Superior Court of Justice, Special Appeal n. 1773244, Rapporteur Judge: Nancy Andrighi, Third Division, decided on April 2, 2019,
BackDate of JudgmentApril 2, 2019Issuing AuthoritySuperior Court of Justice (STJ)Level of the Issuing AuthorityFinal InstanceType of ProcedureJudicial (Civil)Subject MatterIndustrial PropertyPlaintiff/AppellantAMERICAN AIRLINES INC Defendant/RespondentAMERICA AIR TAXI AEREO LTDA - ME Keywords
Unfair competition,
Secondary meaning
Judgment/DecisionPortugueseREsp 1773244/RJ, Rel. Ministra NANCY ANDRIGHI, TERCEIRA TURMA, julgado em 02/04/2019, DJe 05/04/2019 HTMLSummaryPortugueseREsp 1773244/RJ, Rel. Ministra NANCY ANDRIGHI, TERCEIRA TURMA, julgado em 02/04/2019, DJe 05/04/2019 HTMLRelevant Legislation