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Turkish Criminal Code (Law No. 5237 of September 26, 2004), Türkiye

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Details Details Year of Version 2004 Dates Adopted: September 26, 2004 Type of Text Framework Laws Subject Matter Undisclosed Information (Trade Secrets), Enforcement of IP and Related Laws Notes Volume Two, Chapter Three, Section Nine, Article 239 of the Criminal Code provides, inter alia, the confidentiality of business secrets.

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 Turkish Criminal Code (Law No. 5237 of September 26, 2004)

Criminal Code

Law Nr. 5237

Passed On 26.09.2004

(Official Gazette No. 25611 dated 12.10.2004)


General Provisions


Basic Principles, Definitions and Field Of Application


Basic Principles and Definitions

Object of Criminal Code

ARTICLE 1- (1) The object of Criminal Code is to protect the individual rights and freedom , public order and security, state of justice, public health and environment, and communal peace, as well as to discourage commitment of offences. This Law defines the basic principles for criminal responsibility and types of crimes, punishments and security precautions to be taken in this respect.

Legality rule in offences and punishments

ARTICLE 2- (1) A person may neither be punished nor be imposed cautionary judgment for an act which does not explicitly constitute an offence within the definition of the Law. Furthermore, application of punishments and security precautions besides those stipulated in this Law is not allowed.

(2) No criminal punishment may be imposed based on regulatory transactions of the Administration.

(3) Application of provisions of the Laws relating to crimes and punishments by analogy is prohibited. The provisions relating to crimes and punishments may not be interpreted in way to lead to analogy.

Equitable principle

ARTICLE 3- (1) Offender may be subject to a punishment and imposition of security measures in proportion with the grossness of the illegal acts executed by him.

(2) Neither discrimination can be made between the persons in respect of races, language, religion, sects, nationality, color, sex, political tendencies etc. nor a person can be subject to special and different treatment before the laws and courts.

Binding nature of the Law

ARTICLE 4- (1) Ignorance of the criminal laws may not be an excuse.

(2) However, a person who commits an offence through an inevitable mistake due to his ignorance of the law may not be kept criminally responsible from such offence.

Relation with the Special Laws

ARTICLE 5-(1) The general provisions of this Law are applicable also for the offences under the cover of special criminal laws and other legislation relating to criminal punishment.


ARTICLE 6- (1) In practice of criminal laws, the terms used herein, shall have the following meanings;

a) Citizen ; Any person who is a Turkish citizen during the commission of an offence;

b) Minor ; Any person not attained the age of eighteen

c) Public Officer; Any person selected or appointed to carry out public duty for a temporary or permanent period.

d) The Judicial Authorities; Members and judges of the Supreme Courts and administrative, and military courts as well as Public Prosecutor and attorneys at law;

e) Night Time; period starting one hour after the sunset and ending one hour before the sunrise;

f) Arms;

1) Fire guns

2) Explosives

3) All kinds of cutting, piercing or injuring instrument used for to attack or defense oneself;

4) Other instruments which are suitable to use in attack or defense although actually not manufactured for this purpose;

5) Burning, corrosive, harmful, suffocating, toxic nuclear, radioactive, chemical and biological substances which cause unrecoverable disease;

g) Press and Broadcast; all kinds of written, visual, audio and electronic means used for public announcements,;

h) Inveterate offender; Any person who commits the same kind of offence within one year or at different times after having been convicted of a heavy offense or any other similar criminal offense which requires imposition of less punishment;

i) Professional Perpetrator; Any person who use to earn money by committing offense in the past;

j) Offender who is a member of a criminal group; Any person who forms or manages a criminal group, or becomes a member of the same, or establishes cooperation with other criminal groups for committing offense.


Field Of Application

In Respect of Time

ARTICLE 7- (1) A person may neither be punishment nor subject to a security measure for an act which does not constitute an offense according to the law in force at the time of commission of the offense. Also, one may neither be punished nor subject to a security measure for an act which does not constitute an offense according to the law which put into force after the commission of the offense. Where a punishment or security precautions of that sort is imposed, its execution and legal consequences are spontaneously abrogated.

(2) Where there are differences between provisions of the law in force at the time of commission of the offense and the provisions of the law subsequently put into force, the law which is in favor of the perpetrator is applied and enforced.

(3) The law in force at the time of conviction is applied in respect of execution of security precautions.

(4) The provisional or permanent laws are continued to be applied for the offenses which are committed during the period when they are in force.

In respect of Location

ARTICLE 8- (1) Turkish laws are applied for the offenses which are committed in Turkey. Where the act constituting an offense is partially or entirely committed in Turkey, or the result is obtained in Turkey, the offense is assumed to have been committed in Turkey.

(2) If the offense is committed;

a) in the Turkish territory, or airspace and Turkish territorial waters,

b) in open seas and the space extending above these waters, and in/by the Turkish vessels and airplanes,

c) in/by Turkish war ships and aircrafts,

d) in the stationary platforms exclusively constructed in the territorial boundaries of Turkey or in industrial zones,

then this offense is assumed to have been committed in Turkey.

Conviction in a Foreign Country

ARTICLE 9-(1) A person who is convicted in a foreign country for an offense committed in Turkey is subject to retrial in Turkey.

Offences Committed During Performance of A Duty

ARTICLE 10- (1) A new trail can be filed in Turkey for a person who commits an offense in a foreign country while performing an official duty in the name of Turkey even if he is convicted in a foreign country due to execution of such act.

Offences Committed By the Citizens

ARTICLE 11- (1) If a Turkish citizen, excluding the offences listed in Article 13, commits an offence in a foreign country which requires punishment with a minimum limit of less than one year imprisonment according to the Turkish laws, and if the offender is found in Turkey, then he is punished according to the Turkish laws provided that he is not convicted in the said foreign country for the same offense and there is possibility to proceed a trial in Turkey.

(2) Where the offence requires a punishment with a minimum limit of less than one year imprisonment, the trial is filed only upon rise of complaint by the injured party or the foreign country. In such case, the complaint has to be brought within six months as of the date of entry of the citizen into Turkey.

Offences Committed By the Foreigners

ARTICLE 12-(1) If a foreigner, excluding the offences listed in Article 13, commits an offence in a foreign country causing injury to Turkey, which requires a punishment with a minimum limit of less than one year imprisonment, and if the offender is found in Turkey, then he is punished according to the Turkish laws. However, the trial is filed upon request of the Ministry of Justice.

(2) If the offence mentioned in the afore subsection is committed with the intension of causing injury to a Turkish citizen or a legal entity incorporated according to the Turkish laws and subject to special law, and if the offender is found in Turkey, then the perpetrator is punished according to the Turkish Laws upon complained of the injured party provided that that he is not convicted in the said foreign country for the same offense.

(3) If the aggrieved party is a foreigner, he is tried upon request of the Ministry of Justice in case of existence of the following conditions;

a) Where the offence requires punishment with a minimum limit of less than three years imprisonment according to the Turkish Laws;

b) Where there is no extradition agreement or the demand of extradition is rejected by the nation where the crime is committed or the person accused of a crime holds citizenship.

(4) A foreigner who is convicted of an offence in a foreign country within the scope of first subsection, or the action filed against him is extinguished or the punishment is abated, or the offence committed is not qualified for the prosecution, then a new trial can be filed in Turkey upon request of the Ministry of Justice.

Other Offences

ARTICLE 13- (1) The Turkish laws are applied in case of commitment of following offences by the citizens or foreigners in a foreign country;

a) Offences listed under Second Chapter of Second Volume.

b) Offences listed under Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Sections in the Fourth Chapter of Second Volume.

c) Torture (Clauses 94,95)

d) Intentional environmental pollution (Clause 181)

e) Production and trading of habit-forming drugs or excitant substances (Clause 188), encouragement of use of habit- forming drugs or excitant substances (Clause 190).

f) Counterfeiting money (Clause 197), manufacturing and trading of instruments used in production of money and valuable seals/stamps.

g) Whoredom (Clause 227)

h) Bribery (Clause 252)

i) Confiscation or hijacking of aircraft, vehicles or vessels (Clause 223, subsections 2 and 3), or offences committed with the intention to give damage to these properties (Clause 152).

(2) A trial can be filed in Turkey upon request of the Ministry of Justice even if the offender is convicted or acquitted of an offense defined in paragraphs (a) and (b) of the first subsection.

Investigation in Alternative Punishments

ARTICLE 14 -(1) No investigation or prosecution is started if it is allowed to choose either punishment of imprisonment or administrative fine as noted in articles 11 and 12.

Quantification Of Punishment Subject To Investigation

ARTICLE 15 - (1) In cases where it is deemed necessary to carry out investigation to quantify the punishment, the minimum limit of legitimate aggravation and maximum limit of legitimate extenuation should be considered during the calculations.

Deduction of Punishment

ARTICLE 16 -(1) No matter where the offence is committed, the period lapsed under observation, detention or conviction is deducted from the punishment to be given for the same offense in Turkey.

Disqualification from Certain Rights

ARTICLE 17-(1) Under the above-mentioned circumstances, if a judgment given by a foreign court seeks disqualification of a certain right according to Turkish Laws, then the court, upon demand of the Public Prosecutor, may decide recognition of legal consequences of this judgment in Turkey as long as it is not contrary to the Turkish judicial system.


ARTICLE 18-(1) A foreigner accused or convicted of a crime committed in a country may be returned to his country upon demand for prosecution or execution of the punishment. However, the demand for extradition is rejected;

a) If the act does not constitute an offense according to the Turkish laws,

b) If the act is not in the nature of a political or military offense,

c) If the offense is committed against the security of Turkish State, or with the intention of damaging the Turkish State or a Turkish citizen or a legal entity incorporated according to the Turkish laws,

d) If the offense is within the competence of the Turkish courts,

e) If the action is subject to statute of limitation or amnesty.

(2) Excluding the provisions seeking participation in the International Criminal Court, a citizen may not be returned to a foreign country due to committed offense.

(3) The demand for extradition is rejected if there is deep concern or uncertainty about the future of a person after being extradited, whether he will be subject to prosecution or punishment due to racial, religious preference, or nationality, or membership to a social or political group, or to a cruel treatment or torture.

(4) The high criminal court at the domicile of the concerned person is entitled to give decision on the demand for extradition according to the provisions of this article and relevant international agreements of which Turkey is one of the parties.

(5) If the court adjudicates acceptability of the demand for extradition, the enforcement of this decision is within discretion of the Ministers’ Council.

(6) Decision may be taken for application of protective measures for the person subject to extradition according to the relevant international agreements of which Turkey is one of the parties.

(7) In case the demand for extradition is adjudicated acceptable, a decision may be given for arrest of the accused or may apply to other protective measures according to the according to the Code of Criminal Procedure.

(8) A person subject to extradition may be tried or convicted of an offense which constitutes the basis of this decision, or sentenced to punishment.

Consideration of Foreign laws

ARTICLE 19- (1) The punishment given in Turkey to a person who is convicted of an offense committed beyond the political authority of Turkey, may not be more than the maximum limit of the punishment stipulated in the laws of the country where the offense is committed.

(2) However, the provisions of the above subsection may not be applied if the offense is committed;

a) Against the security of the Turkish State, or with the intention of giving injury to the State, or

b) Against Turkish citizens, or with the intention of giving injury to the legal entities incorporated according to Turkish legislation and subject to special law.


Essence of Criminal Responsibility


Individuality of Criminal Responsibility, Malice and Negligence

Individuality of Criminal Responsibility

ARTICLE 20- (1) Criminal responsibility arises from a private wrong. No one can be kept responsible from another person’s act.

(2) No punitive sanctions may be imposed for the legal entities. However, the sanctions in the form of security precautions stipulated in the law for the offenses are reserved.


ARTICLE 21- (1) In order to consider an act as an offense, a crime has to be intended by the offender. Malice is an intention to cause harm being aware of the legal consequences of the crime defined in the laws.

(2) Execution of an act by a person being aware of its legal consequences defined in the law is considered as malice. In that case, the offender is sentenced to life imprisonment in offences which require heavy imprisonment and to imprisonment between twenty years and twenty-five years in the offenses which require life imprisonment; in other offenses the basic punishment is abated from one third to one half.


ARTICLE 22- (1) Offenses occasioned by negligent act are punished as expressly defined in the laws.

(2) Negligence is failure to take proper care or precaution during performance of an act without being aware of legal consequences of the crime defined in the laws.

(3) Where an act of person creates the legal consequence defined in the laws beyond his will, this is considered as intentional negligence; in such case the punishment imposed for negligent act is increased from one third to one half.

(4) The punishment to be given due to negligent offense is determined according to the fault of the offender.

(5) In negligent offenses committed by more than one person, each one is blamed of his own fault. The punishment is assessed individually according to the fault of each offender.

(6) No punishment is given if the legal consequence of the negligent offense exclusively results with injury of the offender either in person, rights or reputation in such a way not to require imposition of punishment; in case of intentional negligence, the punishment to be imposed may be abated from one half to one sixth.

Offences Aggravated As A Result Of Injurious Consequences

ARTICLE 23-(1) In order to keep a person responsible from an act which can be considered as matter of aggravation, or injurious consequence beyond the intended purpose, this person at least should have acted with negligence.


Excusatory and Mitigating Causes

Mandatory Provision and Order of the Supervisor

ARTICLE 24-(1) No punishment is imposed for a person who complies with the mandatory provisions.

(2) Also, a person who meets an order given by an authorized body as a part of his duty may not be kept responsible from such act.

(3) An order constituting an offense should never be fulfilled. Otherwise, the person fulfilling the order and the person giving the order is kept responsible at the same time.

(4) In cases where inspection of the order in respect of compliance with the laws is avoided, the person giving the order is responsible from fulfillment of the order.

Self Defense and State of Necessity

ARTICLE 25- (1) No punishment is given to an offender who acts with immediate necessity, according to the prevailing conditions, to repulse or eliminate an unjust assault against his or another person’s rights, of which the recurrence is highly expected.

(2) No punishment is given to the offender for an act executed to protect himself from a severe and definite danger or an assault against his or another person’s rights, where he has no other choice to eliminate this danger. However, there should be proportional relation between the imminent necessity to protect oneself and the seriousness of danger, and the means used to eliminate this danger.

Use of a right and consent of the concerned body

ARTICLE 26- (1) No punishment is given to a person using his rights.

(2) No punishment is given to a person acting under the consent of a person relating to a right disposable by that person.

Exceeding of limit

ARTICLE 27- (1) Where the limit is unintentionally exceeded due to excusatory causes, the punishment is imposed by reducing the punishment stipulated in the law for negligent offenses (from one sixth up to one third), if the act is subject to punishment even executed in negligence.

(2) No punishment is given to the offender if the limit during self-defense is exceeded as a result of excusable excitement, fear or anxiety.

Force and Violence, Menace and Threat

ARTICLE 28- (1) No punishment is imposed to a person who commits an offense as a result of intolerable or inevitable violence, or serious menace or gross threat. In such cases, the person involved in violence, menace and threat is considered as the offender.

Unjust Provocation

ARTICLE 29- (1) A person committing an offense with affect of anger or asperity caused by the unjust act is sentenced to imprisonment from eighteen years to twenty-four years instead of heavy life imprisonment, and to imprisonment from twelve years to eighteen years instead of life imprisonment. In other cases, the punishment is abated from one-fourth up to three thirds.


ARTICLE 30-(1) A person executing an act without knowing factual means of offense defined in the law is not considered to have acted intentionally. The state of negligent responsibility is reserved due to such mistake.

(2) A person who is mistaken about the factual qualifications of an offense which require heavier or less punishment may take advantage of this mistake.

(3) A person who inevitably makes mistake about existence of conditions eliminating or diminishing criminal responsibility may take advantage of this mistake.


ARTICLE 31-(1) The children having not attained the full age of twelve on the commission date of the offense, may not have criminal responsibility. Besides, no criminal prosecution may be commenced against such persons; but, it may be deemed necessary to take certain security precautions specific to children.

(2) In case a person who attained the age of twelve but not yet completed the age of fifteen on the commission date of the offense does not have the ability to perceive the legal meaning and consequences of the offense, or to control his actions, he may not have criminal responsibility for such behavior. However, security precautions specific to children may be adopted for such individuals. If a person has the ability to apprehend the offense he has committed or to control his actions relating to this offense, then such person may be sentenced to imprisonment from nine years to twelve years if the offense requires heavy life imprisonment; from seven years to nine years if the offense requires life imprisonment.

Two thirds of other punishments is abated and in this case, the imprisonment to be imposed for each offense may not be more than six years.

(3) A person who attained the full age of fifteen but not yet completed the age of eighteen on the commission date of the offense is sentenced to imprisonment from fourteen years to twenty years if the offense requires heavy life imprisonment; and from nine years to twelve years if the offense requires life imprisonment. One half of the other punishments is abated and in this case, the imprisonment to be imposed for each offense may not be more than eight years.


ARTICLE 32-(1) A person lacking ability to perceive the legal meaning and consequences of the offense, or having considerably lost the capacity to control his actions due to insanity may not be subject to any punishment. However, security precautions are imposed for such individuals.

(2)Even if not to such an extent stated in the first subsection, a person lacking ability to control or direct his actions in respect of offense committed by him is sentenced to twenty five years imprisonment instead of heavy life imprisonment and to twenty years imprisonment instead of life imprisonment. In other cases, on sixth of the punishment to be imposed may be abated. The entire or part of penalty inflicted may be applied as security precaution specific to insane persons, provided that the sentence period remains the same.

Deafness and Dumbness

ARTICLE 33- (1) The provisions of this Law relating to minors not attained the full age of twelve on the commission date of offense is also applicable for the deaf and dumb persons not attained the full age of fifteen; the provisions relating to those attained the full age of twelve but not yet completed the age of fifteen are applicable for the deaf and dumb persons who attained the full age of fifteen but not yet completed the age of eighteen; the provisions relating to those attained the full the age of fifteen but not yet completed the age of eighteen are applicable for the deaf and dumb persons who attained the full age of eighteen but not yet completed the age of twenty.

Ephemeral Reasons, Addiction To Alcohol and Drugs

ARTICLE 34- (1) No punishment is imposed to a person lacking ability to perceive the legal meaning and consequences of the offense or having considerably lost the capacity to control his actions due ephemeral reasons or use of alcohol or drugs beyond his own will.

(2) The provisions of first subsection may not be applicable for the persons committing an offense with the affect of alcohol and drugs used consciously.


Attempt To Commit An Offence

Attempt To Commit an Offence

ARTICLE 35- (1) A person who acts with the intention of committing crime but fails to perform the acts necessary to commit the crime due to a cause beyond his control, is considered to have attempted to commit crime.

(2) In case of attempt to commit crime, the offender is sentenced to imprisonment from thirteen years to twenty years instead of heavy life imprisonment according to the seriousness of the damage or danger; and imprisonment from nine years to fifteen years instead of life imprisonment. In other cases, the punishment is abated from one-fourth up to three-fourth.

Voluntary Abandonment

ARTICLE 36 - If a person voluntarily abandons performance of the acts necessary to commit the crime, or avoids accomplishment of the crime with his own efforts, then he may not be punished for this crime; however, where the accomplished part constitutes an offense, punishment is given only for this specific offense.


Participation In Commission of A Crime


ARTICLE 37-(1) Each one of the persons who jointly execute the act defined as crime in the law is responsible from its legal consequences as the offender.

(2) Also, a person who uses another person in commission of a crime is also kept responsible as the offender. The punishment of the persons who uses a person(s) lacking culpability is increased from one–third up to one half.


ARTICLE 38- (1) A person soliciting another person to commit offense is punished according to the degree of crime committed.

(2) In case of solicitation to commit offense by using the power originating from lineage (antecedent/descendent) relation, the punishment of the soliciting person is increased from one-third to one half. The lineage relation is not sought for increase of punishment pursuant to the provisions of this subsection in case of solicitation of minors to commit offense.

(3) Where the soliciting person is not known, the offender who plays role in identification of the soliciting person, or other accomplice is sentenced to imprisonment from twenty years to twenty-five years instead of heavy life imprisonment and to imprisonment from fifteen years to twenty years the offense requires life imprisonment. In other cases, one-third of the punishment can be abated.

Encouragement of A person To Commit Offence

ARTICLE 39- (1) A person encouraging another person to commit offense is sentenced to life imprisonment from fifteen years to twenty years if subject to heavy life imprisonment; and from ten years to fifteen years imprisonment if the offense requires life imprisonment.

2) A person is kept responsible under the following conditions from commission of offense as the party encouraging the offender;

a) To solicit a person for commission of an offense or to support his decision to commit offense or to guarantee help after commission of offense.

b) To give idea about how the offense shall be committed or to supply the necessary tools to be used during commission of offense.

c) To render support before and during the commission of offense in order to simplify the intended act.

Connected offenses

ARTICLE 40- (1) If an act is executed intentionally and contrary to the laws, then this is considered as participation in commission of offense. Each person participating in commission of an offense is punished according to his involvement in the offense, irrespective of the personal reasons avoiding the punishment of the other.

(2) In particular offenses the person possessing the characteristics of a perpetrator is defined as offender. The others who participate in commission of offense are kept responsible from commission of offense as soliciting or supporting parties.

(3) In order to keep a person responsible from participation in commission of an offense, at least there must be an attempt to commit offense.

Voluntary Abandonment in Jointly Committed Offenses

ARTICLE 41-(1) In jointly committed offenses, only the accomplice who voluntarily abandons the attempt to commit offense may benefit from the provisions of the law relating to voluntary abandonment.

(2) The provisions relating to voluntary abandonment is applied;

a) If the commission of offense is not bound to any other reason than the efforts shown by the person who voluntarily abandons the attempt.

b) If the offense is committed despite all the efforts of the person who voluntarily abandons the attempt.


Joinder of Offenses

Joint Offenses

ARTICLE 42-(1) Any offense which is considered to have been committed by a single act, where each act constitutes the moral elements or aggravating reasons of the other, is called joint offense. The provisions relating to joinder may not be applicable for such offenses.

Successive Offenses

ARTICLE 43- (1) In case of commission of the same offense against a person more than once at successive intervals, the offender is imposed a punishment. However, this punishment may be increased from one-fourth to three-fourth. The basic elements or characteristics of an offense determining the degree of punishment (heavy or light punishment) are considered to define whether the intended act is the same offense or not.

(2) The provisions of first subsection are applied in case of commission of the same offence against more than one person with a single attempt.

(3) The offences such as voluntary manslaughter (felonious homicide), felonious injury, torture, sexual abuse and plunder are not subject to the provisions of this article.

Joinder of ideas

ARTICLE 44- (1) A person, who is considered to have committed more than one offense through performance of an act, is punished from the offense which requires imposition of heavier punishment.






ARTICLE 45-(1) The punishments to be imposed as sanction against the offenses are imprisonment and administrative fines.

Punishment of Imprisonment

ARTICLE 46- (1) Following are the punishments of imprisonment;

a) Heavy life imprisonment

b) Life imprisonment

c) Imprisonment for definite period

Heavy Life Imprisonment

ARTICLE 47-(1) Heavy life imprisonment continues until death of the convict and is enforced under the strict security measures as defined in the law and statute.

Life Imprisonment

ARTICLE 48-(1) Life imprisonment continues until the death of the convict.

Imprisonment for definite period

ARTICLE 49-(1) Unless otherwise is provided by the law, imprisonment for definite period may not be less than one month, more than twenty years.

(2) The imprisonment for one year or less than a year is considered as short-term imprisonment.

Sanctions precedent for sentence to short-term imprisonment

ARTICLE 50 - (1) Short-term imprisonment may be converted to following punishments according to the personality, social and economical status of the convict, repentance shown by him during the trial period and qualifications of the offense;

a) Administrative fine,

b) Reimbursement of overall loss encountered by the aggrieved party or public, reinstatement or compensation of damages,

c) Admittance to an education institution for a period of at least two years to improve professional skills or to learn art by providing shelter,

d) Prohibition from traveling to certain places and to conduct certain activities for a period up to half of the imposed punishment.

e) In case of commission of an offense by misuse of rights and powers or by failing to take proper care and necessary precautions; seizure of driving license and other license certificates and prohibition from performance of certain profession or art for a period from one half up to one folds of the imposed punishment.

f) Voluntary employment in a job performed for public interest for a period from one half up to one folds of the imposed punishment.

(2) If a person is sentenced to imprisonment in cases where punishment of imprisonment or imposition of administrative fine is foreseen as alternative in definition of offense, then this punishment may no longer be converted to administrative fine.

(3) The punishment of imprisonment for thirty days and more, as well as for a period one year or less, imposed to a person under the age of eighteen and those not completed the full age of sixty five on the commission date of the offense, is converted to one of the alternative sanctions listed in first subsection provided that he has no previous conviction.

(4) Even if punishment of imprisonment is imposed for a longer period due to negligent offenses, this punishment may be converted to administrative fine according to paragraph (a) of first subsection in case of existence of other conditions.

(5) In practice, the principal conviction is the administrative fine or precaution converted to according to the provisions of this article.

(6) In case of failure to meet the requirements of the alternative sanctions within thirty days despite the notification of the Public Prosecutor after finalization of the sentence, or discontinued performance after being started, the court giving decision for conviction may adjudicate immediate execution of all or part of the short-term punishment of imprisonment. In this case, the provisions of the fifth subsection may not be applicable.

(7) If the convict fails to meet the requirements of the preferred precaution due to reasons beyond his control, the precaution is altered by the court giving the decision.

Suspension of Sentence

ARTICLE 51- (1) Execution of the punishment imposed to a person who is sentenced to two years or more imprisonment due to committed offense may be suspended for a definite or indefinite time. The maximum limit of this period is three years for the persons not completed the full age of eighteen or the age of sixty-five on the commission date of offense. However, in order for the court to give decision for suspension of the sentence;

a) One should not be previously sentenced to imprisonment more than three months due to a felonious intent,

b) The court should reach to a conclusion that recurrence of the offense is out of question due to repentance shown by the offender during the trial period.

(2) Suspension of sentence may be bound to reimbursement of the losses encountered by the aggrieved party or public, or reinstatement of the deteriorated conditions or compensation of damages. In such case, the sentence is enforced in the execution institution under the judge’s decision until fulfillment of all the conditions. Upon recovery, the convict is immediately released from the execution institution under the decision of the judge.

(3) An inspection period not less than one year, more than three years, is determined for the convict whose sentence is suspended. The minimum limit of this period may not be less than the imposed punishment.

(4) During the inspection period, the court may adjudicate;

a) Admittance of the offender to a training program if he has no profession or skills,

b) Employment of the convict in a public institution or another job under supervision against payment of wage if he has profession or required skills,

c) Admittance of convicts below the age of eighteen to a training institution in order to enable them to gain a profession or art.

(5) The court may assign an expert to guide the convict during the inspection period. This person gives advice to the convict to persuade him to give up bad habits and to act with the conscious of his responsibilities for a good life; by establishing contact with the authorities or staff of the training institution, exchanged views about the progress of the convict; prepares quarterly reports about the behavior, social adaptation and progress of the convict to be submitted to the judge.

(6) The court may also adjudicate proceed of inspection against no obligation or without assigning an expert (sponsor) in consideration of private and social conditions of the convict.

(7) In case the convict acts with felonious intent or insists not to fulfill the obligations conferred upon by the judge during the inspection period despite the warning of the judge, the court may decide enforcement of the suspended sentence, partially or entirely, in the execution institution.

(8) The sentence is considered to have executed if the convict acts in compliance with the rules or shows good manners during the inspection period.

Administrative Fine

ARTICLE 52- (1) Administrative fine is an amount payable to the State Treasury and is calculated by multiplying the full number of days subject to penalty with the amount fixed for per day. The quantified days may not be less than five and more than seven hundred thirty days unless otherwise is provided in the law.

(2) The amount of administrative fine which is determined as at least twenty, at most hundred Turkish Lira per day is assessed in consideration of the private and economic conditions of the person.

(3) It is a basic rule to indicate the quantified full days and the amount fixed for one day separately in the decision.

(4) The Judge may grant respite period not exceeding one year as of the finalization date of judgment seeking payment of administrative fine in consideration of private and economic conditions of the person subject to penalty. Payment of this fine in installments may also be adjudicated in the decision. However, the installment period may not exceed two years and the amount is payable at most in four installments. The decision should also contain a statement requesting

collection of the remaining portion of the fine if failed to pay any one of the installments, and also a warning notifying conversion of administrative fine to punishment of imprisonment in case of such failure.


Security Precautions

Disqualification from use of certain rights

ARTICLE 53- (1) As legal consequences of sentence to imprisonment due to a felonious intent, a person may be disqualified from;

a) Undertaking of a permanent or temporary public service; within this scope, such person is suspended from membership in Turkish Grand National Assembly, or office in any department of the State, province, municipality or employment in an institution and corporation controlled by these administrations,

b) Use of right of voting or right to be elected,

c) Use parental right; assignment in the status of guardian or curator,

d) Employment as manager or auditor in the foundations, associations, unions, companies, cooperatives and political parties in the status of legal entity,

e) To perform a profession or art as free-lancer or tradesman subject to consent of a professional organization in the status of public institution or public corporation.

(2) A person may not use these rights until the punishment of imprisonment is fully executed.

(3) The provisions of the above subsections may not be applied in cases where the sentence of the offender acting as guardian or curator is suspended or he is conditionally released.

(4) The provisions of the first subsection may not be applicable for the persons whose short-term sentence is suspended or not attained the full age of eighteen on the commission date of the offense.

(5) Where a person is sentenced to imprisonment due to misuse of any one of the rights and powers listed in the first subsection, the court may further prohibit use of these rights and powers even after the execution of the sentence by increasing the punishment from one half up to one folds. In case of imposition of administrative fine as punishment due to offenses committed by misuse of such rights and powers, the court may prohibit use of these rights and powers as much as from one half of quantified days up to one folds. The period of prohibition executed upon finalization of the decision starts to run as of the date on which the administrative fine is fully executed.

(6) In case of conviction from a negligent offense due to breach of obligations in professional field, or violation of traffic rules by acting carelessly and without taking the necessary precautions, the court may decide disqualification from performance of this profession or art, or seizure of the driving license for a period not less than three months and more than three years.

The sentence is executed upon finalization of prohibition and seizure decision.

Seizure of Property

ARTICLE 54-(1) The court may adjudicate seizure of the property/tools used in or reserved for commission of felonious offense, provided that such property does not belong to third parties. The property/tools prepared for use in commission of offense is seized if it is determined to be dangerous for public safety, public health or oral principles.

(2) In case of concealment, disposal, consumption of the property defined in the first subsection, or avoidance of seizure in any other manner, the court may adjudicate confiscation of a sum corresponding to the value of this property.

(3) If it is understood that seizure of the property used in commission of offense will involve consequences heavier than the offense, then the court may refrain from adjudicating seizure of property.

(4) The property of which the production, storage, use, transportation, purchase or sale constitutes an offense is subject seizure.

(5) Where partial seizure is in question, the court may decide seizure of only that portion without giving damage to other parts of the property.

(6) With regard to the property owned by more than one person, the court may adjudicate seizure of the part corresponding to the share of the person participating the offense.

Confiscation of Income

ARTICLE 55-(1) The court may adjudicate confiscation of pecuniary benefits provided through commission of offense, or constituting the object of the offense, or secured for commission of offense, as well as the economic gains recorded as a result of assessment or conversion of these benefits. In order to take decision for confiscation pursuant to the provisions of this subsection, reimbursement of pecuniary benefits to the aggrieved part should be out of question.

(2) In cases where the seizure of the property or pecuniary benefits subject to confiscation is not likely, or it is not possible to deliver the same to the concerned authorities, the court may adjudicate confiscation of the values considered as the counterpart of this property.

Security Precautions Specific To Minors

ARTICLE 56-(1) Types and implementation procedures of the security precautions specific to minors are defined in the relevant law.

Security Precautions Specific To Insane People

ARTICLE 57-(1) Decision for imposition of security precautions is given by the court about a person suffering from mental illness at the time of commission of the offense. The insane people subject to security precautions under the court’s decision are sheltered and taken under protection for treatment purposes in the fully organized health institutions.

(2) An insane person against whom security precautions are imposed, may be discharged from the health institution where he receives treatment under the court’s or judge’s decision if the report prepared by the health commission of the institution contains a statement that there is no risk to the community, or the risk is considerably diminished.

(3) In the report of the health commission, information is provided according to the degree of mental illness and the quality of the offense whether the person is to be kept under the medical control or not and if so, how long this should be continued and at what intervals.

(4) The medical control and observation is provided for a period and at intervals indicated in the report through transfer of these people by the Public Prosecutor’s Office to the health organizations equipped with necessary technical instruments and specialist.

(5) Where the risk created by the mental deficiency of the person is determined to be increased during the medical control and observation, the court may re-adjudicate imposition of security precautions for protection and treatment purposes on the basis of the report.

(6) On the basis of the commission’s report issued by the fully organized health institution where the insane person is sheltered pursuant to the provisions of first and second subsections, the punishment of imprisonment may be applied, partially or entirely, as security precaution specific to persons suffering from mental illness subject to decision of the court: However, the convictions period remains the same.

(7) The court may adjudicate transfer of the persons who commits an offense or addicted to drugs or alcohol to the health institutions rendering therapy in this field. The therapy continues until these persons are saved from using alcohol or drugs. Upon completion of therapy, they are discharged from the health institution on the basis of the report to be prepared by the health commission under the court’s or judge’s decision.

Recidivism and Offenses Of Special Risk

ARTICLE 58-(1) Provisions relating to recidivism are applied in case of commission of an offense after finalization of the decision for conviction. Execution of the sentence is not sought for adoption of this provision.

(2) The provisions relating to recidivism may not be applicable for the offenses committed;

a) After lapse of five years as of the execution date of the sentence to imprisonment more than five years due to previous conviction,

b) After lapse of three years as of the execution date of sentence to imprisonment for five years or less due to previous conviction.

(3) In case of recidivism, the offender is punished with imprisonment if an alternative between imprisonment and administrative fine is provided in the relevant article of the law for the current offense.

(4) The provisions relating to recidivism may not be applicable in the felonious or negligent offenses and exclusive military offenses. Excluding offenses such as felonious homicide, felonious injury, plunder, swindling, production and trading of narcotic and harmful drugs or counterfeiting of valuable stamps, the decisions taken by the foreign courts may not be taken as basis in recidivism.

(5) The provisions relating to recidivism may not be applicable for the offenders not attained the full age eighteen on the commission date of the offense.

(6) The punishment to be imposed in case of recidivism is executed according to the regime exclusive to the recidivists and the convict is released following the execution of the sentence but kept under control and observation as precaution.

(7) The decision for conviction should contain a statement notifying adoption of special execution regime and imposition of precaution seeking control and observation of the recidivist after release.

(8) The sentence and precaution seeking control and observation of the recidivist after release is executed according to the procedure setout in the law.

(9) The court may decide adoption of special execution regime and precaution seeking control and observation of the recidivist after execution of the sentence also for the inveterate offenders, and the persons who commits offense in a professional manner or the offenders belonging to an organized group.


ARTICLE 59-(19) After execution of the sentence, the court may adjudicate immediate deportation of a foreigner who is sentenced to imprisonment for a period of two years or more due to committed offense.

Security Precaution For The Legal Entities

ARTICLE 60-(1) In case of conviction of a crime through participation of the organs or representatives of a legal entity subject to special law and operating under the license granted by a public institution or misuse of authorization conferred upon by this license, the court may decide cancellation of this license.

(2) The provisions relating to confiscation are applied also for the legal entities involved in commission of offense.

(3) In cases where application of the provisions of the afore subsections is likely to create heavier consequences, the judge may refrain from imposition of such precautions.

(4) The provisions of this article are applicable for the cases specifically defined by the law.


Determination and Individualization of Punishment

Determination of Punishment

ARTICLE 61-(1) In a concrete event, the judge determines the principal punishment between the minimum and maximum limits of the punishment defined in the law for the committed offense in consideration of the following facts;

a) How the offense is committed;

b) The tools used during commission of offense;

c) Commission time and place of offense;

d) The seriousness and consequences of the offense;

e) The grossness of the danger or risk;

f) The grossness of the fault of the offender based on felony or negligence;

g) The object and intension of the offender.

(2) Increase or reduction of punishment in case of felonious intent or conscious negligence is realized over the punishment to be determined according to the first subsection.

(3) In cases where the facts listed in the first subsection constitute the elements of offense, these facts may not be additionally considered in determination of the principal punishment.

(4) In case an offense creates more than one legal consequence which requires heavier or slighter punishment in regard to basis of the offense, the principal offense is first increased then reduced.

(5) The final punishment is assessed at the discretion of the court or judge over the punishment determined according to the afore subsections in consideration of the qualifications of offense such as attempt to commit an offense, participation in commission of an offense, unjust provocation, minority, insanity and other personal reasons.

(6) The period of punishment of imprisonment is determined on the basis of day, month and year. One day is considered as twenty-four hours; one month is thirty days. The year is calculated according to the official calendar. In punishment of imprisonment, the remainder of one day; in assessment of administrative fine, the remainder of one Turkish Lira may neither be considered in the calculations nor be executed as punishment.

Matters of Discretionary Mitigation

ARTICLE 62- (1) In case of existence of the discretionary matters of mitigation extenuating the punishment in favor of the offender, the offender is sentenced to life imprisonment instead of heavy life imprisonment; or twenty-five years imprisonment instead of life imprisonment. The matters of discretionary mitigation are indicated in the court’s decision.

(2) While evaluating the matters of mitigation, background, social relations and behavior of the offender after the commission of offense and during the trial period, and potential affects of the punishment on the future of the offender is considered.


ARTICLE 63- (1) The conviction periods realized prior to final decision and created by reasons resulting with a punishment limiting personal liberty are deducted from the adjudicated punishment of imprisonment. In case of adjudication of punitive fine, this is deducted from the punishment with the assumption that one day corresponds to one hundred Turkish Lira.



Death of Accused or Convict

ARTICLE 64- (1) In case of death of the convict, the court may adjudicate dismissal of public action. However, the proceedings relating to property and tangible benefits subject to confiscation is continued and decision is taken in this direction.

(2) The punishment of imprisonment and the punitive fines not yet executed is abrogated upon death of the convict. But, execution of judgments finalized before the death of the convict relating to confiscation or court expenses are carried on.


ARTICLE 65- (1) Public action is dismissed in case of amnesty. The imposed punishments are abated together with all consequences.

(2) In case of pardon, the convict may be released from penitentiary where he is sentenced to imprisonment or the period of imprisonment is shortened or the imprisonment can be transformed to punitive fine.

(3) The punishment of disqualification from certain rights under judgment is executed despite of pardon.

Statute of Limitation

ARTICLE 66- (1) Unless otherwise is provided in the law, public action is dismissed upon lapse of ;

a) Thirty years in offenses requiring punishment of heavy life imprisonment,

b) Twenty-five years in offenses requiring punishment of life imprisonment,

c) Twenty years in offenses requiring punishment of imprisonment not less than twenty years,

d) Fifteen years in offenses requiring punishment of imprisonment more than five years and less than twenty years,

e) Eight years in offenses requiring punishment of imprisonment or punitive fine not more than five years

(2) Public action is dismissed upon lapse of half of the a/m periods if the convict completed the age of ten but not yet attained the age of fifteen at the commission date of the offense; as for the convicts who completed the age of fifteen but not attained the age of eighteen, public action is dismissed upon lapse of one third of the a/m periods.

(3) In determination of statute of limitation, the qualified form of offense which requires imposition of heavy punishment is considered on the basis of the evidences presented to the file.

(4) The maximum limit of the punishment assessed in the law for the offense is taken into account during determination of the periods mentioned in afore subsection. In offenses, where imposition of alternative punishment is in question, the punishment of imprisonment is taken as basis with regard to statute of limitation.

(5) For the offender who is re-tried due to execution of same act no matter what the reason is, the statute of limitation to be determined according to the principle stipulated in third subsection for the subsequently tried offense is considered.

(6) In succeeded offenses, the statute of limitation starts to run as of the commission date of offense; in attempt to accomplish offense, as of the execution date of last act; in continuing offenses, as of the date on which the offense is discontinued; and in successive offenses, as of the commission date of last offense. In offenses committed against the minors by the antecedents or the persons who hold control or power on these persons, the statute of limitation starts to run as of the date on which the minor attains the full age of eighteen.

(7) Statute of limitation may not be applicable in case of commission of offenses in abroad, which require heavy imprisonment, or imprisonment or imprisonment more than ten years.

Suspension and Vacation of Statute of Limitation

ARTICLE 67- (1) In cases where the proceeding of investigation and prosecution is bound to a permission or decision, result of a matter to be solved by another authority; the statute of limitation is suspended until such permission or decision is obtained or the matter is resolved, or the court decision declaring the offender fugitive is abated pursuant to the law.

(2) The statute of limitation is vacated;

a) If any one of the suspects or offenders is brought before the court

to take his statement or interrogation purposes.

b) If a decision is taken for arrest of any one of the suspects or offenders,

c) If an indictment is prepared relating to the committed offense,

d) If a decision for conviction is given even though related with some of the offenders.

(3) After vacation of the running of the statute of limitation, an entirely new statute of limitation starts to run. Where there are more than one reasons leading to vacation of statute of limitation, the statute of limitation starts to run again as of the date, which coincides to the occurrence date of the last disruption event.

(4) In case of vacation, the statute of limitation is extended at most up to one half of the period stipulated in the Law for the committed offense.

Statutory Period for Execution of Punishments

ARTICLE 68-(1) The punishments listed in this article may not be executed upon lapse of following periods;

a) Forty years in punishment of heavy life imprisonment,

b) Thirty years in punishment of life imprisonment,

c) Twenty-four years in punishment of imprisonment for twenty years or more,

d) Twenty years in punishment of imprisonment more than five years,

e) Ten years in punishment of imprisonment and punitive fines imposed up to five years.

(2) Punishment may not be executed upon lapse of half of the a/m periods if the convict completed the age of twelve but not yet attained the age of fifteen at the commission date of the offense; as for the convicts who completed the age of fifteen but not attained the age of eighteen, the statutory period is determined as two thirds of the a/m periods.

(3) Statutory period may not be applicable in the punishments of heavy life imprisonment of life imprisonment or imprisonment more than ten years imposed due to offenses committed abroad as detailed in Fourth Chapter, Second Volume of this Law.

(4) The convictions subject to different punishments may not be considered as executed upon lapse of the period prescribed for the heaviest punishment.

(5) Statutory period, during which a penalty is imposed, starts to run as of the finalization date of the conviction or the date on which the execution of punishment is vacated for any reason whatsoever; and remaining portion of the punishment is considered in assessment of this period.

Statutory Period and Disqualification of certain rights

ARTICLE 69-(1) The period during which the convict is disqualified from certain rights bound to a punishment or conviction, continues until expiry of statutory period.

Statutory Period for Confiscation

ARTICLE 70- The decision for conviction may not be executed after lapse of twenty years as of the date of final decision.

Vacation of Statutory Period for Execution of Punishment

ARTICLE 71-(1) Any notice served by the competent authority according to the procedure setout in the law informing the decision of conviction and subsequent arrest of the convict, results with vacation of statutory period.

(2) If a person is convicted of a malicious offense which requires imposition of imprisonment with maximum limit more than two years, this may lead to vacation of statutory period.

Quantification and Application of Statute of Limitation and Statutory Period

ARTICLE 72- (1) Statute of Limitation and Statutory Period is determined on the basis of day, month and year. One day is considered as twenty-four hours; one month is thirty days; and one year is calculated according to officially accepted calendar.

(2) Statute of Limitation and Statutory period is applied ex officio and neither of the suspects, accused and convict may withdraw from exercising these periods.

Offences of which the investigation and prosecution is bound to a complaint, conciliation

ARTICLE 73- (1) No investigation or prosecution is proceeded unless a complaint is brought by the victim of an offense against the offense of which the investigation and prosecution is bound to a complaint.

(2) Provided that the statutory period is not expired, this period starts to run as of the date on which the complainant becomes aware of the malicious act and the offender.

(3) If one of the victims of the offense fails to bring a complaint within six months period, this may not mean the vacation of the rights of the others.

(4) Unless otherwise is provided by the law, in the offenses of which the prosecution is bound to a complaint, withdrawal of the victim from the complaint results with dismissal of the action; withdrawal upon obtaining of final decision may not suppress execution of punishment.

(5) Withdrawal from complaint about one of the accomplice who is some in some way associated in commission of offense (collective offense), also covers the others.

(6) Unless otherwise is provided by the law, withdrawal may not affect the convict refusing to accept this intent.

(7) If the dismissal of public action results from withdrawal of complaint by the victim and at the same time, the convict declares waiver from all personal rights, then it becomes impossible to file an action in a civil court.

(8) In the offenses of which the investigation and prosecution is bound to a complaint and where the victim is a real person or legal entity subject to special law; in case the victim and offender reaches conciliation by free will upon admission of the offense by the offender, or acceptance of compensation or recovery of entire or majority of damage, no public action is proceeded after determination of this fact by the Public Prosecutor or the Judge. Besides, the court may decide dismissal of the public prosecution.

Affects of dismissal of action or vacation of punishment

ARTICLE 74- (1) General Amnesty, pardon and withdrawal from complaint may not require return of confiscated property or reimbursement of the punitive fine collected against the committed offense.

(2) Dismissal of public prosecution may not affect the action filed to bring a personal claim for return of confiscated property and compensation of damages.

(3) Dismissal of action may not affect the provisions relating to personal rights, compensation of damages and court expenses. However, court expenses may not be claimed in case of declaration of general amnesty.


ARTICLE 75 (1)-Excluding the offenses within the scope of conciliation, no public prosecution is proceeded if the offender of the offenses which require imposition of only punitive fine or imprisonment not exceeding maximum limit of three months, agrees to pay within ten days as of the date of notice to be served by the Public prosecutor the following amounts together with the investigation charges;

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a) the fixed penalty amount, if the amount is not fixed, then the minimum limit of punitive fine,

b) the amount to be calculated by considering twenty Turkish Lira per day, corresponding to minimum limit of punishment of imprisonment,

c) Where the punishment of imprisonment and punitive fine is imposed at the same time, the amount to be assessed for imprisonment according to paragraph (b) of this subsection plus the minimum limit of punitive fine.

(2) In case the matter is spontaneously brought to the court pursuant to the provisions of the special law, dismissal of public prosecution again may be considered if the offender agrees to pay, upon notification of the judge, the penalty amount to be assessed according to first subsection, as well as the court expenses incurred thereof.

(3) The provisions of afore subsection are applied in case of start of public prosecution by the Public Prosecutor without executing pre-payment transaction or transformation of the act subject to prosecution to an offense within the scope of this clause.

(4) The amount payable in cases where deemed necessary to impose one of the alternatives, either imprisonment with maximum limit less than three months or punitive fine, the penalty is determined on the basis of the punitive fines according to the afore subsections.

(5) Withdrawal from commencement of a public prosecution or dismissal of action pursuant to this clause, may not affect the provisions relating to claim of personal rights, re-possession of property and confiscation.


Special Provisions


International Offenses


Genocide and Offenses against Humanity


ARTICLE 76- (1) Execution of any one of the following acts under a plan against members of national, racial or religious groups with the intention of destroying the complete or part of the group, creates the legal consequence of an offense defined as genocide.

a) Voluntary manslaughter

b) To act with the intension of giving severe corporal or spiritual injury,

c) To impose conditions that make survival of complete or part of the group members impossible,

d) To impose that prevent births in the group,

e) To transfer minors of a group to another group,

(2) A person who commits the offense of genocide is sentenced to heavy imprisonment.

(3) The court may adjudicate imposition of security precautions upon the legal entities due to such offenses,

(4) These offenses are not subject to statute of limitation.

Offenses against Humanity

ARTICLE 77- (1) Execution of any one of the following acts systematically under a plan against a sector of a community for political, philosophical, racial or religious reasons, creates the legal consequence of an offenses against humanity.

a) Voluntary manslaughter,

b) To act with the intension of giving injury to another person,

c) Torturing, infliction of severe suffering, or forcing a person to live as a slave,

d) To restrict freedom,

e) To make a person to be subject to scientific researches/tests

f) Sexual harassment, child molestation,

g) Forced pregnancy

h) Forced prostitution

(2) In case of execution of the act mentioned in paragraph (a) of first subsection, the convict is sentenced to heavy imprisonment; in case of commission of offenses listed in other paragraphs, the convict is sentenced to imprisonment not less than eight years. However, if the offense is caused by voluntary manslaughter or intentional injury of a person, then the provisions relating to physical joinder are applied in consideration of number of victims.

(3) The court may adjudicate imposition of security precautions upon the legal entities due to such offenses,

(4) These offenses are not subject to statute of limitation.

Organized groups

ARTICLE 78-(1) Those forming organized groups or engage in management of such groups are punished with imprisonment from ten years to fifteen years. Any person who becomes a member of such group is sentenced to imprisonment from five years to ten years.

(2) The court may adjudicate imposition of security precautions upon the legal entities due to such offenses.

(3) These offenses are not subject to statute of limitation.


Unlawful Transfer of Immigrants to a Country and Human Trade

Unlawful Transfer of Immigrants to a country

ARTICLE 79- (1) Persons who directly or indirectly involve in;

a) Unlawful entry of a foreigner in the country or facilitate his stay in the country, and

b) Unlawful transfer of Turkish citizens or foreigners to abroad,

are sentenced to imprisonment from three years to eight years and punished with a punitive fine up to ten thousand days.

(2) In case of commission of this offense by an organized group, the punishment to be imposed is increased by one half.

(3) In case of commission of this offense within the frame of activities of a legal entity, the court may decide on imposition of security measures specific to the legal entities.

Human Trade

ARTICLE 80-(1) Persons who provide, kidnap or shelter or transfer a person (s) from one place to another unlawfully and by force, threat or violence or misconduct of power or by executing acts of enticement or taking advantage of control power on helpless persons in order to force them to work or serve for others or to send them away where he is treated almost like a slave, are sentenced to imprisonment from eight years to twelve years and punished with punitive fine up to ten thousand days.

(2) In case of execution of acts which constitute offense in the definition of first subsection, the consent of the victim is considered void.

(3) In case of kidnapping, providing, sheltering or transfer of a person(s) who is under the age of eighteen, the offender is subject to the punishments indicated in the first subsection even if he did not execute the acts causing offense.

(4) Security precautions are applied for the legal entities committing such offenses.


Offenses Against Individuals


Offenses against Life

Voluntary manslaughter (Felonious Homicide)

ARTICLE 81-(1) Any person who unlawfully kills a person is sentenced to life imprisonment.

Qualified form of felonious homicide

ARTICLE 82- (1) In case of commission of this offense;

a) Willfully,

b) Ferociously or brutality,

c) By use of nuclear, biological or chemical weapons which cause explosion or result with fire, flood, destruction, sinking etc.

d) Against any one of the antecedents or descendents, or spouse or brother/sister, or

e) Against a child or a person who cannot protect himself due to corporal or spiritual disability, or

f) Against a pregnant woman, or

g) By virtue of public office, or

h) With the intention of concealing or facilitating commission of an offense, or destroying the evidences, or

i) Blood feud,

j) Ethical reasons,

the offender is sentenced to heavy life imprisonment.

Felonious homicide due to failure or negligence

ARTCILE 83- (1) In order to keep a person responsible from a death due to failure to perform an obligation, the failure or negligence creating such consequence should be equal to commissive act in degree.

(2) In order to accept negligence and commissive act as equal elements, a person;

a) Should have undertaken liabilities arising out of a legal adaptations or contract to execute a commissive act, and

b) His previous performance should constitute a risk against the other’s life.

(3) Any person causing death of a person due to failure in performing of a legal obligation or requirement, as a basic punishment, is sentenced to imprisonment from twenty years to twenty years instead of heavy life imprisonment and from fifteen years to twenty years imprisonment instead of life imprisonment. As for the other cases, the court may decide for imprisonment from ten years to fifteen years, or reduction of punishment.


ARTICLE 84-(1) Any person who solicits, encourages a person to commit suicide, or supports the decision of a person for suicide or helps the suicide action in any manner whatsoever, is punished with imprisonment from two years to five years.

(2) In case of commission of suicide, the person who is involved in such act is sentenced to imprisonment from four years to ten years.

(3) Any person who openly encourages others to commit suicide is punished with imprisonment from three years to eight years.

(5) Persons who encourage others, lack of ability to understand the meaning and consequences of the executed act, to commit suicide, or force a person to commit suicide under threat, are convicted of felonious homicide.

Negligent homicide

ARTICLE 85-(1) Any person who causes death of a person by negligent conduct is punished with imprisonment from three years to six years.

(2) If the act executed results with death or injury of more than one person, the offender is punished with imprisonment from three years to fifteen years.


Offenses of Bodily Harm

Felonious injury

ARTICLE 86- (1) Person intentionally giving harm or pain to another person or executes an act which may lead to deterioration of health or mental power of others, is sentenced to imprisonment from one year to three years.

(2) In case of commission of offense of felonious injury;

a) Against antecedents or descendents, or spouse or brother/sister,

b) Against a person who cannot protect himself due to corporal or spiritual disability,

c) By virtue of public office,

d) By undue influence based on public office,

e) By use of a weapon,

the offender is sentenced to imprisonment from two years to five years.

Consequential Heavy Injury

ARTICLE 87- (1) If the act of felonious injury results with;

a) Loss of any one of the senses or organs of the victim,

b) Continuous difficulty in speaking,

c) Distinct mark on the face,

d) Risk of life,

e) Premature birth of a child,

then the punishment determined according to the above article is increased on fold. However, the punishment to be imposed may not be less than three years in offences within the scope of first subsection; as for the offenses within the scope of second subsection, the punishment to be imposed may not be less than five years.

(2) If the act of felonious injury results with;

a) Incurable illness or causes vegetative existence of the victim,

b) Loss of sensual or bodily functions,

c) Loss of ability to speak and to give birth to a child,

d) Distinct facial change,

e) Abortion, if the offense is committed against a pregnant woman,

then the punishment determined according to the above article is increased by one fold. However, the punishment to be imposed may not be less than three years in offences within the scope of first subsection; as for the offenses within the scope of second subsection, the punishment to be imposed may not be less than five years.

(3) Where the felonious injury results with break of corporal bones, the offender is sentenced to imprisonment from one year to six years according to the extent of injury in vital functions of the broken bones.

(4) Where the felonious injury results with death of a person, the offender is sentenced to imprisonment from eight years to twelve years in offenses within the scope of first subsection; as for the offenses within the scope of second subsection, the punishment of imprisonment is imposed from twelve years to sixteen years.

Offenses subject to less punishment

ARTICLE 88- (1) In cases where it is possible to diminish the affect of felonious injury by a simple medical surgery, the offender is sentenced to imprisonment from four months to one year or punitive fine upon complaint of the victim.

(2) In case of commission of felonious injury by negligence, the punishment to be imposed may be reduced up to two thirds. In practice of this provision, the conditions relating to negligent homicide are taken into consideration in practice of this provision.

Negligent injury

ARTICLE 89-(1) Any person who gives corporal or spiritual injury to a person or cause deterioration of ones health or consciousness by negligence, is sentenced to imprisonment from three months to one year or punitive fine.

(2) If the negligent injury results with;

a) Weakening of sensual or bodily functions of the victim,

b) Break of bones,

c) Continuous difficulty in speaking,

d) Distinct facial mark,

e) Risk of life,

f) Premature birth of a child,

then the punishment imposed according to first subsection is increased as much as one half.

(3) If the negligent injury results with;

a) Incurable illness or causes vegetative existence of the victim,

b) Loss of sensual or bodily functions,

c) Loss of ability to speak and to give birth to a child,

d) Distinct facial change,

e) Abortion, if the offense is committed against a pregnant woman,

then the punishment imposed according to first subsection is increased by one fold.

(4) If the offense results with injury of more than one person, the offender is sentenced to imprisonment from six months to three years.

(5) Excluding the negligent act done with knowledge of essential facts and its legal consequences, commencement of investigation and prosecution for such offenses is bound to filing of a complaint.

Use of human for experimental purposes

ARTICLE 90- (1) Any person who uses a person for experimental purposes is sentenced to imprisonment from one year to three years.

(2) In order for an experiment carried out upon human under consent not to be subject to a criminal punishment;

a) Necessary approval should be received from the competent board or authority,

b) The experiment should be initially carried out upon sufficient number of animals without existence of human,

c) There should be a need to try human for verification of scientific data obtained as a result of experiments carried out upon animals without existence of human,

d) No harmful and steady affects of the experiment should be foreseen on human,

e) The method adopted in the experiments should not give pain in such a way to dishonor the person used in the experiment,

f) The object tried to be achieved by experiment should be much more important than the risk or burden undertaken by the person,

g) The consent of the person should be obtained in writing by furnishing information about the nature and consequences of the experiment not allowing him to expect any benefit from this experiment.

(3) The children may not be used in experimental purposes.

(4) Any person who carries out an experiment upon a sick person for treatment purposes without obtaining his consent is punished with imprisonment up to one year. However, where there is no hope to treat a person with ordinary medical means, an experiment based on new scientific methods can be carried out upon a person by obtaining his consent. In such case, no punishment is imposed. This consent should be obtained in writing by furnishing information about the nature and consequences of the experiment and the treatment should be undertaken by a specialist physician in a hospital.

(5) The provisions of the Law relating to felonious homicide and felonious injury are applied in case of injury or death of the victim following the commission of the offense defined in first subsection.

(6) The security precautions specific to legal entities are applied in case of commission of offenses listed in this section within the frame of the activities of a legal entity.

Trading of organs and tissues

ARTICLE 91-(1) Any person who takes an organ from another person without his lawful consent is punished with imprisonment from five years to nine years. If the case is unlawful delivery of a tissue, then the offender is sentenced to imprisonment from two years to five years.

(2) Any person who unlawfully takes an organ or tissue from a deceased person is punished with imprisonment up to one year.

(3) Any person who engages in purchase, sale of an organ or tissue, or acts as intermediary in such activities is sentenced to punishments listed in first subsection.

(4) In case of commission of offenses listed in first and third subsection within the activities of a legal entity, the offender is sentenced to imprisonment from eight years to fifteen years and punitive fine is imposed up to ten thousand days.

(5) Any person who hides and delivers or engages in implantation of an unlawfully obtained organ or tissue is sentenced to imprisonment from two years to five years.

(6) Any person who gives advertisement or publishes articles relating to donation of organs or tissues against certain benefit is sentenced to imprisonment up to one year.

(7) The security precautions specific to legal entities are applied in case of commission of offenses listed in this section within the frame of the activities of a legal entity.

(8) The provisions relating to felonious homicide are applied in case of death of the victim due to commission of an offense defined in first subsection.

State of destitute

ARTICLE 92-(1) The punishment to be imposed may be reduced or entirely lifted in consideration of the social and economic conditions of the person selling his organs or tissues.


ARTICLE 93-(1) If the person selling his organs and tissues notifies the official authorities before they notice such activity and helps arrest of the offenders, he is no longer imposed punishment.

(2) If the person selling his organs and tissues helps disclosure of offense and renders service or assistance in catching of other offenders after notification of the official authorities, then the punishment to be imposed is reduced from one fourth to one half.


Torture and Torment


ARTICLE 94-(1) Any public officer who causes severe bodily or mental pain, or loss of conscious or ability to act, or dishonors a person, is sentenced to imprisonment from three years to twelve years.

