Superior Court of Justice, Special Appeal n. 590645, Rapporteur Judge: Aldir Passarinho Junior, Forth Division, decided on May 26, 2009,
BackDate of JudgmentMay 26, 2009Issuing AuthoritySuperior Court of Justice (STJ)Level of the Issuing AuthorityFinal InstanceType of ProcedureJudicial (Civil)Subject MatterIndustrial DesignsPlaintiff/AppellantPLASÚTIL INDÚSTRIA E COMÉRCIO DE PLÁSTICOS LTDA Defendant/RespondentTRITEC INDÚSTRIA E COMÉRCIO DE PLÁSTICOS LTDAKeywords
Industrial design,
Judgment/DecisionPortugueseSTJ. REsp 590.645/SC, Rel. Ministro ALDIR PASSARINHO JUNIOR, QUARTA TURMA, julgado em 26/05/2009, DJe 22/06/2009 HTMLSummaryPortugueseSTJ. REsp 590.645/SC, Rel. Ministro ALDIR PASSARINHO JUNIOR, QUARTA TURMA, julgado em 26/05/2009, DJe 22/06/2009 HTMLRelevant Legislation