fax number

nominated by the client or the client’s agent; or

(iii) otherwise made available to the client, or the client’s

agent, as agreed between the client, or the client’s agent,

and the providing entity; and

(b) it is in printed or electronic form.

(2) For the purposes of this Part (unless a contrary intention appears),

information that subsection 941C(7) or 946B(6) requires to be

given by a person (the providing entity) to another person (the

client) is given by the providing entity to the client if (and only if):

(a) it is given to the client, or the client’s agent, orally; or

(b) it is in printed or electronic form and is:

(i) given to the client, or the client’s agent, personally; or

(ii) sent to the client, or the client’s agent, at an address

(including an electronic address) or fax number

nominated by the client or the client’s agent; or

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Financial services disclosure Part 7.7

Preliminary Division 1

Section 940C

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(iii) otherwise made available to the client, or the client’s

agent, as agreed between the client or the client’s agent

and the providing entity; or

(c) it is given by some other method permitted by regulations

made for the purposes of this paragraph.

(3) For the purposes of this Part (unless a contrary intention appears),

information that subsection 941C(5), paragraph 946AA(5)(b) or

subsection 946B(3) or (8) requires to be given by a person (the

providing entity) to another person (the client) is given by the

providing entity to the client if (and only if) it is given to the client,

or the client’s agent, in accordance with the applicable

requirements of regulations made for the purposes of this


(4) For the purposes of this Part (unless a contrary intention appears), a

statement that subsection 941D(2) or 946C(2) requires to be given

by a person (the providing entity) to another person (the client) is

given by the providing entity to the client if (and only if) it is given

orally to the client or the client’s agent.

(5) For the purposes of this section, a document, information or

statement to which this section applies is sent to a person at an

address if, and only if:

(a) the document, information or statement is sent to the address;


(b) either:

(i) the envelope or other container in which it is sent; or

(ii) the message that accompanies it;

is addressed to the person.

(6) A document, information or statement to which this section applies

may be given or sent to a person’s agent only if the agent is not

acting as the person’s agent in one of the following capacities:

(a) a financial services licensee;

(b) an authorised representative of a financial services licensee;

(d) a person who is not required to hold an Australian financial

services licence because the person is covered by:

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Part 7.7 Financial services disclosure

Division 1 Preliminary

Section 940D

408 Corporations Act 2001

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(i) paragraph 911A(2)(j); or

(ii) an exemption in regulations made for the purposes of

paragraph 911A(2)(k); or

(iii) an exemption specified by ASIC for the purposes of

paragraph 911A(2)(n( �

(e) a person who is required to hold an Australian financial

services licence but who does not hold such a licence;

(f) an employee, director or other representative of a person

referred to in paragraph (a), (b), (c), (d) or (e).

(7) The regulations may specify requirements as to:

(a) the manner in which a document, information or statement

may be given to a person; and

(b) the presentation, structure and format for a document,

information or statement that is to be given in electronic


The giving of the document, information or statement is not

effective unless those requirements are satisfied.

940D General approach to offence provisions

Subdivision A of Division 7 contains provisions creating offences

by reference to various rules contained in Divisions of this Part.

However, it does not create all the offences relating to those rules,

as some offences are created by subsection 1311(1). Where

offences are created by subsection 1311(1) in relation to a rule, this

is indicated by a note at the end of the provision containing the


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Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Financial services disclosure Part 7.7

Person provided with financial service as retail client to be given a Financial Services

Guide Division 2

Section 941A

Corporations Act 2001 409

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 2—Person provided with financial service as retail

client to be given a Financial Services Guide

Subdivision A—Requirement for a Financial Services Guide to

be given

941A Obligation on financial services licensee to give a Financial

Services Guide if financial service provided to person as a

retail client

(1) A financial services licensee (the providing entity) must give a

person a Financial Services Guide in accordance with this Division

if the providing entity provides a financial service to the person

(the client) as a retail client.

(2) This section has effect subject to section 941C.

(3) A person contravenes this subsection if the person contravenes

subsection (1).

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

941B Obligation on authorised representative to give a Financial

Services Guide if financial service provided to person as a

retail client

(1) An authorised representative (the providing entity) of a financial

services licensee (the authorising licensee), or of 2 or more

financial services licensees (the authorising licensees), must give a

person a Financial Services Guide in accordance with this Division

if the providing entity, as a representative of the authorising

licensee, or one or more of the authorising licensees, provides a

financial service to the person (the client) as a retail client.

Note: If the providing entity is the authorised representative of 2 or more

financial services licensees, each of those licensees is, for the purposes

of this Division, an authorising licensee in relation to the financial

service provided to the client, even though the providing entity may

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.7 Financial services disclosure

Division 2 Person provided with financial service as retail client to be given a Financial

Services Guide

Section 941C

410 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

not have been acting as representative of each of those licensees in

providing the service to the client.

(2) A Financial Services Guide must not be given to the person by the

providing entity unless the authorising licensee, or each of the

authorising licensees, has authorised its distribution by the

providing entity.

(3) This section has effect subject to section 941C.

(4) A person contravenes this subsection if the person contravenes

subsection (1) or (2).

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

941C Situations in which a Financial Services Guide is not required

Client has already received the information

(1) The providing entity does not have to give the client a Financial

Services Guide (the new FSG) if the client has already received a

Financial Services Guide that contains all of the information that

the new FSG is required to contain.

Providing entity is product issuer dealing in own products

(2) The providing entity does not have to give the client a Financial

Services Guide if:

(a) the providing entity is an issuer of financial products; and

(b) the financial service is a dealing (see section 766C) in

financial products, other than derivatives able to be traded on

a licensed market, issued by the providing entity, and does

not also relate to financial products issued by someone else.

Note: The issuer will however have to comply with the Product Disclosure

Statement requirements (see Division 2 of Part 7.9).

Providing entity is merely operating a registered scheme

(3) The providing entity does not have to give the client a Financial

Services Guide if:

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Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Financial services disclosure Part 7.7

Person provided with financial service as retail client to be given a Financial Services

Guide Division 2

Section 941C

Corporations Act 2001 411

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(a) the providing entity is the responsible entity of a registered

scheme; and

(b) the financial service consists only of the operation of that

scheme by the providing entity.

Providing entity is merely operating a notified foreign passport


(3A) The providing entity does not have to give the client a Financial

Services Guide if:

(a) the providing entity is the operator of a notified foreign

passport fund; and

(b) the financial service consists only of the operation of that

fund by the operator.

Financial product advice given to the public

(4) The providing entity does not have to give the client a Financial

Services Guide if the financial service is general advice provided to

the public, or a section of the public, in the manner prescribed by

regulations made for the purposes of this subsection.

(5) However, if subsection (4) applies and the client is not given a

Financial Services Guide before the advice is provided, the client

must instead, before the advice is provided, be given the

information that would be required to be in the Financial Services

Guide by paragraphs 942B(2)(a), (e) and (f), or paragraphs

942C(2)(a), (c), (f) and (g), as the case requires.

Certain basic deposit and other products

(6) The providing entity does not have to give the client a Financial

Services Guide if the financial service is a dealing (see

section 766C) in, is the provision of financial product advice (see

section 766B) about, or in any other way relates to, any of the


(a) a basic deposit product;

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.7 Financial services disclosure

Division 2 Person provided with financial service as retail client to be given a Financial

Services Guide

Section 941D

412 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) a facility for making non-cash payments (see section 763D)

that is related to a basic deposit product;

(c) a financial product of a kind prescribed by regulations made

for the purposes of this paragraph.

(7) However, if subsection (6) applies and the client is not given a

Financial Services Guide before the service is provided, the client

must instead, before the service is provided, be given the

information that would be required to be in the Financial Services

Guide by paragraphs 942B(2)(a) and (h), or paragraphs 942C(2)(a)

and (i), as the case requires.

Regulations may specify other exemptions

(8) A Financial Services Guide does not have to be given to the client

in circumstances specified in regulations made for the purposes of

this subsection.

941D Timing of giving Financial Services Guide

General rule

(1) Subject to this section, the Financial Services Guide must be given

to the client as soon as practicable after it becomes apparent to the

providing entity that the financial service will be, or is likely to be,

provided to the client, and must in any event be given to the client

before the financial service is provided.

Time critical cases

(2) If:

(a) the client expressly instructs that they require the financial

service to be provided immediately, or by a specified time;


(b) it is not reasonably practicable to give the Financial Services

Guide to the client before the service is provided as so


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Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Financial services disclosure Part 7.7

Person provided with financial service as retail client to be given a Financial Services

Guide Division 2

Section 941E

Corporations Act 2001 413

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

the providing entity must instead give the client a statement that

complies with subsection (3) before the service is provided.

(3) The statement must contain:

(a) the information that would be required to be in the Financial

Services Guide by paragraphs 942B(2)(e), (f) and (i), or

paragraphs 942C(2)(f), (g) and (j), as the case requires; and

(b) such other information as would be required to be in the

Financial Services Guide as is particularly relevant to the

financial service to be provided.

(4) The client must then be given the Financial Services Guide within

5 days after being given the statement, or sooner if practicable.

941E Information must be up to date

The information in the Financial Services Guide must be up to date

as at the time when it is given to the client.

Note: A Supplementary Financial Services Guide containing updated

information may be given with a Financial Services Guide that has

become out of date. The updated information is taken to be included

in the Financial Services Guide (see section 943D.)

941F Obligation to give updated Financial Services Guide


(a) the Financial Services Guide is given to the client before the

financial service is provided; and

(b) the following conditions are satisfied:

(i) there is a change in circumstances before the service is

provided, and the Financial Services Guide does not

contain the information it would be required to contain

if it were given to a person immediately after that


(ii) the fact that the Financial Services Guide does not

contain the up to date information is materially adverse

from the point of view of a reasonable person deciding,

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.7 Financial services disclosure

Division 2 Person provided with financial service as retail client to be given a Financial

Services Guide

Section 942A

414 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

as a retail client, whether to proceed to be provided with

the financial service;

the providing entity must, before the service is provided, give the


(c) another Financial Services Guide that contains the up to date

information before the service is provided; or

(d) a Supplementary Financial Services Guide (see Subdivision

C) that updates the information in the Financial Services


Subdivision B—Content and authorisation of Financial

Services Guide

942A Title of Financial Services Guide

(1) The title “Financial Services Guide” must be used on the cover of,

or at or near the front of, a Financial Services Guide.

(2) In any other part of a Financial Services Guide, “Financial Services

Guide” may be abbreviated to “FSG”.

942B Financial Services Guide given by financial services licensee—

main requirements

(1) This section applies if the providing entity is a financial services


(2) Subject to subsection (3) and to the regulations (see

subsection (4)), the Financial Services Guide must include the

following statements and information:

(a) a statement setting out the name and contact details of the

providing entity; and

(b) a statement setting out any special instructions about how the

client may provide instructions to the providing entity; and

(c) information about the kinds of financial services (the

authorised services) that the providing entity is authorised by

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Section 942B

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its licence to provide, and the kinds of financial products to

which those services relate; and

(d) information about who the providing entity acts for when

providing the authorised services; and

(e) information about the remuneration (including commission)

or other benefits that any of the following is to receive in

respect of, or that is attributable to, the provision of any of

the authorised services:

(i) the providing entity;

(ii) a related body corporate of the providing entity;

(iii) a director or employee of the providing entity or a

related body corporate;

(iv) an associate of any of the above;

(v) any other person in relation to whom the regulations

require the information to be provided;

(f) information about any associations or relationships between

the providing entity, or any related body corporate, and the

issuers of any financial products, being associations or

relationships that might reasonably be expected to be capable

of influencing the providing entity in providing any of the

authorised services; and

(g) if the providing entity provides further market-related advice

(see subsection 946B(1)) or advice to which

subsection 946B(7) applies—a statement in relation to which

the following requirements are satisfied:

(i) the statement must indicate that the client may request a

record of that advice, if they have not already been

provided with a record of that advice;

(ii) the statement must set out particulars of how the client

may request such a record;

(iii) any limitations in those particulars on the time within

which the client may request such a record must be

consistent with any applicable requirements in

regulations made for the purposes of this subparagraph

or, if there are no such applicable requirements, must be

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Part 7.7 Financial services disclosure

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Services Guide

Section 942B

416 Corporations Act 2001

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such as to allow the client a reasonable opportunity to

request a record of the advice; and

(h) information about the dispute resolution system that covers

complaints by persons to whom the providing entity provides

financial services, and about how that system may be

accessed; and

(i) if the providing entity acts under a binder in providing any of

the authorised services—a statement that:

(i) identifies the services provided under the binder; and

(ii) states that they are provided under a binder; and

(iii) explains the significance of the services being provided

under a binder; and

(j) if the providing entity is a participant in a licensed market or

a licensed CS facility—a statement that the providing entity

is a participant in that market or facility; and

(k) any other statements or information required by the


Note: A Supplementary Financial Services Guide containing additional

information may be given with a Financial Services Guide that does

not contain all the required information. The additional information is

taken to be included in the Financial Services Guide (see

section 943D.)

(3) Subject to subsection (4), the level of information about a matter

that is required is such as a person would reasonably require for the

purpose of making a decision whether to acquire financial services

from the providing entity as a retail client.

(4) The regulations may provide all or any of the following:

(a) that a provision of subsection (2) does not apply in a

particular situation;

(b) that particular information is not required by a provision of

subsection (2), either in a particular situation or generally;

(c) a more detailed statement of the information that is required

by a provision of subsection (2), either in a particular

situation or generally;

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Guide Division 2

Section 942C

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(d) that certain supplementary information must be given or

made available to the client in some other way.

(5) The Financial Services Guide must be dated. The date must be the

date on which the Financial Services Guide was prepared or its

preparation was completed.

(6) The Financial Services Guide may also contain other information.

(6A) The information included in the Financial Services Guide must be

worded and presented in a clear, concise and effective manner.

(7) The regulations may require the providing entity, in circumstances

specified in the regulations, to provide the client, on request, with

more detailed information about remuneration (including

commission) or other benefits of a kind referred to in

paragraph (2)(e).

(8) If:

(a) the Financial Services Guide includes a statement to the

effect that a client may request a record of further

market-related advice or advice to which subsection 946B(7)

applies; and

(b) the client is provided with advice to which that statement

applies; and

(c) the client has not already been provided with a record of that


the providing entity must comply with a request made in

accordance with that statement for a record of that advice.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

942C Financial Services Guide given by authorised representative—

main requirements

(1) This section applies if the providing entity is an authorised


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Services Guide

Section 942C

418 Corporations Act 2001

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(2) Subject to subsection (3) and to the regulations (see

subsection (4)), the Financial Services Guide must include the

following statements and information:

(a) a statement setting out the name and contact details of the

providing entity; and

(b) a statement setting out any special instructions about how the

client may provide instructions to the providing entity; and

(c) a statement:

(i) setting out the name and contact details of the

authorising licensee, or of each of the authorising

licensees; and

(ii) stating that the providing entity is the authorised

representative of that licensee or those licensees; and

(d) information, in relation to the authorising licensee or each of

the authorising licensees, about the kinds of financial

services (the authorised services) that the providing entity

provides as representative of the authorising licensee, and the

kinds of financial products to which those services relate; and

(e) information about who the authorising licensee, or each of

the authorising licensees, acts for when financial services are

provided on their behalf by the providing entity; and

(f) information about the remuneration (including commission)

or other benefits that any of the following is to receive in

respect of, or that is attributable to, the provision of any of

the authorised services:

(i) the providing entity;

(ii) an employer of the providing entity;

(iii) the authorising licensee, or any of the authorising


(iv) an employee or director of the authorising licensee, or

of any of the authorising licensees;

(v) an associate of any of the above;

(vi) any other person in relation to whom the regulations

require the information to be provided; and

(g) information about any associations or relationships between:

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Guide Division 2

Section 942C

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(i) the providing entity, or any employer of the providing

entity, and the issuers of any financial products; or

(ii) the authorising licensee, or any of the authorising

licensees, or any related body corporate of the

authorising licensee or any of the authorising licensees,

and the issuers of any financial products;

being associations or relationships that might reasonably be

expected to be capable of influencing the providing entity in

providing any of the authorised services; and

(h) if the providing entity, when acting as representative of the

authorising licensee or any of the authorising licensees,

provides further market-related advice (see

subsection 946B(1)) or advice to which subsection 946B(7)

applies—a statement in relation to which the following

requirements are satisfied:

(i) the statement must indicate that the client may request a

record of that advice, if they have not already been

provided with a record of that advice;

(ii) the statement must set out particulars of how the client

may request such a record;

(iii) any limitations in those particulars on the time within

which the client may request such a record must be

consistent with any applicable requirements in

regulations made for the purposes of this subparagraph

or, if there are no such applicable requirements, must be

such as to allow the client a reasonable opportunity to

request a record of the advice; and

(i) information about the dispute resolution system that covers

complaints by persons to whom the providing entity provides

financial services when acting as representative of the

authorising licensee or any of the authorising licensees, and

about how that system may be accessed; and

(j) if the providing entity acts under a binder in providing any of

the authorised services—a statement that:

(i) identifies the services provided under the binder; and

(ii) states that they are provided under a binder; and

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Part 7.7 Financial services disclosure

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Services Guide

Section 942C

420 Corporations Act 2001

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(iii) explains the significance of the services being provided

under a binder; and

(k) if the providing entity, or the authorising licensee or any of

the authorising licensees, is a participant in a licensed market

or a licensed CS facility—a statement that the providing

entity or authorising licensee is a participant in that market or

facility; and

(l) a statement to the effect that the distribution of the Financial

Services Guide by the providing entity has been authorised

by the authorising licensee, or by each of the authorising

licensees; and

(m) any other statements or information required by the


Note: A Supplementary Financial Services Guide containing additional

information may be given with a Financial Services Guide that does

not contain all the required information. The additional information is

taken to be included in the Financial Services Guide (see

section 943D.)

(3) Subject to subsection (4), the level of detail of information about a

matter that is required is such as a person would reasonably require

for the purpose of making a decision whether to acquire financial

services from the providing entity as a retail client.

(4) The regulations may provide all or any of the following:

(a) that a provision of subsection (2) does not apply in a

particular situation;

(b) that particular information is not required by a provision of

subsection (2), either in a particular situation or generally;

(c) a more detailed statement of the information that is required

by a provision of subsection (2), either in a particular

situation or generally;

(d) that certain supplementary information must be given or

made available to the client in some other way.

(5) The Financial Services Guide must be dated. The date must be the

date on which the Financial Services Guide was prepared or its

preparation was completed.

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Guide Division 2

Section 942D

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(6) The Financial Services Guide may also contain other information.

(6A) The information included in the Financial Services Guide must be

worded and presented in a clear, concise and effective manner.

(7) The regulations may require the providing entity, in circumstances

specified in the regulations, to provide the client, on request, with

more detailed information about remuneration (including

commission) or other benefits of a kind referred to in

paragraph (2)(f).

(8) If:

(a) the Financial Services Guide includes a statement to the

effect that a client may request a record of further

market-related advice or advice to which subsection 946B(7)

applies; and

(b) the client is provided with advice to which that statement

applies; and

(c) the client has not already been provided with a record of that


the providing entity must comply with a request made in

accordance with that statement for a record of that advice.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

942D Financial Services Guide may consist of 2 or more separate

documents given at same time

(1) Subject to this section, a Financial Services Guide may be made up

of 2 or more separate documents that are given at the same time.

(2) Each of the documents must have on the cover of the document, or

at or near the front of the document, a statement:

(a) to the effect that the document is part of a Financial Services

Guide; and

(b) that (subject to subsection (3)) identifies the other documents

that make up the Financial Services Guide.

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Services Guide

Section 942D

422 Corporations Act 2001

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(3) If there are or may be different versions of a document referred to

in paragraph (2)(b), the statement required by subsection (2) does

not have to identify any particular one of those versions and may

instead identify the document generically.

Note: For example, if a Financial Services Guide is made up of a core

document that is not updated very frequently, and a separate document

providing information about remuneration that is updated more


(a) the statement in the core document need only refer to the fact that it, and a separate document about remuneration, make up the Financial Services Guide; and

(b) the statement in the document about remuneration need only refer to the fact that it, and a separate document about all other required matters, make up the Financial Services Guide.

(4) The requirement of section 942A (title of Financial Services

Guide) is taken to be satisfied if the title “Financial Services

Guide” is used on the cover of, or at or near the front of, at least

one of the documents that make up the Financial Services Guide.

(5) The requirement of subsection 942B(5) or 942C(5) (dating of

Financial Services Guide) must be separately complied with in

relation to each of the documents. If, for any purpose, a single date

needs to be determined as the date of the Financial Services Guide

as a whole, that date is the most recent of the dates of those


(6) Section 942E applies to an alteration to one of the documents as

though the reference in that section to the date specified in the

Financial Services Guide were a reference to the date specified in

the document.

(7) The regulations may impose additional requirements to be

complied with if a Financial Services Guide is made up of 2 or

more documents.

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Guide Division 2

Section 942DA

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942DA Combining a Financial Services Guide and a Product

Disclosure Statement in a single document

(1) A Financial Services Guide and a Product Disclosure Statement

may be combined in a single document (a combined FSG and

PDS) in circumstances specified in regulations made for the

purposes of this section.

(2) Those regulations may also provide that this Chapter applies in

relation to a combined FSG and PDS as if specified provisions

were omitted, modified or varied as specified in the regulations.

(3) A Financial Services Guide and a Product Disclosure Statement

must not be combined in a single document except as permitted

under subsection (1).

942E Altering a Financial Services Guide after its preparation and

before giving it to a person

A financial services licensee, or an authorised representative of a

financial services licensee, must not, in purported compliance with

a provision of this Part, give a person a Financial Services Guide

(the FSG) that has been altered (otherwise than pursuant to

paragraph (b)) after the date specified in the FSG as required by

subsection 942B(5) or 942C(5) unless:

(a) the alteration was made by, or with the authority of:

(i) if section 942B applies to the FSG—the financial

services licensee to which the FSG relates; or

(ii) if section 942C applies to the FSG—the financial

services licensee, or each of the financial services

licensees, who authorised the distribution of the FSG;


(b) if the alteration is a material alteration—the date of the FSG

has been changed to the date on which the alteration was


Note: Failure to comply with this section is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

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Part 7.7 Financial services disclosure

Division 2 Person provided with financial service as retail client to be given a Financial

Services Guide

Section 943A

424 Corporations Act 2001

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Subdivision C—Supplementary Financial Services Guides

943A What a Supplementary Financial Services Guide is

(1) A Supplementary Financial Services Guide is a document by

which a person who has prepared a Financial Services Guide (the

FSG) can:

(a) correct a misleading or deceptive statement in the FSG; or

(b) correct an omission from the FSG of information it is

required to contain; or

(c) update the information contained in the FSG.

(2) A Supplementary Financial Services Guide must not be given to a

person by an authorised representative of a financial services

licensee unless the licensee has authorised its distribution by the

authorised representative.

943B Title of Supplementary Financial Services Guide

(1) The title “Supplementary Financial Services Guide” must be used

on the cover of, or at or near the front of, a Supplementary

Financial Services Guide.

(2) In any other part of a Supplementary Financial Services Guide,

“Supplementary Financial Services Guide” may be abbreviated to


943C Form of Supplementary Financial Services Guide

(1) At the beginning of a Supplementary Financial Services Guide

there must be:

(a) a statement that it is a Supplementary Financial Services

Guide; and

(b) an identification of the Financial Services Guide that it

supplements; and

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Guide Division 2

Section 943D

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(c) a statement that it is to be read together with that Financial

Services Guide and any other specified Supplementary

Financial Services Guides.

(2) The Supplementary Financial Services Guide must be dated. The

date must be the date on which the Supplementary Financial

Services Guide was prepared or its preparation was completed.

(3) If the Supplementary Financial Services Guide will or may be

distributed by an authorised representative of a financial services

licensee, it must contain a statement to the effect that its

distribution by the authorised representative has been authorised by

the licensee.

943D Effect of giving a person a Supplementary Financial Services



(a) a person is given a Financial Services Guide (the FSG); and

(b) at the same time, or later, they are given a Supplementary

Financial Services Guide (the SFSG) that supplements the


the FSG is taken, from when the SFSG is given to the person, to

include the information and statements contained in the SFSG.

943E Situation in which only a Supplementary Financial Services

Guide need be given


(a) apart from this section, a person (the providing entity) would

be required to give another person (the client) a Financial

Services Guide (the new FSG); and

(b) the client has, because of some previous conduct, already

been given a Financial Services Guide (the earlier FSG)

containing some, but not all, of the information that the new

FSG is required to contain;

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Services Guide

Section 943F

426 Corporations Act 2001

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the provider may, instead of giving the client the new FSG, give

the client a Supplementary Financial Services Guide that contains

the additional information.

943F Altering a Supplementary Financial Services Guide after its

preparation and before giving it to a person

A financial services licensee, or an authorised representative of a

financial services licensee, must not, in purported compliance with

a provision of this Part, give a person a Supplementary Financial

Services Guide (the SFSG) that has been altered (otherwise than

pursuant to paragraph (b)) after the date specified in the SFSG as

required by subsection 943C(2) unless:

(a) the alteration was made by, or with the authority of:

(i) if section 942B applies to the Financial Services Guide

that the SFSG supplements—the financial services

licensee to which the Guide relates; or

(ii) if section 942C applies to the Financial Services Guide

that the SFSG supplements—the financial services

licensee, or each of the financial services licensees, who

authorised the distribution of the SFSG; and

(b) if the alteration is a material alteration—the date of the SFSG

has been changed to the date on which the alteration was


Note: Failure to comply with this section is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

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Financial services disclosure Part 7.7

Additional requirements for personal advice provided to a retail client Division 3

Section 944A

Corporations Act 2001 427

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Division 3—Additional requirements for personal advice

provided to a retail client

Subdivision A—When this Division applies

944A Situation in which Division applies

This Division applies in relation to the provision of personal advice

(the advice) in the following circumstances:

(a) the advice is provided:

(i) by a financial services licensee (the providing entity); or

(ii) by a person (the providing entity) in their capacity as

authorised representative of a financial services licensee

(the authorising licensee), or of 2 or more financial

services licensees (the authorising licensees); and

(b) the advice is provided to a person (the client) as a retail


Subdivision C—Requirement for a Statement of Advice to be


946A Obligation to give client a Statement of Advice

(1) The providing entity must give the client a Statement of Advice in

accordance with this Subdivision and Subdivision D.

(2) The Statement of Advice may be:

(a) the means by which the advice is provided; or

(b) a separate record of the advice.

(3) This section has effect subject to sections 946AA and 946B.

(4) A person contravenes this subsection if the person contravenes

subsection (1).

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

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Part 7.7 Financial services disclosure

Division 3 Additional requirements for personal advice provided to a retail client

Section 946AA

428 Corporations Act 2001

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946AA Small investments—Statement of Advice not required

Small investments generally

(1) The providing entity does not have to give the client a Statement of

Advice for particular advice (the small investment advice) if:

(a) both of the following apply:

(i) an amount (the threshold amount) has been prescribed

by regulations made for the purposes of this paragraph;

(ii) the total value of all financial investments in relation to

which the advice is provided, as worked out under

subsection (2), does not exceed the threshold amount;


(b) the advice does not relate to any of the following:

(i) a derivative;

(ii) a general insurance product;

(iii) a life risk insurance product (except to the extent that

advice about a superannuation product relates to a life

risk insurance product); and

(c) the advice does not relate to any superannuation product or

RSA product, unless the client already has an interest in the


Total value of investments

(2) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(a), the total value of investments

in relation to which the small investment advice is provided is:

(a) if the advice solely relates to the acquisition of all (or part) of

one or more financial products, or of an increased interest in

one or more financial products—the sum of the values (the

total acquisition value) of each acquisition; or

(b) if the advice solely relates to the disposal of all (or part) of

one or more financial products, or of a part of an interest in

one or more financial products—the sum of the values (the

total disposal value) of each disposal; or

(c) if the advice relates to both an acquisition, and a disposal,

mentioned in paragraphs (a) and (b):

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Additional requirements for personal advice provided to a retail client Division 3

Section 946AA

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(i) the total acquisition value; or

(ii) if the total disposal value exceeds the total acquisition

value—the total disposal value.

Method for working out threshold amount

(3) Regulations made for the purposes of paragraph (1)(a) may

prescribe how the threshold amount is to be worked out in relation

to particular kinds of financial products.

Record of advice

(4) The providing entity must keep a record of the small investment

advice and, in doing so, must comply with any applicable

requirements of regulations made for the purposes of this


Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(5) The providing entity must, at the applicable time, give the client:

(a) a copy of the record of the small investment advice; and

(b) the information that would, if a Statement of Advice were to

be given, be required to be in the Statement by paragraphs

947B(2)(d) and (e), or 947C(2)(e) and (f), as the case


Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(6) For the purposes of subsection (5), the applicable time for

something to be given relating to the small investment advice is the


(a) when, or as soon as practicable after, the advice is provided;


(b) in any event—before the providing entity provides the client

with any further financial service arising out of, or connected

with, the advice.

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Part 7.7 Financial services disclosure

Division 3 Additional requirements for personal advice provided to a retail client

Section 946B

430 Corporations Act 2001

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946B Other situations in which a Statement of Advice is not


Further market-related advice

(1) The providing entity does not have to give the client a Statement of

Advice for particular advice (the further market-related advice) if:

(a) the providing entity is a participant in a licensed market, or is

an authorised representative of a participant in a licensed

market; and

(b) the providing entity has previously given the client a

Statement of Advice that set out the client’s relevant personal

circumstances in relation to the advice (the previous advice)

set out in that Statement; and

(c) the further market-related advice recommends that the client:

(i) acquire or dispose of, or not acquire or dispose of; or

(ii) accept or refuse an offer or invitation which, if

accepted, would result in the client acquiring or

disposing of, or offering to acquire or dispose of;

securities, managed investment products, foreign passport

fund products or derivatives that are able to be traded on a

licensed market; and

(d) the following conditions are satisfied:

(ia) the providing entity has, either immediately before the

further market-related advice is given, or within the

preceding 12 months, checked with the client whether

the client’s objectives, financial situation and needs

have changed since the last time the providing entity

checked with the client about those matters; and

(i) the client’s relevant personal circumstances in relation

to the further market-related advice (determined having

regard to the client’s objectives, financial situation and

needs as currently known to the providing entity) are

not significantly different from the client’s relevant

personal circumstances in relation to the previous

advice; and

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Additional requirements for personal advice provided to a retail client Division 3

Section 946B

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(ii) so far as the basis on which advice is given relates to

other matters—the basis on which the further

market-related advice is given is not significantly

different from the basis on which the previous advice

was given; and

(e) the providing entity has a reasonable belief that:

(i) the client requires the further market-related advice to

be provided promptly; or

(ii) it is in the client’s interests that the further

market-related advice be provided promptly; and

(f) either:

(i) the further market-related advice does not contain any

other kind of financial product advice; or

(ii) the only other kind of financial product advice

contained in the further market-related advice is cash

management facility advice; and

(g) the further market-related advice is given:

(i) by telephone; or

(ii) by fax; or

(iii) by email; or

(iv) by another kind of electronic communication specified

in regulations made for the purposes of this


Note: Paragraphs 947B(2)(b) and 947C(2)(b) require a Statement of Advice

to include information about the basis on which the advice is or was

given, which may include the client’s relevant personal circumstances,

in which case paragraph (b) of this subsection would be satisfied.

(2) For the purposes of subsection (1):

able to be traded on a licensed market means:

(a) in relation to securities, managed investment products or

foreign passport fund products—either:

(i) the securities or products are admitted to quotation on a

licensed market and their admission to quotation is not

suspended; or

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Section 946B

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(ii) the securities or products are not admitted to quotation

on a licensed market, but are further securities or

products of a kind that are already admitted to quotation

on the market and whose admission to quotation is not

suspended; and

(b) in relation to derivatives:

(i) the standard terms of the arrangement that constitutes

the derivative are set out in the operating rules of a

licensed market; and

(ii) under the operating rules of that market, the derivatives

are able to be dealt with on the market.

cash management facility means:

(a) an interest in a registered scheme or a notified foreign

passport fund of a kind commonly known as a cash common

fund or a cash management trust; or

(b) a basic deposit product; or

(c) a bank accepted bill.

cash management facility advice means advice about the use (but

not the establishment) of a cash management facility in connection

with an acquisition or disposal of securities, managed investment

products, foreign passport fund products or derivatives to which

the further market-related advice relates.

(3) However, in the same communication as is used to provide the

further market-related advice to the client, the client must be given

the information that would, if a Statement of Advice were to be

given, be required to be in the Statement by paragraphs 947B(2)(d)

and (e), or 947C(2)(e) and (f), as the case requires.

(3A) The providing entity must keep a record of the further

market-related advice and, in doing so, must comply with any

applicable requirements of regulations made for the purposes of

this subsection.

Note 1: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

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Note 2: For the client’s right to a record of the advice, see

subsections 942B(8) and 942C(8).

Certain basic deposit and other products

(5) The providing entity does not have to give the client a Statement of

Advice if the advice relates to any or all of the following:

(a) a basic deposit product;

(b) a facility for making non-cash payments (see section 763D)

that is related to a basic deposit product;

(c) a financial product of a kind prescribed by regulations made

for the purposes of this paragraph.

(6) However, if subsection (5) applies and the client is not given a

Statement of Advice, the client must instead, when, or as soon as

practicable after, the advice is provided, be given the information

that would be required to be in the Statement of Advice by

paragraphs 947B(2)(d) and (e), or 947C(2)(e) and (f), as the case


Where advice does not recommend the purchase or sale of


(7) The providing entity does not have to give the client a Statement of

Advice for particular advice if:

(a) the advice does not recommend or state an opinion in respect


(i) the acquisition or disposal of any specific financial

product, or the products of a specific issuer; nor

(ii) a modification to an investment strategy or a

contribution level in relation to a financial product held

by the client; and

(b) the following persons do not directly receive any

remuneration (other than remuneration that is currently being

received for an earlier acquisition of a product) or other

benefit for, or in relation to, the advice:

(i) the providing entity;

(ii) an employer of the providing entity;

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Section 946C

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(iii) the authorising licensee, or any of the authorising


(iv) an employee or director of the authorising licensee, or

of any of the authorising licensees;

(v) an associate of any of the above;

(vi) any other person prescribed by regulations made for the

purposes of this paragraph.

(8) However, in the same communication as is used to provide to the

client the advice referred to in subsection (7), the client must be

given the information that would, if a Statement of Advice were to

be given, be required to be in the Statement by paragraphs

947B(2)(d) and (e), or 947C(2)(e) and (f), as the case requires.

(9) The providing entity must keep a record of the advice and, in doing

so, must comply with any applicable requirements of regulations

made for the purposes of this subsection.

Note 1: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Note 2: For the client’s right to a record of the advice, see

subsections 942B(8) and 942C(8).

946C Timing of giving Statement of Advice

General rule

(1) Subject to this section, if the Statement of Advice is not the means

by which the advice is provided, the Statement of Advice must be

given to the client when, or as soon as practicable after, the advice

is provided and, in any event, before the providing entity provides

the client with any further financial service that arises out of or is

connected with that advice.

Statement of certain information if Statement of Advice not given

when advice provided

(2) If the Statement of Advice is not given to the client when the

advice is provided, the providing entity must, when the advice is

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provided, give the client a statement that contains the information

that would be required to be in a Statement of Advice by

paragraphs 947B(2)(d) and (e), or 947C(2)(e) and (f), as the case

requires, and by section 947D, if applicable.

Time critical cases

(3) If:

(a) the client expressly instructs that they require a further

financial service that arises out of, or is connected with, the

advice to be provided immediately, or by a specified time;


(b) it is not reasonably practicable to give the Statement of

Advice to the client before that further service is provided as

so instructed;

the providing entity must give the client the Statement of Advice:

(c) unless paragraph (d) applies—within 5 days after providing

that further service, or sooner if practicable; or

(d) if that further service is the provision to the person of a

financial product and section 1019B (cooling-off period) will

apply to the acquisition of the product by the person—before

the start of the period applicable under subsection 1019B(3),

or sooner if practicable.

Subdivision D—Content of Statement of Advice

947A Title of Statement of Advice

(1) The title “Statement of Advice” must be used on the cover of, or at

or near the front of, a Statement of Advice.

(2) In any other part of a Statement of Advice, “Statement of Advice”

may be abbreviated to “SoA”.

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Section 947B

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947B Statement of Advice given by financial services licensee—main


(1) This section applies if the providing entity is a financial services


(2) Subject to subsection (3) and to the regulations (see

subsection (4)), the Statement of Advice must include the

following statements and information:

(a) a statement setting out the advice; and

(b) information about the basis on which the advice is or was

given; and

(c) a statement setting out the name and contact details of the

providing entity; and

(d) information about any remuneration (including commission)

or other benefits that any of the following is to receive that

might reasonably be expected to be or have been capable of

influencing the providing entity in providing the advice:

(i) the providing entity;

(ii) a related body corporate of the providing entity;

(iii) a director or employee of the providing entity or a

related body corporate;

(iv) an associate of any of the above;

(v) any other person in relation to whom the regulations

require the information to be provided; and

(e) information about:

(i) any other interests, whether pecuniary or not and

whether direct or indirect, of the providing entity or of

any associate of the providing entity; and

(ii) any associations or relationships between the providing

entity or any associate of the providing entity and the

issuers of any financial products;

that might reasonably be expected to be or have been capable

of influencing the providing entity in providing the advice;


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(f) if section 961H requires a warning to be given to the client in

relation to the advice—a statement setting out, or recording,

the warning required by that section; and

(g) any other statements or information required by the

regulations; and

(h) unless in accordance with the regulations, for information to

be disclosed in accordance with paragraph (d) and

subparagraph (e)(i), any amounts are to be stated in dollars.

(3) Subject to subsection (4), the level of detail about a matter that is

required is such as a person would reasonably require for the

purpose of deciding whether to act on the advice as a retail client.

(4) The regulations may provide all or any of the following:

(a) that a provision of subsection (2) does not apply in a

particular situation;

(b) that particular information is not required by a provision of

subsection (2), either in a particular situation or generally;

(c) a more detailed statement of the information that is required

by a provision of subsection (2), either in a particular

situation or generally.

(5) The Statement of Advice:

(a) must also include any information required by section 947D,

if applicable; and

(b) may also include other information.

(6) The statements and information included in the Statement of

Advice must be worded and presented in a clear, concise and

effective manner.

947C Statement of Advice given by authorised representative—main


(1) This section applies if the providing entity is an authorised


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Section 947C

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(2) Subject to subsection (3) and to the regulations (see

subsection (4)), the Statement of Advice must include the

following statements and information:

(a) a statement setting out the advice; and

(b) information about the basis on which the advice is or was

given; and

(c) a statement setting out the name and contact details of the

providing entity; and

(d) a statement

(i) setting out the name and contact details of the

authorising licensee, or of each of the authorising

licensees; and

(ii) stating that the providing entity is the authorised

representative of that licensee or those licensees; and

(e) information about the remuneration (including commission)

or other benefits that any of the following is to receive that

might reasonably be expected to be or have been capable of

influencing the providing entity in providing the advice:

(i) the providing entity;

(ii) an employer of the providing entity;

(iii) the authorising licensee, or any of the authorising


(iv) an employee or director of the authorising licensee, or

of any of the authorising licensees;

(v) an associate of any of the above;

(vi) any other person in relation to whom the regulations

require the information to be provided; and

(f) information about:

(i) any other interests, whether pecuniary or not and

whether direct or indirect, of the providing entity, any

employer of the providing entity, the authorising

licensee or any of the authorising licensees, or of any

associate of any of those persons; and

(ii) any associations or relationships between the providing

entity, any employer of the providing entity, the

authorising licensee or any of the authorising licensees,

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Section 947C

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or any associate of any of those persons, and the issuers

of any financial products;

that might reasonably be expected to be or have been capable

of influencing the providing entity in providing the advice;


(g) if section 961H requires a warning to be given to the client in

relation to the advice—a statement setting out, or recording,

the warning required by that section; and

(h) any other statements or information required by the

regulations; and

(i) unless in accordance with the regulations, for information to

be disclosed in accordance with paragraph (e) and

subparagraph (f)(i), any amounts are to be stated in dollars.

(3) Subject to subsection (4), the level of detail about a matter that is

required is such as a person would reasonably require for the

purpose of deciding whether to act on the advice as a retail client.

(4) The regulations may provide all or any of the following:

(a) that a provision of subsection (2) does not apply in a

particular situation;

(b) that particular information is not required by a provision of

subsection (2), either in a particular situation or generally;

(c) a more detailed statement of the information that is required

by a provision of subsection (2), either in a particular

situation or generally.

(5) The Statement of Advice:

(a) must also include any information required by section 947D,

if applicable; and

(b) may also include other information.

(6) The statements and information included in the Statement of

Advice must be worded and presented in a clear, concise and

effective manner.

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Division 3 Additional requirements for personal advice provided to a retail client

Section 947D

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947D Additional requirements when advice recommends

replacement of one product with another

(1) This section applies (subject to subsection (4)) if the advice is or

includes a recommendation that:

(a) the client dispose of, or reduce the client’s interest in, all or

part of a particular financial product and instead acquire all

or part of, or increase the client’s interest in, another financial

product; or

(b) the client dispose of, or reduce the client’s interest in, a

MySuper product offered by a regulated superannuation fund

and instead acquire an interest, or increase the client’s

interest, in another MySuper product or a choice product

offered by the fund.

(2) The following additional information must be included in the

Statement of Advice:

(a) information about the following, to the extent that the

information is known to, or could reasonably be found out

by, the providing entity:

(i) any charges the client will or may incur in respect of the

disposal or reduction;

(ii) any charges the client will or may incur in respect of the

acquisition or increase;

(iii) any pecuniary or other benefits that the client will or

may lose (temporarily or otherwise) as a result of taking

the recommended action;

(b) information about any other significant consequences for the

client of taking the recommended action that the providing

entity knows, or ought reasonably to know, are likely;

(c) any other information required by regulations made for the

purposes of this paragraph;

(d) unless in accordance with the regulations, for information to

be disclosed in accordance with paragraph (a), any amounts

are to be stated in dollars.

(3) If:

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Section 947E

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(a) the providing entity knows that, or is reckless as to whether:

(i) the client will or may incur charges as mentioned in

subparagraph (2)(a)(i) or (ii); or

(ii) the client will or may lose benefits as mentioned in

subparagraph (2)(a)(iii); or

(iii) there will or may be consequences for the client as

mentioned in paragraph (2)(b); but

(b) the providing entity does not know, and cannot reasonably

find out, what those charges, losses or consequences are or

will be;

the Statement of Advice must include a statement to the effect that

there will or may be such charges, losses or consequences but the

providing entity does not know what they are.

(4) The regulations may provide either or both of the following:

(a) that this section does not apply in relation to a financial

product or a class of financial products;

(b) that this section does not require the provision of information

of a particular kind, whether generally or in relation to a

particular situation, financial product or class of financial


(5) In this section:

MySuper product has the same meaning as in the Superannuation

Industry (Supervision) Act 1993.

947E Statement of Advice not to be combined with Financial

Services Guide or Product Disclosure Statement

A Statement of Advice must not be combined in a single document

with a Financial Services Guide or a Product Disclosure Statement.

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Section 948A

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Subdivision E—Other matters

948A Qualified privilege if providing entity complies with this


The providing entity has qualified privilege in respect of a

statement made to the client, whether orally or in writing, in the

course of, or in connection with, providing the advice if the

providing entity has complied with all material requirements of this

Division in relation to the advice.

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Other disclosure requirements Division 4

Section 949A

Corporations Act 2001 443

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Division 4—Other disclosure requirements

949A General advice provided to retail client—obligation to warn

client that advice does not take account of client’s

objectives, financial situation or needs

(1) This section applies in relation to the provision of general advice


(a) the advice is provided:

(i) by a financial services licensee (the providing entity); or

(ii) by an authorised representative (the providing entity) of

a financial services licensee, or of 2 or more financial

services licensees; and

(b) the advice is provided to a person (the client) as a retail

client; and

(c) the advice is not provided in circumstances specified in

regulations made for the purposes of this paragraph.

(2) The providing entity must, in accordance with subsection (3), warn

the client that:

(a) the advice has been prepared without taking account of the

client’s objectives, financial situation or needs; and

(b) because of that, the client should, before acting on the advice,

consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to

the client’s objectives, financial situation and needs; and

(c) if the advice relates to the acquisition, or possible acquisition,

of a particular financial product—the client should:

(i) if the product is not a CGS depository interest—obtain a

Product Disclosure Statement (see Division 2 of

Part 7.9) relating to the product and consider the

Statement before making any decision about whether to

acquire the product; or

(ii) if the product is a CGS depository interest—obtain each

information statement (see Division 5C of Part 7.9) for

the class of CGS depository interests that includes the

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Section 949B

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product and consider the statement before making any

decision about whether to acquire the product.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(3) The warning must be given to the client at the same time as the

advice is provided and by the same means as the advice is


(4) In any proceedings against an authorised representative of a

financial services licensee for an offence based on subsection (1), it

is a defence if:

(a) the licensee had provided the authorised representative with

information or instructions about the requirements to be

complied with in relation to the giving of personal advice;


(b) the representative’s failure to comply with subsection (1)

occurred because the representative was acting in reliance on

that information or those instructions; and

(c) the representative’s reliance on that information or those

instructions was reasonable.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

subsection (4). See subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

(5) A financial services licensee must take reasonable steps to ensure

that an authorised representative of the licensee complies with

subsection (2).

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

949B Regulations may impose disclosure requirements in certain


(1) The regulations may impose disclosure requirements, or additional

disclosure requirements, to be complied with in any of the

following situations:

(a) a financial service related to a risk insurance product or an

investment life insurance product is provided to a person as a

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Other disclosure requirements Division 4

Section 949B

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retail client by a financial services licensee, or an authorised

representative of a financial services licensee, acting under a


(b) a financial services licensee, or an authorised representative

of a financial services licensee, arranges for a person’s

instructions to be carried out through a financial market or a

clearing and settlement facility (whether inside or outside

Australia) that is not a licensed market or a licensed CS


(d) a financial service is provided by a person who does not need

an Australian financial services licence because the person is

covered by an exemption under paragraph 911A(2)(k) or (n( �

(e) a financial service is provided to a person as a wholesale


(2) A person to whom regulations made for the purposes of

subsection (1) apply must comply with any applicable

requirements in those regulations.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(3) In any proceedings against an authorised representative of a

financial services licensee for an offence based on subsection (2), it

is a defence if:

(a) the licensee had provided the authorised representative with

information or instructions about the requirements to be

complied with in relation to the matter dealt with in the

requirement in the regulations; and

(b) the representative’s failure to comply with the requirement in

the regulations occurred because the representative was

acting in reliance on that information or those instructions;


(c) the representative’s reliance on that information or those

instructions was reasonable.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

subsection (3). See subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

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Section 949B

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(4) A financial services licensee must take reasonable steps to ensure

that an authorised representative of the licensee complies with

subsection (2).

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

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Miscellaneous Division 6

Section 951A

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Division 6—Miscellaneous

951A Part cannot be contracted out of

A condition of a contract for the acquisition of a financial product,

or for the provision of a financial service, is void if it provides that

a party to the contract is:

(a) required or bound to waive compliance with any requirement

of this Part; or

(b) taken to have notice of any contract, document or matter not

specifically referred to in a Financial Services Guide,

Statement of Advice or other document given to the party.

951B Exemptions and modifications by ASIC

(1) ASIC may:

(a) exempt a person or a class of persons from all or specified

provisions of this Part; or

(b) exempt a financial product or class of financial products from

all or specified provisions of this Part; or

(c) declare that this Part applies in relation to a person or a

financial product, or a class of persons or financial products,

as if specified provisions of this Part were omitted, modified

or varied as specified in the declaration.

(3) An exemption may apply unconditionally or subject to specified

conditions. A person to whom a condition specified in an

exemption applies must comply with the condition. The Court may

order the person to comply with the condition in a specified way.

Only ASIC may apply to the Court for the order.

(4) An exemption or declaration must be in writing and ASIC must

publish notice of it in the Gazette.

(5) If conduct (including an omission) of a person would not have

constituted an offence if a particular declaration under

paragraph (1)(c) had not been made, that conduct does not

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Division 6 Miscellaneous

Section 951C

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constitute an offence unless, before the conduct occurred (in

addition to complying with the gazettal requirement of

subsection (4)):

(a) the text of the declaration was made available by ASIC on

the internet; or

(b) ASIC gave written notice setting out the text of the

declaration to the person.

In a prosecution for an offence to which this subsection applies, the

prosecution must prove that paragraph (a) or (b) was complied with

before the conduct occurred.

(6) For the purpose of this section, the provisions of this Part include:

(a) definitions in this Act, or in the regulations, as they apply to

references in this Part; and

(b) any provisions of Part 10.2 (transitional provisions) that

relate to provisions of this Part.

Note: Because of section 761H, a reference to this Part or Part 10.2 also

includes a reference to regulations or other instruments made for the

purposes of this Part or Part 10.2 (as the case requires).

951C Exemptions and modifications by regulations

(1) The regulations may:

(a) exempt a person or class of persons from all or specified

provisions of this Part; or

(b) exempt a financial product or a class of financial products

from all or specified provisions of this Part; or

(c) provide that this Part applies as if specified provisions were

omitted, modified or varied as specified in the regulations.

(2) For the purpose of this section, the provisions of this Part include:

(a) definitions in this Act, or in the regulations, as they apply to

references in this Part; and

(b) any provisions of Part 10.2 (transitional provisions) that

relate to provisions of this Part.

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Enforcement Division 7

Section 952A

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Division 7—Enforcement

Subdivision A—Offences

952A Overview

This Subdivision contains provisions creating offences by

references to various rules contained in preceding Divisions of this

Part. However, it does not create all the offences relating to those

rules, as some offences are created by subsection 1311(1). Where

offences are created by subsection 1311(1) in relation to a rule, this

is indicated by a note at the end of the provision containing the


952B Definitions

(1) In this Subdivision:

defective, in relation to a disclosure document or statement, means:

(a) if the disclosure document or statement is a Financial

Services Guide, a Supplementary Financial Services Guide,

or is information or a statement required by

subsection 941C(5), 941C(7) or 941D(2):

(i) there is a misleading or deceptive statement in the

disclosure document or statement; or

(ii) if it is a Financial Services Guide—there is an omission

from the Financial Services Guide of material required

by section 942B or 942C; or

(iii) if it is a Supplementary Financial Services Guide that is

given for the purposes of paragraph 941F(d)—there is

an omission from the Supplementary Financial Services

Guide of material required by that paragraph; or

(iv) if it is information or a statement required by

subsection 941C(5), 941C(7) or 941D(2)—there is an

omission from the document or statement of material

required by that subsection;

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being a statement, or an omission, that is or would be

materially adverse from the point of view of a reasonable

person considering whether to proceed to be provided with

the financial service concerned; or

(b) if the disclosure document or statement is a Statement of

Advice, or is information, a statement or a copy of a record

required by subsection 946AA(5), 946B(3), (6) or (8) or


(i) there is a misleading or deceptive statement in the

disclosure document or statement; or

(ii) if it is a Statement of Advice—there is an omission from

the Statement of advice of material required by

section 947B, 947C or 947D; or

(iii) if it is information, a statement or a copy of a record

required by subsection 946AA(5), 946B(3), (6) or (8) or

946C(2)—there is an omission from the information,

statement or copy of material required by that

subsection or section;

being a statement, or an omission, that is or would be

materially adverse from the point of view of a reasonable

person considering whether to act in reliance on the advice


Note: In determining whether a Financial Services Guide is defective, the

effect of section 943D must be taken into account (section 943D takes

information and statements in a Supplementary Financial Services

Guide to be included in the Financial Services Guide it supplements).

disclosure document or statement means:

(a) a Financial Services Guide; or

(b) a Supplementary Financial Services Guide; or

(c) a Statement of Advice; or

(d) information, a statement or a copy of a record required by

subsection 941C(5) or (7), 941D(2), 946AA(5), 946B(3), (6)

or (8) or 946C(2).

(1A) For the avoidance of doubt, if section 941E (information must be

up to date) is not complied with in relation to a Financial Services

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Section 952C

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Guide, then, for the purposes of the definition of defective in

subsection (1):

(a) if the circumstance constituting the non-compliance is that

particular information included in the Financial Services

Guide is not as up to date as section 941E requires it to be—

the information so included constitutes a misleading

statement in the Financial Services Guide; and

(b) if the circumstance constituting the non-compliance is a

failure to include particular information that was not

previously required to be included in the Financial Services

Guide—the failure to include the information constitutes an

omission from the Statement of material required by

section 942B or 942C.

Note 1: The effect of section 943D (information in a Supplementary Financial

Services Guide is taken to be contained in the Financial Services

Guide it supplements) must be taken into account in determining

whether section 941E is complied with in relation to a Financial

Services Guide.

Note 2: Whether the inclusion of out of date information, or the failure to

include information, results in the Financial Services Guide being

defective as defined in subsection (1) depends on whether the

materiality test set out in that definition is satisfied.

(2) In this Subdivision, a reference (including in the definitions in

subsection (1)) to a document or statement of a kind referred to in a

paragraph of the definition of disclosure document or statement in

subsection (1) includes a reference to something purporting to be a

document or statement of that kind.

952C Offence of failing to give a disclosure document or statement

Strict liability offence

(1) A person (the providing entity) commits an offence if:

(a) the providing entity is required by a provision of this Part to

give another person a disclosure document or statement (the

required disclosure document or statement); and

(b) the providing entity does not give (within the meaning of

section 940C) the other person anything purporting to be the

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Section 952C

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required disclosure document or statement by the time they

are required to do so.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

subsections 941C(1), (2), (3) and (3A). See subsection 13.3(3) of the

Criminal Code.

(2) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

Ordinary offence

(3) A person (the providing entity) commits an offence if:

(a) the providing entity is required by a provision of this Part to

give another person a disclosure document or statement (the

required disclosure document or statement); and

(b) the providing entity does not give (within the meaning of

section 940C) the other person anything purporting to be the

required disclosure document or statement by the time they

are required to do so.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

subsections 941C(1), (2), (3) and (3A). See subsection 13.3(3) of the

Criminal Code.

Defence for authorised representative

(4) In any proceedings against an authorised representative of a

financial services licensee for an offence based on subsection (1) or

(3), it is a defence if:

(a) the licensee had provided the representative with information

or instructions about the giving of disclosure documents or

statements; and

(b) the representative’s failure to give the required disclosure

document or statement occurred because the representative

was acting in reliance on that information or those

instructions; and

(c) the representative’s reliance on that information or those

instructions was reasonable.

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Section 952D

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Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

subsection (4). See subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

952D Offence of giving a disclosure document or statement knowing

it to be defective

(1) A person (the providing entity), being a financial services licensee,

commits an offence if:

(a) the providing entity:

(i) gives (see subsection (3)) another person a disclosure

document or statement in circumstances in which the

document or statement is required by a provision of this

Part to be given to the other person; or

(ii) is a financial services licensee and gives (see

subsection (3)), or makes available to, another person a

disclosure document or statement, being a Financial

Services Guide or a Supplementary Financial Services

Guide, reckless as to whether the other person will or

may rely on the information in it; and

(b) the providing entity knows that the disclosure document or

statement is defective.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

subsections 941C(1), (2), (3) and (3A). See subsection 13.3(3) of the

Criminal Code.

(2) An authorised representative of a financial services licensee

commits an offence if:

(a) the representative:

(i) gives (see subsection (3)) a person a disclosure

document or statement in circumstances in which the

document or statement is required by a provision of this

Part to be given to the person; or

(ii) gives (see subsection (3)), or makes available to, a

person a disclosure document or statement, being a

Financial Services Guide or a Supplementary Financial

Services Guide, reckless as to whether the person will or

may rely on the information in it; and

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Section 952E

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(b) the representative knows that the disclosure document or

statement is defective.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

subsections 941C(1), (2), (3) and (3A). See subsection 13.3(3) of the

Criminal Code.

(3) In this section, give means give by any means (including orally),

and is not limited to the meaning it has because of section 940C.

952E Giving a defective disclosure document or statement (whether

or not known to be defective)

Financial services licensee gives a defective disclosure document

or statement

(1) A person (the providing entity), being a financial services licensee,

contravenes this subsection if:

(a) the providing entity:

(i) gives (see subsection (5)) another person a disclosure

document or statement in circumstances in which the

document or statement is required by a provision of this

Part to be given to the other person; or

(ii) is a financial services licensee and gives (see

subsection (5)), or makes available to, another person a

disclosure document or statement, being a Financial

Services Guide or a Supplementary Financial Services

Guide, reckless as to whether the other person will or

may rely on the information in it; and

(b) the disclosure document or statement is defective.

Note: In criminal proceedings, a defendant bears an evidential burden in

relation to the matters in subsections 941C(1), (2), (3) and (3A). See

subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

Authorised representative gives a defective disclosure statement or


(2) An authorised representative of a financial services licensee

contravenes this subsection if:

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(a) the representative gives (see subsection (5)) a person a

disclosure document or statement, being a Statement of

Advice, or information, a statement or a copy of a record

required by subsection 941C(5) or (7), 941D(2), 946AA(5),

946B(3), (6) or (8) or 946C(2), in circumstances in which the

document or statement is required by a provision of this Part

to be given to the person; and

(b) the disclosure document or statement is defective.

Note: In criminal proceedings, a defendant bears an evidential burden in

relation to the matters in subsections 941C(1), (2), (3) and (3A). See

subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.


(3) A person does not contravene subsection (1) or (2) if the person

took reasonable steps to ensure that the disclosure document or

statement would not be defective.

Note: In criminal proceedings, a defendant bears an evidential burden in

relation to the matters in subsection (3). See subsection 13.3(3) of the

Criminal Code.

(4) A person does not contravene subsection (2) if the disclosure

document or statement:

(a) was provided to the person by a financial services licensee

for whom they were, at that time, an authorised

representative; or

(b) was defective because of information, or an omission from

information, provided to them by a financial services licensee

for whom they were, at that time, an authorised


Note: In criminal proceedings, a defendant bears an evidential burden in

relation to the matters in subsection (4). See subsection 13.3(3) of the

Criminal Code.

Meaning of give

(5) In this section, give means give by any means (including orally),

and is not limited to the meaning it has because of section 940C.

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Section 952F

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Fault-based offence

(6) A person commits an offence if the person contravenes

subsection (1) or (2).

(7) For the purposes of an offence based on subsection (1), strict

liability applies to the physical element of the offence specified in

paragraph (1)(b).

(8) For the purposes of an offence based on subsection (2), strict

liability applies to the physical element of the offence specified in

paragraph (2)(b).

Civil liability

(9) A person contravenes this subsection if the person contravenes

subsection (1) or (2).

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

952F Offences of financial services licensee knowingly providing

defective disclosure material to an authorised


(1) For the purposes of this section, a financial services licensee

provides disclosure material to an authorised representative of the

licensee if:

(a) the licensee authorises the distribution by the representative

of a disclosure document or statement, being a Financial

Services Guide or a Supplementary Financial Services

Guide; or

(b) the licensee provides the representative with a disclosure

document or statement, being a Statement of Advice, or

information, a statement or a copy of a record required by

subsection 941C(5) or (7), 941D(2), 946AA(5), 946B(3), (6)

or (8) or 946C(2); or

(c) the licensee provides the representative with information:

(i) for the purpose of it being included by the

representative in a disclosure document or statement,

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being a Statement of Advice, or information, a

statement or a copy of a record required by

subsection 941C(5) or (7), 941D(2), 946AA(5),

946B(3), (6) or (8) or 946C(2); or

(ii) knowing that it is likely that it will be so included in

such a document.

(2) A financial services licensee commits an offence if:

(a) the licensee provides disclosure material (being a disclosure

document or statement) to an authorised representative of the

licensee as mentioned in paragraph (1)(a) or (b); and

(b) the licensee knows that the disclosure document or statement

is defective.

(3) A financial services licensee commits an offence if:

(a) the licensee provides disclosure material (being information)

to an authorised representative of the licensee as mentioned

in paragraph (1)(c); and

(b) the licensee knows that, if the information is included by the

representative as mentioned in that paragraph, the disclosure

document or statement concerned will be defective.

(4) A financial services licensee commits an offence if:

(a) the licensee provides disclosure material (being information)

to an authorised representative of the licensee as mentioned

in paragraph (1)(c); and

(b) the information relates to a matter or matters, but the licensee

knows that it is only some of the information relating to the

matter or matters that the disclosure document or statement

concerned is required to contain; and

(c) the licensee is reckless as to whether the representative will

or may prepare the disclosure document or statement on the

basis that the information is all the information relating to the

matter or matters that the disclosure document or statement is

required to contain.

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Section 952G

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952G Offences of financial services licensee providing disclosure

material to an authorised representative (whether or not

known to be defective)

(1) For the purposes of this section, a financial services licensee

provides disclosure material to an authorised representative of the

licensee if:

(a) the licensee authorises the distribution by the representative

of a disclosure document or statement, being a Financial

Services Guide or a Supplementary Financial Services

Guide; or

(b) the licensee provides the representative with a disclosure

document or statement, being a Statement of Advice, or

information, a statement or a copy of a record required by

subsection 941C(5) or (7), 941D(2), 946AA(5), 946B(3), (6)

or (8) or 946C(2); or

(c) the licensee provides the representative with information:

(i) for the purpose of it being included by the

representative in a disclosure document or statement,

being a Statement of Advice, or information, a

statement or a copy of a record required by

subsection 941C(5) or (7), 941D(2), 946AA(5),

946B(3), (6) or (8) or 946C(2); or

(ii) knowing that it is likely that it will be so included in

such a document.

(2) A financial services licensee commits an offence if:

(a) the licensee provides disclosure material (being a disclosure

document or statement) to an authorised representative of the

licensee as mentioned in paragraph (1)(a) or (b); and

(b) the disclosure document or statement is defective in a respect

that does not relate to material required to be in the document

or statement only because the representative is also the

authorised representative of another financial services


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(3) For the purposes of an offence based on subsection (2), strict

liability applies to the physical element of the offence specified in

paragraph (2)(b).

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(4) A financial services licensee commits an offence if:

(a) the licensee provides disclosure material (being information)

to an authorised representative of the licensee as mentioned

in paragraph (1)(c); and

(b) the authorised representative includes the information in the

disclosure document or statement concerned; and

(c) the disclosure document or statement is defective because it

includes that information (whether or not it is also defective

for other reasons).

(5) For the purposes of an offence based on subsection (4), strict

liability applies to the physical element of the offence specified in

paragraph (4)(c).

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(6) A financial services licensee commits an offence if:

(a) the licensee provides disclosure material (being information)

to an authorised representative of the licensee as mentioned

in paragraph (1)(c); and

(b) the information relates to a matter or matters, but it is only

some of the information relating to the matter or matters that

the disclosure document or statement concerned is required

to contain; and

(c) the representative prepares the disclosure document or

statement on the basis that the information is all the

information relating to the matter or matters that the

disclosure document or statement is required to contain; and

(d) the disclosure document or statement is defective because it

includes only that information about the matter or matters

(whether or not it is also defective for other reasons).

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Section 952H

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(7) For the purposes of an offence based on subsection (6), strict

liability applies to the physical elements of the offence specified in

paragraphs (6)(b) and (d).

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(8) In any proceedings against a person for an offence based on

subsection (2), it is a defence if the person took reasonable steps to

ensure that the disclosure document or statement would not be


Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

subsection (8). See subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

(9) In any proceedings against a person for an offence based on

subsection (4), it is a defence if the person took reasonable steps to

ensure that the information they provided would not be such as to

make the disclosure document or statement defective.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

subsection (9). See subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

(10) In any proceedings against a person for an offence based on

subsection (6), it is a defence if the person took reasonable steps to

ensure that the information they provided about the matter or

matters would be all the information about the matter or matters

that the disclosure document or statement would be required to


Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

subsection (10). See subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

952H Financial services licensee failing to ensure authorised

representative gives disclosure documents or statements

as required


(1) A financial services licensee contravenes this subsection if the

licensee does not take reasonable steps to ensure that an authorised

representative of the licensee:

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(a) complies with their obligations under this Part to give

disclosure documents or statements as and when required;


(b) without limiting paragraph (a), does not, in purported

compliance with obligations under this Part, give disclosure

documents or statements that are defective.

Fault-based offence

(2) A person commits an offence if the person contravenes

subsection (1).

Civil liability

(3) A person contravenes this subsection if the person contravenes

subsection (1).

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

952I Offences if a Financial Services Guide (or Supplementary FSG)

does not comply with certain requirements

(1) A financial services licensee commits an offence if:

(a) the licensee:

(i) gives (see subsection (6)) a person a Financial Services

Guide in circumstances in which it is required by a

provision of this Part to be given to the person; or

(ii) gives (see subsection (6)), or makes available to, a

person a Financial Services Guide, reckless as to

whether the person will or may rely on the information

in it; and

(b) the Financial Services Guide does not comply with

section 942A, subsection 942B(5) or 942DA(3) or

paragraph 942E(b).

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

subsections 941C(1), (2), (3) and (3A). See subsection 13.3(3) of the

Criminal Code.

(2) A financial services licensee commits an offence if:

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(a) the financial services licensee authorises the distribution of a

Financial Services Guide by an authorised representative of

the licensee; and

(b) the Financial Services Guide does not comply with

section 942A, subsection 942B(5) or 942DA(3) or

paragraph 942E(b).

(3) A financial services licensee commits an offence if:

(a) the licensee:

(i) gives (see subsection (6)) a person a Supplementary

Financial Services Guide in circumstances in which it is

required by a provision of this Part to be given to the

person; or

(ii) gives (see subsection (6)), or makes available to, a

person a Supplementary Financial Services Guide,

reckless as to whether the person will or may rely on the

information in it; and

(b) the Supplementary Financial Services Guide does not comply

with section 943B or 943C.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

subsections 941C(1), (2), (3) and (3A). See subsection 13.3(3) of the

Criminal Code.

(4) A financial services licensee commits an offence if:

(a) the financial services licensee authorises the distribution of a

Supplementary Financial Services Guide by an authorised

representative of the licensee; and

(b) the Supplementary Financial Services Guide does not comply

with section 943B or 943C.

(5) For the purposes of an offence based on subsection (1), (2), (3) or

(4), strict liability applies to paragraph (b) of that subsection.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(6) In this section, give means give by any means (including orally),

and is not limited to the meaning it has because of section 940C.

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Section 952J

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952J Offence if a Statement of Advice does not comply with certain


(1) A financial services licensee, or an authorised representative of a

financial services licensee, commits an offence if:

(a) the licensee or representative gives (see subsection (3)) a

person a Statement of Advice in circumstances in which it is

required by a provision of this Part to be given to the person;


(b) the Statement of Advice does not comply with section 947A

or 947E.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

subsections 941C(1), (2), (3) and (3A). See subsection 13.3(3) of the

Criminal Code.

(2) For the purposes of an offence based on subsection (1), strict

liability applies to paragraph (b) of that subsection.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(3) In this section, give means give by any means (including orally),

and is not limited to the meaning it has because of section 940C.

952K Offence if authorised representative gives out unauthorised

Financial Services Guide (or Supplementary FSG)

An authorised representative of a financial services licensee

commits an offence if:

(a) the representative:

(i) gives a person a Financial Services Guide, or a

Supplementary Financial Services Guide, in

circumstances in which it is required by a provision of

this Part to be given to the person; or

(ii) gives, or makes available to, a person a Financial

Services Guide, or a Supplementary Financial Services

Guide, reckless as to whether the person will or may

rely on the information in it; and

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Section 952L

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(b) the licensee has not authorised the distribution by the

representative of the Financial Services Guide or the

Supplementary Financial Services Guide.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

subsections 941C(1), (2), (3) and (3A). See subsection 13.3(3) of the

Criminal Code.

952L Offences if financial services licensee or authorised

representative becomes aware that a Financial Services

Guide (or Supplementary FSG) is defective

(1) A financial services licensee commits an offence if:

(a) the licensee has authorised an authorised representative of the

licensee to distribute a Financial Services Guide or a

Supplementary Financial Services Guide; and

(b) the licensee becomes aware that the Financial Services

Guide, or the Supplementary Financial Services Guide, is

defective; and

(c) the licensee does not, as soon as practicable, give the

representative a direction that satisfies one or more of the

following subparagraphs:

(i) a direction not to distribute the Financial Services Guide

or the Supplementary Financial Services Guide;

(ii) a direction not to distribute the Financial Services Guide

unless it is accompanied by a Supplementary Financial

Services Guide that corrects the deficiency;

(iii) a direction not to distribute the Financial Services Guide

or the Supplementary Financial Services Guide without

first altering it in a way that is specified in the direction,

being a way that corrects the deficiency and that

complies with section 942E or 943F.

(2) An authorised representative commits an offence if:

(a) the representative is given a direction under subsection (1);


(b) the representative does not comply with the direction.

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Section 952M

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(3) An authorised representative of a financial services licensee

commits an offence if:

(a) the licensee has authorised the representative to distribute a

Financial Services Guide or a Supplementary Financial

Services Guide; and

(b) the representative becomes aware that the Financial Services

Guide, or the Supplementary Financial Services Guide, is

defective; and

(c) the representative does not, as soon as practicable, notify the

licensee of the particulars of the deficiency.

(4) In this section, a reference to distributing a Financial Services

Guide or a Supplementary Financial Services Guide includes (but

is not limited to) giving or reading the document or statement to

another person in purported compliance with a requirement of this


952M Offence of unauthorised alteration of Financial Services

Guide or Supplementary Financial Services Guide

A person commits an offence if:

(a) the person engages in conduct that results in an alteration of a

Financial Services Guide or a Supplementary Financial

Services Guide that:

(i) has been prepared by or on behalf of a particular

financial services licensee; or

(ii) the distribution of which by the person has been

authorised by a particular financial services licensee;


(b) the alteration results in the Financial Services Guide or

Supplementary Financial Services Guide becoming defective,

or more defective than it previously was; and

(c) the alteration is not made with the authority of the licensee;


(d) the person, in purported compliance with a provision of this

Part, gives the altered Financial Services Guide or

Supplementary Financial Services Guide to another person.

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Part 7.7 Financial services disclosure

Division 7 Enforcement

Section 953A

466 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Subdivision B—Civil liability

953A Definitions

(1) In this Subdivision:

defective, in relation to a disclosure document or statement, means:

(a) if the disclosure document or statement is a Financial

Services Guide, a Supplementary Financial Services Guide,

or is information or a statement required by

subsection 941C(5), 941C(7) or 941D(2):

(i) there is a misleading or deceptive statement in the

disclosure document or statement; or

(ii) if it is a Financial Services Guide—there is an omission

from the Financial Services Guide of material required

by section 942B or 942C; or

(iii) if it is a Supplementary Financial Services Guide that is

given for the purposes of paragraph 941F(d)—there is

an omission from the Supplementary Financial Services

Guide of material required by that paragraph; or

(iv) if it is information or a statement required by

subsection 941C(5), 941C(7) or 941D(2)—there is an

omission from the document or statement of material

required by that subsection; or

(b) if the disclosure document or statement is a Statement of

Advice, or is information, a statement or a copy of a record

required by subsection 946AA(5), 946B(3), (6) or (8) or


(i) there is a misleading or deceptive statement in the

disclosure document or statement; or

(ii) if it is a Statement of Advice—there is an omission from

the Statement of Advice of material required by

section 947B, 947C or 947D; or

(iii) if it is information, a statement or a copy of a record

required by subsection 946AA(5), 946B(3), (6) or (8) or

946C(2)—there is an omission from the information,

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Financial services disclosure Part 7.7

Enforcement Division 7

Section 953A

Corporations Act 2001 467

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statement or copy of material required by that

subsection or section.

Note: In determining whether a Financial Services Guide is defective, the

effect of section 943D must be taken into account (section 943D takes

information and statements in a Supplementary Financial Services

Guide to be included in the Financial Services Guide it supplements).

disclosure document or statement means:

(a) a Financial Services Guide; or

(b) a Supplementary Financial Services Guide; or

(c) a Statement of Advice; or

(d) information, a statement or a copy of a record required by

subsection 941C(5) or (7), 941D(2), 946AA(5), 946B(3), (6)

or (8) or 946C(2).

(1A) For the avoidance of doubt, if section 941E (information must be

up to date) is not complied with in relation to a Financial Services

Guide, then, for the purposes of the definition of defective in

subsection (1):

(a) if the circumstance constituting the non-compliance is that

particular information included in the Financial Services

Guide is not as up to date as section 941E requires it to be—

the information so included constitutes a misleading

statement in the Financial Services Guide; and

(b) if the circumstance constituting the non-compliance is a

failure to include particular information that was not

previously required to be included in the Financial Services

Guide—the failure to include the information constitutes an

omission from the Statement of material required by

section 942B or 942C.

Note: The effect of section 943D (information in a Supplementary Financial

Services Guide is taken to be contained in the Financial Services

Guide it supplements) must be taken into account in determining

whether section 941E is complied with in relation to a Financial

Services Guide.

(2) In this Subdivision, a reference (including in the definitions in

subsection (1)) to a document or statement of a kind referred to in a

paragraph of the definition of disclosure document or statement in

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Part 7.7 Financial services disclosure

Division 7 Enforcement

Section 953B

468 Corporations Act 2001

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subsection (1) includes a reference to something purporting to be a

document or statement of that kind.

953B Civil action for loss or damage

(1) This section applies in the following situations:

(a) a person:

(i) is required by a provision of this Part to give another

person (the client) a disclosure document or statement

(the required disclosure document or statement); and

(ii) does not give (within the meaning of section 940C) the

client anything purporting to be the required disclosure

document or statement by the time they are required to

do so; or

(b) a person:

(i) gives another person (the client) a disclosure document

or statement that is defective in circumstances in which

a disclosure document or statement is required by a

provision of this Part to be given to the client; or

(ii) is a financial services licensee and gives, or makes

available to, another person (the client) a disclosure

document or statement, being a Financial Services

Guide or a Supplementary Financial Services Guide,

that is defective, reckless as to whether the client will or

may rely on the information in it; or

(c) a person contravenes section 949A or 949B.

In paragraph (b), give means give by any means (including orally),

and is not limited to the meaning it has because of section 940C.

(2) In a situation to which this section applies, if a person suffers loss

or damage:

(a) if paragraph (1)(a) applies—because the client was not given

the disclosure document or statement that they should have

been given; or

(b) if paragraph (1)(b) applies—because the disclosure document

or statement the client was given was defective; or

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Financial services disclosure Part 7.7

Enforcement Division 7

Section 953B

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(c) if paragraph (1)(c) applies—because of the contravention

referred to in that paragraph;

the person may, subject to subsection (6), recover the amount of

the loss or damage by action against the, or a, liable person (see

subsections (3) and (4)), whether or not that person (or anyone

else) has been convicted of an offence in respect of the matter

referred to in paragraph (a), (b) or (c).

(3) For the purposes of subsection (2), the, or a, liable person is:

(a) if the person first-referred to in paragraph (1)(a), (b) or (c) is

a financial services licensee—subject to subsection (4), that

person; or

(b) if the person first-referred to in paragraph (1)(a), (b) or (c) is

an authorised representative of only one financial services

licensee—that financial services licensee; or

(c) if the person first-referred to in paragraph (1)(a), (b) or (c) is

an authorised representative of more than one financial

services licensee:

(i) if, under the rules in section 917C, one of those

licensees is responsible for the person’s conduct—that

licensee; or

(ii) if, under the rules in section 917C, 2 or more of those

licensees are jointly and severally responsible for the

person’s conduct—each of those licensees.

(3A) For the purposes of paragraph (3)(c):

(a) section 917C is taken to apply, despite section 917F; and

(b) section 917D is taken not to apply.

(4) If:

(a) paragraph (1)(b) applies; and

(b) an alteration was made to the disclosure document or

statement before it was given to the client; and

(c) the alteration made the disclosure document or statement

defective, or more defective than it would otherwise have

been; and

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Part 7.7 Financial services disclosure

Division 7 Enforcement

Section 953C

470 Corporations Act 2001

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(d) the alteration was not made by, or with the authority of, the

person who would, but for this subsection, be the liable

person because of paragraph (3)(a);

then, so far as a person has suffered loss or damage because the

disclosure document or statement was defective because of the

alteration, the liable person is the person who made the alteration,

rather than the person referred to in paragraph (d).

(5) An action under subsection (2) may be begun at any time within 6

years after the day on which the cause of action arose.

(6) A person is not liable under subsection (2) in a situation described

in paragraph (1)(b) if the person took reasonable steps to ensure

that the disclosure document or statement would not be defective.

(7) This section does not affect any liability that a person has under

any other law.

953C Additional powers of court to make orders

(1) The court dealing with an action under subsection 953B(2) may, in

addition to awarding loss or damage under that subsection and if it

thinks it necessary in order to do justice between the parties:

(a) make an order declaring void a contract entered into by the

client referred to in that subsection for or relating to a

financial product or a financial service; and

(b) if it makes an order under paragraph (a)—make such other

order or orders as it thinks are necessary or desirable because

of that order.

(2) Without limiting paragraph (1)(b), an order under that paragraph

may include an order for the return of money paid by a person,

and/or an order for payment of an amount of interest specified in,

or calculated in accordance with, the order.

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Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Best interests obligations and remuneration Part 7.7A

Preliminary Division 1

Section 960

Corporations Act 2001 471

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Part 7.7A—Best interests obligations and


Division 1—Preliminary

960 Definitions

In this Part:

asset-based fee has the meaning given by section 964F.

basic banking product has the meaning given by section 961F.

benefit ratio, for a benefit given to a financial services licensee, or

a representative of a financial services licensee, in relation to a life

risk insurance product, or life risk insurance products, for a year,

has the meaning given by subsection 963B(3A).

conflicted remuneration has the meaning given by section 963A,

as affected by sections 963AA, 963B, 963C and 963D.

consumer credit insurance has the same meaning as in the

Insurance Contracts Act 1984.

custodian, in relation to a registrable superannuation entity, has the

same meaning as in the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act


disclosure day has the meaning given by section 962J.

fee disclosure statement has the meaning given by

subsection 962H(1).

fee recipient has the meaning given by section 962C.

group life policy for members of a superannuation entity has the

meaning given by subsection 963B(2).

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Part 7.7A Best interests obligations and remuneration

Division 1 Preliminary

Section 960

472 Corporations Act 2001

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life policy for a member of a default superannuation fund has the

meaning given by subsection 963B(3).

ongoing fee has the meaning given by section 962B.

ongoing fee arrangement has the meaning given by section 962A.

policy cost, for a life risk insurance product, or life risk insurance

products, for a year has the meaning given by

subsections 963B(3B) and (3C).

reasonable investigation has a meaning affected by section 961D.

reasonably apparent:

(a) in Division 2—has the meaning given by section 961C; and

(b) in Subdivision B of Division 5—has the meaning given by

section 964H.

registrable superannuation entity has the same meaning as in the

Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993.

regulated superannuation fund has the same meaning as in the

Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993.

renewal notice has the meaning given by subsection 962K(2).

renewal notice day has the meaning given by subsection 962L(1).

renewal period has the meaning given by subsection 962L(2).

representative of a financial services licensee has the same

meaning as in Part 7.6 (see section 910A).

responsible licensee, in relation to a contravention of a provision

of this Part, has the meaning given by section 961P.

RSE licensee has the same meaning as in the Superannuation

Industry (Supervision) Act 1993.

volume-based shelf-space fee has a meaning affected by

section 964A.

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Best interests obligations and remuneration Part 7.7A

Preliminary Division 1

Section 960A

Corporations Act 2001 473

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960A No contracting out

A condition of a contract or other arrangement is void if it provides

that a party to the contract is required or bound to waive any right

under this Part, or waive the compliance with any requirement of

this Part.

960B Obligations under this Part in addition to other obligations

The obligations imposed on a person under this Part are in addition

to any other obligations to which the person is subject under this

Act or any other law.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.7A Best interests obligations and remuneration

Division 2 Best interests obligations

Section 961

474 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 2—Best interests obligations

Subdivision A—Preliminary

961 Application of this Division

(1) This Division applies in relation to the provision of personal advice

(the advice) to a person (the client) as a retail client.

(2) The individual who is to provide the advice is referred to in this

Division as the provider.

(3) If 2 or more individuals are to provide the advice, each of those

individuals is referred to in this Division as the provider.

(4) An individual is a provider for the purposes of this Division even if

the individual is a representative of a financial services licensee

and is to provide the advice on behalf of that licensee.

(5) If it is not reasonably possible to identify the individual who is to,

or individuals who are to, provide the advice, the person who is to

provide the advice is the provider for the purposes of this Division.

(6) A person who offers personal advice through a computer program

is taken to be the person who is to provide the advice, and is the

provider for the purposes of this Division.

961A Application to a financial services licensee acting as an

authorised representative

If a financial services licensee is acting as an authorised

representative of another financial services licensee in relation to

the advice, this Division applies to the first licensee in relation to

the advice in that licensee’s capacity as an authorised

representative (rather than in the capacity of licensee).

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Best interests obligations and remuneration Part 7.7A

Best interests obligations Division 2

Section 961B

Corporations Act 2001 475

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Subdivision B—Provider must act in the best interests of the


961B Provider must act in the best interests of the client

(1) The provider must act in the best interests of the client in relation

to the advice.

(2) The provider satisfies the duty in subsection (1), if the provider

proves that the provider has done each of the following:

(a) identified the objectives, financial situation and needs of the

client that were disclosed to the provider by the client

through instructions;

(b) identified:

(i) the subject matter of the advice that has been sought by

the client (whether explicitly or implicitly); and

(ii) the objectives, financial situation and needs of the client

that would reasonably be considered as relevant to

advice sought on that subject matter (the client’s

relevant circumstances);

(c) where it was reasonably apparent that information relating to

the client’s relevant circumstances was incomplete or

inaccurate, made reasonable inquiries to obtain complete and

accurate information;

(d) assessed whether the provider has the expertise required to

provide the client advice on the subject matter sought and, if

not, declined to provide the advice;

(e) if, in considering the subject matter of the advice sought, it

would be reasonable to consider recommending a financial


(i) conducted a reasonable investigation into the financial

products that might achieve those of the objectives and

meet those of the needs of the client that would

reasonably be considered as relevant to advice on that

subject matter; and

(ii) assessed the information gathered in the investigation;

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.7A Best interests obligations and remuneration

Division 2 Best interests obligations

Section 961B

476 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(f) based all judgements in advising the client on the client’s

relevant circumstances;

(g) taken any other step that, at the time the advice is provided,

would reasonably be regarded as being in the best interests of

the client, given the client’s relevant circumstances.

Note: The matters that must be proved under subsection (2) relate to the

subject matter of the advice sought by the client and the circumstances

of the client relevant to that subject matter (the client’s relevant

circumstances). That subject matter and the client’s relevant

circumstances may be broad or narrow, and so the subsection

anticipates that a client may seek scaled advice and that the inquiries

made by the provider will be tailored to the advice sought.

Advice given by Australian ADIs—best interests duty satisfied if

certain steps are taken

(3) If:

(a) the provider is:

(i) an agent or employee of an Australian ADI; or

(ii) otherwise acting by arrangement with an Australian

ADI under the name of the Australian ADI; and

(b) the subject matter of the advice sought by the client relates

only to the following:

(i) a basic banking product;

(ii) a general insurance product;

(iii) consumer credit insurance;

(iv) a combination of any of those products;

the provider satisfies the duty in subsection (1) in relation to the

advice given in relation to the basic banking product and the

general insurance product if the provider takes the steps mentioned

in paragraphs (2)(a), (b) and (c).

General insurance products—best interests duty satisfied if certain

steps are taken

(4) To the extent that the subject matter of the advice sought by the

client is a general insurance product, the provider satisfies the duty

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Best interests obligations and remuneration Part 7.7A

Best interests obligations Division 2

Section 961C

Corporations Act 2001 477

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

in subsection (1) if the provider takes the steps mentioned in

paragraphs (2)(a), (b) and (c).


(5) The regulations may prescribe:

(a) a step, in addition to or substitution for the steps mentioned

in subsection (2), that the provider must, in prescribed

circumstances, prove that the provider has taken, to satisfy

the duty in subsection (1); or

(b) that the provider is not required, in prescribed circumstances,

to prove that the provider has taken a step mentioned in

subsection (2), to satisfy the duty in subsection (1); or

(c) circumstances in which the duty in subsection (1) does not


961C When is something reasonably apparent?

Something is reasonably apparent if it would be apparent to a

person with a reasonable level of expertise in the subject matter of

the advice that has been sought by the client, were that person

exercising care and objectively assessing the information given to

the provider by the client.

961D What is a reasonable investigation?

(1) A reasonable investigation into the financial products that might

achieve those of the objectives and meet those of the needs of the

client that would reasonably be considered relevant to advice on

the subject matter sought by the client does not require an

investigation into every financial product available.

(2) However, if the client requests the provider to consider a specified

financial product, a reasonable investigation into the financial

products that might achieve those of the objectives and meet those

of the needs of the client that would reasonably be considered

relevant to advice on the subject matter sought by the client

includes an investigation into that financial product.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.7A Best interests obligations and remuneration

Division 2 Best interests obligations

Section 961E

478 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

961E What would reasonably be regarded as in the best interests of

the client?

It would reasonably be regarded as in the best interests of the client

to take a step, if a person with a reasonable level of expertise in the

subject matter of the advice that has been sought by the client,

exercising care and objectively assessing the client’s relevant

circumstances, would regard it as in the best interests of the client,

given the client’s relevant circumstances, to take that step.

961F What is a basic banking product?

Each of the following is a basic banking product:

(a) a basic deposit product;

(b) a facility for making non-cash payments (see section 763D);

(d) a facility for providing traveller’s cheques;

(e) any other product prescribed by regulations for the purposes

of this paragraph.

Subdivision C—Resulting advice must be appropriate to the


961G Resulting advice must be appropriate to the client

The provider must only provide the advice to the client if it would

be reasonable to conclude that the advice is appropriate to the

client, had the provider satisfied the duty under section 961B to act

in the best interests of the client.

Note: A responsible licensee or an authorised representative may contravene

a civil penalty provision if a provider fails to comply with this section

(see sections 961K and 961Q). The provider may be subject to a

banning order (see section 920A).

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Best interests obligations and remuneration Part 7.7A

Best interests obligations Division 2

Section 961H

Corporations Act 2001 479

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Subdivision D—Where resulting advice still based on

incomplete or inaccurate information

961H Resulting advice still based on incomplete or inaccurate


(1) If it is reasonably apparent that information relating to the

objectives, financial situation and needs of the client on which the

advice is based is incomplete or inaccurate, the provider must, in

accordance with subsections (2) and (3), warn the client that:

(a) the advice is, or may be, based on incomplete or inaccurate

information relating to the client’s relevant personal

circumstances; and

(b) because of that, the client should, before acting on the advice,

consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to

the client’s objectives, financial situation and needs.

(2) The warning must be given to the client at the same time as the

advice is provided and, subject to subsection (3), by the same

means as the advice is provided.

(3) If a Statement of Advice is the means by which the advice is

provided, or is given to the client at the same time as the advice is

provided, the warning may be given by including it in the

Statement of Advice.

Note: The Statement of Advice must at least contain a record of the warning

(see paragraphs 947B(2)(f) and 947C(2)(g)).

(4) If 2 or more individuals provide the advice and one of those

individuals provides a warning in accordance with this section, the

other individuals are taken to have complied with this section.

(5) Nothing in this section affects the duty of the provider under

section 961B to make reasonable inquiries to obtain complete and

accurate information.

Note: A responsible licensee or an authorised representative may contravene

a civil penalty provision if a provider fails to comply with this section

(see sections 961K and 961Q). The provider may be subject to a

banning order (see section 920A).

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.7A Best interests obligations and remuneration

Division 2 Best interests obligations

Section 961J

480 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Subdivision E—Provider to give priority to the client’s interests

961J Conflict between client’s interests and those of provider,

licensee, authorised representative or associates

(1) If the provider knows, or reasonably ought to know, that there is a

conflict between the interests of the client and the interests of:

(a) the provider; or

(b) an associate of the provider; or

(c) a financial services licensee of whom the provider is a

representative; or

(d) an associate of a financial services licensee of whom the

provider is a representative; or

(e) an authorised representative who has authorised the provider,

under subsection 916B(3), to provide a specified financial

service or financial services on behalf of a financial services

licensee; or

(f) an associate of an authorised representative who has

authorised the provider, under subsection 916B(3), to provide

a specified financial service or financial services on behalf of

a financial services licensee;

the provider must give priority to the client’s interests when giving

the advice.

Note: A responsible licensee or an authorised representative may contravene

a civil penalty provision if a provider fails to comply with this section

(see sections 961K and 961Q). The provider may be subject to a

banning order (see section 920A).

(2) If:

(a) the provider is:

(i) an agent or employee of an Australian ADI; or

(ii) otherwise acting by arrangement with an Australian

ADI under the name of the Australian ADI; and

(b) the subject matter of the advice sought by the client relates

only to the following:

(i) a basic banking product;

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Best interests obligations and remuneration Part 7.7A

Best interests obligations Division 2

Section 961K

Corporations Act 2001 481

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(ii) a general insurance product;

(iii) consumer credit insurance;

(iv) a combination of any of those products;

subsection (1) does not apply to the extent that the advice relates to

a basic banking product or a general insurance product or a

combination of those 2 products.

(3) Subsection (1) does not apply to the extent that the subject matter

of the advice sought by the client is a general insurance product.

Subdivision F—Responsibilities of licensees under this Division

961K Civil penalty provision—sections 961B, 961G, 961H and 961J

(1) A financial services licensee contravenes this section if the licensee

contravenes section 961B, 961G, 961H or 961J.

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

(2) A financial services licensee contravenes this section if:

(a) a representative, other than an authorised representative, of

the licensee contravenes section 961B, 961G, 961H or 961J;


(b) the licensee is the, or a, responsible licensee in relation to

that contravention.

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

961L Licensees must ensure compliance

A financial services licensee must take reasonable steps to ensure

that representatives of the licensee comply with sections 961B,

961G, 961H and 961J.

Note: This section is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

961M Civil action for loss or damage

(1) This section applies if the client suffers loss or damage because of

a contravention of a provision of this Division.

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Part 7.7A Best interests obligations and remuneration

Division 2 Best interests obligations

Section 961M

482 Corporations Act 2001

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(2) A Court may order that one or more of the following persons

compensate the client for the amount of the loss or damage:

(a) if the person who contravenes the provision is a financial

services licensee—that licensee;

(b) if the person who contravenes the provision is a

representative of a financial services licensee, or 2 or more

financial services licensees—the, or a, responsible licensee in

relation to the contravention.

(3) The Court may make the order under this section:

(a) on its own initiative, during proceedings before the Court; or

(b) on the application of ASIC; or

(c) on the application of the client.

(4) In determining the damage suffered by the client, the Court may

include profits resulting from the contravention that are made by:

(a) if the person who contravenes the provision is a financial

services licensee—the licensee; or

(b) if the person who contravenes the provision is a

representative of a financial services licensee, or 2 or more

financial services licensees:

(i) the representative; and

(ii) where the Court’s order under subsection (2) relates to a

financial services licensee that is the, or a, responsible

licensee in relation to the contravention—the licensee.

(5) An order under this section may be made whether or not the

licensee against whom the order is made (or anyone else) has been

convicted of an offence, or been the subject of a civil penalty order,

in respect of the matter.

(6) An action to recover the amount of the loss or damage may be

begun at any time within 6 years after the contravention.

(7) An order under this section may be enforced as if it were a

judgement of the Court.

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Best interests obligations Division 2

Section 961N

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(8) This section does not affect any liability that a person has under

any other law.

961N Additional powers of Court to make orders

(1) The Court dealing with an action under subsection 961M(2) may,

in addition to awarding loss or damage under that subsection and if

it thinks it necessary in order to do justice between the parties:

(a) make an order declaring void a contract entered into by the

client for or relating to a financial product or a financial

service; and

(b) if it makes an order under paragraph (a)—make such other

order or orders as it thinks are necessary or desirable because

of that order.

(2) Without limiting paragraph (1)(b), an order under that paragraph

may include either or both of the following:

(a) an order for the return of money paid by a person;

(b) an order for the payment of an amount of interest specified

in, or calculated in accordance with, the order.

961P Responsible licensee

For the purposes of this Part, the, or a, responsible licensee, in

relation to a contravention of a provision of this Part, is:

(a) if the person who contravenes the provision is a

representative of only one financial services licensee—that

financial services licensee; or

(b) if the person who contravenes the provision is a

representative of more than one financial services licensee:

(i) if, under the rules in section 917C, one of those

licensees is responsible for the person’s conduct—that

licensee; or

(ii) if, under the rules in section 917C, 2 or more of those

licensees are jointly and severally responsible for the

person’s conduct—each of those licensees.

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Part 7.7A Best interests obligations and remuneration

Division 2 Best interests obligations

Section 961Q

484 Corporations Act 2001

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Subdivision G—Responsibilities of authorised representatives

under this Division

961Q Civil penalty provision—sections 961B, 961G, 961H and 961J

(1) An authorised representative of a financial services licensee

contravenes this section if the authorised representative

contravenes section 961B, 961G, 961H or 961J.

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply if:

(a) the licensee had provided the authorised representative with

information or instructions about the requirements to be

complied with in relation to the giving of personal advice;


(b) the authorised representative’s failure to comply with

section 961B, 961G, 961H or 961J occurred because the

representative was acting in reliance on that information or

those instructions; and

(c) the representative’s reliance on that information or those

instructions was reasonable.

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Charging ongoing fees to clients Division 3

Section 962

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Division 3—Charging ongoing fees to clients

Subdivision A—Preliminary

962 Application of this Division

(1) This Division applies in a case where:

(a) a financial services licensee, or a representative of a financial

services licensee, enters into an ongoing fee arrangement

with another person (the client); and

(b) the arrangement has not terminated for any reason.

(2) This Division also applies in a case where:

(a) the rights of a financial services licensee, or a representative

of a financial services licensee, under an ongoing fee

arrangement are assigned to another person; and

(b) the arrangement has not terminated for any reason.

962A Ongoing fee arrangements

Ongoing fee arrangements

(1) If:

(a) a financial services licensee gives personal advice to a person

as a retail client; and

(b) that person enters into an arrangement with the financial

services licensee, or a representative of the financial services

licensee; and

(c) under the terms of the arrangement, a fee (however described

or structured) is to be paid during a period of more than 12


the arrangement is an ongoing fee arrangement.

(2) If:

(a) a representative of a financial services licensee gives

personal advice to a person as a retail client; and

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Division 3 Charging ongoing fees to clients

Section 962A

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(b) that person enters into an arrangement with the representative

or the financial services licensee; and

(c) under the terms of the arrangement, a fee (however described

or structured) is to be paid during a period of more than 12


the arrangement is an ongoing fee arrangement.

Paying for advice by instalments

(3) Despite subsections (1) and (2), an arrangement is not an ongoing

fee arrangement if each of the following is satisfied:

(a) the total of the fees payable under the terms of the

arrangement is fixed at the time the arrangement is entered


(b) the total of the fees payable under the terms of the

arrangement is specified in the arrangement;

(c) the fees payable under the terms of the arrangement are to be

paid by instalments over a fixed period specified in the


(d) the fees payable under the terms of the arrangement can

reasonably be characterised as relating to personal advice

given to the person before the arrangement is entered into;

(e) under the terms of the arrangement, there is no fee payment

of which, or the amount of which, is dependent on the

amount invested by the person, or the amount in relation to

which personal advice is given;

(f) the person cannot opt out of payment of any of the fees

payable under the terms of the arrangement.

Insurance premiums

(4) Despite subsections (1) and (2), an arrangement is not an ongoing

fee arrangement if the only fee payable under the arrangement is

an insurance premium.

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Charging ongoing fees to clients Division 3

Section 962B

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Other prescribed arrangements

(5) Despite subsections (1) and (2), an arrangement is not an ongoing

fee arrangement if it is an arrangement of a prescribed kind that

relates to a fee that is prescribed as a product fee.

962B Ongoing fees

A fee that is payable under an ongoing fee arrangement is referred

to in this Division as an ongoing fee.

962C Fee recipients

(1) Where:

(a) a financial services licensee enters into an ongoing fee

arrangement; and

(b) the rights of the licensee under the arrangement have not

been assigned to another person;

the licensee is the fee recipient in relation to the arrangement.

(2) Where:

(a) a representative of a financial services licensee enters into an

ongoing fee arrangement; and

(b) the rights of the representative under the arrangement have

not been assigned to another person;

the representative is the fee recipient in relation to the


(3) Where the rights of a financial services licensee, or a representative

of a financial services licensee, under an ongoing fee arrangement

have been assigned to another person, the person who currently

holds those rights is the fee recipient in relation to the


962CA Exemption from application of opt-in requirement

(1) ASIC may exempt a person, or a class of persons, from

section 962K (the opt-in requirement), if ASIC is satisfied that the

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Division 3 Charging ongoing fees to clients

Section 962D

488 Corporations Act 2001

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person is, or persons of that class are, bound by a code of conduct

approved by ASIC for the purposes of this section.

(2) A code of conduct is approved by ASIC for the purposes of this

section if:

(a) the code of conduct is approved by ASIC under

section 1101A; and

(b) ASIC is satisfied that the code of conduct obviates the need

for persons bound by the code to be bound by the opt-in

requirement; and

(c) ASIC is satisfied of any other matters prescribed by the


(3) The exemption must be in writing and ASIC must publish notice of

it in the Gazette.

Subdivision B—Termination, disclosure and renewal

962D Application of this Subdivision

(1) This Subdivision only applies where:

(a) the client has not been provided with personal advice as a

retail client before the application day by:

(i) in a case where the client has entered into an ongoing

fee arrangement with a financial services licensee—the

financial services licensee or a person acting as a

representative of the financial services licensee; or

(ii) in a case where the client has entered into an ongoing

fee arrangement with a person acting as a representative

of a financial services licensee—the representative or

the financial services licensee; and

(b) the client enters into the ongoing fee arrangement on or after

the application day.

(2) In this section:

application day means:

(a) where:

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Charging ongoing fees to clients Division 3

Section 962E

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(i) the client enters into the ongoing fee arrangement with a

financial services licensee, or a person acting as a

representative of a financial services licensee; and

(ii) the financial services licensee has lodged notice with

ASIC in accordance with subsection 967(1) that the

obligations and prohibitions under this Part are to apply

to the licensee and persons acting as representatives of

the licensee, on and from a day specified in the notice;

the day specified in the notice; or

(b) in any other case—1 July 2013.

962E Client may terminate arrangement at any time

(1) It is a condition of the ongoing fee arrangement that the client may

terminate the arrangement at any time.

(2) Any condition of the ongoing fee arrangement, or any other

arrangement, that requires the client to pay an amount on

terminating the ongoing fee arrangement is void to the extent that

the amount exceeds the sum of:

(a) any liability that the client has accrued but not satisfied under

the ongoing fee arrangement before the termination; and

(b) the costs of the current fee recipient incurred solely and

directly because of the termination.

962F Arrangement terminates if this Subdivision not complied with

(1) It is a condition of the ongoing fee arrangement that the

arrangement terminates if section 962G (the disclosure obligation)

or section 962K (the renewal notice obligation) has not been

complied with in relation the arrangement, whether by the current

or a previous fee recipient.

(2) The client is not taken to have waived the client’s rights under the

condition (subject to subsection (3)), or to have entered into a new

ongoing fee arrangement, if the client makes a payment of an

ongoing fee after a failure to comply with section 962G or

section 962K in relation to the ongoing fee arrangement.

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Part 7.7A Best interests obligations and remuneration

Division 3 Charging ongoing fees to clients

Section 962G

490 Corporations Act 2001

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(3) However, if the client makes a payment of an ongoing fee after a

failure to comply with section 962G or section 962K in relation to

the ongoing fee arrangement, the fee recipient is not obliged to

refund the payment.

Note: A Court may order that the fee recipient refund the amount (see

section 1317GA).

962G Fee recipient must give fee disclosure statement

(1) The current fee recipient in relation to an ongoing fee arrangement

must, before the end of a period of 60 days beginning on the

disclosure day for the arrangement, give the client a fee disclosure

statement in relation to the arrangement.

(2) The regulations may provide that subsection (1) does not apply in a

particular situation.

962H Fee disclosure statements

(1) A fee disclosure statement, in relation to an ongoing fee

arrangement, is a statement in writing that:

(a) includes the information required under this section; and

(b) relates to:

(i) a period of 12 months (the previous year) that ends on a

day that is no more than 60 days before that on which

the statement is given; and

(ii) any other period prescribed by the regulations.

(2) The following information is required for a fee disclosure

statement in relation to an ongoing fee arrangement, subject to

subsection (3):

(a) the amount of each ongoing fee paid under the arrangement

by the client in the previous year, expressed in Australian

dollars unless an alternative is provided in the regulations;

(c) information about the services that the client was entitled to

receive from the current and any previous fee recipient under

the arrangement during the previous year;

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Charging ongoing fees to clients Division 3

Section 962J

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(d) information about the services that the client received from

the current and any previous fee recipient under the

arrangement during the previous year;

(f) information about any other prescribed matters, including

information that relates to a period that begins after the

previous year.

(3) The regulations may provide either or both of the following:

(a) that particular information is not required for a fee disclosure

statement, either in a particular situation or generally;

(b) a more detailed statement of the information that is required

for a fee disclosure statement, either in a particular situation

or generally.

962J Disclosure day

The disclosure day for an ongoing fee arrangement is:

(a) if no fee disclosure statement has been given to the client in

relation to the arrangement since the arrangement was

entered into—the anniversary of the day on which the

arrangement was entered into; and

(b) if a fee disclosure statement in relation to the arrangement

has been given to the client since the arrangement was

entered into—the anniversary of the day immediately after

the end of the earliest period of 12 months to which the last

fee disclosure statement given to the client related.

962K Fee recipient must give renewal notice

(1) The current fee recipient in relation to an ongoing fee arrangement

must, before the end of a period of 60 days beginning on the

renewal notice day for the arrangement, give the client a renewal

notice and a fee disclosure statement in relation to the arrangement.

(2) A renewal notice, in relation to an ongoing fee arrangement, is a

notice in writing that includes:

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Division 3 Charging ongoing fees to clients

Section 962L

492 Corporations Act 2001

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(a) a statement that the client may renew the arrangement by

giving the current fee recipient notice in writing of the

election; and

(b) a statement that the arrangement will terminate, and no

further advice will be provided or fee charged under it, if the

client does not elect to renew the arrangement; and

(c) a statement that the client will be taken to have elected not to

renew the arrangement if the client does not give the current

fee recipient notice in writing of an election to renew before

the end of the renewal period; and

(d) a statement that the renewal period is a period of 30 days

beginning on the day on which the renewal notice and fee

disclosure statement is given to the client.

(3) The regulations may provide that subsection (1) does not apply in a

particular situation.

962L Renewal notice day and renewal period

(1) The renewal notice day for an ongoing fee arrangement means:

(a) if the arrangement has not previously been renewed—the

second anniversary of the day on which the arrangement was

entered into; and

(b) if the arrangement has previously been renewed—the second

anniversary of the last day on which the arrangement was


(2) The renewal period for an ongoing fee arrangement is a period of

30 days beginning on the day on which the current fee recipient in

relation to the arrangement gives the client a renewal notice and a

fee disclosure statement in relation to the arrangement.

962M If client notifies fee recipient that client does not wish to


If the client notifies the current fee recipient in relation to the

ongoing fee arrangement in writing within the renewal period for

the arrangement that the client does not wish to renew the

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Charging ongoing fees to clients Division 3

Section 962N

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arrangement, the arrangement terminates on the day on which the

notification is given.

962N If client does not notify fee recipient that client wishes to


If the client does not notify the current fee recipient in relation to

the ongoing fee arrangement in writing within the renewal period

for the arrangement that the client wishes to renew the

arrangement, the arrangement terminates at the end of a further

period of 30 days after the end of the renewal period for the


962P Civil penalty provision—charging ongoing fees after

arrangement terminated

If an ongoing fee arrangement terminates for any reason, the

current fee recipient in relation to the arrangement must not

continue to charge an ongoing fee.

Note: This section is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

962Q Effect of termination

To avoid doubt, if, under an ongoing fee arrangement, the

continued provision of a service to the client by the fee recipient in

relation to the arrangement is dependent on the continued payment

of an ongoing fee, on termination of the arrangement, the

obligation to continue to provide the service also terminates.

Subdivision C—Disclosure for arrangements to which

Subdivision B does not apply

962R Application of this Subdivision

(1) This Subdivision applies, on and from the application day, to an

ongoing fee arrangement to which Subdivision B does not apply.

(2) In this section:

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Part 7.7A Best interests obligations and remuneration

Division 3 Charging ongoing fees to clients

Section 962S

494 Corporations Act 2001

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application day means:

(a) where:

(i) the client has entered into the ongoing fee arrangement

with a financial services licensee, or a person acting as a

representative of a financial services licensee; and

(ii) that licensee or representative is the fee recipient in

relation to the arrangement on 1 July 2012; and

(iii) the financial services licensee has lodged notice with

ASIC in accordance with subsection 967(1) that the

obligations and prohibitions under this Part are to apply

to the licensee and persons acting as representatives of

the licensee, on and from a day specified in the notice;

the day specified in the notice; or

(b) where:

(i) the client has entered into the ongoing fee arrangement

with a financial services licensee, or a person acting as a

representative of a financial services licensee; and

(ii) because the rights of the licensee or representative under

the arrangement have been assigned, another person is

the fee recipient in relation to the arrangement on 1 July

2012; and

(iii) a notice has been lodged with ASIC in accordance with

subsection 967(1) or (3) that the obligations and

prohibitions under this Part are to apply to the other

person, on and from a day specified in the notice;

the day specified in the notice; or

(c) in any other case—1 July 2013.

962S Fee recipient must give fee disclosure statement

(1) The current fee recipient in relation to the ongoing fee arrangement

must, before the end of a period of 60 days beginning on the

disclosure day for the arrangement, give the client a fee disclosure

statement in relation to the arrangement.

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

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Charging ongoing fees to clients Division 3

Section 962S

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(2) The regulations may provide that subsection (1) does not apply in a

particular situation.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.7A Best interests obligations and remuneration

Division 4 Conflicted remuneration

Section 963

496 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 4—Conflicted remuneration

Subdivision A—Preliminary

963 Application to a financial services licensee acting as an

authorised representative

If a financial services licensee is acting as an authorised

representative of another financial services licensee in relation to

financial product advice, this Division applies to the first licensee

in relation to the advice in that licensee’s capacity as an authorised

representative (rather than in the capacity of licensee).

Subdivision B—What is conflicted remuneration?

963A Conflicted remuneration

Conflicted remuneration means any benefit, whether monetary or

non-monetary, given to a financial services licensee, or a

representative of a financial services licensee, who provides

financial product advice to persons as retail clients that, because of

the nature of the benefit or the circumstances in which it is given:

(a) could reasonably be expected to influence the choice of

financial product recommended by the licensee or

representative to retail clients; or

(b) could reasonably be expected to influence the financial

product advice given to retail clients by the licensee or


Note: A reference in this Subdivision (including sections 963A, 963AA,

963B, 963C and 963D) to giving a benefit includes a reference to

causing or authorising it to be given (see section 52).

963AA Benefits given in relation to life risk insurance products

The regulations may prescribe circumstances, in addition to those

set out in section 963A, in which a benefit given to a financial

services licensee, or a representative of a financial services

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Best interests obligations and remuneration Part 7.7A

Conflicted remuneration Division 4

Section 963B

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licensee, in relation to a life risk insurance product, or life risk

insurance products, is conflicted remuneration.

963B Monetary benefit given in certain circumstances not conflicted


(1) A monetary benefit given to a financial services licensee, or a

representative of a financial services licensee, who provides

financial product advice to persons as retail clients is not conflicted

remuneration in the circumstances set out in any of the following


(a) the benefit is given to the licensee or representative solely in

relation to a general insurance product;

(b) each of the following is satisfied in relation to the benefit:

(i) the benefit is given to the licensee or representative in

relation to a life risk insurance product or life risk

insurance products;

(ii) none of the products is a group life policy for members

of a superannuation entity (see subsection (2)) or a life

policy for a member of a default superannuation fund

(see subsection (3));

(iii) either:

(A) the benefit ratio for the benefit is the same for

the year in which the product or products are

issued as it is for each year in which the product

or products are continued; or

(B) the benefit ratio requirements and clawback

requirements in section 963BA are satisfied in

relation to the benefit;

(ba) the benefit is given to the licensee or representative in

relation to consumer credit insurance;

(c) each of the following is satisfied in relation to a financial

product other than a life risk insurance product:

(i) the benefit is given to the licensee or representative in

relation to the issue or sale of the financial product to a


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Division 4 Conflicted remuneration

Section 963B

498 Corporations Act 2001

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(ii) financial product advice in relation to the product, or

products of that class, has not been given to the person

as a retail client by the licensee or representative in the

12 months immediately before the benefit is given;

(d) the benefit is given to the licensee or representative by a

retail client in relation to:

(i) the issue or sale of a financial product by the licensee or

representative to the client; or

(ii) financial product advice given by the licensee or

representative to the client;

(e) the benefit is a prescribed benefit or is given in prescribed


Note: Under the governing rules of some regulated superannuation funds, a

member may seek advice on the basis that the trustee of the fund will

pay the licensee or representative for the advice and then recover the

amount paid from the assets of the fund attributed to that member. In

that case, the member has caused or authorised the amount to be paid

to the licensee or representative and so, because of section 52 of this

Act, paragraph (1)(d) would apply to that amount. This does not affect

the trustee’s obligations under section 62 of the Superannuation

Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 (which deals with the purposes for

which a trustee may act in maintaining a regulated superannuation


(2) A life risk insurance product is a group life policy for members of

a superannuation entity if the product is issued to an RSE licensee

of a registrable superannuation entity, or a custodian in relation to a

registrable superannuation entity, for the benefit of a class of

members of the entity.

(3) A life risk insurance product is a life policy for a member of a

default superannuation fund if:

(a) the product is issued to an RSE licensee of a registrable

superannuation entity, or a custodian in relation to a

registrable superannuation entity, for the benefit of a person

who is a member of the entity; and

(b) the person has not given written notice to an employer of the

person that the fund is the person’s chosen fund, but the

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Conflicted remuneration Division 4

Section 963B

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employer of the person makes contributions to the fund for

the benefit of the person.

Note: Superannuation guarantee surcharge may be imposed on an employer

if the employer does not make contributions to a superannuation fund

for the benefit of its employees. If an employee does not notify the

employer of the employee’s chosen fund, the employer is still able to

satisfy its obligations by making contributions to certain funds (see the

Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992).

(3A) The benefit ratio for a benefit given to a financial services

licensee, or a representative of a financial services licensee, in

relation to a life risk insurance product, or life risk insurance

products, for a year is the ratio between:

(a) the benefit; and

(b) the policy cost payable for the product or products, or that

part of the policy cost payable for the product or products to

which the benefit relates, for the year.

(3B) The policy cost for a life risk insurance product, or products, for a

year is the sum of:

(a) the premiums payable for the product, or products, for that

year; and

(b) any fees payable for that year to the issuer of the product or

products for that issue; and

(c) any additional fees payable because the premium for the

product, or products, is paid periodically rather than in a

lump sum; and

(d) any other amount prescribed by the regulations for the

purposes of this paragraph.

(3C) However, the policy cost for a life risk insurance product, or

products, does not include any amount prescribed by the

regulations for the purposes of this subsection.

(4) The regulations may prescribe circumstances in which, despite a

provision of this section, all or part of a benefit is to be treated as

conflicted remuneration.

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Part 7.7A Best interests obligations and remuneration

Division 4 Conflicted remuneration

Section 963BA

500 Corporations Act 2001

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(5) This section applies despite section 963A and any regulations

made for the purposes of section 963AA.

Note: The expression intrafund advice is often used to describe financial

product advice given by a trustee (or an employee of, or another

person acting under arrangement with, the trustee) of a regulated

superannuation fund to its members, where that advice is not of a kind

to which the prohibition in section 99F of the Superannuation Industry

(Supervision) Act 1993 applies. (Section 99F of that Act prohibits

trustees of regulated superannuation funds from passing on the cost of

providing certain kinds of financial product advice in relation to one

member of the fund to another.)

963BA Benefit ratio and clawback requirements

Benefit ratio requirements

(1) The benefit ratio requirements are satisfied in relation to a benefit

given to a financial services licensee, or a representative of a

financial services licensee, in relation to a life risk insurance

product, or life risk insurance products, if the benefit ratio for the

benefit for:

(a) the year in which the product or products are issued; and

(b) each year during which the product or products are


is equal to or less than that determined by ASIC under

subsection (2) as an acceptable benefit ratio for that year.

(2) ASIC may, by legislative instrument, determine an acceptable

benefit ratio, or a way of working out an acceptable benefit ratio,

for a benefit for a year.

Clawback requirements

(3) The clawback requirements are satisfied in relation to a benefit

given to a financial services licensee, or a representative of a

financial services licensee, in relation to a life risk insurance

product, or life risk insurance products, if:

(a) the arrangement under which the benefit is payable includes

an obligation to repay all or part of the benefit if:

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Conflicted remuneration Division 4

Section 963C

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(i) the product, or one of the products, is cancelled or is not

continued, other than because a claim is made under the

insurance policy or because other prescribed

circumstances exist; or

(ii) the policy cost for the product, or one of the products,

during a year or across 2 years is reduced, other than in

prescribed circumstances;

within 2 years after the product is first issued to a retail

client; and

(b) the amount to be repaid under the obligation is equal to or

greater than the amount determined by ASIC under

subsection (4) as an acceptable repayment.

(4) ASIC may, by legislative instrument, determine the amount, or a

way of working out the amount, that is an acceptable repayment for

the purposes of paragraph (3)(b).

963C Non-monetary benefit given in certain circumstances not

conflicted remuneration

(1) A non-monetary benefit given to a financial services licensee, or a

representative of a financial services licensee, who provides

financial product advice to persons as retail clients is not conflicted

remuneration in the circumstances set out in any of the following


(a) the benefit is given to the licensee or representative solely in

relation to a general insurance product;

(b) each of the following is satisfied:

(i) the benefit is of less than an amount prescribed;

(ii) identical or similar benefits are not given on a frequent

or regular basis;

(c) the benefit satisfies each of the following:

(i) the benefit has a genuine education or training purpose;

(ii) the benefit is relevant to the carrying on of a financial

services business;

(iii) the benefit complies with regulations made for the

purposes of this subparagraph;

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.7A Best interests obligations and remuneration

Division 4 Conflicted remuneration

Section 963D

502 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(d) the benefit satisfies each of the following:

(i) the benefit is the provision of information technology

software or support;

(ii) the benefit is related to the provision of financial

product advice to persons as retail clients in relation to

the financial products issued or sold by the benefit


(iii) the benefit complies with regulations made for the

purposes of this subparagraph;

(e) the benefit is given to the licensee or representative by a

retail client in relation to:

(i) the issue or sale of a financial product by the licensee or

representative to the client; or

(ii) financial product advice given by the licensee or

representative to the client;

(f) the benefit is a prescribed benefit or is given in prescribed


(2) The regulations may prescribe circumstances in which, despite

subsection (1), all or part of a benefit is to be treated as conflicted


(3) This section applies despite section 963A and any regulations

made for the purposes of section 963AA.

963D Benefits for employees etc. of ADIs

(1) This section applies if:

(a) a monetary or non-monetary benefit is given to a financial

services licensee, or a representative of a financial services

licensee; and

(b) the benefit is in whole or in part remuneration for work

carried out, or to be carried out, by the licensee or


(i) as an agent or employee of an Australian ADI; or

(ii) in otherwise acting by arrangement with an Australian

ADI under the name of the Australian ADI.

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Best interests obligations and remuneration Part 7.7A

Conflicted remuneration Division 4

Section 963E

Corporations Act 2001 503

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(2) If:

(a) access to the benefit, or the amount of the benefit, is in whole

or in part dependent on the licensee or representative


(i) a basic banking product; or

(ii) a general insurance product; or

(iii) consumer credit insurance; and

(b) the licensee or representative does not, in the course of

recommending any, or any combination, of those products

give other financial product advice that does not relate to any

of those products;

to the extent that the benefit relates to the recommendation of any,

or any combination of, the products mentioned in paragraph (a),

the benefit is not conflicted remuneration.

(3) The regulations may prescribe circumstances in which, despite

subsection (2), all or part of a benefit is to be treated as conflicted


(4) This section applies despite section 963A and any regulations

made for the purposes of section 963AA.

Subdivision C—Ban on conflicted remuneration

963E Licensee must not accept conflicted remuneration

(1) A financial services licensee must not accept conflicted


Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

(2) A financial services licensee contravenes this section if:

(a) a representative, other than an authorised representative, of

the licensee accepts conflicted remuneration; and

(b) the licensee is the, or a, responsible licensee in relation to the


Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.7A Best interests obligations and remuneration

Division 4 Conflicted remuneration

Section 963F

504 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

963F Licensee must ensure compliance

A financial services licensee must take reasonable steps to ensure

that representatives of the licensee do not accept conflicted


Note: This section is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

963G Authorised representative must not accept conflicted


(1) An authorised representative of a financial services licensee must

not accept conflicted remuneration.

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply if:

(a) the licensee had provided the authorised representative with

information about the nature of the benefit to be accepted by

the authorised representative; and

(b) at the time the authorised representative accepted the benefit,

the representative was not aware that the benefit was

conflicted remuneration because the representative was

acting in reliance on that information; and

(c) the representative’s reliance on that information was


963H Other representatives must not accept conflicted


A representative, other than an authorised representative, of a

financial services licensee must not accept conflicted remuneration

unless it is in circumstances for which an employer of the licensee

or representative is liable under section 963J.

Note: A representative who contravenes this section may be subject to a

banning order (see section 920A).

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Best interests obligations and remuneration Part 7.7A

Conflicted remuneration Division 4

Section 963J

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963J Employer must not give employees conflicted remuneration

An employer of a financial services licensee, or a representative of

a financial services licensee, must not give the licensee or

representative conflicted remuneration for work carried out, or to

be carried out, by the licensee or representative as an employee of

the employer.

Note: This section is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

963K Product issuer or seller must not give conflicted remuneration

An issuer or seller of a financial product must not give a financial

services licensee, or a representative of a financial services

licensee, conflicted remuneration.

Note: This section is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

963L Volume-based benefits presumed to be conflicted


It is presumed for the purposes of this Division that a benefit of

one of the following kinds is conflicted remuneration, unless the

contrary is proved:

(a) a benefit access to which, or the value of which, is wholly or

partly dependent on the total value of financial products of a

particular class, or particular classes:

(i) recommended by a financial services licensee, or a

representative of a financial services licensee, to retail

clients, or a class of retail clients; or

(ii) acquired by retail clients, or a class of retail clients, to

whom a financial services licensee, or a representative

of a financial services licensee, provides financial

product advice;

(b) a benefit access to which, or the value of which, is wholly or

partly dependent on the number of financial products of a

particular class, or particular classes:

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Part 7.7A Best interests obligations and remuneration

Division 4 Conflicted remuneration

Section 963L

506 Corporations Act 2001

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(i) recommended by a financial services licensee, or a

representative of a financial services licensee, to retail

clients, or a class of retail clients; or

(ii) acquired by retail clients, or a class of retail clients, to

whom a financial services licensee, or a representative

of a financial services licensee, provides financial

product advice.

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Best interests obligations and remuneration Part 7.7A

Other banned remuneration Division 5

Section 964

Corporations Act 2001 507

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 5—Other banned remuneration

Subdivision A—Volume-based shelf-space fees

964 Application

(1) This Subdivision applies if:

(a) a financial services licensee or an RSE licensee (the platform

operator) is, or offers to be, the provider of a custodial

arrangement; and

(b) a monetary or non-monetary benefit is given, or to be given,

by a financial services licensee, RSE licensee or the operator

of a notified foreign passport fund (the funds manager) to

the platform operator; and

(c) a financial product to which the custodial arrangement relates

is a financial product in which the funds manager deals (the

funds manager’s financial product).

(2) In this Subdivision:

custodial arrangement has the same meaning as it has in

subsection 1012IA(1), subject to subsection (3).

provider has the same meaning as in subsection 1012IA(1).

(3) The definition of custodial arrangement in subsection 1012IA(1)

is to be read as if the reference in that definition to an instruction

included a reference to:

(a) a direction of the kind mentioned in paragraph 58(2)(d) or

(da) of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993

that will involve the acquisition of a particular financial

product, or a financial product of a particular kind; and

(b) a direction of the kind mentioned in subsection 52B(4) of the

Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 that will

involve the acquisition of a particular financial product, or a

financial product of a particular kind.

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Part 7.7A Best interests obligations and remuneration

Division 5 Other banned remuneration

Section 964A

508 Corporations Act 2001

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(4) A reference to a kind of financial product in subsection (3) has the

same meaning in that subsection as it has in the definition of

custodial arrangement in subsection 1012IA(1).

964A Platform operator must not accept volume-based shelf-space


(1) The platform operator must not accept the benefit if it is a

volume-based shelf-space fee.

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

(2) Subject to subsection (3), the benefit is presumed to be a

volume-based shelf-space fee if the benefit, or the value of benefit,

is wholly or partly dependent on the total number or value of the

funds manager’s financial products of a particular class, or

particular classes, to which the custodial arrangement relates.

(3) If it is proved that all or part of the benefit is of a kind specified in

one of the following paragraphs then, to the extent that the benefit

is of that kind, it is not presumed to be a volume-based shelf space


(a) a reasonable fee for a service provided to the funds manager

by the platform operator or another person;

(b) a discount on an amount payable, or a rebate of an amount

paid, to the funds manager by the platform operator, the

value of which does not exceed an amount that may

reasonably be attributed to efficiencies gained by the funds

manager because of the number or value of financial products

in relation to which the funds manager provides services to

the platform operator, or through the platform operator to

another person.

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Best interests obligations and remuneration Part 7.7A

Other banned remuneration Division 5

Section 964B

Corporations Act 2001 509

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Subdivision B—Asset-based fees on borrowed amounts

964B Application

This Subdivision applies where a financial services licensee, or a

representative of a financial services licensee, provides financial

product advice (the advice) to a person (the client) as a retail client.

964C Application to a financial services licensee acting as an

authorised representative

If a financial services licensee is acting as an authorised

representative of another financial services licensee in relation to

the advice, this Subdivision applies to the first licensee in relation

to the advice in that licensee’s capacity as an authorised

representative (rather than in the capacity of licensee).

964D Financial services licensees must not charge asset-based fees

on borrowed amounts

(1) The financial services licensee must not charge an asset-based fee

on a borrowed amount used or to be used to acquire financial

products by or on behalf of the client.

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

(2) A financial services licensee contravenes this section if:

(a) a representative, other than an authorised representative, of

the licensee charges an asset-based fee on a borrowed amount

used or to be used to acquire financial products by or on

behalf of the client; and

(b) the licensee is the, or a, responsible licensee in relation to the


Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

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Part 7.7A Best interests obligations and remuneration

Division 5 Other banned remuneration

Section 964E

510 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19


(3) Subsections (1) and (2) do not apply in relation to a borrowed

amount if it is not reasonably apparent that the amount has been


(4) The regulations may provide that subsections (1) and (2) do not

apply in prescribed circumstances.

Duty to make reasonable inquiries

(5) Nothing in this section affects the duty of the financial services

licensee, or the representative of the financial services licensee,

under section 961B to make reasonable inquiries to obtain

complete and accurate information.

964E Authorised representatives must not charge asset-based fees

on borrowed amounts

(1) The authorised representative of the financial services licensee

must not charge an asset-based fee on a borrowed amount used or

to be used to acquire financial products by or on behalf of the


Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).


(2) Subsection (1) does not apply in relation to a borrowed amount if it

is not reasonably apparent that the amount has been borrowed.

(3) The regulations may provide that subsection (1) does not apply in

prescribed circumstances.

Duty to make reasonable inquiries

(4) Nothing in this section affects the duty of the authorised

representative under section 961B to make reasonable inquiries to

obtain complete and accurate information.

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Best interests obligations and remuneration Part 7.7A

Other banned remuneration Division 5

Section 964F

Corporations Act 2001 511

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

964F What is an asset-based fee?

A fee for providing financial product advice to a person as a retail

client is an asset-based fee to the extent that it is dependent upon

the amount of funds used or to be used to acquire financial

products by or on behalf of the person.

964G Meaning of borrowed

(1) In this Subdivision:

borrowed means borrowed in any form, whether secured or

unsecured, including through:

(a) a credit facility within the meaning of the regulations; and

(b) a margin lending facility.

(2) To avoid doubt, an amount is no longer borrowed to the extent that

it has been repaid.

964H When is something reasonably apparent?

Something is reasonably apparent if it would be apparent to a

person with a reasonable level of expertise in the subject matter of

the advice that has been sought by the client, were that person

exercising care and objectively assessing the information given to

the financial services licensee, or the representative of the financial

services licensee, by the client.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.7A Best interests obligations and remuneration

Division 6 Anti-avoidance

Section 965

512 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 6—Anti-avoidance

965 Anti-avoidance

(1) Subject to subsection (2), a person must not, either alone or

together with one or more other persons, enter into, begin to carry

out or carry out a scheme if:

(a) it would be concluded that the person, or any of the persons,

who entered into, began to carry out or carried out the

scheme or any part of the scheme did so for the sole purpose

or for a purpose (that is not incidental) of avoiding the

application of any provision of this Part in relation to any

person or persons (whether or not a person or persons who

entered into, began to carry out or carried out the scheme or

any part of the scheme); and

(b) the scheme or the part of the scheme has achieved, or apart

from this section, would achieve, that purpose.

Note: This section is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a scheme to the extent that the

operation of the subsection would result in an acquisition of

property (within the meaning of paragraph 51(xxxi) of the

Constitution) from a person otherwise than on just terms (within

the meaning of that paragraph of the Constitution).

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Best interests obligations and remuneration Part 7.7A

Transition Division 7

Section 966

Corporations Act 2001 513

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 7—Transition

966 Transition period

In this Division:

transition period means the period beginning on 1 July 2012 and

ending on 30 June 2013.

967 Best interests obligations and remuneration provisions to apply

during transition period

(1) A financial services licensee may, during the transition period,

lodge notice in the prescribed form with ASIC that the obligations

and prohibitions imposed under this Part are to apply to the

licensee, and any person acting as a representative of the licensee,

on and from a day that:

(a) falls on or after the day on which the notice is lodged with

ASIC; and

(b) is specified in the notice.

(2) If a notice is lodged with ASIC in accordance with subsection (1),

ASIC must, on its website:

(a) publish the name of the financial services licensee who

lodged the notice; and

(b) include a statement that the obligations and prohibitions

imposed under this Part are to apply to the licensee, and any

person acting as a representative of the licensee; and

(c) state the day on and from which those obligations and

prohibitions are to apply.

(3) A person:

(a) who would be subject to an obligation or prohibition under

this Part, if it applied; and

(b) who would not be subject to the obligation or prohibition as a

financial services licensee, or a person acting as a

representative of a financial services licensee;

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.7A Best interests obligations and remuneration

Division 7 Transition

Section 968

514 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

may, during the transition period, lodge notice in the prescribed

form with ASIC that the obligations and prohibitions imposed

under this Part are to apply to the person on and from a day that:

(c) falls on or after the day on which the notice is lodged with

ASIC; and

(d) is specified in the notice.

(4) If a notice is lodged with ASIC in accordance with subsection (3),

ASIC must, on its website:

(a) publish the name of the person who lodged the notice; and

(b) include a statement that the obligations and prohibitions

imposed under this Part are to apply to the person; and

(c) state the day on and from which those obligations and

prohibitions are to apply.

968 Notice to clients in transition period

(1) A financial services licensee who lodges a notice with ASIC in

accordance with subsection 967(1) must ensure that any person in

relation to whom the licensee, or a person acting as a representative

of the licensee, has an obligation or is subject to a prohibition

under this Part during the transition period (the client) is given a

notice that complies with this section.

(2) The notice:

(a) must be in writing; and

(b) must be given to the client on or before the notice day for the

client; and

(c) must state that the obligations and prohibitions imposed

under this Part begin to apply to the licensee, and any person

acting as a representative of the licensee, on a day specified

in the notice given to the client.

(3) The day specified in the notice given to the client must be the same

as the day specified in the notice lodged with ASIC in accordance

with subsection 967(1).

(4) The notice day is:

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Best interests obligations and remuneration Part 7.7A

Transition Division 7

Section 968

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(a) for a person (the client) in relation to whom the licensee, or a

person acting as a representative of the licensee, has an

obligation or is subject to a prohibition under Division 2 of

this Part in relation to personal advice provided on or after a

day that falls in the transition period—the first day on which

personal advice is provided to the client during the transition

period; and

(b) for a person to whom the licensee, or a person acting as a

representative of the licensee, is obliged to give a fee

disclosure statement during the transition period:

(i) unless subparagraph (ii) applies—the disclosure day for

the arrangement in relation to which the fee disclosure

statement is to be given that falls within the transition

period; and

(ii) if a fee disclosure statement is given before the end of a

period of 30 days beginning on that disclosure day—the

day on which it is given; and

(c) for a person (the client) in relation to whom the licensee, or a

person acting as a representative of the licensee, has an

obligation or is subject to a prohibition under Subdivision B

of Division 5 of this Part in relation to the charging of an

asset-based fee during the transition period—the first day on

which the client is charged an asset-based fee during the

transition period; and

(d) for a person in relation to whom more than one of

paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) is satisfied—the earliest of the

days specified as the notice day under the paragraphs that are

satisfied for that person.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.8 Other provisions relating to conduct etc. connected with financial products

and financial services, other than financial product disclosure

Division 1 Preliminary

Section 980A

516 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 7.8—Other provisions relating to conduct etc.

connected with financial products and

financial services, other than financial

product disclosure

Division 1—Preliminary

980A Matters covered by this Part

This Part contains:

(a) provisions (see Divisions 2 to 7) relating to conduct etc. of

financial services licensees; and

(b) miscellaneous provisions (see Division 8) relating to other

conduct connected with financial products and financial


It does not deal with financial product disclosure (which is dealt

with in Part 7.9).

980B General approach to offence provisions

Division 9 contains provisions creating offences by reference to

various rules contained in Divisions of this Part. However, it does

not create all the offences relating to those rules, as some offences

are created by subsection 1311(1). Where offences are created by

subsection 1311(1) in relation to a rule, this is indicated by a note

at the end of the provision containing the rule.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Other provisions relating to conduct etc. connected with financial products and financial

services, other than financial product disclosure Part 7.8

Dealing with clients’ money Division 2

Section 981A

Corporations Act 2001 517

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 2—Dealing with clients’ money

Subdivision A—Money other than loans

981A Money to which Subdivision applies

(1) This Subdivision applies (subject to subsections (2), (3) and (4)) to

money paid to a financial services licensee (the licensee) in the

following circumstances:

(a) the money is paid in connection with:

(i) a financial service that has been provided, or that will or

may be provided, to a person (the client); or

(ii) a financial product held by a person (the client); and

(b) the money is paid:

(i) by the client; or

(ii) by a person acting on behalf of the client; or

(iii) to the licensee in the licensee’s capacity as a person

acting on behalf of the client.

(2) This Subdivision does not apply to money paid as mentioned in

subsection (1) to the extent that:

(a) the money is paid by way of remuneration payable to the

licensee, or the licensee is entitled to deduct such

remuneration from the money; or

(b) the money is paid:

(i) to reimburse the licensee for payments made to acquire,

or acquire an increased interest in, a financial product;


(ii) to discharge a liability incurred by the licensee in

respect of the acquisition of a financial product or an

increased interest in a financial product, or to indemnify

the licensee in respect of such a liability; or

(c) the money is paid to acquire, or acquire an increased interest

in, a financial product from the licensee, whether by way of

issue or sale by the licensee; or

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.8 Other provisions relating to conduct etc. connected with financial products

and financial services, other than financial product disclosure

Division 2 Dealing with clients’ money

Section 981B

518 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(ca) the licensee is a licensed trustee company, and the money is

paid to the licensee in connection with traditional trustee

company services provided by the licensee; or

(d) Subdivision B (loan money) applies to the money.

Note: Money excluded by paragraph (c) is covered by section 1017E.

(3) If a person pays money to a financial services licensee in order for

it to be deposited to the credit of a deposit product held by the

person or another person with the licensee, that payment does not

constitute money to which this Subdivision applies.

(4) The regulations may:

(a) exempt money paid in specified circumstances from some or

all of the provisions of this Subdivision; or

(b) declare that this Subdivision applies in relation to money

paid in specified circumstances as if specified provisions of

this Subdivision were omitted, modified or varied as set out

in the regulations.

(5) An exemption in regulations made for the purposes of

paragraph (4)(a) may be made subject to conditions specified in, or

imposed in accordance with, the regulations. The regulations may

provide for consequences of a contravention of a condition.

981B Obligation to pay money into an account

(1) The licensee must ensure that money to which this Subdivision

applies is paid into an account that satisfies these requirements:

(a) the account is:

(i) with an Australian ADI; or

(ii) of a kind prescribed by regulations made for the

purposes of this paragraph;

and is designated as an account for the purposes of this

section of this Act; and

(b) the only money paid into the account is:

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Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Other provisions relating to conduct etc. connected with financial products and financial

services, other than financial product disclosure Part 7.8

Dealing with clients’ money Division 2

Section 981C

Corporations Act 2001 519

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(i) money to which this Subdivision applies (which may be

money paid by, on behalf of, or for the benefit of,

several different clients); or

(ii) interest on the amount from time to time standing to the

credit of the account; or

(iii) interest, or other similar payments, on an investment

made in accordance with regulations referred to in

section 981C, or the proceeds of the realisation of such

an investment; or

(iv) other money permitted to be paid into the account by the

regulations; and

(c) if regulations made for the purposes of this paragraph impose

additional requirements—the requirements so imposed by the

regulations; and

(d) if the licence conditions of the licensee’s licence impose

additional requirements—the requirements so imposed by the

licence conditions.

The money must be paid into such an account on the day it is

received by the licensee, or on the next business day.

(2) The licensee may, for the purposes of this section, maintain a

single account or 2 or more accounts.

(3) A person contravenes this subsection if the person contravenes

subsection (1).

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

981C Regulations may deal with various matters relating to

accounts maintained for the purposes of section 981B

(1) The regulations may deal with all or any of the following in

relation to accounts, or a class of accounts, maintained for the

purposes of section 981B:

(a) the circumstances in which payments may be made out of an

account (including the circumstances in which money may be

withdrawn and invested, and the kinds of investment that

may be made);

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.8 Other provisions relating to conduct etc. connected with financial products

and financial services, other than financial product disclosure

Division 2 Dealing with clients’ money

Section 981D

520 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) the minimum balance to be maintained in an account;

(c) how interest on an account is to be dealt with;

(d) how interest or other earnings on an investment of money

withdrawn from an account, or the proceeds of the realisation

of such an investment, are to be dealt with.

(2) A person contravenes this subsection if the person contravenes

regulations made for the purposes of subsection (1).

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

981D Money related to derivatives may be used for general

margining etc. purposes

(1) Despite anything in regulations made for the purposes of

section 981C, if:

(a) the financial service referred to in

subparagraph 981A(1)(a)(i) is or relates to a dealing in a

derivative; or

(b) the financial product referred to in

subparagraph 981A(1)(a)(ii) is a derivative;

the money concerned may also be used for the purpose of meeting

obligations incurred by the licensee in connection with margining,

guaranteeing, securing, transferring, adjusting or settling dealings

in derivatives by the licensee (including dealings on behalf of

people other than the client).

(2) However, if the money is derivative retail client money,

subsection (1) only applies to an obligation if:

(a) the entry into of the derivative referred to in paragraph (1)(a)

or (b) was or will be cleared through an authorised clearing

and settlement facility; and

(b) the licensee incurred the obligation, in connection with the

derivative, under the operating rules of the facility.

981E Protection of money from attachment etc.

(1) This section applies to:

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Dealing with clients’ money Division 2

Section 981F

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(a) money to which this Subdivision applies that has been paid to

the licensee, both while it is in an account maintained for the

purposes of section 981B and before and after it is paid into

such an account; and

(b) other money in such an account as permitted by

paragraph 981B(1)(b); and

(c) investments made in accordance with regulations made for

the purposes of section 981C.

(2) Money and investments to which this section applies are not


(a) of being attached or otherwise taken in execution; or

(b) of being made subject to a set-off, security interest or

charging order, or to any process of a similar nature;

except at the suit of a person who is otherwise entitled to the

money or investment.

981F Regulations may deal with how money to be dealt with if

licensee ceases to be licensed etc.

The regulations may include provisions dealing with how money in

an account maintained for the purposes of section 981B, or an

investment of such money, is to be dealt with if:

(a) the licensee ceases to be a financial services licensee; or

(b) the licensee becomes insolvent, within the meaning of the

regulations; or

(c) the licensee merges with another financial services licensee;


(d) the licensee ceases to carry on some or all of the activities

authorised by their licence.

981G Account provider not liable merely because of licensee’s


Nothing in this Subdivision, or in regulations made for the

purposes of this Subdivision, makes the body (not being the

licensee) that the account is with under paragraph 981B(1)(a)

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.8 Other provisions relating to conduct etc. connected with financial products

and financial services, other than financial product disclosure

Division 2 Dealing with clients’ money

Section 981H

522 Corporations Act 2001

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subject to any liability merely because of a failure by the licensee

to comply with any of the provisions of this Subdivision or those


981H Money to which Subdivision applies taken to be held in trust

(1) Subject to subsection (3), money to which this Subdivision applies

that is paid to the licensee:

(a) by the client; or

(b) by a person acting on behalf of the client; or

(c) in the licensee’s capacity as a person acting on behalf of the


is taken to be held in trust by the licensee for the benefit of the


(3) The regulations may:

(a) provide that subsection (1) does not apply in relation to

money in specified circumstances; and

(b) provide for matters relating to the taking of money to be held

in trust (including, for example, terms on which the money is

taken to be held in trust and circumstances in which it is no

longer taken to be held in trust).

Subdivision AA—Client money reporting rules

981J Client money reporting rules

(1) ASIC may, by legislative instrument, make rules (the client money

reporting rules) dealing with matters as permitted by this

Subdivision, for purposes relating to derivative retail client money.

(2) The regulations may provide that the client money reporting rules:

(a) cannot impose requirements (or certain kinds of

requirements) in relation to certain classes of persons or

money; or

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services, other than financial product disclosure Part 7.8

Dealing with clients’ money Division 2

Section 981K

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(b) can only impose requirements (or certain kinds of

requirements) in relation to certain classes of persons or

money in certain circumstances.

981K Matters that may be dealt with in client money reporting rules

(1) The client money reporting rules may impose any of the following

kinds of requirements:

(a) requirements to report information (see also

paragraph (2)(b));

(b) reconciliation requirements (see also paragraph (2)(c));

(c) requirements that are incidental or related to the requirements

mentioned in paragraph (a) or (b).

(2) The client money reporting rules may also deal with matters

incidental or related to requirements referred to in subsection (1),

including any of the following:

(a) the classes of money in relation to which particular

requirements apply;

(b) for requirements to report information:

(i) to whom information is required to be reported; and

(ii) the information that is required to be reported;

(c) for reconciliation requirements:

(i) the information that is required to be reconciled; and

(ii) how reconciliations are required to be reviewed or

approved, including who is required to review or

approve reconciliations; and

(iii) to whom reconciliations are required to be submitted;

(d) the financial services licensees who are required to comply

with requirements imposed by the rules;

(e) the manner and form in which persons must comply with

requirements imposed by the rules;

(f) the circumstances in which persons are, or may be, relieved

from complying with requirements in the rules that would

otherwise apply to them;

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.8 Other provisions relating to conduct etc. connected with financial products

and financial services, other than financial product disclosure

Division 2 Dealing with clients’ money

Section 981L

524 Corporations Act 2001

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(g) the keeping of records, or the provision of records or other

information, relating to accounts maintained for the purposes

of section 981B;

(h) the keeping of records, or the provision of records or other

information, relating to compliance with (or determining

whether there has been compliance with) the rules;

(i) any matters that the regulations provide, for the purposes of

this paragraph, may be dealt with in the client money

reporting rules;

(j) any other matters that the provisions of this Act provide may

be dealt with in the client money rules.

981L ASIC to consult before making rules

(1) ASIC must not make a client money reporting rule unless ASIC

has consulted the public about the proposed rule.

(2) Without limiting the ways in which ASIC may comply with the

obligation in subsection (1) to consult the public about a proposed

rule, ASIC is taken to comply with that obligation if ASIC, on its


(a) makes the proposed rule, or a description of the content of

the proposed rule, available; and

(b) invites the public to comment on the proposed rule.

(3) A failure to consult as required by subsection (1) does not

invalidate a client money reporting rule.

981M Complying with client money reporting rules

(1) Financial services licensees must comply with the client money

reporting rules.

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E). For

relief from liability to a civil penalty relating to this subsection, see

section 1317S.

(2) If there is an inconsistency between the client money reporting

rules, and any of the following other rules:

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services, other than financial product disclosure Part 7.8

Dealing with clients’ money Division 2

Section 981N

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(a) the market integrity rules;

(b) the derivative transaction rules;

(c) the derivative trade repository rules;

those other rules prevail to the extent of the inconsistency.

Note: If there is an inconsistency between the client money reporting rules

and the operating rules of a licensed market or of a licensed CS

facility, the client money reporting rules prevail: see

subsections 793B(2) and 822B(2).

981N Alternatives to civil proceedings

(1) The regulations may provide for a person who is alleged to have

contravened subsection 981M(1) (complying with client money

reporting rules) to do one or more of the following as an alternative

to civil proceedings:

(a) pay a penalty to the Commonwealth;

(b) undertake or institute remedial measures (including education


(c) accept sanctions other than the payment of a penalty to the


(d) enter into a legally enforceable undertaking.

(2) The penalty payable under regulations made under paragraph (1)(a)

in relation to an alleged contravention of a provision of client

money reporting rules must not exceed:

(a) for an individual—3,000 penalty units; and

(b) for a body corporate—15,000 penalty units.

(3) Without limiting regulations that may be made for the purposes of

paragraph (1)(d), those regulations may provide for one or more of

the following kinds of undertakings:

(a) an undertaking to take specified action within a specified


(b) an undertaking to refrain from taking specified action;

(c) an undertaking to pay a specified amount within a specified

period to the Commonwealth or to some other specified


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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.8 Other provisions relating to conduct etc. connected with financial products

and financial services, other than financial product disclosure

Division 2 Dealing with clients’ money

Section 981P

526 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

981P Compliance with requirements to provide data or other

information to ASIC: protection from liability


(a) a financial services licensee, or a person acting on behalf of a

financial services licensee:

(i) provides data or information to ASIC; or

(ii) otherwise allows ASIC access to data or information;


(b) the licensee or person does so, in good faith, in compliance

with a requirement imposed by or under a provision of the

client money reporting rules;

the licensee or person is not liable to an action or other proceeding,

whether civil or criminal, for or in relation to the conduct

mentioned in paragraph (a).

Subdivision B—Loan money

982A Money to which this Subdivision applies

(1) Subject to subsection (2), this Subdivision applies to money paid to

a financial services licensee (the licensee) by way of a loan from a

person (the client) in connection with activities authorised by the

licensee’s licence.

(2) If a person pays money to a financial services licensee:

(a) in order for it to be deposited to the credit of a deposit

product held by the person or another person with the

licensee; or

(b) on condition that it is to be repaid to the person by the

licensee, as a debt, pursuant to the terms of a debenture or

other financial product issued by the licensee;

that payment does not constitute money to which this Subdivision


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Dealing with clients’ money Division 2

Section 982B

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982B Obligation to pay money into an account

(1) The licensee must ensure that money to which this Subdivision

applies is paid into an account that satisfies these requirements:

(a) the account is:

(i) with an Australian ADI; or

(ii) of a kind prescribed by regulations made for the

purposes of this paragraph;

and is designated as an account for the purposes of this

section of this Act; and

(b) the only money paid into the account is:

(i) money to which this Subdivision applies (which may be

money lent by several different persons); or

(ii) interest on the amount from time to time standing to the

credit of the account.

The money must be paid into such an account on the day it is

received by the licensee, or on the next business day.

(2) The licensee may, for the purposes of this section, maintain a

single account or 2 or more accounts.

982C Licensee to give client statement setting out terms of loan etc.

Obligation to give client a statement

(1) The licensee must, in accordance with the regulations, give the

client a statement setting out:

(a) the terms and conditions on which the loan is made and

accepted; and

(b) the purpose for which, and the manner in which, the licensee

is to use the money.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.8 Other provisions relating to conduct etc. connected with financial products

and financial services, other than financial product disclosure

Division 2 Dealing with clients’ money

Section 982D

528 Corporations Act 2001

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Obligation to keep money in account until receive acknowledgment

of receipt of statement

(2) The licensee must not take money out of the account before the

client has given the licensee a written acknowledgment that the

client has received the statement required by subsection (1).

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

982D Permitted use of loan

The licensee must only use the money:

(a) for the purpose, and in the manner, set out in the statement

given under section 982C; or

(b) for another purpose, or in another manner, agreed on in

writing by the licensee and the client after the licensee gave

the client the statement.

Note: Failure to comply with this section is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Subdivision C—Powers of Court

983A Court may freeze certain accounts

(1) The Court may, by order, restrain dealings in respect of specified

accounts with financial institutions that a person holds or maintains

(whether in Australia or elsewhere), subject to such terms and

conditions as the Court imposes, if subsection (2) or (3) applies in

relation to the person.

(2) This subsection applies to a person if, on application by ASIC, the

Court is satisfied that the person holds, or has at any time held, an

Australian financial services licence and that:

(a) there are reasonable grounds for believing that there is a

deficiency in an account maintained by the person for the

purposes of section 981B or 982B, whether the account is

maintained in this jurisdiction or elsewhere; or

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services, other than financial product disclosure Part 7.8

Dealing with clients’ money Division 2

Section 983B

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(b) there has been undue delay, or unreasonable refusal, on the

person’s part in paying, applying or accounting for money as

provided for by this Division, by a condition of the licence,

or by the operating rules of a licensed market or a licensed

CS facility in which the person is or has been a participant; or

(c) without limiting the generality of paragraph (a) or (b), the

person has contravened section 981B or 982B.

(3) This subsection applies to a person if, on application by ASIC, the

Court is satisfied that the person holds, or has at any time held, an

Australian financial services licence and that:

(a) the licence has been revoked or suspended; or

(b) the person is incapable, through mental or physical

incapacity, of managing his or her affairs; or

(c) the person no longer carries on a financial services business;


(d) the person has died.

983B Interim order freezing accounts

(1) Before considering an application under section 983A, the Court

may, if it considers it desirable to do so, grant an interim order that

is an order of the kind applied for and is expressed to apply until

the application is determined.

(2) The Court must not require ASIC or any other person, as a

condition of granting an order under subsection (1), to give an

undertaking as to damages.

983C Duty of person to whom order directed to make full disclosure

If an order made under section 983A is directed to a financial

institution, the institution must:

(a) disclose to ASIC every account kept at the institution in the

name of the person to whom the order relates, and any

account that the institution reasonably suspects is held or

kept at the institution for the benefit of that person; and

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.8 Other provisions relating to conduct etc. connected with financial products

and financial services, other than financial product disclosure

Division 2 Dealing with clients’ money

Section 983D

530 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) permit ASIC to make a copy of, or to take an extract from,

any account of the person to whom the order relates or any of

the institution’s books relating to that person.

Note: Failure to comply with this section is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

983D Further orders and directions

(1) If an order is made under section 983A or 983B, the Court may, on

application by ASIC or a person whom the order affects, make a

further order that does one or more of the following:

(a) deals with such ancillary matters as the Court thinks

necessary or desirable;

(b) directs that specified amounts in an account affected by the

first-mentioned order be paid to ASIC or a person nominated

by ASIC;

(c) varies or discharges the first-mentioned order or an order

under this section.

(2) An order under this section may be made subject to such terms and

conditions as the Court imposes.

983E Power of Court to make order relating to payment of money

(1) An order made under section 983D may include directions to a

person to whom money is ordered to be paid directing that the


(a) must pay the money into a separate account; or

(b) is authorised to prepare a scheme for distributing the money

to persons who claim, within 6 months after the person

receives the money, to be entitled to the money and satisfy

the person that they are so entitled; or

(c) if the money received is insufficient to pay all proved claims,

may, despite any rule of law or equity to the contrary,

apportion the money among the claimants in proportion to

their proved claims and show in the scheme how the money

is so apportioned.

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services, other than financial product disclosure Part 7.8

Dealing with clients’ money Division 2

Section 983E

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(2) If a person prepares a scheme for a distribution of money under

subsection (1), the person must apply to the Court for approval of

the scheme and for directions in respect of it.

(3) The Court may, in relation to money held in a separate account

under subsection (1), give such directions as the Court thinks fit as


(a) the persons to whom that money is to be paid, and in what

amounts the whole or any portion of that money is to be paid;


(b) the payment of the balance of the money (if any) remaining

in the account.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.8 Other provisions relating to conduct etc. connected with financial products

and financial services, other than financial product disclosure

Division 3 Dealing with other property of clients

Section 984A

532 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 3—Dealing with other property of clients

984A Property to which Division applies

(1) Subject to subsection (2), this Division applies to property other

than money (for example, share certificates) given to a financial

services licensee (the licensee) in the following circumstances:

(a) the property is given in connection with:

(i) a financial service that has been provided, or that will or

may be provided, to a person (the client); or

(ii) a financial product held by a person (the client); and

(b) the property is given:

(i) by the client; or

(ii) by a person acting on behalf of the client; or

(iii) for the benefit of the client; and

(c) the licensee is accountable for the property.

(2) The regulations may:

(a) exempt property given in specified circumstances from some

or all of the provisions of this Division; or

(b) declare that this Division applies in relation to property given

in specified circumstances as if specified provisions of this

Division were omitted, modified or varied as set out in the


The circumstances that may be specified include (but are not

limited to) that the property was given in connection with a

specified class of financial product or financial service.

(3) An exemption in regulations made for the purposes of

paragraph (2)(a) may be made subject to conditions specified in, or

imposed in accordance with, the regulations. The regulations may

provide for consequences of a contravention of a condition.

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Other provisions relating to conduct etc. connected with financial products and financial

services, other than financial product disclosure Part 7.8

Dealing with other property of clients Division 3

Section 984B

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984B How property to which this Division applies is to be dealt with

(1) Subject to subsection (2), the licensee must ensure that property to

which this Division applies is only dealt with in accordance with:

(a) the requirements (if any) specified in regulations made for

the purposes of this paragraph; and

(b) subject to those requirements:

(i) the terms and conditions on which the property was

given to the licensee; and

(ii) any subsequent instructions given by the client.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) If:

(a) the financial service referred to in

subparagraph 984A(1)(a)(i) is or relates to a dealing in a

derivative; or

(b) the financial product referred to in

subparagraph 984A(1)(a)(ii) is a derivative;

the property concerned may also be used for the purpose of

meeting obligations incurred by the licensee in connection with

margining, guaranteeing, securing, transferring, adjusting or

settling dealings in derivatives by the licensee (including dealings

on behalf of people other than the client).

(3) However, if the property is derivative retail client property,

subsection (2) only applies to an obligation if:

(a) the entry into of the derivative referred to in paragraph (2)(a)

or (b) was or will be cleared through an authorised clearing

and settlement facility; and

(b) the licensee incurred the obligation, in connection with the

derivative, under the operating rules of the facility.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.8 Other provisions relating to conduct etc. connected with financial products

and financial services, other than financial product disclosure

Division 4 Special provisions relating to insurance

Section 985A

534 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 4—Special provisions relating to insurance

985A Definitions etc.

(1) In this Division:

contract of insurance includes a contract of life insurance.

Note: Contract of life insurance has a meaning affected by subsection (2).

insured, in relation to a contract of life insurance, means a person

(other than the insurer) who is entitled to a benefit under the

contract, whether that person is the life insured or some other


Note: Intending insured has a corresponding meaning.

(2) For the purposes of this Division, if:

(a) a life policy (within the meaning of the Life Insurance Act

1995) would not ordinarily be regarded as a contract of life

insurance; and

(b) liability under the policy is borne by a company registered

under section 21 of that Act; and

(c) the policy was entered into after the commencement of

section 9D of the Insurance (Agents and Brokers) Act 1984

as in force before the commencement of this Chapter;

the policy is taken to be a contract of life insurance.

985B Status of amounts paid to financial services licensees in respect

of contracts of insurance

(1) If:

(a) a contract of insurance is arranged or effected by a financial

services licensee; and

(b) the licensee is not the insurer;

payment to the licensee of money payable (whether in respect of a

premium or otherwise) by the insured under or in relation to the

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

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Other provisions relating to conduct etc. connected with financial products and financial

services, other than financial product disclosure Part 7.8

Special provisions relating to insurance Division 4

Section 985C

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contract is a discharge, as between the insured and the insurer, of

the liability of the insured to the insurer in respect of that money.

(2) Payment to a financial services licensee by or on behalf of an

intending insured of money (whether in respect of a premium or

otherwise) in respect of a contract of insurance to be arranged or

effected by the licensee with an insurer (not being the licensee) is a

discharge, as between the insured and the insurer, of any liability

of the insured under or in respect of the contract, to the extent of

the amount of the payment.

(3) Payment by an insurer to a financial services licensee of money

payable to an insured, whether in respect of a claim, return of

premiums or otherwise, under or in relation to a contract of

insurance, does not discharge any liability of the insurer to the

insured in respect of that money.

(4) An agreement, so far as it purports to alter or restrict the operation

of subsection (1), (2) or (3), is void.

(5) Subsection (4) does not make void an agreement between a

financial services licensee and an insured in so far as the agreement

allows the licensee to set off against money payable to the insured

money payable by the insured to the licensee in respect of


985C Regulations may impose other requirements etc. if financial

services licensee is not the insurer

(1) The regulations may impose requirements to be complied with by a

financial services licensee in relation to, or make other provision

dealing with, a situation specified in subsection (2) that arises in

relation to a contract or proposed contract of insurance under

which the licensee is not the insurer.

(2) The situations are as follows:

(a) the licensee receives an amount as a premium or instalment

of premium;

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.8 Other provisions relating to conduct etc. connected with financial products

and financial services, other than financial product disclosure

Division 4 Special provisions relating to insurance

Section 985D

536 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) the licensee does not receive an amount as a premium or

instalment of premium by a particular time;

(c) the licensee is not aware of the amount of a premium or

instalment of premium that is to be paid;

(d) the licensee receives money from the insured or intending

insured but the risk or part of the risk has not been accepted

by a particular time;

(e) the licensee receives money from the insurer for payment to

or on behalf of the insured.

985D Financial services licensees etc. not to deal in general

insurance products from unauthorised insurers etc.

(1) A financial services licensee, or an authorised representative of a

financial services licensee, must not deal in a general insurance

product if the insurer for the product, or (if there is more than one

insurer for the product) each insurer for the product, is not at least

one of the following:

(a) a general insurer within the meaning of the Insurance Act


(b) a Lloyd’s underwriter within the meaning of that Act;

(c) a person in respect of whom a determination is in force,

under subsection 7(1) of that Act, that subsection 9(1) or

10(1) or (2) of that Act does not apply (the effect of which is

the effect referred to in paragraph 9(1)(c), 10(1)(c) or

10(2)(c) of that Act (as the case requires)).

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply in relation to a general insurance

product if, because of section 3A of the Insurance Act 1973,

undertaking liability under the contract of insurance concerned is

not, or would not be, insurance business for the purposes of that


Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

subsection (2) (see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code).

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Other provisions relating to conduct etc. connected with financial products and financial

services, other than financial product disclosure Part 7.8

Special provisions relating to insurance Division 4

Section 985D

Corporations Act 2001 537

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(3) Paragraph (1)(b) ceases to apply after section 93 of the Insurance

Act 1973 has ceased to have effect.

(4) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.8 Other provisions relating to conduct etc. connected with financial products

and financial services, other than financial product disclosure

Division 4A Special provisions relating to margin lending facilities

Section 985EA

538 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 4A—Special provisions relating to margin lending


Subdivision A—Responsible lending conduct for margin

lending facilities

985EA Application of this Subdivision

This Subdivision applies to a financial services licensee (the

provider) in relation to:

(a) the issuing of a margin lending facility to a retail client; or

(b) the increasing of the limit of a margin lending facility that

was issued to a retail client.

985E Requirements before issuing etc. margin lending facility

Requirement to make assessment of unsuitability

(1) The provider must not:

(a) issue the margin lending facility to the retail client; or

(b) increase the limit of the margin lending facility that was

issued to the retail client;

on a day (the critical day) unless the provider has, within 90 days

(or other period prescribed by the regulations) before the critical


(c) made an assessment that:

(i) is in accordance with section 985F; and

(ii) covers a period in which the critical day occurs; and

(d) made the inquiries and verification in accordance with

section 985G.

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

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Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Other provisions relating to conduct etc. connected with financial products and financial

services, other than financial product disclosure Part 7.8

Special provisions relating to margin lending facilities Division 4A

Section 985F

Corporations Act 2001 539

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Increase in limit of standard margin lending facility

(2) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(b), the limit of a standard margin

lending facility is taken not to be increased if:

(a) apart from this subsection, there would be an increase in the

limit; and

(b) the increase in the limit would result from an increase in the

value, determined under the terms of the facility, of the

secured property under the facility (as referred to in

paragraph 761EA(2)(c)); and

(c) the increase in the value of the secured property does not

result from the client contributing additional property to the

secured property.


(3) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(b), the regulations may prescribe

particular situations in which the limit of a margin lending facility

is taken:

(a) to be increased, despite subsection (2); or

(b) not to be increased.

985F Assessment of unsuitability of margin lending facility

For the purposes of paragraph 985E(1)(c), the provider must make

an assessment that:

(a) specifies the period the assessment covers; and

(b) assesses whether the margin lending facility will be

unsuitable for the retail client if the facility is issued or the

limit is increased in that period.

Note: The provider is not required to make the assessment if the margin

lending facility is not issued or the limit is not increased.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.8 Other provisions relating to conduct etc. connected with financial products

and financial services, other than financial product disclosure

Division 4A Special provisions relating to margin lending facilities

Section 985G

540 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

985G Reasonable inquiries etc. about the retail client

Requirement to make inquiries and take steps to verify

(1) For the purposes of paragraph 985E(1)(d), the provider must,

before making the assessment:

(a) make reasonable inquiries about the retail client’s financial

situation; and

(b) take reasonable steps to verify the retail client’s financial

situation; and

(c) make any inquiries prescribed by the regulations about any

matter prescribed by the regulations; and

(d) take any steps prescribed by the regulations to verify any

matter prescribed by the regulations.

(2) The regulations may prescribe particular inquiries or steps that

must be made or taken, or do not need to be made or taken, for the

purposes of paragraph (1)(a) or (b).

When not required to take steps to verify

(3) Despite subsection (1), if:

(a) a financial services licensee that is authorised to provide

financial product advice in relation to margin lending

facilities has prepared a statement of advice for the retail

client; and

(b) the statement of advice was prepared no more than 90 days

before the critical day; and

(c) the statement of advice recommends that:

(i) the retail client acquire the particular margin lending

facility; or

(ii) the limit of the particular margin lending facility be

increased; and

(d) the limit of the facility, or the increase in the limit of the

facility, is not greater than the limit, or the increase in the

limit, recommended in the statement of advice; and

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Other provisions relating to conduct etc. connected with financial products and financial

services, other than financial product disclosure Part 7.8

Special provisions relating to margin lending facilities Division 4A

Section 985H

Corporations Act 2001 541

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(e) the statement of advice includes the information that was

used for the purposes of preparing the statement of advice;

then the provider is not required, for the purposes of

paragraph (1)(b) or (d), to verify that information.

985H When margin lending facility must be assessed as unsuitable

Requirement to assess the margin lending facility as unsuitable

(1) The provider must assess that the margin lending facility will be

unsuitable for the retail client if the margin lending facility will be

unsuitable for the retail client under subsection (2).

Note 1: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

Note 2: Even if the margin lending facility will not be unsuitable for the retail

client under subsection (2), the provider may still assess that the

margin lending facility will be unsuitable for the retail client for other


(2) The margin lending facility will be unsuitable for the retail client

if, at the time of the assessment, it is likely that:

(a) if the facility is issued or the limit increased in the period

covered by the assessment, and the facility were to go into

margin call, the retail client:

(i) would be unable to comply with the retail client’s

financial obligations under the terms of the facility; or

(ii) could only comply with substantial hardship; or

(b) if the regulations prescribe circumstances in which a margin

lending facility is unsuitable—those circumstances will apply

to the margin lending facility if the facility is issued or the

limit increased in the period covered by the assessment.

Information to be used to make the assessment

(3) For the purposes of determining under subsection (2) whether the

margin lending facility will be unsuitable, only information that

satisfies both of the following paragraphs is to be taken into


Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.8 Other provisions relating to conduct etc. connected with financial products

and financial services, other than financial product disclosure

Division 4A Special provisions relating to margin lending facilities

Section 985J

542 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(a) the information is about the retail client’s financial situation,

or any other matter prescribed by regulations under

paragraph 985G(1)(c) or (d);

(b) at the time of the assessment:

(i) the provider had reason to believe that the information

was true; or

(ii) the provider would have had reason to believe that the

information was true if it had made the inquiries or

verification under section 985G.

985J Giving the retail client the assessment

Requirement to give assessment if requested

(1) If, before the margin lending facility is issued or the limit is

increased, the retail client requests a copy of the assessment from

the provider, the provider must give the retail client a written copy

of the assessment before issuing the facility or increasing the limit.

Note 1: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Note 2: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

Note 3: The provider is not required to give the retail client a copy of the

assessment if the margin lending facility is not issued or the limit is

not increased.

(2) If, during the period that:

(a) starts on the critical day referred to in subsection 985E(1);


(b) ends 7 years after that day;

the retail client requests a copy of the assessment from the

provider, the provider must give the retail client a written copy of

the assessment:

(c) if the request is made within 2 years of the critical day—

before the end of 7 business days after the day the provider

receives the request; and

(d) otherwise—before the end of 21 business days after the day

the provider receives the request.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Other provisions relating to conduct etc. connected with financial products and financial

services, other than financial product disclosure Part 7.8

Special provisions relating to margin lending facilities Division 4A

Section 985K

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Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Note 1: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Note 2: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

Manner of giving assessment

(3) The provider must give the retail client the copy of the assessment

in the manner (if any) prescribed by the regulations.

No payment for assessment

(4) The provider must not request or demand payment of an amount

for giving the retail client a copy of the assessment.

Note 1: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Note 2: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

Strict liability

(5) An offence based on subsection (1), (2) or (4) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

985K Unsuitable margin lending facilities

Requirement not to issue unsuitable margin lending facilities etc.

(1) The provider must not:

(a) issue the margin lending facility to the retail client; or

(b) increase the limit of the margin lending facility that was

issued to the retail client;

if the facility is unsuitable for the retail client under subsection (2).

Note 1: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Note 2: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.8 Other provisions relating to conduct etc. connected with financial products

and financial services, other than financial product disclosure

Division 4A Special provisions relating to margin lending facilities

Section 985K

544 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

When a margin lending facility will be unsuitable

(2) The margin lending facility is unsuitable for the retail client if, at

the time it is issued or the limit is increased:

(a) it is likely that, if the facility were to go into margin call, the

retail client:

(i) would be unable to comply with the retail client’s

financial obligations under the terms of the facility; or

(ii) could only comply with substantial hardship; or

(b) if the regulations prescribe circumstances in which a margin

lending facility is unsuitable—those circumstances apply to

the margin lending facility.

Information to be used for the purposes of subsection (2)

(3) For the purposes of determining under subsection (2) whether the

margin lending facility will be unsuitable, only information that

satisfies both of the following paragraphs is to be taken into


(a) the information is about the retail client’s financial situation,

or any other matter prescribed by regulations under

paragraph 985G(1)(c) or (d);

(b) at the time the margin lending facility is issued or the limit is


(i) the provider had reason to believe that the information

was true; or

(ii) the provider would have had reason to believe that the

information was true if it had made the inquiries or

verification under section 985G.

Regulations in relation to unsuitability of margin lending facility

(4) The regulations may prescribe particular situations in which a

margin lending facility is taken not to be unsuitable for a retail

client, despite subsection (2).

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Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Other provisions relating to conduct etc. connected with financial products and financial

services, other than financial product disclosure Part 7.8

Special provisions relating to margin lending facilities Division 4A

Section 985L

Corporations Act 2001 545

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Increase in limit of standard margin lending facility

(5) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(b), the limit of a standard margin

lending facility is taken not to be increased if:

(a) apart from this subsection, there would be an increase in the

limit; and

(b) the increase in the limit would result from an increase in the

value, determined under the terms of the facility, of the

secured property under the facility (as referred to in

paragraph 761EA(2)(c)); and

(c) the increase in the value of the secured property does not

result from the client contributing additional property to the

secured property.

Regulations in relation to increase in limit

(6) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(b), the regulations may prescribe

particular situations in which the limit of a margin lending facility

is taken:

(a) to be increased, despite subsection (5); or

(b) not to be increased.

Subdivision B—Notice of margin calls under margin lending


985L Issue of margin lending facility must not be conditional on

agreement to receive communications through agent

A financial services licensee must not require, as a condition of

issuing a margin lending facility to a retail client, that the retail

client enter into an agreement of the kind referred to in

subsection 985M(2) (which deals with agreements about

communications in relation to margin lending facilities).

Note: This section is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.8 Other provisions relating to conduct etc. connected with financial products

and financial services, other than financial product disclosure

Division 4A Special provisions relating to margin lending facilities

Section 985M

546 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

985M Notification of margin calls

Provider must notify retail client of margin call

(1) A financial services licensee (the provider) that has issued a

margin lending facility to a retail client must, when the facility

goes into margin call, take reasonable steps to notify the retail

client under the facility of the margin call in accordance with this


Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

When provider must notify retail client’s agent, and agent must

notify retail client, of margin call

(2) However, if there is an agreement between the provider, the retail

client, and another financial services licensee (the agent) that the

agent will receive communications from the provider in relation to

the margin lending facility on behalf of the retail client, then:

(a) the provider must take reasonable steps to notify the agent

(instead of the retail client) of the margin call in accordance

with this section; and

(b) the agent must take reasonable steps to notify the retail client

of the margin call in accordance with this section.

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

When and how notice must be given

(3) A notice under this section must be given:

(a) at a time determined by ASIC; or

(b) if no time is determined by ASIC—as soon as practicable.

(4) A notice under this section must be given:

(a) if a manner in which the notice is to be given has been agreed

between the person who is required to give the notice and the

person to whom the notice is required to be given—in that

manner; or

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Other provisions relating to conduct etc. connected with financial products and financial

services, other than financial product disclosure Part 7.8

Special provisions relating to margin lending facilities Division 4A

Section 985M

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Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(b) if there is no agreement and ASIC has determined the manner

in which the notice is to be given—in that manner; or

(c) otherwise—in a reasonable manner.

ASIC may determine when and how notice must be given

(5) ASIC may determine:

(a) the time by which, and manner in which, a provider must

notify a client or agent of a margin call under this section;


(b) the time by which, and manner in which, an agent must

notify a client of a margin call under this section.

(6) A determination made under subsection (5):

(a) must be in writing; and

(b) is a legislative instrument for the purposes of the Legislative

Instruments Act 2003.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.8 Other provisions relating to conduct etc. connected with financial products

and financial services, other than financial product disclosure

Division 5 Obligations to report

Section 986A

548 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 5—Obligations to report

986A Reporting in relation to money to which Subdivision A or B of

Division 2 applies or property to which Division 3 applies

The regulations may impose reporting requirements to be complied

with by a financial services licensee in relation to money to which

Subdivision A or B of Division 2 applies or property to which

Division 3 applies.

986B Reporting in relation to dealings in derivatives

The regulations may impose reporting requirements to be complied

with by a financial services licensee in relation to dealings in

derivatives on behalf of other people.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Other provisions relating to conduct etc. connected with financial products and financial

services, other than financial product disclosure Part 7.8

Financial records, statements and audit Division 6

Section 987A

Corporations Act 2001 549

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 6—Financial records, statements and audit

Subdivision A—Preliminary

987A Application of Division

(1) This Division applies in relation to a financial services licensee and

a financial services business carried on by the licensee, whether

that business is carried on in this jurisdiction or elsewhere.

(2) This Division does not affect, and is to be taken never to have

affected, the operation of Chapter 2M in relation to a company that

is a financial services licensee or in relation to a financial services

business that is carried on by such a company.

Subdivision B—Financial records of financial services licensees

988A Obligation to keep financial records

(1) A financial services licensee must (subject to subsection (2)):

(a) keep financial records that correctly record and explain the

transactions and financial position of the financial services

business carried on by the licensee; and

(b) keep those records in accordance with the requirements of

this Subdivision; and

(c) comply with the requirements of this Subdivision in relation

to conversion of records into the English language (see

subsection 988C(2)).

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) The licensee does not contravene a requirement of this Subdivision

merely because some or all of the records are kept as a part of, or

in conjunction with, the records relating to any other business that

is carried on by the licensee.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.8 Other provisions relating to conduct etc. connected with financial products

and financial services, other than financial product disclosure

Division 6 Financial records, statements and audit

Section 988B

550 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

this subsection. See subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

988B Records to be kept so that profit and loss statements and

balance sheet can be prepared and audited

The records must be kept in a way that:

(a) enables true and fair profit and loss statements, and balance

sheets, of the financial services business of the licensee to be

prepared from time to time; and

(b) allows those statements and balance sheets to be

conveniently and properly audited.

988C Language of records

(1) The records must be kept in writing in the English language, or in a

manner that enables them to be readily accessible and readily

converted into writing in the English language.

(2) If any of the records are not kept in writing in the English

language, the licensee must, if required to convert the records

concerned into writing in the English language by a person who is

entitled to examine the records concerned, comply with the

requirement within a reasonable time.

988D Location of records

If any of the records are kept outside this jurisdiction, the licensee


(a) cause to be sent to and kept at a place in this jurisdiction such

particulars with respect to the business dealt with in those

records as will enable true and fair profit and loss statements

and balance sheets to be prepared; and

(b) if required by ASIC to produce those records at a place in

this jurisdiction, comply with the requirement not later than

28 days after the requirement is made.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Other provisions relating to conduct etc. connected with financial products and financial

services, other than financial product disclosure Part 7.8

Financial records, statements and audit Division 6

Section 988E

Corporations Act 2001 551

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

988E Particular categories of information to be shown in records

The records must be kept in sufficient detail to show particulars of:

(a) all money received or paid by the licensee, including money

paid to, or disbursed from, an account maintained for the

purposes of section 981B or 982B; and

(b) all acquisitions and disposals of financial products made by

the licensee, the charges and credits arising from them, and

the names of the person acquiring or disposing of each of

those products; and

(c) all income received by the licensee from commissions,

interest, and other sources, and all expenses, commissions,

and interest paid by the licensee; and

(d) all the assets and liabilities (including contingent liabilities)

of the licensee; and

(e) all securities, managed investment products or foreign

passport fund products that are the property of the licensee,

showing by whom the securities or products, or the

documents of title to the securities or products, are held and,

if they are held by some other person, whether or not they are

held as security against loans or advances; and

(f) all securities, managed investment products or foreign

passport fund products that are not the property of the

licensee and for which the licensee or a nominee controlled

by the licensee is accountable, showing:

(i) by whom, and for whom, the securities or products, or

the documents of title to the securities or products, are

held; and

(ii) the extent to which they are either held for safe custody

or deposited with a third party as security for loans or

advances made to the licensee; and

(g) such other matters (if any) as are specified in regulations

made for the purposes of this paragraph.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.8 Other provisions relating to conduct etc. connected with financial products

and financial services, other than financial product disclosure

Division 6 Financial records, statements and audit

Section 988F

552 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

988F Regulations may impose additional requirements

The regulations may impose additional requirements to be

complied with in relation to the records including, for example,

requirements for things to be contained in the records, and

requirements relating to the level of detail to be shown in the


988G Records taken to be made with licensee’s authority

An entry in the records is, unless the contrary is proved, to be taken

to have been made by, or with the authority of, the licensee.

Subdivision C—Financial statements of financial services


989A Meaning of financial year

In this Subdivision:

financial year, in relation to a financial services licensee, means:

(a) if the licensee is not a body corporate—a year ending on

30 June; and

(b) if the licensee is a body corporate—a financial year of the

body corporate.

989B Financial services licensee to prepare and lodge annual profit

and loss statement and balance sheet

(1) A financial services licensee must, in respect of each financial

year, prepare a true and fair profit and loss statement and balance

sheet in accordance with this Subdivision.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1).

(2) The licensee must lodge the statement and balance sheet with

ASIC in accordance with this Subdivision.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Other provisions relating to conduct etc. connected with financial products and financial

services, other than financial product disclosure Part 7.8

Financial records, statements and audit Division 6

Section 989C

Corporations Act 2001 553

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1).

(3) The licensee must, with the statement and balance sheet, lodge an

auditor’s report with ASIC containing the information and matters

required by the regulations.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1).

989C Requirements as to contents and applicable accounting


The profit and loss statement and the balance sheet must:

(a) contain the information that is required by the regulations;


(b) be prepared in accordance with any requirements in the

regulations as to the accounting principles to be used.

989CA Audit to be conducted in accordance with auditing standards

(1) If an individual auditor, or an audit company, conducts an audit of

a profit and loss statement and balance sheet for the purposes of

this Subdivision, the individual auditor or audit company must:

(a) conduct the audit in accordance with the auditing standards;


(b) include in the audit report on the profit and loss statement,

and balance sheet, any statements or disclosures required by

the auditing standards.

(2) If an audit firm, or an audit company, conducts an audit of a profit

and loss statement and balance sheet for the purposes of this

Subdivision, the lead auditor for the audit or review must ensure


(a) the audit is conducted in accordance with the auditing

standards; and

(b) the audit report on the profit and loss statement, and balance

sheet, includes any statements or disclosures required by the

auditing standards.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.8 Other provisions relating to conduct etc. connected with financial products

and financial services, other than financial product disclosure

Division 6 Financial records, statements and audit

Section 989D

554 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Fault-based offence

(3) A person commits an offence if the person contravenes

subsection (1) or (2).

Strict liability offence

(4) A person commits an offence of strict liability if the person

contravenes subsection (1) or (2).

989D Time of lodgment

(1) Unless an extension is granted under subsection (3), the profit and

loss statement and the balance sheet must be lodged before:

(a) if the licensee is not a body corporate—the day that is 2

months after the end of that financial year; or

(b) if the licensee is a body corporate—the day that is 3 months

after the end of that financial year.

(2) If an extension is granted under subsection (3), the profit and loss

statement and the balance sheet must be lodged before the end of

the extended period.

(3) ASIC may, on application made:

(a) by a financial services licensee and the licensee’s auditor;


(b) before the end of the period that would otherwise apply;

approve an extension of the period for lodging the profit and loss

statement and balance sheet. The extension may be of the period

originally applicable or the period applicable under a previous


(4) An approval under subsection (3) may be given subject to such

conditions (if any) as ASIC imposes.

(5) If an approval under subsection (3) is given subject to conditions,

the licensee must comply with those conditions.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Other provisions relating to conduct etc. connected with financial products and financial

services, other than financial product disclosure Part 7.8

Financial records, statements and audit Division 6

Section 990A

Corporations Act 2001 555

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Subdivision D—Appointment etc. of auditors

990A Sections 990B to 990H not to apply to public companies

Sections 990B to 990H do not apply to a financial services licensee

that is a public company.

990B Appointment of auditor by licensee

(1) A financial services licensee must, within 1 month after beginning

to hold the licence, appoint as auditor or auditors to audit the

licensee’s financial statements:

(a) a person or persons; or

(b) a firm or firms; or

(c) a person or persons and a firm or firms.

Subsections (4) and (5) must be complied with in relation to the


Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) Within 14 days after a vacancy occurs in the office of an auditor of

the licensee, if there is no surviving or continuing auditor of the

licensee, the licensee must appoint:

(a) a person or persons; or

(b) a firm or firms; or

(c) a person or persons and a firm or firms;

to fill the vacancy. Subsections (4) and (5) must be complied with

in relation to the appointment.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(3) While a vacancy in the office of an auditor of the licensee

continues, the surviving or continuing auditor or auditors (if any)

may act.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.8 Other provisions relating to conduct etc. connected with financial products

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Division 6 Financial records, statements and audit

Section 990B

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(4) The licensee must not appoint as auditor a person who, or firm that,

is ineligible by virtue of regulations made for the purposes of

section 990C to act as auditor of the licensee.

(5) The licensee must not appoint a person or firm as auditor of the

licensee unless that person or firm has, before the appointment,

consented by written notice given to the licensee to act as auditor

and has not withdrawn the consent by written notice given to the


(6) The licensee must, within 14 days after an appointment of a person

or firm as auditor, lodge a written notice with ASIC stating that the

licensee has made the appointment and specifying the name of the

person or firm.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(7) The regulations may include provisions (including provisions

imposing obligations) dealing with matters related to the

appointment of a firm as auditor, including, for example:

(a) taking certain members of the firm to have been appointed as

auditors; and

(b) the effect of a dissolution and reconstitution of the firm; and

(c) requiring a member of the firm who retires or withdraws to

continue to act as auditor in certain circumstances; and

(d) how a report, notice or other document is to be made or


(8) Regulations made for the purposes of subsection (7) may also

include provisions modifying the effect of provisions of this

Subdivision in relation to matters dealt with in those regulations.

(9) In this section:

person means:

(a) an individual auditor; or

(b) an authorised audit company.

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Section 990C

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990C When a person or firm is ineligible to act as auditor

A person or firm is ineligible to act as auditor of the licensee if

regulations made for the purposes of this section provide that the

person or firm is ineligible so to act.

990D Ineligible person or firm must not consent to act or disqualify

themselves etc.

(1) A person or firm, while ineligible to act as auditor of the licensee,

must not:

(a) consent to be appointed as auditor of the licensee; or

(b) act as auditor of the licensee; or

(c) prepare a report that an auditor of the licensee is to prepare

under this Part.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) A person must not:

(a) if the person has been appointed auditor of the licensee—

disqualify himself or herself, while the appointment

continues, from acting as auditor of the licensee; or

(b) if the person is a member of a firm that has been appointed

auditor of the licensee—disqualify the firm, while the

appointment continues, from acting as auditor of the licensee.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

990E Duration of appointment of auditors

An auditor of the licensee holds office until:

(a) death; or

(b) removal in accordance with section 990F; or

(c) resignation in accordance with sections 990G and 990H; or

(d) becoming prohibited by subsection 990D(1) from acting as

auditor of the licensee;

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Part 7.8 Other provisions relating to conduct etc. connected with financial products

and financial services, other than financial product disclosure

Division 6 Financial records, statements and audit

Section 990F

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whichever occurs first.

990F Removal of auditors

The licensee:

(a) must remove an auditor of the licensee from office if the

auditor becomes ineligible to act as auditor of the licensee;


(b) may, with ASIC’s consent, remove an auditor of the licensee

from office.

Note: Failure to comply with paragraph (a) is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

990G Resignation of auditors—requirements for resignation

(1) An auditor of the licensee may, by written notice given to the

licensee, resign as auditor of the licensee if:

(a) the auditor has, by written notice given to ASIC, applied for

consent to the resignation and, at or about the same time as

the auditor gave notice to ASIC, gave written notice of the

application to the licensee; and

(b) ASIC has consented and the auditor has received notice of

ASIC’s consent.

(2) ASIC must, as soon as practicable after receiving an application

from an auditor under subsection (1), notify the auditor and the

licensee whether it consents to the resignation.

(3) A statement by an auditor in an application under subsection (1), or

in answer to an inquiry by ASIC relating to the reasons for the


(a) is not admissible in evidence in any civil or criminal

proceedings in a court against the auditor other than

proceedings for a contravention of section 1308; and

(b) may not be made the ground of a prosecution (other than a

prosecution for a contravention of section 1308), action or

suit against the auditor.

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services, other than financial product disclosure Part 7.8

Financial records, statements and audit Division 6

Section 990H

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(4) A certificate by ASIC that a statement was made in an application

under subsection (1), or in answer to an inquiry by ASIC relating

to the reasons for such an application, is conclusive evidence that

the statement was so made.

990H Resignation of auditors—when resignation takes effect

The resignation of an auditor of the licensee takes effect on:

(a) if the notice of resignation specifies a date as the date the

resignation is to take effect—the date so specified; or

(b) the date on which ASIC gives its consent to the resignation;


(c) if ASIC has fixed a date as the date the resignation is to take

effect—the date so fixed;

whichever last occurs.

990I Auditor’s right of access to records, information etc.

(1) An auditor of the licensee has a right of access at all reasonable

times to the financial records or other records (including any

register) of the licensee.

(2) An auditor of the licensee is entitled to require:

(a) from the licensee; or

(b) if the licensee is a body corporate—from any director,

secretary or senior manager of the licensee;

such assistance and explanations as the auditor desires for the

purposes of audit.

(3) The licensee, or a director, secretary or senior manager of the

licensee if it is a body corporate, must not:

(a) refuse or fail to allow an auditor of the licensee access, in

accordance with subsection (1), to financial records or other

records of the licensee; or

(b) refuse or fail to give assistance, or an explanation, to an

auditor of the licensee as and when required under

subsection (2); or

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.8 Other provisions relating to conduct etc. connected with financial products

and financial services, other than financial product disclosure

Division 6 Financial records, statements and audit

Section 990J

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(c) otherwise hinder, obstruct or delay an auditor of the licensee

in the performance or exercise of the auditor’s duties or


Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

990J Auditor’s fees and expenses

(1) The reasonable fees and expenses of an auditor of the licensee are

payable by the licensee.

(2) The auditor may recover those fees by action against the licensee.

990K Auditor to report on certain matters

(1) If an auditor, in the performance of duties as auditor of the

licensee, becomes aware of a matter referred to in subsection (2),

the auditor must, within 7 days after becoming aware of the matter,

lodge a written report on the matter with ASIC and send a copy of

the report to the licensee, and to each licensed market (if any) and

each licensed CS facility (if any) in which the licensee is a


Note: Failure to comply with this section is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) A report must be given in relation to any matter that, in the opinion

of the auditor:

(a) has adversely affected, is adversely affecting or may

adversely affect the ability of the licensee to meet the

licensee’s obligations as a licensee; or

(b) constitutes or may constitute a contravention of:

(i) a provision of Subdivision A or B of Division 2 (or a

provision of regulations made for the purposes of such a

provision); or

(ii) a provision of Division 3 (or a provision of regulations

made for the purposes of such a provision); or

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services, other than financial product disclosure Part 7.8

Financial records, statements and audit Division 6

Section 990L

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(iii) a provision of Subdivision B or C of this Division (or a

provision of regulations made for the purposes of such a

provision); or

(iv) a condition of the licensee’s licence; or

(c) constitutes an attempt to unduly influence, coerce,

manipulate or mislead the auditor in the conduct of the audit.

990L Qualified privilege for auditor etc.

Qualified privilege for auditor

(1) An auditor of the licensee has qualified privilege in respect of:

(a) a statement that the auditor makes, orally or in writing, in the

course of the auditor’s duties as auditor; or

(b) the lodging of a report under subsection 990K(1); or

(c) the sending of a report to:

(i) the licensee; or

(ii) a licensed market or a licensed CS facility;

under subsection 990K(1); or

(d) a disclosure made by the auditor in response to a notice given

to the auditor under subsection 225A(5) of the ASIC Act.

Note: If the auditor is an audit company, the company has qualified privilege

under this subsection in respect of statements made, and reports

lodged or sent, by individuals on behalf of the company if those

statements and notices can be properly attributed to the company.

Qualified privilege for registered company auditor acting on

behalf of audit company

(2) If the auditor of the licensee is an audit company, a registered

company auditor acting on behalf of the company has qualified

privilege in respect of:

(a) a statement that the registered company auditor makes (orally

or in writing) in the course of the performance, on behalf of

the company, of the company’s duties as auditor; or

(b) the lodging by the registered company auditor, on behalf of

the company, of a report under subsection 990K(1); or

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.8 Other provisions relating to conduct etc. connected with financial products

and financial services, other than financial product disclosure

Division 6 Financial records, statements and audit

Section 990L

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(c) the sending by the registered company auditor, on behalf of

the company, of a report to:

(i) the licensee; or

(ii) a licensed market or a licensed CS facility;

under subsection 990K(1); or

(d) a disclosure made by the registered company auditor in

response to a notice given to the audit company under

subsection 225A(5) of the ASIC Act.

Qualified privilege for subsequent publication

(3) A person has qualified privilege in respect of the publishing of a


(a) prepared by an auditor of the licensee in the course of the

auditor’s duties as auditor; or

(b) required by or under this Chapter to be lodged with ASIC

(whether or not the document has been so lodged).

(4) A person has qualified privilege in respect of the publishing of a


(a) made by an auditor of the licensee as mentioned in

subsection (1); or

(b) a statement made by a registered company auditor as

mentioned in subsection (2).

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Other provisions relating to conduct etc. connected with financial products and financial

services, other than financial product disclosure Part 7.8

Other rules about conduct Division 7

Section 991A

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Division 7—Other rules about conduct

991A Financial services licensee not to engage in unconscionable


(1) A financial services licensee must not, in or in relation to the

provision of a financial service, engage in conduct that is, in all the

circumstances, unconscionable.

(2) If a person suffers loss or damage because a financial services

licensee contravenes subsection (1), the person may recover the

amount of the loss or damage by action against the licensee.

(3) An action under subsection (2) may be begun at any time within 6

years after the day on which the cause of action arose.

(4) This section does not affect any liability that a person has under

any other law.

991B Financial services licensee to give priority to clients’ orders

(1) This section applies if:

(a) a person (the client) has instructed a financial services

licensee to buy or sell financial products of a particular class

that are able to be traded on a licensed market; and

(b) the licensee has not complied with the instruction; and

(c) the client is not an associate of the licensee; and

(d) regulations made for the purposes of this paragraph do not

exclude those financial products from this section.

(2) The financial services licensee must not, except as permitted by

subsection (3):

(a) enter into a transaction of purchase or sale of financial

products of that class either on their own behalf or on behalf

of an associate of the licensee; or

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.8 Other provisions relating to conduct etc. connected with financial products

and financial services, other than financial product disclosure

Division 7 Other rules about conduct

Section 991C

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(b) instruct another person to enter into a transaction of purchase

or sale of financial products of that class on behalf of the

licensee or an associate of the licensee.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(3) Subsection (2) does not apply in relation to the entering into of a

transaction, or the giving of an instruction, by the licensee if:

(a) the client’s instructions required the purchase or sale to be

effected only on specified conditions relating to price and the

licensee has been unable to comply with the instructions

because of those conditions; or

(b) the transaction, or the giving of the instruction, is permitted

by regulations made for the purposes of this paragraph.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

this subsection. See subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

991C Regulations may deal with various matters relating to

instructions to deal through licensed markets

The regulations may do all or any of the following in relation to

instructions received by financial services licensees to deal in

financial products through licensed markets:

(a) impose requirements relating to the order in which

instructions are to be transmitted to a licensed market or to

another financial services licensee who is a participant in a

licensed market;

(b) impose requirements relating to the order in which dealings

that have been effected on a licensed market are to be

allocated to instructions;

(c) prohibit the disclosure of instructions in specified


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Other rules about conduct Division 7

Section 991D

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991D Regulations may require records to be kept in relation to

instructions to deal on licensed markets and foreign


The regulations may impose requirements for the keeping of

records relating to all or any of the following:

(a) instructions received by financial services licensees to deal in

financial products through licensed markets or through other

financial markets (whether inside or outside Australia);

(b) the execution of such instructions;

(c) the transmission of such instructions.

991E Obligations of financial services licensee in relation to dealings

with non-licensees

Obligation to disclose if acting on own behalf

(1) Subject to the regulations, a financial services licensee must not,

either personally or through an authorised representative, enter into

a financial product transaction on their own behalf:

(a) that relates to a financial product that is able to be traded on a

licensed market; and

(b) that is with a person (the non-licensee) who is not a financial

services licensee or an authorised representative;


(c) the licensee has not (in accordance with any applicable

regulations made for the purposes of paragraph (2)(a))

disclosed to the non-licensee the fact that the licensee will be

acting on their own behalf in the proposed dealing; or

(d) the non-licensee has not (in accordance with any applicable

regulations made for the purposes of paragraph (2)(b))

consented to the licensee so acting in the proposed dealing.

If the licensee is acting through an authorised representative, the

disclosure referred to in paragraph (c) may instead be given by the


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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.8 Other provisions relating to conduct etc. connected with financial products

and financial services, other than financial product disclosure

Division 7 Other rules about conduct

Section 991E

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Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) The regulations may deal with either or both of the following:

(a) how a disclosure referred to in paragraph (1)(c) is to be


(b) how a consent referred to in paragraph (1)(d) is to be given.

Obligation not to charge fee

(3) If a financial services licensee, either personally or through an

authorised representative, enters into a transaction of sale or

purchase of financial products on their own behalf:

(a) that relates to a financial product that is able to be traded on a

licensed market; and

(b) that is with a person (the non-licensee) who is not a financial

services licensee or an authorised representative;

the licensee must only charge the non-licensee a brokerage,

commission or other fee in respect of the transaction if the charge

is permitted by the regulations.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Person may rescind contract if section contravened

(4) If subsection (1) or (3) is contravened in relation to a transaction

(whether or not anyone is convicted of an offence in respect of the

contravention), the non-licensee may, subject to subsection (5),

rescind the contract effecting the transaction, unless the contract

was for the purchase of financial products by the non-licensee and

the non-licensee has disposed of those products.

(5) The right under subsection (4) to rescind the contract:

(a) can only be exercised during the period of 14 days starting


(i) unless subparagraph (ii) applies—the day on which the

contract was entered into; or

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Section 991F

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(ii) if regulations made for the purposes of this

subparagraph specify a later day—that later day; and

(b) is to be exercised by notice in writing to the licensee.

(6) Nothing in subsections (4) and (5) affects any other right that a

person has.

Regulations may require records to be kept in relation to

transactions entered into by licensee on own behalf

(7) The regulations may impose requirements for the keeping of

records relating to financial products transactions entered into by a

financial services licensee on their own behalf.

991F Dealings involving employees of financial services licensees

(1) Subject to the regulations, a financial services licensee and an

employee of the licensee must not, on their own behalves, jointly

acquire a financial product.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) Subject to the regulations, a financial services licensee must not

give credit to an employee of the licensee, or to a person who they

know is an associate of an employee of the licensee, if:

(a) the credit is given for the purpose of enabling the person to

whom the credit is given to acquire a financial product; or

(b) the licensee knows or has reason to believe that the credit

will be used for the purpose of acquiring a financial product.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(3) Subject to the regulations, a person:

(a) who is an employee of a financial services licensee that is a

participant in a licensed market; and

(b) who is so employed in connection with a business of dealing

in financial products;

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.8 Other provisions relating to conduct etc. connected with financial products

and financial services, other than financial product disclosure

Division 7 Other rules about conduct

Section 991F

568 Corporations Act 2001

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must only, on their own behalf, acquire or agree to acquire a

financial product of a kind that is able to be traded on that market if

the licensee acts as the agent of the person in respect of the


Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(4) In this section, a reference to an employee of a financial services

licensee includes, for a licensee that is a body corporate, a

reference to an officer of the body.

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services, other than financial product disclosure Part 7.8

Miscellaneous Division 8

Section 992A

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Division 8—Miscellaneous

992A Prohibition on hawking of certain financial products

(1) A person must not offer financial products for issue or sale in the

course of, or because of, an unsolicited meeting with another


Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to offering of securities, hawking of

which is prohibited by section 736, or to offering interests in

managed investment schemes, hawking of which is prohibited by

section 992AA.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

this subsection. See subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

(3) A person must not make an offer to issue or sell a financial product

in the course of, or because of:

(aa) an unsolicited telephone call to another person; or

(ab) an unsolicited contact with another person in another way

that is prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this


unless the other person has been:

(a) contacted only during the hours prescribed by the regulations

and only if the person is not listed on the “No Contact/No

Call” register in relation to the person making the contact;


(b) given an opportunity to:

(i) register on a “No Contact/No Call” register maintained

by the person making the contact at no cost to that

person; and

(ii) select the time and frequency of any future contacts; and

(c) given a Product Disclosure Statement before becoming

bound to acquire a financial product; and

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Part 7.8 Other provisions relating to conduct etc. connected with financial products

and financial services, other than financial product disclosure

Division 8 Miscellaneous

Section 992A

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(d) clearly informed of the importance of using the information

in the Product Disclosure Statement when making a decision

to acquire a financial product; and

(e) given the option of having the information in the Product

Disclosure Statement read out to that person.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(3A) Neither subsection (1) nor (3) applies to an offer of financial

products if the offer is not to a retail client.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

this subsection. See subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

(3B) Neither subsection (1) nor (3) applies to an offer of financial

products that is made under an eligible employee share scheme.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

this subsection. See subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

(4) In addition to other penalties for breaches of this section, a failure

to comply with this section gives the other person a right of return

and refund exercisable within 1 month after the expiry date of the

relevant cooling-off period for the financial product, or one month

and fourteen days in the event that no cooling-off period applies to

the financial product, subject to the following provisions:

(a) on the exercise of the right to return the product:

(i) if the product is constituted by a legal relationship

between the client and the issuer of the product—that

relationship is, by force of this subsection, terminated

with effect from that time without penalty to the client;


(ii) any contract for the acquisition of the product by the

client is, by force of this subsection, terminated with

effect from that time without penalty to the client;

(b) the regulations may provide for consequences and

obligations (in addition to those provided for in

paragraph (a)) to apply if the right to return a financial

product is exercised;

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services, other than financial product disclosure Part 7.8

Miscellaneous Division 8

Section 992AA

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(c) the regulations may do any or all of the following:

(i) provide that a specified subclass of financial products

that would otherwise be covered by this subsection is

excluded from this subsection;

(ii) provide additional requirements to be satisfied before

this subsection applies in relation to a class or subclass

of financial products;

(iii) provide that this subsection does not apply in relation to

the provision of a financial product in specified


(5) For the purposes of this section:

(a) a reference to offering a financial product for issue (or

offering to issue a financial product) includes a reference to

inviting an application for the issue of the financial product;


(b) a reference to offering a financial product for sale (or

offering to sell a financial product) includes a reference to

inviting an offer to purchase the financial product.

992AA Prohibition on hawking of interests in managed investment


(1) A person must not offer interests in managed investment schemes

for issue or sale in the course of, or because of:

(a) an unsolicited meeting with another person; or

(b) an unsolicited telephone call to another person;

unless the offer is exempted under subsection (2).

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to an offer of interests in managed

investment schemes if:

(a) the offer is not to a retail client;

(b) the offer is an offer of interests in a listed managed

investment scheme made by telephone by a financial services

licensee; or

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.8 Other provisions relating to conduct etc. connected with financial products

and financial services, other than financial product disclosure

Division 8 Miscellaneous

Section 992B

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(c) the offer is made to a client by a financial services licensee

through whom the client has acquired or disposed of an

interest in a managed investment scheme in the previous 12

months; or

(d) the offer is made under an eligible employee share scheme.

(3) For the purposes of this section:

(a) a reference to offering interests in a managed investment

scheme for issue includes a reference to inviting an

application for the issue of interests in the scheme; and

(b) a reference to offering interests in a managed investment

scheme for sale includes a reference to inviting an offer to

purchase interests in the scheme.

992B Exemptions and modifications by ASIC

(1) ASIC may:

(a) exempt a person or class of persons from all or specified

provisions of this Part; or

(b) exempt a financial product or class of financial products from

all or specified provisions of this Part; or

(c) declare that this Part applies in relation to a person or a

financial product, or a class of persons or financial products,

as if specified provisions of this Part were omitted, modified

or varied as specified in the declaration.

(3) An exemption may apply unconditionally or subject to specified

conditions. A person to whom a condition specified in an

exemption applies must comply with the condition. The Court may

order the person to comply with the condition in a specified way.

Only ASIC may apply to the Court for the order.

(4) An exemption or declaration must be in writing and ASIC must

publish notice of it in the Gazette.

(5) If conduct (including an omission) of a person would not have

constituted an offence if a particular declaration under

paragraph (1)(c) had not been made, that conduct does not

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Other provisions relating to conduct etc. connected with financial products and financial

services, other than financial product disclosure Part 7.8

Miscellaneous Division 8

Section 992C

Corporations Act 2001 573

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

constitute an offence unless, before the conduct occurred (in

addition to complying with the gazettal requirement of

subsection (4)):

(a) the text of the declaration was made available by ASIC on

the internet; or

(b) ASIC gave written notice setting out the text of the

declaration to the person.

In a prosecution for an offence to which this subsection applies, the

prosecution must prove that paragraph (a) or (b) was complied with

before the conduct occurred.

(6) For the purpose of this section, the provisions of this Part include:

(a) definitions in this Act, or in the regulations, as they apply to

references in this Part; and

(b) any provisions of Part 10.2 (transitional provisions) that

relate to provisions of this Part.

Note: Because of section 761H, a reference to this Part or Part 10.2 also

includes a reference to regulations or other instruments made for the

purposes of this Part or Part 10.2 (as the case requires).

992C Exemptions and modifications by regulations

(1) The regulations may:

(a) exempt a person or class of persons from all or specified

provisions of this Part; or

(b) exempt a financial product or a class of financial products

from all or specified provisions of this Part; or

(c) provide that this Part applies as if specified provisions were

omitted, modified or varied as specified in the regulations.

(2) For the purpose of this section, the provisions of this Part include:

(a) definitions in this Act, or in the regulations, as they apply to

references in this Part; and

(b) any provisions of Part 10.2 (transitional provisions) that

relate to provisions of this Part.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.8 Other provisions relating to conduct etc. connected with financial products

and financial services, other than financial product disclosure

Division 9 Enforcement

Section 993A

574 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 9—Enforcement

993A Overview

This Division contains provisions creating offences by reference to

various rules contained in preceding Divisions of this Part.

However, it does not create all the offences relating to those rules,

as some offences are created by subsection 1311(1). Where

offences are created by subsection 1311(1) in relation to a rule, this

is indicated by a note at the end of the provision containing the


993B Offence of failing to pay client money into an account as


Strict liability offence

(1) A financial services licensee commits an offence if:

(a) the licensee is required by subsection 981B(1) to pay

particular money into an account in accordance with that

subsection; and

(b) the licensee does not pay the money into an account in

accordance with that subsection.

(2) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

Ordinary offence

(3) A financial services licensee commits an offence if:

(a) the licensee is required by subsection 981B(1) to pay

particular money into an account in accordance with that

subsection; and

(b) the licensee does not pay the money into an account in

accordance with that subsection.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Other provisions relating to conduct etc. connected with financial products and financial

services, other than financial product disclosure Part 7.8

Enforcement Division 9

Section 993C

Corporations Act 2001 575

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

993C Offence of failing to comply with requirements relating to

client money account

Strict liability offence

(1) A financial services licensee commits an offence if the licensee

contravenes a requirement in regulations made for the purposes of

section 981C.

(2) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

Ordinary offence

(3) A financial services licensee commits an offence if:

(a) a requirement in regulations made for the purposes of

section 981C applies to the licensee; and

(b) the licensee contravenes the requirement.

993D Failing to pay loan money into an account as required

Failing to pay loan money into account as required

(1) A financial services licensee contravenes this subsection if:

(a) the licensee is required by subsection 982B(1) to pay

particular money into an account in accordance with that

subsection; and

(b) the licensee does not pay the money into an account in

accordance with that subsection.

Fault-based offence

(2) A person commits an offence if the person contravenes

subsection (1).

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.8 Other provisions relating to conduct etc. connected with financial products

and financial services, other than financial product disclosure

Division 9 Enforcement

Section 993D

576 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Strict liability offence

(3) A person commits an offence of strict liability if the person

contravenes subsection (1).

Civil liability

(4) A person contravenes this subsection if the person contravenes

subsection (1).

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Prepared by the Office of Parliamentary Counsel, Canberra

Corporations Act 2001

No. 50, 2001

Compilation No. 94

Compilation date: 6 April 2019

Includes amendments up to: Act No. 50, 2019

Registered: 14 May 2019

This compilation is in 6 volumes

Volume 1: sections 1–260E

Volume 2: sections 283AA–601DJ

Volume 3: sections 601EA–742

Volume 4: sections 760A–993D

Volume 5: sections 1010A–1369A

Volume 6: sections 1370–1662



Each volume has its own contents

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

About this compilation

This compilation

This is a compilation of the Corporations Act 2001 that shows the text of the

law as amended and in force on 6 April 2019 (the compilation date).

The notes at the end of this compilation (the endnotes) include information

about amending laws and the amendment history of provisions of the compiled


Uncommenced amendments

The effect of uncommenced amendments is not shown in the text of the

compiled law. Any uncommenced amendments affecting the law are accessible

on the Legislation Register (www.legislation.gov.au). The details of

amendments made up to, but not commenced at, the compilation date are

underlined in the endnotes. For more information on any uncommenced

amendments, see the series page on the Legislation Register for the compiled


Application, saving and transitional provisions for provisions and


If the operation of a provision or amendment of the compiled law is affected by

an application, saving or transitional provision that is not included in this

compilation, details are included in the endnotes.

Editorial changes

For more information about any editorial changes made in this compilation, see

the endnotes.


If the compiled law is modified by another law, the compiled law operates as

modified but the modification does not amend the text of the law. Accordingly,

this compilation does not show the text of the compiled law as modified. For

more information on any modifications, see the series page on the Legislation

Register for the compiled law.

Self-repealing provisions

If a provision of the compiled law has been repealed in accordance with a

provision of the law, details are included in the endnotes.