(2) The punishment may not be reduced in case of commission of offense;

a) Against a child who cannot protect himself due to corporal or spiritual disability,

b) Against an attorney or another public officer by virtue of office,

the offender is sentenced to imprisonment from eight years to fifteen years.

(3) In case of engagement in any act defined as sexual harassment, the offender is punished with imprisonment from ten years to fifteen years.

(4) Other persons who participate in commission of an offense are punished likewise the public officer.

(5) The punishment to be imposed may not be reduced even if the offense is committed by negligence.

Consequential severe torture

ARTICLE 95-(1) Punishment determined according to the above article is increased by one half if the offense results with;

a) Weakening of sensual or bodily functions of the victim,

b) Continuous difficulty in speaking,

c) Distinct facial mark,

d) Risk of life,

e) Premature birth of a child.

(2) Punishment determined according to the above article is increased by one fold if the offense results with;

a) Incurable illness or causes vegetative existence of the victim,

b) Loss of sensual or bodily functions,

c) Loss of ability to speak and to give birth to a child,

d) Distinct facial change,

e) Abortion, if the offense is committed against a pregnant woman.

(3) In cases where the torture causes break of bones in the body, the offender is sentenced to imprisonment from eight years to fifteen years according to affects of broken bone on vital functions.

(4) In case of death of a person from torture, the offender is sentenced to heavy life imprisonment.


ARTICLE 96-(1) Any person who causes suffering of another person by his acts is sentenced to imprisonment from two years to five years.

(2) In case of commission of offenses within the scope of above subsection;

a) Against a child who cannot protect himself due to corporal or spiritual disability, or against a pregnant woman,

b) Against antecedents or descendents or father/mother or spouse,

then the offender is sentenced to imprisonment from three years to eight years.


Breach of Protection, Observation, Assistance and Notification Liability


ARTICLE 97-(1) Any person who abandons another person who is under protection and observation due to state of disability bound to old age or sickness, is sentenced to imprisonment from three months to two years.

(2) If the victim suffers an illness or subject to injury or death due to abandonment, the offender is punished according to the provisions relating to aggravated offense.

Failure in fulfillment of liability to render assistance or to serve notice

ARTICLE 98-(1) Any person who fails to render assistance to an old, disabled or injured person at the extent of his ability, or fails to notify the concerned authorities in time, is punished with imprisonment up to one year or punitive fine.

(2) In case of death of a person due to failure in rendering assistance or notification of concerned authorities, the person responsible is sentenced to imprisonment from one year to three years.


Causing Abortion, Abortion and Sterilization

Causing Abortion

ARTICLE 99-(1) Any person, who causes abortion and loss of a child without consent of the woman, is punished with imprisonment from five years to ten years.

(2) Any person, who involves in expulsion of foetus older than ten weeks although medically not necessitated, is sentenced to imprisonment from two years to four years even if the consent of the woman is obtained for abortion. In such case, the woman who gives consent to abortion is also punished with imprisonment up to one year, or punitive fine.

(3) If a person is subject to corporal or spiritual injury due to execution of the act mentioned in first subsection, then the offender is sentenced to imprisonment from six years to twelve years. In case of death of a woman because of illegal abortion, the person responsible from this consequence is sentenced to imprisonment from fifteen years to twenty years.

(4) If the act mentioned in the second subsection results with corporal and spiritual injury of a woman, the person responsible from this consequence is sentenced to imprisonment from three years to six years; in case of death of woman, punishment of imprisonment from four years to eight years is imposed for the offender.

(5) Even if the abortion is based on consent of the woman, expulsion of fetus, which is less than ten weeks (incl.), by an unauthorized person, is subject to punishment of imprisonment from two years to four years. If the above-mentioned acts are executed by an unauthorized person, the punishments assessed pursuant to above subsections are increased by one half.

(6) In case a woman gets pregnant as a result of an offense, no punishment is imposed on the person due to expulsion of fetus provided that the pregnancy period does not exceed twenty weeks and the consent of the woman is obtained for abortion. In such case, the abortion should be made by the specialist physicians in the hospital.


ARTICLE 100-(1) In case a woman agrees on abortion during the pregnancy period exceeding ten weeks, then she is punished with imprisonment up to one year or punitive fine.


ARTICLE 101-(1) Any person, who involves in sterilization without the consent of man or woman, is sentenced to imprisonment from three years to six years. If the sterilization process is performed by an unauthorized person, then the punishment is increased by one third.

(2) Even if the abortion is based on the consent of parties, performance of this act by unauthorized persons is still subject to punishment from one year to three years.


Offenses against Sexual Immunity

Sexual abuse

ARTICLE 102- (1) Any person who attempts to violate sexual immunity of a person, is sentenced to imprisonment from two years to seven years upon compliant of the victim.

(2) In case of commission of offense by inserting an organ or instrument into a body, the offender is punished with imprisonment from seven years to twelve years. In case of commission of this offense against a spouse, commencement of investigation or prosecution is bound to complaint of the victim.

(3) If the offense is committed;

a) Against a person who cannot protect himself because of corporal or spiritual disability,

b) By undue influence based on public office,

c) Against a person with whom he has third degree blood relation or kinship,

d) By using arms or participation of more than one person in the offense,

the punishments imposed according to above subsections are increased by one half.

(4) In case of use of force during the commission of offense in such a way to break down victim’s resistance, the offender is additionally punished for felonious injury.

(5) In case of deterioration of corporal and spiritual health of the victim as a result of the offense, the offender is sentenced to imprisonment not less than ten years.

(6) In case of death of vegetal existence of a person as result of the offense, the offender is sentenced to heavy life imprisonment.

Child molestation

ARTICLE 103-(1) Any person who abuses a child sexually is sentenced to imprisonment from three years to eight years.

Sexual molestation covers the following acts;

a) All kinds of sexual attempt against children who are under the age of fifteen or against those attained the age of fifteen but lack of ability to understand the legal consequences of such act,

b) Abuse of other children sexually by force, threat or fraud.

(2) In case of performance of sexual abuse by inserting an organ or instrument into a body, the offender is sentenced to imprisonment from eight years to fifteen years.

(3) In case of performance of sexual abuse by antecedents, second or third degree blood relations, step father, guardian, educator, trainer, nurse and other persons rendering health services and responsible from protection and observation of the child, or by undue influence based on public office, the punishment to be imposed according to the above subsections is increased by one half.

(4) In case of execution of sexual abuse against the children listed in paragraph (a) of first subsection by use of force or threat, the punishment to be imposed is increased by one half.

(5) The provisions relating to felonious injury are additionally applied in case the acts of force and violence cause severe injury to the person subject to sexual abuse.

(6) In case of deterioration of corporal and spiritual health of the victim as a result of offense, the offender is sentenced to imprisonment not less than fifteen years.

(7) In case the offense results with death or vegetal existence of the victim, the offender is punished with heavy life imprisonment.

Sexual intercourse between/with persons not attained the lawful age

ARTICLE 104 – (1) Any person who is in sexual intercourse with a child who completed the age of fifteen without using force, threat and fraud, is sentenced to imprisonment from six months to two years upon filing of a complaint.

(2) If the offender is older than the victim more than five years, the punishment to be imposed is doubled without seeking raise of a complaint.

Sexual harassment

ARTICLE 105-(1) If a person is subject to sexual harassment by another person, the person performing such act is sentenced to punishment from three years to two years upon complaint of the victim.

(2) In case of commission of these offenses by undue influence based on hierarchy or public office or by using the advantage of working in the same place with the victim, the punishment to be imposed according to the above subsection is increased by one half. If the victim is obliged to leave the business place for this reason, the punishment to be imposed may not be less than one year.


Offenses against Freedom


ARTICLE 106- (1) Any person who threatens another person by saying that he intents to kill himself or one of his relatives, or to violate corporal or sexual immunity of others, is punished with imprisonment from six months to two years.

(2) In case of performance of threat;

a) By use of a weapon,

b) By unsigned letter or use of special signs concealing ones identity,

c) By more than one person,

d) By taking advantage of the terror actions of existing or potential organized groups,

the offender is sentenced to imprisonment from two years to five years.

(3) In case of commission of offense by threat resulting with felonious homicide, felonious injury or damage to property, the offender is additional punished from these offenses.


ARTICLE 107- (1) Any person who forces a person to perform an act contrary to the law; or to execute or not to execute a duty beyond his responsibility; or to derive unjust benefit from a thing by declaring his will to perform or not to perform an obligation which he is entitled to do so, is sentenced to imprisonment from one year to three years and punished with punitive fine up to five thousand days.


ARTICLE 108-(1) In case of use of physical power against a person to force him to do or not to do a thing, or to allow him to perform an act, the punishment determined for felonious injury is imposed with an increase from one third to one half.

ARTICLE 109-(1) Any person who unlawfully restricts the freedom of a person by preventing him from traveling or living in a place is sentenced to imprisonment from one year to five years.

(2) If a person uses physical power or threat or deception to perform an act or during commission of offense, then he is sentenced to imprisonment from two years to seven years.

(3) In case of commission of this offense;

a) By use of a weapon,

b) Jointly by a group of persons,

c) By virtue of a public office,

d) By undue influence based on public office,

e) Against antecedents, descendents or spouse,

f) Against a child or a person who cannot protect himself due to corporal or spiritual disability,

the punishment to imposed according to above subsections is increased by one fold.

(4) If this offense results with gross economical loss of the victim, the offender additionally is imposed punitive fine up to one thousand days.

(5) In case of commission of offense with sexual intent, the punishments to be imposed according to above subsections are increased by one half.

(6) The provisions relating to felonious injury are additionally applied in case of commission of aggravated form of this offense which creates the consequences of felonious injury.

Sincere repentance

ARTICLE 110-(1) If a person committing the offense defied in the above article frees the victim by his own will before the commencement of investigation at a secure place and without giving any harm, then two thirds of the punishment is reduced in consideration of his repentance.

Imposition of security precautions on legal entities

ARTICLE 111-(1) Security precautions specific to the legal entities are applied for those who secure unjust benefit from commission of the offenses such as threat, blackmail, violence or restriction of freedom of a person.

Prevention of Education and Training

ARTICLE 112-(1) Punishment of imprisonment from one year to three years is imposed in case of execution of following acts contrary to the law by use of force or threat;

a) Prevention of all kinds of educational and training activities carried out under license issued by the public authorities,

b) Prevention of entry into buildings and premises where the students are sheltered in groups, or destruction of these buildings and premises.

Prevention of activities of the public institutions or the professional organizations in the nature of public institution

ARTICLE 113-(1) In case of prevention of activities of public institutions by use violence or threat or any other act contrary to the law, punishment of imprisonment is imposed from one year to three years.

Prevention of use of political rights

ARTICLE 114-(1) Any person who uses violence or threat against another person in order to force him;

a) To become or not to become e member of a political party, to participate or not to participate in the activities of a political party, to leave the political party or not to serve in the management of the political party,

b) Not to be nominated in an election for a public office, or to resign from the position he has been elected,

is subject to punishment of imprisonment from one year to three years.

(2) In case of prevention of activities carried out by a political party by use of violence, threat or performance of any act contrary to the law, the punishment to be imposed is determined according to the above subsection.

Restriction of freedom of belief, conception, conviction

ARTICLE 115-(1) Any person who forces another person by using violence or treat to disclose or change his religious, political, philosophical beliefs, conceptions and convictions, or prevents discloser and publication of the same, is punished with imprisonment from one year to three years.

(2) In case of prevention of mass religious service or worship by use of violence or threat or performance of any act contrary to the law, the punishment to be imposed is determined according to the above subsection.

Violation of Dwelling Immunity

ARTICLE 116-(1) Any person who illegally enters the residence of another person or its attachments and occupies the place without the consent of the owner is punished with imprisonment from six months to two years upon complaint of the victim.

(2) The provisions of above subsection may not be applied if the residence is jointly used under consent by the spouses or more than one person forming the conjugal community.

(3) In case of commission of the offenses within the scope of first subsection in business places and their attachments, other than ordinary places of which the entrance is not subject to permission, punishment of imprisonment from six months to one year, or punitive fine is imposed whichever the case is.

(4) In case of commission of offense by use of violence or threat or during the night, the offender is sentenced to imprisonment from one year to three years.

Violation of freedom of Work and Labor

ARTICLE 117-(1) Any person who violates freedom of work and labor by using violence or threat or performing an act contrary to the law, is sentenced to imprisonment from six months to two years and imposition of punitive fine upon complaint of the victim.

(2) Any person who employs helpless, homeless and dependent person (s) without payment or with a low wage incomparable with the standards or forces him to work and live inhumanly conditions, is sentenced to imprisonment from six months to three years or imposed punitive fine not less than hundred days.

(3) The same punishment is imposed also to a person who provides or transfers a person from one place to another to have him live and work under the above mentioned conditions.

(4) Any person who unlawfully increases or decreases the wages, or forces employees to work under the conditions different than that of agreed in the contract, or causes suspension, termination or re-start of the works, is sentenced to imprisonment from six months to three years.

Prevention of use of syndical rights

ARTICVLE 118- (1) Any person who uses violence or threat against a person in order to force him to become or not to become a member of a trade union, or to participate or not to participate in the activities of the union, or to cancel his membership from the union or to declare his resignation from the management of the union, is sentenced to imprisonment from six months to two years.

(2) In case of prevention of activities of the trade union/syndicate by using violence or threat or performing any other act contrary to the law, the offender is subject to punishment of imprisonment from one year to three years.

Joint conviction

ARTICLE 119-(1) In case of commission of offenses such as prevention of education and training, prevention of activities of public institutions and professional organizations in the nature of public institution, prevention of use of political rights, restriction of freedom of belief, conception and conviction, violation of dwelling immunity or restriction of freedom of work and labor ;

a) By use of a weapon,

b) By unsigned letter or use of special signs concealing ones identity,

c) By more than one person,

d) By taking advantage of the terror actions of the existing or potential organized groups,

e) By undue influence based on public office,

the punishment to be imposed is increased by one fold.

(2) The provisions relating to felonious injury are additionally applied in case of commission of aggravated form of this offense which creates the consequences of felonious injury.

Unjust Search

ARTICLE 120-(1) Any public officer who unlawfully searches a person or his belongings is sentenced to imprisonment from three months to one year.

Prevention of right of application

ARTICLE 121-(1) In case of rejection of an application made to a competent public authority by a person using his legal rights without having legitimate reason, the offender is sentenced to imprisonment up to six months.

Discriminatory Behavior

ARTICLE 122-(1) Any person who makes discrimination between individuals because of their racial, lingual, religious, sexual, political, philosophical belief or opinion, or for being supporters of different sects and therefore;

a) Prevents sale, transfer of movable or immovable property, or performance of a service, or benefiting from a service, or bounds employment or unemployment of a person to above listed reasons,

b) Refuses to deliver nutriments or to render a public service,

c) Prevents a person to perform an ordinary economical activity,

is sentenced to imprisonment from six months to one year or imposed punitive fine.

Deterioration of peace and order

ARTICLE 123-(1) If a person insistently calls another person, or makes noise with the intention of deteriorating peace and order or executes any other unlawful act for this purpose, is sentenced to imprisonment from three months to one year upon complaint of the victim.

Prevention of communication

ARTICLE 124-(1) In case of unlawful prevention of communication among the persons, the offender is sentenced to imprisonment from six years to two years or imposed punitive fine.

(2) Any person who unlawfully prevents communication among the public institutions is punished with imprisonment from one year to five years.

(3) Punishment is imposed according to the provisions of second subsection in case of unlawful prevention of broadcasts or announcements of all kinds of press and publication organs.


Offenses Against Honor


ARTICLE 125- (1) Any person who acts with the intention to harm the honor, reputation or dignity of another person through concrete performance or giving impression of intent, is sentenced to imprisonment from three months to two years or imposed punitive fine. In order to punish the offense committed in absentia of the victim, the act should be committed in presence of least three persons.

(2) The offender is subject to above stipulated punishment in case of commission of offense in writing or by use of audio or visual means directed to the aggrieved party.

(3) In case of commission of offense with defamatory intent;

a) Against a public officer,

b) Due to disclosure, change or attempt to spread religious, social, philosophical belief, opinion and convictions and to obey the orders and restriction of the one’s religion,

c) By mentioning sacred values in view of the religion with which a person is connected,

the minimum limit of punishment may not be less than one year.

(4) The punishment is increased by one sixth in case of performance of defamation act openly; if the offense is committed through press and use of any one of publication organs, then the punishment is increased up to one third.

(5) In case of defamation of public officers working as a committee to perform a duty, the offense is considered to have committed against the members forming the committee.

Determination of the aggrieved party

ARTICLE 126-(1) Even if the name of the aggrieved party is not clearly indicated during commission of offense or the accusation is implicitly expressed, both the name of the aggrieved party and the act of defamation is assumed to have been declared provided that there is clear indication of defamation of a person’s character based on the quality of the offense.

Proof of Accusation

ARTICLE 127-(1) In case the accusation or act constituting offense is proved, the person responsible of such act may not be subject to punishment. In case the person subject to defamation is convicted due to such offense, the imputation is regarded as proved. Besides this, acceptance of demand for proof of accusation depends on justness of the imputed act, or whether or not it involves public interest, or consent of the complainant is received on this subject.

(2) Punishment is imposed in case of defamation of a person by attributing to his act which is already proved.

Plea/Defense Immunity

ARTICLE 128-(1) No punishment is imposed if the written or verbal declarations before the courts or administrative authorities contain concrete accusations or negative evaluations about the persons within the scope of plea/defenses. However, in order to achieve such consequence, the accusations and evaluations should be based on real and concrete facts and also be related with the dispute between the parties.

Mutual defamation due to unjust act

ARTICLE 129-(1) In case of commission of defamatory offense as a reaction to an unjust act, the punishment may be reduced up to one third, or is totally lifted.

(2) A person may not be subject to punishment in case of commission of this offense as a reaction to felonious injury.

(3) In case of commission of defamatory offense mutually by the parties, the punishment to be imposed on both or any one of the parties may be either reduced up to one third, or is totally lifted.

Defamation of a person’s memory

ARTICLE 130-(1) Any person who defames memory of a person after his death in the presence of at least three persons, is sentenced to imprisonment from three months to two years, or imposed punitive fine. The punishment is increased by one sixth in case of commission of the said offense openly.

(2) Any person who receives entire or part of the body or bones of the deceased person, or performs humiliating acts against his body or bones, is punished with imprisonment from three months to two years.

Investigation and prosecution condition

ARTICLE 131-(1) Excluding offenses committed against a public officer due to performance of duty, proceeding of investigation and prosecution for defamatory offense is bound to complaint of the victim.

(2) If the victim dies before filing a complaint, or the offense is committed against the memory of the deceased person, then complaint may be raised by second degree antecedents and descendents, or spouses or brothers/sisters of the deceased.


Offenses Against Privacy and Secrecy of Life

Violation of Communicational Secrecy

ARTICLE 132-(1) Any person who violates secrecy of communication between the parties is punished with imprisonment from six months to two years, or imposed punitive fine. If violation of secrecy is realized by recording of contents of communication, the party involved in such act is sentenced to imprisonment from one year to three years.

(2) Any person who unlawfully publicizes the contents of communication between the persons is punished with imprisonment from one year to three years.

(3) Any person who openly discloses the content of the communication between himself and others without obtaining their consent, is punished with imprisonment from six months to two years,

(4) The punishment determined for this offense is increased by one half in case of disclosure of contents of communication between the individuals through press and broadcast.

Tapping and recording of conversations between the individuals

ARTICLE 133-(1) Any person who listens non general conversations between the individuals without the consent of any one of the parties or records these conversations by use of a recorder, is punished with imprisonment from two months to six months.

(2) Any person who records a conversation in a meeting not open to public without the consent of the participants by use of recorder, is punished with imprisonment up to six months, or imposed punitive fine.

(3)Any person who derives benefit from disclosure of information obtained unlawfully as declared above, or allowing others to obtain information in this manner, is punished with imprisonment from six months to two years, or imposed punitive fine up to thousand days.

Violation of Privacy

ARTICLE 134- (1) Any person who violates secrecy of private life, is punished with imprisonment from six months to two years, or imposed punitive fine. In case of violation of privacy by use of audio-visual recording devices, the minimum limit of punishment to be imposed may not be less than one year.

(2) Any person who discloses audio-visual recordings relating to private life of individuals are sentenced to imprisonment from one year to three years. In case of commission of this offense through press and broadcast, the punishment is increased by one half.

Recording of personal data

ARTICLE 135-(1) Any person who unlawfully records the personal data is punished with imprisonment from six months to three years.

(2) Any person who records the political, philosophical or religious concepts of individuals, or personal information relating to their racial origins, ethical tendencies, health conditions or connections with syndicates is punished according to the provisions of the above subsection.

Unlawful delivery or acquisition of data

ARTICLE 136-(1) Any person who unlawfully delivers data to another person, or publishes or acquires the same through illegal means is punished with imprisonment from one year to four years.

Qualified forms of offense

ARTICLE 137- (1) In case of commission of the offenses defined in above articles;

a) By a public officer or due influence based on public office,

b) By exploiting the advantages of a performed profession and art,

the punishment is increased by one half.

Destruction of Data

ARTICLE 138-(1) In case of failure to destroy the data within a defined system despite expiry of legally prescribed period, the persons responsible from this failure is sentenced to imprisonment from six months to one year.


ARTICLE 139-(1) Excluding recording of personal data, unlawful delivery or acquisition of data and destruction of data, commencement of investigation and prosecution for the offenses listed in this section is bound to complaint.

Imposition of security precautions on legal entities

ARTICLE 140-(1) Security precautions specific to legal entities are imposed in case of commission of offenses defined in the above articles by legal entities.


Offenses Against Property


ARTICLE 141-(1) Any person who takes other’s movable property from its place without the consent of the owner to derive benefit for himself or third parties is punished with imprisonment from one year to three years.

(2) All kinds of energy with economic value is also considered movable property.

Qualified Larceny

ARTICLE 142-(1) In case of commission of offense of larceny;

a) In public institutions and corporations no matter who is the owner, or in places reserved for worship or by stealing the property used for in public interest or services,

a) By stealing the property under custody in public places or buildings or their attachments,

b) By stealing the property in the transportation vehicles provided for public use, or in arrival/departure terminals,

c) By stealing the property reserved for prevention of damages likely to be caused by a disaster or mitigation of its affects,

d) By stealing the property left in a certain place for use upon requirement,

e)By unlawful use of energy,

the offender is sentenced to imprisonment from two years to five years.

(2) In case of commission of this offense;

a) Against a person who is incapable to protect his belongings, or by taking advantage of a death,

b) By taking away the property carried on with a special skill,

c) By taking advantage of the fear or panic resulting from a natural disaster or social events,

d) By unlocking a door or safe with a counterfeited key kept unlawfully,

e) By use of data processing systems without consent,

f) By trying to conceal his identity or showing himself as a public officer although he is not authorized to do so,

g) By lifting cattle kept in shelters, herds or open places,

the offender is sentenced to imprisonment from three years to seven years. In case of commission of offense against a person who cannot defend himself due to corporal or spiritual disability by executing the acts mentioned in paragraph (b) of this subsection, the punishment to be imposed is increased up to one thirds.

(3) In case of commission of this offense by breach of rules relating to liquefied energy or any kind of energy in the form of gas, the punishment is determined in consideration of provisions of the second subsection. In case of commission of this offense within the frame of activities of an organized group, the offenders are sentenced to imprisonment up to fifteen years and also imposed punitive fine up to ten thousand days.

In case of commission of offense during the night

ARTICLE 143-(1) In case of commission of offense of larceny during the night, the punishment is increased up to one third.

Conditions subject to less punishment

ARTICLE 144-(1) In case of commission of offense of larceny;

a) For a property under joint or co-ownership,

b) To collect a debt receivable based on a legal relation,

the offender is punished with imprisonment from two months to one years, or imposed punitive fine upon complaint.

Property with less value

ARTICLE 145-(1) Punishment to be imposed against the offense of larceny may be reduced or totally lifted if the value of the property stolen is determined to be less.

Larceny by temporary use of a property

ARTICLE 146-(1) In case of commission of offense of larceny with the intention of returning the property to the owner after using it for a certain period, the punishment to be imposed is reduced by one half upon complaint.

State of necessity

ARTICLE 147-(1) In case of commission of offense of larceny to meet a gross and urgent need, the punishment to be imposed may be either reduced or lifted according to the characteristics of the event.


ARTICLE 148-(1) Any person who avoids delivery of a property or forces a person to resist taking over the delivery by use of threat or violence and mentioning that he intends to hurt himself or one of his acquaintances, or to execute an act aimed to violation of one’s corporal and sexual immunity, or to give severe damage to his property, is punished with imprisonment from six years to ten years.

(2) The same punishment is imposed if a person is forced to sign a bill which will put him under burden, or to issue a document declaring the bill in hand as void, or to resist delivery of such bill, or to sign a document which may be transformed to a bill in future, or to destroy a bill or to resist destruction of the same.

(3) Injury of the victim by any means in such a way to cause loss of conscious and strength to defend oneself is also considered violence in offense of plunder.

Qualified plunder

ARTICLE 149-(1) In case of commission of offense of plunder;

a) By use of a weapon,

b) By concealing one’s identity,

c) Jointly by more than one person,

d) By intercepting a person in a residence or business place,

e) Against a person who cannot protect himself due to corporal and spiritual disability,

f) By taking advantage of terror action carried out by the existing and potential organized criminal groups,

g) By securing benefit for criminal groups,

h) During the night,

the offender is sentenced to imprisonment from ten years to fifteen years.

(2) The provisions relating to felonious injury are additionally applied in case of realization of aggravated form of felonious injury during commission of offense of plunder.

Conditions subject to less punishment

ARTICLE 150-(1) However, only the provisions relating to threat and felonious injury are applied for a person using threat or violence with the intention of collecting debts receivable based on a legal relation.

Damage to property

ARTICLE 151-(1) Any person who entirely or partially destroys, demolishes, corrupts, breaks or dirties other’s movable or immovable property in such a way not to be used any more, is punished with imprisonment from four months to three years, or imposed punitive fine.

(2) Any person who kills or harms an animal with an owner, without a justified reason, in such a way not to be used any more or to lower its value, is punished with imprisonment from four months to three years, or imposed punitive fine upoın complaint of the aggrieved party.

Qualified form of damage to property

ARTICLE 152-(1) In case of commission of this offense by damaging;

a) Buildings, premises or other property belonging to public institutions and corporations, or allocated to public service or in places used for public interest,

b) All kinds of property or facilities reserved to prevent fire, flood, accidents or other disasters,

c) Trees, shrubs or wine yards wherever they are being planted, excluding places in the status of State forest,

d) Plants used for supply of irrigation, utility water or useful for prevention of disasters,

e) Buildings, premises or property owned by employers or workers, or trade unions/syndicates or confederations during lock-out or strikes,

f) Buildings , premises or property owned or used by political parties, professional organizations in the status of public institution and their supreme committees,

g) Commission of offense with the intention of injuring a public officer to take revenge even if his office period is terminated,

the offender is punished with imprisonment from one year to six years.

(2) The punishment to be imposed is doubled in case of commission of an offense by giving damage to property;

a) Through fire, use of flammable or explosive material,

b) Causing landscape, avalanche, flood or flow of water, or

c) Through exposure to radiation or use of nuclear, biological or chemical weapons.

Damage to worship places and cemeteries

ARTICLE 153-(1) Any person who damages worship places (churches, mosques etc.), property used in such places, cemeteries and buildings and premises over these areas by destroying, demolishing running the same, is sentenced to imprisonment from one year to four years.

(2) Any person who dirties the places and buildings listed in first subsection is punished with imprisonment from three months to one year, or imposed punitive fine.

(3) The punishment to be imposed is increased by one third in case of commission of offenses mentioned in first and second subsection with the intention of insulting religious group.

Invasion of a place

ARTICLE 154-(1) Any person who entirely or partially occupies immovable property or its attachments belonging to public institutions or real persons, or broadens, changes or destructs the boundaries of such places, or avoids, at a certain extent, exploitation of these immovable by the rightful parties, is punished with imprisonment from six months to three years and punitive fine up to thousand days.

(2) The punishments set-forth in first subsection are applied for any person who entirely or partially confiscates immovable property belonging to village administration and allocated for common use of villagers such as pasturages, harvest place, roads and fountains, and uses this immovable for agricultural purposes.

(3) Any person who changes the direction of water canals belonging to public or real persons is subject to punishments stipulated in first subsection.

Misuse of trust

ARTICLE 155-(1) Any person who illegally holds possession on a property entrusted to him to be used for certain purpose, or converts this property to his own or others’ use beyond the object seeking transfer of possession, or denies this transfer event, is punished to imprisonment from six months to two years and imposed fine upon complaint.

(2) In case of commission of offense through embezzlement of property entrusted to a person or being under his control, or responsibility by virtue of his office based on a professional, artisanship, trading or service relation, the person involved in such act is punished with imprisonment from one year to seven years and imposed punitive fine up to three thousand days.

Use of blank bill

ARTICLE 156-(1) Any person who uses blank bill is sentenced to imprisonment from six months to two years and imposed punitive fine upon complaint.


ARTICLE 157-(1) Any person who deceives another person through fraud or secures benefit both for himself and others by giving injury to the victim is punished with imprisonment from one year to five years and imposed punitive fine up to five thousand days.

Qualified form of Fraud

ARTICLE 158-(1) In case of commission of offense of fraud;

a) By exploiting religious belief and perception of a person,

b) By taking advantage of his being in a risky or difficult condition,

c) By taking advantage of gradual deterioration of consciousness of a person,

d) By using public institutions and corporations, public professional organizations, political parties, foundations or associations as a tool,

e) By executing acts to the disadvantage of public institutions and corporations,

f) By using data processing systems, banks and financial institutions as an tool,

g) By benefiting from the facilities of press and publication organs,

h) By executing fraudulent acts within the frame of trading activities of the persons being a merchant or executive of a company, or of those acting on behalf of the company,

i) Through breach of trust by the free-lancers,

j) By extending loan which is not allowed by the bank or any other finance institution,

k) With the intention of collecting insurance amount,

the offender is punished with imprisonment from two years to seven years and imposed punitive fine up to five thousand days.

(2) Any person who secures benefit for others through fraud by mentioning that he has good relations with public authorities and also influence upon them, and deceives a person by promising to perform a certain work, is punished according to the provisions of above subsection.

Conditions subject to less punishment

ARTICLE 159-(1) In case of execution of act of swindling with the intention to collect a debt receivable based on a legal relation, the offender is punished with imprisonment from six months to one year, or imposed punitive fine.

Possession on a lost or inadvertently found property

ARTICLE 160-(1) Any person who holds possession on a lost or inadvertently found property without notifying the concerned authorities or returning the property to the owner, is punished with imprisonment up to one year, or imposed punitive fine upon complaint.

Fraudulent bankrupt

ARTICLE 161-(1) Any person who executes fraudulent act with the intention of minimizing his assets, is punished with imprisonment from three years to eight years provided that bankrupt is adjudicated before or after this fraudulent disposal of assets. In order to consider fraudulent bankrupt, one should have involved in;

a) Fraudulent conveyance or concealed the property extended as guarantee against the claims of the creditor, or caused lessening of value of the property,

b) Concealment of commercial books, records or documents in order to prevent others to notice the fraudulent conveyance of property,

c) Issuance of false documents in such a way to increase the indebtedness as if there has been credit-debt relation between the parties,

d) Declaration of assets less than what it is, by issuing false accounting records and balance sheet far from reflecting the actual figures.

Negligent bankrupt

ARTICLE 162-(1) Any person who goes to bankrupt as a result of his failure to take proper care and precautions as expected from a prudent merchant, is punished with imprisonment from two months to one year.

Benefiting from a service without compensation

ARTICLE 163-(1) Any person who benefits from a service rendered against payment through automatic machines, is sentenced to imprisonment from two months to six months, or imposed punitive fine.

(2) Any person who benefits from telephone lines and frequencies or coded/non-coded decoded electromagnetic waves without the consent of the owner or appropriator, is punished with imprisonment from six months to two years, or imposed punitive fine.

Declaration of incorrect information about the company or cooperatives

ARTICLE 164- (1) In case of furnishing of incorrect information by the founders, partners, directors, managers or representatives or members of Board of Directors, or persons carrying the title of liquidator in the declarations made to public authorities, or in the reports or recommendations submitted to the general assembly in such a way to mislead the concerned parties, those who are responsible from such act are punished with imprisonment from six years to three years, or imposed punitive fine.

Purchase or acceptance of property acquired through committing an offense

ARTICLE 165-(1) Any person who purchases or accepts the property acquired through committing an offense, is punished with imprisonment from six months to three years and punitive fine up to thousand days.

Failure in notification

ARTICLE 166-(1) Any person who fails to notify, as soon as possible, the competent authorities responsible for prosecution of the offense about the property transferred on the basis of a legal relation but known to have been acquired through commission of an offense, is punished with imprisonment up to six months, or imposed punitive fine.

Excusatory causes or personal reasons which seek mitigation of punishment

ARTICLE 167-(1) Excluding plunder and qualified form of plunder, no punishment is imposed on the subject relative in case of commission of offenses listed in this section with the intention of giving injury to;

a) Any one of the spouses not subject to separation under court decree,

b) Any one of antecedents or descendents, or blood relations, or adopter or adoptee,

c) Any one of the brothers/sisters living in the same dwelling.

(2) In case of commission of these offenses with the intention of giving injury to any one of the spouses subject to separation under court decree, or any one of the brothers/sisters not living in the same dwelling, or uncle, aunt, nice or second degree blood relations living together in the same dwelling; the punishment to be imposed upon the subject relative is reduced by one half upon complaint.

Sincere Repentance

ARTICLE 168- (1) In case of compensation of the damages of the aggrieved party or return of the unlawfully acquired property to the owner before commencement of prosecution upon sincere repentance of the offender, accomplice or the person soliciting commission of offense, following the execution of acts of larceny, damage to property, breach of trust, swindling and benefiting from a service without compensation; the punishment to be imposed is reduced from one third up to two thirds. In the offense of plunder, the punishment may be reduced from one sixth up to one third.

(2) The consent of the aggrieved party is sought in order to adopt the provisions relating to sincere repentance in partial return of property or compensation of damages.

Imposition of security precautions on legal entities

ARTICLE 169-(1) Security precautions specific to legal entities are imposed in case of commission of offenses of larceny, breach of trust and swindling by the legal entities to secure unjust benefit.


Offenses Against Community


Offenses Causing General Risk

Endangering public safety intentionally

ARTICLE 170-(1) Any person who causes;

a) Fire

b) Collapse of a building, landscape, avalanche, flood or overflow of water,

c) Destruction by using gun or explosives,

in such a way to risk people’s life, health or property, is sentenced to imprisonment from six months to three years.

(2) Any person who involves risk of fire, collapse of a building, landscape, avalanche, flood or overflow of water, is punished with imprisonment from three months to one year, or imposed punitive fine.

Endangering public safety by negligence

ARTICLE 171-(1) In case a person by negligence causes;

a) Fire,

b) Collapse of a building, landscape, avalanche, flood or overflow of water,

he is punished with imprisonment form three months to one year in case the offense creates risk for other’s life , health or property.

Spread out of radiation

ARTICLE 172-(1) If a person is exposed to radiation by another person with the intention of giving harm to his health, the offender is punished with imprisonment from three years to fifteen years.

(2) In case of commission of the offense mentioned in first subsection against numerous persons, the punishment to be imposed may not be less than five years.

(3) Any person who spreads our radiation or involves in atom smashing process in such a way to result with severe injury of one’s life and health or damage of property, is punished with imprisonment from two years to five years.

(4) Any person who causes spread of radiation or involves in atom smashing process during laboratory tests risking other’s life, health or property as result of his failure in showing proper care and attention, is punished with imprisonment from six months to three years.

Causing explosion by atomic energy

ARTICLE 173-(1) Any person who risks others’ life, health or property by causing explosion by release of atomic energy, is punished with imprisonment not less than five years.

(2) In case of commission of a/m offense by negligence, the offender is sentenced to imprisonment from two years to five years.

Storage or delivery of hazardous substances without permission

ARTICLE 174- (1) Any person or legal entity who engages in production, export and import of nuclear, radioactive, chemical, biological substances which may have explosive, burning, abrasive, harming, toxic and life-threatening affect without permission of the competent authorities, or transports the same from one place to another within the country, or a person who purchases, stores, sells or processes such substances, is punished with imprisonment from three years to eight years, and is also imposed punitive fine up to five thousand days. The person who exports the material or equipment required in production, processing or use of these substances is also subject to same punishment.

(2) In case of commission of these offenses within the frame of activities of an organized criminal group, the punishment is imposed by half.

(3) Any person who purchases, delivers or stores inconsiderable quantity of explosives of that sort is punished with imprisonment up to one year according purpose of utilization.

Breach of obligation to take care and look after a person suffering mental illness

ARTICLE 175-(1) Any person who neglect his obligation to take care and look after a person suffering mental illness in such a way risking others’ life, health or property, is punished with imprisonment up to six months, or imposed punitive fine.

Disobedience to rules relating to construction or demolishment

ARTICLE 176-(1) Any person who fails to take necessary precautions during the construction or demolishment activities that are required for safeguarding of human life or health, is punished with imprisonment from three months to one year, or imposed punitive fine.

Freeing of animals risking others’ lives

ARTICLE 177-(1) Any person who frees an animal under his custody in such a way to risk others’ life and health, or fails to take the necessary precautions while the animal is under his control, is punished with imprisonment up to six months, or imposed punitive fine.

Omitting to put signs and blocks

ARTICLE 178-(1) Any person who omits to put signs or blocks during performance of certain works in public roads, or to mark the equipment/tools used in such activities, or property, or removes the existing signs or blocks, or changes their places is punished with imprisonment from two months to six months, or imposed punitive fine.

Endangering traffic safety

ARTICLE 179-(1) Any person who changes, destroys, removes all kinds of signs put to ensure flow of land, sea, air and railway traffic in safety, or interferes technical operation system by giving wrong signals or putting different signs or marks on passages, departure, arrival, taking off or landing terminals risking others’ life, health or property, is punishes with imprisonment from one year to six years.

(2) Any person who drives and controls land, sea, air or railway transportation vehicles in such a way to risk others’ life, health or property is punished with imprisonment up to two years.

(3) Any person who drives and controls a vehicle unsafely due to affects of alcoholic drinks or drugs, is punished according to the provisions of above subsection.

Endangering traffic safety by negligence

ARTICLE 180-(1) Any person who risks others’ life, health or property by negligence in sea, air or railway transportation is punished with imprisonment from three months to three years.


Offenses Against Environment

Intentional pollution of environment

ARTICLE 181-(1) Any person who intentionally drains refuses or wastes to the ground, water or air contrary to the technical procedure defined in the relevant laws and in such a way to cause environmental pollution, is punished with imprisonment from six months to two years.

(2) Any person who engages in transfer of refuses or wastes into the country without permission is punished with imprisonment from one year to three years.

(3) The punishment to be imposed according to the above subsections is doubled if the wastes or refuses are observed to have remaining affect in the ground, water or atmosphere.

(5)In case of commission of offenses defined in first and second subsections by processing of refuses or wastes in such a way to result with incurable disease both in human and animals, or deterioration of fertility and change natural characteristics of animals and plants; the offenders are punished with imprisonment not less than five years and also imposed punitive fine up to thousand days.

Pollution of environment by negligence

ARTICLE 182- (1) Any person who drains refuses or wastes to the ground, water or atmosphere by negligence in such a way to cause environmental pollution, is imposed punitive fine. Where the refuses or wastes are observed to have remaining affect in the ground, water or atmosphere, punishment of imprisonment is imposed from two months to one year.

(2) Any person who involves in draining of refuses or wastes to the ground , water or atmosphere by negligence in such a way to cause incurable disease both in human and animals, deterioration of fertility and change of natural characteristics of animals and plants, is punished with imprisonment from one year to five years.

Causing Noise

ARTICLE 183-(1) Any person who causes noise contrary to the obligations set-forth in the relevant laws, in such a way to result with deterioration of one’s health, is sentenced to imprisonment from two months to two years, or imposed punitive fine.

Pollution caused by constructions

ARTICLE 184-(1) Any person who constructs or allows construction of a building without obtaining license or performs construction works contrary to the license, is punished with imprisonment from one year to five years.

(2) Any person who allows expansion of electricity, water or phone lines to the construction site which is built without obtaining license, is imposed punishment according to the provisions of above subsection.

(3) Any person who allows performance of an industrial activity in a building constructed without obtaining settlement license is punished with imprisonment from two years to five years.

(4) Excluding third subsection, the provisions of this article are applied only within the municipal boundaries or the regions subject to special construction regime.

(6) No public action is filed, or the public action already proceeded is extinguished in case a person restores the building constructed without license or contrary to the license in conformity with the construction plan and the license.


Offenses Against Public Health

Mixing toxic substances

ARTICLE 185-(1) Any person who risks the lives or health of others by mixing toxic substances to drinking water or food or causes decaying of any other consumption goods used as beverage and foodstuff, is punished with imprisonment from two years to fifteen years.

(2) In case of commission of offenses mentioned in above subsection by failing to take proper care or precaution, the offender is sentenced to imprisonment from three months to one year.

Trading of decayed or transformed food or drugs

ARTICLE 186-(1) Any person who sells, procures, stores decayed, transformed foodstuff, beverages or drugs causing risk for other’s life and health , is punished with imprisonment from one year to five years , and also imposed punitive fine up to one thousand five hundred days.

(2) The punishment to be imposed is increased by one third in case of commission of this offense within the scope of a proficiency or craftship activity.

Production and selling of drugs in such a way to risk others’ life and health

ARTICLE 187-(1) Any person who produces or sells drugs in such a way to risk others’ life and health is punished with imprisonment from one year to five years.

(2) The punishment to be imposed is increased by one third in case of commission of this offense by a physician or pharmacist or within the scope of a proficiency or craftship activity.

Production and trading of addictive or relieving/exciting drugs

ARTICLE 188-(1) Any person who produces imports or exports addictive or relieving/exciting drugs without license or contrary to the license is punished with imprisonment not less than ten years and also imposes punitive fine up to twenty thousand days.

(2) The executed portion of the punishment imposed at the end of the trial proceeded in a country where the exportation of addictive or relieving drugs is considered as importation of the same in view of other country, is set-off from the punishment to be imposed upon finalization of the trial held in Turkey due to exportation of addictive and relieving drugs.

(3) Any person who sells, supplies, delivers, transports, stores, purchases, accepts or carries addictive or relieving/exciting drugs without license or contrary to the license, is punished with imprisonment from five years to fifteen years and also imposed punitive fine up to twenty days.

(4) In case the offense involves heroin, cocaine, morphine or base-morphine, the punishment to be imposed according to above subsections is increased by one half.

(5) In case of commission of offenses listed in above subsections within the frame of activities of an organized group, the punishment to be imposed according to above subsections is increased by one half.

(6) The provisions of above subsections are applied in every aspect for all kinds of drugs with relieving or exciting affect, of which the production is subject to permission of the competent authorities and the sale is realized under prescription issued by a physician.

(7) Any person who engages in import, sale, purchase, transport, storage or export of any product of which the import and production is subject to permission of the official authorities with the purpose of using this in production of addictive or relieving/exciting drugs is punished with imprisonment not less than four years and also imposed punitive fine up to twenty thousand days.

(8) In case of commission of the offenses mentioned in this article by a physician, dentist, pharmacist, chemist, veterinary, health personnel, laboratory technician, midwife, nurse, dentistry technician, nurse, health personnel or any other person dealing in chemistry or pharmacy; the punishment to be imposed is increased by one half.

Imposition of security precautions on legal entities

ARTICLE 189-(1) Security precautions specific to legal entities are imposed in case of commission of offenses involving production and trading of addictive or relieving/exciting drugs within the frame of activities of a legal entity.

Facilitating use of addictive or relieving/exciting drugs

ARTICLE 190-(1) Any person facilitating use of addictive or relieving/exciting drugs by;

a) Providing special place, equipment or material,

b) Taking precautions to avoid arrest of users,

c) Furnishing information to others about the method of use,

is punished with imprisonment from two years to five years.

(2) In case of commission of the offenses defined in this article by a physician, dentist, pharmacist, chemist, veterinary, health personnel, laboratory technician, midwife, nurse dentistry technician, or any other person rendering health service or dealing in production and trading of chemicals or in pharmacy, the punishment to be imposed is increased by one half.

(3) Those who openly encourage use of addictive or exciting drugs, or makes publication with this purpose, is punished with imprisonment from two years to five years.

Purchasing, accepting or carrying addictive or exciting drugs for use

ARTICLE 191-(1) Any person who purchases, accepts or carries addictive or relieving/ exciting drugs for use is punished with imprisonment from one year to two years. Any person who grows plants with relieving or exciting affect for his own use is punished according to the provisions of this subsection.

(2) Precautions are imposed for those who use addictive or exciting drugs by forcing them to receive treatment in an institution where all his actions are kept under control (controlled liberty).

(3) A person under treatment or control in a defined institution is obliged to comply with the requirements of the precautions imposed in this institution. A specialist is assigned to guide the person under control in an institution. This specialist explains the harmful affects of the addictive and exciting drugs to the subject person during the implementation period of said precautions.

(4) Precaution seeking control of actions of the addict continues another year as of the termination date of the treatment. The court may adjudicate prolongation of control or observation period. However, this period may not be more than three years.

(5) The punishment imposed on the addict due to purchase, acceptance or carrying of addictive or exciting drugs is executed if failed to act in conformity with the requirements of precautions seeking treatment and control of actions of the addict. If the subject person is allowed to benefit from the provisions relating to sincere repentance, the action filed against him is proceeded and punishment is imposed according to the final judgment.

Sincere repentance

ARTICLE 192-(1) If a person commits an offense by involving in production and trading of addictive or relieving/exciting drugs and notifies the official authorities the names of the others who associated in commission of this offense, or the place where the drugs are hidden or produced before they receive such information, then he is no longer punished provided that the information furnished by him enables arrest of the accomplices or seizure of the addictive or exciting drugs.

(2) Furthermore, no punishment is imposed if the person who purchases, accepts or carries addictive or exciting drugs for his own use facilitates arrest of offenders or seizure of addictive or exciting drugs by notifying the official authorities the names of the supplier, date and place of delivery before they receive such information..

(3) The punishment to be imposed on the person who voluntarily serves and helps in discovery of offense and arrest of the offender, or his accomplices, is reduced from one fourth up to one half according to nature of service.

(4) No punishment is imposed if the addict applies to the official authorities with a request to receive treatment before commencement of investigation due to purchase, acceptance or carrying of addictive or exciting drugs.

Production and trading of toxic substances

ARTICLE 193-(1) Any person who produces, stores, sales or transports products containing toxic substances without obtaining permission although such activities are subject to license, is punished with imprisonment from two months to one year.

Supply of harmful substances

ARTICLE 194-(1) Any person who supplies or delivers substances to children, persons suffering from mental illness or others using evaporative substances, or presents such products to consumption risking others’ life, is punished to imprisonment from six months to one year.

Contrariness to the precautions relating to epidemics

ARTICLE 195-(1) Any person who refuses to comply with the precautions imposed by the authorized bodies at places under quarantine to avoid spread of disease from an ill or death person , is punished with imprisonment from two months to one year.

Improper burring of a death body

ARTICLE 196-(1) Any person who buries or allows others to bury a death body in places other than those specified by authorities, is punished with imprisonment up to six months.


Offenses Against Public Confidence

Counterfeiting money

ARTICLE 197-(1) Any person who counterfeits the currency presently under circulation in the country or abroad, and engages in preservation or use or transfer of the same from abroad into the country is punished with imprisonment from two years to twelve years, and also imposed punitive fine up to ten thousand days.

(2) Any person who accepts counterfeit money knowingly is punished with imprisonment from one year to three years and also imposed punitive fine,

(3) Any person who accepts counterfeit money unknowingly but puts this money in circulation being aware of this fact is punished with imprisonment from three years to one year.

Values equal to money

ARTICLE 198-(1) The debentures issued by the State and registered in the name of the bearer, share certificates, bonds and coupons, bills issued and put in circulation by the authorized institutions, as well as other securities and documents, and gold which is considered within national treasury are regarded as values in the nature of money.

Counterfeiting valuable stamps

ARTICLE 199-(1) Any person who counterfeits valuable stamps and engages in preservation or use or transfer of the same from abroad into the country is punished with imprisonment from one year to five years, and also imposed punitive fine.

(2) Any person who accepts counterfeit valuable stamp knowingly is punished with imprisonment from three months to one year, and also imposed punitive fine.

(3) Any person who accepts counterfeit valuable stamp unknowingly but puts this stamp in circulation being aware of this fact is punished with imprisonment from one month to six months.

(4) Papers containing stamp, revenue and post stamps and others used to certify payment of a certain amount of tax or charge are considered valuable stamps.

Instruments used in production of money and valuable stamps

ARTICLE 200-(1) Any person who produces, imports, sells, transfers, purchases , accepts or stores tools and instruments used in production of money or valuable stamps without permission is punished with imprisonment from one year to four years , and also imposed punitive fine.

Sincere repentance

ARTICLE 201-(1) If a person, who counterfeits money or valuable stamps, or engages in sale, transport, preservation or transfer of the same from abroad into the country, shows repentance before this money or valuable stamps are put in circulation and prior to the notification of the official authorities by disclosing the names of his accomplices and the place where the counterfeit money or valuable stamps are produced, concealed or stored, then he is no longer punished

provided that the information furnished by him enables arrest of the accomplices or seizure of the counterfeit money or valuable stamps.

(2) If a person who manufactures instruments and tools to be used in production of counterfeit money or valuable stamps, or engages in sale, transport, preservation or transfer of the same from abroad into the country, shows repentance prior to notification of the official authorities by disclosing the names of his accomplices and the place where the instruments and tools are produced or concealed, then he is no longer punished provided that the information furnished by him enables arrest of the accomplices or seizure of the said equipment and material.

Counterfeiting seal

ARTICLE 202-(1) Any person (s) who counterfeits the seal used by the Presidency of T.R., or Presidency of Turkish Grand National Assembly and also by Prime Ministry, is punished with imprisonment fro two years to eight years.

Destruction of seal

ARTICLE 203-(1) Any person who removes or uses the seal contrary to object specified in the Law or disobeys the instructions of the authorized bodies for preservation or maintenance of this seal, is punished with imprisonment from six months to three years.

Counterfeiting official documents

ARTICLE 204-(1) Any person who issues or uses a false document, or changes an original document to deceive others is punished with imprisonment from two years to five years.

(2) If a public officer who is authorized to issue documents counterfeits a document, or changes the original document to deceive others, or prepares false documents or uses false official documents, then he is punished with imprisonment from three years to eight years.

(3) In case of consideration of an official document as valid until it is proved to be false, the punishment to be imposed is increased by one half.

Cancellation, destruction or concealment of an official document

ARTICLE 205-(1) Any person who cancels, destructs or conceals an original official document unlawfully is punished with imprisonment from two years to five years. In case of commission of this offense by a public officer, the punishment to be imposed is increased by one half.

Untrue declaration during issuance of an official document

ARTICLE 206-(1) Any person who conveys untrue declaration to a public officer being authorized to issue official document is punished with imprisonment from three months to two years, or imposed punitive fine.

Counterfeiting personal certificate

ARTICLE 207-(1) Any person who counterfeits a personal certificate or uses or changes the original to deceive others is punished with imprisonment from one year to three years.

(2) Any person who uses a counterfeit personal certificate being aware of this fact, is punished according to the provisions relating to forgery.

Cancellation, destruction or concealment of a personal certificate

ARTICLE 208-(1) Any person who cancels, destroys or conceals an original personal certificate is punished with imprisonment from one year to three years.

Misuse of open signature

ARTICLE 209-(1) Any person who fills in totally or partially blank document delivered to him with open signature different than what is agreed, is punished with imprisonment from three years to one year upon complaint.

(2) Any person who unlawfully acquires a signed and totally or partially blank document, or fills in the same in such a way to create legal consequence, is punished according to the provisions relating to forgery in document.

Certificates in the nature of official document

ARTICLE 210-(1) The provisions relating to forgery in official documents are applied in case the offense committed through counterfeiting document involves bill of exchange registered in the name of the bearer or to the order, or any document representing the goods, share certificate, bond or a written declaration of will.

(2) Any physician, dentist, pharmacist, mid-wife, nurse or other health personnel who issues false document is punished with imprisonment from three months to one year. If the document is issued to secure unjust benefit for the issuer , or the fraudulent act results with injury of law or other persons, the offender is punished according to the provisions relating to forgery in official documents.

Conditions subject to less punishment

ARTICLE 211-(1) In case of commission of offense through counterfeiting a document with the intention of proving a claim resulting from a legal relation or to certify the real situation, the punishment to be imposed is reduced by one half.


ARTICLE 212- (1) In case of use of false official or personal document in commission of another offense, the offender is punished separately both from forgery and the subsequent offense.


Offenses Against Public Peace

Threat with the intention of causing fear and panic among people

ARTICLE 213-(1) Any person who unreasonable causes fear and panic among people by use of threat risking life, health, corporal and sexual immunity or property of people, is punished with imprisonment from two years to four years.

(2) If the offense is committed by use of a weapon, the punishment is increased by one half according to quality of the weapon used.

Provoking commission of offense

ARTICLE 214-(1) Any person who openly provokes commission of an offense is punished with imprisonment from six months to five year.

(2) Any person who arms a group against another group, or provokes to kill a person is punished with imprisonment from fifteen years to twenty-four years.

(3) In case of commission of offenses which involves provocation, the offender is punished from solicitation.

Praising the offense or the offender

ARTICLE 215-(1) Any person who openly praises an offense or the person committing the offenses is punished with imprisonment up to two years.

Provoking people to be rancorous and hostile

ARTICLE 216-(1) Any person who openly provokes a group of people belonging to different social class, religion, race, sect, or coming from another origin, to be rancorous or hostile against another group, is punished with imprisonment from one year to three years in case of such act causes risk from the aspect of public safety.

(2) Any person who openly humiliates another person just because he belongs to different social class, religion, race, sect, or comes from another origin, is punished with imprisonment from six months to one year.

(3) Any person who openly disrespects the religious belief of group is punished with imprisonment from six months to one year if such act causes potential risk for public peace.

Provoking people not to obey the laws

ARTICLE 217-(1) Any person who openly provokes people not to obey the laws is punished with imprisonment from six months to two years, or imposed punitive fine, if such act causes potential for public peace.

Joint provision

ARTICLE 218-(1) Punishment to be imposed is increased by one half in case of commission of above listed offenses through pres and broadcast.

Misconduct in office through exploitation of religious services

ARTICLE 219-(1) In case the performance of the Government, or State Laws, or services of any one of the public institutions are reproached and disrespected by imam, preacher, priest or a rabbi during execution of a service, this person is punished with imprisonment from one month to one year and also imposed punitive punishment or sentenced to any one of these punishments.

(2) If any one of the persons mentioned in above subsection reproaches and disrespects the conducts of government and the laws, regulations and directives and authorizations conferred upon any one of public institutions, or solicits or provokes people to disobey the directives of the government or public officers by virtue of office, the offender is punished to imprisonment from three months to two years, and also imposed punitive fine and is permanently or temporarily disqualified from this service and receiving its benefits.

(3) The punishment mentioned in the above subsection is imposed for the religious chiefs and officials who execute transactions or gives promises contrary to the rights acquired by virtue of office according to the law, or forces and convinces others to act in such manner.

(4) If any one of these people commits a crime, by virtue of office, other than the offenses mentioned in first subsection, then he is convicted from this crime by imposing the punishment specified in the law for that crime with an increase by one sixth.

(5) However, it is not required to impose an aggravated punishment if the title/position of the offender is already considered in the law while determining the punishment.

Forming organized groups with the intention of committing crime

ARTICLE 220-(1) Those who form or manage organized groups to executes acts which are defined as offense by the laws, is punished with imprisonment from two years to six years unless this organized group is observed to be qualified to commit offense in view of its structure, quantity of members, tools and equipment hold for this purpose. However, at least three members are required for existence of an organized group.

(2) Those become a member of an organized group with the intention of committing crime, is punished with imprisonment from one year to three years.

(3) In case the organized criminal group is equipped with arms, the punishment to be imposed according to the above subsections is increased from one fourth to one half.

(4) In case of commission of a crime within the frame of activities of a organized group, the offender is additionally punished for this crime.

(5) The directors of the organized criminal group are additionally punished for all the offenses committed within the frame of activities of the organized group.

(6) Any person who commits an offense on behalf of an organized criminal group without being a member of that group is additionally punished for being a member of the organized group.

(7) Any person who knowingly and willingly helps an organized criminal group although not takes place within the hierarchic structure of the group, is punished as if he is a member of the organized group.

(8) Any person who makes propaganda by praising the organized criminal group and its object is punished with imprisonment from one year to three years. The punishment to be imposed is increased by one half in case of commission of this offense through press and broadcast organs.

Sincere repentance

ARTICLE 221-(1) No punishment is imposed for the founders or directors who dissolves the organized criminal group, or assists in dissolution of this group by furnishing information before commencement of prosecution against a person who committed offense by forming an organized criminal group, or prior to commission of the said offense.

(2) No punishment is imposed if one of the members notifies the authorities that he voluntarily abandons the organized criminal group without having committed an offense.

(3) No punishment is imposed on the members of the organized criminal group who are arrested before committing any offense within the activities of the group, provided that he serves in dissolution of the group and furnishes information of great importance for arrest of the offenders by showing sincere repentance.

(4) No punishment is imposed on the founder, director or any one of the members who furnish information, after giving up one’s self voluntarily, about the structure of the organized criminal group, and the offenses committed within the activities. In case of delivery of such information after being arrested, the punishment to be imposed for this offense is reduced from one third to three fourths.

(5) The actions of the persons benefiting from the provisions relating to sincere repentance are kept under control for one year as precaution.

Hat and Turkish alphabet

ARTICLE 222-(1) Persons who act contrary to the restrictions and obligations set forth in the Law Nr. 671 and dated 25.11.1925 stipulating Wearing of Hat, and the Law Nr. 1353 dated 1.11.1928 relating to Recognition and Application of Turkish Alphabet, is punished with imprisonment from two months to six months.


Offenses Against Transportation Vehicles or Stationary Platforms

Stealing and confiscation of transportation vehicles

ARTICLE 223- (1) Any person who illegally prevents movement of a land transportation vehicle by using threat or violence, or stops a vehicle on the way, or takes it from one place to another, is punished with imprisonment from one year to three years.

(2) In case the subject of offense happens to be a sea or railway carrier, the offender is sentenced to imprisonment from two years to five years.

(3) Any person who illegally prevents movement of an air carrier or takes it from one place to another by using threat and force is punished with imprisonment from five years to ten years.

(4) Additional punishment is imposed if the offenses committed result with restriction of other’s freedom.

(5) In case aggravated form of felonious injury is created during commission of these offenses, the offender is additional subject to provisions relating to offense committed through felonious injury.

Occupation of Territorial land or stationary platform in specific industrial zones

ARTICLE 224-(1) Any person who occupies, confiscates or takes under control a territorial land or stationary platforms in industrial zones by using threat or force or any other act contrary to the law, is punished with imprisonment from five years to fifteen years.

(2) Additional punishment is imposed if the offenses committed result with restriction of other’s freedom.

(3) In case aggravated form of felonious injury is created during commission of these offenses, the offender is additionally subject to provisions relating to offense committed through felonious injury.


