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Industrial Designs Rules, 2000, Brunei Darussalam

Repealed Text 
Details Details Year of Version 2000 Dates Entry into force: April 25, 2000 Issued: March 16, 2000 Type of Text Implementing Rules/Regulations Subject Matter Industrial Designs, Enforcement of IP and Related Laws, IP Regulatory Body Notes The notification by Brunei Darussalam to the WTO under Article 63.2 of TRIPS states:
'As provided under Section 77 of the Industrial Designs Order, 1999, the Industrial Designs Rules 2000 provide for procedure for applications, including fees, etc.'

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Industrial Designs rules 2000






1. Citation and commencement.
2. Interpretation.


3. Prescribed case under section 9(3).
4. Industrial designs excluded from registration.
5. Industrial application of industrial designs.


6. Form and contents of applications.
7. Representations.
8. Statement of novelty.
9. Statement relating to confidential disclosure.
10. Statement of priority, etc.
11. Registrar may request certificate.
12. Evidence relating to armorial bearings, etc.
13. Evidence relating to name or portrait of living person.
14. Evidence relating to name or portrait of person recently dead.
15. Specimens.
16. Multiple applications.
17. Withdrawal of applications.
18. Applications for extension of time.
19. Amendment of applications.
20. Transactions affecting rights in applications.


Page 3

21. Formal requirements.

22. Deficiencies.

23. Appeal against refusal of application.

24. Classifi.cation of articles.
25. Registration.
26. Certifi.cate of registration.
27. Advertisement of registration.
28. Renewal of registration.
29. Surrender of registration.

30. Transactions affecting rights in industrial designs.

31. Registration of other transactions.

32. Cancellation of claim to be mortgagee or licensee.

33. Furnishing of evidence.


34. Reference.

35. Notice of opposition.
36. Counter-statement.
37. Evidence in support of opposition.
38. Evidence in support of application.
39. Evidence in reply.
40. Directions on subsequent procedure.
41. Notice of decision.
42. Costs in unopposed cases.
43. Reference to court.
44. Service on Registrar of applications to court.



45. Filing of court orders, declarations and certificates.
46. Security for costs.
47. Service on Registrar of applications under section 66.
48. Recti:&cation of errors in Register.
49. Inspection of Register.
50. Industrial designs relevant for defence purposes.
51. Certi:&cates and copies.
52. Information and inspection of documents.
53. Regulations re business hours, etc., of Registry to be posted.
54. Publication and sale of documents.
55. Signature of documents by partnerships, etc.
56. Translation of documents.
57. Service of documents on Registrar.
58. Service of documents on other persons.
59. Correction of errors in filed documents.
60. Amendment of documents and rectification of irregularities. ol. Alteratwn ot name.
62. Address for service.
63. Alteration or correction of address.
64. Recognition of agents.
65. Exercise of Registrar's discretionary powers.
66. Hearing in public, etc.
67. Language of hearing.
68. Evidence.
69. Extensions of time.
70. Fees.


Page 5



ln exercise of the power conferred by subsection (1) of section 77 of the Emergency (Industrial Designs) Order, 1999, the Attorney General, with the approval of His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan, hereby makes the following Rules -


1. These Rules may be cited as the Industrial Designs Rules, 2000 and shall commence on the same day as the Emergency (Industrial Designs) Order, 1999.

2. ( 1) In these Rules -
"Locarno Agreement" means the Locarno Agreement Establishing an International Classification for Industrial Designs, signed at Locarno on the 8th. October, 1968, as amended;
"statement of novelty" means a statement in accordance with rule 8;
"textile article" means textile and plastics piece goods, handkerchiefs, shawls and such other classes of articles of a similar character as the Registrar may decide, for which the protection under the Order is limited to features of pattern and ornament only.
(2) Any reference in these Rules-

Citation and commence­ ment.


(a} to a prescribed form shall be construed as a reference

to the relevant form set out in the First Schedule; First Schedule

(b) to a prescribed fee shall be construed as a reference to

the fee applicable in accordance with rule 70 and the Second Second
Schedule; Schedule

(c) to the filing of a document shall be construed as a reference to the filing of the document with the Registrar.


Prescribed case under section 9(3).

Industrial designs excluded from registration.

3. The Registrar may exercise his powers under subsection (3) of section 9 in any case where a request for amendment of an application for registration of an industrial design has been granted under section 23 and in the opinion of the Registrar the amendment has the effect of signiftcantly altering the industrial design for which the application was initially rued or if, as a result of the amendment, the initial design was or, if there is more than one, any of the initial designs were altered.
4. There shall be excluded from registration under the Order industrial designs intended to be applied to any of the following articles-


Page 6

(a) works of sculpture (other than casts or models used or intended to be used as models or patterns to be multiplied by any industrial process);

(b) wall plaques, medals and medallions;

(c) printed matter primarily of a literary or artistic character, including book jackets, calendars, certificates, coupons, dress-making patterns, greeting cards, labels, leaflets, maps, plans, playing cards, postcards, stamps, trade advertisements, trade forms and cards, transfers and similar articles.

Industrial application of industrial designs.

Form and contents of applications. Designs Form Dl.

5. An industrial design is to be regarded for the purposes of section
13 as "applied industrially" if it has been applied -
(a) to more than frfty articles which do not all together constitute a single set of articles; or

(b} to articles manufactured in lengths or pieces, not being hand-made articles.

6. (1) An application for registration of an industrial design shall be made on the prescribed form.
(2) The application shall include the information and documents referred to in subsection (2) of section 14, that is -

(a} a request for registration of the industrial design;

(b) a representation of the industrial design suitable for reproduction, in accordance with rules 7 and 8;

(c) the name and address of the applicant;

(d) where the applicant is not the industrial designer, a statement explaining the applicant's rights in relation to the industrial design; and

{e} an address in Brunei Darussalam for the service of documents.

(3) In addition, the application shall include -

{a) a statement identifying the article or articles to which the industrial design is intended to be applied;

(b) a statement identifying the classiftcation of the article or articles to which the industrial design is intended to be applied, according to the class and sub-class of the classifications established by the Locarno Agreement;

(c) six additional representations of the industrial design, in accordance with sub-rule (3) of rule 7;


Page 7

(d) many statements or evidence required by rules 9, 10,

11, 12, 13 and 14, whichever are applicabl ;

(e)· a transliteration of the name of the applicant, if it is not in Roman letters;

(f) the signature of the applicant; and

(g) any other information required by the prescribed application form.

7. {1) The representation of the industrial design included with Representa·

the application may be either a drawing or a photograph and shall be tions.
of a size of not more than 160 millimetres by 160 millimetres, and one side of the representation shall be not less than 30 millimetres.
{2) Where the application is made for the registration of an industrial design intended to be applied to a set of articles, the representation shall show the industrial design as applied to each different article included in the set.
{3) The application shall be accompanied by six additional representations of the industrial design corresponding exactly to the original.

Statement of novelty.

Statement relating to conftdential disclosure.

8. {1) A statement describing the features of the industrial design which the applicant considers to be new shall appear on each representation of the industrial design fi.led under rules 6 and 7.
{2) The statement shall appear on the front of each representation except where the Registrar is satisfi.ed that its appearance on the front is impracticable, in which case it shall appear in a place approved by the Registrar.
{3) The statement shall appear separately from any other statement appearing on the representation.
9. {1) Where an applicant wishes to claim that section 12 applies in relation to the application, the application shall include a statement to that effect in accordance with this rule.
{2) Except in the case referred to in sub-rule {3), the statement shall-

(a} identify the provisions of section 12 on which the applicant relies; and

(b} describe the circumstances of the disclosure of the industrial design, including any relevant dates.

