Law of 2002 on the Protection of Topographies of Layout Designs of Integrated Circuits, Cyprus
amended up to Law No. 120(I)/2006
BackLatest Version in WIPO LexDetailsDetailsYear of Version2006DatesPublished:February 15, 2002Type of Text
Main IP Laws
Subject Matter
Layout Designs of Integrated Circuits
Subject Matter (secondary)
Enforcement of IP and Related Laws
Main text(s)Main text(s)GreekΟ περί της Νομικής Προστασίας των Τοπογραφιών Προϊόντων Ημιαγωγών Νόμος του 2002 (όπως τροποποιήθηκε έως τον νόμο αριθ. 120(I)/2006)