Offenses Against general Ethics

Impudent acts

ARTICLE 225-(1) Any person who openly enters in sexual intercourse or exposes one’s self is punished with imprisonment from six months to one year.


ARTICLE 226-(1) Any person who involves in an unlawful act;

a) By allowing a child to watch indecent scene or a product, or to or hear shameful words,

b) By displaying these products at places easy to reach by children, or reading the contents of these products, or letting other to speak about them,

c) By selling or leasing these product in such a way open for public review,

d) By selling, offering or leasing these products at places other than the markets nominated for sale of these product,

e) By gratuitously supplying or distributing these products along with other goods or services,

f) By making advertisement of these products,

is punished with imprisonment from six months to two years.

(2) The persons who publicize indecent scenes, words or articles through press and broadcast organs or act as intermediary in publication of the same is punished with imprisonment from six months to three years.

(3) Any person who uses children in production of indecent scenes, words or articles is punished with imprisonment from five years to ten years, and also imposed punitive fine up to five thousand days. Any person who engage in import, duplication, transportation, storage , export of these products, or presents the same to other’s use, is punished with imprisonment from two years to five years, and also imposed punitive fine up to five thousand days.

(4) Any person who produces products containing audio-visual or written material demonstrating abnormal sexual intercourse by using sex, or with animals, or body of a death person , and engages in import sale, transportation storage of the same and presents such material to other’s use, is punished with imprisonment from one year to four years.

(5) Any person who publicizes the contents of the products mentioned in third and fourth subsections through press and broadcast organs, or acts as intermediary in publication of the same, or lets children to read, hear or see this material is punished with imprisonment from six months to ten years, and also imposed punitive fine up to five thousand days.

(6) Security precautions specific to legal entities are imposed due to such offenses.

(7) Excluding third subsection, the provisions of this article may not be applicable for the works of art which are produced for scientific, artistic or literary purposes in order to avoid children to reach such material.


ARTICLE 227-(1) Any person who encourages a child to become a prostitute, or facilitates prostitution, or shelters a person for this purpose, or acts as go-between during prostitution of the child, is punished with imprisonment from four years to ten years, and also imposed punitive fine up to ten thousand days.

(2) Any person who encourages another person to become a prostitute, or facilitates prostitution, or acts as go-between or provides place for such purpose is punished with imprisonment from two years up to four years, and also imposed punitive fine up to three thousand days. Any act aimed to benefit from the income of a person engaged in prostitution to earn one’s living, totally or partially, is considered encouragement of prostitution.

(3) Any person who brings people into the country, or sends groups to abroad for prostitution purposes is punished according to the provisions of above subsection.

(4) The punishment to be imposed according to above subsections is doubled in case a person is encouraged to become a prostitute by use of threat or force, or malice, or taking advantage of one’s helplessness.

(5) The punishment to be imposed by one half in case of commission of offenses listed in the above subsections by any one of the spouses, antecedents, descendants, brother/sister, adopter, guardian, trainer, educator, nurse or any other person responsible for protection and control of a person, or by a public officer or employee by due influence.

(6) The punishment to be imposed according to above subsections is increased by one half in case of commission of these offenses within the frame of activities of an organized criminal group.

(7) Security precautions specific to legal entities are imposed in case of commission of these offenses by organizations in the statute of legal entity.

(8) Any person who involves in prostitution is subject to treatment or therapy.

Arranging a place or facility for gambling

ARTICLE 228- (1) Any person who arranges a place or facility for gambling is sentenced to imprisonment up to one year, and also imposed punitive fine.

(2) The punishment to be imposed is increased by one fold in case arrangement of a place or facility for gambling by children.

(3) Security precautions specific to legal entities are imposed in case of commission of these offenses by organizations in the statute of legal entity.

(4) In practice of Criminal Code, gambling is regarded as a play done with the aim of earning money where the profit and loss is a matter of chance.


ARTICLE 229-(1) Any person who uses children or persons lack of corporal or spiritual ability in beggary is punished with imprisonment from one year to three years.

(2) The punishment to be imposed is increased by one half, in case of commission of this offense by third degree blood relations, or affinity relatives, or any one of the spouses.

(3) The punishment to be imposed is increased by one fold in case of commission of this offense within the frame of activities of an organized criminal group.


Offenses Against Family Order

Multiple or fraudulent marriage, religious marriage ceremony

ARTICLE 230-(1) A person who marries to another person although he/she is legally married at that time is punished with imprisonment from six months to two years.

(2) Any person who officially gets married to a person known as married to another person although he is bachelor, is punished according o the provisions of above subsection.

(3) Any person who attempts to get married by concealing his/her identity is sentenced to imprisonment from three months to one year.

(4) The statute of limitation for the offenses defined in above subsections start to run as of the date of decision stipulating cancellation of marriage.

(5) The couples who marry by arranging religious ceremony without executing official marriage transactions are sentenced to imprisonment from two months to six months. Both the public action and the punishment imposed thereof, is abated with all its consequences when the civil marriage ceremony is accomplished.

(6) Any person who conducts a religious marriage ceremony without seeing the certificate of marriage is punished with imprisonment from two months to six months.

Changing lineage of a child

ARTICLE 231-(1) Any person who changes or conceals the lineage of a child is punished with imprisonment from one year to three years.

(2) Any person who causes exchange of children in a health institution by breaching obligation to take proper care or precautions is sentenced to imprisonment up to one year.


ARTICLE 232-(1) Any person who is cruel to the person sharing the same dwelling, is punished to imprisonment from two months to one year.

(2) Any person who improperly uses disciplinary power against a person whom he is responsible for his growth, education, care protection or training in professional field, is punished with imprisonment up to one year.

Breach of obligations conferred upon by family law

ARTICLE 233-(1) Any person who fails to fulfill the obligations conferred upon by the family law, which stipulate care, education or support of family members, is punished with imprisonment up to one year upon compliant.

(2) Any person who abandons his pregnant wife, or another woman whom he knows that she is waiting child from him, is sentenced to imprisonment from three months to one year.

(3) Mother of father who is determined to be risking the health, good morals and safety of their children due to addiction to alcohol or drugs, or by bringing dishonor on their children, is sentenced with imprisonment from three years up to one year.

Kidnapping and retention of a child

ARTICLE 234- (1) In case a child under the age of sixteen is kidnapped without using force or threat by mother or father who lost his/her parental rights, or by third degree blood relations while he/she is legally under the care or custody of a natural parent or guardian, the offender is punished with imprisonment from three months up to one year.

(2) Punishment to be imposed is increased by one fold if this offense is committed without using force or threat or involves a child not yet attained the age of twelve.


Offenses In The Fields of Economy, Industry and Trading

Corruption in tenders

ARTICLE 235-(1) Any person who involves in mischief during the tenders relating to purchase or sale of goods and services on behalf of public institutions or corporations, is punished with imprisonment from five years to twelve years.

(2) Following acts are regarded as involvement in mischief during a tender;

a) By executing fraudulent acts;

1. Prevention of persons possessing the required qualifications and credentials from participating in the tender,

2. Facilitating participation of the persons lacking required qualifications and conditions in the tender,

3. Arranging disqualification of the offered goods from the evaluation although they are in conformity with the bid specifications,

4. Arranging consideration of the goods which do not comply with the bid specifications in the evaluations,

b) Facilitating access of third parties to the information which is to be kept confidential according to tender law or bid specifications during submission of bids.

c) Prevention of persons possessing required qualifications and credentials from participating in the tender by using force or threat, or acts contrary to the law.

d) Conclusion of open or secret agreements among the bidders or those willing to participate in the tender with the intention of affecting the bid contract conditions and especially the contract price.

(3) In case a damage or loss is suffered by a public institution or corporation due to involvement in mischief during a tender, the punishment to be imposed is increased by one half. Non-quantification of the accrued loss may not suppress application of the provisions of this subsection.

(4) Any authorized person who gains unjust benefit by involving in mischief during a tender is additionally convicted from this offense.

(5) The provisions of the above subsections are applied also for the auctions or bids realized through the intermediary of public institutions or corporations, and purchase/sale of goods or services performed on behalf of professional organizations in the statute of public institution, companies incorporated with the participation of public institutions or corporations, or professional organizations in the statute of public institution, or foundations operating within this frame, associations or cooperatives serving for public interest.

Involvement in fraudulent act during fulfillment of obligations

ARTICLE 236-(1) Any person who involves in fraudulent act during fulfillment of obligations undertaken against a public institution or corporation, or professional organization in the statute of public institution, companies incorporated with the participation of public institutions or corporations, or foundation operating within this frame, associations or cooperatives serving for public interest, is sentenced with imprisonment from three years to seven years.

(2) Following performances are regarded as involvement in fraudulent act during fulfillment of obligations;

a) Delivery or acceptance of goods different than those of which the description is given in the tender decision and contract,

b) Delivery or acceptance of goods at a quantity less than that of defined in the tender decision or contract,

c) Consideration of fulfillment of obligations within the period specified in the tender decision or contract, although it is not.

d) In construction tenders, acceptance of works or material which do not comply with the conditions, quantity or quality set-forth in the specifications or contract,

e) Consideration of an obligation in the nature of a service as to have been completely fulfilled although it is not fully rendered or supplied partially according to the tender decision or contract.

(3) Any authorized person who gains unjust benefit by involving in fraudulent act during fulfillment of obligations is additionally convicted from this offense.

Affecting prices

ARTICLE 237-(1) Any person who spreads deceitful information or news or involves in fraudulent acts in such a way to cause decrease or increase of wages or prices of foodstuff or goods, is punished with imprisonment from three months to two years and also imposed punitive fine.

(2) Punishment to be imposed is increased by one third if the prices of foodstuff or goods, or wages are decreased or increased as a consequence of this act.

(3) Punishment is additionally increased by one eighth if the offender happens to be a licensed agent or stock exchange broker.

Causing shortage of things needed by public

ARTICLE 238-(1) Any person who causes shortage of food or goods, or decrease of the same in considerable quantities although they are needed for public institutions or corporations, or used in public services in general relief activities upon a disaster by failing in performance of a work under his responsibility, is sentenced to imprisonment from one year to three years, and also imposed punitive fine up to one thousand days.

Disclosure of business secrets, banking secrets or information relating to customers

ARTICLE 239-(1) Any person who delivers information or documents which he holds by virtue of office about the customers, or discloses business secrets, banking secrets loc is sentenced to imprisonment from one year to three years, and also imposed punitive fine up to five thousand days upon complaint. In case of delivery or disclosure of this information or documents to unauthorized individuals by the persons who unlawfully acquired such information/documents, the offender is punished according to the provision of this subsection.

(2) Provisions of first subsection are applicable also for the information relating to scientific researches or discoveries or industrial practices.

(3) Punishment to be imposed is increased by one third in case of disclosure of these secrets to the foreigners or their personnel domiciled outside of Turkey. In that case, no complaint is sought.

(4) Any person who leads another person to disclose the information or documents within the scope of this article by using force or threat is punished with imprisonment from three years to seven years.

Abstention from sale of goods and services

ARTICLE 240-(1) Any person who causes rise of urgent need for a thing supplied fro public use by abstaining from sale of certain goods or service, is punished with imprisonment from six months to two years.


ARTICLE 241-(1) Any person who lends money to another person with the intension of earning money is sentenced to imprisonment from two years to five years, and also imposed punitive fine from six months to two years.

Imposition of Security Precautions on legal Entities

ARTICLE 242-(1) Security precautions specific to legal entities are imposed in case of commission of the offenses defined in this section by the same with the intention of securing unjust benefit.


Offenses in the field of Data Processing Systems

Access to data processing system

ARTICLE 243-(1) Any person who unlawfully enters a part or whole of data processing system or remains there is punished with imprisonment up to one year, or imposed punitive fine.

(2) In case the offenses defined in above subsection involve systems which are benefited against charge, the punishment to be imposed is increased up to one half.

(3) If such act results with deletion or alteration of data within the content of the system, the person responsible from such failure is sentenced to imprisonment from six months up to two years.

Hindrance or destruction of the system, deletion or alteration of data

ARTICLE 244-(1) Any person who hinders or destroys operation of a data processing system is punished with imprisonment from one year to five years.

(2) Any person who garbles, deletes, changes or prevents access to data, or installs data in the system or sends the available data to other places is punished with imprisonment from six months to three years.

(3) The punishment to be imposed is increased by one half in case of commission of these offenses on the data processing systems belonging to a bank or credit institution, or public institutions or corporations.

(4) Where the execution of above mentioned acts does not constitute any other offense apart from unjust benefit secured by a person for himself or in favor of third parties, the offender is sentenced to imprisonment from two years to six years, and also imposed punitive fine up to five thousand days.

Improper use of bank or credit cards

ARTICLE 245-(1) Any person who acquires or holds bank or credit cards of another person(s) whatever the reason is, or uses these cards without consent of the card holder or the receiver of the card, or secures benefit for himself or third parties by allowing use of the same by others, is punished with imprisonment from three years to six years, and also imposed punitive fine.

(2) Any person who secures benefit for himself or third parties by using a counterfeit bank or credit card is punished with imprisonment from four years to seven years if the act executed does not constitute any offense other than forgery.

Imposition of Security Precautions on Legal Entities

ARTICLE 246-(1) Security precautions specific to legal entities are imposed in case of commission of the offenses listed in this section within the frame of activities of legal entities.


Offenses Against Nation and State and Final Provisions


ARTICLE 247-(1) Any public officer who embezzles or converts property entrusted to him, or under his custody or control to his own or other’s use by virtue of his office is punished with imprisonment from five years to twelve years.

(2) In case of involvement in fraudulent acts with the intention of concealing the offense of embezzlement, the punishment to be imposed is increased by one half.

(3) In case of commission of offense of embezzlement with the intention to return the property after being used, the punishment to be imposed may be reduced up to one half of the principal punishment.

Sincere repentance

ARTICLE 248-(1) Two thirds of the punishment to be imposed for this offense is reduced if the embezzled property is returned exactly as it is, or the damage is fully compensated before commencement of investigation.

(2) The punishment to be imposed for this offense is reduced by one third if the embezzled property is returned exactly as it is, or the damage is fully compensated before commencement of prosecution. Also, one third of the punishment is cancelled if the offender shows sincere repentance before the declaration of final judgment.

Matters of Mitigation

ARTICLE 249-(1) The punishment to be imposed may be reduced from one third up to one half due to worthlessness of the property subject to embezzlement.


ARTICLE 250-(1) Any public officer who secures benefit for himself or others by exercising undue influence, or convinces a person to make promise in this manner by virtue of office is punished with imprisonment from five years to ten years.

(2) Any public officer who secures benefit for himself or others by exercising undue influence , or convinces a person to make a promise by virtue of office is considered as breach of trust and offender is punished with imprisonment from three years to five years.

(3) In case of commission of the offense defined in second subsection by taking advantage of a person’s negligence, the person involved in such act is punished with imprisonment from one year to three years.

Failure to perform control duty

ARTICLE 251-(1) In case public officer who is responsible from control of performance intentionally ignores the commission of offense involving embezzlement and malversation, he is punished as the joint offender.

(2) Any public officer who facilitates commission of offenses of embezzlement and malversation by failing to perform control duty, is punished with imprisonment from three months to three years.


ARTICLE 252- (1) Any public officers who take bribe is punished with imprisonment from four years to twelve years. The person offering bribe is punished likewise the public officer. In case the parties negotiate on a bribe, they are punished as if the offense is completed.

(2) In case the person who takes bribe or negotiates on a bribe happens to be judge, arbitrator, expert, notary public or sworn financial adviser, the punishment to be imposed according to first subsection is increased up to one third.

(3) Bribe is defined as a benefit illegally secured by a public officer in negotiation with a person to perform or not to perform a task beyond his responsibility.

(4) The provisions of first subsection are applicable also for the person who involve in bribery while establishing legal relation, or progressing the existing legal relation with the professional organizations in the statute of public institution, public institutions and corporations, or companies incorporated with the participation of professional organizations in the statute of public institution, foundations operating within their body, or associations and cooperatives serving for public interest, or joint stock companies open to public.

(5) Directly or indirectly offering of benefits or giving promise to the officers or personnel of the public institutions or corporations appointed in a foreign company to perform a legislative or administrative duty, or to those engaged in international duties in the same country, in order to enable execution of an international trading transaction, or to perform or not to perform a task, or to secure and to retain unjust benefit, is considered bribery.

Imposition of Security Precautions on Legal Entities

ARTICLE 253-(1) Security precautions specific to legal entities are applicable for those who secure unjust benefit by committing offense of bribery.

Sincere repentance

ARTICLE 254- (1) No punishment is imposed in case the person taking bribe delivers the thing subject to bribery to the authorized bodies before the commencement of investigation exactly as it is. Again, no punishment is imposed if the public officer who agrees to take bribe upon negotiating with a person notifies the authorized bodies about this fact before the commencement of investigation.

(2) No punishment is imposed due to offense of bribery if the person offering and giving bribe to the public officer upon negotiation notifies the authorities responsible from investigation about this fact before commencement of investigation; also the bribe is taken from the public officer and returned to the deliverer.

(3) No punishment is imposed due to this offense if the other persons involving in bribery notify the authorized bodies by showing sincere repentance about this fact before commencement of investigation.

Securing benefit in a work of which the performance is beyond authorization

ARTICLE 255-(1) Any public officer who gives the impression that he is capable to perform a work which is beyond the scope of his duty, or has the power to convince others to perform the same although they are not entitled to do so, is punished with imprisonment from one year to five years.

Exceeding the limits of authorization for use of force

Article 256-(1)The provision relating to felonious injury are applied in case of use of force or power by a public officer against a person(s), exceeding the limits of authority.

Misconduct in office

ARTICLE 257-(1) Excluding the acts defined as offense in the law, any public officer who causes suffering of people or injury by acting contrary to the requirements of his office, or secures unjust benefit to third parties, is punished with imprisonment from one year to three years.

(2) Excluding the acts defined as offense in the law, any public officer who causes suffering of people or public injury, or secures unjust benefit for others by showing negligence or delay in performance of his duties, is punished with imprisonment from six months to two years.

(3) Any public officer who secures benefit for himself or others in order to fulfill his obligations or for similar other reason, is punished with imprisonment according to provisions of the first subsection if such act does not constitute the offense of malversation.

Disclosure of office secrets

ARTICLE 258-(1) Any public officer who discloses or publicize the confidential documents, decisions and orders and other notifications delivered to him by virtue of office , or facilitates access to such information and documents by third parties, is punished with imprisonment from one year to four years.

(2) The same punishment is applicable also for the person who performs the acts mentioned in first subsection upon expiry of office period.

Trading during public service

ARTICLE 259-(1) Any person who tries to sell goods or service to another person by using power due to service in a public office, is punished with imprisonment up to six months, or imposed punitive fine.

Abandonment or non-performance of public office

ARTICLE 260-(1) Public officers who abandon work, or do not come to office, or suspend their activities temporarily or permanently or slow-down work contrary to the law by forming masses, is punished with imprisonment from three years to one year. No punishment is imposed unless the number of public officers is more than three.

(2) In case of suspension or slow down of works temporarily or for a short period by public officers in such a way not to disrupt the service due to acquired professional and social rights, the punishment to be imposed may be reduced or totally vacated.

Improper disposition on other’s property

ARTICLE 261-(1) Unless the exercised act does not require heavier punishment, public officer who voluntary involves in illegal dispositive transaction with regard to other’s immovable or movable property by using power is punished with

imprisonment from six months to two years even if this disposition is based on a transaction realized against payment of price.

Improperly undertaken public service

ARTICLE 262- (1) Those who open or operate education institutions contrary to the laws, or voluntarily undertake teaching duty in such institution is punished with imprisonment from six months to three years.

(2) Also, decision may be given for closing of the above-mentioned institutions.

Improper use of special signs and uniforms

ARTICLE 263-(1) Any person who uses the rank or wears the uniform of a public officer, or carries his signs or medals although he is not entitled to do so, with the purpose of deceiving others, is punished with imprisonment from three months to one year.

(2) In case of commission of an offense taking advantage of the facilities provided by use of uniform, the punishment to be imposed according to above subsection only for this offense, is increased by one third.

Prevention of performance

ARTICLE 264-(1) Any person who uses force or threat against a public officer to prevent him from performing a duty is punished with imprisonment from six months to three years.

(2) In case of commission of this offense against judicial authorities, the offender is punished with imprisonment from two years to four years.

(3) In case of commission of this offense by concealing one’s identity, or jointly by more than one person, the punishment to be imposed is increased by one third.

(4) In case of commission of offense by use of a weapon or taking advantage of a terror activities of organized criminal groups, the punishment to be imposed according to the above subsections is increased by one half.

(5) In case aggravated form of felonious injury is created during performance of the acts defined herein above, offender is additionally subject to provisions relating to offense committed through felonious injury.

Use of vehicles in public service during commission of offense

ARTICLE 265-(1) Where the term “public officer” is not considered in the definition of offense, the punishment to be imposed is increased by one third in case a public officer uses the vehicles or equipment entrusted to him by virtue of office during commission of an offense.


Offenses Against The Judicial Bodies or Court


ARTICLE 266-(1) Any person who cast aspersions on another person by raising complaint or notifying authorized bodies, or by using media in order to enable commencement of investigation and prosecution against this person, or imposition of administrative sanctions despite of his innocence, is punished with imprisonment from one year to four years.

(2) The punishment is increased by one half in case of commission of this offense by slander based on produced evidences.

(3) If an acquittal is declared by the court or decision is taken by stating that there is no need to start investigation for the person subject to aspersion due to his innocence, the punishment to be imposed is increased according to above subsections unless a precautionary judgment other than custody or arrest is imposed against the aggrieved party.

(4) In case of custody or arrest of the aggrieved party who received acquittal or decision declaring his innocence and uselessness of an investigation; the person casting aspersion is indirectly kept liable due to this offense restricting one’s liberty.

(5) In case the aggrieved party is sentenced to heavy life imprisonment or life imprisonment, he is punished with imprisonment from twenty years to thirty years; if sentenced to imprisonment for a definite period, then he is imposed a punishment as much as two thirds of the principal punishment.

(6) Where start is given to execution of punishment seeking imprisonment of the aggrieved party, the punishment to be imposed according to fifth subsection is increased by one half.

(7) In case of imposition of punitive or administrative sanctions on the aggrieved party other than punishment of imprisonment due to offense of aspersion; the person casting aspersion is punished with imprisonment from three years to seven years.

(8) The statute of limitation in offense of aspersion stats to run as of the date on which the aggrieved party is declared innocent.

(9) The decision of conviction due to offense of aspersion committed through press and publication ( or broadcast) organs, is announced through the same or equal press and publication organs. The cost of announcement is charged to the convict.

Using other’s identity card or ID information

ARTICLE 267-(1) Any person who uses other’s identity card or ID information of another person to avoid commencement of investigation or prosecution against him due to commission of an offense, is punished according to the provisions relating to offense of aspersion.

Sincere repentance

ARTICLE 268-(1) In case the person casting aspersion withdraws from such slander before commencement of investigation and prosecution against the aggrieved party, four fifths of the punishment to be imposed for this offense is abated..

(2) In case of withdrawal from aspiration before commencement of investigation against the aggrieved party, three fourth of the punishment to be imposed for this offense is abated.

(3) If the offender shows sincere repentance;

a) Before final judgment is declared about the aggrieved party, two thirds of the punishment,

b) After conviction of the aggrieved party, one half of the punishment,

c) After execution of the punishment imposed on the convict, one third of the punishment,

May be abated.

(5) The provisions of this article may not be applicable in case the offense of aspersion is committed through press and publication (or broadcast) organs.

Undertaking an offense

ARTICLE 269-(1) Any person who deceives authorized bodies by stating that he is the one who committed the offense, or one of the accomplices, which is actually is not the truth, is punished with imprisonment up to two years. In case of commission of this offense with the intention to avoid conviction of one of the antecedents, descendents, spouse or brother/sister, reduction of the punishment by three fourths may be considered, or the punishment is fully abated.

Producing an offense

ARTICLE 270-(1) Any person who notifies an uncommitted offense to the authorized bodies as if it is being committed, or produces evidences or signs of an uncommitted offense just to provide commencement of investigation, is punished with imprisonment up to three years.


ARTICLE 271-(1) Any person who willfully makes a false statement before a person or a committee authorized to hear witness during an investigation started to determine an unlawful act, is punished with imprisonment from four months to one year.

(2)Any person who willfully makes a false statement before the court, or a person, or a committee authorized to hear witness by administering oath, is punished with imprisonment from one year to three years.

(3) Any person who willingly makes false statement during investigation or prosecution carried out for an offense which requires punishment with imprisonment more than three years, is sentenced to imprisonment from two years to four years.

(4) If the person subject to testimony of a witness against him is imposed protective measures other than custody and arrest, the punishment to be imposed according to above subsections is increased by one half provided that a decision declaring his acquittal or unworthiness of an investigation due to absence of guilt, is received.

(5) In case the person subject to testimony of a witness against him is taken under observation or arrested by the security units, the person who makes false statement is kept responsible as indirect offender according to the provisions relating to the offense caused through restriction of one’s liberty, provided that a decision declaring his acquittal or unworthiness of an investigation due to absence of guilt, is received.

(6) If the person subject to testimony of a witness against him is sentenced to heavy life imprisonment or life imprisonment, then he is punished with imprisonment from twenty years to thirty years; in case he is sentenced to imprisonment for a definite time, he is punished with imprisonment as much as two thirds of the principal punishment.

(7) If it is started to execute the punishment imposed on a person subject to testimony of witness against him, the punishment to be given according to sixth subsection is increased by one half.

(8) If the person subject to testimony of a witness against him is imposed punitive or administrative sanctions other than imprisonment, then the person making false statement is punished with imprisonment from three years to seven years.

Excusatory causes or matters of mitigation

ARTICLE 272-(1) If a person;

a) makes false statement that may cause commencement of investigation or prosecution against himself, any one of antecedents, descendents, spouse or brother/sister, or

b) testifies contrary to the truth although he has the right to abstain from testifying as witness, before he is being acknowledged about this right,

Either reduction is considered in the punishment, or the punishment is fully abated.

(2) Provisions of first subsection may not be applicable for false statements made within the scope of disputes subject to special law.

Sincere repentance

ARTICLE 273-(1) No punishment is imposed in case of declaration of truth before conviction of the person subject to testimony of a witness against him, or the decision limiting or restricting any personal right.

(2) In case of disclosure of truth after declaration of a decision limiting or restricting a personal right, but prior to conviction of the person subject to testimony of a witness against him, the punishment to be imposed for this offense may be reduced from two thirds up to one half.

(3) In case of disclosure of truth before the decision stipulation conviction of the person subject to testimony of the witness against him, the punishment to be imposed for this offense may be reduced from one half to one thirds.

False swearing

ARTICLE 274-(1) Plaintiff or defendant who swears falsely during the course of a legal action is punished with imprisonment from one year to five years.

(2) No punishment is imposed inn case the truth is told before the court declares its decision on the case.

(3) Half of the punishment is abated in case the truth is told before finalization or execution of the conviction.

Expertise or interpretation contrary to truth

ARTICLE 275-(1) In case of declaration of opinion contrary to the truth by the expert(s) who is appointed by the judicial bodies or person (s) or a committee authorized to carry out legal investigation or hear witnesses under oath, the offender is punished with imprisonment from one year to three years.

(2) The provisions of first subsection are applied in case of false interpretation of statements or documents by a interpreter who is appointed by the person (s) or committee mentioned in the first subsection,

Influencing judicial bodies

ARTICLE 276-(1) Any person who unlawfully attempts to influence judicial bodies, or forces them to give instructions in favor or against any one of or all the parties present in the trial before the court, or the offenders, or those participating in the action, or the victim, is punished with imprisonment from two years to four years. The punishment to be imposed shall be from six months to two years if the attempt is no more than favoritism.

Failure in notification of an offense

ARTICLE 277-(1) Any person who fails to notify the authorized bodies about an offense at the very instant is punished with imprisonment up to one year.

(2) Any person who fails to notify the authorized bodies about commission of an offense where it is still possible to limit its consequences, is punished with imprisonment according to the provisions of above subsection.

(3) In case the victim happens to be a child not yet attained the age of fifteen, or a person lack of capacity to protect himself/herself due to corporal or spiritual disability or pregnancy, the punishment to be imposed according to above subsections are increased by one half.

Failure of public officer in notification of an offense

ARTICLE 278-(1) Any public officer who neglects or delays in notification of an offense to the authorized bodies being aware of commission of an offense which requires investigation or prosecution, is punished with imprisonment from six months to two years.

(2) In case of commission of this offense by an officer undertaking duty in judicial department, the punishment to be imposed according to above subsection is increases by one half.

Failure of the health personnel in notification of an offense

ARTICLE 279-(1) Any health personnel who notices commission of an offense while performing his/her duty, but neglects to notify this to the authorized bodies, is punished with imprisonment up to one year.

(2) The term “health personnel” covers the medical doctors, pharmacists, midwifes, nurses and other persons rendering health services.

Destruction, concealing or changing of evidences

ARTICLE 280-(1) Any person who destroys, deletes, conceals, changes or corrupts the evidences produced to prove commission of offense in order to hide the truth is punished with imprisonment from six months to five years. A person may not be punished according to the provisions of this article due to an offense personally committed or involved in its commission.

(2) In case of commission of this offense by a public officer in connection with his duty, the punishment to be imposed is increased by one half.

(3) Four fifth of the punishments to be imposed for the offenses defined in this section is abated if the person involved in the offense delivers the concealed evidences to the court before declaration of conviction decision.

Laundering of assets acquired as a result of offense

ARTICLE 281-(1) Any person who takes away the assets acquired as a result of an offense which requires minimum one year or more punishment of imprisonment, or carries the same to a foreign country to be subject to various transactions in order to hide illegal source of these assets and to give the impression that they are acquired in the lawful manner, is punished with imprisonment from two years to five years, and also imposed punitive fine up to twenty thousand days.

(2) In case of commission of this offense by a public officer while performing his duty or a person with profession, the punishment to be imposed is increased by one half.

(3) In case of commission of this offense within the frame of activities of an organized criminal group, the punishment to be imposed is increased by one fold.

(4) Legal entities involving in commission of this offense are subject to special security precautions.

(5) No punishment is imposed for the offense defined in this section on a person who renders assistance or facilitates finding of assets acquired illegally as a result of offense by notifying the authorized bodies.

Supporting offender

ARTICLE 282- (1) Any person who provides facility for an offender in order to avoid his search, arrest or conviction is punished with imprisonment from six years to five years.

(2) The punishment to be imposed is increased by one half in case of commission of this offense by a public officer while performing duty.

(3) No punishment if imposed in case of commission of this offense by any one of the antecedents, descendents, spouse or other accomplices.

Failure to notify the accused, arrested or convicted person or the evidences of offense

ARTICLE 283-(1) Any person who fails to notify the authorized bodies about the known place of a person, against whom decision is obtained for his arrest or conviction, is sentenced to imprisonment up to one year.

(2) Any person who knowingly fails to notify the place where all the evidences or indications of offense are concealed by others is punished according to the provisions of above subsection.

(3) The punishment to be imposed is increased by one half in case of commission of this offense by a public officer while performing duty.

(4) If the accused are publicized during the investigation or prosecution stages in order to give the impression that he is the offender prior to the judgment, the persons who involve in such act is punished with imprisonment from six months to two years.

Recording of sound or vision

ARTICLE 284-(1) Any person who records or transfers sound or vision during the investigation or prosecution without obtaining permission is sentenced to imprisonment up to six months.

Genital controls

ARTICLE 285-(1) The offender who sends a person to a genital control or personally undertakes such control without obtaining the decision of the judge and prosecutor, is punished with imprisonment from three months to one years.

(2) The provisions of above subsection may not be applicable with regard to controls to be accomplished pursuant to the laws and by-laws for protection of public health against infectious disease.

Attempt to influence a just trial

ARTICLE 286-(1) Any person who makes oral or written declaration until finalization of the investigation or prosecution proceeded on an event in order to influence the prosecutor, judge, court, experts and witnesses, is punished with imprisonment from six months to three years.

(2) In case of commission of this offense through press and publication organs, the punishment to be imposed is increased by one half.

Misconduct in custody of a property

ARTICLE 287-(1) Any person who exercises power on an attached or mortgaged or seized property entrusted to him for custody other than the prescribed purpose, is sentenced to imprisonment from three months to two years, and also, imposed punitive fine up to three thousand days. The punishment to be imposed is reduced by one half in case the person happens to be the owner of the property.

(2) Four fifth of the punishment is abated in case the offender returns the property subject to offense defined in the first subsection before commencement of prosecution, or pays its value, if otherwise is not possible.

(3) Any person who cause loss or destruction of an attached or mortgaged or seized property officially entrusted to him for custody due to failure to take proper care and precautions is imposed punitive fine.

(4) Any person who uses the property confiscated during the investigation and prosecution proceeded relating to an offense beyond its purpose, is punished with imprisonment up to one year.

Confiscation and destruction of an officially delivered property

ARTICLE 288- (1) Any person who re-confiscates an immovable property which is already delivered to the owner under court’s decision, is punished with imprisonment from three months to one year.

(2) The provisions relating to offense of larceny in case of retention of an attached, or pledged, or seized movable property officially entrusted to a person for custody without obtaining the consent of that person; the provisions relating to offense of plunder is applied in case the immovable property is acquired by using force; where there is fraud during execution of such act, the offense is considered as swindling; in case of destruction of property, the provisions relating to damage of property are applied.

The punishment to be imposed is reduced from one half to three fourths in case the person happens to be the owner of the said property.

Entry into a prison or penitentiary in place of another person

ARTICLE 289-(1) Any person who enters a criminal execution institution or a prison putting himself in place of convict is sentenced with imprisonment from six months to one year.

Breach of prison

ARTICLE 290-(1) The detainee or convict who escapes from the criminal execution institution, or prison or the place where he is kept under observation is punished with imprisonment from six months to one year.

(2) In case of commission of this offense by using force or threat, the offender is subject to imprisonment from one year to three years.

(3) In case of commission of this offense jointly by an armed group formed by detainees or convicts, the punishment to be imposed according to above subsection is increased by one fold.

(4) Where the consequences of aggravated from of offense of felonious injury or felonious homicide are created during commission of this offense, or damage is given to the property, the offender is additionally punished according to the provisions relating to the said offenses.

(5) The provisions prescribed in this article are applied also for the convicts working outside the criminal execution institution and those whose punishment of imprisonment is commuted to punitive fine.

(6) The convict who does not comply with special execution requirements of short-term imprisonment is punished with imprisonment from one month to two months; the remaining portion of the punishment is additionally executed.

Sincere repentance

ARTICLE 291-(1) In case the detainee or convict gives himself up after escaping from the prison by showing sincere repentance, the punishment to be imposed is reduced from five sixth to one sixth imposed in consideration of the time lapsed between the date of escape and re-admittance to the institution. However, no reduction is made in the punishment if the escape period exceeds six months.

Facilitating escape

ARTCLE 292-(1) Any person who facilitates escape of a person under observation or arrest is punished with imprisonment from one year to three years.

(2) Any person who helps a convict to escape from prison is sentenced to imprisonment from two years up to five years according to period of imprisonment which is executed. However, if the convict is sentenced to:

a) Life imprisonment, he is punished with imprisonment from five years to eight years,

b) Heavy life imprisonment, he is punished with imprisonment from eight years to twelve years.

(3) In case of commission of these offenses by using force or threat, the punishment to be imposed is increased by one third.

(4) In case a person(s) helps escape of more than one person, the punishment to be imposed is increased from one third up to one fold in consideration of the number of fugitives.

(5) In case of commission of these offenses by the persons assigned to guard or transport of the detainees or convict under arrest or observation, the punishment to be imposed is increased by one third.

(6) In case of commission of these offenses by any one of the antecedents, descendents, spouses and brother/sister, one third of the punishment to be imposed is abated.

(7) Where the consequences of aggravated from of offense of felonious injury or felonious homicide are created during commission of these offenses, or damage is given to the property, the offender is additionally punished according to the provisions relating to the said offenses.

(8) In case the detainee or convict under arrest or observation escapes due to failure of the person assigned to guard or transport prisoners to take proper care and precautions, the person responsible is punished with imprisonment from six months to three years.

Misconduct in office by the Guardian

ARTICLE 293-(1) The provisions relating to misconduct in office are applied in case the persons assigned to guard or transport detainees or convicts under arrest or observation act contrary to the requirements of their duties.

(2) If the person undertaking the duty of guardian or assigned to transport detainees or convicts under arrest or observation allows them to leave the place where they are kept for a temporary period, then he is punished with imprisonment from six months to two years.

(3) The provisions relating to voluntary occasioning of escape are applied in case the detainees or convict under arrest or observation escapes on this occasion.

Revolt of Offenders or Convicts

ARTICLE 294-(1) In case the detainees or convicts rise in rebellion, each one is punished with imprisonment from six months to three years. No punishment is imposed unless the number of revolting detainees or convicts is more than three.

(2) In case of commission of other offenses during revolt, the offenders are additionally punished according to the provisions relating to these offenses.

Illegal transfer of property to the Execution Institution or Detention House

Article 295-(1) Any person who illegally transfers arms, drugs or exciting substances or electronic communication devices to the execution institution or detention house, or carries such material with him, is punished with imprisonment from two years to five years. In case the supply or preservation of such property constitutes another offense, the punishment to be determined according to provisions relating to joinder of ideas is increased by one half.

(2) Any person who transfers a property to the execution institution or detention house, other than those listed in the first subsection, being fully aware of restrictions, or keeps or uses such property, is punished with imprisonment from six months to two years.

(3) In case of commission of the offenses mentioned in fist and second subsections by the persons assigned to guard and transport the detainees or convicts, the punishment to be imposed is increased by one fold.

(4) If detainee or convict who carries or uses the property subject to offenses defined in the first and second subsections furnishes information about its supplier or the means of delivery, one half of the punishment to be imposed is abated.

Restricting use of rights and supply of food

ARTICLE 296-(1) Those who restrict communication of the detainees and convicts in the execution institutions or detention houses, or their meetings with the visitors, participation in education, sporting, professional, social or cultural activities within the frame of rehabilitation or education programs, or avoids their control or treatment by the physician of the institution, or appointment of a defender or attorney, or restrict their contact with these persons or the officers of the institution, or transport to the courts or Public Prosecution Offices, or prevent release of the persons who are set free from confinement, and the persons who encourage execution of such acts by the detainees or convicts by giving instructions, and finally, who restrict the rights conferred upon the e detainees or convicts by the laws, are punished with imprisonment from lone year to three years.

(2) Restriction of supply of food to the detainees or convicts is subject to punishment of imprisonment from two years to four years. Encouragement or convincement of the detainees or convicts to hunger strike or fasting to death by giving instructions is considered as restriction of supply of food.

(3) Where the consequences of aggravated from of offense of felonious injury or felonious homicide are created by restricting supply of food, the offender is additionally punished according to the provisions relating to the said offenses.


Offenses against Signs Of Sovereignty

and Supreme Political Organs of the State

Aspersion against the President

ARTICLE 297-(1) Any person who casts aspersion upon President is p8nished with imprisonment from one year to four years.

(2) The punishment to be imposed is increased by one sixth in case of commission of this offense publicly; if it is committed through press or broadcast organs, the punishment is increased by one third.

(3) Commencement of prosecution for this offense is subject to consent of the Ministry of Justice.

Humiliating Signs of Sovereignty of State

ARTICLE 298 - (1) Any person who publicly humiliates Turkish Flag by destroying, burning it, or in any other manner, is punished with imprisonment from one year to three years.

(2) Any person who publicly humiliates Turkish National Hymn is punished with imprisonment from six months to two years.

(3) In case of commission of an offense in a foreign country by a Turkish citizen through humiliation of Turkish citizenship, punishment to be imposed is increased by one third.

(4) Declaration of opinion with the aim of criticism may not constitute an offense.

Insulting Turkishness, the Republic, the organs and institutions of the State

Article 299

1. Any person who publicly denigrates Turkishness, the Republic or the Grand National Assembly of Turkey shall be sentenced to 6 months to 3 years of imprisonment.

2. Any person who publicly denigrates the Government of Republic of Turkey, the judicial institutions of the State, the military or security organizations shall be sentenced to 6 months to 2 years imprisonment.

3. Where denigration of Turkishness is committed by a Turkish citizen in another country, the sentence shall be increased by one third.

4. Expression of thoughts intended to criticize shall not constitute a crime.


Offenses Against National Security

Breach of National Unity and Territorial Integrity

ARTICLE 300-(1) Any person who causes partition of the country by allowing another country to rule part or whole of Territorial land, or breaches National Unity, or shows consent to separation of certain portion of the territory under the sovereignty and administration of the State and executes acts aimed to weaken the independence of the State, is punished with heavy life imprisonment.

(2) In case of commission of another office along with this offense, the offender is additionally punished according to the provisions relating to this offense.

(3) Security precautions specific to legal entities are imposed in case of commission of the offenses defined in this article by corporation.

Cooperation with the Enemy

ARTICLE 301-(1) Any person who agrees to serve in the army of a country which is at war with Turkish Republic, or Turkish citizen who participates in an armed attack against Turkish Republic, is punished with life imprisonment.

(2) Any citizen who undertakes commanding duty in the army of a foreign country is punished with heavy life imprisonment.

(3) In case of commission of another offense along with the offenses defined in first and second subsection, the offender is additionally punished according to the provisions relating to this offense.

(4) No punishment is imposed for the citizen who is obliged to serve in the army of a foreign country due to his presence in the territory of the enemy at the time of the war.

Provocation of war against the State

ARTICLE 302-(1) Any person who provokes authorities of a foreign country to start war or to take hostile action against Turkish Republic, or cooperates with the authorities of a foreign country to serve this purpose, is punished with imprisonment from ten years to twenty years. The punishment to be imposed is increased by one third in case of execution of provocation act through press or broadcast organs.

(2) In practice of this article, direct and indirect encouragement or support of the organizations that are formed to commit crime against the security of Turkish Republic, is considered as a hostile action.

(3) Precautions specific to legal entities are imposed in case of commission of the offenses defined in this article by corporation.

Movements against basic national interests

ARTICLE 303-(1) Any citizen who directly or indirectly secures tangible benefit for himself or others from foreigners or foreign institutions with the aim of taking action against the basic national interests, or any other similar reason, is punished with imprisonment from three years to ten years, and also imposed punitive fine up to ten thousand days.

(2) If such act is executed during war, or through press or broadcast for propaganda purposes, or based on a promise, the punishment to be imposed is increased by one half.

(3) If the offense is committed when the country is not in the state of war, commencement of prosecution for this reason is subject to consent of the Minister of Justice.

(4) The term basic national interests means; independence, territorial integrity, national security and other essential requirements of State, being a Republic, as defined in the Constitution.

Recruitment of soldiers against a foreign country

ARTICLE 304-(1) Any person who recruits soldiers against a foreign country or involves in hostile actions where Turkish State will eventually appear on the break of a war, is punished with imprisonment from five years to ten years.

(2) If war is caused as result of this action, the offender is punished with life imprisonment.

(3) If deterioration of political relations with the foreign country is in question, or there is risk of reprisal against the Turkish Republic or Turkish citizens, the offender is punished with imprisonment from two years to eight years.

(4) If the political relations are ceased or attempt is made for reprisal, the offender is punished with imprisonment from three years to ten years.

(5) Commencement of prosecution for the offense mentioned in this article is subject to the consent of the Minister of Justice.

(6) Provisions of this article may not be applicable to the actions in the nature of self-defense where the part or whole of territorial land is occupied by a foreign country in physical war.

Destruction of military plants and treaties in favor of enemy’s military actions

ARTICLE 305-(1) Any persons who partially or entirely destroys land, sea and air transport vehicles, roads, facilities, warehouses and or other military plants belonging to or under the service of State armed forces, or damages the same as to be out of use even for a definite period, is punished with imprisonment from six months to twelve years.

(2) In case of commission of this offense;

a) To serve the interests of a country at the state of war with Turkey, or

b) To hinder war preparations of the State by risking power of the country to enter a fight,

The offender is punished with heavy life imprisonment.

(3) If the destruction or damage of the buildings, facilities or property listed in the first subsection is due to negligence of the person responsible from custody, protection or observation of the same or commission of the offense is occasioned for this reason, the negligent person is punished with imprisonment from one year to five years.

(4) Any person who reaches agreement with the foreigners in order to support the military actions of the enemy during war in such a way to give injury to Turkish State, or military actions of Turkish State, or executes acts creating same consequence, is punished with imprisonment from ten years to fifteen years.

(5) If the military actions of the enemy are physically facilitated, or Turkish State suffers injury during military action as a result of the offense defined in fourth subsection, the person executing such act is punished with heavy life imprisonment.

(6) Same punishment is imposed on the foreigner who makes deal with the person committing the offenses defined in fourth and fifth subsections.

(7) Similarly, the provisions of this article are applied in case of commission of the offenses mentioned in the above subsections in Turkey to give injury to the states in alliance with Turkish State by a treaty for war.

Physical and financial assistance to hostile country

ARTICLE 306-(1) Any citizen who gratuitously or non-gratuitously, directly or indirectly delivers property to a country in the state of war with Turkish Republic, which can be used against Turkish Republic, is punished with imprisonment from five years to fifteen years. This provision is applicable also to the foreigners residing in Turkey.

(2) The same punishment is imposed to a foreigner residing in Turkey or citizen who contributes to payments or shares the expenses madder in favor of the hostile company during war, or facilitates the transactions relating to these payments.

(3) Even if started before the war, any foreigner residing in Turkey or citizen of Turkish Republic who engages, directly or indirectly, in trading activity with the citizens of the hostile country or other persons living on the territory of the hostile country in such a way to give injury to the Turkish Republic or to have positive affect on war power of hostile country, is punished with imprisonment from two years to five years and also imposed punitive fine up to ten thousand days.

(4) Similarly, the provisions of this article are applied in case of commission of the offenses listed in the above subsections in favor of a country in alliance with the hostile country by a treaty for war.


Offenses against Constitutional Order And Operation of Constitutional Rules

ARTICLE 307-(1) Those who attempt to abandon the rules stipulated by the Constitution of Turkish Republic, or try to bring constitutional order different than the one in force, or avoid implementation of the rules physically by use of force or threat, is punished with heavy life imprisonment.

(2) In case of commission of other offenses along with this offense, the offender is additionally punished according to the provisions relating to these offenses.

(3) Precautions specific to legal entities are imposed in case of commission of the offenses defined in this article by corporation.

Assault or physical attack upon the President

ARTICLE 38-(1) Any person who attempts to assault the President is punished with heavy life imprisonment. Even the attempt is considered as completion of the offense and the offender is punished accordingly.

(2) The punishment determined for this offense is applied with an increase by one half if a person involves in other physical attacks upon the President.

Offenses against Legislative Organs

ARTICLE 309-(1) Any person who attempts to dissolve Turkish Grand National Assembly, or partially or entirely avoids performance of the legislative organs by using force or threat, is punished with heavy life imprisonment.

(2) Precautions specific to legal entities are imposed in case of commission of the offenses defined in this article by corporation.

Offenses against Government

ARTICLE 310-(1) Any person who attempts to dissolve Government of Turkish Republic, or partially or entirely avoids its performance by using force or threat, is punished with heavy life imprisonment.

(2) Precautions specific to legal entities are imposed in case of commission of the offenses defined in this article by corporation.

Armed revolt against the Government of Turkish Republic

ARTICLE 311-(1) Any person who provokes the citizens to rise an armed revolt against Government of Turkish Republic, is punished with imprisonment from fifteen years to twenty years. If succeeded in rising of a revolt, the provoker is punished with imprisonment from twenty years to twenty-five years.

(2) Any person who commands an armed revolt against the Government of Turkish Republic is punished with heavy life imprisonment. Other persons who participate in the revolt are sentenced to imprisonment from six years to ten years.

(3) In case of commission of these offenses mentioned in the first and second subsection at the time of the war by taking advantage of the its negative affects on the State, the offender is punished with heavy life imprisonment.

(4) In case of commission of other offenses along with this offenses mentioned in the first and seconds subsection, the offender is additionally punished according to the provisions relating to these offenses.

Armed organized criminal groups

ARTICLE 312-(1) Any person(s) who forms organized criminal groups to commit the offenses listed in fourth and fifth sections of this chapter, and commands these groups, is punished with imprisonment from ten years to fifteen years.

(2) Those who enlist to the organized criminal group defined in the firs subsection is sentenced to imprisonment from five years to ten years.

(3) Other provisions relating to the offense committed by forming organized criminal groups are applied exactly the same for this offense.

Supply of arms

ARTICLE 313-(1) Any person who knowingly manufactures, purchases, transports, stores, or illegally transfers arms to the country for use in the activities of the organizations defined in the above articles, is punished with imprisonment fro ten years to fifteen-years.

Alliance for offense

ARTICLE 314-(1) If two or more persons make a deal to commit any one of the offenses listed in fourth and fifth sections of this chapter by using suitable means, the offenders are sentenced to imprisonment from three years up to twelve years, depending on the quality of offense.

(2) No punishment is imposed on the persons who break up the alliance b before commission of the offense or commencement of investigation.

Confiscation of Army Commanding Quarters

ARTICLE 315-(1) Any person who undertakes the command of a army quarter or fleet or a war ship, or air fighter-fleet or a fortress, or a fortified zone, or a military base or plant, or a port or city, although he is not legally authorized or assigned to carry out such duty by the State, is sentenced to life imprisonment.

(2) The same punishment is imposed on the officers who are assigned to undertake commanding duty by the State, or legally authorized to hold such office, but do not obey the orders given by the authorized to leave the quarters.

Discouraging people from enlisting in armed forces

Article 316- (1) Those who try to persuade or instigate people not to enlist armed forces or making propaganda with this intention , are punished with imprisonment from six months to two years.

(2) The punishment to be imposed is increased by one half in case of commission of this offense through press and broadcast organs.

Instigating soldiers to disobey orders

ARTICLE 317-(1) Those who persuade or provoke others serving in the army or undertaking duty for armed forces to act contrary to the laws or to break their oath or breach of military discipline or obligations arising out of this service, or praising or supporting such behavior before the soldiers breaching rules, discipline and breaking oath are punished with imprisonment from one year to three years.

(2) If this offense is committed before the public, the offender is sentenced to imprisonment from two years to five years.

(3) If this offense is committed at the time of the war, the punishment to be imposed is increased by one fold.

Enlistment in foreigner’s service

ARTICLE 318 - (1) Any person who recruits citizens to serve for a foreigner or foreign country or encourages them to enlist in a military service in a foreign country or attempts to arm these persons with weapons without permission of the Government is sentenced to imprisonment from three years to six years.

(2) The punishment to be imposed is increased by one third if there are soldiers or persons attained the military stage among those enlisted or armed in this manner.

(3) Any person who accepts the service mentioned in first subsection is punished with imprisonment from one year to three years.

Disobeying orders at the time of war

ARTICLE 319-(1) Any person who intentionally disobeys the orders or acts contrary to the decisions of the authorized bodies of the Government during war, is punished with imprisonment from one year to six years.

Obligations at the time of war

ARTICLE 32o- (1) Any person who fails to fulfill his obligations while undertaking public service to meet the requirements of the public or armed forces of the Government during war, or partially or entirely breaches obligations arising out of contracts concluded with an institution to meet public demand by performing a work or supply of needs, is punished with imprisonment from three years to ten years and also imposed punitive fine up to ten thousand days.

(2) If the breach of obligations, partially or entirely, is bound to negligence of that person, three fourths of the punishment may be abated.

(3) If the failure in fulfillment of obligations, partially or entirely, results from the negligence of the intermediary agents having contract relation with the principal obligator or their representative, then the same punishment is applied to these real persons or legal entities

(4) The above mentioned persons who execute fraudulent acts during fulfillment of obligations at the time of war, is sentenced to imprisonment from then years to fifteen years and also imposed punitive fine up to ten thousand days.

Spread of untrue rumors during war

ARTICLE 321-(1) Any person who makes untrue and exaggerated statements or spreads news for personal reasons in such a way to demoralize public causing anxiety and excitement during war time, also breaking resistance of the country against enemy, or executes acts that will cause injury of basic national interests, is sentenced to imprisonment from five years to ten years.

(2) If this offense is committed;

a) By propaganda

b) Against the armed forces

c) Based on a treaty with a foreign country

The punishment to be imposed is imprisonment from ten years to twenty years.

(3) If the offense is committed based on a treaty with the enemy, the offender is punished with life imprisonment.

(4) Any person who tries to devaluate the foreign currency during war by risking the resistance of the nation against the enemy, or adopts acts with the intention to have influence on valuable public papers, is punished with imprisonment from five years to ten years and also imposed punitive fine up to three thousand days.

(5) The punishment is increased by one half is the offenses mentioned in forth subsection is committed as a result of a treaty with the foreigner; if it is bound to a treaty with the enemy, then the punishment is increased by one fold.

Negligence in performance of a duty during Mobilization

ARTICLE 322- (1) Any public officer who neglects or delays performance of undertaken duty during mobilization is sentenced to imprisonment from six months to three years.

Acceptance of title and similar awards from enemy

ARTICLE 323-(1) A citizen who accepts an academic degree or honor, title, medal and other honorary ranks from a country at war with Turkey, or secures other benefits including any sort of pay, is punished with imprisonment from one year to three years.

Documents relating to Public Security

ARTICLE 324-(1) Any person who partially or entirely destroys documents and certificates relating to Public security or domestic and foreign political relations, or counterfeits the same, or illegally acquires or steals or uses these documents beyond its purpose, is punished with imprisonment from eight years to ten years.

(2) If the offense is committed during war, or puts the war preparations, or fighting power, or military movements of the Government in jeopardy, the offender is punished with life imprisonment.

Political or military spying

ARTICLE 325- (1) Any person who tries to get secret information, especially about the Public security or domestic and foreign political interest of the State with the intention of spying on political and military affairs, is sentenced to imprisonment from fifteen years to twenty years.

(2) In the offense is committed:

a) To serve the interest of a country at war with Turkey, or

b) During war by putting the war preparations of the Government, or fighting power, or military movements in jeopardy,

The offender is sentenced to heavy life imprisonment.

Disclosure of information relating to Public Security and political interests of the State

ARTICLE 326-(1) Any person who discloses secret information, especially about the Public security or domestic and foreign political interest of the State, is sentenced to imprisonment from five years to ten years.

(2) If the offense is committed during war time, or puts the war preparations, or fighting power, or military movements of the Government in jeopardy, the offender is punished with imprisonment from ten years to fifteen years.

(3) If the commission of offense is bound to negligence of the offender, offense by risking the war preparations, or fighting power, or military movements of Government, the offender is sentenced to heavy life imprisonment.

Disclosure of confidential information

ARTICLE 327-(1) Any person who discloses confidential, especially about the Public security or domestic and foreign political interest of the State with the intention of spying on political and military affairs, is sentenced to life imprisonment.

(2) If this offense is committed during war time, or puts the war preparations, or fighting power, or military movements of the Government in jeopardy, the offender is punished with heavy life imprisonment.

International spying

Article 328-(1) Any citizen who gets information which is to be kept secret from the view point of national security, or domestic or foreign political relations of a foreign country to serve the interests of another foreign country with the intention of spying on political and military affairs, is punished with imprisonment from one years to three years. Any foreigner who illegally gets confidential information in Turkey is subject to same punishment.

Trespass upon Military Zones

ARTICLE 329- (1) Any person who secretly or by deceptions trespasses upon a land of which entry is restricted by the Government for military purposes, is punished with imprisonment from two years to five years.

(2) In case of commission of this offense during war time, the offender is sentenced to imprisonment from three years to eight years.

Exploitation of Governmental secrets and Disloyalty in Government services

ARTICLE 330-(1) Any person who uses scientific explorations, new discoveries or industrial innovations that are known to him by virtue of office, for his or other’s benefit although such information is required to be kept confidential for Public security, is punished with imprisonment from five years to ten years and also imposed punitive fine up to three thousand days.

(2) If the offense is committed to serve the interest of a country at war with Turkey, or puts the war preparations, or fighting power, or military movements of the Government in jeopardy, the offender is sentenced to life imprisonment

(3) If a person who is assigned to an official duty in a foreign country by the Turkish State fails to perform this duty faithfully, or causes injury to the country by such disloyalty, is punished with imprisonment from five years to ten years.

(4) Those who become aware of the offenses defined in this article before they are being committed, but fail to notify the authorities in time, are punished with imprisonment from six months to two years even if the offense is not completed.

Access to restricted information

ARTICLE 331- (1) Any person who gets secret information of which the disclosure is restricted pursuant to the laws and regulations of the competent authorities, is punished with imprisonment from one year to three years.

(2) If this offense puts the war preparations, or fighting power, or military movements of the Government in jeopardy, the offender is sentenced to imprisonment from five years to ten years.

Access to restricted information for spying purposes

Article 332-(1) Any person who gets secret information of which disclosure is restricted pursuant to the laws and regulations of the legislative authorities due to confidentiality, with the purpose of spying on political and military affairs, is punished with imprisonment from eight years to ten years.

(2) If the offense is committed to serve the interest of a country at war with Turkey, or puts the war activities, or fighting power or military movements of the Government in jeopardy, the offender is sentenced to heavy life imprisonment.

Disclosure of restricted information

ARTICLE 333- (1) Any person who publicizes information of which disclosure is restricted pursuant to the laws and regulations of the legislative authorities due to confidentiality , is punished with imprisonment from three years to five years.

(2) If the offense is bound to negligence of the offender, the offender is punished with imprisonment from six month to two years in the event mentioned in first subsection: As for the case mentioned in the second subsection, punishment of imprisonment from three years to eight years is to be imposed on the offender.

Disclosure of restricted information for political or military spying purposes

Article 334-(1) Any person who publicizes information of which disclosure is restricted pursuant to the laws and regulations of the legislative authorities due to confidentiality, with the purpose of spying on political and military affairs, is punished with imprisonment from ten years to fifteen years.

(2) If the offense is committed during war time, or puts the war activities, or fighting power or military movements of the Government in jeopardy, the offender is sentenced to heavy life imprisonment.

Offense of Spying committed by negligence

ARTICLE 335- (1) If the commission of the offenses defined in this section is occasioned from failure of the concerned persons to take proper care and precautions, or results from acts facilitating commission of the offense, the negligent is punished with imprisonment from six months to three years.

(2) If the offense is committed during war time, or puts the war activities, or fighting power or military movements of the Government in jeopardy, the offender acting in negligence is sentenced to imprisonment from three years to eight years.

Holding documents relating to Public security

ARTICLE 336-(1) Any person who keeps information of which disclosure is restricted pursuant to the laws and regulations of the legislative authorities due to confidentiality, or is caught with documents containing such information where no acceptable reason could be shown for such hold, is punished with imprisonment from one year to five years.

(2) If the offense is committed during war time, the offender is punished with imprisonment from three years to eight years.


Offenses Against the Relations With Foreign Countries

Offenses against the President of a foreign country

ARTICLE 337-(1) Punishment to be imposed on a person committing an offense against President of a foreign country is increased by one eighth. In case the offense requires punishment of life imprisonment, the offender is sentenced to heavy life imprisonment.

(2) If the felony creates the consequences of an offense of which investigation or prosecution is bound to complaint, the complaint of the foreign country is sought for commencement of investigation and prosecution.