{3) Where the disclosure of the industrial design relates to an offi.cial international exhibition, as defi.ned in subsection {3) of section
12, the statement shall specify -

(a} the name of the exhibition and the place where it was held;


Page 8

(b} the opening date of the exhibition; and

(c) if the fust disclosure of the industrial design did not take place on the opening date of the exhibition, the date of such first disclosure.

(4) The applicant may file additional information or documents in support of the claim.

Statement of priority, etc.

10. Where an applicant wishes to claim the priority of a previous application under section 18, the application shall include the statement of priority.
11. In addition to the statement of priority and copy of the previous application, the applicant shall, if requested by the Registrar, file with the application, or within three months of the filing date of the application, a certificate issued by a competent authority of the relevant Paris Convention country or WTO member verifying to the Registrar's satisfaction-

(a} the country, territory or area of filing of the previous application;

{b) the filing date of the previous application and its filing number; and

(c} the representation of the industrial design and the articles covered by the previous application.

12. Where a reproduction of the armorial bearings, insignia, orders of chivalry, decorations, emblems or flags of any country, city, town, place, society, body corporate, institution or person appears on an industrial design, the application shall include evidence satisfactory to the Registrar that such official or other person as is entitled to give consent to the registration of the industrial design and to the use of the reproduction has given such consent.
13. Where the name or portrait of a living person appears on an industrial design, the application shall include evidence satisfactory to the Registrar that such person has consented to the registration of the industrial design and to the use of his name or portrait.
14. Where the name or portrait of a person who has recently died appears. on an industrial design, the application shall include evidence satisfactory to the Registrar that the personal representative of such person has consented to the registration of the industrial design and to the use of the name or portrait.

Registrar may request certificate.

Evidence relating to armorial bearings, etc.

Evidence relating to name or portrait of living person.

Evidence relating to name or portrait of person recently dead.

15. Except where the Registrar requires, no specimens shall be filed. Specimens.
16. 1\vo or more industrial designs may be the subject of the same application for registration if the industrial designs relate to the same class of articles as classified in accordance with the classifications established by the Locarno Agreement or to the same set of articles.

Multiple applications.

17. A notice of withdrawal under section 20 shall be made on the Withdrawal of
prescribed form.


Designs Form



Page 9

Applications for extension of time. Designs Form Dll.

Amendment of applications. Designs Form D2.

Transactions affecting rights in applications. Designs Form D7.

Formal requirements.


18. An application for an extension of time under the Order shall be made on the prescribed form.
19. A request for amendment of an application for registration of an industrial design under section 23 shall be made on the prescribed form.
20. (1) Subject to subsection (3) of section 64, notice may be given to the Registrar on the prescribed form of particulars concerning any transaction, instrument or event affecting an application for registration of an industrial design and to which sections 24 and 34 apply.
(2) Subsections (2) to (4) of section 33 apply, with necessary modification, in relation to a notice filed under sub-rule (1) as they apply in relation to an application filed under section 33.
(3) Subject to subsection (3) of section 64, notice may be given to the Registrar on the prescribed form of particulars concerning any transaction, instrument or event by virtue of which the ownership of, or any interest in, an application for registration of an industrial design is purportedly affected.
(4) A notice under sub-rules (1) or (3) shall contain full particulars of the transaction, instrument or event.


21. The following are specified as the "formal requirements" for the purposes of the Order -

(a) all of the requirements of section 15; and

(b) all of the requirements of rules 6 to 13.

22. (1) Where the Registrar determines that there are deficiencies as regards the formal requirements, he shall give written notice of the deficiencies to the applicant.
(2) Denciencies as regards the formal requirements may be corrected within three months after the date of the notice.
(3) Subject to section 27, if the denciencies are corrected within the period referred to in sub-rule (2), the Registrar shall proceed to register the industrial design in accordance with section 26.
23. For the purpose of any appeal under section 58 against the Registrar's decision under section 27 to refuse an application for registration of an industrial design, the date of the decision shall be the date when notice of the decision was given to the applicant under that section.

Appeal against refusal of application.


Page 10
24. For the purpose of the registration of industrial designs, articles Classification
shall be classi:&ed in accordance with the classiftcations established of articles.
by the Locarno Agreement.
25. (1) The Registrar shall register an industrial design under Registration.
section 26 by entering the following particulars in the Register -

(a) the date of registration;

(b) the date of entry in the Register;

{c) if applicable, the priority date and the name of the relevant Paris Convention country or WTO member;

{d) the registration number;

{e) the name and address of the owner of the industrial design;

(f) any address for service;

(g) the number of the class and sub-class of the classiftcations established by the Locarno Agreement of the article or articles in respect of which the industrial design is registered.

(2) In addition, the Registrar shall enter the following in the


{a} a reproduction of the representation of the industrial design included with the application;

(b) any statement of novelty relating to the industrial design;

{c) particulars as to the article or articles in respect of which the industrial design is registered;

(d) particulars concerning any relevant transaction, instrument or event to which section 34 applies.

(3) The Registrar may at any time enter in the Register such other particulars in relation to the industrial design as he may think fit.

Certificate of 26. On registration of an industrial design, the Registrar shall issue a

registration. certificate of registration to the registered owner.

Advertisement 27. The advertisement of the registration of an industrial design

of registration. published in the Gazette under paragraph (d) of subsection ( 1) of section 26 shall contain -

(a} the date of registration;

Page 11
(b) if applicable, the priority date and the name of the relevant Paris Convention country or 1NTO member;

(c) the registration number;

(d) the name and address of the registered owner;

(e) any address for service;

(f) a reproduction of the representation of the industrial design included with the application;

(g) particulars as to the article or articles m respect of which the industrial design is registered; and

(h) the number of the class and sub-class of the classifications established by the Locarno Agreement of the article or articles in respect of which the industrial design is registered.


Renewal of registration.

Designs Form


28. (1) If the owner of an industrial design wishes to renew the period of registration of an industrial design under subsection (2) of section 29, an application shall be made on the prescribed form before the end of the current period of registration.
(2) If the owner of an industrial design wishes to renew the period of registration of an industrial design under subsection (5) of section 29, an application shall be made on the prescribed form during the period of six months immediately following the end of the period specified in subsection (4) of that section.
(3) An application under sub-rules (1) or (Z) shall be accompanied by the prescribed fees.
(4) If an application is filed and the prescribed fees have been paid in accordance with sub-rules ( 1) or (Z), the Registrar shall renew the registration of the industrial design by making the appropriate entry in the Register.

29. ( 1) The registered owner of an industrial design may surrender the registration of the industrial design under section 30 by filing a notice of surrender in the prescribed form.

(2) A notice filed under this rule shall not be valid unless the registered owner in the notice -

(a} states that the registration IS to be surrendered m respect of either -
(i) all of the articles for which the industrial design is registered; or
(ii) such articles as are specified in the notice;

Surrender of registration.

Designs Form



Page 12

(b) gives the name and address of every other person having a registered interest in the inciustrial design; and

(c) certifi.es, in respect of every such person, that the person-

(i) has been sent not less than three months' notice of his intention to surrender the registration; or
(ii) is not affected by the surrender or, if affected, has consented to the surrender. ·
(3) The surrender takes effect upon receipt by the Registrar of a notice which complies with sub-rule (2).
(4) A surrender of the registration of an industrial design has the same effect in respect of the articles for which the industrial design is surrendered as the registration of the industrial design ceasing to have effect in respect of those articles.
(5) The Registrar shall, upon the surrender taking effect, make an appropriate entry in the Register and publish notice of the surrender in the Gazette.