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Chapter 7—Financial services and markets 1

Part 7.9—Financial product disclosure and other provisions

relating to issue, sale and purchase of financial

products 1

Division 1—Preliminary 1

1010A Part generally does not apply to securities.........................1

1010B Part does not apply to financial products not issued

in the course of a business .................................................1

1010BA Part does not apply to contribution plans ..........................2

1010C Special provisions about meaning of sale and offer ..........2

1010D General approach to offence provisions ............................2

Division 2—Product Disclosure Statements 3

Subdivision A—Preliminary 3

1011A Jurisdictional scope of Division ........................................3

1011B Definitions.........................................................................3

1011C Treatment of offers of options over financial

products .............................................................................4

Subdivision B—Requirement for a Product Disclosure Statement

to be given 4

1012A Obligation to give Product Disclosure Statement—

personal advice recommending particular financial

product ..............................................................................4

1012B Obligation to give Product Disclosure Statement—

situations related to issue of financial products .................6

1012C Obligation to give Product Disclosure Statement—

offers related to sale of financial products.........................8

1012D Situations in which Product Disclosure Statement

is not required..................................................................12

1012DAA Rights issues for which Product Disclosure

Statement is not required .................................................18

1012DA Product Disclosure Statement not required for sale

amounting to indirect issue..............................................22

1012E Small scale offerings of managed investment and

other prescribed financial products (20 issues or

sales in 12 months) ..........................................................27

1012F Product Disclosure Statement for certain

superannuation products may be provided later ..............30

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ii Corporations Act 2001

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1012G Product Disclosure Statement may sometimes be

provided later ..................................................................31

1012H Obligation to take reasonable steps to ensure that

Product Disclosure Statement is given to person

electing to be covered by group financial product ...........33

1012I Obligation to give employer a Product Disclosure

Statement in relation to certain superannuation

products and RSA products .............................................33

1012IA Treatment of arrangements under which a person

can instruct another person to acquire a financial

product ............................................................................35

1012J Information must be up to date........................................39

1012K Anti-avoidance determinations........................................40

Subdivision C—Preparation and content of Product Disclosure

Statements 41

1013A Who must prepare Product Disclosure Statement ...........41

1013B Title of Product Disclosure Statement .............................42

1013C Product Disclosure Statement content

requirements ....................................................................42

1013D Product Disclosure Statement content—main

requirements ....................................................................44

1013DA Information about ethical considerations etc. ..................46

1013E General obligation to include other information

that might influence a decision to acquire .......................47

1013F General limitations on extent to which information

is required to be included ................................................47

1013FA Information not required to be included in PDS for

continuously quoted securities.........................................48

1013G Product Disclosure Statement must be dated...................49

1013GA Extra requirements if Product Disclosure

Statement relates to foreign passport fund products ........50

1013H Requirements if Product Disclosure Statement

states or implies that financial product will be able

to be traded......................................................................51

1013I Extra requirements if Product Disclosure

Statement relates to managed investment products

that are ED securities.......................................................51

1013IA Extra requirements if Product Disclosure

Statement relates to foreign passport fund products

that are ED securities.......................................................52

1013J Requirements if Statement has been lodged with


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Corporations Act 2001 iii

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1013K Requirements relating to consents to certain

statements ........................................................................54

1013L Product Disclosure Statement may consist of 2 or

more separate documents given at same time..................54

1013M Combining a Product Disclosure Statement and a

Financial Services Guide in a single document ...............55

Subdivision D—Supplementary Product Disclosure Statements 56

1014A What a Supplementary Product Disclosure

Statement is .....................................................................56

1014B Title of Supplementary Product Disclosure


1014C Form of Supplementary Product Disclosure


1014D Effect of giving person a Supplementary Product

Disclosure Statement .......................................................57

1014E Situation in which only a Supplementary Product

Disclosure Statement need be given ................................57

1014F Application of other provisions in relation to

Supplementary Product Disclosure Statements ...............58

Subdivision DA—Replacement Product Disclosure Statements 58

1014G Application of this Subdivision—stapled securities ........58

1014H What a Replacement Product Disclosure Statement


1014J Consequences of lodging a Replacement Product

Disclosure Statement .......................................................59

1014K Form, content and preparation of Replacement

Product Disclosure Statements ........................................59

1014L Giving, lodgment and notice of Replacement

Product Disclosure Statements ........................................60

Subdivision E—Other requirements relating to Product

Disclosure Statements and Supplementary

Product Disclosure Statements 60

1015A Subdivision applies to Product Disclosure

Statements and Supplementary Product Disclosure

Statements .......................................................................60

1015B Some Statements must be lodged with ASIC ..................60

1015C How a Statement is to be given .......................................61

1015D Notice, retention and access requirements for

Statement that does not need to be lodged.......................63

1015E Altering a Statement after its preparation and

before giving it to a person..............................................64

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iv Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Subdivision F—Other rights and obligations related to Product

Disclosure Statements 64

1016A Provisions relating to use of application forms................64

1016B If Statement lodged with ASIC, financial product

is not to be issued or sold before specified period ...........69

1016C Minimum subscription condition must be fulfilled

before issue or sale ..........................................................70

1016D Condition about ability to trade on a market must

be fulfilled before issue or sale........................................70

1016E Choices open to person making the offer if

disclosure condition not met or Product Disclosure

Statement defective .........................................................72

1016F Remedies for person acquiring financial product

under defective Product Disclosure Document................78

Division 3—Other disclosure obligations of the issuer of a

financial product 80

1017A Obligation to give additional information on

request .............................................................................80

1017B Ongoing disclosure of material changes and

significant events.............................................................82

1017BA Trustees of regulated superannuation funds—

obligation to make product dashboard publicly

available ..........................................................................85

1017BB Trustees of registrable superannuation entities—

obligation to make information relating to

investment of assets publicly available............................88

1017C Information for existing holders of superannuation

products and RSA products .............................................91

1017D Periodic statements for retail clients for financial

products that have an investment component ..................96

1017DA Trustees of superannuation entities—regulations

may specify additional obligations to provide


1017E Dealing with money received for financial product

before the product is issued ...........................................100

1017F Confirming transactions ................................................103

1017G Certain product issuers and regulated persons must

meet appropriate dispute resolution requirements .........108

Division 4—Advertising for financial products 110

1018A Advertising or other promotional material for

financial product must refer to Product Disclosure


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1018B Prohibition on advertising personal offers covered

by section 1012E ...........................................................113

Division 5—Cooling-off periods 115

1019A Situations in which this Division applies.......................115

1019B Cooling-off period for return of financial product.........116

Division 5A—Unsolicited offers to purchase financial products

off-market 118

1019C Definitions.....................................................................118

1019D Offers to which this Division applies ............................118

1019E How offers are to be made.............................................119

1019F Prohibition on inviting offers to sell ..............................120

1019G Duration and withdrawal of offers.................................120

1019H Terms of offer cannot be varied ....................................120

1019I Contents of offer document ...........................................121

1019J Obligation to update market value.................................122

1019K Rights if requirements of Division not complied


Division 5B—Disclosure etc. in relation to short sales covered by

securities lending arrangement of listed

section 1020B products 127

1020AA Definitions.....................................................................127

1020AB Seller disclosure ............................................................128

1020AC Licensee disclosure........................................................129

1020AD Public disclosure of information....................................130

1020AE Licensee’s obligation to ask seller about short sale .......132

1020AF Regulations....................................................................132

Division 5C—Information about CGS depository interests 134

1020AG Jurisdictional scope of Division ....................................134

1020AH Definitions.....................................................................134

1020AI Requirement to give information statements for

CGS depository interest if recommending

acquisition of interest ....................................................135

1020AJ Information statement given must be up to date ............137

1020AK How an information statement is to be given ................137

1020AL Civil action for loss or damage......................................139

Division 6—Miscellaneous 141

1020A Offers etc. relating to certain managed investment

schemes not to be made in certain circumstances..........141

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vi Corporations Act 2001

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1020BAA Offers etc. relating to foreign passport funds not to

be made in certain circumstances ..................................142

1020B Prohibition of certain short sales of securities,

managed investment products, foreign passport

fund products and certain other financial products........143

1020D Part cannot be contracted out of ....................................144

1020E Stop orders by ASIC......................................................145

1020F Exemptions and modifications by ASIC .......................148

1020G Exemptions and modifications by regulations...............150

Division 7—Enforcement 151

Subdivision A—Offences 151

1021A Overview.......................................................................151

1021B Definitions.....................................................................151

1021C Offence of failing to give etc. a disclosure

document or statement...................................................153

1021D Offence of preparer of defective disclosure

document or statement giving the document or

statement knowing it to be defective .............................155

1021E Preparer of defective disclosure document or

statement giving the document or statement

(whether or not known to be defective) .........................156

1021F Offence of regulated person (other than preparer)

giving disclosure document or statement knowing

it to be defective ............................................................158

1021FA Paragraph 1012G(3)(a) obligation—offences

relating to communication of information .....................158

1021FB Paragraph 1012G(3)(a) obligation—offences

relating to information provided by product issuer

for communication by another person ...........................160

1021G Financial services licensee failing to ensure

authorised representative gives etc. disclosure

documents or statements as required .............................163

1021H Offences if a Product Disclosure Statement (or

Supplementary PDS) does not comply with certain

requirements ..................................................................163

1021I Offence of giving disclosure document or

statement that has not been prepared by the

appropriate person .........................................................164

1021J Offences if preparer etc. of disclosure document or

statement becomes aware that it is defective .................165

1021K Offence of unauthorised alteration of Product

Disclosure Statement (or Supplementary PDS).............166

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1021L Offences of giving, or failing to withdraw, consent

to inclusion of defective statement ................................167

1021M Offences relating to keeping and providing copies

of Product Disclosure Statements (or

Supplementary PDSs)....................................................168

1021N Offence of failing to provide additional

information requested under section 1017A..................170

1021NA Offences relating to obligation to make product

dashboard publicly available .........................................170

1021NB Offences relating to obligation to make

superannuation investment information publicly

available ........................................................................173

1021O Offences of issuer or seller of financial product

failing to pay money into an account as required ..........175

1021P Offences relating to offers to which Division 5A

applies ...........................................................................175

Subdivision B—Civil liability 178

1022A Definitions.....................................................................178

1022B Civil action for loss or damage......................................180

1022C Additional powers of court to make orders ...................186

Part 7.9A—Product intervention orders 188 1023A Object ............................................................................188

1023B Definitions.....................................................................188

1023C Application of product intervention orders....................188

1023D ASIC may make product intervention orders ................189

1023E Significant detriment to retail clients.............................191

1023F ASIC to consult before making product

intervention orders.........................................................191

1023G Commencement and duration of product

intervention orders.........................................................192

1023H Extension of product intervention orders.......................193

1023J Amendment of product intervention orders...................193

1023K Revocation of product intervention orders ....................194

1023L ASIC to issue public notice of product intervention


1023M Remaking product intervention orders ..........................196

1023N Product intervention orders may require

notification ....................................................................196

1023P Enforcement of product intervention orders ..................197

1023Q Civil liability .................................................................198

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1023R Additional powers of court to make orders ...................199

Part 7.10—Market misconduct and other prohibited conduct

relating to financial products and financial services 200

Division 1—Preliminary 200

1040A Content of Part ..............................................................200

1040B Treat certain instruments as if they were financial

products and Division 3 financial products ...................200

Division 2—The prohibited conduct (other than insider trading

prohibitions) 201

1041A Market manipulation .....................................................201

1041B False trading and market rigging—creating a false

or misleading appearance of active trading etc..............201

1041C False trading and market rigging—artificially

maintaining etc. trading price ........................................203

1041D Dissemination of information about illegal


1041E False or misleading statements ......................................205

1041F Inducing persons to deal................................................206

1041G Dishonest conduct .........................................................207

1041H Misleading or deceptive conduct (civil liability

only) ..............................................................................207

1041I Civil action for loss or damage for contravention

of sections 1041E to 1041H ..........................................209

1041J Sections of this Division have effect independently

of each other ..................................................................210

1041K Division applies to certain conduct to the

exclusion of State Fair Trading Acts provisions............211

Division 2A—Proportionate liability for misleading and

deceptive conduct 212

1041L Application of Division .................................................212

1041M Certain concurrent wrongdoers not to have benefit

of apportionment ...........................................................212

1041N Proportionate liability for apportionable claims ............213

1041O Defendant to notify plaintiff of concurrent

wrongdoer of whom defendant aware ...........................214

1041P Contribution not recoverable from defendant................214

1041Q Subsequent actions ........................................................215

1041R Joining non-party concurrent wrongdoer in the


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1041S Application of Division .................................................215

Division 3—The insider trading prohibitions 217

Subdivision A—Preliminary 217

1042A Definitions.....................................................................217

1042B Application of Division .................................................218

1042C When information is generally available ......................218

1042D When a reasonable person would take information

to have a material effect on price or value of

Division 3 financial products.........................................219

1042E Division 3 financial products taken to be able to be

traded despite suspensions or section 794D


1042F Inciting, inducing or encouraging an act or

omission constitutes procuring the omission.................220

1042G Information in possession of officer of body


1042H Information in possession of partner or employee

of partnership ................................................................221

Subdivision B—The prohibited conduct 221

1043A Prohibited conduct by person in possession of

inside information .........................................................221

1043B Exception for withdrawal from registered scheme

or notified foreign passport fund ...................................223

1043C Exception for underwriters ............................................223

1043D Exception for acquisition pursuant to legal

requirement ...................................................................224

1043E Exception for information communicated pursuant

to a legal requirement ....................................................224

1043F Chinese wall arrangements by bodies corporate............225

1043G Chinese wall arrangements by partnerships etc. ............225

1043H Exception for knowledge of person’s own

intentions or activities ...................................................226

1043I Exception for bodies corporate......................................226

1043J Exception for officers or agents of body corporate .......227

1043K Transactions by holder of financial services

licence or a representative of the holder of such a

licence ...........................................................................227

1043L A specific situation in which a compensation order

under section 1317HA may be made.............................228

1043M Defences to prosecution for an offence .........................234

1043N Relief from civil liability ...............................................235

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1043O Powers of Court.............................................................235

Division 4—Defences, relief and limits on liability 237

1044A General defence or relief for publishers ........................237

1044B Limit on liability for misleading or deceptive

conduct ..........................................................................237

Division 5—Miscellaneous 240

1045A Exemptions and modifications by regulations...............240

Part 7.10A—External dispute resolution 241

Division 1—Authorisation of an external dispute resolution

scheme 241

Subdivision A—Minister may authorise an external dispute

resolution scheme 241

1050 Minister may authorise an external dispute

resolution scheme..........................................................241

Subdivision B—Mandatory requirements and general

considerations 242

1051 Mandatory requirements................................................242

1051A General considerations ..................................................244

Division 2—Regulating the AFCA scheme 246

1052 Obligation to comply with mandatory

requirements ..................................................................246

1052A ASIC may issue regulatory requirements ......................246

1052B Directions to increase limits on the value of claims ......246

1052BA Directions to ensure sufficient financing .......................247

1052C General directions to AFCA..........................................247

1052D Approval of material changes to the AFCA


1052E Referring matters to appropriate authorities ..................249

Division 3—Additional provisions relating to superannuation

complaints 252

Subdivision A—When complaints relating to superannuation can

be made under the AFCA scheme 252

1053 When complaints relating to superannuation can

be made under the AFCA scheme .................................252

1053A Persons taken to be members of regulated

superannuation funds and approved deposit funds

and holders of RSAs......................................................254

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Subdivision B—Powers of AFCA 255

1054 Power to join other parties to superannuation


1054A Power to obtain information and documents .................256

1054B Power to require attendance at conciliation


1054BA Power to give directions ................................................258

1054C Reference of questions of law to Federal Court.............258

Subdivision C—Determinations of superannuation complaints 259

1055 Making a determination.................................................259

1055A AFCA to give reasons ...................................................261

1055B Operation of determination of superannuation


1055C Evidence of determination of superannuation


1055D Compliance with determinations under the AFCA


Subdivision D—Superannuation complaints relating to payment

of death benefits 263

1056 When superannuation complaint cannot be made

in relation to decision about the payment of death


1056A Joining persons to complaints relating to death

benefit decisions............................................................264

Subdivision E—Appeals to the Federal Court 265

1057 Appeals to the Federal Court from determination

of superannuation complaint .........................................265

1057A Operation and implementation of determination

that is subject to appeal .................................................265

1057B Sending of documents to, and disclosure of

documents by, the Federal Court ...................................266

Subdivision F—Secrecy 267

1058 Secrecy ..........................................................................267

Part 7.11—Title and transfer 269

Division 1—Title to certain securities 269

1070A Nature of shares and certain other interests in a

company or registered scheme ......................................269

1070B Numbering of shares .....................................................270

1070C Matters to be specified in share certificate ....................271

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1070D Loss or destruction of title documents for certain


Division 2—Transfer of certain securities 274

Subdivision A—General provisions 274

1071A Application of the Subdivision to certain securities ......274

1071B Instrument of transfer ....................................................274

1071C Occupation need not appear in transfer document,

register etc. ....................................................................276

1071D Registration of transfer at request of transferor .............277

1071E Notice of refusal to register transfer ..............................278

1071F Remedy for refusal to register transfer or


1071G Certification of transfers................................................279

1071H Duties of company with respect to issue of

certificates .....................................................................281

Subdivision B—Special provisions for shares 283

1072A Transmission of shares on death (replaceable

rule—see section 135) ...................................................283

1072B Transmission of shares on bankruptcy

(replaceable rule—see section 135) ..............................284

1072C Rights of trustee of estate of bankrupt shareholder........284

1072D Transmission of shares on mental incapacity

(replaceable rule—see section 135) ..............................286

1072E Trustee etc. may be registered as owner of shares .........287

1072F Registration of transfers (replaceable rule—see

section 135) ...................................................................289

1072G Additional general discretion for directors of

proprietary companies to refuse to register

transfers (replaceable rule—see section 135)................290

1072H Notices relating to non-beneficial and beneficial

ownership of shares .......................................................290

Division 3—Transfer of certain securities effected otherwise

than through a prescribed CS facility 294

1073A Application of the Division to certain securities............294

1073B Definitions.....................................................................294

1073C Application of Division to certain bodies as if they

were companies .............................................................295

1073D Regulations may govern transfer of certain


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1073E ASIC may extend regulations to securities not

otherwise covered..........................................................298

1073F Operation of this Division and regulations made

for its purposes ..............................................................299

Division 4—Transfer of financial products effected through

prescribed CS facility 301

1074A Financial products to which this Division applies .........301

1074B Definitions.....................................................................301

1074C Operating rules of prescribed CS facility may deal

with transfer of title .......................................................301

1074D Valid and effective transfer if operating rules

complied with................................................................302

1074E Regulations may govern transfer of financial

products in accordance with operating rules of

prescribed CS facility ....................................................302

1074F Issuer protected from civil liability for person’s

contravention of prescribed CS facility’s

certificate cancellation rules ..........................................305

1074G Operation of this Division and regulations made

for its purposes ..............................................................305

Division 5—Exemptions and modifications 308

1075A ASIC’s power to exempt and modify ............................308

Part 7.12—Miscellaneous 310

Division 1—Qualified privilege 310

1100A Qualified privilege for information given to ASIC........310

1100B Qualified privilege for the conduct of market

licensees and CS facility licensees ................................311

1100C Qualified privilege for information given to

market licensees and CS facility licensees etc. ..............312

1100D Extension of protections given by this Division ............312

Division 2—Other matters 313

1101A Approved codes of conduct ...........................................313

1101B Power of Court to make certain orders ..........................314

1101C Preservation and disposal of records etc........................319

1101D Destruction of records by ASIC ....................................320

1101E Concealing etc. of books ...............................................320

1101F Falsification of records ..................................................321

1101G Precautions against falsification of records ...................322

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1101GA How Part 9.3 applies to books required to be kept

by this Chapter etc.........................................................322

1101H Contravention of Chapter does not generally affect

validity of transactions etc.............................................323

1101I Gaming and wagering laws do not affect validity

of contracts relating to financial products......................323

1101J Delegation .....................................................................324

Chapter 8—Mutual recognition of securities offers 325

Part 8.1—Preliminary 325 1200A Definitions.....................................................................325

Part 8.2—Foreign offers that are recognised in this jurisdiction 327

Division 1—Recognised offers 327

1200B When an offer is a recognised offer...............................327

1200C Conditions that must be met to be a recognised

offer ...............................................................................327

1200D Required documents and information............................329

1200E Warning statement.........................................................330

Division 2—Effect of a recognised offer 331

1200F Effect of a recognised offer ...........................................331

Division 3—Ongoing conditions for recognised offers 333

1200G Offering conditions........................................................333

1200H Address for service condition ........................................337

1200J Dispute resolution condition..........................................338

Division 4—Modification of provisions of this Act 340

1200K Additional operation of section 675 (continuous

disclosure) .....................................................................340

1200L Pre-offer advertising......................................................340

1200M Modification by the regulations.....................................341

Division 5—ASIC’s powers in relation to recognised offers 342

1200N Stop orders ....................................................................342

1200P Ban on making subsequent recognised offers................346

1200Q Offence of breaching an ongoing condition ..................348

Division 6—Miscellaneous 349

1200R Service of documents ....................................................349

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Part 8.3—Offers made under foreign recognition schemes 350 1200S Notice to ASIC..............................................................350

1200T Extension of this Act to recognised jurisdictions ..........350

1200U ASIC stop order for advertising in a recognised


Chapter 8A—Asia Region Funds Passport 353

Part 8A.1—Preliminary 353 1210 Definitions.....................................................................353

1210A List of participating economies .....................................355

1210B Minister may determine that funds not to offer

interests in this jurisdiction............................................355

Part 8A.2—Passport Rules 357 1211 Minister may make Passport Rules for this


1211A Definition of Passport Rules .........................................357

1211B Compliance with the Passport Rules .............................358

Part 8A.3—Australian passport funds 359 1212 Application for registration ...........................................359

1212A Registration of registered scheme as a passport

fund ...............................................................................359

1212B All documents etc. lodged with ASIC to bear


1212C Notifying ASIC if offering interests in another

participating economy in another name.........................360

Part 8A.4—Notified foreign passport funds 362

Division 1—Becoming a notified foreign passport fund 362

1213 Notice of intention to offer interests in a foreign

passport fund .................................................................362

1213A ASIC may notify operator that notice of intention

lacks information required.............................................362

1213B Rejecting a notice of intention.......................................363

1213C Notified foreign passport funds—authority to offer

interests in this jurisdiction............................................365

1213D Definition of consideration period ................................366

Division 2—Treatment of notified foreign passport funds 367

1213E Notified foreign passport funds to be treated as

managed investment schemes........................................367

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1213F Operators and notified foreign passport funds not

to be treated as companies etc. ......................................367

1213G Offences relating to the operation of notified

foreign passport funds ...................................................367

Division 3—Conduct of notified foreign passport funds in this

jurisdiction 369

1213H Notified foreign passport funds must not issue

debentures in this jurisdiction........................................369

Division 4—Providing key information in relation to notified

foreign passport funds 370

Subdivision A—Obligations to provide information to members in

this jurisdiction 370

1213J Constitution—right to obtain a copy .............................370

1213K Register of members—right to obtain a copy................371

1213L Use of information on register of members ...................373

1213M Reports required under the law of the home

economy ........................................................................375

1213N Order for copies of books of a notified foreign

passport fund .................................................................376

Subdivision B—Obligations to provide information to ASIC 377

1213P Register of members—ASIC may require


1213Q Destruction of records by ASIC ....................................378

Part 8A.5—Register of Passport Funds 379 1214 Register of Passport Funds ............................................379

Part 8A.6—Stop orders 380 1215 Stop order—Australian passport funds..........................380

1215A Stop order—notified foreign passport fund ...................381

1215B Interim stop orders ........................................................384

1215C Revocation of stop order made under section 1215

or 1215A........................................................................385

1215D Compliance with stop orders .........................................386

Part 8A.7—Deregistration and denotification 387

Division 1—Deregistration of Australian passport funds 387

Subdivision A—Voluntary deregistration 387

1216 Application to deregister ...............................................387

1216A ASIC to deregister .........................................................387

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1216B When is there an expectation that a fund would

become an Australian passport fund? ............................388

Subdivision B—Deregistration initiated by ASIC 388

1216C Deregistration—initiated by ASIC ................................388

Subdivision C—Process for deregistration 390

1216D Process for deregistration ..............................................390

Division 2—Denotification of notified foreign passport funds 391

Subdivision A—Voluntary denotification 391

1216E Application to be removed as a notified foreign

passport fund .................................................................391

1216F ASIC to remove fund as a notified foreign

passport fund .................................................................391

1216G When is there an expectation that a fund would

become a notified foreign passport fund?......................391

Subdivision B—Notified foreign passport fund deregistered in the

fund’s home economy 392

1216H ASIC to remove a fund as a notified foreign

passport fund .................................................................392

Subdivision C—Process for removal as a notified foreign passport

fund 392

1216J Process for removal as a notified foreign passport

fund ...............................................................................392

Division 3—Continued application of the Corporations

legislation 394

1216K ASIC’s power to continue the application of the

Corporations legislation ................................................394

1216L Regulations may continue the application of the

Corporations legislation ................................................395

Part 8A.8—Exemptions and modifications 397 1217 ASIC’s power to make exemptions and declare

modifications etc. in relation to this Chapter .................397

1217A ASIC’s power to make exemptions and declare

modifications etc. in relation to the Passport Rules .......398

1217B Exemptions and modification by regulations ................400

Chapter 9—Miscellaneous 402

Part 9.1—Registers and registration of documents 402 1274 Registers........................................................................402

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1274AA Register of disqualified company directors and

other officers .................................................................410

1274A Obtaining information from certain registers ................411

1274B Use, in court proceedings, of information from

ASIC’s national database ..............................................412

1274C ASIC certificate.............................................................412

1275 Relodging of lost registered documents ........................413

Part 9.2—Registration of auditors 415

Division 1—Interpretation 415

1276 Definitions.....................................................................415

Division 2—Registration 416

1279 Application for registration as auditor ...........................416

1280 Registration of auditors .................................................416

1280A Approval of auditing competency standard ...................418

1281 Auditor-General taken to be registered as auditor .........419

1285 Register of Auditors ......................................................419

1287 Notification of certain matters .......................................420

1287A Annual statements by registered company auditors.......420

1289 Auditors and other persons to enjoy qualified

privilege in certain circumstances .................................421

Division 2A—Conditions on registration of auditors 424

1289A ASIC may impose conditions on registration ................424

Division 3—Cancellation or suspension of registration 425

1290 Cancellation at request of registered person ..................425

1291 Immediate suspension or cancellation ...........................425

1291A Notice of suspension or cancellation .............................425

1291B ASIC may vary or revoke suspension ...........................426

1292 Powers of Board in relation to auditors .........................426

1294 Board to give opportunity for hearing etc......................428

1294A Pre-hearing conference..................................................429

1295 Board may remove suspension ......................................430

1296 Notice of Board’s decision ............................................430

1297 Time when Board’s decision comes into effect .............431

1298 Effect of suspension ......................................................432

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Division 4—Validation of approval of auditing competency

standard 433

1298P Validation of approval of auditing competency

standard .........................................................................433

1298Q Compensation for acquisition of property .....................433

Part 9.2A—Authorised audit companies 435

Division 1—Registration 435

1299A Application for registration as authorised audit

company ........................................................................435

1299B Eligibility for registration as an authorised audit

company ........................................................................435

1299C Registration as authorised audit company .....................436

1299D Registration may be subject to conditions .....................436

1299E Register of authorised audit companies .........................437

1299F Notification of certain matters .......................................438

1299G Annual statements by authorised audit company...........439

Division 2—Cancellation or suspension of registration 440

1299H Cancellation at request of registered person ..................440

1299I Cancellation or suspension in other cases......................440

1299J Notice of cancellation or suspension .............................440

1299K Time when ASIC’s decision comes into effect..............441

1299L Effect of suspension ......................................................441

1299M Effect of cancellation.....................................................442

Part 9.3—Books 443 1300 Inspection of books .......................................................443

1301 Location of books on computers ...................................444

1303 Court may compel compliance ......................................445

1304 Translations of instruments ...........................................445

1305 Admissibility of books in evidence ...............................446

1306 Form and evidentiary value of books ............................446

1307 Falsification of books ....................................................447

Part 9.4—Offences 449

Division 1A—Application of the Criminal Code 449

1308A Application of Criminal Code .......................................449

Division 1—Specific offences 450

1308 False or misleading statements ......................................450

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1309 False information etc. ....................................................453

1310 Obstructing or hindering ASIC etc. ...............................457

Division 2—Offences generally 458

1311 General penalty provisions ............................................458

1311A Penalty for committing an offence ................................459

1311B Penalty applicable to an offence committed by an


1311C Penalty applicable to an offence committed by a

body corporate...............................................................460

1311D Meaning of benefit derived and detriment avoided

because of an offence ....................................................461

1311E Where is the penalty for an offence specified? ..............461

1311F If no penalty is specified................................................462

1313A Offences committed partly in and partly out of the


1314 Continuing offences ......................................................463

1315 Proceedings: how taken.................................................467

1316 Time for instituting criminal proceedings .....................467

1316A Privilege against self-incrimination not available

to bodies corporate in Corporations Act criminal

proceedings ...................................................................468

1317 Certain persons to assist in prosecutions .......................468

Part 9.4AAA—Protection for whistleblowers 470 1317AA Disclosures qualifying for protection under this

Part ................................................................................470

1317AB Disclosure that qualifies for protection not

actionable etc.................................................................471

1317AC Victimisation prohibited................................................472

1317AD Right to compensation...................................................473

1317AE Confidentiality requirements for company,

company officers and employees and auditors ..............473

Part 9.4A—Review by Administrative Appeals Tribunal of

certain decisions 476 1317A Definitions.....................................................................476

1317B Applications for review .................................................476

1317C Excluded decisions........................................................476

1317D Notice of reviewable decision and review rights ...........480

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Part 9.4AA—Infringement notices for alleged contraventions of

continuous disclosure provisions 482 1317DAA Definitions.....................................................................482

1317DAB Purpose and effect of this Part.......................................484

1317DAC Issue of infringement notice ..........................................485

1317DAD Statement of reasons must be given ..............................486

1317DAE Matters to be included in infringement notice ...............487

1317DAF Effect of issue and compliance with infringement


1317DAG Effect of failure to comply with infringement


1317DAH Compliance period for infringement notice...................495

1317DAI Withdrawal of infringement notice................................495

1317DAJ Publication in relation to infringement notices ..............497

Part 9.4AB—Infringement notices for other alleged

contraventions 499 1317DAM When an infringement notice may be given ..................499

1317DAN Provisions subject to an infringement notice .................499

1317DAP Matters to be included in an infringement notice ..........500

1317DAQ Payment period..............................................................502

1317DAR Extension of time to pay amount ...................................504

1317DAS Payment by instalments.................................................505

1317DAT Withdrawal of an infringement notice ...........................506

1317DAU Effect of payment of amount .........................................508

1317DAV Effect of this Part...........................................................509

Part 9.4B—Civil consequences of contravening civil penalty

provisions 510

Division 1—The Court may make declarations of contravention,

pecuniary penalty orders, relinquishment orders,

refund orders and compensation orders 510

1317E Declaration of contravention of a civil penalty


1317F Declaration of contravention is conclusive

evidence ........................................................................519

1317G Pecuniary penalty orders ...............................................519

1317GAA Civil enforcement of pecuniary penalty order ...............521

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1317GAB Relinquishing the benefit derived and detriment

avoided from contravening a civil penalty


1317GAC Civil enforcement of relinquishment order....................522

1317GAD Meaning of benefit derived and detriment avoided

because of a contravention of a civil penalty


1317GA Refund orders—contravention of section 962P.............523

1317H Compensation orders—corporation/scheme civil

penalty provisions .........................................................524

1317HA Compensation orders—financial services civil

penalty provisions .........................................................525

1317HB Compensation orders—market integrity rules and

client money reporting rules ..........................................526

1317HC Compensation orders—financial benchmark rules

or compelled financial benchmark rules........................528

1317HE Compensation orders—Passport Rules..........................529

Division 2—Procedural and other matters relating to orders by

the Court 531

1317J Who may apply for a declaration or order .....................531

1317K Time limit for application for a declaration or

order ..............................................................................532

1317L Civil evidence and procedure rules for declarations

of contravention and civil penalty orders ......................532

1317M Civil proceedings after criminal proceedings ................533

1317N Criminal proceedings during civil proceedings .............533

1317P Criminal proceedings after civil proceedings ................533

1317Q Evidence given in proceedings for penalty not

admissible in criminal proceedings ...............................534

1317QA Continuing contraventions of civil penalty

provisions ......................................................................534

1317QB State of mind .................................................................535

1317QC Mistake of fact...............................................................536

1317QD Exceptions etc. to civil penalty provisions—

burden of proof..............................................................536

1317QE Civil penalty provisions contravened by

employees, agents or officers ........................................537

1317QF Preference must be given to compensate persons

who suffer damage as a result of contravention.............537

1317R ASIC requiring person to assist .....................................538

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1317S Relief from liability for contravention of civil

penalty provision ...........................................................539

Part 9.5—Powers of Courts 542 1318 Power to grant relief ......................................................542

1319 Power of Court to give directions with respect to

meetings ordered by the Court.......................................543

1322 Irregularities ..................................................................543

1323 Power of Court to prohibit payment or transfer of

money, financial products or other property..................546

1324 Injunctions.....................................................................549

1324A Provisions relating to prosecutions................................552

1324B Order to disclose information or publish


1325 Other orders...................................................................553

1325A Orders if contravention of Chapter 6, 6A, 6B or 6C......556

1325B Court may order bidder to make offers..........................557

1325C Unfair or unconscionable agreements, payments or

benefits ..........................................................................557

1325D Contravention due to inadvertence etc. .........................559

1325E Orders to secure compliance .........................................559

1326 Effect of sections 1323, 1324 and 1325.........................560

1327 Power of Court to punish for contempt of Court ...........560

Part 9.6—Proceedings 561 1330 ASIC’s power to intervene in proceedings ....................561

1331 Civil proceedings not to be stayed.................................561

1332 Standard of proof...........................................................561

1333 Evidence of contravention.............................................562

1335 Costs..............................................................................562

1336 Vesting of property........................................................563

Part 9.6A—Jurisdiction and procedure of Courts 565

Division 1—Civil jurisdiction 565

Subdivision A—Preliminary 565

1337A Operation of Division....................................................565

Subdivision B—Conferral of jurisdiction 566

1337B Jurisdiction of Federal Court and State and

Territory Supreme Courts..............................................566

1337C Jurisdiction of Family Court and State Family

Courts ............................................................................567

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1337D Jurisdiction of courts (decisions to prosecute and

related criminal justice process decisions made by

Commonwealth officers) ...............................................567

1337E Jurisdiction of lower courts ...........................................569

1337F Appeals..........................................................................570

1337G Courts to act in aid of each other ...................................571

Subdivision C—Transfer of proceedings 571

1337H Transfer of proceedings by the Federal Court and

State and Territory Supreme Courts ..............................571

1337J Transfer of proceedings by Family Court and State

Family Courts................................................................573

1337K Transfer of proceedings in lower courts ........................575

1337L Further matters for a court to consider when

deciding whether to transfer a proceeding.....................576

1337M Transfer may be made at any stage................................576

1337N Transfer of documents...................................................577

1337P Conduct of proceedings.................................................577

1337Q Rights of appearance .....................................................578

1337R Limitation on appeals ....................................................578

Subdivision D—Rules of court 579

1337S Rules of the Federal Court.............................................579

1337T Rules of the Supreme Court ..........................................579

1337U Rules of the Family Court .............................................580

Division 2—Criminal jurisdiction 581

1338A Operation of Division....................................................581

1338B Jurisdiction of courts .....................................................581

1338C Laws to be applied.........................................................584

Part 9.7—Unclaimed property 585 1339 ASIC to deal with unclaimed property ..........................585

1340 No liability to pay calls on shares etc. ...........................585

1341 Entitlement to unclaimed property ................................585

1342 Commonwealth or ASIC not liable for loss or

damage ..........................................................................587

1343 Disposal of securities if whereabouts of holder


1343A Disposal of interests in registered scheme if

whereabouts of member unknown.................................587

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Part 9.9—Miscellaneous 589 1344 Use of ABN...................................................................589

1345A Minister may delegate prescribed functions and

powers under this Act....................................................589

1346 Non-application of rule against perpetuities to

certain schemes .............................................................590

1348 Operation of Life Insurance Act ....................................590

1349 Privilege against exposure to penalty—

disqualification etc. .......................................................590

1350 Compensation for compulsory acquisition ....................594

Part 9.10—Fees imposed by the Corporations (Fees) Act 2001

and the Corporations (Review Fees) Act 2003 595 1351 Fees are payable to the Commonwealth ........................595

1354 Lodgment of document without payment of fee............596

1355 Doing act without payment of fee .................................596

1356 Effect of sections 1354 and 1355 ..................................597

1359 Waiver and refund of fees .............................................597

1360 Debts due to the Commonwealth...................................597

1362 Payment of fee does not give right to inspect or

search ............................................................................597

Part 9.12—Regulations 598 1363 Definitions.....................................................................598

1364 Power to make regulations ............................................598

1365 Scope of particular regulations ......................................600

1366 Verifying or certifying documents ................................600

1367 Documents lodged by an agent......................................601

1367A Publication in the prescribed manner ............................601

1368 Exemptions from Chapter 6D or 7 ................................601

1369 Penalty notices...............................................................602

1369A State termination of reference........................................603

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Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and purchase of

financial products Part 7.9

Preliminary Division 1

Section 1010A

Corporations Act 2001 1

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Chapter 7—Financial services and markets

Part 7.9—Financial product disclosure and other

provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 1—Preliminary

1010A Part generally does not apply to securities

(1) Apart from section 1017F and Divisions 5A, 5B, 5C and 6 (and

provisions of Division 7 that apply in relation to that section or

provisions of those Divisions), nothing in this Part applies in

relation to securities.

Note: Chapters 6CA and 6D provide for disclosure in relation to securities.

(2) Apart from section 1017F and Divisions 5A, 5B and 6, nothing in

this Part applies in relation to debentures, stocks or bonds issued or

proposed to be issued by a government.

Note: These financial products are not securities within the meaning of

section 761A.

1010B Part does not apply to financial products not issued in the

course of a business

(1) Apart from Division 5A, nothing in this Part applies in relation to a

financial product that is not or was not issued, or that will not be

issued, in the course of a business of issuing financial products.

(2) For this purpose, the issue of:

(a) any managed investment product; or

(aa) any foreign passport fund product; or

(b) any superannuation product;

is taken to occur in the course of a business of issuing financial


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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 1 Preliminary

Section 1010BA

2 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

1010BA Part does not apply to contribution plans

Apart from section 1017F and Divisions 5A and 6 (and provisions

of Division 7 that apply in relation to that section or provisions of

those Divisions), nothing in this Part applies in relation to

contribution plans.

1010C Special provisions about meaning of sale and offer

(1) For the purposes of this Part, a reference to a sale or purchase of a

financial product is a reference to a sale of the product by, or a

purchase of the product from, a person who has (whether by issue

or otherwise) acquired the product. The issue of a financial product

is not a sale of the financial product.

(2) For the purposes of this Part:

(a) a reference to offering to issue a financial product includes a

reference to inviting an application for the issue of the

financial product; and

(b) a reference to offering to sell a financial product includes a

reference to inviting an offer to purchase the financial


1010D General approach to offence provisions

Division 7 contains provisions creating offences by reference to

various rules contained in Divisions of this Part. However, it does

not create all the offences relating to those rules, as some offences

are created by subsection 1311(1). Where offences are created by

subsection 1311(1) in relation to a rule, this is indicated by a note

at the end of the provision containing the rule.

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Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and purchase of

financial products Part 7.9

Product Disclosure Statements Division 2

Section 1011A

Corporations Act 2001 3

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Division 2—Product Disclosure Statements

Subdivision A—Preliminary

1011A Jurisdictional scope of Division

(1) Subject to subsection (2), sections 1012A, 1012B and 1012C only

apply in relation to offers and recommendations referred to in those

sections that are received in this jurisdiction.

(2) Section 1012B also applies in relation to issues referred to in

subparagraph 1012B(3)(a)(iii) that are made in this jurisdiction.

(3) The regulations may make provision dealing with the jurisdictional

scope of some or all of the other provisions of this Division. The

other provisions of this Division have effect subject to any such


1011B Definitions

In this Division:

issue Statement has the meaning given by subsection 1013A(1).

offer has a meaning affected by sections 1010C and 1011C.

regulated person, in relation to a financial product, means:

(a) an issuer of the financial product; or

(b) a seller of the financial product if the sale takes place in

circumstances described in subsection 1012C(5), (6) or (8)

(secondary sales that require a Product Disclosure

Statement); or

(c) any financial services licensee; or

(d) any authorised representative of a financial services licensee;


(f) any person who is not required to hold an Australian

financial services licence because the person is covered by:

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 2 Product Disclosure Statements

Section 1011C

4 Corporations Act 2001

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(i) paragraph 911A(2)(j); or

(ii) an exemption in regulations made for the purposes of

paragraph 911A(2)(k); or

(iii) an exemption specified by ASIC for the purposes of

paragraph 911A(2)(n( � or

(g) any person who is required to hold an Australian financial

services licence but who does not hold such a licence.

responsible person for a Product Disclosure Statement has the

meaning given by subsection 1013A(3).

sale has a meaning affected by section 1010C.

sale Statement has the meaning given by subsection 1013A(2).

1011C Treatment of offers of options over financial products

For the purposes of this Division:

(a) an offer of an option over a financial product is not to be

taken to be an offer of the underlying financial product; and

(b) the grant of an option without an offer of the option is taken

to be an offer of the option; and

(c) an offer to grant an option is taken to be an offer to issue the

financial product constituted by the option.

Subdivision B—Requirement for a Product Disclosure

Statement to be given

1012A Obligation to give Product Disclosure Statement—personal

advice recommending particular financial product

Section sets out recommendation situation in which Product

Disclosure Statement required

(1) This section sets out the situations in which giving financial

product advice that consists of, or includes, a recommendation to

acquire a financial product gives rise to an obligation on a

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financial products Part 7.9

Product Disclosure Statements Division 2

Section 1012A

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regulated person to give another person a Product Disclosure

Statement for the product.

(2) For the purposes of this Division:

(a) each of the situations is a recommendation situation; and

(b) the relevant conduct for that situation is the making of the

recommendation; and

(c) the client for that situation is the person to whom the advice

is provided.

Personal advice recommending a particular financial product

(3) A regulated person must give a person a Product Disclosure

Statement for a financial product if:

(a) the regulated person provides financial product advice to the

person that consists of, or includes, a recommendation that

the person acquire the financial product; and

(b) the person would acquire the financial product by way of:

(i) the issue of the product to the person (rather than the

transfer of the product to the person); or

(ii) the transfer of the product to the person in

circumstances described in subsection 1012C(5), (6) or

(8) (secondary sales that require a Product Disclosure

Statement); and

(c) the financial product advice is provided to the client as a

retail client; and

(d) the financial product advice is personal advice to the client.

The Product Disclosure Statement must be given at or before the

time when the regulated person provides the advice and must be

given in accordance with this Division.

This section has effect subject to other provisions

(4) This section has effect subject to sections 1012D, 1012DA, 1012E,

1012F, 1012G and 1014E.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 2 Product Disclosure Statements

Section 1012B

6 Corporations Act 2001

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Civil liability

(5) A person contravenes this subsection if the person contravenes this


Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

1012B Obligation to give Product Disclosure Statement—situations

related to issue of financial products

Section sets out issue situations in which Product Disclosure

Statement required

(1) This section sets out situations in which:

(a) an offer relating to the issue of a financial product; or

(b) the issue of a financial product;

gives rise to an obligation on a regulated person to give another

person a Product Disclosure Statement for the product.

(2) For the purposes of this Division:

(a) each of the situations is an issue situation; and

(b) the relevant conduct for that situation is the conduct by the

regulated person that gives rise to the obligation to give the

Product Disclosure Statement; and

(c) the client for that situation is the person to whom the

financial product is to be or is issued.

The main issue situations

(3) A regulated person must give a person a Product Disclosure

Statement for a financial product if:

(a) the regulated person:

(i) offers to issue the financial product to the person; or

(ii) offers to arrange for the issue of the financial product to

the person; or

(iii) issues the financial product to the person in

circumstances in which there are reasonable grounds to

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financial products Part 7.9

Product Disclosure Statements Division 2

Section 1012B

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believe that the person has not been given a Product

Disclosure Statement for the product; and

(b) the financial product is, or is to be, issued to the person as a

retail client.

The Product Disclosure Statement must be given at or before the

time when the regulated person makes the offer, or issues the

financial product, to the person and must be given in accordance

with this Division.

Note: If a Product Disclosure Statement is given when the offer is made, it

will not need to be given again when the product is issued to the

person (see subsection 1012D(1)) unless the Product Disclosure

Statement that was given is no longer up to date.

Receiving offer to acquire financial product

(4) A regulated person must give a person a Product Disclosure

Statement for a financial product if:

(a) the person makes an offer to the regulated person to acquire

the financial product; and

(b) the person would acquire the financial product by way of the

issue of the product to the person (rather than the transfer of

the product to the person); and

(c) the financial product is to be issued to the person as a retail


The Product Disclosure Statement must be given to the person

before the person becomes bound by a legal obligation to acquire

the financial product pursuant to the offer and must be given in

accordance with this Division.

This section has effect subject to other provisions

(5) This section has effect subject to sections 1012D, 1012DAA,

1012E, 1012F, 1012G and 1014E.

Civil liability

(6) A person contravenes this subsection if the person contravenes this


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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 2 Product Disclosure Statements

Section 1012C

8 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

1012C Obligation to give Product Disclosure Statement—offers

related to sale of financial products

Section sets out sale situations in which Product Disclosure

Statement required

(1) This section sets out situations in which an offer relating to the sale

of a financial product gives rise to an obligation on a regulated

person to give another person a Product Disclosure Statement for

the product.

(2) For the purposes of this Division:

(a) each of the situations is a sale situation; and

(b) the relevant conduct for that situation is the offer; and

(c) the client for that situation is the person to whom the product

is to be sold.

Sale offers that require a Product Disclosure Statement

(3) A regulated person must give a person a Product Disclosure

Statement for a financial product if:

(a) the regulated person offers to sell the financial product to the

person; and

(b) a sale of the product to the person pursuant to the offer would

take place in circumstances covered by subsection (5), (6) or

(8); and

(c) the financial product is to be sold to the person as a retail


The Product Disclosure Statement must be given at or before the

time when the regulated person makes the offer and must be given

in accordance with this Division.

(4) A regulated person must give a person a Product Disclosure

Statement for a financial product if:

(a) the person makes an offer to the regulated person to acquire

the financial product; and

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financial products Part 7.9

Product Disclosure Statements Division 2

Section 1012C

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(b) the person would acquire the financial product by way of the

transfer of the product to the person; and

(c) a sale of the product to the person pursuant to the offer would

take place in the circumstances described in subsection (5),

(6) or (8); and

(d) the financial product is to be sold to the person as a retail


The Product Disclosure Statement must be given to the person

before the person becomes bound by a legal obligation to acquire

the financial product pursuant to the offer and must be given in

accordance with this Division.

Off-market sale by controller

(5) This subsection covers the circumstances in which:

(a) the seller controls the issuer of the financial product; and

(b) either:

(i) the product is not able to be traded on any licensed

market; or

(ii) although the product is able to be traded on a licensed

market, the offer is not made in the ordinary course of

trading on a licensed market.

Note: See section 50AA for when a person controls a body.

Sale amounting to indirect issue

(6) This subsection covers the circumstances in which:

(a) the offer is made within 12 months after the issue of the

financial product; and

(b) the product was issued without a Product Disclosure

Statement for the product being prepared; and

(c) either:

(i) the issuer issued the product with the purpose of the

person to whom it was issued selling or transferring the

product, or granting, issuing or transferring interests in,

or options or warrants over, the product; or

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 2 Product Disclosure Statements

Section 1012C

10 Corporations Act 2001

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(ii) the person to whom the product was issued acquired it

with the purpose of selling or transferring the product,

or granting, issuing or transferring interests in, or

options or warrants over, the product.

The purpose test in subsection (6)

(7) For the purposes of subsection (6):

(a) a financial product is taken to be:

(i) issued with the purpose referred to in

subparagraph (6)(c)(i); or

(ii) acquired with the purpose referred to in

subparagraph (6)(c)(ii);

if there are reasonable grounds for concluding that the

product was issued or acquired with that purpose (whether or

not there were or may have been other purposes for the issue

or acquisition); and

(b) without limiting paragraph (a), a financial product is taken to


(i) issued with the purpose referred to in

subparagraph (6)(c)(i); or

(ii) acquired with the purpose referred to in

subparagraph (6)(c)(ii);

if the financial product, or any financial product of the same

kind that was issued at the same time, is subsequently sold,

or offered for sale, within 12 months after issue, unless it is

proved that the circumstances of the issue and the subsequent

sale or offer are not such as to give rise to reasonable grounds

for concluding that the product was issued or acquired with

that purpose.

Sale amounting to indirect off-market sale by controller

(8) This subsection covers the circumstances in which:

(a) the offer is made within 12 months after the sale of the

financial product by a person (the controller) who controlled

the issuer of the product at the time of the sale; and

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financial products Part 7.9

Product Disclosure Statements Division 2

Section 1012C

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(b) either:

(i) at the time of the sale by the controller, the product was

not able to be traded on any licensed market; or

(ii) although the product was able to be traded on a licensed

market at that time, the sale by the controller did not

occur in the ordinary course of trading on a licensed

market; and

(c) a Product Disclosure Statement was not prepared by, or on

behalf of, the controller before the sale of the product by the

controller; and

(d) either:

(i) the controller sold the product with the purpose of the

person to whom it was sold selling or transferring the

product, or granting, issuing or transferring interests in,

or options or warrants over, the product; or

(ii) the person to whom the controller sold the product

acquired it with the purpose of selling or transferring the

product, or granting, issuing or transferring interests in,

or options or warrants over, the product.

Note: See section 50AA for when a person controls a body.

The purpose test in subsection (8)

(9) For the purposes of subsection (8):

(a) a financial product is taken to be:

(i) sold with the purpose referred to in

subparagraph (8)(d)(i); or

(ii) acquired with the purpose referred to in

subparagraph (8)(d)(ii);

if there are reasonable grounds for concluding that the

product was sold or acquired with that purpose (whether or

not there were or may have been other purposes for the sale

or acquisition); and

(b) without limiting paragraph (a), a financial product is taken to


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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 2 Product Disclosure Statements

Section 1012D

12 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(i) sold with the purpose referred to in

subparagraph (8)(d)(i); or

(ii) acquired with the purpose referred to in

subparagraph (8)(d)(ii);

if the financial product, or any financial product of the same

kind that was sold by the controller at the same time, is

subsequently sold, or offered for sale, within 12 months after

issue, unless it is proved that the circumstances of the initial

sale and the subsequent sale or offer are not such as to give

rise to reasonable grounds for concluding that the product

was sold or acquired (in the initial sale) with that purpose.

This section has effect subject to other provisions

(10) This section has effect subject to sections 1012D, 1012DA, 1012E

and 1014E.

Civil liability

(11) A person contravenes this subsection if the person contravenes this


Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

1012D Situations in which Product Disclosure Statement is not


Recommendation, issue or sale situation—client has already

received an up to date Product Disclosure Statement

(1) In a recommendation situation, issue situation or sale situation, the

regulated person does not have to give the client a Product

Disclosure Statement if:

(a) the client has already received a Product Disclosure

Statement that contains all of the information that the

first-mentioned Product Disclosure Statement would be

required to contain; or

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

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financial products Part 7.9

Product Disclosure Statements Division 2

Section 1012D

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(b) the regulated person believes on reasonable grounds that

paragraph (a) applies.

Recommendation, issue or sale situation—client has or has access

to up to date information

(2) In a recommendation situation, issue situation or sale situation, the

regulated person does not have to give the client a Product

Disclosure Statement for the financial product if:

(a) the client already holds a financial product of the same kind;


(b) the regulated person believes on reasonable grounds that the

client has received, or has, and knows that they have, access

to, all of the information that the first-mentioned Product

Disclosure Statement would be required to contain through:

(i) a Product Disclosure Statement; and

(ii) information provided to the client under section 1017B,

1017C or 1017D or through continuous disclosure under

Chapter 6CA.

Note: Paragraph (a)—see subsection (10).

Recommendation or issue situation—interests in self managed

superannuation funds

(2A) In a recommendation situation or issue situation, the regulated

person does not have to give the client a Product Disclosure

Statement for the financial product if:

(a) the financial product is an interest in a self managed

superannuation fund; and

(b) the regulated person believes on reasonable grounds that the

client has received, or has, and knows that they have, access

to, all of the information that the Product Disclosure

Statement would be required to contain.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 2 Product Disclosure Statements

Section 1012D

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Recommendation, issue or sale situation—no information required

to be in Product Disclosure Statement

(2B) In a recommendation situation, issue situation or sale situation, the

regulated person does not have to give the client a Product

Disclosure Statement for the financial product if, because of

section 1013F, no information would be required to be included in

the Statement.

Recommendation or issue situation—certain offers to present


(3) In a recommendation situation or issue situation, the regulated

person does not have to give the client a Product Disclosure

Statement for the financial product if:

(a) the client already holds a financial product of the same kind;


(b) either:

(i) in a recommendation situation—the advice that

constitutes the relevant conduct relates to an offer made

under a distribution reinvestment plan or switching

facility; or

(ii) in an issue situation—the offer or issue that constitutes

the relevant conduct is made under a distribution

reinvestment plan or switching facility.

Note: Paragraph (a)—see subsection (10).

Recommendation, issue or sale situation—no consideration to be


(5) In a recommendation situation, an issue situation or a sale

situation, the regulated person does not have to give the client a

Product Disclosure Statement if:

(a) no consideration is to be provided for the issue or sale of the

financial product; and

(b) the financial product is not an option and is:

(i) a managed investment product; or

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financial products Part 7.9

Product Disclosure Statements Division 2

Section 1012D

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(ia) a foreign passport fund product; or

(ii) a financial product of a kind prescribed by regulations

made for the purposes of this subparagraph.

(6) In a recommendation situation, an issue situation or a sale

situation, the regulated person does not have to give the client a

Product Disclosure Statement if:

(a) the financial product is an option; and

(b) no consideration is to be provided for the issue or sale of the

financial product; and

(c) no consideration is to be provided for the underlying

financial product on the exercise of the option.

Issue or sale situation—takeovers

(7) In an issue situation or a sale situation, the regulated person does

not have to give the client a Product Disclosure Statement if:

(a) the financial product is:

(i) a managed investment product; or

(ia) a foreign passport fund product; or

(ii) an option to acquire, by way of transfer, a share in a

body, a debenture of a body or a legal or equitable right

or interest in a share in a body or a debenture of a body;


(b) the offer that constitutes the relevant conduct is made as

consideration for an offer made under a takeover bid under

Chapter 6; and

(c) the offer is accompanied by a bidder’s statement.

Note: Although a Product Disclosure Statement is not needed, disclosures

must be made in the bidder’s document under section 636.

Recommendation, issue or sale situation—responsible entity an

exempt body

(8) In a recommendation situation, an issue situation or a sale

situation, the regulated person does not have to give the client a

Product Disclosure Statement if:

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 2 Product Disclosure Statements

Section 1012D

16 Corporations Act 2001

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(a) the financial product is a financial product described in

paragraph 764A(1)(ba) (which relates to certain managed

investment schemes that are not registered schemes); and

(b) the holder of the office (by whatever name it is known), in

relation to the managed investment scheme, that corresponds

most closely to the office of responsible entity of a registered

scheme is an exempt body; and

(c) in the case of a recommendation situation or an issue


(i) the recommendation that constitutes the relevant

conduct relates to an offer made by the office holder

referred to in paragraph (b); or

(ii) the offer that constitutes the relevant conduct is made by

or to the office holder referred to in paragraph (b).

Note 1: Section 66A defines exempt body.

Note 2: In the case of a sale situation, there is no additional requirement

equivalent to paragraph (c).

Recommendation or issue situation—interim contracts of insurance

(9) In a recommendation situation or an issue situation, the regulated

person does not have to give the client a Product Disclosure

Statement if the financial product is an interim contract of

insurance (as defined in subsection 11(2) of the Insurance

Contracts Act 1984).

Note: This does not detract from the obligation to give a Product Disclosure

Statement relating to any contract of insurance that replaces or

supersedes the interim contract.

Recommendation, issue or sale situation—client is associated with

registered scheme

(9A) In a recommendation situation, an issue situation or a sale

situation, the regulated person does not have to give the client a

Product Disclosure Statement if:

(a) the financial product is a managed investment product; and

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financial products Part 7.9

Product Disclosure Statements Division 2

Section 1012D

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(b) the client is associated (within the meaning of

subsection (9B)) with the scheme’s responsible entity.

(9B) For the purposes of subsection (9A), the client is associated with

the scheme’s responsible entity if the client is:

(a) a senior manager of the responsible entity or of a related

body corporate; or

(b) a spouse, parent, child, brother or sister of a person who is a

senior manager of the responsible entity or a related body

corporate; or

(c) a body corporate controlled by a person referred to in

paragraph (a) or (b).

Recommendation, issue or sale situation—client is associated with

a notified foreign passport fund

(9C) In a recommendation situation, an issue situation or a sale

situation, the regulated person does not have to give the client a

Product Disclosure Statement if:

(a) the financial product is a foreign passport fund product; and

(b) the client is associated (within the meaning of

subsection (9D)) with the fund’s operator.

(9D) For the purposes of subsection (9C), the client is associated with

the fund’s operator if the client is:

(a) a senior manager of the operator or of a related body

corporate; or

(b) a spouse, parent, child, brother or sister of a person who is a

senior manager of the operator or a related body corporate; or

(c) a body corporate controlled by a person referred to in

paragraph (a) or (b).


(10) For the purposes of this section:

(a) a financial product (other than a managed investment

product, a foreign passport fund product or a superannuation

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 2 Product Disclosure Statements

Section 1012DAA

18 Corporations Act 2001

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product) is of the same kind as another financial product only

if they are both issued:

(i) by the same issuer; and

(ii) on the same terms and conditions (other than price); and

(b) a managed investment product, a foreign passport fund

product or a superannuation product is of the same kind as

another product only if the other product is an interest in the

same scheme or fund; and

(c) a reference to information that a Product Disclosure

Statement would be required to contain includes a reference

to information that would be required to be in any statement

that the Product Disclosure Statement would be required to


1012DAA Rights issues for which Product Disclosure Statement is

not required

(1) In a recommendation situation or issue situation, the regulated

person does not have to give the client a Product Disclosure

Statement if:

(a) but for subsection (2), the regulated person would be required

by section 1012B to give a Product Disclosure Statement for

the transfer or issue of a financial product (the relevant

product); and

(b) a determination under subsection (3) was not in force in

relation to the issuer of the relevant product at the time when

the relevant product was issued.

Conditions required for rights issue

(2) The regulated person does not have to give the client a Product

Disclosure Statement if:

(a) the relevant product is being offered under a rights issue; and

(b) the class of the relevant product are quoted securities at the

time at which the offer is made; and

(c) trading in that class of the relevant product on a prescribed

financial market on which they are quoted was not suspended

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Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and purchase of

financial products Part 7.9

Product Disclosure Statements Division 2

Section 1012DAA

Corporations Act 2001 19

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for more than a total of 5 days during the shorter of the

following periods:

(i) the period during which the class of the relevant product

is quoted;

(ii) the period of 12 months before the day on which the

offer is made; and

(d) no exemption under section 111AS or 111AT covered the

issuer of the relevant product, or any person as director or

auditor of the issuer, at any time during the relevant period

referred to in paragraph (c); and

(e) no order under section 340, 340A, 341 or 341A covered the

issuer of the relevant product, or any person as director or

auditor of the issuer, at any time during the relevant period

referred to in paragraph (c); and

(f) the issuer of the relevant product gives the relevant market

operator for the issuer a written notice that complies with

subsection (7) within the 24 hour period before the relevant

conduct occurs.

Determination by ASIC

(3) ASIC may make a determination under this subsection if ASIC is

satisfied that in the previous 12 months the issuer of the relevant

product contravened any of the following provisions:

(a) the provisions of Chapter 2M as they apply to the registered

scheme in which the relevant product is an interest;

(aa) the provisions of Chapter 2M as they apply to the notified

foreign passport fund in which the relevant product is an


(b) section 674 or 675 as it applies to the registered scheme in

which the relevant product is an interest;

(ba) section 674 or 675 as it applies to the notified foreign

passport fund in which the relevant product is an interest;

(c) section 1016E, 1021D, 1021E or 1021J;

(d) subsection (10) of this section;

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 2 Product Disclosure Statements

Section 1012DAA

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(e) section 1308 as it applies to a notice under subsection (2) of

this section.

(4) The determination must be made in writing and a copy must be

published in the Gazette as soon as practicable after the

determination is made.

(5) The determination made under subsection (3) is not a legislative


(6) A failure to publish a copy of the determination does not affect the

validity of the determination.

Requirements for notice

(7) A notice complies with this subsection if the notice:

(a) states that the relevant product was issued without a Product

Disclosure Statement for the relevant product being prepared;


(b) states that the notice is being given under paragraph (2)(f);


(c) states that, as a disclosing entity, the issuer of the relevant

product is subject to regular reporting and disclosure

obligations; and

(d) if the relevant product is a managed investment product—

states that, as at the date of the notice, the issuer of the

relevant product has complied with:

(i) the provisions of Chapter 2M as they apply to the

registered scheme in which the relevant product is an

interest; and

(ii) section 674 as it applies to that registered scheme; and

(da) if the relevant product is a foreign passport fund product—

states that, as at the date of the notice, the issuer of the

relevant product has complied with:

(i) the provisions of Chapter 2M as they apply to the fund

in which the relevant product is an interest; and

(ii) section 674 as it applies to that fund; and

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financial products Part 7.9

Product Disclosure Statements Division 2

Section 1012DAA

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(e) sets out any information that is excluded information as at the

date of the notice (see subsections (8) and (9)); and

(f) states:

(i) the potential effect the issue of the relevant product will

have on the control of the body; and

(ii) the consequences of that effect.

Note 1: A person is taken not to contravene section 1021C if a notice purports

to comply with this subsection but does not actually comply with this

subsection: see subsection 1021C(5).

Note 2: A notice must not be false or misleading in a material particular, or

omit anything that would render it misleading in a material respect:

see sections 1308 and 1309. The issuer has an obligation to correct a

defective notice: see subsection (10) of this section.

(8) For the purposes of subsection (7), excluded information is


(a) that has been excluded from a continuous disclosure notice in

accordance with the listing rules of the relevant market

operator to whom that notice is required to be given; and

(b) that a person would reasonably require for the purpose of

making a decision, as a retail client, whether to acquire the

relevant product.

(9) The notice given under subsection (2) must contain any excluded

information only to the extent to which it is reasonable for a person

considering, as a retail client, whether to acquire the relevant

product to expect to find the information in a Product Disclosure


Obligation to correct defective notice

(10) The issuer of the relevant product contravenes this subsection if:

(a) the notice given under subsection (2) is defective; and

(b) the issuer becomes aware of the defect in the notice within 12

months after the relevant product is issued; and

(c) the issuer does not, within a reasonable time after becoming

aware of the defect, give the relevant market operator a

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 2 Product Disclosure Statements

Section 1012DA

22 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

notice that sets out the information necessary to correct the


(11) For the purposes of subsection (10), the notice under subsection (2)

is defective if the notice:

(a) does not comply with paragraph (2)(f); or

(b) is false or misleading in a material particular; or

(c) has omitted from it a matter or thing, the omission of which

renders the notice misleading in a material respect.

1012DA Product Disclosure Statement not required for sale

amounting to indirect issue

Product Disclosure Statement not required

(1) In a recommendation situation or sale situation, the regulated

person does not have to give the client a Product Disclosure

Statement if:

(a) but for subsection (5), (11) or (12), the regulated person

would be required by section 1012A or 1012C to give a

Product Disclosure Statement for the relevant product; and

(b) the transfer or sale of the financial product (the relevant

product) to the client would take place in circumstances

covered by subsection 1012C(6); and

(c) the relevant product was not issued by the issuer with the

purpose referred to in subparagraph 1012C(6)(c)(i); and

(d) a determination under subsection (2) was not in force in

relation to the issuer of the relevant product at the time when

the relevant product was issued.

(1A) In a recommendation situation or sale situation, the regulated

person does not have to give the client a Product Disclosure

Statement if:

(a) but for subsection (5), the regulated person would be required

by section 1012C to give a Product Disclosure Statement for

the transfer or sale of the financial product (the relevant

product); and

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financial products Part 7.9

Product Disclosure Statements Division 2

Section 1012DA

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(b) the transfer or sale of the relevant product to the client would

take place in circumstances covered by subsection 1012C(8);


(c) the relevant product was not sold by the controller with the

purpose referred to in subparagraph 1012C(8)(d)(i); and

(d) a determination under subsection (2) was not in force in

relation to the issuer of the relevant product at the time when

the relevant product was issued.

Determination by ASIC

(2) ASIC may make a determination under this subsection if ASIC is

satisfied that in the previous 12 months the issuer of the relevant

product contravened any of the following provisions:

(a) the provisions of Chapter 2M as they apply to:

(i) the issuer; or

(ii) if the relevant product is an interest in a registered

scheme—the scheme; or

(iii) if the relevant product is an interest in a notified foreign

passport fund—the fund;

(b) section 674 or 675 as it applies to:

(i) the issuer; or

(ii) if the relevant product is an interest in a registered

scheme—the scheme; or

(iii) if the relevant product is an interest in a notified foreign

passport fund—the fund;

(c) section 1016E, 1021D, 1021E or 1021J;

(d) subsection (9) of this section;

(e) section 1308 as it applies to a notice under subsection (5) of

this section.

(3) The determination must be made in writing and a copy must be

published in the Gazette as soon as practicable after the

determination is made.

(4) A failure to publish a copy of the determination does not affect the

validity of the determination.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 2 Product Disclosure Statements

Section 1012DA

24 Corporations Act 2001

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Transfer or sale of quoted securities—case 1

(5) The regulated person does not have to give the client a Product

Disclosure Statement if:

(a) the relevant product is in a class of financial products that

were quoted securities at all times in the 3 months before the

day on which the relevant product was issued; and

(b) trading in that class of financial products on a prescribed

financial market on which they were quoted was not

suspended for more than a total of 5 days during the shorter

of the period during which the class of financial product was

quoted, and the period of 12 months before the day on which

the relevant product was issued; and

(c) no exemption under section 111AS or 111AT covered the

issue of the relevant product, or any person as director or

auditor of the issuer, at any time during the relevant period

referred to in paragraph (b); and

(d) no order under section 340, 340A, 341 or 341A covered the

issuer of the relevant product, or any person as director or

auditor of the issuer, at any time during the relevant period

referred to in paragraph (b); and

(e) either:

(i) if the regulated person is not required under

subsection (1) to give a Product Disclosure Statement—

the issuer of the relevant product gives the relevant

market operator for the issuer a written notice that

complies with subsection (6) before the relevant

conduct occurs; or

(ii) if the regulated person is not required under

subsection (1A) to give a Product Disclosure

Statement—both the issuer of the relevant product, and

the controller, give the relevant market operator for the

issuer a written notice that complies with subsection (6)

before the relevant conduct occurs.

(6) A notice complies with this subsection if the notice:

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financial products Part 7.9

Product Disclosure Statements Division 2

Section 1012DA

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(a) is given within 5 business days after the day on which the

relevant product was issued; and

(b) states that the relevant product was issued without a Product

Disclosure Statement for the relevant product being prepared;


(c) states that the notice is being given under paragraph (5)(e);


(d) states that, as a disclosing entity, the issuer of the relevant

product is subject to regular reporting and disclosure

obligations; and

(e) states that, as at the date of the notice, the issuer of the

relevant product has complied with the provisions of

Chapter 2M, and of section 674, as those provisions apply to:

(i) the issuer; or

(ii) if the relevant product is an interest in a registered

scheme—the scheme; or

(iii) if the relevant product is an interest is a notified foreign

passport fund—the fund; and

(f) sets out any information that is excluded information as at the

date of the notice (see subsections (7) and (8)).

Note 1: A person is taken not to contravene section 1021C if a notice purports

to comply with this subsection but does not actually comply with this

subsection: see subsection 1021C(5).

Note 2: A notice must not be false or misleading in a material particular, or

omit anything that would render it misleading in a material respect:

see sections 1308 and 1309. The issuer has an obligation to correct a

defective notice: see subsection (9) of this section.

(7) For the purposes of subsection (6), excluded information is


(a) that has been excluded from a continuous disclosure notice in

accordance with the listing rules of the relevant market

operator to whom that notice is required to be given; and

(b) that a person would reasonably require for the purpose of

making a decision, as a retail client, whether to acquire the

relevant product.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 2 Product Disclosure Statements

Section 1012DA

26 Corporations Act 2001

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(8) The notice given under subsection (5) must contain any excluded

information only to the extent to which it is reasonable for a person

considering, as a retail client, whether to acquire the relevant

product to expect to find the information in a Product Disclosure


Obligation to correct defective notice

(9) The issuer of the relevant product contravenes this subsection if:

(a) the notice given under subsection (5) is defective; and

(b) the issuer becomes aware of the defect in the notice within 12

months after the relevant product is issued; and

(c) the issuer does not, within a reasonable time after becoming

aware of the defect, give the relevant market operator a

notice that sets out the information necessary to correct the


(10) For the purposes of subsection (9), the notice under subsection (5)

is defective if the notice:

(a) does not comply with paragraph (6)(f); or

(b) is false or misleading in a material particular; or

(c) has omitted from it a matter or thing the omission of which

renders the notice misleading in a material respect.

Transfer or sale of quoted securities—case 2

(11) The regulated person does not have to give the client a Product

Disclosure Statement if:

(a) the relevant product is in a class of financial products that are

quoted securities of the issuer; and

(b) either:

(i) a Product Disclosure Statement required to be given by

section 1012B is lodged with ASIC on or after the day

on which the relevant product is issued but before the

day on which the relevant conduct occurs; or

(ii) a Product Disclosure Statement required to be given by

section 1012B is lodged with ASIC before the day on

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Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and purchase of

financial products Part 7.9

Product Disclosure Statements Division 2

Section 1012E

Corporations Act 2001 27

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which the relevant product is issued and, on the day on

which the relevant product is issued, the Product

Disclosure Statement is still being used by the issuer of

the relevant product for offers of financial products in

the same class of financial products as the relevant

product; and

(c) the Product Disclosure Statement is for a financial product of

the issuer of the relevant product that is in the same class of

financial products as the relevant product.

Transfer or sale of quoted securities—case 3

(12) The regulated person does not have to give the client a Product

Disclosure Statement if:

(a) a Product Disclosure Statement for a financial product was

given under section 1012B; and

(b) the relevant product was issued to:

(i) a person (the underwriter) named in that Product

Disclosure Statement as an underwriter of the issue of

the financial product; or

(ii) a person nominated by the underwriter; and

(c) the relevant product was issued to the underwriter, or the

person nominated by the underwriter, at or about the time

that persons who applied for the financial product under that

Product Disclosure Statement were issued with that product;


(d) the relevant product is in a class of financial products that

were quoted securities of the issuer.

1012E Small scale offerings of managed investment and other

prescribed financial products (20 issues or sales in 12


(1) This section applies only to financial products that are:

(a) managed investment products; or

(b) financial products of a kind prescribed by regulations made

for the purposes of this paragraph.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 2 Product Disclosure Statements

Section 1012E

28 Corporations Act 2001

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(2) Personal offers of financial products do not need a Product

Disclosure Statement under this Part if:

(a) all of the financial products are issued by the same person

(the issuer); and

(b) none of the offers results in a breach of the 20 purchasers

ceiling (see subsections (6) and (7)); and

(c) none of the offers results in a breach of the $2 million ceiling

(see subsections (6) and (7)).

(3) Subsection (2) does not apply to an offer to which

subsection 1012C(6) (sale amounting to indirect issue) or (8) (sale

amounting to indirect sale by controller) applies.

Note: Under section 1012K, ASIC may make a determination aggregating

the transactions of bodies that ASIC considers to be closely related.

(4) If subsection (2) applies to an offer of a financial product, a

recommendation to a person to acquire a financial product in

response to a personal offer of that kind does not need a Product

Disclosure Statement under this Part.

(5) For the purposes of subsections (2) and (4), a personal offer is one


(a) may only be accepted by the person to whom it is made; and

(b) is made to a person who is likely to be interested in the offer,

having regard to:

(i) previous contact between the person making the offer

and that person; or

(ii) some professional or other connection between the

person making the offer and that person; or

(iii) statements or actions by that person that indicate that

they are interested in offers of that kind.

(6) An offer to issue, or arrange for the issue of, a financial product:

(a) results in a breach of the 20 purchasers ceiling if it results in

the number of people to whom the issuer has issued financial

products exceeding 20 in any 12 month period; and

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Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and purchase of

financial products Part 7.9

Product Disclosure Statements Division 2

Section 1012E

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(b) results in a breach of the $2 million ceiling if it results in the

amount raised by the issuer from issuing financial products

exceeding $2 million in any 12 month period.

(7) An offer by a person to sell a financial product:

(a) results in a breach of the 20 purchasers ceiling if it results in

the number of people to whom the person sells financial

products issued by the issuer of that financial product

exceeding 20 in any 12 month period; and

(b) results in a breach of the $2 million ceiling if it results in the

amount raised by the person from selling financial products

issued by the issuer of that financial product exceeding $2

million in any 12 month period.

(8) In counting issues and sales of the financial products issued by the

issuer, and the amount raised from issues and sales, for the

purposes of subsection (2), disregard issues and sales that result

from offers that:

(a) do not need a Product Disclosure Statement (otherwise than

because of this section); or

(b) are made under a Product Disclosure Statement.

Note: Also see provisions on restrictions on advertising (section 1018A) and

the anti-hawking provisions in section 992A.

(9) In counting issues and sales of the financial products issued by the

issuer, and the amount raised from issues and sales, for the

purposes of subsection (2), disregard any issues and sales made by

a body if:

(a) the body was a managed investment scheme (but not a

registered scheme) at the time that the offer of interests in the

scheme that resulted in the issues or sales was made; and

(b) the body became a registered scheme within 12 months after

that offer was made; and

(c) the offer would not have required a Product Disclosure

Statement (otherwise than because of this section) if the

managed investment scheme had been a registered scheme at

the time that the offer was made.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 2 Product Disclosure Statements

Section 1012F

30 Corporations Act 2001

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(10) In working out the amount of money raised by the issuer from

issuing financial products, include the following:

(a) the amount payable for the financial products at the time

when they are issued;

(b) if the financial product is an option—any amount payable on

the exercise of the option;

(c) if the financial products carry a right to convert the financial

product into other financial products—any amount payable

on the exercise of that right.

(11) If a person relies on subsection (2) to make offers of financial

products without a Product Disclosure Statement under this Part,

the person must not issue, arrange for the issue of, or transfer,

financial products without a Product Disclosure Statement under

this Part if the issue or transfer would result in a breach of the 20

purchasers ceiling or the $2 million ceiling (see subsections (6),

(7), (8), (9) and (10)).

(12) For the purposes of this section, an offer of a financial product is

an offer to:

(a) issue the financial product; or

(b) arrange for the issue of the financial product; or

(c) sell the financial product.

1012F Product Disclosure Statement for certain superannuation

products may be provided later

In a recommendation situation or an issue situation in which the

financial product is a superannuation product of a kind specified in

regulations made for the purposes of this section, the regulated


(a) need not give the client the Product Disclosure Statement at

or before the time when it would otherwise be required to be

given; and

(b) must give the client the Product Disclosure Statement as soon

as is reasonably practicable and in any event within 3 months

after the product is issued to the client; and

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Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and purchase of

financial products Part 7.9

Product Disclosure Statements Division 2

Section 1012G

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(c) need not give the client the Product Disclosure Statement at

all if the client ceases to be a member of the superannuation

fund concerned before the regulated person is required to

give the Product Disclosure Statement under paragraph (b).

1012G Product Disclosure Statement may sometimes be provided


(1) The regulated person may deal with a financial product under this

section only if:

(a) the financial product is one for which an application form is

not required under section 1016A and section 1019B (cooling

off period) will apply if the client enters into a legal

obligation to acquire the product pursuant to the

recommendation or offer that constitutes the relevant

conduct; or

(b) the financial product is:

(i) a basic deposit product; or

(ii) a facility for making non-cash payments (see

section 763D) that is related to a basic deposit product;


(iii) a financial product of a kind prescribed by regulations

made for the purposes of this subparagraph.

(2) In a recommendation situation or an issue situation, the regulated

person need not give the client a Product Disclosure Statement for

the financial product at or before the time when it would otherwise

be required to be given if:

(a) the client expressly instructs the regulated person that they


(i) in a recommendation situation—the advice constituting

the recommendation; or

(ii) in an issue situation—the financial product;

to be provided or issued immediately, or by a specified time;


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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 2 Product Disclosure Statements

Section 1012G

32 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) it is not reasonably practicable, while complying with the

client’s instructions, to give the client the Product Disclosure

Statement at or before the time when it would otherwise be

required to be given.

The regulated person must comply with subsection (3) instead.

(3) The regulated person must:

(a) at or before the time referred to in paragraph (2)(b), orally

communicate the following information to the client:

(i) the name and contact details of the issuer of the

financial product; and

(ii) information about the essential features of the financial

product; and

(iii) the information that would be required to be in a

Product Disclosure Statement for the financial product

by paragraphs 1013D(1)(c), (d), (g) and (i); and

(b) give the client the Product Disclosure Statement as soon as

practicable after that time, and in any event not later than:

(i) the time when the confirmation requirement (if

applicable) is complied with; or

(ii) the end of the fifth day after the day on which the

financial product was issued or sold to the client.

(3A) The information referred to in paragraph (3)(a) must be

communicated in a clear, concise and effective manner.

(4) For the purposes of paragraph (3)(b), the confirmation requirement

is complied with when:

(a) the client receives confirmation, as mentioned in

paragraph 1017F(5)(a), of the transaction by which they

acquired the financial product; or

(b) confirmation of that transaction is available to the client by a

facility as mentioned in paragraph 1017F(5)(b).

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Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and purchase of

financial products Part 7.9

Product Disclosure Statements Division 2

Section 1012H

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1012H Obligation to take reasonable steps to ensure that Product

Disclosure Statement is given to person electing to be

covered by group financial product

(1) This section covers the situation in which a financial product:

(a) is issued to a person; and

(b) covers, or is designed to cover, a group of people; and

(c) may cover a particular person (the new group member) if the

person elects to be covered by the financial product.

(2) The issuer must take reasonable steps to ensure that the new group

member is given a Product Disclosure Statement for the financial

product in accordance with this Division before the new group

member makes an election to be covered by the financial product.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(3) For the purposes of this section, a person is covered by a financial

product if benefits are, or may be, provided under the financial

product directly to:

(a) the person; or

(b) a relative of the person; or

(c) a person nominated by the person.

1012I Obligation to give employer a Product Disclosure Statement

in relation to certain superannuation products and RSA


(1) At or before the time when a person (the applicant) becomes a

standard employer-sponsor of a superannuation entity, the person

(the issuer) who is to provide the superannuation products to the

applicant’s employees must give the applicant a Product Disclosure

Statement in accordance with this Division for each of those

superannuation products.

(2) If:

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 2 Product Disclosure Statements

Section 1012I

34 Corporations Act 2001

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(a) a person (the applicant) applies for the issue of an RSA

product to the employee; and

(b) the applicant has not previously applied to the RSA provider

for the issue to any employee of an RSA product of the same


the person (the issuer) who is to issue the RSA product to the

employee must, at or before the time when the RSA product is

issued to the employee, give the applicant a Product Disclosure

Statement in accordance with this Division for the RSA product.

(2A) If:

(a) a trustee (the applicant), under Part 24 of the Superannuation

Industry (Supervision) Act 1993, applies on behalf of a

person for the issue of an interest in a relevant

superannuation entity; and

(b) the applicant has not previously applied under that Part for

the issue of an interest in that entity on behalf of any person;

the person (the issuer) who is to issue the interest to the person

must, at or before the time when the interest is issued to the person,

give the applicant a Product Disclosure Statement in accordance

with this Division for the interest.

(2B) If:

(a) a trustee (the applicant), under Part 9 of the Retirement

Savings Accounts Act 1997, applies on behalf of a person for

the issue of an interest in a relevant superannuation entity;


(b) the applicant has not previously applied under that Part for

the issue of an interest in that entity on behalf of any person;

the person (the issuer) who is to issue the interest to the person

must, at or before the time when the interest is issued to the person,

give the applicant a Product Disclosure Statement in accordance

with this Division for the interest.

(3) The issuer does not have to give the applicant a Product Disclosure

Statement under subsection (1), (2), (2A) or (2B) for a financial

product if:

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Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and purchase of

financial products Part 7.9

Product Disclosure Statements Division 2

Section 1012IA

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(a) the applicant has already received a Product Disclosure

Statement for that financial product that contains all of the

information that the first-mentioned Product Disclosure

Statement would be required to contain; or

(b) the issuer believes on reasonable grounds that paragraph (a)


Note: Information in a Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement is taken

to be contained in the Product Disclosure Statement it supplements

(see section 1014D).

(4) The issuer need not give the applicant a Product Disclosure

Statement under subsection (1), (2), (2A) or (2B) in the

circumstances specified in the regulations.

(5) In this section:

(a) terms used in subsection (1) that are defined for the purposes

of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 have

the same meanings as in that Act; and

(b) terms used in subsection (2) that are defined for the purposes

of the Retirement Savings Accounts Act 1997 have the same

meanings as in that Act; and

(c) relevant superannuation entity has the same meaning as in

section 1016A of this Act.

1012IA Treatment of arrangements under which a person can

instruct another person to acquire a financial product


(1) In this section:

acquirer, in relation to a custodial arrangement, has the meaning

given by the definition of custodial arrangement.

client, in relation to a custodial arrangement, has the meaning

given by the definition of custodial arrangement.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 2 Product Disclosure Statements

Section 1012IA

36 Corporations Act 2001

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custodial arrangement means an arrangement between a person

(the provider) and another person (the client) (whether or not there

are also other parties to the arrangement) under which:

(a) the client is, or is entitled, to give an instruction that a

particular financial product, or a financial product of a

particular kind, is to be acquired; and

(b) if the client gives such an instruction, a person (the acquirer),

being the provider or a person with whom the provider has or

will have an arrangement, must (subject to any discretion

they have to refuse) acquire the financial product, or a

financial product of that kind; and

(c) if the acquirer acquires the financial product, or a financial

product of that kind, pursuant to an instruction given by the

client, either:

(i) the product is to be held on trust for the client or another

person nominated by the client; or

(ii) the client, or another person nominated by the client, is

to have rights or benefits in relation to the product or a

beneficial interest in the product, or in relation to, or

calculated by reference to, dividends or other benefits

derived from the product.

instruction includes a direction or request.

provider, in relation to a custodial arrangement, has the meaning

given by the definition of custodial arrangement.

regulated acquisition means an acquisition of a financial product

pursuant to an instruction by the client under a custodial

arrangement, being an acquisition:

(a) by way of issue by the issuer (the regulated person); or

(b) pursuant to a sale by a person (the regulated person) in

circumstances described in subsection 1012C(5), (6) or (8).

regulated person, in relation to a regulated acquisition of a

financial product, has the meaning given by paragraph (a) or (b) (as

the case requires) of the definition of regulated acquisition.

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financial products Part 7.9

Product Disclosure Statements Division 2

Section 1012IA

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Obligation on provider to give client a PDS

(2) Before a regulated acquisition of a financial product occurs

pursuant to an instruction given by the client under a custodial

arrangement, the provider must give the client a Product Disclosure

Statement for the product if a Product Disclosure Statement for the

product would, if there were an equivalent direct acquisition by the

client, be required by subsection 1012B(3) or 1012C(3) (see

subsection (3) of this section) to be given to the client by the

regulated person before that acquisition occurred. For this purpose,

an equivalent direct acquisition is an acquisition that would occur


(a) the product were instead being offered for issue or sale direct

to the client by the regulated person for the same price (or for

the appropriate proportion of that price, if the transaction for

the regulated acquisition also covers other products); and

(b) the circumstances of that issue or sale to the client were

otherwise the same as those in which the regulated

acquisition will occur.

Determining whether a PDS would have to be given for an

equivalent direct acquisition

(3) The following provisions apply for the purpose of determining

whether the regulated person would be required by

subsection 1012B(3) or 1012C(3) to give the client a Product

Disclosure Statement for the financial product:

(a) the effect of the provisions referred to in

subsection 1012B(5) or 1012C(10), as the case requires, as

they have effect subject to the following paragraphs, must be

taken into account;

(b) subsections 1012D(1), (2) and (2A) apply as if references in

those subsections to the regulated person’s belief in relation

to a matter were instead references to the provider’s belief in

relation to that matter;

(c) subsections 1012D(2) and (3) apply as if references to the

client already holding a financial product of the same kind

also included a reference to a person already holding a

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 2 Product Disclosure Statements

Section 1012IA

38 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

financial product of the same kind as a result of an

instruction given by the client under a custodial arrangement;

(d) sections 1012E and 1012F are to be disregarded;

(e) section 1012G has effect in accordance with subsection (4).

Modification of section 1012G

(4) The following provisions apply in relation to section 1012G:

(a) in determining for the purposes of subsection (2) whether the

regulated person would be required by subsection 1012B(3)

or 1012C(3) to give the client a Product Disclosure Statement

for the financial product, subsection 1012G(2) applies as if

the reference to the client instructing the regulated person (in

an issue situation) that they require the financial product to

be provided or issued immediately, or by a specified time,

were instead a reference to the client instructing the provider

that they require the financial product to be acquired

immediately, or by a specified time;

(b) if, because of subsection 1012G(2) as it applies because of

paragraph (a) of this subsection, the provider does not have

to give the client a Product Disclosure Statement for a

financial product before a regulated acquisition of the

financial product occurs pursuant to an instruction given by

the client under a custodial arrangement:

(i) subsection 1012G(2) applies in relation to the provider,

the client and the regulated acquisition as if the

obligation it imposes to comply with

subsection 1012G(3) were imposed on the provider; and

(ii) subsection 1012G(3) applies in relation to the provider,

the client and the regulated acquisition as if the

reference to the regulated person were instead a

reference to the provider, as if

subparagraph 1012G(3)(b)(i) were omitted and as if the

reference in subparagraph 1012G(3)(b)(ii) to the day on

which the financial product was issued or sold to the

client were instead a reference to the day on which the

regulated acquisition occurs.

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financial products Part 7.9

Product Disclosure Statements Division 2

Section 1012J

Corporations Act 2001 39

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Modification of section 1013A

(5) Section 1013A applies in relation to a regulated acquisition as if:

(a) paragraph 1013A(1)(b) also covered a Product Disclosure

Statement that is required to be given by subsection (2) of

this section in relation to an acquisition covered by

paragraph (a) of the definition of regulated acquisition in

subsection (1) of this section; and

(b) paragraph 1013A(2)(b) also covered a Product Disclosure

Statement that is required to be given by subsection (2) of

this section in relation to an acquisition covered by

paragraph (b) of the definition of regulated acquisition in

subsection (1) of this section.

Provider is not an agent for the purposes of section 1015C

(6) For the purposes of the application of section 1015C in relation to a

regulated acquisition, the provider in relation to the relevant

custodial arrangement is taken not to be an agent of the client.

Provider is covered by sections 1015E, 1021F and 1021I

(7) Sections 1015E, 1021F and 1021I apply in relation to a regulated

acquisition as if the references to a regulated person were instead

references to the provider in relation to the relevant custodial


Regulations may provide for other modifications

(8) The regulations may provide for other modifications of provisions

of this Part that are to have effect in relation to regulated


1012J Information must be up to date

The information in a Product Disclosure Statement must be up to

date as at the time when it is given.

Note: A Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement containing updated

information may be given with a Product Disclosure Statement that

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 2 Product Disclosure Statements

Section 1012K

40 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

has become out of date. The updated information is taken to be

included in the Product Disclosure Statement (see section 1014D).

1012K Anti-avoidance determinations

(1) ASIC may determine in writing that a number of different bodies

are closely related and that their transactions should be aggregated

for the purposes of this Subdivision. If ASIC does so:

(a) an issue, sale or transfer of financial products of any other

bodies is taken to also be an issue, sale or transfer of the

financial products of each of the other bodies by those

bodies; and

(b) any money received from an issue, sale or transfer of

financial products of any of the bodies is taken to also be

received by each of the other bodies from an issue, sale or

transfer of its own financial products.

ASIC must give written notice of the determination to each of the


(2) ASIC may determine in writing that the transactions of a body and

of a person who controls the body should be aggregated for the

purposes of this Subdivision. If ASIC does so:

(a) an issue of financial products of the body is taken to also be

the transfer of the financial products by the controller; and

(b) any money received from an issue of financial products of

the body is taken to also be received by the controller from a

transfer of the financial products; and

(c) a sale or transfer of financial products of the body by the

controller is taken to also be the issue of the financial

products by the body; and

(d) any money received from a sale or transfer of financial

products of the body by the controller is taken to also be

received by the body from an issue of the financial products.

ASIC must give written notice of the determination to the body and

the controller.

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Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and purchase of

financial products Part 7.9

Product Disclosure Statements Division 2

Section 1013A

Corporations Act 2001 41

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Subdivision C—Preparation and content of Product Disclosure


1013A Who must prepare Product Disclosure Statement

(1) A Product Disclosure Statement that:

(a) is required to be given by section 1012A (otherwise than in a

situation in which the recommendation concerned relates to

an offer described in subsection 1012C(3) or (4)); or

(b) is required to be given by section 1012B; or

(c) section 1012H requires an issuer to take reasonable steps to

ensure is given to a new group member; or

(d) is required to be given by section 1012I;

must be a document that has been prepared by the issuer of the

financial product. A Product Disclosure Statement of this kind is in

this Division referred to as an issue Statement.

(2) A Product Disclosure Statement that:

(a) is required to be given by section 1012A in a situation in

which the recommendation concerned relates to an offer

described in subsection 1012C(3) or (4)); or

(b) is required to be given by section 1012C;

must be a document that has been prepared by the person making

the offer to sell the financial product. A Product Disclosure

Statement of this kind is in this Division referred to as a sale


(3) The person by whom, or on whose behalf, a Product Disclosure

Statement for a financial product is required to be prepared is, in

this Division, referred to as the responsible person for the financial


(4) For the purposes of this Part, a Product Disclosure Statement

prepared on behalf of a person is taken to be prepared by the


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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 2 Product Disclosure Statements

Section 1013B

42 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

1013B Title of Product Disclosure Statement

(1) The title “Product Disclosure Statement” must be used on the cover

of, or at or near the front of, a Product Disclosure Statement.

(2) In any other part of a Product Disclosure Statement, “Product

Disclosure Statement” may be abbreviated to “PDS”.

1013C Product Disclosure Statement content requirements

(1) A Product Disclosure Statement:

(a) must include the following statements and information

required by this Subdivision:

(i) the statements and information required by

section 1013D; and

(ii) the information required by section 1013E; and

(iii) the information required by the other provisions of this

Subdivision; and

(b) may also:

(i) include other information; or

(ii) refer to other information that is set out in another


Note: A Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement containing additional

information may be given with a Product Disclosure Statement that

does not contain all the required information. The additional

information is taken to be included in the Product Disclosure

Statement (see section 1014D).

(2) The information required by sections 1013D and 1013E need only

be included in the Product Disclosure Statement to the extent to

which it is actually known to:

(a) the responsible person; and

(b) in the case of a sale Statement—the issuer of the financial

product; and

(c) any person named in the Statement as an underwriter of the

issue or sale of the financial product; and

(d) any person:

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financial products Part 7.9

Product Disclosure Statements Division 2

Section 1013C

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(i) named in the Statement as a financial services licensee

providing services in relation to the issue or sale of the

financial product; and

(ii) who participated in any way in the preparation of the

Statement; and

(e) any person who has given a consent referred to in

section 1013K in relation to a statement included in the

Statement; and

(f) any person named in the Statement with their consent as

having performed a particular professional or advisory

function; and

(g) if any of the above persons is a body corporate—any director

of that body corporate.

(3) The information included in the Product Disclosure Statement must

be worded and presented in a clear, concise and effective manner.

(4) The responsible person may include in the Product Disclosure

Statement a statement about the association between the financial

product and another person.

(5) The responsible person must not include a statement about the

association between the financial product and a person if:

(a) the statement creates the impression that the financial product

is issued or sold by that other person; and

(b) the person has not issued or sold the product.

(6) The responsible person must not include a statement about the

association between the financial product and a person if:

(a) the statement creates the impression that the financial product

is guaranteed or underwritten by that other person; and

(b) the person has not guaranteed or underwritten the product.

(7) If the Product Disclosure Statement states that a person provides,

or is to provide, services in relation to the financial product, the

Product Disclosure Statement must clearly distinguish between the

respective roles of that person and the issuer or seller of the

financial product.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 2 Product Disclosure Statements

Section 1013D

44 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

1013D Product Disclosure Statement content—main requirements

(1) Subject to this section, subsection 1013C(2) and sections 1013F

and 1013FA, a Product Disclosure Statement must include the

following statements, and such of the following information as a

person would reasonably require for the purpose of making a

decision, as a retail client, whether to acquire the financial product:

(a) a statement setting out the name and contact details of:

(i) the issuer of the financial product; and

(ii) if the Statement is a sale Statement—the seller; and

(b) information about any significant benefits to which a holder

of the product will or may become entitled, the circumstances

in which and times at which those benefits will or may be

provided, and the way in which those benefits will or may be

provided; and

(c) information about any significant risks associated with

holding the product; and

(d) information about:

(i) the cost of the product; and

(ii) any amounts that will or may be payable by a holder of

the product in respect of the product after its acquisition,

and the times at which those amounts will or may be

payable; and

(iii) if the amounts paid in respect of the financial product

and the amounts paid in respect of other financial

products are paid into a common fund—any amounts

that will or may be deducted from the fund by way of

fees, expenses or charges; and

(e) if the product will or may generate a return to a holder of the

product—information about any commission, or other similar

payments, that will or may impact on the amount of such a

return; and

(f) information about any other significant characteristics or

features of the product or of the rights, terms, conditions and

obligations attaching to the product; and

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

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Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and purchase of

financial products Part 7.9

Product Disclosure Statements Division 2

Section 1013D

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(g) information about the dispute resolution system that covers

complaints by holders of the product and about how that

system may be accessed; and

(h) general information about any significant taxation

implications of financial products of that kind; and

(i) information about any cooling-off regime that applies in

respect of acquisitions of the product (whether the regime is

provided for by a law or otherwise); and

(j) if the product issuer (in the case of an issue Statement) or the

seller (in the case of a sale Statement) makes other

information relating to the product available to holders or

prospective holders of the product, or to people more

generally—a statement of how that information may be

accessed; and

(k) any other statements or information required by the

regulations; and

(l) if the product has an investment component—the extent to

which labour standards or environmental, social or ethical

considerations are taken into account in the selection,

retention or realisation of the investment; and

(m) unless in accordance with the regulations, for information to

be disclosed in accordance with paragraphs (b), (d) and (e),

any amounts are to be stated in dollars.

(2) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(d), an amount will or may be

payable in respect of a financial product by the holder of the

financial product if:

(a) the holder will or may have to pay an amount in respect of

the product; or

(b) an amount will or may be deducted from:

(i) a payment to be made by the holder; or

(ii) a payment to be made to the holder; or

(iii) an amount held on the holder’s behalf under the

financial product; or

(c) an account representing the holder’s interest in the financial

product will or may be debited with an amount.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 2 Product Disclosure Statements

Section 1013DA

46 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

It includes an amount that the holder will or may have to pay, or

that will or may be deducted or debited, as a fee, expense or charge

in relation to a particular transaction in relation to the financial


(2A) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(l), products which have an

investment component include superannuation products, managed

investment products, foreign passport fund products and

investment life insurance products.

(3) Subsection (1) requires information to be included in the Product

Disclosure Statement only to the extent to which the requirement is

applicable to the financial product. The Product Disclosure

Statement does not need to indicate that a particular requirement is

not applicable to the financial product.

(4) The regulations may:

(a) provide that a provision of subsection (1) does not apply in a

particular situation; or

(b) provide that particular information is not required by a

provision of subsection (1), either in a particular situation or

generally; or

(c) provide a more detailed statement of the information that is

required by a provision of subsection (1), either in a

particular situation or generally.

1013DA Information about ethical considerations etc.

ASIC may develop guidelines that must be complied with where a

Product Disclosure Statement makes any claim that labour

standards or environmental, social or ethical considerations are

taken into account in the selection, retention or realisation of the


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Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and purchase of

financial products Part 7.9

Product Disclosure Statements Division 2

Section 1013E

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1013E General obligation to include other information that might

influence a decision to acquire

Subject to subsection 1013C(2) and sections 1013F and 1013FA, a

Product Disclosure Statement must also contain any other

information that might reasonably be expected to have a material

influence on the decision of a reasonable person, as a retail client,

whether to acquire the product.

1013F General limitations on extent to which information is

required to be included

(1) Despite anything in section 1013D or 1013E, information, or a

statement containing information, is not required to be included in

a Product Disclosure Statement if it would not be reasonable for a

person considering, as a retail client, whether to acquire the

product to expect to find the information in the Statement.

(2) In considering whether it would not be reasonable for a person

considering, as a retail client, whether to acquire the product to

expect to find particular information in the Statement, the matters

that may be taken into account include, but are not limited to:

(a) the nature of the product (including its risk profile); and

(b) the extent to which the product is well understood by the

kinds of person who commonly acquire products of that kind

as retail clients; and

(c) the kinds of things such persons may reasonably be expected

to know; and

(d) if the product is an ED security that is not a continuously

quoted security—the effect of the following provisions:

(i) Chapter 2M as it applies to disclosing entities;

(ii) sections 674 and 675; and

(e) the way in which the product is promoted, sold or distributed;


(f) any other matters specified in the regulations.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 2 Product Disclosure Statements

Section 1013FA

48 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

1013FA Information not required to be included in PDS for

continuously quoted securities

(1) This section applies to a Product Disclosure Statement that relates

to a continuously quoted security.

(2) Despite anything in section 1013D, 1013E or 1013F, information is

not required to be included in the Product Disclosure Statement if:

(a) for a continuously quoted security that is not a security of a

notified foreign passport fund—the information is included

in any of the following documents:

(i) the annual financial report most recently lodged with

ASIC by the issuer of the product;

(ii) any half-year financial report lodged with ASIC by the

issuer of the product after the lodgment of that annual

financial report and before the date of the Product

Disclosure Statement;

(iii) any continuous disclosure notices given by the issuer of

the product after the lodgment of that annual financial

report and before the date of the Product Disclosure

Statement; and

(aa) for a continuously quoted security of a notified foreign

passport fund—the information is included in any of the

following documents:

(i) a copy of a report for the fund for the most recent

financial year for the fund, prepared in accordance with

the financial reporting requirements applying to the

fund under the Passport Rules for the home economy

for the fund;

(ii) a copy of an auditor’s report that relates to the report

mentioned in subparagraph (i);

(iii) any continuous disclosure notices given by the issuer of

the product after the lodgment of the report mentioned

in subparagraph (i) and before the date of the Product

Disclosure Statement; and

(b) the Product Disclosure Statement:

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

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financial products Part 7.9

Product Disclosure Statements Division 2

Section 1013G

Corporations Act 2001 49

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(i) states that as a disclosing entity, the issuer of the

product is subject to regular reporting and disclosure

obligations; and

(ii) informs people of their right to obtain a copy of any of

the documents referred to in paragraph (a) or (aa) (as the

case requires).

If the Product Disclosure Statement informs people of their right to

obtain a copy of the document, the issuer of the product must give

a copy of the document free of charge to anyone who asks for it.

(3) ASIC may determine that this section does not apply to Product

Disclosure Statements for continuously quoted securities if ASIC is

satisfied that in the previous 12 months:

(a) the issuer of the continuously quoted securities contravened:

(i) the provisions of Chapter 2M; or

(ii) subsection 674(2) or 675(2); or

(iii) subsection 1012DAA(10) or 1012DA(9); or

(iv) section 1308 as it applies to a notice under

subsection 1012DAA(2) or 1012DA(5); or

(b) the responsible person for the Product Disclosure Statement

contravened section 1016E, 1021D, 1021E or 1021J.

(4) The determination must be made in writing and ASIC must publish

a copy of the determination in the Gazette.

1013G Product Disclosure Statement must be dated

A Product Disclosure Statement must be dated. The date must be:

(a) if a copy of the Product Disclosure Statement has been

lodged with ASIC (see section 1015B)—the date on which it

was so lodged; or

(b) in any other case—the date on which the Product Disclosure

Statement was prepared or its preparation was completed.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 2 Product Disclosure Statements

Section 1013GA

50 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

1013GA Extra requirements if Product Disclosure Statement relates

to foreign passport fund products

(1) This section applies to a Product Disclosure Statement that relates

to foreign passport fund products.

(2) The Product Disclosure Statement must:

(a) identify the home economy for the notified foreign passport

fund to which the foreign passport fund products relate; and

(b) include a statement that:

(i) the operation of the fund is regulated by the law of the

home economy for the fund; and

(ii) the operator of the fund and the custodian of the assets

of the fund are regulated under the law of the home

economy for the fund; and

(iii) the rights and remedies available to a person who

acquires the foreign passport fund product may differ

from the rights and remedies available in relation to a

registered scheme; and

(iv) information made available to members of the fund in

the home economy will from time to time be made

available to Australian members of the fund by posting

the information on the fund’s website; and

(c) include an outline of the main rights and remedies available

under the law of the home economy for the fund to persons

who acquire the foreign passport fund product in this

jurisdiction; and

(d) include an outline of how information mentioned in

subparagraph (b)(iv) may be accessed by Australian members

of the fund; and

(e) include a statement that the rights of a member of the fund on

the fund being wound up are mainly determined under the

constitution for the fund and the law of the home economy

for the fund.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and purchase of

financial products Part 7.9

Product Disclosure Statements Division 2

Section 1013H

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1013H Requirements if Product Disclosure Statement states or

implies that financial product will be able to be traded

If a Product Disclosure Statement states or implies that the

financial product will be able to be traded on a financial market

(whether in Australia or elsewhere), the Statement must state that:

(a) the product is able to be traded on that market; or

(b) an application has been made to the operator of that market

for the taking of such action as is necessary to enable the

product to be traded on that market; or

(c) an application of a kind referred to in paragraph (b) will be

made to the operator of that market within 7 days after the

date of the Statement.

1013I Extra requirements if Product Disclosure Statement relates to

managed investment products that are ED securities

(1) This section applies to a Product Disclosure Statement that relates

to managed investment products that are ED securities.

(2) The Product Disclosure Statement must include a statement that:

(a) as a disclosing entity, the scheme is subject to regular

reporting and disclosure obligations; and

(b) copies of documents lodged with ASIC in relation to the

scheme may be obtained from, or inspected at, an ASIC


(3) The Product Disclosure Statement must either:

(a) inform people of their right to obtain a copy of the following


(i) the annual financial report most recently lodged with

ASIC by the scheme;

(ii) any half-year financial report lodged with ASIC by the

scheme after the lodgment of that annual financial

report and before the date of the Product Disclosure


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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 2 Product Disclosure Statements

Section 1013IA

52 Corporations Act 2001

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(iii) any continuous disclosure notices given by the scheme

after the lodgment of that annual report and before the

date of the Product Disclosure Statement; or

(b) include, or be accompanied by, a copy of the relevant

document or documents.

(4) If:

(a) the Product Disclosure Statement informs people of their

right to obtain a copy of a document referred to in

subsection (3); and

(b) a person asks the issuer (in the case of an issue Statement) or

the seller (in the case of a sale Statement) for a copy of the


the issuer or seller must give (see subsection (5)) the person a copy

of the document free of charge as soon as practicable, and in any

event within 5 days, after receiving the person’s request.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(5) In subsection (4), give means give in a way that would satisfy the

requirements of section 1015C if the copy of the document were a

Statement to which that section applied.

1013IA Extra requirements if Product Disclosure Statement relates

to foreign passport fund products that are ED securities

(1) This section applies to a Product Disclosure Statement that relates

to foreign passport fund products that are ED securities.

(2) The Product Disclosure Statement must include a statement that:

(a) as a disclosing entity, the fund is subject to regular reporting

and disclosure obligations; and

(b) copies of documents lodged with ASIC in relation to the fund

may be obtained from, or inspected at, an ASIC office.

(3) The Product Disclosure Statement must either:

(a) inform people of their right to obtain a copy of the following


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Section 1013J

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(i) a copy of a report for the most recent financial year for

the fund, prepared in accordance with the financial

reporting requirements applying to the fund under the

Passport Rules for the home economy for the fund;

(ii) a copy of each auditor’s report that relates to the report

mentioned in subparagraph (i); or

(b) include, or be accompanied by, a copy of that document or

those documents.

(4) Subsections (5) and (6) apply if:

(a) the Product Disclosure Statement informs people of their

right to obtain a copy of a document referred to in

subsection (3); and

(b) a person asks the issuer (in the case of an issue Statement) or

the seller (in the case of a sale Statement) for a copy of the


(5) The issuer or seller must give (see subsection (6)) the person a

copy of the document:

(a) free of charge; and

(b) as soon as practicable, and in any event within 5 days, after

receiving the person’s request; and

(c) if the person asks the issuer or seller for a copy of the

document in English—in English.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(6) In subsection (5), give means give in a way that would satisfy

requirements of section 1015C if the copy of the document were a

Statement to which that section applied.

1013J Requirements if Statement has been lodged with ASIC

A Product Disclosure Statement, a copy of which has been lodged

with ASIC (see section 1015B), must include a statement that:

(a) a copy of the document has been lodged with ASIC; and

(b) ASIC takes no responsibility for the content of the document.

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Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 2 Product Disclosure Statements

Section 1013K

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1013K Requirements relating to consents to certain statements

(1) A Product Disclosure Statement must only include a statement

made by a person, or a statement said in the Product Disclosure

Statement to be based on a statement made by a person, if:

(a) the person has consented to the statement being included in

the Product Disclosure Statement in the form and context in

which it is included; and

(b) the Product Disclosure Statement states that the person has

given this consent; and

(c) the person has not withdrawn this consent before the date of

the Product Disclosure Statement.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) The person who prepared the Product Disclosure Statement must

not, without reasonable excuse, fail to keep the consent, or a copy

of it, for the period, and in the manner, required by the regulations.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

1013L Product Disclosure Statement may consist of 2 or more

separate documents given at same time

(1) Subject to this section, a Product Disclosure Statement may be

made up of 2 or more separate documents that are given at the

same time.

(2) Each of the documents must have on the cover of the document, or

at or near the front of the document, a statement:

(a) to the effect that the document is part of a Product Disclosure

Statement; and

(b) that (subject to subsection (3)) identifies the other documents

that make up the Product Disclosure Statement.

(3) If there are or may be different versions of a document referred to

in paragraph (2)(b), the statement required by subsection (2) does

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Section 1013M

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not have to identify any particular one of those versions and may

instead identify the document generically.

Note: For example, if a Product Disclosure Statement is made up of a core

document that is not updated very frequently, and a separate document

providing information about remuneration that is updated more


(a) the statement in the core document need only refer to the fact that it, and a separate document about remuneration, make up the Product Disclosure Statement; and

(b) the statement in the document about remuneration need only refer to the fact that it, and a separate document about all other required matters, make up the Product Disclosure Statement.

(4) The requirement of section 1013B (title of Product Disclosure

Statement) is taken to be satisfied if the title “Product Disclosure

Statement” is used on the cover of, or at or near the front of, at

least one of the documents that make up the Product Disclosure


(5) The requirement of section 1013G (dating of Product Disclosure

Statement) must be separately complied with in relation to each of

the documents. If, for any purpose, a single date needs to be

determined as the date of the Product Disclosure Statement as a

whole, that date is the most recent of the dates of those documents.

(6) Section 1015E applies to an alteration to one of the documents as

though the reference in that section to the date specified in the

Product Disclosure Statement were a reference to the date specified

in the document.

(7) The regulations may impose additional requirements to be

complied with if a Product Disclosure Statement is made up of 2 or

more documents.

1013M Combining a Product Disclosure Statement and a Financial

Services Guide in a single document

For provisions about combining a Product Disclosure Statement

and a Financial Services Guide in a single document, see

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Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 2 Product Disclosure Statements

Section 1014A

56 Corporations Act 2001

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section 942DA and regulations made for the purposes of that


Subdivision D—Supplementary Product Disclosure Statements

1014A What a Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement is

A Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement is a document by

which a person who has prepared a Product Disclosure Statement

(the PDS) can:

(a) correct a misleading or deceptive statement in the PDS; or

(b) correct an omission from the PDS of information it is

required to contain; or

(c) update, or add to, the information contained in the PDS; or

(d) change a statement of a kind referred to in

paragraph 1016E(1)(a) or (b).

Note: In certain circumstances a Replacement Product Disclosure Statement

may be prepared instead of a Supplementary Product Disclosure

Statement (see Subdivision DA).

1014B Title of Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement

(1) The title “Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement” must be

used on the cover of, or at or near the front of, a Supplementary

Product Disclosure Statement.

(2) In any other part of a Supplementary Product Disclosure

Statement, “Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement” may be

abbreviated to “SPDS”.

1014C Form of Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement

At the beginning of a Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement

there must be:

(a) a statement that it is a Supplementary Product Disclosure

Statement; and

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Section 1014D

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(b) an identification of the Product Disclosure Statement that it

supplements; and

(c) a statement that it is to be read together with that Product

Disclosure Statement and any other specified Supplementary

Disclosure Statements.

1014D Effect of giving person a Supplementary Product Disclosure



(a) a person is given a Product Disclosure Statement (the PDS);


(b) at the same time, or later, they are given a Supplementary

Product Disclosure Statement (the SPDS) that supplements

the PDS;

the PDS is taken, from when the SPDS is given to the person, to

include the information and statements contained in the SPDS.

1014E Situation in which only a Supplementary Product Disclosure

Statement need be given


(a) apart from this section, a person would be required to give

another person (the client) a Product Disclosure Statement

(the new PDS) relating to a financial product; and

(b) the client has, because of some previous conduct, already

received a Product Disclosure Statement (the earlier PDS)

relating to the financial product; and

(c) the earlier PDS contains some, but not all, of the information

that the new PDS is required to contain;

the person may, instead of giving the client the new PDS, give the

client a Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement that contains

the additional information.

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Division 2 Product Disclosure Statements

Section 1014F

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1014F Application of other provisions in relation to Supplementary

Product Disclosure Statements

Sections 1013A, 1013G, 1013H, 1013J and 1013K, and

subsections 1013C(3) to (7), apply in relation to a Supplementary

Product Disclosure Statement in the same way as they apply to a

Product Disclosure Statement.

Subdivision DA—Replacement Product Disclosure Statements

1014G Application of this Subdivision—stapled securities

This Subdivision applies if:

(a) a Product Disclosure Statement has been lodged in relation to

an offer for the issue or sale of an interest in a managed

investment scheme; and

(b) the interest can only be transferred together with one or more

securities; and

(c) a disclosure document has been lodged in relation to an offer

for the issue or sale of the security (or securities).

1014H What a Replacement Product Disclosure Statement is

A Replacement Product Disclosure Statement is a document that

replaces the Product Disclosure Statement (the earlier PDS)

mentioned in paragraph 1014G(a) in order to:

(a) correct a misleading or deceptive statement in the earlier

PDS; or

(b) correct an omission from the earlier PDS of information it is

required to contain; or

(c) update, or add to, the information contained in the earlier

PDS; or

(d) change a statement of a kind referred to in

paragraph 1016E(1)(a) or (b).

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Section 1014J

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1014J Consequences of lodging a Replacement Product Disclosure


If a Replacement Product Disclosure Statement is prepared in

accordance with section 1014K and lodged with ASIC as provided

by Subdivision E (in its application under section 1014L), a

reference to a Product Disclosure Statement is taken to be a

reference to the Replacement Product Disclosure Statement for the

purposes of the application of this Act to events that occur after the


Note: This section means, for example, that offers made after lodgment of

the Replacement Product Disclosure Statement must be accompanied

by copies of the Replacement Product Disclosure Statement and not

the earlier PDS.

1014K Form, content and preparation of Replacement Product

Disclosure Statements

(1) At the beginning of a Replacement Product Disclosure Statement,

there must be:

(a) a statement that it is a Replacement Product Disclosure

Statement; and

(b) an identification of the Product Disclosure Statement it


(2) The title “Replacement Product Disclosure Statement” must be

used on the cover of, or at or near the front of, a Replacement

Product Disclosure Statement.

(3) In any other part of a Replacement Product Disclosure Statement,

“Replacement Product Disclosure Statement” may be abbreviated

to “RPDS”.

(4) Otherwise, section 1012J and Subdivision C (apart from

section 1013B) apply in relation to a Replacement Product

Disclosure Statement in the same way as they apply to a Product

Disclosure Statement.

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Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

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Division 2 Product Disclosure Statements

Section 1014L

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Note: Section 1012J provides that the information in a Product Disclosure

Statement must be up to date at the time it is given. Subdivision C

deals with the preparation and content of Product Disclosure


1014L Giving, lodgment and notice of Replacement Product

Disclosure Statements

Subdivision E applies in relation to a Replacement Product

Disclosure Statement in the same way as it applies to a Product

Disclosure Statement that is required to be lodged with ASIC under

section 1015B.

Subdivision E—Other requirements relating to Product

Disclosure Statements and Supplementary Product

Disclosure Statements

1015A Subdivision applies to Product Disclosure Statements and

Supplementary Product Disclosure Statements

This Subdivision applies to Product Disclosure Statements and to

Supplementary Product Disclosure Statements. Both kinds of

document are referred to in this Subdivision as a Statement.

1015B Some Statements must be lodged with ASIC

(1) A copy of a Statement must have been lodged with ASIC (in

accordance with the requirements of subsection (2) for consents)

before the Statement is given to a person for the purposes of a

provision of this Part if:

(a) the following subparagraphs apply:

(i) the financial product is a managed investment product;


(ii) the Statement states or implies that the product will be

able to be traded on a financial market; and

(iii) the Statement meets the requirements set out in

section 1013H; or

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Section 1015C

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(b) the financial product is a managed investment product that

can be traded on a financial market; or

(ba) the financial product is:

(i) a managed investment product of an Australian passport

fund; or

(ii) a foreign passport fund product; or

(c) the financial product is a financial product of a kind specified

in regulations made for the purposes of this paragraph.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) The lodgment of a Statement in relation to a managed investment

product with ASIC requires the consent of:

(a) whether it is an issue Statement or a sale Statement:

(i) if the responsible person is a body corporate—every

director of the responsible person; or

(ii) otherwise—the responsible person; and

(b) if it is a sale Statement:

(i) if the issuer of the financial product concerned is a body

corporate—every director of the issuer; or

(ii) otherwise—the issuer of the financial product


(3) The lodgment of a Statement in relation to a foreign passport fund

product with ASIC requires the consent of:

(a) if the operator of the fund is a body corporate—every

director of the operator; or

(b) otherwise—the responsible person.

1015C How a Statement is to be given

(1) A Statement:

(a) must be:

(i) given to a person, or the person’s agent, personally; or

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Division 2 Product Disclosure Statements

Section 1015C

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(ii) sent to the person, or the person’s agent, at an address

(including an electronic address) or fax number

nominated by the person or the agent; and

(b) may be printed or be in electronic form.

(2) For the purposes of this section, the Statement is sent to a person at

an address if, and only if:

(a) the Statement is sent to the address; and

(b) either:

(i) the envelope or other container in which the Statement

is sent; or

(ii) the message that accompanies the Statement;

is addressed to the person.

(3) The Statement may be given or sent to the person’s agent only if

the agent is not acting as the person’s agent in one of the following


(a) a financial services licensee;

(b) an authorised representative of a financial services licensee;

(d) a person who is not required to hold an Australian financial

services licence because the person is covered by:

(i) paragraph 911A(2)(j); or

(ii) an exemption in regulations made for the purposes of

paragraph 911A(2)(k); or

(iii) an exemption specified by ASIC for the purposes of

paragraph 911A(2)(n( �

(e) a person who is required to hold an Australian financial

services licence but who does not hold such a licence;

(f) an employee, director or other representative of a person

referred to in paragraph (a), (b), (d) or (e).

(4) The regulations may provide for alternative ways of giving a

Statement to a person.

(5) The regulations may specify requirements as to:

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Section 1015D

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(a) the manner in which a Statement may be given to a person;


(b) the presentation, structure and format for a Statement that is

to be given in electronic form.

The giving of the Statement is not effective unless those

requirements are satisfied.

1015D Notice, retention and access requirements for Statement that

does not need to be lodged

(1) This section applies to a Statement if section 1015B does not

require a copy of the Statement to be lodged with ASIC.

(2) The responsible person for the Statement (other than the trustee of

a self managed superannuation fund) must lodge a notice with

ASIC, in electronic form, advising of the occurrence of any of the

following events as soon as practicable, and in any event within 5

business days, after the occurrence of the event:

(a) except in the case of a Supplementary Product Disclosure

Statement—a copy of the Statement is first given to someone

in a recommendation, issue or sale situation;

(b) a change is made to fees and charges set out in the Statement;

(c) the financial product to which the Statement relates ceases to

be available to be recommended or offered to new clients in a

recommendation, issue or sale situation.

Note 1: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Note 2: The fees and charges set out in a Product Disclosure Statement may be

changed by a Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement (see

section 1014A).

(3) The responsible person for the Statement must keep a copy of the

Statement for the period of 7 years after the date of the Statement.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

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Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

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Division 2 Product Disclosure Statements

Section 1015E

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(4) During that period the responsible person:

(a) must make a copy of the Statement available to ASIC if

asked to do so by ASIC; and

(b) must comply with any reasonable request from any other

person for a copy of the Statement.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

1015E Altering a Statement after its preparation and before giving it

to a person

(1) A regulated person must not, in purported compliance with a

provision of this Part, give a person a Statement that has been

altered (otherwise than pursuant to paragraph (b)) after the date of

the Statement if either or both of the following paragraphs applies:

(a) the alteration was not made by, or with the authority of, the

issuer or seller, as the case requires, of the financial products;

(b) the alteration is a material alteration and the date of the

Statement has not been changed to:

(i) if a copy of the altered Statement has been lodged with

ASIC (see subsection (2))—the date on which it was so

lodged; or

(ii) in any other case—the date on which the alteration was


Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) If the alteration is a material alteration to a Statement that has been

lodged with ASIC under section 1015B, that section applies to the

altered Statement as if it were a new Statement.

Subdivision F—Other rights and obligations related to Product

Disclosure Statements

1016A Provisions relating to use of application forms

(1) In this section:

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Section 1016A

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defective, in relation to a Product Disclosure Statement as at a

particular time, means that the Product Disclosure Statement, if it

had been given to a person at that time, would have been defective

as defined in Subdivision A of Division 7.

Note: Information in a Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement is taken

to be contained in the Product Disclosure Statement it supplements

(see section 1014D).

eligible application, in relation to a restricted issue or restricted

sale of a relevant financial product, means an application that

satisfies the following requirements:

(a) the application is made using an application form; and

(b) the application form used to apply for the product:

(i) was included in, or accompanied, a Product Disclosure

Statement (relating to the product) that was given to the

applicant and that was not defective as at the time when

the application was made; or

(ii) was copied, or directly derived, by the applicant from a

form referred to in subparagraph (i); and

(c) all other applicable requirements (if any) in regulations made

for the purposes of this paragraph are satisfied in relation to

the application.

Note: Information in a Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement is taken

to be contained in the Product Disclosure Statement it supplements

(see section 1014D).

relevant financial product means:

(a) a managed investment product; or

(aa) a foreign passport fund product; or

(b) a superannuation product; or

(c) an investment life insurance product; or

(d) an RSA product; or

(db) a margin lending facility; or

(e) a financial product of a kind specified in regulations made for

the purposes of this paragraph.

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Division 2 Product Disclosure Statements

Section 1016A

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relevant superannuation entity means a superannuation entity of a

kind specified in regulations made for the purposes of this


restricted issue means an issue of a relevant financial product to a

person as a retail client, other than an issue covered by either of the

following paragraphs:

(a) an issue in a situation, or pursuant to an offer made in a

situation, to which a subsection, other than subsection (1), of

section 1012D applies; or

(b) an issue in a situation, or pursuant to an offer made in a

situation, to which section 1012E or 1012F applies.

restricted sale means a sale of a relevant financial product pursuant

to an offer that:

(a) is of a kind described in subsection 1012C(3) or (4); and

(b) is not made in a situation to which a subsection, other than

subsection (1), of section 1012D applies.

RSA provider has the same meaning as in the Retirement Savings

Accounts Act 1997.

standard employer-sponsor has the same meaning as in the

Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993.

standard employer-sponsored fund has the same meaning as in the

Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993.

standard employer-sponsored member has the same meaning as in

the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993.

(2) A person (the issuer or seller) must only make a restricted issue or

a restricted sale of a relevant financial product to a person (the

recipient) if:

(a) the issue or sale is made pursuant to an eligible application

made to the issuer or seller by the recipient; or

(b) it is a restricted issue in relation to which the following

conditions are satisfied:

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Product Disclosure Statements Division 2

Section 1016A

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(i) the financial product is an interest in a relevant

superannuation entity;

(ii) the interest is issued pursuant to an application made to

the issuer by a standard employer-sponsor of the entity

on the recipient’s behalf;

(iii) if the application is the first application for the issue of a

superannuation interest made to the issuer by the

standard employer-sponsor on behalf of any person—

the application is an eligible application; or

(c) it is a restricted issue in relation to which the following

conditions are satisfied:

(i) the financial product is an interest in a relevant

superannuation entity;

(ii) the interest is issued pursuant to an application made to

the issuer by another trustee under Part 24 of the

Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 on the

recipient’s behalf;

(iii) if the application is the first application under Part 24 of

that Act made to the issuer by the other trustee on behalf

of any person—the application is an eligible

application; or

(d) it is a restricted issue in relation to which the following

conditions are satisfied:

(i) the financial product is an interest in a relevant

superannuation entity;

(ii) the interest is issued pursuant to an application made to

the issuer by an RSA provider under Part 9 of the

Retirement Savings Accounts Act 1997 on the

recipient’s behalf;

(iii) if the application is the first application under Part 9 of

that Act made to the issuer by the RSA provider on

behalf of any person—the application is an eligible

application; or

(e) it is a restricted issue in relation to which the following

conditions are satisfied:

(i) the financial product is an RSA product;

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Division 2 Product Disclosure Statements

Section 1016A

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(ii) the interest is issued pursuant to an application made to

the issuer by an employer (within the meaning of the

Retirement Savings Accounts Act 1997) of the recipient;

(iii) if the application is the first application for the issue of

an RSA product of that kind made to the issuer by the

employer on behalf of any person—the application is an

eligible application;

(iv) all other applicable requirements (if any) in regulations

made for the purposes of this subparagraph are satisfied

in relation to the application; or

(f) the issue or sale occurs in a situation covered by regulations

made for the purposes of this paragraph.

Note 1: This subsection does not apply to an issue or sale pursuant to

paragraph 1016E(2)(c) (see subsection 1016E(2C)).

Note 2: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(3) The trustee of a relevant superannuation entity must only permit a

person to become a standard employer-sponsor of the entity if:

(a) the person applied to become a standard employer-sponsor of

the entity using an application form; and

(b) the application form used to apply to become a standard


(i) was included in, or accompanied, a Product Disclosure

Statement (relating to an interest in the entity) that was

given to the person and that was not defective as at the

time when the application was made; or

(ii) was copied, or directly derived, by the person from a

form referred to in subparagraph (i).

Note 1: Information in a Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement is taken

to be contained in the Product Disclosure Statement it supplements

(see section 1014D).

Note 2: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(4) The regulations may:

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financial products Part 7.9

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Section 1016B

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(a) provide for defences to offences based on subsection (2) or

(3); and

(b) provide for additional offences relating to the receipt or

non-receipt of applications or application forms.

Note 1: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to a defence. See

subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

Note 2: For the limit on penalties for offences against the regulations, see

paragraph 1364(2)(w).

1016B If Statement lodged with ASIC, financial product is not to be

issued or sold before specified period

(1) If:

(a) a copy of a Product Disclosure Statement has been lodged

with ASIC; and

(b) the financial product to which the Statement relates is not

able to be traded on any financial market (whether in

Australia or elsewhere);

the responsible person must not issue or sell a financial product,

pursuant to an application made in response to the Statement, until

the period of 7 days (or that period as extended under

subsection (2)) after lodgment of the Statement has ended.

Note 1: This subsection does not apply to an issue or sale pursuant to

paragraph 1016E(2)(c) (see subsection 1016E(2C)).

Note 2: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) ASIC may extend the period by notice in writing to the responsible

person. The period as extended must end no more than 14 days

after lodgment.

(3) This section does not apply if the financial product to which the

Product Disclosure Statement relates is:

(a) a managed investment product of an Australian passport

fund; or

(b) a foreign passport fund product.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 2 Product Disclosure Statements

Section 1016C

70 Corporations Act 2001

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1016C Minimum subscription condition must be fulfilled before

issue or sale

If a Product Disclosure Statement for a financial product states that

a financial product to which the Statement relates will not be

issued or sold unless:

(a) applications for a minimum number of financial products of

that kind are received; or

(b) a minimum amount is raised;

the responsible person must not issue or sell a financial product of

that kind, pursuant to an application made in response to the

Statement, if that condition has not been satisfied. For the purpose

of working out whether the condition has been satisfied, a person

who has agreed to take a financial product as underwriter is taken

to have applied for that product.

Note 1: Statements in a Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement are

taken to be contained in the Product Disclosure Statement it

supplements (see section 1014D).

Note 1A: This subsection does not apply to an issue or sale pursuant to

paragraph 1016E(2)(c) (see subsection 1016E(2C)).

Note 2: Failure to comply with this section is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

1016D Condition about ability to trade on a market must be fulfilled

before issue or sale

(1) If a Product Disclosure Statement for a financial product states or

implies that a financial product to which the Statement relates will

be able to be traded on a financial market (whether in Australia or

elsewhere), the responsible person must only issue or sell a

financial product of that kind, pursuant to an application made in

response to the Statement, if:

(a) the product is able to be traded on that market; or

(b) an application has, within 7 days after the relevant date (see

subsection (3)), been made to the operator of that market for

the taking of such action as is necessary to enable financial

products of that kind to be traded on that market.

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financial products Part 7.9

Product Disclosure Statements Division 2

Section 1016D

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Paragraph (b) ceases to apply to the financial product at the end of

the period of 3 months starting on the relevant date.

Note 1: Statements in a Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement are

taken to be contained in the Product Disclosure Statement it

supplements (see section 1014D).

Note 1A: This subsection does not apply to an issue or sale pursuant to

paragraph 1016E(2)(c) (see subsection 1016E(2C)).

Note 2: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Issue or transfer void if quotation condition not fulfilled

(2) If a Product Disclosure Statement for a financial product states or

implies that the financial product is to be quoted on a financial

market (whether in Australia or elsewhere) and:

(a) an application has not, within 7 days after the relevant date

(see subsection (3)), been made to the operator of that market

for the taking of such action as is necessary to enable

financial products of that kind to be traded on that market; or

(b) the product is not able to be traded on that market at the end

of 3 months after the relevant date;


(c) an issue or transfer to a person of a financial product of that

kind is void if:

(i) the issue or transfer is pursuant to an application made

in response to the Statement; or

(ii) the person should have been given the Statement; and

(d) if:

(i) an issue or transfer of a financial product to a person is

void because of paragraph (c); and

(ii) the responsible person received money from that person

on account of the issue or transfer—the responsible

person must, as soon as practicable, return the money to

that person.

Note 1: Paragraphs (c) and (d) do not apply to an issue or sale pursuant to

paragraph 1016E(2)(c) (see subsection 1016E(2C)).

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 2 Product Disclosure Statements

Section 1016E

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Note 2: Failure to comply with paragraph (d) is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

The relevant date

(3) For the purposes of this section, the relevant date in relation to an

express or implied statement is:

(a) if the statement is express or implied in a Product Disclosure

Statement, disregarding the effect of section 1014D—the

date of the Product Disclosure Statement; or

(b) if the statement is express or implied in a Supplementary

Product Disclosure Statement—the date of the

Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement; or

(c) if the statement is express or implied in a Replacement

Product Disclosure Statement (whether or not it is express or

implied in the earlier Product Disclosure Statement it

replaces)—the date of the Replacement Product Disclosure


1016E Choices open to person making the offer if disclosure

condition not met or Product Disclosure Statement


(1) This section applies if:

(a) a Product Disclosure Statement for a financial product states

that a financial product to which the Statement relates will

not be issued or sold unless:

(i) applications for a minimum number of financial

products of that kind are received; or

(ii) a minimum amount is raised;

and that condition is not satisfied within 4 months after the

relevant date (see subsections (3) and (4)); or

(b) a Product Disclosure Statement for a financial product states

or implies that a financial product to which the Statement

relates will be able to be traded on a financial market

(whether in Australia or elsewhere) and:

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financial products Part 7.9

Product Disclosure Statements Division 2

Section 1016E

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(i) an application has not, within 7 days after the relevant

date (see subsection (4)), been made to the operator of

that market for the taking of such action as is necessary

to enable financial products of that kind to be traded on

that market; or

(ii) at the end of the period of 3 months starting on the

relevant date, financial products of that kind are not able

to be traded on that market; or

(c) in relation to a Product Disclosure Statement for a financial

product, the responsible person becomes aware that the

Product Disclosure Statement was defective as at the time

when it was prepared, or that it became or has become

defective as at some later time.

Note: Information and statements in a Supplementary Product Disclosure

Statement are taken to be contained in the Product Disclosure

Statement it supplements (see section 1014D).

(2) If this section applies, the responsible person must, in relation to

any application for financial products of the relevant kind that is

made in response to the Product Disclosure Statement (the first

Product Disclosure Statement) and that has not resulted in an issue

or sale of financial products of that kind, comply with one of the

following paragraphs:

(a) the responsible person must repay the money they received

from the applicant; or

(aa) the responsible person must give the applicant:

(i) a new Product Disclosure Statement for the financial

products, and an additional statement that identifies the

respects in which the new Product Disclosure Statement

is materially different from the first Product Disclosure

Statement; and

(ii) 1 month to withdraw their application and be repaid; or

(b) the responsible person must give the applicant:

(i) a Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement that

changes the statement referred to in paragraph (1)(a) or

(b), or that corrects the deficiency referred to in

paragraph (1)(c); and

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 2 Product Disclosure Statements

Section 1016E

74 Corporations Act 2001

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(ii) 1 month to withdraw their applications and be repaid; or

(ba) the responsible person must issue or sell the financial

products to the applicant and give them:

(i) a new Product Disclosure Statement for the financial

products, and an additional statement that identifies the

respects in which the new Product Disclosure Statement

is materially different from the first Product Disclosure

Statement; and

(ii) 1 month to return the financial products and be repaid;


(c) the responsible person must issue or sell the financial

products to the applicant and give them:

(i) a Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement that

changes the statement referred to in paragraph (1)(a) or

(b), or that corrects the deficiency referred to in

paragraph (1)(c); and

(ii) 1 month to return the financial products and be repaid.

Note 1: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Note 2: If the responsible person chooses the option given by paragraph (aa)

or (b), that option does not require the responsible person to wait until

the end of the month referred to in subparagraph (aa)(ii) or (b)(ii)

before going ahead and issuing or selling the financial products to the

applicant if the applicant indicates before then that they still wish to

proceed with the application.

Note 3: However, if the responsible person chooses the option given by

paragraph (aa) or (b), whether the responsible person may go ahead

and issue or sell the financial products to the applicant at the end of

the month referred to in subparagraph (aa)(ii) or (b)(ii) (or earlier, as

mentioned in note 2) is affected by this subsection and sections 1016A

to 1016E (including as those provisions are affected by

subsections (2A) and (2B) of this section).

Note 4: If the responsible person chooses the option given by paragraph (c),

sections 1016A to 1016D do not prohibit the issue or sale of the

financial products under that paragraph (see subsection (2C) of this


(2A) If, in accordance with paragraph (2)(aa), the responsible person

gives the applicant a new Product Disclosure Statement for the

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Product Disclosure Statements Division 2

Section 1016E

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financial products and the additional statement referred to in

subparagraph (2)(aa)(i):

(a) subsection (2), and sections 1016B, 1016C, 1016D and

1016E, apply in relation to the application, from the time

when the applicant is given the new Product Disclosure

Statement (the correction time), as if the application had

been made in response to the new Product Disclosure

Statement; and

(b) if:

(i) the reason for giving the new Product Disclosure

Statement was that the responsible person became

aware that the first Product Disclosure Statement was

defective as at the time when it was prepared, or had

become defective by the time the application was made;


(ii) the financial products are relevant financial products as

defined in section 1016A;

section 1016A applies in relation to the application, from the

correction time, as if the first Product Disclosure Statement

had instead contained the content of the new Product

Disclosure Statement.

Note 1: Because of paragraph (a):

(a) if this section applies to the new Product Disclosure Statement, the responsible person’s ability to proceed to issue or sell the financial products pursuant to the application will be affected by subsection (2), and by sections 1016B, 1016C and 1016D, as those provisions apply in relation to the new Product Disclosure Statement (even though the application was actually made in response to the first Product Disclosure Statement); and

(b) sections 1016B, 1016C and 1016D, as they relate to the first Product Disclosure Statement, cease to apply in relation to the application.

Note 2: Because of paragraph (b), the application may be an eligible

application as defined in section 1016A, even though the first Product

Disclosure Statement was actually defective as at the time when the

application was made.

(2B) If:

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 2 Product Disclosure Statements

Section 1016E

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(a) in accordance with paragraph (2)(b), the responsible person

gives the applicant a Supplementary Product Disclosure

Statement that relates to the financial products; and

(b) the reason for giving the Supplementary Product Disclosure

Statement was that the responsible person became aware that

the first Product Disclosure Statement was defective as at the

time when it was prepared, or had become defective by the

time the application was made; and

(c) the financial products are relevant financial products as

defined in section 1016A;

section 1016A applies in relation to the application, from the time

when the applicant is given the Supplementary Product Disclosure

Statement, as if the Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement

had been given to the applicant before the application was made.

Note 1: Because of this subsection and section 1014D (information in a

Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement is taken to be contained

in the Product Disclosure Statement it supplements), the application

may be an eligible application as defined in section 1016A, even

though the Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement was not

actually given until after the time when the application was made.

Note 2: The responsible person’s ability to proceed to issue or sell the

financial products pursuant to the application will be affected by

subsection (2), and by sections 1016B, 1016C and 1016D, as those

provisions apply in relation to the first Product Disclosure Statement

as affected by the Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement and

any other Supplementary Product Disclosure Statements.

(2BA) If Subdivision DA applies:

(a) for the purposes of subsection (2), instead of giving the

applicant a Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement, the

responsible person may give the applicant a Replacement

Product Disclosure Statement; and

(b) if the responsible person gives the applicant a Replacement

Product Disclosure Statement, subsection (2B) applies as if

references in that subsection to a Supplementary Product

Disclosure Statement were references to the Replacement

Product Disclosure Statement.

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financial products Part 7.9

Product Disclosure Statements Division 2

Section 1016E

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(2C) If the responsible person chooses to comply with paragraph (2)(c),

nothing in sections 1016A to 1016D applies to the issue or sale of

the financial products under that paragraph.

Note: This subsection affects the elements of the offences under

sections 1016A to 1016D, and so it is not an exception in relation to

which a defendant bears an evidential burden under subsection 13.3(3)

of the Criminal Code.

(3) For the purpose of working out whether the condition referred to in

paragraph (1)(a) has been satisfied, a person who has agreed to

take a financial product as an underwriter is taken to have applied

for that financial product.

(4) For the purposes of paragraphs (1)(a) and (b), the relevant date in

relation to an express or implied statement is:

(a) if the statement is express or implied in a Product Disclosure

Statement, disregarding the effect of section 1014D—the

date of the Product Disclosure Statement; or

(b) if the statement is express or implied in a Supplementary

Product Disclosure Statement—the date of the

Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement; or

(c) if the statement is express or implied in a Replacement

Product Disclosure Statement (whether or not it is express or

implied in the earlier Product Disclosure Statement it

replaces)—the date of the Replacement Product Disclosure


(5) For the purposes of this section, defective, when used in relation to

a Product Disclosure Statement at a particular time, means that the

Product Disclosure Statement, if it had been given to a person at

that time, would have been defective as defined in Subdivision A

of Division 7.

Note: Information in a Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement is taken

to be contained in the Product Disclosure Statement it supplements

(see section 1014D).

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 2 Product Disclosure Statements

Section 1016F

78 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

1016F Remedies for person acquiring financial product under

defective Product Disclosure Document

(1) Subject to this section, if a financial product is issued or sold to a

person (the client) in contravention of section 1016E, the client has

the right to return the product and to have the money they paid to

acquire the product repaid. This is so even if the responsible person

is being wound up.

(2) If the responsible person:

(a) is a body corporate; and

(b) does not repay the money as required by subsection (1);

the directors of the responsible person are personally liable to

repay the money.

(3) The right to return the product must be exercised by notifying the

responsible person in one of the following ways:

(a) in writing; or

(b) electronically; or

(c) in any other way specified in the regulations.

Also, if the regulations require the client to comply with other

requirements in order to exercise the right to return the product,

those other requirements must be complied with.

(4) The right to return the product can only be exercised during the

period of 1 month starting on the date of the issue or sale of the

product to the client.

(5) On the exercise of the right to return the product:

(a) if the product is constituted by a legal relationship between

the client and the issuer of the product—that relationship is,

by force of this section, terminated with effect from that time

without penalty to the client; and

(b) any contract for the acquisition of the product by the client is,

by force of this section, terminated with effect from that time

without penalty to the client.

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financial products Part 7.9

Product Disclosure Statements Division 2

Section 1016F

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(6) The regulations may provide for consequences and obligations (in

addition to those provided for by subsection (5)) to apply if the

right to return a financial product is exercised.

(7) The regulations may do any or all of the following:

(a) provide that a specified subclass of financial products that

would otherwise be covered by this section is excluded from

this section;

(b) provide additional requirements to be satisfied before this

section applies in relation to a class or subclass of financial


(c) provide that this section does not apply in relation to the

provision of a financial product in specified circumstances.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 3 Other disclosure obligations of the issuer of a financial product

Section 1017A

80 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 3—Other disclosure obligations of the issuer of a

financial product

1017A Obligation to give additional information on request

Obligation to give information

(1) The following people may request the person who is the

responsible person for a Product Disclosure Statement for a

financial product under Division 2 to provide further information

about the product:

(a) a person who:

(i) has been or should have been given, or who has

obtained, the Product Disclosure Statement for the

financial product; and

(ii) is not a holder of the financial product;

(b) a financial services licensee;

(c) an authorised representative of a financial services licensee;

(e) a person who is not required to hold an Australian financial

services licence because the person is covered by:

(i) paragraph 911A(2)(j); or

(ii) an exemption in regulations made for the purposes of

paragraph 911A(2)(k); or

(iii) an exemption specified by ASIC for the purposes of

paragraph 911A(2)(l).

(2) The responsible person must give the person the information if:

(a) the financial product is offered in this jurisdiction or the

Product Disclosure Statement is given or obtained in this

jurisdiction; and

(b) the responsible person has previously made the information

generally available to the public; and

(c) the information might reasonably influence a person’s

decision, as a retail client, whether to acquire a financial

product to which the Statement relates; and

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Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and purchase of

financial products Part 7.9

Other disclosure obligations of the issuer of a financial product Division 3

Section 1017A

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(d) it is reasonably practicable for the responsible person to give

the person the information; and

(e) the person pays any charge payable under subsection (5).

The responsible person does not need to give information that is

contained in the Product Disclosure Statement.

Note 1: Paragraph (b)—This requirement means that the responsible person

does not have to disclose material that is confidential because it is:

(a) an internal working document; or

(b) personal information about another person; or

(c) a trade secret or other information that has a commercial value that would be reduced or destroyed by the disclosure; or

(d) material that the responsible person owes another a person a duty not to disclose.

Note 2: Information in a Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement is taken

to be contained in the Product Disclosure Statement it supplements

(see section 1014D).

(3) The responsible person must take reasonable steps to ensure that,

as soon as practicable after receiving the request, and in any event

within one month, subsection (2) is complied with.

Manner of giving information

(4) The responsible person may give the person making the request the


(a) by making a document containing the information available

for inspection by the person:

(i) at a suitable place in this jurisdiction (having adequate

facilities for the person to inspect and photocopy the

document); and

(ii) during normal business hours; or

(b) in some other way that is agreed between the responsible

person and the person making the request.

Issuer or seller may charge for giving information

(5) The responsible person may require the person making the request

to pay a charge for obtaining the information.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 3 Other disclosure obligations of the issuer of a financial product

Section 1017B

82 Corporations Act 2001

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(6) The amount of the charge must not exceed the reasonable costs that

the responsible person incurs that are reasonably related to giving

the information (including any costs incurred in photocopying the

document containing the information).

Note: This would include the costs of searching for, obtaining and collating

the information.

1017B Ongoing disclosure of material changes and significant events

Issuer to notify holders of changes and events

(1) If:

(a) a person (the holder) acquired a financial product as a retail

client (whether or not it was acquired from the issuer); and

(b) either:

(i) the financial product was offered in this jurisdiction; or

(ii) the holder applied for the financial product in this

jurisdiction; and

(c) the product is not specified in regulations made for the

purposes of this paragraph; and

(d) the circumstances in which the product was acquired are not

specified in regulations made for the purposes of this


the issuer must, in accordance with subsections (3) to (8), notify

the holder of changes and events referred to in subsection (1A).

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

The changes and events that must be notified

(1A) The changes and events that must be notified are:

(a) any material change to a matter, or significant event that

affects a matter, being a matter that would have been required

to be specified in a Product Disclosure Statement for the

financial product prepared on the day before the change or

event occurs; and

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and purchase of

financial products Part 7.9

Other disclosure obligations of the issuer of a financial product Division 3

Section 1017B

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(b) any other change, event or other matter of a kind specified in

regulations made for the purposes of this paragraph; and

(c) without limiting paragraph (a) or (b)—any replacement of a

kind specified in regulations made for the purposes of this

paragraph of a beneficial interest of a class that is a MySuper

product with a beneficial interest of another class in a

superannuation entity.

Note: Paragraph (a) applies whether or not a Product Disclosure Statement

for the financial product was in fact prepared (or required to be

prepared) on the day before the change or event occurs.

(2) The issuer does not need to give the notice if the financial product

is a managed investment product or foreign passport fund product

that is an ED security.

Note 1: The continuous disclosure provisions in Chapter 6CA

(sections 674-677) apply to managed investment products and foreign

passport fund products that are ED securities.

Note 2: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

this subsection.

(3) The issuer must notify the holder in one of the following ways:

(a) in writing; or

(b) electronically; or

(c) in a way specified in the regulations.

(4) The notice must give the holder the information that is reasonably

necessary for the holder to understand the nature and effect of the

change or event.

Time for notifying holders

(5) The time within which the issuer must give the notice is set out in

the following table:

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 3 Other disclosure obligations of the issuer of a financial product

Section 1017B

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Time for giving notice of change or event

Nature of change or event Time for giving notice

1 Change or event is not an

increase in fees or charges

Subject to subsection (6),

before the change or event

occurs or as soon as

practicable after, but not more

than 3 months after, the

change or event occurs

2 Change is an increase in fees

or charges

30 days before the change

takes effect

(6) If the change or event is not an increase in fees or charges, the

notice may be given more than 3 months after the change or event

occurs if:

(a) the issuer reasonably believes that the event is not adverse to

the holder’s interests and accordingly the holder would not

be expected to be concerned about the delay in receiving the

information; and

(b) the notice is given no later than 12 months after the change or

event occurs.

(7) If the change or event might result in an increase in fees or charges,

this section applies to the change or event as if it would result in an

increase in fees or charges.

(8) In any proceedings against the issuer for an offence based on

subsection (1), it is a defence if the issuer took reasonable steps to

ensure that the other person would be notified of the matters

required by subsection (1) in accordance with subsections (3) to


Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

subsection (8). See subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

(9) In this section:

fees or charges does not include fees or charges payable under a

law of the Commonwealth or of a State or Territory.

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Other disclosure obligations of the issuer of a financial product Division 3

Section 1017BA

Corporations Act 2001 85

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MySuper product has the same meaning as in the Superannuation

Industry (Supervision) Act 1993.

1017BA Trustees of regulated superannuation funds—obligation to

make product dashboard publicly available

(1) The trustee, or the trustees, of a regulated superannuation fund that

has 5 or more members must ensure:

(a) that a product dashboard for each of the fund’s MySuper

products and choice products is publicly available at all times

on the fund’s website; and

(b) that each product dashboard sets out the information required

by subsection (2) or (3); and

(c) that the information set out in each product dashboard about

fees and other costs is updated within 14 days after the end of

a period prescribed by the regulations; and

(d) that the other information set out in each product dashboard

is updated within 14 days after any change to the

information; and

(e) if the regulations prescribe the way in which information is to

be set out in a product dashboard—that each product

dashboard sets out the information in accordance with the


(2) The product dashboard for a MySuper product must set out:

(a) the following, worked out in accordance with the regulations

in relation to the period or periods prescribed by the


(i) a return target or return targets for the product;

(ii) a return or returns for the product;

(iii) a comparison or comparisons between return targets and

returns for the product;

(iv) the level of investment risk that applies to the product;

(v) a statement of fees and other costs in relation to the

product; and

(b) any other information prescribed by the regulations.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 3 Other disclosure obligations of the issuer of a financial product

Section 1017BA

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(3) Subject to subsection (4), the product dashboard for a choice

product must set out:

(a) the following for each investment option offered within the

choice product, worked out in accordance with the

regulations in relation to the period or periods prescribed by

the regulations:

(i) a return target or return targets for the investment


(ii) a return or returns for the investment option;

(iii) a comparison or comparisons between return targets and

returns for the investment option;

(iv) the level of investment risk that applies to the

investment option;

(v) a statement of fees and other costs in relation to the

investment option; and

(b) any other information prescribed by the regulations.

(4) Subsection (3) does not apply to an investment option within a

choice product if:

(a) the assets of the fund that are invested under the option are

invested only in one or more of the following:

(i) a life policy under which contributions and accumulated

earnings may not be reduced by negative investment

returns or any reduction in the value of assets in which

the policy is invested;

(ii) a life policy under which the benefit to a member (or a

relative or dependant of a member) is based only on the

realisation of a risk, not the performance of an


(iii) an investment account contract the only beneficiaries of

which are a member, and relatives and dependants of a

member; or

(b) the sole purpose of the investment option is the payment of a

pension to members who have satisfied a condition of release

of benefits specified in a standard made under

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Other disclosure obligations of the issuer of a financial product Division 3

Section 1017BA

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paragraph 31(2)(h) of the Superannuation Industry

(Supervision) Act 1993; or

(c) the assets of the fund that are invested under the option are

invested only in another single asset.

(4A) The regulations may prescribe circumstances in which assets of a

regulated superannuation fund are, or are not, to be treated as

invested in a single asset for the purposes of paragraph (4)(c).

Civil liability

(4B) A person contravenes this subsection if the person contravenes

subsection (1).

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

(5) In this section:

choice product has the same meaning as in the Superannuation

Industry (Supervision) Act 1993.

fee, in relation to a MySuper product or a choice product offered

by a regulated superannuation fund, means a fee (other than an

activity fee, an advice fee or an insurance fee within the meaning

of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993) that may

be charged by the trustee, or the trustees, of the regulated

superannuation fund in relation to the product under that Act.

investment account contract has the same meaning as in the Life

Insurance Act 1995.

life policy has the same meaning as in the Life Insurance Act 1995.

member, in relation to a regulated superannuation fund, has the

same meaning as in the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act


MySuper product has the same meaning as in the Superannuation

Industry (Supervision) Act 1993.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 3 Other disclosure obligations of the issuer of a financial product

Section 1017BB

88 Corporations Act 2001

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pension has the same meaning as in the Superannuation Industry

(Supervision) Act 1993.

regulated superannuation fund has the same meaning as in the

Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993.

1017BB Trustees of registrable superannuation entities—obligation

to make information relating to investment of assets

publicly available

Obligation to publicise investment information

(1) The trustee, or the trustees, of a registrable superannuation entity

(the reporting entity) must make the following information about

each of the entity’s investment options publicly available on the

entity’s website no later than 90 days after each reporting day:

(a) sufficient information to identify each investment item (a

disclosable item) allocated to the investment option at the

end of the reporting day that:

(i) is held by the reporting entity, an associated entity of

the reporting entity or a pooled superannuation trust;


(ii) is neither an investment in an associated entity of the

reporting entity, nor an investment in a pooled

superannuation trust;

(b) sufficient information to identify the value, and the weighting

or exposure, at the end of the reporting day of each

disclosable item;

(c) the total value, and the total weighting or exposure, at the end

of the reporting day of all disclosable items.

(1A) However, the regulations may provide that subsection (1) applies

for a prescribed kind of disclosable item so that:

(a) paragraphs (1)(a) and (b) need not be complied with for each

item of that kind; and

(b) instead, only the following need be disclosed:

(i) the name of that kind of item;

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Other disclosure obligations of the issuer of a financial product Division 3

Section 1017BB

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(ii) the total value, and the total weighting or exposure, at

the end of the reporting day of all items of that kind.

(2) Information made publicly available under subsection (1) in

respect of a reporting day must continue to be made publicly

available on the registrable superannuation entity’s website until

information relating to the next reporting day is made publicly

available under subsection (1).

(3) If the regulations prescribe the way in which information made

publicly available under subsection (1) must be organised, the

information must be organised in accordance with the regulations.

Full exemption

(4) Subsection (1) does not apply to the trustee, or the trustees, of a

registrable superannuation entity if the entity is:

(a) a pooled superannuation trust; or

(b) a single member fund; or

(c) a small APRA fund.

Partial exemptions

(5) Subsection (1) does not apply to the trustee, or the trustees, of a

registrable superannuation entity for:

(a) an investment option of the entity that has been closed to new

members for at least 5 years; or

(b) an investment item that is not a material investment in

accordance with regulations prescribed for the purposes of

this paragraph; or

(c) an investment item invested solely to support a defined

benefit interest (within the meaning of the Income Tax

Assessment Act 1997); or

(d) an investment item invested in a life policy, or investment

account contract, of a kind described in

subparagraph 1017BA(4)(a)(i), (ii) or (iii); or

(e) an investment item of a kind prescribed by the regulations for

the purposes of this paragraph.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 3 Other disclosure obligations of the issuer of a financial product

Section 1017BB

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Note: An investment item covered by any of paragraphs (b) to (e) will not be

a disclosable item.

(5A) Subject to subsection (1A), subsection (1) does not apply to the

trustee, or the trustees, of a registrable superannuation entity for up

to 5% of the investment items (other than derivatives) referred to in

paragraph (1)(a) for the investment option if:

(a) those investment items are commercially sensitive; and

(b) making information publicly available about those

investment items would be detrimental to the interests of the

entity’s members.

The trustee, or the trustees, of the entity may determine which

investment items make up that 5%.

Note: Regulations under subsection (1A) may require the disclosure of the

total value of all investment items of this kind.


(5AA) A person contravenes this subsection if the person contravenes

subsection (1) or (2), or regulations made for the purposes of

subsection (3).

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

(6) In this section:

investment item means an asset or a derivative.

investment option, for a registrable superannuation entity, means:

(a) an investment pool maintained within the entity; or

(b) a financial product made available to a member of the entity:

(i) that is a managed investment scheme or other pooled

investment; and

(ii) in respect of which section 1012IA applies if there is, or

will be, a regulated acquisition of the product (within

the meaning of that section).

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financial products Part 7.9

Other disclosure obligations of the issuer of a financial product Division 3

Section 1017C

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member, in relation to a superannuation fund (within the meaning

of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993), has the

same meaning as in that Act.

MySuper product has the same meaning as in the Superannuation

Industry (Supervision) Act 1993.

pooled superannuation trust has the same meaning as in the

Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993.

reporting day means 30 June and 31 December each year.

small APRA fund means a regulated superannuation fund (within

the meaning of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act

1993) with less than 5 members.

1017C Information for existing holders of superannuation products

and RSA products


(1) This section applies to the issuer of a financial product if the

product is:

(a) a superannuation product; or

(b) an RSA product.

Information for concerned person related to a superannuation


(2) If the financial product is a superannuation product, then, subject to

subsection (4), the issuer must, on request by a concerned person,

give the concerned person information that the concerned person

reasonably requires for the purposes of:

(a) understanding any benefit entitlements that the concerned

person may have, has or used to have under the

superannuation product; or

(b) understanding the main features of:

(i) the relevant sub-plan; or

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

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Division 3 Other disclosure obligations of the issuer of a financial product

Section 1017C

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(ii) if there is no relevant sub-plan—the superannuation

entity; or

(c) making an informed judgment about the management and

financial condition of:

(i) the superannuation entity; and

(ii) the relevant sub-plan (if any); or

(d) making an informed judgment about the investment

performance of:

(i) the relevant sub-plan; or

(ii) if there is no relevant sub-plan—the superannuation

entity; or

(e) understanding the particular investments of:

(i) the superannuation entity; and

(ii) the relevant sub-plan (if any).

The information must be given in accordance with the other

requirements of this section.

Note 1: Subsection (9) defines concerned person and relevant sub-plan.

Note 2: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Information for concerned person related to an RSA product

(2A) If the financial product is an RSA product, then, subject to

subsection (4), the issuer must, on request by a concerned person,

give the concerned person information that the concerned person

reasonably requires for the purposes of:

(a) understanding any benefit entitlements that the concerned

person may have, has or used to have under the RSA product;


(b) understanding the main features of the RSA product.

The information must be given in accordance with the other

requirements of this section.

Note 1: Subsection (9) defines concerned person.

Note 2: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

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Other disclosure obligations of the issuer of a financial product Division 3

Section 1017C

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Information for employer-sponsor related to a superannuation


(3) If the financial product is a superannuation product, then, subject to

subsection (4), the issuer must, on request by an employer-sponsor,

give the employer-sponsor information that the employer-sponsor

reasonably requires for the purposes of:

(a) understanding the kinds of benefits to which the

employer-sponsor’s employees are entitled or will or may

become entitled; or

(b) understanding the main features of:

(i) the relevant sub-plan; or

(ii) if there is no relevant sub-plan—the superannuation

entity; or

(c) making an informed judgment about the management and

financial condition of:

(i) the superannuation entity; and

(ii) the relevant sub-plan (if any); or

(d) making an informed judgment about the investment

performance of:

(i) the relevant sub-plan; or

(ii) if there is no relevant sub-plan—the superannuation

entity; or

(e) a matter related to the Superannuation Guarantee

(Administration) Act 1992.

The information must be given in accordance with the other

requirements of this section.

Note 1: Subsection (9) defines relevant sub-plan.

Note 2: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Information for employer related to an RSA product

(3A) If the financial product is an RSA product, then, subject to

subsection (4), the issuer must, on request by an employer who

made an application to acquire the RSA product on behalf of an

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 3 Other disclosure obligations of the issuer of a financial product

Section 1017C

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employee, give the employer information that the employer

reasonably requires for the purposes of:

(a) understanding the kinds of benefits to which the employer’s

employees are entitled or will or may become entitled; or

(b) understanding the main features of the RSA product; or

(c) a matter related to the Superannuation Guarantee

(Administration) Act 1992.

The information must be given in accordance with the other

requirements of this section.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).


(4) This section does not require (and does not, by implication,

authorise) the disclosure of:

(a) internal working documents of the issuer; or

(b) information or documents that would disclose, or tend to


(i) personal information of another person if, in the

circumstances, the disclosure would be unreasonable; or

(ii) trade secrets or other information having a commercial

value that would be reduced or destroyed by the

disclosure; or

(c) information or documents in relation to which the issuer

owes to another person a duty of non-disclosure.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

this subsection. See subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

Specific requirements

(5) The issuer must, on request in writing by a person who is a

concerned person, an employer-sponsor (if the financial product is

a superannuation product) or an employer referred to in

subsection (3A) (if the financial product is an RSA product), give

the person:

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Section 1017C

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(a) a copy of a prescribed document (to the extent the issuer has

access to the document) specified in the request; or

(b) prescribed information (to the extent to which the issuer has

or has access to the information) specified in the request.

The document or information must be given in accordance with the

other requirements of this section.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(6) Subsection (5) does not apply if the issuer is the trustee of a self

managed superannuation fund.

Documents may be made available for inspection

(7) It is sufficient compliance with a requirement imposed by this

section on the issuer to give information, or to give a copy of a

document, to a person (the client) if:

(a) a document containing the information; or

(b) a copy of the document;

is made available for inspection by the issuer:

(c) at a suitable place (having adequate facilities for the person

to inspect and photocopy the document); and

(d) during normal business hours;

or as otherwise agreed between the issuer for the financial product

and the client.

Time for compliance

(8) The issuer must comply with a request to give information, or a

copy of a document, as soon as practicable. The issuer must, in any

event, make reasonable efforts to comply with the request within 1

month of receiving the request.


(9) In this section:

concerned person:

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 3 Other disclosure obligations of the issuer of a financial product

Section 1017D

96 Corporations Act 2001

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(a) in relation to a superannuation product—means a person


(i) is, or was within the preceding 12 months, a member of

the superannuation entity; or

(ii) is a beneficiary of the superannuation entity; or

(b) in relation to an RSA product—means a person who:

(i) is, or was within the preceding 12 months, a holder of

the RSA product; or

(ii) has a right or a claim under the RSA product.

relevant sub-plan, in relation to a superannuation product, has the

meaning given by the regulations.

1017D Periodic statements for retail clients for financial products

that have an investment component

(1) If:

(a) a person (the holder) of a financial product acquired the

financial product as a retail client (whether or not it was

acquired from the issuer); and

(b) the product is:

(i) a managed investment product; or

(ia) a foreign passport fund product; or

(ii) a superannuation product; or

(iii) an RSA product; or

(iv) an investment life insurance product; or

(v) a deposit product; or

(va) a margin lending facility; or

(vi) specified in regulations made for the purposes of this

paragraph; and

(c) either:

(i) the financial product was offered in this jurisdiction; or

(ii) the holder applied for the financial product in this


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Other disclosure obligations of the issuer of a financial product Division 3

Section 1017D

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the issuer of the product must, in accordance with subsections (2)

to (6), give the holder a periodic statement for each reporting

period during which the holder holds the product.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) The following provisions apply in relation to reporting periods:

(a) each reporting period lasts for a period, not exceeding 1 year,

determined by the issuer;

(b) the first reporting period starts when the holder acquired the


(c) each subsequent reporting period starts at the end of the

preceding reporting period;

(d) if the holder ceases to hold the product, the period starting at

the end of the preceding reporting period and ending when

the holder ceases to hold the product is a reporting period.

(3) The periodic statement must be given as soon as practicable after,

and in any event within 6 months after, the end of the reporting

period to which it relates.

(4) The periodic statement must give the holder the information that

the issuer reasonably believes the holder needs to understand his or

her investment in the financial product.

(5) The periodic statement must include the following if they are

relevant to the financial product:

(a) opening and closing balances for the reporting period;

(b) the termination value of the investment at the end of the

reporting period (to the extent to which it is reasonably

practicable to calculate that value for the investment or a

component of the investment);

(c) details of transactions in relation to the product during the

reporting period as required by regulations made for the

purposes of this paragraph;

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Division 3 Other disclosure obligations of the issuer of a financial product

Section 1017DA

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(d) any increases in contributions in relation to the financial

product by the holder or another person during the reporting


(e) return on investment during the reporting period (on an

individual basis if reasonably practicable to do so and

otherwise on a fund basis);

(f) details of any change in circumstances affecting the

investment that has not been notified since the previous

periodic statement;

(g) details prescribed by regulations made for the purposes of

this paragraph.

(5A) Unless in accordance with the regulations:

(a) for information to be disclosed in accordance with

paragraphs (5)(a), (b), (c), (d) and (e), any amounts are to be

stated in dollars; and

(b) for any other information in relation to amounts paid by the

holder of the financial product during the period, any

amounts are to be stated in dollars.

(6) The periodic statement must be given in one of the following ways:

(a) in writing; or

(b) electronically; or

(c) in a way specified in the regulations.

(7) The periodic statement need not be given if the issuer has already

given the holder all the information that would be included in the

periodic statement if it were to be given.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

this subsection.

1017DA Trustees of superannuation entities—regulations may

specify additional obligations to provide information

(1) The regulations may:

(a) require the trustee of a superannuation entity to do all or any

of the following:

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Section 1017DA

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(i) provide the holder of a superannuation product (being

an interest in that entity) with information relating to the

management, financial condition and investment

performance of the entity and/or of any relevant

sub-plan (within the meaning of section 1017C);

(ii) provide the holder or former holder of a superannuation

product (being an interest in that entity), or any other

person to whom benefits under the product are payable,

with information relating to his or her benefit


(iii) provide the holder of a superannuation product (being

an interest in the entity) with information about

arrangements for dealing with inquiries and/or

complaints relating to the product; or

(b) require an RSA provider to do either or both of the


(i) provide the holder or former holder of an RSA product

provided by the RSA provider, or any other person to

whom benefits under the product are payable, with

information relating to his or her benefit entitlements;

(ii) provide the holder of an RSA product provided by the

RSA provider with information about arrangements for

dealing with inquiries and/or complaints relating to the


(2) Without limiting subsection (1), regulations made for the purposes

of that subsection may deal with all or any of the following:

(a) what information is to be provided;

(b) when information is to be provided;

(c) how information is to be provided.

(3) The trustee of a superannuation entity, or an RSA provider, must

provide information in accordance with any applicable

requirements of regulations made for the purposes of

subsection (1).

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 3 Other disclosure obligations of the issuer of a financial product

Section 1017E

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(4) In this section:

RSA provider has the same meaning as in the Retirement Savings

Accounts Act 1997.

superannuation entity has the same meaning as in the

Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993.

1017E Dealing with money received for financial product before the

product is issued

(1) This section applies to money paid to:

(a) an issuer (the product provider) of financial products; or

(b) a seller (the product provider) of financial products in

relation to which the seller has prepared a Product Disclosure



(c) the money is paid to acquire, or acquire an increased interest

in, one or more of those financial products from the product

provider (whether or not the acquisition would be by a person

as a retail client); and

(d) the product provider does not, for whatever reason, issue or

transfer the product or products, or the increased interest,

immediately after receiving the money; and

(e) either:

(i) the financial product or increased interest was offered in

this jurisdiction; or

(ii) the application for the financial product or increased

interest was made in this jurisdiction; or

(iii) the money was received in this jurisdiction.

(1A) However, this section does not apply in relation to money paid to

an issuer (the product provider) of foreign passport fund products

if the money is paid to acquire, or acquire an increased interest in,

one or more of those foreign passport fund products from the

product provider (whether or not the acquisition would be by a

person as a retail client).

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Section 1017E

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(2) The product provider must ensure that the money is paid into an

account that satisfies these requirements:

(a) the account is:

(i) with an Australian ADI; or

(ii) of a kind prescribed by regulations made for the

purposes of this paragraph;

and is designated as an account for the purposes of this

section of this Act; and

(b) the only money paid into the account is:

(i) money to which this section applies; or

(ii) interest on the amount from time to time standing to the

credit of the account; and

(c) if regulations made for the purposes of this paragraph impose

additional requirements—the requirements so imposed by the


The money must be paid into the account on the day it is received

by the product provider, or on the next business day.

Note: See section 1021O for related offences.

(2A) Subject to subsection (2C), the money is taken to be held in trust

by the product provider for the benefit of the person who paid the


(2C) The regulations may:

(a) provide that subsection (2A) does not apply in relation to

money in specified circumstances; and

(b) provide for matters relating to the taking of money to be held

in trust (including, for example, terms on which the money is

taken to be held in trust and circumstances in which it is no

longer taken to be held in trust).

(3) The money must only be taken out of the account if:

(a) it is taken out for the purpose of return to the person by

whom it was paid; or

(b) the product is issued or transferred to, or in accordance with

the instructions of, that person; or

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 3 Other disclosure obligations of the issuer of a financial product

Section 1017E

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(c) it is taken out for a purpose specified by regulations made for

the purposes of this paragraph; or

(d) it is taken out in a situation specified by regulations made for

the purposes of this paragraph.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(4) The product provider must:

(a) return the money; or

(b) issue or transfer the product to, or in accordance with the

instructions of, the person who paid the money; or

(c) if the money is taken out:

(i) for a purpose specified by regulations made for the

purposes of paragraph (3)(c); or

(ii) in a situation specified by regulations made for the

purposes of paragraph (3)(d);

do any action required, by regulations made for the purposes

of this paragraph, after taking out that money;


(d) before the end of one month starting on the day on which the

money was received; or

(e) if it is not reasonably practicable to do so before the end of

that month—by the end of such longer period as is

reasonable in the circumstances.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(5) The product provider may, for the purposes of this section,

maintain a single account or 2 or more accounts.

(6) Nothing in this section, or in regulations made for the purposes of

this section, makes the body (not being the product provider) that

the account is with under paragraph (2)(a) subject to any liability

merely because of a failure by the product provider to comply with

any of the provisions of this section or those regulations.

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Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and purchase of

financial products Part 7.9

Other disclosure obligations of the issuer of a financial product Division 3

Section 1017F

Corporations Act 2001 103

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1017F Confirming transactions

Transactions to which this section applies

(1) This section applies in relation to a transaction involving a

financial product if:

(a) a person (the holder) acquired the product as a retail client;


(b) the transaction is:

(i) the transaction by which the holder acquired the

product; or

(ii) a transaction that occurs while the holder holds the

product, including a transaction by which the holder

disposes of all or part of the product (and see also

subsection (3)); and

(c) the transaction is not one that does not require confirmation

because of subsection (4); and

(d) the holder has not, in accordance with regulations made for

the purposes of paragraph (9)(d), waived their right to be

provided with confirmation of the transaction; and

(e) either:

(i) the financial product was offered to, or acquired by, the

holder in this jurisdiction; or

(ii) the transaction takes place in this jurisdiction.

Note: This section extends to financial products that are securities (see

section 1010A).

Obligation to confirm transactions

(2) The person (the responsible person) specified in column 3 of an

item in the following table must provide the holder with

confirmation of the transaction specified in column 2 of the same

item. The confirmation must be provided in accordance with

subsections (5) to (8).

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 3 Other disclosure obligations of the issuer of a financial product

Section 1017F

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Who bears the obligation to confirm a transaction

Item Transaction Whose obligation?

1 transaction by which the holder acquired

the financial product, unless that

transaction was a sale pursuant to an offer

to which section 1012C applies

the issuer of the product

2 transaction by which the holder acquired

the financial product, where that

transaction was a sale pursuant to an offer

to which section 1012C applies

the seller of the product

3 any other transaction in relation to the

financial product that occurs while the

holder holds the product, other than a

disposal of all or part of the product

the issuer of the product

4 transaction by which the holder disposes of

all or part of the financial product

the person specified in the

regulations made for the

purposes of this item

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Examples of transactions that are covered by

subparagraph (1)(b)(ii)

(3) Without limiting the generality of subparagraph (1)(b)(ii), the

transactions that are covered by that subparagraph include:

(a) varying the terms of the financial product while the holder

holds the product (unless subsection (4) provides that the

variation does not require confirmation); and

(b) the redemption or surrender of the financial product from or

by the holder.

Transactions that do not require confirmation

(4) The following transactions do not require confirmation:

(a) a transaction consisting solely of an additional contribution

towards the financial product in either of the following


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Other disclosure obligations of the issuer of a financial product Division 3

Section 1017F

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(i) the timing and amount, or method of calculating the

amount, of the additional contribution was agreed on

when the product was acquired by the holder;

(ii) the additional contribution is an amount that is payable

under the terms of the product because of an increase in

an external factor, such as a person’s salary, an inflation

index or a rate of a tax or levy;

(b) if the financial product is a security—a transaction consisting

solely of a variation of the rights attaching to the security;

(c) if the financial product is a deposit product—any of the

following transactions:

(i) a withdrawal from the deposit product pursuant to a

cheque drawn on the account;

(ii) a deposit to, or withdrawal from, the deposit product

under a direct credit arrangement or a direct debit


(iii) crediting interest to the deposit product;

(iv) debiting the deposit product for fees or charges in

respect of the product or transactions involving the


(v) debiting the deposit product for charges or duties on

deposits into, or withdrawals from, the product that are

payable under a law of the Commonwealth or of a State

or Territory;

(vi) a transaction of a kind specified in regulations made for

the purposes of this subparagraph;

(d) a variation of the terms of all financial products in the class

to which the financial product belongs;

(e) a transaction of a kind specified in regulations made for the

purposes of this paragraph.

Note 1: Because of subparagraph (a)(i), confirmation is not required, e.g., for

regular monthly contributions to a superannuation fund.

Note 2: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

this subsection.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 3 Other disclosure obligations of the issuer of a financial product

Section 1017F

106 Corporations Act 2001

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Confirmation may be provided on a transaction-by-transaction

basis or by means of a standing facility

(5) Confirmation of a transaction must be provided:

(a) by confirming the transaction in accordance with

subsections (6) to (8), to the holder as soon as is reasonably

practicable after the transaction occurs; or

(b) subject to subsection (5A), by providing the holder with

access to a facility through which they can, for themselves,

get a confirmation of the transaction in accordance with

subsections (6) to (8) as soon as is reasonably practicable

after the transaction occurs.

An arrangement under which the holder may request or require

another person to provide a confirmation does not count as a

facility that satisfies paragraph (b).

When confirmation may be provided by means of a standing


(5A) Confirmation may only be provided by means of a facility as

mentioned in paragraph (5)(b) if:

(a) the holder concerned has agreed that confirmation of

transactions involving the product may be provided by means

of the facility; or

(b) the holder concerned:

(i) has, in accordance with the applicable requirements (if

any) in regulations made for the purposes of this

subparagraph, been informed, by or on behalf of the

responsible person, about the facility and its availability

to the holder as a means of obtaining confirmation of

transactions involving the product; and

(ii) has not advised the responsible person that the holder

does not agree to use the facility as a means of obtaining

such confirmations.

Means of confirmation

(6) The confirmation of the transaction:

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financial products Part 7.9

Other disclosure obligations of the issuer of a financial product Division 3

Section 1017F

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(a) must be:

(i) in writing; or

(ii) electronic; or

(iii) in some other form applicable under regulations made

for the purposes of this paragraph; and

(b) may be provided:

(i) in a case to which paragraph (5)(a) applies—directly by

the responsible person or through another person (such

as a financial services licensee); or

(ii) in a case to which paragraph (5)(b) applies—through a

facility provided directly by the responsible person, or

provided on behalf of the responsible person by

someone else.

Content of confirmation

(7) The confirmation of the transaction must give the holder the

information that the responsible person reasonably believes the

holder needs (having regard to the information the holder has

received before the transaction) to understand the nature of the


(8) Without limiting subsection (7), the confirmation of the transaction


(a) identify the issuer and the holder; and

(b) if required to be given by a person other than the issuer—

identify that person; and

(c) give details of the transaction, including:

(i) the date of the transaction; and

(ii) a description of the transaction; and

(iii) subject to regulations made for the purposes of this

subparagraph—any amount paid or payable by the

holder in relation to the transaction; and

(iv) subject to any regulations made for the purposes of this

subparagraph—any taxes and stamp duties payable in

relation to the transaction; and

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 3 Other disclosure obligations of the issuer of a financial product

Section 1017G

108 Corporations Act 2001

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(d) give any other details prescribed by regulations made for the

purposes of this paragraph.

Regulations may provide for modification or waiver of

confirmation obligation

(9) The regulations may do all or any of the following:

(a) modify subsection (2) to change the person required to

provide confirmation of a transaction;

(b) modify subsections (5) and (6) to expand on or change the

way in which confirmation of a transaction must be provided

in particular circumstances;

(c) modify subsections (7) and (8) to expand on or change the

information that must be included in the confirmation of a

transaction in particular circumstances;

(d) specify the circumstances in which a person may waive the

right to be provided with confirmation of a transaction, and

specify how such a waiver may be made.

1017G Certain product issuers and regulated persons must meet

appropriate dispute resolution requirements

(1) If:

(a) particular financial products are, or have been, available for

acquisition (whether by issue or sale) by a person or persons

as retail clients; and

(b) the issue or sale of those products is not covered by an

Australian financial services licence;

both the issuer, and any regulated person obliged under

subsection 1012C(5), (6) or (8) to give a retail client a Product

Disclosure Statement for one or more of those financial products,

must each:

(c) have a dispute resolution system complying with

subsection (2); and

(d) give to ASIC the same information as the issuer or regulated

person would be required to give under

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Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and purchase of

financial products Part 7.9

Other disclosure obligations of the issuer of a financial product Division 3

Section 1017G

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subparagraph 912A(1)(g)(ii) of that Act if the issuer or

regulated person were a financial services licensee.

Note 1: If the issue of particular financial products is covered by an Australian

financial services licence, the requirement to have a dispute resolution

system relating to the issue of the products is imposed by

paragraph 912A(1)(g).

Note 2: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) To comply with this subsection, a dispute resolution system must

consist of:

(a) an internal dispute resolution procedure that:

(i) complies with standards, and requirements, made or

approved by ASIC in accordance with regulations made

for the purposes of this subparagraph; and

(ii) covers complaints, against the person required to have

the system, made by retail clients in relation to financial

services provided in relation to any of those products or,

if any of those products are foreign passport fund

products, the operation of the relevant notified foreign

passport fund; and

(c) membership of the AFCA scheme.

(3) Regulations made for the purposes of subparagraph (2)(a)(i) may

also deal with the variation or revocation of:

(a) standards or requirements made by ASIC; or

(b) approvals given by ASIC.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 4 Advertising for financial products

Section 1018A

110 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 4—Advertising for financial products

1018A Advertising or other promotional material for financial

product must refer to Product Disclosure Statement

Advertisements and promotional material must identify issuer (or

issuer and seller) and refer to Product Disclosure Statement

(1) Subject to this section, if a particular financial product is available

for acquisition by persons as retail clients (whether or not it is also

available for acquisition by persons as wholesale clients) by way of

issue, or pursuant to sale offers to which section 1012C applies or

will apply, a person must only:

(a) advertise the product; or

(b) publish a statement that is reasonably likely to induce people

to acquire the product;

if the advertisement or statement:

(c) identifies:

(i) if the product is available by way of issue—the issuer of

the product; or

(ii) if the product is available pursuant to sale offers to

which section 1012C applies or will apply—the issuer

of the product and the seller of the product; and

(d) indicates that a Product Disclosure Statement for the product

is available and where it can be obtained; and

(e) indicates that a person should consider the Product

Disclosure Statement in deciding whether to acquire, or to

continue to hold, the product.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) Subject to this section, if a particular financial product, or proposed

financial product, is not available for acquisition by persons as

retail clients but it is reasonably likely that the product will become

so available (whether or not it is, or will also become, available for

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and purchase of

financial products Part 7.9

Advertising for financial products Division 4

Section 1018A

Corporations Act 2001 111

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

acquisition by persons as wholesale clients) by way of issue, or

pursuant to sale offers to which section 1012C will apply, a person

must only:

(a) advertise the product; or

(b) publish a statement that is reasonably likely to induce people

to acquire the product;

if the advertisement or statement:

(c) identifies:

(i) if the product is likely to be so available by way of

issue—the issuer of the product; or

(ii) if the product is likely to be so available pursuant to sale

offers to which section 1012C will apply—the issuer of

the product and the seller of the product; and

(d) indicates that a Product Disclosure Statement for the product

will be made available when the product is released or

otherwise becomes available; and

(e) indicates when and where the Product Disclosure Statement

is expected to be made available; and

(f) indicates that a person should consider the Product

Disclosure Statement in deciding whether to acquire, or

continue to hold, the product.

Note 1: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Note 2: Subsection (2) has an extended operation in relation to recognised

offers under Chapter 8 (see subsection 1200L(4)).

Distribution of disclosure document

(3) A person may distribute a Product Disclosure Statement without

contravening subsection (1) or (2). This does not apply if an order

under section 1020E is in force in relation to the product.

Note 1: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

this section. See subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

Note 2: Subsection (3) has an extended operation in relation to recognised

offers under Chapter 8 (see subsection 1200L(5)).

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 4 Advertising for financial products

Section 1018A

112 Corporations Act 2001

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General exceptions

(4) An advertisement or publication does not contravene subsection (1)

or (2) if it:

(a) relates to a financial product that is able to be traded on a

financial market and consists of a notice or report by the

issuer of the product, or one of its officers, about its affairs to

the market operator; or

(b) consists solely of a notice or report of a general meeting of

the issuer; or

(c) consists solely of a report about the issuer that is published

by the issuer and:

(i) does not contain information that materially affects

affairs of the issuer, other than information previously

made available in a Product Disclosure Statement that

has been distributed, a disclosure document that has

been lodged with ASIC, a CSF offer document that has

been published on a platform of a CSF intermediary, an

annual report or a notice or report referred to in

paragraph (a) or (b); and

(ii) does not refer (whether directly or indirectly) to the

offer of the financial product; or

(d) is a news report, or is genuine comment, in the media relating


(i) a Product Disclosure Statement that has been

distributed, a disclosure document that has been lodged

with ASIC or a CSF offer document that has been

published on a platform of a CSF intermediary; or

(ii) information contained in such a Statement or document;


(iii) a notice or report covered by paragraph (a), (b) or (c); or

(e) is a report about the financial products of the issuer published

by someone who is not:

(i) the issuer; or

(ii) acting at the instigation of, or by arrangement with, the

issuer; or

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Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and purchase of

financial products Part 7.9

Advertising for financial products Division 4

Section 1018B

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(iii) a director of the issuer; or

(iv) a person who has an interest in the success of the issue

or sale of the financial product.

Paragraphs (d) and (e) do not apply if anyone gives consideration

or another benefit for publishing the report.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

this section. See subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

Liability of publishers

(5) A person does not contravene subsection (1) or (2) by publishing

an advertisement or statement if the person:

(a) publishes it in the ordinary course of a media business; and

(b) did not know, and had no reason to suspect, that its

publication would amount to a contravention of a provision

of this section.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

this section. See subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

Meaning of media

(6) For the purposes of this section, the media consists of:

(a) newspapers and magazines; and

(b) radio and television broadcasting services; and

(c) electronic services (including services provided through the

internet) that:

(i) are operated on a commercial basis; and

(ii) are similar to newspapers, magazines or radio or

television broadcasts.

1018B Prohibition on advertising personal offers covered by

section 1012E

(1) A person must not advertise an offer, or intended offer, of financial

products that would not need a Product Disclosure Statement

because of section 1012E.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 4 Advertising for financial products

Section 1018B

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Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) A person does not contravene subsection (1) by publishing an

advertisement or statement if the person:

(a) publishes it in the ordinary course of a media business; and

(b) did not know, and had no reason to suspect, that a Product

Disclosure Statement was needed.

For this purpose, media has the same meaning as it has in

section 1018A.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

this section. See subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and purchase of

financial products Part 7.9

Cooling-off periods Division 5

Section 1019A

Corporations Act 2001 115

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 5—Cooling-off periods

1019A Situations in which this Division applies

(1) Subject to subsection (2), this Division applies if:

(a) a financial product of one of the following classes is provided

in this jurisdiction to a person as a retail client after the

commencement of this Chapter:

(i) risk insurance products;

(ii) investment life insurance products;

(iii) managed investment products;

(iiia) foreign passport fund products;

(iv) superannuation products;

(v) RSA products; and

(b) the product is provided to the person:

(i) by way of issue; or

(ii) by way of sale pursuant to an offer to which

section 1012C applies.

(2) The regulations may do any or all of the following:

(a) provide that a specified subclass of financial products that

would otherwise be covered by a subparagraph of

paragraph (1)(a) are excluded from that subparagraph;

(b) provide additional requirements to be satisfied before this

Division applies in relation to a class or subclass of financial


(c) provide that this Division does not apply in relation to the

provision of a financial product in specified circumstances.

(3) In this Division:

(a) the person referred to in paragraph (1)(a) is the client; and

(b) the person who issues or sells the product to the client is the

responsible person.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 5 Cooling-off periods

Section 1019B

116 Corporations Act 2001

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1019B Cooling-off period for return of financial product

(1) Subject to this section, the client has the right to return the

financial product to the responsible person and to have the money

they paid to acquire the product repaid. This is so even if the

responsible person is being wound up.

(2) The right to return the product must be exercised by notifying the

responsible person in one of the following ways:

(a) in writing; or

(b) electronically; or

(c) in any other way specified in the regulations.

Also, if the regulations require the client to comply with other

requirements in order to exercise the right to return the product,

those other requirements must be complied with.

(3) The right to return the product can only be exercised during the

period of 14 days starting on the earlier of:

(a) the time when the confirmation requirement (if applicable) is

complied with; or

(b) the end of the 5th day after the day on which the product was

issued or sold to the client.

(4) For the purposes of subsection (3), the confirmation requirement is

complied with when:

(a) the client receives confirmation, as mentioned in

paragraph 1017F(5)(a), of the transaction by which they

acquired the product; or

(b) confirmation of that transaction is available to the client by a

facility as mentioned in paragraph 1017F(5)(b).

(5) The right to return the product (and have money paid to acquire it

repaid) cannot be exercised at any time after:

(a) the client has (whether before or after the start of the period

referred to in subsection (3)) exercised a right or power that

they have under the terms applicable to the product; or

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and purchase of

financial products Part 7.9

Cooling-off periods Division 5

Section 1019B

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(b) the time (whether before or after the start of the period

referred to in subsection (3)) at which, under the terms

applicable to the product, the client’s rights or powers in

respect of the product end.

Note: So, e.g.:

(a) if the product is a contract of insurance, the right to return cannot be exercised after the client has made a claim under the contract of insurance; and

(b) if the product is a contract of insurance covering a period of only one week, the right to return cannot be exercised after the end of that week.

(5A) The regulations may specify other circumstances in which the right

to return the product (and have money paid to acquire it repaid)

cannot be exercised.

(6) On the exercise of the right to return the product:

(a) if the product is constituted by a legal relationship between

the client and the issuer of the product—that relationship is,

by force of this section, terminated with effect from that time

without penalty to the client; and

(b) any contract for the acquisition of the product by the client is,

by force of this section, terminated with effect from that time

without penalty to the client.

(7) The regulations may provide for consequences and obligations (in

addition to those provided for by subsection (6)) to apply if the

right to return a financial product is exercised.

(8) The regulations may provide that, in specified circumstances, the

amount to be repaid on exercise of the right to return a financial

product is to be increased or reduced in accordance with the


Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 5A Unsolicited offers to purchase financial products off-market

Section 1019C

118 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 5A—Unsolicited offers to purchase financial

products off-market

1019C Definitions

In this Division:

date of offer has the meaning given by subsection 1019I(1).

offeree, in relation to an offer to which this Division applies, has

the meaning given by subsection 1019D(1).

offeror, in relation to an offer to which this Division applies, has

the meaning given by subsection 1019D(1).

offer to which this Division applies means an offer to which this

Division applies because of section 1019D.

1019D Offers to which this Division applies

(1) This Division applies to an offer in relation to which the following

paragraphs are satisfied:

(a) the offer is an unsolicited offer to purchase a financial

product made by a person (the offeror) to another person (the


(b) the offer is made otherwise than on a licensed market;

(c) one or more of the following apply:

(i) the offer is made in the course of a business of

purchasing financial products;

(ii) the offeror was not in a personal or business relationship

with the offeree before the making of the offer;

(iii) the offer is made in circumstances specified in

regulations made for the purposes of this subparagraph;

(d) the offer is not:

(i) made to the issuer of the financial products; or

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Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and purchase of

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Unsolicited offers to purchase financial products off-market Division 5A

Section 1019E

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(ii) to buy back shares under a buy-back authorised by

section 257A; or

(iii) made under a compromise or arrangement approved at a

meeting held as a result of an order under

subsection 411(1) or (1A); or

(iv) to acquire securities under an off-market bid; or

(v) to compulsorily acquire or buy out securities under

Chapter 6A; or

(vi) to acquire shares from a dissenting shareholder under

section 414; or

(vii) made in relation to particular financial products that are

specified in regulations made for the purposes of this

subparagraph; or

(viii) made in circumstances that are specified in regulations

made for the purposes of this subparagraph;

(e) the offer is made or received in this jurisdiction.

(2) The regulations may clarify:

(a) when an offer is, or is not, made in the course of a business

of purchasing financial products; or

(b) when an offeror was, or was not, in a previous personal or

business relationship with an offeree.

Regulations made for the purposes of this subsection have effect

despite anything else in this section.

1019E How offers are to be made

(1) An offer to which this Division applies must not be made

otherwise than by sending an offer document in printed or

electronic form to the offeree in accordance with the following


(a) the document must be sent to an address of the offeree

(which may be an electronic address);

(b) either the envelope or the container in which it is sent, or the

message that accompanies it, must be addressed to the


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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 5A Unsolicited offers to purchase financial products off-market

Section 1019F

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(2) The offer document must be sent to the offeree as soon as

practicable after the date of offer.

1019F Prohibition on inviting offers to sell

A person must not invite another person to make an offer to sell a

financial product in circumstances in which, if the invitation were

instead an offer to purchase the financial product, that offer would

be an offer to which this Division applies.

1019G Duration and withdrawal of offers

(1) An offer to which this Division applies:

(a) must remain open for at least 1 month after the date of offer;


(b) cannot remain open for more than 12 months after the date of


(2) The offer may be withdrawn by the offeror at any time, but not

within 1 month of the date of offer.

(3) The offer may only be withdrawn by the offeror by sending a

withdrawal document in printed or electronic form to the offeree in

accordance with paragraphs 1019E(1)(a) and (b). The withdrawal

document must identify the offeror and be dated.

(4) A purported withdrawal of the offer contrary to subsection (2) or

(3) is ineffective.

1019H Terms of offer cannot be varied

(1) The terms of an offer to which this Division applies, as set out in

the offer document, cannot be varied.

(2) A purported variation of the terms of the offer is ineffective.

(3) This section does not:

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Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and purchase of

financial products Part 7.9

Unsolicited offers to purchase financial products off-market Division 5A

Section 1019I

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(a) affect the offeror’s obligation under section 1019J to update

the market value of the financial product to which the offer

relates; or

(b) prevent the offeror from withdrawing the offer in accordance

with section 1019G or paragraph 1019J(2)(a) and making

another offer on different terms; or

(c) prevent the offeree from making a counter-offer on different


1019I Contents of offer document

(1) The offer document by which an offer to which this Division

applies is made must identify the offeror and be dated (this date is

the date of offer).

(2) The offer document must also contain the following:

(a) the price at which the offeror wishes to purchase the financial


(b) if the financial product is able to be traded on a licensed

market and there is a market value for the product as traded

on that market—the market value of the product as at the date

of offer;

(c) if paragraph (b) does not apply—a fair estimate of the value

of the product as at the date of offer, and an explanation of

the basis on which that estimate was made;

(d) the period during which the offer remains open (which must

be consistent with subsection 1019G(1));

(e) a statement to the effect that the offer may be withdrawn by

sending a withdrawal document to the offeree, but generally

not within 1 month of the date of offer;

(f) any other information specified in regulations made for the

purposes of this paragraph.

(3) The regulations may clarify:

(a) the manner in which a fair estimate of the value of a financial

product (see paragraph (2)(c)) is to be worked out; and

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 5A Unsolicited offers to purchase financial products off-market

Section 1019J

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(b) the level of detail required in the explanation of the basis on

which the estimate was made.

Regulations made for the purposes of this subsection have effect

despite anything else in this section.

(4) The offer document must be worded and presented in a clear,

concise and effective manner.

1019J Obligation to update market value

(1) This section applies if:

(a) the offer document by which an offer to which this Division

applies is made states the market value of the financial

product to which the offer relates as at the date of the offer;


(b) while the offer remains open, there is an increase or decrease

in the market value of the product when compared to:

(i) unless subparagraph (ii) applies—the market value (the

currently stated value) stated as mentioned in

paragraph (a); or

(ii) if this section has previously applied in relation to the

offer and one or more supplementary offer documents

have been sent to the offeree—the market value (the

currently stated value) stated as mentioned in

paragraph (3)(c) in the supplementary offer document

most recently sent to the offeree; and

(c) the increase or decrease, expressed as a percentage of the

currently stated value, exceeds the percentage specified in the

regulations for the purposes of this paragraph.

(2) The offeror must, within 10 business days of this section applying

because of a particular increase or decrease in value:

(a) withdraw the offer by sending a withdrawal document, in

printed or electronic form, to the offeree in accordance with

paragraphs 1019E(1)(a) and (b):

(i) that identifies the offeror and that is dated; and

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

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Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and purchase of

financial products Part 7.9

Unsolicited offers to purchase financial products off-market Division 5A

Section 1019K

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(ii) that contains a statement to the effect that the offer is

withdrawn because of a change in the market value of

the product, and that withdrawal for this reason is

permitted even within 1 month of the date of offer; or

(b) send a supplementary offer document (see subsection (3)) in

printed or electronic form to the offeree in accordance with

paragraphs 1019E(1)(a) and (b).

Nothing in section 1019G affects the effectiveness of a withdrawal

of the offer under paragraph (a) of this subsection.

(3) A supplementary offer document must:

(a) identify the offer to which it relates; and

(b) be dated; and

(c) state the market value of the financial product to which the

offer relates as at that date; and

(d) state the price that was stated in the offer document as

required by paragraph 1019I(2)(a), and contain a statement to

the effect that this is still the price at which the offeror wishes

to purchase the product and that the terms of the offer remain

unchanged; and

(e) contain a statement to the effect that the document has been

prepared because the market value of the product has


(4) A supplementary offer document must be worded and presented in

a clear, concise and effective manner.

(5) In this section, a reference to stating a market value of a financial

product includes a reference to purporting to state the market value

of the product.

1019K Rights if requirements of Division not complied with

First situation covered by this section—offers to which this

Division applies

(1) This section applies if, in relation to an offer to which this Division

applies, the offeree (the seller) accepts the offer and enters into a

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 5A Unsolicited offers to purchase financial products off-market

Section 1019K

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contract for the sale of the financial product to the offeror (the

buyer), and one or more of the following paragraphs applies:

(a) section 1019E was not complied with in relation to the offer;

(b) the offer was accepted after the period referred to in

paragraph 1019G(1)(b);

(c) the offeror gave the offeree an offer document and either:

(i) the offer document did not comply with section 1019I;


(ii) there was a misleading or deceptive statement in the

offer document;

(d) in a situation to which section 1019J applies, either:

(i) subsection 1019J(2) was not complied with; or

(ii) subsection 1019J(2) was complied with, but the offeree

did not receive the withdrawal document, or the

supplementary offer document, as the case requires,

until after the offeree had accepted the offer;

(e) in a situation to which section 1019J applies, the offeror gave

the offeree a supplementary offer document and either:

(i) the supplementary offer document did not comply with

subsection 1019J(3); or

(ii) there was a misleading or deceptive statement in the

supplementary offer document.

Second situation covered by this section—invitations prohibited by

section 1019F

(2) This section applies if, in response to an invitation prohibited by

section 1019F, a person (the seller) makes an offer to sell a

financial product to the person who made the invitation (the

buyer), and that person accepts the offer and enters into a contract

for the purchase of that financial product from the seller.

Seller’s right to refuse to transfer, or to seek the return of, the

financial product

(3) The seller has:

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financial products Part 7.9

Unsolicited offers to purchase financial products off-market Division 5A

Section 1019K

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(a) the right to refuse to transfer the financial product to the

buyer; or

(b) if the seller has already transferred the financial product to

the buyer—the right to have the financial product returned to

the seller, if the buyer still holds the product.

The seller’s right under paragraph (a) or (b) is conditional on the

seller repaying any money that has been paid to the seller for the

purchase of the financial product.

How the seller’s right is to be exercised

(4) The seller’s right under subsection (3) must be exercised by

notifying the buyer in one of the following ways:

(a) in writing;

(b) electronically;

(c) in any other way specified in regulations made for the

purposes of this paragraph.

Also, if the regulations require the seller to comply with other

requirements in order to exercise that right, those other

requirements must be complied with.

(5) The seller’s right under subsection (3) can only be exercised during

the period of 30 days starting on the day the contract was entered


Effect of exercise of seller’s right

(6) On the exercise of the seller’s right under subsection (3), the

contract referred to in subsection (1) or (2) is, by force of this

section, terminated from that time without penalty to the seller.

Regulations may provide for certain matters

(7) The regulations may provide for consequences and obligations (in

addition to those provided for by subsection (6)) to apply if the

seller’s right under subsection (3) is exercised.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 5A Unsolicited offers to purchase financial products off-market

Section 1019K

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(8) The regulations may provide that, in specified circumstances, the

amount to be repaid as mentioned in subsection (3) is to be

increased or reduced in accordance with the regulations.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and purchase of

financial products Part 7.9

Disclosure etc. in relation to short sales covered by securities lending arrangement of

listed section 1020B products Division 5B

Section 1020AA

Corporations Act 2001 127

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 5B—Disclosure etc. in relation to short sales

covered by securities lending arrangement of

listed section 1020B products

Note: Section 1020B prohibits certain short sales of section 1020B products.

1020AA Definitions

(1) In this Division:

crossing: a crossing of section 1020B products is a sale of

section 1020B products made by a financial services licensee:

(a) on behalf of both the buyer and the seller of the products; or

(b) on behalf of the buyer of the products and on its own behalf

as seller of the products; or

(c) on behalf of the seller of the products and on its own behalf

as buyer of the products.

section 1020B products has the meaning given by

subsection 1020B(1).

securities lending arrangement means an arrangement under


(a) one entity (the lender) agrees that it will:

(i) deliver particular securities, managed investment

products, foreign passport fund products or other

financial products to another entity (the borrower) or to

an entity nominated by the borrower; and

(ii) vest title in those products in the entity to which they

are delivered; and

(b) the borrower agrees that it will, after the lender does the

things mentioned in paragraph (a):

(i) deliver the products (or equivalent products) to the

lender or to an entity nominated by the lender; and

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 5B Disclosure etc. in relation to short sales covered by securities lending

arrangement of listed section 1020B products

Section 1020AB

128 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(ii) vest title in those products (or those equivalent

products) in the entity to which they are delivered.

(2) To avoid doubt, for the purposes of this Division, treat the entering

into of an agreement to sell section 1020B products as the sale of

the products.

(3) To avoid doubt, for the purposes of this Division, treat a financial

services licensee as making a sale on behalf of a person if the sale

is, in economic substance, made by the licensee for the person.

Example: A request that the sale be made is passed from the person to the

financial services licensee through a chain of intermediaries.

(4) For the purposes of this Division, treat a crossing of section 1020B

products as being made on a licensed market.

1020AB Seller disclosure

(1) Subsection (3) applies if:

(a) either:

(i) a financial services licensee, on behalf of a person (the

seller), makes a sale in this jurisdiction of

section 1020B products on a licensed market to a buyer;


(ii) a financial services licensee (the seller), on its own

behalf, makes a sale in this jurisdiction of section 1020B

products on a licensed market to a buyer; and

(b) before the time of the sale, the seller had entered into or

gained the benefit of a securities lending arrangement; and

(c) at the time of the sale, the seller intends that the securities

lending arrangement will ensure that some or all the

section 1020B products can be vested in the buyer; and

(d) the following requirements are satisfied (if applicable):

(i) if regulations made for the purposes of this

subparagraph specify a kind of section 1020B product—

the section 1020B products are of that kind;

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and purchase of

financial products Part 7.9

Disclosure etc. in relation to short sales covered by securities lending arrangement of

listed section 1020B products Division 5B

Section 1020AC

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(ii) if regulations made for the purposes of this

subparagraph specify a kind of section 1020B product—

the section 1020B products are not of that kind;

(iii) if regulations made for the purposes of this

subparagraph specify circumstances in which the sale is

made—the sale is made in those circumstances.

(2) Subsection (3) applies regardless of whether the seller is inside or

outside Australia.


(3) The seller must:

(a) give the entity mentioned in subsection (4) particulars

specified in the regulations in relation to the circumstances

mentioned in paragraphs (1)(a), (b) and (c); and

(b) do so:

(i) on or before the time specified in the regulations; and

(ii) in the manner specified in the regulations.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(4) The entity is:

(a) if subparagraph (1)(a)(i) applies:

(i) the financial services licensee mentioned in that

subparagraph; or

(ii) if the regulations specify another entity—that entity; or

(b) if subparagraph (1)(a)(ii) applies:

(i) the operator of the licensed market mentioned in that

subparagraph; or

(ii) if the regulations specify another entity—that entity.

1020AC Licensee disclosure

(1) Subsection (2) applies if:

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 5B Disclosure etc. in relation to short sales covered by securities lending

arrangement of listed section 1020B products

Section 1020AD

130 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(a) the seller mentioned in subparagraph 1020AB(1)(a)(i) gives a

financial services licensee information in accordance with

section 1020AB in relation to a sale of section 1020B

products on a licensed market; and

(b) the following requirements are satisfied (if applicable):

(i) if regulations made for the purposes of this

subparagraph specify a kind of section 1020B product—

the section 1020B products are of that kind;

(ii) if regulations made for the purposes of this

subparagraph specify a kind of section 1020B product—

the section 1020B products are not of that kind;

(iii) if regulations made for the purposes of this

subparagraph specify circumstances in which the sale is

made—the sale is made in those circumstances.


(2) The financial services licensee must:

(a) give the entity mentioned in subsection (3) particulars

specified in the regulations in relation to the circumstances

mentioned in paragraph (1)(a); and

(b) do so:

(i) on or before the time specified in the regulations; and

(ii) in the manner specified in the regulations.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(3) The entity is:

(a) the operator of the licensed market mentioned in

paragraph (1)(a); or

(b) if the regulations specify another entity—that entity.

1020AD Public disclosure of information

(1) Subsection (2) applies if:

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and purchase of

financial products Part 7.9

Disclosure etc. in relation to short sales covered by securities lending arrangement of

listed section 1020B products Division 5B

Section 1020AD

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Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(a) any of the following apply, in relation to a sale of

section 1020B products on a licensed market:

(i) the seller mentioned in subparagraph 1020AB(1)(a)(ii)

gives information to the operator of a licensed market

(or to another entity) in accordance with

section 1020AB;

(ii) the financial services licensee mentioned in

paragraph 1020AC(1)(a) gives information to the

operator of a licensed market (or to another entity) in

accordance with section 1020AC;

(iii) if regulations for the purposes of

subparagraph 1020AB(4)(a)(ii) provide that the entity to

which information is to be given in accordance with

section 1020AB is the operator of a licensed market (or

another entity)—the seller mentioned in

subparagraph 1020AB(1)(a)(i) gives information to the

operator (or other entity) in accordance with that

section; and

(b) the following requirements are satisfied (if applicable):

(i) if regulations made for the purposes of this

subparagraph specify a kind of section 1020B product—

the section 1020B products are of that kind;

(ii) if regulations made for the purposes of this

subparagraph specify a kind of section 1020B product—

the section 1020B products are not of that kind;

(iii) if regulations made for the purposes of this

subparagraph specify circumstances in which the sale is

made—the sale is made in those circumstances.


(2) The operator (or the other entity) must:

(a) make a public disclosure of particulars specified in the

regulations in relation to the information mentioned in

paragraph (1)(a); and

(b) do so:

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 5B Disclosure etc. in relation to short sales covered by securities lending

arrangement of listed section 1020B products

Section 1020AE

132 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(i) on or before the time specified in the regulations; and

(ii) in the manner specified in the regulations.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

1020AE Licensee’s obligation to ask seller about short sale

The financial services licensee must not make a sale in this

jurisdiction of section 1020B products on a licensed market if:

(a) the sale is on behalf of a person (the seller); and

(b) the seller will be obliged under section 1020AB to give the

financial services licensee information in relation to the sale;


(c) either or both of the following apply:

(i) before making the sale, the financial services licensee

failed to ask the seller, orally or in writing, whether the

seller will be obliged under section 1020AB to give the

financial services licensee information in relation to the


(ii) before making the sale, the financial services licensee

failed to record, in writing, the seller’s answer.

Note 1: Failure to comply with this section is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Note 2: For the definition of writing, see section 25 of the Acts Interpretation

Act 1901. For the application of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901 to

this Act, see section 5C of this Act.

1020AF Regulations

(1) Regulations made for the purposes of this Division may specify a

matter or thing differently for different kinds of persons, things or

circumstances. For example, the regulations may:

(a) specify a matter or thing differently for different kinds of

sellers mentioned in subsection 1020AB(1) or 1020AC(1);


Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and purchase of

financial products Part 7.9

Disclosure etc. in relation to short sales covered by securities lending arrangement of

listed section 1020B products Division 5B

Section 1020AF

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(b) specify a time differently for different kinds of


Note: For specification by class, see subsection 13(3) of the Legislation Act


(2) Subsection (1) does not limit the regulations that may be made for

the purposes of this Division.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 5C Information about CGS depository interests

Section 1020AG

134 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 5C—Information about CGS depository interests

1020AG Jurisdictional scope of Division

(1) Section 1020AI applies only in relation to recommendations

received in this jurisdiction.

(2) The regulations may make provision dealing with the jurisdictional

scope of some or all of the other provisions of this Division. The

other provisions of this Division have effect subject to any such


1020AH Definitions

In this Division:

CGS depository interest information website means a website that

is prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this definition.

information statement for a class of CGS depository interests

means a document that:

(a) contains a statement that the document is an information

statement for that class for the purposes of this Division; and

(b) contains information about all CGS depository interests of

that class (whether or not it also contains information about

CGS depository interests of another class); and

(c) is prepared by the Commonwealth; and

(d) is published on the CGS depository interest information


regulated person, in relation to a CGS depository interest, means:

(a) an issuer of the CGS depository interest; or

(b) any financial services licensee; or

(c) any authorised representative of a financial services licensee;


(d) any person who is not required to hold an Australian

financial services licence because the person is covered by:

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and purchase of

financial products Part 7.9

Information about CGS depository interests Division 5C

Section 1020AI

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(i) paragraph 911A(2)(j); or

(ii) an exemption in regulations made for the purposes of

paragraph 911A(2)(k); or

(iii) an exemption specified by ASIC for the purposes of

paragraph 911A(2)(n( � or

(e) any person who is required to hold an Australian financial

services licence but who does not hold such a licence.

1020AI Requirement to give information statements for CGS

depository interest if recommending acquisition of


(1) A regulated person must give a person (the client) each

information statement for a class of CGS depository interests if:

(a) the regulated person provides financial product advice to the

client that consists of, or includes, a recommendation that the

client acquire a CGS depository interest of that class; and

(b) the financial product advice is provided to the client as a

retail client; and

(c) the financial product advice is personal advice to the client.

Each information statement must be given at or before the time

when the regulated person provides the advice and must be given

in accordance with this Division.

Note: If the recommendation is to acquire CGS depository interests of a

class for which there is an information statement and that is a subset

of a wider class of CGS depository interests for which there is another

information statement, the regulated person must give the client both

information statements.

(2) However, the regulated person does not have to give the client an

information statement for a class of CGS depository interests if:

(a) the client has already received that statement; or

(b) the regulated person reasonably believes that the client has

received that statement.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 5C Information about CGS depository interests

Section 1020AI

136 Corporations Act 2001

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Strict liability offence of failing to give statement

(3) A regulated person commits an offence if:

(a) the regulated person is required by this section to give

another person an information statement for a class of CGS

depository interests; and

(b) the regulated person does not give the other person, in

accordance with section 1020AK, that statement by the time

the regulated person is required to do so.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in

subsection (2). See subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

(4) An offence based on subsection (3) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

Ordinary offence of failing to give statement

(5) A regulated person commits an offence if:

(a) the regulated person is required by this section to give

another person an information statement for a class of CGS

depository interests; and

(b) the regulated person does not give the other person, in

accordance with section 1020AK, that statement by the time

the regulated person is required to do so.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in

subsection (2).

Defence for authorised representative

(6) In any proceedings against an authorised representative of a

financial services licensee for an offence based on subsection (3) or

(5), it is a defence if:

(a) the licensee had provided the representative with information

or instructions about the giving of information statements for

a class of CGS depository interests; and

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financial products Part 7.9

Information about CGS depository interests Division 5C

Section 1020AJ

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(b) the representative’s failure to give an information statement

for that class occurred because the representative was acting

in reliance on that information or those instructions; and

(c) the representative’s reliance on that information or those

instructions was reasonable.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

subsection (6). See subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

Offence of failing to ensure authorised representative gives


(7) A financial services licensee commits an offence if the licensee

does not take reasonable steps to ensure that an authorised

representative of the licensee complies with the representative’s

obligations under this section to give each information statement

for a class of CGS depository interests as and when required by

this section.

1020AJ Information statement given must be up to date

A regulated person must not, in purported compliance with this

Division, give a person at a time a document that:

(a) purports to be an information statement for a class of CGS

depository interests; and

(b) is not an information statement for that class published at that

time on the CGS depository interest information website.

Note: Failure to comply with this section is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

1020AK How an information statement is to be given

(1) An information statement for a class of CGS depository interests:

(a) must be:

(i) given to a person, or the person’s agent, personally; or

(ii) sent to the person, or the person’s agent, at an address

(including an electronic address) or fax number

nominated by the person or the agent; and

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 5C Information about CGS depository interests

Section 1020AK

138 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) may be printed or be in electronic form.

(2) For the purposes of this section, the information statement is sent

to a person at an address if, and only if:

(a) the information statement is sent to the address; and

(b) either:

(i) the envelope or other container in which the information

statement is sent; or

(ii) the message that accompanies the information


is addressed to the person.

(3) The information statement may be given or sent to the person’s

agent only if the agent is not acting as the person’s agent in one of

the following capacities:

(a) a financial services licensee;

(b) an authorised representative of a financial services licensee;

(c) a person who is not required to hold an Australian financial

services licence because the person is covered by:

(i) paragraph 911A(2)(j); or

(ii) an exemption in regulations made for the purposes of

paragraph 911A(2)(k); or

(iii) an exemption specified by ASIC for the purposes of

paragraph 911A(2)(n( �

(d) a person who is required to hold an Australian financial

services licence but who does not hold such a licence;

(e) an employee, director or other representative of a person

referred to in paragraph (a), (b), (c) or (d).

(4) The regulations may provide for other ways of giving an

information statement for a class of CGS depository interests.

(5) The regulations may specify requirements as to the manner in

which an information statement for a class of CGS depository

interests may be given to a person. The giving of the information

statement is not effective unless those requirements are satisfied.

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Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and purchase of

financial products Part 7.9

Information about CGS depository interests Division 5C

Section 1020AL

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1020AL Civil action for loss or damage

(1) A person (the client) who suffers loss or damage for a reason

described in column 1 of an item of the table may recover the

amount of the loss or damage by action begun against a person

indicated in column 2 of that item within 6 years after the loss or

damage was suffered.

Recovery of amount of loss or damage

Column 1

Reason for loss or damage

Column 2

Person amount may be recovered


1 The client was not given an information

statement for a class of CGS depository

interests as and when required by this


The person required to give the

statement or, if that person was an

authorised representative of a

financial services licensee, each such

licensee responsible for the person’s

conduct (see subsection (2))

2 The client was given at a time, in

purported compliance with this

Division, a document that:

(a) purported to be an information

statement for a class of CGS

depository interests; and

(b) was not an information statement for

that class that was published at that

time on the CGS depository interest

information website

Each person who:

(a) directly or indirectly caused or

contributed to the giving of the

document; and

(b) did not take reasonable steps to

ensure that the document given

would be an information

statement published at that time

on the CGS depository interest

information website

(2) A financial services licensee is responsible for the conduct of an

authorised representative of the licensee for the purposes of item 1

of the table in subsection (1), and the authorised representative is

not liable under that item, if:

(a) the authorised representative is not an authorised

representative of any other financial services licensee; or

(b) the licensee is responsible (alone or jointly and severally with

other financial services licensees) for the authorised

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 5C Information about CGS depository interests

Section 1020AL

140 Corporations Act 2001

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representative’s conduct under section 917C, disregarding

sections 917D and 917F.

(3) This section does not affect any liability that a person has under

any other law.

Other orders

(4) The court dealing with an action under subsection (1) may, in

addition to awarding loss or damage under that subsection and if it

thinks it necessary in order to do justice between the parties:

(a) make an order declaring void a contract entered into by the

client referred to in that subsection for or relating to a

financial product or a financial service; and

(b) if it makes an order under paragraph (a)—make such other

order or orders as it thinks are necessary or desirable because

of that order.

(5) Without limiting paragraph (4)(b), the orders that may be made

under that paragraph include (but are not limited to) an order for

the return of money paid by a person, and/or an order for payment

of an amount of interest specified in, or calculated in accordance

with, the order.

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Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and purchase of

financial products Part 7.9

Miscellaneous Division 6

Section 1020A

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Division 6—Miscellaneous

1020A Offers etc. relating to certain managed investment schemes

not to be made in certain circumstances


(1) A person must not engage in conduct of a kind referred to in

subsection (2) in relation to a financial product described in

paragraph 764A(1)(ba) (which relates to certain managed

investment schemes that are not registered schemes) if the

managed investment scheme concerned needs to be, or will need to

be, registered and has not been registered. This is so even if it is

proposed to register the scheme.

(2) Subject to subsection (3), the kinds of conduct that must not be

engaged in in relation to such a managed investment product are as


(a) making a recommendation, as described in

subsection 1012A(3), that is received in this jurisdiction;

(b) making an offer, as described in subsection 1012B(3) or

1012C(3), that is received in this jurisdiction;

(c) accepting an offer, made as described in subsection 1012B(3)

or (4), that was received in this jurisdiction.


(3) Subsection (2) does not apply to a recommendation or offer made

in a situation to which a subsection of section 1012D, other than

subsection 1012D(1), applies.

Note: In criminal proceedings, a defendant bears an evidential burden in

relation to the matters in this subsection. See subsection 13.3(3) of the

Criminal Code.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 6 Miscellaneous

Section 1020BAA

142 Corporations Act 2001

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Fault-based offence

(4) A person commits an offence if the person contravenes

subsection (1).

Civil liability

(5) A person contravenes this subsection if the person contravenes

subsection (1).

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

1020BAA Offers etc. relating to foreign passport funds not to be

made in certain circumstances

(1) A person must not engage in conduct of a kind referred to in

subsection (2) in relation to an interest in a foreign passport fund if

the fund is not:

(a) a notified foreign passport fund; or

(b) a registered scheme.

This is so even if it is proposed that the fund will become a notified

foreign passport fund or a registered scheme.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) Subject to subsection (3), the kinds of conduct that must not be

engaged in in relation to an interest in such a foreign passport fund

are as follows:

(a) making a recommendation, as described in

subsection 1012A(3), that is received in this jurisdiction;

(b) making an offer, as described in subsection 1012B(3) or

1012C(3), that is received in this jurisdiction;

(c) accepting an offer, made as described in subsection 1012B(3)

or (4), that was received in this jurisdiction.

(3) Subsection (2) does not apply to:

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financial products Part 7.9

Miscellaneous Division 6

Section 1020B

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(a) a recommendation or offer made in a situation to which a

subsection of section 1012D, other than

subsection 1012D(1), applies; or

(b) a recognised offer.

1020B Prohibition of certain short sales of securities, managed

investment products, foreign passport fund products and

certain other financial products

(1) In this section and in Division 5B:

section 1020B products means:

(a) securities; or

(b) managed investment products; or

(ba) foreign passport fund products; or

(c) financial products referred to in paragraph 764A(1)(j); or

(d) financial products of any other kind prescribed by regulations

made for the purposes of this definition.

(2) Subject to this section and the regulations, a person must only, in

this jurisdiction, sell section 1020B products to a buyer if, at the

time of the sale:

(a) the person has or, if the person is selling on behalf of another

person, that other person has; or

(b) the person believes on reasonable grounds that the person

has, or if the person is selling on behalf of another person,

that other person has;

a presently exercisable and unconditional right to vest the products

in the buyer.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(3) For the purposes of subsection (2):

(a) a person who, at a particular time, has a presently exercisable

and unconditional right to have section 1020B products

vested in the person, or in accordance with the directions of

the person, has at that time a presently exercisable and

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 6 Miscellaneous

Section 1020D

144 Corporations Act 2001

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unconditional right to vest the products in another person;


(b) a right of a person to vest section 1020B products in another

person is not conditional merely because the products are

subject to a security interest in favour of another person to

secure the repayment of money.

(4) Subsection (2) does not apply in relation to a sale of section 1020B

products by a person who, before the time of sale, has entered into

a contract to buy those products and who has a right to have those

products vested in the person that is conditional only upon all or

any of the following:

(a) payment of the consideration in respect of the purchase;

(b) the receipt by the person of a proper instrument of transfer in

respect of the products;

(c) the receipt by the person of the documents that are, or are

documents of title to, the products.

(7) For the purposes of this section, a person who:

(a) purports to sell section 1020B products; or

(b) offers to sell section 1020B products; or

(c) holds himself, herself or itself out as entitled to sell

section 1020B products; or

(d) instructs a financial services licensee to sell section 1020B


is taken to sell the products.

1020D Part cannot be contracted out of

A condition of a contract for the acquisition of a financial product

is void if it provides that a party to the contract is:

(a) required or bound to waive compliance with any requirement

of this Part (or of regulations made for the purposes of this

Part); or

(b) if the acquisition occurs in circumstances in which the party

is required by a provision of this Part to have been given a

Product Disclosure Statement for the product—taken to have

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financial products Part 7.9

Miscellaneous Division 6

Section 1020E

Corporations Act 2001 145

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notice of any contract, document or matter not specifically

referred to in a Product Disclosure Statement or

Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement given to the


1020E Stop orders by ASIC

(1) This section applies if:

(a) either:

(i) a disclosure document or statement is defective (see

subsection (11)); or

(ia) a disclosure document or statement does not comply

with a requirement of this Part that it be worded and

presented in a clear, concise and effective manner; or

(ii) an advertisement or statement of a kind referred to in

subsection 1018A(1) or (2) that relates to financial

products is defective (see subsection (11)); or

(b) an issuer of financial products is in breach of section 1017G;


(c) information made publicly available under section 1017BA

or 1017BB is defective (see subsection (11)).

(2) ASIC may order that:

(a) if paragraph (1)(a) applies—specified conduct in respect of

the financial products to which the document, advertisement

or statement relates; or

(b) if paragraph (1)(b) applies—specified conduct in respect of

financial products issued by that issuer; or

(c) if paragraph (1)(c) applies—specified conduct in respect of

the financial products or other property to which the

information relates;

must not be engaged in while the order is in force.

(3) The order may include a statement that specified conduct engaged

in contrary to the order will be regarded as not complying with the

requirements of a specified provision of this Part.

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Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 6 Miscellaneous

Section 1020E

146 Corporations Act 2001

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(4) Before making an order under subsection (2), ASIC must:

(a) hold a hearing; and

(b) give a reasonable opportunity to any interested people to

make oral or written submissions to ASIC on whether an

order should be made.

(5) If ASIC considers that any delay in making an order under

subsection (2) pending the holding of a hearing would be

prejudicial to the public interest, ASIC may make an interim order

under that subsection. The interim order may be made without

holding a hearing and lasts for 21 days after the day on which it is

made unless revoked before then.

(6) At any time during the hearing, ASIC may make an interim order

under subsection (2). The interim order lasts until:

(a) ASIC makes an order under subsection (2) after the

conclusion of the hearing; or

(b) the interim order is revoked;

whichever happens first.

(7) The order under subsection (2) must be in writing and must be

served on:

(a) unless paragraph (b), (c) or (d) applies—the issuer of the

financial products concerned; or

(b) if paragraph (1)(a) applies and the document, advertisement

or statement relates to a sale or proposed sale of the financial

products—the seller of the financial products; or

(c) if subparagraph (1)(a)(i) applies and the disclosure document

or statement is an offer document of a kind referred to in

section 1019E or a supplementary offer document of a kind

referred to in section 1019J—the offeror referred to in

subsection 1019D(1); or

(d) if paragraph (1)(c) applies—the person who made the

information publicly available or who provided the


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financial products Part 7.9

Miscellaneous Division 6

Section 1020E

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(8) The person on whom the order is served must take reasonable steps

to ensure that other people who engage in conduct to which the

order applies are aware of the order.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(9) The person on whom the order is served, or a person who is aware

of the order, must not engage in conduct contrary to the order.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(10) If the person on whom the order is served, or a person who is

aware of the order, engages in conduct contrary to the order, any

relevant statement included in the order under subsection (3) has

effect accordingly. This applies in addition to any other

consequence that is provided for by this Act.

(11) In this section:


(a) in relation to a disclosure document or statement—has the

same meaning as in Subdivision B of Division 7; and

(b) in relation to an advertisement or statement of a kind referred

to in subsection 1018A(1) or (2) that relates to financial


(i) there is a misleading or deceptive statement in the

advertisement or statement; or

(ii) there is an omission from the advertisement or statement

of material required by paragraph 1018A(1)(c), (d) or

(e), or paragraph 1018A(2)(c), (d), (e) or (f), to be

included in the advertisement or statement; and

(c) in relation to information made publicly available under

section 1017BA—means:

(i) the information has not been updated as required by that

section; or

(ii) the information is otherwise misleading or deceptive; or

(iii) there is an omission from the information; and

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 6 Miscellaneous

Section 1020F

148 Corporations Act 2001

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(d) in relation to information made publicly available under

section 1017BB—means:

(i) the information is misleading or deceptive; or

(ii) there is an omission from the information.

disclosure document or statement has the same meaning as it has

in Subdivision B of Division 7.

1020F Exemptions and modifications by ASIC

(1) ASIC may:

(a) exempt a person or class of persons from all or specified

provisions of this Part; or

(b) exempt a financial product or a class of financial products

from all or specified provisions of this Part; or

(c) declare that this Part applies in relation to a person or a

financial product, or a class of persons or financial products,

as if specified provisions were omitted, modified or varied as

specified in the declaration.

(4) An exemption may apply unconditionally or subject to specified

conditions. A person to whom a condition specified in an

exemption applies must comply with the condition. The Court may

order the person to comply with the condition in a specified way.

Only ASIC may apply to the Court for the order.

(5) An exemption or declaration must be in writing and ASIC must

publish notice of it in the Gazette.

(6) If conduct (including an omission) of a person would not have

constituted an offence if a particular declaration under

paragraph (1)(c) had not been made, that conduct does not

constitute an offence unless, before the conduct occurred (in

addition to complying with the gazettal requirement of

subsection (5)):

(a) the text of the declaration was made available by ASIC on

the internet; or

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

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financial products Part 7.9

Miscellaneous Division 6

Section 1020F

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(b) ASIC gave written notice setting out the text of the

declaration to the person.

In a prosecution for an offence to which this subsection applies, the

prosecution must prove that paragraph (a) or (b) was complied with

before the conduct occurred.

(7) For the purpose of this section, the provisions of this Part include:

(a) definitions in this Act, or in the regulations, as they apply to

references in this Part; and

(b) any provisions of Part 10.2 (transitional provisions) that

relate to provisions of this Part.

Note: Because of section 761H, a reference to this Part or Part 10.2 also

includes a reference to regulations or other instruments made for the

purposes of this Part or Part 10.2 (as the case requires).

(8) To avoid doubt, a declaration under paragraph (1)(c) may specify

omissions, modifications or variations that have any or all of the

following effects:

(a) suspending, prohibiting or limiting:

(i) any form of short selling of financial products; or

(ii) any transaction that has the same or substantially similar

market effect as a short sale of financial products;

(b) varying requirements under this Part that apply to:

(i) any form of short selling of financial products; or

(ii) any transaction that has the same or substantially similar

market effect as a short sale of financial products;

(c) removing some or all requirements under this Part that apply


(i) any form of short selling of financial products; or

(ii) any transaction that has the same or substantially similar

market effect as a short sale of financial products;

(d) imposing requirements that apply to:

(i) any form of short selling of financial products; or

(ii) any transaction that has the same or substantially similar

market effect as a short sale of financial products.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 6 Miscellaneous

Section 1020G

150 Corporations Act 2001

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1020G Exemptions and modifications by regulations

(1) The regulations may:

(a) exempt a person or class of persons from all or specified

provisions of this Part; or

(b) exempt a financial product or a class of financial products

from all or specified provisions of this Part; or

(c) provide that this Part applies as if specified provisions were

omitted, modified or varied as specified in the regulations.

(3) For the purpose of this section, the provisions of this Part include:

(a) definitions in this Act, or in the regulations, as they apply to

references in this Part; and

(b) any provisions of Part 10.2 (transitional provisions) that

relates to provisions of this Part.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and purchase of

financial products Part 7.9

Enforcement Division 7

Section 1021A

Corporations Act 2001 151

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 7—Enforcement

Subdivision A—Offences

1021A Overview

This Subdivision contains provisions creating offences by

reference to various rules contained in preceding Divisions of this

Part. However, it does not create all the offences relating to those

rules, as some offences are created by subsection 1311(1). Where

offences are created by subsection 1311(1) in relation to a rule, this

is indicated by a note at the end of the provision containing the


1021B Definitions

(1) In this Subdivision:

defective, in relation to a disclosure document or statement, means:

(a) there is a misleading or deceptive statement in the disclosure

document or statement; or

(b) if it is a Product Disclosure Statement—there is an omission

from the Product Disclosure Statement of material required

by section 1013C, other than material required by

section 1013B or 1013G; or

(c) if it is a Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement that is

given for the purposes of section 1014E—there is an

omission from the Supplementary Product Disclosure

Statement of material required by that section; or

(d) if it is information required by paragraph 1012G(3)(a)—there

is an omission from the information of material required by

that paragraph;

being a statement, or an omission, that is or would be materially

adverse from the point of view of a reasonable person considering

whether to proceed to acquire the financial product concerned.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 7 Enforcement

Section 1021B

152 Corporations Act 2001

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Note: In determining whether a Product Disclosure Statement is defective,

the effect of section 1014D must be taken into account (section 1014D

takes information and statements in a Supplementary Product

Disclosure Statement to be included in the Product Disclosure

Statement it supplements).

disclosure document or statement means:

(a) a Product Disclosure Statement; or

(b) a Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement; or

(c) information required by paragraph 1012G(3)(a).

regulated person has the same meaning as it has in Division 2.

(1A) For the avoidance of doubt, if section 1012J (information must be

up to date) is not complied with in relation to a Product Disclosure

Statement, then, for the purposes of the definition of defective in

subsection (1):

(a) if the circumstance constituting the non-compliance is that

particular information included in the Product Disclosure

Statement is not as up to date as section 1012J requires it to

be—the information so included constitutes a misleading

statement in the Product Disclosure Statement; and

(b) if the circumstance constituting the non-compliance is a

failure to include particular information that was not

previously required to be included in the Product Disclosure

Statement—the failure to include the information constitutes

an omission from the Statement of material required by

section 1013C.

Note 1: The effect of section 1014D (information in a Supplementary Product

Disclosure Statement is taken to be contained in the Product

Disclosure Statement it supplements) must be taken into account in

determining whether section 1012J is complied with in relation to a

Product Disclosure Statement.

Note 2: Whether the inclusion of out of date information, or the failure to

include information, results in the Product Disclosure Statement being

defective as defined in subsection (1) depends on whether the

materiality test set out in that definition is satisfied.

(2) In this Subdivision, a reference (including in the definitions in

subsection (1)) to a document or statement, or to information, of a

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financial products Part 7.9

Enforcement Division 7

Section 1021C

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kind referred to in a paragraph of the definition of disclosure

document or statement in subsection (1) includes a reference to

something purporting to be a document or statement, or to be

information, of that kind.

1021C Offence of failing to give etc. a disclosure document or


Strict liability offence

(1) A person (the providing entity) commits an offence if:

(a) the providing entity:

(i) is required by a provision of this Part to give another

person a Product Disclosure Statement or a

Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement (the

required disclosure document or statement); or

(ii) is required by paragraph 1012G(3)(a) to orally

communicate information (the required disclosure

document or statement) to another person; and

(b) the providing entity does not:

(i) if subparagraph (a)(i) applies—give (in accordance with

section 1015C) the other person anything purporting to

be the required disclosure document or statement by the

time they are required to do so; or

(ii) if subparagraph (a)(ii) applies—orally communicate to

the other person anything purporting to be the

information required by paragraph 1012G(3)(a) by the

time they are required to do so.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

sections 1012D, 1012DAA, 1012DA and 1012E.

(2) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

Ordinary offence

(3) A person (the providing entity) commits an offence if:

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(a) the providing entity:

(i) is required by a provision of this Part to give another

person a Product Disclosure Statement or a

Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement (the

required disclosure document or statement); or

(ii) is required by paragraph 1012G(3)(a) to orally

communicate information (the required disclosure

document or statement) to another person; and

(b) the providing entity does not:

(i) if subparagraph (a)(i) applies—give (in accordance with

section 1015C) the other person anything purporting to

be the required disclosure document or statement by the

time they are required to do so; or

(ii) if subparagraph (a)(ii) applies—orally communicate to

the other person anything purporting to be the

information required by paragraph 1012G(3)(a) by the

time they are required to do so.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

sections 1012D, 1012DAA, 1012DA and 1012E.

Defence for authorised representative

(4) In any proceedings against an authorised representative of a

financial services licensee for an offence based on subsection (1) or

(3), it is a defence if:

(a) the licensee had provided the representative with information

or instructions about the giving or communication of

disclosure documents or statements; and

(b) the representative’s failure to give or communicate the

required disclosure document or statement occurred because

the representative was acting in reliance on that information

or those instructions; and

(c) the representative’s reliance on that information or those

instructions was reasonable.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

subsection (4). See subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

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Section 1021D

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Circumstances in which a person is taken not to contravene this


(5) If:

(a) a person does not give another person a Product Disclosure

Statement for a financial product because of

section 1012DAA or 1012DA; and

(b) a notice was given under subsection 1012DAA(2) or

1012DA(5); and

(c) the notice purported to comply with subsection 1012DAA(7)

or 1012DA(6) but did not actually comply with that


the person is taken not to contravene this section.

1021D Offence of preparer of defective disclosure document or

statement giving the document or statement knowing it to

be defective

(1) A person commits an offence if:

(a) the person prepares (or has someone else prepare for them) a

disclosure document or statement (not being information

required by paragraph 1012G(3)(a)); and

(b) the person knows that the disclosure document or statement

is defective; and

(c) the person:

(i) gives (see subsection (3)) another person the disclosure

document or statement in circumstances in which it is

required by a provision of this Part to be given to the

other person; or

(ii) gives (see subsection (3)), or makes available to,

another person the disclosure document or statement

reckless as to whether the other person will or may rely

on the information in it.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

sections 1012D, 1012DAA, 1012DA and 1012E.

(2) A person commits an offence if:

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(a) the person prepares (or has someone else prepare for them) a

disclosure document or statement (not being information

required by paragraph 1012G(3)(a)); and

(b) the person knows that the disclosure document or statement

is defective; and

(c) the person gives (see subsection (3)), or makes available to,

another person the disclosure document or statement,

reckless as to whether the other person, or someone else, will

or may give it, or make it available, to another person as

mentioned in subparagraph (1)(c)(i) or (ii).

(3) In this section, give means give by any means (including orally),

and is not limited to giving in accordance with section 1015C.

1021E Preparer of defective disclosure document or statement

giving the document or statement (whether or not known

to be defective)


(1) A person contravenes this subsection if:

(a) the person prepares (or has someone else prepare for them) a

disclosure document or statement (not being information

required by paragraph 1012G(3)(a)); and

(b) the disclosure document or statement is defective; and

(c) the person:

(i) gives (see subsection (4)) another person the disclosure

document or statement in circumstances in which it is

required by a provision of this Part to be given to the

other person; or

(ii) gives (see subsection (4)), or makes available to,

another person the disclosure document or statement,

reckless as to whether the other person will or may rely

on the information in it.

Note: In criminal proceedings, a defendant bears an evidential burden in

relation to the matters in sections 1012D, 1012DAA, 1012DA and


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(2) A person contravenes this subsection if:

(a) the person prepares (or has someone else prepare for them) a

disclosure document or statement (not being information

required by paragraph 1012G(3)(a)); and

(b) the disclosure document or statement is defective; and

(c) the person gives (see subsection (4)), or makes available to,

another person the disclosure document or statement,

reckless as to whether the other person, or someone else, will

or may give it, or make it available, to another person as

mentioned in subparagraph (1)(c)(i) or (ii).


(3) A person does not contravene subsection (1) or (2) if the person

took reasonable steps to ensure that the disclosure document or

statement would not be defective.