Aspersion against the flag of a foreign country

ARTICLE 338-(1) Any person who publicly humiliates the officially flown flag of a foreign country or other signs of sovereignty, is punished with imprisonment from three months to one year.

(2) Commencement of investigation and prosecution for this offense is bound to complaint of that country.

Offences against the representative of foreign countries

ARTICLE 339-(1) The persons committing offense against the temporary or permanent representatives of foreign countries in Turkey, or the foreign personnel with diplomatic immunity, or agencies of international institutions subject to certain exceptions, are punished according to the provisions of this Law relating to the offenses committed against the public officers.

(2) If the offense committed is in the nature aspiration or insult, commencement of investigation and prosecution is bound to complaint of the aggrieved party.

Reciprocity condition

ARTICLE 340- (1) Application of the provisions stated in this section is based on reciprocity condition.


Final Provisions


ARTICLE 341- (1) a) Article 184 of this Law under the heading “Pollution caused by the construction” comes into force on the date of publication,

b) First subsection of Article 181 under the heading “Intentional pollution of environment” and first subsection of Article 182 under the heading “Pollution of environment by negligence” comes into force after two years as of the date of publications,

c) Other provisions come into force on 1 April 2005.


ARTICLE 342-(1) Provisions of this Law are enforced by the Ministers’ Council.

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 5237 sayılı Türk Ceza Kanunu

Uyart: Goriintiilemekte oldugunuz Kanun, TBMM Genel Kurulunda kabul edildigi halidir. Varsa daha sonra yaptlan degi~iklikleri i~ermemektedir.

Kanun No. 5237


BiRiNCi KiTAP Genel Hiikumler


Kabul Tarihi : 26.9.2004

Temel ilkeler, Tammlar ve Uygulama Alam

BiRiNCi BOLUM Temel ilkeler ve Tammlar

Ceza Kanununun amac1

MADDE 1. - (1) Ceza Kanununun amac1; ki~i hak ve ozgiirliiklerini, kamu dOzen ve giivenligini, hukuk devletini, kamu saghgm1 ve ~evreyi, toplum ban~m1 korumak, su~ i~lenmesini onlemektir. Kanunda, bu amacm ger~ekle~tirilmesi i~in ceza sorumlulugunun temel esaslar1 ile su~lar, ceza ve giivenlik tedbirlerinin tiirleri diizenlenmi~tir.

Su~ta ve cezada kanunilik ilkesi

MADDE 2. - (1) Kanunun ~Ik~a su~ saymad1g1 bir fiil i~in kimseye ceza verilemez ve giivenlik tedbiri uygulanamaz. Kanunda yaz1h cezalardan ve giivenlik tedbirlerinden b~ka bir ceza ve giivenlik tedbirine hiikmolunamaz.

(2) idarenin diizenleyici i~lemleriyle su~ ve ceza konulamaz.

(3) Kanunlarm su~ ve ceza i~eren hiildimlerinin uygulanmasmda klyas yapllamaz. Su~ ve ceza i~eren hiildimler, klyasa yol ~acak bi~imde geni~ yorumlanamaz.

Adalet ve kanun finiinde e,itlik ilkesi

MADDE 3.- (1) Su~ i~leyen ki~i hakkmda i~lenen fiilin agirhgiyla orantlh ceza ve giivenlik tedbirine hiikmolunur.

(2) Ceza Kanununun uygulamasmda ki~iler arasmda Irk, dil, din, mezhep, milliyet, renk, cinsiyet, siyasal veya diger fikir yahut dii~iinceleri, felsefi inan~, milli' veya sosyal koken, dogum, ekonomik ve diger toplumsal konumlar1 yoniinden aynm yapllamaz ve hi~bir kimseye ayncallk tanmamaz.

Kanunun baglaYJCIIIW MADDE 4.- (1) Ceza kanunlanm bilmemek mazeret saytlmaz. (2) Ancak sakmamayacag1 bir hata nedeniyle kanunu bilmedigi i~in me~ru sanarak bir su~ i~leyen

kimse cezaen sorumlu olmaz. Ozel kanunlarla ili~ki

MADDE 5. - (1) Bu Kanunun gene! hiikiimleri, ozel ceza kanunlan ve ceza i~eren kanunlardaki su~lar hakkmda da uygulanrr.

Tammlar MADDE 6.- (I) Ceza kanunlarmm uygulanmasmda; a) Vatanda~ deyiminden; fiili i~ledigi s1rada Tiirk vatanda~I olan ki~i,

b) c;::ocuk deyiminden; heniiz onsekiz y~Irll doldurmami~ ki~i,

c) Kamu gorevlisi deyiminden; kamusal faaliyetin yiiriitiilmesine atama veya se~ilme yoluyla ya da herhangi bir surette siirekli, siireli veya ge~ici olarak katilan ki~i,

d) Yarg1 gorevi yapan deyiminden; yiiksek mahkemeler ve adli, idari ve asker! mahkemeler uye ve hakimleri ile Cumhuriyet savciSI ve avukatlar,

e) Gece vakti deyiminden; gtine~in batmasmdan bir saat sonra b~layan ve dogmasmdan bir saat evvele kadar devam eden zaman siiresi,

f) Si!Ah deyiminden; 1. Ate~li si!Ahiar,

2. Patlayici maddeler, 3. Saldm ve savunmada kullamlmak iizere yapilm1~ her tiirhi kesici, delici veya bereleyici alet, 4. Saldm ve savunma amaciyla yapilmi~ olmasa bile fiilen saldm ve savunmada kullanilmaya

elveri~li diger ~eyler, 5. Yakici, a~mdmc1, yaralayici, bogucu, zehirleyici, siirekli hastal1ga yo! a~ICI nUkleer, radyoaktif,

kimyasal, biyolojik maddeler,

g) Basm ve yaym yolu ile deyiminden; her tiirlu yaz1h, gorse!, i~itsel ve elektronik kitle ileti~im arac1yIa yapIIan yayrrilar,

h) itiyadi su~lu deyiminden; kas1th bir su~un temel ~eklini ya da daha agrr veya daha az cezay1 gerektiren nitelikli ~ekillerini bir yil i~inde ve farkl1 zamanlarda ikiden fazla i~leyen ki~i,

i) Su~u meslek edinen ki~i deyiminden; k1smen de olsa ge~imini su~tan elde ettigi kazan~la saglamaya aii~mi~ ki~i,

j) Orgtit mensubu su~lu deyiminden; bir su~ orgtittinu kuran, yoneten, orgtite katilan veya orgtit adma digerleriyle birlikte veya tek ba~ma su~ i~leyen ki~i,


Zaman bakimmdan uygulama


Kanunun Uygulama Alaru

MADDE 7.- (I) i~lendigi zaman yiiriir!Ukte bulunan kanuna gore su~ sayilmayan bir fiilden dolay1 kimseye ceza verilemez ve guvenlik tedbiri uygulanamaz. i~lendikten sonra yiiriirluge giren kanuna gore su~ sayilmayan bir fiilden dolay1 da kimse cezalandmlamaz ve hakkmda gtivenlik tedbiri uygulanamaz. Boyle bir ceza veya gtivenlik tedbiri hUkmolunmu~sa infaz1 ve kanuni neticeleri kendiliginden kalkar.

(2) Su~un i~lendigi zaman yiiriir!Ukte bulunan kanun ile sonradan yiiriirluge giren kanunlarm hiikiimleri fark11 ise, failin lehine olan kanun uygularur ve infaz olunur.

(3) Guvenlik tedbirleri hakkmda, infaz rejimi yontinden hiikiim zamanmda yiiriir!Ukte bulunan kanun uygulan1r.

(4) Ge~ici veya siireli kanunlarm, yiiriir!Ukte bulunduklari siire i~inde i~lenmi~ olan su~lar hakkmda uygulanmasma devam edilir.

Yer bakimmdan uygulama

MADDE 8. - (1) Tiirkiye'de i~lenen su~lar hakkmda Tiirk kanunlar1 uygularur. Fiilin k1smen veya

tamamen Tiirkiye'de i~lenmesi veya neticenin Tiirkiye'de ger~ekle~mesi ha!inde su~, Tiirkiye'de i~lenmi~ sayilrr.

(2) Su~; a) Tiirk kara ve hava sahalar1 ile Tiirk karasularmda, b) A~Ik denizde ve bunun iizerindeki hava sahasmda, Tiirk deniz ve hava ~larmda veya bu


c) Tiirk deniz ve hava sav~ ar~larmda veya bu ara~larla, d) Tiirkiye'nin kit'a sahanhgmda veya miinhas1r ekonomik bolgesinde tesis edilmi~ sabit

platformlarda veya bunlara kar~I, i~lendiginde Tiirkiye'de i~lenmi~ sayil1r. Yabanc1 iilkede hiikiim verilmesi MADDE 9. - (I) Tiirkiye'de i~ledigi su~tan dolay1 yabanc1 Ulkede hakkmda hiikiim verilmi~ olan

kimse, Tiirkiye'de yeniden yargilanrr.

GOrev su~Iar1 MADDE 10.- (I) Yabanc1 Ulkede Tiirkiye namma memuriyet veya gbrev iistlenmi~ olup da bundan

dolay1 bir su~ i~leyen kimse, bu fiile ili~kin olarak yabanc1 Ulkede hakkmda mahkfuniyet hiikmii verilmi~ bulunsa bile, Tiirkiye'de yeniden yargilan1r.

Vatanda~ taratindan i~lenen su~ MADDE 11.- (I) Bir Tiirk vatanda~I, I3 iincii maddede yaz1h su~lar d1~mda, Tiirk kanunlarma gore

~ag1 smm bir yildan az olmayan hapis cezaslfll gerektiren bir su~u yabanc1 Ulkede i~ledigi ve kendisi Tiirkiye'de bulundugu takdirde, bu su~tan dolay1 yabanc1 Ulkede hiikiim verilmemi~ olmas1 ve Tiirkiye'de ko~turulabilirligin bulunmasi ko~ulu ile Tiirk kanunlarma gore cezalandmhr.

(2) Su~, ~ag1 smm bir yildan az hapis cezasm1 gerektirdiginde yargilama yapilmas1 zarar gorenin veya yabanc1 hiikfunetin ~ikayetine baghd1r. Bu durumda ~ikayet, vatand~m Tiirkiye'ye girdigi tarihten itibaren altl ay i~inde yapilma!Idir.

Yabanc1 tarafmdan i~lenen su~ MADDE 12.- (I) Bir yabanc1, 13 iincii maddede yazi11 su~lar d1~mda, Tiirk kanunlarma gore a~ag1

smm en az bir yil hapis cezaslfll gerektiren bir su~u yabanc1 Ulkede Tiirkiye'nin zararma i~ledigi ve kendisi Tiirkiye'de bulundugu takdirde, Tiirk kanunlarma gore cezalandmlrr. Yargilama yapilmasi Adalet Bakanmm istemine baghd1r.

(2) Yukandaki f1krada belirtilen su~un bir Tiirk vatanda~lflln veya Tiirk kanunlarma gore kirrulm~ ozel hukuk tiizel ki~isinin zararma i~lenmesi ve failin Tiirkiye'de bulunmasi ha!inde, bu su~tan dolay1 yabanc1 Ulkede hiikiim verilmemi~ olmas1 ko~ulu ile su~tan zarar gorenin ~ikayeti iizerine fail, Tiirk kanunlarma gore cezalandmhr.

(3) Magdur yabanc1 ise, ~ag1daki ko~ullarm varhg1 ha!inde fail, Adalet Bakanmm istemi ile yargilan1r:

a) Su~un, Tiirk kanunlarma gore a~ag1 smm ii~ yildan az olmayan hapis cezasm1 gerektirmesi. b) Su~lularm geri verilmesi anl~masmm bulunmamasi veya geri verilme isteminin su~un i~lendigi

Ulkenin veya failin uyrugunda bulundugu devletin hiikfuneti tarafmdan kabul edilmemi~ olmas1. (4) Birinci f1kra kapsamma giren su~tan dolay1 yabanc1 ma!Ikemece mahkfun edilen veya herhangi bir

nedenle davas1 veya cezas1 dii~en veya beraat eden yahut su~u kovu~turulabilir olmaktan ~Ikan yabanc1 hakkinda Adalet Bakanmm istemi iizerine Tiirkiye'de yeniden yargilama yapilrr.

Diger su~lar MADDE 13. - (I) A~ag1daki su~larm, vatand~ veya yabanc1 tarafmdan, yabanc1 Ulkede i~lenmesi

ha!inde, Tiirk kanunlar1 uygulan1r:

a) ikinci Kitap, Birinci Kls1m altmda yer alan su~lar.

b) ikinci Kitap, Dordiincu Kisim altmdaki U~iincu, Dordiincu, Be~inci, Altmc1, Yedinci ve Sekizinci Boltimlerde yer alan su~lar.

c) i~kence (madde 94, 95). d) <;":evrenin kasten kirletilmesi (madde 181).

e) U~turucu veya uyariCI madde imal ve ticareti (madde 188), uy~turucu veya uyariCI madde kullanilmasmi kolayl~trrma (madde 190).

f) Parada sahtecilik (madde 197), para ve k1ymetli damgalar1 imale yarayan ar~larm tiretimi ve ticareti (madde 200), mUhtirde sahtecilik (madde 202).

g) Fuh~ (madde 227).

h) Ru~vet (madde 252).

i) Deniz, demiryolu veya havayolu ul~Im ara~larmm ~mlmas1 veya alikonulmasi (madde 223, f1kra 2, 3) ya da bu ar~lara kar~I i~lenen zarar verme (madde 152) su~lar1.

(2) Birinci f1kranm (a) ve (b) bentlerinde yaz11I su~lar dolayisiyla yabanc1 bir iilkede mahkfuniyet veya beraat karar1 verilmi~ olsa bile, Adalet Bakanmm talebi tizerine Ttirkiye'de yargilama yap11Ir.

Se~imlik cezalarda soru~turma MADDE 14. -(I) II ve 12 nci maddelerde belirtilen hrulerde, so~turma konusu su~un yer ald1g1

kanun maddesinde hapis cezas1 ile adli para cezasmdan birinin uygulanmas1 se~imlik sayilm1~ ise so~turma veya kov~turma ~Iimaz.

Soru~turma ko~ulu olan cezanm hesaplanmas1 MADDE 15.- (1) Miktarmm so~turma ko~ulu olu~turdugu haJierde ceza, soru~turma evresinde ileri

siiriilen kanuni agrrla~trrJci nedenlerin a~ag1 smm ve kanuni hafifletici nedenlerin yukar1 smm goz oniinde bulundurularak hesaplan1r.

Cezadan mahsup MADDE 16.- (1) Nerede i~lenmi~ olursa olsun bir su~tan dolay1, yabanc1 iilkede gozaltmda, gozlem

altmda, tutuklulukta veya hiiki.imliiliikte ge~en stire, aym su~tan dolay1 Ttirkiye'de verilecek cezadan mahsup edilir.

Hak yoksunluklan MADDE 17. - (1) Yukar1daki maddelerde ~1klanan hrulerde malikeme, yabanc1 malikemelerden

verilen ve Ttirk hukuk dtizenine aykm d~meyen hUkmiin, Ttirk kanunlarma gore bir haktan yoksunlugu gerektirmesi hruinde, Cumhuriyet savc1smm istemi tizerine Ttirk kanunlarmdaki sonu~larmm ge~erli olmasma karar verir.

Geriverme MADDE 18.- (1) Yabanc1 bir iilkede i~lenen veya i~lendigi iddia edilen bir su~ nedeniyle hakkmda

ceza kovu~turmas1 ba~latilan veya mahkfuniyet karar1 verilmi~ olan bir yabanc1, talep tizerine, ko~turmanm yapilabilmesi veya hUkmedilen cezanm infaz1 amac1yla geri verilebilir. Ancak, geri verme talebine esas te~kil eden fiil;

a) Ttirk kanunlarma gore su~ degilse,

b) Du~iince su~u veya siyasi ya da askeri su~ niteliginde ise, c) Ttirkiye Devletinin gtivenligine kar~1, Ttirkiye Devletinin veya bir Ttirk vatand~mm ya da Ttirk

kanunlarma gore kurulmu~ bir tUzel ki~inin zararma i~lenmi~se, d) Ttirkiye'nin yargilama yetkisine giren bir su~ ise,

e) Zamana~unma veya affa ugram1~ ise, Geri verme talebi kabul edilmez.

(2) Uluslararas1 Ceza Divamna taraf olmamn gerektirdigi yiikiiniliiliilder hari~ olmak tizere, vatanda~

su~ sebebiyle yabanc1 bir iilkeye verilemez.

(3) Ki~inin, talep eden devlete geri verilmesi haJ.inde rrki, dini, vatand~hg1, belli bir sosyal gruba mensubiyeti veya siyasi gorii~leri nedeniyle kovu~turulacagma veya cezalandmlacagma ya da i~kence ve kotii muameleye maruz kalacagma dair kuvvetli ~iiphe sebepleri varsa, talep kabul edilmez.

(4) Ki~inin bulundugu yer agrr ceza mahkemesi, geri verme talebi hakkmda bu madde ve Turkiye'nin taraf oldugu ilgili uluslararas1 sozle~me hiikiimlerine gore karar verir. Bu karara kar~I temyiz yoluna ba~vurulabilir.

(5) Mahkeme geri verme talebinin kabul edilebilir olduguna karar verirse, bu kararm yerine getirilip getirilmemesi Bakanlar Kurulunun takdirine baghdrr.

(6) Geri verilmesi istenen ki~i hakkmda koruma tedbirlerine ba~vurulmasma, Turkiye'nin taraf oldugu ilgili uluslararasi sozle~me hiikiimlerine gore karar verilebilir.

(7) Geri verme talebinin kabul edilebilir olduguna karar verilmesi haJ.inde, aynca Ceza Muhakemeleri Usulii Kanunu hiikiimlerine gore tutuklama karar1 verilebilir veya diger koruma tedbirlerine ba~vurulabilir.

(8) Geri verme haJ.inde, ki~i ancak geri verme kararma dayanak te~kil eden su~lardan dolay1 yargilanabilir veya mahkfun oldugu ceza infaz edilebilir.

Yabanc1 kanunun giiz iiniinde bulundurulmasl

MADDE 19. - (I) Turkiye'nin egemenlik alan1 d1~mda i~lenen su~lar dolayisiyla Turkiye'de yargilama yapilrrken, Turk kanununa gore verilecek olan ceza, su~un i~lendigi iilke kanununda ongoriilen cezanm iist smrrmdan fazla olamaz.

(2) Ancak su~un; a) Turkiye'nin giivenligine kar~I veya zararma olarak,

b) Turk vatand~Ina kar~I ya da Turk kanunlar1na gore kurulmu~ ozel hukuk tiizel ki~isi zararma olarak,

i~lenmesi durumunda, yukar1daki fikra hiikmii uygulanmaz.

iKiNCi KISIM Ceza Sorumlulugunun Esaslan

BiRiNCi BOLDM Ceza Sorumlulugunun ~ahsiligi, Kast ve Taksir

Ceza sorumlulugunun ,ahsiligi

MADDE 20.- (I) Ceza sorumlulugu ~ahsidir. Kimse b~kasmm fiilinden dolay1 sorumlu tutulamaz. (2) Tiizel ki~iler hakkmda ceza yaptmm1 uygulanamaz. Ancak, su~ dolayisiyla kanunda ongoriilen

giivenlik tedbiri niteligindeki yaptmmlar sakhd1r.

Kast MADDE 21. - (I) Su~un olu~mas1 kastm varhgma baghd1r. Kast, su~un kanuni tanlmmdaki

unsurlarm bilerek ve istenerek ger~ekle~tirilmesidir.

(2) Ki~inin, su~un kanuni tanlmmdaki unsurlarm ger~ekle~ebilecegini ongormesine ragmen, fiili i~lemesi haJ.inde olas1 kast vardrr. Bu haJ.de, agirla~tmlmi~ miiebbet hapis cezasm1 gerektiren su~larda miiebbet hapis cezasma, miiebbet hapis cezasm1 gerektiren su~larda yirmi yildan yirmibe~ yila kadar hapis cezasma hiikmolunur; diger su~larda ise temel ceza ii~te birden yar1sma kadar indirilir.


MADDE 22.- (1) Taksirle i~lenen fiiller, kanunun ac;:Ilq:a belirttigi Mllerde cezalandmhr. (2) Taksir, dikkat ve ozen yi.ikiimliilugune aykmhk dolayisiyla, bir davran1~m suc;:un kanuni

tanimmda belirtilen neticesi ongoriilmeyerek gerc;:ekle~tirilmesidir.

(3) Ki~inin ongordugu neticeyi istememesine kar~m, neticenin meydana ge1mesi Mlinde bilinc;:li taksir vardrr; bu Mlde taksirli suc;:a ili~kin ceza uc;:te birden yar1sma kadar artmhr.

(4) Tak.sirle i~lenen suc;:tan dolay1 verilecek olan ceza failin kusuruna gore belirlenir. (5) Birden fazla ki~inin tak.sirle i~ledigi suc;:larda, herkes kendi kusurundan dolay1 sorumlu olur. Her

failin cezas1 kusuruna gore ayn ayn belirlenir.

(6) Tak.sirli hareket sonucu neden olunan netice, mUnhas1ran failin ki~isel ve ailevi durumu bak:Immdan, artik bir cezanm hiilanedilmesini gereksiz kilacak derecede magdur olmasma yo! ac;:mi~sa ceza verilmez; bilinc;:li taksir haiinde verilecek ceza yar1dan altida bire kadar indirilebilir.

Netice sebebiyle agirla~IDI~ su~ MADDE 23. - (1) Bir fiilin, kastedilenden daha ag1r veya b~ka bir neticenin olu~umuna sebebiyet

vermesi Mlinde, ki~inin bundan dolay1 sorumlu tutulabilmesi ic;:in bu netice bak:Immdan en azmdan taksirle hareket etmesi gerekir.

iKiNCi BOLOM Ceza Sorumlulugunu Kald1ran veya Azaltan Nedenler

Kanunun hiikmii ve amirin emri MADDE 24.- (1) Kanunun hiilantinu yerine getiren kimseye ceza verilmez. (2) Yetkili bir merciden verilip, yerine getirilmesi gorev geregi zorunlu olan bir emri uygulayan

sorumlu olmaz.

(3) Konusu sue; te~kil eden emir hic;:bir surette yerine getirilemez. Ak:si takdirde yerine getiren ile emri veren sorumlu olur.

(4) Emrin, hukuka uygunlugunun denetlenmesinin kanun tarafmdan engellendigi hailerde, yerine getirilmesinden emri veren sorumlu olur.

Me~ru savunma ve zorunluluk hili MADDE 25. - (1) Gerek kendisine ve gerek b~kasma ait bir hakka yonelmi~, gerc;:ekle~en,

gerc;:ekle~mesi veya tekrar1 muhakkak olan haksiZ bir saldmy1 o anda hai ve ko~ullara gore saldm ile orant1h bic;:imde defetmek zorunlulugu ile i~lenen fiillerden dolay1 faile ceza verilmez.

(2) Gerek kendisine gerek ba~kasma ait bir hakka yonelik olup, bilerek neden olmadigi ve b~ka suretle koflimDak olanag1 bulUfimayan ag1r ve muhak.kak bir tehlikeden kurtulmak veya ba~kasm1 kurtarmak zorunlulugu ile ve tehlikenin ag1rhgi ile konu ve kullarulan vas1ta arasmda orant1 bulUfimak ko~ulu ile i~lenen fiillerden dolay1 faile ceza verilmez.

Hakkm kullamlmas1 ve ilgilinin riZ&Sl MADDE 26.- (1) Hak.kmi kullanan kimseye ceza verilmez. (2) Ki~inin \izerinde mutlak surette tasarruf edebilecegi bir hakkma ili~kin olmak \izere, ac;:Ikladigi

nzas1 c;:erc;:evesinde i~lenen fiilden dolay1 kimseye ceza verilmez.

Sm1nn a~dmas1 MADDE 27.- (1) Ceza sorumlulugunu kald1ran nedenlerde sminn kast olmak.sizm ~Iimasi haiinde,

fiil taksirle i~lendiginde de cezalandmhyorsa, tak.sirli sue; ic;:in kanunda yaz1h cezanm altida birinden uc;:te birine kadar1 indirilerek hiilanolunur.

(2) Me~ru saVUfimada smrrm a~Iimasi mazur goriilebilecek bir heyecan, korku veya tel~tan ileri gelmi~ ise faile ceza verilmez.

Cebir ve ~iddet, korkutma ve tehdit MADDE 28.- (1) Kar~1 koyamayacag1 veya kurtulamayacagi cebir ve ~iddet veya muhakkak ve ag1r

bir korkutma veya tehdit sonucu su9 i~leyen kimseye ceza verilmez. Bu gibi hrulerde cebir ve ~iddet, korkutma ve tehdidi kullanan ki~i su9un faili sayi11r.

HaksiZ tahrik MADDE 29. - (1) Haks1z bir fiilin meydana getirdigi hiddet veya ~iddetli elemin etkisi altmda su9

i~leyen kimseye, agrrl~tmlmi~ miiebbet hapis cezas1 yerine onsekiz yildan yirmidort yila ve miiebbet hapis cezas1 yerine oniki yildan onsekiz yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir. Diger haJlerde verilecek cezanm dortte birinden dortte ii9iine kadan indirilir.

Hata MADDE 30. - (1) Fiilin icras1 s1rasmda su9un kanuni tanJmmdaki maddi unsurlan bilmeyen bir

kimse, kasten hareket etmi~ olmaz. Bu hata dolayisiyla taksirli sorumluluk haJj sakhd1r.

(2) Bir su9un daha agrr veya daha az cezay1 gerektiren nitelikli hrulerinin ger9ekle~tigi hususunda hataya dii~en ki~i, bu hatasmdan yararlanrr.

(3) Ceza sorumlulugunu kald1ran veya azaltan nedenlere ait ko~ullarm ger9ekle~tigi hususunda ka9In1lmaz bir hataya dii~en ki~i, bu hatasmdan yararlanrr.

Ya~ kii~iikliigii MADDE 31. - (1) Fiili i~ledigi s1rada oniki y~m1 doldurmam1~ olan 90cuklarm ceza sorumlulugu

yoktur. Bu ki~iler hakkmda, ceza kovu~turmas1 yapilamaz; ancak, 9ocuklara ozgii giivenlik tedbirleri uygulanabilir.

(2) Fiili i~ledigi s1rada oniki y~m1 doldurmu~ olup da onbe~ y~m1 doldurmam1~ olanlarm i~ledigi fiilin hukuki anlam ve sonu9larllli algilayamamasi veya davrani~larmi yonlendirme yeteneginin yeterince geli~memi~ olmas1 hruinde ceza sorumlulugu yoktur. Ancak bu ki~iler hakkmda 9ocuklara ozgii giivenlik tedbirlerine hiikmolunur. i~ledigi fiili algilama ve bu fiille ilgili olarak davrani~l= yonlendirme yeteneginin varhg1 haJinde, bu ki~iler hakkmda su9, agirl~tmlmi~ miiebbet hapis cezasm1 gerektirdigi takdirde dokuz yildan oniki yila; miiebbet hapis cezasm1 gerektirdigi takdirde yedi yildan dokuz yila kadar hapis cezasma hiikmolunur. Diger cezalarm ii9te ikisi indirilir ve bu hrude her fiil i9in verilecek hapis cezas1 alti yildan fazla olamaz.

(3) Fiili i~ledigi s1rada onbe~ ya~llli doldurm~ olup da onsekiz ya~m1 doldurmam1~ olan ki~iler hakkmda su9, agrrla~tinlmi~ miiebbet hapis cezasm1 gerektirdigi takdirde ondort yildan yirmi yila; miiebbet hapis cezasllli gerektirdigi takdirde dokuz yildan oniki yila kadar hapis cezasma hiikmolunur. Diger cezalarm yarisi indirilir ve bu hrude her fiil i9in verilecek hapis cezas1 sekiz yildan fazla olamaz.

Akil hastahg1 MADDE 32.- (1) Akil hasta!Igi nedeniyle, i~ledigi fiilin hukuki anlam ve sonu9larm1 algilayamayan

veya bu fiille ilgili olarak davrani~larmi yonlendirme yetenegi onemli derecede azalm1~ olan ki~iye ceza verilmez. Ancak, bu ki~iler hakkmda giivenlik tedbirine hiikmolunur.

(2) Birinci fikrada yazil1 derecede olmamakla birlikte i~ledigi fiille ilgili olarak davrani~larllli yonlendirme yetenegi azalm1~ olan ki~iye, agirla~tmlmi~ miiebbet hapis cezas1 yerine yirmibe~ yil, miiebbet hapis cezas1 yerine yirmi yil hapis cezas1 verilir. Diger haJlerde verilecek ceza, alt1da birden fazla olmamak iizere indirilebilir. Mahkfun olunan ceza, siiresi ayru olmak ko~uluyla, kismen veya tamamen, akil hastalarma ozgii giivenlik tedbiri olarak da uygulanabilir.

Sagir ve dilsizlik

MADDE 33.- (1) Bu Kanunun, fiili i~ledigi s1rada oniki ya~m1 doldurmam1~ olan 90cuklara iii~ hiikiinileri, onbe~ ya~m1 doldurmam1~ olan sag1r ve dilsizler hakkmda; oniki y~m1 doldurmu~ olup da onbe~ y~llli doldurmam1~ olanlara ili~kin hiikiinileri, onbe~ ya~m1 doldurm~ olup da onsekiz y~m1 doldurmam1~ olan sagrr ve dilsizler hakkmda; onbe~ y~m1 doldurmu~ olup da onsekiz y~m1 doldurmam1~ olanlara ili~kin hiikiimleri, onsekiz ya~llli doldurmu~ olup da yirmibir y~m1 doldurmam1~

olan sag1r ve dilsizler hakkmda da uygulan1r. Ge~ici nedenler, alkol veya uyu~turucu madde etkisinde olma MADDE 34.- (1) Ge~ici bir nedenle ya da irade d1~u alman alkol veya uyu~turucu madde etkisiyle,

i~ledigi fiilin hukuk.i anlam ve sonu~lanru algilayamayan veya bu fiille ilgili olarak davrani~larmi yonlendirme yetenegi onemli derecede azalm1~ olan ki~iye ceza verilmez.

(2) iradi olarak alman alkol veya uyu~turucu madde etkisinde su~ i~leyen ki~i hakkmda birinci f1kra hiikmii uygulanmaz.

Su~a te~ebbiis


Su~a Te~ebbiis

MADDE 35. - (1) Ki~i, i~lemeyi kastettigi bir su~u elveri~li hareketlerle dogrudan dogruya icraya ba~lay1p da elinde olmayan nedenlerle tamamlayamaz ise te~ebbiisten dolay1 sorumlu tutulur.

(2) Su~a te~ebbiis halinde fail, meydana gelen zarar veya tehlikenin agrrhgma gore, agirl~tmlmi~ miiebbet hapis cezas1 yerine onii~ yildan yirmi yila kadar, miiebbet hapis cezas1 yerine dokuz yildan onbe~ yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr. Diger hallerde verilecek cezanm dortte birinden dortte ii~iine kadar1 indirilir.

GOniillii vazge~me MADDE 36. - (1) Fail, su~un icra hareketlerinden goniillii vazge~er veya kendi ~abalar1yla su~un

tamamlanmas1ru veya neticenin ger~ekle~mesini onlerse, te~ebbiisten dolay1 cezalandmlmaz; fakat tamam olan kisim esasen bir su~ olu~turdugu takdirde, sadece o su~a ait ceza ile cezalandmlrr.



Su~a i~tirak

MADDE 37.- (1) Su~un kanuni tan!mmda yer alan fiili birlikte ger~ekle~tiren ki~ilerden her biri, fail olarak sorumlu olur.

(2) Su~un i~lenmesinde bir ba~kasm1 ar~ olarak kullanan ki~i de fail olarak sorumlu tutulur. Kusur yetenegi olmayanlan su~un i~lenmesinde ara~ olarak kullanan ki~inin cezas1, ii~te birden yar1sma kadar artmhr.

Azmettirme MADDE 38.- (1) B~kasm1 su~ i~lemeye azmettiren ki~i, i~lenen su~un cezas1 ile cezalandmlrr. (2) Ustsoy ve altsoy ili~kisinden dogan niifuz kullarulmak suretiyle su~a azmettirme halinde,

azmettirenin cezas1 ii~te birden yar1sma kadar artmlrr. C,::ocuklarm su~a azmettirilmesi halinde, bu fikra hiikmiine gore cezanm artmlabilmesi i~in iistsoy ve altsoy ili~kisinin varhg1 aranmaz.

(3) Azmettirenin belli olmamas1 halinde, kim oldugunun ortaya ~Ikrnasrm saglayan fail veya diger su~ ortag1 hakkmda agrrl~tmlm1~ miiebbet hapis cezas1 yerine yirmi yildan yirmibe~ yila kadar, miiebbet hapis cezas1 yerine onbe~ yildan yirmi yila kadar hapis cezasma hiikmolunabilir. Diger hallerde verilecek cezada, ii~te bir oranmda indirim yapilabilir.

Yard1metme MADDE 39.- (1) Su~un i~lenmesine yard1m eden ki~iye, i~lenen su~un agirla~tmlmi~ miiebbet hapis

cezasm1 gerektirmesi halinde, onbe~ yildan yirmi yila; miiebbet hapis cezasm1 gerektirmesi halinde, on yildan onbe~ yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir. Diger hallerde cezanm yariSI indirilir. Ancak, bu durumda verilecek ceza sekiz yil1 ge~emez.

(2) A~ag1daki Mllerde ki~i i~lenen suetan dolay1 yardnn eden sifatiyla sonnnlu olur:

a) Sue i~lemeye te~vik etmek veya sue i~leme kararm1 kuvvetlendirmek veya fiilin i~lemnesinden sonra yardnnda bulunacagm1 vaat etmek.

b) Suenn nasil i~lenecegi hususunda yo! gostermek veya fiilin i~lemnesinde kullamlan araclar1 saglamak.

c) Sueun i~lemnesinden once veya i~lemnesi s1rasmda yardnnda bulunarak icrasm1 kolayl~tirmak. Bagbhk kurah MADDE 40.- (I) Suea i~tirak iein kasten ve hukuka aykm i~lemni~ bir fiilin varhg1 yeterlidir. Sueun

i~leni~ine i~tirak eden her ki~i, digerinin cezalandmlmasmi onleyen ki~isel nedenler goz oniinde bulundurulmaksiZm kendi kusurlu fiiline gore cezalandmhr.

(2) Ozgii suelarda, ancak ozel faillik niteligini ~Iyan ki~i fail olabilir. Bu suelarm i~leni~ine i~tirak eden diger ki~iler ise azmettiren veya yard1m eden olarak sonnnlu tutulur.

(3) Suea i~tirakten dolay1 sonnnlu tutulabilmek iein ilgili sueun en azmdan te~ebbiis ~amasma varm1~ olmas1 gerekir.

i~tirak hilinde i~lenen su~larda goniillii vazge~me MADDE 41. - (I) i~tirak Mlinde i~lenen suelarda, sadece gonii.llu vazgeeen sue ortag1, gonii.llu

vazgeeme hUktimlerinden yararlarur.

(2) Sueun;

a) Gonii.llu vazgeeenin gosterdigi gayreti d1~mda ba~ka bir sebeple i~lemnemi~ olmasi, b) Gonii.llu vazgeeenin butun gayretine ragmen i~lemni~ olmasi,

Hilllerinde de gonii.llu vazgeeme hUkUmleri uygulanrr.

Bile~ik su~


Suelarm ietima1

MADDE 42.- (1) Biri digerinin unsurnnu veya agirl~tmci nedenini ol~turmas1 dolayisiyla tek fiil sayilan suea bile~ik sue denir. Bu llir suelarda ietima hUkUmleri uygulanmaz.

Zincirleme su~ MADDE 43. - (1) Bir sue i~leme karar1nm icras1 kapsammda, degi~ik zamanlarda bir ki~iye kar~1

aym sueun birden fazla i~lemnesi dUf!Imunda, bir cezaya hUkmedilir. Ancak bu ceza, dortte birinden dortte ueiine kadar artmhr. Bir sueun temel ~ekli ile daha agrr veya daha az cezay1 gerektiren nitelikli ~ekilleri, aym sue sayilrr.

(2) Ayru sueun birden fazla ki~iye kar~1 tek bir fiille i~lemnesi dUf!Imunda da, birinci f1kra hUkmu uygulan1r.

(3) Kasten oldUrme, kasten yaralama, i~kence, cinsel saldm, eocuklarm cinsel istisman ve yagma suelarmda bu madde hUkUmleri uygulanmaz.

Fikri i~tima MADDE 44. - (1) i~ledigi bir fiil ile birden fazla farkl1 sueun olu~masma sebebiyet veren ki~i,

bunlardan en agrr cezay1 gerektiren suetan dolay1 cezalandmlrr.

U(:UNCU KISIM Yaptir1mlar


BiRiNCi BOLUM Cezalar

MADDE 45.- (1) Suy kar~Iligmda uygulanan yaptmm olarak: cezalar, hapis ve adli para cezalarJdir. Hapis cezalar1 MADDE 46.- (1) Hapis cezalar1 ~unlardrr: a) Agrrl~tmlmi~ miiebbet hapis cezas1.

b) Miiebbet hapis cezas1.

c) Siireli hapis cezas1.

Ag.rla~tinlmi~ miiebbet hapis cezas1 MADDE 47. - (1) Agrrl~tinlmi~ miiebbet hapis cezas1 hiikiimliiniin hayat1 boyunca devam eder,

kanun ve tiiziikte belirtilen sik1 giivenlik rejimine gore yektirilir.

Miiebbet hapis cezas1 MADDE 48.- (1) Miiebbet hapis cezas1, hiikiimliiniin hayat1 boyunca devam eder. Siireli hapis cezas1 MADDE 49.- (1) Siireli hapis cezas1, kanunda ak:si belirtilmeyen hrulerde bir aydan az, yirmi yildan

fazla olamaz.

(2) Hiikmedilen bir yil veya daha az siireli hapis cezas1, k1sa siireli hapis cezasidir.

Klsa siireli hapis cezasma se~enek yaptinmlar MADDE 50. - (1) Klsa siireli hapis cezas1, suylunun ki~iligine, sosyal ve ekonomik durumuna,

yargilama siirecinde duydugu pi~man!Iga ve suyun i~lenmesindeki ozelliklere gore;

a) Adli para cezasma,

b) Magdurun veya kamunun ugrad1g1 zararm aynen iade, suytan onceki hille getirme veya tazmin suretiyle, tamamen giderilmesine,

c) En az iki yil siireyle, bir meslek veya sanat edinmeyi saglamak: amaciyla, gerektiginde barmma imkarn da bulunan bir egitim kurumuna devam etmeye,

d) Mahkfun olunan cezarun yar1smdan bir katma kadar siireyle, belirli yerlere gitmekten veya belirli etkinlikleri yapmak:tan yasaklanmaya,

e) Sagladigi hak: ve yetkiler kotiiye kullanilmak: suretiyle veya gerektirdigi dikkat ve ozen yiikiimliiliigiine aykm davranilarak: suy i~lenmi~ olmas1 durumunda; mahkfun olunan cezanm yar1smdan bir katma kadar siireyle, ilgili ehliyet ve ruhsat belgelerinin geri al1nmasma, belli bir meslek ve sanat1 yapmak:tan yasaklanmaya,

f) Mahkfun olunan cezanm yansmdan bir katma kadar siireyle ve goniillii olmak: ko~uluyla kamuya yararh bir i~te yali~tmlmaya,


(2) Suy tanlmmda hapis cezas1 ile adli para cezasmm seyenek olarak: ongoriildiigu hilllerde, hapis cezasma hiikmedilmi~se; bu ceza artlk adli para cezasma yevrilmez.

(3) Daha once hapis cezasma mahkfun edilmemi~ olmak: ko~uluyla, mahkfun olunan otuz giin ve daha az siireli hapis cezas1 ile fiili i~ledigi tarihte onsekiz y~m1 doldurmami~ veya altm1~be~ y~m1 bitirmi~ bulunanlarm mahkfun edildigi bir yil veya daha az siireli hapis cezas1, birinci f1krada yaz1li seyenek yaptmmlardan birine yevrilir.

(4) Tak:sirli suylardan dolay1 hiikmolunan hapis cezas1 uzun siireli de olsa; bu ceza, diger ko~ullarm varlig1 hillinde, birinci fikranm (a) bendine gore adli para cezasma yevrilebilir. Ancak:, bu hiikiim, bilinyli

taksir hiilinde uygulanmaz. (5) Uygulamada asli mahkfuniyet, bu madde hiikiimlerine gore ~evrilen adli para cezas1 veya

tedbirdir. (6) Hiikiim kesinle~tikten soma Cumhuriyet savcihgmca yaplian tebligata ragmen otuz giin i~inde

se~enek yaptmmm gereklerinin yerine getirilmesine b~lanmamasi veya ba~lan1p da devam edilmemesi hiilinde, hiikmu veren mahkeme k1sa stireli hapis cezasmm tamamen veya k1smen infazma karar verir ve bu karar derhiil infaz edilir. Bu durumda, be~inci f1kra hiikmu uygulanmaz.

(7) Hiikmedilen se~enek tedbirin hiikiimltintin elinde olmayan nedenlerle yerine getirilememesi durumunda, hiikmu veren mahkemece tedbir degi~tirilir.

Hapis cezasmm ertelenmesi MADDE 51.- (1) i~ledigi su~tan dolay1 iki yli veya daha az stireyle hapis cezasma mahkfun edilen

ki~inin cezas1 ertelenebilir. Bu stirenin fist smm, fiili i~ledigi srrada onsekiz ya~m1 doldurmami~ veya altmi~be~ y~m1 bitirmi~ olan ki~iler baklmmdan u~ ylid1r. Ancak, erteleme kararmm verilebilmesi i~in ki~inin;

a) Daha once kas1th bir su~tan dolay1 u~ aydan fazla hapis cezasma mahkfun edilmemi~ olmasi, b) Su~u i~ledikten soma yargliama stirecinde gosterdigi pi~man!Ik dolayisiyla tekrar su~ i~lemeyecegi

konusunda mahkemede bir kanaatin ol~masi, Gerekir. (2) Cezanm ertelenmesi, magdurun veya kamunun ugrad1g1 zararm aynen iade, su~tan onceki hiile

getirme veya tazmin suretiyle tamamen giderilmesi ko~uluna bagh tutulabilir. Bu durumda, ko~ul ger~ekle~inceye kadar cezanm infaz kurumunda ~ektirilmesine devam edilir. Ko~ulun yerine getirilmesi hiilinde, hakim karar1yla hiikiimlu infaz kurumundan derhiil sa!Iverilir.

(3) Cezas1 ertelenen hiikiimlu hakkmda, bir ylidan az, u~ ylidan fazla olmamak tizere, bir denetim stiresi belirlenir. Bu stirenin alt smm, mahkfun olunan ceza stiresinden az olamaz.

(4) Denetim stiresi i~inde; a) Bir meslek veya sanat sahibi olmayan hiikiimltintin, bu am~la bir egitim programma devam

etmesine, b) Bir meslek veya sanat sahibi hiikiimltintin, bir kamu kurumunda veya ozel olarak aym meslek veya

sanat1 icra eden bir b~kasmm gozetimi altmda ucret kar~1hgmda ~a!I~tmlmasma, c) Onsekiz y~mdan ku~Uk olan hiikiim!Ulerin, bir meslek veya sanat edinmelerini saglamak

amaciyla, gerektiginde barmma imkarn da bulunan bir egitirn kurumuna devam etmesine, Mahkemece karar verilebilir. (5) Mahkeme, denetim stiresi i~inde hiikiim!Uye rehberlik edecek bir uzman ki~iyi gorevlendirebilir.

Bu ki~i, kotu a!I~kan!Iklardan kurtulmasm1 ve sorumluluk bilinciyle iyi bir hayat stirmesini temin hususunda hUktimluye ogutte bulunur; egitim gordugu kurum yetkilileri veya nezdinde ~ali~tigi ki~ilerle go~erek, isti~arelerde bulunur; hiikiimltintin davrani~iari, sosyal uyunm ve sorumluluk bilincindeki geli~me hakkmda u~er ayhk stirelerle rapor dtizenleyerek hakirne verir.

(6) Mahkeme, hiikiimltintin ki~iligini ve sosyal durumunu goz ontinde bulundurarak, denetirn stiresinin herhangi bir yiikiim!U!Uk belirlemeden veya uzman ki~i gorevlendirmeden ge~irilmesine de karar verebilir.

(7) Hiikiimltintin denetirn stiresi i~inde kas1th bir su~ i~lemesi veya kendisine yUklenen yiikiim!UlUklere, hakirnin uyar1sma ragmen, uymamakta 1srar etmesi hiilinde; ertelenen cezanm k1smen veya tamamen infaz kurumunda ~ektirilmesine karar verilir.

(8) Denetirn stiresi yiikiim!UlUklere uygun veya iyi hiilli olarak ge~irildigi takdirde, ceza infaz edilmi~ saylirr.

Adli para cezas1

MADDE 52.- (1) Adli para cezas1, be~ giinden az ve kanunda aksine hiikiim bulunmayan hallerde yediy\izotuz giinden fazla olmarnak fizere belirlenen tam giin say1smm, bir giin kar~Ihgi olarak takdir edilen miktar ile yarpilmasi suretiyle hesaplanan meblagm hiikiimlii tarafmdari Devlet Hazinesine odenmesinden ibarettir.

(2) En az yirmi ve en fazla y\iz Tiirk Liras1 olan bir giin kar~Ihgi adli para cezasmm miktar1, ki~inin ekonomik ve diger ~ahsi halleri goz oniinde bulundurularak takdir edilir.

(3) Kararda, adli para cezasmm belirlenmesinde esas alman tam giin sayisi ile bir giin kar~Ihgi olarak takdir edilen miktar ayn ayn gosterilir.

(4) Hakim, ekonomik ve ~ahsi hallerini goz oniinde bulundurarak, ki~iye adli para cezasun odemesi iyin hiikmiin kesinle~me tarihinden itibaren bir yildan fazla olmarnak fizere mehil verebilecegi gibi, bu cezanm belirli taksitler halinde odenmesine de karar verebilir. Taksit siiresi iki yil1 geyemez ve taksit miktar1 dortten az olarnaz. Kararda, taksitlerden birinin zamanmda odenmemesi halinde geri kalan k1smm tarnarnmm tahsil edilecegi ve odenmeyen adli para cezasmm hapse yevrilecegi belirtilir.

iKiNCi BOLOM Giivenlik Tedbirleri

Belli haklan kullanmaktan yoksun b1rakilma MADDE 53. - (1) Ki~i, kasten i~lemi~ oldugu suytan dolay1 hapis cezasma mahkfuniyetin kanuni

sonucu olarak; a) Siirekli, siireli veya geyici bir karnu gorevinin iistlenilmesinden; bu kapsarnda, Tiirkiye Biiyiik

Millet Meclisi iiyeliginden veya Devlet, il, belediye, koy veya bunlarm denetim ve gozetimi altmda bulunan kurum ve kurul~larca verilen, atamaya veya seyime tabi biitiin memuriyet ve hizmetlerde istihdarn edilmekten,

b) Seyme ve seyilme ehliyetinden ve diger siyasi haklar1 kullanmaktan,

c) Velayet hakkmdan; vesayet veya kayyunhga ait bir hizmette bulunmaktan,

d) Vak1f, dernek, sendika, ~irket, kooperatif ve siyasi parti tfizel ki~iliklerinin yoneticisi veya denetyisi olmaktan,

e) Bir karnu kurumunun veya karnu kurumu niteligindeki meslek kurulu~unun iznine tabi bir meslek veya sanat1, kendi sorumlulugu altmda serbest meslek erbab1 veya tacir olarak icra etmekten,

Yoksun b1rakihr.

(2) Ki~i, i~lemi~ bulundugu suy dolayisiyla mahkfun oldugu hapis cezasmm infaz1 tamarnlanmcaya kadar bu haklan kullanarnaz.

(3) Mahkfun oldugu hapis cezas1 ertelenen veya ko~ullu salJVerilen hiikiimliiniin kendi altsoyu "Uzerindeki velayet, vesayet ve kayyunhk yetkileri ay1smdan yukar1daki f1kralar hiikiimleri uygulanmaz. Mahkfun oldugu hapis cezas1 ertelenen hiikiimlii hakkmda birinci f1kranm (e) bendinde soz konusu edilen hak yoksunlugunun uygulanmarnasma karar verilebilir.

(4) K1sa siireli hapis cezas1 ertelenmi~ veya fiili i~ledigi s1rada onsekiz y~m1 doldurmarn1~ olan ki~iler hakkmda birinci f1kra hiikmii uygulanmaz.

(5) Birinci f1krada sayilan hak ve yetkilerden birinin kotiiye kullanilmasi suretiyle i~lenen suylar dolayisiyla hapis cezasma mahkfuniyet halinde, aynca, cezanm infazmdan soma i~lemek fizere, hiikmolunan cezanm yar1smdan bir katma kadar bu hak ve yetkinin kullanilmasmm yasaklanmasma karar verilir. Bu hak ve yetkilerden birinin kotiiye kullanilmasi suretiyle i~lenen suylar dolayisiyla sadece adli para cezasma mahkfuniyet halinde, hiikiimde belirtilen giin say1smm yar1smdan bir katma kadar bu hak ve yetkinin kullarulmasmm yasaklanmasma karar verilir. Hiikmiin kesinle~mesiyle icraya konan yasaklarna ile ilgili siire, adli para cezasmm tamarnen infazmdan itibaren i~lemeye ba~lar.

(6) Belli bir meslek veya sanatm ya da trafik diizeninin gerektirdigi dikkat ve ozen yiikiirnliilii.gune aykmhk dolayisiyla i~lenen taksirli su~tan mahkfuniyet halinde, ii.~ aydan az ve ii.~ yildan fazla olmamak iizere, bu meslek veya sanatm icrasmm yasaklanmasma ya da sii.rii.cii. belgesinin geri almmasma karar verilebilir. Yasaklama ve geri alma hii.kmii.n kesinle~mesiyle yii.rii.rlii.ge girer ve sii.re, cezanm tii.rnii.yle infazmdan itibaren i~lemeye ba~lar.

E~ya miisaderesi MADDE 54. - (1) iyiniyetli ii.~ii.ncii. ki~ilere ait olmamak ko~uluyla, kasitii bir su~un i~lenmesinde

kullanilan veya su~un i~lenmesine tahsis edilen ya da su~tan meydana gelen e~yanm mii.saderesine hii.kmolunur. Su~un i~lenmesinde kullarnlmak iizere haz1rlanan e~ya, kamu gii.venligi, kamu saghg1 veya gene! aliiak ~Ismdan tehlikeli olmas1 durumunda mii.sadere edilir.

(2) Birinci f1kra kapsamma giren e~yarnn, ortadan kaldmlmasi, elden ~Ikariimasi, tii.ketilmesi veya mii.saderesinin b~ka bir surette irnkans1z kihnmas1 halinde; bu e~anm degeri kadar para tutarmm mii.saderesine karar verilir.

(3) Su~ta kullanilan e~yanm mii.sadere edilmesinin i~lenen su~a nazaran daha agrr sonu~lar doguracag1 ve bu nedenle hakkaniyete aykm olacag1 anl~Iidigmda, mii.saderesine hii.kmedilmeyebilir.

(4) Uretimi, bulundurulmasi, kullaniimasi, ta~mmas1, a!Im ve satiiDI su~ olu~turan e~ya, mii.sadere edilir.

(5) Bir ~eyin sadece baz1 kisimlarmm mii.saderesi gerektiginde, tii.rnii.ne zarar verilmeksizin bu kismi ay1rmak olanakh ise, sadece bu k1smm mii.saderesine karar verilir.

(6) Birden fazla ki~inin payda~ oldugu e~ya ile ilgili olarak, sadece su~a i~tirak eden ki~inin paymm mii.saderesine hii.kmolunur.

Kazan~ miisaderesi MADDE 55. - (1) Su~un i~lenmesi ile elde edilen veya su~un konusunu ol~turan ya da su~un

i~lenmesi i~in saglanan maddi menfaatler ile bunlarm degerlendirilmesi veya donti§tii.rii.lmesi sonucu ortaya ~1kan ekonomik kazan~larm mii.saderesine karar verilir. Bu fikra hii.kmii.ne gore mii.sadere karar1 verilebilmesi i~in maddi menfaatin su~un magduruna iade edilememesi gerekir.

(2) Mii.sadere konusu e~ya veya maddi menfaatlere elkonulamadigi veya bunlarm merciine teslim edilmedigi hallerde, bunlarm kar~Ihgmi olu~turan degerlerin mii.saderesine hii.kmedilir.

<;ocuklara ozgii giivenlik tedbirleri MADDE 56.- (1) <;ocuklara ozgii. gii.venlik tedbirlerinin neler oldugu ve ne suretle uygulanacaklari

ilgili kanunda gosterilir. Akil hastalarma ozgii giivenlik tedbirleri MADDE 57.- (1) Fiili i~ledigi s1rada akil hastas1 olan ki~i hakkmda, koruma ve tedavi ama~h olarak

gii.venlik tedbirine hii.kmedilir. Hakkmda gii.venlik tedbirine hii.kmedilen akil hastalari, yii.ksek gii.venlikli sag!Ik kurumlarmda koruma ve tedavi altma a!Imrlar.

(2) Hakkinda gii.venlik tedbirine hii.kmedilmi~ olan akil hastas1, yerle~tirildigi kurumun sag!Ik kurulunca diizenlenen raporda toplum a~Ismdan tehlikeliliginin ortadan kalktigmm veya onemli ol~ii.de azaldigmm belirtilmesi iizerine ma!Ikeme veya hakirn karar1yla serbest birakilabilir.

(3) Saghk kurulu raporunda, akil hasta!Igmm ve i~lenen fiilin niteligine gore, gii.venlik bak1mmdan ki~inin t1bbi kontrol ve takibinin gerekip gerekmedigi, gerekiyor ise, bunun sii.re ve araliklari belirtilir.

(4) T1bbi kontrol ve takip, raporda gosterilen sii.re ve araliklarla, Cumhuriyet savcihgmca bu ki~ilerin teknik donanimi ve yetkili uzman1 olan saghk kurul~una gonderilmeleri ile saglanrr.

(5) T1bbi kontrol ve takipte, ki~inin akil hasta!Igi itibar1yla toplum a~Ismdan tehlikeliliginin arttig1 anl~Iidigmda, hazrrlanan rapora dayarnlarak, yeniden koruma ve tedavi am~h olarak gii.venlik tedbirine hii.kmedilir. Bu durumda, bir ve devam1 fikralarda belirlenen i~lemler tekrarlan1r.

(6) i~ledigi fiille ilgili olarak hasta!Igi yiizii.nden davrarn~larmi yonlendirme yetenegi azalm1~ olan ki~i

hakkmda birinci ve ikinci fikra hiikiimlerine gore yerle~tirildigi yiiksek giivenlikli saghk kurulU§unda diizenlenen kurul raporu iizerine, mahkfun oldugu hapis cezas1, siiresi aym kalmak ko~uluyla, kismen veya tamamen, mahkeme karanyla akil hastalanna ozgii giivenlik tedbiri olarak da uygulanabilir.

(7) Suy i~leyen alkol ya da UYU§turucu veya uyariCI madde bagimhsi ki~ilerin, giivenlik tedbiri olarak, alkol ya da uyu~turucu veya uyanc1 madde bagimhlarma ozgii saglik kurulu~unda tedavi altma al1mnasma karar verilir. Bu ki~ilerin tedavisi, alkol ya da uyu~turucu veya uyarici madde bagimhhgmdan kurtulmalarma kadar devam eder. Bu ki~iler, yerle~tirildigi kurumun saghk kurulunca bu yonde diizenlenecek rapor iizerine mahkeme veya hiik:im karar1yla serbest brrakilabilir.

Su~ta tekerriir ve iizel tehlikeli su~lular MADDE 58.- (1) Onceden i~lenen suytan dolay1 verilen hiikiim kesinle~tikten soma yeni bir suyun

i~lemnesi halinde, tekerriir hiikiimleri uygulanrr. Bunun iyin cezanm infaz edilmi~ olmas1 gerekmez.

(2) Tekerriir hiikiimleri, onceden i~lenen suytan dolay1;

a) Be~ yildan fazla siireyle hapis cezasma mahkfuniyet halinde, bu cezanm infaz edildigi tarihten itibaren be~ yil,

b) Be~ yil veya daha az siireli hapis ya da adli para cezasma mahkfuniyet Mlinde, bu cezamn infaz edildigi tarihten itibaren ii9 yil,

Geytikten soma i~lenen suylar dolayisiyla uygulanmaz.

(3) Tekerriir halinde, somaki suya ili~kin kanun maddesinde seyimlik olarak hapis cezas1 ile adli para cezas1 ongoriilm~se, hapis cezasma hiikmolunur.

(4) Kas1th suylarla taksirli suylar ve srrf askeri suylarla diger suylar arasmda tekerriir hiikiimleri uygulanmaz. Kasten oldiirme, kasten yaralama, yagma, dolandmc1hk, uyu~turucu veya uyariCI madde imal ve ticareti ile parada veya k1ymetli damgada sahtecilik suylari hari9 olmak iizere; yabanc1 iilke mahkemelerinden verilen hiikiimler tekerriire esas olmaz.

(5) Fiili i~ledigi s1rada onsekiz ya~Im doldurmam1~ olan ki~ilerin i~ledigi suylar dolayisiyla tekerriir hiikiimleri uygulanmaz.

(6) Tekerriir hiilinde hiikmolunan ceza, miikerrirlere ozgii infaz rejimine gore yektirilir. Aynca, miikerrir hakkmda cezanm infazmdan soma denetimli serbestlik tedbiri uygulanrr.

(7) Mahkfuniyet kararmda, hiikiimlii hakkmda miikerrirlere ozgii infaz rejiminin ve cezanm infazmdan soma denetimli serbestlik tedbirinin uygulanacag1 belirtilir.

(8) Miikerrirlerin mahkfun oldugu cezanm infaz1 ile denetimli serbestlik tedbirinin uygulanmasi, kanunda gosterilen ~ekilde yap1hr.

(9) Miikerrirlere ozgii infaz rejiminin ve cezanm infazmdan soma denetimli serbestlik tedbirinin, itiyadi suylu, suyu meslek edinen ki~i veya orgiit mensubu suylu hakkmda da uygulanmasma hiikmedilir.

Smu d1~1 edilme MADDE 59. - (1) i~ledigi suy nedeniyle iki yil veya daha fazla siireyle hapis cezasma mahkfun

edilen yabancmm, cezasmm infazmdan soma derhal smrr d1~1 edilmesine de hiikmolunur.

Tiizel ki~iler hakklnda giivenlik tedbirleri MADDE 60.- (1) Bir kamu kurumunun verdigi izne dayal1 olarak faaliyette bulunan ozel hukuk tiizel

ki~isinin organ veya temsilcilerinin i~tirakiyle ve bu iznin verdigi yetkinin kotiiye kullanilmasi suretiyle tiizel ki~i yararma i~lenen kasitli suylardan mahkfuniyet halinde, iznin iptaline karar verilir.

(2) Miisadere hiikiimleri, yararma i~lenen suylarda ozel hukuk tiizel ki~ileri hakkmda da uygulamr.