Transactions affecting rights in industrial designs. Designs Form D7.

30. (1) Subject to subsection (3) of section 64, application may be made on the prescribed form for the registration of particulars concerning any transaction, instrument or event to which section 34 applies and by virtue of which a person claims to have acquired a right in or under an industrial design.
(2) The application shall contain the name and address of the person claiming or stated to have acquired the right, together with full particulars of the transaction, instrument or event.
(3) The application shall be signed by or on behalf of-
(a} the assignee and the assignor/ where it relates to an assignment referred to in paragraph (a} of subsection (3) of section 34;
(b) the mortgagor/ where it relates to a mortgage referred to in paragraph (b) of that subsection;
(c) the grantor or mortgagor, where it relates to the grant/ assignment or mortgage of a licence or sub-licence referred to in paragraph (c) of that subsection/
or it shall be accompanied by such evidence as suffi.ces to establish such assignment, mortgage or grant.
(4) In any case not covered by sub-rule (3) 1 the application shall be accompanied by such evidence as suffices to establish the transaction, instrument or event.


Page 13

Registration of other transactions. Designs Form D7.

Cancellation of claim to be mortgagee or licensee. Designs Form D7.

31. (1) Subject to subsection (3) of section 64, application may be made on the prescribed form for the registration of particulars concerning any transaction, instrument or event (other than one referred to in rule 30) by virtue of which the ownership of, or any right in or under, an industrial design is purportedly affected.
(2) The application shall contain full particulars of the transaction, instrument or event.

32. Where the name of a person is entered in the Register as a mortgagee or licensee in respect of an industrial design, such person may on making an application on the prescribed form have a notice entered in the Register that he no longer claims to be such mortgagee or licensee.

33. The Registrar may require any person who makes an application under rules 30, 31 or 32 to furnish him with such evidence as he may require in connection with the application within such period as he may specify.


34. A reference to the court under section 44 of the question whether, having regard to section 11, an industrial design is a registrable industrial design shall be made by filing a statement setting out fully the reference sought and the facts on which the applicant relies.

35. (1) If any person (including the registered owner) wishes to oppose an application under rule 34, he shall, within two months from the date of the adve1iisement in the Gazette, file in duplicate a notice of opposition in the prescribed form setting out fully the grounds on which he objects to the application and the facts on which he relies.
(2) If a person files a notice of opposition under sub-rule (1), the Registrar shall forthwith forward the duplicate copy to the applicant.
(3) This rule and rules 36 to 41 do not apply in any case where the Registrar refers the question to the court for determination.
36. ( 1) Within three months from the date of the forwarding of the duplicate copy of the notice of opposition under rule 35, the applicant shall file a counter-statement in the prescribed form setting out the grounds on which he relies as supporting his application and the facts, if any, alleged in the notice of opposition which he admits.
(2) The counter-statement shall be filed together with a duplicate copy which the Registrar shall forvvard to the opponent.
37. (1) Within three months from the date of the forwarding of the duplicate of the applicant's counter-statement under rule 36, the opponent shall file such evidence as he may desire to adduce in support of his opposition and shall forward to the applicant a copy of that evidence.

Furnishing of evidence.


Notice of opposition.

Designs Form




Design Form


Evidence in support of opposition.


Page 14

(2) If the opponent fails to fi.le evidence in accordance with sub-rule (1), he shall, unless the Registrar otherwise directs, be deemed to have abandoned the opposition.

Evidence in reply.

Directions on subsequent procedure.

Notice of decision.

Costs in unopposed cases.

Reference to court.

38. If the opponent files evidence in accordance with rule 37, the applicant shall, within three months from the date of the forwarding
of the copy of the opponent's evidence, fi.le such evidence as he may desire to adduce in support of his application and shall forward to the opponent a copy of that evidence.
39. (1) The opponent may fi.le further evidence, confined to matters strictly in reply, within three months from the date of the forwarding of the copy of an applicant's evidence under rule 38, and if the opponent files such further evidence he shall send a copy to the applicant.
(2) The applicant may fi.le further evidence, confined to matters strictly in reply, within three months from the date of the forwarding of the copy of the opponent's evidence, and if the applicant files such further evidence he shall forward a copy to the opponent.
(3) No further evidence shall be fried by any party except by leave or direction of the Registrar.
40. The Registrar may give such directions as he may think fi.t with regard to the subsequent procedure on an application under rule 34.
41. (1) After hearing the party or parties wishing to be heard on an application under rule 34 or, if no party so wishes, without a hearing, the Registrar shall decide the matter and shall notify all parties of his decision and, if any party so requests, shall give his reasons for the decision in writing.
(2) For the purpose of any appeal against the Registrar's decision under section 58, the date of the decision shall be the date when notice of the decision is forwarded under this rule.
42. In the event that an application under rule 34 is not opposed by the registered owner, the Registrar in deciding whether costs should be awarded to the applicant shall consider whether the proceedings might have been avoided if reasonable notice had been given by the applicant to the registered owner before the application was filed.
43. (1) Where the Registrar receives an application under rule 34 and decides to refer the question to the court for determination, he shall forthwith serve a certified copy of the reference on the applicant and on the registered owner of the industrial design.
(2) The Registrar shall enter a notice of the reference to the court in the Register and advertise the fact of the reference in the Gazette.

Evidence in support of application.


Page 15

Designs Form


Industrial designs relevant for defence purposes.

44. (1) Where application to the court is made under sections 45 or 46 for the registration of an industrial design to be revoked, the applicant shall forthwith serve a certified copy of the application on the Registrar.
(2) The Registrar shall enter a notice of the application in the
45. (1) Where any order or declaration is made or any certificate is granted by the court under the Order, the person in whose favour such order, declaration or certificate has been made or granted or, if there is more than one, such one of them as the Registrar may direct, shall file a certified copy of such order, declaration or certificate with the Registrar and, if rectification of the Register is required, the prescribed form.
(2) Where appropriate, the Register shall be rectified by the
Registrar accordingly.
46. (1) If a party in any proceedings before the Registrar neither resides nor carries on business in Brunei Darussalam, the Registrar may require him to give security for costs in such form and in such amount as the Registrar considers sufficient.
(2) If the Registrar requires security to be given by any party in respect of an application, request or notice of opposition filed by him and such party fails to give such security as required, the Registrar may treat the application, request or notice of opposition as abandoned or withdrawn.
47. (1) Where application to the court is made under section 66 for the rectification of the Register, the applicant shall forthwith serve a certified copy of the application on the Registrar.
(2) The Registrar shall enter a notice of the application in the
48. (1) A request for the rectification of an error in the Register under section 66 shall be made on the prescribed form and shall clearly identify the proposed correction.
(2) The Registrar may give such directions as he may think fit with regard to the· subsequent procedure.
49. Subject to sections 67 and 75 and to rule 50, any person shall have the right to inspect the Register during the business hours of the
Registry upon application made on the prescribed form and on payment of the prescribed fee.
50. Where the Registrar has given a direction under subsection (1) of section 75, the representation of the industrial design and any such evidence as is mentioned in paragraph (b) of subsection (2) of that section shall not be open to public inspection in the Registry during the continuance in force of that direction.

Service on Registrar of applications to court.

Filing of court orders, declarations and certificates.

Security for costs.

Service on Registrar of applications under section


Rectification of errors in Register. Designs Form DZ.

Inspection of



Page 16

Certificates and copies.

Designs Forms


Designs Forms


Information and inspection of documents.

