Superior Tribunal of Justice of Brazil [2023]: Esperança Holding Ltda. and Hope Do Nordeste Ltda. v Loungerie S/A and Google Brasil Internet Ltda.,
BackDate of JudgmentAugust 8, 2023Issuing AuthoritySuperior Tribunal of Justice (STJ), BrazilLevel of the Issuing AuthorityFinal InstanceType of ProcedureJudicial (Civil)Subject MatterTrademarks, CompetitionPlaintiff/AppellantESPERANÇA HOLDING LTDA. and HOPE DO NORDESTE LTDA.Defendant/RespondentLOUNGERIE S/A and GOOGLE BRASIL INTERNET LTDA.Keywords
Judgment/DecisionEnglishSuperior Tribunal of Justice of Brazil [2023]: Esperança Holding Ltda. and Hope Do Nordeste Ltda. v Loungerie S/A and Google Brasil Internet Ltda. HTMLSummaryEnglishSuperior Tribunal of Justice of Brazil [2023]: Esperança Holding Ltda. and Hope Do Nordeste Ltda. v Loungerie S/A and Google Brasil Internet Ltda. HTMLWIPO Lex No.WIPOLEX015-j