(3) Yukar1daki fikralar hiikiimlerinin uygulanmasimn i~lenen fiile nazaran daha ag1r sonuylar ortaya yikarabilecegi durumlarda, hiik:im bu tedbirlere hiikmetmeyebilir.

(4) Bu madde hiikiimleri kanunun aynca belirttigi hiillerde uygulamr.

tr<;DNCO BOLUM Cezarun Belirlenmesi ve Bireyselle~tirilmesi

Cezamn belirlenmesi MADDE 61.- (1) Hakim, somut olayda;

a) Su9un i~leni~ bi9imini,

b) Su9un i~lenmesinde kullamlan ar~lan,

c) Su9un i~lendigi zaman ve yeri, d) Su9un konusunun 6nem ve degerini,

e) Meydana gelen zarar veya tehlikenin agirligllli,

f) Failin kast veya taksire dayali kusurunun agirligmi, g) Failin giittiigu am~ ve saiki,

Goz oniinde bulundurarak, i~lenen su9un kanuni tan1mmda ongoriilen cezanm alt ve fist smm arasmda temel cezay1 belirler.

(2) Su9un olas1 kastla ya da bilin9li taksirle i~lenmesi nedeniyle indirim veya artmm, birinci fikra hiikmiine gore belirlenen ceza iizerinden yap11Ir.

(3) Birinci fikrada belirtilen hususlarm su9un unsurunu olu~turdugu haJlerde, bunlar temel cezanm belirlenmesinde aynca goz oniinde bulundurulmaz.

(4) Bir su9un temel ~ekline nazaran daha agrr veya daha az cezay1 gerektiren birden fazla nitelikli haJlerin ger9ekle~mesi durun~unda; temel cezada once artrrma soma indirme yapilrr.

(5) Yukandaki f1kralara gore belirlenen ceza iizerinden sirasiyla te~ebbus, i~tirak, zincirleme su9, haksiZ talrrik, ya~ kU9Ukiugii, akil hasta!Igi ve cezada indirim yapilmasllli gerektiren ~ahsi sebeplere ili~kin hUkUmler ile takdiri indirim nedenleri uygulanarak sonu9 ceza belirlenir.

(6) Hapis cezasmm stiresi giin, ay ve yil hesab1yla belirlenir. Bir giin, yirmidort saat; bir ay, otuz giindtir. YII, resmi takvime gore hesap edilir. Hapis cezas1 i9in bir giiniin, adli para cezas1 i9in bir Ttirk Lirasmm artakalan1 hesaba katilmaz ve bu cezalar infaz edilmez.

(7) Kanunda ~1k9a yazilm1~ olmadik9a cezalar ne artmlabilir, ne eksiltilebilir, ne de degi~tirilebilir.

Takdiri indirim nedenleri MADDE 62.- (1) Fail yararma cezay1 hafifletecek takdiri nedenlerin varlig1 haJinde, agrrla~tmlmi~

muebbet hapis cezas1 yerine, muebbet hapis; muebbet hapis cezas1 yerine, yirmibe~ yil hapis cezas1 verilir. Diger cezalarm be~te birine kadar1 indirilir.

(2) Takdiri indirim nedeni olarak, failin ge9mi~i, sosyal ili~kileri, fiilden somaki ve yargilama stirecindeki davram~lari, cezanm failiri gelecegi iizerindeki olas1 etkileri gibi hususlar goz oniinde bulundurulabilir. Takdiri indirim nedenleri kararda gosterilir.

Mahsup MADDE 63. - (1) HokUm kesinle~meden once ger9ekle~en ve ~ahsi hurriyeti smirlama sonucunu

doguran butiin haJler nedeniy1e ge9irilmi~ stire1er, hiikmolunan hapis cezasmdan indirilir. Adll' para cezasma hiikmedilmesi duruniunda, bir giin yiiz Ttirk Liras1 sayilmak iizere, bu cezadan indirim yap11Ir.

Samgm veya hiikiimliiniin iiliimii

DORDDNCtr BOLUM Dava ve Cezanm Du~urulmesi

MADDE 64.- (1) San1gm oltimu haJinde kamu davasmm d~Urillmesine karar verilir. Ancak, niteligi itibar1yla musadereye tabi e~ya ve maddi menfaatler hakkmda davaya devam olunarak bunlarm

miisaderesine hiikmolunabilir.

(2) Hiiki.i.mliiniin oliimii, hapis ve heniiz infaz edilmemi~ adli para cezalarmi ortadan kaldmr. Ancak:, miisadereye ve yargilama giderlerine ili~kin olup oliimden once kesinle~mi~ bulunan hiiki.i.m, infaz olunur.

Af MADDE 65. - (1) Gene! af halinde, kamu davas1 d~er, hiikmolunan cezalar biitiin neticeleri ile

birlikte ortadan kalkar.

(2) Ozel af ile hapis cezasmm infaz kurumunda yektirilmesine son verilebilir veya infaz kurumunda yektirilecek siiresi kisaltilabilir ya da adli para cezasma yevrilebilir.

(3) Cezaya bagh olan veya hiikiimde belirtilen hak: yoksunluklari, ozel affa ragmen etkisini devam ettirir.

Dava zamana~Imi MADDE 66.- (1) Kanunda b~ka tiirlii yazilmi~ olan hailer d1~mda kamu davas1; a) Agrrl~tinlmi~ miiebbet hapis cezasm1 gerektiren suylarda otuz yil,

b) Miiebbet hapis cezasmi gerektiren suylarda yirmibe~ yil,

c) Yirmi yildan a~ag1 olmamak: iizere hapis cezasm1 gerektiren suylarda yirmi yil,

d) Be~ yildan fazla ve yirmi yildan az hapis cezasm1 gerektiren suylarda onbe~ yil,

e) Be~ yildan fazla olmamak: iizere hapis veya adli para cezasm1 gerektiren suylarda sekiz yil,

Geymesiyle dii~er.

(2) Fiili i~ledigi s1rada oniki y~m1 doldurmu~ olup da onbe~ ya~m1 doldurmami~ olanlar hakkmda, bu siirelerin yar1smm; onbe~ y~m1 doldurmu~ olup da onsekiz y~m1 doldurmami~ olan ki~iler hakkmda ise, iiyte ikisinin geymesiyle kamu davas1 d~er.

(3) Dava zam~Imi siiresinin belirlenmesinde dosyadak:i mevcut deliller itibariyla suyun daha ag1r cezay1 gerektiren nitelikli halleri de goz oniinde bulundurulur.

(4) Yukar1dak:i f1kralarda yer alan siirelerin belirlenmesinde suyun kanunda yer alan cezasmin yukan smm goz oniinde bulundurulur; seyimlik cezalar1 gerektiren suylarda zamana~Imi bak:1mmdan hapis cezas1 esas almrr.

(5) Aym fiilden dolay1 her ne suretle olursa olsun tekrar yargilanmasi gereken hiiki.i.mliiniin, somadan yargilanan suya ait iiyiincii fikrada yazi11 esasa gore belirlenecek zamana~Imi goz oniinde bulundurulur.

(6) Zam~Imi, tamamlanmi~ suylarda suyun i~lendigi giinden, te~ebbiis haiinde kalan suylarda son hareketin yapildigi giinden, kesintisiz suylarda kesintinin geryekle~tigi ve zincirleme suylarda son suyun i~lendigi giinden, yocuklara kar~I iistsoy veya bunlar iizerinde hiiki.i.m ve niifuzu olan kimseler tarafmdan i~lenen suylarda yocugun onsekiz y~m1 bitirdigi giinden itibaren i~lemeye b~lar.

(7) Bu Kanunun ikinci Kitabmm Dordiincii Klsmmda yaz1h agrrl~tmlmi~ miiebbet veya miiebbet veya on yildan fazla hapis cezalarm1 gerektiren suylarm yurt d1~mda i~lenmesi halinde dava zaman~Imi uygulanmaz.

Dava zamana~Imi siiresinin durmas1 veya kesilmesi MADDE 67.- (1) Soru~turma ve kovu~turma yapilmasmm, izin veya karar almmas1 veya diger bir

mercide yoziilmesi gereken bir meselenin sonucuna bagl1 bulundugu hailerde; izin veya kararm al1nmasma veya meselenin yOziimiine veya kanun geregince hak:kmda kayak oldugu hususunda karar verilmi~ olan suy faili hakkmda bu karar kaldmhncaya kadar dava zamana~Imi durur.

(2) Bir suyla ilgili olarak:;

a) ~iipheli veya samklardan birinin savc1 huzurJinda ifadesinin almmas1 veya sorguya yekilmesi,

b) ~iipheli veya samklardan biri hak:kmda tutuklama karar1mn verilmesi, c) Suyla ilgili olarak: iddianame diizenlenmesi,

d) Samklardan bir kl.smi hakkmda da olsa, mabkfuniyet karar1 verilmesi,

Halinde, dava zamana~Iml kesilir.

(3) Dava zam~Imi kesildiginde, zam~Imi siiresi yeniden i~lemeye b~lar. Dava zamana~Immi kesen birden fazla nedenin bulunmasi halinde, zam~Imi siiresi son kesme nedeninin ger~ekle~tigi tarihten itibaren yeniden i~lemeye b~lar.

(4) Kesilme halinde, zam~Imi siiresi ilgili su~a ili~kin olarak Kanimda belirlenen siirenin en fazla yar1sma kadar uzar.

Ceza zamana~Imi MADDE 68.- (I) Bu maddede yaz1h cezalar a~ag1daki siirelerin ge~mesiyle infaz edilmez: a) Agrrl~tmlm1~ muebbet hapis cezalarmda kirk yil.

b) Muebbet hapis cezalarmda otuz yil.

c) Yirmi yil ve daha fazla siireli hapis cezalarmda yirmidort yil.

d) Be~ yildan fazla hapis cezalarmda yirmi yil.

e) Be~ yila kadar hapis ve adli para cezalarmda on yil.

(2) Fiili i~ledigi s1rada oniki y~m1 doldurmu~ olup da onbe~ ya~m1 doldurmam1~ olarilar hakkmda, bu siirelerin yar1smm; onbe~ y~Im doldurmu~ olup da onsekiz y~m1 doldurmam1~ olan ki~iler hakkmda ise, u~te ikisinin ge~mesiyle ceza infaz edilmez.

(3) Bu Kanimun ikinci Kitabmm Dorduncu K1smmda yazi11 yurt d1~mda i~lenmi~ su~lar dolayisiyla verilmi~ agrrl~tJnlmi~ muebbet hapis veya muebbet hapis veya on yildan fazla hapis cezalarmda zamana~Imi uygulanmaz.

(4) Tiirleri b~ka b~ka cezalari i~eren htikUmler, en agrr ceza i~in konulan siirenin ge~mesiyle infaz edilmez.

(5) Ceza zamana~Imi, hUkl.nun kesinle~tigi veya infazm herhangi bir suretle kesintiye ugrad1g1 gunden itibaren i~lemeye ba~lar ve kalan ceza miktari esas almarak siire hesaplanrr.

Ceza zamana~Imi ve hak yoksunluklan MADDE 69. - (I) Cezaya bagh olan veya htikUmde belirtilen hak yoksunluklarmm siiresi ceza

zamana~Imi doluncaya kadar devam eder.

Miisaderede zamana~Imi MADDE 70.- (I) Mtisadereye ili~kin htikUm, kesinle~meden itibaren yirmi yil ge~tikten sonra infaz


Ceza zamana~Immm kesilmesi MADDE 71. - (1) Mahkfuniyet hUkl.nunun infaz1 i~in yetkili merci tarafmdan htikUm!Uye kanuna

gore yapilan tebligat veya bu maksatla htikUmlunun yakalanmas1 ceza zaman~Immi keser.

(2) Bir su~tan dolay1 mabkfun olan kimse 'iist smm iki yildan faz1a hapis cezasm1 gerektiren kasitii bir su~ i~ledigi takdirde, ceza zaman~Imi kesi1ir.

Zamana~1mmm hesab1 ve uygulanmas1 MADDE 72. - (1) Dava ve ceza zam~Imi siire1eri gun, ay ve yil hesab1yla belirlenir. Bir gun,

yirmidort saat; bir ay, otuz gundiir. YII, resmi takvime gore hesap edilir.

(2) Dava ve ceza zam~Imi re'sen uygulanrr ve bundan ~upheli, sanik ve htikUmlu vazge~emezler.

Soru~turulmas1 ve kovu~turulmas1 ~ikiyete bagh su~lar, uzla~ma MADDE 73.- (1) So~turulmasi ve kovu~turulmas1 ~ikayete bagh olan su~ hakkmda yetkili kimse

alt1 ay i~inde ~ikayette bulunmadigi takdirde soru~turma ve ko~turma yapilamaz. (2) Zam~Imi siiresini ge~memek ko~uluy1a bu siire, ~ikayet hakkl olan ki~inin fiili ve failin kim

oldugunu bildigi veya ogrendigi gunden b~lar.

(3) Sik!yet hakkJ. olan birka~ ki~iden birisi altJ aylik siireyi ge~irirse bundan dolay1 digerlerinin haklan dii~mez.

(4) Kovu~turrna yapilabilmesi ~ikiiyete bagl1 su~larda kanunda aksi yaz11I olmad1k~a su~tan zarar goren ki~inin vazge~mesi davay1 dii~iiriir ve hiikmiin kesinle~mesinden sonraki vazge~me cezanm infazma engel olmaz.

(5) i~tirak hiilinde su~ i~lemi~ san1klardan biri hakkmdaki ~ik!yetten vazge~me, digerlerini de kapsar. (6) Kanunda aksi yazi11 olmadik~a, vazge~me onu kabul etmeyen sanigi etkilemez. (7) Karnu davasmm d~mesi, su~tan zarar goren ki~inin ~ikiiyetten vazge~mi~ olmasmdan ileri gelmi~

ve vazge~tigi srrada ~ahsi haklarmdan da vazge~tigini aynca a~Ikiami~ ise artJk hukuk mahkemesinde de dava~amaz.

(8) Su~tan zarar goreni ger~ek ki~i veya ozel hukuk tiizel ki~isi olup, so~tJrrulmas1 ve ko~tJrrulmas1 ~ikiiyete bagli bulunan su~larda, failin su~u kabullenmesi ve dogmu~ olan zararm tiimiinii veya biiyiik bir k1smm1 Odemesi veya gidermesi ko~uluyla magdur ile fail ozgiir iradeleri ile uzl~tJklarmda ve bu husus Cumhuriyet savcisi veya hiikim tarafmdan saptand1gmda kamu davas1 ~Iimaz veya davanm dii~iiriilmesine karar verilir.

Dava veya cezamn dii~mesinin etkisi MADDE 74.- (1) Gene! af, ozel afve ~ikiiyetten vazge~me, miisadere olunan ~eylerin veya odenen

adli para cezasmm geri a!Inmasmi gerektirmez.

(2) Karnu davasmm dii~mesi, mallarm geri a!Inmasi ve ugranilan zararm tazmini i~in a~Iian ~ahsi hak davasm1 etkilemez.

(3) Cezanm d~mesi ~ahsi haklar, tazminat ve yargilama giderlerine ili~kin hiikiimleri etkilemez. Ancak, gene! afhiilinde yargilama giderleri de istenemez.

Oniideme MADDE 75. - (1) Uzl~ma kapsammdaki su~lar hari~ olmak iizere, yalmz adli para cezasm1

gerektiren veya kanun maddesinde ongoriilen hapis cezasmm yukar1 smm ii~ ay1 ~mayan su~larm faili; a) Adli para cezas1 maktu ise bu miktar1, degilse ~ag1 smmm, b) Hapis cezasmm ~ag1 smrrmm kar~Iligi olarak her giin i~in yirmi Tiirk Liras1 iizerinden bulunacak

miktar1, c) Hapis cezas1 ile birlikte adli para cezas1 da ongoriilmii~ ise, hapis cezas1 i~in bu f1kranm (b)

bendine gore belirlenecek miktar ile adli para cezasmm ~ag1 smmm, Soru~turrna giderleri ile birlikte, Cumhuriyet savciligmca yapilacak teblig iizerine on giin i~inde

odedigi takdirde hakkmda kamu davaSJ ~1Jmaz. (2) Ozel kanun hiikiimleri geregince i~in dogrudan mahkemeye intikal etmesi hiilinde de fail, hiikim

tarafmdan yapilacak bildirini iizerine birinci f1kra hiikiimlerine gore saptanacak miktardaki paray1 yargilama giderleriyle birlikte odediginde kamu davasl d~er.

(3) Cumhuriyet savciligmca madde kapsamma giren su~ nedeniyle onodeme i~lemi yapilmadan dava ~Iimas1 veya dava konusu fiilin niteliginin degi~mesi suretiyle madde kapsamma giren bir su~a don~mesi hiilinde de yukar1daki fikra uygulamr.

(4) Su~la ilgili kanun maddesinde yukar1 smm ii~ ay1 ~mayan hapis cezas1 veya adli para cezasmdan yalmz birinin uygulanabilecegi hiillerde odenmesi gereken miktar, yukandaki fikralara gore adli para cezas1 esas almarak belirlenir.

(5) Bu madde geregince kamu davasmm ~IlmamasJ veya ortadan kaldmlmasi, ki~isel hakkm istenmesine, maim geri a!Jnmasma ve miisadereye ili~kin hiikiimleri etkilemez.

iKiNCi KiTAP Ozel Hiikiimler


BiRiNCi KISIM Uluslararast Su~lar


Soylanm ve insanhga Kar~I Suylar

MADDE 76. - (I) Bir plfunn icras1 suretiyle, milli, etnik, rrki veya dini bir grubun taniamen veya k1smen yokedilmesi maksad1yla, bu gruplarm uyelerine kar~I ~ag1daki fiillerden birinin i~lenmesi, soylanm suyunu olu~turur:

a) Kasten old-urme.

b) Ki~ilerin bedensel veya ruhsal butiinl.Uklerine ag1r zarar verme.

c) Grubun, taniamen veya k1smen yokedilmesi sonucunu doguracak ko~ullarda ya~amaya zorlanmas1.

d) Grup iyinde dogum1ara engel o1maya yonelik tedbirlerin a!Inmasi.

e) Gruba ait yocuklarm bir ba~ka gruba zorla nakledilmesi.

(2) Soykmm suyu failine agirl~tJnlmi~ muebbet hapis cezas1 verilir. Ancak, soylanm kapsammda i~1enen kasten old-urme ve kasten yaralama suylar1 ay1smdan, belirlenen magdur say1smca geryek iytima hUkUm1eri uygulan1r.

(3) Bu suylardan dolay1 llize1 ki~i1er hakkmda da gtivenlik tedbirine hUkmo1unur.

(4) Bu suylardan dolay1 zam~Imi i~lemez.

insanbga kar~• su~lar MADDE 77.- (1) A~ag1daki fiillerin, siyasal, felsefi, rrki veya dini saiklerle toplumun bir kesimine

kar~I bir plan dogrultusunda sistemli olarak i~lenmesi, insanl1ga kar~1 suy ol~turur:

a) Kasten old-urme.

b) Kasten yaralama.

c) i~kence, eziyet veya kolele~tirme. d) Ki~i h-urriyetinden yoksun kilma.

e) Bilimsel deneylere tabi kilma.

f) Cinsel saldmda bulunma, yocuklarm cinse1 istismar1. g) Zorla hamile brrakma.

h) Zorla~a sevketme.

(2) Birinci f1kranm (a) bendindeki fiilin i~1enmesi halinde, fail hakkmda agrrl~tmlm1~ muebbet hapis cezasma; diger bentlerde tamm1anan fiillerin i~lenmesi halinde ise, sekiz yildan az olmamak -uzere hapis cezasma hUkmolunur. Ancak, birinci fikranm (a) ve (b) bentleri kapsammda i~lenen kasten old-urme ve kasten yaralama suylari ay1smdan, belirlenen magdur say1smca geryek iytima hUkUmleri uygulanrr.

(3) Bu suylardan dolay1 llize1 ki~i1er hakkmda da g-uvenlik tedbirine hUkmo1unur.

(4) Bu suylardan dolay1 zam~Imi i~lemez.

Orgiit MADDE 78. - (1) Yukandaki maddelerde yazil1 suylar1 i~lemek maksad1yla orgtit kuran veya

yoneten ki~i, on yildan onbe~ yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr. Bu orgtitlere uye olanlara be~ yildan on yila kadar hapis cezas1 veri1ir.

(2) Bu suylardan dolay1 llizel ki~iler hakkmda da gtivenlik tedbirine hUkmolunur.

(3) Bu suylardan dolay1 zamana~nm1 i~lemez.

iKiNCi BOLUM Goymen K.ayak:phg1 ve insan Ticareti

GO~men ka~ak~Ibg1

MADDE 79. - (1) Dogrudan dogruya veya dolayh olarak: maddi menfaat elde etmek mak:sadiyla, yasal olmayan yollardan;

a) Bir yabanciyi iilkeye sokan veya iilkede kalmasma imkan saglayan,

b) Tiirk vatand~1 veya yabancmm yurt d1~ma yikmasma imkan saglayan,

Ki~i, ii.y yildan sekiz yila kadar hapis ve onbin gii.ne kadar adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

(2) Bu suyun bir orgiitii.n faaliyeti yeryevesinde i~lenmesi h§.linde, verilecek cezalar yar1 oranmda artmhr.

(3) Bu suyun bir tii.zel ki~inin faaliyeti yeryevesinde i~lenmesi haiinde, tii.zel ki~i hakkmda bunlara ozgii giivenlik tedbirlerine hii.kmolunur.

insan ticareti MADDE 80. - (1) Zorla yaii~trrmak: veya hizmet ettirmek, esarete veya benzeri uygulamalara tabi

kilmak:, vii.cut organlarmm verilmesini sagl.amak: maksadiyla tehdit, bask1, cebir veya ~iddet uygulamak, nii.fuzu kotii.ye kullanmak, kandrrmak: veya ki~iler ii.zerindeki denetim olanak:larmdan veya yaresizliklerinden yararlanarak: nzalarllli elde etmek suretiyle ki~ileri tedarik eden, kayiran, bir yerden ba~ka bir yere gotiiren veya sevk eden, barmd1ran kimseye sekiz yildan oniki yila kadar hapis ve onbin gii.ne kadar adli para cezas1 verilir.

(2) Birinci fikrada belirtilen amaylarla giri~ilen ve suyu ol~turan fiiller var oldugu tak:dirde, magdurun nzas1 geyersizdir.

(3) Onsekiz y~Inl doldurmami~ olanlarm birinci fikrada belirtilen mak:satlarla tedarik edilmeleri, kaymlmalari, bir yerden diger bir yere gotii.rii.lmeleri veya sevk edilmeleri veya barmdmlmalari h§.llerinde suya ait aray fiillerden hiybirine ba~vurulmu~ olmasa da faile birinci f1krada belirtilen cezalar verilir.

(4) Bu suylardan dolay1 tii.zel ki~iler hakkmda da giivenlik tedbirine hii.kmolunur.

Kasten iildiirme


Ki~ilere Kar~1 Su~lar


Hayata Kar~1 Suylar

MADDE 81.- (1) Bir insan1 kasten oldiiren ki~i, mii.ebbet hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

Nitelikli hiller MADDE 82.- (1) Kasten oldiirme suyunun;

a) Tasarlayarak:, b) Canavarca hisle veya eziyet yektirerek,

c) Yangm, su baskin!, tahrip, batrrma veya bombalama ya da niildeer, biyolojik veya kimyasal si!Ml kullanmak: suretiyle,

d) Dstsoy veya altsoydan birine ya da e~ veya karde~e kar~1,

e) <;ocuga ya da beden veya ruh bal{!mmdan kendisini savunamayacak durumda bulunan ki~iye kar~1,

f) Gebe oldugu bilinen kadma kar~1, g) Ki~inin yerine getirdigi kamu gorevi nedeniyle, h) Bir su~u gizlemek, delillerini ortadan kald1rmak veya i~lenmesini kolayla~tmnak amac1yla, i) Kan giitme saikiyle, j) Tore saikiyle, i~lenmesi ha!inde, ki~i agrrla~tmlm1~ miiebbet hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr. Kasten iildiirmenin ihmali davram~la i~lenmesi MADDE 83. - (1) Ki~inin yiikiimlii oldugu belli bir icrai davran1~1 ger~ekle~tirmemesi dolay1slyla

meydana gelen oliim neticesinden sorumlu tutulabilmesi i~in, bu neticenin olu~umuna sebebiyet veren yiikiimliiliik ihmalinin icrai davraru~a e~deger olmas1 gerekir.

(2) ihmali ve icrai davraru~m e~deger kabul edilebilmesi i~in, ki~inin; a) Belli bir icrai davran1~ta bulunmak hususunda kanuni diizenlemelerden veya sozle~meden

kaynaklanan bir yiikiimliiliiguniin bulunmas1, b) Onceden ger~ekle~tirdigi davran1~m b~kalarmm hayat1 ile ilgili olarak tehlikeli bir durum


Gerekir. (3) Belli bir yiikiimliiliigun ihmali ile oliime neden olan ki~i hakkmda, temel ceza olarak,

ag1rl~tmlml~ miiebbet hapis cezas1 yerine yirmi ylidan yirmibe~ ylia kadar, miiebbet hapis cezas1 yerine onbe~ ylidan yirmi ylia kadar, diger h§.llerde ise on ylidan onbe~ ylia kadar hapis cezasma hiikmolunabilecegi gibi, cezada indirim de yaplimayabilir.

intihar MADDE 84. - (1) B~kasm1 intihara azmettiren, te~vik eden, b~kasmm intihar kararllll

kuvvetlendiren ya da b~kasmm intiharma herhangi bir ~ekilde yard1m eden ki~i, iki ylidan be~ ylia kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmlrr.

(2) intiharm ger~ekle~mesi durumunda, ki~i dort ylidan on ylia kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr. (3) B~kalarm1 intihara alenen te~vik eden ki~i, ii~ ylidan sekiz ylia kadar hapis cezas1 ile

cezalandmhr. Bu fiilin basm ve yaym yolu ile i~lenmesi ha!inde, ki~i dort ylidan on ylia kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmlrr.

(4) i~ledigi fiilin anlam ve sonu~larm1 algliama yetenegi geli~memi~ olan veya ortadan kaldmlan ki~ileri intihara sevk edenlerle cebir veya tehdit kullanmak suretiyle ki~ileri intihara mecbur edenler, kasten oldiirme su~undan sorumlu tutulurlar.

Taksirle iildiirme MADDE 85.- (1) Taksirle bir insanm oliimiine neden olan ki~i, ii~ ylidan altl ylia kadar hapis cezas1

ile cezalandmlrr. (2) Fiil, birden fazla insanm oliimiine ya da bir veya birden fazla ki~inin oliirnii ile birlikte bir veya

birden fazla ki~inin yaralanmasma neden olm~ ise, ki~i ii~ ylidan onbe~ ylia kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

iKiNCi BOLUM Viicut Dokunulmazhgma Kar~1 Su~lar

Kasten yaralama

MADDE 86.- (1) Kasten ba~kasmm viicuduna ac1 veren veya saghgmm ya da algilama yeteneginin bozulmasma neden olan ki~i, bir yildan u~ yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

(2) Kasten yaralama su~unun;

a) Ustsoya, altsoya, e~e veya karde~e kar~I, b) Beden veya ruh bak1mmdan kendisini savunamayacak durumda bulunan ki~iye kar~I,

c) Ki~inin yerine getirdigi kamu gorevi nedeniyle,

d) Kamu gorevlisinin sahip bulundugu niifuz kolliye kullanilmak suretiyle,

e) Silahla,

i~lenmesi halinde, iki yildan be~ yila kadar hapis cezasma hUkmolunur. Neticesi sebebiyle aW.rla~mi~ yaralama MADDE 87. - (1) Kasten yaralama fiili, magdurun; a) Duyularmdan veya organlarmdan birinin i~levinin stirekli zay1flamasma,

b) Kon~masmda stirekli zorluga,

c) YiizUnde sabit ize,

d) Ya~amm1 tehlikeye sokan bir duruma,

e) Gebe bir kadma kar~I i~lenip de ~ocugunun vaktinden once dogmasma,

Neden olmu~sa, yukar1daki maddeye gore belirlenen ceza, bir kat artmhr. Ancak, verilecek ceza, birinci f1kraya giren hallerde Uy yildan, ikinci f1kraya giren Mllerde be~ yildan az olamaz.

(2) Kasten yaralama fiili, magdurun;

a) iyile~mesi olanag1 bulunmayan bir hastal1ga veya bitkisel hayata girmesine,

b) Duyularmdan veya organlarmdan birinin i~levinin yitirilmesine,

c) Kon~ma ya da yocuk yapma yeteneklerinin kaybolmasma, d) YiizUntin stirekli degi~ikligine,

e) Gebe bir kadma kar~I i~lenip de yocugunun d~mesine, Neden olmu~sa, yukandaki maddeye gore belirlenen ceza, iki kat artmhr. Ancak, verilecek ceza,

birinci f1kraya giren hallerde be~ yildan, ikinci f1kraya giren Mllerde sekiz yildan az olamaz.

(3) Kasten yaralamanm viicutta kemik kmlmasma neden olmas1 Mlinde, kmgm hayat fonksiyonlarmdaki etkisine gore, bir yildan alt1 yila kadar hapis cezasma hUkmolunur.

(4) Kasten yaralama sonucunda ol-um meydana gelmi~se, yukar1daki maddenin birinci f1krasma giren hailerde sekiz yildan oniki yila kadar, ikinci fikrasma giren hallerde ise oniki yildan onalti yila kadar hapis cezasma hUkmolunur.

Daha az cezay1 gerektiren hiller MADDE 88. - (1) Kasten yaralama fiilinin ki~i -uzerindeki etkisinin basit bir t1bbi mudahaleyle

giderilebilecek olyude hafif olmas1 haiinde, magdurun ~ik~yeti -uzerine, dort aydan bir yila kadar hapis veya adli para cezasma hUkmolunur.

(2) Kasten yaralamanm ihmali davran1~la i~lenmesi haiinde, verilecek ceza uyte ikisine kadar indirilebilir. Bu hUkm-un uygulanmasmda kasten old-urmenin ihmali davran1~la i~lenmesine ili~kin ko~ullar goz on-unde bulundurulur.

Taksirle yaralama MADDE 89.- (1) Taksirle b~kasmm viicuduna ac1 veren veya saghgmm ya da algilama yeteneginin

bozulmasma neden olan ki~i, Uy aydan bir yila kadar hapis veya adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

(2) Taksirle yaralama fiili, magdurun;

a) Duyularmdan veya organlarmdan birinin i~levinin s-urekli zay1flamasma,

b) Viicudunda kemik kmlmasma,

c) Konll§masmda siirekli zorluga,

d) Yiiziinde sabit ize,

e) Ya~amm1 tehlikeye sokan bir duruma,

f) Gebe bir kadmm ~ocugunun vaktinden once dogmasma, Neden olmll§sa, birinci fikraya gore belirlenen ceza, yarisi oranmda artmhr.

(3) Taksirle yaralama fiili, magdurun;

a) iyile~mesi olanag1 bulunmayan bir hastahga veya bitkisel hayata girmesine,

b) Duyularmdan veya organlarmdan birinin i~levinin yitirilmesine, c) Konll§ma ya da ~ocuk yapma yeteneklerinin kaybolmasma,

d) Yiiziiniin siirekli degi~ikligine,

e) Gebe bir kadmm ~ocugunun dii~mesine, Neden olmll§sa, birinci fikraya gore belirlenen ceza, bir kat artmhr.

(4) Fiilin birden fazla ki~inin yaralanmasma neden olmas1 halinde, alt1 aydan ii~ yila kadar hapis cezasma hiikmolunur.

(5) Bilin~li taksir hali hari~ olmak iizere, bu maddenin kapsamma giren su~larm soru~turWmas1 ve koVU§turWmasi ~ik§.yete baghd1r.

insan iizerinde deney MADDE 90.- (1) insan iizerinde bilimsel bir deney yapan ki~i, bir yildan ii~ yila kadar hapis cezas1

ile cezalandmhr.

(2) insan iizerinde yapilan nzaya dayal1 bilimsel deneyin ceza sorumlulugunu gerektirmemesi i~in;

a) Deneyle ilgili olarak yetkili kurW veya makamlardan gerekli iznin almm!~ olmasi, b) Deneyin oncelikle insan d1~1 deney ortammda veya yeterli say1da hayvan iizerinde yapilm1~ olmasi,

c) insan d1~1 deney ortammda veya hayvanlar iizerinde yapilan deneyler sonucunda ul~Ilan bilimsel verilerin, varilmak istenen hedefe ul~mak ~1smdan bunlarm insan iizerinde de yapilmasm1 gerekli kilmasi,

d) Deneyin, insan saghg1 iizerinde ongoriilebilir zararh ve ka!Ici bir etki birakmamasi,

e) Deney srrasmda ki~iye insan onuruyla bagd~mayacak ol~iide ac1 verici yontemlerin uygulanmamasi,

f) Deneyle varilmak istenen amacm, bunun ki~iye yiikledigi kiilfete ve ki~inin saghg1 iizerindeki tehlikeye gore daha ag1r basmas1,

g) Deneyin mahiyet ve sonu~lar1 hakkmda yeterli bilgilendirmeye dayal1 olarak a~Ikianan nzanm yaz1h olmas1 ve herhangi bir menfaat teminine bagh bulunmamasi,


(3) yocuklar iizerinde bilirnsel deney hi~bir surette yapilmaz.

(4) Hasta olan insan iizerinde nza olmaksizm tedavi am~h denemede bulunan ki~i, bir yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmlrr. Ancak, bilinen t1bbi miidahale yontemlerinin uygulanmasmm sonu~ vermeyeceginin anla~Iimasi iizerine, ki~i iizerinde yapilan nzaya dayal1 bilimsel yontemlere uygun tedavi am~h deneme, ceza sorumlulugunu gerektirmez. A~1klanan nzanm, denemenin mahiyet ve sonu~lar1 hakkmda yeterli bilgilendirmeye dayal1 olarak yaz1h olmas1 ve tedavinin uzman hekim tarafmdan bir hastane ortammda yapilmas1 gerekir.

(5) Birinci f1krada tammlanan su~un i~lenmesi sonucunda magdurun yaralanmas1 veya olmesi hruinde, kasten yaralama veya kasten oldiirme su~una ili~kin hiikiimler uygulan1r.

(6) Bu maddede tan1mlanan su~larm bir tiizel ki~inin faaliyeti ~er~evesinde i~lenmesi halinde, tiizel

ki~i hakkmda bunlara ozgii giivenlik tedbirlerine hiikmolunur.

Organ veya doku ticareti MADDE 91. - (1) Hukuken ge~erli nzaya dayah olmalmzm, ki~iden organ alan kimse, be~ yildan

dokuz yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr. Su~un konusunun doku olmas1 Mlinde, iki yildan be~ yila kadar hapis cezasma hiikmolunur.

(2) Hukuka aykm olarak, oluden organ veya doku alan kimse, bir yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

(3) Organ veya doku satm alan, satan, satilmasma aracillk eden ki~i hakkmda, birinci fikrada belirtilen cezalara hiikmolunur.

(4) Bir ve u~tincu fikralarda tan1mlanan su~larm bir orgiitUn faaliyeti ~er~evesinde i~lenmesi Mlinde, sekiz yildan onbe~ yila kadar hapis ve onbin gtine kadar adli para cezasma hiikmolunur.

(5) Hukuka aykm yollarla elde edilmi~ olan organ veya dokuyu saklayan, nakleden veya ~Ilayan ki~i, iki yildan be~ yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

(6) Belli bir ~lkar kar~1hgmda organ veya doku teminine ybnelik olarak ilan veya reklam veren veya yaylnlayan ki~i, bir yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

(7) Bu maddede tan1mlanan su~larm bir tiizel ki~inin faaliyeti ~er~evesinde i~lenmesi Mlinde, tiizel ki~i hakkmda bunlara bzgii giivenlik tedbirlerine hiikmolunur.

(8) Birinci f1krada tan1mlanan su~un i~lenmesi sonucunda magdurun blmesi Mlinde, kasten bldiirme su~una ili~kin hiikiimler uygulan1r.

Zorunluluk hili MADDE 92.- (1) Organ veya dokularm1 satan ki~inin i~inde bulundugu sosyal ve ekonomik ko~ullar

gbz bntinde bulundurularak, hakkmda verilecek cezada indirim yapilabilecegi gibi, ceza vermekten de vazge~ilebilir.

Etkin pi~manhk MADDE 93. - (1) Organ veya dokular1n1 satan ki~i, resmi makamlar tarafmdan haber almmadan once

durumu merciine haber vererek su~lularm yakalanmalarliD kolayl~tmrsa, hakkmda cezaya hiikmolUflffiaz.

(2) Bu su~ haber almd1ktan sonra, organ veya dokularm1 satan ki~i, gonilllu olarak, su~un meydana ~1kmasma ve diger su~lularm yakalanmasma hizmet ve yard1m ederse; hakkmda verilecek cezanm, yard1mm niteligine gore, dortte birden yar1sma kadar1 indirilir.


uc;DNcO BOL()M i~kence ve Eziyet

MADDE 94.- (1) Bir ki~iye kar~1 insan onuruyla bagd~mayan ve bedensel veya ruhsal ybnden ac1 ~ekmesine, algilama veya irade yeteneginin etkilenmesine, a~agilanmasma yol a~acak davran1~lar1 ger~ekle~tiren kamu gbrevlisi hakkmda u~ yildan oniki yila kadar hapis cezasma hiikmolunur.

(2) Su~un; a) <;:ocuga, beden veya ruh bak1mmdan kendisini savunamayacak durumda bulunan ki~iye ya da gebe

kadma kar~1,

b) Avukata veya diger kamu gbrevlisine kar~1 gbrevi dolay1s1yla,

i~lenmesi Mlinde, sekiz yildan onbe~ yila kadar hapis cezasma hiikmolunur.

(3) Fiilin cinsel ybnden taciz ~eklinde ger~ekle~mesi Mlinde, on yildan onbe~ yila kadar hapis cezasma hiikmolunur.

(4) Bu suyun i~leni~ine i~tirak eden diger ki~iler de kamu gorevlisi gibi cezalandmhr. (5) Bu suyun ihmali davran1~la i~lenmesi halinde, verilecek cezada bu nedenle indirim yapilmaz.

Neticesi sebebiyle ag.rla~mi~ i~kence MADDE 95.- (I) i~kence fiilleri, magdurun; a) Duyularmdan veya organlarmdan birinin i~levinin s-urekli zayiflamasma,

b) Kon~masmda s-urekli zorluga,

c) Yiiziinde sabit ize,

d) Ya~amm1 tehlikeye sokan bir duruma,

e) Gebe bir kadma kar~I i~lenip de yocugunun vaktinden once dogmas1na,

Neden olm~sa, yukar1daki maddeye gore belirlenen ceza, yar1 oranmda artmhr.

(2) i~kence fiilleri, magdurun; a) iyile~mesi olanag1 bulunmayan bir hastal1ga veya bitkisel hayata girmesine,

b) Duyularmdan veya organlarmdan birinin i~levinin yitirilmesine,

c) Kon~ma ya da yocuk yapma yeteneklerinin kaybolmasma,

d) Yiiziiniin sUI"ekli degi~ikligine,

e) Gebe bir kadma kar~I i~lenip de yocugunun d~mesine, Neden olm~sa, yukar1daki maddeye gore belirlenen ceza, bir kat artmhr.

(3) i~kence fiillerinin v\icutta kemik kmlmasma neden olmas1 Mlinde, kmgm hayat fonksiyonlarmdaki etkisine gore sekiz yildan onbe~ yila kadar hapis cezasma hokmolunur.

(4) i~kence sonucunda oliim meydana gelmi~se, agirl~tmlm1~ mii.ebbet hapis cezasma hokmolunur.

Eziyet MADDE 96.- (1) Bir kimsenin eziyet yekmesine yo! ayacak davran1~lan geryekle~tiren ki~i hakkmda

iki yildan be~ yila kadar hapis cezasma hokmolunur.

(2) Yukandaki f1kra kapsamma giren fiillerin;

a) <;ocuga, beden veya ruh bak1mmdan kendisini savunamayacak durumda bulunan ki~iye ya da gebe kadma kar~I,

b) tTstsoy veya altsoya, baba!Ik. veya anal1ga ya da e~e kar~I, i~lenmesi ha!inde, ki~i hakkmda ii.y yildan sekiz yila kadar hapis cezasma hokmolunur.

DORDUNCU BOLUM Koruma, Gozetim, Yard1m veya Bildirim Yii.kiimlii.lii.giiniin ihla!i

Terk MADDE 97. - (1) Y~I veya hastal1gi dolay1siyla kendini idare edemeyecek durumda olan ve bu

nedenle koruma ve gozetim yii.kiimlii.lii.gu altmda bulunan bir kimseyi kendi ha!ine terk eden ki~i, 0.9 aydan iki yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

(2) Terk dolayisiyla magdur bir hastal1ga yakalanmi~, yaralanmi~ veya olm~se, neticesi sebebiyle agirl~mi~ suy hii.kiimlerine gore cezaya hokmolunur.

Yard1m veya bildirim yiikiimliiliigiiniin yerine getirilmemesi MADDE 98. - (1) Ya~I, hasta!Igi veya yaralanmasi dolayisiyla ya da b~ka herhangi bir nedenle

kendini idare edemeyecek durumda olan kimseye hal ve ko~ullarm elverdigi olyii.de yard1m etmeyen ya da durumu derhaJ ilgili makamlara bildirmeyen ki~i, bir yila kadar hapis veya adli para cezas1 ile

cezalandmhr. (2) Yardnn veya bildirim yUkiimlilliiguniin yerine getirilmemesi dolayisiyla ki~inin olmesi

durumnnda, bir yildan ii~ yila kadar hapis cezasma hiikmolunur.


<;:ocuk Dii~iirtme, Dii~iirme veya Kisrrl~tirma

(:ocuk dii~iirtme MADDE 99. - (1) Rlzas1 olmaks1zm bir kadmm ~ocugunu dii~iirten ki~i, be~ yildan on yila kadar

hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmlrr.

(2) Tibbi zonmluluk bulunmadigi hiilde, nzaya dayal1 olsa bile, gebelik siiresi on haftadan fazla olan bir kadmm ~ocugunu d~iirten ki~i, iki yildan dort yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr. Bu durumda, ~ocugunun dii~iirtillmesine nza gosteren kadm hakkmda bir yila kadar hapis veya adli para cezasma hiikmolunur.

(3) Birinci f1krada yazil1 fiil kadmm beden veya ruh saghg1 bakrrnmdan bir zarara ugramasma neden olm~sa, ki~i altJ yildan oniki yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmlrr; fiilin kadmm oliimiine neden olmas1 Mlinde, onbe~ yildan yirmi yila kadar hapis cezasma hiikmolunur.

(4) ikinci fikrada yazil1 fiil kadmm beden veya ruh saghg1 baknnmdan bir zarara ugramasma neden olm~sa, ki~i ii~ yildan altJ yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr; fiilin kadmm oliimiine neden olmas1 hiilinde, dort yildan sekiz yila kadar hapis cezasma hiikmolunur.

(5) R.izaya dayal1 olsa bile, gebelik siiresi on haftay1 doldurmam1~ olan bir kadmm ~ocugunun yetkili olmayan bir ki~i tarafmdan dii~iirtillmesi hiilinde; iki yildan dort yila kadar hapis cezasma hiikmolunur. Yukar1daki f1kralarda tannnlanan diger fiiller yetkili olmayan bir ki~i tarafmdan i~lendigi takdirde, bu f1kralara gore verilecek ceza, yar1 oranmda artmlarak hiikmolunur.

(6) Kadmm magduru oldugu bir su~ sonucu gebe kalmas1 hiilinde, siiresi yirmi haftadan fazla olmamak ve kadmm nzas1 olmak ko~uluyla, gebeligi sona erdirene ceza verilmez. Ancak, bunun i~in gebeligin uzrnan hekirnler tarafmdan hastane ortammda sona erdirilmesi gerekir.

(:ocuk dii~iirme MADDE 100. - (1) Gebelik siiresi on haftadan fazla olan kadmm ~ocugunu isteyerek dii~iirmesi

hiilinde, bir yila kadar hapis veya adli para cezas1na hiikmolunur. Klsula~tlrma

MADDE 101. - (1) Bir erkek veya kadm1 nzas1 olmaksiZm k1srrla~trran kirnse, ii~ yildan altJ yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr. Fiil, kisirl~tirma i~lemi yapma yetkisi olmayan bir kimse tarafmdan yapilrrsa, ceza ii~te bir oranmda artmlrr.

(2) Rlzaya dayal1 olsa bile, kisirla~tirma fiilinin yetkili olmayan bir ki~i tarafmdan i~lenmesi hiilinde, bir yildan ii~ yila kadar hapis cezasma hiikmolunur.


Cinsel Dokunulmazhga Kar~1 Su~lar

Cinsel saldin MADDE 102. - (1) Cinsel davram~larla bir kirnsenin viicut dokunulmazhgm1 ihliil eden ki~i,

magdurun ~ikayeti iizerine, iki yildan yedi yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmlrr.

(2) Fiilin viicuda organ veya sair bir cisim sokulmas1 suretiyle i~lenmesi durumunda, yedi yildan oniki yila kadar hapis cezasma hiikmolunur. Bu fiilin e~e kar~I i~lenmesi hiilinde, soru~turma ve

kovru,turmanm yapilmas1 magdurun ~ikayetine baghd1r.

(3) Su~mn;

a) Beden veya ruh bak1mmdan kendisini savunamayacak durumda bulunan ki~iye kar~1,

b) Kamu gorevinin veya hizmet ili~kisinin sagladigi niifuz kotiiye kullarulmak suretiyle,

c) Uyiincu derece dahil kan veya kaym h1srmhgi ili~kisi iyinde bulunan bir ki~iye kar~I,

d) Silahla veya birden fazla ki~i tarafmdan birlikte,

i~lenmesi Mlinde, yukaridaki fikralara gore verilen cezalar yar1 oranmda artmhr.

(4) Suyun i~lenmesi srrasmda magdurun direncinin kmlmasm1 saglayacak olyiiniin otesinde cebir kullanilmas1 durumunda ki~i aynca kasten yaralama suyundan dolay1 cezalandmlrr.

(5) Suyun sonucunda magdurun beden veya ruh sagl1gmm bozulmas1 h§linde, on yildan az olmamak Ozere hapis cezasma hUkmolunur.

(6) Su9 sonucu magdurun bitkisel hayata girmesi veya oliinrii Mlinde, agirl~tmlmi~ muebbet hapis cezasma hUkmolunur.

<;ocuklann cinsel istisman MADDE 103.- (1) <;ocugu cinsel yonden istismar eden ki~i, 09 yildan sekiz yila kadar hapis cezas1

ile cezalandmlrr. Cinsel istismar deyiminden;

a) Onbe~ y~m1 tamamlamam1~ veya tamamlam1~ olmakla birlikte fiilin hukuki anlam ve sonuylarmi algilama yetenegi geli~memi~ olan yocuklara kar~1 geryekle~tirilen her tiirlu cinsel davran1~,

b) Diger yocuklara kar~1 sadece cebir, tehdit, hile veya iradeyi etkileyen ba~ka bir nedene dayal1 olarak geryekle~tirilen cinsel davran1~lar,


(2) Cinsel istismarm vlicuda organ veya sair bir cisim sokulmas1 suretiyle geryekle~tirilmesi durumunda, sekiz yildan onbe~ yila kadar hapis cezasma hUkmolunur.

(3) Cinsel istismarm ustsoy, ikinci veya Oyiincu derecede kan hismi, uvey baba, evlat edinen, vasi, egitici, ogretici, bakici, saghk hizmeti veren veya konrma ve gozetim ylikUmlillugu bulunan diger ki~iler tarafmdan ya da hizmet ili~kisinin sagladigi niifuz kotiiye kullanilmak suretiyle geryekle~tirilmesi h§linde, yukar1daki fikralara gore verilecek ceza yar1 orarunda artmlrr.

(4) Cinsel istismarm, birinci f1kranm (a) bendindeki yocuklara kar~1 cebir veya tehdit kullanmak suretiyle geryekle~tirilmesi Mlinde, yukar1daki f1kralara gore verilecek ceza yan oranmda artmhr.

(5) Cinsel istismar iyin b~vurulan cebir ve ~iddetin kasten yaralama suyunun ag1r neticelerine neden olmas1 h§linde, aynca kasten yaralama suyuna ili~kin hlikUmler uygulan1r.

(6) Suyun sonucunda magdurun beden veya ruh saghgmm bozulmas1 h§linde, onbe~ yildan az olmamak Ozere hapis cezasma hUkmolunur.

(7) Su9un magdurun bitkisel hayata girmesine veya ollimiine neden olmas1 durumunda, agirl~tmlmi~ muebbet hapis cezasma hUkmolunur.

Re~it olmayanla cinsel ili~ki MADDE 104.- (1) Cebir, tehdit ve hile olmaks1zm, onbe~ ya~rm bitirmi~ olan yocukla cinsel ili~kide

bulunan ki~i, ~ikayet Ozerine, alti aydan iki yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmlrr.

(2) Fail magdurdan be~ y~tan daha bUyUk ise, ~ikayet ko~ulu aranmaksiZm, cezas1 iki kat artmlrr.

Cinsel taciz MADDE 105. - (1) Bir kimseyi cinsel amayh olarak taciz eden ki~i hakkmda, magdurun ~ikayeti

Ozerine, 09 aydan iki yila kadar hapis cezasma veya adli para cezasma hUkmolunur.

(2) Bu fiiller, hiyerar~i veya hizmet ili~kisinden kaynaklanan niifuz kotliye kullarulmak suretiyle ya da aym i~erinde yali~manm sagladigi kolayhktan yararlanilarak i~lendigi takdirde, yukar1daki f1kraya gore verilecek ceza yan oranmda artmlrr. Bu fiil nedeniyle magdur i~i terk etmek mecburiyetinde kalm1~

ise, verilecek ceza bir yildan az olamaz.


YEDiNCi BOLCJM Hiirriyete Kar~I Suylar

MADDE 106. - (I) Bir b~kasllli, kendisinin veya yakmmm hayatma, vii.cut veya cinsel dokunulmazhgma yonelik bir saldm geryekle~tireceginden bahisle tehdit eden ki~i, alt1 aydan iki yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr. Malvarhg1 itibar1yla bii.yii.k bir zarara ugratacagmdan veya sair bir kotii.lii.k edeceginden bahisle tehditte ise, magdurun ~ikayeti ii.zerine, alt1 aya kadar hapis veya adli para cezasma hii.kmolunur.

(2) Tehdidin;

a) Silahla,

b) Ki~inin kendisini tanmmayacak bir haie koymas1 suretiyle, imzas1z mektupla veya ozel i~aretlerle,

c) Birden fazla ki~i tarafmdan birlikte,

d) Var olan veya var sayilan suy orgii.tlerinin ol~turduklari korkutucu gii.yten yararlanilarak,

i~lenmesi haiinde, fail hakkmda iki yildan be~ yila kadar hapis cezasma hii.kmolunur.

(3) Tehdit amaciyla kasten oldii.rme, kasten yaralama veya malvarhgma zarar verme suyunun i~lenmesi haiinde, aynca bu suylardan dolay1 ceza verilir.


MADDE 107.- (1) Hakki olan veya yii.kii.mlii. oldugu bir ~eyi yapacagmdan veya yapmayacagmdan bahisle, bir kimseyi kanuna aykm veya yii.kii.mlii. olmadigi bir ~eyi yapmaya veya yapmamaya ya da haksiZ 9Ikar saglamaya zorlayan ki~i, bir yildan ii.y yila kadar hapis ve be~bin gii.ne kadar adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

Cebir MADDE 108.- (1) Bir ~eyi yapmas1 veya yapmamas1 ya da kendisinin yapmasma mii.saade etmesi

iyin bir ki~iye kar~I cebir kullarnlmasi haiinde, kasten yaralama suyundan verilecek ceza ii.yte birinden yar1sma kadar artmlarak hii.kmolunur.

Ki~iyi hiirriyetinden yoksun kilma MADDE 109. - (1) Bir kimseyi hukuka aykm olarak bir yere gitmek veya bir yerde kalmak

hiirriyetinden yoksun b1rakan ki~iye, bir yildan be~ yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.

(2) Ki~i, fiili i~lemek iyin veya i~ledigi s1rada cebir, tehdit veya hile kullanrrsa, iki yildan yedi yila kadar hapis cezasma hii.kmolunur.

(3) Bu su9un;

a) Silahla,

b) Birden fazla ki~i tarafmdan birlikte,

c) Ki~inin yerine getirdigi kamu gorevi nedeniyle,

d) Kamu gorevinin sag!adigi nii.fuz kotii.ye kullarnlmak suretiyle,

e) Ustsoy, altsoy veya e~e kar~I, f) <;ocuga ya da beden veya ruh bakmundan kendini savunamayacak durumda bulunan ki~iye kar~I, i~lenmesi haiinde, yukandaki fikralara gore verilecek ceza bir kat artmhr.

(4) Bu suyun magdurun ekonomik bakimdan onemli bir kaybma neden olmasi haiinde, aynca bin gii.ne kadar adli para cezasma hii.kmolunur.

(5) Suyun cinsel amayla i~lenmesi haiinde, yukar1daki fikralara gore verilecek cezalar yar1 oranmda


(6) Bu su~un i~lenmesi amac1yla veya srrasmda kasten yaralama su~unun neticesi sebebiyle agirl~mi~ hallerinin ger~ekle~mesi durunJunda, aynca kasten yaralama su~una ili~kin hiikiimler uygulamr.

Etkin pi~manhk MADDE 110.- (I) Yukandaki maddede tarumlanan su~u i~leyen ki~i, bu su~ nedeniyle soru~turmaya

ba~lanmadan once magdurun ~ahsma zarar1 dokunmaks1zm, onu kendiliginden giivenli bir yerde serbest b1rakacak olursa cezamn ii~te ikisine kadar1 indirilir.

Tiizel ki~iler hakkmda giivenlik tedbiri uygulanmas1 MADDE 111.- (I) Tehdit, ~antaj, cebir veya ki~iyi hiirriyetinden yoksun kilma su~larimn i~lenmesi

sonucunda yararma haks1z menfaat saglanan tiizel ki~iler hakkmda bunlara ozgii giivenlik tedbirlerine hiikmolunur.

Egitim ve ogretimin engellenmesi MADDE 112. - (I) Cebir veya tehdit kullanilarak ya da hukuka aykm b~ka bir davran1~la; a) Devlet~e kurulan veya kamu makamlarmm verdigi izne dayal1 olarak yiiriitiilen her tiirlii egitim ve

ogretim faaliyetlerine,

b) Ogrencilerin toplu olarak oturduklan binalara veya bunlarm eklentilerine girilmesine veya orada kalmmasma,

Engel olunmas1 halinde, bir yildan ii~ yila kadar hapis cezasma hiikmolunur.

Kamu kurumu veya kamu kurumu niteligindeki meslek kurulu~larmm faaliyetlerinin engellenmesi

MADDE 113. - (1) Cebir veya tehdit kullanilarak ya da hukuka aykm b~ka bir davran1~la, kamu kurunJu faaliyetinin yiiriitiilmesine engel olunmas1 halinde, bir yildan ii~ yila kadar hapis cezasma hiikmolunur.

Siyasi haklann kullandmasmm engellenmesi MADDE 114.- (I) Bir kimseye kar~1; a) Bir siyasi partiye iiye olmaya veya olmamaya, siyasi partinin faaliyetlerine katilmaya veya

katilmamaya, siyasi partiden veya siyasi parti yonetimindeki gorevinden aynlmaya,

b) Se~im yoluyla gelinen bir kamu gorevine aday olmamaya veya se~ildigi gorevden aynlmaya,

Zorlamak amaciyla, cebir veya tehdit kullanan ki~i, bir yildan ii~ yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

(2) Cebir veya tehdit kullamlarak ya da hukuka aykm ba~ka bir davran1~la bir siyasi partinin faaliyetlerinin engellenmesi haJ.inde, iki yildan be~ yila kadar hapis cezasma hiikmolunur.

inan~, dii~iince ve kanaat hiirriyetinin kullandmasim engelleme MADDE 115. - (1) Cebir veya tehdit kullanarak, bir kimseyi dini, siyasi, sosyal, felsefi inan~,

dii~iince ve kanaatlerini a~Iklamaya veya degi~tirmeye zorlayan ya da bunlar1 ~Iklamaktan, yaymaktan meneden ki~i, bir yildan ii~ yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

(2) Dini ibadet ve ayinlerin toplu olarak yapilmasmm, cebir veya tehdit kullamlarak ya da hukuka aykm ba~ka bir davram~la engellenmesi haJ.inde, yukar1daki fikraya gore ceza verilir.

Konut dokunulmazhgimn ihlali MADDE 116.- (1) Bir kimsenin konutJma, konutunun eklentilerine nzasma aykm olarak giren veya

nza ile girdikten soma buradan ~Ikmayan ki~i, magdurun ~ikayeti iizerine, alt1 aydan iki yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmlrr.

(2) Evlilik birliginde aile bireylerinden veya konutlm birden fazla ki~i tarafmdan ortak kullaniimasi durun~unda bu ki~ilerden birinin nzas1 varsa, yukar1daki f1kra hiikmii uygulanmaz. Ancak bunun i~in nza

~Iklamasmm me~ru bir amaca yOnelik olmas1 gerekir. (3) Birinci f1kra kapsamma giren fiillerin, a((ik bir nzaya gerek duyulmaks1zm girilmesi mutat olan

yerler d1~mda kalan i~yerleri ve eklentileri hakkmda i~lemnesi halinde, alt! aydan bir yila kadar hapis veya adli para cezasma hiikmolunur.

(4) Fiilin, cebir veya tehdit kullarulmak suretiyle ya da gece vakti i~lemnesi haJinde, bir yildan ii(( yila kadar hapis cezasma hiikmolunur.

i~ ve ~ah~ma hiirriyetinin ihlili MADDE 117. - (1) Cebir veya tehdit kul1anarak ya da hukuka aykm b~ka bir davraru~1a, i~ ve

((a!I~ma hiirriyetini ihlaJ eden ki~iye, magdurun ~ikayeti haJinde, alt! aydan iki yila kadar hapis veya adli para cezas1 verilir.

(2) <;aresizligini, kimsesizligini ve baghhgim sOmiinnek suretiyle ki~i veya ki~ileri iicretsiz olarak veya sagladigi hizmet ile ~1k bir ~ekilde orantlsiZ d~iik bir iicretle ((ali~tlran veya bu durumda bulunan ki~iyi, insan onuru ile bagd~mayacak ((a!I~ma ve konaklama ko~ullarma tabi kilan kimseye alt! aydan ii(( yila kadar hapis veya yiiz giinden az olmamak iizere adli para cezas1 verilir.

(3) Yukandaki f1krada belirtilen durumlara d~iinnek iizere bir kimseyi tedarik veya sevk veya bir yerden diger bir yere nakleden ki~iye de aym ceza verilir.

(4) Cebir veya tehdit kullanarak, i~((iyi veya i~verenlerini iicretleri azalt1p ((Ogaltlnaya veya evvelce kabul edilenlerden ba~ka ko~ullar altmda anl~malar kabuliine zorlayan ya da bir i~in durmasma, sona ermesine veya durmanm devam1na neden o1an ki~iye alt! aydan ii(( yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.