Designs Form


51. (1) Subject to sections 69 and 75, an application for a certified or uncertifi.ed copy of an entry in the Register, or for a certified or uncertified extract from the Register, shall be made on the prescribed form and be accompanied by the prescribed fee.

(2) Subject to sections 69 and 75, upon application made on the prescribed form and on payment of the prescribed fee, the Registrar may supply the person making the application with -

(a} a certifi.ed copy of any representation or other document kept in the Registry or a certifi.ed extract from any such document;

(b) a certificate for the purpose of subsection (2) of section

65; or

(c) an uncertified copy of any representation or other document kept in the Registry or an uncertified extract from any such document.

52. (1) A request under section 69 for information, or for permission to inspect a document, relating to an application for registration of an industrial design or to an industrial design shall be made on the prescribed form.

(2) Subject to sections 69 and 75 and to sub-rules (4), (5) and (6), the Registrar shall permit the inspection of such document relating to an industrial design as is specified in the request.

(3) Subject to sections 69 and 75 and to sub-rules (4), (5) and (6), the Registrar shall permit the inspection of such document relating to an application for registration of an industrial design as is specified in the request if the person making the request files such evidence as proves to the satisfaction of the Registrar -

(a} that the owner or applicant (as the case may be) has consented to the inspection; or

(b) that subsection (4) of section 69 applies in respect of the request.

(4) The Registrar shall not be obliged to permit the inspection of any document under this rule before payment of the prescribed fee or before he has completed every procedure, or every stage in the procedure which is relevant to the document in question, which he is required or permitted to carry out under the Order or these Rules.
(5) The right of inspection under this rule does not apply to -

(a} any document prepared in the Registry solely for use therein;

(b) any document sent to the Registry, whether at the request of the Registrar or otherwise, for inspection and subsequent return to the sender;


Page 17
(c) any request for information under sub-rule (1); or

(d) any document issued by the Registry which the

Registrar considers should be treated as con:fi.dential.

(6) Nothing in this section shall be construed as imposing on the Registrar the duty of making available for public inspection -

(a} any document or part of a document which in his opinion is prejudicial to the honour or reputation of any person; or

(b) any document :&led with or sent to the Registry before the day appointed for the commencement of the Order.

53. Any regulations made under section 70 shall be posted by the
Registrar in a conspicuous place in the Registry.
54. The Registrar may arrange for the publication and sale of documents and information by the Registry.
55. (1) A document signed on behalf of a partnership shall be signed by all its partners, by any partner stating that he has signed on behalf of the partnership or by any other person who satis:&es the Registrar that he was authorised by the partnership to sign the document.

(2) A document signed on behalf of a body corporate shall be signed by a director or the secretary or other principal officer of the body corporate or by any other person who satis:&es the Registrar that he was authorised by the body corporate to sign the document.

(3) A document signed on behalf of an unincorporated body or association of persons, other than a partnership, may be signed by any person who satis:&es the Registrar that he was authorised by that body or association to sign the document.

Translation of 56. (1) Except as provided in these Rules, where any document or documents. part of a document which not in the English language is :&led at the Registry or sent to the Registry in pursuance of the Order or these

Rules, it shall be accompanied by a translation into the English language and such translation shall be verifted to the satisfaction of the Registrar as corresponding to the original text.
(2) For the purpose of paragraph (e) of subsection (2) of section
15, if any document supporting the statement under that section is not in the English language, it shall be accompanied by a translation into that language.

(3) The Registrar may, in respect of any document to be used for the purposes of evidence in proceedings before him and which is in a language other than the English language, give directions as to -

(a} the ftling of the document in that other language;

Regulations re business

hours, etc., of

Registry to be posted.

Publication and sale of documents.

Signature of documents by partnerships, etc.


Page 18

(b) the flling of a translation of the document into the

English language.

Service of documents on Registrar.

57. (1) Subject to sub-rule (3), any document required or authorised to be ftled with the Registrar under the Order or these Rules shall be ftled by hand or by post.
(2) Filing by post shall be effected by properly addressing, preparing and posting a letter containing the document and, unless the contrary is proved, shall be deemed to have been effected at the time at which the letter would be delivered in the ordinary course of post.
(3) The Registrar may permit, as an alternative to ftling by hand or by post, the ftling of a document by electronic means subject to such terms as he may specify, either generally by notice published in the Gazette, or in any particular case by written notice to the person wishing to ftle the document by such means.
58. (1) Any document required or permitted by the Order or these Rules to be forwarded to any person or place shall be forwarded by hand or by post.
(2) A document forwarded by post shall be sent by properly addressing, preparing and posting a letter containing the document and, unless the contrary is proved, shall be deemed to have been received at the time at which the letter would be delivered in the ordinary course of post.
59. (1) A request for the correction of any error of translation or transcription, or of any clerical error or mistake, in any document referred to in subsection (1) of section 74 (other than an address or an address for service) shall be made on the prescribed form and shall clearly identify the proposed correction.
(2) The Registrar may, if he thinks ftt, require that the correction be shown on a copy of the document of which correction is sought.
(3) The Registrar may give such directions as he may think fit with regard to the subsequent procedure.
60. (1) Subject to section 23, any document filed in any proceedings before the Registrar and any drawing or other representation of an industrial design may, if the Registrar thinks fit, be amended, and any irregularity in procedure in or before the Registry may be rectified, on such terms as he may direct.
(2) In the case of an irregularity or prospective irregularity -

(a) which consists of a failure to comply with any limitation as to any period of time specified in the Order or these Rules which has occurred, or appears to the Registrar is likely to occur, in the absence of a direction under this section;

fb) which is attributable wholly or in part to an error, default or omission on the part of the Registry; and

Service of documents on other persons.

Correction of errors in filed documents.


Form D2.

Amendment of documents and rectification of irregularities.


Page 19

(c) which it appears to the Registrar should be rectified,

the Registrar may direct that the period of time in question shall be altered on such terms as he may direct.

Address for service.

Alteration or correction of address. Designs Form Dl3.

61. ( 1) A request by any person upon the alteration of his name for that alteration to be entered in the Register or on any document filed at the Registry shall be made on the prescribed form.
(2) Before acting on such a request, the Registrar may require such proof of the alteration as he thinks fit.
(3) If the Registrar is satisfied that the request should be allowed, he shall cause the Register or document to be altered accordingly.
62. (1) Every person concerned in any proceeding to which any of these Rules relate shall file with the Registrar an address in Brunei Darussalam for the service of documents.
(2) In any case in which an address for service is filed at the same time as a form is filed under these Rules which requires the filing of an address for service, the address for service shall be filed on that form and in any other case it shall be filed on the prescribed form.
(3) Any address for service filed under this rule shall, until another address in Brunei Darussalam has been filed in place thereof, be treated for the purposes of the proceeding as the address of the person concerned.
(4) Upon the registration of an industrial design, the applicant's address for service shall be treated as the address for service of the registered owner of the industrial design until another address in Brunei Darussalam has been filed in its place.
(5) Any person may cancel his address for service by giving written notice to the Registrar and, upon such notification and until such time as another address in Brunei Darussalam has been filed in place thereof, the Registrar may treat any previously filed address for service, or the address shown in the Register, as the address for service of that person.
(6) The Registrar may, where no address for service has been filed by any person, treat as his address for service his business address in Brunei Darussalam, if he has one.
63. (1) A request by any person for the alteration or correction of his address or address for service entered in the Register or on any document frled in the Registry, shall be made on the prescribed form and shall identify the entry in the Register or the document to which the request relates.
(2) If the Registrar is satisfred that the request should be allowed, he shall cause the Register or document to be altered or corrected accordingly.

