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Act Amending the Act on the Exclusive Right in the Topography of an Integrated Circuit
No. 631/99
Issued in Helsinki on May 21, 1999
In accordance with the decision of Parliament, Section 24 of the Act on the Exclusive Right in the Topography of an Integrated Circuit (32/1991), issued on January 11, 1991, is amended and new Sections 24 a and 24 b are added to the Act, as follows:
Chapter II
�Application for Registration and the Processing of Applications
Section 24
Subject to the provisions of Section 24a or 24b , the documents pertaining to an application shall be public as from the date of the registration.
Section 24a
�Protecting a trade secret
To protect a trade secret, the applicant may request a decision to the effect that the material necessary for identification of a topography be maintained confidential.
The request for confidentiality may not be directed at more than half of the number of the layers in an integrated circuit. The request may relate to a part of a layer of a topography. The request shall clearly state the appendices to the application letter at which it is directed.
The appendices at which the request for confidentiality is directed shall be left apart from the other appendices or submitted together with the other appendices in two series so that the appendices for which confidentiality is requested are included in only one of the series.
Section 24b
�Delimitation of a trade secret
Documents or other material that are necessary for identification of a topography or for determining the year the topography was created or the date the topography was for the first time distributed to the public before the filing of the registration application shall not be counted among trade secrets.
This Act shall enter into force on December 1, 1999.
Helsinki, May 21, 1999
FI Integrated Circuits (Layout-Design), Act (Amendment CH. II), 21/05/1999, No. 631 Page 1 / 1