Patents (Amendment) [No. 26 of 1987
No. 26 of 1987
Date of A886nt: 28th December, 1987.
An Act to amend the Patents Act
[31st December, 1987
ENACTED by the Parliament of Zambia. Enactment
- This Act may be cited as the Patents (Amendment) Act, 1987, and shall be read as one with the Patents Act, in this Act referred to as the principal Act.
- The principal Act is amended by the insertion Title immediately after section ten of the following new section: Cap. 692
lOA. (1) In this section
- (a)
- "ARIPO" means the African Regioual Industrial Inll6rtlon Property Organisation, formerly known as the of ~ct.ion Industrial Property Organisation for English-~~TPO Speaking Ardeu (ESAltll'U). which WU8 patente established, under the former name, by an agreement adopted at Lusaka on 9th December, 1976; and
- (b)
- "ARIPO Protocol" means the Protocol on Patent.s and Industrial Designs within the Framework of ARIPO, adopted at Harare on lOth December, 1982.
- (2)
- Where a. patent has been granted by ARIPO
under section 3 (7) of the ARIPO Protocol and the
Registrar has not objected, under section 3 (6) of the
Protocol, to the patent having effect in Zambia, the
patent shall for all purposes be deemed to have boou
granted under this Act.
- (3)
- A patent shall not be deemed to have been granted
under, this section if, under section 3 (6) of the' Al{,lPO
Protocol, the Registrar objects to its having effect in
Sm!lle copied of tM.8 Act may 06 OOta·i"udfr01~1 the,t Prh~.
P.O. J]03: 30136, Lusaka. Prwe 20,..