Alteration of name.


Form D13.


Page 20

Recognition of agents.

64. (1) The Registrar may by notice in writing require an agent to produce evidence of his authority.
(2) In any particular case, the Registrar may require the personal signature or presence of any person.
(3) Where, after a person has become a party to proceedings before the Registrar, he appoints an agent for the :fi.rst time or appoints an agent in substitution of another, such newly-appointed agent shall :fi.le the prescribed form on or before the first occasion on which he acts as agent.
(4) The Registrar shall not be bound to recognise as an agent any person who has been convicted of a criminal offence or struck off the roll of advocates and solicitors kept under section 10 of the Legal Profession Act or to recognise as an agent, during the term of his suspension, any advocate and solicitor who has been suspended from practice. ·
65. Before exercising adversely to any party in a proceeding before him any discretion vested in him by the Order or these Rules, the Registrar shall give that party at least ten days notice of the time when he may be heard, unless the party consents to a shorter notice.
66. (1) Any hearing before the Registrar shall be in public unless he otherwise directs.
(2) In inter partes proceedings -

fa} any party who wishes to be heard shall give written notice to the Registrar;

(b) any party who intends to refer at the hearing to any document (other than the report of a decision of any court or of the Registrar) not already mentioned in the proceedings shall, unless the Registrar consents and the other parties agree, give at least fourteen days written notice of his intention to do so and shall include with the notice details of, or a copy of, the document concerned.

(3) The Registrar may refuse to hear any party who has not given notice under paragraph (a} of sub-rule (2) before the day appointed for the hearing.
(4) After hearing the party or parties wishing to be heard or, if no party so wishes, without a hearing, the Registrar shall decide the matter and shall notify all parties of his decision and, if any party so requests, shall give his reasons for the decision in writing.
(5) For the purpose of any appeal against the Registrar's decision under section 58, the date of the decision shall be the date when notice of the decision was forwarded under this rule.

Designs Form


Cap. 132.

Exercise of Registrar's discretionary powers.

Hearing in public, etc.


Page 21

Language of hearing.


Extension of time.

Designs Form


Fees. Second


67. (1) Any party in a hearing before the Registrar, or any witness called to give evidence by such party, may use a language other than the English language provided that, at least one month before the date :fixed for the hearing, that party has given to the Registrar and to the other parties notice of his intention to use, or to call a witness who intends to use, a language other than the English language.
(2) The Registrar-

fa) may require a party who has given notice under sub­ rule ( 1) to make provision for interpretation into the English language;

(b) may authorise interpretation into the English language and give directions as to who should bear the expenses thereof; and

(c) may, subject to the consent of the parties, give directions relating to such a change of language on such terms as he may direct.

68. (1) Subject to sub-rule (2), where under the Order or these Rules evidence may be fi.led, it shall be ftled by statutory declaration or afftdavit.
(2) The Registrar may if he thinks ftt in any particular case take oral evidence in lieu of or in addition to such evidence and shall allow any witness to be cross-examined on his affidavit or declaration, unless he directs otherwise.
69. (1) The Registrar may, upon application made on the prescribed form by any person or party and upon such notice to any other person or party affected as he may direct, extend or further extend any period of time for doing any act or taking any proceeding under these Rules, other than the periods referred to in rule 29, on such terms as he may direct.
(2) An extension may be granted under this rule notwithstanding that the period of time in question has already expired.
70. (1) The fees to be paid in relation to any matter or proceeding under the Order are prescribed in the Second Schedule.
(2) The fee to be paid in respect of the matter or proceeding shall be paid at the time specifted in the Second Schedule in respect of that matter or proceeding.


Page 22


FORMS (rule 2(2))




The Registrar of Industrial Designs

Registry of Industrial Designs

Designs Form D1

Date of receipt :


• Cash/Cheque/Money Order No.:

(*delete whichever is inapplicable)

Filing date :

Application No. :

Application for Registration of Designs section 15, rule 6

(see the notes on the last page of this form}

01 Your reference

02 Locarno Classification

Class Sub-Class

03 Applicant's Details

Full name(s) (underline surname}

Address Telephone Fax

Kind of Incorporation (State/Country)

(if applicable)

03 Applicant's Details

Full name(s) (underline surname}

Address Telephone Fax

Kind of Incorporation (State/Country)

(if applicable)

03 Applicant's Details

Full name(s) (underline surname}

Address Telephone Fax

Kind of Incorporation (State/Country)

(if applicable)

Designs Form Dl-1


Page 23

04 Number of designs included in this application (see note 4)

05 Number of articles in the set

06 State the article(s) or set of articles to which the design applies (see note 6)

07 If the design has been previously disclosed and you claim that section

12 of the Emergency (Industrial Designs) Order, 1999 applies, give details of the disclosure

Identify the provisions of section 12(1) of the Emergency (Industrial Designs) Order,

1999 on which you rely:

(tick the appropriate box)

D section 12(1)(a) D section 12(1)(b) D section 12(1)(c) D section 12(1) (d)

Describe the circumstances of the disclosure including any relevant dates :

Disclosure at an official international exhibition under section 12(2) of the Emergency (Industrial Designs) Order,


Name and place of exhibition :

Opening date

of exhibition : I I


Date of ftrst disclosure : I I


(if not at the opening date of the exhibition}

Designs Form Dl-2


Page 24

08 Representation (include here a representation of the designs suitable for reproduction} (see notes 2 and 3}

Designs Form Dl-3


Page 25

09 If the applicant is not the designer, explain the applicant's rights in relation to the design

10 State the Paris Convention country or WTO member and the filing date of any previous application from which priority is claimed under section 18 of the Emergency (Industrial Designs) Order, 1999 [see note 8}


Date of filing : I I


11 If Part 10 above applies, and the previous application was not made in the name(s) given at Part 03, give details of the instrument (for example deed of assignment) which gives the applicant the right to apply for registration. Include appropriate name(s) and date(s).

{If this information is not given at the time this application is filed, you must supply it within 3 months).

12 State the application/registration number(s) of any earlier design application(s) or registration(s) for association under section 14 of the Emergency (Industrial Designs) Order,


13 State the number and filing date of any relevant earlier application(s) whose fi.ling date is claimed under section 23(3) of the Emergency (Industrial Designs) Order, 1999 (division of applications)

Application No :

Date of fi.ling : I I


14 Name of agent (if you have one} Address for service (see note 10} Telephone


Designs Form Dl-4


Page 26

15 Declaration (see note 12}

I/We apply to register the design(s ) shown in the representation. IIWe declare that the applicant(s) claim(s) to be the owner(s) of the design in relation to the article or set of articles specified above.

Narne of signatory :

Official capacity of signatory :

Date: I I

(Day/month/year} Signature:


1. Please complete this form in black ink or by typing.

2. This form when completed, should be brought or sent to the Registry of Industrial Designs together with the prescribed fee and 6 additional representations (for example, drawings or photographs} of the design.

3. Each representation, for either a drawing or a photograph, shall be of a size of not more than 160mm by 160mm and one side of the representation shall be not less than 30mm in length.

4. You may use this form for more than one design in the same class of articles or for the same set.

5. For multiple applications relating to two or more designs, please number the representations

MOl, M02, M03 respectively.

6. If the design relates to a set of articles, the representations should show the design as applied to each article in the set.

7. A statement of the features of the design for which novelty is claimed ("statement of novelty"} should appear on the front of each representation. A statement of novelty is not required for textile articles or wallpaper.

