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Small Claims Tribunal (General) Rules (Chapter 338A), Hong Kong, China

Latest Version in WIPO Lex
Details Details Year of Version 1999 Dates Entry into force: October 1, 1976 Adopted: January 1, 1976 Type of Text Implementing Rules/Regulations Subject Matter Enforcement of IP and Related Laws Notes These Rules provide for the general rules of practice and procedure in the Small Claims Tribunal of HKSAR.

Available Materials

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Main text(s) Main text(s) Chinese 小額錢債審裁處(一般)規則(第338A章)         English Small Claims Tribunal (General) Rules (Chapter 338A)        
Chapter: 338A SMALL CLAIMS TRIBUNAL (GENERAL) RULES Gazette Number Version Date
Empowering section 30/06/1997
(Cap 338, section 36)
[1 October 1976]
(Originally L.N. 78 of 1976)
Rule: 1 Citation 30/06/1997

These rules may be cited as the Small Claims Tribunal (General) Rules.

Rule: 2 Interpretation 30/06/1997

In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires"register" (登記冊) means the Register of Claims kept under rule 4.

Rule: 3 Registry 30/06/1997

There shall be a registry for claims which shall be situated at such place as the Chief Justice may direct.

Rule: 4 Register of Claims 30/06/1997

(1) A Register of Claims, in such form as the Chief Justice may direct, shall be maintained in the registry.

(2) The register shall contain such details of all claims and proceedings in the tribunal as the Chief Justice may direct.

Rule: 4A Keeping of the Register of Claims, etc. L.N. 257 of 1999 19/10/1999

The Register of Claims kept under rule 4 and the summary kept under section 15 of the Ordinance may be kept-

(a) in the form of a book;
(b) in the form of a disc, card, tape, microchip, sound track or other device on or in which information or data is recorded or stored by mechanical, electronic, optical or other means; or
(c) partly in the form referred to in paragraph (a) and partly in the form referred to in paragraph (b). (28 of 1999 s. 18)
Rule: 5 Service 30/06/1997

Except as otherwise provided by the Ordinance or these rules, service of any document required to be served under the Ordinance or these rules shall be carried out by such person as may be appointed for the purpose by the registrar and shall be effected-

(a) by delivering the document personally to the person to be served;
(b) by leaving the document with some adult person at the last known place of residence or business of the person to be served;
(c) by posting the document by ordinary post addressed to the person to be served at his last known place of residence or business; or
(d) in such other manner as the registrar may direct.

(L.N. 253 of 1988)


Rule: 6 Substituted service 30/06/1997

(1) If reasonable efforts have been made to serve a document in accordance with rule 5 and service has not been effected, the registrar may make an order for substituted service of the document.

(2) Substituted service shall be effected in such manner as the registrar may direct.

Rule: 6A Failure of claimant to appear at hearing 30/06/1997

If, upon the hearing of a claim, the claimant does not appear, the adjudicator may strike out the claim upon such terms as he thinks just.

(L.N. 28 of 1978)

Rule: 7 Transfer of claim, counterclaim, etc. to District Court or Court of First Instance, etc. L.N. 257 of 1999 19/10/1999

Where the tribunal transfers a claim or a counterclaim or set-off and counterclaim to the Board, the Labour Tribunal, the Lands Tribunal, the District Court or the Court of First Instance under section 7 or 10 of the Ordinance, the registrar shall send to the registrar of the Board, the Labour Tribunal, the Lands Tribunal or the court to which the claim or counterclaim or set-off and counterclaim is transferred a certified copy of the entries in the register, and the documents in his custody, relating to the claim or counterclaim or set-off and counterclaim.

(25 of 1998 s. 2; 28 of 1999 s. 18)

Rule: 8 Procedure on application for leave to appeal 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997

Amendments retroactively made -see 25 of 1998 s. 2

(1) Where an application for leave to appeal is made under section 28 of the Ordinance

the registrar shall on the request by any party to the proceedings and on payment by such party of the appropriate fee supply to such party within 7 days of the request a certified copy of the record of the proceedings; and
the Registrar of the High Court shall
fix a date and place for the hearing of the application; and
send a notice to the applicant in the prescribed form of the date and place of hearing. (See Form 10)

(2) At the hearing of an application for leave to appeal, the Court of First Instance may with the consent of the applicant alter any ground of appeal, or insert any new ground of appeal, in the application for leave to appeal. (L.N. 215 of 1982)

(25 of 1998 s. 2)

Rule: 9 Procedure on appeal from the tribunal 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997

Amendments retroactively made -see 25 of 1998 s. 2

Where leave to appeal is granted under section 28 of the Ordinance-
the registrar shall send to the Registrar of the High Court a copy of the entries in the register and the documents in his custody relating to the claim;
the Registrar of the High Court shall, on receipt of such documents, fix a date and place for the hearing of the appeal; and
the Registrar of the High Court shall send notices in the prescribed form of the date and place of hearing to be served on the parties to the claim who are interested in the appeal. (See Form 11)
Save with the permission of the Court of First Instance, an appellant shall not be entitled at the hearing of

the appeal to rely on any ground of appeal not specified in the application for leave to appeal. (L.N. 215 of 1982) (25 of 1998 s. 2)


Rule: 10 Payment of award by instalment 30/06/1997

The tribunal may order that the amount of an award or order shall be paid by such instalments, payable at such times, as the tribunal may think fit.

