WIPO Database of Intellectual PropertyLegislative Texts
IS020ENIntegrated Circuits (Semi-conductor products), Act (Amendment), 1995, No. 19page 1 / 1
ACTamending Act No. 78/1993, concerning the protection oftopographies of integrated circuits onsemi-conductor productsTHE PRESIDENT OF ICELANDhereby proclaims: The Icelandic Parliament, the Altering, has adopted this Act and I have confirmed it withmy consent:Article 1Article 2 of the Act shall read as follows:Protection in accordance with this Act shall be enjoyed by the person who has designed the topographyof an integrated circuit of a semiconductor product or the person or legal entity who has acquired his right.Article 2This Act shall enter into force immediately.Done at Reykjavík, 6 March 1995.Vigdís Finnbogadóttir(L.S.)Sighvatur Björgvinsson