Note: In criminal proceedings, a defendant bears an evidential burden in

relation to the matters in subsection (3). See subsection 13.3(3) of the

Criminal Code.

Meaning of give

(4) In this section, give means give by any means (including orally),

and is not limited to giving in accordance with section 1015C.

Fault-based offence

(5) A person commits an offence if the person contravenes

subsection (1) or (2).

(6) For the purposes of an offence based on subsection (1), strict

liability applies to the physical element of the offence specified in

paragraph (1)(b).

(7) For the purposes of an offence based on subsection (2), strict

liability applies to the physical element of the offence specified in

paragraph (2)(b).

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Section 1021F

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Civil liability

(8) A person contravenes this subsection if the person contravenes

subsection (1) or (2).

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

1021F Offence of regulated person (other than preparer) giving

disclosure document or statement knowing it to be


(1) A regulated person commits an offence if:

(a) another person prepares (or has someone else prepare for

them) a disclosure document or statement (not being

information required by paragraph 1012G(3)(a)); and

(b) the regulated person knows that the disclosure document or

statement is defective; and

(c) the regulated person:

(i) gives (see subsection (2)) another person the disclosure

document or statement in circumstances in which it is

required by a provision of this Part to be given to the

other person; or

(ii) gives (see subsection (2)), or makes available to,

another person the disclosure document or statement,

reckless as to whether the other person will or may rely

on the information in it.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

sections 1012D, 1012DAA, 1012DA and 1012E.

(2) In this section, give means give by any means (including orally),

and is not limited to giving in accordance with section 1015C.

1021FA Paragraph 1012G(3)(a) obligation—offences relating to

communication of information

Offence where information known to be defective

(1) A person (the providing entity) commits an offence if:

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Section 1021FA

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(a) the providing entity communicates information required by

paragraph 1012G(3)(a) to another person in circumstances in

which the providing entity is required to do so; and

(b) the providing entity knows that the information is defective.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

sections 1012D and 1012E.

Offence whether or not information known to be defective

(2) A person (the providing entity) commits an offence if:

(a) the providing entity communicates information required by

paragraph 1012G(3)(a) to another person in circumstances in

which the providing entity is required to do so; and

(b) the information is defective.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

sections 1012D and 1012E.

(3) For the purposes of an offence based on subsection (2), strict

liability applies to the physical element of the offence specified in

paragraph (2)(b).

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.


(4) In any proceedings against a person for an offence based on

subsection (1) or (2), it is a defence if the person took reasonable

steps to ensure that the information communicated would not be


Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

subsection (4). See subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

(5) In any proceedings against a person for an offence based on

subsection (2), it is a defence if the information communicated was

defective because of information, or an omission from information,

provided to the person (whether in a document or otherwise) by the

issuer of the financial product concerned.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

subsection (5). See subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

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1021FB Paragraph 1012G(3)(a) obligation—offences relating to

information provided by product issuer for

communication by another person

Product issuer knows information is defective

(1) The issuer of a financial product commits an offence if:

(a) the issuer provides information (whether in a document or

otherwise) relating to the product to a person:

(i) for the purpose of the information being communicated

under paragraph 1012G(3)(a); or

(ii) knowing that it is likely that the information will be so

communicated; and

(b) the issuer knows that, if the person communicates the

provided information for the purpose of

paragraph 1012G(3)(a), the information communicated will

be defective.

Product issuer knows information is not all the required


(2) The issuer of a financial product commits an offence if:

(a) the issuer provides information (whether in a document or

otherwise) relating to the product to a person:

(i) for the purpose of it being communicated under

paragraph 1012G(3)(a); or

(ii) knowing that it is likely that it will be so communicated;


(b) the provided information relates to a matter or matters, but

the issuer knows that it is not all of the information relating

to the matter or matters that is required to be so

communicated; and

(c) the issuer is reckless as to whether the person will or may

communicate information for the purposes of

paragraph 1012G(3)(a) on the basis that the provided

information is all the information relating to the matter or

matters that is required to be so communicated.

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Product issuer provides information that results in information

required by paragraph 1012G(3)(a) being defective

(3) The issuer of a financial product commits an offence if:

(a) the issuer provides information (whether in a document or

otherwise) relating to the product to a person:

(i) for the purpose of it being communicated under

paragraph 1012G(3)(a); or

(ii) knowing that it is likely that it will be so communicated;


(b) the person communicates the information for the purpose of

paragraph 1012G(3)(a); and

(c) the information communicated is defective because it

includes the provided information (whether or not it is

defective for other reasons).

(4) For the purposes of an offence based on subsection (3), strict

liability applies to the physical element of the offence specified in

paragraph (3)(c).

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

Defence to subsection (3) offence

(5) In any proceedings against the issuer of a financial product for an

offence based on subsection (3), it is a defence if the issuer took

reasonable steps to ensure that the information they provided

would not be such as to make the information communicated for

the purpose of paragraph 1012G(3)(a) defective.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

subsection (5). See subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

Product issuer does not provide all the required information

(6) The issuer of a financial product commits an offence if:

(a) the issuer provides information (whether in a document or

otherwise) relating to the product to a person:

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(i) for the purpose of it being communicated under

paragraph 1012G(3)(a); or

(ii) knowing that it is likely that it will be so communicated;


(b) the provided information relates to a matter or matters, but it

is not all of the information relating to the matter or matters

that is required to be so communicated; and

(c) the person communicates information for the purpose of

paragraph 1012G(3)(a) on the basis that the provided

information is all the information relating to the matter or

matters that is required to be so communicated; and

(d) the information communicated is defective because it

includes only that information about the matter or matters

(whether or not it is also defective for other reasons).

(7) For the purposes of an offence based on subsection (6), strict

liability applies to the physical elements of the offence specified in

paragraphs (6)(b) and (d).

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

Defence to subsection (6) offence

(8) In any proceedings against the issuer of a financial product for an

offence based on subsection (6), it is a defence if the issuer took

reasonable steps to ensure that the information they provided about

the matter or matters would be all the information about the matter

or matters that would be required by paragraph 1012G(3)(a) to be


Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

subsection (8). See subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

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Section 1021G

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1021G Financial services licensee failing to ensure authorised

representative gives etc. disclosure documents or

statements as required

Financial services licensee must ensure authorised representative

gives etc. disclosure documents or statements as required

(1) A financial services licensee contravenes this subsection if the

licensee does not take reasonable steps to ensure that an authorised

representative of the licensee complies with their obligations under

this Part to give or communicate disclosure documents or

statements as and when required by this Part.

Fault-based offence

(2) A person commits an offence if the person contravenes

subsection (1).

Civil liability

(3) A person contravenes this subsection if the person contravenes

subsection (1).

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

1021H Offences if a Product Disclosure Statement (or

Supplementary PDS) does not comply with certain


(1) A person commits an offence if:

(a) the person prepares (or has someone else prepare for them) a

Product Disclosure Statement, a Supplementary Product

Disclosure Statement or a Replacement Product Disclosure

Statement (the disclosure document); and

(b) the disclosure document does not comply with:

(i) if it is a Product Disclosure Statement—section 1013B

or 1013G or subsection 942DA(3); or

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(ii) if it is a Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement—

section 1013G, 1014B or 1014C; or

(iii) if it is a Replacement Product Disclosure Statement—

subsection 942DA(3), section 1013G or

subsection 1014K(1), (2) or (3); and

(c) the person:

(i) gives (see subsection (3)) another person the disclosure

document in circumstances in which it is required by a

provision of this Part to be given to the other person; or

(ii) gives (see subsection (3)), or makes available to,

another person the disclosure document, reckless as to

whether the other person will or may rely on the

information in it; or

(iii) gives (see subsection (3)), or makes available to,

another person the disclosure document, reckless as to

whether the other person, or someone else, will or may

give it, or make it available, to another person as

mentioned in subparagraph (i) or (ii).

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

sections 1012D, 1012DAA, 1012DA and 1012E.

(2) For the purposes of an offence based on subsection (1), strict

liability applies to paragraph (b) of that subsection.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(3) In this section, give means give by any means (including orally),

and is not limited to giving in accordance with section 1015C.

1021I Offence of giving disclosure document or statement that has

not been prepared by the appropriate person

(1) A regulated person commits an offence if:

(a) the regulated person:

(i) gives (see subsection (2)) another person a disclosure

document or statement (not being information required

by paragraph 1012G(3)(a)) in circumstances in which it

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is required by a provision of this Part to be given to the

other person; or

(ii) gives (see subsection (2)), or makes available to,

another person a disclosure document or statement (not

being information required by paragraph 1012G(3)(a)),

reckless as to whether the other person will or may rely

on the information in it; and

(b) the disclosure document or statement has not been prepared

by, or on behalf of, the person required by section 1013A to

prepare it.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

sections 1012D, 1012DAA, 1012DA and 1012E.

(2) In this section, give means give by any means (including orally),

and is not limited to giving in accordance with section 1015C.

1021J Offences if preparer etc. of disclosure document or statement

becomes aware that it is defective

(1) A person commits an offence if:

(a) the person prepares (or has someone else prepare for them) a

disclosure document or statement (not being information

required by paragraph 1012G(3)(a)); and

(b) the person becomes aware that the disclosure document or

statement is defective; and

(c) the person does not, as soon as practicable, take reasonable

steps to ensure that any regulated person to whom the

disclosure document or statement has been provided for

further distribution is given a direction that satisfies one of

more of the following subparagraphs:

(i) a direction not to distribute the disclosure document or


(ii) if it is a Product Disclosure Statement—a direction not

to distribute the Product Disclosure Statement unless it

is accompanied by a Supplementary Product Disclosure

Statement that corrects the deficiency;

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(iii) if it is a Product Disclosure Statement or a

Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement—a

direction not to distribute the Product Disclosure

Statement or Supplementary Product Disclosure

Statement without first altering it in a way that is

specified in the direction, being a way that corrects the

deficiency and that complies with section 1015E.

(2) A regulated person commits an offence if:

(a) the person is given a direction referred to in paragraph (1)(c);


(b) the person does not comply with the direction.

(3) A regulated person commits an offence if:

(a) a disclosure document or statement (not being information

required by paragraph 1012G(3)(a)) has been provided to the

person for distribution; and

(b) the person becomes aware that the disclosure document or

statement is defective; and

(c) the person does not take reasonable steps to notify the person

by whom, or on whose behalf, the disclosure document or

statement was prepared of the particulars of the deficiency.

(4) In this section, a reference to distributing a disclosure document or

statement includes (but is not limited to) giving the document or

statement to another person in purported compliance with a

requirement of this Part.

1021K Offence of unauthorised alteration of Product Disclosure

Statement (or Supplementary PDS)

(1) A person commits an offence if:

(a) the person engages in conduct that results in an alteration of a

Product Disclosure Statement or a Supplementary Product

Disclosure Statement that has been prepared by or on behalf

of another person (the responsible person); and

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(b) the alteration results in the Product Disclosure Statement or

Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement becoming

defective, or more defective than it previously was; and

(c) the alteration is not made with the authority of the

responsible person; and

(d) either:

(i) the person, in purported compliance with a provision of

this Part, gives (see subsection (2)) the altered Product

Disclosure Statement or Supplementary Product

Disclosure Statement to another person; or

(ii) the person gives (see subsection (2)), or makes available

to, another person the altered Product Disclosure

Statement or Supplementary Product Disclosure

Statement, reckless as to whether the other person will

or may rely on the information in it; or

(iii) the person gives (see subsection (2)), or makes available

to, another person the altered Product Disclosure

Statement or Supplementary Product Disclosure

Statement, reckless as to whether the other person, or

someone else, will or may give it, or make it available,

to another person as mentioned in subparagraph (i) or


(2) In this section, give means give by any means (including orally),

and is not limited to giving in accordance with section 1015C.

1021L Offences of giving, or failing to withdraw, consent to

inclusion of defective statement

(1) A person commits an offence if:

(a) they consent to the inclusion of a statement (the consented

material) in a Product Disclosure Statement or a

Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement as mentioned

in paragraph 1013K(1)(a); and

(b) either:

(i) there is a misleading or deceptive statement in the

consented material; or

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Section 1021M

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(ii) there is an omission of information from the consented

material; and

(c) the statement or omission is or would be materially adverse

from the point of view of a reasonable person considering

whether to proceed to acquire the financial product


(2) A person commits an offence if:

(a) they consent to the inclusion of a statement (the consented

material) in a Product Disclosure Statement or a

Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement as mentioned

in paragraph 1013K(1)(a); and

(b) they become aware that either:

(i) there is a misleading or deceptive statement in the

consented material; or

(ii) there is an omission of information from the consented


being a statement, or an omission, that:

(iii) is or would be materially adverse from the point of view

of a reasonable person considering whether to proceed

to acquire the financial product concerned; or

(iv) results in the Product Disclosure Statement or the

Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement being

defective, or more defective than it would otherwise be;


(c) they do not withdraw their consent after becoming aware of

the matter mentioned in paragraph (b).

1021M Offences relating to keeping and providing copies of Product

Disclosure Statements (or Supplementary PDSs)

Strict liability offence

(1) A person commits an offence if:

(a) the person is required by section 1015D:

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(i) to notify ASIC that a Product Disclosure Statement or a

Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement is in use;


(ii) to keep a copy of a Product Disclosure Statement or a

Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement for a

particular period; or

(iii) to make a copy of a Product Disclosure Statement or a

Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement available

to ASIC; or

(iv) to comply with a request from a person for a copy of a

Product Disclosure Statement or a Supplementary

Product Disclosure Statement; and

(b) the person does not comply with that requirement.

(2) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

Ordinary offence

(3) A person commits an offence if:

(a) the person is required by section 1015D:

(i) to notify ASIC that a Product Disclosure Statement or a

Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement is in use;


(ii) to keep a copy of a Product Disclosure Statement or a

Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement for a

particular period; or

(iii) to make a copy of a Product Disclosure Statement or a

Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement available

to ASIC; or

(iv) to comply with a request from a person for a copy of a

Product Disclosure Statement or a Supplementary

Product Disclosure Statement; and

(b) the person does not comply with that requirement.

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Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

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Section 1021N

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1021N Offence of failing to provide additional information

requested under section 1017A

A person (the responsible person) commits an offence if:

(a) a request is made to them by another person, in accordance

with subsection 1017A(1), to provide further information

about a financial product; and

(b) the responsible person is required by subsection 1017A(2) to

give the other person the information; and

(c) the other person has paid any charge in respect of the request,

being a charge that is in accordance with

subsections 1017A(5) and (6); and

(d) the responsible person does not take reasonable steps to

ensure that, as soon as practicable after receiving the request,

and in any event within one month, the information is

provided to the other person in accordance with

subsection 1017A(4).

1021NA Offences relating to obligation to make product dashboard

publicly available

Failure to comply with obligation to make product dashboard

publicly available

(1) A person commits an offence if:

(a) the person is a trustee of a regulated superannuation fund;


(b) as trustee, the person is required, under section 1017BA, to

ensure that a product dashboard for each of the fund’s

MySuper products and choice products is made publicly

available on the fund’s website; and

(c) a product dashboard for each of the fund’s MySuper products

and choice products is not made publicly available as

required by that section.

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Section 1021NA

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Offence where information known to be defective

(2) A person commits an offence if:

(a) the person is a trustee of a regulated superannuation fund;


(b) a product dashboard is made publicly available on the fund’s

website in purported compliance with section 1017BA; and

(c) the person knows that:

(i) the information set out in the product dashboard has not

been updated as required by that section; or

(ii) the information set out in the product dashboard is

otherwise misleading or deceptive; or

(iii) there is an omission from the information set out in the

product dashboard.

Offence whether or not information known to be defective

(3) A person commits an offence if:

(a) the person is a trustee of a regulated superannuation fund;


(b) a product dashboard is made publicly available on the fund’s

website in purported compliance with section 1017BA; and

(c) either:

(i) the information set out in the product dashboard has not

been updated as required by that section; or

(ii) the information set out in the product dashboard is

otherwise misleading or deceptive; or

(iii) there is an omission from the information set out in the

product dashboard.

(4) For the purposes of an offence based on subsection (3), strict

liability applies to the physical element of the offence specified in

any of subparagraphs (3)(c)(i) to (iii).

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

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Section 1021NA

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(5) In any proceedings against a trustee of a regulated superannuation

fund for an offence based on subparagraph (2)(c)(iii) or (3)(c)(iii),

it is a defence if:

(a) the trustee or another trustee of the fund took reasonable

steps to ensure that there would not be an omission from the

information set out in the product dashboard; or

(b) both of the following apply:

(i) the information was omitted because it was not up to


(ii) the trustee or another trustee of the fund took reasonable

steps to obtain up-to-date information; or

(c) both of the following apply:

(i) the information was omitted because it would have been

misleading or deceptive;

(ii) the trustee or another trustee of the fund took reasonable

steps to obtain information that would not have been

misleading or deceptive.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

subsection (5). See subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

(6) In any proceedings against a trustee of a regulated superannuation

fund for an offence based on subparagraph (3)(c)(i), it is a defence

if the trustee or another trustee of the fund took reasonable steps to

ensure that the information set out in the product dashboard was

updated as required by section 1017BA.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

subsection (6). See subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

(7) In any proceedings against a trustee of a regulated superannuation

fund for an offence based on subparagraph (3)(c)(ii), it is a defence

if the trustee or another trustee of the fund took reasonable steps to

ensure that the information set out in the product dashboard would

not be misleading or deceptive.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

subsection (7). See subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

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Enforcement Division 7

Section 1021NB

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1021NB Offences relating to obligation to make superannuation

investment information publicly available

Failure to comply with obligation to make information publicly


(1) A person commits an offence if:

(a) the person is a trustee of a registrable superannuation entity;


(b) as trustee, the person is required, under section 1017BB, to

make information publicly available on the entity’s website;


(c) the information is not made publicly available as required by

that section.

Offence where information known to be defective

(2) A person commits an offence if:

(a) the person is a trustee of a registrable superannuation entity;


(b) as trustee, the person is required, under section 1017BB, to

make information publicly available; and

(c) information is made publicly available in purported

compliance with that requirement; and

(d) the trustee knows that:

(i) the information is misleading or deceptive; or

(ii) there is an omission from the information.

Offence whether or not information known to be defective

(3) A person commits an offence if:

(a) the person is a trustee of a registrable superannuation entity;


(b) as trustee, the person is required, under section 1017BB, to

make information publicly available; and

(c) information is made publicly available in purported

compliance with that requirement; and

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purchase of financial products

Division 7 Enforcement

Section 1021NB

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(d) either:

(i) the information is misleading or deceptive; or

(ii) there is an omission from the information.

(4) For the purposes of an offence based on subsection (3), strict

liability applies to the physical element of the offence specified in

subparagraph (3)(d)(i) or (ii).

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.


(5) In any proceedings against a trustee of a registrable superannuation

entity for an offence based on subsection (1), it is a defence if the

information would have been made publicly available but for the

fact that the trustee or another trustee of the entity was unable to

obtain the information after taking reasonable steps to do so.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

subsection (5). See subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

(6) In any proceedings against a trustee of a registrable superannuation

entity for an offence based on subparagraph (2)(d)(ii) or (3)(d)(ii),

it is a defence if:

(a) there was an omission from the information made publicly

available because the trustee or another trustee of the entity

was unable to obtain the information after taking reasonable

steps to do so; or

(b) both of the following apply:

(i) the information was omitted because it would have been

misleading or deceptive;

(ii) the trustee or another trustee of the entity took

reasonable steps to obtain information that would not

have been misleading or deceptive.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

subsection (6). See subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

(7) In any proceedings against a trustee of a registrable superannuation

entity for an offence based on subparagraph (3)(d)(i), it is a

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Section 1021O

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defence if the trustee or another trustee of the entity took

reasonable steps to ensure that the information made publicly

available would not be misleading or deceptive.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

subsection (7). See subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

1021O Offences of issuer or seller of financial product failing to pay

money into an account as required

Strict liability offence

(1) An issuer or seller of financial products commits an offence if:

(a) the issuer or seller is required by subsection 1017E(2) to pay

particular money into an account in accordance with that

subsection; and

(b) the issuer or seller does not pay the money into an account in

accordance with that subsection.

(2) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

Ordinary offence

(3) An issuer or seller of financial products commits an offence if:

(a) the issuer or seller is required by subsection 1017E(2) to pay

particular money into an account in accordance with that

subsection; and

(b) the issuer or seller does not pay the money into an account in

accordance with that subsection.

1021P Offences relating to offers to which Division 5A applies

Failure to comply with requirements of section 1019E relating to

how offers are made

(1) A person commits an offence if:

(a) the person makes an offer; and

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purchase of financial products

Division 7 Enforcement

Section 1021P

176 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) the offer is an offer to which Division 5A applies (see

section 1019D); and

(c) in making the offer, the person fails to comply with a

requirement of section 1019E.

Contravening section 1019F by inviting offers to sell

(2) A person commits an offence if:

(a) the person invites another person to make an offer to sell a

financial product; and

(b) in making the invitation, the person contravenes

section 1019F.

Failure to comply with requirements of section 1019G relating to

duration and withdrawal of offers

(3) A person commits an offence if:

(a) the person makes an offer; and

(b) the offer is an offer to which Division 5A applies (see

section 1019D); and

(c) any of the following apply:

(i) the offer does not remain open for the period required

by paragraph 1019G(1)(a);

(ii) the offer remains open for longer than is permitted by

paragraph 1019G(1)(b);

(iii) in purporting to withdraw the offer, the person fails to

comply with a requirement of subsection 1019G(2) or


Failure to comply with requirements of section 1019I relating to

price or value

(4) A person commits an offence if:

(a) the person makes an offer; and

(b) the offer is an offer to which Division 5A applies (see

section 1019D); and

(c) the person gives the offeree an offer document; and

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(d) either:

(i) the offer document does not comply with

paragraph 1019I(2)(a), (b) or (c); or

(ii) material of a kind referred to in paragraph 1019I(2)(a),

(b) or (c) that is included in the offer document is

misleading or deceptive.

Failure to comply with other requirements of section 1019I

(5) A person commits an offence if:

(a) the person makes an offer; and

(b) the offer is an offer to which Division 5A applies (see

section 1019D); and

(c) the person gives the offeree an offer document; and

(d) either:

(i) the offer document does not comply with

subsection 1019I(1), or paragraph 1019I(2)(d), (e) or

(f); or

(ii) material of a kind referred to in subsection 1019I(1), or

paragraph 1019I(2)(d), (e) or (f), that is included in the

offer document is misleading or deceptive.

Failure to comply with requirements of section 1019J

(6) A person commits an offence if:

(a) the person makes an offer; and

(b) the offer is an offer to which Division 5A applies (see

section 1019D); and

(c) section 1019J applies because of an increase or decrease in

the market value of the financial product to which the offer

relates; and

(d) one of the following subparagraphs applies:

(i) the person fails to comply with subsection 1019J(2) in

relation to that increase or decrease; or

(ii) the person gives the offeree a supplementary offer

document in relation to that increase or decrease, but

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purchase of financial products

Division 7 Enforcement

Section 1022A

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that document does not comply with

subsection 1019J(3); or

(iii) the person gives the offeree a supplementary offer

document in relation to that increase or decrease, but

material of a kind referred to in subsection 1019J(3) that

is included in that document is misleading or deceptive.

Subdivision B—Civil liability

1022A Definitions

(1) In this Subdivision:

defective, in relation to a disclosure document or statement, means:

(a) there is a misleading or deceptive statement in the disclosure

document or statement; or

(b) if it is a Product Disclosure Statement—there is an omission

from the Product Disclosure Statement of material required

by section 1013C, other than material required by

section 1013B or 1013G; or

(c) if it is a Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement that is

given for the purposes of section 1014E—there is an

omission from the Supplementary Product Disclosure

Statement of material required by that section; or

(d) if it is information required by paragraph 1012G(3)(a)—there

is an omission from the information of material required by

that paragraph; or

(e) if it is an offer document of a kind referred to in

section 1019E—there is an omission from the document of

material required by section 1019I; or

(f) if it is a supplementary offer document of a kind referred to

in section 1019J—there is an omission from the document of

material required by subsection 1019J(3).

Note: In determining whether a Product Disclosure Statement is defective,

the effect of section 1014D must be taken into account (section 1014D

takes information and statements in a Supplementary Product

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Section 1022A

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Disclosure Statement to be included in the Product Disclosure

Statement it supplements).

disclosure document or statement means:

(a) a Product Disclosure Statement; or

(b) a Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement; or

(c) information required by paragraph 1012G(3)(a); or

(d) an offer document of a kind referred to in section 1019E; or

(e) a supplementary offer document of a kind referred to in

section 1019J.

regulated person has the same meaning as it has in Division 2.

(1A) For the avoidance of doubt, if section 1012J (information must be

up to date) is not complied with in relation to a Product Disclosure

Statement, then, for the purposes of the definition of defective in

subsection (1):

(a) if the circumstance constituting the non-compliance is that

particular information included in the Product Disclosure

Statement is not as up to date as section 1012J requires it to

be—the information so included constitutes a misleading

statement in the Product Disclosure Statement; and

(b) if the circumstance constituting the non-compliance is a

failure to include particular information that was not

previously required to be included in the Product Disclosure

Statement—the failure to include the information constitutes

an omission from the Statement of material required by

section 1013C.

Note: The effect of section 1014D (information in a Supplementary Product

Disclosure Statement is taken to be contained in the Product

Disclosure Statement it supplements) must be taken into account in

determining whether section 1012J is complied with in relation to a

Product Disclosure Statement.

(2) In this Subdivision, a reference (including in the definitions in

subsection (1)) to a document or statement, or to information, of a

kind referred to in a paragraph of the definition of disclosure

document or statement in subsection (1) includes a reference to

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Section 1022B

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something purporting to be a document or statement, or to be

information, of that kind.

1022B Civil action for loss or damage

(1) This section applies in the following situations:

(a) a person:

(i) is required by a provision of this Part to give another

person (the client) a Product Disclosure Statement or a

Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement (the

required disclosure document or statement); and

(ii) does not give (in accordance with section 1015C) the

client anything purporting to be the required disclosure

document or statement by the time they are required to

do so; or

(aa) a person makes an offer to which Division 5A applies (see

section 1019D) to another person (the client) otherwise than

by sending the client an offer document in accordance with

section 1019E; or

(ab) a person makes an invitation prohibited by section 1019F to

another person (the client); or

(ac) a person:

(i) is required by subsection 1019J(2), in relation to an

offer made to another person (the client), to send the

client a withdrawal document or a supplementary offer

document; and

(ii) does not send (in accordance with paragraphs

1019E(1)(a) and (b)) the client anything purporting to

be either of those things by the time they are required to

do so; or

(b) a person:

(i) is required by paragraph 1012G(3)(a) to orally

communicate information (the required disclosure

document or statement) to another person (the client);


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(ii) does not orally communicate to the other person

anything purporting to be the information required by

that paragraph by the time they are required to do so; or

(c) a person:

(i) gives another person (the client) a disclosure document

or statement (other than an offer document of a kind

referred to in section 1019E or a supplementary offer

document of a kind referred to in section 1019J) that is

defective in circumstances in which a disclosure

document or statement is required by a provision of this

Part to be given to the client; or

(ia) makes an offer to which Division 5A applies (see

section 1019D) by sending another person (the client)

an offer document in accordance with section 1019E,

but that offer document is defective; or

(ib) in a situation to which section 1019J applies, sends a

person (the client) a supplementary offer document in

accordance with that section but that supplementary

offer document is defective; or

(ii) is a regulated person and gives, or makes available to,

another person (the client) a disclosure document or

statement, being a Product Disclosure Statement or a

Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement, that is

defective, reckless as to whether the client will or may

rely on the information in it; or

(d) a person:

(i) gives consent to the inclusion of a statement in a

Product Disclosure Statement or a Supplementary

Product Disclosure Statement as mentioned in

subsection 1021L(1), disregarding

paragraph 1021L(1)(c); or

(ii) does not take reasonable steps to withdraw such a

statement as mentioned in subsection 1021L(2),

disregarding subparagraphs 1021L(2)(b)(iii) and (iv); or

(e) a person contravenes section 1017B or 1017D; or

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Section 1022B

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(f) a person is required by section 1017BA to make information

publicly available on a regulated superannuation fund’s

website and any of the following circumstances apply:

(i) the information is not made publicly available as

required by that section;

(ii) the information made publicly available is not updated

as required by that section;

(iii) the information made publicly available is misleading or


(iv) there is an omission from the information made publicly

available; or

(g) a person is required by section 1017BB to make information

publicly available on a registrable superannuation entity’s

website and any of the following circumstances apply:

(i) the information is not made publicly available as

required by that section;

(ii) the information made publicly available is misleading or


(iii) there is an omission from the information made publicly


In paragraph (c), give means give by any means (including orally),

and is not limited to giving in accordance with section 1015C or

paragraph 1012G(3)(a).

(2) In a situation to which this section applies, if a person suffers loss

or damage:

(a) if paragraph (1)(a) applies—because the client was not given

the disclosure document or statement that they should have

been given; or

(aa) if paragraph (1)(aa) applies—because the client was not sent

an offer document in accordance with section 1019E; or

(ab) if paragraph (1)(ab) applies—because the client received an

invitation prohibited by section 1019F rather than being sent

an offer document in accordance with section 1019E; or

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(ac) if paragraph (1)(ac) applies—because the client was not sent

a withdrawal document or a supplementary offer document

as required by subsection 1019J(2); or

(b) if paragraph (1)(b) applies—because the information required

by paragraph 1012G(3)(a) was not communicated to the

client; or

(c) if paragraph (1)(c) applies—because the disclosure document

or statement the client was given or sent was defective; or

(d) if paragraph (1)(d) applies—because the consent referred to

in that paragraph was given, or was not withdrawn, as the

case requires; or

(e) if paragraph (1)(e) applies—because of the contravention

referred to in that paragraph; or

(f) if paragraph (1)(f) or (g) apply—because of any of the

circumstances mentioned in those paragraphs;

the person may recover the amount of the loss or damage by action

against the, or a, liable person (see subsections (3) to (5)), whether

or not that person (or anyone else) has been convicted of an

offence in respect of the matter referred to in paragraph (a), (aa),

(ab), (ac), (b), (c), (d), (e) or (f).

(3) For the purposes of subsection (2), the, or a, liable person is:

(a) if paragraph (1)(a), (aa), (ab), (ac) or (b) applies—subject to

subsection (4), the person first-referred to in that paragraph;


(aa) if paragraph (1)(c) applies and the disclosure document or

statement is information required by

paragraph 1012G(3)(a)—subject to subsection (5A), the

person first-referred to in paragraph (1)(c) of this section; or

(b) if paragraph (1)(c) (other than subparagraph (1)(c)(ia) or (ib))

applies and the disclosure document or statement is not

information required by paragraph 1012G(3)(a)—subject to

subsection (5):

(i) the person by whom, or on whose behalf, the disclosure

document or statement was prepared; and

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purchase of financial products

Division 7 Enforcement

Section 1022B

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(ii) each other person involved in the preparation of the

disclosure document or statement who, directly or

indirectly, caused the disclosure document or statement

to be defective or contributed to it being defective; or

(ba) if subparagraph (1)(c)(ia) or (ib) applies—the person who

made the offer; or

(c) if paragraph (1)(d) applies—the person who gave the

consent; or

(d) if paragraph (1)(e) applies—the person who contravened the

provision concerned; or

(e) if paragraph (1)(f) applies—the trustee, or the trustees, of the

regulated superannuation fund on whose website the

information was required to be made publicly available; or

(f) if paragraph (1)(g) applies—the trustee, or the trustees, of the

registrable superannuation entity on whose website the

information was required to be made publicly available.

(4) If paragraph (1)(a) or (b) applies, or paragraph (1)(c) applies so far

as it relates to information required by paragraph 1012G(3)(a), and

the person who would, but for this subsection, be the liable person

is an authorised representative, the authorised representative is not

the liable person and the following paragraphs apply:

(a) if the authorised representative is an authorised representative

of only one financial services licensee—that financial

services licensee is the liable person;

(b) if the authorised representative is an authorised representative

of more than one financial services licensee:

(i) if, under the rules in section 917C, one of those

licensees is responsible for the person’s conduct—that

licensee is the (or a) liable person; or

(ii) if, under the rules in section 917C, 2 or more of those

licensees are jointly and severally responsible for the

person’s conduct—each of those licensees is a liable


(4A) For the purposes of paragraph (4)(b):

(a) section 917C is taken to apply, despite section 917F; and

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(b) section 917D is taken not to apply.

(5) If:

(a) paragraph (1)(c) (other than subparagraph (1)(c)(ia) or (ib))

applies; and

(b) an alteration was made to the disclosure document or

statement (not being information required by

paragraph 1012G(3)(a)) before it was given to the client; and

(c) the alteration made the disclosure document or statement

defective, or more defective than it would otherwise have

been; and

(d) the alteration was not made by, or with the authority of, the

person who would, but for this subsection, be a liable person

because of subparagraph (3)(b)(i);

then, so far as a person has suffered loss or damage because the

disclosure document or statement was defective because of the

alteration, the person who made the alteration is a liable person,

rather than the person referred to in paragraph (d).

(5A) If:

(a) paragraph (3)(aa) applies; and

(b) the person referred to in that paragraph is not the issuer, or an

authorised representative of the issuer, of the financial

product to which the required disclosure document or

statement relates; and

(c) the required disclosure document or statement was defective

because of information, or an omission from information,

provided to that person (whether in a document or otherwise)

by the issuer of the product;

the issuer of the product is the liable person, rather than the person

who would otherwise be the liable person because of

paragraph (3)(aa) or subsection (4).

(6) An action under subsection (2) may be begun at any time within 6

years after the day on which the cause of action arose.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.9 Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and

purchase of financial products

Division 7 Enforcement

Section 1022C

186 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(7) A person is not liable under subsection (2) in a situation described

in paragraph (1)(c) if the person took reasonable steps to ensure

that the disclosure document or statement would not be defective.

(7A) If subsection (5A) applies, the issuer of the financial product is not

liable under subsection (2) if the issuer took reasonable steps to

ensure that the information provided as mentioned in

paragraph (5A)(c) would not be such as to make the required

disclosure document or statement defective.

(7B) A person is not liable under subsection (2) in a situation described

in subparagraph (1)(f)(iii) or (g)(ii) if the person took reasonable

steps to ensure that the information would not be misleading or


(7C) A person is not liable under subsection (2) in a situation described

in subparagraph (1)(f)(iv) or (g)(iii) if the person took reasonable

steps to ensure that there would not be an omission from the


(8) This section does not affect any liability that a person has under

any other law.

1022C Additional powers of court to make orders

(1) The court dealing with an action under subsection 1022B(2) may,

in addition to awarding loss or damage under that subsection and if

it thinks it necessary in order to do justice between the parties:

(a) make an order declaring void a contract entered into by the

client referred to in that subsection for or relating to a

financial product or a financial service; and

(b) if it makes an order under paragraph (a)—make such other

order or orders as it thinks are necessary or desirable because

of that order.

(2) Without limiting paragraph (1)(b), the orders that may be made

under that paragraph include (but are not limited to) an order for

the return of money paid by a person, and/or an order for payment

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Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Financial product disclosure and other provisions relating to issue, sale and purchase of

financial products Part 7.9

Enforcement Division 7

Section 1022C

Corporations Act 2001 187

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

of an amount of interest specified in, or calculated in accordance

with, the order.

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Part 7.9A Product intervention orders

Section 1023A

188 Corporations Act 2001

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Part 7.9A—Product intervention orders

1023A Object

The object of this Part is to provide ASIC with powers that it can

use proactively to reduce the risk of significant detriment to retail

clients resulting from financial products.

1023B Definitions

In this Part:

ASIC Act financial product means a financial product within the

meaning of Division 2 of Part 2 of the ASIC Act.

financial product includes an ASIC Act financial product but does

not include:

(a) a financial product issued, or offered for regulated sale, by an

exempt body or an exempt public authority; or

(b) a financial product specified in regulations made for the

purposes of this paragraph.

product intervention order means an order made under

subsection 1023D(1) or (3).

regulated sale has the meaning given by subsection 994A(1).

1023C Application of product intervention orders

(1) A product intervention order does not apply to a financial product

held by a person if the person acquired, or entered into a contract

for the acquisition of, the product before the order comes into


(2) A product intervention order does not apply to a person:

(a) in the person’s capacity as a retail client; or

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Product intervention orders Part 7.9A

Section 1023D

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(b) who is in a class of persons specified in regulations made for

the purposes of this paragraph.

(3) The regulations may provide that this Part does not apply to a

financial product specified in the regulations.

Note: In a prosecution for an offence, the defendant bears an evidential

burden in relation to the matters in this section (see subsection 13.3(3)

of the Criminal Code).

1023D ASIC may make product intervention orders

Making product intervention orders

(1) Subject to subsection (5), if ASIC is satisfied that a financial


(a) is, or is likely to be, available for acquisition by issue, or for

regulated sale, to persons as retail clients (whether or not it

also is, or is likely to be, available for acquisition by persons

as wholesale clients); and

(b) has resulted in, or will or is likely to result in, significant

detriment to retail clients;

ASIC may, in accordance with this Part, order that a specified

person must not engage in specified conduct in relation to the

product, either entirely or except in accordance with conditions

specified in the order.

Note 1: An example of conditions that may be specified in a product

intervention order include that the product not be issued to a retail

client unless the retail client has received personal advice.

Note 2: Section 1023E specifies matters to be taken into account in

considering whether a financial product has resulted in, or will or is

likely to result in, significant detriment to retail clients.

Note 3: Section 1023N also provides that product intervention orders may

include requirements for notifying retail clients.

(2) An order under subsection (1) is not a legislative instrument.

(3) Subject to subsection (5), if ASIC is satisfied that a class of

financial products:

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Part 7.9A Product intervention orders

Section 1023D

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(a) is, or is likely to be, available for acquisition by issue, or for

regulated sale, to persons as retail clients (whether or not it

also is, or is likely to be, available for acquisition by persons

as wholesale clients); and

(b) has resulted in, or will or is likely to result in, significant

detriment to retail clients;

ASIC may, in accordance with this Part and by legislative

instrument, order that a person must not engage in specified

conduct in relation to the class of products, either entirely or except

in accordance with conditions specified in the order.

Note 1: An example of conditions that may be specified in a product

intervention order include that a product in a class of products not be

issued to a retail client unless the retail client has received personal


Note 2: Section 1023E specifies matters to be taken into account in

considering whether a financial product has resulted in, or will or is

likely to result in, significant detriment to retail clients.

Note 3: Section 1023N also provides that product intervention orders may

include requirements for notifying retail clients.

Restrictions on product intervention orders

(4) A product intervention order must not specify any of the following

for subsection (1) or (3):

(a) a condition that a person satisfy a standard of training, or

meet a professional standard, other than a standard otherwise

prescribed for the person by or under this Act;

(b) a condition that a person who is not required to hold an

Australian financial services licence become a member of an

external dispute resolution scheme;

(c) a condition related to a person’s remuneration, other than a

condition related to so much of the person’s remuneration as

is conditional on the achievement of objectives directly

related to the financial product.

(5) Conduct covered by a product intervention order must be limited to

conduct in relation to a retail client.

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Product intervention orders Part 7.9A

Section 1023E

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1023E Significant detriment to retail clients

(1) In considering whether a financial product has resulted in, or will

or is likely to result in, significant detriment to retail clients for the

purposes of this Part, the following must be taken into account:

(a) the nature and extent of the detriment;

(b) without limiting paragraph (a), the actual or potential

financial loss to retail clients resulting from the product;

(c) the impact that the detriment has had, or will or is likely to

have, on retail clients;

(d) any other matter prescribed by regulations made for the

purposes of this paragraph.

(2) Subsection (1) does not limit the matters to be taken into account in

considering whether a financial product has resulted in, or will or is

likely to result in, significant detriment to retail clients for the

purposes of this Part.

(3) A financial product may result in significant detriment to retail

clients even if a person has complied with the disclosure

requirements in Chapter 6D or this Chapter, and with the person’s

obligations under Part 7.8A, in relation to the product.

1023F ASIC to consult before making product intervention orders

(1) ASIC must not make a product intervention order unless ASIC has:

(a) consulted persons who are reasonably likely to be affected by

the proposed order; and

(b) if the proposed order will apply to a body that is regulated by

APRA—consulted APRA; and

(c) complied with any other requirements as to consultation

prescribed by regulations made for the purposes of this


(2) Without limiting paragraph (1)(a), ASIC is taken to comply with

that paragraph if ASIC, on its website:

(a) makes the proposed order, or a description of the content of

the proposed order, available; and

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Part 7.9A Product intervention orders

Section 1023G

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(b) invites the public to comment on the proposed order.

(3) A failure to comply with subsection (1) does not invalidate a

product intervention order.

(4) Section 17 of the Legislation Act 2003 (rule-makers should consult

before making legislative instruments) does not apply to the

making of a product intervention order.

1023G Commencement and duration of product intervention orders

Commencement of product intervention orders

(1) A product intervention order comes into force:

(a) for an order that is a legislative instrument—on the day after

the instrument is registered under the Legislation Act 2003;


(b) otherwise—on the day after the notice under

subsection 1023L(3) in relation to the order is published;

or a later day specified in the order.

Duration of product intervention orders

(2) A product intervention order remains in force for:

(a) 18 months, or any shorter period specified by the regulations;


(b) any shorter period specified in the order.

However, if the Court makes an order staying or otherwise

affecting the operation or enforcement of a product intervention

order, then, in determining when the period referred to in

paragraph (a) or (b) ends, disregard the period during which the

Court’s order has that effect.

(3) Subsection (2) does not apply to a product intervention order if a

declaration under section 1023H (which relates to extensions of

product intervention orders) is in force in relation to the order.

(4) Subsection (2) does not prevent the revocation of a product

intervention order.

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Product intervention orders Part 7.9A

Section 1023H

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Repeal of product intervention orders

(5) A product intervention order that is a legislative instrument that

ceases to be in force is repealed by force of this subsection.

1023H Extension of product intervention orders

(1) ASIC may, in accordance with an approval under subsection (4),

by legislative instrument, declare that a product intervention order

that is in force:

(a) remains in force until it is revoked; or

(b) remains in force for a specified period, unless it is revoked


Note: A declaration under this subsection has the effect of overriding any

provisions in a product intervention order about the duration of the

order: see subsection 1023G(3).

(2) ASIC may make more than one declaration under subsection (1) in

relation to a product intervention order that is in force.

Approval of Minister

(3) ASIC may, at any time before the order ceases to be in force, give

the Minister a report on whether the declaration should be made.

(4) After considering the report, the Minister may give an approval in

writing for the purposes of subsection (1).

1023J Amendment of product intervention orders

(1) Subject to this section, ASIC may, in writing, amend a product

intervention order that is in force.

Requirements before amending product intervention orders

(2) If a declaration under section 1023H is in force in relation to a

product intervention order, ASIC must not amend the order without

the Minister’s approval, given after considering a report from

ASIC on whether the amendment should be made.

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Part 7.9A Product intervention orders

Section 1023K

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(3) ASIC may, at any time before the order ceases to be in force, give

the Minister a report on whether the amendment should be made.

Amendments of product intervention orders

(4) An amendment of a product intervention order must not be such

that the order remains in force for a period longer than the

maximum period determined for the order in accordance with

subsection 1023G(2) or 1023H(1).

(5) An amendment of a product intervention order comes into force:

(a) for an amendment of an order that is a legislative

instrument—on the day after the amendment is registered

under the Legislation Act 2003; or

(b) otherwise—on the day after the day on which the notice

under subsection 1023L(6) in relation to the amendment is


or a later day specified in the amendment.

Amendments of orders that are legislative instruments

(6) An amendment of a product intervention order that is a legislative

instrument must be by legislative instrument.

1023K Revocation of product intervention orders

(1) Subject to this section, ASIC may, in writing, revoke a product

intervention order.

Requirements for revocation of product intervention orders

(2) If a declaration under section 1023H is in force in relation to a

product intervention order, ASIC must not revoke the order

without the Minister’s approval, given after considering a report

from ASIC on whether the order should be revoked.

(3) ASIC may, at any time before the order ceases to be in force, give

the Minister a report on whether the order should be revoked.

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Product intervention orders Part 7.9A

Section 1023L

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Revocation of orders that are legislative instruments

(4) A revocation of a product intervention order that is a legislative

instrument must be by legislative instrument.

1023L ASIC to issue public notice of product intervention orders

Product intervention orders

(1) ASIC must serve a copy of a product intervention order that is not

a legislative instrument on any person to whom ASIC considers the

order applies. Failure to comply with this subsection does not

invalidate the order.

(2) ASIC must publish each product intervention order, as in force for

the time being, on its website.

Note: The Legislation Act 2003 requires legislative instruments to be

registered on the Federal Register of Legislation and provides for

compilations of legislative instruments.

(3) ASIC must also publish on its website, with the product

intervention order, a notice that:

(a) describes the significant detriment to retail clients that has

resulted from, or will or is likely to result from, the financial

product or class of financial products to which the order

relates, and sets out why the order is an appropriate way of

reducing the detriment; and

(b) describes the consultation that ASIC undertook in relation to

the order; and

(c) if the order comes into force after it is published—specifies

the day it comes into force.

(4) ASIC must publish on its website, with the product intervention

order, each declaration under section 1023H (which relates to

extensions of product intervention orders) that relates to the order.

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Part 7.9A Product intervention orders

Section 1023M

196 Corporations Act 2001

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Amendments of product intervention orders

(5) ASIC must serve a copy of the instrument amending a product

intervention order that is not a legislative instrument on any person

to whom ASIC considers the order applies. Failure to comply with

this subsection does not invalidate the order.

(6) ASIC must publish on its website, with the product intervention

order, each amendment of the product intervention order.

(7) ASIC must also publish on its website, with the amendment, a

notice that:

(a) sets out why the amendment is appropriate; and

(b) describes the consultation that ASIC undertook in relation to

the amendment; and

(c) if the day the amendment is to take effect is later than the day

after the day of publication of the amendment—specifies the

day the amendment is to take effect.

Revocation of product intervention orders

(8) If a product intervention order is revoked, ASIC must publish

notice of the revocation on its website.

1023M Remaking product intervention orders

If a product intervention order ceases to be in force or is revoked,

ASIC must not remake the order, or make an order in substantially

the same terms, unless:

(a) ASIC is satisfied the circumstances have materially changed

since the order was made; or

(b) the Minister approves, in writing, the remaking or making of

the order.

1023N Product intervention orders may require notification

(1) A product intervention order in relation to a financial product may:

(a) require that a specified person who has:

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Product intervention orders Part 7.9A

Section 1023P

Corporations Act 2001 197

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(i) dealt in, or dealt in a specified way in, a financial

product in relation to a retail client; or

(ii) provided financial product advice, or a specified kind of

financial product advice, to a retail client in relation to a

financial product;

take reasonable steps to notify the retail client:

(iii) of the terms of the order; and

(iv) of any other matter specified in regulations made for the

purposes of this subparagraph; and

(b) specify requirements in relation to giving those notifications

(including requirements as to the periods within which to

give those notifications).

(2) In this section, dealing in a financial product has the meaning

given by subsection 994A(1).

1023P Enforcement of product intervention orders

(1) A person must not engage in conduct contrary to a product

intervention order that is in force in relation to the person.

Note 1: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Note 2: This subsection is also a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

For relief from liability to a civil penalty relating to this subsection,

see section 1317S.

(2) A person who is required by a product intervention order to take

reasonable steps to notify a retail client must comply with the


Note 1: For this requirement, see subsection 1023N(1).

Note 2: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Note 3: This subsection is also a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

For relief from liability to a civil penalty relating to this subsection,

see section 1317S.

(3) Subsections (1) and (2) do not apply if:

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Part 7.9A Product intervention orders

Section 1023Q

198 Corporations Act 2001

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(a) the product intervention order is not a legislative instrument;


(b) the person was not aware, and could not reasonably have

been aware, of the order.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

this subsection (see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code).

(4) If a product intervention order has been served on a person, the

person must take all reasonable steps as soon as practicable to

ensure that other persons who engage in conduct to which the order

applies are aware of the order.

Note 1: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Note 2: This subsection is also a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

For relief from liability to a civil penalty relating to this subsection,

see section 1317S.

1023Q Civil liability

(1) If:

(a) a person (the first person) contravenes a product intervention

order; and

(b) a retail client suffers loss or damage because of the


the retail client may recover the amount of the loss or damage by

action against the first person, whether or not:

(c) the first person (or anyone else) has been convicted of an

offence in relation to the contravention; or

(d) a Court has made a declaration of contravention under

subsection 1317E(1) in relation to the contravention; or

(e) a Court has ordered the first person (or anyone else) to pay

the Commonwealth a pecuniary penalty under section 1317G

in relation to the contravention.

(2) An action under subsection (1) may be begun at any time within 6

years after the day on which the cause of action arose.

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Product intervention orders Part 7.9A

Section 1023R

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(3) This section does not affect any liability that a person has under

any other law.

1023R Additional powers of court to make orders

(1) The Court dealing with an action under subsection 1023Q(1) may,

in addition to awarding loss or damage under that subsection and if

it thinks it necessary in order to do justice between the parties:

(a) make an order declaring void a contract relating to the

financial product that was entered into by the retail client

who suffered the loss or damage; and

(b) if it makes an order under paragraph (a)—make such other

order or orders as it thinks are necessary or desirable because

of that order.

(2) Without limiting paragraph (1)(b), an order under that paragraph

may include either or both of the following:

(a) an order for the return of money paid by a person;

(b) an order for payment of an amount of interest specified in, or

calculated in accordance with, the order.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.10 Market misconduct and other prohibited conduct relating to financial

products and financial services

Division 1 Preliminary

Section 1040A

200 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 7.10—Market misconduct and other

prohibited conduct relating to financial

products and financial services

Division 1—Preliminary

1040A Content of Part

This Part deals in Division 2 with various kinds of prohibited

conduct, other than insider trading. The insider trading prohibitions

are contained in Division 3.

1040B Treat certain instruments as if they were financial products

and Division 3 financial products

(1) This Part applies to bank accepted bills, and to negotiable

certificates of deposit, as if they were:

(a) financial products; and

(b) Division 3 financial products (within the meaning of

Division 3).

(2) If a term used in this Part is defined outside of this Part by

reference to financial products, treat that term when used in this

Part as if that reference to financial products included a reference

to each of the following:

(a) bank accepted bills;

(b) negotiable certificates of deposit.

(3) Subsections (1) and (2) do not, by implication, affect the

interpretation of any other provision:

(a) of this Act; or

(b) of an instrument made under this Act.

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Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Market misconduct and other prohibited conduct relating to financial products and

financial services Part 7.10

The prohibited conduct (other than insider trading prohibitions) Division 2

Section 1041A

Corporations Act 2001 201

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Division 2—The prohibited conduct (other than insider

trading prohibitions)

1041A Market manipulation

A person must not take part in, or carry out (whether directly or

indirectly and whether in this jurisdiction or elsewhere):

(a) a transaction that has or is likely to have; or

(b) 2 or more transactions that have or are likely to have;

the effect of:

(c) creating an artificial price for trading in financial products on

a financial market operated in this jurisdiction; or

(d) maintaining at a level that is artificial (whether or not it was

previously artificial) a price for trading in financial products

on a financial market operated in this jurisdiction.

Note 1: Failure to comply with this section is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Note 2: This section is also a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E). For

relief from liability to a civil penalty relating to this section, see

section 1317S.

1041B False trading and market rigging—creating a false or

misleading appearance of active trading etc.

(1) A person must not do, or omit to do, an act (whether in this

jurisdiction or elsewhere) if that act or omission has or is likely to

have the effect of creating, or causing the creation of, a false or

misleading appearance:

(a) of active trading in financial products on a financial market

operated in this jurisdiction; or

(b) with respect to the market for, or the price for trading in,

financial products on a financial market operated in this


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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.10 Market misconduct and other prohibited conduct relating to financial

products and financial services

Division 2 The prohibited conduct (other than insider trading prohibitions)

Section 1041B

202 Corporations Act 2001

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Note 1: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)). For defences to a prosecution based on this

subsection, see Division 4.

Note 2: This subsection is also a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

For relief from liability to a civil penalty relating to this subsection,

see Division 4 and section 1317S.

(1A) For the purposes of the application of the Criminal Code in relation

to an offence based on subsection (1):

(a) intention is the fault element for the physical element

consisting of doing or omitting to do an act as mentioned in

that subsection; and

(b) recklessness is the fault element for the physical element

consisting of having, or being likely to have, the effect of

creating, or causing the creation of, a false or misleading

appearance as mentioned in that subsection.

Note 1: For intention, see section 5.2 of the Criminal Code.

Note 2: For recklessness, see section 5.4 of the Criminal Code.

(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), a person is taken to have

created a false or misleading appearance of active trading in

particular financial products on a financial market if the person:

(a) enters into, or carries out, either directly or indirectly, any

transaction of acquisition or disposal of any of those financial

products that does not involve any change in the beneficial

ownership of the products; or

(b) makes an offer (the regulated offer) to acquire or to dispose

of any of those financial products in the following


(i) the offer is to acquire or to dispose of at a specified

price; and

(ii) the person has made or proposes to make, or knows that

an associate of the person has made or proposes to


(A) if the regulated offer is an offer to acquire—an

offer to dispose of; or

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Market misconduct and other prohibited conduct relating to financial products and

financial services Part 7.10

The prohibited conduct (other than insider trading prohibitions) Division 2

Section 1041C

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(B) if the regulated offer is an offer to dispose of—

an offer to acquire;

the same number, or substantially the same number, of

those financial products at a price that is substantially

the same as the price referred to in subparagraph (i).

Note: The circumstances in which a person creates a false or misleading

appearance of active trading in particular financial products on a

financial market are not limited to the circumstances set out in this


(3) For the purposes of paragraph (2)(a), an acquisition or disposal of

financial products does not involve a change in the beneficial

ownership if:

(a) a person who had an interest in the financial products before

the acquisition or disposal; or

(b) an associate of such a person;

has an interest in the financial products after the acquisition or


(4) The reference in paragraph (2)(a) to a transaction of acquisition or

disposal of financial products includes:

(a) a reference to the making of an offer to acquire or dispose of

financial products; and

(b) a reference to the making of an invitation, however

expressed, that expressly or impliedly invites a person to

offer to acquire or dispose of financial products.

1041C False trading and market rigging—artificially maintaining

etc. trading price

(1) A person must not (whether in this jurisdiction or elsewhere) enter

into, or engage in, a fictitious or artificial transaction or device if

that transaction or device results in:

(a) the price for trading in financial products on a financial

market operated in this jurisdiction being maintained, inflated

or depressed; or

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.10 Market misconduct and other prohibited conduct relating to financial

products and financial services

Division 2 The prohibited conduct (other than insider trading prohibitions)

Section 1041D

204 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) fluctuations in the price for trading in financial products on a

financial market operated in this jurisdiction.

Note 1: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)). For defences to a prosecution based on this

subsection, see Division 4.

Note 2: This subsection is also a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

For relief from liability to a civil penalty relating to this subsection,

see Division 4 and section 1317S.

(2) In determining whether a transaction is fictitious or artificial for the

purposes of subsection (1), the fact that the transaction is, or was at

any time, intended by the parties who entered into it to have effect

according to its terms is not conclusive.

1041D Dissemination of information about illegal transactions

A person must not (whether in this jurisdiction or elsewhere)

circulate or disseminate, or be involved in the circulation or

dissemination of, any statement or information to the effect that the

price for trading in financial products on a financial market

operated in this jurisdiction will, or is likely to, rise or fall, or be

maintained, because of a transaction, or other act or thing done, in

relation to those financial products, if:

(a) the transaction, or thing done, constitutes or would constitute

a contravention of section 1041A, 1041B, 1041C, 1041E or

1041F; and

(b) the person, or an associate of the person:

(i) has entered into such a transaction or done such an act

or thing; or

(ii) has received, or may receive, directly or indirectly, a

consideration or benefit for circulating or disseminating,

or authorising the circulation or dissemination of, the

statement or information.

Note 1: Failure to comply with this section is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)). For defences to a prosecution based on this

section, see Division 4.

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The prohibited conduct (other than insider trading prohibitions) Division 2

Section 1041E

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Note 2: This section is also a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E). For

relief from liability to a civil penalty relating to this section, see

Division 4 and section 1317S.

1041E False or misleading statements

(1) A person must not (whether in this jurisdiction or elsewhere) make

a statement, or disseminate information, if:

(a) the statement or information is false in a material particular

or is materially misleading; and

(b) the statement or information is likely:

(i) to induce persons in this jurisdiction to apply for

financial products; or

(ii) to induce persons in this jurisdiction to dispose of or

acquire financial products; or

(iii) to have the effect of increasing, reducing, maintaining

or stabilising the price for trading in financial products

on a financial market operated in this jurisdiction; and

(c) when the person makes the statement, or disseminates the


(i) the person does not care whether the statement or

information is true or false; or

(ii) the person knows, or ought reasonably to have known,

that the statement or information is false in a material

particular or is materially misleading.

Note 1: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)). For defences to a prosecution based on this

subsection, see Division 4.

Note 2: Failure to comply with this subsection may also lead to civil liability

under section 1041I. For relief from liability under that section, see

Division 4.

(2) For the purposes of the application of the Criminal Code in relation

to an offence based on subsection (1), paragraph (1)(a) is a

physical element, the fault element for which is as specified in

paragraph (1)(c).

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Part 7.10 Market misconduct and other prohibited conduct relating to financial

products and financial services

Division 2 The prohibited conduct (other than insider trading prohibitions)

Section 1041F

206 Corporations Act 2001

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(3) For the purposes of an offence based on subsection (1), strict

liability applies to subparagraphs (1)(b)(i), (ii) and (iii).

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

1041F Inducing persons to deal

(1) A person must not, in this jurisdiction, induce another person to

deal in financial products:

(a) by making or publishing a statement, promise or forecast if

the person knows, or is reckless as to whether, the statement

is misleading, false or deceptive; or

(b) by a dishonest concealment of material facts; or

(c) by recording or storing information that the person knows to

be false or misleading in a material particular or materially

misleading if:

(i) the information is recorded or stored in, or by means of,

a mechanical, electronic or other device; and

(ii) when the information was so recorded or stored, the

person had reasonable grounds for expecting that it

would be available to the other person, or a class of

persons that includes the other person.

Note 1: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)). For defences to a prosecution based on this

subsection, see Division 4.

Note 2: Failure to comply with this subsection may also lead to civil liability

under section 1041I. For relief from liability under that section, see

Division 4.

(3) This section applies in relation to the following conduct as if that

conduct were dealing in financial products:

(a) applying to become a standard employer-sponsor (within the

meaning of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act

1993) of a superannuation entity (within the meaning of that


(b) permitting a person to become a standard employer-sponsor

(within the meaning of the Superannuation Industry

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financial services Part 7.10

The prohibited conduct (other than insider trading prohibitions) Division 2

Section 1041G

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(Supervision) Act 1993) of a superannuation entity (within

the meaning of that Act);

(c) applying, on behalf of an employee (within the meaning of

the Retirement Savings Accounts Act 1997), for the employee

to become the holder of an RSA product.

1041G Dishonest conduct

A person must not, in the course of carrying on a financial services

business in this jurisdiction, engage in dishonest conduct in relation

to a financial product or financial service.

Note 1: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Note 2: Failure to comply with this subsection may also lead to civil liability

under section 1041I.

1041H Misleading or deceptive conduct (civil liability only)

(1) A person must not, in this jurisdiction, engage in conduct, in

relation to a financial product or a financial service, that is

misleading or deceptive or is likely to mislead or deceive.

Note 1: Failure to comply with this subsection is not an offence.

Note 2: Failure to comply with this subsection may lead to civil liability under

section 1041I. For limits on, and relief from, liability under that

section, see Division 4.

(2) The reference in subsection (1) to engaging in conduct in relation

to a financial product includes (but is not limited to) any of the


(a) dealing in a financial product;

(b) without limiting paragraph (a):

(i) issuing a financial product;

(ii) publishing a notice in relation to a financial product;

(iii) making, or making an evaluation of, an offer under a

takeover bid or a recommendation relating to such an


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Part 7.10 Market misconduct and other prohibited conduct relating to financial

products and financial services

Division 2 The prohibited conduct (other than insider trading prohibitions)

Section 1041H

208 Corporations Act 2001

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(iv) applying to become a standard employer-sponsor

(within the meaning of the Superannuation Industry

(Supervision) Act 1993) of a superannuation entity

(within the meaning of that Act);

(v) permitting a person to become a standard

employer-sponsor (within the meaning of the

Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993) of a

superannuation entity (within the meaning of that Act);

(vi) a trustee of a superannuation entity (within the meaning

of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993)

dealing with a beneficiary of that entity as such a


(vii) a trustee of a superannuation entity (within the meaning

of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993)

dealing with an employer-sponsor (within the meaning

of that Act), or an associate (within the meaning of that

Act) of an employer-sponsor, of that entity as such an

employer-sponsor or associate;

(viii) applying, on behalf of an employee (within the meaning

of the Retirement Savings Accounts Act 1997), for the

employee to become the holder of an RSA product;

(ix) an RSA provider (within the meaning of the Retirement

Savings Accounts Act 1997) dealing with an employer

(within the meaning of that Act), or an associate (within

the meaning of that Act) of an employer, who makes an

application, on behalf of an employee (within the

meaning of that Act) of the employer, for the employee

to become the holder of an RSA product, as such an


(x) carrying on negotiations, or making arrangements, or

doing any other act, preparatory to, or in any way

related to, an activity covered by any of

subparagraphs (i) to (ix).

(3) Conduct:

(a) that contravenes:

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Section 1041I

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(i) section 670A (misleading or deceptive takeover

document); or

(ii) section 728 (misleading or deceptive fundraising

document); or

(iia) section 738Y (other liabilities relating to defective CSF

offer documents); or

(iii) section 1021NA or 1021NB; or

(b) in relation to a disclosure document or statement within the

meaning of section 953A; or

(c) in relation to a disclosure document or statement within the

meaning of section 1022A;

does not contravene subsection (1). For this purpose, conduct

contravenes the provision even if the conduct does not constitute

an offence, or does not lead to any liability, because of the

availability of a defence.

1041I Civil action for loss or damage for contravention of

sections 1041E to 1041H

(1) A person who suffers loss or damage by conduct of another person

that was engaged in in contravention of section 1041E, 1041F,

1041G or 1041H may recover the amount of the loss or damage by

action against that other person or against any person involved in

the contravention, whether or not that other person or any person

involved in the contravention has been convicted of an offence in

respect of the contravention.

(1A) Subsection (1) has effect subject to section 1044B.

Note: Section 1044B may limit the amount that the person may recover for a

contravention of section 1041H (Misleading or deceptive conduct)

from the other person or from another person involved in the


(1B) Despite subsection (1), if:

(a) a person (the claimant) makes a claim under subsection (1)

in relation to:

(i) economic loss; or

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.10 Market misconduct and other prohibited conduct relating to financial

products and financial services

Division 2 The prohibited conduct (other than insider trading prohibitions)

Section 1041J

210 Corporations Act 2001

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(ii) damage to property;

caused by conduct of another person (the defendant) that was

done in contravention of section 1041H; and

(b) the claimant suffered the loss or damage:

(i) as a result partly of the claimant’s failure to take

reasonable care; and

(ii) as a result partly of the conduct referred to in

paragraph (a); and

(c) the defendant:

(i) did not intend to cause the loss or damage; and

(ii) did not fraudulently cause the loss or damage;

the damages that the claimant may recover in relation to the loss or

damage are to be reduced to the extent to which the court thinks

just and equitable having regard to the claimant’s share in the

responsibility for the loss or damage.

Note: Division 2A also applies proportionate liability to a claim for damages

under this section for a contravention of section 1041H.

(2) An action under subsection (1) may be begun at any time within 6

years after the day on which the cause of action arose.

(3) This section does not affect any liability that a person has under

any other law.

(4) Section 1317S (which provides for relief from liability) applies in

relation to liability under subsection (1) as if:

(a) the sections referred to in subsection (1) were civil penalty

provisions; and

(b) proceedings under subsection (1) were eligible proceedings.

Note: Relief from liability under this section may also be available

(depending on the circumstances) under Division 4.

1041J Sections of this Division have effect independently of each


Subject to any express provision to the contrary, the various

sections in this Division have effect independently of each other,

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Section 1041K

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and nothing in any of the sections limits the scope or application of

any of the other sections.

1041K Division applies to certain conduct to the exclusion of State

Fair Trading Acts provisions

(1) This section applies to conduct:

(a) that contravenes:

(i) section 670A (misleading or deceptive takeover

document); or

(ii) section 728 (misleading or deceptive fundraising

document); or

(iia) section 738Y (other liabilities relating to defective CSF

offer documents); or

(iii) section 1021NA or 1021NB; or

(b) that relates to a disclosure document or statement within the

meaning of section 953A; or

(c) that relates to a disclosure document or statement within the

meaning of section 1022A.

For this purpose, conduct contravenes the provision even if the

conduct does not constitute an offence, or does not lead to any

liability, because of the availability of a defence.

(2) This Division operates in relation to conduct to which this section

applies to the exclusion of the provisions of the State Fair Trading

Act of any State or Territory.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.10 Market misconduct and other prohibited conduct relating to financial

products and financial services

Division 2A Proportionate liability for misleading and deceptive conduct

Section 1041L

212 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 2A—Proportionate liability for misleading and

deceptive conduct

1041L Application of Division

(1) This Division applies to a claim (an apportionable claim) if the

claim is a claim for damages made under section 1041I for:

(a) economic loss; or

(b) damage to property;

caused by conduct that was done in a contravention of

section 1041H.

(2) For the purposes of this Division, there is a single apportionable

claim in proceedings in respect of the same loss or damage even if

the claim for the loss or damage is based on more than one cause of

action (whether or not of the same or a different kind).

(3) In this Division, a concurrent wrongdoer, in relation to a claim, is

a person who is one of 2 or more persons whose acts or omissions

(or act or omission) caused, independently of each other or jointly,

the damage or loss that is the subject of the claim.

(4) For the purposes of this Division, apportionable claims are limited

to those claims specified in subsection (1).

(5) For the purposes of this Division, it does not matter that a

concurrent wrongdoer is insolvent, is being wound up or has

ceased to exist or died.

1041M Certain concurrent wrongdoers not to have benefit of


(1) Nothing in this Division operates to exclude the liability of a

concurrent wrongdoer (an excluded concurrent wrongdoer) in

proceedings involving an apportionable claim if:

(a) the concurrent wrongdoer intended to cause the economic

loss or damage to property that is the subject of the claim; or

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Proportionate liability for misleading and deceptive conduct Division 2A

Section 1041N

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(b) the concurrent wrongdoer fraudulently caused the economic

loss or damage to property that is the subject of the claim.

(2) The liability of an excluded concurrent wrongdoer is to be

determined in accordance with the legal rules (if any) that (apart

from this Division) are relevant.

(3) The liability of any other concurrent wrongdoer who is not an

excluded concurrent wrongdoer is to be determined in accordance

with the provisions of this Division.

1041N Proportionate liability for apportionable claims

(1) In any proceedings involving an apportionable claim:

(a) the liability of a defendant who is a concurrent wrongdoer in

relation to that claim is limited to an amount reflecting that

proportion of the damage or loss claimed that the court

considers just having regard to the extent of the defendant’s

responsibility for the damage or loss; and

(b) the court may give judgment against the defendant for not

more than that amount.

(2) If the proceedings involve both an apportionable claim and a claim

that is not an apportionable claim:

(a) liability for the apportionable claim is to be determined in

accordance with the provisions of this Division; and

(b) liability for the other claim is to be determined in accordance

with the legal rules, if any, that (apart from this Division) are


(3) In apportioning responsibility between defendants in the


(a) the court is to exclude that proportion of the damage or loss

in relation to which the plaintiff is contributorily negligent

under any relevant law; and

(b) the court may have regard to the comparative responsibility

of any concurrent wrongdoer who is not a party to the


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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.10 Market misconduct and other prohibited conduct relating to financial

products and financial services

Division 2A Proportionate liability for misleading and deceptive conduct

Section 1041O

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(4) This section applies in proceedings involving an apportionable

claim whether or not all concurrent wrongdoers are parties to the


(5) A reference in this Division to a defendant in proceedings includes

any person joined as a defendant or other party in the proceedings

(except as a plaintiff) whether joined under this Division, under

rules of court or otherwise.

1041O Defendant to notify plaintiff of concurrent wrongdoer of

whom defendant aware

(1) If:

(a) a defendant in proceedings involving an apportionable claim

has reasonable grounds to believe that a particular person (the

other person) may be a concurrent wrongdoer in relation to

the claim; and

(b) the defendant fails to give the plaintiff, as soon as

practicable, written notice of the information that the

defendant has about:

(i) the identity of the other person; and

(ii) the circumstances that may make the other person a

concurrent wrongdoer in relation to the claim; and

(c) the plaintiff unnecessarily incurs costs in the proceedings

because the plaintiff was not aware that the other person may

be a concurrent wrongdoer in relation to the claim;

the court hearing the proceedings may order that the defendant pay

all or any of those costs of the plaintiff.

(2) The court may order that the costs to be paid by the defendant be

assessed on an indemnity basis or otherwise.

1041P Contribution not recoverable from defendant

A defendant against whom judgment is given under this Division

as a concurrent wrongdoer in relation to an apportionable claim:

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financial services Part 7.10

Proportionate liability for misleading and deceptive conduct Division 2A

Section 1041Q

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(a) cannot be required to contribute to any damages or

contribution recovered from another concurrent wrongdoer in

respect of the apportionable claim (whether or not the

damages or contribution are recovered in the same

proceedings in which judgment is given against the

defendant); and

(b) cannot be required to indemnify any such wrongdoer.

1041Q Subsequent actions

(1) In relation to an apportionable claim, nothing in this Division or

any other law prevents a plaintiff who has previously recovered

judgment against a concurrent wrongdoer for an apportionable part

of any damage or loss from bringing another action against any

other concurrent wrongdoer for that damage or loss.

(2) However, in any proceedings in respect of any such action, the

plaintiff cannot recover an amount of damages that, having regard

to any damages previously recovered by the plaintiff in respect of

the damage or loss, would result in the plaintiff receiving

compensation for damage or loss that is greater than the damage or

loss actually sustained by the plaintiff.

1041R Joining non-party concurrent wrongdoer in the action

(1) The court may give leave for any one or more persons to be joined

as defendants in proceedings involving an apportionable claim.

(2) The court is not to give leave for the joinder of any person who

was a party to any previously concluded proceedings in respect of

the apportionable claim.

1041S Application of Division

Nothing in this Division:

(a) prevents a person being held vicariously liable for a

proportion of an apportionable claim for which another

person is liable; or

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.10 Market misconduct and other prohibited conduct relating to financial

products and financial services

Division 2A Proportionate liability for misleading and deceptive conduct

Section 1041S

216 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) prevents a partner from being held severally liable with

another partner for that proportion of an apportionable claim

for which the other partner is liable; or

(c) affects the operation of any other Act to the extent that it

imposes several liability on any person in respect of what

would otherwise be an apportionable claim.

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Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Market misconduct and other prohibited conduct relating to financial products and

financial services Part 7.10

The insider trading prohibitions Division 3

Section 1042A

Corporations Act 2001 217

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Division 3—The insider trading prohibitions

Subdivision A—Preliminary

1042A Definitions

In this Division:

able to be traded has a meaning affected by section 1042E.

Division 3 financial products means:

(a) securities; or

(b) derivatives; or

(c) interests in a managed investment scheme; or

(ca) debentures, stocks or bonds issued or proposed to be issued

by a government; or

(d) superannuation products, other than those prescribed by

regulations made for the purposes of this paragraph; or

(e) any other financial products that are able to be traded on a

financial market.

generally available, in relation to information, has the meaning

given by section 1042C.

information includes:

(a) matters of supposition and other matters that are

insufficiently definite to warrant being made known to the

public; and

(b) matters relating to the intentions, or likely intentions, of a


inside information means information in relation to which the

following paragraphs are satisfied:

(a) the information is not generally available;

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.10 Market misconduct and other prohibited conduct relating to financial

products and financial services

Division 3 The insider trading prohibitions

Section 1042B

218 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) if the information were generally available, a reasonable

person would expect it to have a material effect on the price

or value of particular Division 3 financial products.

material effect, in relation to a reasonable person’s expectations of

the effect of information on the price or value of Division 3

financial products, has the meaning given by section 1042D.

procure has a meaning affected by section 1042F.

relevant Division 3 financial products, in relation to particular

inside information, means the Division 3 financial products

referred to in paragraph (b) of the definition of inside information.

1042B Application of Division

This Division applies to:

(a) acts and omissions within this jurisdiction in relation to

Division 3 financial products (regardless of where the issuer

of the products is formed, resides or located and of where the

issuer carries on business); and

(b) acts and omissions outside this jurisdiction (and whether in

Australia or not) in relation to Division 3 financial products

issued by:

(i) a person who carries on business in this jurisdiction; or

(ii) a body corporate that is formed in this jurisdiction.

1042C When information is generally available

(1) For the purposes of this Division, information is generally

available if:

(a) it consists of readily observable matter; or

(b) both of the following subparagraphs apply:

(i) it has been made known in a manner that would, or

would be likely to, bring it to the attention of persons

who commonly invest in Division 3 financial products

of a kind whose price might be affected by the

information; and

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financial services Part 7.10

The insider trading prohibitions Division 3

Section 1042D

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(ii) since it was made known, a reasonable period for it to

be disseminated among such persons has elapsed; or

(c) it consists of deductions, conclusions or inferences made or

drawn from either or both of the following:

(i) information referred to in paragraph (a);

(ii) information made known as mentioned in

subparagraph (b)(i).

(2) None of the paragraphs of subsection (1) limits the generality of

any of the other paragraphs of that subsection.

1042D When a reasonable person would take information to have a

material effect on price or value of Division 3 financial


For the purposes of this Division, a reasonable person would be

taken to expect information to have a material effect on the price

or value of particular Division 3 financial products if (and only if)

the information would, or would be likely to, influence persons

who commonly acquire Division 3 financial products in deciding

whether or not to acquire or dispose of the first-mentioned

financial products.

1042E Division 3 financial products taken to be able to be traded

despite suspensions or section 794D directions

Particular Division 3 financial products that are ordinarily able to

be traded on a licensed market are taken, for the purposes of this

Division, to be able to be traded on that market even though

trading in those products on that market is suspended by action

taken by the market licensee, or is contrary to a direction given to

the market licensee by ASIC under subsection 794D(2) or 798J(2).

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.10 Market misconduct and other prohibited conduct relating to financial

products and financial services

Division 3 The insider trading prohibitions

Section 1042F

220 Corporations Act 2001

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1042F Inciting, inducing or encouraging an act or omission

constitutes procuring the omission

(1) For the purposes of this Division, but without limiting the meaning

that the expression procure has apart from this section, if a person

incites, induces, or encourages an act or omission by another

person, the first-mentioned person is taken to procure the act or

omission by the other person.

(2) Subsection (1) does not limit the application in relation to

provisions in this Division of:

(a) section 6 of the Crimes Act 1914; or

(b) section 11.1, 11.2, 11.2A, 11.4 or 11.5 of the Criminal Code.

1042G Information in possession of officer of body corporate

(1) For the purposes of this Division:

(a) a body corporate is taken to possess any information which

an officer of the body corporate possesses and which came

into his or her possession in the course of the performance of

duties as such an officer; and

(b) if an officer of a body corporate knows any matter or thing

because he or she is an officer of the body corporate, it is to

be presumed that the body corporate knows that matter or

thing; and

(c) if an officer of a body corporate, in that capacity, is reckless

as to a circumstance or result, it is to be presumed that the

body corporate is reckless as to that circumstance or result;


(d) for the purposes of paragraph 1043M(2)(b), if an officer of a

body corporate ought reasonably to know any matter or thing

because he or she is an officer of the body corporate, it is to

be presumed that the body corporate ought reasonably to

know that matter or thing.

(2) This section does not limit the application of section 769B in

relation to this Division.

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financial services Part 7.10

The insider trading prohibitions Division 3

Section 1042H

Corporations Act 2001 221

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

1042H Information in possession of partner or employee of


(1) For the purposes of this Division:

(a) a member of a partnership is taken to possess any


(i) which another member of the partnership possesses and

which came into the other member’s possession in the

other member’s capacity as a member of the

partnership; or

(ii) which an employee of the partnership possesses and

which came into his or her possession in the course of

the performance of duties as such an employee; and

(b) if a member or employee of a partnership knows any matter

or thing because the member or employee is such a member

or employee, it is to be presumed that every member of the

partnership knows that matter or thing; and

(c) if a member or employee of a partnership, in that capacity, is

reckless as to a circumstance or result, it is to be presumed

that every member of the partnership is reckless as to that

circumstance or result; and

(d) for the purposes of paragraph 1043M(2)(b), if a member or

employee of a partnership ought reasonably to know any

matter or thing because he or she is such a member or

employee, it is to be presumed that every member of the

partnership ought reasonably to know that matter or thing.

(2) This section does not limit the application of section 769B in

relation to this Division.

Subdivision B—The prohibited conduct

1043A Prohibited conduct by person in possession of inside


(1) Subject to this Subdivision, if:

(a) a person (the insider) possesses inside information; and

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Part 7.10 Market misconduct and other prohibited conduct relating to financial

products and financial services

Division 3 The insider trading prohibitions

Section 1043A

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(b) the insider knows, or ought reasonably to know, that the

matters specified in paragraphs (a) and (b) of the definition of

inside information in section 1042A are satisfied in relation

to the information;

the insider must not (whether as principal or agent):

(c) apply for, acquire, or dispose of, relevant Division 3 financial

products, or enter into an agreement to apply for, acquire, or

dispose of, relevant Division 3 financial products; or

(d) procure another person to apply for, acquire, or dispose of,

relevant Division 3 financial products, or enter into an

agreement to apply for, acquire, or dispose of, relevant

Division 3 financial products.

Note 1: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)). For defences to a prosecution based on this

subsection, see section 1043M.

Note 2: This subsection is also a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

For relief from liability to a civil penalty relating to this subsection,

see sections 1043N and 1317S.

(2) Subject to this Subdivision, if:

(a) a person (the insider) possesses inside information; and

(b) the insider knows, or ought reasonably to know, that the

matters specified in paragraphs (a) and (b) of the definition of

inside information in section 1042A are satisfied in relation

to the information; and

(c) relevant Division 3 financial products are able to be traded on

a financial market operated in this jurisdiction;

the insider must not, directly or indirectly, communicate the

information, or cause the information to be communicated, to

another person if the insider knows, or ought reasonably to know,

that the other person would or would be likely to:

(d) apply for, acquire, or dispose of, relevant Division 3 financial

products, or enter into an agreement to apply for, acquire, or

dispose of, relevant Division 3 financial products; or

(e) procure another person to apply for, acquire, or dispose of,

relevant Division 3 financial products, or enter into an

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Section 1043B

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agreement to apply for, acquire, or dispose of, relevant

Division 3 financial products.

Note 1: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)). For defences to a prosecution based on this

subsection, see section 1043M.

Note 2: This subsection is also a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

For relief from liability to a civil penalty relating to this subsection,

see sections 1043N and 1317S.

(3) For the purposes of the application of the Criminal Code in relation

to an offence based on subsection (1) or (2):

(a) paragraph (1)(a) is a physical element, the fault element for

which is as specified in paragraph (1)(b); and

(b) paragraph (2)(a) is a physical element, the fault element for

which is as specified in paragraph (2)(b).

1043B Exception for withdrawal from registered scheme or notified

foreign passport fund

Subsection 1043A(1) does not apply in respect of a member’s

withdrawal from a registered scheme or a notified foreign passport

fund if the amount paid to the member on withdrawal is calculated

(so far as is reasonably practicable) by reference to the underlying

value of the assets of the financial or business undertaking or

scheme, common enterprise, investment contract or time-sharing

scheme to which the member’s interest relates, less any reasonable

charge for acquiring the member’s interest.

1043C Exception for underwriters

(1) Subsection 1043A(1) does not apply in respect of:

(a) applying for or acquiring securities, managed investment

products or foreign passport fund products under an

underwriting agreement or a sub-underwriting agreement; or

(b) entering into an agreement referred to in paragraph (a); or

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Part 7.10 Market misconduct and other prohibited conduct relating to financial

products and financial services

Division 3 The insider trading prohibitions

Section 1043D

224 Corporations Act 2001

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(c) disposing of securities, managed investment products or

foreign passport fund products acquired under an agreement

referred to in paragraph (a).

(2) Subsection 1043A(2) does not apply in respect of:

(a) the communication of information in relation to securities,

managed investment products or foreign passport fund

products to a person solely for the purpose of procuring the

person to enter into an underwriting agreement in relation to

any such securities, managed investment products or foreign

passport fund products; or

(b) the communication of information in relation to securities,

managed investment products or foreign passport fund

products by a person who may be required under an

underwriting agreement to apply for or acquire any such

securities, managed investment products or foreign passport

fund products if the communication is made to another

person solely for the purpose of procuring the other person to

do either or both of the following:

(i) enter into a sub-underwriting agreement in relation to

any such securities, managed investment products or

foreign passport fund products;

(ii) apply for any such securities, managed investment

products or foreign passport fund products.

1043D Exception for acquisition pursuant to legal requirement

Subsection 1043A(1) does not apply in respect of the acquisition of

financial products pursuant to a requirement imposed by this Act.

1043E Exception for information communicated pursuant to a legal


Subsection 1043A(2) does not apply in respect of the

communication of information pursuant to a requirement imposed

by the Commonwealth, a State, a Territory or any regulatory


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Section 1043F

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1043F Chinese wall arrangements by bodies corporate

A body corporate does not contravene subsection 1043A(1) by

entering into a transaction or agreement at any time merely because

of information in the possession of an officer or employee of the

body corporate if:

(a) the decision to enter into the transaction or agreement was

taken on its behalf by a person or persons other than that

officer or employee; and

(b) it had in operation at that time arrangements that could

reasonably be expected to ensure that the information was

not communicated to the person or persons who made the

decision and that no advice with respect to the transaction or

agreement was given to that person or any of those persons

by a person in possession of the information; and

(c) the information was not so communicated and no such advice

was so given.

1043G Chinese wall arrangements by partnerships etc.

(1) The members of a partnership do not contravene

subsection 1043A(1) by entering into a transaction or agreement at

any time merely because one or more (but not all) of the members,

or an employee or employees of the partnership, are in actual

possession of information if:

(a) the decision to enter into the transaction or agreement was

taken on behalf of the partnership by any one or more of the

following persons:

(i) a member or members who are taken to have possessed

the information merely because another member or

other members, or an employee or employees of the

partnership, were in possession of the information;

(ii) an employee or employees of the partnership who was

not or were not in possession of the information; and

(b) the partnership had in operation at that time arrangements

that could reasonably be expected to ensure that the

information was not communicated to the person or persons

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Part 7.10 Market misconduct and other prohibited conduct relating to financial

products and financial services

Division 3 The insider trading prohibitions

Section 1043H

226 Corporations Act 2001

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who made the decision and that no advice with respect to the

transaction or agreement was given to that person or any of

those persons by a person in possession of the information;


(c) the information was not so communicated and no such advice

was so given.

(2) A member of a partnership does not contravene

subsection 1043A(1) by entering into a transaction or agreement

otherwise than on behalf of the partnership merely because the

member is taken to possess information that is in the possession of

another member or an employee of the partnership.

1043H Exception for knowledge of person’s own intentions or


A natural person does not contravene subsection 1043A(1) by

entering into a transaction or agreement in relation to financial

products issued by another person merely because the person is

aware that he or she proposes to enter into, or has previously

entered into or proposed to enter into, one or more transactions or

agreements in relation to financial products issued by the other

person or by a third person.

1043I Exception for bodies corporate

(1) A body corporate does not contravene subsection 1043A(1) by

entering into a transaction or agreement in relation to financial

products issued by another person merely because the body

corporate is aware that it proposes to enter into, or has previously

entered into or proposed to enter into, one or more transactions or

agreements in relation to financial products issued by the other

person or by a third person.

(2) Subject to subsection (3), a body corporate does not contravene

subsection 1043A(1) by entering into a transaction or agreement in

relation to financial products issued by another person merely

because an officer or employee of the body corporate is aware that

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financial services Part 7.10

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Section 1043J

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the body corporate proposes to enter into, or has previously entered

into or proposed to enter into, one or more transactions or

agreements in relation to financial products issued by the other

person or by a third person.

(3) Subsection (2) does not apply unless the officer or employee of the

body corporate became aware of the matters referred to in that

subsection in the course of the performance of duties as such an

officer or employee.

1043J Exception for officers or agents of body corporate

(1) Subject to subsection (2), a person (the first person) does not

contravene subsection 1043A(1) by entering into a transaction or

agreement on behalf of a person (the second person) in relation to

financial products issued by another person (the third person)

merely because the first person is aware that the second person

proposes to enter into, or has previously entered into or proposed to

enter into, one or more transactions or agreements in relation to

financial products issued by the third person or by a fourth person.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply unless the first person became aware

of the matters referred to in that subsection in the course of the

performance of duties as an officer or employee of the second

person or in the course of acting as an agent of the second person.

1043K Transactions by holder of financial services licence or a

representative of the holder of such a licence

A person (the agent) does not contravene subsection 1043A(1) by

applying for, acquiring, or disposing of, or entering into an

agreement to apply for, acquire, or dispose of, financial products

that are able to be traded on a licensed market if:

(a) the agent is a financial services licensee or a representative of

a financial services licensee; and

(b) the agent entered into the transaction or agreement concerned

on behalf of another person (the principal) under a specific

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Part 7.10 Market misconduct and other prohibited conduct relating to financial

products and financial services

Division 3 The insider trading prohibitions

Section 1043L

228 Corporations Act 2001

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instruction by the principal to enter into that transaction or

agreement; and

(c) the licensee had in operation, at the time when that

transaction or agreement was entered into, arrangements that

could reasonably be expected to ensure that any information

in the possession of the licensee, or of any representative of

the licensee, as a result of which the person in possession of

the information would be prohibited by subsection 1043A(1)

from entering into that transaction or agreement was not

communicated to the agent and that no advice with respect to

the transaction or agreement was given to the principal or to

the agent by a person in possession of the information; and

(d) the information was not so communicated and no such advice

was so given; and

(e) the principal is not an associate of the licensee or of any

representative of the licensee;

but nothing in this section affects the application of

subsection 1043A(1) in relation to the principal.

1043L A specific situation in which a compensation order under

section 1317HA may be made

Situation to which this section applies

(1) If:

(a) a person (the insider) possesses information that is not

generally available but, if the information were generally

available, a reasonable person would expect it to have a

material effect on the price or value of Division 3 financial

products (other than derivatives); and

(b) the insider knows that, or is reckless as to whether:

(i) the information is not generally available; and

(ii) if the information were generally available, it might

have a material effect on the price or value of those

Division 3 financial products; and

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financial services Part 7.10

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Section 1043L

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(c) the insider (whether as principal or agent) in contravention of

subsection 1043A(1):

(i) applies for, acquires, or disposes of, or enters into an

agreement to apply for, acquire, or dispose of, any such

Division 3 financial products; or

(ii) procures another person to apply for, acquire, or dispose

of, or to enter into an agreement to apply for, acquire, or

dispose of, any such Division 3 financial products;

the following subsections apply.

Compensation for damage suffered by person applying for the

Division 3 financial products

(2) If the insider applied for or agreed to apply for, or procured another

person to apply for or to agree to apply for, the Division 3 financial

products, the issuer of the products may, by action under

section 1317HA, recover as compensation for damage suffered by

the issuer, the amount (if any) by which the price described in the

first of the following paragraphs was less than the price described

in the second of those paragraphs:

(a) the price at which the products were applied for, or agreed to

be applied for, by the insider or the other person;

(b) the price at which they would have been likely to have been

disposed of in a disposal made at the time of the application

or the time of the agreement, as the case may be, if the

information had been generally available.

The action may be taken against the insider, the other person or

any other person involved in the contravention.

Compensation for damage suffered by person disposing of the

Division 3 financial products

(3) If the insider acquired or agreed to acquire, or procured another

person to acquire or to agree to acquire, the Division 3 financial

products from a person (in this subsection and subsection (5) called

the disposer) who did not possess the information, the disposer

may, by action under section 1317HA, recover, as compensation

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Part 7.10 Market misconduct and other prohibited conduct relating to financial

products and financial services

Division 3 The insider trading prohibitions

Section 1043L

230 Corporations Act 2001

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for damage suffered by the disposer, the amount (if any) by which

the price described in the first of the following paragraphs was less

than the price described in the second of those paragraphs:

(a) the price at which the financial products were acquired, or

agreed to be acquired, by the insider or the other person from

the disposer;

(b) the price at which they would have been likely to have been

acquired in an acquisition made at the time of the

first-mentioned acquisition or the time of the agreement, as

the case may be, if the information had been generally


The action may be taken against the insider, the other person or

any other person involved in the contravention.

Compensation for damage suffered by person acquiring the

Division 3 financial products

(4) If the insider disposed of or agreed to dispose of, or procured

another person to dispose of or to agree to dispose of, the

Division 3 financial products to a person (in this subsection and

subsection (5) called the acquirer) who did not possess the

information, the acquirer may, by action under section 1317HA,

recover, as compensation for damage suffered by the acquirer, the

amount (if any) by which the price described in the first of the

following paragraphs was greater than the price described in the

second of those paragraphs:

(a) the price at which the financial products were disposed of, or

agreed to be disposed of, by the insider or the other person to

the acquirer;

(b) the price at which they would have been likely to have been

disposed of in a disposal made at the time of the

first-mentioned disposal or the time of the agreement, as the

case may be, if the information had been generally available.

The action may be taken against the insider, the other person or

any other person involved in the contravention.

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Section 1043L

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Additional situations in which issuer may recover

(5) In addition to any action that may be brought as provided by

subsection (3) or (4), the issuer of the financial products may, in

the case of an acquisition or disposal of, or an agreement to acquire

or dispose of, the financial products by the insider or another

person in the circumstances mentioned in that subsection, by action

under section 1317HA, recover, as compensation for damage

suffered by the issuer:

(a) in the case of an acquisition or agreement to acquire the

financial products—the amount (if any) by which the price

described in the first of the following subparagraphs was less

than the price described in the second of those


(i) the price at which the financial products were acquired,

or agreed to be acquired, by the insider or other person

from the disposer;

(ii) the price at which they were likely to have been

acquired in an acquisition made at the time of the

first-mentioned acquisition or the time of the agreement,

as the case may be, if the information had been

generally available; or

(b) in the case of a disposal or an agreement to dispose of

financial products—the amount (if any) by which the price

described in the first of the following subparagraphs was

greater than the price described in the second of those


(i) the price at which the financial products were disposed

of, or agreed to be disposed of, by the insider or other

person to the acquirer;

(ii) the price at which they would have been likely to have

been disposed of at the time of the first-mentioned

disposal or the time of the agreement, as the case may

be, if the information had been generally available.

The action may be taken against the insider, the other person or

any other person involved in the contravention.

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Part 7.10 Market misconduct and other prohibited conduct relating to financial

products and financial services

Division 3 The insider trading prohibitions

Section 1043L

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ASIC may take action for benefit of issuer

(6) ASIC may, if it considers that it is in the public interest to do so,

bring an action in accordance with subsection (2) or (5) in the

name of, and for the benefit of, an issuer of Division 3 financial

products for the recovery of an amount that the issuer is entitled to

recover by virtue of that subsection.

Relief from liability

(7) In an action brought against a person in accordance with this

section because the person entered into, or procured another person

to enter into, a transaction or agreement at a time when certain

information was in the first-mentioned person’s possession, the

court may relieve the person wholly or partly from liability if it

appears to the court that the information came into the

first-mentioned person’s possession solely as a result of the

information having been made known as mentioned in

subparagraph 1042C(1)(b)(i).

Special provision for registered schemes and notified foreign

passport funds—treatment of amount recovered in respect of

subsection (2) loss

(8) If:

(a) the responsible entity for a registered scheme or the operator

of a notified foreign passport fund; or

(b) ASIC in the name of, and for the benefit of, the responsible

entity for a registered scheme or the operator of a notified

foreign passport fund;

brings an action in accordance with subsection (2) in respect of a

subscription for, or any agreement to subscribe for, any interests in

the scheme or fund, any amount recovered in the action:

(c) is to be held:

(i) in the case of a registered scheme other than an

Australian passport fund—by the responsible entity; and

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financial services Part 7.10

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Section 1043L

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(ii) in the case of an Australian passport fund or a notified

foreign passport fund—by the responsible holding party

for the fund;

on behalf of the persons who, at the time of the subscription

or agreement, had rights or interests in the relevant financial

or business undertaking or scheme, common enterprise,

investment contract or time-sharing scheme; and

(d) is to be held on their behalf in the respective proportions that,

at that time, their individual rights or interests bore to the

total of all those rights or interests.

Special provision for registered schemes and notified foreign

passport funds—treatment of amount recovered in respect of

subsection (5) loss

(9) If:

(a) the responsible entity for a registered scheme or the operator

of a notified foreign passport fund; or

(b) ASIC in the name of, and for the benefit of, the responsible

entity for a registered scheme or the operator of a notified

foreign passport fund;

brings an action in accordance with subsection (5) in respect of an

acquisition or disposal of, or an agreement to acquire or dispose of,

interests in the scheme or fund, any amount recovered in the


(c) is to be held:

(i) in the case of a registered scheme other than an

Australian passport fund—by the responsible entity; and

(ii) in the case of an Australian passport fund or a notified

foreign passport fund—by the responsible holding party

for the fund;

on behalf of the persons who, at the time of the disposal,

acquisition or agreement, had rights or interests in the

relevant financial or business undertaking or scheme,

common enterprise, investment contract or time-sharing

scheme; and

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.10 Market misconduct and other prohibited conduct relating to financial

products and financial services

Division 3 The insider trading prohibitions

Section 1043M

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(d) is to be held on their behalf in the respective proportions that,

at that time, their individual rights or interests bore to the

total of all those rights or interests.

(10) Any right of action that a person has by virtue of this section is in

addition to any right that any other person has under

section 1317HA.

1043M Defences to prosecution for an offence

(1) In a prosecution of a person for an offence based on

subsection 1043A(1) or (2), it is not necessary for the prosecution

to prove the non-existence of facts or circumstances which, if they

existed, would, by virtue of section 1043B, 1043C, 1043D, 1043E,

1043F, 1043G, 1043H, 1043I, 1043J or 1043K, preclude the act or

omission from constituting a contravention of subsection 1043A(1)

or (2), as the case may be, but it is a defence if the facts or

circumstances existed.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the facts or

circumstances. See subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

(2) In a prosecution brought against a person for an offence based on

subsection 1043A(1) because the person entered into, or procured

another person to enter into, a transaction or agreement at a time

when certain information was in the first-mentioned person’s


(a) it is a defence if the information came into the

first-mentioned person’s possession solely as a result of the

information having been made known as mentioned in

subparagraph 1042C(1)(b)(i); and

(b) it is a defence if the other party to the transaction or

agreement knew, or ought reasonably to have known, of the

information before entering into the transaction or agreement.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters

referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b). See subsection 13.3(3) of the

Criminal Code.

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financial services Part 7.10

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Section 1043N

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(3) In a prosecution against a person for an offence based on

subsection 1043A(2) because the person communicated

information, or caused information to be communicated, to another


(a) it is a defence if the information came into the

first-mentioned person’s possession solely as a result of the

information having been made known as mentioned in

subparagraph 1042C(1)(b)(i); and

(b) it is a defence if the other person knew, or ought reasonably

to have known, of the information before the information was


Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters

referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b). See subsection 13.3(3) of the

Criminal Code.

1043N Relief from civil liability

In proceedings against a person under Part 9.4B (including under

section 1317HA) relating to a contravention of

subsection 1043A(1) or (2), the court may relieve the person

wholly or partly from liability if it appears to the court that:

(a) in any case—the circumstances in any of the sections referred

to in subsection 1043M(1) applied; or

(b) in the case of subsection 1043A(1)—the circumstance

referred to in paragraph 1043M(2)(a) or (b) applied; or

(c) in the case of subsection 1043A(2)—the circumstance

referred to in paragraph 1043M(3)(a) or (b) applied.

1043O Powers of Court

If, in a proceeding instituted under this Act, the Court finds that a

contravention of section 1043A has occurred, the Court may, in

addition to any other orders that it may make under any other

provision of this Act, make such order or orders as it thinks just,

including, but without limiting the generality of the above, any one

or more of the following orders:

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.10 Market misconduct and other prohibited conduct relating to financial

products and financial services

Division 3 The insider trading prohibitions

Section 1043O

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(a) an order restraining the exercise of rights attached to

Division 3 financial products;

(b) an order restraining the issue of Division 3 financial


(c) an order restraining the acquisition or disposal of Division 3

financial products;

(d) an order directing the disposal of Division 3 financial


(e) an order vesting Division 3 financial products in ASIC;

(f) an order cancelling an agreement for the acquisition or

disposal of Division 3 financial products;

(g) an order cancelling an Australian financial services licence;

(h) for the purpose of securing compliance with any other order

made under this section, an order directing a person to do or

refrain from doing a specified act.

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financial services Part 7.10

Defences, relief and limits on liability Division 4

Section 1044A

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Division 4—Defences, relief and limits on liability

1044A General defence or relief for publishers

(1) It is a defence to a prosecution for an offence based on a provision

of this Part committed by the publication of an advertisement if:

(a) the defendant was, at that time, a person whose business it

was to publish or arrange for the publication of

advertisements; and

(b) they received the advertisement for publication in the

ordinary course of that business and did not know, and had

no reason to believe, that its publication would amount to an

offence against that provision.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

subsection (1). See subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

(2) In proceedings against a person under:

(a) Part 9.4B (including under section 1317H or 1317HA)

relating to a contravention of a civil penalty provision that is

in this Part; or

(b) section 1041I relating to a contravention of a provision to

which that section applies;

the court may relieve the person wholly or partly from liability if it

appears to the court that the circumstances mentioned in

paragraphs (1)(a) and (b) applied.

1044B Limit on liability for misleading or deceptive conduct

State or Territory professional standards law limits liability

(1) A professional standards law of a State, the Australian Capital

Territory or the Northern Territory applies to limit occupational

liability relating to an action for contravention of section 1041H in

the same way as it limits occupational liability arising under a law

of the State or Territory.

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Part 7.10 Market misconduct and other prohibited conduct relating to financial

products and financial services

Division 4 Defences, relief and limits on liability

Section 1044B

238 Corporations Act 2001

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Note: Section 1041H prohibits misleading or deceptive conduct by a person

in relation to a financial product or financial service.

(2) However, the professional standards law applies for that purpose:

(a) only in relation to a scheme that was prescribed by the

regulations at the time (the contravention time) of the

contravention; and

(b) as if the scheme were in force under that law at the

contravention time in the form the scheme would have been

in if:

(i) the scheme had not been amended or revoked under that

law since the scheme was first prescribed; and

(ii) the modifications (if any) prescribed by the regulations

at the contravention time had been made to the scheme.

Which State’s or Territory’s professional standards law applies?

(3) For the purposes of working out whether a professional standards

law of a particular State or Territory applies under subsection (1) in

relation to a particular contravention of section 1041H, choice of

law rules operate in relation to the contravention in the same way

as they operate in relation to a tort.


(4) In this section:

modifications includes additions, omissions and substitutions.

occupation includes profession and trade.

occupational association means a body:

(a) that represents the interests of persons who have the same

occupation; and

(b) whose membership is limited principally to such persons.

occupational liability means civil liability arising directly or

vicariously from anything done or omitted by a member of an

occupational association in the course of his or her occupation.

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Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Market misconduct and other prohibited conduct relating to financial products and

financial services Part 7.10

Defences, relief and limits on liability Division 4

Section 1044B

Corporations Act 2001 239

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

professional standards law means a law providing for the

limitation of occupational liability by reference to schemes for

limiting that liability that were formulated and published in

accordance with that law.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.10 Market misconduct and other prohibited conduct relating to financial

products and financial services

Division 5 Miscellaneous

Section 1045A

240 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 5—Miscellaneous

1045A Exemptions and modifications by regulations

(1) The regulations may:

(a) exempt a person or class of persons from all or specified

provisions of this Part; or

(b) exempt a financial product or a class of financial products

from all or specified provisions of this Part; or

(c) provide that this Part applies as if specified provisions were

omitted, modified or varied as specified in the regulations.

(2) For the purpose of this section, the provisions of this Part include:

(a) definitions in this Act, or in the regulations, as they apply to

references in this Part; and

(b) any provisions of Part 10.2 (transitional provisions) that

relate to provisions of this Part.

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Financial services and markets Chapter 7

External dispute resolution Part 7.10A

Authorisation of an external dispute resolution scheme Division 1

Section 1050

Corporations Act 2001 241

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Part 7.10A—External dispute resolution

Division 1—Authorisation of an external dispute resolution


Subdivision A—Minister may authorise an external dispute

resolution scheme

1050 Minister may authorise an external dispute resolution scheme

(1) The Minister may, by notifiable instrument, authorise an external

dispute resolution scheme if the Minister is satisfied that the

mandatory requirements under section 1051 will be met.

(2) In considering whether to authorise an external dispute resolution

scheme, the Minister:

(a) must take into account the general considerations for an

external dispute resolution scheme under section 1051A; and

(b) may take into account any other matter the Minister

considers relevant (whether or not those other matters are

consistent with those general considerations).

(3) An authorisation of an external dispute resolution scheme must not

come into force while an authorisation of another external dispute

resolution scheme is in force.

(4) The Minister may, by notifiable instrument, vary or revoke an

authorisation of an external dispute resolution scheme.

(5) In an instrument under subsection (1) or (4), the Minister:

(a) must specify the day the authorisation, variation or

revocation comes into force; and

(b) may specify, vary or revoke conditions relating to the


Note: Once the authorisation of an external dispute resolution scheme comes

into force, the scheme is known as the AFCA scheme and the operator

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.10A External dispute resolution

Division 1 Authorisation of an external dispute resolution scheme

Section 1051

242 Corporations Act 2001

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is known as AFCA (AFCA is short for Australian Financial

Complaints Authority): see the definitions of AFCA and AFCA

scheme in section 761A.

Subdivision B—Mandatory requirements and general


1051 Mandatory requirements

(1) The mandatory requirements for an external dispute resolution

scheme are:

(a) the organisational requirements under subsection (2); and

(b) the operator requirements under subsection (3); and

(c) the operational requirements under subsection (4); and

(d) the compliance requirements under subsection (5).

Organisational requirements

(2) The organisational requirements are that:

(a) the membership of the scheme is open to every entity that is

required, under:

(i) a law of the Commonwealth; or

(ii) an instrument made under such a law; or

(iii) the conditions of a licence or permission issued under

such a law;

to be a member of an external dispute resolution scheme

authorised under this Part; and

(b) the operations of the scheme are financed through

contributions made by members of the scheme; and

(c) the scheme has an independent assessor; and

(d) complainants are exempt from payment of any fee or charge,

to the operator of the scheme or to any other entity, in

relation to a complaint.

Operator requirements

(3) The operator requirements are that:

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Authorisation of an external dispute resolution scheme Division 1

Section 1051

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(a) the operator of the scheme commissions the conducting of

independent reviews of the scheme’s operations and

procedures; and

(b) the operator of the scheme is a company limited by

guarantee; and

(c) the operator’s constitution provides that the operator must not

be operated for profit; and

(d) the operator’s constitution provides that the number of

directors of the operator who have experience in carrying on

the kinds of businesses operated by members of the scheme

must equal the number of directors who have experience in

representing consumers; and

(da) the operator’s constitution provides that the Chair of the

board of the operator must be an independent person; and

(e) the operator’s constitution provides that, within 6 months

after the scheme is authorised under section 1050, the


(i) may appoint an independent person as the Chair of the

board of the operator; and

(ii) may appoint any director, if the total number of

directors (including that director) whom the Minister

has appointed, as mentioned in subparagraph (i) and this

subparagraph, is less than half the total number of


Operational requirements

(4) The operational requirements are that:

(a) the complaints mechanism under the scheme is appropriately

accessible to persons dissatisfied with members of the

scheme; and

(b) complaints against members of the scheme are resolved

(including by making determinations relating to such

complaints) in a way that is fair, efficient, timely and

independent; and

(c) appropriate expertise is available to deal with complaints;


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Part 7.10A External dispute resolution

Division 1 Authorisation of an external dispute resolution scheme

Section 1051A

244 Corporations Act 2001

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(d) reasonable steps are taken to ensure compliance by members

of the scheme with those determinations; and

(e) under the scheme, determinations made by the operator of the

scheme are:

(i) binding on members of the scheme; but

(ii) not binding on complainants under the scheme; and

(f) for superannuation complaints, there are no limits on:

(i) the value of claims that may be made under the scheme;


(ii) the value of remedies that may be determined under the


Note: The complaints may be complaints relating to superannuation or

complaints relating to other financial services. Division 3 includes

additional provisions relating to superannuation complaints.

Compliance requirements

(5) The compliance requirements are that:

(a) the operator of the scheme is to ensure that the following are

complied with:

(i) conditions of the authorisation of the scheme specified

under paragraph 1050(5)(b);

(ii) regulatory requirements issued under section 1052A;

(iii) directions given under section 1052B, 1052BA or


(iv) the requirements of section 1052E; and

(b) material changes to the scheme are not to be made without

the approval of ASIC under section 1052D.

1051A General considerations

The general considerations for an external dispute resolution

scheme are the following:

(a) the accessibility of the scheme;

(b) the independence of the scheme;

(c) the fairness of the scheme;

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External dispute resolution Part 7.10A

Authorisation of an external dispute resolution scheme Division 1

Section 1051A

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(d) the accountability of the scheme;

(e) the efficiency of the scheme;

(f) the effectiveness of the scheme.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.10A External dispute resolution

Division 2 Regulating the AFCA scheme

Section 1052

246 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 2—Regulating the AFCA scheme

1052 Obligation to comply with mandatory requirements

AFCA must ensure that the mandatory requirements for the AFCA

scheme under section 1051 are complied with.

1052A ASIC may issue regulatory requirements

ASIC may, by legislative instrument, issue to AFCA regulatory

requirements relating to:

(a) compliance with the mandatory requirements for the AFCA

scheme under section 1051; or

(b) any of the general considerations for the AFCA scheme

under section 1051A.

1052B Directions to increase limits on the value of claims

(1) If, under the AFCA scheme, there are one or more limits on:

(a) the value of claims that may be made under the scheme; or

(b) the value of remedies that AFCA may determine under the


ASIC may give AFCA a written direction requiring the limit, or

some or all of the limits, to be increased.

Note: One of the operational requirements for the scheme is that there are no

such limits for superannuation complaints (see paragraph 1051(4)(f)).

(2) However:

(a) ASIC must not give a direction under this section unless

ASIC has given AFCA written notice of at least 1 month of

ASIC’s intention to issue the direction; and

(b) a direction under this section must not apply in relation to

complaints AFCA received before ASIC gives the direction.

(3) AFCA must comply with a direction made under this section.

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External dispute resolution Part 7.10A

Regulating the AFCA scheme Division 2

Section 1052BA

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Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(4) If AFCA fails to comply with the direction, ASIC may apply to the

Court for, and the Court may make, an order that AFCA comply

with the direction.

(5) A direction made under this section is not a legislative instrument.

1052BA Directions to ensure sufficient financing

(1) ASIC may give AFCA a written direction under this section if

ASIC considers that AFCA has not done all things reasonably

practicable to ensure that the operations of the AFCA scheme are

sufficiently financed.

(2) The direction must set out the specific measures that AFCA must

take to ensure that the operations of the AFCA scheme are

sufficiently financed.

(3) ASIC must not give a direction under this section unless ASIC has

given AFCA written notice of at least 1 month of ASIC’s intention

to issue the direction.

(4) AFCA must comply with a direction made under this section.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(5) If AFCA fails to comply with the direction, ASIC may apply to the

Court for, and the Court may make, an order that AFCA comply

with the direction.

(6) A direction made under this section is not a legislative instrument.

1052C General directions to AFCA

Notice of intention to issue a direction

(1) If ASIC considers that AFCA has not done all things reasonably

practicable to ensure compliance with:

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Part 7.10A External dispute resolution

Division 2 Regulating the AFCA scheme

Section 1052C

248 Corporations Act 2001

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(a) the mandatory requirements for the AFCA scheme under

section 1051; or

(b) a condition of the authorisation of the AFCA scheme

imposed by the Minister under paragraph 1050(5)(b); or

(c) regulatory requirements issued under section 1052A;

ASIC may give AFCA written notice that it intends to give AFCA

a specified direction under this section.

(2) The notice must set out:

(a) the specific measures that the direction will require AFCA to

take to comply with the requirements or condition; and

(b) the reasons for ASIC’s intention to give the direction.

Issuing a direction

(3) If, after receiving the notice:

(a) AFCA does not take those specific measures; and

(b) ASIC still considers that it is appropriate to give the direction

to AFCA;

ASIC may give AFCA the direction, in writing, with a statement

setting out the reasons for giving the direction.

(4) The direction must deal with the time by which, or the period

during which, it is to be complied with. The time or period must be


(5) A direction made under this section is not a legislative instrument.


(6) AFCA must comply with a direction made under this section.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(7) If AFCA fails to comply with the direction, ASIC may apply to the

Court for, and the Court may make, an order that AFCA comply

with the direction.

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External dispute resolution Part 7.10A

Regulating the AFCA scheme Division 2

Section 1052D

Corporations Act 2001 249

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Varying or revoking a direction

(8) ASIC may vary a direction made under this section by giving

written notice to AFCA.

(9) The direction has effect until ASIC revokes it by giving written

notice to AFCA.

(10) ASIC may revoke the direction, by giving written notice to AFCA,

if, at the time of revocation, ASIC considers that the direction is no

longer necessary or appropriate.

1052D Approval of material changes to the AFCA scheme

(1) AFCA may request ASIC to approve a material change to the

AFCA scheme.

Note: A material change must not be made to the scheme without ASIC’s

approval (see paragraph 1051(5)(b)).

(2) ASIC may, by written notice given to AFCA, approve the change.

(3) In considering whether to approve the change, ASIC must take into

account the following in relation to the scheme as it is proposed to

be changed:

(a) the mandatory requirements for the scheme under

section 1051;

(b) the general considerations for the scheme under

section 1051A;

(c) any conditions imposed by the Minister on the authorisation

of the scheme under paragraph 1050(5)(b);

(d) any regulatory requirements issued under section 1052A.

1052E Referring matters to appropriate authorities

Referring contraventions and breaches etc. to appropriate


(1) If AFCA becomes aware, in connection with a complaint under the

AFCA scheme, that:

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Part 7.10A External dispute resolution

Division 2 Regulating the AFCA scheme

Section 1052E

250 Corporations Act 2001

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(a) a serious contravention of any law may have occurred; or

(b) a contravention of the governing rules of a regulated

superannuation fund or an approved deposit fund may have

occurred; or

(c) a breach of the terms and conditions relating to an annuity

policy, a life policy or an RSA may have occurred; or

(d) a party to the complaint may have refused or failed to give

effect to a determination made by AFCA;

AFCA must give particulars of the contravention, breach, refusal

or failure to one or more of APRA, ASIC or the Commissioner of


(2) However, if:

(a) the complaint relates to the scheme provided for by the

Australian Defence Force Cover Act 2015; and

(b) subsection (1) applies because AFCA becomes aware that:

(i) a serious contravention of any law may have occurred;


(ii) a party to the complaint may have refused or failed to

give effect to a determination made by AFCA;

AFCA must instead give particulars of the contravention, refusal or

failure to the Minister administering that Act and the Minister

administering the Public Governance, Performance and

Accountability Act 2013.

Referring settled complaints

(3) If:

(a) the parties to a complaint made under the AFCA scheme

agree to a settlement of the complaint; and

(b) AFCA thinks the settlement may require investigation;

AFCA may give particulars of the settlement to one or more of

APRA, ASIC or the Commissioner of Taxation.

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External dispute resolution Part 7.10A

Regulating the AFCA scheme Division 2

Section 1052E

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Referring systemic issues

(4) If AFCA considers that there is a systemic issue arising from the

consideration of complaints under the AFCA scheme, AFCA must

give particulars of the issue to one or more of APRA, ASIC or the

Commissioner of Taxation.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.10A External dispute resolution

Division 3 Additional provisions relating to superannuation complaints

Section 1053

252 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 3—Additional provisions relating to

superannuation complaints

Subdivision A—When complaints relating to superannuation

can be made under the AFCA scheme

1053 When complaints relating to superannuation can be made

under the AFCA scheme

(1) A person may, subject to section 1056, make a complaint relating

to superannuation under the AFCA scheme only if the complaint is

a complaint:

(a) that the trustee of a regulated superannuation fund or of an

approved deposit fund has made a decision (whether before

or after the commencement of this section) relating to:

(i) a particular member or a particular former member of a

regulated superannuation fund; or

(ii) a particular beneficiary or a particular former

beneficiary of an approved deposit fund;

that is or was unfair or unreasonable; or

(b) that a decision, by a trustee maintaining a life policy that

covers a member of a life policy fund, to admit the member

to the fund was unfair or unreasonable; or

(c) that the conduct (including any act, omission or

representation) of an insurer, or of a representative of an

insurer, relating to the sale of an annuity policy was unfair or

unreasonable; or

(d) that a decision of an insurer under an annuity policy is or was

unfair or unreasonable; or

(e) that a decision of a superannuation provider to set out, in a

statement to which subsection (2) applies, an amount or

amounts in respect of a person was unfair or unreasonable; or

(f) that the conduct (including any act, omission or

representation) of an RSA provider, or of a representative of

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External dispute resolution Part 7.10A

Additional provisions relating to superannuation complaints Division 3

Section 1053

Corporations Act 2001 253

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an RSA provider, relating to the opening of an RSA was

unfair or unreasonable; or

(g) that a decision of an RSA provider relating to a particular

RSA holder or former RSA holder is or was unfair or

unreasonable; or

(h) that the conduct (including any act, omission or

representation) of an insurer, or of a representative of an

insurer, relating to the sale of insurance benefits in relation to

a contract of insurance where the premiums are paid from an

RSA, was unfair or unreasonable; or

(i) that a decision of an insurer relating to a contract of insurance

where the premiums are paid from an RSA is or was unfair or

unreasonable; or

(j) that a decision by a death benefit decision-maker relating to

the payment of a death benefit is or was unfair or


Note 1: Section 1056 provides further limitations on when a superannuation

complaint may be made to AFCA in relation to a decision about the

payment of a death benefit.

Note 2: Certain persons are taken to be members of regulated superannuation

funds or approved deposit funds, or holders of RSAs (see

section 1053A).

(2) This subsection applies to a statement given to the Commissioner

of Taxation under:

(a) section 13 of the Superannuation Contributions Tax

(Assessment and Collection) Act 1997; or

(b) section 12 of the Superannuation Contributions Tax

(Members of Constitutionally Protected Superannuation

Funds) Assessment and Collection Act 1997; or

(c) subsection 133-120(2) or 133-140(1) in Schedule 1 to the

Taxation Administration Act 1953; or

(d) section 390-5 or 390-20 in that Schedule.

(3) A complaint made in accordance with subsection (1) of this section

is a superannuation complaint.

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Part 7.10A External dispute resolution

Division 3 Additional provisions relating to superannuation complaints

Section 1053A

254 Corporations Act 2001

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(4) However, a complaint is not a superannuation complaint to the

extent that it is a complaint that:

(a) a decision made by a trustee of a self-managed

superannuation fund; or

(b) conduct engaged in by an insurer, or by a representative of an

insurer, relating to the sale of an annuity policy maintained,

or to be maintained, by a trustee of a self-managed

superannuation fund on behalf of its members; or

(c) a decision made by an insurer, or by a representative of an

insurer, under an annuity policy maintained by a trustee of a

self-managed superannuation fund on behalf of its members;

is unfair or unreasonable.

(5) For the purposes of this section, a trustee, an insurer, an RSA

provider or another decision-maker, makes a decision if:

(a) the trustee, insurer, RSA provider or other decision-maker, or

a person acting for the trustee, insurer, RSA provider or other

decision-maker, makes, or fails to make, a decision; or

(b) the trustee, insurer, RSA provider or other decision-maker, or

a person acting for the trustee, insurer, RSA provider or other

decision-maker, engages in any conduct, or fails to engage in

any conduct, in relation to making a decision;

whether or not the decision or conduct involved the exercise of a


1053A Persons taken to be members of regulated superannuation

funds and approved deposit funds and holders of RSAs

For the purposes of this Division, each of the following persons is

taken to be a member of a regulated superannuation fund or an

approved deposit fund, or a holder of an RSA, (as the case


(a) a non-member spouse in relation to whom a splitting order

under the Family Law Act 1975 has been made, from the day

on which a copy of the order is served on the trustee of the


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External dispute resolution Part 7.10A

Additional provisions relating to superannuation complaints Division 3

Section 1054

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(b) a non-member spouse who is a party to a superannuation

agreement under the Family Law Act 1975, from the day on

which a copy of the agreement is served on the trustee of the


(c) a party to a marriage in relation to which an order of a kind

referred to in Part VIIIAA of the Family Law Act 1975 has

been made, if the order relates to an interest in the fund;

(d) an eligible person, within the meaning of section 90MZB of

the Family Law Act 1975, in relation to an interest of the

member or holder in the fund;

(e) a covered ADF member within the meaning of the Australian

Defence Force Cover Act 2015.

Subdivision B—Powers of AFCA

1054 Power to join other parties to superannuation complaint

(1) AFCA may (subject to subsection 1056A(3)) at any time join, as a

party to a superannuation complaint made under the AFCA

scheme, any of the following persons whom AFCA decides should

be a party to the complaint:

(a) a person who has applied to become a party to the complaint;

(b) a trustee of a regulated superannuation fund or an approved

deposit fund;

(c) an insurer;

(d) an RSA provider;

(e) a superannuation provider;

(f) a person whom AFCA decides is responsible for determining

either or both of the existence and the extent of a disability

(whether total and permanent or otherwise), if the subject

matter of the complaint relates to a benefit in respect of the

disability, whether under a contract of insurance or


Note: Section 1056A requires certain procedures to be followed before a

person can be joined as a party to a superannuation complaint about a

decision relating to the payment of a death benefit.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.10A External dispute resolution

Division 3 Additional provisions relating to superannuation complaints

Section 1054A

256 Corporations Act 2001

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(2) If AFCA decides under subsection (1) that a person should be a

party to the complaint, AFCA must give the new party, and all of

the existing parties to the complaint, written notice of the decision

and of the reasons for the decision.

(3) If AFCA decides that a person who has applied to become a party

to the complaint should not be a party to the complaint, AFCA

must give the person written notice of the decision and of the

reasons for the decision.

1054A Power to obtain information and documents

(1) If AFCA has reason to believe that a person is capable of giving

information or producing documents relevant to a superannuation

complaint, AFCA may, by written notice to the person, require the


(a) to give to AFCA, by writing, any such information; or

(b) to produce to AFCA such documents or copies of such

documents as are stated in the notice;

at such place, and within such period or on such date and at such

time, as are stated in the notice.

Note: A strict liability offence may apply under section 1058 (secrecy) in

relation to information acquired under this section.

(2) If documents (whether originals or copies) are so produced, AFCA:

(a) may take possession of, and may make copies of, or take

extracts from, the documents; and

(b) may keep the documents for as long as is necessary for the

purpose of dealing with the complaint; and

(c) must, while keeping the documents, permit a person who

would be entitled to inspect any one or more of them (if the

documents were not in the possession of AFCA) to inspect at

all reasonable times such of the documents as that person

would be so entitled to inspect.

(3) A person must not fail to comply with a requirement made by

AFCA under subsection (1).

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External dispute resolution Part 7.10A

Additional provisions relating to superannuation complaints Division 3

Section 1054B

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Penalty: 30 penalty units.

(4) Subsection (3) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(5) Subsection (3) does not apply to the extent that the person has a

reasonable excuse.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in

subsection (5), see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

1054B Power to require attendance at conciliation conferences

(1) AFCA may, if AFCA thinks it desirable to do so, by notice in

writing given to:

(a) each party to a superannuation complaint; and

(b) any other person:

(i) who, in AFCA’s opinion, is likely to be able to provide

information relevant to the settlement of the complaint;


(ii) whose presence at a conciliation conference would, in

AFCA’s opinion, be likely to be conducive to settling

the complaint;

require the party or other person to attend the conference.

Note: A strict liability offence may apply under section 1058 (secrecy) in

relation to information acquired during a conference held under this


(2) The notice must also fix the date, time and place for the


(3) If the complainant fails to attend the conference, AFCA may deal

with the complaint as if it had been withdrawn by the complainant.

(4) A person (other than the complainant) commits an offence if he or

she does not attend a conference when required to do so under this


Penalty: 30 penalty units.

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Section 1054BA

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1054BA Power to give directions

(1) AFCA may, in connection with, or as part of the process of,

determining a superannuation complaint:

(a) give directions prohibiting or restricting the disclosure of

documents or information relating to the complaint; and

(b) give directions as to who may be present at any meeting held

by AFCA relating to the complaint.

(2) In giving directions, AFCA must have regard to the wishes of the

parties in relation to the complaint and the need to protect their


(3) Directions may be made in writing or orally.

(4) A person must not refuse or fail to comply with a direction under

this section.

Penalty: 30 penalty units.

1054C Reference of questions of law to Federal Court

(1) AFCA may, on its own initiative or on the request of a party to a

superannuation complaint, refer a question of law arising in

relation to the making of a determination relating to the complaint

to the Federal Court for decision.

(2) The Federal Court has jurisdiction to hear and determine a question

of law referred to it under this section.

(3) If a question of law has been so referred to the Federal Court,

AFCA must not:

(a) make the determination to which the question is relevant

while the reference is pending; or

(b) do anything that is inconsistent with the opinion of the

Federal Court on the question.

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Additional provisions relating to superannuation complaints Division 3

Section 1055

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Subdivision C—Determinations of superannuation complaints

1055 Making a determination

(1) In making a determination of a superannuation complaint, AFCA

has, subject to this section, all the powers, obligations and

discretions that are conferred on the trustee, insurer, RSA provider

or other person who:

(a) made a decision to which the complaint relates; or

(b) engaged in conduct (including any act, omission or

representation) to which the complaint relates.

Affirming decisions or conduct

(2) AFCA must affirm a decision or conduct (except a decision

relating to the payment of a death benefit) if AFCA is satisfied


(a) the decision, in its operation in relation to the complainant; or

(b) the conduct;

was fair and reasonable in all the circumstances.

(3) AFCA must affirm a decision relating to the payment of a death

benefit if AFCA is satisfied that the decision, in its operation in

relation to:

(a) the complainant; and

(b) any other person joined under subsection 1056A(3) as a party

to the complaint;

was fair and reasonable in all the circumstances.

Varying etc. decisions or conduct

(4) If AFCA is satisfied that:

(a) a decision (except a decision relating to the payment of a

death benefit), in its operation in relation to the complainant;


(b) conduct;

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Section 1055

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is unfair or unreasonable, or both, AFCA may take any one or

more of the actions mentioned in subsection (6), but only for the

purpose of placing the complainant, as nearly as practicable, in

such a position that the unfairness, unreasonableness, or both, no

longer exists.

(5) If AFCA is satisfied that a decision relating to the payment of a

death benefit, in its operation in relation to:

(a) the complainant; and

(b) any other person joined under subsection 1056A(3) as a party

to the complaint;

is unfair or unreasonable, or both, AFCA may take any one or

more of the actions mentioned in subsection (6), but only for the

purpose of placing the complainant (and any other person so joined

as a party), as nearly as practicable, in such a position that the

unfairness, unreasonableness, or both, no longer exists.

(6) AFCA may, under subsection (4) or (5), do any of the following:

(a) vary the decision;

(b) set aside the decision and:

(i) substitute a decision for the decision so set aside; or

(ii) remit the decision to the person who made it for

reconsideration in accordance with any directions or

recommendations of AFCA;

(c) if the complainant was unfairly or unreasonably admitted into

a life policy fund:

(i) require a party to the complaint to repay all money, or

particular money, received under the life policy to

which the complaint relates; or

(ii) set aside the whole or part of the terms or conditions of

the life policy in their application to the complainant; or

(iii) vary the governing rules of the life policy fund in their

application to the complainant; or

(iv) cancel the complainant’s membership of the life policy

fund or of any sub-plan of the fund;

(d) if the complainant was unfairly or unreasonably sold an

annuity policy, contract of insurance or RSA:

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(i) require a party to the complaint to repay all money, or

particular money, received under the annuity policy,

contract or RSA; or

(ii) set aside the whole or part of the terms or conditions of

the annuity policy, contract or RSA in their application

to the complainant; or

(iii) vary the terms or conditions of the annuity policy,

contract or RSA in their application to the complainant.

Limitations on determinations

(7) AFCA must not make a determination of a superannuation

complaint that would be contrary to:

(a) law; or

(b) subject to paragraph (6)(c), the governing rules of a regulated

superannuation fund or an approved deposit fund to which

the complaint relates; or

(c) subject to paragraph (6)(d), the terms and conditions of an

annuity policy, contract of insurance or RSA to which the

complaint relates.

1055A AFCA to give reasons

AFCA must give written reasons for its determination of a

superannuation complaint.

1055B Operation of determination of superannuation complaint

(1) Subject to subsection (2), a determination of a superannuation

complaint by AFCA comes into operation immediately upon the

making of the determination.

(2) AFCA may specify in the determination that the determination is

not to come into operation until a later date specified in the

determination and, if a later date is so specified, the determination

comes into operation on that date.

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Division 3 Additional provisions relating to superannuation complaints

Section 1055C

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(3) If, under subsection 1055(4) or (5), the determination varies a

decision of another person, or substitutes a decision for a decision

of another person, that decision as varied or substituted:

(a) is, for all purposes (other than the making of a complaint

about the decision) taken to be a decision of the other person;


(b) on the coming into operation of the determination by AFCA,

unless AFCA otherwise orders, has effect, and is taken to

have had effect, on and from the day on which the original

decision has or had effect.

1055C Evidence of determination of superannuation complaint

(1) A document purporting to be a copy of AFCA’s determination of a

superannuation complaint, and purporting to be certified, by an

AFCA staff member who is authorised to do so, to be a true copy

of the determination, is, in any proceeding, prima facie evidence of

the determination.

(2) This section does not affect any other method available by law for

the proof of determinations of AFCA.

1055D Compliance with determinations under the AFCA scheme


(a) a superannuation complaint has been made concerning a

disability benefit (whether under a contract of insurance or

otherwise); and

(b) a determination is made by AFCA that a person other than a

member of the AFCA scheme is responsible for determining

either or both of the existence and the extent of the disability;


(c) AFCA joins the person under subsection 1054(1) as a party

to the complaint;

the person must comply with any determination made in respect of

the person by AFCA.

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Section 1056

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Subdivision D—Superannuation complaints relating to

payment of death benefits

1056 When superannuation complaint cannot be made in relation to

decision about the payment of death benefit

(1) A person cannot make a superannuation complaint under the

AFCA scheme relating to a decision by a death benefit

decision-maker relating to the payment of a death benefit unless

the person has an interest in the death benefit.

(2) A person cannot make a superannuation complaint under the

AFCA scheme relating to a decision by a death benefit

decision-maker relating to the payment of a death benefit if:

(a) the decision-maker gave the person notice:

(i) that the decision-maker proposed to make the decision;


(ii) that the person may object to the proposed decision

within 28 days after being given notice;

and the person did not, by notifying the decision-maker,

object to the proposed decision within 28 days after being

given notice; and

(b) the decision-maker gave the person notice:

(i) that the decision-maker had made the decision; and

(ii) that the person may make a complaint under the AFCA

scheme relating to the decision within 28 days after

being given notice;

and the person does not make the complaint to AFCA within

28 days after being given notice.

(3) If a person has not been given either of the notices referred to in

subsection (2) relating to a decision by a death benefit

decision-maker relating to the payment of a death benefit, the

person cannot make a superannuation complaint under the AFCA

scheme relating to the decision unless AFCA is satisfied that:

(a) the person has an interest in the death benefit; and

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Section 1056A

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(b) it was unreasonable for the person not to be given those

notices from the decision-maker.

1056A Joining persons to complaints relating to death benefit


(1) If a death benefit decision-maker:

(a) makes a decision relating to the payment of a death benefit;


(b) is notified by AFCA of a superannuation complaint made in

accordance with section 1056 relating to the decision;

the decision-maker must, within 28 days after being so notified,

give notice to each person (other than the complainant) whom the

decision-maker believes, after reasonable enquiry, may have an

interest in the death benefit.

(2) A notice given to a person under subsection (1) must:

(a) state that a complaint has been made to AFCA about the

decision; and

(b) set out the details of the complaint; and

(c) state that the person may apply to be joined as a party to the

complaint by giving notice to AFCA within 28 days after the

person is given notice, or such longer period as AFCA


(3) A person (other than a person referred to in any of paragraphs

1054(1)(b) to (f)) may be joined as a party to the complaint under

section 1054 only if:

(a) the person applies in accordance with paragraph (2)(c) of this

section; or

(b) AFCA is satisfied that, in all the circumstances, the person

should be joined as a party despite not so applying.

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Section 1057

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Subdivision E—Appeals to the Federal Court

1057 Appeals to the Federal Court from determination of

superannuation complaint

(1) A party to a superannuation complaint may appeal to the Federal

Court, on a question of law, from AFCA’s determination of the


(2) An appeal by a person under subsection (1) is to be instituted:

(a) not later than the 28th day after the day on which a copy of

the determination of AFCA is given to the person, or within

such further period as the Federal Court (whether before or

after the end of that day) allows; and

(b) in accordance with rules of court made under the Federal

Court of Australia Act 1976.

(3) The Federal Court is to hear and determine the appeal and may

make such order as it thinks appropriate.

(4) Without limiting subsection (3), the orders that may be made by

the Federal Court on an appeal include:

(a) an order affirming or setting aside the determination of

AFCA; and

(b) an order remitting the matter to be determined again by

AFCA in accordance with the directions of the Court.

(5) The Federal Court must not make an order awarding costs against a

complainant if the complainant does not defend an appeal

instituted by another party to the complaint.

1057A Operation and implementation of determination that is

subject to appeal

(1) Subject to this section, the institution of an appeal to the Federal

Court from AFCA’s determination of a superannuation complaint

does not affect the operation of the determination or prevent the

taking of action to implement the determination.

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Division 3 Additional provisions relating to superannuation complaints

Section 1057B

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(2) If an appeal is brought to the Federal Court from the determination,

the Court or a Judge of the Court may make such order or orders

staying or otherwise affecting the operation or implementation of

either or both of the following:

(a) the determination or a part of the determination;

(b) if the complaint relates to a decision of another person—the

whole or part of the decision that is complained of, or of a

decision of an insurer or other person who is a party to the


as the Court thinks appropriate to secure the effectiveness of the

hearing and determination of the appeal.

(3) If an order is in force under subsection (2) (including an order that

has previously been varied on one or more occasions under this

subsection), the Court or a Judge of the Court may make an order

varying or revoking the first-mentioned order.

(4) An order in force under subsection (2) (including an order that has

previously been varied on one or more occasions under

subsection (3)):

(a) is subject to such conditions as are specified in the order; and

(b) has effect until:

(i) if a period for the operation of the order is specified in

the order—the end of that period or, if a decision is

given on the appeal before the end of that period, the

giving of the decision; or

(ii) if no period is so specified—the giving of a decision on

the appeal.

1057B Sending of documents to, and disclosure of documents by, the

Federal Court

If an appeal is instituted in the Federal Court from AFCA’s

determination of a superannuation complaint:

(a) AFCA must send to the Court all documents that were before

AFCA in connection with the consideration of the matter to

which the appeal relates; and

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Additional provisions relating to superannuation complaints Division 3

Section 1058

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(b) at the conclusion of the proceeding before the Court in

relation to the appeal, the Court must return the documents to


Subdivision F—Secrecy

1058 Secrecy

(1) An AFCA staff member must not directly or indirectly:

(a) make a record of, or disclose to any person, court or

investigating authority, any information acquired by the staff

member under section 1054A or during a conference held

under section 1054B in connection with a superannuation

complaint; or

(b) produce to any person, court or investigating authority a

document so acquired; or

(c) permit any person, court or investigating authority to have

access to a document so acquired.

Penalty: 30 penalty units.

(2) Subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(3) Subsection (1) does not apply to the extent that the AFCA staff

member makes the record of the information, discloses the

information, produces the document or permits access to the

document for the purposes of this Part.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

subsection (3), see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

(4) Subsection (1) does not apply to the AFCA staff member

disclosing information, producing a document or permitting access

to a document:

(a) to ASIC; or

(b) to APRA; or

(c) to the Information Commissioner; or

(d) to the Commissioner of Taxation; or

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Division 3 Additional provisions relating to superannuation complaints

Section 1058

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(e) to a particular party to the complaint if the person who

provided the information or document to the staff member

consents in writing to the disclosure, production or access.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

subsection (4), see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

(5) Subsection (1) does not apply to the AFCA staff member

disclosing information if:

(a) the disclosure is made in a way that does not enable the

identification of the parties to a complaint; or

(b) the disclosure is made to a police officer (within the meaning

of the Evidence Act 1995) because:

(i) a threat has been made against an AFCA staff member

or another person; or

(ii) the AFCA staff member believes that a party to a

complaint may commit an act of self-harm.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

subsection (5), see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

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Title and transfer Part 7.11

Title to certain securities Division 1

Section 1070A

Corporations Act 2001 269

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Part 7.11—Title and transfer

Division 1—Title to certain securities

1070A Nature of shares and certain other interests in a company or

registered scheme

(1) A share, other interest of a member in a company or interest of a

person in a registered scheme:

(a) is personal property; and

(b) is transferable or transmissible as provided by:

(i) the company’s, or scheme’s, constitution; or

(ii) the operating rules of a prescribed CS facility if they are

applicable; and

(c) is capable of devolution by will or by operation of law.

(2) Paragraph (1)(c) has effect subject to:

(a) in the case of a company:

(i) the company’s constitution (if any); and

(ii) any replaceable rules that apply to the company; and

(iii) the operating rules of a prescribed CS facility if they

apply to the share or interest; and

(b) in the case of a scheme:

(i) the scheme’s constitution; and

(ii) the operating rules of a prescribed CS facility if they

apply to the interest.

(3) Subject to subsection (1):

(a) the laws applicable to ownership of, and dealing with,

personal property apply to a share, other interest of a member

in a company or interest of a person in a registered scheme as

they apply to other property; and

(b) equitable interests in respect of a share, interest of a member

in a company or other interest of a person in a registered

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Division 1 Title to certain securities

Section 1070B

270 Corporations Act 2001

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scheme may be created, dealt with and enforced as in the

case of other personal property.

(4) For the purposes of any law, a share, other interest of a member in

a company or interest of a person in a registered scheme is taken to

be situated:

(a) if the share, interest in a company, or interest in a registered

scheme is entered on the register kept under section 169—in

the State or Territory where that register is kept; or

(b) if the share or interest in the company is entered on an

overseas branch register kept under section 178—in the

foreign country where that register is kept.

1070B Numbering of shares

(1) Except as provided in subsection (2), a company must ensure that

each share in the company is distinguished by an appropriate


Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) Despite subsection (1):

(a) if at any time all the issued shares in a company, or all the

issued shares in a company of a particular class:

(i) are fully paid up; and

(ii) rank equally for all purposes;

none of those shares is required to have a distinguishing

number so long as each of those shares remains fully paid up,

and ranks equally for all purposes with all shares of the same

class for the time being issued and fully paid up; and

(b) if:

(i) all the issued shares in a company are evidenced by

certificates in accordance with section 1070C; and

(ii) each certificate is distinguished by an appropriate

number; and

(iii) that number is recorded in the register of members;

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Section 1070C

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none of those shares is required to have a distinguishing

number; and

(c) a share need not have a distinguishing number if the

operating rules of a prescribed CS facility through which it is

able to be transferred provide that the share need not have a

distinguishing number.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

this subsection. See subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

1070C Matters to be specified in share certificate

(1) A company must ensure that a certificate it issues specifying the

shares held by a member of the company states:

(a) the name of the company and the fact that it is registered

under this Act; and

(b) the class of the shares; and

(c) the amount (if any) unpaid on the shares.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) A certificate issued in accordance with subsection (1) specifying

shares held by a member of a company is prima facie evidence of

the title of the member to the shares.

(3) A failure to comply with subsection (1) does not affect the rights of

a holder of shares.

1070D Loss or destruction of title documents for certain securities

(1) This section applies to the following securities:

(a) shares in a company;

(b) debentures of a company;

(c) interests in a registered scheme.

(2) This section applies to an interest in a registered scheme as if:

(a) references to a company were instead references to the

responsible entity of the registered scheme; and

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Division 1 Title to certain securities

Section 1070D

272 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) references to the directors of a company were instead

references to the directors of the responsible entity of the

registered scheme.

(3) A company must, in accordance with subsection (4), issue a

duplicate certificate or other title document for securities if:

(a) the certificate or document is lost or destroyed; and

(b) the owner of the securities applies to the company for the

duplicate in accordance with subsection (5); and

(c) the owner complies with any requirements made in

accordance with subsection (6).

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(4) The company must issue the duplicate:

(a) if the company requires the payment of an amount not

exceeding the amount prescribed by regulations made for the

purposes of this paragraph—within 21 days after the payment

is received by the company or within such longer period as

ASIC approves; or

(b) in a case to which paragraph (a) does not apply—within 21

days after the application is made or within such longer

period as ASIC approves.

(5) The application must be accompanied by:

(a) a statement in writing that the certificate or other document:

(i) has been lost or destroyed; and

(ii) has not been pledged, sold or otherwise disposed of; and

(b) if the certificate or other document has been lost—a

statement in writing that proper searches have been made;


(c) an undertaking in writing that if the certificate or other

document is found or received by the owner it will be

returned to the company.

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Title to certain securities Division 1

Section 1070D

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(6) The directors of the company may, before accepting an application

for the issue of a duplicate certificate, require the applicant to do

either or both of the following:

(a) place an advertisement in a daily newspaper circulating in a

place specified by the directors stating that:

(i) the certificate or other document has been lost or

destroyed; and

(ii) the owner intends, after the end of 14 days after the

publication of the advertisement, to apply to the

company for a duplicate certificate;

(b) give a bond for an amount equal to at least the current market

value of the securities indemnifying the company against loss

following the production of the original certificate or other


(7) If:

(a) a certificate or other title document for securities is cancelled

in reliance on the operating rules of a prescribed CS facility;


(b) having regard to those provisions, the certificate or other

document should not have been cancelled;

this section applies to the certificate or other document as though it

were destroyed on its cancellation.

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Part 7.11 Title and transfer

Division 2 Transfer of certain securities

Section 1071A

274 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 2—Transfer of certain securities

Subdivision A—General provisions

1071A Application of the Subdivision to certain securities

(1) This Subdivision applies to the following securities:

(a) shares in a company;

(b) debentures of a company;

(c) interests in a registered scheme.

(2) This Subdivision applies to an interest in a registered scheme as if:

(a) references to a company were instead references to the

responsible entity of the registered scheme; and

(b) references to the constitution of a company were instead

references to the constitution of the registered scheme; and

(c) references to members of a company were instead references

to members of the registered scheme.

1071B Instrument of transfer

(1) This section does not apply to a transfer of a security through a

prescribed CS facility.

(2) Subject to subsection (5), a company must only register a transfer

of securities if a proper instrument of transfer (see subsections (3)

and (4)) has been delivered to the company. This is so despite:

(a) anything in its constitution; or

(b) anything in a deed relating to debentures.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(3) An instrument of transfer is not a proper instrument of transfer for

the purposes of subsection (2) if it does not show the details,

specified in the regulations, in relation to the company concerned.

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Transfer of certain securities Division 2

Section 1071B

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(4) If the transfer of the securities is covered by Division 3 of this Part,

then (in addition to subsection (3)), the instrument is not a proper

instrument of transfer for the purposes of subsection (2) unless it is

a sufficient transfer of the securities under regulations made for the

purposes of that Division.

(5) Subsection (2) does not prejudice the power of the company to

register, as the holder of securities, a person to whom the right to

the securities has devolved by will or by operation of law.

(6) Subsections (7) to (13) deal with a transfer of a security of a dead

holder by the dead holder’s personal representative. They deal with

the transfer differently depending on whether the personal

representative is a local representative or not.

(7) The personal representative is a local representative if the

representative is duly constituted as a personal representative under

the law of the State or Territory in which the security is situated.

Note: Subsection 1070A(4) provides that the security is situated where the

relevant register is kept.

(8) If the personal representative is a local representative, a transfer of

the security by the representative is as valid as if the representative

had been registered as the holder of the security at the time when

the instrument of transfer was executed.

(9) If:

(a) the personal representative is not a local representative; and

(b) the representative:

(i) executes an instrument of transfer of the security to the

representative or to another person; and

(ii) delivers the instrument to the company; and

(iii) delivers to the company with the instrument a statement

in writing made by the representative to the effect that,

to the best of the representative’s knowledge,

information and belief, no grant of representation of the

estate of the deceased holder has been applied for or

made in the State or Territory in which the security is

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Section 1071C

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located and no application for such a grant will be

made; and

(c) the statement is made within 3 months immediately before

the date on which the statement is delivered to the company;

the company must (subject to subsection (10)) register the transfer

and pay to the representative any dividends or other money accrued

in respect of the security up to the time when the instrument was


(10) Subsection (9) does not operate so as to require the company to do

anything that it would not have been required to do if the personal

representative were a local representative.

(11) A transfer or payment made under subsection (9) and a receipt or

acknowledgment of such a payment is, for all purposes, as valid

and effectual as if the personal representative were a local


(12) For the purposes of this section, an application by a personal

representative of a dead person for registration as the holder of a

security in place of the dead person is taken to be an instrument of

transfer effecting a transfer of the security to the personal


(13) The production to a company of a document that is, under the law

of a State or Territory, sufficient evidence of probate of the will, or

letters of administration of the estate, of a dead person having been

granted to a person, is sufficient evidence of the grant (for the

company’s purposes). This is so despite:

(a) anything in its constitution; or

(b) in a deed relating to debentures.

1071C Occupation need not appear in transfer document, register


(1) A document transferring securities need not state the occupation of

the transferor or transferee and, if it is signed by a person, the

signature need not be witnessed.

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Section 1071D

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(2) Subsection (1) applies despite anything in:

(a) the constitution of:

(i) a company; or

(ii) a body referred to in paragraph 1073C(a) or (b); or

(b) the terms and conditions on which securities are created or


(3) The omission from a register, certificate, document transferring

securities or other document relating to a security, of a statement of

the occupation of a person who is, or is entitled to be, registered as

the holder of the security does not breach any law, constitution,

trust deed or other document relating to the securities.

1071D Registration of transfer at request of transferor

(1) A written application by the transferor of a security of a company

for the transferee’s name to be entered in the appropriate register is

as effective (for the company’s purposes) as if it were an

application by the transferee. The application is subject to the same

conditions as it would be if it had been made by the transferee.

(2) If the transferor of a security of a company requests the company

in writing to do so, the company must, by written notice, require a

person who has possession, custody or control of either or both of

the following:

(a) any title documents for the security;

(b) the instrument of transfer of the security;

to bring it or them into the office of the company within a specified

period, to have the document cancelled or rectified and the transfer

registered or otherwise dealt with.

(3) The period specified under subsection (2) must be not less than 7

and not more than 28 days after the date of the notice.

(4) If a person refuses or fails to comply with a notice given under

subsection (2), the transferor may apply to the Court for the issue

of a summons for that person to appear before the Court and show

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Section 1071E

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cause why the documents mentioned in the notice should not be

delivered up or produced as required by the notice.

(5) The Court may:

(a) if the person appears:

(i) examine the person upon oath or affirmation; and

(ii) receive other evidence; and

(b) if the person does not appear after being duly served with the

summons—receive evidence in the person’s absence; and

(c) in either case order the person to deliver up such documents

to the company upon such terms or conditions as the Court

considers just and reasonable.

The costs of the summons and of proceedings on the summons are

in the discretion of the Court.

(6) Lists of documents required to be brought in under subsection (2)

but not brought in in accordance with a requirement made under

subsection (2) or delivered up in accordance with an order under

subsection (5), must be:

(a) exhibited in the office of the company; and

(b) advertised in the Gazette and in such newspapers and at such

times as the company thinks fit.

1071E Notice of refusal to register transfer

If a company refuses to register a transfer of a security of the

company, it must, within 2 months after the date on which the

transfer was lodged with it, give the transferee notice of the refusal.

Note: Failure to comply with this section is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

1071F Remedy for refusal to register transfer or transmission

(1) If a relevant authority in relation to a company:

(a) refuses or fails to register; or

(b) refuses or fails to give its consent or approval to the

registration of;

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Section 1071G

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a transfer or transmission of securities of the company, the

transferee or transmittee may apply to the Court for an order under

this section.

(2) If the Court is satisfied on the application that the refusal or failure

was without just cause, the Court may:

(a) order that the transfer or transmission be registered; or

(b) make such other order as it thinks just and reasonable,


(i) in the case of a transfer or transmission of shares—an

order providing for the purchase of the shares by a

specified member of the company or by the company;


(ii) in the case of a purchase by the company—an order

providing for the reduction accordingly of the capital of

the company.

(3) In this section:

relevant authority, in relation to a company, means:

(a) a person who has, 2 or more persons who together have, or a

body that has, authority to register a transfer or transmission

of securities of the company; or

(b) a person, 2 or more persons, or a body, whose consent or

approval is required before a transfer or transmission of

securities of the company is registered.

1071G Certification of transfers

(1) The certification by a company of an instrument of transfer of

securities of the company:

(a) is taken as a representation by the company to any person

acting on the faith of the certification that there have been

produced to the company such documents as on the face of

them show prima facie title to the securities in the transferor

named in the instrument of transfer; and

(b) is not taken as a representation that the transferor has any

title to the securities.

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(2) If a person acts on the faith of a false certification by a company

made negligently, the company is under the same liability to the

person as if the certification had been made fraudulently.

(3) A certification may be expressed to be limited to 42 days or any

longer period from the date of certification. If it is, the company

and its officers and employees are not, in the absence of fraud,

liable in respect of the registration of any transfer of securities

comprised in the certification after the end of:

(a) the period so limited; or

(b) any extension of that period given by the company;

if the instrument of transfer has not, within that period, been

lodged with the company for registration.

(4) For the purposes of this section:

(a) an instrument of transfer is taken to be certified if it bears the

words “certificate lodged” or words to the like effect; and

(b) the certification of an instrument of transfer is taken to be

made by a company if:

(i) the person issuing the instrument is a person authorised

to issue certified instruments of transfer on the

company’s behalf; and

(ii) the certification is signed by a person authorised to

certify transfers on the company’s behalf or by an

officer of the company or of a body corporate so

authorised; and

(c) a certification that purports to be authenticated by a person’s

signature or initials (whether handwritten or not) is taken to

be signed by the person unless it is shown that the signature

or initials:

(i) was not or were not placed there by the person; and

(ii) was not or were not placed there by any other person

authorised to use the signature or initials;

for the purpose of certifying transfers on the company’s


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Section 1071H

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1071H Duties of company with respect to issue of certificates

(1) Subject to subsection (2), within 2 months after a company issues a

security, the company must:

(a) complete and have ready for delivery to the holder of the

security all the appropriate certificates or other title

documents in connection with the issue of the security; and

(b) unless otherwise instructed by the holder, send or deliver the

completed certificates or other title documents to:

(i) the holder; or

(ii) if the holder has instructed the company in writing to

send them to a nominated person—that person.

Paragraph (a) has effect in relation to shares subject to the

conditions on which the shares are issued.

(2) If the operating rules of a prescribed CS facility include a provision

to the effect that:

(a) no document is required by subsection (1) to be completed

and delivered by a company in relation to the issue of a

security in specified circumstances; or

(b) the only document required by subsection (1) to be

completed and delivered by a company in relation to the

issue of a security in specified circumstances is the document

required by the provision;

the provision has effect accordingly.

(3) Within one month after the date on which a transfer of a security is

lodged with a company, the company must:

(a) complete and have ready for delivery to the transferee all the

appropriate transfer and title documents in connection with

the transfer; and

(b) unless otherwise instructed by the transferee, send or deliver

the completed documents to:

(i) the transferee; or

(ii) if the transferee has instructed the company in writing to

send them to a nominated person—that person.

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This subsection does not apply to a transfer that the company is for

any reason entitled to refuse to register and does not register.

(4) The only document required by subsection (3) to be completed and

delivered by a company in relation to a transfer covered by the

operating rules of a prescribed CS facility is the document (if any)

that those rules require to be completed and delivered.

(5) A company need not comply:

(a) with subsection (1) in relation to the issue of a security; or

(b) with subsection (3) in relation to a transfer of a security;

if the person to whom the security is issued, or the transferee, has:

(c) applied to ASIC for the making of a declaration under this

subsection; and

(d) been declared by ASIC, by writing published in the Gazette,

to be a person in relation to whom this section does not


(6) If:

(a) either:

(i) if subsection (1) applies—the holder referred to in that

subsection serves a notice on the company requiring the

company to remedy a contravention of that subsection;


(ii) if subsection (3) applies—the transferee referred to in

that subsection serves a notice on the company requiring

the company to remedy a contravention of that

subsection; and

(b) the company fails to remedy the contravention within 10

days after the service of the notice; and

(c) the person entitled to have the documents delivered to him or

her applies to the Court for an order under this subsection;

the Court may make an order directing the company and any

officer or employee of the company to remedy the contravention

within such period as is specified in the order.

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Section 1072A

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(7) An order under subsection (6) may provide that all costs of, and

incidental to, the application are to be borne by:

(a) the company; or

(b) any officer or employee of the company who was involved in

the contravention;

in such proportions as the Court thinks just and reasonable.

Subdivision B—Special provisions for shares

1072A Transmission of shares on death (replaceable rule—see

section 135)

If shares not held jointly

(1) If a shareholder who does not own shares jointly dies, the company

will recognise only the personal representative of the deceased

shareholder as being entitled to the deceased shareholder’s interest

in the shares.

(2) If the personal representative gives the directors the information

they reasonably require to establish the representative’s entitlement

to be registered as holder of the shares:

(a) the personal representative may:

(i) by giving a written and signed notice to the company,

elect to be registered as the holder of the shares; or

(ii) by giving a completed transfer form to the company,

transfer the shares to another person; and

(b) the personal representative is entitled, whether or not

registered as the holder of the shares, to the same rights as

the deceased shareholder.

(3) On receiving an election under subparagraph (2)(a)(i), the

company must register the personal representative as the holder of

the shares.

(4) A transfer under subparagraph (2)(a)(ii) is subject to the same rules

(for example, about entitlement to transfer and registration of

transfers) as apply to transfers generally.

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If shares held jointly

(5) If a shareholder who owns shares jointly dies, the company will

recognise only the survivor as being entitled to the deceased

shareholder’s interest in the shares. The estate of the deceased

shareholder is not released from any liability in respect of the


1072B Transmission of shares on bankruptcy (replaceable rule—see

section 135)

(1) If a person entitled to shares because of the bankruptcy of a

shareholder gives the directors the information they reasonably

require to establish the person’s entitlement to be registered as

holder of the shares, the person may:

(a) by giving a written and signed notice to the company, elect to

be registered as the holder of the shares; or

(b) by giving a completed transfer form to the company, transfer

the shares to another person.

(2) On receiving an election under paragraph (1)(a), the company must

register the person as the holder of the shares.

(3) A transfer under paragraph (1)(b) is subject to the same rules (for

example, about entitlement to transfer and registration of transfers)

as apply to transfers generally.

(4) This section has effect subject to the Bankruptcy Act 1966.

1072C Rights of trustee of estate of bankrupt shareholder

(1) If:

(a) because of the Bankruptcy Act 1966, a share in a company,

being part of the property of a bankrupt, vests in the trustee

of the bankrupt’s estate; and

(b) the bankrupt is the registered holder of that share;

this section applies whether or not the trustee has been registered

as the holder of the share.

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(2) On producing such information as the company’s directors

properly require, the trustee is entitled to:

(a) the same dividends and other benefits; and

(b) the same rights, for example, but without limitation, rights in

relation to:

(i) meetings of the company; or

(ii) documents, including notices of such meetings; or

(iii) voting; or

(iv) inspection of the company’s records;

as the bankrupt would be entitled to if he or she were not a


(3) The trustee has the same rights:

(a) to transfer the share; and

(b) to require a person to do an act or give a consent in

connection with completing or registering a transfer of the


as the bankrupt would have if he or she were not a bankrupt.

(4) If the trustee transfers the share, the transfer is as valid as if the

trustee had been registered as the holder of the share when the

trustee executed the instrument of transfer.

(5) A person or body whose consent or approval is required for the

transfer of shares in the company must not unreasonably withhold

consent or approval for the transfer of the share by the trustee.

(6) If:

(a) the company’s constitution requires:

(i) the share to be offered for purchase to a member of the

company; or

(ii) an invitation to buy the share to be issued to such a

member; and

(b) as at the end of a reasonable period after the trustee so offers

the share, or so issues such an invitation, no such member

has agreed to buy the share from the trustee at a reasonable


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the trustee may sell and transfer the share to a person other than

such a member.

(7) A provision of the company’s constitution is void as against the

trustee in so far as, apart from this section, it would affect rights

attached to the share:

(a) because the bankrupt is a bankrupt; or

(b) because of some event that led to the bankrupt becoming, or

that indicated that the bankrupt was about to become, or

might be about to become, a bankrupt; or

(c) for reasons including a reason referred to in paragraph (a) or


(8) Nothing in this section limits the generality of anything else in it.

(9) This section has effect despite anything in the company’s


1072D Transmission of shares on mental incapacity (replaceable

rule—see section 135)

(1) If a person entitled to shares because of the mental incapacity of a

shareholder gives the directors the information they reasonably

require to establish the person’s entitlement to be registered as the

holder of the shares:

(a) the person may:

(i) by giving a written and signed notice to the company,

elect to be registered as the holder of the shares; or

(ii) by giving a completed transfer form to the company,

transfer the shares to another person; and

(b) the person is entitled, whether or not registered as the holder

of the shares, to the same rights as the shareholder.

(2) On receiving an election under subparagraph (1)(a)(i), the

company must register the person as the holder of the shares.

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(3) A transfer under subparagraph (1)(a)(ii) is subject to the same rules

(for example, about entitlement to transfer and registration of

transfers) as apply to transfers generally.

1072E Trustee etc. may be registered as owner of shares

(1) In this section:

share, in relation to a body corporate, means a share in the body

that is registered in a register kept in this jurisdiction.

(2) A trustee, executor or administrator of the estate of a dead person

who was the registered holder of a share in a corporation may be

registered as the holder of that share as trustee, executor or

administrator of that estate.

(3) A trustee, executor or administrator of the estate of a dead person

who was entitled in equity to a share in a corporation may, with the

consent of:

(a) the corporation; and

(b) the registered holder of that share;

be registered as the holder of that share as trustee, executor or

administrator of that estate.

(4) If:

(a) a person (the administrator) is appointed, under a law of a

State or Territory relating to the administration of the estates

of persons who, through mental or physical infirmity, are

incapable of managing their affairs, to administer the estate

of a person who is so incapable; and

(b) the incapable person is the registered holder of a share in a


the administrator may be registered as the holder of that share as

administrator of that estate.

(5) If:

(a) a person (the administrator) is appointed, under a law of a

State or Territory relating to the administration of the estates

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of a person who, through mental or physical infirmity, are

incapable of managing their affairs, to administer the estate

of a person who is so incapable; and

(b) the incapable person is entitled in equity to a share in a


the administrator may, with the consent of the corporation and of

the registered holder of that share, be registered as the holder of the

share as administrator of that estate.

(6) If:

(a) by virtue of the Bankruptcy Act 1966, a share in a body

corporate, being the property of a bankrupt, vests in the

Official Trustee in Bankruptcy; and

(b) the bankrupt is the registered holder of that share;

the Official Trustee may be registered as the holder of that share as

the Official Trustee in Bankruptcy.

(7) If:

(a) by virtue of the Bankruptcy Act 1966, a share in a body

corporate, being the property of a bankrupt, vests in the

Official Trustee in Bankruptcy; and

(b) the bankrupt is entitled in equity to that share;

the Official Trustee may, with the consent of the body and of the

registered holder of that share, be registered as the holder of that

share as the Official Trustee in Bankruptcy.

(8) A person registered under subsection (2), (3), (4), (5), (6) or (7), is,

while registered as mentioned in that subsection:

(a) subject to the same liabilities in respect of the share as those

to which he, she or it would have been subject if the share

had remained, or had been, as the case requires, registered in

the name of the dead person, the incapable person or the

bankrupt, as the case may be; and

(b) subject to no other liabilities in respect of the share.

(9) Shares in a corporation registered in a register and held by a trustee

in respect of a particular trust may, with the consent of the

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Section 1072F

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corporation, be marked in the register in such a way as to identify

them as being held in respect of the trust.

(10) Except as provided in this section and section 169:

(a) no notice of a trust, whether express, implied or constructive,

must be entered on a register kept in this jurisdiction or be

receivable by ASIC; and

(b) no liabilities are affected by anything done under a preceding

subsection of this section or under section 169; and

(c) nothing so done affects the body corporate concerned with

notice of a trust.

(11) A person must, within one month after beginning to hold shares in

a proprietary company as trustee for, or otherwise on behalf of or

on account of, a body corporate, serve on the company notice in

writing that the person so holds the shares.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

1072F Registration of transfers (replaceable rule—see section 135)

(1) A person transferring shares remains the holder of the shares until

the transfer is registered and the name of the person to whom they

are being transferred is entered in the register of members in

respect of the shares.

(2) The directors are not required to register a transfer of shares in the

company unless:

(a) the transfer and any share certificate have been lodged at the

company’s registered office; and

(b) any fee payable on registration of the transfer has been paid;


(c) the directors have been given any further information they

reasonably require to establish the right of the person

transferring the shares to make the transfer.

(3) The directors may refuse to register a transfer of shares in the

company if:

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Section 1072G

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(a) the shares are not fully-paid; or

(b) the company has a lien on the shares.

(4) The directors may suspend registration of transfers of shares in the

company at the times and for the periods they determine. The

periods of suspension must not exceed 30 days in any one calendar


1072G Additional general discretion for directors of proprietary

companies to refuse to register transfers (replaceable

rule—see section 135)

The directors of a proprietary company may refuse to register a

transfer of shares in the company for any reason.

1072H Notices relating to non-beneficial and beneficial ownership of


(1) If, upon registration of a transfer of shares in a company, the

transferee would hold non-beneficially particular shares (the

relevant shares), being all or any of the shares to which the

transfer relates, the transferee must only lodge the instrument of

transfer with the company for registration of the transfer if the

instrument of transfer includes a notice that:

(a) contains a statement to the effect that, upon registration of

the transfer, the transferee will hold the relevant shares

non-beneficially; and

(b) sets out particulars of the relevant shares; and

(c) is signed by or on behalf of the transferee.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) The fact that a person has failed to comply with subsection (1) does

not affect the validity of the registration of a transfer of shares in a


(3) If:

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(a) an instrument of transfer of shares in a company includes a

notice of the kind referred to in paragraph (1)(c) and is

lodged with the company for registration of the transfer; and

(b) upon registration of the transfer, the transferee holds

beneficially particular shares (in this subsection called the

relevant shares), being all or any of the shares particulars of

which are set out in the notice;

then, before the end of 14 days beginning on registration of the

transfer, the transferee must, whether or not the transferee begins

before the end of that period to hold all or any of the relevant

shares non-beneficially, give to the company a notice that:

(c) sets out the name and address of the transferee; and

(d) contains a statement to the effect that, as from registration of

the transfer, the transferee holds the relevant shares

beneficially; and

(e) sets out particulars of the relevant shares; and

(f) is signed by or on behalf of the transferee.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(4) If:

(a) an instrument of transfer of shares in a company is lodged

with the company for registration of the transfer; and

(b) upon registration of the transfer, the transferee holds

non-beneficially particular shares (in this subsection called

the relevant shares), being all or any of the shares to which

the instrument of transfer relates (other than, in a case in

which the instrument of transfer includes a notice of the kind

referred to in paragraph (1)(c), the shares particulars of which

are set out in the notice);

then, before the end of 14 days beginning on registration of the

transfer, the transferee must, whether or not the transferee begins

before the end of that period to hold any of the relevant shares

beneficially, give to the company a notice that:

(c) sets out the name and address of the transferee; and

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Part 7.11 Title and transfer

Division 2 Transfer of certain securities

Section 1072H

292 Corporations Act 2001

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(d) contains a statement to the effect that, as from registration of

the transfer, the transferee holds the relevant shares

non-beneficially; and

(e) sets out particulars of the relevant shares; and

(f) is signed by or on behalf of the transferee.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(5) If:

(a) at a particular time, a person holds beneficially shares in a

company; and

(b) immediately after that time, the person holds non-beneficially

particular shares (in this subsection called the relevant

shares), being all or any of the shares referred to in

paragraph (a);

then, before the end of 14 days beginning at that time, the person

must, whether or not the person recommences before the end of

that period to hold any of the relevant shares beneficially, give to

the company a notice that:

(c) sets out the name and address of the person; and

(d) contains a statement to the effect that, after that time, the

person holds the relevant shares non-beneficially; and

(e) specifies that time and sets out particulars of the relevant

shares; and

(f) is signed by or on behalf of the person.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(6) If:

(a) at a particular time, a person holds non-beneficially shares in

a company; and

(b) immediately after that time, the person holds beneficially

particular shares (in this subsection called the relevant

shares), being all or any of the shares referred to in

paragraph (a);

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Transfer of certain securities Division 2

Section 1072H

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then, before the end of 14 days beginning at that time, the person

must, whether or not the person recommences before the end of

that period to hold any of the relevant shares non-beneficially, give

to the company a notice that:

(c) sets out the name and address of the person; and

(d) contains a statement to the effect that, after that time, the

person holds the relevant shares beneficially; and

(e) specifies that time and sets out particulars of the relevant

shares; and

(f) is signed by or on behalf of the person.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(7) In proceedings under, or for an offence based on a provision of,

this section, a person is, unless the contrary is established,

presumed to have been aware at a particular time of a circumstance

of which an employee or agent of the person, being an employee or

agent having duties or acting in relation to the transfer to, or

ownership by, the person of a share or shares in the company

concerned, was aware at that time.

(8) For the purposes of this section and of section 169:

(a) if, at a particular time, a person:

(i) holds shares in a capacity other than that of sole

beneficial owner; or

(ii) without limiting the generality of subparagraph (i),

holds shares as trustee for, as nominee for, or otherwise

on behalf of or on account of, another person;

the first-mentioned person is taken to hold the shares

non-beneficially at that time; and

(b) a person who holds shares at a particular time is taken to hold

the shares beneficially at that time unless the person holds the

shares non-beneficially at that time.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.11 Title and transfer

Division 3 Transfer of certain securities effected otherwise than through a prescribed

CS facility

Section 1073A

294 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 3—Transfer of certain securities effected

otherwise than through a prescribed CS facility

1073A Application of the Division to certain securities

(1) This Division applies to the following securities:

(a) shares in a company;

(b) debentures of a company;

(c) interests in a registered scheme, being interests that are

covered by regulations made for the purposes of this


(d) rights (whether existing or future, and whether contingent or

not) to acquire, by way of issue, a security referred to in

paragraph (a), (b) or (c) (whether or not on payment of any

money or for any other consideration);

(da) a CGS depository interest;

(db) a simple corporate bonds depository interest;

(e) securities declared by ASIC under section 1073E to be

securities to which the regulations apply.

(2) This Division applies to an interest in a registered scheme as if:

(a) references to a company were instead references to the

responsible entity of the registered scheme; and

(b) references to the constitution of a company were instead

references to the constitution of the registered scheme; and

(c) references to members of a company were instead references

to members of the registered scheme.

1073B Definitions

In this Division, unless the contrary intention appears:

transfer of a financial product means:

(a) a change in the ownership of the financial product; or

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Title and transfer Part 7.11

Transfer of certain securities effected otherwise than through a prescribed CS facility

Division 3

Section 1073C

Corporations Act 2001 295

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(b) if the financial product is a right—the renunciation and

transfer of the right.

transfer document for the transfer of a financial product means a

document, or electronic message or other electronic

communication, by which the financial product is transferred.

1073C Application of Division to certain bodies as if they were


This Division applies to the following as if they were companies:

(a) a body corporate (other than a company) that:

(i) is incorporated in a State or Territory in this

jurisdiction; and

(ii) is prescribed by regulations made for the purposes of

this subparagraph;

(b) an unincorporated society, association or body, that:

(i) is formed or established in a State or Territory in this

jurisdiction; and

(ii) is included in the official list of a licensed market; and

(iii) is prescribed by regulations made for the purposes of

this paragraph.

1073D Regulations may govern transfer of certain securities

(1) The regulations may make provision in relation to transfers of

securities that are not effected through a prescribed CS facility.

Regulations may make provision in relation to the transfer of


(2) The regulations may specify:

(a) the way in which a security may be transferred, including:

(i) the forms (if any) to be used; and

(ii) what amounts to a proper or sufficient transfer of a

security; and

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Part 7.11 Title and transfer

Division 3 Transfer of certain securities effected otherwise than through a prescribed

CS facility

Section 1073D

296 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) the legal effect of a proper or sufficient transfer of a security;


(c) the rights, liabilities and obligations of a person in relation to

the transfer of a security, including the rights, liabilities and

obligations of:

(i) the transferor and transferee; and

(ii) any other person involved in the transfer; and

(d) the circumstances in which a person will be taken to be

involved in the transfer of a security for the purposes of the

regulations; and

(e) the circumstances in which a person is required not to

register, or give effect to, a transfer.

Sufficient transfer

(3) Without limiting paragraph (2)(a), the regulations may:

(a) specify the requirements for a document to be a sufficient

transfer of a security; and

(b) provide that a document meeting specified requirements may

be used:

(i) as a proper instrument of transfer for the purposes of

section 1071B; and

(ii) as an instrument of transfer for the purposes of any

other law or instrument governing or relating to the


Rights and liabilities in relation to transfer

(4) Without limiting paragraph (2)(c), the regulations may provide that

a person:

(a) is taken to have:

(i) agreed to do, to accept or to be bound by a particular

thing; or

(ii) done a particular thing; or

(iii) given particular warranties; or

(iv) done particular things on behalf of another person; or

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Title and transfer Part 7.11

Transfer of certain securities effected otherwise than through a prescribed CS facility

Division 3

Section 1073D

Corporations Act 2001 297

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(b) is taken to be authorised to do particular things on behalf of

another person; or

(c) is taken to be bound by a particular act; or

(d) is liable to indemnify another person against particular loss

or damage; or

(e) is entitled to assume a particular matter without inquiry.

Person involved in transfer

(5) Without limiting paragraph (2)(d), the regulations may provide for

any of the following to be taken to be involved in a transfer of


(a) a person who carries on a financial services business and who

arranges for the transfer; and

(b) a person who operates a financial market on which the

securities are sold; and

(c) a person who operates a licensed CS facility through which

the securities are transferred; and

(d) a company with which the transfer is lodged for registration;


(e) an associate of a person who is involved in the transfer.

The regulations may specify the circumstances in which a person

will be taken to be an associate of another person for the purposes

of the regulations.


(6) Without limiting subsection (2), the regulations may provide for

offences in relation to:

(a) the use, or purported use, of a stamp of a person who:

(i) carries on a financial services business; or

(ii) operates a financial market; or

(iii) operates a clearing and settlement facility; or

(b) the execution of a document, or the transmission of an

electronic message or other electronic communication, that

may be used as a sufficient transfer under this Division; or

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.11 Title and transfer

Division 3 Transfer of certain securities effected otherwise than through a prescribed

CS facility

Section 1073E

298 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(c) the lodgment of a transfer document or title document for a

security with the issuer of the security; or

(d) the use of identifying codes in relation to transfers of



(7) The regulations may apply to conduct engaged in in this

jurisdiction or elsewhere.

1073E ASIC may extend regulations to securities not otherwise


(1) ASIC may, by writing, declare that:

(a) particular securities; or

(b) a particular class of securities;

are securities to which this Division, and regulations made for the

purposes of section 1073D, apply.

Note: The securities in respect of which a declaration under this subsection

may be made are not limited to those covered by paragraphs

1073A(1)(a) to (db).

(2) ASIC may specify in the declaration modifications of the

regulations that are to have effect in relation to the application of

this Division and the regulations to the securities, or the class of

securities, to which the declaration relates.

(3) A declaration under subsection (1) has effect accordingly.

(4) ASIC must cause a copy of a declaration under subsection (1) to be

published in the Gazette.

(5) If conduct (including an omission) of a person would not have

constituted an offence if a particular declaration under

subsection (1) had not been made, that conduct does not constitute

an offence unless, before the conduct occurred (in addition to

complying with the gazettal requirement of subsection (4)):

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Transfer of certain securities effected otherwise than through a prescribed CS facility

Division 3

Section 1073F

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(a) the text of the declaration was made available by ASIC on

the internet; or

(b) ASIC gave written notice setting out the text of the

declaration to the person.

In a prosecution for an offence to which this subsection applies, the

prosecution must prove that paragraph (a) or (b) was complied with

before the conduct occurred.

1073F Operation of this Division and regulations made for its


(1) This section deals with the effect of the provisions of:

(a) this Division; and

(b) the regulations made for the purposes of this Division.

(2) The provisions apply in relation to a transfer of securities despite

anything to the contrary in:

(a) this Act (other than this Division); or

(b) another law, or instrument, relating to the transfer of the


(3) Except as provided in the provisions, the provisions do not affect

the terms and conditions on which securities are sold.

(4) Nothing in the provisions affects any right of the issuer of a

security to refuse:

(a) to acknowledge or register a person as the holder of a

security; or

(b) to issue a security to a person;

on a ground other than an objection to the form of document, or

electronic message or other electronic communication, that is

lodged with or sent to the issuer and purports to transfer the

security to the person.

(5) The registration of a transfer, or the issue, of a security by means

of a transfer effected in accordance with regulations made for the

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.11 Title and transfer

Division 3 Transfer of certain securities effected otherwise than through a prescribed

CS facility

Section 1073F

300 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

purposes of this Division does not breach any law, constitution,

trust deed or other instrument relating to financial products.

(6) Nothing in the provisions prevents or affects the use of:

(a) any other form of transfer of securities; or

(b) any other mode of executing a document transferring


that is otherwise permitted by law.

(7) A transfer of a security by or to a trustee or legal representative

may be effected by means of a transfer in accordance with

regulations made for the purposes of this Division. The transfer

may be so effected despite the means required by any law or the

provisions of the instrument (if any) creating, or having effect in

relation to, the trust or will under which the trustee or legal

representative is appointed.

(8) In subsection (7):

legal representative means:

(a) the executor, original or by representation, of a will of a dead

person; or

(b) the administrator of the estate of a dead person.

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Financial services and markets Chapter 7

Title and transfer Part 7.11

Transfer of financial products effected through prescribed CS facility Division 4

Section 1074A

Corporations Act 2001 301

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 4—Transfer of financial products effected through

prescribed CS facility

1074A Financial products to which this Division applies

This Division only applies in relation to particular financial

products and a prescribed CS facility if regulations made for the

purposes of this section provide that all financial products, or a

class of financial products that includes the financial products, are

financial products to which this Division applies in relation to the

prescribed CS facility (whether or not they are also products to

which this Division applies in relation to other prescribed CS


1074B Definitions

In this Division, unless the contrary intention appears:

transfer of a financial product has the meaning given by

section 1073B.

transfer document for the transfer of a financial product has the

meaning given by section 1073B.

1074C Operating rules of prescribed CS facility may deal with

transfer of title

(1) The operating rules of a prescribed CS facility may deal with the

transfer of financial products through the facility.

(2) Without limiting subsection (1), the operating rules of a prescribed

CS facility may deal with the way in which a financial product may

be transferred, including specifying:

(a) the financial products that may be transferred through the

facility; and

(b) how financial products are transferred through the facility;


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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.11 Title and transfer

Division 4 Transfer of financial products effected through prescribed CS facility

Section 1074D

302 Corporations Act 2001

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(c) the person or body (if any) authorised to determine whether a

transfer substantially complies with the operating rules of the


(3) Nothing in subsection (1) or (2) confers a discretion to deal with a

matter in the operating rules of a prescribed CS facility if there is

an obligation under section 822A for that matter to be dealt with in

those rules.

1074D Valid and effective transfer if operating rules complied with

(1) If a transfer of a financial product is effected:

(a) through a prescribed CS facility; and

(b) in accordance with the operating rules of the facility;

the transfer is valid and effective for the purposes of any law or

instrument governing or relating to the way in which the financial

product may be transferred.

(2) For the purposes of this section, the transfer of a financial product

is taken to be, and always to have been, effected in accordance

with the operating rules of a prescribed CS facility if the person or

body authorised to do so under those rules determines that the

transfer substantially complies with those rules.

1074E Regulations may govern transfer of financial products in

accordance with operating rules of prescribed CS facility

Transfers that regulations may deal with

(1) The regulations may make provision in relation to transfers of

financial products effected:

(a) through a prescribed CS facility; and

(b) in accordance with the operating rules of the facility.

Regulations may make provision in relation to the transfer of

financial products

(2) The regulations may specify:

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Transfer of financial products effected through prescribed CS facility Division 4

Section 1074E

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(a) the legal effect of a transfer of a financial product through the

facility in accordance with its operating rules; and

(b) the rights, liabilities and obligations of a person in relation to

the transfer of a financial product through the facility,

including the rights, liabilities and obligations of:

(i) the transferor and transferee; and

(ii) any other person involved in the transfer; and

(c) the circumstances in which a person will be taken to be

involved in the transfer of a financial product for the

purposes of the regulations; and

(d) the circumstances in which a person is required not to

register, or give effect to, a transfer through the facility; and

(e) the circumstances in which a person is required not to refuse

or fail to register, or give effect to, a transfer through the

facility; and

(f) the circumstances in which a transfer through the facility will

be taken to have been made in accordance with the rules of a

prescribed CS facility; and

(g) the circumstances in which a person will be taken to be the

holder of a financial product for the purposes of:

(i) a meeting; or

(ii) paying or transferring money or property to a person

because the person holds or held a financial product; or

(iii) issuing a financial product to a person because the

person holds or held a financial product; or

(iv) conferring a right on a person because the person holds

or held a financial product.

Rights and liabilities in relation to transfer

(3) Without limiting paragraph (2)(b), the regulations may provide that

a person:

(a) is taken to have:

(i) agreed to do, to accept or to be bound by a particular

thing; or

(ii) done a particular thing; or

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.11 Title and transfer

Division 4 Transfer of financial products effected through prescribed CS facility

Section 1074E

304 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(iii) given particular warranties; or

(iv) done particular things on behalf of another person; or

(b) is taken to be authorised to do particular things on behalf of

another person (even if the person has died); or

(c) is taken to be bound by a particular act; or

(d) is liable to indemnify another person against particular loss

or damage; or

(e) is entitled to assume a particular matter without inquiry.

Person involved in transfer

(4) Without limiting paragraph (2)(c), the regulations may provide for

any of the following to be taken to be involved in a transfer of a

financial product:

(a) a person who carries on a financial services business and who

arranges for the transfer;

(b) a person who operates a financial market on which the

financial product is sold;

(c) a person who operates a licensed CS facility through which

the product is transferred;

(d) the issuer of the product;

(e) an associate of a person who is involved in the transfer.

The regulations may specify the circumstances in which a person

will be taken to be an associate of another person for the purposes

of the regulations.


(5) Without limiting subsection (2), the regulations may provide for

offences in relation to:

(a) the lodgment of a transfer document or title document for a

financial product with the issuer of the product; or

(b) the use of identifying codes in relation to transfers of

financial products; or

(c) contraventions of the operating rules of a prescribed CS


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Title and transfer Part 7.11

Transfer of financial products effected through prescribed CS facility Division 4

Section 1074F

Corporations Act 2001 305

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Civil liability

(6) The regulations may also:

(a) provide for the liability of a person who contravenes the

operating rules of a prescribed CS facility to compensate a

person for loss or damage the person suffers because of the

conduct engaged in in contravention of those rules; and

(b) specify the period within which an action for compensation

must be begun.

(7) The regulations do not affect a liability that a person has under any

other law.


(8) The regulations may apply to conduct engaged in in this

jurisdiction or elsewhere.

1074F Issuer protected from civil liability for person’s contravention

of prescribed CS facility’s certificate cancellation rules


(a) a person contravenes the certificate cancellation provisions of

a prescribed CS facility in relation to the transfer of a

particular financial product through the facility; and

(b) the issuer of the financial product is not involved in the


the issuer is not liable to an action or other proceeding for damages

in relation to the person’s contravention.

1074G Operation of this Division and regulations made for its


(1) This section deals with the effect of the provisions of:

(a) this Division; and

(b) the regulations made for the purposes of this Division.

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Part 7.11 Title and transfer

Division 4 Transfer of financial products effected through prescribed CS facility

Section 1074G

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(2) The provisions apply in relation to a transfer of financial products

despite anything to the contrary in:

(a) this Act (other than this Division); or

(b) another law, or instrument, relating to the transfer of the

financial products.

(3) Except as provided in the provisions, the provisions do not affect

the terms and conditions on which financial products are sold.

(4) Nothing in the provisions (other than in regulations made for the

purpose of paragraph 1074E(2)(e)) affects any right of the issuer of

a financial product to refuse:

(a) to acknowledge or register a person as the holder of a

financial product; or

(b) to issue a financial product to a person;

on a ground other than an objection to the form of document, or

electronic message or other electronic communication, that is

lodged with or sent to the issuer and purports to transfer the

financial product to the person.

(5) The registration of a transfer, or the issue, of a financial product by

means of a transfer effected in accordance with the operating rules

of a prescribed CS facility does not breach any law, constitution,

trust deed or other instrument relating to financial products.

(6) Nothing in the provisions (other than in regulations made for the

purpose of paragraph 1074E(2)(d)) prevents or affects the use of:

(a) any other form of transfer of financial products; or

(b) any other mode of executing a document transferring

financial products;

that is otherwise permitted by law.

(7) A transfer of a financial product by or to a trustee or legal

representative may be effected by means of a transfer in

accordance with the operating rules of a prescribed CS facility

despite any law or the provisions of the instrument (if any)

creating, or having effect in relation to, the trust or will under

which the trustee or legal representative is appointed.

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Transfer of financial products effected through prescribed CS facility Division 4

Section 1074G

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(8) In subsection (7):

legal representative means:

(a) the executor, original or by representation, of a will of a dead

person; or

(b) the administrator of the estate of a dead person.

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.11 Title and transfer

Division 5 Exemptions and modifications

Section 1075A

308 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 5—Exemptions and modifications

1075A ASIC’s power to exempt and modify

(1) ASIC may:

(a) exempt specified financial products, or a specified class of

financial products, from a provision of this Part; or

(b) declare that this Part applies to specified financial products,

or a specified class of financial products, as if specified

provisions were omitted, modified or varied as specified in

the declaration.

(2) ASIC’s power to grant an exemption or make a declaration under

this section may be exercised in relation to financial products, or a

class of financial products, only if ASIC is satisfied that:

(a) if the exemption were granted or the declaration were made,

the interests of the holders of those financial products, or of

financial products in that class, would continue to have

adequate protection; and

(b) the granting of the exemption or the making of the

declaration would make the transfer of those financial

products, or of financial products in that class, more efficient.

(3) The exemption or declaration may:

(a) apply to all or specified provisions of this Part; and

(b) apply to all persons, specified persons, or a specified class of

persons; and

(c) relate to all financial products, specified financial products or

a specified class of financial products; and

(d) relate to any other matter generally or as specified.

(4) An exemption may apply unconditionally or subject to specified

conditions. A person to whom a condition specified in an

exemption applies must comply with the condition. The Court may

order the person to comply with the condition in a specified way.

Only ASIC may apply to the Court for the order.

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Exemptions and modifications Division 5

Section 1075A

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(5) The exemption or declaration must be in writing and ASIC must

publish notice of it in the Gazette.

(6) If conduct (including an omission) of a person would not have

constituted an offence if a particular declaration under

paragraph (1)(b) had not been made, that conduct does not

constitute an offence unless, before the conduct occurred (in

addition to complying with the gazettal requirement of

subsection (5)):

(a) the text of the declaration was made available by ASIC on

the internet; or

(b) ASIC gave written notice setting out the text of the

declaration to the person.

In a prosecution for an offence to which this subsection applies, the

prosecution must prove that paragraph (a) or (b) was complied with

before the conduct occurred.

(7) For the purposes of this section, the provisions of this Part include:

(a) definitions in this Act, or in the regulations, as they apply to

references in this Part; and

(b) any provisions of Part 10.2 (transitional provisions) that

relate to provisions of this Part.

Note: Because of section 761H, a reference to this Part or Part 10.2 also

includes a reference to regulations or other instruments made for the

purposes of this Part or Part 10.2 (as the case requires).

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Chapter 7 Financial services and markets

Part 7.12 Miscellaneous

Division 1 Qualified privilege

Section 1100A

310 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 7.12—Miscellaneous

Division 1—Qualified privilege

1100A Qualified privilege for information given to ASIC

(1) A person has qualified privilege in respect of the giving of any

information to ASIC that the person:

(a) is required to give under this Chapter or regulations made for

the purposes of this Chapter; or

(b) gives in relation to a contravention or suspected

contravention of subsection 798H(1) (complying with market

integrity rules), 908CF(1) (complying with rules about

financial benchmarks) or 981M(1) (complying with client

money reporting rules).

(2) A person or body that is:

(a) a market licensee; or

(b) a CS facility licensee; or

(c) a person acting under an arrangement to operate a licensed

market or supervise a licensed CS facility; or

(d) a foreign person or body responsible for the supervision of

the operation in a foreign country of a financial market or

clearing and settlement facility; or

(e) a benchmark administrator licensee;

also has qualified privilege in respect of the giving of any

information to ASIC in connection with the performance or

exercise of ASIC’s functions or powers under, or in relation to, this

Chapter or regulations made for the purposes of this Chapter.

(3) A person or body that has qualified privilege under subsection (1)

or (2) in respect of conduct is also not liable for any action based

on breach of confidence in relation to that conduct.

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Qualified privilege Division 1

Section 1100B

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1100B Qualified privilege for the conduct of market licensees and

CS facility licensees

(1) A market licensee, or CS facility licensee, has qualified privilege in

respect of actions (including the giving of information) done in

connection with:

(a) the performance, or purported performance, of the licensee’s

obligations under this Act; or

(b) the exercise or performance, or purported exercise or

performance, of the licensee’s powers, functions or

obligations under the operating rules of the market or facility

concerned, if the licensee believes, on reasonable grounds,

that the action is necessary:

(i) in the case of a market licensee—to ensure the market

operates in a fair, orderly and transparent way; or

(ii) in the case of a CS facility licensee—to ensure the

facility’s services are provided in a fair and effective

manner or to reduce systemic risk in the provision of

those services.

(2) A market licensee, or CS facility licensee, has qualified privilege in

respect of the giving of information:

(a) to the operator of a financial market (regardless of where the

market is operated) for the purpose of assisting the operator

to ensure that market operates in a fair, orderly and

transparent way; or

(b) to the operator of a clearing and settlement facility

(regardless of where the facility is operated) for the purpose

of assisting the operator to ensure that facility’s services are

provided in a fair and effective manner or to reduce systemic


(3) Despite subsections (1) and (2), a market licensee does not have

qualified privilege in respect of the giving of information if:

(a) an entity included on the market’s official list gave the

information to the licensee under a provision of this Act or of

the market’s operating rules; and

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Division 1 Qualified privilege

Section 1100C

312 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) this Act, or those rules, expressly or impliedly authorised the

entity to limit the purposes for which it gave the information

to the licensee; and

(c) when giving the information to the licensee, the entity limited

those purposes as so authorised; and

(d) the giving of the information by the licensee is not solely for

one or more of the limited purposes.

(4) The protections given by this section apply to the giving of

information whether or not the recipient of the information has an

interest in the information.

1100C Qualified privilege for information given to market licensees

and CS facility licensees etc.

A person has qualified privilege in respect of the giving of

information if:

(a) the person gives the information to any of the following

persons or bodies:

(i) a market licensee;

(ii) a CS facility licensee;

(iii) a person acting under an arrangement to operate a

licensed market or supervise a licensed CS facility;

(iv) a foreign person or body responsible for the supervision

of the operation in a foreign country of a financial

market or clearing and settlement facility; and

(b) the information is in relation to a contravention or suspected

contravention of this Act or the operating rules of the market

or facility concerned.

1100D Extension of protections given by this Division

The protections given by this Division to a person or body in

respect of conduct extend to officers, employees and

representatives of the person or body.

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Other matters Division 2

Section 1101A

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Division 2—Other matters

1101A Approved codes of conduct

(1) ASIC may, on application, approve codes of conduct that relate to

any aspect of the activities of:

(a) financial services licensees; or

(b) authorised representatives of financial services licensees; or

(c) issuers of financial products;

being activities in relation to which ASIC has a regulatory

responsibility. The approval must be in writing.

(2) ASIC may, on application, approve a variation of an approved code

of conduct. The approval must be in writing.

(3) ASIC must not approve a code of conduct, or a variation of a code

of conduct, unless it is satisfied that:

(a) the code, or the code as proposed to be varied, is not

inconsistent with this Act or any other law of the

Commonwealth under which ASIC has regulatory

responsibilities; and

(b) it is appropriate to approve the code, having regard to the

following matters, and to any other matters that ASIC

considers are relevant:

(i) the ability of the applicant to ensure that persons who

hold out that they comply with the code will comply

with the code as in force from time to time; and

(ii) the desirability of codes of conduct being harmonised to

the greatest extent possible.

(4) ASIC may revoke an approval of a code of conduct:

(a) on application by the person who applied for the approval; or

(b) if ASIC is no longer satisfied as mentioned in subsection (3).

The revocation must be in writing.

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Division 2 Other matters

Section 1101B

314 Corporations Act 2001

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1101B Power of Court to make certain orders

Court’s power to make orders in relation to certain contraventions

(1) The Court may make such order, or orders, as it thinks fit if:

(a) on the application of ASIC, it appears to the Court that a


(i) has contravened a provision of this Chapter, or any

other law relating to dealing in financial products or

providing financial services; or

(ii) has contravened a condition of an Australian market

licence, Australian CS facility licence, Australian

derivative trade repository licence or Australian

financial services licence; or

(iii) has contravened a provision of the operating rules, or

the compensation rules (if any), of a licensed market or

of the operating rules of a licensed CS facility; or

(v) has contravened a condition on an exemption from the

requirement to hold an Australian market licence or an

Australian CS facility licence; or

(vi) is about to do an act with respect to dealing in financial

products or providing a financial service that, if done,

would be such a contravention; or

(b) on the application of a market licensee, it appears to the

Court that a person has contravened the operating rules, or

the compensation rules (if any), of a licensed market operated

by the licensee; or

(c) on the application of a CS facility licensee, it appears to the

Court that a person has contravened a provision of the

operating rules of a licensed CS facility operated by the

licensee; or

(d) on the application of a person aggrieved by an alleged

contravention by another person of subsection 798H(1)

(complying with market integrity rules) or 981M(1)

(complying with client money reporting rules) or a provision

of the operating rules, or the compensation rules (if any), of a

licensed market, or subsection 908CF(1) (complying with

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Other matters Division 2

Section 1101B

Corporations Act 2001 315

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rules about financial benchmarks), it appears to the Court


(i) the other person did contravene the provision; and

(ii) the applicant is aggrieved by the contravention.

However, the Court can only make such an order if the Court is

satisfied that the order would not unfairly prejudice any person.

Note: For examples of orders the Court could make, see subsection (4).

(2) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(d), if a body corporate

contravenes a provision of the operating rules of a licensed market,

a person who holds financial products of the body corporate that

are able to be traded on the licensed market is taken to be a person

aggrieved by the contravention.

(3) Subsection (2) does not limit the circumstances in which a person

may be aggrieved by a contravention for the purposes of

paragraph (1)(d).

Examples of orders the Court may make

(4) Without limiting subsection (1), some examples of orders the Court

may make under subsection (1) include:

(a) an order restraining a person from carrying on a business, or

doing an act or classes of acts, in relation to financial

products or financial services, if the person has persistently

contravened, or is continuing to contravene:

(i) a provision or provisions of this Chapter; or

(ii) a provision or provisions of any other law relating to

dealing in financial products or providing financial

services; or

(iii) a condition on an Australian market licence, Australian

CS facility licence, Australian derivative trade

repository licence or Australian financial services

licence; or

(v) a condition of an exemption from a requirement to hold

an Australian market licence or Australian CS facility

licence; or

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Division 2 Other matters

Section 1101B

316 Corporations Act 2001

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(vi) a provision of the operating rules, or the compensation

rules (if any), of a licensed market or of the operating

rules of a licensed CS facility; or

(b) an order giving directions about complying with a provision

of the market integrity rules, of the derivative transaction

rules, of the derivative trade repository rules or of the client

money reporting rules, or a provision of the operating rules,

or the compensation rules (if any), of a licensed market or of

the operating rules of a licensed CS facility, or a provision of

the financial benchmark rules or the compelled financial

benchmark rules, to a person (or the directors of the body

corporate, if the person is a body corporate) who contravened

the provision; and

(c) an order requiring a person to disclose to the public or to

specified persons, in accordance with the order, specified

information that the person to whom the order is directed

possesses or to which that person has access, if the person:

(i) contravened a provision of the market integrity rules, of

the derivative transaction rules, of the derivative trade

repository rules or of the client money reporting rules,

or a provision of the operating rules of a licensed

market, or a provision of the financial benchmark rules

or the compelled financial benchmark rules, or a

condition relating to the disclosure or provision of

information; or

(ii) was involved in such a contravention; and

(d) an order requiring a person to publish advertisements in

accordance with the order at that person’s expense, if the


(i) contravened a provision of the market integrity rules, of

the derivative transaction rules, of the derivative trade

repository rules or of the client money reporting rules,

or a provision of the operating rules of a licensed

market, or a provision of the financial benchmark rules

or the compelled financial benchmark rules, or a

condition relating to the disclosure or provision of

information; or

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Other matters Division 2

Section 1101B

Corporations Act 2001 317

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(ii) was involved in such a contravention; and

(e) an order restraining a person from acquiring, disposing of or

otherwise dealing with any financial products that are

specified in the order; and

(f) an order restraining a person from providing any financial

services that are specified in the order; and

(g) an order appointing a receiver of property (see

subsection (9)) of a financial services licensee; and

(h) an order declaring a contract relating to financial products or

financial services to be void or voidable; and

(i) an order directing a person to do or refrain from doing a

specified act, if that order is for the purpose of securing

compliance with any other order under this section; and

(j) any ancillary order considered to be just and reasonable in

consequence of the making of an order under any of the

preceding provisions of this subsection.

Interim orders

(5) Before considering an application to the Court under

subsection (1), the Court may make an interim order of the kind

applied for to apply pending the determination of the application, if

in the opinion of the Court it is desirable to do so.

(6) However, if ASIC, a market licensee or a CS facility licensee

applies for an order under subsection (1), the Court must not

require the applicant, or any other person, to give any undertakings

as to damages as a condition of making an interim order under

subsection (5).

Power to give notice of applications

(7) Before making an order under subsection (1), the Court may do

either or both of the following:

(a) direct that notice of the application be given to such persons

as it thinks fit;

(b) direct that notice of the application be published in such

manner as it thinks fit.

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Part 7.12 Miscellaneous

Division 2 Other matters

Section 1101B

318 Corporations Act 2001

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Powers of receivers appointed under Court orders

(8) A person appointed by order of the Court under subsection (1) as a

receiver of the property (see subsection (12)) of a financial services


(a) may require the financial services licensee to:

(i) deliver to the person any property of which the person

has been appointed receiver; or

(ii) give to the person all information concerning that

property that may reasonably be required; and

(b) may acquire and take possession of any property of which the

person has been appointed receiver; and

(c) may deal with any property that the person has acquired, or

of which the person has taken possession, in any way in

which the financial services licensee might lawfully have

dealt with the property; and

(d) has such other powers in respect of the property as the Court

specifies in the order.

Duty to comply with order

(10) A person must not, without reasonable excuse, contravene:

(a) an order under this section; or

(b) a requirement imposed under paragraph (8)(a) or (8)(d) by a

receiver appointed by order of the Court under

subsection (1).

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Power to rescind or vary order

(11) The Court may rescind or vary an order made by it under this

section or suspend the operation of such an order.

(12) In this section:

compensation rules has the same meaning as in Part 7.5.

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Other matters Division 2

Section 1101C

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property, in relation to a financial services licensee, includes:

(a) money; or

(b) financial products; or

(c) documents of title to financial products; or

(d) other property;

entrusted to, or received on behalf of, any other person by the

financial services licensee or another person in the course of, or in

connection with, a financial services business carried on by the

financial services licensee.

1101C Preservation and disposal of records etc.


(1) A person who is required by a provision of this Chapter to keep a

register in relation to a business carried on by the person must

preserve it for 5 years after the day on which the last entry was

made in the register.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Financial records

(2) A person who is required by a provision of this Chapter to keep

any financial record in relation to a business carried on by the

person must preserve it for 7 years after the transactions covered

by the record are completed.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

Other records

(3) A person who is required by a provision of this Chapter or the

regulations to keep any other record must preserve it for 5 years

after the day on which the last entry was made in the record.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

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Division 2 Other matters

Section 1101D

320 Corporations Act 2001

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(4) Registers and records must be preserved in accordance with this

section (even if the person stops carrying on the business to which

they relate during the period for which they must be preserved),


(a) the regulations provide that those documents, or a class to

which they belong, need not be preserved; and

(b) any conditions specified in or under those regulations have

been complied with.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

this subsection. See subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

1101D Destruction of records by ASIC

ASIC may destroy or otherwise dispose of any document that is

lodged under, or for the purposes of, a provision of this Chapter if:

(a) ASIC is of the opinion that it is no longer necessary or

desirable to retain it; and

(b) it has been in the possession of ASIC for such period as is

specified in the regulations, either generally or in relation to a

particular document or class of documents.

1101E Concealing etc. of books

(1) A person must not:

(a) conceal, destroy, mutilate or alter a book:

(i) relating to the business carried on by a financial services

licensee or an authorised representative of such a

licensee; or

(ii) required under a provision of this Chapter to be kept by

a market licensee, a CS facility licensee, a financial

services licensee or an authorised representative of a

financial services licensee; or

(b) send such a book out of this jurisdiction.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

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Other matters Division 2

Section 1101F

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(2) In any proceedings against a person for an offence based on

subsection (1), it is a defence if the person did not act with intent


(a) defraud; or

(b) defeat the objects of this Chapter; or

(c) prevent, delay or obstruct the carrying out of an examination,

investigation or audit, or the exercise of a power, under this


Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

subsection (2). See subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

1101F Falsification of records

(1A) A person must not engage in conduct that results in the falsification


(a) a book required to be kept by a provision of this Chapter; or

(b) a register or any accounting or other record referred to in

section 1101C.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(1) If matter that is used, or intended to be used, in connection with:

(a) the keeping of a book required to be kept by a provision of

this Chapter; or

(b) a register or any accounting or other record referred to in

section 1101C;

is recorded or stored in an illegible form by means of a mechanical

device, an electronic device or any other device, a person must not:

(c) record or store by means of that device matter that the person

knows to be false in a material particular or materially

misleading; or

(d) destroy, remove or falsify matter that is recorded or stored by

means of that device, or has been prepared for the purpose of

being recorded or stored, or for use in compiling other matter

to be recorded or stored, by means of that device; or

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Division 2 Other matters

Section 1101G

322 Corporations Act 2001

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(e) fail to record or store matter by means of that device, with

intent to falsify any entry made or intended to be compiled,

wholly or in part, from that matter.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) In any proceedings against a person for an offence based on

subsection (1A) or (1), it is a defence if it is proved that the person

acted honestly and that in all the circumstances the act or omission

constituting the offence should be excused.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

subsection (2). See subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

1101G Precautions against falsification of records

A person required by a provision of this Chapter to keep a book or

record must take reasonable precautions for guarding against

falsification of the book or record and for facilitating discovery of

any falsification.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

1101GA How Part 9.3 applies to books required to be kept by this

Chapter etc.

(1) In this section:

Chapter 7 book means:

(a) a book (by whatever name it is known) that a provision of

this Chapter requires to be kept; or

(b) a document lodged under, or for the purposes of, a provision

of this Chapter; or

(c) a book relating to the business carried on by a financial

services licensee or an authorised representative of a

financial services licensee; or

(d) a register or accounting record referred to in section 1101C.

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Other matters Division 2

Section 1101H

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(2) Part 9.3 does not apply in relation to a Chapter 7 book except as

provided in the following paragraphs:

(a) section 1303 applies to a Chapter 7 book;

(b) section 1305, and subsections 1306(5) and (6), apply to a

Chapter 7 book as if references in section 1305 to a body

corporate were instead references to a person;

(c) regulations made for the purposes of this paragraph may

provide that other provisions of Part 9.3 apply in relation to a

Chapter 7 book, or a class of Chapter 7 books, with such

modifications (if any) as are specified in the regulations.

1101H Contravention of Chapter does not generally affect validity

of transactions etc.

(1) Subject to subsection (2), a failure to comply with any requirement

of this Chapter (including requirements in regulations made for the

purposes of this Chapter) does not affect the validity or

enforceability of any transaction, contract or other arrangement.

(2) Subsection (1) has effect subject to any express provision to the

contrary in:

(a) this Chapter; or

(b) regulations made for the purposes of another provision of this

Chapter; or

(c) regulations referred to in subsection (3).

(3) Regulations made for the purposes of this subsection may provide

that a failure to comply with a specified requirement referred to in

subsection (1) has a specified effect on the validity or

enforceability of a transaction, contract or arrangement.

1101I Gaming and wagering laws do not affect validity of contracts

relating to financial products

Despite any law of a State or Territory in this jurisdiction about

gaming and wagering:

(a) a person may enter into a contract that is a financial product;


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Division 2 Other matters

Section 1101J

324 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) the contract is valid and enforceable.

1101J Delegation

(1) The Minister may delegate any of the Minister’s powers under this

Chapter to:

(a) ASIC; or

(b) a member of ASIC (within the meaning of section 9 of the

Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act

2001); or

(c) a staff member (within the meaning given by subsection 5(1)

of that Act) who is an SES employee (within the meaning of

section 34 of the Public Service Act 1999) or who holds an

office or position that is at a level equivalent to that of an

SES employee.

(2) However, the Minister must not delegate the Minister’s powers

under section 1023H, 1023J, 1023K or 1023M (which deal with

product intervention orders) to a person other than ASIC.

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Mutual recognition of securities offers Chapter 8

Preliminary Part 8.1

Section 1200A

Corporations Act 2001 325

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Chapter 8—Mutual recognition of securities


Part 8.1—Preliminary

1200A Definitions

(1) In this Chapter:

foreign recognition scheme means the provisions of a law of a

recognised jurisdiction that are prescribed by the regulations as

comprising a foreign recognition scheme for the purposes of this


law of a recognised jurisdiction includes law of part of a

recognised jurisdiction.

offer securities includes:

(a) invite applications for the issue of securities; and

(b) invite offers to purchase securities.

offeror, of securities, means:

(a) in relation to an offer of a kind prescribed by the

regulations—a person of a kind prescribed by the regulations;


(b) otherwise—the person who has the capacity, or who agrees,

to issue or transfer the securities if the offer is accepted.

recognised jurisdiction means a foreign country prescribed by the

regulations as a recognised jurisdiction.

recognised offer has the meaning given by section 1200B.

securities means:

(a) a share in a body; or

(b) a debenture of a body; or

(c) an interest in a managed investment scheme; or

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Chapter 8 Mutual recognition of securities offers

Part 8.1 Preliminary

Section 1200A

326 Corporations Act 2001

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(d) a legal or equitable right or interest in a security or interest

covered by paragraph (a), (b) or (c); or

(e) an option to acquire, by way of issue, an interest or right

covered by paragraph (a), (b), (c) or (d).

(2) For the purposes of this Chapter, paragraph (b) of the definition of

debenture in section 9 is taken to include a reference to an

undertaking by an institution, authorised by or under the law of a

recognised jurisdiction as a deposit-taking institution (however

described), to repay money deposited with it, or lent to it, in the

ordinary course of its banking business.

(3) For the purposes of this Chapter:

(a) paragraph (c) of the definition of managed investment

scheme in section 9 is taken to include a reference to a

partnership that, if this Act applied to it, would not need to be

incorporated or formed under an Australian law because of

regulations made for the purposes of subsection 115(2); and

(b) paragraph (i) of the definition of managed investment

scheme in section 9 is taken to include a reference to a

scheme operated by an institution, authorised by or under the

law of a recognised jurisdiction as a deposit-taking institution

(however described), in the ordinary course of its banking


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Mutual recognition of securities offers Chapter 8

Foreign offers that are recognised in this jurisdiction Part 8.2

Recognised offers Division 1

Section 1200B

Corporations Act 2001 327

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Part 8.2—Foreign offers that are recognised in this


Division 1—Recognised offers

1200B When an offer is a recognised offer

(1) An offer of securities becomes a recognised offer, in relation to a

recognised jurisdiction, on the day the offer is first made in this

jurisdiction, if the conditions in section 1200C are met in relation

to the offer on that day.

(2) The offer continues to be a recognised offer after that day, even if a

condition in section 1200C ceases to be met after that day.

(3) If, at the time an offer is first made in this jurisdiction, the offer

would be a recognised offer but for a failure to meet the condition

in subsection 1200C(5) or (6) that ASIC is satisfied is minor or

technical, ASIC may declare in writing that the offer is a

recognised offer within the meaning of subsection (1).

(4) If ASIC makes a declaration under subsection (3) in relation to an

offer, the condition is taken to have been met at the time the offer

was first made in this jurisdiction.

(5) A declaration under subsection (3) is not a legislative instrument.

1200C Conditions that must be met to be a recognised offer

(1) For the purposes of subsection 1200B(1), the conditions that must

be met are those set out in this section.

(2) The person offering the securities must be:

(a) a person incorporated by or under the law of the recognised

jurisdiction; or

(b) a natural person resident in the recognised jurisdiction; or

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Chapter 8 Mutual recognition of securities offers

Part 8.2 Foreign offers that are recognised in this jurisdiction

Division 1 Recognised offers

Section 1200C

328 Corporations Act 2001

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(c) a legal person established by or under the law of the

recognised jurisdiction; or

(d) a person of a kind prescribed by regulations made in relation

to the recognised jurisdiction for the purposes of this


(3) The person offering the securities must not be banned under

section 1200P.

(4) The offer must be an offer of a kind prescribed by the regulations

in relation to the recognised jurisdiction.

(5) At least 14 days before the day on which the offer is first made in

this jurisdiction, the person making the offer must have lodged

with ASIC:

(a) a notice in the prescribed form (if any) of the person’s

intention to make a recognised offer; and

(b) the documents and information required to be lodged under

section 1200D.

(6) If:

(a) before the offer is first made in this jurisdiction; and

(b) after a document or information was lodged with ASIC under

section 1200D;


(c) an event of a kind mentioned in the table in

subsection 1200G(9) happened; or

(d) the address for service in this jurisdiction of the person

proposing to offer the securities changed;

the person making the offer must have lodged with ASIC:

(e) if paragraph (c) applies—the document or information that

would have been required to have been lodged under

subsection 1200G(9) for the event if that subsection had

applied; and

(f) if paragraph (d) applies—the changed address for service.

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Mutual recognition of securities offers Chapter 8

Foreign offers that are recognised in this jurisdiction Part 8.2

Recognised offers Division 1

Section 1200D

Corporations Act 2001 329

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

1200D Required documents and information

(1) For the purposes of paragraph 1200C(5)(b), the documents and

information required to be lodged under this section are:

(a) any offer document required by the law of the recognised

jurisdiction; and

(b) the warning statement that is to be included with an offer

document in this jurisdiction (which, if regulations are in

force for the purposes of section 1200E, must comply with

those regulations); and

(c) unless paragraph (d) applies—the constitution of the body

whose securities are to be the subject of the offer; and

(d) if the securities that are to be the subject of the offer are

interests in a managed investment scheme, rights or interests

in such interests, or options to acquire such interests by way

of issue—the constituent document of the scheme; and

(e) details, in the prescribed form (if any), of any exemption

from the securities law of the recognised jurisdiction that

applies, but not exclusively, to the offer or to the offeror in

relation to the offer; and

(f) if the offeror is relying on subsection (2)—notice of the

document or information that is not being lodged because of

the offeror’s reliance on that subsection; and

(g) an address for service in this jurisdiction, in the prescribed

form (if any); and

(h) a copy of any exemption from the securities law of the

recognised jurisdiction that applies exclusively to the offer or

to the offeror; and

(i) any other documents or information prescribed by the


(2) For the purposes of this Chapter, a person is taken to have lodged a

document or information under this section if:

(a) the document or information has been lodged under

Division 2 or 3 of Part 5B.2; or

(b) the document or information is not required to be lodged

because of section 601CDA or 601CTA.

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Chapter 8 Mutual recognition of securities offers

Part 8.2 Foreign offers that are recognised in this jurisdiction

Division 1 Recognised offers

Section 1200E

330 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(3) For the purposes of this Chapter, a person is taken to have lodged a

document or information under this section if the person lodged the

document or information in compliance with subsection 1200C(6).

1200E Warning statement

The regulations may, in relation to offer documents used in this

jurisdiction for recognised offers, prescribe either or both of the


(a) statements to be included with those documents that relate to

the status of an offer as a recognised offer and the laws that

regulate the offer;

(b) details to be given in statements to be included with those

documents that relate to the status of an offer as a recognised

offer and the laws that regulate the offer.

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Mutual recognition of securities offers Chapter 8

Foreign offers that are recognised in this jurisdiction Part 8.2

Effect of a recognised offer Division 2

Section 1200F

Corporations Act 2001 331

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 2—Effect of a recognised offer

1200F Effect of a recognised offer

(1) The provisions listed in the table do not apply, in relation to a

recognised offer, to the things specified in the table for those


Note: Recognised offers must comply with Division 3 instead.

Provisions that do not apply in relation to a recognised offer

Item These provisions: do not apply, in relation to the offer, to:

1 Chapter 2L if the recognised offer is an offer of debentures—

the offeror.

2 Chapter 5C if the recognised offer is an offer of interests in a

managed investment scheme—the operator of the

managed investment scheme.

3 Chapter 6D, other than

sections 736 and 738

(a) the recognised offer; or

(b) the offeror of the recognised offer; or

(c) any offer document for the offer.

4 Parts 7.6, 7.7 and 7.8,

other than

section 992AA

(a) the issue or disposal of a security under the

recognised offer; or

(b) general advice (within the meaning of

Chapter 7) contained in any offer document

for the offer; or

(c) general advice contained in an advertisement

for the recognised offer issued by, or on

behalf of, the offeror; or

(d) the provision of a custodial or depository

service (within the meaning of Chapter 7) in

relation to interests in a managed investment

scheme that are the subject of the recognised


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Chapter 8 Mutual recognition of securities offers

Part 8.2 Foreign offers that are recognised in this jurisdiction

Division 2 Effect of a recognised offer

Section 1200F

332 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provisions that do not apply in relation to a recognised offer

Item These provisions: do not apply, in relation to the offer, to:

5 Part 7.9, other than

sections 1020AB,

1020AC, 1020AD and


the offeror of the recognised offer.

(2) Despite subsection (1), the regulations may:

(a) apply a provision listed in the table in subsection (1) to a

person or class of persons; or

(b) apply a provision listed in the table in subsection (1) to a

security or class of securities; or

(c) provide that a provision listed in the table in subsection (1)

applies with the modifications specified in the regulations.

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Mutual recognition of securities offers Chapter 8

Foreign offers that are recognised in this jurisdiction Part 8.2

Ongoing conditions for recognised offers Division 3

Section 1200G

Corporations Act 2001 333

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 3—Ongoing conditions for recognised offers

1200G Offering conditions

When the offering conditions apply

(1) The offering conditions in this section apply in relation to a

recognised offer until the recognised offer closes in this


Note: Failure to comply with an offering condition is an offence (see

sections 1200Q and 1311).

Offering conditions

(2) The offer must be made in the recognised jurisdiction as well as in

this jurisdiction.

(3) The offeror must meet the conditions in subsections 1200C(2) and


(4) The offer must meet the condition in subsection 1200C(4).

(5) The offer must comply with the law of the recognised jurisdiction.

(6) There must be no person concerned in the management of the


(a) who is disqualified from managing corporations for the

purposes of Part 2D.6; or

(b) who is disqualified from being concerned in the management

of the offeror under the law of the recognised jurisdiction; or

(c) who is subject to a banning order under section 920A; or

(d) who is subject to a court order under paragraph 921A(2)(a).

(7) An offer document provided to a person in this jurisdiction must

have included with it:

(a) the warning statement lodged under subsection 1200D(1) for

that offer document; or

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Chapter 8 Mutual recognition of securities offers

Part 8.2 Foreign offers that are recognised in this jurisdiction

Division 3 Ongoing conditions for recognised offers

Section 1200G

334 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(b) if a changed warning statement is lodged with ASIC under

subsection 1200G(9)—the changed warning statement.

(8) The offeror must, on request by a person in this jurisdiction,

provide a copy of the constitution or constituent document lodged

under paragraph 1200D(1)(c) or (d).

(9) If an event mentioned in an item of this table occurs in relation to

the offer or offeror, the offeror must lodge with ASIC the

document, statement or notice specified in the table for that event,

by the time specified for that event.

Offering condition under subsection (9)

Item If: the offeror must lodge

with ASIC:

by this time:

1 a change is made to an

offer document, or any

other document,

required by the law of

the recognised

jurisdiction in relation

to the offer

a copy of the document

as changed

no later than 7 days

after the day on which

the offeror notified (or

should have notified)

the home regulator of

the change.

2 a change is made to the

warning statement that

is included with the

offer document in this


a copy of the warning

statement as changed

no later than 7 days

after the day on which

the offeror notified (or

should have notified)

the home regulator of

the change.

3 a supplementary or

replacement offer

document is required

by the law of the

recognised jurisdiction

a copy of the

supplementary or

replacement offer


no later than 7 days

after the day on which

the supplementary or

replacement offer

document is (or should

have been) lodged with

the home regulator.

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Mutual recognition of securities offers Chapter 8

Foreign offers that are recognised in this jurisdiction Part 8.2

Ongoing conditions for recognised offers Division 3

Section 1200G

Corporations Act 2001 335

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Offering condition under subsection (9)

Item If: the offeror must lodge

with ASIC:

by this time:

4 a change is made to the

constitution or

constituent document

lodged under

paragraph 1200D(1)(c)

or (d)

a copy of the

constitution or

constituent document

as changed

no later than 7 days

after the day on which

the offeror notified (or

should have notified)

the home regulator of

the change.

5 the home regulator

makes, changes or

revokes an exemption

that applies, but not

exclusively, to the offer

or the offeror under the

law of the recognised


written notice in the

prescribed form (if

any) of the details of

the exemption, change

or revocation

no later than 14 days

after the making,

change or revocation


6 the home regulator

makes, changes or

revokes an exemption

that applies exclusively

to the offer or the

offeror under the law

of the recognised


a copy of the

exemption, the

exemption as changed,

or notice in the

prescribed form (if

any) of the details of

the revocation

no later than 7 days

after the making,

change or revocation


7 the home regulator

begins enforcement

action, or exercises a

power it has under law,

in relation to the

offeror or offer

written notice in the

prescribed form (if

any) of the details of

the action taken or

power exercised

no later than 7 days

after the action is taken

or the power is


(10) For the purposes of this Chapter, a person is taken to have lodged a

document under subsection (9) if:

(a) the document has been lodged under Division 2 or 3 of

Part 5B.2; or

(b) the document is not required to be lodged because of

section 601CDA or 601CTA.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 8 Mutual recognition of securities offers

Part 8.2 Foreign offers that are recognised in this jurisdiction

Division 3 Ongoing conditions for recognised offers

Section 1200G

336 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(11) If:

(a) an event mentioned in the table in subsection (9) occurs

while the offering conditions in this section apply; and

(b) the time by which an offeror is required to lodge a document,

statement or notice with ASIC because of that event is after

the offering conditions cease to apply;

then, for the purposes of this section and paragraph 1200Q(1)(b),

the offering conditions are taken to continue to apply until that

time in relation to the offer to the extent necessary to require the

offeror to lodge the document, statement or information by that


(12) The offer must meet any other conditions prescribed by the


Home regulator

(13) For the purposes of subsection (9), the home regulator for a

recognised jurisdiction is an authority in the recognised jurisdiction

whose functions under the law of the recognised jurisdiction

include functions equivalent to any of those of ASIC under this Act

and that is prescribed by the regulations as the home regulator for

that jurisdiction.

(14) If there is more than one authority in a recognised jurisdiction

whose functions include functions under the law of the recognised

jurisdiction equivalent to any of those of ASIC under this Act and

that is prescribed under subsection (13), the regulations may

prescribe the matters in relation to which that authority is to be

regarded as the home regulator.

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Mutual recognition of securities offers Chapter 8

Foreign offers that are recognised in this jurisdiction Part 8.2

Ongoing conditions for recognised offers Division 3

Section 1200H

Corporations Act 2001 337

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

1200H Address for service condition

When the address for service condition applies

(1) The address for service condition in this section applies in relation

to a recognised offer:

(a) until the end of the last day on which a person who resides in

this jurisdiction could acquire securities under the offer; and

(b) if a person who resides in this jurisdiction acquires securities

under the offer—at all times when the offeror’s records

indicate that someone who resides in this jurisdiction holds

securities in the class of securities that was the subject of the

recognised offer.

Note: Failure to comply with the address for service condition is an offence

(see sections 1200Q and 1311).

Address for service condition

(2) The offeror must lodge with ASIC written notice, in the prescribed

form (if any), of any change in its address for service in this

jurisdiction, no later than the end of the seventh day after the day

on which the address changed.

(3) If:

(a) the offeror’s address for service in this jurisdiction changes

while the address for service condition in this section applies;


(b) the time by which the offeror is required to lodge notice with

ASIC because of the change is after the address for service

condition ceases to apply;

then, for the purposes of this section and

subparagraph 1200Q(2)(b)(i), the address for service condition is

taken to continue to apply until that time to the extent necessary to

require the offeror to lodge notice by that time.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 8 Mutual recognition of securities offers

Part 8.2 Foreign offers that are recognised in this jurisdiction

Division 3 Ongoing conditions for recognised offers

Section 1200J

338 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

1200J Dispute resolution condition

When the dispute resolution condition applies

(1) The dispute resolution condition in this section applies, to a person

who is or who has been the offeror of a recognised offer, at all

times when the person’s records indicate that someone who resides

in this jurisdiction holds securities in the class of securities that

was the subject of the recognised offer.

Note: Failure to comply with the dispute resolution condition is an offence

(see sections 1200Q and 1311).

