Copyright (Parallel Importing of Films) Amendment Act 2013
Copyright (Parallel Importing of Films) Amendment Act 2013
Public Act 2013 No 86 Date of assent 22 October 2013
Commencement see section 2
Contents Page
1 Title 1 2 Commencement 1 3 Principal Act 1 4 Section 35 amended (Infringement by importation) 1
The Parliament of New Zealand enacts as follows:
1 Title This Act is the Copyright (Parallel Importing of Films) Amendment Act 2013.
2 Commencement This Act comes into force on 31 October 2013.
3 Principal Act This Act amends the Copyright Act 1994 (the principal Act).
4 Section 35 amended (Infringement by importation) (1) Replace section 35(3)(a) and (b) with:
Copyright (Parallel Importing of Films) Amendment Act 2013 2013 No 86
“(a) imports a copy of the film into New Zealand within 5 months of the date that the film is first made available to the public; and
“(b) knows or has reason to believe that the film is imported into New Zealand within 5 months of that date; and”.
(2) In section 35(5), replace “31 October 2013” with “31 October 2016”.
Legislative history
2 July 2013 Introduction (Bill 133–1) 2 July 2013 First reading and referral to Commerce Committee 21 August 2013 Report of the Commerce Committee 19 September 2013 Second reading 24 September 2013 Committee of the whole House 15 October 2013 Third reading 22 October 2013 Royal assent
This Act is administered by the Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment.
Wellington, New Zealand: Published under the authority of the New Zealand Government—2013