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Law of April 19, 2014, on the Insertion of Book XI 'Intellectual Property' to the Code of Economic Law, and Specific Provisions to the Book XI in Books I, XV and XVII of the Code, Belgium
Superseded Text.
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Year of Version
April 19, 2014
Type of Text
IP-related Laws
Subject Matter
Patents (Inventions),
Industrial Designs,
Layout Designs of Integrated Circuits,
Plant Variety Protection,
Copyright and Related Rights (Neighboring Rights),
Enforcement of IP and Related Laws,
IP Regulatory Body,
Industrial Property
Available Materials
Main Text(s)
Related Text(s)
Main text(s)
Main text(s)
Wet van 19 april 2014 houdende invoeging van boek XI, “Intellectuele eigendom” in het Wetboek van economisch recht, en houdende invoeging van bepalingen eigen aan boek XI in de boeken I, XV en XVII van hetzelfde Wetboek
Loi du 19 avril 2014 portant insertion du Livre XI 'Propriété intellectuelle' dans le Code de droit économique, et portant insertion des dispositions propres au Livre XI dans les Livres I, XV et XVII du même Code
Is superseded by (2 text(s))
Is superseded by (2 text(s))
- Law of April 19, 2014, on the Insertion of Book XI 'Intellectual Property' to the Code of Economic Law, and Specific Provisions to the Book XI in Books I, XV and XVII of the Code (updated on October 30, 2015) (BE177)
- Law of April 19, 2014, on the Insertion of Book XI 'Intellectual Property' to the Code of Economic Law, and Specific Provisions to the Book XI in Books I, XV and XVII of the Code (updated on December 19, 2014) (BE179)
Relates to (12 records)
Relates to (12 records)
- Paris Convention (March 20, 1883)
- Berne Convention (September 9, 1886)
- Rome Convention (October 26, 1961)
- UPOV Convention (December 2, 1961)
- Patent Cooperation Treaty (June 19, 1970)
- European Patent Convention (October 5, 1973)
- Convention on Biological Diversity (June 5, 1992)
- Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization (WTO) (April 15, 1994)
- Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement) (April 15, 1994)
- WIPO Copyright Treaty (December 20, 1996)
- WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty (December 20, 1996)
- Benelux Convention on Intellectual Property (February 25, 2005)
No data available.
WIPO Lex No.