Dispute resolution condition

(2) The person must have a dispute resolution process that complies

with subsection 1017G(2), if the recognised offer was an offer of:

(a) interests in a managed investment scheme; or

(b) rights or interests in such interests, or options to acquire such

interests by way of issue.

Exemption from the dispute resolution condition

(3) ASIC may, on application by a person in the prescribed form (if

any), grant the person an exemption from the dispute resolution

condition in this section, subject to any conditions specified in the


(4) If ASIC grants a person an exemption under subsection (3), then,

for the purposes of this Chapter, the person is taken to comply with

the dispute resolution condition in this section for so long as the

exemption is in force.

(5) ASIC may, in relation to an exemption under subsection (3):

(a) vary, or impose, a condition in relation to the exemption; or

(b) revoke the exemption.

(6) A variation, imposition or revocation under subsection (5) takes


Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Mutual recognition of securities offers Chapter 8

Foreign offers that are recognised in this jurisdiction Part 8.2

Ongoing conditions for recognised offers Division 3

Section 1200J

Corporations Act 2001 339

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(a) if the person has an address for service in this jurisdiction—

when it is served on the person at that address; or

(b) if the person does not have an address for service in this

jurisdiction—on publication in the Gazette.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 8 Mutual recognition of securities offers

Part 8.2 Foreign offers that are recognised in this jurisdiction

Division 4 Modification of provisions of this Act

Section 1200K

340 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 4—Modification of provisions of this Act

1200K Additional operation of section 675 (continuous disclosure)

In relation to a disclosing entity that has been the offeror of a

recognised offer, section 675 also has the operation it would have

if paragraph 675(2)(c) were replaced by the following paragraph:

(c) the information is not required, by the law of the recognised

jurisdiction to which the offer relates, to be included in a

supplementary or replacement offer document; and

1200L Pre-offer advertising

Offers that need a disclosure document

(1) Subsection 734(4) also has the operation it would have if:

(a) the reference in that subsection to a disclosure document that

has been lodged with ASIC were a reference to an offer

document lodged with ASIC for the purposes of this Chapter;


(b) the reference in that subsection to section 739 were a

reference to section 1200N.

(2) Subsection 734(5) also has the operation it would have if:

(a) references in that subsection to a disclosure document were

references to an offer document that complies with the law of

a recognised jurisdiction; and

(b) references in that subsection to completing an application

form were references to completing an application process

under the law of that recognised jurisdiction.

(3) Subsection 734(6) also has the operation it would have if:

(a) references in that subsection to a disclosure document were

references to an offer document lodged with ASIC for the

purposes of this Chapter; and

(b) references in that subsection to completing an application

form were references to completing an application process

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Mutual recognition of securities offers Chapter 8

Foreign offers that are recognised in this jurisdiction Part 8.2

Modification of provisions of this Act Division 4

Section 1200M

Corporations Act 2001 341

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

under the law of the recognised jurisdiction to which the

offer relates.

Offers that need a Product Disclosure Statement

(4) Subsection 1018A(2) also has the operation it would have if:

(a) a reference in that subsection to a Product Disclosure

Statement were a reference to an offer document that

complies with the law of a recognised jurisdiction; and

(b) a reference in that subsection to sale offers to which

section 1012C will apply were a reference to sale offers to

which section 1012C would apply if the financial product,

when made available, were not made available under a

recognised offer.

(5) Subsection 1018A(3) also has, in relation to subsection 1018A(2),

the operation it would have if:

(a) the reference in that subsection to a Product Disclosure

Statement were a reference to an offer document that

complies with the law of a recognised jurisdiction; and

(b) the reference to section 1020E were a reference to

section 1200N.

1200M Modification by the regulations

The regulations may modify a provision of this Act in relation to

its application in respect of a recognised offer or a proposed offer

of securities that may become a recognised offer.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 8 Mutual recognition of securities offers

Part 8.2 Foreign offers that are recognised in this jurisdiction

Division 5 ASIC’s powers in relation to recognised offers

Section 1200N

342 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 5—ASIC’s powers in relation to recognised offers

1200N Stop orders

(1) If, in relation to a thing mentioned in an item of this table, ASIC is

satisfied of the matters specified in the table item for that thing,

ASIC may make either or both of the orders specified in the table

item about that thing.

Stop orders

Item If, in relation to: ASIC is satisfied


ASIC may order:

1 (a) an offer document lodged


paragraph 1200D(1)(a);


(b) a warning statement

lodged under

paragraph 1200D(1)(b);


(c) a document or

information lodged under

paragraph 1200D(1)(i)

there is a

misleading or


statement in, or a

material omission

from, the


statement or


(a) that no offers,

issues, sales or

transfers of the

securities to which

the document,

statement or

information relates

be made while the

order is in force;

(b) that specified

conduct in respect

of those securities,

or in respect of the


statement or

information, must

not be engaged in

while the order is in


Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Mutual recognition of securities offers Chapter 8

Foreign offers that are recognised in this jurisdiction Part 8.2

ASIC’s powers in relation to recognised offers Division 5

Section 1200N

Corporations Act 2001 343

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Stop orders

Item If, in relation to: ASIC is satisfied


ASIC may order:

2 a document, statement or

notice lodged under

subsection 1200G(9)

the change results

in there being a

misleading or


statement in, or a

material omission

from, the


statement or


(a) that no offers,

issues, sales or

transfers of the

securities to which

the document,

statement or notice

relates be made

while the order is in


(b) that specified

conduct in respect

of those securities,

or in respect of the


statement or notice,

must not be

engaged in while

the order is in force.

3 (a) an advertisement of

securities the subject of a

recognised offer; or

(b) a published statement

that is reasonably likely

to induce people to

acquire securities the

subject of a recognised


there is a

misleading or


statement in, or a

material omission

from, the

advertisement or


(a) that no offers,

issues, sales or

transfers of the

securities to which

the advertisement

or statement relates

be made while the

order is in force;

(b) that specified

conduct in respect

of those securities,

or in respect of the

advertisement or

statement, must not

be engaged in while

the order is in force.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 8 Mutual recognition of securities offers

Part 8.2 Foreign offers that are recognised in this jurisdiction

Division 5 ASIC’s powers in relation to recognised offers

Section 1200N

344 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Stop orders

Item If, in relation to: ASIC is satisfied


ASIC may order:

4 an offer document lodged


paragraph 1200D(1)(a)

a new

circumstance has

arisen since

lodgment and that


would have been

required by the

law of the


jurisdiction to be

included in the

offer document, if

the circumstance

had arisen before

the document was

lodged with the

home regulator

(as defined in



(a) that no offers,

issues, sales or

transfers of the

securities to which

the document

relates be made

while the order is in


(b) that specified

conduct in respect

of those securities,

or in respect of the

document, must not

be engaged in while

the order is in force.

5 a notice of intention to make

a recognised offer lodged


paragraph 1200C(5)(a)

one or more of the

requirements in

section 1200C is

not met in relation

to the proposed


(a) that no offers,

issues, sales or

transfers of the

securities that are

proposed to be

offered be made

while the order is in


(b) that specified

conduct in respect

of those securities

must not be

engaged in while

the order is in force.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Mutual recognition of securities offers Chapter 8

Foreign offers that are recognised in this jurisdiction Part 8.2

ASIC’s powers in relation to recognised offers Division 5

Section 1200N

Corporations Act 2001 345

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Stop orders

Item If, in relation to: ASIC is satisfied


ASIC may order:

6 a recognised offer an offering

condition in

section 1200G,

the address for

service condition

in section 1200H

or the dispute


condition in

section 1200J is

not being met

(a) that no offers,

issues, sales or

transfers of the

securities be made

while the order is in


(b) that specified

conduct in respect

of those securities

must not be

engaged in while

the order is in force.

(2) The order may include a statement that specified conduct engaged

in contrary to the order will be regarded as not meeting a specified

ongoing condition in Division 3.

(3) Before making an order under subsection (1), ASIC must:

(a) hold a hearing; and

(b) give a reasonable opportunity to any interested people to

make oral or written submissions to ASIC on whether an

order should be made.

(4) If ASIC considers that any delay in making an order under

subsection (1) pending the holding of a hearing would be

prejudicial to the public interest, ASIC may make an interim order.

The interim order may be made without holding a hearing and lasts

for 21 days after the day on which it is made unless revoked before


(5) At any time during the hearing, ASIC may make an interim order.

The interim order lasts until:

(a) ASIC makes an order under subsection (1) after the

conclusion of the hearing; or

(b) the interim order is revoked;

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 8 Mutual recognition of securities offers

Part 8.2 Foreign offers that are recognised in this jurisdiction

Division 5 ASIC’s powers in relation to recognised offers

Section 1200P

346 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

whichever happens first.

(6) An order under subsection (1), (4) or (5) must be in writing and

must be served on the person who is ordered not to offer, issue, sell

or transfer securities or not to engage in specified conduct.

(7) The person on whom the order is served must take reasonable steps

to ensure that other people who engage in conduct to which the

order applies are aware of the order.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(8) The person on whom the order is served, or a person who is aware

of the order, must not engage in conduct contrary to the order.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(9) A statement under subsection (2) has effect accordingly in relation

to a person on whom the order is served, or who is aware of it, who

engages in conduct contrary to the order. This applies in addition to

any other consequence that is provided for in this Act.

1200P Ban on making subsequent recognised offers

(1) ASIC may declare in writing that a person is, for the time specified

in the declaration (which must be no longer than 5 years from the

day the declaration takes effect), banned from making a recognised

offer if:

(a) the person, or an associate of the person, has been convicted

(whether or not in this jurisdiction) of an offence constituted

by conduct engaged in in relation to a recognised offer; or

(b) a court in this jurisdiction has made a civil penalty order

against the person, or an associate of the person, for a

contravention in relation to a recognised offer; or

(c) a court in a recognised jurisdiction has made an order against

the person, or an associate of the person, for a contravention

of the law of the recognised jurisdiction (other than an

offence) in relation to an offer that is a recognised offer in

this jurisdiction.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Mutual recognition of securities offers Chapter 8

Foreign offers that are recognised in this jurisdiction Part 8.2

ASIC’s powers in relation to recognised offers Division 5

Section 1200P

Corporations Act 2001 347

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(2) Before making the declaration, ASIC must give the person an


(a) to appear, or be represented, at a hearing before ASIC that

takes place in private; or

(b) to make submissions to ASIC on the matter.

This subsection does not apply if the person does not have an

address for service in this jurisdiction.

(3) ASIC may, in writing, vary or cancel the declaration, on ASIC’s

own initiative or on application lodged by the person in the

prescribed form (if any) together with any prescribed documents, if

ASIC is satisfied that a circumstance on which ASIC based the

declaration has changed.

(4) If ASIC proposes to reject an application by the person to vary or

cancel the declaration, ASIC must give the person an opportunity:

(a) to appear, or be represented, at a hearing before ASIC that

takes place in private; or

(b) to make submissions to ASIC on the matter.

(5) The declaration, and any variation or cancellation of the

declaration, takes effect:

(a) if the person to whom the declaration applies has an address

for service in this jurisdiction—when it is served on the

person at that address; or

(b) if the person to whom the declaration applies does not have

an address for service in this jurisdiction—when it is

published in the Gazette under subsection (7).

(6) A declaration that is served on a person under paragraph (5)(a)

must be accompanied by a statement of ASIC’s reasons for the


(7) ASIC must publish a notice in the Gazette as soon as practicable

after making, varying or cancelling the declaration. The notice:

(a) must state when the action takes or took effect; and

(b) in the case of the making of a declaration—set out a copy of

the declaration; and

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Chapter 8 Mutual recognition of securities offers

Part 8.2 Foreign offers that are recognised in this jurisdiction

Division 5 ASIC’s powers in relation to recognised offers

Section 1200Q

348 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(c) in the case of the varying of a declaration—set out a copy of

the declaration as varied.

(8) A declaration under this section is not a legislative instrument.

1200Q Offence of breaching an ongoing condition

(1) A person commits an offence if, at any particular time:

(a) the person is the offeror of a recognised offer; and

(b) an offering condition in section 1200G applies in relation to

the offer; and

(c) the condition is not met in relation to the offer.

(2) A person commits an offence if:

(a) the person is or has been the offeror of a recognised offer;


(b) at any particular time:

(i) the address for service condition in section 1200H; or

(ii) the dispute resolution condition in section 1200J;

applies in relation to the offer; and

(c) the condition is not met in relation to the offer.

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Mutual recognition of securities offers Chapter 8

Foreign offers that are recognised in this jurisdiction Part 8.2

Miscellaneous Division 6

Section 1200R

Corporations Act 2001 349

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 6—Miscellaneous

1200R Service of documents

(1) For the purposes of any law, a document may be served on a

person who is, or who has been, the offeror of a recognised offer

by leaving it at, or posting it to, the person’s address for service in

this jurisdiction.

(2) The person’s address for service in this jurisdiction is:

(a) the address lodged under paragraph 1200D(1)(g); or

(b) if a change to that address has been lodged with ASIC under

section 1200H—the changed address, on and from the later


(i) the day that is 7 days after the day on which the change

(or, if more than one change has been lodged, the latest

change) was lodged; or

(ii) the day specified in the notice of change as the day from

which the change is to take effect.

(3) This section does not affect:

(a) any other provision of this Act, or any provision of another

law, that permits a document to be served in a different way;


(b) the power of a court to authorise a document to be served in a

different way.

(4) This section does not apply in relation to a person who is, or who

has been, the offeror of a recognised offer if the address for service

condition in section 1200H does not apply to the person.

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Chapter 8 Mutual recognition of securities offers

Part 8.3 Offers made under foreign recognition schemes

Section 1200S

350 Corporations Act 2001

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Part 8.3—Offers made under foreign recognition


1200S Notice to ASIC


(a) a body proposes to make an offer of securities in a

recognised jurisdiction under a foreign recognition scheme;


(b) under the foreign recognition scheme, the offer is to be

regulated by the law of this jurisdiction;

the body must lodge with ASIC written notice, in the prescribed

form (if any), of its intention to make the offer under the foreign

recognition scheme, no later than the time it notifies the recognised

jurisdiction of that intention.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

1200T Extension of this Act to recognised jurisdictions

(1) If:

(a) a body proposes to make, or is making, an offer of securities

in a recognised jurisdiction under a foreign recognition

scheme; and

(b) under the foreign recognition scheme, the offer is to be

regulated by the law of this jurisdiction;

this Act applies in the recognised jurisdiction in relation to the

offer as if it were an offer being made in this jurisdiction.

(2) Despite subsection (1), the regulations may:

(a) exempt a person or class of persons from all or specified

provisions of this Act as it applies by force of subsection (1);


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Mutual recognition of securities offers Chapter 8

Offers made under foreign recognition schemes Part 8.3

Section 1200U

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(b) exempt a security or a class of securities from all or specified

provisions of this Act as it applies by force of subsection (1);


(c) provide that a provision of this Act as it applies by force of

subsection (1) applies with the modifications specified in the


1200U ASIC stop order for advertising in a recognised jurisdiction

(1) If ASIC is satisfied that:

(a) an offer of securities is being made or has been made in a

recognised jurisdiction under a foreign recognition scheme;


(b) there is a contravention of section 734 or 1018A (as they

apply by force of section 1200T) constituted by conduct in

the recognised jurisdiction in relation to the offer;

ASIC may order that no offers, issues, sales or transfers of the

securities the subject of the offer be made in the recognised

jurisdiction while the order is in force.

(2) Before making an order under subsection (1), ASIC must:

(a) hold a hearing; and

(b) give a reasonable opportunity to any interested people to

make oral or written submissions to ASIC on whether an

order should be made.

(3) If ASIC considers that any delay in making an order under

subsection (1) pending the holding of a hearing would be

prejudicial to the public interest, ASIC may make an interim order

that no offers, issues, sales or transfers of the securities be made

while the interim order is in force. The interim order may be made

without holding a hearing and lasts for 21 days after the day on

which it is made unless revoked before then.

(4) At any time during the hearing, ASIC may make an interim order

that no offers, issues, sales or transfers of the securities be made

while the interim order is in force. The interim order lasts until:

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Chapter 8 Mutual recognition of securities offers

Part 8.3 Offers made under foreign recognition schemes

Section 1200U

352 Corporations Act 2001

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(a) ASIC makes an order under subsection (1) after the

conclusion of the hearing; or

(b) the interim order is revoked;

whichever happens first.

(5) An order under subsection (1), (3) or (4) must be in writing and

must be served on the person who is ordered not to offer, issue, sell

or transfer securities.

(6) The person on whom the order is served must take reasonable steps

to ensure that other people who engage in conduct to which the

order applies are aware of the order.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(7) The person on whom the order is served, or a person who is aware

of the order, must not engage in conduct contrary to the order.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

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Asia Region Funds Passport Chapter 8A

Preliminary Part 8A.1

Section 1210

Corporations Act 2001 353

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Chapter 8A—Asia Region Funds Passport

Part 8A.1—Preliminary

1210 Definitions

In this Chapter:

APFRN: see Australian Passport Fund Registration Number.

Australian Passport Fund Registration Number or APFRN

means the number assigned to an Australian passport fund under

paragraph 1212A(2)(a).

consideration period for a notice of intention to offer interests in a

foreign passport fund to a person in this jurisdiction: see

section 1213D.

home economy, for a passport fund, means:

(a) if the passport fund is a regulated CIS, or a sub-fund of a

regulated CIS, in only one participating economy—that

participating economy; and

(b) if the passport fund is a regulated CIS, or a sub-fund of a

regulated CIS, in more than one participating economy—the

participating economy in which the fund is first registered or

approved as a regulated CIS (however that registration or

approval is described).

home regulator, for a passport fund, means the entity that is the

Passport Regulator for the home economy for the passport fund

under the Passport Rules for this jurisdiction.

host economy: a participating economy is a host economy for a

passport fund if:

(a) the participating economy is not the home economy for the

fund; and

(b) either:

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Chapter 8A Asia Region Funds Passport

Part 8A.1 Preliminary

Section 1210

354 Corporations Act 2001

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(i) it is permitted under the law of the participating

economy to offer interests in the fund in that economy,

on the basis that the fund is a passport fund; or

(ii) an application has been made under the law of the

participating economy for permission to offer interests

in the fund in that economy, on the basis that the fund is

a passport fund.

host regulator, for a passport fund, means the entity that is the

Passport Regulator for a host economy for the passport fund under

the Passport Rules for this jurisdiction.

Memorandum of Cooperation means the Memorandum of

Cooperation on the Establishment and Implementation of the Asia

Region Funds Passport signed on behalf of Australia on 28 April

2016, as it applies in relation to Australia from time to time.

operator, of a passport fund, means the entity that is the operator of

the fund under the Passport Rules for this jurisdiction.

participating economy: a Participant, within the meaning of the

Memorandum of Cooperation, is a participating economy at a

particular time if:

(a) the Asia Region Funds Passport Joint Committee established

under the Memorandum of Cooperation has published

notification on the Passport website under subparagraph 5.6

of the Memorandum, at or before that time, that the

Participant has effected implementation; and

(b) at that time:

(i) the Memorandum of Cooperation has not been

terminated; and

(ii) the Participant has not withdrawn from the

Memorandum of Cooperation.

passport fund means a regulated CIS, or a sub-fund of a regulated

CIS, registered as a passport fund in a participating economy.

Register of Passport Funds: see section 1214.

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Asia Region Funds Passport Chapter 8A

Preliminary Part 8A.1

Section 1210A

Corporations Act 2001 355

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

regulated CIS has the same meaning as in the Passport Rules for

this jurisdiction.

sub-fund, in relation to a regulated CIS, has the same meaning as

in the Passport Rules for this jurisdiction.

1210A List of participating economies

(1) The Minister must, by notifiable instrument, publish a list of

participating economies.

(2) The Minister must:

(a) include in the instrument the date on which each Participant,

within the meaning of the Memorandum of Cooperation,

became a participating economy; and

(b) if a Participant, within the meaning of the Memorandum of

Cooperation, ceases to be a participating economy—include

in the instrument the date on which that Participant ceases to

be a participating economy; and

(c) ensure that the instrument is updated as soon as is reasonably

practicable after a Participant, within the meaning of the

Memorandum of Cooperation, becomes, or ceases to be, a

participating economy.

1210B Minister may determine that funds not to offer interests in

this jurisdiction

(1) The Minister may, by legislative instrument, determine that the

operators of passport funds, or a class of passport funds, the home

economy for which is specified in the determination, must not offer

interests in the funds in this jurisdiction.

(2) The Minister may only make a determination under subsection (1),


(a) the Minister is satisfied that:

(i) under the Memorandum of Cooperation, there are

grounds for requiring the operators of the funds to

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Chapter 8A Asia Region Funds Passport

Part 8A.1 Preliminary

Section 1210B

356 Corporations Act 2001

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which the determination applies not to offer interests in

the funds in this jurisdiction; and

(ii) the processes that, under the Memorandum of

Cooperation, are to be followed before requiring the

operators of the funds to which the determination

applies not to offer interests in the funds in this

jurisdiction, have been complied with; or

(b) the Memorandum of Cooperation has been terminated; or

(c) Australia or the home economy for the funds to which the

determination applies withdraws from the Memorandum of


(3) If the Minister makes a determination under this section, the

regulations may deal with matters of a transitional nature relating

to the movement of funds to which the determination applies from

participation in this jurisdiction under this Chapter to participation

in this jurisdiction under the other provisions of the Corporations

legislation dealing with managed investment schemes.

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Asia Region Funds Passport Chapter 8A

Passport Rules Part 8A.2

Section 1211

Corporations Act 2001 357

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 8A.2—Passport Rules

1211 Minister may make Passport Rules for this jurisdiction

(1) The Minister may, by legislative instrument, make rules that

provide for matters relating to passport funds, or entities connected

with passport funds.

(2) The rules made by the Minister under subsection (1) must be

substantially the same as the Passport Rules set out in Annex 3 to

the Memorandum of Cooperation.

(3) If the rules made by the Minister under subsection (1) taken

together with other provisions of the Corporations legislation have

substantially the same effect as the Passport Rules set out in Annex

3 to the Memorandum of Cooperation, the rules made by the

Minister under subsection (1) are taken to be substantially the same

as the Passport Rules set out in Annex 3 to the Memorandum of


1211A Definition of Passport Rules

Passport Rules for this jurisdiction

(1) Passport Rules for this jurisdiction, means rules made by the

Minister under section 1211 as in force from time to time.

Passport Rules for a participating economy other than Australia

(2) Passport Rules for a participating economy other than Australia,

means rules that are:

(a) substantially the same as the Passport Rules set out in Annex

3 to the Memorandum of Cooperation; and

(b) in force from time to time in that participating economy.

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Chapter 8A Asia Region Funds Passport

Part 8A.2 Passport Rules

Section 1211B

358 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

1211B Compliance with the Passport Rules

(1) A person contravenes this subsection if:

(a) an obligation is imposed on the person in relation to an

Australian passport fund under the Passport Rules for this

jurisdiction; and

(b) the person does not comply with the obligation.

(2) A person contravenes this subsection if:

(a) an obligation is imposed on the person in relation to a

notified foreign passport fund under the Passport Rules for

this jurisdiction; and

(b) the person does not comply with the obligation; and

(c) the failure to comply results, or is likely to result, in a person

in this jurisdiction who holds an interest in the fund suffering

financial or other disadvantage.

(3) A person commits an offence if the person contravenes

subsection (1) or (2).


(a) for an individual—5 years imprisonment, 2,000 penalty units,

or both; and

(b) for a body corporate—20,000 penalty units.

(4) A person commits an offence of strict liability if the person

contravenes subsection (1) or (2).

Penalty: 60 penalty units.

(5) Section 15.1 of the Criminal Code (extended geographical

jurisdiction—category A) applies to an offence against

subsection (3) or (4).

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Asia Region Funds Passport Chapter 8A

Australian passport funds Part 8A.3

Section 1212

Corporations Act 2001 359

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 8A.3—Australian passport funds

1212 Application for registration

(1) A person may lodge an application with ASIC to have a managed

investment scheme registered as a passport fund if:

(a) the scheme is a registered scheme and the person is the

responsible entity for the scheme; or

(b) an application has been made for the scheme to be registered

under section 601EB, and the person is the proposed

responsible entity for the scheme.

(2) The application must:

(a) be in the prescribed form; and

(b) include a copy of the Product Disclosure Statement that the

responsible entity for the scheme would be required to

prepare if:

(i) the responsible entity were a regulated person required

to give a Product Disclosure Statement to a retail client

under subsection 1012B(3); and

(ii) the scheme were registered as a passport fund.

(3) The applicant may withdraw the application by notice lodged in the

prescribed form at any time before the scheme is registered as an

Australian passport fund.

(4) ASIC may, by legislative instrument, determine that information

that is lodged with ASIC under this section will not be available for

inspection or copying from ASIC if it is of a kind specified in the


1212A Registration of registered scheme as a passport fund

(1) ASIC must register a registered scheme as a passport fund if ASIC

is of the opinion that:

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Chapter 8A Asia Region Funds Passport

Part 8A.3 Australian passport funds

Section 1212B

360 Corporations Act 2001

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(a) the responsible entity for the scheme is an eligible entity,

within the meaning of section 3 of Annex 2 of the

Memorandum of Cooperation; and

(b) each of the following is likely to be complied with in relation

to the scheme:

(i) this Act (including the Passport Rules for this


(ii) the ASIC Act.

(2) A registered scheme is registered as a passport fund by ASIC:

(a) assigning a unique number to the passport fund (the

Australian Passport Fund Registration Number or APFRN

for the passport fund); and

(b) ensuring that details of the fund are entered on the Register

of Passport Funds.

1212B All documents etc. lodged with ASIC to bear APFRN

After a registered scheme is registered as a passport fund, all

documents relating to the fund that are lodged with ASIC must set

out the scheme’s APFRN.

1212C Notifying ASIC if offering interests in another participating

economy in another name

(1) The operator of an Australian passport fund must notify ASIC in

accordance with this section if:

(a) the operator of the fund offers interests in the fund in a

participating economy other than Australia; and

(b) the name of the fund in the other participating economy is

not the same as the name of the Australian passport fund.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(2) The notice must be given:

(a) in the prescribed form; and

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Asia Region Funds Passport Chapter 8A

Australian passport funds Part 8A.3

Section 1212C

Corporations Act 2001 361

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(b) within 7 days after interests in the fund begin to be offered

under that name.

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Chapter 8A Asia Region Funds Passport

Part 8A.4 Notified foreign passport funds

Division 1 Becoming a notified foreign passport fund

Section 1213

362 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 8A.4—Notified foreign passport funds

Division 1—Becoming a notified foreign passport fund

1213 Notice of intention to offer interests in a foreign passport fund

(1) The operator of a foreign passport fund may lodge with ASIC a

notice of intention to offer interests in the fund to persons in this

jurisdiction, provided the operator is a registered foreign company.

(2) The notice must:

(a) be in the prescribed form; and

(b) include a copy of the Product Disclosure Statement that the

operator of the foreign passport fund would be required to

prepare if:

(i) the operator were a regulated person required to give a

Product Disclosure Statement to a retail client under

subsection 1012B(3); and

(ii) the fund were a notified foreign passport fund.

(3) The operator of the foreign passport fund may withdraw the notice

of intention by notice lodged in the prescribed form at any time

during the consideration period for the notice.

(4) ASIC may, by legislative instrument, determine that information

that is lodged with ASIC under this section will not be available for

inspection or copying from ASIC if it is of a kind specified in the


1213A ASIC may notify operator that notice of intention lacks

information required

(1) ASIC may, within the consideration period for the notice of

intention, notify the operator of the foreign passport fund that

ASIC is of the opinion that information required under the

prescribed form has not been provided.

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Asia Region Funds Passport Chapter 8A

Notified foreign passport funds Part 8A.4

Becoming a notified foreign passport fund Division 1

Section 1213B

Corporations Act 2001 363

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(2) ASIC’s notification must be given in writing.

1213B Rejecting a notice of intention

Circumstances in which ASIC may reject a notice of intention

(1) ASIC may, within the consideration period for the notice of

intention, reject the notice if:

(a) ASIC is of the opinion that one or more of the following has

not been, is not being or is not likely to be complied with in

relation to the fund:

(i) this Act (other than the Passport Rules for this


(ii) the ASIC Act;

(iii) the law of the home economy for the fund, to the extent

that the law is administered by the home regulator for

the fund (including the Passport Rules for the home

economy for the fund); or

(b) ASIC is of the opinion that it is not in the public interest in

this jurisdiction for the operator to offer interests in the

passport fund in this jurisdiction; or

(c) both of the following are satisfied:

(i) an exemption has been given, or a modification made,

to the Passport Rules for the home economy for the

passport fund that affects the fund or entities connected

with the fund;

(ii) ASIC does not consent to the exemption or

modification; or

(d) the name of the passport fund in relation to which the

operator has given notice is not available in this jurisdiction.

(2) In determining its opinion in relation to a matter mentioned in

subparagraph (1)(a)(iii), ASIC must:

(a) make a request, in writing, to the home regulator for the fund

for the opinion of the home regulator on the matter; and

(b) specify in the request the basis for ASIC’s concerns about

compliance with the law of the home economy; and

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Chapter 8A Asia Region Funds Passport

Part 8A.4 Notified foreign passport funds

Division 1 Becoming a notified foreign passport fund

Section 1213B

364 Corporations Act 2001

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(c) state a reasonable period during which ASIC will wait for a

reply before acting; and

(d) if the home regulator replies to the request within that

period—give effect to the opinion of the home regulator on

the matter.

(3) In paragraph (1)(b), public interest does not include any benefit in

this jurisdiction that may arise from limiting competition for

managed investment schemes operating principally in this


(4) Nothing in this section requires ASIC to conduct an assessment of

the public interest in this jurisdiction in each case.

(5) A name is not available to a foreign passport fund in this

jurisdiction for the purposes of paragraph (1)(d) if:

(a) the name is:

(i) identical (under rules set out in the regulations) to a

name that is reserved or registered under this Act for

another body; or

(ii) identical (under rules set out in the regulations) to a

name of a managed investment scheme that is the

subject of an application for registration that has been

lodged under section 601EA but not yet determined; or

(iii) identical (under rules set out in the regulations) to a

name of a foreign passport fund in relation to which a

notice of intention under section 1213 has already been

lodged; or

(iv) identical (under rules set out in the regulations) to a

name that is held or registered on the Business Names

Register in respect of another individual or body who is

not the operator; or

(v) unacceptable for registration under the regulations; and

(b) the operator of the fund has not notified ASIC and the home

regulator for the fund in writing that it will adopt an available

alternative name for the fund in this jurisdiction.

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Asia Region Funds Passport Chapter 8A

Notified foreign passport funds Part 8A.4

Becoming a notified foreign passport fund Division 1

Section 1213C

Corporations Act 2001 365

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(6) The Minister may consent in writing to a name being available to a

foreign passport fund in this jurisdiction even if the name would

not otherwise be available because of paragraph (5)(a).

(7) The Minister’s consent may be given subject to conditions.

Circumstances in which ASIC must reject a notice of intention

(8) ASIC must, within the consideration period for the notice of

intention, reject the notice if:

(a) the Minister has made a determination under

subsection 1210B(1) that the operators of passport funds, or a

class of passport funds, the home economy for which is

specified in the determination, must not offer interests in the

fund in this jurisdiction; and

(b) the determination applies to the passport fund.

ASIC must notify operator of decision to reject

(9) The notice of intention is rejected by ASIC giving the operator of

the foreign passport fund notification in writing of the rejection.

1213C Notified foreign passport funds—authority to offer interests

in this jurisdiction

(1) A foreign passport fund becomes a notified foreign passport fund


(a) the operator of the fund has lodged a notice of intention to

offer interests in the fund to persons in this jurisdiction with

ASIC under section 1213; and

(b) the operator of the fund has not withdrawn the notice of

intention under subsection 1213(3); and

(c) within the consideration period for the notice of intention,

ASIC has not given the operator:

(i) notification under section 1213A that ASIC is of the

opinion that information required under the prescribed

form has not been provided; or

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Chapter 8A Asia Region Funds Passport

Part 8A.4 Notified foreign passport funds

Division 1 Becoming a notified foreign passport fund

Section 1213D

366 Corporations Act 2001

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(ii) notification under section 1213B that the notice of

intention has been rejected.

(2) The foreign passport fund becomes a notified foreign passport

fund on the first day after the end of the consideration period for

the notice of intention.

(3) The foreign passport fund ceases to be a notified foreign passport

fund if it is removed as a notified foreign passport fund under

Division 2 of Part 8A.7.

(4) A notified foreign passport fund may offer interests in the fund to

persons in this jurisdiction.

1213D Definition of consideration period

(1) The consideration period, for a notice of intention to offer interests

in a foreign passport fund in this jurisdiction, is:

(a) a period of 15 business days beginning on the day after the

notice is lodged with ASIC; or

(b) if ASIC and the operator agree that the period is to be

extended under subsection (2)—the extended period.

(2) ASIC and the operator of the foreign passport fund may agree, in

writing, to one or more extensions of the consideration period.

However, each extension must be for no more than 5 business


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Asia Region Funds Passport Chapter 8A

Notified foreign passport funds Part 8A.4

Treatment of notified foreign passport funds Division 2

Section 1213E

Corporations Act 2001 367

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 2—Treatment of notified foreign passport funds

1213E Notified foreign passport funds to be treated as managed

investment schemes

(1) A notified foreign passport fund is a managed investment scheme

for the purposes of this Act, even if it would not otherwise be a

managed investment scheme for the purposes of this Act because

of the way in which that term is defined in section 9.

Note: This subsection does not affect the other legal characteristics of a

notified foreign passport fund for the purposes of this Act. For

example, if a notified foreign passport fund is a body corporate, it

remains a body corporate for the purposes of this Act.

(2) The constituent document (as defined in the Passport Rules for this

jurisdiction) for the notified foreign passport fund is taken to be the

constitution of the fund as a managed investment scheme.

1213F Operators and notified foreign passport funds not to be

treated as companies etc.

To avoid doubt:

(a) neither the operator of a notified foreign passport fund nor

the fund is to be treated as a company for the purposes of the

corporations legislation, merely because the operator or the

fund is registered as a foreign company under Division 2 of

Part 5B.2; and

(b) a reference in the corporations legislation to a share does not

include an interest in a notified foreign passport fund unless

the fund is also a company.

1213G Offences relating to the operation of notified foreign passport


(1) This section applies if:

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Chapter 8A Asia Region Funds Passport

Part 8A.4 Notified foreign passport funds

Division 2 Treatment of notified foreign passport funds

Section 1213G

368 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(a) one of the following persons engages in conduct that

constitutes an alleged offence against this Act or the ASIC


(i) a notified foreign passport fund;

(ii) the operator of a notified foreign passport fund;

(iii) a person with responsibilities in relation to a notified

foreign passport fund; and

(b) the conduct occurs in relation to the operation of the fund;


(c) the conduct occurs wholly in a foreign country; and

(d) the person who engages in the conduct is not:

(i) an Australian citizen; or

(ii) a body corporate incorporated by or under a law of the

Commonwealth or of a State or Territory; and

(e) it is not otherwise a physical element of the offence that the

conduct results, or is likely to result, in a person in this

jurisdiction who has an interest in the fund suffering financial

or other disadvantage.

(2) It is a physical element of the offence that the conduct results, or is

likely to result, in a person in this jurisdiction who has an interest

in the fund suffering financial or other disadvantage.

(3) In this section:

person with responsibilities in relation to a notified foreign

passport fund means a person (other than a regulator) who has

functions or duties in relation to the fund under the Passport Rules

for this jurisdiction.

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Notified foreign passport funds Part 8A.4

Conduct of notified foreign passport funds in this jurisdiction Division 3

Section 1213H

Corporations Act 2001 369

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Division 3—Conduct of notified foreign passport funds in

this jurisdiction

1213H Notified foreign passport funds must not issue debentures in

this jurisdiction

The operator of a notified foreign passport fund commits an

offence if the operator or the fund:

(a) makes an offer of debentures in this jurisdiction that needs

disclosure to investors under Chapter 6D, or does not need

disclosure to investors under Chapter 6D because of

subsection 708(14) (disclosure document exclusion for

debenture roll overs) or section 708A (sale offers that do not

need disclosure); or

(b) makes an offer of debentures in this jurisdiction or elsewhere

as consideration for the acquisition of securities under an

off-market takeover bid.

Penalty: 60 penalty units.

Note: For rules about when an offer of debentures will need disclosure to

investors under Chapter 6D, see sections 706, 707, 708, 708AA and


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Chapter 8A Asia Region Funds Passport

Part 8A.4 Notified foreign passport funds

Division 4 Providing key information in relation to notified foreign passport funds

Section 1213J

370 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 4—Providing key information in relation to

notified foreign passport funds

Subdivision A—Obligations to provide information to members

in this jurisdiction

1213J Constitution—right to obtain a copy

Right to a copy of the consolidated constitution

(1) The operator of a notified foreign passport fund commits an

offence of strict liability if:

(a) a person makes an application to the operator in accordance

with subsection (2) for a copy of the consolidated

constitution of the fund; and

(b) the person is:

(i) an Australian member of the fund; or

(ii) a former member of the fund who acquired an interest in

the fund in this jurisdiction, or is ordinarily resident in

this jurisdiction; and

(c) the person pays the reasonable costs of the operator, up to a

prescribed amount, in providing a copy of the consolidated

constitution; and

(d) the operator fails, or refuses, to give the person a copy of the

consolidated constitution in accordance with this section; and

(e) as a result, the person does not obtain a copy of the

consolidated constitution of the fund in accordance with this


Penalty: 60 penalty units.

Application for a copy of the consolidated constitution

(2) An application to the operator of a notified foreign passport fund is

in accordance with this subsection if the application is in writing.

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Providing key information in relation to notified foreign passport funds Division 4

Section 1213K

Corporations Act 2001 371

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Manner in which the consolidated constitution must be provided

(3) If, in the application, the applicant requests a paper copy of the

consolidated constitution, the operator must post the applicant a

copy of the consolidated constitution within 7 days after the

application is made.

(4) Otherwise, the operator must give the applicant a copy of the

consolidated constitution electronically, within 7 days after the

application is made.

(5) ASIC may allow a longer period for the operator to give the

applicant a copy of the consolidated constitution.

Language in which consolidated constitution must be provided

(6) If, in the application, the applicant requests that the copy of the

consolidated constitution be in an official language of the home

economy of the fund (other than English), the copy of the

consolidated constitution given to the applicant must be in that


(7) Otherwise, the copy of the consolidated constitution given to the

applicant must be in English.

Geographical jurisdiction

(8) Section 15.1 of the Criminal Code (extended geographical

jurisdiction—category A) applies to an offence against

subsection (1).

1213K Register of members—right to obtain a copy

Right to a copy of the register of members of a fund

(1) The operator of a notified foreign passport fund commits an

offence of strict liability if:

(a) a person makes an application to the operator in accordance

with subsection (2) for a copy of the register of members for

the fund; and

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Part 8A.4 Notified foreign passport funds

Division 4 Providing key information in relation to notified foreign passport funds

Section 1213K

372 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) the person is:

(i) in this jurisdiction; or

(ii) an Australian member of the fund; or

(iii) a former member of the fund who acquired an interest in

the fund in this jurisdiction, or is ordinarily resident in

this jurisdiction; and

(c) the person pays the reasonable costs of the operator, up to a

prescribed amount, in providing a copy of the register; and

(d) the operator fails, or refuses, to give the person a copy of the

register in accordance with this section; and

(e) as a result, the person does not obtain a copy of the register

of the fund in accordance with this section.

Penalty: 60 penalty units.

Application for a copy of the register

(2) An application to the operator of a notified foreign passport fund is

in accordance with this subsection if:

(a) the application is in writing; and

(b) the application states each purpose for which the applicant

wishes to obtain a copy of the register; and

(c) none of those purposes is a prescribed purpose.

Manner in which register must be provided

(3) If, in the application, the applicant requests a paper copy of the

register, the operator must post the applicant a copy of the register

within 7 days after the application is made.

(4) Otherwise, the operator must give the applicant a copy of the

register electronically, within 7 days after the application is made.

(5) ASIC may allow a longer period for the operator to give the

applicant a copy of the register.

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Providing key information in relation to notified foreign passport funds Division 4

Section 1213L

Corporations Act 2001 373

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Language in which register must be provided

(6) If, in the application, the applicant requests that the copy of the

register be in an official language of the home economy of the fund

(other than English), the copy of the register given to the applicant

must be in that language.

(7) Otherwise, the copy of the register given to the applicant must be

in English.

Geographical jurisdiction

(8) Section 15.1 of the Criminal Code (extended geographical

jurisdiction—category A) applies to an offence against

subsection (1).

1213L Use of information on register of members

Offence—using information obtained from the register to contact


(1) A person who obtains a copy of a register of members of a notified

foreign passport fund under section 1213K must not:

(a) use information about a person (the other member) obtained

from the register to contact or send material to the person; or

(b) disclose information of that kind knowing that the

information is likely to be used to contact or send material to

the other member.

Penalty: 60 penalty units.

Note: An example of using information to send material to a person is

putting a person’s name and address on a mailing list for advertising



(2) Subsection (1) does not apply if the use or disclosure of the

information is:

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Part 8A.4 Notified foreign passport funds

Division 4 Providing key information in relation to notified foreign passport funds

Section 1213L

374 Corporations Act 2001

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(a) relevant to the holding of the interests recorded in the register

or the exercise of the rights attaching to them; or

(b) approved by the operator of the fund.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in

subsection (2) (see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code).

Offence—using information obtained from the register for a

prescribed purpose

(3) A person who obtains a copy of a register of members of a notified

foreign passport fund under section 1213K must not:

(a) use information obtained from the register for any purpose

prescribed by regulations made for the purposes of

paragraph 1213K(2)(c); or

(b) disclose information of that kind knowing that the

information is likely to be used for any such purpose.

Penalty: 60 penalty units.

Strict liability

(4) An offence based on subsection (1) or (3) is an offence of strict


Geographical jurisdiction

(5) Section 15.1 of the Criminal Code (extended geographical

jurisdiction—category A) applies to an offence against

subsection (1) or (3).

Liability to pay compensation

(6) A person who contravenes subsection (1) or (3) is liable to

compensate anyone else who suffers loss or damage because of the


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Providing key information in relation to notified foreign passport funds Division 4

Section 1213M

Corporations Act 2001 375

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Returning profits made by contravening subsection (1) or (3)

(7) A person who makes a profit by contravening subsection (1) or (3)

owes a debt to the fund. The amount of the debt is the amount of

the profit.

(8) If a person owes a debt under subsection (7) to the fund:

(a) the debt may be recovered by the operator of the fund as a

debt due to it; and

(b) any amount paid or recovered in respect of the debt forms

part of the property of the fund.

1213M Reports required under the law of the home economy

Right to a copy of reports

(1) The operator of a notified foreign passport fund commits an

offence of strict liability if:

(a) the operator or the fund is required under the law of the home

economy for the fund to prepare a report (however described)

in relation to the fund; and

(b) the operator or the fund makes the report available to

members of the fund in the home economy without charge;


(c) the operator does not give Australian members of the fund, in

accordance with this section:

(i) a copy of the report; and

(ii) if a summary in English of all or part of the report is

required under subsection (5)—a summary in English of

all or that part of the report.

Penalty: 60 penalty units.

Manner in which report must be made available

(2) The report must be given to Australian members of the fund within

7 days after the first day on which the report is made available to a

member of the fund in the home economy without charge.

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Part 8A.4 Notified foreign passport funds

Division 4 Providing key information in relation to notified foreign passport funds

Section 1213N

376 Corporations Act 2001

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(3) The report may be given to Australian members of the fund by:

(a) putting the report on the fund’s website so that it is accessible

to Australian members of the fund; and

(b) if members of the fund in the home economy are notified that

the report is available on the fund’s website, or notified how

those members may access it—giving equivalent notice to

Australian members of the fund.

(4) The report must be given without charge.

English summary of the report

(5) If all or part of the report is not in English, the operator must also

give an Australian member of the fund a summary of the report, or

that part of the report, in English in the same manner as the

operator gives the report under subsections (2), (3) and (4).


(6) Subsection (1) does not apply if the operator of the fund is required

under another provision of this Act to lodge the report, or to give

the report to Australian members of the fund.

Geographical jurisdiction

(7) Section 15.1 of the Criminal Code (extended geographical

jurisdiction—category A) applies to an offence against

subsection (1).

1213N Order for copies of books of a notified foreign passport fund

(1) A person may apply to the Court for an order under subsection (2)

if the person is:

(a) an Australian member of the fund; or

(b) a former member of the fund who acquired an interest in the

fund in this jurisdiction, or is ordinarily resident in this


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Providing key information in relation to notified foreign passport funds Division 4

Section 1213P

Corporations Act 2001 377

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(2) On application by the member or former member, the Court may

order the operator of the fund to give the member or former

member an electronic copy of any or all of the following:

(a) all or a specified part of the books of the operator that relate

to the fund;

(b) all or a specified part of the books of the fund;

(c) an English translation of all or a specified part of the books

of the operator that relate to the fund;

(d) an English translation of all or a specified part of the books

of the fund.

(3) The Court may make the order only if it is satisfied that:

(a) the applicant is acting in good faith; and

(b) the books, or the specified part of the books, are to be

obtained for a proper purpose.

(4) The member or former member may make copies of the books, or

the specified part of the books, unless the Court orders otherwise.

Subdivision B—Obligations to provide information to ASIC

1213P Register of members—ASIC may require lodgment

(1) The operator of a notified foreign passport fund commits an

offence of strict liability if:

(a) ASIC requires the operator of the fund to lodge a copy of the

whole or a specified part of the register of members of the

fund, in accordance with subsections (2) and (3); and

(b) the operator fails, or refuses, to lodge a copy of the register in

accordance with this section.

Penalty: 60 penalty units.

Notice requiring operator to lodge register of members

(2) ASIC may, by written notice given to the operator of a notified

foreign passport fund, require the operator to lodge a copy of the

whole or a specified part of the register of members of the fund.

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Part 8A.4 Notified foreign passport funds

Division 4 Providing key information in relation to notified foreign passport funds

Section 1213Q

378 Corporations Act 2001

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(3) ASIC may, in the notice, require the copy of the whole or the

specified part of the register to be lodged in English.

Manner in which register must be lodged

(4) The operator must lodge a copy of the register with ASIC

electronically, within 7 days after being given notice to do so in

accordance with subsections (2) and (3).

(5) ASIC may allow a longer period for the operator to lodge a copy of

the register.

Language in which register must be provided

(6) If, in the notice, ASIC requires a copy of the whole or a specified

part of the register to be lodged in English, the operator must lodge

the whole or that part of the register in English.

Geographical jurisdiction

(7) Section 15.1 of the Criminal Code (extended geographical

jurisdiction—category A) applies to an offence against

subsection (1).

1213Q Destruction of records by ASIC

ASIC may destroy or otherwise dispose of any document that is

lodged under, or for the purposes of, a provision of this Chapter or

the Passport Rules for this jurisdiction if:

(a) ASIC is of the opinion that it is no longer necessary or

desirable to retain it; and

(b) it has been in the possession of ASIC for such period as is

specified in the regulations, either generally or in relation to a

particular document or class of documents.

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Asia Region Funds Passport Chapter 8A

Register of Passport Funds Part 8A.5

Section 1214

Corporations Act 2001 379

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 8A.5—Register of Passport Funds

1214 Register of Passport Funds

(1) ASIC must either:

(a) establish and maintain a Register of Passport Funds; or

(b) ensure that a Register of Passport Funds is established and


(2) If the Register of Passport Funds is established and maintained by

ASIC, ASIC may do so in any form that ASIC considers


(3) The Register of Passport Funds:

(a) must include the prescribed details of Australian passport

funds and notified foreign passport funds; and

(b) must include the prescribed details of funds that have been

deregistered as Australian passport funds and funds that have

been removed as notified foreign passport funds; and

(c) may include details of other passport funds.

(4) For the purposes of the Corporations legislation, a reference to a

register kept by ASIC under this Act is taken to include a Register

of Passport Funds that ASIC ensures is established and maintained

under paragraph (1)(b).

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Chapter 8A Asia Region Funds Passport

Part 8A.6 Stop orders

Section 1215

380 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 8A.6—Stop orders

1215 Stop order—Australian passport funds

ASIC may make stop orders

(1) ASIC may, by written instrument, order the operator of an

Australian passport fund to do one or more of the following:

(a) cease to offer, or not to begin offering, interests in the fund to

persons in this jurisdiction either indefinitely or for a period

specified in the order;

(b) cease to offer, or not to begin offering, interests in the fund to

persons in another participating economy either indefinitely

or for a period specified in the order;

(c) take other action specified in the order;

(d) cease to take other action specified in the order.

The order is a stop order.

(2) A stop order may include a statement that specified conduct

engaged in contrary to the order will be regarded as not complying

with the requirements of a specified provision of this Act.

Basis on which stop orders may be made

(3) However, ASIC may only make a stop order under this section if

ASIC is of the opinion that:

(a) one or more of the following has not been, is not being or is

not likely to be complied with in relation to the fund

(whether in this jurisdiction or in any other place):

(i) this Act (including the Passport Rules for this


(ii) the ASIC Act; or

(b) if the order is made under paragraph (1)(c)—taking the action

specified in the order is reasonably necessary to ensure that

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Stop orders Part 8A.6

Section 1215A

Corporations Act 2001 381

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an order made under paragraph (1)(a) or (b) is complied with;


(c) if the order is made under paragraph (1)(d)—not taking the

action specified in the order is reasonably necessary to ensure

that an order made under paragraph (1)(a) or (b) is complied


Hearing before stop order made

(4) Before making a stop order, ASIC must:

(a) hold a hearing; and

(b) give a reasonable opportunity to any interested people to

make oral or written submissions to ASIC on whether an

order should be made.

ASIC must give notice if stop order made

(5) If ASIC makes a stop order under this section, ASIC must give the

operator of the fund a copy of the order as soon as reasonably

practicable after it is made.

1215A Stop order—notified foreign passport fund

ASIC may make stop orders

(1) ASIC may, by written instrument, order the operator of a notified

foreign passport fund to do one or more of the following:

(a) cease to offer, or not to begin offering, interests in the fund to

persons in this jurisdiction either indefinitely or for a period

specified in the order;

(b) take other action specified in the order;

(c) cease to take other action specified in the order.

The order is a stop order.

(2) A stop order may include a statement that specified conduct

engaged in contrary to the order will be regarded as not complying

with the requirements of a specified provision of this Act.

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Part 8A.6 Stop orders

Section 1215A

382 Corporations Act 2001

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Basis on which stop orders may be made

(3) However, ASIC may only make a stop order under this section if:

(a) subsections (4) and (7) are satisfied; or

(b) the operator of the fund has ceased to be a registered foreign

company; or

(c) the operator of the fund has not had a local agent for more

than 21 days; or

(d) both of the following are satisfied:

(i) the Minister has made a determination under

subsection 1210B(1) that the operators of passport

funds, or a class of passport funds, the home economy

for which is specified in the determination, must not

offer interests in the fund in this jurisdiction;

(ii) the determination applies to the passport fund;

(e) if the order is made under paragraph (1)(b)—taking the

action specified in the order is reasonably necessary to ensure

that an order made under paragraph (1)(a) is complied with;


(f) if the order is made under paragraph (1)(c)—not taking the

action specified in the order is reasonably necessary to ensure

that an order made under paragraph (1)(a) is complied with.

(4) For the purposes of paragraph (3)(a), this subsection is satisfied if

ASIC is of the opinion that one or more of the following has not

been, is not being or is not likely to be complied with in relation to

the fund (whether in this jurisdiction or in any other place):

(a) this Act (including the Passport Rules for this jurisdiction);

(b) the ASIC Act;

(c) the law of the home economy for the fund, to the extent that

the law is administered by the home regulator for the fund

(including the Passport Rules for the home economy of the


(5) In determining its opinion in relation to compliance with the

Passport Rules for this jurisdiction, as mentioned in

paragraph (4)(a), ASIC must make a request, in writing, to the

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Stop orders Part 8A.6

Section 1215A

Corporations Act 2001 383

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

home regulator for the fund for the opinion of the home regulator

on the interpretation of any provision of the Passport Rules for the

home economy that is equivalent to a provision of the Passport

Rules for this jurisdiction under consideration by ASIC.

(6) In determining its opinion in relation to a matter mentioned in

paragraph (4)(c), ASIC must:

(a) make a request, in writing, to the home regulator for the fund

for the opinion of the home regulator on the matter; and

(b) specify in the request the basis for ASIC’s concerns about

compliance with the law of the home economy; and

(c) state a reasonable period during which ASIC will wait for a

reply before acting; and

(d) if the home regulator replies to the request within that

period—give effect to the opinion of the home regulator on

the matter.

(7) For the purposes of paragraph (3)(a), this subsection is satisfied if

ASIC is of the opinion that the stop order is necessary, having

regard to:

(a) the impact on the members and prospective members of the

fund of the failure, or potential failure, to comply with a law

mentioned in subsection (4); and

(b) any action taken, or that may be taken, by the home regulator

for the fund.

Hearings before certain stop orders made

(8) Before making a stop order on the basis of subsections (4) and (7),

ASIC must:

(a) hold a hearing; and

(b) give a reasonable opportunity to any interested people to

make oral or written submissions to ASIC on whether an

order should be made.

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Part 8A.6 Stop orders

Section 1215B

384 Corporations Act 2001

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ASIC must give notice if stop order made

(9) If ASIC makes a stop order under this section, ASIC must give the

operator of the fund a copy of the order as soon as reasonably

practicable after it is made.

1215B Interim stop orders

(1) ASIC may make an interim stop order, if ASIC is of the opinion


(a) any delay in making a stop order under section 1215 or

1215A would be prejudicial to the public interest; and

(b) either:

(i) in the case of an order that is to be made in relation to

an Australian passport fund—one or more of the

circumstances mentioned in subsection 1215(3) exists;


(ii) in the case of an order that is to be made in relation to a

notified foreign passport fund—one or more of the

circumstances mentioned in subsection 1215A(3) exists.

(2) An interim stop order under subsection (1):

(a) may be made without holding a hearing, or during a hearing;


(b) must be in writing; and

(c) lasts:

(i) if the stop order is made during a hearing—until ASIC

makes a stop order after the conclusion of the hearing,

or the interim stop order is revoked; and

(ii) otherwise—for 21 days after the day on which it is

made, unless sooner revoked.

(3) If ASIC makes an interim stop order, ASIC must give the operator

of the fund a copy of the order as soon as reasonably practicable

after it is made.

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Stop orders Part 8A.6

Section 1215C

Corporations Act 2001 385

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

1215C Revocation of stop order made under section 1215 or 1215A

(1) The operator of an Australian passport fund may make an

application to ASIC, in accordance with this section, to have a stop

order that is in force in relation to the fund revoked on the basis

that there are no longer grounds for the order under

subsection 1215(3).

(2) The operator of a notified foreign passport fund may make an

application to ASIC, in accordance with this section, to have a stop

order that is in force in relation to the fund revoked on the basis

that there are no longer grounds for the order under

subsection 1215A(3).

(3) An application under subsection (1) or (2) must:

(a) be in the prescribed form; and

(b) without limiting paragraph (a), set out the basis on which the

operator of the fund believes that there are no longer grounds

for the stop order.

(4) ASIC must:

(a) revoke a stop order made under section 1215 in relation to an

Australian passport fund if:

(i) an application is made under subsection (1) of this

section; and

(ii) ASIC is of the opinion that there are no longer grounds

for the stop order; and

(b) revoke a stop order made under section 1215A in relation to

a notified foreign passport fund if:

(i) an application is made under subsection (2) of this

section; and

(ii) ASIC is of the opinion that there are no longer grounds

for the stop order.

(5) Nothing in this section limits the circumstances in which ASIC

may revoke or vary a stop order made under section 1215 or


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Chapter 8A Asia Region Funds Passport

Part 8A.6 Stop orders

Section 1215D

386 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

1215D Compliance with stop orders

(1) This section applies if:

(a) ASIC gives the operator of an Australian passport fund a

copy of a stop order under subsection 1215(5) or an interim

stop order under subsection 1215B(3); or

(b) ASIC gives the operator of a notified foreign passport fund a

stop order under subsection 1215A(9) or an interim stop

order under subsection 1215B(3).

(2) The operator must not contravene the order.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(3) The operator must take reasonable steps to ensure that any other

person who might engage in conduct that is contrary to the order, is

aware of the order.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(4) A person who is aware of the order must not engage in conduct

that is contrary to the order.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

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Asia Region Funds Passport Chapter 8A

Deregistration and denotification Part 8A.7

Deregistration of Australian passport funds Division 1

Section 1216

Corporations Act 2001 387

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 8A.7—Deregistration and denotification

Division 1—Deregistration of Australian passport funds

Subdivision A—Voluntary deregistration

1216 Application to deregister

(1) The operator of an Australian passport fund may lodge an

application for deregistration of the fund as an Australian passport


(2) The application must be in the prescribed form.

1216A ASIC to deregister

(1) On an application under section 1216, ASIC must deregister a fund

as an Australian passport fund if ASIC is satisfied that:

(a) there are no members of the fund who became members

(whether in this jurisdiction or any host economy for the

fund) after the fund became an Australian passport fund; and

(b) there are no members of the fund who became members

(whether in this jurisdiction or any host economy for the

fund) on the expectation that the fund would become an

Australian passport fund.

(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), ignore any member of the fund


(a) is, or has at any time been, the operator of the fund; or

(b) is a related party of an entity that is, or has at any time been,

the operator of the fund.

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Chapter 8A Asia Region Funds Passport

Part 8A.7 Deregistration and denotification

Division 1 Deregistration of Australian passport funds

Section 1216B

388 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

1216B When is there an expectation that a fund would become an

Australian passport fund?

For the purposes of this Act (including the Passport Rules for this

jurisdiction), a person becomes a member of a fund on the

expectation that it would become an Australian passport fund if:

(a) a representation has been made by the fund or the operator of

the fund in any document, or other means of communication,

that might reasonably be expected to be available to persons

considering acquiring an interest in the fund that the fund

will become, or that it is intended or expected that the fund

will become, an Australian passport fund; and

(b) the person acquires an interest in the fund after that

representation was made.

Subdivision B—Deregistration initiated by ASIC

1216C Deregistration—initiated by ASIC

(1) ASIC may decide to deregister an Australian passport fund if ASIC

is of the opinion that one or more of the following has not been, is

not being or is not likely to be complied with in relation to an

Australian passport fund (whether in this jurisdiction or in any

other place):

(a) this Act (including the Passport Rules for this jurisdiction);

(b) the ASIC Act.

(2) However, ASIC must not decide to deregister an Australian

passport fund if ASIC is of the opinion that to do so would not be

in the interests of:

(a) members of the fund who became members (whether in this

jurisdiction or any host economy for the fund) after the fund

became an Australian passport fund; and

(b) members of the fund who became members (whether in this

jurisdiction or any host economy for the fund) on the

expectation that the fund would become an Australian

passport fund.

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Asia Region Funds Passport Chapter 8A

Deregistration and denotification Part 8A.7

Deregistration of Australian passport funds Division 1

Section 1216C

Corporations Act 2001 389

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(3) For the purposes of subsection (2), ignore any member of the fund


(a) is, or has at any time been, the operator of the fund; or

(b) is a related party of an entity that is, or has at any time been,

the operator of the fund.

Note: See section 1216B for the circumstances in which a person becomes a

member of a fund on the expectation that it would become an

Australian passport fund.

(4) Before deciding to deregister the fund as an Australian passport

fund, ASIC must give the operator of the fund a written notice that

requires the operator to show cause, at a hearing before a specified

person, why the fund should not be deregistered as an Australian

passport fund.

(5) The notice must specify:

(a) the grounds on which it is proposed to deregister the fund as

an Australian passport fund; and

(b) a reasonable time and place at which the hearing is to be


However, if the operator consents, the person conducting the

hearing may fix a different time or place.

(6) The person conducting the hearing must:

(a) give the operator an opportunity to be heard at the hearing;


(b) give ASIC:

(i) a report about the hearing; and

(ii) a recommendation about the grounds in the notice on

which it is proposed to deregister the fund.

(7) After considering the report and recommendation, ASIC may

decide to:

(a) take no further action in relation to the matter and give

written advice of that decision to the operator; or

(b) deregister the fund as an Australian passport fund.

(8) Neither of the following is a legislative instrument:

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Chapter 8A Asia Region Funds Passport

Part 8A.7 Deregistration and denotification

Division 1 Deregistration of Australian passport funds

Section 1216D

390 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(a) a notice under subsection (4);

(b) a report under subsection (6) (if it is in writing).

Subdivision C—Process for deregistration

1216D Process for deregistration

Notice before deregistration

(1) If ASIC proposes to deregister a fund as an Australian passport

fund under subsection 1216A(1) or paragraph 1216C(7)(b), ASIC

must give written notice setting out the date on which ASIC

proposes to deregister the fund as an Australian passport fund to:

(a) the operator of the fund; and

(b) each host regulator for the fund.

(2) The notice must be given at least 5 business days before the fund is



(3) The fund is deregistered as an Australian passport fund by

including an annotation on the Register of Passport Funds that the

fund has been deregistered. The fund ceases to be an Australian

passport fund on the day on which the annotation is made.

Notice of deregistration

(4) If ASIC deregisters a fund as an Australian passport fund under

subsection 1216A(1) or paragraph 1216C(7)(b), ASIC must give

written notice that the fund has been deregistered and of the date of

deregistration to:

(a) the operator of the fund; and

(b) each host regulator for the fund.

(5) The notice must be given within 5 business days after the fund is


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Asia Region Funds Passport Chapter 8A

Deregistration and denotification Part 8A.7

Denotification of notified foreign passport funds Division 2

Section 1216E

Corporations Act 2001 391

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 2—Denotification of notified foreign passport


Subdivision A—Voluntary denotification

1216E Application to be removed as a notified foreign passport fund

(1) The operator of a notified foreign passport fund may lodge an

application for the fund to be removed as a notified foreign

passport fund.

(2) The application must be in the prescribed form.

1216F ASIC to remove fund as a notified foreign passport fund

(1) On an application under section 1216E, ASIC must remove a fund

as a notified foreign passport fund if ASIC is satisfied that:

(a) there are no members of the fund who became members in

this jurisdiction after the fund became a notified foreign

passport fund; and

(b) there are no members of the fund who became members in

this jurisdiction on the expectation that the fund would

become a notified foreign passport fund.

(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), ignore any member of the fund


(a) is, or has at any time been, the operator of the fund; or

(b) is a related party of an entity that is, or has at any time been,

the operator of the fund.

1216G When is there an expectation that a fund would become a

notified foreign passport fund?

For the purposes of this Act (including the Passport Rules for this

jurisdiction), a person becomes a member of a fund on the

expectation that it would become a notified foreign passport fund


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Chapter 8A Asia Region Funds Passport

Part 8A.7 Deregistration and denotification

Division 2 Denotification of notified foreign passport funds

Section 1216H

392 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(a) a representation has been made by the fund or the operator of

the fund in any document, or other means of communication,

that might reasonably be expected to be available to persons

considering acquiring an interest in the fund that the fund

will become, or that it is intended or expected that the fund

will become, a notified foreign passport fund; and

(b) the person acquires an interest in the fund after that

representation was made.

Subdivision B—Notified foreign passport fund deregistered in

the fund’s home economy

1216H ASIC to remove a fund as a notified foreign passport fund

ASIC must remove a fund as a notified foreign passport fund if the

home regulator for the fund notifies ASIC that the fund has been

deregistered as a passport fund in the home economy for the fund.

Subdivision C—Process for removal as a notified foreign

passport fund

1216J Process for removal as a notified foreign passport fund

Notice before removal

(1) If ASIC proposes to remove a fund as a notified foreign passport

fund under section 1216F or 1216H, ASIC must give written notice

setting out the date on which ASIC proposes to remove the fund as

a notified foreign passport fund to:

(a) the operator of the fund; and

(b) the home regulator for the fund and each other host regulator

for the fund.

(2) The notice must be given at least 5 business days before the fund is


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Deregistration and denotification Part 8A.7

Denotification of notified foreign passport funds Division 2

Section 1216J

Corporations Act 2001 393

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Removing the fund as a notified foreign passport fund

(3) The fund is removed as a notified foreign passport fund by

including an annotation on the Register of Passport Funds to that

effect. The fund ceases to be a notified foreign passport fund on the

day on which the annotation is made.

Notice of removal

(4) If ASIC removes a fund as a notified foreign passport fund under

section 1216F or 1216H, ASIC must give written notice that the

fund has been removed and of the date of removal to:

(a) the operator of the fund; and

(b) the home regulator for the fund and each other host regulator

for the fund.

(5) The notice must be given within 5 business days after the fund is


Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 8A Asia Region Funds Passport

Part 8A.7 Deregistration and denotification

Division 3 Continued application of the Corporations legislation

Section 1216K

394 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 3—Continued application of the Corporations


1216K ASIC’s power to continue the application of the

Corporations legislation

Declarations on continued application of the Corporations


(1) ASIC may:

(a) declare that the Corporations legislation continues to apply:

(i) in relation to a fund that has been deregistered as an

Australian passport fund or removed as a notified

foreign passport fund; and

(ii) to an entity in relation to a fund that has been

deregistered as an Australian passport fund or removed

as a notified foreign passport fund; and

(b) declare that the Corporations legislation continues to apply:

(i) in relation to a fund that has been deregistered as an

Australian passport fund or removed as a notified

foreign passport fund; and

(ii) to an entity in relation to a fund that has been

deregistered as an Australian passport fund or removed

as a notified foreign passport fund;

as if specified provisions were omitted, modified or varied as

specified in the declaration.

(2) The continued application of the Corporations legislation may:

(a) apply to all or specified provisions of the Corporations

legislation; and

(b) apply to all entities, a specified class of entities or a specified

entity; and

(c) apply to all former passport funds, a specified class of former

passport funds or a specified former passport fund; and

(d) relate to any other matter generally or as specified.

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Asia Region Funds Passport Chapter 8A

Deregistration and denotification Part 8A.7

Continued application of the Corporations legislation Division 3

Section 1216L

Corporations Act 2001 395

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Declarations relating to all or a class of entities or passport funds

(3) A declaration that relates to all entities, a specified class of entities,

all former passport funds or a specified class of former passport

funds, must be made by legislative instrument.

Declarations relating to specified entities or passport funds

(4) A declaration that relates to a specified entity or a specified former

passport fund must be made by notifiable instrument.

(5) ASIC must also:

(a) give a copy of a declaration that relates to a specified entity

to the entity; and

(b) give a copy of a declaration that relates to a specified former

passport fund to the most recent operator of the fund.

ASIC must do so as soon as is reasonably practicable after the

declaration is made.

1216L Regulations may continue the application of the Corporations


The regulations may:

(a) provide that the Corporations legislation continues to apply:

(i) in relation to a fund, all funds of a specified class or all

funds that have been deregistered as Australian passport

funds or removed as notified foreign passport funds; and

(ii) to an entity, all entities of a specified class or all entities

in relation to a fund, all funds of a specified class or all

funds that have been deregistered as Australian passport

funds or removed as notified foreign passport funds; and

(b) provide that the Corporations legislation continues to apply:

(i) in relation to a fund, all funds of a specified class or all

funds that have been deregistered as Australian passport

funds or removed as notified foreign passport funds; and

(ii) to an entity, all entities of a specified class or all entities

in relation to a fund, all funds of a specified class or all

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 8A Asia Region Funds Passport

Part 8A.7 Deregistration and denotification

Division 3 Continued application of the Corporations legislation

Section 1216L

396 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

funds that have been deregistered as Australian passport

funds or removed as notified foreign passport funds; and

as if specified provisions were omitted, modified or varied as

specified in the regulations.

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Asia Region Funds Passport Chapter 8A

Exemptions and modifications Part 8A.8

Section 1217

Corporations Act 2001 397

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 8A.8—Exemptions and modifications

1217 ASIC’s power to make exemptions and declare modifications

etc. in relation to this Chapter

Exemptions and declarations on application of this Chapter

(1) ASIC may:

(a) exempt an entity from a provision of this Chapter; or

(b) declare that this Chapter applies to an entity as if specified

provisions were omitted, modified or varied as specified in

the declaration.

(2) The exemption or declaration may:

(a) apply to all or specified provisions of this Chapter; and

(b) apply to all entities, a specified class of entities or a specified

entity; and

(c) apply to all passport funds, a specified class of passport funds

or a specified passport fund; and

(d) relate to any other matter generally or as specified.

Imposition of conditions on exemption

(3) An exemption may apply unconditionally or subject to specified


(4) An entity to whom a condition specified in an exemption applies

must comply with the condition.

(5) The Court may order the entity to comply with the condition in a

specified way. Only ASIC may apply to the Court for the order.

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Chapter 8A Asia Region Funds Passport

Part 8A.8 Exemptions and modifications

Section 1217A

398 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Exemptions and declarations relating to all or a class of entities or

passport funds

(6) An exemption or declaration that relates to all entities, a specified

class of entities, all passport funds or a specified class of passport

funds, must be made by legislative instrument.

Exemptions and declarations relating to specified entities or

passport funds

(7) An exemption or declaration that relates to a specified entity or a

specified passport fund must be made by notifiable instrument.

(8) ASIC must also:

(a) give a copy of an exemption or declaration that relates to a

specified entity to the entity; and

(b) give a copy of an exemption or declaration that relates to a

specified passport fund to the operator of the fund.

ASIC must do so as soon as is reasonably practicable after the

exemption or declaration is made.


(9) In this section:

provisions of this Chapter include:

(a) regulations made for the purposes of this Chapter; and

(b) definitions in this Act or the regulations as they apply to

references in:

(i) this Chapter; or

(ii) regulations made for the purposes of this Chapter.

1217A ASIC’s power to make exemptions and declare modifications

etc. in relation to the Passport Rules

Exemptions and declaration on Passport Rules

(1) ASIC may:

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Exemptions and modifications Part 8A.8

Section 1217A

Corporations Act 2001 399

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(a) exempt an entity from a provision of the Passport Rules for

this jurisdiction; or

(b) declare that the Passport Rules for this jurisdiction apply to

an entity as if specified provisions were omitted, modified or

varied as specified in the declaration.

(2) The exemption or declaration may:

(a) apply to all or specified provisions of the Passport Rules for

this jurisdiction; and

(b) apply to all entities, a specified class of entities or a specified

entity; and

(c) apply to all passport funds, a specified class of passport funds

or a specified passport fund; and

(d) relate to any other matter generally or as specified.

(3) However:

(a) ASIC may only give an exemption or make a declaration

under subsection (1) in relation to an Australian passport

fund if each host regulator for the fund has agreed to the

exemption being given or the declaration being made; and

(b) ASIC may only give an exemption or make a declaration

under subsection (1) in relation to a foreign passport fund if

the home regulator for the fund has granted an equivalent

exemption or made a similar omission, modification or

variation of the Passport Rules for the home economy for the


Imposition of conditions on exemption

(4) An exemption may apply unconditionally or subject to specified


(5) An entity to whom a condition specified in an exemption applies

must comply with the condition.

(6) The Court may order the entity to comply with the condition in a

specified way. Only ASIC may apply to the Court for the order.

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Chapter 8A Asia Region Funds Passport

Part 8A.8 Exemptions and modifications

Section 1217B

400 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Exemptions and declarations relating to all or a class of entities or

passport funds

(7) An exemption or declaration that relates to all entities, a specified

class of entities, all passport funds or a specified class of passport

funds, must be made by legislative instrument.

Exemptions and declarations relating to specified entities or

passport funds

(8) An exemption or declaration that relates to a specified entity or a

specified passport fund must be made by notifiable instrument.

(9) ASIC must also:

(a) give a copy of an exemption or declaration that relates to a

specified entity to the entity; and

(b) give a copy of an exemption or declaration that relates to a

specified passport fund to the operator of the fund.

ASIC must do so as soon as is reasonably practicable after the

exemption or declaration is made.

1217B Exemptions and modification by regulations

The regulations may:

(a) exempt from all or specified provisions of the Corporations

legislation (which includes this Chapter and the Passport

Rules for this jurisdiction):

(i) a passport fund, all passport funds of a specified class or

all passport funds; or

(ii) an entity, all entities of a specified class or all entities,

in relation to a passport fund, all passport funds of a

specified class or all passport funds;

(b) provide that the Corporations legislation (which includes this

Chapter and the Passport Rules for this jurisdiction) applies

in relation to:

(i) a passport fund, all passport funds of a specified class or

all passport funds; or

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Asia Region Funds Passport Chapter 8A

Exemptions and modifications Part 8A.8

Section 1217B

Corporations Act 2001 401

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(ii) an entity, all entities of a specified class or all entities,

in relation to a passport fund, all passport funds of a

specified class or all passport funds;

as if specified provisions of the Corporations legislation were

omitted, modified or varied as specified in the regulations.

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Chapter 9 Miscellaneous

Part 9.1 Registers and registration of documents

Section 1274

402 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Chapter 9—Miscellaneous

Part 9.1—Registers and registration of documents

1274 Registers

(1) ASIC must, subject to this Act, keep such registers as it considers

necessary in such form as it thinks fit.

(2) A person may:

(a) inspect any document lodged with ASIC, not being:

(iaa) a notice lodged under subsection 205D(3); or

(iab) information of the kind specified under

subsection 1212(4) or 1213(4) (information included in,

or accompanying, applications in relation to passport

funds); or

(i) an application under section 1279 (application for

registration as an auditor), or section 20-5 of Schedule 2

(application for registration as a liquidator); or

(ia) a document lodged under a provision of Chapter 7

(other than subsection 792C(1), section 1015B or

section 1015D); or

(ii) a document lodged under section 1287 (notification of

matters by registered auditors), 1287A (annual

statements by registered auditors), 30-1 of Schedule 2

(annual liquidator returns) or 35-1 of Schedule 2 (notice

of significant events); or

(iii) a document lodged under paragraph 1296(2)(b); or

(iv) a report made or lodged under section 422, 438D or

533; or

(iva) a disclosure document lodged under section 718, or a

supplementary or replacement document lodged under

section 719, in relation to an offer of an ESS interest, in

a company (within the meaning of the Income Tax

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Miscellaneous Chapter 9

Registers and registration of documents Part 9.1

Section 1274

Corporations Act 2001 403

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Assessment Act 1997), if the conditions set out in

subsection (2AA) are satisfied; or

(ivb) an industry notice lodged under subsection 40-100(1) of

Schedule 2; or

(v) a document that has been destroyed or otherwise

disposed of; or

(b) require a certificate of the registration of a company or any

other certificate authorised by this Act to be given by ASIC;


(c) require a copy of or extract from any document that the

person is entitled to inspect pursuant to paragraph (a) or any

certificate referred to in paragraph (b) to be given, or given

and certified, by ASIC.

(2AA) For the purposes of subparagraph (2)(a)(iva), the conditions are the


(a) the offer is under an employee share scheme (within the

meaning of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997);

(b) the disclosure document or replacement document being

lodged, or the disclosure document as supplemented by the

supplementary document being lodged, states that the ESS

interest, in the company (within the meaning of that Act) (the

issuing company), will:

(i) be made available only to employees of the issuing

company or a subsidiary (within the meaning of that

Act) of the issuing company; and

(ii) relate only to ordinary shares;

(c) no equity interests in any of the following companies are

listed for quotation in the official list of any approved stock

exchange at the end of the issuing company’s most recent

income year (the pre-lodgement year) before the income year

in which the disclosure document or replacement document,

or the disclosure document being supplemented by the

supplementary document, is lodged:

(i) the issuing company;

(ii) any subsidiary (within the meaning of that Act) of the

issuing company at the end of the pre-lodgement year;

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Chapter 9 Miscellaneous

Part 9.1 Registers and registration of documents

Section 1274

404 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(iii) any holding company of the issuing company at the end

of the pre-lodgement year;

(iv) any subsidiary (within the meaning of that Act) of a

holding company of the issuing company at the end of

the pre-lodgement year;

(d) the issuing company and each of the other companies

mentioned in paragraph (c) were incorporated by or under an

Australian law or foreign law less than 10 years before the

end of the pre-lodgement year;

(e) the issuing company had an aggregated turnover not

exceeding $50 million for the pre-lodgement year.

(2AB) Subsection 83A-33(7) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 also

applies for the purposes of subsection (2AA) of this section.

(2A) For the purposes of subsections (2) and (5), a document given to

ASIC by a market operator (whether or not pursuant to a provision

of this Act) that contains information that the market operator has

made available to participants in the market is taken to be a

document lodged with ASIC.

Note: For example, a document given to ASIC for the purposes of

subsection 792C(1) will be covered by this subsection.

(2B) For the purposes of subsections (2) and (5), information or a copy

of a document that is not required to be lodged with ASIC because

of section 601CDA or 601CTA is taken to be a document lodged

with ASIC if an authority mentioned in the section has given the

information or document to ASIC.

(2C) For the purposes of subsections (2) and (5), information or a copy

of a document that is taken to be lodged with ASIC because of

paragraph 1200D(2)(b) or 1200G(10)(b) is taken to be a document

lodged with ASIC if an authority mentioned in section 601CDA or

601CTA has given the information or document to ASIC.

(2D) For the purposes of subsections (2) and (5), each of the following

is taken to be a document lodged with ASIC if a copy has been

given to ASIC by APRA:

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Registers and registration of documents Part 9.1

Section 1274

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(a) benefit fund rules that have been approved by APRA under

section 16L of the Life Insurance Act 1995;

(b) an amendment of benefit fund rules that has been approved

by APRA under section 16Q of the Life Insurance Act 1995;

(c) consequential amendments of a company’s constitution that

have been approved by APRA under section 16U or 16V of

the Life Insurance Act 1995.

(3) If a reproduction or transparency of a document or certificate is

produced for inspection, a person is not entitled pursuant to

paragraph (2)(a) to require the production of the original of that

document or certificate.

(4) The reference in paragraph (2)(c) to a document or certificate

includes, where a reproduction or transparency of that document or

certificate has been incorporated with a register kept by ASIC, a

reference to that reproduction or transparency and, where such a

reproduction or transparency has been so incorporated, a person is

not entitled pursuant to that paragraph to a copy of or extract from

the original of that document or certificate.

(4A) A person is not entitled under paragraph (2)(a) to require the

production of the original of a document or certificate if ASIC

keeps by means of a mechanical, electronic or other device a

record of information set out in the document or certificate and:

(a) ASIC produces to the person for inspection a writing that sets

out what purports to be the contents of the document or

certificate; or

(b) ASIC causes to be displayed for the person what purports to

be the contents of the document or certificate and, as at the

time of the displaying, the person has not asked for the

production of a writing of the kind referred to in

paragraph (a).

(4B) Where:

(a) a person makes under paragraph (2)(c) a requirement that

relates to a document or certificate; and

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Section 1274

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(b) ASIC keeps by means of a mechanical, electronic or other

device a record of information set out in the document or

certificate; and

(c) pursuant to that requirement, ASIC gives a writing or

document that sets out what purports to be the contents of:

(i) the whole of the document or certificate; or

(ii) a part of the document or certificate;

then, for the purposes of that paragraph, ASIC is taken to have

given, pursuant to that requirement:

(d) if subparagraph (c)(i) applies—a copy of the document or

certificate; or

(e) if subparagraph (c)(ii) applies—an extract from the document

or certificate setting out that part of it.

(4C) Where:

(a) the requirement referred to in paragraph (4B)(a) includes a

requirement that the copy or extract be certified; and

(b) pursuant to that requirement, ASIC gives a writing or

document as mentioned in paragraph (4B)(c);


(c) ASIC may certify that the writing or document sets out the

contents of the whole or part of the document or certificate,

as the case requires; and

(d) the writing or document is, in a proceeding in a court,

admissible as prima facie evidence of the information

contained in it.

(4D) ASIC may edit from a statement of affairs any information that

ASIC is satisfied is commercial-in-confidence, before allowing a

person to inspect the statement, or giving a copy or extract of the

statement to a person, under subsection (2).

(4E) A statement of affairs is a statement or report required to be

prepared under one of the following provisions:

(a) subsection 421A(1);

(b) paragraph 429(2)(b);

(c) subsection 438B(2);

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(d) subsection 475(1) or (2);

(e) subsection 494(2);

(f) subsection 497(4).

(4F) Information is commercial-in confidence if:

(a) the disclosure of the information could unreasonably affect a

person, or a business or action related to a person, in an

adverse manner; and

(b) the information is not in the public domain; and

(c) the information is not required to be disclosed under another

law of the Commonwealth, a State or a Territory; and

(d) the information is not readily discoverable.

(4G) Despite subsection (2), a person is not entitled to inspect, or to

require a copy or an extract of, any information in a statement of

affairs that has been edited from the statement under

subsection (4D).

(5) A copy of or extract from any document lodged with ASIC, and

certified by ASIC, is, in any proceeding, admissible in evidence as

of equal validity with the original document.

Note: See also subsection (2A) for when certain documents are taken to

have been lodged with ASIC.

(6) The reference in subsection (5) to a document includes, where a

reproduction or transparency of that document has been

incorporated with a register kept by ASIC, a reference to that

reproduction or transparency.

(7) In any proceeding:

(a) a certificate by ASIC that, at a date or during a period

specified in the certificate, no company was registered under

this Act by a name specified in the certificate is to be

received as prima facie evidence that at that date or during

that period, as the case may be, no company was registered

by that name under this Act; and

(b) a certificate by ASIC that a requirement of this Act specified

in the certificate:

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Section 1274

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(i) had or had not been complied with at a date or within a

period specified in the certificate; or

(ii) had been complied with at a date specified in the

certificate but not before that date;

is to be received as prima facie evidence of matters specified

in the certificate; and

(c) a certificate by ASIC that, during a period specified in the

certificate, a particular company was registered, or taken to

be registered, under this Act is to be received as prima facie

evidence that, during that period, that company was

registered under this Act.

(7A) A certificate issued by ASIC stating that a company has been

registered under this Act is conclusive evidence that:

(a) all requirements of this Act for its registration have been

complied with; and

(b) the company was duly registered as a company under this

Act on the date specified in the certificate.

(8) If ASIC is of opinion that a document submitted for lodgment:

(a) contains matter contrary to law; or

(b) contains matter that, in a material particular, is false or

misleading in the form or context in which it is included; or

(c) because of an omission or misdescription has not been duly

completed; or

(d) contravenes this Act; or

(e) contains an error, alteration or erasure;

ASIC may refuse to register or receive the document and may


(f) that the document be appropriately amended or completed

and resubmitted; or

(g) that a fresh document be submitted in its place; or

(h) where the document has not been duly completed, that a

supplementary document in the prescribed form be lodged.

(9) ASIC may require a person who submits a document for lodgment

to produce to ASIC such other document, or to give to ASIC such

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information, as ASIC thinks necessary in order to form an opinion

whether it may refuse to receive or register the first-mentioned


(10) ASIC may, if in the opinion of ASIC it is no longer necessary or

desirable to retain them, destroy or dispose of:

(a) in relation to a body corporate:

(i) any return of allotment of shares for cash that has been

lodged for not less than 2 years; or

(ii) any balance-sheet that has been lodged for not less than

7 years or any document creating or evidencing a

charge, or the complete or partial satisfaction of a

charge, where a memorandum of satisfaction of the

charge has been registered for not less than 7 years; or

(iii) any other document (other than the constitution or any

other document affecting it) that has been lodged or

registered for not less than 15 years; or

(c) any document a transparency of which has been incorporated

with a register kept by ASIC.

(11) If a body corporate or other person, having made default in

complying with:

(a) any provision of this Act or of any other law that requires the

lodging in any manner of any return, account or other

document or the giving of notice to ASIC of any matter; or

(b) any request of ASIC to amend or complete and resubmit any

document or to submit a fresh document;

fails to make good the default within 14 days after the service on

the body or person of a notice requiring it to be done, a court may,

on an application by any member or creditor of the body or by

ASIC, make an order directing the body or any officer of the body

or the person to make good the default within such time as is

specified in the order.

(12) Any such order may provide that all costs of and incidental to the

application are to be borne by the body or by any officers of the

body responsible for the default or by the person.

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Part 9.1 Registers and registration of documents

Section 1274AA

410 Corporations Act 2001

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(13) A person must not contravene an order made under

subsection (11).

(14) Nothing in this section prejudices the operation of any law

imposing penalties on a body corporate or its officers or on another

person in respect of a default mentioned in subsection (11).

(15) Where information about a person is included on a register kept by

ASIC, ASIC may at any time, in writing, require that person to

give ASIC specified information about the person, being

information of the kind included on that register.

(16) The person must provide the information within such reasonable

period, and in such form, as are specified by ASIC.

(17) An offence based on subsection (9), (13) or (16) is an offence of

strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

1274AA Register of disqualified company directors and other


(1) ASIC must keep a register of persons who have been disqualified

from managing corporations under:

(a) section 206C, 206D, 206E, 206EAA, 206EAB, 206EA,

206EB, 206F or 206GAA of this Act; or

(b) a provision of a law of a State or Territory that:

(i) was in force at any time before the commencement of

this Act; and

(ii) corresponds, in whole or in part, to one of the provisions

referred to in paragraph (a).

(2) The register must contain a copy of:

(a) every order made by the Court under section 206C, 206D or

206E; and

(aa) every court order referred to in section 206EA; and

(ab) every court order referred to in section 206EAA; and

(aba) every court order referred to in section 206EAB; and

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(ac) every court order referred to in section 206EB; and

(b) every notice that was served under subsection 206F(3); and

(c) every notice that was served under subsection 206GAA(6);


(ca) each permission given under section 206GAB; and

(d) every order lodged under subsection 206G(4); and

(e) every order, notice or permission that was made, served,

given or lodged under a provision of a law of a State or

Territory that:

(i) was in force at any time before the commencement of

this Act; and

(ii) corresponds, in whole or in part, to one of the provisions

referred to in paragraph (a), (b), (c) or (d).

(3) Subsections 1274(2) and (5) apply to a copy of an order, notice or

permission referred to in subsection (2) as if that copy were a

document lodged with ASIC.

(4) A reference in this section to a provision of a law of a State or

Territory includes a provision as applied as a law of that State or


1274A Obtaining information from certain registers

(1) In this section:

data processor means a mechanical, electronic or other device for

the processing of data.

register means a register kept by ASIC under this Act.

search includes inspect.

(2) ASIC may permit a person to search, otherwise than by using a

data processor, a prescribed register other than the Register of

Relevant Providers.

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Section 1274B

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(3) ASIC may permit a person to search a prescribed register by using

a data processor in order to obtain prescribed information from the


(4) ASIC may make available to a person prescribed information (in

the form of a document or otherwise) that ASIC has obtained from

a prescribed register by using a data processor.

(5) Nothing in this section limits:

(a) a power or function that ASIC has apart from this section; or

(b) a right that a person has apart from this section.

1274B Use, in court proceedings, of information from ASIC’s

national database

(1) In this section:

data processor means a mechanical, electronic or other device for

processing data.

(2) In a proceeding in a court, a writing that purports to have been

prepared by ASIC is admissible as prima facie evidence of the

matters stated in so much of the writing as sets out what purports to

be information obtained by ASIC, by using a data processor, from

the national database. In other words, the writing is proof of such a

matter in the absence of evidence to the contrary.

(3) A writing need not bear a certificate or signature in order to be

taken to purport to have been prepared by ASIC.

(4) Nothing in this section limits, or is limited by, section 1274 or


1274C ASIC certificate

ASIC may certify that a person was a director or secretary of a

company at a particular time or during a particular period. In the

absence of evidence to the contrary, a certificate is proof of the

matters stated in it.

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Section 1275

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Note: See section 1274B for the evidentiary status of documents prepared by

ASIC from the national database.

1275 Relodging of lost registered documents

(1) Where a document forming part of the constitution of, or any other

document relating to, a body corporate has, since being lodged,

been lost or destroyed, a person may apply to ASIC for leave to

lodge a copy of the document as originally lodged.

(2) Where such an application is made, ASIC may direct that notice of

the application be given to such persons and in such manner as it

thinks fit.

(3) Whether or not an application has been made to ASIC under

subsection (1), ASIC, upon being satisfied:

(a) that an original document has been lost or destroyed; and

(b) of the date of the lodging of that document; and

(c) that a copy of that document produced to ASIC is a correct


may certify upon the copy that it is so satisfied and grant leave for

the copy to be lodged in the manner required by law in respect of

the original.

(4) Upon the lodgment the copy has, and is taken to have had from

such date as is mentioned in the certificate as the date of the

lodging of the original, the same force and effect for all purposes

as the original.

(5) A decision of the Tribunal varying or setting aside a decision of

ASIC to certify and grant leave under subsection (3) may be

lodged with ASIC and is to be registered by it, but no payments,

contracts, dealings, acts or things made, had or done in good faith

before the registration of the Tribunal’s decision and upon the faith

of and in reliance upon the certificate are to be invalidated or

affected by the Tribunal’s decision.

(6) Where a transparency of a document referred to in subsection (1)

has been incorporated with a register kept by ASIC and is lost or

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Section 1275

414 Corporations Act 2001

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destroyed as referred to in that subsection, this section applies as if

the document of which it is a transparency had been so lost or


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Registration of auditors Part 9.2

Interpretation Division 1

Section 1276

Corporations Act 2001 415

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Part 9.2—Registration of auditors

Division 1—Interpretation

1276 Definitions

In this Part, unless the contrary intention appears:

body corporate includes a Part 5.7 body.

decision, in relation to the Board, means, in Division 3, a decision

of the Board under that Division and includes a refusal to exercise

a power under section 1292.

registered means registered under Division 2.

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Part 9.2 Registration of auditors

Division 2 Registration

Section 1279

416 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 2—Registration

1279 Application for registration as auditor

(1) A natural person may make an application to ASIC for registration

as an auditor.

(2) An application under this section:

(a) must be lodged with ASIC; and

(b) must contain such information as is prescribed in the

regulations; and

(c) must be in the prescribed form.

1280 Registration of auditors

(2) Subject to this section, where an application for registration as an

auditor is made under section 1279, ASIC must grant the

application and register the applicant as an auditor if:

(a) the applicant satisfies subsection (2A) or (2B); and

(b) ASIC is satisfied that the applicant has either:

(i) satisfied all the components of an auditing competency

standard approved by ASIC under section 1280A; or

(ii) had such practical experience in auditing as is

prescribed; and

(c) ASIC is satisfied that the applicant is capable of performing

the duties of an auditor and is otherwise a fit and proper

person to be registered as an auditor;

but otherwise ASIC must refuse the application.

(2A) The applicant satisfies this subsection if the applicant:

(a) holds a degree, diploma or certificate from a prescribed

university or another prescribed institution in Australia; and

(b) has, in the course of obtaining that degree, diploma or

certificate, passed examinations in such subjects, under

whatever name, as the appropriate authority of the university

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Registration Division 2

Section 1280

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or other institution certifies to ASIC to represent a course of


(i) in accountancy (including auditing) of not less than 3

years duration; and

(ii) in commercial law (including company law) of not less

than 2 years duration; and

(c) has satisfactorily completed a course in auditing prescribed

by the regulations for the purposes of this paragraph.

(2B) The applicant satisfies this subsection if the applicant has other

qualifications and experience that, in ASIC’s opinion, are

equivalent to the requirements mentioned in subsection (2A).

(3) ASIC must not register as an auditor a person who is disqualified

from managing corporations under Part 2D.6.

(4) Subject to subsection (8), ASIC may refuse to register as an auditor

a person who is not resident in Australia.

(5) Where ASIC grants an application by a person for registration as

an auditor, ASIC must cause to be issued to the person a certificate

by ASIC stating that the person has been registered as an auditor

and specifying the day on which the application was granted.

(7) A registration under this section is taken to have taken effect at the

beginning of the day specified in the certificate as the day on which

the application for registration was granted and remains in force


(a) the registration is cancelled by ASIC or the Board; or

(b) the person who is registered dies.

(8) ASIC must not refuse to register a person as an auditor unless

ASIC has given the person an opportunity to appear at a hearing

before ASIC and to make submissions and give evidence to ASIC

in relation to the matter.

(9) Where ASIC refuses an application by a person for registration as

an auditor, ASIC must, not later than 14 days after the decision,

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Division 2 Registration

Section 1280A

418 Corporations Act 2001

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give to the person a notice in writing setting out the decision and

the reasons for it.

1280A Approval of auditing competency standard

(1) ASIC may, on application by any person, approve an auditing

competency standard for the purposes of paragraph 1280(2)(b).

The approval must be in writing.

(2) If, on application by a person, ASIC approves an auditing

competency standard under subsection (1), ASIC may, on

application by that person, approve a variation of the standard. The

approval must be in writing.

(3) ASIC must not approve an auditing competency standard, or a

variation of an auditing competency standard, unless it is satisfied


(a) the standard, or the standard as proposed to be varied,

provides that a person’s performance against each component

of the standard is to be appropriately verified by a person


(i) is a registered company auditor; and

(ii) has sufficient personal knowledge of the person’s work

to be able to give that verification; and

(b) the standard, or the standard as proposed to be varied, is not

inconsistent with this Act or any other law of the

Commonwealth under which ASIC has regulatory

responsibilities; and

(c) the standard adequately addresses the level of practical

experience needed for registration as a company auditor; and

(d) the standard is harmonised to the greatest extent possible

with other approved auditing competency standards.

(4) ASIC may revoke an approval of an auditing competency standard:

(a) on application by the person who applied for the approval; or

(b) if ASIC is no longer satisfied as mentioned in subsection (3).

The revocation must be in writing.

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Registration Division 2

Section 1281

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(5) An approval, an approval of a variation, and a revocation of an

approval, of an auditing competency standard are legislative


1281 Auditor-General taken to be registered as auditor

(1) A person who holds office as, or is for the time being exercising

the powers and performing the duties of:

(a) the Auditor-General; or

(b) the Auditor-General of a State or Territory in this


is taken, despite any other provision of this Part, to be registered as

an auditor.

(2) A person to whom the Auditor-General of the Commonwealth, or

of a State or Territory, delegates:

(a) the function of conducting an audit; or

(b) the power to conduct an audit;

is taken to be registered as an auditor under this Part for the

purposes of applying Chapter 2M to the audit.

1285 Register of Auditors

(1) ASIC must cause a Register of Auditors to be kept for the purposes

of this Act and must cause to be entered in the Register in relation

to a person who is registered as an auditor:

(a) the name of the person; and

(b) the day on which the application by that person for

registration as an auditor was granted; and

(c) the address of the principal place where the person practises

as an auditor and the address of the other places (if any) at

which he or she so practises; and

(d) if the person practises as an auditor as a member of a firm or

under a name or style other than his or her own name—the

name of that firm or the name or style under which he or she

so practises; and

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Part 9.2 Registration of auditors

Division 2 Registration

Section 1287

420 Corporations Act 2001

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(e) particulars of any suspension of the person’s registration,

under Division 2, as an auditor and of any action taken in

respect of the person under paragraph 1292(9)(a), (b) or (c);

and may cause to be entered in the Register in relation to a person

who is registered as an auditor such other particulars as ASIC

considers appropriate.

(2) Where a person ceases to be registered as an auditor, ASIC must

cause to be removed from the Register of Auditors the name of the

person and any other particulars entered in the Register in relation

to that person.

(3) A person may inspect and make copies of, or take extracts from,

the Register of Auditors.

1287 Notification of certain matters

(1) Where:

(a) a person who is a registered company auditor ceases to

practise as an auditor; or

(b) a change occurs in any matter particulars of which are

required by paragraph 1285(1)(a), (c) or (d) to be entered in

the Register of Auditors in relation to a person who is a

registered company auditor;

the person must, not later than 21 days after the occurrence of the

event concerned, lodge, in the prescribed form, particulars in

writing of that event.

(4) If a person who is registered as an auditor is disqualified from

managing corporations under Part 2D.6, then, within a period of 3

days after they become disqualified, they must lodge written

particulars in the prescribed form of the circumstances because of

which they become disqualified.

1287A Annual statements by registered company auditors

(1) A person who is a registered company auditor must, within one

month after the end of:

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Registration Division 2

Section 1289

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(a) the period of 12 months beginning on the day on which the

person’s registration begins; and

(b) each subsequent period of 12 months;

lodge with ASIC a statement in respect of that period.

(1A) A statement under subsection (1):

(a) must contain such information as is prescribed in the

regulations; and

(b) must be in the prescribed form.

(2) ASIC may, on the application of the person made before the end of

the period for lodging a statement under subsection (1), extend, or

further extend, that period.

1289 Auditors and other persons to enjoy qualified privilege in

certain circumstances

Qualified privilege for auditor

(1) An auditor has qualified privilege in respect of:

(a) a statement that the auditor makes (orally or in writing) in the

course of the auditor’s duties as auditor; or

(b) a statement that the auditor makes (orally or in writing) on:

(i) a directors’ report under section 298 or 306; or

(ii) a statement, report or other document that is taken, for

any purpose, to be part of that report; or

(c) notifying ASIC of a matter under section 311; or

(d) a disclosure made by the auditor in response to a notice given

to the auditor under subsection 30A(1) or 225A(5) of the


Note: If the auditor is an audit company, the company has qualified privilege

under this subsection in respect of statements made, and notices given,

by individuals on behalf of the company if those statements and

notices can be properly attributed to the company.

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Part 9.2 Registration of auditors

Division 2 Registration

Section 1289

422 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Qualified privilege for registered company auditor acting on

behalf of audit company

(2) If the auditor is an audit company, a registered company auditor

acting on behalf of the company has qualified privilege in respect


(a) a statement that the registered company auditor makes (orally

or in writing) in the course of the performance, on the behalf

of the company, of the company’s duties as auditor; or

(b) a statement that the registered company auditor makes (orally

or in writing), on behalf of the company, on:

(i) a directors’ report under section 298 or 306; or

(ii) any statement, report or other document that is taken,

for any purpose, to be part of that report; or

(c) a notification of a matter that the registered company auditor

gives ASIC, on behalf of the company, under section 311; or

(d) a disclosure made by the registered company auditor in

response to a notice given to the audit company under

subsection 225A(5) of the ASIC Act.

Extent of auditor’s duties—answering questions put to auditor by


(3) For the purposes of this section, an auditor’s duties as auditor


(a) answering questions put to the auditor (or the auditor’s

representative) at an AGM; and

(b) providing answers to questions that are submitted to the

auditor under section 250PA.

Qualified privilege for person representing auditor at AGM

(4) A person who represents an auditor at an AGM has qualified

privilege in respect of any statement that the person makes in the

course of representing the auditor at that AGM.

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Registration Division 2

Section 1289

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Qualified privilege for subsequent publication

(5) A person has qualified privilege in respect of the publishing of a

document that:

(a) is prepared by an auditor in the course of the auditor’s duties;


(b) required by or under this Act to be lodged (whether or not the

document has been lodged).

(6) A person has qualified privilege in respect of the publishing of any


(a) made by an auditor as mentioned in subsection (1); or

(b) made by a registered company auditor as mentioned in

subsection (2); or

(c) made by a person as mentioned in subsection (4).

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Chapter 9 Miscellaneous

Part 9.2 Registration of auditors

Division 2A Conditions on registration of auditors

Section 1289A

424 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 2A—Conditions on registration of auditors

1289A ASIC may impose conditions on registration

(1) Under this section, ASIC may impose only conditions of a kind

specified in the regulations.

(2) Subject to this section, ASIC may, at any time, by giving written

notice to a person registered as an auditor:

(a) impose conditions, or additional conditions, on their

registration; and

(b) vary or revoke conditions imposed on their registration.

(3) ASIC may do so:

(a) on its own initiative; or

(b) if the registered company auditor lodges with ASIC an

application for ASIC to do so, which is accompanied by the

documents, if any, required by regulations made for the

purposes of this paragraph.

Note: For fees in respect of lodging applications, see Part 9.10.

(4) Except where conditions are varied on the application of the

registered company auditor, ASIC may only impose conditions or

additional conditions, or vary the conditions, on registration after

giving the auditor an opportunity:

(a) to appear, or be represented, at a hearing before ASIC that

takes place in private; and

(b) to make submissions to ASIC in relation to the matter.

This subsection does not apply to ASIC imposing conditions at the

time when the applicant is registered.

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Registration of auditors Part 9.2

Cancellation or suspension of registration Division 3

Section 1290

Corporations Act 2001 425

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Division 3—Cancellation or suspension of registration

1290 Cancellation at request of registered person

(1) Where a person who is registered as an auditor requests ASIC to

cancel his or her registration, ASIC may cancel the registration of

that person as an auditor.

(2) A decision of ASIC under subsection (1) to cancel the registration

of a person as an auditor comes into effect as soon as practicable

upon the making of the decision.

1291 Immediate suspension or cancellation

ASIC may cancel or suspend a person’s registration as an auditor


(a) the person is liable to pay levy imposed by the ASIC

Supervisory Cost Recovery Levy Act 2017; and

(b) the following have not been paid in full at least 12 months

after the due date for payment:

(i) an amount of levy (if any) payable in respect of the


(ii) an amount of late payment penalty payable (if any) in

relation to the levy;

(iii) an amount of shortfall penalty payable (if any) in

relation to the levy.

Note: See section 1298 for the effect of suspension.

1291A Notice of suspension or cancellation

Application of this section

(1) This section applies if ASIC decides under section 1291 to suspend

or cancel the registration of a person as an auditor.

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Division 3 Cancellation or suspension of registration

Section 1291B

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ASIC must give notice of decision

(2) ASIC must, within 10 business days after making the decision,

give a written notice setting out the decision, and the reasons for

the decision.

When decision comes into effect

(3) The decision comes into effect on the day after the notice is given

to the person.

Failure to give notice does not affect validity of decision

(4) A failure by ASIC to give the notice under subsection (2) within 10

business days does not affect the validity of the decision.

1291B ASIC may vary or revoke suspension

(1) This section applies if ASIC has suspended the registration of a

person as an auditor under section 1291.

(2) ASIC may at any time vary or revoke the suspension by giving

written notice to the person.

1292 Powers of Board in relation to auditors

(1) The Board may, if it is satisfied on an application by ASIC or

APRA for a person who is registered as an auditor to be dealt with

under this section that, before, at or after the commencement of

this section:

(a) the person has:

(ia) contravened section 324DB; or

(i) contravened section 1287A; or

(ia) failed to comply with a condition of the person’s

registration as an auditor; or

(ii) ceased to be resident in Australia; or

(b) the person either:

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Registration of auditors Part 9.2

Cancellation or suspension of registration Division 3

Section 1292

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(i) has not performed any audit work during a continuous

period of not less than 5 years; or

(ii) has not performed any significant audit work during a

continuous period of not less than 5 years;

and, as a result, has ceased to have the practical experience

necessary for carrying out audits for the purposes of this Act;


(d) the person has failed, whether in or outside this jurisdiction,

to carry out or perform adequately and properly:

(i) the duties of an auditor; or

(ii) any duties or functions required by an Australian law to

be carried out or performed by a registered company


or is otherwise not a fit and proper person to remain

registered as an auditor;

by order, cancel, or suspend for a specified period, the registration

of the person as an auditor.

(1A) In determining for the purposes of subparagraph (1)(b)(ii) whether

audit work performed by a person is significant, have regard to:

(a) the nature of the audit; and

(b) the extent to which the person was involved in the audit; and

(c) the level of responsibility the person assumed in relation to

the audit.

(7) The Board must, if it is satisfied on an application by ASIC or

APRA for a person who is registered as an auditor to be dealt with

under this section:

(a) that the person is disqualified from managing corporations

under Part 2D.6; or

(b) that the person is incapable, because of mental infirmity, of

managing his or her affairs;

by order, cancel the registration of the person as an auditor.

(9) Where, on an application by ASIC or APRA for a person who is

registered as an auditor to be dealt with under this section, the

Board is satisfied that the person has failed to carry out or perform

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Part 9.2 Registration of auditors

Division 3 Cancellation or suspension of registration

Section 1294

428 Corporations Act 2001

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adequately and properly any of the duties or functions mentioned

in paragraph (1)(d), or is otherwise not a fit and proper person to

remain registered as an auditor the Board may deal with the person

in one or more of the following ways:

(a) by admonishing or reprimanding the person;

(b) by requiring the person to give an undertaking to engage in,

or to refrain from engaging in, specified conduct;

(c) by requiring the person to give an undertaking to refrain from

engaging in specified conduct except on specified conditions;

and, if a person fails to give an undertaking when required to do so

under paragraph (b) or (c), or contravenes an undertaking given

pursuant to a requirement under that paragraph, the Board may, by

order, cancel, or suspend for a specified period, the registration of

the person as an auditor.

(10) The Board’s powers under subsection (9) may be exercised in

addition to, or in substitution for, the exercise of the Board’s

powers to cancel or suspend a registration under subsection (1).

(11) The Board may exercise any of its powers under this Division in

relation to a person as a result of conduct engaged in by the person

whether or not that conduct constituted or might have constituted

an offence, and whether or not any proceedings have been brought

or are to be brought in relation to that conduct.

(12) This section has effect subject to section 1294.

1294 Board to give opportunity for hearing etc.

(1) The Board must not:

(a) cancel or suspend the registration of a person as an auditor;


(b) deal with a person in any of the ways mentioned in

subsection 1292(9);

unless the Board has given the person an opportunity to appear at a

hearing held by the Board and to make submissions to, and adduce

evidence before, the Board in relation to the matter.

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Registration of auditors Part 9.2

Cancellation or suspension of registration Division 3

Section 1294A

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(2) Where subsection (1) requires the Board to give a person an

opportunity to appear at a hearing and to make submissions to, and

bring evidence before, the Board in relation to a matter, the Board

must give ASIC and APRA an opportunity to appear at the hearing

and to make submissions to, and bring evidence before, the Board

in relation to the matter.

1294A Pre-hearing conference

(1) If subsection 1294(1) requires the Board to give a person an

opportunity to appear at a hearing and to make submissions to, and

bring evidence before, the Board in relation to a matter, the

Chairperson of the Board may, if he or she considers that it would

assist in the conduct of the hearing to do so, convene one or more

conferences with the person.

(2) The Chairperson of the Board may allow any of the following

persons to attend a conference:

(a) a representative of ASIC;

(b) a representative of APRA;

(c) any other person.

(3) The Chairperson of the Board must give written notice of a

conference to ASIC and APRA at least 14 days before the


(4) At a conference, the Chairperson of the Board may, on behalf of

the Board:

(a) fix a date or dates for the hearing; and

(b) give directions about the time within which submissions are

to be made to the Board in relation to the matter; and

(c) give directions about the time within which evidence is to be

brought before the Board in relation to the matter; and

(d) give directions as to the procedure to be followed at or in

connection with the hearing.

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Part 9.2 Registration of auditors

Division 3 Cancellation or suspension of registration

Section 1295

430 Corporations Act 2001

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1295 Board may remove suspension

(1) Where a registration of a person as an auditor is suspended by the

Board, the Board may, on an application by the person or of its

own motion, by order, terminate the suspension.

(2) An order under subsection (1) has effect accordingly.

1296 Notice of Board’s decision

(1) Where the Board decides to exercise any of its powers under

section 1292 in relation to a person, or decides that it is required to

make an order under subsection 1292(7) in relation to a person, the

Board must, within 14 days after the decision:

(a) give to the person a notice in writing setting out the decision

and the reasons for it; and

(b) lodge a copy of the notice referred to in paragraph (a); and

(c) cause to be published in the Gazette a notice in writing

setting out the decision.

(1A) If:

(a) the Board decides to exercise the power, or makes the order,

on the basis of particular conduct engaged in by the person;


(b) the person engaged in that conduct in the course of

participating in the conduct of an audit on behalf of an audit

firm or audit company;

the notice under paragraph (1)(c) may identify the audit firm or

audit company.

(1B) If the Board:

(a) decides to exercise any of its powers under section 1292 in

relation to a person; or

(b) decides that it is required to make an order under

subsection 1292(7) in relation to a person;

then, in addition to meeting the requirements of subsection (1), the

Board may take such steps as it considers reasonable and

appropriate to publicise:

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Cancellation or suspension of registration Division 3

Section 1297

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(c) the decision; and

(d) the reasons for the decision.

Without limiting this, the Board may make the decision and

reasons available on the internet.

(1C) If:

(a) the Board decides to exercise the power under section 1292,

or makes the order under subsection 1292(7), on the basis of

particular conduct engaged in by the person; and

(b) the person engaged in that conduct in the course of

participating in the conduct of an audit on behalf of an audit

firm or audit company;

a publication under subsection (1B) may identify the audit firm or

audit company.

(2) Where the Board decides to refuse to exercise its powers under

section 1292 in relation to a person, or decides that it is not

required to make an order under subsection 1292(7) in relation to a

person, the Board must, within 14 days after the decision:

(a) give to the person a notice in writing setting out the decision

and the reasons for it; and

(b) lodge a copy of the notice referred to in paragraph (a).

(3) The validity of a decision of the Board is not affected by failure of

the Board to comply with subsection (1) or (2), as the case

requires, in relation to the decision.

1297 Time when Board’s decision comes into effect

(1) Subject to subsection (2) and to sections 41 and 44A of the

Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975, an order made by the

Board cancelling or suspending the registration of a person as an

auditor comes into effect:

(a) at the end of the day on which there is given to the person a

paragraph 1296(1)(a) notice of the decision pursuant to

which the order is made; or

(b) at the end of such longer period (not exceeding 90 days) as

the Board determines.

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Part 9.2 Registration of auditors

Division 3 Cancellation or suspension of registration

Section 1298

432 Corporations Act 2001

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(2) Where the Board makes an order of a kind referred to in

subsection (1), it may, in order to enable an application to be made

to the Tribunal for review of the decision to make the order,

determine that the order is not to come into effect until a specified

time or until the happening of a specified event.

(3) The Board may at any time vary or revoke a determination made

under subsection (2), including such a determination that has been

varied at least once before.

(4) A determination in force under subsection (2) has effect


1298 Effect of suspension

A person whose registration as an auditor is suspended is, except

for the purposes of subsection 1285(2), section 1287 (other than

paragraph 1287(1)(a)), section 1287A and this Division, taken not

to be registered as an auditor so long as the registration is


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Miscellaneous Chapter 9

Registration of auditors Part 9.2

Validation of approval of auditing competency standard Division 4

Section 1298P

Corporations Act 2001 433

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 4—Validation of approval of auditing competency


1298P Validation of approval of auditing competency standard

(1) This section applies, for the purposes of the laws of the

Commonwealth (including this Act), in relation to the approval

dated 24 November 2004 under section 1280A of an auditing

competency standard (whether or not the approval is in force when

this section commences).

(2) The Legislation Act 2003 has effect, and is taken always to have

had effect, as if:

(a) the approval had been lodged for registration immediately

after the approval was given; and

(b) the approval had been registered immediately after it was

lodged for registration; and

(c) any other requirement imposed by that Act in relation to the

approval had been met.

(3) However, this section does not affect rights or liabilities arising

between parties to proceedings heard and finally determined by a

court on or before the commencement of this section, to the extent

that those rights or liabilities arose from, or were affected by, the



(4) In this section:

lodge has the same meaning as in the Legislation Act 2003.

register has the same meaning as in the Legislation Act 2003.

1298Q Compensation for acquisition of property

(1) If the operation of section 1298P would result in an acquisition of

property from a person otherwise than on just terms, the

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Part 9.2 Registration of auditors

Division 4 Validation of approval of auditing competency standard

Section 1298Q

434 Corporations Act 2001

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Commonwealth is liable to pay a reasonable amount of

compensation to the person.

(2) If the Commonwealth and the person do not agree on the amount

of the compensation, the person may institute proceedings in the

Federal Court for the recovery from the Commonwealth of such

reasonable amount of compensation as the court determines.

(3) To avoid doubt, this section applies in relation to the operation of

section 1298P instead of section 1350.

(4) In this section:

acquisition of property has the same meaning as in

paragraph 51(xxxi) of the Constitution.

just terms has the same meaning as in paragraph 51(xxxi) of the


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Miscellaneous Chapter 9

Authorised audit companies Part 9.2A

Registration Division 1

Section 1299A

Corporations Act 2001 435

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 9.2A—Authorised audit companies

Division 1—Registration

1299A Application for registration as authorised audit company

(1) A company may apply to ASIC for registration as an authorised

audit company.

(2) An application under this section:

(a) must contain such information as is prescribed in the

regulations; and

(b) must be in the prescribed form.

1299B Eligibility for registration as an authorised audit company

A company is eligible to be registered as an authorised audit

company if and only if:

(a) each of the directors of the company:

(i) is a registered company auditor; and

(ii) is not disqualified from managing a corporation under

Part 2D.6; and

(b) each share in the company is held and beneficially owned by

a person who is:

(i) an individual; or

(ii) the legal personal representatives of an individual; and

(c) a majority of the votes that may be cast at a general meeting

of the company attach to shares in the company that are held

and beneficially owned by individuals who are registered

company auditors; and

(d) ASIC is satisfied that the company has adequate and

appropriate professional indemnity insurance for claims that

may be made against the company in relation to the audit of

companies and registered schemes for the purposes of this

Act; and

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Chapter 9 Miscellaneous

Part 9.2A Authorised audit companies

Division 1 Registration

Section 1299C

436 Corporations Act 2001

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(e) the company is not a Chapter 5 body corporate.

1299C Registration as authorised audit company

(1) ASIC must grant the application and register the company as an

authorised audit company if the company is eligible to be

registered as an authorised audit company. Otherwise ASIC must

refuse the application.

(2) If ASIC grants the company’s application, ASIC must issue to the

company a certificate by ASIC stating that the company has been

registered as an authorised audit company and specifying the day

on which the application was granted.

(3) The company’s registration under this section takes effect at the

beginning of the day specified in the certificate as the day on which

the application for registration was granted and remains in force


(a) the registration is cancelled by ASIC; or

(b) the company is wound up.

(4) ASIC must not refuse to register the company as an authorised

audit company unless ASIC has given the company an opportunity

to be represented at a hearing before ASIC and to make

submissions and give evidence to ASIC in relation to the matter.

(5) If ASIC refuses the company’s application, ASIC must, not later

than 14 days after the decision, give to the company a notice in

writing setting out the decision and the reasons for it.

1299D Registration may be subject to conditions

(1) The company’s registration as an authorised audit company is

subject to:

(a) the provisions of this Part; and

(b) the conditions or restrictions specified in the regulations; and

(c) any other conditions or restrictions determined by ASIC.

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Authorised audit companies Part 9.2A

Registration Division 1

Section 1299E

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(2) ASIC may determine conditions or restrictions for the purposes of

paragraph (1)(c) either at the time when the company is registered

as an authorised audit company or subsequently.

(3) ASIC determines a condition or restriction by written notice to the


1299E Register of authorised audit companies

(1) ASIC must keep a Register of Authorised Audit Companies for the

purposes of this Act.

(2) In relation to each authorised audit company, ASIC must enter in

the Register:

(a) the name of the company; and

(b) the company’s ACN or ABN; and

(c) the day on which the company’s registration under

section 1299C took effect; and

(d) the address of the company’s registered office; and

(e) the address of the principal place where the company

practises as an auditor and the address of the other places (if

any) at which the company so practises; and

(f) the name and address of:

(i) each director of the company; and

(ii) each person who performs a chief executive officer

function (within the meaning of section 295A) in

relation to the company; and

(g) the details of any conditions or restrictions determined under

paragraph 1299D(1)(c) in relation to the registration; and

(h) details of any suspension of the registration.

(3) ASIC may enter in the Register in relation to the company any

other details that ASIC considers appropriate.

(4) If a company ceases to be registered as an authorised audit

company, ASIC must remove the entry in relation to the company

from the Register.

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Part 9.2A Authorised audit companies

Division 1 Registration

Section 1299F

438 Corporations Act 2001

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(5) A person may inspect and make copies of, or take extracts from,

the Register.

1299F Notification of certain matters

(1) An authorised audit company must notify ASIC if a condition or

restriction to which the company’s registration is subject is


(2) The notice under subsection (1) must:

(a) set out details of the contravention; and

(b) be given within 14 days after the company becomes aware of

the contravention; and

(c) be lodged with ASIC in the prescribed form.

(3) An authorised audit company must notify ASIC if:

(a) details of a matter are required by subsection 1299E(2) to be

entered in the Register of Authorised Audit Companies in

relation to the company; and

(b) a change occurs in that matter while the company is

registered as an authorised audit company.

(4) The notice under subsection (3) must:

(a) set out details of the change; and

(b) be given within 28 days after the change occurs; and

(c) be lodged with ASIC in the prescribed form.

(5) A company that applies for registration as an authorised audit

company must notify ASIC if:

(a) details of a matter would be required by subsection 1299E(2)

to be entered in the Register of Authorised Audit Companies

in relation to the company if it were to be registered; and

(b) a change occurs in that matter before the application is

granted or rejected.

(6) The notice under subsection (5) must:

(a) set out details of the change; and

(b) be given within 28 days after the change occurs; and

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Authorised audit companies Part 9.2A

Registration Division 1

Section 1299G

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(c) be lodged with ASIC in the prescribed form.

1299G Annual statements by authorised audit company

(1) A company that is an authorised audit company must, within one

month after the end of:

(a) the period of 12 months beginning on the day on which the

company became registered as an authorised audit company;


(b) each subsequent period of 12 months;

lodge with ASIC a statement in respect of that period.

(1A) A statement under subsection (1):

(a) must contain such information as is prescribed in the

regulations; and

(b) must be in the prescribed form.

(2) ASIC may, on the application of an authorised audit company

made before the end of the period for lodging a statement under

subsection (1), extend, or further extend, that period.

(3) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(4) A director of a company must take all reasonable steps to comply

with, or to secure compliance with, subsection (1).

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Chapter 9 Miscellaneous

Part 9.2A Authorised audit companies

Division 2 Cancellation or suspension of registration

Section 1299H

440 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 2—Cancellation or suspension of registration

1299H Cancellation at request of registered person

(1) ASIC may cancel a company’s registration as an authorised audit

company if the company requests ASIC to cancel the registration.

(2) ASIC must take the steps necessary to cancel the registration as

soon as practicable after the request is made.

1299I Cancellation or suspension in other cases

ASIC may cancel or suspend a company’s registration as an

authorised audit company if:

(a) the company ceases to be eligible to be registered as an

authorised audit company; or

(b) the company fails to meet conditions or observe restrictions

imposed on the company’s registration as an authorised audit

company; or

(c) in the case of a company that is a leviable entity (within the

meaning of the ASIC Supervisory Cost Recovery Levy Act

2017)—the following have not been paid in full at least 12

months after the due date for payment:

(i) an amount of levy (if any) payable in respect of the


(ii) an amount of late payment penalty payable (if any) in

relation to the levy;

(iii) an amount of shortfall penalty payable (if any) in

relation to the levy.

Note: See section 1299K for when the cancellation takes effect.

1299J Notice of cancellation or suspension

(1) If ASIC decides to cancel or suspend a company’s registration as

an authorised audit company under section 1299I, ASIC must,

within 14 days after the decision:

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Authorised audit companies Part 9.2A

Cancellation or suspension of registration Division 2

Section 1299K

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(a) give to the company written notice setting out the decision

and the reasons for it; and

(b) publish written notice of the decision in the Gazette.

(2) The validity of a decision by ASIC is not affected by a failure by

ASIC to comply with subsection (1) in relation to the decision.

1299K Time when ASIC’s decision comes into effect

(1) A decision by ASIC to cancel or suspend a company’s registration

as an authorised audit company comes into effect at the end of the

day on which the company is given notice of the decision under

paragraph 1299J(1)(a). This subsection has effect subject to

subsection (2) and to sections 41 and 44A of the Administrative

Appeals Tribunal Act 1975.

(2) ASIC may, in order to enable an application to be made to the

Tribunal for review of the decision to cancel or suspend the

registration, determine that the decision to cancel or suspend the

company’s registration as an authorised audit company is not to

come into effect until:

(a) a specified time; or

(b) the happening of a specified event.

(3) ASIC may at any time vary or revoke a determination made under

subsection (2), including such a determination that has been varied

at least once before.

(4) A determination in force under subsection (2) has effect


1299L Effect of suspension

A company whose registration as an authorised audit company is

suspended is, except for the purposes of subsection 1299E(4),

sections 1299F and 1299G and this Division, taken not to be

registered as an authorised audit company so long as the

registration is suspended.

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Chapter 9 Miscellaneous

Part 9.2A Authorised audit companies

Division 2 Cancellation or suspension of registration

Section 1299M

442 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

1299M Effect of cancellation

If a company’s registration as an authorised audit company is

cancelled (whether under section 1299H or 1299I), each

appointment of the company as auditor for a company or registered

scheme for the purposes of this Act that is in force on the day on

which the cancellation decision takes effect is terminated at the end

of that day.

Note: This means that the authorised audit company ceases to be auditor

without resigning and that the position of auditor for the company or

scheme will immediately become vacant unless there is another

auditor who has been appointed, and who can continue to act, as

auditor for the company or registered scheme.

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Miscellaneous Chapter 9

Books Part 9.3

Section 1300

Corporations Act 2001 443

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 9.3—Books

1300 Inspection of books

(1) A book that is by this Act required to be available for inspection

must, subject to and in accordance with this Act, be available for

inspection at the place where, in accordance with this Act, it is kept

and at all times when the registered office in this jurisdiction of the

body corporate concerned is required to be open to the public.

(2) If any register kept by a company or a foreign company for the

purposes of this Act is kept at a place other than the registered

office of the company or foreign company, that place must be open

to permit the register to be inspected during the same hours as

those during which the registered office of the company or foreign

company is required to be open to the public.

(2A) If a person asks a proprietary company in writing to inspect a

particular book of the company that the person has a right to

inspect, the company must make it available within 7 days, for

inspection by the person at the place where it is required to be kept.

(2B) An offence based on subsection (2A) is an offence of strict


Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(3) A person permitted by this Act (other than section 70-30 of

Schedule 2) to inspect a book may make copies of, or take extracts

from, the book and any person who refuses or fails to allow a

person so permitted to make a copy of, or take an extract from, the

book is guilty of an offence.

Note: Section 70-30 of Schedule 2 is about books relating to an external


(4) An offence based on subsection (3) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

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Part 9.3 Books

Section 1301

444 Corporations Act 2001

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Books relating to notified foreign passport funds

(5) Subsection (1) does not apply in relation to the books of the

operator of a notified foreign passport fund that relate to the fund,

or the books of a notified foreign passport fund.

(6) If a book of that kind is by this Act required to be available for

inspection, it must, subject to and in accordance with this Act, be

available for inspection:

(a) at the registered office in this jurisdiction of the operator of

the fund; and

(b) at all times when that office is open to the public.

1301 Location of books on computers

(1) This section applies if:

(a) a corporation records, otherwise than in writing, matters (the

stored matters) this Act requires to be contained in a book;


(b) the record of the stored matters is kept at a place (the place of

storage) other than the place (the place of inspection) where

the book is, apart from this section, required to be kept; and

(c) at the place of inspection means are provided by which the

stored matters are made available for inspection in written

form; and

(d) the corporation has lodged a notice:

(i) stating that this section is to apply in respect of:

(A) except where sub-subparagraph (B) applies—

the book; or

(B) if the stored matters are only some of the

information that is required to be contained in

the book—the book and matters that are of the

same kind as the stored matters; and

(ii) specifying the situation of the place of storage and the

place of inspection.

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Books Part 9.3

Section 1303

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(2) Subject to subsection (4), the corporation is taken to have complied

with the requirements of this Act as to the location of the book, but

only in so far as the book is required to contain the stored matters.

(3) Subject to subsection (4), for the purposes of the application of

subsection 1085(3) and section 1300 in relation to the corporation

and the book, the book is taken to be kept at the place of

inspection, even though the record of the stored matters is kept at

the place of storage.

(4) If:

(a) the situation of the place of storage or the place of inspection

changes; and

(b) the corporation does not lodge notice of the change within 14

days after the change;

this section, as it applies to the corporation because of the lodging

of the notice referred to in paragraph (1)(d), ceases to so apply at

the end of that period of 14 days.

1303 Court may compel compliance

If any person in contravention of this Act refuses to permit the

inspection of any book or to supply a copy of any book, the Court

may by order compel an immediate inspection of the book or order

the copy to be supplied.

1304 Translations of instruments

(1) Where under this Act a person is required to lodge an instrument or

a certified copy of an instrument and the instrument is not written

in English, the person must lodge at the same time a certified

translation of the instrument into English.

(2) Where under this Act a body corporate is required to make an

instrument available for inspection and the instrument is not

written in English, the body corporate must keep at its registered

office or, if it does not have a registered office, at its principal

office in this jurisdiction, a certified translation of the instrument

into English.

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Part 9.3 Books

Section 1305

446 Corporations Act 2001

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(3) In this section, instrument includes any certificate, contract or

other document.

1305 Admissibility of books in evidence

(1) A book kept by a body corporate under a requirement of this Act is

admissible in evidence in any proceeding and is prima facie

evidence of any matter stated or recorded in the book.

(2) A document purporting to be a book kept by a body corporate is,

unless the contrary is proved, taken to be a book kept as mentioned

in subsection (1).

1306 Form and evidentiary value of books

(1) A book that is required by this Act to be kept or prepared may be

kept or prepared:

(a) by making entries in a bound or looseleaf book; or

(b) by recording or storing the matters concerned by means of a

mechanical, electronic or other device; or

(c) in any other manner approved by ASIC.

(2) Subsection (1) does not authorise a book to be kept or prepared by

a mechanical, electronic or other device unless:

(a) the matters recorded or stored will be capable, at any time, of

being reproduced in a written form; or

(b) a reproduction of those matters is kept in a written form

approved by ASIC.

(3) A corporation must take all reasonable precautions, including such

precautions (if any) as are prescribed, for guarding against damage

to, destruction of or falsification of or in, and for discovery of

falsification of or in, any book or part of a book required by this

Act to be kept or prepared by the corporation.

(4) Where a corporation records or stores any matters by means of a

mechanical, electronic or other device, any duty imposed by this

Act to make a book containing those matters available for

inspection or to provide copies of the whole or a part of a book

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Books Part 9.3

Section 1307

Corporations Act 2001 447

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containing those matters is to be construed as a duty to make the

matters available for inspection in written form or to provide a

document containing a clear reproduction in writing of the whole

or part of them, as the case may be.

(4A) The regulations may provide for how up to date the information

contained in an instrument prepared for the purposes of

subsection (4) must be.

(5) If:

(a) because of this Act, a book that this Act requires to be kept or

prepared is prima facie evidence of a matter; and

(b) the book, or a part of the book, is kept or prepared by

recording or storing matters (including that matter) by means

of a mechanical, electronic or other device;

a written reproduction of that matter as so recorded or stored is

prima facie evidence of that matter.

(6) A writing that purports to reproduce a matter recorded or stored by

means of a mechanical, electronic or other device is, unless the

contrary is established, taken to be a reproduction of that matter.

1307 Falsification of books

(1) An officer, former officer, employee, former employee, member or

former member of a company who engages in conduct that results

in the concealment, destruction, mutilation or falsification of any

securities of or belonging to the company or any books affecting or

relating to affairs of the company is guilty of an offence.

(2) Where matter that is used or intended to be used in connection with

the keeping of any books affecting or relating to affairs of a

company is recorded or stored in an illegible form by means of a

mechanical device, an electronic device or any other device, a

person who:

(a) records or stores by means of that device matter that the

person knows to be false or misleading in a material

particular; or

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Part 9.3 Books

Section 1307

448 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) engages in conduct that results in the destruction, removal or

falsification of matter that is recorded or stored by means of

that device, or has been prepared for the purpose of being

recorded or stored, or for use in compiling or recovering

other matter to be recorded or stored by means of that device;


(c) having a duty to record or store matter by means of that

device, fails to record or store the matter by means of that


(i) with intent to falsify any entry made or intended to be

compiled, wholly or in part, from matter so recorded or

stored; or

(ii) knowing that the failure so to record or store the matter

will render false or misleading in a material particular

other matter so recorded or stored;

contravenes this subsection.

(3) It is a defence to a charge arising under subsection (1) or (2) if the

defendant proves that he, she or it acted honestly and that in all the

circumstances the act or omission constituting the offence should

be excused.

Note: A defendant bears a legal burden in relation to the matter mentioned in

subsection (3), see section 13.4 of the Criminal Code.

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Miscellaneous Chapter 9

Offences Part 9.4

Application of the Criminal Code Division 1A

Section 1308A

Corporations Act 2001 449

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 9.4—Offences

Division 1A—Application of the Criminal Code

1308A Application of Criminal Code

Subject to this Act, Chapter 2 of the Criminal Code applies to all

offences against this Act.

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Part 9.4 Offences

Division 1 Specific offences

Section 1308

450 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 1—Specific offences

1308 False or misleading statements

(1) A corporation must not advertise or publish:

(a) a statement of the amount of its capital that is misleading; or

(b) a statement in which the total of all amounts paid and unpaid

on shares in the company is stated but the amount of paid up

capital or the amount of any charge on uncalled capital is not


(1A) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

(2) A person who, in a document required by or for the purposes of

this Act or lodged with or submitted to ASIC, makes or authorises

the making of a statement that to the person’s knowledge is false or

misleading in a material particular, or omits or authorises the

omission of any matter or thing without which the document is to

the person’s knowledge misleading in a material respect, is guilty

of an offence.

(3) A person who makes or authorises the making of a statement that is

based on information that to the person’s knowledge:

(a) is false or misleading in a material particular; or

(b) has omitted from it a matter or thing the omission of which

renders the information misleading in a material respect;

is, for the purposes of subsection (2), taken to have made or

authorised the making of a statement that to the person’s

knowledge was false or misleading in a material particular.

(3A) A person is not liable to be proceeded against for an offence in

consequence of a regulation made under section 1364 as well as for

an offence against subsection (2) of this section.

(4) A person who, in a document required by or for the purposes of

this Act or lodged:

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Specific offences Division 1

Section 1308

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(a) makes or authorises the making of a statement that is false or

misleading in a material particular; or

(b) omits or authorises the omission of any matter or thing

without which the document is misleading in a material


without having taken reasonable steps to ensure that the statement

was not false or misleading in a material particular or to ensure that

the document did not omit any matter or thing without which the

document would be misleading in a material respect, as the case

may be, is guilty of an offence.

(5) A person who makes or authorises the making of a statement

without having taken reasonable steps to ensure that the

information on which the statement was based:

(a) was not false or misleading in a material particular; and

(b) did not have omitted from it a matter or thing the omission of

which would render the information misleading in a material


is, for the purposes of subsection (4), taken to have made or

authorised the making of a statement without having taken

reasonable steps to ensure that the statement was not false or


(6) For the purposes of subsections (2) and (4), where:

(a) at a meeting, a person votes in favour of a resolution

approving, or otherwise approves, a document required by or

for the purposes of this Act or required to be lodged; and

(b) the document contains a statement that, to the person’s

knowledge, is false or misleading in a material particular, or

omits any matter or thing without which the document is, to

the person’s knowledge, misleading in a material respect;

the person is taken to have authorised the making of the statement

or the omission of the matter or thing.

(7) For the purposes of this section, a statement, report or other

document that:

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Division 1 Specific offences

Section 1308

452 Corporations Act 2001

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(a) relates to affairs of a company or of a subsidiary of a

company; and

(b) is not itself required by this Act to be laid before the

company in general meeting; and

(c) is attached to or included with a report of the directors

provided under section 314 to members of the company or

laid before the company at an annual general meeting of the


is taken to be part of the report referred to in paragraph (c).

(8) A person must not, in connection with an application for an

Australian CS facility licence, Australian financial services licence

or Australian market licence:

(a) make a statement that is false or misleading in a material

particular knowing it to be false or misleading; or

(b) omit to state any matter or thing knowing that because of that

omission the application is misleading in a material respect.

(9) For the purposes of this section:

(a) a notice under subsection 708AA(2), 708A(5), 1012DAA(2)

or 1012DA(5) is taken to be a notice required for the

purposes of this Act; and

(b) a notice under subsection 708AA(2), 708A(5), 1012DAA(2)

or 1012DA(5) is taken to be misleading in a material respect

if it fails to comply with paragraph 708AA(7)(d), 708A(6)(e),

1012DAA(7)(e) or 1012DA(6)(f).

(10) For the purposes of subsection (4), a person is taken to have taken

reasonable steps to ensure that a statement was not false or

misleading in a material particular if the person proves that:

(a) the person made all inquiries (if any) that were reasonable in

the circumstances; and

(b) after doing so, the person believed on reasonable grounds

that the statement was not misleading in a material particular.

(11) For the purposes of subsection (4), a person is taken to have taken

reasonable steps to ensure that a document did not omit any matter

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Specific offences Division 1

Section 1309

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or thing without which the document would be misleading in a

material respect if the person proves that:

(a) the person made all inquiries (if any) that were reasonable in

the circumstances; and

(b) after doing so, the person believed on reasonable grounds

that there was no such omission.

(12) For the purposes of subsection (4), a person is taken to have taken

reasonable steps to ensure that a statement was not false or

misleading in a material particular if the person proves that:

(a) the person relied on information given to the person by:

(i) if the person is a body—someone other than a director,

employee or agent of the body; or

(ii) if the person is an individual—someone other than an

employee or agent of the individual; and

(b) the reliance placed on that information by the person was

reasonable in all the circumstances.

(13) For the purposes of subsection (4), a person is taken to have taken

reasonable steps to ensure that a document did not omit any matter

or thing without which the document would be misleading in a

material respect if the person proves that:

(a) the person relied on information given to the person by:

(i) if the person is a body—someone other than a director,

employee or agent of the body; or

(ii) if the person is an individual—someone other than an

employee or agent of the individual; and

(b) the reliance placed on that information by the person was

reasonable in all the circumstances.

1309 False information etc.

(1) An officer or employee of a corporation who makes available or

gives information, or authorises or permits the making available or

giving of information, to:

(a) a director, auditor, member, debenture holder or trustee for

debenture holders of the corporation; or

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Part 9.4 Offences

Division 1 Specific offences

Section 1309

454 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) if the corporation is taken for the purposes of Chapter 2M to

be controlled by another corporation—an auditor of the other

corporation; or

(c) an operator of a financial market (whether the market is

operated in Australia or elsewhere) or an officer of such a

market; or

(ca) a CSF intermediary;

being information, whether in documentary or any other form, that

relates to the affairs of the corporation and that, to the knowledge

of the officer or employee:

(d) is false or misleading in a material particular; or

(e) has omitted from it a matter or thing the omission of which

renders the information misleading in a material respect;

contravenes this subsection.

(2) An officer or employee of a corporation who makes available or

gives information, or authorises or permits the making available or

giving of information, to:

(a) a director, auditor, member, debenture holder or trustee for

debenture holders of the corporation; or

(b) if the corporation is taken for the purposes of Chapter 2M to

be controlled by another corporation—an auditor of the other

corporation; or

(c) an operator of a financial market (whether the market is

operated in Australia or elsewhere) or an officer of such a


being information, whether in documentary or any other form,

relating to the affairs of the corporation that:

(d) is false or misleading in a material particular; or

(e) has omitted from it a matter or thing the omission of which

renders the information misleading in a material respect;

without having taken reasonable steps to ensure that the


(f) was not false or misleading in a material particular; and

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Specific offences Division 1

Section 1309

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(g) did not have omitted from it a matter or thing the omission of

which rendered the information misleading in a material


contravenes this subsection.

(3) The references in subsections (1) and (2) to a person making

available or giving, or authorising or permitting the making

available or giving of, information relating to the affairs of a

corporation include references to a person making available or

giving, or authorising or permitting the making available or giving

of, information as to the state of knowledge of that person with

respect to the affairs of the corporation.

(4) Where information is made available or given to a person referred

to in paragraph (1)(a), (b) or (c) or (2)(a), (b) or (c) in response to a

question asked by that person, the question and the information are

to be considered together in determining whether the information

was false or misleading.

(5) For the purposes of this section:

(a) a notice under subsection 708AA(2), 708A(5), 1012DAA(2)

or 1012DA(5) is taken to be a notice required for the

purposes of this Act; and

(b) a notice under subsection 708AA(2), 708A(5), 1012DAA(2)

or 1012DA(5) is taken to be misleading in a material respect

if it omits information that is excluded information for the

purposes of section 708AA, 708A, 1012DAA or 1012DA.

(6) Paragraphs (1)(a) and (b) do not apply in relation to a corporation

that is an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporation.

Note: Similar offences are created in relation to Aboriginal and Torres Strait

Islander corporations under section 561-5 of the Corporations

(Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006.

(7) For the purposes of subsection (2), a person is taken to have taken

reasonable steps to ensure that information was not false or

misleading in a material particular if the person proves that:

(a) the person made all inquiries (if any) that were reasonable in

the circumstances; and

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Part 9.4 Offences

Division 1 Specific offences

Section 1309

456 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) after doing so, the person believed on reasonable grounds

that the information was not misleading or deceptive in a

material particular.

(8) For the purposes of subsection (2), a person is taken to have taken

reasonable steps to ensure that information did not have omitted

from it any matter or thing the omission of which rendered the

information misleading in a material respect if the person proves


(a) the person made all inquiries (if any) that were reasonable in

the circumstances; and

(b) after doing so, the person believed on reasonable grounds

that there was no such omission.

(9) For the purposes of subsection (2), a person is taken to have taken

reasonable steps to ensure that information was not false or

misleading in a material particular if the person proves that:

(a) the person relied on information given to the person by:

(i) if the person is a body—someone other than a director,

employee or agent of the body; or

(ii) if the person is an individual—someone other than an

employee or agent of the individual; and

(b) the reliance placed on that information by the person was

reasonable in all the circumstances.

(10) For the purposes of subsection (2), a person is taken to have taken

reasonable steps to ensure that information did not have omitted

from it any matter or thing the omission of which rendered the

information misleading in a material respect if the person proves


(a) the person relied on information given to the person by:

(i) if the person is a body—someone other than a director,

employee or agent of the body; or

(ii) if the person is an individual—someone other than an

employee or agent of the individual; and

(b) the reliance placed on that information by the person was

reasonable in all the circumstances.

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Offences Part 9.4

Specific offences Division 1

Section 1310

Corporations Act 2001 457

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Fault-based offence

(11) A person commits an offence if the person contravenes

subsection (1) or (2).

Civil liability

(12) A person contravenes this subsection if the person contravenes

subsection (2).

Note: This subsection is a civil penalty provision (see section 1317E).

1310 Obstructing or hindering ASIC etc.

A person must not, without lawful excuse, obstruct or hinder

ASIC, or any other person, in the performance or exercise of a

function or power under this Act.

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Part 9.4 Offences

Division 2 Offences generally

Section 1311

458 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 2—Offences generally

1311 General penalty provisions

(1) A person who:

(a) does an act or thing that the person is forbidden to do by or

under a provision of this Act; or

(b) does not do an act or thing that the person is required or

directed to do by or under a provision of this Act; or

(c) otherwise contravenes a provision of this Act;

is guilty of an offence by virtue of this subsection, unless that or

another provision of this Act provides that the person:

(d) is guilty of an offence; or

(e) is not guilty of an offence.

Note: Chapter 2 of the Criminal Code sets out the general principles of

criminal responsibility.

(1A) Paragraphs (1)(a), (b) and (c) only apply to a provision in the

following list if a penalty, pecuniary or otherwise, is set out in

Schedule 3 for that provision, or for a provision or provisions in

which that provision is included:

(a) Chapters 2A, 2B and 2C;

(b) Parts 2F.2 and 2F.3;

(c) Chapters 2G, 2H, 2J, 2M (other than Part 2M.4), 2N, 2P and


(d) Parts 5B.1 and 5B.3;

(daa) Chapter 5D;

(da) Chapter 6CA;

(dba) Part 6D.3A;

(db) Chapter 7;

(dc) Chapter 8;

(dd) Chapter 8A;

(e) Chapter 10.

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Offences Part 9.4

Offences generally Division 2

Section 1311A

Corporations Act 2001 459

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

1311A Penalty for committing an offence

A person who commits an offence against this Act is punishable on

conviction by a penalty not exceeding the penalty applicable to the


1311B Penalty applicable to an offence committed by an individual

(1) The penalty applicable to an offence committed by an individual


(a) for an offence for which a fine is the only penalty specified—

the fine specified; and

(b) for an offence for which a term of imprisonment is the only

penalty specified—either the term of imprisonment, the fine

worked out under this section, or both.

(2) If:

(a) a term of imprisonment is the only penalty specified for an

offence; and

(b) the term of imprisonment is less than 10 years;

the fine mentioned in paragraph (1)(b) is the number of penalty

units worked out using the individual fine formula.

(3) The individual fine formula is:

Term of imprisonment, 10

expressed in months 

(4) If:

(a) a term of imprisonment is the only penalty specified for an

offence; and

(b) the term of imprisonment is 10 years or more;

the fine mentioned in paragraph (1)(b) is the greater of:

(c) 4,500 penalty units; and

(d) if the court can determine the benefit derived and detriment

avoided because of the offence—that amount multiplied by


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Division 2 Offences generally

Section 1311C

460 Corporations Act 2001

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(5) This section applies in relation to an offence committed by an

individual unless there is a contrary intention under this Act in

relation to the penalty applicable to the offence. In that case, the

penalty applicable is the penalty specified for the offence.

Note: The following are examples of cases in which a penalty is specified

that would indicate a contrary intention:

(a) the table item in Schedule 3 relating to subsection 794D(3), which specifies a penalty for each day, or part of a day, in respect of which an offence is committed;

(b) a regulation made under paragraph 1364(2)(w) prescribing a penalty for an individual for a contravention of the regulations.

1311C Penalty applicable to an offence committed by a body


(1) The penalty applicable to an offence committed by a body

corporate is:

(a) for an offence for which a fine is the only penalty specified—

the fine specified multiplied by 10; and

(b) for an offence for which a term of imprisonment is the only

penalty specified—the fine worked out under this section.

(2) If:

(a) a term of imprisonment is the only penalty specified for an

offence; and

(b) the term of imprisonment is less than 10 years;

the fine mentioned in paragraph (1)(b) is the number of penalty

units worked out using the individual fine formula, multiplied by


(3) If:

(a) a term of imprisonment is the only penalty specified for an

offence; and

(b) the term of imprisonment is 10 years or more;

the fine mentioned in paragraph (1)(b) is the greatest of:

(c) 45,000 penalty units; and

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Offences generally Division 2

Section 1311D

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(d) if the court can determine the benefit derived and detriment

avoided because of the offence—that amount multiplied by

3; and

(e) 10% of the annual turnover of the body corporate for the

12-month period ending at the end of the month in which the

body corporate committed, or began committing, the offence.

(4) This section applies in relation to an offence committed by a body

corporate unless there is a contrary intention under this Act in

relation to the penalty applicable to the offence. In that case, the

penalty applicable is the penalty specified for the offence.

Note: The following are examples of cases in which a penalty is specified

that would indicate a contrary intention:

(a) subsection 1211B(3), which specifies a penalty for a body corporate;

(b) the table item in Schedule 3 relating to subsection 794D(3), which specifies a penalty for each day, or part of a day, in respect of which an offence is committed;

(c) a regulation made under paragraph 1364(2)(w) prescribing a penalty for a body corporate for a contravention of the regulations.

1311D Meaning of benefit derived and detriment avoided because of

an offence

The benefit derived and detriment avoided because of an offence

is the sum of:

(a) the total value of all benefits obtained by one or more

persons that are reasonably attributable to the commission of

the offence; and

(b) the total value of all detriments avoided by one or more

persons that are reasonably attributable to the commission of

the offence.

1311E Where is the penalty for an offence specified?

(1) The penalty specified for an offence is:

(a) if a penalty, pecuniary or otherwise, is specified in

Schedule 3 for the provision under which the offence is

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Section 1311F

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created, or a provision or provisions in which that provision

is included—that penalty; and

(b) if a penalty, pecuniary or otherwise, is specified in any other

provision of this Act for the provision under which the

offence is created, or a provision or provisions in which that

provision is included—that penalty.

(2) To avoid doubt, a penalty is not specified for an offence if it is a

consequence for committing the offence that is not a punishment

on conviction for the offence.

(3) Without limiting subsection (2), each of the following is a

consequence for committing an offence that is not a punishment on

conviction for the offence:

(a) the availability of a pecuniary penalty order for the

contravention of a civil penalty provision that relates to the

same conduct as that which gave rise to the offence;

(b) the availability of an infringement notice in relation to an

alleged commission of the offence;

(c) the availability of administrative consequences as a result of

the commission of the offence, such as:

(i) disqualification from any office; or

(ii) consequences in relation to a licence; or

(iii) other actions that may be taken by ASIC under this Act

or any other Act;

(d) the availability under any law of the Commonwealth or of a

State or Territory (including the general law) of an order to

refund money, pay compensation, relinquish a benefit or

make any other payment if the offence is committed;

(e) the availability under any law of the Commonwealth or of a

State or Territory (including the general law) of an injunction

or any other order directing a person to take, or refrain from

taking, action if the offence is committed.

1311F If no penalty is specified

If no penalty is specified for an offence:

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Section 1313A

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(a) the offence is an offence of strict liability; and

(b) 20 penalty units is taken to be the penalty specified for the


1313A Offences committed partly in and partly out of the



(a) a person does or omits to do an act outside this jurisdiction;


(b) if that person had done or omitted to do that act in this

jurisdiction, the person would, by reason of also having done

or omitted to do an act in this jurisdiction, have been guilty

of an offence against this Act;

the person is guilty of that offence.

1314 Continuing offences

(1) Where:

(a) by or under a provision, an act is or was required to be done

within a particular period or before a particular time; and

(b) failure to do the act within that period or before that time

constitutes an offence; and

(c) the act is not done within that period or before that time;


(d) the obligation to do the act continues, after that period has

ended or that time has passed, and whether or not a person is

or has been convicted of a primary substantive offence in

relation to failure to do the act, until the act is done; and

(e) subsections (3) and (4) apply.

(2) Where:

(a) by or under a provision, an act is or was required to be done

but neither a period nor a time for the doing of the Act is or

was specified; and

(b) failure to do the act constitutes an offence; and

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Section 1314

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(c) a person is or has been convicted of a primary substantive

offence in relation to failure to do the act;


(d) the obligation to do the act continues, despite the conviction,

until the act is done; and

(e) subsections (3) and (4) apply.

(3) Where:

(a) at a particular time, a person is or was first convicted of a

substantive offence, or is or was convicted of a second or

subsequent substantive offence, in relation to failure to do the

act; and

(b) the failure to do the act continued after that time;


(c) the person is, in relation to failure to do the act, guilty of a

further offence in respect of so much of the period

throughout which the failure to do the act continued or

elapsed after that time and before the relevant day in relation

to the further offence; and

(d) for the purposes of this Act and of the Crimes Act 1914, the

further offence is taken to be constituted by failure to do the

act during so much of that period as so elapsed.

(4) Where:

(a) the provision referred to in paragraph (1)(a) or (2)(a), as the

case may be, provides or provided that:

(i) an officer or employee of a body corporate; or

(ii) a person;

who is or was in default, or is or was involved in a

contravention constituted by the failure to do the act, is or

was guilty of an offence or contravenes or contravened a

provision of this Act; and

(b) throughout a particular period (in this subsection called the

relevant period):

(i) the failure to do the act continued; and

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(ii) a person (in this subsection called the derivative

offender) is or was in any way, by act or omission,

directly or indirectly, knowingly concerned in or party

to the failure to do the act; and

(iii) in a case where subparagraph (a)(i) applies—the

derivative offender is or was an officer or employee of

the body;


(c) in a case where either or both of the following events occurs

or occur:

(i) a person is or was convicted, before or during the

relevant period, of a primary substantive offence in

relation to failure to do the act;

(ii) the derivative offender is or was convicted, before or

during the relevant period, of a primary derivative

offence in relation to failure to do the act;

the derivative offender is, in relation to failure to do the act,

guilty of an offence (in this paragraph called the relevant

offence) in respect of so much (if any) of the relevant period

as elapsed:

(iii) after the conviction referred to in subparagraph (i) or(ii),

or after the earlier of the convictions referred to in

subparagraphs (i) and (ii), as the case may be; and

(iv) before the relevant day in relation to the relevant

offence; and

(d) in a case where, at a particular time during the relevant

period, the derivative offender is or was first convicted of a

secondary derivative offence, or is or was convicted of a

second or subsequent secondary derivative offence, in

relation to failure to do the act—the derivative offender is, in

relation to failure to do the act, guilty of a further offence in

respect of so much of the relevant period as elapsed after that

time and before the relevant day in relation to the further


(5) Where a person is guilty, by virtue of subsection (3) or (4), of an

offence in respect of the whole or a part of a particular period, the

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Section 1314

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penalty applicable to the offence is a fine of the amount obtained

by multiplying half a penalty unit by the number of days in that

period, or in that part of that period, as the case may be.

(6) In this section:

act includes thing.

primary derivative offence, in relation to failure to do an act,

means an offence (other than an offence of which a person is guilty

by virtue of this section) of which a person is or was guilty by

virtue of being an officer of a corporation, or a person, who is or

was in any way, by act or omission, directly or indirectly,

knowingly concerned in or party to failure to do the act.

primary substantive offence, in relation to a failure to do an act,

means an offence (other than an offence of which a person is or

was guilty by virtue of this section) constituted by failure to do the

act, or by failure to do the act within a particular period or before a

particular time.

provision means a section, or a subsection of a section, of this Act.

relevant day, in relation to an offence of which a person is guilty

by virtue of this section, means:

(a) in a case where the information relating to the offence

specifies a day in relation to the offence for the purposes of

this section, being a day not later than the day on which the

information is laid—the day the information so specifies; or

(b) in any other case—the day on which the information relating

to the offence is laid.

required includes directed.

secondary derivative offence, in relation to failure to do an act,

means an offence or further offence of which a person is, in

relation to failure to do the act, guilty by virtue of paragraph (4)(c)

or (d).

substantive offence, in relation to failure to do an act, means:

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(a) a primary substantive offence in relation to failure to do the

act; or

(b) a further offence of which a person is, in relation to failure to

do the act, guilty by virtue of subsection (3).

(7) For the purposes of subsection (4), a provision of this Act is,

whether or not it expressly provides as mentioned in

paragraph (4)(a), taken to provide that a person who is or was

involved in a contravention constituted by a failure to do an act

required by the provision contravenes or contravened that


1315 Proceedings: how taken

(1) Subject to this Act, in any proceedings for an offence against this

Act, any information, charge, complaint or application may be laid

or made by:

(a) ASIC; or

(b) a Commission delegate; or

(c) another person authorised in writing by the Minister to

institute the proceedings.

(2) A delegation for the purposes of paragraph (1)(b), or an

authorisation for the purposes of paragraph (1)(c), may relate to all

offences, or to specified offences, against this Act.

(3) Nothing in this section affects the operation of the Director of

Public Prosecutions Act 1983.

1316 Time for instituting criminal proceedings

Despite anything in any other law, proceedings for an offence

against this Act may be instituted within the period of 5 years after

the act or omission alleged to constitute the offence or, with the

Minister’s consent, at any later time.

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Section 1316A

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1316A Privilege against self-incrimination not available to bodies

corporate in Corporations Act criminal proceedings

(1) In a Corporations Act criminal proceeding, a body corporate is not

entitled to refuse or fail to comply with a requirement:

(a) to answer a question or give information; or

(b) to produce a book or any other thing; or

(c) to do any other act whatever;

on the ground that the answer or information, production of the

book or other thing, or doing that other act, as the case may be,

might tend:

(d) to incriminate the body (whether in respect of an offence to

which the proceeding relates or otherwise); or

(e) to make the body liable to a penalty (whether in respect of

anything to which the proceeding relates or otherwise).

(2) Subsection (1) applies whether or not the body concerned is a

defendant in the proceeding or in any other proceeding.

(3) In this section:

Corporations Act criminal proceeding means a proceeding in a

court when exercising jurisdiction in respect of a criminal matter

arising under this Act.

1317 Certain persons to assist in prosecutions

(1) Where a prosecution in respect of an offence against this Act has

been instituted, or ASIC is of the opinion that a prosecution in

respect of an offence against this Act ought to be instituted, against

a person (in this section referred to as the defendant), ASIC may:

(a) if the defendant is a natural person—require any person who

is or was a partner, employee or agent of the defendant; or

(b) if the defendant is a body corporate—require any person who

is or was an officer, employee or agent of the defendant;

to assist in the prosecution, and the person who is so required must

give all assistance in connection with the prosecution that that

person is reasonably able to give.

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(2) ASIC must not make such a requirement as is mentioned in

subsection (1) of a person who, in the opinion of ASIC, is or is

likely to be a defendant in the proceedings or is or has been such a

person’s lawyer.

(3) If a person to whom paragraph (1)(a) or (b) relates fails to give

assistance as required by subsection (1), the person contravenes

this section and, without affecting any penalty to which the person

may be liable for the contravention, the Court may, on the

application of ASIC, order the person to comply with the

requirement within such time, and in such manner, as the Court


(4) In this section, agent, in relation to the defendant, includes a

banker of the defendant and a person engaged as an auditor by the

defendant, whether that person is an employee or an officer of the

defendant or not.

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Part 9.4AAA Protection for whistleblowers

Section 1317AA

470 Corporations Act 2001

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Part 9.4AAA—Protection for whistleblowers

1317AA Disclosures qualifying for protection under this Part

(1) A disclosure of information by a person (the discloser) qualifies for

protection under this Part if:

(a) the discloser is:

(i) an officer of a company; or

(ii) an employee of a company; or

(iii) a person who has a contract for the supply of services or

goods to a company; or

(iv) an employee of a person who has a contract for the

supply of services or goods to a company; and

(b) the disclosure is made to:

(i) ASIC; or

(ii) the company’s auditor or a member of an audit team

conducting an audit of the company; or

(iii) a director, secretary or senior manager of the company;


(iv) a person authorised by the company to receive

disclosures of that kind; and

(c) the discloser informs the person to whom the disclosure is

made of the discloser’s name before making the disclosure;


(d) the discloser has reasonable grounds to suspect that the

information indicates that:

(i) the company has, or may have, contravened a provision

of the Corporations legislation; or

(ii) an officer or employee of the company has, or may

have, contravened a provision of the Corporations

legislation; and

(e) the discloser makes the disclosure in good faith.

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Section 1317AB

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Note: Under section 1405, the reference to a provision of the Corporations

legislation includes a reference to a corresponding provision of the old

corporations legislation of the States and Territories.

(2) A reference in subsection (1) to a person contravening a provision

of the Corporations legislation includes a reference to a person

committing an offence against, or based on, a provision of this Act.

Note: This subsection causes section 11.6 of the Criminal Code to operate in

relation to such references.

1317AB Disclosure that qualifies for protection not actionable etc.

(1) If a person makes a disclosure that qualifies for protection under

this Part:

(a) the person is not subject to any civil or criminal liability for

making the disclosure; and

(b) no contractual or other remedy may be enforced, and no

contractual or other right may be exercised, against the

person on the basis of the disclosure.

Note: This subsection does not provide that the person is not subject to any

civil or criminal liability for conduct of the person that is revealed by

the disclosure.

(2) Without limiting subsection (1):

(a) the person has qualified privilege in respect of the disclosure;


(b) a contract to which the person is a party may not be

terminated on the basis that the disclosure constitutes a

breach of the contract.

(3) Without limiting paragraphs (1)(b) and (2)(b), if a court is satisfied


(a) a person (the employee) is employed in a particular position

under a contract of employment with another person (the

employer); and

(b) the employee makes a disclosure that qualifies for protection

under this Part; and

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Section 1317AC

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(c) the employer purports to terminate the contract of

employment on the basis of the disclosure;

the court may order that the employee be reinstated in that position

or a position at a comparable level.

1317AC Victimisation prohibited

Actually causing detriment to another person

(1) A person (the first person) contravenes this subsection if:

(a) the first person engages in conduct; and

(b) the first person’s conduct causes any detriment to another

person (the second person); and

(c) the first person intends that his or her conduct cause

detriment to the second person; and

(d) the first person engages in his or her conduct because the

second person or a third person made a disclosure that

qualifies for protection under this Part.

Threatening to cause detriment to another person

(2) A person (the first person) contravenes this subsection if:

(a) the first person makes to another person (the second person)

a threat to cause any detriment to the second person or to a

third person; and

(b) the first person:

(i) intends the second person to fear that the threat will be

carried out; or

(ii) is reckless as to causing the second person to fear that

the threat will be carried out; and

(c) the first person makes the threat because a person:

(i) makes a disclosure that qualifies for protection under

this Part; or

(ii) may make a disclosure that would qualify for protection

under this Part.

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Section 1317AD

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Officers and employees involved in contravention

(3) If a company contravenes subsection (1) or (2), any officer or

employee of the company who is involved in that contravention

contravenes this subsection.


(4) For the purposes of subsection (2), a threat may be:

(a) express or implied; or

(b) conditional or unconditional.

(5) In a prosecution for an offence against subsection (2), it is not

necessary to prove that the person threatened actually feared that

the threat would be carried out.

1317AD Right to compensation


(a) a person (the person in contravention) contravenes

subsection 1317AC(1), (2) or (3); and

(b) a person (the victim) suffers damage because of the


the person in contravention is liable to compensate the victim for

the damage.

1317AE Confidentiality requirements for company, company

officers and employees and auditors

(1) A person (the offender) is guilty of an offence against this

subsection if:

(a) a person (the discloser) makes a disclosure of information

(the qualifying disclosure) that qualifies for protection under

this Part; and

(b) the qualifying disclosure relates to a contravention or

possible contravention of a provision of the Corporations

legislation by:

(i) a company; or

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(ii) an officer or employee of the company; and

(c) the qualifying disclosure is made to:

(i) the company’s auditor or a member of an audit team

conducting an audit of the company; or

(ii) a director, secretary or senior manager of the company;


(iii) a person authorised by the company to receive

disclosures of that kind; and

(d) the offender is:

(i) the company’s auditor or a member of an audit team

conducting an audit of the company; or

(ii) a director, secretary or senior manager of the company;


(iii) a person authorised by the company to receive

disclosures of that kind; or

(iv) the company; or

(v) any officer or employee of the company; and

(e) the offender discloses one of the following (the confidential


(i) the information disclosed in the qualifying disclosure;

(ii) the identity of the discloser;

(iii) information that is likely to lead to the identification of

the discloser; and

(f) the confidential information is information that the offender

obtained directly or indirectly because of the qualifying

disclosure; and

(g) either:

(i) the offender is the person to whom the qualifying

disclosure is made; or

(ii) the offender is a person to whom the confidential

information is disclosed in contravention of this section

and the offender knows that the disclosure of the

confidential information to the offender was unlawful or

made in breach of confidence; and

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(h) the disclosure referred to in paragraph (e) is not authorised

under subsection (2).

(2) The disclosure referred to in paragraph (1)(e) is authorised under

this subsection if it:

(a) is made to ASIC; or

(b) is made to APRA; or

(c) is made to a member of the Australian Federal Police (within

the meaning of the Australian Federal Police Act 1979); or

(d) is made to someone else with the consent of the discloser.

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Part 9.4A Review by Administrative Appeals Tribunal of certain decisions

Section 1317A

476 Corporations Act 2001

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Part 9.4A—Review by Administrative Appeals

Tribunal of certain decisions

1317A Definitions

In this Part:

decision has the same meaning as in the Administrative Appeals

Tribunal Act 1975.

1317B Applications for review

(1) Subject to this Part, applications may be made to the Tribunal for

review of a decision made under this Act by:

(a) the Minister; or

(b) ASIC; or

(c) the Companies Auditors Disciplinary Board; or

(d) a committee convened under Part 2 of Schedule 2.

(2) For the purposes of this Act and the Administrative Appeals

Tribunal Act 1975, ASIC and APRA are taken to be persons whose

interests are affected by a decision made under this Act by the

Companies Auditors Disciplinary Board.

1317C Excluded decisions

Section 1317B does not apply in relation to:

(a) a decision in respect of which any provision in the nature of

an appeal or review is expressly provided by this Act; or

(b) a decision that is declared by this Act to be conclusive or

final or is embodied in a document declared by this Act to be

conclusive evidence of an act, matter or thing; or

(ca) a decision of ASIC to order the winding up of a company

under section 489EA; or

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Section 1317C

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(d) a decision made by ASIC in the performance of a function, or

in the exercise of a power, under section 601CC or 601CL or

Chapter 5A; or

(e) a decision by ASIC to refuse to exercise a power under

section 601CC or 601CL or Chapter 5A; or

(f) a decision to apply under section 596A or 596B for the Court

to summon a person for examination about a corporation’s

examinable affairs; or

(g) a decision to apply under section 597A for the Court to

require a person to file an affidavit about a corporation’s

examinable affairs; or

(ga) a decision of ASIC under section 655A; or

(gb) a decision of ASIC under section 673 in relation to securities

of the target of a takeover bid during the bid period; or

(gc) a decision by ASIC whether to make an application under

section 657C, 657G, 659B, 1325A, 1325B or 1325C; or

(gca) a decision by ASIC to make market integrity rules under

section 798G; or

(gcb) a decision by the Minister to:

(i) consent to the making of a market integrity rule; or

(ii) direct ASIC to revoke or amend a market integrity rule;


(gcc) a decision by ASIC to do or not do anything under

regulations made for the purposes of section 798K

(alternatives to civil proceedings); or

(gd) a decision of the Minister under Division 1 of Part 7.4; or

(gda) a decision by the Minister:

(i) to make a determination under section 901B, or to

amend or revoke such a determination; or

(ii) to consent, under section 901K or 903H, to the making

of a derivative transaction rule or a derivative trade

repository rule, or to consent to the variation or

revocation of such a rule; or

(iii) to direct ASIC, under section 901L or 903J, to amend or

revoke a derivative transaction rule or a derivative trade

repository rule; or

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Section 1317C

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(gdb) a decision by ASIC to make derivative transaction rules or

derivative trade repository rules under section 901A or 903A,

or to vary or revoke such rules; or

(gdc) a decision by ASIC to do or not do anything under

regulations made for the purpose of section 901F or 903E; or

(gdd) a decision by ASIC to make client money reporting rules

under section 981J; or

(gde) a decision by ASIC to do or not do anything under

regulations made for the purposes of section 981N

(alternatives to civil proceedings for contraventions of client

money reporting rules); or

(gdf) a decision by ASIC to make a declaration under

subsection 908AC(2), or to vary or revoke such a declaration

(about significant financial benchmarks); or

(gdg) a decision by the Minister under:

(i) subsection 908AC(4) to consent to the making of a

declaration under subsection 908AC(2); or

(ii) subsection 908AD(3) to direct ASIC to revoke a

declaration made under subsection 908AC(2); or

(gdh) a decision of the Minister under subsection 908BU(2) to

disallow a direction or notice given by ASIC under

section 908BT (about compliance directions or notices given

to benchmark administrator licensees); or

(gdi) a decision by ASIC to make rules under Division 3 of

Part 7.5B, or to vary or revoke such rules; or

(gdj) a decision by ASIC to do or not do anything under

regulations made for the purposes of subsection 908CG(1)

(alternatives to civil proceedings for contraventions of rules

about financial benchmarks); or

(gdk) a decision by the Minister:

(i) under subsection 908CM(2) to consent to the making of

rules under Division 3 of Part 7.5B; or

(ii) under subsection 908CN(3) to direct ASIC to vary or

revoke rules made under Division 3 of Part 7.5B; or

(gdl) a decision by ASIC to require something, by giving written

notice, under the compelled financial benchmark rules; or

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Miscellaneous Chapter 9

Review by Administrative Appeals Tribunal of certain decisions Part 9.4A

Section 1317C

Corporations Act 2001 479

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(gdm) any of the following decisions by ASIC:

(i) a decision under subsection 1023D(3) (which relates to

making product intervention orders);

(ii) a decision under subsection 1023H(1) (which relates to

extensions of product intervention orders);

(iii) a decision under section 1023J (which relates to

amendments of product intervention orders) that, under

subsection 1023J(6), must be by legislative instrument;

(iv) a decision under section 1023K (which relates to

revocation of product intervention orders) that, under

subsection 1023K(4), must be by legislative instrument;


(ge) a decision of ASIC under section 1101A; or

(gf) a decision of ASIC:

(i) to give an infringement notice under section 1317DAM;


(ii) to extend, or to refuse to extend, the payment period for

an infringement notice under section 1317DAR; or

(iii) to make an arrangement, or to refuse to make an

arrangement, to pay the amount payable under an

infringement notice by instalments under

section 1317DAS; or

(iv) to withdraw, or not to withdraw, an infringement notice

under section 1317DAT; or

(h) a decision to make a determination under

subsection 1317D(3); or

(i) a decision of ASIC to issue an infringement notice under

section 1317DAC; or

(j) a decision of ASIC to withdraw, or not to withdraw, an

infringement notice under section 1317DAI; or

(k) a decision of ASIC under section 40-5 of Schedule 2 (which

deals with directing liquidators to comply with requirements

to lodge documents etc.); or

(l) a decision of ASIC under section 40-10 of Schedule 2 (which

deals with directing liquidators to correct inaccuracies etc.);


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Chapter 9 Miscellaneous

Part 9.4A Review by Administrative Appeals Tribunal of certain decisions

Section 1317D

480 Corporations Act 2001

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(m) a decision of ASIC under section 40-100 of Schedule 2 to

take no action in relation to matters raised by an industry

notice lodged under that section (notice by industry bodies of

possible grounds for disciplinary action); or

(n) a decision of ASIC to give a direction under section 70-70 of

Schedule 2 (which deals with directing external

administrators to comply with requests for information etc.);


(o) a decision of ASIC under section 70-85 of Schedule 2 (a

decision to impose a condition on the use or disclosure of

relevant material).

1317D Notice of reviewable decision and review rights

(1) This section applies if the Minister, ASIC, the Companies Auditors

Disciplinary Board or a committee convened under Part 2 of

Schedule 2 (the decision maker) makes a decision to which

section 1317B applies.

(2) Subject to subsection (3), the decision maker must take such steps

as are reasonable in the circumstances to give to each person

whose interests are affected by the decision notice, in writing or


(a) of the making of the decision; and

(b) of the person’s right to have the decision reviewed by the


(3) Subsection (2) does not require the decision maker to give notice to

a person affected by the decision or to the persons in a class of

persons affected by the decision, if the decision maker determines

that giving notice to the person or persons is not warranted, having

regard to:

(a) the cost of giving notice to the person or persons; and

(b) the way in which the interests of the person or persons are

affected by the decision.

(4) A failure to comply with this section does not affect the validity of

the decision.

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Miscellaneous Chapter 9

Review by Administrative Appeals Tribunal of certain decisions Part 9.4A

Section 1317D

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(5) The fact that a person has not been given notice of the decision

because of a determination under subsection (3) constitutes special

circumstances for the purposes of subsection 29(6) of the

Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975.

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Chapter 9 Miscellaneous

Part 9.4AA Infringement notices for alleged contraventions of continuous disclosure


Section 1317DAA

482 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 9.4AA—Infringement notices for alleged

contraventions of continuous disclosure


1317DAA Definitions

(1) In this Part:

compensation proceedings means:

(a) proceedings under section 1317H, 1317HA, 1317HB,

1317HC or 1317HE; and

(b) proceedings under section 12GF of the ASIC Act in relation

to a contravention of section 12DA of that Act; and

(c) any other proceedings by a person for compensation for loss

or damage suffered by the person.

compliance period for an infringement notice has the meaning

affected by section 1317DAH.

contravention proceedings means proceedings under

section 1101B by a person referred to in paragraph 1101B(1)(b) or


enforcement proceedings means proceedings under section 793C

by a person referred to in paragraph 793C(1)(b), (c) or (d).

infringement notice means an infringement notice issued under

section 1317DAC.

penalty and disclosure proceedings means the proceedings

referred to in column 3 of the table in subsection 1317DAG(2).

public interest proceedings means proceedings under section 50 of

the ASIC Act.

(2) For the purposes of applying this Part to a disclosing entity that is

an undertaking to which interests in a registered scheme relate:

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Miscellaneous Chapter 9

Infringement notices for alleged contraventions of continuous disclosure provisions

Part 9.4AA

Section 1317DAA

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(a) references to the disclosing entity are taken to be references

to the responsible entity for the registered scheme; and

(b) references to a financial report for a financial year being

lodged by a disclosing entity are taken to be references to

such a report being lodged by the responsible entity in

relation to the scheme; and

(c) references to securities of a disclosing entity are taken to be

references to interests in the registered scheme; and

(d) references to a disclosing entity being convicted of an

offence based on subsection 674(2) or 675(2) are taken to be

references to the responsible entity being convicted of such

an offence in relation to the registered scheme; and

(e) references to a civil penalty order under Part 9.4B being

made against a disclosing entity in relation to a contravention

of subsection 674(2) or 675(2) are taken to be references to

such an order being made against the responsible entity in

relation to the registered scheme; and

(f) references to a disclosing entity having breached an

enforceable undertaking given to ASIC under section 93AA

or 93A of the ASIC Act in relation to the requirements of

subsection 674(2) or 675(2) are taken to be references to the

responsible entity having breached such an undertaking given

in relation to the registered scheme.

(3) For the purposes of applying this Part to a disclosing entity that is

an undertaking to which interests in a notified foreign passport

fund relate:

(a) references to the disclosing entity are taken to be references

to the operator of the fund; and

(b) references to a financial report for a financial year being

lodged by a disclosing entity are taken to be references to a

copy of a report for the fund for the financial year, prepared

in accordance with the financial reporting requirements

applying to the fund under the Passport Rules for the home

economy for the fund, being lodged by the operator of the

fund; and

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Chapter 9 Miscellaneous

Part 9.4AA Infringement notices for alleged contraventions of continuous disclosure


Section 1317DAB

484 Corporations Act 2001

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(c) references to securities of a disclosing entity are taken to be

references to interests in the fund; and

(d) references to a disclosing entity being convicted of an

offence based on subsection 674(2) or 675(2) are taken to be

references to the operator of the fund being convicted of such

an offence in relation to the fund; and

(e) references to a civil penalty order under Part 9.4B being

made against a disclosing entity in relation to a contravention

of subsection 674(2) or 675(2) are taken to be references to

such an order being made against the operator of the fund in

relation to the fund; and

(f) references to a disclosing entity having breached an

enforceable undertaking given to ASIC under section 93AA

or 93B of the ASIC Act in relation to the requirements of

subsection 674(2) or 675(2) are taken to be references to the

operator of the fund having breached such an undertaking

given in relation to the fund.

1317DAB Purpose and effect of this Part

(1) The purpose of this Part is to provide for the issue of an

infringement notice to a disclosing entity for an alleged

contravention of subsection 674(2) or 675(2) as an alternative to

proceedings for civil penalties under Part 9.4B.

(2) This Part does not:

(a) require an infringement notice to be issued to the disclosing

entity for the alleged contravention of subsection 674(2) or

675(2); or

(b) affect the liability of the disclosing entity to civil or criminal

proceedings in relation to the alleged contravention of

subsection 674(2) or 675(2) if:

(i) an infringement notice is not issued to the disclosing

entity for the alleged contravention; or

(ii) an infringement notice issued to the disclosing entity for

the alleged contravention is withdrawn under

section 1317DAI; or

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Miscellaneous Chapter 9

Infringement notices for alleged contraventions of continuous disclosure provisions

Part 9.4AA

Section 1317DAC

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(c) prevent a Court from imposing a higher penalty than the

penalty specified in the infringement notice if the disclosing

entity does not comply with the infringement notice.

1317DAC Issue of infringement notice

Issue of infringement notice

(1) Subject to section 1317DAD, if ASIC has reasonable grounds to

believe that a disclosing entity has contravened subsection 674(2)

or 675(2), ASIC may issue an infringement notice to the disclosing


(2) ASIC issues the infringement notice to the disclosing entity by

serving it on the disclosing entity.

(3) ASIC must not issue more than one infringement notice to the

disclosing entity for the same alleged contravention of

subsection 674(2) or 675(2).

ASIC must have regard to certain matters

(4) In determining whether to issue an infringement notice to a listed

disclosing entity for an alleged contravention of subsection 674(2),

ASIC must have regard to:

(a) any guidelines issued by the relevant market operator for the

listed disclosing entity that relate to the provisions of the

listing rules referred to in subsection 674(1); and

(b) any other relevant matter.

Infringement notice does not have effect

(5) The infringement notice does not have any effect if the

infringement notice:

(a) is issued more than 12 months after the day on which the

contravention of subsection 674(2) or 675(2) is alleged to

have occurred; or

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Chapter 9 Miscellaneous

Part 9.4AA Infringement notices for alleged contraventions of continuous disclosure


Section 1317DAD

486 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) relates to more than one alleged contravention of

subsection 674(2) or 675(2) by the disclosing entity.

1317DAD Statement of reasons must be given

Statement of reasons

(1) Before issuing the infringement notice, ASIC must:

(a) give the disclosing entity a written statement that sets out

ASIC’s reasons for believing that the disclosing entity has

contravened subsection 674(2) or 675(2); and

(b) give a representative of the disclosing entity an opportunity


(i) appear at a private hearing before ASIC; and

(ii) give evidence to ASIC; and

(iii) make submissions to ASIC;

in relation to the alleged contravention of subsection 674(2)

or 675(2).

(2) If the disclosing entity is a listed disclosing entity, ASIC must

consult with the relevant market operator for the disclosing entity

before giving the disclosing entity the statement under this


(3) ASIC does not need to consult the relevant market operator under

subsection (2) if:

(a) the disclosing entity is the relevant market operator; or

(b) the disclosing entity conducts a business in competition with

a business conducted by the relevant market operator.

Limit on the use of evidence or information given to ASIC

(4) Evidence or information that a representative of the disclosing

entity gives ASIC under paragraph (1)(b) in relation to the alleged

contravention of subsection 674(2) or 675(2) is:

(a) not admissible in evidence against the disclosing entity in

any proceedings; and

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Miscellaneous Chapter 9

Infringement notices for alleged contraventions of continuous disclosure provisions

Part 9.4AA

Section 1317DAE

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(b) not admissible in evidence against a representative of the

disclosing entity in any proceedings (other than proceedings

for an offence based on the evidence or information given

being false or misleading).

1317DAE Matters to be included in infringement notice

(1) The infringement notice:

(a) must state the day on which it is issued; and

(b) must state the name and address of the disclosing entity to

whom it is issued; and

(c) must state that it is being issued by ASIC; and

(d) must state that ASIC may publish details of the disclosing

entity’s compliance with the infringement notice under

section 1317DAJ if the disclosing entity complies with the

notice; and

(e) must give details of the alleged contravention by the

disclosing entity, including:

(i) the date of the alleged contravention; and

(ii) the particular provision that was contravened; and

(f) must state the maximum pecuniary penalty that a Court could

impose under Part 9.4B in relation to the alleged

contravention; and

(g) must specify the penalty that is payable in relation to the

alleged contravention; and

(h) must state that the penalty is payable to ASIC on behalf of

the Commonwealth; and

(i) if it is alleged that the disclosing entity contravened

subsection 674(2)—may specify information that the

disclosing entity must notify to the relevant market operator

in accordance with the provisions of the listing rules referred

to in subsection 674(1); and

(j) if it is alleged that the disclosing entity contravened

subsection 675(2)—may require the disclosing entity to

lodge a document with ASIC that contains specified

information; and

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Chapter 9 Miscellaneous

Part 9.4AA Infringement notices for alleged contraventions of continuous disclosure


Section 1317DAE

488 Corporations Act 2001

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(k) must explain the effect of sections 1317DAF, 1317DAG and

1317DAH; and

(l) must state that the disclosing entity may make written

representations to ASIC seeking the withdrawal of the

infringement notice; and

(m) must contain any other matters that are prescribed in the


(2) Subject to subsection (3), the penalty specified in the infringement

notice under paragraph (1)(g) for an alleged contravention of

subsection 674(2) is:

(a) $100,000 if the disclosing entity is a Tier 1 entity; or

(b) $66,000 if the disclosing entity is a Tier 2 entity; or

(c) $33,000 if the disclosing entity is a Tier 3 entity.

(3) The penalty specified in the infringement notice under

paragraph (1)(g) for an alleged contravention of subsection 674(2)


(a) $100,000 if the disclosing entity is a Tier 2 entity; or

(b) $66,000 if the disclosing entity is a Tier 3 entity;


(c) the disclosing entity has at any time been convicted of an

offence based on subsection 674(2) or 675(2); or

(d) a civil penalty order under Part 9.4B has at any time been

made against the disclosing entity in relation to a

contravention of subsection 674(2) or 675(2); or

(e) the disclosing entity has at any time breached an enforceable

undertaking given to ASIC under section 93AA, 93A or 93B

of the ASIC Act in relation to the requirements of

subsection 674(2) or 675(2).

(4) Subject to subsection (5), the penalty specified in the infringement

notice under paragraph (1)(g) for an alleged contravention of

subsection 675(2) is $33,000.

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Miscellaneous Chapter 9

Infringement notices for alleged contraventions of continuous disclosure provisions

Part 9.4AA

Section 1317DAE

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(5) The penalty specified in the infringement notice under

paragraph (1)(g) for an alleged contravention of subsection 675(2)

is $66,000 if:

(a) the disclosing entity has at any time been convicted of an

offence based on subsection 674(2) or 675(2); or

(b) a civil penalty order under Part 9.4B has at any time been

made against the disclosing entity in relation to a

contravention of subsection 674(2) or 675(2); or

(c) the disclosing entity has at any time breached an enforceable

undertaking given to ASIC under section 93AA, 93A or 93B

of the ASIC Act in relation to the requirements of

subsection 674(2) or 675(2).

(6) For the purposes of this section:

(a) a disclosing entity is:

(i) a Tier 1 entity if its market capitalisation on the relevant

day exceeds $1,000 million; and

(ii) a Tier 2 entity if its market capitalisation on the relevant

day exceeds $100 million but does not exceed $1,000

million; and

(iii) a Tier 3 entity if its market capitalisation on the relevant

day does not exceed $100 million or it is not possible to

work out its market capitalisation on the relevant day

because it has not lodged a financial report with ASIC

before the relevant day; and

(b) the relevant day for an infringement notice is the last day of

the financial year in relation to which the latest financial

report by the disclosing entity has been lodged with ASIC

before the infringement notice is issued.

(7) This is how to work out a disclosing entity’s market capitalisation

on the relevant day:

(a) for each class of security of the disclosing entity that is a

quoted security:

(i) work out the closing price, on the relevant day, for

securities in that class on the prescribed financial market

on which the securities are quoted; and

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Chapter 9 Miscellaneous

Part 9.4AA Infringement notices for alleged contraventions of continuous disclosure


Section 1317DAF

490 Corporations Act 2001

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(ii) multiply that price by the number of securities in that

class on issue on the relevant day (as shown in the

financial report lodged with ASIC for the period that

ends on the relevant day); and

(b) add up the amounts obtained under paragraph (a): the result

is the disclosing entity’s market capitalisation on the relevant


Disregard quoted securities of the disclosing entity that are options.

1317DAF Effect of issue and compliance with infringement notice

Circumstances in which this section applies

(1) This section applies if subsection (2) or (3) is satisfied.

(2) This subsection is satisfied if:

(a) the compliance period for the infringement notice has not

ended; and

(b) the infringement notice is not withdrawn under

section 1317DAI; and

(c) subsection (3) has not been satisfied.

(3) This subsection is satisfied if, within the compliance period for the

infringement notice, the disclosing entity:

(a) pays the penalty specified in the infringement notice; and

(b) either:

(i) if it is alleged in the infringement notice that the

disclosing entity contravened subsection 674(2)—

notifies the relevant market operator, in accordance with

the provisions of the listing rules referred to in

subsection 674(1), of any information specified in the

infringement notice; or

(ii) if it is alleged in the infringement notice that the

disclosing entity contravened subsection 675(2)—

lodges any required document with ASIC that contains

the information specified in the infringement notice.

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Miscellaneous Chapter 9

Infringement notices for alleged contraventions of continuous disclosure provisions

Part 9.4AA

Section 1317DAF

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Note: If this subsection is satisfied, ASIC must not withdraw the

infringement notice, see section 1317DAI.

No contravention etc. by the disclosing entity

(4) The disclosing entity is not, by reason only of subsection (3) being

satisfied, regarded as:

(a) having contravened the provision specified in the

infringement notice; or

(b) having been convicted of an offence constituted by the same

conduct that constituted the alleged contravention of the

provision specified in the infringement notice.

No proceedings may be started etc.

(5) Subject to subsection (6), no proceedings (whether criminal or

civil) may be started or continued against the disclosing entity in

relation to:

(a) the alleged contravention of the provision specified in the

infringement notice; or

(b) an offence constituted by the same conduct that constituted

the alleged contravention.

(6) Subsection (5) does not apply to the following proceedings:

(a) compensation proceedings, contravention proceedings,

enforcement proceedings and public interest proceedings that

relate to the alleged contravention of the provision specified

in the infringement notice;

(b) proceedings to enforce the following orders of a Court:

(i) an order made in relation to proceedings referred to in

paragraph (a);

(ii) an order made under subsection 1335(2) in relation to

proceedings referred to in paragraph (a) other than

public interest proceedings;

(c) any other proceedings in respect of a breach of an order

referred to in paragraph (b);

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Chapter 9 Miscellaneous

Part 9.4AA Infringement notices for alleged contraventions of continuous disclosure


Section 1317DAG

492 Corporations Act 2001

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(d) an appeal to a Court against the following decisions or orders

of a Court:

(i) a decision or order made in relation to proceedings

referred to in paragraph (a);

(ii) a decision or order made under subsection 1335(2) in

relation to the proceedings referred to in paragraph (a)

other than public interest proceedings.

(7) To avoid doubt, subsection (5) does not prevent ASIC from:

(a) making an order under section 91 of the ASIC Act; or

(b) bringing proceedings to enforce the order.

1317DAG Effect of failure to comply with infringement notice

Circumstances in which this section applies

(1) This section applies if an infringement notice issued to a disclosing

entity is not withdrawn under section 1317DAI.

Effect of failure to comply with infringement notice

(2) If the disclosing entity fails to do a thing specified in column 2 of

the following table within the compliance period for the

infringement notice, the disclosing entity is liable to the

proceedings specified in column 3 of the following table:

Effect of failure to comply with infringement notice

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

Item If the disclosing entity fails to: the disclosing entity is liable to:

1 pay the penalty specified in the

infringement notice

proceedings under Part 9.4B for:

(a) a declaration of contravention;


(b) a pecuniary penalty order;

in relation to the alleged

contravention of the provision

specified in the infringement notice.

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Infringement notices for alleged contraventions of continuous disclosure provisions

Part 9.4AA

Section 1317DAG

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Effect of failure to comply with infringement notice

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

Item If the disclosing entity fails to: the disclosing entity is liable to:

2 notify the relevant market

operator, in accordance with the

provisions of the listing rules

referred to in subsection 674(1),

of any information specified in

the infringement notice if it is

alleged in the infringement

notice that the disclosing entity

contravened subsection 674(2)

proceedings for an order under

section 1324B in relation to the

alleged contravention of the

provision specified in the

infringement notice.

3 lodge any required document

with ASIC that contains the

information specified in the

infringement notice if it is

alleged in the infringement

notice that the disclosing entity

contravened subsection 675(2)

proceedings for an order under

section 1324B in relation to the

alleged contravention of the

provision specified in the

infringement notice.

No other proceedings may be started etc.

(3) Subject to subsection (4), no other proceedings (whether criminal

or civil) may be started or continued against the disclosing entity in

relation to:

(a) the alleged contravention of the provision specified in the

infringement notice; or

(b) an offence constituted by the same conduct that constituted

the alleged contravention.

(4) Subsection (3) does not apply to the following proceedings:

(a) compensation proceedings, contravention proceedings,

enforcement proceedings and public interest proceedings that

relate to the alleged contravention of the provision specified

in the infringement notice;

(b) proceedings to enforce the following orders of a Court:

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Part 9.4AA Infringement notices for alleged contraventions of continuous disclosure


Section 1317DAG

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(i) an order made in relation to penalty and disclosure


(ii) an order made in relation to proceedings referred to in

paragraph (a);

(iii) an order made under subsection 1335(2) in relation to

penalty and disclosure proceedings;

(iv) an order made under subsection 1335(2) in relation to

proceedings referred to in paragraph (a) other than

public interest proceedings;

(c) any other proceedings in respect of a breach of an order

referred to in paragraph (b);

(d) an appeal to a Court against the following decisions or orders

of a Court:

(i) a decision or order made in relation to penalty and

disclosure proceedings;

(ii) a decision or order made in relation to proceedings

referred to in paragraph (a);

(iii) a decision or order made under subsection 1335(2) in

relation to penalty and disclosure proceedings;

(iv) a decision or order made under subsection 1335(2) in

relation to proceedings referred to in paragraph (a) other

than public interest proceedings.

(5) To avoid doubt, subsection (3) does not prevent ASIC from:

(a) making a determination under subsection 708AA(3),

708A(2), 713(6), 713A(23), 1012DAA(3), 1012DA(2) or

1013FA(3) of this Act; or

(b) making an order under section 91 of the ASIC Act; or

(c) accepting an undertaking under section 93AA, 93A or 93B of

the ASIC Act; or

(d) bringing proceedings to enforce the determination, order or


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Infringement notices for alleged contraventions of continuous disclosure provisions

Part 9.4AA

Section 1317DAH

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1317DAH Compliance period for infringement notice

(1) Subject to this section, the compliance period for an infringement

notice is a period of 28 days beginning on the day after the day on

which the infringement notice is issued.

(2) ASIC may extend, by notice in writing, the compliance period for

the infringement notice if ASIC is satisfied that it is appropriate to

do so.

(3) Only one extension may be given and the extension must not be for

longer than 28 days.

(4) Notice of the extension must be given to the disclosing entity that

was issued with the infringement notice.

(5) A failure to comply with subsection (4) does not affect the validity

of the extension.

(6) If ASIC extends the compliance period for an infringement notice,

a reference in this Act to the compliance period for an infringement

notice is taken to be a reference to the compliance period as so


1317DAI Withdrawal of infringement notice

Disclosing entity may seek withdrawal

(1) If an infringement notice is issued to a disclosing entity, the

disclosing entity may make written representations to ASIC

seeking the withdrawal of the infringement notice.

(2) Evidence or information that a representative of the disclosing

entity gives ASIC in the course of making representations under

subsection (1) is:

(a) not admissible in evidence against the disclosing entity in

any proceedings; and

(b) not admissible in evidence against a representative of the

disclosing entity in any proceedings (other than proceedings

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Part 9.4AA Infringement notices for alleged contraventions of continuous disclosure


Section 1317DAI

496 Corporations Act 2001

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for an offence based on the evidence or information given

being false or misleading).


(3) Subject to subsection (4), ASIC may withdraw the infringement

notice (whether or not the disclosing entity has made

representations seeking the withdrawal) if ASIC is satisfied that it

is appropriate to do so.

(4) ASIC must not withdraw the infringement notice if

subsection 1317DAF(3) is satisfied.

Withdrawal notice

(5) The withdrawal must be made by notice in writing and must be

given to the disclosing entity.

(6) The withdrawal notice must state:

(a) the name and address of the disclosing entity; and

(b) the day on which the infringement notice was issued to the

disclosing entity; and

(c) that the infringement notice is withdrawn; and

(d) that civil proceedings under Part 9.4B may be brought

against the disclosing entity for a contravention of the

provision specified in the infringement notice; and

(e) that a prosecution for an offence based on the provision

specified in the infringement notice may be brought against

the disclosing entity.

Refund of penalty

(7) If:

(a) the disclosing entity pays the penalty specified in the

infringement notice; and

(b) the infringement notice is withdrawn after the disclosing

entity pays the penalty;

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Infringement notices for alleged contraventions of continuous disclosure provisions

Part 9.4AA

Section 1317DAJ

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ASIC must refund to the disclosing entity an amount equal to the

amount paid.

1317DAJ Publication in relation to infringement notices

(1) If:

(a) ASIC issues an infringement notice to a disclosing entity;


(b) subsection 1317DAF(3) (compliance with the infringement

notice) is satisfied;

ASIC may publish details of the disclosing entity’s compliance

with the infringement notice under subsection (2) or (3) or under

both of those subsections.

(2) ASIC publishes details of the disclosing entity’s compliance with

the infringement notice under this subsection if it publishes a copy

of the infringement notice in the Gazette together with the

following statements:

(a) a statement that the disclosing entity has complied with the

infringement notice;

(b) a statement that compliance with the notice is not an

admission of guilt or liability;

(c) a statement that the disclosing entity is not regarded as

having contravened the provision specified in the notice.

(3) ASIC publishes details of the disclosing entity’s compliance with

the infringement notice under this subsection if:

(a) ASIC issues a statement (whether written or oral) about the

disclosing entity’s compliance with the infringement notice;


(b) the statement is limited to an accurate summary of the

infringement notice including:

(i) the name of the disclosing entity; and

(ii) the amount of the penalty payable under the notice in

relation to the alleged contravention; and

(iii) the conduct specified in the notice as the conduct in

relation to which the infringement notice was issued;

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Part 9.4AA Infringement notices for alleged contraventions of continuous disclosure


Section 1317DAJ

498 Corporations Act 2001

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together with the following statements:

(iv) a statement that the disclosing entity has complied with

the infringement notice;

(v) a statement that compliance with the notice is not an

admission of guilt or liability;

(vi) a statement that the relevant disclosing entity is not

regarded as having contravened the provision specified

in the notice.

(4) ASIC must not otherwise publish details of:

(a) an infringement notice; or

(b) a disclosing entity’s compliance with an infringement notice.

Failure to comply with this subsection is not an offence.

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Infringement notices for other alleged contraventions Part 9.4AB

Section 1317DAM

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Part 9.4AB—Infringement notices for other alleged


1317DAM When an infringement notice may be given

(1) If ASIC believes on reasonable grounds that a person has

contravened a provision subject to an infringement notice under

this Part, ASIC may give the person an infringement notice for the

alleged contravention.

(2) The infringement notice must be given within 12 months after the

day on which the contravention is alleged to have taken place.

(3) A single infringement notice must relate only to a single

contravention of a single provision unless subsection (4) applies.

(4) ASIC may give a person a single infringement notice relating to

multiple contraventions of a single provision if:

(a) the provision requires the person to do a thing within a

particular period or before a particular time; and

(b) the person fails or refuses to do that thing within that period

or before that time; and

(c) the failure or refusal occurs on more than 1 day; and

(d) each contravention is constituted by the failure or refusal on

one of those days.

(5) If an alleged contravention would, if proved, constitute both a

contravention of a civil penalty provision and of an offence

provision, the infringement notice must relate to the alleged

contravention of the offence provision.

1317DAN Provisions subject to an infringement notice

The following provisions are subject to an infringement notice

under this Part:

(a) strict liability offences against this Act;

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Section 1317DAP

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(b) absolute liability offences against this Act;

(c) other prescribed offences;

(d) prescribed civil penalty provisions.

1317DAP Matters to be included in an infringement notice

(1) An infringement notice must:

(a) be identified by a unique number; and

(b) state the day on which it is given; and

(c) state the name of the person to whom the notice is given; and

(d) state the name and contact details of the person who gave the

notice; and

(e) give brief details of the alleged contravention, or each alleged

contravention, to which the notice relates, including:

(i) the provision that was allegedly contravened; and

(ii) the maximum penalty that a court could impose for each

contravention, if the provision were contravened; and

(iii) the time (if known) and day of, and the place of, each

alleged contravention; and

(f) state the amount that is payable under the notice; and

(g) give an explanation of how payment of the amount is to be

made; and

(h) state that the payment period for the notice will be 28 days,

beginning on the day on which the notice is given, unless the

period is extended, an arrangement is made for payment by

instalments or the notice is withdrawn; and

(i) state that, if the person to whom the notice is given pays the

amount within the payment period, then (unless the notice is


(i) if the alleged contravention is of an offence provision

and would not also constitute a contravention of a civil

penalty provision—the person will not be liable to be

prosecuted in a court for the alleged contravention; or

(ii) if the alleged contravention is of an offence provision

and would also constitute a contravention of a civil

penalty provision—the person is not liable to be

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Section 1317DAP

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prosecuted in a court, and proceedings seeking a

pecuniary penalty order will not be brought, in relation

to the alleged contravention; or

(iii) if the alleged contravention is of a civil penalty

provision—proceedings seeking a pecuniary penalty

order will not be brought in relation to the alleged

contravention; and

(j) state that payment of the amount is not an admission of guilt

or liability; and

(k) state that the person may apply to ASIC to have the period in

which to pay the amount extended or for an arrangement to

pay the amount by instalments; and

(l) state that the person may choose not to pay the amount and,

if the person does so:

(i) if the alleged contravention is of an offence provision

and would not also constitute a contravention of a civil

penalty provision—the person may be prosecuted in a

court for the alleged contravention; or

(ii) if the alleged contravention is of an offence provision

and would also constitute a contravention of a civil

penalty provision—the person may be prosecuted in a

court, or proceedings seeking a pecuniary penalty order

may be brought, in relation to the alleged contravention;


(iii) if the alleged contravention is of a civil penalty

provision—proceedings seeking a pecuniary penalty

order may be brought in relation to the alleged

contravention; and

(m) set out how the notice can be withdrawn; and

(n) state that if the notice is withdrawn:

(i) if the alleged contravention is of an offence provision

and would not also constitute a contravention of a civil

penalty provision—the person may be prosecuted in a

court for the alleged contravention; or

(ii) if the alleged contravention is of an offence provision

and would also constitute a contravention of a civil

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Part 9.4AB Infringement notices for other alleged contraventions

Section 1317DAQ

502 Corporations Act 2001

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penalty provision—the person may be prosecuted in a

court, or proceedings seeking a pecuniary penalty order

may be brought, in relation to the alleged contravention;


(iii) if the alleged contravention is of a civil penalty

provision—proceedings seeking a pecuniary penalty

order may be brought in relation to the alleged

contravention; and

(o) state that the person may make written representations to

ASIC seeking the withdrawal of the notice.

(2) The amount to be stated in the notice for the purposes of

paragraph (1)(f) is:

(a) for a single contravention of an offence provision—half the

maximum penalty that a court could impose on the person for

the contravention; and

(b) for multiple contraventions of an offence provision—the

amount worked out under paragraph (a) for a single

contravention multiplied by the number of contraventions;


(c) for a single contravention of a civil penalty provision—12

penalty units for an individual and 60 penalty units for a

body corporate; and

(d) for multiple contraventions of a civil penalty provision—the

amount worked out under paragraph (c) for a single

contravention multiplied by the number of contraventions.

1317DAQ Payment period

Usual payment period

(1) The payment period for an infringement notice begins on the day

after the notice is given and, unless otherwise specified in this

section, continues for 28 days.

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Section 1317DAQ

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Payment period extended under section 1317DAR

(2) If, under section 1317DAR, ASIC extends the payment period for

the notice, the payment period is as extended.

(3) If ASIC refuses an application under subsection 1317DAR(1) for

an extension of the payment period for the notice, the payment

period ends on the later of the following days:

(a) the last day of the period that, without the extension that has

been refused, would be the payment period for the notice;

(b) the day that is 7 days after the day the applicant was given

notice of ASIC’s decision not to extend;

(c) the day that is 7 days after the day the application is taken to

have been refused under subsection 1317DAR(4).


(4) If, under section 1317DAS, ASIC makes an arrangement for the

amount payable under the notice to be paid by instalments, the

payment period ends on the earlier of the following days:

(a) the last day on which an instalment is to be paid under the


(b) if the person fails to pay an instalment in accordance with the

arrangement, the last day on which the missed instalment was

to be paid.

(5) If ASIC refuses an application made under subsection 1317DAS(1)

to make an arrangement for the amount payable under the notice to

be paid by instalments, the payment period ends on the earlier of

the following days:

(a) the last day of the period that, without the instalment

arrangement, would be the payment period for the notice;

(b) the day that is 7 days after the day the applicant was given

notice of ASIC’s decision not to make the arrangement;

(c) the day that is 7 days after the day the application is taken to

have been refused under subsection 1317DAS(4).

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Part 9.4AB Infringement notices for other alleged contraventions

Section 1317DAR

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Payment period if ASIC refuses to withdraw infringement notice

(6) If ASIC refuses a representation made under

subsection 1317DAT(1) for the notice to be withdrawn, the

payment period ends on the later of the following days:

(a) the last day of the period that, without the withdrawal, would

be the payment period for the notice;

(b) the day that is 7 days after the day the person was given

notice of ASIC’s decision not to withdraw the notice;

(c) the day that is 7 days after the day on which, under

subsection 1317DAT(5), ASIC is taken to have refused to

withdraw the infringement notice.

1317DAR Extension of time to pay amount

(1) A person to whom an infringement notice has been given may,

during the payment period for the notice, apply to ASIC for an

extension of the payment period for the notice.

(2) ASIC may, in writing, extend the payment period for an

infringement notice:

(a) if a person makes an application in accordance with

subsection (1); or

(b) on ASIC’s own initiative.

ASIC may do so before or after the end of the payment period.

(3) ASIC must do each of the following within 14 days after an

application in accordance with subsection (1) is made:

(a) grant or refuse to grant an extension of the payment period

for the infringement notice;

(b) give the applicant notice in writing of ASIC’s decision.

(4) If ASIC does not comply with subsection (3):

(a) ASIC is taken to have refused to grant an extension of the

payment period for the infringement notice; and

(b) the refusal is taken to have occurred on the last day of the 14

day period.

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Section 1317DAS

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(5) ASIC may extend the payment period more than once under

subsection (2).

1317DAS Payment by instalments

(1) A person to whom an infringement notice has been given may,

within 28 days after the infringement notice is given, apply to

ASIC to make an arrangement to pay the amount payable under the

infringement notice by instalments.

(2) ASIC may, in writing, make an arrangement for a person to pay the

amount payable under an infringement notice by instalments:

(a) if a person makes an application in accordance with

subsection (1); or

(b) on ASIC’s own initiative.

ASIC may do so before or after the end of the payment period.

(3) ASIC must do each of the following within 14 days after an

application in accordance with subsection (1) is made:

(a) decide to make, or refuse to make, an arrangement for the

applicant to pay the amount payable under the infringement

notice by instalments;

(b) give the applicant notice in writing of ASIC’s decision;

(c) if ASIC decides to make the arrangement, specify in the


(i) the day by which each instalment is to be paid; and

(ii) the amount of each instalment.

(4) If ASIC does not comply with subsection (3):

(a) ASIC is taken to have refused to make an arrangement for

the applicant to pay the amount payable under the

infringement notice by instalments; and

(b) the refusal is taken to have occurred on the last day of the 14

day period.

(5) ASIC may vary an arrangement for a person to pay the amount

payable under an infringement notice by instalments.

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Part 9.4AB Infringement notices for other alleged contraventions

Section 1317DAT

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(6) If:

(a) a person does not pay all of the instalments in accordance

with an arrangement made under this section; and

(b) the person is prosecuted, or proceedings seeking a pecuniary

penalty order are brought, for the alleged contravention;

ASIC must refund to the person the amount of any instalments


1317DAT Withdrawal of an infringement notice

Representations seeking withdrawal of notice

(1) A person to whom an infringement notice has been given may,

within 28 days after the infringement notice is given, make written

representations to ASIC seeking the withdrawal of the notice.

Withdrawal of notice

(2) ASIC may withdraw an infringement notice given to a person:

(a) if the person makes representations to ASIC in accordance

with subsection (1); or

(b) on ASIC’s own initiative.

ASIC may do so before or after the end of the payment period.

(3) ASIC must, within 14 days after a representation is made in

accordance with subsection (1):

(a) decide to withdraw, or refuse to withdraw, the infringement

notice; and

(b) if ASIC decides to withdraw the notice—give the applicant a

withdrawal notice in accordance with subsection (6); and

(c) if ASIC decides to refuse to withdraw the notice—give the

applicant notice of that fact.

(4) When deciding whether to withdraw, or refuse to withdraw, an

infringement notice, ASIC:

(a) must take into account any written representations seeking

the withdrawal that were given by the person to ASIC; and

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Section 1317DAT

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(b) may take into account the following:

(i) whether a court has previously imposed a penalty on the

person for a contravention of a provision of this Act;

(ii) the circumstances of the alleged contravention;

(iii) whether the person has paid an amount, stated in an

earlier infringement notice, for a contravention of a

provision of this Act;

(iv) any other matter ASIC considers relevant.

(5) If ASIC does not comply with subsection (3):

(a) ASIC is taken to have refused to make an arrangement for

the applicant to pay the amount payable under the

infringement notice by instalments; and

(b) the refusal is taken to have occurred on the last day of the 14

day period.

Notice of withdrawal

(6) The withdrawal notice must state:

(a) the person’s name and address; and

(b) the day the infringement notice was given; and

(c) the identifying number of the infringement notice; and

(d) that the infringement notice is withdrawn; and

(e) that:

(i) if the alleged contravention is of an offence provision

and would not also constitute a contravention of a civil

penalty provision—the person may be prosecuted in a

court for the alleged contravention; or

(ii) if the alleged contravention is of an offence provision

and would also constitute a contravention of a civil

penalty provision—the person may be prosecuted in a

court, or proceedings seeking a pecuniary penalty order

may be brought, in relation to the alleged contravention;


(iii) if the alleged contravention is of a civil penalty

provision—proceedings seeking a pecuniary penalty

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Part 9.4AB Infringement notices for other alleged contraventions

Section 1317DAU

508 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

order may be brought in relation to the alleged


Refund of amount if infringement notice withdrawn

(7) If:

(a) ASIC withdraws the infringement notice; and

(b) the person has already paid all or part of the amount stated in

the notice;

ASIC must refund to the person an amount equal to the amount


1317DAU Effect of payment of amount

(1) If the person to whom an infringement notice for an alleged

contravention of a provision is given pays the amount stated in the

notice before the end of the payment period for the notice:

(a) any liability of the person for the alleged contravention is

discharged; and

(b) if the alleged contravention is of an offence provision and

would not also constitute a contravention of a civil penalty

provision—the person may not be prosecuted in a court for

the alleged contravention; and

(c) if the alleged contravention is of an offence provision and

would also constitute a contravention of a civil penalty

provision—the person may not be prosecuted in a court, and

proceedings seeking a pecuniary penalty order may not be

brought, in relation to the alleged contravention; and

(d) if the alleged contravention is of a civil penalty provision—

proceedings seeking a pecuniary penalty order may not be

brought in relation to the alleged contravention; and

(e) the person is not regarded as having admitted guilt or liability

for the alleged contravention; and

(f) if the provision is an offence provision—the person is not

regarded as having been convicted of the alleged offence.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply if the notice has been withdrawn.

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Section 1317DAV

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1317DAV Effect of this Part

This Part does not:

(a) require an infringement notice to be given to a person for an

alleged contravention of a provision subject to an

infringement notice under this Part; or

(b) affect the liability of a person for an alleged contravention of

a provision subject to an infringement notice under this Part


(i) the person does not comply with an infringement notice

given to the person for the contravention; or

(ii) an infringement notice is not given to the person for the

contravention; or

(iii) an infringement notice is given to the person for the

contravention and is subsequently withdrawn; or

(c) prevent the giving of 2 or more infringement notices to a

person for an alleged contravention of a provision subject to

an infringement notice under this Part; or

(d) limit a court’s discretion to determine the amount of a

penalty to be imposed on a person who is found to have

contravened a provision subject to an infringement notice

under this Part.

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Chapter 9 Miscellaneous

Part 9.4B Civil consequences of contravening civil penalty provisions

Division 1 The Court may make declarations of contravention, pecuniary penalty

orders, relinquishment orders, refund orders and compensation orders

Section 1317E

510 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 9.4B—Civil consequences of contravening civil

penalty provisions

Division 1—The Court may make declarations of

contravention, pecuniary penalty orders,

relinquishment orders, refund orders and

compensation orders

1317E Declaration of contravention of a civil penalty provision

Declaration of contravention

(1) If a Court is satisfied that a person has contravened a civil penalty

provision, the Court must make a declaration of contravention.

(2) The declaration must specify the following:

(a) the Court that made the declaration;

(b) the civil penalty provision that was contravened;

(c) the person who contravened the provision;

(d) the conduct that constituted the contravention;

(e) if the contravention is of a corporation/scheme civil penalty

provision—the corporation, registered scheme or notified

foreign passport fund to which the conduct related;

(f) if the contravention is of subsection 1211B(1) or (2)

(complying with the Passport Rules for this jurisdiction)—

the passport fund in relation to which the obligation was

imposed on the person;

(g) if the contravention is of subsection 670A(4), 727(6), 728(4)

or 1309(12) (misleading statements etc.)—the corporation,

registered scheme or notified foreign passport fund to which

the conduct related.

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Miscellaneous Chapter 9

Civil consequences of contravening civil penalty provisions Part 9.4B

The Court may make declarations of contravention, pecuniary penalty orders,

relinquishment orders, refund orders and compensation orders Division 1

Section 1317E

Corporations Act 2001 511

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Meanings of civil penalty provision, corporation/scheme civil

penalty provision and financial services civil penalty provision

(3) In this Act:

(a) a provision specified in column 1 of the following table is a

civil penalty provision; and

(b) a civil penalty provision categorised as a corporation/scheme

provision in column 3 of the following table is a

corporation/scheme civil penalty provision; and

(c) a civil penalty provision categorised as a financial services

provision in column 3 of the following table is a financial

services civil penalty provision; and

(d) a provision that is specified as having no categorisation in

column 3 of the following table is neither a

corporation/scheme civil penalty provision nor a financial

services civil penalty provision.

Civil penalty provisions

Column 1


Column 2

Brief description of the provision

Column 3

Categorisation of

the provision

subsections 180(1), 181(1)

and (2), 182(1) and (2) and

183(1) and (2)

officers’ duties corporation/scheme

subsections 188(1) and (2) responsibilities of secretaries etc.

for corporate contraventions


subsection 209(2) related parties rules corporation/scheme

subsections 254L(2),

256D(3), 259F(2) and


share capital transactions corporation/scheme

subsections 344(1) and


requirements for financial reports corporation/scheme

subsection 588G(2) insolvent trading corporation/scheme

subsections 596AC(1), (2),

(3) and (4)

avoiding employee entitlements corporation/scheme

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Chapter 9 Miscellaneous

Part 9.4B Civil consequences of contravening civil penalty provisions

Division 1 The Court may make declarations of contravention, pecuniary penalty

orders, relinquishment orders, refund orders and compensation orders

Section 1317E

512 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Civil penalty provisions

Column 1


Column 2

Brief description of the provision

Column 3

Categorisation of

the provision

subsection 601ED(8) obligation to be registered if

operating certain managed

investment schemes


subsection 601FC(5) duties of responsible entity corporation/scheme

subsection 601FD(3) duties of officers of responsible



subsection 601FE(3) duties of employees of responsible



subsection 601FG(2) acquisition of interest in scheme by

responsible entity


subsection 601JD(3) duties of members corporation/scheme

subsection 601UAA(2) duties of officers of licensed trustee



subsection 601UAB(2) duties of employees of licensed

trustee company


subsection 670A(4) misstatements in, or omissions

from, takeover and compulsory

acquisition and buy-out documents


subsections 674(2),

674(2A), 675(2) and


continuous disclosure financial services

subsection 727(6) offering securities without a current

disclosure document


subsection 728(4) misstatement in, or omission from,

disclosure document


subsection 791A(3) need for an Australian market



subsection 792A(2) general obligations of market



subsection 792B(7) market licensee to notify ASIC of

certain matters


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Civil consequences of contravening civil penalty provisions Part 9.4B

The Court may make declarations of contravention, pecuniary penalty orders,

relinquishment orders, refund orders and compensation orders Division 1

Section 1317E

Corporations Act 2001 513

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Civil penalty provisions

Column 1


Column 2

Brief description of the provision

Column 3

Categorisation of

the provision

subsection 798H(1) complying with market integrity



subsection 820A(3) need for an Australian CS facility



subsection 821A(2) general obligations of CS facility



subsection 821B(6) CS facility licensee to notify ASIC

of certain matters


subsection 853F(3) obligations on disqualified



section 901E complying with derivative

transaction rules


section 903D complying with derivative trade

repository rules


subsection 904A(2) general obligations of derivative

trade repository licensees


subsection 904C(1A) obligation to notify ASIC of

inability to meet obligations under

section 904A


subsection 905A(3) need to hold a licence to operate a

derivative trade repository


subsection 908CF(1) complying with financial

benchmark rules or compelled

financial benchmark rules


subsections 908DA(1) and

(2) and 908DB(1) and (2)

manipulating financial benchmarks uncategorised

subsection 911A(5B) need for an Australian financial

services licence


subsection 911B(4) providing financial services on

behalf of a person who carries on a

financial services business


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Chapter 9 Miscellaneous

Part 9.4B Civil consequences of contravening civil penalty provisions

Division 1 The Court may make declarations of contravention, pecuniary penalty

orders, relinquishment orders, refund orders and compensation orders

Section 1317E

514 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Civil penalty provisions

Column 1


Column 2

Brief description of the provision

Column 3

Categorisation of

the provision

subsection 912A(5A) general obligations of a financial

services licensee


subsection 912D(3) financial services licensee to notify

ASIC of certain matters


subsection 920C(4) need to comply with a banning



subsection 922M(5) need to comply with obligation to

notify ASIC


subsection 941A(3) obligation on financial services

licensee to give a Financial

Services Guide if financial service

provided to person as a retail client


subsection 941B(4) obligation on authorised

representative to give a Financial

Services Guide if financial service

provided to person as a retail client


subsection 946A(4) obligation to give client a Statement

of Advice


subsection 952E(9) giving a defective disclosure

document or statement (whether or

not known to be defective)


subsection 952H(3) financial services licensee failing to

ensure authorised representative

gives disclosure documents or

statements as required


subsections 961K(1) and


financial services licensee

responsible for breach of certain

best interests duties


section 961L financial services licensee to ensure

compliance with certain best

interests duties


Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Miscellaneous Chapter 9

Civil consequences of contravening civil penalty provisions Part 9.4B

The Court may make declarations of contravention, pecuniary penalty orders,

relinquishment orders, refund orders and compensation orders Division 1

Section 1317E

Corporations Act 2001 515

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Civil penalty provisions

Column 1


Column 2

Brief description of the provision

Column 3

Categorisation of

the provision

subsection 961Q(1) authorised representative

responsible for breach of certain

best interests duties


section 962P charging ongoing fee after

termination of ongoing fee



subsection 962S(1) fee recipient must give fee

disclosure statement


subsections 963E(1) and


financial services licensee

responsible for breach of ban on

conflicted remuneration

financial services

section 963F financial services licensee must

ensure representatives do not accept

conflicted remuneration

financial services

subsection 963G(1) authorised representative must not

accept conflicted remuneration

financial services

section 963J employer must not pay employees

conflicted remuneration

financial services

section 963K financial product issuer or seller

must not give conflicted

remuneration to financial services

licensee or representative

financial services

subsection 964A(1) platform operator must not accept

volume-based shelf-space fees

financial services

subsections 964D(1) and


financial services licensee

responsible for breach of

asset-based fees on borrowed


financial services

subsection 964E(1) authorised representative must not

charge asset-based fees on

borrowed amounts

financial services

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 9 Miscellaneous

Part 9.4B Civil consequences of contravening civil penalty provisions

Division 1 The Court may make declarations of contravention, pecuniary penalty

orders, relinquishment orders, refund orders and compensation orders

Section 1317E

516 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Civil penalty provisions

Column 1


Column 2

Brief description of the provision

Column 3

Categorisation of

the provision

section 965 anti-avoidance of Part 7.7A


financial services

subsection 981B(3) obligation to pay money into an



subsection 981C(2) various matters relating to accounts

maintained for the purposes of

section 981B


subsection 981M(1) complying with client money

reporting rules


subsection 985E(1) issuing or increasing limit of

margin lending facility without

having made assessment etc.

financial services

subsection 985H(1) failure to assess a margin lending

facility as unsuitable

financial services

subsection 985J(1) failure to give assessment to retail

client if requested before issue of

facility or increase in limit

financial services

subsection 985J(2) failure to give assessment to retail

client if requested after issue of

facility or increase in limit

financial services

subsection 985J(4) demanding payment to give

assessment to retail client

financial services

subsection 985K(1) issuing or increasing limit of

margin lending facility if unsuitable

financial services

section 985L making issue of margin lending

facility conditional on retail client

agreeing to receive communications

through agent

financial services

subsection 985M(1) failure to notify of margin call

where there is no agent

financial services

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Miscellaneous Chapter 9

Civil consequences of contravening civil penalty provisions Part 9.4B

The Court may make declarations of contravention, pecuniary penalty orders,

relinquishment orders, refund orders and compensation orders Division 1

Section 1317E

Corporations Act 2001 517

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Civil penalty provisions

Column 1


Column 2

Brief description of the provision

Column 3

Categorisation of

the provision

subsection 985M(2) failure to notify of margin call

where there is an agent

financial services

subsection 993D(4) failure to pay loan money into an

account as required

financial services

subsection 1012A(5) obligation to give Product

Disclosure Statement—personal

advice recommending particular

financial product

financial services

subsection 1012B(6) obligation to give Product

Disclosure Statement—situations

related to issue of financial


financial services

subsection 1012C(11) obligation to give Product

Disclosure Statement—offers

related to sale of financial products

financial services

subsection 1017BA(4B) trustee of regulated superannuation

funds—obligation to make product

dashboard publicly available

financial services

subsection 1017BB(5AA) trustee of registrable

superannuation entities—obligation

to make information relating to

investment of assets publicly


financial services

subsection 1020A(5) offers etc. relating to certain

managed investment schemes not to

be made in certain circumstances

financial services

subsection 1021E(8) preparer of defective disclosure

document or statement giving the

document or statement (whether or

not known to be defective)

financial services

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 9 Miscellaneous

Part 9.4B Civil consequences of contravening civil penalty provisions

Division 1 The Court may make declarations of contravention, pecuniary penalty

orders, relinquishment orders, refund orders and compensation orders

Section 1317E

518 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Civil penalty provisions

Column 1


Column 2

Brief description of the provision

Column 3

Categorisation of

the provision

subsection 1021G(3) financial services licensee failing to

ensure authorised representative

gives etc. disclosure documents or

statements as required

financial services

subsection 1023P(1) engaging in conduct contrary to a

product intervention order

financial services

subsection 1023P(2) failure to notify retail clients financial services

subsection 1023P(4) failure to take reasonable steps to

make others aware of product

intervention order

financial services

section 1041A market manipulation financial services

subsection 1041B(1) false trading and market rigging—

creating a false or misleading

appearance of active trading etc.

financial services

subsection 1041C(1) false trading and market rigging—

artificially maintaining etc. market


financial services

section 1041D dissemination of information about

illegal transactions

financial services

subsections 1043A(1) and


insider trading financial services

subsections 1211B(1) and


contravening the Passport Rules uncategorised

subsection 1309(12) false information uncategorised

subclause 29(6) of

Schedule 4

disclosure for proposed



Note 1: Once a declaration has been made, ASIC can seek a pecuniary penalty

order (section 1317G) or (in the case of a corporation/scheme civil

penalty provision and certain other civil penalty provisions) a

disqualification order (section 206C).

Note 2: The descriptions of matters in column 2 are indicative only.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Miscellaneous Chapter 9

Civil consequences of contravening civil penalty provisions Part 9.4B

The Court may make declarations of contravention, pecuniary penalty orders,

relinquishment orders, refund orders and compensation orders Division 1

Section 1317F

Corporations Act 2001 519

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Note 3: Section 908DD contains some matters relevant for making

declarations of contravention for subsections 908DA(1) and (2) and

908DB(1) and (2) (about manipulating financial benchmarks).