Sendikal haklann kullamlmasmm engellenmesi MADDE 118. - (1) Bir kimseye kar~1 bir sendikaya iiye olmaya veya olmamaya, sendikarun

faaliyetlerine katilmaya veya katilmamaya, sendikadan veya sendika yOnetimindeki gOrevinden aynlmaya zorlamak amaciyla, cebir veya tehdit kullanan ki~i, alti aydan iki yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

(2) Cebir veya tehdit kullanilarak ya da hukuka aykm ba~ka bir davran1~la bir sendikanm faaliyetlerinin engellemnesi haJinde, bir yildan ii(( yila kadar hapis cezasma hiikmolunur.

Ortak hiikiim MADDE 119. - (1) Egitim ve Ogretimin engellemnesi, kamu kurumu veya kamu kurumu

niteligindeki meslek kurulu~larmm faaliyetlerinin engellemnesi, siyasi haklarm kullarulmasimn engellemnesi, inan((, dii~iince ve kanaat hiirriyetinin kullanilmasmi engelleme, konut dokunulmazhg1mn ihlaJi ile i~ ve ((aii~ma hiirriyetinin ihlaJi su((larmm;

a) Sildhla, b) Ki~inin kendisini tanmmayacak bir haJe koymas1 suretiyle, imzas1z mekrupla veya Ozel i~aretlerle, c) Birden fazla ki~i tarafmdan birlikte, d) Var olan veya var sayilan SUI( Orgiitlerinin ol~tirrduklari korkutlicu gii((ten yararlanilarak, e) Kamu gorevinin sagiadigi niifuz kotiiye kul1arulmak suretiyle, i~lemnesi halinde, verilecek ceza bir kat artm1rr. (2) Bu su((1arm i~lemnesi s1rasmda kasten yaralama su((unun neticesi sebebiy1e agirla~mi~ hallerinin

ger((ekle~mesi durumunda, aynca kasten yaralama su((una ili~kin hiikiim1er uygllian1r. HaksiZ arama MADDE 120.- (1) Hukuka aykm olarak bir kimsenin iistiinii veya e~yas1m arayan kamu gOrevlisine

ii(( aydan bir yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.

Dilek~e hakkmm kullamlmasmm engellenmesi MADDE 121. - (1) Ki~inin belli bir hakki kullanmak i((in yetkili kamu makamlarma verdigi

dilek((enin hukuki bir neden olmaks1zm kabul edilmemesi haJinde, fail hakkmda alt1 aya kadar hapis

cezasma hUkmolunur.

Aymmclhk MADDE 122.- (I) Ki~iler arasmda dil, rrk, renk, cinsiyet, siyasi dii~iince, felsefi inany, din, mezhep

ve benzeri sebeplerle aymm yaparak;

a) Bir ta~m1r veya ~mmaz maim satJ.lmasin!, devrini veya bir hizmetin icrasllll veya hizmetten yararlamlmasmi engelleyen veya ki~inin i~e almmasm1 veya almmamasllll yukanda sayilan hallerden birine baglayan,

b) Besin maddelerini vermeyen veya kamuya arz edilmi~ bir hizmeti yapmay1 reddeden,

c) Ki~inin olagan bir ekonomik etkirilikte bulunmasm1 engelleyen, Kimse hakkmda alti aydan bir yila kadar hapis veya adli para cezas1 verilir.

Ki~ilerin huzur ve siikununu bozma MADDE 123.- (I) Srrfhuzur ve siikilnunu bozmak maksadiyla bir kimseye 1srarla; telefon edilmesi,

giiriiltii yapilmas1 ya da aym maksatla hukuka aykm ba~ka bir davran1~ta bulunulmasi halinde, magdurun ~ikiiyeti iizerine faile iiy aydan bir yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.

Haberle~menin engellenmesi MADDE 124.- (I) Ki~iler arasmdaki haberle~menin hukuka aykm olarak engellenmesi halinde, alt1

aydan iki yila kadar hapis veya adli para cezasma hUkmolunur.

(2) Kamu kurunilar1 arasmdaki haberle~meyi hukuka aykm olarak engelleyen ki~i, bir yildan be~ yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmlrr.

(3) Her tiirlii basm ve yaym organmm yaymmm hukuka aykm bir ~ekilde engellenmesi halinde, ikinci f1kra hUkmiine gore cezaya hUkmolunur.



Serefe Kar~1 Suylar

MADDE 125.- (1) Bir kimseye onur, ~erefve saygmhgm1 rencide edebilecek nitelikte somut bir fiil veya olgu isnat eden ya da yaki~tJ.rmalarda bulunmak veya sovmek suretiyle bir kimsenin onur, ~eref ve saygmhgma sald1ran ki~i, iiy aydan iki yila kadar hapis veya adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmhr. Magdurun g1yabmda hakaretin cezalandmlabilmesi iyin fiilin en az iiy ki~iyle ihtiliit ederek i~lenmesi gerekir.

(2) Fiilin, magduru muhatap alan sesli, yaz1h veya goriintiilii bir iletiyle i~lenmesi hiilinde, yukandaki f1krada belirtilen cezaya hUkmolunur.

(3) Hakaret suyunun;

a) Kamu gorevlisine kar~1 gorevinden dolay1,

b) Dini, siyasi, sosyal, felsefi inany, dii~iince ve kanaatlerini ayiklamasmdan, degi~tirmesinden, yaymaya ya!I~masmdan, mensup oldugu dinin emir ve yasaklarma uygun davranmasmdan dolay1,

c) Ki~inin mensup bulundugu dine gore kutsal sayilan degerlerden bahisle,

i~lenmesi halinde, cezanm alt smm bir yildan az olamaz.

(4) Ceza, hakaretin alenen i~lenmesi hiilinde, altida biri; basm ve yaym yoluyla i~lenmesi halinde, iiyte biri oranmda artmhr.

(5) Kuru! halinde yaii~an kamu gorevlilerine gorevlerinden dolay1 hakaret edilmesi hiilinde suy, kurulu olu~turan iiyelere kar~1 i~lenmi~ sayil1r.

Magdurun belirlenmesi MADDE 126. - (1) Hakaret suyunun i~lenmesinde magdurun ismi ayikya belirtilmemi~ veya isnat

ustu kapali gec;i~tirilmi~ o1sa bile, eger niteliginde ve magdurun ~ahsma yone1ik bulundugunda duraksamnayacak bir dururn varsa, hem ismi belirtilmi~ ve hem de hakaret ac;ildamni~ sayil1r.

isnadm ispati MADDE 127. - (1) isnat edilen ve sue; o1u~turan fiilin ispat edilmi~ o1masi M1inde ki~iye ceza

verilmez. Bu sue; nedeniy1e hakaret edilen hakkmda kesinle~mi~ bir mahkfuniyet karan verilmesi M1inde, isnat ispatlamn1~ say1lir. Bunun d1~mdaki M11erde isnadm ispat isteminin kabulu, ancak isnat o1unan fiilin dogru o1up o1madigmm anl~ilmasmda kamu yarar1 bulunmasma veya ~ilrnyetc;inin ispata raz1 o1masma baglidrr.

(2) ispat edilmi~ fiilinden soz edilerek ki~iye hakaret edilmesi M1inde, cezaya hiikmedilir.

iddia ve savunma dokunulmazhjp MADDE 128.- (1) Yarg1 merci1eri veya idari makam1ar nezdinde yapilan yaz1li veya soz1u ba~vuru,

iddia ve savunmalar kapsammda, ki~ilerle i1gili o1arak somut isnadlarda ya da o1urnsuz deger1endirrne1erde bulunulmas1 Mlinde, ceza verilmez. Ancak, bunun ic;in isnat ve degerlendirme1erin, gerc;ek ve somut vak1alara dayamnas1 ve uyu~maz1ilda bag1antili o1masi gerekir.

HaksiZ fill nedeniyle veya kar~1hkh hakaret MADDE 129. - (1) Hakaret suc;unun haks1z bir fii1e tepki o1arak i~1enmesi hruinde, veri1ecek ceza

uc;te birine kadar indiri1ebi1ecegi gibi, ceza vermekten de vazgec;i1ebilir.

(2) Bu suc;un, kasten yaralama suc;una tepki o1arak i~1enmesi hruinde, ki~iye ceza veri1mez. (3) Hakaret suc;unun kar~1likh o1arak i~1enmesi hruinde, o1aym mahiyetine gore, taraflardan her ikisi

veya biri hakkmda veri1ecek ceza uc;te birine kadar indiri1ebi1ecegi gibi, ceza vermekten de vazgec;i1ebilir.

Ki~inin hatirasma hakaret MADDE 130. - (1) Bir kimsenin o1diikten sonra hatrrasma en az uc; ki~iy1e ihti1at ederek hakaret eden

ki~i, uc; aydan iki yila kadar hapis veya adli para cezas1 i1e cezalandmlir. Ceza, hakaretin alenen i~1enmesi Mlinde, altida biri oranmda artmlir.

(2) Bir o1iiniin kismen veya tamamen ceset veya kemiklerini alan veya ceset veya kemilder hakkinda tahkir edici fiillerde bulunan ki~i, uc; aydan iki yila kadar hapis cezas1 i1e cezalandmlir.

Soru~mrma ve kovu~turma ko~ulu MADDE 131. - (1) Kamu gorev1isine kar~1 gorevinden do1ayi i~1enen haric;; hakaret suc;unun

so~tur!ilmas1 ve ko~tur!ilmas1, magdurun ~ikayetine baglidrr.

(2) Magdur, ~ilrnyet etrneden once o1iirse, veya sue; o1mu~ o1an ki~inin hat1rasma kar~1 i~1enmi~ ise; o1enin ikinci dereceye kadar ustsoy ve altsoyu, e~ veya karde~1eri tarafmdan ~ilrnyette bu1unulabilir.


Oze1 Hayata ve Hayatln Gizli Alanma Kar~1 Suc;1ar

Haberle~menin gizliligini ihlal MADDE 132.- (1) Ki~i1er arasmdaki haber1e~menin gizliligini ihlru eden kirnse, alt! aydan iki yila

kadar hapis veya adli para cezas1 i1e cezalandmhr. Bu gizli1ik ihlrui haberle~me ic;erik1erirlin kayd1 suretiy1e gerc;ekle~irse, bir yildan uc; yila kadar hapis cezasma hiikmo1unur.

(2) Ki~i1er arasmdaki haberle~me ic;erilderirli hukuka aykm o1arak if~a eden kimse, bir yildan uc; yila kadar hapis cezas1 i1e cezalandm1rr.

(3) Kendisiy1e yapilan haberle~me1erin ic;erigini diger tarafm nzas1 o1maksiZm alenen if~a eden ki~i, alt1 aydan iki yila kadar hapis veya adli para cezas1 i1e cezalandmhr.

(4) Ki~iler arasmdaki haberle~me1erin ic;eriginin basm ve yaym yo1u i1e yay1nlamnasi hruinde, ceza

yan oranmda artmlir.

Ki~iler arasmdaki konu~malarm dinlenmesi ve kayda ahnmas1 MADDE 133.- (1) Ki~iler arasmdaki aleni olmayan konu~malan, taraflardan herhangi birinin nzas1

olmaks1zm bir aletle dinleyen veya bunlar1 bir ses alma cihaz1 ile kaydeden ki~i, iki aydan alt1 aya kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmlir.

(2) Katlid1g1 aleni olmayan bir soyle~iyi, diger konu~anlarm nzas1 olmadan ses alma cihaz1 ile kayda alan ki~i, altl aya kadar hapis veya adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmlir.

(3) Yukar1daki flkralarda yazli1 fiillerden biri i~lenerek elde edildigi bilinen bilgilerden yarar saglayan veya bunlar1 b~kalarma veren veya diger ki~ilerin bilgi edinmelerini temin eden ki~i, altl aydan iki ylia kadar hapis ve bin giine kadar adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmhr. Bu konu~malarm basm ve yaym yoluyla yaymlanmas1 Mlinde de, aym cezaya hiikmolunur.

Ozel hayatm gizliligini ihlil MADDE 134. - (1) Ki~ilerin ozel hayatlnm gizliligini ihla! eden kimse, altl aydan iki ylia kadar hapis

veya adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmlir. Gizliligin goriintii veya seslerin kayda al1nmas1 suretiyle ihla! edilmesi Mlinde, cezanm alt smm bir ylidan az olamaz.

(2) Ki~ilerin ozel hayatma ili~kin goriintii veya sesleri if~a eden kimse, bir ylidan u~ ylia kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmlir. Fiilin basm ve yaym yoluyla i~lenmesi Mlinde, ceza yan oranmda artlnhr.

Ki~isel verilerin kaydedilmesi MADDE 135.- (1) Hukuka aykm olarak ki~isel verileri kaydeden kimseye altl aydan u~ ylia kadar

hapis cezas1 verilir.

(2) Ki~ilerin siyasi, felsefi veya dini goru~lerine, rrki kokenlerine; hukuka aykm olarak alliaki egilimlerine, cinsel y~amlarma, saglik durumlarma veya sendikal baglantliarma ili~kin bilgileri ki~isel veri olarak kaydeden kimse, yukandaki flkra hiikmune gore cezalandmlir.

Verileri hukuka aykin olarak verme veya ele ge~irme MADDE 136.- (I) Ki~isel verileri, hukuka aykm olarak bir ba~kasma veren, yayan veya ele ge~iren

ki~i, bir ylidan dort ylia kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmlrr.

Nitelikli hiller MADDE 137.- (1) Yukandaki maddelerde tanunlanan su~larm; a) Kamu gorevlisi tarafmdan ve gorevinin verdigi yetki kotiiye kullanlimak suretiyle,

b) Belli bir meslek ve sanatm saglad1g1 kolayliktan yararlanmak suretiyle,

i~lenmesi M.linde, verilecek ceza yar1 oramnda artmlrr.

Verileri yok etmeme MADDE 138.- (1) Kanunlarm belirledigi surelerin ge~mi~ olmasma kar~m verileri sistem i~inde yok

etlnekle ytikunllu olanlara gorevlerini yerine getirmediklerinde altl aydan bir ylia kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.


MADDE 139. - (1) Ki~isel verilerin kaydedilmesi, verileri hukuka aykm olarak verme veya ele ge~irme ve verileri yok etlneme hari~, bu bolumde yer alan su~larm so~tlrrulmas1 ve kovu~tlrrulmas1 ~ikayete baglidrr.

Tiizel ki~iler hakkinda giivenlik tedbiri uygulanmas1 MADDE 140. - (1) Yukandaki maddelerde tan1mlanan su~larm i~lenmesi dolaylslyla tiizel ki~iler

hakkmda bunlara ozgti gtivenlik tedbirlerine hiikmolunur.

ONUNCU BOLUM Malvarligma Kar~1 Su~lar

H1rsiZhk MADDE 141.- (1) Zilyedinin nzas1 olmadan b~kasma ait ta~Inlr bir mali, kendisine veya b~kasma

bir yarar saglamak maksad1yla bulundugu yerden alan kimseye bir yildan uc yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.

(2) Ekonomik bir deger ~1yan her tiirlii enerji de, ta~Inlr mal sayil1r.

Nitelikli h1rsiZhk MADDE 142.- (1) HirsiZhk sucunun; a) Kime ait olursa olsun kamu kurum ve kuriiiu~larmda veya ibadete aynlm1~ yerlerde bulunan ya da

kamu yararma veya hizmetine tahsis edilen e~a hakkmda,

b) Herkesin girebilecegi bir yerde bmlk!.lmakla birlikte kilitlenmek suretiyle ya da bina veya eklentileri icinde muhafaza alt1na a!Inmi~ olan e~ya hakkmda,

c) Halkm yararlanmasma sunulmu~ ul~Im arac1 icinde veya bunlarm belli var1~ veya kalki~ yerlerinde bulunan e~a hakkmda,

d) Bir afet veya gene! bir felaketin meydana getirebilecegi zararlar1 onlemek veya hafifletmek maksad1yla hazrrlanan e~ya hakkmda,

e) Adet veya tahsis veya kullanimiari geregi acikta brrakilm1~ e~ya hakkmda,

t) Elektrik enerjisi hakkmda, i~lenmesi halinde, iki yildan be~ yila kadar hapis cezasma hiikmolunur. (2) Sucun;

a) Ki~inin malm1 koruyamayacak dururnda olmasmdan veya olmesinden yararlanarak,

b) Elde veya ustte ~man e~yay1 cekip almak suretiyle ya da ozel beceriyle,

c) Dogal bir afetin veya sosyal olaylarm meydana getirdigi korku veya karg~adan yararlanarak,

d) HaksiZ yere elde bulundurulan veya taklit anahtarla ya da diger bir aletle kilit acmak suretiyle,

e) Bili~im sistemlerinin kullanilmasi suretiyle,

t) Tanmmamak icin tedbir alarak veya yetkisi olmadigl halde resmi s1fat takmarak, g) Barmak yerlerinde, siiriide veya ac1k yerlerde bulunan biiyiik veya kiiciik b~ hayvan hakkmda,

i~lenmesi haJinde, uc yildan yedi yila kadar hapis cezas1na hiikmolunur. Sucun, bu f1kranm (b) bendinde belirtilen surette, beden veya ruh bakimmdan kendisini savunamayacak dururnda olan kimseye kar~1 i~lenmesi halinde, verilecek ceza ucte biri oranma kadar artmhr.

(3) Sucun, sivi veya gaz haJindeki enerji hakkmda ve bunlarm nakline, i~lenmesine veya depolanmasma ait tesislerde i~lenmesi haJinde, ikinci fikraya gore cezaya hiikmolunur. Bu fiilin bir orgiitiin faaliyeti cercevesinde i~lenmesi haJinde, onbe~ yila kadar hapis ve onbin giine kadar adli para cezasma hiikmolunur.

Su~un gece vakti i~lenmesi MADDE 143.- (1) Hrrs1zhk sucunun gece vakti i~lenmesi haJinde, verilecek ceza ucte birine kadar


Daha az cezay1 gerektiren hiller MADDE 144.- (1) HirsiZhk sucunun; a) Payd~ veya elbirligi ile malik olunan mal iizerinde,

b) Bir hukuki ili~kiye dayanan alacag1 tahsil amaciyla,

i~lenmesi haJinde, ~ikayet iizerine, fail hakkmda iki aydan bir yila kadar hapis veya adli para cezasma hiikmolunur.

Mahn degerinin az olmas1 MADDE 145.- (1) Hirsizhk sucunun konusunu olu~turan maim degerinin azhg1 nedeniyle, verilecek

cezada indirim yapilabilecegi gibi, ceza vermekten de vazge9ilebilir.

Kullanma hirsiZhgi

MADDE 146.- (1) HirsiZhk su9unun, maim ge9ici bir s'Ure kullamhp zilyedine iade edilmek \izere i~lenmesi halinde, ~ik~yet \izerine, verilecek ceza yan oranma kadar indirilir. Ancak maim su9 i~lemek i9in kullamlmi~ olmas1 halinde bu hUkiirn uygulanmaz.

Zorunluluk hili

MADDE 147. - (1) Hrrs1zhk su9unun ag1r ve acil bir ihtiyac1 kar~liamak i9in i~lenmesi halinde, olaym ozelligine gore, verilecek cezada indirinl yapliabilecegi gibi, ceza vermekten de vazge9ilebilir.


MADDE 148. - (1) Bir b~kaslfl1, kendisinin veya yakmmm hayatma, viicut veya cinsel dokunulmazhgma yonelik bir saldm ger9ekle~tireceginden ya da malvarhg1 itibanyla biiyiik bir zarara ugratacagmdan bahisle tehdit ederek veya cebir kullanarak, bir mall teslime veya maim almmasma kar~1 koymamaya mecbur kllan ki~i, altl ylidan on ylia kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

(2) Cebir veya tehdit kullamlarak magdurun, kendisini veya b~kas1m bor9 altlna sokabilecek bir senedi veya var olan bir senedin hUkiirnsiiz kald1g1m ~1klayan bir vesikay1 vermeye, boyle bir senedin al1nmas1na kar~1 koymamaya, ilerde boyle bir senet haline getirilebilecek bir kag1d1 imzalamaya veya var olan bir senedi imha etmeye veya imhasma kar~1 koymamaya mecbur edilmesi halinde de aym ceza verilir.

(3) Magdurun, herhangi bir vas1ta ile kendisini bilmeyecek ve savunamayacak h&e getirilmesi de, yagma su9unda cebir sayli1r.

Nitelikli yagma

MADDE 149.- (1) Yagma su9unun; a) Sil&lla,

b) Ki~inin kendisini tanmmayacak bir h&e koymas1 suretiyle,

c) Birden fazla ki~i tarafmdan birlikte,

d) Yo! kesmek suretiyle ya da konut veya i~yerinde,

e) Beden veya ruh bak1mmdan kendisini savunamayacak dururnda bulunan ki~iye kar~1,

f) Var olan veya var saylian su9 orgiitlerinin ol~turduklar1 korkutucu gii9ten yararlanliarak, g) Su9 orgiitiine yarar saglamak maksad1yla,

h) Gece vaktinde,

i~lenmesi halinde, fail hakkmda on ylidan onbe~ ylia kadar hapis cezasma hiikmolunur.

(2) Yagma su9unun i~lenmesi s1rasmda kasten yaralama su9unun neticesi sebebiyle agrrla~m1~ h&lerinin ger9ekle~mesi dururnunda, aynca kasten yaralama su9una ili~kin hiikiimler uygularur.

Daha az cezay1 gerektiren hlil

MADDE 150. - (I) Ki~inin bir hukuki ili~kiye dayanan alacagm1 tahsil amac1yla tehdit veya cebir kullanmas1 h&inde, ancak tehdit veya kasten yaralama su9una ili~kin hiikiimler uygularur.

(2) Yagma su9unun konusunu olu~turan maim degerinin azhg1 nedeniyle, verilecek ceza ii9te birden yar1ya kadar indirilir.

Mala zarar verme

MADDE 151. - (1) B~kasmm ~1mr veya ta~mmaz malm1 k1smen veya tamamen y1kan, tahrip eden, yok eden, bozan, kullamlamaz hale getiren veya kirleten ki~i, magdurun ~itlyeti iizerine, dort aydan ii9 ylia kadar hapis veya adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

(2) Hakh bir neden olmaks1zm, sahipli hayvan1 old'Uren, i~e yaramayacak h&e getiren veya degerinin azalmas1na neden olan ki~i hakkmda yukar1daki f1kra hiikmii uygularur.

Mala zarar vermenin nitelikli halleri MADDE 152.- (I) Mala zarar verme su~unun; a) Kamu kurum ve kurulU§larma ait, kamu hizmetine tahsis edilmi~ veya kamunun yararlanmasma

aynlm1~ yer, bina, tesis veya diger e~ya hakkmda, b) Yangma, sel ve ~kma, kazaya ve diger felaketlere kar~I konmmaya tahsis edilmi~ her tiirlii e~a

veya tesis hakkmda, c) Devlet orman1 statiisiindeki yerler hari~, nerede olursa olsun, her tiirlii dikili ag~, fidan veya bag

~ubugu hakkmda, d) Sulamaya, i~me sularmm saglanmasma veya afetlerden korumaya yarayan tesisler hakkmda, e) Grev veya lokavt hallerinde i~verenlerin veya i~~ilerin veya i~veren veya i~~i sendika veya

konfederasyonlarmm maliki oldugu veya kullan1mmda olan bina, tesis veya e~ya hakkmda, f) Siyasi partilerin, kamu kurumu niteligindeki meslek kurulu~larmm ve iist kurulu~lar1mn maliki

oldugu veya kullan1mmda olan bina, tesis veya e~ya hakkmda, g) Sona ermi~ olsa bile, gorevinden otiirii o~ almak amac1yla bir kamu gorevlisinin zararma olarak, i~lenmesi halinde, fail hakkmda bir yildan altJ yila kadar hapis cezasma hiikmolunur. (2) Mala zarar verme su~unun; a) Yakarak, yakici veya patlayici madde kullanarak,

b) Toprak kaymasma, ~Ig dii~mesine, sel veya ~kina neden olmak suretiyle, c) Radyasyona maruz brrakarak, niikleer, biyolojik veya kimyasal silah kullanarak, i~lenmesi halinde, verilecek ceza iki katJna kadar artmhr. ibadethanelere ve mezarhklara zarar verme MADDE 153. - (I) ibadethanelere, bunlarm eklentilerine, buralardaki e~yaya, mezarlara, bunlarm

iizerindeki yapilara, mezarhklardaki tesislere, mezarhklarm konmmasma yonelik olarak yapilan yapilara y1kmak, bozmak veya krrmak suretiyle zarar veren ki~i, bir yildan dort yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

(2) Birinci f1krada belirtilen yerleri ve yapilar1 kirleten ki~i, ii~ aydan bir yila kadar hapis veya adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmlrr.

(3) Birinci ve ikinci fikralardaki fiillerin, ilgili dini inan1~1 benimseyen toplum kesimini tahkir maksad1yla i~lenmesi halinde, verilecek ceza ii~te biri oranmda artmlrr.

Hakki olmayan yere tecaviiz MADDE 154. - (1) Bir hakka dayanmaks!Zm kamuya veya ozel ki~ilere ait ta~mmaz mal veya

eklentilerini malikmi~ gibi tamamen veya k1smen i~gal eden veya smrrlarm1 degi~tiren veya bozan veya hak sahibinin bunlardan k1smen de olsa yararlanmasma engel olan kimseye, altJ aydan ii~ yila kadar hapis ve bin giine kadar adli para cezas1 verilir.

(2) Koy tiizel ki~iligine ait oldugunu veya oteden beri koyliiniin ortak yararlanmasma terk edilmi~ bulundugunu bilerek mera, harman yeri, yol ve sulak gibi ~Inmaz mallar1 k1smen veya tamamen zapt eden, bunlar iizerinde tasarrufta bulunan veya siiriip eken kimse hakkmda birinci fikrada yaz1h cezalar uygulan1r.

(3) Kamuya veya ozel ki~ilere ait sularm mecrasm1 degi~tiren kimse hakkmda birinci f1krada yaz1h cezalar uygulamr.

Giiveni kiitiiye kullanma MADDE 155. - (1) B~kas1na ait olup da, belirli bir ~ekilde kullanmak iizere zilyedligi kendisine

devredilmi~ olan mal iizerinde, kendisinin veya b~kasmm yararma olarak, zilyedligin devri amac1 d1~mda tasarrufta bulunan veya bu devir olgusunu inkar eden ki~i, ~ikiiyet iizerine, altJ aydan iki yila kadar hapis ve adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

(2) Suyun, meslek ve sanat, ticaret veya hizmet ili~kisinin ya da hangi nedenden dogmu~ olursa olsun, ba~kasmm mallarmi idare etmek yetkisinin geregi olarak tevdi ve teslim edilmi~ e~ya hakkmda i~lenmesi hruinde, bir yildan yedi yila kadar hapis ve iiybin giine kadar adli para cezasma hiikmolunur.

Bedelsiz senedi kullanma MADDE 156.- (1) Bedelsiz kalm1~ bir senedi kullanan kimseye, ~ikayet iizerine, alti aydan iki yila

kadar hapis ve adli para cezas1 verilir.

Dolandmcihk MADDE 157. - (1) Hileli davrani~larla bir kimseyi aldat1p, onun veya b~kasmm zararma olarak,

kendisine veya b~kasma bir yarar saglayan ki~iye bir yildan be~ yila kadar hapis ve be~bin giine kadar adli para cezas1 verilir.

Nitelikli dolandmcdik MADDE 158.- (1) Dolandmcihk suyunun; a) Dini inany ve duygularm istismar edilmesi suretiyle,

b) Ki~inin iyinde bulundugu tehlikeli durum veya zor ~artlardan yarar1anmak suretiyle,

c) Ki~inin algilama yeteneginin zay1fhgmdan yarar1anmak suretiyle,

d) Kamu kurum ve kurulu~larmm, kamu meslek kurulu~larmm, siyasi parti, vakif veya demek tiizel ki~iliklerinin aray olarak kullanilmasi suretiyle,

e) Kamu kurum ve kurul~larmm zararma olarak,

f) Bili~im sistemlerinin, banka veya kredi kurumlarmm aray olarak kullanilmasi suretiyle, g) Basm ve yaym araylarmm sagladigi kolayhktan yararlanmak suretiyle,

h) Tacir veya ~irket yoneticisi olan ya da ~irket adma hareket eden ki~ilerin ticari faaliyetleri s1rasmda; kooperatifyoneticilerinin kooperatifin faaliyeti kapsammda,

i) Serbest meslek sahibi ki~iler tarafmdan, mesleklerinden dolay1 kendilerine duyulan giivenin kotiiye kullanilmasi suretiyle,

j) Banka veya diger kredi kurumlarmca tahsis edilmemesi gereken bir kredinin ayilmasmi saglamak maksadiyla,

k) Sigorta bede1ini almak maksadiyla,

i~lenmesi hruinde, iki yildan yedi yila kadar hapis ve be~bin giine kadar adli para cezasma hiikmolunur.

(2) Kamu gorevlileriyle ili~kisinin o1dugundan, onlar nezdinde hatm sayild1gmdan bahisle ve belli bir i~in gordiiriilecegi vaadiy1e aldatarak, b~kasmdan menfaat temin eden ki~i, yukandaki fikra hiikmiine gore cezalandmhr.

Daha az cezay1 gerektiren hal MADDE 159. - (1) Do1andmcihgm, bir hukuki ili~kiye dayanan alacag1 tahsil amaciy1a i~lenmesi

hruinde, ~ikiiyet iizerine, alti aydan bir yila kadar hapis veya adli para cezasma hiikmolunur.

Kaybolmu~ veya hata sonucu ele ge~mi~ e~ya iizerinde tasarruf MADDE 160. - (1) Kaybedilmi~ olmasi nedeniyle malikinin zilyedliginden yikmi~ olan ya da hata

sonucu ele geyirilen e~a iizerinde, iade etmeksizin veya yetkili mercileri durumdan haberdar etmeksizin, malik gibi tasarru:fta bulunan ki~i, ~ikiiyet iizerine, bir yila kadar hapis veya adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

Hileli iflis MADDE 161. - (1) Malvarhgm1 eksiltmeye yonelik hileli tasarruflarda bulunan ki~i, bu hileli

tasarruflardan once veya sonra iflasa karar verilmi~ olmas1 haJinde, iiy yildan sekiz yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr. Hileli iflasm varhg1 iyin;

a) Alacak!Iiarm alacaklarmm teminati mahiyetinde olan mallarm kaymlmasi, gizlenmesi veya

degerinin azalmasma neden olunmasi, b) Malvarhgmi ~Irmaya yonelik tasarruflarmm ortaya yilanasmi onlemek iyin ticari defter, kayit

veya belgelerin gizlenmesi veya yok edilmesi,

c) Geryekte bir alacak ve bory ili~kisi olmadigi halde, sanki boyle bir ili~ki mevcutmu~ gibi, borylarm artmasma neden olacak ~ekilde beige dU.Zenlenmesi,

d) Geryege aykm muhasebe kayitiariyla veya sahte bilanyo tanzimiyle aktifin oldugundan az gosterilmesi,

Gerekir. Taksirli iflis MADDE 162.- (1) Tacir olmanm gerekli kildigi dikkat ve ozenin gosterilmemesi dolayisiyla ifldsa

sebebiyet veren ki~i, iflasa karar verilmi~ olmas1 ha!inde, iki aydan bir yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

Kar~IIIksiZ yararlanma MADDE 163. - (1) Otomatlar aracihgi ile sunulan ve bedeli odendigi takdirde yararlarulabilen bir

hizmetten odeme yapmadan yararlanan ki~i, iki aydan alti aya kadar hapis veya adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

(2) Telefon hatlan ile frekanslarmdan veya elektromanyetik dalgalarla yapilan ~ifreli veya ~ifresiz yayinlardan sahibinin veya zilyedinin nzas1 olmadan yararlanan ki~i, alt1 aydan iki yila kadar hapis veya adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

!!lirket veya kooperatifler hakkinda yanh~ bilgi MADDE 164.- (1) Bir ~irket veya kooperatifm kurucu, ortak, idareci, miidur veya temsilcileri veya

yonetim veya denetim kurulu iiyeleri veya tasfiye memuru s1fatim ~Iyaniar, kamuya yaptiklari beyanlarda veya gene! kurula sunduklar1 raporlarda veya onerilerde ilgililerin zarara ugramasma neden olabilecek nitelikte geryege aykm onemli bilgiler verecek veya verdirtecek olurlarsa alti aydan iiy yila kadar hapis veya bin giine kadar adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmhrlar.

Su~ e~yasmm satm ahnmas1 veya kabul edilmesi MADDE 165. - (1) Bir suyun i~lenmesiyle elde edilen e~yay1 satin alan veya kabul eden ki~i, alti

aydan iiy yila kadar hapis ve bin giine kadar adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

Bilgi vermeme MADDE 166. - (1) Bir hukuki ili~kiye dayal1 olarak elde ettigi e~yanm, esasmda suy i~lemek

suretiyle veya suy i~lemek dolayisiyla elde edildigini ogrenmesine ragmen, suyu takibe yetkili makamlara vakit geyirmeksizin bildirimde bulunmayan ki~i, altJ aya kadar hapis veya adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

!!lahsi cezasiZhk sebebi veya cezada indirim yapdmasm1 gerektiren ~ahsi sebep MADDE 167. - (1) Yagma ve nitelikli yagma hariy, bu boliimde yer alan suylarm; a) Haklarmda aynhk karar1 verilmemi~ e~lerden birinin, b) Dstsoy veya altsoyunun veya bu derecede kaym hisimlarmdan birinin veya evlat edinen veya

evliithgm, c) Aym konutta beraber y~ayan karde~lerden birinin, Zararma olarak i~lenmesi ha!inde, ilgili akraba hakkmda cezaya hiikmolunmaz. (2) Bu suylarm, haklarmda aynhk: karar1 verilmi~ olan e~lerden birinin, aym konutta beraber

ya~amayan karde~lerden birinin, aym konutta beraber y~amakta olan amca, day1, hala, teyze, yegen veya ik:inci derecede k:aym hisimlarmm zararma olarak i~lenmesi ha!inde; ilgili akraba hak:k:mda ~ik:iiyet U.Zerine verilecek: ceza, yariSI oranmda indirilir.

Etkin pi~manhk

MADDE 168.- (1) HirsiZhk, mala zarar verme, giiveni kotiiye kullamna, dolandmcihk ve kar~Iiiksiz yararlamna su~lar1 tamamlandilctan sonra ve fakat bu nedenle hakkmda ko~turma b~lamadan once failin, azmettirenin veya yard1m edenin bizzat pi~manlik gostererek magdurun ugrad1g1 zaran aynen geri verme veya tazmin suretiyle gidermesi halinde; cezas1 ii~te birden ii~te ikiye kadar indirilir. Yagma su~unda ise, cezada altJda birden ii~te bire kadar indirim yapilrr.

(2) K1smen geri verme veya tazmin ha!inde etkin pi~manl1k hiikiirnlerinin uygulanabilmesi i~in, magdurun nzas1 aranrr.

Tiizel ki~iler hakklnda giivenlik tedbiri uygulanmas1 MADDE 169.- (1) Hrrs1zhk, giiveni kotiiye kullamna ve dolandmcihk su~larmm i~lenmesi suretiyle

yararma haks1z menfaat saglanan tiizel ki~iler hakkmda bunlara ozgii giivenlik tedbirlerine hiikmolunur.

U(:UNCU KISIM Topluma Kar~I Su~lar

BiRiNCi BOLOM Gene! Tehlike Yaratan Su~lar

Genel giivenligi.n kasten tehlikeye sokulmas1 MADDE 170.- (1) Ki~ilerin hayatJ, saghg1 veya malvarhg1 bak1mmdan tehlikeli olacak bi~imde ya

da ki~ilerde korku, kayg1 veya panik yaratabilecek tarzda; a) Yangm ~Ikaran, b) Bina ~okmesine, toprak kaymasma, ~1g dii~mesine, sel veya ta~kma neden olan, c) Silah!a ate~ eden veya patlayici madde kullanan, Ki~i, alt1 aydan ii~ yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

(2) Yangm, bina ~okmesi, toprak kaymas1, ~1g d~mesi, sel veya~km tehlikesine neden olan ki~i, ii~ aydan bir yila kadar hapis veya adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmlrr.

Genel giivenligi.n taksirle tehlikeye sokulmas1 MADDE 171.- (1) Taksirle; a) Yangma,

b) Bina ~okmesine, toprak kaymasma, ~1g dii~mesine, sel veya ta~kma, Neden olan ki~i, fiilin b~kalarmm hayatJ, saghg1 veya malvarhg1 bakimmdan tehlikeli olmas1

hruinde, ii~ aydan bir yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr. Radyasyon yayma MADDE 172.- (1) Bir b~kasm1, saghgm1 bozmak amaciyla ve bu amac1 ger~ekle~tirmeye elveri~li

olacak surette, radyasyona tabi tutan ki~i, ii~ yildan onbe~ yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr. (2) Birinci fikradaki fiilin belirsiz say1da ki~ilere kar~1 i~lenmi~ olmas1 ha!inde, be~ yildan az

olmamak iizere hapis cezasma hiikmolunur. (3) Bir b~kasmm hayat1, saghg1 veya malvarhgma onemli ol~iide zarar vermeye elveri~li olacak

bi~imde radyasyon yayan veya atom ~ekirdeklerinin par~alamnas1 siirecine etkide bulunan ki~i, iki yildan be~ yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

(4) Radyasyon yayilmasma veya atom ~ekirdeklerinin par~alamnas1 siirecine, bir laboratuvar veya tesisin i~letilmesi srrasmda gerekli dikkat ve ozen yiikiirnliiliigiine aykm olarak neden olan ki~i, fiilin bir ba~kasmm hayat1, saghg1 veya malvarhgma onemli ol~iide zarar vermeye elveri~li olmas1 halinde, altJ aydan ii~ yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

Atom enerjisi ile patlamaya sebebiyet verme MADDE 173. - (1) Atom enerjisini serbest b1rakarak bir patlamaya ve bu suretle bir ba§kasmm

hayatJ, saghg1 veya malvarhg1 hakkmda onemli ol9ude tehlikeye sebebiyet veren ki~i, be~ yildan az olmamak U.Zere hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

(2) Yukar1daki fikrada tanimlanan fiilin taksirle i~lenmesi halinde, iki yildan be~ yila kadar hapis cezasma hUkmolunur.

Tehlikeli maddelerin izinsiz olarak bulundurulmasi veya el degi~tirmesi MADDE 174. - (1) Yetkili makamlardan gerekli izni almaksiZm, patlayici, yakici, a§mdmci,

yaralayici, bogucu, zehirleyici, stirekli hastal1ga yol a9IC1 nUkleer, radyoaktif, kimyasal, biyolojik maddeyi imal, ithal veya ihr~ eden, illke i9inde bir yerden diger bir yere nakleden, muhafaza eden, satan, satm alan veya i~leyen ki~i, U\! yildan sekiz yila kadar hapis ve be~bin gUrie kadar adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmhr. Yetkili makamlarm izni olmaksizin, bu f1kra kapsamma giren maddelerin imalinde, i~lenmesinde veya kullamlmasmda gerekli olan malzeme ve te9hizatJ ihra9 eden ki~i de ayru ceza ile cezalandmhr.

(2) Bu fiillerin su9 i~lemek i9in te~kil edilmi~ bir orgtitiin faaliyeti 9er9evesinde i~lenmesi ha.J.inde, verilecek ceza yar1 oranmda artmhr.

(3) Onemsiz tUr ve miktarda patlayici maddeyi satm alan, kabul eden veya bulunduran ki~i hakkmda, kullanili~ amac1 gozetilerek, bir yila kadar hapis cezasma hUkmolunur.

Akd hastas1 iizerindeki baklm ve gozetim yiikiimliiliigiinii.n ihlali MADDE 175. - (1) Akil hastas1 U.Zerindeki bak:Im ve gozetim ylikiimlillugunu, ba§kalarmm hayat1,

saghg1 veya malvarhg1 bak1mmdan tehlikeli olabilecek ~ekilde ihrual eden ki~i, alt1 aya kadar hapis veya adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

in~aat veya YJklmla ilgili emniyet kurallarma uymama MADDE 176.- (1) in~aat veya y1kim faaliyeti srrasmda, insan hayat1 veya beden butUrilugu a91smdan

gerekli olan tedbirleri almayan ki~i, U\! aydan bir yila kadar hapis veya adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

Hayvanm tehlike yaratabilecek ~ekilde serbest birakilmasi MADDE 177.- (1) Gozetimi altmda bulunan hayvaru ba§kalarmm hayat1 veya saghg1 bakimmdan

tehlikeli olabilecek ~ekilde serbest b1rakan veya bunlarm kontrol altma al1nmasmda ihrual gosteren ki~i, alt1 aya kadar hapis veya adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmlrr.

i~aret ve engel koymama MADDE 178.- (1) Herkesin gelip ge9tigi yerlerde yapilmakta olan i~lerden veya birakilan e~adan

dogan tehlikeyi onlemek i9in gerekli i~aret veya engelleri koymayan, konulm~ olan i~aret veya engelleri kaldrran ya da bunlarm yerini degi~tiren ki~i, iki aydan alt1 aya kadar hapis veya adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

Trafik giivenligini tehlikeye sokma MADDE 179.- (1) K.ara, deniz, hava veya demiryolu ula~Immm gtiven i9inde aki~m1 saglamak i9in

konulmu~ her tUrlu i~areti degi~tirerek, kullanilamaz hale getirerek, konulduklar1 yerden kaldrrarak, yanh~ i~aretler vererek, ge9i~, var1~, kalk1~ veya ini~ yollar1 U.Zerine bir ~ey koyarak ya da tekriik i~letim sistemine mudahale ederek, ba~kalar1run hayat1, saghg1 veya malvarhg1 bak:Immdan bir tehlikeye neden olan ki~iye bir yildan altJ yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.

(2) K.ara, deniz, hava veya demiryolu ula§Im ar~larm1 ki~ilerin hayat, saghk veya malvarhg1 ~Ismdan tehlikeli olabilecek ~ekilde sevk ve idare eden ki~i, iki yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmlrr.

(3) Alkol veya uyu~turucu madde etkisiyle ya da ba~ka bir nedenle emniyetli bir ~ekilde ara9 sevk ve idare edemeyecek ha.J.de olmasma ragmen ar~ kullanan ki~i yukandaki fikra hUkmune gore cezalandmhr.

Trafik giivenligini taksirle tehlikeye sokma

MADDE 180.- (1) Deniz, hava veya demiryolu ula~munda, ki~ilerin hayatJ, saghg1 veya malvarhgi bak1mmdan bir tehlikeye taksirle neden olan kimseye ii~ aydan ii~ yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.

c;evrenin kasten kirletilmesi


C,::evreye Kar~I Su~lar

MADDE 181.- (1) ilgili kanunlarla belirlenen teknik usullere aykm olarak ve ~evreye zarar verecek ~ekilde, atik veya artJklari topraga, suya veya havaya kasten veren ki~i, alt1 aydan iki yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

(2) At1k veya artJklari izinsiz olarak iilkeye sokan ki~i, bir yildan ii~ yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

(3) At1k veya artiklarm toprakta, suda veya havada ka!Ici ozellik gostermesi halinde, yukandaki f1kralara gore verilecek ceza iki katJ kadar artJnhr.

(4) Bir ve ikinci f1kralarda tanimlanan fiillerin, insan veya hayvanlar ~1smdan tedavisi zor hasta!Iklarm ortaya ~1kmasma, iireme yeteneginin korelmesine, hayvanlarm veya bitkilerin dogal ozelliklerini degi~tirmeye neden olabilecek niteliklere sahip olan at1k veya artJklarla ilgili olarak i~lenmesi halinde, be~ yildan az olmamak iizere hapis cezasma ve bin giine kadar adli para cezasma hiikmolunur.

(5) Bu maddenin iki, ii~ ve dordiincii fikrasmdaki fiillerden dolay1 tiizel ki~iler hakkmda bunlara ozgii giivenlik tedbirlerine hiikmolunur.

c;evrenin taksirle kirletilmesi MADDE 182. - (1) C,::evreye zarar verecek ~ekilde, atJk veya artiklarm topraga, suya veya havaya

verilmesine taksirle neden olan ki~i, adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmhr. Bu atik veya artiklarm, toprakta, suda veya havada ka!Ici etki birakmasi halinde, iki aydan bir yila kadar hapis cezasma hiikmolunur.

(2) insan veya hayvanlar ~1smdan tedavisi zor hasta!Iklarm ortaya ~Ikmasma, iireme yeteneginin korelmesine, hayvanlarm veya bitkilerin dogal ozelliklerini degi~tirmeye neden olabilecek niteliklere sahip olan at1k veya art1klarm topraga, suya veya havaya taksirle verilmesine neden olan ki~i, bir yildan be~ yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

Giiriiltiiye neden olma MADDE 183. - (1) ilgili kanunlarla belirlenen yiikiimliiliiklere aykm olarak, ba~ka bir kimsenin

saghgmm zarar gormesine elveri~li bir ~ekilde giiriiltiiye neden olan ki~i, iki aydan iki yila kadar hapis veya adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

imar kirliligine neden olma MADDE 184.- (1) Yap! ruhsatiyesi almmadan veya ruhsata aykm olarak bina yapan veya yaptlran

ki~i, bir yildan be~ yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

(2) Yap! ruhsatiyesi olmadan ba~latilan in~aatlar dolayisiyla kurulan ~antiyelere elektrik, su veya telefon baglantisi yapilmasma miisaade eden ki~i, yukar1daki fikra hiikmiine gore cezalandmhr.

(3) Yap1 kullanma izni almmami~ binalarda herhangi bir smai faaliyetin icrasma miisaade eden ki~i iki yildan be~ yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

(4) U~iincii fikra hari~, bu madde hiikiimleri ancak belediye smiriari i~inde veya ozel imar rejimine tabi yerlerde uygulanrr.

(5) Ki~inin, ruhsats1z ya da ruhsata aykm olarak yapt1g1 veya yaptrrd1g1 binay1 imar p!amna ve ruhsatma uygun hale getirmesi halinde, bir ve ikinci fikra hiikiimleri geregince kamu davas1 a~Iimaz, ~Iimi~ olan kamu davas1 d~er, mahkum olunan ceza biitiin sonu~lariyla ortadan kalkar.

Zehirli madde katma

U<;:DNCO BOL(JM Kamunun Saghgma Kar~1 Su~lar

MADDE 185. - (1) i~ilecek sulara veya yenilecek veya i~ilecek veya kullamlacak veya tiiketilecek her ~e~it besin veya ~eylere zehir katarak veya ba~ka suretlerle bunlan bozarak ki~ilerin hayatlm ve saghgm1 tehlikeye dii~\iren kimseye iki ylidan onbe~ ylia kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.

(2) Yukandaki f1krada belirtilen fiillerin dikkat ve ozen yi.ikiim!Uliigune aykm olarak i~lenmesi hruinde, ii~ aydan bir ylia kadar hapis cezasma hiikmolunur.

Bozulmu~ veya degi~tirilmi~ g1da veya ila~lann ticareti MADDE 186.- (1) Ki~ilerin hayatrm ve saghgm1 tehlikeye sokacak bi~imde bozulm~, degi~tirilmi~

her tUr yenilecek veya i~ilecek ~eyleri veya il~lar1 satan, tedarik eden, bulunduran kimseye bir ylidan be~ ylia kadar hapis ve binbe~yiiz giine kadar adli para cezas1 verilir.

(2) Bu su~un, resmi izne dayah olarak yUriitUlen bir meslek ve sanatm icras1 kapsammda i~lenmesi hruinde, verilecek ceza ii~te bir oranmda artmhr.

Ki~ilerin hayatlm ve saghg.m tehlikeye sokacak bi~imde ila~ yapma veya satma MADDE 187.- (1) Ki~ilerin hayatlm ve saghgm1 tehlikeye sokacak bi~imde il~ \ireten veya satan

kimseye bir ylidan be~ ylia kadar hapis ve adli para cezas1 verilir. (2) Bu su~un tabip veya eczac1 tarafmdan ya da resmi izne dayah olarak yiiriitiilen bir meslek ve

sanatln icras1 kapsammda i~lenmesi hruinde, verilecek ceza ii~te bir oranmda artmhr. Uyu~turucu veya uyanc1 madde imal ve ticareti MADDE 188. - (1) Uyu~turucu veya uyar1c1 maddeleri ruhsats1z veya ruhsata aykm olarak imal, ithal

veya ihra~ eden ki~i, on ylidan az olmamak iizere hapis ve yirrnibin giine kadar adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

(2) Uyu~turucu veya uyar1c1 madde ihrac1 fiilinin diger Ulke a~1smdan ithal olarak nitelendirilmesi dolaylslyla bu iilkede yaplian yargliama sonucunda hiikmolunan cezanm infaz edilen k1sm1, Tiirkiye'de uyu~turucu veya uyar1c1 madde ihrac1 dolay1s1y1a yapliacak yargliama sonucunda hiikmolunan cezadan mahsup edilir.

(3) Uyu~turucu veya uyanc1 maddeleri ruhsats1z veya ruhsata aykm olarak Ulke i~inde satan, satl~a arz eden, b~kalarma veren, nakleden, depolayan, satm alan, kabul eden, bulunduran ki~i, be~ ylidan onbe~ ylia kadar hapis ve yirrnibin giine kadar adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

(4) Uyu~turucu maddenin eroin, kokain, morfin veya bazmorfm olmas1 hruinde, yukandaki f1kralara gore verilecek ceza yar1 oranmda artmhr.

(5) Yukandaki f1kralarda gosterilen su~lar1n, su~ i~lemek i~in te~kil edilmi~ bir orgiitiin faaliyeti ~er~evesinde i~lenmesi hruinde, verilecek ceza yar1 oranmda artmhr.

(6) Uretimi resmi makamlarm iznine veya sat1~1 yetkili tabip tarafmdan diizenlenen re~eteye bagh olan ve uyu~turucu veya uyar1c1 madde etkisi doguran her tUrlii madde a~1smdan da yukandaki f1kralar hi.ikiimleri uygulan1r.

(7) Uyu~turucu veya uyar1c1 etki dogurmamakla birlikte, ~turucu veya uyar1c1 madde \iretiminde kullanlian ve ithal veya irnali resmi makamlarm iznine bagh olan maddeyi Ulkeye ithal eden, imal eden, satan, satm alan, nakleden, depolayan veya ihra~ eden ki~i, dort ylidan az olmamak iizere hapis ve yirmibin giine kadar adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

(8) Bu maddede tammlanan su~larm tabip, di~ tabibi, eczac1, kimyager, veteriner, saghk memuru, laborant, ebe, hem~ire, di~ teknisyeni, hastabak1c1, saghk hiznleti veren, kimyaclilkla veya ecza ticareti ile i~tigal eden ki~i tarafmdan i~lenmesi haJinde, verilecek ceza yar1 oranmda artlnhr.

Tiizel ki~iler hakkinda giivenlik tedbiri uygulanmas1

MADDE 189. - (1) Uyu~turucu veya uyariCI madde imal ve ticareti su~larmm bir tOzel ki~inin faaliyeti ~er~evesinde i~lenmesi Mlinde, tOzel ki~i hakkmda bunlara ozgii giivenlik tedbirlerine hiikmolunur.

Uyu~turucu veya uyanc1 madde kullamlmasm1 kolayla~nrma MADDE 190.- (I) Uyu~turucu veya uyanc1 madde kullamlmasmi kolayl~trrmak i~in; a) Ozel yer, donarnm veya malzeme saglayan, b) Kullananlarm yakalanmalarm1 zorl~tlracak onlemler alan, c) Kullanma yontemleri konusunda b~kalarma bilgi veren, Ki~i, iki yildan be~ yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmlir. (2) Bu maddede tanimlanan su~larm tabip, di~ tabibi, eczac1, kimyager, veteriner, saglik memuru,

laborant, ebe, hem~ire, di~ teknisyeni, hastabakici, sagl1k hizmeti veren, kimyacililda veya ecza ticareti ile i~tigal eden ki~i tarafmdan i~lenmesi Mlinde, verilecek ceza yar1 oranmda artlnlir.

(3) U~turucu veya uyariCI madde kullamlmaslni alenen ozendiren veya bu nitelikte yaym yapan ki~i, iki yildan be~ yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

Kullanmak i~in uyu~turucu veya uyanc1 madde satin almak, kabul etmek veya bulundurmak MADDE 191. - (I) Kullanmak i~in uyu~turucu veya uyar1c1 madde satm alan, kabul eden veya

bulunduran ki~i, bir yildan iki yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr. Kendisi tarafmdan kullanilmak Ozere uyu~turucu veya uyar1c1 madde etkisi doguran bitkileri yeti~tiren ki~i, bu flkra hiikmline gore cezalandmhr.

(2) Uy~turucu veya uyar1c1 madde kullanan ki~i hakkmda, tedaviye ve denetimli serbestlik tedbirine hiikmolunur.

(3) Hakkmda tedaviye ve denetimli serbestlik tedbirine hiikmedilen ki~i, belirlenen kurunlda uygulanan tedavinin ve denetimli serbestlik tedbirinin gereklerine uygun davranmakla yiikiimlii.d\ir. Hakklnda denetimli serbestlik tedbirine hiikmedilen ki~iye rehberlik edecek bir uzman gorevlendirilir. Bu uzman, giivenlik tedbirinin uygulama s\iresince, ki~iyi uyu~turucu veya uyar1c1 maddenin kullamlmasmm etki ve sonu~lar1 hakkmda bilgilendirir, ki~iye sorumluluk bilincinin geli~mesine yonelik olarak ogutte bulunur ve yo! gosterir; ki~inin geli~imi ve davram~lar1 hakkmda ii.~er ayhk s\irelerle rapor dOzenleyerek hakime verir.

(4) Tedavi s\iresince devam eden denetimli serbestlik tedbirine, tedavinin sona erdigi tarihten itibaren bir yil s\ireyle devam olunur. Denetimli serbestlik tedbirinin uygulanma s\iresinin uzatilmasma karar verilebilir. Ancak, bu durumda s\ire ii.~ yildan fazla olamaz.

(5) U~turucu veya uyar1c1 madde kullanan ki~i hakkmda kullanmak i~in u~turucu veya uyar1c1 madde satm almak, kabul etmek veya bulundurmaktan dolay1 hiikmolunan ceza, ancak tedavi ve denetimli serbestlik tedbirinin gereklerine uygun davranmamas1 h§.linde infaz edilir. Ki~i etkin pi~manl1ktan yararlanmi~sa, davaya devam olunarak hakkmda cezaya hiikmolunur.

Etkin pi~manhk

MADDE 192.- (1) U~turucu veya uyariCI madde imal ve ticareti su~larma i~tirak etmi~ olan ki~i, resmi makamlar tarafmdan haber al1nmadan once, diger su~ ortaklar1m ve uyu~turucu veya uyariCI maddelerin saklandigi veya imal edildigi yerleri merciine haber verirse, verilen bilginin su~ ortaklarmm yakalanmasm1 veya uyu~turucu veya uyar1c1 maddenin ele ge~irilmesini saglamas1 Mlinde, hakkmda cezaya hiikmolunmaz.

(2) Kullanmak i~in uyu~turucu veya uyariCI madde satm alan, kabul eden veya bulunduran ki~i, resmi makamlar tarafmdan haber almmadan once, bu maddeyi kimden, nerede ve ne zaman temin ettigini merciine haber vererek su~lularm yakalanmalarm1 veya uy~turucu veya uyar1c1 maddenin ele ge~irilmesini kolayla~tlnrsa, hakkmda cezaya hiikmolunmaz.

(3) Bu su~lar haber almd1ktan soma gonii..llii. olarak, su~un meydana ~1kmasma ve fail veya diger su~

ortaklannm yakalanmasma hizmet ve yardrm eden ki~i hakkmda verilecek ceza, yard1mm niteligine gore dortte birden yansma kadar1 indirilir.

(4) Uy~turucu veya uyariCI madde kullanan ki~i, hakkmda kullanmak i~in uyu~turucu veya uyariCI madde satm almak, kabul etmek veya bulrmdurmaktan dolay1 so~turma b~latilmadan once resmi makanllara ba~vurarak tedavi ettirilmesini isterse, cezaya hiikmolumnaz.

Zehirli madde imal ve ticareti MADDE 193.- (1) i~eriginde zehir bulrman ve iiretilmesi, bulrmdunilmasi veya satilmas1 izne bagh

olan maddeyi izinsiz olarak iireten, bulrmduran, satan veya nakleden ki~i, iki aydan bir yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

Saghk i~in tehlikeli madde temini MADDE 194. - (1) Saglik i~in tehlike olu~turabilecek maddeleri ~ocuklara, akil hastalanna veya

u~ucu madde kullananlara veren veya tiiketimine srman ki~i, altJ aydan bir yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

Bula~ICI hastahklara ili~kin tedbirlere aykm davranma MADDE 195.- (1) Bul~ICI hastal1klardan birine yakalanm1~ veya bu hastal1klardan olm~ kimsenin

bulundugu yerin karantina altma almmasma dair yetkili makamlarca alman tedbirlere uymayan ki~i, iki aydan bir yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

Usulsiiz iilii giimiilmesi MADDE 196.- (1) Olu gomillmesine aynlan yerlerden ba~ka yerlere olu gomen veya gomdiiren ki~i,

alt1 aya kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

Parada sahtecilik


Kamu Guvenine Kar~1 Su~lar

MADDE 197. - (1) Memlekette veya yabanc1 illkelerde kanunen tedavillde bulrman paray1, sahte olarak iireten, illkeye sokan, nakleden, muhafaza eden veya tedaville koyan ki~i, iki yildan oniki yila kadar hapis ve onbin giine kadar adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

(2) Sahte paray1 bilerek kabul eden ki~i, bir yildan u~ yila kadar hapis ve adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

(3) Sahteligini bilmeden kabul ettigi paray1 bu niteligini bilerek tedawle koyan ki~i, u~ aydan bir yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

Paraya e~it sayllan degerler MADDE 198.- (1) Devlet tarafmdan ihr~ edilip de hamiline yazil1 bonolar, hisse senetleri, tahviller

ve kuponlar, yetkili kunrmlar tarafmdan ~Ikarilmi~ olup da kanunen tedavill eden senetler, tahviller ve evrak ile milli ziynet altinlan, para hiikmundedir.

Klymetli damgada sahtecilik MADDE 199. - (1) K1ymetli damgay1 sahte olarak iireten, illkeye sokan, nakleden, muhafaza eden

veya tedav\ile koyan ki~i, bir yildan be~ yila kadar hapis ve adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

(2) Sahte olarak iiretilmi~ k1ymetli damgay1 bilerek kabul eden ki~i, u~ aydan bir yila kadar hapis ve adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

(3) Sahteligini bilmeden kabul ettigi klymetli damgay1 bu niteligini bilerek tedaville koyan ki~i, bir aydan altJ aya kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

(4) Damgal1 kiigitlar, damga ve posta pullar1 ve muayyen bir miktar vergi veya harem Odendigini belgelemek amaciyla kullarulan pullar, klymetli damga sayil1r.