Rule: 11 (Repealed) 30/06/1997

(Repealed 14 of 1986 s. 12)

Rule: 12 Enforcement of award of the tribunal 30/06/1997

Where an application is made under section 32 of the Ordinance to enforce an award of the tribunal, such application may be commenced in the tribunal.

(L.N. 108 of 1986)


章: 338A 小額錢債審裁處 (一般)規則 憲報編號 版本日期
賦權條文 30/06/1997
條: 1 引稱 30/06/1997


條: 2 釋義 30/06/1997

在本規則中,除文意另有所指外─ “登記冊”(register) 指根據第4條備存的申索登記冊。

條: 3 登記處 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997



現設立申索登記處,地點由終審法院首席法官指示。 (1998年第25號第2條)

條: 4 申索登記冊 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997



  1. (1) 登記處內須保存由終審法院首席法官所指示格式的申索登記冊。
  2. (2) 該登記冊須載有由終審法院首席法官所指示的全部在審裁處進行的申索及法律程序詳情。 (1998年第25號第2條)
條: 4A 備存申索登記冊等 L.N. 257 of 1999 19/10/1999


(a) 以簿冊形式備存;
(c) 部分以(a)段所提述的形式而部分以(b)段所提述的形式備存。 (1999年第28號第18條)

338A -小額錢債審裁處 (一般)規則

條: 5 送達 L.N. 247 of 2000 01/09/2000


(a) 親身交付須予送達的人;
(b) 在須予送達的人的最後為人所知的居住地方或營業地點留交該處的成年人;
(d) 司法常務官所指示的其他方式。 (1988年第253號法律公告;2000年第28號第47條)
條: 6 替代送達 L.N. 247 of 2000 01/09/2000


(2) 替代送達須以司法常務官所指示的方式完成。 (2000年第28號第47條)

條: 6A 申索人不出席聆訊 30/06/1997

如申索人不出席申索的聆訊,審裁官可按其認為公正的條款剔除該申索。 (1978年第28號法律公告)

條: 7 將申索、反申索等移交區域法院或原訟法庭等 L.N. 247 of 2000 01/09/2000



條: 8 申請上訴許可的程序 L.N. 247 of 2000 01/09/2000
    1. (1) 凡上訴許可的申請是根據本條例第28條提出─
      1. (a)司法常務官在法律程序的任何一方提出要求並繳付恰當費用後,須於要求提出的7天內向該一方提供法律程序紀錄的核證副本;及 (2000年第28號第47條)
        1. (b) 高等法院司法常務官須─
          1. (i) 定出聆訊申請的日期地點;及
          2. (ii) 向申請人送交一份具訂明格式的有關聆訊的日期地點的通知書。 (見表格10)
  1. 原訟法庭在聆訊上訴許可的申請時,可在徵得申請人同意後,將上訴許可申請書內的任何

上訴理由更改,或加入任何新的上訴理由。 (1982年第215號法律公告) (1998年第25號第2條)

338A -小額錢債審裁處 (一般)規則

條: 9 就審裁處的決定而提出上訴的程序 L.N. 247 of 2000 01/09/2000
    1. (1) 凡上訴許可是根據本條例第28條所批予的─
      1. (a)司法常務官須將登記冊內有關該宗申索的記項副本及其所保管的有關文件,送交高等法院司法常務官; (2000年第28號第47條)
      2. (b) 高等法院司法常務官收到上述各項文件後,須定出上訴的聆訊日期及地點;及
      3. (c)高等法院司法常務官須將具訂明格式的有關聆訊日期地點的通知書送交,該通知書須送達上訴對其有利害關係的申索各方。(見表格11)
  1. 除非獲原訟法庭准許,否則上訴人無權在上訴聆訊中倚賴任何並無在其上訴許可申請書中

指明的上訴理由。 (1982年第215號法律公告) (1998年第25號第2條)

條: 10 經裁斷的款項的分期繳存 30/06/1997


條: 11 (廢除) 30/06/1997


條: 12 審裁處的裁斷的強制執行 30/06/1997

凡根據本條例第32條申請強制執行審裁處的裁斷,該申請可在審裁處展開。 (1986年第108號法律公告)

338A -小額錢債審裁處 (一般)規則

No data available.

WIPO Lex No. HK142