Attempt and involvement in contravention treated in same way as

actual contravention

(4) A person who:

(a) attempts to contravene a civil penalty provision; or

(b) is involved in a contravention of a civil penalty provision;

is taken to have contravened the provision.

1317F Declaration of contravention is conclusive evidence

A declaration of contravention is conclusive evidence of the

matters referred to in subsection 1317E(2).

1317G Pecuniary penalty orders

Court may order person to pay pecuniary penalty

(1) A Court may order a person to pay to the Commonwealth a

pecuniary penalty in relation to the contravention of a civil penalty

provision if:

(a) a declaration of contravention of the civil penalty provision

by the person has been made under section 1317E; and

(b) if the contravention is of a corporation/scheme civil penalty

provision, the contravention:

(i) materially prejudices the interests of the corporation,

scheme or fund, or its members; or

(ii) materially prejudices the corporation’s ability to pay its

creditors; or

(iii) is serious; and

(c) if the contravention is of a financial services civil penalty

provision that is not a Part 7.7A civil penalty provision, the


Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 9 Miscellaneous

Part 9.4B Civil consequences of contravening civil penalty provisions

Division 1 The Court may make declarations of contravention, pecuniary penalty

orders, relinquishment orders, refund orders and compensation orders

Section 1317G

520 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(i) materially prejudices the interests of acquirers or

disposers of the relevant financial products; or

(ii) materially prejudices the issuer of the relevant financial

products or, if the issuer is a corporation, scheme or

fund, the members of that corporation, scheme or fund;


(iii) is serious; and

(d) if the contravention is of subsection 1211B(1) or (2)

(complying with the Passport Rules for this jurisdiction), the


(i) materially prejudices the interests of the passport fund

or its members; or

(ii) is serious.

The order is a pecuniary penalty order.

Maximum pecuniary penalty

(2) The pecuniary penalty must not exceed the pecuniary penalty

applicable to the contravention of the civil penalty provision.

Pecuniary penalty applicable to the contravention of a civil penalty

provision—by an individual

(3) The pecuniary penalty applicable to the contravention of a civil

penalty provision by an individual is the greater of:

(a) 5,000 penalty units; and

(b) if the Court can determine the benefit derived and detriment

avoided because of the contravention—that amount

multiplied by 3.

Pecuniary penalty applicable to the contravention of a civil penalty

provision—by a body corporate

(4) The pecuniary penalty applicable to the contravention of a civil

penalty provision by a body corporate is the greatest of:

(a) 50,000 penalty units; and

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Miscellaneous Chapter 9

Civil consequences of contravening civil penalty provisions Part 9.4B

The Court may make declarations of contravention, pecuniary penalty orders,

relinquishment orders, refund orders and compensation orders Division 1

Section 1317GAA

Corporations Act 2001 521

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(b) if the Court can determine the benefit derived and detriment

avoided because of the contravention—that amount

multiplied by 3; and

(c) either:

(i) 10% of the annual turnover of the body corporate for the

12-month period ending at the end of the month in

which the body corporate contravened, or began to

contravene, the civil penalty provision; or

(ii) if the amount worked out under subparagraph (i) is

greater than an amount equal to 2.5 million penalty

units—2.5 million penalty units.

Contrary intention in relation to pecuniary penalty applicable

(5) Subsections (3) and (4) apply in relation to a contravention of a

civil penalty provision by an individual or a body corporate unless

there is a contrary intention under this Act in relation to the

pecuniary penalty applicable to the contravention. In that case, the

pecuniary penalty applicable is the penalty specified for the civil

penalty provision.

Determining pecuniary penalty

(6) In determining the pecuniary penalty, the Court must take into

account all relevant matters, including:

(a) the nature and extent of the contravention; and

(b) the nature and extent of any loss or damage suffered because

of the contravention; and

(c) the circumstances in which the contravention took place; and

(d) whether the person has previously been found by a court

(including a court in foreign country) to have engaged in

similar conduct.

1317GAA Civil enforcement of pecuniary penalty order

(1) A pecuniary penalty is a debt payable to ASIC on behalf of the


Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 9 Miscellaneous

Part 9.4B Civil consequences of contravening civil penalty provisions

Division 1 The Court may make declarations of contravention, pecuniary penalty

orders, relinquishment orders, refund orders and compensation orders

Section 1317GAB

522 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(2) ASIC or the Commonwealth may enforce a pecuniary penalty

order as if it were an order made in civil proceedings against the

person to recover a debt due by the person. The debt arising from

the order is taken to be a judgment debt.

1317GAB Relinquishing the benefit derived and detriment avoided

from contravening a civil penalty provision

Relinquishment order

(1) A Court may order a person to pay the Commonwealth an amount

equal to the benefit derived and detriment avoided because of a

contravention of a civil penalty provision if a declaration of

contravention by the person has been made under section 1317E.

The order is a relinquishment order.

(2) The Court may make a relinquishment order:

(a) on its own initiative, during proceedings before the Court; or

(b) on application by ASIC, made within 6 years after the

alleged contravention.

Relationship between relinquishment orders and pecuniary penalty


(3) To avoid doubt, the Court may make a relinquishment order in

relation to the contravention of a civil penalty provision even if a

pecuniary penalty order could be, or has been, made in relation to

the contravention of the civil penalty provision.

Note: The relationship between relinquishment orders and proceedings for

an offence are dealt with in sections 1317M, 1317N, 1317P and


1317GAC Civil enforcement of relinquishment order

(1) The amount payable under a relinquishment order is a debt payable

to ASIC on behalf of the Commonwealth.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Miscellaneous Chapter 9

Civil consequences of contravening civil penalty provisions Part 9.4B

The Court may make declarations of contravention, pecuniary penalty orders,

relinquishment orders, refund orders and compensation orders Division 1

Section 1317GAD

Corporations Act 2001 523

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(2) ASIC or the Commonwealth may enforce a relinquishment order

as if it were an order made in civil proceedings against the person

to recover a debt due by the person. The debt arising from the order

is taken to be a judgment debt.

1317GAD Meaning of benefit derived and detriment avoided because

of a contravention of a civil penalty provision

The benefit derived and detriment avoided because of a

contravention of a civil penalty provision is the sum of:

(a) the total value of all benefits obtained by one or more

persons that are reasonably attributable to the contravention;


(b) the total value of all detriments avoided by one or more

persons that are reasonably attributable to the contravention.

1317GA Refund orders—contravention of section 962P

(1) A Court may order that a person (the fee recipient) refund a fee

paid to the fee recipient by another person (the client) if the Court

is satisfied that:

(a) the fee recipient knowingly or recklessly contravened

section 962P in charging the client the fee (charging ongoing

fee after termination of ongoing fee arrangement); and

(b) it is reasonable in all the circumstances to make the order.

Note: An order may be made under this subsection whether or not a

declaration of contravention has been made under section 1317E.

Applications for order

(2) The Court may make the order under this section:

(a) on its own initiative, during proceedings before the Court; or

(b) on application by ASIC; or

(c) on the application of the client.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 9 Miscellaneous

Part 9.4B Civil consequences of contravening civil penalty provisions

Division 1 The Court may make declarations of contravention, pecuniary penalty

orders, relinquishment orders, refund orders and compensation orders

Section 1317H

524 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

When order may be made

(3) The Court must not make an order under this section in relation to

fees paid more than 6 years before the proceedings for the order are


Recovery of amount as a debt

(4) If the Court makes an order that the fee recipient refund an amount

specified in the order to the client, the client may recover the

amount as a debt due to the client.

1317H Compensation orders—corporation/scheme civil penalty


Compensation for damage suffered

(1) A Court may order a person to compensate a corporation,

registered scheme or notified foreign passport fund for damage

suffered by the corporation, scheme or fund if:

(a) the person has contravened a corporation/scheme civil

penalty provision in relation to the corporation, scheme or

fund; and

(b) the damage resulted from the contravention.

The order must specify the amount of the compensation.

Note: An order may be made under this subsection whether or not a

declaration of contravention has been made under section 1317E.

Damage includes profits

(2) In determining the damage suffered by the corporation, scheme or

fund for the purposes of making a compensation order, include

profits made by any person resulting from the contravention or the


Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Miscellaneous Chapter 9

Civil consequences of contravening civil penalty provisions Part 9.4B

The Court may make declarations of contravention, pecuniary penalty orders,

relinquishment orders, refund orders and compensation orders Division 1

Section 1317HA

Corporations Act 2001 525

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Damage includes diminution of value of scheme or fund property

(3) In determining the damage suffered by the scheme or fund for the

purposes of making a compensation order, include any diminution

in the value of the property of the scheme or fund.

(4) If the responsible entity for a registered scheme is ordered to

compensate the scheme, the responsible entity must transfer the

amount of the compensation to scheme property. If anyone else is

ordered to compensate the scheme, the responsible entity may

recover the compensation on behalf of the scheme.

(4A) If the operator of a notified foreign passport fund is ordered to

compensate the fund, the operator must transfer the amount of the

compensation to the fund property. If anyone else is ordered to

compensate the fund, the operator may recover the compensation

on behalf of the fund.

Recovery of damage

(5) A compensation order may be enforced as if it were a judgment of

the Court.

1317HA Compensation orders—financial services civil penalty


Compensation for damage suffered

(1) A Court may order a person (the liable person) to compensate

another person (including a corporation), registered scheme or

notified foreign passport fund for damage suffered by the person,

scheme or fund if:

(a) the liable person has contravened a financial services civil

penalty provision; and

(b) the damage resulted from the contravention.

The order must specify the amount of compensation.

Note: An order may be made under this subsection whether or not a

declaration of contravention has been made under section 1317E.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 9 Miscellaneous

Part 9.4B Civil consequences of contravening civil penalty provisions

Division 1 The Court may make declarations of contravention, pecuniary penalty

orders, relinquishment orders, refund orders and compensation orders

Section 1317HB

526 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Damage includes profits

(2) In determining the damage suffered by a person, scheme or fund

for the purposes of making a compensation order, include profits

made by any person resulting from the contravention.

Damage includes diminution of value of scheme or fund property

(3) In determining the damage suffered by a registered scheme or

notified foreign passport fund for the purposes of making a

compensation order, include any diminution in the value of the

property of the scheme or fund.

(4) If the responsible entity for a registered scheme is ordered to

compensate the scheme, the responsible entity must transfer the

amount of the compensation to the scheme property. If anyone else

is ordered to compensate the scheme, the responsible entity may

recover the compensation on behalf of the scheme.

(4A) If the operator of a notified foreign passport fund is ordered to

compensate the fund, the operator must transfer the amount of the

compensation to the fund property. If anyone else is ordered to

compensate the fund, the operator may recover the compensation

on behalf of the fund.

Recovery of damage

(5) A compensation order may be enforced as if it were a judgment of

the Court.

1317HB Compensation orders—market integrity rules and client

money reporting rules

Compensation for damage suffered

(1) A Court may order a person (the liable person) to compensate

another person (including a corporation), a registered scheme or a

notified foreign passport fund for damage suffered by the person,

scheme or fund if:

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Miscellaneous Chapter 9

Civil consequences of contravening civil penalty provisions Part 9.4B

The Court may make declarations of contravention, pecuniary penalty orders,

relinquishment orders, refund orders and compensation orders Division 1

Section 1317HB

Corporations Act 2001 527

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(a) the liable person has contravened subsection 798H(1)

(complying with market integrity rules) or 981M(1)

(complying with client money reporting rules); and

(b) the damage resulted from the contravention.

The order must specify the amount of compensation.

Note: An order may be made under this subsection whether or not a

declaration of contravention has been made under section 1317E.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply in relation to a contravention by the

operator of a licensed market acting in that capacity.

Damage includes profits

(3) In determining the damage suffered by a person, scheme or fund

for the purposes of making a compensation order, include profits

made by any person resulting from the contravention.

Damage includes diminution of value of scheme or fund property

(4) In determining the damage suffered by a registered scheme or a

notified foreign passport fund for the purposes of making a

compensation order, include any diminution in the value of the

property of the scheme or the fund.

(4A) If the responsible entity for a registered scheme is ordered to

compensate the scheme, the responsible entity must transfer the

amount of the compensation to the scheme property. If anyone else

is ordered to compensate the scheme, the responsible entity may

recover the compensation on behalf of the scheme.

(4B) If the operator of a notified foreign passport fund is ordered to

compensate the fund, the operator must transfer the amount of the

compensation to the fund property. If anyone else is ordered to

compensate the fund, the operator may recover the compensation

on behalf of the fund.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 9 Miscellaneous

Part 9.4B Civil consequences of contravening civil penalty provisions

Division 1 The Court may make declarations of contravention, pecuniary penalty

orders, relinquishment orders, refund orders and compensation orders

Section 1317HC

528 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Recovery of damage

(5) A compensation order may be enforced as if it were a judgment of

the Court.

1317HC Compensation orders—financial benchmark rules or

compelled financial benchmark rules

Compensation for damage suffered

(1) A Court may order a person (the liable person) to compensate

another person (including a corporation), or a registered scheme,

for damage suffered by the person or scheme if:

(a) the liable person has contravened subsection 908CF(1)

(complying with rules about financial benchmarks); and

(b) the damage resulted from the contravention.

The order must specify the amount of compensation.

Note: An order may be made under this subsection whether or not a

declaration of contravention has been made under section 1317E.

Damage includes profits

(2) In determining the damage suffered by a person or scheme for the

purposes of making a compensation order, include profits made by

any person resulting from the contravention.

Damage to scheme includes diminution of value of scheme


(3) In determining the damage suffered by a registered scheme for the

purposes of making a compensation order, include any diminution

in the value of the property of the scheme.

Recovery of damage

(4) A compensation order may be enforced as if it were a judgment of

the Court.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Miscellaneous Chapter 9

Civil consequences of contravening civil penalty provisions Part 9.4B

The Court may make declarations of contravention, pecuniary penalty orders,

relinquishment orders, refund orders and compensation orders Division 1

Section 1317HE

Corporations Act 2001 529

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

1317HE Compensation orders—Passport Rules

(1) A Court may order a person (the liable person) to compensate

another person (other than a passport fund) for damage suffered by

the other person if:

(a) the liable person has contravened subsection 1211B(1) or (2)

(failure to comply with the Passport Rules for this

jurisdiction); and

(b) the damage resulted from the contravention.

The order must specify the amount of compensation.

Note: An order may be made under this subsection whether or not a

declaration of contravention has been made under section 1317E.

(2) A Court may order a person to compensate a passport fund for

damage suffered by the fund if:

(a) the person has contravened subsection 1211B(1) or (2)

(failure to comply with the Passport Rules for this

jurisdiction); and

(b) the damage resulted from the contravention.

The order must specify the amount of compensation.

Note: An order may be made under this subsection whether or not a

declaration of contravention has been made under section 1317E.

(3) In determining the damage suffered by a person or passport fund

for the purposes of making a compensation order, include profits

made by any person resulting from the contravention.

(4) In determining the damage suffered by a passport fund for the

purposes of making a compensation order, include any diminution

in value of the property of the fund.

(5) If the operator of a passport fund is ordered to compensate the

fund, the operator must transfer the amount of the compensation to

the fund property. If anyone else is ordered to compensate the

fund, the operator may recover the compensation on behalf of the


Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 9 Miscellaneous

Part 9.4B Civil consequences of contravening civil penalty provisions

Division 1 The Court may make declarations of contravention, pecuniary penalty

orders, relinquishment orders, refund orders and compensation orders

Section 1317HE

530 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(6) A compensation order may be enforced as if it were a judgment of

the Court.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Miscellaneous Chapter 9

Civil consequences of contravening civil penalty provisions Part 9.4B

Procedural and other matters relating to orders by the Court Division 2

Section 1317J

Corporations Act 2001 531

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 2—Procedural and other matters relating to

orders by the Court

1317J Who may apply for a declaration or order

Application by ASIC

(1) ASIC may apply for a declaration of contravention, a pecuniary

penalty order or a compensation order.

Application by corporation

(2) The corporation, the responsible entity for the registered scheme or

the operator of the notified foreign passport fund may apply for a

compensation order.

Note: An application for a compensation order may be made whether or not

a declaration of contravention has been made under section 1317E.

(3) The corporation, the responsible entity for the registered scheme or

the operator of the notified foreign passport fund may intervene in

an application for a declaration of contravention or a pecuniary

penalty order in relation to the corporation, scheme or fund. The

corporation, responsible entity or operator is entitled to be heard on

all matters other than whether the declaration or order should be


Compensation order relating to financial services civil penalty

provision—any other person who suffers damage may apply

(3A) Any other person who suffers damage in relation to a

contravention, or alleged contravention, of a financial services civil

penalty provision may apply for a compensation order under

section 1317HA.

Note: An application for a compensation order may be made whether or not

a declaration of contravention has been made under section 1317E.

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Section 1317K

532 Corporations Act 2001

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Compensation order relating to the Passport Rules for this

jurisdiction—any other person who suffers damage may apply

(3AA) Any other person who suffers damage in relation to a

contravention, or alleged contravention, of subsection 1211B(1) or

(2) may apply for a compensation order under section 1317HE.

Note: An application for a compensation order may be made whether or not

a declaration of contravention has been made under section 1317E.

(3B) Subsections (2) and (3) do not apply in relation to a contravention


(a) section 901E (complying with derivative transaction rules);


(b) section 903D (complying with derivative trade repository


No one else may apply

(4) No person may apply for a declaration of contravention, a

pecuniary penalty order or a compensation order unless permitted

by this section.

(5) Subsection (4) does not exclude the operation of the Director of

Public Prosecutions Act 1983.

1317K Time limit for application for a declaration or order

Proceedings for a declaration of contravention, a pecuniary penalty

order, or a compensation order, may be started no later than 6 years

after the contravention.

1317L Civil evidence and procedure rules for declarations of

contravention and civil penalty orders

The Court must apply the rules of evidence and procedure for civil

matters when hearing proceedings for:

(a) a declaration of contravention; or

(b) a pecuniary penalty order.

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Section 1317M

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1317M Civil proceedings after criminal proceedings

A court must not make a declaration of contravention, a pecuniary

penalty order or a relinquishment order against a person for a

contravention if the person has been convicted of an offence

constituted by conduct that is substantially the same as the conduct

constituting the contravention.

1317N Criminal proceedings during civil proceedings

(1) Proceedings for a declaration of contravention, a pecuniary penalty

order or a relinquishment order against a person are stayed if:

(a) criminal proceedings are started or have already been started

against the person for an offence; and

(b) the offence is constituted by conduct that is substantially the

same as the conduct alleged to constitute the contravention.

(2) The proceedings for the declaration or order (the civil proceedings)

may be resumed if the person is not convicted of the offence.


(a) the civil proceedings are dismissed; and

(b) costs must not be awarded in relation to the civil


1317P Criminal proceedings after civil proceedings

(1) Subject to subsection (2), criminal proceedings may be started

against a person for conduct that is substantially the same as

conduct constituting a contravention of a civil penalty provision

regardless of whether:

(a) a declaration of contravention has been made against the

person; or

(b) a pecuniary penalty order has been made against the person;


(baa) a relinquishment order has been made against the person; or

(ba) a refund order has been made against the person; or

(c) a compensation order has been made against the person; or

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Section 1317Q

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(d) the person has been disqualified from managing a

corporation under Part 2D.6; or

(e) an order has been made against the person by ASIC under

section 920A (banning orders) or by the Court under

section 921A (disqualification by Court).

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply if:

(a) an infringement notice is issued under section 1317DAC to

the person for an alleged contravention of subsection 674(2)

or 675(2); and

(b) the infringement notice is not withdrawn under

section 1317DAI.

1317Q Evidence given in proceedings for penalty not admissible in

criminal proceedings

Evidence of information given or evidence of production of

documents by an individual is not admissible in criminal

proceedings against the individual if:

(a) the individual previously gave the evidence or produced the

documents in proceedings for a pecuniary penalty order or a

relinquishment order against the individual for a

contravention of a civil penalty provision (whether or not the

order was made); and

(b) the conduct alleged to constitute the offence is substantially

the same as the conduct that was claimed to constitute the


However, this does not apply to a criminal proceeding in respect of

the falsity of the evidence given by the individual in the

proceedings for the pecuniary penalty order or the relinquishment


1317QA Continuing contraventions of civil penalty provisions

(1) If an act or thing is required under a civil penalty provision to be


(a) within a particular period; or

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Section 1317QB

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(b) before a particular time;

then the obligation to do that act or thing continues until the act or

thing is done (even if the period has expired or the time has


(2) A person who contravenes a civil penalty provision that requires an

act or thing to be done:

(a) within a particular period; or

(b) before a particular time;

commits a separate contravention of that provision in respect of

each day during which the contravention occurs (including the day

the relevant pecuniary penalty order or relinquishment order is

made or any later day).

1317QB State of mind

(1) In proceedings for a declaration of contravention or an order under

Division 1 against a person for a contravention of a civil penalty

provision, it is not necessary to prove:

(a) the person’s intention; or

(b) the person’s knowledge; or

(c) the person’s recklessness; or

(d) the person’s negligence; or

(e) any other state of mind of the person.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the extent that the proceedings

relate to attempting to contravene a civil penalty provision, or

being involved in a contravention of a civil penalty provision.

(3) Subsection (1) does not affect the operation of section 1317QC

(which is about mistake of fact).

(4) Subsection (1) does not apply to the extent that the civil penalty

provision, or a provision that relates to the civil penalty provision,

expressly provides otherwise.

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Section 1317QC

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1317QC Mistake of fact

(1) A person is not liable to have a declaration of contravention or an

order under Division 1 made against the person for a contravention

of a civil penalty provision if:

(a) at or before the time of the conduct constituting the

contravention, the person:

(i) considered whether or not facts existed; and

(ii) was under a mistaken but reasonable belief about those

facts; and

(b) had those facts existed, the conduct would not have

constituted a contravention of the civil penalty provision.

(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), a person may be regarded as

having considered whether or not facts existed if:

(a) the person had considered, on a previous occasion, whether

those facts existed in the circumstances surrounding that

occasion; and

(b) the person honestly and reasonably believed that the

circumstances surrounding the present occasion were the

same, or substantially the same, as those surrounding the

previous occasion.

(3) A person who wishes to rely on subsection (1) or (2) in

proceedings for a declaration of contravention or an order under

Division 1 bears an evidential burden in relation to that matter.

(4) In subsection (3), evidential burden, in relation to a matter, means

the burden of adducing or pointing to evidence that suggests a

reasonable possibility that the matter exists or does not exist.

1317QD Exceptions etc. to civil penalty provisions—burden of proof

(1) If, in proceedings for a declaration of contravention or an order

under Division 1 against a person for a contravention of a civil

penalty provision, the person wishes to rely on any exception,

exemption, excuse, qualification or justification provided by the

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Section 1317QE

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law creating the civil penalty provision, then the person bears an

evidential burden in relation to that matter.

(2) In subsection (1), evidential burden, in relation to a matter, means

the burden of adducing or pointing to evidence that suggests a

reasonable possibility that the matter exists or does not exist.

1317QE Civil penalty provisions contravened by employees, agents

or officers

If an element of a civil penalty provision is done by an employee,

agent or officer of a body corporate acting:

(a) within the actual or apparent scope of the employee’s,

agent’s, or officer’s employment; or

(b) within the employee’s, agent’s, or officer’s actual or apparent


the element must also be attributed to the body corporate.

1317QF Preference must be given to compensate persons who suffer

damage as a result of contravention

(1) This section applies if a court considers that it is appropriate to:

(a) make a pecuniary penalty order against a person in relation to

a contravention of a civil penalty provision; or

(b) make a relinquishment order against a person in relation to a

contravention of a civil penalty provision; or

(c) impose a fine against a person in relation to a commission of

an offence constituted by the same conduct as the conduct

constituting the contravention of the pecuniary penalty order.

(2) In making the pecuniary penalty order or relinquishment order or

imposing the fine, the court:

(a) must consider the effect that making the order or imposing

the fine would have on the amount available to pay:

(i) compensation to which persons might reasonably be

expected to be entitled under section 961M, 1317H,

1317HA, 1317HB, 1317HC or 1317HE; or

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Section 1317R

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(ii) refunds to which persons might reasonably be expected

to be entitled under section 1317GA; and

(b) give preference to making an appropriate amount available

for refunds and compensation under those sections.

(3) If the court gives preference to making an appropriate amount

available for refunds and compensation under paragraph (2)(b), the

court may also make such orders as the court thinks fit for the

purpose of ensuring that the amount remains available for the

payment of:

(a) compensation under section 961M, 1317H, 1317HA,

1317HB, 1317HC or 1317HE; or

(b) refunds under section 1317GA.

1317R ASIC requiring person to assist

(1) ASIC may require a person to give all reasonable assistance in

connection with:

(a) an application for a declaration of contravention or a

pecuniary penalty order; or

(b) criminal proceedings for an offence against this Act.

(2) ASIC can require the person to assist in connection with an

application for a declaration or order if, and only if:

(a) it appears to ASIC that someone other than the person

required to assist may have contravened a civil penalty

provision; and

(b) ASIC suspects or believes that the person required to assist

can give information relevant to the application.

(3) ASIC can require the person to assist in connection with criminal

proceedings if, and only if:

(a) it appears to ASIC that the person required to assist is

unlikely to be a defendant in the proceedings; and

(b) the person required to assist is, in relation to a person who is

or should be a defendant in the proceedings:

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Section 1317S

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(i) an employee or agent (including a banker or auditor) of

the other person; or

(ii) if the other person is a corporation—an officer or

employee of the other person; or

(iii) if the other person is an individual—a partner of the

other person.

(4) ASIC can require the person to assist regardless of whether:

(a) an application for the declaration or penalty order has

actually been made; or

(b) criminal proceedings for the offence have actually begun.

(5) The person cannot be required to assist if they are or have been a

lawyer for:

(a) in an application for a declaration or penalty order—the

person suspected of the contravention; or

(b) in criminal proceedings—a defendant or likely defendant in

the proceedings.

(6) The requirement to assist must be given in writing.

(7) The Court may order the person to comply with the requirement in

a specified way. Only ASIC may apply to the Court for an order

under this subsection.

Note: The person must comply with the requirement and may commit an

offence if they do not, even if there is no order under this

subsection (see section 104 and subsection 1311(1)).

(8) This section does not limit and is not limited by section 49 of the


1317S Relief from liability for contravention of civil penalty


(1) In this section:

eligible proceedings:

(a) means proceedings for a contravention of a civil penalty

provision (including proceedings under section 588M, 588W,

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Division 2 Procedural and other matters relating to orders by the Court

Section 1317S

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961M, 1317GA, 1317H, 1317HA, 1317HB, 1317HC or

1317HE); and

(b) does not include proceedings for an offence (except so far as

the proceedings relate to the question whether the court

should make an order under section 588K, 1317H, 1317HA,

1317HB, 1317HC or 1317HE).

(2) If:

(a) eligible proceedings are brought against a person; and

(b) in the proceedings it appears to the court that the person has,

or may have, contravened a civil penalty provision but that:

(i) the person has acted honestly; and

(ii) having regard to all the circumstances of the case

(including, where applicable, those connected with the

person’s appointment as an officer, or employment as

an employee, of a corporation or of a Part 5.7 body), the

person ought fairly to be excused for the contravention;

the court may relieve the person either wholly or partly from a

liability to which the person would otherwise be subject, or that

might otherwise be imposed on the person, because of the


(3) In determining under subsection (2) whether a person ought fairly

to be excused for a contravention of section 588G, the matters to

which regard is to be had include, but are not limited to:

(a) any action the person took with a view to appointing an

administrator of the company or Part 5.7 body; and

(b) when that action was taken; and

(c) the results of that action.

(4) If a person thinks that eligible proceedings will or may be begun

against them, they may apply to the Court for relief.

(5) On an application under subsection (4), the Court may grant relief

under subsection (2) as if the eligible proceedings had been begun

in the Court.

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Section 1317S

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(6) For the purposes of subsection (2) as applying for the purposes of a

case tried by a judge with a jury:

(a) a reference in that subsection to the court is a reference to the

judge; and

(b) the relief that may be granted includes withdrawing the case

in whole or in part from the jury and directing judgment to be

entered for the defendant on such terms as to costs as the

judge thinks appropriate.

(7) Nothing in this section limits, or is limited by, section 1317QC or

section 1318.

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Part 9.5 Powers of Courts

Section 1318

542 Corporations Act 2001

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Part 9.5—Powers of Courts

1318 Power to grant relief

(1) If, in any civil proceeding against a person to whom this section

applies for negligence, default, breach of trust or breach of duty in

a capacity as such a person, it appears to the court before which the

proceedings are taken that the person is or may be liable in respect

of the negligence, default or breach but that the person has acted

honestly and that, having regard to all the circumstances of the

case, including those connected with the person’s appointment, the

person ought fairly to be excused for the negligence, default or

breach, the court may relieve the person either wholly or partly

from liability on such terms as the court thinks fit.

(2) Where a person to whom this section applies has reason to

apprehend that any claim will or might be made against the person

in respect of any negligence, default, breach of trust or breach of

duty in a capacity as such a person, the person may apply to the

Court for relief, and the Court has the same power to relieve the

person as it would have had under subsection (1) if it had been a

court before which proceedings against the person for negligence,

default, breach of trust or breach of duty had been brought.

(3) Where a case to which subsection (1) applies is being tried by a

judge with a jury, the judge after hearing the evidence may, if he or

she is satisfied that the defendant ought pursuant to that subsection

to be relieved either wholly or partly from the liability sought to be

enforced against the person, withdraw the case in whole or in part

from the jury and forthwith direct judgment to be entered for the

defendant on such terms as to costs or otherwise as the judge thinks


(4) This section applies to a person who is:

(a) an officer or employee of a corporation; or

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Section 1319

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(b) an auditor of a corporation, whether or not the person is an

officer or employee of the corporation; or

(c) an expert in relation to a matter:

(i) relating to a corporation; and

(ii) in relation to which the civil proceeding has been taken

or the claim will or might arise; or

(d) a receiver, receiver and manager, liquidator or other person

appointed or directed by the Court to carry out any duty

under this Act in relation to a corporation.

(5) This section does not apply to a corporation that is an Aboriginal

and Torres Strait Islander corporation.

Note: Similar provision is made in relation to Aboriginal and Torres Strait

Islander corporations under section 576-1 of the Corporations

(Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006.

1319 Power of Court to give directions with respect to meetings

ordered by the Court

Where, under this Act, the Court orders a meeting to be convened,

the Court may, subject to this Act, give such directions with

respect to the convening, holding or conduct of the meeting, and

such ancillary or consequential directions in relation to the

meeting, as it thinks fit.

1322 Irregularities

(1) In this section, unless the contrary intention appears:

(a) a reference to a proceeding under this Act is a reference to

any proceeding whether a legal proceeding or not; and

(b) a reference to a procedural irregularity includes a reference


(i) the absence of a quorum at a meeting of a corporation,

at a meeting of directors or creditors of a corporation, at

a joint meeting of creditors and members of a

corporation or at a meeting of members of a registered

scheme; and

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(ii) a defect, irregularity or deficiency of notice or time.

(2) A proceeding under this Act is not invalidated because of any

procedural irregularity unless the Court is of the opinion that the

irregularity has caused or may cause substantial injustice that

cannot be remedied by any order of the Court and by order declares

the proceeding to be invalid.

(3) A meeting held for the purposes of this Act, or a meeting notice of

which is required to be given in accordance with the provisions of

this Act, or any proceeding at such a meeting, is not invalidated

only because of the accidental omission to give notice of the

meeting or the non-receipt by any person of notice of the meeting,

unless the Court, on the application of the person concerned, a

person entitled to attend the meeting or ASIC, declares proceedings

at the meeting to be void.

(3AA) A meeting held for the purposes of this Act, or a meeting notice of

which is required to be given in accordance with the provisions of

this Act, or any proceeding at such a meeting, is not invalidated

only because of the inability of a person to access the notice of

meeting, unless the Court, on the application of the person

concerned, a person entitled to attend the meeting or ASIC,

declares proceedings at the meeting to be void.

Note: Under paragraph 249J(3)(cb), a company may, in certain

circumstances, give a member notice of a meeting by notifying the

member that the notice of meeting is available and how the member

may access the notice of meeting.

(3A) If a member does not have a reasonable opportunity to participate

in a meeting of members, or part of a meeting of members, held at

2 or more venues, the meeting will only be invalid on that ground


(a) the Court is of the opinion that:

(i) a substantial injustice has been caused or may be

caused; and

(ii) the injustice cannot be remedied by any order of the

Court; and

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(b) the Court declares the meeting or proceeding (or that part of

it) invalid.

(3B) If voting rights are exercised in contravention of

subsection 259D(3) (company controlling entity that holds shares

in it), the meeting or the resolution on which the voting rights were

exercised will only be invalid on that ground if:

(a) the court is of the opinion that:

(i) a substantial injustice has been caused or may be

caused; and

(ii) the injustice cannot be remedied by any order of the

court; and

(b) the court declares the meeting or resolution invalid.

(4) Subject to the following provisions of this section but without

limiting the generality of any other provision of this Act, the Court

may, on application by any interested person, make all or any of

the following orders, either unconditionally or subject to such

conditions as the Court imposes:

(a) an order declaring that any act, matter or thing purporting to

have been done, or any proceeding purporting to have been

instituted or taken, under this Act or in relation to a

corporation is not invalid by reason of any contravention of a

provision of this Act or a provision of the constitution of a


(b) an order directing the rectification of any register kept by

ASIC under this Act;

(c) an order relieving a person in whole or in part from any civil

liability in respect of a contravention or failure of a kind

referred to in paragraph (a);

(d) an order extending the period for doing any act, matter or

thing or instituting or taking any proceeding under this Act or

in relation to a corporation (including an order extending a

period where the period concerned ended before the

application for the order was made) or abridging the period

for doing such an act, matter or thing or instituting or taking

such a proceeding;

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Section 1323

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and may make such consequential or ancillary orders as the Court

thinks fit.

(5) An order may be made under paragraph (4)(a) or (c)

notwithstanding that the contravention or failure referred to in the

paragraph concerned resulted in the commission of an offence.

(6) The Court must not make an order under this section unless it is


(a) in the case of an order referred to in paragraph (4)(a):

(i) that the act, matter or thing, or the proceeding, referred

to in that paragraph is essentially of a procedural nature;

(ii) that the person or persons concerned in or party to the

contravention or failure acted honestly; or

(iii) that it is just and equitable that the order be made; and

(b) in the case of an order referred to in paragraph (4)(c)—that

the person subject to the civil liability concerned acted

honestly; and

(c) in every case—that no substantial injustice has been or is

likely to be caused to any person.

1323 Power of Court to prohibit payment or transfer of money,

financial products or other property

(1) Where:

(a) an investigation is being carried out under the ASIC Act or

this Act in relation to an act or omission by a person, being

an act or omission that constitutes or may constitute a

contravention of this Act; or

(b) a prosecution has been begun against a person for a

contravention of this Act; or

(c) a civil proceeding has been begun against a person under this


and the Court considers it necessary or desirable to do so for the

purpose of protecting the interests of a person (in this section

called an aggrieved person) to whom the person referred to in

paragraph (a), (b) or (c), as the case may be, (in this section called

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the relevant person), is liable, or may be or become liable, to pay

money, whether in respect of a debt, by way of damages or

compensation or otherwise, or to account for financial products or

other property, the Court may, on application by ASIC or by an

aggrieved person, make one or more of the following orders:

(d) an order prohibiting a person who is indebted to the relevant

person or to an associate of the relevant person from making

a payment in total or partial discharge of the debt to, or to

another person at the direction or request of, the person to

whom the debt is owed;

(e) an order prohibiting a person holding money, financial

products or other property, on behalf of the relevant person,

or on behalf of an associate of the relevant person, from

paying all or any of the money, or transferring, or otherwise

parting with possession of, the financial products or other

property, to, or to another person at the direction or request

of, the person on whose behalf the money, financial products

or other property, is or are held;

(f) an order prohibiting the taking or sending out of this

jurisdiction, or out of Australia, by a person of money of the

relevant person or of an associate of the relevant person;

(g) an order prohibiting the taking, sending or transfer by a

person of financial products or other property of the relevant

person, or of an associate of the relevant person:

(i) from a place in this jurisdiction to a place outside this

jurisdiction (including the transfer of financial products

from a register in this jurisdiction to a register outside

this jurisdiction); or

(ii) from a place in Australia to a place outside Australia

(including the transfer of financial products from a

register in Australia to a register outside Australia);

(h) an order appointing:

(i) if the relevant person is a natural person—a receiver or

trustee, having such powers as the Court orders, of the

property or of part of the property of that person; or

(ii) if the relevant person is a body corporate—a receiver or

receiver and manager, having such powers as the Court

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orders, of the property or of part of the property of that


(j) if the relevant person is a natural person—an order requiring

that person to deliver up to the Court his or her passport and

such other documents as the Court thinks fit;

(k) if the relevant person is a natural person—an order

prohibiting that person from leaving this jurisdiction, or

Australia, without the consent of the Court.

(2A) A reference in paragraph (1)(g) or (h) to property of a person

includes a reference to property that the person holds otherwise

than as sole beneficial owner, for example:

(a) as trustee for, as nominee for, or otherwise on behalf of or on

account of, another person; or

(b) in a fiduciary capacity.

(2B) Subsection (2A) is to avoid doubt, is not to limit the generality of

anything in subsection (1) and is not to affect by implication the

interpretation of any other provision of this Act.

(2) An order under subsection (1) prohibiting conduct may prohibit the

conduct either absolutely or subject to conditions.

(3) Where an application is made to the Court for an order under

subsection (1), the Court may, if in the opinion of the Court it is

desirable to do so, before considering the application, grant an

interim order, being an order of the kind applied for that is

expressed to have effect pending the determination of the


(4) On an application under subsection (1), the Court must not require

the applicant or any other person, as a condition of granting an

interim order under subsection (3), to give an undertaking as to


(5) Where the Court has made an order under this section on a

person’s application, the Court may, on application by that person

or by any person affected by the order, make a further order

discharging or varying the first-mentioned order.

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(6) An order made under subsection (1) or (2) may be expressed to

operate for a specified period or until the order is discharged by a

further order under this section.

(7) Nothing in this section affects the powers that the Court has apart

from this section.

(8) This section has effect subject to the Bankruptcy Act 1966.

(9) A person must not contravene an order by the Court under this

section that is applicable to the person.

(10) An offence based on subsection (9) is an offence of strict liability.

Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

1324 Injunctions

(1) Where a person has engaged, is engaging or is proposing to engage

in conduct that constituted, constitutes or would constitute:

(a) a contravention of this Act; or

(b) attempting to contravene this Act; or

(c) aiding, abetting, counselling or procuring a person to

contravene this Act; or

(d) inducing or attempting to induce, whether by threats,

promises or otherwise, a person to contravene this Act; or

(e) being in any way, directly or indirectly, knowingly concerned

in, or party to, the contravention by a person of this Act; or

(f) conspiring with others to contravene this Act;

the Court may, on the application of ASIC, or of a person whose

interests have been, are or would be affected by the conduct, grant

an injunction, on such terms as the Court thinks appropriate,

restraining the first-mentioned person from engaging in the

conduct and, if in the opinion of the Court it is desirable to do so,

requiring that person to do any act or thing.

(1A) For the purposes of subsection (1):

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(a) a contravention of this Act affects the interests of a creditor

or member of a company if the insolvency of the company is

an element of the contravention; and

(b) a company’s contravention of:

(i) paragraph 257A(1)(a) (share buy-back not to prejudice

ability to pay creditors); or

(ia) paragraph 256B(1)(b) (share capital reduction not to

prejudice ability to pay creditors); or

(ii) paragraph 260A(1)(a) (financial assistance for share

acquisition not to prejudice company or shareholders or

ability to pay creditors);

affects the interests of a creditor or member of the company;


(c) a company’s contravention of paragraph 256B(1)(a) (fair and

reasonable test for share capital reduction) affects the

interests of a member of the company.

This subsection does not limit subsection (1) in any way.

(1B) If the ground relied on in an application for an injunction is

conduct or proposed conduct of a company or other person that it is

alleged constitutes, or would constitute:

(a) a contravention of paragraph 256B(1)(a) or (b), section 257A

or paragraph 260A(1)(a); or

(b) a contravention of a provision of this Act involving the

insolvency of the company because of:

(i) the company making a reduction of its share capital to

which Division 1 of Part 2J.1 applies; or

(ii) the company buying back its shares; or

(iii) the company giving financial assistance to which

Part 2J.3 applies;

the Court must assume that the conduct constitutes, or would

constitute, a contravention of that paragraph, section or provision

unless the company or person proves otherwise.

(2) Where a person has refused or failed, is refusing or failing, or is

proposing to refuse or fail, to do an act or thing that the person is

required by this Act to do, the Court may, on the application of:

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(a) ASIC; or

(b) any person whose interests have been, are or would be

affected by the refusal or failure to do that act or thing;

grant an injunction, on such terms as the Court thinks appropriate,

requiring the first-mentioned person to do that act or thing.

(3) Where an application for an injunction under subsection (1) or (2)

has been made, the Court may, if the Court determines it to be

appropriate, grant an injunction by consent of all the parties to the

proceedings, whether or not the Court is satisfied that that

subsection applies.

(4) Where in the opinion of the Court it is desirable to do so, the Court

may grant an interim injunction pending determination of an

application under subsection (1).

(5) The Court may discharge or vary an injunction granted under

subsection (1), (2) or (4).

(6) The power of the Court to grant an injunction restraining a person

from engaging in conduct may be exercised:

(a) whether or not it appears to the Court that the person intends

to engage again, or to continue to engage, in conduct of that

kind; and

(b) whether or not the person has previously engaged in conduct

of that kind; and

(c) whether or not there is an imminent danger of substantial

damage to any person if the first-mentioned person engages

in conduct of that kind.

(7) The power of the Court to grant an injunction requiring a person to

do an act or thing may be exercised:

(a) whether or not it appears to the Court that the person intends

to refuse or fail again, or to continue to refuse or fail, to do

that act or thing; and

(b) whether or not the person has previously refused or failed to

do that act or thing; and

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Section 1324A

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(c) whether or not there is an imminent danger of substantial

damage to any person if the first-mentioned person refuses or

fails to do that act or thing.

(8) Where ASIC applies to the Court for the grant of an injunction

under this section, the Court must not require the applicant or any

other person, as a condition of granting an interim injunction, to

give an undertaking as to damages.

(9) In proceedings under this section against a person the Court may

make an order under section 1323 in respect of the person.

(10) Where the Court has power under this section to grant an

injunction restraining a person from engaging in particular

conduct, or requiring a person to do a particular act or thing, the

Court may, either in addition to or in substitution for the grant of

the injunction, order that person to pay damages to any other


1324A Provisions relating to prosecutions

In the prosecution of a person for an offence in respect of a

contravention of a provision of Chapter 5C, 6CA or 6D or

Part 7.10, the Court may do either or both of the following:

(a) grant an injunction under section 1324 against the person in

relation to:

(i) the conduct that constitutes, or is alleged to constitute,

the offence; or

(ii) other conduct of that kind

(b) make an order under section 1324B in respect of the person.

1324B Order to disclose information or publish advertisements

Without limiting section 1324, if, on the application of ASIC, the

Court is satisfied that a person has engaged in conduct constituting

a contravention of a provision of Chapter 5C, 6CA or 6D,

subsection 798H(1), section 901E or 903D, subsection 908CF(1) or

981M(1) or Part 7.10, the Court may make either or both of the

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following orders against that person or a person involved in the


(a) an order requiring the person to whom it is directed to

disclose, in the manner specified in the order, to:

(i) the public; or

(ii) a particular person; or

(iii) a particular class of persons;

the information, or information of a kind, that is specified in

the order and is in the person’s possession or to which the

person has access;

(b) an order requiring the person to whom it is directed to

publish, at the person’s own expense, in the manner and at

times specified in the order, advertisements whose terms are

specified in, or are to be determined in accordance with, the


1325 Other orders

(1) Where, in a proceeding instituted under, or for a contravention of, a

section 1325 order provision the Court finds that a person who is a

party to the proceeding has suffered, or is likely to suffer, loss or

damage because of conduct of another person that was engaged in

in contravention of a section 1325 order provision the Court may,

whether or not it grants an injunction, or makes an order, under any

other provision of this Act, make such order or orders as it thinks

appropriate against the person who engaged in the conduct or a

person who was involved in the contravention (including all or any

of the orders mentioned in subsection (5)) if the Court considers

that the order or orders concerned will compensate the

first-mentioned person in whole or in part for the loss or damage or

will prevent or reduce the loss or damage.

(2) The Court may, on the application of a person who has suffered, or

is likely to suffer, loss or damage because of conduct of another

person that was engaged in in contravention of a section 1325

order provision or on the application of ASIC in accordance with

subsection (3) on behalf of such a person or 2 or more such

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persons, make such order or orders as the Court thinks appropriate

against the person who engaged in the conduct or a person who

was involved in the contravention (including all or any of the

orders mentioned in subsection (5)) if the Court considers that the

order or orders concerned will compensate the person who made

the application, or the person or any of the persons on whose

behalf the application was made, in whole or in part for the loss or

damage, or will prevent or reduce the loss or damage suffered, or

likely to be suffered, by such a person.

(3) Where, in a proceeding instituted for a contravention of a

section 1325 order provision or instituted by ASIC under

section 1324, a person is found to have engaged in conduct in

contravention of a section 1325 order provision, ASIC may make

an application under subsection (2) on behalf of one or more

persons identified in the application who have suffered, or are

likely to suffer, loss or damage by the conduct, but ASIC must not

make such an application except with the consent in writing given

before the application is made by the person, or by each of the

persons, on whose behalf the application is made.

(4) An application under subsection (2) may be made within 6 years

after the day on which the cause of action arose.

(5) The orders referred to in subsections (1) and (2) are:

(a) an order declaring the whole or any part of a contract made

between the person who suffered, or is likely to suffer, the

loss or damage and the person who engaged in the conduct or

a person who was involved in the contravention constituted

by the conduct, or of a collateral arrangement relating to such

a contract, to be void and, if the Court thinks fit, to have been

void ab initio or at all times on and after a specified day

before the order is made; and

(b) an order varying such a contract or arrangement in such

manner as is specified in the order and, if the Court thinks fit,

declaring the contract or arrangement to have had effect as so

varied on and after a specified day before the order is made;


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(c) an order refusing to enforce any or all of the provisions of

such a contract; and

(d) an order directing the person who engaged in the conduct or

a person who was involved in the contravention constituted

by the conduct to refund money or return property to the

person who suffered the loss or damage; and

(e) an order directing the person who engaged in the conduct or

a person who was involved in the contravention constituted

by the conduct to pay to the person who suffered the loss or

damage the amount of the loss or damage; and

(f) an order directing the person who engaged in the conduct or

a person who was involved in the contravention constituted

by the conduct, at the person’s own expense, to supply

specified services to the person who suffered, or is likely to

suffer, the loss or damage.

(5A) Subsections (1) and (2) have effect subject to section 1044B.

Note: Section 1044B may limit the liability, under an order under

subsection (1) or (2) of this section, of a person for his or her

contravention of section 1041H (Misleading or deceptive conduct) or

involvement in such a contravention.

(6) Where an application is made for an order under this section

against a person, the Court may make an order under section 1323

in respect of the person.

(7) In this section:

section 1325 order provision means:

(a) subsection 201P(1); and

(b) a provision of Chapter 5C; and

(c) a provision of Chapter 6CA; and

(d) a provision of Chapter 6D; and

(e) subsection 798H(1); and

(f) subsection 908CF(1); and

(g) a provision of Part 7.10; and

(h) a provision of Chapter 8A; and

(i) a provision of the Passport Rules for this jurisdiction.

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Section 1325A

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1325A Orders if contravention of Chapter 6, 6A, 6B or 6C

(1) The Court may make any order or orders (including a remedial

order) that it considers appropriate if a person:

(a) contravenes a provision of Chapter 6, 6A, 6B or 6C; or

(b) contravenes a condition on a consent given by ASIC under

section 652B; or

(c) states in a notice under section 672B about securities that

they do not know particular information about:

(i) the securities; or

(ii) someone who has a relevant interest in, or has given

instructions in relation to, the securities.

Note 1: Section 9 defines remedial order.

Note 2: Sections 659B and 659C deal with court proceedings during and after

a takeover bid.

(2) The Court may make any order or orders (including a remedial

order) that it considers appropriate if:

(a) the consideration offered under a takeover bid is or includes

securities; and

(b) the offers under the bid or the bidder’s statement states or

implies that the securities will be able to be traded on a

financial market (whether in Australia or elsewhere) and:

(i) an application for admission to quotation is not made

within 7 days after the start of the bid period; or

(ii) permission for admission to quotation is not granted

within 7 days after the end of the bid period.

Note: Section 9 defines remedial order.

(3) An order under this section may be made on application by the


(a) ASIC;

(b) the company, or the responsible entity of the registered

scheme, whose securities are involved in the contravention;

(c) a member or former member of that company or scheme;

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Section 1325B

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(d) a person from whom the relevant interest in the securities

were acquired;

(e) a person whose interests are affected by the contravention.

1325B Court may order bidder to make offers

(1) If a bidder making a takeover bid for a class of securities

contravenes section 631 by failing to make offers under the bid

within time and ASIC applies for an order under this section, the

Court may:

(a) order the bidder to send, to each holder of securities in that

class, an offer to which the bidder’s statement relates within

a specified time; and

(b) make any ancillary orders it thinks appropriate including

orders that the bidder:

(i) send notices setting out specified information with the

offer; and

(ii) send copies of the notice within a specified period to the

target and, if the target is listed, to the relevant market

operator; and

(iii) lodge a copy of the notice with ASIC within a specified


(2) Offers sent in accordance with an order under this section are taken

to be made under a takeover bid.

1325C Unfair or unconscionable agreements, payments or benefits

(1) The Court may make orders under subsection (2) if:

(a) a body corporate gives, or enters into an agreement to give, a

director or secretary of the body corporate or a related body

corporate a benefit (including a payment or an agreement to

employ them, or engage their services, for a fixed period);


(b) the agreement is entered into or the benefit is given:

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(i) within 12 months after the start of the bid period for a

takeover bid for the securities of the body corporate or a

related body corporate; or

(ii) at a time when the directors of the body corporate have

reason to believe that a takeover bid is to be made in

respect of securities of the body corporate or a related

body corporate; and

(c) the Court is satisfied that the agreement or benefit was unfair

or unconscionable having regard to the interests of the body


(2) The Court may:

(a) declare the agreement, or any part of it, to be void or to have

always been void; or

(b) direct a person to whom a benefit is given, or another

specified person, to:

(i) make a payment or transfer property to the body

corporate; or

(ii) do any other act for the benefit of the body corporate; or

(c) make any other order it considers appropriate.

(3) This section does not apply to an agreement or benefit that has

been approved by an ordinary resolution of the body corporate

(whether before or after the agreement was entered into or the

benefit given) with no vote being cast by the person who is to

receive the benefit or their associates.

(4) An order under this section may be made on application by:

(a) the body corporate; or

(b) ASIC; or

(c) members who together hold shares carrying at least 10% of

the votes attached to voting shares in the body corporate or a

related body corporate;

within 12 months, or any longer period that the Court thinks

appropriate in the circumstances, after the agreement is entered

into or the benefit given.

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Section 1325D

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1325D Contravention due to inadvertence etc.

(1) The Court may declare that any act, document or matter:

(a) is not invalid merely because a person has contravened a

provision of Chapter 6, 6A, 6B or 6C; and

(b) has had effect at all times as if there had been no


if the Court is satisfied that the contravention ought to be excused

in all the circumstances.

(2) An application for an order under subsection (1) may be made by

any interested person.

(3) If the Court is satisfied that in all the circumstances a contravention

of a provision of Chapter 6, 6A, 6B or 6C ought to be excused, the

Court must not make an order under section 1325A, 1325B or

1325C other than:

(a) an order restraining the exercise of voting or other rights

attached to securities; or

(b) an order that an exercise of voting or other rights attached to

securities be disregarded.

(4) In determining whether or not a contravention of a provision by a

person ought to be excused, have regard to the contravention being

caused by any of the following:

(a) the person’s inadvertence or mistake;

(b) the person not having been aware of a relevant fact or


(c) circumstances beyond the control of the person.

(5) This section applies notwithstanding anything contained in any

other provision of this Chapter.

1325E Orders to secure compliance

In order to secure compliance with an order under section 1325A,

1325B or 1325C, the Court may direct a person to:

(a) do a specified act; or

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(b) refrain from doing a specified act.

1326 Effect of sections 1323, 1324 and 1325

Nothing in any of sections 1323, 1324, 1324A, 1324B, and 1325

limits the generality of anything else in any of those sections.

1327 Power of Court to punish for contempt of Court

Nothing in a provision of this Act that provides:

(a) that a person must not contravene an order of the Court; or

(b) that a person who contravenes an order of the Court

contravenes a provision of this Act or is guilty of an offence;

affects the powers of the Court in relation to the punishment of

contempts of the Court.

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Proceedings Part 9.6

Section 1330

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Part 9.6—Proceedings

1330 ASIC’s power to intervene in proceedings

(1) ASIC may intervene in any proceeding relating to a matter arising

under this Act.

(2) Where ASIC intervenes in a proceeding referred to in

subsection (1), ASIC is taken to be a party to the proceeding and,

subject to this Act, has all the rights, duties and liabilities of such a


(3) Without limiting the generality of subsection (2), ASIC may appear

and be represented in any proceeding in which it wishes to

intervene pursuant to subsection (1):

(a) by a staff member of ASIC; or

(b) by a natural person to whom, or by an officer or employee of

a person or body to whom or to which, ASIC has delegated

its functions and powers under this Act or such of those

functions and powers as relate to a matter to which the

proceeding relates; or

(c) by solicitor or counsel.

1331 Civil proceedings not to be stayed

No civil proceedings under this Act are to be stayed merely

because the proceeding discloses, or arises out of, the commission

of an offence.

1332 Standard of proof

Where, in proceedings other than proceedings for an offence, it is

necessary to establish, or for the Court to be satisfied, for any

purpose relating to a matter arising under this Act, that:

(a) a person has contravened a provision of this Act; or

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(b) default has been made in complying with a provision of this

Act; or

(c) an act or omission was unlawful by virtue of a provision of

this Act; or

(d) a person has been in any way, by act or omission, directly or

indirectly, knowingly concerned in or party to a

contravention, or a default in complying with, a provision of

this Act;

it is sufficient if the matter referred to in paragraph (a), (b), (c) or

(d) is established, or the Court is so satisfied, as the case may be,

on the balance of probabilities.

1333 Evidence of contravention

For the purposes of this Act, a certificate that:

(a) purports to be signed by the Registrar or other proper officer

of an Australian court; and

(b) states:

(i) that a person was convicted by that court on a specified

day of a specified offence; or

(ii) that a person charged before that court with a specified

offence was, on a specified day, found in that court to

have committed the offence but that the court did not

proceed to convict the person of the offence;

is, unless it is proved that the conviction was quashed or set aside,

or that the finding was set aside or reversed, as the case may be,

conclusive evidence:

(c) if subparagraph (b)(i) applies—that the person was convicted

of the offence on that day; and

(d) if the offence was constituted by a contravention of a

provision of a law—that the person contravened that


1335 Costs

(1) Where a corporation is plaintiff in any action or other legal

proceeding, the court having jurisdiction in the matter may, if it

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appears by credible testimony that there is reason to believe that

the corporation will be unable to pay the costs of the defendant if

successful in his, her or its defence, require sufficient security to be

given for those costs and stay all proceedings until the security is


(1A) Subsection (1) does not apply to a corporation that is an Aboriginal

and Torres Strait Islander corporation.

Note: Similar provision is made in relation to Aboriginal and Torres Strait

Islander corporations under section 581-20 of the Corporations

(Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006.

(2) The costs of any proceeding before a court under this Act are to be

borne by such party to the proceeding as the court, in its discretion,


1336 Vesting of property

(1) Where an order is made by a court under this Act vesting property

in a person:

(a) subject to subsection (2), the property forthwith vests in the

person named in the order without any conveyance, transfer

or assignment; and

(b) the person who applied for the order must, within 7 days after

the passing and entering of the order, lodge an office copy of

the order with such person (if any) as is specified for the

purpose in the order.

(2) Where:

(a) the property to which an order referred to in subsection (1)

relates is property the transfer or transmission of which may

be registered under a law of the Commonwealth, of a State or

of a Territory; and

(b) that law enables the registration of such an order;

the property, notwithstanding that it vests in equity in the person

named in the order, does not vest in that person at law until the

requirements of the law referred to in paragraph (a) have been

complied with.

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(3) Where:

(a) property vests in a person by force of this Act; and

(b) the property is property the transfer or transmission of which

may be registered under a law of the Commonwealth, of a

State or of a Territory; and

(c) that law enables the person to be registered as the owner of

that property;

that property, notwithstanding that it vests in equity in that person

by force of this Act, does not vest in that person at law until the

requirements of the law referred to in paragraph (b) have been

complied with.

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Miscellaneous Chapter 9

Jurisdiction and procedure of Courts Part 9.6A

Civil jurisdiction Division 1

Section 1337A

Corporations Act 2001 565

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Part 9.6A—Jurisdiction and procedure of Courts

Division 1—Civil jurisdiction

Subdivision A—Preliminary

1337A Operation of Division

(1) This Division deals with:

(a) the jurisdiction of courts in respect of civil matters arising

under the Corporations legislation; and

(b) the jurisdiction of courts in respect of matters arising under

the Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977

involving or related to decisions made under the

Corporations legislation by Commonwealth authorities and

officers of the Commonwealth; and

(c) the jurisdiction of courts in civil matters in respect of

decisions made by officers of the Commonwealth to

prosecute persons for offences against the Corporations

legislation and related criminal justice process decisions.

(2) This Division operates to the exclusion of:

(a) the Jurisdiction of Courts (Cross-vesting) Act 1987; and

(b) section 39B of the Judiciary Act 1903.

(3) This Division does not limit the operation of the provisions of the

Judiciary Act 1903 other than section 39B.

(4) Without limiting subsection (3), this Division does not limit the

operation of subsection 39(2) of the Judiciary Act 1903 in relation

to civil matters arising under the Corporations legislation.

(5) Nothing in this Division affects any other jurisdiction of any court.

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Chapter 9 Miscellaneous

Part 9.6A Jurisdiction and procedure of Courts

Division 1 Civil jurisdiction

Section 1337B

566 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Subdivision B—Conferral of jurisdiction

1337B Jurisdiction of Federal Court and State and Territory

Supreme Courts

(1) Jurisdiction is conferred on the Federal Court of Australia with

respect to civil matters arising under the Corporations legislation.

(2) Subject to section 9 of the Administrative Decisions (Judicial

Review) Act 1977, jurisdiction is conferred on the Supreme Court


(a) each State; and

(b) the Capital Territory; and

(c) the Northern Territory;

with respect to civil matters arising under the Corporations


(3) Despite section 9 of the Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review)

Act 1977, jurisdiction is conferred on the Supreme Court of:

(a) each State; and

(b) the Capital Territory; and

(c) the Northern Territory;

with respect to matters arising under that Act involving or related

to decisions made, or proposed or required to be made, under the

Corporations legislation by a Commonwealth authority or an

officer of the Commonwealth.

Note 1: The Federal Court also has jurisdiction with respect to these matters

under that Act.

Note 2: A Supreme Court may be required to transfer a proceeding with

respect to such a matter to the Federal Court: see

subsection 1337H(3).

(4) Subsection (3) applies to a decision made, or proposed or required

to be made:

(a) whether or not in the exercise of a discretion; and

(b) whether before or after that subsection commences.

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Miscellaneous Chapter 9

Jurisdiction and procedure of Courts Part 9.6A

Civil jurisdiction Division 1

Section 1337C

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(5) The jurisdiction conferred on a Supreme Court by subsection (2) or

(3) is not limited by any limits to which any other jurisdiction of

that Supreme Court may be subject.

(6) This section has effect subject to section 1337D.

1337C Jurisdiction of Family Court and State Family Courts

(1) Jurisdiction is conferred on the Family Court with respect to civil

matters arising under the Corporations legislation.

(2) Subject to section 9 of the Administrative Decisions (Judicial

Review) Act 1977, jurisdiction is conferred on each State Family

Court with respect to civil matters arising under the Corporations


(3) The jurisdiction conferred on a State Family Court by

subsection (2) is not limited by any limits to which any other

jurisdiction of the State Family Court may be subject.

(4) This section has effect subject to section 1337D.

1337D Jurisdiction of courts (decisions to prosecute and related

criminal justice process decisions made by

Commonwealth officers)

(1) If a decision to prosecute a person for an offence against the

Corporations legislation has been made by an officer or officers of

the Commonwealth and the prosecution is proposed to be

commenced in a State or Territory court:

(a) neither the Federal Court nor the Family Court has

jurisdiction with respect to any matter in which a person

seeks a writ of mandamus or prohibition or an injunction

against the officer or officers in relation to that decision; and

(b) jurisdiction with respect to any such matter is conferred on

the Supreme Court of the State or Territory in which the

prosecution is proposed to be commenced.

(2) Subject to subsection (3), at any time when:

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Chapter 9 Miscellaneous

Part 9.6A Jurisdiction and procedure of Courts

Division 1 Civil jurisdiction

Section 1337D

568 Corporations Act 2001

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(a) a prosecution for an offence against the Corporations

legislation is before a State or Territory court; or

(b) an appeal arising out of such a prosecution is before a State

or Territory court;

the following apply:

(c) neither the Federal Court nor the Family Court has

jurisdiction with respect to any matter in which the person

who is or was the defendant in the prosecution seeks a writ of

mandamus or prohibition or an injunction against an officer

or officers of the Commonwealth in relation to a related

criminal justice process decision;

(d) jurisdiction with respect to any such matter is conferred on

the Supreme Court of the State or Territory in which the

prosecution or appeal is before a court.

(3) Subsection (2) does not apply where a person has applied for a writ

of mandamus or prohibition, or an injunction, against an officer or

officers of the Commonwealth in relation to a related criminal

justice process decision before the commencement of a prosecution

for an offence against a law of the Commonwealth, or of a State or

a Territory.

(4) Where subsection (3) applies, the prosecutor may apply to the

court for a permanent stay of the proceedings referred to in that

subsection and the court may grant such a stay if the court

determines that:

(a) the matters that are the subject of the proceedings are more

appropriately dealt with in the criminal justice process; and

(b) a stay of proceedings will not substantially prejudice the


(5) Subsections (1), (2), (3) and (4) have effect despite anything in this

Act or in any other law. In particular:

(a) neither this Act, nor any other law, has the effect of giving

the Federal Court or the Family Court jurisdiction contrary to

subsection (1) or (2); and

(b) neither section 9 of the Administrative Decisions (Judicial

Review) Act 1977, nor any other law, has the effect of

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Jurisdiction and procedure of Courts Part 9.6A

Civil jurisdiction Division 1

Section 1337E

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removing from the Supreme Court of a State, the Capital

Territory or the Northern Territory the jurisdiction given to

that Court by subsection (1) or (2).

(6) In this section:

appeal includes an application for a new trial and a proceeding to

review or call in question the proceedings, decision or jurisdiction

of a court or judge.

related criminal justice process decision, in relation to an offence,

means a decision (other than a decision to prosecute) made in the

criminal justice process in relation to the offence, including:

(a) a decision in connection with the investigation, committal for

trial or prosecution of the defendant; and

(b) a decision in connection with the appointment of

investigators or inspectors for the purposes of such an

investigation; and

(c) a decision in connection with the issue of a warrant,

including a search warrant or a seizure warrant; and

(d) a decision requiring the production of documents, the giving

of information or the summoning of persons as witnesses;


(e) a decision in connection with an appeal arising out of the


1337E Jurisdiction of lower courts

(1) Subject to section 9 of the Administrative Decisions (Judicial

Review) Act 1977, jurisdiction is conferred on the lower courts of:

(a) each State; and

(b) the Capital Territory; and

(c) the Northern Territory;

with respect to civil matters (other than superior court matters)

arising under the Corporations legislation.

(2) The jurisdiction conferred on a lower court by subsection (1):

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Chapter 9 Miscellaneous

Part 9.6A Jurisdiction and procedure of Courts

Division 1 Civil jurisdiction

Section 1337F

570 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(a) is subject to the court’s general jurisdictional limits, so far as

they relate to:

(i) the amounts; or

(ii) the value of property;

with which the court may deal; but

(b) is not subject to the court’s other jurisdictional limits.

1337F Appeals

(1) An appeal may not be instituted from a decision of the Federal

Court to:

(a) a State or Territory court; or

(b) the Family Court.

(2) An appeal may not be instituted from a decision of a court of the

Capital Territory to:

(a) a court of a State or the Northern Territory; or

(b) the Family Court.

(3) An appeal may not be instituted from a decision of a court (not

being a State Family Court) of a State or the Northern Territory to:

(a) the Federal Court; or

(b) a court of another State or Territory; or

(c) the Family Court; or

(d) a State Family Court of that State.

(4) An appeal may not be instituted from a decision of the Family

Court to:

(a) the Federal Court; or

(b) a State or Territory court.

(5) An appeal may not be instituted from a decision of a State Family

Court of a State to:

(a) the Federal Court; or

(b) a court of another State or Territory; or

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Jurisdiction and procedure of Courts Part 9.6A

Civil jurisdiction Division 1

Section 1337G

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(c) except in accordance with the law of the State under which

the State Family Court is constituted—the Supreme Court of

that State.

1337G Courts to act in aid of each other

All courts having jurisdiction in:

(a) civil matters arising under the Corporations legislation; or

(b) matters referred to in subsection 1337B(3);

and the officers of, or under the control of, those courts must

severally act in aid of, and be auxiliary to, each other in all those


Subdivision C—Transfer of proceedings

1337H Transfer of proceedings by the Federal Court and State and

Territory Supreme Courts

(1) This section applies to a proceeding (the relevant proceeding) in a

court (the transferor court) if:

(a) the relevant proceeding is:

(i) a proceeding with respect to a civil matter arising under

the Corporations legislation; or

(ii) a subsection 1337B(3) proceeding; and

(b) the transferor court is:

(i) the Federal court; or

(ii) a State or Territory Supreme Court.

(2) Subject to subsections (3), (4) and (5), if it appears to the transferor

court that, having regard to the interests of justice, it is more

appropriate for:

(a) the relevant proceeding; or

(b) an application in the relevant proceeding;

to be determined by another court that has jurisdiction in the

matters for determination in the relevant proceeding or application,

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Chapter 9 Miscellaneous

Part 9.6A Jurisdiction and procedure of Courts

Division 1 Civil jurisdiction

Section 1337H

572 Corporations Act 2001

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the transferor court may transfer the relevant proceeding or

application to that other court.

(3) If:

(a) the relevant proceeding is a subsection 1337B(3) proceeding;


(b) the transferor court is a State or Territory Supreme Court;

the transferor court must transfer the relevant proceeding to the

Federal Court unless the matter for determination in it arises out of,

or relates to, another proceeding pending in any court of that State

or Territory that:

(c) arises, or a substantial part of which arises, under the

Corporations legislation; and

(d) is not a subsection 1337B(3) proceeding;

regardless of which proceeding was commenced first.

(4) Even if subsection (3) does not require a State or Territory

Supreme Court to transfer a subsection 1337B(3) proceeding to the

Federal Court, it may nevertheless do so if it considers that to be

appropriate, having regard to the interests of justice, including the

desirability of related proceedings being heard in the same State or


(5) If:

(a) the relevant proceeding is a subsection 1337B(3) proceeding

in relation to a matter; and

(b) the transferor court is the Federal Court;

the transferor court may only transfer the relevant proceeding, or

an application in the relevant proceeding, to a State or Territory

Supreme Court if:

(c) the matter arises out of, or relates to, another proceeding

pending in any court of that State or Territory that:

(i) arises, or a substantial part of which arises, under the

Corporations legislation; and

(ii) is not a subsection 1337B(3) proceeding;

regardless of which proceeding was commenced first; and

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Jurisdiction and procedure of Courts Part 9.6A

Civil jurisdiction Division 1

Section 1337J

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(d) the transferor court considers the transfer to be appropriate,

having regard to the interests of justice, including the

desirability of related proceedings being heard in the same


(6) Nothing in this section confers on a court jurisdiction that the court

would not otherwise have.

(7) The fact that some references in this section to the interests of

justice include the desirability of related proceedings being heard

in the same jurisdiction does not of itself mean that other

references to the interests of justice, in this section or elsewhere in

this Act, do not include that matter.

1337J Transfer of proceedings by Family Court and State Family


(1) This section applies to a proceeding (the relevant proceeding) in a

court (the transferor court) if:

(a) the relevant proceeding is with respect to a civil matter

arising under the Corporations legislation; and

(b) the transferor court is:

(i) the Family Court of Australia; or

(ii) a State Family Court.

(2) If it appears to the transferor court:

(a) that the relevant proceeding arises out of, or is related to,

another proceeding pending in:

(i) the Federal Court; or

(ii) another State or Territory court;

and that the court in which the other proceeding is pending is

the most appropriate court to determine the relevant

proceeding; or

(b) that having regard to:

(i) whether, in the transferor court’s opinion, apart from

this Division, the relevant proceeding, or a substantial

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Chapter 9 Miscellaneous

Part 9.6A Jurisdiction and procedure of Courts

Division 1 Civil jurisdiction

Section 1337J

574 Corporations Act 2001

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part of it, would have been incapable of being instituted

in the transferor court; and

(ii) the extent to which, in the transferor court’s opinion, the

matters for determination in the relevant proceeding are

matters not within the transferor court’s jurisdiction

apart from this Division; and

(iii) the interests of justice;

the Federal Court, or another State or Territory court, is the

most appropriate court to determine the relevant proceeding;


(c) that it is otherwise in the interests of justice that the Federal

Court, or another State or Territory court, determine the

relevant proceeding;

the transferor court must transfer the relevant proceeding to the

Federal Court or to that other court.

(3) Subject to subsection (2), if it appears to the transferor court:

(a) that the relevant proceeding arises out of, or is related to,

another proceeding pending in another court that is:

(i) the Family Court of Australia; or

(ii) a State Family Court;

and that has jurisdiction under section 1337C in the matters

for determination in the relevant proceeding and that the

other court is the most appropriate court to determine the

relevant proceeding; or

(b) that it is otherwise in the interests of justice that the relevant

proceeding be determined by another court that is:

(i) the Family Court of Australia; or

(ii) a State Family Court;

and that has jurisdiction under section 1337C in the matters

for determination in the relevant proceeding;

the transferor court must transfer the relevant proceeding to the

other court.

(4) If:

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Jurisdiction and procedure of Courts Part 9.6A

Civil jurisdiction Division 1

Section 1337K

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(a) the transferor court transfers the relevant proceeding to

another court; and

(b) it appears to the transferor court that:

(i) there is another proceeding pending in the transferor

court that arises out of, or is related to, the relevant

proceeding; and

(ii) it is in the interests of justice that the other court also

determine the other proceeding;

the transferor court must also transfer the other proceeding to the

other court.

(5) Nothing in this section confers on a court jurisdiction that the court

would not otherwise have.

1337K Transfer of proceedings in lower courts

(1) This section applies to a proceeding (the relevant proceeding) in a

court (the transferor court) if:

(a) the relevant proceeding is with respect to a civil matter

arising under the Corporations legislation; and

(b) the transferor court is a lower court of a State or Territory.

(2) If it appears to the transferor court that, having regard to the

interests of justice, it is more appropriate for:

(a) the relevant proceeding; or

(b) an application in the relevant proceeding;

to be determined by another court that has jurisdiction in the

matters for determination in the relevant proceeding or application,

the transferor court may take action under whichever of

subsections (3) and (4) applies.

(3) If the other court is also a lower court, the transferor court may

transfer the relevant proceeding or application to the other court.

(4) If the other court is a superior court, the transferor court may:

(a) transfer the relevant proceeding or application to the relevant

Supreme Court; and

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Chapter 9 Miscellaneous

Part 9.6A Jurisdiction and procedure of Courts

Division 1 Civil jurisdiction

Section 1337L

576 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) recommend that the relevant proceeding or application be

transferred by the Supreme Court to the other court.

(5) The relevant Supreme Court is not bound to comply with a

recommendation under subsection (4) and it may instead decide:

(a) to deal with the relevant proceeding or application itself; or

(b) to transfer the relevant proceeding or application to some

other court (which could be the transferor court).

(6) Nothing in this section allows the relevant Supreme Court to

transfer the relevant proceeding or application to another court

otherwise than in accordance with section 1337H and the other

requirements of this Division.

(7) Nothing in this section confers on a court jurisdiction that the court

would not otherwise have.

(8) In this section:

relevant Supreme Court means the Supreme Court of the State or

Territory of which the transferor court is a court.

1337L Further matters for a court to consider when deciding

whether to transfer a proceeding

In deciding whether to transfer under section 1337H, 1337J or

1337K a proceeding or application, a court must have regard to:

(a) the principal place of business of any body corporate

concerned in the proceeding or application; and

(b) the place or places where the events that are the subject of the

proceeding or application took place; and

(c) the other courts that have jurisdiction to deal with the

proceeding or application.

1337M Transfer may be made at any stage

A court may transfer under section 1337H, 1337J or 1337K a

proceeding or application:

(a) on the application of a party made at any stage; or

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Jurisdiction and procedure of Courts Part 9.6A

Civil jurisdiction Division 1

Section 1337N

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(b) of the court’s own motion.

1337N Transfer of documents

If, under section 1337H, 1337J or 1337K, a court (the transferor

court) transfers a proceeding, or an application in a proceeding, to

another court:

(a) the Registrar or other proper officer of the transferor court

must transmit to the Registrar or other proper officer of the

other court all documents filed in the transferor court in

respect of the proceeding or application, as the case may be;


(b) the other court must proceed as if:

(i) the proceeding had been originally instituted in the other

court; and

(ii) the same proceedings had been taken in the other court

as were taken in the transferor court; and

(iii) in a case where an application is transferred—the

application had been made in the other court.

1337P Conduct of proceedings

(1) Subject to sections 1337S, 1337T and 1337U, if it appears to a

court that, in determining a matter for determination in a

proceeding, the court will, or will be likely to, be exercising

relevant jurisdiction, the rules of evidence and procedure to be

applied in dealing with that matter are to be the rules that:

(a) are applied in a superior court in Australia or in an external

Territory; and

(b) the court considers appropriate to be applied in the


(2) If a proceeding is transferred or removed to a court (the transferee

court) from another court (the transferor court), the transferee

court must deal with the proceeding as if, subject to any order of

the transferee court, the steps that had been taken for the purposes

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Chapter 9 Miscellaneous

Part 9.6A Jurisdiction and procedure of Courts

Division 1 Civil jurisdiction

Section 1337Q

578 Corporations Act 2001

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of the proceeding in the transferor court (including the making of

an order), or similar steps, had been taken in the transferee court.

(3) In this section:

relevant jurisdiction means:

(a) jurisdiction conferred on the Federal Court of Australia or the

Family Court with respect to civil matters arising under the

Corporations Legislation; or

(b) jurisdiction conferred on a court of a State, the Capital

Territory or the Northern Territory with respect to matters

referred to in subsection 1337B(3).

1337Q Rights of appearance

(1) This section applies if a proceeding (the transferred proceeding) in

a court (the transferor court) is transferred to another court (the

transferee court) under this Division.

(2) A person who is entitled to practise as a barrister or a solicitor, or

as both a barrister and a solicitor, in the transferor court has the

same entitlements to practise in relation to:

(a) the transferred proceeding; and

(b) any other proceeding out of which the transferred proceeding

arises or to which the transferred proceeding is related, being

another proceeding that is to be determined together with the

transferred proceeding;

in the transferee court that the person would have if the transferee

court were a federal court exercising federal jurisdiction.

1337R Limitation on appeals

An appeal does not lie from a decision of a court:

(a) in relation to the transfer of a proceeding under this Division;


(b) as to which rules of evidence and procedure are to be applied

pursuant to subsection 1337P(1).

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Jurisdiction and procedure of Courts Part 9.6A

Civil jurisdiction Division 1

Section 1337S

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Subdivision D—Rules of court

1337S Rules of the Federal Court

(1) The power to make rules of court conferred by section 59 of the

Federal Court of Australia Act 1976 extends to making rules of


(a) with respect to proceedings, and the practice and procedure,

of the Federal Court of Australia under the Corporations

legislation; and

(b) with respect to any matter or thing that is:

(i) required or permitted by the Corporations legislation to

be prescribed by rules within the meaning of the

Corporations legislation; or

(ii) necessary or convenient to be prescribed by such rules

for carrying out or giving effect to the Corporations

legislation; and

(c) without limitation, with respect to costs, and with respect to

rules about meetings ordered by the Federal Court of


(2) In this section:

Corporations legislation does not include rules of court.

1337T Rules of the Supreme Court

(1) The Judges of the Supreme Court of the Capital Territory, or a

majority of them, may make rules of court:

(a) with respect to proceedings, and the practice and procedure,

of that court under the Corporations legislation; and

(b) with respect to any matter or thing that is:

(i) required or permitted by the Corporations legislation to

be prescribed by rules within the meaning of the

Corporations legislation; or

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Chapter 9 Miscellaneous

Part 9.6A Jurisdiction and procedure of Courts

Division 1 Civil jurisdiction

Section 1337U

580 Corporations Act 2001

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(ii) necessary or convenient to be prescribed by such rules

for carrying out or giving effect to the Corporations

legislation; and

(c) without limitation, with respect to costs, and with respect to

rules as to meetings ordered by that Court.

(2) When a lower court of the Capital Territory is exercising

jurisdiction with respect to matters arising under the Corporations

legislation, the court must apply the rules of court made under

subsection (1), with such alterations as are necessary.

(3) In this section:

Corporations legislation does not include rules of court.

1337U Rules of the Family Court

(1) The power to make rules of court conferred by section 123 of the

Family Law Act 1975 extends to making rules of court:

(a) with respect to proceedings, and the practice and procedure,

of the Family Court under the Corporations legislation; and

(b) with respect to any matter or thing that is:

(i) required or permitted by the Corporations legislation to

be prescribed by rules within the meaning of the

Corporations legislation; or

(ii) necessary or convenient to be prescribed by such rules

for carrying out or giving effect to the Corporations

legislation; and

(c) without limitation, with respect to costs, and with respect to

rules about meetings ordered by the Family Court.

(2) In this section:

Corporations legislation does not include rules of court.

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Jurisdiction and procedure of Courts Part 9.6A

Criminal jurisdiction Division 2

Section 1338A

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Division 2—Criminal jurisdiction

1338A Operation of Division

(1) This Division provides in relation to the jurisdiction of courts in

respect of criminal matters arising under the Corporations

legislation and so provides to the exclusion of sections 68, 70 and

70A of the Judiciary Act 1903.

(2) This Division does not limit the operation of the provisions of the

Judiciary Act 1903 other than sections 68, 70 and 70A.

(3) Without limiting subsection (2), this Division does not limit the

operation of subsection 39(2) of the Judiciary Act 1903 in relation

to criminal matters arising under the Corporations legislation.

1338B Jurisdiction of courts

(1) Subject to this section, the several courts of each State, the Capital

Territory and the Northern Territory exercising jurisdiction:

(a) with respect to:

(i) the summary conviction; or

(ii) the examination and commitment for trial on

indictment; or

(iii) the trial and conviction on indictment;

of offenders or persons charged with offences against the

laws of the State, the Capital Territory or the Northern

Territory, and with respect to:

(iv) their sentencing, punishment and release; or

(v) their liability to make reparation in connection with

their offences; or

(vi) the forfeiture of property in connection with their

offences; or

(vii) the proceeds of their crimes; and

(b) with respect to the hearing and determination of:

(i) proceedings connected with; or

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Chapter 9 Miscellaneous

Part 9.6A Jurisdiction and procedure of Courts

Division 2 Criminal jurisdiction

Section 1338B

582 Corporations Act 2001

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(ii) appeals arising out of; or

(iii) appeals arising out of proceedings connected with;

any such trial or conviction or any matter of a kind referred

to in subparagraph (a)(iv), (v), (vi) or (vii);

have the equivalent jurisdiction with respect to offenders or

persons charged with offences against the Corporations legislation.

(2) The jurisdiction conferred by subsection (1) is not to be exercised

with respect to the summary conviction, or examination and

commitment for trial, of any person except by a magistrate.

(3) The jurisdiction conferred by subsection (1) includes jurisdiction in

accordance with provisions of a relevant law of a State, the Capital

Territory or the Northern Territory, and:

(a) the reference in paragraph (1)(b) to “any such trial or

conviction” includes a reference to any conviction or

sentencing in accordance with the provisions of a relevant

law; and

(b) unless the contrary intention appears, a reference to

jurisdiction conferred by subsection (1) includes a reference

to such included jurisdiction.

(4) A person may be dealt with in accordance with a relevant law even

if, apart from this section, the offence concerned:

(a) would be required to be prosecuted on indictment; or

(b) would be required to be prosecuted either summarily or on


(5) For the purposes of the application of a relevant law as provided by

subsection (3):

(a) a reference in that law to an indictable offence is taken to

include a reference to an offence that may be prosecuted on

indictment; and

(b) in order to determine the sentence that may be imposed on a

person by a court pursuant to the relevant law, the person is

taken to have been prosecuted and convicted on indictment in

that court.

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Criminal jurisdiction Division 2

Section 1338B

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(6) Subject to subsection (8), the jurisdiction conferred on a State or

Territory court by subsection (1) is conferred despite any limits as

to locality of the jurisdiction of that court under the law of that

State or Territory.

(7) If:

(a) jurisdiction is conferred on a State or Territory court in

relation to the summary conviction of persons charged with

offences against the Corporations legislation by

subsection (1); and

(b) the court is satisfied that it is appropriate to do so, having

regard to all the circumstances including the public interest;

the court may decline to exercise that jurisdiction in relation to an

offence committed in another State or Territory.

(8) The jurisdiction conferred on a court of a State, the Capital

Territory or the Northern Territory by subsection (1) in relation to:

(a) the examination and commitment for trial on indictment; and

(b) the trial and conviction on indictment;

of offenders or persons charged with offences against the

Corporations legislation is conferred only in relation to:

(c) offences committed outside Australia; and

(d) offences committed, begun or completed in the State or the

Territory concerned.

(9) In this section:

appeal includes an application for a new trial and a proceeding to

review or call in question the proceedings, decision or jurisdiction

of a court or judge.

Australia does not include the coastal sea.

relevant law means a law providing that where, in proceedings

before a court, a person pleads guilty to a charge for which he or

she could be prosecuted on indictment, the person may be

committed, to a court having jurisdiction to try offences on

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Chapter 9 Miscellaneous

Part 9.6A Jurisdiction and procedure of Courts

Division 2 Criminal jurisdiction

Section 1338C

584 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

indictment, to be sentenced or otherwise dealt with without being

tried in that last-mentioned court.

1338C Laws to be applied

(1) Subject to this Division, the laws of a State, the Capital Territory or

the Northern Territory respecting:

(a) the arrest and custody in the State or Territory of offenders or

persons charged with offences; and

(b) criminal procedure in the State or Territory in relation to such

persons; and

(c) the rules of evidence applied in criminal procedure in the

State or Territory in relation to such persons;

apply in the State or Territory, so far as they are applicable, to

persons who are charged with offences against the Corporations


(2) In this section:

criminal procedure means the procedure for:

(a) the summary conviction; and

(b) the examination and commitment for trial on indictment; and

(c) the trial and conviction on indictment; and

(d) the hearing and determination of appeals arising out of any

such trial or conviction or out of any related proceedings;

of offenders or persons charged with offences, and includes the

procedure for holding accused persons to bail.

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Miscellaneous Chapter 9

Unclaimed property Part 9.7

Section 1339

Corporations Act 2001 585

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 9.7—Unclaimed property

1339 ASIC to deal with unclaimed property

(1) Unclaimed property held by ASIC is to be dealt with in accordance

with this Part.

Note: Unclaimed property is held by ASIC for and on behalf of the

Commonwealth (see subsections 8(3) and (4) of the ASIC Act).

(2) If property (other than money) becomes unclaimed property, ASIC

must, on behalf of the Commonwealth, sell or dispose of the

property as ASIC thinks fit.

1340 No liability to pay calls on shares etc.

Where unclaimed property is or includes shares in a body

corporate, neither the Commonwealth nor ASIC is subject to any


(a) to pay any calls; or

(b) to make any contribution to the debts and liabilities of the

body corporate; or

(c) to discharge any other liability; or

(d) to do any other act or thing;

in respect of the shares, whether the obligation arises before or

after the shares become unclaimed property, but this section does

not affect the right of a body corporate to forfeit a share.

1341 Entitlement to unclaimed property

(1) If:

(a) unclaimed property is or was held by ASIC; and

(b) the unclaimed property is an amount of money; and

(c) a person claims to be entitled to that amount; and

(d) ASIC is satisfied that the person is entitled to that amount;

ASIC must:

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Part 9.7 Unclaimed property

Section 1341

586 Corporations Act 2001

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(e) pay the person an amount equal to that amount; and

(f) do so out of money appropriated by the Parliament for the

purposes of this section.

(2) If:

(a) ASIC has, under subsection 1339(2), sold or disposed of

unclaimed property; and

(b) the amount of the proceeds is or was held by ASIC; and

(c) a person claims to be entitled to that amount; and

(d) ASIC is satisfied that the person is entitled to that amount;

ASIC must:

(e) pay the person an amount equal to that amount; and

(f) do so out of money appropriated by the Parliament for the

purposes of this section.

(3) A person who is dissatisfied with the decision of ASIC in respect

of a claim made by the person in accordance with subsection (1) or

(2) may appeal to the Court and the Court may confirm, disallow

or vary the decision of ASIC.

(3A) If ASIC pays an amount to a person under subsection (1) or (2) on

or after 1 July 2013, ASIC must:

(a) also pay to the person the amount of interest (if any) worked

out in accordance with the regulations; and

(b) do so out of money appropriated by the Parliament for the

purposes of this section.

(3B) Regulations made for the purposes of paragraph (3A)(a) may

prescribe different rates for different periods over which the

interest accrues. For this purpose, rate includes a nil rate.

(3C) Interest under subsection (3A) does not accrue in relation to a

period before 1 July 2013.

(4) Where a person claims to be entitled to money that has been paid

to another person in accordance with this section, neither the

Commonwealth nor ASIC is under any liability to that

first-mentioned person in respect of that money, but, if the

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Unclaimed property Part 9.7

Section 1342

Corporations Act 2001 587

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first-mentioned person is entitled to that money, that person may

recover that money from the other person.

1342 Commonwealth or ASIC not liable for loss or damage

Neither the Commonwealth nor ASIC is liable for any loss or

damage suffered by a person arising out of the exercise of, or the

failure to exercise, any of the powers which are conferred on ASIC

under this Part or which ASIC has in relation to unclaimed


1343 Disposal of securities if whereabouts of holder unknown

Where a person has been shown in an appropriate register of a

company as the holder of securities of the company for a period of

at least 6 years and the company has, for a period of at least 6


(a) had reasonable grounds for believing that the person was not

residing at the address shown in the register as the person’s

address; and

(b) on each occasion during that last-mentioned period when,

whether or not in accordance with a provision of this Act, it

sought to communicate with the person, being unable after

the exercise of reasonable diligence to do so;

the company may, by executing a transfer for and on behalf of the

person, transfer to ASIC:

(c) the securities; and

(d) any rights in respect of the securities;

to be dealt with under this Part.

1343A Disposal of interests in registered scheme if whereabouts of

member unknown

If, during a period of at least 6 years while a person has been

shown in the register of members of a registered scheme as the

holder of interests in the scheme:

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Part 9.7 Unclaimed property

Section 1343A

588 Corporations Act 2001

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(a) the responsible entity has had reasonable grounds for

believing that the person was not residing at the address

shown in the register as their address; and

(b) the responsible entity’s attempts to communicate with the

person have been made using reasonable diligence but have

all been unsuccessful;

the responsible entity may, by executing a transfer for and on

behalf of the person, transfer the interests and any rights in respect

of them to ASIC to be dealt with under this Part.

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Miscellaneous Part 9.9

Section 1344

Corporations Act 2001 589

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Part 9.9—Miscellaneous

1344 Use of ABN

Despite any provision in this Act or any other Act, in any case


(a) the ACN of a company; or

(b) the ARBN of a registered body; or

(c) the ARSN of a registered scheme;

is required or permitted to be used under a law of the

Commonwealth administered by ASIC, the ABN of the company,

body or scheme may be used instead if the last 9 digits of the ABN

are the same, and in the same order, as the last 9 digits of the ACN,


1345A Minister may delegate prescribed functions and powers

under this Act

(1) The Minister may, by signed instrument, delegate to an officer of

the Department such of the Minister’s functions and powers under

this Act as are prescribed.

(1A) The Minister may, by signed instrument, delegate the function or

power under subsection 147(2), 601DC(2) or 1213B(6) to:

(a) a member of ASIC (within the meaning of paragraph (a) of

the definition of member in subsection 5(1) of the Australian

Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001); or

(b) a staff member of ASIC who holds, or performs the duties of,

a position not below an Executive Level 1 position or an

equivalent position.

(2) A delegate is, in the performance or exercise of a delegated

function or power, subject to the Minister’s directions.

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Part 9.9 Miscellaneous

Section 1346

590 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

1346 Non-application of rule against perpetuities to certain schemes

(1) The rules of law relating to perpetuities do not apply, and are taken

never to have applied, to the trusts of any fund or scheme for the

benefit of any employee of a corporation, whether the fund or

scheme was established before, or is established after, the

commencement of this section.

(2) In this section:

(a) a reference to a corporation includes a reference to a body

corporate or society incorporated or formed, or otherwise

duly constituted, whether before, at or after the

commencement of this section, by or under:

(i) a law of the Commonwealth, of a State or Territory, of

an external Territory or of a country outside Australia

and the external Territories; or

(ii) letters patent or a royal charter; and

(b) a reference to a fund or scheme includes a reference to a

provident, superannuation, sick, accident, assurance,

unemployment, pension or co-operative benefit fund,

scheme, arrangement or provision or other like fund, scheme,

arrangement or provision; and

(c) a reference to an employee of a corporation includes a

reference to:

(i) a director of the corporation; and

(ii) a spouse, child, grandchild, parent or any dependant of

an employee or of a director of the corporation.

1348 Operation of Life Insurance Act

Nothing in this Act is taken to affect any of the provisions of the

Life Insurance Act 1995.

1349 Privilege against exposure to penalty—disqualification etc.

Court or Tribunal proceeding

(1) In the case of:

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Miscellaneous Part 9.9

Section 1349

Corporations Act 2001 591

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(a) a civil or criminal proceeding under, or arising out of, this

Act or the ASIC Act; or

(b) a proceeding before the Tribunal arising out of this Act or the


a person is not entitled to refuse or fail to comply with a


(c) to answer a question or give information; or

(d) to produce a book or any other thing; or

(e) to do any other act whatever;

on the ground that the answer or information, production of the

book or other thing, or doing that other act, as the case may be,

might tend to make the person liable to a penalty by way of:

(f) a disqualification under Part 2D.6 of this Act; or

(g) a declaration under section 853C of this Act; or

(h) a suspension or cancellation under section 915B of this Act;


(i) a suspension or cancellation under section 915C of this Act;


(j) a banning order under section 920A of this Act; or

(k) an order under section 921A of this Act; or

(l) a cancellation or suspension under Division 3 of Part 9.2 of

this Act; or

(m) a requirement to give an undertaking under

paragraph 1292(9)(b) or (c) of this Act; or

(n) a cancellation or suspension under Division 2 of Part 9.2A of

this Act; or

(na) a direction under section 40-15 of Schedule 2; or

(nb) a decision of a kind mentioned in section 40-55 of

Schedule 2; or

(nc) a cancellation or suspension under Division 40 of

Schedule 2; or

(o) an order under section 12GLD of the ASIC Act.

(2) Subsection (1) applies whether or not the person is a defendant in,

or a party to, the proceeding or any other proceeding.

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Part 9.9 Miscellaneous

Section 1349

592 Corporations Act 2001

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Statutory requirement

(3) A person is not entitled to refuse or fail to comply with a

requirement under this Act or the ASIC Act:

(a) to answer a question or give information; or

(b) to produce a book or any other thing; or

(c) to do any other act whatever;

on the ground that the answer or information, production of the

book or other thing, or doing that other act, as the case may be,

might tend to make the person liable to a penalty by way of:

(d) a disqualification under Part 2D.6 of this Act; or

(e) a declaration under section 853C of this Act; or

(f) a suspension or cancellation under section 915B of this Act;


(g) a suspension or cancellation under section 915C of this Act;


(h) a banning order under section 920A of this Act; or

(i) an order under section 921A of this Act; or

(j) a cancellation or suspension under Division 3 of Part 9.2 of

this Act; or

(k) a requirement to give an undertaking under

paragraph 1292(9)(b) or (c) of this Act; or

(l) a cancellation or suspension under Division 2 of Part 9.2A of

this Act; or

(la) a direction under section 40-15 of Schedule 2; or

(lb) a decision of a kind mentioned in section 40-55 of

Schedule 2; or

(lc) a cancellation or suspension under Division 40 of

Schedule 2; or

(m) an order under section 12GLD of the ASIC Act.


(4) Paragraph 597(12A)(d) of this Act, and paragraph 68(3)(b) of the

ASIC Act, do not apply to a proceeding for the imposition of a

penalty by way of:

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Miscellaneous Part 9.9

Section 1349

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(a) a disqualification under Part 2D.6 of this Act; or

(b) a declaration under section 853C of this Act; or

(c) a suspension or cancellation under section 915B of this Act;


(d) a suspension or cancellation under section 915C of this Act;


(e) a banning order under section 920A of this Act; or

(f) an order under section 921A of this Act; or

(g) a cancellation or suspension under Division 3 of Part 9.2 of

this Act; or

(h) a requirement to give an undertaking under

paragraph 1292(9)(b) or (c) of this Act; or

(i) a cancellation or suspension under Division 2 of Part 9.2A of

this Act; or

(ia) a direction under section 40-15 of Schedule 2; or

(ib) a decision of a kind mentioned in section 40-55 of

Schedule 2; or

(ic) a cancellation or suspension under Division 40 of

Schedule 2; or

(j) an order under section 12GLD of the ASIC Act.

Other provisions

(5) Subsections (1) and (3) have effect despite anything in:

(a) section 1317L; or

(b) any other provision of this Act; or

(c) the ASIC Act; or

(d) the Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975.


(6) In this section:

penalty includes forfeiture.

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Part 9.9 Miscellaneous

Section 1350

594 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

1350 Compensation for compulsory acquisition

(1) If:

(a) apart from this section, the operation of this Act would result

in the acquisition of property from a person otherwise than

on just terms; and

(b) the acquisition would be invalid because of

paragraph 51(xxxi) of the Constitution;

the person who acquires the property is liable to pay compensation

of a reasonable amount to the person from whom the property is

acquired in respect of the acquisition.

(2) If the 2 people do not agree on the amount of the compensation, the

person to whom compensation is payable may institute proceedings

in the Court for the recovery of such reasonable amount as the

court determines from the other person.

(3) Any damages or compensation recovered or other remedy given in

a proceeding that is commenced otherwise than under this section

is to be taken into account in assessing compensation payable in a

proceeding that is commenced under this section and that arises out

of the same event or transaction.

(4) In this section:

acquisition of property has the same meaning as in

paragraph 51(xxxi) of the Constitution.

just terms has the same meaning as in paragraph 51(xxxi) of the


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Miscellaneous Chapter 9

Fees imposed by the Corporations (Fees) Act 2001 and the Corporations (Review Fees)

Act 2003 Part 9.10

Section 1351

Corporations Act 2001 595

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 9.10—Fees imposed by the Corporations

(Fees) Act 2001 and the Corporations

(Review Fees) Act 2003

1351 Fees are payable to the Commonwealth

(1) The fees imposed under the Corporations (Fees) Act 2001 are

payable to the Commonwealth.

(2) The fees imposed under the Corporations (Review Fees) Act 2003

are payable to the Commonwealth.

(3) The date on which a fee imposed under the Corporations (Review

Fees) Act 2003 becomes due and payable is worked out under this


Due date for review fees

Item For a review fee imposed on... The due date is...

1 a company 2 months after the review date to

which the fee relates

2 a registered scheme 2 months after the review date to

which the fee relates

2A a notified foreign passport fund 2 months after the review date to

which the fee relates

3 a registered Australian body the date prescribed by the


4 a natural person registered as an

auditor under Part 9.2

the date prescribed by the


6 a person holding an Australian

financial services licence under

Part 7.6

the date prescribed by the


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Chapter 9 Miscellaneous

Part 9.10 Fees imposed by the Corporations (Fees) Act 2001 and the Corporations

(Review Fees) Act 2003

Section 1354

596 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(4) However, a fee imposed under the Corporations (Review Fees) Act

2003 is not payable to the Commonwealth by a company in

relation to a review date in a year if:

(a) both of the following apply:

(i) ASIC has given notice of the proposed deregistration of

the company in accordance with

paragraph 601AA(4)(c), and published notice of the

proposed deregistration of the company in accordance

with paragraph 601AA(4)(d);

(ii) the review date for that year falls in the 2 month period

before or after the publication of the notice published in

accordance with paragraph 601AA(4)(d); or

(b) in the case of a company, a registered scheme, a notified

foreign passport fund or a registered Australian body—the

company, scheme, fund or body has, in a previous year, paid

the fee in respect of the review date for that year in

accordance with regulations made under the Corporations

(Review Fees) Act 2003 for the purposes of this section.

1354 Lodgment of document without payment of fee

(1) This section applies where:

(a) a fee is payable under section 1351 for the lodgment of a

document; and

(b) the document was submitted for lodgment without payment

of the fee.

(2) The document is not taken not to have been lodged merely because

of non-payment of the fee.

1355 Doing act without payment of fee

If a fee is payable under section 1351 for a matter involving the

doing of an act by the Minister or ASIC, the Minister or ASIC may

refuse to do that act until the fee is paid.

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Fees imposed by the Corporations (Fees) Act 2001 and the Corporations (Review Fees)

Act 2003 Part 9.10

Section 1356

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1356 Effect of sections 1354 and 1355

Sections 1354 and 1355 have effect despite anything in another

Part of this Act.

1359 Waiver and refund of fees

Nothing in this Part, the Corporations (Fees) Act 2001 or the

Corporations (Review Fees) Act 2003 prevents the Commonwealth


(a) waiving or reducing, in a particular case or in particular

classes of cases, fees that would otherwise be payable under

this Act; or

(b) refunding, in whole or in part, in a particular case or in

particular classes of cases, fees paid under this Act.

1360 Debts due to the Commonwealth

ASIC may, on behalf of the Commonwealth, recover a debt due

under this Part.

1362 Payment of fee does not give right to inspect or search

To avoid doubt, nothing in this Part, and nothing done under this


(a) imposes on ASIC a duty to allow the inspection or search of

a register or document, or to make available information; or

(b) confers a right to inspect or search a register or document or

to have information made available;

except so far as such a duty or right would, but for the effect of

section 1355, exist under a provision of another Part of this Act or

under some other law.

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Chapter 9 Miscellaneous

Part 9.12 Regulations

Section 1363

598 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 9.12—Regulations

1363 Definitions

In this Part, unless the contrary intention appears:

prescribed means prescribed by the regulations.

the regulations means the regulations made under section 1364.

1364 Power to make regulations

(1) The Governor-General may make regulations prescribing matters:

(a) required or permitted by this Act to be prescribed by

regulations; or

(b) necessary or convenient to be prescribed by such regulations

for carrying out or giving effect to this Act.

(2) Without limiting subsection (1), the regulations may make


(c) for or in relation to the keeping of registers by ASIC, the

lodging of documents with ASIC, the registration of

documents by ASIC, the time and manner of lodging or

registration, and the requirements with which documents

lodged or to be lodged are to comply; and

(d) prescribing forms for the purposes of this Act and the method

of verifying any information required by or in those forms;


(e) prescribing the manner in which, the persons by whom, and

the directions or requirements in accordance with which, the

forms prescribed for the purposes of this Act, or any of them,

are required or permitted to be signed, prepared, or

completed, and generally regulating the signing, preparation

and completion of those forms, or any of them; and

(f) for or in relation to the convening of, conduct of, and

procedure and voting at, meetings of creditors, meetings of

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Regulations Part 9.12

Section 1364

Corporations Act 2001 599

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eligible employee creditors, meetings of contributories and

meetings of holders of debentures, and joint meetings of

creditors and members of companies, the number of persons

required to constitute a quorum at any such meeting, the

sending of notices of meetings to persons entitled to attend at

meetings, the lodging of copies of notices of, and of

resolutions passed at, meetings, and generally regulating the

conduct of, and procedure at, any such meeting; and

(g) prescribing the persons by whom, and the circumstances and

manner in which, proxies may be appointed and generally

regulating the appointment and powers of proxies; and

(h) for or in relation to the proving of debts in the winding up of

a company, the manner of proving debts and the time within

which debts are required or permitted to be proved and

generally regulating the proving of debts; and

(j) prescribing the manner in which a liquidator appointed by the

Court may:

(i) exercise powers and perform functions under

subsection 478(1); and

(ii) exercise any powers conferred, and perform any duties

imposed, on the liquidator by regulations made for the

purposes of subsection 488(1); and

(k) prescribing the manner in which a liquidator in a voluntary

winding up may exercise powers and perform functions

under section 506; and

(m) prescribing times for the lodging of any documents; and

(n) prescribing penalties for late payment of a review fee

imposed by the Corporations (Review Fees) Act 2003; and

(o) prescribing that, in relation to the payment of a fee imposed

by the Corporations (Fees) Act 2001 or the Corporations

(Review Fees) Act 2003, in the event that the fee is paid by

electronic means, a refund of an amount or proportion of the

fee is payable; and

(s) for or in relation to the giving to ASIC of information in

addition to, or in variation of, the information contained in a

prescribed form lodged with it; and

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Part 9.12 Regulations

Section 1365

600 Corporations Act 2001

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(t) for or in relation to the times within which information

required to be given to ASIC under this Act must be so

given; and

(u) for or in relation to the manner in which:

(i) orders made under this Act may be served on persons

affected by the orders; and

(ii) documents that are required or permitted by this Act to

be served on a person may be so served; and

(w) prescribing penalties not exceeding 50 penalty units for an

individual or 500 penalty units for a body corporate for

contraventions of the regulations.

Note: See also sections 1311B and 1311C in relation to the penalty

applicable to an offence.

1365 Scope of particular regulations

Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Act, the regulations

may be of general or specially limited application or may differ

according to differences in time, locality, place or circumstance.

1366 Verifying or certifying documents

The regulations may:

(a) where documents required by or under this Act to be lodged

in accordance with this Act are required to be verified or

certified and no manner of verification or certification is

prescribed by or under this Act—require that the documents

or any of them be verified or certified by statement in writing

made by such persons as are prescribed by the regulations;


(b) where no express provision is made in this Act for

verification or certification of documents—require that the

documents be verified or certified by statement in writing by

such persons as are prescribed.

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Regulations Part 9.12

Section 1367

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1367 Documents lodged by an agent

The regulations may provide, in such cases as are prescribed, that,

if a document that is required by or under this Act to be lodged is

signed or lodged on behalf of a person by an agent duly authorised

by writing, there must be:

(a) lodged with; or

(b) endorsed on; or

(c) annexed to;

that document, the original, or a verified copy, of the authority.

1367A Publication in the prescribed manner

(1) If a particular provision of this Act requires a person (other than

ASIC) to:

(a) publish a notice, or a copy of a notice, in the prescribed

manner; or

(b) cause a notice, or a copy of a notice, to be published in the

prescribed manner;

the regulations may provide that:

(c) the person is taken to have complied with that requirement if,

and only if, the person lodges the notice or copy under

subsection (2); and

(d) if the person lodges the notice or copy under subsection (2),

ASIC must publish the notice or copy in the manner specified

in the regulations.

(2) A person may lodge a notice, or a copy of a notice, under this

subsection if the notice or copy is covered by regulations made for

the purposes of subsection (1).

1368 Exemptions from Chapter 6D or 7

The regulations may provide that, subject to any prescribed terms

and conditions, Chapter 6D or 7, or specified provisions of

Chapter 6D or 7:

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Section 1369

602 Corporations Act 2001

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(a) do not have effect in relation to a specified person or class of

persons; or

(b) have effect in relation to a specified person or class of

persons to such extent only as is prescribed; or

(c) do not have effect in relation to a specified transaction or

class of transactions; or

(d) do not have effect in relation to a specified transaction or

class of transactions entered into by a specified person or

class of persons;

and may provide that a contravention of a prescribed term or

condition is an offence against the regulations.

1369 Penalty notices

(1) The regulations:

(a) may prescribe offences against this Act (not being offences

the penalties applicable to which include a term of

imprisonment or a pecuniary penalty that exceeds $1,000), or

offences against the regulations, for the purposes of

Part 9.4AB; and

(b) must, in relation to each offence that is prescribed under this


(i) prescribe the particulars of that offence that are to be

given in a notice served on a person under that section

in relation to the offence; and

(ii) prescribe the amount of the penalty (being not more

than half the amount of the penalty applicable to the

offence) that is payable in respect of the offence under a

notice served on a person under that section in relation

to the offence.

(2) In subsection (1), a reference to a penalty applicable to an offence

is a reference to the penalty that is applicable to that offence

because of any of the provisions of sections 1311B and 1311C.

(3) The particulars of an offence required to be prescribed by

subparagraph (1)(b)(i) may be prescribed by being set out in the

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Miscellaneous Chapter 9

Regulations Part 9.12

Section 1369A

Corporations Act 2001 603

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

form prescribed for the purposes of Part 9.4AB in relation to the


1369A State termination of reference

(1) The regulations may make provision in relation to circumstances

that arise because a State ceases to be a referring State.

Note: For example, the regulations may prevent companies that have their

registered office or financial records in the State from committing

offences and give them time to relocate their office or records.

(2) Without limiting subsection (1), regulations made under that

subsection may modify the operation of this Act in relation to the

circumstances dealt with in the regulations.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Prepared by the Office of Parliamentary Counsel, Canberra

Corporations Act 2001

No. 50, 2001

Compilation No. 94

Compilation date: 6 April 2019

Includes amendments up to: Act No. 50, 2019

Registered: 14 May 2019

This compilation is in 6 volumes

Volume 1: sections 1–260E

Volume 2: sections 283AA–601DJ

Volume 3: sections 601EA–742

Volume 4: sections 760A–993D

Volume 5: sections 1010A–1369A

Volume 6: sections 1370–1662



Each volume has its own contents

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

About this compilation

This compilation

This is a compilation of the Corporations Act 2001 that shows the text of the

law as amended and in force on 6 April 2019 (the compilation date).

The notes at the end of this compilation (the endnotes) include information

about amending laws and the amendment history of provisions of the compiled


Uncommenced amendments

The effect of uncommenced amendments is not shown in the text of the

compiled law. Any uncommenced amendments affecting the law are accessible

on the Legislation Register (www.legislation.gov.au). The details of

amendments made up to, but not commenced at, the compilation date are

underlined in the endnotes. For more information on any uncommenced

amendments, see the series page on the Legislation Register for the compiled


Application, saving and transitional provisions for provisions and


If the operation of a provision or amendment of the compiled law is affected by

an application, saving or transitional provision that is not included in this

compilation, details are included in the endnotes.

Editorial changes

For more information about any editorial changes made in this compilation, see

the endnotes.


If the compiled law is modified by another law, the compiled law operates as

modified but the modification does not amend the text of the law. Accordingly,

this compilation does not show the text of the compiled law as modified. For

more information on any modifications, see the series page on the Legislation

Register for the compiled law.

Self-repealing provisions

If a provision of the compiled law has been repealed in accordance with a

provision of the law, details are included in the endnotes.

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Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19


Chapter 10—Transitional provisions 1

Part 10.1—Transition from the old corporations legislation 1

Division 1—Preliminary 1

1370 Object of Part ....................................................................1

1371 Definitions.........................................................................2

1372 Relationship of Part with State validation Acts .................6

1373 References to things taken or deemed to be the

case etc. .............................................................................8

1374 Existence of several versions of old corporations

legislation does not result in this Part operating to

take same thing to be done several times under

new corporations legislation etc. .......................................9

1375 Penalty units in respect of pre-commencement

conduct remain at $100 ...................................................10

1376 Ceasing to be a referring State does not affect

previous operation of this Part.........................................10

Division 2—Carrying over registration of companies 11

1377 Division has effect subject to Division 7

regulations .......................................................................11

1378 Existing registered companies continue to be

registered .........................................................................11

Division 3—Carrying over the old Corporations Regulations 13

1379 Division has effect subject to Division 7

regulations .......................................................................13

1380 Old Corporations Regulations continue to have


Division 4—Court proceedings and orders 14

1381 Division has effect subject to Division 7

regulations .......................................................................14

1382 Definitions.......................................................................14

1383 Treatment of court proceedings under or related to

the old corporations legislation—proceedings

other than federal corporations proceedings ....................16

1384 Treatment of court proceedings under or related to

the old corporations legislation—federal

corporations proceedings.................................................19

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ii Corporations Act 2001

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1384A Appeals etc. in relation to some former federal

corporations proceedings.................................................20

1384B Effect of decisions and orders made in federal

corporations proceedings before commencement............21

1385 References to proceedings and orders in the new

corporations legislation ...................................................21

Division 5—Other specific transitional provisions 23

1386 Division has effect subject to Division 7

regulations .......................................................................23

1387 Certain applications lapse on the commencement ...........23

1388 Carrying over the Partnerships and Associations

Application Order............................................................23

1389 Evidentiary certificates....................................................23

1390 Preservation of nomination of body corporate as

SEGC ..............................................................................24

1391 Preservation of identification of satisfactory


1392 Retention of information obtained under old

corporations legislation of non-referring State ................25

1393 Transitional provisions relating to section 1351

fees ..................................................................................25

1394 Transitional provisions relating to securities

exchange fidelity fund levies...........................................26

1395 Transitional provisions relating to National

Guarantee Fund levies .....................................................27

1396 Transitional provisions relating to futures

organisation fidelity fund levies ......................................28

Division 6—General transitional provisions relating to other

things done etc. under the old corporations

legislation 30

1397 Limitations on scope of this Division..............................30

1398 Provisions of this Division may have an

overlapping effect............................................................31

1399 Things done by etc. carried over provisions

continue to have effect ....................................................31

1400 Creation of equivalent rights and liabilities to

those that existed before the commencement under

carried over provisions of the old corporations

legislation ........................................................................34

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1401 Creation of equivalent rights and liabilities to

those that existed before the commencement under

repealed provisions of the old corporations

legislation ........................................................................36

1402 Old corporations legislation time limits etc. ....................38

1403 Preservation of significance etc. of events or

circumstances ..................................................................39

1404 References in the new corporations legislation

generally include references to events,

circumstances or things that happened or arose

before the commencement...............................................40

1405 References in the new corporations legislation to

that legislation or the new ASIC legislation

generally include references to corresponding

provisions of the old corporations legislation or

old ASIC legislation ........................................................41

1406 Carrying over references to corresponding

previous laws...................................................................42

1407 References to old corporations legislation in

instruments ......................................................................42

1408 Old transitional provisions continue to have their


Division 7—Regulations dealing with transitional matters 47

1409 Regulations may deal with transitional matters ...............47

Part 10.2—Transitional provisions relating to the Financial

Services Reform Act 2001 49

Division 1—Transitional provisions relating to the phasing-in of

the new financial services regime 49

Subdivision A—Preliminary 49

1410 Definitions.......................................................................49

Subdivision B—Treatment of existing markets 51

1411 When is a market being operated immediately

before the FSR commencement? .....................................51

1412 Treatment of proposed markets that have not

started to operate by the FSR commencement.................51

1413 Obligation of Minister to grant licences covering

main existing markets......................................................53

1414 Section 1413 markets—effect of licences and

conditions ........................................................................56

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iv Corporations Act 2001

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1415 Section 1413 markets—preservation of old

Corporations Act provisions during transition

period ..............................................................................58

1416 Section 1413 markets—powers for regulations to

change how the old and new Corporations Act

apply during the transition period....................................59

1417 Section 1413 markets—additional provisions

relating to previously unregulated services .....................60

1418 Treatment of exempt stock markets and exempt

futures markets (other than markets with no

identifiable single operator).............................................61

1419 Treatment of exempt stock markets and exempt

futures markets that do not have a single

identifiable operator ........................................................63

1420 Treatment of stock markets of approved securities

organisations ...................................................................65

1421 Treatment of special stock markets for unquoted

interests in a registered scheme .......................................66

1422 Treatment of other markets that were not

unauthorised ....................................................................67

Subdivision C—Treatment of existing clearing and settlement

facilities 68

1423 When is a clearing and settlement facility being

operated immediately before the FSR


1424 Treatment of proposed clearing and settlement

facilities that have not started to operate by the

FSR commencement........................................................69

1424A Treatment of unregulated clearing and settlement

facilities operated by holders of old Corporations

Act approvals ..................................................................71

1425 Obligation of Minister to grant licences covering

main existing facilities.....................................................72

1426 Section 1425 facilities—effect of licences and

conditions ........................................................................74

1427 Section 1425 facilities—powers for regulations to

change how the old and new Corporations Act

apply during the transition period....................................76

1428 Section 1425 facilities—additional provisions

relating to previously unregulated services .....................76

1429 Treatment of other clearing and settlement

facilities ...........................................................................77

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Subdivision D—Treatment of people who carry on financial

services businesses and their representatives 78

1430 Meaning of regulated principal, regulated

activities and relevant old legislation ..............................78

1431 Parts 7.6, 7.7 and 7.8 of the amended Corporations

Act generally do not apply to a regulated principal

during the transition period .............................................82

1432 Continued application of relevant old legislation ............84

1433 Streamlined licensing procedure for certain

regulated principals .........................................................85

1434 Special licences for insurance multi-agents during

first 2 years after FSR commencement............................86

1435 Licensing decisions made within the first 2 years

of the FSR commencement—regard may be had to

conduct and experience of applicant or related

body corporate that currently provides same or

similar services................................................................88

1436 Treatment of representatives—general............................89

1436A Treatment of representatives—insurance agents .............90

1437 Exemptions and modifications by ASIC .........................93

Subdivision E—Product disclosure requirements 94

1438 New product disclosure provisions do not apply to

existing products during transition period .......................94

1439 Offences against new product disclosure

provisions—additional element for prosecution to

prove if conduct occurs after opting-in and before

the end of the first 2 years ...............................................97

1440 Continued application of certain provisions of old

disclosure regimes during transition period.....................98

1441 Certain persons who are not yet covered by

Parts 7.6, 7.7 and 7.8 of the amended Corporations

Act are required to comply with Part 7.9

obligations as if they were regulated persons ..................99

1442 Exemptions and modifications by ASIC .........................99

Subdivision F—Certain other product-related requirements 101

1442A Deferred application of hawking prohibition.................101

1442B Deferred application of confirmation of transaction

and cooling-off provisions etc. ......................................101

Division 2—Other transitional provisions 104

1443 Definitions.....................................................................104

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vi Corporations Act 2001

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1444 Regulations may deal with transitional, saving or

application matters ........................................................105

1445 ASIC determinations may deal with transitional,

saving or application matters.........................................107

Part 10.3—Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations

Legislation Amendment Act 2003 111 1447 Application of sections 601AB and 601PB ...................111

1448 Application of amendments made by Schedule 4 to

the Corporations Legislation Amendment Act 2003 ......111

Part 10.4—Transitional provisions relating to the Financial

Services Reform Amendment Act 2003 112 1449 Definition ......................................................................112

1450 Application of Part 10.2 to Chapter 7 as amended

by Schedule 2 to the amending Act ...............................112

1451 Provisions relating to the scope of the amendments

of Chapter 7 made by Schedule 2..................................113

1452 Amendments of section 1274 ........................................115

Part 10.5—Transitional provisions relating to the Corporate

Law Economic Reform Program (Audit Reform and

Corporate Disclosure) Act 2004 116 1453 Definitions.....................................................................116

1454 Audit reforms in Schedule 1 to the amending Act

(auditing standards and audit working papers

retention rules)...............................................................116

1455 Audit reforms in Schedule 1 to the amending Act

(adoption of auditing standards made by

accounting profession before commencement) .............117

1456 Audit reforms in Schedule 1 to the amending Act

(new competency standard provisions) .........................118

1457 Audit reforms in Schedule 1 to the amending Act

(new annual statement requirements for auditors).........118

1458 Audit reforms in Schedule 1 to the amending Act

(imposition of conditions on existing registration

as company auditor) ......................................................119

1459 Audit reforms in Schedule 1 to the amending Act

(application of items 62 and 63) ....................................119

1460 Audit reforms in Schedule 1 to the amending Act

(non-audit services disclosure) ......................................119

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1461 Audit reforms in Schedule 1 to the amending Act

(auditor appointment) ....................................................119

1462 Audit reforms in Schedule 1 to the amending Act

(auditor independence) ..................................................120

1463 Audit reforms in Schedule 1 to the amending Act

(auditor rotation) ...........................................................122

1464 Audit reforms in Schedule 1 to the amending Act

(listed company AGMs) ................................................122

1465 Schedule 2 to the amending Act (financial


1466A Schedule 2A to the amending Act (true and fair


1466 Schedule 3 to the amending Act (proportionate

liability) .........................................................................123

1467 Schedule 4 to the amending Act (enforcement).............123

1468 Schedule 5 to the amending Act (remuneration of

directors and executives) ...............................................123

1469 Schedule 6 to the amending Act (continuous

disclosure) .....................................................................124

1470 Schedule 7 to the amending Act (disclosure rules)........124

1471 Schedule 8 to the amending Act (shareholder

participation and information) .......................................125

Part 10.8—Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations

Amendment (Takeovers) Act 2007 126 1478 Application of amendments of the takeovers

provisions ......................................................................126

Part 10.9—Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations

Amendment (Insolvency) Act 2007 127 1479 Definition ......................................................................127

1480 Schedule 1 to the amending Act (improving

outcomes for creditors)..................................................127

1481 Schedule 2 to the amending Act (deterring

corporate misconduct) ...................................................130

1482 Schedule 3 to the amending Act (improving

regulation of insolvency practitioners) ..........................131

1483 Schedule 4 to the amending Act (fine-tuning

voluntary administration) ..............................................132

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viii Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 10.10—Transitional provisions relating to the

Corporations Amendment (Short Selling) Act 2008 135 1484 Declarations under paragraph 1020F(1)(c) relating

to short selling ...............................................................135

Part 10.11—Transitional provisions relating to the

Corporations Amendment (No. 1) Act 2009 137 1485 Application of new subsection 206B(6) ........................137

1486 Application of new section 206EAA.............................137

Part 10.12—Transitional provisions relating to the

Corporations Legislation Amendment (Financial

Services Modernisation) Act 2009 138

Division 1—Transitional provisions relating to Schedule 1 to the

Corporations Legislation Amendment (Financial

Services Modernisation) Act 2009 138

1487 Definitions.....................................................................138

1488 Application of amendments—general ...........................138

1489 Applications of amendments—application for and

grant of licences etc. authorising margin lending

financial services ...........................................................139

1490 Application of amendments—between 6 and 12

months after commencement.........................................140

1491 Acquisition of property .................................................141

1492 Regulations....................................................................141

Division 2—Transitional provisions relating to Schedule 2 to the

Corporations Legislation Amendment (Financial

Services Modernisation) Act 2009 142

1493 Definitions.....................................................................142

1494 Transitional provisions relating to limit on control

of trustee companies......................................................142

1495 Transitional provisions relating to the amendments

of Chapter 7...................................................................143

1496 General power for regulations to deal with

transitional matters ........................................................144

Division 3—Transitional provisions relating to Schedule 3 to the

Corporations Legislation Amendment (Financial

Services Modernisation) Act 2009 145

1497 Definitions.....................................................................145

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1498 Application of amendments...........................................145

Part 10.13—Transitional provisions relating to the Personal

Property Securities (Corporations and Other

Amendments) Act 2010 146 1499 Definitions.....................................................................146

1500 Charges, liens and pledges—continuation of

restriction of references .................................................146

1501 Charges, liens, pledges and third party property—

application .....................................................................147

1501A References to the whole or substantially the whole

of a company’s property ................................................147

1501B Constructive notice of registrable charges.....................147

1502 Repeal of Chapter 2K (charges)—general.....................148

1503 Repeal of Chapter 2K (charges)—cessation of

requirements in relation to documents or notices ..........148

1504 Repeal of Chapter 2K (charges)—application of

section 266 ....................................................................149

1505 Repeal of Chapter 2K (charges)—cessation of

company registration requirements................................149

1506 Repeal of Chapter 2K (charges)—priority between

registrable charges.........................................................150

1507 New section 440B (restrictions on third party

property rights) ..............................................................150

1508 New subsection 442CB(1) (administrator’s duty of


1509 New section 588FP (security interests in favour of

an officer of a company etc. void) .................................150

1510 Winding up applied for before the commencement


Part 10.14—Transitional provisions relating to the

Corporations Amendment (Corporate Reporting

Reform) Act 2010 152 1510A Definition ......................................................................152

1510B Application of Part 1 of Schedule 1 to the

amending Act ................................................................152

Part 10.15—Transitional provisions relating to the

Corporations Amendment (Financial Market

Supervision) Act 2010 154 1511 Definition ......................................................................154

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x Corporations Act 2001

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1512 Application of amendments...........................................154

1513 Regulations may deal with transitional matters .............154

Part 10.16—Transitional provisions relating to the

Corporations Amendment (No. 1) Act 2010 155 1516 Application of amendments...........................................155

Part 10.17—Transitional provisions relating to the

Corporations Amendment (Improving Accountability

on Director and Executive Remuneration) Act 2011 156 1517 Application of Subdivision B of Division 1 of

Part 2D.3 .......................................................................156

1518 Application of sections 206J, 206K, 206L and

206M .............................................................................156

1519 Application of subsection 249L(2) ................................156

1520 Application of section 250BB .......................................156

1521 Application of section 250BC .......................................157

1522 Application of section 250BD.......................................157

1523 Application of subsections 250R(4) to (10)...................157

1524 Application of Division 9 of Part 2G.2..........................157

1525 Application of amendments of section 300A ................157

Part 10.18—Transitional and application provisions relating to

the Future of Financial Advice Measures 159

Division 1—Provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment

(Further Future of Financial Advice Measures) Act

2012 159

1526 Definitions.....................................................................159

1527 Application of best interests obligations........................160

1528 Application of ban on conflicted remuneration .............160

1529 Application of ban on other remuneration—

volume-based shelf-space fees ......................................161

1530 Regulations do not apply where an acquisition of

property otherwise than on just terms would result .......162

1531 Application of ban on other remuneration—

asset-based fees on borrowed amounts..........................163

Division 2—Provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment

(Financial Advice Measures) Act 2016 164

1531A Definitions.....................................................................164

1531B Best interests obligation ................................................164

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1531C Renewal notices (opt-in requirement) ...........................164

1531D Disclosure statements ....................................................165

1531E Conflicted remuneration................................................165

Part 10.19—Transitional provisions relating to the

Corporations Amendment (Phoenixing and Other

Measures) Act 2012 166 1532 Definition ......................................................................166

1533 Part 1 of Schedule 1 to the amending Act (winding

up by ASIC) ..................................................................166

1534 Part 2 of Schedule 1 to the amending Act

(publication requirements).............................................166

1535 Part 3 of Schedule 1 to the amending Act

(miscellaneous amendments).........................................168

Part 10.20—Transitional provisions relating to the

Corporations Legislation Amendment (Audit

Enhancement) Act 2012 169 1536 Definitions.....................................................................169

1537 Application of amendments relating to annual

transparency reports ......................................................169

Part 10.21—Transitional provision relating to the Corporations

Legislation Amendment (Financial Reporting Panel)

Act 2012 170 1538 Courts etc. may have regard to Financial

Reporting Panel report...................................................170

Part 10.21A—Transitional provisions relating to the

Superannuation Legislation Amendment (Service

Providers and Other Governance Measures) Act 2013 171 1538A Application of amendments relating to

contributions to a fund or scheme..................................171

1538B Application of amendments relating to Statements

of Advice.......................................................................171

Part 10.22—Transitional provisions relating to the

Superannuation Legislation Amendment (Further

MySuper and Transparency Measures) Act 2012 172 1539 Application of section 1017BA (Obligation to

make product dashboard publicly available) .................172

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xii Corporations Act 2001

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1540 Application of subsection 1017BB(1) (Obligation

to make information relating to investment of

assets of superannuation entities publicly

available) .......................................................................172

Part 10.22A—Transitional provisions relating to the Treasury

Laws Amendment (Improving Accountability and

Member Outcomes in Superannuation Measures

No. 1) Act 2019 173 1541A Application of amendments relating to portfolio

holdings disclosure........................................................173

Part 10.23—Transitional provisions relating to the Clean

Energy Legislation (Carbon Tax Repeal) Act 2014 174 1542 Definition ......................................................................174

1543 Transitional—carbon units issued before the

designated carbon unit day ............................................174

1544 Transitional—variation of conditions on

Australian financial services licences ............................174

1545 Transitional—immediate cancellation of

Australian financial services licences ............................175

1546 Transitional—statements of reasons for

cancellation of Australian financial services


Part 10.23A—Transitional provisions relating to the

Corporations Amendment (Professional Standards of

Financial Advisers) Act 2017 176

Division 1—Definitions 176

1546A Definitions.....................................................................176

Division 2—Application and transitional provisions 178

1546B Existing providers to meet certain education and

training standards ..........................................................178

1546C Application of limitation on authorisation to

provide personal advice and offence .............................179

1546D Application of requirements relating to provisional

relevant providers ..........................................................180

1546E Application of continuing professional

development standard for relevant providers.................180

1546F Application of Code of Ethics to relevant


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1546G Application of obligations in relation to

compliance schemes ......................................................182

1546H Application of obligation for standards body to

publish annual report .....................................................183

1546J Application of obligation to notify ASIC about a

person who becomes a relevant provider.......................184

1546K Application of requirements relating to

information about relevant provider’s principal

place of business............................................................184

1546L Application of requirements relating to

information about membership of professional

associations where relevant provider is licensee ...........184

1546M Application of requirements relating to

information about membership of professional

associations where relevant provider is not


1546N Application of requirements relating to

information about provisional relevant provider’s

work and training ..........................................................185

1546P Application of ongoing obligation to notify ASIC

when there is a change in a matter for a relevant

provider .........................................................................186

1546Q Application of obligation to notify ASIC about a

person who starts to have control of a body

corporate licensee..........................................................186

1546R Application of obligation to notify ASIC about a

person who ceases to have control of a body

corporate licensee..........................................................187

1546S Application of obligation for relevant providers to

provide information to financial services licensees .......187

1546T Application of requirements relating to Register of

Relevant Providers ........................................................188

1546U Relevant provider numbers given before


1546V Continuation of Register of Relevant Providers ............188

Division 3—Transitional notices 189

1546W Obligation to notify ASIC of certain information..........189

1546X Obligation to notify ASIC of CPD year ........................189

1546Y Obligation to notify ASIC when exams passed .............190

1546ZA Offence for failing to lodge transitional notices ............190

Division 4—Review 191

1546ZB Review ..........................................................................191

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Part 10.24—Transitional provisions relating to the

Corporations Legislation Amendment (Deregulatory

and Other Measures) Act 2014 192 1547 Definitions.....................................................................192

1548 Application of amendments relating to calling of

general meetings............................................................192

1549 Application of amendments relating to directors’

reports for listed companies...........................................192

Part 10.24A—Transitional provisions relating to the

Corporations Amendment (Life Insurance

Remuneration Arrangements) Act 2017 193 1549A Definitions.....................................................................193

1549B Applications of amendments relating to life risk

insurance products.........................................................193

Part 10.25—Transitional provisions relating to the Insolvency

Practice Schedule (Corporations) 195

Division 1—Introduction 195

1550 Simplified outline of this Part........................................195

1551 Definitions.....................................................................196

Division 2—Application of Part 2 of the Insolvency Practice

Schedule (Corporations) and related consequential

amendments 198

Subdivision A—Registering liquidators 198

1552 Applications for registration under the old Act .............198

1553 Persons registered under the old Act continue to be

registered under the Insolvency Practice Schedule

(Corporations) ...............................................................199

1554 Old Act registrant’s details ............................................200

1555 Period of old Act registrant’s registration under the

Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)................200

1556 Conditions for old Act registrants—conditions

under the Insolvency Practice Schedule

(Corporations) ...............................................................201

1557 Current conditions for old Act registrants—

undertakings under the old Act......................................201

1558 Current conditions for old Act registrants—

undertakings under the ASIC Act..................................202

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1559 Old Act registrant registered as liquidator of a

specified body corporate................................................202

1560 Old Act registrant chooses not to renew........................203

Subdivision B—Annual returns and statements 204

1561 Application of obligation to lodge annual

liquidator returns ...........................................................204

Subdivision C—Notice requirements 205

1562 Notice of significant events ...........................................205

Subdivision D—Cancellation by ASIC under the old Act 206

1563 Request for cancellation made before the

commencement day.......................................................206

1564 Decision to cancel registration made before the

commencement day.......................................................206

Subdivision E—Disciplinary proceedings before the Board 207

1565 Matters not dealt with by the Board before the

commencement day.......................................................207

1566 Matters dealt with by the Board before the

commencement day.......................................................208

1567 Matters which the Board refuses to deal with

before the commencement day ......................................209

1568 Board considering terminating suspension before

the commencement day .................................................210

1569 Sharing information between the Board and

committees ....................................................................210

Subdivision F—Suspension, cancellation and disciplinary action

under the Insolvency Practice Schedule

(Corporations) 211

1570 Direction to comply with requirement to lodge

documents etc. ...............................................................211

1571 Suspension by ASIC under the Insolvency Practice

Schedule (Corporations)................................................211

1572 Cancellation by ASIC under the Insolvency

Practice Schedule (Corporations) ..................................211

1573 Show-cause notice under the Insolvency Practice

Schedule (Corporations)................................................212

1574 Lifting or shortening suspension under the

Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)................212

1575 Action initiated by industry bodies................................212

Subdivision G—Powers of the Court and other bodies 212

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1576 Application of court powers under section 45-1 of

the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) ..........212

1577 Powers to deal with registration under the old Act

on or after the commencement day................................213

Division 3—Application of Part 3 of the Insolvency Practice

Schedule (Corporations) and related consequential

amendments 214

Subdivision A—Introduction 214

1578 Simplified outline of this Division ................................214

Subdivision B—General rules for Part 3 215

1579 Application of Part 3 of the Insolvency Practice

Schedule (Corporations)—general rules........................215

Subdivision C—Remuneration and other benefits received by

external administrators 215

1580 Application of Division 60 of the Insolvency

Practice Schedule (Corporations)—general rule ...........215

1581 Old Act continues to apply in relation to

remuneration for administrators already appointed .......215

1582 Duties of administrators relating to remuneration

and other benefits ..........................................................216

1583 Old Act continues to apply in relation to any right

of indemnity ..................................................................216

1584 Application of new provisions about vacancies of

court-appointed liquidator .............................................217

1585 Application of new provisions about exercise of

powers while company under external


Subdivision D—Funds handling 217

1586 Application of Division 65 of the Insolvency

Practice Schedule (Corporations)—general rule ...........217

1587 Administration account .................................................218

1588 Paying money into administration account....................218

1589 Paying money out of administration account ................218

1590 Handling securities ........................................................219

Subdivision E—Information 219

1591 Application of Division 70 of the Insolvency

Practice Schedule (Corporations)—general rule ...........219

1592 Accounts and administration returns .............................219

1593 Administration books ....................................................220

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1594 Audit of administration books .......................................221

1595 Transfer of administration books...................................221

1596 Retention and destruction of administration books .......221

1597 Giving information to creditors etc................................222

1598 Commonwealth may request information......................223

1599 Reporting to ASIC.........................................................223

1600 Old Act continues to apply in relation to notices to

remedy default...............................................................223

Subdivision F—Meetings 223

1601 Application of Division 75 of the Insolvency

Practice Schedule (Corporations)—general rule ...........223

1602 External administrator must convene meetings in

certain circumstances ....................................................224

1603 Old Act continues to apply in relation to reporting

for first year of administration.......................................224

1604 Old Act continues to apply to the deregistration of


1605 Old Act continues to apply for certain meetings

convened etc. before commencement day .....................225

1606 Outcome of voting at creditors’ meeting

determined by related entity or on casting vote—

Court powers .................................................................226

Subdivision G—Committees of inspection 226

1607 Application of Division 80 of the Insolvency

Practice Schedule (Corporations)—general rules..........226

1608 Appointing committees of inspection............................227

1609 Old Act continues to apply to certain reports by

administrator .................................................................228

1610 Membership of continued committees...........................228

1611 Validity of appointment under section 548 of the

old Act not affected by lack of separate meeting of


1612 Continued application of directions by creditors or

committees under the old Act........................................230

1613 Committee of inspection may request information........230

1614 Duties of members of committee of inspection and

creditors relating to profits and advantages etc..............230

Subdivision H—Review of the external administration of a

company 231

1615 Application of Division 90 of the Insolvency

Practice Schedule (Corporations)—general rule ...........231

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1616 Application of the Insolvency Practice Schedule

(Corporations) provisions that conflict with old

Act Court orders—general rule .....................................231

1617 Old Act continues to apply in relation to ongoing

proceedings before a court—general rule......................231

1618 Court powers to inquire into and make orders...............232

1619 Review by another registered liquidator........................233

1620 Removal by creditors.....................................................234

Division 4—Administrative review 235

1621 Administrative Appeals Tribunal proceedings ..............235

Division 5—Application of other consequential amendments 236

1622 Outcome of voting at creditors’ meeting

determined by related entity or on casting vote—

Court powers .................................................................236

1623 Returns and accounts by controllers ..............................236

1624 Transfer of books by a controller to a new

controller or ASIC.........................................................237

1625 Officers reporting to controller about corporation’s

affairs ............................................................................237

1626 Lodging notice of execution of a deed of company


1627 Office of liquidator appointed by the Court...................237

1628 Report as to company’s affairs to be submitted to

liquidator .......................................................................238

1629 Orders for release or deregistration ...............................238

1630 Meeting relating to the voluntary winding up of a

company ........................................................................238

1631 Pooling determinations..................................................238

1632 Electronic methods of giving or sending certain

notices ...........................................................................239

1633 Deregistration following winding up.............................239

Division 6—Regulations 240

1634 Regulations....................................................................240

Part 10.26—Transitional provisions relating to Schedule 3 to

the Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016 241 1635 Application of amendments made by Schedule 3 to

the Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016 ............................241

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Part 10.28—Transitional provisions relating to the Treasury

Laws Amendment (2016 Measures No. 1) Act 2017 243 1636A Application of subsections 981D(2) and 984B(3) .........243

1637 Application of subparagraph 1274(2)(a)(iva) and

subsections 1274(2AA) and (2AB) ...............................243

Part 10.30—Transitional provisions relating to the Treasury

Laws Amendment (2017 Measures No. 5) Act 2018 244 1639 Definitions.....................................................................244

1640 Application—obligation to comply with rules

about financial benchmarks ...........................................244

1641 Application—offences relating to manipulation of

financial benchmarks.....................................................244

1642 Application—extended meaning of financial

products and Division 3 financial products for

Part 7.10 ........................................................................244

Part 10.31—Transitional provisions relating to the

Corporations Amendment (Crowd-sourced Funding

for Proprietary Companies) Act 2018 245 1643 Application of amendments...........................................245

Part 10.33—Transitional provisions relating to the

Corporations Amendment (Asia Region Funds

Passport) Act 2018 246 1 Saving delegations.........................................................246

2 Decisions to give, withdraw or not withdraw a

notice under subsection 1313(1)....................................246

Part 10.34—Transitional provisions relating to the

Corporations Amendment (Strengthening Protections

for Employee Entitlements) Act 2019 247 1647 Application—protection of employee entitlements .......247

1648 Application—contribution orders..................................247

1649 Application—director disqualification ..........................247

Part 10.36—Application and transitional provisions relating to

the Treasury Laws Amendment (Strengthening

Corporate and Financial Sector Penalties) Act 2019 249 1655 Definitions.....................................................................249

1656 Application—offences...................................................249

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1657 Application—civil penalty provisions...........................249

1658 Application—offence provisions repealed and

substituted with conduct rules with multiple


1659 Application—infringement notices ...............................250

1660 Application—definition of dishonesty ..........................250

Part 10.38—Transitional provisions relating to Schedule 1 to

the Treasury Laws Amendment (Mutual Reforms) Act

2019 253 1662 Application of amendments made by Schedule 1 to

the Treasury Laws Amendment (Mutual Reforms)

Act 2019 ........................................................................253

Schedule 2—Insolvency Practice Schedule

(Corporations) 254

Part 1—Introduction 254

Division 1—Introduction 254

1-1 Object of this Schedule..................................................254

1-5 Simplified outline of this Schedule ...............................254

Division 5—Definitions 256

Subdivision A—Introduction 256

5-1 Simplified outline of this Division ................................256

Subdivision B—The Dictionary 256

5-5 The Dictionary...............................................................256

Subdivision C—Other definitions 259

5-10 Meaning of current conditions ......................................259

5-15 Meaning of external administration of a company........260

5-20 Meaning of external administrator of a company .........260

5-25 References to the external administrator of a

company ........................................................................261

5-26 Property of a company ..................................................261

5-27 Meaning of pooled group ..............................................261

5-30 Persons with a financial interest in the external

administration of a company .........................................262

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Part 2—Registering and disciplining practitioners 263

Division 10—Introduction 263

10-1 Simplified outline of this Part........................................263

10-5 Working cooperatively with the Inspector-General

in Bankruptcy ................................................................264

Division 15—Register of liquidators 265

15-1 Register of Liquidators..................................................265

Division 20—Registering liquidators 266

Subdivision A—Introduction 266

20-1 Simplified outline of this Division ................................266

Subdivision B—Registration 266

20-5 Application for registration ...........................................266

20-10 ASIC may convene a committee to consider.................267

20-15 ASIC must refer applications to a committee ................267

20-20 Committee to consider applications ..............................267

20-25 Committee to report.......................................................269

20-30 Registration ...................................................................269

20-35 Conditions imposed on all registered liquidators or

a class of registered liquidators .....................................270

Subdivision C—Varying etc. conditions of registration 271

20-40 Application to vary etc. conditions of registration.........271

20-45 ASIC may convene a committee to consider

applications ...................................................................271

20-50 ASIC must refer applications to a committee ................272

20-55 Committee to consider applications ..............................272

20-60 Committee to report.......................................................272

20-65 Committee’s decision given effect ................................272

Subdivision D—Renewal 273

20-70 Application for renewal.................................................273

20-75 Renewal.........................................................................273

Subdivision E—Offences relating to registration 274

20-80 False representation that a person is a registered

liquidator .......................................................................274

Division 25—Insurance 275

25-1 Registered liquidators to maintain insurance.................275

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Division 30—Annual liquidator returns 276

30-1 Annual liquidator returns...............................................276

Division 35—Notice requirements 278

35-1 Notice of significant events ...........................................278

35-5 Notice of other events....................................................279

Division 40—Disciplinary and other action 280

Subdivision A—Introduction 280

40-1 Simplified outline of this Division ................................280

Subdivision B—Direction to comply 281

40-5 Registered liquidator to remedy failure to lodge

documents or give information or documents ...............281

40-10 Registered liquidator to correct inaccuracies etc. ..........282

40-15 Direction not to accept further appointments ................284

Subdivision C—Automatic cancellation 285

40-20 Automatic cancellation..................................................285

Subdivision D—ASIC may suspend or cancel registration 285

40-25 ASIC may suspend registration .....................................285

40-30 ASIC may cancel registration........................................287

40-35 Notice of suspension or cancellation .............................288

Subdivision E—Disciplinary action by committee 288

40-40 ASIC may give a show-cause notice .............................288

40-45 ASIC may convene a committee ...................................290

40-50 ASIC may refer matters to the committee .....................290

40-55 Decision of the committee.............................................291

40-60 Committee to report.......................................................292

40-65 ASIC must give effect to the committee’s decision.......293

Subdivision F—Lifting or shortening suspension 293

40-70 Application to lift or shorten suspension .......................293

40-75 ASIC may convene a committee to consider

applications ...................................................................293

40-80 ASIC must refer applications to a committee ................294

40-85 Committee to consider applications ..............................294

40-90 Committee to report.......................................................294

40-95 Committee’s decision given effect ................................295

Subdivision G—Action initiated by industry body 295

40-100 Notice by industry bodies of possible grounds for

disciplinary action .........................................................295

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40-105 No liability for notice given in good faith etc................297

40-110 Meaning of industry bodies ...........................................297

Subdivision H—Consequences of certain disciplinary and other

action 297

40-111 Appointment of another liquidator if liquidator’s

registration is suspended or cancelled ...........................297

Division 45—Court oversight of registered liquidators 299

45-1 Court may make orders in relation to registered


45-5 Court may make orders about costs...............................300

Division 50—Committees under this Part 301

50-1 Simplified outline of this Division ................................301

50-5 Prescribed body appointing a person to a


50-10 Minister appointing a person to a committee.................302

50-15 Single committee may consider more than one

matter ............................................................................303

50-20 Ongoing consideration of matters by committee ...........304

50-25 Procedure and other rules relating to committees ..........304

50-30 Remuneration of committee members...........................304

50-35 Committee must only use information etc. for

purposes for which disclosed.........................................305

Part 3—General rules relating to external administrations 307

Division 55—Introduction 307

55-1 Simplified outline of this Part........................................307

Division 60—Remuneration and other benefits received by

external administrators 309

Subdivision A—Introduction 309

60-1 Simplified outline of this Division ................................309

Subdivision B—Remuneration of external administrators—

general rules 310

60-2 Application of this Subdivision .....................................310

60-5 External administrator’s remuneration ..........................310

60-10 Remuneration determinations........................................311

60-11 Review of remuneration determinations........................312

60-12 Matters to which the Court must have regard ................313

60-15 Maximum default amount .............................................314

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Subdivision C—Remuneration of provisional liquidators 316

60-16 Remuneration of provisional liquidators .......................316

Subdivision D—Remuneration of liquidators in winding up by

ASIC 316

60-17 Remuneration of liquidators in winding up by


Subdivision E—Duties of external administrators relating to

remuneration and benefits etc. 317

60-20 External administrator must not derive profit or

advantage from the administration of the company.......317

Division 65—Funds handling 320

65-1 Simplified outline of this Division ................................320

65-5 External administrator must pay all money into an

administration account ..................................................320

65-10 Administration accounts................................................321

65-15 External administrator must not pay other money

into the administration account......................................322

65-20 Consequences for failure to pay money into

administration account ..................................................322

65-25 Paying money out of administration account ................323

65-40 Handling securities ........................................................324

65-45 Handling of money and securities—Court


65-50 Rules in relation to consequences for failure to

comply with this Division .............................................326

Division 70—Information 327

Subdivision A—Introduction 327

70-1 Simplified outline of this Division ................................327

Subdivision B—Administration returns 328

70-5 Annual administration return.........................................328

70-6 End of administration return..........................................329

Subdivision C—Record-keeping 331

70-10 Administration books ....................................................331

70-15 Audit of administration books—ASIC ..........................332

70-20 Audit of administration books—on order of the


70-25 External administrator to comply with auditor

requirements ..................................................................333

70-30 Transfer of books to new administrator.........................334

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70-31 Transfer of books to ASIC etc. ......................................336

70-35 Retention and destruction of books ...............................338

70-36 Books of company in external administration—

evidence ........................................................................339

Subdivision D—Giving information etc. to creditors and others 340

70-40 Right of creditors to request information etc. from

external administrator....................................................340

70-45 Right of individual creditor to request information

etc. from external administrator.....................................340

70-46 Right of members to request information etc. from

external administrator in a members’ voluntary

winding up.....................................................................341

70-47 Right of individual member to request information

etc. from external administrator in a members’

voluntary winding up.....................................................342

70-50 Reporting to creditors and members..............................342

Subdivision E—Other requests for information etc. 343

70-55 Commonwealth may request information etc. ...............343

Subdivision F—Reporting to ASIC 344

70-60 Insolvency Practice Rules may provide for

reporting to ASIC ..........................................................344

Subdivision G—External administrator may be compelled to

comply with requests for information etc. 345

70-65 Application of this Subdivision .....................................345

70-70 ASIC may direct external administrator to comply

with the request for relevant material ............................345

70-75 ASIC must notify external administrator before

giving a direction under section 70-70 ..........................346

70-80 ASIC must not direct external administrator to

give the relevant material if external administrator

entitled not to comply with the request..........................346

70-85 ASIC may impose conditions on use of the

relevant material ............................................................347

70-90 Court may order relevant material to be given ..............347

Division 75—Meetings 349

75-1 Simplified outline of this Division ................................349

75-5 Other obligations to convene meetings not affected ......349

75-10 External administrator may convene meetings ..............349

75-15 External administrator must convene meeting in

certain circumstances ....................................................350

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75-20 External administrator must convene meeting if

required by ASIC ..........................................................351

75-25 External administrator’s representative at meetings ......351

75-30 ASIC may attend meetings ............................................352

75-35 Commonwealth may attend certain meetings etc. .........352

75-40 Proposals to creditors or contributories without


75-41 Outcome of voting at creditors’ meeting

determined by related entity—Court powers.................354

75-42 Creditors’ resolution passed because of casting

vote—Court review .......................................................355

75-43 Proposed creditors’ resolution not passed because

of casting vote—Court’s powers ...................................356

75-44 Interim order on application under section 75-41,

75-42 or 75-43...............................................................357

75-45 Order under section 75-41 or 75-42 does not affect

act already done pursuant to resolution .........................358

75-50 Rules relating to meetings .............................................358

Division 80—Committees of inspection 360

80-1 Simplified outline of this Division ................................360

80-5 Application of sections 80-10 to 80-25 .........................361

80-10 Committee of inspection—company not a member

of a pooled group...........................................................361

80-15 Appointment and removal of members of

committee of inspection by creditors generally .............361

80-20 Appointment of committee member by large

creditor ..........................................................................362

80-25 Appointment of committee member by employees .......363

80-26 Committee of inspection—pooled groups .....................364

80-27 External administrator must convene meeting in

certain circumstances ....................................................365

80-30 Committees of inspection—procedures etc. ..................367

80-35 Functions of committee of inspection............................367

80-40 Committee of inspection may request information

etc. .................................................................................368

80-45 Reporting to committee of inspection............................368

80-50 Committee of inspection may obtain specialist

advice or assistance .......................................................369

80-55 Obligations of members of committee of

inspection ......................................................................370

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80-60 Obligations of creditor appointing a member of

committee of inspection ................................................372

80-65 ASIC may attend committee meetings ..........................373

80-70 The Court may inquire into conduct of the


Division 85—Directions by creditors 374

85-1 Simplified outline of this Division ................................374

85-5 External administrator to have regard to directions

given by creditors ..........................................................374

Division 90—Review of the external administration of a

company 375

Subdivision A—Introduction 375

90-1 Simplified outline of this Division ................................375

Subdivision B—Court powers to inquire and make orders 376

90-5 Court may inquire on own initiative ..............................376

90-10 Court may inquire on application of creditors etc. ........376

90-15 Court may make orders in relation to external


90-20 Application for Court order ...........................................379

90-21 Meetings to ascertain wishes of creditors or


Subdivision C—Review by another registered liquidator 381

90-22 Application of this Subdivision .....................................381

90-23 Appointment of reviewing liquidator by ASIC or

the Court........................................................................381

90-24 Appointment of reviewing liquidator by creditors

etc. .................................................................................382

90-25 Reviewing liquidator must consent to appointment.......384

90-26 Review ..........................................................................384

90-27 Who pays for a review?.................................................385

90-28 Court orders in relation to review..................................385

90-29 Rules about reviews.......................................................387

Subdivision D—Removal by creditors 387

90-30 Application of this Subdivision .....................................387

90-35 Removal by creditors.....................................................388

Part 4—Other matters 390

Division 95—Introduction 390

95-1 Simplified outline of this Part........................................390

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Division 100—Other matters 391

100-5 External administrator may assign right to sue

under this Act ................................................................391

100-6 Approved forms.............................................................391

Division 105—The Insolvency Practice Rules 393

105-1 The Insolvency Practice Rules ......................................393

Schedule 3—Penalties 394

Schedule 4—Transfer of financial institutions and

friendly societies 420

Part 1—Preliminary 420 1 Definitions.....................................................................420

Part 2—Financial institutions that became companies 424

Division 1—Registration and its consequences 424

3 Background (registration of transferring financial

institution as company) .................................................424

4 Rules applied to transferring institution that was

registered as a company under the transfer

provisions ......................................................................424

11 Transferring financial institution under external


Division 2—Membership 428

12 Institution that became a company limited by


13 Institution that became a company limited by

guarantee .......................................................................429

14 Institution becoming a company limited by shares

and guarantee ................................................................430

15 Redeemable preference shares that were

withdrawable shares ......................................................431

16 Liability of members on winding up .............................431

Division 3—Share capital 433

17 Share capital ..................................................................433

18 Application of no par value rule ....................................434

19 Calls on partly-paid shares ............................................434

20 References in contracts and other documents to par

value ..............................................................................434

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Part 4—The transition period 436 25 ASIC may direct directors of a company to modify

its constitution ...............................................................436

27 When certain modifications of a company’s

constitution under an exemption or declaration

take effect ......................................................................437

Part 5—Disclosure of the proposed demutualisation 439 29 Disclosure for proposed demutualisation ......................439

30 ASIC’s exemption power ..............................................440

31 Coverage of disclosure statement ..................................440

32 Registration of disclosure statement..............................441

33 Expert’s report...............................................................442

34 Unconscionable conduct in relation to


35 Orders the Court may make...........................................443

Part 6—Continued application of fundraising provisions of the

Friendly Societies Code 446 36 Friendly Societies Code to apply to offers of

interests in benefit funds................................................446

Part 7—Transitional provisions 448 37 Unclaimed money .........................................................448

38 Modification by regulations ..........................................449

39 Regulations may deal with transitional, saving or

application matters ........................................................450

Endnotes 452

Endnote 1—About the endnotes 452

Endnote 2—Abbreviation key 454

Endnote 3—Legislation history 455

Endnote 4—Amendment history 475

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Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transition from the old corporations legislation Part 10.1

Preliminary Division 1

Section 1370

Corporations Act 2001 1

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Chapter 10—Transitional provisions

Part 10.1—Transition from the old corporations


Division 1—Preliminary

1370 Object of Part

(1) Subject to subsection (3), the object of this Part is to provide for a

smooth transition from the regime provided for in the old

corporations legislation of the States and Territories in this

jurisdiction to the regime provided for in the new corporations

legislation, so that individuals, bodies corporate and other bodies

are, to the greatest extent possible, put in the same position

immediately after the commencement as they would have been if:

(a) that old corporations legislation had, from time to time when

it was in force, been valid Commonwealth legislation

applying throughout those States and Territories; and

(b) the new corporations legislation (to the extent it contains

provisions that correspond to provisions of the old

corporations legislation as in force immediately before the

commencement) were a continuation of that old corporations

legislation as so applying.

Note: The new corporations legislation contains provisions that correspond

to most of the provisions of the old corporations legislation.

Generally, the only exceptions to this are provisions of the old

corporations legislation that related to the fact that the Corporations

Law operated separately in each of the States and Territories (rather

than as a single national law).

(2) In resolving any ambiguity as to the meaning of any of the other

provisions of this Part, an interpretation that is consistent with the

object of this Part is to be preferred to an interpretation that is not

consistent with that object.

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Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.1 Transition from the old corporations legislation

Division 1 Preliminary

Section 1371

2 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(3) This Part does contain some provisions (for example,

subsection 1400(4)) which apply or extend to matters under the old

corporations legislation of any non-referring State.

1371 Definitions

(1) In this Part:

carried over provision of the old corporations legislation of a State

or Territory in this jurisdiction means a provision of the old

corporations legislation of that State or Territory that:

(a) was in force immediately before the commencement; and

(b) corresponds to a provision of the new corporations


commencement means the commencement of this Act.

corresponds has a meaning affected by subsections (2), (3) and (4).

instrument means:

(a) any instrument of a legislative character (including an Act or

regulations) or of an administrative character; or

(b) any other document.

liability includes a duty or obligation.

made includes issued, given or published.

new corporations legislation means:

(a) this Act; and

(b) the new Corporations Regulations (as amended and in force

from time to time) and any other regulations made under this

Act; and

(c) the laws of the Commonwealth referred to in paragraph (c) of

the definition of old corporations legislation, being those

laws as they apply after the commencement; and

(d) the preserved instruments.

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Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transition from the old corporations legislation Part 10.1

Preliminary Division 1

Section 1371

Corporations Act 2001 3

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

new Corporations Regulations means the regulations that, because

of section 1380, have effect as if they were made under

section 1364.

old application Act for a State or Territory means:

(a) in the case of New South Wales—the Corporations (New

South Wales) Act 1990 of New South Wales as in force from

time to time before the commencement; or

(b) in the case of Victoria—the Corporations (Victoria) Act 1990

of Victoria as in force from time to time before the

commencement; or

(c) in the case of Queensland—the Corporations (Queensland)

Act 1990 of Queensland as in force from time to time before

the commencement; or

(d) in the case of Western Australia—the Corporations (Western

Australia) Act 1990 of Western Australia as in force from

time to time before the commencement; or

(e) in the case of South Australia—the Corporations (South

Australia) Act 1990 of South Australia as in force from time

to time before the commencement; or

(f) in the case of Tasmania—the Corporations (Tasmania) Act

1990 of Tasmania as in force from time to time before the

commencement; or

(g) in the case of the Australian Capital Territory—the old

Corporations Act; or

(h) in the case of the Northern Territory—the Corporations

(Northern Territory) Act 1990 of the Northern Territory as in

force from time to time before the commencement.

old Corporations Act means the Corporations Act 1989 as in force

from time to time before the commencement.

old Corporations Law means:

(a) when used in relation to a particular State or Territory—the

Corporations Law of that State or Territory, within the

meaning of the old application Act for that State or Territory,

as in force from time to time before the commencement; or

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Division 1 Preliminary

Section 1371

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(b) when used in general terms—the Corporations Law set out in

section 82 of the old Corporations Act as in force from time

to time before the commencement.

old corporations legislation of a particular State or Territory


(a) the old Corporations Law and old Corporations Regulations

of that State or Territory, and any instruments made under

that Law or those Regulations; and

(b) the old application Act for that State or Territory, and any

instruments made under that Act; and

(c) either:

(i) when used in relation to a State or the Northern

Territory—the laws of the Commonwealth as applying

in relation to the old Corporations Law and the old

Corporations Regulations of the State or Territory from

time to time before the commencement as laws of, or

for the government of, that State or Territory because of

Part 8 of the old Application Act for that State or

Territory, and any instruments made under those laws as

so applying; or

(ii) when used in relation to the Australian Capital

Territory—the laws of the Commonwealth referred to in

subparagraph (i), but as applying of their own force in

relation to the old Corporations Law and old

Corporations Regulations of the Territory, and any

instruments made under those laws as so applying.

old Corporations Regulations means:

(a) when used in relation to a particular State or Territory—the

Corporations Regulations of that State or Territory, within

the meaning of the old application Act for that State or

Territory, as in force from time to time before the

commencement; or

(b) when used in general terms—the regulations made under

section 22 of the old Corporations Act as in force from time

to time before the commencement.

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Preliminary Division 1

Section 1371

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order, in relation to a court, includes any judgment, conviction or

sentence of the court.

pre-commencement right or liability has the meaning given by

subsection 1400(1) or 1401(1).

preserved instrument means an instrument that, because of

section 1399, has effect after the commencement as if it were made

under a provision of the new corporations legislation.

right includes an interest or status.

substituted right or liability has the meaning given by

subsection 1400(2) or 1401(3).

this Part includes regulations made for the purposes of any of the

provisions of this Part.

(2) Subject to subsection (4), for the purposes of this Part, a provision

or part (the old provision or part) of the old corporations

legislation of a State or Territory corresponds to a provision or part

(the new provision or part) of the new corporations legislation

(and vice versa) if:

(a) the old provision or part and the new provision or part are

substantially the same, unless the regulations specify that the

2 provisions or parts do not correspond; or

(b) the regulations specify that the 2 provisions or parts


Note: The range of provisions of the new corporations legislation that may

be corresponding provisions for the purposes of this Part is affected by

sections 1401 and 1408, which take certain provisions of the old

corporations legislation to be included in the new corporations


(3) For the purposes of paragraph (2)(a), differences of all or any of

the following kinds are not sufficient to mean that 2 provisions or

parts are not substantially the same:

(a) differences in the numbering of the provisions or parts;

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Division 1 Preliminary

Section 1372

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(b) differences of a minor technical nature (for example,

differences in punctuation, or differences that are attributable

to the correction of incorrect cross references);

(c) the fact that one of the provisions refers to a corresponding

previous law and the other does not;

(d) that fact that:

(i) the old provision or part allowed a court to exercise

powers on its own motion but the new provision or part

does not; or

(ii) the old provision or part required a court to apply a

criterion of public interest but the new provision or part

requires a court to apply a criterion of justice and

equity; or

(iii) the new provision or part requires ASIC to take account

of public interest but the old provision or part did not;

(e) other differences that are attributable to the fact that the new

corporations legislation applies as a Commonwealth law

throughout this jurisdiction;

(f) other differences of a kind prescribed by the regulations for

the purposes of this paragraph.

This subsection is not intended to otherwise limit the

circumstances in which 2 provisions or parts are, for the purposes

of paragraph (2)(a), substantially the same.

(4) The regulations may provide that a specified provision of the old

corporations legislation of a State or Territory does, or does not,

correspond to a specified provision of the new corporations


1372 Relationship of Part with State validation Acts

(1) This Part applies to an invalid administrative action of a

Commonwealth authority or an officer of the Commonwealth

(within the meaning of a State validation Act) as if the

circumstances that made the authority’s or officer’s action an

invalid administrative action had not made the action invalid.

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Preliminary Division 1

Section 1372

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Note 1: So, for example, in determining whether the purported registration of

a company is an action to which this Part (in particular Division 2)

applies, the circumstances that made the action an invalid

administrative action for the purposes of a State validation Act are to

be disregarded.

Note 2: For the status and effect of invalid administrative actions in relation to

times before the commencement, see the State validation Acts.

(2) However, if there are other circumstances that affect or may affect

the validity of the action, neither this section, nor anything else in

this Part, is taken to negate the effect of those other circumstances.

(3) If:

(a) a person would have had a right or liability under a provision

(the old provision) of the old corporations legislation of a

State if the circumstances that made the authority’s or

officer’s action an invalid administrative action (within the

meaning of the State validation Act of that State) had not

made the action invalid; and

(b) the effect of that State validation Act in relation to that action

is to declare that the person has, and is taken always to have

had, the same rights and liabilities as they would have had

under the old provision if the invalid administrative action

had been taken, or purportedly taken, at the relevant time by

a duly authorised State authority or officer of the State

(within the meaning of that Act);

this Part applies as if:

(c) a reference to a right or liability arising under the old

corporations legislation included a reference to the right or

liability that the person is declared to have by the State

validation Act; and

(d) that right or liability arose under the old provision.

(4) In this section:

State validation Act means an Act of a State in this jurisdiction

under which certain administrative actions (within the meaning of

that Act) taken, or purportedly taken, at or before the

commencement by Commonwealth authorities or officers of the

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Part 10.1 Transition from the old corporations legislation

Division 1 Preliminary

Section 1373

8 Corporations Act 2001

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Commonwealth (within the meaning of that Act) pursuant to

functions or powers (the relevant functions or powers) conferred,

or purportedly conferred, by or under laws that include the old

application Act for that State have, and are deemed always to have

had, the same force and effect for all purposes as they would have

had if:

(a) they had been taken, or purportedly taken by a State authority

or officer of the State (within the meaning of that Act); and

(b) the relevant functions or powers had been duly conferred on

those authorities or officers.

1373 References to things taken or deemed to be the case etc.


(a) a law of a State or Territory in this jurisdiction had effect

before the commencement:

(i) to take or deem something to have happened or to be the

case, or to have a particular effect, under or for the

purposes of the old corporations legislation of that State

or Territory (or a provision of that legislation); or

(ii) to give something an effect for the purposes of the old

corporations legislation of that State or Territory (or a

provision of that legislation) that it would not otherwise

have had; and

(b) that effect was continuing immediately before the


this Part applies as if that thing had actually happened or were

actually the case, or as if that thing actually had that other effect.

Note: So, for example, if a provision of the old corporations legislation, or

another law, of a State or Territory in this jurisdiction took a company

to be registered under Part 2A.2 of the old Corporations Law of the

State or Territory, this Part applies as if the company were actually

registered under that Part.

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Preliminary Division 1

Section 1374

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1374 Existence of several versions of old corporations legislation

does not result in this Part operating to take same thing to

be done several times under new corporations legislation


If, apart from this section, a provision of this Part (the transitional

provision) would, because each State or Territory in this

jurisdiction had its own old corporations legislation (containing

parallel provisions) before the commencement, operate so that:

(a) a particular thing done before the commencement would be

taken to be done, or have effect, 2 or more times by, under or

for the purposes of, a provision of this Act; or

(b) a right or liability would be created 2 or more times in

respect of a particular event, circumstance or thing that

happened before the commencement; or

(c) a particular result or effect would be produced 2 or more

times for the purposes of the new corporations legislation in

relation to the same matter;

the transitional provision is taken to operate so that:

(d) if paragraph (a) applies—the thing is taken to be done or

have effect only once by, under, or for the purposes of, the

provision of the new corporations legislation; or

(e) if paragraph (b) applies—the right or liability is created only

once in respect of the event, circumstance or thing; or

(f) if paragraph (c) applies—the result or effect is produced only

once in relation to the matter.

Note: So, for example, if a body (because of the operation of section 102A

of the old Corporations Law) was registered under section 601CB of

the old Corporations Law of several States and Territories and those

registrations were still in force immediately before the

commencement, section 1399 does not apply separately to each of

those registrations.

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Part 10.1 Transition from the old corporations legislation

Division 1 Preliminary

Section 1375

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1375 Penalty units in respect of pre-commencement conduct remain

at $100

(1) If, because of this Part, an offence can be prosecuted after the

commencement in respect of conduct that occurred solely before

the commencement, the amount of a penalty unit in respect of that

offence is $100.

(2) If, because of this Part, section 1314 of this Act applies to conduct

that started before the commencement and that continued after the

commencement, then, for the purposes of the application of that

section to that conduct (including the post-commencement

conduct), the amount of a penalty unit is $100.

(3) This section has effect despite section 4AA of the Crimes Act


1376 Ceasing to be a referring State does not affect previous

operation of this Part

If, after the commencement, a State ceases to be a referring State,

that does not undo or affect:

(a) the effects that this Part has already had in relation to matters

connected with that State; or

(b) the ongoing effect of this Act as it operates because of the

effects referred to in paragraph (a).

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Carrying over registration of companies Division 2

Section 1377

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Division 2—Carrying over registration of companies

1377 Division has effect subject to Division 7 regulations

This Division has effect subject to regulations made for the

purposes of Division 7.

1378 Existing registered companies continue to be registered

(1) If:

(a) before the commencement, a company was registered under

Part 2A.2 of the old Corporations Law of a State or Territory

in this jurisdiction; and

(b) that registration was still in force immediately before the


the registration of the company has effect (and may be dealt with)

after the commencement as if it were a registration of the company

under Part 2A.2 of this Act as a company of whichever of the

company types listed in subsection (2) corresponds to its previous

class and type.

Note: The carrying over of other matters (for example, the registration of

registered schemes and of registered bodies) is covered by the more

general transitional provisions in Division 6.

(2) The company types are as follows:

(a) a proprietary company limited by shares;

(b) an unlimited proprietary company;

(c) a proprietary company limited both by shares and by


(d) a public company limited by shares;

(e) an unlimited public company;

(f) a company limited by guarantee;

(g) a public company limited both by shares and by guarantee;

(h) a no liability company.

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Part 10.1 Transition from the old corporations legislation

Division 2 Carrying over registration of companies

Section 1378

12 Corporations Act 2001

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(3) The application of subsection (1) in relation to the registration of a

company does not have the effect of creating that company as a

new legal entity. Rather, it has the effect of continuing the

existence of the legal entity that is that company with the same

characteristics and attributes as it had immediately before the

commencement. The date of the company’s first registration

remains the same (see subsection 1402(2)), and a new certificate of

registration does not need to be issued.

Note: The company will, for example, retain the same name, ACN,

constitution and registered office as it had immediately before the

commencement. Its certificate of registration will (because of

section 1399) have effect as if it were issued under section 118 of this


(4) The State or Territory in which the company is taken to be

registered is the State or Territory under whose old Corporations

Law the company was registered immediately before

commencement. This subsection has effect subject to

subsection 119A(3).

Note: For the general provisions about jurisdiction of incorporation and

jurisdiction of registration, see section 119A.

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Transition from the old corporations legislation Part 10.1

Carrying over the old Corporations Regulations Division 3

Section 1379

Corporations Act 2001 13

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 3—Carrying over the old Corporations


1379 Division has effect subject to Division 7 regulations

This Division has effect subject to regulations made for the

purposes of Division 7.

1380 Old Corporations Regulations continue to have effect

The old Corporations Regulations that were made for the purposes

of provisions of the old Corporations Law that correspond to

provisions of this Act and that were in force immediately before

the commencement continue to have effect (and may be dealt with)

after the commencement as if:

(a) they were regulations in force under section 1364 of this Act;


(b) they were made for the purposes of the corresponding

provisions of this Act.

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Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.1 Transition from the old corporations legislation

Division 4 Court proceedings and orders

Section 1381

14 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 4—Court proceedings and orders

1381 Division has effect subject to Division 7 regulations

This Division has effect subject to regulations made for the

purposes of Division 7.

1382 Definitions

(1) In this Division:

appeal or review proceeding, in relation to an order of a court,

means a proceeding by way of appeal, or otherwise seeking review,

of the order.

enforcement proceeding, in relation to an order made by a court,


(a) a proceeding to enforce the order; or

(b) any other proceeding in respect of a breach of the order.

federal corporations proceeding means a proceeding of any of the

following kinds that, immediately before the commencement, was

before a court:

(a) a proceeding in respect of a matter arising under the

Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977

involving or related to a decision made under a provision of

the old corporations legislation of a State or Territory in this


(b) a proceeding for a writ of mandamus or prohibition, or an

injunction, against an officer or officers of the

Commonwealth (within the meaning of section 75 of the

Constitution) in relation to a matter to which a provision of

the old corporations legislation of a State or Territory in this

jurisdiction applied;

(ba) a proceeding that relates to a matter to which a provision of

the Corporations Act 1989 applied (other than a proceeding

that relates to a matter to which a provision of the

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Court proceedings and orders Division 4

Section 1382

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Corporations Law of the Australian Capital Territory


(bb) a proceeding in relation to a matter to which a provision of

the old corporations legislation of a State or Territory in this

jurisdiction applied:

(i) in which the Commonwealth was seeking an injunction

or a declaration; or

(ii) to which the Commonwealth, or a person suing or being

sued on behalf of the Commonwealth, was a party;

(bc) any other proceeding in relation to a matter to which a

provision of the old corporations legislation of a State in this

jurisdiction applied that was in the exercise of federal


(bd) any other proceeding in relation to a matter to which a

provision of the old corporations legislation of a Territory in

this jurisdiction applied that would be covered by

paragraph (bc) if the Territory had been a State;

(c) a proceeding in the court’s accrued federal jurisdiction in

relation to a matter to which a provision of the old

corporations legislation of a State or Territory in this

jurisdiction applied.

interlocutory application means an application that:

(a) is made during the course of a proceeding; and

(b) is for an order that is incidental to the principal object of that

proceeding, including, for example:

(i) an order about the conduct of that proceeding; or

(ii) an order assisting a party to that proceeding to present

their case in that proceeding; or

(iii) an order protecting or otherwise dealing with property

that is the subject matter of that proceeding;

but not including an order making a final determination of

existing rights or liabilities.

interlocutory order means:

(a) an order made in relation to an interlocutory application; or

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Part 10.1 Transition from the old corporations legislation

Division 4 Court proceedings and orders

Section 1383

16 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) an order or direction about the conduct of a proceeding.

interlocutory proceeding means a proceeding:

(a) dealing only with; or

(b) to the extent it deals with;

an interlocutory application.

primary proceeding means a proceeding other than an

interlocutory proceeding.

proceeding means a proceeding, whether criminal or civil, before a


(2) For the purposes of this Part, if an interlocutory proceeding relates

to a proceeding that is itself an interlocutory proceeding, the

first-mentioned proceeding is taken to relate also to the primary

proceeding to which the second-mentioned proceeding relates.

1383 Treatment of court proceedings under or related to the old

corporations legislation—proceedings other than federal

corporations proceedings

(1) This section applies to a proceeding, other than a federal

corporations proceeding, in relation to which the following

paragraphs are satisfied:

(a) the proceeding was started in a court before the

commencement; and

(b) the proceeding was:

(i) under a provision of the old corporations legislation of a

State or Territory in this jurisdiction; or

(ii) brought as, or connected with, a prosecution for an

offence against a provision of the old corporations

legislation of a State or Territory in this jurisdiction; and

(c) the proceeding was not an enforcement proceeding, or an

appeal or review proceeding, in relation to an order of a

court; and

(d) the proceeding had not been concluded or terminated before

the commencement; and

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Section 1383

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(e) either:

(i) if the proceeding is a primary proceeding—no final

determination of any of the existing rights or liabilities

at issue in the proceeding had been made before the

commencement; or

(ii) if the proceeding is an interlocutory proceeding—this

section applies to the primary proceeding to which the

interlocutory proceeding relates.

(2) In this section:

(a) the proceeding to which this section applies is called the old

proceeding; and

(b) the provision of the old corporations legislation referred to in

whichever of subparagraphs (1)(b)(i) and (ii) applies is called

the relevant old provision.

(3) A proceeding (the new proceeding) equivalent to the old

proceeding is, on the commencement, taken to have been brought

in the same court, exercising federal jurisdiction:

(a) if subparagraph (1)(b)(i) applies—under the provision of the

new corporations legislation that corresponds to the relevant

old provision; or

(b) if subparagraph (1)(b)(ii) applies—as, or connected with, a

prosecution for an offence against the provision of the new

corporations legislation that corresponds to the relevant old


To the extent that the old proceeding, before the commencement,

related to pre-commencement rights or liabilities, the new

proceeding relates to the substituted rights and liabilities in relation

to those pre-commencement rights or liabilities

Note 1: See sections 1400 and 1401 for the creation of substituted rights and


Note 2: In all cases, there will be a provision of the new corporations

legislation that corresponds to the relevant old provision, either


(a) the new corporations legislation actually contains a provision that corresponds to the relevant old provision; or

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Part 10.1 Transition from the old corporations legislation

Division 4 Court proceedings and orders

Section 1383

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(b) the new corporations legislation, because of section 1401 or 1408, is taken to include the relevant old provision (whether with or without modifications), in which case the provision so taken to be included will be the corresponding provision.

(4) The following provisions apply in relation to the new proceeding:

(a) the parties to the new proceeding are the same as the parties

to the old proceeding;

(b) subject to subsections (5) and (6), and to any order to the

contrary made by the court, the court must deal with the new

proceeding as if the steps that had been taken for the

purposes of the old proceeding before the commencement

had been taken for the purposes of the new proceeding.

(5) If:

(a) an interlocutory order was made before the commencement

for the purpose of, or in relation to, the old proceeding; and

(b) that interlocutory order was in force immediately before the


the rights and liabilities of all persons (including rights and

liabilities arising wholly or partly because of conduct occurring

before the commencement) are declared to be, for all purposes, the

same as if the interlocutory order had instead been made by the

same court, in the exercise of federal jurisdiction, for the purpose

of, or in relation to, the new proceeding.

(6) The court may make orders doing all or any of the following:

(a) cancelling or varying rights or liabilities that a person has

because of subsection (5);

(b) substituting other rights or liabilities for rights or liabilities a

person has because of subsection (5);

(c) adding rights or liabilities to the rights or liabilities a person

has because of subsection (5);

(d) enforcing, or otherwise dealing with conduct contrary to, a

right or liability a person has because of subsection (5) in the

same way as it could enforce, or deal with, the right, liability

or conduct if the right or liability had arisen under or because

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Court proceedings and orders Division 4

Section 1384

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of an order made by the court in the exercise of federal

jurisdiction under the new corporations legislation.

1384 Treatment of court proceedings under or related to the old

corporations legislation—federal corporations


(1) This section applies to a proceeding in relation to which the

following paragraphs are satisfied:

(a) the proceeding was started in a court before the

commencement; and

(b) the proceeding was a federal corporations proceeding that

related to a matter to which a provision of the old

corporations legislation of a State or Territory in this

jurisdiction applied; and

(c) the proceeding had not been concluded or terminated before

the commencement.

(2) In this section:

(a) the proceeding to which this section applies is called the

continued proceeding; and

(b) the provision of the old corporations legislation referred to in

paragraph (1)(b) is called the relevant old provision.

(3) Subject to subsection (4):

(a) the continued proceeding continues after the commencement

in the same court as if it were, and always had been, a

proceeding in relation to a matter to which the provision of

the new corporations legislation that corresponds to the

relevant old provision applies; and

(b) to the extent that the proceeding, before the commencement,

related to pre-commencement rights or liabilities, the

proceeding, as continued, relates, and as so continuing is

taken always to have related, to the substituted rights and

liabilities in relation to those pre-commencement rights or


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Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.1 Transition from the old corporations legislation

Division 4 Court proceedings and orders

Section 1384A

20 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Note 1: See sections 1400 and 1401 for the creation of substituted rights and


Note 2: In all cases, there will be a provision of the new corporations

legislation that corresponds to the relevant old provision, either


(a) the new corporations legislation actually contains a provision that corresponds to the relevant old provision; or

(b) the new corporations legislation, because of section 1401 or 1408, is taken to include the relevant old provision (whether with or without modifications), in which case the provision so taken to be included will be the corresponding provision.

(4) Subject to any order to the contrary made by the court, the court

must deal with the continued proceeding as if:

(a) the steps that had been taken for the purposes of the

proceeding before the commencement had been taken for the

purpose of the proceeding as continued by this section; and

(b) any orders made in relation to the proceeding before the

commencement had been made in relation to the proceeding

as continued by this section.

1384A Appeals etc. in relation to some former federal corporations


(1) This section applies to a proceeding in relation to which all of the

following paragraphs are satisfied:

(a) the proceeding was started in a court before the


(b) the proceeding was a federal corporations proceeding that

related to a matter to which a provision of the old

corporations legislation of a State or Territory in this

jurisdiction applied; and

(c) the proceeding had been concluded or terminated before the


(2) A decision or order made in the proceeding may be appealed

against, or otherwise reviewed, as if it had been made in a

proceeding that related to a matter to which a provision of this Act


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Court proceedings and orders Division 4

Section 1384B

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(3) An order made in the proceeding may be enforced as if it had been

made in a proceeding that related to a matter to which a provision

of this Act applied.

1384B Effect of decisions and orders made in federal corporations

proceedings before commencement

(1) For the avoidance of doubt, if:

(a) a proceeding was started in a court before the

commencement; and

(b) the proceeding was a federal corporations proceeding that

related to a matter to which a provision of the old

corporations legislation of a State or Territory in this

jurisdiction applied; and

(c) a decision was made or an order given in the proceeding

before the commencement;

the decision or order continues to have effect after the

commencement despite the provision of the old corporations

legislation ceasing to have effect.

(2) This section does not limit the operation of section 1384 in relation

to the decision or order.

1385 References to proceedings and orders in the new corporations


(1) Subject to subsection (5), a reference in the new corporations

legislation to the taking of a proceeding, or a step in a proceeding,

in a court under or in relation to a part or provision of the new

corporations legislation includes a reference to the taking of a

proceeding, or the equivalent step in a proceeding:

(a) before the commencement under or in relation to the

corresponding part or provision of the old corporations

legislation of a State or Territory; or

(b) after the commencement under or in relation to the

corresponding part or provision of the old corporations

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Division 4 Court proceedings and orders

Section 1385

22 Corporations Act 2001

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legislation of a State or Territory in this jurisdiction, as that

legislation continues to have effect after the commencement.

(2) Subject to subsections (3), (4) and (5), a reference in the new

corporations legislation to an order made by a court under or in

relation to a part or provision of the new corporations legislation

includes a reference to an order made:

(a) before the commencement under or in relation to the

corresponding part or provision of the old corporations

legislation of a State or Territory; or

(b) after the commencement under or in relation to the

corresponding part or provision of the old corporations

legislation of a State or Territory in this jurisdiction, as that

legislation continues to have effect after the commencement.

(3) Nothing in subsection (2) is taken to produce a result that would:

(a) make a person liable, under the new corporations legislation,

to any penalty (whether civil or criminal) provided for in an

order referred to in paragraph (2)(a) or (b); or

(b) enable an enforcement proceeding, or an appeal or review

proceeding, in relation to such an order to be taken in a court

under the new corporations legislation; or

(c) enable proceedings by way of appeal, or other review, of

such an order to be taken in a court under the new

corporations legislation.

(4) If, after the commencement, an order referred to in

paragraph (2)(a) or (b) is varied or set aside on appeal or review,

subsection (2) applies, or is taken to have applied, from the time

from which the variation or setting aside takes or took effect, as if:

(a) if the order is varied—the order had been made as so varied;


(b) if the order is set aside—the order had not been made.

(5) The regulations may provide that subsection (1) or (2) does not

apply in relation to a particular reference or class of references in

the new corporations legislation.

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Other specific transitional provisions Division 5

Section 1386

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Division 5—Other specific transitional provisions

1386 Division has effect subject to Division 7 regulations

This Division has effect subject to regulations made for the

purposes of Division 7.

1387 Certain applications lapse on the commencement

(1) An application:

(a) under section 117 for the registration of a company; or

(b) under section 601BC for the registration of a body as a


that was made by a person before the commencement, but that had

not been dealt with by the commencement, lapses on the


(2) Any fee that was paid in respect of the application must be returned

to the person, unless it is, with the person’s permission, credited

against the fee payable in respect of another application the person

makes under this Act after the commencement.

1388 Carrying over the Partnerships and Associations Application


The application order in force immediately before the

commencement for paragraph 115(b) of the old Corporations Law

of each State and Territory in this jurisdiction continues to have

effect (and may be dealt with) after the commencement as if it

were a regulation in force under section 1364 of this Act made for

the purposes of subsection 115(2) of this Act.

1389 Evidentiary certificates

(1) A certificate by ASIC (whether issued before or after the

commencement) stating that a company was registered under the

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Section 1390

24 Corporations Act 2001

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old Corporations Law of a State or Territory in this jurisdiction is

conclusive evidence that:

(a) all requirements of that Law for the company’s registration

were complied with; and

(b) the company was duly registered as a company under that

Law on the date (if any) specified in the certificate.

(2) A certificate issued before the commencement under

pre-Corporations Law legislation (see subsection (3)) by the

authority responsible for administering that legislation stating that

a body was registered as a company under that legislation or other

pre-Corporations Law legislation is conclusive evidence that:

(a) all requirements of that legislation for the company’s

registration were complied with; and

(b) the company was duly registered as a company under that

legislation on the date (if any) specified in the certificate.

(3) In subsection (2):

pre-Corporations Law legislation means legislation that was, for

the purposes of the old Corporations Law of a State or Territory in

this jurisdiction, a corresponding previous law in relation to that

old Corporations Law.

1390 Preservation of nomination of body corporate as SEGC

The nomination in force immediately before the commencement

under section 67 of the old Corporations Act continues to have

effect (and may be dealt with) after the commencement as if it

were a nomination under section 890A of this Act.

1391 Preservation of identification of satisfactory records

A notice in force immediately before the commencement under

section 70 of the old Corporations Act continues to have effect

(and may be dealt with) after the commencement as if it were a

notice under subsection 147(5) of this Act.

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Other specific transitional provisions Division 5

Section 1392

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1392 Retention of information obtained under old corporations

legislation of non-referring State

If a particular State is not a referring State on the commencement,

that does not mean that ASIC must then remove from, or cease to

retain in, a database or register it maintains information that ASIC

obtained before the commencement under or because of (whether

in whole or in part) the operation of the old corporations legislation

of that State.

1393 Transitional provisions relating to section 1351 fees

(1) If:

(a) either:

(i) before the commencement, a person paid an amount as

required by section 1351 of the old Corporations Law of

a State or Territory in respect of a particular matter; or

(ii) after the commencement, a person pays an amount as

required by subsection 9(2) of the Corporations (Fees)

Act 2001 in respect of a particular matter; and

(b) a fee is also payable under section 1351 of this Act in respect

of the same matter;

the payment they made or make as mentioned in

subparagraph (a)(i) or (ii) is taken to satisfy their liability to pay

the fee referred to in paragraph (b).

(2) If:

(a) before the commencement, a person paid a deposit as

required by section 1357 of the old Corporations Law of a

State or Territory in respect of a particular matter; and

(b) a fee is payable under section 1351 of this Act in respect of

the same matter;

the deposit must be applied against the liability to pay the fee.

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Part 10.1 Transition from the old corporations legislation

Division 5 Other specific transitional provisions

Section 1394

26 Corporations Act 2001

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1394 Transitional provisions relating to securities exchange fidelity

fund levies

(1) If:

(a) before the commencement, a person paid an amount as

required by subsection 902(1) of the old Corporations Law of

a State or Territory in order to be admitted to:

(i) membership of a securities exchange; or

(ii) membership of a partnership in a member firm

recognised by a securities exchange; and

(b) that person had not been so admitted by the commencement

of this Act;

the payment they made before the commencement is taken to

satisfy their liability to pay the levy referred to in

subsection 902(1) of this Act in respect of their admission after the

commencement to that securities exchange or firm.

(2) If:

(a) either:

(i) before the commencement, a person paid an amount as

required by subsection 902(2) of the old Corporations

Law of a State or Territory to a securities exchange in

respect of a year some or all of which occurs after the

commencement of this Act; or

(ii) after the commencement, a person pays an amount as

required by subsection 8(3) of the Corporations

(Securities Exchanges Levies) Act 2001 in respect of a

year some or all of which occurs after the

commencement of this Act; and

(b) a levy is also payable under subsection 902(2) of this Act in

respect of the securities exchange and the year;

the payment they made or make as mentioned in

subparagraph (a)(i) or (ii) is taken to satisfy their liability to pay

the levy referred to in paragraph (b).

(3) If, before the commencement, a person paid an amount to a

securities exchange as required by subsection 902(2) of the old

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Other specific transitional provisions Division 5

Section 1395

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Corporations Law of a State or Territory, that payment is to be

counted, for the purposes of:

(a) the reference in paragraph (a) of the definition of relevant

person in subsection 903(1) of this Act; and

(b) subsection 903(5) of this Act;

as if it were a payment of a kind referred to in that paragraph or

that subsection, as the case requires.

1395 Transitional provisions relating to National Guarantee Fund


(1) If:

(a) either:

(i) before the commencement, a person paid an amount as

required by section 938 of the old Corporations Law of

a State or Territory in respect of a particular transaction;


(ii) after the commencement, a person pays an amount of

levy imposed by subsection 6(1) of the Corporations

(National Guarantee Fund Levies) Act 2001 in respect

of a particular transaction; and

(b) a levy is also payable under section 938 of this Act in respect

of the same transaction;

the payment they made or make as mentioned in

subparagraph (a)(i) or (ii) is taken to satisfy their liability to pay

the levy referred to in paragraph (b).

(2) Subject to subsection (3), a determination of a matter (other than a

rate or rates, or an amount) in force immediately before the

commencement for the purposes of section 938, 940 or 941 of the

old Corporations Law of a State or Territory in this jurisdiction

continues to have effect (and may be dealt with) after the

commencement of this Act as if it were:

(a) in the case of a determination for the purposes of

section 938—a determination for the purposes of section 938

of this Act; or

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Division 5 Other specific transitional provisions

Section 1396

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(b) in the case of a determination for the purposes of

section 940—a determination for the purposes of section 940

of this Act; or

(c) in the case of a determination for the purposes of

section 941—a determination for the purposes of section 941

of this Act.

(3) Nothing in subsection (2) is taken to produce a result that a levy is

payable by a person in respect of the same matter in respect of

which levy is imposed on the person by subsection 6(1), (2) or (3)

of the Corporations (National Guarantee Fund Levies) Act 2001.

1396 Transitional provisions relating to futures organisation fidelity

fund levies

(1) If:

(a) before the commencement, a person paid an amount as

required by subsection 1234(1) of the old Corporations Law

of a State or Territory in order to be admitted to membership

of a futures organisation; and

(b) that person had not been so admitted by the commencement

of this Act;

the payment they made before the commencement is taken to

satisfy their liability to pay the levy referred to in

subsection 1234(1) of this Act in respect of their admission after

the commencement to that futures organisation.

(2) If:

(a) either:

(i) before the commencement, a contributing member of a

futures organisation paid an amount as required by

subsection 1234(2) of the old Corporations Law of a

State or Territory to a futures organisation in respect of

a year some or all of which occurs after the

commencement of this Act; or

(ii) after the commencement, a person pays an amount as

required by subsection 6(1) of the Corporations

(Futures Organisations Levies) Act 2001 in respect of a

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Other specific transitional provisions Division 5

Section 1396

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year some or all of which occurs after the

commencement of this Act; and

(b) a levy is also payable under subsection 1234(2) of this Act in

respect of the futures organisation and the year;

the payment they made or make as mentioned in

subparagraph (a)(i) or (ii) is taken to satisfy their liability to pay

the levy referred to in paragraph (b).

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Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.1 Transition from the old corporations legislation

Division 6 General transitional provisions relating to other things done etc. under the

old corporations legislation

Section 1397

30 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 6—General transitional provisions relating to

other things done etc. under the old corporations


1397 Limitations on scope of this Division

(1) This Division has effect subject to:

(a) the provisions of Divisions 2, 3, 4 and 5 (which deal with

matters in more specific terms); and

(b) regulations made for the purposes of Division 7.

(2) Nothing in this Division applies to:

(a) an order made by a court before the commencement; or

(b) a right or liability under an order made by a court before the

commencement; or

(c) a right to:

(i) appeal to a court against an order made by a court

before the commencement;

(ii) apply to a court for review of such an order; or

(iii) bring an appeal or review proceeding, or an

enforcement proceeding, within the meaning of

section 1382, in respect of such an order; or

(d) subject to subsection (3)—a proceeding taken (including an

appeal, review or enforcement proceeding) in a court before

the commencement, or a step in such a proceeding.

Note: Division 4 deals with court orders and proceedings made or begun

before the commencement, and with related matters.

(3) Despite paragraph (2)(d), sections 1400 and 1401 apply to any

right or liability to which a proceeding to which section 1383 or

1384 applies relates.

(4) Nothing in this Division applies to a liability under section 902,

904, 938, 940, 941, 1234, 1235 or 1351 of the old Corporations

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General transitional provisions relating to other things done etc. under the old

corporations legislation Division 6

Section 1398

Corporations Act 2001 31

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Law of a State or Territory in this jurisdiction to pay a

contribution, levy or fee.

Note: These liabilities are preserved as taxes by provisions of the following


(a) the Corporations (Securities Exchanges Levies) Act 2001;

(b) the Corporations (National Guarantee Fund Levies) Act 2001;

(c) the Corporations (Futures Organisations Levies) Act 2001;

(d) the Corporations (Fees) Act 2001.

(5) Except as mentioned in subsections (1) to (4), nothing in

Division 2, 3, 4 or 5, or in regulations made for the purposes of

Division 7, is intended to limit the generality of the provisions in

this Division.

1398 Provisions of this Division may have an overlapping effect

The provisions of this Division deal at a broad level with concepts

and matters in a way that is intended to achieve the object of this

Part as set out in section 1370. Some of the provisions of this

Division will (depending on the situation) have an effect that

overlaps or interacts to some extent with the effect of other

provisions of this Division. This is intended, and the provisions of

this Division should be not be regarded as dealing with mutually

exclusive situations.

1399 Things done by etc. carried over provisions continue to have


(1) Subject to this section, a thing that:

(a) was done before the commencement by, under, or for the

purposes of, a carried over provision of the old corporations

legislation of a State or Territory in this jurisdiction; and

(b) had an ongoing significance (see subsections (4) and (5))

immediately before the commencement for the purposes of

that legislation;

has effect (and may be dealt with) after the commencement, for the

purposes of the new corporations legislation, as if it were done by,

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Part 10.1 Transition from the old corporations legislation

Division 6 General transitional provisions relating to other things done etc. under the

old corporations legislation

Section 1399

32 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

under, or for the purposes of, the corresponding provision of the

new corporations legislation.

Note: This section covers all kinds of things done, including things of a

coercive nature or done for coercive purposes.

(2) Examples of things done include:

(a) the making of an instrument or order (but not including the

making of an order by a court); and

(b) the making of an application or claim (but not including the

making of an application or claim to a court); and

(c) the granting of an application or claim (but not including the

granting of an application or claim by a court); and

(d) the making of an appointment or delegation; and

(e) the commencement of a procedure or the taking of a step in a

procedure (but not including the commencement of a

proceeding in a court); and

(f) the establishment of a register or fund; and

(g) requiring a person to do, or not to do, something (but not

including a requirement contained in an order made by a

court); and

(h) the giving of a notice or document.

(3) The examples in subsection (2) are not intended to limit the

generality of the language of subsection (1).

(4) Subject to subsection (5), for the purposes of this section, a thing

done by, under, or for the purposes of, a carried over provision of

the old corporations legislation of a State or Territory had an

ongoing significance immediately before the commencement for

the purposes of that legislation if:

(a) if the thing done was the making of an instrument or order—

the instrument or order was still in force immediately before

the commencement; or

(b) if the thing done was the making of an application or claim—

the application or claim had not been decided, and had not

otherwise ceased to have effect, before the commencement;


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General transitional provisions relating to other things done etc. under the old

corporations legislation Division 6

Section 1399

Corporations Act 2001 33

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(c) if the thing done was the granting of an application or

claim—the thing granted had not been revoked, and had not

otherwise ceased to have effect, before the commencement;


(d) if the thing done was the making of an appointment or

delegation—the appointment or delegation had not been

revoked, and had not otherwise ceased to have effect, before

the commencement; or

(e) if the thing done was the commencement of a procedure or

the taking of a step in a procedure—the procedure was still in

progress immediately before the commencement or was

otherwise still having an effect; or

(f) if the thing done was the establishment of a register or

fund—the register or fund was still in existence immediately

before the commencement; or

(g) if the thing done was requiring a person to do, or not to do

something—the requirement was still in force immediately

before the commencement; or

(h) if the thing done was the giving of a notice or document, or

the doing of some other thing—the notice or document (or

the giving of the notice or document), or the thing (or the

doing of the thing), had an ongoing effect or significance

immediately before the commencement for the purposes of

the old corporations legislation of the State or Territory.

(5) The regulations may provide that a specified thing done under, or

for the purposes of, a carried over provision of the old corporations

legislation of a State or Territory did, or did not, have an ongoing

significance immediately before the commencement for the

purposes of that legislation.

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Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.1 Transition from the old corporations legislation

Division 6 General transitional provisions relating to other things done etc. under the

old corporations legislation

Section 1400

34 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

1400 Creation of equivalent rights and liabilities to those that existed

before the commencement under carried over provisions

of the old corporations legislation

(1) Subject to subsection (4), this section applies in relation to a right

or liability (the pre-commencement right or liability), whether

civil or criminal, that:

(a) was:

(i) acquired, accrued or incurred under a carried over

provision of the old corporations legislation of a State or

Territory in this jurisdiction; and

(ii) in existence immediately before the commencement; or

(b) would have been:

(i) acquired, accrued or incurred under such a provision;


(ii) in existence immediately before the commencement;

if every agreement that was valid only because of section 249

of the ASIC Act had been a valid agreement without the

application of that section.

However, this section does not apply to a right or liability under an

order made by a court before the commencement.

(2) On the commencement, the person acquires, accrues or incurs a

right or liability (the substituted right or liability), equivalent to

the pre-commencement right or liability, under the corresponding

provision of the new corporations legislation (as if that provision

applied to the conduct or circumstances that gave rise to the

pre-commencement right or liability).

Note: If a time limit applied in relation to the pre-commencement right or

liability under the old corporations legislation, that same time limit

(calculated from the same starting point) will apply under the new

corporations legislation to the substituted right or liability—see

subsection 1402(3).

(3) A procedure, proceeding or remedy in respect of the substituted

right or liability may be instituted after the commencement under

the new corporations legislation (as if that provision applied to the

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Transition from the old corporations legislation Part 10.1

General transitional provisions relating to other things done etc. under the old

corporations legislation Division 6

Section 1400

Corporations Act 2001 35

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

conduct or circumstances that gave rise to the pre-commencement

right or liability).

Note: For pre-commencement proceedings in respect of substituted rights

and liabilities, see sections 1383 and 1384.

(4) If, immediately before the commencement, a person had an

accrued right to make a claim under a provision of Part 7.10 of the

old Corporations Law of a State that is not a referring State (and so

is not in this jurisdiction), this section applies in relation to that

right in the same way as it would have applied if the State had been

a referring State.

Note: Except to the extent provided in this subsection, this Part does not

create rights and liabilities that are equivalent to those that existed

under the old corporations legislation of a non-referring State.

(5) This section does not apply to a pre-commencement right or

liability that:

(a) existed under a law of the Commonwealth or of a State or

Territory; and

(b) would not have existed if any agreement that is valid only

because of section 249 of the ASIC Act had been a valid

agreement without the application of that section.

(6) Paragraph (1)(b) and subsection (5) have effect in relation to:

(a) proceedings (whether original or appellate) that begin on or

after the day the Treasury Laws Amendment (2017 Measures

No. 3) Act 2017 receives the Royal Assent; and

(b) proceedings that began before that day, if the proceedings

(including any appeals) had not been finally determined as at

that day.

(7) Nothing in paragraph (1)(b) or subsection (5) or (6) limits the

operation of section 249 of the ASIC Act.

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Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.1 Transition from the old corporations legislation

Division 6 General transitional provisions relating to other things done etc. under the

old corporations legislation

Section 1401

36 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

1401 Creation of equivalent rights and liabilities to those that existed

before the commencement under repealed provisions of

the old corporations legislation

(1) This section applies in relation to a right or liability (the

pre-commencement right or liability), whether civil or criminal,


(a) was:

(i) acquired, accrued or incurred under a provision of the

old corporations legislation of a State or Territory in this

jurisdiction that was no longer in force immediately

before the commencement; and

(ii) in existence immediately before the commencement; or

(b) would have been:

(i) acquired, accrued or incurred under such a provision;


(ii) in existence immediately before the commencement;

if every agreement that was valid only because of section 249

of the ASIC Act had been a valid agreement without the

application of that section.

However, this section does not apply to a right or liability under an

order made by a court before the commencement.

(2) For the purposes of subsections (3) and (4), the new corporations

legislation is taken to include:

(a) the provision of the old corporations legislation (with such

modifications (if any) as are necessary) under which the

pre-commencement right or liability was acquired, accrued or

incurred; and

(b) the other provisions of the old corporations legislation (with

such modifications (if any) as are necessary) that applied in

relation to the pre-commencement right or liability.

(3) On the commencement, the person acquires, accrues or incurs a

right or liability (the substituted right or liability), equivalent to

the pre-commencement right or liability, under the provision taken

to be included in the new corporations legislation by

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Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transition from the old corporations legislation Part 10.1

General transitional provisions relating to other things done etc. under the old

corporations legislation Division 6

Section 1401

Corporations Act 2001 37

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paragraph (2)(a) (as if that provision applied to the conduct or

circumstances that gave rise to the pre-commencement right or


Note: If a time limit applied in relation to the pre-commencement right or

liability under the old corporations legislation, that same time limit

(calculated from the same starting point) will apply under the new

corporations legislation to the substituted right or liability—see

subsection 1402(3).

(4) A procedure, proceeding or remedy in respect of the substituted

right or liability may be instituted after the commencement under

the provisions taken to be included in the new corporations

legislation by subsection (2) (as if those provisions applied to the

conduct or circumstances that gave rise to the pre-commencement

right or liability).

Note: For pre-commencement proceedings in respect of substituted rights

and liabilities, see sections 1383 and 1384.

(5) This section does not apply to a pre-commencement right or

liability that:

(a) existed under a law of the Commonwealth or of a State or

Territory; and

(b) would not have existed if any agreement that is valid only

because of section 249 of the ASIC Act had been a valid

agreement without the application of that section.

(6) Paragraph (1)(b) and subsection (5) have effect in relation to:

(a) proceedings (whether original or appellate) that begin on or

after the day the Treasury Laws Amendment (2017 Measures

No. 3) Act 2017 receives the Royal Assent; and

(b) proceedings that began before that day, if the proceedings

(including any appeals) had not been finally determined as at

that day.

(7) Nothing in paragraph (1)(b) or subsection (5) or (6) limits the

operation of section 249 of the ASIC Act.

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Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.1 Transition from the old corporations legislation

Division 6 General transitional provisions relating to other things done etc. under the

old corporations legislation

Section 1402

38 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

1402 Old corporations legislation time limits etc.

(1) An old corporations legislation time limit (see subsection (4)):

(a) the starting point of which:

(i) was known or had been determined before the

commencement (whether that starting point occurred or

would occur before, on or after the commencement); or

(ii) would have become known, or have been determined,

after the commencement if the old corporations

legislation of the relevant State or Territory had

continued to apply (whether that starting point would

have occurred before, on or after the commencement);


(b) that had not ended at or before the commencement;

continues to run, or starts or started to run, as if that same time

limit (starting from the same starting point) were applicable under

the new corporations legislation.

(2) If:

(a) under the old corporations legislation, a process (for

example, the winding up of a company), a status of a person

or body (for example, a body’s registration as a company or a

person’s status as a registered liquidator), or an instrument,

commenced from a particular time before the

commencement; and

(b) that process, status or instrument is continued after the

commencement for the purposes of the new corporations

legislation by a provision of this Part;

that process, status or instrument as so continued is still taken to

have commenced from the time referred to in paragraph (a).

(3) If an old corporations legislation time limit related to a

pre-commencement right or liability, the same time limit applies in

relation to the substituted right or liability.

(4) In this section:

old corporations legislation time limit includes:

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(a) a period for the doing of a thing specified or determined

under a provision of the old corporations legislation of a

State or Territory; or

(b) a period specified or determined under a provision of the old

corporations legislation of a State or Territory as the duration

of a particular instrument or status.

1403 Preservation of significance etc. of events or circumstances

(1) An event, circumstance or other thing:

(a) that occurred or arose before the commencement under or as

mentioned in a provision of the old corporations legislation

of a State or Territory in this jurisdiction; and

(b) that had a particular significance, status or effect for the

purposes of a carried over provision of that legislation

(including because of an interpretive provision);

has that same significance, status and effect after the

commencement for the purposes of the provision of the new

corporations legislation that corresponds to that carried over


Note: So, for example:

(a) if a company took action before the commencement that had the result for the purposes of section 200B of the old Corporations Law of making a superannuation fund a prescribed superannuation fund in relation to the company, that action has that same effect for the purposes of section 200B of this Act; and

(b) a delay that could have been taken into account for the purposes of subsection 874(1) of the old Corporations Law also counts for the purposes of subsection 874(1) of this Act.

(2) Without limiting subsection (1), an event, circumstance or other

thing had a particular significance for the purposes of a carried

over provision of the old corporations legislation of a State or

Territory in this jurisdiction if:

(a) the carried over provision created an obligation in respect of

the event, circumstance or thing (whenever it arose); or

(b) the carried over provision provided for the event,

circumstance or thing to be dealt with in a particular way; or

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Division 6 General transitional provisions relating to other things done etc. under the

old corporations legislation

Section 1404

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(c) the carried over provision stated that the event, circumstance

or thing (whenever it arose) was to be disregarded for the

purposes of that provision or was not covered by that


1404 References in the new corporations legislation generally

include references to events, circumstances or things that

happened or arose before the commencement

(1) Subject to this section, a reference in the new corporations

legislation to an event, circumstance or thing of a particular kind

that happens or arises, or that has happened or arisen, is taken to

include a reference to an event, circumstance or thing of that kind

that happened or arose at a time before the commencement, unless

a contrary intention is expressed. The fact that the provision uses

only the present tense in referring to an event, circumstance or

thing is not, of itself, to be regarded as an expression of a contrary


Note: So, for example, if a provision of the new corporations legislation

refers to a person who consents to a course of action, that reference (in

the absence of an express provision to the contrary) will not be limited

to consents given after the commencement and will cover a consent

given before the commencement.

(2) Nothing in subsection (1) is taken to produce a result that a right or

liability exists under a provision of the new corporations legislation

that relates solely to events, circumstances or things that occurred

before the commencement.

Note: Instead, an equivalent right or liability will be created by section 1400

or 1401.

(3) The regulations may provide that subsection (1) does not apply in

relation to a particular reference or class of references in the new

corporations legislation.

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General transitional provisions relating to other things done etc. under the old

corporations legislation Division 6

Section 1405

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1405 References in the new corporations legislation to that

legislation or the new ASIC legislation generally include

references to corresponding provisions of the old

corporations legislation or old ASIC legislation

(1) Subject to subsection (4), a reference in the new corporations

legislation to:

(a) an Act, or regulations or another instrument that is part of the

new corporations legislation; or

(b) a provision or group of provisions of such an Act, regulations

or other instrument;

is taken, in relation to events, circumstances or things that

happened or arose at a time before the commencement when the

old corporations legislation was in force, to include (in the absence

of an express provision to the contrary) a reference to the

corresponding part, provision or provisions of the old corporations

legislation of the States and Territories in this jurisdiction.

(2) Subject to subsection (4), a reference in the new corporations

legislation to:

(a) an Act, or regulations or some other instrument that is part of

the new ASIC legislation; or

(b) a provision or group of provisions of such an Act, regulations

or other instrument;

is taken, in relation to events, circumstances or things that

happened or arose at a time before the commencement when the

old corporations legislation was in force, to include (in the absence

of an express provision to the contrary) a reference to the

corresponding part, provision or provisions of the old ASIC

legislation of the Commonwealth, of the States in this jurisdiction

and of the Northern Territory.

(3) In subsection (2):

(a) new ASIC legislation and old ASIC legislation have the

same meanings as they have in Part 16 of the Australian

Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001; and

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Division 6 General transitional provisions relating to other things done etc. under the

old corporations legislation

Section 1406

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(b) the question whether a provision or part of the old ASIC

legislation corresponds to a provision of part of the new

ASIC legislation is to be determined in the same way as it is

determined for the purposes of Part 16 of the Australian

Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001.

(4) The regulations may provide that subsection (1) or (2) does not

apply in relation to a particular reference or class of references in

the new corporations legislation.

1406 Carrying over references to corresponding previous laws

(1) If a carried over provision of the old corporations legislation of a

State or Territory in this jurisdiction contained a reference

(whether in its own terms or by operation of another provision) to:

(a) a corresponding previous law (as defined for the purposes of

that provision or provisions including that provision); or

(b) a thing done by, under, or for the purposes of, such a law;

the corresponding provision of the new corporations legislation is

taken to contain an equivalent reference to that previous law, or to

such a thing done by, under, or for the purposes of, that previous


(2) The following references in the old corporations legislation of the

States and Territories in this jurisdiction are covered by

subsection (1) in the same way as they would be if they used the

“corresponding previous law” form of words:

(a) the reference in subsection 1274AA(1) to a “previous Law”;

(b) the reference in subparagraph 1274AA(2)(b)(ii) to a

“previous law of this jurisdiction before the commencement

of this Part that corresponds”;

(c) any other references prescribed by the regulations for the

purposes of this subsection.

1407 References to old corporations legislation in instruments

(1) Subject to subsection (2), a reference in, or taken immediately

before the commencement to be in, an instrument, other than:

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corporations legislation Division 6

Section 1408

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(a) an Act of a State, the Australian Capital Territory, the

Northern Territory or Norfolk Island; or

(b) an instrument made under such an Act;


(c) an Act, or to regulations or some other instrument, that is part

of the old corporations legislation (whether the reference is in

general terms or in relation to a particular State or Territory

in this jurisdiction); or

(d) to a provision or group of provisions of such an Act,

regulations or other instrument;

is taken, after the commencement, to include a reference to the

corresponding part, provision or provisions of the new corporations

legislation (unless there is no such corresponding part, provision or


Note: This section will, for example, apply to:

(a) a reference in another Commonwealth Act to the Corporations Law; or

(b) a reference in the Corporations Regulations to the Corporations Law; or

(c) a reference in a company’s constitution to a particular provision of the Corporations Law.

(2) The regulations may do either or both of the following:

(a) provide that subsection (1) does not apply in relation to

prescribed references in prescribed instruments;

(b) provide that subsection (1) has effect in relation to prescribed

references in prescribed instruments as if, in that subsection,

the words “to be” were substituted for the words “to


1408 Old transitional provisions continue to have their effect

(1) Subject to subsection (3), this Act has the same effect, after the

commencement, as it would have if:

(a) the transitional provisions (see subsections (6) and (7)) of the

old Corporations Laws of the States and Territories in this

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Division 6 General transitional provisions relating to other things done etc. under the

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Section 1408

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jurisdiction (as in force from time to time before the

commencement) had been part of this Act; and

(b) those transitional provisions produced the same results or

effects (to the greatest extent possible) for the purposes of

this Act as they produced for the purposes of those old

Corporations Laws.

(2) Without limiting subsection (1) (but subject to subsection (3)), if a

transitional provision of the old Corporations Law of a State or

Territory in this jurisdiction could, if it had continued in force after

the commencement, have operated to give rise to rights and

liabilities (including civil or criminal liabilities) in relation to acts

or omissions occurring after the commencement, this Act is taken

to include that transitional provision (with such modifications (if

any) as are necessary.

Note: In relation to acts or omissions that occurred before the

commencement, equivalent rights and liabilities are created by

sections 1400 and 1401.

(3) The regulations may determine how a matter dealt with in a

transitional provision of the old Corporations Law of a State or

Territory in this jurisdiction is to be dealt with under or in relation

to the new corporations legislation (including by creating

offences). The regulations have effect despite subsections (1) and

(2), but subject to subsection (5).

Note: In creating offences, the regulations are subject to the limitation

imposed by section 1375.

(4) For the purpose of determining whether the new corporations

legislation includes a provision that corresponds to a provision of

the old corporations legislation of a State or Territory, and for the

purpose of any reference in this part to a corresponding provision

of the new corporations legislation, this Act is taken to include the

transitional provisions of the old corporations legislation of the

States and Territories, as they have effect because of

subsections (1) and (2).

(5) Nothing in subsection (1) or (2), or in regulations made for the

purposes of subsection (3), is taken to produce a result that a right

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or liability exists under a transitional provision as it has effect

because of subsection (1) or (2), or exists under regulations made

for the purposes of subsection (3), that relates solely to events,

circumstances or things that occurred before the commencement.

Note: Instead, an equivalent right or liability will be created by section 1400

or 1401.

(6) Subject to subsection (7), for the purposes of this section, a

transitional provision is any of the provisions of the old

Corporations Laws of the States and Territories in this jurisdiction

listed in the following table.

Transitional provisions of old Corporations Law

Item Provisions

1 subsection 87(1A)

2 subsection 88(1A)

3 sections 109E to 109G and section 109T

4 section 268A

5 section 275

6 section 275A

7 Subsections 319(4), (5) and (6)

8 section 601

9 subsection 774(7)

10 subsection 895(3)

11 subsection 977(4)

12 subsection 990(2)

13 section 993

14 subsection 1228(3)

15 subsections 1274(17) and (18)

16 subsections 1288(1), (2) and (6)

17 paragraph 1311(1A)(f) and subsection 1311(3A)

18 section 1336A

19 Chapter 11, other than section 1416

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Division 6 General transitional provisions relating to other things done etc. under the

old corporations legislation

Section 1408

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Transitional provisions of old Corporations Law

Item Provisions

20 Schedule 4, other than the following provisions:

(a) subclauses 7(3), 8(2) and 9(4);

(b) clauses 11 to 16;

(c) subclause 17(2);

(d) clauses 18 and 19;

(e) clauses 20, 25 and 27;

(f) Parts 5, 6 and 7.

(7) The regulations may provide that certain provisions are to be taken

to be included in, or omitted from, the table in subsection (6). The

table then has effect as if the provisions were so included in it or

omitted from it.

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Regulations dealing with transitional matters Division 7

Section 1409

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Division 7—Regulations dealing with transitional matters

1409 Regulations may deal with transitional matters

(1) The regulations may deal with matters of a transitional nature

relating to the transition from the application of provisions of the

old corporations legislation of the States and Territories in this

jurisdiction to the application of provisions of the new corporations

legislation. The regulations have effect despite anything else in this

Part, other than section 1375.

(2) Without limiting subsection (1), the regulations may provide for a

matter to be dealt with, wholly or partly, in any of the following


(a) by applying (with or without modifications) to the matter:

(i) provisions of the old corporations legislation of the

States and Territories in this jurisdiction, as in force

immediately before the commencement or at some

earlier time; or

(ii) provisions of the new corporations legislation; or

(iii) a combination of provisions referred to in

subparagraphs (i) and (ii);

(b) by otherwise specifying rules for dealing with the matter;

(c) by specifying a particular consequence of the matter, or of an

outcome of the matter, for the purposes of the new

corporations legislation.

(3) The regulations may provide that certain provisions of this Part are

taken to be modified as set out in the regulations. Those provisions

then have effect as if they were so modified.

(4) Despite subsection 12(2) of the Legislative Instruments Act 2003,

regulations for the purposes of this section may be expressed to

take effect from a date before the regulations are registered under

that Act.

(5) In this section:

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Division 7 Regulations dealing with transitional matters

Section 1409

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matters of a transitional nature also includes matters of an

application or saving nature.

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Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transitional provisions relating to the Financial Services Reform Act 2001 Part 10.2

Transitional provisions relating to the phasing-in of the new financial services regime

Division 1

Section 1410

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Part 10.2—Transitional provisions relating to the

Financial Services Reform Act 2001

Division 1—Transitional provisions relating to the

phasing-in of the new financial services regime

Subdivision A—Preliminary

1410 Definitions

(1) In this Division, unless the contrary intention appears:

amended Corporations Act means this Act as in force after the

FSR commencement.

associated provisions, in relation to provisions (the core

provisions) of a particular Act as in force at a particular time,

include (but are not limited to):

(a) any regulations or other instruments that are or were in force

for the purposes of any of the core provisions at that time;


(b) any interpretation provisions that apply or applied in relation

to any of the core provisions at that time (whether or not they

also apply or applied for other purposes); and

(c) any provisions relating to liability (civil or criminal) that

apply or applied in relation to any of the core provisions at

that time (whether or not they also apply or applied for other

purposes); and

(d) any provisions that limit or limited, or that otherwise affect

or affected, the operation of any of the core provisions at that

time (whether or not they also limit or limited, or affect or

affected, the operation of other provisions).

class, in relation to financial products, has a meaning affected by

regulations made for the purposes of subsection (2).

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Division 1 Transitional provisions relating to the phasing-in of the new financial

services regime

Section 1410

50 Corporations Act 2001

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FSR commencement means the commencement of item 1 of

Schedule 1 to the Financial Services Reform Act 2001.

old Corporations Act means this Act as in force immediately

before the FSR commencement.

regulated activities, in relation to a regulated principal, has the

meaning given by section 1430.

regulated principal has the meaning given by section 1430.

relevant old legislation, in relation to a regulated principal, has the

meaning given by section 1430.

transition period:

(a) in relation to a market to which section 1414, 1418, 1420,

1421 or 1422 applies—has the meaning given by

subsection (2) of that section; and

(b) in relation to a market to which section 1417 applies and the

additional products referred to in that section—has the

meaning given by subsection 1417(2); and

(c) in relation to a clearing and settlement facility to which

section 1426 or 1429 applies—has the meaning given by

subsection (2) of that section; and

(d) in relation to a clearing and settlement facility to which

section 1428 applies and the additional products referred to

in that section—has the meaning given by

subsection 1428(2); and

(e) in relation to a regulated principal—has the meaning given

by subsection 1431(1); and

(f) in relation to a financial product to which section 1438

applies—has the meaning given by subsection (3) of that


(1A) Other expressions used in this Part that are defined in Division 2 of

Part 7.1 have the same meanings as they are given by that Division.

This has effect subject to:

(a) any contrary intention in a provision of this Part; or

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Transitional provisions relating to the phasing-in of the new financial services regime

Division 1

Section 1411

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(b) regulations made for the purposes of this paragraph.

(2) The regulations may include provisions identifying, or providing

for the identification of, what constitutes a class of financial

products for the purposes of a provision or provisions of this


(3) If a provision of this Division (the transitional provision) provides

for a provision of this or another Act (the preserved provision), as

in force immediately before the FSR commencement, to continue

to apply to or in relation to a person, thing or matter:

(a) the preserved provision so continues to apply only to the

extent (if any) to which it is expressed in terms that cover the

person, thing or matter; and

(b) the transitional provision is not taken to extend the scope of

the preserved provision (otherwise than by giving it a

continued operation).

Subdivision B—Treatment of existing markets

1411 When is a market being operated immediately before the FSR


Subject to section 1412, in this Subdivision, a reference to a market

being operated immediately before the FSR commencement is a

reference to a market that had not permanently ceased to operate

before the FSR commencement, even if trading on the market was

not actually occurring immediately before the FSR commencement

(for example, because of a routine temporary closure of the


1412 Treatment of proposed markets that have not started to

operate by the FSR commencement

(1) This section applies in relation to the following proposed markets,

other than any such market that starts to operate before the FSR


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Division 1 Transitional provisions relating to the phasing-in of the new financial

services regime

Section 1412

52 Corporations Act 2001

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(a) a market proposed to be operated by Bendigo Stock

Exchange Ltd, or by ASX Futures Exchange Pty Limited,

that is identified in writing by the Minister as being a

proposed market to which this section applies;

(b) any other proposed market identified in, or in accordance

with, regulations made for the purposes of this paragraph.

For this purpose, a proposed market is a market that a person has,

before the FSR commencement, indicated an intention that they

propose to operate.

(2) This Subdivision applies in relation to a proposed market to which

this section applies subject to the following paragraphs:

(a) subject to paragraphs (b), (c) and (d), this Subdivision applies

in relation to the proposed market as if the market, as

proposed to be operated, were in fact being operated

immediately before the FSR commencement;

(b) if, taking account of the effect of paragraph (a), section 1413

applies in relation to the proposed market, that section

applies in relation to the proposed market:

(i) as if the Minister’s obligation to grant a licence, and

impose conditions, under subsection 1413(2) in relation

to the market does not arise unless and until the market

operator lodges with ASIC a notice in relation to the

market under subsection (3) of this section, and does not

arise at all if no such notice is given to ASIC by the end

of 6 months after the FSR commencement; and

(ii) as if subsection 1413(3) provided for a licence so

granted under subsection 1413(2) in relation to the

market, and the conditions subject to which it is granted,

to be taken to have had effect from the day (the start

day) specified in the subsection (3) notice as the day on

which the market started to operate; and

(iii) as if subsection 1413(6) were omitted; and

(iv) as if the references in subsection 1413(8) to the FSR

commencement were instead references to the start day;

(c) if:

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Transitional provisions relating to the phasing-in of the new financial services regime

Division 1

Section 1413

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(i) taking account of the effect of paragraph (a),

section 1418, 1420, 1421 or 1422 applies to the

proposed market; and

(ii) the market operator does not lodge with ASIC a notice

in relation to the market under subsection (3) of this

section by the end of 6 months after the FSR


that section ceases to apply in relation to the proposed market

at the end of that period;

(d) if a provision of this Subdivision provides for a provision of

the old Corporations Act to continue to apply in relation to

the proposed market, then (without limiting the generality of

subsection 1410(3)), while the proposed market remains

non-operational, the provision of the old Corporations Act

only applies in relation to the proposed market to the extent

(if any) to which it would, disregarding the effect of

paragraph (a), apply in relation to the proposed market.

