Supreme Court of the Republic of Latvia [2021]: SIA “Colemont FKB Latvia” v Person A, Person B, Person C, and SIA “Partner Broker”, Case No. C33670516 (SKC 15/2021),
Back This judgment is a part of the following collection(s): 2024 WIPO Intellectual Property Judges ForumDate of JudgmentJanuary 28, 2021Issuing AuthoritySupreme Court of the Republic of LatviaLevel of the Issuing AuthorityFinal InstanceType of ProcedureJudicial (Civil)Subject MatterUndisclosed Information (Trade Secrets)Plaintiff/AppellantSIA "Colemont FKB Latvia"Defendant/RespondentPerson A; Person B; Person C; SIA “Partner Broker"Keywords
Unfair competition,
Sui generis right,
Trade secret misappropriation,
Confidentiality protection in proceedings,
Data protection,
Balance of interests,
Judgment/DecisionEnglishSupreme Court of the Republic of Latvia [2021]: SIA “Colemont FKB Latvia” v Person A, Person B, Person C, and SIA “Partner Broker”, Case No. C33670516 (SKC 15/2021) HTMLAdditional DocumentsEnglish2024 WIPO IP Judges Forum Informal Case Summary – Supreme Court of the Republic of Latvia [2021]: SIA “Colemont FKB Latvia” v Person A, Person B, Person C, and SIA “Partner Broker”, Case No. C33670516 (SKC 15/2021) HTMLRelevant Legislation
Directive 96/9/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council; Regulation (EU) 2016/679; Latvian Competition Law; Latvian Civil Procedure Law; Latvian Law on the Protection of Trade Secrets; Latvian Labour Law