Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 28 October 2021, Ferrari SpA v Mansory Design & Holding GmbH and WH, C-123/20, EU:C:2021:889,
European Union (EU)
BackDate of JudgmentOctober 28, 2021Issuing AuthorityCourt of Justice of the European UnionLevel of the Issuing AuthorityFinal InstanceType of ProcedureJudicial (Administrative)Subject MatterIndustrial DesignsPlaintiff/AppellantFerrari SpADefendant/RespondentMansory Design & Holding GmbH and WHKeywords
Judgment/DecisionEnglishJudgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 28 October 2021, Ferrari SpA v Mansory Design & Holding GmbH and WH, C-123/20, EU:C:2021:889 PDFFrenchArrêt de la Cour (cinquième chambre) du 28 octobre 2021, Ferrari SpA contre Mansory Design & Holding GmbH et WH, C-123/20, EU:C:2021:889 PDFWIPO Lex No.EU053-j