(3) If a proposed market to which this section applies starts to operate

on a day during the period of 6 months starting on the FSR

commencement, the operator must, as soon as practicable, and in

any event within 7 days, lodge with ASIC written notice of the fact

that the market started to operate on that day.

Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(4) ASIC must, within a reasonable time, give the Minister a notice it

receives under subsection (3).

1413 Obligation of Minister to grant licences covering main existing


(1) This section applies to each market being operated immediately

before the FSR commencement in relation to which any of the

following paragraphs applies:

(a) the market was a stock market operated by the Australian

Stock Exchange Limited;

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Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.2 Transitional provisions relating to the Financial Services Reform Act 2001

Division 1 Transitional provisions relating to the phasing-in of the new financial

services regime

Section 1413

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(b) the market was a stock market operated by a body corporate

covered by an approval in force under subsection 769(2) of

the old Corporations Act;

(c) the market was a futures market operated by a body corporate

covered by an approval in force under subsection 1126(2) of

the old Corporations Act.

(2) Subject to subsections (3) and (4), the Minister must, in relation to

each market to which this section applies, grant the operator of the

market a licence, and impose conditions on that licence, in

accordance with the following requirements:

(a) the licence must be described as an Australian market


(b) the licence must be granted subject to the following


(i) a condition specifying the market as the market that the

licence authorises the licensee to operate;

(ii) a condition specifying, as the classes of financial

products that can be dealt with on the market, the

classes that are appropriate for the market under

subsection (5);

(iii) if the Minister considers that the licensee should have

clearing and settlement arrangements for transactions

effected through the market—a condition specifying the

type of clearing and settlement arrangements that are


(3) Subject to subsection (6), a licence that subsection (2) requires to

be granted must be granted on, or as soon as practicable after, the

FSR commencement. If it is granted after the FSR commencement,

it, and the conditions subject to which it is granted, are taken to

have had effect from that commencement.

(4) Sections 795D (more than one licence in the same document) and

795E (more than one market covered by the same licence) of the

amended Corporations Act apply in relation to the granting of

licences, and licences granted, under this section as if the licences

were, or were being, granted under section 795B of that Act. If,

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Transitional provisions relating to the phasing-in of the new financial services regime

Division 1

Section 1413

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pursuant to section 795E, a single licence is granted under this

section in respect of several separate markets, paragraph (2)(b) of

this section must be complied with separately in the licence

document in relation to each of those markets.

(5) For the purposes of subparagraph (2)(b)(ii), the classes of financial

products that are appropriate for a market to which this section

applies are as follows:

(a) for a market described in paragraph (1)(a) or (b)—securities,

within the meaning of section 92 of the old Corporations Act

as applying for the purposes of Part 7.2 of the old

Corporations Act, and agreements of a kind to which

section 92A of the old Corporations Act applied immediately

before the FSR commencement (or would have applied after

the FSR commencement if that section, and any associated

provisions, had continued to have effect);

(b) for a market described in paragraph (1)(c)—futures contracts,

within the meaning of section 72 of the old Corporations Act,

and agreements of a kind to which section 72A of the old

Corporations Act applied immediately before the FSR

commencement (or would have applied after the FSR

commencement if that section, and any associated provisions,

had continued to have effect).

(6) Despite anything in subsection (3), the Minister may, under this

section, grant a licence, and impose conditions on the licence, at

any time during the period starting on the commencement of this

section and ending on the FSR commencement on the basis that

matters known to the Minister in relation to the market concerned

will continue to be the case up to the FSR commencement. If the

Minister does so:

(a) the licence and conditions come into effect on the FSR

commencement, and not before; and

(b) the Minister may vary or revoke the licence, or any of the

conditions, before the FSR commencement if the Minister

considers it appropriate to do so having regard to the

provisions of this section concerning the granting of licences

and the imposition of conditions; and

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(c) the licence and conditions do not come into effect on the FSR

commencement if, immediately before the FSR

commencement, the market is not a market to which this

section applies.

(7) If the Minister grants a licence under this section, the Minister

must give the operator of the market written notice of:

(a) the grant of the licence, and the conditions imposed on the

licence; and

(b) any subsequent revocation or variation under subsection (6)

of the licence or conditions.

(8) A notice advising of the grant of a licence under this section must

contain a statement to the effect that the licence and conditions will

not take effect until the FSR commencement, or will be taken to

have had effect from the FSR commencement, as the case requires.

1414 Section 1413 markets—effect of licences and conditions

(1) Subject to subsections (2) to (4):

(a) a licence granted under section 1413 that authorises the

operation of a market is, for the purposes of the amended

Corporations Act (other than this section), taken to have been

granted (and to have been properly granted) under

section 795B of the amended Corporations Act; and

(b) conditions imposed under section 1413 on the licence are, for

the purposes of the amended Corporations Act (other than

this section), taken to have been imposed (and to have been

properly imposed) under section 796A of the amended

Corporations Act.

Note 1: Section 795C of the amended Corporations Act (publication of notice

of licence grant) applies to the grant of the licence.

Note 2: The conditions may be varied or revoked, and additional conditions

may be imposed, under section 796A of the amended Corporations


(2) Subject to subsection (4), the relevant new legislation (see

subsection (6)) does not apply in relation to the market during the

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period (the transition period) starting on the FSR commencement

and ending on whichever of the following first occurs:

(a) the end of the period of 2 years starting on the FSR


(b) conditions on the licence are varied or revoked, or additional

conditions are imposed on the licence, pursuant to an

application by the licensee under subsection 796A(2) of the

amended Corporations Act;

(c) the licensee has lodged with ASIC notice in writing that it

wants to take advantage of the compensation arrangements

under Division 3 of Part 7.5 of the amended Corporations


(i) from a specified date, being a date that is after the notice

is given to ASIC and that is after compensation

arrangements for the market have been approved under

Division 3 of Part 7.5 of the amended Corporations Act

(see also subsection (4)); or

(ii) from the end of a specified period, being a period that is

described as starting when compensation arrangements

for the market are approved under Division 3 of Part 7.5

of the amended Corporations Act (see also

subsection (4)) and that ends after the notice is given to


and that date arrives or period ends.

(3) A notice (the original notice) given for the purposes of

paragraph (2)(c) may, before the date, or the end of the period,

specified in the original notice as mentioned in that paragraph:

(a) be varied to specify another date or period, being a date or

period that would satisfy the requirements of

subparagraph (2)(c)(i) or (ii) if the reference in that

subparagraph to when the notice (being the original notice) is

given to ASIC were instead a reference to when the notice of

variation is given to ASIC under this subsection; or

(b) be revoked.

The variation or revocation must be made by notice in writing

lodged with ASIC.

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(4) If the relevant new legislation in relation to a market includes

Part 7.5 of the amended Corporations Act, then, despite

subsection (2), Division 3 of that Part applies to the market during

the transition period to the extent necessary for the operator to

apply to have compensation arrangements for the market approved

before the end of the transition period, and for that application to

be determined. However, any approval of the arrangements under

that Division does not take effect until immediately after the end of

the transition period.

(5) The annual report of the licensee (see section 792F of the amended

Corporations Act) for a financial year in which part of the

transition period occurs, other than a financial year in which the

transition period ends, must include information about:

(a) the steps taken in the year; and

(b) the steps proposed to be taken in the next year;

to ensure that the relevant new legislation will be complied with by

the time the transition period ends.

(6) In this section:

relevant new legislation, in relation to a market, means:

(a) section 793A of the amended Corporations Act; and

(b) unless the market is a market to which Division 4 of Part 7.5

of the amended Corporations Act applies—Part 7.5 of the

amended Corporations Act.

1415 Section 1413 markets—preservation of old Corporations Act

provisions during transition period

Preservation of compensation regimes

(1) If, during the transition period in relation to a market the operation

of which is authorised by a licence granted under section 1413,

Part 7.5 of the amended Corporations Act does not apply in

relation to the market (except as provided in subsection 1414(4))

because of subsection 1414(2), Part 7.9, or Part 8.6, as the case

requires, of the old Corporations Act, and any associated

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Section 1416

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provisions, continue to apply in relation to the market during the

transition period.

Preservation of certain ongoing requirements

(2) During the transition period in relation to a market:

(a) the operation of which is authorised by a licence granted

under section 1413; and

(b) that, immediately before the FSR commencement, was a

securities exchange to which section 769A of the old

Corporations Act applied;

the following provisions continue to apply in relation to the


(c) paragraphs 769A(1)(c) and (e) of the old Corporations Act,

and any associated provisions;

(d) section 769B of the old Corporations Act (but only as

applying in relation to paragraphs 769A(1)(c) and (e) of the

old Corporations Act), and any associated provisions.

1416 Section 1413 markets—powers for regulations to change how

the old and new Corporations Act apply during the

transition period

(1) The regulations may do all or any of the following in relation to a

market the operation of which is authorised by a licence granted

under section 1413:

(a) provide that some or all of the provisions (the relevant old

legislation) that would otherwise continue to apply in

relation to the market because of section 1415 do not apply in

relation to the market;

(b) provide that some or all of the relevant old legislation applies

in relation to the market with specified modifications during

some or all of the transition period for the market;

(c) provide that some or all of the relevant new legislation

(within the meaning of section 1414) in relation to the market

applies in relation to the market during some or all of the

transition period for the market;

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(d) provide that specified provisions of the amended

Corporations Act (including relevant new legislation), and

any associated provisions, apply in relation to the market

during some or all of the transition period for the market with

specified modifications.

(2) Regulations made for the purposes of subsection (1) have effect

despite anything in sections 1414 and 1415.

(3) Subsection (1) gives a full power to disapply, apply and modify

provisions as mentioned in that subsection, including for reasons

that do not have an express or implied connection with the

transition to the relevant new legislation.

Note: So (for example), a change to the day-to-day operation of the relevant

old legislation as continuing to apply may be achieved by a

modification under paragraph (1)(b) (whether that change is to an

existing rule, or is the addition of a new rule).

1417 Section 1413 markets—additional provisions relating to

previously unregulated services

(1) This section applies to a financial market in relation to which the

following paragraphs are satisfied:

(a) a licence is granted under section 1413 to the operator of the

market; and

(b) the conditions on the licence specify, as the classes of

financial products that can be dealt with on the market, the

classes of financial products specified in whichever of

paragraphs 1413(5)(a) and (b) is applicable; and

(c) immediately before the commencement, other financial

products (the additional products) were also dealt with on

the market, and the fact that the market dealt with those

products did not constitute a contravention of a provision of

the old Corporations Act.

(2) Subject to subsection (3), section 791A of the amended

Corporations Act does not apply in relation to the market in so far

as all or any of the additional products are dealt with on the market

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during the period (the transition period) starting on the FSR

commencement and ending on whichever of the following first


(a) the end of the period of 2 years starting on the FSR


(b) the licensee applies, under subsection 796A(2) of the

amended Corporations Act, to have the conditions on the

licence varied or revoked, or to have additional conditions

imposed on the licence.

(3) The regulations may, in relation to a market to which this section

applies and the additional products, provide that specified

provisions (including section 791A) of the amended Corporations

Act, and any associated provisions, apply in relation to a market to

which this section applies and the additional products during some

or all of the transition period for the market and the products with

specified modifications.

1418 Treatment of exempt stock markets and exempt futures

markets (other than markets with no identifiable single


(1) This section applies to the following markets:

(a) stock markets being operated immediately before the FSR

commencement that were, at that time, covered by a

declaration (the declaration of exemption) in force

immediately before the FSR commencement under

subsection 771(1) of the old Corporations Act;

(b) futures markets being operated immediately before the FSR

commencement that were, at that time, covered by a

declaration (the declaration of exemption) in force

immediately before the FSR commencement under

subsection 1127(1) of the old Corporations Act.

However it does not apply to any market to which section 1419


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Section 1418

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(2) Subject to subsection (5), section 791A of the amended

Corporations Act does not apply in relation to a stock market or

futures market to which this section applies during the period (the

transition period) starting on the FSR commencement and ending

on whichever of the following first occurs:

(a) the end of the period of 2 years starting on the FSR


(b) the operator of the market is granted a licence under

section 795B of the amended Corporations Act covering the

operation of the market;

(c) the Minister makes an exemption under section 791C of the

amended Corporations Act covering the market;

(d) the declaration of exemption is revoked.

(3) Subject to subsections (4) and (5), Part 7.2 (in the case of a stock

market), or Part 8.2 (in the case of a futures market), and any

associated provisions, (the relevant old legislation) of the old

Corporations Act continue to apply in relation to a stock market or

futures market to which this section applies during the transition

period for the market.

(4) The declaration of exemption (including any conditions specified

in the declaration) for a stock market or futures market to which

this section applies cannot be varied during the transition period for

the market so as to cover the market providing services that were

not covered by the declaration as in force immediately before the

FSR commencement. However, it may be varied in other ways, or

revoked, by the Minister in writing.

(5) The regulations may do all or any of the following:

(a) provide that some or all of the relevant old legislation does

not apply in relation to a stock market or futures market to

which this section applies during some or all of the transition

period for the market;

(b) provide that some or all of the relevant old legislation applies

in relation to a stock market or futures market to which this

section applies with specified modifications during some or

all of the transition period for the market;

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(c) provide that specified provisions of the amended

Corporations Act (including section 791A), and any

associated provisions, apply in relation to a stock market or

futures market to which this section applies during some or

all of the transition period for the market with specified


1419 Treatment of exempt stock markets and exempt futures

markets that do not have a single identifiable operator

(1) This section applies to the following markets:

(a) stock markets being operated immediately before the FSR


(i) that were, at that time, covered by a declaration (the

declaration of exemption) in force immediately before

the FSR commencement under subsection 771(1) of the

old Corporations Act; but

(ii) that did not have a single person who could be identified

as the operator of the market;

(b) futures markets being operated immediately before the FSR


(i) that were, at that time, covered by a declaration (the

declaration of exemption) in force immediately before

the FSR commencement under subsection 1127(1) of

the old Corporations Act; but

(ii) that did not have a single person who could be identified

as the operator of the market.

(2) In this section:

exempted participant, in relation to a market to which this section

applies, means a person:

(a) who is covered by the declaration of exemption (otherwise

than in their capacity as a representative of another person

who is covered by the declaration); and

(b) whose activities connected with the market after the FSR

commencement are activities that, but for this section, would

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Section 1419

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be required by section 911A of the amended Corporations

Act to be covered by an Australian financial services licence.

(3) Subject to subsections (4) and (5), Part 7.2 (in the case of a stock

market), or Part 8.2 (in the case of a futures market), and any

associated provisions, (the relevant old legislation) of the old

Corporations Act continue to apply in relation to an exempted

participant and a stock market or futures market to which this

section applies during any period during which section 1431

provides that the relevant new legislation (within the meaning of

subsection 1431(1)) does not apply in relation to the exempted

participant’s activities connected with the market.

(4) The declaration of exemption (including any conditions specified

in the declaration) for a stock market or futures market to which

this section applies cannot:

(a) be varied during the transition period for an exempted

participant and the market so as to cover the market

providing services that were not covered by the declaration as

in force immediately before the FSR commencement; or

(b) be varied after the FSR commencement so as to cover a

person or persons it did not cover immediately before the


However, it may be varied in other ways, or revoked, by the

Minister in writing.

(5) The regulations may do either or both of the following:

(a) provide that some or all of the relevant old legislation does

not apply in relation to an exempted participant and a market

to which this section applies during some or all of the

transition period for the exempted participant and the market;

(b) provide that some or all of the relevant old legislation applies

in relation to an exempted participant and a market to which

this section applies with specified modifications during some

or all of the transition period for the exempted participant and

the market.

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Section 1420

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1420 Treatment of stock markets of approved securities


(1) This section applies to each stock market being operated

immediately before the FSR commencement by a body corporate

covered by an approval (the instrument of approval) in force

immediately before the FSR commencement under

subsection 770(2) of the old Corporations Act, other than a stock

market to which section 1413 applies.

(2) Subject to subsections (3) and (5), section 791A of the amended

Corporations Act does not apply in relation to a stock market to

which this section applies during the period (the transition period)

starting on the FSR commencement and ending on whichever of

the following first occurs:

(a) the end of the period of 2 years starting on the FSR


(b) the operator of the market is granted a licence under

section 795B of the amended Corporations Act covering the

operation of the market;

(c) the Minister makes an exemption under section 791C of the

amended Corporations Act covering the market;

(d) the instrument of approval is revoked.

(3) Subject to subsections (4) and (5), Parts 7.2 and 7.9, and any

associated provisions, (the relevant old legislation) of the old

Corporations Act continue to apply in relation to a stock market to

which this section applies during the transition period for the


(4) The instrument of approval (including any conditions specified in

the instrument) for a stock market to which this section applies

cannot be varied during the transition period for the market so as to

cover the market providing services that were not covered by the

instrument as in force immediately before the FSR

commencement. However it may be varied in other ways, or

revoked, by the Minister in writing.

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Section 1421

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(5) The regulations may do all or any of the following:

(a) provide that some or all of the relevant old legislation does

not apply in relation to a stock market to which this section

applies during some or all of the transition period for the


(b) provide that some or all of the relevant old legislation applies

in relation to a stock market to which this section applies

with specified modifications during some or all of the

transition period for the market;

(c) provide that specified provisions of the amended

Corporations Act (including section 791A), and any

associated provisions, apply in relation to a stock market to

which this section applies during some or all of the transition

period for the market with specified modifications.

1421 Treatment of special stock markets for unquoted interests in a

registered scheme

(1) This section applies to each stock market being operated before the

FSR commencement by a body corporate covered by an approval

(the instrument of approval) in force immediately before the FSR

commencement under subsection 770A(2) of the old Corporations


(2) Subject to subsection (5), section 791A of the amended

Corporations Act does not apply in relation to a stock market to

which this section applies during the period (the transition period)

starting on the FSR commencement and ending on whichever of

the following first occurs:

(a) the end of the period of 2 years starting on the FSR


(b) the operator of the market is granted a licence under

section 795B of the amended Corporations Act covering the

operation of the market;

(c) the Minister makes an exemption under section 791C of the

amended Corporations Act covering the market;

(d) the instrument of approval is revoked.

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Section 1422

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(3) Subject to subsections (4) and (5), Part 7.2, and any associated

provisions, (the relevant old legislation) of the old Corporations

Act continue to apply in relation to a stock market to which this

section applies during the transition period for the market.

(4) The instrument of approval (including any conditions specified in

the instrument) for a stock market to which this section applies

cannot be varied during the transition period for the market so as to

cover the market providing services that were not covered by the

instrument as in force immediately before the FSR

commencement. However it may be varied in other ways, or

revoked, by the Minister in writing.

(5) The regulations may do all or any of the following:

(a) provide that some or all of the relevant old legislation does

not apply in relation to a stock market to which this section

applies during some or all of the transition period for the


(b) provide that some or all of the relevant old legislation applies

in relation to a stock market to which this section applies

during some or all of the transition period for the market with

specified modifications;

(c) provide that specified provisions (including section 791A) of

the amended Corporations Act, and any associated

provisions, apply in relation to a stock market to which this

section applies during some or all of the transition period for

the market with specified modifications.

1422 Treatment of other markets that were not unauthorised

(1) This section applies to each market in relation to which the

following paragraphs are satisfied:

(a) the market is a financial market within the meaning of the

amended Corporations Act;

(b) the market was being operated immediately before the FSR


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Section 1423

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(c) the market is not a market to which section 1413, 1418, 1419,

1420 or 1421 applies;

(d) the market was not an unauthorised stock market or an

unauthorised futures market (as defined in section 9 of the

old Corporations Act) immediately before the FSR


(2) Subject to subsection (3), section 791A of the amended

Corporations Act does not apply in relation to a market to which

this section applies during the period (the transition period)

starting on the FSR commencement and ending on whichever of

the following first occurs:

(a) the end of the period of 2 years starting on the FSR


(b) the operator of the market is granted a licence under

section 795B of the amended Corporations Act covering the

operation of the market;

(c) the Minister makes an exemption under section 791C of the

amended Corporations Act covering the market;

(d) the market starts to provide services in respect of a class or

classes of financial products in respect of which it did not

provide services immediately before the commencement.

(3) The regulations may, in relation to a market to which this section

applies, provide that specified provisions (including section 791A)

of the amended Corporations Act, and any associated provisions,

apply in relation to the market during some or all of the transition

period for the market with specified modifications.

Subdivision C—Treatment of existing clearing and settlement


1423 When is a clearing and settlement facility being operated

immediately before the FSR commencement?

Subject to section 1424, in this Subdivision, a reference to a

clearing and settlement facility being operated immediately before

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the FSR commencement is a reference to a clearing and settlement

facility that had not permanently ceased to operate before the FSR

commencement, even if the clearing and settlement of transactions

by means of the facility was not actually occurring immediately

before the FSR commencement (for example, because of a routine

temporary closure of the facility).

1424 Treatment of proposed clearing and settlement facilities that

have not started to operate by the FSR commencement

(1) This section applies in relation to any proposed clearing and

settlement facilities identified in, or in accordance with, regulations

made for the purposes of this subsection. For this purpose, a

proposed clearing and settlement facility is a clearing and

settlement facility that a person has, before the FSR

commencement, indicated an intention that they propose to


(2) This Subdivision applies in relation to a proposed clearing and

settlement facility to which this section applies subject to the

following paragraphs:

(a) subject to paragraphs (b), (c) and (d), this Subdivision applies

in relation to the proposed facility as if the facility, as

proposed to be operated, were in fact being operated

immediately before the FSR commencement;

(b) if, taking account of the effect of paragraph (a), section 1425

applies in relation to the proposed facility, that section

applies in relation to the proposed facility:

(i) as if the Minister’s obligation to grant a licence, and

impose conditions, under subsection 1425(2) in relation

to the proposed facility does not arise unless and until

the facility operator lodges with ASIC a notice in

relation to the facility under subsection (3) of this

section, and does not arise at all if no such notice is

given to ASIC by the end of 6 months after the FSR

commencement; and

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Section 1424

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(ii) as if subsection 1425(3) provided for a licence so

granted under subsection 1425(2) in relation to the

facility, and the conditions subject to which it is

granted, to be taken to have had effect from the day (the

start day) specified in the subsection (3) notice as the

day on which the facility started to operate; and

(iii) as if subsection 1425(6) were omitted; and

(iv) as if the references in subsection 1425(8) to the FSR

commencement were instead references to the start day;

(c) if:

(i) taking account of the effect of paragraph (a),

section 1429 applies to the proposed facility; and

(ii) the facility operator does not lodge with ASIC a notice

in relation to the facility under subsection (3) of this

section by the end of 6 months after the FSR


that section ceases to apply in relation to the proposed facility

at the end of that period;

(d) if a provision of this Subdivision provides for a provision of

the old Corporations Act to continue to apply in relation to

the proposed facility, then (without limiting the generality of

subsection 1410(3)), while the proposed facility remains

non-operational, the provision of the old Corporations Act

only applies in relation to the proposed facility to the extent

(if any) to which it would, disregarding the effect of

paragraph (a), apply in relation to the proposed facility.

(3) If a proposed clearing and settlement facility to which this section

applies starts to operate on a day during the period of 6 months

starting on the FSR commencement, the operator must, as soon as

practicable, and in any event within 7 days, lodge with ASIC

written notice of the fact that the facility started to operate on that


Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

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Transitional provisions relating to the phasing-in of the new financial services regime

Division 1

Section 1424A

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(4) ASIC must, within a reasonable time, give the Minister a notice it

receives under subsection (3).

1424A Treatment of unregulated clearing and settlement facilities

operated by holders of old Corporations Act approvals

(1) This section applies in relation to a clearing and settlement facility


(a) the facility was being operated immediately before the FSR

commencement by a body corporate in relation to which an

approval under section 1131 of the old Corporations Act was

in force at that time; but

(b) the services provided by the facility as so operated were not

such that section 1128 of the old Corporations Act required

the operator to be so approved.

(2) In this section:

(a) a reference to the unregulated services is a reference to the

services referred to in paragraph (1)(b); and

(b) a reference to regulated services is a reference to services

that, if they had been provided by the facility immediately

before the commencement, would have been services to

which section 1128 of the old Corporations Act applied.

(3) For the purposes of section 1425 (as it operates of its own force,

rather than because of section 1424), the facility is not to be

regarded as a facility that was being operated immediately before

the FSR commencement.

(4) If the operator has, before the FSR commencement, indicated an

intention that they propose to extend the services provided by the

facility so that they also cover regulated services:

(a) regulations made for the purposes of subsection 1424(1) may

identify the facility as a proposed clearing and settlement

facility, but only in relation to those regulated services; and

(b) if they do so, section 1424, and section 1425 as it applies

because of section 1424, apply in relation to the facility and

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Section 1425

72 Corporations Act 2001

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those regulated services as if the facility did not already

provide the unregulated services.

1425 Obligation of Minister to grant licences covering main existing


(1) This section applies to each clearing and settlement facility being

operated immediately before the FSR commencement in relation to

which either of the following paragraphs applies:

(a) the facility was being operated by the body corporate that

was, for the purposes of the old Corporations Act, the

securities clearing house;

(b) the facility was being operated by a body corporate in

relation to which an approval (the section 1131 approval)

under section 1131 of the old Corporations Act was in force

at that time.

(2) Subject to subsections (3) and (4), the Minister must, in relation to

each clearing and settlement facility to which this section applies,

grant the operator of the facility a licence, and impose conditions

on that licence, in accordance with the following requirements:

(a) the licence must be described as an Australian CS facility


(b) the licence must be granted subject to the following


(i) a condition specifying the facility as the facility that the

licence authorises the licensee to operate;

(ii) a condition specifying, as the classes of financial

products in respect of which the facility can provide

services, the classes that are appropriate for the facility

under subsection (5);

(iii) in the case of a facility to which paragraph (1)(b)

applies—a condition to the effect that the licence only

covers the facility providing services for the market or

markets that were covered by the section 1131 approval.

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Section 1425

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(3) Subject to subsection (6), a licence that subsection (2) requires to

be granted must be granted on, or as soon as practicable after, the

FSR commencement. If it is granted after the FSR commencement,

it, and the conditions subject to which it is granted, are taken to

have had effect from that commencement.

(4) Sections 824D (more than one licence in the same document) and

824E (more than one CS facility covered by the same licence) of

the amended Corporations Act apply in relation to the granting of

licences, and licences granted, under this section as if the licences

were, or were being, granted under section 824B of that Act. If,

pursuant to section 824E, a single licence is granted under this

section in respect of several separate facilities, paragraph (2)(b) of

this section must be complied with separately in the licence

document in relation to each of those facilities.

(5) For the purposes of subparagraph (2)(b)(ii), the classes of financial

products that are appropriate for a facility to which this section

applies are as follows:

(a) for a facility described in paragraph (1)(a)—securities, within

the meaning of section 92 of the old Corporations Act as

applying for the purposes of Part 7.2 of the old Corporations

Act, and agreements of a kind to which section 92A of the

old Corporations Act applied immediately before the FSR

commencement (or would have applied after the FSR

commencement if that section, and any associated provisions,

had continued to have effect);

(b) for a facility described in paragraph (1)(b)—futures

contracts, within the meaning of section 72 of the old

Corporations Act, and agreements of a kind to which

section 72A of the old Corporations Act applied immediately

before the FSR commencement (or would have applied after

the FSR commencement if that section, and any associated

provisions, had continued to have effect).

(6) Despite anything in subsection (3), the Minister may, under this

section, grant a licence, and impose conditions on the licence, at

any time during the period starting on the commencement of this

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Section 1426

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section and ending on the FSR commencement on the basis that

matters known to the Minister in relation to the clearing and

settlement facility concerned will continue to be the case up to the

FSR commencement. If the Minister does so:

(a) the licence and conditions come into effect on the FSR

commencement, and not before; and

(b) the Minister may vary or revoke the licence, or any of the

conditions, before the FSR commencement if the Minister

considers it appropriate to do so having regard to the

provisions of this section concerning the granting of licences

and the imposition of conditions; and

(c) the licence and conditions do not come into effect on the FSR

commencement if, immediately before the FSR

commencement, the facility is not a clearing and settlement

facility to which this section applies.

(7) If the Minister grants a licence under this section, the Minister

must give the operator of the clearing and settlement facility

written notice of:

(a) the grant of the licence, and the conditions imposed on the

licence; and

(b) any subsequent revocation or variation under subsection (6)

of the licence or conditions.

(8) A notice advising of the grant of a licence under this section must

contain a statement to the effect that the licence and conditions will

not take effect until the FSR commencement, or will be taken to

have had effect from the FSR commencement, as the case requires.

1426 Section 1425 facilities—effect of licences and conditions

(1) Subject to subsections (2) to (4):

(a) a licence granted under section 1425 that authorises the

operation of a facility is, for the purposes of the amended

Corporations Act (other than this section), taken to have been

granted (and to have been properly granted) under

section 824B of the amended Corporations Act; and

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Section 1426

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(b) conditions imposed under section 1425 on the licence are, for

the purposes of the amended Corporations Act (other than

this section), taken to have been imposed (and to have been

properly imposed) under section 825A of the amended

Corporations Act.

Note 1: Section 824C of the amended Corporations Act (publication of notice

of licence grant) applies to the grant of the licence.

Note 2: The conditions may be varied or revoked, and additional conditions

may be imposed, under section 825A of the amended Corporations


(2) Section 822A of the amended Corporations Act does not apply in

relation to the facility during the period (the transition period)

starting on the FSR commencement and ending on whichever of

the following first occurs:

(a) the end of the period of 2 years starting on the FSR


(b) conditions on the licence are varied or revoked, or additional

conditions are imposed on the licence, pursuant to an

application by the licensee under subsection 825A(2) of the

amended Corporations Act.

(3) The annual report of the licensee (see section 821E of the amended

Corporations Act) for a financial year in which part of the

transition period occurs, other than a financial year in which the

transition period ends, must include information about:

(a) the steps taken in the year; and

(b) the steps proposed to be taken in the next year;

to ensure that section 822A of the amended Corporations Act will

be complied with by the time the transition period ends.

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Section 1427

76 Corporations Act 2001

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1427 Section 1425 facilities—powers for regulations to change how

the old and new Corporations Act apply during the

transition period

(1) The regulations may do either or both of the following in relation

to a clearing and settlement facility the operation of which is

authorised by a licence granted under section 1425:

(a) provide that section 822A of the amended Corporations Act,

and any associated provisions, apply in relation to the facility

during some or all the transition period for the facility;

(b) provide that specified provisions of the amended

Corporations Act (including section 822A), and any

associated provisions, apply in relation to the facility during

some or all of the transition period for the facility with

specified modifications.

(2) Regulations made for the purposes of subsection (1) have effect

despite anything in section 1426.

1428 Section 1425 facilities—additional provisions relating to

previously unregulated services

(1) This section applies to a clearing and settlement facility in relation

to which the following paragraphs are satisfied:

(a) a licence is granted under section 1425 to the operator of the

facility; and

(b) the conditions on the licence specify, as the classes of

financial products in respect of which the facility can provide

services, the classes of financial products specified in

whichever of paragraphs 1425(5)(a) and (b) is applicable;


(c) the facility also, immediately before the commencement,

provided services in respect of one or more other classes of

financial products (the additional products) and the fact that

it did so did not constitute a contravention of a provision of

the old Corporations Act.

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Division 1

Section 1429

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(2) Subject to subsection (3), section 820A of the amended

Corporations Act does not apply in relation to the facility in so far

as it provides services in respect of all or any of the additional

products during the period (the transition period) starting on the

FSR commencement and ending on whichever of the following

first occurs:

(a) the end of the period of 2 years starting on the FSR


(b) conditions on the licence are varied or revoked, or additional

conditions are imposed on the licence, pursuant to an

application by the licensee under subsection 825A(2) of the

amended Corporations Act.

(3) The regulations may provide that specified provisions of the

amended Corporations Act (including section 820A), and any

associated provisions, apply in relation to a clearing and settlement

facility to which this section applies, and its provision of services

in respect of all or any of the additional products, during some or

all of the transition period for the facility and the products with

specified modifications.

1429 Treatment of other clearing and settlement facilities

(1) This section applies to each clearing and settlement facility being

operated immediately before the FSR commencement in relation to

which both of the following paragraphs are satisfied:

(a) the clearing and settlement facility is not a facility to which

section 1425 applies;

(b) section 1128 of the old Corporations Act did not,

immediately before the FSR commencement, require the

operator of the facility to be a person approved under

section 1131.

(2) Subject to subsection (3), section 820A of the amended

Corporations Act does not apply in relation to the facility during

the period (the transition period) starting on the FSR

commencement and ending on whichever of the following first


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Section 1430

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(a) the end of the period of 2 years starting on the FSR


(b) the operator of the facility is granted a licence under

section 824B of the amended Corporations Act covering the


(c) the Minister makes an exemption under section 820C of the

amended Corporations Act covering the facility;

(d) the facility starts to provide services in respect of a class or

classes of financial products in respect of which it did not

provide services immediately before the FSR


(3) The regulations may provide that specified provisions of the

amended Corporations Act (including section 820A), and any

associated provisions, apply in relation to a clearing and settlement

facility to which this section applies during some or all of the

transition period for the facility with specified modifications.

Subdivision D—Treatment of people who carry on financial

services businesses and their representatives

1430 Meaning of regulated principal, regulated activities and relevant

old legislation

(1) For the purposes of this Subdivision, a person is a regulated

principal if, immediately before the FSR commencement, the

person is a person described in column 2 of one of the items in the

following table. The regulated activities of that person are as

specified in column 3 of that item, and the relevant old legislation

are as specified in column 4 of that item.

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Division 1

Section 1430

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Regulated principals and regulated activities

Item These persons are

regulated principals

These are the

regulated principal’s

regulated activities

This is the relevant old

legislation (if any)

1 A holder of a dealers

licence within the

meaning of the old

Corporations Act.

The activities that the

licence (as in force

immediately before the

FSR commencement)

authorised the person

to carry on.

Parts 7.3, 7.4 (other than

Division 2), 7.5, 7.6 and

7.7 of the old Corporations

Act, and any associated


2 A holder of an

investment advisers

licence within the

meaning of the old

Corporations Act.

The activities that the

licence (as in force

immediately before the

FSR commencement)

authorised the person

to carry on.

Parts 7.3, 7.4 (other than

Division 2) and 7.7 of the

old Corporations Act, and

any associated provisions.

3 A holder of a futures

brokers licence within

the meaning of the old

Corporations Act.

The activities that the

licence (as in force

immediately before the

FSR commencement)

authorised the person

to carry on.

Parts 8.3, 8.4 (other than

section 1210) and 8.5 of

the old Corporations Act,

and any associated


4 A holder of a futures

advisers licence within

the meaning of the old

Corporations Act.

The activities that the

licence (as in force

immediately before the

FSR commencement)

authorised the person

to carry on.

Parts 8.3 and 8.4 (other

than section 1210) of the

old Corporations Act, and

any associated provisions.

5 A registered insurance

broker within the

meaning of the

Insurance (Agents and

Brokers) Act 1984 as in

force immediately

before the FSR


The person’s business

as an insurance broker

within the meaning of

the Insurance (Agents

and Brokers) Act 1984

as in force immediately

before the FSR


All the provisions of the

Insurance (Agents and

Brokers) Act 1984 as in

force immediately before

the FSR commencement,

and any associated


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Part 10.2 Transitional provisions relating to the Financial Services Reform Act 2001

Division 1 Transitional provisions relating to the phasing-in of the new financial

services regime

Section 1430

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Regulated principals and regulated activities

Item These persons are

regulated principals

These are the

regulated principal’s

regulated activities

This is the relevant old

legislation (if any)

6 A body regulated by

APRA carrying on

activities that, if carried

on after the FSR

commencement, would

(apart from this

Subdivision) be

required by the

amended Corporations

Act to be covered by an

Australian financial

services licence.

The class of activities

carried on by the

person immediately

before the FSR

commencement that, if

carried on after the

FSR commencement,

would (apart from this

Subdivision) be

required by the

amended Corporations

Act to be covered by an

Australian financial

services licence.

For a body regulated by

APRA that was an insurer

within the meaning of the

Insurance (Agents and

Brokers) Act 1984 as in

force immediately before

the FSR commencement—

all the provisions of that

Act as then in force, and

any associated provisions.

In any other case—subject

to any regulations made

for the purposes of this

item, there is no relevant

old legislation.

7 A person who is a

registered foreign

insurance agent of an

unauthorised foreign

insurer within the

meaning of the

Insurance (Agents and

Brokers) Act 1984 as in

force immediately

before the FSR


The person’s business

as a foreign insurance


All the provisions of the

Insurance (Agents and

Brokers) Act 1984 as in

force immediately before

the FSR commencement,

and any associated


8 A holder of a general

authority under

regulation 38A of the

Banking (Foreign

Exchange) Regulations

as in force immediately

before the FSR


The activities the

authority authorises its

holder to carry on.

Regulations 38A and 39 of

the Banking (Foreign

Exchange) Regulations as

in force immediately

before the FSR


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Transitional provisions relating to the phasing-in of the new financial services regime

Division 1

Section 1430

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Regulated principals and regulated activities

Item These persons are

regulated principals

These are the

regulated principal’s

regulated activities

This is the relevant old

legislation (if any)

9 A person included in a

class of persons

specified in regulations

made for the purposes

of this item.

For a person in a class

so specified, the

activities identified in,

or in accordance with,

the regulations as being

the regulated activities

of a person in that


The provisions (if any)

identified in, or in

accordance with, the

regulations as being the

relevant old legislation for

a person in that class, and

any associated provisions.

10 A person who carries

on any other activities

(that is, activities that

are not regulated

activities for the

purposes of any of

items 1 to 9) that, if

carried on after the

FSR commencement,

would (apart from this

Subdivision) be

required by the

amended Corporations

Act to be covered by an

Australian financial

services licence, except

to the extent that

subsection (2) excludes

this item from


The class of activities

so carried on by the

person immediately

before the FSR

commencement that, if

carried on after the

FSR commencement,

would (apart from this

Subdivision) be

required by the

amended Corporations

Act to be covered by an

Australian financial

services licence.

There is no relevant old


(2) Item 10 of the table in subsection (1) does not apply to a person

and activities they carry on to the extent that the person’s carrying

on of any of those activities is in contravention of any of the

provisions of the relevant old legislation for any of the other

categories of regulated principals.

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Section 1431

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(3) If a person is a regulated principal of 2 or more different kinds, this

Subdivision applies separately in relation to the person in their

capacity as a regulated principal of each of those kinds.

Note: This may result (depending on what action the regulated principal

takes) in a regulated principal having to comply with the relevant new

legislation (within the meaning of subsection 1431(1)) in respect of

their activities as a regulated principal of one kind, but, at the same

time, having to comply with the relevant old legislation in respect of

their activities as a regulated principal of another kind.

1431 Parts 7.6, 7.7 and 7.8 of the amended Corporations Act

generally do not apply to a regulated principal during the

transition period

(1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), Parts 7.6 (other than

Subdivisions A and B of Division 4, and Division 5), 7.7 and 7.8

(other than section 992A) of the amended Corporations Act (the

relevant new legislation) do not apply to a regulated principal and

their regulated activities during the period (the transition period)

starting on the FSR commencement and ending when the first of

the following events occurs:

(a) the period of 2 years starting on the FSR commencement


(b) the regulated principal is granted a licence under

section 913B of the amended Corporations Act that covers

their regulated activities;

(c) the regulated principal starts to be covered by an exemption

under subsection 911A(2) of the amended Corporations Act

(or would start to be so covered if that subsection applied) in

respect of their regulated activities;

(d) the regulated principal ceases (for whatever reason) to have

the status that made them a regulated principal.

For the purposes of paragraph (d), having a status includes holding

a licence, registration, approval or other similar thing, or carrying

on particular activities.

Note 1: Because of section 1441, a regulated principal whose transition period

has not ended (and so who is not required to comply with the relevant

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Division 1

Section 1431

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new legislation) may nonetheless be required to comply with

obligations under Part 7.9 of the amended Corporations Act.

Note 2: For the treatment of representatives, see section 1436.

(2) Division 5 of Part 7.6 of the amended Corporations Act has effect

in relation to a regulated principal during the transition period

subject to the following paragraphs:

(a) the regulated principal may give and revoke authorisations

under section 916A or consents under subsection 916B(3) as

if the regulated principal were a financial services licensee,

however, for the purposes of the provisions of the amended

Corporations Act outside that Division, such an authorisation

or consent is taken not to have effect unless and until the

regulated principal is granted a licence under section 913B of

the amended Corporations Act that covers the activities to

which the authorisation or consent relates (whether or not it

also covers other activities);

(b) a person authorised by a section 916A authorisation so made

by the regulated principal may give and revoke authorisations

under subsection 916B(3) as if they were an authorised

representative and the regulated principal were the

authorising financial services licensee, however, for the

purposes of the provisions of the amended Corporations Act

outside that Division, such an authorisation is taken not to

have effect unless and until the regulated principal is granted

a licence under section 913B of the amended Corporations

Act that covers the activities to which the authorisation

relates (whether or not it also covers other activities);

(c) the regulated principal may give and revoke consents under

section 916C as if they were a financial service licensee,

however, any such consent does not take effect unless and

until the regulated principal is granted a licence under

section 913B of the amended Corporations Act;

(d) section 916F applies in relation to an authorisation so made

by the regulated principal during the transition period as if

the period of 15 business days referred to in

subsections 916F(1) and (1A) did not start unless and until

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Section 1432

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the regulated principal is granted a licence under

section 913B of the amended Corporations Act that covers

the activities to which the authorisation relates (whether or

not it also covers other activities), and section 916F does not

apply at all in relation to revocations so made during the

transition period.

(3) If, before paragraph (1)(a) or (d) occurs:

(a) the regulated principal is granted a licence under

section 913B of the amended Corporations Act that covers

some only (the relevant part) of their regulated activities; or

(b) the regulated principal starts to be covered by an exemption

under subsection 911A(2) of the amended Corporations Act

in respect of some only (the relevant part) of their regulated


the relevant new legislation starts applying, from that time, to the

relevant part of the regulated principal’s regulated activities, and

subsection (1) continues to apply to the person as if the regulated

principal’s regulated activities did not include the relevant part.

(4) Subsection (3) has effect subject to subsection 1430(3).

1432 Continued application of relevant old legislation

(1) Subject to subsection (2), during the transition period for a

regulated principal, the relevant old legislation (if any) continues to

apply, despite its repeal:

(a) to, and in relation to, the regulated principal and their

regulated activities; and

(b) to any other person to whom it is expressed to apply, but only

in relation to matters related to the regulated principal and

their regulated activities.

Note: So, for example, people may continue to be appointed as agents or

representatives of the regulated principal (or to have those

appointments varied or revoked) during the transition period under

provisions of the relevant old legislation that deal with such matters.

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Transitional provisions relating to the phasing-in of the new financial services regime

Division 1

Section 1433

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(2) If, because of subsection 1431(2), the relevant new legislation

(within the meaning of subsection 1431(1)) starts to apply to part

of a person’s regulated activities from a particular time, the

relevant old legislation (if any) stops applying, from that time, in

relation to that part of those activities.

1433 Streamlined licensing procedure for certain regulated


(1) This section applies to the following regulated principals:

(a) a regulated principal of a kind referred to in any of items 1 to

5 of the table in subsection 1430(1), but not including anyone

who is:

(i) an exempted participant for the purposes of

section 1419; or

(ii) in a class of persons specified in, or identified in

accordance with, regulations made for the purposes of

subsection (3);

(b) a regulated principal of a kind referred to in item 9 of that

table who:

(i) is in a class of persons specified in regulations made for

the purposes of this subparagraph; and

(ii) is not in a class of persons specified in, or identified in

accordance with, regulations made for the purposes of

subsection (3).

(2) If:

(a) a regulated principal to whom this section applies, before the

end of their transition period, applies (in accordance with

section 913A of the amended Corporations Act) for a licence

covering some or all of their regulated activities (but no other

activities); and

(b) their application includes a statement (in accordance with the

requirements of the application form) to the effect that they

will, if granted the licence, comply with their obligations as a

financial services licensee;

the following provisions apply:

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(c) section 913B of the amended Corporations Act applies to

their application as if paragraphs 913B(1)(b), (c), (ca) and

(d), and subsections 913B(2) to (5), were omitted; and

(d) the licence condition required by subsection 914A(6) of the

amended Corporations Act in relation to a licence granted

pursuant to their application must specify, as the financial

services that the licensee is authorised to provide, financial

services that equate (as closely as possible) to the regulated

activities in respect of which the application was made.

Note 1: Paragraph (c) does not limit the matters that can be taken into account

under section 915C (suspension or cancellation after offering a

hearing) in relation to a licence that has been granted under

section 913B as it applies because of this section.

Note 2: The condition referred to in paragraph (d), as with any other

conditions imposed on the licence under section 914A of the amended

Corporations Act, is subject to variation or revocation in accordance

with that section.

(3) The regulations may identify classes of persons, or provide for the

identification of classes of persons, who are not to be covered by

this section.

1434 Special licences for insurance multi-agents during first 2 years

after FSR commencement

(1) For the purposes of this section, a person is an insurance

multi-agent at a particular time if, at that time:

(a) the person is an insurance intermediary (but not an insurance

broker), within the meaning of the Insurance (Agents and

Brokers) Act 1984 as then in force; and

(b) the person has agreements with 2 or more different insurers

under section 10 of that Act.

(2) If:

(a) a person who, immediately before the FSR commencement,

is an insurance multi-agent applies in accordance with

section 913A of the amended Corporations Act for a licence,

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during the period of 2 years starting on the FSR

commencement; and

(b) the application is lodged at a time:

(i) when the person is still carrying on activities as agent

for one or more of the insurers with whom, immediately

before the FSR commencement, they had agreements as

mentioned in paragraph (1)(b); or

(ii) that is not more than 6 months after the person ceased to

so carry on activities as agent for any of those insurers;


(c) their application includes a statement (in accordance with the

requirements of the application form) to the effect that they

want this section to apply to their application;

the following provisions apply:

(d) section 913B of the amended Corporations Act applies to

their application as if the reference in paragraph 913B(1)(b)

to section 912A did not include the obligations under

paragraphs 912A(e) and (f);

(e) the licence condition required by subsection 914A(6) of the

amended Corporations Act in relation to a licence granted

pursuant to their application must specify, as the financial

services that the licensee is authorised to provide:

(i) providing financial product advice in relation to risk

insurance products and investment life insurance

products; and

(ii) dealing in risk insurance products and investment life

insurance products.

(3) If the application is granted, then:

(a) while the licence remains in force:

(i) paragraphs 912A(e) and (f) of the amended

Corporations Act do not apply to the licensee and the

financial services covered by the licence; and

(ii) sections 942B and 942C apply in relation to any

Financial Services Guide provided by the licensee or an

authorised representative of the licensee as if they

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included a requirement to include in the Guide a

statement that the licensee is not bound by the

obligations in paragraphs 912A(e) and (f) and that sets

out what those obligations are; and

(b) the licence conditions cannot be varied so that the licence

covers the licensee providing financial services other than

those referred to in paragraph (2)(e); and

(c) the licence ceases to be in force (unless earlier revoked) at

the end of the period of 2 years starting on the FSR


1435 Licensing decisions made within the first 2 years of the FSR

commencement—regard may be had to conduct and

experience of applicant or related body corporate that

currently provides same or similar services

(1) This section applies:

(a) if a person applies, during the period of 2 years starting on

the FSR commencement, under section 913A of the amended

Corporations Act for the grant of a licence covering the

provision of particular financial services (the relevant

financial services); and

(b) ASIC is aware that:

(i) the applicant; or

(ii) if the applicant is a body corporate—a related body

corporate of the applicant;

is currently (as at the time the application is being considered

by ASIC) providing services that are the same as, or similar

to, all or any of the relevant financial services.

(2) In considering the matters it is required by section 913B of the

amended Corporations Act to consider in deciding whether to grant

the licence, ASIC may (but is not required to) have regard to the

conduct and experience (including conduct and experience before

the FSR commencement) of the applicant, or the related body

corporate, in providing services that are the same as, or similar to,

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all or any of the relevant financial services (so far as ASIC is aware

of such conduct and experience).

(3) Subsection (2) is not intended to limit, by implication, the matters

that ASIC can take into account under section 913B of the

amended Corporations Act when considering whether to grant a

licence under that section (whether pursuant to an application to

which this section applies or otherwise).

1436 Treatment of representatives—general

(1) This section applies to a person who is a representative of a

regulated principal. For this purpose, a representative includes, but

is not limited to:

(a) an agent (however described) of the regulated principal; and

(b) an employee or director of the regulated principal; and

(c) any other person who, in accordance with the regulated

principal’s relevant old legislation as it continues to have

effect in relation to the regulated principal, is authorised to

carry on activities for or on behalf of the regulated principal.

(1A) However, if a person who, under subsection (1), would be the

representative of another person is a financial services licensee in

their own right, the licensee, when engaged in activities covered by

their licence, is taken not to be acting as representative of that other


(2) The following provisions apply in relation to a person who is a

representative of a regulated principal:

(a) during any period when, because of section 1431, the

relevant new legislation (within the meaning of

subsection 1431(1)) does not apply to the regulated principal

and particular regulated activities, the relevant new

legislation also does not apply to the representative when

they are acting as a representative of the regulated principal

in relation to any of those activities;

(b) during any period when, because of section 1432, relevant

old legislation continues to apply to the regulated principal

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Section 1436A

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and particular regulated activities, that legislation also

continues to apply to the representative when they are acting

as a representative of the regulated principal in relation to

any of those activities.

Note 1: If a person is a representative of 2 persons, this may result in the

person having to comply with the relevant new legislation in respect

of what they do as a representative of one of those persons but, at the

same time, having to comply with relevant old legislation in respect of

what they do as a representative of the other of those persons.

Note 2: If a person is a representative of another person who carries on 2

different sets of activities, being sets of activities in relation to which

there are separate applications of this Subdivision because of

subsection 1430(3), this may result in the person having to comply

with the relevant new legislation in respect of what they do in relation

to one of those sets of activities but, at the same time, having to

comply with relevant old legislation in respect of what they do in

relation to the other set of activities.

Note 3: Because of section 1441, a representative who is not required to

comply with the relevant new legislation may nonetheless be required

to comply with obligations under Part 7.9 of the amended

Corporations Act.

1436A Treatment of representatives—insurance agents

(1) This section has effect despite anything else in this Subdivision,

including sections 1436 and 1437.

(2) This section applies if, immediately before the FSR

commencement, a person is an insurance intermediary (but not an

insurance broker) within the meaning of the Insurance (Agents and

Brokers) Act 1984 as then in force because of an agreement they

have with an insurer under section 10 of that Act. For the purposes

of this section:

(a) the person is the insurance agent; and

(b) the agreement is the authorising agreement; and

(c) the matters dealt with in the provisions included in the

agreement in compliance with section 10 of that Act, and any

other matters included in the agreement that are related to

those matters, are the relevant matters; and

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(d) the insurer is the principal.

If, immediately before the FSR commencement, the person has

more than one such agreement, this section applies separately in

relation to each of those agreements.

(3) For the purposes of this section, the transition period is the period

starting on the FSR commencement and ending when the first of

the following events occurs:

(a) the period of 2 years starting on the FSR commencement


(b) the authorising agreement ceases to be in force;

(c) the insurance agent has lodged with ASIC notice in writing

that the agent no longer wants to be covered by the Insurance

(Agents and Brokers) Act 1984:

(i) from a specified date, being a date that is after the notice

is given to ASIC; or

(ii) from the end of a specified period, being a period that

ends after the notice is given to ASIC;

and that date arrives or period ends;

(d) the insurance agent is granted a licence under section 913B

(including as it has effect because of section 1434) of the

amended Corporations Act that covers the insurance agent

engaging in (as licensee) the range of activities that they

previously engaged in as agent under the authorising


(4) A notice (the original notice) given for the purposes of

paragraph (3)(c) may before the date, or the end of the period,

specified in the original notice as mentioned in that paragraph:

(a) be varied to specify another date or period, being a date or

period that would satisfy the requirements of

subparagraph (3)(c)(i) or (ii) if the reference in that

subparagraph to when the notice (being the original notice) is

given to ASIC were instead a reference to when the notice of

variation is given to ASIC under this subsection; or

(b) be revoked.

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The variation or revocation must be made by notice in writing

lodged with ASIC.

(5) Subject to subsection (7), during the transition period, the

Insurance (Agents and Brokers) Act 1984 as in force immediately

before the FSR commencement, and any associated provisions,

(the relevant old legislation) continue to apply (despite the repeal

of that Act) to, and in relation to, the insurance agent, the principal

and the relevant matters.

(6) Subject to subsection (7), during the transition period, the relevant

new legislation (within the meaning of section 1431) does not

apply to, or in relation to, the insurance agent, the principal and the

relevant matters.

(7) Regulations made for the purposes of this subsection may do either

or both of the following:

(a) provide that specified provisions of the relevant old

legislation apply (with or without specified modifications), or

do not apply, to the insurance agent, the principal and some

or all of the relevant matters;

(b) provide that specified provisions of the relevant new

legislation apply (with or without specified modifications), or

do not apply, to the insurance agent, the principal and some

or all of the relevant matters.

The regulations may provide as mentioned in paragraph (a) or (b)

even after the end of the transition period.

(8) If:

(a) before the end of the transition period, or such longer period

during which regulations made for the purposes of

subsection (7) provide for the application of some or all of

the relevant old legislation, the insurance agent engages in

conduct that, under the authorising agreement as then in

force, creates a right to brokerage, commission or other

remuneration (which may be a present right, or a future right

that is dependent on matters specified in the authorising

agreement); and

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(b) that right is still in existence immediately before the end of

that period;

the right is not taken to be brought to an end merely because of the

repeal of the relevant old legislation or the enactment of the

relevant new legislation, or because under this section the relevant

old legislation ceases to apply and the relevant new legislation

starts to apply.

(9) Subsection (8) is not intended to affect, in any way, the

determination of the question whether any other right (whether or

not it is under an agreement under section 10 of the Insurance

(Agents and Brokers) Act 1984) is in any way affected by the

provisions of the Financial Services Reform Act 2001 or the

Financial Services Reform (Consequential Provisions) Act 2001

(including the amendments made by those Acts).

1437 Exemptions and modifications by ASIC

(1) This section applies to the following provisions:

(a) the provisions of this Subdivision (other than section 1436A)

and any associated provisions;

(b) the provisions of legislation that continues to apply because

of subsection 1432(1) or 1436(3).

(2) ASIC may:

(a) exempt a person or a class of persons from some or all of the

provisions to which this section applies; or

(b) declare that some or all of the provisions to which this

section applies apply in relation to a person or a class of

persons as if the provisions were modified or varied as

specified in the declaration.

(3) A declaration under paragraph (2)(b) may provide for the

continued application (with or without modifications, and to the

exclusion of provisions of the amended Corporations Act) of

provisions referred to in paragraph (1)(b), even after the end of the

period of 2 years starting on the FSR commencement.

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(4) An exemption may apply unconditionally or subject to specified

conditions. A person to whom a condition specified in an

exemption applies must comply with the condition. The Court may

order the person to comply with the condition in a specified way.

Only ASIC may apply to the Court for the order.

(5) An exemption or declaration must be in writing and ASIC must

publish notice of it in the Gazette.

(6) If conduct (including an omission) of a person would not constitute

an offence if a particular declaration under paragraph (2)(b) had

not been made, that conduct does not constitute an offence unless,

before the conduct occurred (in addition to complying with the

gazettal requirement of subsection (5)):

(a) the text of the declaration was made available by ASIC on

the internet; or

(b) ASIC gave written notice setting out the text of the

declaration to the person.

In a prosecution for an offence to which this subsection applies, the

prosecution must prove that paragraph (a) or (b) was complied with

before the conduct occurred.

Subdivision E—Product disclosure requirements

1438 New product disclosure provisions do not apply to existing

products during transition period

(1) This section applies to all financial products issued by a person,

other than financial products in a class of products that are first

issued by the person after the FSR commencement.

(2) For the purposes of this section, the new product disclosure

provisions in relation to a financial product to which this section

applies are the provisions of Part 7.9 of the amended Corporations

Act that, apart from this section, would apply in relation to the

financial product (whether those provisions apply to the issuer of

the product or to another person or persons), other than the

following provisions:

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(a) section 1017C (information for existing holders of

superannuation products and RSA products);

(b) section 1017DA (trustees of superannuation entities—

regulations may specify additional obligations to provide

information), and regulations made for the purposes of that


(c) section 1017E (dealing with money received for financial

product before the product is issued);

(d) section 1017F (confirming transactions);

(e) sections 1019A and 1019B (cooling-off period for return of

financial product);

(ea) Division 5A (unsolicited offers to purchase financial

products off-market);

(f) sections 1020B and 1020C (short selling of securities,

managed investment products and certain other financial


(g) section 1020D (Part cannot be contracted out of).

(3) Subject to subsection (4), the new product disclosure provisions do

not apply in relation to a financial product to which this section

applies during the period (the transition period) starting on the

FSR commencement and ending on whichever of the following

first occurs:

(a) the end of the period of 2 years starting on the FSR


(b) the date specified in a notice lodged with ASIC by the issuer

of the product that relates to the product, or a class of

financial products that includes the product, and that satisfies

the following requirements:

(i) the notice must indicate that the issuer of the product

wants the new product disclosure provisions to apply in

relation to the product from a date specified in the


(ii) the date specified in the notice is the FSR

commencement or a later date;

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(iii) the date specified in the notice is at least 28 days after

the notice is lodged with ASIC.

Note 1: A notice under paragraph (b) may be lodged during the period

between the commencement of this section and the FSR

commencement, or it may be lodged after the FSR commencement.

Note 2: Subject to Division 2, the provisions covered by paragraphs (2)(a) to

(f) apply from the FSR commencement in relation to all financial

products to which they purport to apply.

(4) If the date specified in a notice lodged with ASIC in accordance

with paragraph (3)(b) is the FSR commencement, there is no

transition period in relation to the financial product or products to

which the notice relates.

(5) A notice (the first notice) lodged with ASIC in accordance with

paragraph (3)(b):

(a) may, by a further notice lodged with ASIC, be varied to

specify a different date (the new date), but only if:

(i) that further notice is lodged with ASIC at least 28 days

before the date specified in the first notice; and

(ii) the new date is at least 28 days after that further notice

is lodged with ASIC; and

(b) may, by a further notice lodged with ASIC, be revoked, but

only if that further notice is lodged with ASIC at least 28

days before the date specified in the first notice.

A date that was specified in a notice before its variation or

revocation in accordance with this subsection is to be disregarded

for the purposes of the other provisions of this section.

(6) If the issuer of a financial product lodges a notice with ASIC in

accordance with paragraph (3)(b) that covers the product, the issuer

must comply with any applicable requirements determined, by

legislative instrument, by ASIC for the purposes of this subsection

in relation to the following matters:

(a) informing people about the notice and its significance; and

(b) informing people about any subsequent variation or

revocation of the notice.

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Note: Failure to comply with this subsection is an offence (see

subsection 1311(1)).

(7) A determination by ASIC for the purposes of subsection (6):

(b) may cover all financial products or one or more classes of

financial products; and

(c) may make different provision in relation to different classes

of financial products.

(8) Subject to the regulations, ASIC must take reasonable steps to

ensure that, during the period of 2 years starting on the FSR

commencement, information is available:

(a) on the internet; and

(b) at offices of ASIC;

about notices that have been lodged in accordance with

paragraph (3)(b). The information must be updated to take account

of variations and revocations of such notices.

1439 Offences against new product disclosure provisions—

additional element for prosecution to prove if conduct

occurs after opting-in and before the end of the first 2


(1) If:

(a) conduct in relation to a financial product that would (apart

from this section) constitute an offence against, or based on,

any of the new product disclosure provisions occurred at a


(i) during the period of 2 years starting on the FSR

commencement; and

(ii) after the date specified in a notice lodged in relation to

the product in accordance with paragraph 1438(3)(b);


(b) the new product disclosure provisions started to apply in

relation to the product from the date specified in the notice;

the conduct constitutes an offence against that provision only if (in

addition to the other elements of the offence), either:

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(c) the person knew that, or was reckless as to whether, the

product issuer had lodged a notice under that paragraph that

specified that date; or

(d) the person did not know that, and was not reckless as to

whether, the product issuer had lodged a notice under that

paragraph that specified that date, but the conduct would

have contravened the provisions referred to in section 1440

that would have applied to and in relation to the product if

those provisions had still applied when the conduct occurred.

(2) In this section:

conduct means an act, an omission to perform an act or a state of


1440 Continued application of certain provisions of old disclosure

regimes during transition period

During the transition period (if any) for a financial product, the

following provisions continue to apply, despite their repeal or

amendment, to and in relation to the financial product:

(a) if the product is a managed investment product—all the

provisions of Chapter 6D of the old Corporations Act, other

than section 722 of that Act, and any associated provisions;

(b) if the product is a derivative—section 1210 of the old

Corporations Act, and any associated provisions;

(c) if the product is a superannuation product—the following

provisions, and any associated provisions:

(i) section 153, and all the provisions of Divisions 3 and 4

of Part 19, of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision)

Act 1993 as in force immediately before the FSR


(ii) the section 153A of that Act that was provided for in

Modification Declaration no. 15 as in force immediately

before the FSR commencement, being a declaration of

modification made under section 332 of that Act;

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(d) if the product is an RSA product—section 51, and all the

provisions of Divisions 4 and 5 of Part 5, of the Retirement

Savings Accounts Act 1997 as in force immediately before

the FSR commencement, and any associated provisions;

(e) if the product is an insurance product—sections 71A and 73

of the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 as in force immediately

before the FSR commencement, and any associated


1441 Certain persons who are not yet covered by Parts 7.6, 7.7 and

7.8 of the amended Corporations Act are required to

comply with Part 7.9 obligations as if they were regulated


From the time from which the new product disclosure provisions

start to apply in relation to a particular financial product, the

following persons must comply with those provisions in relation to

that product, as if they were regulated persons as defined in

section 1011B of the amended Corporations Act, even though they

are not yet subject, or fully subject, to Parts 7.6, 7.7 and 7.8 of that


(a) a regulated principal;

(b) a representative (as defined in section 1436) of a regulated

principal; or

(c) an insurance agent (as defined in section 1436A).

1442 Exemptions and modifications by ASIC

(1) This section applies to the following provisions:

(a) the provisions of this Subdivision and any associated


(b) the provisions that continue to apply because of section 1440.

(2) ASIC may:

(a) exempt a person or a class of persons, or a financial product

or class of financial products, from some or all of the

provisions to which this section applies; or

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(b) declare that some or all of the provisions to which this

section applies apply in relation to a person or a class of

persons, or a financial product or class of financial products,

as if the provisions were modified or varied as specified in

the declaration.

(3) A declaration under paragraph (2)(b) may provide for the

continued application (with or without modifications, and to the

exclusion of provisions of the amended Corporations Act) of

provisions referred to in paragraph (1)(b), even after the end of the

period of 2 years starting on the FSR commencement.

(4) An exemption may apply unconditionally or subject to specified

conditions. A person to whom a condition specified in an

exemption applies must comply with the condition. The Court may

order the person to comply with the condition in a specified way.

Only ASIC may apply to the Court for the order.

(5) An exemption or declaration must be in writing and ASIC must

publish notice of it in the Gazette.

(6) If conduct (including an omission) of a person would not constitute

an offence if a particular declaration under paragraph (2)(b) had

not been made, that conduct does not constitute an offence unless,

before the conduct occurred (in addition to complying with the

gazettal requirement of subsection (5)):

(a) the text of the declaration was made available by ASIC on

the internet; or

(b) ASIC gave written notice setting out the text of the

declaration to the person.

In a prosecution for an offence to which this subsection applies, the

prosecution must prove that paragraph (a) or (b) was complied with

before the conduct occurred.

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Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transitional provisions relating to the Financial Services Reform Act 2001 Part 10.2

Transitional provisions relating to the phasing-in of the new financial services regime

Division 1

Section 1442A

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Subdivision F—Certain other product-related requirements

1442A Deferred application of hawking prohibition

(1) For the purposes of this section, the transition period is the period

starting on the FSR commencement and ending on whichever of

the following first occurs:

(a) the day fixed by Proclamation for the purposes of this


(b) the end of the period of 6 months starting on the FSR


(2) Regulations made for the purposes of this section may provide for

specified provisions of legislation that is repealed by the Financial

Services Reform Act 2001 or the Financial Services Reform

(Consequential Provisions) Act 2001, being provisions that deal

with the same or a similar matter as that dealt with in section 992A

of the amended Corporations Act, to continue to apply (whether

with or without specified modifications) during the transition


(3) During the transition period, section 992A of the amended

Corporations Act does not apply to any person, except to the extent

(if any) provided for in regulations made for the purposes of this


1442B Deferred application of confirmation of transaction and

cooling-off provisions etc.

(1) This section applies to all financial products issued by a person,

other than financial products in a class of products that are first

issued by the person after the FSR commencement.

(2) For the purposes of this section, the transition period, in relation to

a financial product to which this section applies, is the period

starting on the FSR commencement and ending on whichever of

the following first occurs:

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Part 10.2 Transitional provisions relating to the Financial Services Reform Act 2001

Division 1 Transitional provisions relating to the phasing-in of the new financial

services regime

Section 1442B

102 Corporations Act 2001

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(a) the day fixed by Proclamation for the purposes of this


(b) the end of the period of 6 months starting on the FSR


(c) the new product disclosure provisions (within the meaning of

section 1438) start to apply in relation to the product.

(3) Subject to subsection (5), the following provisions (the preserved

provisions), to the extent they are relevant to a financial product to

which this section applies, continue to apply, despite their repeal,

in relation to the financial product during the transition period:

(a) Division 6 of Part 19 of the Superannuation Industry

(Supervision) Act 1993, and any associated provisions;

(b) Division 7 of Part 5 of the Retirement Savings Accounts Act

1997, and any associated provisions;

(c) sections 64 and 64A of the Insurance Contracts Act 1984,

and any associated provisions;

(d) any other provisions specified in regulations made for the

purposes of this paragraph, and any associated provisions in

relation to provisions so specified.

(4) Subject to subsection (5), during the transition period, the

following provisions (the deferred provisions) of the amended

Corporations Act do not apply in relation to a financial product to

which this section applies:

(a) section 1017F;

(b) sections 1019A and 1019B;

(c) any other provisions of Part 7.9 of the amended Corporations

Act that are not part of the new product disclosure provisions

(within the meaning of section 1438) and that are specified in

regulations made for the purposes of this paragraph.

(5) Regulations made for the purposes of this subsection may do either

or both of the following:

(a) provide that specified provisions of the preserved provisions

apply (with or without specified modifications), or do not

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Transitional provisions relating to the Financial Services Reform Act 2001 Part 10.2

Transitional provisions relating to the phasing-in of the new financial services regime

Division 1

Section 1442B

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apply, in relation to a financial product to which this section


(b) provide that specified provisions of the deferred provisions

apply (with or without specified modifications), or do not

apply, in relation to a financial product to which this section


The regulations may provide as mentioned in paragraph (a) or (b)

even after the end of the transition period.

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Part 10.2 Transitional provisions relating to the Financial Services Reform Act 2001

Division 2 Other transitional provisions

Section 1443

104 Corporations Act 2001

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Division 2—Other transitional provisions

1443 Definitions

(1) In this Division:

amended Corporations Act has the same meaning as in Division 1.

class, in relation to financial products, has a meaning affected by

regulations made for the purposes of subsection (2).

FSR commencement has the same meaning as in Division 1.

law of the Commonwealth includes a reference to an instrument

made under such a law.

new legislation means relevant legislation as in force after the FSR


old legislation means relevant legislation as in force immediately

before the FSR commencement.

relevant amendments means the amendments made by:

(a) the Financial Services Reform Act 2001; and

(b) the Financial Services Reform (Consequential Provisions)

Act 2001.

relevant legislation means the following legislation:

(a) this Act;

(b) the Acts that are amended by the relevant amendments;

(c) regulations or other instruments made under Acts covered by

paragraph (a) or (b);

(d) any other law of the Commonwealth, or instrument made

under a law of the Commonwealth, identified in regulations

made for the purposes of this paragraph.

(2) The regulations may include provisions identifying, or providing

for the identification of, what constitutes a class of financial

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Other transitional provisions Division 2

Section 1444

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products for the purposes of a provision or provisions of this


1444 Regulations may deal with transitional, saving or application


(1) The regulations may deal with matters of a transitional, saving or

application nature relating to the relevant amendments and the

transition from the application of the old legislation to the

application of the new legislation. Regulations made for this

purpose may make such provision as is necessary to take account

of the fact that, because of Division 1, different provisions of the

amended Corporations Act start applying (and different provisions

of the old legislation stop applying) in relation to different people,

things and matters at different times.

(2) Regulations made for the purposes of this section are of no effect

to the extent that they are inconsistent with:

(a) a provision of Division 1; or

(b) a regulation or determination made under a provision of

Division 1, other than any such regulation or determination

(the other instrument) that is expressed to have effect subject

to anything in regulations made for the purposes of this

section (in which case, the other instrument is of no effect, to

the extent of the inconsistency).

(3) Without limiting subsection (1), the regulations may provide for a

matter to be dealt with, wholly or partly, in any of the following


(a) by applying (with or without modifications) to the matter:

(i) provisions of a law of the Commonwealth; or

(ii) provisions of a repealed or amended law of the

Commonwealth, in the form that those provisions took

before the repeal or amendment; or

(iii) a combination of provisions referred to in

subparagraphs (i) and (ii);

(b) by otherwise specifying rules for dealing with the matter;

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Division 2 Other transitional provisions

Section 1444

106 Corporations Act 2001

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(c) by specifying a particular consequence of the matter, or of an

outcome of the matter, for the purposes of a law of the


(4) Without limiting subsections (1) and (3), the regulations may

provide for the continued effect after the FSR commencement, for

the purposes of the new legislation, of a thing done or instrument

made, or a class of things done or instruments made, before the

FSR commencement, under or for the purposes of the old

legislation. In the case of an instrument, or class of instruments, the

regulations may (either when providing for the continued effect of

the instrument or instruments or at a later time) provide for the

instrument or instruments, as continuing to have effect, to have

effect subject to modifications.

(5) Without limiting subsection (4), regulations made for the purposes

of that subsection may permit all or any of the following matters to

be determined in writing by a specified person, or by a person

included in a specified class of persons:

(a) the identification of a thing done or instrument made, or a

class of things done or instruments made, that is to continue

to have effect;

(b) the purpose for which a thing done or instrument made, or a

class of things done or instruments made, is to continue to

have effect;

(c) any modifications subject to which an instrument made, or a

class of instruments made, is to continue to have effect.

(6) Despite subsections 12(2) and (3) of the Legislative Instruments

Act 2003, regulations made for the purposes of this section:

(a) may be expressed to take effect from a date before the

regulations are registered under that Act; and

(b) may provide for a determination of a kind referred to in

subsection (5) to take effect from a date before the

determination is made (including a date before the

regulations are registered under that Act).

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Other transitional provisions Division 2

Section 1445

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(7) If a relevant amendment does not commence on the FSR

commencement, this section applies in relation to that amendment

as if references in the other provisions of this section, and in the

definitions in section 1443, to “the FSR commencement” were

instead references to the commencement of the relevant


(8) In this section:

matters of a transitional, saving or application nature includes,

but is not limited to, matters related to any of the following:

(a) how a matter that arose or existed under the old legislation is

to be dealt with under the new legislation;

(b) the significance for the purposes of the new legislation of a

matter that arose or existed under the old legislation;

(c) how a process started but not completed under the old

legislation is to be dealt with;

(d) the preservation of concessions or exemptions (however

described) that existed under the old legislation;

(e) interpreting references to matters in terms of the new

legislation so as to include references to matters in terms of

the old legislation (including that legislation as it continues to

have effect because of provisions of Division 1), and vice


(f) any other matters that are prescribed by regulations made for

the purposes of this paragraph.

1445 ASIC determinations may deal with transitional, saving or

application matters

(1) ASIC may, by legislative instrument, make a determination dealing

with matters of a transitional, saving or application nature relating

to the relevant amendments and the transition from the application

of the old legislation to the application of the new legislation.

Determinations for this purpose may make such provision as is

necessary to take account of the fact that, because of Division 1,

different provisions of the amended Corporations Act start

applying (and different provisions of the old legislation stop

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Part 10.2 Transitional provisions relating to the Financial Services Reform Act 2001

Division 2 Other transitional provisions

Section 1445

108 Corporations Act 2001

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applying) in relation to different people, things and matters at

different times.

(2) A determination overrides any inconsistent regulations made for

the purposes of section 1444, other than any such regulations that

are expressed to have effect despite anything in a determination

under this section (in which case, the determination is of no effect,

to the extent of the inconsistency).

(3) A determination is of no effect to the extent that it is inconsistent


(a) a provision of Division 1; or

(b) a regulation or determination made under a provision of

Division 1, other than any such regulation or determination

(the other instrument) that is expressed to have effect subject

to anything in a determination under this section (in which

case, the other instrument is of no effect, to the extent of the


(4) Without limiting subsection (1), a determination may provide for a

matter to be dealt with, wholly or partly, in any of the following


(a) by applying (with or without modifications) to the matter:

(i) provisions of a law of the Commonwealth; or

(ii) provisions of a repealed or amended law of the

Commonwealth, in the form that those provisions took

before the repeal or amendment; or

(iii) a combination of provisions referred to in

subparagraphs (i) and (ii);

(b) by otherwise specifying rules for dealing with the matter;

(c) by specifying a particular consequence of the matter, or of an

outcome of the matter, for the purposes of a law of the


(5) Without limiting subsections (1) and (4), a determination may

provide for the continued effect after the FSR commencement, for

the purposes of the new legislation, of a thing done or instrument

made, or a class of things done or instruments made, before the

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Other transitional provisions Division 2

Section 1445

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FSR commencement, under or for the purposes of the old

legislation. In the case of an instrument, or class of instruments, a

determination may (either when providing for the continued effect

of the instrument or instruments or at a later time) provide for the

instrument or instruments, as continuing to have effect, to have

effect subject to modifications.

(6) Without limiting subsection (5), a determination for the purposes

of that subsection may permit all or any of the following matters to

be determined in writing by a specified person, or by a person

included in a specified class of persons:

(a) the identification of a thing done or instrument made, or a

class of things done or instruments made, that is to continue

to have effect;

(b) the purpose for which a thing done or instrument made, or a

class of things done or instruments made, is to continue to

have effect;

(c) any modifications subject to which an instrument made, or a

class of instruments made, is to continue to have effect.

(7) If a relevant amendment does not commence on the FSR

commencement, this section applies in relation to that amendment

as if references in the other provisions of this section, and in the

definitions in section 1443, to “the FSR commencement” were

instead references to the commencement of the relevant


(8) In this section:

matters of a transitional, saving or application nature includes,

but is not limited to, matters related to any of the following:

(a) how a matter that arose or existed under the old legislation is

to be dealt with under the new legislation;

(b) the significance for the purposes of the new legislation of a

matter that arose or existed under the old legislation;

(c) how a process started but not completed under the old

legislation is to be dealt with;

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Part 10.2 Transitional provisions relating to the Financial Services Reform Act 2001

Division 2 Other transitional provisions

Section 1445

110 Corporations Act 2001

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(d) the preservation of concessions or exemptions (however

described) that existed under the old legislation;

(e) interpreting references to matters in terms of the new

legislation so as to include references to matters in terms of

the old legislation (including that legislation as it continues to

have effect because of provisions of Division 1), and vice


(f) any other matters that are prescribed by regulations made for

the purposes of this paragraph.

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Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Legislation Amendment Act 2003

Part 10.3

Section 1447

Corporations Act 2001 111

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 10.3—Transitional provisions relating to the

Corporations Legislation Amendment Act


1447 Application of sections 601AB and 601PB

If a company or responsible entity had an obligation to lodge an

annual return before the commencement of items 31 and 36 of

Schedule 1 to the Corporations Legislation Amendment Act 2003,

sections 601AB and 601PB continue to apply to the annual return,

as if the amendments made by those items had not been made.

1448 Application of amendments made by Schedule 4 to the

Corporations Legislation Amendment Act 2003

If, at the time the amendments made by Schedule 4 to the

Corporations Legislation Amendment Act 2003 commence:

(a) a company is required to lodge a notice under a provision

amended by Schedule 4; and

(b) the time within which the company must lodge the notice has

not expired;

the amendments made by Schedule 4 apply to the company’s

requirement to lodge the notice.

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Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.4 Transitional provisions relating to the Financial Services Reform

Amendment Act 2003

Section 1449

112 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 10.4—Transitional provisions relating to the

Financial Services Reform Amendment Act


1449 Definition

In this Part:

amending Act means the Financial Services Reform Amendment

Act 2003.

1450 Application of Part 10.2 to Chapter 7 as amended by

Schedule 2 to the amending Act

(1) Subject to subsection (2), the provisions of Division 1 of Part 10.2

(including regulations and determinations made for the purposes of

that Division, and the powers given by that Division to deal with

matters in regulations and determinations) also apply to the

provisions of Chapter 7 as amended by Schedule 2 to the amending


Note: Division 1 of Part 10.2 deals with the phasing-in of the new financial

services regime.

(2) However, subsection (1) does not produce the result that a

provision of Chapter 7 as amended, added or inserted by an

amendment in Schedule 2 to the amending Act applies in relation

to a person, matter or circumstance:

(a) at a time that is before the commencement of the amendment;


(b) contrary to section 1451.

(3) The powers given by Division 2 of Part 10.2 to deal with matters in

regulations and determinations apply in relation to the provisions

of Chapter 7 as amended by Schedule 2 to the amending Act as if

the amendments in Schedule 2 to the amending Act were relevant

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Part 10.4

Section 1451

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amendments for the purposes of that Division. However (in

addition to subsections 1444(2) and 1445(3)) such regulations and

determinations are of no effect to the extent that they are

inconsistent with section 1451.

1451 Provisions relating to the scope of the amendments of

Chapter 7 made by Schedule 2

Application of amendments of section 916F

(1) The amendments made by items 37, 38 and 39 of Schedule 2 to the

amending Act do not apply to authorisations made before the

commencement of the amendment, unless the relevant 10 day

period for notification has not ended by the commencement of the


(2) The amendment made by item 40 of Schedule 2 to the amending

Act applies to revocations made after the commencement of the


Application of certain amendments of sections 952B and 953A

(2A) The amendments made by items 53A and 58A of Schedule 2 to the

amending Act apply in relation to the giving of Financial Services

Guides after the commencement of the items.

Application of amendments of section 981H

(3) The amendments made by items 62 and 63 of Schedule 2 to the

amending Act apply, after the commencement of those items, to

money paid to a person before that commencement as mentioned in

subsection 981H(1), even if an agreement referred to in

subsection 981H(2) was in force in relation to the money

immediately before that commencement.

Application of certain amendments of section 1016A

(3A) The amendments made by items 77A, 77B and 78C of Schedule 2

to the amending Act apply in relation to applications for financial

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Part 10.4 Transitional provisions relating to the Financial Services Reform

Amendment Act 2003

Section 1451

114 Corporations Act 2001

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products, and applications to become a standard employer-sponsor,

whether made before or after the commencement of the items.

Application of amendments of sections 1016B to 1016E

(3B) The amendments made by items 78D to 78T of Schedule 2 to the

amending Act apply in relation to Product Disclosure Statements

whether prepared or given before or after the commencement of

the items.

Application of amendment of section 1017D

(4) The amendment made by item 88 of Schedule 2 to the amending

Act does not apply to statements prepared before the

commencement of the item.

Application of amendments of section 1017E

(5) The amendments made by items 89 and 90 of Schedule 2 to the

amending Act apply, after the commencement of those items, to

money paid to a person before that commencement as mentioned in

subsection 1017E(1), even if an agreement referred to in

subsection 1017E(2B) was in force in relation to the money

immediately before that commencement.

Application of amendments of section 1020E

(6) The amendment made by item 91 of Schedule 2 to the amending

Act does not apply to disclosure documents or statements prepared

before the commencement of the item.

(7) The amendments made by items 91A, 91B and 91C of Schedule 2

to the amending Act apply to disclosure documents or statements,

and to advertisements or statements of a kind referred to in

subsection 1018A(1) or (2), whether prepared, given or published

before or after the commencement of the items.

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Part 10.4

Section 1452

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Application of certain amendments of sections 1021B and 1022A

(8) The amendments made by items 95F and 96K of Schedule 2 to the

amending Act apply in relation to the giving of Product Disclosure

Statements after the commencement of the items.

1452 Amendments of section 1274

(1) The amendment made by item 101 of Schedule 2 to the amending

Act applies to documents even if they were lodged before the

commencement of the item.

(2) The amendment made by item 102 of Schedule 2 to the amending

Act removes a reference to a repealed provision. However, the

amendment does not produce the result that a document that was

lodged under that provision when it was in force now becomes

available for inspection under section 1274.

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Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.5 Transitional provisions relating to the Corporate Law Economic Reform

Program (Audit Reform and Corporate Disclosure) Act 2004

Section 1453

116 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 10.5—Transitional provisions relating to the

Corporate Law Economic Reform

Program (Audit Reform and Corporate

Disclosure) Act 2004

1453 Definitions

In this Part:

amending Act means the Corporate Law Economic Reform

Program (Audit Reform and Corporate Disclosure) Act 2004.

old Act means this Act as in force immediately before the

commencement day.

Schedule 1 commencement means the day on which Schedule 1 to

the Corporate Law Economic Reform Program (Audit Reform and

Corporate Disclosure) Act 2004 commences.

Schedule 4 commencement means the day on which Schedule 4 to

the Corporate Law Economic Reform Program (Audit Reform and

Corporate Disclosure) Act 2004 commences.

Schedule 5 commencement means the day on which Schedule 5 to

the Corporate Law Economic Reform Program (Audit Reform and

Corporate Disclosure) Act 2004 commences.

Schedule 8 commencement means the day on which Schedule 8 to

the Corporate Law Economic Reform Program (Audit Reform and

Corporate Disclosure) Act 2004 commences.

1454 Audit reforms in Schedule 1 to the amending Act (auditing

standards and audit working papers retention rules)

Sections 307A, 307B and 989CA apply to:

(a) an audit of the financial report for a financial year; or

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Transitional provisions relating to the Corporate Law Economic Reform Program

(Audit Reform and Corporate Disclosure) Act 2004 Part 10.5

Section 1455

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(b) an audit or review of the financial report for a half-year in a

financial year;

if the financial year begins on or after 1 July 2004.

1455 Audit reforms in Schedule 1 to the amending Act (adoption of

auditing standards made by accounting profession before


(1) The regulations may provide that a standard specified in the

regulations (as in force from time to time) is to have effect, for the

purposes of this Act, as if it had been made by the AUASB under

section 336 on the day specified in the regulations.

(2) The standard must be one made or issued by the Australian

Accounting Research Foundation before the Schedule 1

commencement on behalf of CPA Australia and The Institute of

Chartered Accountants in Australia.

(3) The regulations may provide that the standard is to have effect as if

it specified that it applies to periods ending, or starting, on or after

a date specified in the standard.

(4) Standards prescribed under subsection (1) do not have effect as

auditing standards:

(a) in relation to financial reports for periods ending after

30 June 2006; or

(b) in relation to financial reports for periods ending after a later

date specified by regulations made for the purposes of

subsection (1) before 30 June 2006.

(5) A person does not commit an offence based on a contravention of

section 307A, subsection 308(3A) or 309(5A) or section 989CA

because an audit or review is not conducted in accordance with, or

does not include a statement or disclosure required by, an auditing

standard prescribed under subsection (1) if the audit or review is

conducted in relation to a financial report for a period ending

before that standard ceases to have effect as an auditing standard.

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Part 10.5 Transitional provisions relating to the Corporate Law Economic Reform

Program (Audit Reform and Corporate Disclosure) Act 2004

Section 1456

118 Corporations Act 2001

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Note: This subsection does not prevent, however, other action being taken

on the basis of the failure to comply with the auditing standard (for

example, the person’s failure to comply with the standard being

referred to the Companies Auditors and Liquidators Disciplinary


1456 Audit reforms in Schedule 1 to the amending Act (new

competency standard provisions)

If an application by a person for registration as a registered

company auditor:

(a) is lodged with ASIC before the Schedule 1 commencement;


(b) has not been determined before that day;

section 1280 of the old Act continues to apply to the application

despite the amendments made by the amending Act.

1457 Audit reforms in Schedule 1 to the amending Act (new annual

statement requirements for auditors)

(1) The requirement under section 1287A for a registered company

auditor to lodge an annual statement applies from the first

anniversary of the auditor’s registration that occurs on or after

1 January 2005.

(2) The first annual statement lodged under section 1287A should

cover the period commencing either:

(a) immediately after the period covered by the last triennial

statement; or

(b) the day on which the auditor was registered;

whichever is later, and ending on the first anniversary of

registration occurring on or after 1 January 2005.

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Transitional provisions relating to the Corporate Law Economic Reform Program

(Audit Reform and Corporate Disclosure) Act 2004 Part 10.5

Section 1458

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1458 Audit reforms in Schedule 1 to the amending Act (imposition

of conditions on existing registration as company auditor)

ASIC may impose conditions on a person’s registration as a

company auditor under section 1289A even if the registration took

effect before the Schedule 1 commencement.

1459 Audit reforms in Schedule 1 to the amending Act (application

of items 62 and 63)

The amendments made by items 62 and 63 of Schedule 1 to the

amending Act apply to periods that start on or after 1 January


1460 Audit reforms in Schedule 1 to the amending Act (non-audit

services disclosure)

Subsections 300(11B) to (11E) apply to an audit of the financial

report for a financial year if the financial year begins on or after

1 July 2004.

1461 Audit reforms in Schedule 1 to the amending Act (auditor


(1) Section 324AC applies to all appointments of firms as auditor

(including an appointment that was made before the Schedule 1


(2) The appointment of a person as auditor of a company or registered

scheme made before the Schedule 1 commencement under

section 327 or 331AB of the old Act remains valid and effective

despite the repeal of that section.

(3) An approval by ASIC that is in force under subsection 324(12) of

the old Act immediately before the Schedule 1 commencement has

effect on and after the Schedule 1 commencement as if it had been

given under section 324B.

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Program (Audit Reform and Corporate Disclosure) Act 2004

Section 1462

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1462 Audit reforms in Schedule 1 to the amending Act (auditor


(1) Section 307C applies to a financial report for financial years that

start on or after 1 July 2004.

(2) Division 3 of Part 2M.4 applies to:

(a) an audit of the financial report for a financial year; or

(b) an audit or review of the financial report for a half-year in a

financial year;

if the financial year begins on or after 1 July 2004.

(2A) The following provisions of the old Act continue to apply to an

audit of the financial report for a financial year, or an audit or

review of the financial report for a half-year in a financial year, if

the financial year begins before 1 July 2004:

(a) subsections 324(1) to (6) (inclusive) (other than paragraphs

324(1)(d) and (2)(d) and (e));

(b) subsection 324(11);

(c) subsection 327(4);

(d) section 331AA (other than paragraphs 331AA(1)(d) and

(2)(d) and (e)).

Subsection 331AA(4) of the old Act continues to apply as if the

references in that subsection to subsections 324(7), (8), (9), (10)

and (16) were omitted.

(3) Division 3 of Part 2M.4 applies to all relationships that exist on or

after the Schedule 1 commencement between an auditor and an

audited body (including a relationship that exists because of

circumstances that came into existence before the Schedule 1


(4) Without limiting subsection (3), the items in the table in

subsection 324CH(1) apply to circumstances that exist on or after

the Schedule 1 commencement (including circumstances that exist

because of events that occurred before the Schedule 1


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(5) Item 9 of the table in subsection 324CE(5) applies to a person who

ceases to be a professional employee of the individual auditor

concerned on or after the Schedule 1 commencement.

(6) Item 10 of the table in subsection 324CE(5) applies to a person

who ceases to own the business of the individual auditor concerned

on or after the Schedule 1 commencement.

(7) Item 11 of the table in subsection 324CF(5) applies to a person

who ceases to be a member of the audit firm concerned on or after

the Schedule 1 commencement.

(8) Item 12 of the table in subsection 324CF(5) applies to a person

who ceases to be a professional employee of the auditor firm

concerned on or after the Schedule 1 commencement.

(9) Item 11 of the table in subsection 324CG(9) applies to a person

who ceases to be an officer of the audit company concerned on or

after the Schedule 1 commencement.

(10) Item 12 of the table in subsection 324CG(9) applies to a person

who ceases to be a professional employee of the audit company

concerned on or after the Schedule 1 commencement.

(11) Section 324CI applies only if the relevant departure time for the

purposes of that section occurs on or after the Schedule 1


(12) Section 324CJ applies only if the relevant departure time for the

purposes of that section occurs on or after the Schedule 1


(13) Section 324CK applies to a person only if:

(a) the person is on the Schedule 1 commencement, or becomes

after the Schedule 1 commencement, a member of the audit

firm concerned or a director of the audit company concerned;


(b) becomes an officer of the audited body concerned on or after

the Schedule 1 commencement.

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Part 10.5 Transitional provisions relating to the Corporate Law Economic Reform

Program (Audit Reform and Corporate Disclosure) Act 2004

Section 1463

122 Corporations Act 2001

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1463 Audit reforms in Schedule 1 to the amending Act (auditor


Division 5 of Part 2M.4 applies to:

(a) an audit of the financial report for a financial year; or

(b) an audit or review of the financial report for a half-year in a

financial year;

if the financial year begins on or after 1 July 2006.

1464 Audit reforms in Schedule 1 to the amending Act (listed

company AGMs)

The amendments made by Part 5 of Schedule 1 to the amending

Act apply to AGMs at which financial reports for financial years

that commence on or after 1 July 2004 are considered.

1465 Schedule 2 to the amending Act (financial reporting)

(1) The amendments made by Part 1 of Schedule 2 to the amending

Act apply to directors’ declarations in relation to financial reports

for financial years that start on or after 1 July 2004.

(2) The amendments made by Part 2 of Schedule 2 to the amending

Act apply to directors’ reports for financial years that start on or

after 1 July 2004.

(3) The amendments made by Part 3 of Schedule 2 apply to financial

reports lodged with ASIC on or after 1 January 2004.

1466A Schedule 2A to the amending Act (true and fair view)

The amendments made by Schedule 2A to the amending Act apply

to directors’ reports for periods that start on or after 1 July 2004.

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Section 1466

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1466 Schedule 3 to the amending Act (proportionate liability)

The amendments made to this Act and the Trade Practices Act

1974 by Schedule 3 to the amending Act apply to causes of action

that arise on or after the day on which that Schedule commences.

1467 Schedule 4 to the amending Act (enforcement)

(1) The amendments made by Part 2 of Schedule 4 apply to all

disclosures made on or after the day on which this Act receives the

Royal Assent (including a disclosure of information about

circumstances that arose before that day).

(2) Section 206BA applies to disqualifications from managing

corporations that occur because of convictions on or after the

Schedule 4 commencement.

(3) The amendments made by Part 4 of Schedule 4 to the amending

Act apply in relation to a contravention of a financial services civil

penalty provision that occurs on or after the day on which this Act

receives the Royal Assent.

1468 Schedule 5 to the amending Act (remuneration of directors and


(1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), the amendments made by

Schedule 5 to the amending Act apply to financial years

commencing on or after 1 July 2004.

(2) The amendments made by items 4, 4A and 5 of Schedule 5 to the

amending Act apply to an agreement only if the agreement is

entered into on or after the Schedule 5 commencement.

(3) The amendments made by items 6, 7 and 8 of Schedule 5 to the

amending Act apply to remuneration reports for financial years that

start on or after 1 July 2004.

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Program (Audit Reform and Corporate Disclosure) Act 2004

Section 1469

124 Corporations Act 2001

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1469 Schedule 6 to the amending Act (continuous disclosure)

(1) The amendments made by Part 1 of Schedule 6 to the amending

Act apply in relation to a contravention of subsection 674(2) or

675(2) that occurs on or after the day on which this Act receives

the Royal Assent.

(2) The amendments made by Part 2 of Schedule 6 to the amending

Act apply in relation to a failure by a disclosing entity to comply

with subsection 674(2) or 675(2) that occurs on or after the day on

which this Act receives the Royal Assent.

1470 Schedule 7 to the amending Act (disclosure rules)

(1) The amendments made by Part 1 of Schedule 7 to the amending

Act apply to a disclosure document for an offer of securities if the

disclosure document is lodged with ASIC on or after the day on

which this Act receives the Royal Assent.

(2) The amendments made by Part 2 of Schedule 7 to the amending

Act apply to a Product Disclosure Statement that is required to be

given on or after the day on which this Act receives the Royal


(3) The amendment made by items 10 and 11 of Schedule 7 to the

amending Act applies to an offer of debentures that is made on or

after the day on which this Act receives the Royal Assent.

(4) Section 708A applies to an offer of securities for sale that is made

on or after the day on which this Act receives the Royal Assent.

(5) Section 1012DA applies to:

(a) a recommendation situation if the relevant conduct (within

the meaning of subsection 1012A(2)); and

(b) a sale situation if the relevant conduct (within the meaning of

subsection 1012C(2));

occurs on or after the day on which this Act receives the Royal


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Section 1471

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1471 Schedule 8 to the amending Act (shareholder participation and


(1) The amendments made by items 1 to 6, 13 and 17 of Schedule 8 to

the amending Act apply to a notice of a meeting of a company’s

members that is given after 30 September 2004.

(2) The amendments made by items 7 to 12 and 14 of Schedule 8 to

the amending Act apply to an appointment of a proxy that is made

on or after the Schedule 8 commencement.

(2A) The amendment made by item 14A of Schedule 8 to the amending

Act applies to reports for financial years that start on or after 1 July


(3) The amendment made by item 15 of Schedule 8 to the amending

Act applies to a directors’ report for a financial year that starts on

or after 1 July 2004.

(4) The amendment made by item 16 of Schedule 8 to the amending

Act applies to a report referred to in subsection 314(1) for a

financial year that starts on or after 1 July 2004.

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Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.8 Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment (Takeovers)

Act 2007

Section 1478

126 Corporations Act 2001

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Part 10.8—Transitional provisions relating to the

Corporations Amendment (Takeovers) Act


1478 Application of amendments of the takeovers provisions

(1) The amendments made by Schedule 1 to the Corporations

Amendment (Takeovers) Act 2007 apply in relation to an

application under section 657C (including any review under

section 657EA of the decision made on the application) if:

(a) the application under section 657C is made on or after the

commencement of that Schedule; or

(b) the application under section 657C was made before the

commencement of that Schedule but the Panel has not finally

disposed of the application before the commencement of that


For the purposes of paragraph (b), the Panel does not finally

dispose of an application under section 657C until the Panel has

disposed of any review under section 657EA of the decision made

on the application.

(2) To avoid doubt, the amendments apply in relation to the

application even if the circumstances to which the application

relates arose before the commencement of Schedule 1 to the

Corporations Amendment (Takeovers) Act 2007.

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Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment (Insolvency) Act 2007

Part 10.9

Section 1479

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Part 10.9—Transitional provisions relating to the

Corporations Amendment (Insolvency) Act


1479 Definition

In this Part:

amending Act means the Corporations Amendment (Insolvency)

Act 2007.

1480 Schedule 1 to the amending Act (improving outcomes for


(1) The amendment made by item 4 of Schedule 1 to the amending

Act, in so far as it relates to a company subject to a deed of

company arrangement, applies if the administration that ended on

the execution of the deed began on or after the day on which that

item commences.

(2) The amendments made by items 5 to 9 of Schedule 1 to the

amending Act, in so far as they relate to the winding up of a

company, apply if the relevant date is on or after the day on which

those items commence.

(3) The amendments made by items 6 to 9 of Schedule 1 to the

amending Act, in so far as they relate to a company subject to a

deed of company arrangement, apply if the administration that

ended on the execution of the deed began on or after the day on

which those items commence.

(4) The amendments made by items 6 to 9 of Schedule 1 to the

amending Act, in so far as they relate to a company to which

section 433 applies, apply if the relevant date (within the meaning

of that section) is on or after the day on which those items


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Act 2007

Section 1480

128 Corporations Act 2001

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(5) The amendment made by item 20 of Schedule 1 to the amending

Act applies in relation to a receiver appointed on or after the day

on which that item commences.

(6) The amendments made by items 21, 24, 25, 26 and 28 of

Schedule 1 to the amending Act apply to the administrator of a

company if the administrator is appointed on or after the day on

which those items commence.

(7) The amendments made by items 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39

and 40 of Schedule 1 to the amending Act apply in relation to the

liquidator of a company if the winding up of the company begins

on or after the day on which those items commence.

(8) The amendment made by item 52 of Schedule 1 to the amending

Act applies in relation to a compromise or arrangement if an

application relating to the compromise or arrangement was made

under subsection 411(1) on or after the day on which that item


(9) The amendments made by items 53, 54, 55, 56 and 57 of

Schedule 1 to the amending Act do not apply in relation to an

account opened before the day on which that item commences.

(10) The amendments made by items 59, 60, 61, 62 and 64 of

Schedule 1 to the amending Act apply in relation to a managing

controller of property of a corporation if:

(a) the managing controller is appointed on or after the day on

which those items commence; or

(b) the managing controller enters into possession, or takes

control, of property of the corporation on or after the day on

which those items commence.

(11) Despite the amendments made by items 65 and 66 of Schedule 1 to

the amending Act:

(a) subsection 427(1) continues to apply, in relation to an order

obtained, or an appointment made, before the day on which

those items commence, as if those amendments had not been

made; and

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Part 10.9

Section 1480

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(b) subsection 427(1A) continues to apply, in relation to an

appointment made before the day on which those items

commence, as if those amendments had not been made; and

(c) subsection 427(1B) continues to apply, in relation to an entry

into possession, or a taking of control, before the day on

which those items commence, as if those amendments had

not been made; and

(d) subsection 427(4) continues to apply, in relation to a

cessation before the day on which those items commence, as

if those amendments had not been made.

(12) The amendments made by items 70, 71 and 72 of Schedule 1 to the

amending Act, in so far as they relate to a company under

administration, apply if the administration begins on or after the

day on which those items commence.

(13) The amendment made by item 75 of Schedule 1 to the amending

Act applies to a meeting if the meeting is convened on or after the

day on which that item commences.

(14) The amendments made by items 87, 88, 92, 93 and 94 of

Schedule 1 to the amending Act apply to a transfer or alteration

that occurs on or after the day on which those items commence.

(15) The amendments made by items 91, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 102, 103,

104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111 and 112 of Schedule 1 to

the amending Act apply in relation to a winding up of a company if

the winding up begins on or after the day on which those items


(16) Despite the repeal of subsection 506(4) by item 113 of Schedule 1

to the amending Act, that subsection continues to apply, in relation

to the liquidators of a company where the winding up of the

company began before the day on which that item commences, as

if that repeal had not happened.

(17) Sections 434D, 434E, 434F and 434G apply in relation to persons

appointed on or after the day on which those sections commence.

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Act 2007

Section 1481

130 Corporations Act 2001

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(18) Section 530 applies in relation to the liquidators of a company if

the winding up of the company begins on or after the day on which

that section commences.

(19) Section 530AA applies to persons appointed on or after the day on

which that section commences.

(20) Subsections 571(1) and 579E(1) of the amended Act apply in

relation to a group of 2 or more companies if the winding up of

each company in the group begins on or after the day on which

those subsections commence.

1481 Schedule 2 to the amending Act (deterring corporate


(1) The amendment made by item 2 of Schedule 2 to the amending Act

applies in relation to a compromise or arrangement if an

application relating to the compromise or arrangement was made

under subsection 411(1) on or after the day on which that item


(2) The amendment made by item 11 of Schedule 2 to the amending

Act applies in relation to a matter that appears to a person:

(a) during the 6-month period ending when that item

commences; or

(b) on or after the day on which that item commences;

where the relevant date is on or after the day on which that item


(3) Section 489A applies in relation to a section 486B warrant if the

warrant is issued on or after the day on which that section


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Part 10.9

Section 1482

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1482 Schedule 3 to the amending Act (improving regulation of

insolvency practitioners)

(1) The amendment made by item 7 of Schedule 3 to the amending Act

applies to an application for registration if the application was

made on or after the day on which that item commences.

(2) Despite the amendment made by item 9 of Schedule 3 to the

amending Act, subsection 1288(3) continues to apply, in relation to

a 3-year period ending before the day on which that item

commences, as if that amendment had not been made.

(3) Subsection 1288(3) as amended by item 9 of Schedule 3 to the

amending Act applies as follows:

(a) in the case of a person whose first 12 months of registration

ends on or after the day on which that item commences—that

subsection applies in relation to:

(i) the person’s first 12 months of registration; and

(ii) each subsequent period of 12 months;

(b) in the case of a person whose first 12 months of registration

ended before the day on which that item commences—that

subsection applies as if the reference in paragraph 1288(3)(a)

to the day on which the person’s registration begins (the

initial registration day) were a reference to the last

anniversary of the initial registration day that occurred before

the day on which that item commences.

For this purpose, a person’s first 12 months of registration is the

period of 12 months beginning on the day on which the person’s

registration begins.

(4) The amendment made by item 12 of Schedule 3 to the amending

Act applies in relation to a decision made on or after the day on

which that item commences.

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Act 2007

Section 1483

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1483 Schedule 4 to the amending Act (fine-tuning voluntary


(1) The amendments made by items 1, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,

16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 39, 40, 45, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57,

59, 60, 61 and 62 of Schedule 4 to the amending Act, in so far as

they relate to a company under administration, apply if the

administration begins on or after the day on which those items


(2) The amendments made by items 2, 3 and 4 of Schedule 4 to the

amending Act apply to an appointment of an administrator if the

appointment is made on or after the day on which those items


(3) The amendment made by item 8 of Schedule 4 to the amending Act

applies to a transfer or alteration that occurs on or after the day on

which that item commences.

(4) The amendments made by items 23, 24, 25, 26 and 28 of

Schedule 4 to the amending Act, in so far as they apply to a

company that is, or is proposed to be, subject to a deed of company

arrangement, apply if the administration that ends, or is to end, on

the execution of the deed, began on or after the day on which those

items commence.

(5) The amendments made by items 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36,

39, 40, 43, 44, 46, 55, 56 and 57 of Schedule 4 to the amending

Act, in so far as they relate to a company subject to a deed of

company arrangement, apply if the administration that ended on

the execution of the deed began on or after the day on which those

items commence.

(6) Items 37 and 38 of Schedule 4 to the amending Act apply in

relation to a company if the winding up of the company begins on

or after the day on which those items commence.

(7) The amendments made by items 41 and 42 of Schedule 4 to the

amending Act apply in relation to a company subject to a deed

arrangement if the administration that ended on the execution of

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the deed began on or after the day on which those items


(8) The amendments made by items 63, 65, 66, 67, 69 and 70 of

Schedule 4 to the amending Act, in so far as they relate to the

winding up of a company, apply if the relevant date is on or after

the day on which those items commence.

(9) Section 440BA, in so far as it relates to a company under

administration, applies if the administration begins on or after the

day on which that section commences.

Note: Section 440BA was repealed by the Personal Property Securities

(Corporations and Other Amendments) Act 2010, and was replaced

with a new section 440B incorporating the same substantive rules.

Section 1507 preserves the operation of this subsection.

(10) Section 440BB does not apply to distress for rent that began to be

carried out before the day on which that section commences.

Note: Section 440BB was repealed by the Personal Property Securities

(Corporations and Other Amendments) Act 2010, and was replaced

with a new section 440B incorporating the same substantive rules.

Section 1507 preserves the operation of this subsection.

(11) Subsections 442C(7) and (8), in so far as they relate to a company

under administration, apply if the administration begins on or after

the day on which those subsections commence.

(12) Subsections 442C(7) and (8), in so far as they relate to a company

subject to a deed of company arrangement, apply if the

administration that ended on the execution of the deed began on or

after the day on which those subsections commence.

(13) Section 446C applies in relation to a company as follows:

(a) if the company was under administration immediately before

the liquidation time referred to in that section—the

administration begins on or after the day on which that

section commences;

(b) if the company was subject to a deed of company

arrangement immediately before the liquidation time referred

to in that section—the administration that ended on the

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Section 1483

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execution of the deed began on or after the day on which that

section commences.

(14) Subsection 588FE(2A) applies in relation to a company if the

administration referred to paragraph 588FE(2A)(b) begins on or

after the day on which that subsection commences.

(15) Subsection 588FE(2B) applies in relation to a company if the

administration that ended on the execution of the deed of company

arrangement referred to in paragraph 588FE(2B)(b) began on or

after the day on which that subsection commences.

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Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment (Short Selling) Act

2008 Part 10.10

Section 1484

Corporations Act 2001 135

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 10.10—Transitional provisions relating to the

Corporations Amendment (Short Selling)

Act 2008

1484 Declarations under paragraph 1020F(1)(c) relating to short


(1) To avoid doubt, an instrument mentioned in subsection (2) that was

made at a particular time was validly made under

paragraph 1020F(1)(c) at that time.

(2) The instruments are as follows:

(a) ASIC Class Order [CO 08/751], registered on the Federal

Register of Legislative Instruments on 22 September 2008;

(b) ASIC Class Order [CO 08/752], registered on the Federal

Register of Legislative Instruments on 22 September 2008;

(c) ASIC Class Order [CO 08/753], registered on the Federal

Register of Legislative Instruments on 22 September 2008;

(d) ASIC Class Order [CO 08/763], registered on the Federal

Register of Legislative Instruments on 23 September 2008;

(e) ASIC Class Order [CO 08/801], registered on the Federal

Register of Legislative Instruments on 24 October 2008.

(3) To avoid doubt, an instrument (if any) that:

(a) was made at a time:

(i) after 24 October 2008; and

(ii) before the commencement of this section; and

(b) is of substantially the same nature as the instruments

mentioned in subsection (2); and

(c) was registered on the Federal Register of Legislative


(i) after 24 October 2008; and

(ii) before the commencement of this section;

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Part 10.10 Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment (Short

Selling) Act 2008

Section 1484

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was validly made under paragraph 1020F(1)(c) at that time.

(4) This section applies on and after 19 September 2008.

(5) In this section:

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments means the Federal

Register of Legislative Instruments established under the

Legislative Instruments Act 2003.

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Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment (No. 1) Act 2009 Part


Section 1485

Corporations Act 2001 137

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 10.11—Transitional provisions relating to the

Corporations Amendment (No. 1) Act 2009

1485 Application of new subsection 206B(6)

The amendments made by item 2 of Schedule 1 to the

Corporations Amendment (No. 1) Act 2009 apply to an order made

by a court of a foreign jurisdiction on or after the commencement

of that item.

1486 Application of new section 206EAA

The amendments made by item 3 of Schedule 1 to the

Corporations Amendment (No. 1) Act 2009 apply to a

disqualification under a law of a foreign jurisdiction that arises on

or after the commencement of that item.

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Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.12 Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Legislation Amendment

(Financial Services Modernisation) Act 2009

Division 1 Transitional provisions relating to Schedule 1 to the Corporations

Legislation Amendment (Financial Services Modernisation) Act 2009

Section 1487

138 Corporations Act 2001

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Part 10.12—Transitional provisions relating to the

Corporations Legislation Amendment

(Financial Services Modernisation) Act


Division 1—Transitional provisions relating to Schedule 1

to the Corporations Legislation Amendment

(Financial Services Modernisation) Act 2009

1487 Definitions

(1) In this Division:

amended Corporations Act means this Act as in force after


amending Schedule means Schedule 1 to the Corporations

Legislation Amendment (Financial Services Modernisation) Act


commencement means the day on which the amending Schedule


margin lending financial service has the meaning given by

subsection 1488(2).

(2) Terms that are used in this Division and that are defined in

Division 2 of Part 7.1 have the same meanings as they are given by

that Division.

1488 Application of amendments—general

(1) The amendments made by the amending Schedule apply in relation

to a margin lending financial service that is provided on or after the

day that is 12 months after commencement.

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Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Legislation Amendment (Financial

Services Modernisation) Act 2009 Part 10.12

Transitional provisions relating to Schedule 1 to the Corporations Legislation

Amendment (Financial Services Modernisation) Act 2009 Division 1

Section 1489

Corporations Act 2001 139

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(2) A margin lending financial service is:

(a) a dealing in a margin lending facility that was issued after

commencement; or

(b) the provision of financial product advice in relation to a

margin lending facility that was issued after commencement.

1489 Applications of amendments—application for and grant of

licences etc. authorising margin lending financial services

(1) Despite section 1488, during the period that:

(a) starts at the start of the day that is one month after

commencement; and

(b) ends at the end of the day before the day that is 12 months

after commencement;

subsections (2) and (3) apply.

(2) A person may:

(a) apply under section 913A of the amended Corporations Act

for an Australian financial services licence that authorises the

person to provide a margin lending financial service; and

(b) apply under section 914A of the amended Corporations Act

for a variation of a condition of an Australian financial

services licence to authorise the person to provide a margin

lending financial service.

(3) ASIC may:

(a) grant an Australian financial services licence to a person

under section 913B of the amended Corporations Act that

authorises the person to provide a margin lending financial

service, and otherwise deal with that licence (for example, by

suspending or cancelling it) under Chapter 7; and

(b) impose or vary conditions on an Australian financial services

licence under section 914A of the amended Corporations Act

to authorise a person to provide a margin lending financial

service, and otherwise deal with those conditions (for

example, by revoking or varying them) under Chapter 7;

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Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.12 Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Legislation Amendment

(Financial Services Modernisation) Act 2009

Division 1 Transitional provisions relating to Schedule 1 to the Corporations

Legislation Amendment (Financial Services Modernisation) Act 2009

Section 1490

140 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

but the Australian financial services licence, condition, or variation

of a condition, does not take effect until the day that is 12 months

after commencement.

1490 Application of amendments—between 6 and 12 months after


(1) Despite section 1488, the amendments made by the amending

Schedule apply in relation to a margin lending financial service

that is provided during the period that:

(a) starts at the start of the day that is 6 months after

commencement; and

(b) ends at the end of the day before the day that is 12 months

after commencement;

but only if, at the time the margin lending financial service is

provided, subsection (2) or (3) applies to:

(c) the person who provides the margin lending financial service;


(d) if the margin lending financial service is provided on behalf

of another person—the person on whose behalf the margin

lending financial service is provided.

(2) This subsection applies to a person if the person is an Australian

financial services licensee and either:

(a) has not applied for a condition of the licence to be varied to

authorise the person to provide the margin lending financial

service; or

(b) has applied for a condition of the licence to be varied to

authorise the person to provide the margin lending financial

service, but has been notified by ASIC that the application

has been refused.

(3) This subsection applies to a person if the person is not an

Australian financial services licensee and either:

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Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Legislation Amendment (Financial

Services Modernisation) Act 2009 Part 10.12

Transitional provisions relating to Schedule 1 to the Corporations Legislation

Amendment (Financial Services Modernisation) Act 2009 Division 1

Section 1491

Corporations Act 2001 141

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(a) has not applied for an Australian financial services licence

that authorises the person to provide the margin lending

financial service; or

(b) has applied for an Australian financial services licence that

authorises the person to provide the margin lending financial

service, but has been notified by ASIC that the application

has been refused.

1491 Acquisition of property

(1) Despite section 1350, a provision of this Division does not apply,

and is taken never to have applied, to the extent that the operation

of the provision would result in an acquisition of property from a

person otherwise than on just terms.

(2) In subsection (1), acquisition of property and just terms have the

same meanings as in paragraph 51(xxxi) of the Constitution.

1492 Regulations

(1) The regulations may make provisions of a transitional, application

or saving nature relating to this Division and the amendments and

repeals made by the amending Schedule.

(2) Without limiting subsection (1), regulations made for the purpose

of that subsection may modify provisions of this Act.

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Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.12 Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Legislation Amendment

(Financial Services Modernisation) Act 2009

Division 2 Transitional provisions relating to Schedule 2 to the Corporations

Legislation Amendment (Financial Services Modernisation) Act 2009

Section 1493

142 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 2—Transitional provisions relating to Schedule 2

to the Corporations Legislation Amendment

(Financial Services Modernisation) Act 2009

1493 Definitions

In this Division:

amending Schedule means Schedule 2 to the Corporations

Legislation Amendment (Financial Services Modernisation) Act


commencement means the commencement of the amending


modify includes make additions, omissions and substitutions.

1494 Transitional provisions relating to limit on control of trustee


(1) This section applies in relation to a person and a trustee company

if, immediately before the commencement of Part 5D.5, the

percentage (the pre-commencement percentage) of the person’s

voting power in the trustee company exceeded 15%.

(2) Subject to subsection (3), Part 5D.5 applies in relation to the

person and the trustee company as if paragraph 601VAA(a)

specified the pre-commencement percentage (rather than 15%).

(3) If, after the commencement of Part 5D.5, the percentage of the

person’s voting power in the trustee company is reduced, the

following provisions have effect from the time of the reduction:

(a) if the reduced percentage exceeds 15%—Part 5D.5 applies in

relation to the person and the trustee company as if

paragraph 601VAA(a) specified the reduced percentage

(rather than 15%);

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Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Legislation Amendment (Financial

Services Modernisation) Act 2009 Part 10.12

Transitional provisions relating to Schedule 2 to the Corporations Legislation

Amendment (Financial Services Modernisation) Act 2009 Division 2

Section 1495

Corporations Act 2001 143

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(b) if the reduced percentage is 15% or less—this section ceases

to apply, and never again applies, in relation to the person

and the trustee company.

1495 Transitional provisions relating to the amendments of

Chapter 7

(1) This section applies to each company:

(a) that is a trustee company immediately after the

commencement of the first regulations made for the purpose

of paragraph 601RAB(1)(b); and

(b) that, at that time, holds an Australian financial services


(2) During the period of 6 months starting on the commencement of

those regulations:

(a) the company’s Australian financial services licence is taken

to cover the provision by the company of traditional trustee

company services; and

(b) section 601TAB does not apply in relation to the company;


(c) Part 7.7 does not apply in relation to traditional trustee

company services provided by the company.

Note: If the company wants to continue to provide traditional trustee

company services after the end of the 6 month period, it will (before

the end of that period) need to apply to ASIC to have the conditions of

its licence varied to cover those services.

(3) To avoid doubt, subsection (2) does not limit ASIC’s powers under

Part 7.6 (whether during or after the period of 6 months) in relation

to the company’s Australian financial services licence.

Note: For example, ASIC may (under Subdivision B of Division 4 of

Part 7.6) impose or vary licence conditions, or may (under

Subdivision C of Division 4 of Part 7.6) vary, cancel or suspend the


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Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.12 Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Legislation Amendment

(Financial Services Modernisation) Act 2009

Division 2 Transitional provisions relating to Schedule 2 to the Corporations

Legislation Amendment (Financial Services Modernisation) Act 2009

Section 1496

144 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

1496 General power for regulations to deal with transitional matters

(1) The regulations may make provisions of a transitional, application

or saving nature in relation to any of the following:

(a) the transition from the regime provided for by laws of the

States and Territories (as in force before commencement)

relating to trustee companies to the regime provided for by

this Act as amended by the amending Schedule;

(b) the amendments and repeals made to this Act by the

amending Schedule.

(2) Without limiting subsection (1), regulations made for the purpose

of that subsection may modify provisions of this Act.

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Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Legislation Amendment (Financial

Services Modernisation) Act 2009 Part 10.12

Transitional provisions relating to Schedule 3 to the Corporations Legislation

Amendment (Financial Services Modernisation) Act 2009 Division 3

Section 1497

Corporations Act 2001 145

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 3—Transitional provisions relating to Schedule 3

to the Corporations Legislation Amendment

(Financial Services Modernisation) Act 2009

1497 Definitions

In this Division:

amending Schedule means Schedule 3 to the Corporations

Legislation Amendment (Financial Services Modernisation) Act


1498 Application of amendments

(1) The amendment made by item 1 of the amending Schedule applies

to promissory notes made after the commencement of that item.

(2) The amendment made by item 2 of the amending Schedule applies

to trustees appointed on or after the commencement of that item.

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Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.13 Transitional provisions relating to the Personal Property Securities

(Corporations and Other Amendments) Act 2010

Section 1499

146 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 10.13—Transitional provisions relating to the

Personal Property Securities (Corporations

and Other Amendments) Act 2010

1499 Definitions

In this Part:

amending Act means the Personal Property Securities

(Corporations and Other Amendments) Act 2010.

commencement time means the time item 187 of Schedule 1 to the

amending Act commences.

Note: Item 187 of Schedule 1 to the amending Act inserts sections 1499 to

1510. The item commences at the registration commencement time

within the meaning of section 306 of the Personal Property Securities

Act 2009 (as provided by section 2 of the amending Act).

registrable charge means a charge created before the

commencement time that was a registrable charge within the

meaning of section 261 when it was created.

1500 Charges, liens and pledges—continuation of restriction of


(1) This section applies despite the amendment of this Act made by

item 10 of Schedule 1 to the amending Act if a reference to a

charge in a provision of this Act, as in force immediately before

the commencement time, did not include a reference to a lien or a

pledge, or any other particular form of security over the property.

Note: Item 10 of Schedule 1 to the amending Act inserts the definition of

security interest in section 51A.

(2) In its application in relation to an interest in property created or

arising before the commencement time, or under an agreement or

instrument made before that time, the reference in that provision

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Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transitional provisions relating to the Personal Property Securities (Corporations and

Other Amendments) Act 2010 Part 10.13

Section 1501

Corporations Act 2001 147

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(as amended by the amending Act) to a security interest does not

include a reference to a lien or a pledge, or that particular form of

security over the property, as the case may be.

1501 Charges, liens, pledges and third party property—application

The amendments made by Part 1 (new concepts) of Schedule 1 to

the amending Act apply:

(a) in relation to charges, liens and pledges, whether created or

arising before, at or after the commencement time; and

(b) in relation to property owned, occupied or used by, or in the

possession of, a corporation, whether the ownership,

occupation, use or possession started before, at or after the

commencement time.

1501A References to the whole or substantially the whole of a

company’s property

(1) This section applies to a transitional security interest within the

meaning of the Personal Property Securities Act 2009.

Note: For the meaning of transitional security interest, see section 308 of

the Personal Property Securities Act 2009.

(2) In working out for the purposes of this Act whether the security

interest covers the whole, or substantially the whole, of the

company’s property at a time (the later time) that is at or after the

commencement time, disregard any of the company’s property that

is PPSA retention of title property of the company at the later time.

Note: This Act gives certain powers to secured parties who hold security

interests over the whole, or substantially the whole, of a company’s

property (for example, the power to appoint an administrator under

section 436C).

1501B Constructive notice of registrable charges

Section 130 does not apply in relation to a document that has been

lodged with ASIC to the extent that the document relates to a

registrable charge.

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Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.13 Transitional provisions relating to the Personal Property Securities

(Corporations and Other Amendments) Act 2010

Section 1502

148 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Note: Section 130 provides that a person is not taken to have information

about a company merely because the information is available to the

public from ASIC.

1502 Repeal of Chapter 2K (charges)—general

(1) For the period of 7 years after the commencement time, the

amendments made by Part 2 of Schedule 1 to the amending Act do

not apply in relation to registrable charges.

Note: The amendments made by Part 2 of Schedule 1 to the amending Act

repeal Chapter 2K and make consequential amendments to other


(2) This section applies subject to sections 1503 to 1506.

1503 Repeal of Chapter 2K (charges)—cessation of requirements in

relation to documents or notices


(1) This section applies if, immediately before the commencement

time, a document (however described) or notice is required to be

lodged or given by a company or other person under one of the

following provisions:

(a) paragraph 263(1)(a), (b) or (c);

(b) paragraph 263(2)(b);

(c) subsection 263(3);

(d) paragraph 264(1)(a) or (b);

(e) paragraph 265(6)(b);

(f) paragraph 268(1)(a) or (b);

(g) subsection 268(2);

(h) subsection 269(1) or (2);

(i) subsection 270(4).

Requirements that stop applying

(2) Whichever of the following requirements would otherwise apply

stops applying at the commencement time:

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Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transitional provisions relating to the Personal Property Securities (Corporations and

Other Amendments) Act 2010 Part 10.13

Section 1504

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Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(a) the requirement to lodge or give the document or notice;

(b) the requirement for ASIC to enter or delete particulars in the

Register in relation to the document or notice.

1504 Repeal of Chapter 2K (charges)—application of section 266

(1) Subject to this section, section 266 stops applying at the

commencement time in relation to registrable charges.

(2) However, if a registrable charge is void under section 266

immediately before the commencement time, that section continues

to apply in relation to the charge, subject to subsection (3) of this


(3) The Court may, on such terms and conditions as seem to the Court

just and expedient, by order, declare a registrable charge not to be,

and never to have been, void under subsection 266(1) or (3), if:

(a) before the commencement time, the charge is void under

subsection 266(1) or (3) (as the case requires); and

(b) either:

(i) an application is made to the Court under

subsection 266(4) before the commencement time for an

extension of the relevant period, and as at the

commencement time, the Court had not made a decision

in relation to the application; or

(ii) an application is made to the Court at or after the

commencement time for an order under this subsection;


(c) the Court is satisfied of the matters set out in

subsection 266(4).

1505 Repeal of Chapter 2K (charges)—cessation of company

registration requirements

The requirements in section 271 (company documentation and

registration of charges) stop applying in relation to registrable

charges at the commencement time.

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Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.13 Transitional provisions relating to the Personal Property Securities

(Corporations and Other Amendments) Act 2010

Section 1506

150 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

1506 Repeal of Chapter 2K (charges)—priority between registrable


At and after the commencement time, registrable charges have the

priority between themselves that they would have had under this

Act as in force immediately before the commencement time,

subject to Chapter 9 (Transitional provisions) of the Personal

Property Securities Act 2009.

1507 New section 440B (restrictions on third party property rights)

The repeal of sections 440B, 440BA, 440BB and 440C by

item 156 of Schedule 1 to the amending Act does not affect the

operation of subsections 1483(9) and (10) in relation to:

(a) the administration of a company that began at or after the

start of the day section 440BA commenced, and before the

commencement time within the meaning of section 1499; or

(b) distress for rent that began to be carried out before the day

section 440BB commenced.

Note: Sections 440BA and 440BB commenced on 31 December 2007.

1508 New subsection 442CB(1) (administrator’s duty of care)

The amendment of this Act by item 135 of Schedule 1 to the

amending Act does not apply in relation to the exercise of a power

of sale if the power began to be exercised before the

commencement time.

Note: Item 135 of Schedule 1 to the amending Act repealed

subsection 442CB(1) and substituted a new subsection.

1509 New section 588FP (security interests in favour of an officer of

a company etc. void)

Section 588FP does not apply in relation to a registrable charge.

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Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transitional provisions relating to the Personal Property Securities (Corporations and

Other Amendments) Act 2010 Part 10.13

Section 1510

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1510 Winding up applied for before the commencement time

Subject to this Part, the amendments made by the amending Act do

not apply in relation to the winding up of a company under

Part 5.4, Part 5.4A or Part 5.4B, or the subsequent liquidation of

the company, if the application for winding up for the purposes of

those Parts is made before the commencement time.

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Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.14 Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment (Corporate

Reporting Reform) Act 2010

Section 1510A

152 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 10.14—Transitional provisions relating to the

Corporations Amendment (Corporate

Reporting Reform) Act 2010

1510A Definition

In this Part:

amending Act means the Corporations Amendment (Corporate

Reporting Reform) Act 2010.

1510B Application of Part 1 of Schedule 1 to the amending Act

(1) The amendments made by items 1 to 4, items 11 to 16, items 18 to

23, items 29 and 30, items 32 to 42, items 45 to 47 and items 49 to

51 of Schedule 1 to the amending Act apply in relation to a

company, registered scheme or disclosing entity for financial years

of the company, registered scheme or disclosing entity ending on

or after 30 June 2010.

(1A) The amendment made by item 6 of Schedule 1 to the amending Act

applies in relation to a company limited by guarantee incorporated

on or after the commencement of that item.

(2) The amendments made by items 7 and 48 of Schedule 1 to the

amending Act apply in relation to dividends declared on or after

the commencement of those items.

(3) The amendments made by items 8, 9 and 10 of Schedule 1 to the

amending Act apply in relation to cancellations of paid-up share

capital that occur on or after the commencement of those items.

(4) Despite the amendment made by item 17 of Schedule 1 to the

amending Act, accounting standards made for the purposes of

subsection 295(2) of this Act that were in force immediately before

the commencement of that item continue in force, after that

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Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment (Corporate Reporting

Reform) Act 2010 Part 10.14

Section 1510B

Corporations Act 2001 153

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

commencement, as if they were made for the purposes of

subsection 295(2) of this Act as amended by that item.

(5) The amendment made by item 17 of Schedule 1 to the amending

Act applies to a report of a company, registered scheme or

disclosing entity for financial years of the company, registered

scheme or disclosing entity ending on or after 30 June 2010.

(6) The amendments made by items 24 to 28 of Schedule 1 to the

amending Act apply in relation to a company, registered scheme or

disclosing entity for financial years of the company, registered

scheme or disclosing entity ending on or after 30 June 2011.

(7) Despite the amendment made by item 31 of Schedule 1 to the

amending Act, accounting standards made for the purposes of

subsection 303(2) of this Act that were in force immediately before

the commencement of that item continue in force, after that

commencement, as if they were made for the purposes of

subsection 303(2) of this Act as amended by that item.

(8) The amendment made by item 31 of Schedule 1 to the amending

Act applies to a report of a disclosing entity for half-years of the

disclosing entity ending on or after 30 June 2010.

(9) The amendments made by items 43 and 44 of Schedule 1 to the

amending Act apply where the previous financial year of the

company, registered scheme or disclosing entity ends on or after

30 June 2010.

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Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.15 Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment (Financial

Market Supervision) Act 2010

Section 1511

154 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 10.15—Transitional provisions relating to the

Corporations Amendment (Financial

Market Supervision) Act 2010

1511 Definition

In this Part:

amending Schedule means Schedule 1 to the Corporations

Amendment (Financial Market Supervision) Act 2010.

1512 Application of amendments

(1) The amendments made by items 2, 5 to 11, 14, 17 and 18 of the

amending Schedule apply in relation to Australian market licences

granted before, on or after the commencement of the amending


(2) The amendments made by items 12 and 13 of the amending

Schedule apply in relation to applications for an Australian market


(a) that were made but had not yet been decided before the day

on which the amending Schedule commences; and

(b) that are made on or after the commencement of the amending


1513 Regulations may deal with transitional matters

(1) The regulations may make provisions of a transitional, application

or saving nature relating to the amendments and repeals made by

the amending Schedule.

(2) Without limiting subsection (1), regulations made for the purpose

of that subsection may modify provisions of this Act.

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Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment (No. 1) Act 2010 Part


Section 1516

Corporations Act 2001 155

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Part 10.16—Transitional provisions relating to the

Corporations Amendment (No. 1) Act 2010

1516 Application of amendments

(1) The amendments made by items 4 to 8 of Schedule 1 to the

Corporations Amendment (No. 1) Act 2010 apply in relation to

requests made after the commencement of that Schedule to inspect,

or receive a copy of, a register.

(2) The amendment made by item 9 of that Schedule applies in

relation to information obtained from a register before, at or after

the commencement of that Schedule.

(3) The amendments made by items 12 to 14 of that Schedule apply in

relation to offers made after the commencement of that Schedule.

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Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.17 Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment (Improving

Accountability on Director and Executive Remuneration) Act 2011

Section 1517

156 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 10.17—Transitional provisions relating to the

Corporations Amendment (Improving

Accountability on Director and Executive

Remuneration) Act 2011

1517 Application of Subdivision B of Division 1 of Part 2D.3

Subdivision B of Division 1 of Part 2D.3 applies in relation to the

setting of board limits on or after 1 July 2011.

1518 Application of sections 206J, 206K, 206L and 206M

(1) Section 206J applies to entry into arrangements on or after 1 July

2011, whether the remuneration was for services rendered before,

on or after that day.

(2) Section 206K applies to contracts entered into on or after 1 July


(3) Sections 206L and 206M apply to recommendations made under

contracts entered into on or after 1 July 2011.

1519 Application of subsection 249L(2)

Subsection 249L(2) as substituted by the Corporations Amendment

(Improving Accountability on Director and Executive

Remuneration) Act 2011 applies in relation to AGMs held on or

after 1 July 2011.

1520 Application of section 250BB

Section 250BB applies to voting on or after 1 August 2011,

whether the proxy was appointed before, on or after that day.

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Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment (Improving

Accountability on Director and Executive Remuneration) Act 2011 Part 10.17

Section 1521

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1521 Application of section 250BC

Section 250BC applies to appointments of proxies made on or after

1 August 2011.

1522 Application of section 250BD

Section 250BD applies in relation to voting on or after 1 August

2011, whether the matter that is the subject of the resolution relates

to a time before, on or after that day.

1523 Application of subsections 250R(4) to (10)

Subsections 250R(4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9) and (10) apply in

relation to voting on or after 1 August 2011, whether the

remuneration report concerned relates to a financial year starting

before, on or after that day.

1524 Application of Division 9 of Part 2G.2

Division 9 of Part 2G.2 applies in relation to AGMs held on or

after 1 July 2011.

Note: This has the effect that the Division can apply in relation to a

company only if both of its 2 most recent AGMs have been held on or

after 1 July 2011.

1525 Application of amendments of section 300A

(1) The amendments of section 300A made by the Corporations

Amendment (Improving Accountability on Director and Executive

Remuneration) Act 2011 apply in relation to remuneration reports

for financial years starting on or after 1 July 2011.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the repeal of

subsection 300A(1AAA).

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Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.17 Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment (Improving

Accountability on Director and Executive Remuneration) Act 2011

Section 1525

158 Corporations Act 2001

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Saving of regulations made for paragraph 300A(1)(f)

(3) The amendment of paragraph 300A(1)(f) made by the

Corporations Amendment (Improving Accountability on Director

and Executive Remuneration) Act 2011 does not affect the validity

of any regulations in force for the purposes of that paragraph

immediately before that amendment.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transitional and application provisions relating to the Future of Financial Advice

Measures Part 10.18

Provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment (Further Future of Financial Advice

Measures) Act 2012 Division 1

Section 1526

Corporations Act 2001 159

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 10.18—Transitional and application provisions

relating to the Future of Financial Advice


Division 1—Provisions relating to the Corporations

Amendment (Further Future of Financial Advice

Measures) Act 2012

1526 Definitions

(1) In this Part:

amending Act means the Corporations Amendment (Further

Future of Financial Advice Measures) Act 2012.

custodial arrangement has the same meaning as it has in

subsection 1012IA(1), subject to subsection (2).

platform operator means the provider of a custodial arrangement,

or custodial arrangements.

provider, in relation to a custodial arrangement, has the same

meaning as in subsection 1012IA(1).

(2) The definition of custodial arrangement in subsection 1012IA(1)

is to be read as if the reference in that definition to an instruction

included a reference to:

(a) a direction of the kind mentioned in paragraph 58(2)(d) or

(da) of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993

that will involve the acquisition of a particular financial

product, or a financial product of a particular kind; and

(b) a direction of the kind mentioned in subsection 52B(4) of the

Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 that will

involve the acquisition of a particular financial product, or a

financial product of a particular kind.

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Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.18 Transitional and application provisions relating to the Future of Financial

Advice Measures

Division 1 Provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment (Further Future of

Financial Advice Measures) Act 2012

Section 1527

160 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

1527 Application of best interests obligations

(1) The following apply in relation to the provision of personal advice

to a person as a retail client on or after the application day (whether

or not the advice was sought before that day):

(a) Division 2 of Part 7.7A, as inserted by item 23 of Schedule 1

to the amending Act;

(b) the amendments made by items 6, 7, 8, 9 and 34 of

Schedule 1 to the amending Act.

(2) In this section:

application day, in relation to a financial services licensee or a

person acting as a representative of a financial services licensee,


(a) if the financial services licensee has lodged notice with ASIC

in accordance with subsection 967(1) that the obligations and

prohibitions imposed under Part 7.7A are to apply to the

licensee and persons acting as representatives of the licensee

on and from the day specified in the notice—the day

specified in the notice; or

(b) if the person has not lodged such a notice—1 July 2013.

1528 Application of ban on conflicted remuneration

(1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), Division 4 of Part 7.7A, as

inserted by item 24 of Schedule 1 to the amending Act, does not

apply to a benefit given to a financial services licensee, or a

representative of a financial services licensee, if:

(a) the benefit is given under an arrangement entered into before

the application day; and

(b) the benefit is not given by a platform operator.

(2) The regulations may prescribe circumstances in which that

Division applies, or does not apply, to a benefit given to a financial

services licensee or a representative of a financial services licensee.

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Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transitional and application provisions relating to the Future of Financial Advice

Measures Part 10.18

Provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment (Further Future of Financial Advice

Measures) Act 2012 Division 1

Section 1529

Corporations Act 2001 161

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(3) Despite subsection (1), that Division does not apply to a benefit

given to a financial services licensee, or a representative of a

financial services licensee, to the extent that the operation of that

Division would result in an acquisition of property (within the

meaning of paragraph 51(xxxi) of the Constitution) from a person

otherwise than on just terms (within the meaning of that paragraph

of the Constitution).

(4) In this section:

application day:

(a) in relation to a financial services licensee or a person acting

as a representative of a financial services licensee, means:

(i) if the financial services licensee has lodged notice with

ASIC in accordance with subsection 967(1) that the

obligations and prohibitions imposed under Part 7.7A

are to apply to the licensee and persons acting as

representatives of the licensee on and from a day

specified in the notice—the day specified in the notice;


(ii) in any other case—1 July 2013; and

(b) in relation to any other person who would be subject to an

obligation or prohibition under Division 4 of Part 7.7A if it

applied, means:

(i) if a notice has been lodged with ASIC in accordance

with subsection 967(3) that the obligations and

prohibitions imposed under Part 7.7A are to apply to the

person on and from a day specified in the notice—the

day specified in the notice; or

(ii) in any other case—1 July 2013.

1529 Application of ban on other remuneration—volume-based

shelf-space fees

(1) Subject to subsection (2), Subdivision A of Division 5 of

Part 7.7A, as inserted by item 24 of Schedule 1 to the amending

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Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.18 Transitional and application provisions relating to the Future of Financial

Advice Measures

Division 1 Provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment (Further Future of

Financial Advice Measures) Act 2012

Section 1530

162 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Act, does not apply to a benefit given to a financial services

licensee, or an RSE licensee, under an arrangement entered into

before the application day.

(2) The regulations may prescribe circumstances in which that

Subdivision applies to a benefit given to a financial services

licensee, or an RSE licensee, under an arrangement entered into

before the application day.

(3) In this section:

application day:

(a) in relation to a financial services licensee or a person acting

as a representative of a financial services licensee, means:

(i) if the financial services licensee has lodged notice with

ASIC in accordance with subsection 967(1) that the

obligations and prohibitions imposed under Part 7.7A

are to apply to the licensee and persons acting as

representatives of the licensee on and from a day

specified in the notice—the day specified in the notice;


(ii) in any other case—1 July 2013; and

(b) in relation to any other person who would be subject to an

obligation or prohibition under Subdivision A of Division 5

of Part 7.7A if it applied, means:

(i) if a notice has been lodged with ASIC in accordance

with subsection 967(3) that the obligations and

prohibitions imposed under Part 7.7A are to apply to the

person on and from the day specified in the notice—the

day specified in the notice; or

(ii) in any other case—1 July 2013.

1530 Regulations do not apply where an acquisition of property

otherwise than on just terms would result

Regulations made for the purposes of subsection 1528(2) or

1529(2) do not apply to the extent that the operation of the

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Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transitional and application provisions relating to the Future of Financial Advice

Measures Part 10.18

Provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment (Further Future of Financial Advice

Measures) Act 2012 Division 1

Section 1531

Corporations Act 2001 163

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

regulations would result in an acquisition of property (within the

meaning of paragraph 51(xxxi) of the Constitution) from a person

otherwise than on just terms (within the meaning of that


1531 Application of ban on other remuneration—asset-based fees on

borrowed amounts

(1) Subdivision B of Division 5 of Part 7.7A, as inserted by item 24 of

Schedule 1 to the amending Act, applies to asset-based fees

charged on or after the application day on borrowed amounts, but

only to the extent that those amounts are used or to be used to

acquire financial products on or after that day.

(2) Despite subsection (1), that Subdivision does not apply to an

asset-based fee charged on or after the application day, to the

extent that the operation of that Subdivision would result in an

acquisition of property (within the meaning of paragraph 51(xxxi)

of the Constitution) from a person otherwise than on just terms

(within the meaning of that paragraph of the Constitution).

(3) In this section:

application day, in relation to a financial services licensee or a

person acting as a representative of a financial services licensee,


(a) if the financial services licensee has lodged notice with ASIC

in accordance with subsection 967(1) that the obligations and

prohibitions imposed under Part 7.7A are to apply to the

licensee and persons acting as representatives of the licensee

on and from the day specified in the notice—the day

specified in the notice; or

(b) if the person has not lodged such a notice—1 July 2013.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.18 Transitional and application provisions relating to the Future of Financial

Advice Measures

Division 2 Provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment (Financial Advice

Measures) Act 2016

Section 1531A

164 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 2—Provisions relating to the Corporations

Amendment (Financial Advice Measures) Act


1531A Definitions

In this Division:

commencement day means the day on which Schedule 1 to the

Corporations Amendment (Financial Advice Measures) Act 2016


1531B Best interests obligation

The amendments made by items 12, 14A and 16 of Schedule 1 to

the Corporations Amendment (Financial Advice Measures) Act

2016 apply in relation to the provision of personal advice to a

person as a retail client on or after the commencement day.

1531C Renewal notices (opt-in requirement)

(1) The amendment made by item 21 of Schedule 1 to the

Corporations Amendment (Financial Advice Measures) Act 2016

applies in relation to an ongoing fee arrangement for those renewal

notice days for the arrangement that occur on or after the

commencement day.

(2) In this item:

renewal notice day for an ongoing fee arrangement has the same

meaning as it has in Part 7.7A, as in force immediately before the

commencement day.

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Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transitional and application provisions relating to the Future of Financial Advice

Measures Part 10.18

Provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment (Financial Advice Measures) Act

2016 Division 2

Section 1531D

Corporations Act 2001 165

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

1531D Disclosure statements

The amendments made by items 20A, 20B and 22 of Schedule 1 to

the Corporations Amendment (Financial Advice Measures) Act

2016 apply in relation to an ongoing fee arrangement for those

disclosure days for the arrangement that occur on or after the

commencement day.

1531E Conflicted remuneration

The amendments made by items 23 to 35 of Schedule 1 to the

Corporations Amendment (Financial Advice Measures) Act 2016

apply in relation to a benefit if:

(a) the benefit is one to which Division 4 of Part 7.7A applies

under section 1528; and

(b) the benefit is given on or after the commencement day.

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Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.19 Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment

(Phoenixing and Other Measures) Act 2012

Section 1532

166 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 10.19—Transitional provisions relating to the

Corporations Amendment (Phoenixing and

Other Measures) Act 2012

1532 Definition

In this Part:

amending Act means the Corporations Amendment (Phoenixing

and Other Measures) Act 2012.

1533 Part 1 of Schedule 1 to the amending Act (winding up by


(1) Paragraph 489EA(1)(a) of the Corporations Act 2001 as amended

by the amending Act applies in relation to a return of particulars

given to a company before, at or after the commencement of

Schedule 1 to the amending Act.

(2) Subsection 489EA(2) of the Corporations Act 2001 as amended by

the amending Act applies in relation to a review fee, if the due date

for payment occurs before, on or after the day on which Schedule 1

to the amending Act commences.

(3) Subsection 489EA(3) of the Corporations Act 2001 as amended by

the amending Act applies in relation to a reinstatement that occurs

before, at or after the commencement of Schedule 1 to the

amending Act.

1534 Part 2 of Schedule 1 to the amending Act (publication


(1) The amendment of subsection 412(1) of the Corporations Act 2001

made by Part 3 of Schedule 1 to the amending Act applies in

relation to a notice published after the commencement of

Schedule 1 to the amending Act.

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Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment (Phoenixing and Other

Measures) Act 2012 Part 10.19

Section 1534

Corporations Act 2001 167

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(2) The amendment of subsection 436E(3) of the Corporations Act

2001 made by Part 3 of Schedule 1 to the amending Act applies in

relation to a meeting convened after the commencement of

Schedule 1 to the amending Act.

(3) The amendment of subsection 439A(3) of the Corporations Act

2001 made by Part 3 of Schedule 1 to the amending Act applies in

relation to a meeting convened after the commencement of

Schedule 1 to the amending Act.

(4) The amendment of subsection 446A(5) of the Corporations Act

2001 made by Part 3 of Schedule 1 to the amending Act applies in

relation to a resolution that is taken, because of section 446A of the

Corporations Act 2001, to have been passed by a company after

the commencement of Schedule 1 to the amending Act.

(5) The amendment of subsection 449C(5) of the Corporations Act

2001 made by Part 3 of Schedule 1 to the amending Act applies in

relation to a meeting convened after the commencement of

Schedule 1 to the amending Act.

(6) The amendment of subsection 450A(1) of the Corporations Act

2001 made by the amending Act applies in relation to an

appointment of an administrator that occurs after the

commencement of Schedule 1 to the amending Act.

(7) The amendment of section 465A of the Corporations Act 2001

made by Part 3 of Schedule 1 to the amending Act applies in

relation to an application made under section 459P, 462 or 464 of

that Act after the commencement of Schedule 1 to the amending


(8) The amendment of subsection 491(2) of the Corporations Act 2001

made by Part 3 of Schedule 1 to the amending Act applies in

relation to a resolution passed after the commencement of

Schedule 1 to the amending Act.

(9) The amendment of subsection 497(2) of the Corporations Act 2001

made by Part 3 of Schedule 1 to the amending Act applies in

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Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.19 Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment

(Phoenixing and Other Measures) Act 2012

Section 1535

168 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

relation to a meeting convened after the commencement of

Schedule 1 to the amending Act.

(10) The amendment of subsection 498(3) of the Corporations Act 2001

made by Part 3 of Schedule 1 to the amending Act applies in

relation to an adjournment that occurs after the commencement of

Schedule 1 to the amending Act.

(11) The amendment of subsection 509(2) of the Corporations Act 2001

made by Part 3 of Schedule 1 to the amending Act applies in

relation to a meeting convened after the commencement of

Schedule 1 to the amending Act.

(12) The amendment of subsection 568A(2) of the Corporations Act

2001 made by Part 3 of Schedule 1 to the amending Act applies in

relation to a disclaimer of property, if the disclaimer occurs after

the commencement of Schedule 1 to the amending Act.

(13) Despite the amendments of sections 589, 601AA, 601AB and 1351

of the Corporations Act 2001 made by Part 3 of Schedule 1 to the

amending Act, if, before the commencement of Schedule 1 to the

amending Act, ASIC gave notice of the proposed deregistration of

a company in accordance with subsection 601AA(4) or 601AB(3)

of the Corporations Act 2001, that Act continues to apply, in

relation to the deregistration of the company, as if those

amendments had not been made.

1535 Part 3 of Schedule 1 to the amending Act (miscellaneous


Section 600AA of the Corporations Act 2001 as amended by the

amending Act applies in relation to an appointment, if the

appointment occurs after the commencement of Schedule 1 to the

amending Act.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Legislation Amendment (Audit

Enhancement) Act 2012 Part 10.20

Section 1536

Corporations Act 2001 169

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 10.20—Transitional provisions relating to the

Corporations Legislation Amendment

(Audit Enhancement) Act 2012

1536 Definitions

In this Part:

amending Act means the Corporations Legislation Amendment

(Audit Enhancement) Act 2012.

commencement means the commencement of Schedule 1 to the

amending Act.

1537 Application of amendments relating to annual transparency


The amendments made by Part 2 of Schedule 1 to the amending

Act apply in relation to annual transparency reports for:

(a) the first transparency reporting year that ends after

commencement (even if part of that year occurs before

commencement); and

(b) all later transparency reporting years.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.21 Transitional provision relating to the Corporations Legislation Amendment

(Financial Reporting Panel) Act 2012

Section 1538

170 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 10.21—Transitional provision relating to the

Corporations Legislation Amendment

(Financial Reporting Panel) Act 2012

1538 Courts etc. may have regard to Financial Reporting Panel


Despite the repeal of section 323EM by the Corporations

Legislation Amendment (Financial Reporting Panel) Act 2012, that

section continues to apply, in relation to a report of the Financial

Reporting Panel, as if that repeal had not happened.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transitional provisions relating to the Superannuation Legislation Amendment (Service

Providers and Other Governance Measures) Act 2013 Part 10.21A

Section 1538A

Corporations Act 2001 171

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 10.21A—Transitional provisions relating to

the Superannuation Legislation

Amendment (Service Providers and Other

Governance Measures) Act 2013

1538A Application of amendments relating to contributions to a

fund or scheme

The amendments made by items 1, 2 and 3 of Schedule 1 to the

Superannuation Legislation Amendment (Service Providers and

Other Governance Measures) Act 2013 apply to contributions paid

or payable on or after 1 July 2013.

1538B Application of amendments relating to Statements of Advice

The amendments made by items 7 and 8 of Schedule 1 to the

Superannuation Legislation Amendment (Service Providers and

Other Governance Measures) Act 2013 apply in relation to

personal advice given on or after the commencement of those


Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.22 Transitional provisions relating to the Superannuation Legislation

Amendment (Further MySuper and Transparency Measures) Act 2012

Section 1539

172 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 10.22—Transitional provisions relating to the

Superannuation Legislation Amendment

(Further MySuper and Transparency

Measures) Act 2012

1539 Application of section 1017BA (Obligation to make product

dashboard publicly available)

Section 1017BA applies:

(a) to the extent that it relates to MySuper products—on and

after 1 July 2013; and

(b) to the extent that it relates to choice products—on and after

1 July 2014.

1540 Application of subsection 1017BB(1) (Obligation to make

information relating to investment of assets of

superannuation entities publicly available)

Subsection 1017BB(1) applies in relation to the reporting day that

is 31 December 2019 and to later reporting days.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transitional provisions relating to the Treasury Laws Amendment (Improving

Accountability and Member Outcomes in Superannuation Measures No. 1) Act 2019

Part 10.22A

Section 1541A

Corporations Act 2001 173

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 10.22A—Transitional provisions relating to

the Treasury Laws Amendment (Improving

Accountability and Member Outcomes in

Superannuation Measures No. 1) Act 2019

1541A Application of amendments relating to portfolio holdings


The amendments of section 1017BB made by Schedule 6 to the

Treasury Laws Amendment (Improving Accountability and

Member Outcomes in Superannuation Measures No. 1) Act 2019

apply in relation to the reporting day that is 31 December 2019 and

to later reporting days.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.23 Transitional provisions relating to the Clean Energy Legislation (Carbon

Tax Repeal) Act 2014

Section 1542

174 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 10.23—Transitional provisions relating to the

Clean Energy Legislation (Carbon Tax

Repeal) Act 2014

1542 Definition

In this Part:

designated carbon unit day has the same meaning as in Part 3 of

Schedule 1 to the Clean Energy Legislation (Carbon Tax Repeal)

Act 2014.

1543 Transitional—carbon units issued before the designated

carbon unit day

Despite the amendments of this Act made by Schedule 1 to the

Clean Energy Legislation (Carbon Tax Repeal) Act 2014, this Act

continues to apply, in relation to carbon units issued before the

designated carbon unit day, as if those amendments had not been


1544 Transitional—variation of conditions on Australian financial

services licences


(1) This section applies if, as at the end of the designated carbon unit

day, an Australian financial services licence is subject to a

condition that authorises the financial services licensee to provide

financial services in relation to financial products that are carbon


Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transitional provisions relating to the Clean Energy Legislation (Carbon Tax Repeal)

Act 2014 Part 10.23

Section 1545

Corporations Act 2001 175

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19


(2) After that day, subsections 914A(3), (4) and (5) do not apply in

relation to a variation of the condition, if the only effect of the

variation is to remove the authorisation to provide financial

services in relation to financial products that are carbon units.

1545 Transitional—immediate cancellation of Australian financial

services licences

Section 915B applies, on and after the designated carbon unit day,

as if the following subsection was added at the end of the section:

Licence relating to carbon units

(5) ASIC may cancel an Australian financial services licence held by a

person, by giving written notice to the person, if the licence only

authorises the person to provide financial services that relate to

financial products that are carbon units.

1546 Transitional—statements of reasons for cancellation of

Australian financial services licences

Section 915G does not apply to a cancellation under

subsection 915B(5) (as inserted by section 1545).

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.23A Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment

(Professional Standards of Financial Advisers) Act 2017

Division 1 Definitions

Section 1546A

176 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 10.23A—Transitional provisions relating to

the Corporations Amendment (Professional

Standards of Financial Advisers) Act 2017

Division 1—Definitions

1546A Definitions

In this Part:

amending Act means the Corporations Amendment (Professional

Standards of Financial Advisers) Act 2017.

commencement means the start of the day Part 1 of Schedule 1 to

the amending Act commences.

education and training standards has the meaning given by

section 921B.

existing provider means:

(a) a person who:

(i) is a relevant provider at any time between 1 January

2016 and 1 January 2019 (except a person who has

ceased to be a relevant provider under

subsection 1546B(4) or (5)); and

(ii) is not banned or disqualified under Division 8 of

Part 7.6 on 1 January 2019; and

(iii) is not, on that day, subject to an enforceable undertaking

under section 93AA of the ASIC Act to not provide

financial product advice or a financial service; or

(b) a person who:

(i) at any time between 1 January 2016 and 1 January

2019, provides personal advice in a foreign country to

retail clients in relation to relevant financial products;


Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment (Professional

Standards of Financial Advisers) Act 2017 Part 10.23A

Definitions Division 1

Section 1546A

Corporations Act 2001 177

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(ii) is not prohibited under the law of the foreign country

from providing such advice on 1 January 2019.

foreign country includes a region, where:

(a) the region is a colony, territory or protectorate of a foreign

country; or

(b) the region is part of a foreign country; or

(c) the region is under the protection of a foreign country; or

(d) a foreign country exercises jurisdiction or control over the

region; or

(e) a foreign country is responsible for the region’s international


relevant financial products has the meaning given by

section 910A.

relevant provider has the meaning given by section 910A.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.23A Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment

(Professional Standards of Financial Advisers) Act 2017

Division 2 Application and transitional provisions

Section 1546B

178 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 2—Application and transitional provisions

1546B Existing providers to meet certain education and training


Completion of qualifications

(1) An existing provider must have done either of the following by

1 January 2024:

(a) met the education and training standard in

subsection 921B(2);

(b) completed one or more courses determined by the standards

body to give the provider qualifications equivalent to that


Note: The standard in subsection 921B(2) is that a person has completed a

bachelor or higher degree, or equivalent qualification, approved by the

standards body, or a foreign qualification approved by the standards


(2) To avoid doubt, an existing provider may meet the education and

training standard in subsection 921B(2), or complete one or more

courses in accordance with paragraph (1)(b) of this section, before

this section commences.


(3) An existing provider must have met the education and training

standard in subsection 921B(3) before 1 January 2021.

Note 1: The standard in subsection 921B(3) is that a person has passed an

exam approved by the standards body.

Note 2: ASIC must be notified when existing providers have passed the exam

(see section 1546Y).

Note 3: An existing provider is not required to meet the standard in

subsection 921B(4), which is that a person has undertaken at least a

year of work and training that meets the requirements set by the

standards body.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment (Professional

Standards of Financial Advisers) Act 2017 Part 10.23A

Application and transitional provisions Division 2

Section 1546C

Corporations Act 2001 179

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Failing to meet the education and training standards

(4) If, at the start of 1 January 2024, a person who is an existing

provider, and a relevant provider at that time, fails to comply with

subsection (1), the person is taken for the purposes of this Act,

after that time, to have ceased to be a relevant provider.

(5) If, at the start of 1 January 2021, a person who is an existing

provider, and a relevant provider at that time, fails to comply with

subsection (3), the person is taken for the purposes of this Act,

after that time, to have ceased to be a relevant provider.

(6) Subsections (4) and (5) do not prevent the person again becoming a

relevant provider.

Standards body may determine courses

(7) The standards body may, by legislative instrument, determine

courses for the purposes of paragraph (1)(b).

1546C Application of limitation on authorisation to provide

personal advice and offence

Limitation on authorisation to provide personal advice

(1) Section 921C, as inserted by the amending Act, applies in relation


(a) any Australian financial services licence granted on or after

1 January 2019 to a person who is not an existing provider;


(b) any authorisation given on or after that day to a person who

is not an existing provider.

Note: Section 921C provides that a person cannot be granted a licence, or be

authorised, to provide certain financial advice unless the person meets

certain conditions.

(2) Section 921C, as inserted by the amending Act, applies, on and

after 1 January 2024, in relation to a person who ceases to be a

relevant provider under subsection 1546B(4).

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.23A Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment

(Professional Standards of Financial Advisers) Act 2017

Division 2 Application and transitional provisions

Section 1546D

180 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(3) Section 921C, as inserted by the amending Act, applies, on and

after 1 January 2021, in relation to a person who ceases to be a

relevant provider under subsection 1546B(5).

(4) Section 921C, as inserted by the amending Act, does not apply in

relation to a person who is an existing provider while the person

continues to be a relevant provider.

Restriction on use of terms “financial adviser” and “financial


(5) The following provisions, as inserted by the amending Act, apply

on and after 1 January 2019:

(a) section 923C;

(b) items 269AAA and 269AAB of the table in Schedule 3.

Note: Those provisions relate to offences for using the terms “financial

adviser” and “financial planner”.

1546D Application of requirements relating to provisional relevant


Section 921F, as inserted by the amending Act, applies in relation

to any authorisation given on or after 1 January 2019 to a person

who is not an existing provider.

Note: Section 921F sets out the requirements in relation to a person who is a

provisional relevant provider.

1546E Application of continuing professional development standard

for relevant providers

(1) Sections 921D and 922HA, as inserted by the amending Act, apply

on and after 1 January 2019.

Note: Section 921D provides that certain relevant providers must meet the

continuing professional development standard. Section 922HA

requires ASIC to be notified of the day on which a financial services

licensee’s CPD year is to begin.

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Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment (Professional

Standards of Financial Advisers) Act 2017 Part 10.23A

Application and transitional provisions Division 2

Section 1546E

Corporations Act 2001 181

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(2) Sections 922HB and 922HC, as inserted by the amending Act,

apply in relation to any CPD year of a financial services licensee

that begins on or after 1 January 2019.

Note: Section 922HB requires ASIC to be notified if relevant providers do

not comply with the continuing professional development standard.

Section 922HC requires a financial services licensee to retain

evidence of the continuing professional development of relevant


(3) Section 922N, as inserted by the amending Act, applies in relation

to a request made of a person on or after 1 January 2019 for the

purposes of subparagraph 922N(1)(c)(iii).

Note: Among other things, section 922N allows a financial services licensee

to ask a person to provide information relating to whether the licensee

must lodge a notice under section 922HB.

(4) Subsection (5) applies if:

(a) the first CPD year of a financial services licensee commences

after 1 January 2019; and

(b) before the start of the licensee’s first CPD year:

(i) the licensee is a relevant provider; or

(ii) a relevant provider is authorised to provide personal

advice to retail clients, on behalf of the licensee, in

relation to relevant financial products.

(5) Sections 922HB, 922HC and 922Q, as inserted by the amending

Act, apply as if a reference in those sections to a financial services

licensee’s CPD year included a reference to the period:

(a) beginning on the later of 1 January 2019 and:

(i) if subparagraph (4)(b)(i) applies—the day the licensee is

granted an Australian financial services licence that

covers the provision of personal advice to retail clients

in relation to relevant financial products; and

(ii) if subparagraph (4)(b)(ii) applies—the first day the

relevant provider is authorised to provide personal

advice to retail clients, on behalf of the licensee, in

relation to relevant financial products; and

(b) ending on the day before the licensee’s first CPD year.

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Part 10.23A Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment

(Professional Standards of Financial Advisers) Act 2017

Division 2 Application and transitional provisions

Section 1546F

182 Corporations Act 2001

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Note 1: Among other things, section 922Q requires failures of relevant

providers to comply with the continuing education standard to be

entered on the Register.

Note 2: The standards body may, under subparagraph 921U(2)(a)(iv), set

requirements for continuing professional development in relation to a

period mentioned in subsection (5) of this section, and, in one or more

determinations made under subsection 921U(3), modify the operation

of a provision in Part 7.6 in relation to such a period.

1546F Application of Code of Ethics to relevant providers

Sections 921E and 922HD, as inserted by the amending Act, apply

on and after 1 January 2020.

Note: Section 921E requires a relevant provider to comply with the Code of

Ethics. Section 922HD requires ASIC to be notified of failures to

comply with the Code of Ethics.

1546G Application of obligations in relation to compliance schemes

(1) Section 921H, as inserted by the amending Act, applies on and

after 15 November 2019:

(a) in relation to a person who becomes a financial services

licensee on or after that day; and

(b) for a person who becomes a financial services licensee before

that day:

(i) in relation to a person who becomes a relevant provider

on or after that day; and

(ii) in relation to a person who becomes a relevant provider

before that day as if subsection 921H(2) required the

scheme to cover the relevant provider by 1 January


Note: Section 921H requires a financial services licensee to ensure that a

compliance scheme covers each of its relevant providers.

(2) Section 921J, as inserted by the amending Act, applies on and after

15 November 2019.

Note: Section 921J sets out when a compliance scheme covers a relevant


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Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment (Professional

Standards of Financial Advisers) Act 2017 Part 10.23A

Application and transitional provisions Division 2

Section 1546H

Corporations Act 2001 183

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(3) Sections 921K, 921Q, 921R and 921T, as inserted by the amending

Act, apply on and after the day this section commences.

Note: Section 921K provides that a monitoring body for a compliance

scheme may apply to ASIC for approval of the scheme. Section 921Q

provides that ASIC may request information about a compliance

scheme from the monitoring body for the scheme. Section 921R

provides that a monitoring body may propose to modify a scheme in

certain circumstances. Section 921T requires a monitoring body to

notify ASIC of certain reductions in the body’s resources or expertise.

(4) Sections 921L, 921M, 921N, 921P and 921S, as inserted by the

amending Act, apply on and after 1 January 2020.

Note: Sections 921L to 921N include provisions about investigations by

monitoring bodies. Section 921P provides for compliance schemes to

be made publicly available. Section 921S provides for the review of

compliance schemes.

(5) Paragraphs 922E(1)(i) and 922F(1)(n), as inserted by the amending

Act, apply on and after 15 November 2019 in relation to notices

lodged under section 922D on or after that day.

Note: Paragraphs 922E(1)(i) and 922F(1)(n) require notices lodged under

section 922D in relation to a relevant provider to include the name of

the compliance scheme that is to cover the relevant provider.

1546H Application of obligation for standards body to publish

annual report

(1) Section 921ZC, as inserted by the amending Act, applies on and

after 1 July 2017.

(2) If the declaration of a body corporate to be the standards body

under section 921X takes effect at a time during a financial year,

the first annual report published by the standards body must cover

the period beginning at that time and ending at the end of the next

financial year as if that period were a financial year.

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Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.23A Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment

(Professional Standards of Financial Advisers) Act 2017

Division 2 Application and transitional provisions

Section 1546J

184 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

1546J Application of obligation to notify ASIC about a person who

becomes a relevant provider

Sections 922D, 922E and 922F, as inserted by the amending Act,

apply (subject to subsection 1546G(5) and sections 1546K to

1546N) in relation to a person who becomes a relevant provider if:

(a) the person becomes a relevant provider after commencement;


(b) both of the following apply:

(i) the person becomes a relevant provider before


(ii) immediately before commencement, a notice has not

been lodged in accordance with section 922D, as

notionally inserted into this Act by Schedule 8D to the

Corporations Regulations 2001.

Note: Section 922D requires ASIC to be notified if a person becomes a

relevant provider.

1546K Application of requirements relating to information about

relevant provider’s principal place of business

Paragraphs 922E(1)(b) and 922F(1)(b), as inserted by the

amending Act, apply on and after 15 November 2019 in relation to

notices lodged under section 922D on or after that day.

Note: Paragraphs 922E(1)(b) and 922F(1)(b) require notices lodged under

section 922D in relation to a relevant provider to include the address

of the relevant provider’s principal place of business.

1546L Application of requirements relating to information about

membership of professional associations where relevant

provider is licensee

Section 922E, as inserted by the amending Act, applies until the

start of 15 November 2019 as if paragraph 922E(1)(h) were

replaced with the following:

(h) information about both of the following:

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Standards of Financial Advisers) Act 2017 Part 10.23A

Application and transitional provisions Division 2

Section 1546M

Corporations Act 2001 185

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(i) the educational qualifications of, and any training

courses completed by, the relevant provider;

(ii) the relevant provider’s membership (if any) of

professional bodies;

to the extent that the qualifications, training courses or

memberships are relevant to the provision of financial

services (and if the relevant provider has more than 5

memberships, the 5 memberships that the person lodging the

notice believes, on reasonable grounds, are most relevant to

the provision of financial services);

1546M Application of requirements relating to information about

membership of professional associations where relevant

provider is not licensee

Section 922F, as inserted by the amending Act, applies until the

start of 15 November 2019 as if paragraph 922F(1)(m) were

replaced with the following:

(m) information about both of the following:

(i) the educational qualifications of, and any training

courses completed by, the relevant provider;

(ii) the relevant provider’s membership (if any) of

professional bodies;

to the extent that the qualifications, training courses or

memberships are relevant to the provision of financial

services (and if the relevant provider has more than 5

memberships, the 5 memberships that the person lodging the

notice believes, on reasonable grounds, are most relevant to

the provision of financial services);

1546N Application of requirements relating to information about

provisional relevant provider’s work and training

Paragraphs 922F(1)(f) and (g), as inserted by the amending Act,

apply in relation to notices lodged under section 922D on or after

1 January 2019.

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(Professional Standards of Financial Advisers) Act 2017

Division 2 Application and transitional provisions

Section 1546P

186 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Note: Paragraphs 922F(1)(f) and (g) require notices lodged under

section 922D to include information in relation to provisional relevant

providers and their work and training.

1546P Application of ongoing obligation to notify ASIC when there

is a change in a matter for a relevant provider

Paragraph 922H(1)(a), as inserted by the amending Act, applies in

relation to a change in a matter if:

(a) the change occurs after commencement; or

(b) both of the following apply:

(i) the change occurs before commencement;

(ii) immediately before commencement, a notice has not

been lodged in accordance with section 922H, as

notionally inserted into this Act by Schedule 8D to the

Corporations Regulations 2001.

1546Q Application of obligation to notify ASIC about a person who

starts to have control of a body corporate licensee

Section 922J, as inserted by the amending Act, applies in relation

to a person who starts to have control of a body corporate licensee


(a) the person starts to have control of the licensee after

commencement; or

(b) both of the following apply:

(i) the person starts to have control of the licensee before


(ii) immediately before commencement, a notice has not

been lodged in accordance with section 922J, as

notionally inserted into this Act by Schedule 8D to the

Corporations Regulations 2001.

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Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment (Professional

Standards of Financial Advisers) Act 2017 Part 10.23A

Application and transitional provisions Division 2

Section 1546R

Corporations Act 2001 187

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

1546R Application of obligation to notify ASIC about a person who

ceases to have control of a body corporate licensee

Section 922K, as inserted by the amending Act, applies in relation

to a person who ceases to have control of a body corporate licensee


(a) the person ceases to have control of the licensee after

commencement; or

(b) both of the following apply:

(i) the person ceases to have control of the licensee before


(ii) immediately before commencement, a notice has not

been lodged in accordance with section 922K, as

notionally inserted into this Act by Schedule 8D to the

Corporations Regulations 2001.

1546S Application of obligation for relevant providers to provide

information to financial services licensees

Section 922N, as inserted by the amending Act, applies in relation

to a request made of a person if:

(a) both of the following apply:

(i) the request is made of the person for the purposes of

subparagraph 922N(1)(c)(i) or (ii);

(ii) the request is made after commencement (whether the

person becomes a relevant provider before or after

commencement); or

(b) both of the following apply:

(i) the request (as mentioned in paragraph 922N(1)(c), as

notionally inserted into this Act by Schedule 8D to the

Corporations Regulations 2001) is made before


(ii) immediately before commencement, the person has not

provided the information requested.

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Part 10.23A Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment

(Professional Standards of Financial Advisers) Act 2017

Division 2 Application and transitional provisions

Section 1546T

188 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

1546T Application of requirements relating to Register of Relevant


(1) Paragraphs 922Q(2)(b), (r), and (v), as inserted by the amending

Act, apply on and after 1 January 2020.

(2) Subparagraph 922Q(2)(j)(ii) and paragraph 922Q(2)(m), as

inserted by the amending Act, apply on and after 1 January 2019.

(3) Section 922Q, as inserted by the amending Act, applies until the

start of 1 January 2020 as if subparagraph 922Q(2)(u)(ii) were

replaced with the following:

(ii) the relevant provider’s membership (if any) of

professional associations, to the extent that the

memberships are relevant to the provision of financial


(4) Otherwise, sections 922Q and 922S, as inserted by the amending

Act, apply on and after commencement.

1546U Relevant provider numbers given before commencement

For the purposes of this Act, a number given by ASIC to a person

in accordance with regulation 7.6.06A of the Corporations

Regulations 2001 is taken to have been given in accordance with

section 922R of this Act, as inserted by the amending Act.

1546V Continuation of Register of Relevant Providers

The repeal of regulation 7.6.06B of the Corporations

Regulations 2001 by the Corporations Amendment (Professional

Standards of Financial Advisers) Regulations 2017 does not affect

the continuity of the register of relevant providers established

under that regulation.

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Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment (Professional

Standards of Financial Advisers) Act 2017 Part 10.23A

Transitional notices Division 3

Section 1546W

Corporations Act 2001 189

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 3—Transitional notices

1546W Obligation to notify ASIC of certain information

(1) A notice must be lodged under this section, in the prescribed form,

if, before 15 November 2019, a notice was lodged in relation to a

relevant provider under:

(a) section 922D, as inserted by the amending Act; or

(b) section 922D, as notionally inserted into this Act by

Schedule 8D to the Corporations Regulations 2001.

(2) The notice must include:

(a) the address of the relevant provider’s principal place of

business; and

(b) the name of the compliance scheme that is to cover the

relevant provider.

(3) The notice must be lodged before 1 January 2020 by:

(a) if the relevant provider is a financial services licensee—the

licensee; or

(b) otherwise—the financial services licensee on whose behalf

the relevant provider is authorised to provide personal advice

to retail clients in relation to relevant financial products.

(4) Subsection 921J(2) applies, subject to this section, as if the

reference in that subsection to section 922D included a reference to

this section.

1546X Obligation to notify ASIC of CPD year

(1) A notice must be lodged under this section, in the prescribed form,

if, before 1 January 2019, ASIC granted an applicant an Australian

financial services licence that covers the provision of personal

advice to retail clients in relation to relevant financial products.

(2) The notice must include the day of the year on which the relevant

financial services licensee’s CPD year begins.

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Part 10.23A Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment

(Professional Standards of Financial Advisers) Act 2017

Division 3 Transitional notices

Section 1546Y

190 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(3) The notice must be lodged by the licensee before 1 January 2019.

(4) Subsection 922HA(3) applies as if a reference in that subsection to

subsection 922HA(1) or (3) included a reference to this section.

1546Y Obligation to notify ASIC when exams passed

(1) A notice must be lodged under this section, in the prescribed form,

if an existing provider passes an exam for the purposes of

complying with subsection 1546B(3).

(2) The notice must state that the existing provider has passed the


(3) The notice must be lodged by a financial services licensee within

30 business days of the financial services licensee becoming aware

that the existing provider has passed the exam.

1546ZA Offence for failing to lodge transitional notices

Section 922M applies as if a reference in that section to a notice

provision included a reference to a notice given under this


Note: Section 922M provides that a person commits an offence if a person

does not lodge certain notices.

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Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment (Professional

Standards of Financial Advisers) Act 2017 Part 10.23A

Review Division 4

Section 1546ZB

Corporations Act 2001 191

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 4—Review

1546ZB Review

The Minister must cause a review of Divisions 8A, 8B and 8C of

Part 7.6, as inserted by the amending Act, to be commenced before

31 December 2026.

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Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.24 Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Legislation Amendment

(Deregulatory and Other Measures) Act 2014

Section 1547

192 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 10.24—Transitional provisions relating to the

Corporations Legislation Amendment

(Deregulatory and Other Measures) Act


1547 Definitions

In this Part:

amending Act means the Corporations Legislation Amendment

(Deregulatory and Other Measures) Act 2014.

1548 Application of amendments relating to calling of general


The amendments of section 249D made by Schedule 1 to the

amending Act do not apply in relation to a request made under that

section before the commencement of that Schedule.

1549 Application of amendments relating to directors’ reports for

listed companies

The amendments of section 300A made by Schedule 1 to the

amending Act apply in relation to directors’ reports for financial

years ending on or after the commencement of that Schedule.

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Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment (Life Insurance

Remuneration Arrangements) Act 2017 Part 10.24A

Section 1549A

Corporations Act 2001 193

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 10.24A—Transitional provisions relating to

the Corporations Amendment (Life

Insurance Remuneration Arrangements)

Act 2017

1549A Definitions

In this Part:

amending Act means the Corporations Amendment (Life Insurance

Remuneration Arrangements) Act 2017.

commencement day means the day on which Schedule 1 to the

amending Act commences.

1549B Applications of amendments relating to life risk insurance


(1) Subject to subsections (2), (3) and (4), the amendments made by

Schedule 1 to the amending Act apply to a benefit given to a

financial services licensee, or a representative of a financial

services licensee, under an arrangement entered into before, on or

after the commencement day.

(2) The amendments made by Schedule 1 to the amending Act do not

apply to a benefit given to a financial services licensee, or a

representative of a financial services licensee, in relation to a life

risk insurance product if:

(a) the life risk insurance product is issued before the

commencement day; or

(b) the application for the issue of the life risk insurance product

is made before the commencement day and the product is

issued within 3 months after the commencement day.

Note: This means that if a benefit is given in relation to a group of life risk

insurance products, some of which were issued before the

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Part 10.24A Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment (Life

Insurance Remuneration Arrangements) Act 2017

Section 1549B

194 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

commencement day and some after, the products issued before the

commencement day, or in circumstances covered by paragraph (2)(b),

would be ignored for the purposes of applying the amendments.

(3) The regulations may prescribe circumstances in which the

amendments made by Schedule 1 to the amending Act apply, or do

not apply, to a benefit given to a financial services licensee or a

representative of a financial services licensee.

(4) Despite any other provision of this section or the regulations, the

amendments made by Schedule 1 to the amending Act do not apply

to a benefit given to a financial services licensee, or a

representative of a financial services licensee, to the extent that the

operation of those amendments would result in an acquisition of

property (within the meaning of paragraph 51(xxxi) of the

Constitution) from a person otherwise than on just terms (within

the meaning of that paragraph of the Constitution).

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Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transitional provisions relating to the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

Part 10.25

Introduction Division 1

Section 1550

Corporations Act 2001 195

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 10.25—Transitional provisions relating to the

Insolvency Practice Schedule


Division 1—Introduction

1550 Simplified outline of this Part

This Part deals with the way this Act will apply when the

provisions of the Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016 begin to


Application of Part 2 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule


A person registered as a liquidator before the commencement of

Part 1 of Schedule 2 to the Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016 will

continue to be registered and must comply with the requirements

and duties under Part 2 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule


Application of Part 3 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule


Part 3 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) will

apply to an external administration that starts on or after the

commencement of Part 1 of Schedule 2 to the Insolvency Law

Reform Act 2016 and to most ongoing administrations (but

generally only in relation to new events).

Proceedings before the Court or the Administrative Appeals


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Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.25 Transitional provisions relating to the Insolvency Practice Schedule


Division 1 Introduction

Section 1551

196 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Proceedings already begun in the Court or the Administrative

Appeals Tribunal before the commencement of the amendments

made by Part 1 of Schedule 2 to the Insolvency Law Reform Act

2016 will continue under the old Act. Orders of the Court under the

old Act continue to have effect.


Regulations may be made to deal with other transitional matters.

1551 Definitions

In this Part:

commencement day means the day on which Part 1 of Schedule 2

to the Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016 commences.

Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) means Schedule 2 to

this Act, and includes rules made under section 105-1 of that


make, in relation to an order that is a direction, includes give.

new external administration of a company means an external

administration of a company that starts on or after the

commencement day.

old Act means the Corporations Act 2001, as in force immediately

before the commencement day and includes the old regulations.

old Act registrant has the meaning given by subsection 1553(4).

old Act registration day, in relation to a person, has the meaning

given by subsection 1555(2).

old regulations means the Corporations Regulations 2001, as in

force immediately before the commencement day.

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Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transitional provisions relating to the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

Part 10.25

Introduction Division 1

Section 1551

Corporations Act 2001 197

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

ongoing external administration of a company means an external

administration of a company that started before the commencement

day and ends after that day.

order includes a direction.

registered: a person is registered as a liquidator, or as a liquidator

of a specified body corporate, at a particular time in the

circumstances set out in subsection 1552(2).

Register of Liquidators means the Register of Liquidators

established and maintained under section 15-1 of the Insolvency

Practice Schedule (Corporations).

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Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.25 Transitional provisions relating to the Insolvency Practice Schedule


Division 2 Application of Part 2 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

and related consequential amendments

Section 1552

198 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 2—Application of Part 2 of the Insolvency

Practice Schedule (Corporations) and related

consequential amendments

Subdivision A—Registering liquidators

1552 Applications for registration under the old Act

(1) If, before the commencement day:

(a) a person has applied for registration as a liquidator, or as a

liquidator of a specified body corporate, under section 1279

of the old Act; and

(b) the person’s application has not been refused; and

(c) the person is not registered before the commencement day as

a liquidator, or as a liquidator of a specified body corporate;

the application is taken never to have been made and ASIC must

refund any fee paid in relation to the application.

(2) A person is registered as a liquidator, or as a liquidator of a

specified body corporate, at a particular time if:

(a) a certificate of registration as a liquidator or as a liquidator of

a specified body corporate has been issued to the person

under subsection 1282(6) of the old Act before that time; and

(b) the day specified in the certificate as the day on which the

registration would begin occurs before the day on which that

time occurs.

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Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transitional provisions relating to the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

Part 10.25

Application of Part 2 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) and related

consequential amendments Division 2

Section 1553

Corporations Act 2001 199

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

1553 Persons registered under the old Act continue to be registered

under the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

Person registered under the old Act immediately before the

commencement day

(1) If a person is registered as a liquidator, or as a liquidator of a

specified body corporate, immediately before the commencement

day, on the commencement day the person is taken to be registered

as a liquidator under Subdivision B of Division 20 of the

Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations).

Person registered but suspended under the old Act before the

commencement day

(2) If:

(a) a person is registered as a liquidator, or as a liquidator of a

specified body corporate, before the commencement day; and

(b) that person’s registration is suspended before the

commencement day; and

(c) the period of the suspension does not expire before the

commencement day;

the person is taken to be registered as a liquidator under

Subdivision B of Division 20 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule

(Corporations) on the commencement day, but the person’s

registration is taken to be suspended under the Insolvency Practice

Schedule (Corporations) for a period that ends when the period of

the suspension under the old Act would have ended.

Note: The old Act registrant could apply under Subdivision F of Division 40

of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) to have the

suspension lifted or shortened.

Circumstances in which person not taken to be registered

(3) Despite subsections (1) and (2), a person mentioned in one of those

subsections is not taken to be registered as a liquidator under

Subdivision B of Division 20 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule

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Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.25 Transitional provisions relating to the Insolvency Practice Schedule


Division 2 Application of Part 2 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

and related consequential amendments

Section 1554

200 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(Corporations) on the commencement day if, at the beginning of

that day:

(a) the person is an insolvent under administration; or

(b) the person is dead.

Meaning of old Act registrant

(4) A person who is taken to be registered under Subdivision B of

Division 20 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

because of this section is referred to as an old Act registrant.

1554 Old Act registrant’s details

(1) ASIC must enter on the Register of Liquidators, in relation to each

old Act registrant, the details prescribed under subsection 15-1(3)

of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) that relate to

that old Act registrant.

(2) If ASIC holds information in relation to an old Act registrant

before the commencement day, ASIC may use and disclose the

information for the purposes of establishing and maintaining the

Register of Liquidators.

1555 Period of old Act registrant’s registration under the Insolvency

Practice Schedule (Corporations)

(1) The registration of an old Act registrant under the Insolvency

Practice Schedule (Corporations) is for a period ending on the first

anniversary of the old Act registration day for that person that

occurs on or after the commencement day.

(2) The old Act registration day in relation to a person who was

registered (or but for a suspension would have been registered) as a

liquidator, or as a liquidator of a specified body corporate,

immediately before the commencement day, is the day on which

that registration began.

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Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transitional provisions relating to the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

Part 10.25

Application of Part 2 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) and related

consequential amendments Division 2

Section 1556

Corporations Act 2001 201

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(3) To avoid doubt, the registration of an old Act registrant under the

Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) may be renewed in

accordance with that Schedule.

1556 Conditions for old Act registrants—conditions under the

Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

To avoid doubt, a condition may be imposed on an old Act

registrant (or on a class that includes an old Act registrant) under

the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) in accordance

with that Schedule.

1557 Current conditions for old Act registrants—undertakings

under the old Act

Undertakings under the old Act

(1) If:

(a) an old Act registrant was required to give an undertaking

under paragraph 1292(9)(b) or (c) of the old Act; and

(b) that requirement is still in force immediately before the

commencement day;

it is a condition of the old Act registrant’s registration under the

Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) that he or she gives

and complies with the undertaking.

(2) A condition imposed under subsection (1) is a current condition

imposed on the old Act registrant.

Varying etc. conditions of registration

(3) Subdivision C of Division 20 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule

(Corporations) applies to a condition imposed under subsection (1)

in the same way as it applies to a condition imposed by a

committee under the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations).

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Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.25 Transitional provisions relating to the Insolvency Practice Schedule


Division 2 Application of Part 2 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

and related consequential amendments

Section 1558

202 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

1558 Current conditions for old Act registrants—undertakings

under the ASIC Act

Undertakings under the ASIC Act

(1) If:

(a) before the commencement day, an old Act registrant gives

ASIC an undertaking under section 93AA of the ASIC Act to

engage in, or refrain from engaging in, conduct as a

liquidator, or as a liquidator of a specified body corporate;


(b) that undertaking is in force immediately before the

commencement day;

it is a condition of the old Act registrant’s registration under the

Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) that he or she comply

with the undertaking.

(2) A condition imposed under subsection (1) is a current condition

imposed on the old Act registrant.

Enforcement of undertaking under the ASIC Act not affected

(3) Nothing in this section affects the application of section 93AA of

the ASIC Act in relation to a breach of an undertaking accepted

under that section.

1559 Old Act registrant registered as liquidator of a specified body


Old Act registrant may not accept further appointments

(1) If an old Act registrant was registered as a liquidator of a specified

body corporate immediately before the commencement day, it is a

condition of the old Act registrant’s registration under the

Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) that he or she must

not accept any further appointments as external administrator of a


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Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transitional provisions relating to the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

Part 10.25

Application of Part 2 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) and related

consequential amendments Division 2

Section 1560

Corporations Act 2001 203

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(2) That condition is a current condition imposed on the old Act


Registration cancelled once current administrations completed

(3) On the day immediately after the external administration of the

body corporate in relation to which the old Act registrant was

registered ends:

(a) the old Act registrant is taken to have lodged a request in the

approved form in accordance with paragraph 40-30(1)(f) of

the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) to have his

or her registration as a liquidator cancelled; and

(b) ASIC is taken to have cancelled the registration under

subsection 40-30(1) of the Insolvency Practice Schedule


Old Act registrant applies for registration under section 20-5 of the

Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

(4) To avoid doubt, if the old Act registrant applies under section 20-5

of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) to be registered

as a liquidator, and is registered in response to that application, this

section does not affect that registration.

1560 Old Act registrant chooses not to renew

Application of this section

(1) This section applies if an old Act registrant does not apply for

renewal of his or her registration under the Insolvency Practice

Schedule (Corporations) before his or her period of registration

under subsection 1555(1) ends (the expiry day).

Old Act registrant may not accept further appointments after

registration expires

(2) The old Act registrant is taken to be registered as a liquidator under

Subdivision B of Division 20 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule

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Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.25 Transitional provisions relating to the Insolvency Practice Schedule


Division 2 Application of Part 2 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

and related consequential amendments

Section 1561

204 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(Corporations) after the expiry day, subject to a condition that he or

she must not accept any further appointments as external

administrator of a company.

(3) That condition is a current condition imposed on the old Act


Registration cancelled once current administrations completed

(4) On the day immediately after all of the external administrations of

companies that the old Act registrant is entitled to carry out in

accordance with his or her current conditions ends:

(a) the old Act registrant is taken to have lodged a request in the

approved form in accordance with paragraph 40-30(1)(f) of

the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) to have his

or her registration as a liquidator cancelled; and

(b) ASIC is taken to have cancelled the registration under

subsection 40-30(1) of the Insolvency Practice Schedule


Subdivision B—Annual returns and statements

1561 Application of obligation to lodge annual liquidator returns

Application of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

(1) Section 30-1 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

applies in relation to liquidator return years that begin on or after

the commencement day.

Meaning of liquidator return year

(2) In working out the liquidator return year for an old Act registrant

under subsection 30-1(2) of the Insolvency Practice Schedule

(Corporations), “the day on which that registration first began”,

means “the old Act registration day for that person (as defined for

the purpose of Part 10.25 of this Act)”.

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Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transitional provisions relating to the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

Part 10.25

Application of Part 2 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) and related

consequential amendments Division 2

Section 1562

Corporations Act 2001 205

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Annual statements under the old Act

(3) The repeal of section 1288 by Schedule 2 to the Insolvency Law

Reform Act 2016 applies in relation to liquidator return years

beginning on or after the commencement day.

Subdivision C—Notice requirements

1562 Notice of significant events

(1) If:

(a) within 2 years before the commencement day, an event of a

kind mentioned in subsection 35-1(1) of the Insolvency

Practice Schedule (Corporations) occurs in relation to an old

Act registrant; and

(b) the old Act registrant has not already informed ASIC in

writing of the event before the commencement day;

the old Act registrant must lodge with ASIC a notice, in the

approved form, relating to the event.

(2) The notice must be lodged:

(a) if the old Act registrant is or could reasonably be expected to

be aware of the event on or before the commencement day—

within one month after the commencement day; or

(b) if paragraph (a) is not satisfied, but the old Act registrant is

or could reasonably be expected to be aware of the event

after the commencement day—within one month after the

first day on which the old Act registrant is or could

reasonably be expected to be aware of the event.

(3) A person commits an offence if:

(a) the person is subject to a requirement under subsection (1)

within the period specified in subsection (2); and

(b) the person intentionally or recklessly fails to comply with the

requirement within that period.

Penalty: 100 penalty units.

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Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.25 Transitional provisions relating to the Insolvency Practice Schedule


Division 2 Application of Part 2 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

and related consequential amendments

Section 1563

206 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Subdivision D—Cancellation by ASIC under the old Act

1563 Request for cancellation made before the commencement day

(1) This section applies if:

(a) before the commencement day, a person requests ASIC

under section 1290 of the old Act to cancel the person’s

registration as a liquidator or as a liquidator of a specified

body corporate; and

(b) no decision by ASIC to cancel that registration has come into

effect before the commencement day.

(2) ASIC may not cancel the registration under section 1290 of the old


(3) However, for the purposes of paragraph 40-30(1)(f) of the

Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations), the person is taken to

have lodged a request with ASIC in the approved form to have the

person’s registration as a liquidator under the Insolvency Practice

Schedule (Corporations) cancelled.

(4) The amendments of section 1290 made by Schedule 2 to the

Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016 apply in relation to requests made

to ASIC under section 1290 on or after the commencement day.

1564 Decision to cancel registration made before the commencement


(1) This section applies if:

(a) before the commencement day, a decision is made by ASIC

under section 1290A of the old Act to cancel the registration

of a person as a liquidator, or as a liquidator of a specified

body corporate; and

(b) the decision has not come into effect before the

commencement day.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transitional provisions relating to the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

Part 10.25

Application of Part 2 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) and related

consequential amendments Division 2

Section 1565

Corporations Act 2001 207

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(2) On the commencement day, ASIC is taken to have made a decision

under section 40-30 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule

(Corporations) to cancel the registration of the person as a


(3) Section 40-35 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

applies in relation to the decision as if the decision were made on

the commencement day.

Subdivision E—Disciplinary proceedings before the Board

1565 Matters not dealt with by the Board before the commencement


(1) If:

(a) an application has been made under section 1292 of the old

Act in relation to a person before the commencement day;


(b) the Board has not, before the commencement day:

(i) made an order in response to the application under

subsection 1292(2), (3), (4), (5), (6) or (7) of the old

Act; or

(ii) dealt with the person under subsection 1292(9) of the

old Act in response to the application; or

(iii) held a conference in relation to the application under

section 1294A;

the Board must cease its consideration of the matter on the

commencement day without making such an order, dealing with

the person under subsection 1292(9) of the old Act or convening

such a conference under section 1294A.

(2) If:

(a) the Board has ceased to consider a matter because of

subsection (1); and

(b) a conference has been convened in relation to the matter

under subsection 1294A(1), but not yet held;

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.25 Transitional provisions relating to the Insolvency Practice Schedule


Division 2 Application of Part 2 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

and related consequential amendments

Section 1566

208 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

the Chairperson of the Board need not give notice of the

conference under subsection 1294A(3) and the conference need not

be held.

(3) The fact that the Board has ceased to consider the matter does not

preclude the matter, or any aspect of the matter, from being dealt

with under Division 40 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule


(4) To avoid doubt, nothing in this section affects any right or

obligation that any person has before the commencement day,

including any right to review, in relation to the application or the

consideration of the matter by the Board.

1566 Matters dealt with by the Board before the commencement day

(1) This section applies if:

(a) an application has been made under section 1292 of the old

Act in relation to a person before the commencement day;


(b) before the commencement day, the Board has:

(i) made an order in response to the application under

subsection 1292(2), (3), (4), (5), (6) or (7); or

(ii) dealt with the person under subsection 1292(9) in

response to the application; or

(iii) held a conference in relation to the application under

section 1294A.

(2) The old Act continues to apply in relation to:

(a) the decision to:

(i) make the order under subsection 1292(2), (3), (4), (5),

(6) or (7); or

(ii) deal with the matter under subsection 1292(9) in

response to the application; or

(iii) convene the conference under section 1294A; and

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transitional provisions relating to the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

Part 10.25

Application of Part 2 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) and related

consequential amendments Division 2

Section 1567

Corporations Act 2001 209

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(b) a decision made at the conference held under section 1294A;


(c) any process ordered under subsection 1294A(4) at the

conference held under that section; and

(d) the matter in relation to which the conference was held under

section 1294A before the commencement day.

(3) The same matter may not be dealt with under Division 40 of the

Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations).

1567 Matters which the Board refuses to deal with before the

commencement day

(1) This section applies if:

(a) an application has been made under section 1292 of the old

Act in relation to a person before the commencement day;


(b) before the commencement day, the Board has decided to

refuse to:

(i) make an order in response to the application under

subsection 1292(2), (3), (4), (5), (6) or (7); or

(ii) deal with the person under subsection 1292(9) in

response to the application; or

(iii) convene a conference in relation to the application

under section 1294A.

(2) The old Act continues to apply in relation to the decision to refuse

to make the order under subsection 1292(2), (3), (4), (5), (6) or (7),

deal with the matter under subsection 1292(9) in response to the

application or convene a conference under section 1294A.

(3) The same matter may not be dealt with under Division 40 of the

Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations).

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.25 Transitional provisions relating to the Insolvency Practice Schedule


Division 2 Application of Part 2 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

and related consequential amendments

Section 1568

210 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

1568 Board considering terminating suspension before the

commencement day

(1) If:

(a) an application has been made under section 1295 of the old

Act to terminate the suspension of the registration of a person

as a liquidator, or as a liquidator of a specified body

corporate; and

(b) the Board has neither refused the application nor, by order,

terminated the suspension before the commencement day;

the Board must cease its consideration of the matter on the

commencement day without making such an order.

(2) If:

(a) the Board, under section 1295 of the old Act, is considering

of its own motion whether to terminate the suspension of the

registration of a person as a liquidator, or as a liquidator of a

specified body corporate; and

(b) the Board has not, by order, terminated the suspension before

the commencement day;

the Board must cease its consideration of the matter on the

commencement day without making such an order.

(3) The fact that the Board has ceased to consider the matter does not

preclude the matter from being dealt with under Division 40 of the

Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations).

1569 Sharing information between the Board and committees

(1) The Chair of a committee convened under Part 2 of the Insolvency

Practice Schedule (Corporations) may request the Chairperson of

the Board (the Board Chair) to give the committee any

information or document in the Board’s possession or control in

relation to a person who:

(a) is, or has at any time been, a registered liquidator under the

Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations); or

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transitional provisions relating to the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

Part 10.25

Application of Part 2 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) and related

consequential amendments Division 2

Section 1570

Corporations Act 2001 211

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(b) has at any time been registered as a liquidator, or as a

liquidator of a specified body corporate, under the old Act.

(2) The Board Chair must comply with the request within 10 business


Subdivision F—Suspension, cancellation and disciplinary

action under the Insolvency Practice Schedule


1570 Direction to comply with requirement to lodge documents etc.

Subdivision B of Division 40 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule

(Corporations) applies whether or not a requirement mentioned in

that Subdivision to lodge a document or give information or a

document arises before, on or after the commencement day.

1571 Suspension by ASIC under the Insolvency Practice Schedule


(1) Section 40-25 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

applies whether or not an event mentioned in subsection 40-25(1)

occurs before, on or after the commencement day.

(2) However, paragraph 40-25(1)(c) of the Insolvency Practice

Schedule (Corporations) does not apply in relation to the

cancellation of the registration of a person as a trustee under the

Bankruptcy Act 1966, as in force at any time before the

commencement day.

1572 Cancellation by ASIC under the Insolvency Practice Schedule


(1) Section 40-30 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

applies whether or not an event mentioned in subsection 40-30(1)

occurs before, on or after the commencement day.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.25 Transitional provisions relating to the Insolvency Practice Schedule


Division 2 Application of Part 2 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

and related consequential amendments

Section 1573

212 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(2) However, paragraph 40-30(1)(c) of the Insolvency Practice

Schedule (Corporations) does not apply in relation to the

cancellation of the registration of a person as a trustee under the

Bankruptcy Act 1966, as in force at any time before the

commencement day.

1573 Show-cause notice under the Insolvency Practice Schedule


Subdivision E of Division 40 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule

(Corporations) applies whether or not an event mentioned in

subsection 40-40(1) of the Schedule occurs before, on or after the

commencement day.

1574 Lifting or shortening suspension under the Insolvency Practice

Schedule (Corporations)

Subdivision F of Division 40 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule

(Corporations) applies whether or not a person’s registration as a

liquidator is suspended under a provision of the old Act or of the

Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations).

1575 Action initiated by industry bodies

Section 40-100 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

applies, whether or not the grounds to which a notice under that

section relates arise because of an action, a failure to act or

circumstance that occurs before, on or after the commencement


Subdivision G—Powers of the Court and other bodies

1576 Application of court powers under section 45-1 of the

Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

The Court may exercise its powers to make an order under

section 45-1 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations),

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transitional provisions relating to the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

Part 10.25

Application of Part 2 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) and related

consequential amendments Division 2

Section 1577

Corporations Act 2001 213

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

whether or not the action or failure to act in relation to which, or

because of which, the order is made occurs before, on or after the

commencement day.

1577 Powers to deal with registration under the old Act on or after

the commencement day

(1) This section applies if, as a result of the continued application of

the old Act on or after the commencement day, a relevant body

may decide to register a person, or suspend or cancel the

registration of a person, as a liquidator or as a liquidator of a

specified body corporate under the old Act.

(2) A relevant body may instead:

(a) register the person, or suspend or cancel the registration of

the person, as a liquidator under the Insolvency Practice

Schedule (Corporations); and

(b) by order, modify the application of this Part or the

Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) in relation to

the registration, or the suspension or cancellation of the

registration, of the person as a liquidator under the

Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations).

(3) In this section:

relevant body means ASIC, the Administrative Appeals Tribunal,

the Court or any other body.

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Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.25 Transitional provisions relating to the Insolvency Practice Schedule


Division 3 Application of Part 3 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

and related consequential amendments

Section 1578

214 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 3—Application of Part 3 of the Insolvency

Practice Schedule (Corporations) and related

consequential amendments

Subdivision A—Introduction

1578 Simplified outline of this Division

This Division deals with the way this Act will apply to external

administrations when the provisions of the Insolvency Practice

Schedule (Corporations) begin to operate.

New external administrations

The Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) applies to

external administrations that start on or after the commencement of

the Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016 (called new external


Ongoing external administrations

For external administrations that start before that day but are still

ongoing (called ongoing external administrations), the Insolvency

Practice Schedule (Corporations) applies in accordance with this

Division but usually only in relation to new events. Generally, the

old Act continues to apply to old events and processes that are

incomplete. There are some exceptions.

Old external administrations

For old external administrations that have ended but that may have

ongoing obligations or processes, in most cases the old Act

continues to apply.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transitional provisions relating to the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

Part 10.25

Application of Part 3 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) and related

consequential amendments Division 3

Section 1579

Corporations Act 2001 215

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Subdivision B—General rules for Part 3

1579 Application of Part 3 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule

(Corporations)—general rules

New external administrations

(1) Part 3 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) applies

in relation to a new external administration of a company.

Ongoing external administrations

(2) Part 3 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) applies

in relation to an ongoing external administration of a company in

accordance with this Division.

Subdivision C—Remuneration and other benefits received by

external administrators

1580 Application of Division 60 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule

(Corporations)—general rule

Subdivision B to D of Division 60 of the Insolvency Practice

Schedule (Corporations) applies in relation to an external

administrator of a company under ongoing external administration

who is appointed on or after the commencement day.

1581 Old Act continues to apply in relation to remuneration for

administrators already appointed

(1) Despite the repeal of sections 449E and 473 and the repeal and

substitution of subsections 499(3) to (7) of the old Act by

Schedule 2 to the Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016, the old Act

continues to apply in relation to the remuneration of an external

administrator of a company who is appointed before the

commencement day.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.25 Transitional provisions relating to the Insolvency Practice Schedule


Division 3 Application of Part 3 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

and related consequential amendments

Section 1582

216 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(2) Despite subsection (1), if, under Subdivision F of this Division,

Division 75 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

rather than the old Act would apply to a meeting that deals with the

remuneration of an external administrator of a company who is

appointed before the commencement day, Division 75 of the

Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) applies to that


1582 Duties of administrators relating to remuneration and other


(1) Section 60-20 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

applies in relation to an external administrator of an ongoing

external administration of a company whether or not the

administrator was appointed before, on or after the commencement


(2) However, that section does not apply in relation to arrangements

made before the commencement day.

1583 Old Act continues to apply in relation to any right of indemnity

(1) This section applies if the remuneration of an external

administrator of a company is fixed under section 449E of the old


(a) before the commencement day; or

(b) on or after the commencement day (in accordance with a

provision of this Division).

(2) Despite the repeal of that section and the amendment of

paragraph 443D(b) of the old Act by Schedule 2 to the Insolvency

Law Reform Act 2016, the old Act continues to apply in relation to

any right of indemnity that the external administrator has as if that

repeal and amendment had not happened.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transitional provisions relating to the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

Part 10.25

Application of Part 3 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) and related

consequential amendments Division 3

Section 1584

Corporations Act 2001 217

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

1584 Application of new provisions about vacancies of

court-appointed liquidator

Subsection 473A(1) (as inserted by Schedule 2 to the Insolvency

Law Reform Act 2016) applies whether or not the vacancy in the

office of liquidator occurred before, on or after the commencement


1585 Application of new provisions about exercise of powers while

company under external administration

Application of new section 198G

(1) Section 198G (as inserted by Schedule 2 to the Insolvency Law

Reform Act 2016) applies in relation to an exercise of power or a

performance of a function that occurs on or after the

commencement day.

Approval under old Act continues to have effect

(2) If, under subsection 499(4) of the old Act, a committee of

inspection or the company’s creditors give approval for a director

of the company to continue to perform or exercise the director’s

powers or functions, subsections 198G(1) and (2) (as inserted by

Schedule 2 to the Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016) do not apply in

relation to the director.

Subdivision D—Funds handling

1586 Application of Division 65 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule

(Corporations)—general rule

Division 65 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

applies in relation to an ongoing external administration of a


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Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.25 Transitional provisions relating to the Insolvency Practice Schedule


Division 3 Application of Part 3 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

and related consequential amendments

Section 1587

218 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

1587 Administration account

If, immediately before the commencement day, a person has a

liquidator’s general account in relation to the external

administration of:

(a) a company; or

(b) a company in a pooled group;

the account is taken on and after the commencement day to be an

administration account for the company for the purposes of

section 65-5 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations).

1588 Paying money into administration account

Application of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

(1) Sections 65-5 and 65-15 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule

(Corporations) do not apply in relation to money received before

the commencement day.

Old regulations continue to apply to money received before


(2) Paragraph 5.6.06(1)(b) of the old regulations continues to apply in

relation to money received before the commencement day.

1589 Paying money out of administration account

Section 65-25 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

does not apply in relation to money paid out of an administration

account before the commencement day.

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Transitional provisions relating to the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

Part 10.25

Application of Part 3 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) and related

consequential amendments Division 3

Section 1590

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1590 Handling securities

Application of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

(1) Section 65-40 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

does not apply in relation to negotiable instruments and other

securities received before the commencement day.

Old regulations continue to apply to money received before


(2) Regulation 5.6.07 of the old regulations continues to apply in

relation to bills, notes and other securities received before the

commencement day.

Subdivision E—Information

1591 Application of Division 70 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule

(Corporations)—general rule

Division 70 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

applies in relation to an ongoing external administration of a


1592 Accounts and administration returns

Administration returns for 2017-18 and later years

(1) Sections 70-5 and 70-6 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule

(Corporations) apply in relation to the financial year starting on

1 July 2017 and later financial years.

Accounts under old Act

(2) Subsection (3) of this section applies in relation to the repeal of

each of the following sections of the old Act by Schedule 2 to the

Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016:

(a) 438E;

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Division 3 Application of Part 3 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

and related consequential amendments

Section 1593

220 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) 445J;

(c) 539.

(3) To the extent that a repealed section relates to a period for which

an account or statement must be lodged:

(a) the repeal of the section applies in relation to periods starting

on or after 1 July 2017; and

(b) the section applies in relation to periods starting before 1 July

2017 and ending after that day as if the period ends on

30 June 2017.

Continuation of audits under old Act

(4) For the avoidance of doubt, despite the repeal of a section

mentioned in subsection (2) by Schedule 2 to the Insolvency Law

Reform Act 2016, audits may be continued under that section in

relation to accounts lodged under that section as if the old Act

continued to apply.

1593 Administration books

Application of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

(1) Section 70-10 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

does not apply in relation to events:

(a) that occur before the commencement day; and

(b) in respect of which, or because of which, entries or minutes

are to be made.

Old Act continues to apply to events etc. before commencement day

(2) Despite the repeal of section 531 of the old Act by Schedule 2 to

the Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016, that section continues to

apply in relation to events:

(a) that occur before the commencement day; and

(b) in respect of which, or because of which, entries or minutes

must be made.

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Transitional provisions relating to the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

Part 10.25

Application of Part 3 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) and related

consequential amendments Division 3

Section 1594

Corporations Act 2001 221

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

1594 Audit of administration books

Sections 70-15 to 70-25 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule

(Corporations) apply to books relating to an ongoing external

administration whether or not the books are kept under a provision

of the old Act or of the Insolvency Practice Schedule


1595 Transfer of administration books

Application of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

(1) Sections 70-30 and 70-31 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule

(Corporations) apply in relation to a person who ceases to be the

external administrator of a company on or after the commencement


Application of repeal of old Act

(2) The repeal of section 1298A of the old Act by Schedule 2 to the

Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016 applies in relation to a person

whose registration as a liquidator is cancelled or suspended on or

after the commencement day.

1596 Retention and destruction of administration books

Application of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

(1) To avoid doubt, section 70-35 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule

(Corporations) applies to books relating to an ongoing external

administration whether or not the books were kept under a

provision of the old Act or of the Insolvency Practice Schedule


Old Act continues to apply in relation to books for old external


(2) If:

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Division 3 Application of Part 3 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

and related consequential amendments

Section 1597

222 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(a) an external administration of a company ends before the

commencement day; and

(b) immediately before that day, a person was required under

section 542 of the old Act to retain books of the company for

a period; and

(c) but for the repeal of that section by Schedule 2 to the

Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016, that period would have

ended on or after the commencement day;

section 542 of the old Act continues to apply (despite its repeal by

Schedule 2 to the Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016) on and after

the commencement day in relation to the person for the remainder

of that period.

Continued effect of consent by ASIC under old Act

(3) If before the commencement day, a person is entitled under

subsections 542(3) and (4) of the old Act to destroy books of a

company (or of the person’s that are relevant to the affairs of the

company) then, despite section 70-35 of the Insolvency Practice

Schedule (Corporations), those books may be destroyed.

1597 Giving information to creditors etc.

Subdivision D of Division 70 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule

(Corporations) applies whether or not the information, report or

document referred to in subsection 70-40(1), 70-45(1), 70-46(2),

70-47(2) or 70-50(1) of the Insolvency Practice Schedule


(a) was obtained or generated; or

(b) was made or prepared; or

(c) is in respect of actions or events that occurred;

before, on or after the commencement day.

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Transitional provisions relating to the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

Part 10.25

Application of Part 3 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) and related

consequential amendments Division 3

Section 1598

Corporations Act 2001 223

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

1598 Commonwealth may request information

Section 70-55 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

applies whether or not the information, report or document referred

to in subsection 70-55(2):

(a) was obtained or generated; or

(b) was made or prepared; or

(c) is in respect of actions or events that occurred;

before, on or after the commencement day.

1599 Reporting to ASIC

Section 70-60 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

applies whether or not the information, report or document referred

to in subsection 70-60(1):

(a) was obtained or generated; or

(b) was made or prepared; or

(c) is in respect of actions or events that occurred;

before, on or after the commencement day.

1600 Old Act continues to apply in relation to notices to remedy


Despite its repeal by Schedule 2 to the Insolvency Law Reform Act

2016, section 540 of the old Act continues to apply in relation to a

notice mentioned in that section that is served on a person before

the commencement day.

Subdivision F—Meetings

1601 Application of Division 75 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule

(Corporations)—general rule

(1) Division 75 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

applies in relation to an ongoing external administration of a


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Division 3 Application of Part 3 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

and related consequential amendments

Section 1602

224 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(2) However, Division 75 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule

(Corporations) does not apply in relation to meetings convened or

held before the commencement day.

1602 External administrator must convene meetings in certain


Application of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

(1) Section 75-15 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

does not apply in relation to:

(a) directions given before the commencement day; or

(b) resolutions passed before the commencement day.

Old Act continues to apply in relation to resolutions for voluntary

winding up passed before commencement day

(2) Despite their repeal by Schedule 2 to the Insolvency Law Reform

Act 2016:

(a) sections 497 and 498 of the old Act continue to apply on and

after the commencement day in relation to a resolution for

voluntary winding up that is passed before the

commencement day; and

(b) subsection 477(4) of the old Act continues to apply on and

after the commencement day if a meeting of creditors has not

been held under section 497 of the old Act in relation to a

voluntary winding up a resolution for which is passed before

the commencement day.

1603 Old Act continues to apply in relation to reporting for first

year of administration

(1) This section applies if, in relation to a company, a year mentioned

in subsection 508(1) of the old Act starts before the

commencement day but ends after that day.

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Transitional provisions relating to the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

Part 10.25

Application of Part 3 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) and related

consequential amendments Division 3

Section 1604

Corporations Act 2001 225

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(2) Despite its repeal by Schedule 2 to the Insolvency Law Reform Act

2016, section 508 of the old Act continues to apply on and after the

commencement day in relation to the company for that year.

1604 Old Act continues to apply to the deregistration of companies

The repeal and substitution of section 509 by Schedule 2 to the

Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016 applies where the external

administration of the company ends during a financial year starting

on or after 1 July 2017.

1605 Old Act continues to apply for certain meetings convened etc.

before commencement day

(1) If:

(a) the administrator of a company under external administration

is required to convene a meeting of the company’s creditors

under section 439A of the old Act; and

(b) the convening period for the meeting as fixed by

subsection 439A(5) of the old Act (or extended under

subsection (6) of that section) ends on or after the

commencement day; and

(c) as at the commencement day, the meeting has not been


then the old Act continues to apply on and after the

commencement day (despite the repeal of subsections 439A(3) and

(4) and section 439B by Schedule 2 to the Insolvency Law Reform

Act 2016) in relation to the meeting.

(2) Despite the repeal of section 445F of the old Act and the

amendment of section 445A of the old Act by Schedule 2 to the

Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016, those sections continue to apply

on and after the commencement day in relation to meetings for

which a notice under subsection 445F(2) is given before the

commencement day.

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Division 3 Application of Part 3 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

and related consequential amendments

Section 1606

226 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(3) Despite its repeal by Schedule 2 to the Insolvency Law Reform Act

2016, section 479 of the old Act continues to apply on and after the

commencement day in relation to meetings which have been

convened under subsection 479(2) or for which a direction or

request is given under that subsection before the commencement


(4) Despite the amendment of subsection 496(8) of the old Act by

Schedule 2 to the Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016, that subsection

continues to apply on and after the commencement day in relation

to meetings convened before the commencement day as if the

amendment had not been made.

1606 Outcome of voting at creditors’ meeting determined by related

entity or on casting vote—Court powers

Sections 75-41 to 75-45 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule

(Corporations) apply whether a proposal has been voted on or a

resolution passed before, on or after the commencement day.

Subdivision G—Committees of inspection

1607 Application of Division 80 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule

(Corporations)—general rules

(1) Division 80 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

applies in relation to a committee of inspection for an ongoing

external administration of a company:

(a) that is appointed under that Division on or after the

commencement day; or

(b) that is appointed under a provision of the old Act but is taken

to be a committee of inspection under subsection 1608(2) of

this Subdivision.

(2) However, Division 80 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule

(Corporations) does not apply in relation to meetings of, or related

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Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transitional provisions relating to the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

Part 10.25

Application of Part 3 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) and related

consequential amendments Division 3

Section 1608

Corporations Act 2001 227

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

to, the committee of inspection convened or held before the

commencement day.

1608 Appointing committees of inspection

Committees appointed under old Act taken to be committee of


(1) Subsection (2) applies if there is, in relation to the external

administration of a company:

(a) a committee of creditors validly appointed under

section 436E of the old Act; or

(b) a committee of inspection validly appointed under

section 548 of the old Act; or

(c) a committee of inspection validly appointed under

section 548A of the old Act.

(2) On and after the day specified in subsection (3), the committee (the

continued committee) is taken for the purposes of the Insolvency

Practice Schedule (Corporations) to be:

(a) in the case of a committee appointed under section 436E or

548 of the old Act—a committee of inspection established

under section 80-10 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule

(Corporations) in relation to the external administration of

the company; and

(b) in the case of a committee appointed under section 548A of

the old Act—a committee of inspection established under

section 80-26 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule

(Corporations) in relation to a pooled group of which the

company is a member.

(3) For the purposes of subsection (2), the day is:

(a) in the case of a committee appointed on or before the

commencement day—the commencement day; and

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Division 3 Application of Part 3 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

and related consequential amendments

Section 1609

228 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(b) in the case of a committee appointed on a day that is after the

commencement day in accordance with a provision of this

section—that later day.

Old Act continues to apply to certain meetings

(4) If:

(a) because of the operation of section 436E, 548 or 548A (the

repealed section) of the old Act before the commencement

day, the administrator or liquidator of a company is required

to convene a meeting; and

(b) as at the commencement day, the meeting has not been


then (despite their repeal by Schedule 2 to the Insolvency Law

Reform Act 2016) the repealed sections of the old Act continue to

apply on and after the commencement day in relation to the


1609 Old Act continues to apply to certain reports by administrator

If, before the commencement day, the administrator of a company

under administration is directed under subsection 436F(3) of the

old Act to give a report, then despite the repeal of section 436F by

Schedule 2 to the Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016, that section

continues to apply on and after commencement day in relation to

the report.

1610 Membership of continued committees

Members of continued committees

(1) The members of a continued committee are the members appointed

to the committee under section 436E (in accordance with

section 436G), 548 or 548A of the old Act, as the case requires.

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Transitional provisions relating to the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

Part 10.25

Application of Part 3 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) and related

consequential amendments Division 3

Section 1611

Corporations Act 2001 229

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Old Act continues to apply to members of continued committees

(2) If a person is a member of a continued committee, then despite the

repeal of:

(a) section 436G, 548 or 548A (and any regulations made under

that section), as the case requires; and

(b) section 550;

by Schedule 2 to the Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016, those

provisions continue to apply in relation to the person.

Application of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

(3) The following provisions do not apply in relation to members of a

continued committee:

(a) sections 80-15 to 80-25 and paragraph 80-26(2)(b) of the

Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations);

(b) Insolvency Practice Rules made under section 80-30 of the

Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) that relate to

membership of a committee of inspection.

Note: However, the committee could dissolve and the members could form a

new committee to which these provisions would then apply.

1611 Validity of appointment under section 548 of the old Act not

affected by lack of separate meeting of contributories

(1) The appointment of a committee of inspection under section 548 of

the old Act before the commencement day is not invalid merely

because a separate meeting of contributories was not convened for

the purposes of determining:

(a) whether a committee of inspection should be appointed; and

(b) where a committee of inspection is to be appointed:

(i) the numbers of members to represent the creditors and

the contributories, respectively; and

(ii) the persons who are to be members of the committee

representing creditors and contributories, respectively.

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Division 3 Application of Part 3 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

and related consequential amendments

Section 1612

230 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(2) However, if:

(a) a debt or claim has been paid in the winding up of a company

before the commencement day; and

(b) the priority given to the debt or claim was determined under

section 556 of the Corporations Act 2001 on the basis that a

committee of inspection was not validly appointed because a

separate meeting of contributories was not convened for the

purposes mentioned in paragraphs (1)(a) and (b); and

(c) but for subsection (1), the committee of inspection would not

have been validly appointed;

the priority of the payment is not affected by subsection (1).

1612 Continued application of directions by creditors or committees

under the old Act

Sections 80-35 and 85-5 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule

(Corporations) apply whether or not the direction is given before,

on or after the commencement day.

1613 Committee of inspection may request information

Section 80-40 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

applies whether or not the information, report or document referred

to in subsection 80-40(1):

(a) was obtained or generated; or

(b) was made or prepared; or

(c) is in respect of actions or events that occurred;

before, on or after the commencement day.

1614 Duties of members of committee of inspection and creditors

relating to profits and advantages etc.

Sections 80-55 and 80-60 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule

(Corporations) apply to arrangements made on or after the

commencement day.

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Part 10.25

Application of Part 3 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) and related

consequential amendments Division 3

Section 1615

Corporations Act 2001 231

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Subdivision H—Review of the external administration of a


1615 Application of Division 90 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule

(Corporations)—general rule

Division 90 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

applies in relation to an ongoing external administration whether or

not the matter to be reviewed occurred before, on or after the

commencement day.

1616 Application of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

provisions that conflict with old Act Court orders—

general rule

(1) This section applies if a court makes an order in relation to a

person or the external administration of a company under the old

Act (the old Act order).

(2) The old Act order does not cease to have effect because a provision

of the old Act under which it was made has been amended or

repealed by Schedule 2 to the Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016.

(3) If the old Act order is inconsistent with a provision of this Act that

is amended or inserted by Schedule 2 to the Insolvency Law

Reform Act 2016, then, subject to this Part, the provision does not

apply to the extent that it is inconsistent with the old Act order.

1617 Old Act continues to apply in relation to ongoing proceedings

before a court—general rule

(1) This section applies if proceedings are brought under the old Act in

a court (on application or on the initiative of the court) in relation

to the external administration of a company either:

(a) before the commencement day; or

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Division 3 Application of Part 3 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

and related consequential amendments

Section 1618

232 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) on or after the commencement day (in accordance with a

provision of this Division).

(2) Subject to this Part, nothing in Schedule 2 to the Insolvency Law

Reform Act 2016 affects:

(a) the proceedings; or

(b) the power of the court to make orders in relation to the

proceedings; or

(c) any orders made by the court in relation to the proceedings;


(d) any enforcement in relation to, or as a result of, the

proceedings (including giving effect to any court orders); or

(e) any appeal or review in relation to the proceedings.

(3) Subject to this Part, the old Act continues to apply on and after the

commencement day in relation to the proceedings despite the

amendments and repeals made by Schedule 2 to the Insolvency

Law Reform Act 2016.

(4) In this section:

proceedings include civil and criminal proceedings, inquiries by

the court, enforcement processes and any other processes.

1618 Court powers to inquire into and make orders

Application of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

(1) Subsections (2) to (4) are for the avoidance of doubt.

(2) Sections 90-5 and 90-10 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule

(Corporations) apply whether or not the information, report or

document mentioned in subsections 90-5(2) and 90-10(4) was

prepared before, on or after the commencement day.

(3) Paragraph 90-15(3)(f) of the Insolvency Practice Schedule

(Corporations) applies whether or not the remuneration is paid or

payable before, on or after the commencement day.

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Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transitional provisions relating to the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

Part 10.25

Application of Part 3 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) and related

consequential amendments Division 3

Section 1619

Corporations Act 2001 233

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(4) Subsection 90-15(4) of the Insolvency Practice Schedule

(Corporations) applies whether or not the action or failure to act

occurred before, on or after the commencement day.

Old Act continues to apply for inquiries started under section 536

(5) Despite the repeal of section 536 of the old Act by Schedule 2 to

the Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016, that section continues to

apply in relation to inquiries commenced by ASIC before the

commencement day (including inquiries commenced because of

the extension of section 536 by subsection 411(9) to persons

appointed under the terms of a compromise or arrangement).

Application of new section 599

(6) Section 599 (as inserted by Schedule 2 to the Insolvency Law

Reform Act 2016) applies whether or not the act, omission or

decision occurred before, on or after the commencement day.

1619 Review by another registered liquidator

(1) The following subsections are for the avoidance of doubt.

(2) Sections 90-24 and 90-26 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule

(Corporations) apply whether or not:

(a) the remuneration is paid or payable; or

(b) the cost or expense is incurred or paid;

before, on or after the commencement day.

