Glaxo Group Limited v JB Chemicals and Pharmaceutical Limited, Miscellaneous Case No. 3 of 2007, High Court of Tanzania, Commercial Division at Der es Salaam,
United Republic of Tanzania
BackDate of JudgmentJuly 17, 2007Issuing AuthorityHigh Court of TanzaniaLevel of the Issuing AuthorityFirst InstanceType of ProcedureJudicial (Commercial)Subject MatterTrademarksPlaintiff/AppellantGlaxo Group LimitedDefendant/RespondentJB Chemicals and Pharmaceutical LimitedKeywords
Judgment/DecisionEnglishGlaxo Group Limited v JB Chemicals and Pharmaceutical Limited, Miscellaneous Case No. 3 of 2007, High Court of Tanzania, Commercial Division at Der es Salaam PDFSummaryEnglishGlaxo Group Limited v JB Chemicals and Pharmaceutical Limited, Miscellaneous Case No. 3 of 2007, High Court of Tanzania, Commercial Division at Der es Salaam HTMLRelevant Legislation