Para ve kiymetli damgalan yapmaya yarayan ara\!lar MADDE 200.- (1) Paralaria k1ymetli damgalarm -uretiminde kuliamian alet veya malzemeyi izinsiz

oiarak -ureten, uikeye sokan, satan, devreden, satm alan, kabul eden veya muhafaza eden ki~i, bir yildan dort yila kadar hapis ve adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmirr.

Etkin pi~manhk MADDE 201.- (1) Sahte oiarak para veya k1ymetli damga -ureten, Ulkeye sokan, nakleden, muhafaza

eden veya kabul eden ki~i, bu para veya kiymetli damgalar1 tedavUle koymadan ve resmi makamiar tarafmdan haber almmadan once, diger sue ortaklarm1 ve sahte oiarak -uretilen para veya kiymetli damgalarm -uretildigi veya saklandigi yerleri merciine haber verirse, verilen bilginin sue ortaklarmm yakalanmasm1 ve sahte oiarak -uretiien para veya k1ymetli damgalarm eie geeirilmesini saglamas1 Mlinde, hakkinda cezaya hUkmoiunmaz.

(2) Sahte para veya kiymetli damga -uretiminde kulianilan alet ve malzemeyi izinsiz oiarak -ureten, Ulkeye sokan, satan, devreden, satm alan, kabul eden veya muhafaza eden ki~i, resmi makamiar tarafmdan haber almmadan once, diger sue ortaklarm1 ve bu malzemenin -uretildigi veya saklandigi yerleri ilgili makama haber verirse, verilen bilginin sue ortaklarmm yakalanmasm1 ve bu malzemenin eie geeirilmesini sagiamas1 Miinde, hakkmda cezaya hUkmoiunmaz.

Miihiirde sahtecilik MADDE 202. - (1) Cumhurb~kanhg1, T-urkiye BuyUk Millet Meclisi B~kariligi ve B~bakanhk

tarafmdan kulianilan mUhrU sahte oiarak -ureten veya kulianan ki~i, iki yildan sekiz yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmirr.

(2) Kamu kurum ve kirrulu~iarmca veya kamu kurumu niteligindeki mesiek kirruiu~iarmca kullanilan onayiayici veya beigeieyici mUhrU sahte oiarak -ureten veya kulianan ki~i, bir yildan alt1 yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmirr.

Miihiir bozma MADDE 203. - (1) Kanun veya yetkili makamiarm emri uyarmca bir ~eyin saklanmasm1 veya

varhgmm aynen korunmasm1 saglamak iein konulan mUhrU kald1ran veya konul~ amacma aykin hareket eden ki~i, alt! aydan ue yila kadar hapis veya adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

Resmi belgede sahtecilik MADDE 204.- (1) Bir resmi beigeyi sahte oiarak dtizenieyen, gereek bir resmi beigeyi b~kalarm1

aldatacak ~ekiide degi~tiren veya sahte resmi beigeyi kulianan ki~i, iki yildan be~ yila kadar hapis cezas1 iie cezalandmirr.

(2) Gorevi geregi dtizenlemeye yetkili oidugu resmi bir beigeyi sahte oiarak dtizenleyen, gereek bir beigeyi b~kalarm1 aldatacak ~ekiide degi~tiren, gereege aykm oiarak beige dtizenleyen veya sahte resmi beigeyi kulianan kamu gorevlisi ue yildan sekiz yila kadar hapis cezas1 iie cezalandmirr.

(3) Resmi beigenin, kanun hUkmu geregi sahteiigi sabit oiuncaya kadar geeerli oian beige niteliginde oimas1 hillinde, veriiecek ceza yans1 oramnda artmirr.

Resmi belgeyi bozmak, yok etmek veya gizlemek MADDE 205.- (1) Gereek bir resmi beigeyi bozan, yok eden veya gizieyen ki~i, iki yildan be~ yila

kadar hapis cezas1 iie cezalandmhr. Sueun kamu goreviisi tarafmdan i~ienmesi Mlinde, veriiecek ceza yar1 oranmda art!nhr.

Resmi belgenin diizenlenmesinde yalan beyan MADDE 206. - (1) Bir resmi beigeyi dtizeniemek yetkisine sahip oian kamu goreviisine yalan

beyanda bulunan ki~i, ue aydan iki yila kadar hapis veya adii para cezas1 iie cezalandmhr. Ozel belgede sahtecilik MADDE 207.- (1) Bir ozei beigeyi sahte oiarak dtizenieyen veya gereek bir ozei beigeyi b~kalarm1

aldatacak ~ekilde degi~tiren ve kulianan ki~i, bir yildan ue yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmirr.

(2) Bir sahte ozel belgeyi bu ozelligini bilerek kullanan ki~i de yukandaki f1kra hiikmUI!e gore cezalandmhr.

Ozel belgeyi bozmak, yok etmek veya gizlemek MADDE 208. - (1) Ger~ek bir ozei beigeyi bozan, yok eden veya gizieyen ki~i, bir yildan ii~ yila

kadar hapis cezas1 iie cezalandmhr. A~1ga imzanm kotiiye kullamlmas1 MADDE 209.- (1) Beiirli bir tarzda doidurulup kulianilmak iizere kendisine tesiim oiunan imzal1 ve

k1smen veya tamamen bo~ bir kagidi, veriime nedeninden farkh bir ~ekiide doiduran ki~i, ~ikayet iizerine, ii~ aydan bir yila kadar hapis cezas1 iie cezalandmhr.

(2) imzal1 ve k1smen veya tamamen bo~ bir kagidi hukuka aykm oiarak eie ge~irip veya eide bulundurup da hukuki sonu~ doguracak ~ekiide doiduran ki~i, beigede sahtecilik hiikiimierine gore cezalandmhr.

Resmi beige hiikmiinde belgeler MADDE 210. - (1) Ozei beigede sahtecilik su~unun konusunun, emre veya hamile yaz1h kambiyo

senedi, emtiay1 temsil eden beige, hisse senedi, tahvil veya vasiyetname oimas1 hiilinde, resmi beigede sahtecilik su~una ili~kin hiikiimier uygulan1r.

(2) Ger~ege aykm beige diizenleyen tabip, di~ tabibi, eczac1, ebe, hem~ire veya diger saghk mesiegi mensubu, ii~ aydan bir yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr. Diizenlenen beigenin ki~iye haks1z bir menfaat sagiamas1 ya da kamunun veya ki~ilerin zararma bir sonu~ dogurucu nitelik ~1mas1 hiilinde, resmi beigede sahtecilik hiikiimierine gore cezaya hiikmoiunur.

Daha az cezay1 gerektiren hil MADDE 211. - (1) Bir hukuki ili~kiye dayanan alacagm ispati veya ger~ek bir durumun

beigelenmesi amac1yia beigede sahtecilik su~unun i~lenmesi hiilinde, verilecek ceza, yariSI oranmda indirilir.

i~tima MADDE 212.- (1) Sahte resmi veya ozel beigenin bir b~ka su~un i~ienmesi s1rasmda kulianilmas1

hiilinde, hem sahtecilik hem de ilgili su~tan dolay1 ayn ayn cezaya hiikmoiunur.


Kamu Ban~ma Kar~1 Su~lar

Halk arasmda korku ve panik yaratmak amaciyla tehdit MADDE 213.- (1) Halk arasmda endi~e, korku ve panik yaratmak amac1yia hayat, sag!Ik, viicut veya

cinsei dokunulmazhk ya da malvarhg1 bak1mmdan alenen tehditte bulunan ki~i, iki yildan dort yila kadar hapis cezas1 iie cezalandmhr.

(2) Su~un siiiihla i~ienmesi hiilinde, veriiecek ceza, kulianilan siiahm niteiigine gore yar1 oranma kadar artmiabiiir.

Su~ i~lemeye tahrik MADDE 214. - (1) Su~ i~iemek i~in alenen tahrikte bulunan ki~i, alt1 aydan be~ yila kadar hapis

cezas1 iie cezalandmhr. (2) Halkm bir kismmi diger bir k1smma kar~I siliihiandrrarak, birbirini oidiirmeye tahrik eden ki~i,

onbe~ yildan yirmidort yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr. (3) Tahrik konusu su~iarm i~ienmesi hiilinde, tahrik eden ki~i, bu su~iara azmettiren s1fatiyia

cezalandmhr. Su~u ve su~luyu ovme

MADDE 215.- (1) i~lenmi~ olan bir sm;u veya i~lemi~ oldugu su~tan dolay1 bir ki~iyi alenen oven kimse, iki yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmlir.

Hallu kin ve dii~manhga tahrik veya a~agdama MADDE 216. - (1) Halkm sosyal sinif, rrk, din, mezhep veya bolge bakrmmdan farkli ozelliklere

sahip bir kesimini, diger bir kesimi aleyhine kin ve dii~manliga alenen tahrik eden kimse, bu nedenle kamu giivenligi a~Ismdan ~Ik ve yakm bir tehlikenin ortaya ~Ikmasi halinde, bir yildan ii~ yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmlrr.

(2) Halkm bir kesimini, sosyal siruf, rrk, din, mezhep, cinsiyet veya bolge farkliligma dayanarak alenen a~agilayan ki~i, altJ aydan bir yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmlrr.

(3) Halkm bir kesiminin benimsedigi dini degerleri alenen a~agilayan ki~i, fiilin kamu bari~Iru bozmaya elveri~li olmas1 halinde, alt1 aydan bir yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmlrr.

Kanunlara uymamaya tahrik MADDE 217. - (1) Halk1 kanunlara uymamaya alenen talrrik eden ki~i, tahrikin kamu bari~Ini

bozmaya elveri~?li olmas1 halinde, alt1 aydan iki yila kadar hapis veya adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmlir. Ortak hiikiim MADDE 218. - (1) Yukar1daki maddelerde tanrmlanan su~larm basm ve yaym yoluyla i~?lenmesi

halinde, verilecek ceza yar1 oranmda artJnlir. GOrev s1rasmda din hizmetlerini kotiiye kullanma MADDE 219. - (1) imam, hatip, vaiz, rahip, haham gibi dini reislerden biri vazifesini ifa srrasmda

alenen hiikiimet idaresini ve Devlet kanunlar1ru ve hiikiimet icraatini takbih ve tezyif ederse bir aydan bir seneye kadar hapis ve adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmlir veya bunlardan birine hiikmolunabilir.

(2) Yukar1daki fikrada gosterilen kimselerden biri i~bu s1fattan bilistifade hiikiimetin idaresini ve kanun ve nizam ve emirleri ve dairelerden birine ait olan vazife ve salil.hiyeti takbih ve tezyife veya halki kanunlara yahut hiikiimet emirlerini icraya veya memuru memuriyetinin vazifesi icabma kar~I itaatsizlige tahrik ve te~vik edecek olursa ii~ aydan iki seneye kadar hapse ve adli para cezas1 ve miiebbeden veya muvakkaten bilfiil o vazifeyi icradan ve onun menfaat ve aidatm1 almaktan merrmuiyetine hiikmolunur.

(3) Kendi s1fatlarmdan istifade ederek kanuna gore kazanilm1~ olan haklara muhalif i~ ve sozlerde bulunmaya, bir kimseyi icbar ve ikna eden din reis ve memurlar1 hakkmda dahi baladaki fikrada yazil1 ceza tertip olunur.

(4) Bunlardan biri dini s1fatmdan istifade ederek, birinci f1krada yaz11I fiillerden b~ka bir ciiriim i~lerse altida bir miktar1 ~ogaltilmak ~artJyla o ciiriim i~in kanunda yaz11I olan ceza ile mahkfun olur.

(5) ~u kadar ki kanun i~bu sifatJ esasen nazar1itibara alm1~ ise cezay1 ~ogaltlnaya mahal yoktlrr. Su~ i~lemek amaciyla orgiit kurma MADDE 220. - (1) Kanunun su~ sayd1g1 fiilleri i~lemek amaciyla orgiit kirranlar veya yonetenler,

orgiitiin yapiSI, sahip bulundugu iiye sayisi ile ara~ ve gere~ bakrmmdan ama~ su~lar1 i~lemeye elveri~li olmas1 halinde, iki yildan altJ yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmlir. Ancak, orgiitiin varlig1 i~in iiye say1smm en az ii~ ki~i olmas1 gerekir.

(2) Su~ i~lemek amaciyla kirrulmu~ olan orgiite iiye olanlar, bir yildan ii~ yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmlir.

(3) Orgiitiin silil.hl1 olmas1 halinde, yukar1daki f1kralara gore verilecek ceza dortte birinden yar1sma kadar artmlir.

(4) Orgiitiin faaliyeti ~er~evesinde su~ i~lenmesi halinde, aynca bu su~lardan dolay1 da cezaya hiikmolunur.

(5) Orgiit yoneticileri, orgiitiin faaliyeti ~er~evesinde i~lenen biitiin su~lardan dolay1 aynca fail olarak cezalandmlir.

(6) Orgiite iiye olmamakla birlikte orgiit adma su~ i~leyen ki~i, aynca orgiite iiye olmak su~undan

dolay1 cezalandmhr.

(7) Orglit ieindeki hiyerar~ik yap1ya dahil olmarnakla birlikte, orglite bilerek ve isteyerek yard1m eden ki~i, orglit uyesi olarak cezalandmhr.

(8) Orglitun veya arnacmm propagandasm1 yapan ki~i, bir yildan ue yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr. Bu sueun basm ve yaym yolu ile i~lemnesi Mlinde, verilecek ceza yar1 oranmda artmhr.

Etkin pi~manhk MADDE 221.- (1) Sue i~lemek arnaciyla orglit kurma sueu nedeniyle soru~turmaya b~lanmadan ve

orgutun arnac1 dogrultusunda sue i~lemneden once, orglilli dag1tan veya verdigi bilgilerle orglitun dagilmasmi saglayan kurucu veya yoneticiler hakkmda cezaya hUkmolunmaz.

(2) Orglit uyesinin, orglitun faaliyeti eereevesinde herhangi bir sueun i~leni~ine i~tirak etmeksizin, gonllilu olarak orglitten aynldigmi ilgili makarnlara bildirmesi Mlinde, hakkmda cezaya hUkmolunmaz.

(3) Orglitun faaliyeti eereevesinde herhangi bir sueun i~leni~ine i~tirak etmeden yakalanan orglit uyesinin, pi~manhk duyarak orglitun dagilmasmi veya mensuplarmm yakalanmasm1 saglarnaya elveri~li bilgi vermesi Mlinde, hakkmda cezaya hUkmolunmaz.

(4) Sue i~lemek arnaciyla orglit kuran, yoneten veya orglite eye olan ki~inin, gonllilu olarak teslirn olup, orgutun yapisi ve faaliyeti eereevesinde i~lenen suelarla ilgili bilgi vermesi hruinde, hakkmda orglit kurmak, yonetmek veya orglite uye olmak sueundan dolay1 cezaya hUkmolunmaz. Ki~inin bu bilgileri yakalandiktan sonra vermesi Mlinde, hakkmda bu suetan dolay1 verilecek cezada uete birden dortte uee kadar indirirn yap1hr.

(5) Etkin pi~manhktan yararlanan ki~iler hakkmda bir yil sureyle denetimli serbestlik tedbirine hUkmolunur. Denetimli serbestlik tedbirinin suresi ue yila kadar uzatJlabilir.

!)apka ve Tiirk harfleri MADDE 222.- (1) 25.11.1925 tarihli ve 671 sayi11 ~apka iktisas1 Hakkmda Kanunla, 1.11.1928

tarihli ve 1353 sayi11 Turk Harflerinin Kabul ve Tatbiki Hakkmda Kanunun koydugu yasaklara veya yUkUm!UlUklere aykm hareket edenlere iki aydan alt1 aya kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.


Ul~Im Araylarma veya Sabit Platformlara Kar~1 Suelar

Ula~Im ara~lannm kaprdmas1 veya ahkonulmas1 MADDE 223. - (1) Cebir veya tehdit kullanarak ya da hukuka aykm b~ka bir davran1~la kara ula~rrn

aracmm hareket etmesini engelleyen, bu arac1 hareket hruinde iken durduran veya gitmekte oldugu yerden ba~ka yere goturen ki~i, bir yildan ue yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

(2) Sueun konusunun deniz veya demiryolu ul~Im arac1 olmas1 Mlinde, iki yildan be~ yila kadar hapis cezasma hUkmolunur.

(3) Cebir veya tehdit kullanarak ya da hukuka aykm b~ka bir davran1~la hava ul~Im aracmm hareket etmesini engelleyen veya bu arac1 gitmekte oldugu yerden ba~ka yere goturen ki~i, be~ yildan on yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

(4) Bu suelarm i~lemnesi s1rasmda ki~ilerin hurriyetinin tahdit edilmesi dolayisiyla aynca cezaya hUkmolunur.

(5) Bu suelarm i~lemnesi s1rasmda kasten yaralarna sueunun neticesi sebebiyle agirla~mi~ M.llerinin gereekle~mesi durumunda, aynca kasten yaralarna sueuna ili~kin hUkUmler uygulan1r.

Kit'a sahanhgmda veya miinhas1r ekonomik bolgedeki sabit platformlann i~gali MADDE 224. - (1) Klt'a sahanhgmda veya miinhas1r ekonomik bolgede kurulmu~ sabit bir platformu

cebir veya tehdit kullanarak ya da hukuka aykm b~ka bir davram~la ele ge~iren, zapteden veya kontrolu altma alan ki~i, be~ yildan onbe~ yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

(2) Bu su~un i~lenrnesi srrasmda ki~ilerin h\irriyetinin tahdit edilmesi dolayisiyla aynca cezaya hUkmolunur.

(3) Bu su~un i~lenrnesi s1rasmda kasten yaralama su~unun neticesi sebebiyle agirl~mi~ hallerinin ger~ekle~mesi durumunda, aynca kasten yaralama su~una ili~kin hiikiimler uygulan1r.

HayasJZca hareketler


Gene! Ahlilka K.ar~1 Su~lar

MADDE 225. - (1) Alenen cinsel ili~kide bulunan veya te~hircilik yapan ki~i, altJ aydan bir yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmlrr.


MADDE 226.- (1) a) Bir ~ocuga mustehcen goruntu, yaz1 veya sozleri i~eren urunleri veren ya da bunlarm i~erigini gosteren, okuyan, okutan veya dinleten,

b) Bunlarm i~eriklerini ~ocuklarm girebilecegi veya gorebilecegi yerlerde ya da alenen gosteren, gorillebilecek ~ekilde sergileyen, okuyan, okutan, soyleyen, soyleten,

c) Bu urunleri, i~erigine vak1f olunabilecek ~ekilde satJ~a veya kiraya arz eden,

d) Bu urunleri, bunlarm sat1~ma mahsus al1~veri~ yerleri d1~mda, sat1~a arz eden, satan veya kiraya veren,

e) Bu urunleri, sair mal veya hizmet sati~iari yanmda veya dolayisiyla bedelsiz olarak veren veya dag1tan,

f) Bu urunlerin reklam1m yapan, Ki~i, altJ aydan iki yila kadar hapis ve adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmlrr.

(2) Mustehcen goruntu, yaz1 veya sozleri basm ve yaym yolu ile yayinlayan veya yay1nlanmasma arac1hk eden ki~i altJ aydan u~ yila kadar hapis ve be~bin g\ine kadar adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

(3) M\istehcen goruntu, yaz1 veya sozleri i~eren urunlerin \iretiminde ~ocuklar1 kullanan ki~i, be~ yildan on yila kadar hapis ve be~bin g\ine kadar adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmhr. Bu urunleri Ulkeye sokan, ~ogaltan, sat1~a arz eden, satan, nakleden, depolayan, ihra~ eden, bulunduran ya da ba~kalarmm kullanimma sunan ki~i, iki yildan be~ yila kadar hapis ve be~bin g\ine kadar adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmlrr.

(4) ~iddet kullanilarak, hayvanlarla, olm~ insan bedeni \izerinde veya dogal olmayan yoldan yapilan cinsel davran1~lara ili~kin yaz1, ses veya goruntilleri i~eren urunleri \ireten, Ulkeye sokan, sat1~a arz eden, satan, nakleden, depolayan, ba~kalarmm kullanimma sunan veya bulunduran ki~i, bir yildan dort yila kadar hapis ve be~bin g\ine kadar adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

(5) D~ ve dord\incu f1kralardaki urunlerin i~erigini basm ve yaym yolu ile yayinlayan veya yayinlanmasma arac1hk eden ya da ~ocuklarm gormesini, dinlemesini veya okiimasm1 saglayan ki~i, altJ yildan on yila kadar hapis ve be~bin g\ine kadar adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmlrr.

(6) Bu su~lardan dolay1, tUzel ki~iler hakkmda bunlara ozgu g\ivenlik tedbirlerine hUkmolunur.

(7) Bu madde hiikiimleri, bilimsel eserlerle; u~\incu fikra hari~ olmak ve ~ocuklara ul~masi engellenrnek ko~uluyla, sanatsal ve edebi degeri olan eserler hakkmda uygulanmaz.


MADDE 227.- (1) <;:ocugu fuh~a te~vik eden, bunun yolunu kolayl~tJran, bu maksatla tedarik eden veya barmdrran ya da ~ocugoo ~una arac1hk eden ki~i, dort yildan on yila kadar hapis ve be~bin g\ine

kadar adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmhr. Bu su~un i~leni~ine yonelik haZlfhk hareketleri de tamamlamm~ su~ gibi cezalandmhr.

(2) Bir kimseyi fuh§a te~vik eden, bunun yolunu kolayl~trran ya da fuhu~ i~in arac1hk eden veya yer temin eden ki~i, iki yildan dort yila kadar hapis ve ii~bin giine kadar adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmlrr. Fuh~a siiriiklenen ki~inin kazancmdan yararlanilarak k1smen veya tamamen ge~imin saglanmasi, fuh§a te~vik sayilrr.

(3) Fuhu~ amaciyla iilkeye insan sokan veya insanlarm iilke d1~ma ~Ikmasmi saglayan ki~i hakkmda yukar1daki f1kralara gore cezaya hiikmolunur.

(4) Cebir veya tehdit kullanarak, hile ile ya da ~aresizliginden yararlanarak bir kimseyi fuh~a sevk eden veya fuhu~ yapmasrm saglayan ki~i hakkmda yukar1daki fikralara gore verilecek ceza yar1smdan iki katma kadar artmhr.

(5) Yukandaki f1kralarda tanimlanan su~larm e~, iistsoy, kaym iistsoy, karde~, evliit edinen, vasi, egitici, ogretici, bakici, korunia ve gozetim yiikiimliiliigii bulunan diger ki~iler tarafmdan ya da kamu gorevi veya hizmet ili~kisinin sagladigi niifuz kotiiye kullarulmak suretiyle i~lenmesi hiilinde, verilecek ceza yar1 oranmda artmhr.

(6) Bu su~larm, su~ i~lemek amaciyla te~kil edilmi~ orgiit faaliyeti ~er~evesinde i~lenmesi hiilinde, yukar1daki f1kralara gore verilecek ceza yar1 oranmda artmhr.

(7) Bu su~lardan dolay1, tiizel ki~iler hakkmda bunlara ozgii giivenlik tedbirlerine hiikmolunur.

(8) F~a siiriiklenen ki~i, tedavi veya terapiye tabi tutulur.

Kumar oynanmas1 i~in yer ve imkan saglama

MADDE 228. - (1) Kumar oynanmas1 i~in yer ve imkiin saglayan ki~i, bir yila kadar hapis ve adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmlrr.

(2) <;ocuklarm kumar oynamas1 i~in yer ve imkiin saglanmasi hiilinde, verilecek ceza bir kat! oranmda artmlrr.

(3) Bu su~tan dolayi, tiizel ki~iler hakkmda bunlara ozgii giivenlik tedbirlerine hiikmolunur.

(4) Ceza Kanununun uygulanmasmda kumar, kazan~ amaciyla icra edilen ve kiir ve zararm talihe bagh oldugu oyunlardrr.


MADDE 229. - (1) <;ocuklari, beden veya ruh bakunmdan kendini idare edemeyecek durumda bulunan kimseleri dilencilikte ara~ olarak kullanan ki~i, bir yildan ii~ yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

(2) Bu su~un ii~iincii derece dahil kan veya kaym hisunlari ya da e~ tarafmdan i~lenmesi hiilinde verilecek ceza yar1 oranmda artmlrr.

(3) Bu su~un orgiit faaliyeti ~er~evesinde i~lenmi~ olmas1 hiilinde, verilecek ceza bir kat artmlrr.


Aile Diizenine Kar~1 Su~lar

Birden ~ok evlilik, hileli evlenme, dinsel tliren

MADDE 230.- (1) Evli olmasma ragmen, b~kas1yla evlenme i~lemi yaptJran ki~i, altJ aydan iki yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmlrr.

(2) Kendisi evli olmamakla birlikte, evli oldugunu bildigi bir kimse ile evlilik i~lemi yaptlran ki~i de yukar1daki f1kra hiikmiine gore cezalandmhr.

(3) Ger~ek kimligini saklamak suretiyle bir ba~kas1yla evlenme i~lemi yaptlran ki~i, ii~ aydan bir yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmlrr.

(4) Yukandaki filcralarda tammlanan su~lardan dalay1 zamana~Iml, evlenmenin iptali karar= kesinle~tigi tarihten itibaren i~lemeye b~lar.

(5) Aralarmda evlenme almaksiZm, evlenmenin dinsel torenini yaptrranlar hakkmda iki aydan alt! aya kadar hapis cezas1 verilir. Ancak, medeni nikah yapild1gmda kamu davas1 ve hiikmedilen ceza butiin sanu~lar1yla artadan kalkar.

(6) Evlenme akdinin kanuna gore yapilm1~ aldugunu gosteren belgeyi gormeden bir evlenme i~in dinsel toren yapan kimse hakkmda iki aydan alt! aya kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.

(:ocugun soyba~m degi~tirme MADDE 231. - (1) Bir ~acugun saybagm1 degi~tiren veya gizleyen ki~i, bir yildan u~ yila kadar hapis

cezas1 ile cezalandmlrr.

(2) Ozen yUkUmlillugune aykm davranarak, saglik kunimundaki bir ~acugun b~ka bir ~acukla kar1~masma neden alan ki~i, bir yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmlir.

Kiitii muamele MADDE 232. - (1) Aym kanutta birlikte y~ad1g1 ki~ilerden birine kar~1 kotu muamelede bulunan

kimse, iki aydan bir yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmlrr.

(2) idaresi altmda bulunan veya buytitlnek, akutinak, bak:mak, muhafaza etlnek veya bir meslek veya sanat ogretlnekle ytikUmlu aldugu ki~i tizerinde, sahibi bulundugu terbiye hakkmdan dagan disiplin yetkisini kotuye kullanan ki~iye, bir yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.

Aile hukukundan kaynaklanan yiikiimliiliigiin ihlali MADDE 233.- (1) Aile hukukundan dagan bak1m, egitim veya destek alma yUktimlillugunu yerine

getirmeyen ki~i, ~ikayet tizerine, bir yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmlrr.

(2) Hamile aldugunu bildigi e~ini veya stirekli birlikte y~ad1g1 ve kendisinden gebe kalm1~ bulundugunu bildigi evli almayan bir kadm1 ~aresiz dUflimda terk eden kimseye, u~ aydan bir yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.

(3) Velayet haklar1 kaldmlm1~ alsa da, itiyadi sarha~luk, uyu~turucu veya uyariCI maddelerin kullanilmas1 ya da anur krrici tavrr ve hareketlerin sanucu maddi ve manevi ozen naksanhg1 nedeniyle ~acuklarmm aliliik, guvenlik ve saghgm1 agrr ~ekilde tehlikeye sakan ana veya baba, u~ aydan bir yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmlrr.

(:ocugun ka~Inlmas1 ve ahkonulmas1 MADDE 234.- (1) Velayet yetkisi elinden almm1~ alan ana veya babanm ya da u~tincu derece dahil

kan hismmm, analtl y~m1 bitirmemi~ bir ~acugu veli, vasi veya bak1m ve gozetimi alt!nda bulunan kimsenin yamndan cebir veya tehdit kullanmaks1zm k~Irmasi veya alikaymasi hiilinde, u~ aydan bir yila kadar hapis cezasma hiikmalunur.

(2) Fiil cebir veya tehdit kullamlarak i~lenmi~ ya da ~acuk hentiz aniki ya~Im bitirmemi~ ise ceza bir kat1 aranmda artlnlir.

ihaleye fesat kan~tlrma


Ekanami, Sanayi ve Ticarete ili~kin Su~lar

MADDE 235. - (1) Kamu kUflim veya kurul~lar1 adma yapilan mal veya hizmet al1m veya satlmlarma ya da kiralamalara ili~kin ihalelere fesat kar1~trran ki~i, be~ yildan aniki yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmlrr.

(2) A~ag1daki hiillerde ihaleye fesat kari~tlnlmi~ sayilrr:

a) Hileli davran1~larla;

1. ihaleye katilma yeterligine veya ka~ullarma sahip alan ki~ilerin ihaleye veya ihale stirecindeki

i~lemlere katilmalanru engellemek, 2. ihaleye kaulma yeterligine veya ko~ullanna sahip olmayan ki~ilerin ihaleye katilmasm1 saglamak, 3. Teklif edilen mallan, ~artnamesinde belirtilen niteliklere sahip oldugu Mlde, sahip olmad1gmdan

bahisle degerlendirme d1~1 brrakmak, 4. Teklif edilen mallan, ~artnamesinde belirtilen niteliklere sahip olmadigi Mlde, sahip oldugundan

bahisle degerlendirmeye almak. b) Tekliflerle ilgili olup da ihale mevzuatma veya ~artnamelere gore gizli tutulmas1 gereken bilgilere

ba~kalannm ula~masrm saglamak. c) Cebir veya tehdit kullanmak suretiyle ya da hukuka aykm diger davran1~larla, ihaleye kaulma

yeterligine veya ko~ullarma sahip olan ki~ilerin ihaleye, ihale siirecindeki i~lemlere ka1:J.lmalarm1 engellemek.

d) ihaleye kaulmak isteyen veya kaulan ki~ilerin ihale ~artlarm1 ve ozellikle fiya1:1 etkilemek i~in aralarmda ~1k veya gizli anl~ma yapmalar1.

(3) ihaleye fesat kar1~trrma sonucunda ilgili kamu kurumu veya kurul~u ~1smdan bir zarar meydana gelmi~ ise, ceza yar1 orarunda ar1:1nlir. Zararm meydana gelmi~ oldugu sabit olmakla birlikte miktarmm belirlenememi~ olmas1, bu fikra hUkmiirrun uygulanmasm1 engellemez.

(4) ihaleye fesat kan~1:1rma dolayisiyla menfaat temin eden gorevli ki~iler, aynca bu nedenle ilgili su~ hUkm\ine gore cezalandmlrrlar.

(5) Yukandaki f1kralar hiikOmleri, kamu kurum veya kurul~lar1 araciligi ile yapilan arurma veya eksiltmeler ile kamu kurumu niteligindeki meslek kurulu~lar1, kamu kurum veya kurul~larrmn ya da kamu kurumu niteligindeki meslek kurulu~larmm i~tirakiyle kurulmu~ ~irketler, bunlarm b\inyesinde faaliyet icra eden vakiflar, kamu yararma ~al1~an demekler veya kooperatifler adma yapilan mal veya hizmet alrm veya satrmlarma ya da kiralamalara fesat kan~tmlmas1 Mlinde de uygularur.

Edimin ifasma fesat kar1~tirma MADDE 236.- (1) Kamu kurum veya kurulu~lan, kamu kurumu niteligindeki meslek kurul~lar1,

bunlarm i~tirakiyle kurulmu~ ~irketler, bunlarm b\inyesinde faaliyet icra eden vakiflar, kamu yararma ~al1~an demekler ya da kooperatiflere kar~1 taahhiit altma girilen edimin ifasma fesat kar1~t1ran ki~i, ii~ yildan yedi yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmlir.

(2) A~ag1daki fiillerin hileli olarak yapilmas1 halinde, edimin ifasma fesat kan~tmlm1~ say1lir: a) ihale kararmda veya sozle~mede evsaf1 belirtilen maldan b~ka bir malm teslirn veya kabul

edilmesi. b) ihale kararmda veya sozle~mede belirtilen miktardan eksik malm teslirn veya kabul edilmesi. c) Edirnin ihale kararmda veya sozle~mede belirtilen siirede ifa edilmemesine ragmen, siiresinde ifa

edilmi~ gibi kabul edilmesi. d) Yaprm ihalelerinde eserin veya kullanilan malzemenin ~artname veya sozle~mesinde belirlenen

~artlara, miktar veya niteliklere uygun olmamasma ragmen kabul edilmesi. e) Hizmet niteligindeki edimin, ihale kararmda veya sozle~mede belirtilen ~artlara gore

verilmemesine veya eksik verilmesine ragmen verilmi~ gibi kabul edilmesi. (3) Edirnin ifasma fesat kar1~trrma dolayisiyla menfaat temin eden gorevli ki~iler, aynca bu nedenle

ilgili su~ hUkm\ine gore cezalandmlirlar. Fiyatlar1 etkileme MADDE 237.- (1) i~~i iicretlerinin veya besin veya mallarm degerlerinin artlp eksilmesi sonucunu

dogurabilecek bir ~ekilde ve bu maksatla yalan haber veya havadis yayan veya sair hileli yollara ba~vuran kimseye ii~ aydan iki yila kadar hapis ve adli para cezas1 verilir.

(2) Fiil sonucu besin veya mallarm degerleri veya i~~i iicretleri artlp eksildigi takdirde ceza ii~te biri oranmda artmlrr.

(3) Fail, ruhsath simsar veya borsa tellah ise ceza aynca sekizde bir orarunda artmhr.

Kamuya gerekli ~eylerin yokluguna neden olma

MADDE 238. - (I) Taahhut ettigi i~i yerine getirmeyerek, kamu kurum ve kurulu~lan veya kamu hizmeti veya gene! bir felak:etin onlenmesi i~in zorunlu e~a veya besinlerin ortadan kalkmasma veya onemli ol~ude azalmasma neden olan kimseye bir yildan u~ yila kadar hapis ve bin gOne kadar adli para cezas1 verilir.

Ticari s1r, bankac1hk s1rr1 veya mii~teri s1rn niteligindeki bilgi veya belgelerin a~Iklanmas1

MADDE 239. - (1) S1fat veya gorevi, meslek veya sanau geregi vak1f oldugu ticari s1r, bankac1hk s1rn veya mu~teri s1rn niteligindeki bilgi veya belgeleri yetkisiz ki~ilere veren veya if~a eden ki~i, ~ilrnyet iizerine, bir yildan u~ yila kadar hapis ve be~bin gOne kadar adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmhr. Bu bilgi veya belgelerin, hukuka aykm yolla elde eden ki~iler tarafmdan yetkisiz ki~ilere verilmesi veya if~a edilmesi halinde de bu f1kraya gore cezaya hUkmolunur.

(2) Birinci f1kra hUkUmleri, fenni ke~ifve bulu~lar1 veya smai uygulamaya ili~kin bilgiler hakkmda da uygulan1r.

(3) Bu srrlar, Tiirkiye'de oturmayan bir yabanc1ya veya onun memurlarma ~ikland1g1 takdirde, faile verilecek ceza u~te biri oranmda artmlrr. Bu halde ~ikiiyet ko~ulu aranmaz.

(4) Cebir veya tehdit kullanarak bir kimseyi bu madde kapsamma giren bilgi veya belgeleri ~ildamaya mecbur kilan ki~i, u~ yildan yedi yila kadar hapis cezas1yla cezalandmhr.

Mal veya hizmet sabmmdan ka~mma

MADDE 240.- (1) Belli bir mal veya hizmeti satmaktan ~marak kamu i~in acil bir ihtiyacm ortaya ~1kmasma neden olan ki~i, alu aydan iki yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.


MADDE 241.- (1) Kazan~ elde etmek amac1yla b~kasma Odiin~ para veren ki~i, iki yildan be~ yila kadar hapis ve be~bin giine kadar adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

Tiizel ki~iler hakklnda giivenlik tedbiri uygulanmas1 MADDE 242. - (1) Bu boliimde yer alan su~larm i~lenmesi suretiyle yararma haksiZ menfaat

saglanan tUzel ki~iler hakkmda bunlara ozgii giivenlik tedbirlerine hUkmolunur.

Bili~im sistemine girme


Bili~im Alanmda Su~lar

MADDE 243.- (1) Bir bili~im sisteminin butuniine veya bir k1smma, hukuka aykm olarak giren ve orada kalmaya devam eden kimseye bir yila kadar hapis veya adli para cezas1 verilir.

(2) Yukandaki f1krada tan1mlanan fiillerin bedeli kar~1hg1 yararlarulabilen sistemler hakkmda i~lenmesi halinde, verilecek ceza yar1 oran1na kadar indirilir.

(3) Bu fiil nedeniyle sistemin i~erdigi veriler yok olur veya degi~irse, alu aydan iki yila kadar hapis cezasma hUkmolunur.

Sistemi engelleme, bozma, verileri yok etme veya degi~tirme

MADDE 244. - (1) Bir bili~im sisteminin i~leyi~ini engelleyen veya bozan ki~i, bir yildan be~ yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmlrr.

(2) Bir bili~im sistemindeki verileri bozan, yok eden, degi~tiren veya eri~ilmez kilan, sisteme veri yerle~tiren, var olan verileri b~ka bir yere gonderen ki~i, alu aydan u~ yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

(3) Bu fiillerin bir banka veya kredi kurumuna ya da bir kamu kurum veya kurulu~una ait bili~im

sistemi iizerinde i~lemnesi halinde, verilecek ceza yan oranmda artmhr. (4) Yukandaki f1kralarda tanimlanan fiillerin i~lemnesi suretiyle ki~inin kendisinin veya b~kasmm

yararma haksiZ bir ~akar saglamasmm b~ka bir su~ olu~turmamasi hruinde, iki yildan altJ yila kadar hapis ve be~bin giine kadar adli para cezasma hiikmo!Imur.

Banka veya kredi kartlarmm kiitiiye kullamlmasi MADDE 245.- (1) B~kasma ait bir banka veya kredi kartm1, her ne suretle olursa olsim ele ge~iren

veya elinde bulunduran kimse, kart sahibinin veya kartm kendisine verilmesi gereken ki~inin nzas1 olmaks1zm bunu kullanarak veya kullandJrtarak kendisine veya b~kasma yarar saglarsa, ii~ yildan altJ yila kadar hapis cezas1 ve adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

(2) Sahte olu~turulan veya iizerinde sahtecilik yapilan bir banka veya kredi kartm1 kullanmak suretiyle kendisine veya b~kasma yarar saglayan ki~i, fiil daha agrr cezay1 gerektiren b~ka bir su~ olu~turmadigi takdirde, dort yildan yedi yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

Tiizel ki~iler hakkinda giivenlik tedbiri uygulanmas1 MADDE 246. - (1) Bu boliimde yer alan su~larm i~lemnesi suretiyle yararma haksiZ menfaat

saglanan tiizel ki~iler hakkmda bunlara ozgii giivenlik tedbirlerine hiikmolunur.

DORDiiNCO KISIM Millete ve Devlete Kar~1 Su~lar ve Son Hiikiimler

BiRiNCi BOLDM Kamu idaresinin Giivenilirligine ve i~leyi~ine Kar~I Su~lar


MADDE 247. - (1) Gorevi nedeniyle zilyedligi kendisine devredilmi~ olan veya koflima ve gozetimiyle yiikiimlii oldugu mali kendisinin veya ba~kasmm zimmetine ge~iren kamu gorevlisi, be~ yildan oniki yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmlrr.

(2) Su~un, zimmetin ~1ga ~Ikmamaslfll saglamaya yonelik hileli davrani~larla i~lemnesi hruinde, verilecek ceza yar1 oranmda artmlrr.

(3) Zimmet su~unun, maim ge~ici bir siire kullanildiktan soma iade edilmek iizere i~lemnesi hruinde, verilecek ceza yar1 oranma kadar indirilebilir.

Etkin pi~manhk MADDE 248.- (1) So~turma ba~lamadan once, zimmete ge~irilen maim aynen iade edilmesi veya

ugramlan zararm tamamen tazmin edilmesi haJ.inde, verilecek cezanm ii~te ikisi indirilir. (2) Kovu~turma ba~lamadan once, goniillii olarak, zimmete ge~irilen maim aynen iade edilmesi veya

ugramlan zararm tamamen tazmin edilmesi haJ.inde, verilecek cezanm yariSI indirilir. Etkin pi~manhgm hiikiimden once ger~ekle~mesi haJ.inde, verilecek cezanm ii~te biri indirilir.

Daha az cezay1 gerektiren hal MADDE 249.- (1) Zimmet su~unun konusunu ol~tlrran maim degerinin azhg1 nedeniyle, verilecek

ceza ii~te birden yar1ya kadar indirilir. irtikip MADDE 250.- (1) Gorevinin sagladigi niifuzu kotiiye kullanmak suretiyle kendisine veya b~kasma

yarar saglanmasma veya bu yolda vaatte bulunulmasma bir kimseyi icbar eden kamu gorevlisi, be~ yildan on yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

(2) Gorevinin sagladigi giiveni kotiiye kullanmak suretiyle ger~ekle~tirdigi hileli davrani~larla,

kendisine veya bru;;kasma yarar sagianmasma veya bu yolda vaatte bulunulmasma bir kimseyi ikna eden kamu gorevlisi, u~ yildan be~ yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

(3) ikinci f1krada tammlanan su~un ki~inin hatasmdan yararlanarak i~lenmi~ olmas1 hiilinde, bir yildan u~ yila kadar hapis cezasma hUkmolunur.

Denetim gorevinin ihmali MADDE 251.- (I) Zimmet veya irtikap su~unun i~lenmesine kasten goz yuman denetimle yUkUmlu

kamu gorevlisi, i~lenen su~un mu~terek faili olarak sorumlu tutulur.

(2) Denetim gorevini ilunal ederek, zimmet veya irtikap su~unun i~lenmesine imkan saglayan kamu gorevlisi, u~ aydan u~ yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.


MADDE 252. - (1) Ru~vet alan kamu gorev1isi, dort yildan oniki yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr. R~vet veren ki~i de kamu gorevlisi gibi cezalandmhr. Ru~vet konusunda anla~maya varilmas1 hiilinde, su~ tamamlanmi~ gibi cezaya hUkmolunur.

(2) Ru~vet alan veya bu konuda anla~maya varan ki~inin, yarg1 gorevi yapan, hakem, bilirki~i, noter veya yeminli mali mu~avir olmas1 hiilinde, birinci f1kraya gore verilecek ceza u~te birden yar1sma kadar artmhr.

(3) Ru~vet, bir kamu gorevlisinin, gorevinin gereklerine aykm olarak bir i~i yapmas1 veya yapmamas1 i~in ki~iyle vard1g1 anlru;;ma ~er~evesinde bir yarar saglamasidrr.

(4) Birinci fikra hUkmu, kamu kurunm niteligindeki meslek kurul~lari, kamu kuruni veya kurulu~1armm ya da kamu kurunm niteligindeki meslek kurulu~larmm i~tirakiyle kurulm~ ~irketler, bunlarm bflnyesinde faaliyet icra eden vakli1ar, kamu yararma ~al1~an demekler, kooperatifler ya da halka a~Ik anonim ~irketlerle hukuki ili~ki tesisinde veya tesis edilmi~ hukuki ili~kinin devam1 sflrecinde, bu tuzel ki~i1er adma hareket eden ki~i1ere gorevinin gereklerine aykm o1arak yarar saglanmasi hiilinde de uygulanrr.

(5) Yabanc1 bir ulkede se~ilmi~ veya atanm1~ olan, yasama veya idari veya adli bir gorevi yUrflten kamu kuruni veya kurulu~larmm memur veya gorevlilerine veya aym Ulkede uluslararasi nite1ikte gorevleri yerine getirenlere, uluslararasi ticari i~lemler nedeniyle, bir i~in yapilmas1 veya yapilmamas1 veya haks1z bir yararm elde edilmesi veya muhafazas1 amaciyla, dogrudan veya dolayh o1arak yarar teklifveya vaat edi1mesi veya verilmesi de ~vet sayil1r.

Tiizel ki~iler hakkinda giivenlik tedbiri uygulanmas1 MADDE 253.- (1) Ru~vet su~unun i~lenmesi suretiyle yararma haksiZ menfaat saglanan tuzel ki~iler

hakkmda bunlara ozgfl gflvenlik tedbirlerine hUkmolunur.

Etkin pi~manhk MADDE 254. - (1) Ru~vet alan ki~inin, soru~turma bru;;lamadan once, rfl~vet konusu ~eyi

so~turmaya yetkili makamlara aynen teslim etmesi hiilinde, hakkmda ~vet su~undan dolay1 cezaya hUkmolunmaz. Ru~vet alma konusunda ba~kas1yla anlru;;an kamu gorevlisinin soru~turma ba~lamadan once durunm yetkili makamlara haber vermesi hiilinde de hakkmda bu su~tan dolay1 cezaya hUkmolunmaz.

(2) Ru~vet veren veya bu konuda kamu gorevlisiyle anlru;;maya varan ki~inin, soru~turma bru;;lamadan once, pi~manl1k duyarak durun1dan soru~turma makamlarm1 haberdar etmesi hiilinde, hakkmda rfl~vet su~undan dolay1 cezaya hUkmolunmaz; verdigi rfl~vet de kamu gorevlisinden almarak kendisine iade edilir.

(3) Ru~vet su~una i~tirak eden diger ki~ilerin, soru~turma ba~lamadan once, pi~manlik duyarak durun1dan soru~turma makamlarm1 haberdar etmesi hiilinde, hakkmda bu su~tan dolay1 cezaya hUkmolunmaz.

Yetkili olmad1jp. bir i~ i~in yarar saglama

MADDE 255.- (1) Gorevine girmeyen ve yetki1i olmad1g1 bir i~i yapabilecegi veya yaptrrabilecegi kanaatini uyandrrarak yarar saglayan kamu gorevlisi, bir ylidan be~ ylia kadar hapis ve adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmlrr.

Zor kullanma yetkisine ili~kin sminn a~Ilmas1 MADDE 256.- (1) Zor kullanma yetkisine sahip kamu gorevlisinin, gorevini yapt1g1 srrada, ki~ilere

kar~1 gorevinin gerektirdigi olc;:'Un'Un d1~mda kuvvet kullanmas1 haiinde, kasten yaralama suc;:una ili~kin hiikiimler uygularur.

GOrevi kiitiiye kullanma MADDE 257.- (1) K.anunda aynca sue;: olarak tarumlanan hailer d1~mda, gorevinin gereklerine aykm

hareket etmek suretiyle, ki~ilerin magduriyetine veya kamunun zararma neden olan ya da ki~ilere hak:s1z bir kazanc;: saglayan kamu gorevlisi, bir ylidan uc;: ylia kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

(2) Kanunda aynca sue;: olarak tan1mlanan hailer d1~mda, gorevinin gereklerini yapmakta ihmal veya gecikme gostererek, ki~ilerin magduriyetine veya kamunun zararma neden olan ya da ki~ilere haks1z bir kazanc;: saglayan kamu gorevlisi, altl aydan iki ylia kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

(3) irtikap suc;:unu olu~turmad1g1 takdirde, gorevinin gereklerine uygun davranmas1 ic;:in veya bu nedenle ki~ilerden kendisine veya bir b~kasma c;:1kar saglayan kamu gorevlisi, birinci flkra hUkm'Une gore cezalandmlrr.

GOreve ili~kin s1rrm a~Iklanmasi MADDE 258. - (1) Gorevi nedeniyle kendisine verilen veya ayru nedenle bilgi edindigi ve gizli

kalmas1 gereken belgeleri, kararlar1 ve emirleri ve diger tebligat1 ac;:lklayan veya yaymlayan veya ne suretle olursa olsun b~kalarmm bilgi edinmesini kolayl~tlran kamu gorevlisine, bir ylidan dort ylia kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.

(2) Kamu gorevlisi s1fat1 sona erdikten soma, birinci f1krada yazli1 fiilleri i~leyen kimseye de ayru ceza verilir.

Kamu giirevlisinin ticareti MADDE 259. - (1) Yurutlligu gorevin saglad1g1 niifu.zdan yararlanarak, bir ba~kas1na mal veya

hizmet satmaya c;:al1~an kamu gorevlisi, altl aya kadar hapis veya adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmlrr.

Kamu giirevinin terki veya yapilmamasi MADDE 260. - (1) Hukuka aykm olarak ve toplu bic;:imde, gorevlerini terk eden, gorevlerine

gelmeyen, gorevlerini gec;:ici de olsa k1smen veya tamamen yapmayan veya yav~latan kamu gorevlilerinin her biri hakkmda uc;: aydan bir ylia kadar hapis cezas1 verilir. Kamu gorevlisi say1smm uc;:ten fazla olmamas1 haiinde cezaya hUkmolurunaz.

(2) Kamu gorevlilerinin mesleki ve sosyal haklan ile ilgili olarak, hizmeti aksatmayacak bic;:irnde, gec;:ici ve klsa siireli i~ b1rakmalan veya yav~latmalar1 haiinde, verilecek cezada indirim yapliabilecegi gibi, ceza da verilmeyebilir.

Ki~ilerin mallan iizerinde usulsiiz tasarruf MADDE 261. - (1) ilgili kanunlarda belirlenen ko~ullara aykln oldugunu bilerek, ki~ilerin ta~m1r

veya ~mmaz mallan iizerinde, kar~1hk odenmek suretiyle de olsa, zorla tasarrufta bulunan kamu gorevlisi, fiil daha ag1r cezay1 gerektiren bir sue;: olu~turmad1g1 takdirde, alt1 aydan iki ylia kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmlrr.

Kamu giirevinin usulsiiz olarak iistlenilmesi MADDE 262.- (1) Bir kamu gorevini, kanun ve nizamlara aykm olarak yerine getirmeye te~ebbus

eden veya terk emri kendisine bildirilmi~ oldugu haide gorevi siirdiiren kimseye uc;: aydan iki ylia kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.

Kanuna aykin egitim kurumu MADDE 263. - (1) Kanuna aykm olarak egitim kurumu ac;:anlara, bunlar1 c;:all~tlranlara ve bu

kurumlarda kanuna aykm olarak ayiidigmi bildigi halde ogretmenlik yapanlara, alti aydan Uy yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.

(2) Yukandaki filaada gosterilen yerlerin kapatilmasma da karar verilir.

Ozel i~aret ve kiyafetleri usulsiiz kullanma MADDE 264.- (I) Bir rutbe veya kamu gorevinin veya meslegin, resmi elbisesini yetkisi olmaksizm

alenen ve b!lljkaiarmi yarultacak ~ekilde giyen veya hakk1 olmayan ni~an veya madalyalari takan kimseye Uy aydan bir yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.

(2) Elbisenin saglayacagi kolayhk ve olanaklardan yararlanarak bir suy i~lenirse, yalmz bu fiilden oturu yukar1daki f1krada belirtilen cezalar Uyte biri oranmda artmlarak hUkmolunur.

GOrevi yaptirmamak i~in direnme MADDE 265. - (1) K.amu gorevlisine kar~I gorevini yapmasim engellemek amaciyla, cebir veya

tehdit kullanan ki~i, alti aydan uy yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

(2) Suyun yarg1 gorevi yapan ki~ilere kar~I i~lenmesi h&inde, iki yildan dort yila kadar hapis cezasma hUkmolunur.

(3) Suyun, ki~inin kendisini tarunmayacak bir h&e koymas1 suretiyle veya birden fazla ki~i tarafmdan birlikte i~lenmesi h&inde, verilecek ceza uyte biri oranmda artmhr.

(4) Suyun, sihihl.a ya da var olan veya var sayilan suy orgfitlerinin olu~tirrduklari korkutucu gfiyten yararlanilarak i~lenmesi h&inde, yukar1daki fikralara gore verilecek ceza yar1 oranmda artmhr.

(5) Bu suyun i~lenmesi s1rasmda kasten yaralama suyunun neticesi sebebiyle agiri!lljmi~ h&lerinin geryekle~mesi durumunda, aynca kasten yaralama suyuna ili~kin hUkUmler uygulan1r.

Kamu giirevine ait ara~ ve gere~leri su~ta kullanma MADDE 266.- (I) Gorevi geregi olarak elinde bulundurdugu aray ve gereyleri bir suyun i~lenmesi

s1rasmda kullanan kamu gorevlisi hakkmda, ilgili suyun tammmda kamu gorevlisi s1fati esasen goz onunde bulundurulmami~ ise, verilecek ceza uyte biri oranmda artmhr.


iKiNCi BOLDM Adliyeye Kar~1 Suylar

MADDE 267.- (I) Yetkili makamlara ihbar veya ~ikayette bulunarak ya da basm ve yaym yoluyla, i~lemedigini bildigi h&de, hakkmda so~turma ve koVll~turma b!lljiatiimasmi ya da idari bir yaptmm uygulanmasm1 saglamak iyin bir kimseye hukuka aykm bir fiil isnat eden ki~i, bir yildan dort yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

(2) Fiilin maddi eser ve delillerini uydurarak iftirada bulunulmas1 h&inde, ceza yar1 oranmda artmhr.

(3) YUklenen fiili i~lemediginden dolay1 hakkmda beraat karar1 veya ko~turmaya yer olmadigina dair karar verilmi~ magdurun aleyhine olarak bu fiil nedeniyle gozalt1na alma ve tutuklama d1~mda ba~ka bir koruma tedbiri uygulanmi~sa, yukar1daki fikralara gore verilecek ceza yar1 oranmda artmhr.

(4) YUklenen fiili i~lemediginden dolay1 hakkmda beraat karar1 veya ko~turmaya yer olmadigina dair karar verilmi~ olan magdurun bu fiil nedeniyle gozaltma almmasi veya tutuklanmas1 h&inde; iftira eden, aynca ki~iyi hfirriyetinden yoksun kilma suyuna ili~kin hUkUmlere gore dolayh fail olarak sorumlu tutiiiur.

(5) Magdurun agiri!lljtmlmi~ muebbet hapis veya muebbet hapis cezasma mahkfuniyeti h&inde, yirmi yildan otuz yila kadar hapis cezas1na; sfireli hapis cezas1na mahkfuniyeti h&inde, mahkfun olunan cezanm uyte ikisi kadar hapis cezas1na hUkmolunur.

(6) Magdurun mahkfun oldugu hapis cezasimn infazma bWjlanmi~ ise, be~inci fikraya gore verilecek

ceza yariSI kadar artmhr.

(7) iftira sonucunda magdur hakkmda hapis cezas1 d1~mda adli veya idari bir yaptmm uyguiarJmi~sa; iftira eden ki~i, u~ yildan yedi yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

(8) iftira su~undan dolay1 dava zaman~Imi, magdurun fiili i~lemediginin sabit oldugu tarihten ba~lar.

(9) Basm ve yaym yoluyla i~lenen iftira su~undan dolay1 verilen mahkCuniyet karar1, aym veya e~degerde basm ve yaym organ1yla ilan olunur. ilan masraf1, hUkUmluden tahsil edilir.

Ba~kasma ait kimlik veya kimlik bilgilerinin kullandmas1 MADDE 268. - (1) i~ledigi su~ nedeniyle kendisi hakkmda soru~turma ve kovu~turma yapilmasmi

engellemek amaciyla, bu ki~iye ait kimligi veya kimlik bilgilerini kullanan kimse, iftira su~una ili~kin hUkUmlere gore cezalandmhr.

Etkin pi~manhk MADDE 269. - (1) iftira edenin, magdur hakkmda adli veya idari soru~turma b~lamadan once,

iftirasmdan donmesi Mlinde, hakkmda iftira su~undan dolay1 verilecek cezanm be~te dordu indirilir.

(2) Magdur hakkmda kovu~turma ba~lamadan once iftiradan donme Mlinde, iftira su~undan dolay1 verilecek cezanm dortte u~u indirilir.

(3) Etkin pi~manhgm;

a) Magdur hakkmda hUkUmden once ger~ekle~mesi Mlinde, verilecek cezanm u~te ikisi,

b) Magdurun mahkCuniyetinden sonra ger~ekle~mesi Mlinde, verilecek cezanm yans1,

c) HUkmolunan cezanm infazma b~larJmasi hruinde, verilecek cezanm u~te biri,

indirilebilir. (4) iftiranm konusunu ol~turan m1i.nhas1ran idari yaptmm uygularJmasini gerektiren fiil dolayisiyla;

a) idari yaptmma karar verilmeden once etkin pi~manhkta bulunulmas1 Mlinde, verilecek cezanm yariSI,

b) idari yaptmm uyguland1ktan sonra etkin pi~manhkta bulunulmas1 hruinde, verilecek cezanm u~te biri,


(5) iftira su~unun basm ve yaym yoluyla i~lenmesi hruinde, bu madde hUkUmleri uygularJmaz.

Su\! iistlenme MADDE 270. - (1) Yetkili makamlara, ger~ege aykm olarak, su~u i~ledigini veya su~a katildigmi

bildiren kimseye iki yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir. Bu su~un ustsoy, altsoy, e~ veya karde~i cezadan kurtarmak amaciyla i~lenmesi Mlinde; verilecek cezanm dortte u~u indirilebilecegi gibi tamamen de kaldmlabilir.

Su\! uydurma MADDE 271.- (1) i~lenmedigini bildigi bir su~u, yetkili makamlara i~lenmi~ gibi ihbar eden ya da

i~lenmeyen bir su~un delil veya emarelerini soru~turma yapilmasm1 saglayacak bi~imde uyduran kimseye u~ yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.

Yalan tamkhk MADDE 272. - (1) Hukuka aykm bir fiil nedeniyle b~latilan bir soru~turma kapsammda tanik

dinlemeye yetkili ki~i veya kuru! onunde ger~ege aykm olarak taniklik yapan kimseye, dort aydan bir yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.

(2) Mahkeme huzurunda ya da yemin ettirerek tamk dinlemeye kanunen yetkili ki~i veya kuru! onunde ger~ege aykm olarak tanikhk yapan kimseye bir yildan u~ yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.

(3) D~ yildan fazla hapis cezasm1 gerektiren bir su~un so~turma veya kovu~turmas1 kapsammda yalan tanikhk yapan ki~i hakkmda iki yildan dort yila kadar hapis cezasma hUkmolunur.

(4) Aleyhine tamkhkta bulunulan ki~i ile ilgili olarak gozaltma alma ve tutuklama d1~mda b~ka bir koruma tedbiri uygulanmi~sa, yiiklenen fiili i~lemediginden dolay1 hakkmda beraat karan veya ko~turmaya yer olmad1gma dair karar verilmi~ olmas1 ko~uluyla, yukandaki f1kralara gore verilecek ceza yar1 oranmda artmhr.

(5) Aleyhine tanikhkta bulunulan ki~inin gozaltma a!Imnasi veya tutuklanmas1 halinde; yiiklenen fiili i~lemediginden dolay1 hakkmda beraat karar1 veya kov~turmaya yer olmad1gma dair karar verilmi~ olmas1 ko~uluyla; yalan tan1khk yapan ki~i, aynca ki~iyi hiirriyetinden yoksun kilma su~una ili~kin hiikiimlere gore dolayh fail olarak sorumlu tutulur.