8. Where priority is claimed, you are required to file, within 3 months from the date of filing of this application, a certificate issued by the competent authority of the relevant Paris Convention country or WTO member verifying :

the date and country, territory and area of filing ;

the representation of the design ; and

the articles covered by the previous application and its filing or registration number.

Designs Form Dl-5


Page 27

If any certificate or other documents relating to the convention application is in a language other than English, a verified translation into English should be {!led.

9. Different fees are payable according to whether the application relates to :

a design for a single article

a design for a set of articles

multiple designs for articles of the same class

multiple designs for set of articles

10. The address for service must be an address in Brunei Darussalam.

11. If there is not enough space for all the relevant details on any part of this form, please continue on a separate sheet and write "see continuation sheet" in the relevant part. Any continuation sheet should be attached to this form.

12. This form must be signed and dated by the applicant or his agent.

Designs Form Dl-6


Page 28





The Registrar of Industrial Designs

Registry of Industrial Designs

Designs Form D2

Date of receipt :


* Cash/Cheque/Money Order No.:

(*delete whichever is inapplicable)

Request for Amendment of Application

section 23 and rule 19

Correction of Error in the Register or in Filed Documents

sections 66 and 74 rules 48 and 59

(see the notes on the last page of this form)

01 Your reference

02 Application/Multiple Application/ Registration No.

(delete as appropriate) (see note 3}

03 Locarno Classification

Class Sub-Class

04 Details of applicant(s)/registered

owner(s) as currently appear(s) in the application or on the Register (delete as appropriate)

Full name(s) (underline surname)




owner(s) as currently appear(s) in the application or on the Register (delete as appropriate)

Full name(s) (underline surname)




owner(s) as currently appear(s) in the application or on the Register (delete as appropriate)

Full name(s) (underline surname)




Designs Form D2-l


Page 29

05 Details to be amended or corrected (delete as appropriate}

06 Name of agent (if you have one}

Address for service



Tick the box if the above address is to replace the address for service on record (see note 4}

07 Narne of signatory

Of.ftcial capacity of signatory

Date {day/month/year) : I I



1. Please complete this form in black ink or by typing.

2. This form when completed, should be brought or sent to the Registry of Industrial Designs together with the prescribed fee.

3. You may use this form for more than one application or registration if the same authorisation is being given.

4. This form is required where after a person has become a part to proceedings, he appoints an agent for the first time or appoints an agent in substitution for another.

5. If you have ticked the box, you do not need to file Designs Form D13. The address for service must be an address in Brunei Darussalam.

6. If there is not enough space for all the relevant details on any part of this form, please continue on a separate sheet and write "see continuation sheet" in the relevant part. Any continuation sheet should be attached to this form.

7. This form must be signed and dated by the applicant or his agent.

Designs Form DZ-2


Page 30





The Registrar of Industrial Designs

Registry of Industrial Designs

Designs Form D3

Date of receipt :


* Cash/Cheque/Money Order No. :

(*delete whichever is inapplicable)

Notice of Withdrawal of Application

section 20, rule 17

(see the notes on the last page of this form)

01 Your reference

02 Application/Multiple Application No.

(delete as appropriate} (see note 3}

03 Details of the person(s) making this request

Name (underline surname}


04 Name of agent (if you have one}

Address for service (see note 4}



Designs Form D3-1


Page 31

05 Name of signatory

Of:&cial capacity of signatory




1. Please complete this form in black ink or by typing.


2. This form when completed, should be brought or sent to the Registry of Industrial Designs together with the prescribed fee.

3. A separate form should be used for each design.

4. The address for service must be an address in Brunei Darussalam.

5. If there is not enough space for all the relevant details on any part of this form, please continue on a separate sheet and write "see continuation sheet" in the relevant part. Any continuation sheet should be attached to this form.

6. This form must be signed and dated by the applicant or his agent.

Designs Form D3-2


Page 32





The Registrar of Industrial Designs

Registry of Industrial Designs

Designs Form D4

Date of receipt : Amount:$

*Cash/Cheque/Money Order No. :

(*delete whichever is inapplicable)

{tick the appropriate box}

Application for a Certificate of the Registrar

section 65(2), rule 51

Application for a Certified Copies/Extracts

section 68, rule 51

{see the notes on the last page of this form}

Application/ Multiple Application No.

Registration No.

Details of the document requested

Designs Form D4-l


Page 33

Details of the person(s) making the request:

Name in BLOCK LETTERS Official capacity of signatory

Date (day/month/year}


Reference No. (if any} Signature

1. Please complete this form in black ink or by typing.

2. This form when completed, should be brought or sent to the Registry of Industrial Designs together with the prescribed fee.

3. A separate form should be used for more than 4 documents.

4. The address for service must be an address in Brunei Darussalam.

5. If there is not enough space for all the relevant details on any part of this form, please continue on a separate sheet and write "see continuation sheet" in the relevant part. Any continuation sheet should be attached to this form.

6. This form must be signed and dated by the applicant or his agent.

Designs Form D4-2


Page 34





The Registrar of Industrial Designs
Registry of Industrial Designs
Designs Form D5

Date of receipt :


*Cash/Cheque/Money Order No. :

(*delete whichever is inapplicable)

(tick the appropriate box)

Application for an Uncertified Copy of an Entry in or Extract from the Register

Application for an Uncertified Copy of Representation

Application for an Uncertified Copy of Document

Application for an Uncertified Copy of an Extract from Document all applications are made under section 68 and rule 51

(see the notes on the last page of this form)

Application! Multiple Application No.

Registration No. Details of the document requested

Designs Form D5-1


Page 35

Details of the person(s) making the request:

Name in BLOCK LETTERS Offi.cial capacity of signatory

Date (day/month/year} Reference No. (if any} Signature


1. Please complete this form in black ink or by typing.

2. This form when completed, should be brought or sent to the Registry of Industrial Designs together with the prescribed fee.

· 3. A separate form should be used for more than 4 documents.

4. The address for service must be an address in Brunei Darussalam.

5. If there is not enough space for all the relevant details on any part of this form, please continue on a separate sheet and write "see continuation sheet" in the relevant part. Any continuation sheet should be attached to this form.

6. This form must be signed and dated by the applicant or his agent.

Designs Form D5-2


Page 36





The Registrar of Industrial Designs

Registry of Industrial Designs

Designs Form D6

Date of receipt :


* Cash/Cheque/Money Order No. :

(*delete whichever is inapplicable)

Application for Renewal of Registration

section 29, rule 28

{see the notes on the last page of this form}

01 Your reference

02 Registration No. {see note 3}

03 Name(s) of registered owner(s) as currently appear(s) on the Register

04 Expiry date of the current period of registration

05 If paying an additional fee tick this box {see note 4}


Designs Form D6-1


Page 37

06 Name of agent {if you have one}

Address for service



Tick the box if the address above is to replace the address for service

on record {see note 5}

07 Narne of signatory

Of:&cial capacity of signatory

Date: I I

{day/month/year) : Signature


1. Please complete this form in black ink or by typing.

2. This form when completed, should be brought or sent to the Registry of Industrial Designs together with the prescribed fee.

3. A separate form should be used for registration.

4. If the renewal fee is paid after the expiry of the current period of registration, but within 6 months following the expiry, an additional fee will be payable.

5. If you have ticked the box, you do not need to (lle Designs Form 13. The address for service must be an address in Brunei Darussalam.

6. If there is not enough space for all the relevant details on any part of this form, please continue on a separate sheet and write "see continuation sheet" in the relevant part. Any continuation sheet should be attached to this form.

