"CAFETERÍA MAKADAMIA" (Licorella Notte S.L.) vs. "MACADAMIA" (Hostelería Unida Macalani S.L.), Resolution No. 4/2017 decided by the Supreme Court on 09 January, 2017
BackDate of JudgmentJanuary 9, 2017Issuing AuthorityThe Litigation and Administrative Bench of the Supreme CourtLevel of the Issuing AuthorityFinal InstanceType of ProcedureJudicial (Administrative)Subject MatterTrademarks, Trade Names, Industrial PropertyPlaintiff/AppellantLicorella Notte S.L.Defendant/RespondentHostelería Unida Macalani S.L.Keywords
Judgment/DecisionSpanish"CAFETERÍA MAKADAMIA" (Licorella Notte S.L.) vs. "MACADAMIA" (Hostelería Unida Macalani S.L.), Resolución No. 4/2017 decidida por el Tribunal Supremo el 09 de enero de 2017 PDFHTMLSummarySpanish"CAFETERÍA MAKADAMIA" (Licorella Notte S.L.) vs. "MACADAMIA" (Hostelería Unida Macalani S.L.), Resolución No. 4/2017 decidida por el Tribunal Supremo el 09 de enero de 2017 PDFHTMLRelevant Legislation