SE072: Copyright, Act (Amendment), 26/05/2005, No. 361
Act (2005:361) of May 26, 2005,
Amending the Act (1980:612) on Mediation in Certain Copyright Disputes
In accordance with the decision by the Parliament, it is hereby prescribed that Article 1 of the Act (1980:612) on Mediation in Certain Copyright Disputes shall read as follows.
1. This Act applies when a dispute arises concerning the conclusion of such an agreement that is a condition for the extended effect of collective licenses pursuant to Articles 42b—42d or, in so far as retransmission by cable is concerned, Article 42f of the Act (1960:729) on Copyright in Literary and Artistic Work. The Act applies also in corresponding disputes which may arise because of the references to Articles 42b—42d and 42f in Articles 45, 46, 49 and 49a in the Act on Copyright in Literary and Artistic works, and when an agreement on the making of copies shall be concluded with Swedish sound radio or television organizations or an agreement on retransmission by cable shall be concluded with sound radio and television organizations which carry out broadcasts within the European Economic Area.
This Act enters into force on July 1, 2005.