7. This form must be signed and dated by the applicant or his agent.

Designs Form D6-2


Page 38





The Registrar of Industrial Designs

Registry of Industrial Designs

Designs Form D7

Date of receipt :


*Cash/Cheque/Money Order No. :

(*delete whichever is inapplicable)

Application to Register Particulars of Transaction Affecting Rights in Industrial Designs section 34, rules 30, 31 & 32

Notice of Transaction Affecting Rights in Applications

section 24, rule 20

(see the notes on the last page of this form)

01 Your reference

02 Application/Multiple Application/ Registration No. (see note 3)

03 Full name of the applicant(s) or

registered owner(s) as currently appear(s) in the application or on the Register

04 Detail(s) of the person making this application (leave blank if made by the registered owner or applicant)

05 Give full particulars of the transaction, instrument or event under which rights are acquired or affecting the rights in the industrial design(s) or application(s) for registration, including the date and the name of the parties

Designs Form D7-1


Page 39

06 Name of agent {if you have one}

Address for service



Tick this box if the address above is to replace the address for service

on record {see note 5)


07 Name of signatory (see note 4/

Official capacity of signatory

Date: I I


07 Name of signatory (see note 4/

Official capacity of signatory

Date: I I




1. Please complete this form in black ink or by typing.

2. This form when completed, should be brought or sent to the Registry of Industrial Designs together with the prescribed fee.

3. This form may be used for more than one design or registration if the transaction, instrument or event is the same.

4. This application shall,

where it relates to an assignment, be signed by or on behalf of the assignor and the assignee;

where it relates to a. mortgage, be signed by or on behalf of the mortgagor; and

where it relates to the grant of a licence or sub-licence, be signed by or on behalf of the grantor.

In any other case, the application shall be accompanied by such documentary evidence as suffices to establish the transaction, instrument or event.

5. If you have ticked the box, you do not need to file Designs Form Dl3. The address for service must be an address in Brunei Darussalam.

6. If there is not enough space for all the relevant details on any part of this form, please please continue on a separate sheet and write "see continuation sheet" in the relevant part. Any continuation sheet should be attached to this form.

7. This form must be signed and dated by the applicant or his agent.

Designs Form D7-2


Page 40





The Registrar of Industrial Designs

Registry of Industrial Designs

Designs Form D8

Date of receipt :


* Cash/Cheque/Money Order No. :

(*delete whichever is inapplicable)

Notice of Opposition or Counter-Statement

rules 35 or 36

[see the notes on the last page of this form}

01 Your reference

02 Application/Multiple Application!

Registration No. to which the opposition/Counter-statement relates

{delete as appropriate} {see note 4}

03 Specify if the filing is a notice of opposition or counter-statement

(a) notice of opposition D

(b) counter-statement D

04 Full name of applicant(s)lregistered owner(s) of the design to which this opposition or counter-statement relates {delete as appropriate}

Name(s) {underline surname}

Designs Form D8-l


Page 41

Designs Form DS-2


Page 42

opponent objects statement relies to support his

the opponent relies the person ftling this counter-

Designs Form D8-3


Page 43


1. Please complete this form in black ink or by typing.

2. This form when completed, should be brought or sent to the Registry of Industrial Designs together with the prescribed fee.

3. A separate form should be used for each application or design.

4. The statement and the application should be (!led in duplicate.

5. If you have ticked the box, you do not need to (lle Designs Form D13. The address for service must be an address in Brunei Darussalam.

6. If there is not enough space for all the relevant details on any part of this form, please continue on a separate sheet and write "see continuation sheet" in the relevant part. Any continuation sheet should be attached to this form.

7. This form must be signed and dated by the applicant or his agent.

Designs Form D8-4


Page 44





The Registrar of Industrial Designs

Registry of Industrial Designs

Designs Form D9

Date of receipt :


* Cash/Cheque/Money Order No.:

(*delete whichever is inapplicable)

{tick the appropriate box}

D Request for Information

Request for Inspection of Document

All requests are made under section 69 and rule 52

{see the notes on the last page of this form)

Application/ Multiple Application No.



Details of information document requested

Name and address to which the information should be sent :

Designs Form D9-1


Page 45

Detail(s) of the person making the request :

Name in BLOCK LETTERS Official capacity of signatory

Date: I I

(day/month/year j


Reference No. (if any} Signature

1. Please complete this form in black ink or by typing.

2. This form when completed, should be brought or sent to the Registry of Industrial Designs together with the prescribed fee.

3. A separate form should be used for more than 4 documents.

4. If there is not enough space for all the relevant detail on any part of this form, please continue on a separate sheet and write "see continuation sheet" in the relevant part. Any continuation sheet should be attached to this form.

5. This form must be signed and dated by the applicant or his agent.

Designs Form D9-2


Page 46





The Registrar of Industrial Designs

Registry of Industrial Designs

Designs Form D10

Date of receipt : Amount:$

* Cash/Cheque/Money Order No. :

(*delete whichever is inapplicable)

Application for Inspection of the Register

section 67, rule 49

Specify search of Register in respect of

Articles in Locarno Classification

(Separate form should be used for search

in more than 3 classes)









Class No. D D

Class No. D D

Class No.

Details of person(s) making the request: Name:

Address: Telephone:

Date: I

(day/month/year} Reference No. (if any}



Initial :

Other Remarks :



The Registrar will make every effort to ensure that the Register is regularly updated. There may be occasions where updating of the Register is delayed, and the results of a particular search may not reflect the opposition at the date which the search is made.


Page 47





The Registra of Industrial Designs

Registry of Industrial Designs

Designs Form D11

Date of receipt :


• Cash/Cheque/Money Order No. :

(*delete whichever is inapplicable}

Application for Extension of Time

rule 69

(To be filed in duplicate/triplicate, see note 4)

(see the notes on the last page of this form}

01 Your reference

02 Application/Multiple Application Registration No. (delete as appropriate} (see note 3}

03 I request an extension of time to fi.le the following documents/to take the following action :

Rule No. Document to be f!led/

action to be taken

Designs Form Dll-1


Page 48

04 Reasons for the delay

05 Details of the person(s) making the request

Full name(s) (underline surname}


06 Name of agent {if you have one}

Address for service



Tick the box if the address above is to replace the address for service

on record (see note 5}


07 Declaration

(tick if applicable}

I/We declare that Ilwe have given notice of this request to every other

D person who is a party to these proceedings (this declaration is to be made in inter-partes proceedings)

08 Name of signatory

Official capacity of signatory

Date: I I



Designs Form Dll-2


Page 49


1. Please complete this form in black ink or by typing.

2. This form when completed, should be brought or sent to the Registry of Industrial Designs together with the prescribed fee.

3. A separate form should be used for each application.

4. In the case of extension of time (or inter-partes proceedings, this form should be (!.led in triplicate.

5. If you have ticked the box, you do not need to (lle Designs Form D13. The address (or service must be an address in Brunei Darussalam.

6. If there is not enough space for all the relevant details on any part of this form, please continue on a separate sheet and write "see continuation sheet" in the relevant part. Any continuation sheet should be attached to this form.

7. This form must be signed and dated by the applicant or his agent.

Designs Form Dll-3


Page 50

The Registrar of Industrial Designs
Registry of Industrial Designs
Designs Form D12

Date of receipt :


* Cash/Cheque/Money Order No. :

(*delete whichever is inapplicable)

Appointment or Change of Agent section 73, rule 64

(see the notes on the last page of this form}

01 Your reference

02 Application/Multiple Application/ Registration No.

(delete as appropriate} (see notes 3 and4)

03 Details of the person(s) making this reference

Full name(s) (underline surname}

Address Telephone Fax

Kind of Incorporation (State/Country)

(if applicable)

Designs Form D12-1


Page 51

04 Name of agent (if you have one)

Address for service



Tick the box if the address above is to replace the address for service

on record

(see note 5)


05 Are you authorised to act in all matters relating to the application(s) or registration(s)?

(tick the appropriate box}



If "NO", state the extent of your appointment :

06 Declaration

IIWe declare that I/We have been appointed by the person(s) named in Part 03 above to act as agent as stated in Part 05 above.