(3) A period determined by the Court under paragraph 90-26(4)(d) of

the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) or prescribed

under paragraph 90-26(4)(c) may include a period that:

(a) starts before the commencement day but ends after that day;


(b) starts and ends before the commencement day.

(4) Section 90-28 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

applies whether or not the books or information mentioned in

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Division 3 Application of Part 3 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

and related consequential amendments

Section 1620

234 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

paragraph 90-28(2)(a) were prepared before, on or after the

commencement day.

(5) Rules made for the purposes of section 90-29 of the Insolvency

Practice Schedule (Corporations) in relation to the meaning of

properly incurred may make provision for or in relation to costs

and expenses incurred before, on or after the commencement day.

1620 Removal by creditors

For the avoidance of doubt, section 90-35 of the Insolvency

Practice Schedule (Corporations) applies whether or not the

external administrator was appointed before, on or after the

commencement day.

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Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transitional provisions relating to the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

Part 10.25

Administrative review Division 4

Section 1621

Corporations Act 2001 235

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 4—Administrative review

1621 Administrative Appeals Tribunal proceedings

(1) This section applies if an application is made to the Administrative

Appeals Tribunal for review of a decision made under the old Act


(a) before the commencement day; or

(b) on or after the commencement day (in accordance with a

provision of this Part).

(2) Subject to this Part, nothing in the Insolvency Law Reform Act

2016 affects:

(a) any proceedings before the Administrative Appeals Tribunal

in relation to the decision; or

(b) the powers of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal in relation

to the decision; or

(c) any enforcement in relation to, or as a result of, a decision of

the Administrative Appeals Tribunal in relation to the

decision; or

(d) any appeal or review in relation to a decision of the

Administrative Appeals Tribunal in relation to the decision.

(3) Subject to this Part, the old Act continues to apply on and after the

commencement day in relation to the proceedings despite the

amendments and repeals made by Schedule 2 to the Insolvency

Law Reform Act 2016.

Applications for review made after the commencement day

(4) Despite the repeals and amendments made by the Insolvency Law

Reform Act 2016, applications may be made to the Administrative

Appeals Tribunal for review of the decision.

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Part 10.25 Transitional provisions relating to the Insolvency Practice Schedule


Division 5 Application of other consequential amendments

Section 1622

236 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 5—Application of other consequential


1622 Outcome of voting at creditors’ meeting determined by related

entity or on casting vote—Court powers

Sections 415A to 415C, as inserted by the Insolvency Law Reform

Act 2016, apply whether a proposed resolution has been voted on

before, on or after the commencement day.

1623 Returns and accounts by controllers

Returns by controllers for 2017-18 and later years

(1) Sections 422A and 422B, as inserted by Schedule 2 to the

Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016, apply in relation to the financial

year starting on 1 July 2017 and later financial years.

Accounts under old Act

(2) Subsection (3) of this section applies in relation to the amendment

of section 432 of the old Act by Schedule 2 to the Insolvency Law

Reform Act 2016.

(3) To the extent that section 432 of the old Act relates to a period for

which an account must be lodged:

(a) the amendment of the section applies in relation to periods

starting on or after 1 July 2017; and

(b) the unamended section applies in relation to periods starting

before 1 July 2017 and ending after that day as if the period

ends on 30 June 2017.

Continuation of audits under old Act

(4) For the avoidance of doubt, despite the amendment of section 432

of the old Act by Schedule 2 to the Insolvency Law Reform Act

2016, audits may be continued under that section in relation to

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Transitional provisions relating to the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

Part 10.25

Application of other consequential amendments Division 5

Section 1624

Corporations Act 2001 237

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

accounts lodged under that section as if the old Act continued to


1624 Transfer of books by a controller to a new controller or ASIC

Sections 422C and 422D, as inserted by Schedule 2 to the

Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016, apply in relation to a person who

ceases to act as a controller of property of a corporation on or after

the commencement day.

1625 Officers reporting to controller about corporation’s affairs

The amendment of paragraph 429(2)(b) by Schedule 2 to the

Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016 applies in relation to notices

received on or after the commencement day.

1626 Lodging notice of execution of a deed of company arrangement

The amendment of paragraph 450B(c), and substitution with

paragraph 450B(b), by Schedule 2 to the Insolvency Law Reform

Act 2016 applies in relation to deeds of company arrangement

executed on or after the commencement day.

1627 Office of liquidator appointed by the Court

Vacancies in office of liquidator appointed by the Court

(1) Despite the repeal of section 473 of the old Act by Schedule 2 to

the Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016, that section continues to

apply in relation to a vacancy in the office of a liquidator appointed

by the Court that occurs before the commencement day.

(2) Section 473A, as inserted by Schedule 2 to the Insolvency Law

Reform Act 2016, applies in relation to vacancies in the office of a

liquidator appointed by the Court that occur on or after the

commencement day.

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Part 10.25 Transitional provisions relating to the Insolvency Practice Schedule


Division 5 Application of other consequential amendments

Section 1628

238 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Where there are 2 or more liquidators appointed by the Court

(3) Subsections 473A(4) and (5), as inserted by Schedule 2 to the

Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016, apply in relation to 2 or more

liquidators appointed by the Court, whether the liquidators were

appointed before, on or after the commencement day.

1628 Report as to company’s affairs to be submitted to liquidator

(1) The amendments of section 475 by Schedule 2 to the Insolvency

Law Reform Act 2016 apply where a winding up order is made on

or after the commencement day.

(2) The repeal of section 476 of the old Act by Schedule 2 to the

Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016 applies where a report referred to

in subsection 475(1) or (2) is received on or after the

commencement day.

1629 Orders for release or deregistration

Despite the amendment of paragraph 481(1)(a) by Schedule 2 to

the Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016, that paragraph continues to

apply in relation to auditors appointed by ASIC under section 539

of the old Act.

1630 Meeting relating to the voluntary winding up of a company

The repeal and substitution of section 506A by Schedule 2 to the

Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016 applies where the resolution for

the voluntary winding up of a company is passed on or after the

commencement day.

1631 Pooling determinations

(1) The repeal of sections 574 to 576 of the old Act by Schedule 2 to

the Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016 apply where a pooling

determination is made or varied on or after the commencement


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Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transitional provisions relating to the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

Part 10.25

Application of other consequential amendments Division 5

Section 1632

Corporations Act 2001 239

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(2) Subsection 577(1A), as inserted by Schedule 2 to the Insolvency

Law Reform Act 2016, applies where a pooling determination is

made or varied on or after the commencement day.

(3) The repeal of subsection 577(2) of the old Act by Schedule 2 to the

Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016 applies to resolutions agreed on

or after the commencement day.

1632 Electronic methods of giving or sending certain notices

(1) If:

(a) a notice or other document was authorised or required to be

given or sent under a provision of the old Act mentioned in a

paragraph of subsection 600G(1) that is repealed by

Schedule 2 to the Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016; and

(b) although the authorisation or requirement arose before the

commencement day, the notice or other document is required

to be given or sent on or after the commencement day;

that paragraph of subsection 600G(1) continues to apply in relation

to the giving or sending of the notice or other document.

(2) Subsections 600G(4) and (4A), as inserted by Schedule 2 to the

Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016, apply in relation to notices or

other documents given or sent on or after the commencement day.

1633 Deregistration following winding up

(1) If, on or after the commencement day, the Court orders the

deregistration of a company under subsection 509(6) of the old

Act, subsection 601AC(1) of the old Act continues to apply in

relation to the order.

(2) Subsection 601AC(2) of the old Act continues to apply in relation

to a company for which a return has been lodged under section 509

before the commencement day.

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Part 10.25 Transitional provisions relating to the Insolvency Practice Schedule


Division 6 Regulations

Section 1634

240 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 6—Regulations

1634 Regulations

(1) The Governor-General may make regulations prescribing matters

of a transitional nature (including prescribing any saving or

application provisions) relating to the amendments and repeals

made by Schedule 2 to the Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016.

(2) The regulations may provide that certain provisions of Schedule 2

to the Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016 are taken to be modified as

set out in the regulations. Those provisions then have effect as if

they were so modified.

(3) The provisions of Schedule 2 to the Insolvency Law Reform Act

2016 that provide for regulations to deal with matters do not limit

each other.

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Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transitional provisions relating to Schedule 3 to the Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016

Part 10.26

Section 1635

Corporations Act 2001 241

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 10.26—Transitional provisions relating to

Schedule 3 to the Insolvency Law Reform

Act 2016

1635 Application of amendments made by Schedule 3 to the

Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016

(1) The amendment made by Part 1 of Schedule 3 to the Insolvency

Law Reform Act 2016 applies in relation to the administration of a

company that begins on or after the commencement of that


(2) The amendment made by Part 2 of Schedule 3 to the Insolvency

Law Reform Act 2016 applies in relation to material

contraventions, and likely material contraventions, of a deed of

company arrangement that occur on or after the commencement of

that Schedule, regardless of when the deed was executed.

(3) The amendment made by item 9 of Part 4 of Schedule 3 to the

Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016 applies in relation to deeds of

company arrangement that are terminated on or after the

commencement of that Schedule.

(4) The amendments made by Part 5 of Schedule 3 to the Insolvency

Law Reform Act 2016 apply for the purposes of working out the

relation-back day in relation to a winding up of a company or

Part 5.7 body starting on or after the commencement of that


(5) The amendments made by items 22, 23, 25, 26, 29 and 30 of Part 6

of Schedule 3 to the Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016 apply in

relation to declarations made after the commencement of that


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Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.26 Transitional provisions relating to Schedule 3 to the Insolvency Law

Reform Act 2016

Section 1635

242 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(6) The amendment made by item 28 of Part 6 of Schedule 3 to the

Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016 applies in relation to resolutions

passed on or after the commencement of that Schedule.

(7) The amendments made by items 31 and 32 of Part 6 of Schedule 3

to the Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016 apply in relation to orders

made on or after the commencement of that Schedule.

(8) The amendment made by item 33 of Part 6 of Schedule 3 to the

Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016 applies in relation to orders and

declarations made on or after the commencement of that Schedule.

(9) The amendment made by item 34 of Part 6 of Schedule 3 to the

Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016 applies whether the payment of

an amount in respect of a liability was made before, on or after the

commencement of that Schedule.

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Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transitional provisions relating to the Treasury Laws Amendment (2016 Measures No.

1) Act 2017 Part 10.28

Section 1636A

Corporations Act 2001 243

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 10.28—Transitional provisions relating to the

Treasury Laws Amendment (2016

Measures No. 1) Act 2017

1636A Application of subsections 981D(2) and 984B(3)

(1) Subsection 981D(2), as added by the Treasury Laws Amendment

(2016 Measures No. 1) Act 2017, applies to a use of money on or

after the commencement of this section, whether the money was

paid to the licensee as mentioned in subsection 981A(1) before, on

or after that commencement.

(2) Subsection 984B(3), as added by the Treasury Laws Amendment

(2016 Measures No. 1) Act 2017, applies to a use of property on or

after the commencement of this section, whether the property was

given to the licensee as mentioned in subsection 984A(1) before,

on or after that commencement.

1637 Application of subparagraph 1274(2)(a)(iva) and

subsections 1274(2AA) and (2AB)

Subparagraph 1274(2)(a)(iva) and subsections 1274(2AA) and

(2AB), as inserted by Schedule 2 to the Treasury Laws Amendment

(2016 Measures No. 1) Act 2017, apply to the following:

(a) a disclosure document lodged under section 718 after that

Schedule commences;

(b) a replacement document lodged under section 719 after that


(c) a supplementary document lodged under section 719 after

that commencement if the disclosure document it

supplements was also lodged after that commencement.

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Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.30 Transitional provisions relating to the Treasury Laws Amendment (2017

Measures No. 5) Act 2018

Section 1639

244 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 10.30—Transitional provisions relating to the

Treasury Laws Amendment (2017

Measures No. 5) Act 2018

1639 Definitions

In this Part:

start day means the later of:

(a) 1 January 2018; and

(b) the day after the Treasury Laws Amendment (2017 Measures

No. 5) Act 2018 receives the Royal Assent.

1640 Application—obligation to comply with rules about financial


Subsection 908CF(1) applies on or after the start day in relation to

rules made before, on or after that day.

1641 Application—offences relating to manipulation of financial


Division 4 of Part 7.5B applies in relation to acts or omissions

occurring on or after the start day (whether or not the financial

benchmark to which the acts or omissions relate is first generated

or administered before, on or after the start day).

1642 Application—extended meaning of financial products and

Division 3 financial products for Part 7.10

Section 1040B applies in relation to acts or omissions occurring on

or after the start day (whether or not the bank accepted bills or

negotiable certificates of deposit to which the acts or omissions

relate are issued before, on or after the start day).

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Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment (Crowd-sourced

Funding for Proprietary Companies) Act 2018 Part 10.31

Section 1643

Corporations Act 2001 245

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 10.31—Transitional provisions relating to the

Corporations Amendment (Crowd-sourced

Funding for Proprietary Companies) Act


1643 Application of amendments

The amendments made by items 50 and 51 of Schedule 1 to the

Corporations Amendment (Crowd-sourced Funding for

Proprietary Companies) Act 2018 apply in relation to CSF offers

made at or after the commencement of those items.

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Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.33 Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment (Asia

Region Funds Passport) Act 2018

Section 1

246 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 10.33—Transitional provisions relating to the

Corporations Amendment (Asia Region

Funds Passport) Act 2018

1 Saving delegations

(1) A delegation of functions or powers by the Minister in force under

paragraph 1345A(1A)(b) of this Act immediately before the

commencement of item 349 of Schedule 2 to the Corporations

Amendment (Asia Region Funds Passport) Act 2018 continues in

force on and after that commencement.

(2) Subsection (1) does not prevent an amendment or revocation of the

delegation on or after commencement of item 349 of Schedule 2 to

the Corporations Amendment (Asia Region Funds Passport) Act

2018 as if it were a delegation under that paragraph as amended by

that item.

2 Decisions to give, withdraw or not withdraw a notice under

subsection 1313(1)

The amendment made by item 307 of Schedule 2 to the

Corporations Amendment (Asia Region Funds Passport) Act 2018

applies in relation to decisions of ASIC to give, withdraw or not

withdraw a notice under subsection 1313(1) that are made on or

after the commencement of that item.

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Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment (Strengthening

Protections for Employee Entitlements) Act 2019 Part 10.34

Section 1647

Corporations Act 2001 247

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 10.34—Transitional provisions relating to the

Corporations Amendment (Strengthening

Protections for Employee Entitlements) Act


1647 Application—protection of employee entitlements

The amendments made by Part 1 of Schedule 1 to the Corporations

Amendment (Strengthening Protections for Employee Entitlements)

Act 2019 apply in relation to a relevant agreement or a transaction

that is entered into at or after the commencement of that Part.

1648 Application—contribution orders

The amendments made by Part 2 of Schedule 1 to the Corporations

Amendment (Strengthening Protections for Employee Entitlements)

Act 2019 apply in relation to the winding up of a company that

begins at or after the commencement of that Part.

1649 Application—director disqualification

(1) The period of 7 years referred to in paragraphs 206EAB(2)(a) and

206GAA(2)(a) may include any period that is not more than 5

years before the day (the commencement day) that Part 3 of

Schedule 1 to the Corporations Amendment (Strengthening

Protections for Employee Entitlements) Act 2019 commences

(subject to the time limit of 7 years in those paragraphs).

(2) However, a person may only be disqualified from managing

corporations under section 206EAB or 206GAA if at least one of

the contraventions referred to in paragraph 206EAB(2)(d) or

206GAA(2)(d), as the case may be, occurs on or after the

commencement day.

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Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.34 Transitional provisions relating to the Corporations Amendment

(Strengthening Protections for Employee Entitlements) Act 2019

Section 1649

248 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(3) A permission given under subsection 206F(5) that was in force

immediately before the commencement day continues in force (and

may be dealt with) as if it had been given under section 206GAB

as inserted by Part 3 of Schedule 1 to the Corporations Amendment

(Strengthening Protections for Employee Entitlements) Act 2019.

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Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Application and transitional provisions relating to the Treasury Laws Amendment

(Strengthening Corporate and Financial Sector Penalties) Act 2019 Part 10.36

Section 1655

Corporations Act 2001 249

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 10.36—Application and transitional provisions

relating to the Treasury Laws Amendment

(Strengthening Corporate and Financial

Sector Penalties) Act 2019

1655 Definitions

In this Part:

amending Act means the Treasury Laws Amendment

(Strengthening Corporate and Financial Sector Penalties) Act


commencement day means the day on which Schedule 1 to the

Treasury Laws Amendment (Strengthening Corporate and

Financial Sector Penalties) Act 2019 commences.

1656 Application—offences

Subject to this Part, the amendments made by Schedule 1 to the

amending Act apply in relation to the commission of an offence if

the conduct constituting the commission of the offence occurs

wholly on or after the commencement day.

1657 Application—civil penalty provisions

Subject to this Part, the amendments made by Schedule 1 to the

amending Act apply in relation to the contravention of a civil

penalty provision if the conduct constituting the contravention of

the provision occurs wholly on or after the commencement day.

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Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.36 Application and transitional provisions relating to the Treasury Laws

Amendment (Strengthening Corporate and Financial Sector Penalties) Act 2019

Section 1658

250 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

1658 Application—offence provisions repealed and substituted with

conduct rules with multiple consequences

To avoid doubt, the amendments made by items 82, 86, 87, 94,

100, 101 and 102 of Schedule 1 to the amending Act apply in

relation to the commission of an offence or the contravention of a

civil penalty provision under the sections inserted by those items if

the conduct constituting the commission of the offence or the

contravention of the civil penalty provision occurs wholly on or

after the commencement day.

1659 Application—infringement notices

(1) An infringement notice may be given on or after the

commencement day under section 1317DAM of the Act, as

inserted by item 113 of Schedule 1 to the amending Act, in relation

to an alleged contravention of a provision whether the alleged

contravention occurred before, on or after the commencement day.

(2) Despite the repeal of section 1313 of the Act by item 111 of

Schedule 1 to the amending Act, the Act continues to apply in

relation to notices given under that section before the

commencement day as if:

(a) that section, and any regulations made under that section, had

not been repealed; and

(b) section 1311 had not been amended.

1660 Application—definition of dishonesty

(1) The amendment of the definition of dishonesty in section 9 of the

Act made by item 7 of Schedule 1 to the amending Act applies in

relation to a decision whether to convict a person of an offence

under this Act for which dishonesty is an element, if the conduct

constituting the commission of the offence occurs wholly on or

after the commencement day.

(2) The amendment of the definition of dishonesty in section 9 of the

Act made by item 7 of Schedule 1 to the amending Act applies:

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(Strengthening Corporate and Financial Sector Penalties) Act 2019 Part 10.36

Section 1660

Corporations Act 2001 251

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(a) in relation to the disqualification of a person from managing

corporations under section 206B of the Act—to convictions

for an offence involving dishonesty that occur on or after the

commencement day; and

(b) in relation to a decision under section 913B of the Act

whether to grant an Australian financial services licence—to

convictions for an offence involving dishonesty whether the

conviction occurs before, on or after the commencement day;


(c) in relation to a decision under section 915B of the Act

whether to suspend or cancel an Australian financial services

licence—to convictions for an offence involving dishonesty

whether the conviction occurs before, on or after the

commencement day; and

(d) in relation to a decision under section 920A of the Act

whether to make a banning order—to convictions for an

offence involving dishonesty whether the conviction occurs

before, on or after the commencement day; and

(e) in relation to a decision to register a person as a liquidator

under section 20-20 of Schedule 2 to the Act—to decisions

made on or after the commencement day (whether conviction

for the offence involving dishonesty occurs before on or after

the commencement day); and

(f) in relation to the obligation on a registered liquidator under

section 35-1 of the Schedule 2 to the Act to lodge notice with

ASIC of a conviction for an offence involving fraud or

dishonesty—to convictions that occur on or after the

commencement day; and

(g) in relation to a decision under section 40-25 of Schedule 2 to

the Act to suspend the registration of a person as a

liquidator—to convictions for an offence involving

dishonesty whether the conviction occurs before, on or after

the commencement day; and

(h) in relation to a decision under section 40-30 of Schedule 2 to

the Act to cancel the registration of a person as a liquidator—

to convictions for an offence involving dishonesty whether

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Chapter 10 Transitional provisions

Part 10.36 Application and transitional provisions relating to the Treasury Laws

Amendment (Strengthening Corporate and Financial Sector Penalties) Act 2019

Section 1660

252 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

the conviction occurs before, on or after the commencement

day; and

(i) in relation to a decision under section 40-40 of Schedule 2 to

the Act to give a show cause notice—to convictions for an

offence involving dishonesty whether the conviction occurs

before, on or after the commencement day.

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Transitional provisions Chapter 10

Transitional provisions relating to Schedule 1 to the Treasury Laws Amendment

(Mutual Reforms) Act 2019 Part 10.38

Section 1662

Corporations Act 2001 253

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 10.38—Transitional provisions relating to

Schedule 1 to the Treasury Laws

Amendment (Mutual Reforms) Act 2019

1662 Application of amendments made by Schedule 1 to the

Treasury Laws Amendment (Mutual Reforms) Act 2019

The amendments made by Schedule 1 to the Treasury Laws

Amendment (Mutual Reforms) Act 2019 apply on and after the

commencement of that Schedule.

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Schedule 2 Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

Part 1 Introduction

Division 1 Introduction

Section 1-1

254 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Schedule 2—Insolvency Practice Schedule

(Corporations) Note: See section 600K.

Part 1—Introduction

Division 1—Introduction

1-1 Object of this Schedule

(1) The object of this Schedule is to ensure that any person registered

as a liquidator:

(a) has an appropriate level of expertise; and

(b) behaves ethically; and

(c) maintains sufficient insurance to cover his or her liabilities in

practising as a registered liquidator.

(2) The object of this Schedule is also:

(a) to regulate the external administration of companies

consistently, unless there is a clear reason to treat a matter

that arises in relation to a particular kind of external

administration differently; and

(b) to regulate the external administration of companies to give

greater control to creditors.

1-5 Simplified outline of this Schedule

Registering liquidators

Under this Act, only a registered liquidator can perform certain

roles, such as that of the receiver of the property of a corporation,

the administrator of a company or of a deed of company

arrangement, or the liquidator or provisional liquidator of a


Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) Schedule 2

Introduction Part 1

Introduction Division 1

Section 1-5

Corporations Act 2001 255

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 2 of this Schedule sets out the process for registering

liquidators, and also deals with disciplining registered liquidators.

Consistently regulating the external administration of companies

Part 3 of this Schedule sets out provisions to regulate the external

administration of companies consistently.

A company is under external administration if the company is

under administration, is the subject of a deed of company

arrangement or has had a liquidator or provisional liquidator

appointed in relation to it. A company is not under external

administration merely because a person has been appointed as a

receiver, receiver and manager or other controller in relation to the

property of the company.

Other provisions

There are other matters relevant to the external administration of a

company regulated in Chapter 5.

This Schedule also gives authority for a legislative instrument, the

Insolvency Practice Rules, to deal with some matters.

Many of the terms in this Schedule are defined. The Dictionary in

section 5-5 contains a list of every term that is defined in this

Schedule. Other terms are defined in section 9 of this Act.

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Schedule 2 Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

Part 1 Introduction

Division 5 Definitions

Section 5-1

256 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 5—Definitions

Subdivision A—Introduction

5-1 Simplified outline of this Division

Terms used in this Schedule are defined in the Dictionary. In some

cases, the definition is a signpost to another provision of the

Schedule in which the meaning of the term is explained.

Some of the key terms, the meaning of which is explained in this

Division, are external administration of a company and external

administrator of a company.

Subdivision B—The Dictionary

5-5 The Dictionary

In this Schedule:

adequate and appropriate fidelity insurance has a meaning

affected by subsection 25-1(2).

adequate and appropriate professional indemnity insurance has a

meaning affected by subsection 25-1(2).

administration account: see section 65-5.

annual administration return means the return required to be

lodged under subsection 70-5(3).

annual liquidator return means the return required to be lodged

under subsection 30-1(1).

approved form: a document is lodged in the approved form if it is

lodged in accordance with section 100-6.

committee of inspection for a company means:

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Introduction Part 1

Definitions Division 5

Section 5-5

Corporations Act 2001 257

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(a) a committee appointed under sections 80-10 to 80-25 in

relation to the external administration of the company; or

(b) a committee that is taken to be a committee of inspection in

relation to the external administration of the company under

subsection 80-26(3) (the company is a member of a pooled


creditor, when used in relation to a company under external

administration, means a creditor of the company.

current conditions: see section 5-10.

end of administration return means the return required to be

lodged under subsection 70-6(2).

end of an external administration of a company means:

(a) in relation to a company under administration—the day

worked out under paragraph 435C(1)(b); and

(b) in relation to a company subject to a deed of company

arrangement—the day the deed is terminated; and

(c) in the case of a winding up of a company—the day on which

the affairs of the company are fully wound up.

external administration of a company: see section 5-15.

external administrator of a company: see section 5-20.

financial interest: a person has a financial interest in the external

administration of a company in the circumstances set out in

section 5-30.

GST has the same meaning as in the A New Tax System (Goods

and Services Tax) Act 1999.

Insolvency Practice Rules means the rules made by the Minister

under section 105-1.

Insolvency Practice Schedule (Bankruptcy) means Schedule 2 to

the Bankruptcy Act 1966, and includes rules made under

section 105-1 of that Schedule.

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Schedule 2 Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

Part 1 Introduction

Division 5 Definitions

Section 5-5

258 Corporations Act 2001

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March quarter means the period of 3 months beginning on

1 January.

maximum default amount for an external administrator of a

company: see section 60-15.

member of a pooled group: see section 5-27.

pooled group: see section 5-27.

prescribed means prescribed by the Insolvency Practice Rules.

property has a meaning affected by section 5-26.

registered liquidator means an individual who is registered as a

liquidator under Part 2 of this Schedule.

Register of Liquidators means the register established and

maintained by ASIC under section 15-1.

related entity, in relation to an individual, has the same meaning as

in the Bankruptcy Act 1966.

remuneration determination, for an external administrator of a

company, means a determination made in accordance with

section 60-10 in relation to the external administrator.

resolution: a resolution is passed by creditors or contributories of a


(a) in a meeting—in the circumstances prescribed under

paragraph 75-50(2)(k); or

(b) without a meeting—in the circumstances prescribed under

paragraph 75-40(5)(b).

reviewing liquidator means a registered liquidator who has been

appointed under section 90-23 or 90-24 to conduct a review.

special resolution: a special resolution is passed by creditors or

contributories of a company:

(a) in a meeting—in the circumstances prescribed under

paragraph 75-50(2)(k); or

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Introduction Part 1

Definitions Division 5

Section 5-10

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(b) without a meeting—in the circumstances prescribed under

paragraph 75-40(5)(b).

start of an external administration of a company means:

(a) in relation to a company under administration—the day an

administrator of the company is appointed under

section 436A, 436B or 436C; and

(b) in relation to a company that is subject to a deed of company

arrangement—the day the deed is executed; and

(c) in the case of a winding up of a company—the day the

winding up of the company is taken to have begun under

section 513A or 513B; and

(d) in relation to a company for which a provisional liquidator

has been appointed—the day the provisional liquidator is


this Schedule includes the Insolvency Practice Rules.

Subdivision C—Other definitions

5-10 Meaning of current conditions

(1) Each of the following is a current condition imposed on a

registered liquidator:

(a) a condition that a committee decides that the registered

liquidator is to be subject to under subsection 20-20(5) or (6),

subject to any variation that a committee has decided should

be made to the condition under section 20-55;

(b) a condition imposed on all registered liquidators, or on

registered liquidators of the liquidator’s class, under

section 20-35;

(c) a condition imposed under subsection 40-15(2) (direction not

to accept further appointments);

(d) a condition that a committee decides that the registered

liquidator is to be subject to under paragraph 40-55(1)(f) or

(g) (conditions as a result of disciplinary action), subject to

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Schedule 2 Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

Part 1 Introduction

Division 5 Definitions

Section 5-15

260 Corporations Act 2001

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any variation that a committee has decided should be made to

the condition under section 20-55;

(e) a condition imposed on the registered liquidator by the Court

under section 45-1.

(2) However, the current conditions imposed on a registered

liquidator do not include:

(a) a condition that a committee has decided to remove under

section 20-55; or

(b) a condition that is removed under subsection 40-15(4)

(condition removed because a direction not to accept further

appointments has been withdrawn); or

(c) a condition that the Court has ordered be removed under

section 45-1.

5-15 Meaning of external administration of a company

A company is taken to be under external administration if:

(a) the company is under administration; or

(b) a deed of company arrangement has been entered into in

relation to the company; or

(c) a liquidator has been appointed in relation to the company; or

(d) a provisional liquidator has been appointed in relation to the


Note: A company is not under external administration for the purposes of

this Schedule merely because a receiver, receiver and manager, or

other controller has been appointed in relation to property of the


5-20 Meaning of external administrator of a company

A person is an external administrator of a company if the person


(a) the administrator of the company; or

(b) the administrator under a deed of company arrangement that

has been entered into in relation to the company; or

(c) the liquidator of the company; or

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Introduction Part 1

Definitions Division 5

Section 5-25

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(d) the provisional liquidator of the company.

Note: A person is not an external administrator of a company for the

purposes of this Schedule merely because the person has been

appointed as a receiver, receiver and manager, or controller in relation

to property of the company.

5-25 References to the external administrator of a company

A reference in this Schedule to the external administrator of a

company is to be read:

(a) in relation to a company in respect of which there are 2 or

more joint external administrators—as a reference to all of

the external administrators; and

(b) in relation to a company in respect of which there are 2 or

more joint and several external administrators—as a

reference to all of the external administrators or any one or

more of the external administrators.

5-26 Property of a company

The property of a company includes any PPSA retention of title

property of the company.

Note: See sections 9 (definition of property) and 51F (PPSA retention of

title property).

5-27 Meaning of pooled group


(a) a pooling determination is in force in relation to a group of 2

or more companies; or

(b) a pooling order is in force in relation to a group of 2 or more



(c) the companies are together a pooled group; and

(d) each of the companies is a member of the pooled group.

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Schedule 2 Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

Part 1 Introduction

Division 5 Definitions

Section 5-30

262 Corporations Act 2001

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5-30 Persons with a financial interest in the external administration

of a company

A person has a financial interest in the external administration of a


(a) if the person is one of the following:

(i) the company;

(ii) a creditor of the company;

(iii) an external administrator of the company;

(iv) in a members’ voluntary winding up—a member of the

company; or

(b) in any other circumstances prescribed.

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Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) Schedule 2

Registering and disciplining practitioners Part 2

Introduction Division 10

Section 10-1

Corporations Act 2001 263

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 2—Registering and disciplining practitioners

Division 10—Introduction

10-1 Simplified outline of this Part

Registering liquidators

An individual may apply to ASIC to be registered as a liquidator.

ASIC will refer the application to a committee who will consider

the applicant’s qualifications, conduct and fitness and whether the

applicant will take out appropriate insurance. Registration may be

subject to conditions, is for 3 years and may be renewed.

A registered liquidator must:

(a) lodge an annual return with ASIC that includes proof

that the liquidator has appropriate insurance; and

(b) give ASIC notice if the liquidator’s circumstances

change or if certain other events happen.

Disciplining registered liquidators

If a registered liquidator fails to comply with certain requirements,

such as the requirement to lodge a document or give information,

ASIC may give directions that may result in the liquidator being

unable to accept further appointments. ASIC may also seek a Court


ASIC may suspend or cancel a liquidator’s registration in certain

circumstances. ASIC may also give the liquidator a show-cause

notice. If such a notice is given and no sufficient explanation is

given, ASIC may take further disciplinary action on the decision of

a committee.

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Part 2 Registering and disciplining practitioners

Division 10 Introduction

Section 10-5

264 Corporations Act 2001

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Industry bodies may notify ASIC where they suspect there are

grounds for disciplinary action.

Court powers

The Court has broad powers to make orders in relation to

registered liquidators (including imposing conditions on


10-5 Working cooperatively with the Inspector-General in


In performing its functions and exercising its powers under this Act

in relation to persons who are, have been or may become both

registered liquidators under this Act and registered trustees under

the Bankruptcy Act 1966, ASIC must work cooperatively with the

Inspector-General in Bankruptcy.

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Registering and disciplining practitioners Part 2

Register of liquidators Division 15

Section 15-1

Corporations Act 2001 265

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 15—Register of liquidators

15-1 Register of Liquidators

(1) ASIC must establish and maintain a Register of Liquidators.

(2) The Register of Liquidators may be kept in any form that ASIC

considers appropriate.

(3) The Insolvency Practice Rules may provide for and in relation to

the Register of Liquidators.

(4) Without limiting subsection (3), the Insolvency Practice Rules may

provide for and in relation to:

(a) the details to be entered on the Register of Liquidators; and

(b) the parts of the Register that are to be made available to the


(5) Without limiting paragraph (4)(a), those details may include:

(a) details of any disciplinary action decided by a committee

under section 40-55; and

(b) details of persons who have had their registration as a

liquidator under this Act suspended or cancelled.

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Part 2 Registering and disciplining practitioners

Division 20 Registering liquidators

Section 20-1

266 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 20—Registering liquidators

Subdivision A—Introduction

20-1 Simplified outline of this Division

An individual may apply to ASIC to be registered as a liquidator.

The application will be referred to a committee, which will assess

the application against specified criteria (the applicant’s

qualifications, conduct and fitness and whether the applicant will

take out appropriate insurance). The committee will report its

decision to ASIC and, if the committee decides that the applicant

should be registered, ASIC will register the applicant as a


A registration may be subject to conditions. Conditions may be

imposed on a particular registered liquidator by the committee, or

on all registered liquidators or a class of registered liquidators by

the Insolvency Practice Rules. A registered liquidator may apply to

ASIC to have a condition imposed by a committee removed or

varied. That application will be referred to a committee.

Registration is for 3 years, but may be renewed. An application for

renewal may be made to ASIC within specified time periods.

A decision of a committee about an application for registration or

about a condition of registration is reviewable by the

Administrative Appeals Tribunal (see Part 9.4A of this Act).

Subdivision B—Registration

20-5 Application for registration

(1) An individual may apply to ASIC to be registered as a liquidator.

(2) The application must be lodged with ASIC in the approved form.

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Registering and disciplining practitioners Part 2

Registering liquidators Division 20

Section 20-10

Corporations Act 2001 267

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Note: Fees for lodging documents may be imposed under the Corporations

(Fees) Act 2001.

(3) The application is properly made if subsection (2) is complied


20-10 ASIC may convene a committee to consider

(1) ASIC may convene a committee for the purposes of considering an

application, or applications, for registration as a liquidator.

(2) The committee must consist of:

(a) ASIC; and

(b) a registered liquidator chosen by a prescribed body; and

(c) a person appointed by the Minister.

Note 1: Section 50-5 sets out the knowledge and experience that a prescribed

body must be satisfied a person has before making an appointment

under paragraph (2)(b).

Note 2: Section 50-10 sets out the matters of which the Minister must be

satisfied before making an appointment under paragraph (2)(c).

20-15 ASIC must refer applications to a committee

(1) ASIC must refer an application for registration as a liquidator that

is properly made to a committee convened under section 20-10 for


(2) ASIC must do so within 2 months after receiving the application.

20-20 Committee to consider applications

Committee must consider referred applications

(1) If an application for registration as a liquidator is referred to a

committee, the committee must consider the application.

(2) For the purposes of considering the application, the committee:

(a) must interview the applicant; and

(b) may require the applicant to sit for an exam.

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Part 2 Registering and disciplining practitioners

Division 20 Registering liquidators

Section 20-20

268 Corporations Act 2001

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Decision of committee

(3) Within 45 business days after interviewing the applicant, the

committee must decide whether the applicant should be registered

as a liquidator or not.

(4) The committee must decide that the applicant should be registered

as a liquidator if it is satisfied that the applicant:

(a) has the qualifications, experience, knowledge and abilities

prescribed; and

(b) will take out:

(i) adequate and appropriate professional indemnity

insurance; and

(ii) adequate and appropriate fidelity insurance;

against the liabilities that the applicant may incur working as

a registered liquidator; and

(c) has not been convicted, within 10 years before making the

application, of an offence involving fraud or dishonesty; and

(d) is not, and has not been within 10 years before making the

application, an insolvent under administration; and

(e) has not had his or her registration as a liquidator under this

Act cancelled within 10 years before making the application,

other than in response to a written request by the applicant to

have the registration cancelled; and

(f) has not had his or her registration as a trustee under the

Bankruptcy Act 1966 cancelled within 10 years before

making the application, other than in response to a written

request by the applicant to have the registration cancelled;


(g) is not disqualified from managing corporations under

Part 2D.6 of this Act, or under a law of an external Territory

or a law of a foreign country; and

(h) is otherwise a fit and proper person; and

(i) is resident in Australia or in another prescribed country.

(5) The committee may decide that the applicant should be registered

even if the committee is not satisfied of a matter mentioned in

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Registering and disciplining practitioners Part 2

Registering liquidators Division 20

Section 20-25

Corporations Act 2001 269

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

paragraph (4)(a),(e), (f) or (i), provided the committee is satisfied

that the applicant would be suitable to be registered as a liquidator

if the applicant complied with conditions specified by the


Registration may be subject to conditions

(6) The committee may decide that the applicant’s registration is to be

subject to any other conditions specified by the committee.

Spent convictions

(7) Nothing in this section affects the operation of Part VIIC of the

Crimes Act 1914.

Note: Part VIIC of the Crimes Act 1914 includes provisions that, in certain

circumstances, relieve persons from the requirement to disclose spent

convictions and require persons aware of such convictions to

disregard them.

20-25 Committee to report

The committee must give the applicant and ASIC a report setting


(a) the committee’s decision on the application; and

(b) the committee’s reasons for that decision; and

(c) if the committee decides under subsection 20-20(5) or (6)

that the applicant should be registered subject to a condition:

(i) the condition; and

(ii) the committee’s reasons for imposing the condition.

20-30 Registration

Registration as liquidator

(1) ASIC must register the applicant as a liquidator if:

(a) the committee has decided that the applicant should be

registered; and

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Part 2 Registering and disciplining practitioners

Division 20 Registering liquidators

Section 20-35

270 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(b) the applicant has produced evidence in writing to ASIC that

the applicant has taken out:

(i) adequate and appropriate professional indemnity

insurance; and

(ii) adequate and appropriate fidelity insurance;

against the liabilities that the applicant may incur working as

a registered liquidator.

Note: Fees may be imposed under the Corporations (Fees) Act 2001 for the

doing of an act by ASIC.

(2) ASIC registers an applicant by entering on the Register of

Liquidators the details relating to the applicant prescribed for the

purposes of subsection 15-1(3).

Registration subject to current conditions

(3) The registration is subject to the current conditions imposed on the

registered liquidator.

Certificate of registration

(4) After registering a person as a liquidator, ASIC must give the

person a certificate of registration.

(5) The certificate may be given electronically.

Period of registration

(6) The registration has effect for 3 years.

20-35 Conditions imposed on all registered liquidators or a class of

registered liquidators

(1) The Insolvency Practice Rules may impose conditions on all

registered liquidators, or registered liquidators of a specified class.

(2) Without limiting subsection (1), a condition may be imposed

limiting the kinds of activity in which a liquidator may engage,

either for the duration of the registration or for a shorter period.

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Registering and disciplining practitioners Part 2

Registering liquidators Division 20

Section 20-40

Corporations Act 2001 271

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Subdivision C—Varying etc. conditions of registration

20-40 Application to vary etc. conditions of registration

(1) If a committee has decided under this Schedule that a person’s

registration as a liquidator is to be subject to a condition, the

person may apply to ASIC for the condition to be varied or


(2) However, an application cannot be made:

(a) if the person’s registration as a liquidator is suspended; or

(b) if the condition is of a prescribed kind; or

(c) in prescribed circumstances.

(3) The application must be lodged with ASIC in the approved form.

(4) The application is properly made if:

(a) an application can be made; and

(b) subsection (3) is complied with.

(5) A single application by a registered liquidator may deal with more

than one condition.

20-45 ASIC may convene a committee to consider applications

(1) ASIC may convene a committee for the purposes of considering an

application, or applications, made under section 20-40.

(2) The committee must consist of:

(a) ASIC; and

(b) a registered liquidator chosen by a prescribed body; and

(c) a person appointed by the Minister.

Note 1: Section 50-5 sets out the knowledge and experience that a prescribed

body must be satisfied a person has before making an appointment

under paragraph (2)(b).

Note 2: Section 50-10 sets out the matters of which the Minister must be

satisfied before making an appointment under paragraph (2)(c).

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Part 2 Registering and disciplining practitioners

Division 20 Registering liquidators

Section 20-50

272 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

20-50 ASIC must refer applications to a committee

(1) ASIC must refer an application that is properly made under

section 20-40 to a committee convened under section 20-45 for


(2) ASIC must do so within 2 months after receiving the application.

20-55 Committee to consider applications

(1) If an application to vary or remove a condition of registration is

referred to a committee, the committee must consider the


(2) Unless the applicant otherwise agrees, the committee must, for the

purposes of considering the application, interview the applicant.

(3) The committee must, within 20 business days after interviewing

the applicant or obtaining the agreement of the applicant as

referred to in subsection (2):

(a) decide whether the condition to which the application relates

should be varied or removed; and

(b) if a condition is to be varied—specify the way in which it is

to be varied.

20-60 Committee to report

The committee must give the applicant and ASIC a report setting


(a) the committee’s decision on the application; and

(b) the committee’s reasons for that decision; and

(c) if the committee decides that a condition should be varied—

the variation that is to be made.

20-65 Committee’s decision given effect

If the committee decides that a condition imposed on a registered

liquidator is to be varied or removed, the condition is varied or

removed in accordance with that decision.

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Registering liquidators Division 20

Section 20-70

Corporations Act 2001 273

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Subdivision D—Renewal

20-70 Application for renewal

(1) An individual may apply to ASIC to have the individual’s

registration as a liquidator renewed.

(2) The application must be lodged with ASIC in the approved form:

(a) if the Court makes an order under subsection (3)—on or

before the time specified in the order; or

(b) otherwise—before the applicant’s registration as a liquidator

ceases to have effect.

Note: Fees for lodging documents and late lodgement fees may be imposed

under the Corporations (Fees) Act 2001.

(3) The Court may, on application, extend the time within which the

individual may apply to ASIC to have the individual’s registration

as a liquidator renewed.

(4) The application for renewal is properly made if subsection (2) is

complied with.

20-75 Renewal

Renewal of registration

(1) On application under section 20-70, ASIC must renew the

registration of the applicant as a liquidator if:

(a) the application is properly made; and

(b) the applicant has produced evidence in writing to ASIC that

the applicant maintains:

(i) adequate and appropriate professional indemnity

insurance; and

(ii) adequate and appropriate fidelity insurance;

against the liabilities that the applicant may incur working as

a registered liquidator; and

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Part 2 Registering and disciplining practitioners

Division 20 Registering liquidators

Section 20-80

274 Corporations Act 2001

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(c) the applicant has complied with any condition dealing with

continuing professional education to which the applicant is

subject during the applicant’s current registration.

(2) ASIC renews the registration of the applicant by entering, or

maintaining, on the Register of Liquidators the details relating to

the applicant prescribed for the purposes of subsection 15-1(3).

Registration subject to current conditions

(3) The renewed registration is subject to the current conditions

imposed on the registered liquidator.

Certificate of registration

(4) After renewing the registration of a person as a liquidator, ASIC

must give the person a certificate of registration.

(5) The certificate may be given electronically.

Period of registration

(6) The renewed registration has effect for 3 years, beginning on the

day after the person’s immediately preceding registration as a

liquidator ceased to have effect.

Subdivision E—Offences relating to registration

20-80 False representation that a person is a registered liquidator

A person commits an offence if:

(a) the person makes a representation; and

(b) the representation is that the person is a registered liquidator;


(c) the representation is false.

Penalty: 30 penalty units.

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Registering and disciplining practitioners Part 2

Insurance Division 25

Section 25-1

Corporations Act 2001 275

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 25—Insurance

25-1 Registered liquidators to maintain insurance

Registered liquidator must maintain insurance

(1) A registered liquidator must maintain:

(a) adequate and appropriate professional indemnity insurance;


(b) adequate and appropriate fidelity insurance;

against the liabilities that the liquidator may incur working as a

registered liquidator.

(2) ASIC may, by legislative instrument, determine what constitutes

adequate and appropriate professional indemnity insurance, and

adequate and appropriate fidelity insurance, in relation to either or

both of the following:

(a) specified circumstances;

(b) one or more specified classes of registered liquidators.


(3) A person commits an offence if:

(a) the person is subject to a requirement under subsection (1);


(b) the person intentionally or recklessly fails to comply with the


Penalty: 1,000 penalty units.

(4) A person commits an offence of strict liability if:

(a) the person is subject to a requirement under subsection (1);


(b) the person fails to comply with the requirement.

Penalty: 60 penalty units.

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Schedule 2 Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

Part 2 Registering and disciplining practitioners

Division 30 Annual liquidator returns

Section 30-1

276 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 30—Annual liquidator returns

30-1 Annual liquidator returns

Registered liquidator must lodge annual return

(1) A person who is a registered liquidator during all or part of a

liquidator return year for the person must, within 1 month after the

end of that year, lodge with ASIC a return that conforms with

subsection (3).

(2) Each of the following is a liquidator return year for a person who

is or was registered as a liquidator under section 20-30:

(a) the period of 12 months beginning on the day on which that

registration first began;

(b) each subsequent period of 12 months.

(3) A return under subsection (1) must:

(a) be in the approved form; and

(b) include evidence that the person has, during the whole of any

period of the year during which the person was registered as

a liquidator, maintained:

(i) adequate and appropriate professional indemnity

insurance; and

(ii) adequate and appropriate fidelity insurance;

against the liabilities that the person may incur working as a

registered liquidator.

(4) ASIC may, on the application of the registered liquidator made

before the end of the period for lodging a return under

subsection (1), extend, or further extend, that period.


(5) A person commits an offence of strict liability if:

(a) the person is subject to a requirement under subsection (1);


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Registering and disciplining practitioners Part 2

Annual liquidator returns Division 30

Section 30-1

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(b) the person fails to comply with the requirement.

Penalty: 20 penalty units.

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Schedule 2 Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

Part 2 Registering and disciplining practitioners

Division 35 Notice requirements

Section 35-1

278 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 35—Notice requirements

35-1 Notice of significant events

Registered liquidator must lodge notice

(1) A registered liquidator must lodge with ASIC a notice, in the

approved form, if any of the following events occur:

(a) the liquidator becomes an insolvent under administration;

(b) a bankruptcy notice is issued under the Bankruptcy Act 1966

in relation to the liquidator as debtor, or a corresponding

notice is issued in relation to the liquidator as debtor under a

law of an external Territory or a law of a foreign country;

(c) the liquidator is convicted of an offence involving fraud or


(d) the liquidator is disqualified from managing corporations

under Part 2D.6 of this Act, or under a law of an external

Territory or a law of a foreign country;

(e) the liquidator ceases to have:

(i) adequate and appropriate professional indemnity

insurance; or

(ii) adequate and appropriate fidelity insurance;

against the liabilities that the liquidator may incur working as

a registered liquidator;

(f) the liquidator is issued with a notice under section 40-40 of

Schedule 2 to the Bankruptcy Act 1966 (a show-cause notice)

in relation to the liquidator’s registration as a trustee under

that Act;

(g) the liquidator’s registration as a trustee under the Bankruptcy

Act 1966 is suspended or cancelled;

(h) any other event prescribed.

The notice must be lodged within 5 business days after the

registered liquidator could reasonably be expected to be aware that

the event has occurred.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) Schedule 2

Registering and disciplining practitioners Part 2

Notice requirements Division 35

Section 35-5

Corporations Act 2001 279

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19


(2) A person commits an offence if:

(a) the person is subject to a requirement under subsection (1);


(b) the person intentionally or recklessly fails to comply with the


Penalty: 100 penalty units.

35-5 Notice of other events

Registered liquidator must lodge notice

(1) A registered liquidator must lodge with ASIC a notice, in the

approved form, if any of the following events occur:

(a) information included in an annual liquidator return, an annual

administration return or an end of administration return,

prepared by or on behalf of the liquidator, is or becomes

inaccurate in a material particular;

(b) any other event prescribed.

The notice must be lodged within 10 business days after the

registered liquidator could reasonably be expected to be aware that

the event has occurred.


(2) A person commits an offence if:

(a) the person is subject to a requirement under subsection (1);


(b) the person intentionally or recklessly fails to comply with the


Penalty: 30 penalty units.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Schedule 2 Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

Part 2 Registering and disciplining practitioners

Division 40 Disciplinary and other action

Section 40-1

280 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 40—Disciplinary and other action

Subdivision A—Introduction

40-1 Simplified outline of this Division

Remedying failure to lodge documents or give information or


ASIC may direct a registered liquidator to comply with a

requirement to lodge a document, or give any information or

document, to ASIC. If the liquidator fails to comply with the

direction, ASIC can direct that the liquidator accept no further

appointments or seek an order from the Court directing the

liquidator to comply.

Correcting and completing information given to ASIC

If ASIC reasonably suspects that information that a registered

liquidator is required to give ASIC is incomplete or inaccurate,

ASIC can direct the liquidator to confirm, complete or correct the

information. ASIC can also direct the liquidator to tell someone

about the defect in the information. If the liquidator fails to comply

with a direction, ASIC can direct that the liquidator accept no

further appointments or seek an order from the Court directing the

liquidator to comply.

Other grounds for a direction not to accept further appointments

There are other grounds on which ASIC can issue a direction not to

accept further appointments, for example, if the registered

liquidator fails to comply with a direction to convene a meeting.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) Schedule 2

Registering and disciplining practitioners Part 2

Disciplinary and other action Division 40

Section 40-5

Corporations Act 2001 281

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Suspending or cancelling registration

An individual’s registration as a liquidator can be suspended or


The registration is automatically cancelled if the registered

liquidator becomes an insolvent under administration or dies.

In some circumstances, ASIC can suspend or cancel the

registration of a person as a liquidator. ASIC can also give a

registered liquidator notice to show-cause why the liquidator

should continue to be registered. If ASIC is not satisfied with the

answer, ASIC can refer the matter to a committee which will make

a decision on what action should be taken.

An industry body can give ASIC notice of possible grounds for

disciplinary action.

If a registration is suspended, the liquidator can apply to ASIC to

have the suspension lifted or shortened.

A decision about the suspension or cancellation of the registration

of a liquidator is reviewable by the Administrative Appeals

Tribunal (see Part 9.4A of this Act).

Subdivision B—Direction to comply

40-5 Registered liquidator to remedy failure to lodge documents or

give information or documents

Application of this section

(1) This section applies if a registered liquidator fails to comply with a

requirement to lodge any document, or give any information or

document, that the liquidator is required under this Act to lodge

with or give to ASIC.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Schedule 2 Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

Part 2 Registering and disciplining practitioners

Division 40 Disciplinary and other action

Section 40-10

282 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

ASIC may give direction to comply

(2) ASIC may, in writing, direct the liquidator to comply with the

requirement within 10 business days after the direction is given.

(3) ASIC may, on the application of a registered liquidator made

before the end of the period referred to in subsection (2), extend, or

further extend, that period.

Consequences for failing to comply

(4) If the liquidator does not comply within the period, ASIC may do

either or both of the following:

(a) give a direction under subsection 40-15(1) (direction not to

accept further appointments);

(b) apply to the Court for an order, under subsection 1274(11)

(registers), section 45-1 of this Schedule or any other

provision that is relevant, directing the liquidator to comply

with the requirement within such time as is specified in the


Direction is not a legislative instrument

(5) A direction under subsection (2) is not a legislative instrument.

Relationship with other laws

(6) Nothing in this section limits the operation of any other provision

of this Act, or any other law, in relation to a person who fails to

comply with a requirement to lodge a document with, or give

information or a document to, ASIC.

40-10 Registered liquidator to correct inaccuracies etc.

Application of this section

(1) This section applies if ASIC reasonably suspects that any

information that a registered liquidator is required under this Act to

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) Schedule 2

Registering and disciplining practitioners Part 2

Disciplinary and other action Division 40

Section 40-10

Corporations Act 2001 283

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

give to ASIC (whether in a document lodged or given to ASIC or

otherwise) is incomplete or incorrect in any particular.

ASIC may give direction to correct information etc.

(2) ASIC may, in writing, direct the liquidator to do one or more of the

following within a period of 10 business days after the direction is


(a) confirm to ASIC that the information is complete and


(b) complete or correct the information (as the case requires);

(c) notify any persons specified by ASIC in the direction of the

addition or correction.

(3) ASIC may, on the application of a registered liquidator made

before the end of the period referred to in subsection (2), extend, or

further extend, that period.

Consequences for failing to comply

(4) If the liquidator does not comply within the period, ASIC may do

either or both of the following:

(a) give a direction under subsection 40-15(1) (direction not to

accept further appointments);

(b) apply to the Court for an order, under subsection 1274(11)

(registers), section 45-1 of this Schedule or any other

provision that is relevant, directing the liquidator to comply

with the requirement within such time as is specified in the


Direction is not a legislative instrument

(5) A direction under subsection (2) is not a legislative instrument.

Relationship with other laws

(6) Nothing in this section limits the operation of any other provision

of this Act, or any other law, in relation to a person giving

incomplete or incorrect information.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Schedule 2 Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

Part 2 Registering and disciplining practitioners

Division 40 Disciplinary and other action

Section 40-15

284 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

40-15 Direction not to accept further appointments

ASIC may give direction not to accept further appointments

(1) ASIC may, in writing, direct a registered liquidator not to accept

any further appointments under Chapter 5 (external

administration), or not to accept any further appointments under

Chapter 5 during a period specified in the direction, if:

(a) the liquidator has failed to comply with a direction given to

the liquidator under section 40-5 (direction to remedy failure

to lodge documents, or give information or documents); or

(b) the liquidator has failed to comply with a direction given to

the liquidator under section 40-10 (direction to correct

inaccuracies); or

(c) a committee has decided under paragraph 40-55(1)(d) that

ASIC should give the direction referred to in that paragraph;


(d) the liquidator has failed to comply with a direction given to

the liquidator under section 70-70 (direction to give relevant

materian( � or

(e) the liquidator has failed to comply with a direction given to

the liquidator under subsection 75-20(1) or (2), or

subsection 80-27(1) (direction to convene a meeting of

creditors or comply with requirements in relation to such a


Condition of registration to comply with direction

(2) If ASIC gives a direction to a registered liquidator under

subsection (1), it is a condition of the liquidator’s registration that

the liquidator must comply with the direction.

Withdrawal of direction

(3) ASIC may withdraw a direction given under subsection (1).

(4) The condition is removed from the liquidator’s registration if ASIC

withdraws the direction.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) Schedule 2

Registering and disciplining practitioners Part 2

Disciplinary and other action Division 40

Section 40-20

Corporations Act 2001 285

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Direction is not a legislative instrument

(5) A direction under subsection (1) is not a legislative instrument.

Relationship with other laws

(6) Nothing in this section limits the operation of any other provision

of this Act, or any other law, in relation to:

(a) a person who fails to comply with a requirement to lodge a

document with, or give information or a document to, ASIC;


(b) a person giving incomplete or incorrect information; or

(c) any matter in relation to which a committee makes a decision

under subsection 40-55(1).

(7) Nothing in this section limits ASIC’s power under this Act, or any

other law, to apply to the Court for an order in relation to a failure

to comply with a direction mentioned in subsection (1).

Subdivision C—Automatic cancellation

40-20 Automatic cancellation

(1) The registration of a person as a liquidator is cancelled if:

(a) the person becomes an insolvent under administration; or

(b) the person dies.

(2) The cancellation takes effect on the day the event mentioned in

subsection (1) happens.

Subdivision D—ASIC may suspend or cancel registration

40-25 ASIC may suspend registration

(1) ASIC may suspend the registration of a person as a liquidator if:

(a) the person is disqualified from managing corporations under

Part 2D.6 of this Act, or under a law of an external Territory

or a law of a foreign country; or

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Schedule 2 Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

Part 2 Registering and disciplining practitioners

Division 40 Disciplinary and other action

Section 40-25

286 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(b) the person ceases to have:

(i) adequate and appropriate professional indemnity

insurance; or

(ii) adequate and appropriate fidelity insurance;

against the liabilities that the person may incur working as a

registered liquidator; or

(c) the person’s registration as a trustee under the Bankruptcy

Act 1966 has been cancelled or suspended, other than in

compliance with a written request by the person to cancel or

suspend the registration; or

(d) if the Court has made an order under section 90-15 that the

person repay remuneration—the person has failed to repay

the remuneration; or

(e) the person has been convicted of an offence involving fraud

or dishonesty; or

(f) the person lodges a request with ASIC in the approved form

to have the registration suspended; or

(g) in the case of a person who is a leviable entity (within the

meaning of the ASIC Supervisory Cost Recovery Levy Act

2017)—the following have not been paid in full at least 12

months after the due date for payment:

(i) an amount of levy (if any) payable in respect of the


(ii) an amount of late payment penalty payable (if any) in

relation to the levy;

(iii) an amount of shortfall penalty payable (if any) in

relation to the levy.

(2) Nothing in this section affects the operation of Part VIIC of the

Crimes Act 1914.

Note: Part VIIC of the Crimes Act 1914 includes provisions that, in certain

circumstances, relieve persons from the requirement to disclose spent

convictions and require persons aware of such convictions to

disregard them.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) Schedule 2

Registering and disciplining practitioners Part 2

Disciplinary and other action Division 40

Section 40-30

Corporations Act 2001 287

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

40-30 ASIC may cancel registration

(1) ASIC may cancel the registration of a person as a liquidator if:

(a) the person is disqualified from managing corporations under

Part 2D.6 of this Act, or under a law of an external Territory

or a law of a foreign country; or

(b) the person ceases to have:

(i) adequate and appropriate professional indemnity

insurance; or

(ii) adequate and appropriate fidelity insurance;

against the liabilities that the person may incur working as a

registered liquidator; or

(c) the person’s registration as a trustee under the Bankruptcy

Act 1966 has been cancelled, other than in compliance with a

written request by the person to cancel the registration; or

(d) if the Court has made an order under section 90-15 that the

person repay remuneration—the person has failed to repay

the remuneration; or

(e) the person has been convicted of an offence involving fraud

or dishonesty; or

(f) the person lodges a request with ASIC in the approved form

to have the registration cancelled; or

(g) in the case of a person who is a leviable entity (within the

meaning of the ASIC Supervisory Cost Recovery Levy Act

2017)—the following have not been paid in full at least 12

months after the due date for payment:

(i) an amount of levy (if any) payable in respect of the


(ii) an amount of late payment penalty payable (if any) in

relation to the levy;

(iii) an amount of shortfall penalty payable (if any) in

relation to the levy.

(2) Nothing in this section affects the operation of Part VIIC of the

Crimes Act 1914.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Schedule 2 Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

Part 2 Registering and disciplining practitioners

Division 40 Disciplinary and other action

Section 40-35

288 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Note: Part VIIC of the Crimes Act 1914 includes provisions that, in certain

circumstances, relieve persons from the requirement to disclose spent

convictions and require persons aware of such convictions to

disregard them.

40-35 Notice of suspension or cancellation

Application of this section

(1) This section applies if ASIC decides under section 40-25 or 40-30

to suspend or cancel the registration of a person as a liquidator.

ASIC must give notice of decision

(2) ASIC must, within 10 business days after making the decision,

give the person a written notice setting out the decision, and the

reasons for the decision.

When decision comes into effect

(3) The decision comes into effect on the day after the notice is given

to the person.

Failure to give notice does not affect validity of decision

(4) A failure by ASIC to give the notice under subsection (2) within 10

business days does not affect the validity of the decision.

Subdivision E—Disciplinary action by committee

40-40 ASIC may give a show-cause notice

(1) ASIC may give a registered liquidator notice in writing asking the

liquidator to give ASIC a written explanation why the liquidator

should continue to be registered, if ASIC believes that:

(a) the liquidator no longer has the qualifications, experience,

knowledge and abilities prescribed under

paragraph 20-20(4)(a); or

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) Schedule 2

Registering and disciplining practitioners Part 2

Disciplinary and other action Division 40

Section 40-40

Corporations Act 2001 289

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(b) the liquidator has committed an act of bankruptcy, within the

meaning of the Bankruptcy Act 1966 or a corresponding law

of an external Territory or a foreign country; or

(c) the liquidator is disqualified from managing corporations

under Part 2D.6 of this Act, or under a law of an external

Territory or a law of a foreign country; or

(d) the liquidator has ceased to have:

(i) adequate and appropriate professional indemnity

insurance; or

(ii) adequate and appropriate fidelity insurance;

against the liabilities that the person may incur working as a

registered liquidator; or

(e) the liquidator has breached a current condition imposed on

the liquidator; or

(f) the liquidator has contravened a provision of this Act; or

(g) the liquidator has been appointed to act as a reviewing

liquidator under Subdivision C of Division 90 of this

Schedule, and has failed to properly exercise the powers or

perform the duties of a reviewing liquidator; or

(h) the liquidator’s registration as a trustee under the Bankruptcy

Act 1966 has been cancelled or suspended, other than in

compliance with a written request by the liquidator to cancel

or suspend the registration; or

(i) if the Court has made an order under section 90-15 that the

liquidator repay remuneration—the liquidator has failed to

repay the remuneration; or

(j) the liquidator has been convicted of an offence involving

fraud or dishonesty; or

(k) the liquidator is permanently or temporarily unable to

perform the functions and duties of a liquidator because of

physical or mental incapacity; or

(l) the liquidator has failed to carry out adequately and properly

(whether in Australia or in an external Territory or in a

foreign country):

(i) the duties of a liquidator; or

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Schedule 2 Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

Part 2 Registering and disciplining practitioners

Division 40 Disciplinary and other action

Section 40-45

290 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(ii) any other duties or functions that a registered liquidator

is required to carry out under a law of the

Commonwealth or of a State or Territory, or the general

law; or

(m) the liquidator is not a fit and proper person; or

(n) the liquidator is not resident in Australia or in another

prescribed country.

(2) A notice under subsection (1) is not a legislative instrument.

(3) Nothing in this section affects the operation of Part VIIC of the

Crimes Act 1914.

Note: Part VIIC of the Crimes Act 1914 includes provisions that, in certain

circumstances, relieve persons from the requirement to disclose spent

convictions and require persons aware of such convictions to

disregard them.

40-45 ASIC may convene a committee

(1) ASIC may convene a committee to make a decision of a kind

mentioned in section 40-55 in relation to a registered liquidator, or

registered liquidators.

(2) The committee must consist of:

(a) ASIC; and

(b) a registered liquidator chosen by a prescribed body; and

(c) a person appointed by the Minister.

Note 1: Section 50-5 sets out the knowledge and experience that a prescribed

body must be satisfied a person has before making an appointment

under paragraph (2)(b).

Note 2: Section 50-10 sets out the matters of which the Minister must be

satisfied before making an appointment under paragraph (2)(c).

40-50 ASIC may refer matters to the committee

ASIC may refer a registered liquidator to a committee convened

under section 40-45 if ASIC:

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) Schedule 2

Registering and disciplining practitioners Part 2

Disciplinary and other action Division 40

Section 40-55

Corporations Act 2001 291

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(a) gives the liquidator a notice under section 40-40 (a

show-cause notice); and

(b) either:

(i) does not receive an explanation within 20 business days

after the notice is given; or

(ii) is not satisfied by the explanation.

40-55 Decision of the committee

(1) If a registered liquidator is referred to a committee under

section 40-50, the committee must decide one or more of the


(a) that the liquidator should continue to be registered;

(b) that the liquidator’s registration should be suspended for a

period, or until the occurrence of an event, specified in the


(c) that the liquidator’s registration should be cancelled;

(d) that ASIC should direct the liquidator not to accept any

further appointments as liquidator, or not to accept any

further appointments as liquidator during the period specified

in the decision;

(e) that the liquidator should be publicly admonished or


(f) that a condition specified in the decision should be imposed

on the liquidator;

(g) that a condition should be imposed on all other registered

liquidators that they must not allow the liquidator to carry out

any of the functions or duties, or exercise any of the powers,

of a registered liquidator on their behalf (whether as

employee, agent, consultant or otherwise) for a period

specified in the decision of no more than 10 years;

(h) that ASIC should publish specified information in relation to

the committee’s decision and the reasons for that decision.

(2) Without limiting paragraph (1)(f), conditions imposed under that

paragraph may include one or more of the following:

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Schedule 2 Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

Part 2 Registering and disciplining practitioners

Division 40 Disciplinary and other action

Section 40-60

292 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(a) a condition that the liquidator engage in, or refrain from

engaging in, specified conduct;

(b) a condition that the liquidator engage in, or refrain from

engaging in, specified conduct except in specified


(c) a condition that the liquidator publish specified information;

(d) a condition that the liquidator notify a specified person or

class of persons of specified information;

(e) a condition that the liquidator publish a specified statement;

(f) a condition that the liquidator make a specified statement to a

specified person or class of persons.

(3) In making its decision, the committee may have regard to:

(a) any information provided to the committee by ASIC; and

(b) any explanation given by the liquidator; and

(c) any other information given by the liquidator to the

committee; and

(d) if the liquidator is or was also a registered trustee under the

Bankruptcy Act 1966—any information in relation to the

liquidator given to the committee by the Inspector-General in

Bankruptcy or a committee convened under the Insolvency

Practice Schedule (Bankruptcy); and

(e) any other matter that the committee considers relevant.

40-60 Committee to report

The committee must give the registered liquidator and ASIC a

report setting out:

(a) the committee’s decision in relation to the liquidator; and

(b) the committee’s reasons for that decision; and

(c) if the committee decides under paragraph 40-55(1)(f) that the

liquidator should be registered subject to a condition:

(i) the condition; and

(ii) the committee’s reasons for imposing the condition; and

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Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) Schedule 2

Registering and disciplining practitioners Part 2

Disciplinary and other action Division 40

Section 40-65

Corporations Act 2001 293

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(d) if the committee decides under paragraph 40-55(1)(g) that a

condition should be imposed on all other registered

liquidators in relation to the liquidator:

(i) the condition; and

(ii) the committee’s reasons for imposing the condition.

40-65 ASIC must give effect to the committee’s decision

ASIC must give effect to the committee’s decision.

Subdivision F—Lifting or shortening suspension

40-70 Application to lift or shorten suspension

Application of this section

(1) This section applies if a person’s registration as a liquidator has

been suspended.

Suspended liquidator may apply to ASIC

(2) The person may apply to ASIC:

(a) for the suspension to be lifted; or

(b) for the period of the suspension to be shortened.

(3) The application must be lodged with ASIC in the approved form.

(4) The application is properly made if subsection (3) is complied


40-75 ASIC may convene a committee to consider applications

(1) ASIC may convene a committee for the purposes of considering an

application, or applications, made under section 40-70.

(2) The committee must consist of:

(a) ASIC; and

(b) a registered liquidator chosen by a prescribed body; and

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Schedule 2 Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

Part 2 Registering and disciplining practitioners

Division 40 Disciplinary and other action

Section 40-80

294 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(c) a person appointed by the Minister.

Note 1: Section 50-5 sets out the knowledge and experience that a prescribed

body must be satisfied a person has before making an appointment

under paragraph (2)(b).

Note 2: Section 50-10 sets out the matters of which the Minister must be

satisfied before making an appointment under paragraph (2)(c).

40-80 ASIC must refer applications to a committee

(1) ASIC must refer an application that is properly made under

section 40-70 to a committee convened under section 40-75 for


(2) ASIC must do so within 2 months after receiving the application.

40-85 Committee to consider applications

(1) If an application is referred to a committee, the committee must

consider the application.

(2) Unless the applicant otherwise agrees, the committee must

interview the applicant for the purposes of considering the


(3) Within 10 business days after interviewing the applicant or

obtaining the agreement of the applicant as referred to in

subsection (2), the committee must:

(a) decide whether the suspension should be lifted, or the period

of the suspension shortened; and

(b) if the period of the suspension is to be shortened—specify

when the suspension is to end.

40-90 Committee to report

The committee must give the applicant and ASIC a report setting


(a) the committee’s decision on the application; and

(b) the committee’s reasons for that decision; and

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Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) Schedule 2

Registering and disciplining practitioners Part 2

Disciplinary and other action Division 40

Section 40-95

Corporations Act 2001 295

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(c) if the committee decides that the period of the suspension

should be shortened—when the suspension is to end.

40-95 Committee’s decision given effect

If the committee decides that a suspension is to be lifted or

shortened, the suspension is lifted or shortened in accordance with

the decision.

Subdivision G—Action initiated by industry body

40-100 Notice by industry bodies of possible grounds for disciplinary


Industry body may lodge notice

(1) An industry body may lodge with ASIC a notice in the approved

form (an industry notice):

(a) stating that the body reasonably suspects that there are

grounds for ASIC:

(i) to suspend the registration of a registered liquidator

under section 40-25; or

(ii) to cancel the registration of a registered liquidator under

section 40-30; or

(iii) to give a registered liquidator a notice under

section 40-40 (a show-cause notice); or

(iv) to impose a condition on a registered liquidator under

another provision of this Schedule; and

(b) identifying the registered liquidator; and

(c) including the information and copies of any documents upon

which the suspicion is founded.

ASIC must consider information and documents

(2) ASIC must consider the information and the copies of any

documents included with the industry notice.

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Schedule 2 Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

Part 2 Registering and disciplining practitioners

Division 40 Disciplinary and other action

Section 40-100

296 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

ASIC must give notice if no action to be taken

(3) If, after such consideration, ASIC decides to take no action in

relation to the matters raised by the industry notice, ASIC must

give the industry body written notice of that fact.

45 business days to consider and decide

(4) The consideration of the information and the copies of any

documents included with the industry notice must be completed

and, if ASIC decides to take no action, a notice under

subsection (3) given, within 45 business days after the industry

notice is lodged.

ASIC not precluded from taking action

(5) ASIC is not precluded from:

(a) suspending the registration of a registered liquidator under

section 40-25; or

(b) cancelling the registration of a registered liquidator under

section 40-30; or

(c) giving a registered liquidator a notice under section 40-40 (a

show-cause notice); or

(d) imposing a condition on a registered liquidator under another

provision of this Schedule;

wholly or partly on the basis of information or a copy of a

document included with the industry notice, merely because ASIC

has given a notice under subsection (3) in relation to the matters

raised by the industry notice.

Notice to industry body if ASIC takes action

(6) If ASIC does take action of the kind mentioned in subsection (5)

wholly or partly on the basis of information or a copy of a

document included with the industry notice, ASIC must give the

industry body notice of that fact.

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Registering and disciplining practitioners Part 2

Disciplinary and other action Division 40

Section 40-105

Corporations Act 2001 297

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Notices are not legislative instruments

(7) A notice under subsection (3) or (6) is not a legislative instrument.

40-105 No liability for notice given in good faith etc.

(1) An industry body is not liable civilly, criminally or under any

administrative process for giving a notice under

subsection 40-100(1) if:

(a) the body acted in good faith in giving the notice; and

(b) the suspicion that is the subject of the notice is a reasonable


(2) A person who, in good faith, makes a decision as a result of which

the industry body gives a notice under subsection 40-100(1) is not

liable civilly, criminally or under any administrative process for

making the decision.

(3) A person who, in good faith, gives information or a document to an

industry body that is included, or a copy of which is included, in a

notice under subsection 40-100(1) is not liable civilly, criminally

or under any administrative process for giving the information or


40-110 Meaning of industry bodies

The Insolvency Practice Rules may prescribe industry bodies for

the purposes of this Subdivision.

Subdivision H—Consequences of certain disciplinary and other


40-111 Appointment of another liquidator if liquidator’s

registration is suspended or cancelled

(1) If:

(a) the registration of a liquidator is suspended or cancelled

under this Division; and

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Part 2 Registering and disciplining practitioners

Division 40 Disciplinary and other action

Section 40-111

298 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(b) the liquidator is conducting the external administration of a

company at the time the registration is suspended or


ASIC may, in writing, appoint another registered liquidator to

conduct the external administration of the company.

(2) If:

(a) a liquidator fails to renew his or her registration as a

liquidator before that registration ceases to have effect; and

(b) no order has been made by the Court under

subsection 20-70(3) extending the period during which the

liquidator may apply for renewal; and

(c) the liquidator is conducting the external administration of a

company at the time his or her registration as a liquidator

ceases to have effect;

ASIC may, in writing, appoint another registered liquidator to

conduct the external administration of the company.

(3) Subsections (1) and (2) do not apply to:

(a) a liquidator appointed by the Court; or

(b) a winding up ordered by ASIC under section 489EA; or

(c) a members’ voluntary winding up.

Note: For court-appointed liquidators, see section 473A. For a winding up

ordered by ASIC, see section 489EA. For a members’ voluntary

winding up, see section 495.

(4) An appointment of a registered liquidator by ASIC under

subsection (1) must not be made without the written consent of the


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Registering and disciplining practitioners Part 2

Court oversight of registered liquidators Division 45

Section 45-1

Corporations Act 2001 299

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 45—Court oversight of registered liquidators

45-1 Court may make orders in relation to registered liquidators

(1) The Court may make such orders as it thinks fit in relation to a

registered liquidator.

(2) The Court may exercise the power under subsection (1):

(a) on its own initiative, during proceedings before the Court; or

(b) on application under subsection (3).

(3) Each of the following persons may apply for an order under

subsection (1):

(a) the registered liquidator;

(b) ASIC.

(4) Without limiting the matters which the Court may take into

account when making orders, the Court may take into account:

(a) whether the registered liquidator has faithfully performed, or

is faithfully performing, the registered liquidator’s duties;


(b) whether an action or failure to act by the registered liquidator

is in compliance with this Act and the Insolvency Practice

Rules; and

(c) whether an action or failure to act by the registered liquidator

is in compliance with an order of the Court; and

(d) whether any person has suffered, or is likely to suffer, loss or

damage because of an action or failure to act by the

registered liquidator; and

(e) the seriousness of the consequences of any action or failure

to act by the registered liquidator, including the effect of that

action or failure to act on public confidence in registered

liquidators as a group.

(5) This section does not limit the Court’s powers under any other

provision of this Act, or under any other law.

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Part 2 Registering and disciplining practitioners

Division 45 Court oversight of registered liquidators

Section 45-5

300 Corporations Act 2001

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45-5 Court may make orders about costs

(1) Without limiting section 45-1, the Court may make orders in

relation to a registered liquidator that deal with the costs of a

matter considered by the Court.

(2) Those orders may include an order that:

(a) the registered liquidator is personally liable for some or all of

those costs; and

(b) the registered liquidator is not entitled to be reimbursed by a

company or its creditors in relation to some or all of those


(3) This section does not limit the Court’s powers under any other

provision of this Act, or under any other law.

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Registering and disciplining practitioners Part 2

Committees under this Part Division 50

Section 50-1

Corporations Act 2001 301

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Division 50—Committees under this Part

50-1 Simplified outline of this Division

This Division sets out common rules for committees established

under this Part.

If a prescribed body appoints a person to a committee, that person

must have the prescribed knowledge or experience or, if no

knowledge or experience is prescribed, the knowledge and

experience necessary to carry out the functions to be performed. If

the Minister appoints a person to a committee, that person must

have knowledge or experience in a field such as business, law

(including the law of corporate insolvency) or public policy

relating to corporate insolvency.

A single committee may consider more than one matter. The

consideration of a matter is not affected by a change in the

membership of the committee. A matter may be adjourned or

transferred to another committee. The Insolvency Practice Rules

may prescribe procedures and make other rules for committees.

The use and disclosure of information given to a committee is

restricted to listed purposes.

50-5 Prescribed body appointing a person to a committee

Application of this section

(1) This section applies if a prescribed body is to appoint a person to a

committee under this Part.

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Part 2 Registering and disciplining practitioners

Division 50 Committees under this Part

Section 50-10

302 Corporations Act 2001

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Prescribed body must only appoint a person with appropriate

knowledge and experience

(2) The prescribed body is to appoint a person as a member of the

committee only if the prescribed body is satisfied that the person


(a) if any knowledge or experience is prescribed in relation to

appointments of the kind to be made—that knowledge or

experience; or

(b) if no knowledge or experience is prescribed in relation to

appointments of the kind to be made—the knowledge and

experience necessary to carry out the person’s functions as a

member of the committee if appointed.

50-10 Minister appointing a person to a committee

Application of this section

(1) This section applies if the Minister is to appoint a person to a

committee under any of the following paragraphs:

(a) paragraph 20-10(2)(c);

(b) paragraph 20-45(2)(c);

(c) paragraph 40-45(2)(c);

(d) paragraph 40-75(2)(c).

Matters of which the Minister must be satisfied before appointing

(2) The Minister is to appoint a person as a member of the committee

only if the Minister is satisfied that the person is qualified for

appointment by virtue of his or her knowledge of, or experience in,

one or more of the following fields:

(a) business;

(b) law, including the law relating to corporate insolvency;

(c) economics;

(d) accounting;

(e) public policy relating to corporate insolvency;

(f) administration of companies, including insolvent companies.

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Committees under this Part Division 50

Section 50-15

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Minister must not appoint member or staff member of ASIC

(3) The Minister must not appoint:

(a) a member of ASIC (within the meaning of section 9 of the

Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act

2001); or

(b) a staff member of ASIC;

to be a member of the committee.

Delegation of power to appoint

(4) The Minister may, in writing, delegate the Minister’s powers to

appoint a person to a committee to:

(a) ASIC; or

(b) a member of ASIC (within the meaning of section 9 of the

Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act

2001); or

(c) a staff member of ASIC who:

(i) is an SES employee or acting SES employee; or

(ii) is an APS employee who holds, or is acting in, an

Executive Level 2 position; or

(iii) holds, or is acting in, an office or position that is

equivalent to an SES employee, or an Executive Level


(5) In exercising powers under a delegation, the delegate must comply

with any directions of the Minister.

50-15 Single committee may consider more than one matter

A single committee may be convened under this Part to consider

one or more of the following:

(a) a matter or matters relating to one applicant for registration

as a liquidator;

(b) a matter or matters relating to more than one applicant for

registration as a liquidator;

(c) a matter or matters relating to one registered liquidator;

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Part 2 Registering and disciplining practitioners

Division 50 Committees under this Part

Section 50-20

304 Corporations Act 2001

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(d) a matter or matters relating to more than one registered


50-20 Ongoing consideration of matters by committee

If a committee is convened under this Part to consider a matter:

(a) the committee’s powers, functions and duties in relation to

the matter are not affected by a change in the membership of

the committee; and

(b) the committee may adjourn its consideration of the matter,

and may do so more than once; and

(c) the matter may be transferred to another committee with

powers, functions and duties under this Part in relation to

matters of that kind.

50-25 Procedure and other rules relating to committees

The Insolvency Practice Rules may provide for and in relation to:

(a) the manner in which the committees convened under this Part

are to perform their functions, including:

(i) meetings of committees; and

(ii) the number of committee members required to

constitute a quorum; and

(iii) disclosure of interests in a matter before a committee;


(iv) the manner in which questions are to be decided by the

committee; and

(b) the reconstitution of a committee; and

(c) the termination of the consideration of a matter by a

committee, and the transfer of matters to another committee.

50-30 Remuneration of committee members

(1) A member of a committee convened under this Part is entitled to

receive the remuneration that is determined by the Remuneration

Tribunal. If no determination of that remuneration by the Tribunal

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Registering and disciplining practitioners Part 2

Committees under this Part Division 50

Section 50-35

Corporations Act 2001 305

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is in operation, the member is entitled to receive such remuneration

as the Minister determines in writing.

(2) A member is entitled to receive such allowances as the Minister

determines in writing.

(3) This section has effect subject to the Remuneration Tribunal Act


50-35 Committee must only use information etc. for purposes for

which disclosed


(1) A person commits an offence if:

(a) the person is or was a member of a committee convened

under this Part; and

(b) information or a document is or was disclosed to the person

for the purposes of exercising powers or performing

functions as a member of the committee; and

(c) the person uses or discloses the information or document.

Penalty: 50 penalty units.

Exception—information or document disclosed to the

Inspector-General in Bankruptcy or another committee etc.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply if the information or document:

(a) is used or disclosed by the person for the purposes of

exercising powers or performing functions as a member of

the committee mentioned in subsection (1); or

(b) is disclosed:

(i) to the Inspector-General in Bankruptcy to assist the

Inspector-General to exercise his or her powers or

perform his or her functions under the Bankruptcy Act

1966; or

(ii) to a committee convened under Part 2 of the Insolvency

Practice Schedule (Bankruptcy) to assist the committee

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Part 2 Registering and disciplining practitioners

Division 50 Committees under this Part

Section 50-35

306 Corporations Act 2001

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to exercise its powers or perform its functions under that

Part; or

(iii) to another committee convened under this Part to assist

the committee to exercise its powers or perform its

functions under this Part; or

(iv) to enable or assist a body prescribed for the purposes of

this paragraph to perform its disciplinary function in

relation to its members; or

(v) in order to enable or assist an authority or person in a

State or Territory, or a foreign country, to perform or

exercise a function or power that corresponds, or is

analogous, to any of the committee’s or ASIC’s

functions and powers; or

(vi) to a court or tribunal in relation to proceedings before

the court or tribunal.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in

subsection (2) (see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code).

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General rules relating to external administrations Part 3

Introduction Division 55

Section 55-1

Corporations Act 2001 307

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 3—General rules relating to external


Division 55—Introduction

55-1 Simplified outline of this Part

This Part sets out requirements for conducting the external

administration of a company.

The main provisions deal with:

(a) the remuneration of the external administrator; and

(b) the duties of the external administrator in handling the

money and other property of the company; and

(c) conflicts of interest; and

(d) the duties of the external administrator to keep

appropriate records, to report to ASIC and to give

information, documents and reports to creditors,

members of the company and others; and

(e) creditor and company meetings; and

(f) the creation and conduct of a committee to monitor the

external administration (called a committee of

inspection); and

(g) the rights of creditors to review the external

administration; and

(h) the rights of creditors to remove the external

administrator and appoint another; and

(i) the review of the external administration by the Court.

There are additional rules that apply to companies under external

administration in Chapter 5 (for example, about appointment of

external administrators) of this Act.

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Part 3 General rules relating to external administrations

Division 55 Introduction

Section 55-1

308 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Companies in receivership are not covered in this Part (see

generally Part 5.2 of this Act).

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General rules relating to external administrations Part 3

Remuneration and other benefits received by external administrators Division 60

Section 60-1

Corporations Act 2001 309

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 60—Remuneration and other benefits received by

external administrators

Subdivision A—Introduction

60-1 Simplified outline of this Division


The external administrator of a company is entitled to receive

remuneration for necessary work properly performed by the

external administrator in relation to the external administration.

The amount of remuneration will usually be set under a

remuneration determination. Remuneration determinations are

made by:

(a) in a members voluntary winding up—the members; and

(b) in most other cases—the creditors or the committee of

inspection (if there is one).

However, if there is no remuneration determination, the external

administrator will be entitled to receive a reasonable amount for

the work. The maximum amount that the external administrator

may receive in this way is $5,000 (exclusive of GST and indexed).

The remuneration of provisional liquidators is, in most cases,

determined by the Court.

The Court may review the remuneration of the external

administrator of a company and may also make orders under

Division 90 about remuneration (including ordering repayment of


Other benefits

The external administrator of a company must not:

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Part 3 General rules relating to external administrations

Division 60 Remuneration and other benefits received by external administrators

Section 60-2

310 Corporations Act 2001

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(a) employ a related entity, unless certain requirements are


(b) purchase any assets of the company; or

(c) get any other benefits or profits from the administration.

Subdivision B—Remuneration of external administrators—

general rules

60-2 Application of this Subdivision

This Subdivision applies in relation to an external administrator of

a company other than:

(a) a provisional liquidator; or

(b) a liquidator appointed by ASIC under section 489EC

(winding up by ASIC).

Note: For the remuneration of provisional liquidators, see Subdivision C of

this Division. For the remuneration of liquidators appointed by ASIC

under section 489EC, see Subdivision D of this Division.

60-5 External administrator’s remuneration

Remuneration in accordance with remuneration determinations

(1) An external administrator of a company is entitled to receive

remuneration for necessary work properly performed by the

external administrator in relation to the external administration, in

accordance with the remuneration determinations (if any) for the

external administrator (see section 60-10).

Remuneration for external administrators if no remuneration

determination made

(2) If no remuneration determination is made in relation to necessary

work properly performed by the external administrator of a

company in relation to the external administration, the

administrator is entitled to receive reasonable remuneration for the

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General rules relating to external administrations Part 3

Remuneration and other benefits received by external administrators Division 60

Section 60-10

Corporations Act 2001 311

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work. However, that remuneration must not exceed the maximum

default amount.

60-10 Remuneration determinations

Remuneration determinations

(1) A determination, specifying remuneration that an external

administrator of a company (other than an external administrator in

a members’ voluntary winding up) is entitled to receive for

necessary work properly performed by the external administrator in

relation to the external administration, may be made:

(a) by resolution of the creditors; or

(b) if there is a committee of inspection and a determination is

not made under paragraph (a)—by the committee of

inspection; or

(c) if a determination is not made under paragraph (a) or (b)—by

the Court.

Note: For determinations made by the Court, see also section 60-12 (matters

to which the Court must have regard).

(2) A determination, specifying remuneration that an external

administrator of a company in a members’ voluntary winding up is

entitled to receive for necessary work properly performed by the

external administrator in relation to the external administration,

may be made:

(a) by resolution of the company at a general meeting; or

(b) if a determination is not made under paragraph (a)—by the


Note: For determinations made by the Court, see also section 60-12 (matters

to which the Court must have regard).

(3) A determination under this section may specify remuneration that

the external administrator is entitled to receive in either or both of

the following ways:

(a) by specifying an amount of remuneration;

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Part 3 General rules relating to external administrations

Division 60 Remuneration and other benefits received by external administrators

Section 60-11

312 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) by specifying a method for working out an amount of


Remuneration on a time-cost basis

(4) If a determination under this section specifies that the external

administrator is entitled to receive remuneration worked out wholly

or partly on a time-cost basis, the determination must include a cap

on the amount of remuneration worked out on a time-cost basis

that the external administrator is entitled to receive.

More than one remuneration determination may be made

(5) To avoid doubt, more than one determination under this section

may be made in relation to a particular external administrator of a

company and a particular external administration of a company.

60-11 Review of remuneration determinations

Review on application

(1) Any of the following may apply to the Court for a review of a

remuneration determination for an external administrator of a


(a) ASIC;

(b) a person with a financial interest in the external

administration of the company;

(c) an officer of the company.

(2) Paragraph (1)(c) has effect despite section 198G.

Note: Section 198G deals with powers of officers etc. while a company is

under external administration.

(3) On application under subsection (1), the Court may, if it considers

it appropriate to do so, review the remuneration determination.

Note: See also section 60-12 (matters to which the Court must have regard).

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General rules relating to external administrations Part 3

Remuneration and other benefits received by external administrators Division 60

Section 60-12

Corporations Act 2001 313

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Court must affirm, vary or set aside remuneration determination

(4) After reviewing the remuneration determination, the Court must:

(a) affirm the remuneration determination; or

(b) vary the remuneration determination; or

(c) set aside the remuneration determination and substitute

another remuneration determination.


(5) Subsection (1) does not apply to a remuneration determination

made by the Court.

60-12 Matters to which the Court must have regard

In making a remuneration determination under

paragraph 60-10(1)(c) or (2)(b), or reviewing a remuneration

determination under section 60-11, the Court must have regard to

whether the remuneration is reasonable, taking into account any or

all of the following matters:

(a) the extent to which the work by the external administrator

was necessary and properly performed;

(b) the extent to which the work likely to be performed by the

external administrator is likely to be necessary and properly


(c) the period during which the work was, or is likely to be,

performed by the external administrator;

(d) the quality of the work performed, or likely to be performed,

by the external administrator;

(e) the complexity (or otherwise) of the work performed, or

likely to be performed, by the external administrator;

(f) the extent (if any) to which the external administrator was, or

is likely to be, required to deal with extraordinary issues;

(g) the extent (if any) to which the external administrator was, or

is likely to be, required to accept a higher level of risk or

responsibility than is usually the case;

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Part 3 General rules relating to external administrations

Division 60 Remuneration and other benefits received by external administrators

Section 60-15

314 Corporations Act 2001

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(h) the value and nature of any property dealt with, or likely to

be dealt with, by the external administrator;

(i) the number, attributes and conduct, or the likely number,

attributes and conduct, of the creditors;

(j) if the remuneration is worked out wholly or partly on a

time-cost basis—the time properly taken, or likely to be

properly taken, by the external administrator in performing

the work;

(k) whether the external administrator was, or is likely to be,

required to deal with one or more controllers, or one or more

managing controllers;

(l) if:

(i) a review has been carried out under Subdivision C of

Division 90 (review by another registered liquidator)

into a matter that relates to the external administration;


(ii) the matter is, or includes, remuneration of the external


the contents of the report on the review that relate to that


(m) any other relevant matters.

60-15 Maximum default amount

Maximum default amount

(1) The maximum default amount for an external administrator of a

company is an amount (exclusive of GST) worked out as follows:

(a) if the external administrator is appointed in relation to the

external administration of the company during the financial

year beginning on 1 July 2016—$5,000;

(b) if the external administrator is appointed in relation to the

external administration of the company during a financial

year beginning on or after 1 July 2017—the greater of:

(i) the amount worked out by multiplying the indexation

factor for the financial year (worked out under

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General rules relating to external administrations Part 3

Remuneration and other benefits received by external administrators Division 60

Section 60-15

Corporations Act 2001 315

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

subsections (3) and (4)) by the maximum default

amount for an external administrator appointed during

the previous financial year; and

(ii) the amount (if any) prescribed for the purposes of this



(2) Amounts worked out under subsection (1) must be rounded to the

nearest whole dollar (rounding 50 cents upwards).

Indexation factor

(3) Subject to subsection (4), the indexation factor for a financial year

is the number worked out by dividing the index number for the

March quarter immediately preceding that financial year by the

index number for the March quarter immediately preceding that

first-mentioned March quarter.

(4) If an indexation factor worked out under subsection (3) would be

less than 1, the indexation factor is to be increased to 1.

Changes to CPI index reference period and publication of

substituted index numbers

(5) In working out the indexation factor:

(a) use only the index numbers published in terms of the most

recently published index reference period for the Consumer

Price Index; and

(b) disregard index numbers published in substitution for

previously published index numbers (except where the

substituted numbers are published to take account of changes

in the index reference period).

Definition—index number

(6) In this section:

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Part 3 General rules relating to external administrations

Division 60 Remuneration and other benefits received by external administrators

Section 60-16

316 Corporations Act 2001

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index number, in relation to a quarter, means the All Groups

Consumer Price Index number, being the weighted average of the 8

capital cities, published by the Australian Statistician in respect of

that quarter.

Subdivision C—Remuneration of provisional liquidators

60-16 Remuneration of provisional liquidators

(1) A provisional liquidator is entitled to receive such remuneration,

by way of percentage or otherwise, as is:

(a) determined by the Court; or

(b) if:

(i) no determination by the Court is in force; and

(ii) there is a committee of inspection;

determined by agreement between the liquidator and the

committee of inspection; or

(c) if:

(i) no determination by the Court is in force; and

(ii) there is no committee of inspection or the liquidator and

the committee of inspection fail to agree;

determined by resolution of the creditors.

(2) Sections 60-11 and 60-12 (Court review) apply in relation to a

determination mentioned in this section in the same way as they

apply to a remuneration determination made under section 60-10.

Subdivision D—Remuneration of liquidators in winding up by


60-17 Remuneration of liquidators in winding up by ASIC

If ASIC orders under section 489EA that a company be wound up,

ASIC may determine the remuneration that the liquidator is

entitled to receive.

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General rules relating to external administrations Part 3

Remuneration and other benefits received by external administrators Division 60

Section 60-20

Corporations Act 2001 317

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Subdivision E—Duties of external administrators relating to

remuneration and benefits etc.

60-20 External administrator must not derive profit or advantage

from the administration of the company

Deriving profit or advantage from the company

(1) An external administrator of a company must not directly or

indirectly derive any profit or advantage from the external

administration of the company.

Circumstances in which profit or advantage is taken to be derived

(2) To avoid doubt, an external administrator of a company is taken to

derive a profit or advantage from the external administration of the

company if:

(a) the external administrator directly or indirectly derives a

profit or advantage from a transaction (including a sale or

purchase) entered into for or on account of the company; or

(b) the external administrator directly or indirectly derives a

profit or advantage from a creditor or member of the

company; or

(c) a related entity of the external administrator directly or

indirectly derives a profit or advantage from the external

administration of the company.


(3) Subsection (1) does not apply to the extent that:

(a) another provision of this Act, or of another law, requires or

permits the external administrator to derive the profit or

advantage; or

(b) the Court gives leave to the external administrator to derive

the profit or advantage.

Note: Subsection (1) would not, for example, prevent the external

administrator from recovering remuneration for necessary work

properly performed by the external administrator in relation to the

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Part 3 General rules relating to external administrations

Division 60 Remuneration and other benefits received by external administrators

Section 60-20

318 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

external administration of the company, as the external administrator

is permitted to do so under other provisions of this Act.

(4) Despite paragraph (2)(c), subsection (1) does not apply to the

extent that:

(a) the external administrator employs or engages a person to

provide services in connection with the external

administration of the company; and

(b) a related entity of the external administrator directly or

indirectly derives a profit or advantage as a result of that

employment or engagement; and

(c) one of the following is satisfied:

(i) the external administrator does not know, and could not

reasonably be expected to know, that the related entity

would derive that profit or advantage;

(ii) the creditors, by resolution, agree to the related entity

deriving the profit or advantage;

(iii) it is not reasonably practicable in all the circumstances

to obtain the agreement, by resolution, of the creditors

to the related entity deriving the profit or advantage and

the cost of employing or engaging the person to provide

the services is reasonable in all the circumstances.

(4A) Despite paragraph (2)(c), subsection (1) does not apply to the

extent that a related entity of the external administrator directly or

indirectly derives a profit or advantage:

(a) from remuneration paid to the external administrator in

accordance with section 60-5 of this Schedule; or

(b) from a profit or advantage covered by subsection (4).

(5) Subsection (1) does not apply to the extent that the profit or

advantage is a payment that:

(a) is made to the external administrator by or on behalf of the

Commonwealth or an agency or authority of the

Commonwealth; and

(b) is of a kind prescribed.

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Remuneration and other benefits received by external administrators Division 60

Section 60-20

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(6) A person commits an offence of strict liability if:

(a) the person is subject to a requirement under subsection (1);


(b) the person fails to comply with the requirement.

Penalty: 50 penalty units.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

subsections (3), (4) and (5) (see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal


Effect of contravention of this section

(7) A transaction or any other arrangement entered into in

contravention of this section may be set aside by the Court.

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Part 3 General rules relating to external administrations

Division 65 Funds handling

Section 65-1

320 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 65—Funds handling

65-1 Simplified outline of this Division

The external administrator of a company has duties to:

(a) promptly pay all company money into an account

(called an administration account); and

(b) promptly deposit instruments such as securities with a

bank; and

(c) keep the account separate and not pay any money that is

not company money into the account; and

(d) only pay money out of the account if it is for a

legitimate purpose.

The external administrator of a company may keep a single

account for a group of related companies (called a pooled group).

People with a financial interest in the external administration of a

company (such as creditors) may ask the Court to give directions to

the external administrator about the way money and other property

of the company is to be handled.

If the external administrator of a company does not comply with

this Division, the external administrator may have to pay penalties,

be paid less remuneration or be removed as external administrator.

65-5 External administrator must pay all money into an

administration account

External administrator must pay money into the administration


(1) The external administrator of a company must pay all money

received by the external administrator on behalf of, or in relation

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General rules relating to external administrations Part 3

Funds handling Division 65

Section 65-10

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to, the company into an administration account for the company

within 5 business days after receipt.


(2) If the Court gives a direction that is inconsistent with

subsection (1), that subsection does not apply to the extent of the



(3) A person commits an offence of strict liability if:

(a) the person is subject to a requirement under subsection (1);


(b) the person fails to comply with the requirement.

Penalty: 50 penalty units.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in

subsection (2) (see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code).

65-10 Administration accounts

(1) A bank account is an administration account for a company if:

(a) the account is maintained in relation to the external

administration of the company; and

(b) if any requirements are prescribed in relation to the

administration accounts of companies under external

administration, the account complies with those


(2) A bank account is an administration account for a member of a

pooled group of companies if:

(a) the account is maintained in relation to the external

administration of the pooled group of companies; and

(b) if any requirements are prescribed in relation to the

administration accounts of companies under external

administration, the account complies with those


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Part 3 General rules relating to external administrations

Division 65 Funds handling

Section 65-15

322 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

65-15 External administrator must not pay other money into the

administration account

External administrator must not pay other money into the

administration account

(1) The external administrator of a company must not pay any money

into an administration account for the company if it is not received

by the external administrator on behalf of, or in relation to:

(a) the company; or

(b) if the company is a member of a pooled group—another

member of the pooled group.


(2) If the Court gives a direction that is inconsistent with

subsection (1), that subsection does not apply to the extent of the



(3) A person commits an offence of strict liability if:

(a) the person is subject to the requirement under subsection (1);


(b) the person fails to comply with the requirement.

Penalty: 50 penalty units.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in

subsection (2) (see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code).

65-20 Consequences for failure to pay money into administration


Application of this section

(1) This section applies if:

(a) an external administrator of a company:

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General rules relating to external administrations Part 3

Funds handling Division 65

Section 65-25

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(i) is subject to a requirement under subsection 65-5(1)

(paying money into administration account); and

(ii) fails to comply with the requirement in relation to an

amount of money; and

(b) the amount exceeds:

(i) $50; or

(ii) if another amount is prescribed—that other amount.


(2) Subsection (1) does not apply if, on the application of the external

administrator of the company, the Court is satisfied that the

external administrator had sufficient reason for failing to comply

with the requirement in relation to the amount.

External administrator must pay penalty on excess

(3) The external administrator must, as a penalty, pay interest to the

Commonwealth on the excess, worked out:

(a) at the rate of 20% per year; or

(b) if another rate is prescribed—at that other rate;

for the period during which the external administrator fails to

comply with the requirement.

(4) The external administrator is personally liable for, and is not

entitled to be reimbursed out of the property of the company in

relation to, the payment of that interest.

65-25 Paying money out of administration account

Money only to be paid out of administration account in accordance

with this Act etc.

(1) An external administrator of a company must not pay any money

out of the administration account for the company otherwise than:

(a) for purposes related to the external administration of the

company; or

(b) in accordance with this Act; or

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Part 3 General rules relating to external administrations

Division 65 Funds handling

Section 65-40

324 Corporations Act 2001

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(c) in accordance with a direction of the Court.


(2) A person commits an offence of strict liability if:

(a) the person is subject to a requirement under subsection (1);


(b) the person fails to comply with the requirement.

Penalty: 50 penalty units.

65-40 Handling securities

Securities must be deposited with administration account bank

(1) An external administrator of a company must deposit in a bank:

(a) the negotiable instruments; and

(b) any other securities;

payable to the company or the external administrator as soon as

practicable after they are received by the external administrator.


(2) If the Court gives a direction that is inconsistent with

subsection (1), that subsection does not apply to the extent of the



(3) A person commits an offence of strict liability if:

(a) the person is subject to a requirement under subsection (1);


(b) the person fails to comply with the requirement.

Penalty: 20 penalty units.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in

subsection (2) (see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code).

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Funds handling Division 65

Section 65-45

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Delivery of securities

(4) The negotiable instruments or other security must be delivered out

on the signed request of the external administrator.

65-45 Handling of money and securities—Court directions

(1) The Court may, on application, give directions regarding the

payment, deposit or custody of:

(a) money; and

(b) negotiable instruments and other securities;

that are payable to, or held by, an external administrator of a


(2) The Court may, on application, give directions authorising the

external administrator of a company to make payments into and out

of a special bank account.

(3) Without limiting subsection (2), the Court may:

(a) authorise the payments for the time and on the terms it thinks

fit; and

(b) if the Court thinks the account is no longer required—at any

time order it to be closed.

(4) A copy of an order under paragraph (3)(b) must be served by the

external administrator on the bank with which the special bank

account was opened.

(5) An application under this section may be made by:

(a) any person with a financial interest in the external

administration of the company; or

(b) an officer of the company.

(6) Paragraph (5)(b) has effect despite section 198G.

Note: Section 198G deals with powers of officers etc. while a company is

under external administration.

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Part 3 General rules relating to external administrations

Division 65 Funds handling

Section 65-50

326 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

65-50 Rules in relation to consequences for failure to comply with

this Division

The Insolvency Practice Rules may provide for and in relation to:

(a) the payment by an external administrator of a company of

interest at such rate, on such amount and in respect of such

period as is prescribed; and

(b) disallowance of all or of such part as is prescribed of the

remuneration of an external administrator of a company; and

(c) the removal from office of an external administrator of a

company by the Court; and

(d) the payment by an external administrator of a company of

any expenses occasioned by reason of his or her default;

in cases where an external administrator contravenes or fails to

comply with this Division (including Insolvency Practice Rules

made under this Division).

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General rules relating to external administrations Part 3

Information Division 70

Section 70-1

Corporations Act 2001 327

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 70—Information

Subdivision A—Introduction

70-1 Simplified outline of this Division

The external administrator of a company must:

(a) give annual reports of the administration (called annual

administrative returns) to ASIC; and

(b) give a report of the administration to ASIC when the

administration ends; and

(c) keep books of meetings and other company affairs; and

(d) allow those books to be audited if required to do so; and

(e) allow access to those books by creditors; and

(f) give creditors, members and others requested

information, documents and reports relating to the


The committee of inspection (if there is one) may also request

information, documents and reports from the external administrator

under Division 80.

If the external administrator does not comply with a request, ASIC

may direct the external administrator to do so. If the external

administrator does not comply with the direction, ASIC may ask

the Court to order compliance. Alternatively, the person who

requested the information may ask the Court to order compliance

with the request.

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Part 3 General rules relating to external administrations

Division 70 Information

Section 70-5

328 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Subdivision B—Administration returns

70-5 Annual administration return

Application of this section

(1) This section applies if a person is the external administrator of a

company during all or part of an administration return year for the

external administrator for the company.

(2) However, this section does not apply if:

(a) the external administration of the company ends during the

administration return year; and

(b) the person is the external administrator of the company when

the external administration of the company ends.

Note: If a person is the external administrator of a company when the

external administration of the company ends, the person must instead

lodge a return under section 70-6.

Annual administration return to be lodged

(3) The person must lodge a return in relation to the external

administration of the company by the person during the year or

part of the year (as the case requires).

(4) The return must:

(a) be in the approved form; and

(b) be lodged with ASIC within 3 months after the end of the


Note: Fees for lodging documents and late lodgement fees may be imposed

under the Corporations (Fees) Act 2001.

Meaning of administration return year

(5) Each of the following is an administration return year for an

external administrator for a company:

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General rules relating to external administrations Part 3

Information Division 70

Section 70-6

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Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(a) the period of 12 months beginning on the day on which the

person first began to be an external administrator of the


(b) each subsequent period of 12 months.

Notice of lodgement to be given

(6) The person must give notice that the return has been lodged:

(a) in a members’ voluntary winding up—to the members of the

company; and

(b) in a creditors’ voluntary winding up—to the creditors; and

(c) in a court-ordered winding up—to the creditors; and

(d) if the external administrator is appointed as a provisional

liquidator—to the Court; and

(e) if the company is under administration or has executed a

deed of company arrangement—to the company;

when next forwarding any report, notice of meeting, notice of call

or dividend.

Note: For notification, see section 600G.

Returns for pooled groups

(7) If 2 or more companies are members of a pooled group, then the

returns under subsection (3) for those companies may be set out in

the same document.

70-6 End of administration return

Application of this section

(1) This section applies if the external administration of a company


End of administration return to be lodged

(2) The person who is the external administrator of the company when

the external administration of the company ends (the last external

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Part 3 General rules relating to external administrations

Division 70 Information

Section 70-6

330 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

administrator) must lodge a return in relation to the external

administration of the company.

(3) The return must:

(a) be in the approved form; and

(b) be lodged with ASIC within 1 month after the end of the

external administration of the company.

Note 1: Fees for lodging documents and late lodgement fees may be imposed

under the Corporations (Fees) Act 2001.

Note 2: ASIC must deregister the company 3 months after the end of

administration return is lodged (see section 509).

Notice of lodgement to be given

(4) The last external administrator must give notice that the return has

been lodged to a person mentioned in subsection (5), if that person

requests in writing that the last external administrator give the

person such a notice.

Note: For notification, see section 600G.

(5) The persons who may request such a notice are:

(a) in a members’ voluntary winding up—the members of the

company; and

(b) in a creditors’ voluntary winding up—the creditors; and

(c) in a court-ordered winding up—the creditors; and

(d) if the external administrator is appointed as a provisional

liquidator—the Court; and

(e) if the company is under administration or has executed a

deed of company arrangement—the company.

Note: For notification, see section 600G.

Returns for pooled groups

(6) If 2 or more companies are members of a pooled group, then the

returns under subsection (2) for those companies may be set out in

the same document.

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General rules relating to external administrations Part 3

Information Division 70

Section 70-10

Corporations Act 2001 331

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Subdivision C—Record-keeping

70-10 Administration books

External administrator must keep proper books

(1) An external administrator of a company must keep proper books in

which the external administrator must cause to be made:

(a) entries or minutes of proceedings at meetings relating to the

external administration of the company; and

(b) such other entries as are necessary to give a complete and

correct record of the external administrator’s administration

of the company’s affairs.

(2) The external administrator must:

(a) ensure that the books are available at the external

administrator’s office for inspection; and

(b) permit a creditor or contributory, or another person acting on

the creditor’s or contributory’s behalf, to inspect the books at

all reasonable times.


(3) Subsections (1) and (2) do not apply if the external administrator

has a reasonable excuse.


(4) A person commits an offence of strict liability if:

(a) the person is subject to a requirement under subsection (1) or

(2); and

(b) the person fails to comply with the requirement.

Penalty: 20 penalty units.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in

subsection (3) (see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code).

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Part 3 General rules relating to external administrations

Division 70 Information

Section 70-15

332 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

70-15 Audit of administration books—ASIC

ASIC may cause books to be audited

(1) ASIC may cause the books referred to in section 70-5 (annual

administration return), 70-6 (end of administration return) or 70-10

(administration books) to be audited by a registered company


Audit on the ASIC’s initiative or on request

(2) The audit may be conducted:

(a) on ASIC’s own initiative; or

(b) at the request of the company; or

(c) at the request of a creditor; or

(d) at the request of any other person prescribed.

Auditor must prepare a report

(3) The auditor must prepare a report on the audit.

ASIC must give a copy of the report

(4) If ASIC causes books to be audited under subsection (1):

(a) ASIC must give a copy of the report prepared by the auditor


(i) the external administrator of the company; and

(ii) the person who requested the report (if any); and

(b) subsection 1289(5) applies in relation to the report prepared

by the auditor as if it were a document required to be lodged.

Costs of an audit

(5) The costs of an audit under this section must be determined by

ASIC and form part of the expenses of the external administration

of the company.

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Information Division 70

Section 70-20

Corporations Act 2001 333

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

70-20 Audit of administration books—on order of the Court

(1) The Court may order that an audit of the books referred to in

section 70-5 (annual administration return), 70-6 (end of

administration return) or 70-10 (administration books) be

conducted by a registered company auditor.

(2) The order may be made on application of:

(a) any person with a financial interest in the external

administration of the company; or

(b) an officer of the company.

(3) Paragraph (2)(b) has effect despite section 198G.

Note: Section 198G deals with powers of officers etc. while a company

under external administration.

(4) The Court may make such orders in relation to the audit as it thinks

fit, including:

(a) the preparation and provision of a report on the audit; and

(b) orders as to the costs of the audit.

70-25 External administrator to comply with auditor requirements

Application of this section

(1) This section applies if books are audited under section 70-15 or


External administrator must give assistance etc.

(2) The external administrator must give the auditor such books,

information and assistance as the auditor reasonably requires.


(3) Subsection (2) does not apply if the external administrator has a

reasonable excuse.

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Part 3 General rules relating to external administrations

Division 70 Information

Section 70-30

334 Corporations Act 2001

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(4) A person commits an offence of strict liability if:

(a) the person is subject to a requirement under subsection (2);


(b) the person fails to comply with the requirement.

Penalty: 20 penalty units.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in

subsection (3) (see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code).

70-30 Transfer of books to new administrator

Application of this section

(1) This section applies if:

(a) a person (the former administrator) ceases to be the external

administrator of a company; and

(b) ASIC has not issued a notice to the former administrator

under section 70-31; and

(c) a registered liquidator (the new administrator) is appointed

as external administrator of the company instead.

Transfer of books to new administrator

(2) The former administrator must transfer to the new administrator,

within the handover period, possession or control of any books

relating to the external administration of the company that are in

the former administrator’s possession or control.

(3) The handover period is:

(a) the period of 10 business days beginning on the day after the

new administrator is appointed; or

(b) if another period is agreed between the former administrator

and the new administrator—that other period.

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Information Division 70

Section 70-30

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(4) The former administrator may take a copy of any part of the books

before transferring possession or control of them to the new


New administrator must accept the books

(5) The new administrator must take possession or accept control of

any books relating to the external administration of the company.

New administrator must allow inspection etc.

(6) After possession or control of the books is transferred, the new

administrator must allow the former administrator to inspect them

at any reasonable time and take a copy of any part of the books.


(7) A person commits an offence if:

(a) the person is subject to a requirement under subsection (2),

(5) or (6); and

(b) the person intentionally or recklessly fails to comply with the


Penalty: 50 penalty units.

Lien against books not prejudiced

(8) If the new administrator is entitled to take possession or control of

the books under this section:

(a) a person is not entitled, as against the new administrator, to

claim a lien on the books; and

(b) such a lien is not otherwise prejudiced.

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Part 3 General rules relating to external administrations

Division 70 Information

Section 70-31

336 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

70-31 Transfer of books to ASIC etc.

Transfer of books to ASIC

(1) If a person ceases to be the external administrator of a company,

ASIC may, by written notice given to the person, require the

person to:

(a) if the person has books relating to the external administration

of the company in his or her possession or control—transfer

possession or control of those books to ASIC within the

period specified in the notice; or

(b) otherwise—notify ASIC, within the period and in the manner

specified in the notice, that the person does not have books

relating to the external administration of the company in the

person’s possession or control.


(2) A person commits an offence if:

(a) the person is subject to a requirement under subsection (1);


(b) the person intentionally or recklessly fails to comply with the


Penalty: 50 penalty units.

ASIC must transfer books to new external administrator

(3) If:

(a) possession or control of books relating to an external

administration of a company is transferred to ASIC under

this section; and

(b) the books are in ASIC’s possession or control; and

(c) a person (the new administrator) is or becomes the external

administrator of the company;

ASIC must, as soon as practicable, transfer possession or control of

those books to the new administrator.

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Section 70-31

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ASIC must transfer books to company

(4) If:

(a) possession or control of books relating to a company is

transferred to ASIC under this section; and

(b) the books are in ASIC’s possession or control; and

(c) the company ceases to be a company under external


ASIC must, as soon as practicable, transfer possession or control of

those books to the company.

Lien against books not prejudiced

(5) If ASIC is entitled to take possession or control of the books under

this section:

(a) a person is not entitled, as against ASIC, to claim a lien on

the books; and

(b) such a lien is not otherwise prejudiced.

(6) If ASIC is required to give possession or control of the books to

the new administrator under this section:

(a) a person is not entitled, as against the new administrator, to

claim a lien on the books; and

(b) such a lien is not otherwise prejudiced.

Notice is not a legislative instrument

(7) A notice under subsection (1) is not a legislative instrument.

Retention period for books

(8) ASIC must retain all books of the company, and of the external

administration of the company:

(a) that are relevant to affairs of the company; and

(b) possession or control of which is transferred to ASIC under

this section; and

(c) possession or control of which is not transferred to another

entity under this section, or under any other law;

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Division 70 Information

Section 70-35

338 Corporations Act 2001

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for a period (the retention period) of 2 years after the end of the

external administration of the company.

Destruction of books at end of retention period

(9) ASIC may destroy the books at the end of the retention period.

Relationship with other laws

(10) Subsections (8) and (9) do not apply to the extent that ASIC is

under an obligation to retain the books, or a part of the books,

under another provision of this Act or under any other law.

70-35 Retention and destruction of books

Retention period for books

(1) The last external administrator of a company must retain all books

of the company, and of the external administration of the company,


(a) are relevant to affairs of the company; and

(b) are in the external administrator’s possession or control at the

end of the external administration;

for a period (the retention period) of 5 years from the end of the

external administration.

Exception—reasonable excuse

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply if the external administrator has a

reasonable excuse.

Exception—consent of ASIC etc.

(3) Despite subsection (1), the books may be destroyed within the

retention period:

(a) in the case of a members’ voluntary winding up—as the

company by resolution directs; and

(b) in the case of a creditor’s voluntary winding up or a

court-ordered winding up:

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Section 70-36

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(i) if there is a committee of inspection—as the committee

directs; and

(ii) otherwise—as the creditors by resolution direct; and

(c) if the external administrator is appointed as a provisional

liquidator—as the Court directs;

if ASIC consents to the destruction.

Destruction of books at end of retention period

(4) The external administrator may destroy the books at the end of the

retention period.


(5) A person commits an offence if:

(a) the person is subject to a requirement under subsection (1);


(b) the person intentionally or recklessly fails to comply with the


Penalty: 50 penalty units.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

subsections (2) and (3) (see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code).

Relationship with other laws

(6) Subsections (3) and (4) do not apply to the extent that the external

administrator is under an obligation to retain the books, or a part of

the books, under another provision of this Act or under any other


70-36 Books of company in external administration—evidence

If a company is in external administration, all books of the

company, and of the external administrator of the company, that

are relevant to affairs of the company at or after the start of the

external administration are, as between the contributories of the

company, prima facie evidence of the truth of all matters

purporting to be recorded in those books.

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Section 70-40

340 Corporations Act 2001

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Subdivision D—Giving information etc. to creditors and others

70-40 Right of creditors to request information etc. from external


(1) The creditors may by resolution request the external administrator

of a company to:

(a) give information; or

(b) provide a report; or

(c) produce a document;

to the creditors.

(2) The external administrator must comply with the request unless:

(a) the information, report or document is not relevant to the

external administration of the company; or

(b) the external administrator would breach his or her duties in

relation to the external administration of the company if the

external administrator complied with the request; or

(c) it is otherwise not reasonable for the external administrator to

comply with the request.

(3) The Insolvency Practice Rules may prescribe circumstances in

which it is, or is not, reasonable for an external administrator of a

company to comply with a request of a kind mentioned in

subsection (1).

70-45 Right of individual creditor to request information etc. from

external administrator

(1) A creditor may request the external administrator of a company to:

(a) give information; or

(b) provide a report; or

(c) produce a document;

to the creditor.

(2) The external administrator must comply with the request unless:

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Section 70-46

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(a) the information, report or document is not relevant to the

external administration of the company; or

(b) the external administrator would breach his or her duties in

relation to the external administration of the company if the

external administrator complied with the request; or

(c) it is otherwise not reasonable for the external administrator to

comply with the request.

(3) The Insolvency Practice Rules may prescribe circumstances in

which it is, or is not, reasonable for an external administrator of a

company to comply with a request of a kind mentioned in

subsection (1).

70-46 Right of members to request information etc. from external

administrator in a members’ voluntary winding up

(1) This section applies in relation to a members’ voluntary winding


(2) The members of the company may by resolution request the

external administrator of the company to:

(a) give information; or

(b) provide a report; or

(c) produce a document;

to the members.

(3) The external administrator must comply with the request unless:

(a) the information, report or document is not relevant to the

external administration of the company; or

(b) the external administrator would breach his or her duties in

relation to the external administration of the company if the

external administrator complied with the request; or

(c) it is otherwise not reasonable for the external administrator to

comply with the request.

(4) The Insolvency Practice Rules may prescribe circumstances in

which it is, or is not, reasonable for an external administrator of a

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Section 70-47

342 Corporations Act 2001

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company to comply with a request of a kind mentioned in

subsection (2).

70-47 Right of individual member to request information etc. from

external administrator in a members’ voluntary winding


(1) This section applies in relation to a members’ voluntary winding


(2) A member of the company may request the external administrator

of a company to:

(a) give information; or

(b) provide a report; or

(c) produce a document;

to the member.

(3) The external administrator must comply with the request unless:

(a) the information, report or document is not relevant to the

external administration of the company; or

(b) the external administrator would breach his or her duties in

relation to the external administration of the company if the

external administrator complied with the request; or

(c) it is otherwise not reasonable for the external administrator to

comply with the request.

(4) The Insolvency Practice Rules may prescribe circumstances in

which it is, or is not, reasonable for an external administrator of a

company to comply with a request of a kind mentioned in

subsection (2).

70-50 Reporting to creditors and members

(1) The Insolvency Practice Rules may provide for and in relation to

the obligations of external administrators of companies:

(a) to give information; and

(b) to provide reports; and

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Section 70-55

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(c) to produce documents;

to creditors or members.

(2) Without limiting subsection (1), the Insolvency Practice Rules may

provide for and in relation to:

(a) other circumstances in which the external administrator of a

company must give information, provide a report or produce

a document to a creditor or member; and

(b) the manner and form in which information is to be given, a

report provided or a document produced; and

(c) the timeframes in which information is to be given, a report

provided or a document produced; and

(d) who is to bear the cost of giving information, providing a

report or producing a document.

(3) The Insolvency Practice Rules may:

(a) make different provision in relation to different kinds of

external administration; and

(b) provide that specified requirements imposed under the

Insolvency Practice Rules may be replaced or modified, by

resolution, by:

(i) the creditors; or

(ii) the members; or

(iii) if there is a committee of inspection—the committee.

Subdivision E—Other requests for information etc.

70-55 Commonwealth may request information etc.

Application of this section

(1) This section applies if either:

(a) a former employee of a company under external

administration has made a claim for financial assistance from

the Commonwealth in relation to unpaid employment

entitlements; or

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Division 70 Information

Section 70-60

344 Corporations Act 2001

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(b) the Commonwealth considers that such a claim is likely to be


Commonwealth may request information etc.

(2) The Commonwealth may request the external administrator of the

company to provide specified information, reports or documents in

relation to the external administration.

(3) The external administrator must comply with the request.

(4) The Insolvency Practice Rules may provide for and in relation to

who is to bear the cost of providing the information, reports or


Subdivision F—Reporting to ASIC

70-60 Insolvency Practice Rules may provide for reporting to ASIC

(1) The Insolvency Practice Rules may provide for and in relation to

the obligations of an external administrator of a company:

(a) to give information; and

(b) to provide reports; and

(c) to produce documents;

to ASIC.

(2) Without limiting subsection (1), the Insolvency Practice Rules may

provide for and in relation to:

(a) the manner and form in which information is to be given, a

report provided or a document produced; and

(b) the timeframes in which information is to be given, a report

provided or a document produced; and

(c) who is to bear the cost of giving information, providing a

report or producing a document.

(3) The Insolvency Practice Rules may make different provision in

relation to different kinds of external administration.

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Information Division 70

Section 70-65

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Note: A failure to give information, provide a report or produce a document

to ASIC in accordance with the Insolvency Practice Rules may lead to

disciplinary action under Subdivision B of Division 40 of Part 2 of

this Schedule.

Subdivision G—External administrator may be compelled to

comply with requests for information etc.

70-65 Application of this Subdivision

(1) This Subdivision applies if the external administrator of a company

refuses a request made by a person under:

(a) Subdivision D; or

(b) a rule made under section 70-50;

(c) Subdivision E; or

(d) section 80-40;

to give information, provide a report or produce a document.

(2) In this Subdivision:

(a) the information, report or document is referred to as the

relevant material; and

(b) the request is referred to as the request for relevant material;


(c) giving the information, providing the report or producing the

document is referred to as giving the relevant material.

70-70 ASIC may direct external administrator to comply with the

request for relevant material

(1) ASIC may, in writing, direct the external administrator to give all

or part of the relevant material to the person or persons who made

the request for the relevant material within 5 business days after

the direction is given.

(2) A direction under subsection (1) is not a legislative instrument.

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Division 70 Information

Section 70-75

346 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

70-75 ASIC must notify external administrator before giving a

direction under section 70-70

(1) Before giving the external administrator a direction under

section 70-70, ASIC must give the external administrator notice in


(a) stating that ASIC proposes to give the external administrator

a direction under that section; and

(b) identifying:

(i) the relevant material, or the part of the relevant material,

that ASIC proposes to direct be given; and

(ii) the person or persons to whom ASIC proposes to direct

that the relevant material, or that part of the relevant

material, be given; and

(c) inviting the external administrator to make a written

submission to ASIC within 10 business days after the notice

is given, stating:

(i) whether the external administrator has any objection to

giving the relevant material, or that part of the relevant

material, to a person or persons as proposed; and

(ii) if the external administrator has such an objection—the

reasons for that objection.

(2) If the external administrator objects to giving the relevant material,

or part of the relevant material, to a person, ASIC must take into

account the reasons for that objection when deciding whether to

direct that the relevant material, or that part of the relevant

material, be given to the person.

(3) A notice under subsection (1) is not a legislative instrument.

70-80 ASIC must not direct external administrator to give the

relevant material if external administrator entitled not to

comply with the request

ASIC must not give a direction under section 70-70 to give the

relevant material, or part of the relevant material, to a person if

ASIC is satisfied that the external administrator was entitled, under

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Information Division 70

Section 70-85

Corporations Act 2001 347

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a provision of this Act or any other law, not to comply with the

request for the relevant material, or that part of the relevant

material, to the person.

70-85 ASIC may impose conditions on use of the relevant material

ASIC may, by notice, impose conditions

(1) ASIC may, by notice in writing to the person or persons to whom

the relevant material is to be given, impose conditions on the use

and disclosure of the relevant material, or part of the relevant

material, by the person or persons.


(2) A person commits an offence if:

(a) ASIC directs that the relevant material, or part of the relevant

material, be given to the person; and

(b) ASIC has given the person notice under subsection (1)

imposing a condition in relation to the use or disclosure of

that material by the person; and

(c) the person does not comply with the condition.

Penalty: 3 months imprisonment.

Notice is not a legislative instrument

(3) A notice under subsection (1) is not a legislative instrument.

70-90 Court may order relevant material to be given

(1) The person or persons who made the request for the relevant

material may apply to the Court for an order that the external

administrator give the person or persons all or part of the relevant


(2) If:

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Section 70-90

348 Corporations Act 2001

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(a) ASIC gives the external administrator a direction under

section 70-70 in relation to all or part of the relevant

material; and

(b) the external administrator does not comply with the direction;

ASIC may apply to the Court for an order that the external

administrator comply with the direction.

(3) On application under subsection (1) or (2), the Court may:

(a) order the external administrator to give the person, or any or

all of the persons, who made the request for the relevant

material all or part of that material; and

(b) make such other orders, including orders as to costs, as it

thinks fit.

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Meetings Division 75

Section 75-1

Corporations Act 2001 349

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 75—Meetings

75-1 Simplified outline of this Division

The external administrator of a company may convene creditor or

company meetings at any time and must convene them in particular

circumstances, for example when directed to do so by certain

creditors or by ASIC.

Under Chapter 5 of this Act, there are other instances in which an

external administrator must hold a meeting.

Requirements for convening and holding meetings (including

notice, agenda, quorum, voting on proposals and costs) are set out

in the Insolvency Practice Rules.

There is a mechanism for resolving a matter without holding a


75-5 Other obligations to convene meetings not affected

Nothing in this Division limits the operation of any other provision

of this Act, or any other law, imposing an obligation to convene a

meeting in relation to a company, or the external administration of

a company.

75-10 External administrator may convene meetings

The external administrator of a company may convene:

(a) a meeting of the creditors; or

(b) in the case of a members’ voluntary winding up—a general

meeting of the company;

at any time.

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Division 75 Meetings

Section 75-15

350 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

75-15 External administrator must convene meeting in certain


(1) The external administrator of a company must convene a meeting

of the creditors if:

(a) where there is a committee of inspection—the committee of

inspection directs the external administrator to do so; or

(b) the creditors direct the external administrator to do so by

resolution; or

(c) at least 25% in value of the creditors direct the external

administrator to do so in writing; or

(d) both of the following are satisfied:

(i) less than 25%, but more than 10%, in value of the

creditors direct the external administrator to do so in


(ii) security for the cost of holding the meeting is given to

the external administrator before the meeting is

convened; or

(e) all of the following are satisfied:

(i) the company is being wound up under a creditors’

voluntary winding up;

(ii) less than 25%, but more than 5%, in value of the

creditors direct the external administrator to do so in


(iii) none of the creditors who give the direction is a related

entity in relation to the company;

(iv) the direction is given no more than 20 business days

after the resolution for the voluntary winding up of the

company is passed.

(2) However, the external administrator need not comply with the

direction if the direction is not reasonable.

(3) The Insolvency Practice Rules may prescribe circumstances in

which a direction is, or is not, reasonable.

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Section 75-20

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(4) For the purposes of paragraphs (1)(c), (d) and (e), the value of the

creditors is to be worked out by reference to the value of the

creditors’ claims against the company that are known at the time

the direction is given.

(5) This section does not apply if:

(a) the external administrator is a provisional liquidator of the

company; or

(b) the external administrator is the administrator of the company

and the company is under administration.

75-20 External administrator must convene meeting if required by


(1) ASIC may, in writing, direct an external administrator of a

company to convene a meeting of the creditors.

(2) ASIC may include in the direction requirements to be complied

with by the external administrator in notifying the creditors of the

meeting and in conducting the meeting.

(3) The external administrator must comply with a direction given

under subsection (1), and any requirements included in the

direction under subsection (2).

(4) A direction given under subsection (1) is not a legislative


75-25 External administrator’s representative at meetings

(1) The external administrator of a company may, in writing, appoint a

person to represent the external administrator at a meeting.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a meeting of a kind prescribed.

(3) If the external administrator is not personally present at a meeting,

then a reference in a provision of this Act to the external

administrator of a company, in respect of matters occurring at or in

connection with the meeting, is a reference to a person appointed to

represent the external administrator at the meeting.

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Division 75 Meetings

Section 75-30

352 Corporations Act 2001

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75-30 ASIC may attend meetings

(1) ASIC is entitled to attend any meeting of creditors or contributories

held under this Act.

(2) Subject to any provision of this Act (including any provision in

relation to voting), ASIC is entitled to participate in any meeting of

creditors held under this Act.

75-35 Commonwealth may attend certain meetings etc.

Application of this section

(1) This section applies if:

(a) a company is under external administration; and

(b) either:

(i) a former employee of the company has made a claim for

financial assistance from the Commonwealth in relation

to unpaid employment entitlements; or

(ii) the Commonwealth considers that such a claim is likely

to be made.

Commonwealth may nominate representative for meetings

(2) The Commonwealth is entitled to nominate a representative to

attend any meeting of creditors or contributories held in relation to

the external administration.

75-40 Proposals to creditors or contributories without meeting

Proposal by notice to creditors

(1) The external administrator of a company may at any time put a

proposal to the creditors or contributories by giving notice, in

writing, under this section.

Content and service of notice

(2) The notice must:

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Section 75-40

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(a) contain a single proposal; and

(b) include a statement of the reasons for the proposal and the

likely impact it will have on creditors or contributories, as the

case may be (if it is passed); and

(c) be given to each creditor or contributory, as the case may be,

who would be entitled to receive notice of a meeting of

creditors or contributories, as the case may be; and

(d) invite the creditor or contributory, as the case may be, to


(i) vote Yes or No on the proposal; or

(ii) object to the proposal being resolved without a meeting

of creditors or contributories, as the case may be; and

(e) specify a reasonable time by which replies must be received

by the external administrator (in order to be taken into


Evidentiary certificate relating to proposals

(3) A certificate signed by the external administrator of the company

stating any matter relating to a proposal under this section is prima

facie evidence of the matter.

Insolvency Practice Rules relating to proposals

(4) The Insolvency Practice Rules may provide for and in relation to

proposals without meeting under this section.

(5) Without limiting subsection (4), the Insolvency Practice Rules may

provide for and in relation to:

(a) the circumstances in which a proposal is taken to be passed;


(b) whether a proposal, if passed, is to be taken to have been

passed as a resolution or a special resolution; and

(c) costs and security for those costs in relation to a proposal.

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Section 75-41

354 Corporations Act 2001

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75-41 Outcome of voting at creditors’ meeting determined by

related entity—Court powers

Application of this section

(1) This section applies if, on the application of a creditor of a

company under external administration, the external administrator

of the company or ASIC, the Court is satisfied of the following


(a) a proposal has been voted on by creditors (either at a meeting

of the creditors or under section 75-40 without a meeting);

(b) if the vote or votes that a particular related creditor, or

particular related creditors, of the company cast on the

proposal had been disregarded for the purposes of

determining whether or not the proposal was passed, the


(i) if it was in fact passed—would not have been passed; or

(ii) if in fact it was not passed—would have been passed;

or the question would have had to be decided on a casting


(c) the passing of the proposal, or the failure to pass it, as the

case requires:

(i) is contrary to the interests of the creditors as a group or

of that class of creditors as a group, as the case may be;


(ii) has prejudiced, or is reasonably likely to prejudice, the

interests of the creditors who voted against the proposal,

or for it, as the case may be, to an extent that is

unreasonable having regard to the matters in

subsection (2).

Unreasonable prejudice to interests of creditors—matters to be

taken into account

(2) For the purposes of subparagraph (1)(c)(ii), the matters are:

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Section 75-42

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(a) the benefits resulting to the related creditor, or to some or all

of the related creditors, from the proposal if passed, or from

the failure to pass the proposal, as the case may be; and

(b) the nature of the relationship between the related creditor and

the company, or of the respective relationships between the

related creditors and the company; and

(c) any other relevant matter.

Court may make orders

(3) The Court may make one or more of the following:

(a) an order that the proposal be considered and voted on at a

meeting of the creditors convened and held as specified in the


(b) an order directing that the related creditor is not, or such of

the related creditors as the order specifies are not, entitled to

vote on:

(i) the proposal; or

(ii) a resolution to amend or vary the proposal;

(c) if the proposal was passed—an order setting aside the

resolution passing the proposal;

(d) such other orders as the Court thinks fit.

Definition—related creditor

(4) In this section:

related creditor, for the purposes of a vote, in relation to a

company, means a person who, when the vote was cast, was a

related entity, and a creditor, of the company.

75-42 Creditors’ resolution passed because of casting vote—Court


Application of this section

(1) This section applies if:

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Part 3 General rules relating to external administrations

Division 75 Meetings

Section 75-43

356 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(a) a resolution is passed at a meeting of creditors of a company

under external administration; and

(b) the resolution is passed because the person presiding at the

meeting exercises a casting vote.

Application to the Court

(2) ASIC may apply to the Court for an order setting aside or varying

the resolution.

(3) A person (other than ASIC) may apply to the Court for an order

setting aside or varying the resolution, but only if:

(a) the person voted against the resolution in some capacity

(even if the person voted for the resolution in another

capacity); or

(b) a person voted against the resolution on the first-mentioned

person’s behalf.

Court may make orders

(4) On application under subsection (2) or (3), the Court may:

(a) by order set aside or vary the resolution; and

(b) if it does so—make such further orders, and give such

directions, as it thinks fit.

(5) On and after the making of an order varying the resolution, the

resolution has effect as varied by the order.

75-43 Proposed creditors’ resolution not passed because of casting

vote—Court’s powers

Application of this section

(1) This section applies if:

(a) a resolution is not passed at a meeting of creditors of a

company under external administration; and

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General rules relating to external administrations Part 3

Meetings Division 75

Section 75-44

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(b) the resolution is not passed because the person presiding at

the meeting exercises a casting vote, or refuses or fails to

exercise such a vote.

Application to the Court

(2) ASIC may apply to the Court for an order under subsection (4).

(3) A person (other than ASIC) may apply to the Court for an order

under subsection (4), but only if:

(a) the person voted for the proposed resolution in some capacity

(even if the person voted against the proposed resolution in

another capacity); or

(b) a person voted for the proposed resolution on the

first-mentioned person’s behalf.

Court may make orders

(4) On application under subsection (2) or (3), the Court may:

(a) order that the proposed resolution is taken to have been

passed at the meeting; and

(b) if it does so—make such further orders, and give such

directions, as it thinks fit.

(5) If an order is made under paragraph (4)(a), the proposed resolution:

(a) is taken for all purposes (other than those of subsection (1))

to have been passed at the meeting; and

(b) is taken to have taken effect:

(i) if the order specifies a time when the proposed

resolution is taken to have taken effect—at that time,

even if it is earlier than the making of the order; or

(ii) otherwise—on the making of the order.

75-44 Interim order on application under section 75-41, 75-42 or


(1) If:

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Part 3 General rules relating to external administrations

Division 75 Meetings

Section 75-45

358 Corporations Act 2001

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(a) an application under section 75-41, 75-42 or 75-43 has not

yet been determined; and

(b) the Court is of the opinion that it is desirable to do so;

the Court may make such interim orders as it thinks fit

(2) An interim order must be expressed to apply until the application is

determined, but may be varied or discharged.

75-45 Order under section 75-41 or 75-42 does not affect act already

done pursuant to resolution

An act done pursuant to a resolution as in force before the making,

under section 75-41 or 75-42, of an order setting aside or varying

the resolution is as valid and binding on and after the making of the

order as if the order had not been made.

75-50 Rules relating to meetings

(1) The Insolvency Practice Rules may provide for and in relation to

meetings concerning companies under external administration.

(2) Without limiting subsection (1), the Insolvency Practice Rules may

provide for and in relation to:

(a) the circumstances in which meetings must or may be

convened; and

(b) notice for convening meetings; and

(c) agenda; and

(d) information to be given in connection with meetings; and

(e) who is to preside at meetings; and

(f) the number of creditors or contributories required to

constitute a quorum; and

(g) proxies and attorneys; and

(h) motions; and

(i) voting (including casting votes); and

(j) the circumstances in which a resolution must or may be put

to creditors or contributories in a meeting; and

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Meetings Division 75

Section 75-50

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(k) the circumstances in which a resolution or a special

resolution put to creditors or contributories in a meeting is

passed; and

(l) facilities, including electronic communication facilities, to be

available at meetings; and

(m) minutes; and

(n) costs in relation to meetings and security for those costs.

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Part 3 General rules relating to external administrations

Division 80 Committees of inspection

Section 80-1

360 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 80—Committees of inspection

80-1 Simplified outline of this Division

Creditors of a company under external administration may decide

that there is to be a committee of inspection to monitor the

administration and to give assistance to the external administrator.

Appointing the committee

Each of the following have rights to appoint members to the

committee (and to remove those members and fill the vacancy):

(a) the creditors by resolution;

(b) a single creditor who is owed, or a group of creditors

who together are owed, a large amount;

(c) a single employee who is owed, or a group of employees

who together are owed, a large amount.

Once a person exercises a right in one capacity to appoint a

member, the person cannot exercise a right in another capacity to

do so. A person can exercise the right in a particular capacity to

appoint only one person (unless the person is filling a vacancy in

that appointment).

If a company is in a related group of companies (called a pooled

group), creditors of all the companies may decide together that

there is to be a committee of inspection for the group and appoint

members of the committee.

Procedures and powers

This Division also deals with the procedures and powers of

committees of inspection (including requesting information,

documents and reports from the external administrator and

obtaining specialist advice).

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General rules relating to external administrations Part 3

Committees of inspection Division 80

Section 80-5

Corporations Act 2001 361

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An external administrator of a company must have regard to

directions of the committee but is not obliged to comply.


The Court may inquire into and make orders about the conduct of

committees of inspection.

80-5 Application of sections 80-10 to 80-25

(1) The rules in sections 80-10 to 80-25 apply if the external

administrator of a company convenes a meeting of creditors for the

purpose of determining either or both of the following:

(a) whether there is to be a committee of inspection for the


(b) if there is, or is to be, a committee of inspection—who are to

be appointed members of the committee.

(2) However, those rules do not apply if the company is a member of a

pooled group.

Note: Committees of inspection for pooled groups are dealt with in

sections 80-26 and 80-27.

80-10 Committee of inspection—company not a member of a pooled


The creditors of a company may, by resolution, determine that

there is to be a committee of inspection in relation to the external

administration of the company.

80-15 Appointment and removal of members of committee of

inspection by creditors generally

(1) The creditors of a company may, by resolution, appoint members

of a committee of inspection in relation to the external

administration of the company.

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Part 3 General rules relating to external administrations

Division 80 Committees of inspection

Section 80-20

362 Corporations Act 2001

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(2) The creditors of a company may by resolution:

(a) remove a person appointed as a member of the committee

under this section; and

(b) appoint another person to fill a vacancy in the office of a

member of the committee of inspection appointed under this


(3) A person is not entitled to vote on a resolution to appoint or

remove a member of a committee of inspection under this section


(a) the person, acting either alone or with others, appoints a

person as a member of the committee under section 80-20; or

(b) the person, acting either alone or with others, appoints a

person as a member of the committee under section 80-25.

80-20 Appointment of committee member by large creditor

(1) A creditor representing at least 10% in value of the creditors, or a

group of creditors who together represent at least 10% in value of

the creditors, of a company may appoint a person as a member of a

committee of inspection in relation to the external administration

of the company.

(2) If a creditor or a group of creditors appoints a person as a member

of a committee of inspection under this section, the creditor or

group of creditors may:

(a) remove the person as a member of the committee; and

(b) appoint another person to fill a vacancy in the office of that

member of the committee.

(3) A creditor, acting either alone or with others, is not entitled to

appoint a person as a member of a committee of inspection under

subsection (1) if:

(a) the creditor votes on a resolution to appoint or remove a

member of the committee under section 80-15; or

(b) the creditor, acting either alone or with others, appoints a

member of the committee under subsection 80-25(1); or

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General rules relating to external administrations Part 3

Committees of inspection Division 80

Section 80-25

Corporations Act 2001 363

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(c) the creditor, acting either alone or with others, has already

appointed a member of the committee under subsection (1) of

this section.

80-25 Appointment of committee member by employees

(1) Either:

(a) an employee of the company; or

(b) employees of the company;

representing at least 50% in value of entitlements owed to or in

respect of employees by the company may appoint a person as a

member of the committee of inspection to represent the employees.

(2) If an employee or a group of employees appoints a person as a

member of a committee of inspection under this section, the

employee or group of employees may:

(a) remove the person as a member of the committee; and

(b) appoint another person to fill a vacancy in the office of that

member of the committee.

(3) An employee, acting either alone or with others, is not entitled to

appoint a person as a member of a committee of inspection under

subsection (1) if:

(a) the employee votes on a resolution to appoint or remove a

member of the committee under section 80-15; or

(b) the employee, acting either alone or with others, appoints a

member of the committee under subsection 80-20(1); or

(c) the employee, acting either alone or with others, has already

appointed a member of the committee under subsection (1) of

this section.

(4) In this section:

employee of a company has the same meaning as in Part 5.8A.

entitlements of an employee of a company has the same meaning

as in Part 5.8A.

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Part 3 General rules relating to external administrations

Division 80 Committees of inspection

Section 80-26

364 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

80-26 Committee of inspection—pooled groups

Application of this section

(1) This section applies if each company that is a member of a pooled

group is being wound up.

Meeting to form a committee of inspection for a pooled group

(2) The external administrator or external administrators must, if

directed to do so under section 80-27, convene a meeting, on a

consolidated basis, of the creditors of all of the companies for the

purposes of determining either or both of the following:

(a) whether there is to be a committee of inspection for the

pooled group;

(b) if there is, or is to be, a committee of inspection for the

pooled group—who are to be appointed members of the


Committee of inspection for a pooled group becomes the committee

of inspection for each member of the pooled group

(3) A committee of inspection for a pooled group is taken to be a

committee of inspection for each company that is a member of the

pooled group.

Existing committee of inspection for a member of a pooled group

ceases to exist

(4) If:

(a) at the meeting, it is resolved that there is to be a committee of

inspection for the pooled group; and

(b) immediately before the meeting, a committee of inspection

was in existence for a company that is a member of the

pooled group;

the committee mentioned in paragraph (b) ceases to exist when the

resolution mentioned in paragraph (a) is passed.

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General rules relating to external administrations Part 3

Committees of inspection Division 80

Section 80-27

Corporations Act 2001 365

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Rules relating to companies under external administration who are

members of a pooled group

(5) The Insolvency Practice Rules may provide for and in relation to

meetings in relation to the external administration of companies

that are members of a pooled group (pooled group meetings).

(6) Without limiting subsection (5), the Insolvency Practice Rules may

provide for and in relation to:

(a) other circumstances in which pooled group meetings must or

may be convened; and

(b) voting (including casting votes) at pooled group meetings;


(c) the circumstances in which a resolution or a special

resolution put to creditors or contributories in a pooled group

meeting is passed; and

(d) costs in relation to pooled group meetings and security for

those costs.

80-27 External administrator must convene meeting in certain


(1) The external administrator, or the external administrators, of the

members of a pooled group must convene a meeting under

section 80-26 if:

(a) where there is a committee of inspection for a member of the

pooled group—the committee of inspection directs the

external administrator, or external administrators, to do so; or

(b) the creditors of one of the members of the pooled group

direct the external administrator, or external administrators,

to do so, by resolution; or

(c) at least 25% in value of the creditors of one of the members

of the pooled group, direct the external administrator, or

external administrators, to do so in writing; or

(d) both of the following are satisfied:

(i) less than 25%, but more than 10%, in value of the

creditors of one of the members of the pooled group

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Part 3 General rules relating to external administrations

Division 80 Committees of inspection

Section 80-27

366 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

direct the external administrator, or external

administrators, to do so in writing;

(ii) security for the cost of holding the meeting is given to

the external administrator, or external administrators,

before the meeting is convened; or

(e) all of the following are satisfied:

(i) the members of the pooled group are each being wound

up under a creditors’ voluntary winding up;

(ii) less than 25%, but more than 5%, in value of the

creditors of one of the members of the pooled group

direct the external administrator, or external

administrators, to do so in writing;

(iii) none of the creditors who give the direction is a related

entity in relation to that member of the pooled group;

(iv) the direction is given no more than 20 business days

after the last resolution for the voluntary winding up of

the members of the pooled group is passed.

(2) However, the external administrator, or external administrators,

need not comply with the direction if the direction is not


(3) The Insolvency Practice Rules may prescribe circumstances in

which a direction is, or is not, reasonable.

(4) For the purposes of paragraphs (1)(c), (d) and (e), the value of the

creditors is to be worked out by reference to the value of the

creditors’ claims (that are known at the time the direction is given)

against the member of the pooled group.

(5) This section does not apply if:

(a) one of the external administrators is a provisional liquidator

of a member of the pooled group; or

(b) one of the external administrators is the administrator of a

member of the pooled group and the member is under


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Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) Schedule 2

General rules relating to external administrations Part 3

Committees of inspection Division 80

Section 80-30

Corporations Act 2001 367

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

80-30 Committees of inspection—procedures etc.

(1) Subject to subsection (2), a committee of inspection is to determine

its own procedures.

(2) The Insolvency Practice Rules may provide for and in relation to

committees of inspection.

(3) Without limiting subsection (2), the Insolvency Practice Rules may

provide for and in relation to:

(a) eligibility to be appointed as a member of a committee of

inspection; and

(b) the convening of, conduct of, and procedure and voting at,

meetings; and

(c) resignation and removal of members; and

(d) vacancies in membership.

80-35 Functions of committee of inspection

(1) A committee of inspection has the following functions:

(a) to advise and assist the external administrator of the


(b) to give directions to the external administrator of the


(c) to monitor the conduct of the external administration of the


(d) such other functions as are conferred on the committee by

this Act;

(e) to do anything incidental or conducive to the performance of

any of the above functions.

(2) An external administrator of a company must have regard to any

directions given to the external administrator by the committee of

inspection, but the external administrator is not required to comply

with such directions.

(3) If an external administrator of a company does not comply with a

direction, the external administrator must make a written record of

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Part 3 General rules relating to external administrations

Division 80 Committees of inspection

Section 80-40

368 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

that fact, along with the external administrator’s reasons for not

complying with the direction.

80-40 Committee of inspection may request information etc.

(1) A committee of inspection may request the external administrator

of a company to:

(a) give information; or

(b) provide a report; or

(c) produce a document;

to the committee.

(2) The external administrator must comply with the request unless:

(a) the information, report or document is not relevant to the

external administration of the company; or

(b) the external administrator would breach his or her duties in

relation to the external administration of the company if the

external administrator complied with the request; or

(c) it is otherwise not reasonable for the external administrator to

comply with the request.

(3) The Insolvency Practice Rules may prescribe circumstances in

which it is, or is not, reasonable for an external administrator of a

company to comply with a request of a kind mentioned in

subsection (1).

80-45 Reporting to committee of inspection

(1) The Insolvency Practice Rules may provide for and in relation to

the obligations of external administrators of companies:

(a) to give information; and

(b) to provide reports; and

(c) to produce documents;

to committees of inspection.

(2) Without limiting subsection (1), the Insolvency Practice Rules may

provide for and in relation to:

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General rules relating to external administrations Part 3

Committees of inspection Division 80

Section 80-50

Corporations Act 2001 369

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(a) other circumstances in which the external administrator of a

company must give information, provide a report or produce

a document to a committee of inspection; and

(b) the manner and form in which information is to be given, a

report provided or a document produced; and

(c) the timeframes in which information is to be given, a report

provided or a document produced; and

(d) who is to bear the cost of giving information, providing a

report or producing a document.

(3) The Insolvency Practice Rules may:

(a) make different provision in relation to different classes of

company or external administration of a company; and

(b) provide that specified requirements imposed under the

Insolvency Practice Rules may be replaced or modified, by

resolution, by:

(i) the creditors; or

(ii) the committee of inspection.

80-50 Committee of inspection may obtain specialist advice or


(1) A committee of inspection may resolve that a member of the

committee obtain, on behalf of the committee, such advice or

assistance as the committee considers desirable in relation to the

conduct of the external administration.

(2) The committee of inspection must obtain the approval of the

external administrator of the company or the Court before expenses

are incurred in obtaining the advice or assistance.

(3) To avoid doubt, an expense incurred under subsection (2) is to be

taken to be an expense incurred by a person as a member of the

committee, unless the Court orders otherwise.

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Part 3 General rules relating to external administrations

Division 80 Committees of inspection

Section 80-55

370 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

80-55 Obligations of members of committee of inspection

Deriving profit or advantage from the company

(1) A member of a committee of inspection must not directly or

indirectly derive any profit or advantage from the external

administration of the company.

Circumstances in which profit or advantage is taken to be derived

(2) To avoid doubt, a member of a committee of inspection is taken to

derive a profit or advantage from the external administration of the

company if:

(a) the member directly or indirectly derives a profit or

advantage from a transaction (including a sale or purchase)

entered into for or on account of the company; or

(b) the member directly or indirectly derives a profit or

advantage from a creditor of the company; or

(c) a related entity of the member directly or indirectly derives a

profit or advantage from the external administration of the



(3) Subsection (1) does not apply if the creditors resolve otherwise.

(4) The member of the committee is not entitled to vote on the

resolution referred to in subsection (3).

(5) Subsection (1) does not apply to the extent that:

(a) another provision of this Act, or of another law, requires or

permits the member of the committee of inspection to derive

the profit or advantage; or

(b) the Court gives leave to the member of the committee to

derive the profit or advantage.

Note: Subsection (1) would not, for example, prevent a creditor from

recovering debts proved in a winding up, as this is permitted under

Part 5.6 of Chapter 5.

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General rules relating to external administrations Part 3

Committees of inspection Division 80

Section 80-55

Corporations Act 2001 371

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(6) Despite paragraph (2)(c), subsection (1) does not apply to the

extent that:

(a) the profit or advantage arises because the external

administrator employs or engages a person to provide

services in connection with the external administration of the

company; and

(b) the person is a related entity of a member of the committee of

inspection; and

(c) one of the following applies:

(i) the member does not know, and could not reasonably be

expected to know, that the external administrator has

employed or engaged a related entity of the member;

(ii) the creditors, by resolution, agree to the related entity

being employed or engaged.


(7) A person commits an offence of strict liability if:

(a) the person is subject to a requirement under subsection (1);


(b) the person fails to comply with the requirement.

Penalty: 50 penalty units.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

subsections (3), (5) and (6) (see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal


Effect of contravention of this section

(8) A transaction or any other arrangement entered into in

contravention of this section may be set aside by the Court.

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Schedule 2 Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

Part 3 General rules relating to external administrations

Division 80 Committees of inspection

Section 80-60

372 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

80-60 Obligations of creditor appointing a member of committee of


Application of this section

(1) This section applies if a creditor representing at least 10% in value

of the creditors of a company appoints a person under

section 80-20 as a member of a committee of inspection in relation

to the external administration of the company.

(2) The creditor must not directly or indirectly become the purchaser

of any part of the property of the company.


(3) Subsection (2) does not apply if the creditors resolve otherwise.

(4) The creditor is not entitled to vote on the resolution referred to in

subsection (3).

(5) Subsection (2) does not apply to the extent that:

(a) another provision of this Act, or of another law, requires or

permits the creditor to purchase the property; or

(b) the Court gives leave to the creditor to purchase the property.


(6) A person commits an offence of strict liability if:

(a) the person is subject to a requirement under subsection (2);


(b) the person fails to comply with the requirement.

Penalty: 50 penalty units.

Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in

subsections (3) and (5) (see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code).

Effect of contravention of this section

(7) A transaction or any other arrangement entered into in

contravention of this section may be set aside by the Court.

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General rules relating to external administrations Part 3

Committees of inspection Division 80

Section 80-65

Corporations Act 2001 373

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

80-65 ASIC may attend committee meetings

ASIC is entitled to attend any meeting of a committee of


80-70 The Court may inquire into conduct of the committee

The Court may inquire into the conduct of a committee of

inspection and make such orders as it thinks fit to ensure the proper

conduct of the committee.

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Schedule 2 Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

Part 3 General rules relating to external administrations

Division 85 Directions by creditors

Section 85-1

374 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 85—Directions by creditors

85-1 Simplified outline of this Division

The external administrator of a company must have regard to

directions given to the administrator by the creditors of the

company but is not obliged to comply with those directions.

85-5 External administrator to have regard to directions given by


(1) The creditors of a company under external administration (other

than a members’ voluntary winding up) may, by resolution, give

directions to the external administrator of the company in relation

to the external administration.

(2) An external administrator of a company must have regard to any

directions mentioned in subsection (1), but the external

administrator is not required to comply with such directions.

(3) If the external administrator does not comply with a direction, the

external administrator must make a written record of that fact,

along with the external administrator’s reasons for not complying

with the direction.

(4) If there is a conflict between directions given by the creditors

under subsection (1) and by the committee of inspection under

section 80-35, directions given by the creditors override any

directions given by the committee.

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Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) Schedule 2

General rules relating to external administrations Part 3

Review of the external administration of a company Division 90

Section 90-1

Corporations Act 2001 375

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 90—Review of the external administration of a


Subdivision A—Introduction

90-1 Simplified outline of this Division

Review by the Court

The Court may inquire into the external administration of a

company either on its own initiative or on the application of the

company, the external administrator, ASIC or a person with a

financial interest in the external administration of the company

(such as a creditor of the company).

The Court has wide powers to make orders, including orders

replacing the external administrator or dealing with losses resulting

from a breach of duty by the external administrator.

Review by another registered liquidator

ASIC, the Court, creditors or members of a company may appoint

a registered liquidator to review the external administration of the

company. Such a review may look at a range of matters, including

whether the remuneration of the external administrator is

reasonable and whether costs and expenses have been properly


The Insolvency Practice Rules may set the powers and duties of a

registered liquidator conducting such a review and may deal with

issues relating to the review process.

If a provisional liquidator has been appointed for the company,

review by another registered liquidator is not available.

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Schedule 2 Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

Part 3 General rules relating to external administrations

Division 90 Review of the external administration of a company

Section 90-5

376 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Removal of external administrator by creditors

The creditors of a company under external administration (other

than a company for which a provisional liquidator has been

appointed) may remove the external administrator of the company

and appoint another. However, the external administrator may

apply to the Court to be reappointed.

Subdivision B—Court powers to inquire and make orders

90-5 Court may inquire on own initiative

(1) The Court may, on its own initiative during proceedings before the

Court, inquire into the external administration of a company.

(2) The Court may, for the purposes of such an inquiry, require a

person who is or has at any time been the external administrator of

the company to:

(a) give information; or

(b) provide a report; or

(c) produce a document;

to the Court in relation to the external administration of the


(3) This section does not limit the Court’s powers under any other

provision of this Act, or under any other law.

90-10 Court may inquire on application of creditors etc.

(1) The Court may, on the application of a person mentioned in

subsection (2), inquire into the external administration of a


(2) Each of the following persons may make an application for an


(a) a person with a financial interest in the external

administration of the company;

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General rules relating to external administrations Part 3

Review of the external administration of a company Division 90

Section 90-15

Corporations Act 2001 377

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(b) an officer of the company;

(c) if the committee of inspection (if any) so resolves—a

creditor, on behalf of the committee;

(d) ASIC.

(3) Paragraph (2)(b) has effect despite section 198G.

Note: Section 198G deals with powers of officers etc. while a company is

under external administration.

(4) The Court may, for the purposes of such an inquiry, require a

person who is or has at any time been the external administrator of

the company to:

(a) give information; or

(b) provide a report; or

(c) produce a document;

to the Court in relation to the external administration of the


(5) If an application is made by a person referred to in

paragraph (2)(c), the reasonable expenses associated with the

application are to be taken to be expenses incurred by a person as a

member of the committee unless otherwise ordered by the Court.

(6) This section does not limit the Court’s powers under any other

provision of this Act, or under any other law.

90-15 Court may make orders in relation to external administration

Court may make orders

(1) The Court may make such orders as it thinks fit in relation to the

external administration of a company.

Orders on own initiative or on application

(2) The Court may exercise the power under subsection (1):

(a) on its own initiative, during proceedings before the Court; or

(b) on application under section 90-20.

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Part 3 General rules relating to external administrations

Division 90 Review of the external administration of a company

Section 90-15

378 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Examples of orders that may be made

(3) Without limiting subsection (1), those orders may include any one

or more of the following:

(a) an order determining any question arising in the external

administration of the company;

(b) an order that a person cease to be the external administrator

of the company;

(c) an order that another registered liquidator be appointed as the

external administrator of the company;

(d) an order in relation to the costs of an action (including court

action) taken by the external administrator of the company or

another person in relation to the external administration of

the company;

(e) an order in relation to any loss that the company has

sustained because of a breach of duty by the external


(f) an order in relation to remuneration, including an order

requiring a person to repay to a company, or the creditors of

a company, remuneration paid to the person as external

administrator of the company.

Matters that may be taken into account

(4) Without limiting the matters which the Court may take into

account when making orders, the Court may take into account:

(a) whether the liquidator has faithfully performed, or is

faithfully performing, the liquidator’s duties; and

(b) whether an action or failure to act by the liquidator is in

compliance with this Act and the Insolvency Practice Rules;


(c) whether an action or failure to act by the liquidator is in

compliance with an order of the Court; and

(d) whether the company or any other person has suffered, or is

likely to suffer, loss or damage because of an action or failure

to act by the liquidator; and

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General rules relating to external administrations Part 3

Review of the external administration of a company Division 90

Section 90-20

Corporations Act 2001 379

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(e) the seriousness of the consequences of any action or failure

to act by the liquidator, including the effect of that action or

failure to act on public confidence in registered liquidators as

a group.

Costs orders

(5) Without limiting subsection (1), an order mentioned in

paragraph (3)(d) in relation to the costs of an action may include an

order that:

(a) the external administrator or another person is personally

liable for some or all of those costs; and

(b) the external administrator or another person is not entitled to

be reimbursed by the company or its creditors in relation to

some or all of those costs.

Orders to make good loss sustained because of a breach of duty

(6) Without limiting subsection (1), an order mentioned in

paragraph (3)(e) in relation to a loss may include an order that:

(a) the external administrator is personally liable to make good

some or all of the loss; and

(b) the external administrator is not entitled to be reimbursed by

the company or creditors in relation to the amount made


Section does not limit Court’s powers

(7) This section does not limit the Court’s powers under any other

provision of this Act, or under any other law.

90-20 Application for Court order

(1) Each of the following persons may apply for an order under

section 90-15:

(a) a person with a financial interest in the external

administration of the company;

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Schedule 2 Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

Part 3 General rules relating to external administrations

Division 90 Review of the external administration of a company

Section 90-21

380 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(b) if the committee of inspection (if any) so resolves—a

creditor, on behalf of the committee;

(c) ASIC;

(d) an officer of the company;

(e) if the application is in relation to a company that is a friendly

society within the meaning of the Life Insurance Act 1995

and which may be wound up voluntarily under

subsection 180(2) of that Act—APRA.

(2) Paragraph (1)(d) has effect despite section 198G.

Note: Section 198G deals with powers of officers etc. while a company is

under external administration.

(3) If an application is made by a person referred to in

paragraph (1)(b), the reasonable expenses associated with the

application are to be taken to be expenses incurred by a person as a

member of the committee.

90-21 Meetings to ascertain wishes of creditors or contributories

(1) The Court may, as to all matters relating to the external

administration of a company, have regard to the wishes of the

creditors or contributories as proved to it by any sufficient


(2) The Court may, if it thinks fit for the purpose of ascertaining those

wishes, direct meetings of the creditors or contributories to be

convened, held and conducted in such manner as the Court directs,

and may appoint a person to act as chair of any such meeting and

to report the result of the meeting to the Court.

(3) In the case of creditors, regard is to be had to the value of each

creditor’s debt.

(4) In the case of contributories, regard is to be had to the number of

votes conferred on each contributory by this Act or the company’s


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General rules relating to external administrations Part 3

Review of the external administration of a company Division 90

Section 90-22

Corporations Act 2001 381

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Subdivision C—Review by another registered liquidator

90-22 Application of this Subdivision

This Subdivision applies in relation to a company that is under

external administration, other than a company in relation to which

a provisional liquidator has been appointed.

90-23 Appointment of reviewing liquidator by ASIC or the Court

Appointment by ASIC

(1) A registered liquidator may be appointed by ASIC to carry out a

review into a matter that relates to the external administration of

the company, if ASIC considers it appropriate to do so.

(2) ASIC may exercise the power under subsection (1):

(a) on its own initiative; or

(b) on application by a person with a financial interest in the

external administration of the company; or

(c) on the application of an officer of the company.

(3) An application under paragraph (2)(b) or (c) must be lodged with

ASIC in the approved form.

(4) Paragraph (2)(c) has effect despite section 198G.

Note: Section 198G deals with powers of officers etc. while a company

under external administration.

(5) If ASIC appoints a registered liquidator to carry out a review,

ASIC must specify:

(a) the matters in relation to the external administration of the

company which the liquidator is appointed to review; and

(b) the way in which the cost of carrying out the review is to be


Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Schedule 2 Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

Part 3 General rules relating to external administrations

Division 90 Review of the external administration of a company

Section 90-24

382 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Appointment by the Court

(6) A registered liquidator may be appointed by the Court to carry out

a review into a matter that relates to the external administration of

the company.

(7) The Court may exercise the power under subsection (6):

(a) on application under subsection (8); and

(b) if the Court considers it appropriate to do so.

(8) Either of the following may make an application under this


(a) ASIC;

(b) a person with a financial interest in the external

administration of the company.

(9) If the Court appoints a registered liquidator to carry out a review,

the Court must specify:

(a) the matters in relation to the external administration of the

company which the liquidator is appointed to review; and

(b) the way in which the cost of carrying out the review is to be


Appointments by ASIC or by the Court—limit

(10) A matter referred to in paragraph (5)(a) or (9)(a) must not relate to

remuneration which an external administrator of the company is

entitled to receive under subsection 60-5(2) (remuneration if no

remuneration determinations made).

90-24 Appointment of reviewing liquidator by creditors etc.

Appointment to carry out review

(1) A registered liquidator may be appointed to carry out a review into

either or both of the following matters:

(a) remuneration of the external administrator of the company;

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General rules relating to external administrations Part 3

Review of the external administration of a company Division 90

Section 90-24

Corporations Act 2001 383

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(b) a cost or expense incurred by the external administrator of

the company.

Appointment by resolution

(2) The appointment may be made by resolution of:

(a) the creditors; or

(b) if the company is being wound up under a members’

voluntary winding up—the company;

(3) If the appointment is made by resolution, the resolution must


(a) the remuneration, costs or expenses which the liquidator is

appointed to review; and

(b) the way in which the cost of carrying out the review is to be


Appointment by one or more creditors or members

(4) The appointment may be made by:

(a) one or more of the creditors; or

(b) if the company is being wound up under a members’

voluntary winding up—one or more of the members.

(5) However, an appointment may only be made under subsection (4)

if the external administrator of the company agrees to the


(6) The agreement must:

(a) be in accordance with the Insolvency Practice Rules; and

(b) specify:

(i) the remuneration, costs or expenses which the liquidator

is appointed to review; and

(ii) the way in which the cost of carrying out the review is

to be determined.

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Schedule 2 Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

Part 3 General rules relating to external administrations

Division 90 Review of the external administration of a company

Section 90-25

384 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Appointments by creditors etc.—limit

(7) Despite subsection (1), a registered liquidator appointed under this

section has no power to review the remuneration to which the

external administrator of a company is entitled under

subsection 60-5(2) (remuneration if no remuneration

determinations made).

90-25 Reviewing liquidator must consent to appointment

A registered liquidator cannot be appointed under this Subdivision

as a reviewing liquidator in relation to a matter unless:

(a) the liquidator has consented in writing to the appointment;


(b) as at the time of the appointment, the liquidator has not

withdrawn the consent.

90-26 Review


(1) If a reviewing liquidator is appointed under this Subdivision in

relation to a matter, the reviewing liquidator must carry out a

review into that matter.

Reviews relating to remuneration, costs or expenses

(2) If the matter is, or includes, remuneration of the external

administrator of the company, the review may (but need not)

include an assessment of whether the remuneration is reasonable.

(3) If the matter is, or includes, a cost or expense incurred by the

external administrator of the company, the review must include an

assessment of whether the cost or expense was properly incurred

by the external administrator.

Note: Insolvency Practice Rules made under section 90-29 may provide for

the meaning of properly incurred.

(4) A reviewing liquidator must not review:

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General rules relating to external administrations Part 3

Review of the external administration of a company Division 90

Section 90-27

Corporations Act 2001 385

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(a) remuneration of an external administrator of the company

that relates to a period; or

(b) a cost or expense incurred by the external administrator of

the company incurred during a period;

unless the period is:

(c) for a reviewing liquidator appointed by the Court under

paragraph 90-28(2)(c) or (3)(b)—the period determined by

the Court; or

(d) otherwise—the prescribed period.

Report of review

(5) A reviewing liquidator must prepare a report on the review.

90-27 Who pays for a review?

(1) The cost of carrying out a review under this Subdivision:

(a) in the case of a reviewing liquidator appointed with the

agreement of the external administrator of the company

under subsection 90-24(5)—is to be borne by the creditors or

members referred to in that subsection; or

(b) in any other case—forms part of the expenses of the external

administration of the company.

(2) Subsection (1) has effect subject to an order of the Court under

section 90-28.

90-28 Court orders in relation to review

Application of this section

(1) This section applies if:

(a) a reviewing liquidator has been appointed under this

Subdivision in relation to one or more matters; and

(b) the review has not been completed.

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Schedule 2 Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

Part 3 General rules relating to external administrations

Division 90 Review of the external administration of a company

Section 90-28

386 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Court orders on application by the reviewing liquidator

(2) On application by the reviewing liquidator, the Court may make

any or all of the following orders in relation to the review:

(a) requiring the external administrator of the company or any

other person to provide books, information or assistance to

the reviewing liquidator;

(b) requiring the reviewing liquidator to carry out a review of

one or more matters that relate to the external administration

of the company and that are specified in the order instead of,

or in addition to, the matters referred to in paragraph (1)(a);

(c) accepting the resignation of the reviewing liquidator, and

appointing another registered liquidator as reviewing

liquidator for the matter or matters;

(d) any other order that the Court thinks fit.

Court orders on application by a person with a financial interest

(3) On application by a person mentioned in subsection (4), the Court

may make any or all of the following orders in relation to the


(a) requiring the reviewing liquidator to carry out a review of

one or more matters that relate to the external administration

and that are specified in the order instead of, or in addition to,

the matters referred to in paragraph (1)(a) of this section;

(b) removing from office the reviewing liquidator, and

appointing another registered liquidator as reviewing

liquidator for the matter or matters;

(c) any other order that the Court thinks fit.

(4) The persons who may make an application under subsection (3)


(a) a person with a financial interest in the external

administration of the company; or

(b) an officer of the company.

(5) Paragraph (4)(b) has effect despite section 198G.

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General rules relating to external administrations Part 3

Review of the external administration of a company Division 90

Section 90-29

Corporations Act 2001 387

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Note: Section 198G deals with powers of officers etc. while a company is

under external administration.

90-29 Rules about reviews

(1) The Insolvency Practice Rules may provide for and in relation to

reviews under this Subdivision.

(2) Without limiting subsection (1), the Insolvency Practice Rules may

provide for and in relation to any or all of the following matters:

(a) the giving of notice to the external administrator of a

company before appointing, or making an application for the

appointment of, a reviewing liquidator under this


(b) the meaning, for the purposes of section 90-26, of properly

incurred in relation to costs or expenses incurred by an

external administrator of a company;

(c) the appointment of reviewing liquidators, including

requirements as to who may be appointed and the provision

of declarations of relevant relationships;

(d) the powers and duties of reviewing liquidators in carrying out

a review;

(e) the form and content of reports by reviewing liquidators;

(f) the preparation and provision of reports by reviewing


Subdivision D—Removal by creditors

90-30 Application of this Subdivision

This Subdivision applies in relation to a company that is under

external administration, other than a company in relation to which

a provisional liquidator has been appointed.

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Schedule 2 Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

Part 3 General rules relating to external administrations

Division 90 Review of the external administration of a company

Section 90-35

388 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

90-35 Removal by creditors

Creditors may remove external administrator and appoint another

(1) The creditors may:

(a) by resolution at a meeting, remove the external administrator

of a company; and

(b) by resolution at the same or a subsequent meeting, appoint

another person as the external administrator of the company.

Note: For the general rules relating to meetings, see Division 75.

(2) However, the creditors may not do so unless at least 5 business

days’ notice of the meeting is given to all persons who are entitled

to receive notice of creditors’ meetings.

(3) The removal of an external administrator does not take effect until

another person is appointed as external administrator of the


Former administrator may apply to Court to be reappointed

(4) A person (the former administrator) who has been removed as

external administrator of the company by resolution of the

creditors may apply to the Court to be reappointed as external

administrator of the company.

(5) However, if the former administrator makes such an application,

the former administrator must:

(a) record all costs incurred by the former administrator and the

company in relation to the application; and

(b) do so in a way that separates those costs from the costs

incurred by the former administrator and the company in

relation to other matters.

(6) The Court may order that the former administrator be reappointed

as external administrator of the company if the Court is satisfied

that the removal of the former administrator was an improper use

of the powers of one or more creditors.

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Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) Schedule 2

General rules relating to external administrations Part 3

Review of the external administration of a company Division 90

Section 90-35

Corporations Act 2001 389

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(7) The Court may make such other orders in relation to the

application as it thinks fit including orders in relation to:

(a) the costs of the application; and

(b) the remuneration of the former administrator.

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Schedule 2 Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

Part 4 Other matters

Division 95 Introduction

Section 95-1

390 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 4—Other matters

Division 95—Introduction

95-1 Simplified outline of this Part

This Part deals with a variety of matters:

(a) an external administrator of a company may assign a

right to sue; and

(b) forms are approved by ASIC (provision is made for

what may be required in the form or to accompany the

form); and

(c) the Minister has power to make rules to be called the

Insolvency Practice Rules.

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Other matters Part 4

Other matters Division 100

Section 100-5

Corporations Act 2001 391

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 100—Other matters

100-5 External administrator may assign right to sue under this Act

(1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), an external administrator of a

company may assign any right to sue that is conferred on the

external administrator by this Act.

(2) If the external administrator’s action has already begun, the

external administrator cannot assign the right to sue unless the

external administrator has the approval of the Court.

(3) Before assigning any right under subsection (1), the external

administrator must give written notice to the creditors of the

proposed assignment.

(4) If a right is assigned under this section, a reference in this Act to

the external administrator in relation to the action is taken to be a

reference to the person to whom the right has been assigned.

100-6 Approved forms

(1) A document that this Schedule requires to be lodged with ASIC in

an approved form must:

(a) be in the form approved by ASIC for the document; and

(b) include the information, statements, explanations or other

matters required by the form; and

(c) be accompanied by any other material required by the form.

(2) A reference in this Schedule to a document that has been lodged

(being a document to which subsection (1) applies), includes a

reference to any other material lodged with the document as

required by the relevant form.

(3) If:

(a) this Schedule requires a document to be lodged with ASIC in

an approved form; and

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Schedule 2 Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)

Part 4 Other matters

Division 100 Other matters

Section 100-6

392 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(b) a provision of this Schedule specifies information,

statements, explanations or other matters that must be

included in the document, or other material that must

accompany the document;

that other provision is not taken to exclude or limit the operation of

subsection (1) in relation to the approved form (and so the

approved form may also require information etc. to be included in

the form or material to accompany the form).

(4) The Insolvency Practice Rules may provide for and in relation to:

(a) methods of verifying any information required by or in

approved forms; and

(b) the manner in which, the persons by whom, and the

directions or requirements in accordance with which,

approved forms are required or permitted to be signed,

prepared, or completed.

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Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations) Schedule 2

Other matters Part 4

The Insolvency Practice Rules Division 105

Section 105-1

Corporations Act 2001 393

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 105—The Insolvency Practice Rules

105-1 The Insolvency Practice Rules

(1) The Minister may, by legislative instrument, make rules providing

for matters:

(a) required or permitted by this Schedule to be provided by the

rules; or

(b) necessary or convenient to be provided in order to carry out

or give effect to this Schedule.

(2) Rules made under subsection (1) may include offences.

(3) The penalties for offences described in subsection (2) must not be

more than 50 penalty units for an individual or 500 penalty units

for a body corporate.

(4) To avoid doubt, the rules may not do the following:

(a) create a civil penalty;

(b) provide powers of:

(i) arrest or detention; or

(ii) entry, search or seizure;

(c) impose a tax;

(d) set an amount to be appropriated from the Consolidated

Revenue Fund under an appropriation in this Act;

(e) directly amend the text of this Act.

(5) Rules that are inconsistent with the regulations have no effect to

the extent of the inconsistency, but rules are taken to be consistent

with the regulations to the extent that the rules are capable of

operating concurrently with the regulations.

(6) Despite subsection 1345A(1), the Minister’s power to make rules

under this section may not be delegated to any other person.

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Schedule 3 Penalties

394 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Schedule 3—Penalties Note: See sections 1311 to 1311E.


Provision Penalty

Section 111AU 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 113(1) 1 year imprisonment

Subsection 113(3) 20 penalty units

Subsection 115(1) 20 penalty units

Subsection 117(5) 30 penalty units

Subsection 123(3) 30 penalty units

Subsection 136(5) 20 penalty units

Subsection 139(1) 20 penalty units

Subsections 142(1) and (2) 60 penalty units

Subsection 143(1) 20 penalty units

Subsections 144(1) and (2) 30 penalty units

Subsections 145(1) and (3) 60 penalty units

Subsection 146(1) 60 penalty units

Subsections 148(2), (3), (4) and (5) 30 penalty units

Subsection 150(2) 20 penalty units

Subsection 151(2) 20 penalty units

Subsections 153(1) and (2) 30 penalty units

Subsection 156(1) 30 penalty units

Subsection 157(2) 20 penalty units

Subsection 158(2) 120 penalty units

Subsections 161A(2) and (3) 30 penalty units

Subsection 162(3) 20 penalty units

Subsection 163(5) 30 penalty units

Subsection 165(2) 120 penalty units

Section 168 30 penalty units

Subsection 170(3) 30 penalty units

Subsections 172(1), (1A) and (2) 30 penalty units

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Penalties Schedule 3

Corporations Act 2001 395

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19


Provision Penalty

Subsections 173(1), (3) and (9) 30 penalty units

Subsection 174(1) 30 penalty units

Subsection 177(1) 50 penalty units

Subsection 177(1AA) 50 penalty units

Subsection 178A(1) 60 penalty units

Subsection 178C(1) 60 penalty units

Subsection 184(1) 15 years imprisonment

Subsection 184(2) 15 years imprisonment

Subsection 184(3) 15 years imprisonment

Subsection 191(1) 30 penalty units

Subsection 195(1) 20 penalty units

Subsection 199B(1) 20 penalty units

Subsection 200B(1) (a) for an individual—6 months imprisonment,

180 penalty units, or both; and

(b) for a body corporate—1,800 penalty units

Subsection 200C(1) (a) for an individual—6 months imprisonment,

180 penalty units, or both; and

(b) for a body corporate—1,800 penalty units

Section 200D 180 penalty units

Subsection 201D(1) 30 penalty units

Subsection 201D(2) 20 penalty units

Subsections 201R(2) and (3) 30 penalty units

Subsection 202B(1) 20 penalty units

Subsections 203D(3) and (5) 20 penalty units

Subsections 204A(1) and (2) 20 penalty units

Subsections 204C(1) and (2) 20 penalty units

Subsections 205B(1), (2), (4) and (5) 120 penalty units

Subsections 205C(1) and (2) 30 penalty units

Subsection 205E(2) 30 penalty units

Subsection 205F(1) 30 penalty units

Subsection 205G(9) 2 years imprisonment

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Schedule 3 Penalties

396 Corporations Act 2001

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Provision Penalty

Subsection 205G(10) 30 penalty units

Subsection 206A(1) 5 years imprisonment

Subsections 206J(4), (6) and (7) 60 penalty units

Subsection 206K(4) 60 penalty units

Subsections 206L(3) and (4) 60 penalty units

Subsection 206M(2) 60 penalty units

Subsection 209(3) (a) for an individual—5 years imprisonment,

2,000 penalty units, or both; and

(b) for a body corporate—20,000 penalty units

Section 224 5 years imprisonment

Subsections 225(3), (4) and (5) 20 penalty units

Subsection 235(1) 120 penalty units

Section 237 6 months imprisonment

Section 242 3 months imprisonment

Subsection 246B(3) 20 penalty units

Subsection 246D(6) 20 penalty units

Subsections 246F(1) and (3) 20 penalty units

Subsection 246G(1) 20 penalty units

Subsection 247C(1) 20 penalty units

Subsections 249E(3) and (4) 20 penalty units

Subsection 249K(1) 20 penalty units

Subsection 249Z(1) 20 penalty units

Subsections 249L(1) and (2) 30 penalty units

Subsections 250BB(2), (3) and (4) 20 penalty units

Subsection 250BD(1) 5 years imprisonment

Subsections 250N(1) and (2) 30 penalty units

Subsections 250P(3) and (4) 30 penalty units

Subsection 250PA(3) 30 penalty units

Subsections 250PA(4) and (6) 20 penalty units

Subsection 250PA(9) 30 penalty units

Subsection 250R(2) 30 penalty units

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Corporations Act 2001 397

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Provision Penalty

Subsection 250R(7) 5 years imprisonment

Subsections 250RA(1) and (3) 20 penalty units

Subsection 250S(1) 20 penalty units

Subsection 250SA(1) 20 penalty units

Subsection 250T(1) 20 penalty units

Subsection 250T(4) 30 penalty units

Subsection 250W(5) 20 penalty units

Subsections 251A(1) to (5) 30 penalty units

Subsections 251B(1), (3) and (4) 20 penalty units

Subsections 252C(3) and (4) 20 penalty units

Subsection 252H(1) 20 penalty units

Subsection 252X(1) 20 penalty units

Subsection 252Y(5) 20 penalty units

Subsections 253M(1), (2) and (3) 30 penalty units

Subsections 253N(1), (3) and (4) 20 penalty units

Subsection 254H(4) 20 penalty units

Subsection 254L(3) (a) for an individual—5 years imprisonment,

2,000 penalty units, or both; and

(b) for a body corporate—20,000 penalty units

Subsection 254N(2) 20 penalty units

Subsection 254Q(13) 20 penalty units

Section 254SA 2 years imprisonment

Section 254T 2 years imprisonment

Subsections 254X(1) and (2) 60 penalty units

Subsection 254Y(1) 20 penalty units

Subsection 256D(4) (a) for an individual—5 years imprisonment,

2,000 penalty units, or both; and

(b) for a body corporate—20,000 penalty units

Subsection 259B(6) 20 penalty units

Subsection 259D(4) 20 penalty units

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Schedule 3 Penalties

398 Corporations Act 2001

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Provision Penalty

Subsection 259F(3) (a) for an individual—5 years imprisonment,

2,000 penalty units, or both; and

(b) for a body corporate—20,000 penalty units

Subsection 260D(3) (a) for an individual—5 years imprisonment,

2,000 penalty units, or both; and

(b) for a body corporate—20,000 penalty units

Subsection 283AA(1) 60 penalty units

Subsection 283AA(3) 6 months imprisonment

Subsection 283AB(1) 60 penalty units

Subsection 283AC(1) 60 penalty units

Subsection 283AC(2) 60 penalty units

Subsection 283BH(1) 5 years imprisonment

Section 283BI 6 months imprisonment

Section 283CE 6 months imprisonment

Subsection 286(3) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 286(4) 60 penalty units

Subsection 287(2) 60 penalty units

Subsection 288(1) 60 penalty units

Subsection 289(2) 60 penalty units

Subsection 294(1) 30 penalty units

Subsection 294B(1) 30 penalty units

Subsection 307A(3) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 307A(4) 50 penalty units

Subsection 307B(1) 50 penalty units

Subsection 307B(3) 50 penalty units

Subsections 307C(1) and (3) 20 penalty units

Subsections 308(1), (2), (3), (3AA),

(3AB), (3A), (3C) and (4)

50 penalty units

Subsections 309(1), (2), (3), (4), (5),

(5A) and (6)

50 penalty units

Subsections 311(1), (2) and (3) 1 year imprisonment

Subsection 312(1) 60 penalty units

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Corporations Act 2001 399

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Provision Penalty

Subsections 313(1) and (2) 30 penalty units

Subsections 314(1) and (1AB) 30 penalty units

Subsections 314A(1), (3) and (7) 30 penalty units

Subsections 316(2) and (3) 30 penalty units

Subsections 316A(3) and (4) 30 penalty units

Subsection 317(1) 30 penalty units

Subsections 318(1), (3) and (4) 60 penalty units

Subsections 319(1) and (1AA) 120 penalty units

Subsection 320(1) 120 penalty units

Subsections 321(1) and (1AA) 30 penalty units

Subsections 322(1), (1A) and (2) 30 penalty units

Subsection 323(1) 60 penalty units

Subsection 323B(1) 60 penalty units

Subsection 323D(3) 30 penalty units

Section 324BA 6 months imprisonment

Subsection 324BB(1) 6 months imprisonment

Subsection 324BB(2) 30 penalty units

Subsections 324BC(1) and (2) 6 months imprisonment

Subsection 324BC(3) 30 penalty units

Subsection 324CA(1) 6 months imprisonment

Subsections 324CA(1A) and (2) 30 penalty units

Subsection 324CB(1) 6 months imprisonment

Subsections 324CB(1A), (2) and (4) 30 penalty units

Subsection 324CC(1) 6 months imprisonment

Subsections 324CC(1A), (2) and (4) 30 penalty units

Subsection 324CE(1) 6 months imprisonment

Subsections 324CE(1A) and (2) 30 penalty units

Subsection 324CF(1) 6 months imprisonment

Subsections 324CF(1A) and (2) 30 penalty units

Subsection 324CG(1) 6 months imprisonment

Subsections 324CG(1A) and (2) 30 penalty units

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Schedule 3 Penalties

400 Corporations Act 2001

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Provision Penalty

Subsection 324CG(5) 6 months imprisonment

Subsections 324CG(5A) and (6) 30 penalty units

Section 324CI 6 months imprisonment

Section 324CJ 6 months imprisonment

Section 324CK 6 months imprisonment

Subsections 324CM(1), (2) and (3) 6 months imprisonment

Section 324DB 6 months imprisonment

Subsection 324DC(1) 6 months imprisonment

Subsection 324DC(2) 30 penalty units

Subsections 324DD(1) and (2) 6 months imprisonment

Subsection 324DD(3) 30 penalty units

Subsection 325(4) 6 months imprisonment

Subsection 327A(3) 6 months imprisonment

Subsections 327B(1) and (3) 6 months imprisonment

Subsection 327C(3) 6 months imprisonment

Subsection 328A(4) 6 months imprisonment

Subsection 328B(2) 6 months imprisonment

Subsection 328C(3) 6 months imprisonment

Subsection 328D(3) 6 months imprisonment

Subsections 331AAA(1) and (3) 6 months imprisonment

Subsections 331AAB(1) and (2) 6 months imprisonment

Subsection 332A(2) 20 penalty units

Subsection 332A(3) 20 penalty units

Subsection 342B(1) 30 penalty units

Subsection 344(2) 15 years imprisonment

Subsections 346C(1) and (2) 60 penalty units

Subsection 347A(1) 20 penalty units

Subsections 347B(1) and (2) 20 penalty units

Subsection 348D(1) 60 penalty units

Subsection 349A(1) 60 penalty units

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Corporations Act 2001 401

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Provision Penalty

Subsections 428(1), (2), (2B) and


20 penalty units

Paragraph 429(2)(b) 50 penalty units

Subsection 437D(5) 6 months imprisonment

Subsection 438B(4) (a) if the offence relates to a contravention of a

provision other than subsection 438B(2A)—

120 penalty units; and

(b) if the offence relates to a contravention of

subsection 438B(2A)—20 penalty units

Subsection 438C(5) 120 penalty units

Subsection 446C(4) 60 penalty units

Subsection 448B(1) 60 penalty units

Subsection 448C(1) 60 penalty units

Subsections 450E(1) and (2) 20 penalty units

Subsection 475(9) (a) if the offence relates to a contravention of a

provision other than subsection 475(4)—60

penalty units; and

(b) if the offence relates to a contravention of

subsection 475(4)—50 penalty units

Subsection 486A(8) 2 years imprisonment

Section 494 1 year imprisonment

Subsections 496(4), (5), (6), (7) and


20 penalty units

Subsection 497(1) 3 months imprisonment

Subsection 497(4) 50 penalty units

Subsection 497(7) 20 penalty units

Subsection 530A(6) 120 penalty units

Subsection 530B(3) 1 year imprisonment

Subsection 530B(6) 120 penalty units

Subsections 532(1), (2), (8) and (9) 30 penalty units

Subsection 541(1) 30 penalty units

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402 Corporations Act 2001

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Provision Penalty

Subsection 588G(3) (a) for an individual—5 years imprisonment,

2,000 penalty units, or both; and

(b) for a body corporate—20,000 penalty units

Subsection 590(1) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 590(5) 1 year imprisonment

Subsection 592(1) 120 penalty units

Subsection 592(6) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 595(1) 30 penalty units

Subsection 596(1) 2 years imprisonment

Subsections 596AB(1), (1A), (1B)

and (1C)

15 years imprisonment

Subsection 596F(3) 2 years imprisonment

Subsections 597(6), (7), (10A) and


2 years imprisonment

Subsection 597A(3) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 601AD(5) 20 penalty units

Subsection 601BC(5) 30 penalty units

Subsections 601BH(1) and (2) 20 penalty units

Subsection 601BJ(3) 20 penalty units

Subsection 601BK(1) 20 penalty units

Subsection 601BP(1) 20 penalty units

Subsection 601BR(1) 20 penalty units

Subsections 601CW(9) and (10) 30 penalty units

Subsection 601CZB(1) 30 penalty units

Section 601CZC 30 penalty units

Subsection 601DD(1) 20 penalty units

Subsection 601DE(1) 30 penalty units

Subsection 601DH(1) 20 penalty units

Subsection 601ED(5) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 601FD(4) 15 years imprisonment

Subsection 601FE(4) 15 years imprisonment

Subsection 601FF(3) 5 years imprisonment

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Penalties Schedule 3

Corporations Act 2001 403

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Provision Penalty

Subsection 601FG(3) (a) for an individual—5 years imprisonment,

2,000 penalty units, or both; and

(b) for a body corporate—20,000 penalty units

Subsection 601FL(4) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 601FM(3) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 601FQ(6) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 601HD(1) 60 penalty units

Subsections 601HG(1) and (3) 20 penalty units

Subsections 601HG(4), (4A) and


1 year imprisonment

Subsection 601HG(6) 60 penalty units

Subsection 601HG(7) 20 penalty units

Subsection 601JA(3) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 601JA(4) 60 penalty units

Subsection 601JB(5) 60 penalty units

Subsection 601JB(6) 20 penalty units

Subsection 601JD(4) (a) for an individual—5 years imprisonment,

2,000 penalty units, or both; and

(b) for a body corporate—20,000 penalty units

Subsection 601KA(3) 60 penalty units

Subsection 601SBB(1) 50 penalty units

Subsection 601SBC(2) 50 penalty units

Subsection 601SCB(1) 50 penalty units

Subsection 601SCB(2) 50 penalty units

Subsection 601SCB(3) 1 year imprisonment

Subsection 601SCD(1) (a) for an individual—5 years imprisonment,

2,000 penalty units, or both; and

(b) for a body corporate—20,000 penalty units

Section 601TAA 1 year imprisonment

Subsection 601TAB(1) 1 year imprisonment

Subsection 601TBA(2) 1 year imprisonment

Subsection 601UAA(1) 15 years imprisonment

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Schedule 3 Penalties

404 Corporations Act 2001

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Provision Penalty

Subsection 601UAB(1) 15 years imprisonment

Section 601VAB 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 601VBD(8) 1 year imprisonment

Subsection 601VCC(2) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 601WBE(5) 50 penalty units

Section 601WCF 1 year imprisonment

Section 601WCG 1 year imprisonment

Subsection 601WDA(1) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 601WDA(2) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 601WDA(3) 2 years imprisonment

Section 601XAB 1 year imprisonment

Subsection 606(4A) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 606(4B) 60 penalty units

Subsection 622(1) 60 penalty units

Subsection 623(1) 60 penalty units

Subsection 624(2) 60 penalty units

Subsections 630(2), (3) and (4) 60 penalty units

Subsection 631(1) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 631(2) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 633(1) (table items 4, 5,

7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13 and 14)

60 penalty units

Subsection 635(1) (table items 5, 7,

8, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14)

60 penalty units

Subsection 636(3) 60 penalty units

Subsection 636(4) 20 penalty units

Subsection 637(1) 60 penalty units

Subsection 637(2) 20 penalty units

Subsection 638(1) 60 penalty units

Subsection 638(3) 60 penalty units

Subsection 638(5) 60 penalty units

Subsection 638(6) 20 penalty units

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Corporations Act 2001 405

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Provision Penalty

Subsection 639(1) 60 penalty units

Subsection 639(2) 20 penalty units

Subsection 640(1) 60 penalty units

Subsection 641(1) 60 penalty units

Section 643 6 months imprisonment

Section 644 6 months imprisonment

Subsections 647(1), (2) and (3) 60 penalty units

Subsection 648A(1) 60 penalty units

Subsections 648E(1) and (2) 60 penalty units

Subsections 648G(5) and (9) 120 penalty units

Subsection 649C(2) 60 penalty units

Subsection 650B(3) 60 penalty units

Subsections 650E(5) and (6) 60 penalty units

Subsection 650F(3) 60 penalty units

Subsection 651A(4) 60 penalty units

Subsection 651C(1) 60 penalty units

Subsection 652C(3) 60 penalty units

Subsection 654A(1) 60 penalty units

Subsection 654C(1) 60 penalty units

Subsection 654C(3) 60 penalty units

Subsection 657F(1) 60 penalty units

Subsections 661B(1) and (2) 20 penalty units

Subsection 661D(1) 60 penalty units

Subsection 662A(1) 60 penalty units

Subsection 663A(1) 60 penalty units

Subsections 664D(1), (2) and (3) 60 penalty units

Subsections 664E(2), (3) and (4) 60 penalty units

Subsection 665A(2) 60 penalty units

Subsection 666A(1) 60 penalty units

Subsections 666B(2) and (3) 60 penalty units

Subsection 667A(3) 60 penalty units

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406 Corporations Act 2001

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Provision Penalty

Subsection 668A(1) 60 penalty units

Subsection 668A(2) 20 penalty units

Subsections 668A(3) and (4) 60 penalty units

Subsection 668B(1) 60 penalty units

Subsection 670A(3) 5 years imprisonment

Subsections 670C(1), (2) and (3) 60 penalty units

Subsection 671B(8) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 671B(9) 60 penalty units

Subsection 672B(1) 60 penalty units

Subsection 672DA(1) 30 penalty units

Subsections 672DA(2), (3), (3A) and


20 penalty units

Subsections 672DA(6), (7), (8) and


30 penalty units

Subsection 674(2) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 674(5) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 675(2) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 708AA(10) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 708A(9) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 721(5) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 722(1) 60 penalty units

Subsection 722(2) 20 penalty units

Subsections 723(1), (2) and (3) 20 penalty units

Subsection 724(1) 60 penalty units

Subsection 725(1) 60 penalty units

Section 726 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 727(1) 15 years imprisonment

Subsection 727(2) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 727(3) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 727(4) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 728(3) 15 years imprisonment

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Corporations Act 2001 407

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Provision Penalty

Subsection 730(1) 120 penalty units

Subsection 734(1) 60 penalty units

Subsection 734(2) 60 penalty units

Subsection 735(1) 30 penalty units

Subsection 736(1) 60 penalty units

Subsection 738L(3) 5 years imprisonment

Subsections 738M(1), (2) and (3) 20 penalty units

Subsection 738N(4) 6 months imprisonment

Subsection 738P(1) 6 months imprisonment

Subsection 738Q(1) 50 penalty units

Subsection 738Q(5) 1 year imprisonment

Subsection 738Q(7) 6 months imprisonment

Subsections 738R(1) and (2) 5 years imprisonment

Subsections 738V(1), (2) and (3) 50 penalty units

Subsections 738X(2) and (3) 50 penalty units

Subsection 738X(7) 30 penalty units

Subsection 738Y(4) 5 years imprisonment

Subsections 738ZA(1), (3), (4), (5),

(6), (8) and (9)

1 year imprisonment

Subsections 738ZB(2), (3) and (4) 50 penalty units

Subsection 738ZC(1) 30 penalty units

Subsection 738ZE(2) 5 years imprisonment

Section 738ZF 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 738ZG(1) 30 penalty units

Subsection 791A(1) 5 years imprisonment

Section 791B 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 792B(1) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 792B(2) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 792B(3) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 792B(4) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 792B(5) 2 years imprisonment

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Schedule 3 Penalties

408 Corporations Act 2001

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Provision Penalty

Subsection 792C(1) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 792D(1) 2 years imprisonment

Section 792E 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 792F(1) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 792F(2) 50 penalty units

Subsection 792F(3) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 792G(1) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 792G(2) 2 years imprisonment

Section 792I 50 penalty units

Subsection 793D(3) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 794B(3) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 794D(3) (a) for an individual—100 penalty units for each

day, or part of a day, in respect of which the

offence is committed; and

(b) for a body corporate—1,000 penalty units

for each day, or part of a day, in respect of

which the offence is committed

Subsection 794E(2) (a) for an individual—100 penalty units for each

day, or part of a day, in respect of which the

offence is committed; and

(b) for a body corporate—1,000 penalty units

for each day, or part of a day, in respect of

which the offence is committed

Subsection 798C(3) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 798C(6) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 798D(4) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 798DA(4) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 820A(1) 5 years imprisonment

Section 820B 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 821B(1) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 821B(2) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 821B(3) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 821B(4) 2 years imprisonment

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Corporations Act 2001 409

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Provision Penalty

Subsection 821BA(1) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 821C(1) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 821C(3) 2 years imprisonment

Section 821D 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 821E(1) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 821E(2) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 821E(3) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 822D(3) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 823B(3) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 823D(5) (a) for an individual—100 penalty units for each

day, or part of a day, in respect of which the

offence is committed; and

(b) for a body corporate—1,000 penalty units

for each day, or part of a day, in respect of

which the offence is committed

Subsection 823E(3) (a) for an individual—100 penalty units for each

day, or part of a day, in respect of which the

offence is committed; and

(b) for a body corporate—1,000 penalty units

for each day, or part of a day, in respect of

which the offence is committed

Section 850C 4 years imprisonment

Subsection 851D(8) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 852B(2) 4 years imprisonment

Subsection 853F(1) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 853F(2) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 854A(4) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 892B(1) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 892B(3) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 892H(1) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 892H(2) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 892H(3) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 892H(6) 1 year imprisonment

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410 Corporations Act 2001

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Provision Penalty

Subsection 892H(7) 1 year imprisonment

Subsection 892K(2) 5 years imprisonment

Subsections 904B(1) and (5) 1,000 penalty units

Subsections 904C(1) and (3) 100 penalty units

Subsection 904D(2) 100 penalty units

Section 904E 100 penalty units

Subsection 904G(5) (a) for an individual—100 penalty units for each

day, or part of a day, in respect of which the

offence is committed; and

(b) for a body corporate—1,000 penalty units

for each day, or part of a day, in respect of

which the offence is committed

Subsection 904H(3) 100 penalty units

Subsection 904K(4) (a) for an individual—100 penalty units for each

day, or part of a day, in respect of which the

offence is committed; and

(b) for a body corporate—1,000 penalty units

for each day, or part of a day, in respect of

which the offence is committed

Subsection 905A(2) (a) for an individual—2 years imprisonment, or

500 penalty units, or both; and

(b) for a body corporate—5,000 penalty units

Section 907A 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 911A(1) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 911B(1) 5 years imprisonment

Section 911C 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 912C(3) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 912D(1B) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 912D(2) 1 year imprisonment

Subsection 912E(1) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 912F(1) 20 penalty units

Subsection 916A(3A) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 916B(2A) 2 years imprisonment

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Penalties Schedule 3

Corporations Act 2001 411

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Provision Penalty

Subsection 916B(5A) 1 year imprisonment

Subsection 916C(3) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 916D(2A) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 916F(1) 6 months imprisonment

Subsection 916F(1A) 6 months imprisonment

Subsection 916F(3) 60 penalty units

Subsection 916G(2) 1 year imprisonment

Subsection 916G(3) 1 year imprisonment

Subsection 920C(3) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 922M(3) 50 penalty units

Subsection 923A(1) (a) for an individual—10 penalty units for each

day, or part of a day, in respect of which the

offence is committed; and

(b) for a body corporate—100 penalty units for

each day, or part of a day, in respect of

which the offence is committed

Subsection 923B(1) (a) for an individual—10 penalty units for each

day, or part of a day, in respect of which the

offence is committed; and

(b) for a body corporate—100 penalty units for

each day, or part of a day, in respect of

which the offence is committed

Subsection 923C(1) (a) for an individual—10 penalty units for each

day, or part of a day, in respect of which the

offence is committed; or

(b) for a body corporate—100 penalty units for

each day, or part of a day, in respect of

which the offence is committed

Subsection 923C(2) (a) for an individual—10 penalty units for each

day, or part of a day, in respect of which the

offence is committed; and

(b) for a body corporate—100 penalty units for

each day, or part of a day, in respect of

which the offence is committed

Subsection 942B(8) 1 year imprisonment

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412 Corporations Act 2001

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Provision Penalty

Subsection 942C(8) 1 year imprisonment

Section 942E 2 years imprisonment

Section 943F 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 946AA(4) 50 penalty units

Subsections 946B(3A) and (9) 50 penalty units

Subsection 949A(2) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 949A(5) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 949B(2) 1 year imprisonment

Subsection 949B(4) 1 year imprisonment

Subsection 952C(1) 50 penalty units

Subsection 952C(3) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 952D(1) 15 years imprisonment

Subsection 952D(2) 15 years imprisonment

Subsection 952E(6) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 952F(2) 15 years imprisonment

Subsection 952F(3) 15 years imprisonment

Subsection 952F(4) 15 years imprisonment

Subsection 952G(2) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 952G(4) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 952G(6) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 952H(2) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 952I(1) 30 penalty units

Subsection 952I(2) 30 penalty units

Subsection 952I(3) 30 penalty units

Subsection 952I(4) 30 penalty units

Subsection 952J(1) 30 penalty units

Section 952K 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 952L(1) 15 years imprisonment

Subsection 952L(2) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 952L(3) 5 years imprisonment

Section 952M 5 years imprisonment

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Provision Penalty

Subsection 982C(1) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 982C(2) 2 years imprisonment

Section 982D 2 years imprisonment

Section 983C 6 months imprisonment

Subsection 984B(1) (a) if the offence relates only to a contravention

of the requirements referred to in

paragraph 984B(1)(a)—50 penalty units; and

(b) otherwise—2 years imprisonment

Subsection 985D(1) 50 penalty units

Subsection 985J(1) 50 penalty units

Subsection 985J(2) 50 penalty units

Subsection 985J(4) 50 penalty units

Subsection 985K(1) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 988A(1) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 989B(1) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 989B(2) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 989B(3) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 989CA(3) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 989CA(4) 50 penalty units

Subsection 990B(1) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 990B(2) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 990B(6) 6 months imprisonment

Subsection 990D(1) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 990D(2) 2 years imprisonment

Paragraph 990F(a) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 990I(3) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 990K(1) 1 year imprisonment

Subsection 991B(2) 1 year imprisonment

Subsection 991E(1) 1 year imprisonment

Subsection 991E(3) 1 year imprisonment

Subsection 991F(1) 6 months imprisonment

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Schedule 3 Penalties

414 Corporations Act 2001

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Provision Penalty

Subsection 991F(2) 6 months imprisonment

Subsection 991F(3) 6 months imprisonment

Subsection 992A(1) 6 months imprisonment

Subsection 992A(3) 6 months imprisonment

Subsection 992AA(1) 6 months imprisonment

Subsection 993B(1) 50 penalty units

Subsection 993B(3) 15 years imprisonment

Subsection 993C(1) 50 penalty units

Subsection 993C(3) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 993D(2) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 993D(3) 50 penalty units

Subsection 1012DAA(10) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1012DA(9) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1012H(2) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1013I(4) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1013IA(5) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1013K(1) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1013K(2) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1015B(1) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1015D(2) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1015D(3) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1015D(4) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1015E(1) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1016A(2) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 1016A(3) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 1016B(1) 2 years imprisonment

Section 1016C 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1016D(1) 2 years imprisonment

Paragraph 1016D(2)(d) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1016E(2) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1017B(1) 5 years imprisonment

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Corporations Act 2001 415

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Provision Penalty

Subsection 1017C(2) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1017C(2A) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1017C(3) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1017C(3A) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1017C(5) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1017D(1) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1017DA(3) 50 penalty units

Subsection 1017E(3) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 1017E(4) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 1017F(2) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1017G(1) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 1018A(1) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1018A(2) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1018B(1) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1020AB(3) 6 months imprisonment

Subsection 1020AC(2) 6 months imprisonment

Subsection 1020AD(2) 6 months imprisonment

Section 1020AE 6 months imprisonment

Subsection 1020AI(3) 50 penalty units

Subsection 1020AI(5) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1020AI(7) 5 years imprisonment

Section 1020AJ 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1020A(4) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 1020BAA(1) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 1020B(2) (a) for a first offence—6 months imprisonment;


(b) for a further offence—2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1020E(8) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1020E(9) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1021C(1) 50 penalty units

Subsection 1021C(3) 5 years imprisonment

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Schedule 3 Penalties

416 Corporations Act 2001

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Provision Penalty

Subsection 1021D(1) 15 years imprisonment

Subsection 1021D(2) 15 years imprisonment

Subsection 1021E(5) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1021F(1) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 1021FA(1) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 1021FA(2) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1021FB(1) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 1021FB(2) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 1021FB(3) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1021FB(6) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1021G(2) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 1021H(1) 30 penalty units

Subsection 1021I(1) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 1021J(1) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 1021J(2) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 1021J(3) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 1021K(1) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 1021L(1) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 1021L(2) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 1021M(1) 50 penalty units

Subsection 1021M(3) 2 years imprisonment

Section 1021N 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1021NA(1) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1021NA(2) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 1021NA(3) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1021NB(1) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1021NB(2) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 1021NB(3) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1021O(1) 60 penalty units

Subsection 1021O(3) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 1021P(1) 2 years imprisonment

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Corporations Act 2001 417

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Provision Penalty

Subsection 1021P(2) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1021P(3) 50 penalty units

Subsection 1021P(4) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1021P(5) 50 penalty units

Subsection 1021P(6) 50 penalty units

Subsections 1023P(1), (2) and (4) 5 years imprisonment

Section 1041A 15 years imprisonment

Subsection 1041B(1) 15 years imprisonment

Subsection 1041C(1) 15 years imprisonment

Section 1041D 15 years imprisonment

Subsection 1041E(1) 15 years imprisonment

Subsection 1041F(1) 15 years imprisonment

Section 1041G 15 years imprisonment

Subsection 1043A(1) 15 years imprisonment

Subsection 1043A(2) 15 years imprisonment

Subsection 1052B(3) (a) for an individual—100 penalty units for each

day, or part of a day, in respect of which the

offence is committed; and

(b) for a body corporate—1,000 penalty units

for each day, or part of a day, in respect of

which the offence is committed

Subsection 1052BA(4) (a) for an individual—100 penalty units for each

day, or part of a day, in respect of which the

offence is committed; and

(b) for a body corporate—1,000 penalty units

for each day, or part of a day, in respect of

which the offence is committed

Subsection 1052C(6) (a) for an individual—100 penalty units for each

day, or part of a day, in respect of which the

offence is committed; and

(b) for a body corporate—1,000 penalty units

for each day, or part of a day, in respect of

which the offence is committed

Subsection 1070B(1) 30 penalty units

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Schedule 3 Penalties

418 Corporations Act 2001

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Provision Penalty

Subsection 1070C(1) 30 penalty units

Subsection 1070D(3) 30 penalty units

Subsection 1071B(2) 30 penalty units

Section 1071E 30 penalty units

Subsection 1072E(11) 30 penalty units

Subsection 1072H(1) 30 penalty units

Subsection 1072H(3) 30 penalty units

Subsection 1072H(4) 30 penalty units

Subsection 1072H(5) 30 penalty units

Subsection 1072H(6) 30 penalty units

Subsection 1101B(10) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1101C(1) 1 year imprisonment

Subsection 1101C(2) 1 year imprisonment

Subsection 1101C(3) 1 year imprisonment

Subsection 1101E(1) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1101F(1A) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1101F(1) 2 years imprisonment

Section 1101G 1 year imprisonment

Subsection 1200N(7) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1200N(8) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1200Q(1) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 1200Q(2) 5 years imprisonment

Section 1200S 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1200U(6) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1200U(7) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1212C(1) 60 penalty units

Subsection 1215D(2) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1215D(3) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1215D(4) 2 years imprisonment

Subsections 1274(1) and (2) 1 year imprisonment

Subsections 1274(9), (13) and (16) 120 penalty units

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Corporations Act 2001 419

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Provision Penalty

Subsections 1299F(1), (3) and (5) 30 penalty units

Subsection 1299G(1) 20 penalty units

Subsection 1299G(4) 30 penalty units

Subsection 1300(2A) 30 penalty units

Subsection 1300(3) 20 penalty units

Subsection 1307(1) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 1307(2) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 1308(1) 20 penalty units

Subsection 1308(2) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 1308(4) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1308(8) 5 years imprisonment

Subsection 1309(11) (a) in relation to a contravention of

subsection 1309(1)—5 years imprisonment;


(b) in relation to a contravention of

subsection 1309(2)—2 years imprisonment

Section 1310 2 years imprisonment

Subsections 1317AC(1), (2) and (3) 6 months imprisonment

Subsection 1317AE(1) 30 penalty units

Subsection 1323(9) 60 penalty units

Subsection 1412(3) 2 years imprisonment

Subsection 1424(3) 2 years imprisonment

Section 1432 30 penalty units

Subsection 1436(2) 30 penalty units

Subsection 1438(6) 50 penalty units

Note: Chapter 2 of the Criminal Code sets out the general principles of

criminal responsibility.

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Schedule 4 Transfer of financial institutions and friendly societies

Part 1 Preliminary

Clause 1

420 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Schedule 4—Transfer of financial institutions

and friendly societies Note: See section 1465A.

Part 1—Preliminary

1 Definitions

In this Schedule, except so far as the contrary intention appears:

AFIC Code of a State or Territory means the Australian Financial

Institutions Commission Code as set out in the Australian

Financial Institutions Commission Act 1992 of Queensland as in

force immediately before the transfer date and as applied as a law

of the State or Territory.

building society of a State or Territory means a transferring

financial institution authorised under the Financial Institutions

Code of the State or Territory to operate as a building society

immediately before the transfer date.

Financial Institutions Code of a State or Territory means the

Financial Institutions Code set out in the Financial Institutions

(Queensland) Act 1992 as in force immediately before the transfer

date and as applied as a law of the State or Territory.

Friendly Societies Code means the Friendly Societies Code set out

in Schedule 1 to the Friendly Societies (Victoria) Act 1996 as in

force immediately before the transfer date.

Friendly Societies Code of a State or Territory means:

(a) the Friendly Societies Code as applied as a law of the State or

Territory; or

(b) if the State is Western Australia—the Friendly Societies

(Western Australia) Code set out in the Friendly Societies

(Western Australia) Act 1999.

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Preliminary Part 1

Clause 1

Corporations Act 2001 421

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

member of a transferring financial institution means a person

who, immediately before the transfer date, is a member of the

institution under:

(a) the previous governing Code; or

(b) the rules of the institution.

membership share means a share in a company that was a

transferring financial institution:

(a) that was taken to have been issued under clause 12 of the

transfer provisions; and

(b) that carries the rights and obligations that were conferred or

imposed on the person in a capacity other than that of

shareholder, by:

(i) the institution’s rules (as in force immediately before

the transfer date); and

(ii) the previous governing Code; and

(c) on which no amount is paid; and

(d) on which no amount is unpaid; and

(e) that is not:

(i) transferable or transmissible; or

(ii) capable of devolution by will or by operation of law;


(f) that can be cancelled as set out in subclause 12(3).

previous governing Code for a transferring financial institution

means the Code or law under which the institution is registered

immediately before the transfer date.

State Supervisory Authority (SSA) for a transferring financial

institution means:

(a) the SSA for the institution within the meaning of the previous

governing Code; or

(b) in the case of The Cairns Cooperative Weekly Penny Savings

Bank Limited—the Queensland Office of Financial


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Schedule 4 Transfer of financial institutions and friendly societies

Part 1 Preliminary

Clause 1

422 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

transfer date means the date that is the transfer date for the

purposes of the Financial Sector Reform (Amendments and

Transitional Provisions) Act (No. 1) 1999.

transfer provisions of a State or Territory means Schedule 4 to the

Corporations Law of the State or Territory.

transferring financial institution of a State or Territory means:

(a) a building society of the State or Territory (that is, a society

that was registered under the Financial Institutions Code of

the State or Territory, and authorised to operate as a building

society, immediately before the transfer date); or

(b) a credit union of the State or Territory (that is, a society that

was registered under the Financial Institutions Code of the

State or Territory, and authorised to operate as a credit union,

immediately before the transfer date); or

(c) a friendly society of the State or Territory (that is, a body that

was registered as a friendly society under the Friendly

Societies Code of the State or Territory immediately before

the transfer date); or

(d) a body registered as an association under Part 12 of the

Financial Institutions Code of the State or Territory

immediately before the transfer date; or

(e) a body registered as a Special Services Provider under the

AFIC Code of the State or Territory immediately before the

transfer date; or

(f) a body registered as an association under Part 12 of the

Friendly Societies Code of the State or Territory immediately

before the transfer date; or

(g) The Cairns Cooperative Weekly Penny Savings Bank

Limited referred to in section 263 of the Financial

Intermediaries Act 1996 of Queensland if:

(i) the State is Queensland; and

(ii) a determination by APRA under subitem 7(2) of the

Financial Sector Reform (Amendments and Transitional

Provisions) Act (No. 1) 1999 is in force immediately

before the transfer date.

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Transfer of financial institutions and friendly societies Schedule 4

Preliminary Part 1

Clause 1

Corporations Act 2001 423

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Note: If a determination is made, the Bank will be covered by the Banking Act 1959 from the transfer date. APRA may only make a determination if the Treasurer and the Queensland Minister responsible for the administration of the Financial Intermediaries Act 1996 of Queensland have agreed that the Bank should be covered by the Banking Act 1959.

transition period means the period of 18 months starting on the

transfer date.

withdrawable share of a transferring financial institution of a State

or Territory means a withdrawable share within the meaning of the

Financial Institutions Code of the State or Territory as in force

immediately before the transfer date.

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Schedule 4 Transfer of financial institutions and friendly societies

Part 2 Financial institutions that became companies

Division 1 Registration and its consequences

Clause 3

424 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 2—Financial institutions that became


Division 1—Registration and its consequences

3 Background (registration of transferring financial institution as


(1) On the transfer date, each transferring financial institution of a

State or Territory was taken to be registered as a company under

the Corporations Law of the State or Territory under the name

under which the institution was registered under the previous

governing Code immediately before the transfer date.

(2) Subclause 3(2) of the transfer provisions governed the kind of

company the transferring financial institution was registered as.

(3) Under clause 7 of the transfer provisions, ASIC:

(a) gave the company an ACN; and

(b) kept a record of the company’s registration; and

(c) issued a certificate to the company that stated:

(i) the company’s name; and

(ii) the company’s ACN; and

(iii) the company’s type; and

(iv) that the company is registered as a company under the

Corporations Law of the State or Territory.

4 Rules applied to transferring institution that was registered as a

company under the transfer provisions

Application of section 1274 to registration documents

(1) Subsections 1274(2) and (5) apply to the record of the company’s

registration referred to in paragraph 3(3)(b) of this Schedule as if it

were a document lodged with ASIC.

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Financial institutions that became companies Part 2

Registration and its consequences Division 1

Clause 11

Corporations Act 2001 425

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

ASIC may keep documents relating to company lodged while it was

a registered body

(2) ASIC may keep any of the documents relating to the company that

were lodged because the company used to be a registered body.

Application of replaceable rules

(3) The replaceable rules (as described in section 135) do not apply to

the company, despite section 135, unless the company:

(a) repealed its constitution after the transfer date and before the

commencement of this Act; or

(b) repeals its constitution on or after the commencement of this


11 Transferring financial institution under external administration


(1) Clause 11 of the transfer provisions provided that if, immediately

before the transfer date, provisions of Chapter 5 of the

Corporations Law of a State or Territory applied to:

(a) a compromise or arrangement between a transferring

financial institution of the State or Territory and its creditors;


(b) a reconstruction of a transferring financial institution of the

State or Territory; or

(c) a receiver or other controller of property of a transferring

financial institution of the State or Territory; or

(d) the winding-up or dissolution of a transferring financial

institution of the State or Territory;

because of Part 9 of the Financial Institutions Code, or Part 9 of the

Friendly Societies Code, of the State or Territory, those provisions

of Chapter 5 continued to apply to that matter after the transfer


Note: Clause 11 of the transfer provisions also provided that:

(a) a matter referred to in paragraph (1)(a), (b) or (d) included an application or other step preliminary to the matter; and

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Schedule 4 Transfer of financial institutions and friendly societies

Part 2 Financial institutions that became companies

Division 1 Registration and its consequences

Clause 11

426 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(b) any act done before the transfer date under or for the purposes of the provisions of Chapter 5 as applied by the Code were to have effect as if it had been done under or for the purposes of Chapter 5 as it applied after the transfer date.

(2) Clause 11 of the transfer provisions also provided that if, before the

transfer date, a liquidator of a transferring financial institution of a

State or Territory had been appointed under:

(a) section 341 of the Financial Institutions Code of the State or

Territory; or

(b) section 402 of the Friendly Societies Code of the State or


the institution could be wound up in accordance with the

provisions of Chapter 5 of the Corporations Law of the State or


Continuing external administration under Chapter 5 of the

Corporations Act 2001

(3) If, immediately before the commencement of this Act, provisions

of Chapter 5 of the Corporations Law of a State or Territory

applied to:

(a) a compromise or arrangement between a transferring

financial institution of the State or Territory and its creditors;


(b) a reconstruction of a transferring financial institution of the

State or Territory; or

(c) a receiver or other controller of property of a transferring

financial institution of the State or Territory; or

(d) the winding-up or dissolution of a transferring financial

institution of the State or Territory;

because of clause 11 of the transfer provisions, the corresponding

provisions of Chapter 5 of this Act apply (as a law of the

Commonwealth) to that matter after the commencement of this


(4) Subclause (3) does not limit the regulations that may be made

under clause 28.

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

Transfer of financial institutions and friendly societies Schedule 4

Financial institutions that became companies Part 2

Registration and its consequences Division 1

Clause 11

Corporations Act 2001 427

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(5) Any act done:

(a) before the transfer date under or for the purposes of the

provisions of Chapter 5 of the Corporations Law of the State

or Territory as applied by the Code; or

(b) on or after the transfer date and before the commencement of

this Act for the purposes of the provisions of Chapter 5 of the

Corporations Law of the State or Territory as applied by

clause 11 of the transfer provisions;

has effect as if it had been done under or for the purposes of

Chapter 5 of this Act as it applies after the commencement of this


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Schedule 4 Transfer of financial institutions and friendly societies

Part 2 Financial institutions that became companies

Division 2 Membership

Clause 12

428 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 2—Membership

12 Institution that became a company limited by shares


(1) Clause 12 of the transfer provisions applied to a transferring

financial institution of a State or Territory if the institution was

taken to be registered as a company limited by shares under

clause 3 of the transfer provisions.

(2) Clause 12 of the transfer provisions provided that:

(a) any shares in the institution on issue immediately before the

transfer date (other than withdrawable shares) became shares

of the company; and

(b) any withdrawable shares of the institution on issue

immediately before the transfer date became redeemable

preference shares of the company; and

(c) in the case of a building society—each person who was a

member of the society immediately before the transfer date,

other than by virtue of only holding shares in the society, was

taken to have been issued with a membership share on the

transfer date; and

(d) in any case other than that of a building society—any person:

(i) who was a member of the institution immediately before

the transfer date; and

(ii) who did not hold any shares in the institution;

was taken to have been issued with a membership share on

the transfer date.

Joint members of institution that became a company limited by


(3) If a person who was taken to have been issued with a membership

share was a joint member, they hold the membership share jointly

with the other member or members of the joint membership. This

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Transfer of financial institutions and friendly societies Schedule 4

Financial institutions that became companies Part 2

Membership Division 2

Clause 13

Corporations Act 2001 429

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

is so, even if the other member, or another member, held shares in

the institution immediately before the transfer date. However, the

joint membership does not have any more votes because of the

membership share or shares than it had immediately before the

transfer date.

Cancellation shares

(4) A membership share can be cancelled at the option of the holder or

the company in the circumstances (if any):

(a) set out in the company’s constitution; or

(b) in which the member who holds the share could have had

their membership of the institution cancelled immediately

before the transfer date.

Part 2J.1 does not apply to the cancellation of a membership share.

13 Institution that became a company limited by guarantee


(1) Clause 13 of the transfer provisions applied to a transferring

financial institution of a State or Territory if the institution was

taken to be registered as a company limited by guarantee under

clause 3 of the transfer provisions.