(6) Aleyhine tan1khkta bulunulan kimsenin agirla~tmlmi~ muebbet hapis veya muebbet hapis cezasma mahkfuniyeti halinde, yirmi yildan otuz yila kadar hapis cezasma; s\ireli hapis cezasma mahkfuniyeti halinde, mahkfun olunan cezanm u~te ikisi kadar hapis cezasma hUkrnolunur.

(7) Aleyhine tan1khkta bulunulan kimsenin mahkfun oldugu hapis cezas1n1n infazma b~lanm1~ ise, altmc1 f1kraya gore verilecek ceza yariSI kadar artmhr.

(8) Aleyhine tamkhkta bulunulan ki~i hakkmda hapis cezas1 d1~mda adli veya idarl bir yaptmm uygulanmi~sa; yalan tan1khkta bulunan ki~i, u~ yildan yedi yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

!)ahsi cezasiZhk veya cezanm azaltdmasm1 gerektiren sebepler MADDE 273.- (1) Ki~inin; a) Kendisinin, ustsoy, altsoy, e~ veya karde~inin soru~turma ve kovu~turmaya ugramasma neden

olabilecek bir hususla ilgili olarak yalan taniklikta bulumnas1,

b) Tanikliktan ~ekimne hakk1 olmasma ragmen, bu hakki kendisine hatrrlatilmadan ger~ege aykm olarak tanikhk yapmas1,

Ha.J.inde, verilecek cezada indirim yapilabilecegi gibi, ceza vermekten de vazge~ilebilir. (2) Birinci f1kra hUkrnu, ozel hukuk u~mazhklar1 kapsammda yapilan yalan tanikhk ha.J.lerinde


Etkin pi~manhk MADDE 274.- (1) Aleyhine tamkl1k yapilan ki~i hakkmda bir hak kisitlamasim veya yoksunlugunu

sonu~layacak nitelikte karar verilmeden veya hiikiimden once ger~egin soylemnesi ha.J.inde, cezaya hUkrnolumnaz.

(2) Aleyhine taniklik yapilan ki~i hakkinda bir hak kisitlamasim veya yoksunlugunu sonu~layacak nitelikte karar verildikten soma ve fakat hUktimden once ger~egin soylemnesi halinde, verilecek cezanm Uyte ikisinden yar1sma kadan indirilebilir.

(3) Aleyhine tamkhk yapilan ki~i hakkinda verilen mahkfuniyet karar1 kesirile~meden once ger~egin soylemnesi ha.J.inde, verilecek cezanm yar1smdan Uyte birine kadar1 indirilebilir.

Yalan yere yemin MADDE 275.- (1) Hukuk davalarmda yalan yere yemin eden davac1 veya daval1ya bir yildan be~

yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.

(2) Dava hakkmda hiikiim verilmeden once ger~egin soylemnesi halinde, cezaya hUkrnolumnaz.

(3) HUkrnun icraya konulmasmdan veya kesinle~mesinden once ger~egin soylemnesi halinde, verilecek cezanm yans1 indirilir.

Ger~ege aykm bilirki~ilik veya terciimanhk MADDE 276. - (1) Yarg1 mercileri veya su~tan dolay1 kanunen soru~turma yapmak veya yemin

altmda tamk dirilemek yetkisine sahip bulunan ki~i veya kuru! tarafmdan gorevlendirilen bilirki~inin ger~ege aykm mutalaada bulumnas1 halinde, bir yildan u~ yila kadar hapis cezasma hUkrnolunur.

(2) Birinci f1krada belirtilen ki~i veya kurullar tarafmdan gorevlendirilen terc\imanm ifade veya belgeleri ger~ege aykm olarak terc\ime etmesi ha.J.inde, birinci f1kra hUkrnu uygulan1r.

YargJ. giirevi yapam etkileme

MADDE 277.- (1) Bir davarun taraflanndan birinin veya bir ka9mm veya samklarm veya davaya katilanlarm, magdurlarm leh veya aleyhinde, yarg1 gorevi yapanlara emir veren veya bask1 yapan veya niifuz icra eden veya her ne suretle olursa olsun ad1 ge9enleri hukuka aykm olarak etkilemeye te~ebbtis eden kimseye iki yildan dort yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir. Te~ebbus iltimas derecesini ge9medigi takdirde verilecek ceza alti aydan iki yila kadard1r.

SU\!U bildirmeme

MADDE 278.- (1) i~lenmekte olan bir su9u yetkili makamlara bildirmeyen ki~i, bir yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

(2) i~lenmi~ olmakla birlikte, sebebiyet verdigi neticelerin Sinlriandmlmasi Mien mfimkUn bulunan bir su9u yetkili makamlara bildirmeyen ki~i, yukar1daki fikra hUkmfine gore cezalandmhr.

(3) Magdurun onbe~ ya~m1 bitirmemi~ bir 90cuk, bedensel veya ruhsal baklmdan ozfirlu olan ya da hamileligi nedeniyle kendisini savunamayacak durumda bulunan kimse olmas1 Mlinde, yukar1daki f1kralara gore verilecek ceza, yar1 orarunda artinhr.

Kamu giirevlisinin SU\!U bildirmemesi

MADDE 279. - (1) Kamu adma soru~tiirma ve ko~tiirmayi gerektiren bir su9un i~lendigini goreviyle baglantih olarak ogrenip de yetkili makamlara bildirimde bulunmay1 ihmal eden veya bu hususta gecikme gosteren kamu gorevlisi, alti aydan iki yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

(2) Su9un, adli kolluk gorevini yapan ki~i tarafmdan i~lenmesi hruinde, yukar1daki f1kraya gore verilecek ceza yar1 oranmda artmhr.

Saghk meslegi mensuplarmm SU\!U bildirmemesi

MADDE 280.- (1) Gorevini yapt1g1 srrada bir su9un i~lendigi yonfinde bir belirti ile kar~Ii~masma ragmen, durumu yetkili makamlara bildirmeyen veya bu hususta gecikme gosteren saghk meslegi mensubu, bir yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmlrr.

(2) Saghk meslegi mensubu deyiminden tabip, di~ tabibi, eczac1, ebe, hem~ire ve sag!Ik hizmeti veren diger ki~iler anl~1hr.

Su\! delillerini yok etme, gizleme veya degi~tirme

MADDE 281. - (1) Ger9egin meydana 9Ikrnasm1 engellemek amaciyla, bir su9un delillerini yok eden, silen, gizleyen, degi~tiren veya bozan ki~i, alt1 aydan be~ yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmlrr. Kendi i~ledigi veya i~leni~ine i~tirak ettigi su9la ilgili olarak ki~iye bu fikra hUkmfine gore ceza verilmez.

(2) Bu su9un kamu gorevlisi tarafmdan goreviyle baglant1h olarak i~lenmesi Mlinde, verilecek ceza yar1 oranmda artmhr.

(3) ili~kin oldugu su9 nedeniyle hUk.Um verilmeden once gizlenen delilleri mahkemeye teslim eden ki~i hakkmda bu maddede tammlanan su9 nedeniyle verilecek cezanm be~te dordu indirilir.

Su\!tan kaynaklanan malvarbg1 degerlerini aklama

MADDE 282.- (1) Alt smm bir yil veya daha fazla hapis cezas1m gerektiren bir su9tan kaynaklanan malvarhg1 degerlerini, yurt d1~ma 9Ikaran veya bunlarm gayrime~ru kaynagm1 gizlemek ve me~ru bir yolla elde edildigi konusunda kanaat uyandrrmak maksadiyla, 9e~itli i~lemlere tabi tutan ki~i, iki yildan be~ yila kadar hapis ve yirmibin gfine kadar adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmlrr.

(2) Bu su9un, kamu gorevlisi tarafmdan veya belli bir meslek sahibi ki~i tarafmdan bu meslegin icras1 s1rasmda i~lenmesi hruinde, verilecek hapis cezas1 yar1 oranmda artmhr.

(3) Bu SU9Ull, SU9 i~Jemek i9in te~kiJ ediJmi~ bir orgfitUn faaliyeti 9er9evesinde i~Jenmesi MJinde, verilecek ceza bir kat artmlrr.

(4) Bu su9un i~lenmesi dolayisiyla tuzel ki~iler hakkmda bunlara ozgfi gfivenlik tedbirlerine hUkmolunur.

(5) Bu su9 nedeniyle ko~tiirma b~lamadan once su9 konusu malvarhg1 degerlerinin ele ge9irilmesini saglayan veya bulundugu yeri yetkili makamlara haber vererek ele ge9irilmesini

kolaylrujtlran ki~i hakkmda bu maddede tammlanan su9 nedeniyle eezaya hUkm.olumnaz.

Su~luyu kaYJrma MADDE 283.- (I) Su9 i~leyen bir ki~iye ara~tmna, yakalanma, tutuklanma veya hUkm.iin infazmdan

kurtulmas1 i9in imkan sagl.ayan kimse, altJ aydan be~ yila kadar hapis eezas1 ile eezalandmlrr. (2) Bu su9un kanm gorevlisi tarafmdan goreviyle baglantih olarak i~lenmesi halinde, verileeek eeza

yar1 oranmda artJnhr.

(3) Bu su9un ustsoy, altsoy, e~, karde~ veya diger su9 ortag1 tarafmdan i~lenmesi h§.linde, eezaya hUkm.olumnaz.

Tutuklu, hiikiimlii veya su~ delillerini bildirmeme MADDE 284. - (I) Hakkmda tutuklama karar1 verilmi~ olan veya hUkUmlu bir ki~inin bulundugu yeri

bildigi Mlde yetkili makamlara bildirmeyen kimse, bir yila kadar hapis eezas1 ile eezalandmlrr.

(2) i~lenmi~ olan bir su9a ili~kin delil ve eserlerin ba~kalar1 tarafmdan saklandigi yeri bildigi halde yetkili makamlara bildirmeyen kimse, yukar1daki fikra hUkm.iine gore eezalandmlrr.

(3) Bu su9larm kamu gorevlisi tarafmdan goreviyle bagl.antJh olarak i~lenmesi Mlinde, verileeek eeza yar1 oranmda artmhr.

(4) Bu su9larm ustsoy, altsoy, e~ veya karde~ tarafmdan i~lenmesi hiilinde, eezaya hUkm.olumnaz. Gizliligin ihlili MADDE 285. - (1) So~turmanm gizliligini alenen ihliil eden ki~i, bir yildan u9 yila kadar hapis

eezas1 ile eezalandmhr. Aneak, soru~turma rujamasmda alman ve kanun hUkm.u gereginee gizli tutJiimas1 gereken kararlarm ve bunlarm geregi olarak yapilan i~lemlerin gizliliginin ihliili ~Ismdan aleniyetin ger9ekle~mesiaranmaz.

(2) Kanuna gore kapal1 yapilmas1 gereken veya kapal1 yapilmasma karar verilen d~madaki ~1klama veya goruntulerin gizliligini alenen ihliil eden ki~i, birinei f1kra hUkm.iine gore eezalandmlrr. Aneak, bu su9un olu~mas1 i9in tan1gm korunmasma ili~kin olarak alman gizlilik kararma aykmhk ~Ismdan aleniyetin ger9ekle~mesi aranmaz.

(3) Bu su9larm basm ve yaym yoluyla i~lenmesi Mlinde, eeza yan oranmda artmlrr.

(4) Soru~turma ve kovu~turma evresinde ki~ilerin su9lu olarak damgalanmalarim saglayaeak ~ekilde goruntulerinin yaymlanmasi hiilinde, altJ aydan iki yila kadar hapis eezasma hUkm.olunur.

Ses veya goriintiilerin kayda ahnmas1 MADDE 286. - (1) So~turma ve kovu~turma i~lemleri srrasmdaki ses veya goruntuleri yetkisiz

olarak kayda alan veya nakleden ki~i, altJ aya kadar hapis eezas1 ile eezalandmlrr. Genital muayene MADDE 287.- (I) Yetkili hakirn ve save1 karan olmaks1zm, ki~iyi genital muayeneye gonderen veya

bu muayeneyi yapan fail hakkmda u9 aydan bir yila kadar hapis eezasma hUkm.olunur.

(2) Bulrujiei hasta!Iklar dolayisiyla kamu saghg1m korumak amaciyla kanun ve tuzUklerde ongorulen hUkUmlere uygun olarak yapilan muayeneler a91smdan yukar1daki f1kra hUkm.u uygulanmaz.

Adil yargllamaYJ etkilemeye te~ebbiis MADDE 288. - (I) Bir olayla ilgili olarak brujlatilan soru~turma veya kovu~turma kesin hUkUmle

sonuclanmeaya kadar save1, Mkim, mahkeme, bilirki~i veya taniklar1 etkilemek amaciyla alenen sozlu veya yaz1h beyanda bulunan ki~i, alt1 aydan uc yila kadar hapis eezas1 ile eezalandmlrr.

(2) Bu sucun basm ve yaym yolu ile i~lenmesi halinde verileeek eeza yar1 oranmda artmlrr.

Muhafaza gorevini kotiiye kullanma MADDE 289.- (I) Muhafaza edilmek mere kendisine resmen teslim olunan rehinli veya hacizli veya

herhangi bir nedenle elkonulmu~ olan mal tizerinde teslim amae1 d1~mda tasarrufta bulunan ki~i, uc aydan iki yila kadar hapis ve uc bin giine kadar adli para eezas1 ile eezalandmhr. Ki~inin bu maim sahibi olmas1

Mlinde, verilecek ceza yan oranmda indirilir. (2) Birinci fikrada tarumlanan su~un konusunu olu~turan e~ay1 kovu~turma b~lamadan once geri

veren veya bunun miimkiin olmamas1 Mlinde bedelini odeyen ki~i hakkmda verilecek cezalarm be~te dordu indirilir.

(3) Muhafaza edilmek tizere kendisine resmen teslim olunan rehinli veya hacizli veya herhangi bir nedenle elkonulmu~ olan maim dikkat ve ozen yi.ikii:m.IU!ugune aykm davranmas1 nedeniyle kaybolmasma veya bozulmasma neden olan ki~i, adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

(4) Bir su~a ili~kin so~turma veya kovu~turma kapsammda elkonulan e~ay1 amac1 d1~mda kullanan kimse, bir yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

Resmen teslim olunan mala elkonulmasi ve bozulmas1 MADDE 290.- (!) Hi.ikmen hak sahiplerine teslim edilen ~mmaz mallara tekrar elkoyan kimseye

u~ aydan bir yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir. (2) Muhafaza edilmek tizere b~kasma resmen teslim olunan rehinli veya hacizli veya herhangi bir

nedenle elkonulm~ olan ta~Imr maim bu ki~inin elinden nzas1 d1~mda almmas1 Mlinde hrrs1zhk, cebren almmas1 Mlinde yagma, hileyle almmas1 ha!inde dolandmcihk, tahrip edilmesi ha!inde mala zarar verme su~una ili~kin hUktimler uygulanrr. Ki~inin bu maim sahibi olmas1 ha!inde, verilecek cezanm yar1smdan dortte u~iine kadari indirilir.

Ba~kas1 yerine ceza infaz kurumuna veya tutukevine girme MADDE 291.- (I) Kendisini, bir hUkUmliiniin veya tutuklunun yerine koyarak ceza infaz kirruniuna

veya tutukevine giren kimseye alti aydan iki yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir. Hiikiimlii veya tutuklunun ka~mas1 MADDE 292. - (1) Tutukevinden, ceza infaz kurun~undan veya gozetimi altmda bulundugu

gorevli1erin elinden ~an tutuklu veya hUkUmlu hakkmda alti aydan bir yila kadar hapis cezasma hi.ikmo1unur.

(2) Bu su~un, cebir veya tehdit kullamlarak i~lenmesi Mlinde, bir yildan u~ yila kadar hapis cezasma hi.ikmo1unur.

(3) Bu su~un, silahli olarak ya da birden ~ok tutuklu veya hUkUmlu tarafmdan birlikte i~lenmesi ha!inde, yukar1daki fikralara gore verilecek ceza bir katma kadar artmhr.

(4) Bu su~un i~lenmesi s1rasmda kasten yaralama su~unun neticesi sebebiyle agirl~mi~ ha!lerinin veya kasten oldtirme su~unun ger~ekle~mesi ya da e~yaya zarar verilmesi duruniunda, aynca bu su~lara ili~kin hUkUmlere gore cezaya hi.ikmolunur.

(5) Bu maddede yazi11 hUkUmler, ceza infaz kirruniu d1~mda ~a!I~tmlan hUkUm!Uler ile hapis cezas1 adli para cezasmdan ~evrilmi~ olanlar hakkmda da uygulan1r.

(6) K1sa sureli hapis cezasmm ozel infaz ~ekillerinin gereklerine uymayan hUkUmlu hakkmda bir aydan iki aya kadar hapis cezasma hi.ikmolunur; geriye kalan ceza da aynca ~ektirilir.

Etkin pi~manhk MADDE 293. - (1) Gozaltina alman, tutuklu veya hUkUmliiniin, k~tiktan sonra etkin pi~manlik

gostererek kendiliginden teslim olmas1 Mlinde, ka~tig1 giinden itibaren teslimin ger~ekle~tigi gone kadar ge~en sure dikkate almarak, verilecek cezanm altida be~inden altida birine kadar1 indirilir. Ancak, ~rna suresinin altJ ay1 ge~mesi Mlinde cezada indirim yapilmaz.

Ka~maya imkin saglama MADDE 294.- (1) Gozaltma almanm veya tutuklunun ~masm1 saglayan ki~i, bir yildan u~ yila

kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmlrr. (2) HUkUmliiniin ka~masm1 saglayan ki~i, ~ekilecek olan hapis cezasmm suresine gore iki yildan be~

yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmlrr. Ancak, hUkUmliiniin cezas1; a) Muebbet hapis cezas1 ise, be~ yildan sekiz yila,

b) Agrrla§tinlmi~ muebbet hapis cezas1 ise, sekiz yildan oniki yila,

Kadar hapis cezasma hUkmolunur.

(3) Bu sm;larm, cebir veya tehdit kullanilarak i~lenmesi hillinde, verilecek ceza tiyte biri oranmda artmhr.

(4) Kaymas1 saglanan ki~i say1smm birden fazla olmas1 hillinde, bu say1 goz onunde bulundurularak, verilecek ceza tiyte birden bir katma kadar artinhr.

(5) Bu suylarm gozaltina alman, tutuk:lu veya hUkUmlunun muhafaza veya nakli ile gorevli ki~iler tarafmdan i~lenmesi hillinde, verilecek ceza, tiyte biri oranmda artmlrr.

(6) Bu suylarm ustsoy, altsoy, e~ veya karde~ tarafmdan i~lenmesi hruinde, verilecek ceza tiyte biri oranmda indirilir.

(7) Bu suylarm i~lenmesi s1rasmda kasten yaralama suyunun neticesi sebebiyle agirla~mi~ hilllerinin veya kasten oldtirme suyunun geryekle~mesi ya da e~yaya zarar verilmesi durumunda, aynca bu suylara ili~kin hUkUmlere gore cezaya hUkmolunur.

(8) Gozaltina alman, tutuk:lu veya hUkUmlunun, muhafaza veya nakli ile gorevli ki~inin dikkat ve ozen yUktimlillugune aykm davranmasmdan yararlanarak kaymas1 hruinde, alt1 aydan Uy yila kadar hapis cezasma hUkmolunur.

MuhafiZm gorevini kotiiye kullanmas1 MADDE 295. - (I) Gozaltina alman, tutuk:lu veya hUkUmlunun muhafaza veya nakli ile gorevli

ki~ilerin, gorevlerinin gereklerine aykm hareket etmeleri hillinde, gorevi kotuye kullanma suyuna ili~kin hUkUmler uygclamr.

(2) Muhafaza veya nakli ile gorevli olan kimse, gorevinin gereklerine aykm olarak gozaltma alman, tutuk:lu veya hUkUmlunun bulundugu yerden geyici bir stireyle uzakla§masma izin verirse; alt1 aydan iki yila kadar hapis cezas1 iie cezalandmlrr.

(3) Gozaltma alman, tutuk:lu veya hUkUmlunun bu f1rsattan yararlanarak kaymas1 hruinde, kaymaya kasten imkan saglama suyuna ili~kin hUkUmler uygulan1r.

Hiikiimlii veya tutuklularm ayaklanmas1 MADDE 296.- (I) HUkUmlu veya tutuklularm toplu olarak ayaklanmas1 hillinde, her biri hakkmda

alt1 aydan Uy yila kadar hapis cezasma hUkmolunur. HUkUmlu veya tutuk:lu sayisimn uyten fazla olmamas1 hillinde, bu suytan dolay1 cezaya hUkmedilmez.

(2) Ayaklanma srrasmda ba~ka suylarm i~lenmesi hillinde, aynca bu suylara ili~kin hUkUmlere gore cezaya hUkmolunur.

infaz kurumuna veya tutukevine yasak e~ya sokmak MADDE 297. - (I) infaz kurumuna veya tutukevine sildh, uyu~turucu veya uyariCI madde veya

elektronik haberle~me arac1 sokan veya bulunduran ki~i, iki yildan be~ yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr. Bu suyun konusunu olu~turan e~anm, temin edilmesi veya bulundurulmasi ayn bir suy olu~turdugu takdirde; flkri iytima hUkUmlerine gore belirlenecek ceza yar1 oranmda artmhr.

(2) Birinci f1krada sayilanlarm d1~mda kal1p da yetkili makamlar tarafmdan infaz kurumuna veya tutukevine sokulmas1 yasaklanm1~ bulunan e~yay1, bu yasag1 bilerek, infaz kurumuna veya tutukevine sokan veya bulunduran ya da kullanan ki~i, alti aydan iki yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

(3) Bir ve ikinci fikralarda tan1mlanan suyiarm hUkUmlu veya tutuk:lularm muhafazas1yla gorevli ki~iler tarafmdan i~lenmesi hillinde, verilecek ceza bir kat artmhr.

(4) Bir ve ikinci fikralarda tar!milanan suylarm konusunu olu~turan e~yay1 yamnda bulunduran veya kullanan hUkUmlu veya tutuk:lu, bunu kimden ve ne suretle elde ettigi hususunda bilgi verirse, verilecek ceza yar1 oranmda indirilir.

Hak kullanimiDI ve beslenmeyi engelleme MADDE 298. - (I) Ceza infaz kurumlar1 ve tutukevlerinde bulunan hUkUmlu ve tutuk:lularm

haberle~melerini, ziyaret~ileriyle gorii~melerini, iyile~tirme ve egitim programlar1 ~er~evesinde egitim ve spor, meslek kazandirma ve i~yurdu ~ali~malari ile diger sosyal ve kiiltiirel faaliyetlere katiimalarmi, kururn tabibince muayene ve tedavi edilmelerini, mii.dafi veya avukat tayin etmelerini, bunlarla go~melerini, mahkemelere veya Cumhuriyet ba~savciiiklarma gitmelerini, kururn gorevlileri ile go~melerini, salJVerilenlerin kururn d1~ma ~Ikmalarmi her ne suretle olursa olsun engelleyenler, hii.kii.mlii. ve tutuklulari bu fiillere te~vik edenler, bu yolda talimat verenler, mevzuatm hii.kii.mlii. ve tutuklulara tanidigi sair her tiirlii. gorii~me ve temas olanagini engelleyenler, bir yildan ii.~ yila kadar hapis cezas1yIa cezalandmhrlar.

(2) Hii.kii.mlii. ve tutuklularm beslenmesini engelleyenler hakkmda iki yildan dort yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir. Hii.kii.mlii. ve tutuklularm a~hk grevine veya olii.m orucuna te~vik veya ikna edilmeleri ya da bu yolda kendilerine talimat verilmesi de beslenmenin engellenmesi sayilrr.

(3) Beslenmenin engellenmesi nedeniyle kasten yaralama su~unun neticesi sebebiyle agirl~mi~ hrulerinden biri veya olii.m meydana gelmi~ ise, aynca kasten yaralama veya kasten oldii.rme su~larma ili~kin hii.kii.mlere gore cezaya hii.kmolunur.

D<;:DNCO BOL()M Devletin Egemenlik Alametlerine ve Organlarmm Sayginiigma Kar~I Su~lar

Cumhurba~kamna hakaret MADDE 299.- (1) Cumhurb~kanma hakaret eden ki~i, bir yildan dort yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile

cezalandmhr. (2) Verilecek ceza, su~un alenen i~lenmesi hruinde, alt1da biri; basm ve yaym yolu ile i~lenmesi

haiinde, ii.~te biri oranmda artmhr. (3) Bu su~tan dolay1 ko~turma yapiimasi, Adalet Bakanmm iznine baghd1r. Devletin egemenlik alametlerini a~agilama MADDE 300.- (1) Turk Bayragm1 yrrtarak, yakarak veya sair surette ve alenen ~agilayan ki~i, bir

yildan ii.~ yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmlrr. Bu hii.kii.m, Anayasada belirlenen beyaz ay yild!Zh a! bayrak ozelliklerini ~1yan ve Tii.rkiye Cumhuriyeti Devletinin egemenlik alameti olarak kullarulan her toriii. i~aret hakkmda uygularur.

(2) istiklal Mar~m1 alenen a~agilayan ki~i, altJ aydan iki yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmlrr. (3) Bu maddede tanimlanan su~larm yabanc1 bir ii.lkede bir Tii.rk vatand~I tarafmdan i~lenmesi

hruinde, verilecek ceza ii.~te bir oranmda artmhr.

Tiirkliigii, Cumhuriyeti, Devletin kurum ve organlarm1 a~agilama MADDE 301.- (1) Tii.rklii.gu, Curnhuriyeti veya Tii.rkiye Bii.yii.k Millet Meclisini alenen ~agilayan

ki~i, alt1 aydan ii.~ yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmlrr. (2) Tii.rkiye Cumhuriyeti Hii.kfunetini, Devletin yarg1 organlarm1, askeri veya emniyet te~kilatm1

alenen a~agilayan ki~i, alt1 aydan iki yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmlrr. (3) Tii.rklii.gu a~agilamanm yabanc1 bir ii.lkede bir Turk vatand~1 tarafmdan i~lenmesi haiinde,

verilecek ceza ii.~te bir oranmda artJnlrr.

(4) Ele~tiri amaciyla yapilan d~ii.nce ~Iklamalari su~ olu~turmaz.

DORDUNCU BOLUM Devletin Gii.venligine Kar~1 Su~lar

Devletin birligini ve iilke biitiinliigiinii bozmak

MADDE 302.- (I) Devietin topraklanmn tammmm veya bir kismmi yabaiici bir devletin egemenligi altma koymak, Devletin birligini bozmak, Devletin egemenligi altmda bulunaii topraklardaii bir kismim Devlet idaresinden ayurnak, Devletin bagunsizhgmi zay1flatmak mnacma yonelik elveri~li bir fiil i~leyen kimseye agrrla~tmlmi~ miiebbet hapis cezas1 verilir.

(2) Bu su~un i~lenmesi srrasmda b~ka su~larm i~lenmesi haJinde, aynca bu su~lardaii dolay1 ilgili hiikiimlere gore cezaya hiikmolunur.

(3) Bu maddede taiiimiaiiaii su~larm i~lenmesi dolayisiyla tiizel ki~iler hakkmda bunlara ozgii giivenlik tedbirlerine hiikmolunur.

Dii~manla i~birligi yapmak

MADDE 303. -(I) Tiirkiye Cumhuriyeti Devleti ile sav~ haJinde olaii devletin ordusunda hizmet kabul eden, dii~maii devletin ymda Tiirkiye Cumhuriyeti Devletine kar~I silahl.I miicadeleye giren vataiid~, miiebbet hapis cezas1 ile cezalaiidmhr.

(2) Dii~maii devlet ordusunda herhaiigi bir komuta gorevi iistlenen vataiida~, agrrla~tmlmi~ miiebbet hapis cezas1 ile cezalaiidmlrr.

(3) Bir ve ikinci fikralarda tanunlailaii su~larm i~lenmesi s1rasmda b~ka su~larm i~lenmesi haJinde, aynca bu su~lardaii dolay1 ilgili hiikiimlere gore cezaya hiikmolunur.

(4) Sav~ zrunaiimda d~maii devlet topragmda bulunup da bu devlet ordusunda hizmete almmak mecburiyetinde kaiaii vataiid~ hakkmda, bu nedenle cezaya hiikmolunmaz.

Devlete kar~I sava~a tahrik MADDE 304. - (1) Tiirkiye Cumhuriyeti Devletine kar~I sava~ a~mas1 veya hasmaiie hareketlerde

bulunmas1 i~in yabaiici devlet yetkililerini tahrik eden veya bu mnaca yonelik olarak yabaiici devlet yetkilileri ile i~birligi yapaii ki~i, on yildaii yirmi yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalaiidmlrr. Tahrik fiilinin basm ve yaym yolu ile i~lenmesi haJinde, verilecek ceza ii~te bir ormda artmlrr.

(2) Bu madde uygulmnasmda, Tiirkiye Cumhuriyeti Devletinin giivenligine kar~I su~ i~lemek iizere olu~turulm~ orgiitlerin dogrudaii veya dolayh olarak desteklenmesi, hasmaiie hareket olarak kabul edilir.

(3) Bu maddede taiiimiaiiaii su~un i~lenmesi dolayisiyla tiizel ki~iler hakkmda bunlara ozgii giivenlik tedbirlerine hiikmolunur.

Temel milli yararlara kar~1 hareket

MADDE 305. - (I) Temel milli yararlara kar~I fiillerde bulunmak maksadiyla veya bu nedenle, yabaiici ki~i veya kimii~lardaii dogrudaii dogruya veya dolayh olarak kendisi veya b~kas1 i~in maddi yarar saglayaii vataiid~a, ii~ yildaii on yila kadar hapis ve onbin giine kadar ad!I para cezas1 verilir. Yarar saglayaii veya vaat eden ki~i hakkinda da aym cezaya hiikmolunur.

(2) Fiilin sava~ s1rasmda i~lenmi~ ya da yararm basm ve yaym yoluyla propagaiida yapmak i~in verilmi~ veya vaat edilmi~ olmasi haJinde, verilecek ceza yar1 oraiimda artmhr.

(3) Su~ sava~ haJj d1~mda i~lendigi takdirde, bu nedenle kovu~turma yapilmasi Adalet Bakaiimm iznine baghd1r.

(4) Temel milli yararlar deyiminden; bagimsizhk, toprak biitiinliigu, milli giivenlik ve Cumhuriyetin Anayasada belirtilen temel nitelikleri anl~Iirr.

Yabanc1 devlet aleyhine asker toplama

MADDE 306. - (1) Tiirkiye Devletini sav~ tehlikesi ile kar~I kar~1ya brrakacak ~ekilde, yetkisiz olarak, yabaiici bir devlete kar~I asker toplayaii veya diger hasmaiie hareketlerde bulunaii kimseye be~ yildaii oniki yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.

(2) Fiil sonucu sav~ meydaiia gelirse faile miiebbet hapis cezas1 verilir.

(3) Fiil, sadece yabaiici devletle siyasal ili~kileri bozacak veya Tiirkiye Devleti veya Tiirk vataiid~larmi misilleme tehlikesi ile kar~I kar~1ya b1rakacak nitelikte ise faile iki yildaii sekiz yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.

(4) Siyasal ili~ki kesilir veya misilleme meydana gelirse u~ ylidan on ylia kadar hapis cezasma hUkmolunur.

(5) Bu maddede yer alan su~un ko~turulmas1 Adalet Bakanmm iznine baghdrr.

(6) Bu madde hUkiimleri, fiili sav~ Mlinde iilke topraklarmm tamamm1 veya bir kismlni i~gal eden yabanc1 devlet kuvvetlerine kar~1 me~ru mudafaa am~h direni~ hareketleri hakkmda uygllianmaz.

Askeri tesisleri tahrip ve dii~man askeri hareketleri yararma anla~ma MADDE 307.- (I) Devletin silahh kuvvetlerine ait olan veya hizmetine verilmi~ bulunan kara, deniz

ve hava ul~Im ara~larm1, yollar1, muesseseleri, depolar1 ve diger askeri tesisleri, bunlar heniiz tamamlanmam1~ bulunsalar bile, kismen veya tamamen talrrip eden veya ge~ici bir sure i~in olsa bile kullanlimayacak hiile getiren ki~iye, altJ ylidan oniki ylia kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.

(2) Su~un;

a) Turkiye ile sav~ hiilinde bulunan bir devletin ~1kan i~in i~lenmi~ olmas1, b) Devletin sav~ haz1rhklarmi veya sava~ kudret ve yetenegini veya askeri hareketlerini tehlikeye

koymu~ olmas1, Hiilinde, agrrl~tmlm1~ muebbet hapis cezasma hUkmolunur.

(3) Talrrip veya kullanliamaz hiile gelme, birinci fikrada belirtilen bina, tesis veya e~ay1 elinde bulunduran veya korumak ve gozetlemekle yUkiimlu olan kimsenin taksiri sonucunda meydana gelmi~ veya bu nedenle su~un i~lenmesi kolayl~m1~ ise, bu ki~i hakkmda bir yildan be~ yila kadar hapis cezasma hUkmolunur.

(4) Sava~ zamanmda Turkiye Devleti zararma olmak iizere, du~man askeri hareketlerini kolayl~tJrmak veya Turkiye Devletinin askeri hareketlerine zarar vermek maksad1yla yabanc1yla anl~an veya anl~ma olmasa da aym sonu~lar1 meydana getirmeye yonelik fiilleri i~leyen ki~iye on yildan onbe~ yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.

(5) Dordiincu fikrada tanimlanan fiil sonucunda, du~man askeri hareketleri fiilen kolayl~m1~ veya Turk Devletinin askeri hareketleri zarar gormu~ ise faile agirl~tmlmi~ muebbet hapis cezas1 verilir.

(6) Dort ve be~inci f1kralarda yazil1 su~lan i~leyen kimse ile anla~an yabanc1ya da aym ceza verilir.

(7) Yukandaki f1kralarda yaz1h fiillerin Turkiye Devleti ile aralarmda sav~ i~in ittifak veya i~tirak olan devlet zararma olarak Turkiye'de i~lenmesi Mlinde de bu madde hUkiimleri uygulanrr.

Dii~man devlete maddi ve mali yard1m MADDE 308. -(I) Turkiye Cumhuriyeti Devletinin sava~ Mlinde oldugu devlete, sav~ta Turkiye

Cumhuriyeti Devletinin aleyhine kullanliabilecek her turlu e~ay1 kar~Ihkl1 veya kar~Ihks1z, dogrudan veya dolayh olarak veren vatand~, be~ ylidan onbe~ ylia kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmlrr. Bu hUkiim, Turkiye'de oturan yabanc1 hakkinda da uygulanrr.

(2) Sava~ zamanmda, du~man devlet yararma yapilan bor~lanmalara veya her ne nedenle olursa olsun odemelere katlian veya bunlara ili~kin i~lemleri kolayl~t1ran vatanda~a veya Turkiye'de oturan yabanc1ya aym ceza verilir.

(3) Sava~tan evvel b~lam1~ olsa bile, birinci fikrada yazli1 Miler d1~mda, nerede bulunursa bulunsun du~man devlet vatanda~1yla veya du~man devlet topraklarmda oturan diger kimselerle Turkiye Devleti zararma veya du~man devletin sav~ giiciine olumlu etki yapacak nitelikte dogrudan dogruya veya dolayh olarak ticaret yapan vatand~a veya Turkiye'de oturan yabanc1ya iki ylidan be~ ylia kadar hapis ve onbin giine kadar adli para cezas1 verilir.

(4) Yukar1daki f1kralarda yazi11 fiillerin d~man devletle aralarmda sav~ i~in ittifak veya i~tirak olan devlet yararma i~lenmesi Mlinde de bu madde hUkumleri uygllian1r.


Anayasal DUzene ve Bu Diizenin i~leyi~ine Kar~I Su~lar

AnayasaYJ. ihUU MADDE 309.- (1) Cebir ve ~iddet kullanarak, Tiirkiye Cumhuriyeti Anayasasmm ongordugu diizeni

ortadan kald1rmaya veya bu diizen yerine b~ka bir diizen getirmeye veya bu diizenin fiilen uygulanmasm1 onlemeye te~ebbus edenler agrrl~tmlmi~ muebbet hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhrlar.

(2) Bu su~un i~lenmesi srrasmda b~ka su~larm i~lenmesi Mlinde, aynca bu su~lardan dolay1 ilgili hUkUmlere gore cezaya hUkmolunur.

(3) Bu maddede tanimlanan su~larm i~lenmesi dolayisiyla llizel ki~iler hakkmda bunlara ozg\i g\ivenlik tedbirlerine hUkmolunur.

Cumhurba~kanma suikast ve fiili saldm MADDE 310.- (1) Cumhurb~kanma suikastte bulunan ki~i, agirla~tmlmi~ muebbet hapis cezas1 ile

cezalandmhr. Bu fiile te~ebbus edilmesi hiilinde de su~ tan~amlanmi~ gibi cezaya hUkmolunur. (2) Cumhurba~kanma kar~1 diger fiili saldmlarda bulunan kimse hakkmda, ilgili su~a ili~kin ceza yar1

oranmda artmlarak hUkmolunur. Ancak, bu suretle verilecek ceza be~ yildan az olamaz. Yasama organma kar~I su~ MADDE 311. - (1) Cebir ve ~iddet kullanarak Tiirkiye BuyUk Millet Meclisini ortadan kaldrrmaya

veya Tiirkiye BUyUk Millet Meclisinin gorevlerini k1smen veya tamamen yapmasrm engellemeye te~ebbus edenler agirl~tmlmi~ muebbet hapis cezasiyla cezalandmlrrlar.

(2) Bu su~un i~lenmesi srrasmda b~ka su~larm i~lenmesi hiilinde, aynca bu su~lardan dolay1 ilgili hUkUmlere gore cezaya hUkmolunur.

Hiikumete kar~1 su~ MADDE 312.- (1) Cebir ve ~iddet kullanarak Tiirkiye Cumhuriyeti Hiikfunetini ortadan kald1rmaya

veya gorevlerini yapmasm1 kismen veya tamamen engellemeye te~ebbus eden kimseye agirl~tmlmi~ muebbet hapis cezas1 verilir.

(2) Bu su~un i~lenmesi srrasmda b~ka su~larm i~lenmesi hiilinde, aynca bu su~lardan dolay1 ilgili hUkUmlere gore cezaya hUkmolunur.

Tiirkiye Cumhuriyeti Hiikumetine kar~1 silihh isyan MADDE 313. - (1) Halk1, Tiirkiye Cumhuriyeti Hiikfunetine kar~1 silahl.I bir isyana tahrik eden

kimseye onbe~ yildan yirmi yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir. isyan ger~ekle~tiginde, tahrik eden ki~i hakkinda yirmi yildan yirmibe~ yila kadar hapis cezasma hUkmolunur.

(2) Tiirkiye Cumhuriyeti Hiikfunetine kar~1 silahl.I isyam idare eden ki~i, agirl~tmlmi~ muebbet hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmlrr. isyana katilan diger ki~ilere alt1 yildan on yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.

(3) Bir ve ikinci f1krada tanimlanan su~larm, Devletin sav~ hiilinde olmasmm sagladigi kolayhktan yararlanmak suretiyle i~1enmesi hiilinde, agirl~tmlmi~ muebbet hapis cezasma hUkmolunur.

(4) Bir ve ikinci fikrada tanimlanan su~larm i~lenmesi srrasmda ba~ka su~larm i~lenmesi hiilinde, aynca bu su~lardan dolay1 ilgili hUkUmlere gore cezaya hUkmolunur.

Silihh iirgiit MADDE 314.- (1) Bu kismm dorduncu ve be~inci bolumlerinde yer alan su~lan i~lemek amaciyla,

silahl.I org\it kirran veya yoneten ki~i, on yildan onbe~ yila kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmlrr. (2) Birinci fikrada tanimlanan org\ite uye olanlara, be~ yildan on yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir. (3) Su~ i~lemek amaciyla org\it kurma su~una ili~kin diger hUkUmler, bu su~ a~1smdan aynen

uygulan1r. Silih saglama MADDE 315. - (I) Yukar1daki maddede tanimlanan org\itlerin faaliyetlerinde kullanilmak

maksadiyla bunlarm ama~larrm bilerek, bu org\itlere iiretmek, satm almak veya ulkeye sokinak suretiyle

silah temin eden, nakleden veya depolayan ki~i, on ylldan onbe~ ylla kadar hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr. Su\! i\!in anla~ma MADDE 316.- (1) Bu klsmm dord\incii ve be~inci boliimlerinde yer alan su9lardan herhangi birini

elveri~li vas1talarla i~lemek iizere iki veya daha fazla ki~i, maddi olgularla belirlenen bir bi9imde anl~rrlarsa, su9larm ag1rhk derecesine gore ii9 ylldan oniki ylla kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.

(2) Am~lanan su9 i~lenmeden veya anl~ma dolay1s1yla soru~turmaya b~lanmadan once bu ittifaktan 9ekilenlere ceza verilmez.

Askeri komutanbklann gasb1


Milli Savunmaya Kar~1 Su9lar

MADDE 317.- (1) Kanunen yetkili olmad1klan veya Devlet tarafmdan memur edilmedikleri halde, bir asker k1tasmm veya donanmasmm veya sava~ gemisinin veya sav~ hava filosunun veya bir kale veya miistahkem mevkiin veya bir askeri iiss\in veya tesisin, bir liman veya ~ehrin komutasm1 alanlara miiebbet hapis cezas1 verilir.

(2) Kanunen yetkili olmalar1 veya Devlet tarafmdan gorevlendirilmeleri suretiyle yukar1da gosterilen yerlerin komutam bulunanlardan, yetkili makanllarca komutanl1g1 terk etmeleri i9in verilen emirlere uymayanlara da aym ceza verilir.

Halki askerlikten sogutma MADDE 318.- (1) Halkl, askerlik hizmetinden sogutacak etkinlikte te~vik veya telkinde bulunanlara

veya propaganda yapanlara altl aydan iki ylla kadar hapis cezas1 verilir. (2) Fiil, basm ve yaym yolu ile i~lenirse ceza yans1 oranmda artmlrr. Askerleri itaatsizlige te~vik MADDE 319. - (1) Askerleri veya askeri idareye bagh olarak gorev yapan diger ki~ileri kanunlara

kar~1 itaatsizlige veya yemirllerini bozmaya veya askeri disiplini veya askerlik hizmetine ili~kin gorevlerini ihlale yonelten ve tahrik edenler ile kanunlara, yeminlere veya disiplin veya diger gorevlere aykm hareketleri askerler on\inde oven veya iyi gordiig\inii soyleyen kimselere, bir ylldan ii9 ylla kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.

(2) Fiil, aleni olarak i~lenmi~se iki ylldan be~ ylla kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.

(3) Fiil, sava~ zamanmda i~lenmi~ ise ceza bir kat1 oranmda artmlrr.

Yabanc1 hizmetine asker yazma, yaziima MADDE 320. - (1) Hiikfunetin izni olmaks1zm bir yabanc1 veya yabanc1 Devlet hizmetinde veya

bunlarm lehinde 9al1~mak iizere Olke i9inde vatand~lardan asker yazan veya vatanda~lar1 silahland1ran kimseye ii9 ylldan alb ylla kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.

(2) Asker yazllanlar veya silahlandmlanlar arasmdan asker veya askerlik 9agmda olanlar varsa ceza ii9te biri oranmda artmhr.

(3) Birinci flkradaki hizmeti kabul eden kimseye bir ylldan ii9 ylla kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.

Sava~ zamanmda emirlere uymama MADDE 321.- (1) Sav~ zamanmda Devletin yetkili makam ve mercilerinin emir veya kararlarma

bilerek aykm harekette bulunan kimseye bir ylldan alt1 ylla kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.

Sava~ zamamnda yiikiimliiliikler MADDE 322. - (1) Sav~ zamanmda, Devletin silah11 kuvvetlerinin veya halkm ihtiya9lar1 i9in

Devlet veya bir kamu kurulu~u veya kamu hizmetleri yapan veya kamu ihtiya9larm1 saglayan bir kurulu~ ile i~ yapmak veya e~ya vermek iizere yaptlklar1 sozle~medeki yiikiimliiliikleri klsmen veya tamamen yerine getirmeyen kimseye ii9 ylldan on ylla kadar hapis ve onbin g\ine kadar adli para cezas1 verilir.

(2) Yiikiimhiliiklerin k1smen veya tarnamen yerine getirilmemesi taksirden ileri gelmi~se, cezanm dortte iiyiine kadan indirilebilir.

(3) Yiikiimliiliigiin k1smen veya tarnamen yerine getirilmemesine asil yiikiimliiler ile aralannda sozle~me bulunan aracilar veya bunlarm temsilcileri neden olmu~sa, bunlar hakkmda da aym cezalar uygulan1r.

(4) Sav~ zamanmda yiikiimliiliiklerin yerine getirilmesinde hile yapan yukar1daki fikralarda yazi11 ki~ilere on yildan onbe~ yila kadar hapis ve onbin giine kadar adli para cezas1 verilir.

Sava~ta yalan haber yayma MADDE 323. - (I) Sav~ srrasmda kamunun endi~e ve heyecan duymasma neden olacak veya halkm

maneviyatm1 sarsacak veya dii~man kar~Ismda iilkenin direncini azaltacak ~ekilde asilsiZ veya abartilmi~ veya ozel maksada dayal1 havadis veya haber yayan veya nakleden veya temel milli yararlara zarar verebilecek herhangi bir faaliyette bulunan kirnseye be~ yildan on yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.

(2) Eger fiil; a) Propagandayla, b) AskerIere yonelik olarak, c) Bir yabanc1 ile anl~ma neticesi, i~lenmi~se, verilecek ceza on yildan yirmi yila kadar hapistir. (3) Fiil, dii~manla anl~ma neticesi i~lenmi~se miiebbet hapis cezas1 verilir. (4) Sav~ zamanmda dii~man kar~Ismda milletin direncini tehlikeyle kar~I kar~Iya b1rakacak ~ekilde

yabanc1 paralarm degerini d~iirmeye veya itiban amme kag1tlarmm degeri iizerinde etki yapmaya yonelik hareketlerde bulunan kirnseye be~ yildan on yila kadar hapis ve iiybin giine kadar adli para cezas1 verilir.

(5) Dordiincii f1krada yaz1h fiil, bir yabanc1 ile anl~ma sonucu i~lenmi~se ceza yarisi; dii~manla anl~ma sonucu i~lenmi~ ise bir katJ oranmda artmlrr.

Seferberlikle ilgili giirevin ihmali MADDE 324.- (I) Sulh zamanmda seferberlikle ilgili gorevlerini ihmal eden veya geciktiren kamu

gorevlisine altJ aydan iiy yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.

Dii~mandan unvan ve benzeri payeler kabulii MADDE 325. - (I) Tiirkiye ile sav~ haJ.inde bulunan bir devletten akademik derece veya ~eref,

unvan, ni~an ve diger falrri riitbe veya bunlara ait maa~ veya b~ka yararlar kabul eden vatand~a bir yildan iiy yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.

YEDiNCi BOLDM Devlet S1rlarma Kar~I Suylar ve Casusluk

Devletin giivenligine ili~kin belgeler MADDE 326. - (I) Devletin giivenligine veya i9 veya d1~ siyasal yararlarma ili~kin beige veya

vesikalar1 k1smen veya tarnamen yok eden, tahrip eden veya bunlar iizerinde sahtecilik yapan veya geyici de olsa, bunlar1 tahsis olunduklari yerden b~ka bir yerde kiiilanan, hileyle alan veya 9alan kimseye sekiz yildan oniki yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.

(2) Yukar1daki yaz1h fiiller, sava~ srrasmda i~lenmi~ veya Devletin sav~ hazrrhklarm1 veya sav~ etkiriligini veya asker! hareketlerini tehlikeye koym~ ise miiebbet hapis cezas1 verilir.

Devletin giivenligine ili~kin bilgileri temin etme MADDE 327. - (I) Devletin giivenligi veya i9 veya d1~ siyasal yararlar1 bakunmdan, niteligi

itibariyla, gizli kalmas1 gereken bilgileri temin eden kimseye ii9 yildan sekiz yila kadar hapis cezas1

verilir. (2) Fiil, savru;; s1rasmda i~lenmi~ veya Devletin sava~ hazrrhklarmi veya sava~ etkinligini veya askeri

hareketlerini tehlikeye koymu~sa miiebbet hapis cezas1 verilir. Siyasal veya askeri casusluk MADDE 328. - (1) Devletin giivenligi veya i~ veya d1~ siyasal yararlar1 bak:Immdan, niteligi

itibariyla, gizli kalmasi gereken bilgileri, siyasal veya askeri casusluk maksadiyla temin eden kirnseye onbe~ yildan yirmi yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.

(2) Fiil;

a) Tiirkiye ile savru;; hruinde bwunan bir devletin yararma i~lenmi~se, b) Savru;; s1rasmda i~lenmi~ veya Devletin sava~ hazrrhklarmi veya savru;; etkinligini veya askeri

hareketlerini tehlikeye sokmu~sa, Fail, agrrla~tmlmi~ muebbet hapis cezas1 ile cezalandmhr. Devletin giivenligine ve siyasal yararlanna ili~kin bilgileri a~1klama MADDE 329.- (I) Devletin glivenligi veya i~ veya d1~ siyasal yararlan bak1mmdan niteligi itibar1yla

gizli kalmasi gereken bilgileri a~Ikiayan kimseye be~ yildan on yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir. (2) Fiil, savru;; zamanmda i~lenmi~ veya Devletin savru;; hazirlikiarmi veya savru;; etkinligini veya

askeri hareketlerini tehlikeye koymu~sa, faile on yildan onbe~ yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir. (3) Fiil, failin taksiri sonucu meydana gelmi~ ise birinci f1krada yazil1 olan haJde, faile alti aydan iki

yila, ikinci fikrada yazil1 haJlerden birinin varhg1 haJinde ise u~ yildan sekiz yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.

Gizli kalmas1 gereken bilgileri a~1klama MADDE 330.- (I) Devletin glivenligi veya i~ veya d1~ siyasal yararlan bak1mmdan niteligi itibar1yla

gizli kalmas1 gereken bilgileri siyasal veya askeri casusluk maksadiyla ~1klayan kirnseye muebbet hapis cezas1 verilir.

(2) Fiil, savru;; zamanmda i~lenmi~ veya Devletin savru;; hazirlikiarmi veya savru;; etkinligini veya askeri hareketlerini tehlikeyle kar~I kar~1ya brrakm1~ ise, faile agirla~tinlmi~ muebbet hapis cezas1 verilir.

Uluslararasi casusluk MADDE 331. - (I) Yabanc1 bir devletin glivenligi veya i~ veya d1~ siyasal yararlar1 bak1mmdan

niteligi itibar1yla gizli kalmas1 gereken bilgileri, diger bir yabanc1 devlet lehine siyasal veya askeri casusluk maksadiyla temin eden vatandru;;a veya bunu Tiirkiye'de temin etmi~ bwunan yabanc1ya bir yildan dort yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.

Askeri yasak biilgelere girme MADDE 332.- (I) Devletin askeri yarar1 geregi girilmesi yasaklanmJ~ olan yerlere, gizlice veya hile

ile girenlere iki yildan be~ yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir. (2) Fiil, sava~ zamanmda i~lenirse faile u~ yildan sekiz yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir. Devlet s1rlanndan yararlanma, Devlet hizmetlerinde sadakatsizlik MADDE 333.- (I) Gorevi dolayisiyla ogrendigi ve Devletin glivenliginin gizli kalmasmi gerektirdigi

fenni ke~if veya yeni bwu~lan veya smai yenilikleri kendisinin veya bru;;kasmm yararma k:Wlanan veya kiiilanilmasmi saglayan ki~i, be~ yildan on yila kadar hapis ve u~bin gline kadar adli para cezas1 ile cezalandmhr.

(2) Fiil, Tiirkiye ile sava~ haJinde bwunan bir devletin yararma i~lenir veya Devletin savru;; hazrrhklarm1 veya sava~ etkinligini veya askeri hareketlerini tehlikeye sokacak olursa, faile muebbet hapis cezas1 verilir.

(3) Tiirkiye Devleti tarafmdan yabanc1 bir memlekette Devlete ait belirli bir i~i gormek i~in gorevlendirilen kimse, bu gorevi sadakatle yerine getirmedigi ve bu fiilden dolay1 zarar meydana

gelebildigi takdirde faile be~ yildan on yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.

(4) Bu maddede tammlanan SUfi:larm i~lenecegini haber ahp da bunlar1 zamanmda yetkililere ihbar etmeyenlere, SUfi: te~ebbus derecesinde kalm1~ olsa bile alt1 aydan iki yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.

Yasaklanan bilgileri temin MADDE 334. - (1) Yetkili makamlarm kanun ve dtizenleyici i~lemlere gore afi:Iklanmasmi

yasakladigi ve niteligi bak1mmdan gizli kalmas1 gereken bilgileri temin eden kimseye bir yildan Ufi: yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.

(2) Fiil, Devletin sav~ haZirliklarmi veya sav~ etkinligini veya askeri hareketlerini tehlikeyle kar~I kar~Iya brrakm1~ ise faile be~ yildan on yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.

Yasaklanan bilgilerin casusluk maksad1yla temini MADDE 335. - (1) Yetkili makamlarm kanun ve dtizenleyici i~lemlere gore afi:Iklanmasmi

yasakladigi ve niteligi bak1mmdan gizli kalmas1 gereken bilgileri siyasal veya askeri casusluk maksad1yla temin eden kimseye sekiz yildan oniki yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.

(2) Fiil, Turkiye ile sav~ hiilinde bulunan bir devletin yararma i~lenmi~ veya Devletin sav~ hazrrliklarm1 veya sava~ etkinligini veya askeri hareketlerini tehlikeyle kar~I kar~1ya birakmi~ ise faile agirl~tJnlmi~ muebbet hapis cezas1 verilir.

Yasaklanan bilgileri a~1klama MADDE 336. - (1) Yetkili makamlarm kanun ve dtizenleyici i~lemlere gore afi:Iklanmasmi

yasakladigi ve niteligi bakunmdan gizli kalmas1 gereken bilgileri afi:Iklayan kimseye Ufi: yildan be~ yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.

(2) Fiil, sav~ zamanmda i~lenmi~ veya Devletin sav~ hazirliklarmi veya sav~ etkinligini veya asker! hareketlerini tehlikeye sokmu~ ise faile on yildan onbe~ yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.

(3) Fiil, failin taksiri sonucu meydana gelmi~ ise, birinci fikrada yaz11I olan hiilde faile altJ aydan iki yila, ikinci f1krada yaz11I hiilde Ufi: yildan sekiz yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.

Yasaklanan bilgileri siyasal veya askeri casusluk maksad1yla a~Iklama MADDE 337. - (1) Yetkili makamlarm kanun ve dtizenleyici i~lemlere gore afi:Iklanmasmi

yasakladigi ve niteligi bak1mmdan gizli kalmas1 gereken bilgileri, siyasal veya asker! casusluk maksadiyla ~Iklayan kimseye on yildan onbe~ yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.

(2) Fiil, sav~ zamanmda i~lenmi~ veya Devletin sav~ hazirliklarmi veya sav~ etkinligini veya askeri hareketlerini tehlikeyle kar~I kar~1ya brrakm1~ ise agirla~tmlmi~ muebbet hapis cezas1 verilir.

Taksir sonucu casusluk fiillerinin i,Ienmesi MADDE 338. - (1) Bu boltimde tanunlanan sufi:larm i~lenmesi, ilgili ki~ilerin dikkat ve ozen

ytiktim!Ulugune aykm davranmalar1 sonucu mtimkUn olm~ veya kolayl~mi~ ise, taksirle davranan faile alt1 aydan Ufi: yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.

(2) Fiil, sav~ s1rasmda i~lenmi~ veya Devletin sava~ hazrrliklarun veya sava~ etkinligini veya asker! hareketlerini tehlikeyle kar~I kar~Iya brrakm1~ ise, taksirle davranan faile Ufi: yildan sekiz yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.

Devlet giivenligi. ile ilgili belgeleri elinde bulundurma MADDE 339. - (1) Devletin gtivenligi veya ifi: veya d1~ siyasal yararlan bak1mmdan gizli kalmas1

gereken bilgileri veya yetkili makamlarm ~Iklanmasmi yasakladigi ve niteligi bak1mmdan gizli kalmas1 gereken hususlan elde etmeye yarayan ve elde bulunduniimasi ifi:in kabul edilebilir bir neden gosterilemeyen belgelerle veya bu nitelikteki herhangi bir ~eyle yakalanan kimseye bir yildan be~ yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.

(2) Fiil, sava~ zamanmda i~lenirse faile Ufi: yildan sekiz yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir.


Yabanc1 Devletlerle Olan ili~kilere Kar~1 Su~lar

Yabanc1 devlet ba~kamna kar~1 su~ MADDE 340. - (I) Yabanc1 devletlerden birinin b~kanma kar~I bir su~ i~leyen ki~iye verilecek ceza,

sekizde biri oranmda artmlir. Su~un miiebbet hapis cezasm1 gerektirmesi hiilinde, agirl~tmlmi~ miiebbet hapis cezasma hiikmolunur.

(2) Fiil, soru~turulmas1 ve kovu~turulmas1 ~ikayete bagii su~lardan ise, soru~turma ve kovu~turma yabanc1 devletin ~ikiiyetine baghdrr.

Yabanc1 devlet bayragma kar~1 hakaret MADDE 341. - (I) Resmen ~ekilmi~ olan yabanc1 devlet bayragm1 veya diger egemenlik alametlerini

alenen tahkir eden kimseye ii~ aydan bir yila kadar hapis cezas1 verilir. (2) Bu su~tan dolay1 so~turma ve kovu~turma yapilmasi, ilgili devletin ~ikiiyetine baglidrr.

Yabanc1 devlet temsilcilerine kar~1 su~ MADDE 342. - (I) Tiirkiye Cumhuriyetinde siirekli veya ge~ici olarak gorevlendirilmi~ yabanc1

devlet temsilcileri ile bunlarm diplomasi memurlari veya uluslararasi kurul~larm temsilcileri ile bunlarm diplomatik ayricalik ve bagi~Iklik tanman memurlari, kendilerine kar~I gorevlerinden dolay1 i~lenen su~lar bakunmdan, kamu gorevlisi kabul edilerek; su~ i~leyen ki~iler hakkmda, bu Kanunun ilgili hiikiimlerine gore cezaya hiikmolunur.

(2) i~lenen su~ hakaret ise, so~turma ve kovu~turma yapilmasi, magdurun ~ikayetine baglid1r. Kar~llllilihk ko~ulu

MADDE 343. - (I) Bu boliimde yaz1h hiikiimlerin uygulanmasi, kar~Ilikl1hk ko~uluna baghd1r.

Yiiriirliik MADDE 344.- (1) Bu Kanunun;


a) "imar kirliligine neden olma" ba~IIkli I84 iincii maddesi yay1m1 tarihinde, b) "<;evrenin kasten kirletilmesi" ba~IIkli I8I inci maddesinin birinci f1kras1 ile "<;evrenin taksirle

kirletilmesi" b~iikli I82 nci maddesinin birinci f1kras1 yay1mi tarihinden itibaren iki yil sonra, c) Diger hiikiimleri I Nisan 2005 tarihinde, Yiiriirliige girer. Yiiriitme MADDE 345. - (I) Bu Kanun hiikiimlerini Bakanlar Kurulu yiiriitiir.

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WIPO Lex No. TR171