Narne of signatory

Official capacity of signatory

Date : I I

(day/month/year} Signature

Designs Form D12-2


Page 52


1. Please complete this form in black ink or by typing.

2. This form when completed, should be brought or sent to the Registry of Industrial Designs together with the prescribed fee.

3. You may use this form for more than one application or registration if the same authorisation is being given.

. 4. This form is required where after a person has become a part to proceedings, he appoints an agent for the first time or appoints an agent in substitution for another.

5. If you have ticked the box, you do not need to file Designs Form Dl3. The address for service must be an address in Brunei Darussalam.

6. If there is not enough space for all the relevant details on any part of this form, please continue on a separate sheet and write "see continuation sheet" in the relevant part. Any continuation sheet should be attached to this form.

7. This form must be signed and dated by the applicant or his agent.

Designs Form DIZ-3


Page 53





The Registrar of Industrial Designs

Registry of Industrial Designs

Designs Form D13

Date of receipt :


* Cash/Cheque/Money Order No. :

(*delete whichever is inapplicable)

Request for Alteration of Name/Address/Address for Service

rules 61 and 63

(see the notes on the last page of this form}

01 Your reference

02 Application/Multiple Application/ Registration No.

(delete as appropriate} (see note 3}

03 Details of the person(s) making this reference

Full name(s} (underline surname}




Kind of Incorporation (State/Country}

(if applicable}

Designs Form Dl3-1


Page 54

04 Narne( s)Iaddress/address( es) for service to be altered

(delete as appropriate}

Full name(s) (underline surname}

Address/address(es) for service

(delete as appropriate}

05 New name(s)/address/address(es) for service (delete as appropriate}

Full name(s) (underline surname}

Address/address(es) for service

(delete as appropriate} (see note 4}

06 Narne of agent (if you have one}

Address for service (see note 4}



07 Name of signatory

Official capacity of signatory

Date: I I Signature


Designs Form D13-2


Page 55


1. Please complete this form in black ink or by typing.

2. This form when completed, should be brought or sent to the Registry of Industrial Designs together with the prescribed fee.

3. You rr; .y use this form for more than one application or registration if the alteration is the same.

4. The address for service must be an address in Brunei Darussalam.

5. If there is not enough space for all the relevant details on any part of this form, please continue on a separate sheet and write "see continuation sheet" in the relevant part. Any continuation sheet should be attached to this form.

6. This form must be signed and dated by the applicant or his agent.

Designs Form D13-3


Page 56





The Registrar of Industrial Designs

Registry of Industrial Designs

Designs Form D14

Date of receipt :


*Cash/Cheque/Money Order No. :

(*delete whichever is inapplicable)

Notice to Surrender Registration

section 30, rule 29

{see the notes on the last page of this form)

01 Your reference

02 Registration No.

03 Full name(s) of registered owner(s) as currently appear(s) on the Register (see note 3}

04 State the articles in respect of which the design is surrendered (see note 4} (write "all" if all articles in the registration are surrendered}

05 Give the name and address of each person having a registered interest in the design

Designs Form D14-1


Page 57

06. Name of agent (if you have one)

Address for service (see note 5)



07. I certify that the person(s) named in Part 05

(tick the appropriate box)

D the registration

has been sent not less than 3 months'

notice of my intention to surrender

D is not affected by the surrender

D consents to the surrender

08. Narne of signatory

Official capacity of signatory

Date: I I




1. Please complete this form in baack ink or by typing.

2. This form when completed, should be brought or sent to the Registry of Industial Designs to gether with the prescribed fee.

3. Only the registered owner of a design may surrender the registration.

4. The registration may be surre3ndered in respect of:

all of the articles for which the design is registered; or

articles stated in Part 04 above

5. The address for service must be an address in Brunei Darussalam.

6. If there is not enough space for all the relevant details on any part of this form, please continue on a separate sheet and write " see continuation sheet" in the relevant part. Any continuation sheet should be attached to this form.

7. This form must be signed and dated by the applicant or his agent.

Designs Form D14-2


Page 58



(rules 2(2) and 70)
Matter or proceeding
Application for registration of industrial design under section 15 and rule 6, one industrial design for articles not forming a set
of articles
Application for registration of industrial design under section 15 and rule 6, one industrial design for one set of articles
Application for registration of industrial design under section 15 and rules 6 and
16, two or more industrial designs for articles not forming a set of articles
Application for registration of industrial design under section 15 and rules 6 and
16, two or more industrial
designs for articles forming a set of articles
Notice of withdrawal of application under section

20 and rule 17

Request to amend application for registration of industrial design under section 23 and rule 19
$300.00 for each article to which the industrial design is to be applied


$300.00 for first article to which first industrial design is to be

applied and $200.00
for each other
article to which any of the industrial designs is to be applied

$500.00 for the first industrial design and

$300.00 for each other industrial design



When payable
On filing application On filing application On filing application
On filing application
On filing notice
On filing request


Page 59
Matter or proceeding Amount When payable

Request for rectification of error in Register under


On filing request

section 66 and rule 48

Request to correct error of


On filing request

translation or transcription

or of any clerical error or

mistake in any document

under section 74 and

rule 59

For advertisement in


On filing application

Gazette of registration of

under section 15 and

industrial design

rule 6

For certified copy of entry


On filing application

in Register or certified

extract from Register under

for copy

section 68 and rule 51

For certified copy of


On filing application

document kept by Registry,

for copy

not otherwise charged

For uncertified copy of entry in Register or uncertified extract from

$1.00 per page

On filing application for copy

Register under section 68

and rule 51

For uncertified copy of

$1.00 per page

On filing application

document kept by Registry,

not otherwise charged

for copy

For renewal of period of


On filing application

registration under sections

for renewal

29(3) or (5) and rule 28,

first 5 years extension

For renewal of period of


On filing application

registration under sections

for renewal

29(3) or (5) and rule 28,

second 5 years extension


Page 60

Matter or proceeding

Additional fee for renewal of period of registration under section 29(5) and rule 28
Notice of particulars concerning any transaction, instrument or event under rule 20
Application to register particulars of any transaction, instrument or event under rules 30 or 31
Counter-statement or notice of opposition under rules
35 or 36
For certificate of Registrar under section 65(2) and rule 51
Request for information or permission to inspect documents under section
67 and rule 52

Amount When payable

$200.00 On :&ling application for renewal
$200.00 On :&ling notice
$200.00 On :&ling application
$200.00 On :&ling counter­ statement or notice of opposition
$50.00 On :&ling application for certifrcate
$20.00 On :&ling request
For inspecting or making search of Register under section 67 and rule 52
$20.00 for each half-hour or
part thereof
Before inspection or search
For extending period of time under rule 69
$150.00 On fi.ling application or extension.
Made this 9th. day of Zulhijah, 1420 Hijriah corresponding to the 16th. day of
March, 2000.

Legislation Implements (1 text(s)) Implements (1 text(s)) Is repealed by (1 text(s)) Is repealed by (1 text(s))
Treaties Relates to (3 records) Relates to (3 records) WTO Document Reference
No data available.

WIPO Lex No. BN029