Law of the Kyrgyz Republic No. 150 of August 7, 2006, on Amendments to the Law on Legal Protection of Integrated Circuits Topologies
Bishkek city, August 7, 2006, N 150
On inserting of amendments into the Law of the Kyrgyz RepuЬlic
"On Legal Protection of Topology of Integrated Circuits" Article 1.
То insert into the Law ofthe Kyrgyz Republic ''On Legal Protection ofTopology of
Integrated Circuits" the following amendment:
1. То add to the Law Article 7-1 of following content:
Article 7-1. Economic rights to topology, created in course·of State contract.
Economic rights to topologycreated in course ofState contract for public needs ofthe Kyrgyz Republic belong to an executor (contractor) in the absence of State contract stipulating the right belonging to the Kyrgyz RepuЬlic, on behalf ofthat а customeт acts.
In the case when economic rights to topology, created incourse of State contract for puЬlic needs ofthe Kyrgyz RepuЬlic do not belong to the Kyrgyz Republic, an owner of economic rights to topology sball Ье oЫiged Ьу тequest of state customer to conclude а contract with persons, indicated Ьу the state customer, regarding а gratuitous entitlement for this topology
using at production of supplying goods or contractor;s work for state needs of the Kyтgyz
А remuneration for а worker (author), who creates а topology who is not а right owner shall Ъе paid Ъу а person receiving this right under the Part 1of this Article. The order alld amount of payment shall Ье determined Ьу а contract between author and economic right owner.
Article 2.
Normative and legal acts of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, ministers and offices ofthe Kyrgyz Republic shall Ье applied without conflicting with this Law.
Article 3.
The present Law shall enter into force from the day of official puЬlication.
The present Law shall Ье applied towards to legal relationship, which has been established since its entering into force.
The Government ofthe Kyrgyz RepuЬlic ought to bring to conformity with the present
Law its normative legal acts.
President ofthe Kyrgyz Republic K.Bakiev
Adopted Ьу Jogorku Kenesh (Parliament) of the
Kyтgyz Republic on June 16, 2006