Judgment of the Lisbon Court of Appeal of 09/12/20, case no. 26/20.8YHLSB.L1
BackDate of JudgmentDecember 9, 2020Issuing AuthorityLisbon Court of AppealLevel of the Issuing AuthorityAppellate InstanceType of ProcedureJudicial (Civil)Subject MatterIndustrial DesignsPlaintiff/AppellantGraça & Mendes, LdaDefendant/RespondentToldotempo – Indústria e Comércio de Toldos, Lda.; J...Keywords
Judgment/DecisionPortugueseAcórdão do Tribunal da Relação de Lisboa de 09/12/20, processo n.º 26/20.8YHLSB.L1
PDFSummaryPortugueseAcórdão do Tribunal da Relação de Lisboa de 09/12/20, processo n.º 26/20.8YHLSB.L1
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