Judgment of the Lisbon Court of Appeal of 13/07/2023, case no. 69/23.0YHLSB.L1 | ECLI:PT:TRL:2023:69.23.0YHLSB.L1.PICRS.10,
BackDate of JudgmentJuly 13, 2023Issuing AuthorityLisbon Court of AppealLevel of the Issuing AuthorityAppellate InstanceType of ProcedureJudicial (Civil)Subject MatterTrademarksPlaintiff/AppellantGrupo Bimbo S.A.B. DE C.V.Defendant/RespondentInstituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial (administrative authority that issued the contested decision)Keywords
Judgment/DecisionPortugueseAcórdão do Tribunal da Relação de Lisboa de 13/07/2023, processo n.º 69/23.0YHLSB.L1 | ECLI:PT:TRL:2023:69.23.0YHLSB.L1.PICRS.10 PDFSummaryPortugueseAcórdão do Tribunal da Relação de Lisboa de 13/07/2023, processo n.º 69/23.0YHLSB.L1 | ECLI:PT:TRL:2023:69.23.0YHLSB.L1.PICRS.10 PDFHTMLRelevant Legislation
Directive (EU) 2015/2436 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2015 to approximate the laws of the Member States relating to trade marks