(2) Clause 13 of the transfer provisions provided that each person who

was a member of the institution immediately before the transfer

date was taken to have given a guarantee (but only for the purpose

of determining whether the person is a member of the company).


(3) Each person who becomes a member of the company after the

commencement of this Act and before the amount of the relevant

guarantee is determined is taken to have given a guarantee (but

only for the purpose of determining whether the person is a

member of the company).

Note: Someone who became a member after the transfer date and this Act

commences was taken to have given a guarantee by clause 13 of the

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Schedule 4 Transfer of financial institutions and friendly societies

Part 2 Financial institutions that became companies

Division 2 Membership

Clause 14

430 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

transfer provisions. This guarantee is preserved by sections 1373 and


(4) If a person who is taken to have given a guarantee by subclause (2)

is a joint member, they are taken to have given the guarantee

jointly with the other member or members of the joint membership.

However, the joint membership does not have any more votes

because of giving the guarantee or guarantees than it had

immediately before the transfer date.

14 Institution becoming a company limited by shares and guarantee


(1) Clause 14 of the transfer provisions applied to a transferring

financial institution of a State or Territory if the institution was

taken to be registered as a company limited by shares and

guarantee under clause 3 of the transfer provisions.

(2) Clause 14 of the transfer provisions provided that each person who

was a member of the institution immediately before the transfer

date was taken to have given a guarantee (but only for the purpose

of determining whether the person is a member of the company).


(3) Each person who becomes a member of the company after this Act

commences and before the amount of the relevant guarantee is

determined is taken to have given a guarantee (but only for the

purpose of determining whether the person is a member of the


Note: Someone who became a member after the transfer date and this Act

commences was taken to have given a guarantee by clause 13 of the

transfer provisions. This guarantee is preserved by sections 1373 and


(4) If a person who is taken to have given a guarantee by subclause (2)

is a joint member, they are taken to have given the guarantee

jointly with the other member or members of the joint membership.

However, the joint membership does not have any more votes

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Transfer of financial institutions and friendly societies Schedule 4

Financial institutions that became companies Part 2

Membership Division 2

Clause 15

Corporations Act 2001 431

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

because of giving the guarantee or guarantees than it had

immediately before the transfer date.

15 Redeemable preference shares that were withdrawable shares

(1) This Act applies to a redeemable preference share that was a

withdrawable share of a transferring financial institution of a State

or Territory immediately before the transfer date, except that:

(a) the share is redeemable on the same terms that the

withdrawable share was withdrawable under the Financial

Institutions Code of the State or Territory and the

institution’s rules or constitution; and

(b) the holder of the share continues to have the same rights and

obligations that they had by holding the withdrawable share.

(2) The provisions of this Act that apply to redeemable preference

shares apply:

(a) subject to subclause (1), to redeemable preference shares of a

company registered under clause 3 of the transfer provisions;


(b) to redeemable preference shares of a company (other than a

company referred to in paragraph (a)) that is permitted to use

the expression building society, credit union or credit society

under section 66 of the Banking Act 1959;

even if the shares are the only class of shares issued by the


16 Liability of members on winding up

(1) If a transferring financial institution of a State or Territory that was

registered under clause 3 of the transfer provisions is wound up,

each person:

(a) who was a past member of the institution at the time it

became registered; and

(b) who did not again become a member; and

(c) who had not held shares in the institution;

is not liable under Division 2 of Part 5.6 on the winding up.

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Schedule 4 Transfer of financial institutions and friendly societies

Part 2 Financial institutions that became companies

Division 2 Membership

Clause 16

432 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Note: A person who was a past member at the time of registration and who

held shares in the institution may be liable as a past member under

Division 2 of Part 5.6.

(2) If a company that is registered under clause 3 of the transfer

provisions is wound up, a person who is taken to have given a

guarantee by subclause 13(1) or 14(1) of the transfer provisions, or

clause 13 or 14 of this Schedule, is not liable under:

(a) section 515 merely because the person is or was a member

who is taken to have given a guarantee; or

(b) section 517 or paragraph 518(b) merely because the person is

taken to have given a guarantee.

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Transfer of financial institutions and friendly societies Schedule 4

Financial institutions that became companies Part 2

Share capital Division 3

Clause 17

Corporations Act 2001 433

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Division 3—Share capital

17 Share capital

Background (transfer of certain amounts to share capital)

(1) On registration of a transferring financial institution of a State or

Territory as a company under clause 3 of the transfer provisions:

(a) any amount of withdrawable share capital (within the

meaning of the Financial Institutions Code of the State or

Territory); and

(b) any amount standing to the credit of its share premium

account; and

(c) any amount standing to the credit of its capital redemption


immediately before the transfer date became part of the company’s

share capital under clause 17 of the transfer provisions.

Use of amount standing to credit of share premium account

(2) The company may use the amount standing to the credit of its share

premium account immediately before the transfer date (if any) to:

(a) provide for the premium payable on redemption of

debentures or redeemable preference shares issued before the

transfer date; or

(b) write off:

(i) the preliminary expenses of the institution incurred

before the transfer date; or

(ii) expenses incurred, payments made, or discounts

allowed before the transfer date, in respect of any issue

of shares in, or debentures of, the institution.

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Schedule 4 Transfer of financial institutions and friendly societies

Part 2 Financial institutions that became companies

Division 3 Share capital

Clause 18

434 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

18 Application of no par value rule

(1) Section 254C applies to shares issued by a transferring financial

institution of a State or Territory before the transfer date as well as

shares issued on and after that.

(2) In relation to a share issued by the institution before the transfer


(a) the amount paid on the share is the sum of all amounts paid

to the institution at any time for the share (but not including

any premium); and

(b) the amount unpaid on the share is the difference between the

issue price of the share (but not including any premium) and

the amount paid on the share (see paragraph (a)).

19 Calls on partly-paid shares

The liability of a shareholder for calls in respect of money unpaid

on shares issued before the transfer date by a transferring financial

institution of a State or Territory (whether on account of the par

value of the shares or by way of premium) is not affected by the

share ceasing to have a par value.

20 References in contracts and other documents to par value

(1) This clause applies for the purpose of interpreting and applying the

following after the commencement of this Act:

(a) a contract entered into by a transferring financial institution

of a State or Territory before the transfer date (including the

institution’s constitution);

(b) a trust deed or other document executed by or in relation to

the institution before the transfer date.

Note: The interpretation and application of contracts and deeds before this

Act commences was governed by clause 20 of the transfer provisions.

(2) A reference to the par value of a share issued by a transferring

financial institution of a State or Territory is taken to be a reference


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Financial institutions that became companies Part 2

Share capital Division 3

Clause 20

Corporations Act 2001 435

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(a) if the share is issued before the transfer date—the par value

of the share immediately before then; or

(b) if the share is issued on or after the transfer date but shares of

the same class were on issue immediately before then—the

par value that the share would have had if it had been issued

then; or

(c) if the share is issued on or after the transfer date and shares of

the same class were not on issue immediately before then—

the par value determined by the directors.

A reference to share premium is taken to be a reference to any

residual share capital in relation to the share.

(3) A reference to a right to a return of capital on a share issued by the

institution is taken to be a reference to a right to a return of capital

of a value equal to the amount paid in respect of the share’s par


(4) A reference to the aggregate par value of the institution’s issued

share capital is taken to be a reference to that aggregate as it

existed immediately before the transfer date and:

(a) increased to take account of the par value of any shares

issued after then; and

(b) reduced to take account of the par value of any shares

cancelled after then.

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Schedule 4 Transfer of financial institutions and friendly societies

Part 4 The transition period

Clause 25

436 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 4—The transition period

25 ASIC may direct directors of a company to modify its


(1) If a company registered under clause 3 of the transition provisions

has not modified its constitution so that it complies with

subclause 24(1) of the transition provisions by the end of the

transition period, ASIC may direct, in writing, the directors of the

company to:

(a) take the necessary or specified steps to:

(i) ensure that the company modifies its constitution so that

it does comply; or

(ii) ensure that the company makes the modifications to its

constitution that ASIC specifies; and

(b) take those steps within a specified time (which must be more

than 28 days).

A direction may require the directors to take steps that are

inconsistent with the company’s constitution.

(2) ASIC may issue a direction under subclause (1) before the end of

the transition period if requested by a majority of directors of the


(3) No civil or criminal liability arises from action taken by a director

in good faith and in accordance with a direction issued under

subclause (1).

(4) A person contravenes this subclause if, without reasonable excuse,

they contravene a direction under subclause (1).

(5) A person who intentionally or recklessly contravenes a direction

under subclause (1) is guilty of an offence.

Penalty: 2 years imprisonment.

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The transition period Part 4

Clause 27

Corporations Act 2001 437

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

27 When certain modifications of a company’s constitution under an

exemption or declaration take effect

(1) If the constitution of a company registered under clause 3 of the

transition provisions was modified under an exemption or

declaration made under clause 26 of the transition provisions, and

that modification varies or cancels, or allows the variation or

cancellation of:

(a) rights attached to shares in a class of shares; or

(b) rights of members in a class of members;

the following provisions apply, and to the exclusion of

section 246D if it would otherwise apply.

(2) If the company is not required to lodge a copy of the modification

with ASIC by or under any other provision of this Act, the

company must lodge a copy of the modification with ASIC within

14 days of the modification being made.

(3) If:

(a) members in the class do not all agree (whether by resolution

or written consent) to the modification of the company’s

constitution; or

(b) the members in the class did not have an opportunity to vote

on or consent to the modification;

10% or more of the members in the class may apply to the Court to

have the modification set aside.

Note: If a company has only 1 class of shares, all members are members of

the class.

(4) An application may only be made within 1 month after the

modification is lodged.

(5) The modification takes effect:

(a) if no application is made to the Court to have it set aside—1

month after the modification is lodged; or

(b) if an application is made to the Court to have it set aside—

when the application is withdrawn or finally determined.

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Part 4 The transition period

Clause 27

438 Corporations Act 2001

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(6) The members of the class who want to have the modification set

aside may appoint 1 or more of themselves to make the application

on their behalf. The appointment must be in writing.

(7) The Court may set aside the modification if it is satisfied that it

would unfairly prejudice the applicants. However, the Court must

confirm the modification if the Court is not satisfied of unfair


(8) Within 14 days after the Court makes an order, the company must

lodge a copy of it with ASIC.

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Transfer of financial institutions and friendly societies Schedule 4

Disclosure of the proposed demutualisation Part 5

Clause 29

Corporations Act 2001 439

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 5—Disclosure of the proposed demutualisation

29 Disclosure for proposed demutualisation

(1) If:

(a) a modification of the constitution of an unlisted company

registered under clause 3 of the transfer provisions is

proposed; and

(b) the unlisted company is a mutual entity; and

(c) the modification would have the effect that the unlisted

company would cease to be a mutual entity;

the following rules apply:

(f) notice of the meeting of the company’s members at which the

proposed modification is to be considered must be

accompanied by the documents listed in subclause (4);

(g) notice of the meeting may not be shortened under

subsection 249H(2);

(h) the company must lodge with ASIC the notice and the

documents referred to in paragraphs (4)(a) and (c) within 7

days after notice of the meeting is given.

(3) ASIC may exempt a company from this Part under clause 30.

(4) The documents that must accompany the notice are:

(a) a disclosure statement that:

(i) satisfies clause 31; and

(ii) ASIC has registered under clause 32; and

(b) an estimate of the financial benefits (if any) the member will

be offered if the proposed modification occurs; and

(c) a report by an expert that:

(i) states whether, in the expert’s opinion, the proposed

modification is in the best interests of the members of

the company as a whole; and

(ii) gives the expert’s reasons for forming that opinion; and

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Schedule 4 Transfer of financial institutions and friendly societies

Part 5 Disclosure of the proposed demutualisation

Clause 30

440 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(iii) complies with subclauses 33(2) and (3).

(5) If the company contravenes subclause (1) it is not guilty of an


(6) A person contravenes this subclause if they are involved in a

contravention of subclause (1).

Note 1: This subclause is a civil penalty provision.

Note 2: Section 79 defines involved.

(7) A person commits an offence if they are involved in a

contravention of subclause (1) and the involvement is dishonest.


(a) for an individual—5 years imprisonment, 2,000 penalty units,

or both; and

(b) for a body corporate—20,000 penalty units.

(8) In this clause:

reserves includes general reserves and retained earnings of the


unlisted company means a company (registered under clause 3)

that does not have voting shares quoted on a prescribed financial


30 ASIC’s exemption power

(1) If ASIC is satisfied that a company is not a mutual entity, it may

exempt the company from this Part.

(6) The exemption must be in writing and ASIC must publish notice of

it in the Gazette.

31 Coverage of disclosure statement

The disclosure statement must give all the information that

members would reasonably require and expect to be given to make

an informed decision about the proposed modification.

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Disclosure of the proposed demutualisation Part 5

Clause 32

Corporations Act 2001 441

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

32 Registration of disclosure statement

(1) ASIC must register the disclosure statement if satisfied that the

statement adequately sets out or explains the following (if


(a) the variation or cancellation of members’ rights

(b) that the proposed modification will allow the variation or

cancellation of members’ rights

(d) what financial benefits (if any) members will be offered if the

proposed modification occurs and why the benefits are

considered to be appropriate

(e) the basis upon which members’ entitlement to the financial

benefits will be determined, including:

(i) any minimum period of membership that a member

must satisfy to receive benefits; or

(ii) whether members must pay an amount or provide other

value to receive benefits

(f) any preferential allocation of benefits to members, or a class

of members, and how that allocation is to be determined

(g) any benefits officers of the company (including retiring

officers) may receive (whether directly or indirectly) in

connection with the proposed modification

(h) any other proposed changes to the company that are related

to the proposed modification (for example, whether the

company proposes to list its securities for quotation on a

prescribed financial market or merge with another company)

(i) the new name of the company, if the company’s name is to

be changed in connection with the proposed modification, or

that it is not proposed to change the company’s name

(j) the procedural steps required to vary or cancel the members’


(l) how voting on the proposed modification will take place.

(2) In deciding whether the disclosure statement adequately sets out or

explains the matters in subclause (1), ASIC may also have regard


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Schedule 4 Transfer of financial institutions and friendly societies

Part 5 Disclosure of the proposed demutualisation

Clause 33

442 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(a) the readability of the statement; and

(b) whether the statement would be readily comprehensible by

the members of the company concerned.

(3) The disclosure statement must include a statement to the effect that

registration of the disclosure statement:

(a) is on the basis that the statement adequately sets out or

explains the matters in subclause (1); and

(b) does not mean that ASIC has considered whether the

proposed modification is in the best interests of the members

of the company as a whole.

(4) Subclause (1) does not limit clause 31.

33 Expert’s report

(1) If the company obtains 2 or more reports each of which could be

used for the purposes of paragraph 29(4)(c), a copy of each report


(a) be lodged with ASIC; and

(b) be given to each member entitled to receive a disclosure


Penalty: 6 months imprisonment.

(2) The report must be by an expert who is not an associate of the


(3) The report must set out details of:

(a) any relationship between the expert and the company,

including any circumstances in which the expert gives it

advice, or acts on its behalf, in the proper performance of the

functions attaching to the expert’s professional capacity or

business relationship with the company; and

(b) any financial or other interest of the expert that could

reasonably be regarded as being capable of affecting the

expert’s ability to give an unbiased opinion; and

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Disclosure of the proposed demutualisation Part 5

Clause 34

Corporations Act 2001 443

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(c) any fee, payment or other benefit (whether direct or indirect)

that the expert has received or will or may receive in

connection with making the report.

34 Unconscionable conduct in relation to demutualisations

(1) A person must not engage in:

(a) conduct that is, in all the circumstances, unconscionable; or

(b) conduct that is misleading or deceptive or is likely to mislead

or deceive;

in relation to:

(c) a modification of the constitution of an unlisted company that

is a modification to which this Part applies; or

(d) anything done in reliance on, in conjunction with or in

connection with the modification.

(2) In determining whether a person has engaged in conduct that

contravenes paragraph (1)(a), have regard to:

(a) whether the person, or someone acting for the person, exerted

undue influence or pressure on, or used unfair tactics against,

members of the company; and

(b) whether the person, or someone acting for the person,

engaged in conduct that resulted in a member or someone

else gaining, or being in a position to gain, a benefit that the

members generally did not, or would not be in a position to,


This subclause does not limit subclause (1).

(3) A person who contravenes subclause (1) is not guilty of an offence.

35 Orders the Court may make

(1) Without limiting the Court’s powers under Part 9.5, if the Court is

satisfied that a person has engaged in conduct constituting a

contravention of subclause 34(1), the Court may make 1 or more of

the following orders:

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Schedule 4 Transfer of financial institutions and friendly societies

Part 5 Disclosure of the proposed demutualisation

Clause 35

444 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(a) an order requiring the person or a person involved in the

contravention to disclose to the public, to a particular person

or to a particular class of persons, in the manner specified in

the order, specified information, or information of a specified

kind, (being information that is in the possession of the

person to whom the order is directed or to which that person

has access);

(b) an order requiring the person or a person involved in the

contravention to publish, at their own expense, in a manner

and at times specified in the order, advertisements the terms

of which are specified in, or are to be determined in

accordance with, the order;

(c) any order that it thinks necessary or desirable:

(i) to protect the rights or interests of any person affected

by the conduct; or

(ii) to ensure, as far as possible, that a proposed

modification proceeds in the manner in which it would

have proceeded if the conduct had not been engaged in;

(d) without limiting the generality of paragraph (c):

(i) an order prohibiting the exercise of voting or other

rights attached to specified shares; or

(ii) an order directing a company not to make payment, or

to defer making payment, of any amount or amounts

due from the company in respect of specified shares; or

(iii) an order prohibiting the acquisition or disposal of, or of

an interest in, specified shares; or

(iv) an order directing the disposal of, or of an interest in,

specified shares; or

(v) an order directing a company not to register a transfer or

transmission of specified shares; or

(vi) an order that an exercise of the voting or other rights

attached to specified shares be disregarded; or

(vii) an order directing a company not to issue shares to a

person who holds shares in the company, being shares

that were proposed to be issued to the person because

the person holds shares in the company or pursuant to

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Disclosure of the proposed demutualisation Part 5

Clause 35

Corporations Act 2001 445

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

an offer or invitation made or issued to the person

because the person holds shares in the company.

(2) Without limiting the Court’s powers under Part 9.5, if, in a

proceeding, the Court is satisfied that:

(a) a person has engaged in conduct constituting a contravention

of subclause 34(1); and

(b) a member of the company has suffered, or is likely to suffer,

loss or damage because of that conduct;

the Court may make the orders that it thinks are appropriate to

compensate the member (in whole or in part) or to prevent or

reduce the loss or damage, including:

(c) an order directing the person or a person who was involved

in the contravention to refund money or return property to the

member; and

(d) an order directing the person or a person who was involved

in the contravention to pay to the member the amount of the

loss or damage; and

(e) an order listed in paragraph (1)(d).

(3) An application for an order under this clause may be made by

ASIC or a member of the company.

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Schedule 4 Transfer of financial institutions and friendly societies

Part 6 Continued application of fundraising provisions of the Friendly Societies Code

Clause 36

446 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 6—Continued application of fundraising

provisions of the Friendly Societies Code

36 Friendly Societies Code to apply to offers of interests in benefit


(1) The following apply as a law of the Commonwealth as from the

transfer date:

(a) Divisions 2 and 3 of Part 4B of the Friendly Societies Code;

(b) Division 2 of Part 1, and Division 1 of Part 4B, of that Code

to the extent to which they provide for the interpretation of

terms used in the Divisions referred to in paragraph (a);

(c) sections 28, 29 and 128 of that Code to the extent to which

they apply for the purposes of the Divisions referred to in

paragraph (a);

(d) the regulations in force immediately before the transfer date

under Part 4B of that Code to the extent to which they were

made for the purposes of the provisions referred to in

paragraphs (a), (b) and (c);

(e) standards adopted by that Code for the purposes of the

provisions referred to in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c).

(2) The provisions referred to in subclause (1) apply as if:

(a) references in the provisions to a society were references to a

friendly society within the meaning of the Life Insurance Act

1995; and

(b) references to a benefit fund were references to an approved

benefit fund within the meaning of the Life Insurance Act

1995; and

(c) references in the provisions to an SSA were references to

ASIC; and

(d) references in the provisions to lodging a document were

references to lodging the document with ASIC; and

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Continued application of fundraising provisions of the Friendly Societies Code Part 6

Clause 36

Corporations Act 2001 447

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(e) references in the provisions to the Code were references to

this Act; and

(f) references in the provisions to Part 4B of the Code were

references to the provisions applied by this clause; and

(g) references to a penalty of $20,000 were references to a

penalty of 200 penalty units; and

(h) references to a penalty of $5,000 were references to a penalty

of 50 penalty units; and

(i) references to a penalty of $2,500 were references to a penalty

of 30 penalty units; and

(j) references to a penalty of $1,000 were references to a penalty

of 30 penalty units; and

(k) subsection 135(2) of the Friendly Societies Code were

omitted; and

(l) paragraph 137(1)(e) of the Friendly Societies Code were

omitted and replaced with a provision that requires a

disclosure document to contain any other information that

ASIC requires to be included in the document; and

(m) subsection 137(3) of the Friendly Societies Code were

omitted and replaced with a provision that requires each copy

of a disclosure document to:

(i) state that the document has been lodged with ASIC; and

(ii) specify the date of lodgment; and

(iii) state that ASIC takes no responsibility as to the contents

of the document.

(3) If there is an inconsistency between:

(a) the provisions of Division 2 of Part 1, or Division 1 of

Part 4B, of the Friendly Societies Code; and

(b) the provisions of Chapter 1 of this Act;

the provisions of the Code prevail for the purposes of interpreting

the provisions applied by subclause (1).

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Schedule 4 Transfer of financial institutions and friendly societies

Part 7 Transitional provisions

Clause 37

448 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Part 7—Transitional provisions

37 Unclaimed money

(1) On and from the transfer date, section 414 applies to a sum or other

property that, immediately before the transfer date, is covered by

section 414 as applied by:

(a) section 337 of the Financial Institutions Code of a State or

Territory; or

(b) section 399 of the Friendly Societies Code of a State or


(2) On and from the transfer date, section 544 applies to an amount of

money that, immediately before the transfer date, is covered by

section 544 as applied by:

(a) section 342 of the Financial Institutions Code of a State or

Territory; or

(b) section 403 of the Friendly Societies Code of a State or


(3) Sections 414 and 544, as applied by this clause, apply as if:

(a) references to Part 9.7 were references to the unclaimed

money law of the State or Territory; and

(b) references to the Commission or ASIC were references to the

Minister administering the unclaimed money law of the State

or Territory.

(4) In this clause:

unclaimed money law means:

(a) the Unclaimed Money Act 1995 of New South Wales; or

(b) the Unclaimed Moneys Act 1962 of Victoria; or

(c) Part 8 of the Public Trustee Act 1978 of Queensland; or

(d) the Unclaimed Money Act 1990 of Western Australia; or

(e) the Unclaimed Moneys Act 1891 of South Australia; or

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Transitional provisions Part 7

Clause 38

Corporations Act 2001 449

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(f) the Unclaimed Moneys Act 1918 of Tasmania; or

(g) the Unclaimed Moneys Act 1950 of the Australian Capital

Territory; or

(h) the Companies (Unclaimed Assets and Moneys) Act of the

Northern Territory.

38 Modification by regulations

(1) The regulations may modify the operation of this Act (including

the provisions applied by clause 36) in relation to:

(a) a company registered under clause 3; or

(b) a company that is permitted to use the expression building

society, credit union or credit society under section 66 of the

Banking Act 1959; or

(c) a company that is a friendly society for the purposes of the

Life Insurance Act 1995; or

(d) a specified class of any of those companies.

(2) Regulations made for the purposes of this clause may only modify

this Act in relation to the following matters:

(a) issuing, cancelling or redeeming membership shares or

redeemable preference shares;

(b) inspection of the register of members required by

section 169;

(c) giving notice of a meeting of a company’s members;

(d) members’ rights to request the directors to hold a general

meeting or to move a resolution at a general meeting;

(e) issuing share certificates for membership shares or

redeemable preference shares, or numbering those shares;

(f) the publication of the names and addresses of members in the

annual return;

(g) the report to members required by section 314;

(h) disposing of securities in a company if the whereabouts of

the holder of the securities is unknown as described in

section 1343;

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Part 7 Transitional provisions

Clause 39

450 Corporations Act 2001

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(i) the treatment of members who hold shares jointly or who

have jointly given a guarantee;

(j) selective buy-backs.

(3) Regulations made for the purposes of this clause may not:

(a) create an offence with a penalty greater than 10 penalty units;


(b) increase the penalty for an existing offence; or

(c) substitute for an existing offence an offence with a penalty

greater than the penalty for the existing offence; or

(d) modify an obligation, contravention of which will result in

committing an offence, so as to make it more difficult to

comply with.

39 Regulations may deal with transitional, saving or application


(1) The regulations may deal with matters of a transitional, saving or

application nature relating to:

(a) the transfer of the registration of transferring financial

institutions to this Act; or

(b) the amendments made by Schedule 3 to the Financial Sector

Reform (Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Act

(No. 1) 1999.

(2) Without limiting subclause (1), the regulations may provide for a

matter to be dealt with, wholly or partly, in any of the following


(a) by applying (with or without modifications) to the matter:

(i) provisions of a law of the Commonwealth, or of a State

or Territory; or

(ii) provisions of a repealed or amended law of the

Commonwealth, or of a State or Territory, in the form

that those provisions took before the repeal or

amendment; or

(iii) a combination of provisions referred to in

subparagraphs (i) and (ii);

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Transfer of financial institutions and friendly societies Schedule 4

Transitional provisions Part 7

Clause 39

Corporations Act 2001 451

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

(b) by otherwise specifying rules for dealing with the matter;

(c) by specifying a particular consequence of the matter, or of an

outcome of the matter, for the purposes of this Act.

(3) Without limiting subclause (1) or (2), the regulations may provide

for the continued effect, for the purposes of this Act, of a thing

done or instrument made, or a class of things done or instruments

made, before the transfer date under or for the purposes of a

provision of a previous governing Code of a transferring financial

institution of a State or Territory. In the case of an instrument, or

class of instruments, the regulations may provide for the instrument

or instruments to continue to have effect subject to modifications.

(4) Without limiting subclause (3), regulations providing for the

continued effect of things done or instruments made may permit all

or any of the following matters to be determined in writing by a

specified person, or by a person in a specified class of persons:

(a) the identification of a thing done or instrument made, or a

class of them, that is to continue to have effect;

(b) the purpose for which a thing done or instrument made, or a

class of them, is to continue to have effect;

(c) any modifications subject to which an instrument made, or a

class of instruments made, is to continue to have effect.

(5) Without limiting subclause (1) or (2), the regulations may provide

for the application of Chapter 5 of this Act or a similar law about

external administration (in whole or in part and with or without

modification) to a transferring financial institution of a State or

Territory if, immediately before the transfer date:

(a) the institution is under external administration (however

described); and

(b) the provisions of Chapter 5 are not already applied to it, or in

relation to it, by a law of the State or Territory.

(6) In this clause, a reference to a law, whether of the Commonwealth

or of a State or Territory, includes a reference to an instrument

made under such a law.

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Endnote 1—About the endnotes

452 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19


Endnote 1—About the endnotes

The endnotes provide information about this compilation and the compiled law.

The following endnotes are included in every compilation:

Endnote 1—About the endnotes

Endnote 2—Abbreviation key

Endnote 3—Legislation history

Endnote 4—Amendment history

Abbreviation key—Endnote 2

The abbreviation key sets out abbreviations that may be used in the endnotes.

Legislation history and amendment history—Endnotes 3 and 4

Amending laws are annotated in the legislation history and amendment history.

The legislation history in endnote 3 provides information about each law that

has amended (or will amend) the compiled law. The information includes

commencement details for amending laws and details of any application, saving

or transitional provisions that are not included in this compilation.

The amendment history in endnote 4 provides information about amendments at

the provision (generally section or equivalent) level. It also includes information

about any provision of the compiled law that has been repealed in accordance

with a provision of the law.

Editorial changes

The Legislation Act 2003 authorises First Parliamentary Counsel to make

editorial and presentational changes to a compiled law in preparing a

compilation of the law for registration. The changes must not change the effect

of the law. Editorial changes take effect from the compilation registration date.

If the compilation includes editorial changes, the endnotes include a brief

outline of the changes in general terms. Full details of any changes can be

obtained from the Office of Parliamentary Counsel.

Misdescribed amendments

A misdescribed amendment is an amendment that does not accurately describe

the amendment to be made. If, despite the misdescription, the amendment can

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Endnote 1—About the endnotes

Corporations Act 2001 453

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

be given effect as intended, the amendment is incorporated into the compiled

law and the abbreviation “(md)” added to the details of the amendment included

in the amendment history.

If a misdescribed amendment cannot be given effect as intended, the

abbreviation “(md not incorp)” is added to the details of the amendment

included in the amendment history.

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Endnote 2—Abbreviation key

454 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Endnote 2—Abbreviation key

ad = added or inserted o = order(s)

am = amended Ord = Ordinance

amdt = amendment orig = original

c = clause(s) par = paragraph(s)/subparagraph(s)

C[x] = Compilation No. x /sub-subparagraph(s)

Ch = Chapter(s) pres = present

def = definition(s) prev = previous

Dict = Dictionary (prev…) = previously

disallowed = disallowed by Parliament Pt = Part(s)

Div = Division(s) r = regulation(s)/rule(s)

ed = editorial change reloc = relocated

exp = expires/expired or ceases/ceased to have renum = renumbered

effect rep = repealed

F = Federal Register of Legislation rs = repealed and substituted

gaz = gazette s = section(s)/subsection(s)

LA = Legislation Act 2003 Sch = Schedule(s)

LIA = Legislative Instruments Act 2003 Sdiv = Subdivision(s)

(md) = misdescribed amendment can be given SLI = Select Legislative Instrument

effect SR = Statutory Rules

(md not incorp) = misdescribed amendment Sub-Ch = Sub-Chapter(s)

cannot be given effect SubPt = Subpart(s)

mod = modified/modification underlining = whole or part not

No. = Number(s) commenced or to be commenced

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Endnote 3—Legislation history

Corporations Act 2001 455

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Endnote 3—Legislation history

Act Number

and year

Assent Commencement Application,

saving and



Corporations Act 2001 50, 2001 28 June


15 July 2001 (s 2 and

gaz 2001, No S285)

Corporations (Repeals,

Consequentials and

Transitionals) Act 2001

55, 2001 28 June


s 4–14, Sch 2 (items 12–

16) and Sch 6: 15 July

2001 (s 2(1) items 1, 2,


s 4–14

as amended by

Statute Law Revision

Act 2006

9, 2006 23 Mar


Sch 2 (items 11–13):

15 July 2001 (s 2(1)

item 28)

Treasury Legislation


(Application of Criminal

Code) Act (No. 3) 2001

117, 2001 18 Sept


s 4 and Sch 1 (items 1–

178, 183–188, 191–306):

15 Dec 2001 (s 2(1))

Sch 1 (items 179–182,

189, 190): 18 Sept 2001

(s 2(3))

s 4

as amended by

Treasury Legislation


(Application of

Criminal Code) Act

(No. 2) 2001

146, 2001 1 Oct 2001 Sch 5 (item 10): 15 Dec

2001 (s 2(1))

General Insurance

Reform Act 2001

119, 2001 19 Sept


Sch 3 (items 8–10):

1 July 2002 (s 2(2))

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Endnote 3—Legislation history

456 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Act Number

and year

Assent Commencement Application,

saving and



Financial Services

Reform Act 2001

122, 2001 27 Sept


Sch 1 (items 1, 138–

459), Sch 2 and Sch 3

(items 28–30): 11 Mar

2002 (s 2(2) and gaz

2001, No GN42)

Sch 3 (items 1–27):

27 Sept 2001 (s 2(1)(b),


as amended by

Treasury Legislation


(Application of

Criminal Code) Act

(No. 2) 2001

146, 2001 1 Oct 2001 Sch 5 (items 6–8):

15 Dec 2001 (s 2(1))

Statute Law Revision

Act 2005

100, 2005 6 July 2005 Sch 2 (item 13): 11 Mar

2002 (s 2(1) item 33)

Financial Services

Reform (Consequential

Provisions) Act 2001

123, 2001 27 Sept


Sch 1 (items 219–222):

15 July 2001 (s 2(4))

Sch 1 (items 223, 224):

27 Sept 2001 (s 2(2))

Treasury Legislation


(Application of Criminal

Code) Act (No. 2) 2001

146, 2001 1 Oct 2001 s 4 and Sch 5 (items 4,

5): 15 Dec 2001 (s 2(1))

Sch 5 (item 3): 11 Mar

2002 (s 2(3))

s 4

Financial Services

Reform (Consequential

Provisions) Act 2002

29, 2002 5 Apr 2002 Sch 2: 11 Mar 2002

(s 2(1) items 3–5)

as amended by

Statute Law Revision

Act 2005

100, 2005 6 July 2005 Sch 2 (item 16): 11 Mar

2002 (s 2(1) item 35)

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Endnote 3—Legislation history

Corporations Act 2001 457

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Act Number

and year

Assent Commencement Application,

saving and



Corporations Legislation

Amendment Act 2003

24, 2003 11 Apr


Sch 1–4: 1 July 2003

(s 2(1) items 2–4)

Sch 5 (items 3, 7–9):

11 Apr 2003 (s 2(1)

items 5, 7)

Sch 5 (items 4–6):

15 July 2001 (s 2(1)

item 6)


Amendment (Repayment

of Directors’ Bonuses)

Act 2003

25, 2003 11 Apr


11 Apr 2003 (s 2) —

Crimes Legislation

Enhancement Act 2003

41, 2003 3 June 2003 Sch 2 (items 1D–1F):

1 Jan 2003 (s 2(1)

item 5B)

Financial Sector

Legislation Amendment

Act (No. 1) 2003

116, 2003 27 Nov


Sch 3: 28 Nov 2003

(s 2(1) item 4)

Legislative Instruments

(Transitional Provisions

and Consequential

Amendments) Act 2003

140, 2003 17 Dec


s 4 and Sch 1 (item 15):

1 Jan 2005 (s 2(1)

items 2, 3)

s 4

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Endnote 3—Legislation history

458 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Act Number

and year

Assent Commencement Application,

saving and



Financial Services

Reform Amendment Act


141, 2003 17 Dec


Sch 1: 14 Jan 2004

(s 2(1) item 2)

Sch 2 (items 1A, 114):

17 Dec 2003 (s 2(1)

item 1)

Sch 2 (items 1–46C, 47–

72, 73–87, 89–113),

Sch 3 and 4: 18 Dec

2003 (s 2(1) items 3, 3B,

3D, 5, 5A, 6–8)

Sch 2 (items 46D–46F,

72A, 88, 88A): 1 July

2004 (s 2(1) items 3A,

3C, 4, 4A)

Bankruptcy Legislation

Amendment Act 2004

80, 2004 23 June


Sch 1 (items 191A–

191D, 212, 213, 215):

1 Dec 2004 (s 2(1)

item 2 and gaz 2004, No


Sch 1 (items 212,

213, 215)

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Endnote 3—Legislation history

Corporations Act 2001 459

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Act Number

and year

Assent Commencement Application,

saving and



Corporate Law

Economic Reform

Program (Audit Reform

and Corporate

Disclosure) Act 2004

103, 2004 30 June


Sch 1 (items 37–129,

176–178), Sch 2

(items 1–9, 17–19),

Sch 2A, Sch 4–8, Sch 9

(items 7–88) and Sch 11

(items 3–14) : 1 July

2004 (s 2(1) items 2, 2A,

2D, 4–11, 13)

Sch 2 (items 12–16) and

Sch 10 and 11A: 1 Jan

2005 (s 2(1) items 2B,

12, 13A)

Sch 3 (items 3, 4):

26 July 2004 (s 2(1)

item 3 and gaz 2004, No


Sch 12 (item 2): 30 June

2004 (s 2(1) item 14)

Treasury Legislation


(Professional Standards)

Act 2004

118, 2004 13 July


Sch 1 (items 4–8):

13 July 2004 (s 2)

Financial Framework

Legislation Amendment

Act 2005

8, 2005 22 Feb


s 4 and Sch 1 (items 120,

121, 496): 22 Feb 2005

(s 2(1) items 1, 2, 10)

s 4 and Sch 1

(item 496)


Amendment Act (No. 1)


138, 2005 18 Nov


Sch 2: 30 June 2004

(s 2(1) item 3)

Remainder: 18 Nov 2005

(s 2(1) items 1, 2)

Offshore Petroleum

(Repeals and


Amendments) Act 2006

17, 2006 29 Mar


Sch 2 (item 13): 1 July

2008 (s 2(1) item 2)

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Endnote 3—Legislation history

460 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Act Number

and year

Assent Commencement Application,

saving and



Tax Laws Amendment

(Repeal of Inoperative

Provisions) Act 2006

101, 2006 14 Sept


Sch 2 (items 29–35) and

Sch 6 (items 1, 6–11):

14 Sept 2006 (s 2(1)

items 2, 4)

Sch 6 (items 1, 6–



Amendment (Aboriginal

and Torres Strait

Islander Corporations)

Act 2006

126, 2006 4 Nov 2006 Sch 1: 1 July 2007

(s 2(1) item 2)

Trade Practices

Legislation Amendment

Act (No. 1) 2006

131, 2006 6 Nov 2006 Sch 9 (items 16–19, 21):

1 Jan 2007 (s 2(1)

item 3)

Sch 9 (item 21)

Anti-Money Laundering

and Counter-Terrorism

Financing (Transitional

Provisions and


Amendments) Act 2006

170, 2006 12 Dec


Sch 1 (item 18): 13 Dec

2006 (s 2(1) item 4)

Australian Securities and



Amendment (Audit

Inspection) Act 2007

1, 2007 19 Feb


Sch 1 (item 17): 20 Feb

2007 (s 2(1) item 2)

Sch 2: 1 July 2004

(s 2(1) item 3)

Private Health Insurance

(Transitional Provisions

and Consequential

Amendments) Act 2007

32, 2007 30 Mar


Sch 2 (item 8B): 1 Apr

2007 (s 2(1) item 7)


Amendment (Takeovers)

Act 2007

64, 2007 15 Apr


Sch 1: 13 May 2007

(s 2(1) item 2)

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Endnote 3—Legislation history

Corporations Act 2001 461

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Act Number

and year

Assent Commencement Application,

saving and



Governance Review


(Treasury Portfolio

Agencies) Act 2007

74, 2007 5 June 2007 Sch 1 (items 13–39) and

Sch 2 (items 1–9, 20):

1 July 2007 (s 2(1)

item 2)

Sch 2 (items 1–9,


Corporations (NZ Closer

Economic Relations) and

Other Legislation

Amendment Act 2007

85, 2007 21 June


Sch 1 (items 1–19, 21,

22): 21 Dec 2007 (s 2(1)

items 2, 3, 5)

Sch 1 (item 20): never

commenced 2007 (s 2(1)

item 4)

Sch 2: 1 Sept 2007

(s 2(1) item 6)

Corporations Legislation

Amendment (Simpler

Regulatory System) Act


101, 2007 28 June


Sch 1 (items 1–175,

227–246): 28 June 2007

(s 2(1) items 2, 7)

Sch 1 (items 188–197):

1 July 2007 (s 2(1)

item 3)

Sch 1 (items 198–215,

221): 1 Sept 2007 (s 2(1)

item 4)

Sch 1 (items 216–220):

28 Dec 2007 (s 2(1)

item 4)

Sch 1 (item 223): 1 July

2008 (s 2(1) item 5)

Sch 1 (items 224–226):

1 Jan 2009 (s 2(1)

item 6)

Sch 1 (items 227–


as amended by

Statute Law Revision

Act 2008

73, 2008 3 July 2008 Sch 2 (items 3, 4):

28 June 2007 (s 2(1)

(items 46, 47)

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Endnote 3—Legislation history

462 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Act Number

and year

Assent Commencement Application,

saving and





(Insolvency) Act 2007

132, 2007 20 Aug


Sch 1 (items 1–10, 16–

48, 51–120, 122–133),

Sch 2 (items 2–10, 12),

Sch 3, 4, Sch 5 (items 3–

15) and Sch 6: 31 Dec

2007 (s 2(1) items 2, 4,

6, 7, 9, 10)

Sch 1 (items 49, 50, 121)

and Sch 2 (item 11):

1 July 2008 (s 2(1)

items 3, 8)

Financial Sector

Legislation Amendment

(Discretionary Mutual

Funds and Direct

Offshore Foreign

Insurers) Act 2007

149, 2007 24 Sept


Sch 2 (items 1, 2): 1 July

2008 (s 2(1) item 2)

Sch 3: 22 Oct 2007

(s 2(1) item 3)

Financial Sector

Legislation Amendment

(Simplifying Regulation

and Review) Act 2007

154, 2007 24 Sept


Sch 1 (items 52, 296)

and Sch 4 (items 16–30):

24 Sept 2007 (s 2(1)

item 2, 6, 7)

Sch 1 (items 167–172):

1 Jan 2008 (s 2(1)

item 3)

Sch 1 (item 296)

First Home Saver

Accounts (Consequential

Amendments) Act 2008

45, 2008 25 June


Sch 2 (items 3–14):

26 June 2008 (s 2)

Private Health Insurance

Legislation Amendment

Act 2008

54, 2008 25 June


Sch 1 (item 3): 25 June

2008 (s 2)

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Endnote 3—Legislation history

Corporations Act 2001 463

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Act Number

and year

Assent Commencement Application,

saving and



Financial System

Legislation Amendment

(Financial Claims

Scheme and Other

Measures) Act 2008

105, 2008 17 Oct


Sch 1 (items 54, 62) and

Sch 3 (items 27–31):

18 Oct 2008 (s 2(1)

items 2, 3)

Sch 1 (item 62)

and Sch 3

(item 31)

Offshore Petroleum


(Greenhouse Gas

Storage) Act 2008

117, 2008 21 Nov


Sch 3 (item 5): 22 Nov

2008 (s 2(1) item 4)

Same-Sex Relationships

(Equal Treatment in

Commonwealth Laws—

General Law Reform)

Act 2008

144, 2008 9 Dec 2008 Sch 14 (items 130–150):

10 Dec 2008 (s 2(1)

item 36)


Amendment (Short

Selling) Act 2008

146, 2008 11 Dec


Sch 2: 8 Jan 2009 (s 2(1)

item 3)

Sch 3: 11 Dec 2009

(s 2(1) item 4)

Remainder: 11 Dec 2008

(s 2(1) items 1, 2)


Amendment (No. 1) Act


9, 2009 25 Feb


25 Feb 2009 (s 2) —

Fair Work (State

Referral and

Consequential and Other

Amendments) Act 2009

54, 2009 25 June


Sch 18 (items 2, 3):

1 July 2009 (s 2(1)

item 41)

Financial Sector

Legislation Amendment

(Enhancing Supervision

and Enforcement) Act


75, 2009 27 Aug


Sch 1 (items 195–199):

27 Feb 2010 (s 2(1)

item 2)

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Endnote 3—Legislation history

464 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Act Number

and year

Assent Commencement Application,

saving and



Corporations Legislation

Amendment (Financial

Services Modernisation)

Act 2009

108, 2009 6 Nov 2009 Sch 1 and Sch 3

(items 2, 3): 1 Jan 2010

(s 2(1) items 2, 5)

Sch 2 (items 4–28):

6 May 2010 (s 2(1)

item 3)

Sch 3 (item 1), Sch 4 and

Sch 5: 6 Nov 2009

(s 2(1) items 4, 6, 7)

Tax Agent Services

(Transitional Provisions

and Consequential

Amendments) Act 2009

114, 2009 16 Nov


Sch 1 (item 2) and Sch 2:

1 Mar 2010 (s 2(1)

items 2, 4)

Sch 2


Amendment (Improving

Accountability on

Termination Payments)

Act 2009

115, 2009 23 Nov


Sch 1: 24 Nov 2009

(s 2(1) items 2–4)

Sch 1 (item 43)

National Consumer

Credit Protection

(Transitional and


Provisions) Act 2009

135, 2009 15 Dec


Sch 3 (items 2, 3): 1 Apr

2010 (s 2(1) item 4)

Crimes Legislation

Amendment (Serious

and Organised Crime)

Act (No. 2) 2010

4, 2010 19 Feb


Sch 10 (item 6): 20 Feb

2010 (s 2(1) item 13)


Amendment (Financial

Market Supervision) Act


26, 2010 25 Mar


Sch 1: 1 Aug 2010

(s 2(1) item 2)

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Endnote 3—Legislation history

Corporations Act 2001 465

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Act Number

and year

Assent Commencement Application,

saving and



as amended by



(Corporate Reporting

Reform) Act 2010

66, 2010 28 June


Sch 1 (item 53): 28 June

2010 (s 2(1) item 3)

Trade Practices

Amendment (Australian

Consumer Law) Act

(No. 1) 2010

44, 2010 14 Apr


Sch 3 (items 15–17):

15 Apr 2010 (s 2(1)

item 9)


Amendment (Corporate

Reporting Reform) Act


66, 2010 28 June


Sch 1 (items 1–52):

28 June 2010 (s 2(1)

items 2, 3)

Sch 1 (item 54): never

commenced (s 2(1)

item 4)

Tax Laws Amendment

(Transfer of Provisions)

Act 2010

79, 2010 29 June


Sch 1 (item 13): 1 July

2010 (s 2(1) item 2)

Personal Property

Securities (Corporations

and Other Amendments)

Act 2010

96, 2010 6 July 2010 Sch 1 (items 1–185,

187): 30 Jan 2012 (s 2(1)

items 2, 4)

Sch 1 (item 186): 6 July

2010 (s 2(1) item 3)

as amended by

Statute Law Revision

Act 2013

103, 2013 29 June


Sch 2 (item 10): 29 June

2013 (s 2(1) item 3)

Trade Practices

Amendment (Australian

Consumer Law) Act

(No. 2) 2010

103, 2010 13 July


Sch 3 (items 33–36):

1 Jan 2011 (s 2(1)

item 2)


Amendment (No. 1) Act


131, 2010 24 Nov


Sch 1 (items 4–20):

13 Dec 2010 (s 2(1)

item 2)

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Endnote 3—Legislation history

466 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Act Number

and year

Assent Commencement Application,

saving and




Amendment (Sons of

Gwalia) Act 2010

150, 2010 17 Dec


Sch 1: 18 Dec 2010

(s 2(1) item 2)

Sch 1 (item 4)

Statute Law Revision

Act 2011

5, 2011 22 Mar


Sch 1 (items 15–53):

22 Mar 2011 (s 2(1)

item 2)

Corporations and Other

Legislation Amendment

(Trustee Companies and

Other Measures) Act


24, 2011 12 Apr


Sch 1 (items 3–7, 9–11):

13 Apr 2011 (s 2(1)

items 2, 4)

Sch 1 (items 8, 13–36):

10 May 2011 (s 2(1)

items 3, 6)

Sch 1 (item 12): 6 May

2010 (s 2(1) item 5)

Personal Property

Securities (Corporations

and Other Amendments)

Act 2011

35, 2011 26 May


Sch 1: 30 Jan 2012

(s 2(1) item 2)


Amendment (Improving

Accountability on

Director and Executive

Remuneration) Act 2011

42, 2011 27 June


1 July 2011 (s 2) —

Carbon Credits


Amendments) Act 2011

102, 2011 15 Sept


Sch 1 (items 9–11):

8 Dec 2011 (s 2(1)

item 2)

Business Names


(Transitional and


Provisions) Act 2011

127, 2011 3 Nov 2011 Sch 2 (items 14–20):

20 Apr 2012 (s 2(1)

item 4)

Act No 172, 2011

(Sch 1 item 4)

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Endnote 3—Legislation history

Corporations Act 2001 467

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Act Number

and year

Assent Commencement Application,

saving and



Clean Energy


Amendments) Act 2011

132, 2011 18 Nov


Sch 1 (items 259, 260):

1 July 2012 (s 2(1)

item 3)


Amendment (Phoenixing

and Other Measures) Act


48, 2012 26 May


Sch 1 and 2: 1 July 2012

(s 2(1) item 2)


Amendment (Future of

Financial Advice) Act


67, 2012 27 June


Sch 1: 1 July 2012

(s 2(1) item 2)


Amendment (Further

Future of Financial

Advice Measures) Act


68, 2012 27 June


Sch 1: 1 July 2012

(s 2(1) item 2)

as amended by

Statute Law Revision

Act 2013

103, 2013 29 June


Sch 2 (item 6): 1 July

2012 (s 2(1) item 7)

Corporations Legislation

Amendment (Audit

Enhancement) Act 2012

72, 2012 27 June


Sch 1: 25 July 2012

(s 2(1) item 2)


Amendment (Proxy

Voting) Act 2012

73, 2012 27 June


28 June 2012 (s 2) —

Tax Laws Amendment

(2012 Measures No. 2)

Act 2012

99, 2012 29 June


Sch 1 (items 24–34, 47):

30 June 2012 (s 2(1)

item 4)

Sch 1 (item 47)

Corporations Legislation

Amendment (Financial

Reporting Panel) Act


118, 2012 12 Sept


Sch 1 (items 3–6, 8):

1 Oct 2012 (s 2(1)

item 2)

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Endnote 3—Legislation history

468 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Act Number

and year

Assent Commencement Application,

saving and




Government Securities

Legislation Amendment

(Retail Trading) Act


155, 2012 17 Nov


Sch 1 (items 8–17):

18 Nov 2012 (s 2)


Legislation Amendment

(MySuper Core

Provisions) Act 2012

162, 2012 28 Nov


Sch 1 (item 1A): 28 Nov

2012 (s 2(1) item 1A)

Australian Charities and



(Consequential and

Transitional) Act 2012

169, 2012 3 Dec 2012 Sch 2 (items 135–137)

and Sch 3 (item 24):

3 Dec 2012 (s 2(1)

items 3, 10)

Sch 3 (items 25–32):

1 July 2013 (s 2(1)

item 11)

Sch 3 (item 29)


Legislation Amendment

(Further MySuper and

Transparency Measures)

Act 2012

171, 2012 3 Dec 2012 Sch 3 (items 5–23):

1 July 2013 (s 2(1)

item 16)

Treasury Legislation

Amendment (Unclaimed

Money and Other

Measures) Act 2012

176, 2012 4 Dec 2012 Sch 5 (items 2–8): 5 Dec

2012 (s 2(1) item 11)

Corporations Legislation

Amendment (Derivative

Transactions) Act 2012

178, 2012 6 Dec 2012 Sch 1 (items 1–43):

3 Jan 2013 (s 2(1)

item 2)

as amended by

Statute Law Revision

Act 2013

103, 2013 29 June


Sch 2 (item 7): 3 Jan

2013 (s 2(1) item 8)

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 3—Legislation history

Corporations Act 2001 469

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Act Number

and year

Assent Commencement Application,

saving and



Personal Liability for

Corporate Fault Reform

Act 2012

180, 2012 10 Dec


Sch 1 and 7: 11 Dec

2012 (s 2)

Sch 7

Corporations and

Financial Sector

Legislation Amendment

Act 2013

59, 2013 21 June


Sch 1 (items 10–15, 39–

41): 19 July 2013 (s 2(1)

item 2)


Legislation Amendment

(Service Providers and

Other Governance

Measures) Act 2013

61, 2013 26 June


Sch 1 (items 1–3, 9,

10A–10E, 11, 12A):

1 July 2013 (s 2(1)

items 2, 5, 6A, 7, 8A)

Sch 1 (items 4–6): 1 July

2015 (s 2(1) item 3)

Sch (items 7, 8, 12):

27 June 2013 (s 2(1)

items 4, 8)

Sch 1 (item 10): 28 Nov

2012 (s 2(1) item 6)

Clean Energy

Legislation (Carbon Tax

Repeal) Act 2014

83, 2014 17 July


Sch 1 (items 105–107):

1 July 2014 (s 2(1)

item 2)


Amendment (Simple

Corporate Bonds and

Other Measures) Act


100, 2014 11 Sept


19 Dec 2014 (s 2(1)

item 2)

Corporations Legislation


(Deregulatory and Other

Measures) Act 2015

19, 2015 19 Mar


Sch 1: 19 Mar 2015 (s 2) —

Public Governance and

Resources Legislation

Amendment Act (No. 1)


36, 2015 13 Apr


Sch 5 (items 32–36, 74–

77) and Sch 7: 14 Apr

2015 (s 2)

Sch 5 (items 74–

77) and Sch 7

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 3—Legislation history

470 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Act Number

and year

Assent Commencement Application,

saving and



as amended by

Acts and Instruments

(Framework Reform)


Provisions) Act 2015

126, 2015 10 Sept


Sch 1 (item 486):

5 March 2016 (s 2(1)

item 2)

Tax and Superannuation

Laws Amendment (2015

Measures No. 1) Act


70, 2015 25 June


Sch 1 (items 27–38,

195–205): 1 July 2015

(s 2(1) items 3, 6)

Sch 1 (items 195–


Insolvency Law Reform

Act 2016

11, 2016 29 Feb


Sch 2 (items 1, 2, 63–93,

95–265, 322) and Sch 3

(items 1–3, 5–35): 1 Mar

2017 (s 2(1) items 3, 5,

7, 8)

Sch 2 (item 94): awaiting

commencement (s 2(1)

item 4)


Amendment (Financial

Advice Measures) Act


22, 2016 18 Mar


Sch 1: 19 Mar 2016

(s 2(1) item 2)


Amendment (Auditor

Registration) Act 2016

58, 2016 23 Sept


Sch 1: 24 Sept 2016 (s

2(1) item 1)


Amendment (Life

Insurance Remuneration

Arrangements) Act 2017

6, 2017 22 Feb


Sch 1: 1 Jan 2018 (s 2(1)

item 2)



(Professional Standards

of Financial Advisers)

Act 2017

7, 2017 22 Feb


Sch 1 (items 1–20, 27):

15 Mar 2017 (s 2(1)

item 1)

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 3—Legislation history

Corporations Act 2001 471

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Act Number

and year

Assent Commencement Application,

saving and






Funding) Act 2017

17, 2017 28 Mar


Sch 1 (items 1–34) and

Sch 2: 28 Sept 2017 (s

2(1) item 2)

Sch 3: 29 Mar 2017

(s 2(1) item 3)

Sch 3 (items 2, 5)

Treasury Laws

Amendment (2016

Measures No. 1) Act


25, 2017 4 Apr 2017 Sch 2: 5 Apr 2017 (s

2(1) item 3)

Sch 5: 4 Apr 2018 (s

2(1) item 7)

as amended by

Treasury Laws

Amendment (2017

Measures No. 5) Act


27, 2018 11 Apr


Sch 1 (item 32): 4 Apr

2018 (s 2(1) item 3)

ASIC Supervisory Cost

Recovery Levy


Amendments) Act 2017

45, 2017 19 June


Sch 1 (items 3–19, 29):

1 July 2017 (s 2(1)

item 1)

Sch 1 (item 29)

Treasury Laws

Amendment (2017

Measures No. 2) Act


55, 2017 22 June


Sch 2 (items 3–8):

22 June 2017 (s 2(1)

item 8)

Treasury Laws

Amendment (2017

Measures No. 3) Act


75, 2017 26 June


Sch 1 (items 8–11):

15 July 2001 (s 2(1)

item 1)

Treasury Laws

Amendment (2017

Enterprise Incentives

No. 2) Act 2017

112, 2017 18 Sept


Sch 1 (items 1–6): 19

Sept 2017 (s 2(1) item 2)

Sch 1 (items 7–14, 17):

1 July 2018 (s 2(1)

item 3)

Sch 1 (item 6) and

Sch 1 (item 17)

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 3—Legislation history

472 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Act Number

and year

Assent Commencement Application,

saving and



Financial Sector

Legislation Amendment

(Crisis Resolution

Powers and Other

Measures) Act 2018

10, 2018 5 Mar 2018 Sch 7 (items 1–3): 5 Mar

2018 (s 2(1) item 2)

Treasury Laws

Amendment (Putting

Consumers First—

Establishment of the

Australian Financial

Complaints Authority)

Act 2018

13, 2018 5 Mar 2018 s 4: 5 Mar 2018 (s 2(1)

item 1)

Sch 1 (items 1–3, 32, 33,

44, 59–62, 72) and Sch 2

(items 2–4): 6 Mar 2018

(s 2(1) items 2, 3, 5–7)

s 4 and Sch 1

(items 44, 72)

Treasury Laws

Amendment (2018

Measures No. 1) Act


23, 2018 29 Mar


Sch 1 (items 33–50, 75–

79): 30 Mar 2018 (s 2(1)

items 6, 9)

Sch 1 (items 75–


Treasury Laws

Amendment (2017

Measures No. 5) Act


27, 2018 11 Apr


Sch 1 (items 1–31): 12

Apr 2018 (s 2(1) item 2)


Amendment (Asia

Region Funds Passport)

Act 2018

61, 2018 29 June


Sch 1, Sch 2 (items 18–

356) and Sch 3: 18 Sept

2018 (s 2(1) item 2)



(Crowd-sourced Funding

for Proprietary

Companies) Act 2018

106, 2018 21 Sept


Sch 1 (items 1–46): 19

Oct 2018 (s 2(1) item 2)

Sch 1 (items 47–52): 22

Sept 2018 (s 2(1) item 3)

Treasury Laws

Amendment (Enhancing

ASIC’s Capabilities) Act


122, 2018 3 Oct 2018 Sch 2 (items 16, 17):

1 July 2019 (s 2(1)

item 3)

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 3—Legislation history

Corporations Act 2001 473

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Act Number

and year

Assent Commencement Application,

saving and



Treasury Laws

Amendment (Enhancing


Protections) Act 2019

10, 2019 12 Mar


Sch 1 (items 1–13, 33–

35): 1 July 2019 (s 2(1)

items 2, 3)

Treasury Laws



Corporate and Financial

Sector Penalties) Act


17, 2019 12 Mar


Sch 1: 13 Mar 2019

(s 2(1) item 2)

Sch 5 (items 1, 2, 27, 28,

35): 6 Apr 2019 (s 2(1)

items 3, 8, 9)

Sch 5 (items 25, 26): 5

Apr 2021 (s 2(1) item 7)

Treasury Laws

Amendment (Mutual

Reforms) Act 2019

37, 2019 5 Apr 2019 Sch 1 and Sch 2

(items 1–11): 6 Apr 2019

(s 2(1) item 1)

Treasury Laws

Amendment (Improving

Accountability and

Member Outcomes in


Measures No. 1) Act


40, 2019 5 Apr 2019 Sch 6 (items 1–20):

6 Apr 2019 (s 2(1)

item 4)




Protections for

Employee Entitlements)

Act 2019

44, 2019 5 Apr 2019 Sch 1 (items 1–31, 33):

6 Apr 2019 (s 2(1)

item 1)

Treasury Laws

Amendment (2019

Measures No. 1) Act


49, 2019 5 Apr 2019 Sch 4 (items 13–60, 65):

6 Apr 2019 (s 2(1)

item 11)

Sch 4 (items 114–117):

1 Jan 2019 (s 2(1)

item 14)

Sch 4 (item 65)

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 3—Legislation history

474 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Act Number

and year

Assent Commencement Application,

saving and



Treasury Laws

Amendment (Design and

Distribution Obligations

and Product Intervention

Powers) Act 2019

50, 2019 5 Apr 2019 Sch 1: 5 Apr 2021 (s

2(1) item 2)

Sch 2 (items 1–12):

6 Apr 2019 (s 2(1)

item 3)

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 475

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Title ...............................................am No 122, 2001

Chapter 1

Part 1.1

s. 5 .................................................am. No. 122, 2001

s. 5A...............................................am. No. 122, 2001; No. 108, 2009

s. 5C...............................................rs. No. 140, 2003

Part 1.1A

s 5D................................................am No 108, 2009

Part 1.2

Division 1

s 6 ..................................................am No 122, 2001

s 7 ..................................................am No 122, 2001

s 9 ..................................................am No 55, 2001; No 117, 2001; No 122, 2001; No 24, 2003; No 25,

2003; No 116, 2003; No 141, 2003; No 80, 2004; No 103, 2004; No 17,

2006; No 126, 2006; No 64, 2007; No 74, 2007; No 85, 2007; No 101,

2007; No 132, 2007; No 45, 2008; No 117, 2008; No 144, 2008; No

108, 2009; No 115, 2009; No 26, 2010; No 66, 2010; No 96, 2010; No

5, 2011; No 24, 2011; No 42, 2011; No 102, 2011; No 127, 2011; No

132, 2011; No 48, 2012; No 68, 2012; No 72, 2012; No 118, 2012; No

169, 2012; No 176, 2012; No 178, 2012; No 59, 2013; No 83, 2014; No

100, 2014; No 70, 2015; No 11, 2016; No 17, 2017; No 25, 2017; No

23, 2018; No 27, 2018; No 61, 2018; No 106, 2018; No 10, 2019; No

17, 2019; No 37, 2019; No 44, 2019; No 49, 2019

s 9AA.............................................ad No 144, 2008

s 9A................................................ad No 101, 2007

am No 61, 2018

s 9B................................................ad No 42, 2011

Division 2

s. 12 ...............................................rs. No. 122, 2001

s. 13 ...............................................am. No. 122, 2001

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

476 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s. 14 ...............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 16 ...............................................am. No. 122, 2001

s. 17 ...............................................rs. No. 122, 2001

Division 3

s. 21 ...............................................am. No. 96, 2010

Division 4 ......................................rep. No. 122, 2001

ss. 23–29........................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Division 5A

s 45A..............................................am No. 103, 2004; No. 101, 2007; No 106, 2018

s. 45B.............................................ad. No. 66, 2010

am No 36, 2015

Division 6

s 48 ................................................am No 37, 2019

s. 50AAA.......................................ad. No. 103, 2004

Division 6A

Division 6A....................................ad. No. 96, 2010

s. 51 ...............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

ad. No. 96, 2010

s. 51A.............................................ad. No. 96, 2010

s. 51B.............................................ad. No. 96, 2010

s. 51C.............................................ad. No. 96, 2010

s. 51D.............................................ad. No. 96, 2010

s. 51E.............................................ad. No. 96, 2010

s. 51F .............................................ad. No. 96, 2010

Division 6B

Division 6B....................................ad No 37, 2019

s 51M.............................................ad No 37, 2019

Division 7

s 53 ................................................am No 116, 2003; No 24, 2011; No 23, 2018

s. 53AB..........................................am. No. 80, 2004

ss. 54–56........................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 477

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s 57A..............................................am No 103, 2004; No 126, 2006; No 11, 2016

s. 58AA..........................................am. No. 5, 2011

s. 60 ...............................................ad. No. 132, 2007

am. No. 96, 2010

s. 61 ...............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 64 ...............................................am. No. 122, 2001

s 64A..............................................am No 61, 2018

ss. 67, 68 ........................................rep. No. 122, 2001

ss. 71, 72 ........................................rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 72A.............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 73 ...............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 77 ...............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 82A.............................................rep. No. 103, 2004

s. 84 ...............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

ss. 87, 88 ........................................rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 88B.............................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s 91 ................................................rep No 116, 2003

ad No 11, 2016

s 92 ................................................am No 122, 2001; No 61, 2018

s. 92A.............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

ss. 93, 94 ........................................rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 95A.............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

ad. No. 29, 2002

s. 97 ...............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Division 8

s. 103 .............................................am. No. 122, 2001

s. 107 .............................................ad. No. 24, 2003

s. 109X...........................................am. No. 116, 2003

Part 1.2A

Division 2

s 111AD.........................................am No 122, 2001; No 61, 2018

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

478 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s 111AE .........................................am No 122, 2001; No 61, 2018

s 111AF .........................................am No 122, 2001; No 85, 2007

s 111AFA.......................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 85, 2007

s 111AFB.......................................ad No 61, 2018

s 111AH.........................................am No 122, 2001; No 61, 2018

s 111AI ..........................................rs No 85, 2007

Division 3

s. 111ANA.....................................ad. No. 42, 2011

s. 111AO........................................am. No. 103, 2004

s. 111AP ........................................am. No. 122, 2001

s. 111AQA.....................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 103, 2004

Division 4

s 111AR.........................................am No 122, 2001

s 111AX.........................................am No 61, 2018

Part 1.5

s. 1 (to Part 1.5)..............................am. No. 116, 2003

s 2 (to Part 1.5)...............................am No 106, 2018

s. 3 (to Part 1.5)..............................am. No. 116, 2003; No. 96, 2010

s. 4 (to Part 1.5)..............................am. No. 24, 2003; No. 101, 2007; No. 96, 2010

s 5 (to Part 1.5)...............................am No 24, 2003; No 116, 2003; No 101, 2007; No 17, 2019

s. 7 (to Part 1.5)..............................am. Nos. 24 and 116, 2003

s 8 (to Part 1.5)...............................am No. 96, 2010; No 106, 2018

s. 9 (to Part 1.5)..............................am. No. 116, 2003; No. 66, 2010

s 10 (to Part 1.5).............................am No 106, 2018

s. 11 (to Part 1.5)............................am. No. 116, 2003; No. 5, 2011

s. 12 (to Part 1.5)............................am. No. 116, 2003; No. 96, 2010

Part 1.6

Part 1.6...........................................ad. No. 169, 2012

s. 111K...........................................ad. No. 169, 2012

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 479

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

am No 36, 2015

s 111L............................................ad No 169, 2012

am No 169, 2012; No 61, 2018

s. 111M..........................................ad. No. 169, 2012

s. 111N...........................................ad. No. 169, 2012

s 111P ............................................ad No 169, 2012

s. 111Q...........................................ad. No. 169, 2012

Chapter 2A

Part 2A.1

s. 112 .............................................am. No. 5, 2011

s 113 ..............................................am No. 117, 2001; No 106, 2018

s. 115 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001

Part 2A.2

s 117 ..............................................am No 117, 2001; No 24, 2003; No 17, 2017; No 106, 2018

s. 123 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001; No. 24, 2003

Chapter 2B

Part 2B.1

s 124 ..............................................am No 96, 2010; No 37, 2019

Part 2B.2

s. 130 .............................................am. No. 35, 2011

Part 2B.4

s 135 ..............................................am No 49, 2019

s. 136 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 139 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 141 .............................................am. No. 122, 2001; No. 116, 2003; No. 103, 2004

Part 2B.5

s. 142 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001; No. 24, 2003; No. 101, 2007

s. 143 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001; No. 103, 2004

s. 144 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 145 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 146 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001; No. 24, 2003

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

480 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s. 146A...........................................ad. No. 101, 2007

Part 2B.6

Division 1

s. 147 .............................................am. No. 127, 2011

s. 148 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 149 .............................................am. No. 24, 2003

s. 150 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001; No. 169, 2012

s. 151 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001; No. 101, 2007

s. 153 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001; No. 24, 2003

s. 156 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001

Division 2

s. 157 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 157A...........................................ad. No. 132, 2007

am. No. 96, 2010

s. 158 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001

s 161A............................................ad No 132, 2007

am No 5, 2011; No 11, 2016

Part 2B.7

s 162 ..............................................am No 117, 2001; No 11, 2016

s 163 ..............................................am No 117, 2001; No 24, 2003; No 103, 2004; No 101, 2007; No 17,

2017; No 106, 2018

s. 165 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001

Part 2B.8

Part 2B.8 ........................................ad No 37, 2019

Division 1

s 167AB.........................................ad No 37, 2019

Division 2

s 167AC.........................................ad No 37, 2019

s 167AD.........................................ad No 37, 2019

s 167AE .........................................ad No 37, 2019

s 167AF .........................................ad No 37, 2019

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 481

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s 167AG.........................................ad No 37, 2019

Division 3

s 167AH.........................................ad No 37, 2019

s 167AI ..........................................ad No 37, 2019

s 167AJ ..........................................ad No 37, 2019

Chapter 2C

Part 2C.1

Part 2C.1 heading...........................ad. No. 24, 2003

s 168 ..............................................am No 117, 2001; No 103, 2004; No 96, 2010; No 61, 2018

s 169 ..............................................am No. 24, 2003; No. 5, 2011; No 106, 2018

s. 170 .............................................am. Nos. 117 and 122, 2001

s. 172 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 173 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001; No. 131, 2010

s. 174 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 175 .............................................am. No. 24, 2003

s. 177 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001; No. 131, 2010

s 178 ..............................................am No 61, 2018

s 178AA.........................................ad No 61, 2018

Part 2C.2

Part 2C.2 ........................................ad. No. 24, 2003

s 178A............................................ad No. 24, 2003

am No 106, 2018

s. 178B...........................................ad. No. 24, 2003

s 178C............................................ad No. 24, 2003

am No 106, 2018

s. 178D...........................................ad. No. 24, 2003

Chapter 2D

Part 2D.1

Division 1

s 184 ..............................................am No 17, 2019

s. 188 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001; No. 24, 2003; No. 116, 2003; No. 103, 2004

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

482 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

rs. No. 180, 2012

s. 190B...........................................ad. No. 126, 2006

s 190C............................................ad No 61, 2018

Division 2

s. 191 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 195 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001

Division 3

s 197 ..............................................am No 138, 2005; No 126, 2006; No 61, 2018

Division 5

Division 5 ......................................ad No 11, 2016

s 198G............................................ad No 11, 2016

am No 17, 2019

Part 2D.2

Division 1

s 199A............................................am No 103, 2004; No 9, 2009; No 26, 2010; No 68, 2012; No 27, 2018;

No 61, 2018

s. 199B...........................................am. No. 117, 2001

Division 2

s. 200 .............................................ad. No. 115, 2009

s. 200AA........................................ad. No. 115, 2009

s 200AB.........................................ad No 115, 2009

am No 49, 2019

s 200A............................................am No 115, 2009; No 49, 2019

s. 200B...........................................am. No. 117, 2001; No. 115, 2009

s. 200C...........................................am. No. 117, 2001; No. 115, 2009

s. 200D...........................................am. No. 115, 2009

s. 200E ...........................................am. No. 115, 2009

s. 200F ...........................................am. No. 117, 2001; No. 115, 2009

s. 200G...........................................am. No. 115, 2009

s. 200J............................................am. No. 115, 2009

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 483

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

Part 2D.3

Division 1

Subdivision A

Subdivision A heading...................ad. No. 42, 2011

s 201A............................................am No 106, 2018

s 201B............................................am No 44, 2019

s. 201C...........................................rep. No. 24, 2003

s. 201D...........................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 201L ...........................................am. No. 103, 2004

Subdivision B

Subdivision B ................................ad. No. 42, 2011

s. 201N...........................................ad. No. 42, 2011

s. 201P ...........................................ad. No. 42, 2011

s. 201Q...........................................ad. No. 42, 2011

s. 201R...........................................ad. No. 42, 2011

s. 201S ...........................................ad. No. 42, 2011

s. 201T ...........................................ad. No. 42, 2011

s. 201U...........................................ad. No. 42, 2011

Division 2

s 202B............................................am No 117, 2001

Division 3

s 203B............................................am No 44, 2019

s 203D............................................am No 117, 2001

Part 2D.4

s 204A............................................am No 117, 2001

s 204B............................................am No 44, 2019

s 204C............................................am No 117, 2001

s 204D............................................am No 103, 2004

s 204G............................................am No 44, 2019

Part 2D.5

s. 205A...........................................am. No. 101, 2007

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

484 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s. 205B...........................................am. No. 117, 2001; No. 24, 2003; No. 101, 2007

s. 205C...........................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 205E ...........................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 205F ...........................................am. No. 117, 2001

s 205G............................................am No 117, 2001; No 122, 2001; No 24, 2003; No 17, 2019

Part 2D.6

s 206A............................................am No 117, 2001; No 44, 2019

s 206B............................................am No 80, 2004; No 126, 2006; No 9, 2009; No 11, 2016; No 61, 2018

s 206BA.........................................ad No 103, 2004

am No 126, 2006; No 11, 2016

s 206C............................................am No 122, 2001; No 126, 2006; No 17, 2019

s. 206D...........................................am. No. 103, 2004; No. 126, 2006

s. 206E ...........................................am. No. 126, 2006

s 206EAA ......................................ad No 9, 2009

am No 61, 2018

s 206EAB.......................................ad No 44, 2019

s. 206EA ........................................ad. No. 131, 2006

rs. No. 103, 2010

s. 206EB ........................................ad. No. 44, 2010

s 206F ............................................am No 126, 2006; No 44, 2019

s 206GAA......................................ad No 44, 2019

s 206GAB ......................................ad No 44, 2019

s. 206GA........................................ad. No. 131, 2006

s 206H............................................am No 9, 2009; No 61, 2018

s 206HAA......................................ad No 61, 2018

s. 206HB........................................ad. No. 126, 2006

Part 2D.7

Part 2D.7........................................ad. No. 42, 2011

s. 206J............................................ad. No. 42, 2011

Part 2D.8

Part 2D.8........................................ad. No. 42, 2011

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 485

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s. 206K...........................................ad. No. 42, 2011

s. 206L ...........................................ad. No. 42, 2011

s. 206M..........................................ad. No. 42, 2011

Chapter 2E

Part 2E.1

Division 1

s. 208 .............................................am. No. 180, 2012

Division 2

s 211 ..............................................am No 61, 2013 (md)

s. 213 .............................................rs. No. 101, 2007

Division 3

s. 219 .............................................am. No. 116, 2003

s. 220 .............................................am. No. 122, 2001

s. 225 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001

Part 2E.2

s. 228 .............................................am. No. 144, 2008

Chapter 2F

Part 2F.1

s. 235 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001

Part 2F.2

s. 246B...........................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 246D...........................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 246F ...........................................am. No. 117, 2001; No. 24, 2003

s. 246G...........................................am. No. 117, 2001

s 246H............................................ad No 37, 2019

Part 2F.3

s 247A............................................am No 61, 2018

s 247C............................................am No 117, 2001

Part 2F.4

Part 2F.4 ........................................ad. No. 150, 2010

s. 247E ...........................................ad. No. 150, 2010

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

486 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

Chapter 2G

Part 2G.2

Division 2

s 249CA.........................................am No 122, 2001

s 249D............................................am No 19, 2015

s 249E ............................................am No 117, 2001

Division 3

s. 249HA........................................am. No. 122, 2001

s. 249J............................................am. No. 103, 2004

s. 249K...........................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 249L ...........................................am. No. 103, 2004; No. 42, 2011

s. 249LA ........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

Division 5

s. 249V...........................................am. No. 103, 2004

Division 6

s. 249X...........................................am. No. 103, 2004

s. 249Z ...........................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 250A...........................................am. No. 117, 2001; No. 103, 2004; No. 42, 2011

s. 250B...........................................am. No. 103, 2004

s. 250BA........................................am. No. 122, 2001; No. 103, 2004

s. 250BB ........................................ad. No. 42, 2011

s. 250BC ........................................ad. No. 42, 2011

s. 250BD........................................ad. No. 42, 2011

s. 250D...........................................am. No. 103, 2004

Division 7

s. 250H...........................................am. No. 42, 2011

Division 8

s 250N............................................am No 117, 2001; No 17, 2017

s. 250P ...........................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 250PAA......................................ad. No. 132, 2007

s. 250PAB......................................ad. No. 132, 2007

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 487

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s. 250PA ........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

s. 250R...........................................am. No. 103, 2004; No. 42, 2011; No. 73, 2012

s. 250RA........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

s. 250S ...........................................am. No. 117, 2001

s 250SA .........................................ad No 103, 2004

am No 17, 2019

s. 250T ...........................................am. No. 117, 2001; No. 103, 2004

Division 9

Division 9 ......................................ad. No. 42, 2011

s. 250U...........................................ad. No. 42, 2011

s. 250V...........................................ad. No. 42, 2011

s. 250W..........................................ad. No. 42, 2011

s. 250X...........................................ad. No. 42, 2011

s. 250Y...........................................ad. No. 42, 2011

Part 2G.3

s. 251A...........................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 251AA........................................am. No. 122, 2001

s. 251B...........................................am. No. 117, 2001

Part 2G.4

Part 2G.4 heading ..........................rs No 61, 2018

Division 1

s. 252C...........................................am. No. 117, 2001

Division 2

s. 252H...........................................am. No. 117, 2001

Division 5

s. 252X...........................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 252Y...........................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 252Z ...........................................am. No. 116, 2003

Division 6

s. 253F ...........................................am. No. 122, 2001

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

488 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

Division 7

s. 253M..........................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 253N...........................................am. No. 117, 2001

Chapter 2H

Part 2H.1

s. 254G...........................................am. No. 116, 2003

s. 254H...........................................am. No. 117, 2001

Part 2H.2

s. 254J............................................am. No. 180, 2012

s. 254K...........................................am. No. 180, 2012

Part 2H.3

s 254N............................................am No 117, 2001; No 11, 2016

s. 254Q...........................................am. No. 117, 2001; No. 180, 2012

Part 2H.5

s. 254SA ........................................ad. No. 66, 2010

s. 254T ...........................................rs. No. 66, 2010

s 254WA........................................ad No 37, 2019

Part 2H.6

s 254X............................................am No. 117, 2001; No. 24, 2003; No 106, 2018

s 254Y............................................am No. 117, 2001; No 106, 2018

Chapter 2J

Part 2J.1

Division 1

s 256B............................................am No 132, 2007; No 180, 2012; No 10, 2018

s. 256C...........................................am. No. 24, 2003

s. 256D...........................................am. No. 180, 2012

s. 256E ...........................................am. No. 122, 2001

Division 2

s. 257B...........................................am. No. 122, 2001; No. 5, 2011

s. 257H...........................................am. No. 122, 2001

s. 257J............................................am. No. 122, 2001

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 489

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

Division 3

s. 258F ...........................................am. No. 66, 2010

Division 4

Division 4 ......................................ad No 37, 2019

s 258G............................................ad No 37, 2019

Part 2J.2

s. 259A...........................................am No. 180, 2012

s. 259B...........................................am. No. 117, 2001; No. 180, 2012

s. 259D...........................................am. No. 117, 2001

Part 2J.3

s. 260A...........................................am. No. 180, 2012

s 260DA.........................................ad No 37, 2019

Chapter 2K.....................................rep. No. 96, 2010

s. 261 .............................................rep. No. 96, 2010

s. 262 .............................................am. No. 24, 2003

rep. No. 96, 2010

s. 263 .............................................rep. No. 96, 2010

s. 264 .............................................am. No. 101, 2007

rep. No. 96, 2010

s. 265 .............................................rep. No. 96, 2010

s. 265A...........................................rep. No. 96, 2010

ss. 266–271 ....................................rep. No. 96, 2010

s. 272 .............................................am. No. 101, 2007

rep. No. 96, 2010

s. 273A...........................................am. No. 116, 2003

rep. No. 96, 2010

s. 273B...........................................am. No. 116, 2003

rep. No. 96, 2010

s. 273C...........................................am. No. 116, 2003

rep. No. 96, 2010

s. 273D...........................................rep. No. 96, 2010

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

490 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s. 274 .............................................am. No. 101, 2007

rep. No. 96, 2010

ss. 277–282 ....................................rep. No. 96, 2010

Chapter 2L

Part 2L.1

s. 283AA........................................am. No. 117, 2001; No. 103, 2004; No. 101, 2007; No 100, 2014

s. 283AB ........................................am. No. 117, 2001

s 283AC.........................................am No 117, 2001; No 75, 2009; No 108, 2009; No 11, 2016; No 23,


Part 2L.2

s. 283BC ........................................rs. No. 108, 2009

s. 283BCA .....................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 283BE ........................................am. No. 96, 2010

s. 283BF.........................................am. No. 96, 2010

s. 283BG........................................rs. No. 96, 2010

s. 283BH........................................am. No. 117, 2001; No. 96, 2010

Part 2L.3

s. 283CC ........................................am. No. 96, 2010

s. 283CD........................................rs. No. 96, 2010

Part 2L.4

s. 283DA........................................am. No. 96, 2010

Chapter 2M

Part 2M.1

s 285 ..............................................am No 103, 2004; No 101, 2007; No 66, 2010; No 61, 2018; No 106,


s. 285A...........................................ad. No. 66, 2010

Part 2M.2

s 286 ..............................................am No 117, 2001; No 17, 2019

s. 287 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 288 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 289 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 491

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

Part 2M.3

Division 1

s 292 ..............................................am No. 66, 2010; No 106, 2018

s. 294 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 294A...........................................ad. No. 66, 2010

s. 294B...........................................ad. No. 66, 2010

s. 295 .............................................am. No. 103, 2004; No. 66, 2010

s. 295A...........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

s 296 ..............................................am No. 66, 2010; No 106, 2018

s 298 ..............................................am No 103, 2004; No 66, 2010; No 17, 2017; No 106, 2018

s. 299A...........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

am. No. 66, 2010

s. 300 .............................................am. No. 122, 2001; No. 103, 2004; No. 72, 2012

s 300A............................................am No 55, 2001; No 122, 2001; No 103, 2004; No 101, 2007; No 42,

2011; No 19, 2015

s. 300B...........................................ad. No. 66, 2010

s 301 ..............................................am No 66, 2010; No 36, 2015; No 17, 2017; No 106, 2018

Division 2

s. 303 .............................................am. No. 103, 2004; No. 66, 2010

s. 306 .............................................am. No. 103, 2004; No. 5, 2011

Division 3

s. 307 .............................................am. No. 103, 2004

s 307A............................................ad No 103, 2004

am No 66, 2010; No 17, 2019

s. 307B...........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

am. No. 66, 2010

s. 307C...........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

am. No. 101, 2007; No. 66, 2010

s. 308 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001; No. 103, 2004; No. 101, 2007; No. 66, 2010

s. 309 .............................................am. No. 103, 2004

s. 311 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

492 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

rs. No. 103, 2004

am. No. 72, 2012

s. 312 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 313 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001

Division 4

s 314 ..............................................am No 117, 2001; No 103, 2004; No 101, 2007; No 66, 2010; No 5,

2011; No 17, 2017; No 61, 2018; No 106, 2018

s 314A............................................ad No 61, 2018

s 315 ..............................................am No 101, 2007; No 61, 2018 (Sch 2 item 92 md)

s 316 ..............................................am No 117, 2001; No 66, 2010; No 61, 2018

s 316AA.........................................ad No 61, 2018

s 316A............................................ad No 66, 2010

s 317 ..............................................am No 117, 2001; No 103, 2004; No 66, 2010

s 318 ..............................................am No 117, 2001; No 101, 2007

Division 5

s 319 ..............................................am No 117, 2001; No 116, 2003; No 101, 2007; No 66, 2010; No 180,

2012; No 61, 2018; No 106, 2018

s 320 ..............................................am No 117, 2001

s 321 ..............................................am No 117, 2001; No 61, 2018

s 322 ..............................................am No 117, 2001; No 61, 2018

Division 6

s. 323 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 323B...........................................am. No. 117, 2001

Division 7

s 323D............................................am No 117, 2001; No 66, 2010; No 19, 2015; No 61, 2018

s 323DAA......................................ad No 61, 2018

Division 8

s. 323DA........................................am. No. 122, 2001

Division 9 ......................................ad. No. 103, 2004

rep. No. 118, 2012

s. 323EA ........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 493

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

rep. No. 118, 2012

s. 323EB ........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

rep. No. 118, 2012

s. 323EC ........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

rep. No. 118, 2012

s. 323ED ........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

rep. No. 118, 2012

s. 323EE.........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

rep. No. 118, 2012

s. 323EF.........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

rep. No. 118, 2012

s. 323EG ........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

rep. No. 118, 2012

s. 323EH ........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

rep. No. 118, 2012

s. 323EI..........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

rep. No. 118, 2012

s. 323EJ..........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

rep. No. 118, 2012

s. 323EK ........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

am. No. 5, 2011

rep. No. 118, 2012

s. 323EL.........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

rep. No. 118, 2012

s. 323EM........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

rep. No. 118, 2012

Part 2M.4

Division 1

Division 1 heading.........................rs. No. 103, 2004

s. 324 .............................................rep. No. 103, 2004

s. 324AA........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

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Endnote 4—Amendment history

494 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s. 324AB ........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

s. 324AC ........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

s. 324AD........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

s. 324AE ........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

am. No. 101, 2007

s. 324AF ........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

Division 2

Division 2 ......................................ad. No. 103, 2004

s. 324BA........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

s. 324BB ........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

am. No. 127, 2011

s. 324BC ........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

s. 324BD........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

s. 324BE ........................................ad. No. 66, 2010

am No 169, 2012

Division 3

Division 3 ......................................ad. No. 103, 2004

Subdivision A

s 324CA.........................................ad No 103, 2004

am No 101, 2007; No 17, 2017

s 324CB .........................................ad No 103, 2004

am No 101, 2007; No 17, 2017

s 324CC .........................................ad No 103, 2004

am No 101, 2007; No 17, 2017

s. 324CD........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

Subdivision B

s 324CE .........................................ad No 103, 2004

am No 101, 2007; No 17, 2017

s 324CF..........................................ad No 103, 2004

am No 101, 2007; No 17, 2017

s 324CG.........................................ad No 103, 2004

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 495

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

am No 101, 2007; No 17, 2017

s 324CH.........................................ad No. 103, 2004

am. No. 101, 2007; No. 75, 2009; No. 66, 2010; No 106, 2018

s 324CI...........................................ad No. 103, 2004

am No. 101, 2007; No 106, 2018

s 324CJ ..........................................ad No. 103, 2004

am No. 101, 2007; No 106, 2018

s 324CK.........................................ad No. 103, 2004

am No. 101, 2007; No 106, 2018

Subdivision C

s. 324CL ........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

Division 4

Division 4 ......................................ad. No. 103, 2004

s. 324CM .......................................ad. No. 103, 2004

Division 5

Division 5 ......................................ad. No. 103, 2004

s. 324DA........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

am. No. 72, 2012

s. 324DAA.....................................ad. No. 72, 2012

s. 324DAB .....................................ad. No. 72, 2012

s. 324DAC .....................................ad. No. 72, 2012

s. 324DAD.....................................ad. No. 72, 2012

s. 324DB........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

s. 324DC........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

am. No. 72, 2012

s. 324DD........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

am. No. 72, 2012

Division 6

Division 6 heading.........................ad. No. 103, 2004

Subdivision A

Subdivision A heading...................ad No 103, 2004

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

496 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s 325 ..............................................am No 106, 2018

s 327 ..............................................rep No 103, 2004

s 327A............................................ad No 103, 2004

am No 19, 2015; No 17, 2017

s 327B............................................ad No 103, 2004

am No 101, 2007; No 19, 2015

s 327C............................................ad No 103, 2004

am No 19, 2015

s. 327D...........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

s 327E ............................................ad No. 103, 2004

am No 106, 2018

s 327F ............................................ad No. 103, 2004

am No 106, 2018

s 327G............................................ad No. 103, 2004

am No 106, 2018

s. 327H...........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

s. 327I ............................................ad. No. 103, 2004

s. 328 .............................................rep. No. 103, 2004

s. 328A...........................................ad. No. 103, 2004; No. 180, 2012

s. 328B...........................................ad. No. 103, 2004; No. 180, 2012

s 328C............................................ad No 17, 2017

s 328D............................................ad No 17, 2017

am No 106, 2018

s 328E ............................................ad No 17, 2017

Subdivision B

Subdivision B heading ...................ad. No. 103, 2004

s. 329 .............................................am. No. 103, 2004; No. 66, 2010

s. 330 .............................................am. No. 103, 2004

Subdivision C

Subdivision C heading ...................ad. No. 103, 2004

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 497

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

Division 7

Division 2 heading.........................rep. No. 103, 2004

Division 7 heading.........................ad. No. 103, 2004

Subdivision A

Subdivision A heading...................ad. No. 103, 2004

s. 331AA........................................rep. No. 103, 2004

s. 331AB ........................................rep. No. 103, 2004

s. 331AAA.....................................ad. No. 103, 2004

am. No. 101, 2007

s. 331AAB .....................................ad. No. 103, 2004

s. 331AAC .....................................ad. No. 103, 2004

s. 331AAD.....................................ad. No. 103, 2004

Subdivision B

Subdivision B heading ...................ad. No. 103, 2004

s. 331AC ........................................am. No. 103, 2004

s. 331AD........................................am. No. 103, 2004

Subdivision C

Subdivision C heading ...................ad. No. 103, 2004

Part 2M.4A

Part 2M.4A ....................................ad. No. 72, 2012

s. 332 .............................................ad. No. 72, 2012

s. 332A...........................................ad. No. 72, 2012

s. 332B...........................................ad. No. 72, 2012

s. 332C...........................................ad. No. 72, 2012

s. 332D...........................................ad. No. 72, 2012

s. 332E ...........................................ad. No. 72, 2012

s. 332F ...........................................ad. No. 72, 2012

s. 332G...........................................ad. No. 72, 2012

Part 2M.5

Part 2M.5 heading..........................rs. No. 103, 2004

s. 334 .............................................am. No. 154, 2007

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

498 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s. 336 .............................................ad. No. 103, 2004

am. No. 154, 2007

s. 337 .............................................rs. No. 103, 2004

s. 338 .............................................ad. No. 103, 2004

s. 339 .............................................rep. No. 103, 2004

Part 2M.6

s 340 ..............................................am No 103, 2004; No 101, 2007

s 340A............................................ad No 61, 2018

s 341 ..............................................am No 103, 2004; No 101, 2007

s 341A............................................ad No 61, 2018

s 342 ..............................................rs No 101, 2007

am No 61, 2018

s 342AA.........................................ad No 101, 2007

s 342AB.........................................ad No 101, 2007

s 342AC.........................................ad No 101, 2007

s 342A............................................ad No 103, 2004

s 342B............................................ad No 103, 2004

s 343 ..............................................am No 61, 2018

s 343A............................................ad No 61, 2018

Part 2M.7

s 344 ..............................................am No 72, 2012; No 61, 2018

Chapter 2N

Chapter 2N heading .......................rs No 24, 2003; No 61, 2018

Part 2N.1

Part 2N.1........................................rs No 24, 2003

s 345 ..............................................am No 117, 2001

rep No 24, 2003

s 345A............................................ad No 24, 2003

am No 61, 2018

s 345B............................................ad No 24, 2003

am No 61, 2018

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 499

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s 345C............................................ad No 24, 2003

am No 61, 2018

s 346 ..............................................am No 117, 2001

rep No 24, 2003

Part 2N.2

Part 2N.2 heading ..........................rep No 24, 2003

Part 2N.2........................................ad No 24, 2003

s 346A............................................ad No 24, 2003

am No 61, 2018

s 346B............................................ad No 24, 2003

rs No 61, 2018

s 346C............................................ad No 24, 2003

am No 61, 2018

s 347 ..............................................rep No 24, 2003

Part 2N.3

Part 2N.3........................................ad. No. 24, 2003

s 347A............................................ad No 24, 2003

am No 17, 2019

s 347B............................................ad No 24, 2003

am No 17, 2019

s. 347C...........................................ad. No. 24, 2003

s. 348 .............................................rep. No. 24, 2003

Part 2N.4

Part 2N.4........................................ad No 24, 2003

s 348A............................................ad No 24, 2003

am No 101, 2007; No 61, 2018

s 348B............................................ad No 24, 2003

rs No 61, 2018

s 348C............................................ad No 24, 2003

s 348D............................................ad No 24, 2003

am No 103, 2004; No 101, 2007; No 61, 2018

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

500 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s 349 ..............................................rep No 24, 2003

Part 2N.5

Part 2N.5........................................ad. No. 24, 2003

s. 349A...........................................ad. No. 24, 2003

s. 349B...........................................ad. No. 24, 2003

s. 349C...........................................ad. No. 24, 2003

s. 349D...........................................ad. No. 24, 2003

Chapter 2P

Chapter 2P heading........................ad No 24, 2003

s 350 ..............................................rs No 122, 2001

s 351 ..............................................am No 61, 2018

s 352 ..............................................am No 24, 2003; No 101, 2007

s 353 ..............................................ad No 24, 2003

s 354 ..............................................ad No 24, 2003

am No 5, 2011; No 61, 2018

Chapter 5

Part 5.1

s 411 ..............................................am No 116, 2003; No 103, 2004; No 132, 2007; No 96, 2010; No 150,

2010; No 11, 2016; No 55, 2017

s. 412 .............................................am. No. 48, 2012

s. 413 .............................................am. No. 96, 2010

s 415A............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 415B............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 415C............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 415D............................................ad No 112, 2017

s 415E ............................................ad No 112, 2017

s 415F ............................................ad No 112, 2017

s 415FA .........................................ad No 112, 2017

s 415G............................................ad No 112, 2017

Part 5.2

s. 417 .............................................am. No. 126, 2006

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 501

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s 418 ..............................................am No 103, 2004; No 96, 2010; No 11, 2016

s. 418A...........................................am. No. 96, 2010

s. 419 .............................................am. No. 96, 2010

s. 419A...........................................am. No. 96, 2010; No. 35, 2011

s. 420 .............................................am. No. 96, 2010

s. 420B...........................................am. No. 96, 2010

s. 421 .............................................am. No. 132, 2007

s. 421A...........................................am. No. 132, 2007

s. 422 .............................................am. No. 103, 2004; No. 132, 2007

s 422A............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 422B............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 422C............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 422D............................................ad No 11, 2016

s. 425 .............................................am. No. 132, 2007

s 426 ..............................................am No 11, 2016; No 23, 2018

s. 427 .............................................am. No. 132, 2007; No. 96, 2010

s 428 ..............................................am No 117, 2001; No 23, 2018; No 17, 2019

s 429 ..............................................am No 96, 2010; No 11, 2016; No 23, 2018

s 429A............................................ad No 23, 2018

am No 11, 2016

s 432 ..............................................am No 96, 2010; No 11, 2016

s. 433 .............................................am. No. 96, 2010

s. 434B...........................................am. No. 96, 2010

s. 434C...........................................am. No. 96, 2010

s. 434D...........................................ad. No. 132, 2007

s. 434E ...........................................ad. No. 132, 2007

s. 434F ...........................................ad. No. 132, 2007

s. 434G...........................................ad. No. 132, 2007

s 434H............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 434J.............................................ad No 112, 2017

s 434K............................................ad No 112, 2017

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

502 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s 434L............................................ad No 112, 2017

s 434LA .........................................ad No 112, 2017

s 434M...........................................ad No 112, 2017

Part 5.3A

Division 1

s 435A............................................am No 11, 2016

s. 435B...........................................am. No. 96, 2010

s 435C............................................am No 105, 2008; No 11, 2016

Division 2

s. 436A...........................................am. No. 132, 2007

s. 436B...........................................am. No. 132, 2007

s. 436C...........................................am. No. 132, 2007; No. 96, 2010

s 436DA.........................................ad No 132, 2007

am No 11, 2016; No 49, 2019

s 436E ............................................am No 132, 2007; No 48, 2012; No 11, 2016

s 436F ............................................rep No 11, 2016

s 436G............................................am No 132, 2007

rep No 11, 2016

Division 3

s. 437A...........................................ad. No. 96, 2010

s 437C............................................am No 117, 2001; No 103, 2004

rep No 11, 2016

s. 437D...........................................am. No. 103, 2004

s 437F ............................................rs No 132, 2007

am No 10, 2018

Division 4

s 438B............................................am No 117, 2001; No 132, 2007; No 11, 2016

s. 438C...........................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 438D...........................................am. No. 103, 2004

s 438E ............................................ad No 132, 2007

rep No 11, 2016

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 503

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

Division 5

s 439A............................................am No 132, 2007; No 48, 2012; No 11, 2016

s 439B............................................am No 132, 2007

rep No 11, 2016

s 439C............................................am No 11, 2016

Division 6

s 440A............................................am No 11, 2016

s. 440B...........................................rs. No. 96, 2010

ss. 440BA, 440BB .........................ad. No. 132, 2007

rep. No. 96, 2010

s. 440C...........................................rep. No. 96, 2010

s. 440J............................................am. No. 144, 2008

s. 440JA .........................................ad. No. 132, 2007

am. No. 96, 2010

Division 7

Division 7 heading.........................rs. No. 132, 2007; No. 96, 2010

Subdivision A

Subdivision A heading...................ad. No. 96, 2010

s. 441 .............................................ad. No. 96, 2010

Subdivision B

Subdivision B heading ...................ad. No. 96, 2010

s. 441AA........................................ad. No. 96, 2010

s 441A............................................am No 132, 2007

rs No 96, 2010

am No 11, 2016; No 112, 2017

s 441B............................................am No 132, 2007; No 96, 2010; No 11, 2016; No 112, 2017

s 441C............................................rs No 96, 2010

am No 11, 2016; No 112, 2017

s. 441D...........................................am. No. 132, 2007; No. 96, 2010

s 441E ............................................am No 96, 2010; No 11, 2016; No 112, 2017

s. 441EA ........................................ad. No. 96, 2010

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

504 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

am. No. 35, 2011

Subdivision C

Subdivision C heading ...................ad. No. 96, 2010

s. 441EB ........................................ad. No. 96, 2010

s 441F ............................................am No 96, 2010; No 11, 2016

s 441G............................................am No 96, 2010; No 11, 2016

s 441J.............................................am No 11, 2016

s. 441JA .........................................ad. No. 132, 2007

rep. No. 96, 2010

s. 441K...........................................rep. No. 96, 2010

Division 8

s. 442B...........................................rs. No. 96, 2010

s 442C............................................am No 132, 2007; No 96, 2010; No 11, 2016

s 442CA.........................................ad No 132, 2007

am No 96, 2010

s. 442CB ........................................ad. No. 132, 2007

am. No. 96, 2010

s. 442CC ........................................ad. No. 132, 2007

am. No. 96, 2010

s. 442D...........................................am. No. 96, 2010

Division 9

Subdivision A

s. 443A...........................................am. No. 132, 2007; No. 96, 2010

s 443B............................................am No 132, 2007; No 96, 2010; No 35, 2011; No 11, 2016

s 443BA.........................................am No 123, 2001; No 101, 2006; No 79, 2010

Subdivision B

s 443D............................................am No 132, 2007; No 96, 2010; No 11, 2016

s. 443E ...........................................am. No. 132, 2007

rs. No. 96, 2010

s. 443F ...........................................am. No. 96, 2010

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 505

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

Division 10

s. 444A...........................................am. No. 132, 2007

s 444B............................................am No 132, 2007; No 11, 2016

s. 444D...........................................am. No. 132, 2007; No. 96, 2010

s. 444DA........................................ad. No. 132, 2007

s. 444DB........................................ad. No. 132, 2007

s. 444E ...........................................am. No. 96, 2010

s. 444F ...........................................am. No. 132, 2007; No. 96, 2010

s. 444GA........................................ad. No. 132, 2007

s. 444J............................................ad. No. 132, 2007

Division 11

s 445A............................................am No 11, 2016

s 445C............................................am No 132, 2007; No 11, 2016

s. 445CA........................................ad. No. 132, 2007

s 445D............................................am No 132, 2007; No 11, 2016

s 445E ............................................am No 11, 2016

s 445F ............................................am No 132, 2007

rep No 11, 2016

s. 445FA ........................................ad. No. 132, 2007

Division 11AA

Division 11AA...............................ad No 11, 2016

s 445HA.........................................ad No 11, 2016

Division 11A..................................ad No 132, 2007

rep No 11, 2016

s 445J.............................................ad No 132, 2007

rep No 11, 2016

Division 12

s 446A............................................am No 132, 2007; No 48, 2012; No 11, 2016

s 446AA.........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 446B............................................am No 11, 2016

s. 446C...........................................ad. No. 132, 2007

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

506 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

am. No. 96, 2010

Division 13

s 447D............................................rep No 11, 2016

s 448E ............................................rep No 11, 2016

Division 14

s. 448B...........................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 448C...........................................am. No. 117, 2001; No. 103, 2004; No. 132, 2007; No. 75, 2009;

No. 96, 2010

s 448D............................................rep No 11, 2016

Division 15

Division 15 heading .......................rs No 11, 2016

s 449B............................................am No 132, 2007

rep No 11, 2016

s 449C............................................am No 132, 2007; No 96, 2010; No 48, 2012; No 11, 2016

s 449CA.........................................ad No 132, 2007

am No 11, 2016

s 449D............................................rep No 11, 2016

s 449E ............................................am No 132, 2007

rep No 11, 2016

Division 16

s. 450A...........................................am. No. 132, 2007; No. 96, 2010; No. 48, 2012

s 450B............................................am No 132, 2007; No 11, 2016

s. 450C...........................................am. No. 132, 2007

s. 450D...........................................am. No. 132, 2007

s. 450E ...........................................am. No. 117, 2001; No. 132, 2007

Division 17

s 451E ............................................ad No 112, 2017

s 451F ............................................ad No 112, 2017

s 451G............................................ad No 112, 2017

s 451GA.........................................ad No 112, 2017

s 451H............................................ad No 112, 2017

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 507

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

Part 5.4

Division 1

s. 459C...........................................am. No. 96, 2010

Division 2

s. 459E ...........................................am. No. 123, 2001; No. 101, 2006

Part 5.4A

s. 461 .............................................am. No. 105, 2008

s. 462 .............................................am. No. 119, 2001; No. 105, 2008

Part 5.4B

Division 1A

Division 1A....................................ad. No. 96, 2010

s. 465 .............................................ad. No. 96, 2010

Division 1

s 465A............................................am No 48, 2012; No 11, 2016

s. 466 .............................................am. No. 103, 2004

s. 467 .............................................am. No. 96, 2010

s. 468 .............................................am. No. 132, 2007

s 468A............................................ad No 132, 2007

am No 10, 2018

Division 1A

s 471A............................................am No 117, 2001; No 103, 2004

rep No 11, 2016

s 471C............................................am No 96, 2010; No 11, 2016

Division 2

s 472 ..............................................am No 11, 2016

s 473 ..............................................am No 132, 2007

rs No 11, 2016

s 473A............................................ad No 11, 2016

s. 474 .............................................am. No. 96, 2010

s 475 ..............................................am No 117, 2001; No 11, 2016

s 476 ..............................................rep No 11, 2016

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

508 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s 477 ..............................................am No 132, 2007; No 96, 2010; No 11, 2016; No 49, 2019

s 479 ..............................................rep No 11, 2016

s 481 ..............................................am No 11, 2016

Division 3

Subdivision A

Subdivision A heading...................ad. No. 132, 2007

s 482 ..............................................am No 132, 2007; No 75, 2009; No 11, 2016

s. 483 .............................................am. No. 103, 2004; No. 96, 2010

s. 486A...........................................am. No. 117, 2001; No. 103, 2004; No. 132, 2007

s. 486B...........................................ad. No. 132, 2007

s 488 ..............................................am No 11, 2016

Subdivision B

Subdivision B ................................ad. No. 132, 2007

s. 489A...........................................ad. No. 132, 2007

s. 489B...........................................ad. No. 132, 2007

s. 489C...........................................ad. No. 132, 2007

s 489D............................................ad No 132, 2007

am No 11, 2016

s. 489E ...........................................ad. No. 132, 2007

Part 5.4C

Part 5.4C........................................ad. No. 48, 2012

s. 489EA ........................................ad. No. 48, 2012

s. 489EB ........................................ad. No. 48, 2012

s 489EC .........................................ad No 48, 2012

am No 11, 2016

Part 5.5

Division 1A

Division 1A....................................ad. No. 96, 2010

s. 489F ...........................................ad. No. 96, 2010

Division 1

s. 490 .............................................am. No. 108, 2009

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 509

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s 491 ..............................................am No 48, 2012; No 11, 2016

s. 493 .............................................am. No. 132, 2007

s. 493A...........................................ad. No. 132, 2007

Division 2

s 495 ..............................................am No 132, 2007

rs No 11, 2016

s 496 ..............................................am No 117, 2001; No 132, 2007; No 11, 2016

Division 3

s 497 ..............................................am No 117, 2001; No 132, 2007; No 48, 2012

rs No 11, 2016

s 498 ..............................................am No 48, 2012

rep No 11, 2016

s 499 ..............................................am No 132, 2007; No 11, 2016

s. 500 .............................................am. No. 103, 2004; No. 96, 2010

Division 4

s 502 ..............................................rep No 11, 2016

s 503 ..............................................rep No 11, 2016

s 504 ..............................................am No 132, 2007

rep No 11, 2016

s 505 ..............................................am No 96, 2010

rep No 11, 2016

s 506 ..............................................am No 132, 2007; No 11, 2016

s 506A............................................ad No 132, 2007

rs No 11, 2016

am No 11, 2016; No 49, 2019

s 508 ..............................................am No 132, 2007

rep No 11, 2016

s 509 ..............................................am No 48, 2012

rs No 11, 2016

s 510 ..............................................am No 96, 2010

s 511 ..............................................rep No 11, 2016

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

510 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s 512 ..............................................rep No 132, 2007

Part 5.6

Division 1

s. 513AA........................................ad. No. 96, 2010

Division 1A

s 513B............................................am No 11, 2016

Division 3

s. 530 .............................................ad. No. 132, 2007

s. 530AA........................................ad. No. 132, 2007

s. 530A...........................................am. No. 117, 2001; No. 103, 2004

s. 530B...........................................am. No. 117, 2001

s 531 ..............................................rep No 11, 2016

s 532 ..............................................am No 117, 2001; No 103, 2004; No 75, 2009; No 96, 2010; No 11,


s. 533 .............................................am. No. 103, 2004; No. 132, 2007

s. 534 .............................................am. No. 96, 2010

s 536 ..............................................rep No 11, 2016

s 538 ..............................................am No 132, 2007

rep No 11, 2016

s 539 ..............................................am No 132, 2007

rep No 11, 2016

s 540 ..............................................rep No 11, 2016

Division 4

s 541 ..............................................am No 117, 2001

s 542 ..............................................rep No 11, 2016

s 546 ..............................................rep No 11, 2016

s 547 ..............................................rep No 11, 2016

Division 5 ......................................rep No 11, 2016

s 548 ..............................................am No 132, 2007

rep No 11, 2016

s 548A............................................ad No 132, 2007

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 511

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

rep No 11, 2016

s 549 ..............................................am No 132, 2007

rep No 11, 2016

s 550 ..............................................am No 132, 2007

rep No 11, 2016

s 551 ..............................................rep No 11, 2016

s 552 ..............................................rep No 11, 2016

Division 6

Subdivision A

s 553 ..............................................am No 132, 2007; No 11, 2016

s. 553AB ........................................ad. No. 132, 2007

am. No. 99, 2012

s. 553E ...........................................am. No. 96, 2010

Subdivision C

s. 554E ...........................................am. No. 96, 2010

s. 554F ...........................................am. No. 96, 2010

s. 554G...........................................am. No. 96, 2010

s. 554J............................................am. No. 96, 2010

Subdivision D

s 556 ..............................................am No 132, 2007; No 144, 2008; No 99, 2012; No 61, 2013; No 11,


s. 560 .............................................rs. No. 132, 2007

s. 561 .............................................am. No. 96, 2010

s. 563A...........................................rs. No. 150, 2010

Subdivision E

s. 563B...........................................am. No. 150, 2010

Division 7

s. 565 .............................................am. No. 132, 2007

Division 7A

s. 568 .............................................am. No. 96, 2010

s. 568A...........................................am. No. 132, 2007; No. 48, 2012

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

512 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

Division 8

Division 8 ......................................ad. No. 132, 2007

Subdivision A

s. 571 .............................................ad. No. 132, 2007

am. No. 96, 2010

s. 572 .............................................ad. No. 132, 2007

s. 573 .............................................ad. No. 132, 2007

s 574 ..............................................ad No 132, 2007

rep No 11, 2016

s 575 ..............................................ad No 132, 2007

rep No 11, 2016

s 576 ..............................................ad No 132, 2007

rep No 11, 2016

s 577 ..............................................ad No 132, 2007

am No 11, 2016

s 578 ..............................................ad No 132, 2007

am No 11, 2016

s 579 ..............................................ad No 132, 2007

am No 11, 2016

s 579A............................................ad No 132, 2007

am No 11, 2016

s 579B............................................ad No 132, 2007

am No 11, 2016

s 579C............................................ad No 132, 2007

am No 11, 2016

s. 579D...........................................ad. No. 132, 2007

Subdivision B

s. 579E ...........................................ad. No. 132, 2007

am. No. 96, 2010

s. 579F ...........................................ad. No. 132, 2007

s. 579G...........................................ad. No. 132, 2007

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 513

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s. 579H...........................................ad. No. 132, 2007

s. 579J............................................ad. No. 132, 2007

am. No. 5, 2011

s. 579K...........................................ad. No. 132, 2007

am. No. 5, 2011

s 579L............................................ad No 132, 2007

am No 11, 2016

Subdivision C

s. 579M..........................................ad. No. 132, 2007

s. 579N...........................................ad. No. 132, 2007

s. 579P ...........................................ad. No. 132, 2007

s 579Q............................................ad No 132, 2007

am No 49, 2019

Part 5.7

s. 585 .............................................am. No. 103, 2004

s. 588 .............................................am. No. 74, 2007; No. 96, 2010

Part 5.7B

Division 1

s. 588C...........................................ad. No. 96, 2010

s 588E ............................................am No 96, 2010; No 112, 2017

s. 588F ...........................................am. No. 123, 2001; No. 101, 2006

Division 2

s. 588FDA......................................ad. No. 25, 2003

s. 588FE.........................................am. No. 25, 2003; No. 132, 2007

s. 588FF .........................................am. No. 25, 2003; No. 132, 2007

s. 588FG ........................................am. No. 25, 2003

s 588FGA.......................................am No 123, 2001; No 101, 2006; No 99, 2012; No 11, 2016

s. 588FJ..........................................am. No. 96, 2010

Division 2A

Division 2A....................................ad. No. 96, 2010

s. 588FK ........................................ad. No. 96, 2010

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

514 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s. 588FL.........................................ad. No. 96, 2010

am. No. 35, 2011

s. 588FM........................................ad. No. 96, 2010

am. No. 35, 2011

s. 588FN ........................................ad. No. 96, 2010

am. No. 35, 2011

s. 588FO ........................................ad. No. 96, 2010

Division 2B

Division 2B....................................ad. No. 96, 2010

s. 588FP .........................................ad. No. 96, 2010

Division 3

s 588G............................................am No 117, 2001; No 17, 2019

s 588GA.........................................ad No 112, 2017

s 588GB.........................................ad No 112, 2017

s 588H............................................am No 112, 2017

s 588HA.........................................ad No 112, 2017

Division 4

Subdivision A

s 588N............................................am No 44, 2019

Division 5

s 588WA........................................ad No 112, 2017

s 588X............................................am No 112, 2017

Division 8

Division 8 ......................................ad No 44, 2019

s 588ZA .........................................ad No 44, 2019

s 588ZB .........................................ad No 44, 2019

Part 5.8

s. 589 .............................................am. No. 96, 2010; No. 48, 2012

s. 590 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001; No. 103, 2004

s. 592 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 593 .............................................am. No. 96, 2010

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 515

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s. 595 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001; No. 132, 2007

s. 596 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001; No. 103, 2004; No. 96, 2010

Part 5.8A

s 596AA.........................................am No 61, 2013; No 44, 2019

s 596AB.........................................am No 44, 2019

s 596AC.........................................rs No 44, 2019

s 596ACA ......................................ad No 44, 2019

s 596AD.........................................am No 44, 2019

s 596AE .........................................am No 44, 2019

s 596AF .........................................rs No 44, 2019

s 596AG.........................................rs No 44, 2019

s 596AH.........................................rs No 44, 2019

s 596AI ..........................................rep No 44, 2019

Part 5.9

Division 1

s. 596A...........................................am. No. 103, 2004

s. 597 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 597A...........................................am. No. 117, 2001; No. 132, 2007

Division 3

s 599 ..............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 600AA.........................................ad No 48, 2012

s 600A............................................rep No 11, 2016

s 600B............................................rep No 11, 2016

s 600C............................................rep No 11, 2016

s 600D............................................rep No 11, 2016

s 600E ............................................rep No 11, 2016

s 600G............................................ad No 132, 2007

am No 11, 2016; No 49, 2019

s 600H............................................ad No 150, 2010

am No 49, 2019

s 600J.............................................ad No 11, 2016

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

516 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

Division 4

Division 4 ......................................ad No 11, 2016

s 600K............................................ad No 11, 2016

Chapter 5A

Part 5A.1

s. 601 .............................................ad. No. 96, 2010

s. 601AA........................................am. No. 48, 2012

s 601AB.........................................am No 24, 2003; No 48, 2012; No 45, 2017

s 601AC.........................................am No 11, 2016

s 601AD.........................................am No 117, 2001; No 74, 2007; No 11, 2016

s. 601AE ........................................am. No. 74, 2007; No. 96, 2010; No 36, 2015

s. 601AF ........................................am. No. 74, 2007

s 601AH.........................................am No 74, 2007; No 48, 2012; No 45, 2017; No 49, 2019

Part 5A.2

s. 601AI .........................................am. No. 126, 2006

s. 601AJ .........................................am. No. 126, 2006

s. 601AK........................................am. No. 126, 2006

s. 601AL ........................................am. No. 126, 2006

Chapter 5B

Part 5B.1

Division 1

s 601BC .........................................am No 117, 2001; No 24, 2003; No 96, 2010; No 11, 2016

s. 601BH........................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 601BJ .........................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 601BK........................................am. No. 117, 2001; No. 96, 2010

Division 2

s. 601BM .......................................am. No. 96, 2010

s. 601BP.........................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 601BR ........................................am. No. 117, 2001

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 517

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

Part 5B.2

Division 1A

Division 1A....................................ad. No. 96, 2010

s. 601C...........................................ad. No. 96, 2010

Division 1

s. 601CB ........................................am. No. 96, 2010

Division 2

s. 601CDA .....................................ad. No. 85, 2007

s. 601CE ........................................am. No. 96, 2010

Division 3

s. 601CTA......................................ad. No. 85, 2007

s. 601CW .......................................am. No. 117, 2001

Division 4

s. 601CZB......................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 601CZC......................................am. No. 117, 2001

Part 5B.3

s. 601DC........................................am. No. 127, 2011

s. 601DD........................................am. No. 117, 2001; No. 127, 2011

s. 601DE ........................................am. No. 117, 2001; No. 24, 2003

s. 601DH........................................am. No. 117, 2001

Chapter 5C

Part 5C.1

s 601EC .........................................rs No 24, 2003

s 601ED .........................................am No 55, 2001; No 122, 2001; No 61, 2018; No 17, 2019

Part 5C.2

Division 1

s. 601FA ........................................am. No. 122, 2001

s. 601FC.........................................am. Nos. 55 and 117, 2001; No. 101, 2007; No. 180, 2012

s. 601FD ........................................am. Nos. 55, 117 and 122, 2001

s. 601FE.........................................am. No. 55, 2001

s. 601FF .........................................am. No. 117, 2001

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

518 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s. 601FG ........................................am. No. 55, 2001

Part 5C.4

s 601HD.........................................am No 117, 2001

s 601HG.........................................am No 117, 2001; No 103, 2004; No 101, 2007; No 72, 2012; No 61,


Part 5C.5

s 601JA..........................................am No 117, 2001; No 103, 2004; No 144, 2008

s 601JB ..........................................am No 117, 2001; No 103, 2004; No 144, 2008; No 61, 2018

s 601JD..........................................am No 55, 2001; No 117, 2001

Part 5C.6

s. 601KA........................................am. No. 117, 2001

Part 5C.8

s. 601MB .......................................am. No. 122, 2001

Part 5C.10

Division 1

Division 1 heading.........................ad No 61, 2018

s 601PAA.......................................ad No 61, 2018

s 601PA .........................................am No 122, 2001; No 61, 2018

s 601PB..........................................am No 24, 2003; No 61, 2018

Division 2

Division 2 heading.........................ad No 61, 2018

s 601PBA.......................................ad No 61, 2018

s 601PBB.......................................ad No 61, 2018

s 601PBC.......................................ad No 61, 2018

s 601PBD.......................................ad No 61, 2018

s 601PBE .......................................ad No 61, 2018

s 601PC..........................................am No 61, 2018

Chapter 5D

Chapter 5D.....................................ad. No. 108, 2009

Part 5D.1

s. 601RAA .....................................ad. No. 108, 2009

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 519

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s. 601RAB .....................................ad. No. 108, 2009

am. No. 24, 2011

s 601RAC ......................................ad No 108, 2009

am No 23, 2018

s. 601RAD .....................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 601RAE......................................ad. No. 108, 2009

Part 5D.2

Division 1

s. 601SAA......................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 601SAB......................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 601SAC......................................ad. No. 108, 2009

Division 2

s. 601SBA......................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 601SBB ......................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 601SBC ......................................ad. No. 108, 2009

Division 3

s. 601SCA......................................ad. No. 108, 2009

am. No. 24, 2011

s. 601SCAA...................................ad. No. 24, 2011

s. 601SCB ......................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 601SCC ......................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 601SCD......................................ad. No. 24, 2011

Part 5D.3

Division 1

s. 601TAA .....................................ad. No. 108, 2009

am No. 171, 2012

s. 601TAB......................................ad. No. 108, 2009

am. No. 24, 2011

Division 2

s. 601TBA......................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 601TBB......................................ad. No. 108, 2009

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

520 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s. 601TBC......................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 601TBD......................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 601TBE......................................ad. No. 108, 2009

am. No. 24, 2011

Division 3

s. 601TCA......................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 601TCB......................................ad. No. 24, 2011

Division 4

Subdivision A

s. 601TDA .....................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 601TDB......................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 601TDC......................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 601TDD .....................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 601TDE......................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 601TDF ......................................ad. No. 108, 2009

Subdivision B

s. 601TDG .....................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 601TDH .....................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 601TDI.......................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 601TDJ.......................................ad. No. 108, 2009

Division 5

s. 601TEA......................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 601TEB ......................................ad. No. 108, 2009

Part 5D.4

s. 601UAA.....................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 601UAB .....................................ad. No. 108, 2009

Part 5D.5

Division 1

s. 601VAA.....................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 601VAB .....................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 601VAC .....................................ad. No. 108, 2009

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 521

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s. 601VAD.....................................ad. No. 108, 2009

Division 2

s. 601VBA .....................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 601VBB .....................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 601VBC .....................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 601VBD .....................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 601VBE......................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 601VBF......................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 601VBG .....................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 601VBH .....................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 601VBI.......................................ad. No. 108, 2009

Division 3

s. 601VCA .....................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 601VCB .....................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 601VCC .....................................ad. No. 108, 2009

Part 5D.6

Part 5D.6 heading ..........................rs. No. 24, 2011

Division 1

s. 601WAA ....................................ad. No. 108, 2009

am. No. 24, 2011

Division 2

s. 601WBA ....................................ad. No. 108, 2009

am. No. 24, 2011

s. 601WBB.....................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 601WBC.....................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 601WBD ....................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 601WBE.....................................ad. No. 108, 2009

am. No. 24, 2011

s. 601WBF.....................................ad. No. 108, 2009

am. No. 24, 2011

s. 601WBG ....................................ad. No. 108, 2009

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

522 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

am. No. 24, 2011

s. 601WBH ....................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 601WBI......................................ad. No. 108, 2009

am. No. 24, 2011

s. 601WBJ......................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 601WBK ....................................ad. No. 108, 2009

Division 3

s. 601WCA ....................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 601WCB.....................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 601WCC.....................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 601WCD ....................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 601WCE.....................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 601WCF.....................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 601WCG ....................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 601WCH ....................................ad. No. 108, 2009

Division 4

s. 601WDA ....................................ad. No. 108, 2009

am. No. 24, 2011

Part 5D.7

Part 5D.7 heading ..........................rs. No. 24, 2011

s. 601XAA.....................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 601XAB .....................................ad. No. 24, 2011

Part 5D.8

s 601YAA......................................ad No 108, 2009

am No 49, 2019

s. 601YAB .....................................ad. No. 108, 2009

Chapter 6

s 602 ..............................................am No 61, 2018

s 602A............................................ad No 64, 2007

am No 61, 2018

s 604 ..............................................am No 61, 2018

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 523

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s 605A............................................ad No 37, 2019

Part 6.1

s 606 ..............................................am No 117, 2001; No 17, 2019

s 608 ..............................................am No 61, 2018

s 609 ..............................................am No 122, 2001; No 96, 2010

s 610 ..............................................am No 122, 2001

Part 6.2

s 611 ..............................................am No 122, 2001; No 96, 2010; No 17, 2017; No 106, 2018

Part 6.4

Division 1

s. 618 .............................................am. No. 122, 2001

Division 2

s. 621 .............................................am. No. 122, 2001

s. 622 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 623 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001

Division 3

s. 624 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001

Division 4

s. 625 .............................................am. No. 122, 2001

s. 628 .............................................am. No. 103, 2004

s. 629 .............................................am. No. 122, 2001

s. 630 .............................................am. Nos. 117 and 122, 2001

Part 6.5

Division 1

s. 631 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 632 .............................................am. No. 122, 2001

s. 633 .............................................am. Nos. 117 and 122, 2001

s. 634 .............................................am. No. 122, 2001

s. 635 .............................................am. Nos. 117 and 122, 2001; No. 5, 2011

Division 2

s 636 ..............................................am No 117, 2001; No 122, 2001; No 100, 2014; No 61, 2018

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

524 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s 637 ..............................................am No 117, 2001; No 61, 2018

Division 3

s. 638 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 639 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 640 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 641 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001

Division 4

s. 643 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 644 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 647 .............................................am. Nos. 117 and 122, 2001

Division 5

Subdivision A

s. 648A...........................................am. No. 117, 2001

Subdivision C

s. 648E ...........................................am. Nos. 117 and 122, 2001

s. 648G...........................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 648H...........................................am. No. 122, 2001

Subdivision D ................................ad No 122, 2001

rep No 101, 2007

ss. 648J–648N................................ad. No. 122, 2001

rep. No. 101, 2007

ss. 648P–648U...............................ad. No. 122, 2001

rep. No. 101, 2007

Part 6.6

Division 1

s. 649B...........................................am. No. 122, 2001

s. 649C...........................................am. Nos. 117 and 122, 2001

Division 2

s 650B............................................am Nos 117 and 122, 2001

s 650D............................................am No 61, 2018

s 650E ............................................am Nos 117 and 122, 2001

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 525

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s 650F ............................................am Nos 117 and 122, 2001

Division 3

s. 651A...........................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 651C...........................................am. No. 117, 2001

Part 6.7

s. 652C...........................................am. Nos. 117 and 122, 2001; No. 96, 2010

Part 6.8

s. 653A...........................................am. No. 122, 2001

s. 653B...........................................am. No. 122, 2001

Part 6.9

s. 654A...........................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 654C...........................................am. No. 117, 2001

Part 6.10

Division 2

Division 2 heading.........................rs. No. 122, 2001

Subdivision B

s. 657A...........................................am. No. 64, 2007

s. 657D...........................................am. No. 64, 2007

s. 657EA ........................................am. No. 64, 2007

s. 657F ...........................................am. No. 117, 2001

Subdivision C

s 658C............................................am No 61, 2018

Chapter 6A

s 660B............................................am No 61, 2018

s 660C............................................ad No 37, 2019

Part 6A.1

Division 1

s. 661B...........................................am. Nos. 117 and 122, 2001

s. 661C...........................................am. No. 122, 2001

s. 661D...........................................am. No. 117, 2001

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

526 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

Division 2

s. 662A...........................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 662B...........................................am. No. 122, 2001

Division 3

s. 663A...........................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 663B...........................................am. No. 122, 2001

Part 6A.2

Division 1

s. 664B...........................................am. No. 122, 2001

s. 664C...........................................am. No. 122, 2001

s. 664D...........................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 664E ...........................................am. Nos. 117 and 122, 2001

Division 2

s. 665A...........................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 665B...........................................am. No. 122, 2001

Division 3 ......................................rep. No. 101, 2007

ss. 665D, 665E...............................am. No. 117, 2001

rep. No. 101, 2007

Part 6A.3

s. 666A...........................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 666B...........................................am. No. 117, 2001

Part 6A.4

s. 667A...........................................am. No. 117, 2001

Part 6A.5

s. 668A...........................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 668B...........................................am. No. 117, 2001

Chapter 6B

s 670A............................................am No 5, 2011; No 17, 2019

s 670B............................................am No 5, 2011; No 61, 2018

s 670C............................................am Nos 117 and 122, 2001

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 527

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

Chapter 6C

Chapter 6C heading .......................rs No 61, 2018

Part 6C.1

s 671B............................................am No 117, 2001; No 122, 2001; No 61, 2018; No 17, 2019

Part 6C.2

s 672A............................................am No 61, 2018

s 672B............................................am No 117, 2001; No 61, 2018

s 672C............................................am No 61, 2018

s 672D............................................am No 61, 2018

s 672DA.........................................ad No 103, 2004

am No 61, 2018

s 672E ............................................am No 61, 2018

Chapter 6CA

Chapter 6CA..................................ad No 122, 2001

s 674 ..............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 103, 2004; No 61, 2018

s 675 ..............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 103, 2004; No 85, 2007; No 101, 2007; No 61, 2018

s 676 ..............................................ad No 122, 2001

s 677 ..............................................ad No 122, 2001

s 678 ..............................................ad No 122, 2001

Chapter 6D

Part 6D.1

s. 700 .............................................am. No. 122, 2001; No. 101, 2007; No. 155, 2012; No 100, 2014

s. 701 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 703A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

Part 6D.2

Part 6D.2 heading ..........................rs No 17, 2017

Division 1

s 703B............................................ad No 17, 2017

s 704 ..............................................am No 103, 2004; No 101, 2007; No 17, 2017

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

528 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s. 705 .............................................am. No. 101, 2007; No 100, 2014

Division 2

s 706 ..............................................am No 101, 2007; No 17, 2017

s. 707 .............................................am. No. 122, 2001; No. 103, 2004

s 708 ..............................................am No 122, 2001; No 103, 2004; No 101, 2007; No 132, 2007; No 75,

2009; No 100, 2014; No 11, 2016

s. 708AA........................................ad. No. 101, 2007

s. 708A...........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

am. No. 101, 2007

Division 3

s 709 ..............................................am. No 101, 2007; No 100, 2014

Division 4

s 710 ..............................................am No 122, 2001; No 100, 2014; No 49, 2019

s. 711 .............................................am. No. 122, 2001; No 100, 2014

s 712 ..............................................am No 100, 2014

s 713 ..............................................am No 122, 2001; No 103, 2004; No 101, 2007; No 100, 2014

s 713A............................................ad No 100, 2014

s 713B............................................ad No 100, 2014

s 713C............................................ad No 100, 2014

s 713D............................................ad No 100, 2014

s 713E ............................................ad No 100, 2014

s. 715A...........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

s 716 ..............................................am No 100, 2014

Division 5

s 717 ..............................................am No 100, 2014

s 718 ..............................................am No 100, 2014

s 719 ..............................................am No 103, 2004; No 100, 2014

s 719A............................................ad No 100, 2014

s 720 ..............................................am No 122, 2001; No 100, 2014

s. 721 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 722 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 529

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s. 723 .............................................am. Nos. 117 and 122, 2001

s 724 ..............................................am No 117 and 122, 2001; No 100, 2014

s. 725 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001

Part 6D.3

Part 6D.3 heading ..........................rs No 17, 2017

Division 1A

Division 1A....................................ad No 17, 2017

s 725A............................................ad No 17, 2017

Division 1

s. 726 .............................................rs. No. 122, 2001

s 727 ..............................................am No 103, 2004; No 101, 2007; No 100, 2014; No 17, 2019

s 728 ..............................................am No 5, 2011; No 100, 2014; No 17, 2019

s 729 ..............................................am No 5, 2011; No 100, 2014

s 730 ..............................................am No 117, 2001; No 100, 2014

s 734 ..............................................am No 117, 2001; No 122, 2001; No 85, 2007; No 101, 2007; No 17,


s. 735 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001

s. 736 .............................................am. No. 117, 2001; No. 101, 2007

Part 6D.3A

Part 6D.3A.....................................ad No 17, 2017

Division 1

s 738A............................................ad No 17, 2017

s 738B............................................ad No 17, 2017

s 738C............................................ad No 17, 2017

s 738D............................................ad No 17, 2017

s 738E ............................................ad No 17, 2017

s 738F ............................................ad No 17, 2017

Division 2

s 738G............................................ad No 17, 2017

s 738H............................................ad No 17, 2017

am No 106, 2018

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

530 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

Division 3

s 738J.............................................ad No 17, 2017

s 738K............................................ad No 17, 2017

s 738L............................................ad No 17, 2017

s 738M...........................................ad No 17, 2017

s 738N............................................ad No 17, 2017

s 738P ............................................ad No 17, 2017

s 738Q............................................ad No 17, 2017

s 738R............................................ad No 17, 2017

s 738S ............................................ad No 17, 2017

s 738T............................................ad No 17, 2017

Division 4

s 738U............................................ad No 17, 2017

s 738V............................................ad No 17, 2017

s 738W...........................................ad No 17, 2017

s 738X............................................ad No 17, 2017

am No 106, 2018

s 738Y............................................ad No 17, 2017

s 738Z............................................ad No 17, 2017

Division 5

s 738ZA .........................................ad No 17, 2017

s 738ZB .........................................ad No 17, 2017

Division 6

s 738ZC .........................................ad No 17, 2017

s 738ZD .........................................ad No 17, 2017

s 738ZE..........................................ad No 17, 2017

Division 7

s 738ZF..........................................ad No 17, 2017

s 738ZG .........................................ad No 17, 2017

s 738ZH .........................................ad No 17, 2017

s 738ZI...........................................ad No 17, 2017

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 531

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

am No 106, 2018

s 738ZJ...........................................ad No 17, 2017

s 738ZK .........................................ad No 106, 2018

Part 6D.4

s 739 ..............................................am No 103, 2004; No 101, 2007; No 17, 2017

s 740 ..............................................am No 17, 2017

Part 6D.5

Part 6D.5........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 742 .............................................ad. No. 122, 2001

Chapter 7

Chapter 7 .......................................rs. No. 122, 2001

Part 7.1

s. 760 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Division 1

s 760A............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 50, 2019

s 760B............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 141, 2003; No 108, 2009; No 26, 2010; No 67, 2012; No 178,

2012; No 50, 2019 (Sch 1 item 2)

s. 761 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Division 2

s 761A............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 141, 2003; No 101, 2007; No 45, 2008; No 108, 2009; No 26,

2010; No 131, 2010; No 155, 2012; No 171, 2012; No 178, 2012;

No 100, 2014; No 70, 2015; No 17, 2017; No 25, 2017; No 13, 2018;

No 23, 2018; No 27, 2018; No 61, 2018; No 49, 2019; No 50, 2019

s. 761B...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 761C...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 761CA........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 761D...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s 761E ............................................ad No 122, 2001

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

532 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

am No 141, 2003; No 45, 2008; No 108, 2009; No 70, 2015; No 61,


s. 761EA ........................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 761F ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 761FA ........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s 761G............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 101, 2007; No 108, 2009; No 17, 2017

s 761GA.........................................ad No 101, 2007

am No 108, 2009; No 17, 2017

s. 761H...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 762 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Division 3

Subdivision A

s. 762A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 762B...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 762C...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 763 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Subdivision B

s. 763A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 763B...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 763C...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 763D...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 763E ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 764 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Subdivision C

s 764A............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 141, 2003; No 45, 2008; No 54, 2009; No 108, 2009; No 102,

2011; No 132, 2011; No 83, 2014; No 70, 2015; No 61, 2018; No 50,


s. 765 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 533

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

Subdivision D

s 765A............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 32, 2007; No 54, 2008; Nos 54 and 108, 2009; No 178, 2012;

No 61, 2018; No 50, 2019

s 766 ..............................................rep No 122, 2001

Division 4

s 766A............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 108, 2009; No 17, 2017

s 766B............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 141, 2003; No 170, 2006; No 114, 2009; No 50, 2019

s 766C............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 141, 2003; No 17, 2017; No 61, 2018

s 766D............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 61, 2018

s 766E ............................................rs No 122, 2001

am No 141, 2003; No 45, 2008; No 70, 2015; No 23, 2018; No 61,


s 766F ............................................rep No 122, 2001

ad No 17, 2017

s 766G............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 766H............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 766I .............................................rep No 122, 2001

Division 3 ......................................ad. No. 55, 2001

rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 766J............................................ad. No. 55, 2001

rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 767 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Division 5

s. 767A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

Division 6

s. 768A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

534 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s. 769 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Division 7

s. 769A...........................................rs. Nos. 122 and 146, 2001

s 769B............................................rs No 122, 2001

am No 68, 2012; No 49, 2019

s. 769C...........................................rs. No. 122, 2001

s. 769D...........................................rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 770 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

ss. 770A–770C...............................rep. No. 122, 2001

ss. 771, 772 ....................................rep. No. 122, 2001

ss. 772A, 772B...............................rep. No. 122, 2001

ss. 773–779 ....................................rep. No. 122, 2001

s 779A–779H.................................rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 779J............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

ss. 780–790 ....................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Part 7.2

Division 1

s. 790A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 791 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Division 2

s 791A............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 17, 2019

s. 791B...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s 791C............................................ad No 122, 2001

rs No 17, 2017

s. 791D...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 792 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Division 3

Subdivision A

s 792A............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 26, 2010; No 17, 2019

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 535

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s 792B............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 103, 2004; No 17, 2019

s. 792C...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 792D...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 792E ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 792F ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 792G...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 792H...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 792I ............................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 793 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Subdivision B

s. 793A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 793B...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 26, 2010; No. 178, 2012; No 25, 2017

s 793C............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 61, 2018

s. 793D...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s 793E ............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 17, 2019

s. 794 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Subdivision C

s. 794A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 794B...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s 794C............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 41, 2003; No 59, 2013; No 17, 2019

s. 794D...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 794E ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 795 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Division 4

Subdivision A

s. 795A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

536 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s 795B............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 26, 2010; No 17, 2019

s. 795C...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 795D...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 795E ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

Subdivision B

s. 796A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

Subdivision C

s. 797A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s 797B............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 11, 2016; No 45, 2017

s. 797C...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 797D...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 797E ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 797F ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 797G...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 798 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Division 5

s. 798A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 798B...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s 798C............................................ad No 122, 2001

rs No 101, 2007

am No 61, 2018

s 798D............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 101, 2007; No 61, 2018

s. 798DA........................................ad. No. 101, 2007

s 798E ............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 17, 2019

Part 7.2A

Part 7.2A........................................ad. No. 26, 2010

s. 798F ...........................................ad. No. 26, 2010

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 537

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s 798G............................................ad No 26, 2010

am No 17, 2019

s. 798H...........................................ad. No. 26, 2010

am. No. 178, 2012

s. 798J............................................ad. No. 26, 2010

s 798K............................................ad No 26, 2010

am No 17, 2019

s. 798L ...........................................ad. No. 26, 2010

s 798M...........................................ad No 17, 2017

s. 799 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 799A...........................................rep. No. 122, 2001

ss. 800–820 ....................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Part 7.3

Division 1

s 820A............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 17, 2019

s. 820B...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s 820C............................................ad No 122, 2001

rs No 17, 2017

s. 820D...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 821 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Division 2

Subdivision A

s 821A............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 17, 2019

s 821B............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 103, 2004; No 17, 2019

s 821BA.........................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 17, 2019

s. 821C...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 821D...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

538 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s. 821E ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 821F ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 822 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Subdivision B

s. 822A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 822B...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 178, 2012; No 25, 2017

s. 822C...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 822D...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s 822E ............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 17, 2019

Subdivision C

s. 823A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 823B...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s 823C............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 41, 2003; No 59, 2013; No 17, 2019

s 823CA.........................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 41, 2003; No 59, 2013; No 17, 2019

s. 823D...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 823E ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 824 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Division 3

Subdivision A

s. 824A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 824B...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 824C...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 824D...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 824E ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 825 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Subdivision B

s. 825A...........................................rs. No. 122, 2001

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 539

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s. 826 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Subdivision C

s. 826A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s 826B............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 11, 2016; No 45, 2017

s. 826C...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 826D...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 826E ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 826F ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 826G...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 827 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Division 4

s. 827A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 827B...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 827C...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 827D...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 5, 2011; No. 178, 2012

ss. 828–839 ....................................rep. No. 122, 2001

ss. 841–850 ....................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Part 7.4

Division 1

Subdivision A

s. 850A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 850B...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 154, 2007

s. 850C...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 850D...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 850E ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 851 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Subdivision B

s. 851A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

540 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s. 851B...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 851C...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 851D...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 851E ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 851F ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 851G...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 851H...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 851I ............................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 852 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Subdivision C

s. 852A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 852B...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 853 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Division 2

s. 853A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s 853B............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 103, 2004; No 178, 2012; No 27, 2018

s 853C............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 178, 2012; No 27, 2018

s 853D............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 178, 2012; No 27, 2018

s. 853E ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s 853F ............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 178, 2012; No 27, 2018; No 17, 2019

s 853G............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 178, 2012; No 27, 2018

s. 854 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Division 3

s. 854A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 178, 2012

s. 854B...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 541

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

am. No. 141, 2003

ss. 855–865 ....................................rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 865A...........................................rep. No. 122, 2001

ss. 866–880 ....................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Part 7.5

Division 1

s. 880A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 880B...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 881 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Division 2

s. 881A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 881B...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 881C...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 881D...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 882 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Division 3

Subdivision A

s. 882A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 882B...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 882C...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 882D...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 883 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Subdivision B

s. 883A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 883B...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 883C...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 883D...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 884 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Subdivision C

s. 884A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 884B...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

542 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s. 884C...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 885 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Subdivision D

s. 885A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 885B...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 885C...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 885D...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 885E ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 885F ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 885G...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 885H...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 885I ............................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 885J............................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 886 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Subdivision E

s. 886A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 886B...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 887 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Division 4

Subdivision A

s. 887A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 888 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Subdivision B

s. 888A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 888B...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 888C...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 888D...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 888E ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 888F ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 888G...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 888H...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 543

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s. 888I ............................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 888J............................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 888K...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 889 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Subdivision C

s. 889A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 889B...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 889C...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 889D...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 889E ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 889F ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 889G...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 889H...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 889I ............................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 889J............................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am No. 149, 2007

s. 889K...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 890 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Subdivision D

s. 890A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 890B...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 890C...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 890D...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 890E ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 890F ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 890G...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 890H...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 891 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Subdivision E

s. 891A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 891B...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

544 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s. 891C...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 892 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Division 5

s. 892A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 892B...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 892C...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 892D...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 892E ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 892F ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 892G...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 892H...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 103, 2004

s. 892I ............................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 892J............................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 892K...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 893 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Division 6

s. 893A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s 893B............................................ad No 17, 2017

ss. 894–899 ....................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Part 7.5A

Part 7.5A........................................ad. No. 178, 2012

Division 1

s. 900 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 900A...........................................ad. No. 178, 2012

Division 2

Subdivision A

s. 901 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

s 901A............................................ad No 178, 2012

am No 17, 2019

s. 901B...........................................ad. No. 178, 2012

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 545

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s. 901C...........................................ad. No. 178, 2012

s. 901D...........................................ad. No. 178, 2012

Subdivision B

s. 901E ...........................................ad. No. 178, 2012

am No 25, 2017

s 901F ............................................ad No 178, 2012

am No 17, 2019

s. 901G...........................................ad. No. 178, 2012

Subdivision C

Subdivision C heading ...................rs No 49, 2019

s. 901H...........................................ad. No. 178, 2012

s. 901J............................................ad. No. 178, 2012

s. 901K...........................................ad. No. 178, 2012

s. 901L ...........................................ad. No. 178, 2012

s. 901M..........................................ad. No. 178, 2012

Division 3

s. 902 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 902A...........................................ad. No. 178, 2012

Division 4

Subdivision A

s. 903 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

s 903A............................................ad No 178, 2012

am No 17, 2019

s. 903B...........................................ad. No. 178, 2012

s. 903C...........................................ad. No. 178, 2012

Subdivision B

s. 903D...........................................ad. No. 178, 2012

am No 25, 2017

s 903E ............................................ad No 178, 2012

am No 17, 2019

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

546 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

Subdivision C

s. 903F ...........................................ad. No. 178, 2012

s. 903G...........................................ad. No. 178, 2012

s. 903H...........................................ad. No. 178, 2012

s. 903J............................................ad. No. 178, 2012

s. 903K...........................................ad. No. 178, 2012

Division 5

Subdivision A

s. 904 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

s 904A............................................ad No 178, 2012

am No 17, 2019

s. 904B...........................................ad. No. 178, 2012

s 904C............................................ad No 178, 2012

am No 17, 2019

s. 904D...........................................ad. No. 178, 2012

s. 904E ...........................................ad. No. 178, 2012

Subdivision B

s. 904F ...........................................ad. No. 178, 2012

s. 904G...........................................ad. No. 178, 2012

s. 904H...........................................ad. No. 178, 2012

s. 904J............................................ad. No. 178, 2012

s. 904K...........................................ad. No. 178, 2012

Division 6

Subdivision A

s. 905 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

s 905A............................................ad No 178, 2012

am No 17, 2019

Subdivision B

s. 905B...........................................ad. No. 178, 2012

s. 905C...........................................ad. No. 178, 2012

s. 905D...........................................ad. No. 178, 2012

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 547

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s. 905E ...........................................ad. No. 178, 2012

Subdivision C

s. 905F ...........................................ad. No. 178, 2012

Subdivision D

s. 905G...........................................ad. No. 178, 2012

s 905H............................................ad No 178, 2012

am No 11, 2016; No 45, 2017

s. 905J............................................ad. No. 178, 2012

s. 905K...........................................ad. No. 178, 2012

s. 905L ...........................................ad. No. 178, 2012

s. 905M..........................................ad. No. 178, 2012

s. 905N...........................................ad. No. 178, 2012

Subdivision E

s. 905P ...........................................ad. No. 178, 2012

Division 7

s. 906 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 906A...........................................ad. No. 178, 2012

Division 8

s. 907 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 907A...........................................ad. No. 178, 2012

s 907B............................................ad No 178, 2012

am No 49, 2019

s. 907C...........................................ad. No. 178, 2012

s. 907D...........................................ad. No. 178, 2012

s. 907E ...........................................ad. No. 178, 2012

Part 7.5B

Part 7.5B........................................ad No 27, 2018

Division 1

s 908AA.........................................ad No 27, 2018

s 908AB.........................................ad No 27, 2018

s 908AC.........................................ad No 27, 2018

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

548 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s 908AD.........................................ad No 27, 2018

s 908AE .........................................ad No 27, 2018

s 908AF .........................................ad No 27, 2018

s 908AG.........................................ad No 27, 2018

Division 2

Subdivision A

s 908BA.........................................ad No 27, 2018

am No 17, 2019

s 908BB .........................................ad No 27, 2018

am No 17, 2019

Subdivision B

s 908BC .........................................ad No 27, 2018

s 908BD.........................................ad No 27, 2018

s 908BE .........................................ad No 27, 2018

s 908BF..........................................ad No 27, 2018

Subdivision C

s 908BG.........................................ad No 27, 2018

Subdivision D

s 908BH.........................................ad No 27, 2018

s 908BI...........................................ad No 27, 2018

s 908BJ ..........................................ad No 27, 2018

s 908BK.........................................ad No 27, 2018

s 908BL .........................................ad No 27, 2018

s 908BM ........................................ad No 27, 2018

s 908BN.........................................ad No 27, 2018

Subdivision E

s 908BO.........................................ad No 27, 2018

Subdivision F

s 908BP..........................................ad No 27, 2018

s 908BQ.........................................ad No 27, 2018

s 908BR .........................................ad No 27, 2018

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 549

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s 908BS..........................................ad No 27, 2018

Subdivision G

s 908BT .........................................ad No 27, 2018

s 908BU.........................................ad No 27, 2018

s 908BV.........................................ad No 27, 2018

Subdivision H

s 908BW ........................................ad No 27, 2018

s 908BX.........................................ad No 27, 2018

Division 3

Subdivision A

s 908CA.........................................ad No 27, 2018

s 908CB .........................................ad No 27, 2018

s 908CC .........................................ad No 27, 2018

Subdivision B

s 908CD.........................................ad No 27, 2018

s 908CE .........................................ad No 27, 2018

Subdivision C

s 908CF..........................................ad No 27, 2018

am No 17, 2019

s 908CG.........................................ad No 27, 2018

am No 17, 2019

s 908CH.........................................ad No 27, 2018

s 908CI...........................................ad No 27, 2018

s 908CJ ..........................................ad No 27, 2018

Subdivision D

s 908CK.........................................ad No 27, 2018

s 908CL .........................................ad No 27, 2018

s 908CM ........................................ad No 27, 2018

s 908CN.........................................ad No 27, 2018

s 908CO.........................................ad No 27, 2018

rs No 17, 2019

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

550 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s 908CP..........................................ad No 27, 2018

s 908CQ.........................................ad No 27, 2018

Division 4

s 908DA.........................................ad No 27, 2018

s 908DB.........................................ad No 27, 2018

s 908DC.........................................ad No 27, 2018

rs No 17, 2019

s 908DD.........................................ad No 27, 2018

Division 5

s 908EA .........................................ad No 27, 2018

s 908EB .........................................ad No 27, 2018

s. 908 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 909 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 910 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Part 7.6

Division 1

s 910A............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 7, 2017; No 37, 2019

s. 911 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Division 2

s 911A............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 141, 2003; No 101, 2007; No 108, 2009; No 61, 2018; No 17,

2019; No 49, 2019

s 911B............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 17, 2019

s. 911C...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 141, 2003

s. 911D...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 912 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Division 3

s 912A............................................ad No 122, 2001

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 551

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

am No 103, 2004; No 61, 2013; No 7, 2017; No 13, 2018; No 61, 2018;

No 17, 2019

s 912B............................................ad No 122, 2001

s 912C............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 141, 2003; No 6, 2017

s 912CA.........................................ad No 141, 2003

s 912D............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 141, 2003; No 154, 2007; No 108, 2009; No 61, 2018; No 17,


s 912E ............................................ad No 122, 2001

s 912F ............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 141, 2003

s 913 ..............................................rep No 122, 2001

Division 4

Subdivision A

s. 913A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s 913B............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 67, 2012; No 7, 2017

s. 913C...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 135, 2009

s. 914 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Subdivision B

s. 914A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 915 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Subdivision C

s. 915A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s 915B............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 108, 2009; No 11, 2016; No 45, 2017; No 61, 2018

s 915C............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 67, 2012; No 61, 2018

s. 915D...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

552 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s. 915E ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 915F ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 915G...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 915H...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 915I ............................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 915J............................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 916 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Division 5

s 916A............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 7, 2017

s 916B............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 7, 2017

s. 916C...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 916D...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 916E ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 916F ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 141, 2003

s. 916G...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 917 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Division 6

s. 917A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 101, 2007

s. 917B...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 917C...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 101, 2007

s. 917D...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 917E ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 917F ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 918 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 920 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 553

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

Division 8

Subdivision A

s 920A............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 141, 2003; No 67, 2012; No 7, 2017; No 61, 2018

s. 920B...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s 920C............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 17, 2019

s. 920D...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 920E ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 920F ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 921 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Subdivision B

s. 921A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s 922 ..............................................rep No 122, 2001

Division 8A

Division 8A....................................ad No 7, 2017

Subdivision A

s 921B............................................ad No 7, 2017

s 921C............................................ad No 7, 2017

s 921D............................................ad No 7, 2017

Subdivision B

s 921E ............................................ad No 7, 2017

Subdivision C

s 921F ............................................ad No 7, 2017

Division 8B

Division 8B....................................ad No 7, 2017

Subdivision A

s 921G............................................ad No 7, 2017

s 921H............................................ad No 7, 2017

s 921J.............................................ad No 7, 2017

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

554 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

Subdivision B

s 921K............................................ad No 7, 2017

Subdivision C

s 921L............................................ad No 7, 2017

am No 17, 2019

s 921M...........................................ad No 7, 2017

am No 17, 2019

s 921N............................................ad No 7, 2017

Subdivision D

s 921P ............................................ad No 7, 2017

am No 17, 2019

s 921Q............................................ad No 7, 2017

s 921R............................................ad No 7, 2017

s 921S ............................................ad No 7, 2017

s 921T............................................ad No 7, 2017

Division 8C

Division 8C....................................ad No 7, 2017

Subdivision A

s 921U............................................ad No 7, 2017

s 921V............................................ad No 7, 2017

s 921W...........................................ad No 7, 2017

Subdivision B

s 921X............................................ad No 7, 2017

s 921Y............................................ad No 7, 2017

Subdivision C

s 921Z............................................ad No 7, 2017

s 921ZA .........................................ad No 7, 2017

s 921ZB .........................................ad No 7, 2017

s 921ZC .........................................ad No 7, 2017

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 555

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

Division 9

Subdivision A

Subdivision A heading...................ad No 7, 2017

s 922A............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 7, 2017

s 922B............................................ad No 122, 2001

rs No 7, 2017

s 923 ..............................................rep No 122, 2001

Subdivision B

Subdivision B ................................ad No 7, 2017

s 922D............................................ad No 7, 2017

s 922E ............................................ad No 7, 2017

s 922F ............................................ad No 7, 2017

s 922G............................................ad No 7, 2017

s 922H............................................ad No 7, 2017

s 922HA.........................................ad No 7, 2017

s 922HB.........................................ad No 7, 2017

s 922HC.........................................ad No 7, 2017

s 922HD.........................................ad No 7, 2017

s 922J.............................................ad No 7, 2017

s 922K............................................ad No 7, 2017

s 922L............................................ad No 7, 2017

s 922M...........................................ad No 7, 2017

rs No 17, 2019

s 922N............................................ad No 7, 2017

s 922P ............................................ad No 7, 2017

Subdivision C

Subdivision C ................................ad No 7, 2017

s 922Q............................................ad No 7, 2017

s 922R............................................ad No 7, 2017

s 922S ............................................ad No 7, 2017

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

556 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

Division 10

s. 923A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 923B...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s 923C............................................ad No 7, 2017

s. 924 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Division 11

Subdivision A

s. 924A...........................................rs. No. 122, 2001

s. 924B...........................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Subdivision B

s. 925A...........................................rs. No. 122, 2001

s. 925B...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 925C...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 925D...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 925E ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 925F ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 925G...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 925H...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 925I ............................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 926 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Division 12

Division 12 ....................................ad. No. 141, 2003

s 926A............................................ad No 141, 2003

am No 154, 2007; No 5, 2011; No 7, 2017; No 49, 2019

s. 926B...........................................ad. No. 141, 2003

s. 927 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 927A...........................................rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 928 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

ss. 928A, 928B...............................rep. No. 122, 2001

ss. 929, 930 ....................................rep. No. 122, 2001

ss. 930A–930C...............................rep. No. 122, 2001

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 557

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

ss. 931–940 ....................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Part 7.7

Division 1

s. 940A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 940B...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 940C...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 141, 2003; No. 101, 2007

s. 940D...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 941 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Division 2

Subdivision A

s 941A............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 17, 2019

s 941B............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 17, 2019

s 941C............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 141, 2003; No 101, 2007; No 61, 2018

s. 941D...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 941E ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 941F ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

Subdivision B

s. 942A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 942B...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 141, 2003; No. 101, 2007

s. 942C...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 141, 2003; No. 101, 2007

s. 942D...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 942DA........................................ad. No. 141, 2003

s. 942E ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 943 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

558 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

Subdivision C

s. 943A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 943B...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 943C...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 943D...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 943E ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 943F ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 944 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Division 3

Subdivision A

s. 944A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 945 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Subdivision B ................................rep. No. 68, 2012

ss. 945A, 945B...............................ad. No. 122, 2001

rep. No. 68, 2012

s. 946 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Subdivision C

s 946A............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 101, 2007; No 17, 2019

s 946AA.........................................ad No 101, 2007

am No 45, 2008; No 70, 2015

s 946B............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 141, 2003; No 101, 2007; No 61, 2018; No 49, 2019

s. 946C...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 947 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Subdivision D

s. 947A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 947B...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 141, 2003; No. 68, 2012

s. 947C...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 141, 2003; No. 68, 2012

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 559

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s. 947D...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 141, 2003; No 61, 2013

s. 947E ...........................................ad. No. 141, 2003

s. 948 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Subdivision E

s. 948A...........................................rs. No. 122, 2001

s. 949 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Division 4

s. 949A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 141, 2003; No. 155, 2012

s. 949B...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 950 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 950A...........................................rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 951 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Division 6

s. 951A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 951B...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 141, 2003; No. 5, 2011

s. 951C...........................................ad. No. 141, 2003

s. 952 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Division 7

Subdivision A

s 952A............................................rs No 122, 2001

s 952B............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 141, 2003; No 101, 2007

s 952C............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 61, 2018

s 952D............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 61, 2018

s 952E ............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 101, 2007; No 61, 2018

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

560 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

rs No 17, 2019

s 952F ............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 101, 2007

s 952G............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 101, 2007

s 952H............................................ad No 122, 2001

rs No 17, 2019

s 952I .............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 141, 2003; No 61, 2018

s 952J.............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 141, 2003; No 61, 2018

s 952K............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 61, 2018

s 952L............................................ad No 122, 2001

s 952M...........................................ad No 122, 2001

s 953 ..............................................rep No 122, 2001

Subdivision B

s. 953A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 141, 2003; No. 101, 2007

s. 953B...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 141, 2003; No. 68, 2012

s. 953C...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 954 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

ss. 954A–954H ..............................rep. No. 122, 2001

ss. 954L–954N...............................rep. No. 122, 2001

ss. 954P–954T................................rep. No. 122, 2001

ss. 954W–954Z..............................rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 954ZA ........................................rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 955 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 955A...........................................rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 956 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 561

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s. 957 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 958 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 959 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Part 7.7A

Part 7.7A........................................ad. No. 67, 2012

Division 1

s 960 ..............................................rep No 122, 2001

ad No 67, 2012

am No 68, 2012; No 22, 2016; No 6, 2017

s. 960A...........................................ad. No. 67, 2012

s. 960B...........................................ad. No. 68, 2012

Division 2

Division 2 ......................................ad. No. 68, 2012

Subdivision A

s. 961 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

ad. No. 68, 2012

s. 961A...........................................ad. No. 68, 2012

Subdivision B

s. 961B...........................................ad. No. 68, 2012

am No 22, 2016

s. 961C...........................................rep. No. 122, 2001

ad. No. 68, 2012

s. 961D...........................................rep. No. 122, 2001

ad. No. 68, 2012

s. 961E ...........................................rep. No. 122, 2001

ad. No. 68, 2012

s 961F ............................................rep No 122, 2001

ad No 68, 2012

am No 70, 2015; No 22, 2016

Subdivision C

s. 961G...........................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

562 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

ad. No. 68, 2012

Subdivision D

s. 961H...........................................ad. No. 68, 2012

Subdivision E

s 961J.............................................ad No 68, 2012

am No 22, 2016

Subdivision F

s. 961K...........................................ad. No. 68, 2012

s. 961L ...........................................ad. No. 68, 2012

s. 961M..........................................ad. No. 68, 2012

s. 961N...........................................ad. No. 68, 2012

s. 961P ...........................................ad. No. 68, 2012

Subdivision G

s. 961Q...........................................ad. No. 68, 2012

Division 3

Subdivision A

s. 962 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

ad. No. 67, 2012

s. 962A...........................................ad. No. 67, 2012

s. 962B...........................................ad. No. 67, 2012

s. 962C...........................................ad. No. 67, 2012

s. 962CA........................................ad. No. 67, 2012

Subdivision B

s. 962D...........................................ad. No. 67, 2012

s. 962E ...........................................ad. No. 67, 2012

s. 962F ...........................................ad. No. 67, 2012

s 962G............................................ad No 67, 2012

am No 22, 2016

s 962H............................................ad No 67, 2012

am No 22, 2016

s. 962J............................................ad. No. 67, 2012

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 563

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s 962K............................................ad No 67, 2012

am No 22, 2016

s. 962L ...........................................ad. No. 67, 2012

s. 962M..........................................ad. No. 67, 2012

s. 962N...........................................ad. No. 67, 2012

s. 962P ...........................................ad. No. 67, 2012

s. 962Q...........................................ad. No. 67, 2012

Subdivision C

s. 962R...........................................ad. No. 67, 2012

s 962S ............................................ad No 67, 2012

am No 22, 2016

Division 4

Division 4 ......................................ad. No. 68, 2012

Subdivision A

s. 963 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

ad. No. 68, 2012

Subdivision B

s 963A............................................ad No 68, 2012

am No 22, 2016; No 6, 2017

s 963AA.........................................ad No 6, 2017

s 963B............................................ad No 68, 2012

am No 22, 2016; No 6, 2017

s 963BA.........................................ad No 6, 2017

s 963C............................................ad No 68, 2012

am No 22, 2016; No 6, 2017

s 963D............................................ad No 68, 2012

rs No 22, 2016

am No 6, 2017

Subdivision C

s. 963E ...........................................ad. No. 68, 2012

s. 963F ...........................................ad. No. 68, 2012

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

564 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s. 963G...........................................ad. No. 68, 2012

s. 963H...........................................ad. No. 68, 2012

s. 963J............................................ad. No. 68, 2012

s. 963K...........................................ad. No. 68, 2012

s. 963L ...........................................ad. No. 68, 2012

Division 5

Division 5 ......................................ad. No. 68, 2012

Subdivision A

s 964 ..............................................rep No 122, 2001

ad No 68, 2012

am No 61, 2013; No 61, 2018

s 964A............................................ad No 68, 2012

Subdivision B

s. 964B...........................................ad. No. 68, 2012

s. 964C...........................................ad. No. 68, 2012

s. 964D...........................................ad. No. 68, 2012

s. 964E ...........................................ad. No. 68, 2012

s. 964F ...........................................ad. No. 68, 2012

s. 964G...........................................ad. No. 68, 2012

s. 964H...........................................ad. No. 68, 2012

Division 6

s. 965 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

ad. No. 67, 2012

am No 68, 2012

Division 7

s. 966 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

ad. No. 67, 2012

s. 967 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

ad. No. 67, 2012

s. 968 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

ad. No. 67, 2012

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 565

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

am. No. 68, 2012

s. 969 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 970 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

ss. 970A, 970B...............................rep. No. 122, 2001

ss. 971, 972 ....................................rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 972A...........................................rep. No. 122, 2001

ss. 973–980 ....................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Part 7.8

Division 1

s. 980A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 980B...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 981 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Division 2

Subdivision A

s. 981A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 108, 2009

s 981B............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 141, 2003; No 17, 2019

s 981C............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 17, 2019

s. 981D...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am No 25, 2017

s. 981E ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 96, 2010

s. 981F ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 981G...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 981H...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 141, 2003

Subdivision AA

Subdivision AA .............................ad No 25, 2017

s 981J.............................................ad No 25, 2017

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

566 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s 981K............................................ad No 25, 2017

am No 17, 2019

s 981L............................................ad No 25, 2017

s 981M...........................................ad No 25, 2017

s 981N............................................ad No 25, 2017

am No 17, 2019

s 981P ............................................ad No 25, 2017

s. 982 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Subdivision B

s. 982A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 982B...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 982C...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 982D...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 983 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Subdivision C

s. 983A...........................................rs. No. 122, 2001

s. 983B...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 983C...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 983D...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 983E ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 984 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Division 3

s. 984A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 984B...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am No 25, 2017

s. 985 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Division 4

s. 985A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 75, 2009

s. 985B...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 985C...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 567

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s. 985D...........................................ad. No. 149, 2007

(1)(b) exp (s 985D(3))

Division 4A

Division 4A....................................ad. No. 108, 2009

Subdivision A

s. 985EA ........................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 985E ...........................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 985F ...........................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 985G...........................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 985H...........................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 985J............................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 985K...........................................ad. No. 108, 2009

Subdivision B

s. 985L ...........................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 985M..........................................ad. No. 108, 2009

s. 986 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Division 5

s. 986A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 986B...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 987 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Division 6

Subdivision A

s. 987A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

Subdivision B

s. 988A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 988B...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 988C...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 988D...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s 988E ............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 61, 2018

s. 988F ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

568 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s. 988G...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

Subdivision C

s. 989A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 989B...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 989C...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s 989CA.........................................ad No 103, 2004

am No 17, 2019

s. 989D...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

Subdivision D

s. 990A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

rs. No. 101, 2007

s. 990B...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 101, 2007

s. 990C...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 990D...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 990E ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 990F ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 990G...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 990H...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 990I ............................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 103, 2004; No. 101, 2007

s. 990J............................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 990K...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 103, 2004

s. 990L ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

rs. No. 103, 2004

Division 7

s. 991A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 991B...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 991C...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 991D...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 569

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s. 991E ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 991F ...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

Division 8

s 992A............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 29, 2002; No 141, 2003; No 101, 2007; No 61, 2018

s 992AA.........................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 141, 2003; No 101, 2007; No 61, 2018

s 992B............................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 141, 2003; No 5, 2011

s 992C............................................ad No 141, 2003

Division 9

s. 993A...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 993B...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 993C...........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s 993D............................................ad No 122, 2001

rs No 17, 2019

Part 7.8A

Part 7.8A........................................ad No 50, 2019

Division 1

s 994A............................................ad No 50, 2019

s 994AA.........................................ad No 50, 2019

Division 2

s 994B............................................ad No 50, 2019

s 994C............................................ad No 50, 2019

s 994D............................................ad No 50, 2019

Division 3

s 994E ............................................ad No 50, 2019

s 994F ............................................ad No 50, 2019

s 994G............................................ad No 50, 2019

Division 4

s 994H............................................ad No 50, 2019

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

570 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s 994J.............................................ad No 50, 2019

Division 5

s 994K............................................ad No 50, 2019

s 994L............................................ad No 50, 2019

Division 6

s 994M...........................................ad No 50, 2019

s 994N............................................ad No 50, 2019

s 994P ............................................ad No 50, 2019

s 994Q............................................ad No 50, 2019

s. 995 .............................................rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 995A...........................................rep. No. 122, 2001

ss. 997–1001 ..................................rep. No. 122, 2001

ss. 1001A–1001D ..........................rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 1002 ...........................................rep. No. 122, 2001

ss. 1002A–1002H ..........................rep. No. 122, 2001

ss. 1002J–1002N............................rep. No. 122, 2001

ss. 1002P–1002U ...........................rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 1005 ...........................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Part 7.9

Part 7.9 heading .............................rs. No. 141, 2003

Division 1

s. 1010A.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 141, 2003; No. 146, 2008; No. 155, 2012

s 1010B..........................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 141, 2003; No 61, 2018

s. 1010BA......................................ad. No. 101, 2007

s. 1010C.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1010D.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

Division 2

Subdivision A

s 1011A..........................................ad No 122, 2001

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 571

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

am No 49, 2019

s. 1011B.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 101, 2007

s. 1011C.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

Subdivision B

s 1012A..........................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 103, 2004; No 101, 2007; No 17, 2019

s 1012B..........................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 101, 2007; No 17, 2019

s 1012C..........................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 103, 2004; No 17, 2019

s 1012D..........................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 141, 2003; No 103, 2004; No 61, 2018; No 49, 2019

s 1012DAA....................................ad No 101, 2007

am No 61, 2018

s 1012DA.......................................ad No 103, 2004

am No 101, 2007; No 61, 2018

s. 1012E .........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1012F .........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1012G.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 141, 2003

s. 1012H.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1012I ..........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1012IA .......................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 141, 2003

s. 1012J..........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1012K.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1013 ...........................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Subdivision C

s 1013A..........................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 61, 2018

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

572 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s 1013B..........................................ad No 122, 2001

s 1013C..........................................ad No 122, 2001

s 1013D..........................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 141, 2003; No 103, 2004; No 61, 2018

s 1013DA.......................................ad No 122, 2001

s 1013E ..........................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 103, 2004

s 1013F ..........................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 141, 2003; No 103, 2004

s 1013FA .......................................ad No 103, 2004

am No 101, 2007; No 61, 2018

s 1013G..........................................ad No 122, 2001

s 1013GA.......................................ad No 61, 2018

s 1013H..........................................ad No 122, 2001

s 1013I ...........................................ad No 122, 2001

s 1013IA ........................................ad No 61, 2018

s 1013J...........................................ad No 122, 2001

s 1013K..........................................ad No 122, 2001

s 1013L ..........................................ad No 122, 2001

s 1013M.........................................ad No 141, 2003

s 1014 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

Subdivision D

s. 1014A.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 101, 2007

s. 1014B.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1014C.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1014D.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1014E .........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1014F .........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

Subdivision DA

Subdivision DA .............................ad. No. 101, 2007

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 573

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s. 1014G.........................................ad. No. 101, 2007

s. 1014H.........................................ad. No. 101, 2007

s. 1014J..........................................ad. No. 101, 2007

s. 1014K.........................................ad. No. 101, 2007

s. 1014L .........................................ad. No. 101, 2007

s. 1015 ...........................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Subdivision E

s 1015A..........................................ad No 122, 2001

s 1015B..........................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 61, 2018

s 1015C..........................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 141, 2003

s 1015D..........................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 141, 2003; No 101, 2007; No 49, 2019

s 1015E ..........................................ad No 122, 2001

Subdivision F

s 1016A..........................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 141, 2003; No 45, 2008; No 108, 2009; No 70, 2015; No 61,


s 1016B..........................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 141, 2003; No 61, 2018

s. 1016C.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 141, 2003

s. 1016D.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 141, 2003; No. 101, 2007

s. 1016E .........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 141, 2003; No. 101, 2007

s. 1016F .........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

Division 3

s 1017A..........................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 61, 2018

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

574 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s 1017B..........................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 141, 2003; No 162, 2012; No 61, 2013; No 61, 2018

s 1017BA.......................................ad No 171, 2012

am No 61, 2013; No 17, 2019

s 1017BB .......................................ad No 171, 2012

am No 17, 2019; No 40, 2019

s 1017BC .......................................ad No 171, 2012

rep No 40, 2019

s 1017BD.......................................ad No 171, 2012

rep No 40, 2019

s 1017BE .......................................ad No 171, 2012

rep No 40, 2019

s 1017C..........................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 141, 2003; No 49, 2019

s 1017D..........................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 141, 2003; No 45, 2008; No 108, 2009; No 70, 2015; No 61,


s 1017DA.......................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 49, 2019

s 1017E ..........................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 141, 2003; No 61, 2018

s 1017F ..........................................ad No 122, 2001

s 1017G..........................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 13, 2018; No 61, 2018 (amdt never applied to

par 1017G(2)(b)(ii) (Sch 2 item 285))

Division 4

s 1018A..........................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 85, 2007; No 5, 2011; No 17, 2017; No 50, 2019

s. 1018B.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

Division 5

s 1019A..........................................ad No 122, 2001

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 575

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

am No 45, 2008; No 61, 2018

s 1019B..........................................ad No 122, 2001

Division 5A

Division 5A....................................ad. No. 141, 2003

s. 1019C.........................................ad. No. 141, 2003

s. 1019D.........................................ad. No. 141, 2003

s. 1019E .........................................ad. No. 141, 2003

s. 1019F .........................................ad. No. 141, 2003

s. 1019G.........................................ad. No. 141, 2003

am. No. 131, 2010

s. 1019H.........................................ad. No. 141, 2003

s. 1019I ..........................................ad. No. 141, 2003

s. 1019J..........................................ad. No. 141, 2003

s. 1019K.........................................ad. No. 141, 2003

am. No. 131, 2010

Division 5B

Division 5B....................................ad. No. 146, 2008

s 1020AA.......................................ad No 146, 2008

am No 61, 2018

s. 1020AB ......................................ad. No. 146, 2008

s. 1020AC ......................................ad. No. 146, 2008

s. 1020AD......................................ad. No. 146, 2008

s. 1020AE ......................................ad. No. 146, 2008

s 1020AF .......................................ad No 146, 2008

am No 49, 2019

Division 5C

Division 5C....................................ad. No. 155, 2012

s. 1020AG......................................ad. No. 155, 2012

s. 1020AH......................................ad. No. 155, 2012

s. 1020AI .......................................ad. No. 155, 2012

s. 1020AJ .......................................ad. No. 155, 2012

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

576 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s. 1020AK......................................ad. No. 155, 2012

s. 1020AL ......................................ad. No. 155, 2012

Division 6

s 1020A..........................................ad No 122, 2001

rs No 17, 2019

s 1020BAA ....................................ad No 61, 2018

s 1020B..........................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 146, 2008; No 96, 2010; No 61, 2018

s. 1020C.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

rep. No. 146, 2008

s. 1020D.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s 1020E ..........................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 141, 2003; No 171, 2012; No 40, 2019

s. 1020F .........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 141, 2003; No. 146, 2008; No. 5, 2011

s. 1020G.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 141, 2003

Division 7

Subdivision A

s. 1021A.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 141, 2003

s. 1021B.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 141, 2003

s. 1021C.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 141, 2003; No. 103, 2004; No. 101, 2007

s. 1021D.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 141, 2003; No. 103, 2004; No. 101, 2007

s 1021E ..........................................ad No 122, 2001

am No. 141, 2003; No 103, 2004; No 101, 2007

rs No 17, 2019

s. 1021F .........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 577

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

am. No. 141, 2003; No. 103, 2004; No. 101, 2007

s. 1021FA ......................................ad. No. 141, 2003

s. 1021FB.......................................ad. No. 141, 2003

s 1021G..........................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 141, 2003

rs No 17, 2019

s. 1021H.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 141, 2003; No. 103, 2004; No. 101, 2007

s. 1021I ..........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 141, 2003; No. 103, 2004; No. 101, 2007

s. 1021J..........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 141, 2003

s. 1021K.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1021L .........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1021M........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1021N.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s 1021NA.......................................ad No 171, 2012

s 1021NB.......................................ad No 171, 2012

s 1021NC.......................................ad No 171, 2012

rep No 40, 2019

s. 1021O.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1021P .........................................ad. No. 141, 2003

am. No. 131, 2010

Subdivision B

s. 1022A.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 141, 2003

s 1022B..........................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 141, 2003; No 171, 2012; No 40, 2019

s. 1022C.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

Part 7.9A

Part 7.9A........................................ad No 50, 2019

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

578 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s 1023A..........................................ad No 50, 2019

s 1023B..........................................ad No 50, 2019

s 1023C..........................................ad No 50, 2019

s 1023D..........................................ad No 50, 2019

s 1023E ..........................................ad No 50, 2019

s 1023F ..........................................ad No 50, 2019

s 1023G..........................................ad No 50, 2019

s 1023H..........................................ad No 50, 2019

s 1023J...........................................ad No 50, 2019

s 1023K..........................................ad No 50, 2019

s 1023L ..........................................ad No 50, 2019

s 1023M.........................................ad No 50, 2019

s 1023N..........................................ad No 50, 2019

s 1023P ..........................................ad No 50, 2019

s 1023Q..........................................ad No 50, 2019

s 1023R..........................................ad No 50, 2019

Part 7.10

Division 1

s. 1040A.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s 1040B..........................................ad No 27, 2018

Division 2

s. 1041A.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1041B.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 131, 2010

s. 1041C.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1041D.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1041E .........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s 1041F ..........................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 17, 2019

s 1041G..........................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 17, 2019

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 579

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s 1041H..........................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 118, 2004; No 171, 2012; No 17, 2017; No 40, 2019

s. 1041I ..........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. Nos. 103 and 118, 2004

s. 1041J..........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s 1041K..........................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 171, 2012; No 17, 2017; No 40, 2019

Division 2A

Division 2A....................................ad. No. 103, 2004

s. 1041L .........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

s. 1041M........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

s. 1041N.........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

s. 1041O.........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

s. 1041P .........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

s. 1041Q.........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

s. 1041R.........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

s. 1041S .........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

Division 3

Subdivision A

s. 1042A.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 29, 2002

s. 1042B.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1042C.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1042D.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1042E .........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 26, 2010

s. 1042F .........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 4, 2010

s. 1042G.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1042H.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

580 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

Subdivision B

s 1043A..........................................ad No 122, 2001

s 1043B..........................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 61, 2018

s 1043C..........................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 61, 2018

s. 1043D.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1043E .........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1043F .........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 103, 2004

s. 1043G.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1043H.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 29, 2002

s. 1043I ..........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 29, 2002; No. 103, 2004

s. 1043J..........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 29, 2002 (as am. by No. 100, 2005); No. 103, 2004

s. 1043K.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s 1043L ..........................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 61, 2018

s. 1043M........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1043N.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1043O.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

Division 4

Division 4 heading.........................rs. No. 118, 2004

s. 1044A.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 103, 2004

s. 1044B.........................................ad. No. 118, 2004

Division 5

Division 5 ......................................ad. No. 141, 2003

s. 1045A.........................................ad. No. 141, 2003

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 581

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

Part 7.10A

Part 7.10A......................................ad No 13, 2018

Division 1

Subdivision A

s 1050 ............................................ad No 13, 2018

Subdivision B

s 1051 ............................................ad No 13, 2018

s 1051A..........................................ad No 13, 2018

Division 2

s 1052 ............................................ad No 13, 2018

s 1052A..........................................ad No 13, 2018

s 1052B..........................................ad No 13, 2018

s 1052BA.......................................ad No 13, 2018

s 1052C..........................................ad No 13, 2018

s 1052D..........................................ad No 13, 2018

s 1052E ..........................................ad No 13, 2018

Division 3

Subdivision A

s 1053 ............................................ad No 13, 2018

s 1053A..........................................ad No 13, 2018

Subdivision B

s 1054 ............................................ad No 13, 2018

s 1054A..........................................ad No 13, 2018

s 1054B..........................................ad No 13, 2018

s 1054BA.......................................ad No 13, 2018

s 1054C..........................................ad No 13, 2018

Subdivision C

s 1055 ............................................ad No 13, 2018

s 1055A..........................................ad No 13, 2018

s 1055B..........................................ad No 13, 2018

s 1055C..........................................ad No 13, 2018

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

582 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s 1055D..........................................ad No 13, 2018

Subdivision D

s 1056 ............................................ad No 13, 2018

s 1056A..........................................ad No 13, 2018

Subdivision E

s 1057 ............................................ad No 13, 2018

s 1057A..........................................ad No 13, 2018

s 1057B..........................................ad No 13, 2018

Subdivision F

s 1058 ............................................ad No 13, 2018

Part 7.11

Division 1

s. 1070A.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1070B.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1070C.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1070D.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

Division 2

Subdivision A

s. 1071A.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1071B.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1071C.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1071D.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1071E .........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1071F .........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1071G.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 103, 2004

s. 1071H.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 103, 2004

Subdivision B

s. 1072A.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1072B.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 583

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s. 1072C.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1072D.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1072E .........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1072F .........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1072G.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1072H.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

Division 3

s 1073A..........................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 155, 2012; No 100, 2014

s. 1073B.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1073C.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1073D.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s 1073E ..........................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 5, 2011; am No 155, 2012; No 100, 2014

s. 1073F .........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

Division 4

s. 1074A.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1074B.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1074C.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1074D.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1074E .........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1074F .........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1074G.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

Division 5

s. 1075A.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 141, 2003; No. 5, 2011

ss. 1085–1087 ................................rep. No. 122, 2001

ss. 1089–1091 ................................rep. No. 122, 2001

ss. 1091AA, 1091AB .....................rep. No. 122, 2001

ss. 1091A–1091E...........................rep. No. 122, 2001

ss. 1092–1096 ................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

584 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s. 1096A.........................................rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 1097 ...........................................rep. No. 122, 2001

ss. 1097A–1097D ..........................rep. No. 122, 2001

ss. 1098, 1099 ................................rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 1099A.........................................rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 1100 ...........................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Part 7.12

Division 1

s 1100A..........................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 26, 2010; No 25, 2017; No 27, 2018

s. 1100B.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1100C.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

am. No. 26, 2010

s. 1100D.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1101 ...........................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Division 2

s. 1101A.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s 1101B..........................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 141, 2003; No 26, 2010; No 178, 2012; No 25, 2017; No 27,


s. 1101C.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1101D.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1101E .........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1101F .........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1101G.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1101GA......................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1101H.........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s. 1101I ..........................................ad. No. 122, 2001

s 1101J...........................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 122, 2018; No 50, 2019

ss. 1102–1109 ................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 585

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

ss. 1109A–1109G ..........................rep. No. 122, 2001

ss. 1109J–1109N............................rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 1109P .........................................rep. No. 122, 2001

ss. 1110–1112 ................................rep. No. 122, 2001

ss. 1112A–1112D ..........................rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 1113 ...........................................rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 1113A.........................................rep. No. 122, 2001

ss. 1114–1119 ................................rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 1119A.........................................ad. No. 146, 2001

rep. No. 122, 2001

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 .......................................rep. No. 122, 2001

ad. No. 85, 2007

ss. 1120–1123 ................................rep. No. 122, 2001

ss. 1126–1128 ................................rep. No. 122, 2001

ss. 1131–1141 ................................rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 1141A.........................................rep. No. 122, 2001

ss. 1142–1144 ................................rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 1144A.........................................rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 1145 ...........................................rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 1145A.........................................rep. No. 122, 2001

ss. 1147–1161 ................................rep. No. 122, 2001

ss. 1164, 1165 ................................rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 1165A.........................................rep. No. 122, 2001

ss. 1166–1178 ................................rep. No. 122, 2001

ss. 1180–1188 ................................rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 1189A.........................................rep. No. 122, 2001

ss. 1190–1192 ................................rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 1192A.........................................rep. No. 122, 2001

ss. 1193–1199 ................................rep. No. 122, 2001

s. 1199A.........................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

586 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s. 1200 ...........................................rep. No. 122, 2001

Part 8.1

s. 1200A.........................................ad. No. 85, 2007

Part 8.2

Division 1

s. 1200B.........................................ad. No. 85, 2007

s. 1200C.........................................ad. No. 85, 2007

s. 1200D.........................................ad. No. 85, 2007

s. 1200E .........................................ad. No. 85, 2007

Division 2

s. 1200F .........................................ad. No. 85, 2007

am. No. 146, 2008

Division 3

s. 1200G.........................................ad. No. 85, 2007

s. 1200H.........................................ad. No. 85, 2007

s. 1200J..........................................ad. No. 85, 2007

Division 4

s. 1200K.........................................ad. No. 85, 2007

s. 1200L .........................................ad. No. 85, 2007

s. 1200M........................................ad. No. 85, 2007

Division 5

s. 1200N.........................................ad. No. 85, 2007

s. 1200P .........................................ad. No. 85, 2007

s. 1200Q.........................................ad. No. 85, 2007

Division 6

s. 1200R.........................................ad. No. 85, 2007

Part 8.3

s. 1200S .........................................ad. No. 85, 2007

s. 1200T .........................................ad. No. 85, 2007

s. 1200U.........................................ad. No. 85, 2007

s 1201 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 587

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s 1202 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1204 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1205 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1205A..........................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1206 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1207 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1208 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1209 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

Chapter 8A

Chapter 8A.....................................ad No 61, 2018

Part 8A.1

s 1210 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

ad No 61, 2018

s 1210A..........................................ad No 61, 2018

s 1210B..........................................ad No 61, 2018

Part 8A.2

s 1211 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

ad No 61, 2018

s 1211A..........................................ad No 61, 2018

s 1211B..........................................ad No 61, 2018

am No 17, 2019

Part 8A.3

s 1212 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

ad No 61, 2018

s 1212A..........................................ad No 61, 2018

s 1212B..........................................ad No 61, 2018

s 1212C..........................................ad No 61, 2018

Part 8A.4

Division 1

s 1213 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

ad No 61, 2018

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

588 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s 1213A..........................................ad No 61, 2018

s 1213B..........................................ad No 61, 2018

s 1213C..........................................ad No 61, 2018

s 1213D..........................................ad No 61, 2018

Division 2

s 1213E ..........................................ad No 61, 2018

s 1213F ..........................................ad No 61, 2018

s 1213G..........................................ad No 61, 2018

Division 3

s 1213H..........................................ad No 61, 2018

Division 4

Subdivision A

s 1213J...........................................ad No 61, 2018

s 1213K..........................................ad No 61, 2018

s 1213L ..........................................ad No 61, 2018

s 1213M.........................................ad No 61, 2018

s 1213N..........................................ad No 61, 2018

Subdivision B

s 1213P ..........................................ad No 61, 2018

s 1213Q..........................................ad No 61, 2018

Part 8A.5

s 1214 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

ad No 61, 2018

Part 8A.6

s 1215 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

ad No 61, 2018

s 1215A..........................................ad No 61, 2018

s 1215B..........................................ad No 61, 2018

s 1215C..........................................ad No 61, 2018

s 1215D..........................................ad No 61, 2018

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 589

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

Part 8A.7

Division 1

Subdivision A

s 1216 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

ad No 61, 2018

s 1216A..........................................ad No 61, 2018

s 1216B..........................................ad No 61, 2018

Subdivision B

s 1216C..........................................ad No 61, 2018

Subdivision C

s 1216D..........................................ad No 61, 2018

Division 2

Subdivision A

s 1216E ..........................................ad No 61, 2018

s 1216F ..........................................ad No 61, 2018

s 1216G..........................................ad No 61, 2018

Subdivision B

s 1216H..........................................ad No 61, 2018

Subdivision C

s 1216J...........................................ad No 61, 2018

Division 3

s 1216K..........................................ad No 61, 2018

s 1216L ..........................................ad No 61, 2018

Part 8A.8

s 1217 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

ad No 61, 2018

s 1217A..........................................ad No 61, 2018

s 1217B..........................................ad No 61, 2018

s 1218 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1219 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1220 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

590 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s 1221 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1222 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1223 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1224 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1225 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1226 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1227 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1228 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1229 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1230 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1231 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1232 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1234 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1235 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1236 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1237 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1238 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1239 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1240 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1241 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1242 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1243 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1244 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1245 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1246 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1247 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1248 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1249 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1250 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1251 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1252 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 591

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s 1253 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1254 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1255 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1256 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1257 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1258 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1259 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1260 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1261 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1262 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1263 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1264 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1265 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1266 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1267 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1268 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1269 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1270 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1271 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1272 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s 1273 ............................................rep No 122, 2001

s. 1273A.........................................ad. No. 146, 2001

rep. No. 122, 2001

Chapter 9

Part 9.1

s 1274 ............................................am No 117, 2001; No 122, 2001; No 24, 2003; No 141, 2003; No 103,

2004; No 85, 2007; No 154, 2007; No 11, 2016; No 25, 2017; No 55,

2017; No 61, 2018; No 49, 2019

s 1274AA.......................................rs No 103, 2004

am No 131, 2006; No 9, 2009; No 44, 2010; No 44, 2019

s 1274A..........................................am No 7, 2017

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

592 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

Part 9.2

Part 9.2 heading .............................rs No 11, 2016

Division 2

s 1279 ............................................am No 103, 2004; No 11, 2016

s. 1280 ...........................................am. No. 116, 2003; No. 103, 2004

s. 1280A.........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

am No 58, 2016

s. 1281 ...........................................am. No. 103, 2004

s 1282 ............................................am No 116, 2003; No 132, 2007

rep No 11, 2016

s 1283 ............................................rep No 11, 2016

s 1284 ............................................rs No 132, 2007

rep No 11, 2016

s 1286 ............................................rep No 11, 2016

s 1287 ............................................am No 11, 2016

s. 1287A.........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

s 1288 ............................................am No 103, 2004; No 132, 2007

rep No 11, 2016

s. 1289 ...........................................rs. No. 103, 2004

am. No. 1, 2007

Division 2A

Division 2A....................................ad. No. 103, 2004

s. 1289A.........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

Division 3

s 1290 ............................................am No 11, 2016

s 1290A..........................................ad No 132, 2007

rep No 11, 2016

s 1291 ............................................rep No 11, 2016

ad No 45, 2017

s 1291A..........................................ad No 45, 2017

s 1291B..........................................ad No 45, 2017

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 593

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s 1292 ............................................am No 119, 2001; No 103, 2004; No 105, 2008; No 11, 2016

s 1294 ............................................am No 119, 2001; No 11, 2016

s. 1294A.........................................ad. No. 132, 2007

s 1295 ............................................am No 11, 2016; No 45, 2017

s. 1296 ...........................................am. No. 103, 2004; No. 132, 2007; No. 5, 2011

s 1297 ............................................am No 132, 2007; No 11, 2016

s 1298 ............................................am No 103, 2004

rs No 11, 2016

s 1298A..........................................ad No 132, 2007

rep No 11, 2016

Division 4

Division 4 ......................................ad No 58, 2016

s 1298P ..........................................ad No 58, 2016

s 1298Q..........................................ad No 58, 2016

Part 9.2A

Part 9.2A........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

Division 1

s. 1299A.........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

s 1299B..........................................ad No 103, 2004

am No 11, 2016

s. 1299C.........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

s. 1299D.........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

s. 1299E .........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

s. 1299F .........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

s. 1299G.........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

Division 2

s. 1299H.........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

s 1299I ...........................................ad No 103, 2004

am No 45, 2017

s. 1299J..........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

s. 1299K.........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

594 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s. 1299L .........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

s. 1299M........................................ad. No. 103, 2004

Part 9.3

s 1300 ............................................am No 117, 2001; No 11, 2016; No 61, 2018

s. 1302 ...........................................am. No. 117, 2001; No. 103, 2004

rep. No. 96, 2010

s. 1306 ...........................................am. No. 116, 2003

s. 1307 ...........................................am. No. 117, 2001; No. 103, 2004

Part 9.4

Division 1A

Division 1A....................................ad. No. 117, 2001

s. 1308A.........................................ad. No. 117, 2001

Division 1

s 1308 ............................................am No 117 and 122, 2001; No 141, 2003; No 103, 2004; No 101, 2007;

No 100 2014

s 1309 ............................................am No 122, 2001; No 103, 2004; No 126, 2006; No 101, 2007; No 100,

2014; No 17, 2017; No 17, 2019

Division 2

s 1311 ............................................am No 117, 2001; No 122, 2001; No 24, 2003; No 85, 2007; No 108,

2009; No 17, 2017; No 61, 2018; No 17, 2019

s 1311A..........................................ad No 17, 2019

s 1311B..........................................ad No 17, 2019

s 1311C..........................................ad No 17, 2019

s 1311D..........................................ad No 17, 2019

s 1311E ..........................................ad No 17, 2019

s 1311F ..........................................ad No 17, 2019

s 1312 ............................................am No 131, 2010; No 27, 2018

rep No 17, 2019

s 1313 ............................................am No 61, 2018

rep No 17, 2019

s. 1314 ...........................................am. No. 103, 2004

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 595

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

Part 9.4AAA

Part 9.4AAA ..................................ad. No. 103, 2004

s 1317AA.......................................ad No 103, 2004

rs No 10, 2019

s 1317AAA....................................ad No 10, 2019

s 1317AAB ....................................ad No 10, 2019

s 1317AAC ....................................ad No 10, 2019

s 1317AAD ....................................ad No 10, 2019

s 1317AADA .................................ad No 10, 2019

s 1317AAE ....................................ad No 10, 2019

s 1317AB .......................................ad No 103, 2004

am No 10, 2019

s 1317AC .......................................ad No 103, 2004

am No 10, 2019

s 1317AD.......................................ad No 103, 2004

rs No 10, 2019

s 1317ADA....................................ad No 10, 2019

s 1317AE .......................................ad No 103, 2004

rs No 10, 2019

s 1317AF .......................................ad No 10, 2019

s 1317AG.......................................ad No 10, 2019

s 1317AH.......................................ad No 10, 2019

s 1317AI ........................................ad No 10, 2019

s 1317AJ ........................................ad No 10, 2019

s 1317AK.......................................ad No 10, 2019

Part 9.4A

s 1317B..........................................am No 103, 2004; No 11, 2016

s 1317C..........................................am No 122, 2001; No 103, 2004; No 26, 2010; No 48, 2012; No 118,

2012; No 178, 2012; No 11, 2016; No 25, 2017; No 27, 2018; No 61,

2018; No 17, 2019; No 50, 2019

s 1317D..........................................am No 11, 2016

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

596 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

Part 9.4AA

Part 9.4AA.....................................ad No 103, 2004

s 1317DAA....................................ad No 103, 2004

am No 61, 2018

s 1317DAB ....................................ad No 103, 2004

s 1317DAC ....................................ad No 103, 2004

s 1317DAD....................................ad No 103, 2004

s 1317DAE ....................................ad No 103, 2004

am No 61, 2018

s 1317DAF.....................................ad No 103, 2004

s 1317DAG....................................ad No 103, 2004

am No 101, 2007; No 100, 2014; No 61, 2018

s. 1317DAH...................................ad. No. 103, 2004

s. 1317DAI.....................................ad. No. 103, 2004

s. 1317DAJ ....................................ad. No. 103, 2004

Part 9.4AB

Part 9.4AB .....................................ad No 17, 2019

s 1317DAM ...................................ad No 17, 2019

s 1317DAN....................................ad No 17, 2019

s 1317DAP.....................................ad No 17, 2019

s 1317DAQ....................................ad No 17, 2019

s 1317DAR ....................................ad No 17, 2019

s 1317DAS.....................................ad No 17, 2019

s 1317DAT ....................................ad No 17, 2019

s 1317DAU....................................ad No 17, 2019

s 1317DAV....................................ad No 17, 2019

Part 9.4B

Division 1

Division 1 heading.........................ad No 17, 2019

s 1317DA.......................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 29, 2002; No 26, 2010; No 68, 2012

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 597

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

rs No 59, 2013

am No 25, 2017

rep No 17, 2019

s 1317E ..........................................am No 55, 2001; No 122, 2001; No 103, 2004; No 108, 2009; No 26,

2010; No 67, 2012; No 68, 2012; No 178, 2012; No 180, 2012; No 59,

2013; No 25, 2017; No 27, 2018; No 61, 2018

rs No 17, 2019

am No 10, 2019; No 17, 2019 (Sch 5 item 25); No 44, 2019 (amdt

never applied (Sch 1 item 17)); No 50, 2019 (amdts never applied (Sch

1 item 8; Sch 2 item 11))

s 1317G..........................................am No 122, 2001; No 103, 2004; No 26, 2010; No 67, 2012; No 68,

2012; No 178, 2012; No 180, 2012; No 25, 2017; No 27, 2018; No 61,


rs No 17, 2019

am No 10, 2019

s 1317GAA....................................ad No 17, 2019

s 1317GAB ....................................ad No 17, 2019

s 1317GAC ....................................ad No 17, 2019

s 1317GAD ....................................ad No 17, 2019

s 1317GA.......................................ad No 67, 2012

s 1317H..........................................am No 122, 2001; No 103, 2004; No 61, 2018

s 1317HA.......................................ad No 122, 2001

am No 103, 2004; No 61, 2018 (Sch 2 item 327 md)

s 1317HB.......................................ad No 26, 2010

am No 25, 2017; No 61, 2018

s 1317HC.......................................ad No 27, 2018

s 1317HE .......................................ad No 61, 2018

Division 2

Division 2 heading.........................ad No 17, 2019

s 1317J...........................................am No 122, 2001; No 103, 2004; No 178, 2012; No 61, 2018

s 1317M.........................................am No 17, 2019

s 1317N..........................................am No 17, 2019

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

598 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s 1317P ..........................................am No 122, 2001; No 103, 2004; No 68, 2012; No 17, 2019

s 1317Q..........................................am No 17, 2019

s 1317QA.......................................ad No 17, 2019

s 1317QB.......................................ad No 17, 2019

s 1317QC.......................................ad No 17, 2019

s 1317QD.......................................ad No 17, 2019

s 1317QE .......................................ad No 17, 2019

s 1317QF .......................................ad No 17, 2019

s 1317R..........................................am No 103, 2004

s 1317S ..........................................am No 103, 2004; No 68, 2012; No 178, 2012; No 27, 2018; No 61,

2018; No 17, 2019

Part 9.5

s. 1318 ...........................................am. No. 103, 2004; No. 126, 2006

s 1321 ............................................am No 126, 2006

rep No 11, 2016

s. 1322 ...........................................am. No. 103, 2004

s. 1323 ...........................................am. Nos. 117 and 122, 2001

s. 1324A.........................................am. No. 122, 2001

s 1324B..........................................am No 122, 2001; No 26, 2010; No 178, 2012; No 25, 2017 (as am by

No 27, 2018); No 27, 2018

s 1325 ............................................am No 122, 2001; No 118, 2004; No 26, 2010; No 42, 2011; No 25,

2017 (as am by No 27, 2018); No 27, 2018; No 61, 2018 (Sch 2

items 344–346 md not incorp); No 49, 2019

s. 1325A.........................................am. No. 122, 2001

s. 1325B.........................................am. No. 122, 2001

Part 9.6

s. 1335 ...........................................am. No. 116, 2003; No. 126, 2006

Part 9.6A

Division 2

Division 2 heading.........................rs. No. 116, 2003

s. 1338B.........................................am. No. 108, 2009

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 599

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

Part 9.7

s. 1339 ...........................................rs. No. 74, 2007

am. No. 176, 2012

s. 1340 ...........................................am. No. 74, 2007

s. 1341 ...........................................am. No. 8, 2005; No. 74, 2007; No. 176, 2012

Part 9.9

s. 1344 ...........................................ad. No. 24, 2003

s 1345A..........................................am No 101, 2007; No 61, 2018

s 1349 ............................................ad No 132, 2007

am No 103, 2010; No 11, 2016

Part 9.10

Part 9.10 heading ...........................rs. No. 24, 2003

s 1351 ............................................rs No 24, 2003

am No 101, 2007; No 48, 2012; No 11, 2016; No 61, 2018

s. 1359 ...........................................am. No. 24, 2003

Part 9.12

s 1364 ............................................am No 122, 2001; No 24, 2003; No 132, 2007; No 24, 2011; No 17,


s. 1367A.........................................ad. No. 48, 2012

s. 1368 ...........................................am. No. 122, 2001

s 1369 ............................................am No 17, 2019

Chapter 10

Part 10.1

Division 1

s. 1372 ...........................................am. No. 55, 2001

Division 2

s 1378 ............................................am No 61, 2018

Division 4

s. 1382 ...........................................am. No. 55, 2001

s 1384 ............................................am No 49, 2019

s. 1384A.........................................ad. No. 55, 2001

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

600 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s. 1384B.........................................ad. No. 55, 2001

Division 5

s. 1390 ...........................................am. No. 5, 2011

Division 6

s 1400 ............................................am No 75, 2017

s 1401 ............................................am No 75, 2017

s. 1408 ...........................................am. No. 116, 2003

Division 7

s. 1409 ...........................................am. No. 154, 2007

Part 10.2

Part 10.2.........................................ad. No. 123, 2001

Division 1

Subdivision A

s. 1410 ...........................................ad. No. 123, 2001

Subdivision B

s. 1411 ...........................................ad. No. 123, 2001

s. 1412 ...........................................ad. No. 123, 2001

s. 1413 ...........................................ad. No. 123, 2001

s. 1414 ...........................................ad. No. 123, 2001

am. No. 141, 2003

s. 1415 ...........................................ad. No. 123, 2001

s. 1416 ...........................................ad. No. 123, 2001

am. No. 141, 2003

s. 1417 ...........................................ad. No. 123, 2001

am. No. 5, 2011

s. 1418 ...........................................ad. No. 123, 2001

s. 1419 ...........................................ad. No. 123, 2001

s. 1420 ...........................................ad. No. 123, 2001

s. 1421 ...........................................ad. No. 123, 2001

s. 1422 ...........................................ad. No. 123, 2001

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 601

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

Subdivision C

s. 1423 ...........................................ad. No. 123, 2001

s. 1424 ...........................................ad. No. 123, 2001

s. 1424A.........................................ad. No. 123, 2001

s. 1425 ...........................................ad. No. 123, 2001

s. 1426 ...........................................ad. No. 123, 2001

am. No. 141, 2003

s. 1427 ...........................................ad. No. 123, 2001

s. 1428 ...........................................ad. No. 123, 2001

am. No. 141, 2003

s. 1429 ...........................................ad. No. 123, 2001

Subdivision D

s. 1430 ...........................................ad. No. 123, 2001

s. 1431 ...........................................ad. No. 123, 2001

am. No. 141, 2003

s. 1432 ...........................................ad. No. 123, 2001

s. 1433 ...........................................ad. No. 123, 2001

s. 1434 ...........................................ad. No. 123, 2001

s. 1435 ...........................................ad. No. 123, 2001

s. 1436 ...........................................ad. No. 123, 2001

s. 1436A.........................................ad. No. 123, 2001

s. 1437 ...........................................ad. No. 123, 2001

am. No. 141, 2003; No. 5, 2011

Subdivision E

s. 1438 ...........................................ad. No. 123, 2001

am. No. 141, 2003; No. 154, 2007; No. 5, 2011

s. 1439 ...........................................ad. No. 123, 2001

s. 1440 ...........................................ad. No. 123, 2001

s. 1441 ...........................................ad. No. 123, 2001

s. 1442 ...........................................ad. No. 123, 2001

am. No. 141, 2003; No. 5, 2011

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

602 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

Subdivision F

s. 1442A.........................................ad. No. 123, 2001

s. 1442B.........................................ad. No. 123, 2001

Division 2

s. 1443 ...........................................ad. No. 123, 2001

s. 1444 ...........................................ad. No. 123, 2001

am. No. 154, 2007

s. 1445 ...........................................ad. No. 123, 2001

am. No. 154, 2007

Part 10.3

Part 10.3.........................................ad No 24, 2003

s 1446 ............................................ad No 24, 2003

rep No 96, 2010

s 1447 ............................................ad No 24, 2003

s.1448 ............................................ad No 24, 2003

am No 103, 2004

Part 10.4

Part 10.4.........................................ad No 141, 2003

s 1449 ............................................ad No 141, 2003

s 1450 ............................................ad No 141, 2003

s 1451 ............................................ad No 141, 2003

s 1452 ............................................ad No 141, 2003

Part 10.5

Part 10.5.........................................ad No 103, 2004

s 1453 ............................................ad No 103, 2004

s 1454 ............................................ad No 103, 2004

s 1455 ............................................ad No 103, 2004

am No 1, 2007

s 1456 ............................................ad No 103, 2004

s 1457 ............................................ad No 103, 2004

s 1458 ............................................ad No 103, 2004

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 603

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s 1459 ............................................ad No 103, 2004

s 1460 ............................................ad No 103, 2004

s 1461 ............................................ad No 103, 2004

s 1462 ............................................ad No 103, 2004

am No 138, 2005

s 1463 ............................................ad No 103, 2004

s 1464 ............................................ad No 103, 2004

s 1465 ............................................ad No 103, 2004

s 1466A..........................................ad No 103, 2004

s 1466 ............................................ad No 103, 2004

s 1467 ............................................ad No 103, 2004

s 1468 ............................................ad No 103, 2004

s 1469 ............................................ad No 103, 2004

s 1470 ............................................ad No 103, 2004

s 1471 ............................................ad No 103, 2004

Part 10.8

Part 10.8.........................................ad No 64, 2007

s 1478 ............................................ad No 64, 2007

Part 10.9

Part 10.9.........................................ad No 132, 2007

s 1479 ............................................ad No 132, 2007

s 1480 ............................................ad No 132, 2007

s 1481 ............................................ad No 132, 2007

s 1482 ............................................ad No 132, 2007

s 1483 ............................................ad No 132, 2007

am No 96, 2010; No 35, 2011

Part 10.10

Part 10.10 heading .........................rs No 49, 2019

Part 10.10.......................................ad No 146, 2008

s 1484 ............................................ad No 146, 2008

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

604 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

Part 10.11

Part 10.11.......................................ad No 9, 2009

s 1485 ............................................ad No 9, 2009

s 1486 ............................................ad No 9, 2009

Part 10.12

Part 10.12.......................................ad No 108, 2009

Division 1

s 1487 ............................................ad No 108, 2009

s 1488 ............................................ad No 108, 2009

s 1489 ............................................ad No 108, 2009

s 1490 ............................................ad No 108, 2009

s 1491 ............................................ad No 108, 2009

s 1492 ............................................ad No 108, 2009

Division 2

s 1493 ............................................ad No 108, 2009

s 1494 ............................................ad No 108, 2009

s 1495 ............................................ad No 108, 2009

s 1496 ............................................ad No 108, 2009

Division 3

s 1497 ............................................ad No 108, 2009

s 1498 ............................................ad No 108, 2009

Part 10.13

Part 10.13 heading .........................rs No 49, 2019

Part 10.13.......................................ad No 96, 2010

s 1498A..........................................ad No 96, 2010

rep No 96, 2010

s 1499 ............................................ad No 96, 2010

s 1500 ............................................ad No 96, 2010

s 1501 ............................................ad No 96, 2010

am No 35, 2011

s 1501A..........................................ad No 35, 2011

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 605

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s 1501B..........................................ad No 35, 2011

s 1502 ............................................ad No 96, 2010

s 1503 ............................................ad No 96, 2010

s 1504 ............................................ad No 96, 2010

s 1505 ............................................ad No 96, 2010

s 1506 ............................................ad No 96, 2010

s 1507 ............................................ad No 96, 2010

s 1508 ............................................ad No 96, 2010

s 1509 ............................................ad No 96, 2010

s 1510 ............................................ad No 96, 2010

am No 35, 2011

Part 10.14

Part 10.14.......................................ad No 66, 2010

s 1510A..........................................ad No 66, 2010

s 1510B..........................................ad No 66, 2010

Part 10.15

Part 10.15.......................................ad No 26, 2010 (as am by No 66, 2010)

s 1511 ............................................ad No 26, 2010

s 1512 ............................................ad No 26, 2010

s 1513 ............................................ad No 26, 2010

Part 10.16

Part 10.16.......................................ad No 131, 2010

s 1516 ............................................ad No 131, 2010

Part 10.17

Part 10.17.......................................ad No 42, 2011

s 1517 ............................................ad No 42, 2011

s 1518 ............................................ad No 42, 2011

s 1519 ............................................ad No 42, 2011

s 1520 ............................................ad No 42, 2011

s 1521 ............................................ad No 42, 2011

s 1522 ............................................ad No 42, 2011

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

606 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s 1523 ............................................ad No 42, 2011

s 1524 ............................................ad No 42, 2011

s 1525 ............................................ad No 42, 2011

Part 10.18

Part 10.18 heading .........................rs No 22, 2016

Part 10.18.......................................ad No 68, 2012

Division 1

Division 1 heading.........................ad No 22, 2016

s 1526 ............................................ad No 68, 2012

am No 61, 2013

s 1527 ............................................ad No 68, 2012

s 1528 ............................................ad No 68, 2012

s 1529 ............................................ad No 68, 2012

s 1530 ............................................ad No 68, 2012

s 1531 ............................................ad No 68, 2012

Division 2

Division 2 ......................................ad No 22, 2016

s 1531A..........................................ad No 22, 2016

s 1521B..........................................ad No 22, 2016

s 1531C..........................................ad No 22, 2016

s 1531D..........................................ad No 22, 2016

s 1532E ..........................................ad No 22, 2016

Part 10.19

Part 10.19.......................................ad No 48, 2012

s 1532 ............................................ad No 48, 2012

s 1533 ............................................ad No 48, 2012

s 1534 ............................................ad No 48, 2012

s 1535 ............................................ad No 48, 2012

Part 10.20

Part 10.20.......................................ad No 72, 2012

s 1536 ............................................ad No 72, 2012

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 607

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s 1537 ............................................ad No 72, 2012

Part 10.21

Part 10.21.......................................ad No 118, 2012

s 1538 ............................................ad No 118, 2012

Part 10.21A

Part 10.21A....................................ad No 61, 2013

s 1538A..........................................ad No 61, 2013

s 1538B..........................................ad No 61, 2013

Part 10.22

Part 10.22.......................................ad No 171, 2012

s 1539 ............................................ad No 171, 2012

s 1540 ............................................ad No 171, 2012

am No 61, 2013; No 40, 2019

s 1541 ............................................ad No 171, 2012

rep No 40, 2019

Part 10.22A

Part 10.22A....................................ad No 40, 2019

s 1541A..........................................ad No 40, 2019

Part 10.23

Part 10.23.......................................ad No 83, 2014

s 1542 ............................................ad No 83, 2014

s 1543 ............................................ad No 83, 2014

s 1544 ............................................ad No 83, 2014

s 1545 ............................................ad No 83, 2014

s 1546 ............................................ad No 83, 2014

Part 10.23A

Part 10.23A....................................ad No 7, 2017

Division 1

s 1546A..........................................ad No 7, 2017

am No 49, 2019

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

608 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

Division 2

s 1546B..........................................ad No 7, 2017

s 1546C..........................................ad No 7, 2017

am No 49, 2019

s 1546D..........................................ad No 7, 2017

am No 49, 2019

s 1546E ..........................................ad No 7, 2017

s 1546F ..........................................ad No 7, 2017

s 1546G..........................................ad No 7, 2017

s 1546H..........................................ad No 7, 2017

s 1546J...........................................ad No 7, 2017

s 1546K..........................................ad No 7, 2017

s 1546L ..........................................ad No 7, 2017

s 1546M.........................................ad No 7, 2017

s 1546N..........................................ad No 7, 2017

s 1546P ..........................................ad No 7, 2017

s 1546Q..........................................ad No 7, 2017

s 1546R..........................................ad No 7, 2017

s 1546S ..........................................ad No 7, 2017

s 1546T ..........................................ad No 7, 2017

s 1546U..........................................ad No 7, 2017

s 1546V..........................................ad No 7, 2017

Division 3

s 1546W.........................................ad No 7, 2017

s 1546X..........................................ad No 7, 2017

am No 49, 2019

s 1546Y..........................................ad No 7, 2017

s 1546Z ..........................................ad No 7, 2017

rep No 49, 2019

s 1546ZA .......................................ad No 7, 2017

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 609

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

Division 4

s 1546ZB .......................................ad No 7, 2017

Part 10.24

Part 10.24.......................................ad No 19, 2015

s 1547 ............................................ad No 19, 2015

s 1548 ............................................ad No 19, 2015

s 1549 ............................................ad No 19, 2015

Part 10.24A

Part 10.24A....................................ad No 6, 2017

s 1549A..........................................ad No 6, 2017

s 1549B..........................................ad No 6, 2017

Part 10.25

Part 10.25.......................................ad No 11, 2016

Division 1

s 1550 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1551 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

Division 2

Subdivision A

s 1552 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1553 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1554 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1555 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1556 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1557 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1558 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1559 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1560 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

Subdivision B

s 1561 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

Subdivision C

s 1562 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

610 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

Subdivision D

s 1563 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1564 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

Subdivision E

s 1565 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1566 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1567 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1568 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1569 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

Subdivision F

s 1570 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1571 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1572 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1573 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1574 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1575 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

Subdivision G

s 1576 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1577 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

Division 3

Subdivision A

s 1578 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

Subdivision B

s 1579 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

Subdivision C

s 1580 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1581 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1582 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1583 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1584 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1585 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 611

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

Subdivision D

s 1586 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1587 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1588 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1589 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1590 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

Subdivision E

s 1591 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1592 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1593 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1594 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1595 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1596 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1597 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1598 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1599 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1600 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

Subdivision F

s 1601 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1602 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1603 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1604 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1605 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1606 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

Subdivision G

s 1607 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1608 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1609 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1610 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1611 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1612 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

612 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s 1613 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1614 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

Subdivision H

s 1615 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1616 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1617 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1618 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1619 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1620 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

Division 4

s 1621 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

Division 5

s 1622 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1623 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1624 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1625 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1626 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1627 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1628 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1629 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1630 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1631 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1632 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1633 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

Division 6

s 1634 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

Part 10.26

Part 10.26.......................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1635 ............................................ad No 11, 2016

Part 10.28

Part 10.28.......................................ad No 25, 2017

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 613

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s 1636A..........................................ad No 25, 2017

s 1637 ............................................ad No 25, 2017

Part 10.30

Part 10.30.......................................ad No 27, 2018

s 1639 ............................................ad No 27, 2018

s 1640 ............................................ad No 27, 2018

s 1641 ............................................ad No 27, 2018

s 1642 ............................................ad No 27, 2018

Part 10.31

Part 10.31.......................................ad No 106, 2018

s 1643 ............................................ad No 106, 2018

Part 10.32

Part 10.32.......................................ad No 10, 2019

s 1644 ............................................ad No 10, 2019

s 1644A..........................................ad No 10, 2019

Part 10.33

Part 10.33.......................................ad No 61, 2018

Part 10.34

Part 10.34.......................................ad No 44, 2019

s 1647 ............................................ad No 44, 2019

s 1648 ............................................ad No 44, 2019

s 1649 ............................................ad No 44, 2019

Part 10.36

Part 10.36.......................................ad No 17, 2019

s 1655 ............................................ad No 17, 2019

s 1656 ............................................ad No 17, 2019

s 1657 ............................................ad No 17, 2019

s 1658 ............................................ad No 17, 2019

s 1659 ............................................ad No 17, 2019

s 1660 ............................................ad No 17, 2019

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

614 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

Part 10.38

Part 10.38.......................................ad No 37, 2019

s 1662 ............................................ad No 37, 2019

Schedule 2

Schedule 2......................................rep No 122, 2001

ad No 11, 2016

Part 1

Division 1

s 1-1 ...............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 1-5 ...............................................ad No 11, 2016

Division 5

Subdivision A

s 5-1 ...............................................ad No 11, 2016

Subdivision B

s 5-5 ...............................................ad No 11, 2016

Subdivision C

s 5-10 .............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 5-15 .............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 5-20 .............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 5-25 .............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 5-26 .............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 5-27 .............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 5-30 .............................................ad No 11, 2016

Part 2

Division 10

s 10-1 .............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 10-5 .............................................ad No 11, 2016

Division 15

s 15-1 .............................................ad No 11, 2016

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 615

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

Division 20

Subdivision A

s 20-1 .............................................ad No 11, 2016

Subdivision B

s 20-5 .............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 20-10 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 20-15 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 20-20 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 20-25 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 20-30 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 20-35 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

Subdivision C

s 20-40 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 20-45 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 20-50 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 20-55 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 20-60 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 20-65 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

Subdivision D

s 20-70 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 20-75 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

Subdivision E

s 20-80 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

Division 25

s 25-1 .............................................ad No 11, 2016

Division 30

s 30-1 .............................................ad No 11, 2016

am No 17, 2019

Division 35

s 35-1 .............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 35-5 .............................................ad No 11, 2016

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

616 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

am No 17, 2019

Division 40

Subdivision A

s 40-1 .............................................ad No 11, 2016

Subdivision B

s 40-5 .............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 40-10 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 40-15 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

Subdivision C

s 40-20 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

Subdivision D

s 40-25 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

am No 45, 2017

s 40-30 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

am No 45, 2017

s 40-35 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

Subdivision E

s 40-40 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 40-45 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 40-50 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 40-55 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 40-60 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 40-65 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

Subdivision F

s 40-70 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 40-75 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 40-80 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 40-85 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 40-90 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 40-95 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 617

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

Subdivision G

s 40-100 .........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 40-105 .........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 40-110 .........................................ad No 11, 2016

am No 55, 2017

Subdivision H

s 40-111 .........................................ad No 11, 2016

Division 45

s 45-1 .............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 45-5 .............................................ad No 11, 2016

Division 50

s 50-1 .............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 50-5 .............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 50-10 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

am No 122, 2018

s 50-15 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 50-20 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 50-25 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 50-30 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 50-35 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

Part 3

Division 55

s 55-1 .............................................ad No 11, 2016

Division 60

Subdivision A

s 60-1 .............................................ad No 11, 2016

Subdivision B

s 60-2 .............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 60-5 .............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 60-10 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 60-11 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

618 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s 60-12 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 60-15 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

Subdivision C

s 60-16 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

Subdivision D

s 60-17 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

Subdivision E

s 60-20 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

am No 55, 2017

Division 65

s 65-1 .............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 65-5 .............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 65-10 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 65-15 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 65-20 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 65-25 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 65-40 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

am No 17, 2019

s 65-45 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 65-50 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

Division 70

Subdivision A

s 70-1 .............................................ad No 11, 2016

Subdivision B

s 70-5 .............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 70-6 .............................................ad No 11, 2016

am No 55, 2017

Subdivision C

s 70-10 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

am No 17, 2019

s 70-15 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 619

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s 70-20 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 70-25 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

am No 17, 2019

s 70-30 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 70-31 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 70-35 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 70-36 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

Subdivision D

s 70-40 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 70-45 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 70-46 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 70-47 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 70-50 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

Subdivision E

s 70-55 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

Subdivision F

s 70-60 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

Subdivision G

s 70-65 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 70-70 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 70-75 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 70-80 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 70-85 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

am No 17, 2019

s 70-90 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

Division 75

s 75-1 .............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 75-5 .............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 75-10 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 75-15 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 75-20 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

620 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

s 75-25 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 75-30 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 75-35 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 75-40 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 75-41 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 75-42 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 75-43 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 75-44 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 75-45 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 75-50 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

Division 80

s 80-1 .............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 80-5 .............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 80-10 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 80-15 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 80-20 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 80-25 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 80-26 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 80-27 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 80-30 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 80-35 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 80-40 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 80-45 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 80-50 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 80-55 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 80-60 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 80-65 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 80-70 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

Division 85

s 85-1 .............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 85-5 .............................................ad No 11, 2016

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Corporations Act 2001 621

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

Division 90

Subdivision A

s 90-1 .............................................ad No 11, 2016

Subdivision B

s 90-5 .............................................ad No 11, 2016

s 90-10 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 90-15 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 90-20 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 90-21 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

Subdivision C

s 90-22 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 90-23 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 90-24 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 90-25 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 90-26 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 90-27 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 90-28 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 90-29 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

Subdivision D

s 90-30 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 90-35 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

Part 4

Division 95

s 95-1 .............................................ad No 11, 2016

Division 100

s 100-5 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

s 100-6 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

Division 105

s 105-1 ...........................................ad No 11, 2016

am No 17, 2019

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019


Endnote 4—Amendment history

622 Corporations Act 2001

Compilation No. 94 Compilation date: 6/4/19 Registered: 14/5/19

Provision affected How affected

Schedule 3

Schedule 3......................................am No 55, 2001; No 117, 2001; No 122, 2001; No 123, 2001; No 24,

2003; No 116, 2003; No 141, 2003; No 103, 2004; No 85, 2007; No

101, 2007; No 132, 2007; No 149, 2007; No 154, 2007; No. 146, 2008;

No 108, 2009; No 115, 2009; No 66, 2010; No 131, 2010; No 24, 2011;

No 42, 2011; No 68, 2012; No 72, 2012; No 118, 2012; No 155, 2012;

No 171, 2012; No 178, 2012; No 180, 2012; No 11, 2016; No 7, 2017;

No 17, 2017; No 13, 2018; No 23, 2018; No 61, 2018; No 106, 2018

rs No 17, 2019

am No 10, 2019; No 17, 2019 (Sch 5 item 26); No 40, 2019 (amdt

never applied (Sch 6 item 20)); No 44, 2019 (amdt never applied (Sch 1

item 18)); No 50, 2019 (amdts never applied (Sch 1 item 9; Sch 2

item 12))

Schedule 4

Part 4

c 25 ................................................am No 17, 2019

Part 5

Part 5 heading ................................rs No 37, 2019

c 29 ................................................am No 122, 2001; No 17, 2019; No 37, 2019

c 30 ................................................am No 37, 2019

c 31 ................................................am No 37, 2019

c 32 ................................................am No 122, 2001; No 37, 2019

c 33 ................................................am No 17, 2019

c 34 ................................................am No 37, 2019

c 35 ................................................am No 37, 2019; No 49, 2019

Part 6

c 36 ................................................am No 116, 2003; No 17, 2019; No 49, 2019

Part 7

c 38 ................................................am No 49, 2019

c 39 ................................................am No 49, 2019

Authorised Version C2019C00185 registered 14/05/2019

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